#he just has adhd and is a blood type B
potahun · 5 months
when hakuba said, about kaito, “has the ability to focus, but has no willpower”
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totisviribus · 1 year
An ADHD Morning
I set seven alarms so I don't oversleep. I couldn't sleep last night because I was researching ancient Rome on Wikipedia until 2am so I am bleary tired. My coffee maker is moldy from last week's brew and I don't even consider cleaning it, I just know that I won't be having coffee this morning.
I forgot to shower the night before, but now I don't have enough time to do it this morning, I got up too late. I use dry shampoo and hope my hair doesn't look greasy (it does). I scrape it into a messy pony tail that will give me a migraine but it's the only way it looks acceptable. My finger nails are stumps of dried blood because I picked at them all night. The inside of my lip is swollen and bleeding because I couldn't stop chewing on it, thinking about how I could ruin today. My eyebrows need to be plucked. My face is covered in acne because I never remember to take my makeup off before I fall asleep.
My bedroom is a sea of clothes, piled high to obscure the wooden floors. One hamper has some clean clothes in it, I know, but I have forgotten which one. My ironing board is under the piles somewhere, but it's broken, so I'll have to try to use the anti-wrinkle spray on the sweater I fish off the floor and hope it looks okay. It's already been forty minutes, how has the time passed this way? I will be late now, no hope of arriving on time. My sweater is covered in cat hair. Where is the lint roller? I look through the piles and can't find it. I spend ten minutes looking for tape to make a make-shift lint roller and it doesn't really work.
My dresser is filled with empty makeup tubes, used makeup wipes, glasses wipes, and used lint roller sheets. I pick out the products I use and quickly do my makeup on my unclean skin.
Purse. I need my purse. Which purse did I use last? Which has my wallet in it? I walk past the piles on the floor of my apartment, past the dirty dishes, past the mound of art supplies on my desk. I find my purse on the floor under my desk. Okay.
Socks? I need socks. My socks might show when I sit down in these too-tight too-short pants. I have to find matching ones. Clean ones? No, that's too much of a reach. I must just find matching ones. I search, digging through the floor piles. I find two that do not match, but are the same color. Good enough.
Fifteen minutes late. My cat chirps as he brushes against my leg. Oh! My little friend! He's so cute and sweet. My sister loves to get pictures of him, so I'll take one for her. Look up here, Blue! So cute. I should really update the instagram I made for him, I've met so many people who have the same type of cat. I should edit some photos of him today to post. He makes me so happy. I feel so lucky I get to have a cat and such a sweet, loving one like Blue. How many people get to have such a great pet? I'm so thankful for him, and I tell him so while I scratch his face the way that makes him purr.
I text my sister the picture. She tells me to have a good day. I try to find a cute GIF to send her to tell her to have a good day too. Here's one with Snoopy. She'll like that.
I also need to feed Blue. There are a dozen empty, smelly cans on the counter of cat food, but I pick a new one out of the box they were shipped in and put it in his dish with a random measuring spoon because all my other silverware is dirty.
Bag. I need to pack a bag. Laptop, keys, tissues, pens, notebook, headphones, charging cable for my phone. Is that everything? And my wallet, of course! Aha. That would be bad if I forgot that.
My shoes are dirty and scuffed but I don't have time to fix them. What kind of coat? I don't check the weather. I pick out a thin yellow one that I like. I've always liked bright colors. This will cheer me up to wear it. Bag, coat, keys, phone...where is my phone?
I have headphones on, listening to a YouTube video on two times speed, but I don't know where my phone is. I don't have time for this! But I can't leave without my phone.
It's deep in the covers of my bed. I don't remember putting it there between sending the GIF to my sister and now, but no matter. I found it.
It's twenty degrees and raining. I have no umbrella and my spring coat is incredibly inappropriate for the weather.
I've left my car on the street for a few days in an area that is only for 3-hour parking. The parking tickets are stacked on the windshield. I owe the city about $400 in parking tickets and I keep getting letters from the police that they'll boot my car if I don't pay. I messed up the days on my budget spreadsheet, so I won't be able to pay them for another month.
I have no gas. I check the miles my car estimates I can go with the amount left and compare it to what my GPS says. Just enough. Maybe. It'll be okay. I can't get gas now.
I forgot to brush my teeth. I forgot my laptop charging cable. I forgot to take my medication, and I forgot to bring my medication with me to take my second dose. When I finally arrive at my destination, I don't remember that my debit card fell between the seat in my car yesterday while getting coffee at the drive-thru. So I leave without it. I also forgot to put deodorant on.
I wonder what my coworkers would think of me if they knew about my messy apartment, my poor hygiene, my lack of planning skills. Will they notice my teeth aren't brushed? Do I have any gum, mints, anything?
My coworker sees me come in late with in an oddly-fitting outfit and messy hair, but I greet them happily when I come in. They say that everyone forgets things sometimes and lends me their laptop charger. I'll forget to return it, but they don't know that yet. They don't know about my kitchen or my bedroom or my clothes or my unwashed face or my parking tickets. They don't know that without my medication I will be useless for the entire day and get nothing done, making more work for them.
I'm an excellent actress. I pretend to be like everyone else, and somehow I pass the test every time. I'm a shy, kind, young woman - they would never suspect there is a moldy box of forgotten take out food in my backseat that I'll discover in a few days. People socialized as female are expected to be neat, organized, in control. They don't even consider that I might not be those things.
"What did you bring for the potluck today?" my coworker asks.
The ingredients I bought for the dish I signed up to make are rotting in my fridge, forgotten as soon as I put them there after shopping two weeks ago. I didn't think to buy them closer to today. I also didn't think to put the pot luck on my calendar.
I make up an elaborate story about how my boyfriend needed to be picked up from a far-away job site last night. She believes me and I feel I don't deserve it.
I wish I wasn't a good actress.
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Hi! Could I get a matchup for Genshin, My hero, and Attack on titan (romantic please)
Name : Lazlo Dusk B. (Not comfortable putting my last name)
Pronouns: They/It
Sexuality: Demisexual (I like any gender but sexual feelings only crop up after a long time of knowing and getting to know someone)
Zodiac/MBTI: INFP and Taurus,
Appearance: I am 5'3", brunette hair in a short bob that's often messy and unkempt, blue eyes, white, kinda chubby in the stomach and leg area, baby faced with a consistent blushy look from rosacea
Personality: Very emotional, I think with my heart more than my head, Empathetic and Sympathetic, Animal lover, I also really enjoy memes and I have a very odd sense of humor, I'm a bit of an introvert and love animals of all types, I am very giving and often burn myself out being there for other people, I am also autistic and have adhd, I tend to hyperfocus and stay up all night, I'm def a night owl. I am usually quiet around most people unless I'm friends with them, I am liberal in my views about the world and how it works. Very spiritual too, I tend to have black and white thinking, I hold in my emotions until I'm alone despite being emotional inside, I'm smart in a lot of things other than math (I hate math), I don't take care of myself a lot, Obsessive and weird when I get attached to people. Insecure and scared of being too much. Very anxious and insecure about my interests and myself in general
Likes: Youtube videos, memes, sandbox and rpg videogames, Cats and platypus, the color purple, Ghosts/Aliens/Oddities, outcasts and people who don't get along with a lot of other people, Diet pepsi, gore and blood/guro, Tarot and other mythical practices
Dislikes : Liars, the texture of velvet, loud people, people who manipulate other people for their own gain, drinking water, hypocrites, people who double down when they're wrong, stonwallers (people who won't listen during an argument and leave before you can finish talking), bullies (in general not just at school), mushrooms.
Hobbies: Art therapy (painting, drawing and crochet), minecraft building, watching youtube videos, rpgs and other sandbox games, writing stories and poetry.
Hi Lazlo! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Kokomi enjoys spending what little free time she has relaxing with you.
I see her as a naturally creative person but with her duties as the Divine Priestess, she doesn't get the chance to explore that side of her a whole lot.
She enjoys joining you in art therapy. She’s especially fond of watercolours as she feels they match her style well. Her favourite things to paint are landscapes but she also likes painting plants and animals.
If you give her art you’ve been working on, she will use it to decorate her room. She’d love to hang it in her office so she can look at it while working but she thinks it would distract her too much.
She would also love it if you teach her how to crochet. She likes the relaxing nature of it, as well as the feeling of making progress with something.
Please visit her when she’s working late. She appreciates it so much, especially since she knows you’re a night owl naturally.
In My Hero Acadmeia, I match you with...
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Midoriya can relate to you in a lot of ways. He’s a people pleaser and definitely gives off autistic vibes.
He enjoys watching YouTube with you. He watches a lot of hero and analysis videos but he’s pretty happy to watch most things, as long as you’re both enjoying it.
Midoriya absolutely plays Minecraft! He would love building things together. His favourite place in your Minecraft world is the base you built together. It’s got a nice feel to it.
He also plays other video games and has a preference for games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. Whether you’re playing together or taking turns, he doesn’t mind, as long as you’re together.
He’s not a super creative person but he doesn't mind doing art with you. Mostly he just enjoys watching you work on your latest project. He likes seeing things come together.
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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Sasha loves watching you do art. She’s not great at drawing or painting, so she’ll ask you to draw things for her.
She’s never pushy though so if she asks you to draw something and you don’t feel like it, please feel free to say no.
She also loves watching you crochet. She may not seem like someone who can sit still for long periods, but when you’re working on a project, she gets captivated.
No need to worry about there being mushrooms in your food anymore. Sasha’s really good at remembering what you do and don’t like and will always try to make sure your meals are enjoyable.
If mushrooms do sneak in there, she’s more than happy to eat them for you. Sasha eats anything and everything so any parts of your food you don’t like, she’ll have it.
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chya-nimations · 10 months
OC MasterPost - Melody Veiko
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Basic Information:
Nicknames: Mel Age: Varies, but typically drawn at age 20/21 Height: 5'1" / 154 cm Birthday: July 16 Personality Type: ISFP / 9w8 Build: Curvy Eye color: Brown Hair Color: Brown (dyes the ends magenta) Skin tone: Med light with warm undertones Other features: Freckles Ethnicity: Japanese and Colombian (Vanta's side) Greek and Norwegian (Atlas' side) Blood type: B Handedness: Right Shoe size: 5
-Art -Memes -Buying/making ridiculous things for others
-People who take themselves too seriously -Conflict -Minimalism
Love Language: Gifts
Favorite Color: Yellow
IQ: 102
Traits: Creative, conflict-avoidant, silly
Melody is a daydreamer. It's a rare occasion that her head will be out of the clouds and on firm ground, but she likes it that way. Why worry about life's problems when you can just disassociate and vibe in daydream-land? Despite being bullied for her Neuro-spicy combo of Autism and ADHD, Melody chooses to ignore the haters, instead putting her focus on her art. From acrylics to oils to jewelry-making, Melody uses creation as an outlet and a side hustle, often taking commissions from friends, family, and classmates. Melody isn't a fan of "stirring the pot", and will avoid confrontation as much as possible, leading to a frequent struggle with talking about deeper topics without making jokes during the conversation. She's an optimist to a fault, and can sometimes be a bit naive about people. While she mostly kept to herself in her youth--having only a few friends here and there--she found herself at home when she began going to an art university, and has a lot more friends and art mutuals (and possibly even a crush…) in her late teens and early 20's.
Mom (Vanta):
While Vanta may struggle to understand her daughter's silly nature, she still loves her. Not wanting to be like her parents, Vanta never tried to force Melody to pursue a "more stable career than art", and instead continually pushes her to do her best with everything she creates, and is rooting for her to become a successful artist.
Dad (Atlas):
Atlas sees a lot of himself in Melody. She inherited her father's goofy nature and his ADHD, and the combo makes the two of them an endless comedy show. As he did with Niko, Atlas made sure to get Melody diagnosed with ADHD at an early age and gave her every accommodation he thought she might need in order to succeed in life. He loves seeing everything his daughter creates, and encourages her art by commissioning her with things he thinks might help her improve as a form of allowance.
Hana Veiko (Older sister):
Hana and Melody don't always see eye-to-eye, but they get along better than many sisters do. The two share a love of makeup and fashion, and while their styles are very different, they bond over finding unique pieces of clothing they think the other would like. Melody also enjoys making jewelry for her big sister, which Hana wears proudly.
Niko Veiko (Older brother):
Niko feels more understood by his sister than he does by his other siblings. While Hana, Nagi, and Noa are all driven academics, Niko and Melody aren't, and between that, their lighthearted nature, and their ADHD, the two connect on a deep level with one another. Melody's only grievance with her brother is that she wishes he wasn't so busy, and that the people he was busy with weren't so toxic.
Nagi Veiko (Older brother):
Despite being so close with Niko, Melody is fully neutral in her favoritism towards the twins, and gets along with Nagi just as well as she does with his twin. While the two aren't very alike in interests, Melody and Nagi bond over the feeling of being a social outcast, and not being all fit and skinny like their other siblings. When Nagi needs to escape from life's struggles, he often goes to his sister's room to watch her draw, admiring how positive she can be in all situations and aspiring to be like that too.
Noa Veiko (Younger sister):
Despite being the two youngest in the family, there is no combination of sisters in the Veiko family that understand each other less than Melody and Noa. Noa always felt like Melody had way more potential than she tried to live up to, and that frustrated her a lot growing up. While she rarely outright says it, Noa has always felt like Melody was unreliable to go to for advice. Feeling her judgment, Melody often avoids her little sister.
Emi Bekker:
Growing up, Melody has always been close friends with Emi. Despite Emi being nonverbal, the two have always found fun in crafting together, even if it's in silence. Melody often feels like her rambles are unwanted, but Emi has always enjoyed them, which makes Melody feel cared about. Melody loves making stickers for Emi to put on the back of her AAC, and Emi enjoys Melody's nonjudgmental presence. When Melody found out about Emi's crush on Niko, she was taken aback and a little grossed out, but was supportive, wanting her friend to be loved and happy she was pursuing someone she knew would treat her kindly.
Food Palette:
Melody loves snacks, especially sour candies. She usually keeps a little box of goodies in her room to munch on while she draws, claiming it gets her creative juices flowing.
Music taste:
Weirdcore, alt pop
Exp: Will Wood, Jack Stauber, Mazie
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Body Type:
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More art ft. Melody
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wikagirl · 1 year
Allow me to introduce you to: Gigi!
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Name: Gabriella Chiyo Hale aka Gigi
Age: 20
Height: 158cm
Voice refernece: Emily Bauer as Zuzu in Yugioh arc-V
The genetically engineered petri dish and incubator daughter of Fuyuko Katagawa and Oacar Hale, making her related to both the Jakobs and the Maliwan clans, though she is quite far removed from the core of both families that are in crontol of the companies blood lineage wise.
Same as all her older siblings she is being raised to at one point fill one of the higher up positions in the company, and with all the megacrops getting in on the vaulthunting business she ended up being appointed to the newly formed vaulthunting department together with her only employee and later on best friend Lahn and his little robot companion. Together they explore the universe in search for vaults and often join forces with the vaulthunters of sanctuary 3 and bring them the sweet sweet benefits of free refills of their medical supplies.
Her aim with guns is questionable at best but for some reason her aim with throwing weapons such as knives is spot on, but it's kinda hard to carry around a bazillion knives to yeet so she prefers to use her wide assortment of medieval-inspired meelewapons such as her mace, meatcleaver and morningstar.
Her medieval themed loadout stems from her love for bunkers and badasses, she has all the rulebooks,storyline extention guides and evel a whole shelf of selfpainted miniatures, some customized by hand via scultpingpaste and paint to make them look like her characters. She even has a table custom made just to digistruckt (and also deconstruct) tiny landscapes that can be premodeled via a 3d modeleing program.
Some random tidbits about her:
the meatcleaver she uses was gifted to her for her 19 birthday by Wainright jakobs after they both had a collective „oh shit we're related???“ moment when she reached out to him to request permission for her company to do some reasearch into certain plants on eden-6. They now meet up every once in a while to sip and spill some tea, there are also some biger collaboration contracts between the two companies in the works.
There is no explanation for why she can use a mace twice her size so easily, it works purely on cartoon logics because I like the aesthetic of smol girl big bonk and you'll just have to accept that
the adhd is strong in this one. Her constant switching of hyperfixations has led her to be a jack of many trades but master of only one (that being DMing for B&B) leading her to appearing weirdly knowledgabble in a whole lot of subjects but if you press her on it it's only very surface level or so nieche that it becomes nearly useless in a wider scope
dressed very jakobs-y even before she figured out that she is realted to wainright around a whole bunch of corners, she just likes the aesthetic
would probably go to larp events if she had the time
took the phrase „if you're scared of something just do it scared“ so serious that she has become very good at faking excitement about something when she is actually terrified to the point where she herself isn't even sure anymore of she is scared or excited about the aspect of potentionally getting flung into the outer orbit by a terramorphus
terrible at math
would love to fund all of Lahns robotic projects but he refuses every time she offers
twirs her hair in her fingers a lot
picked up making plopping noises as a stim from her best friend
is the type of person to learn sounds of affection that animals make and make those sounds towards said animals but also at people, has tiger-chuffed at lahn once and then got surprised when Fl4k, all the way from the other end of moxxies bar, chuffed back
never really thought about her sexuality, if its hot its hot and if it's not then it's not and that's how it be
custompaints her guns or gets them customized because normal guns look boooriiiiiiinnnngggggg, girly needs sum girly guns allright
Currently calls a planet named Cernunnos (yes after the celtic lord of the wild and forests) her home. As the name might indicate, the planet is home to lush forests of different types as well as green plains and coeans. Hale as a company has not been there for long so it is still mostly unexplored, but they have allready made friends with the local intelligent species there so that's a win.
Character theme: all the rage – allie x battle anthem: mad world- within temptation 5 songs she'd listen to:
cross my heart – marianas trench
levitating – dua lipa
when I rule the world – Liz
pay no mind – madeon
chocolate - the 1975
Her gun loadout:
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Alternative outfits (details in picture description):
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lunarlegend · 10 months
Date Sheet Was Completed: 08/12/2023
Verse In Which The Character Is In: Final Fantasy XV
Name: Stella Maris
Meaning of Name/Story Behind It: Latin for 'Star of the Sea'
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 14 during FFXV Brotherhood, 18 during the main story, 28 during Chapter 14
Birthday: February 23
Zodiac Sign: Pisces Sun/Aries Moon/Sagittarius Rising
Birthplace: Lestallum, Lucis
Currently Lives: in Lestallum or Insomnia, depending on the time in the story
Nationality: Lucian
Relationship Status: Taken
Language Spoken and Native Language: Japanese
Immediate Family: Salvia Maris (her mother)
Distant Family: Noctis Lucis Caelum (cousin), Regis Lucis Caelum (uncle)
In Contact with Parents?: Yes, until her mother was killed
Upbringing: Happy childhood, loving and supportive mom
Siblings: None
Children: A daughter named Lucina (born when Stella is 28)
Best Friend(s): Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum
Other Friends: Iris Amicitia
Pets: A cat named Pluvia, and several opossums
Enemy(s): Ardyn Lucis Caelum
Why Are They Their Enemy(s)?: Bad blood, he killed her mom and wants to kill her cousin (etc., etc.)
Species: Human
Facial Type: Youthful
Eye Color: Aquamarine
Hair Color: Burgundy
Hair Styles: Either in a messy ponytail/bun or tied back with a bow. Her hair sticks out in large jagged curls no matter how she styles it or how much gel she uses
Skin Tone: Peachy
Complexion: Fair
Makeup: She doesn't wear any
Body Type: Slim
Build: Petite
Height: 5'2"
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Three in each earlobe
Birthmarks and Scars: A scar across her nose and extending up her left cheek after her encounter with Ardyn; burn scars on her upper back from the same encounter
Distinguishing Features: A big forehead, eyes that curve downwards, and high eyebrows (she has a very innocent look)
Blood Type: B (based on Japanese blood type traits)
Health Level: High
Energy Level: Very high
Memory: Good but scattered
Physical Disabilities: Permanent residual pain/stiffness in her left shoulder from when it was dislocated in the aftermath of the event that caused her mom's death
Phobias: Fire
Mental Disorders: ADHD, PTSD
Smoker: No
Drinker: Occasionally
Drug Use: None
Usual Style: Sporty
How They Style Their Clothes: Casually
Grooming: Takes good care of her skin and hair
Posture: She leans and slouches a lot
Habits and Mannerisms: The D: expression, standing too close to people, putting her hands on her hips when she's confused or trying to process information
Scent: Peppermint
What Mood Would You Catch Them In: Either angry, confused, or excited, and almost nothing in between
Attitude: Generally positive, but she can be a brat
Mood Stability: Like flipping a light switch
Expressiveness: She is expressive to the extreme; you can tell exactly how she's feeling just by looking at her face
How Are They When Happy: Ecstatic, will yell and jump around and make a lot of physical contact
How Are They When Sad: Will mope and shut herself away; she sees her sadness as a weakness
How Are They When Angry: Loud and destructive, but usually harmless (like a feral kitten)
Wardrobe (Describe Their Closet): Lots of shorts, tank tops, and big baggy sweatshirts. Most of her clothes are black, navy blue, or gray
Equipment: Giant warhammer?
Accessories: A big black bow in her hair (when she's younger she wears a white bow with green stripes)
Funds: Technically endless, since she's related to royalty (she doesn't spend a lot of money though, and usually forgets she even has access to it)
Neighborhood: Either the laidback streets of Lestallum or the busy streets of Insomnia
Transportation: She travels on foot in Lestallum, and either by foot or on the subway in Insomnia (or Ignis drives her because Stella is a terrible driver)
Prized Possession: Her brooch that her mother gave her
Lovers: Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia
Marital Status: Married to Ignis at the age of 30
Sex Life: Very good
Their Type: People whose buttons she can easily push
Position (Dom/Sub): Sub
Virginity: Lost it to Ignis when she was 18
Occupation: Crownsguard member, Kingsglaive member, former barista
High School: The same public school that Noctis and Prompto attended in Insomnia
Work Ethic: Very high; she puts a lot of effort into her job and takes pride in what she does
Organizations/Affiliations: Kingdom of Lucis
Grades: Barely passed her classes in school
Social Stereotypes: Known for her playful mischief and as a natural leader to the neighborhood kids during her childhood in Lestallum; known as a problem child with violent tendencies after coming to Insomnia (due to her trauma that resulted in the move)
Special Education (Held Back, Honor Role, etc.): Ignis tutored her through most of high school so she wouldn't flunk out
Intelligence: She is a dumbass
Morals: Generally good; she is honest and hard-working and has a lot of compassion for most people
Motivation: Revenge at first; loyalty to her King in the end
Priorities: In the beginning: finding the person who killed her mom. By the end: keeping her friends safe from harm and protecting the people of Lucis from daemons
Crime Record: …So many. When she first came to Insomnia after her mom's death, Stella dealt with her grief in the form of anger and she was very violent--biting, throwing rocks, and even shoving someone down the stairs. She was never formally charged due to her ties to the Royal Family, but an ordinary kid would probably have been sent away. She also has a habit of inadvertently causing property damage when she's older
Etiquette: She is very polite in social situations, and especially when visiting other people's houses or spending time with other people's parents
Influences: Stella looked up to Nyx quite a bit and became determined to make it into the Kingsglaive one day so she could be like him (and it makes sense that his reckless heroism would appeal to her)
Main Goal: In the beginning: to avenge her mother. In the end: to support Noctis while he brings the Dawn
Minor Goals/Ambitions: To stand out amongst the Glaives as a top hunter, and to help reclaim Lucis so she can settle into a peaceful life with her loved ones
Dream Career: Kingsglaive (does that count as a career?)
Desires/Wants: To never lose anyone she cares about again, to make a difference in the world and fix what's been broken, to travel freely in the sunlight again
Shopping Wishlist: Whatever new hobby she picked up this week, and so much cereal
Accomplishments: Became a member of the Crownsguard against all odds, proved herself worthy enough to join the Kingsglaive, and survived the Ten Years of Darkness
Greatest Achievement: Helping to reclaim the Crown City and bring the Dawn without losing her cousin
Biggest Failure: (in her mind) Not being able to avenge her mother, not being able to protect Ignis, not being as physically strong as she wants to be
Secrets: She cries sometimes when she's alone
Regrets: So many things she wishes she'd told her mom
Worries: That the world will never return to normal
Best Dream (Non-Sleep): The Dawn has come, and everyone she loves is alive
Worst Nightmare (Non-Sleep): Losing the people closest to her, failing as a Glaive
Best Memories: Her childhood in Lestallum, the times her mother would bring her to the Crown City to visit Ignis and Noctis, the roadtrip she spent with her friends
Worst Memories: The day her mother died (she has PTSD from this)
Strengths: Kindness, tenacity, and the ability to survive
Mental Weakness: Her grief; she will not admit how much it affects her
Flaws: Impulsivity, anger, immaturity
Perception: The glass is half full, things can always get better
Conflicts: None so large that they would affect her friendships
Instincts: Fight, always
Lures: Stella will do anything for pancakes
Soft Spot: She will also do anything for Ignis
Cruel Streak: None, she can't stay angry for long
Powers: Water
Ability: Healing
Physical Weakness: Fire
Colors: All shades of blue
Animals: Opossums, cats, fish and other sea creatures
Mythological Creatures: Siren or Mermaid
Places: Anywhere her friends are
Flavors: Anything sweet (and lots of processed sugars)
Foods: Pancakes, cereal, breakfast items in general, and seafood dishes (especially crab and other shellfish)
Drinks: Soda, tea, and gas station slushies
Genre: Horror, action
Books: Her book of fairytales from when she was a kid
Games: Fighting games, racing games, anything competitive
Music: Pop, rock bands with female singers
Subjects: P.E.
Colors: Yellows, oranges, browns
Animals: N/A (she loves animals)
Mythological Creatures: N/A
Places: The Empire
Flavors: She dislikes bitter foods and drinks
Foods: Most vegetables (especially greens), tofu
Drinks: Coffee (she will drink it, but only if it's loaded with milk and sugar)
Genre: Dramas or non-fiction (they don't hold her attention)
Books: Textbooks
Games: Anything too text-heavy or that she can't play with her friends
Music: Slow songs or acoustics
Subjects: Everything besides P.E.
Languages: Japanese
Voice: Young, a bit high-pitched, prone to yelling when she's excited
State of Mind: Carefree
Laughter: Loud and contagious
Tag Line: She's an idiot, your honor
Signature Quote: "Oh, whoa." D:
Overall Reputation: Dependable and sincere, but relentless when she fights
First Impressions: People tend to underestimate her or mistake her for a kid
Stranger Impressions: Cute but possibly dangerous
Friendly Impressions: Fun, reliable, and predictable
Enemy Impressions: Grating, annoying, gets in the way
Familiar Impressions: Loving, loyal, and trustworthy
One Word: Chaos
(source for the questions can be found here. i left out any that didn't apply to her or that i wasn't comfortable answering for her.)
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thehealerhairpin · 6 months
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Full name : Orihime Inoue Race : Human Ethnicity : Japanese Birthday : September 3rd Age : verse dependent (main verse 15-17. will only RP as adult Orihime if requested but will NOT age her up for shipping purposes) Height : 157cm/5'2 Weight : 45kg/99Ibs - 49kg/108Ibs Blood type : B Sexuality : Omniromantic with lean towards man Gender : CIS female
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Orihime and her brother, Sora Inoue, were raised by a drunken father and a prostitute mother, who always argued and beat their children. Fearing that their parents would kill Orihime, in the March that Sora turned eighteen, he ran away with Orihime, who was three years old, and raised her on his own from then on. For nine years, Orihime and Sora lived in harmony despite the fact that Orihime was bullied in school because of her unusual hair color. One day, Sora gave Orihime a pair of hairpins. However, Orihime refused to wear them because she said they were childish. That day, Sora died, and Orihime began wearing the hairpins every day since. After Sora's death, Orihime prayed for him every day. A year after Sora died, Orihime met Tatsuki Arisawa and befriended her and the amount of days she prayed for him diminished. After entering Karakura High School, she stopped praying for him and instead talked about Ichigo before she left and when she returned from school. She wanted to show Sora that she was happy and that he did not have to worry about her.
Since Sora's death, Orihime has lived by herself in Karakura Town, receiving financial support from a distantly related aunt living elsewhere.
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a sweet smart yet naive girl, neurodivergent with ADHD. really hyper and likes to talk about things she likes. likes to cook up weird food with weird combination making her food looks not very edible, but nevertheless all of them taste good, it just looks really unappetizing. she's not very good with social cues and tends to misunderstood other points or sometimes she tends to take things as jokes too literally or too seriously. heavily insecure about herself due to her past. she tends to zone out everyday and likes to stare at a wall. she stims by flapping her hands and jumping or overall just walking around, one of her stims is also really hurtful because at times when she gets too excited but couldn't expressed it she'll starts hitting her legs or arms.
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Strength: 🎔 🎔 🎔
Stamina: 🎔 🎔
Durability: 🎔 🎔 🎔
Intelligence: 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔
Magic: 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔
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Shun Shun Rikka (盾舜六花, Six Flowers of the Hibiscus Shield; Viz "Six Princess Shielding Flowers"): Orihime's spirit energy is harbored in the pair of six-petal flower-shaped hairpins that her brother gave her. Shun Shun Rikka is composed of six spirits that reside within the hairpins, each of which is two petals on the clip when inactive. Only spiritually aware beings can see them. They reside in her hair-clips, which are shaped like six-petaled flowers. Through various combinations of the six fairies, Orihime has the power to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events in various forms. This power can be used for attack, defense, or healing (depending on the combination).
Santen Kesshun (三天結盾, Three Sacred Links Shield): is Orihime's defensive technique. It repels attacks by placing a shield between the enemy and target. The incantation arranges Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon into a triangle which has the ability to repel the "outer shield". Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Orihime and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed. Orihime is later able to shape Santen Kesshun into a dome-shaped barrier large enough to easily hold herself and other individuals
Sōten Kisshun (双天帰盾, Twin Sacred Return Shield): is Orihime's "healing" technique. It surrounds something to return it to its former, complete state. It rejects, reverses, and reconstructs phenomena that have occurred, even phenomena that Orihime hasn't witnessed. The incantation summons Ayame and Shun'ō to form a half-oval barrier around whatever or whomever Orihime wishes. Their ability is to repel the "inner shield." The shield placed inside means that they repel the damage within a limited area. In other words, they return a subject covered by the shield to the state that they were in before taking damage. Orihime fully restored Grimmjow's destroyed arm from nothing. Sōsuke Aizen describes this as "The Rejection of Events". Her ability is to limit, reject, and negate any kind of event that has happened to her target. Yasochika Iemura comments that the technique's healing speed is potentially faster than Isane Kotetsu's and his own. Far more powerful than "Temporal Regression" or "Spatial Regression", it is a power that trespasses into God's territory. Originally, Orihime wasn't able to restore a destroyed Tsubaki, but Hachigen Ushōda states that since she has powers very close to his own, she should be able to restore him to his original form, even without a shattered fragment. Later, she can fully resurrect the dead. While Orihime can heal wounds quickly, it takes longer for her to replenish the patient's Reiatsu. Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure around a wound makes her power to reject ineffective
Koten Zanshun (孤天斬盾, Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield): is Orihime's offensive technique. It rejects the fusion of matter and splits it. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who has the ability to repel "both sides of the shield." He breaks through the enemy, puts up a shield inside, and repels the combined substance, splitting the enemy in two. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Orihime's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure
Shiten Kōshun (四天抗盾, Shield of Four Heavens' Resistance): is one of Orihime's techniques. It combines Shun Shun Rikka's offensive and defensive properties. The incantation integrates Tsubaki into the center of her Santen Kesshun ability, creating a triangular shield which, at the very instant of receiving an attack, disperses the resultant force as a concentrated explosion which is automatically returned along the attack's opposing trajectory
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what-dat-ritalin-do · 7 months
#1 (Originally Recorded 8th November, 2003)
Wednesday, 8th Nov 2023.
9:35 AM
Psychiatric help is expensive
I went for my first psychiatry session today. I was about an hour long and it was mostly evaluative. Dr. J said I might have Asperger's as well (as ADHD). After taking into account Ayd's diagnosed mild autism and Gold's very possible autism, he said I have some mild traits, but not enough for a full-blown diagnosis. Either I've gotten a little better at condensing my Life Story™  or he's just really good at knowing what to ask. Probably the latter.
He set me up with Ritalin
3 x 10 mg tablets
Taken every morning with or after breakfast
For 1 month
He said I might experience some heart palpitations and suppressed appetite, so I'm going to eat a bit before I try it. He also said that it may be addictive. So I'll take it with precaution. He did say he hasn't had any problems yet, though.
He also suggested I let S know we should start doing full CBT in our sessions.
5:43 PM
Because the session was at 8 AM, I'm very hungry, but the food at the place I'm in isn't too nutritionally balanced. So I'll eat enough to stay satisfied, then do some groceries. I'll have a balanced meal at home, and then try it. I will update then.
It has been approximately 3 hours and 25 minutes since I took my first dose of Ritalin.
I went on a grocery store run after my last entry and only reached home in the afternoon. I had lunch consisting of the following:
Fried chicken
Fried tofu
Fried tempeh
Peanut sauce
Chocolate cake ball
Not the most well-balanced meal, but at least it covers all the bases. I took the medication with water
10 mg Ritalin x 3
The medication started to effect about 5 minutes after taking it. As expected, I was told it would be fast. For about 10 minutes, I felt an intense uptick in blood circulation. I could feel blood circulating in my veins. I could hear blood pumping in my head. It was like getting stuck in an ocean current, swept away by a strong, uncontrollable force.
And all of a sudden, it was quiet.
I can hear the blood in my body
And the "current" came back. And the chest pains started. For the next couple of hours, I experienced, consistently, waves of an intense rush of blood flow followed by an equally brief period of complete lucid control. I will describe the states:
A. "Current"/Flurry State
My hands shake involuntarily
Periodic chest pains (ranging from slight to sharp)
Sharp back pain
Occasionally lose focus in vision
Instability (difficulty getting up), loss of balance
B. Clear State
Enhanced ability to make decisions.
-> I am not frozen/caught in between wanting to do two things at once. I just pick one thing and do it. I clear things (eg: Rubbish) immediately. I don't need to "reason with myself".
Mental clarity to accept some of my tasks are not feasible.
-> Related to 1(B), I can quickly evaluate the tasks I want to completely and choose which one is easiest to complete. Immediate execution.
It is now 6:46 PM. According to Dr. J, the effects of the medication should be wearing off. He said they would last for about 4 hours. I can feel myself coming down from the rush. I can feel a low, restless hum rising but I think it will pass soon. I will return tomorrow with another log.
My thoughts get faster. I am able to structure my thoughts more easily to the point where I could visualize myself presenting them to an audience. I have not felt this way in years.
-> I spent a whole hour documenting my experience and detailing my mental health journey to my friends in our group chat. For once, it was easy to structure my words. I didn't have to draft them out in my Notes app first to make sure it made sense. My messages were coherent as I was typing them out.
-> It felt like my thoughts moved faster than my body. My handwriting feels messier, more rushed. I'm writing like I'm afraid my thoughts will fly away if I don't capture them right now. Even when trying to speak my thoughts, it feels like my mouth can't enunciate the amount of words that want to come out at the speed I want it to. My breath can't keep up with my phrasing.
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
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making a high school au always looked fun, so i wanted to take a shot at it! even though i probably wont make this into a full thing, it was nice to think about something more wholesome for a while, so i’ve written some brief headcanons below ^^
Patton Mitral
they/them - aromantic enby
Does cheerleading!
Is also on the student council because of how approachable they are. 
Most of the student body loves them, or is at least acquainted with their peppy go-getter attitude.
Since they’re the only sport-oriented one in the Squad, they’re usually the one to convince the others to come out to games and after-parties. In return they go to support the academic/theatrical feats the others are apart of (they’re everyone’s personal cheerleader!).
B e e f y.
Like– they may have roundish features, but they’re built like a tree. Their legs and arms are like steel thanks to the gymnastics they’ve done throughout their life.
Hobbies include talking to old people and giving their friends piggybacks.
Roman Oberon
he/him - cis gay
Adhd king.
Typical theater kid.
Him and Remus are the middle children of a family of 6. Hence their desire to be the center of attention At All Costs.
Does a lot of extracurriculars - mainly revolving around music, theater and art.
Fairly popular and well-known, although opinions of him range from ‘he seems alright’ to ‘dear god someone PLEASE tell him to stop humming the falsettos soundtrack during class. I’m this close to tossing something heavy at the back of his head and really don’t need that on my record’.
Logan Carina
he/him - trans bi asexual
Dating Remus.
The one who’s on a first-name basis with all of the teachers, though is the closest with the science teacher because he tends to spend the most time in the science lab.
He has chronic insomnia, and despite often falling asleep in inappropriate places (in the library, the lunch hall, and one unfortunate time, the bathroom), his teachers know well enough by now to leave him be and offer a cup of coffee when he’s around.
Has won multiple spelling bees and science fairs in the past and is currently doing an internship at the town’s research center. Overachiever to the max.
The mom friend, despite not having applied to the position.
Virgil Tondra
any pronouns - genderfluid pansexual
Not very well-known by most of the student body, since they transferred to the school in the middle of the year.
In fact, there’s a fair amount of rumours about Virgil, hypothesizing about their origins and what brought them to their small town. Guesses have ranged from them being an undercover cop, a murderer who’s trying to escape their crimes, and even a fae who came from out of the woods to kidnap children.
Sometimes they like to casually wear vampire teeth and carry around packets of fake blood, so that doesn’t really help the speculation.
Lowkey they just really like costuming; in their mind it’s Halloween all year.
Sometimes they help with costumes for the theater club, though they prefer not to take too much credit for this work.
Remus Oberon
he/him - cis mystery box of preference (as in: his taste is objectively The Worst and varies wildly, so him ending up with logan was a genuine shock to everyone.)  
Also an adhd king, though is more of an impulsive-hyperactive type.
You’d assume he’d be the kind of person to be held behind a year or so due to never paying attention in class, but he actually gets pretty good grades. It helps to be dating one of the smartest people in the year, and the best friends with the other.
Does makeup for the theater club (alongside playing the most memorable side roles). He’s excellent at the more intense sfx makeup, even if he doesn’t get many opportunities to do it in their productions.
Wants to get into makeup/prosthetic in the future, though there are a ton of other crafts he enjoys, such as making bizarrely scented candles.
D.T - ? Truman
he/they - queer demi-boy
He may be one of the highest-graded students in the year, but that is mostly because he knows how exams work. Even if he doesn’t understand something, he’s excellent at exploiting the system and/or faking confidence.
Has been known to do homework and give out answer sheets in return for money/favors…allegedly. It’s not like he’s ever been caught or had anybody snitch on him.
Partially-sighted. He uses it to his advantage.
On the debate team.
Keeper of everyone’s secrets (probably why no one has tried to cross him).
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halloweenonthemoon · 2 years
So- I don’t know to title this- Here’s work Hannah and Naomi relationship works!
- Hannah is the mom friend.
- When unstimulated or needing a distraction Hannah will seek Naomi out during school. They’re always surrounded by people so it gets something for Hannah’s brain to focused on and gives the stimulation she needs.
- Hannah was the first person Naomi told about having ADHD
- Hannah has both anxiety and dyslexia
- Hannah helped Naomi put up her flags (Pan and Non-bin.)
- Hannah will steal more feminine clothes from Naomi
- Hannah gives life advice to Naomi. Mostly about school and social life balance (Hannah has good advice, just doesn’t take it).
- These two are always bouncing ideas. The type of conversation where if someone was to other hear it would be like “are they okay?”
- Girly nights out with lots of gossiping
- Hannah gathers gossip by staying quite and Naomi has by the grapevines around them
- Naomi has moments of being very overstimulated and her social battery being dead. During which Naomi will usually just stick by Hannah’s side- hiding in the science lab or the football field. It’s quite in these areas.
- Naomi has called Hannah “Mom” before.
- Naomi see her bio-mom was a demon and Hannah see her’s as a saint
- Naomi makes sure Hannah leaves the lab and eats
- When out and about Naomi will buy Hannah dresses as a gift.
- Send each other late night tik-toks
- Naomi’s favorite characters are the side characters that makes the best jokes
- Hannah’s favorite characters are the bubbly social butterfly
- Get into stupid fights, usually Hannah telling Naomi off for doing something stupid
- They hated each other when they first met
- Naomi thought Hannah was a stuck up know it all who thought she was miss perfect
- Hannah though Naomi was an air head who only cared about her looks
- Had to start hanging out with each other because of May (they were both friends with her before meeting each other)
- Connected over a TV show they both like. It was a sci-fic about space cowboys
- They got into a few hours long talk about they’re favorite characters and plots
- The first time Hannah saw deeper than her first impression of Naomi was during a science experiment. They were pouring chemicals to get a layer effect with 4 different colors. The hard part was they had to figure out what layer was the heaviest and what was the lightest. That way the colors wouldn’t bleed and blend to get her. During which Naomi started to pour what seem like random chemicals in which a thought. Hannah panic and asked what Naomi was doing. Naomi without looking up from what she was doing said something to the effects of “The red is the heaviest substance because of chemicals A and B found in it. All the others only have A with atoms like carbon in them. Plus the atoms in chemical B are also found in items like bricks, certain rocks, and even some lighter metals…”. That speech when on for about 20 minutes with Hannah on the edge of her seat listening carefully. Naomi and Hannah’s groups where the only ones that did the experiment right.
- Naomi realize Hannah has a big heart during a football game. She was cheering with the rest of the squad when their quarterback Cas collapsed. They’re felt their blood run cold as Cas didn’t move or get up. There was a flash of red and next thing Naomi knew Hannah was on the field. She didn’t even know Hannah was there or like football games. With no hesitation Hannah lean down those Cas trying to help him by picking him up. She managed to get Cas to lead on her as the realization that he had a broken leg kicked in. Hannah was about half way off the field before the rest of the football team tried to help heading to the closest siting area. Everyone else was in panic mode and didn’t move. Yet this nerd decided to run onto the field. Hannah was on the phone with an Ambulance trying to reinsure Cas that everything was going to be okay. You could hear the ser. In the distance. Once Cas was in the ambulance, Naomi took her chance to talk to Hannah. As Hannah was walking back to her spot she felt someone grab her arm. Raising a brow she turned around to see the second in charge for the Cheerleaders, Naomi. She relaxed a bit before saying “Yes Naomi?” They didn’t say anything for a minute, searching for the right words. “Why did you do that?” She hummed rather quickly leading to Hannah having the most confused look on her face. “Why did you do that?” Spilling from Naomi’s lips. Hannah paused and shook her head “Because he was hurt and needed help.”
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I’m so happy to have found you! I actually just got diagnosed with adult add (inattentive type). Procrastinating and finishing tasks once they get complicated has been awful for me. I’ll be starting on Vyvance tomorrow. Do you have any advice for being on this medication? I know I need to watch my bp and avoid/limit alcohol. I read that caffeine and vitamin c can also interfere with the medication too...I’d really appreciate any tips or info that you can share! Thanks 💗
Okay hi nonny! I'm sorry it took me a bit here and that you've already started your meds.
Please keep in mind I'm not a doctor and if you have any concerns about what to look for on the medication, you should speak to your medical professional and a pharmacist.
That being said, I only have to watch my blood pressure closely because I already had high BP. I am also at a higher risk for heart issues and BP issues because of my weight, diet, and family history. My dad has an enlarged heart, super high BP, and type 2 diabetes. My maternal Grandpa has high BP and had a mini stroke not too long ago. My dad is also adopted and we know nothing about his birth family or their medical history so there are lots of factors playing into it.
Unless you are at a high risk or already have issues with your BP, I wouldn't just go out and buy a BP machine. Just check it at your pharmacy once in a while and keep a journal.
As for the alcohol, it doesn't really affect the medication, however you might feel that the alcohol hits you faster. I wasn't a light weight before starting the meds, and now, I can't have one drink without feeling it.
The things about caffeine and vitamin C are bullshit. The only thing that Caffeine could possibly, is make you shaky and anxious. It's the same as usual with the caffeine. I drink energy drinks a lot and they don't interact with the medications. Again, ask your pharmacist too just to be sure!
When it comes to the vitamin C, most of the time people are talking about the citric acid in it. A lot of times, the citric acid can cancel out some medications. This is seen commonly in the birth control pills, as well as plan B.
Personally, I haven't found an issue with that yet but I also don't drink a lot of juice. I would ask your doctor or pharmacist just to be on the safe side though.
Now, where I am the highest dose is 70mg once per day. I am on 60mg once per day. I will tell you to NEVER stop this medication cold turkey. It is an amphetamine and can cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly.
As for other side effects there are a few. Some get worse with higher doses, and keep in mind that you might have a different experience than me.
For me, dry mouth is a huge thing. Drink lots of water (or liquids in general, yes even pop or coffee, not alcohol though). There is also mouthwash that you can get that helps with dry mouth if you feel it is bad enough.
Another one is the appetite suppression. Vyvanse can also be used to treat Binge Eating Disorder. I find that once my medication kicks in, I don't feel hunger. I try to eat right after I take my meds or at some point about halfway through the day. I also snack a lot. I eat when I'm bored or emotional so, for me, it's a blessing. I reccomend keeping easy snacks with you at all times. I like fruit snacks. Or nuts. Then I can just open and go, no waiting and I keep some in my bags as well as at my desk at home and in my cupboards.
I also have a hard time sleeping. I have found that if I take my meds too late, I am up forever. Try to take your meds at the same time every day, though you can change it around if need be. For instance, my psychiatrist told me that if I had school one day, which started at 4:30pm, I could take my meds at whatever time I felt it necessary to last the entire 3 hour class. Then if I had a psych appointment in the morning the next day, it was safe for me to take the meds earlier.
Vyvanse only lasts 24hours in your body. It is a medication that can be metabolised fairly quickly. You should feel almost instant effects, after giving it about an hour or so to kick in. Now, your dose might have to be changed but that's okay.
The other thing that I experience is the crash at the end of the day. I crash hard off my meds. It puts me in a bad mood and I get really emotional and tired and bitchy. I find it harder to control my emotions for at least an hour or so after I start coming down from the meds. I just like to sit and play a game or talk if needed. My boyfriend is amazing and will just kinda leave me alone once he realizes that I'm coming down.
If this is your first time taking meds for AD(H)D, don't get discouraged if it doesn't work for you. There are many different medications and even ones that aren't stimulants. Please also keep in mind that meds aren't meant to be a permanent fix. They are supposed to allow your brain to find some calm to hopefully help you be able to come up with systems and coping mechanisms that work for you. Although, if you end up being on meds for a long time, don't be ashamed about that either.
And if anyone ever tells you that you shouldn't need meds, or that the meds turn you into a zombie or zap you of your personality, hit them. Okay, don't do that but ya know. If meds do that to a person, they usually aren't working for what it is meant to.
My psychiatrist also told me that if I felt euphoric and high on these meds, that I more than likely didn't have ADHD. Again, keep a journal of symptoms and experiences you have. Even good ones! That way you can also track your progress.
Good luck my dear!
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Winter Solstice Gift for grannyweatherwaxshat
To my gift recipient: I hope that this is what you were looking for. I went along with the "Hurt/Comfort with a Happy Ending, Healing, Soulmate, and Mental Illness" suggestions all in one. I wasn't intending for this gift to get so long, but here I am with yet another multi-chapter hahaha. I hope you enjoy it!
Read on AO3
The Springs of Life
"Welcome to the Springs of Life, a healing center for the soul. Please feel free to take a pamphlet on our activity offerings, and may your healing be swift and kind."
A pale blue pamphlet with a printed cloud motif was set into Wei Ying's hands. It felt glossy under his fingertips. It crinkled slightly under the pressure of his thumb and forefinger. Just as it began to crinkle, he had the sudden urge to smooth it out again. He pulled his hand slowly across the pamphlet, giving his best attempt at pulling it flat again. No matter how hard he tried, however, it wouldn't return to its original state.
He pursed his lips, choosing instead to pull his focus from his hands to the waiting room he stood in.
The whiteness of the room was probably intended to be neutral and soothing, but to Wei Ying it was a blindingly bright reminder of everything that was wrong with him. The soft blues of the furniture did little to offset it. There was soft music playing in the background, the kind that they typically played at spas to relax the customers. But Wei Ying wasn't a customer, he was a patient; and this wasn't a spa, it was an inpatient facility.
There were others in the lobby, but they blurred together without recognition. Families. Loved ones. People there to support the other patients' journeys to healing. It was uncomfortable. Wei Ying's lungs suddenly felt a bit too heavy. He swallowed audibly, turning back to face his sister who had been checking him in at the front desk all the while. "I... I don't really need to be here. It's for broken souls. Mine's fine. I'm fine. Everything is good. All I need is my job, my life, my family... I don't need... whatever this is."
Wei Ying's hand slightly shook. He hid it behind his back, desperately hoping that no one saw.
Jiang Cheng turned from where he was filling out paperwork to roll his eyes. "It's good for you, idiot. Just... go heal or whatever. Your life will be there when you come back."
"He's right. You need to go and heal yourself from the inside out. Then you can come back and be the happy whole A-Ying you used to be." Jiang Yanli said softly, worry evident in her kind gaze.
Guilt bubbled in Wei Ying's gut. He was fine. Really. He didn't need the white rooms and soothing music and soft blue furniture. His soul would be fine. Sure, thing's had gotten bad. But he always stepped up before, who was to say he wouldn't do so now? Still... he didn't want to worry his sister any more than he already was. He'd made a mistake. He should have powered through it all instead of moping in his apartment without leaving for three weeks straight. He shouldn't have let his family know how bad he was getting. He could handle it. Really. Most days, at least...
"Just take the help." Jin Zixuan said, scrunching up his nose. "This is the best soul-healing center in the country. Think of it as a paid-for vacation and come back after you're good and healed."
A mandatory vacation. Thought Wei Ying. He shot a look at his brother-in-law, but nodded in agreement all the same.
It's not like he wanted this. It's not like he wanted any of this to happen, for anything to lead to him standing where he was at that moment. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and clenching his jaw just to feel the discomfort of it. It distracted him from the discomfort in his brain.
Jiang Yanli hugged Wei Ying. "Take good care of yourself in here. I'll miss you lots and lots the whole time. And then I'll cook you a big dinner when you get out. Okay?"
It wasn't okay. He didn't need to be there. He didn't want to be there. He was going to be left alone with a bunch of broken souls and have to force himself through class after class that attempted to soothe him, but only made him all the more unsettled. There was no fixing Wei Ying. Whatever he was, it was there to stay. Taking him into the facility was like signing away the last of his freedom. He truly doubted that he'd ever leave again.
"Okay." He found himself agreeing robotically. Funny, the things he'd agree to when his sister asked.
What could he do? They were the ones that broke down his door, that pulled him out of the burrito of covers on his bed, that forced him to shower for the first time in weeks. They were the ones that force-fed him, clothed him, led him to the car and away from everything Wei Ying had ever known. What could he do if his family no longer wanted to put up with him, with his shortcomings, and would prefer to send him off to some old facility to become someone else's problem?
A man in white scrubs opened the door from the lobby to the inpatient facility with a soft scrape across the floor and a soft thud as it his the door-stop. The soft sounds reverberated across the forefront of Wei Ying's mind. Everything else became white noise. Whatever his family was saying, whatever music was playing, whatever noise the other families seemed to be making, all of it became a low rumble. He heard the squeak of the door hinges, the swallow of his own throat, the tapping of someone's fingernails upon the front desk counter.
The man in white scrubs called out Wei Ying's name. He barely recognized the sound.
They made their goodbyes. Jiang Yanli cried some more and held him close. Jiang Cheng hugged him briefly. Jin Zixuan offered him a supportive nod of the head. And then Wei Ying was escorted through the big white doors that led to the inpatient part of the facility. And his family? They were gone.
This is a good thing. Wei Ying repeatedly told himself no matter how much he disbelieved it. He repeated the phrase over and over again like a mantra as he followed the man in white scrubs down the hallway. By the time he reached the end, he still didn't believe it.
Intake was a bit invasive. While they didn't do anything as untoward as a cavity search, they drew blood and took vitals and asked incredibly personal questions. They all seemed to blur together into a single block of mushed up dialogue in his memory, difficult to pick anything individual out. The female nurse in white scrubs scribbled notes on a clipboard as she asked her typical questions. They came out of her automatically, in a rote sort of way that only came from extended repeated use.
"Do you have any known triggers that could have caused the soul break?" She asked.
"No." Wei Ying responded automatically. There was nothing. Nothing was bad. Nothing was wrong. It was just the same old situations Wei Ying always found himself in. It was Wei Ying himself that was wrong.
"Any mental illnesses?" She checked another box in the sheet.
"How is that relevant?" He asked a bit more defensively than intended.
"Mental illness, when run unchecked, can cause distress to the soul." She explained. "Sometimes, if it gets bad enough, it can lead to a soul break. It is very common, especially in your age demographic."
Wei Ying didn't want to say it. Saying it made it real. Saying it was like admitting to weakness, like he needed all of this crazy expensive soul help. Which he didn't. He was fine. There was nothing off about him that wasn't off already. Nothing new happened. It was just Wei Ying. It was who he was as a person. There was nothing a bit of soul classes was going to do to change that.
"We can request medical records from the psychiatrist your guardians listed on your intake forms, but it would be easier for everyone involved if you just tell us outright. Not knowing how your brain chemistry will react to any sort of treatment can hinder your progress and leave you staying with us longer than necessary." The nurse said.
"..." Wei Ying released a heavy sigh, not even bothering to plaster on his typical sunny smile. These people evidently wouldn't be fooled, and he hardly had the energy for it anyhow. "The B word is scary, I know I know. But I'm really fine. I've got it under control. It's not... I'm fine. I'm good."
"The B word?" The nurse raised an eyebrow.
"... Bipolar disorder. Type II." He muttered under his breath.
The intake nurse nodded. "Any co-morbidities?"
Wei Ying pursed his lips. "Anxiety. ADHD. Insomnia. You know, the whole buy one mental illness get three free deal. But really. It's fine. I've been dealing with this for years. It's nothing I can't handle."
"It's not about how much you can handle. You are very strong for getting this far, and very brave for making the steps to see us today. It is not easy to accept that a soul has been broken, but getting to the point of admitting the problem and seeking treatment is already the first step to recovery."
Wei Ying made a face, but said nothing. The nurse continued.
"Do you have a soulmate?"
Ah, soulmates. Those uncommon-but-not-unheard-of special other halves that match your own very soul. It was one of those things that everyone knew someone who knew someone that had one, but most people never had direct exposure to one. Which honestly, was probably for the best. While a soul break would not necessarily cause damage to the other half of your soulmate pair, if both souls broke at the same time it could cause what was known as a "Complete Soul Split." It was the most dangerous form of soul-breaking. Not only could it cause permanent damage to the souls themselves when left unchecked, like the lesser individual or "partial" soul breaks, it could also cause damage to the delicate soul bond between the pair of soulmates. In worst cases, bond-severing and even death.
But that wasn't a concern for Wei Ying. He didn't have a soulmate, for one. And even if he somehow had one, which he didn't, he'd have to be unlucky enough to have broken his soul at the same time as Wei Ying. Which was... incredibly statistically unlikely. Soul breaks happened, but even they weren't that common of occurrences. The odds would have to have completely been stacked against him, and even he wasn't that unlucky.
Besides, he didn't have to worry. He was fine. Really.
"Okay then, everything seems to be in order. The door behind me leads to the common area. Feel free to get to know the other guests at your own comfort level. We will be serving dinner at six."
Wei Ying rose and left the nurse behind, but he chose not to interact with the other "guests." There were several people crowded around a table playing cards, another group quietly taking markers to coloring sheets, and a third circled around a quiet subtitled television. Everything in the room was the same color schemes as all the rooms before it, white in walls and pale blue in furniture. It did little to settle Wei Ying's unease. He watched a clock on the wall, eying the minute hand as it moved ever-so-slightly with each passing second. He found the rhythm oddly calming, as if it were the one thing left of the outside world that could keep him from drifting away into the cloud-like rooms of the inpatient facility.
Despite typically being an outgoing person, Wei Ying couldn't find it in himself to put on his happy facade. He wished to be alone, to hide away from the world as he once did in his apartment. He couldn't do that yet, however. He hadn't received his room assignment yet.
He found himself drawn to the empty pale-blue living chairs in the back corner of the room. It was slightly darker there, as if the light couldn't fully reach it. Wei Ying immediately liked that about it. There was a man sitting in one of the chairs, reading a novel in utter silence. He liked that too. The man sitting in there was calm, quiet, peaceful. He simply sat in a perfect upright position and turned the pages of his book every-so-often. Wei Ying found his place at the man's side, leaving a chair's space between them out of courtesy.
Wei Ying may have been known to be bold and tactile, but he found that that part in him had diminished along with his soul. He pulled his knees in to his chest, closing his eyes and resting his head upon his knees. Time passed between them. Wei Ying found that he felt comfort in the man's presence. The man was grounding, a constant that neither moved nor spoke, a hand to grip Wei Ying before he floated away.
They remained like that as time continued to move around them, stuck in their own bubbles of comfort. Eventually, the intake nurse in white scrubs found Wei Ying and pulled him back into her office. As he stood to leave, however, the man with the book looked up at him. They caught each other's gaze for a moment, something slight sparking in the abyss of their eyes. He was beautiful, that comforting man. His clothing matched the rest of the facility in color palette, but was distinctly stylish. A soft flowing somewhat-sheer blouse in light blue sat over a white tank and white jeans. Had they been permitted to wear shoes, Wei Ying imagined that he would probably have chosen white for them as well. His look was completed with a pale blue ribbon tying up the top half his shoulder-length black hair.
A tap on his shoulder pulled Wei Ying's gaze from the man in blue. He offered the man a soft smile that didn't reach his eyes. The man returned the favor with an expressionless nod of his head. He followed the nurse back into her office, taking a seat as he stared at yet more white walls.
Cleaning this place must have been a bitch.
"Mr. Wei," The nurse interrupted his straying thoughts. "The results of your physical examination indicated something irregular. We ran the blood test as a precaution to rule out anything unusual, but it unfortunately confirmed what we initially suspected. We are happy to inform you that you do, in fact, have a soulmate. Regrettably, you and your soulmate have both experienced circumstances dire enough to cause a Complete Soul Split."
Wei Ying blinked. What? A soulmate? Him? How could he, out of all of the people in the entire world, get the unluckiest draw? Wasn't it enough that his soul was already broken? Did life truly have to gift him a soulmate only to have them ripped from him before they could even meet?
Well, what did he expect, really? This was Wei Ying. Literal human disaster. False genius. Faker of ingenuity. Speaker of tall tales. Of course he couldn’t have simply just not had a soulmate. Of course life had to tear him down just that much further.
Wei Ying suddenly felt very small and very empty. Very small and empty indeed.
"Your treatment period will need to be lengthened to accommodate your new diagnosis, but not to worry. You won't be alone. We have another guest that will be attending the specialized classes for Complete Soul Splits along with you. Ideally, you would go through the classes along with your soulmate so that you can heal together to avoid re-splitting. Is there anyone you can think of, anyone at all that could potentially be your soulmate? Anyone that you felt even a slight pull towards even if you met them in passing? Having the pair of you heal together can speed up the process and help mitigate some of the potentially permanent effects."
Wei Ying shook his head. There was no one. He was as alone as always. Just Wei Ying stuck in a head full of swirling, racing, stampeding thoughts.
Dinner was an uneventful affair. The food was about as exciting as the decor, and Wei Ying pushed it around on his plate for the majority of the lunch hour rather than actually eating. He searched for the pretty man from before, the one that he'd shared that oddly intimate gaze with. The man was nowhere to be found, however, and Wei Ying had little energy to try and join in the conversations at the pristine white tables surrounding him.
He knew it wasn’t like himself to be withdrawn. He was social, enigmatic, friendly, and exciting. He lived for conversation and never shut up and genuinely enjoyed being around people. Typically, at least. When he wasn’t holed away in his apartment during a bad depressive cycle.
Perhaps his Complete Soul Split had done more of a number on him than he initially expected. Could a soul break... really change the core of a human to that extent? To make them a shell of their former self? Or perhaps it was his former self that was the shell, and this empty mess of a person was who he truly was all along. It was a disheartening thought.
Wei Ying followed slowly behind the crowd of broken souls as they exited the dining hall, making his way back to the chairs he’d first sat in after his arrival. The pretty man was nowhere to be found, but he found himself seeking the comfort of the chairs nonetheless. It was easier to stick to himself, far from the crowds. He was safe there in his loneliness, blessed to be free from the obligation of pretending to be anything but the broken human he knew himself to truly be.
He spaced out for a while, following trails of thoughts that tumbled about and went nowhere and everywhere at the same time. He detachedly observed the tables at which people were playing cards and games. It looked fun in a distant sort of way, as if it was fun in concept but couldn’t exactly be applied to him personally.
Eventually, after an indeterminate amount of time had passed, the patients were gathered for a group therapy class. It was set in a moderately-sized room with couches and chairs lining the walls to create a sort-of circle for the patients to sit in. Wei Ying immediately sought out a chair in a corner that was pushed slightly further back than the neighboring couch and chair.
Once the patients had finished filtering in, Wei Ying finally caught sight of a familiar face. The man in white and blue silently took a seat across the room from Wei Ying, giving Wei Ying a small nod of the head before turning his attention to his hands in his lap.
Though no emotion crossed his blank face, Wei Ying couldn’t help but to feel somewhat comforted by the simple gesture. It was nice having an ally in this cloud-like atmosphere. It was... grounding, in a minute way. Just as it had been earlier that day. As if the man’s very presence gently grasped Wei Ying’s sleeve and pulled his drifting head from the endless ethers and back into reality.
The class began with the instructor introducing himself as Xie Lian, a licensed therapist with a specialization in soul healing and (more importantly) a survivor of a Complete Soul Split. There were a few gasps amongst the crowd, the newer patients evidently not having had worked with Xie Lian yet.
The man in the sheer light blue blouse didn’t bother looking up from where his gaze lay upon his hands. His blank expression seemed somewhat somber despite its indifferent appearance, and a small part of Wei Ying longed to reach out a hand to gently touch the man’s face in a show of comfort. That part was, fortunately, reigned in by the physical distance and societal convention separating them.
“We have a lot of new faces with us today.” Xie Lian smiled. “Well, let me welcome you to the Springs of Life. We’re all here for a common goal, right? We all came here from different places in our lives to try and heal ourselves. Healing is such a powerful act, and together I hope we can find the strength in each other to help lift ourselves up.”
A few faces nodded in agreement. Wei Ying remained as he was. He highly doubted any amount of happy words and supportive surroundings would be able to bring him back from a Complete Soul Split. His own sister couldn’t manage to do it so far, and she was the living embodiment of positivity and support.
No, Wei Ying was certain. Certain that he would never truly be able to recover.
Xie Lian handed each patient a blank sheet of paper and a brightly-colored marker. "Today," He began. "We will be compiling a list. You may list as many or as few things as you like. Today's topic will be 'Obstacles.' I would like each and every one of you to jot down a few of the obstacles impeding your life from getting to where you want it to be. What is getting in the way of your healing? Of your progress? Of your goals? What obstacles have led you to this very room?"
Wei Ying popped the cap off of his blue marker, but somehow couldn't manage to touch the ink to the paper. He glanced around the room, eyeing where the other patients were obediently scribbling away. His gaze returned yet again to the pretty man in the pale blue blouse. The man popped the cap off of his red marker, expressionlessly wrote down a single word upon his piece of paper, and then closed the cap once again. Wei Ying returned his attention to his own paper. He sighed deeply and began to write.
1. My brain
It was his sick brain, after all, that had gotten him into this mess. If he only could've held it together, or if he hadn't had to bother with mental illness in the first place, his soul most certainly wouldn't have broken. His life was fine. Everything else was fine. It was just Wei Ying that wasn't.
2. My soulmate
This issue was, in part, due to his soulmate as well. The pair of them created a
Complete Soul Split
together, which most likely is what incapacitated Wei Ying in the first place. So it made sense, then, that his soulmate was partially to blame. Deep down he knew that such projections were childish. It was not as if his soulmate chose to break his soul, just as Wei Ying did not choose to break his. But a far more childish and petty part of Wei Ying's mind enjoyed having someone else to blame. To resent. To feel bitterness towards. Even so, Wei Ying found that writing those two words did not bring him any comfort.
3. My-
He hesitated. There were a million things he could put in that place, but ultimately only one held truth. He scratched through the first three points on his list and instead started anew. He wrote upon the page only one single thing:
For ultimately, it did not matter that his brain was sick or that his soulmate caused him potentially irreparable damage. It did not matter his relationships with his family and friends, nor did it matter his place of residence. It did not even matter whether or not he enjoyed his job. And... he did. Sort of. Most days. He enjoyed the flexibility of freelance work. He loved creating new designs, even if they had to be constrained to the requests of his clients. He took great pleasure in lording the fact that he didn't have to go into an actual office over his brother's head.
But none of that mattered. Wei Ying's greatest obstacle, as always, was ultimately himself.
Eventually, the caps of the markers closed and Xie Lian stood with a soft smile upon his face. "Good, good. I'm glad to see everyone feeling so participatory this evening. Now anyone who would like to is free to share some of what they put upon their list. Some people may feel the need to protect their privacy, and that is also okay! But for those of you that feel like sharing, we can go around the room counter-clockwise. I will begin with one from my own list."
Xie Lian took in a deep breath and continued. "A large obstacle in my life right now is conflict between those closest to me. It makes me feel obligated to step in and fix things, but that is not always the healthiest or most needed step of action."
The patients nodded in understanding. Then the person to Xie Lian's right declined. A few patients here and there began to share things from their own lists: poor communication, a dead-end job, an unfaithful spouse, etc. Wei Ying had begun to tune them all out when he found himself being asked to share. He stared upon the single word on his own list, looked back up at Xie Lian, and shook his head. The moment passed, and other patients began to share their own obstacles as well.
The attention made its way around the circle, eventually reaching the man in the light blue blouse that had yet to look up from the paper in his hands since he first wrote it.
"Mr. Lan?" Xie Lian asked. "Would you like to share any of what you've written with us?"
The man in the light blue blouse, Mr. Lan, slowly looked up from his piece of paper. His eyes met Wei Ying's for a single electrifying moment before he turned to look at Xie Lian. He then turned his piece of paper around for all to see.
Wei Ying couldn't help but to gasp. He'd thought the man attractive, surely. And electric. Magnetic, even, one could say. But he was also cold and distant, untouchable in an indescribably distant way. Yet, somehow, this man that appeared to float amongst the very clouds that formed the motif running about the Springs of Life had come to the very same conclusion that Wei Ying had.
Mr. Lan had written a single word in large red strokes:
Wei Ying studied the man's blank face, searching for any sort of explanation as to why he'd answered the same. When the man offered none, Wei Ying flipped over his own sheet of paper. The man's eyes widened and his jaw dropped ever-so-slightly, creating a small 'o' between his lips. They shared an electric gaze fueled with curiosity. They remained locked in their shared silence for several moments before Xie Lian cleared his throat and re-diverted the attention back to the class at hand.
"Thank you, thank you. Anything either of you would like to elaborate on that tonight before we move on?"
Both Wei Ying and Mr. Lan shook their heads. Xie Lian gave the last few patients a few moments to speak before the attention finally circled back to him. "Good, good. Now then, next I would like each and every one of you to take the paper within your hands. Now imagine that this paper holds the very obstacles you listed. Good. Envision it. Feel it. Believe it. Now take the paper and tear it to your heart's content. Don't hold back. Really let those obstacles have it!"
The sounds of ripping and shredding sounded throughout the room as everyone appeared to rather enthusiastically fight their problems. Wei Ying's eyes met Mr. Lan's. There was almost a... twinkle of amusement in his tired eyes. It certainly was odd to ask the pair of them to tear up representations of themselves, but in a way Wei Ying supposed that might have been exactly what he wanted. He ripped the paper. Tore it. Decimated it to smaller and smaller bits. It certainly was cathartic, even if the metaphor was probably not what Xie Lian intended. Mr. Lan ripped his own as well, albeit in a much more calm and organized fashion. Wei Ying found his own amusement in the action.
After all of the obstacles had been good and obliterated, Xie Lian began to hand out a second sheet of paper.
"Now then," He began. "Let's start the next bit by writing down how we can see our lives with our obstacles no longer holding us back. Really dig dip and envision it. I want everyone to really put in the effort to visualize it."
Wei Ying looked upon his blank sheet of paper. What would his life be like if he didn't get in his own way? What would he see? What would he feel? What would he be?
Wei Ying decided that he had no answer to any of those questions. He left the page blank, setting it to the side and bringing his knees into his chest. He spent the rest of the time observing Mr. Lan, who sat long and hard staring at his paper with the slightest furrow in his brow. He noticed that Mr. Lan wrote nothing either.
"All right, all right. Now then, I'll start the sharing and this time we'll go clockwise." Xie Lian instructed. "I envision that when my obstacles are overcome that I will find a more peaceful environment where I can have more group gatherings."
A handful of patients either skipped or shared, then made their way to Mr. Lan. Mr. Lan glanced between his blank sheet of paper, Wei Ying, and Xie Lian. Xie Lian smiled encouragingly. Mr. Lan eventually shook his head, choosing instead to skip his share. Wei Ying didn't miss the slight look of disappointment that crossed Xie Lian's face before he returned once again to his perfectly sunny disposition.
The remainder of the class skipped and shared, but Wei Ying tuned out the noise. His focus was drawn to the white of the walls, the fabric of the chair beneath him, and the silent rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Wei Ying wasn't sure if or when he was addressed, only returning his focus to the moment at hand when everyone began to stand and filter out of the room. Mr. Lan looked ready to bolt immediately, but Xie Lian called him back to stay behind.
Wei Ying slowly rose to his feet, knowing it was rude to eavesdrop and yet wanting so very badly to know any sort of detail about Mr. Lan. He made his way out as slowly as possible, picking up bits and pieces of dialogue as he made his way out.
"I'm very proud of you sharing today."
"You've gone so long without speaking up that I was worried about the lasting damage to your soul."
"You've made good progress, but you have to be willing to keep going, okay?"
"Your brother sends his regards. Your uncle, too."
The door closed being Wei Ying with a click. Suddenly he was back once again in the main gathering area with all of the other patients. They had resumed their card games and coloring pages, eager to discuss all sorts of unimportant bits of chatter. The sort of useless chatter Wei Ying once loved to partake in.
He sat once again in the chairs in the corner, bringing his knees into his chest and resting his head upon them. This was his life now. This was where he would remain until the facility finally realized that Wei Ying would be an incurable case. Until, perhaps, he even died of Complete Soul Split. He didn't want death, not really. It's just that he didn't much care for life. Not as it was, so empty and banal and draining. Not with the heights of pain and depths of despair. Not when he, and likely his soulmate as well, were broken beyond repair.
Wei Ying closed his eyes, listening for the gentle tick-tock of the clock on the wall opposite him. He could hardly pick out the sound over the noise, but once he managed to isolate it he focused on it and drowned himself in its rhythm.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The white walls and pale blue furniture that decorated Wei Ying's new life fell away. The sounds of the world around him ceased to exist. It was just Wei Ying and the gentle tick-tocking that grounded him and prevented him from truly flying away.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
The strict rhythm allowed for no error, no manner of mistakes. It was a force to be reckoned with, not a disaster waiting for a moment to go off. It was... everything and nothing at all. Even as Wei Ying fell far enough into his head to disappear, the tick-tocking still stuck to the forefront of Wei Ying's mind. That, and the sight of a soft pale-blue blouse gently blowing in the breeze. Everything else, including Wei Ying himself, momentarily ceased to exist. But the clock and the blouse? They were all that remained in the world.
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fancyishere · 4 years
Itoshi Siji, Ultimate Track Runner
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*When I was making this picture, I didn't have an layout for his pose, so I know it looks funky*
Name: Itoshi Siji
Age: 18
Height: 6’1
Chest size: 37”
Gender: Male
Likes: Friends
Dislikes: Ribbons
Special Ability: Ultimate Track Runner
Blood type: B positive
Itoshi is a carefree teenager who doesn’t know the meaning of ‘be careful!’. Other than that, he’s a loyal friend. Although if he would break a promise to his friend or family, he really gets guilty. He suffers from ADHD, causing him to have a very small attention span. He’s also tends to bite a lot of things, not just because his teeth are sharp, but because he likes to chew on things when stressed, and it helps him focus.
She grew up in Texas (10 yrs) with her two older brothers (both are 12) with her harsh parents. They lived away from civilization, and their wasn’t many schools in the area so they had to stay home. Their parents were farmers, so they left the house a lot, but they didn’t leave the area of their home. Unless they went to their shop to sell their harvest to others.
At the age of 6 her parents gave her an dumbbell, telling her to hold it in the air for an hour straight. That was the start of her training, or what she learned to call it. Her parents were poor since not many people bought from their parents shop, so they decided to make their children ultimates. They thought they could make them ultimates, and for people to interview or see them, they had to pay.
Itoshi didn’t exactly mind, and just tried to forget the pain since they just wanted to please her parents. It was only until her brothers told her that what they where doing was supposed to be painful and torture for them, did she seen her parents lies. Itoshi has a strong sense of morality, so she understood why what they were doing was doing wrong.
So they decided to put their plan in action. Since Itoshi was doing better than her brothers, they decided to make one of them mess up during training. Causing them to get hurt by the parents. Meanwhile, Itoshi would record it happening. Doing this gave them evidence for reporting them for child ab*se.
After they gotten contact with kids from the town, they managed to get the evidence to the police, getting their parents arrested. Coincidentally, it was the same time as Itoshi’s birthday. After this happened they managed to at least get an education and a proper life with their adoptive parents.
Even though Itoshi’s parents were horrible to him, he tried to full fill their request by becoming a track runner, considering that he is an amazing runner. He did in fact full filled their dream, since he is the Ultimate Track Runner.
{This was overlooked and all writing mistakes were fixed, if something is bothering you, inform me and I will try to explain.}
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
vax'ildan and mollymauk: boyfriends
this is my favourite anonymous ask i've ever received
i don't even know if it's asking a question or just asserting a fact
boyfriends: discuss? sure, let's do that!
many different angles you could go at this from
is it possible in canon? not when they're both alive, for sure, by the time molly was molly vax had been dead for over 20 years
but we live in a tragic world with a canon afterlife so let's keep going
have they met now, in that case? highly likely
would either be looking for a relationship in the afterlife? well, i imagine molly's down for anything that makes being dead less boring, he's all about new experiences and things that look fun. his whole thing was "you're probably gonna die soon so experience as much as possible before you do," but if he dies and keeps thinking i can't imagine that goes away
vax.... on one hand, this boy has more than enough romantic drama. he trapped himself in a never-ending guilt spiral over just gilmore and keyleth. he does not need to add a chaotic circus tiefling to the mix. also a part of me wants to say he's still waiting for them, and he would be, once vax loves you he loves you, but if keyleth and gilmore can eventually move on and find other people, i guess there's nothing saying he can't either?
and on the other hand, the idea of vax waltzing up for work one day with this random tiefling in tow and giving the raven queen another instance of her bi-weekly "what did i get myself into" breakdown is fucking hilarious
(and listen..... she loves her bird son. but knowing someone's soul and having to live with that person are two very different things and a very lonely goddess who hasn't been mortal in millennia cannot and will not be prepared for full time adoption of a very bisexual, very ADHD disaster bird, just saying)
(could i write a whole sitcom that's just these two adjusting to living together? yes.)
(am i ignoring any vax characterisation in dalen's closet that contradicts this? also yes.)
but also this is fandom where the rules don't matter and the universe is fake, so how about AUs?
would they even be into each other? well, probably
vax's type is, in general:
-heart of gold
-could murder him with magic
on the surface of it, not sure how much of that is molly, he has a bit of magic but it's blood hunter magic which i can't imagine the raven queen looks favourably on, and it's generally more for buffs/debuffs than spells in their own right. also molly, like most of the mighty nein, has kind of a difficult to pin down sense of morality? (the unpredictability, however, he has in the bag)
but reading deeper, i think molly's ethics are more in line with vax's than a lot of the group, i feel like the whole "leave every place better than you found it" thing would resonate well with him? and molly does care about people, he's quick to drop anyone outside of his immediate family if they don't respect him, but so is vax, and they both kind of follow a "steal from people if you need to, but only people who don't need the money, do good things for people where and when you can, no one's going to help if you don't so be the one to change things" kind of code. vax is more likely to beat himself up over mistakes, whereas molly would just move on, and vax is infinitely more self-sacrificing (as are both keyleth and gilmore), but i don't think that necessarily disqualifies. and molly's a lot better at taking care of people, vax by his own admission doesn't handle emotional confrontation well, but that's half of molly's job, so it evens out
as for the magic part, he may not have the magic, but he sure as fuck has the spectacle, which is half the fun. vax likes cool things and impressive things and interesting unique things and that's pretty squarely in molly's corner, so they could make it work
molly's type, by his own admission, is nearly everyone. he admitted to being attracted to most of the m9 under zone of truth. and as for compatibility on his end, i think with vax's trickstery nature there's enough to keep him interested. might not be a fan of vax's tendency to obsess over his worries, life is too short to be emo about things, but a) molly's good at dealing with that, he's had plenty of practice, and b) vax was trying to get himself out of that depression spiral, and what really helped with that was the exact kind of rhetoric molly has in abundance
plus, both dex high fighters, the most openly bi/pan members of their respective parties, both have themes of stealth, trickery, and death/undeath, both (along with vex and fjord) have some of the more noticeable fantasy racism backstories (neither tieflings nor half elves were particularly welcome in the environments they grew up in, and occasionally get negative remarks on it from random npcs, also molly got instantly protective of jester when he realised she might not be aware of that, trying to make sure she didn't get arrested just for being a tiefling in the wrong place at the wrong time, and from what we know of pre-stream vox machina vax got similarly attached to keyleth), so they've got plenty in common
(also worth noting: molly was taliesin's backup character for when he expected percy to die, so there's a universe out there where these two were in the same adventuring party and that would be something)
ultimate verdict: chaotic good
(and to clarify, anon, if you're reading this, am not making fun of you, this was genuinely fun to receive/answer!)
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manweersmall · 4 years
As someone who has really bad intrusive thoughts, the idea of my dragon darlings dealing with the same variety of brain garbage as I do is so validating. Also!! Imagine the kiddos cuddling up together with tea! Or baking together! Also, Spyro learns to knit and whenever they both can’t sleep they stay up and work on a scarf together. I headcanon them both as being autistic and having echolalia so imagine entire conversations of them repeating the same phrases at each other or making noises. :3
when i was still living with our (thankfully now ex-) housemate i had really scary intrusive thoughts too as a result of the stress he put me under. since we moved i havent had them at all (thank GOD)
but yeah with the BS spyro and cynder (especially cynder lbr) went thru then yeah like theres no way they dont get them
anyway AAAA i feel like spyro would prefer cakes and shortbreads and cynder would like crunchy cookies and fruit pies tbh
spyro crocheting a big blue scarf for cynder and its way too long and its unevenly done but cynder still wears it nonetheless
also my partner and i do that all the time sksbdj @ echolalia. theyre autistic and we're both adhd so sometimes entire conversations will just be "yeet! yeet! yeet! a b button blood type a b button blood type aeiou aeiou aeiou"
spyro touches something spiky and just goes "prickle prickle" for the rest of the day bc his brain got stuck on that word. cynder joins in and starts an inside joke of "pickle prickle picky pants"
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