#he is literally just as misogynistic as any other man his age
sundybundy · 3 months
can i be real for 5 minutes I'm so sick of everyone acting like james is an incel sex pest but I'm also so sick of everyone pretending like he isn't a misogynist............ like I don't think he Hates women but there are lots of things in the game I can point to regarding his weird feelings about women
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prickly-paprikash · 1 month
Kendrick doesn't just hate Drake as a person. He hates the very idea of Drake.
Hip-Hop is rooted in revolution. In defiance. These are the songs of an oppressed group of people, and decades upon decades people have hated it. Accused of being meaningless and invalid. Media outlets took steps to belittle hip-hop and make sure it isn't recognized as an art form and as a means to fight back.
2Pac spoke of wealth disparity and inequality. Tupac was literally a member of a communist organization when he was younger and never stopped speaking against capitalism.
Lauryn Hill spoke of the struggles a woman faces. Not just women, but black women. Salt-N-Peppa. Queen Latifah. MISSY FUCKING ELLIOT.
N.W.A made sure people knew about police brutality and violence against the Black community.
And now, in this day and age, we're also experiencing an explosion of Queer Hip-Hop. Lil Nas X is at the forefront of this. Lil Uzi Vert came out as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, even when they knew that a lot of their fans would never use it or even respect them for it. Auntie Diaries, a song about a young man who grew up in a transphobic environment and bought into those beliefs, but could never fully do it because his Uncle loved him so much and taught him a lot of life lessons, and that wisdom translated to him accepting his cousin as a woman as well.
Drake is none of that.
He's the perfect representation of what people think hip-hop is. Flexing. Posturing. Objectifying women. A fucker so insecure he bought 2Pac's ring just to feel like he's part of the black community. Rejected by Rihanna publicly. Tried to groom Millie Bobby Brown. Kissed and inappropriately touched an underage girl during his concert. His songs have inspired so many young boys to treat girls like shit. His belief that the amount of rings and chains and cars he has is the true meaning of success.
Additional Edit: This is my fault. If this post gains more views, then it would be remiss of me not to add to this. It was my fault to begin with, not stating this beforehand because while I did know, I got lost in celebrating Hip-Hop in a place that doesn't usually do so, and rightfully so.
2Pac did fight for wealth equality and better social living for the black community. He also has a long, long history of battery, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment against women. Specifically against women of color. He made a song to celebrate his own mother, but outright refused to give the same show of respect to other women in his life. His hypocritical nature was brushed off in later decades, just the way I did now.
N.W.A is the same. Sexual assault charges, violence—they spoke of Police reform, but refuses to give the same treatment back towards the women in their lives.
50 cent refuses to backtrack on any of his misogynistic lyrics.
Modern rappers of today, such as the dead XXXtentacion. 6ix9ine. Kodak Black.
I do love Hip-Hop. I love rap. And the music itself has always been anti-authoritarian at its core, because those are its roots. And I was happy that circles that did not normally know of it or enjoy it were getting into it, even for one thing like this rap feud.
Lil Nas X, Little Simz, Childish Gambino, Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill—rappers who have at the very least consistently tried to put their money where their mouth is. Who have tried to act in accordance to what they rap and write and sing for.
@shehungthemoon @ohsugarsims finnthehumanmp3 were the ones who rightfully clarified in the comments. I know an apology won't correct my hypocrisy or my stupidity. I should have added all of this before making this post, but I wanted so badly to celebrate a genre of music but failed to do my due diligence in showing a better, holistic view of it. If anyone felt triggered, offended, troubled, frustrated or any other intense negative emotions surrounding this, please do block me. I'm sorry.
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litiyerses · 5 months
calypso having an emotion-centered character and being viewed & getting treated as the ‘evil woman’ is actually a reflection of how every woman's emotions are villainized when they’re shown vividly and are a main part of their character in popular media.
in general media and riordanverse specifically, women with emotions are always looked down upon because showing emotions is regarded as a dramatic act so when a female character shows and acts on their emotiotions they get degraded and instantly despised because of it. this is done with every single female character while male characters who show emotion are treated like saints and found worthy of self redemption. this happened with annabeth when she didn’t want to believe luke was the bad guy and wanted to try bring him back because she was manipulated by him her entire life, meanwhile luke, who did batshit crimes like causing hundreds of innocent deaths, manipulating little girls by flirting with them, admitting his crush to a 16 year-old at his ripe age of 23, is remembered as a hero and considered ‘redeemed himself’ after sacrificing himself while annabeth was called insufferable when she didn’t believe he was evil in the first place. let’s not forget piper, who’s a lesbian that was forced into a relationship with a man by a goddess and thought she was in the wrong for not feeling right with jason. during the entire relationship she was experiencing a very hard comphet and couldn’t figure herself out because of the fake memories, everybody was bashing her when she was acting confused, when she was, in fact confused. i have a longer post about this specific topic, so if you guys wanna check it out it’s right here. 
 coming back to calypso, first we need to clear out the misconceptions about her curse on percy that affected annabeth. she wasn't blind nor was personally attacking annabeth, her curse was to make someone feel like how she was feeling all time and that’s why percy and annabeth couldn’t reach out to one another while being right next to each other. annabeth’s blindness came from the titan she defeated in the sea of monsters and is actually the first curse to be put by the arai on them, so it has nothing to do with calypso. the curse was affecting annabeth because she happened to be the person percy loved and was right next to him. if percy was there alone either percy would feel alone and abandoned or the curse wouldn’t affect him at all, since there’s no person he can go back to save. and the curse itself wasn’t even a death wish type of curse she just wanted to be heard, be acknowledged and wanted free off her island. not to forget the curse wasn't harming or killing any of them yet it’s still demonized more than by literally every other thing that happened in the books. nothing luke has ever done is seen as evil as her curse just because it was by her and i’m pretty positive if something like this was shown in pjo by luke it would be glossed over and romanticized in the fandom. further proof of how a male character's actions get brushed off and forgiven easily but soon a female character does something even slightly questionable they get villainized on the spot.
she is also despised because she doesn't let everyone's favorite man get away with his misogynistic stuff. calypso doesn't treat leo any worse than he treats her. whenever she starts arguing it is a response to something leo has said or done, which in the most case she's in the right but leo gets so much slack from his past and being fandom favorite to be held accountable for the way he treats people. he's always been written as a misogynist, he never treated any women with any respect. he always had some sort of disrespect for every female character he seems have some sort of closure with like piper, hazel, calypso, the list goes on, but yet calypso is always expected to be more 'tolerable and understanding' bc of his trauma, as if every single character in the series isn't written upon a single trauma they had and have their character built on it. and he always had a problem dealing with others and their emotions and instead of expecting him to be working to change that, calypso is expected to adjust his manners.
oddly enough, she's also expected to show some gratitude towards leo for saving her, when she never asked him to do so and not for a second believed that he was actually going to come back when he said he would. is she grateful that he came back and freed her? yes. should she feel any obligations to make him feel greater because of it? NO. everything leo did for calypso was his and only his choice and nobody else's. calypso is happy that he did so, but expecting her to tolarate every single thing he does solely because of that is wrong.
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jellojelli · 10 months
May I plz request welt bf headcannons ? Both sfw and nsfw plz
Welt Yang Boyfriend Headcanons
*a/n: 𝓜𝓻. 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓰😍 my very first honkai love*
As always, 🛑Minors DNI🛑
Being in a relationship with Welt is as easy as breathing. You make him feel young again and he wants to spend as long as he can going on adventures and creating everlasting memories with you. He is literally the most accommodating, easy going, and kind man in the entire universe. Just wants to travel the universe with you and hold you tight
Welt also is quite the romantic and easily sweeps you off your feet, literally and metaphorically. This man had PomPom clear the main cabin of the express to give you the most perfect confession of your life. Candle lit dinner, dimmed lights, beautiful starry view of space, even showed up with small bouquet of roses to give to you when you came to the main cabin. The only thing he missed was actually telling you to come meet him and the only reason you ended up coming in is thanks to Himeko giving you a little hint
Please remember though that Welt is a bit of a traditionalist in the sense of respecting personal boundaries both in public and private. It’s not that he won’t wrap his arm around you or hold your hand, but he won’t ever do it without asking first and he certainly won’t be overly affectionate in front of anyone. So if you’re looking for a smoochy while Dan Heng and March are there, you’re out of luck because the man will dodge you or go for a forehead kiss
With Welt being a bit of traditionalist I also think he’s a bit overprotective of you no matter your gender and sees himself as sort of the stereotypical ‘man of the house’ in the relationship. Not to say he’ll emasculate you or be misogynistic, he would literally apologize his entire life if he ever did that, he just takes it upon himself to be your protector and takes on those types of responsibilities. However, this will never make Welt stop you from going on adventures with others or alone. He wants you safe, yes, but he never wants to keep you in cage just to make himself feel more at ease
Dates with Welt are always well thought out and planned with you in mind. Welt is a pretty simple guy, he just likes seeing the sights and going to cool places, so it’s incredibly easy for him to find joy in any place or activity. Shopping? He could spend hours in a tech or mechanic shop looking at gadgets or just looking at you try on clothes or fawn over something you like. Sports? He may be up in age, but that doesn’t mean he’s decrepit and he will dunk on you with only a shred of mercy. And you know he’s always happy to go adventuring or exploring in even some mundane place like an abandoned mall or hospital.
Welt loves, loves, loves just existing with you. He loves being domestic and mundane with you by just doing your own things in the same room or doing something sweet together like cooking or doing the household chores together. He especially loves learning to cook something new that neither of you have ever tried before
Cuddle with this man and he will practically be putty in your hand. He’s literally so tense and getting a moment to just melt into your arms makes him feel 10 years younger. Also, ask him to tell you about something while cuddling and you’ll have his heart beating. He loves to subtly show off to you all the cool things he knows and can do. So please praise him and maybe lightly fangirl when he does cool things, it really brings his confidence up. He also thinks it’s really nice that you listen to him and ask him about more interesting things since most people only ask him to explain something educational and not actually retell any cool adventures he’s had
Welt is definitely the type of man to make you tea when you sound under the weather or you feel too hot/cold. He also might have a bad habit of letting you off the hook when it comes to work or the more boring bits of running and being on the express. He just doesn’t want you to overdo it like he does sometimes. You might also be the only person Welt 100% listens to regarding his well-being. Himeko and PomPom cannot thank you enough for getting this man to finally lay down and rest instead of staying up all night.
Fighting with Welt is incredibly rare and it never ever gets explosive or is done in public. The only thing he ever gets irritated with you over is if you have a lack of self preservation. He absolutely cannot stand seeing you battered and bruised, or worse on the brink of death because of an enemy. He’s great at communicating, even if it sometimes feels awkward, and he will sit you down and tell you exactly how he feels about your lack or care for yourself. Welt loves you, and not just loves you, he is in love with. You own his heart, you are his entire being, and he will be a dead man before he lets something take you from him prematurely. If you also happen to bring up how he sometimes acts and how he likes to play martyr himself, he will work on it with you so you both can stay safer while out in the field
I feel like Welt likes to give massages and he’s pretty decent at it too. He’s definitely better at massaging your back than say your legs or feet, but he will absolutely give you a full body massage if you ask. He won’t even make you pay him back, he just wants you to be comfy and relaxed
Kissing Welt will always make him flustered, doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you guys kiss or the 1 millionth time, his cheeks always get a bit pinker after. This man lives for the domestic type of kisses. He loves when you welcome him back to the express or even just back to the room with a kiss and a sweet smile. Same with the welcome kisses he loves goodbye kisses and will not leave the room or the express until he gets at least one kiss. Do not, and I mean do not, play with his kisses. Welt can be surprisingly childish when you try to play any sort of joke on him like pretending you didn’t hear him say goodbye or dodging his kisses. I mean he will legit do it back to you for as long as you did it to him all while he gives you this teasing smile. He will purposely not say goodbye to you anymore and even just straight up put his hand in your face when you try to kiss him and then chuckle at you when you give him a surprised pikachu face
This has nothing to do with Welt being your bf, but I really can’t help but think of Welt when I hear Constellations by the Oh Hellos and I can’t help but imagine him quietly singing this to himself when he thinks no one is around
This man right here is anything you want him to be. While he does have a slight preference for being the one in control or at the least bottoming from the top, he has no issue letting you take control whenever you want
Welt is a bit hesitant to try anything that’s not standard in what he considers ‘normal’ sex. Things like toys, bondage, or more intense kinks like choking or spanking have never really crossed his mind before. He’s willing to try them out for you though, but he won’t ever be too rough with you when it comes to spanking or choking since he’d rather be sweet and cherish you
Omg Welt is a certified pussy/ass eater and he gives earth shattering blowjobs. He can go all night just giving oral to you. Literally let him go to town on you and you’ll have to shove his head away or actually yank his hair to get him away from you because trying to actually move away is impossible when he’s got an iron grip on your thighs
He doesn’t mind if you laugh or crack a few jokes during sex. Sex is weird and makes weird noises and he’s held back some laugher himself from time to time. So don’t feel bad if you giggle at something silly that happened because chances are he’s laughing about it too. Just as long as you aren’t laughing to be mean he’ll join you in your laughing fit. I like to think at least once Welt’s glasses came off his face and just bonked you in yours in the middle of sex, definitely brought the sexy mood down for a moment when you both couldn’t stop laughing for a solid minute
Once you introduce Welt to some different kinks, I think he really takes to shibari and tying you up in general. It’s just really intimate to have him wrap different colored rope over your body and have him practically worship you while he does it
Speaking of, he loves giving body worship. Literally treats you like a king/queen and calls you as such
Loves when you praise him, again with wanting to impress you, he loves when you moan out how good he’s making you feel and loves it even more if he gets you to a point where you can barely even form a single word
Has definitely a time or two turned one of his massages into sexy time by being handsy with you of course only after he heavily hinted at what he was gonna do in case you wanted to refuse
Welt also really loves having early morning/sleepy sex with you. He especially loves it when you both get to be on a planet since on the express there really isn’t any soft, aesthetic morning light streaming in
He plays music when you guys have sex, like records filled with sappy love songs or soft songs with no lyrics will be quietly playing in the background making it feel like some scene in a movie
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starvedvampire · 11 months
a little introduction before you proceed
hi everyone, my name is Sabre🩸i’m 24, i only use he/him pronouns, although i don’t identify as 100% male. i’m transmasc, in any case. a bisexual switch*, i welcome all queer people to this space (especially fellow transmascs hi there).
*sub-leaning, usually i only feel comfortable domming people i’ve developed an emotional connection with, but we can try
please keep in mind that i’m in a fulfilling relationship with my partner, @my-vampires-favourite-treat (yes matching usernames 🥰). she is not only the object of all my love and adoration, but also my proud owner and my lovely bun🌻 my mind, body and soul are his🖤 (also she’s responsible for so many of my most recent kinks omg i fucking love her)
we’re both polyamorous tho, so if you want to sext/flirt with me that’s cool, just as long you know i’ll communicate it to her
please remember that this blog is for me and me alone. if you enjoy the things i post or rb, that’s great, i’m glad to know there are others who share my insanity, but keep in mind i don’t owe anyone here anything and i will block whoever makes me uncomfortable or disrespects me.
I firmly believe the best experiences related to intimacy are the ones that include enthusiastic and clear consent. even if some of the scenarios in this blog don’t explicitly show it, never forget that all sexual interactions fundamentally require consent from all parties involved, as it’s crucial to have it before you engage in kinks (also while you’re engaging bc it’s important to check up on your partner).
Kinks, asks, terms, DNI below the cut…
🩸fuck yES: monsterfucking, aliens, demons, tentacles, slime, belly inflation, oviposition, hucow/lactation/breast expansion, biting and blood as in vampirism, dumbification, breeding (pregnancy but only in theory, never in practice), praise and degradation, corruption, drooling, use of aphrodisiacs, body worship, restraints, humiliation. pet play bc my partner got me into it 🌻 hypno and voyeurism are both tumblr’s fault
🩸 maybe/sometimes: priest kink, cnc, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, hierophilia, light intox (alcohol)
🩸 dislike/don’t include me: birth (mentions are fine but no graphic descriptions), guns, belly bursting, gore, feet, anything unsanitary
🩸 hard no: detransition kink, misgendering, incest, dd/lg, age play, bestiality, r4pe play
Regarding asks and dms:
🩸 to be honest when it comes to messages i’m not consistent at all but you can try your luck if you want. just please ease into it before jumping into graphic stuff, say hi and your pronouns and stuff.
also please don’t text me in a sexual way if you’re under 21, over 35 or identify as a straight man.
🩸as for asks, please send more and give me an excuse to touch myself (just keep my pinned info in mind)
Terms you can use when referring to me:
Please only use these, i will only accept others if i’ve previously agreed:
🩸pet and filth names: darling, slut, cumslut, cockslut, pet, love, whore, beloved, sweetheart. call me good boy/pretty boy and i will literally melt🖤
🩸body parts: regarding to the ones that may cause me dysphoria, please only use cunt, hole, tdick, dick, cock, strap, clit, chest and tits. terms for other body parts are all fine.
❌ you’re a minor (under 18) or your age isn’t visible in your bio/pinned.
❌ if you send me pictures of genitals with no context/unprompted, i will block you
❌ you fetishize trans people/trans experiences. remember i’m a person and i am worthy of respect just like everybody else
❌ you’re a terf, swerf, transmed, pro-life, ableist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, antisemite. bigots in general please don’t come near here
❌ thinspo blogs stay the fuck away
❌ p*dos i will fucking report you, don’t try me🔪
Tags i’ll be using:
🩸#sabre posts: for random thoughts and whatever
🩸#thirsty sabre: this is my horny license which i can whip out at a moment’s notice
🩸#sabre types: for answering all your horny asks
Anon tags: #💜 #💫
the #🌻 is reserved for my beloved bunny
*i’ll try to tag my kinks as they appear in my posts but i get distracted easily so no promises.
i reserve the right to change/update/alter this at any given time
🖤🩸that’s all, remember to take care of yourselves while misbehaving🩸🖤
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
Enzo (Dmitri Antonov)
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Stranger things is a beautiful series, and while I am simping for Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove, Enzo has a different effect on me and I love this man.
SEASON 4 IS GREAT, ALL WRITERS GET TO WORK. I literally cracked my neck and stretched my fingers and started writing after I finished it:)
Warnings: mature content, NSFW, smut, fluff, ANGST, Age gap (we love it), unprotected sex, claiming, breeding kink
I woke up feeling cold again. The temperature harshly reminded me of where I was. The Russian prison, located in god knows where. The thin blanket I curled up in every night for the past 3 and a half weeks, brought me little comfort and warmth. I'd say it is completely useless but I still sleep in it, hoping every night that it will warm me.
I ended up here because I stole files from the Russian government. Sensitive files, with the information they didn't want the world to see. Each country has files like these because each country has corrupt and cruel people at the top of the pyramid, we just don't know about all of them.
I used the files to hack into databases with their given codes, to find missing people and see the real reasons people died.
Apparently, I wasn't as slick as I thought and found myself seeing the same few vans and cars on a daily basis. They would either park outside the place I was in or would slowly drive next to me while I was walking and then speed off. It was obviously suspicious and I noticed it straight away, but when I moved from city to city, state to state, they followed. That's when I realised that I couldn't escape them and before I could get any sort of help, I was stuck in an alley, the black cars blocking off both exits and apparently taken here. I don't remember it that well, I think they knocked me out with something. When I woke up here, I was cold and had different clothes on. My cell was and is dirty, the walls all out of stone and cement and I was fed the most disgusting food. A bowl of brown or grey goo with rock hard bread twice a day.
I had a guard who was assigned to give me the food every day. I hated him in the beginning because he was one of them. While the other guards would just open the cell door and chuck the food on the floor he knocked and then placed it on the ground gently or walked up to me and put it in my hands.
Most of their prisoners would do labour work but they knew I wouldn't be 'suited' for that. Instead, the General had 'better' ideas planned. They had men as prisoners that were hard to control and they made a deal with them, that they would behave and follow instructions and not injure any more guards if they would get an hour with me a week. And I had no say in this whatsoever. They were all disgusting misogynistic men here. Fucking pigs.
The first time they threw me in a cell with a man to 'contain' him and fulfil his natural needs and I fought him off with all my strength. I screamed and scratched his face and body. It was awful being locked in a dark cold cell with a brutal horny man. That was by far the most traumatising thing I have ever experienced. My screams and cries must have been heard all over the prison.
So the next time they 'needed' me, I was brought into a different enclosed room with guards and the General all around me. They held me in place as one of them took out a syringe and filled it with some type of fluid, before injecting it into the main artery on my arm. It took about 5 minutes for the chemicals to kick in and I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Once my brain couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore and my body was too weak, they carried me back into the cell with the man. As much as I hated, feared and despised the situation, I preferred being injected because I couldn't remember anything after waking up. The scene I had once witnessed, I never wanted to experience again.
Dmitri was on break with five other guards and they were all playing cards at a table before my screams bellowed through the cold stone building. He instantly froze and looked at the others who seemed unfazed by it. Since I was the only female for about 100 miles and through my scream, one could identify my sex, Dmitri knew straight away that it was me.
He dropped his cards. " I should go check on her." he said in Russian to his colleagues.
"Hey, sit down you idiot. Can't you tell? Those are cries of joy." Another man said (in Russian), chuckling to himself and the others grinned. Dmitri didn't know what was going on.
"Fucking bitch had it coming." The man sat next to him said.
"What are they doing?" Dmitri asked, sounding more demanding and worried than curious.
The guards froze and it was silent before the eldest one replied. "They didn't tell you because they think you like her." he grinned before speaking again. "What do you think a woman is good for? Huh? Especially here. She can't do anything. So the general assigned her to the man in cell 12, to keep him under control." Everyone knew that the man in cell 12 was a pain in the ass to handle.
Dmitri couldn't believe what he was hearing. The guard rolled his eyes. "You know what they want her for. Don't make me explain it." he spoke coldly, not seeming bothered by the situation but finding it amusing. "And calm down, otherwise they will really believe you like her. You will be out of here for that."
Dmitri stayed quiet, for he knew there wasn't much he could do to help me.
An hour later he heard footsteps outside the breakroom and watched as guards walked past, one of them carrying me over his shoulder. Dmitri noticed I wasn't awake because of the way I swayed like a ragdoll with each step the man took and he hoped that I was alive.
This happened for the next 3 weeks, the rest of the time I was locked in my cell or the General would tie me to a chair with minimal clothes on, stripping me of any dignity I had left, and just sat close to me and stared while smoking a cigar. I wasn't treated like a person here. My rights went out the window the second they loaded me into their car. I was pushed around, touched and neglected. It got to the point where I didn't question anything anymore or fight at all. I just obeyed and in my cell, sat in my usual corner in silence, blankly staring at a wall.
The only thing that stopped me from completely giving up was the one guard, Dmitri. He treated me better. Obviously not well because he would get fired for that, but he wasn't cruel. He talked to me sometimes, and even though I often felt too weak to respond, I listened to him. I learned that he was called Dmitri. Even though I normally would have been able to pronounce his name because it wasn't that difficult, with the state I am in, I couldn't. So he told me to just call him Enzo. 
He made me feel a little better about the situation I was in. But soon, he stopped coming to my cell. I waited a few days and he hadn't shown up. I didn't ask the new guard anything, just in case he got in trouble because of me. 
The silence of my cell was disrupted when someone hit their first against the door and it was opened. The general was standing outside, accompanied by two guards. 
"Get up, sexy. We have plans for you." He spoke and I obeyed again, following him. It was only shortly after that I realised we passed cell 12 and I was curious about what was happening. 
We then arrived at an open cell, without enclosed walls and they unlocked the door. There were a few men inside it, watching the situation. I tried avoiding eye contact and just stood put until I was once again shoved inside. They closed the door behind me and the General said. 
"You die tomorrow. They do too. Be so kind and give them a show. Make their last day worth living." he grinned at me before turning to the others in the cell. "Do what you want with her." he mumbled and walked off after securing the lock on the door. I watched them walk away and then slowly turned around. Most of them were staring at me and one disgusting man licked his lips. I ignored them all and sat on the bench against the wall, starting to shiver. 
"You heard him, give us a show." One man laughed and a few others chuckled. He took a few steps towards me and started mumbling things to himself in Russian which I couldn't understand. Before he got too close, a man who had his back turned the whole time stood up, putting himself in the path of the other prisoner. 
"You lay one finger on her, and I promise you, you won't have hands anymore. " he growled and the man swore at him before retreating back to his previous spot. 
I looked at the man who stood up for me and recognized him once her turned around. It was Enzo. But he looked a lot worse. The man was covered in cuts and bruises. He smiled a little at me and sat down on the bench with me, keeping his distance though. 
We talked for a while about how we got here until it got late and I somehow managed to fall asleep. Enzo didn't sleep at all. He stayed up all night, to make sure no one would come close to me. 
In the morning we were taken out of the cell to prepare to fight the monster they kept locked up in another cell. The monster seemed impatient and there was a malfunction in the system, which opened and unlocked all doors. Meaning, everyone including the monster was free. 
Enzo and I discussed that we wanted to escape last night, but it wouldn't work without a miracle. He and I exchanged eye contact. This was our miracle. Most of the guards were assigned downstairs to hold to doors of the Demogorgon's cell but once it broke free, most of them had been killed within a matter of seconds. Enzo and I were obviously also in danger but I had no idea where to go. He however knew his way around the facility and grabbed my wrist, pulling me behind him. We sprinted through hallways, taking sharp turns here and there before we ended up outside the prison. We heard screams of the victims of the Demogorgon and it just made us run faster. Enzo had led me to the car park and we quickly got into a white van and he managed to drive off. I had never felt that much adrenaline in my entire life. 
We didn't know where we were going, but we knew with that thing on the loose, we had to drive far from it. After about 2 full hours of driving at top speed through the snow and through the woods, we found a small village. It was only about 5 houses and a small church and it was completely abandoned. No one was anywhere to be seen. Enzo and I hadn't exchanged a single word throughout the whole car ride. We were both still in shock. So when we entered a small house, we were finally relieved and able to let our guard down. 
It was warmer than the cells and we found food, which we both instantly devoured. 
The escape took up the whole day and we were both tired. Night fell quicker than Chrissy's bones snapped (I'm not sorry) and when we looked for beds we saw that there was only one bedroom with a double bed. 
My face got a little red and he cleared his throat. "I can take the floor if you want." he offered and I smiled. Such a gentleman. Like I was going to let that happen after all he did for me. 
"No way, you take the bed. You deserve it more." I said and he chuckled slightly.
"I don't think that's fair." he replied smiling. 
"We can share it. I don't mind." I say, managing to contain my blush and push my sinful thoughts away. 
Enzo looked at me for a while and then nodded. I proceeded to go through the drawers of the closet and found some clean clothes, pulling them out and throwing the onto a corner of the bed. Enzo stood silently, watching me. 
I turned around to face him and smiled softly. 
"Thank you by the way. For everything. " I say, breaking the silence. 
"I don't think I was much help. You managed to survive on your own." he said softly. 
"I wouldn't have... you made me want to wake up each morning." I confess, staring at my feet.
I saw him smile at what I said, but then he looked away. He looked guilty of something. 
"What is it?" I ask. He still doesn't dare to look at me. I walk up to him, looking at his face and slowly reach for his hand. His gaze shifts down to my fingers holding on to his. We have never touched before and the physical contact sent shivers up both our spines. Finally, Enzo looked at me. But his expression was sad. 
"I could have done more for you. I'm so sorry for everything that you experienced in there. Please, just know that I never wanted any of that to happen." he whispers. 
"It's okay, I'm able to deal with it now. I appreciate what you did do. If you would have done more, they might have killed you on the spot." 
"If it would mean that you would be free and safe, then it would have been worth it." he softly whispers again. My eyes become glossy and watery as I stare into his sad ones. I can't stop myself and just hug him. My arms wrap tightly around his waist and I feel Enzo tense up before he lets his arms fall and holds my head against his chest. We stay like that for a while, because damn did we need that hug. 
When we pull away I look up at him with big doe eyes, just admiring him. He then gently tucks a strand of hair that fell in front of my face, behind my ear and I just melt. This is the first time we showed affection to one another. 
"You're gorgeous. Moya prekrasnaya devushka." (my beautiful girl) he whispers, gliding his thumb over my cheek and admiring the sight in front of him.
My eyes flicker from his to his lips, hinting that I want to kiss him. I've wanted to kiss him since he started talking to me in my cell. Enzo got the message and carefully cupped my face, leaning down until our foreheads touched and he looked at me, wanting me to give him consent by connecting our lips. He wanted to make sure I wanted this because the last thing he wanted to do was to make me feel like he used me as the other men did.
I moved my head up and stood slightly on my toes until our lips finally connected. It was a soft and long kiss. We didn't move our jaws, we just stayed in the moment, loving the new contact. 
I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes again. 
"You can't imagine how long I've wanted that." he said, his voice a key lower now. 
"I think I can." I reply and before he can process it, I press my lips against his again. He seems surprised but is the happiest man alive and would never want me to stop. 
We kiss more passionately now and I run my hands down his clothed chest, making him shiver in anticipation again. He finally feels down my own body, exploring almost every bit because it's been ages since he's been with a woman. And a woman as beautiful as you, he couldn't believe his luck.
Enzo's hands stay above my ass, on my lower waist. He's trying to be polite and not pressure me into anything. As much as I appreciate his concern, I just want him to fuck me so badly at this point, I'm close to begging. I take my hands off his chest and grab his wrists, moving his hands down to my ass. He doesn't move them until I press my body flush against his, receiving a groan of praise from him. Then, his hands dig into the flesh of my ass and he pulls my waist against his crotch. I moan into his mouth, in hope to cut him loose from his restraints and it works. The noise he managed to push out of me turned him on so much he had to pull away and start unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled mine off in the meanwhile and when he looked up at me, I felt my stomach twist with excitement. His pupils dilated to the point where his eye colour was barely visible. He was so lust drunk by the sight in front of him, that his brain stopped functioning. 
To top it off I pulled my pants down and stepped out of them, while Enzo just stared. I attached my hands to his pants and that managed to snap him out of his trance. He hastily unbuckled his belt while I opened his zipper and pulled the fabric down to his ankles.
We were both in only underwear now and turned on to the point where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. 
Our bodies collided and wrapped one leg around him. Enzo's hands travelled down under my ass and he squeezed my thighs, signalling for me to jump. I obeyed him and he carried me with care towards the bed and gently placed me onto the mattress. He attached his lips to my neck and then left a trail of small peppered kisses down my body. 
His hands then reached up to my bra and he carefully tugged at the cloth, looking up at me.
"Can I?" he asked and I nodded arching my back so he could reach behind me and unhook my bra. He then threw it to the side and scanned my bare chest in adoration again
 "So beautiful." He mumbled before cupping one with his hands and kissing the other one. I hummed in appreciation and ran my hands along his muscly shoulders. His hands then moved to my abdomen and he looked up at me for consent again. Without him having to ask this time, I nodded, biting my lip and lifting my waist up so he could pull my panties down my legs. When Enzo threw them to the side he moaned when he saw all of me. 
"Y/N you look like an angel."  he mumbled before slowly gliding his fingers through my folds and dipping them into my slick. As much as I would have enjoyed that, I needed him too bad for him to continue his torturous exploring. I held his wrist and he looked up at me, confused. 
"As good as that feels, I just need to feel you inside me. Please." I whine and he chuckles. 
"Needy little dove. Anything for you." he replies and pulls his boxer shorts down, his huge fucking cock springing free. I gulped when I looked at it. It was so thick and the length was perfect. I watched it throb and admired the pulsing vein leading from his abdomen to his tip. He saw my reactions and chuckled again before climbing on top of me again, kissing me. Enzo aligned his dick with my entrance and needed my consent again before starting. I groaned and dragged my nails along his back. 
"Enzo please, just fuck me already." I tell him, and if it were possible, Enzo got evermore horny. He nodded, his breathing becoming irregular, and he slowly pushed his tip in. We both needed more, so he just slid all of himself into me with ease. His head dropped into the crook of my neck and he moaned. " So tight.." he said, making it sound almost like a whimper. 
"Please move." I beg him and he does just as I say, starting at a slow rhythm. I moan at how he fills me perfectly and wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper each time. 
Soon Enzo can't stop himself from speeding up and we both started moaning uncontrollably. He had me gripping the bedsheets or scratching his back as if my life depended on it while he propped himself up above me, focusing on the angle he was entering me. When he hit my G-spot I moaned such a pornographic sound, he knew he had found it and started to relentlessly fuck into me with speed and strength, making sure he hit it every time. My body jolted in response and I started forgetting about space and time. All that mattered in this moment was Enzo. And all I could think of was how well he was fucking me. Pounding me like there was no tomorrow. Our skin slapped together, red marks covering our bodies and coating them with shiny shimmering sweat. 
"Holy fuck I'm close-" I moan and am cut off by the pleasure I feel again. 
"Me too, printsessa. Me too, just hold on." He groans, his eyelids fluttering closed. He felt his own orgasm build up and knew he wouldn't last much longer either. After a few more brutal thrusts he gave in. 
"Cum with me, cum baby." he moaned and that was all I needed to push me over the edge. My back arched and I pressed my breasts against his chest and I moaned again. My pussy clenched around his dick and milked him for all he was worth. That's when his hot, thick ropes of cum filled me up. He put his weight on me and held me down while he emptied his balls into my fucked out pussy. 
Once we both came down from our high, Enzo slowly pulled out of me and rolled up so I could get some air. We steadied our breath for a few seconds before looking at each other and laughing. 
"I'll give you a few minutes, then we can go again." he says, smirking. My eyes widen and it seems to amuse him. He knew I was already fucked out. 
"Baby, I haven't been with a woman for more than a year. I can do this all night." he tells me, his voice all scruffy but fuck, so hot. 
And I was not about to complain.
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helloanthy · 8 months
Sup people, I see this is the place to throw trans headcanons. Before I begin I would like to note that I just finished RGU for the first time two weeks ago and have not started a rewatch because college is whooping my ass. This is not based on literally anything canon and I cite no sources other than vibes. Anyway here’s some trans agenda nonsense
Miki Kaoru, resident 13-year-old boy doing what 13-year-old boys do (being a misogynist). The student council uniform gives him an excuse to dress masc and that + his haircut + his age allow him to pass with relative ease. He’s been presenting masc for some time, and part of the reason why he’s so insistent on talking to his and Kozue’s parents is out of gratitude for allowing him to do so. However, back in those days, the world still perceived him as a girl, and he knows that all too well. In fact, it’s part of the reason why he’s so obsessed with his Shining Thing. He wants to go back, of course, but he also wants a redo of his childhood as himself, as Kozue’s brother, and he’s ready and willing to lean into the societal expectations of manhood to obtain that. After all, a man is expected to effectively own a woman, right? Isn’t that what he should be striving for in order to live his life as a man?
OOO this is rly interesting headcanon i hav not thought about ... i dont hav any trans miki thoughts so this was a fascinating ask to recieve, thank u thank u ! i realy like the interpretation of miki wanting to maintain a relationship out of gratitude with their parents for allowing him present masculinely making me think of this in relation to kozue as well ... an obedient "boy" would still be preferred over an unruly girl i suppose ... miki has seem to given up on his sister because she's inrecognisable to the pure girl he in his idealised childhood so he seeks a replacement for her with anthy ... i wrote something similar about touga and transmasc nanami, since miki is also one of the youngest in the cast, maybe imagine in a few years his parents will also tell him that playtime is over and they've indulged in him long enough. that its time to be a proper lady ? then his world would be similarly shattered and put in the same position as kozue aaaa ... im going through withdrawl right now on several medications so i cant explain better but i hope this made some sense. someone with better brain at the moment and without a migraine can share their miki + kaoru twins thoughts as well ! thank uuu agn for the ask i lov reading RGU trans thoughts 💙 (also this is making think of trans girl kozue too .... help)
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 11 months
Very unpopular opinions about Gone Girl (the film because it's very different from the book).
Nick didn't feel remorse for cheating on Amy. The shit he said in the interview was a ploy to get her out of hiding to clear his name. He was manipulating her. Nothing he said in that interview was truthful (like I'm pretty sure he later admits)
Amy was a ticking time bomb. There were already hints that Amy was dropping her Cool Girl persona since they moved to Missouri. Even if Nick didn't cheat, sooner or later, she would have gone-girl-ed his ass.
Nick also had the equivalent of a Cool Girl persona. The recession led him to drop it.
Amy telling Nick she got her parents out of debt with her trust fund mirrors when Nick moved them to Missouri. With out consulting the other party and not letting them voice their opinion. It showed that they both contributed to the unhealthiness of the relationship.
Amy was always in control of the relationship, especially when things were going to shit. She owned his job, probably the house and controlled all the finances. Pretty sure Nick's whole upset with the prenup thing is that Amy does control the finances.
Desi Collings is just like Amy just in a different font.
Nick was not as bad as Amy IN THE MOVIE. I know, crucify me. He's a cheat, lazy, has no ambitions, slightly misogynistic, sleeps with his student who is half his age. But, none of these are crimes (Andie was over the age of consent but's it's immoral. He's a pig). Amy commits crimes and wastes police resources. She kills a man not in self-defence, fakes a rape accusation, (tries to) frames Nick for kidnapping and murdering her, stole his sperm and impregnated herself. Plus, she's also slightly misogynistic and classist. Movie!Nick and Movie!Amy are not comparable. Yes, they are both awful people but Amy defiantly is the worst. Book Nick seems to be just as bad. Again book doesn't equal movie.
Amy was always a psychopath saying Nick drove her to psychopathy or any other version of this is quite dumb ngl and ignores Tommy O'Hara. Hell, her actions with Tommy makes me even more sure even if Nick didn't cheat she still would have punished him.
I truly believe Nick did want to leave her. It is said by Amy herself that she knew he wanted a divorce. Nick was shown to want to leave during the end of the movie. Literally, the only reason he stayed was because of the child, the whole outrage that would follow (Interestingly, this could be seen as Nick's own preoccupation of controlling his image).
Amy is the more unreliable narrator compared to Nick mainly due to Nick having a voice of reason, Margo, while Amy doesn't. (Unless I'm under his spell. But I don't think so because I hate Ben in the DCEU and that colors my perception across franchises. Came into this movie full expected to hate Nick as much as Amy or more so but left surprised.)
While I understand uprooting one's life and moving across the country with out the other partners input is quite upsetting and can make you feel like shit. A person was dying. Amy's feelings are valid but like. Cancer? Taking care of dying mother? Amy expected Nick to be OK with a huge financial decision to help her parents, make some allowance. Rubbed me the wrong way. I'm a family gal.
Amy may have loved Nick at one point, kinda like Nick loved Amy at one point, but she ultimately sees relationships and love as a form of winning. This seems to stem from her childhood as she was always one step behind Amazing Amy. All her mistakes were washed away clean in Amazing Amy and sold to the masses. Everyone could see just would Amy couldn't do. Because of this, Amy doesn't see herself as a person as much as a character in a story, expect this time she controls it. She's going to have a picture perfect marriage and thus life. Thus she wins at life. This is also very half-baked and formed by one watch of the movie.
Amy wasn't abused by Nick. Amy fictionalized most of their life in Missouri(She's an unreliable narrator). Like it was revealed that Nick hated Amy and that he wanted kids while Amy didn't. The whole "Let's have kids" fight seems very improbably with this information. Unless I'm under Nick's influence. Plus, Amy doesn't seem that afraid of Nick even when he is violent with her.
The Cool Girl monologue while hits some true points to the idea that society values woman to change themselves to be picked by a man. But it also implies a heteronormative society, implies that woman absolutely cannot like shit like football on their own as they are only doing it for men, acts as if liking things are unnatural for woman, makes sexist judgment of random woman she literally passes who are hopefully living their best life, and is sex negative.
preemptive warning because fandoms can be really toxic for some reason. Don't interact if you don't like.
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vampirologist · 9 months
Would you agree that Spike fans give him traits he doesn't actually have? Like i hear that he always had lines he wouldn't cross and i'm like okay but when? He didn't half qualms Bout murder, raoe, torture, domestic abuse, trying to end the world, killing children so what are these supposed moral standards?
I have tried to quit critiquing spike on my blog due to it giving me a reputation (a lot of spike blogs have me blocked which upsets me as I miss out on good buffyverse posts and I worry I’m being too negative lol). I definitely do agree on this but it does happen to like any character also as fans project onto their favorite characters and try to make them more desirable or absolve them of their negative traits
the biggest one to me is the idea spike is this huge respecter of women because he props whoever he has his sights set on onto a pedestal, but he then treats other women, especially those who he has perceived as wronging him, like garbage. it is especially evident within his rebound relationship with harmony, who he isn’t truly into like drusilla or buffy. one of the biggest scenes that jumps out to me is in season 5 of angel when he belittles this woman for walking alone at night. I understand for some it’s a joke, but when people are serious about it I’m like. he’s a man on a buffyverse show he’s going to be a misogynist
I think people try to woobify spike by saying his negative and villainous traits are because of angelus’ influence instead of holding him accountable for his own actions. it is true angelus was an influence on spike, but it’s a major disservice to both characters by saying that it’s all angelus’ fault lol in the grand scheme of things angelus was with darla for 150 years while spike was with angelus for only like 20 years at most. but the reason why there isn’t the same sentiment for angelus is because of how they were portrayed as humans. a lot of fans find william sympathetic and believe him to be “innocent” while in reality we can see his propping up of women who don’t want him onto a pedestal, and then he blames them when he is rejected when there hasn’t been any indication by the woman that they’re into him. also notice how drusilla is disgusted by him turning his mom into a vampire to be with them. spike molds himself to others, and he very much does that with drusilla. granted drusilla was also shaped by angelus, there still is agency to be given to her. a thing about spike is that he’s been shown to be an unreliable narrator who blames others for his problems (it’s cecily’s fault, it’s drusilla’s and angelus’ fault that she left him, it’s buffy’s fault she keeps rejecting him, etc) so of course he puts that luggage onto angel, especially when it comes to drusilla (who had a relationship with angelus before spike became a vampire, though it is evident angelus would purposely flaunt this in front of spike because spike perceived drusilla as his)
I think the line crossing comes for the spike we see in the show, especially later on. though he’s introduced as a villain, we do not really see the things he’s done in his past that makes him second to angelus as the most notorious vampire, while we actually see numerous times angelus killing, raping,and torturing while reveling in it. killing the slayers isn’t comparable because those are mostly seen as epic showdowns as opposed to the gruesome assault of a romani girl (though I do think there’s greater implications to be read into, particularly about imperialism of a white English vampire seeking out slayers of color and killing them, along with the tragedy of these two slayers). but it’s clear that he has done the things angelus has just not to the level of angelus himself (who he is obviously being compared against). they both have murdered, tortured, and raped (he literally makes a comment about what he “used to do” to girls dawn’s age) but he had different motives as he likes the thrill as opposed to angelus who likes the depravity and “artfulness” of sin. spike is also just seen as being more attune to humanity than other vampires, especially by fans so there is also that. I do think the chip made him adapt to be more “morally correct” and he also had a support group of sorts, even if they did belittle him and he would play as a double agent in the beginning, the scoobies and spike did have a mutually beneficial relationship, so we see more of morally neutral or good spike as opposed to his history
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
The fact that there are people who sincerely ship Nettles & Daemon, while bashing Daemyra for being grooming is... baffling. They would therefore find it normal / synonymous with great romance for a 49 year old man to have a romance with a 17 year old girl (I believe that George never positively represented this type of age difference) who does not uneducated and always lived on the street, how to stand, eat, dress, wash, etc. and who Norren would have father/daughter vibes... Like, wtf? That would just seem quite bizarre and unhealthy. Most find it as an excuse that Norren misinterpreted the relationship because he doesn't really know Daemon... No, but lol. Remember, we're talking about people claiming that Daemon groomed Rhaenyra. And these people claim to know the character of Daemon. 😂 Daemon is a gray character, there's no way I'm interpreting him as abusing Nettles, or even having a romantic relationship with her. Literally, what romance?! The things associated with them can be easily interpreted other than in a romantic and or sexual way, between the historical context and even simply the characters and their characterization as well as possible development. It amazes me that so many people are convinced that there is a great love story between these two, when there is not much about them in the end. We have the questionable testimony of Mushroom, the fact that they took baths, in the platonic section, and where Daemon actually teaches Nettles to wash, so well, people are free to necessarily see that as sexual, even if it's a little weird in my opinion... A lot of people argue that no, Nettles was old enough to know how to wash, so it wasn't platonic but uh... We're talking about the girl who lived alone and on the street all his life. How do you realistically want her to have a healthy lifestyle? And the fact that maybe, or not, they shared a bed. But even then, it's not enough to confirm if there was sex between them. And I'm not even talking about that moment when Caraxes breaks the windows when Nettles leaves and everyone sees the proof of an ultimate love when we don't know what Daemon has in mind at that moment. . I always saw Nettles leaving as a breaking point for Daemon after all the shit he's been through since the start of the war. Like, the extra drop that makes it implode. But I could never see them as romantic or sexual.
For me, the Nettles & Daemon relationship was both father/daughter, mentor/student, friends, companions/comrades in war.
They ship Daemon x Nettles because they hate Daemon or/and Rhaenyra for being Targs, having incest and dragons (meanwhile the Westerosi lords have the greenlight to marry first cousins), for being Alicent's enemy (meanwhile Alicent is a misogynist, power hungry person who targeted a 10 year old and never stopped), or for Rhaenyra's nonconformity to gendered codes of conduct within a feudal patriarchy (thinking her a betrayer to her house, a slut, ugly for her weight, refusal to treat her siblings as siblings [Alicent's fault], etc -- misogyny). Meanwhile they do not realize that they are supporting a feudal patriarchal mindset or that GRRM himself writes against patriarchy and bastardry's value through how after Rhaneyra women in Westeros like Jeyne Pool, Alys Karstark, Asha Greyjoy, and Cersei, even Targ women like Maerys, have it much worse than if Rhaenyra had been allowed to rule. I mean, Jon Snow! Have people forgotten that they love him?!
Most do not have knowledge of the nonprivacy medieval people would be used to. Or they do not care because they already believe that Daemon is the groomer and pedophile of the story despite:
a pedophile targets a child with the awareness, mind and knowledge that their target is a child (Daemon approaches Rhaenyra for her position and attractiveness; Rhaenyra was considered an adult by age 16 and inherited the actual right to rule Dragonstone like any other lord with their land and like every other noble girl she would have been married if her father had a mind to it....which he does, seeing as he marries her at 17 to Laenor, who was 20)
many examples of older men marrying younger girls in arranged marriages both in real life medieval history and in Westerosi history: Daenerys Targaryen [15] and Maron Martell [40]: Corlys [37] and Rhaenys [16]; Maegor I Targaryen [13] and Ceryse Hightower [23] --- which shows they know nothing of ASoIaF or how GRRM writes (he usually writes negatively of huge age gaps but he doesn't write negatively of age gaps in general and he always writes the gaps in context of their political circumstances)
so the thought of Daemon possibly not grooming a single girl or going after them for their recognized childhood is inconceivable to them.
Or they believe Mushroom when he says Daemon "taught" Rhaenyra lessons and had sex with her out on the rocks of the Blackwater Bay....meanwhile Mushroom also says that he was there at times with D and R, participating , that he has a huge penis (several times) AND he could never have been at those rocks to witness for himself what D and R were doing....please.
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mr-ribbit · 4 months
every single self described feminist on this website should be furious and scared about the fact that the fucking CEO feels comfortable going around dming random women he does not know on this website. a fucking dm??? from the CEO??? a strange man just wanders around the website he owns, dming women weird stuff and using his power to delete their entire account if they tell him to fuck off??? theres NO situation where that's okay!! especially not this situation, where he's literally dming people with the express purpose of intimidating them against making criticisms of him.
it's terrifying. and in any other situation, it would unite the entire feminist, queer, and progressive population of this website against a power playing Creep who is abusing his privileges to privately, personally, and in predstrogens case: publicly shut down a conversation about the way his company has caused harm towards its trans users.
if you're defending him or sending love letters to tumblr staff rn to soften all the "mean hate", then you're literally not a feminist or anything fucking close. you are a violent misogynist willing to enable shit #MeToo was able to address more competently. we've collectively called out other men in power who do this, like leaders of video game companies who use DMs to harass female employees or youtubers who DM fans inappropriately. this is the fucking CEO of 'the queerest site on the internet' intimidating, deleting, and harassing random trans women half his age. he's a grown man with power, money, and privilege, threatening us into shutting up about a harassment scandal. IN DMS. WHERE HE THINKS NO ONE WILL SEE WHAT HE SAYS. if you feel even remotely comfortable coming up with some bullshit reason that this is ok or that predstrogen + the others who have been deleted deserve this special shitty treatment, then you are transparently throwing trans women under the bus in the name of defending a 40 year old rich man who wants to be allowed to come into your DMs, delete the blogs of any woman that insults him, and call the cops if you say anything else about it. you are not a good person.
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navree · 1 year
Why do people (especially here in tumblr) hate Tyrion so much?
I mean, from what I've seen, quite a lot of people like Tyrion, considering he's a well written character and his storylines are both some of the most compelling and the most central to one of the two core plots (the politics side of ASOIAF, while Jon's the one most central to The Others side). I think we also need to divide it up into show Tyrion and book Tyrion, because the reason people dislike show Tyrion is that he turned into a little idiot once D&D had to actually write out his plans himself and it's incredibly frustrating to watch him continually be such a fuck up but the narrative still treating him like he's in the right. Also his issues with Dany make no sense even before The Bells, which is also a heavy factor.
For book Tyrion, I mentioned it in a prior ask, but Tyrion's chapters can be genuinely hard to read. Tyrion is incredibly misogynistic - I don't consider this a flaw in the writing, GRRM is being incredibly purposeful with it and it's there for a reason and a lot of his actions are understandable, and Tyrion where he is in the books right now is in the midst of a darkening downward spiral for the furtherance of his arc - and even ignoring his actions, his constant thinking about how he wants to be violent towards various women he dislikes or sexually assault them (him constantly talking about wanting to rape and kill Cersei for thinking that he killed Joffrey when he knows she genuinely believes it, unlike Tywin who was using it as an excuse to get rid of him is particularly galling for me) can literally be draining. For me at least, it can be an actual trial to get through some of Tyrion's chapters, not just because the misogyny he exhibits is so constant, but also because this isn't a way of thinking that's isolated to ASOIAF.
The series tackles very real world issues, but still within the confines of a world and system most readers are never going to experience. It is highly unlikely that most of the readers are going to experience what it's like to live under a feudal system modeled on Middle Ages Europe and all the issues that entails, but men who feel that women owe them sex just cuz they're having it with another man (like Tyrion says to Cersei in ACOK), men who hit a significant other for saying the wrong thing (like Tyrion does to Shae in either ACOK or ASOS), men who take their own anger at their misperceptions out on other women (like Tyrion killing Shae in ASOS), men who immediately feel sexually violent when angry at women (like how Tyrion thinks about Cersei in ADWD), men who still have sex with women who are clearly not into it or in a position to consent because their pleasure matters more to them (like Tyrion with the slave in ADWD)? Those are very real men, that any female reader of ASOIAF can run into or have in her life.
There's also other stuff, I don't know how popular these reasons are but this is from my perspective, that Tyrion does that sometimes make me roll my eyes, mostly just things like not realizing that summarily banishing Janos might read badly to the general populace, or his tendency to be kinda rude to people who serve him like Pod (he's highborn, it's not unexpected but still aggravating), or even the fact that, for as smart as he is, he's nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is, especially when it comes to interacting with other people. Again, all of these are purposeful parts of Tyrion's character, they're not being done accidentally, but if I'm looking at Tyrion as a person, separate from a character constructed by an author (which I do generally try to do, since I think there's a difference between liking a character as a character and liking them as a person, similar to how I can find certain historical figures interesting but still dislike who they were as people), these also aren't things I particularly like about him.
I've said this before, but I don't think Tyrion is all bad. There's stuff I like about his arc, about how he's written, about what he means as a character and the things he does, and his place in the narrative, but as a person? No, I don't like Tyrion, and the reasons I don't like Tyrion are reasons that other people do share. It can be tough spending time in his head, what with all the aforementioned misogyny, and that can be enough of a turn off for people, especially socially conscious readers or female readers who have to deal with the real life misogyny Tyrion's is inspired from. That doesn't mean that no one likes Tyrion (most people I know actually do like him quite a lot, and he's an incredibly popular character, as well as the author's personal favorite), or that someone's a bad person for liking him, but there are reasons for the dislike some people have, and for me at least, these are mine.
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orange-s-mario · 4 months
Superman's kids ranked
Hmm guess the bottom is where I start here (please note I have not been able to read the dailies)
Wait. Actually there's a few unranked kids, so first a pre-ranking ranking:
Unranked (+ "Superman's" kids)
Superman-Red's Twins and Superman-Blue's Twins: they just kind of exist. They don't have any characterization at all since they don't even talk
Carl (Mr. Mxyptlk): He does a little trolling. I feel a bit bad for Larissa Lenox though
twins in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #55: no. I don't want to think about this story.
Mooki: this isn't superman. He's neat. Robot Merkid
Lyle and Lili: that's not Lois and that's not Kal-El, it's actually his cousin and a lookalike
Superman Jr (Robin (Fred Ashley (Dick Grayson))): i uh wha. Hmm I think I'll rate him exclusively from the story. Anyways it's basically Lois pranking Superman back via blackmailing Robin (she was pretty sure Robin was one of 6 people). Uh Funny and weird I guess but that's what happens when you prank each other via pretend space travel.
Clark Jr. & Lori (Man of Tomorrow #15): they're literally demons. Anyways they're kinda bland because it's "picturesque traditional American values" that are directly opposed to Superman being more due to what they are. (also RIP Post-crisis Lana, the other main Lanas are simply built different; but also it was Neron so ...). At least Clark Jr. wanted to leave smallville
son & daughter w/Lana Lang (Action Comics #492) : R.I.P. you nonexistent kids. You seemed nice
Lois Lane's son from her coma dream (Showcase #9): uhh what a strange character to rate. So I'm just not going to. idk Superman was trying to get Lois to wake up by making her unhappy so it's weird
Orna Kal-El: alan moore did not write orna at all. She just shows up and says no lines.
Van-El: "I don't think you're real" doesn't hit as hard in the comic. Also he's kinda bland.
Extra note on the black mercy thing:why ISN'T Lyla Lerrol still an actress Moore? Please explain
Richard, M'R'R and K'R'K: nothing characters who also expanded the British empire. this should've ended with K'L'L dismantling the British empire
Twins, with Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman #561): they just sorta exist in Supes's dream. Remind me of the more troublemaker versions of Silver Age twins though (probably a reference since it was a Dominus Effect Epilogue)
Lara Lane Kent (Injustice dream): actually a good character. too bad she's basically the conscience of a man who's basically the worst superman ever.
Martha (Man of Tomorrow #15): She seemed nice despite being fake. At least Clark actually being superman in this fake reality means that she actually gets to do stuff. She wants to go to the moon again. That's it. That's the whole character
onto superman's actual kids;
#55: JLA: Act of God baby; I hate him and everything he stands for
#54: The Others (JLA: Created Equal): Unlike Adam they don't feel sad about being misogynistic and have a change of heart after not during the Luthor fight
#53: Adam Kent: according to the text itself Lex only heightened his misogyny
#52: Kara (and the others) (JLA: Created Equal): She's a girl so she isn't misogynistic. Unfortunately it's weird because she's Power Girl's daughter. seems like a nice person though. these 3 might just be because of me just not vibing with the story but ehh w/e
#51: Lar-El and Vara: these 2 are just kinda really bland. doesn't help that they only show up twice. there's the interesting hook of feeling that Superman abandoned them, but it's too little.
#50: The Twins (World's Finest 35)
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I think this basically sums it up. They're basically used as bratty normal babies that Clark gets annoyed by
#49: Bruce Kent: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will complain about the story; evil captain marvel is dumb and it's weird how different characters are affected by the apocalypse very differently. also the "we belong together" line hate when they do that, but that's not about Bruce Kent so it's moot). that's pretty much it.
#48: Jonathan Elliott: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will not). that's pretty much it.
#47: Jonathan Kent (Green Lantern: Darkstars): He exists I guess. has a bit more stuff to him, but he ends up being a good dude despite Belzebeth controlling the darkstars
#46: Lara Kent (Dark Knight/Millerverse): idk her vibes are just off. I like her but then she does something and it's like eugh Frank Miller. and her parents also being OOC does her no favors. Her appearance in the third series made me rank her worse. I do like the thing where she finally touches the ground at the end, but I just really dislike her whole character. At least her dad's more in character in the third one ig. her vibes are off
#45: Jonathan Kent (Future State): he's nice i guess. There just isn't much of him so he's right here. Not a lot of room to be a character when it's just like 5 panels
#44: Jonathan Kent (Space Age): he's nice i guess. Rated slightly higher due to a snowball fight. he doesn't do much
#43: Larry & Carole (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #36) they don't show up much and don't have much characterization besides only one of them becoming a superhero so not ranking those versions. I guess these two at least have some characterization in that they like playing with the space animals and Larry becomes Superman II
#42: Vol: he's fine he's fine. Besides being a character in one of the most batshit insane superman plots; he's just fine. At least he saved his universe and sent Sonn back to the Earth-One Universe. So uhh points for him I guess? He does a bit more than SGFLL 36 Larry and Carole so he's ranked higher. I guess
#41: Krys Kent: I liked him enough but he kinda has nothing going for him. I guess he has a bit of potential in that he could probably learn magic (he doesn't have powers). He seems nice I guess and he also has the fun line near the beginning of the story after Superman throws him, but that's about it
#40: Krys's evil ghost demon extradimensional twin: The villain has more of a character due to talking more, but really he's just evil for the sake of it. Interesting villain... ... ...I guess evil ghost extradimensional beings don't count for Superman's rules
#39: Jor-El II (Action Comics 327): really wants Clark to stop spoiling his kid. He thinks there's no such thing as crooks anymore (he's wrong), but he's always on missions doing Superman stuff I guess. there must be a lot of natural disasters I guess.
#38: Baby Bliss: toddler written during the silver age. At least he helps Clark a bit although most of the time Kal is just confused about the situation and Baby Bliss sometimes does some trickery to Superman. So I'm ranking him near the middle
#37: Lola Kent: points docked for getting with her cousin. Other than that she's good, since she has very similar characterization to pre-crisis superman, who is a pretty good character. but yeah she's down here because of Jimmy Jr. She'd probably be higher if it wasn't for Lucy Lane
#36: Jor-El II: he is a victim. this happened because his mom was a jerk and honestly I'm not sure if Lois really got through to Lois. There's also probably a better way to get through your alternate universe self who's tired of being a housewife. At least his dad was nice the whole time and even apologized about always leaving for missions. Jor-El II's life sucks and I'm not convinced it gets better. ranks low since I didn't really get anything for his characterization
#35: Clark Kent Jr (Superman #404): seems like a nice kid who loves his parents. I like the bit where Lana makes Clark Jr makes Clark gets ice cream but there's really not much here. I will say this was a very interesting imaginary story that I wouldn't mind being expanded on
#34: Superman II (Jorel Kent): he only appears in 3 Superman 2020 stories so he doesn't have much. He really is Superman II. there's not much differentiating himself from his father. Kalel has more going on just because Superman 2020 is about Kalel and not Jorel.
#33: Superman Jr. (Denny O'Neil): He's dead now. Denny O'Neil's take was weird. Still liked him though. He tried heroing even though he caused disasters everywhere he went. I guess he self-sacrificed himself for the good of reality
#32: Joel Perry Kent: He is also a victim because of Ultra Humanite. Idk I think Clark is also at fault here; just tell the dude. However him trying to kill the Vietnamese village is all on him. It doesn't say that Ultra-humanite told him to do it sooo.
#31: Jonathan Kent (Frank Millerverse): he's fine I guess. He felt like the imaginary story kids or silver age superman when he was fighting Darkseid so he ranks a bit higher. like when the supers are like tricksters
#30: Larry (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #39): He is a bit of a scamp so that's great. He does cause Jimmy to go blind and Lana to breathe fire though, but then again Clark didn't explain the black magic to anyone in the family so really that was Superman's fault.
#29: Superman Jr (World's Finest #154 & #157): started as bit of a jerk to Bruce Jr but basically mellowed out. Since he's only in 2 comics there's not much characterization here and his dynamic with his Bruce Jr isn't as great as the Bob Haney version
#28: Kara Kent: Honestly kinda bland. She has a sweet relationship with Bruce Jr, but that's basically it. Like she has half the powers of Superman and complains about it a few times, but that's really par for the course of biological superman kids. Has a bit more of stuff in Generations 2, but nothing really to make her go higher or lower on this list
#27: Supergirl (Ariella Kent)/R'E'L, the Destroyer of Worlds: reading the dc one million issue again it's not bad but the comedy doesn't land as much as it wants to. despite her crying in that one scene I just don't like her as much as the others unfortunately :/
#26: Johny Kirk (Superman Jr): Nice kid, unfortunate circumstances though. Also his ending was horrible. Where does he even live now. Like he totally should've stayed being adopted by Superman
#25: Tommy: he's just a little guy and unlike almost everyone else that's main canon, he gets a happy ending. Clark could and should check on him from time to time though. Also since he's powerless I find him more interesting than Johny
#24: Jonathan Kent II (Kingdom Come): All things considered he's pretty cool. Most of it is due to cribbing Phantom Stranger's style but he's alright. Do like how he has Hypertime powers; But other than that he's kind of just the monitor from COIE
#23 Larry and Carole* (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #23): basically more subdued versions of the twins with lady luck, so they're less fun but also they don't seem to purposefully mess with their parents like their earlier counterparts. They also have belts that can be switched on/off to stop them from having superpowers so that's interesting. They're fights also seem more playful than anything
#22::Jonathan Samuel Kent: there's a lot I do NOT like about him but there's lots of good bits and pieces. I unfortunately have to concede that he's not the worst jon.
#21: Twins, with "Lady Luck" in Superman #131: the twins are menaces. But in a fun way. They keep on fighting and messing with each other (& their parents). It's great
#20: Joan Kent: I liked her enough, Liked how she tried to trick Larry at first, although unfortunately that doesn't work and she kinda spends the whole story kidnapped by Ironclaws. I do like how she argued with Larry while Larry was evil, though it seems like they had a soft spot for each other even before Larry turned good. but she ultimately doesn't do much so I had to rank her lower. If it was more of a Joan story than a Lois story she might be ranked higher
#19: Clark Kent Jr/Superman Jr/Superboy (Superman #192 & 194): I liked him more in 192 where he was a bit more mischievous, and then started talking in gigantic words, but he was fine in 194 as well. He was even able to outsmart Lex Luthor. He'd probably be higher if he stayed more mischievous or was still using gigantic words in his vocabulary. I do really like this imaginary story plot though.
#18: Jor-El II/Nightwing (Superman #166): Good character but not as good as his brother, he's basically a kid Superman but he doesn't feel as developed as Clark Superboy. That's probably why they focused more on his brother. He teased Kal-El II at the beginning a bit too much, but he basically stops after Clark tells him to stop
#17: Pyrrhos: Pretty good villain all things considered. don't like that he was the one who killed Darkseid but that's because I read Kirby's New Gods. I liked him enough
#16: Clark Kent Jr./Superman Jr. (Bob Haney): He's great. His dynamic with Bruce Jr. is also great. He's more optimistic and more of a reader than Bruce Jr. I feel like Clark Jr is like a more hotheaded Clark. Even at their most confrontational Batman Jr. and Superman Jr remain friends. points docked a bit due to not really existing without Bruce Jr. He does have a bit of an inferiority complex ("generation gap") due to only being about half as strong as Superman so characterization bonus
#15: Cir-El is neat; the whole weird Mia thing was not. But it's ok cause I'm ranking his kids not his not kids. Kinda suffers for only being in like 13 issues, but i enjoyed her existence while she was there. Like how she kept on thinking of Superman (and Lois) as her parents even after the truth was revealed
#14 Lara Lane Kent (Adventures of Superman #638): liked what little there was of her. She seems like a neat character. Best part was the Calvin and Hobbes homage.
#13 Kal-El II/Flamebird/Kalel Kent (Superman #166): Good character, having no powers while your brother and dad do, gives ample reason for an inferiority complex. I also like how it showed he was a bit smarter due to him deciding to read more books and studying which wouldn't have happened without his inferiority complex about no powers. Also like how he kept messing up with the secret identity bit by accidentally calling Nightwing Jor when they were in Kandor
#12: Laura Kent (Superman Family #200): She's neat. Wasn't born with powers but developed them later, but like in the same day. She seems interesting enough. It ends before she can tell her parents she got powers so unfortunately she's not as high as she could be. Good character from what little we see of her though
#11: Super-Baby (Superman #224): EVIL baby. L.E.G.I.ON. ripped off this guy when they cooked with Lyrl. I like how he completely took over the villains' operations once they made themselves known. Guess he wasn't as intelligent as he thought since Superman specifically booby trapped the springs which was how to make the actual puzzle. Fun villain; just a normal baby know though
#10: Carol and Jane Kent (Secret Identity): only show up as actual characters in the last issue, but it does a decent amount building them up in how their similarities and differences to their dad. Them being less scared than Clark makes sense since they had each other.
#9: Zod (DCAU/A Better World): I actually like this kid quite a bit. Neat powers is a bonus as well. when they focused on him it was actually quite an enjoyable read
#8: Jon Kent (Son of Superman): I actually really like this Jon. He's also kinda funny sometimes. He kinda reminds me of what current Jonathan Samuel was TRYING to be but actually succeeding. It helps that the world he lives in is like our current world but a bit worse. (Some of the characters in the elseworlds feel OOC but other than that I like the story). Jon's just a good character all around.
#7: Osul-Ra & Otho-Ra: these two are pretty close in ranking since sometimes I like Otho more and sometimes I like Osul more, so I'll just put them in the same section. Depending on how other writers write them they may move up (or down). Osul has the Old God stuff while Otho has the more brash stuff.
#6: Lisa Kent/Superlass (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #91): I just like her as a character. She's nice and a bit brash at times, but honestly all around she seems to just want to help. despite the imaginary story having the end and feeling like a tragedy, it feels more hopeful than certain other stories here. She probably should've asked Lois if she wanted to be cured first though
#5: Kara (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #20): Honestly this one was just a tragedy of miscommunication, but also Kara and Kal DID ignore Lois a lot which while understandable, but uh yeah. Honestly I blame Lois having to quit her job and the midvale investigator mainly. Kara's basically mainline Kara here, which unfortunately includes the not being adopted (yet) part
#4: Laney (Superman 215): I feel like Laney has more Lois than previous lois kids with superman so she's ranked higher. She's more impatient and curious. She also kinda sorta gets a happy ending though she and clark are mourning and going through grief the whole time. ...I hope other Lois doesn't feel bad about this whole situation, but that's not me ranking Superman's kids. That's me talking about the story
#3: Christopher Kent: Yeah he's great. He's just a really nice kid, who has trauma and also has a bit of trouble fitting in. His age up while weird at least gave him cool powers... eventually. And also I think they fixed it? Mon-El taking him under his wing at the finale was neat too. Bring the actual him back
#2: Jonathan Lane Kent: I wasn't expecting to like him so much. He really develops as a character. and eventually could even be called a hero. Plus the only reason he was even evil in the first place was because he was raised young by Harvest so him eventually actually being a hero makes sense. Weird character though
#1: Gregor Nagy: I actually really like his one and done story. bring him back.
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this is why he's peak. It's ultimately about not feeling like you fit in the world. bonus points for having a completely different power set that's also cool
#0: Jimmy Olsen. obviously. I will have to say Superman was a jerk due to a misunderstanding but Jimmy being the GOAT that he is doesn't mind not being Superman's son. And despite not having a happy ending as a superman son, he does gain/regain 2 other dads
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
For the character thing. Warren Worthington, Viktor from Arcane, and... the Corinthian
Ooh okay!
Send Me A Character and I'll Give You....
1: sexuality headcanon - oh he's very much bisexual. I'm surprised they haven't made it canon yet tbh 2: otp - canon-wise, him and Psylocke. Though is it wrong to say my own OC too? 3: brotp - I like the idea of him and Kurt making up after the fight and eventually getting to be really good friends 4: notp - I see people shipping him with Bobby and I don't really get it? No harm to those shippers just not my cup of tea 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - hates hospitals and gets severe medical anxiety after what his father put him through in his childhood. Thankfully his healing factor is usually strong enough to avoid it though. 6: favorite line from this character - "Sometimes I feel unimportant, like all I do is catch those that fall. But I look like an angel. People call me an angel. And though I'm not taking names, I'm the one who is most visually saving lives. I'm doing alright, and dammit, I'm an X-Man" 7: one way in which I relate to this character - only one? uhhhhh how about all the rampant unexplained medical issues that first sprung up at age 12 and had me locking myself in the bathroom? among a lot of other things 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - there's one moment in the comics where he's kinda misogynistic towards Jean? It's from one of the very first X-Men runs from the 60s 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - both, and I mean that genuinely. Un-brainwashed he's a bit more of a cinammon roll, but then there's everything in the Apocalypse arc...
Viktor (fair warning I haven't watched Arcane in a while)
1: sexuality headcanon - gay, possibly ace or demi 2: otp - him and Jayce I guess? I don't really have one tbh 3: brotp - Don't really have one of these either. I guess it could be fun to see him and Jinx make friends, since they're both kinda inventors and that could be interesting 4: notp - none? Look After is literally the only Arcane fic I read right now, so I don't really know who he gets shipped with to begin with 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - uhhh everyone has chronic lung problems from the pollution in the Undercity but it affects him worse because he's prone to asthma/bronchitis/other lung conditions 6: favorite line from this character - "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." 7: one way in which I relate to this character - Joint problems babeyyy 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - none? Been a while since I've seen the show, don't remember any specific moments 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon - not a headcanon but Neil Gaiman's confirmed he's pan and I like that 2: otp - again, do my OCs count? Nothing compares to Prometheus 3: brotp - don't really have one, but I want him and Hob to dish about Morpheus being a little bitch (/j) 4: notp - Corintheus. I get that it's popular but Dream's technically his creator and that just... gets weird to me. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he's got a soft spot for kids and genuinely doesn't want to hurt/scare them, it's the adults he gets fed up with 6: favorite line from this character - "You ever notice that people only ever use your name when you're in trouble? 'Get over here, Jed!'" (it's not the most impactful line of his but I think the delivery is really fun) 7: one way in which I relate to this character - on a simpler note... general Southern-ness I guess? But also the themes of being neglected/seen as inherently flawed by a parent (which... may be a repeat trend for me, just look at Warren lmao) 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - In the comics, when he gets remade the first time and is first relearning about the Dreaming and what happened. It's a great scene overall, there's just something about the way Dream and Matthew talk to him that feels a little weird to me. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Problematic fave, no doubt
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chunkecheeks · 7 months
Hi! I have a question if it's alright? I saw your posts about Arthurian and as someone who really likes Guinevere based on what I've seen so far, I was wondering about something that I've heard people say..
Guinevere is a bad person/ a r*pist (I saw someone say she r*ped Lancelot)
Guinevere is the cause for Camelot's downfall (from what I've read this take doesn't make much sense because wasn't it bound to happen because of Mordred??)
Guinevere is a groomer (again, Lancelot was apparently younger than her from the takes I've seen from people)
Guinevere “got in the way” of Gawain/Lancelot Galehaut/Lancelot Arthur/Merlin
Hi thank you for asking! My knowledge is limited to the texts I’ve read and my own personal research so I might not have all the answers that people are getting this from. Because there’s such a wide swath of Arthurian sources out there this definitely may be true in some of them! But not all by far
1. This one I don’t think is true at all, like I said there might be a source out there that makes this the case but I have never heard about it. I think this might have come from Elaine of Corbenic who did r*pe Lancelot while in the guise of Guinevere. Other than that my only guess for where this may have come from is more modern sources (mainly Victorian) which tend to paint Guinevere in a worse light and try to play Lancelot’s actions off as entirely virtuous so turning their affair into r*pe is certainly a way that might be spun.
As for Guinevere being a bad person this is certainly the case in some texts (a medieval one off the top of my head is Lanval which makes her pretty terrible, and like I said the later works from the Victorian period are generally pretty unfavorable) but from what I’ve read there’s more texts that paint her neutrally or neutral-good. Even ones where she’s a bit jealous and spiteful during certain storylines don’t have her behave that way all the time. In my opinion, the way a writer handles Guinevere’s behavior most of the time reflects their religious values, especially with the medieval and Victorian texts, which may give some insight into why she’s portrayed certain ways. I also think now as modern people we have an opportunity to reevaluate her character and the misogynistic ways it has been handled over the years!
2. Guinevere being the cause for Camelot’s downfall is mostly a modern idea in my opinion. In medieval texts while the theme of Guinevere and lancelot’s affair is a factor in the downfall, like you said it was bound to happen because of Mordred! Her affair does set the stage because arthur goes to fight Lancelot and leaves Mordred in charge (TERRIBLE MOVE. He literally already knew about the prophecy that Mordred would kill him.) and Mordred then tries to usurp. Modern (Victorian onwards) tellings tend to put more emphasis on Guinevere being the reason (see: Camelot the musical), and while she is an important part I think the onus must be on her AND Lancelot along with Mordred and arthur making a dumb as shit decision. It’s certainly not her burden alone.
3. This is true in some texts that she is older than Lancelot but not all. I wouldn’t put stock in any idea like this because there is simply no one text we can say is definitively canon because all of them are quite different. I believe in the Lancelot-grail cycle they’re the same age (she first sees him on the day of her wedding when she’s pretty young and he is a young man at that point) as well as other texts like knight of the cart (the text that invented Lancelot) which makes no reference to either being older and they seem evenly matched in age. There are even some texts where Lancelot and Guinevere are closer in age while arthur is older. It’s also important to note that timelines in medieval texts can be quite messy and all over the place and I don’t believe their age difference in the texts it exists was done on purpose but rather happened because they just added Lancelot to the story where it was most convenient to have him added.
4. This is 100% just fandom bullshit. From what I know, Galehaut is the one who encouraged Lancelot to have an affair with Guinevere in the first place and was present for their first kiss. Lancelot’s relationship with Galehaut is strong even while he’s dating Guinevere so there’s absolutely no reason to think she got in the way there. That’s also the only relationship in the entirety of original medieval texts I would consider to have actual purposeful gay undertones but I think it exists alongside Lancelot and Guinevere’s relationship unchallenged. Similarly, Gawain and Lancelot have a strong relationship alongside Lancelot and Guinevere. Maybe it can be argued that Guinevere “got in the way” when the affair caused a war and Lancelot killed Gawain during it but I think that’s on Lancelot you didn’t have to kill the dude buddy. Merlin/arthur is just straight up not a thing in medieval texts and would be very bizarre if it was so that’s a BBC Merlin thing and I also don’t think Guinevere got in the way in that show as she was important to both arthur and Merlin and Merlin/arthur was never going to be endgame in 2005 or whatever year that was airing.
Hopefully that all makes sense and I’m sorry this was so long I could write endlessly about all the injustices lobbed at Guinevere
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jadenvargen · 2 years
your kiraodo melted through my brain like acid and feels like someone smooching my heart directly!!! but also jay what odo childhood novel (and is it good and should I read it)
ACH i’m glad I really love ’em… omg I have so much to say about the novels I feel like I’m gonna ramble for a hundred years but TLDR; they’re the terok nor trilogy and they’re called night of the wolves, dawn of the eagles, day of the vipers, and are about the occupation of Bajor from the cardassian DS9. the ones concerning baby odo’s upbringing are dawn of the eagles and night of the wolves:)
honestly i skimmed them a lot for character parts because the writing and OCs didn’t really have me hooked personally, but oh man those parts were stellar. It skips a lot since it follows a lot of chsracters but we get Odo learning to talk, babbling like a baby and being a creepy little slime baby not knowing how to make a real body :) Just adored it! Also his basic education, confusion about gender(yayyy), confusion about identity, and very downplayed but still present mora brand parental abuse. more details and rambles about the novels and details under readmore LOL
Also, Odo’s first years outside. We also get his days as an officer. One ”oh huh” thing is that Mora says it’ll be at least 10 years til he’s can think and function like an adult when he starts working, (which I find particularly interesting as he remarks to Laas he first gained sentience 30 years ago in season 7— making him 23 at the start if the show, and the youngest core crew member any way you slice it.) (extra extra funny that In the beginning script Odo was pitched as a ”middle aged clint eastwood type”— gee, that changed quick!)
We also get Kira’s resistance days which I think tend to be written in a kind of corny YA fashion but it might be fun for some people! And also get a Quark Odo meeting much like in — and we also get Odo’s first-first time seeing Kira when she breaks into his lab, which I think is extra gender fun because he thinks she’s a boy before he’s like wait… she has a different vibe…. bit corny but fun:) Odo also helps out with Bajoran resistance fighting as he gains further understanding, and in fact it’s Kira who recommends him for the job of security chief at DS9 so Ok. Interesting.
Some Odo exerpts I think are very. Good! :]
All in all I’m kindof a snob when it comes to published writing and also I hate most DS9 novels they’re all well, tv tie-in novels but also theu’re either boring as hell, misogynist, racist, or like everyone is an evil sex pervert. The Terok Nor ones are fine, buuuut I would honestly skim if you’re not a diehard for lukewarm space politics, I don’t think the conflict or OCs are especially interwsting and the first book is just about Dukat and Doesn’t explore him in any way I personally find interesting. Dawn of the eagles can be found on internet archive but the others aren’t hard to find Somewhere if you catch my drift.
Also if by any chance you’re interested in any other DS9 pockets my two cents are the only ones that are fun are:
-the tempest
-devil in the sky
-saratoga but only the subplot where odo has to impersonate quark for a ferengi deal the sisko plotline is hell on earth😔
and a stitch in time is widely recommended but I’d skip tbh… or like the parts on ds9 with julian are good, but i cannot say i care at all for the cardassian maze runner divergent ghoul school, nor the way any of the women are written lmao and i read classic french lit for a hobby so u kno its bad if i cant stand it it’s literally the she breasted boobily down the stairs meme😂 i never read the 34th rule because i found its concept extremely tasteless. like really… anyway sorry for the ramble I just get really excited talking about star trek tie-in novels.
TLDR theyre kinda boring but have fun parts and are avaliable free online so i mean why not?
++Odo’s first words and some other Le Swag Baby Odo scenes:)
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