#get better hobbies my man jesus christ
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mvnsvn6 · 9 months
Have a mini fic about Steve annotating books and Eddie finding it really hot🖤
So obviously, Eddie's a bookworm. Before he had any friends, he spent the better parts of his childhood at Hawkins Library after school and Hawkins Middle's library during any recesses and lunches. He constantly read books, this was before Wayne got him a guitar and before he got into dnd, and being a bookworm tremendously helped him fuel both of those hobbies later on. But before then? The library was like a second home to him. 
And so, recently founding out that Steve reads, like a lot, is something of a revalation. It's not that Eddie thinks the guy is stupid, but he figured the guy spent time doing other productive hobbies at home. But the guy reads, and as previously mentioned, Eddie considers himself a literature connoisseur of sorts. Writing book reports and essays were one of the few things he actually excelled at in high school. 
So anyway, he found out that Steve is a book nerd by finding one of Steve's books open on his bed. Not really the strangest thing that Eddie's come across in Steve's room if he's being honest, and not the biggest indicator of nerdiness, until he focuses his attention and acknowledges the bright colors sprawled across the pages. 
A burst of rainbow colors underlining what Eddie guesses are his favorite parts of the story or important stuff he wanted to remember. And obviously, Eddie has to ask him about it. and Steve explains to him that he has a whole color key and it's made up of romantic lines that make him feel warm, sad stuff that makes him tear up, stuff that is word for word undoubtedly Steve Harrington sprawled on a page. Steve won't tell him which color is which, too embarrassed by it, but he lets Eddie read through them, and then he stares at Steve in unyeilding fondness. 
The look reflected on Steve's is not the same, mostly anxiety and insecurity, which Eddie immediately wants to soothe. It's so so sweet he thinks but Eddie's mouth translates the words into, "That's so fucking hot." Which, shit man, it is but he hadn't meant to say it out loud. 
"Shut up, dude, don't make fun of me right now." 
And listen, books are everything to him, this is no joking matter. They inspire his own stories, whether through a dnd campaign or writing song lyrics. It's honestly probably the most attractive thing a person could do in Eddie's opinion, he didn't know how hot until right about now, but he'll die on this hill. Annotating your books is hot. 
"Listen to me when I say this Steve, while that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard and I'm, ya know, me. It's also about the most attractive thing that's come out of that pretty mouth of yours, like ever."
And Steve folds his arms across his fucking beautifully sculpted chest and narrows his eyes just slightly, raising a judgemental eyebrow at him. 
"You're being serious."
Oh he's never been more serious about anything in his life. 
"Uh...yeah? Yes. Oh my god."
Yeah, real eloquent Edward. 
Whatever, his heart is pounding profuesely against his rib cage because holy shit Steve is a book nerd and Eddie wants to kiss him fucking yesterday. So he gets on all fours on Steve's bed to lean forward and basically attacks his mouth before he can even think about it. 
And when he pulls back, Steve's pupils are blown wide and his breath has picked up pace, and Steve keeps bouncing between looking at Eddie's eyes and his lips. 
"You just kissed me."
It comes out disbelieving. 
"Yeah and with your permission I'd like to continue, like stat, immediately, now."
"You're insane."
And hands weave through curls and pull. 
Eddie tumbles foward, ending fully sprawled on top of Steve, and, jesus christ, body pressed impossibly close to his. 
And after they're romantic, read: nerdy horniness, little makeout session, he forces Steve to read the annotations himself, going through all the books that are important to Steve. He has to stop himself from moaning to really emphasize how hot he finds it, and to make Steve slightly embarrassed, but refrains. Just lets him continue. 
Eddie has never been so in love in his life.
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ariaste · 7 days
Is there disability rep in RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND? It seems like pirate books get overlooked for how often they show characters with disabilities.
Jesus christ okay listen. You've activated my trap card, because YES EXACTLY. Disability is one of the CORE TROPES of any pirate story -- is it even a real pirate crew if there aren't people missing some of their bits? And it's not just side characters, is it! Is a pirate captain even a proper captain without a peg-leg, a hook, or an eyepatch?
And yet when we see these characters, or at least when I see these characters, my brain does not register them into the category of "oh, here is a Disabled Character". Like it is wonderful that we are seeing more disability representation in media these days but... It's often not very satisfying, is it? They're like "Here is a very carefully presented Character In A Wheelchair So You Know She Is Disabled-Disabled 😌" and there are all of these rules this character has to follow to be """""properly"""" disabled in exactly one specific way with no variations, and always there is an Issue with her (almost always a woman??) ability to navigate her wheelchair through the landscape so that the media can Prove They Are Being So Thoughtful And Aware Of The Difficulties.
I don't know about you, but for me it always sort of smacks of insincerity. Or like, the overtly intentional and deliberate sincerity, which then comes across as a bit unnatural and uncanny valley. We as the audience are not permitted to simply experience this character as a person, we are forced by the deliberateness of the narrative to experience her as a Disabled Person. Which.... Sure, that's better than not having any disabled representation at all, but there's SO MUCH FURTHER we could go with it! But the first step is for the media creator/s to stop going "look, a Disabled Person [delicate gasp] Wow she's so brave" as if she's a fucking zoo exhibit and start going "look, a Person. she's disabled, and has some other personality traits and hobbies as well."
(I feel like we also went through this journey with Strong Female Characters too, didn't we? Where we had all of these weirdly awkward """sincere"""" attempts at people writing Strong Female Characters and Oooh She Is So Strong, And Ooh Her Femaleness, She Grew Up With Brothers... But that was not what we wanted, we wanted the writers to chill out and just write a woman who was a PERSON and stop making it weird.)
Anyway, back to pirates, because I think we've really been overlooking pirate media for the fact that the disability rep is just right out there in plain sight, and it's so normalized that it would be weirder if it WASN'T there, and the media creator isn't loudly trying to win brownie points for being Virtuous And Inclusive™. (And just because tumblr reading comprehension is piss poor sometimes: yes, there's a difference between trying to be virtuous and inclusive and trying to be Virtuous And Inclusive™, and I bet you can recognize it when you see it.)
Pirate media doesn't make it weird! Pirate media doesn't try to camouflage the fact that a character is disabled ("Yar, and here's No-Legs Bob, on account o' he's got no legs, that'll teach 'im to make jokes like he's pretending to fuck the cannon" "somebody hold me up and i'll fuck the cannon again" "[raucous laughter throughout the whole crew]") nor does it deny that their disability causes problems sometimes (the ol' "peg-leg got stuck in a knothole in the deck" gag, or the classic "whoops, tried to stab someone with my hook hand but they dodged and it got embedded in the planks" gambit). Pirate media offers a huge VARIETY of disabilities too, instead of just One Token Wheelchair User -- you've got people with prosthetic limbs, you've got people partially or fully blind or deaf, you've got people who are mute (and also btw look at this amazing parrot or monkey they have, it killed a man once), you've got elderly people who aren't quite as spry as they once were but oooh they Know The Sea like nobody else, you've got people who struggle a lot with their disability and need extra help and support AND people who are not slowed down at all and just livin' their life the way they do.
Y'know. Actual diversity.
Also the only time pirate media draws deliberate attention to the disability is 1) if there's a cool story behind it that is somehow relevant to the plot ("[captain looking balefully at his hook hand] me hand was bitten off by a WHALE.... i've been chasing that whale for the last forty years....") or 2) if it provides a fun way to show the culture and community of the crew as a whole (see the No-Legs Bob example, above). Also notice that in pirate media, you are allowed to directly address the disability and make a harmless, casual joke about it ("No-Legs Bob" again) and it doesn't feel mean or weird, it's just.... descriptive. It's just the way that pirates be. Yep. No-Legs Bob ain't got no legs. So what? It is there in his name and yet it still doesn't feel like it's the only thing about him.
The vibes are just.... UTTERLY DIFFERENT from the disability rep i've seen in other media. And so i think we should be looking at pirate media more and striving to emulate it when it comes to disability rep, because THERE'S SOMETHING HERE, they're doing something INTERESTING, there is something worth thinking about and studying, what are they doing and how are they doing it and how can we replicate that in other things? (Also, even real life pirates were better about disability than many other folks -- they had PENSIONS for crew members who couldn't work anymore.)
ANYWAY back to your question of whether there is disability rep in Running Close to the Wind.
Short answer: yes. Long answer: do you want a whole inventory?
Captain Teveri has a prosthetic eye (it's covered in gold leaf, inspired by this Tumblr Heritage post which I'm sure we have all seen). Also facial scarring, which is not really a disability but still does not get a whole lot of representation.
Many of the crew have hook-hands or peg-legs
Avra says you are not a real pirate until you are missing some of your bits, and makes some joke about how he only has a Weird Toe or something
A side character, Skully (so called because he has a hobby of carving skulls in things and is currently working on carving a GIANT skull into the face of the cliff overlooking the entrance to the pirate cove, because obviously every pirate cove is required by the Trope Laws to have a skull cliff but my question was WHO PUT IT THERE? answer: this guy), has two peg-legs and a hook hand and still goes abseiling by himself to carve the skull onto the cliff, nbd nbd. Probably got the best abs in the book, but tragically Avra, the POV character, did not think to notice them
Elderly grandmother in a wheelchair who threatens to stab Julian the Super Hot Monk through the ear with a knitting needle
Julian is described as standing out from everyone else explicitly because he's NOT missing any bits and that's odd (comes kinda close to missing some bits, though, he plays around with alchemical explosives at one point. man's on track to be missing a couple fingers sooner or later, so just... y'know, let him cook, trust the process, he's still growing as a person)
(this one is a joke) arguably Avra's Weird Luck Thing could count as some kind of chronic illness, considering that it is a thing which materially affects his life and which he does not have control over and cannot predict when it will come into affect. DISCUSS. (again: a joke)
[steps gingerly off soapbox] thank you for coming to my TED talk
(Also: RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND comes out in ten days on June 11th! It's a comedic fantasy novel about queer pirates stealing and trying to find a buyer for the most valuable secret in the world and fighting back against oppressive institutional powers! You can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here, and you can preorder it here.)
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ericsprincess · 7 months
baby we don’t need words
nc-17, Kevin Moon/reader, first date, cunnilingus, a tiny bit of dubcon
Your date talks way too much. 
A/N: My love and hate letter to Kevin. 
Shut up. Shut uuuuup. Shut the fuck uuuuuuuuup.
You take a sip from your glass of red wine and inconspicuously check your watch. Sigh. You are only 24 minutes into this date and you already want to bail. You’re this close to dramatically stabbing yourself with a fork, anything that would get you out of this situation. 
It’s not even a bad date per se. Technically, it’s probably the most “perfect” date you’ve ever been on. This guy - Kevin, as he introduced himself, when he asked for your number as you were waiting in the line at Starbucks - obviously put a lot of thought and effort into it. The restaurant is extra nice and fancy, but not an obvious dating spot. The table is perfectly placed with a view on the city. The candles are glimmering, making a beautiful atmosphere, together with the quiet music. Even the food he recommended to you is amazing, the wine he chose is even better. 
And Kevin himself looks stunning, in perfectly fitting black slacks and navy blue shirt, just tight enough to show off his body - tall, lean with the right amount of muscle and nice frame. His hair is done prettily, he smells expensive. Genuinely a stunning piece of man, that would make you straight up salivate, usually. Especially since he looks so sympathetic, he’s friendly and smiling and not at all threatening, like some men use to be when they hit on a woman. 
What’s worse, he made such a good first impression that you invested a lot of effort too. Getting asked out by a guy this hot is not a daily occurrence, not even for you. Your hair and nails are freshly done, your dress is new. Your underwear is matching. 
And it’s all for nothing, you think bitterly. 
Everything is perfect, save for the one fatal flaw - this guy just doesn’t shut up. And not only that. Whatever comes out of his mouth is cringe of the worst caliber and you’re about to break out in hives from it. 
He watches the cringiest shows and finds them funny.
He loves internet memes, but his taste is one of a 10 years old. You force out a laugh when he shows you some. Jesus Christ.
He loves music and plays instruments, but his obsessions with some singer is borderline unhealthy. No, you don’t want to go to the concert with him. 
He looooooves his job, but haaaaaaates his company. “But we are all just slaves of capitalism, aren’t we?”
His political views. Who even discusses politics on a first date? Time and place, dude. 
You try to participate in the conversation to your best abilities, but often you don’t even know how to react. You don’t want to be rude, so you try to find any interest and reply honestly and thoughtfully, despite it wearing your patience down, and it seems it’s working, judging by the bright smile he’s giving you. 
He obviously likes you more and more every minute. 
The worst is that despite all of it, you can clearly tell he’s a harmless, genuinely nice guy with a heart of gold. Someone who is a whole person, with interests, hobbies and opinions. Someone who loves his friends and family and has values he stands by. 
That all makes you feel even more shitty about the whole situation. You don’t want to hurt his feelings,
Plus, he’s really fucking hot. 
You look up at his face from your glass of wine and force a smile. You hope it doesn’t look too fake. Kevin leans forward and takes your hand in his. It’s dry and warm, and it feels really good. 
“What are you thinking about? You seem like you got lost in your thoughts for a minute,” he asks. He rubs your hand a little, and tilts his head in anticipation for your answer. Because, of course, he genuinely gives a fuck about what made you space out. 
He looks really beautiful in the candlelight. 
You down the rest of your wine and put the glass on the table. You decide in a split second. Ah, fuck it. 
“Yeah, I think I just felt something snap in my dress. Like, a zipper or something. I have to go to the bathroom to check it, will you go with me in case I need help? I’m not sure I can reach it,” you smile at him apologetically. 
“Sure, of course, no problem,” he agrees and gets up to follow you to the bathroom.
You open the door to the ladies room and check if it’s empty so that he can come there without hassle, then gesture to him to come inside. You find for you two an empty stall, push him in and lock the door. 
“Where exactly did you feel the zipper snap? Like, in the back? I can check it for you..” he rambles and you can’t take it anymore. You grab him by the shoulders and slam him against the stall wall. 
“There is nothing wrong with my zipper, and you better listen now. I’m at my fucking limit,” you lower your voice.  
“I had to listen to your stupid bullshit for half an hour already, which is 30 minutes too long,” you growl at him. “Do you ever stop and think about what’s coming out of your mouth? Like, think for a second and wonder, Maybe I should not say that?”
He opens his mouth to protest, but you immediately slap your hand over him to stop him. 
“No, no, no. No more talking from you, now you’re gonna listen, get it?” you ask. 
He nods, looking almost nervous, and swallows visibly. His eyes are almost bulging out. He’s definitely surprised and caught off-guard by the change of your demeanor. 
“Now, we are going to make a little deal and I will give you a choice. Either we end this date already and go home. Separately. And we will never speak again. Or, I can give you a second chance, but first you will reflect on whether every dumb thought you have needs to be said out loud and act accordingly,” you lay it down in front of him. You take your hand off his mouth, awaiting his answer. 
“The- the second, please,” he stutters out. He’s all red and embarrassed. 
However, what you can’t see, but definitely can feel, is a boner tenting his slacks. 
“Okay, but just know I’m giving you another chance only because you’re really cute and seem like a nice person,” you frown. “One more thing though. You have to apologize to me for wasting my time with your dumb rambles today.” 
“Very simple,” you grab the front of his shirt roughly and flip you both, so that you’re the one leaning on the wall. 
“On your knees,” you command and push on his shoulder, so that he kneels in front of you. 
And he does. He slowly, hesitantly falls on his knees on the ground, looking at your face, as if he weren’t sure if he heard you correctly.
You push up your tight dress and at that moment he snaps out of it and rushes to help you, taking off your panties for you. 
He doesn’t waste a second to kiss up your thighs, nuzzling into them and licking and sucking, leaving little marks on your skin. 
“You’re so beaut- ahhh!” you interrupt him by grabbing his hair. You pull him away from you and look into his eyes. 
“I said no talking,” you frown and push his head to your pussy. At least now he gets the hint and starts licking you, collecting all your wetness on his tongue and savoring your taste. 
You’ve already been so wound up from the adrenaline and also the fact that you’re in a public restroom, you know you’re not gonna last very long, so you close your eyes and enjoy how his tongue flicks quickly over your clit, getting you close at a rapid pace. After a little while, he must be getting tired, but he’s not stopping, only sometimes switching from using his tongue to sucking gently. It makes you feel so warm and everything is wet and you’re already almost there.
Clearly, he’s trying to earn that second date. 
You look down and for a moment just enjoy the sight of Kevin eating pussy eagerly, not saying a word. He looks so pretty like that with hair mussed up, cheeks red, barely breathing as his face is pressed closely to your body. You can see the hints of glimmering wetness on the lower part of his face, obscured by your body.
“See? You can be good for me, maybe you’re worth keeping…” you sigh and he moans in reply, but you let that one slide. Seeing the movement of hand sneaking down to touch his cock, although only over the pants, but clearly rubbing and squeezing with the purpose of getting himself off, you finally come, holding his head at your pussy so he doesn't even think of stopping or slowing down. 
Your orgasm has barely stopped ringing in your ears when you notice him gasping as he comes inside his pants, his face buried in your crotch still. His hips are barely humping the air as he’s rubbing his cock through his orgasm, finally slumping down when he’s finished. 
You smile brightly at him, as he kneels, spent and sweaty and ruined in front of you. There is a stain spreading in front of his dark slacks that will be only barely concealed by the restaurant’s low light.
You grab him by his shirt again and get him to stand, which he does, almost in haze, still not over his own orgasm. You pull him closer and kiss him deeply, so that you can taste yourself in his mouth. 
“So, about that second date….”
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weabooweedwitch · 8 months
Most women your age are getting married and starting their families and you've never even had a bf 🤡 it's so over for you better get used to coping with ur crippling loneliness with maladaptive daydreaming, yandere asmr videos, drugs and self-insert fanfic because that's all you'll ever have now. Your youth is gone and you're still fat af even after you lost weight (probably gained it all back by now lmao). You could have made something of urself whem you were 20 by losing weight and going to college but instead you laid around and wasted all of your youth and now it's too late. No man will ever want to deal with your baggage of being poor, old, unwanted, uneducated (lmao how do I have more education than you and I'm 10 years younger? dumbass doesnt even have her GED), cringey age-inappropriate hobbies, mentally ill and not even having the decency to go to therapy and take meds, fat, ugly face, loser and loner with no irl friends, crazy family, looking old for your age, whored yourself out on a sugar daddy website, rotten teeth due to your own laziness, thinning frizzy hair and gross bulky glasses, drug addicted alcoholic who's probably going to be homeless for the majority of her life, mean person attacking minor aged rape victims like jesus christ you're so fucking worthless SO many red flags so much baggage no-one will ever want to deal with that. You don't even know how worthless you are
You know, every time you send me a message like this, I think of the person from your friend group who came forward a while back. You know, the one you don't like to acknowledge tried to apologize on your behalf. Anyways, every time you insult my appearance I just think of what your friend said
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So i get it sweetie, youre mad at mommy and daddy and you're lashing out. That's why half the time you're repeating things i previously said back to me and parroting shallow insults with a very small vocabulary. The second i call you fatherless, you call me fatherless. I use thw word maladaptive and, suddenly you know that word too and juat HAVE to use it as well. I get it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You're honestly just making yourself look so pitiable. You realize you've already painted yourself as such a dumb jackass that every single time you do this I basically just laugh and ignore you, and then people who know me and are friends or WANT TO be friends with me see how you treat me publicly and they all say "yeah wow who's this absolutely demonic little cunt acting like this without any reason". Like. What is the end goal here. Making yourself look as petty and stupid as possible. Meanwhile, what did someone else in your friend group say? The ones you lied to? Including Callie, the actual victim whose trauma you're basically trying to appropriate for yourself
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Anyways yeah I just wanted to like show you the actual screenshots of the conversation I had with your friend back in June, which also to everyone else, yeah June, that's when she lied to her own friends and said she would stop doing this. She lied to her friends because all of them told her this was making them massively uncomfortable, so now she's. Being an internet troll in secret behind their backs 😂 they were going to tattle on you to your mom so you lied so they wouldn't check tumblr anymore because you're such a weird angry little freak that this has become a hobby for you
I'm sad? I'M sad? I don't even know your fucking name meanwhile you've scrolled through all of my blogs repeatedly for months cataloging details about me for the sheer purpose of trying to poorly insult me.
Like genuinely 90% of the reason I'm answering this is to basically wave a flag saying "hey everyone if you've ever seen or received weird asks of photoshopped porn of me or pictures of my actual family taken from their facebooks or saw the transphobic racist fake dating profile she made with one of my selfies or you ever received a bitch lasagna or Zalgo text, it was this cringey little lolcow right here"
But I also wanted to show you screenshot proof that you make your own friends super uncomfortable and that they started talking about your personal business to defend me over you. So. Yeah I guess that stings huh?
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ad-hawkeye · 3 months
wanted to know if you ever got to read artem’s pool/8 ball card i thought the event story was cute but i was a wee bit curious on your thoughts on the card
I JUST FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!! AS WE SPEAK!!! i have a whole list of my thoughts HAHA SORRY FOR THE RAMBLING IN ADVANCE
"artem had to join a pool club for work" is one of the better excuses to give him a new hobby, ill begrudgingly give them that
im glad artem still has the alcohol tolerance of a squirrel. do NOT let this man go off by himself he will accidentally take a sip of alcohol and then need a time out in the corner.
"is it that obvious?" yes, artem.
mc making sure artem eats a fucking meal is rly cute LMFAO
mc ordering artem a non-alcoholic drink is also sweet. i remember i wrote a fic (all the way back in like 2021 after reading atmospherics) where i wrote abt artem going out of his way to drink mocktails after all of that. genuinely really happy to see that's canon.
i've noticed newer ssrs are just. shorter? first year ssrs tended to be like, over an hour long when put on auto. but newer ones are only 40 mins on auto. laaaame. but then again with the overall writing quality, maybe they're just putting us out of our misery.
ah yes. artem getting surprised by mc kissing his cheek in public. what a sly sex chad. did they get the only good artem writer left at hoyoverse on this card or something
artem being exhausted from socializing is a mood. girl same.
the way these two talk about alcohol sends me. dear god artem we can let you have a sip oh god. OH JESUS CHRIST ARTEM NO --
this story is cute enough to make me sad. godddd. it's really nice to see artem more casual and open, esp since this story is more in character.
mutuals meet me in the secret passage of the pool place
sneaking out by running is giving the same energy as his revisiting youth ssr where they decided to sneak to the school's roof and hide from the security guards lmfao. ah. the nostalgia.
AND this ssr acknowledges artem's love of movies?? YES
"this should be filmed in slow motion" LMFAO
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i sincerely think a full on artem smile is all i ever wanted back in the day i cant believe i fucking got it in the POOL CARD OF ALL CARDS
"was something set up incorrectly?" "[artem pout] probably."
mc taking a pic of his stupid distracted expression is amazing and him getting blushy about it is even funnier
"was it too sour?" "yeah...."
thank god pathetic artem is back
nevermind he is licking her arm like a dog. tot's fascination with licking will never fail to amuse me. this is like when my dog licks my leg in the middle of the night
if one sip of alcohol fucks him up this bad i'd hate to see what happens when he's a few shots in. mr wing breaking it down sloppy style on the floor (not clickbait)
i think artem should trip a few more times it's funny
this is the closest we've gotten to artem fessing up about atmospherics i can fucking taste it
i can forgive this bc the running joke of them missing scenes in a movie is back
all in all as far as post second anniversary cards go, this one wasn't bad at all and had a lot of cute moments. a few weird ones (which is to be expected at this point ig), but mostly cute!! it made me miss my fav artem cards but in a good way. siiigh ;_;;;
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Interrogation
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Summary: Andy just wants to get to know his company a little better. Andy Barber x Black Reader, BiBi Barber, RoRo Barber
Warnings: Girl!Dad Andy, Fluff, Annoyed Reader, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: This drabble is a part of my Growing Pains Series. Likes, comments, and Reblogs make my day! Thanks for reading!
"Tell me about yourself, Ian." Andy clears his throat. "You got a record?"
The older man and his opponent sit at the table, sizing each other up.
"I don't think so. But I saw a picture of one somewhere."
Hm. How evasive of you.
"Interesting answer. I take it that you've never had any run-ins with the law?"
"Um, I met a cop once." Ian coughs into his sleeve. "I asked if he ate a lot of donuts. He said no."
So, you're not above bribing law enforcement, huh? Clearly a delinquent in the making.
"What an astute observation. Now, tell me about your interests."
Other than my daughter. He lets the unspoken words hang in the air, enjoying how his foe squirms in his seat.
"Uh, interests?" The young man responds, looking as confused as he sounds.
Andy can barely keep himself from rolling his eyes. "I'm referring to your likes and your hobbies, son." He takes a long sip of his coffee, peering at him over the rim of his mug. "What do you do for fun?"
The young man looks down at his folded hands. "Uhh, I like to draw. I'm pretty good too."
"Hm. So, would you consider yourself an artist then?" Andy hooks an ankle over his knee. "Do you have any idea how much an artist typically makes in a year, son? And I don't mean gross pay, I'm talking take home."
"Erm, no. I guess a lot. Maybe?"
Wow. This one's a real scholar. Top of his class.
"No. It's not a lot. In fact, it's next to nothing. Which means you bring home nothing. And therefore, you will be able to afford nothing. Except for a life filled with abject misery. In that, you will have an embarrassment of riches. Understand?"
I really can't be more clear here, pal.
"Do you enjoy eating, young man? You like food?"
Ian nods his head vigorously. "I love pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust. It's my favorite!"
"Heh." The elder Barber scoffs. "Well, I'm afraid you can kiss that goodbye. Hope you're prepared to starve, kid."
My baby girl has expensive taste. We believe in ordering double pepperoni in this house.
"But...but...I don't wanna starve!" His opponent looks a little scared.
Andy simply offers a less than sympathetic shrug. "Shoulda' made better life choices." He lets a beat go by before continuing the conversation.
"Since you seem to love pictures so much, I'd like to take the liberty of drawing you a detailed sketch of a jail cell." He pulls a pen from his pocket before grabbing a nearby notepad. "Now, I'm going to start by outlining the bars. Yep, go on and lean in, son - there we go."
A few minutes later you walk into the kitchen in search of your husband.
"Andy!" You call out, lightly bouncing baby RoRo on your hip. "Andy, have you seen, Ian? Bianca said he went to the bathroom and never came back, which is odd because - oh, no."
You stop dead in your tracks when you see your spouse and your daughter's little playmate huddled at the table, their heads practically touching.
"Ian, honey, what are you doing?" Closing your eyes, you send up a prayer to the Lord above asking for patience.
"Um, Mr. Barber is drawing me a picture of a prison." Oh, Jesus Christ, no. "He says there's lots of barbed wire and stuff. Oh, and a mean guy named Bubba who didn't get alotta hugs when he was little."
"Huh." Your head tilts to the side as it threatens to spin off your shoulders. "Is that right?"
Andy stares back at you with unrepentant eyes. "What? The kid said he was an artist. I was just giving him some pointers by helping him use his imagination..."
"Sweetheart." You grit out. "Please go play. BiBi's waiting for you in the den."
"Okay, but um, Mrs. Barber, why does your one eye keep blinking a whole bunch like that?"
Because there's about to be a murder.
"Ope. No reason, kiddo." You reach out a hand to ruffle his mop of sandy-blonde hair as he brushes by. "I'll be in with some snacks in a minute."
Ian scampers off to go find his friend.
"Andrew..." You growl as you grip the counter top in an effort to keep yourself from strangling the man you had vowed to spend the rest of your life with. "Just - just why? Tell me why." While you wait for him to talk you decide to focus on your deep breathing.
"Because it's my right as a father not to like any man who walks through that front door - unless they're my son." He's quick to amend when he sees your nostrils flare.
"Andrew Stephen Barber." You hiss, enjoying his flinch at the use of his full name. "He is a child here for a play date."
Andy huffs out a laugh and then shrugs as if to say "so what?".
"Y/N, my love, we are all somebody's child." Your smug buttface of a husband informs you before leaning back in his chair.
"Yeah, well, the child that I am referring to just turned seven-years-old at the end of last month." Andy clears his throat, suddenly fascinated by the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. "He also likes Transformers, dino nuggets, and still has a thing for Peppa Pig."
You kiss your infant daughter's chubby hand as she playfully smacks at your face, clearly tired of being ignored.
"So? I didn't even do anything that bad." Your husband responds, crossing his arms over his brawny chest before serving you his best pout. "I was just vetting him a little."
"No, you were attempting to intimidate a baby in our home. Without his parents present." Or me, you handsome Dingus.
"So what? He'll grow."
"Ugh. I do not approve of these illegal interrogation tactics, Mr. Barber." You wag your finger at him as you do your best to look menacing. "Now, take your daughter and go play." Nodding, your Big Man plucks a wiggly RoRo from your grasp before trotting towards the den.
"Nope!" Grabbing him by the shoulders you physically turn him around and nudge him in the opposite direction. "Find a different room, sweetheart. You can't be trusted on your own."
"Hmph. Fine." Andy grunts, spinning on his heel. "But I'd like to say that, on behalf of all the loving fathers in the world, we are completely and totally misunderstood."
"Of course you are." You go up on your tiptoes to peck his lips. "And underappreciated."
"Yes!" His striking blue eyes light up.
"Oh, well. Life's tough, get a helmet." You flick him in the ear, which makes your baby giggle. "Now go play."
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autisticblueteam · 2 months
Appears from the ether again, after months of only being present enough to fill my queue up, with some WIP snippets from the gen:LOCK re-write I mentioned before...
And also finally adressing these tags lmao, sorry @thesouppond I realise these are like 3 months old.
#FUCK IM JUST SEEING THIS NOW???#FUCK YEAH 2024 SEASON OF EVERYONE GETS TO REWRITE GENLOCK CAUSE FUCK S2#Ahem anyway hi genlock moot :)))#I love your writing btw! Ive read your existing GL fics theyre great!#at this point if someone can give me a GL fic i havent already met I will forever be indebted to you i am DYING for GL content
We're really out here trying our best to do better by GL than HBO did huh!! I've been loving Reloaded, it was so nice to see someone else pop up in the gL tag after it was comparatively dead for so long. I've been working on my re-write since just after s2 came out and it was lonely in there for a while there lmao.
So I'm glad you enjoyed the couple of fics I've already done! I'm re-using parts of one of them for the actual re-write since I'm going for the 'keep the basic bones of s2 but aim to fix the execution into something less shit/re-work the worst bits' and I didn't want to write that first nemesis fight over again from total scratch lmao...
I want to finish writing all of the re-write before I post it in full, but that does mean it's taking forever whoops.
I'm still not past the introduction of Sinclair as his portion is so involved and I keep getting distracted by other projects/hobbies, but I did finally get to a point where my take on Sinclair is actually fun to write! I'm keeping his boyfriend because I did at least like that Sinclair was made canonically queer and they're actually cute when I'm just doing my own thing.
So since I feel like posting some WIP bits, here's my favourite Chris/Sinclair stuff I've done so far.
“YEAH! Take that you fucked up tin can!” Sinclair winced. The shout was like an ice pick being driven into his skull, but it was also what finally drove him to lift his head. There ahead of him, wielding a large piece of debris in one hand, was a heavyset Asian man dressed in torn clothes and covered in grime. He reared back, and for a split second Sinclair thought that projectile was for him, until he heard an impact, and the last of the humming died. The man brushed off his hands, pride written on every feature, and in that moment he was the most beautiful thing Sinclair had ever seen. “Coast’s clear!” the stranger called behind him. There was movement, but Sinclair didn’t care to look, his attention caught by the man’s approach. “And we’ve got a live one.” Sinclair’s throat was so dry he broke down coughing twice, in the time it took the stranger to kneel in front of him. “I-I’m not Union. I-I know— with the uniform, and the—” Another violent burst of coughing cut him off. The stranger handed him a canteen and a crooked smile. “Yeah, no shit. You’ve got way too much emotion on your face to be even a defector,” he said, and if Sinclair wasn’t so busy chugging the offered water, he might have mustered a laugh. “That, plus, the lack of helmet, the collapsing, and the drone getting ready to turn you into a novelty cheese grater kinda gave it away.” “Christ, I could kiss you right now,” Sinclair blurted and then regretted in quick succession. Fuck. He’d been in near solitary too long, his filter had worn away to nothing and he was making a damn fool of himself in front of the first sane people he’d seen in weeks. Except the stranger just… laughed, good-naturedly. “Close, the name’s Chris, not Christ. And I’d say buy me dinner first, but it’s a bit hard out here.”
AND then a little later...
“What about the refugee railroads?” Chris lowered his beer bottle and wiped his mouth. “Too far.” “Vanguard safe crossings?” “Too far.” “The— fucking Canadian border?” Chris laughed, “Too far. Further than either of the other things. Jesus, dude. You sure you haven’t got a concussion?” “Mostly,” Sinclair said, rubbing his face with his intact hand. “I just— you’re going to die if you stay here. A drone only has to get lucky once.” “And if we go deeper in, we’ll only die faster,” Chris said with a simple shrug. “We already have to pack up and move every few weeks when the line moves. And every time, the Polity border gets a little bit further away. Believe me, man, I want nothing more than to get outta here, but it’s just not happening.” “What if I helped?” The offer fell out before he’d consciously decided to make it, but Sinclair stood by it. Even when Chris looked at him dubiously. “No offence, dude, but you’re just one guy. And two days ago you could barely stand.” “And now I’m fine,” Sinclair insisted. “I’m a soldier. I was decorated for valour after I got my squad out of a run-in with the Union that should’ve killed us all. I was the only one who could even still hold a gun. I swear, I could get you somewhere safe. Are you really telling me you’d rather keep sitting around waiting to die than take a risk?” Chris’s brow furrowed, and he didn’t answer immediately, taking another swig from his scratched up bottle of beer. Sinclair sighed. “Look. I need to get to a Vanguard base one way or another. I don’t want to leave you guys behind if I don’t have to. I owe you my life. And maybe dinner.” Chris almost choked on his drink. “Wow,” he laughed, clearing his throat, “you sure pick your moments, huh?” Sinclair shrugged. “Figure if you’re not actually into it I’ll just blame the concussion.” “That you don’t have.” “Exactly.” Chris rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Smooth. Smooth operator. Alright, alright, fine, we’ll talk to the others in the morning. It might be a tougher sell when they’re not the ones getting dinner with a hot soldier out of it, but hey, guess we’ll see.” “Are you looking past the just-got-done-being-tortured chic, here, or is that part of the charm?” “Are you kidding? There’s a whole genre focused on how hot soldier guys look after they’ve been through hell.” “Not sure that’s the intended takeaway of action movies.” “Well,” Chris shrugged, starting to pick at a can of food, “it was definitely my takeaway.” Sinclair laughed. Honest-to-god laughed, in a way he was surprised he was even capable of after the last few weeks. The normality of the moment was like a balm on all the aching parts of him, mental and physical alike. For a moment he could almost forget that the reason he looked like shit was because he’d just escaped the worst experience of his life. For a moment it felt like the fight was over.
Now I just have to actually get through the remainder of my Sinclair set-up and then I'll be only one chapter away from finishing the first half of the fic... so close and yet so far lmao.
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sleepy-shutin · 7 months
one thing i keep thinking about the more i get out of my isolation and actually start doing things is the fact that i actually like want to have hobbies now. like for fun. before i didn't really do much other than draw, write, watch youtube videos, play video games and scroll through social media. i didn't really do much of anything. now that i have a job and i actually am living my life now, i want to actually have hobbies and it's probably related to wanting to better myself and like get better and move on from the horrible 9 years i spent my life, but like it's genuinely weird to me. i want to have hobbies. i don't always have the energy for them, but i want to do things now. amazing, how having control over your life and doing the things that make you happy and being able to get out of the house like makes you want to be alive and stuff.
like, you know how during covid people started doing things like baking and spending time with their families and all that jazz for like a couple of weeks or months, and then after that everyone started going crazy with isolation and fear and mental health problems? it was like that but stretched over 9 years where at first i wanted to do things, and then i got stuck for several years until towards the end when i was finally allowed to get a job. lol. and even almost 2 years in i still feel like i'm still 'settling' into it, but like i'm getting to the point where i actually want to do things with my life and i want to figure out how to put the things i want to do with my life into my life every once in a while.
and one thing about my insane trauma is that it has made me completely and utterly normal about serizawa katsuya from mob psycho, like jesus christ. there has not been a person normaler about this man than me. i know exactly how he feels about most things and nobody talks about how the isolation affects you and how you become after that many years out of contact with most people and not doing anything. this is the only character that i have ever seen in my entire existence on the internet that has this kind of experience that i also had. having a relatively normal life (don't ask me to define normal), then all of it implodes and suddenly things are different for many years and you don't leave the house or talk to people or do anything. ever. for a long, long time.
and then you come out of it and you're in the same town you grew up in but things are different now and you're a weirdo that nobody remembers because you didn't really leave the house for 9 years, but people at your job are nice to you and treat you mostly normal anyway which is nice.
i don't even know what's gotten into me tonight, i'm just like all over the place and i feel insane and i just feel like publicly journaling about it instead of not journaling about it privately. i haven't journaled about anything properly in months, but it's fine because i'm doing it now i guess.
anyways. tldr, forget reigen. serizawa is my babygirl. i do not have any trauma and i'm very fine and normal.
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maywrites264 · 6 months
Clock Out [Charisma House Fanfic]
- Has Kaname in it.
- Basically my idea for what would be a season 3 premiere.
- Shu Matsubara please consider me as a cowriter for official Charisma House episodes /j
- I have not watched every single episode of the series so if some stuff is wrong. Too bad I guess.
- Updates every Sunday
- Content Warnings: Um…none, I guess? Unless you count a somewhat intense argument between a mother and child? Also pedophilia is mentioned in (1) line.
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Chapter 1 (Order Up!)
Working at a full time job can be a huge commitment for someone, as they would spend most of the day working rather than engaging in hobbies or things they enjoy. For Kaname Maeno, he was up for the task of taking a job to better his life. He only lived with his mom before starting work, and was an unemployed high school graduate with no interest in any higher education, as he’d much rather be playing video games in his room than doing anything else.
His mother was disappointed, because she knew her son had potential, he just wasn’t using it. Perhaps employment could be the key for him to get out of his hikikomori lifestyle. He could make friends at work, and seek higher opportunities once he makes a stable enough income. But of course, this is not the way things went. At least, not at first.
It had been about a week since Kaname started working at the café known as Caralatte, and it wasn’t super great in his experience. As a waiter, he had to take every order with a smile, but secretly hated every second. It seemed like every customer went out of their way to ignore him, whether it were the teenage girls thinking he was the most adorable little thing, or the old perverts who wanted to get close to someone who looked like a little boy.
But yesterday was somewhat pleasant…or at least it was better than the previous days. Kaname saw a face that he never met before, a boy who seemed to be around his age, with short black hair and an orange outfit. This person looked relatively normal, but he was prepared for the worst.
As the other waiters were busy with other customers, Kaname waltzed towards the peculiar man, praying that there would be no complications or complaints. He took a deep breath and flashed his usual fake smile. “Hi, my name is Kaname Maeno, and I’ll be your waiter for today. What will you be ordering?”
The customer smiled mischievously and tapped his fingers against the table, which Kaname saw as an obvious bad sign. Nevertheless, the mystery man didn’t make an impression that he’d cause too much trouble…until he started ordering.
“I’ll have a chocolate cake, a strawberry sundae, some caramel custard, a lemon meringue pie, 6 sugar cookies…” Jesus Christ…was this man ordering for a party? Or would he eat this all by himself? It seemed like this man was ordering faster than Kaname’s hand could write down, and just as it seemed like he finished, there was much, much more to write down.
Miraculously, the constant orders suddenly ended, giving Kaname (and his poor hands) a breath of relief. “W-will that be all, sir?” he asked, trying not to go insane from what he just witnessed.
“I’ll also have some ice cream, because today is my birthday,” the strange customer requested. Kaname sighed heavily, hoping the chefs won’t pass out from the intense amount of items they’d have to make in such a limited amount of time. Even the other clients looked at this man in shock, but he didn’t seem to care a bit.
“Alright, your total will be…uh…¥760,860…do you want a receipt?” Kaname asked, struggling to keep his polite tone at this point. In response, the client shook his head and laughed, acting like he could afford all this? Of course, to the struggling waiter, this was another gluttonous rich kid, just trying to test his limits. If he didn’t get a good tip, he’d be pissed.
After about two hours, all of the items the bizarre man ordered were ready. Kaname was prepared to hear a long rant about how the chefs took too long, or how something was undercooked, or some other outrageous complaint as he served the customer his food, but all he received was a “thank you”.
…huh? This was odd…it seemed like every other person he had to serve was rude and unpleasant, but this was the first time he heard a “thank you” from someone he had the “pleasure” of serving. Kaname tried not to hide his shock, but did seem a little embarrassed. He figured he’d at least show his gratitude, it was the least he could do in this situation, anyway.
“It’s my pleasure to serve you tonight. Have a happy birthday, sir.” As Kaname walked off, it was getting closer to closing time, and the amount of people looking for a sweet treat slowly decreased. He looked towards the window, seeing all the stars swirl across the sky…perhaps, it was a sign that the night was going to not be filled with pain. Maybe, for once, his mother wouldn’t have to yell at him for not going to work, or he wouldn’t have to be so angry. At least for tonight, things felt normal…
Fumiya walked to the Charisma Sharehouse with a smile (and some crumbs) on his face, fully knowing that it was not his birthday and had tricked the waiter into giving him a slight discount. He didn’t think much of it, it was basically routine for him. Just as he was about to make a right turn on the next street, he overheard an intense argument coming from a nearby apartment.
“You always come home from work so angry, why not put a smile on your face?”
“Smile? What is there to fuckin’ smile about? I spend at least seven hours every goddamn day puttin’ on this fake smile only for people to harass and berate me!”
It didn’t seem super important to Fumiya, who cared about the drama of someone they didn’t know? However…one of the voices seemed familiar, which pulled him in to listen closer.
“You have to understand that work isn’t always pleasant, sweetie. And besides, you only started recently. Who’s to say that you won’t end up liking it in the end?”
“I’m to say! And I hate this shitty job and everyone I’ve met here!! And you wouldn’t even care, because you just want me to make money, don’t you? So I can be a good member of society like everyone else?”
Eventually, Fumiya decided to pull himself away, but not before he heard a scathing “I hate you” from (what he assumed to be) the son directed towards his mother. But the Charisma of Good and Evil just decided to shake it off, it wasn’t that important…but that simple phrase stuck in his mind, “I hate you.” It kept circling in his mind, with the bearer of those words reminding him of the nice waiter he met earlier that day.
“I hate you.” “I hate you.” “I hate-”
PPPPPPPPPPPPPP! The sharp sound of Rikai’s whistle interrupted Fumiya’s muddled thoughts. “Itou Fumiya, if there is one thing you should not do, it is enter the house with crumbs on your face! Go grab a napkin and clean it up!”
Of course, Fumiya’s first instinct was to question what he did wrong. “Hmm? Why?”
“Because it is not sanitary to leave pieces of food on your face! What if one of the crumbs falls off and it attracts a bug?! Then our house will become infested, and they can easily reproduce at any moment! So, I am kindly requesting you to clean it up!” Rikai complained, readily pulling out his whistle to blow again.
Not wanting to have his thoughts interrupted again, Fumiya grabbed a napkin and cleaned the crumbs off his face, but Rikai noticed that the former had a strange expression while doing it. “Is everything alright, Fumiya-san?”
“Everything is fine,” replied Fumiya, not in the mood to discuss what he heard while walking home.
“Are you sure?”
Rikai felt like the youngest Charismatic was lying, which wasn’t a surprise, because Fumiya lied like he was getting paid a million dollars every time he did so. But this specific lie felt particularly strange, because he wasn’t the type to seem bothered by anything. And yet, Fumiya was clearly bothered…
“No, something is wrong. Fumiya-san, you must tell me what it is,” Rikai requested, hoping that at least some clues will be given.
“Nothing is wrong at all,” Fumiya answered, keeping his nonchalant facade intact.
“Something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong.”
“No, something is wrong.”
“Nope, nothing is wrong.”
The two went back and forth with each other for a few minutes, before a small voice interrupted. “E-excuse me…” It was Ohse, nearly curling up into a ball out of embarrassment.
“Ah, Ohse-kun! You haven’t come out of your room all day!” Rikai was pleased with the fact that Ohse finally decided to check in on the others for the day. “What brings you here at this hour?”
Ohse seemed nervous, repeatedly stammering over his words for a few minutes before Rikai and Fumiya assured him that he could say whatever he wanted. “I-is it okay if my friend stays over for a bit?”
Fumiya seemed oddly pleased by this question, with another (at least temporarily) resident of the house to break up the flow of the daily routine. Rikai, however, grimaced immediately after Ohse made his request.
“After the last time we had someone stay over, I’m not too keen on letting anyone stay for an extended period of time.” Rikai paused after seeing Ohse’s disappointment. “Can you inform us on who this person is?”
This question made Ohse even more anxious, not sure if Rikai would approve of his answer. “Well, it’s someone I met online, but-”
Rikai immediately huffed in disgust, not letting Ohse finish his statement. “Someone you met online?! Don’t you know how dangerous the internet can be?!?! You can be scammed, or doxxed, or kidnapped! Ohse-kun, I surely do not approve of this behavior!”
“Wait!” Ohse interrupted, before the Charisma of Order could go on another long rant. “I may not know his full name, or have seen his face…I’ve only heard his voice, but we have spent multiple hours in games together, and we have been in voice calls and…and…he made me want to live just a little bit more…” He took a deep breath before continuing. “He got into an argument with his mom and said he just needs a few days in order to fix things, just please let him stay…!”
Argument with his mother? Fumiya thought. No, surely this couldn’t be the person he overheard saying “I hate you” to his mom, right? …right? He looked over at Rikai, who shook his head in anguish.
“Alright…but we need to make sure that our house is completely spotless for our new arrival,” Rikai demanded. “When is he coming?”
“TOMORROW?!?!?!” Rikai entered a state of panic, knocking on every door in the house in order to initiate a group cleanup session. Most of the Charismatics were not thrilled to suddenly be called into cleanup, but Iori was absolutely ecstatic!
The night was long and filled with yelling and arguments, but the members of the sharehouse managed to clean up just in time for their guest.
The next morning, the doorbell rang, with everyone at once rushing over to greet the new (temporary) resident. However, one of them wasn’t expecting who this guest would be…
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all. My name is Kaname Maeno.”
Charisma Charge: Success
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
Hello, hello! Not even joking, you seem like one the most sweet writers in BoB fandom and I feel comfortable enough to request something. The thing is that idk if you take this type of requests. I would like some hcs of George, Lieb, Malarkey and Shifty reacting to their s/o being a really good sniper, with a high kill count. If you take my request I wanna thank you so much in advance, if you don't, thank you anyway for writing for this fandom <3
Keep with the good work and take care! :)
A/N: Honestly this request warmed my heart so much that it momentarily pulled me out of the BoB writer's block. I don't usually do headcanons (mainly bc I'm not good at it) BUT I'm about to try. Also since idk what pronouns you go by, I'll stick to they/them (for the first time in forever damn). ALSO I LOVE YOUR PLAYLISTS, YOUR MUSIC TASTE IS FIRE. Enjoy love♥️
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George had seen you shooting.
He knew you were one hell of a shot.
But you were so sneaky about it, that he couldn't help but be downright shocked to his core when you two land in Normandy.
He's all dazed and on edge because of the jump and the radio, and you go shooting everyone and their dog down, even before getting rid of the canopy.
And he's just like 👁️👄👁️
Luz was crushing before but now he thinks he may be in love.
He doesn't even have to use his gun, Jesus Christ let him shoot at least one (1) German soldier.
He thinks you're a literal angel— his angel, to be precise.
He tells everyone he's blessed because no bullet can get him while you're around.
This little shit is reckless, though, he's truly lucky that you find yourself around him at all times.
Maybe he is blessed.
Brags about you in such a ridiculous way that he might even get you in trouble.
"They can shoot that thing there with their eyes closed." Luz assures his friends, lazily pointing at some can he can't even see before turning to you. "Betcha 20 bucks."
He'd 100% lose money by doing this, because he does that a lot while y'all are drunk.
Will point at you every time some officer asks who's the best shot in the company.
Exaggerating your abilities as a hobby.
He pretty much thinks you're immortal, and honestly, no one can really blame him.
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Lieb is kinda jealous, not gonna lie.
He's very much competitive —the way he flirts with you initially is by challenging you in everything— so you being literally one of the best shots in the company bothers him.
That jealousy gradually shifts to pride once you start to date.
He keeps a scarily accurate count of your kills.
You find about this in Bastogne, where you, McLung, Hoobler and Shifty talk about who's the best shot.
Lieb jumps into the conversation claiming that you're the best shot.
"Yeah, 'cause you're being objective, right Lieb?" Alley, who had overheard the conversation, teased from an adjacent foxhole.
"I'm being objective as fuck!" He yelled back at his friend, sitting down by your side before tossing his arm over your shoulders. "You know what's her kill count?" He asked to the men bickering with you.
They obviously denied with their heads.
You're about to say something like "probably around x", because you'd love to say you keep a good count of it, but you stopped after the Island, so now you worked with an approximate number.
Joe doesn't even let you open your mouth before cockily stating the exact fucking number of your kills.
You know it has to be right, because the number makes sense but goddamn???
That settles the conversation of who's the best sniper.
"You keep a better count than I do." You're meant to tease, but you just sound surprised.
"Well that's because I love rubbing that number in everyone's face. Gotta let 'em know I landed the best shot in the 506th."
He winks at you and he's out.
Smug motherf—
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Don is in awe the first time he sees you shoot at a target because what even is that accuracy????
This man thinks you're a God.
Like, he worships you and your abilities.
Looks up to you, 100%.
He cannot believe you said yes to go on a date with him once he plucked up the courage to ask you out.
You? With him?? Sounds fake but okay.
Loves to see you practice, Don is just mesmerized by how graceful and cool and easy you make it look.
Will protect you at all costs for 'for the sake of the company'.
Which is not a lie because Second platoon would have been massacred a couple of times already, had it not been for your ridiculously excellent aim.
But also it's because he loves you very much and knows snipers are an immediate target.
Much like Luz, Malark brags about you in a very much biased, inaccurate way.
He believes it, though (bless him).
"I bet they could take out four Krauts with one shot." He animatedly assures some B company fellow soldiers at a pub in England.
'Protection mode' intensifies after he loses Muck and Penkala, to the point that Speirs threatens to demote him if he "doesn't let their excellent sniper work their wonders".
Bear with him, he's very much aware of your talent, he's just worn out and on edge, and he cannot lose you.
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First time our observant little baby notices your aim, it's probably back in bootcamp. He and McLung were sneakily helping out the men with target practice so they could pass.
Shifty, being the sweetheart he is, installs himself besides you to shoot at your target.
When he's about to do it, though, he just freezes for a hot second because you're DESTROYING the target.
Bullseye everytime.
That draws a silly little smile on Shifty's face, who, mind you, may or may not have developed a crush on you on your first week at Toccoa.
Shifty telling his dad about you and your aim as soon as he can because he's impressed, in love, and swooning.
Dream team in the battlefield.
No one messes with you.
You two are like the sweetest people you can find, but also the deadliest.
Kill them with kindness, except it's literal.
A bit of competition never hurt anyone, so you two like to check who's got the higher kill count after a battle.
It's not the kind of competition that Liebgott would have with you, it's more of a "whoever had the higher kill rate is getting the most compliments".
Gifting each other pistols you find.
Shifty thinks you're wayyyy better than him.
You think otherwise.
Truth be told, you two are pretty much even in this area, you're just too humble to accept it.
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black-rose-writings · 7 months
MLB - Season 1 - Episode 10
Simon Says (Fuck you)
Alec is still a dick. And so is Gabe,
Gabe... Gabe get a better hobby. Being a dick to people is not a hobby.
That is like... dude was set up to fail right from the get-go. Which I guess is a point. But christ.
Knowing that Gabe is Hawkmoth, this entire episode is extremely funny. Go down into the office to tell some kid to fuck off, then go right back into the attic to make him go and try to fucking kidnap you with superpowers. Sir.
Simon Says go monkey mode.
Gabe's logic is impeccable: "I could wind up getting murdered by own creation, but I could also wind up winning." Victory means nothing if you're fucking dead.
These two will be the death of me.
Adrien: "There is a superpowered man coming to kidnap and possibly horribly main and murder my dad!"
Nathalie, completely deadpan: "We know."
Gabe, an actual psychopath: "Hiiii! I'm a big fan of you, superhero lady. Totally not in a weird or creepy way, tho."
Why are his ears so big.
Marinette try not to drool at the mention of Adrien, challenge level impossible.
Gabriel not questioning for a moment how Chat Noir knows about his ultra-paranoid-rich-person security system before engaging it.
Gabe, as soon as he's alone "Off to the evil den".
Gabe is one hell of an actor, I give him that.
Simon Says Go Jump Off a Fucking Roof. Jesus Christ.
I'm sorry. Chat used Cataclysm so long after Ladybug used her Lucky Charm, how is he almost out of time and she's not?
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
It is really wild how heavily my feelings towards possibly having a semi-normal semi-low stress semi-free life soon swings WILDLY between the normal and expected joy and excitement, and sheer depression and anxiety. It's part of the motions itself and it's the trauma speaking, but the idea of not having my childhood trauma placing strict psychological walls and limits of what I can and can't do just... in a weird way it seems almost miserably boring right now. Like literally 3 hours ago I was excited and relieved but now Im dreading it - and I'm pretty sure I'm still me, maybe I'm still fused with Data as well and its just me swinging between two dominant sides, I can't tell but good god the swings from relief, excitement, joy and just an existential crisis and sense that without the chronic stress and pressure and extremely rigid walls I've been living in if I would even still be me
Which is an anxiety thing, because obviously Ill still be me and obviously life will still suck and be stressful in its own ways, but man is the idea of being relatively free came out of left field and I've only had a month to really realize how close we are to it.
I'm honestly... kind of scared to be happy. I don't think I'm ready for it XD
Like straight up, I'm terrified of being happy and healing now that I'm at a huge threshold point in healing probably. Im just like
Wait wait
Wait no wait
Hold up slow down
I haven't thought about this decision genuinely beyond a theoretical haha thatd be nice but would never happen
And its at my front door
What do you mean Ill have OPTIONS in life other than survive
Im not ready for OPTIONS in life
God someone hide me I'm not ready to live and thrive jesus christ
Most graduating college students I feel have this anxiety around graduating because they have to live on their own, take on independence, and have to adult permanently on their own and that stress I'm good I love that I'm ready for that
But god damn does the freedom of not having to prepare for the next test every 3-4 weeks, the grind to do more and more, and then returning home and not having my own place - that shit, THAT shit scares the fuck out of me
Make me survive on $5 for food a day, fine I can make that work I'm used to and good at struggling and suffering. Give me a home and money that I make myself and let me live with my supportive and loving fiance and engage in my hobbies when I get the chance because I succeeded at immense cost at preparing for the work force?????????
Relaxing?! ENJOYING LIFE?! terrifying.
Like Im writing this satirically but its unironically the thing thats had me dysregulated for a fucking month. It's getting better and more manageable than before but good GOD have I never more understood the thing my therapist tried to get me to understand that "I have grown comfortable in my misery"
Like I don't want to stay in my current life style god no its not sustainable, but to get BETTER? To have a chance at something nice? Somehow right now that sounds scarier than the current life cause man, I know my misery. Even when my brain genuinely doesn't see this as a "waiting for second shoe to drop" the level of which I am so unfamiliar with existing in anything but a chronic trauma response state and the possibility that I might not be in a chronic trauma response state TERRIFIES me.
And Im really here going "Don't worry we still live in a dystopian capitalist society and life will still suck its okay" to ease my anxiety and good god
I fucking god PTSD man. Someone without PTSD aint like this man
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cupidmanic · 2 months
anyways, i've been really into perfecting my sandwiches recently. it's been bringing me a lot of joy i'm not even gonna lie. and i've found a new way to fuse my love 4 graphic design again and i'm happy i've been finding more time/forcing my discipline to enjoy other things routinely and not sporadically. soon, once school ends, i'll have a wider gap of time that i'm not used to having (supposedly). i don't want to fall into the miserable trap of just working. i still want to be enriched in learning, and i want to get in the habit of staying consistent with my hobbies and i really have been. i'm taking my senior pics this week. i really can't believe i'll be done ("done") with school but jesus fucking christ i'm glad i saw it through. i'm so grateful for every single thing i experienced. i'm so grateful for my job, and the career(s) i've chosen to go into. and i'm so proud for coming this far man. shit has not been easy, it still isn't, but i'm so glad i didn't give up on myself. all those times i felt like i was nothing, feel more and more distant as i grow. i deserve to be happy. i deserve to be treated well, even more than that. i could honestly use some affection too but i'm tryna be patient i'm tryin lmao. i'm excited for the next chapter, i'm excited for everything happening this summer, i'm excited to move, and i'm mostly excited to make another salmon sandwich. i am so grateful for all that this life has shown me, and there truly is only better to come, in all aspects. i am growing into the woman i always wanted to be. this period of life is for refining myself and pouring into myself in new ways, not only for myself, but so that my loved ones can continue to receive the best version of me and more importantly so i can attract the right people in my life too. thank you to the past versions of me that got me to this point. i am relieved, and so blessed with the joy of seeing another day, and being able to start over again and again as needed. i won't let anything, not even myself, get in the way of this beautiful life i am building. i'm proud of you, briana raye. you're a smart girl, and you know exactly what you want. don't settle for a thing
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blonkk · 3 months
i get so emotionally turbulent in the airport. maybe it’s because i’m always going off 2 hours of sleep and it takes me 2 hours to drive to the airport and i always book 6am flights and i always drink the night before. anyways i read this reddit post where this kids stepdad always financially provides fairly for him and his bio kids but excludes the stepson from special trips etc. he told the stepson it’s bc those are his bio kids and he wants to spend time with them and show them they mean more to him by virtue of being blood etc. he raised the stepson since he was one and shows preferential treatment to his bio kids, one of whom is the stepsons half sister. so the stepson responded by calling him by his first name rather than “dad” and stepdad got upset and hurt…anyways that story made me cry. idk i guess maybe it’s “natural” to other a kid who’s not “yours” biologically but jesus christ. you can’t treat a kid that way, exclude them, let them know they are less loved….irresponsible and cruel imo, no matter how you truly feel….
so there’s that. and then i saw this old dude handing presumably his wife a box of timbits and i got all gushy. and this older couple across from me is so cute the lady is just resting on her man’s chest and he’s just sitting there doing his thang. idk man i’m probably pmsing. i also have been reflecting on my loneliness and it’s imminent return LOL all my friends are leaving where i live soon and i’ll be alone..but i guess that’s my lot in life? that’s the way it is. there’s a lot of people i really love and appreciate even if they’re not the ideal friends/what have you. one being my roommate, a 50yo dude who does nothing but drink beer and smoke weed and talks about missing his daughter who he goes to see like once a year. i don’t agree with that aspect of his life (go see your KID instead of buying a new dirt bike !!) but man i have a lot of affection for him. he’s very generous and caring and kind and he channels his misplaced fatherly energy towards myself and the other younger workers on the mountain. i genuinely get along with him, and when he was with his daughter over the weekend i missed him…like i would get home and be like damn drew’s not here :/ and literally all we do is yap after-work style and sometimes watch shows. but idk he’s my favourite roommate this far which is crazy. idk it’s weird you never know who the people who actually make a difference in your life will be; it would have been so easy to write him off had i not bothered getting to know him. he’s a redneck, a sort of absent dad (he pays child support and knows everything ab her and supports her hobbies . he loves his daughter but. he’s gotta try harder to see her despite her living a few hours away) , he smokes cigs like a fiend, drinks beer like water, he passes out on the couch every single night of his life to dirt bike videos/sasquatch stories/random singing shows, is a typical tradesman. like it would be natural for me to judge his character based on those things. he’s actually one of the people who consistently takes my side when feminism comes up and always tells the other dudes “she’s right” etc. idk i just really am thankful to live somewhere where i’m comfortable with someone lol
& the other people i’ve met within the last year of my life have made me a better person and a happier person. somehow i really recovered a lot in the shithole where i live. dead end job, unfamiliar types of people , weird isolation. a lot of the shame i’ve carried my whole life has dissipated. i’ve been more myself than any other time in my life; and i don’t fear people’s rejection if i say what i truly believe or feel. sometimes there’s disagreements and some arguing, but it never ends badly, and weirdly i know i have peoples respect, even if they don’t agree with me or understand me. that’s what the key is i think — all my life with my family i’ve feared their rejection, their scrutiny, and their wrath. i’ve been scared to lose their love and respect because i was constantly threatened with it, and i experienced it countless times. the things the members of my immediate family have said to me, the things they’ve called me, the ways they’ve rejected me and punished me for being who i am has really damaged me and i always lived with it, bringing it into other relationships and friendships, not understanding that it was impacting literally every aspect of my life; how i interact with people being the main thing. it’s impacted my self esteem to such a degree with i could never make genuine friends and connections because i always went along with what other people said so they wouldn’t punish me. i let people treat me like dogshit because it’s what i was used to and what i thought love/acceptance costed. it even affected how i performed at work and what type of work i’ve tried to succeed at as an adult. it’s why i’m so lost and messed up and rootless. it’s why i have no idea what i want, and why for so many years i had no idea who i was.
for the first time in my life i feel accepted , if not loved. it’s enough to make me extremely emotional. it’s enough to make me happy because i could literally never imagine feeling so safe in my life. i love my parents and family but my god. what they’ve done to me can’t be reversed, though some things are beginning to repair
also i’m listening to the divorced dad playlist on spotify and it’s hitting. live laugh love!!!!
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The importance of a break
I have a very long class I teach that meets for an hour and a half (to fit it into 2 days instead of 3).
90 fucking minutes of sitting in a desk. Jesus Christ. I know I couldn't do that without getting squirmy and playing on my phone or shopping.
So I have a stretch time in the middle just because I feel so bad for them. And I have to pee.
Fucking middle aged bladder and narrow urethra.
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But here's the cool thing!
Students came up to talk to me.
Now this isn't unusual. My students and I talk a lot. Usually it's business and registration bullshit. Sometimes a legitimate question. Often it's one of my friendly students asking about my princess. But it is always an opportunity to teach them a better way to love and see the world and talk to people and cajole and be kinder and gentler and to see masculinity differently.
An overly long aside about my own masculinity: For such a nerdy and unjocky, overweight, out of shape, non-alpha, effeminate seeming guy I'm very straight, love my wife to the core, have a rocking sex life with her, was elected king of my own household, am a good, good father, and have done a shit ton of super "manly" stuff. Especially in my youth and well into my 30's all my work and most of my hobbies were "manly" shit. I love that manly shit. I just don't seem manly to anybody who looks at me. Or never gets to know about me. But I'm manly as hell. I grew up eating that shit for breakfast. And here's the thing, manly is cool and fun, but it often is just that. I show them a different kind of manly. One who is kind and gentle and open about his rough and adventurist past full of life-lessons and funny or meaningful or weirdly applicable to microbiology knowledge. I show them a man who is gentle, knowledgeable, empathetic, largely self-educated, fun and caring and weird. And sure, when they find I'm kinda manly and that's cool and all to get their respect that way, but the important thing is to see how I am a man now and they can use some of my love-based behaviors and attitudes/worldview, along with my long list of bad decisions, knowledge of all things (seemingly to them. they are such babies and know nothing of history or how the World really works or how beautiful this world can be and how beautiful evolution is once you accept it and how horrible the rich can be or how to navigate Whiteness and the White's "Professional" world or even the importance of networking. I seldom find one who knows enough to really challenge me to think. But there have been more than a few.) I really just want them to find their own loving and smart way of living and understanding and caring for others and themselves in this world. And how to defend themselves against the powers of "The World".
Back to business.
This interaction time is important for so many educational and personal reasons.
And having this break gave a chance for more of that to happen. I had a line of students after class and a meeting in 5 minutes anyway.
So the lesson here is to have a break.
And I think I'll improve on that. A break with the encouragement to come ask me for clarification on any points. Save the business stuff for after class.
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