#gender: little creature in overalls
rebellum · 1 year
I just realized I'm multigender? Like, that being nonbinary and a boi means I do actually kinda have multiple genders. Huh.
A boy but like in the way that if you took an animal (don't gave genders) and put clothes on it it'd be kinda gendered. I'm a frog in a little cute boy costume.
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gumycandyyy · 8 months
୨♡ Winter King HCS ♡୧
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I am ashamed of tumblr for not making more fanfic of this funky fruit.
We got some general HCS and then some romantic ones under the cut! (I went a little overboard with the romantic ones, hehe!)
୨♡ General ♡୧
-Man's self care routine is off the charts
-I'm serious, he has like- 80 different bubble bath concoctions.
-Smells like mint
-or some kind of cold scent.
-I feel like he loves dressing up fancy, so he has a closet full of sparkly suits
-maybe even some dresses if he's feeling special.
-Doesn't actually need to wear glasses, he just likes how they look.
-While he loves his winter wonder world, I feel like he'd enjoy rainy weather more than snow.
-He got rid of all his madness and sadness, yes, but I think he'd cry at something especially cute. Happy tears, y'know?
"Why are you crying, sir? Are you okay?" "Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* Just those two rabbits that are cuddling."
-He is really bad at any percussion instrument
-like.. REALLY bad.
-His hands are too delicate for such a garish instrument as the drums!
-He loves playing duets on the piano, but rarely has anyone to play with.
-I mean, he could always concoct up an ice creature to play piano with him, but that's honestly quite dull.
-His favorite movie would probably be an old Christmas movie, like It's a Wonderful Life.
-He gets kidnapped by the Candy Queen so often, that occasionally he brings a book or something snuggly to help him wait for his ice scouts to rescue him.
-He once got so bored while kidnapped that he tried to read to some of the mutilated candy people
-That was the last time he saw his favorite book.
-Safe to say he doesn't bring his favorites anymore.
୨♡ Romantic ♡୧
-Will literally spoil his love interest rotten.
-You want that thing you saw earlier?
-Consider it yours
-You'd like for it to snow outside?
-A sprinkle or a blizzard?
-Literally anything, this man will go to the ends of the universe to get you what you'd like.
-Love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch
-probably acts of service too.
-Loves dancing.
-Loves dancing.
-Whether it be a slow dance or ice-skating, he will take every opportunity to dance with you!
-He adores short people.
-Good, because he's tall as a giant.
-if you're shorter than him, he will no doubt use you as an armrest.
-He always makes remarks on how cute you are.
-Even if you're only two inches shorter than him.
-If you're taller...
-hoo boy.
-Expect him to be all over you.
-figuratively and literally.
-Will want you to carry him everywhere, sit in your lap, rest against you, whatever.
-Just let him touch you.
-He'll talk about how strong you are, how you'd be the perfect chair, etc. etc.
-He does the stupid "How's the weather up there?" jokes.
-Loves your body, no matter what it looks like.
-You're skinny?
-You're easy to carry around and dance with.
-You're chubby or fat?
-Literally will always be holding onto or resting on part of you. He loves squishy people.
-Somewhere in the middle?
-He could not care less. He loves you regardless of what you look like.
-And he makes sure to emphasize his point by complimenting you endlessly.
-He will never leave your side.
-Even if you need space, he doesn't.
-So why wouldn't you?
-Back to our regularly scheduled fluff-
-Candy Queen hates your guts.
-She thinks you're an obstacle, keeping her from the Winter King.
-No doubt tries to kill you.
-Multiple times. a day
-Her plans are always foiled, but if she gets too close to genuinely hurting you, Winter will be so upset.
"Oh, Dearest, please tell me you're okay!" "You are?" "Phew. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt in any way."
-His petnames for you are probably
-My love,
-There are a lot more, but those are the main ones.
-LOVES kissing you.
-Anytime, any way.
-He finds it adorable when his nose bumps your face.
-Favorite place to kiss would probably be the back of your hand.
-He is a gentleman after all.
-Overall, he just adores you.
-And he sincerely hopes you love him just as much as he does you.
Headcanon requests are open for Winter King! Don't be afraid to send an ask, and be shameless! I know I am! (No smut tho. Some spice is okay, however.)
Have some free WK art for coming this far!
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reblog for a beginner writer?
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
Thinking about the crazy love triangle situation in Blue Eye Samurai and debating heavily with myself on how I'd like to see it conclude. And yeah this discussion can be thought of purely as shipping, headcanons, and fandom fun. But when analysing the show and engaging with it in a more in-depth, almost-literary level, it's impossible to dismiss who Mizu's potential love interests are and how different endgame romances would affect her character arc and the overall story and themes.
So in this post I'd like to look at the love triangle a bit more closely, and speculate on where the story will take this.
DISCLAIMER: It is my personal interpretation of the text that Mizu is non-binary—I use this as an umbrella term denoting any gender that does not adhere to the binary restrictions, norms, and expectations of what it means to be either a man or woman in a particular society; it's not just an androgynous "third gender" that exclusively uses they/them pronouns. Thus, while I personally believe Mizu is not strictly a cis woman, she does still identify with womanhood, despite definitely feeling a level of detachment from it due to living as a man for so long. With that being said, I will be using she/her pronouns for Mizu in this post, but please note that this is purely personal preference. Everyone is free to interpret the text the way they like. That's the fun of fiction. Now, without further ado, let's proceed.
Okay so, thinking about the pairings on a purely surface level, and even before i got into the show, I was pinning my hopes on some lesbianism going on between Mizu and Akemi, and the show does hint at this; in Ep1, during their first encounter in Kyoto, there is the famous slow-mo shot of their eyes meeting, Mizu's lips slightly parted as she is unable to tear her gaze away from Akemi, while sweet string music plays in the background. This is clear romantic framing, and a marker of attraction. If Mizu was a cishet man, there would be no question that this is a potential love interest.
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But then, in the same episode, we meet Taigen, who is introduced to us firstly from hearing Akemi's father describe him as "a fierce and undefeated young samurai", the "best swordsman in the best school" and "a fisherman's son from Kohama [...] whose rise reminds [him] of [his] own."
In the next scene, we meet him in person as Akemi's fiance, and he seems sweet enough. He even gives her sweets! In exchange, Akemi gives him gold, and he feels a bit ashamed that he doesn't have anything better to offer her. But Akemi accepts him and his gift wholeheartedly and flirts with him a little, which makes him smile kinda shyly.
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When Akemi confirms their engagement, Taigen is in disbelief because he has no status or noble background, but Akemi reassures him.
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So from these first few scenes, we're introduced to Taigen as an honourable and strong samurai, but also as a man who is sweet and gentle with the woman he is about to marry, as well as aware of his own inferiority when compared to Akemi's high station.
Our view of him then changes as his true self is revealed: he is an arrogant and smug bastard among his peers, but more importantly, he is the terrible bully from Mizu's childhood.
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And it is this side of Taigen--pompous jerk and unrepentant xenophobic bully--that we continue to see as the show goes on, and it's safe to say that this is his real self, sans any pretense of humility and modesty. Around anyone who isn't an outright superior in terms of class and power (ie. Akemi's father, the shogun), Taigen never hesitates to assert his own authority and "greatness."
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But as the show goes on, he gets caught by Heiji Shindo's men, and then tortured. And that's when we see, okay, turns out he's not that bad. He's honourable; "honour" is not just meaningless and superficial pedantry for him, but an internalised, guiding principle.
He was a cruel asshat throughout Mizu's childhood, but in a prejudiced and xenophobic society, he was just playing by the rules. As a child, he knew he was at the bottom of society, but when met with someone even lower ranked than him (Mizu), he can project all those prejudices and insecurities onto someone else. This way of thinking--"if you can't beat 'em, join em"--is what allowed him to climb up the ranks despite being some dirt poor kid from an abusive household*.
*Well, that combined with his cismale privilege of course, because this would not be an option for a woman in similar circumstances.
Thus, his upholding of honour also exemplifies how Taigen embodies the ideals and rules of his society. His insistence on duelling Mizu is another more blatant example of this. He doesn't want revenge like Mizu does. He wants to be accepted by society, within the bounds that society has placed, and that means that his only two options following his defeat at the Shindo dojo were to either chase Mizu down and get his damn duel, or kill himself for his humiliating defeat.
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Now! Moving on from Taigen, let's go back to the other end of this little love triangle: Akemi.
Mizu and Akemi only properly meet in Ep4. During their first meeting, when Akemi tries to poison Mizu in Madame Kaji's brothel, she compliments Mizu's eyes, calling them "beautiful."
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This seems to genuinely take mizu off-guard for a second before she coolly plays along. We know that Mizu recognises Akemi from the get-go, and thus sees through Akemi's ploy from a mile away. It's also safe to assume she'd expected false flattery, because Mizu understands full well that this tactic is how women get what they want: by using their 'feminine wiles' and playing up their naivety and innocence. But even so, it's interesting that Mizu actually seems surprised by Akemi's compliment.
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Then, after Mizu subtly taunts Akemi by lying about Taigen's death, she and Akemi have a bit of a scuffle, and then we get to Mizu saying this:
"Women in our world don't have a single good option. Except you, like some magical forest creature. You could have anything you want, but then you beg to eat trash."
(no screenshot because it's quite a long line but you get it)
Here we see Mizu's opinions on the marginalisation of (mostly poor and under-privileged) women stated outright, and underlying her words is also resentment. Because even though she and Akemi have shared experiences of female oppression, Mizu, unlike Akemi, was also poor, from a rural village, and is a racial minority. Mizu is triply oppressed, while Akemi only faces one primary form of oppression, and to someone as embittered by the world as Mizu is, to see Akemi "beg to eat trash" is a slap in the face, practically tone-deaf to the other injustices around her--injustices which Akemi has not shown much, or any, acknowledgement for at this point.
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Then, after this scene, Mizu kills Kinuyo, and this unsettles her to a degree we've never seen from her before. She is visibly distraught, and the entire sequence hammers the theme of this episode (and arguably, a large portion of the show) into our heads: women in this world suffer. And even though Mizu is well aware of this fact, to commit this act is so visceral that is shakes her to her core, and it's what ultimately leads to the ambush of the Thousand Fangs.
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But before the ambush, Mizu and Akemi talk a little again, and during this time Akemi taunts Mizu some more.
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Right now, Mizu is exhausted to the point where (I believe) she even downs some sake, despite not usually drinking. Thus, worn down, she cuts Akemi's ropes and tells her, "Just go." Akemi recovers from her initial fear of Mizu's blade and taunts her some more, accurately seeing through Mizu's facade of coldness, recognising the raw anger there, and says this:
"I thought you had to be something special. Your face isn't even so scary. You're just... angry."
At this, Mizu is amused and compares Akemi to Taigen ("I see why he likes you. You're just like Taigen when we were children. A fucking brat.")
The reveal that Mizu and Taigen knew each other in childhood surprises Akemi, but before either of them can say more, everything goes to shit.
That's when we get to Ep5. This episode focuses primarily on Mizu, the central piece of this love triangle, and does the most out of all the episodes to shed some light on her character and goals, fleshing her out to be more than just the vengeful, highly proficient samurai we've seen thus far (symbolised by The Ronin), but also a person who is capable of love, domesticity and gentleness (symbolised by The Bride). But in the end, Mizu rejects both these ideals, instead becoming an Onryo, who is neither guided by pride/honour, nor love.
By 'reincarnating' into an Onryo, Mizu is able to win the day and save the women in the brothel. However, as she has now fully embraced her status as an Onryo, and is exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally, she lets the Tokunobu clansmen take Akemi away while Akemi's screams echo in her ear.
Mizu says this choice is for Akemi's own good, that Akemi's better off; because Mizu is jaded and weary, and cannot afford the luxury of idealism, and thus must always be strictly practical and realistic. So of course that's why, in her view, yes, Akemi should not be wasting her time in a brothel where women are exploited and abused, nor should Akemi be so naive to think that her marriage with Taigen is even still possible. However, regardless of Mizu's views, it is not for her to decide, because though Akemi is privileged in some sense, she is still trapped and voiceless, and deserves the right to choose her own destiny.
But as it happens, in the end, though Akemi did not choose who she gets to marry, she DOES get to choose her next move when Edo burns down.
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"I want to be great."
This one line is the key to her entire arc, which is only just beginning. We see she quickly has acquired the affection and good graces of the shogun's son after their wedding night and consummation, and with Madame Kaji and the girls now serving her, Akemi will only grow to become a prominent political player.
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NOW, only after analysing the characters as they are within this season, only can we speculate how their arcs will continue as the show progresses.
First and foremost, I will reassert the popular opinion that Mizu and Akemi are foils. The climax (pun intended) of Ep7 illustrates this as it parallels the turning points in both Mizu's and Akemi's arcs:
Mizu melts the steel of all her loves and shames, the people she's collected: the broken blade wielded by both Chiaki and Taigen, Akemi's knife, Ringo's bell, Master Eiji's tongs - this symbolises her beginning to accept herself, and in doing so, also accepting the help of others;
Akemi consummates her marriage with Takayoshi Itoh, gains his affection, and cements her position as a woman in the shogun's palace - this symbolises her taking charge of her situation, no longer playing the damsel, but using her position to her advantage, empowering both herself and the underprivileged women around her.
These are thus two directly contrasting, diverging journeys:
Mizu's arc moves inward (yin). It is an internal path of self-love and self-discovery, focused on finding peace and tranquility inside herself, and this involves allowing herself to let others into her life, opening herself up to friendship and empathy once more.
Akemi's arc moves outward (yang), it is an external path of growth, transforming from a naive, caged princess to a powerful woman and a force to be reckoned with.
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Akemi is always dressed in red, even her eyes are a bit of a reddish-brown rather than brown-black like most other characters, and in her penultimate scene she stands against a backdrop of flames. She is fire: quick-tempered, passionate, full of energy. Red is powerful, authoritative, and in eastern cultures, it is associated with prosperity.
Mizu is blue: her eyes, her sword, her clothes. She is also named after water; it's where she goes to recover, reflect and meditate. Water is fluid like a brook weaving around a stone in its path, always changing and adapting, it is graceful, it is beautiful and ruthless, tranquil yet swift.
Thus, in the future, I expect we will see plenty of political manoeuvring and intrigue in Akemi's plotline, where she fully embraces control of her life, and begins to take action to help others as well, realising that her own oppression is just one piece in a much larger picture. Her main conflict is with society.
In direct contrast, Mizu's main conflict is with herself. She must realise that her desire for vengeance is a projection of her own deep-rooted self-hatred. Her arc must move towards unpacking her feelings and trauma so she can be at peace with herself and allow space for love in her heart. Because as we saw in Ep5, Mizu had come extremely close to achieving peace and joy, as she had not only loved Mikio, but also had briefly believed that Mikio had loved her (and accepted her for who she is) as well.
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Thus, assuming the story is not planned as a tragedy, Mizu will likely end up getting her vengeance, but it will not satisfy her, because it is not what she needs. What she needs is to let go of the Onryo within her and to reconcile both The Ronin and The Bride within herself, as she is both a fighter and a lover, but not a monster.
(Edit: I recommend checking out this post by @stylographic-blue-rhapsody for a much clearer analysis about Mizu'a symbolism as Ronin, Bride and Onryo!)
And now that we've mostly covered each of the characters individually, we can finally get to the main point of this post: the love triangle.
Let's talk about Option A: Akemi.
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As I covered extensively earlier, Mizu and Akemi are foils, a yin-yang pair. But while they play off each other very well in a thematic sense, I personally believe that a serious romance between them will be more complicated if they become endgame. This is because Akemi's natural resolution is to embrace a position of power and influence, where she has both freedom and control over herself and to make much-needed changes in a prejudiced society. Meanwhile, Mizu's natural resolution is the opposite; her happy ending would to find a peaceful life where she is safe and free from prying eyes, and able to be her true self.
Thus, it would make very little sense for Akemi to forfeit power and run away with Mizu and start a humble life together. Akemi wants to be great, and that is absolutely what she deserves. On the other end of the spectrum, it would also make little sense for Mizu to dedicate her life in service of Akemi, such as acting as a bodyguard or something similar, because a life in a palace full of court intrigue and conspiracies is far from what Mizu needs to be happy.
With that being said, if Mizu/Akemi is endgame, and assuming their overarching character arcs do not shift directions, their love story would likely be either tragic, doomed, or bittersweet. I do absolutely love this type of story because personally I'm a sucker for catharsis, so it would be very interesting if the writers do decide to take this route.
Also, as a note, please do not take this as me dunking on this pairing. This is just my personal opinion and analysis and I completely understand if you disagree!
Then, of course, we have Option B: Taigen.
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Between Akemi and Mizu, Taigen is a bit of a free-floater here, because Season 1 leaves off at a point where his arc is very ambiguous as to where it's headed. While Akemi climbs for greatness and Mizu goes on a journey across the ocean to (presumably) discover more about her heritage, we have little clues about where Taigen is headed. And if I'm being honest, I'm sure he has no idea either! He still hasn't reclaimed his honour, so he would be unable to rejoin the Shindo Dojo; he's been rejected by Akemi; and while he showed loyalty to the shogun, the shogun is now dead, and all the shogun's men who had witnessed his "humiliating" death were left to die by Lady Itoh, who is now pulling the strings within the palace.
Therefore, Taigen has very few options here.
And when considering his role in the story is as Mizu's begrudging ally, his arc will undoubtedly be focused on unlearning his xenophobia and misogyny, the latter of which we have not seen yet, but is surely present. Now, whether he will do this in Mizu's presence or absence will be unknown until we see Season 2. Following the Season 1 finale, he might return to Kohama and wait for Mizu there as he learns humility and remorse over his past cruelty; or maybe he will follow Mizu to London, and the two of them will continue to butt heads until he finally admits to himself that he cares for Mizu more than he would like to admit. There is no room for doubt that his growing feelings for Mizu are more-than-platonic, because we all saw him get turned on by sparring with her in Ep7 lol. Thus, regardless of the exact choice he makes, I am sure that his overall arc will be focused on redeeming his character.
Now, when it comes go redeeming him, I know there are many who simply don't want him redeemed because he was such a jerk to Mizu, and while yes I agree he was awful, I do believe there is also nuance to his character.
Previously I've discussed in great detail the colour and elemental symbolism with Mizu and Akemi, but have yet to touch on how they relate to Taigen. So, let's talk about that for a second.
While Akemi is red and Mizu is blue, Taigen is green.
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Green is a complementary colour to Akemi's red. Complementary colours are directly opposite each other in the colour wheel; when mixed, they neutralise each other, but when put side-by-side, they form a pleasing and impactful contrast that boosts the brightness and prominence of both colours. This mirrors Taigen and Akemi's relationship. They are an "ideal" pair because they complement each other very well, and bring out each other's most prominent traits. Mizu's comment about their similar "brattiness" comes to mind here.
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Green is also an analogous colour with Mizu's blue. These colours are sitting right next to each other on the colour wheel; their natural similarity makes it easy for them to form a cohesive overall appearance, but using both in equal amounts will make a design overwhelming and too busy. Thus, the best way to use analogous colours is to make one the dominant colour, while the other will serve as an accent. I feel this also speaks to the dynamic in Taigen and Mizu's relationship. They came from the space place, both from nothing; they're both strong fighters who love the sport, and work well together when fighting side-by-side; however, they butt heads too easily, mirroring how analogous colours can be too overwhelming when used in equal amounts. Thus, to work together in harmony, one has to be the dominant colour, while the other serves as the accent. In this case, the dominant force would be Mizu, as she is the protagonist of the story, while the accent would be Taigen.
By fulfilling this role as an "accent" to Mizu, Taigen's character would easily be slotted in as a the love interest. This is in contrast with a Mizu/Akemi relationship, whereby Akemi is Mizu's foil before she is Mizu's love interest. This is because, by being a love interest, a character usually takes a backseat in the story, serving the plot and the themes by playing a purely supportive role, and this is not possible in Akemi's case because her character exists to parallel and contrast Mizu (red and blue), and not to support her.
It is possible to serve as a supporting love interest in Taigen's case however. And this is because he, unlike the other characters, does not currently have a definitive place within the story. He initially served the plot as an antagonistic force, but now as he is slowly unlearning his prejudices and becoming a better person, he can no longer serve the story by acting purely as a rival.
Instead, he will serve the story by literally supporting Mizu. And this relates to Taigen being earth, which is steady, firm and reliable, unwavering in loyalty and principles, hardworking and rooted in stability, which is seen in Taigen's staunch and inflexible obedience to the traditions and rules of society. These traits are what make him a perfect samurai, but not a good man. However, unlike most people in their world, Taigen is still capable of change and redemption, which is why Mizu says that he has the potential to be great. Not great by way of power or glory, but great in character. Already, he is honourable to a fault, and does not betray Mizu even after she technically robbed him of everything he was striving towards. And when he was shot by an arrow in the chasm, he did not hesitate a second to tell Mizu to use him as a human shield and save herself.
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The trigger for his redemption is Mizu. If she had never beat him in that duel, Taigen would live on to become a man like Akemi's father. Cruel, power-hungry, controlling, conservative. But through Mizu, Taigen's sharp edges are ground down, much like water that wears down the stones in a river.
Where Mizu and Akemi's possible love story would be a clash of wills, full of passion and even heartbreak, a possible love story between Mizu and Taigen would be the wearing down of souls. Mizu would make Taigen a better person, and in turn Taigen would dedicate his full respect and support to Mizu as his equal, thus getting her to slowly open up and love herself. Already, Taigen has grown enough to admit (begrudgingly, and in his own Taigen way) that Mizu is better than him; though, clearly, he still has a long way to go, as he still calls Mizu a demon shortly after that.
But basically, Taigen is a very simple man (his main goal now is "to be happy"), and Mizu has great depths that he cannot yet fathom. For this love story to work, it has to begin with Taigen changing for the better. If he succeeds in that, and is able to accept Mizu for all her complexities, I believe that they will make a formidable pair. And though he'd likely still throw a jab or snarky remark at Mizu every now and then, I think he'd come tl wholeheartedly admire Mizu as a brilliant swordsman and a kind soul. Thus, should things work out and this be endgame, Taigen would be able to provide Mizu with what Mikio could not: an idyllic life that is not built on a lie, but mutual trust, respect, admiration, and equality.
Or hey, maybe they could both make their own dojo together! I don't know.
(Edit: This post by @rinandsketches does a great job at delving into Taigen's character and a potential Mizu/Taigen relationship if you'd like to read more about this angle!)
Now, as I move on from Taigen, there are a couple more options on how to resolve this love triangle and that includes Option C: Ringo.
In this option, Mizu does not have an endgame romance with either Akemi or Taigen. In this route, she finds peace and love through friendship, solidarity, and a found family between herself, Ringo and Master Eiji—a bunch of outcasts in society who make a strong trifecta of sword-makers.
Also, as an aside while I'm talking about Ringo, I'd like to point out that I believe his element is air and his colour is a neutral grey; he is talkative, easy-going, wise, curious, light on his feet (stealthy) and free-spirited, which are all traits linked to air, and traits that complement Mizu nicely, as he is capable of getting Mizu to open up and trust others again, while Mizu helps him reach his true potential for greatness.
And finally, there's Option D: Polyamory.
This is basically an "all of the above" option, in which everyone wins and it's a super duper happy ending. It would also be awesome to get some polyamorous representation, and seeing the dynamic between Akemi/Mizu/Taigen play out would be very entertaining and refreshing. So, you never know, this just might be the true endgame!
AAAAND with that, I close my extremely long analysis of what is essentially Mizu's love life. Whatever the final outcome of this love triangle though, I just hope it will be well-written and satisfying to all the characters' respective arcs. (Also I just want Mizu to be HAPPY goddamn it because she deserves the world and her coochie eaten out)
Now, I highly doubt anyone will read any of this (especially not until the end!) but that's fine. I just have so many thoughts and feelings about this show and I just needed to get this out of my system lol! But if by some miracle you did read this far, I wholeheartedly welcome any sharing of thoughts and ideas because man am I obsessed with this show! But of course, if we have an opposing opinions, please be respectful when letting me know; I am very open to friendly discussions.
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dolliestfairy · 11 months
𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦 ❁ ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ ࣪✧ ،
Fluff Billy Loomis, Jason Voorhees, Michael myers, Jennifer check headcanons with Chubby!fem!reader who is a Flower Fairy ʚ(❛▿❛❁)ɞ
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𖧷 Warning : Killing, Disembowel, Slaughtering, Killing in Public, Overprotectiveness, Mocking/bullying, maybe some misspelled word and yeah thats it.. i think. lmk if i miss anything. Reader Skin Color Is Not Announced
𖧷 A/N : Just taking a break yesterday, and now i'm writing again. hope you like it. and please give me reblog and feedbacks if you enjoy my writings :)
Enjoy Reading My Fairies ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ ࣪ ،♡ 🧚🏻‍♀️
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𖧷 Billy Loomis
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• He freaking love about the opposite vibration you both gave to each other
• would kill for you, not definetly, but obviously.
• first time he know that you're a no human he kinda freaked out a little bit
• he doesnt want to admit this but he really think that you're a cool person.
• you can grow flowers and nature and leaves and bla bla bla, thats freaking cool yk..
• would try to keep the secret that you're a fairy,
• although sometimes he cant help but let a few words about you leave out of his mouth making his buddies confused.
• but overall he really loves you and ESPESSIALLY the curves of your body... chefs kiss 💋
• really proud having a chubby flower fairy as his gf ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ 🧚🏻‍♀️💌
𖧷 Jason Voorhees
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• thinks he doesnt deserve you.
• now dont get me wrong here, he freaking loves you and its a fact that you manage to bring the little jason out of his big mass body.
• but as we know, he's also a very very insecure boy :( so compare to your beautiful body he sometimes think he doesnt deserve you, and you deserve someone better than him.
• but you always make him feel better in bed where you make him feel so good it boost his confidence <3
• its only make him love you even more.
• and just like billy, he had no problems to disembowel anyone who dare to touch your hair in a wrong way,
• and given the fact that you're a fairy, he might get a little too overprotective of you, but its also because he love you so much and would love to keep the secret of you being a fairy tight-tight.
𖧷 Michael Myers
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• he first think of you as a weirdo 😁💀
• but as times goes by, he also known the fact that you're not a weirdo, you're just simply a non human creature (unless you're actually a weirdo, that would be plus-plus <3)
• he thinks it cool of how you manage to make a flower bloom, to grow flowers with your power and ect..
• but since he doesnt talk, he just sometimes like, like he sees you 'performing' and then he just aggresively nodding at what you're doing.
• thats actually how he shows himself enjoying something.
• he also thinks your wings is a pretty combination with your chubby body.
• he would rather die than admitting this, but he is freaking love cuddling with you.
• and yes, he also had no problem to slaughtered everyone who talk down and look down on you.
• even if he had to kill everyone in a public place, in the middle of the city or whatever, he had ZERO problem.
• also since he doesnt talk, you dont have to fear about getting your secret spilled. and even if someone already like heared a little about you being a fairy, you best believe they're gonna be dead in just a few days later.
𖧷 Jennifer Check
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• oh my god yk what?? this reminds me of like Lana del rey and Taylor swift friendship dynamic!!
• like she's the Lana del rey girl, and you're the Taylor swift girlie (unless you also like lana del rey just like me, it will also be a plus plus<3)
• REALLY REALLY PROUD having you as her partner.
• if someone mock your relationship with her because since she always view as an it girl or simply a 'perfection' it will be no doubt that you might get mock a bit.
• and when she find out about the fact that you're getting mocked by someone? oh god.. you best believe they're gonna be dead with their stomach ripped open.
• she gives zero fuck about their gender, age or status or whatever. if they fuck with you, they fuck with her, and you know what happen if someone fuck with her
• fuck with her is already bad, and now they want to fire it with fucking with you? nuh uh. honestly, not the best idea ever.
• and ok i know she's like very popular and she's also an extroverted lady, but she would try her best to keep the secret of you being a fairy.
• and since you both are non human, she didnt afraid to tell you what kind of creature she is.
• but she is, somehow, well not afraid, just worry that you might leave or hate her for eating a mankind.
• but overall, she's really love you and your talent, she might get a little envy about your talent or whatever, but that enviness will be quickly replaced by her proud nature about having a 'secret' flower fairy partner.
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A Moth To A Flame
Synopsis: The Abyss takes and takes, leaving Tartaglia alone and hurting until you appear to ward off his suffering.
Foul Legacy Childe x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluffy ending Warnings: Mentions of blood, pain, body horror, allusions to gore, crying, mentions of suffocating and drowning
Requested by @crystalheartzzz and anon: “Hiii, this is my first request so idk howq to do it??😭 so ig I'll go straight to the point?😧May I request for childe with a s/o who has an abbysal form too but its more like a butterfly??? And reader didn't fell to the abbys they just stumble upon a book that explained how to summon a abbysal creature when they was a child??? Or something like thst idk you can just ignore me if this is dumb💀” “Ok imagine Foul legacy with a monster! reader. They didn’t fall into the abyss but they had a curse put on them and were locked away for years and their form has torn butterfly wings and overall some sort of butterfly concept(like how FL’s concept takes more after a moth) FL finds reader in a cave and panics because theres someone right in front of him that has a similar form to him. I wonder how he’d react”
~ * ~ Abyssal monsters attract one another. To them, the taint of dark, starry magic is almost tangible, urging and whispering to return to the watery depths. It worms into their hearts, settling and rotting into wishes of battle and bloodshed, only quelled by the sharp tang of iron in the air, eating away at their sense of self until all that remains is a hollow husk hungry for something, anything to fill the emptiness. That is how Tartaglia lives, with blood on his hands and a cheerful smile on his face, as the corruption tears away bits of his mind every day. His subordinates praise him, behind his back, as the most amiable Harbinger to work under, other than perhaps Pulcinella, but they’re blessed to have never seen him in the midst of a fight- with a twisted grin and blades almost dancing in his hands, it’s little wonder Tartaglia’s name has become known and feared on the battlefield. It does little to satiate the constant thrum of the Abyss in the back of his head, however, and little by little his breezy confidence and upbeat demeanor become more and more forced, cracking whenever those horrible voices hiss their dreaded desires. Perhaps it was fate, then, that he met you on the same day he nearly succumbed to the raging, stellar waves. You had crept into the bank, quiet as can be, standing stiffly beside the door and observing the elegant room. It was your first time making a deposit- terrible timing, as your nerves were thoroughly frazzled by how many warnings you received from passersby about the Fatui agents and their Harbinger, the worst of all- and your hands had been shaking as you forced yourself to put one foot in front of the other and approach the front desk. The receptionist greeted you politely, but didn’t manage to get through a few words before being interrupted by a boisterous laugh, a young man with ginger hair striding through the door and up to the desk. With a flourish he drops a bag of mora onto the counter, coins clinking against wood and fabric as you hastily step aside. The man makes rapid smalltalk with the receptionist, who simply picks up the bag and transfers it to the back, apparently used to his behavior, and the man takes a moment to sweep his gaze over the bank with a satisfied smirk. Your eyes meet lightless ocean blue, and his confident grin fades into surprise and intrigue. Tartaglia stares at you, entranced, head tilted ever-so-slightly as the tendrils strangling his heart begin to loosen, Abyssal darkness shrieking and retreating back into the far recesses of his mind. The Harbinger staggers when he inhales, the air filling his lungs making his head spin as he’s finally able to breathe again. But Ekaterina returns to her position and beckons you forward, and as you move away Tartaglia’s chest clouds with sickening stars, world dulling until it’s faded and washed out and Tartaglia feels like he’s suffocating from an ocean’s weight. You bow to Ekaterina and the Harbinger beside you slouches in a chair, body trembling in an effort to stay sitting upright. The clack of footsteps on tile makes their way over to him, slowly, and the Young Lord glances up and meets your bright, now-curious eyes for the second time today. Tartaglia’s deadened heart beats, once, then speeds up as you stick out a hand and give him a hesitant smile. “Hello.” Tartaglia’s shaking hand slips into yours, and the Abyss fades away once more. The next weeks are filled with bliss as he seeks you out again and again; a Harbor newcomer and the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger are quite the sight to see in the evening. He learns and learns and learns- your name, your job, your favorite food, your favorite color, your homeland- everything coming together into a beautiful, multifaceted existence, and Tartaglia finds himself genuinely laughing and smiling more with every hour you spend together, heart fluttering in his chest at the mere sight of you. Is he falling in love? Perhaps. But he doesn’t stop himself, because to you, he’s Ajax. Maybe it was foolish of him to tell you, a stranger not a few weeks ago, his true name, but when he sees the slow, ecstatic smile spread across your face and the gleam of affection in your eyes, he feels like anything but a fool. In the years since he turned 14, the time since he fell through that crack in the earth, it seemed like he’d forgotten what true warmth was until he met you- and now his heart was set ablaze, a bright spark burning away the thorned roots of Abyssal corruption. He hugs you, a little too tightly, when you call him Ajax, because that’s all he wants to be- just Ajax, without any fancy titles or ranks or responsibilities other than being yours, and when he sees your smile or hears your laugh it almost feels like he never fell into the Abyss in the first place, drawn to your presence and being like a moth to a flame. But the stars, whether in the sky or the sea, despise being ignored. He’s almost forgotten what it feels like- what it’s like to not be able to breathe, to suffocate from sheer pain encapsulating your entire body- until the day he wakes up with a pounding headache and the sound of his own wheezing. Tears spring to Tartaglia’s eyes, his lungs being stabbed and torn apart by night-stained thorns winding around his throat. It hurts to speak, so he can only weep, each inhale sending another wave of pain through his body and ripping another sob from his chest. His skin stings, burns, bright dots dancing in his vision as he helplessly watches his hands darken and crackle, claws piercing the fingertips as they grow. Thick, starry blood drips and stains the covers, and Tartaglia manages to let out a scream of agony before the darkness forces him under and all turns to black. Your walks to the Northland Bank have become routine now, so often do you visit your new love- friend, and the moment you step inside the receptionist- Ekaterina- looks up and nods. But your face falls when you glance around the room and don’t see Ajax, the fluffy head of fluffy ginger hair nowhere in sight. Ekaterina gestures upstairs, waving you away with a tiny smile at the singular flower grasped in your hands, the glaze lily blooming a gorgeous shade of familiar blue. With your cheer restored you jog up the stairs, the spring in your step harmonizing with your idle hums as you stop outside the door marked with an elegantly-carved star- the sigil of the Harbingers, raising your hand to knock. A harrowing shriek pierces your ears and echoes through the hall and you freeze, blood turning to ice from pure terror, the flower slipping from your fingers to the ground. Then without thinking you fling the door open and rush inside, thoughts racing because oh Archons, what happened- it couldn’t be- please, love, don’t be- “Ajax?! Are you okay?!” A monster screeches in his place, pressing itself into a corner and curling into a ball, trying to disappear from view as it covers its face with razor-sharp claws, letting out heart-wrenching wails and sobs. All you can do is step closer, astonishment glittering in your eyes because that’s Ajax, isn’t it? The Abyssal creature awkwardly shoved against the wall is your love, isn’t it? Tartaglia- no, Ajax, the terrified young man from Morepesok- whimpers, the blood from his Foul Legacy transformation splattering from his mouth to the floor. It hurts it hurts it hurts so much- it’s never been this bad before, it’s almost like the Abyss is punishing him for defying it, drowning him, Ajax, in an ocean of stars so only Tartaglia remains. His talons snag on the dips in his mask-like face, an attempt to anchor him to reality as his head fills with eerie singing, everything bursting into fire before his eyes. Claws, gentle and delicate, wrap around his own and pull his hands away from his head, and the Abyss shrieks and recoils when Ajax shakily looks up at an otherworldly creature with eyes the exact same shade as ones he often found himself getting lost in for hours. Yours. Weak peeps and chirps slip from Ajax’s maw, seemingly in shock as you kneel before him and hold his limp hands, carefully tapping your sharp talons over their backs. You let out your own responding trill and brush your knuckles over his cheek, humming in delight when he leans heavily into your touch, crystalline blue eye fluttering shut. Purrs begin to filter from some soft, secret part of him, watching your magnificent form through a slitted eye, fingers trailing idly over your butterfly-like wings. You begin softly preening Ajax’s copper-colored hair, removing any dried blood and tangles until it’s soft as a cloud, and when your claws gently rake across his scalp Ajax croons, melting in your lap and nudging your hands so they’re scratching behind his twin horns. There’s barely even a flinch when you clean his wounds, so overcome with the comfort of you holding him in your arms, not even struggling from his size because you’re just like him- Abyss-touched and trying to survive in a world full of light. Ajax tugs on your claws when you’re finished, lightly at first, then more insistently as the instinct to cuddle and protect and comb your fluff with his talons grows stronger. When you dip your head he pulls you close against his chest, pain forgotten, and snuggles his cheek into your hair with a happy purr, careful to avoid your own horns. You simply slot yourself against him, hands soothingly rubbing the muscles around his cape-like wings, your gentle humming making Ajax yawn wide enough to see all his adorable fangs. Quietly you pluck the fallen glaze lily from the floor and tuck it into Ajax’s hair, and he lets out a flustered rumble, chirps and trills coming out stuttered and sleep-heavy. With a drowsy coo, Ajax gives you a small, affectionate lick on your cheek, and two Abyssal monsters drift into slumber as the sun sets over Liyue, a pocket of warmth against the cold darkness below.
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adobe-outdesign · 14 days
can you review my favorite neopet, the kau? (sorry if you already did, you know how it is with the tumblr search function)
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As you may be able to tell by their ever-so-creative name, the Kau is based on a cow, though the horns are more bull-like. (Neopets does not practice sexual dimorphism, and even gender-specific colors like Royalgirl still have horns. This is fine, as it makes them more of a fantasy creature.)
The Kau almost strays too close into "just a cow" territory, but the decision to give them stripes instead of spots adds a bit of flavor. The horns also face backwards, which isn't unheard of in certain types of bulls (see: gaur bulls) but is unusual for standard domesticated breeds
Beyond that, the body is nicely blocked out in terms of color, with darker stripes, hair, tail tip, and hooves complimenting the base color. The muzzle and ears are usually a tint of the base color, but that said I do like it when they make them a light shade of pink like on the red Kau above.
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The Kau benefited quite a bit from customization, losing the overly detailed eyelashes and generally just getting much better drawn and better shaded art. I also like the pose change, which enables you to see the body much better.
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It is also worth noting that Kau have a weird little quick wherein a small number of colours sport a bell around their necks. There's no rhyme or reason to what colours get the bell—all of them are post-customization except for faerie (shown above), yet not all post-customization colours get the bell. For the record, I rather like it—it adds a little something to the design, and customization always enables it to be removed if desired.
Favorite Colours:
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Pastel: The pastel has been a fan-favorite ever since it came out, and for good reason. The pink base color is lovely and is accented with a bit of blue in the eye and on the bell (this being one of the few lucky colours to sport one). The big thing that elevates this design for me though is the choice to change the stripes to cow-like spots, which isn't normal for pastel but makes the design extra cute. The spotted cow does the same thing in classic black-and-white, but I find the position of the spots on the face with that colour to be much more awkward.)
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Burlap: I'm of the strong opinion that burlap pets should always be at least slightly uncanny and unnerving and should stick to dull monotones, which are the main selling points for the colour to me and are what keeps it from overlapping with plushie too much. In that respect, the burlap Kau is a bad burlap pet, but a great colour for the Kau overall, if that makes sense. The extra fluff around the neck, head and legs reminds me of a highland cow, and the textures on this one are really spot-on, down the corduroy nose and blue stripes.
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Plushie: Speaking of plushie, while I think the burlap is surperior overall, I do like the plushie quite a bit as well—mostly the UC/styled version, which is absolutely adorable and has a great shape to it. I also like the subtle tan shades (though I wish there was less of a green tint to it) and the way the pink patch kind of matches the nose and ears. The converted version tries, but the big issue with it (aside from, well, Being Converted) is that it's missing the pink patch. If there wasn't room on the chest, just move it to the side or something!
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 9 months
Important info page/intro post
please read this!! i will randomly add new but important information
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Current status: Idle
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Name: Crayon or Charlie(/Charles)
pronouns: he/him, they/them, star/stars, gummy/gummys, circus/circus’
Gender: Transmasc, Transgender, Librafluid
sexuality and romantic status: Omnisexual and taken
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DNI: homophobes, transphobes, racists, religious talk (all religions welcome but don't try and convert me), people who often refer to alcohol, talking about "the power of healing gems" and spirits (you can believe that but please don't talk to me about it), pedos, kink agere, nsfw agere, dd/lg agere and variants, politics, my opinions on drama, etc.
❗️DO NOT TAG ME IN TAGGING GAMES. if it’s a small quick text-related thing that will take only like a minute or 2 then maybe, but overall please refrain.
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please read this!! ✨👇
And more info about me is under the cut!! :D
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i am otherhearted!! (meaning (in this case) having a deep connection/bond with an animal/creature, such as strongly relating to it, acting like it, or understanding it, but not quite being it; identifying with instead of as something). cat-hearted specifically, and my kintypes are Turkish Van cat and Norwegian Forest cat!
(Friend/platonic /online) Family: @bananabreadcroissant @marshhell dads, @space-spoon uncle, @t0ast-the-gh0st @gaepokemon cousins, and a rlly fucking confusing irl family-friend line
fav color, food, drink, and animal: dark green and light purple, none (iykyk), PEACH MONSTER ENERGY (or any flavor monster i just love monster), and frogs ducks fox and deer
fav aesthetic: emo, clowncore, rock n’ roll, punk, 90’s grunge, scenecore, medieval stuff(idk the aesthetic name😭), pastel goth, cottagecore, anything fall/halloween, weirdcore
current hyperfixation: Heartstopper
other past hyperfixations/other interests/fandoms (ranked most loved): Hamilton (the musical), FNaF, Hazbin Hotel, Gravity Falls, Clowncore, Ramshackle, Ghost and Pals, D&D, TWOMP/Ashur Gharavi, Cuphead, Casino Cups/gambling/casinos; that whole vibe, medieval/renaissance etc, The Amazing Digital Circus, Barbie (2023), Welcome Home
comfort character(s): Skipp, Teen Michael Afton, Evan Afton, Dipper Pines, John Laurens
Friends "Names" i'll often refer to (THESE ARE NOT THEIR REAL NAMES!!): Olive 👁️(it/its), Bubble 🫧(she/her), Ace 🪲(he/him), Robin 🍎(she/her), Lint 🐀 (she/her), Lizzy 🦆(she/they), Layla 🦈 (any, prefers he/they), and his platonic wife Piper 🧁 (any), Anthony 🍞 (he/him)
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this blog contains:
swearing, ED/ana, sh mention, vents
note: on October 18 (every year) don't expect me to talk and don't talk to me that much in general.
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side blogs: @strawb3rry-cloudz ,
ask blog under construction
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Age Regression stuff/info:
go to my blog @strawb3rry-cloudz !
❗️am i regressed right now? No
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-Enjoy your stay with this little weirdo!-
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kayakischaotic · 1 year
also I haven’t read the books in awhile + I have terrible memory so o7
clears my throat
—>all my faves had a emo phase. including Peter Johnson
—>he owns a BUNCH of different earrings, nothing too big or extravagant, but like a little fish, maybe an arrow, etc
—>dyes part of his hair blue because he’s Percy
—>Sally TOTALLY knew he was bi when he was little
—>has a bi flag necklace (I’m jealous)
—>once dyed his hair blonde while he was at camp and after everyone called him a dumb blonde he decided to never dye it blonde again
—>he totally loves having his hair played with cause Sally used to always play with his hair when he was a kid
—>his eyes change from blue to green depending on the lighting
—>he’s been the little mermaid for Halloween at LEAST once
—>has an extensive collection of Hawaiian shirts
—>she sticks a bunch of little pins on her Yankees hat
—>doesn’t know how to drive (at least not very well)
—>if she could she’d have road rage so much
—>probably owns at least 5 different pairs of earbuds/headphones that she uses on her iPod and/or Daedalus’s laptop
—>building a campus place similar to New Rome at CHB
—>instead of a box of chocolates for Valentines day, she once gave Percy a bag of M&M’s. but only the blue ones
—>drinks at least 3 cups of coffee most days
—>also questioning her gender a bit
—>read Harry Potter and couldn’t tell if she wanted to BE Hermione or be WITH Hermione (still can’t tell)
—>pan, ace
—>will eat anything if he’s stressed
—>has little rings he can put around his horns for added style
—>he/they KING!!
—>will just snack on a head of lettuce
—>has to wear reading glasses (what a nerd /pos)
—>has an extensive knowledge of which plants around CHB taste good, and which taste bad (has definitely been taken to the medics once or twice for eating poisonous plants)
—>everyone makes fun of him because of The Brick™️.
—>will ramble to you about wolves for as long as you will let him
—>frequently dyes small strips of his hair with hair chalk
—>him and Annabeth are like best friends. please.
—>she ate the rest of the non-blue M&M’s for Annabeth
—>genderfluid she/her lesbian.
—>helps Hazel, Annabeth, and the other girls do their hair (and sometimes Percy)
—>sees Jason and Leo as her brothers
—>wears suits to fancy events
—>usually uses her charmspeak to win at board games
—>girl in red’s biggest fan
—>makes everyone friendship bracelets
—>will totally light candles just to watch them burn
—>pretends he’s Festus’s vet whenever he has to fix him
—>calls the Argo II his child
—>doesn’t have a proper sleep schedule in the slightest…
—>gay, demiboy
—>totally introduced everyone else to neo/xeno pronouns
—>he/they/it mainly, but also uses a bunch of neos and xenos
—>has a dragon stuffed animal he calls Festus Jr. that he struggles to sleep without
—>he is the autism creature /j
—>will call anyone in sight bro or dude
—>scared of heights
—>keeps calling himself “the rizzler”
—>therapist friend
—demiromantic asexual
—>astrology lover
—>straight A student without trying or studying
—>the only person on the Argo II that can keep a plant alive (somehow)
—>her and Nico help paint everyone’s nails
—>is always wearing either a skirt or overalls. (better yet: overalls skirt)
—>lactose intolerant
—>totally holds a dance at Camp Jupiter that is similar to a school dance at least once a year
—>token straight friend
—>has a fairly large stuffed animal collection (only to be rivaled by Octavian’s)
—>if he ever visits CHB he purposely avoids being near the fire
—>makes the rest of the 7 watch superhero movies with him
—>owns lots of comics
—>him and Percy ramble about superheroes and comics together
—>certified DJ of the 7
—>his favorite restaurant isn’t even McDonald’s.. (it’s Olive Garden /j)
—>if demigods could use technology, he would totally be a tumblr user. (happy (late) Ides of March)
—>he keeps saying “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” and everyone is kinda confused
—>loves listening to 70s/80s/90s rock
—>is (attempting) to learn the drums
—>survives off of energy drinks and coffee
—>has a nightlight in his cabin for when Will visits
—>also listens to Crywank
—>definitely has dressed up as a lamp for Halloween
—> trying to convince Nico to be in a band with him, playing guitar, Austin, playing sax, and Apollo, playing flute (Nico’s not having it)
—>favorite color is “all of them”
—>attempts to grow plants (fails)
—>he would totally be addicted to Tiktok if he had it
—>if anyone asks what time it is he will respond one of three ways: “it’s time for lunch” “its game time” or “it’s time for you to get a WATCH”
—>he’s really bad at reading clocks
—>totally cried during Frozen
—>he/they bi icon
—>motto is “fake it til you make it”
—>adhd, probably
—>always looses board games
—>chronically online…
—>will purposely sing the wrong words to popular songs so half of CHB thinks they’ve been singing these songs wrong the entire time
—>him and Nico bond over saying things like “gaslight gatekeep girlboss”
—>scared of the dark
—>quotes Mean Girls at least once a day
—>trying to make a theater class at CHB (Chiron agrees, Dionysus is… not quite there yet)
—>surprisingly good at lying (fake it til you make it!)
—>some Aphrodite kids told him their skincare secrets while he was mortal and gave them a few products
—>wears eyeliner on a daily basis
—>when he was a mortal the Aphrodite cabin and his cabin played dress-up on him and made him wear a bunch of weird outfits
I bet you totally can’t tell who my favorites are by how much they have put down…. /s
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Okay okay, I had this in my notes for a while waiting for MLP to be open for requests again so: concept of Twilight with a Draconequus Darling? I can't remember if there was a specific line of thought when I wrote this down tho, maybe the Darling is just as chaotic as Discord
Oh, sure! I'll do some ideas I have for this.
Yandere! Twilight Sparkle with Draconequus! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Attachment issues, Delusional behavior, Clingy behavior, Bad mental health, Manipulation, Forced companionship.
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There has been only one of your kind known in Equestria.
You, on the other hand, have not been caught.
Mostly because you prefer to stay in another dimension.
Your behavior could be like other Draconequus, chaotic creatures hellbent on mischief.
That or you could be one of the kinder ones of your culture.
You'd most likely be chaotic, such a craving for chaos set in full swing by the time you decide to investigate Ponyville.
You've heard of Discord in Ponyville, curiosity got the best of you to check it out.
This is when Twilight meets you.
She herself was not expecting more of Discord's kind.
In fact, she feels she dreads it once she sees you pull the same things Discord did.
Chaotic pranks, pestering ponies, altering the fabric of reality....
By this point, Discord is reformed, so Twilight tries to get him to help reign you in.
It takes a long while, but encouragement by your own kind calms your desires.
This whole "friendship" thing must be pretty powerful if it caused Discord to reform.
Fluttershy most likely can't handle two Draconequus, which means Twilight is stuck with you.
This begins your little companionship that soon grows into you being all Twilight can think about.
Twilight has her castle at this point, which leaves space for you.
Spike certainly hates the idea of you moving in.
Twilight is determined to change you, however.
It takes time but the young princess introduces you to Ponyville culture.
You even consider reading books with her.
Twilight slowly grows attached to you, taming your chaotic personality.
Similar to Fluttershy and Discord, you two are really close.
Twilight never thought she'd become so attached to you, her affections on the edge between best friends and something more....
The castle is sometimes even decorated by you, by Twilight's suggestions to prevent anything... too chaotic.
Twilight goes from stressed about your presence to calmed and happy.
The other Mane Six are surprised just how close you are.
Discord is even impressed the princess likes you so much.
You didn't torment her too much, did you?
Twilight would treat you similarly to her basic yandere behavior.
She does research on your culture and tries to understand her feelings towards you.
You are special to her, she wants to know why.
If you're as affectionate as Discord, Twilight would be weak in the knees.
You're clingy... and she likes it.
Spike would be the first to notice Twilight's behavior towards you.
The research, the affection, the obsessive behavior.
She isn't right in the head.
You may also encourage it accidentally, finding her behavior either cute or interesting.
You have no idea about her worsening mental health.
Seeing the alicorn so clingy... you thought that was just a pony thing.
You're not usually around them this often-
You leaving Ponyville now is out of the question for her
Twilight would panic if she simply saw you not in the castle.
She may treat you more like a beast she's taming due to her feelings.
She wants to keep you behaved and at her side.
Even if using magic and manipulation to do it is wrong....
Due to your powers, you could leave.
Yet Twilight's mental health will deteriorate and she may not act rationally.
She may just track you down with a spell or Discord.
Now that you've entered her life, reformed due to her help... she doesn't want you to leave.
Not after everything you've both been through.
Overall, Twilight would probably fall for you while reforming you.
Then she'd do everything she can to keep you happy in Ponyville, beside her.
Even if it meant figuring out how to seal you in stone like Discord.
"With me, you'll never want to leave Ponyville! ... or me-"
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Brought to you by the future
Rdr2 x Reader 
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A/n: This is just a snip-it of a story idea I had bc I’ve recently gotten back into rdr2 and wanted to write something about it. If this gets a lot of attention I’ll see about writing more, for now I’m just writing this to get it out of my brain. I didn’t know if I wanted it to be Arthur x Reader (not sure about gender either but def not female) but he’s the only character here so, thats what Imma put in the tags lol also this is kinda not great, just sort of rambling, but like i said if people like it i’ll fix it up a little  
Arthur Morgan has met a great many people in his life, especially in the recent year. After the failed Blackwater heist, every person he’s met after has been their own sort of strange.
Take this lady by the pond for example. 
Arthur was back in the grizzlies East by O'creagh Run, the place where Hosea had taken him to hunt that big bear a while back. He was back there to not only get some drawings of the area (he hadn’t had the time before to do so), but he also just needed a break from camp. 
He loved his gang dearly, something he was never ashamed to admit, but even families can get on your nerves sometimes. A few words past here and there, favors pulled in without any reciprocation or reward for his work, and overall just some bad luck in small ways (tripping over someones things thrown on the ground, taking on their chore cause they won’t do it). 
Yes, Hosea and him almost died to a bear in the area but it was dead now and Arthur did sure like the scenery. 
He was a little on the warm side so he decided to take a break in the water, rolling up his pant legs and wading into the pond. He splashed some water on his face, closing his eyes and breathing in the air. 
Until he got scared shit-less by some lady standing at the edge of the water near his stuff.
He’s not proud of it but he did jump, surprised by the woman's sudden appearance. She smiled at him from the grass, hands behind her back as if she were simply watching nature at its finest.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.” She called out to him, not losing the smile on her face. 
Arthur calmed himself and nodded kindly, a little awkwardly as well.
“Sure. Suns out and heat got to me so... you know.”
“Indeed. All creatures love a good water bath in hot weather.”
Arthur tried his best to subtly take her in, but the way her eyes were unblinking and her smile ever present left him to believe that she knew he was looking, and clearly was unphased.
She was far from old and withered but clearly not in her prime. Her hair was a sun-bleached blonde placed in a messy side braid, skin a creamy color with darker freckles from cheek to cheek. Even from where he stood Arthur could see her light colored eyes, the green shown vibrantly against the blue light from the water. She wore a simple white dress and nothing else, no bodice or shoes or any accessories to be seen. Despite not wearing any shoes her feet were as clean as anything, even though she stood on the muddy shore of the pond.
Overall? She looked kind of like a woman you would find in those paintings of nature, as if she belonged there.
“Curious,” She speaks, though not directly at him. “To want this world, this life.”
“Pardon?” Arthur questions, only getting a little closer to hear the woman better, but she only continues to smile and wave him off.
“I’m only thinking aloud, sir, nothing too important to you. There is something I’d like to ask you though, if you’d be so kind as to lend your ear?”
If he was honest, the way she spoke was too proper to be just some farm girl, but she didn’t hold herself like a nobility either. Even if she were a noble, Arthur couldn’t think why a noble lady would be all the way out in the woods anyway, hardly any place for a luxurious vacation.
“Uhm... sure?”
Arthur slowly walked closer, not really knowing if he should be cautious or not of this woman, especially considering she was standing right next to his discarded gun belt. 
He stops about 2 or 3 feet in front of her, his brows creasing as she giggles into her hand, her smile still wide on her face.
“My my, you really are a deer.” She sighs. “I’m no prey to you, deer, you need not fear me.”
“Right.” Arthur pronounces, unsure of where this conversation was going. 
The woman turns on her heels, stepping over his things while walking in the tree line. Upon noticing Arthur not following, she turns back, a smile still on her face (Arthur wondered for a moment if her cheeks were aching at all).
“Come along then, deer. Better to speak within the trees walls.”
She then continued on into the forested area, Arthur finally walking up the bank and taking his gun belt and putting it on. As he gathered his things, and once finished, he thought for a moment if he was really about to follow some strange woman into the woods, alone, with no one around. Not even his horse stuck around, taking to grazing and feasting on the fresh grass around the area.
Now, Arthur will admit to not being an entirely smart man. The lessons and teachings he got were from outlaws who took him in, but they did teach him about survival. Was it wise to follow a stranger into the woods without any inkling of what they wanted? No, but damn did it make him curious. 
He knew about what happened to the curious cat, but seeing as how he had lived this long with his level of curiosity, he wagered he would be fine. Even still, he held a hand close to his gun should he need it.
He followed her path into the woods, she was nice enough to stop a few paces and wait for him. Once she saw him she turned and walked further in, only stopping once they were encased in a sea of trees.
She turned to him, the smile on her face slowly becoming unsettling (only because of how long she had been holding it) while she spoke to him.
“Curiosity is often a trait among those who long for something. I was curious once too, you know.”
“Of what?” Arthur asks, looping his thumbs through his belt as he speaks.
“Nature, of course. Of how it works, why it worked the way it did, who made it work. Then, my curiosity was sated, and I became free.”
Arthur slowly nods, squinting his eyes and pretending to understand.
“You are curious too, sir. I can see it.” She nods, as if confirming it to someone else who wasn’t there. 
“I’m curious?” Arthur echoes back.
“Of the future.” She explains. “You long to know what will become of the world in the future, what will become of you. You are not alone in this curiosity, that I can assure you. I can help you sate your curiosity, if you will allow me to.”
Still trying to make sense of all that was happening, Arthur frowns his brows her way.
“How would you do that?”
“Someone in the future calls to the past.” She closes her eyes, putting her hands together in that of a prayer. “They chant into the universe of their want, their curiosity for this life.” She opens her eyes.
“For you.”
“For me?” He echoes again, his voice now dripping in disbelief. 
“For you,” She confirms. “They wish to meet you, curious of your life outside of what they can see of it. You are being watched, as we all are, by the universe that surrounds us. They want to shift into this plane of existence to escape their own, to sate their curiosity. It just so happens that you are wanting to look into the future, while they look into the past. Allow me to sate both curious creatures, to bring past to future and future to past, to allow you both to live in an equal present.”
‘Alright,’ Arthur thought to himself. ‘She's crazy.’
He couldn’t wrap his head around what she was talking about. Someone in the future wants to come to the past? Meaning the future already is happening? And to him specifically? And what about his curiosity of the future. Isn’t everyone wondering what the next day will bring? Who they will be in the years to come, what the world would look like? He could hardly be the only one wanting to know what the future entails.
She must be talking nonsense, just some lady who lived away from society for too long and went a little wacky.
“Uh, well, that’s a kind offer, really but uhm-”
“This will live with you, you know.” She cuts in. “This curiosity will eat away at you until the day the air leaves your lungs, and by the end you will have wished you had done something to cure it. I’m giving you that chance now. A little peace of mind, brought to you by the future.” 
Arthur sighs, running a hand over his mouth and looking around where they were. He didn’t think she was scamming him, Arthur liked to believe he could tell if someone was trying to scam him. She seemed like she really believes what she is talking about.
Part of Arthur just told him to leave, leave this weird woman to whatever she was speaking about and continue on with his life. This part was fighting a battle with the other half of him... who was curious. Surely it couldn’t hurt to hear her out, he’s already followed her into the forest and let her speak her weird speech. He’d already fed into his curiosity by talking to her, it couldn’t be worse to hear her out.
“How would you go about... ‘sating’ my curiosity.”
“All you would have to do is answer their call.” She smiles (the smile having not left her face). “Chant back to them through the universe, and you will get your answer.”
“I just... chant.” Arthur raises a brow, getting more skeptical as all she does is nod. “And what is it that I chant?”
“Allow yourself to think of what you really, truly want from the future. Reach your mind and soul out into the universe and ask your question, chant your wish. And if you feel new words reach your mind, words of a wish to be in the here and now, welcome them in. Allow then to get here as you guide them.”
Arthur once again sighs, but he has already come so far with this woman. It was as if he were speaking to some religious person (maybe she was), and she was asking him to reach out to god. Maybe it was like that, like a prayer, not that Arthur has ever done much of that before.
“Here,” She says, kneeling on the ground and sitting on her heels in the grass, raising her hands up to him in an offering, still smiling away. “I can help you start.”
With one more look around the forest they were in, Arthur sighs and shrugs, hits his hands on his thighs before going to his knees as well, taking her hands gently. 
Her hands were smooth, soft, and warm. Not a single callus on her hands from work (or crime), and it gave him pause. Maybe this woman was just naive. She said she was curious about nature, and here she was. Barefoot in the woods with nothing but a simple white dress. 
Arthur really didn’t have much to believe in, not a religious sort himself, but he knew it could bring comfort to those who wanted it. Maybe, just maybe, he could get at least one question answered.
“Close your eyes,” She instructs, her own eyes closing. Arthur took a moment before doing the same. 
“Now, think of yourself in an empty room. A room with no doors, no windows. Just an empty, white room. Do you see it?”
It takes Arthur a few deep breaths and some thinking, but his mind eventually goes clear and he sees himself in an empty white room, kneeling on the ground.
“Now think, think about what makes you curious about the future. What do you really want out of the future? Do you want to be there, do you want it with you, or do you simply want some answers?”
While in this white room in his head, he thinks over what she said. 
What does he want from the future?
He wants his family to finally be safe, not having to run from anything anymore. 
He wants the world to be easy on him, to not take so many things from him like loved ones or love itself.
He wants the world to slow down, even for just a moment, for him to take a breath while time slows.
He wants to know what will become of the land that was once wild and untamed, wants to know if it will still be free or if it will be shackled and broken in like the wild horse it was.
He wants the future to give him answers, in whatever form that wants to come in.
“Have you got it?” She asks gently.
“I... think so.” He replied just as lowly.
“Now chant your wish, your questions, your curiosities, and reach. Reach for the answer.”
Arthur repeats the wants he has, the questions he has, and continues to imagine himself in that blank room. And for a while nothing changed, he chanted and reached but no answer came. It was only when he went to give up that new words formed in his head.
“I want to be there. I don’t fear the consequences of leaving for a new reality. I want to walk the world as they do, feel what they do, see what they do. I want to be there.”
“I... think I'm hearing something.”
“The answer, guide them to your empty room, open your door for them.”
Arthur then began to imagine a door in this empty white room, a simple wooden door with just a handle, no lock. Then he thought about that door opening, and he thought back to the words in his head.
“Walk the world I live, feel the world I feel, see the world I see. Give me my answers and I will give you yours.”
Then, through the door, came the silhouette of a person. They walked slowly through the door and Arthur stood.
“there’s.. a person.” He says out loud.
“Greet them.” She replies.
So, standing in the white room of his mind he walks just as slowly towards them. The shape shifts from tall to small, skinny to heavy, long hair to short hair, white hair to black hair. Everything about them shifts between all these different forms, as if they were choosing what to look like, who to be.
Arthur and the figure now stood in front of one another, their form still blurred and shifting, but then seemed... excited. Even though their face was blurred and Arthur could barely tell who or what he was looking at, he could just tell they were smiling, a wave of happiness coming from them as they tilt their head at him.
Arthur was told to greet them, so he offered his hand to them to shake. But they did not just take his hand, instead they took both his hands in theirs. A strange feeling then passed through Arthurs hands to his arms, then from there all over his body like a full body shiver. But he wasn’t cold.
It wasn’t an entirely pleasant feeling, but it didn’t hurt. It was that prickly feeling you get after laying on a limb too long, but not as intense. 
It traveled through his body, then back down his arms to his hands. And once it reached his hands, a subtle light traveled up the other beings hands, arms, then over their body. 
As it did so, the light revealed what the person looked like. No longer was their skin changing colors, now a single color that stayed. Their hair, their height, body, everything about them finally stopped shifting. Now Arthur could see who they truly were.
Their eyes were closed, however, so Arthur tapped their hands with his thumbs. When their eyes opened, he felt his own eyes open too.
Now, no longer in his head, he was kneeling in the same forest as before. But he wasn’t holding hands with the cream skinned woman anymore. Instead, kneeling as well and holding his hands in replacement of the woman, was the person he saw in his head, but now they were in the flesh.
They looked back at him with just as much shock as he looked at them, seemingly just as surprised at seeing Arthur in person. 
They spoke. 
“Holy shit... it worked!”
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neverinadream · 2 years
Repaying The Favour
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Summary: Whilst the party seems to be focused on Steve, Eddie turns his attention to you, who is battling your own struggles of being back in the Upside Down.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: spoilers, aspects of angst but mostly fluff, soft!eddie, aspects of anxiety/ptsd but never fully mentioned, mentions of blood, i tried to keep it gender neutral so let me know if there are any mistakes
Notes: let's hope this doesn't flop like the second part of my eddie series did lmao, the reader is always eighteen, feedback is always welcome
There's something about the darkness, something to the feeling of not knowing your surroundings, not seeing the colours of things as they appear before you, but as they truly are. There's something about the unknown, the quiet, the cold. There's something about the dark, something one can never quite put words to. Something terrifying yet beautiful.
You used to love the darkness. To be sat in a room, the curtains drawn and to let the absence of light and colour swallow you up. The loneliness of darkness gave you an opportunity to get lost in your own thoughts, but now the darkness terrified you; you were scared to be alone with your own thoughts and scared of the nightmares that came with the darkness.
Being stuck in the Upside Down would do that to a person and going back was a mistake.
"God. Damn. Fucking. Bats." The bat-like creature withered underneath your boot, the end of the oar hitting against its body. Blood splattered the ground, it's mangled body twitching until all movement had ceased. "This fucking town does my fucking head in!" You throw the broken oar to the ground, wiping a mixture of sweat and water from off your brow. "Fucking hell!" You scream out, your voice carried in the wind, echoing throughout the Upside Down.
Eddie watches from the side, a little shocked that the quietest person in the class, who always had their head in a book, disappearing into a world full of literary devices, could be so loud. "Are you okay?" He asks, dropping his own half of a broken oar.
"No," you answer, shaking your head, "no, I'm not fucking okay." Your head turns, catching his eyes that had only been watching you, before bringing your attention to the rest of the party. Steve, whose body had seen better days, was spitting blood onto the ground. "Look, I'm glad you're relatively okay, Steve," you say attempting to catch your breath, "but can we now figure a way out of here? I can't be spending another fucking second in this godforsaken place!"
"Uh, guys," Robin points her flashlight up at the sky, trying to grab their attention, "there's more of those...things coming!"
You follow her finger, stumbling back a step as your eyes land on the flock of beasts encroaching on them. A hand presses into your back, your head whipping back to find Eddie behind you, stopping you before you fell into him. "Can we please get the fuck out of here?" You stress, turning your attention back to the others.
"There's not that many," Steve replies, too confident for his own good, "we can take them, right?" The party stays quiet. He looks back at Nancy and then across at Eddie. "Right?"
"They just took a pound of your flesh and you want to take on more of those things?" You ask, from behind Robin. He looks back at you, shrugging his shoulders when he couldn't give you an answer. "If there's more here now, then it's most likely more will follow," you insist, fidgeting nervously with your sleeves, "so, I suggest the best thing for us to do is run."
"Yeah," Eddie nods his head, pointing his finger at you, "I-I like that idea. We should do that."
Nancy looks back at them. "To where?"
"We should be close to Skull-Rock, right?" Robin asks, taking a guess from her overall surroundings. It was the only logical guess since they were standing in what seemed to be a dried-up Lover's Lake. "Maybe we could hide out there until these bats go away?"
"Sounds good to me," Steve nods his head, motioning for the party to follow him.
Robin peeks out from under Skull-Rock, watching as the lightning crackles in the sky, patches of red contrasting against the constant grey clouds. "I think they've gone," she whispers, exhaling a sharp sigh of relief. One by one, they shifted out from under the kissing rock, Nancy attending to Steve, who was beginning to feel the effects of the bat bites, and Robin taking the time to stretch out. Everyone had removed themselves. Everyone but you. And only Eddie had noticed.
"Y/N?" He kneels down in front of you, noticing how you balled your hands up into fists to hide how they trembled. "Y/N?" He waves a hand in front of your face, unsure if he should touch you or not. There was a blank expression on your face, with no emotion in your eyes, giving him no indication of how you were feeling. "Hey-"
"-Please, don't touch me," you cut him off, seeing his hand encroaching your space.
"Right," he drops his hand, "sorry."
The adrenaline had disappeared from your body as quickly as it had arrived, submerging you into a world of darkness, riddled with your worst nightmares. All you could think about was the darkness. The way it encroached on the last bit of light, plaguing your thoughts with flashbacks to the last time you were in the Upside Down.
When Barb had gone missing, you had unwillingly joined in with Jonathan and Nancy's search; after all, Barb was a friend, not a close one, but still, she was someone who took a second to ask how you were. But it had been a mistake. You were sucked into the Upside Down, trapped in a never-ending nightmare, with only a slither of hope that you would be found. Fortunately for you, you had stumbled across the young Byers's fort and inside you had found Will, curled into a ball, tiredly singing the same song under his breath. It was in there that you did your best to keep the boy warm, to protect him from whatever monster was lurking outside, until someone finally came to save you.
A thin layer of sweat had broken out on the back of your neck, your heartbeat echoing in your ears as you tried to steady your breathing. Some people had a fear of spiders, some people had a fear of clowns, but you had a fear of being back in the Upside Down. A fear that was now a reality. "I should've stayed..." You take a deep breath, struggling to get your words out. "I shouldn't have gotten on the boat," you mumble, mostly to yourself, but to anyone who would listen, "I should've stayed with the kids."
"I'm beginning to think the same thing," Eddie replies, with a nervous chuckle. He checks over his shoulder, watching for a quick second as Nancy tends to Steve's injuries, using a piece of her own shirt to bandage his wounds. "You know," he clears his throat, turning to look back at you, "I never thought someone so quiet could be so loud. It kinda surprised me."
You finally look at him, his sudden omission enough to distract you from your thoughts. "What?" You ask, looking for a little clarification.
"You're like one of the quietest kids in our class - even quieter than that kid who likes bugs," he explains, with a soft smile, "so it was just a surprise to hear someone so quiet be so loud. But, hey, they always say it's the quiet ones that will surprise you."
"I didn't think you knew who I was," you say, unclenching your hands. He felt a sense of relief to see they were no longer trembling, even happy to hear a change in the way you talked. "I thought no one knew who I was," you mumble, taking your eyes off him for a second, "except for them." Robin sees you looking over at them, giving you a half-smile.
"You read The Lord of the Rings twice in one year," Eddie blurts out, a faint shade of red cascading across his cheeks, "of course, I'm going to notice that." You bite your lip, suppressing a smile he only wished to have seen. "I think anyone who has read that book twice is pretty cool and worthy of noticing."
"Three times," you confess to him, "I've read it three times."
"Well then, that makes you cooler than Steve 'the hair' Harrington."
You take a deep breath in, beginning to feel lighter after Eddie attempts to distract you. Looking over at him, you both share a smile. "Thank you," you say, taking his hand as he offers to help you stand.
His head tilts to the side, your hands still attached together. "For what?"
"For distracting me."
The ends of his curls bounce as he shrugs his shoulders. "You've all helped me these last couple of days," he downplays his actions, "I'm just trying to repay you back."
"I'm pretty sure you did that when you jumped off the boat."
Eddie finally drops your hand, sliding it into his damp pocket. "I don't even know why I did that," he mumbles, shaking his head, "I'm not a hero."
You smile for the first time in a long time. "I guess we can be non-hero-heroes together then."
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ofliterarynature · 5 months
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[loved liked ok no thanks (reread) book club* DNF]
The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp | Conrad’s Fate | Hold Fast Through the Fire | All the White Spaces* | The Game of Courts | (Artificial Condition) | From Below | Creatures of Will and Temper | The Saint of Bright Doors | (All Systems Red) | Over My Dead Body | The Twyford Code | A Conjuring of Light | Small Miracles | A Murderous Relation | Realm of Ash | The Magicians of Caprona | The Hourglass Throne | Raw Dog | Graveminder | The Devil and Winnie Flynn
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I am getting to this SO LATE, forgive me if I don't say a lot because I have forgotten so much. Work has eaten all of my time and energy against my will (should I get a new job? Probably). Anyways.
The Hourglass Throne - Will definitely need to reread this before the next book comes out (even thought they're all pretty well self contained for a series!) because WHAT? I have only half an idea what's going on, and no idea how to feel about the ending. Do I grieve? Not grieve? ??????? I think book 2 is still my favorite, but these books are addictive and a joy to read.
The Magicians of Caprona - I think at this point it's fair to say that I don't think DWJ could write a book that is uninteresting to read, but this is definitely my least favorite of at least the Chrestomanci books so far.
Realm of Ash - book 2 of the Books of Ambha series; I didn't like the first book in this series, why did I continue? Hope, that it would build on the things in the first book that I actually liked, and bring the sisters back together. It was better, I guess, but not in any way that really made me like it. I wish I'd followed my impulse and returned it to the library without listening.
A Murderous Relation - another Veronica Speedwell mystery, reliably enjoyable as always :)
Small Miracles - This was a DELIGHT. This was a fun romp (I'm told) in the vein of Good Omens, but with small stakes - and small miracles. The fallen angel of petty temptations is hired by an angelic friend to help the most sinless (and miserable) mortal have a little fun. But there's more to it than meets the eye, and the case gets tangled up the mortal woman's niece, pretending to be a school counselor, difficult family relationships, rants about chocolate, and inconsiderate siblings who rudely keep picking the same human gender as you. It's sweet, comforting, very queernorm, and a little romantic (f/gf)
A Conjuring of Light - I finished my Shades of Magic reread! Thank god. I was so thoroughly not impressed with books 2 & 3 this time around - they're just one book, divided in two, and I don't think it was divided in the right spot. It's so disappointing that these did not age with me, but you will also have to pry my copies away from me because they're one of the few books I've ever gotten signed in person (and the original covers are just cool). I fully intend to submit myself to the new spinoff series because hope never really dies lol.
The Twyford Code - This was such a strange and delightful book, that I'm not even sure I'm mad about the twist at the ending, I had such a good time reading it. (past me, listening: wow, this would have made such a cool fiction podcast, right? Joke's on me haha). I did honestly think I'd forgotten what this book was about for a bit, but then I was going through some old kid's books from my grandma that were *exactly* like the series in this book, and I had a big AHAH moment that delighted me.
Over My Dead Body - this was my first/nonfiction attempt at jamming in some spooky-ish books before the end of October. Overall, good. I did learn some new facts and there were some interesting parts; but I didn't always appreciate some of the author's commentary, and when it say's "America's Cemeteries," it really only means its urban cemeteries, which was a bit disappointing.
All Systems Red/Artificial Condition - Murderbot, my Beloved. rereading for the new book, and I'm trying my hardest to NOT do it on audiobook this time - and it's really worth it to read it in text, I promise, even if Kevin R Free's voice still echoes in my mind.
The Saint of Bright Doors - this was such a strange and wonderful read, I am so delighted to have read this, I love an unapologetically weird book. The vibe definitely reminds me a bit of The City & The City, or in some ways The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy; except I had other problems with those books and didn't finish them, but I did like this one. I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but maybe give it a shot.
Creatures of Will and Temper - another spooky book, and ooh boy could I go on an entire rant, I didn't want to finish this one but felt I had to for reasons. I'll let you look up the plot yourselves, but picture this: Victorian London, two sisters (one who likes swords!), and a whole lot of queer characters I wasn't expecting. I was delighted! Except you gradually learn every single queer character is involved with this club that has made a pact with a demon. What exactly does that mean? Who knows, because the book does not tell you until at least 3/4 of the way through, and we only have the word of the jacket copy and our sainted demon slayer, who is sketchy af the moment we get him alone. Turns out it's a chill demon who doesn't want blood sacrifice, cool cool, but maybe it should have been thought through a little more? Also the main/only successful romance in the book is between a 17 year old girl and a woman who is at minimum in her 30's, explicitly encouraged in part by the demon. hmm. Overall the writing and rest of the story was just ok, and the ending was disgustingly saccharine and just bad. Would strongly not recommend, but if someone wants my copy you're welcome to it. 2 stars.
From Below - another spooky book, and somehow still the most successful even though I didn't like it much. I almost DNF'd this in the first half, and while I wouldn't say I wish i had, I think my time could have been better spent. But really - if you are diving at an untouched ship wreck, that went missing with hundreds of unaccounted passengers and crew, in an area of the ocean entirely inhospitable to life, shouldn't one of the things you expect to find be human bodies??????? I got so worked up, lol, but once the spooky stuff started I had a better time.
The Game of Courts - new Nine World's novella! I love that Victoria takes the time to explore the various characters in her books outside of the main narrative. Getting to learn more about Conju ourside the current story was much appreciated, even if getting to see an outsider POV of earlier Kip was maybe the main draw. Probably not my favorite of the Lays novellas, but worth reading - and maybe a good starting place for those who are new to the series? Now if only I could get myself to read Derring-Do...
All the White Spaces - bookclub pick that got rescheduled to Nov (more time to reread Murderbot tho, so yay me). The description of this - trans guy on an antarctic exploration that goes wrong - sounded interesting, but it was kind of meh for me in the end. For one I was expecting more horror, but the description of "polar gothic" I've seen since really fits better. I also wasn't a fan of the supernatural explanation, and the whole thing felt hopeless from the beginning, once we got a grasp on the *actual* details of the situation, so I didn't quite know what we were here for. Not my cup of tea.
Hold Fast Through the Fire - NeoG book two!!!! This series is turning out to be very akin to the Tarot sequence in that they not perfect books or 5 stars by any means, but are so fun and addictive to read. This series is space opera, post-post-apocalypse where Earth has two colonies, and the series is about a team in the space!coast guard. Getting into the specific plot of this book isn't actually important, but there's a good 50/50 split on plot vs talking about our emotions!!! I love it, it definitely shows some improvement over book 1, even though I don't know that the author has got the POV's quite balanced out. Jenks is lucky I love her because her drama sure does keep taking over (and I cried so hard for her in this one you guys). Would recommend. Did I mention that almost everyone is queer?
Conrad’s Fate - a good book, but this is also the point where I really started questioning the recommended Chrestomanci reading order. I think chronologically it's book 2? And I'd already forgotten so much from The Lives of Christopher Chant, I do not understand and wish I'd read them chronologically. Much more fun than the Magicians of Caprona.
The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp - I was SO excited when I saw there was a new Leonie Swann being published in english, even if it wasn't the sequel to Three Bags Full (which I read last year and loved). I was even MORE excited when the book opened and was being narrated by the pet tortoise!!! Alas, it was not to last, I did not get another murder novel narrated by an animal. That being said, still pretty good, it reminded me of the Thursday Murder Club (which I liked less), but probably won't be a favorite.
DNF'S - Graveminder and The Devil and Winnie Flynn were both books I own that I tried to fit in for spooky month that did not work out. Winnie Flynn I admit I dropped almost immediately, the vibes were peak bad YA and I wasn't going to torture myself. Graveminder I tried, because I liked the idea, and it wasn't bad per-se, but something about the way it was executed (and the many many POV's) just wasn't working for me. Might fit someone else better though.
Raw Dog I really wanted to like, because the history of hot dogs and a description/ranking of hot dogs are both extremely up my alley - and I did make it 40% in! But there were just a number of factors building up against this - the author's sometimes very (overly?) sharp commentary, my lack of interest in her dysfunctional life, the lack of any comparative rating system for the hot dogs, the food waste, and the sheer number of bodily excretions used as descriptors for the food finally tipped me over the edge. I could have kept listening but I didn't really want to. Perhaps for someone, but not for me.
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imheretoreadandpostart · 11 months
Whirl, Swerve, x Weirdcore!Reader Romantic HCs
Reader is portrayed as a gender neutral human.
You have a pet hairless cat.
Tw for swearing and mention of organs such as eyes n stuff
Very friggin weirded out by you at first.
"The fuck do they look like that???"
He did like the repeating theme of blood and organs though.
In fact, its what made him talk to you in the first place.
You were chillin at Swerve's with Rewind when he came up to you and was like
"So.... are those real? if so, who did ya kill, and how?"
Was very confused at why you were giggling until you said they were fake and you made them yourself.
".....they look so real- Aight thats it, fleshie. You, me, this evening, my place."
"Wait why-"
Not knowing what else to do, you ask Rung for directions to Whirl's room. You don't know what you were expecting, but you weren't exactly expecting to be snatched up by his giant claw by the back of your shirt and interrogated about your appearance and mannerisms as if you tried to bring a knife on a plane.
You somehow managed to keep calm though.
Over time though, Whirl did warm up to you and one day confessed and boom! Yall a thing now.
Anyways uhh. He also likes the overall unsettling/calming vibes it can give off.
The liminal spaces kinda work on him? Like yes the place does seem a bit familiar to him, but he doesn't feel the strong sense of deja vu like he's been there before.
Likes your hairless cat.... but also doesn't.
"Yeah, its cute and all, very friendly, nice little fleshy.... but why the fuck does it look like that."
Loves any weird accessories you wear, just these teeny random creatures, items, and organs dangling off you.
Stole a necklace of (fake) teeth from you and he has it hanging off his weird antenna thing on his head unless he's off killing cons or whateva.
Kinda likes the the music you listen to??? Hes weirded out by it definitely, but he does like the melodies.
Not one for physical touch but isn't opposed to it.
He usually pats you on the head with a claw, or has one around your torso (gently).
Pet names include: Babe, Squish-ball, Teeny, Creepy Crawly, Critter, Weirdo, Fucker
Will attempt to murder anyone who dares hurt you or the cat, mentally or physically. Unless you stop him of course.
He loves you a lot despite your overall strangeness.
He loves your style so much, like i'm not kidding.
I mean how can he not? He's discovering a new human thing, that's right up his alley!
Doesn't like the bugs though. Only mildly unsettled by the organs.
And he loves your cat too, absolutely died of cuteness the first time he met them.
They get along p well :)
Big fan of your outfits, they're unique, cute, and fun!
Carries the two of you around almost anywhere he goes.
Yall met when you were wandering the ship with your backpack of art stuff and listening to your tunes. You went down a hall you haven't been to yet and stumbled across his bar.
You walk in, staying close to the wall so you don't get stepped on or something. you make it near the main bar when he spotted you.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod they're real-"
He excitedly ran out from behind the bar toward you. He did that thing where you jump, land, and slide on your knees in a sitting position. What a dork XD
He landed next to you and started rambling, You couldn't help but let out a small laugh and smile as he went on.
"Oh wait sorry i forgot to say- My name is Swerve, its so nice to finally meet you!! You look so cool, like weird but very cool. It reminds me of something but i can't remember what- oh wait whats your name?"
He put you on the bar counter as he continued his work all the while continuously chatting with you.
Months later yall got together.
Very affectionate. Like i'm not kidding. Prepare to be held gently.
Liminal spaces work on him. Experiencing the Deja Vu and feelings of unsettlement fr.
Pet names are: Sweet-spark, Sugar, Kiwi, Love-bug
Loves weirdcore music. Specifically songs by Jack Stauber.
Swerve set up a lil place for you on the bar, mostly blankets and pillows with weird patterns, along with some plushies. Like a four eyed cow, a two headed dog, and a clay-face plushie of a duck.
Has lots of lil snacks for ya too.
Won't stop rambling about how much he loves you.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
What is this Hu-man thing you call Gen-Dar?
The Station administrators pulled Dave the Human in for a little meeting.
"On a scale of one to immediately calling my Union Rep, how much have you found out about?" Asked Dave, a man who who could be described as exceedingly unproblematic.
The human admin, Eoin O'Patel perked up. "We have a Union?" He asked with interest. "Who's the rep?"
"It's Un-Named Male. I didn't tell him yet."
"Oh..." said O'Patel, disappointed. "No, no. Well I mean, you're not in trouble, we just want you to cause some."
Dave shot a look at the Atrix Administrator, Don't Make Me Come Down There. Ma for short.
Ma gave Dave a thumbs up. Well OK.
"Sooo...?" Said Dave sitting up, because things were about to be Interesting.
Dave The Human, Garf and Un-Named Male were in the Caf, examining the stack of "Unions and how to Start One" leaflets that had been delivered to Un-Named Male when Dave sauntered in, in brand new overalls: Specifically Atrix overalls, tailored to size, including one of the armbands that are usually covered in badges.
Garf looked bemused and flickered several colours and patterns.
Un-named male said "Graaaaak..."
Dave The Human didn't say anything because she was stuffing her face.
"No it's not cultural appropriation actually. As of today, by special permission of O'Patel and Ma, I am officially an Atrix." Dave said and posed. "Just for a week. I'm moving into that spare room on the Atrix deck. Ma reckons it'll make keeping the moss alive easier."
"Seems a bit extra for some moss gardening." Dave The Human said, licking her claws.
"Oh no. It just turned out to be handy. See, the Station is getting a visit from a certain bunch of pointy heads from a nation that dare not breathe it's name in polite society and we merry three... four, sorry Un-Named, are getting to play with them."
"Oooh!" Said Dave The Human. "This gon' be good."
Interview 1
The first interview performed by Pinkerton Finke put him in a sour mood. He was a congressionally appointed official, on an important fact finding tour - Facts that supported the narrow world view of his employers, naturally - And he felt he was due some respect.
He said as much to his assistant, Loris. Good girl, very competent, possibly worth keeping on when her looks started to go, he thought.
Loris looked over that the other seat across the desk, upon which was sitting a large scaled individual. They had two long arms with three claws, and two smaller arms tucked up into a front pocket, a ludicrously long neck and shiny black button eyes just in front of a pair of soft ears - Possibly the only thing soft bout them. They appeared to have a set of scales that moved in unsettling ways and were painted in tacky colours.
"Is that... Nail polish?"
The creature noddes. "Pinking of you." It said. Loris wrote that down and Finke seethed at the irrelevance.
"You are... a... a Tuh-sin?" He said clearly and slowly.
The creature stared back dumbly then said "No? I'm human."
Finke looked down at his notes. The first interviewee was listed as Dave. Obviously Loris had added 'The human' for him. Idiot girl. Of course someone called Dave was human.
"I think you're in the wrong room. I'm waiting for someone called David."
"Nah mate. It's Dave, innit? Dave The Human. 'S me."
Finke felt his blood pressure going up. "No I'm supposed to interview one of the technical staff, from the human contingent posted here on matters of..."
The creature held up a hand. "Yer. 'S me. Dave The Human. 'Cos I'm officially human like, and I'm class three for some of the really twiddly bits of the life support. Real twiddly. So what's the craic?"
Loris slid her tablet over showing that for some deranged reason, the creature was indeed listed as Dave The Human and on the payroll as officially human.
"Jesus ffff... OK. I'm inquiring as to the attitudes to gender conformity on this place. It has come to the attention of some very highly placed people that attitudes are somewhat lacking in moral fibre. So tell me... David, if you understand the proper, moral stance on gender."
"Oh wot? Pff. Easy mate. Marriage is one Big Guy, Two small guys, two small women and a Big Lass to yell at them all to wash their claws. Don't worry, if you ain't got enough small women, just get extra small guys, they'll switch over after a few months."
Finke slowly went red in the face, and for some reason this prompted the Dave creature to pull out a small fruit and put it carefully on the desk. "Here y'go. OK, got stuff to do. Nice meetin' ya." He said and ambled out.
Interview 2
"Ok next up is an Atrix. Phalanges Mitten." Said Loris.
A human walked in, dressed as an Atrix and sat down.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Is this a joke?" Finke said.
"Nope, said Phalanges Mitten, definitely an Atrix who looked a lot like Dave the Human. "Tell you what, want to speak to the community leader for the Atrix population?"
Finke thought about it. "Very well." He said and Phalanges yelled, "GARF YOU'RE UP!" Without getting up.
A two meter tall purple dinosaur shouldered her way in and leaned back on her short tail. "Hey Phalanges. Having... an issue?"
Finke stared up. Christ they're a lot bigger than he'd assumed.
"Yeah, Fink here says i'm not Atrix enough." He said and Garf tutted. "Well Station Admin checked with the homeworld and I'm empowered to act as ambassador pro-tem, and I can tell you Phalanges has the support of the Atrix." She said smoothly.
Finke could feel a headache coming on. "Very well... I'm inquiring as to the attitudes to gender conformity on this place. It has come to the attention of some very highly placed people that attitudes are somewhat lacking in moral fibre. So tell me... Phalanges, if you understand the proper, moral stance on gender."
Phalanges sniffed. "Oh sure. There's only the one. Size."
Finke stared. Phalanges stared back. Garf ate a sandwich. Loris made a strangled sound that Finke couldn't hear over the sound of his blood pressure rising.
"Are you..." he started and Phalanges talked over him.
"Simple. You start out small and you do the best you can and then you get bigger and you do the best for others, and in between if you feel like fertilising an egg when you're small or producing one when you're bigger, well that's nobody's business, but there's somethings that are easier when you have more body mass."
Finke went with his first reaction. "Bullshit."
And so Garf flipped up the flap on her coveralls stuffed both hands in and hauled a purple iguana in a hawaiian shirt out and dumped him on the desk.
Finke shrieked and the lizard said "Grak!"
"What the hell?" He asked. "If this is your pet..."
Phalanges inhaled sharply. "Ooh. I wouldn't..."
"That's my husband." Said Garf in tones that made the room's heating elements click in.
"He's an adult." Said Phalanges.
The iguana, made a modulated grackling noise, and Phalanges said "He said, 'That makes four of us'. Ooh, burn."
Finke glared at the lizard who stared back and changed colour. He wondered how much trouble there would be if he swatted it.
"The thing is, Fink, we know who you are, what you represent, and you've showed up on a station where most of the humans aren't from your nation, and over half of everyone isn't even from Earth. None of us are planning on subscribing to your views, or supporting them. And if you had the wit of it, you'd never have come. But here you are, on the station, with little to no actual authority, nosing around and trying to recruit..."
Finke felt a cold flush.
"... And so you get to go back and climb under your rock. Loris? Your contract came through. "
"What?" Gasped Finke. "Contract? See here, she's my..."
Loris slapped him on the back of the head with a tablet, saying "That was always your problem. You thought I was yours." Then she dropped the tablet on the desk and walked out.
Finke looked down at it in shock where the words "I Quit" were scrawled across it, already planning what he was going to do to tht snip of a... and... Oh crap. He slapped a hand over the table and flipped it over before anyone saw what else was on it, just in time for the iguana to hand him a subpoena with a smug "Grak".
"You've been served mate." Said Phalanges. "Your ass backward views are the least of your worries. You really should have been nicer to the woman who handles your dirty secrets."
"Why Dave?" Asked Ma.
O'Patel looked at the service record for Dave, which showed the name Dave being added to the record about three months after Dave's arrival. He didn't look further. No need to look at deadnames.
"Oh you know. No ties to that country. No blowback if things get nasty." He said. "I hope there was no trouble form Homeworld?"
"Mm. No. Central rather enjoyed the idea I think. As for Phalanges, he... officially She I suppose... has been fine, though we'd like him out of the Atrix section before the lighting cooks his eyes. It's a lot higher UV and I know that's harder for Human eyes to deal with. But between you and I and Garf's recomendation, if Dave ever defects, we might go as far as finding him a little guy."
O'Patel chuckled indulgently. "If he ever feels like he needs to defect, I'll help him pack." He said. "Talking of which I hear the new PA is doing quite well." He added shooting a look toward where Loris was flirting with the big female everyone called Dave.
Ok that's it. I actually have three drafts of this that didn't pan out.
If you liked it, comment, because I love getting comments!
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asksmg4hollowau · 2 months
Hollow!SMG4 introduction
Realizing I should make these <;/3
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SMG4 - CASE 1 Species: Slime Age: 24 Gender: Male Height: 5"10
Smg4 is a slime hominoid like creature depicted wearing a blue shirt, white overalls and gloves, and brown boots. He seems to be somewhat of the leader or main person at least in the group of monsters found in the manor, he seems to be overall pretty friendly towards others in the manor only sometimes lashing out at them from what we have gathered. His behavior towards humans is a little different. Though he's not aggressive towards them on first sight he does get a little iffy, trying to not interact or even look in their direction. Now if said human were to interact in a friendly way, he doesn't seem to have a problem speaking back in the same tone. But if interacted with in a hostile way he may try to run away from the scene. If this does not work, he will fight back. He has been also seen not needing to eat or drink for several weeks. Maybe he doesn't need to, and he just does it for fun. Answer unclear. His body is composed of a slimy material (hence his species) making him somewhat stretchy. He also seems to fear the water, it could be the fact that slime is very dense, so possibly the answer is simple. He just is incapable of swimming. More documents will be made. Signed researcher [REDACTED]
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
You knpow what I think you haven't done for a design review? Pineco and Foretress. Got to love Pinecone Bug and Walnut Cannon Shell in general.
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At first glance, Pineco here looks like a sentient pine cone and like it should be a grass-type, ala Seedot. However, Pineco has a secret:
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Pineco isn't a pinecone at all, but is instead a bagworm caterpillar, hence the bug typing. For those not familiar, bagworms are a kind of moth caterpillar that build cases out of materials such as pine needles and tree bark:
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You can't see it in this photo, but there's a caterpillar in this structure (possibly already cocooned in this photo). In order to move, they stick their heads out of the top like a sleeping bag. :)
Anyway, visually, Pineco is perfectly fine, albeit somewhat generic if you didn't pick up on the "bug in a protective shell" thing. The individual pieces of bark, resembling the scales of a pinecone, are well structured, and having the eyes tucked under the top two scales allows them to pop nicely against the dark shading, especially with their red coloration. It also bears a slight semblance to a grenade, which is fitting giving their habit of blowing themselves up with little warning.
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Female bagworms never develop into something resembling a moth and stay in their cases through adulthood. While this line isn't gendered, Forretress indeed isn't a moth but some other kind of organism entirely. The question of what kind of organism is a bit more questionable; it's presumably still a bagworm, but the case now looks more like a clamshell and it gains steel typing of all things.
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My guess is that it's a walnut shell, keeping with the idea of protection and the tree theme—it looks a lot less rocky and a lot more organic in its original sprite above. The body has just hardened along with the modified case to justify the typing.
Regardless of what it is, I do like Forretress a lot, more so than Pineco. Like I said above, Pineco can seem fairly generic at a glance if you don't know the concept, but this red creature with an obvious shell and turrets sticking of it its body is super neat, and conveys both that it's a creature in something and that it'll explode and/or fire steel fragments in your face if you get too close to it.
I also like the design just in terms of pure aesthetics. The shell has teeth along its edge, and in each gap lies a turret—except for the front two spots, which perfectly hold its eyes. A black stripe runs across the middle of the body and helps to draw attention to the eyes. It's very nicely balanced. I do wish that it had a little more to connect it visually to Pineco however. I like the colors as-is, but maybe just making it green instead of red would've been enough.
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My other nitpick relates to how we actually have an entire beta history for Forretress. It started as a unrelated bagworm Pokemon, then got a placeholder sprite, and then we got these early designs:
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These designs confirm that the black band around Forretress' eyes used to be its mouth, and while I really like the design we got, there's also something super appealing in these sprites (especially the first one with the wiggly mouth that matches the shell) that feels like it got lost.
I think it's the expressions: the Forretress design we got has very flat and dead eyes, but early Forretress 100% looks like a creature that will explode in your face if you get any closer to it. If the eyes had kept the slightly maniac expression from this sprite while keep the design as the final version, I think we would've had the ideal Forretress. Like I said, a nitpick, just one I thought I'd point out.
Overall, this is a pretty solid line. I do think more visual continuity could've been maintained between the two stages, but the bagworm concept is solid and Forretress in particular is well designed.
Also, this has little to do with the Pokemon, but I don't feel like this review would be complete without bringing up the best Pokemon TCG move name of all time:
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