#gah my first one xD
ewoodxx · 10 months
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cloudcountry · 1 year
wait, are you a piano? piano, azul lover?? :0 if so, helloou I follow your other blog, I love your opinions <3 but if it's not you, the same, helloooo I'm glad to find more blogs xd well I would like to request headcanons for riddle, azul, vil and rook reacting to their female reader (they are already in an established relationship~) doing this: " happy-pharrel williams by: cara delevigne :) " just like the video mc is a model who is always herself, dances and likes to make faces in her photo shoots ;)) tkm!!
SUMMARY: Riddle, Azul, Vil, and Rook dating goofy model!!
COMMENTS: i don't have another blog so i think you have me confused with someone else ^^" but hello anon!! you are actually my first requester and i thought that video was really sweet (in a weird way AHSGFDAH) sigh i havent heard that song in YEARS.
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first, Riddle doesn’t know what to make of your photoshoots. The pictures his mother had hanging in their house did not look like the pictures you take at all.
You’re going to have to tell him that those pictures his mother has are of really really old people that posed for hours and not modern modeling.
“Wait, so you mean you don’t wear—?” “Nope! I wear modern clothing and my shoots are super chill! You should come watch sometime!”
It’s nice to see you so happy though. You're so confident when you're in your element. It’s a side of you that Riddle truly admires since not many have your charisma. It’s a quality he values in the Queen of Hearts (even though his dormmates will tell you he doesn’t have much of it himself, oops!)
He will actually make time to come to your shoots since you asked him to. He’s a bit awkward, eyes darting around the room at all the equipment he doesn’t recognize.
Then he sees you, and you wave so happily to him that he can’t help but smile too. He’s surprised at how calm you are in front of the camera, and even more surprised when you start making silly faces and dancing around.
Once your shoot is over, you bounce over to him with a smile and ask what he thought. Well, he thought you were stunning. But is he going to tell you that straight up? Unfortunately, no he won’t.
But it’s obvious enough in his pink cheeks and proud expression.
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Well, my dear angelfish, if you ever want to have a photoshoot in the Mostro Lounge, I would not be opposed to allowing you that opportunity!” Free promotion for the lounge hell yeah!
Azul is shocked when you not only take him up on his offer, but use his tables and chairs as props. He walks in on you brandishing a chair like it's a weapon, screaming bloody murder as you stab at the air.
He’s flabbergasted. He is bamboozled. He is shocked. Angelfish...what are you doing?! Despite all his questions, he hangs back and watches you work, eyes wide and brow furrowed in confusion.
He watches you set down the chair and run over to the bar, where you place a glass on your head and balance it for the camera. Azul tenses up because omg that glass is EXPENSIVE—
He has to hide his face in his hands and scream quietly when you set the glass down and run to one of the tables, climbing on top of it and beaming at the camera. He doesn’t understand what kind of photoshoot this is at all.
Like, how is he supposed to use these as promotional photos? People should not be acting like this in the Mostro Lounge...he’s only making an exception because it’s you.
There’s a small part of him that expects you to start taking things seriously at some point, or that you’re just joking around with your crew right now. That time doesn’t come.
Your photoshoot wraps up, and you run over to Azul and hug him tightly. He laughs nervously, patting your back.
“So angelfish...what was all that?” “It’s how I model!!” Gah, he can’t say anything to that smile.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is impressed to hear that you’re a model and offers you a collaboration. Of course, that offer will only stand if you’ve been following his skincare routine.
Now, Vil is a more serious model. It proves difficult to model with him, but surprisingly, you two manage! The crew thinks you may have a telepathic connection or something.
Because while Vil is posing, with no expression on his face and he holds the camera's gaze, you’re behind him with his hair dryer, pretending to dry your hair.
There's another shoot they do where Vil poses for you, and you’re pretending to do his makeup. You stick your tongue out and shut one of your eyes for emphasis, a dramatic facial expression that makes Vil want to roll his eyes.
He adores you, he really does, but he didn’t expect you to be so goofy in your photoshoots. Especially when you start dancing around with cans of spray paint.
You threaten to spray him and he gives you an ice-cold glare that only makes you laugh even harder. “Improvised hair dye,” you call it. Vil can’t say he agrees, but since you didn’t actually do anything to his hair he can’t complain.
Once the photoshoot is over, Vil takes mental notes on your style of modeling and suggests the next photoshoot should be about contrast.
You shrug and say it sounds fun, and Vil is baffled that you agreed so quickly, but then again should he really be surprised? You’re all about having fun.
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Rook Hunt
Oh, Rook adores this! He thinks you look radiant and would buy tickets every day to see you frolic on whatever set you’ve chosen.
He would love to prep you for the shoot too, whether that be makeup or hair or helping you with your outfit! Please let him help...please.
Your crew might have to kick him out if he makes too much of a racket yelling about how amazing you look.
It really is quite flattering, but sometimes they need things a little quieter so you're not too carefree.
He'll bring you a bouquet after every modeling session just to display his unbridled support (but not without a cheesy line about the flower's beauty being nothing compared to you.)
If you ever bring up him being in your photoshoot, Rook will be shocked but absolutely elated. You want him in the presence of your beauty?
He fits your carefree attitude so well and is a natural in front of the camera!! Of course, if any of the people working your shoot mention this, he'll start rambling about Vil's beauty and how it prepared him for this day.
I hope you're ready to have a guest at your photoshoots a lot now!! Rook isn't letting this one go.
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i love your monster au so much!!
pls consider the twst charas reacting to yuu cracking their joints and being like
"did you... just break your bones.....?" or "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU OKAY??????"
or or them reacting to yuu telling them how dangerous human bites are like,,,
"did u know human bites are the second most dangerous animal bite?? (after mosquitos!) because of the amount of bacteria they carry? yeah lol sometimes ppl who get bitten (mostly by children) have to get that limb AMPUTATED bc of infection :))"
"what........ the. fuck???"
these have probably been mentioned before, but i'd love to see you elaborate or share your thoughts on them! it's not a request, but you can write something about it if you want to! :) <3
Technically the human bite one was touched up on in this ask here, but as for the other one...
It’s amazing how—despite the fact that cracking joints is healthy for us when we’re out of sorts—there are so many people who are shocked or recoil when they hear someone seemingly crack and pop every single joint in our body. XD
Humans are weird even to themselves, let alone to monsters who know next to nothing about us hoomans. :V So let’s take an extra crinkly Yuu and toss them in amongst these monsters, shall we?
It was another normal day at NRC, the sunlight streaming in through the clean windows of the freshly renovated Ramshackle Dorm. Stirred from their slumber, Yuu slowly sat up—minding Grim as the chimera continued snoozing beside them—and yawned. Despite the bed being comfortable, they still woke up stiff and tense. Without a second thought, they put a hand to their chin and—
“Mrah!?” Grim yowled as he jumped, staring at Yuu in horror as they repeated the process on the other side and earned more pops and cracks. “What the heck was that?! Are you okay!?”
“Mornin’ Grim,” Yuu greeted, stifling a yawn before twisting their back—earning a multitude of creaks and pops. “Just slept a little funny last night and woke up stiff, so I’m getting the kinks out.”
“Okay, I’m ready!” Hopping out of bed, they started getting ready and asked, “So what do you want for breakfast today?”
“…I think I lost my appetite,” Grim uttered.
“Okay, breakfast sandwich to go it is, then.”
“Gah! Yuu, what the hell?!”
“Are you okay?!”
“Human! Are you injured?!”
“Wot the hell?!”
“Can’t the Great Grim eat his breakfast sandwich in peace?!”
“Sorry guys! I just woke up really stiff this morning and needed to stretch.”
Ace looked at them in horror as he said, “Are you kidding me? Everyone thought you broke your arms and legs with all that cracking you did at PE this morning! How can you still be making more noise?”
“What? I was just loosening up a few joints with some stretches so I could keep up with everyone!”
“Coach doesn’t even chase you as hard as he chases us around the track, yet you’re the one who sounds like a crumpled soda can,” Epel commented warily.
“Is this normal for humans?” Deuce asked in concern, forelegs shuffling nervously as they made their way towards their next class. “It sounded like it really hurt…do you need to see the nurse?”
Yuu shrugged and said, “No, I’m fine, really. It only really hurts if you try to force it and don’t let the muscles relax first. Back home, we have people called ‘chiropractors’ who do the cracking for us when we’re in too much pain to move a certain way. Don’t your joints crack and pop too?”
“Well yeah, whenever we stretch it can happen sometimes,” Ace answered. “But if it’s constant clicking like what you’ve been doing, it usually means that something is wrong like an injury or something.”
“In canine monsters, it usually means that there’s a torn ligament or it’s bone rubbing against bone,” Jack explained. “My father experienced that once before, and it took him a while to heal after he got the problem fixed.”
“Oh wow…sorry, I didn’t mean to make you guys worry so much,” Yuu said, thinking back to the grape incident as they entered the classroom together. “I’ll try not to do it as often, okay?”
“If you have to do it, then don’t do it before or after I eat!” Grim said.
“You’re still eating the breakfast sandwich I made even though you complained about losing your appetite this morning.”
“As if the Great Grim would ever let good food go to waste…”
Class began as normal, Yuu listening to Professor Crewel as he instructed them on what was on the agenda for the day as the homework assignment was collected. For the most part it wasn’t bad, but today Yuu was feeling more tired than usual after the workout from this morning. As they sat at their desk, they shifted a little uncomfortably. There was some tightness in their upper back, and no amount of shoulder rolls or slight stretching could ease the pressure.
Out of the corner of their eye they saw one of their monster classmates begin to stretch, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned before settling back in his seat. Maybe that was the kind of stretch they needed to do…worth a shot anyway!
Raising their arms and interlocking their fingers, Yuu straightened their back and curved as their arms bent back—
The whole classroom fell silent, multiple pairs of eyes turning to face Yuu as they sat frozen in their seat with arms still stretched over them. Even Yuu was stunned by the sheer volume of the cracks that escaped their back, faintly making out their friend’s expressions as they stared in open mouthed disbelief and horror. That was the loudest crack they’d ever heard their body make! At this point Yuu was afraid to move, looking like some comically stretched out statue.
Before anyone could ask if they were okay, Yuu asked, “…am I dead?”
Despite the sheer amount of panic and concern the class had over their wellbeing, Yuu was given the all clear by the medical researchers after a quick x-ray revealed that they had not—in fact—broken any bones. It was during a discussion with the researchers that it was discovered that chiropractors were in fact a thing in Twisted Wonderland. But given the fact that most monsters don’t use it as often as other medical practices such as acupuncture, it’s become a rare practice that very few still teach.
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megumi-fm · 1 month
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26th to 30th Apr; doa🚲 complete!!
hi. gah. okay. here's my wrap up for the month
📝 prepped for and completed the last set of internal tests for this degree [2/2] (which I got through after much cribbing and whining and quite literally projecting study topics onto my blorbos 👍 ) 📝 started GRE prep!
🎓 got some gradecard related paperwork done 🎓 spoke to my prof regarding my internship deliverables for uni—report format, certificate requirements, etc etc
📥 I voted! it was the first central elections since I turned to an adult and the whole experience was quite interesting
💻 completed a bunch of tasks for my internship
💻 made like a super extensive flowchart about all the work done at my internship which took me like a total of 20+ hours T-T 💻 finished preparing my Uni Internship presentation! 💻 submitted the presentation to the assistant guide, waiting on her response to make changes atm
🍶 7+ glasses of daily water intake 🎵 svt's new single is out and I've been going insane about it and thus this challenge comes to an end... I had started this off as an 18day daily habit tracker but then it kind of grew out into a challenge for the month. Special thanks to Yumi the loml <3 (@thelastneuron) for starting the Days of April challenge (Yumi idk when you'll see this but i miss you and I hope you've been kicking ass during your hiatus). also massive thanks to Zip (@zipstidbits) for leaving the kindest comments/tags on my post during the past week and to Tanishka (@booksbluegurl) who is literally the sweetest and has been sending in asks and keeping me company during this challenge <3
there's a lot more i wanna yap about in regards to how the month went but I'll leave that under the tags xD goodnight besties <3
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month end brainrot
april started off with dips and more dips but by the end of the month it feels like I've caught up. productivity is a wave so as long as I keep riding at it i'll be okay.
also. progress is cumulative. even the seemingly inconsequential completion of daily tasks has lead to an overall improvement through the week. things add up
I spent a lot of time this month (and moreso this past week) feeling dejected that I've been leaving my tracker posts (and my digital planner entries) incomplete... but like. the whole point of trackers and planners (and this studyblr) is to get work done. work is the priority and the tracking is a means to an end. so if im getting work done that is already a win. yeah... i've had to keep reminding myself that
there is no one-tool-fix for tracking and journalling. what works for planning out one task will not work for the other. I need to strop trying to fit all my plans into one formulaic strategy box
on that note. it's time to return to handwritten journaling. digital journalling (notion + YPT + discord + tumblr) was fun while it lasted <3 but my brain needs novelty again so it's time i switch back. I think I finally have an idea for a system that could be sustainable for me... although I say that every time I switch to a new form of tracking. but hey. as long as it helps me get work done for whatever duration of time, it's good enough
using kpop and kdrama references to make notes and study really paid off. ngl I only did it cause I was super desperate but incorporating stuff I couldn't understand with a topic I really like paid off. It also gave me the motivation and momentum to study for much longer than I otherwise would have
last but not least. my water intake has been really good this month! I've also been eating healthy and I've been cooking more my phone usage has also been reduced by a lot. sure none of them have had a perfect streak but i started at zero and it feels like I've levelled up quite a bit. the exercise component has been a bit difficult to maintain given my workload :/ i need to figure out what to do about that...
yep. that's it for now. this month really tired me out, I think im gonna lay off daily challenges for a while. For now I guess I'll stick to my (bi?tri?)weekly tracker posts xD
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Hi! How are you doing? THANK YOU for opening your requests, your writing is so fricking good! I have two fic requests in mind (you can choose one if you're doing one request per person :3).
platonic Lee! Sigma Ler! Dazai (BSD.). Plot: Sigma is 'air ticklish' and cannot deal with any form of anticipation without becoming a giggly mess and Dazai is a teasing jerk who takes advantage of this. That's it, that's the request XD.
platonic OR romantic Lee! Dazai Ler! Kunikida (BSD.) Plot: Dazai is ticklish but Kunikida is not. So, Kunikida finally has something to hold over Dazai's head and thus can get him back for annoying him. Little did he know, Dazai's ticklish laugh is different (read: CUTER) than his regular laugh and Kunikida accidently makes a comment about it out loud. That comment is now something Dazai can hold over Kunikida's head!
I'm not too sure how far you are in BSD, so feel free to ignore my requests if you don't feel comfortable writing it. Have a nice day and stay safe!
EKJEKJRJKE WAA! Thank you so much, anon! I appreciate the kind words! So- unfortunately I don't know Sigma yet, so I can't do that one; but I can do the Dazai and Kunikida fic! :D It's such a cute plot and I freaking love it akjejrkaejkrjaejrk I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo
“Oi.” A finger tasered his side, making Dazai shoot up in his seat with a yelp. “Stay focused.”
“I am! I am focused- I just…” Dazai huffed some upon meeting Kunikida’s eyes, turning back to his desk with a small pout. “I’m so boooored~ It’s all paperwork! And you won’t let me have my headphones-”
“Cause you spend the entire day dancing around the office and singing.”
“Hey- I raise the office morale with my incredible performances.”
“If by morale you mean headache risk, then sure.”
“GAH! My heart!” Dazai clutched his chest dramatically before falling against his desk, face down and slightly twitching.
“Paperwork. Now.” Kunikida went behind him, giving his ribs a quick tickle before heading out, leaving Dazai shooting up with a startled laugh.
“Mm…I’ll get you back, Doppo. That’s a promise.”
Dazai wasn’t kidding around either. He was determined to get Kunikida back.
Since the discovery of his…weakness, Kunikida had been adamant on using it against Dazai everyday. Not doing his paperwork? A poke to the ribs. Explaining his elaborate plan for his newest suicide attempt? Cut off with fingers against his neck. Singing and having a grand ol’ time? A squeeze to the thigh that nearly took him to the pearly gates.
Granted, he really shouldn’t have been dancing on the desk…
The point is- Kunikida was being a tyrant, and Dazai was gonna find a way to break him down!
“Hehehehe, this should work just fine…” The bandaged man grinned as he laid out his trap- like a carrot to the rabbit, he’d lure Kunikida in and attack! “Try to resist this, Kuni. Hehehe~”
~~~ “Where is that moron? First he bails on paperwork, then he has the audacity to dance on my desk-” Kunikida’s mutterings came to a halt when his eyes landed on a particular book lying across the coffee table. “Is that…no way!”
But it was! Upon the table was a brand new notebook! Pristine and shiny- untouched by other’s ideals and just waiting for Kunikida to sink his pen into! It was even by his favorite notebook creator- this had to be for him, yes? Oh how he wanted to touch it…
Just as quickly as it came, his excitement was snuffed out- replaced by suspicion. Was it really for him? Sure- he may be the only one to use notebooks for his ability, but that didn’t mean no one else had purpose for them. He shouldn’t be so bold.
….Surely just admiring it wouldn’t hurt, right?
Giving in to his weakness, he came over to the table, studying the craft with careful eyes. Oh, it was so beautiful! Wrapped in plastic to keep from dirtying and oh so lovely! With that- surely he could touch it? He reached out and…
“HA!” Dazai all but yelled from behind, latching onto Kunikida’s waist and digging in. “Gotcha! Gotcha gotcha gotcha! You can’t escape…me.” The brunette blinked. Why wasn’t Kunikida laughing? He pressed into ribs, wiggled his hands against his belly and sides, even pinched his hip! How…
Looking up slowly, he met Kunikida’s raised eyebrow with a sheepish grin. “H-Hello there. How are you today, Kuni?”
“Fine. Yourself?” Kunikida turned in his arms, gently taking Dazai by the shoulders as he forced him back into the couch. Dazai stiffened some, eyes wide as he leaned away. “You look nervous.”
“Oh no- no, not at ahahhall-” Dazai scrunched some with a giggle as the thumb closest to his collarbone massaged circles into his skin, already ticklish. “Dohohoho you like yoohohohur presehehehnt?”
“Oh, so it is for me? I’d say I appreciate the gift if it weren’t so obviously a trap.” The thumb on his otherside began to swirl, making Dazai scrunch up further, his giggle fits increasing. “Did you really think that would work? I believe I’ve told you before I’m not ticklish.”
“Thahahhahat’s buhuhuhuhuhuhuhull! I sthihihihihihll behehehhet you ahahahhahre- ahhhehehahah wahhahhait whahahahhait!” Dazai leaned back further when fingers began tracing his neck, his shoulders all the way up to his ears as he kicked. “Dohohohohon’t not my neehhehehheck!”
“Is it too ticklish for you, Dazai?” Kunikida smirked as he dropped his hands, giving the other a chance to breathe. “Very well then. I’ll skip your neck.”
“Whahahit reahahahally? Cause I don’t mih-Hhehehehehhehehehehehhehehehend!” Dazai shot up with a proper squeal when his ribs were assaulted from the front, ten fingers finding all the soft spots of his torso as they scratched and scribbled against them. “Aheahhahahhahaha, Kuhuuhuhuhnikihhihihihiihda! Gheahahahhaha, it tiihiihihihihckles!”
“That’s kind of the point.” The poet almost laughed himself, shaking his head as Dazai squirmed and giggled beneath him. Wait- what did he say earlier?
With a curious hand, he swept it up and tickled Dazai’s neck some more.
“AHEHAHAHAHAHHA!” A snort squeal shot out of his lips as Dazai attempted to curl up, falling sideways on the couch as he swatted at Kunikida’s hands. The laugh he let out was startling cute- soft and deep; rich with genuine glee as the brunette turtled up. “KUUHUUHHUNIKIHIIHIIHIDA!”
Oh right- he was still tickling. “Yes?”
“And thank you?”
“Do I really?” He snuck a hand beneath his armpit, making the brunette wheeze into near silent laughter. “Come on- speak up. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“eheheheheHAHAHAHHAHA!” The sound came back when Kunikida removed his hand, returning it to Dazai’s waist and kneading gently. “STahhahahaap tiihiihihickling mehehehhehe!”
“Heh. Very well. I suppose you’ve learned your lesson.” Kunikida gave him one last scritch against his neck before pulling his hands back, watching Dazai slump. He looked so defeated- it was rather…
“Adorable.” Kunikida found himself saying outloud.
“Huh?” Dazai blinked, face red as he stared up at Kunikida. The poet felt his own flush a rivaling color, stiffening up at what just came out of his mouth. “Wait- Kuni-”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You just called me-”
“No! That was the wind.”
“You think I’m adorable! Is that why you always tickle me?” Dazai didn’t look alarmed anymore. If anything, he was grinning from ear to ear, eyes sparkling. “I knew you loved my antics! I knew it! No wonder you’ve been playing with me more recently!”
“H-Hush your mouth! I most certainly do not!” Kunikida twisted away, willing his face to cool. He was this close to getting away too! “Your antics are ridiculous and your behavior is that of a child! I find you annoying!”
“Say it to my face then, Kuni~”
The poet turned to do just that, but found the words stuck in his throat at the cheshire grin Dazai was wearing. “Oh, you son of a- GAH!” He turned to leave, marching out of the sitting area of the office.
A few seconds later, he came back, collecting the notebook.
“I’m keeping this. It’s my payment for the stress you give me.” He grunted before leaving again, Dazai’s childlike laughter following him out.
Dang…even his laugh is adorable.
Thanks for reading!
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lazzarella · 8 days
Every episode is over too quickly, even though they're mostly getting longer ;__; anyway, back again with my rambling nonsensical notes!!!
- Aww! Baby!Dee!
- Gah, they're so sweet (visiting the little boy)
- "At least it reminded me I hadn't been forgotten" Ouch!! Guessing Dee's parents were quite absent when he was a kid? (Though I guess we don't know yet when they died)
- holy crap, these two gazing at each other when they're taking a photo with the little boy lmao at least Yak was paying attention
- How can Yak still be Dee's patient when everyone knows they're dating?
- "One month, five days, etc." DUDE!!!! Are you— I just can't...
- lol @ Dee not remembering Yak's birthday! But I did! XD (really should have posted that screenshot of his file that I've had saved in my drafts since ep 1... Sigh)
- "Find joy in becoming someone else in your own way"
- I love Kao <333
- Yak sulking and taking Dee's drink was so cute :3
- bloody hell, Yei just pulling Cher onto his lap like that O_O
- "You wear size 56?" I LOVE YOU, GRANDMA!
- Ahhhhh! Yak's face when grandma says he must be the reason Dee's watching boxing now!!! He's so pleased!!!
- lmaoooooo the giant dick plushie!!! (That bloody thing haunts me on aliexpress btw!!!! I can't search for anything without it popping up, as it were)
- look, I know I always gush over how soft Yak is but seeing him cuddling Ice Bear was almost too much for me
- "I've gotten used to having you in my arms" WHO SAYS THAT, YAK?? WHO???? Not fake boyfriends that's who!
- And now he's pouting because he wants to cuddle!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
- And then he brings up Taem. Well done! lol
- (Okay, it's clear—or, well, likely—he's just clinging to his crush on Taem any time his feelings for Wandee rear their pretty head(s), but... Jeez, dude!)
- And Dee's face? His response??? He's not talking about Taem
- "Let's find something fun to do!" I love you, Grandma!
- Yak taking a video of her ;__;
- Okay, her all black outfit is super cool! And she's wearing creepers!! I think...
- Yak referring to himself as Dee's boyfriend at the cemetery... *pinches bridge of nose* I can't handle much more of this. And Dee's deflection! Ahhh. The way they're both dealing with their developing feelings is so interesting and delicious to watch
- oh that outfit does not suit Yak…
- I wonder if Yei is doing underground fights for $$$ to help the gym??? And that’s why he didn’t get physical with Cher. Idk
- Yak offering to help Dee again <33333
- There really is purple and yellow everywhere! (The cardboard Taem was carrying)
- I need a comparison between Taem's reaction when Yak grabbed her hand (not really comfortable) vs when he grabs Dee's hand!!!
- And Yak could be spending more time with Taem but he already had plans with Dee! Gosh, he's just... Oh, that boy!
- Ahhh! They're baking! They're having a flour fight! They're flirting over food again!!
- (Is this the first time we've seen Dee in the elephant pants too?)
- Holy shit, the audacity of Ter taking Kwan to the same restaurant and are they sitting at the same table???????
- so many short shorts and cut off tees and I'm not complaining
- awww! The tiny drink buddy dude has a name!
- The TENSION when they're listening to Fluke's song though??? JFC. You need a ginsu to cut through that
- YOU HAVE SWEET EYES??!!! No comment. I just can't lol
- smooch blocked by the oven timer! lol they really were going to kiss that time, though
- Ahhhhh, Dee looks so happy!!!!
- Yak taking and posting a photo of Gooddy on his glass was adorable :3
- (ngl, with them standing so close to the edge of the balcony, I was envisioning Gooddy going over the side lol)
- love them plugging the new line stickers in the toothbrush bit
- YoryakWandee vs WandeeYoryak is giving me duck season vs rabbit season lol
- Ahhhh! Next week's preview!!! How am I meant to wait???
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graaythekwami · 1 month
Little random game: name the eps you most hate and most love of each miraculous season and explain why
Hmm, there's not many episodes I'd say I hate, but my favorites and least favorites of each season are as follows:
Season 1:
Favorite: Origins -I don't care if this is technically two episodes, I loved seeing the origins of how the children met and how everything went down. The beginning of LadyNoir and oh my gosh we got such good LadyNoir moments here.
Least Favorite: Reflekta -Honestly looking through season 1 there really isn't any that stands out as a least favorite for me. So I chose Reflekta solely because this episode is the start of the curse of the many Reflekta akumatizations to come. xD
Season 2:
Favorite: Heroes' Day -I had to put this one as my favorite just on the premise that I feel that Heroes' Day is the best final/two parter we've had in the entire series. I loved everyone's role in these episodes, and of course we get to see Nathalie being an absolute queen as well.
Least Favorite: Frozer -Eh. Just an episode that's never stood out to me. Forgettable in the long run.
Season 3:
Favorite: Chat Blanc -Favorite episode of the season? More like my favorite episode ever! The angst. The feels. Chat Blanc's hurt and rage. Chat Blanc's design. It's all so beautiful the only change I'd make is making it a two parter and maybe adding a LadyBlanc kiss. But those changes aren't even needed because it's wonderful as is. 11/10. -Gamer 2.0, Oblivio, and Reflekdoll are honorable mentions. For the adorable LadyNoir moments, adorable Lovesquare moments via memory loss, and kwami swap! Season 3 is probably my favorite season overall.
Least Favorite: Christmaster -Just another episode that's never stood out to me. Plot wise it felt mid, and I can't see myself going back to rewatch it or basing a fic on it. Or including it in a fic. -Honorable mention of Miracle Queen though, as this used to be my least favorite of the season. I was really on board for a Chloe redemption when season three ended so this episode kind of stung (hehe) then, but nowadays I don't have the same issues with it.
Season 4:
Favorite: Qilin Least Favorite: Qilin
-Ha! Didn't see this coming, did you? I love love loved so much of Qilin. I loved the themes it addresses, Marinette and Sabine's relationship, the design of the akuma, it was all so good... until the very end!! They let Marinette take the blame when the real problem was racism?? I hate you ticket dude. And also bus driver dude you saw Sabine with her tickets and she literally gave you baked goods and you said nothing when she was taken away? Why???
And if you don't accept one episode being both the favorite and least favorite, then here are my thoughts on other episodes of the season: -I love the setup of Truth and Lies and would love more episodes focusing solely on Adrien. -Guiltrip when Chat Noir almost Catalcysms himself hurts me on a physical level someone give Adrien a hug. -I will forever live for the Plagg and Adrien moments in Kuro Neko.
Season 5:
Favorite: Evolution -Season 5 has a lot of plot-heavy focused episodes, which I always love to get. We got canon Adrinette, Gabriel getting Cataclysmed, awesome lore... but in the end I still think it's this first episode that's my favorite. I loved the action, how it picks right up at the end of season four, and also Rabbit Noir had such an awesome design too. I liked seeing Master Fu again, and the role Alix got to play. Gabriel got his good Monarch design with the stained glass look. Also timetravel can be tricky to write, and they pulled it off well.
Least Favorite: Action -After a whole season of the most plot-heavy episodes yet with a lot happening emotionally... Action has very little action is the way of plot or even as good “filler”.
Favorite: Miraculous Paris -Gah honestly I think this is one of the very best episodes in all the show. Fantastic writing, great characterization, a fun adventure and seeing the alternate universe was fascinating. I love Shadybug and Claw Noir. Hesperia was awesome (I refuse to call him Betterfly). I have so many questions about the other world and who the Supreme is. Gabriel singing the intro. I could go on all day.
Least Favorite: ...idk -I mean there's only three specials thus far, and honestly I can't rank the Shanghai or the New York special as the lowest.
Movies: -Jk we only have one. xD But with how movie one ended with Nathalie I'm excited to see what they might do with this universe in the future.
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi Skye!! How are you feeling today??
I wanted to ask if you could please do some headcanons with Sabo, Zoro and Marco (and why not whoever you like most if you want 😉) on how they would confess their feelings for a f!reader who is a little shy and doesn’t believe them at first because “it’s too good to be true”, but has the same romantic feelings for them.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great week!!!!
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Sabo, Zoro, Marco & Ace confessing to Fem! S/O
Summary: They like you A LOT. Why can't you just believe them?
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Sabo the Revolutionary:
- Sabo's a calculative man so he'll do his calculations first before confessing to you.
- He knows you're a shy person so he'll do it privately
- Man's have the most beautiful handwriting in the New World and Grandline, no joke
- Must be because of his stupid noble genes...
- Anyway-
- Sabo will definitely take advantage of his beautiful penmanship and write you a cheesy af letter
- "L(ove you)
O(nly you)
V(ery, very much)
U(ntil the end of time)"
- I got this from Google btw, don't know who's the author tho (I added the U because I felt like it)
- Once you got his letter, you almost fainted in shock and embarrassment. Thankfully Koala was there to catch you :3
- You went to Sabo to confirm his confession and he did, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead when you arrived at his office
- And you successfully fainted this time :D
- Gosh, you lucky bastard (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)<3
Roronoa Zoro:
- Zoro is a very straightforward person and he'll definitely do it on the most random time ever
- You and your crew would probably be fighting some enemy pirates.
- You didn't notice someone sneaking up to you and when you did, Zoro already beaten them up.
- Mossy would look at you worriedly before accidentally blurting out his feelings
- Must definitely be the adrenaline XD
- "I like you."
- OMG! Girl, you'll definitely be stunned for the next few minutes, not believing what he had just said. You would gape at him like, "Bish, wut?"
- Zoro will smirk at you smugly until he gets kicked on the head by Sanji for "distracting you with his mossiness" or something XD
- Later after the battle, he'll pull you to somewhere and tells you that his feelings were real
- Let's just say Zoro kissed you to make you believe him ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
Marco the Phoenix:
- You were one of Marco's division members on this scenario bestie
- Probably one of the doctors too
- Since you were pretty shy and oblivious towards his flirty advances, Marco knew you're pretty serious whenever someone got hurt
- So he pretended to be hurt
- Yep, you heard me right
- Birb here would feign a fever when it's just the two of you in the infirmary
- As a caring person in general, you immediately told him to lay down on a cot to treat him
- When you fawn over him, he'll immediately blurt out a stupid medical pickup line with a serious face
- "I don't want an apple a day because I don't you to go away." And then he smirk
- With that, your face turned so red that it looks like you have a fever XD
- You asked him if what he said was true and motherfucker told you another stupid line
- "My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you." *winks*
- Yep, he definitely loves you
(Got those from Google, credits to the Author/s!)
Portgas D. Ace:
- Ace is nervous. Like REALLY nervous
- He would pace around the room to think about ways on confessing his long time feelings to you
- "Oh, how about-! Nah, that's too lame. Or I could- Pfft, sounds stupid. What if I- GAH! I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!" Man's so frustrated with himself he sulks all day long
- His older brothers took noticed of it so they pulled him away to know what's up with him
- Marco, Thatch & Izo probably laughed at him first before helping him to think of a plan
- Once they anchored at a new island, Ace would ran off, leaving a huge trail of dust at his wake. He would find the nearest flower shop to buy your favorite flowers. And then he finds you, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
- Ace will take you to a cliff that overlook the sea. You were confused at first until he confesses, it'll be with the bouquet of your favorite flowers literally shoved in front of you with his bashful smile.
- Ace will blush 50 shades of red before blurting out his love for you
- "I LOVE YOU!" His voice probably cracked at the end due to extreme nervousness XD
- At first, you were in disbelief, looks around to search for Ace's possible accomplices because you think it's a prank. And when you didn't find anyone, you'll look back at Ace, gaping
- Flame boi finally regained his cocky confidence and repeated his confession to you
- In the end, you ended up with a clingy and very affectionate Ace by your side when you guys returned to the Moby Dick
- Thatch, Marco & Izo would clap at him, giving him thumbs-up's of approval
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Hello, Anon! So sorry for the late answer! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! Also, I hope you like this one XO!
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desultory-novice · 6 months
Also. I kinda wanna know what you think Kirby's dynamic with Meta Knight is.
Personally, I'm of the Camp that while Meta Knight isn't really Kirby's father figure, Meta Knight is Kirby's for lack of a better word, anime sensei. Their relationship is mostly Meta Knight teaching Kirby things that Kirby didn't learn in their travels. Their relationship is mostly friends outside of this though. They don't REALLY see each other as family, because... Their species doesn't DO family. However, as time passes on planet Popstar, as Kirby considers different types of relationship they didn't think of before,,they do at least start seeing Meta Knight as an older brother figure, even if Meta Knight doesn't see Kirby as a little brother (quite yet).
Gah, I asked people to send me dynamics in November and then failed to answer any of them in good time... ; _ ;
Ahem! Let's answer them now!
"Anime sensei!" Yes! That's probably pretty close to how I see them too!
Dess confession - I haven't finished the Star Allies novel where Kirby supposedly has that huge crisis seeing how similar Void looks to him. (Although there are definitely issues with taking those novels at face value, sometimes there is the suggestion that they may be written with an eye/ear to lore that the games can't express.) All this is to say, I don't think of Kirby as being one to hung up on encountering someone who looks like him for that to be the crux of their relationship. ("I finally found another of my species" thing.)
Maybe in their first (?) encounter in Kirby's Adventure. But I can easily see Kirby combining the information of "looks like me" and "gave me candy" with "friend!" Such that from Kirby's point of view, Meta Knight instantly became someone who was, like, ma~ybe at risk of causing problems, like that troublesome King Dedede (Meta DID attack Kirby after all) but otherwise wasn't someone Kirby had t go out of his way to stop. Then comes Meta Knight's Revenge and, okay, I WILL go back to the novels for this to pull in Kirby's explanation to Magolor that, yeah they're friends. If Magolor did something bad, Kirby would beat him but otherwise!
And I think that's what was going on in RoMK. Kirby saw that Meta Knight was causing trouble in his newly adopted home of Dream Land and said "Nope. We're not doing this." (He does seem to be kinda on the warpath in that mode XD )
But Meta Knight's ambition is sunk and Kirby drives off (Perhaps he stayed to make sure everyone got away safely?) and the next day, things are back to normal. For Kirby, at least.
I do think that was definitely the moment Meta Knight's view of Kirby changed. That in Adventure, he was very wary/worried about Kirby. If Meta IS of the same species and has some... let's say knowledge of their or maybe just Kirby's potential, he very well could have been guiding/testing him. "Can he stop Nightmare?" Maybe he even...underestimated him in their first duel? Not completely - not that he would have gone easy on him, not with Dream Land at stake - but say he was surprised by what the puff pulled out!
He doesn't make that mistake in Revenge and I think he's EXCITED to face Kirby at something closer to his full power! And Kirby matches and exceeds his expectations! Meta Knight is still not ready to see Kirby as an equal until after the events of the Amazing Mirror, where after besting MK twice in the past, Kirby now rescues Meta Knight from something MK thought he had to handle on his own.
From that point on, I think the "sensei" begins to realize there's things HE can learn from Kirby! Perhaps he'd been too confident? Too content in being the strongest force on Popstar. But now that he's willing to see Kirby as an equal and learn from him, we see him join the adventuring party and even perform the victory dance with the others! (Despite the fact that it can't look THAT cool to do.)
Past that point, I imagine Meta sees Kirby as a reason to continue to grow and challenge himself. But not just with training. Because Kirby teaches that life doesn't all have to be about getting stronger through trials. You need naps and food and fun time as well. And I think Kirby's softer side is slowly rubbing off on Meta Knight as well. (Maybe that's why he stayed to protect Waddle Dee Town?)
Back to Kirby's side of things, I think Kirby trusts Meta Knight a lot. He doesn't come running to him whenever there's a problem or seek him out for advice all that often, but I think if Meta makes his presence known TO Kirby, that's a sort of signal MK has something worth listening to and Kirby will listen.
I imagine that just like Kirby has begun to rub off on Meta, Meta has begun to rub off on Kirby a little too. I imagine early on, Kirby saw those fights with Meta Knight as an annoyance or a hassle or as MK "getting in the way." But in the modern games, I think Kirby kinda looks forward to them? FL is the first game with a "canon" arena and in order to get the True Ending, Kirby has to go there to fight. A lot! So I think it's not a stretch that Kirby is enjoying testing his growth and control over his powers against Meta Knight's experience!
In summary, I think Meta Knight "thinks" about Kirby more than Kirby thinks of Meta Knight. But their bond has grown closer over time: from wary overseer to interested challenger to sometimes ally to something more like...a friend? Albeit, an ever-mysterious one!
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crystalninjaphoenix · 1 month
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Finale
The Beginning | Previous
The results are in.
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You have reached the end of your path. Will you be happy with what you’ve found?
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event! It was amazing to see everyone still chip in to a second run of this fic. And if you guys are wondering, yes, the full thing is currently up on AO3! Whoo! I'll include a link at the bottom of this part beneath a Keep Reading, but basically, the name is "Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - An Interactive Story" and my username is CrystalNinjaPhoenix! So basically the same as here XD There are about 300k worth of more routes to explore! I'd love to see you all there ^-^
“Wait a minute.” Chase’s eyes go wide. “JJ, you didn’t just get blood all over your hands. You got it on your sleeves, too. Your white sleeves.” He tugs on one of JJ’s cuffs. “Even if you wiped your hands off, there should still be a stain!”
“Wait, wait!” Schneep grabs JJ’s other arm, and JJ promptly yanks both his hands free. “Gah! Sorry, Jamie, I was just checking to see. You are right, Chase. There is no sign that there was ever any blood.”
“And... why does this matter?” Jackie asks, frowning. “I-I know it’s weird, but... what does it mean?”
The others are silent for a moment. Then JJ raises his hands to speak. Maybe... maybe I was right. Maybe Marvin isn’t dead.
“But—but we all saw that, right?” Chase says. He shudders just remembering the sight—the sounds—all of it. “He definitely slit his own throat.”
“And JJ definitely got his hands and sleeves covered in that blood,” Schneep says. “And yet...” He trails off, looking thoughtful. “What if... what if it was not real?”
“How the hell would it be ‘not real’?” Jackie demands. “There was no pulse!”
“I know! But if we are dealing with the supernatural, we have to account for perhaps—perhaps some sort of elaborate trick,” Schneep says. “Some sort of magical illusion that could also feel real as well as look real.”
“I-I guess it’s possible,” Chase says. “Meaning... Marvin isn’t dead? But then... Look, he’s the only one of us who would be able to make a magic illusion. And why would he do that?”
Unless it wasn’t him. JJ taps the book Chase is still holding open. Specifically, the illustration.
“You mean—you mean some sort of spirit possessed him?” Jackie asks in a hushed voice.
“In that case... where is it now?” Schneep wonders.
JJ suddenly stiffens. He turns and runs back down the hallway.
“JJ! Hey!” Chase drops the book as he tries to reach out and grab JJ, but he’s moving too fast and his grip just barely closes on empty air instead of JJ’s arm. So instead he runs after him, leaving Schneep to pick up the book again. “Where are you going?!”
He was going to the room with the ritual circle. Chase catches up with him as he hesitates outside the open door. JJ glances at him—and at Schneep and Jackie, who are running down the hallway after them. Once everyone is there, he reaches into the dark room and turns on the lights.
A figure is crouched in the center of the ritual circle, one hand pressed against the burned lines making it up. Somehow, the four wooden chairs from the other room are in here now, spaced evenly around the edge of the circle. A rope is coiled on the seat of one. The figure looks up. It’s Marvin. It’s definitely him. But his eyes... They’re all black, no whites or irises to be seen. A smile stretches across Marvin’s face. It is not his smile. “So... you figured it out?” he asks. Or, rather, the creature using his body asks. “No matter.” It raises Marvin’s other hand, and—
Suddenly, Chase feels something push against him, shoving him forwards into the room. He cries out as he falls to the floor—and then again as Jackie falls on top of them. All four of them had been pushed forward by some mysterious force and are now in the room, lying on the floor. And behind them, the door slams shut. “Y-you!” Jackie gasps, standing up first. “What are you?!”
“So much more than you. That’s all you need to know.” The creature gets to its feet in one smooth motion. “Now. Are you our first volunteer?” That smile stretches Marvin’s face again—and suddenly there is a knife in his hands, a thin silver dagger, and he rushes towards Jackie.
Jackie cries out and dodges to the side. The creature starts to lunge for him again—but Chase, thinking fast, reaches out and grabs Marvin’s ankle, now nearby. The creature gasps in surprise and stumbles, almost falling but catching itself against the wall. “Guys?! What do we do?!” Chase asks.
JJ gets to his knees. He points at Schneep—no, he points at the book that Schneep is still holding. Schneep looks at him. Read! JJ says.
“O-okay.” Schneep nods. “You all keep him distracted!” He opens the book up to the marked page and starts scanning it.
“What is that?” the creature asks in Marvin’s voice. Is that surprise in its words? “Where did you get that?!” Marvin’s body spins around and runs for Schneep—but Chase launches himself from the ground and right towards Marvin, knocking him back. The creature screams in frustration. There’s a flash of silver—but then Jackie grabs Marvin’s arm right before he’s able to plunge the dagger into Chase’s back.
“I-I just have to read what’s written out loud,” Schneep stammers. “I-if we—if we do it right his body will seize, r-remember not to hold him when that happens.”
“You motherfucker!” The creature growls. With one arm being held by Jackie, it moves Marvin’s other hand, wrapping it around Chase’s throat and squeezing. JJ gasps and hurries over, prying his fingers free. Chase gasps as his airflow resumes.
“Do it, Schneep!” Jackie shouts.
Schneep nods. He looks down at the page, hesitating, and starts reciting the words. “Sp—spiorad gan i-iarraidh, a... ordú againn... duit im-imeacht.” He goes slowly, unsure how to pronounce the words.
“No!” The creature shouts. Suddenly, Jackie, JJ, and Chase are all thrown away. Marvin’s body scrambles upwards again and he lunges towards Schneep again, But, yelling in rage, Jackie gets to his feet and tackles Marvin to the ground. The dagger falls from Marvin’s hand and skitters across the ground. JJ quickly scoops it up again. The creature notices this and growls. “Do you think I need that to kill you?!” it threatens.
 JJ nods. He looks at Chase and points towards Marvin and Jackie. The two of them are struggling on the ground as Jackie tries to keep Marvin’s body pinned. Normally Jackie would have been easily stronger than Marvin, but the creature is fighting with all of Marvin’s strength, not caring if it hurts Jackie or Marvin in the process. Chase nods back to JJ and hurries over, arriving just in time to stop Marvin from punching Jackie in the face. The creature screams wordlessly and thrashes against Chase and Jackie’s grip.
Suddenly, the lights go out, plunging the room into total darkness. Schneep’s voice, slowly chanting the words, falters. Then JJ pulls out his phone and turns on the flashlight feature, shining it towards Schneep, who continues.
The creature growls and flings Marvin’s hand out. The book jerks forward, like someone is trying to pull it from Schneep’s grip, but he holds it steady—though he glances at the others with a panicked expression.
JJ glances back at the struggle. Marvin, he signs, causing the light to waver, but not enough to deter Schneep. Fight.
“H-he’s right!” Chase gasps. “Marvin, you have to be in there somewhere! You have to fight this!”
“Fuck off!” the creature snaps.
“Ní l-leatsa an corp a... ghlacadh,” Schneep continues. “Ní leatsa an ai-aigne a... úsáid. Ní leatsa an t-anam a... a-adh-adhlacadh.” He still stutters a bit, but it’s clearly not affecting the spell. 
Jackie grabs Marvin’s hand and pulls it back. “If you can hear us, Marv,” he says, “we need your help! C-can you hold it back? Please! Try, at least!”
“You don’t have to do it forever!” Chase adds. “Just long enough for Schneep to finish!”
Marvin’s body shudders. The creature starts to snarl something—and then abruptly stops. The black in his eyes flicker back to normal for a moment. “T-try...” Marvin whispers. His limbs jerk, but overall he stops fighting. Jackie still holds him, though, arms wrapped tight around Marvin’s torso. Chase watches, tense, waiting.
And then, suddenly, Marvin’s muscles tense again. He screams, head throwing itself backwards and arms and legs starting to shake. “I-it’s the seizing!” Chase gasps. “Like Schneep said! Let go of him!”
Jackie abruptly does so, scooting backwards across the ground. He watches Marvin with wide eyes. As do Chase and JJ. They all stay where they are, looking and feeling helpless as Marvin convulses and screams on the floor. “W-we have to do something,” Jackie says desperately.
“Maybe we can hold his head still.” Chase reaches out—
“No! Th-that’s gotta be as bad as holding him!”
“I don’t want him to hit his head, though!”
Jackie hesitates. “I got it!” He takes his jacket off, bunching it up and placing it under Marvin’s head. “B-better than nothing.”
Schneep glances at this and nods approvingly as he continues to chant. He’s getting a hold of the words. Soon his voice rises, more confident. “Díbrím thú! Fág an corp, aigne agus anam seo. Díbrím thú! Téigh go dtí an domhan eile atá ag fanacht leat. Díbrím thú!”
All at once, Marvin goes still. His screams end abruptly, but his mouth stays open as a thick black smoke pours out. It rises into the air, and there is the shape of a person in the cloud, a writhing mess of limbs struggling to reach back in. Glowing green eyes appear, glaring at the others with unmistakable malice... and then they wink out as the smoke disperses. Marvin goes limp against the floor. The lights turn on again.
All of them jump in surprise at the sound—and look down at its source. The wooden floor has splintered, a large divide going across the ritual circle burned into the ground. A red liquid pools in the new crack and spills out over the floor.
But they have more to be concerned with. JJ drops his phone and rushes to Marvin’s side, falling to his knees next to him. He grabs him by the shoulder and starts to shake. Schneep runs over as well, and Jackie and Chase crowd around Marvin in turn. “Marvin?!” Chase says. “Marvin! A-are you okay?!” 
Marvin groans and opens his eyes. They are back to normal again. “All of you... get... the fuck away from me.”
They all abruptly jerk backwards. JJ laughs, a sound of relief. “Well sorry for being concerned,” Jackie says, sounding irritated but smiling nonetheless.
“No, he is right, he needs his space,” Schneep says, gently pushing the others back. There are tears in his eyes. “Marvin, I-I... I am so glad you are okay.”
“Yeah...” Marvin breathes. “You.. y-you did great, Schneep. Mispronounced a few things, but I don’t blame you. And it worked. Th-thank you.”
How do you feel? JJ asks.
“...tired,” Marvin mumbles. “That sort of tired where it’s on the edge of everything hurting.”
“Are you okay to move?” Jackie asks. “I... don’t really want to be in a room where the floor is bleeding.”
“Th’what?” Marvin turns his head to the side, seeing the red liquid bleeding across the floor. He frowns. “I think... I think that means whatever spell it’s about is... broken? Whatever. Blood isn’t good. I dunno if I can move, but... if you guys wanna get out of here... I can try.”
Jackie shakes his head. “No, don’t make yourself. Uh, I can carry you, if you want?”
“That’s fine.”
“Okay.” Jackie stands up, taking Marvin with him. The other three stand up too and follow them out of the room.
Are you really okay, Marvin? JJ asks. That must have been terrible.
“I-it was... more confusing at first,” Marvin says quietly. “Things were... I saw... I-I don’t really remember some of this night. Then I woke up again, and I... saw him. And he... was using my body...” He shudders.
“It’s fine, Marvin,” Chase whispers. “It’s over now. We can get out of here.”
“Is that what we do now?” Schneep asks. “Just... leave?”
“I think so. I don’t want to stay in the cabin with a weird evil ritual circle in the basement. And I want to ask Jack what the hell this was all about. It’s his cabin, he has to know.”
“I don’t think we can ask Jack...” Marvin says. “He... th-that spirit, he made a comment... something about getting Jack out of the way...”
Fear jolts through Chase’s heart. “Then we definitely have to get out of here.”
Maybe we should rest first? JJ asks. Marvin’s not in great shape. All of us are exhausted.
“I’m fine with leaving soon,” Marvin says. “I can... can lie on the couch while you all pack your stuff.”
Jackie nods. “Sounds good to me. What about the rest of you?” 
“I can drive in the dark,” Chase says.
“I do not think we should stay here,” Schneep mutters.
Whatever you all think, JJ adds.
“Then we’ll do it. Come on.” And Jackie heads for the stairs. The rest of them follow.
It doesn’t take them long to re-pack their stuff. They didn’t really have time to unpack fully before everything went terribly. Marvin lies on the sofa, and the others take turns waiting by him, not wanting to leave him alone. He keeps muttering things that don’t make sense. Things about blood being life, and life being power, and what the symbols in the circle meant. When someone asks, he says he doesn’t know what he’s saying. That there is just knowledge in his head now. Knowledge he doesn’t want.
They load the car with their stuff, then head on out. Marvin claims the passenger seat, saying he doesn’t want to be crowded by the others right now. The others let him have it. It’s the least they can do. As Chase starts the car and heads out, they debate calling someone. But in the end, who could they call? Who would believe them?
As the cabin disappears into the woods, Marvin leans his head against the cool window. “Guys...?” he says. “Th... thanks. I-I lov... I really appreciate it. Thanks.”
They all know what he almost said. And they all feel the same.
Ending Reached: Banishment
(Congratulations for reaching the best ending on the Marvin route! :D And here's the link for the full version now uploaded to AO3!)
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tearsoftime0086 · 13 days
😍for the fic ask game!
Thank you so much for sending an ask :)
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
I have a couple, but the one that first comes to mind is the burnfield scene I put in An Eternal Warpath for You and Me:
“Hey.” Steve tilts her head towards him with gentle fingers. It hurts to see the guilt on her face. “But that’s not how it happened. Things turned out alright. And they’ll keep going well, as long as I have anything to say about it. You’re never getting rid of me.” Claire scoffs, but the faintest trace of a smile flits across her lips. “Do you really have to word it like that?” “It’s the only way I’ll get you to listen.” “Gah; how did I survive fifteen years with you?” she drones, but the brightness in her tone makes it hardly an insult. And to seal the deal, she gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. Steve grins and returns the favor. Claire doesn’t shy away from his fanged kiss; it’s something he doesn’t take for granted. “Well, we must be doing something right.” The flutter in his heart from hearing Claire’s laugh never fades. “I love you so much.”
This scene means a lot to me because it's my little attempt at giving Claire and Steve some happy closure. It's 2013, they've had their troubles, but despite it all, they're here. And that silly teenage love from 1998 never left :')
(kindly ignore the fact that I am busy writing said troubles for Claire and Steve in a separate WIP XD)
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jadeverse-asks · 4 months
!! can i ask for some hart spirit x male reader headcanons pls 🥺
Absolutely you can!! (also hi birdflower it's been a while! ^^)
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Hart Spirit x Male Reader headcanons!
• Hart is definitely that kind of partner who can act like he's full of himself once he has you. For example if you're sitting in the crowd to watch one of his live performances, he might send you a quick wink or even pull his phone out in public just to text you something sappy XD
• He's still however getting used to physical affection though...the first time you hugged him he nearly froze up and it takes a few more for him to warm up and return them since he's only received hugs at a younger age..
• That being said though, Hart's absolute favorite way of showing affection is to keep eye contact while kissing your hand...he loves seeing how much you bright up and giggle over it >3
"Oh my, your palm really likes me too huh? Figured because I'm just sooo good when I do that~"
• It takes him a bit to gather the courage to tell his fans he's dating a man....he hasn't worked up to tell his parents though since they expect him to settle down with the right girl to promote Cheer City, and he hopes his fans respect that..
"Yeah I'm dating a dude, so what? You may send all the hashtags "oh my god Hart Spirit is so gay!" but I love Y/N this much and I'm not gonna stop!"
• Of course his teleporting pom-poms of power are how he takes you to the date areas he has in mind...his favorite spots tend to be the protein smoothie bars and sometimes even the back of his bleachers so you can help him with his video challenges, or just record a nice podcast together :3
• With you around he's been reluctantly more nice to Roi and his pals, he knows his long-determination to destroy the boy isn't going to get you on good standing with him anytime soon.....Doesn't seem to stop Jenny or Guava from teasing about him and Y/N though XD
"Gah, yeah I do that with him! One more word and I'll get back to work on that doomsday dev- uh Y/N I meant to say I was just gonna build a device of love! That's exactly what I was gonna say~"
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aiura-stan · 1 month
0-7, this one for sure isn’t Saiki heaven!
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More evidence for the “saiki just uses low level hypnosis to make people believe whatever they want about him” theory. Actually, I think someone on Tumblr proposed this, kind of going off of his mind erasing power, where the mind just fills in a blank spot with a plausible story. I don’t remember who first brought up this theory. Make some noise if it was you.
I will be completely honest, I don’t remember this chapter at all. Maybe I skipped it or something. More likely, I read it half asleep at 3am.
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I don’t understand why the spirit of the person is the thing that retains the dazed status effect, but then again, this is fiction, and we are pretending that souls exist in the first place in a way that can be separated from the body.
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…okay. Another thing that really could have been put in the manga proper and also the anime. Nendou is being scouted as a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER?? HELLO???? That makes him at least 200% more impressive as a character.
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Um… Saiki… those aren’t lies…
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Hello??? SAIKI??? He’s really about to just leave Nendou’s body and wander around… I’m glad they added a definitive (rather short) time limit to the animanga before the soul has to go somewhere. It does bring up more questions about ghosts, and the religious belief system portrayed in Saiki k, but let’s not think about that right now. From the chapter thus far, seems like Saiki really enjoys taking otherwise purposeless strolls. Old man behavior.
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Yeah, Saiki really is on another level.
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This makes me kind of sad actually?? I’d explain but I’m sure you all can guess my thoughts here. Gah…
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Also, it’s kind of nice to see glasses-less and limiter-less Saiki. He’s actually quite pretty. His limiters do a lot to detract from his looks overall, on account of being highly ridiculous accessories. And his glasses hide his eye color (speaking more of the anime, but you know.)
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I have so many questions about this scene. How does a soul “wake up”? What happens when it does; does Saiki’s soul just automatically get kicked back into his proper body? Why did it take so long?? People can’t (rather: really shouldn’t) pass out for much longer than a few seconds. I’ll chalk it up to another Saikiverse modification where Saiki made real life more like a fictional story (and less harrowing. A world where fastballs are not potentially lethal.) And all of that crap about souls just doesn’t get explained. Okay. So much of this story is left up to readers to fill in the blanks with their own assumptions. Maybe that’s part of what makes it so good. Sidenote: I envy Nendou's superior ability to go with the flow. 'Oh, looks like I fell alseep while taking a shit.' <- Fantastic.
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Jfc Saiki, so little faith in people. (Understandably.)
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Saiki, I fail to see what the spinach has to do with you getting published in Jump.
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In all seriousness, the amount of times that people refer to Saiki’s powers as creepy or monstrous really is… a lot. Like, those baseball guys were calling Nendou (Saiki) a monster just for being (freakishly) good at baseball. Anyways
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Yeah, that’s about what I figured. They’re designed to be read independently. XD. Yeah, sorry, I’m one of those people apparently. Well, I’m sure Asou never expected his manga to be read quickly via scans by English speakers some years after the fact.
I am so glad that Asou sensei got serialized. And that he didn’t let his self doubt stop him from creating Saiki k. Yeah, that’s right. Can’t let the fans down!
よし!that'll do it. See you all next time. 💫
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rachi-roo · 11 months
------------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }------------
Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun: The Wiggly-Woos!
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Weeeee! Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll! 'Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun' has been my recent hyperfixation. XD And I'm just about to start watching season 3! I thought I'd extend this from the HCs I wrote a little while back, this being Asmodeus discovering his love for tiggles!
Summary: Asmodeus discovers his love of being tickled through his buddy, Iruma! With the help of Clara too~
Lee!Asmodeus, Ler!Iruma, Ler!Clara
Tw: None
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Finally! Friday had come, no school for the students of Babyls for two days. Time for some well needed relaxation. Asmodeus was well looking forward to his plans. He and Clara had been invited to a sleepover at Irumas house!
A whole day and night with Master Iruma?! What more could Asmodeus possibly ask for!? Although this wasn't their first sleepover, every sleepover was destined to be the best, because of Iruma!
The three sat together in Irumas' room as they waited to be called down for dinner, Opera was making them a feast for all the hard work they'd been putting into their classes and studying.
During their wait, the three were having a playful pillow fight on Irumas bed, all happily bonking and batting each other with their plump weapons.
"Iruma-kiiins! HIIIYAH!" Clara beamed as she tossed a pillow towards Iruma, who immediately was able to dodge it with ease, earning another huff from the green haired grem-girl.
"Aaah, no fair! Iruma-kins is cheating! Gah!"
"Cheating??" Asmodeus countered, hitting Clara over the head with his pillow. "How dare you accuse Master Iruma of such a deed! He would never do something so barbaric and sleazy!"
Iruma chuckled, petting Clara's hair. "Awww, I'm sorry, Clara. I can't help it. Next time, I won't dodge it, I promise!" The blue haired button smiled warmly as he sat with his arms open and his eyes shut, waiting for his sacrificial blow.
"W-What!? Master Iruma, you don't need to take a hit for her! Don't be so foolish, you'll perish for sure!" Over dramatic as ever, Asmodeus protested, trying to snatch the pillow from Clara as she took aim with a cheeky grin.
The pink haired fire wielder fought the pillow away from Clara, sighing with relief, having saved his master from what he saw as an assassination attempt.
"NO!" Asmodeus was too slow this time, Iruma was doomed for sure as Clara lunged at him, tackling him to the mattress with a flump as she hugged him warmly, kicking her feet in the air, proud of her victory.
"Hehe! I got you that time, Iruma-Kiiins!"
"Haha, you sure did." The victim chuckled before his eyes sparkled with an idea.
Asmodeus turned away in mock defeat, crushed by the fact he couldn't protect his master. "Oh Master Iruma... I have failed you!"
"KYAHAHA!" Clara's sudden, loud and bubbly laughter snapped Asmodeus from his pit of dispare. He turned to see Clara flailing and giggling in Irumas lap, her cheeks were a bright red glow and her tail was wagging furiously.
Oh no. Had Asmodeus missed a joke Iruma told? How awful!
"Uwah! Master! I apologise, tell me the joke! I must've missed it!" He asked, sitting on his knees facing the blue haired boy, who just blinked in return.
"Joke? I didn't say anything, Azz."
"Huh? But, Clara is in hysterics! You must have told one of your fantastic jokes!" He insisted eagerly, leaning forward, giving Iruma his biggest puppy dog eyes.
Iruma thought for a moment, looking down at Clara with a raised brow. She returned the confused expression with a hum.
Then it clicked in Irumas head. "You mean this?" He started poking Clara's sides again, making her squeal and wriggle like a little worm.
Asmodeus stared in shock. "Wh- How are you doing that, Master Iruma? You didn't even have to speak a word!" He was completely dumbfounded by what he was seeing.
Clara sat up with a grin. "Iruma is giving me the wiggly woos!" Wiggly-woos being Clara's family term for tickling.
"What is a wiggly-woo?? Clara you're talking nonsense again!" Asmodeus pouted, folding his arms, irritated that Clara was using her silly words again.
Iruma chuckled, softly tickling Clara's neck, making her shoulders bunch with a snort. "She means tickling, Azz. Haven't you seen it before?"
Tickling? This word was also foreign to Asmodeus. What could that mean? Forcing someone to laugh without telling a joke? What kind of strange behaviour could cause this?
"Uuuh... I'm afraid this isn't something I've come across before, master Iruma." His cheeks puffed in defeat, his pride damaged because he had been left out of the loop.
He looked up, feeling a soft hand resting upon his head. Iruma smiled at him kindly. "Not to worry, Azz! It's not a big deal."
Not a big deal!? But this was clearly something Iruma enjoyed. He was smiling so much when he was 'doing tickling' to Clara. His eyes flashed with determination.
"Master Iruma!" He cupped his friend's hands, looking deeply into his eyes as his own pink opals sparkled. "Show me!"
"Uh, show you?" Iruma was taken back by the sudden change in Asmodeus's demeanour.
"Yes! Please master Iruma, if you'd be so kind!" The demon quickly layed himself on the bed, sprawling out and prepping himself for whatever was going to happen. He needed to know! He needed to learn this from Iruma! For Iruma!
Iruma chuckled at the sight, flexing his fingers playfully. "I mean, if you're sure."
Asmodeus nodded quickly. "I'm certain! Master Iruma! Please, you must show me this tickling at once! I want to know how this spell works so that I may cast it upon you in any hours of darkness that may arise and-GYAHA!" A sudden jolt of electric tingles sent a spasm through Asmodeus body, causing him to immediately curl in on himself, covering his face with his arms in shock.
"Hah! W-What in hell was that?" He asked, his voice trembling slightly as he watched Iruma pull his hands away.
"That was a tickle." He smiled innocently, waiting for Asmodeus to calm himself before he continued. He didn't want to overwhelm him on his first tickle time.
"That was... A tickle?" Asmodeus was shook! He had never felt anything like that before. All Iruma had done was press on his ribs with his fingertips, and it had sent his body into an instant defensive overdrive!
Seeing how instantly reactive Asmodeus was, Iruma thought it best to leave him be for now. "Sorry, Azz. I won't do it again-"
"No!" Asmodeus quickly flattened himself out again. "I-I mean, uh, I can take it. I need to experience more. For um... Training!"
"Haha! If you say so. Here I come~" Iruma wriggled his fingers again, drawing closer to Asmodeus's tummy this time.
The pink haired demon felt his tummy doing cartwheels! His hands instinctively shooting up to try to bat Irumas' hands away as nervous, happy giggles started pouring from his mouth.
"Gehe! W-Wait! No, I'm okay, Iiiieeuah! Haha!" The sounds that were coming from him were less than flattering, but they were oh so cute!
"I haven't even touched you yet!" Iruma giggled with him as Clara watched eagerly, laughing at Asmodeus's strange sounds and expressions.
"Azz-Azz sounds like a little girl!"
"Y-Yohou would knowhow! Gyahaha!" Asmodeus brought his knees to his chest, his feet kicking as Iruma finally managed to dodge Asmodeus's defensive hands and get a good dig at his belly.
"KYAHAHAAAA!" His head flew backwards, pushing into the mattress as his back arched, his eyes squeezing tightly shut as a huge bright, fanged smile spread over his rosy cheeks.
"Oho my gahAHAHA! AHA!" He gasped for air, feeling Irumas tickling fingers shift across his body, finding his sides and starting to pinch and knead at the area.
"That's my name~" Iruma chirped, happily watching his friend squirm and laugh freely. It wasn't unusual for Asmodeus to laugh around them, but to see him in utter hysterics like this was a real treat.
Asmodeus rolled to one side, half burying his face into the mattress as a hand managed to grab Irumas, only for the back of his ribs to be attacked with a set of digging knuckles instead, immediately making him roll back over.
"Haha, no escaping me, Azz~" Iruma teased playfully, starting to knead his thumbs into Asmodeus's lower ribs.
Clara grinned, she wanted to play too!
"Hehe, time for the peets to get some wiggly-woos!" She chuckled, moving to sit by Asmodeus's feet. He was too distracted by this newfound sensation to realise what she was up to.
"Peets, peets, peets!" She sang, grabbing one of the flailing demons ankles, locking it securely under her arm.
"Huh? C-Clahahara! W-Whahahat are yoAHAHA! OHO DEVI-! HYAHAHA!" He practically screamed with laughter as he felt Clara's claws start to drag up and down his socked foot. His toes curled as he tried to tug his leg free.
"Wooow! Azz-Azz is devi-LOUD! Haha! Looks like his peets like the wiggly-woos the best!"
"You mean you think his feet are the most ticklish?" Iruma asked, just needing a brief translation.
"Yup! His little piggily-peets are very wiggly-woo positive!"
With one foot trapped and his upper half constantly being taken by suprise by Iruma switching tickling positions all the time, Asmodeus was getting the full work.
"Ahahahaaaa! HYAHAHAHA! Eeeheheheeee!" His laughter was loud, using his whole body to project his boyish guffaw. A few droplets of giggly tears pooled in his eyes.
Being such a powerful demon from birth, Asmodeus had never gotten into any tickle fights. He didn't even have any friends who would want to play like this with him. But now he did, and it was... Wonderful!
This full-on tickle fest only lasted about a minute, though it felt like an eternity, when Iruma noticed the tears in Asmodeus's crinkled eyes.
"Haha, okay, okay, ease up Clara."
"Aaawwww, I didn't get to test his other peet!" She chuckled, letting go of Asmodeus's foot.
The dishevelled demon lay there on his back, panting heavily. A lazy hand came up to swipe his tangled pink locks from his forehead. His clothes were wrinkled, and his shirt had ridden up past his abs. Somehow, his other sock had come free from his foot during his thrashing.
"Hah... Hey... Why..."
"Are you alright, Asmodeus?" Iruma asked, tilting his head as he waited for Asmodeus to catch his breath.
"Aww man, did we over do it? I'm-"
"Why'd you stop?"
Clara and Iruma looked at each other in suprise.
"Too many wiggly-woos will make you sleepy, or worse, the hiccy-pups!" Clara nodded.
"Yeah, don't you want us to stop?" Iruma asked, looking at Asmodeus's damp eyes and flushed cheeks.
Asmodeus furrowed his brow, not quite understanding why Iruma would say that. "Am I supposed to want you to stop the wiggly-wo- uh, tickling?"
That's when Iruma and Clara realised. This demon is a Lee! Or, in their terms, very wiggly-woo positive!
"Alright, Azz. Shout 'wiggles' when you want us to stop."
"I doubt I'll be needing a code word to stop you from tiHIHIAHAHA!"
The room was filled with laughter once more as Asmodeus was bombarded with playful tickling. All three of them laughing and joking together. The happy sounds danced out into the hallway, as Opera was on his way to fetch them for food.
He smiled to himself, letting the three play, just for a few minutes more.
"Hm... At least they're building up an appetite."
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thewittyphantom · 1 year
Here’s Solomon’s dialogue with Mokuba and Tristan. I love seeing them all bond! And now I have the urge to play Capsule Monster Coliseum and watch the CM anime. (And that ‘Setos’ typo is transcribed as-is. XD) Aw at the Miho reference too!
Mokuba: You’re...Yugi’s grandpa! Solomon: If it isn’t Seto’s brother - Mokuba! Mokuba: That’s right! You can call me Vice President of KaibaCorp too if ya like! ...But that’s not important! Listen up, Gramps! Leave! Solomon: Ho? Mokuba: This world’s too much for an old timer like you, so you should leave - for your own sake! Solomon: You sound just like Yugi... Mokuba: Except I’m not nice like Yugi, so I won’t say it twice! You’ve been warned! Solomon: So I have. Thank you for the warning. Mokuba, weren’t you once Capsule Monsters champion? Mokuba: You know about Capsule Monsters!? Solomon: Of course I do. I own a game shop after all. Capsule Monsters is a wonderful game! I love how each monster has their own abilities. And the field creates an additional strategic element. That part’s my favorite! Mokuba: Gramps, you sure know your stuff! Capsule Monsters really is fun! Solomon: I still play it in my shop, so you should come over if you want a challenge! Mokuba: Me vs you? I don’t think you’d be much of an opponent. Solomon: Experience comes with age, and I’m on no mood to lose to a whippersnapper. How about you test my skills in Duel Monsters first? Mokuba: Haha! Sounds fun! Us Setos are invincible! You couldn’t defeat my big bro, and you won’t defeat me!
Tristan: Heya Gramps! Solomon: Tristan! I didn’t know you come here to Duel. Tristan: Come here, get dragged here - same difference. I’m in my training stages. Solomon: I never say no to a Duel, but my main goal is to find rare cards. You should search for cards as well. A Duelist needs both skills and cards to succeed. Tristan: I see... Solomon: But there’s also nothing wrong with using a card because you adore its artwork! There are many different illustrations, so you’re guaranteed to find one that you love. Tristan: You sure know your stuff, Gramps! Solomon: Ho ho! Speaking of love, whatever happened to that girl? Tristan: What girl? Solomon: The one you gave the white jigsaw puzzle to. Tristan: Gah!!! Just when i forgot, you had to go and remind me! Solomon: Huh?
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luimagines · 1 year
Ok so I was just thinking, imagine if modern!reader still had access to the internet in Hyrule and woke the boys up with the Monster Inc earr*pe meme
It had been a long day, a switch happened during right before everyone was going to bed and set them back to morning. To make matters worse, everyone was dropped in the middle of a lizalfos camp.
Needless to say, everyone was beyond exhausted. So much so that when they found a decent place to set up camp, everyone just dropped. It was still before noon mind you, bedrolls hadn't been placed, those who wore armour and chainmail still had them on, etc. Just asleep in seconds.
Fast forward and modern!reader is the first to wake up after the impromptu nap. It's now nearly supper time again so they decided to give Wild a break and make some food. Make a fire, set up the pot, get a meal cookin', all's good.
When the food is finally done, it is now time to wake everyone up so they can eat. Modern!reader decides to be efficient in this process so instead of going to each person and shaking their shoulder, they pull a bluetooth speaker from their bag.
They then proceed to blast this (https://youtu.be/dQzGkhd4YXw) at full volume while cackling like a mad person.
No one else is amused
I'll see myself out for this
(Can i be 🖤 anon?)
Sure you can be that anon! XD
I'm not my computer right now so I can't really do the emoji thing, but there's not a black heart anon on the blog yet :D
Also. that is evil.
If I was woken up like that I would instantly choose violence.
I would know because one time I was asleep and my brother clapped by ear and I wanted to punch him so bad. My mother was nearby so she put a stop to that quickly but I have never been so angry!!!!!!!! GAH!
Those poor boys!!! No!!!! Do it gently and nicely!!!!! DX
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