#forgot the title running emoji
sznmjun · 2 years
Well damn I just learned about this so why not participate.
My favourite characters are all the classic leader types Tai, Davis, Takuya and probably Taiki and Tagiru if I ever watched Xros Wars I just love me a pure-hearted good boy with 0 brain cells.
My favourite season is Frontier!! I actually just started rewatching it and it’s been super fun (currently at ep 35) I love the relationships in this season and especially Takuya and Tommy's not-actually-brothers brother bond is making me SOFT. And I've always LOVED the evolution theme and animation in frontier it just looks so goddamn epic. I really hope we will get aged-up frontier kids at some point they deserve it. Give me a new frontier movie.
I have lots of favourite Digimon but probably my top 3 favs are Lucemon SM, Kaisergreymon and Hisyaryumon.
Btw a fun fact about me is that August 1st is also my bday lol
As for OCs I'm currently working on a digimon fancomic! I have one chapter completed but haven't started posting anything yet.
Here's the main character:
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His name is Tarik and ofc he will be a very classic leader boy (but without goggles) his partner is Gazimon!
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sureihsan · 1 year
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wilson red + scratching the surface !
and if the band you’re in starts playing a different tune, i’ll see you on the dark side of the moon !
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yourdaddyfigure · 3 months
Hi Malakai,
I’m the anon who sent you an ask about being treated differently by a dom when he didn’t get what he wanted. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.
I had the courage to tell him goodbye and block him everywhere before things got too nasty. We were only online so I’m grateful I don’t have to worry about running into him anywhere.
I was so drunk on getting attention from him that I forgot I still needed to be treated like a human being that has reasonable boundaries. I can still be someone’s pretty little slut, but trust needs to be established first. And after learning from your blog, I will definitely be more selective before giving anyone the title of Daddy. That totally needs to be earned and I wish I knew that sooner.
Thank you,
P.S. I forgot to specifically ask about joining the emoji army last time lol. May I join, please?
I'm really glad you found the courage to stand up for yourself, friend! It takes strength to recognize when a situation isn't healthy for you and take action to protect yourself. Setting boundaries and prioritizing trust are essential in any relationship, especially in a Dom/sub dynamic. It's great that you're learning from your experiences and being more selective in the future. Remember, you deserve respect and to be treated as a human being first and foremost. Keep taking care of yourself!
P.S. I already have you down as “🌠” I just haven’t edited my pinned post yet. 🥰
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herohikara-wol · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 4
Off the Hook (Modern Day Streamer AU)
“Welcome back Scions!” Hero beamed as he waved at his camera set up, the stream was live and his mod team was ready for the chaos. Hero was usually a cozy game streamer- if he wasn’t doing his baking streams, known for things like Animal Crossing or Stardew Challenge Runs. However, he could be convinced to do other styles of games- and one of his friends had talked him into trying something new. “No we are not taking a trip back to the farm today, we’re doing something special!” He already had the capture set up for the switch anyway.
So a few games of the new Splatoon wouldn’t hurt. “Alright chat, I want you to guess while I set up my switch. Mods, give ten thousand channel points to- let’s say- the first three correct guesses! I’ll help narrow the field though, it’s not an indie title and it’s got online multiplayer.” He actually was just waiting for the game to finish downloading, while keeping an eye on chat to see if his friend would show. Granted, he could just yell down the hall- but chat didn’t need to know they were living together now. It’d lead to rumors and unneeded speculation.
Especially since Zenos was supposed to be dating his lead moderator- Asahi.
Not that Hero wasn’t also dating Asahi, but there was this whole royal wedding fiasco that they had to resolve first and he didn’t want to make it public that they were a triad until it was resolved. Partially by suggestion of Zenos’ fathers. Specifically Regula, the biggest advocate for online safety and anonymity he knew. Partially because the pair of them have managed to keep their relationship out of the spotlight for years- hell, no one could even tell Varis had transitioned after having Zenos. The royal family knew how to keep secrets- even in an online era.
Finally Asahi posted a message in his mod chat.
[GildedSAM: Zenos forgot your Splatoon Debut stream was today.]
[GildedSAM: So I’m moderating his stream right now.]
Oh, that would explain a lot. Okay, Hero could work with that. He’d watch Zenos’ VOD later just to see whatever he did. Hero wasn’t one for games like League or whatever competitive fighting game of the week Zenos was punishing people in, but he liked to watch Zenos play anyway. He never got tilted, even when losing, he just got excited for a challenge. Watching his smile spread when he found someone who made playing interesting was Hero’s favorite part of his streams.
[CensorshipNutkin: thx for the intel]
[CensorshipNutkin: u n fordola got it covered?]
[GildedSAM: Between me, Tsuyu, and Fordola we should have Zenos’ stream under control.]
[CensorshipNutkin: kk]
Hero sighed a bit, that meant his team would just be Thancred and Raha today. That was fine, his streams usually didn’t get crazy so two would be enough. “Alright bets are off, let’s get this started!” He switched to the game screen to show off the Splatoon logo, “I played the WiiU version way back when so I’m not totally clueless, but I wonder how it’s changed for the switch. I think I’ll miss Marina though, I loved her outfit. Maybe I'll cosplay her sometime.” He winked at his chat and grinned as the heart emojis poured in. “Also, fair warning, I was a splat roller guy before so prepare for me to make a lot of mess.”
Honestly the stream was going great for a while- until he wound up in one specific lobby. “Who the flip is this sniper? He’s stupid accurate and-” Hero paused for a moment, long viera ears turning to ear Zenos talking to his own stream. He could barely pick up the words, “effective on rollers- can’t have that,” before he quickly pulled up Zenos’ stream on his other monitor. “Chat I’m going to have to pause after this game.” He was going to beat Zenos within an inch of his life over this. It couldn’t be intentional, he knew they weren’t trying to get into each other’s games.
Shame someone in chat realized why he was angry before he had the chance to elaborate.
[WarriorOLight and GarlicPrince are in the same lobby. GP just sniped WoL from half the map!!!]
Fuck, whelp that cat was already out of the bag.
Suddenly his chat lit up with messages of support. Calls to kick his ass and run him down were rampant.
“Guys I’m not going to chase him down specifically, that’s unsporting of me.” He laughed a little, calming down for the moment. “I am, however, going to turn this whole flippin’ map pink and send him a clip when I win.” Not if.
Time to do what he did best, be a nuisance. Don’t get cooked, stay off the hook indeed.
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
hi! I was wondering if i could request a drabble for Eddie with the prompts "A and B playing with C’s hair while C is in between the middle of them" + "associating random things with them" ?
just cuddling and showing each other things that remind them of you is so wholesome to me- if not that's perfectly fine! your writing is amazing and i love it <3
(If you take emoji anons could i be 🖤?)
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Title: Pieces of You Pairing: Eddie Munson/GN!Reader Word Count: 763
Smoke burns your nostrils as you zone out on the bonfire in front of you, your fingers tangled in your boyfriend's hair and a pleasant wine cooler buzz coursing through you. 
After arriving at the party, you pulled one of the Harrington’s pool loungers over to the fire ring and declared it your spot for the night. Not too long after, Eddie settled himself heavily between your legs, his own long legs hanging dramatically off the edge of the chair and his head resting softly on your chest. 
Across the pit, Steve hunches over the fire roasting a marshmallow, and Robin stands over him, correcting his technique the whole way through. In the distance, you can hear other party goers chatting and splashing in the pool. All sorts of kids you graduated with, back from their various colleges for the summer, are gathered around the keg at the corner of the patio and sitting by the fire, but ever since he joined you on the lounger your whole focus has been on Eddie. 
You can smell the spice of his shampoo with his proximity, and his weight on your chest grounds you. He knows you’ve never been one for big parties, and truthfully neither has he, but now that he’s friends with Steve Harrington it comes with the territory. So you both attend, albeit a little reluctantly, and always seem to find your own little bubble within the group. 
The idle fiddling of your hands has turned into braiding, taking small sections of hair at random and twisting the strands together, dropping each braid when it’s finished and scratching softly at his scalp before seeking out another random section. 
Eddie lets out a hum of satisfaction when your fingertips massage his scalp, a lazy, contented smile spreading over his features. He snubs out his joint against the grass and crosses his arms over his chest, opening one eye to peek at you through his lashes. 
“Better be careful there, sweetheart,” he mumbles before closing his eyes again, "You could put a guy to sleep like this.” 
“Hm,” you place a kiss on top of his head before going back and gently undoing the random braids and running your fingers through his hair to comb out any knots you created. “Would you really complain?” 
In response, he wiggles in place, making a show of getting into a more comfortable position and nuzzling into your chest. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepen with his content expression and he sighs. “No, not really. Oh-” as quickly as he just settled into you, he sits up and turns in place to face you. He’s digging in the inside pocket of his jacket and clearly looking for something. “-I almost forgot. I got you somethin’.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, but can’t help your curiosity. “What? Why?” Your birthday isn’t for months, and even if you and Eddie were the kind to celebrate anniversaries, there isn’t one coming up for some time. 
“I dunno,” is his simple response. His eyes light up when he finds what he’s looking for and he pulls it out, placing the bandana-wrapped item in your hand with an uncharacteristically bashful look in his eye. “No occasion, really. I saw it at the game shop and it reminded me of you, so I had to pick it up.”
Unwrapping the item, you roll your eyes. The gesture is only to (hopefully) distract him from the fact that you’re blushing like crazy. “You’re too much,” you chastise, a fond little accusation that he’s come to realize is a variation on I love you when it falls from your lips. You hand the black bandana back to him, and roll your eyes once again at the little drawstring bag it reveals. You don’t ever recall telling him your favorite colors, but he nailed it, and the embroidery along the top edge is delicate and unique. You run your finger along the stitching and smile, laughing as you ask, “A dice bag? Eddie, I don’t even have my own set of dice, I always use yours.” 
“Well, you see,” he gives a laugh of his own and reaches into another pocket. He produces a set of dice from the pocket, this time they’re a color eerily similar to your eyes, and rattles them in their box before you so that you can see the bonfire reflected in the little flecks of glitter. “I saw little pieces of you all over that place. I had to stop myself from buying the whole damn store.” 
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kiruliom · 2 years
outdated intro post, new one's here [link]
important!: my blog is not safe for people sensitive to bright colors or eyestrain!! its not (just) an aesthetic thing and Im so sorry for the inconvenience!
greetings <3
you can call me Darling, Archie or Kiru
miaspec queer, he/him, it/it's, kie/kir
I have no titles but dont mind them being used so if you wanna use them you can use "the horror", or just anything you think that fits me, just keep in mind I dont like titles that make me seem superior personally
send me these emojis in my asks and Ill give you something!!
🐙 (octopus emoji): random animal fact (you may choose the animal if you wish)
💗 (heart emoji): random,,, anything! whatever is going on in this empty head :3
🌀(spiral emoji): random pronouns!!
heres my carrd (link)
my main blog @kiruyeen
flag in banner: PINKsongic (link)
request status
[pt: request status]
flag making/identity coining: closed!!
name/pronoun finding and checking: open
term searching: closed
character headcanons/avatars: closed
pride emoji edits, userboxes etc: closed
I have every right to deny a request for any reason, I wont ever ignore requests though, Im just super slow sometimes
what Im okay and not okay with
getting alternative flags made of my coins (credit would be nice, would love to see them too so dont be afraid to tag me!!)
being @'ed to reblog an identity
transcripts/image IDs being added to flags where I forgot to add one, reminding me to add an eyestrain warning to posts that need it, making desaturated alternatives for the flags I make, anything that makes it more accessible to people with disabilities, as I screw up sometimes and am very bad at noticing it after
NO purposeful recoins of my terms (if you have any problems with me/my terms, please talk to me about it directly)
TBA??? feel free to ask
before you follow
[pt: before you follow]
Im a fan of: homestuck, boyfriends (webtoon), MLP, FNAF, vocaloid (esp. MARETU and kikuo!), monster high, cookie run, danganronpa and MCYT (NOT dsmp, I dont like dsmp), however I am critical of every media I consume
I am poly'type alterhuman + voidpunk, along with a furry, I support every 'type though am critical of factotypes
I identified as pansexual homoromantic for the longest time (I no longer do but I have no beef with people who are) so if youre not comfortable with that please leave
antiship, anti radqueer, anti transid, anti contact harmful paras, Im both radinclus and critinclus
I identify as a femboy, despite that I recognize and am careful about its negative relation to transfems. (no hate towards people who do use rosboy or maiboy etc. though you guys are cool as fuck)
Im a singlet, and would therefore prefer not to engage in syscourse at all, its just not my place to comment.
I am disordered and disabled. I have the right to not elaborate any more, just be patient with me, I make mistakes sometimes. and tone tags/elaboration when talking abt a specific post etc. help a lot
no DNI, I block liberally, you can ask me about why I blocked you if it worries you that much
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lautakwah · 7 months
re this post of yours 734011104902201344 regarding the Andy Lau movie
Did you mean the fictional drama movie 'What a Wonderful World' aka 奇異旅程之眞心愛生命 ? Or did you mean Lau's live concert, 'Wonderful World 劉德華香港演唱會 2007' ? Because that's at my local library if you want a dvd rip. Though I'm pretty sure it's not that, unless it's a 2008 re-release of the 1996 movie. Online searches are giving me conflicting titles and NO release year info ugh! I'm having no better luck at finding it to rent legitimately.
I did find the '96 fictional movie on worldcat, but it's on VHS at a Toronto library. I'm in the US, alas. This is the search result link. https://search.worldcat.org/title/45032272
If that's the one you want, any Torontonians with VHS to dvd converters around? Eyes emoji? Or hell, maybe call up that library with your best scholarly begging voice haha "Hello Librarian friend, the next time you weed your collection please send me all your Andy Lau related items, thank you!"
Unfortunately I can't double check if it's available for check out, as that website suffered a cyber attack and got a lot of their data compromised. They're still sorting through things and the website looks unavailable for anyone not a card holder.
In any case, good luck with your white whale!
it's 奇異旅程之真心愛生命 (1996)! directed by samson chiu (of golden chicken fame), it had its theatrical run from 01/11/1996 until 02/01/1996, with a box office of HKD4,038,796
the 2007-2008 concerts i have on my external hard drive already (they're also. on youtube. just in case anyone is interested in seeing andy's concerts. they're extremely well-made like he's the most awarded cantopop artist of all time for a reason <3) which was named after the album of the same name that he released in 2007!
the movie though... the movie is hilariously hard to find especially in cantonese for some reason 😭 like there's also a guy in taiwan who's selling that movie on his ebay but that's the mandarin dub, and ive found another mandarin dub on a torrenting site but that's about it 😭 my written cantonese is like. non-existent tho so probably it's also the language barrier holding me back from searching the most likely places to find it lol
but ohhh thank you for the tip!! i dont have any scholarly credentials to my name anymore but i will take note of that fkdghjg the worst that'll happen is they'll refuse :') anyway this is rly kind of you wahhh i honestly forgot i posted that tbh that was the last time i tried searching for that movie (am currently patiently waiting for the movie emperor to hit cinemas in a widespread release so i can get my hands on a shitty camrip LOL)
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absoloutenonsense · 3 years
Snippet from the Witch Girlfriend fic I’ll never write
Harriet ✨: Thai or tacos?
Louis smiled down at her phone as she read the text. Then she sighed as she looked back at her laptop, at the open blank Google doc. She’d titled it as: Understanding the French Revolution’s Impact on the Bourgeoisie: And Other Dumb Ways To Spend a Friday Night. Louis quickly left a comment at the top, reminding herself to change the title before she submitted it. 
Picking up her phone, she typed out a response to Harry a few different times. 
Can’t -- the French Revolution is more important than food.  Eat both for me as I die writing this stupid paper. What do you think the french aristocratic bourgeoisie would think of tacos?
Finally, she settled on: Can’t tonight, Haz :( Got that paper due at midnight.
She waited another moment, wondering if she should just say fuck it to the paper and ask for an extension when she got to class tomorrow (Saturday classes were even more dumb than writing dumb papers on Friday night), but then shook her head. Louis was going to be a responsible student for once in her life. Or, well, as responsible as she could be just starting a paper the same night it was due. 
She barely turned back to her threateningly empty doc when her phone lit up again. 
Harriet ✨: French revolution still got you down?
Louis laughed out loud, shaking her head. You could say I’ve lost my head over it. 
Harriet ✨: Too soon!!!!
She laughed again, feeling butterflies in her stomach at the thought of Harry looking at her phone, waiting for Louis to text back awful or tongue-in-cheek or cheesy things that came to her mind. 
They’d only been dating for a couple of months now, but to Louis, it couldn’t have been going any better. Harry was sweet, funny, and kind. Not to mention that she was smokin’ hot, with beautiful dark curls that Louis loved to thread her fingers through, hands that knew exactly what they wanted, and plush rosy lips that were perfect for kissing (among other things). 
The only downside that Louis could see was that Harry lived off campus a whole two miles away from her dorm, and roomed with her sister, which meant way less funny business (as Harry called it, always with a cheeky smile) than either of them would prefer. 
Forgot you were a royal sympathizer. Louis typed back. This may be the thing that ends us.
Harriet ✨: Marie Antoinette was FOURTEEN when she married the king. Hm, what was his name again, *LOUIS*???
Harriet ✨: Also... like you could get rid of me now 😉
Louis nearly doubled over, started to type out another response, but then was interrupted by the computer with one of her many self-set reminders (because she knew how easily she got distracted). She sighed, and finally typed out a bunch of heart emojis and a message that she’d call Harry after her class got out the next day. Then she turned the volume off and put her phone completely away (under the pillow on her bed) before getting to work. 
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when there was a tapping sound on her window. Louis almost thought she was hearing things --running on fumes and the dregs of a too-old energy drink she found at the bottom of one of the suitcases she used to move in five months ago-- but then she heard it again, louder that time. 
Cautiously, she stood up, walked over to the window, and peaked out through her curtain. She gasped when she saw Harry’s face framed by the window pane. 
Pulling the curtain back, she made her eyes wide with her eyebrows up, shaking her head, just as Harry’s whole face lit up. From the other side of the window, she held up a plastic bag, and it was only then that Louis realized that Harry hadn’t climbed up the fire escape like she thought, but was flying on her broom. 
Louis’ jaw dropped and immediately she opened the window. “Harry,” she hissed. “There are people around!”
Harry looked down to the three stories of empty space beneath her dangling feet, then back up at Louis, still smiling. “I don’t see anyone.”
“Harry,” Louis hissed again, looking down and around worriedly. 
“Lou,” Harry said, voice soft but teasing. “Don’t worry, I cast a cloaking spell over me before I left. I’ve got at least another minute left before someone else can spot me and try to burn me at the stake.”
Louis stared at her, unimpressed. 
“Oh my god,” Harry laughed. “I’m just kidding, I made sure I’m hidden. I just couldn’t bear the thought of you cooped up in here with nothing to eat. That, and I wanted to see your face.”
She tried to maintain a detached expression, but Louis couldn’t be blamed for the way her insides melted, especially not when Harry used those dimples to her advantage. Instead, she rolled her eyes and pretended to be annoyed at Harry’s cheesiness. (She wasn’t.)
“Well, aren’t you going to ask what I brought you?” Harry asked after a minute, holding up the bag again as she floated in midair. 
Unfortunately, right then the bag started to slip and fell right off Harry’s fingers. Harry’s eyes went wide and she pointed her broom down and disappeared from view. Louis had to lean her entire torso out the window to try and see where she went, but it wasn’t that way for long before Harry popped back up, upside down this time so her loose curls hung down freely, swaying in the light breeze. She extended her arm with the bag for Louis to grab. Louis took it quickly to avoid any other incidents like that. 
“So what’s this?” Louis asked, even as she started to open it. 
“Thai food,” Harry said simply, tilting her broom down so her body made a wide circle until she was sitting upright again. “And tacos, since you never said which you wanted. And a Coke, which might be too shaken up now to drink, sorry.”
“Harry,” Louis said, her voice very soft and full of every bit of the endearment she felt. 
“And,” Harry interrupted, “with your permission, I’ve got something else I’d like to give you.”
“What’s that?” Louis asked with a wry smile, already leaning forward in anticipation of a kiss. 
“More time.”
Louis furrowed her brows and pulled back a bit. “What?”
“I’d like to give you a bit more time to write your paper,” Harry said. She reached into the bumbag that was clipped around her waist and pulled out something round and red. It almost looked like a Skittle. 
“Um.” Louis held out her palm so Harry could drop it in there. 
“So one of those will give you about two hours.” Harry’s mouth pulled to the side and she tilted her head, like she was thinking about it. “Well, maybe an hour and a half. It was my first time making it, I think I got a little overeager.”
“You made… time?” Louis asked. Not that Louis was all that knowledgeable about witches --Harry being the first one she’d ever known she’d met-- but creating time definitely seemed like an advanced thing for a witch who was only in her fourth official month of training. 
“Not exactly,” Harry said. “But this will make it so that time has a little bit more wiggle room. Less straightforward, more malleable. Ideally what happens is that a minute becomes an hour, but only for the person who eats it. There is a catch -- you can’t take it with anyone else around, or it won’t work.”
“Is this allowed?” Louis asked, staring at the tiny red round thing in her hand.
“Of course it is,” Harry said. “There aren’t rules about humans participating in magic, just ones where they can’t know about it. So really, this is the least of our problems.”
Harry’s grinning but Louis sighs and shakes her head. When she opens them, Harry is much closer, her face peeking in through the window. Quietly, she says, “You don’t have to, you know. You can throw it away. Or eat it in front of me. I think it’s strawberry flavored, but could be cherry -- the essence label was smudged.” 
Louis pursed her lips, looked over her shoulder at her computer, then looked at the alarm clock next to her bed that read 10 pm. She grinned tentatively as she looked back. 
“Extra time would be great. Thank you.” Louis held up the hand that was holding the bag of food. “For the food, too.” 
The smile Harry gave her was radiant. “I’m very happy to do it,” she said, looking giddy and maybe like she was blushing as she looked down at the front of her broom. “Okay, I’ve got to go, my cloaking spell is probably going to wear off in a couple of minutes.” 
Louis made an exasperated sound, but Harry just came in a little further through her window and kissed her on the cheek before backing up. 
“Go easy on Marie,” Harry said with a smirk. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my King Louis.” 
In the blink of an eye, she was off. Louis took another few moment to stare out the window, half expecting to be able to see Harry flying away at some point, but she couldn’t. 
Shutting her window, Louis shook her head again as she popped the red circle into her mouth. Having a witch as a girlfriend was so weird, but also kind of the best. 
Mm, Louis thought. Strawberry. Who knew extra time would taste so good. 
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
spiral anon, i debated doing this mostly because i'm tired but then i decided that the importance or receipts never goes away (warning- it's really long):
I keep getting worried that if this j*bitha Italian restaurant date thing doesn't happen before the musical, it's going to happen then when ras said they have a good storyline and they will sing some kind of romantic song.— and i understand but that's not what ras said as far as i know. the only things i remember him saying is this:
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do i think that people heard him say cole is swoon worthy when he sings and took hearing him and tabitha having a storyline together and decided that it's romantic? definitely.
actually, i think he says the "swoon worthy" part twice. here's another interview where he says it:
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so, is it more about the musical or the ships? with ras, who the hell knows?
but roberto didn't say outright that it was a romantic storyline that was happening. he also said this about bughead:
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so now, because ras is so good at double speak and saying something that can be taken any way you want with whatever bias you have, you have to decide, did he say j/t was definitely happening or is he teasing things to keep people watching? he also said he was rooting for bughead and that nothing was off the table (in regards to reggie and veronica) but also how it's clear how much archie and veronica want to be together while also saying that b/archie's relationship would "deepen" and have another facet to it.
so, take all of that as you will.
also, i guess even if you assume they get romantic based on all of the above, it doesn't go as planned if you take drew's words into consideration:
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They keep referring to a dancing girl with JH and I keep thinking it's them finishing their dance.— it was evan, i think, with the dancing emoji and honestly, evan's emojis run the gamut between very literal to very wtf? because often, they only make sense after the fact. but here, let's make it an interpretation that no one would get until they had this episode title:
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or, you can take it literally and assume they're dancing at some point. which they already did and already referred to in 5x11 (i think, these eps are all starting to blur together) so who knows?
again, evan is sort of weird in his hints and a lot of them make much more sense after the fact.
I am trying very hard not to have bughead anxiety, but if BH is not the ones that get to sing Hey#3 Perfect for You I'm going to be pissed. We know that song is Betty's because of the reference to her mom and her posting a blue dress on Twitter. BH already said hey#1 and hey#2 to each other, Jughead called himself Henry which is the character in the musical, and I swear Evan referenced Hey when he talked about BH on the dipp podcast saying it would be important to BH.—i can't speak on the dipp podcast since i didn't listen to it but i agree that the blue dress is the biggest 👀 for that song to me. it's pretty specific to the musical and what song that is. do i think they're dropping hints? seems like but we'll see.
lili's tweet for those who forgot:
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No way they are going to turn that into a B*rchie song because Archie feels like he's going crazy now too. That would make zero sense, right? I swear I'm not concern trolling, I'm having a BH spiral and need someone to talk me off the edge of the cliff.—listen, i am biased so yes, i am going to tell you that i don't think it fits for b/a and never has. because it's literally never shown on screen that archie cares about betty's wellbeing unless the plot forces him to because jughead isn't available. but also that we have a long history of jughead actually being there for her onscreen.
riverdale is predictable in a lot of ways, one being the way they stick archie into betty's storyline (or vice versa) when jughead and veronica aren't around and it goes like this: "we're friends, i'll be there for you, i'll help you, let's do this task. drama created for later ship angst, conclusion, let's not talk for another 6-10 episodes."
as for talking you off the edge, we don't know what's going to happen yet but i do know there's a lot of misinformation about what gets said, even about what happens onscreen. people go to anti-blogs and spend time reading b/a theories and then we end up with people talking about betty being pregnant like she wouldn't already know, glen wouldn't be an option, and veronica gets totally ignored in the narrative even though the whole premise for archie in 5x08 was about how he still had feelings for veronica.
(also i do believe evan did say the blood emoji for them was about them getting blood on their hands for the other and chad is coming back so, you know, here's hoping it's his because that guy sucks)
and i know that there's been no bughead promo for this season, so i get it. it sucks. but i also think that's because bughead is the story (also, they didn't really seem to promo varchie in early 5a and they're not doing much with it now) so maybe it's me but i feel like the pattern is obvious in that. we wouldn't even know that bughead speaks in 5x16 without ras telling us based on the synopsis:
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and we know from the 5x17 one that they're working together and that probably leads into the musical because we've long known that they're going to be looking for polly together. i don't know what's going to happen and we can speculate all day but i will say i personally think bughead will be back.
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theblacklupins · 3 years
The bunch of keys in Remus’ hands jingled as he unlocked the glass door, opening the doors to the big space of bookshelves filled to the brim with leather bound books. Turning around, he smiled serenely as he looked around. Sunlight filtered through the gaps of the curtains.
He opened them, light now illuminating the entire bookstore. He sighed as he turned on the air conditioning, letting a cool breeze sweep over the entire shop.
He loved his job. He was surrounded by things he loved and it was all so calm and peaceful. Everything was what it was supposed to be.
Remus went behind the counter, clearing up any dust that had been left behind the day before. He looked at the clock.
“Eight,” he murmured, smiling softly to himself. “Gives me an hour, then.”
He shrugged on his coat, fixed his hair a bit and headed out with his wallet and phone, locking the doors again.
He headed down the street to which he’d just moved into, admiring the cute houses and occasional shop. He smiled brightly when he walked up to the place he’d been coming to ever since he opened his store.
He pushed open the glass doors, the smell of baked goods and coffee making his stomach rumble.
He stepped up behind two people who were queuing, silently pulling out his phone to scroll through Instagram. He smiled at Lily’s selfie with Marlene and Mary in the background. He commented sarcastic eye roll emojis and hearts and put his phone in his pocket when it was his turn to order.
“The usual, Mr. Lupin?”
Remus smiled shyly and he nodded, looking up only to find his breath taken away, as always.
Because in front of him was the cafe cashier, Sirius Black, wearing a white apron and a black turtleneck underneath, hair tied up in a messy bun.
“Yeah,” Remus replied a little breathlessly. “The normal.”
“Iced latte and chocolate muffin!” Sirius yelled to the people manning the food and drinks a few meters behind him. He faced Remus again, shaking his head amusedly. “Don’t know why you still drink an iced latte in this cold ass weather.”
Remus let out a small laugh. “Don’t know either.”
Sirius perked up. “Almost forgot. Now, don’t tell anyone, but...”
Sirius slid a paper bag with two warn double chocolate chip cookies in it. Remus blinked and shook his head, trying to refuse but Sirius pushed him away as another customer entered the store. Remus sighed as he took the cookies and waited at the side of the store for his order. In less than ten minutes, his name got called and he collected his order, sending a fleeting smile towards Sirius and then rushing out of the cafe.
Every day it was like this. Head over to the cafe, buy breakfast, maybe flirt a little with Sirius, run out to tend to his bookshop and be busy for the rest of the day. Only talking to Sirius once every day, and then going to sleep thinking about his smile.
It could be better, but Remus wasn’t going to start complaining.
He sighed as he bit into the muffin, deciding to save the cookies for later.
Remus woke up late on a Friday, because he’d been up late arranging and sorting out the new delivery of books that he’d ordered. He only collapsed on his bed at two in the morning, not even bothering to change his clothes.
He woke in a panic at fifty minutes past seven and hurriedly got ready and went down his bookstore. His apartment was situated a level above the bookshop, so it was much more convenient instead of having to wake up much earlier and then having to walk. Which meant that even if he woke up late, he wouldn’t be too late.
He managed to run down the stairs, nearly twisting his foot and unlocking the doors only eight minutes late. Thankfully, there weren’t any customers yet. People usually came in in the late afternoons or just before dinner, which gave Remus plenty of time to sort out orders and deliveries for books.
But only after a half an hour, people started coming in, streaming through the doors and browsing the shelves. Remus was surprised; usually only a few people came in once a day. Why so many now, and in such a short amount of time?
Remus jerked, head looking up and eyes widening.
Sirius grinned, now wearing a leather jacket instead of his usual white apron. “Hey, stranger. Noticed how you didn’t come into the cafe today. Here.” He placed Remus’ order of iced latte and chocolate muffin — plus an extra two cookies — and leaned against the wooden counter.
“Nice thing you’ve got going on here,” Sirius commented lightly, smiling at the books. “It feels like it would be calm. Well, calm if there weren’t a crowd of people here right now.”
Remus laughed. “Yeah, sorry, don’t know why either. Usually it’s really quiet until later. And I didn’t head to the cafe because I woke up late. Been up all night sorting everything out.”
Sirius pursed his lips. “I... may know the reason why you’ve gotten a bunch of customers all of a sudden.”
Remus narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Why?”
“I may have... promoted your bookstore a bit? Yesterday?”
Remus blinked. “What?”
Sirius scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I, uh, went onto my cafe’s social media platforms and uh, promoted your bookshop.”
Remus whipped out his phone and went to Twitter, searching the cafe Sirius worked at, and sure enough, a picture of his bookshop, taken while Remus wasn’t in. The light from the sun illuminated the inside through the windows, making the entire shop nearly glow. The caption above stated:
Mr. Lupin’s bookshop is a must to visit once you’ve bought from us! Books and cafe delights are something to bring peace to heart and mind. Check out Mr. Lupin’s bookshop and you won’t be disappointed, with your favorite titles about romance, adventure or fantasy at your fingertips with a cup of coffee right beside.
Remus’ eyes widened and he looked up at Sirius, who smiled sheepishly. Before he could say anything, though, a few customers started to line up. Sirius had to move to the side so Remus could help them.
Once that was tended to, Remus faced Sirius, who had sidled up next to him behind the counter. “You— you really did that.”
Sirius grinned. “I did.”
Remus smiled softly, blushing just a tiny bit. “Thanks. This... really means a lot to me.”
Sirius’ grin turned softer, quieter, more of an adoring look than a smile at that point. “You’re welcome. I’m glad it made you happy.”
An elderly woman came up to the desk, holding a copy of Anne Frank. “Hello dears, how much is this?”
Remus helped her with her payment, and when she had the paper bag in her arms securely, she asked sweetly, “You boys look very sweet together. Reminds me if my own grandson and his husband.”
Remus blushed and became flustered, trying to explain how he and Sirius weren’t together, but he was silenced when Sirius replied, “Thank you, ma’am. I like to think we look good together too.”
She smiled serenely and walked out of the store, leaving behind a stuttering Remus.
“Go out on a date with me, Remus Lupin?” Sirius asked quietly, fiddling with his fingers. “I know— we don’t talk a lot, but I’m really smitten with you and I’m hoping—"
Remus cut him off with a chaste kiss, only pressing in a couple of seconds before parting.
“Yeah, I’ll go on a date with you,” Remus breathed. He jumped when a wolf whistle sounded through the shop, and everyone started applauding. Remus blushed furiously and shrunk back, glaring at Sirius who grinned at him and bowed as if he was part of a show that dramatically changed everyone’s lives.
“So we’re having a coffee date right?”
“Would be wrong not to, to be honest.”
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gagmebucky · 4 years
hiiii i wrote this awhile ago but took it down because i was 👉🏼👈🏼 embarrassed about it (because i do not have the skill to pull off peter parker) and sorta still am but everyone’s been so nice to me about it i thought the best way to repay the kindness by posting it for those who did like it 😅 (originally inspired by spider man 2 with andrew garfield but loosely set in the 2018 issue of the amazing spider-man.)
in which the guys are making fun of peter and accidentally see a video of him fucking you. (includes avenger!peter x girlfriend!you, peter’s pov, voyeur!steve and voyeur!bucky, a sex tape featuring d/s dynamics, bondage, praise kink, exhibitionism, unprotected sex.) 
do not repost.
Despite being twenty-one years old; a proper adult who lives with his high school sweetheart, a photographer doubling as a seven-year veteran vigilante in the dangers of New York, Peter Parker is still considered as a super-powered amateur to his seasoned peers. 
Nonetheless, given his success in countless battles in the state, country, world and even galaxy-wide, he more than qualifies to hold the title of Avenger; it’s official now. A laid-back induction ceremony and his very own identity card: a sturdy rectangle, shiny with full clearance and all. Yet, as an official member, his teammates still treat him like he’s that same goofy, out-of-his-depths sixteen year old.
To be fair, yes, his style of heroism isn’t the most serious. He favors levity in the face of danger, a cheeky flare with smart quips and an infuriating grin. Even after taking a beating from the worst of foes, his demeanor never wavers because in the end, he wins. The villains are slayed and the people are saved, even comforted by the boyishly confident way he works. 
But beyond that persona, he has grown into a skilled warrior. On that note, he wants to be regarded as such—at least, to a certain extent. The jokes and teasing, poking fun at his age or the shenanigans he gets himself into, don’t bother him. No, his playful wit handles it with relative ease, and he’s a good sport about it. The only thing that he’d want to see change is some recognition that he isn’t a naïve kid anymore and is fully capable of taking charge when needed.
With his recent acceptance into the gifted pantheon, he’s intent on making that known. The jesting can continue but he wants it to be with an understanding of his capabilities. Luckily, a perfect opportunity has presented itself to showcase his abilities: a training session. 
He’s late. And yes, he knows that’s probably not a good impression to make.
In his own defense, it isn’t technically his fault. He forgot that you, his personal alarm clock (amongst other things), left early this morning because you volunteered to help his aunt move. Four years of mornings and nights, he’s gotten used to—and prefers—your languorous wake-up call.
Without your reminder, he regains consciousness fifteen minutes after the scheduled time and ends up scrambling to the compound. In a flurry, he throws on his suit—unknowingly backwards, he realizes later—trips at least three times over his own footing before he finally springs out of the balcony with webbed bursts.
When he reaches his destination, Captain America and the Winter Soldier are unimpressed; mid-simulation, it powers down. Both super-soldiers whirl around to face him, fixing raised eyebrows at his disheveled arrival.
He adjusts his now front-facing suit and shuffles forward into the space with as much confidence as an interrupter can have. “H - hey, guys,” Peter greets sheepishly and manages what he hopes is a charming smile, absentmindedly fidgeting with his phone. “Lookin’ good for a couple of geezers.” 
Unfortunately, Steve Rogers is not charmed or disillusioned from the tardiness. “You’re late, Parker.” His arms fold, and he shakes his head when punctuating his disapproval with an echoing, “Again.” 
Thankfully, to his right, more relaxed and cool, Bucky Barnes steps up. “C’mon, Stevie. Y’can’t be that surprised,” he chimes in matter of factly, contrasting against his friend with amusement sparkling in his blue eyes. “What’d you expect with Parker?” He gestures at the younger superhero. “Kid’s gonna be late to his own wedding.”
(Beside the point, but worth noting, he will not be late to meeting you at the altar. That is, of course, if you accept when he pops the question. Which is going to happen relatively soon, considering he has the ring in his nightstand drawer.)
The consult seems to relax him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right and—Peter, you—seriously, man?!” Steve sputters the last bit when he glanced over to see him blatantly check the notification that’s vibrated in his hand (on the device that is ruled to be stowed away during training). “Now the phone?!” 
Even though he shouldn’t, being on thin ice with Cap and all (pun not intended), Peter’s gaze flickers down to see your contact name appear on the screen, and he can’t resist. While Bucky guffaws a laugh at his audacity, he’s swiping up to pull up your text thread. 
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:37AM: spider boyyyyy you’ll never guess what i found in a box labeled ‘peter’s junk’ ;;;)
peter, 10:37AM: those magazines are NOT mine and i don’t know how they got there.
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: not quite but close, naughty boy
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: for a man who depends on keeping secrets and a penchant for home movies, you might ought to keep a lock on your phone unless you want someone to see me like this...
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: (video attached)
Immediately, he recognizes the pornographic thumbnail. One glance, and he’s remembering the first couple of times you guys explored the exhibitionism side of things. It was at the end of his freshman year of college and taped on a phone he thought he had lost. But he must've forgotten it at his aunt’s house, and she tossed it in the box until you came along. 
Although there’s been plenty more made, he recalls that one being a shared favorite, his especially. When long-distance duty calls, it was his go-to media. The angles, your face and body beneath the lights, the sounds it caught, you once asked if he considered switching to cinematography instead of photographer
Subconsciously, his teeth run over his bottom lip, feeling that blazing spark of desire igniting in the pit of his gut, partially at the memory and partially at what’ll happen once you guys can re-watch it together; his thumbs start typing away with that message.
“Peter!” Steve’s exasperated voice snaps, but to no avail—the real gall of the youngster, or the effect of you. His weight shifts toward his best friend, and he nudges him with his elbow. “Kids these days!” The hundred-something year old’s gaze cocks a brow back over. “Is that why you were late? Blowing off training to text your girlfriend?”
The text delivers with an audible bloop. Finally, his concentration gives, and he can look up, though his expression is clueless from the last minute. “Huh?” His brain registers what he missed, and he winces. “Sorry, Cap. My bad.”
Bucky chuckles. “Give him a break, Steve,” he faux comes to his defense, a teasing quality underlying his tone. “He’s young and in love. It’s not his fault he’s pussy-whipped.” He cracks him an antagonizing grin as Peter rolls his eyes. “He can’t go an hour without sending those little weird pictures with heart eyes, or she might not know he’s thinking about her.”
“As if you know anything about romance, old man,” he fires back and presses past them with squared shoulders, correcting him quite seriously: “And they’re called emojis, by the way. But that’s not what I was doing, if you want to know so bad.”
The brunette tilts his head thoughtfully, and small hackles arise for reasons he doesn’t understand, or pay attention to. “You know, I do want to know really badly,” Bucky decides and poses a question to his left, “Wouldn’t you, too, Steve? Aren’t you curious what his girlfriend sent that was so much more important than training?”
The blond mimics his actions and clicks his tongue. “Yeah, I am.” 
Peter’s eyebrows pinch while his skin tingles and the hair on the back of his neck stands straight up. “What—” Before his senses process it, one of the super-soldiers plucks his phone out of his hands and darts back beside his best friend. His jaw drops as he tries to follow after him. “Bucky, you asshole—”
“Some spidey senses, huh?” The Winter Soldier lifts it high over his head, utilizing his six-foot stature against his five-ten like elementary school bullies do and older siblings to their juniors. “Haven’t ‘cha heard about sharing with the class?” He laughs and practically stiff-arms him to squint up at the screen. “Aw, he can’t wait to see her. What’s it been, more than two hours since you two saw each other last?” 
Conceding to the height difference, Peter stops his physical efforts and diverts it to someone reasonable. “Cap, you gonna help me out here?” he addresses the entertained onlooker in the most friendly voice he can manage. 
“The kid’s got separate anxiety not just from his girlfriend but phone too, Buck,” Steve drawls with a lopsided curve of his lips. He side-steps Peter to stand next to Bucky, and for a second, he thinks he’s on his side despite the tease, but he simply adds a stern, “So be careful. You don’t want to break it, or Parker will have a fit.”
Peter crosses his arms and scowls. “Ha, ha,” he retorts dryly, only somewhat amused by their banter. He tilts his head up at them, and the duo look thoroughly pleased with themselves. “You know, you guys are kind of dicks.”
“No, we’re your mentors, kid,” Steve corrects with a wink and rests his arm on his friend’s shoulder. “This is a lesson. No phones—” He jabs his thumb back in reference to the device’s unlocked screen: “—when you’re supposed to be training.” 
“Yeah,” Bucky chimes in upon glancing up from his phone. “And a little advice, women don’t like clinginess. Try being a little more stern and see how that works for you. If you’re able to manage that. But I won’t hold it against ya if you can’t.”
“Uh-huh,” Peter patronizes with a bob of his head, biting back a response pointing out the hundred-something year old’s inexperience. Instead, he focuses on the electronic readily loaded up with some private content. With that, he decides to do the rational and mature thing and ask nicely. “Noted. So, uh, can I have my phone back now?” 
To his shock, Bucky merely flashes a smirk and his thumb scrolls half-heartedly over the thread. Thereafter, he leans toward Steve and raises his cell for him to see. “Oh, look, it’s a video,” he teases. “What could Y/N send that would take priority of training?” 
There’s an unspoken let’s see then a metal finger taps the play button. Before Peter can think, much less react, Captain American and the Winter Soldier are watching how he effortlessly renders his pretty little girlfriend into a cute nonsensical yet eager mess— 
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In his point-of-view shot, the ratio holds in portrait view in a bid to capture every bit of you. Above you, the camera focuses on you and your beautifully debauched state beneath warm lighting where it’s unalienable that the camera was made for you. 
Your eyes are dilated brightly, desperate with desire as your lashes flutter up at him. A sheen coats your features and glistens like glitter at the highest points of your face while the shape of your face is framed by your stretched arms. 
Your wrists are bound over your head, splotched with expertly sprayed strong, white webs. The mesh sticks them together in a criss-cross, comfortable but nearly impossible to break out of, fixed in place atop his headboard. The tautness tugs a mild strain on your figure so your breasts are jutting out like an offering, and it’s obvious he’s taken advantage of it. Darkened marks adorn your glowing complexion, peppered across your décolletage with imprints of his teeth; including your nipples, sucked swollen and tender. 
The angle trails down until it reveals the sight of him mercilessly pounding inside of you. His better-than-average girth is sliding in and out of your tight channel; slicked in shared translucent essence, creaming around the base, your inner walls visibly clinging to his cock with every backward stroke. His hand splays on your mound, using his thumb to abuse your engorged clit. He easily keeps the sensitive nub pinned under his control despite your wildly twisting hips. 
Like the display, the soundtrack is equally obscene. Loud, your stuffed depths gush and squelch as skin slaps rhythmically. Your breathy, wanton moans overshadow both, drawn out whimpers, almost nonsensical other than the syllable of his name. A melody of neediness, you sound so fucking pretty, (depraved, like a whore, you once told him during your little film marathon with a sly smile), and for him specifically.
The frame pans upward and confirms you look just as good. A perfect mess, unhinged by the skilled ministrations of your boyfriend. Passion beads on your forehead like reflections off of a diamond. Panting, your lips are plumped from kissing parted with mewls of pleasure. 
“P - please—I need to—can I - I please—” You’re begging like the sweet little thing you are, incoherent babbling the result of his excessive edging. Of course, you know better than to give into the sensations ravaging you; instead you ignore your visceral desire and ask him for your release. “Peter, please!” 
A deep chuckle vibrates behind the camera as his big hand slides into view, trailing over your jiggling tits to the slope of your throat. “Maybe,” he says breathily and grasps the line of your jaw between his fingers. “Open your mouth first, babe.” 
No more preamble necessary, you follow his direction, your pink tongue flat over your Cupid’s bow. Immediately, a long string of his saliva drips into view and onto your taste buds; the vulgar act is accepted with a swallow and a quivering moan of, “T - thank you.” 
“Good girl,” he praises huskily, and the voiced approval has you visibly shivering. “Alright, then, pretty girl. Make it good for me, and c’mon—”
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Before your otherworldly reckoning washes over you and his teammates can watch your bliss immortalized in film, Peter snatches his property back. 
Not much force is necessary as Bucky’s grip has been stunned loose. A dark expression permeates on young hero’s face but not because of embarrassment; if he was still nineteen or eighteen, he would’ve been mortified that his titular superiors caught a depraved glimpse of his sex life, on both his and your behalf. Rather than, there’s just a flit of annoyance when he folds his arms.
“Shit,” Bucky is the first to speak, exhaling the swear raggedly. His blue pupils have widened in obvious attraction, dilated dark, blinking rapidly as if it’ll help calm him down from the clip of you, his innocent seeming girlfriend, all ruined and begging. “Parker, fuck, I - I didn’t know you got down like that.” 
There’s a swell in his chest, pride beating steadily while he remains reticent-faced. He prefers you keep your bedroom activities secluded there. Yeah, he likes to be in control and you like to be controlled but it’s only in a sexual nature. Yet, their reactions—stunned, embarrassed and viscerally affected—surges smug satisfaction he’s never known before through his veins. 
Even the prestigious Captain America is bothered, though he may try to hide it. He clears his throat, a flustered pink coloring his cheeks. “Peter, uh,” he says, barely maintaining the confidence to look him in the eye after witnessing his girlfriend like that. “We - we shouldn’t have invaded your privacy like that.” 
“Uh-huh,” is Peter’s response, a hint of a smirk curling on one side of his lips. “Why don’t you guys call me after you’re finished with your cold showers, and we can actually train. Until then, I’m gonna go to my girl who’s more than eager to handle mine.” He pauses. “Maybe if you guys ask nice enough, I might let her show you how well I’ve trained her.”
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scabopolis · 3 years
lv au week, day 2: super heroes
Title: superbloom Fandom: Veronica Mars Rating: PG-13 for content, R for swears (Veronica writes in her feelings journal and really lets those swears go) Pairing: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars Other Characters: Mentions of Mac and Meg Additional Tags: Secret identity (again?! what?), unnecessary epistolary literature (does a journal count as epistolary?), half-baked world building, a vague understanding of superhero lore Word Count: ~1,075 Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Again, written solely because @cubbiegirl and @marshmellowbobcat are earth angels. I even added a title this time so that MB doesn’t have to come up with one. 
Why did I write this as Veronica’s journal? Mostly because it’s a style which seems to be a fanfic right of passage and I haven’t tried it so...here we are.  
I probably owe a lot to other superhero universes and their world building (as in, referring to them as ‘supers’ ala The Incredibles). What are the full extent of Logan and Veronica’s powers? *shrug emoji*
Date: February 15 Tracked a low-level Kane agent to a tourist trap bistro in downtown San Diego. Place was packed. Is this the new thing? Shitty men forget to make Valentine’s Day reservations, so they make them for the day after? 
Thought I had the guy but when I mistimed my pulse he metamorphosed into a cockroach and scurried away. 
Best part of the night was the chocolate mousse I got to-go. Despite appearances within, the food wasn’t too bad. 
Date: February 17 Caught up to Cockroach. Real name is Abel Koontz. Slimy guy tried to escape again, but Mac outfitted me with a souped up Morph Choke as backup — emphasis on the choke. Gonna need to recalibrate that a bit, Mackenzie. 
Bonus! Forgot it was laundry day, so had to wear my backup uni. Next time I run into Meg out in the field I’ll have to ask her if she can see my underwear through it. 
Date: February 18 Finally got around to watching season two of The Boys. Where do they get this shit? 
If Piznarski brings up forming some sort of super team for the 7-millionth time at the summit this year, I’m siccing Clayton on him.
Date: February 21 Got into a fight with Mac. Technically my fault. 
I faded while in public, and look, I get it. 
Being detected while living as my alter would be bad. BUT!! Being forced to interact with my ex as he is on a date with a woman who legitimately looks like she could be my doppelganger is very bad. 
Date: February 22 Clarified with Mac: me fading in public did not worry her. Me tripping Leo on purpose as I faded was apparently a problem.
Date: February 24 Cockroach stood me up.
Date: February 25 For all that is good and holy if another fucking cocky cowboy of a super moves to Neptune, I am going to lose my shit. This newest one? Got in my way as I attempted to track Kane, Jr into a warehouse. Fucking Smirky McCowboy stepped in my way and assured me I didn’t want to follow. Something about a dozen armed guards with guns aimed at the door. MAYBE THAT WAS MY PLAN!
(Because, of course the guy ripped a powers page right out of Superman’s book and has x-ray vision.)
(And, his uni? Not hard to tell when a super has money. They’re always the worst.)
Date: February 28 Ran into Smirky McCowboy again. This time outside of a poker game hosted by a real estate developer with connections to Kane. Smirky said it was a coincidence. 
Still no sign of Cockroach. 
Date: March 2 FUCKING HELL. He beat me to it. AGAIN! How is he doing this? 
Date: March 4 Smirky’s name is apparently Logan. Which I learned because I was getting coffee at Willow Grove (just minding my business while covertly eavesdropping on previously mentioned real estate developer) when some guy sat at my table. Unprompted. Uninvited. UNWELCOME.  
Mask or no mask, THAT SMIRK. 
The more concerning thing is that his x-ray vision apparently sees through the skeletal enhancements Mac wired into my mask, meaning he ID’d me right away. 
Date: March 5 Why do they keep coming here? Doesn’t New York have more crime? Go there!
Mac says it’s my fault for busting the Fitzpatricks, outing Kane as the sociopath he is, and helping all those kids find their lost dogs. 
Okay, she only mentioned the first two, but I think the third has value. 
The point is! these hangers-on need to find their own territory.  
Date: March 6 Mac traced at least 70 arrests to Smirky in the Los Angeles area alone. I hate him.
Date: March 10 If he scoops another one of my cases…
Date: March 11 He calls me Supergirl. 
He calls me Supergirl and I want to punch him. 
Mac says Cockroach’s tracker is still active but the signal is being blocked.
Date: March 13 Saw Meg today. She took down her own parents. Fucking savage. God, I love her. She flew me up to American Plaza and we drank champagne to celebrate.  
Oh! And good news! She says my backup uni isn’t see through. 
Date: March 13 Woke up with this terrifying thought: can smirky see through my uni? 
He wouldn’t...right? I mean...he’s an asshole but I don’t think he’s a creep. 
Date: March 16 I punched him. 
Not for the underwear thing! He swears he’s never looked and I weirdly believe him. 
And I didn’t punch him as much as he walked into a pulse. Yes, fine. 
I maybe purposefully put up the pulse to see if his x-ray vision could detect it. But I didn’t tell him to walk into it. 
(He can’t detect it, btw. I did it a second time just to be sure.)
Date: March 18 Found Cockroach. Or, I guess I should say Koontz. He washed up on Dog Beach as his alter. 
Mac said it could be a coincidence but we both know that’s not true. 
Date: March 19 Did I do this? Did I get Cockroach killed? 
Date: March 19 Logan has very good alcohol. 
Date: March 20 Hangovers. Bad. 
Date: March 20 Logan makes very good pancakes. 
Date: March 21 Logan has seen me drunk, which means Logan must be destroyed. 
Date: March 22 In a certain light, the smirk isn’t so bad. 
Date: March 23 Oh god. 
Date: March 24 Oh god.
Do I like him?
Date: March 25 I hate myself. I’m a giant cliché. I apologize to all women supers everywhere. 
Logan swears he can’t see past the new enhancements Mac made to my uni.
He also asked me to dinner. Was tempted to 1) fade, and 2) run away, but I did neither. 
Date: March 26 Adding insult to injury, Smirky McCowboy really knows how to kiss.
Date: March 27 Mac says I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. 
Actually, what she said was that neither he nor I are all that pleasant to be around so we might be meant for each other. 
Date: March 28 He really knows how to do some other things, too. 
Date: March 29 Logan got me a present: surveillance footage of Kane’s mysterious second-in-command with Koontz the night before he was found.
He’s been upgraded to not the absolute worst. 
Date: March 29 To be perfectly clear: we are not a super team. 
Date: March 30 Logan and I are on surveillance detail tonight. 
Maybe I can convince him to stop for some chocolate mousse. 
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
i'm very 👀 about "miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine for a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight" and also a robin hood au???? hello??? 👀👀👀 i also want ask about driving jalex but maybe 3 fics are too many lolll love you -megs 💙
yes alright hello megs i am here FINALLY let's get into it
so! miiiiine for a niiiight (abridged title) is a prompt fic, from an ask someone sent me asking me to write a muke wayf fic. i...started it and then...it's...it stopped. i stopped. and i don't really know. where it's going now. i don't know. i had an idea for it when i started it but then i stopped writing it and then forgot what my idea was, kind of, basically? so anyway. here's some of that though
“A hotel, I assume,” says Michael. “If you give me your number I can text you once I find out which one.”
That would be good, because Michael is going to baggage claim and Luke is not. It would also be good because Luke and Michael sat next to each other on the plane and Luke spent the whole time overthinking whether or not Michael would try to hold his hand if he left it on the arm rest. He didn’t try because he didn’t really want to know. But it’s a good sign if Michael is asking for Luke’s number even though they only just met and in four days they’ll be on opposite sides of the country again.
“Sure,” Luke says, and he puts his number in Michael’s phone.
so that's that! robin hood au is hahahahahahahahahahahaha look it's an au of the 2018 robin hood movie with taron egerton. that one. it's a lashton fic with luke as robin hood and ashton as marian, and then calum is john and michael is friar tuck. i wrote almost 6k of it, and then i realized i didn't really understand the progression of the plot of that movie, and therefore i would be unable to write this au. so it stalled and i have made no progress since then. i guess it's not IMPOSSIBLE but i'd need to rewatch the movie, maybe more than once, and maybe with a person to explain all the moving parts to me (maybe you? eyes emoji) lmao. anyway. what i DO have written is not bad, here:
This can’t be. He can’t be drafted. There’s — there’s Ashton, and he’s a Lord, and he didn’t even think that was allowed. He feels short of breath.
“Who is it?”
He can’t go to war. He can’t. He can’t leave Ashton alone, and he certainly can’t be alone, he’ll go crazy and he’ll die right away. Maybe he can plead insanity.
“Luke.” Ashton’s by his side now, and he curls a hand around Luke’s neck and presses a kiss to his lips. “I thought we had unfinished business.”
Luke hands him the letter. Ashton takes one look at it and his hand falls away from Luke’s face.
“Oh,” he whispers.
and driving jalex! (three is not too many.) i started writing this fic one night at camp when i was just in this kind of manic mood (kinda like when you do your underwater scream thing? me but with driving) and i went for a drive on the highway that runs by my camp and like. it was hella late and it was completely dark out and the highway is super windy (it's called snake road because it winds around so much) and i had my music blasting at the highest volume it would go, and then i pulled over (safely i promise) and sat in the car and just wrote the start of this. i add to it randomly when i'm in a similar mood as i was when i started it. maybe i'll finish it, i don't know, it's kind of nothing and idk where it's going if anywhere. definitely one of the heavier fics i have though. essentially alex is on a manic drive (like mine was) and picks up hitchhiker jack. here's some of it
“Bleak,” Alex says. “You’re the first person I’ve met who will talk to me about death, you know that? Everyone else I’ve ever met just gets worried.”
“Yeah, well.” Jack shrugs. “If you go down now, I go down with you.”
Alex knows that well. He knows that if Jack hadn’t been in the car with him, he might not have seen that deer.
Or he might not have braked.
(Of course he’d have braked because he’s a coward and he can talk a big game about the temptation of the fall but no one ever really wants to hit the ground. But he thinks he might have regretted saving his own life. He doesn’t regret saving Jack’s.)
so there you go. ~content~
ask me about one of my WIPs!
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beeeskneeess · 3 years
Hello ♡♡♡
I'm here for game 1
I pick no.7
My initial "ZO" emoji:♡🌼🍒
And thankyou ♡♡♡
i got ikaw at ako by moira dela torre and jason marvin
the title basically means you and i :DD
lyrics that stand out:
At ngayon, nandiyan ka na | and now there you are 'Di mapaliwanag ang nadarama | i can't understand how i feel
Handa ako sa walang hanggan | i am ready for forever 'Di paaasahin, 'di ka sasaktan |i won't give you false hope, i won't hurt you
Mula noon hanggang ngayon | from then until now Ikaw at ako | you and I
this song is my legit favorite and i always associate this song with soulmates. this song in my opinion is basically people sharing their wedding vows and promises. i think jason and moira made this during the time when they were getting married. i'm not sure i forgot :') i feel like their message to you is basically their soo grateful that you entered and came into their life when they thought they could never love again. they feel like it is something by fate. they are ready to love you forever. they feel like its destiny finding you. They found hope in you. They will never let you go, never let you down. they are in it for the long run.
i hope this resonates!!
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
boys keep swinging (request)
AN: This was a request from my Archive account! Thank you so much @ bambi steve who requested “Drarry AU where Harry is a rock star and Draco is an instagram model. I decided to post it on here, since a lot of people seem to love Drarry. This is my first time writing for this ship so forgive me if they seem OOC or weird.
Title is reference to a David Bowie song.
Word Count: 935
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"Great show, guys!" Harry grinned at his band, cheeks flushed from adrenaline. Backstage, they were all sweaty from the performance, makeup completely wiped off during the run. But they were pleased, still hearing their crowds of fans screaming from behind the curtains. It was a joy performing, hearing their names being cheered on by thousands of adoring- mostly teenagers but some young adults.
Harry's wild black hair was tied up in an electric blue bandanna and his outfit was casual ripped trousers and a tank top. His other band members had similar attire.
The Golden Trio was an indie group, a band that everyone seemed to have heard of, since their music was played constantly. Harry was lead singer and played bass, Hermione sang backup and played electric guitar, and Ron was the drummer.
"It wasn't bad, eh?" Ron smirked proudly. His flaming red hair was soaked with sweat, exhausted but happy.
"You were significantly off beat during the final chorus." Hermione said, removing her electric guitar and placing it snug in its case.
"Well you were a bit pitchy!" Ron retorted.
She scoffed. "You know I wasn't."
Ron and Hermione had an odd relationship. Rivals but also best friends. Constantly at each other's throats but still hugging after every show- while Harry just watched awkwardly.
"Guys," Harry stopped their bickering, already irritated. "Cut it out."
Ron shot Hermione one last glare which she promptly replied with a silent scowl.
"All right Harry?" Luna, their manager greeted as she opened the door. She smiled dreamily. "There are screaming fans outside. Something about a meet n' greet with you all. "
"Ah yes, my adoring fans." Ron joked, nudging Harry with his elbow. Hermione simply rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, piss off." Harry chuckled. "C'mon, you lot."
They cheerfully exited the stage door. As Luna had said, there was a large clump of fans behind a rope, chattering amongst themselves and then shrieking as Harry, Ron and Hermione entered.
They were used to this of course, so each of them broke off and started to sign posters, cards, artwork, and in Ron's case an old fish and chips bag. (The girl in question apparently forgot to bring her poster.)
Harry signed a few posters, taking time to speak with as many individuals as possible. He loved his fame, loved his fans and the glory that came with it but he also loved connecting with people. He stopped for the next fan, a young man who was significantly taller than he was.
"Hi there!" He said, not really paying attention. "What can I sign for..." He paused, eyes focusing on the man in question. "...you...?" A light bulb went off in his head, at last registering who he was.
He was tall and slender, with a pointed face and pronounced cheek bones. He was ghostly pale, but his cheeks were rosy and flushed, no doubt from the crowds of people. His hair was unbelievably blonde, nearly white as snow.
Dear God. He knew this man.
Harry's voice caught in his throat. Draco Fucking Malfoy. Only the fittest bloke on Instagram. Memories flashed of mindlessly scrolling, liking a particularly attractive picture of the model posing in a tight swimsuit, golden hair slicked back, his well defined muscles exposed as he had a serene, flirtatious expression.
And now he's standing right in front of him.
Gay thoughts off, Potter. He's wearing clothes now at least. So what if he's a fan? Pretend you don't know him.
"Hey! Hi..." Draco said easily. "This poster, if you could? I'm a huge fan."
"Yeah...me too." Harry uttered, eyes locked on Draco's silver eyes. "I mean not a fan of me, obviously. That would be really narcissistic." He chuckled awkwardly. "No I meant...well..."
Draco laughed. "Tongue twisted a bit there, Potter?" He handed the poster towards him. Their fingertips brushed together briefly.
He blushed, mortified. "No, erm, um I think I've seen your instagram. You're Draco Malfoy, right?"
Stunned, Draco's eyebrows raised up. "Yes, I am. You've...seen my instagram? Are you serious?"
Harry nodded quickly. "I absolutely love it!"
"You're kidding. That's ...mental. That's amazing. Thank you." His eyes were twinkling.
"No problem." Harry said lamely, handing back the poster. "Thanks for coming!"
He ducked away, signing the next few posters and hoping Draco wouldn't notice him scurry off.
It's now or never.
His thumb was hovering over Draco's profile, debating on hitting the message icon. Would that be too odd? Most likely.
He stared at the bright screen, nibbling at his lip. If he didn't do it, he would surely regret it. So he tapped it twice.
[Hey! Thanks for coming to the show tonight, loved meeting you.]
And sent.
He put his phone down, waiting. A few minutes passed.
Seen 12:32am.
Damn. Maybe it was weird. He'd be surprised if Draco hadn't replied. Maybe the orange heart emoji was too forward.
He jolted awake with a loud snort, not recalling when he dozed off. His phone had buzzed. He picked it up, placed his glasses on and opened the message.
[Sorry I didn't respond I was freaking out in my flat and annoying my roommate with my shouting. Hi! Omg! I cant believe ur texting me rn!!!]
Harry smiled softly.
Another message from Draco. [I lvoed it so much, I cant belive im met uou!!]
[I'm so happy to hear that! I really enjoyed meeting you and I was wondering if we could perhaps meet for coffee?]
[ongjfjdjdjdjs YES!!! I mean yeah that sounds fantastic!]
Harry grinned, thinking of Draco as he drifted back to sleep.
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mirahuyooo · 4 years
Kidlat | pjm
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— You hate storms. Thankfully, you have Jimin with you to calm your nerves.
Word Count: 1,213 Content/s: fluFF, established relationship, y/n doesn’t like storms, jimin is a sweetheart as always Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
A/N: I know it’s another JImin imagine, but it’s the only one I managed to finish in time imsorry ajusbgabfkfjfg anyways, I made this little blurb for my cousin :DDD Our internet was still crappy, but it’s getting better now—I think. I hope you guys liked it! Tell me what y’all think!
P.S.  the title is just the tagalog word for lightning and I just chose it for the p i z z a z z bc I couldn’t think of anything else to title this with sajdhoafubbsgjb
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A flash of light illuminates the dim streets before you for a moment, eliciting a squeak from your teeth-beaten lips. You braced yourself, trembling hands launching forth to secure your ears and rendering your feet immobile as your body stiffens in dreaded anticipation.
As you had expected, the devastated clouds of dark greys let out a deafening rumble while they continued to furiously shed their tears down to Earth right before your eyes. A mist shrouded the city before you, painting it to be akin to that of a hazy dream you had a few weeks ago.
To think that a few hours before all of this you had found serenity in the sound of the gentle pitter-patter against your window pane. It was setting your nerves ablaze even more at how easily your peace had been shattered—especially since you were now out and about on the street, soaked in a manner you didn't quite like. The hood over your head wasn’t doing well to keep you any drier. Your heart paced like a madman, as a grimace deemed itself to be the reigning expression on your face.
Though you could never identify a full reason as to why, you hated thunderstorms with a seething passion. Was it simply born from your childhood fears? Was it, perhaps, because it could easily cause a power outage and you weren’t fond of wandering blindly in your dark apartment because of your clumsy self? Or, was it because you were now exposed and there existed chances you could get hit by lightning at any given moment?
Either way, you were at unease.
And so, you made haste towards the haven of your boyfriend’s apartment that you had so foolishly left the confines of. As you walked into the building, you check the snacks you had come out to get from a nearby convenience store, only to see them safe within the plastic bag—lucky them. Some of the fellow tenants you crossed paths with along the way looked at you in distaste as you left a wet trail at your wake. Though partly embarrassed, you didn't pay them any mind other than giving them an apologetic bow. Your mind right now was set on more important matters—to seek warmth and to get cozy.
“Is that you, (Y/N)?”
You hear Jimin’s voice call out from the living room, followed suit by the soft padding of his feet. “Y-yeah,” you stammered as you closed the door behind you, staying put by the door so as not to get the rest of the floor all wet.
The moment your boyfriend caught sight of you hunched by the entrance hallway with your arms wrapped around your water-logged, hoodie-clad figure, a soft gasp leaves his lips while you only sheepishly smiled at him in return. His expression was rendered into that puppy dog eyes emoji that you often put in your messages with him.
“You forgot the umbrella, didn’t you?” he gently scolded, but as you admitted with a guilty nod, another terrifying sound of thunder rips through the air outside. A whimper escaped your lips by instinct, shoulders hiking up to a vulnerable state.  
Jimin’s eyes softened, taking the snacks from your hands and rubbing your back comfortingly as he presses a passing kiss on your forehead. “Go and change,” he tells you, nodding towards the bathroom. “Wouldn’t want you to get sick now, hm?”
As you crouch to take your sodden sneakers off, you look at the puddle around you. “But—”
“I’ll take care of it,” he assures you before disappearing into the kitchen to sort out the goods you had bought for the supposed movie night. There’d be no point to argue with him at the moment.
With that, you rushed to the bathroom as quickly as you could to prevent any more of the droplets from staining the wooden floors. As your feet touch the tiles, you notice that, much to your relief, the thunder becomes more muffled in the bathroom.
Your hands reached for the sides of the hoodie you had gone out in, which, by the way, was actually Jimin’s. One by one, you removed your clothes, sighing blissfully as you were freed from the weight they had gained from the downpour.
The shower, as soon as you had turned it on, subdued even more of the riot from the heavens, allowing you to shut your eyes and savor the moment as your head space lightly adjusts to set aside your dread for a while. Alas, you had to get out of the shower—otherwise, the water bills would be a wreck for your half of the payments (though Jimin wouldn’t really mind to shoulder the bills for the both of you, you wanted things to be fair and square).
As you wrap yourself in the fuzzy white bathrobe and secure your wet (h/c) hair in a towel twist, you exit into your shared bedroom with Jimin, noticing that part of the floor leading to the bathroom was lightly damp—having been mopped, you assumed. Dressing yourself in pajama shorts and yet another shirt of your boyfriend’s, you made your way out to the living room where Jimin already sat himself by the couch with blankets and the snacks laid out on the coffee table.
Catching sight of your boyfriend waiting on the couch, a smile makes it to your face—albeit it was soiled soon enough by yet another crack of thunder. Jimin sees you, patting the spot next to him with a warm, sympathetic smile as an invitation for a much needed cuddle. Not wasting any more time, you curled next to your boyfriend, gripping the blanket tight as you anxiously wait for the storm to pass.  
In your alarmed state, you fail to notice your boyfriend gently take the towel on your head off and lightly ruffle your hair with the cloth to actually dry it properly. The gesture visibly calms you, however, lulling you to close your eyes and ease your tense shoulders.
As your legs draped themselves over his lap, you nestled your head into his neck. “Thank you so much, Jimin,” you tell him, voice barely audible but your boyfriend still smiled so much that his eyes turned into delighted crescents. Jimin wraps his arms around you to serve as an extra source of comfort and to satiate his affectionate needs.
With kisses peppering your cheeks, Jimin successfully distracts you from yet another roar of thunder and renders your heart thundering for a different reason altogether. “Anything for you,” he coos, resting his cheek on your head as he runs his fingers through the damp tresses you have yet to comb through.
In the serenity of the moment, you notice that the curtains have been drawn close so as not to reveal the storm outside and ruin the soothing ambiance of the whole apartment. You did, however, catch sight of another flash of lightning.
You flinch, but not as harshly as before since you feel Jimin squeeze you reassuringly. He hands you his earphones, connecting them to his phone and playing your favorites. “It’ll be alright, jagi,” he whispers to you with a soft smile, even though you were immersed with the music. “I got you.”
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