#forgive me i'm so very rusty
founderscouncil · 8 months
KISA (@ladicsa) said "i'm not going to repeat myself."
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"Oh, well we wouldn't want that now, would we luv?" His lips fall into his characteristic smirk over the rim of his glass, mischievous blue eyes cutting in the other's direction. Kisa is different. She's not a member of his family, nor is she one of Marcel's people, easily cowed by a measly threat. She's a challenge, and that has always intrigued him.
"I'm afraid that I am going to have to ask you to repeat yourself though," he shrugs only a tiny bit apologetic. "You see, when you barge into my home unannounced, I generally am not too focused on what you are saying." He moves away from the balcony and further into the room, setting down his glass so he could pour one for Kisa. He picks up the crystal filled with amber liquor and holds it out for her to take, as a peace offering. "Why don't we start over?"
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oddthesungod · 2 months
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I bought some gouache paints and they just arrived here today! So decided to break them out with a lil funky painting of one of my cats! 🐱💖
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blondiearts · 1 year
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“Now I know, I’m worthy of you”
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cursivebloodlines · 4 months
011. in the dining room building a home: a gingerbread home! decorate the home and make it one fit for a little gingerbread man. - lydia!
🌙 * ― 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒: 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( a collection of various settings for drabbles or prompts, or both!) | @overnightheartbeats
011. in the dining room building a home: a gingerbread home! decorate the home and make it one fit for a little gingerbread man.
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The first – and last – time Lydia attempted to build a gingerbread house, it had been a catastrophe. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong: the house itself crumbling, pieces not staying together, icing smudged the whole thing and the candy pieces of decoration fell off. Honestly? It had looked like the wolf from the Three Little Pigs story huffed and puffed and blew the silly, little gingerbread house down. It was all so completely unlike Lydia, someone notorious for her perfectionistic ways and meticulous precision. The hours she spent dedicated to it and nothing to show for it. A complete waste of time. And so, she vowed she would never ever waste her time trying to make one again. Never. Ever.
That was… until Aaron suggested trying to build one. Lydia’s face must have said it all, her nose scrunched up, eyebrows furrowed. “Why on earth would I want to waste time doing that when you can buy one that already looks nice enough from the store?” she questioned, a not-so-subtle ploy of trying to wriggle her way out of it. Aaron had gave her a look that said, really? She wondered what else was running through his mind. Maybe something along the lines of, since when does Lydia turn down a challenge? In that moment, she knew there was no way she was escaping it. Even a small smile threatened to worm its way on to her lips. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? He’d said. She looked at him blankly, eyes going distant as she spoke, deadpanned, “The worst thing that can happen?” A dramatic pause. “I’ll show you.” With that, she cleared her throat, picked up her phone and scrolled through until she found the photo from a good few years ago. Without saying anything else, she passed her phone to Aaron, feeling quite triumphant with herself about being determined, not going through that ordeal ever again. Her gaze fixated on him as she watched his reaction, watched as his expression swiftly changed from being puzzled, to curious and morphed into amusement. Brows arched, Lydia mirrored his face, her hands on her hips as she demanded, “What’s so funny?” Trying to conceal the laughter in her voice as she quickly cleared her throat. But she couldn’t keep a straight face for long. The sound of his laugh was contagious, his smile so wonderful and infectious. Even if she had a severe case of Resting Bitch Face, she couldn’t stop herself from cracking. So, now they were both just laughing. 
In the end, he managed to persuade her to take another shot at building a gingerbread house. “The way I see it…it can only go up from here.” Or something along those lines. Some variations of it can’t get any worse. Earning a playful roll of her eyes, but in the end, she conceded. She’d already lost some of her pride and dignity the moment she showed him her poor first attempt. But at least if this one sucked, then they would suck together. But weren’t two heads supposed to be better than one? If it had been with anyone else, she may have disagreed. Having someone under her feet whilst she was trying to concentrate on achieving perfection? Lydia would’ve ushered them away and not-so-politely told them to go away. But nope, he was persistent. They were definitely doing this.
A quick trip to the store to get everything they need, and more just because they may as well since they’re there… and there they were, diving straight into it. Lydia read out the instructions from the recipe she found on Pinterest after tons and tons of scrolling, and they took it in turns to do all that was needed to do. Getting the things out as and when they needed, she was surprised how comfortable and easy it was to adjust, shuffling around each other. It was amazing how he fit in perfectly with her. No awkwardness, no Lydia getting frustrated because something was out of place or not done to her standards - a shocker. It was all very new to her but it didn’t feel new. It was like they’d been doing this forever. Shuffling around, arms occasionally brushing against each other, smiles on their faces all around. Christmas songs faintly played from the stereo, humming along as they made the dough; humming turned into singing as they waited for the gingerbread to break, happily setting up the dining room ready for decorating. She playfully swatted Aaron’s hand when she realised he was slipping the candies meant for decorating their work-in-progress gingerbread house in for a little treat. “Enough of that, we won’t have any for the -” Until he was the one plopping a gumdrop into her mouth - she wasn’t complaining then. Another laugh tumbled from her lips as she chewed it, leaning in to kiss his cheek gently before the timer on her phone beeped. They were ready!
“Now… now is make or break,” Lydia declared when the gingerbread finally cooled. Everything already set out, ready for them to dive straight in. First, to assemble the house. Her mind cast back to her first attempt, how disastrous the whole thing went. It will be better this time. Had to be. The aroma of cinnamon and ginger filled the cosy, festive-filled atmosphere, every inhale made it all the more tempting to just give it all up and dive right in to gobbling it all up. It was like she was waiting with bated breath, any moment it could crumble and fall apart. But Aaron’s extra pair of hands made it all worthwhile. He would help her assemble the little house piece by piece, holding things in place as she brought the next part out. So far, so good. It was like they had all the time in the world, every piece fitting together felt like a gigantic milestone worth celebrating. And at some stage, Lydia definitely cracked out the bottle of wine as incentive to keep them going.
In the end, it was all worth it. She hated to admit defeat but Aaron was right; it did only go up from there. Though, the bar was pretty low to begin with. And sure, maybe it wasn’t her ideal version of perfection but the time spent with him absolutely was. Lydia placed the final piece, the marshmallow snowman outside the newly built gingerbread house before leaning back against him with a content sigh. “We did it. I can’t believe we actually did it.” A beaming smile on her face as she tilted her head to look at him adoringly, before looking right back at their little creation before them. The walls of the house were slightly uneven, a few cracks in the icing revealed glimpses of golden-brown gingerbread underneath, gumdrop windows a little askew, and licorice shingles overlapped on the roof. These imperfections which, any other time would have had Lydia fuming and threatening to smash the whole thing over the kitchen counter, were the magic and beauty of it. Perfectly imperfect. It was magical because it was theirs. It was something they built together, and it was what they had to show for it. A funky yet whimsical-looking gingerbread house. Feeling him nudge her with his elbow, a grin curved Aaron’s face as he passed her something, a brief flicker of confusion etched on to her face as she lowered her gaze to her hands, a laugh leaving her as her fingers traced the ridges of the gingerbread man - or should she say woman? - before her. “Is this supposed to be me? Wow. Impressive. And, that’s funny, actually, because…” Biting her lip to conceal a laugh or give away the reveal. She couldn’t get her head around the fact they had both been doing the same thing without the other knowing. Putting her gingerbread persona to the side, she picked up the version of Aaron she’d secretly made, laughter finally escaping as she passed it to him. “I swear I didn’t steal your idea! We just…clearly have great minds that think alike.” 
In that moment it was inevitable: this was going down as one of the best Christmases Lydia had in a long, long time.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 5 months
Brains & Barbie!
PAIRING: Michael Gavey x fem!BIMBO!Reader
WORDS: 1,515.
SUMMARY: Polar opposites attract right? It’s science. Who knew you would fall so helplessly in love with the math geek of the century…
WARNINGS: female receiving (fingering), swearing, degradation kink, some praise kink, edging, cum play, p in v sexual intercourse, swearing.
A/N - it has been a hot minute since I wrote for an Ewan character, so forgive me I’m a little rusty.
this fic is dedicated to my soul sister @sahvlren as it was her bday recently, and she requested this specifically. I love you so very much, and am so thankful to have you as my dearest friend, boo. one day we shall meet, but for now we get freaky online! enjoy xoxox
+++ in light of the recent drama unfolding in this hellsite, I thought some good ole' smut would do no harm, right?
forgive me I shall edit this properly, but I must sleep for my night shift lol
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You weren't exactly the perfect pair to exist, nor would any like minded person think it best to put you two together in a roo, let alone become intimate. And yet, so effortlessly you both meshed rather well...Michael, your "Norman No Mates" boyfriend [as he enjoyed putting it], was quite a mathematical genius. His family were somewhat stable and well off, however, he rejoiced in the idea that he worked his way into the academy, where as your situation was quite the opposite. Your father had attended Oxford and graduated, as did your grandfather, who also sponsored and funded many of its restorations and renovations. The ancient establishment owed many of its complexes to your family name, and hence, granted you a position in their literature field, warranted you did try to maintain your grades above a credit average, trimming it with a pass even...
You had tipsily stumbled upon Michael at some college party: he stood by some dark corner, a drink in hand and the other in his pocket, before you had ignorantly walked into him, mindless to your surroundings from intoxication. You had either gone to refill your drink or was seeking the bathroom [you struggle to remember the fine details of the night you had met], laughing obnoxiously at some joke your friend had uttered, before walking into the man that would ultimately make you weak in your knees.
"S-Sorry-" You softly slurred, spilling your drink on the floor, a droplet landing on your heel.
At first it sounded as though an apparent swear seemingly seethed between his curved lips, halting himself before cursing you further, as he adjusted his thin framed spectacles, marvelling at you.
"Y-You alright, love?"
The next thing you knew, you found yourself hot and heavy, heated bodies, grinding against one another, as Michael teased and etched his impressively long cock, at your silky folds. His mouth latched to your unmissable cleavage, as he suckled on your breasts like a new born babe to its mother's teat.
No man had ever made you feel more desired, and yet a fool at his beck and call. He uttered despicable taunts and jabs at you, whilst simultaneously, worshipping the ground you strut on.
"The sluttiest girl on campus just couldn't resist the cock of a geek, huh? Making her even more stupid than she is, look at you... Pathetic baby."
His words stung a compelling sensation, and yet you craved for more of his undivided attention. And seemingly, Michael granted you every fathomable bit he could muster. You were the girl beyond his dreams, needless to say, he never thought he even stood a chance with any girl, of that matter. And he as a man, beyond your tastes. However, the tension was palpable between you two, the chemistry undeniable.
You often found yourself unwittingly seeking his company, even risking your privilege in the confines of his dorm...
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"How long left, Mikey. I'm s'bored!" You whinge, as you fidget and reposition yourself sprawled on your boyfriend's single-sized bed. Flinging your flip phone to the side, without a care for consequences [your parents would simply purchase a new one for you]. Despite being in somewhat sheerly covered attire, your ass cheeks just peaking through beneath your skirt, Michael barely felt the temptation to see [if he was even aware of your current outfit].
"Wait. Need to finish this equation."
His stern, unwavering voice and unfazed focus ontp the paper and textbooks before him, made your eyes roll with such annoyance, defeatedly sighing. The repetitive sound of his pencil thudding at his head, and your rhythmical humming, filled the silent void.
"Ugh- Michael, you should have just told me to not come- There was a party, I could have been at—"
"Do you not have an essay due by the end of the week?"
You contemplate for a few, solid seconds, before realising there was truth to his words. You did have an assignment due in the imminent days to come, and you had yet to begin.
"W-Well, yes... But I was hoping you would help me, handsome."
"Is that so?"
His attention still remained down, fixated on the text before him, yet his tone elevated, intrigue plaguing his words.
"I-I mean I'll still write it out, y-you just need to guide me—”
Swiftly he swivelled his entire body in the desk-top chair to turn unto you, a cheeky grin plastered across his chiselled face.
"Baby, you can barely do your times-tables, you think you can write an whole essay? Adorable..."
"But I sure know how to fuck you good. What man of your calibre can have a girl like me, say that to a man like you, huh?"
A darkness tinged in his piercing blue orbs, intently watching your every move and gesture, as he notices your hand hovering between your thighs, before disappearing beneath the short, skimpy skirt.
Your thoughtless moans began to echo between the confined blank walls of the dorm, squirming against the neatly folded fabrics of the bed.
"And what do you think you're doing, exactly?"
Two digits continued to delve deeper between your folds, drawing slow, circular motions as your thumb remained rubbing at your clit. You had been biting your lips, only to release a moan, as you intended to respond obediently.
"M-My boyfriend's a bore, s-so I'm t-taking matters into m-my own h-hands—"
"Is that so?"
Without so much as a warning, a force pried your hands out from beneath your walls, your wetness coating your fingers and knuckles, glistening in the dim light. Within a few seconds, the emptiness between your legs vanished, as a rougher, more sizeable host embedded itself between your velvet folds.
With roughness, and vastly more pace, Michael's lengthy, slim digits began to etch deeper and deeper inside of you, pumping his fist in and out of you, as his other hand laid to rest against the mattress, propping him upright. Your hands immediately laid at your sides, firmly clenching the quilt between for some steadiness.
"Does my little slut have no patience? Brain to numb to think, she just wants to be fucked all the time, huh?"
Just as your ecstatic cries and moans grew more frequent, Michael's breathing sounded heavier, feeling your warm wetness making a mess all along his hands and the crevices of your entrance.
"This slut could've bent over to anyone. No-No, but she did for me, yeah? So needy for cock, she didn't even learn her times tables, huh?"
"I-I need you, M-Mikey—"
A third long digit shoved itself deeper into your tight hole, panting beneath your grip as you felt yourself fervently clench around him.
"That's right, princess. You need me. No man is worthy of this pretty cunt of yours, I earned it."
As you felt yourself progressively lose all your senses. gaining traction to the heat stirring below, Michael's sudden release felt cathartic. Watching him lick and lap every inch of your wetness lingering over his hand, made you feel delectable. Your lustful eyes searched below, for a fleeting second, you caught the growing commotion in his pants, as the bulge was evident, its shadow against the restricted fabric. As he tasted the last drop, a snarky smirk expanded across his handsome face, before beginning to unbelt and unbutton his beige trousers.
"C'mon princess, spread those legs like you always do, like you were born to do. Such a fucking whore, that's all you were meant for. Meant for me."
Aligning himself so effortlessly perfect against your, his reddened tip blushed against your sight, teasing your silky folds. His veins throbbed with excitement, almost palpable between your sensitive entrance, its length girth suddenly plunging itself ever so slowly inside of you.
With a first, rough shove, delving himself completely inside of you, his balls hitting at your rear, an escape of a low grunt vibrated against his lips, that remained hovering over your soft skin. Michael kept himself steadily propped atop of you: with each thrust, equally time and paced, his weight began to drop over you, applying the pressure down from above with his cock inside of you.
"The most perfect cunt, for the most perfect girl. And it's mine."
"S-Stastically we a-are an anomaly, b-but my princess f-found me, like a good girl—”
A deep, growling chuckle escaped his lips, his pace growing sloppier as he attempted to articulate: despite Michael having you weak in the knees in bed, he was still somewhat new at the act of sex. Struggling to juggle with the need to fuck and the need to explain, his lean, tall figure cowering over you, his eyes shut with ecstasy momentarily, before opening to glare and marvel at you breathlessly. Your lips latched onto his neck and collarbones in between your moans, intently sucking at his tender flesh, desperate to taste him, to leave remnants of your physical love, strewed across his body. Desperate to savour every inch of him.
"An odd couple, baby. B-But you take me so fucking well—"
"There's no going back now, Princess..."
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credit for divider - @/prettypixels-love
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 7 months
Hello there sagau brain rot like in many sagau versions reader/creator are often to soft to kind to my taste and then Idea comes to my head what if creator reader shows his cruler uncaring side to the pepole he truly hates or thinks deserve thier wrath like I can image that in place of raiden shogun the creator kills Singniora after begin defeated by traveler, azar the grand sage after whole begin in that day loop, and scaramouche when he had audacity to think that by begin inside giant mech he is now a God becose even if the creator is the kindest begin in tevyat.....his wrath has no bounds
@zardas75 welcome back to my very dead mailbox LOL—Let me see what I can come up with with your brainrot.
I don't fully get the Raiden Shogun vs Signora part, so I'm going to (unfortunately) not include that in this post.
The Creator Being Moody Fr (Jkjk—Unless? 👀)
(Disclaimer: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Genshin Impact Archon Quest Lore!)
Boy oh boy...where to begin...
To put it simply: It's Azar's Fault. Blame and point your fingers to the rusty old man, bois, we ain't forgiving him any time soon. It all started with him.
The moment you saw him in the Archon Quest, you knew, without even needing the slightest hint of evidence, that you did not like him and he was sus.
And when things escalated throughout the Archon Quest, you swore so loudly it shook the entire nation of Sumeru, if not all of Teyvat.
Here were Some of the Sumeru People's Reactions:
He finished his confrontation with Azar and was waiting outside when you swore like your life depended on it. During his entire time being under your presence, Cyno was aware of how much you hated the guy—every moment you had gotten, you were seething and spouting insults from your mouth about Azar.
Even the General Mahamatra was stunned and shocked to the very core. He didn't you could and would do this.
And when you made it clear that your tantrum was yet to end, Cyno just braced himself for the fate of Sumeru to be in your hands.
"At least Azar is truly facing the wrathful judgement of the gods..." he mutters to himself, trying to convince himself of the situation at hand.
Scaramouche & Nahida
(Decided to add them both here since It's the False God Fight. This is kinda for the sake of convenience—)
Nahida never knew such intense emotion could ever erupt from Their High, Almighty Grace, and here you are, cursing and insulting Scaramouche. It wasn't as bad as Azar's, since you weren't throwing in any "I will have your head by morning" or anything similar threats, but it was still pretty intense.
Scaramouche, on the other hand, has heard you yelling at the old man Azar, and he already been yelled at for—quote on quote—"killing Teppei" (REST IN PEACE, TEPPEI 😭), so he knows what your wrath was like.
He did not like it then, and he still doesn't like it now. That much was a solid fact. Nevertheless, he has an image to uphold, especially in front of that Buer.
"Their Almighty Grace is really mad..." Nahida thought as they were confronting Scaramouche. (Cue you in the background still insulting Azar) "And it seems they won't be forgiving Azar anytime soon..."
"So, Their Grace still hasn't let go of their grudge against me..." Scaramouche mutters to himself once he was out of the view of Their Almighty Grace in his mecha. "Tch. Whatever...I'll make them see my true potential one I've squashed these insects."
She knew you were explosive. She's seen it happen by the way you were cheering to beat Rahman's ass and "save the kid's grandpa!"
She knew you were pretty emotional on behalf of them. She's pretty happy and honored about that—that means Teyvat meant a lot to you.
What she was not expecting was to hear you curse and scream at Azar at the top of your lungs, as if that was the only enjoyment you were able to indulge yourself in.
You sounded murderous, and yet here you were, just yelling. Dehya would've shrugged it off, since she understood getting things out of your system was good, but she was not expecting the world to shake with your voice.
She looks over at Rahman. "You think Their Grace is handling this well?" "Probably not...Hard to say, Dehya." "Well, we'll just have to wait it out, then. They'll get it out of their system...eventually..."
Dehya was not expecting to wait until after beating the False God for it to be truly over. Gosh, that was scary...
He sensed that you didn't like Azar the moment you saw him, and frankly, he's pretty glad you don't trust him too. What he wasn't expecting was your explosive personality.
For all the stories about the Almighty Creator's kind and gentle nature, you were ANYTHING but. And you were proving it HARD.
Tighnari thought he heard it all when he got struck by lightning. Boy, was he wrong, because you just one-upped his expectations with the amount of cussing, cursing, threats, and insults you were hurtling in one go, streaming out of your mouth like you were running a marathon with your words.
So here he was, waiting in some form of dread in Pardis Dhyai, waiting if you were going to strike down the Akademiya with your godly might.
"I hope they don't accidentally blow up all of Sumeru..." he mutters to himself as he prays to all the archons that the nation wouldn't be turned into water or something.
He should have taken account of your behaviour to the plan. You did play a crucial part. That was the sole mistake he overlooked.
Then again...it didn't seem like you were doing anything other than yelling at Azar...So perhaps the plan wouldn't change all that much.
He should keep in mind of how reactive you are, though. You...remind of his roommate sometimes...
"Hm. It seems Their Grace has yet to let Azar go of their scandal." He says it so calmly as he waits in Aaru Village. Candace stands a few feet away, looking unsure of what was going on—and probably praying that Their Almighty Grace won't strike down Sumeru in their anger against the rogue Grand Sage.
And let's not talk about the Traveler or Paimon. Those two are both used to it and still terrified. But they're okay with you dw 👍
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: IM COMING BACK WOOO! I'm so excited! There's been quite a few more requests than I usually got back in the past, so I'm a little stoked. They'll be out real soon, but I hope you enjoy this one! Hopefully I'll have time to do them all! :D
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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perdidosbucky-yyo · 1 month
𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛
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Pairing: Exotic Dancer!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader (no mention of gender or ethnicity)
Summary: Hi, you've reached [your name]. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep!
w/c: 3.7k
warnings: cheating (on reader), lots of cursing, smoking, heavy drinking, weed smoking, body image issues (I'm sorry), this is a smutty fic (but there’s no smut), dry humping. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
a/n: This is the first fic I've posted in years lmao, I'm a bit rusty, but omfg I enjoyed writing this so much, it's very self-indulgent hehe I hope you love it just as much as I do.
this is not beta'd, any and all mistakes are my own.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply encouraged🥺
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7:51 PM
“Baby please, You know I’m an idiot…she means nothing” Jake whined through the phone. 
As of 5 hours ago, he became your ex but kept on calling you, each call pleading for your forgiveness and saying the same stupid excuse “I felt you pulling away, what was I supp-”
Before you could interrupt him yourself, your best friend and roommate took your phone “Listen closely you little shit, if you don’t stop calling I’ll personally chop off your balls, fry’em up and feed them to your mother in a fucking salad… it’s Wanda by the way” she huffs as she hands you back the phone, “Colorful” you grimace.
Shoving you inside the car, with you and Wanda on the back, Bruce behind the wheel and Tony as co-pilot, “Why do you even answer his calls?” Tony asks while Wanda lights up a Marlboro, and gives you a drag “Because I want to tell him to go fuck himself… I- I just can’t seem to find the right words”, “That seems right” Wanda quips and you roll your eyes, “Don’t worry you’ll find the words when the time’s right” Bruce adds, “Dr. Banner is right, tonight is all about getting shit-faced” Tony adds.
You all clap and turn up the volume to the perfect song “I don’t wanna hear, I don’t wanna know” Wanda sings, the wind on her face, while Bruce shouts “WE LOVE YOU MADONNA”. 
They were right, fuck Jack, tonight you wanted to let go, you weren’t one for parties or clubbing but you couldn’t stay at home feeling sorry for yourself, partying with your friends seemed like the perfect distraction “LET’S FUCKING GO” you shouted at the top of your lungs.
9:05 PM
“The Hush-Hush Hideaway?” you laughed as you finished your first beer after two cherry vodka shots, sounds like a place where 50 year olds would come to have an affair, “Alright, alright before you keep on talking trash, there is more eye to meet” Tony argues, to that Wanda snorts “are you seriously drunk right now? after three piña coladas?”, Bruce laughs “they’re stronger than they look” Tony defends himself as he stands up, signaling you all to head to the dance floor.
You honestly loved the place, the lighting was incredible, the atmosphere was hot pink with hints of dark red and deep purple, the ceiling was decorated with hundreds of disco balls shining down on you, the bar had tables so crystalline and so red, it looked like solidified blood,  each one surrounded by the comfiest leather couches. There was also the dance floor which you were dancing on now, it had the perfect stage for dancers or any kind of show, the whole place had the perfect mix of chic and urban.
10:39 PM
“This round’s on me” Tony shouts over the loud music as he hands you what would probably be your 5th drink, stumbling around as you danced to a song that suddenly became your favorite, as you downed the liquid gold you took Tony’s hand and started giving him a lap dance of some sorts which made everyone laugh along with you. 
And then everything went pitch black, for 5 seconds the music was over, lights were out, for a moment you thought you passed out but then a huge white light shone straight into the middle of the stage, “Girls Gays and Theys!” a deep voice over the microphone started, “is this a gay bar?” Bruce genuinely chimed in, making you giggle.
“Tonight we encourage you to let that wild side of yours out! Please give a warm welcome to The White Wolf” the voice cheered with excitement and the crowd roared and cheered back, “he must be really good looking” you sassed, and in that moment, red ropes descended.
Not a second later a man dressed in a kevlar suit swirled down as if swimming in the red fabric, wrapping himself in a cocoon in the air so the next second he rolled down to the stage, the top of his leathery suit gone, leaving his gorgeous toned abdomen exposed making the crowd go wild. The lights enhanced his beautiful body. “D-does he have glitter on?!” Tony shouted in awe, everyone absolutely going crazy over this tall, brown-haired, thick oh so fucking thick specimen.
On the other hand, you were finding breathing a difficult task, especially because his eyes were trained on yours, maybe it was the several drinks in your system or the empowering song that heightened everything, but his stare was intense, the ice blue of his eyes chilled your spine and for a moment you thought he was going to stop the show, come down and rip your clothes off… yeah you definitely felt tipsy now.
This man knew the power he held, not only was he drop-dead gorgeous, he had autonomy of every nerve and every muscle on his body, your heart and pussy were practically pulsing as you watched him dance. The magic was broken when you felt your phone ring in your pocket, taking it out, you saw it was Jake calling AGAIN, you knew your friends would tell you not to pick up, but part of you wanted to hear him out and scream at him, you didn’t know which one you were going to do.
Leaving the dance floor and heading to the bathrooms where you hoped it’d be quieter, you swipe to the green bubble “Please please forgive me” is the first thing the man says, making you sigh in frustration “S-top stop saying you’re sorry” but it’s like talking to a wall, you’re not even sure he heard you because he just keeps on whining. 
You don’t know how much time you spent listening to him in the bathroom but eventually, you give up and hang up on him, splashing some fresh water in your neck you exit the room and bump into a rock-hard wall, but then unexpectedly the wall starts talking and you think maybe it’s not a wall.
“it was rude to bail” a grave voice rumbles in your ear through all of the noise, looking up you see it’s the white wolf, making you almost choke on air, but you were quick enough to react and raise an eyebrow in response “sorry?”.
Without even noticing, the man had cornered you into a wall “Don’t apologize, you can make it up to me” he said with a wild smile, “oh he’s good” you thought, then he looked at you as if he read your mind, “you look like someone in desperate need to have some fun… let me give you a hand” he whispered, his confidence made you forget he was a stranger, and oddly enough it felt like you knew him perfectly, the thought of spending your night with him made you shudder.
Taking out what looked like a big fat blunt from one of his pockets, he dragged the little bundle of joy from your exposed thighs, up your arms, slowly passing through your neck, and finally grazing your soft lips, his eyes never once leaving yours, he leaned in and the smell of cedarwood with a touch of french vanilla made your eyes roll.
Man, you’re really not keeping your cool, but he’s too beautiful for you to care, you might as well pucker your lips, but then he backs away, taking your hand and leading you to the backdoor between the kitchens. The sound of music and people dancing start to disappear until it’s muffled, “are we allowed in here?” you laugh as he lights up the joint and takes a big gulp, your heart pounds with excitement, this is exactly what you needed.
Your inner demons whispered that he really wasn’t interested in you, he looked like he was sculptured by frigging Michelangelo, he’d never want to be with someone as big as you, plus you felt sweaty from dancing most of the night, but honestly, it was more about the nerves you felt around him, but just as easy as the negative thoughts came, he batted them away with a single kiss to your cheek, near enough to the corner of your lips “lost you there for a sec” he teased.
As he handed you the joint, you took it with hesitance, “I usually don’t take marihuana from strangers, you got a name or does everyone call you the white wolf?” you teased, carefully eyeing him, realizing that he was still shirtless unconsciously making you bite your lip.
A lazy smile spread on his face “Waddaya mean you don’t know me? Pfft I’m your latest conquest”, it threw you off but he looked so sincere it made the butterflies in your stomach dance, “I’m Bucky” he laughed, he was so at ease with that pretty smile you couldn’t do anything but swoon.
Taking a drag of the blunt you breathe out the smoke through your nose as you offer him your name in return,  not wasting a second he repeats it, slowly, maybe he was high but it seemed as though he enjoyed the sound of your name on his tongue, he savored it, your legs pressed against each other and you had to take another drag so not to seem desperate as you were for him.
He might be a stranger but deep down you felt unbelievable attraction, in less than 10 minutes of knowing him he made you feel powerful, and free, like maybe in a past life or somethin’ he was your soulmate… Pfft, you wanted to crack up at your own thoughts, somehow Bucky knew and started laughing, slowly leaning into you and crashing his lips with yours, it was sloppy but fuck you’d never been kissed like that, it was passionate, you felt wanted, right then and there you were ready and willing to let him swoop you off your feet.
12:59 AM 
Bucky was showing you his best moves, his calloused hands gripped and groped your body as you both swayed your hips against each other perfectly in sync.
He was so smooth, the fogginess of the joint rumbled through your body, each touch, every one of his strokes felt like a wave, you were floating in a sea of music and his scent, nothing was wrong with the world, nothing could harm you because he was right behind you, worshipping you, telling you how he loved the feel of every roll and every curve, you couldn’t help but smile and he couldn’t help but kiss that beautiful smile.
Not long after your friends found you and you introduced them to the dancer who blew their minds, some of his friends joined you, and not long after you were the life of the party, shots and blunts came pouring, and just like you wanted you became one with bucky, you didn’t know where you began or where he ended, pain and misery were a strange and unknown concept tonight.
1:55 AM
Wanda had to drag you away from Bucky to chat with you a bit, she couldn’t hide that grin even if she tried “Dude I don’t even recognize you right now” you laugh with her knowing very well what she means, squeezing her wrist you stop the urge to squeal, “I don’t know how this happened but fuck he’s just so pretty I wanna cry” you both giggle, understanding the Rachel Green reference. 
Turning to see Bucky you caught him already watching you, it looked like he was chatting with his friends but he wouldn’t look away from you, you realized he was waiting for you, and honestly you were eager to return to his embrace and intoxicating scent “Fuck Jack, you have men waiting in line” Wanda practically shouts as she pushes you back to the dance floor.
2:12 AM
After a while your social battery was low and you needed a break, so now you leaned against the wall in the back alley of the bar, a cigarette lit, resting on your fingertips as you recalled the events that brought you here tonight.
You didn’t blame Wanda for reminding you of Jake and what he did, after all, she was just hyping you, but now your mind was plagued, you memorized with detail how you found them, as some sort of self-punishment, why? you didn’t know, after years of therapy, you were still trying to unlearn self-deprecating thoughts that your family and society shoved in your face.
Jake cheating on you with a leggy blonde who was quite literally a Victoria's Secret model was a kick to your stomach, it made you realize that maybe every bad thought you had about yourself was true, and that was terrifying… 
Realizing that the cigarette burned itself out, you stepped on it, but before you could come back inside Bucky opened the door and grinned “There you are, was worried I spooked ya”, to that you chuckled, somehow the laws of social battery didn’t apply to the handsome trapeze dancer “Never”.
Stepping outside and standing next to you, he takes your hand and starts playing with your fingers “What’s got my sweet doll so down?”, you expected the pet name to make you cringe but instead swooned. Lighting another cigarette you take a drag and blow it on his face, and he just bites the smoke, making you giggle, after a beat of silence you show him your heart.
“About… 11 hours ago, my boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, cheated on me” you sigh, trying with all your might not to shed a single fucking tear, Jake didn’t deserve them, “Gimme his address” he deadpans, a look so deadly in his eyes, that spark was almost snuffed, but just as quickly his attitude changed, “I’ll kill 'im with my bare hands, I’LL FUCKING KILL ’IM” he shouts with foux determination, making wild animal noises that are making you laugh so hard you can’t breathe “you’re not funny” you say out of breath.
His thumb cleans away a single runaway tear, his touch is so gentle at first you’re not even sure he’s holding you, he’s so close you feel his breath on your cheek and his nose caressing your skin oh so lightly, “you’re dreaming”, you think incredulously. 
In a second his touch becomes rough as he grips your face with both his hands, holding you still so you can’t look anywhere but his eyes, “he’s a fucking moron” he spits out, almost insulted, “and I don’t mean a jerk or plain stupid, I mean he’s missing some fucking brain cells to let go of someone so insanely beautiful as you”.
Your heart’s pounding in your ears, you’re about to explain but he cuts you off “And I don’t even need to know him, to be sure of what I’m telling you right now” he scoffs,  “Hell, I don’t even have to know you to be sure, in the very short time I’ve known you, you’ve been everything” bucky almost can’t believe he’s saying this to you, suddenly the tension is palpable and neither of you can breathe… 
“You’re driving me insane” is the last thing he says before pushing you against the wall, with a grunt he grips your waist and your lips crash with his, in a fight for dominance your tongues swirl, it’s as if Jake or any other man never existed, washed away by the ocean that is Bucky. 
You loved how vocal he was being, he moaned into the kiss as you practically humped him, he bit your swollen lips as a warning to slow down but it only turned you on more. You could feel your hardened nipples rub against his chest, and it drove both of you nuts, with all his strength he pulled away, leaving you dizzy and pulling him for more, he’s never wanted anyone the way he wants you but he would never have sex with someone so drunk, even if that person begged as nicely as you were right now.
He laughs as you start leaving hot open kisses throughout his neck and jaw purring like a cat, “Bucky please” you mewled, asking him for more, his hand flew to grasp your hair in a tight grip, nibbling on your skin as he reached your ear “We aren’t doing anything except kissing the fuck out of each other doll” he whispered.
You made for a grab to his groin but he was able to take your hand and hold it above your head “I want you nice and sober when I get you to cream on my cock”, he groans as you make a final attempt to lure him in, but you know he’s right, so you huff in defeat, a pout on display to make your feelings known, “baby doll what’s wrong? you look flushed” he teases as you gasp in faux offense.
3:45 AM
The bar kicked everyone out but you still had some party left in you and apparently, so did Bucky because he’s already got you piggyback riding him to his car, you said goodbye to your friends assuring them you trusted Bucky, his place was less than 10 minutes away and you’d send them your location. 
Once you got to the car Bucky stopped in his tracks, “we’re drunk and high as hell” he stated, and like a bucket of iced water you realized he was right “Accurate statement” you snort, carefully dropping you on the ground he swiftly turned to face you “so we should… perhaps, maybe take a cab” he goofs around as he steals small kisses form you “or we can walk? your place’s near right?” you reply, everyone was already gone to ask for a ride but he liked the idea of having some alone time with you, so,  he picked you up and placed you on his back “To the Batcave!” he runs as you hold onto him as tight as you could.
4:05 AM
You peacefully walked on the side of the street as cars passed by, one thing that you loved about walking at night was the lack of noise, the night wasn’t completely quiet, you could still hear the cars in the distance, people coming in and out of bars or whatever, the breeze was the perfect temperature and the city lights of New York were shone beautifully.
Hand in hand you walked with your latest conquest as he so eloquently put it, conversation flowing, “I got cheated on once, it fucking sucks” You both laughed at the obvious statement “I thought we were going steady and she got bored” he shrugged, “it was a while ago, but it definitely messed with my head” he whispered as he squeezed your hand, it brought him comfort and you as well. 
“You know what’s fucking hilarious though? I was planning on breaking up with him…ok don’t judge me” you laughed, “but I just stayed with him because it was easier to stay in a mediocre relationship than actually fight for my happiness…plus he had a hot tub” you felt stupid for saying it, but he didn’t judge you, his face remained the same, attentive.
Bucky took your hand and kissed each one of your knuckles “I got a really nice bathtub” he murmured into your skin with a smirk, your heart fluttered to what he implied so you jumped and kissed his cheek, holding onto his arm for dear life, content with how the day turned out.
4:38 AM
After smoking yet another joint together you were now straddling your dancer’s lap on his bathtub “It really is a nice bathtub” You grinned between kisses and he laughed, his hands roaming your soft skin under your clothes, you were heaven on earth he kept thinking, he was about to kiss you again but was interrupted by your phone ringing, which made both of you sigh in frustration.
You knew who it was, Jake had been calling over and over for the last 20 minutes and Bucky had enough of the bastard, “Answer him” he ordered, to which you raised an eyebrow “I- can’t I- seriously?” you say almost shocked “You know what you wanna say to him, so say it” he encouraged with a soft smile.
Without thinking twice you pick up, “Finally! what took you so long to pick up?” Jake barks, you have the phone on speaker so Bucky could listen, and he already hated how the jerk talked to you, making him grip your waist with possessiveness.
“What do you want?” you ask almost uninterested, “Baby please forgive me” he cries as if you could ever believe anything he said to you, “I’m so so fucking sorry, what else do you want me to say?!”, to that you let out an unamused laugh “just stop fucking saying you’re sorry, time to put on your big boy pants and take responsibility” you snark, which oddly, turns on bucky beyond belief.
Like a magnet, his lips start leaving love bites on your neck, making you gulp, “Babe let’s be honest, in a month you’ll be begging me to get back together, we both know you need someone to take care of you, you can’t be alone, you need me” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and then you really were done with his bullshit.
“Listen closely you fucktard, stop saying you’re sorry, stop begging me to forgive you, you were a waste of my time and the only reason I didn’t break up with you sooner was because it was convenient for me to stay with your sorry ass” you bark.
You could keep going but now Bucky was humming against your pulse, finding it incredibly hot how you stood up for yourself, he peppered you with hot open kisses that made your mind even fuzzier than the weed, “And I can take care of myself ass” you hiss in delight, it was meant to be an insult but Bucky was making you feel so good…
“Fucking drop that call”, bucky growled into your neck loud enough to be heard over the phone, then sunk his teeth into your soft skin, making you moan, unintentionally into the phone, before dropping it and gripping Bucky’s hair for support as you rubbed against the bulge on his pants “Fuck I can’t wait to make you mine” he moaned, dreaming of all the possibilities, of everything he wanted to do with and to you.
Despite the chills you felt down your spine, despite feeling exactly the same way, you laugh, “Honey… do you think it’s gonna be that easy?” you coo, drunk in power, you devour his perfect pink lips.
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talas-starlight · 3 months
Scarred Spirits - Zuko x fem!reader (pt.7)
Summary: reactions from team avatar when they find out your ozais assassin
warning: mentions of scars, not very happy gaang, mean katara!, angst
masterlist: here!
most previous part: here! (all other parts can be found in my masterlist!)
authors note! hello!! idk if anyone will be reading this but if you are welcome!! i haven't posted to this series in YEARS so please forgive me as I'm very rusty at writing but please enjoy!
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Unified screams erupted upon Appa. “YOU’RE WHAT!”
“Aang what have you done! You literally let a murderer on Appa! She’s going to kill all of us! Katara was right, and I can’t believe I ignored her.”
“I KNEW IT! Quickly Aang, land Appa and let’s get her off!”
Unable to take it anymore, Toph lost her cool. “Can you knuckle heads shut up! I highly doubt that she will kill us, why the hell would she listen to you guys fighting all the time when she could end her misery by taking you out.”
Reality hitting Sokka and Katara, they finally piped down, allowing Toph to continue.
“Look, what you said is highly questionable. I’m not saying that I trust you, but you’re going to have to give us more information than that or else I’ll throw you off myself. Got it?”
You sighed. At least someone in the group had more sense. “Yeah, of course. What would you like to know?”
“Well for starters a name would be great. Oh and maybe, I don’t know, how and why you’re the Fire Lords Assassin?!”
You almost wanted to pull Katara’s braid for the irritating look of satisfaction on her face. “Right okay… well my name is y/n. uhhh and I was forced to become his assassin when he caught me after I broke into the palace three years ago.”
“That’s it?! Nuh uh lady. I know he’s the Fire Lord and had done some awful things but why would he do that to a child?! You’re either lying or somethings still missing.”
There was a lot to weigh up. To suddenly reveal everything about you would be too much and would get you thrown off Appa anyway. Yet to reveal nothing wouldn’t let you gain enough trust to even last a day. Leaving you to share the one thing you knew so little about yourself that you didn’t care if they knew and hopefully enough of a miserable, pitying tale that they’d let you off the hook for the time being.
“My parents aren’t in my life, they never were. I don’t know who they were or why they did it. All I had was my trainer, Zemin. In his time, he was the most notorious Assassin in the entire Fire Nation and when he retired, he never took on any students to carry on his legacy - if you could even call it that. Every other trainer was ecstatic because this meant that their students would earn the most bounties. Until there was me. I don’t know why he took me in… he just said that he found me as in infant and regretfully took me from an islands rocky shore maybe to sell me off somewhere. I suppose he realised he could make even more money from me if he trained me until I could pay off debt for him raising me. I did the one thing assassins could do, kill. All the money I ever earned from each bounty went straight to him. Luckily enough, I learned quickly, and I got to my final payment when I was 13, then he would have set me free.”
Horrified, Aang couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was nothing like this in the Air Temples growing up. “Luckily enough?! How in any universe is that lucky!”
“Most assassins in the Fire Nation, and others, are stuck paying off their guardians or trainers well into their adulthood. Because of… certain tactics and advantages, I became quite popular if you could put it that way and most of the people, I had to take care of were…” Halting, you knew that if you verbally said some lives are worth more than others, Aang would probably go into cardiac arrest.
“Well, some had more people wanting them gone so the bounty was higher.”
“How does this have anything to do with you working for the fire lord! I don’t see why Zemin would let you go if you were doing so much for him.”
Your strength was fading. You hated yourself for how much you scretly enjoyed having people around that weren’t as idealistic as those in the Fire Nation.  “He didn’t. I got an anonymous mission to take out a high general in the palace. So high, that it was going to be enough for me to finish my debt.” After not being met with screams you felt reassured to continue…. they seem to be taking this well…
You took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “On my way out, I got caught in the middle of an Agni Kai. The fire lord wasn’t too pleased I killed one of his generals or interfered with punishing his son. Yet somehow in his psychopathic mind he saw it as an opportunity to pledge my allegiance to him.”
The silence amongst the group was short lived.
You scrunched your face. Maybe this was a bad idea to tell them. But it was too late to go back. “Yes, it was Prince Zuko in the Agni Kai, that’s how he got his scar. Yes, Aang I did kill the general, but to be fair I haven’t killed anyone since then… And Katara if you were being tortured every day for 8 months, I’m sure you would wear down too.”
The waterbender was unsatisfied with your answer. “Unbelievable! Of course, you did! Everyone has a choice in this world, and you chose the fire lord. You’re nothing but a coward.”
“My life was on the line! You don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh please, y/n. I do. I know everything! Sure, you were raised to assassinate others, but you can’t expect me to believe you didn’t know what you were doing when you were standing before Ozai. I would have stayed in a life of suffering than go with him.” Shaking her head, she pierces you with a disgusted look, “You’re no better than Ozai. No better than Azula.”
As Appa continued to glide through the ever-ending expanse of the sky, it seemed nothing could break the suffocating tension that encompassed everyone upon his saddle.
Toph was the only one to speak up. “Didn’t you hear her Katara? She hasn’t killed anyone since then! She’s surviving. If you ask me… she’s braver than any of us, you never know what could have happened to her if she got caught not actually killing her targets!”
Irritated Katara only grumbled, turning away while leaving the two boys to think about how they felt about you. Despite giving them answers, they still had so many questions.
It was undeniably clear that Katara has made her mind up about you, and you were sure everyone else was the same despite the earth benders attempts at comforting you. Hence, as you sat there across from the four of them, you were the first to break eye contact, turning your head to the side as you searched for something to focus on out there in the sky. Bird, a cloud, anything. You didn’t have the heart, the courage, to argue against what she said.
Unknown to you, Aang shuffled closer to you scared that his angry friend might hear him going towards you. His words only just loud enough to hear above the wind he whispered to you… “Its okay y/n. I don’t really understand what you’ve done or what you’ve been through but when youre ready.. you can tell us.
That was the first time your heart ignited a comforting warmth.
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As Appas soft paws skilfully landing on the hard earth, you felt your heart drop inside you. What do I do now? Mind racing through all the possibilities, Toph seemed to have decided what to do before you could even stand.
“Hey! Come with me.”
Jumping off Appas saddle you landed on your feet with such a skilled silence, Toph had to sense your heartbeat to even realise you were next to her. Setting off towards where she’d set up her sleeping area, it was best you stuck closely behind.
“Don’t think about what Katara said, she doesn’t get it.”
“How so?”
Stalling in her tracks, she turned her unseeing gaze towards you. “She doesn’t know what its like to be born into a life that you don’t want. And she definitely doesn’t know how hard it can be trying to escape it.”
Unsure with how to reply, humming in understanding was the best you could come up with.
“Just stick with me and you’ll be fine. I know you most certainly don’t need me, but I’ve got your back.”
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The next day had gone by agonizingly slow. With Toph trying to teach Aang earth bending you were left to your own devices since Katara decided to tag along. Although you found yourself tailing Sokka as he went his own way looking for food unaware of your silent giggles seeing him get stuck in the ground.
“...big things eat smaller things. Nothing personal. But this time, it didn’t work out that way…I admit it, you’re cute…”
You decide to finally reveal yourself, tired of your lack of entertainment. “What are you doing down there Sokka?”
Letting out a girl like squeal, he’s horrified at getting caught in this position. “Nothing!”
“You look like you could use some help.”
“I don’t want help from you!” You dismiss it. Surely he has no other choice but to make himself acquainted with you.
“Yeah, right. It’s funny, you’re probably the third person that has ever said that to me. The second in about the span of 48 hours.” you cant help but divert your attention towards the cute animal annoying him. “Aweee look at this cutie!”
“Get away from it!”
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I don’t want you to hurt it!”
“Please, I actually quite like animals. They’re a lot better than humans anyway.”
“I- well… fine! Just go away?”
You scoff, “Why’s that?”
“I don’t like you!”
“Hmm… is that so.”
“Yes, of course it is!”
You’re done feeling sorry for yourself. “Are you sure you don’t like me, or do you feel that way because of your sister?”
“I- well… argh! Fine! I don’t know.”
“Well… why don’t you talk to me and work it out for yourself? If you still dislike me so much I’ll leave you be and get someone to come help.”
A  silence fills the distance between the two of you.
He sighs, caving in, “So.. this Zemin guy. Did he REALLY not give you a choice?”
Looking up, you stare at the clear sky. “I learnt early on in my training that I didn’t have a choice or options in life other than what he wanted. Any exercise I rushed through, half assed, or tried to skip through when he wasn’t looking came with consequences.”
“What kind of consequences?”
“The kind that keeps all of my clothing and bindings on so I don’t constantly get pitiful looks or too many questions.”
He scoffs, “prove it”
Staring at all your layers you sigh, “don’t say I never warned you.”
Peeling off all your layers one by one until your down to just your tank top and pants, you decide to take off your face mask last. Your eyes meeting Sokka’s, you notice him swallow thickly. But its you to break the ice first. “In all fairness, most of them are now from Ozai. The older they look… well I’m sure you can work it out for yourself.”
“b-but-“Fuck why did I have to make him uncomfortable.
Unable to take it any longer, you pull him out from the hole in the ground. “Its fine.”
You turn to walk away after helping him, but he grabs your scarred wrist, the feeling of the textured skin making him internally wince. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you expose yourself like that. Its horrible that you had to experience that… hell we look the same age!”
“Everyone is on different paths. Look, lets just forget about it..”
Sokka feels like he could bust into tears “No! you don’t understand. I’ve seen the effects of the fire nation… hell they took away my mum. I still remember it, sometimes I have weeks where I keep reliving it in my nightmares, only finding peace when im awake. Its like im being haunted. But- but you?! You have to face it whether you’re awake or asleep”.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you can’t handle the intensity of his words. Theres nothing you can do. Nothing you can say. You hug him. You don’t remember the last time you held someone. It feels weird, almost wrong. But as he squeezes you back, tightening the embrace, you understand one thing. You have an understanding with the water tribe boy, despite how dark it may feel.
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Hours pass by as you sit with sokka talking about useless topics until the other three join you once more. Feeling weariness in their gaze, you realise you forgot to put your layers back on. Now everyone can see your face and scars.
Only Aang has the courage to speak with you.
“Hey. Uhhh, y/n?”
“I just… I’m sorry for not speaking much with you since yesterday. I didn’t mean to, it was just a lot to process personally! Growing up with the Air Nomads, I was taught that killing is wrong and that under no circumstance should that be the answer. If I’m completely honest with you, I still stand by those teachings and to have someone who has… killed… so close to me and the people I care the most about is… unsettling.”
There it was. You knew despite how much he was trying; you knew he wouldn’t be able to see past what you did. What you are.
“I understand. I don’t blame you, or anyone for reacting the way they are, and I know what it feels like to want to protect those who mean something to you.” You glance at Sokka, remembering how he understood.
“Just… please understand that I’ve realised what I did was wrong and while I can’t change everything that I have done, I’m trying to move away from that way of life. I don’t want to be a killer anymore. I’m trying my best to fix it.”
“I know…. Its just-“
“You don’t trust me.”
“What?! NO! I mean…. I don’t know. You clearly have good inside of you but it’s hard to look past.”
“I get it. I’ll head off then, the world needs you Aang and I won’t be the one to stand it your way.”
“No! stop! Please! I know I said it’s hard for me to do, but I clearly see you trying your best. I know you won’t hurt me. I just… I suppose I need to open my eyes more. See you for who you are now, what you’re doing now.”
But what if you can’t? What if I’m still that person, no matter how much I try to shove it away. This is what I have been made to become?
Letting out a nervous quiet laugh, he glances back to everyone. “okay well… lets eat!”
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Zuko stares at the sky in the heavy downpour. “You always through everything you could at me. Well, I can take it. And now I can give it back!”
Lightning cacks in the sky before his eyes.
“Come on!”
“Strike me! You never held back before!”
Met with only the sound of the world around him, he feels helpless. Lost. Alone.
Screaming out, Zuko falls to his knees as the rain and guilt encompasses all of his senses.
His voice scratchy from screaming, he can hardly croak out… “You never held back from her."
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taglist: ​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @slythergirlimagines ​​​ @whiskeywinter89​​ @simplyfandomish @khaleesi-of-assassins​ ​ ​ @calciumcow @ilovespideyyy @callums-keith @nnon-it-up @blackhood5sos @chewymoustachio @tiffy119 @reclusive-chicken-nugget @lozzybowe​ @scarletemeterio​​ @simpinforsukka​ ​ ​ @sokkassuki​ @spearbatty @kaylove12
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historiaxvanserra · 11 months
Midnights | Nighttime Headcanon's
I totally forgot I added this to my masterlist and never finished it! It's been a while since i've written any hc's so forgive me if i'm a little rusty.
Rhys is usually busy with his High Lord duties throughout most of the day so you don't see each other during busier days.
So nighttime becomes somewhat sacred as it is the only time you have his undivided attention.
Rhys is a bit of a night owl, and sometimes even when he's dead tired he'll procrastinate sleep just to spend more time together.
Night times are spent sharing stories about your days, lounging in bed with your Mate, doing your joint nighttime face routines (Rhy's is very extensive)
Eventually you'll settle into bed and drift to sleep in your Mates arms.
Azriel hardly sleeps, and when he does it's not until the early hours of the morning.
Sometimes you have to bribe him to step away from his work and just come to bed.
When he does give in he is often dead tired and therefore very affectionate.
Not that he isn't regularly but sleepy Az is a different type of affectionate.
His guilty pleasure is taking a hot bath with you and using lots of soaps and oils to help him relax.
He practically melts into the water as he releases all the tension he's been holding.
You'll wash his hair and his wings and when you're done he'll take you to bed where he'll climb into the warm sheets basically curl around you like a cat often muttering praises and thanks into your skin as he gives in to sleep.
Cassian works hard everyday and often his work is much more physical than anyone else in the inner circle.
He trains himself every single day on top of training everyone else, often he spends the majority of his day in the ring practising new techniques and strategies.
This often leaves him physically and emotionally exhausted at the end of the day.
His favourite part of his day is when the sun goes down and he can come home to you.
Usually he'll find you in the kitchen preparing a meal for you both.
Some primal part of him secretly loves the thought of you taking care of him like this, but he also loves that you're a strong and independent and could definitely put him on his ass in the training ring.
He'll often just watch you as you prepare the meal or sometimes he'll help out even though he's a terrible cook and definitely more of a hindrance than anything else.
Other days he'll immediately go and take a shower to wash off the days dirt and change into something more comfortable.
By the time you sit down to a meal with him the moon is usually high in the sky.
You'll enjoy a glass of wine as you watch Cassian clear away the dishes before he'll take you to bed.
Often you'll end up laying in bed talking until one of you falls asleep.
And after a particualrly hard day sometimes he won't say anything at all, just curl into you as you run your fingers through his hair until he starts to melt into your touch and gives in to sleep.
Eris is always busy he has so many duties and responsibilities to fulfil that he hardly finds the time for it all
That usually leaves him pretty tense though he can't let that show in front of his father.
Only when he is in the safety of his apartments can he let the mask slip a little and be the real Eris.
That usually involves coming back to his rooms at night and enjoying an hour or two of comfortable silence with you.
This usually consists of the two of your wrapped up together by the fire, maybe reading, maybe just enjoying each others presence and other times it involves the two of your surrounded by a pile of sleepy hounds.
Either way Eris is happiest in these moments, unburdened by his title or the weight of his responsibilities.
It's these simple, quiet moments he lives for.
His nights usually end with you un-braiding his hair and brushing it through before retiring to bed where Eris reads long into the night, one hand wrapped around you as you sleep peacefully.
Lucien is more of a morning person, so he usually keeps a pretty consistent nighttime routine and never really stays up too late.
Lucien likes to finish his work for the day pretty early if he can.
He likes to take some time out in nature as dusk begins to settle, he might walk, or ride, or just sit, that all depends on the day really and he enjoys to do this alone though he will often invite you along.
He enjoys the sense of freedom it brings and the calm of being in the open air.
Lucien gets home and immediately melts into his favourite chair by the fire where he might read but often he prefers to sit and drink and talk with you, and sometimes his two closest friends, Jurian and Vassa.
Often this leads to loud recounting of epic tales and lots of laughter that drifts through the house.
When everyone else retires for the night Lucien will take you back to your room, draw a bath, which you usually end up joining him before retiring to bed.
He's usually dead tired by this point so it doesn't take long before he's sleeping, snoring lightly and drifting into dreams.
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
HANAAA!!!!!!!! Congrats on 2k <33 I'M SO PROUD OF YOU For this eventt, may I request Enemies to lovers, the scene being seven minutes in heaven with BAJI!!! There's no specific scene I want SO HAVE FUN WRITING AND AGAIN CONGRATS ON 2K ILY <333333
— baji keisuke // enemies to lovers // seven minutes in heaven
[𖤐] first post of being back!! the first person i talked to after i got back on was sin, so i made sure to type up ur req first 😭 i will get through all of them trust!! baji might be a little ooc since i'm very rusty, but hopefully you all still enjoy!
wc: 2.3k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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as soon as you walked into mikey’s house and saw a very familiar face, you could feel your eyebrow twitching as you turned to your side, the bubbling anger you were feeling seemingly leaking into the air. chifuyu, who was standing beside you, chuckled nervously as you gave him a piercing look. 
“chifuyu…what the hell kinda sick joke is this?! you told me that-” 
“wow, i think i see takemitchy over there! i think he’s looking for me! i should go and see what he wants!” before you could grab onto him and force an explanation out of him, he had deftly avoided you and walked straight into the small party, slipping through the crowd and disappearing. 
you sighed, scratching the nape of your neck for no particular reason as you tried to figure out what your next move was. you could just leave the party and pretend you never came, which at first thought seemed like the best idea. but after thinking about it for more than two seconds, you decided that you definitely didn’t want to give that sort of satisfaction to him, since it would most certainly make its way back to him that you had shown up at some point. 
and so, even though you could see baji keisuke laughing annoyingly loud in the distance, you decided to walk in anyways. 
i mean really, were you going to let some immature and stubborn prick keep you from having a good time? absolutely not. 
mingling with the rest of your friends had proved to make the choice worth it, especially since you had some absolutely priceless polaroid photos of mikey hanging from draken’s braid, (it would always prove a mystery how that managed to even happen in the first place). you’d decided to forgive chifuyu without much repercussion for him aside from a punch in the arm, which he took gracefully. 
you were sipping a mystery fruit punch when he took a break from dancing, leaning on the wall next to you. your eyes flicked over to him before you rolled your eyes in faux annoyance. 
“still can’t believe you betrayed me like that matsuno. in your heart, you truly are a traitor.” the corners of lips turned down into a frown, shaking your head at him as you looked away. you couldn’t see him, but you could almost picture his eyes rolling. 
“y’know, you and baji-san really need to get over whatever thing you guys are hung up on. i didn’t tell you he would be here for your own good, just so you know.” you snorted at the response.
“wooooow, yeah, definitely for my own good…even though i literally hate his guts-” 
“is this little twerp botherin’ ya chifuyu?” a deep voice suddenly interrupted. 
oh dear god. 
you immediately shot a look of disgust to baji, who had made his way over to the two of you. there was a taunting smirk on his face as he stared you down. you feigned throwing up at the sight of him, which only made him chuckle a bit as he lowered his face to your level, that same smirk still spread across his lips. 
very luscious lips…..
“is getting to my height supposed to intimidate me orr…?” you questioned, raising a brow as you took another sip of fruit punch, seemingly unbothered by his presence, (you were very much bothered to even be seeing his face). 
“nah, i just think you got somethin’ in your teeth, (l/n).” he chuckled. your eyes immediately widened as you held a hand up to your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth to feel for any sort of debris. baji leaned back, the same damn infuriating smirk stuck on his face as he said something to chifuyu. you didn’t catch it though; you were too busy trying to see if there really was something in your teeth.
“everyone get over here, we’re gonna play seven minutes in heaven!” you suddenly heard mikey shout, (was his voice slurring or were you crazy?). you looked over at chifuyu, raising a brow at him. he merely shrugged at you, walking over to where everyone else was beginning to sit in a circle. 
you joined him, sitting to his side as you looked around, wondering how this was going to work with 90% of the circle being, well…dudes. draken sat next to you, muttering the same wonderance under his breath, making you snort a bit. 
before you could comment on it, chifuyu leaned over to you, an amused yet sheepish look on his face. “by the way, you don’t actually have anything in your teeth…” 
“what!?” you whisper-yelled. a rambunctious laugh came from baji, who was sitting on chifuyu’s other side, laughing quite animatedly at your expense. 
this is exactly why i don’t like that fool. 
“you stupid asshole!! i swear to god, you never get less infuriating, do you!?” 
“it ain’t my fault if you don’t have a sense of humor, (l/n)!” baji snickered. “you shoulda seen the look on your face!” you glared at him, and you might have even swung at him, (it wouldn’t have been the first time) if it wasn’t for mikey stumbling into the middle of the circle, placing an empty soda bottle on the ground. 
“i think you all know the rules, and if you don’t, then i guess too bad! we’re gonna start nowww, so make sure you guys get ready to pucker up~!” multiple groans were heard from everyone at mikey’s cheeky remark, along with urges for him to just get on with it and spin the bottle. 
“oh, before we start, (y/n)-chan! can you take my spot over there instead? i wanna sit next to draken!” mikey whined. 
he really reminded you of a toddler at times like these. 
“yeah, yeah, sure.” you muttered, hauling yourself up and moving over across the circle. 
“yayyyy thank you!” 
as you sat down again, you began to think that there was something…alcoholic in the fruit punch. your head felt quite a bit fuzzy, and when you were walking it was a little bit harder to place your feet where you wanted them to go. you’d probably be fine though, no sweat. 
yeahhhh, it’s fine. 
“psst, (y/n), you’re up!” sitting to your right was mitsuya, who had nudged you a little bit to get your attention. there was a bit of an amused smile on his face, making you question what had happened in the moment you’d spaced out. 
“you and baji got chosen by the bottle.” 
“oh alright i guess…” you mumbled, smacking your cheeks to wake up a little bit. it took a moment after that to register what mitsuya had said. “wait, what!?” you yelled, shooting up. you stumbled a bit as you stood up, but you didn’t even care about that at the moment. your eyes locked onto baji, who was already standing. his aura radiated annoyance; he wasn’t even looking at you. 
“whatever, let’s just get this over with already.” he muttered. your mouth opened and closed, trying to form a sentence. 
this is totally a setup! 
you didn’t get a chance to do anything else before someone shoved you out of the circle and in the direction of the closet. 
“wait- why do i have to-!” a final shove secured you into the closet, making you almost trip over your own feet as you tried to get a sense of balance back. there wasn’t even a second to prepare yourself before someone was shoved on top of you, making the both of you topple over and hit the wall. your head slammed against it particularly hard, making your vision go blurry for a moment as you looked to the door. 
“goddamnit, chifuyu…” you mumbled. you furrowed your brows as you felt a dull pulsing pain in your head, likely stemming from the fall and also whatever alcohol that was probably put in the punch bowl. 
oh great. this is just great. 
you tried to squirm out from under baji, who had unceremoniously been tossed on top of you. it was to no avail though; you had neither the energy nor the strength to do that. 
“you mind getting up off me…? you’re heavy as hell.” 
“yeah yeah, i’m goin’. jesus, why are they so serious about this weird shit…” baji lifted himself off of you, and as your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, you could see him holding out his hands to find a wall to lean on. he didn’t have to try very hard; the closet was so small that his hands could touch both walls. 
you went to lift yourself, but the dull pain in your head turned into a pounding, making you shift into a sitting position instead. a groan slipped through your lips as you closed your eyes, your fingers going to massage your temples in a futile attempt to soothe the pain. 
“y’alright there?” 
“my head hurts like a bitch, but other than that. yeah.” silence swept over the two of you after your rather curt response, leaving the atmosphere a bit tense. you felt a bit awkward about the situation; you were basically mortal enemies, so what were either of you supposed to say? 
you just hoped he couldn’t hear your heart beating a little faster than normal. 
okay, so, maybe you didn’t completely hate him, but in your defense, it was completely warranted. i mean, even as an elementary schooler, who just goes around telling everyone in the grade that you had a crush on him?! oh, that’s right, him. sure, maybe it was an immature reason to go through all of this, but you were not one to let a grudge go easily, even if that grudge is all the way from elementary school. 
the two of you sat in silence for a little while longer before he finally spoke. 
“so how long you gonna keep this little act up?” 
“excuse me?” you scoffed. “what in the world are you even talking about-”
“oh come on (y/n), you can’t seriously think that we’re actually ‘enemies’ or whatever you go around to tellin’ people.” his casual use of your first name made your heart skip a beat, but you ignored it. 
“i’m not that shallow that i would just go around saying things that i don’t mean, for your information. you might not have known then, but that betrayal of trust is not something that i just go around forgiving so easily, especially since you’re so infuriating now.” baji barked out a sharp laugh at your response, sending a surge of annoyance through you. 
he leaned down towards you, shortening the distance between the two of you significantly. even though he probably couldn’t see you, you still quirked a brow, wondering what he was up to. you could faintly see a smirk on his face as he rested his head on his hand, his eyes dark eyes staring at you. 
it almost felt like his eyes were staring right at your soul, making a small shiver go down your spine. 
“heh, you’re a lot more stubborn than i ever gave you credit for, (y/n). i didn’t seriously think that you were still hung up on that.” 
“still hung up on that?? what in the world else would i even be-” 
“do you wanna know why i did that?” 
“...what?” the smirk on his face turned into a softer smile playing on his lips, although his eyes still showed a glint of playfulness. 
“you heard me. do you wanna know?” 
“sure, why not.” 
it’s like you could really have any reason to warrant doing something like that anyways. 
“it’s cause i liked you, stupid.” 
it’s probably the last words you ever expected him to say. 
you just stared at him, mouth open, no words forming to even try and respond to him. 
“you’re seriously that surprised? man, i thought chifuyu was jokin’...” baji’s head dropped down as he let out a loud sigh, his fingers weaving through his hair. 
“...i mean…what the hell was i supposed to think baji…” you managed to get out, looking to the side out of pure embarrassment. now that you knew, you just felt silly and stupid, shame flooding through you. of course; he was an elementary school boy, so of course he would go and brag about it to everyone. 
“i guess i sent some mixed signals there; sorry (y/n). do you accept though?” 
“accept what?” baji scoffed at you and rolled his eyes playfully, leaning forward to flick your forehead. 
“my feelings, duh. do i have to spell everything out for you?” he looked at you expectantly, patiently waiting for an answer, (which was very unlike him). 
“i-uh, well-”
“time’s up, lovebirds!” a knock from the door interrupted you, and there was only a moment before the door was opened, flooding the small closet with light. you squinted your eyes, the light seeming too bright after being in darkness for a while. 
“so, did you guys get over your feud yet, or are you guys still enemies?” chifuyu asked, a somewhat knowing look on his face as he looked at baji kneeling in front of you. the boy in front of you merely stood up, grinning while he helped you up. 
“i guess we’ll have to see.” his fingers slid between yours, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the closet, past chifuyu, past the party and outside. 
the cool air of the night hit your face as the two of you walked, sobering you up a little bit and making you realize that baji was still holding your hand. you tried to free it from his gasp, but he held a firm grip, finally slowing down and stopping to face you. a boyish smile was on his face, making your cheeks heat up as he held steady eye contact that you couldn’t look away from. 
“so, what’ll it be, (y/n)?”
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flying-nightwing · 10 months
If I May (pt. 1)
Fuck it, Pride & Prejudice AU
This was hastily written while I was up in my feelings after re-re-re(x5) watching the movie (2005) because I needed a Mr. Darcy-esque Jason fic or i would have died. This is therefore extremely self indulgent. I'm also very rusty so forgive me if some parts aren't smooth. Expect a part 2 soon. And as always, enjoy!
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Word count: 3705
Warnings: none
Summary: You are a merchant's daughter who's trying to live a decent life, even if it means forsaking your own happiness. However, one short meeting with a stranger on a balcony sets you on another path, and you're not sure how to feel about it.
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Gold light, marble floors. 
Violin, harpsichord, laughter. 
Sapphire eyes and mahogany hair, a blur of diamonds and pearls. A hundred feet dancing and twirling to the melody, the rustle of fabrics moving along with them to create colors and shapes out of a dream.
A night that seemed to never end. 
Your corset was too tight. You curtsied your partner as the music came to an end, excusing yourself for a moment. You had to get out of that crowd, to get away from the man in front of you. You made your way toward the balcony, your pushing becoming less and less ceremonious as you went. Your breathing was shallow yet couldn't be fast enough as gloved hands rose in indignation at your less than ladylike behaviour. 
Hadn't you reached the glass door when you did, you believed you would have cried. The sudden cool air allowed you to take a deep breath as you threw yourself forward, holding your hands out on the rail to catch yourself. You closed your eyes and took a moment to gather yourself, then turned around and gently closed the door, effectively muffling the new song that started with a roaring cheer from the crowd. 
Slowly, you returned to the rail and guided your stare to the night. The sky was clear and the stars were bright, but it didn't ease your mind like it always did. 
It was all wrong. 
Everything was wrong.
Your father passing away, your step brother giving you an ultimatum to marry this season or join the Sisters, as he had no intention to keep you on his newly inherited estate, your mother who was still sickly and bed ridden. 
You weren't poor by any means, but you weren't a part of the high society either. Your status was decent, and your name was respected enough to earn a good match. But with your father's unexpected passing and your step brother's petulance, you came with a bed ridden old woman to take with you, and that displeased many of the potential marriage candidates for you. 
So when one began courting you with the full knowledge of your situation, as in, knowing your mother would move with you to his estate, you didn't resist. You reciprocated the courting, and danced with the man at every ball, and walked with him in the gardens. He wasn't particularly beautiful, he was a bit on the older side, and his interest appeared to be lying in the fact that he had resigned himself to settle, to marry the least ugly woman with the least trouble following her. 
But he was also from decent money, with a respectable name and estate, and he most likely wouldn't treat you badly, which is more than you could have hoped for in such short notice. 
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You practically jumped out of your skin at the voice coming from behind you. With a shriek of terror, you slapped a hand on your chest and spun around, your eyes stopping on the stranger that seemingly appeared out of thi  air on the balcony with you. He held up his hands in front of him while his mouth curved in a cryptical smirk.
“Easy there, forgive me for scaring you” He spoke as he slowly stepped forward. As he came closer and into the light, you took in his features. His voice had been low and smooth, perfectly fitting his strong jaw and black hair, you decided. He was quite young, around your age if you had to guess, but his ocean blue eyes reflected a wisdom well past his age. They were hypnotic, you also concluded as you forced yourself to look away before drowning in them. You cleared your throat. “Running away from the party?”
You blinked rapidly at his words as they brought you back to Earth. “Well, just–Not running away, it's a lovely ball–”
Your mouth kept going on its own. You had no idea who that man was, or what was his relation with the family who hosted the ball. You didn't want to accidentally insult him.
You felt your face heat up when you noticed the amusement dancing in his eyes, or the smile he was trying to hold back. Luckily, he spoke before you could babble anymore. 
“It's fine, I was running away from it too” He supplied as he went to stand by the rail beside you, no doubt aware of your eyes on him. “Dreadful affairs”
You let out a quiet breath, glad you wouldn’t be judged for wanting a break. “I don’t find them to be so bad… Usually”
His scoff was half hearted. “Some pretty boy broke your heart?”
You knew he was saying this as a joke, his relaxed posture and humorous tone said as much. Still, it stung a nerve you didn’t even know was sensitive. It reminded you that you’d never get to experience the regular courting, the regular game of yes-no-maybe the other girls your age would go through. You were aware it was a strange thing to wish for–drama and heartbreaks that is–but simply knowing you were robbed of it made you sad. 
He definitely noticed your shift of attitude, because his good mood dropped into concern. “Wait, some pretty boy did break your heart?”
You shook your head. “No, no not that” You hesitated before speaking, but he patiently waited for you to do so, so you went for it. After all, you had never seen this mysterious, handsome man before, and you’d probably never see him again. You took a deep breath and turned to face the stars. “My father died in the winter. My mom has been sick for a year now. And when my step brother inherited the estate, he told me that I had until the end of the season to marry and take my mother with me”
He frowned. “My condolences” He said, eyeing you carefully. “But I believe someone looking like you shouldn’t have trouble finding a good husband”
You laughed humorlessly. “You’d think that, wouldn’t you” You mumbled as you glanced up for a second. He seemed confused. “I am on the lower side of my social class. My step brother will not give a dime for the wedding. I come tied with a sick mother. I could be the most beautiful thing in the world and I would still be a prospect for desperate men and old widowers”
He waited for a moment before speaking. “And you know this because you have one, don’t you?”
You nodded slowly. 
“I’m sorry”
“What for?” You tilted your head. “You’ve had no part in it”
His eyes found you and you glanced back, looking at his partially shadowed face. For a moment you could let yourself daydream that he was the one who’d propose to you in the upcoming weeks, that he would bring you in his kingdom far away from your step brother and this miserable marriage that would await for you. But then, you had to return to reality and forget your little fantasy. This man wasn’t yours to claim. 
“I’m sorry that you won’t be able to live your life the way you desire” He said, seeming more genuine than anyone you’ve ever met. “Everybody deserves a chance at happiness. I hope you may still find it despite of everything”
You tore your eyes from him as your vision blurred, as you did not want to let the stranger see your tears. You hastily wiped them off, and when you looked to where he stood again, he was gone. You glanced around, searching for any trace that he hadn’t just in your imagination, but the stranger was nowhere to be seen. You blinked, returning your eyes to the stars for a minute. You recomposed yourself and smothered your dress, then returned to the ball. 
“I still can’t believe we got an invite” You said as the carriage crossed a stone bridge. The sun was going down and the countryside looked positively marvelous.
Your step brother scoffed at your words, like they were a ridiculous claim. “Of course we did. The Duke obviously recognizes the importance of my business. Now that I’m in charge, I have made much better decisions than the old man, and it’s blooming like never before. In no time, I’ll become a proper lord, a baron. Or even a viscount”
You bit your tongue not to answer that it was your father who built the business, your father who made the right decisions years ago, your father that allowed him to reap the fruit of his labour. “I’m sure he does, and I’m sure you will”
“By the way” He eyed you cryptically, ignoring your lack of enthusiasm. “Has Mr. Degras shown signs he would propose soon?”
You opted to look outside instead of meeting his eyes. “Yes. The marriage is pretty much certain, as he is not courting anyone else and neither am I. But I think he’ll wait until just past midseason to actually propose, not to suggest anything untoward about the whole affair”
He hummed, disinterested. “Yes, well, the sooner the wedding, the better. Wouldn’t you say?”
“I would” Your reply came mechanically. You did not especially look forward to your marriage, but moving far, far away from the man in front of you did sound appealing right at this moment. 
The scenery quickly changed and you couldn’t be bothered to listen to your brother ramble about his business. A manor greater than anything you’ve seen before appeared through the neatly trimmed trees of the property, and you gasped at the sight. There were many other carriages, all much more grand than yours. 
No sooner than later, you pulled to the entrance. A valet opened the carriage door, and your step brother all but pushed you back on the seat to get out first. With a muffled oof, you pulled yourself straight again and followed your step brother out. The valet offered a hand and an apologetic glance, helping you step down on the gravel. You returned a smile to him, following your step brother from afar.
If the outside was grandiose, then the inside of the manor was totally mind blowing. You couldn’t help but gawk in awe at the details on the structure, and the intricate decoration. YOu barely noticed the crowd chattering along the foyer. You however began questioning the reason for your invite the more you explored the manor. It didn’t take an idiot to see that the people around you were draped in visibly more expensive fabrics, and their behaviour was distinct from the ones you were used to. Your suspicions that you hardly belonged there were only confirmed when you stepped in the grand ballroom, where literally none of the other families of your status were present at all.
Then, you saw it. Or rather, you saw him.
The Duke was standing proudly at the front of the room. His black and yellow-gold coat striking out from the crowd, but not as much as his sharp features. But he wasn’t what caught your attention, probably unlike anybody else present. It was the stoic face of his tallest child beside him, head high and shoulders square, glance forward and unmoving. On his dark red coat were multiple military decorations, and on his face, multiple scars the night’s darkness did not reveal the first and last time you met. 
Your jaw involuntarily hung open at the realization. The handsome stranger you laid all your afflictions upon just a few weeks earlier was in fact the son of the most powerful individual in the country that wasn’t a King. You felt your neck and chest heat up in embarrassment at the only thought of airing out your problems to someone like him. You knew the stories of his military service, the alleged torture and the constant brushes with death, everybody in the country had heard them. Your struggles in comparison were jest, and you felt like a whiny child to have complained about them to him specifically. 
His watchful eyes then settled onto you, betraying absolutely no feeling of recognition whatsoever, and you’d believe he didn’t recognize you at all if it hadn’t been for the slight tilt of his head, acknowledging your presence. You blinked and looked anywhere but to him, then blended in the crowd. Even then, you felt like you couldn’t if you tried. You felt gazes and whispers falling upon you, wondering who you were and what you were even doing in such a ball. No matter where you went, you couldn’t escape them. 
You finally decided on joining the dancers, believing it would help shift the attention off of you. You danced one song, then another with gentlemen that didn’t stand out to you; which was preferable for you. Unfortunately, your peace didn’t last very long. Because when you looked up to your next partner for the third dance, you came face to face with a distinct black and gold who was already bowing before you could escape. Your spine went rigid as your wide eyes met his steady ones, and before you could blink, a pleasant smile wrote over his previously stern expression. You didn’t know which one terrified you the most
The music began and he bowed to you, and you hurried to return a curtsy. You felt practically everyone stare on you as you took the first steps of the dance, carefully spinning around each other. He was the first to speak.
“I must apologize for my son’s poor manners” He said, and your eyebrows raised in half panic. What did he mean by– “He was the one to insist on inviting you and grace us with your lovely presence. He should have been the one to dance with you the first moment you stepped on the floor, but unfortunately, he is rather… stubborn, I’m afraid”
You did not know how to answer this, your jaw going up and down without any sound coming out. A small frown came over his brow, but it wasn’t deep enough to cover the light amusement of his features. 
“Ah” He replied, a knowing sparkle in his eyes. “He did not tell you about it, did he?”
“I knew nothing of the sort” You confirmed in a small voice. “4I am truly sorry to intrude, I know I am not part of the nobility–”
“Please, do not apologize” He gently cut you off. “You were invited, were you not? Therefore no intrusion whatsoever was committed. And between you and I,” He paused, leaning a bit forward as the dance steps brought you respectfully close. “I would be willing to bet your specific presence is much more wanted than anyone else's here tonight”
There you went, speechless once again. The dance finished, and with a respectful bow, the Duke parted ways with you to return to the front of the room, where a figure in red was definitely missing. You looked around the room, but didn't find your stranger anywhere. That until, you went to step away from the floor and collided with a strong, red coated chest. Your eyes followed the buttons up to find his jaw clenched hard and his eyes still fixated on a point beyond your shoulder. 
Mechanically, his hand lifted up. “May I have the next dance?”
You looked around you as a hush fell over the room, and you deducted it was a rare occurrence for the young lord to dance if everybody was staring at you in disbelief. Not wanting to cause more of a scene, you managed to find your voice. “You may”
Carefully, you placed your hand in his and let him guide you back to the middle of the room. His bow to you was stiff and uncomfortable, but his steps were light and precise, practiced and repeated until it became a second nature. Yet, his expression was displaying something far from ease. 
“For someone who thinks balls are dreadful, I must point out that twice i’ve met you, and twice it was at a ball”
A tiny scoff shook his shoulders, but not his stoic expression. “Both times out of absolute obligation, I assure you”
“You were more chatty last time” 
“Merely an effect of a glass too many of red wine”
That was no way to speak to someone of his status, but he didn’t seem to have any intention to correct you.
“I didn’t know it was you”
He knew well what you meant. I didn’t know it was you that night. “That’s because I chose not to tell you”
“You must think this is hilarious” You muttered against your will, but it just had to come out. There was a rage suddenly boiling inside of you and it came up too quickly for you to effectively rein it back. “Having a merchant’s daughter spill her insignificant secrets to you, then invite her to a ball she very clearly doesn’t belong to, showing her everything she’ll be missing, then making sure everyone notices it too. Poor deluded girl gets a pity dance with the Duke and his son. Are you entertained enough, my lord? Or should I trip and humiliate myself just a little bit more?”
His eyes widened a little bit more with every word, leaving him with a frightened and wounded expression one would find on a scolded child. In this precise moment, neither the smooth, mysterious stranger on the balcony nor the stoic soldier was staring back at you. You almost didn’t notice when the song ended, but you didn’t miss your opportunity to storm away, pushing past the crowd and trying your best to ignore their whispers on your way out. 
After a few flights of stairs, you finally found a way out in the gardens. The fresh air was like a breath of relief, and the soothing cool of the air was welcomed on your skin. You walked until you found a pond and sat on the bench, glaring at the reflection of the moonlight in the water. You spiralled deep in your thoughts, until you heard your name being called in an unfamiliar voice.
You jumped onto your feet and spun around, coming face to face with an elegantly dressed woman, her blonde hair beautifully cascading down her shoulders. You recognized her as one of the figures standing beside the Duke at the front of the room, but she didn’t have the air of arrogance you’d have expected her to bear. Instead, she seemed kind and confident, the type of person one wouldn’t mind sitting down with for tea and a good conversation. She smiled at your apparent wariness.
“May I sit with you?”
You nodded, then remembered she was probably also outranking you. “Yes, of course you may” 
You waited until she rounded the bench and sat down to sit back. For a few minutes, she didn’t talk, she just observed you. 
“You’re sure as pretty as I believed you’d be”
You blinked in surprise. Out of everything you believed she’d say, this was definitely not it. “... Thank you?”
Her smile widened, but she didn’t add anything on the matter. Instead, she jumped into the topic she was probably here for in the first place. “He upset you, didn’t he?”
Your eyes snapped forward and your back straightened. “Did he tell you to come and make it worse?”
Instead of being insulted at your dry rebuttal, she simply laughed and brushed her hand. “Not at all, the poor fool’s probably still standing frozen where you left him. Listen, I came after you to check up on you. He’ll be fine, but I wanted to see if you were”
Your eyes reluctantly found hers again. “Why?”
She sighed. “With all his lack of tact, Jason meant well. All he said to us is that you told him you enjoyed balls, and that you deserved a night for yourself. Neither I or the Duke knows anything beyond that. He might have been clumsy in handling it, but rest assured, mocking you was the last of his intention”
You heard all of what she said, but somehow, your brain got caught on one specific word. One specific name. “So, his name is Jason”
She tilted her head to the side. “You didn’t know?”
You shook your head. “We heard the stories, but nobody could agree on the right name” 
“Oh well, he is going to be pissed that I robbed him of his grand introduction, that’s certain” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle along with her at the absolute ridiculousness of your situation. You liked her, you decided, but just as your handsome stranger–no, Jason–you didn’t hope to get attached. Then, something came up in your head, making you frown.
“How do you know my name?” You asked. “In fact, how did anyone know my name? I never told him”
She smiled at you again, the glint in her eyes telling you there was a secret you definitely didn’t know about dangling about your head. Come to think of it, it was the same as the one you had observed in both the Duke and his son’s eyes. “The Duke has his way”
She shook her head and changed the subject. “Do you want to know a secret?”
Your eyes narrowed. “... Sure”
She leaned forward. “You were the only person who received an invite for tonight” She revealed, and before you could call out her lie, she beat you to it. “I swear it’s true. Everybody you saw tonight just assumed they were invited, because of their own vanity and self-importance. You, on the other hand, are the only person that was actually wanted here. Do with that information as you may, but please, don’t be too harsh on Jason. He really did mean well”
You nodded slowly, watching as she stood up. “Well, this has been a pleasure”
“Likewise” You mumbled back, staring at her expectantly. 
“Stephanie” She filled in. “Stephanie Brown”
“Have a nice evening, miss Brown”
“Oh, I will” She grinned wolfishly. “Good night”
“You… too…” You watched as she walked away, leaving you to ponder this last conversation alone in the gardens.
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bloodhoundluke · 9 months
for the love of strange medicine ✧ luke hemmings
pairing: luke hemmings x friend! reader
description: luke loves y/n in secret and his flirty comments make y/n's head spin. after calum's party, y/n finally gets an answer to luke's strange behavior.
warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing. please let me know if there’s anything else.
word count: 2,7k. a/n: hi there! this won the poll, the title was supposed to be 'it's impossible to ignore you' but i like for the love of strange medicine more :) i'm a bit rusty so please forgive me <33 and because i loved writing this so much, i think i'll do a pt. 2 to this!
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The Californian sky was covered in haze that one Thursday. Luke stared at the cafe arguably named after a Steve Perry song: For the Love of Strange Medicine. It was fitting since Luke basically considered coffee to be his medicine, not to mention the delicious pretzels he had bought from the very same cafe a few days ago.
Luke rubbed his eyes and yawned, taking in the last smokes of the cigarette he had been inhaling on for the last three minutes. He swore to himself that it would be the last day he'd smoke. It wasn't. He pulled his phone out: 6:58am. He hated early mornings, and he hated how the cafe still wasn't open. Two more minutes, he told himself. He was growing impatient. Maybe it was the stress of recording a new album, maybe it was the fight he had with the manager last night.
When the clock hit 7am, you opened up the cafe. You gave Luke a soft yet tiresome smile which screamed It’s too damn early for this and he returned the favor. Luke saw the name tag on your black t-shirt: Y/N.
As time went by, Luke visited the cafe several times in an attempt to see your face again. To his misfortune, you weren’t working during any of those shifts. You had cut down your hours because of the intense lecture schedule. Luckily for Luke, you bumped into each other at a local festival while you both were watching Green Day play.
Your and Luke's friend groups emerged that night and you enjoyed his company too much for your own liking. You didn’t do men. You didn’t hang around them. Not even as friends. They all caused trouble for you. But with him, everything was different somehow. The night ended with you and Luke in your hotel room. There was nothing sexual about that night if not counting your lingering gazes at each other. You and Luke stayed up until seven in the morning, sharing your love of Green Day and Stranger Things, and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
Luke and you started to grow closer since spending time together. It had been nearly 3 months since you had met and you felt as if you've known him for your whole life. Then Luke went on tour and he didn't want to believe he couldn't see your face as frequently anymore. You made him feel seen and most importantly, safe.
One time Ashton, Calum and Michael caught Luke looking at your Instagram pictures before a show. The boys couldn’t let it go and stop teasing about the way he was biting his lip nervously while scrolling through your Instagram page. Luke convinced them there was nothing to tease about. You were just friends, and that’s the way it would always be. Your lives were so different from each other; you, a part-time barista and a university student and Luke, a touring rockstar. It could never work.
You tried to forget your feelings for your friend, you really did. But you couldn't. Every corner of your flat and everyone you met reminded you of Luke. Even if it was someone’s blonde hair or a tiny detail in their jacket. Everyday activities such as going grocery shopping which you normally enjoyed couldn’t get him off your mind. You’d see the Australian-grown coffee beans. Boom, Luke. Lavender-scented laundry detergent he used. Luke again. And the fact that Luke texted you every day didn't help in the process of trying to forget the feelings you had for him.
You were attending a party tonight. But not just any party, Calum's party. His parties were known for a good time and endless bottles of free booze.
You wiggled on your black leather dress, which you had just bought. It barely covered your knees and you loved how it hugged you from all the right places. The combo of the leather dress, red lipstick and curly hair gave you all the confidence you needed to go out tonight and see Luke. Yes, he was your friend but you still felt nervous around him. And you blamed him for that. His James Dean glossy eyes and irresistibly long curly hair. His charm and his stupid dad jokes. You were whipped for him and it was a wonder no one around you noticed that. Or that’s what you thought anyway. 
You recall the last time you had seen Luke. He had called you and asked to pick him up from his apartment a week ago. You knocked on his door and saw him with someone. A tall, gorgeous woman. Seeing the model-looking brunette beside Luke made your stomach flip. He seemed so happy with his arms around her waist. Maybe he had met her when he was on tour. You greeted them both and bit the insides of your cheek. That memory reminded you of the time you were helping him to pick out an outfit for him for his date a few weeks ago. Maybe it was for her. He had just returned back home from the tour and the poor man was all over the place. Maybe it was nerves, maybe he was just tired from touring. You imagined how Luke would get ready for your date and ask for assistance from Ashton, Michael and Calum. But that would never happen, so you snapped out of the thought. You were only hurting yourself by having these thoughts. You were such a fool for him, and you didn't know how to make it stop.
You sat down on top of your bed and decided to check Instagram on your phone. “He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint”, you whispered mainly just to yourself. 
“Who are you talking about?”, your friend heard your little comment and frowned their eyebrows.
“Uh….maybe I’ll keep it a secret”, you winked.
“C’mon Y/N!”.
“Okay, I was talking about Timothée Chalamet. He looks so pretty”, was the lie you came up with. You couldn’t tell them you were talking about Luke. You had just seen his new Instagram photo and can’t get over his pretty blue eyes. And his curly locks. And that god-damn jawline. And his….well, everything.
“I know right! Maybe we should go watch the new movie so we’ll have some eye candy”, your friend winked.
“It’s a date”, you laughed.
You were still waiting for Luke to pick you and your two friends up. But he was late, like he always was. You had lectured him about his tendency to be late countless times. But he could never learn, could he? It was needless to say that you were pissed off. 
Twenty minutes rolled by and Luke finally showed up. He offered his apologies to you and your friends. Your friends had already gone out and got themselves seated in the car, while you and Luke were still inside of your flat. Luke needed hairspray to lock his hair in place. Then Luke made his way to the hallway while you were checking that you had everything necessary with you. That one time you forgot your keys back home still haunted you, hence you had to double-check everything now.
“You got everything?”, Luke held the door open for you and the button of his already opened black and white star-patterned collar shirt popped off. “Oops”, he chuckled to himself. He didn’t bother to fix it. Not when he noticed you basically drooling over him. 
“Yeah”, you answered nonchalantly and avoided eye contact with him. You had been on the edge the whole day and Luke being late didn’t exactly make you feel any better.
“I hate that you’re mad at me, but you look so hot right now”, he smirked at you. Luke was always like this with you. He flirted with you and you flirted back when it felt natural. But since he started to hang around the brunette woman - whose name you didn’t even know - you started to think that maybe you should stop flirting back. But you didn’t know if they were exclusive or not. Luke didn’t exactly bother to open up about the romance department in his life. Not to you anyway. 
“Thanks. I like your hair”, you commented. You noted how he saw you fiddling with your bracelet. It was the one Luke won from Push A Prize that one Saturday night in July. Its pearls were your favorite color, blue.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too long?”.
“I think it’s good”.
“Just good? Don’t you mean gorgeous? Perfect?”, the blonde rockstar snarked.
“Shut up”, you slapped his hand gently and giggled.
"You okay?", he asked quietly as you were still fiddling with the bracelet.
"Yep, let's go", you gave Luke a small smile and received a nod in return. You took the passenger seat and he sat next to you and fired the engine.
“Took long enough”, one of your friends commented. “Blame Luke and his Prince Charming hair”, you rolled your eyes and looked at your friends in the backseat, and then at the man beside you.
"Geez, thanks for throwing me under the bus", Luke answered sarcastically, tapped the steering wheel with his fingers and turned the music up. Nickelback, of course.
You arrived at Calum’s house. You were walking side to side with the blondie, hand in hand. It was natural. You gravitated towards each other all the time, but you took it as a sign that you felt comfortable with him. Not just anyone could make you feel this way. 
“We’re in public, you know that right?”, you asked him as he was still holding your hand. You couldn't even count the times people mistook you for a couple, and doing these kinds of things that could be seen as couple-y felt a bit odd for you sometimes.
“Yup”, he popped the p and offered you a cheeky grin.
“So why are you still holding my hand?”, you genuinely asked Luke whose eyes were fixated on the crowd of people mingling.
“Don’t want you to get lost. I know you’re bad at taking directions”, he smirked and saw you looking at him with a questionable look. Those words sounded like honey and you hated yourself for it. Oh, only if he wasn’t as charming as he was. It would make everything so much easier for you.
“Right”, you laughed it off and rolled your eyes. It’s not like you haven’t been to Calum’s house a million times before…
“You should wear that dress more often”, he cooed confidently into your ear and let go of your hand. 
“Okay, Mr. Leather Pants”, you laughed and avoided his eye contact. You disappeared into the sea of people and fixed yourself a drink. You didn't really know what to think about Luke's behavior. He was flirtier than usual and you couldn't pinpoint why. The next few hours were spent by dancing with your friends and having conversations with drunken strangers.
Later, you noticed Luke navigating through the crowd to get to you. He spent a few minutes explaining how his leather boots got stuck in the mud in Europe while touring and how you would have laughed your ass off if you had seen that. Then, the unimaginable happened and he started spinning you around the dance floor. He had always been a fun drunk, that's for sure. He dropped you down carefully from the air and his hands laid comfortably on your waist. But not for long as the upbeat song shifted into a slow one, a shortened version of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. Shit.
You wrapped your hands around his neck almost intuitively. “Fuck it, let’s show them how to dance”, you lifted your left eyebrow and thought of how your hands will be sweaty in under a minute. Or twenty seconds, if you were being completely honest.
Luke placed his ring-covered hands, noticeably bigger than yours, back to your waist. “We’re so much better at this than these amateurs”, he looked deeply into your eyes and it felt like he scanned every little feature in your face. It felt intimidating. Being that close to Luke. Being that close with Luke.
“You should definitely consider Dancing with the Stars”, you commented and smiled as you intertwined your fingers behind his neck.
“You reckon?”, his eyes lit up and it's like you could almost see a blush creeping upon his cheeks.
“I see the UK accent has made a mark on you. Has a nice ring to it”, you confessed as you slow danced with your best friend.
“Thanks to you, ms. English Love Affair", Luke gave you a dirty look and chuckled semi-nervously afterwards.
"Oh, you wish", you replied with a nervous giggle and you two continued dancing in silence.
At 3am the party seems to die out and as usual, Luke walks you to your apartment. About half of the 15 minute walk you have talked about utter nonsense, like how many squirrels Luke saw during the tour and how many latte macchiatos you did during the time he was away.
“Can I ask you a question?", you asked as your heels clacked along the concrete.
“Sure”, Luke answers almost instantly, coughing afterwards.
“You were flirting with me the whole night and…”, you started your monologue which you had planned during the party.
“That’s not a question”, he interrupted and gave you a wink.
“Let me finish, you dumbass”, you answered, your tone being a mixture of playful and irritated.
He zipped his mouth and smiled back at you. You were standing in the front of your apartment, feeling a little cold in the chilly autumn air.
“I just wonder…why?”.
“Don’t we do that, like, all the time?”, he chuckled and stared down at his hands, then scanning your face for a while.
“I guess so, yeah. But it’s innocent. It wasn’t like that today. Or am I crazy? Am I imagining this? Please tell me it was just my imagination, I can- ”, you explained and could already feel how humiliated you'd feel soon.
“I don’t really like to tell you to shut up, but just for once, shhh Y/N. It wasn’t just you”, he took a step closer to you and placed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I like you. Definitely have for a while. Maybe the whole time I’ve known you. I like spending time with you. You are the funniest person I know. And you give the best fashion advice. And beneath that sarcastic exterior is such a soft and empathetic soul. You don’t brag about your kindness, which makes it real. And I could talk to you for hours and never get bored. And for you, I would do the dishes happily. Believe it or not, no one has ever managed to bring out that side of me”, he chuckled as you remain speechless. His sudden declaration of love - well maybe not love, interest perhaps - made you grin like a child who just got a new toy.
“And shit, Y/N, I just adore you. And the way your laugh reminds me of home. I lo-, like how you play with your earrings when you are nervous. It’s adorable. And I-”,
“I don’t need to hear a novel of how much you like me, Luke”, you interrupted him.
“I know, but you deserve it”, he spoke softly and his lips turned into the classic Luke smile, which you found incredibly sweet.
“Save it for later”, you took a long look at those eyes that reminded you of the ocean and down to his pink and plump lips which you had dreamt of kissing for so long. 
And then it happened. His lips were pressed against yours, making the time stop for a while. And his hands in your hair, tugging them slightly, not enough to hurt. Your fingers held the waistband of his pants. The way he moved his lips against yours was hungry, desperate, full of emotion he had never been able to release. It was electric, enough to make you release a little moan into his mouth.
“What the fuck is happening here?”, you heard all of the sudden and both of you turned to see none other than the Michael Clifford pressed against the door.
“And what the fuck are you doing in my apartment?”.
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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lokisprettygirl · 5 months
Deadly Locks (Detective! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Au) (Dark )
Read Chapter 2 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 3
Summary: Daemon gets an anonymous tip that leads him to you.
Trigger Warning: Rape and torture, 18+ , smut, It's a crime thriller so there would be some squeamish dark stuff, read at your own discretion, mention of rape, assault and murder, Speeding and driving under the influence, Reader has long hair, Daemon's hair is up for imagination, Cigarette consumption, some geographical errors
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“Your name is y/n right?” Rebecca asked you so you nodded, she was chained to the other corner of the room, you had no idea what the rapist murderer was trying to do here by putting you two together and you were not interested in finding out his reasons either.
You looked at her properly, she was a beautiful woman with long princess blonde hair and she was covered in bruises from head to toe, some worse than the others.
“He likes you” she said to you, making you give her a sharp glare.
“Who likes me?”
“The kidnapper..he likes you” you chuckled as she said that. Her immature wordings made you feel a little pissed off. You felt awful that you were both driven to this fate together but what gave her the assumption that he preferred you.
“He kills women in a very cruel and sick manner. He's a psychopath with no concept of guilt or empathy inside him ..trust me honey…he likes no one but himself” your voice had a hint of annoyance as you spoke to her to which she responded with a smile.
“I'm Rebecca by the way..do you think we will get out of here?”
“Not unless he finds us”
“Daemon?” you looked at her at the mention of his name.
“How do you know about him?”
“He was talking yesterday..well he was talking to himself.. about Daemon and you” you nodded as she said that. Why was he so obsessed with Daemon? Was it just because he was handling the case?
“Why do you scream so much when you know it's of no use and is only going to bring you more pain?” you asked her to steer the conversation, the motherfucker had told you that he'd cut off her tongue if she keeps doing that and that possibility scared you.
“It's just a survival instinct..why don't you scream?” She asked you and you didn't have an answer for that question. Not really. All you knew was that you didn't want him to break your bones or cut off your tongue.
“Do you think we will get out of here? Go back to our random lives?” She asked you again so you sighed deeply.
“I just know he's doing his best out there to look for us ..” she chuckled as you said that.
“Well If your boyfriend was so good at this job he'd have caught the killer by now”
“Ex boyfriend..and He's our best hope..if anyone can get us out of here it's him”
“I hope so”
While you two were talking he came back and he started with her, he raped her, and she couldn't stop screaming, so he beat her to pulp, you could only cower and cry in the corner of the room.
You felt helpless and weak.
This morning Daemon was woken up by a nightmare, it was about you being hurt and tortured brutally and that has put him on a bad start for the day. He had put the clues together and he had police officers patrolling the Ravenhill area.
Somehow deep down, his instinct told him that that's where he'd find the killer and he wasn't entirely wrong, residing people there had told him that they had seen an old rusty vehicle around in the area but it wasn't blue or a Honda..
Time was of the essence here, he knew he'd never be able to forgive himself if he had failed to protect you.
He needed to act fast and he was determined to do so, he even spent a day going incognito and patrolling the area but it was in vain. And then, he received an anonymous mail, containing a location mark - it was his only lead. Without hesitation, he started driving towards the specified area - a forest outside Belfast. As he drove deeper into the woods, he came across a house in the middle of nowhere.
His eyes widened in shock as he spotted the old Honda parked outside the house. But that wasn't the only vehicle there - there were three or four more such old and rusty cars parked over there, almost hidden by the vegetation. The realization hit him like a brick.
He quickly grabbed his radio to call for back up.
“This is Detective Targaryen, calling for immediate backup. I need all available units to 765.598.6632 immediately. This is a high priority situation, I repeat - this is a high priority situation. I also require an EMT at the location, there are possible injured individuals”
Once the backup dispatch confirmed he stepped out of the vehicle, he was struck by the silence that hung over the area. It was a stark contrast to the chaos that was consuming him 24/7. As he stepped on the porch he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, a minute later a woman opened the door. She was tall, with striking hazel eyes that caught his attention immediately. Then, he was struck by the strong scent of perfume as she greeted him. Her face was carefully made-up with heavy layers of makeup which seemed off to him.
“Hello child, what do you want?”
“Good morning mam..I'm from BPD ..I need to as you a few questions regarding a woman that went missing from the area”
“Oh..sure, give me a minute sweetie”
She spoke in a thick English accent as she excused herself and closed the door.
Even though her words and actions appeared innocuous, he couldn't shake off the sense of unease he felt. It has been a few minutes so when she didn't return he knocked louder this time but got no response. His instincts screamed at him. He took out his gun, and quickly made his way towards the back exit, only to find it open and he saw footprints leaving into the woods.
He wanted to run into the woods but he knew that would only be a waste of time, so he immediately entered the house and his suspicions were solidified. What he saw chilled him to his core. The bottles of lotions lay scattered around the house, some unopened and some completely empty.
But what truly struck fear into his heart were the lifelike statues lying around the house. At first glance, they appeared to be ordinary statues. But as he approached them, he saw that they were made from the embalmed skin of the three victims butchered by the barber killer. Each statue had its own wig, made from the victims' own hair.
He looked around the house but there was no one else there. As the back-up arrived every inch of the house was searched and they found a hidden basement.
You heard the noises coming from the floor above and your heartbeat speed at the thought of being found. You looked at Rebecca and she started to cry and scream as she realized that there were people over there.
Suddenly, a loud sound of pounding boots and shouts filled the air. The door swung open, and several armed police officers burst into the room with their weapons drawn. As they charged in, Daemon followed close behind, his gaze locked on yours instantly as if he was only looking for you and as soon as your eyes met with him the world seemed to come to a halt. Despite the chaos that was swirling around you, he seemed calm and composed like he usually was in such situations.
All you wanted to do was run towards him and hold him close, to feel his warmth and safety. But you were still restrained and unable to move, unable to reach him, they were working on freeing you from the restraints..
And then you saw Rebecca crying, screaming and running towards him for comfort as soon as she was freed. He was taken aback for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.
“Oh god thank God oh god please please please” she cried inconsolably in his arms and he tried to calm her down but both of you needed much more than just comfort, you needed medical assistance, your life wasn't going to be the same moving forward.
So you didn't get to be in his arms, you didn't get to witness him telling you how much he had missed you or how happy he was that you were okay because you blacked out, as soon they had you free of those chains your body finally shut down.
When you regained consciousness, you saw the doctors were scurrying around you, trying to take several tests and take care of the wounds you carried, though there weren't many, not physical. You began to panic again because if this was a dream then you were afraid to wake up in the basement again, trapped and at his mercy. The memories of the hell you had endured came flooding back, and you felt a wave of fear and uncertainty wash over you. As your blood pressure spiked the doctor injected a needle in your arm which only made you struggle more but then you slowly drifted into sleep.
As you opened your eyes next, you saw your mother next to your hospital bed, tears streaming down her face as she gazed at you with love and worry written all over her features. Your friends were all around you as well, their faces a mix of shock and relief.
“Oh god y/n..my baby” your mom hugged you tightly but she didn't get much in response from you.
“How's Rebecca?” you asked her and she was bit surprised by your question,
“She had deeper injuries, she was beaten up but she's getting all the care now …she's not talking to anyone.. except –” she hesitated to finish her words
“Daemon.. she's only talking to him”
Daemon took a seat next to Rebecca, his eyes filled with concern as he took in the extent of her injuries. Her body was covered in bruises which he didn't see on you and he was thankful for that..though he knew the mental trauma you must have now would surpass any physical pain anyday.
“Is there anyone I can call? You don't have an emergency contact..why is that?” he asked her, his voice was gentle as he didn't want her to be afraid of him.
“I have no family “
“What about your friends dear?”
“No friends..I'm not close with anyone"
“Alright.. you're safe now so get your rest. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I'll need to ask a few questions later and take your statement”
She nodded and gave him a smile as he said that.
“You're my hero Daemon..I'll tell you everything you need to know “ she mumbled meekly so he gave her a small smile.
As Daemon walked into your hospital room, he was greeted with a bustling crowd of people. However, as soon as they caught sight of him, one by one, they excused themselves and left the room. Your mother was the last one to leave “I'll be back soon,” she told him, so he nodded.
You weren't looking at him, not really. Your eyes seemed to be fixed on something far off in the distance. The bright light he was used to seeing in those beautiful eyes had disappeared which had made him feel a deep sense of sorrow, regret and guilt again.
“Y/n” as he said your name you turned your head to look at him.
“Can we do the questioning thing later?”
You really thought he had come to take your statement?
He walked towards your bed, took his gun off from the holster and placed it down on the side table before he took his jacket off and placed it on the chair next to the bed.
“That's not what I'm here for” you kept your eyes at him as he said that.
He got into the bed carefully to not mess with the iv drips and he immediately had his arms around you, the moment you felt his warmth and the safety of his arms you broke down in tears and then you cried and cried and cried. His own eyes welled up at the sight of you breaking down like this but he knew he had to be the strong one and he knew he'd have to take care of you not just in physical sense but emotionally and mentally. The trauma you had suffered because of this incident wasn't something you'd forget anytime soon or ever really, no amount of therapy would wipe the imprints the killer had left behind.
“You're safe love..and I won't let anyone harm you again..I'm sorry sweetheart..I'm so sorry I didn't get you sooner” he mumbled softly in your ears and that only made you clutch onto him for dear life. You felt afraid of being alone, you felt scared of that psycho coming back to harm you, to rape you and then to skin you alive.
Since your physical injuries weren't as bad as Rebecca you were allowed to go the next day. They tested you for his DNA but found nothing on you. Your mother hired a lawyer, and you had to undergo psych evaluation for the psychological and sexual torture you had suffered. Your mother was living with you but you know she won't stay forever, she'd have to resume her life but yours felt like it had stopped. You weren't the same person anymore as you used to be, you were broken and damaged and so very afraid to be alone.
Two days later you were getting interviewed by Mary Allen for the Belfast news. This was going to be your life now, you'd be known as the surviving victim of the barber killer for the rest of your life.
Daemon was present there too to support you and you saw Rebecca hugging him as soon as she saw him, she had taken a strong liking towards him, it was understandable, he saved her life and the brutal fate but that didn't mean you didn't feel a certain way about her sudden clinginess towards him.
“I don't know if I want to do this” Rebecca said to him so he gave her a comforting smile. She was a beautiful blonde, tall and attractive in her own regards, her personal life was a mess though, she had a tough upbringing and it was something he was able to relate with.
“You should, both of you ..are not just victims, you're survivors and you need to talk about your experiences, it would be good for you..trust me”
You focused your attention towards your phone, there were plenty of messages from Pierce, you hadn't seen him since you had been rescued, he was a nice guy, but a bit too nice. He had the same eyes and so did Daemon but you knew Daemon would never hurt you.
You looked up as Mary entered the room and introduced herself to you and Rebecca.. she seemed very professional with her business suit and brunette hair tied neatly in a bun.
“Hey stranger” she winked at Daemon and he gave her a glare before his eyes met with you, he walked towards you so you gave him a smile.
“What's going on between you and her?” You asked him so he chuckled,
“Nothing..it's just sex” he told you nonchalantly and you were taken aback by his response.
“You're sleeping with Rebecca?”
“What? No i…”
“Ohhh you didn't mean her–” you got up before he could explain himself further.
As you sat down for the interview a microphone was attached to your shirt and she asked a very generic question at first which was about your individual experiences as if you were sharing pleasantries over tea.
“Well it's hard to talk about” Rebecca spoke so you nodded in agreement.
“Of Course we didn't have the same experience as you can see–” you looked at her as she pointed towards her bruises, surprised at the way she worded it “But I'm glad I got the worst end of it and he spared y/n for most parts”
Mary's face scrunched in sympathy as if she felt bad for her suffering.
“Did you do that on purpose? Did you scream on purpose so he won't hurt y/n?” Mary asked her and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Well yes he took his anger out on me..all my life i have been that person that did nothing for anybody else but herself and when I realized that there was another girl in captivity this voice screamed inside me that told me to step up and protect her..so I took his brunt–” she started weeping mid sentence so Mary placed her hand on hers to offer comfort.
You sat there dumbfounded as Rebecca undermined your suffering and and at the same time made it sound like a sacrifice she had made just for you.
“That was so heroic of you ..to put someone else over you while in that situation is a really brave thing to do”
Rebecca wiped her tears as Mary comforted her.
“So y/n, tell me about the mother, you mentioned before that she sang you a lullaby every night?” Mary asked you but before you could answer Rebecca chimed in again.
“What woman ? I never met her”
At this point you were just done with the interview.
Once it was concluded you detached the mic and stepped out of the room, Daemon immediately followed you as he saw you storming out.
“Y/n” he called out your name but you didn't stop so he closed the distance between you two and grabbed your arms to hold you close.
“Hey ..look at me” he cupped your cheeks and made you look at him, your cheeks were already soaked with tears by that point.
“It's hard enough.. hard enough as it is without people trying to make me feel as if I didn't suffer enough..that i got it easy-” your lips trembled as you spoke,
“You suffered darling..I don't know what those two…fuck it's all my fault..I'm soo sorry”
He hugged you tightly and that's all you needed in the moment.
“I want to go home daemon.. please”
“I'll take you home”
On the way to your home you didn't say anything to him but he knew he had to make you open up to him, he had to leave immediately after he dropped you but there were two police officers patrolling outside your house even though your mum was living with you. Daemon didn't want to take any risk again.
Later that day he stormed inside Mary's office and pulled her aside
“What the hell was that?” He asked her and she chuckled in response.
“What do you even mean and don't talk to me like that”
“That fucking wreck of an interview..she's a fucking victim..she has been through hell and you made her feel awful ..you undermined her suffering”
“I just asked questions and she didn't say anything, Rebecca did ..how is it my fault?"
“Yeah it's not your fucking fault Mary..you aren't going to publish that interview you hear me?”
He warned her before he stormed out of the office. The interview got published anyways, both in paper and it was uploaded on YouTube as well.
He knew he had to focus on the case, the killer was still not caught and he had to look for him before he'd hurt anyone else but all his thoughts were filled with you, you had been through a life changing experience and he didn't want you to feel as if you didn't have him by your side when you needed him the most.
Not again. He didn't want to let you down again..
As he went to your home your mom was in the living room.
“Thank God you're here, she has been in the bathroom for an hour…don't worry she's okay I checked..it's just ..just make her come out..I'll go buy groceries” she told him so he nodded and as she left he locked the door from inside before he went to your room.
As he entered the bathroom he found you soaking in the bathtub, your head was placed on the edge of the tub as you stared out of the tinted window even though you couldn't really see anything. He sat down at the edge of the bathtub.
“I didn't scream Daemon”
“What do you mean sweetheart” he asked you softly, seeing you like this flashed several memories of the older times he had spent with you in a bathtub like this, just relaxing after a long day at times and then making sweet love at others but those days were easier, free from such pain and suffering.
And You belonged to him before, you were his, how did he allow you to slip between his fingers so easily? He should have fought harder to keep you, he should have been more present.
“You know you watch movies and crime documentaries and you think you'd know what to do in such a situation. You think you'd be wiser and smarter and braver but i--" your voice choked on your tears "I wasn't any of those things. I didn't scream when he took me..i didn't scream when he raped me, i froze..i froze and took everything like a coward”
His eyes welled up but he didn't say anything in response, you felt his fingers caressing your cheek so you turned your head and looked at him finally.
“Come on, let's get you out of there okay?”
“I'm naked”
“I have seen you naked plenty of times.. more times than i can count”
He picked you up from the tub, didn't care that his clothes were getting wet, he dried your hair and put you in comfortable clothes but his sweet actions that once brought you comfort now made you feel scared.
“What is it darling..talk to me” he asked you as he noticed your body shivering against his hold.
“I see him.. I see him all the time. I don't wanna…i wanna see you…you're all i thought of while I was in there .. and now I'm here with you but I see him touching me.. hurting me” he cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“Look at me darling..you have to look at me and you have to see me..you're safe now and I won't let anyone hurt you again”
He wrapped his arms around you to pull you out of your head and it took a few minutes but he managed to bring you out of that headspace. As your breathing levelled he pulled away from you slowly.
“I have to go but I'll be back okay?” he said to you as he made you sit down on the bed.
“You don't have to babysit me "
And there she was.
“I'm not babysitting you..I'm taking care of you”
You nodded as he said that.
He was almost out of the door when he turned around to look at you.
“Im glad you didn't scream”
“Why is that?” you chuckled bitterly in response.
“Because that saved you from a hell lot of additional pain” he walked towards you and leaned down to cup your cheeks before he kissed your forehead.
“That was a smart thing to do in that situation, having that fear that you must have felt and still not screaming..that must have taken hell lot of bravery than one could imagine..that's why you'll always be my scrappy little girl”
He kissed your forehead once again before he left. And as soon as he was gone you broke down in tears again. You wanted to stop him and have him come back to you, you wanted him to hold you and make you forget that you two had ever broken up, but you didn't even know whether he still loved you or not. He was seeing other people, having sex with them, he must have moved on.
A few days later as your mother left, he asked you to pack your stuff because he wanted to take you to his place instead of you being here all alone with your weakened state of mind.
You didn't say anything or attempted to refuse to go with him like he had expected. Perhaps you wanted to be with him as well.
Once you reached his house you took a deep breath, you both moved into this place together and when you broke up with him you moved out so being back here felt nice. There were several find memories in the four walls of this house that you cherished deeply.
“Ummm can I borrow a shirt or something..I don't want to unpack right now”
He smiled as you asked him that.
“You know where it is, I'll make some tea for you” he told you before he stepped out of the room to go into the kitchen. As you opened the closet it immediately smelled like his cologne, you pulled a shirt out of the closet but your eyes fell upon a box and you couldn't stop yourself from pulling it out to see what it was.
As soon as you grabbed the small Tiffany box in your hands your eyes welled up..
It was a ring, an engagement ring.
Note : Plenty of things to come and plenty of reveals to happen..I'm excited, this chapter may feel boring but was necessary ☺️
@daddylokisqueen @iamavailablesstuff @123forgottherest @mcufan72 @shuichiakainx @avalyaaa @ajthefujoshi @tatertati-fangirl @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge13 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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prismuffin · 9 months
How would Tim Drake react to his guy crush laying his head on his (Tim's) and wrapping his arms around Tim's waist.
Cause Reader is super tired from both of them having to pull 3 all nighters in a row.
Nothing like a good ol' Crow ask to steer me into my comeback! Anyways LMFAO I think that You and Tim were tired, spending three nights awake in a row will do that to you though. The longer you two worked the closer you were to completing your goal which meant slowly but surely there was less and less work to be done. So for the first time in what felt like a year you finally found yourself able to take a minute away from everything as the only thing you guys had to do now was wait. Well for you at least, Tim himself did have a security camera he insisted on watching 24/7 despite knowing it'd alert you both if it spotted your target. Either way, you having time led you to sit next to Tim on the couch, fatigue immediately enveloping your body. You sighed as your arm snuck its way behind Tim's back, mumbling something about being too tired. A yawn escaping you made Tim chuckle and he suggested you catch some much needed shut eye and that he'd wake you if your target was spotted. You agreed silently, your eyes drooping despite your weak efforts at keeping them open. You decided to let it happen though after rendering Tim's words, your head falling to the side and resting on top of his as your arm tightened around his waist to pull him closer and you fell asleep just like that. Tim however, felt wide awake all of a sudden, his heart beating out of his chest as he feels your rise up and down with your breathing. He gulped, trying to calm himself down and focus on the screen but the way your arm was holding him so tight was very distracting. He couldn't stop himself from leaning into you more either, relishing in your warmth. Maybe he'll just let the computer alert you both after all as he takes the time to enjoy the position you're in. (I tried- I'm a bit rusty so forgive me)
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
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{1700 event}
tw: smut / nsfw / lemon / minors dni / unchecked works
okay I'm excited for this one because it's the ABO verse (alpha / beta / omega) And we have imprinting AND SMUT HOLYYYYYY. I'm kinda rusty at smut so please, just forgive me.
Settings: modern world / ABO universe
Licht x f! reader
You took a deep breath of the fresh air and enjoyed the gentle sea breeze. Finally, you were starting your long awaited solo vacation.
A long island iced tea in one hand and your phone in another, you lay on your beach chair and decided to take a video to upload it to your socials.
Someone walked into the frame of your video, covering the view of the beach.
“Oh, pardon me.” He quickly hastened his pace.
His gentle voice forced your attention to break away from your phone to the direction of the voice.
At the moment you both made eye contact, you felt sparks shivering down your entire body.
A handsome young man, pale skin with ash grey hair pulled back into a tiny man bun, stared right back at you with golden orbs. Despite his lean build, his stare gave you such authoritative vibes that it make your knees go weak.
He was an alpha, no doubt.
He wasn't sitting too far from where you were, so you stole glances every now and then, checking him out.
You sneakily tried to take a picture of him and wanted to send it to amy, your best friend.
bbg.. this man's sooooo fine, check him out
A figure loomed over you, shading you from the sun. You jumped up from your seat seeing that it was the man you were texting Amy about.
"hi." his eyes maintained contact with yours, making your heart race.
"h-hi..?" you squeaked under his intense presence, you could feel some changes in your body and it was starting to get hotter.
"you've been checking me out for some time, do I know you?"
A wave of embarrassment crept up on you as your tongue turned gibberish; unable to produce the right words to say. Damn this alpha being so sleek and confident about himself!
"My name's Licht, what's yours?"
"y/n. sorry I mistook you for someone else." you said lamely.
"oh. alright." he shrugged, and you thought that was it, he was gonna go away and everything was just gonna be over.
But he pulled in closer, his breathe warm on your cheeks, whispering into your ears,"but it seems I have imprinted on you, so I'm not gonna let you go so easily now, omega."
imprinted?? on you? is that even possible? You figured that he just wanted to get into your pants and have probably done so before in the past.
He smiled a smile that looked so soft and gentle on the outside but left shivers running up your spine.
"y-you're crazy!" you quickly pushed him away before you lost control of yourself and got up. You gathered up your things hastily but as you were about to grab your bag and go, Licht held onto your hand.
"I thought you said I was fine? in your text to your friend?" he smile again, this time you swore you saw a little glint in his eyes.
"This is invasion of privacy!" your face was feeling hot.
"I mean, you just took a picture of me without my permission, you know?" he gave you a little wink, sending butterflies running amok in your stomach.
"can i treat you to dinner, y/n? as an apology for everything today. I genuinely want to get to know you."
"No, i'm good." you said and left for the public showers.
God had to be seriously playing a damn prank on you when you went on heat while in the showers. You made sure to wrap yourself up even though it was a hot day out to suppress your scent as much as possible.
But as an omega, you always gave off very strong pheromones while in heat and it always attracted unwanted alphas.
"hey pretty doll, where are you headin? need a ride?" a redhead came up to you the moment you were out. "you're giving off a really sweet scent~"
"go away!" you barked at him
"fiesty, but thankfully, we redheads love a little spice, baby girl."
"leave her alone," Licht appeared once again.
"hey, I got to her first." the redhead tried to size licht up.
With a light push, the redhead was thrown into the walls as you stood there, mouth agape. He turned around to look at you with the same mysterious smile again.
He grabbed your hand this time, with a firm hold, as if he's not gonna let you go unless you followed him.
"I'll send you home." he said after seating you into his tesla.
He leaned over to buckle your seat belt for you, his close presence make your body shiver from his alpha scent, your legs involuntarily crossed each other so you could clamp your thighs together tightly to get some sort of ease from the painfully growing heat in your groin.
You couldn't help but steal some glances at the man in the driver's seat. His long slender fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, his eyes that seemed to hold the sun peeking from underneath the sunglasses.
Even from the jacket he was wearing, you could see that he was well-built, despite his lean figure. And his crotch-
There was a tent.
Right, he was an alpha that just imprinted on you and you were an omega in heat right now. Your scent was overbearing in this small space.
You were touched at his level of self control; a normal alpha like your ex would have just pounced on you, whether you were willing to or not. This man still managed to make small talks with you, but all you could look at were his adam's apple throbbing up and down his throat, thinking about how sexy it was.
You peeked at his "tent" a few times, it was already massive from under the fabric, and you couldn't help but wonder about the size when it was unraveled..
You felt your inner thighs getting sticky from your lustful thoughts and uncomfortably switched legs to cross.
Licht's hands gripped onto the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. He stepped on the accelerator hard and reached your place quickly.
"t-thank you." you unbuckled your seat belt.
"Welcome. Be careful of Alphas when you're on your heat."
"why did you imprint on me?" you asked suddenly and quietly. You really wondered, how did this handsome, perfect man could ever fall for someone like you.
"falling in love and imprinting on someone is not really by choice, I just have an urge to protect you, mark you and mate you." he said it flatly.
The idea of being marked and mated with Licht sent your body into overdrive, the heat in your arousal becoming unbearable as your breathing started to get laboured. You curled your toes and clenched your thighs tightly together.
Licht leaned in towards you, one hand reaching out to press against the door on your side, caging you in the passenger seat, "why does it seem that you liked what I just said?"
"n-no..." you mewled.
"you sure..?" he leaned closer to your ears, voice turning into a whisper, "don't think I didn't notice you looking at my dick."
He stroked the tip of your earlobe with his tongue, causing you to whimper.
He gave a small chuckle hearing your whimper and placed his palm on your knees, drawing small and gentle circles on your skin, "your body is giving out so much pheromones that it's almost choking me, sweetheart."
His touch made your body yearn for a release so much that the pain in your below started to get more unbearable. Your mind was getting hazy and you felt like you were about to pass out.
Curse you and your omega type, your bad timing heat AND your indecent thoughts on this man. Your hand reached out to tug on his forearms, "h-help me.."
His teeth gritted together as he swallowed slowly, pulling all of his strength together to not tear off all your clothes and rut crazily into you at this instant.
His hands glided up your knees and up your thighs as your other hand fist onto his shirt. He reached to your inner thighs, feeling your arousal on them.
"You're that soaked? or you've already cummed from your dirty thoughts of me?" he pulled back a little to question you, but your face was already bright red with your mouth slightly agape.
Your reaction made Licht yank you into a passionate kiss, pressing you down against the leather seats. His fingers finally reached your crotch, trying to get access.
"Help me out here, baby girl. Spread out for me."
Your hand let go of his shirt and reached out to pull your fabric to one side as you parted your legs so he could reach into you easily.
"so wet, jesus." he commented as his fingers touched your soaking hole.
You moaned impatiently as you felt the tip of his fingers brush against your entrance. Your hand that was on his forearm pulled him closer to you, begging for intrusion.
He put two digits into you with ease, filling up your cunt with his long slender fingers. Your walls gushed against him, swallowing and clenching against his fingers.
His thumb swirled against your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you, forcing out cries and lewd moans from your throat. Your hips tried to rub against his hand, desperate to find your release.
You finally found the knot growing in your stomach and your moans started to get louder, not giving a care in the world about anyone that was outside of this car.
Licht suddenly pulled his fingers out of you, earning a cry from your mouth.
"Sorry sweetheart, I can't take it anymore," he unbuckled his pants and freed his member.
You stared. It was indeed huge.
He wrapped his fingers around himself, giving his penis a good few pumps. You could see his arousal forming at the tip of his sword.
"come," he beckoned for you to sit on his lap, "take all you want sweet thing."
Your gaping hole wanted him, seeing his member made you want to rut crazily on his cock.
You crawled on top of him with all your strength, straddling him, hovering your entrance above his dick.
Licht pulled your thighs further apart, so your hold opened wider as he slowly guided you to lower yourself.
His tip pierced through your entrance, electrifying your senses, pushing against your gummy walls.
You slowly but impatiently sat on him, swallowing his huge cock to it's hilt, whilst your body froze and your mouth was slightly agape in silence at the intensive pleasure.
You finally sat down fully, mewling at his tip pressing against your deepest spot. You could already feel the knot in your abdomen arising again as you naturally rocked against his hip.
"That's it, good girl." he coaxed you, as he reached into your shirt and underneath your bra to fondle with your nipples.
"ahh~" you cried out again, "cumming.. m cumming!"
"mhmm, good girl, cum by yourself on my dick,"
you bounced up and down, letting his tip kiss your cervix again and again until you felt a wave of pleasure tipping over.
Licht felt it too; your walls clamping so tightly against him, your bouncing getting weaker, so he steadied you with both his arms and rutted mercilessly into you.
The stimulation and the sudden speed sent you into your climax suddenly, bursting all kinds of pleasure nerves in your body as your body froze for seconds.
Your walls pulsate against his dick violently as you felt fluid squirting out of you. Your mouth was in a silent o while you were stuck in your euphoria.
You screamed at the overstimulation when he continued pounding into you as you came down from your high.
"bear with me.." he said through gritted teeth as he continued his rampage.
With one last hard thrust, he emptied himself into you.
You collapsed against him, catching your breath as he stroked the back of your hair.
"Be my mate and let me mark you." he said in between breaths, "I want to knot you over and over so you can have litters of my kids."
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littlecharmingenvy · 11 months
Belphie Headcannons
This is the first thing I've written for a fandom in literal YEARS so forgive me if I'm a little rusty- but anyways belphie headcannons!
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), mentions of lesson 16, belphie being a little shit
<3- Steals your clothes to put them on his pillows to sleep with. Doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, as soon as he gets comfortable with you, say goodbye to your comfy sweatshirts
<3- Very clingy. Thinks he's being slick ab it (he's not) always finding excuses as to why he ended up right where you are, totallyyy a coincidence. Brushing your teeth? That's crazy, so is he. Getting up for a midnight snack? Suddenly he's wide awake. For a yandere, he's got an awful lot of tsundere habits
<3- If he knows you'll be busy with plans with someone else -especially one of his brothers- he just so happens to fall asleep directly on your lap and just won't wake up. Oh, you weren't able to make it? That's ok, you can just nap with him instead :)
<3- ^^^ only gets away with this because he's the youngest. He knows his siblings can't bring themselves to be as mad at him as they should when he brings out the puppy eyes and he uses that to his full advantage
<3- Speaking of the puppy eyes, no one's safe except for MC. Bonus points if they're an oldest sibling who's used to it from their own siblings, or are a youngest sibling themselves so they know what tf is up. The others don't know how they don't fall for it, and it frustrates Belphie as much as it entertains him
<3- Even tho he's fairly small for a demon, he still stands at about 6'2. He's the second shortest of his brothers, Asmo being the shortest.
<3- Still gets nightmares from when he killed MC. He always goes to them for comfort, but the guilt of it all eats him alive. He never tells them why he's upset, but MC has an idea
<3- This man wouldn't know a coping mechanism if it hit him in the face. Relies on Beel to process things and to comfort him, which Beel is happy to do. Belphie tries to return the favor when he can. He's awful at comforting people, but Beel finds his awkwardness with it strangely comforting
<3- overall this man is just a pisces (bitch) who is too tired to process things. but, he is sweet when he wants to be
<3- brat. Doesn't matter if hes domming or subbing, full fledged brat. Anything you want from him, you'll have to (figuratively) beat it out of him
<3- He's torn between preferring to dom or sub. On one hand, he loves the control domming gives him, as well as any chance he can get to break you. On the other hand, he doesn't have the energy to a lot of the time. Plus, it's nice to let himself get taken care of sometimes. doesn't mean you won't have to fight him to get him to sub tho
<3- Prefers receiving versus giving head. He doesn't mind giving, in fact he enjoys it, but boys just lazy :(
<3- Does enjoy when you sit on his face, especially since it's less work for him. Likes teasing you by making you keep eye contact, and will stop if you do.
<3- I've seen a lot of people say he would fall asleep during it, and as hilarious as that image is, I'm not sure if he would. Idk, I just feel like he'd be too into it to fall asleep. Might fall asleep while you give him head tho-
<3- in theory, he'd have some pretty out there kinks, but they normally stay confined to his fantasies, as he doesn't feel like putting the effort in to test them out and totally not because he's scared you'll think they're weird
<3- Overstim him!!! please!!! He'll stop his bratting real quick once he realizes you still aren't stopping after he's cum for the 3rd time-
<3- On the opposite end, if you want to see him cry, edge him. He can take being overstimulated like a champ, but with edging he'll break after 15 minutes if you're lucky
&lt;3- adores cockwarming, and will often fall asleep while inside of you despite your protest. He just wants to be as close to you as he can get, especially after a hard day. How could you say no when he asks so nicely? :(
<3- not much aftercare from him. If you ask, he'll help you clean up, but otherwise he tells himself he'll deal with it when he wakes up. always regrets it when he wakes up tho
anyways hope y'all enjoy!!! live, laugh, lethargic-
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