#for padfootastic
Under The Same Sky
Sirius after James's death—(I know, I'm sorry. They're both alive in my heart as well)—he's at the funeral and this is the speech he's giving. 
In this AU, Peter was charged and arrested.
This is written in first POV; basically, Sirius talking to James’ grave. Because I need closure. 
Cool? Cool. Let's begin.
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No one walks in to be killed with a smile.
Nobody, I suppose, but you, James.
Your smile could kill people, with its beauty, James. The way your hazel eyes would light up whenever you were pleased as though they had captured the molten gold rays of the sun.
Your smile was beautiful. It was a work of art, truly. The eighth wonder of the world. A wonder that the world, and I were permitted to see. A wonder that shall never be seen again.
Your smile will forever live in the letters you've written, and the photos I've taken, but they will never live on you now, will they?
You died with a smile, literally. When I walked into the room, you had a smile of utmost peace. What were you thinking about in your last moments James?
I wish I could ask, just like the old times. Just like yesterday, before you were murdered.
I can still ask.
But, this time, Jamie, you can't answer.
To me, our friendship was magic, James, pure and simple. To a child who has spent his life repenting for the actions of those beyond the grave, it had been a new way of looking at the world.
They say that the world’s most beautiful piece of magic is the very first Hogwarts Letter.
I disagree.
Those crimson-written, perfectly bow-tied letters that you'll never write again were different.
A stern woman with a tight smile did not write them instead, they were written by a boy whose soul seemed to be a gentle blend of light and dark. One so young and old, of harmony and discord, and somehow home to a spirit so young.
I wish I could have run my hand through your hair one last time once more you. Wish I could've smiled at you one last time. I wish I could have told you that I loved you before you...died.
Before you smiled your last smile.
Before you took your last breath.
Before you left us, left me.
Before, before. Isn't it amusing, Jamie, that whenever we look back, we see time frozen and still? We capture it in little words and phrases: before, back then, back in my days, those days, remember the times— as if the only way to let a moment stay is to label and distill it. Capsulize, crystallize, and classify it all. And it stays there all organized on the timeline in preciseness. Like a bookshelf.
Like your bookshelf.
I remember the first time I saw your family tree. I remember being stunned by the fact that it was a real tree, a tree that bloomed fruits.
The gold fruits were for those in your family who are among us, who live, breathe, and laugh because they're Potters'. And that's what Potters' do. That's what we do.
Or what we used to do.
I remember the tsunami of sorrow that had crashed into you, into me, into us, the day we found out that your parents died. We both felt disbelief when we found that their fruits had turned silver.
You touched the crystal apple and cherry with such tenderness that day as if you were afraid that one small touch would break it. I was afraid that you would break.
I'm afraid to go see the tree, because I know I'll see that silver mango hanging from that tree. And I'm afraid that when I do, I'll snap. Because that would mean, that you're really gone James, and I just can't accept that.
'Denial is not a good look on you, Padfoot,' that's what you would say if you were here. But, that's the problem, isn't it? You're not here when you're supposed to be.
Because you're dead.
You were my blue crayon, the one I never had enough of, the one I use to color my sky.
The one that's not in my crayon box anymore.
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siriuslystarbucks · 1 year
“Sirius Black betrayed the Potter’s, killed a long time school friend and 12 muggles, and was a supporter of You-Know-Who all along!”
The Order/people that actually knew Sirius: I KNEW IT. Never trusted that guy.
Death Eaters: ............Sirius? Sirius Black? Killed the Potter’s? I’m sorry, are we talking about the same Sirius Black? Maybe you’re thinking of someone else. Yeah, I think you’re talking about someone else, cause there’s no way. Or maybe you mean a different Potter family? Yeah, it could be a different Potter family, definitely not the one with James Potter, cause that’s- yeah, no, there’s no way betrayed James Potter. Have you seen the way he looked at that guy? He’d burn down the rest of the world before he let James get a paper cut. Seriously, have you ever met him? Because if you met him, James would’ve been standing right there, and there’s no way you could see the two of them together and be so wrong. Are you sure you’re thinking of the right Potter family??
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impishtubist · 1 year
There need to be more post-POA fics where Sirius doesn’t grovel for Remus’s forgiveness (because he didn’t do anything wrong!), and where he actually gets to be properly angry at everyone who left him to rot (Remus, McGonagall, Andromeda, Dumbledore, etc.)
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
hehehe did not see the word requirement but, for sirius & narcissa: madness, perhaps?
HIIII this is 150 words, not 100, and I already cut a bunch of stuff so… here you go ♥️
Though grandmother is nattering in her ear about propriety, Narcissa may be the only one to spot it.
A spark of a pale, icy blue magic zips through the air like an arrow, colliding with its target — intended or not, she’s unsure — without a sound. She watches as the ice sculpture starts to groan, then teeter, before crashing onto the smooth marble floor in a cacophony of noise. Daddy startles so badly he trips over his own feet and staggers into the refreshment table; the expensive crystal flutes shatter as one.
As the family gathering descends into chaos — mummy in particular is shouting abuse in daddy’s confused face — her cousin sidles up to her, shoulder pressed against hers.
“Madness, isn’t it?” Sirius murmurs. He smirks when she twists to stare at him, looking very satisfied with himself. “It was getting a bit quiet, Cissa.”
“You’re awful,” she tells him, but she’s smiling.
send me an ask with 2 characters and a word and i’ll write a +/- 100 word drabble
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regulusfate · 2 years
an absence where it’s most cold p1
tw: implied panic/ panic attacks 
some dadfoot towards the end ( & subtle hedric )
“Life sucks,” Harry groans softly, sinking down and displacing a scatter cushion with a grimace, door falling shut behind the heat prickling at his skin.
There’s shade in the drawing room, where the sun can’t quite billow through the window, and the dregs of an oncoming storm are held at bay. It’s cooler, like sweat trickling down his back – and his nose scrunches in disgust – welcoming it with a deep breath of air.
He’s not thinking of the heat though, teeth pulling at his bottom lip, a fresh bloom of rose and the prick of blood as it breaks the skin. Hands sifting through his lengthening hair, the touch of curls, damp with water and Fred’s water gun, that left his ear ringing.
A dull ache seated in the ribbons of his chest.
(eagle spread, eyes blank, limp, limp, limp)
It’s the yells – that send his knee’s tumbling, the stain of grass against his skin, the urge, of clawing hands at his skin, to cover his ears. Too sharp, too bright. The flicker of the shadow, the bird overhead (-pigeon) It’s not their fault, as his heart echoes in painful thumps until he can tap away the pressure and exhale. Cedric had looked -
There’s silence in the drawing room.
It would be nice, calming, if Harry wasn’t expecting a reply.
But Regulus was there, with parchment scattered along the table, sinking down in the shade and his shoulders seemed more hunched than he remembered. Dark, bruised eyes glance up, and they linger, meeting his own, but there is no remark.
Not even disapproval.  
“Uncle Regulus?” he feels almost, nervous. “Are you okay?”
His grip is white, jagged, close to tearing the paper he’s gripping. A streak of light, scrubbing a hand down his face and Harry can see the beginnings of a stubble (“growing a beard, reg?” sirius grins , falters, eyes narrow, the candle on the table flickers).
There’s an exhale and it shudders, unsteady, catching.
“I’m fine, love.”
For a second, warmth bleeds into his heart, and down to his stomach, before it coils like acid and churns, an ocean tearing apart the tide.
He loves the nicknames, and Sirius is filled with them, even before the adoption. Honey, love, bug, roe. With hands stroking his hair, and arms slipping around his shoulders, learning to fall asleep on his shoulder (‘see, it’s fine, remus does it all the time’ a bright smirk, a pillow tossed at their heads’) He’d once told them, it’s like standing under blossom and watching the petals fall.
But Regulus was different. Not like Sirius or Remus, but not exactly Snape either, Harry didn’t know how to pinpoint it. Regulus liked manners, and tidiness and peace. Not so open, not so closed – it was like a storm in itself. He’d always point out when others were using the wrong cutlery, but never Harry. He’d sit in the armchair away from the fire, as if he didn’t want to be there, but always answered questions in the same soft voice.
Regulus made a point of calling him harry, when Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of his head and called him honey.
He liked privacy.
But he was here, calling him ‘love’, and he looked – sick, almost.
“Are you sure?”
Harry shifts, squaring his shoulders, half expecting a biting remark that Regulus often proclaimed, never at him but surely, it would come at some point. Instead, he’s pressing a knuckle to his lips, and it shakes faintly in a way Harry recognises, like a stone falling in the pit of his stomach, cold, awash. He pinches his wrist. Stay calm.
But a nervous energy was building, and the sweat on his palms was no longer from the heat.
It doesn’t sound okay, as Regulus rubs a thumb against his eyes and inhales shallowly. A tenseness in his shoulders, that seems almost normal, uptight, stoic, except his voice is not firm enough for that.
“I’m fine, love.”
love, again.
He hates that it hurts.
That it fuels the ache in his chest. That he wants this more ( wasn’t sirius enough? ).
Regulus reaches out and squeezes his knee as the door opened.
Cedric’s head pops round the door, a thin scar tracing the edge of his face, but a tired smile lingers on his lips. It drops a little, as his eyebrow furrow’s, something curious, hovering in the doorway.
“Hey, your dad said to gather everyone for lunch.”
Cedric pauses, as if he wants to say more, eyes shifting between them. Regulus gives a thin, wavering smile, that is more of a grimace.
“Go eat, Harry.”
The stone falls again, a bloom of pain in his stomach. Disappointment itches on his skin.
“I’ll be along in a bit. I have work to finish.” Regulus’ voice is strained, but it still holds a command.
He pauses. A deep breath, he would stay. He should stay.
“You coming, Harry?”
“Sure,” a pang in his chest and a lump in his throat. But Regulus gives him a nudge with his knee.
Cedric’s hand brushes the small of his back as they pass. It’s nice, a soft buzz lingering beneath the cloth.
Sirius is coming down the hall as they head up, and something relieved leaps into his mouth, a soundless sigh. He looks faintly amused, as Harry grabs his wrist, a hand flattening his hair instinctively.
“Lunch is on the tables outside, just help yourselves.”
Cedric nods, and Harry clears his throat hesitantly. Sirius’s hand moves, in a familiar motion, pushing a lock of hair from the soft green of his eyes.
“Everything okay?”
Cedric hovers a little further up but turns away, admiring the wallpaper with mild interest, as though he hadn’t seen it a hundred times before.
“Uh – it’s Uncle Reg,” and Harry isn’t sure what else he can say, but Sirius squeezes his shoulder with a soft hum, and steers him towards the kitchen, with a glance back at the open door.
“Ah. You go and eat, before the rain takes away the sun.”
It’s not the most subtle he has ever been, and Harry’s stomach protests in concern, as Sirius turns away, wishing there was something he could do to help.
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
hello hello hello
i haven’t read ur new fic yet (why real life responsibilities why) but i just wanted to come in here and scream because!!!!! just the summary itself!!!! oh my god. sharing a bed? fake dating? yearning and pining and secrets? i am absolutely losing my entire shit!!! (and i just know this’ll be so good bc u write them so well and i cannot wait for this day to be done so i can unwrap it like a proper gift but thank u sm for writing what i’m sure will be a wonderful, beautiful story <3)
Ahhh hey, thank you so much, you just made my morning!! <33 And ugh yes, why real life responsibilities indeed 😩I do hope it'll be worth the wait! I really like how this one turned out - I haven't written Sirius' pov in a long time (apparently? It wasn't in purpose idk how this happened tbh???😂) and it was so fun, so yeah I do hope you'll like it!! ❤️
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abihastastybeans · 2 years
i think it’s supposed to be ‘i love you most ardently’ 💀 💀
Oh shit
That's what that is lmaooo
Thanks pen!😂
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The one word that best fits Percy, Annabeth thinks, is Gentle. And it is entirely by design.
Percy grew up hated by his stepfather, hated by his schoolmates and teachers and tutors. He grew up with the words "delinquent", "stupid", "troublemaker" thrown at him, stinging his heart at first and then sliding ineffectually off his back over the years. Annabeth has seen him at his worst, and she knows that it is not in Percy's nature to be gentle. He's a hurricane.
It's in everything he does.
His eyes shift and change with the tides, with his emotions, from happy to angry to sad to exhausted to smug all within moments of each other. Sometimes, she catches a glimpse of something Other, something that makes him look cruel and heartless in the worst yet most beautiful of ways. The first time she had seen that look was when he had packed up the head of Medusa to send it to the Gods.
(It had scared her, then. Now any reminder of it makes her laugh.)
He holds himself in a way that says fuck around and find out, in a way that says he's the most dangerous person on this planet and he knows it, in a way that makes you stop and look and then stamp down the urge to take a few steps back. His back is always straight and his shoulders are always pulled back, but he always looks relaxed. His head is always a little low, reminiscent of the way a bull lowers its head when it's going to charge. His hands are always in his pockets, fiddling with a pen that has been with him since he was twelve. People scatter out of his way like getting within ten feet of him would get them killed.
(They're not wrong.)
Annabeth can only describe his fighting as chaotic. He is a literal whirlwind, movements fluid and unpredictable, sword slashing through the air with such speed that it's almost invisible. He's terrifying and beautiful and mesmerizing when he wages war, all sharp edges and ruthless strikes placed right where it would take his opponent down the fastest. Sometimes when he feels particularly violent, his hits are non lethal yet painful, making his opponent cry and scream, making him grin with teeth too sharp and eyes too bright.
And yet.
Gentle is the best word Annabeth can think of to describe Percy.
Percy, who cradles her face oh so carefully when he kisses her softly and slowly, just the way she likes when a nightmare wakes her up. Percy, who curls up into a ball next to her and buried his head into her stomach to hide from the terrors in his own dreams. Percy, who looks at his sister with the most adoring look Annabeth has ever seen on his face, who smiles at his mother with that spark of awe in his eyes like he still can't believe he got such a wonderful mother, who is patient and caring with every camper that asks him to help.
She can only think of gentle.
Gentle, because Percy likes to be reminded of the good things in the world. Gentle, because Percy works towards being so despite it not being a natural part of him. Gentle, because after years of war and bloodshed and battle and violence, they have made it to peace. Peace, where they can afford to make the choice to be gentle.
Percy is a Hurricane. Percy is Gentle.
Annabeth loves all of him.
Tag list:
@narcissa-black-supermacy @the-chaosbringer @in-flvx @padfootastic @gracelesslady23 @mycupofrum @just-another-godless-god @fiendishfyre @ad1thi @prongsfoot-wolfstar @siriuslystarbucks @xxmysticrose18 @ghostie-06 @pan-diasaster @h-m-i-a-n @constant-diablerie @strwbi-laces @shanti-ashant-hai @remen-nyoodles
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the-chaosbringer · 1 year
More Prongsfoot Headcanons
Previous HCs
They're the It Couple of the school. They are so sickeningly in love and everyone else is jealous of it.
James will randomly go out into Hogsmeade to buy Sirius flowers. Sirius always lets him braid the flowers into his hair. It looks very odd; brightly coloured flowers in the black hair of a 6'4 tank dude who exclusively wears black clothes and silver punk jewellery, but the two of them like it.
Sirius though; Sirius randomly goes to Hogsmeade to buy James books. James mentions a book in passing that he wants but doesn't have the time to get? The book will be waiting on his bedside table in the morning when he wakes up. At this rate Sirius might as well just buy an entire library. (James, the giant bookworm, falls more in love every time.)
Sirius is obsessed with James' thighs, and James is obsessed with Sirius' neck. They would be just laying on top of each other doing nothing, and James would randomly just start sucking love bites into his throat, collarbones, shoulders. He says it helps him collect his thoughts. Sirius absolutely does not mind; he simply tilts his head back. James has fallen asleep sucking on Sirius' neck. Multiple times.
During sex though, James will dig his teeth into every possible area of Sirius' neck and shoulders. Fast forward to later in the day when they're in public, and everyone is uncomfortably aware of James' obvious limp and Sirius' bright purple hickeys, and both of them have self-satisfied smirks on their faces.
Sirius is generally a very chill dude. He doesn't get mad or angry a lot, but he does get annoyed, and when he does, he slips back into his French accent. James gets very flustered whenever he does that, and intentionally annoys him to his limits just to hear him speak French. (It gets him fantastic angry sex. The first time it happened, he couldn't sit or walk right for four days.)
Sirius never gets jealous, but he does get possesive. The one time someone dared to try and ask James out in front of him, he stood behind James and stared the poor boy down till he shuffled away in terror. James thinks it is extremely hot that he can make people piss their pants just by staring at them. Sirius thinks James is deranged. James argues that Sirius is the same. Sirius agrees.
Sirius doesn't play quidditch— he's on the broom racing team. He doesn't like playing quidditch. He loves watching it, sure, but he would never willingly get on a broom for quidditch... unless it's James asking him. Then he'll be the quickest on the pitch. (Again: he's ridiculously soft for James.)
Both of them took twelve OWLs; Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, DADA, Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, CoMC, and Magical Theory. Both of them got Outstandings on all subjects. Remus was slightly mad about this; he'd slaved and slaved at studying, and he got Outstanding on only five of his his seven OWLs. Peter, on the other hand, was completely fine with his six Exceeds Expectations and one Outstanding in Muggle Studies.
Sirius finds out in the vacation before 7th year that Regulus has a "tiny" crush on James, and promptly laughs himself sick about it. Regulus doesn't talk to him for a month. When he does, it's to tell Sirius that his crush is gone. (Neither of them believe it, but Sirius lets it slide. As long as Reg doesn't try to fuck with their relationship, he doesn't care.)
Where Sirius gets possessive, James gets jealous. When Remus accidentally revealed his crush on Sirius, James accidentally forgot the silencing charms around his bed that night when he rode Sirius to oblivion. Neither Remus nor Peter can meet his and Sirius' eyes the next day, and James feels shameless victory curl in his chest even as Sirius gives him a knowing look. Sirius is his, and his alone.
@ambrxsiaa @narcissa-black-supermacy @soopsiedaisies @in-flvx @achilleslikespeas @padfootastic @impishtubist @mycupofrum @fiendishfyre
(lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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prongsfootfest · 7 months
Prongsfoot Fest 2023 Masterlist
We had 13 amazing works created for this fest! A huge thank you to everyone who participated!
Mirroring by StruggleQuill {E | 2,023}
My place of refuge by Plecotusauritus {E | 19,468}
Motorcycle Diaries by @jollyrolls / unarmedpeanuts {G | Digital Art}
Run Through the Unbearable Night Beside Me by Periferal {M | 6,461}
the gleam of the knife's edge by @gracelesslady23 / Graceless_Lady {M | 4,373}
mansplain, manipulate, malewife by soopsiedaises {T | 8, 902}
Ambush on All Sides by @groundzero-v / GroundZero_V {15,308}
The grand wedding of '78 by @jollyrolls / unarmedpeanuts {T | Digital Art}
Line Without a Hook by @strugglequill / StruggleQuill {E | 12,189}
love for days by seraphina_bane {M | 3,311}
screw loose by griddlebones {E | 16,279}
something wrong with you (that is also wrong with you) by Padfootastic {M | 2,890}
Sirius Black's 4-Year Plan for Getting Your Man by SpottyWriter {T | 4,080}
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my accompanying drabble to @padfootastic's recent piece (also not proofread at all so please excuse the incoherence)
James with adhd and protective Sirius who will fight anyone who hurts his friends, told from Lily’s POV.
Lily does not really start paying attention to James Potter and Sirius Black until fourth year. She says James Potter and Sirius Black because in her head, it goes together, saying one without the other, while physically possible, is not very likely, and always leaves a feeling of something missing, something being out of place, something being not right. Like only having a knife for dinner, without a fork to accompany it.
She does not really pay attention to their antics when James keeps turning around in his seat every ten minutes during class to whisper something at Sirius even after they’ve been separated; does not listen when he talks loudly over breakfast, jumping from story to story, getting distracted in the middle, never properly finishing anything while Sirius just sits there and laughs at it anyway; does not really pay attention when on their very first day of flying class, James Potter surges up into the sky after he’s just explicitly been told not to do that, almost falls, laughs, winks at them from above, then almost falls again, all the while being yelled at by Madam Hooch and cheered on by Sirius Black, who got his own fair share of scolding after that for endorsing him.
She rolls her eyes, clicks her tongue and looks away.
When James shows up to class late yet again, grinning sheepishly with his hair sticking in all directions, apologising to the professor with the same old excuse of mixing up the hours, she rolls her eyes; when he keeps tapping his foot against the floor, twirling the quill between his fingers restlessly as his eyes keep darting around until the ink is spilled all over his robes and desk, she clicks her tongue; when he starts telling something when they’re all gathered in the common room around the fireplace, words an incoherent jumble of excitement that get mixed up so badly as he keeps jumping around from subject to subject that nobody around him is keeping track of anymore, she looks away.
She looks, but she does not see. She sees, but she does not notice. She notices, but she does not understand.
Not until Sirius Black, that is.
“What’s your deal?” The boy snarls angrily, abruptly jolting up to his feet to make his way over to where she and the girls are seated at in the common room.
Lily blinks. Sirius’ cheeks are a little flushed, like they are either when he’s angry, embarrassed or just came back from Quidditch practice (and seeing as it’s neither of the last two, it has to be the first one). His light grey eyes are narrowed, glinting at her dangerously with a promise of trouble in them, and one of his hands is clenched into a fist by his side. He seems upset.
Lily just looks at him. She has no idea where this hostility erupted from all of a sudden - everything seemed perfectly normal to her, up until this point.
James and the boys have been in their corner of the room, as per usual, quiet enough to keep an aura of mystery around them that drew the curious eyes of anybody who did not know better, but loud enough for it to be impossible to remain unnoticed.
They started off with studying, and then it somehow escalated to charmed paper-folded swans flying all around the room, up to the ceiling, bumping into each other, one of them falling between Mary’s spread out legs on the sofa.
“Just focus on your homework!” Lily yelled at them across the room, frustrated, after she just found herself rereading the same paragraph for the third time. “You don’t have to keep drawing attention to yourself all the time. Nobody cares.”
James smiled at her apologetically from a distance, flashed everybody his symbolic, white-toothed grin, saluted the rest of the boys for a good night, and made his way upstairs. Lily did not think twice about it, settling into the blissful silence of the room.
“What’s your deal?” Mary retorts defensively when Lily just keeps looking at him, confused.
“I wasn’t talking to you, MacDonald.” Sirius snaps viciously before turning back to glare at Lily. “Lay off of him.”
“You want me?” Lily sputters, momentarily at a loss of words. “To lay off of him?” She waits for a punchline, but that never comes, Sirius just stands there, looking like she personally offended him somehow.
“He’s loud.” She says at last, because she’s suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to defend herself, even though she feels she has done nothing wrong. “And annoying. It’s hard to focus like that. Just because he doesn’t care about school, doesn’t mean we don’t either.”
Sirius lets out a laugh. It’s not a kind one. “Hard. Oh, is it?” He mocks. “Well, for him it’s hard all the time, Evans. Deal with it.”
And then he’s gone, furiously stomping up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory.
“Ignore them,” Mary tells her, “they’re both missing a few screws, the two of them.”
Mary is right, Lily has never paid much attention to what Sirius Black and James Potter had to say before, why would she now? But the words, echoing over and over in her head, refuse to let go.
Lily does not roll her eyes anymore after that.
She starts paying attention.
She pays attention to James’ hands, that seem to be unable to pause for longer than three seconds at a time at any point throughout the day, like it physically hurts to keep them still. They come up to ruffle his hair, push the glasses up his nose even when there is nothing wrong with their position; they play with his wand, twirling it around between long fingers, dropping it, bending down to pick it up, tucking it behind his belt, getting it out again, spinning it some more; they do the same with a quill when the wand is out of his reach, dangling it between two fingers restlessly whenever he isn’t writing, sticking it in his mouth, behind his ear, taking it out, putting it back again; occasionally he drops it and ink splatters all around, over the table, his skin, his clothes. He just grins sheepishly with that flashing smile of his that is basically a brand of its own at this point, and gladly accepts the distraction of cleaning up the mess he just made.
He moves around a lot when he talks, gesturing with his hands, jumping up and out of his seat, turning the chair over, sitting on it backwards, then abandoning it in favour of coming to sit on top of the table; he tugs on his friends’ sleeves impatiently when he feels like he’s being ignored, raises his voice more, pushes harder, makes sure he is heard loud and clear, always.
Remus and Peter seem to be accustomed to his antics, they nod along, put in encouraging remarks when it’s needed, remind him of the robes slung over the back of a chair when he gets up to leave without them, shove his books at his chest so they aren’t left forgotten on the desk.
Sirius, for as impatient and irritable as he is with virtually anybody else, is extraordinarily patient with him.
Sirius lets him play with his hair, something he is usually willing to bite people’s heads off for when it’s anybody else who attempts to do that. He settles in between James’ legs when they are sitting on the sofa in the common room, and James’ fingers instinctively, without even realising that, reach into Sirius’ hair, picking it apart into smaller groups, twirling the slick black locks around his fingers, braiding them together, then picking them apart again, over and over. When he does that, his voice grows calmer and his speech becomes slower, more focused, he takes his time to pick out the correct words and formulate sentences that are easier to understand.
Sirius lets him mess with the rings on his fingers, another thing he does not allow anybody else to even come close to touching. They are all different, various degrees of width and thickness, some with small stones or words and designs engraved into them, and others completely smooth and bland; each came at a different time and tells a different story, which Lily never cared much for or bothered asking about. He lets James twirl and move them around, take them off and put them back on, fingers brushing over the different shapes and textures.
He lets James draw on his hands arms with moving ink while they are reciting material in the library for an upcoming exam, lets him trace black patterns into his skin - circles, and trails, and shapes, triangles, feathers, roses.
Once Lily starts paying attention, she can’t help but notice.
Can’t help but notice how just before he grins and laughs it off, James’ expression falters for a second, shoulders sagging slightly and the light of excitement in his eyes dimming out when someone rolls their eyes impatiently, or sighs deeply with a tired look on their face, or clicks their tongue at him with annoyance.
She can’t help but notice how he suddenly falls silent after that, completely shutting down, fingers fidgeting even more than usual in his lap as he tries to remain still and quiet in his spot.
She can’t help but notice the way Sirius always tenses at that, eyes narrowing in warning, his grip tightening, knuckles almost white with the effort. He shifts closer to James, and pokes his cheek, ruffles his hair in an amiable gesture and asks him questions, trying to pull him out of his sombre.
Sirius takes off his glasses sometimes. When things are a little overwhelming, and James goes into a sort of stupor, blinking rapidly, trying to make sense of everything going on around him, Sirius just leans over and slides the glasses off his nose casually, with the usual excuse of taking them to run a cleaning spell, or without even saying anything at all. James relaxes a little, some of the tension leaving his body.
James always leans back into Sirius in moments like this, pulls away and retreats into him, the only thing and place that seems to offer true comfort instead of agitating him even further. Sirius places a hand over his head and pushes the other’s head down, to rest on his shoulder, on his chest, caressing his hair slowly and gently as he leans down just the slightest bit to press a tender kiss to his friend’s temple.
James is loud, he takes up a lot of presence in the room, taking and demanding until there’s nothing left. But with Sirius he is quiet, he is calm and serene, and he never has to shout or even speak to get what he needs.
Sirius in turn is brutal, he is all sharp elbows and rough edges, vicious glares and sarcastic smirks. But with James he is soft and gentle, he is caring in the most selfless way possible, opening up so easily without the other even having to ask, showing vulnerabilities that he would never dare expose to anyone else.
They are both a little bit too much, but for each other, they seem to be just the right bit of enough.
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ladyofthelands · 5 months
To all those who create
Another year down! I wish you and yours a prosperous new year. May your muse be ever faithful in her inspirations, giving you ideas when you have none, guidance to flesh them out, and rest when it is needful. Happy 2024🎉🎊
pass it on
@deadcatwithaflamethrower @husborth
@wuxiaphoenix @obiwanobi @chaunguyenj @samvelg-likes-things @husborth @stagbeetleboy @ginkotracks @padfootastic @liaonyxrayne @d3epfriedangels @teecupangel @quasar-crew
@stealingyourbones @norcumii @frostbitebakery @only1benkenobi @yuumei-art @olderthannetfic @beemovieerotica @teeth-taste-nice @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning @birdantlers
@penny-anna @ljf613 @leantailean @quarra @wolfsrainrules @fanfiction-artist-prototype @minnow-doodle-doo @jube-art @3pirouette @xenosaurus @camgirlkaminari
@i-am-ct-5555 @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @phantost @cookietastic @firefox-official @teapirate @phoenixyfriend @oriandcate @wellpresseddaisy @achairwithapandaonit
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impishtubist · 1 year
hello miss imp <3 havent been in ur ask box in a hot sec but may i tempt u with some dad!sirius?
- harry is an absolute sweetheart except when it comes to bedtime bc he needs his siri with him or he just won’t go to sleep. this becomes a problem when sirius is physically not able to tuck him in (which is the only way he won’t be there lbr). showing him the sky & the dog star stopped working once he grew up a bit; the mirrors weren’t enough after a while & nothing short of sirius’ presence would do. so, sirius decided to charm harry’s stuffed grim to imbue it w his magic so it’s always like he’s with him.
(ok now i’m imagining harry somehow discovering this toy after sirius’ death and fully breaking down in tears bc he can still feel remnants of his godfather and it’s almost like having him back but not and he’s kind of just hit w the fact he’ll never have Sirius back)
- sirius has always had a habit of checking up on harry throughout the night and it doesn’t change when he meets him again as a teenager. when harry moves in w him (bc obv sirius is declared innocent and freed here), he keeps it up until harry finds him tip-toeing thru his room one day. he thinks he’s about to be kicked out/asked not to come back but he forgets one fact: harry is a criminally neglected child and he cannot remember anyone ever once caring about him to this extent. he’s always had to take care of himself & put himself to sleep & soothe his own nightmares so to have sirius do it for him is—heartbreakingly new.
- harry is padfoot’s child as well. since he was a toddler, padfoot has helped him learn to crawl/walk/run; let his canine body be used as a handrail and towel and bed and sofa and footrest and everything in between; acted as a physical barrier between harry and harm etc. harry also tends to go to padfoot when he’s brooding and upset. as a child, the size difference was almost comical—padfoot’s bulk would almost swallow the kid, but even when harry becomes older & bigger, he’s still small in comparison to the grim so the sense of safety and comfort at being fully surrounded by padfoot remains constant.
That first one, oof, I LOVE WHEN SIRIUS IS DEAD AND HARRY IS GRIEVING HIM. Harry finding a toy after Sirius's death that is drenched in his presence/magic? YES PLEASE.
The second one, with Sirius checking on his boy, even when Harry is a teenager? ALSO YES PLEASE.
Padfoot helping Harry walk/crawl/run 🥺🥺🥺🥺HE WOULD. James would be so jealous when Harry is a baby, because like, Padfoot is his??? And now Padfoot is Harry's??? But he's not REALLY jealous, because it's what his Harry deserves.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Hey, can you rec some wolfstar writer/accounts who are Sirius centric/let him be a character of his own? I see so much Sirius who's personality doesn't extend beyond his love of Remus, is called pretty but Remus still gets all the flirting, and also Sirius keeps being called stupid and its so frustrating. Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant
Okay okay, I’ve tried my best but if I forgot anyone I’m sorry! Sirius stans please tag yourselves.
@soloorganaas @narcissa-black-supermacy @elvendorx @artemisia-black @maybebabyplease @msalexwp @oxydiane @yruablackwarbler @heartofspells @plecotusauritus @sliebman10 @mollymarymarie @picascribit t @padfootastic @arizayna @siriuslyqueer @polyjuicedpadfoot @wanderingbandurria @little-shit-soph @zeppazariel @blurryayse
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groundzero-v · 7 months
Snippet (Wednes)Day Game
I finally have something that I want to share! Thank you for tagging me @gracelesslady23, @soup-of-the-daisies, @mycupofrum, @padfootastic and sorry for taking so long ❤️
This was my supposed piece for the SB fest, but it kind of spiraled out of control and I sadly need more time to finish it. Still, have a sneak peak!
♡Prongsfoot. As always
A deep bone chill creeped into Sirius’ bones.
They were back.
“Right,” James chuckled slightly, his eyes still suspiciously wet, “forgot we were in the middle of a jailbreak.”
He grabbed a hold of Sirius’ arm and lightly tugged. “Let’s go.”
The stones were covered with a thin layer of ice, their feet slipping ever so slightly as they hurried down the hallway. With each step, Sirius could feel his legs protesting.
It’s been so long since he could walk more than the length of his cell, but they could hardly afford to slow down - not that Sirius cared. Now that he was running again, he never wanted to stop.
“I left them a little gift to keep them busy!” James shouted as they rushed down the stairs and then through the next dark hall, “Guess they got tired of it.”
“An escapee!” Shouted someone from another cell with a high-pitched laugh, “Good for you! Good for you! Run to help our Lord!”
Sirius sneered, “Fuck your Lord.” 
Another roar of thunder.
Sirius glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a dark shadow gliding down.
Tagging: @solitaire-sol @jamesunderwater @siriuslyasorceress @jmagnabo92 @lovelymasks (no pressure!)
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in-flvx · 6 months
Lets get merry
I got tagged by some lovely people <3 @fxreflyes, @heartofspells, @kaleidoscopexsighs, @pinklume, @hiddenmoonbeam, @jamesunderwater
and I'll tag @strugglequill, @gracelesslady23, @roalinda, @fiendishfyre, @plecotusauritus, @padfootastic but also open tag for everyone who wants to get started to decorate some trees, and get your own for others to decorate
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