Under The Same Sky
Sirius after James's death—(I know, I'm sorry. They're both alive in my heart as well)—he's at the funeral and this is the speech he's giving. 
In this AU, Peter was charged and arrested.
This is written in first POV; basically, Sirius talking to James’ grave. Because I need closure. 
Cool? Cool. Let's begin.
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No one walks in to be killed with a smile.
Nobody, I suppose, but you, James.
Your smile could kill people, with its beauty, James. The way your hazel eyes would light up whenever you were pleased as though they had captured the molten gold rays of the sun.
Your smile was beautiful. It was a work of art, truly. The eighth wonder of the world. A wonder that the world, and I were permitted to see. A wonder that shall never be seen again.
Your smile will forever live in the letters you've written, and the photos I've taken, but they will never live on you now, will they?
You died with a smile, literally. When I walked into the room, you had a smile of utmost peace. What were you thinking about in your last moments James?
I wish I could ask, just like the old times. Just like yesterday, before you were murdered.
I can still ask.
But, this time, Jamie, you can't answer.
To me, our friendship was magic, James, pure and simple. To a child who has spent his life repenting for the actions of those beyond the grave, it had been a new way of looking at the world.
They say that the world’s most beautiful piece of magic is the very first Hogwarts Letter.
I disagree.
Those crimson-written, perfectly bow-tied letters that you'll never write again were different.
A stern woman with a tight smile did not write them instead, they were written by a boy whose soul seemed to be a gentle blend of light and dark. One so young and old, of harmony and discord, and somehow home to a spirit so young.
I wish I could have run my hand through your hair one last time once more you. Wish I could've smiled at you one last time. I wish I could have told you that I loved you before you...died.
Before you smiled your last smile.
Before you took your last breath.
Before you left us, left me.
Before, before. Isn't it amusing, Jamie, that whenever we look back, we see time frozen and still? We capture it in little words and phrases: before, back then, back in my days, those days, remember the times— as if the only way to let a moment stay is to label and distill it. Capsulize, crystallize, and classify it all. And it stays there all organized on the timeline in preciseness. Like a bookshelf.
Like your bookshelf.
I remember the first time I saw your family tree. I remember being stunned by the fact that it was a real tree, a tree that bloomed fruits.
The gold fruits were for those in your family who are among us, who live, breathe, and laugh because they're Potters'. And that's what Potters' do. That's what we do.
Or what we used to do.
I remember the tsunami of sorrow that had crashed into you, into me, into us, the day we found out that your parents died. We both felt disbelief when we found that their fruits had turned silver.
You touched the crystal apple and cherry with such tenderness that day as if you were afraid that one small touch would break it. I was afraid that you would break.
I'm afraid to go see the tree, because I know I'll see that silver mango hanging from that tree. And I'm afraid that when I do, I'll snap. Because that would mean, that you're really gone James, and I just can't accept that.
'Denial is not a good look on you, Padfoot,' that's what you would say if you were here. But, that's the problem, isn't it? You're not here when you're supposed to be.
Because you're dead.
You were my blue crayon, the one I never had enough of, the one I use to color my sky.
The one that's not in my crayon box anymore.
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itstimeforstarwars · 26 days
Calling to talk to someone only for the secretary to say they're not in is both a relief and kinda hilarious. Sir I had this extremely heartfelt statement that I memorized to make to you but I know Deborah is writing my message on a post it note. I'm just giving her the straight facts in my clearest diction. Thanks.
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hearts401 · 7 months
Tttb!Gregory chewing out Michael before immediately deciding to bully him for having a crush is so real me too Greg
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nct-loves-exo · 2 years
My Only 12% is wrecking me 😥
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xyztrio721 · 2 years
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Chapter 4 Spoilers Under the Cut
Okay, so I know that I’m getting a little ahead of myself here because I haven’t talked about Chapter 3 yet, but I just NEED to talk about the Chapter 4 cutscene “Taking Up Nimue’s Dream”. It. Is. PERFECTION.
The playful banter between Taion, Mio, and Noah, Taion talking about carrying on Numie’s dream, NOAH AND MIO’S CUTE ASS SMILES?!
Taion’s grown so much throughout these last three chapters, and I think this cutscene showcased that growth extremely well, both in terms of his friendships with everyone (especially Noah and Mio) and him discovering a reason to carry on living. I think he’s starting to climb up the list of my favorite Xenoblade 3 characters now that I’ve seen this cutscene.
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nova twins album dropped NO ONE talk to me
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mariafraniayu · 1 month
A Heartfelt Andante
Webtoon: A Heartfelt AndantePenulis: Na YoonheeEpisode: 70 Cukup menantang untuk menemukan cerita yang dapat menyebabkan hati hangat dan terus terngiang-ngiang dengan setiap scene dan dialog yang ditunjukkan dalam cerita di Webtoon. Juga, sebuah keberuntungan untuk menemukan cerita “A Heartfelt Andante” ini. Mengambil cerita yang terinspirasi dari musik, alur cerita yang disuguhkan oleh penulis…
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granonine · 7 months
Blessings on the Righteous
Psalm 112:4-7. Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. It is…
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zooophagous · 1 year
There is no form of fan art so hearfelt and so beautiful as that of a parent or grandparent creating bootleg designs or toys of their children's most beloved characters because the licensed official things could not be afforded
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lunatic-pudge · 7 months
Scout SFW Alphabet
(I'm gonna do this for all 9 mercs. I plan to write a Sniper one next. So be on the look out for more of these!)
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Extremely affectionate, loves giving and receiving affection. He's all up in your business 24/7. PDA is an absolute favorite of his cause he gets to love all over you and show others who you belong to
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Very loyal best friend. He's a great person to go to if you wanna get away from everything. He's naturally up in everyone's business so it was natural for you two to become friends, bonus points if you like Tom Jones cause he'd get you two VIP tickets to his concerts
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Like affection, he's feral for cuddles. He will try to cuddle you every second he can, especially at night when you two are going for bed. Is the big spoon but secretly wants to be the little spoon. It'd melt his golden retreiver heart
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Right now, settling down isn't something on his mind cause of how young he is. He does plan to, just in a few years when he feels comfortable with it. Is not the best with cooking and is decent with cleaning. He tries his best. He tends to be more on the messy side but does make an effort to clean when trying to impress you
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Absolutley horrible at it. He's not good with break ups and struggles with it. Rarely can he bring himself to do it cause he's such a lovesick baby. It'd be quick and he'd immediately leave afterwards. I can see him being the type to snuggle up with a blanket, ice cream, and watching cheesy romcoms to cope
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It'd take a bit for him to have to courage to propose. He'd propose when he's finally ready to settle down. He'd be trying to pull Spy levels of romance for the big night. Poor thing would try to give a hearfelt speech before popping the question but he'd be blushing and stumbling over his words. Would be the type of person to propose with a Ring Pop ring
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Cause he's such a rambunctious fellow, sometimes being gentle isn't easy. It's unintentional though. He's just so hyped up on whatever the hell he's on that he forgets to be gentle. Though, he does know that there are moments when he needs to be, and those moments are good ones. He do be a good person to go to for comfort
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs, they're his drug. He's constantly giving hugs to you. The hugs are as good as they can be for a twink like him. He's thin and lanky so the hugs might not be as comfy like a hug from someone like Heavy would be. I feel like Scout just RADIATES warmth though so hugs from him on a cold day are amazing
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Wants to say it right away but knows he can't. Tries to wait for you to say it first but he might become impatient. But once that barrier is broken, he's saying it constantly. You could be just going to the bathroom and he's holding on to you saying how much he loves you, acting like you're leaving the country. He's very dramatic
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Can get jealous pretty easily. He's insecure and thinks you could do better. He's a pouter. He'll sit around and pout until you go and comfort him. But if he's hammered, he will throw hands at the person while you're trying to pull Scout away
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Constant kisses. Is very much a sloppy kisser. He doesn't mean to be. He just loves you so much and wants to show it. He's a cheek kisser. If he can't kiss you on the lips, then you're cheeks are enduring it. And it isn't just one kiss, it's a barrage of kisses for each cheek. Thank god he doesn't wear lipstick cause your cheeks would be painted red cause of him
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Loves kids. He's basically a big brother to kids. He loves being able to be such an important and guiding figure for them. But I feel that he wouldn't be a good father figure though whenever he has kids. He'd be trying to be his kids' best friend instead of their father. He needs help learning how to be a parent
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings start off with cuddles and trying to convince him to get out of bed and get some breakfast. After breakfast, he goes on a run and would love it if you joined him, it's okay if you don't. But after his run, it's back to cuddling. On days where the mercs don't have to fight, he refuses to get out of bed for the whole day. Preferring to stay locked in his room with you, junk food, and an endless supply of movies to watch
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights can be a little chaotic with Scout. He's still got a lot of pent up energy he needs to expel. When winding down for the night, he likes to snuggle up with you and read some comic books. He loves to be cuddled up, telling stories about the past.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
He's naturally open about almost everything involving himself. The really personal stuff takes time for him to talk about. It might take him a few years before confiding in you about his father and how he's on the fence about whether Spy is or isn't his father
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly doesn't get angry quick. It's mainly cause of how self centered and dense he can be. There's two types of angry Scout: the fighter and the pouter (just like when he's jealous). When he mad he doesn't throw hands though, just verbally aggressive unless the person throws the first punch. I feel. But yeah, he's just not someone who gets angry, he's too busy barely having a thought in his head
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Even though the doesn't have a braincell, he's very good at remembering facts and info about you. He's super good at remebering the most some of the most random facts about you. He loves when you try to quiz him of random facts about you
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory with you is one of the nights where you two are locked away in his room, suggled together, watching some zombie movie. At some point, you both get distracted and compare hands, noting the differences between each other. While that goes on, Scout's already forming a devious thought of a suprise tickle attack. Pinning you down and tickilng your sides while you're helpless to his attack. Such an innocent and fun moment has his heart in a chokehold
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I'd say he's fairly protective of you. He would be the type of person to bark at people if they look at you the wrong way. Plus he's got his baseball bat, he's got guns, homie's ready to fight for you. He thinks of himself as the dominate one in the relationship so he doesn't expect you to protect him, but when that moment happens, he's melting. He's running to the jewelery store and picking out the most expensive and pretty diamond ring he can find cause that man is marrying your ass right there on the spot
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Literal try hard. Puts a little too much effort into everything. It's the self-consciencous part of him. The part that thinks he's not good enough for you and you'll leave him if he doesn't go all out for everything. Please tell him he's good enough. Plz do something special for him plz
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Again, he doesn't have good self-esteem so plz help him. I feel like he's also someone who bites their nails when anxious. I don't have much to say about this gremlin
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very big on his looks. You've all seen him oogling his muscles on his Meet The video and how that one moment in Expiration Date where he's gesturing to himself when Spy said he was terrible with women. This man thinks he's a hot shot
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. You're his world and he's dedicated himself to you. He's a wreck when he can't be with you.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He's a memer. He's making memes contantly. It's an addiction. He's also someone who could quote an entire Spongebob episode, word for word
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people who are cold and distant. He's an extovert who needs constant attention and if you can't give that to him, then things won't be able to work out. He's not really an opposites attract person
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He's a restless sleeper. Constant tossing and turning. Also loves to cuddle when sleeping as well. He's a bed and blanket hog so make sure to have an extra blanket... and you might wanna consider getting a big bed like a Wyoming king or an Alaskan king bed
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ythmir-writes · 1 month
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thank you hearfelt crate! Just one more card and itll be 100% zayne pls 🥺🙏
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Where did the idea that Macaque and PIF are swirn siblings come from? I've seen it in a few other fics and while I'm not in any way against it I am curious. Is it just fannon or is there evidence for it in either the show or the original text? And how did the two of them meet in your au?
I believe it's a popular fanon idea. I think it spawned from the fact that Wukong and DBK are canonically sworn brothers, and thus Macaque and PIF would have interacted back in the day through the Brotherhood - both were/are not looked upon the best by the leaders of the Brotherhood, so they may have found friendship in one another. They are also both cool af characters that sadly never interacted in the show proper.
Macaque ( -_-)/\(-_- ) PIF: Being bad b*tches with wind powers and impulsive spouses who got trapped under a mountain for 400+ years.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au they're sworn/adoptive siblings due to mutual past history, even before The Brotherhood. They met as young children (an incident where little Princess Tieshan stole her big sister's bag of wind and got stranded on the moon), and later became eachother's confidants when they reunited as teens (Macaque becoming PIF's attendant). When the Brotherhood started up, Macaque accidentally introduced PIF and DBK while sneaking out for a meeting. When PIF was disowned by her family for falling in love with a demon; Macaque was one of very few from her old life that stayed by her side. They supported eachother emotionally through thick and thin - SWK being imprisioned + his and Macaque's breakup, PIF's banishment and troubles having a child etc...
Then Macaque "died".
And so PIF lost the closest to a little brother she ever had.
DBK finding out about Macaque's death (or whatever version someone spun about it), combined with Red Son being taken away by Guanyin after the Samadhi Fire ritual, is partially what drove him into a rage + his own imprisonment under a mountain. And so Princess Iron Fan was left (almost) completely alone for roughly 400+ years. It's no wonder why she fcking hates SWK's guts.
By the time of the fic start, she straight up decides "fck this I'm taking my kid back and finding a way to remove the staff. I ain't waiting around on earth alone anymore."
Then a month or so later she recieves a knock on her door;
Macaque: "Hey, jiejie [big sis]. I uh... kinda got revived???" PIF: "...how and why?!" Macaque: "No idea [lie]. Ok, long story short; Wukong knocked me up-" PIF: "THAT SON OF A BIT-" Macaque: "Yeah I was mad too. We're kinda *still* on a break right now so can I crash here until... I dunno either he apologizes, I stop being mad at him, or you know... forever?" PIF, (trying to hide tears of joy): "Forever sounds like just long enough."
The emotional reunion is interuppted by toddler Red Son charging head-first (bull calf style) into Macaque out of excitement.
After realising that his sworn uncle is very upset with the Monkey King; Red Son declares war on Sun Wukong and later secretly begins devising a plan to kidnap him and force him to lift the staff. PIF thinks its adorable how protective Red Son is over them, while Macaque is reading the kid's revenge corkboard like "Oh dang, he's really going for it. I'm so proud of him. Wait... is this what having a kid feels like??"
When SWK shows up looking for Macaque, PIF pretty much wind-fan kicks his ass straight out of the mountain. Cue Wukong thinking he has to do something; Big, Dumb, Dangerous, and Extremely Hearfelt in order to get back into both Macaque's and PIF's good graces...
Small spoilers:
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Macaque, extremely touched but confused af: "Peaches, I would have accepted an apology and some flowers!" PIF, non-stop cuddling DBK since he got back: "Not me. This barely gets Wukong off my hit list."
Its a huge thing. The citizens of Diyu are shooken. By the end of it, the fam is extremely confused but happy to be reunited. Red Son declares it his first ever evil victory.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Celestia x unicorn reader promote 1.) "I'd burn this world and everything in it for you."
Sure! This prompt is from my set in case anyone wished to know. Decided to try something, ended up with a platonic Celestia. So... enjoy me writing a small platonic mom-like Celestia short :)
Yandere! Princess Celestia Prompt 1
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you."
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Isolation, Obsession, Fear of abandonment, Clingy behavior.
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Princess Celestia has always taken good care of her students. For the longest time she's had two students. The most well known one is Twilight, who's now known as the Princess of Friendship. But... Twilight had a study buddy that stayed with Celestia...
You, a unicorn who was just as invested in your studies.
Celestia was saddened when she had to send off Twilight, but that was her destiny. Your destiny was beside Celestia, studying hard. Studying wasn't all you did...
Celestia treated you like you were her closest companion.
You never thought of it yet her fixation on you was odd. You just thought the tea breaks you had and long chats were normal. You even thought the long hugs and praises were also normal.
Others would say they're a bit... excessive. Like Celestia was just a bit too clingy with her student. You didn't see it.
Celestia had convinced you that you shouldn't care about what others think. They're just jealous you were chosen by her to be her student. What's between you is normal.
She loves you because you're such a good student and companion for her.
Her clingy behavior has a reason for manifesting. Luna's banishment still weighs heavy on her, the thought of her doing her sister so dirty still hurting them both. She also misses Twilight, a mature princess of her own now. The princess is lonely...
She may even fear losing you too.
In an effort to keep you happy, Celestia oversees your studies and forms a close bond between you. A strong bond of student and mentor.... You are one of the best things in Equestria to Celestia.
Celestia personally teaches you magic and reads you books. She comforts you when you're sad and shares hearfelt conversations and lessons with you. She promises she'd protect you from all the dangers in Equestria...
No matter the sacrifice, she'd do whatever she needed to keep her student safe in her hooves.
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you."
She mutters that phrase to you like a promise. You had fallen asleep on your books and never heard her. She didn't mind... you'd find out in time.
Nudging you softly, she leans you beside her chest. A wing wraps around the smaller unicorn's body while Celestia looks at them lovingly. It's just you and her... resting within the castle.
Nuzzling your head, Celestia smiles. The idea of keeping you beside her forever doesn't seem that bad. Even if you are a student now, she thinks she can have you part of her personal guard.
You won't have to leave the castle.... Celestia will just keep you here within these halls. There's plenty of books to read, plenty of space to roam, it's perfect. Then she won't lose yet another loved one....
Equestria could fall apart and burn yet Celestia would be fine as long as you're safe...
She just hopes you never think of leaving her all alone in the future. She may need to resort to more than manipulation to keep you then.
"Rest well, my dearest student. Tomorrow is full of more lessons to come."
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isintensechaos · 5 months
When people ask me if I am okay, I never truly know what to say
First off, how am I supposed to know what "okay" means for that one particular being
Is it having the bills paid or just having lunch every day? For some, I know it's just watching TV or being able to buy special clothes
I am so consumed by the "why" and "because" of everything my mind touches
It's traditional to answer "yeah" but I am utterly untraditional
Or should I sometimes be, so dull... smiling and moving on
To the next lie, to a next show
But if someone would want to know, I could let my heart and mind set the tone
"I am not good, for now I am just grasping onto sticks and stones."
Would be one of my answers, and maybe I will someday
Be able to say a hearfelt "I am okay"
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lightlykos · 1 year
I imagine the reason akechi isn't appearing in spin offs is because there's so much to his character that you can't just /add/ him and move on yknow? so its easier to just give him is own game (if the rumors are true) so they can proper give him the time he deserves without derailing the whole plot so he probably won't appear in tatics
that being said could you imagine how funny it would be if we out our hearfelt reunion in that chibi art style
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i am so ready for the stoats to tear my heart out in a hearfelt and harrowing tale of nature in the face of human pollution.
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