#farm/ranch AU
dnffics · 5 months
Nepotism, Baby!
by hayloftown
Rated M, 20 chapters, 53k words
Tags: Farm/Ranch AU, Actor George, Farmer Dream
A little trouble and a lot of miscommunication lands the famed George Aldridge in the middle-of-nowhere-Texas under the supervision of a close family friend. Worlds clash between the big-named city boy and the eldest son on the farm. Who knows how this mess will unravel?
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Prompt 53
Ignore how this should've gone up yesterday, I was super fucking tired
(it's not the first any more) Geralt owns a horse ranch, whether it's an au where he was never a witcher, he's retired from witchering and has a lil home (ala Corvo Bianco), or he just has it on the side of his witchering is up to you, dear It's filled with horses presumably only named Roach, because Geralt is Geralt. There was extra hoof tracks near the back of his barn. Hmm. Either a runaway horse or a wild hors is interested in his stables. It'd be safer for the poor horse if Geralt were able to catch it and make sure it's healthy. So he leaves the door open one night, and stands off to the side, pulling an all-nighter. The second he hears the clipclop of hooves walk in, he shuts the door. He expects the horse to spook and start braying in a panic, but instead he hears a man gasp in surprise. Geralt wonders who would ride their horse into an unknown stable, and holds up his lantern, only to see.... A centaur? A starving, scared centaur, with a messy flop of brown hair, and bright blue eyes. Does- Does he want hay or like... Roast lamb?
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transarthurmorgan6 · 11 months
I don’t play Sims but with that new horse farm expansion someone should totally do a vanderlinde gang ranch au. Or maybe like a Charthur ranch au. Idk. But I think there’s opportunity there.
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dark-bakura1 · 5 months
My little DCA world, where Sun and Moon are the owner of the Sunside Ranch and the Moonrise Farm. When you like Horses and the DCA, maybe this is a bit fun for you ^^
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birddcandle · 1 year
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Do you know how much the people of Hels would pay for canary feathers?
I read the one ask about the feather farm and. Yeah here we are
this is art for @lunarcrown and @aquaquadrant ‘s Hels To Pay AU!! It’s so good the writing and drawings are IMPECCABLE
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dexalyys · 3 months
all things considered i still actually have tmc aus that i want to create drafts for …… psf may be its own thing now but ill be damned if im not still autistic about tmc ^_^
like i don’t know how much i’ve talked about my slime rancher au but it is like Always on my mind ok . ok,? my favourite concept is just that cesar got in an accident years prior and had to like, fuse with a tarr slime to keep himself alive. and now he’s allergic to water. that’s so crazy and i need to figure out how to replicate the slime rancher art style so i can draft up some designs
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me? coming in with another au that i didn't entirely think through? of COURSE-
- ian is fresh off his prison sentence.
- he gets thrown into a convict rehabilitation project by his po.
- the project in question? getting sent to a ranch in the middle of NOWHERE.
- he's not entirely thrilled to get there. middle of nowhere, the only thing for miles is fields and pastures and cattle and probably some not really homo friendly guys who rather speak with their fists than words.
- when he gets there he's pleasantly surprised, because, yes, there's some cows and a tiny herd of sheep, but it's mostly horses.
- in: mickey as the ranch owner. he's brash and doesn't shy away from fights and definitely doesn't take any shit. the worst part? he's just as hot as the relentless sun.
- ian learns the horses are mostly rescue cases, because, beneath his hard shell, mickey DOES have a heart for the broken and used.
- ian HATES how mickey seems he's an absolute IDIOT and can't tell his left from his right. but then he sees how sweet the guy's with the horses, and, well. he's practically done for.
- going cliché here with mickey having a really complicated horse in the stable. guy's arrived at the ranch abused and malnourished, mickey helped him back to his feet. his name is poison; the guy's black as the night, because he HAS to be, and barely lets mickey ride him. obviously, the devil has to betray mickey and take an immediate liking to ian.
- ian's assigned horse is an elderly dapple grey mare. her name's gretchen. she's a heavier warm-blooded horse (this. sounds much bloodier than "schweres warmblut". english, what the hell.) and worked as a cart horse her entire life. she's been brought to the ranch because her original owner died and the kids thought she deserved a nice retirement. he bribes her with carrots and scratches at the chin.
- ian doesn't know how to ride for SHIT. mickey has to teach him. after critiquing his posture to no end and watching ian eat dirt at least fifty times he takes mercy and gets on the horse with him, to actively help him out. ian has to scramble all of his brain cells together to pay attention and not think about those thick thighs caging him in the whole time.
- same happens when he sees mickey go full speed on his horse for the first time. everyone else applauds him for his performance, while ian's horny brain's occupied with thoughts of those thighs around his head -gets muffled and dragged away-
- for the hell of it i'll have them goof around, take the horses to the pond in the tiny forest around the corner and go for a swim with them. they obviously shove and drag each other off the horsebacks.
and if you think this is mainly an excuse to think about mickey's thighs, then you might be correct, but lower your voice.
that's it. that's the thoughts.
good morning my darling 🖤 opening my inbox to see you is always a great way to start my day!
Mickey as the ranch owner is something I never knew I needed. But I do.
going cliché here with mickey having a really complicated horse in the stable -> please give me all the cliche because my head went exactly the same way!
His name is poison-> YOUR MIND IS PERFRCT MY FRIEND obviously, the devil has to betray mickey and take an immediate liking to ian. -> OF COURSE. Maybe Mickey even took Ian to poison to “teach him a lesson” about being cocky of take down his ego a bit when Ian went into cocky-confident-Ian-mood and it turned Mickey on too much that he had to see Ian make an ass of himself to calm down and not jump his bones. Seeing Ian bonding with poison did the exact opposite, let me tell you.
ian doesn't know how to ride for SHIT. mickey has to teach him -> the possibility for innuendos is endless. I hope Mickey / Ian makes some about Mickey’s natural talent to ride.
Mickey… takes mercy and gets on the horse with him -> oh lord have some mercy for me!
THOSE THIGHS! Poor Ian, how will he survive all of those fantasies? How soon will he learn that Mickey is gay?
and if you think this is mainly an excuse to think about mickey's thighs, then you might be correct, but lower your voice. -> fair. Talking and thinking about Mickey’s thighs is just what we do here. This is the reason we are given our brains at the end of the day. We just want to talk about his dream thighs.
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assumingminds19 · 8 months
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watch for the sunrise
Lena Luthor, a titan of industry, buys and sells land with mechanical precision. Her life has been reduced to a never-ending cycle of numbers and percentages, her heart now dedicated solely to her brother. Weary and disengaged, she journeys to the heartland of America for yet another sale and purchase of a town. There, she meets a dusty cowboy, brimming with fury and defiance, who refuses to surrender her land without a fight.
Kara Zorel is a fighter, but her existence is one of perpetual struggle. Unending drought, unrelenting debt, and a father who drowns his sorrows in alcohol have left her unable to rest or even keep her head above water on her desolate piece of land. The arrival of a development executive poses a threat to all she holds dear. Driven to despise Lena, Kara finds herself with a choice: succumb to the insurmountable odds or convince this strikingly beautiful woman to reconsider her plans.
Chapter 19/20 up now
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Beneath a Big Blue Sky (68.298 words) by @eyra Rating: Explicit
modern AU, non-magic AU
Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
Quote: The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands.
Comment: I'm guessing that a lot of you already know about and love this fic anyways, but just in case some of you don't: It's an absolute TREASURE! Sirius and James spend a whole spring/summer on the Lupins' farm, and that brings all the funny and tender and beautiful moments you can wish for in a fic! I loved Remus and Sirius slowly getting to know and love each other, and thought it was so well-written and just overall well done, it's the kind of fic I keep thinking about and wanting to re-read even though I only read it a couple of weeks ago. One of my favorite things about it (besides Snuffles the lamb <3) was how it dealt with homophobia and coming out, I found that was so well done!
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forever-eternal · 9 months
Do you have any Texas headcannons?
Texas— Gabriel Jones! The Mama’s Boy :3
I have a few!
-He goes by Gabriel, he’ll answer to ‘Texas’ but he doesn’t like it as much.
-Sometimes he won’t even answer to it, unless its one of the Government humans. They don’t get to call him ‘Gabriel’.
-Maybe you can tell, but he’s a Mama’s AND a Papa’s boy. He loves both of them very very much.
-If you asked him to pick when he was a little boy, he would cry. If you ask him now, he’ll ignore you and go hug his parents instead.
-Speaking of when he was little, it was very easy to make him cry. Very, very easy. Sensitive little boy turns into a sensitive man (who hides his emotions because he doesn’t know how to deal with them anymore).
-For many years, he hid in his Ma’s skirts or Pa’s coats when they went out. He still tries to do it despite being 6-12 inches taller than them.
-They let him hide! They’ll hold him but act like he’s not there to everyone around them.
-He has the most subconscious trauma from Before he was the State of Texas, back when he was the Texas Republic and when he was a colony of Spain.
-Which is part of the reason he hid from strangers and cried easy, he was a little man with big fears and big emotions.
-He is a BIG man, 6’8 with tree trunk limbs and a chest the size of a barrel. Easily 300+ pounds, able to carry everyone in his family with ease.
-He gets it from Georgia.
-Has a Blue Lacey dog. Her name is Buddy, because she’s his little buddy!
-She helps him around his ranch with all his animals and such, which are mostly cared for by his Cities since he’s been in the Statehouse.
-He still goes to check in on the ranch at least four times a week, he just don’t live there all the time anymore.
-He has a bay and white colored Clydesdale horse, his name is Ford.
-He drives a bright red, four-door pick-up truck. No one remembers the brand and it probably shouldn’t work as well as it does.
-They no longer make the truck or the parts used for it, he still gets his hands on replacements anyway. The truck is a little banged up but clean and works like its new.
-He has a Texan flag bumper sticker, and thats it. If someone sticks a new sticker on his truck, he’s out there scraping it off until theres nothing left of it.
-Cities don’t always look like their State’s personification (aka, their parent) but sometimes they are incredibly similar. Houston looks exactly like him, just an inch shorter.
-He does REALLY bad with cold weather. Most Southern States do, but he gets BAD.
-He and all his Cities pack it up and go to the Jones house when it gets too cold. Ma and Pa always have enough rooms for everyone.
-If he’s still freezing because of his State’s temperature, he’s buried in 20 blankets. He may be lying on top of his parents, or in a pile with his Cities in front of the fire place. He may just be dressed warmer than usual.
-His main house is a farmhouse, with several rooms for his Cities to stay in (several still live with him). It’s on a large plot of land he built his ranch on.
-All in all, he tries to act tougher than he is. I love him, I want to throw him out a tenth story window. I want to wrap him in blankets so nothing hurts him.
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january-summers · 9 months
Campfire Kiss
Fandom: Winx Club Pairings: Stella/Bloom Rating: gen? teen? Tags: all the Winx girls show up, Farm/Ranch AU, Musician AU, technically a Youtuber AU but that wasn't really specified in the text. Meet Cute|Meet Ugly, romance, kind of slice of life, pig (named after my fav tepig), unbeta'd, rabies mentioned, AUroulette2023 Word count: 2,300 (ish)
Bloom is shifting hay bales in the barn's loft when she hears the scream. It's sharp and high and full of terror, Bloom doesn't even register how unfamiliar it is until she's already down the ladder and out the barn door.
She slows as she takes in the sight of three young women, all strangers to her, then speeds up when she spots Pork-chop, their largest, most adventurous pig on top of a fourth young woman, the screaming one.
“Pork-chop!” Bloom yells at him as she races over, but the large beast barely gives her his attention. His mouth is full of foamy drool, his jaw moving as he chews on something that might be attached to the screaming woman. “Pork-chop, drop it!”
Bloom's command is punctuated by a smack to Pork-chop's side, but all he does is shuffle in place.
With an annoyed sigh, Bloom moves around to his head and bypasses him completely, reaching down to put her arms under the other woman's armpits and pull her up. There's a tearing sound as whatever Pork-chop was chewing rips free of the woman's clothes.
The woman, blonde hair tousled and drool damp, looks at Bloom with terrified eyes.
“Do I have rabies now?” she asks, and Bloom tries not to laugh.
“It was frothing at the mouth!” The blonde exclaims. “That's a sign of rabies! ...Right?”
Bloom can't help it, she laughs, even as she catches sight of just how badly the blonde's fancy dress has been torn. Bloom pulls the plaid shirt from around her own waist, tied there when the labour of moving hay had made her too warm, and wraps it around the blonde.
“Pigs just have frothy spit sometimes, I promise he's not rabid.” Bloom looks the other three over and asks, “what are you all doing here anyway, this is private property.”
“We have permission from the owner,” comes the reply, mildly defensive. “Daphne said it would be okay for us to film a music video on her farm.”
Bloom frowns, trying to remember if her sister has mentioned anything like that, but she's distracted when the blonde whines, holding up her spit-riddled hair.
“We only just arrived,” another of the young women explains, “and we were trying to head up to the house, but the, uh...” she gestures to the fences and then to Pork-chop, and Bloom understands immediately.
The way from the front gate to the buildings is more convoluted than it looks, a byproduct of moving the driveway and some but not all of the fences in their renovations over the last few years. They'd obviously taken the wrong entrance and ended up closer to the barns where Pork-chop's latest escape attempt had brought him into contact with them.
Bloom nods, “Yeah, the entry is a bit muddled, we're still renovating it. Anyway, I'm Bloom, I'm Daphne's sister, I don't know anything about your music video, but I can take you up to the house to find Daphne.” Bloom pauses and gives the blonde a obvious once over. “And a shower.”
“Oh my gosh, yes, thank you!” The blonde says, looking ready to cry. “I'm Stella by the way. And this is Aisha, Musa, and Tecna.”
“Hey,” Bloom greets the newly introduced women, then jerks her head towards the house, “come on.” The women begin to follow her as she escorts Stella, one arm wrapped around the blonde, and Bloom glares back at Pork-chop, the pig still chewing on whatever he'd torn from Stella's dress. “Don't think this is over Pork-chop,” Bloom warns him before they get too far away.
Bloom leaves Stella and her friends in Daphne and Flora's care at the house and ducks out to get back to her chores only to find Pork-chop still chewing outside the barn. In the end she has to get Roxy's help to finally get Pork-chop to release the piece of Stella's dress. The young farmhand and part time veterinary student has a way with animals, and once she's on the scene it doesn't take long for Pork-chop to give up his ill gotten gains, a bow with a large, round edged disk she assumes is made of resin and star shaped glitter. Against the dark fabric of the bow, the glitter swirls look like a galaxy.
No wonder Pork-chop went after it, Bloom thinks. She swears the pig is part magpie.
Roxy and Bloom share a look of mixed amused-disgust. The bow and disk are sopping, slimy and frothy with pig spit. Neither of them wants to touch it, even a lifetime on the farm doesn't stop it from being gross.
“I have to go find out how Pork-chop escaped this time,” Bloom makes her excuses quickly, “could you do something about that?” She's already running away by the time Roxy picks it up daintily with two fingers and a faint squelch before she mocks throwing it after Bloom.
Roxy sighs and looks at Pork-chop, who snuffles about, already ready for more mischief.
“You are going to make so many bacon sandwiches someday,” Roxy tells him threateningly. Pork-chop ignores her warning.
It is hours later when Bloom next sees any of the visitors. She is sitting partway in the fence of Pork-chop's pigpen as she repairs it, one leg slung over the lower horizontal board so she could more easily hold the upper board in place while her hands are busy. The rattle-purr of the ratchet as she tightens the nuts covers the sounds of footsteps. The ratchet stops, the nut refusing to tighten any more and Bloom leans her weight into pressing the ratchet gently, just enough to judge if it's actually tight, only almost tight, or about to strip the thread of the bolt tight.
She judges it good and pulls the ratchet and the wrench she was using for counterweight free, turns to drop them back into her tool bag and is stopped by the sight of a familiar faded custard yellow flannel shirt very close to her face.
“Hi again!” Stella greets her cheerfully, no sign of her earlier distress. Bloom does her best not to let her eyes dip down to the shirt, one of Bloom's old shirts, that Stella has rolled up to tie under her bust so her entire stomach is showing. There's only two buttons done up and Bloom can see slivers of the bright orange cups of Stella's bra peaking out.
“Hey,” Bloom says back warmly, hoping it's not obvious in her voice how long it's been since she talked to a non-coworker pretty girl. “All cleaned up?” Bloom asks like its not obvious, and gives herself a little wiggle-twist to get out of the fence.
“Yeah,” Stella says, “but I might never forget the horror of the monster attack.” She gives an exaggerated shudder, but follows it up with a coy smile.
“Well, if there's anything I can do to help you in this trying time, just let me know?” Blooms says, mentally fist pumping when Stella twirls one of her pigtails and says “I'll be sure to do that.”
Bloom is 92% certain she and Stella are flirting. She's 87% certain she's flirting successfully.
Bloom feels a little ridiculous if she's being honest. She'd expected something... else when she'd offered to help Stella. Maybe lift some heavy things, show of her strength from working on the farm, or even her epic curve balls from her time on the local women's baseball team.
Even just showing Stella and her friends around the farm had made it higher on the list of potential things than this, mostly because this hadn't made it on to the list at all. Bloom had showered for this and put on her nicest flannel like she was going to the fancy pub in town, the one that was so fancy they called it a restaurant and not a pub.
Bloom and Stella walk through the small apple section of the farm's orchards, Stella casually twirling some flowers Flora had cut for them. They stop under one of the trees and Stella looks up to the ripe fruit. Bloom tries not to let her thoughts get in the way as she lifts Stella up so the blonde can pluck a single apple.
She doesn't drop Stella, Bloom releases just enough of her grip for Stella to slide down her body, letting her land gently. Stella twist in Bloom's arms just enough to offer the apple to Bloom with a cheek, flirty smile.
“Aaand cut!” Aisha calls out, startling Bloom as it does every time. She looks over to Stella's friends, Aisha and Tecna looking closely at the monitor of the film equipment they had set up. Musa gives Stella and Bloom two thumbs up and a happy grin. Aisha nods and also looks over at them. “That one was perfect, we'll wrap it up here and move on to the next shot.”
Stella and her friends were on Bloom and Daphne's farm to film a music video for Musa's latest song, Bloom had known that, they'd told her that when she'd first met them. At most Bloom had expected to maybe help them move their equipment and find spots on the farm to film, she hadn't expected to be in the music video.
A loud crispy-crunch pulls Bloom from her thoughts.
“Mmmm, this is so good,” Stella says and takes another bite of the apple before offering it to Bloom. Bloom takes a bite of her own and tries to focus on how nice the taste is and not whether or not this counts as an indirect kiss.
Flora joins them in the field of wild flowers, and helps them make flower crowns, and Bloom continues to hope she doesn't look as silly as she feels when she stands alone amongst the flowers and smiles at the camera.
It's easier to watch Musa sing her song at almost every site they stop at. It's a catchy love song that Bloom finds herself humming repeatedly.
It takes three days to get through the bulk of the filming, because they have to find each place on the farm, some of which they have to ride to, and they have to do multiple takes, and Bloom does still need to do her actual work.
On the afternoon of the final filming, all of the girls - including Flora and Daphne, and their other farmhands Roxy, Mirta and Lucy, and Flora's sister Miele, who only helps on the weekends – ride horses up the farm's forested hill lands, to the farm's campsite for a bonfire.
The cameras are set up around them, but there are no specific scenes for them to shoot, they've been told to act natural and forget the camera's are there. That there will either be good footage or there won't be.
“But if you could sit with Stella, that would help,” Aisha says to Bloom as the sun is setting.
“Sure, not exactly a hardship,” Bloom replies jokingly. Aisha's eyebrows raise in interest.
“Oh?” She asks, “so Stella's eighty-seven step plan to hijack the filming as a means of seduction is working?”
Bloom still, the worry that has slowly been growing in her chest - that Stella was just a naturally flirty person, that Bloom had misread, that Stella had only flirted to get Bloom to help with the filming – cracks and breaks and dissolves like ashes in the wind.
“Did it really have eighty-seven steps?” Bloom asks. Aisha hold her hand up to make a 'kind of' gesture and Bloom grins, leaning in to whisper, “that's kind of overkill. She had me at 'do I have rabies.'”
Aisha burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the others, but she waves them off, pats Bloom on the shoulder and gives her a friendly shove towards Stella who grins brightly when Bloom sits down next to her.
The whole group chatters, timidly and unsure at first, but by the time the sun has set they're all feeling comfortable with each other, laughing as marshmallows fall off skewers or set alight before they can be squished between crackers and chocolate.
Bloom and Stella join in the fun, but most of their time is just spent getting to know one another.
When Musa pulls out a guitar to sing her song, Bloom sings along. By the third rendition all of them are singing, to various degrees of success.
“Dance with me?” Bloom asks Stella, and Stella agrees. They aren't the only ones who dance, even after Musa puts away her guitar and Daphne brings out an old radio to play other music.
Tecna takes the sight of the radio as a chance to talk to Daphne about the farm's technology, suggesting some things to help streamline some of the issues Daphne and Bloom have been worrying over for the past few months.
But Bloom's to busy kissing a chaste kiss against Stella's marshmallow sticky mouth to pay much attention.
When Stella and her friends leave after lunch the next day, Stella leaves with all of Bloom's contact information and social media details saved in her phone.
She's back two weeks later, ostensibly to show them all the music video, like it wasn't 5 days into trending online. She stays for the weekend, and when she leaves, Daphne joins Bloom on the porch, leaning against the sturdy railing their father had built twenty years before.
“She's nice,” Daphne says to her sister. “I like how much she makes you smile.”
Bloom smiles, “me too.” They lapse into silence, and just as Bloom thinks Daphne has finished saying all she has to say on the matter:
“But when you marry that girl and bring her home for keeps, stop letting her help out in the yards, our vegetable garden cannot withstand her weeding.”
Bloom snorts, then swats at Daphne playfully for the entirely accurate insult. Daphne swats back before dodging back inside to leave Bloom to moon after her new girlfriend.
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angelsdean · 1 year
the struggle of wanting to plop young dean down in new jersey like literally where i live for a fic but not wanting to say where i live sjkdfjsf 
#john rents out a cheap basement apartment and leaves them there for like almost a full school yr#while he takes on cases up and down the east coast#i'm thinking dean's like 17 post-nun burning and is gonna have a lil coming of age movie arc#they live close enough to the local schools that they can walk bc dean doesnt have the impala yet#and dean also takes the train (nj transit babeyyy. horrible awful transportation system) and goes to like asbury for punk shows#ends up at a gay bar and has a good honest eye opening chat with an older man (who may or may not be time traveling cas idk yet)#if it's Not part of my series of sort of interconnected time traveling cas one shots then maybe it could be an AU where cas is the same age#idk tho. im not rly that far into the details. just a broad dreamy sketch of the story#oh also they live close to a horse farm (there are. many around here) and dean goes for walks and passes it a lot and waves to the horses#and one day the guy who works there gets to talking w him and invites him to meet the horses and walk around the ranch (a girl can dream)#maybe he ends up getting a little job there cleaning the stables idk#and all throughout there's also this longing to go to the shore. and it's. very close by like they are not far from the beach#but it feels untouchable it feels like a place he can never go and it's all in his head and he's holding himself back and its a metaphor ofc#anyways yeah. i think putting him in jersey could fix him or give him new issues. one of those#vic.txt
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dark-bakura1 · 11 days
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Another Prompt, another Picture -this time it comes with a little Story as well. Hope you like it :D
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semperama · 2 years
I’ve been inspired by today and have done some work on the horse ranch AU! Here’s a snippet.
Daniel moves out of the mirror's frame, and Max turns to watch as he snatches up a towel that was draped over the end of his bed and hovers by the door. "What are you doing now?" he asks. "Have you already eaten?"
"Yes, I had dinner before this," Max says, his gaze darting from the towel clutched in Daniel's hand up to his face, his laughing eyes.
"Want to come for a dip with me?" Daniel asks.
"A dip?" Max repeats, confused. "It's nearly dark."
"Is that a problem?" Daniel turns and opens the door, then holds it wide for Max. "Come or go, but I need a wash, and I prefer not to do it under the pump out back."
Max should go back to the house, but instead he takes a couple jogging steps to catch up with Daniel and then falls in step beside him. A creek runs through the easternmost corner of the property, down where the trees clump up into a proper forest, and Max thinks that must be where they're headed, although it'll be quite a hike to get there. "Why don't we take Sunny?" he asks as they come up to the stable. "It will be faster."
"Can he make his way in the dark?" Daniel asks, and Max shoots him a glare, refusing to dignify that with a response.
They forego a saddle, only throwing a blanket over Sunny's back and looping a rope around his neck. Max hops up first, and Daniel clambers on behind him. This isn't the first time Max has ridden alongside another man, but while he is used to holding himself stiffly, careful inches kept between their bodies, Daniel cozies right up to him and wraps his arms around his waist, holding on tightly as they head out into the deep blue evening.
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shewhowillrise · 1 year
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the farm moodboard
After Steve Rogers dies in a barn fire, his husband Tony, and son Peter, are left with the ranch to take care of. Tony posts a help wanted ad for a set of cowboy hands to help.
When Fire Marshal Natasha Romanoff suspects foul play, Sheriff Sharon Carter sets off to see who could have wanted Steve dead, meanwhile, Tony's ex, Tiberius Stone, comes back to town in hopes of winning Tony back.
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National Farm Joke Day & The Little Mermaid Day
Person A is a fish farmer and one morning, finds a mermaid toddler in one of their pools. Person A is unsure what to do, so calls their local fish vet and resident marine biologist specializes in their region, Person B, to come take a look. Person B explains that the parent mermaids will likely come back, and they probably left the child there since there were lots of fish and it being isolated from predators, so their baby could be safe to learn to hunt the fish in the pool while also not risking being preyed on by threats. But the mermaid child keeps trying to follow Person A and Person B around as they work and trying to cling to them, so the two end up doing more babysitting of the mermaid child than work. And the mermaid parents keep randomly leaving their child in Person A’s fish ponds.
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