#fangirl issue
choccy-milky · 1 month
Babes you got my foaming at the mouth every time you post or update! This new chapter was so precious!!
Modern AU where the only thing that’s different was instead of an illustration of Sherlock Holmes, it’s a picture of Banana Pumpkinpatch
GIRL THE WAY I GOOGLED "BANANA PUMPKINPATCH CHARACTER" BEFORE REALIZING YOU MEANT BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH LMFAOOO 😭😭😭 but aww THANK YOU💖and this is amazing i had to draw it as soon as u sent it, i love that cloras love for sherlock holmes also works in a modern au setting. CLORAS LOVE FOR SHERLOCK IS ETERNAL
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(and yes seb would read/watch it bc of her)
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pathologicalrambler · 2 months
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just two boys who view their boss as their father figure
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larphis · 11 months
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Just rediscovered this absolute gem (that I made to make fun of myself to my boyfriend) in my gallery and thought you’d enjoy this too :D
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padsmoony04 · 9 months
It doesn't matter how many times I watch Shadow and Bone season two, I'm always going to get excited each time Nikolai appears on screen.
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hacash · 14 days
I genuinely do believe there’s been disproportionate female character hate in fandom and that we still have a long way to go in addressing it; however I equally do believe posts that read like ‘disliking this female character who’s the precise carbon copy of the secondary school bully who made your life a living hell for three years? that’s your internalised mysogninism talking’ might not be quite the gotcha people think they are
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groovyanahi · 2 months
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im obsessed. i could be his controversially young girlfriend.
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disney-is-mylife · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: Don't yell at me if your fave is still missing. Do you realize how impossible it is to list all of even the most beloved/famous Muppets???? 😭
Anywho, I consulted my fiancé on this list, who is quite possibly the biggest Muppets fan I know, so take it or leave it, this is the poll you're gonna get lol. Happy voting! ❤
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
Idk about you guys, but I have at LEAST 3 👀
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That moment when you realize that your childhood adoration for stickers didn't go away. It just stayed dormant for 20 years until you rediscovered your love for them and now you Just Can't Stop 🙃
the small bits of writing are mostly just me "labeling" each flower fairy lol
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fangirlblogger · 18 days
Fangirl Analysis Three: Bill Skarsgard's double chin.
Okay girlies, this one is close to my heart. In fact, it burns my heart and starts this fire that never dies out. Bill Skarsgard's Double Chin is a character of its own. It deserves the world's standing ovation for eternity. Yes, some might say his eyes are the main character but for me personally (and to the girlies who also find double chins gob-smackingly sexy), his double chin when he smiles is a whole dinner table I want to devour eternally. Let's dissect these sets of images that vividly displays the previous information provided.
Image 1 Analysis
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Firstly, look at how gorgeous and adorable he looks with that cute smile on his face. I simply can not BREATHE, but I will try my best to because I have to make my point. Secondly, this image has so many gems to analyze, and girl, I have my panties off, legs spread open and I'm ready to play.
To clarify things, I'm not a Bill Skarsgard obsessed fan girl (not that I have anything against anyone who does - I love that!), I recently just hopped on the train after watching Hemlock Grove (mind you I'm aware of his existence - Pennywise duh - I just never paid any attention to him because I had some other celebrity white men with brunette hair and blue eyes in my pants [I will get more into that this semester]), so I wouldn't know much about him as someone who has love him since day 1. To add on, I instantly fell in-love with him after the blood scene (I've mentioned this in the previous post but I'll say it again:
Roman Godfrey had my pussy by the clit the moment he sexually devoured that blood.
Back to the analysis. I do not know where this image of Bill was taken or when, but I'm pretty sure this was taken during a press conference of the John Wick 4 movie. Girl, his whole demeanor had my pussy throbbing and craving his slickness. After the movie, I felt like I was pregnant with his baby. His whole appearance was a breeding session for me, and I dropped from heaven when the movie ended.
Case study question: Why is this image devour worthy?
Firstly, it's Bill Skarsgard. He is devour worthy. Secondly, his smile isn't too wide to hide away his double chin. You can see that he has more meat to his cheeks which makes the smile more heavenly. I must say, having a kid does make him more daddyfied not that he wasn't before but all that daddy weight just makes me want him to daddy me.
Moving on, his eyes are literal definition of perfection. If he smiles and looks at me like that, the eggs in my ovaries would automatically be fertilized, conceived and I'd be ready to birth his kid in a few seconds after all that interaction.
Finally, I love this picture because it makes him human. You can see his perfectness and you can also see his flaws. Others might consider the hairstyle unattractive, I find that attractive. It makes him more human, imperfect and real.
Image 2 Analysis
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Okay girlypops, I'm just going to come out and say it. I don't care how many people are sitting with him at whatever event this is, if I was there, I would literally get on my knees and start giving this man the gluck gluck three thousand. While doing that, I'd command him to just sit like that with his arms crossed, with that smile and look on his face, til I make him come with my mouth. I need to worship this man. My desires for him are cannibalistic and religious at this point. And, this image right here heightens those desires and urges for me.
Case study question: Why is this the sluttiest image of Bill?
As a girly that finds men rolling their sleeves to their forearms slutty, I also find men in turtle-necks, sweaters and textured long coats slutty and horny as hell. If this image of Bill was a dildo, I would fuck myself with it till Satan repents. The way he leans back on his chair, with his arms crossed below his chest that is not too firm to have his clothes looking too tight but enough to see that he is comfortable. This sight is such a fine art. Forget about looking at Renaissance paintings, this is all the renaissance you need to have your pussy coming over and over again.
Finally to the best part: His double chin. His jaw is so perfect that when leans back and smile, his double chin becomes too perfect. Just the perfect amount of mound for a Bill Skarsgard fangirl to devour eternally. The double chin is a god in this image. Everything else comes second. The double chin also enhances his emotions, therefore making his smile more bubbly, cheerful and innocent. It's inviting and it speaks to the viewers or whoever he is interacting with that he is comfortable with the conversation and the environment he is in.
Image 3 Analysis
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Girlies, this image here is a real one. I adore this image. It shows how authentic, flawed and real Bill is. It shows him in the act - that is him interacting with people as he always does. His hair, eyes, nail, neck, double chin, teeth, nose, cheeks and forehead looks so organic. I love that. In a world that has a lot of people playing around with their looks to look so perfect, this image here is a breath of fresh air.
Case study question: How perfect can this image be?
This image is already perfect because everything in this image is not perfect. Yes, I meant NOT PERFECT. Once again, images like this make me desire him more. His humanness makes him more devouring and attractive (this sounds so cannibalistic but if you get the metaphor, you understand). The most vital part of his face that is so slutty is his double chin. My pussy is getting sluttier just looking that double chin (if only I can sit on it).
A special gem that I have identified from this image that makes my heart and pussy throb at the same time is the smile wrinkles at the side of his eyes. If I was given the chance to build a house and live on those wrinkles, I would definitely take that chance. I honestly think they enhance his beauty and his smile and make him more divine and desirable.
Conclusively, I am a whore and slut for Bill Skarsgard's double chin. I am also a whore for men with double chins like Bill (not Bill being an influence lol). I also go slutty for his cheeks when he smiles. His smile make my panties soak and the wrinkle at the side of his eyes make me want to go sexually feral for that man.
The point here is that women find the non-sexual things about men sexual. Sometimes it's the least attractive thing on a man that makes a woman go feral for him. Other times, it's the small movements that the man does that make the woman wet for him. Ageism and a bit of body changes such as weight gain can enhance those physical features of the man and make him 20 or 30 times attractive. That is why some of us girlies have daddy issues. It's not our fault the man we like are older, authentic and more enhanced.
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macropheliancheese · 1 year
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He juggles shiny things fs
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dcfanforever · 9 months
I really miss revenge stories in fiction where they actually get the revenge!!
Not "I'm not gonna kill you because im better than that"
No! Inigo Montoya that shit!
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He killed his six fingered man! Be like Inigo Montoya!
More specifically, I need Jason Todd to kill Catalina Flores, cause Jason is okay with killing someone like her and I eeally need her dead without traumatizing Dick even more.
I'm actually legitimately thinking of writing my first short story/one sho (I've only started multi chapter fics, though I haven't finished any of them yet) where Jason kills Flores, or at least f*cks her up. Badly.
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yuriskies · 9 months
The Fluid Relationship and Its Enemy (Iori Miyazawa)
Long long ago, when the skies were higher and the ocean was deeper, and the publishing companies were still publishers and not content owners, 'relations' began to sprawl between people. 'Lovers', 'unrequited love', 'rivals', 'spouses', 'boss and subordinate', 'senior and junior', 'idol and producer' -- certain "states" that occured between people were codified with specific words.
To answer 'what are their relations?', you can reply, "they're going out" or "they're on bad terms", specifying the "state" at a particular moment. These are 'relations.'
What's important is that it describes that state at a point in time. The reply to "what are their relations?" is a static, fixed answer. In the sense that given an initial state and a set of rules you can derive the next state, you could construct a world model based on something akin to classical mechanics.
However, more and more phenomena began to be discovered that couldn't be described by it. For example, telling a very intimate couple something like "hurry up and get married" is based on a shared tacit understanding that the next step on the road of love from 'dating' is 'marriage'. But while it certainly does confirm to societal templates, it ignores the existence of a vast number of possibilities and unnamed relations occurring outside of them.
There is also, for example, the idea of "just business." Two people act very intimately with each other, but it is actually just a performance to please the audience, and they're not that close in reality. In this situation a relation just for show, one that's not the real deal, would be called "just business." 'Real' and 'business' are thought to be completely separate, and 'on bad terms' and 'intimate' are treated as exclusive. This is the classical mechanics understanding of relations.
In this system, you cannot explain the following states:
On stage they pretended to get on well, but at some point the distinction between stage and reality started to blur.
Behind the scenes they were like a cat and a dog, but even so, they respected each other's skill.
There should have been no strong feelings towards the other party, but it's unpleasant when they're close to someone else.
Despite being polar opposites with the other party, they can't help but think of them even when they're not around, to one's own annoyance.
...Something along these lines.
We need something that can handle not just discrete '0' and '1' states, but various aspects tying people together and their complex changes over time. This would be the notion of "relationship".
As a side note, even within the classical mechanics model of relations there are still some ambiguities. A good example would be 'more than friends, less than lovers.' However, this still places "friends" and "lovers" on the same line and points to a segment on that line. It's not suited for describing anything more complex than that.
Much like how modern physics is built on the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, a more subtle approach is required to talk about the interactions between the multitude of aspects.
Even given the same initial state, interactions between humans won't necessarily display the same predicted behavior. They won't take the same form, and will keep constantly changing, so much so that a snapshot in time would be meaningless. "Relationship" expresses this kind of dynamic interaction.
So when asked "What are their relations?", a modern otaku will keep their mouth shut.
Because you cannot describe it with a few words. No matter the answer, you will feel like you missed something. Because if it's not based on the process and context of how the relation came to be, you know there will be something you just won't be able to convey.
There are relationships in this world that can only be described as "there is a relationship."
Seeking to gain even a slightly deeper understanding of them, everyone desperately chases after more information. Because, like collecting the pieces of a complex puzzle, they want to increase the accuracy of their own perception. However, by following relationships you will learn the horrifying truth that it leads to a swamp with no bottom.
Human relationships, when viewed from the outside, can only be perceived up to a certain level. Anything that doesn't appear outside can only be known by those in the relationship itself. Above all, it physically cannot be observed.
Yes, they're "unobservable."
This is an important point about modern relationships. No matter how hard you try, you cannot understand others' relationships. No matter how strongly you imagine it, based on the information that's out there, it will be just that: your imagination. And even while you're imagining, the relationship keeps building up out of your sight.
This is, in fact, the same for fictional characters as well as for real ones. Even though something crucial may be happening where an otaku can't see it, they will never know about it. This is the notion of "don't understand a thing.'
When you try to observe a relationship, you will hit this wall no matter how much you increase the resolution. But on the other side of this semi-transparent wall you can see an incredibly bright, bare 'love' shining through.
Relationships are but one of the forms 'love' manifests in the world. Those drawn in by its dazzling light, burning themselves to ashes, are the 'extreme otaku'. How pitiful.
Please be careful all of you.
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buckethatsos · 8 months
5sos are the reason we're mentally heathy but also the reason we're mentally insane.
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sunnyscript · 1 year
Parallax feels for y'all
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vilsoo · 9 months
male jjk “fans” on twitter are so fucking weird and annoying and this applies to every male shounen fanbase out there 🙃 just a cesspool of incels that love hating on women that genuinely enjoy the series
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