#even tho i loooooooooove them
jejciu · 2 years
thoughts on picnic food. what are the best options for hypothetically having a picnic with you
Hi żmijko hope ur having a wonderful weekend :-)))))))) hope u don't mind me dividing it into two categories!!!
1. Drinks
Due to warm weather (bc who is doing picnics when it's cold) it's a bad idea to have either hot drinks or cold drinks. I know it's good for u to like drink tea and other hot beverages to match ur body temperature better so u feel less hot in the long run, but let's be honest, it kind of sucks. But also so does soda. I don't think I've ever had a single soda that tasted good after sitting in the sun for more than 10 minutes.... So honestly to me, plain water is good enough :-) it's good and refreshing. Also, I especially love having picnics next to body of water (although then u have to handle the bugs.....) so u can actually put the bottle in the sand when it's still heavy enough so the water cools it down from the outside hehe.
When it comes to alcohol, as long as ur picnicking in a cop-free area and have an option for a cooling bag or something, i love pre-made drinks :-) ofc not bought pre-made drinks, but ones made at home, with just the perfectly customized amount of alcohol that u like the most. I like daiquiris and mojitos for hot summer days, they don't feel too sticky and they're very easy to make (and I tend to sip them slowly so they don't run out as quickly) :)!! Adorable water bottles are the best for that purpose, too. At least u don't have to worry about delicate glass or cans that can explode in ur bag.
2. Food
My no.1 picnic food are sandwiches. Absolutely absolutely sandwiches. Any dark bread, really, but never buns (I don't know why tho, they just don't feel picnicky enough)! Never with anything that spreads or can melt easily (except for butter), always slices of meat or cheese or veggies :-) besides sandwiches, i also like pasta or salad with chicken, turkey or tuna :-)
but other than that, i loooooooooove fresh fruit and veggies. Like I love it so much. I love strawberries, cherries, or grapes (the absolute BEST to have at picnics), but I also adore having sliced tomatoes with just a bit of salt and pepper, as well as cucumbers and carrots cut into long stripes!!! They're just crunchy enough and esp cucumbers are also perfectly watery. Also red radish is yum yum :-)
It's also really weird when people bring salty (or even chocolatey????) snacks tho. The only exception I'd make for sunflower seeds, but then there's the whole issue with throwing out the shells, u gotta prepare a little bag or something but in my experience it usually tries to float away constantly so it's just too much bother. But chips or popcorn?????? Like come onnnnn why are some people doing this. What are u thinking. Fatty foods have no place at picnics!!!! They're fine for movie nights but not here!!!
And last little thing that I really appreciate are the ice candies :-) I have no idea why but I adore having ice candies while on a hot day outside. I usually carry gum or mint candies with me but ice candies are just...... SO perfect for after picnics. I can't explain it they just match so well with like the after meal relaxing. Although u do have to make sure to check if they're not melting together....
Anyway thank u for asking my sweet little darling słoneczko it's such a lovely fun thing to daydream about 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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orchidsangel · 3 months
“and you can do a flip?” LMAOOOOOOO REAL !
seriously though i love dick grayson sm bc he is me and i am him. but i love jason a lot bc i just wanna be there for him ig? smth makes me wanna fix him or be broken with him idk how to put it. so idk who i prefer over the other. also there are just so many. versions? of jason. i cant even say who my favorite is bc i like most of them for vastly different reasons. there are different versions of dick yeah but i think you can kinda sum all of them up with the same baseline story and characterization.
i think the first time i learned about the batfam was when the gotham knights game came out which is kinda late but i never cared too much about dc media until then bc the easiest way to get me interested in something is through a game 😭 but TECHNICALLY the first time i saw nightwing was whenever ppl edited comic panels or smth, same for jason but when i first saw red hood i deadass thought he was deadpool bc of that one panel with the book and the gun… still ashamed of that to this day
but ok so boom i see an ad for gk and im like oo this is cool then nightwing pops up and i’m like WOAHHHH he’s sexy i think i know him! red hood’s in the game too but i didn’t care too much for him until i started playing as him and realized that like. wow that dude is huge. wow he can probably snap me in half with ease. but i think i REALLY started liking jason when i played arkham knight (which is also probably when i was actually first introduced to nightwing now that i think about it but i don’t feel like retyping anything sawry)
but anyway i think i’ve already asked this question or some variation of it… favorite version/writing for dick and/or jason GO
why'd i literally never see this?
i'm not a gamer so i'm not super familiar with each games outside of what i know from tumblr and deep dives into wikis. i think i've watched some clips of walkthroughs on tiktok. mostly arkham knight tho because i loooooooooove that whole plot. i have no clue what gotham knights is about tho???
i literally don't even know how i truly found out about nightwing. bc i watched teen titans and teen titans go as a kid and i knew that was robin but i didn't connect...that it was robin from batman and robin??? like i knew it but i never actively thought about it.
i do really love how dick as robin has a lot of content seperate from batman like. i'll cry again but. young justice. aghhhhhhhhhhhh
and i'm not sure when nightwing came into my life but woah. nothing was ever the same. like i've got a smile on my face while i'm typing about this bc i've got a pic of him in my mind and it's got me kicking my feet. he's just so silly and fine. i love him BAD.
for dick i 100% write for young justice dick/nightwing. i love him. i love him bad. i wish he was in more episodes of yj but as the show goes on he appears less and less and ugh my heart.
for jason, i've said this before but it's like a mix of different versions of him. there's a mosaic of him in my head that's a mix of canon and fanon. and bc they just like...reboot him every few years it's hard for me to pick just one.
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 4 months
What I'm Watching: January 2024
New year, same monthly roundup. And off to a solid start with what can probably be summed up as Robert Englund month...
Zombie Strippers!
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The exclamation point is important. This movie was like sticking real diamonds on costume jewelry. Which is to say, it's exactly what it sounds like, but contained some surprising gems. But then, horror comedies are just like that. There was plenty of ridiculousness (to be expected for a movie about a zombie outbreak infecting dancers at a strip club), but I'm still impressed at how well the humor landed. I mean, they really didn't have to try that hard. But no, it was genuinely funny and had more than a few existential moments, and I loooooooooove me some existentialism. Throw in some gore and so many boobs, and there ya go. Made for a niche audience with love.
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon
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I need to study this movie. To be fair, you almost have to as a matter of honor, if you're a horror nerd, because there are so many goddamn references. Don't take that as me complaining, tho, because one thing about me is I'm a fucking nerd. I didn't think it was possible to get more meta than Scream without getting gimmicky, but this one pulls it off. I knew enough about the plot to know more or less where things were heading, but there was still enough of a mystery to keep me on my toes, and the twist is the kind that makes you feel proud of yourself for piecing together. Even if slasher movies aren't your thing, this is still a ton of fun.
Urban Legend
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I live blogged this and had a great time with it. This is another one for the "best watched with friends" list, and one I'm going to have to come back to for sure. And in case you haven't heard, I love Professor Wexler.
Cowboy Bebop
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What? You thought I'd watch the live action without it tripping the rewatch sensor for the anime? Besides, I've only ever seen the sub and I've heard the dub is just as good. And folks...IT IS. IT REALLY IS. I'm not quite mentally prepared for the spiral the finale will send me into, so I'm taking my time with it. But again, I'm not complaining. It looks beautiful, it sounds fantastic (THE MUSIC!!! HAVE YOU HEARD THE MUSIC!!!) and it's just so fucking cool. Joss Whedon can suck it, because Firefly can't touch this.
The Last Showing
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This was a fun thriller. You gotta love it when you can see the love of the genre and the art of cinema itself so clearly in a piece. Stuart reads like Stanley Kubrick if he never made it as a director, and on one hand, I wanted the poor guy to finish his movie, but on the other...bro, you can't do that.
2001 Maniacs
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Well, this sure was a movie that I watched. Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure I was gonna make it through this one, as it goes for the over-the-top Southern redneck stereotype that goes into caricature territory reeeeaaaaally fast and finishes it off with the usual horny douchebag mid-2000's protagonists that don't even try to make you like them much less invest in them, but once you realize where things are going, you wanna see how it plays out. I cannot emphasize enough how over the top and how horny the first half of the movie is, but the inevitable gore is so theatrical it's fun, and it has plenty of laughs once you stop taking it seriously. It's one of those where the ending recontextualizes everything leading up to it without everything hinging on the twist, which I always appreciate. And I was not a bit surprised to see Eli Roth.
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In hindsight, there were better gifs I could have used. *shudder* This was the first rewatch of the year, and honestly, it's been analyzed, raved over, and talked about much better by people who actually like it, so I don't have much to contribute. Not that I hate it, really. It is a well made, nerve-wracking, gut-wrenching movie, but it's just not for me, and that's okay. Hard to pin down exactly where they lose me (I have an inkling, but it'll take more time to discuss than I'm willing to spend here), but the stuff that works, WORKS. Some bits had me shaking. Others had me trying my hardest not to burst into tears. It's excruciating to sit through, I tip my hat to everyone involved in it, and I never want to watch it again.
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dicaxasinus · 6 years
yknow im kinda entertained by the fact that like my wind waker cospics got like max 15 notes but those 4s ones are currently at like 318 like goddam.............. yall sure do like ur edgy kid shadow..................
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mydearesthrry · 4 years
michelle - p.p.
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based off of conan grays song, heather. please listen during this. warnings: angst, cussing, very tiny mentions of death. italics - flashbacks :)
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i still remember, the third of december.
"peter, shut up!" you laughed, hitting him with a pillow but he kept singing the lyrics to the song that was playing, singing into a math trophy as a microphone.
"ohhhhhh loooooooooove! never knew what i was missing! but i knew once we start kissing, i foooooound," he sang loudly, mocking the notes that keyshia cole hit.
"loooove" he got quieter as ended his song, and once he did, he looked you in the eyes. you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks, and you shivered visibly.
"oh, my bad, are you cold?" he asked, taking off his blue midtown hoodie. he handed it to you, and you gratefully took it, putting it on and inhaling his scent. the hoodie went down to just about your knees. you noted the way he started blushing and fidgeting with his fingers, indicating that he was getting nervous and flustered.
"i- it looks better on you than it does me, y/n."
me and your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you.
"hey, peter, so i-" you started but unfortunately, aunt may bursted through the door, soon apologizing, asking what you two wanted for dinner. you answered her and she quickly left without a word.
"what were you gonna say?" peter sighed, turning to you, and running his fingers through his hair.
"oh- n-nothin'," you laughed it off, "not important."
only if you knew how much i liked you
"you sure?" he asked, putting his hand on your arm.
your skin heated up at the soft movement. "yup, positive." you gave a fake smile and turned back to your physics homework. "hey listen, uhh, i gotta go. but i'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" you asked, already packing up your stuff.
"y/n, you know you don't have to leave. you're always welcome here." he said politely with the softest eyes you could ever imagine.
"i know pete, and i thank you for that, but i really gotta go. i'm sorry." you sighed, walking toward him. he held out his arms to hug you, but you quickly dodged it and ran out the door.
the next day as you got to school, you saw ned and peter at peters locker. you saw them and ducked down behind some people in hopes that they wouldn't see you. unfortunately for you tho, they did see you, and called you over.
"hey guys." you said, giving them a tight lipped smile.
"hey y/n!" peter said enthusiastically. you automatically smiled wider, and messed with the sleeves of your peters hoodie.
"you're still wearing it?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"y-yeah. if that's okay with you." you smiled.
"i-it- yeah- i- it's okay," he stuttered over his words, "uhhh- i think s-someones calling me, so i gotta go, but bye!" he ran away, tripping over his shoelace, almost falling but regaining his balance and turning the corner.
lunch rolled around quicker than you wished it would. if you're being honest you dreaded this time to come because you knew peter would be talking about mj the entire time. i mean, it's not that you didn't like her, because she was an amazing person, but if i'm being honest, she got on your nerves. you never spoke to her, but you already got annoyed with her considering the fact that your crush always talked about the girl he liked, but rightfully so, right? you admitted a long time ago that you were jealous and the only person who knew you felt this way was betty. you knew you could truly confide in her, so you did. she felt so sympathetic for you because even she saw how peter looked at mj, and it broke her heart too knowing her best friend was going through this.
you picked at your food, listening to peter and ned talk about their obsession about mj until you finally snapped.
"hey y/n? can i have my hoodie back?" peter asked, and you looked up from your food with a confused look written on your face.
"uhh, sure?" you said, slowly taking off the hoodie. you felt so bare- it sounds stupid but that hoodie made you feel safe. you shakily handed it back to peter, and he took it, not noticing how weird you were acting. he didn't see you handing him the sweater, and you watched his eyes as she walked by— he was mesmerized. you couldn't help but feel jealous.
but i watch your eyes as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes. brighter than a blue sky. she's got you mesmerized while i die.
you felt anger bubbling within you, and you finally decided it was enough. you slammed his hoodie into his lap, picked up your tray and stomped away.
the time you snapped was when you saw mj cuddled up in his side wearing his midtown hoodie. the one that he gave you. the one he said you could keep. the one he said only you looked good in. was it all a lie? was he trying to make you feel better about yourself? you told yourself it was too good to be true, and obviously, you were right.
the next day you saw mj next to peter with him, cuddled into his side wearing the sweater he gave you and so suddenly took back. you scoffed but decided to be the bigger person.
you tried to keep it together as much as you could until you just couldn't, and you lost your shit.
"hey mj, better be careful. one second he loves you, the next he doesn't." you said, eyeing peter before slamming your fork in your food and storming out the cafeteria. peter looked up with a shocked expression, but you couldn't care less. he hurt you in a way unimaginable.
you decided to go back home, just to clear your thoughts when you heard a loud knock on your front door. you opened it up to see the one and only peter parker.
"what do you want, parker?" you spat, venom laced in your voice.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? the one girl i liked and you had to scare her away!" peter scoffed.
"the one girl you liked? wow, so i clearly was right. i wasn't- i'm not the one who lead the other one on, was i? exactly! so i don't think you should get a say in this! you had me thinking for months- several months that you wanted me! but clearly i was wrong, wasnt i? do you think this is a fairytale? where you'll get the girl 100 percent of the time? news flash, that's not how that fucking works peter!" you raised your voice, shocking him slightly.
"i- stop acting ridiculous, y/n! you're acting irrational! stop overreacting! i didn't even do anything to you, did i?" he yelled back, running his hands through his hair angrily.
"think about it peter! why am i always the second choice? i mean, why would you ever kiss me? i-im not even half as pretty. i saw that you gave her your sweater-"
"i-it's just polyester." he tried to reason with you but it wasn't working.
"but you like her better, peter." you couldn't keep it together but you tried your best, tears already streaming down your cheeks
"w- why are you acting this way? what did i do?"
"you didn't do anything, peter. i just,, i wish i was mj." you sniffled slammed the door in peters face, sinking down the door and letting your loud sobs spill from your lips.
the next day of school was hard for you. you avoided peter as best as you could. you caught his eyes a few times in the hall, and you had to admit, it hurt so bad. you didn't think that your best friend would be the person you'd hate so much.
lunch rolled around once again, and you looked to your table and saw peter with his arm around mj's shoulders. you looked down at their interlocked hands, and you felt broken. their lovesick eyes peering into eachother eyes. what a sight for sore eyes. you sighed, your eyes brimming with tears once again.
"i'm not even half as pretty." you repeated once again to yourself. you thought to yourself 'how could i hate her? she's such an angel.' you chuckled to yourself, and just let the tears fall. but then again, you couldn't help but wish she were dead.
'i wish i was mj'
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tomhardygf · 4 years
i see that you're reading arthur/eames... do you have any good recs? thank you in advance <3
he’ll yea i do !!!! under the cut so i’m not Annoying ! (and sorry for taking so long to reply!!)
so first off most of these recs will also be found in my bookmarks on ao3, if you just want to peruse there! i’m gonna rec Longer fics because that’s what i prefer, but there are a few Short n Sexie ones that will be in there (will be nsfw..... 😳)
OKAY beyond that here we go:
1. i’ll be home for christmas (if only in my dreams) by dotytakethisdown Arthur asks Eames to pretend to be his boyfriend when he goes home for Christmas. 15.9k
exactly what it says it is. this is one of the first arthur/eames fics i’ve ever read and i LOVE it. LOVE fake dating, LOVE previous relationship, LOVE!!!!! i actually re-read this yesterday before you even sent this ask lmaoooo!! plz read this one
2.  the material life of the californian suburb by eleveninches Arthur seduces Eames into good. 35.7k
i have not read this one for a few months but i remember they use a powerpoint presentation in the fic and it literally made me cry laughing. V good and deserves the bajillion kudos it has!
3. the waking years by weatherfront After the Fischer inception, Eames goes back to work as an extractor, and Arthur joins his team. Due to circumstances involving a guy who may or may not be from Greenland, pop astrology, someone's broken limb, hormones, and convenience, they end up learning that love is what starts down below (and makes its way up your spine). 25.2k
LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!! i love the concept of arthur/eames being something that Everyone in dreamshare knows they’d be great together except for them and this one has That! written rlly well and the dialogue between them is super funny and i love it !
4. wherever you will be (that’s where i’ll call home) by gyzym People you kiss in an airport baggage claim and then don't talk to for thirteen months shouldn't be able to exist, let alone make your chest do the things Arthur's chest is doing. There are rules. 74.8k
Listen. Listen. this is a series and i recommend you read the ENTIRETY of it. i genuinely cried during the last few ones. it’s cute. it’s domestic. the fact that i am recommending a series that has quite a few entries that are NOT rated explicit should be proof enough of how amazing this is. READ IT!!!
5. not necessarily the best policy by five_ht Arthur has a lot of feelings, mostly about Eames' penis. Yusuf's accidental truth drug helpfully illuminates them. 5.2k
okay look. this is a quick one but i’m contractually obligated to recommend. i LOOOOOOOOOOVE concepts like truth potions (which i know some people do Not like) but this one is so FUNNY and also VERY NSFW i cannot sit here and not put this in my recs
6. for a good time, call by oceaxe Arthur is uptight and can’t sleep. A colleague gives him the number of someone who can help him laugh and relax (spoiler alert, it’s Eames). 21.5k
this one i read months and months ago and didn’t bookmark, and i had to go searching through the thousands of a/e fics on ao3 to find it again because i couldn’t stop thinking about it. EXTREMELY good, fantastic concept, and deserves a lot more kudos than it actually has!
7. amuse-bouche by bauble Eames is a world famous pop star who hires Arthur as his bodyguard. 59.3k
alright, look. i usually hate bodyguard AUs, and i especially don’t like pop star/famous AUs. this one is GOOD. i avoided it forever because i thought it’d be awful and cheesey, but i ended up really liking it! it’s eames as a sort of lady gaga in her prime type figure and arthur as his grouchy technophobe bodyguard. it’s funny and clever, and also part of a larger series (tho i have not read the rest so cannot vouch for them!)
there’s soooooo many more that i loved but i’m not just going to dump the list of arthur/eames fics with most kudos on ao3 here lmaooo!!! hope you find something to read here and i hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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yorekichan · 4 years
Hello everyone :* Ki-chan here. 💗💗💗💗 Sending tons of love and fluff for everyone. :D 
Be aware- there will be many blabbering and many hugging, you got warned. :) 
I know I wasn’t active on tumblr soooooo long >///////< omggggg 😲... so thank you even more for staying with me and being so patient for any content hahah.  Omg it seems like i wasn’t truly here ages. >///////////<  My blog was really soooooo dead ;) 
I will really try to be more active hahah, so please have crossed fingers for me. :D  Coz I really miss tumblr and doing my silly posts. :) And of course: I missed all of you sooooooooooo much. :) . 💗 I hope to back for good so hahah please be gentle for me :D I am sure so many changed here 😘
And by the way hello to all of my new followers. It is nice too meet you. :D Just in case if you would ever want to talk please always feel free to write to me. :D I am always happy to meet new friends . So if you want fangirl about ships, talk about anime/manga, movies, fairy tales, need a hug or fluff I am here. 🥰 I can be pretty sloooow (i am sorrrrry) with replying but i will always reply even if it will take a time. 😘
I was also really missing sending hugs and fluff on tumblr a looooooot. Coz  as all of probably you know I am hugu-hugu love monster hahahah. So hahah be prepared for love storm. and also little “i love you” to my all sweet friends. :* Coz all of you deserve for toooooooooooons of love. 🥰🥰🥰 Nao @tatarangelic  omggg where I should even srthkjahjagag. Thank you so so so much!!!! You, spending time together is such precious part of my daily life. :* Like reallllly ghjggjdfdfjfh. All support, warmth, care and love you always give me  is my strength, power and light. And all our silly talks and shippy ideas give me happiness and sooooo many cuteness. Awww You are my angel wink wink (you know why i am winking muhaha  :)) Shingeki no hugs you with tons of my LOVE to you. Love. You are just such my amazing Nao piee I can’t even describe this ahhhhhhhhh. :*
Rachelllll @racyue - my octopus babe, and my empress of makoharu fluff empress!!!!!! EMPRESS!!! And overall of fluff. :D sending you million makoharu fluffy hugs. :* Thank you for all your love, warmth and really all sweet, cozy feelings you always give me and sending you dozens of mako’s hugs and haru’s kissess. :* Love you as Mako loves Haru!!! :* Kissssssssssss. 
Mihu @mihuras Mihuuuuuuuuuu my sweet baby lil sisssssssssss!!!!!!! my fluffy unicorn baby, love you love youuuu, you are just too fluffy for my heart and all you arts are just reincarnation of true fluff. :*  Like reallllly how adrorable you can beeeeee!!! Melting. Thank you for always being my bean of fluff and light. And omg i am always so proud of you, your ideas and how hardworking you areee. :*
Chellie chellie @bekasstar - waaaaaaaaaaa my otoya, my tomo, my todoroki!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >////////////< you my infnite queen :D  Love you love you my Cheeellllieeeeeee!!! and we are always connected with the red thread. :* Kyaaaaa Kya. Always so proud and happy to see your pics and aww sending you million of our idol angels love. :*
Waifuuuuuuuu Lola-channnn @miyakuli sending you tons of bear hugs!!!!! awwwwwwwwww i don’t know what to say gghggjhcxfgfx >/////<  coz waifu is... my dear waifu!!!! >//////////////////////////<  It talks everything tehehe. And also my babyyy bear!!!!!!!!!!!! Love my Lolalove!  Bear huuugs. callllliiiiiin. :* 
Riiiiiiiirn riiiiiiin @priintaniere Aww my sweet babyyyyyyy Riin!!! omg Riiin!!!!  :* There is so many I could say ahhhh! You are so talented and smart and all talks with you are always so inspiring, you ARE inspiring! plus always very sweet for me too kyaaa.  p.s : I found lately amazing picture book about dragons i will show you this later, I am sure you will enjoy this. :)  :* 
Silvi-chan @strawberriesforkei - my sweet pandaaaaaaa kurotsuki baby!!!!! Love youuuuuu, it is  already millions years from day we are friends :D Happpppy coz many years together kya kya, thank youuuuuuuu for always being connected no matter of distance and the time going :* You always make me smile so much and always giving me so many good energy. Kiss kiss. 
Indie-chaaaaan @indigoblue-readsalot - thank you so so much for always caring so much for me, and being so sweet and gentle for me always, thank you thank you cutie baby pie. Please also take care you too :*, hugging you and giving you yummy cookies made with looooooooooooove. :*
Vilmaaaaaaaaa @sleepyams - Viviiiiiii, my cutie baby vivi, hugging you and giving you sweets. And giving you even more sweets and candies, tho you don’t really need them coz you are just already so so so sweet!!!!!!!, and omg so gentle, ahjahakjh my pure Viviangel. :* Loooooooooove. :*
Mip @smuggled-bagels​ baby Mip, aw there is so many things i would want to say hgjfgfghdrssdf, omg time flies so much! Really so happy to know you, our even the smallest talks always give me so so many positive energy. :* Hugging you million times. :*
Maribell @karmaalma my the cutest laven companion huggggggging you so so so much. awww and fangirling with you about dgm forever and ever. :D and awwww you are just too fluffy for my heart, alwaaaaaaays >//////< Kiss kiss you my Mari-Maribell. :*
Yuuuuuukkkkkki-chan @tsunderedandere-chan - awww my cutie yuuukkkkiiiii, we know each other sooo long already omggggg, you are really with me from my first moments on tumblr awwwwwww, thank you thank you :* miss you toons and hugging you more and moreeeeeee. 
My sweet babyyyyy @moonlitneko I can always count on you to blabber together and fangirl about our baby son and sun eijun, thank youuuuuuuuuu it always give me so many energy, you cutie sweet lil sunshine. :* Sending you tons of miyusawa looooooove and sweet sunshine kisses. :*
Miri-chan @mire022​ awwwwwww sending you many many hugs hugs, you are always  so sooooooooooooo nice, warm and sweet for me babyyyyy :) Sending you cuddles, love and kissesssssss x 100000 times. :*
Romy @zakuras - baby Romy, kya babyyy romy!!!! so happy to see you back babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy coz i was really missing you loooooooooot, myyyyyyyyy adorable cuuuuutie Romy. :* Huggigng you huuuuging. :* :* :*
Maite-chan @niji-byakumay​​ awww you adorable cutie thank you for all your cute lil messages it always make me feel fluffy and happy so much. you are such huggable cutie pie, huuugs. :)
My aokya fluffqueen @restinpeacesensei - i was saying this million times but aww you, my fluffy cutie and your baby akoya angel always make me melt and so happy!!! :* sending you tons of akoya spring fairies and akoya bun bun (Easter is coming soon so tons of akoya bunnies are coming to you :D) 
So once again alllll big huuuuuuuug for everyone who read this. :D Thank you so much. :D 
Kissesssssss. :*
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hotgirlscoups · 4 years
😹 and 🤶? idk i think thats the right emoji lol
😹 - funniest mutual?
im not kidding when i say this but all my mutuals are fucking hysterical i love them so much njskansdd but probably @swept-you-out-again holy shit her sense of humour is exactly the same as mine lmaoooooo. or maybe @taywonderstruck because she acts like she doesnt like me even tho i know she looooooooooves me :)))
🎅- are you religious?
nopeeee i gave up on my faith a couple of years ago
new emoji ask game
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Okay so I’ve been thinking about the dogs A LOT and I totally have been daydreaming about how Brown and Orange (and lowkey Pink) LOOOOOOOOOOVE early 90’s grunge music so here we go kiddos
• so think about it: resdogs came out in 92 so I think it’s safe to assume that’s when it takes place right? WELL
• bro 92 is like one of the golden years for 90’s grunge prove me wrong
• anyways
• I can 10/10 see brown being into the heavier, sludgier grunge like he’d def be way into Soundgarden
• and some Alice In Chains u know
• but also stuff that wasn’t too mainstream? Like candlebox, spacehog, filter, you know stuff that was still popular but not too popular yanno
• he refers to his music as “Poetry. Fuckin poetry man.” haha what a sweetie
• while on the other hand I can see orange thinking that shit is INTENSE
• he jumps everytime them bones by alice in chains comes on bc of the AAHH that happens at the beginning of the song do u know what im talking about
• I think the hardest bb boy orange goes is like.....nirvana u kno
• but I can also see him being kinda into soundgarden and helmet and stuff like when he’s feeling all 😎😎😎
• brown and orange are both pretty big stone temple pilots fans, they actually bond over music really quickly aw
• anyways onto pink
• he would kinda be into the shit brown listens to but one time he was giving brown shit for it when he was being a grump (“what the fuck is this shit man jesus cHriST”) so now he can’t ask brown about it bc he’s a stubborn pendejo
• but also he’d be such a fan of rage against the machine like yes fuck you I won’t do what you tell me
• anyways back to freddy I forgot somethin
• like omg can you imagine him beep boppin down the street to que onda guero omg and mumbling the Spanish parts I’m ded (even tho that came out in ‘05 shhhhhhh)
• okay but also like
• can you imagine brown driving with white and orange
• brown and orange are in the front and browns all like “dude have you heard badmotorfinger yet” and orange is like ????? no???????? So brown puts his cd in
• and those two in the front are looooving it living their best lives
• while white is in the back like
• tf am I listening to
• he wants to roll out of the car while it’s going 60 down the highway but he endures it bc he’s in love and wants his baby to be happy ok
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icouldbeluckyagain · 4 years
2, 6, 16, 18 💕
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
any romcom or disney movie 
6.  say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
umm i like my hair, my eyes and my eyebrows. non physical i like that i’m loyal, usually very chill, caring i guess 
16.  compliment the person who sent you this number.
seed you are so sweet and caring, so smart and I love how well you can express yourself and put everything into words. you’re an amazing writer and I loooooooooove watching your cooking stories even tho they always make me hungry
18.  do you still love stuffed animals?
I like them and they are so cute but allergies are a bitch and i can’t have a lot of them :/
soft asks to get to know people!
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booksandwillowtrees · 5 years
Why I’m really excited for MCU Phase 4 and beyond
So I’m a teenager and the marvel movies were not made for me.
I was 4 when iron man came out.
I was 6 when Avengers came out.
Those weren’t movies for 4 and 6 year olds. Even if I enjoyed the action, I couldn’t have related to grown up billionaire playboy Iron man, or a guy going off to war to fight for his country.
I didn’t watch those movies when they came out, and I didn’t want to watch them out of order so I didn’t end up watching them at all until this year. Over the course of a couple months I watched them all with my mom.
But even watching them as a teenager who could enjoy the stories and actions, I don’t think I enjoyed them as much as a lot of other people did. A lot of that is probably just preference, I don’t really care for fight scenes. But also even tho I loved Iron man and Thor, they didn’t quite resonate with me and they weren’t made for teenagers. I didn’t really feel attached to a lot of the characters until Ragnarok, Or infinity war.
I’m not quite explaining it right but I hope it makes some sense.
Then I watched spider-man, and it wasn’t my favorite movie out of all of them, but I felt more like I could relate to the character than I had for other ones. I understood him more.
Spider-man was made for me, made for teenagers and kids. It was meant to be watched by confused highschoolers, and kids full of dreams.
Even the plot was more made for us. Peter Parker wants to be something, but no one is taking him seriously. Something every teen and kid can relate to.
Heck in every appearance he is the “kid” character, the baby of the group.
Not only so Peter a character more meant for people my age but, the tone of his stuff is one I generally like just a bit more.
So with that in mind, think of Far From Home; the transitioning point between the infinity saga and beyond. It sets up Peter as the new Iron Man. It takes a character who was meant for younger people and puts him in the spotlight. Puts him in the same spot of the man who was the backbone of the infinity war saga.
And I’m hoping that means that the next saga, whatever it may be, is going to be made for us, and made to grow with us.
And I’m hoping that was the little something I was missing in the other movies.
It’s a whole load of speculation but it makes me very excited.
TL;DR: I’m excited because it sets up a character I really love as the backbone of the series, and also I’m hoping since it’s a younger character the series may be more targeted towards teens and the like and grow up with us.
P.S. I’m not saying teens and kids can’t enjoy the marvel movies. (I adored them) I’m just saying that I personally didn’t enjoy them as much as I think I might have for possibly that reason. Also not saying that I think Phase 4 is going to or should be only for younger people just that I hope it’s more in that direction.
P.P.S I know technically FFH is the last installment in Phase 3, but to me personally I feel like it’s more of a midpoint between the 3 and 4. An epilogue and prologue mixed in one.
I’m also just super hype because I looooooooooved FFH.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 31.10.18 lb
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lmao om's kinda had enough of rudra. he's just holding his tongue for the sake of peace.
i recognize this face coz it's mine, every time i have to deal with my own jaahil family people.
lo ji, bade bhaiyya has already fixed the deal.
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oh ho. sign kar. and that’s not a request.
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i'm just so struck by how much like his father rudra's acting. like pakka tej ka beta hai yeh.
ooooooooooooooooooh cut-throat shivaay says sign or everyone will know what a fuck up you are.
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i am lovinggggggg om's passive reaction, taking neither side, just waiting to see how it all plays out. smart bwoy.
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“bhaiyya bol.”
om's tinyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nod in agreement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! askdljalsjdk i love him.
lol kaise chaaku ki nok pe bhaiyya bulwa raha hai.
“... warna?” “warna company ke losses ke reports leak ho jayenge.” DAYUMMMMMMMM SHARK SINGH OBEROI IS BAAAAAACK.
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aah man. dil par lagi.
lol rudra's throwing om under the bus too. kar di na chote bhai waali harkat.
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om's like bitch don't drag me into this, your dumb ass doesn't listen. all you care about is fucking with shivaay.
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‘..... is that not what i was supposed to do?’
lol shivaay piling on with blaming him for that dumbass press conference. i'm loving it.
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baby ki kursi bhi cheen li. haaaye.
lol the way om is practically falling over himself to sign. he’s had enough of this fuckery and just wants to go back to being a mostly silent-partner asap.
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dominance asserted. fall in line punks, BHAIYYA’S BACK.
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daaaaaaaaamn that shark smile. fuck me, i love it.
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but rudra's gonna get him back for this. i know it already.
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i really love how they frame these shots, with rudra against shivKara (who are still distant from each other, but on the same side.)
anika's sent a wholeass picnic basket.
of course he didn't eat.
aur ab phone kaate jaa raha hai. god shivaay you know she’ll come marching down here.
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lmaoooooooooooooooo om's wordless acknowledgement and doing the bidding of bhaabi.
ugh her and her suhaagan bhaashan.
saamaan pack kar liya. good. just go somewhere. anywhere. he'll come find you when his dumb ass realizes. just go to the mountains and do vipaasana or some shit for a while and center yourself. lord knows you deserve it.
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great, she's threatening gaadi kudaao-ing from pahaadi. shouldn't have taught her that move, shivaay.
“ab isse kya hua???”
lol i lose it every time rudra asks this when shivaay has one of his “dauras”.
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ouffffffffff stop screamingggggggg. in front of everyoneeeeeee.
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gauri idk why you're letting him run his mouth like this. fucking body slam him, jiju status be damned.
the building he was supp to visit collapsed. uss mein bhi taaqat nahi thi shivaay aur uske chutiyaape ko jhelne ki, toh pre-emptively hi gir gaya.
lol om's given up allllllllllllllllll pretense of not caring about shivaay/anika’s wellbeing. he’s not effusive as he used to be, but it’s apparent he still cares a lot and holds them in respect as per their position.
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and rudra is NOT happy about that.
ouff ab gauri ki mooh khul rahi hai, to give gyaan on karwa chauth ki shakti.
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you fucking dumbass.
bhavya ne bhi apne 2 paise daalne hain. ouff enough.
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lmao sajjjj dhajjjjjj ke nikal rahi hai behen.
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le poori family involve ho gayi.
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lol i gotta say i realllllllly relate to rudra while watching in dono ki never-ending bakchodi.
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om's had enough of playing on the wrong side. he's like my superpowers are being forever fair and just and i musttttttttttt speak up for bhaabi.
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shivaay's o rly bitch? where was all this when you wouldn't let gauri and anika meet?
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‘damn you didn’t have to go in on me like that tho.’
oh ho anika's turn to be tyaag ki murat. ouff.
godddddddddddddd we all know she's not gonna go.
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gauri pls, itne izzat se kyun baat kar rahi hai is manhoos se.
gotta say she’s taking it pretty calmly that this dude is being a fucking jackass and just asked her sister to gtfo for no good reason. guess she has as much confidence in anika’s amaze pati-vrataa-ness as anika herself.
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aaah man.
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yuck wtf even is this, om; did you buy it off the barbie collection?
but she likes it so........ good job i guess.
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ugh i loooooooooove.
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rudra does seem to have his moments, i guess. i still wanna give you two three laafas, but aaj ke din side pe rakh deti hoon.
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these two still winning though.
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marr. guilt se marrrrrrrrrrr, saale.
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“aap mere kehne par ghar aa gaye, usse bada gift kya ho sakta hai?”
ugh pls anika. that gift has no aesthetic/resale value.
but good move to fuck him up.
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“chand nikal gaya par ab tak anika mujhe bulaane kyun nahi aayi?”
bitch tujhe itni fikar hai toh tu jaaake dhoond na.
oh footsteps.
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lololol fucking idiot.
it was bhavya who’s come to call him.
bollywood really needs to make more karwachauth songs coz i am fucking sick of just this one song being used for 20+ years.
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aw man i'm glad rikara finally got their perfect karwachauth.
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aaaaah fuck my heart. shivaay i wanna stomp on you i swear.
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“kuch khaaya tumne?”
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“khaaya. aapki daant.”
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lmaoooooooooooo she's twisting in the knife some more. good.
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yes. feed the cranky baby. half his issues are coz his ass is hangry.
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yes, emotionally blackmail him back ma. normally i don't advocate for this kinda fuckery par aaj ke din he deserves it.
time for her to faint no? it's not karwachauth for shivika unless one of them is slipping into the oblivion.
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yup right on schedule.
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waaah kya acting.
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dil diyaan gallaan again? ek hi gaana kitni baar karoge ek hi couple pe.
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it's taking him allllll there is to him to not hug her to himself. he made that tiny movement and then kinda controlled himself.
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of course she can't keep from gloating.
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lol he's so done.
ugh auraton ki sehan shakti waali bakchodi. hatt yahaan se.
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yeah same, i have the exact same face.
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ok itnaaaaaaaaaaa bhi excite hone ki zaroorat nahi hai.
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isuckatthisdonti · 6 years
(guy who told you about exile election) Finally! Fanart of the characters, my personal favourite designs are the two twins with the umbrella's but the rest of the designs are really cool too in my opinion. It has a very slow start though so prepare yourself for that
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WIP of Kaname and Ichika. about the game here : https://gematsu.com/2017/01/exile-election-first-details-screenshots-opening-movieenglish wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exile_Election
IT’S YOU. i cant thank you enough dood. *Warning: Spoilers ahead*i started the game yesterday and LOVING IT so far. it wasn’t a slow start at all impo, sh_t hits the fan pretty quickly in the game. but if you mean until he regains his memories about his sister and changes his approach of the game i see what you mean. the twins were the only characters i didnt really like....since they’re being very mean to everyone else but Hakushuu-sama.(and some other spoiler reasons). I love their VA and character designs tho. SO since you can choose who dies in order....the twins were the first to go in my playthrough. going in order of: Group B→A→C. currently at the first person in Group A.I dont really like the VA that much but everything else for the MC is👌👌👌👌👌 his craziness and ruthlessness after he decides to go on the revenge spree is just.....YES. I just LOOOOOOOOOOVE how he has synesthesia (i love characters with synesthesia) and sees lies as the color red. its so cool.  Also, Alice, Hakushuu-sama, Ichika, and Izuki are also my favs. Maybe Issei too, not sure atm.  I like how Itsuka is not that “typical childhood friend” type. i thought she’d be pretty annoying by first glance but turns out to be WEIRD slight-yandere WAIFU. like, she’s totally cool with kaname murdering everyone one by one and even helps him out or even willing to kill/die for kaname without question. partners in life AND partners in crime. cool. Her craziness matches Kaname’s crazy, i ship them hardcore. and its canon. i win. im sorta regretting going for group B first because my favorite Hakushu-sama is now dead. ill replay the game for sure. sorry if i sound weird im really tired for pulling a allnighter for this game well not technically but i barely slept and now i gotta wake up early tomorrow too for painting my fence and im tireed goodnight
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moonchildhcs · 5 years
parkjin headcanons!!
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ur honestly both in awe at how ur in a relationship with each other because neither of u give urselves enough credit !!!! u r both sweethearts and visual gods
hyunjin: “wow ur so cute i cant believe ur dating me” parker: “no!! thats me @ u” god: “p l e a s e ur both cute babies and u deserve each other”
i digress
this bb is friends with some clingy ass mofos !!! like daehwi !!! ur getting the hugs u deserve and u will get no complaints from him abt ur affections either because hes just sitting their with you like o//w//o
dont believe this boys dangerous stage presence he is a softie through and through he will get you flowers and chocolates and everything you could possibly imagine !!! angel baby sweetie pie ur pumpy umpy umpkin !!!
he would absolutely love dancing with you !! he loves ur passion and drive to perform and is always willing to practice with u even when hes tired :( bb boy !! hes much nicer than chan tho lol but hes still a pretty strict teacher so expect some dramatic improvement under him
(also whenever you pull off a move properly he gives u a sweet s m o o c h so it encourages you to do even better for more opportunities to kiss ur bf)
bc hes an idol !! yall cant go out publicly for dates all the time so a typical date is yall goofing off at home, watching movies and shows on netflix, a romantic dinner if yall have the energy but generally takeout, blasting music and dancing around, etc etc he just loves being with you
but when its been a while he will absolutely take you out on cute dates!! sometimes cute elaborate picnics, sometimes a spontaneous trip around the city at night, but always without a fail fun and exciting, especially with your boyfie by ur side :^)
also initially he is SO shy with you !! like remember how shy he was around jinyoung ??? during the survival show??? multiply that by a MILLION this boy was so shy he blushed the deepest shade of red just by h*lding ur h*nd !!! he gains more confidence as the relationship progresses but pls be easy on this bb boys heart
also (wiggles eyebrows) yall can have some spicy kisses !! some intense makeout sessions !! but nothing further lol he is a SHY BOY and also very much 18 he is awkward and is not abt that life rn lol
like ur gonna be shocked at the duality because at the beginning of the relationship hes like “c-can i h*ld ur h*nd? and ur like “how did u censor that out loud” but now hes like “makeout with me” and ur like bitch WHAT but also okay lol
this boy is a solid eight inches taller than you lol if you think he wont even lightly tease you about the height difference you are wrong !! ur just chillin and hes like “hey :) hows the weather down there” and ur like “i will END you” and he blows a kiss ur direction and ur like “okay maybe not ur kinda cute. but comment on my height again and u will receive no mercy”
DUDE he is at the perfect height where he can rest his chin on ur head!! and give u forehead kisses !!!! he just loves u so much man !!! sure kissing u on the lips is great and all but kissing ur forehead?? CUTE
also so many of his shirts and hoodies disappeared and he was like ?????????? what !!! and then he saw you just DROWNING in his hoodie because he too loves oversized stuff and hes like. im fine with this (he takes photos and sets them as his home and lockscreen when they arent promoting) (this boy is GOOD at not getting caught)
dude when the Boiis found out u two were dating they LOST IT !!! interrogated then welcomed !! hyunjin was exposed by them a lot lol they exposed ALL the juicy stories and u were like :^)
dont worry tho ya girl laramie exposed u in kind so then hyunjin was like :^)
truly a bonding experience for the both of you
yall are both visual gods so sometimes u both will just. try on even the most ridiculous outfits and have a fashion show in the living room of ur technically shared apartment
yall take photos on ur phones in a super exaggerated manner in order to mimic the paparazzi and photographers and shout encouragements like “YES KING GET THAT BREAD” and “OH YES WORK IT”
willing to nerd out with you at a l l times !!!
oh my god him sleeping over when he can when hes not promoting and u waking up to him spooning u and just. big cuddle hours: activated
soft kisses before jokingly going “u have morning breath” and just the resounding GROAN before he threatens to leave u cold in the bed and ur like no wait-
hes trying to be frugal with his money as he hasnt been an idol for that long but he definitely buys you gifts from time to time when hes reminded of u
“babe i got this red panda plushie for u” (insert parkers unintelligible  shrieking here)
hes not the most jealous boyfriend actually !! he trusts you a lot and is okay with you being friends with whomever u please but sometimes he sees u fangiring over his seniors or smth and hes like >:( im a good performer too love me !!!! pls !! he just wants ur love smooch his cheeks and ull be good
also to get him flustered? peck his cheeks or (gasp) his NOSE he gets so flustered bc its so innocent but so intimate at the same time so he just gets so RED and stutters and ur just like :^) ah how the turn tables
this boy is a ROMANTIC through and through hes not old fashioned but he likes doing cheesy things like opening the door for you, giving you flowers, pulling out the chair for you, etc etc
he just wants to LOOOOOOOOOOVE you !!!!!
he doesnt go for too many pet names but babe and princess are what he leans towards !!
he practices his english on u and u practice ur korean on him (hint, ur better at korean than he is at english)
but he tries so hard and hes so cute !!! his english is so cute!! appreciate this baby pl s
him: “my hands are big so i can hold the world” u: “worm?” him: (holds ur cheeks) u: (choked) “w-worm?”
u guys r so cheesy but its so cute !! he just wants whats best for you
also you guys are no strangers to having deep and highly emotional talks because ur both very empathetic and vulnerable people
youve talked about ur insecurities and so has he!!! uve also both confronted the whole “ur not dating me because of my visuals/because im an idol right” and ur like “um?? no ur a sweetheart and a dedicated boii and performer and-” and then u go on a half hour long rant about all the things u love abt him and hes just like :’) i love you
whenever hes away for one reason or another, esp stuff like tours, he leaves a bunch of his clothes that smell like him so you wont feel as lonely !!! because the sad reality is is that on tours when hes not on stage hes practicing practicing practicing so keeping in touch is kinda hard
but he does his best !! he sends letters and text messages and voice messages and everything !! and when he can he facetimes you !!
we have ALL seen the boys instagram he will take a burst of 10000000 selfies on ur phone, plague u with the “ur icloud storage is almost full” messages, and it takes u 12239632485 years to delete them all (after making sure they are safely backed up into ur google photos)
yall are SO CUTE and take so many couple photos !!! yall are that iconic couple and u generally post these on ur super exclusive finsta but sometimes u sneak in a blurry pic of him on ur main or even a censored pic of him and ur like “do u ever just have the cutest sweetest (and hottest but hush) boyf in the world to flex on the broke bitches who hate u” and hyunjin is like BABE and ur like :^) 
lowkey sometimes u get jealous of jinyoung bc this boii loves and respects him so much and ur like “What Does He Have That I Do Not” and hyunjin is like “a successful career as an idol” and ur like “define successful” and he GASPS
jokesjokes lol yall playfully argue with each other a lot but if any of u go too far its pretty obvious bc u get quieter and he just. emotionally withdraws and u can see it in his eyes and ur both like OH NO BABE i didnt mean to hurt you im sorry !! and ull have a quick convo with multiple apologies and then ur BACK TO BUSINESS
so basically he was out with !! the boiis at this cute coffee shop that is never crowded so its safe for them to just relax without having seven masks on lol
and the u !! come in with laramie like :( dude school SUCKS and laramie like nods her head intently like yes indeed
and this boy is struck with LOVE like ur . so cute. and tiny. and cute. and ur venting so passionately about how the education system does Not Meet The Needs of students and hes like. her passion. i love it
and u havent noticed him but oh man the boiis have and they are RUTHLESS bc hes so shy but theyre like GIVE HER UR NUMBER COWARD
and after an overwhelming amount of encouragements and some mild bullying (and laramie going to the bathroom because this dumb bitch spilled a lil bit of tea on her shorts and shes LIVID) and this boy approaches u and ur now love stricken
bc hes so CUTE !!! and its clear hes a lil nervous bc hes blushing uwuwuwuwuwuwu but he said !! he really admires ur passion and he thinks ur really cute and hes sorry if this is creepy but could i get ur number and ur like yes. pls. i love you (jokesjokes u dont profess ur love immediately but DAMN were u close to)
u and hyunjin all blushie and excited and the boiis are LOSING it and laramie comes back like “hey fellas whatd i miss-”
anyways yall are THAT power couple who love each other and are super devoted!! and have an amazing time with each other and DAMN ppl say love is dead but clearly they havent met yall
@daffodwlw read this and weep tears of love, coward
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teganovak · 7 years
bRO U BETTER PREPARE I HAVE A LONG ASS LIST // 5, 9, 11, 19, 23, 34, 37, 38, 77, 89, 110
5. What is their biggest fear? 
Mila: Failure. She may seem super chill but in reality she always feels the need to win and give 110% so for example when her team loses she tends to blame herself.
Richard: Loneliness. He’s always so outgoing and cheerful but the truth is he’s really afraid one day he’ll find himself all alone. Especially since his family situation isn’t all that great and his friends are all he has.
Delilah: That even though she goes to Arlington she won’t be able to get a good job afterwards.
Lilith: To disappoint. She wants to keep the people in her life happy and satisfied at all times, even if sometimes it costs her something personally.
9. Has your scholar ever lost something important to them? (a person, pet, item, etc.)
Mila: Had a dog that died a few years before she gets admitted to Arlington.
Richard: He hasn’t.
Delilah: A bracelet she got from her mother.
Lilith: Her father passed away when she was young.
11. What is their first reaction to figuring out they have a crush?
Mila: Lots of groaning and moaning at first, pretty chill and forward afterwards.
Richard: Super pumped to impress his crush.
Delilah: *deep sigh*
Lilith: Really happy, actually, she’s weird
19. Does your scholar want any tattoos?  If they already have some, do they want more?  And of what?
Mila: Doesn’t have any but thinks they’re cool and wouldn’t mind getting one in the future. Isn’t really set on it though.
Richard: Doesn’t have any, doesn’t want any. (fear of needles)
Delilah: Doesn’t have any, will definitely get one once she decides on the design
Lilith: Doesn’t have any, doesn’t want any
23. Name a food/drink your scholar hates.
Mila: She pretty much eats everything.
Richard: He detests raisins with a burning passion.
Delilah: Papaya. She has really strong feelings about it.
Lilith: She’s not keen on tomatoes.
34. What is their favorite part of their crush’s body? (their hair, eyes, etc.)
Mila: She looooooooooves Tadashi’s hair. Seriosly, she loves it. She always finds excuses to tousle it and play with it and stuff.
Richard: He’s really into Tegan’s hands. He just likes his long fingers and thinks his hands look rly elegant.
Delilah: Girl has Alistair’s face memorised by now, with how much she draws him. She likes all of his features, eyes, nose, lips, the whole deal.
Lilith: His collarbone. She especially loves it when he wears necklaces and such.
37. Does your scholar have any silly secrets?
Mila: Can’t ride a bicycle.
Richard: Has wayy more cheat days than he admits.
Delilah: Dyes her hair.
Lilith: Has a crush on Axel (worst kept secret ever tho)
38. Does your scholar have any big secrets?
Mila: Probably killed a man idk
Richard: Everyone seems to think he comes from a big happy family and stuff but his parents actually fight constantly and he mostly ends up caught in the middle. They frequently go through shit and he always gets dragged in it though he tries not to let it affect him.
Delilah: Very few people know her name is actually Delilah
Lilith: Not really
77. Have they ever been bullied?
Mila: No, and if someone tried she’d destroy them with words and, occasionally, fists.
Richard: No, he looks way too intimidating.
Delilah: Not really, she’s always been kind of invinsible.
Lilith: Yes. Her kindness used to have people thinking she was being fake-nice, and she’s very small and thin so she’s an easy target. (Headcanon: She and Axel are out on a date and she happens to come across one of her old bullies and Axel sasses the shit outta them.)
89. What kind of clothes does your scholar prefer? (comfy, casual, elegant, etc.)
Mila: Casual and comfy i.e. big sweaters, leggings etc.
Richard: He calls it “polished”, others call it “fuckboyish”.
Delilah: Dresses and skirts and all things with flower motifs.
Lilith: All things cute.
110. What is their biggest regret?
Mila: Something Tadashi-related, she gets kinda insecure when it comes to their relationship cause she wants to be perfect all the time.
Richard: That because of him his parents are stuck in a loveless marriage.
Delilah: Being too careless and losing the bracelet from her mom.
Lilith: Not speaking her mind when it comes to making decisions.
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robertsbutt · 7 years
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loooooooooove love love these panel shots
you might think im abt to impose another stupid “lOOK HOW SIMILAR” statement but im doing this to illustrate just how different (surprise!) the protags of knb and rxl are today
to first brief over robo’s personality
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stupidly honest, annoyingly methodical, straight-laced, can never take a hint, always unimpressed and expressionless: that’s how robo was introduced to us and that’s how he acts in reality, but alr the danger of falling under a subconscious impression is present not even 5 pages past the pilot chap
i could tackle each of his traits as more examples turn up in the future (as long as robo continues acting like himself these examples will turn up - eventually - whether we like it or not) but i’ll just take “can never take a hint” at random: it’s not bc he’s incapable of processing the atmosphere that he ends up never taking a hint. these traits are the result of his actions rather than a cause so as such, you could even apply a clear logic on the process that leads to him being “stupidly honest” or “always unimpressed” and/or some of his other traits that are, i think tragically, the only things to appear in public view in the end
he “can never take a hint” because -> robo isn’t somebody who wld conform to social norms. you can flip the order if you find this confusing: there are ppl who cld be desperate to conform to social norms but genuinely lack the ability to pick up on cues and hints while in the case of robo, he’s adequately aware of these stuff like your average person
what isn’t average is his mindset and not his instinctual reception. we’ve seen it many times in fact in just the course of 8 chaps? reviewing their situation word by word when tomoya dragged him along to test his new club might (sadly to a superficial glance) have made robo appear stunted when he simply happens to be the owner of a very lucid and invigorative mind? bc “methodical” happens to be the way he works as a person - which is why he voices it out and works the problem as a series of steps, but when you see him saying stuff like these
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i dont get how anybody can continue to think he’s unable to get social cues. he continues to break them due to a raw ferocity in his unrelenting attitude and not bc he doesn’t truly understand what it signifies. or do you assume robo’s thinking something as idiotically basic as “i’ll just apologize first?”
well that’s the thing, given his traits it’s ridiculously easy to join it up like that saying robo’s “a weird kid” or “means no harm” when that cldn’t be further frm who he is: he’s one grounded and incredibly logical kid who isn’t as removed frm social cues as his enigma might have you think. give him 2 lifetimes and he’ll still never be somebody who “accidentally caused harm,” robo is no scatterbrain
that doesn’t mean he’s causing harm on purpose, or causing harm period. he’s too busy burning himself with his own ferocity which, coincidentally, is one of the furthest points that sets him apart frm kuroko
so ye let’s get this essay on the road
in both stories and at least of what i’ve seen in rxl so far, it’s a fact that the protags are occupied with a single, major task - but robo and kuroko are occupied with vastly diff tasks
kuroko has never been abt self-upgrade. kuroko is not a person whose story wld ever be concerned with re-evaluations, painful metamorphoses or discoveries of “who am i” - knb was a huge, huge story delivered just for kuroko’s ideals. and get this, he doesn’t own the ideals. the ideals own him.
that’s how he is as a person and that’s completely ok but it’s thanks to this - the layout of the story or otherwise - that funnily i don’t think the narratives were blatant and introductory enough with kuroko’s character as a person (for ppl to pick up frm the get go)
up till this day i hesitate to call him “kind” bc these are his concepts and ideals you’re seeing. it’s not “kindness” as a force in itself and, while im mostly neutral and even like kuroko (not slandering him just so you know), i’ll never hesitate to serve the reminder that “yes he did use kagami knowingly” or that he often, literally, is unable to see or think anything else if his ideals have been impeached. it’s not egocentric either (fujimakki’s characs are forever complex and i love it sfm) kuroko is whole-hearted and void of his own person when it comes to these ideals. or you cld say his person is those ideals.
so when ppl end up calling him “crazy/amazingly devoted” or “goes to insurmountable lengths for his friends” im like “...that’s not wrong” but it’s probably not the intended meaning most ppl have either. like i said fujimakki’s characs are complex and you often, if not always, can never take what you see for their surface value. nothing is as simple as that in sensei’s stories.
none of their personalities have been touched out in the open in knb believe it or not. it’s there when you wanna think abt who each of them are as a person but with the basketball plot gliding us over, who’s got time or the immediate interest for that ey? the intensity of the matches are fucking electrifying, you’ve got focused and determined players to watch and all is good -- but matches are just one part of the players who only assume their form as players when they step on the court
a human being is really complex and made of many infinitely smaller layers
and kuroko? i’ll break it down for you
he’s got a temper
a joker
appreciates idyllic times
mischievous (yes)
idk abt kind but he is indeed warm
contented to live a simple life
now here’s an impt one: he’s full of energy
it’s his body that can’t keep up, not him
and energy doesn’t mean you have to exert it like hayama
i think you can see he’s having fun: he runs and trains on the court with the mindset that he’s a very regular guy with a very regular stamina despite his (lack of) strength which is why he pukes and hacks and faints so often
and he just lets it come like some fucking joker
idk he’s just so full of energy this little fucker
it’s like this: he doesn’t actively go against the fact that his body is feeble and flimsy
but he’s so idgaf and comfortably spirited that he probably thinks it’s funny when his body does stop listening (which is every time)
and since he’s well-aware his condition is like that anyway he’s just gonna train like a regular person and listen to his body when it comes (read: collapses)
which is why he can puke, and puke so blatantly well
he’s not resisting anything be it the exhaustion that saps his body of what remaining strength it has, or the tired condition of his body
he embraces it all amazingly well imo, while it’s unfortunate for ppl like momoi who wld worry for him
but i also think this is another great attitude just as is kasamatsu-senpai’s methodology (taking impressive, measured care)
since measured care isn’t for everybody tbfh, likewise with kuroko’s method: tailoring each to their own is still the fucking best
i think enough on kuroko i like robo more than him i shld be moving on
roboooooooo homeboyyyyyyy um but, well, ok, first of all
he’s serious
like... god honest he’s a serious kid. ppl say these protags are similar in their dead fish eyes and general taciturn attitude but kuroko is the way he is bc he likes the idea of relaxed and you wont ever catch him being uptight or having exaggerated responses to things the way kagami or hyuuga or aomine do (tho expressive responses is actually the norm for ppl lol)
it’s kuroko’s way of life, having a more relaxed attitude than most, why else wld he find kagami’s responses entertaining if he didn’t understand what made it funny? (dont go there you know this fucker is having fun at kagamin’s expense)
while in robo’s case it’s hardly “relaxed anything” and he genuinely wldn’t find what tickles kuroko’s bone to be funny. he’s a serious kid omg and im even glad we’re having a serious protag (for no reason other than me being a sucker for them). robo’s taciturn attitude is a direct result of his seriousness
ok, example
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@ the size of kagamin’s apmt he says it with a straight face and actually means it
none of that “im secretly being a joker” (which makes him god tier imo) bc rmb what i said abt this idiot having a temper
lesser characs in other series, when given a line like kuroko’s, are kind-hearted, mean absolutely no harm with their words and are playing around with whoever they says this to but kuroko, along with his “im gonna get angry” when kagamin didn’t exactly startle him shows that he has a actual personality that is as complex as any other human (not what i wanted to point out but since im on it)
some might say it’s just kuroko not being as kind-hearted as others but i appreciate that he’s complex and not all “friends and friends we have a good time and we hold hands” despite what ppl might say of seirin
but yes that’s not the point i wanted to talk abt the humor
tho he’s not being a joker in this scene like he is when he chases kagamin with nigou that’s an very obvious sense of humor in his statement (no matter how wry)
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the 2nd example cldn’t be more obvious? in knb kagamin doesn’t even do anything to incite kuroko’s biting remarks (is it his fault that his apmt is huge? really? the guy wasn’t even flaunting but kuroko tsukkomis due to his sense of humor anyway. does he really feel that mad that kagamin’s got such a spacious living space or that kagamin is living so comfortably bc he can be seriously evil towards the guy even if it fuels my kgkr needs horribly)
(no, for the record it’s not your everyday “i tease you bc i like you,” kuroko means it. he motherfucking means it bc why else wld i had felt slightly uncomfy for reasons i cldn’t explain when i witnessed the way he tortures kagamin)
while in rxl
tomoya cldn’t incite anything better in his entire presence but i feel like robo, rather politely, closes it down like a sane person every time. bc he doesn’t feel any malicious intent towards tomoya and they’re actually getting along as friends despite what you may see as a simple comedy scene bc it’s how they operate/spend time tgt/get to know and understand with their differences
i feel like this single “tomoya, i told you to stop it” with the severely exaggerated way tomo is acting is...... the very essence of robo on display for the audience. robo is serious as in his innate attitude and responses to things, not that austere is the manner in which he conducts his life
proof: he went to fucking karaoke instead of declining? break down of robo cuz im getting tired
all the above traits abt him frm pilot chap
currently searching abt sth with himself
ok with most events (he ends up getting dragged by tomo even if he hasn’t fully comprehended why he has to be there, or is it “before he has”)
the stuff he brings up or replies in a convo are like your average person
^ hello, important????? a very normal and average person
esp this “wait, i can’t exactly say i’ve decided to join”
on other more vibrant characs they’d be like “who said anything lilke that?!” or “eh...? that’s not what i said...” but robo’s reaction is the perfect picture of normalcy bc it’s impt to point out the ambiguous decision left in joining in a situation like that tbh
maybe one of his traits has to be changed to “extremely methodical”
brash and excessively bold when something illogical happens, not like a switch but a necessity to prevent further ill logic frm spreading
logic is obviously a significant matter to robo
standard kindness
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