#even if he treasures them and them actively making an effort to try and be a friend to him
kuroshirosb · 9 months
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With unknown implications, abstractions stay silent, peace starts breaking, but we have no way to know.
An obscure night’s sign fascinates our unstable mind. Hey, have you still not realized? If you don’t even know their names, even now, the strange will harm you.
Ah, if I were able to speak about such a world, I would never be scared. But I still can’t fall asleep tonight, so I’ll keep wandering late at night.
#pokemashe#lucas aquila#trainer lucas#HEYYY LUCAS TIME. uxie’s favorite little guy#guy who has no friends growing up but then finds potential friends but then feels intrusive in their dynamic#so he tries to drown himself in what he knows best (being smart)#to try and avoid them and his awkward feelings despite the loneliness#or just. something only people with higher power would know.#despite these two being the first people who show interest in being his friend#even if he treasures them and them actively making an effort to try and be a friend to him#but then BOOM he meets Cyrus and he causes him to question everything he knows#and is suddenly pressured to discover the secrets of the universe that no one can know (not even he)#but he can’t find anything and then suddenly he doubts his worth and abilities and place in the universe#so much so that he forgets to be a kid. and he forgets he has friends who care. until it’s too late to BE a kid#(he shatters his glasses trying to save Uxie too. he lost his way and can’t see what’s in front of him)#and then he sees one of his first real friends die and his other friend scrambling to try and fix him#and that echo asking what happened to them just rings in his mind#and then the guy who left him with these questions and feelings of worthlessness just ups and might as well have died#and he just doesn’t know what’s even the point#and while Cynthia tells him it’s ok for him to not know everything it still pains him and itches his mind#hisui for him is him still not understanding the keys to the universe but understanding himself as a person#and what’s important to him. and learning through experience.#it’s about himself and the people around him rather than the big idea.#and he’s understanding what he should know most of all#because simply knowing you’re alive and the world is alive is enough for you to have a place in the universe#he grows closer with Dawn and Barry when he starts understanding himself and he grows happier#ashe’s art
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bsd-elle · 1 year
Thoughts on Buddy Daddies Episode 9
I have so many thoughts about this episode and it all stems from P.A works' fantastic SUBTLE writing choices.
This episode, on paper, sounds like a pretty cliche sports day episode, but they somehow managed to show us the character progression and the relationship progression between the characters.
The biggest progress we can blatantly see is Rei taking an effort to help Kazuki more.
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And we can see that Kazuki reacts accordingly.
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Kazuki is surprised by this development, and voices his concern.
Rei was genuinely impacted by the events in episode 7, realizing that he was pretty 'useless' when it came to raising Miri, and has taken the initiative to give a helping hand.
And what I love about that is, we know that Rei had absolutely no clue how to work a microwave or any basic cooking, so for him to automatically suggest and start making onigiri shows that either he had previously asked Kazuki how to make simple items, or two, he was more observant when Kazuki was cooking, because he wanted to be able to do more, do anything to make his little girl smile.
And it's so wonderful to see them actually bring up this plot point and continue it, rather than letting it be a one-off plot point.
They pick up on his interest to be more involved and we see him actually trying.
Knowing the unfortunate circumstances of his childhood, it's not that Rei doesn't want to help out or get into Miri's activities, but rather that he simply doesn't KNOW what to do. Doesn't know what's right.
His hesitance throughout the Episode is evidence of that, his hesitance to give Miri his riceballs.
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He genuinely looks so sad, feeling like he can't compete with Kazuki's sheer talent with cooking.
His hesitance to even cheer for Miri.
Growing up in a family full of espionage and assassination, quietness and taking up little to no space must've been embedded into his system, into his psyche, and the fact that he's actively trying to be loud, to draw attention to himself, just shows the effort he's putting into taking care and raising Miri, something his father never attempted to try.
And both Kazuki and Miri appreciate his efforts.
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They understand that he's trying and are so enthusiastic and receptive to his attempts.
Which is why he takes it to heart that Miri fell down because he was 'loud'.
I think, in that moment, he thought that he failed, that failure is never acceptable.
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But, that final reassurance from Miri (in the cutest way possible), that he didn't fail, he didn't do anything wrong, and Miri considers them all to be a family, something he never had, something he's never known, that's all he needed to realize that, yes, maybe he'll fail, but at the end of the day, Miri is happy, and there's nothing else that matters.
The other one I wanted to talk about, which is definitely more subtle, but the progression of Kazuki and Rei's relationship is truly so beautiful.
Kazuki treasures the help Rei attempts and supports him in every way possible.
When Rei said that he wanted to make riceballs and was worried if Miri would like it, Kazuki instantly reassures him that Miri would love it.
In fact, he proudly proclaims to Miri that Rei would be making onigiri. And I'm sure that if he hadn't, there might be a chance that Miri wouldn't have been able to eat it, while Rei was clouded by his doubt.
When Miri says that she likes the onigiri and she thanks Rei, Kazuki immediately tells him, "hey, you did good, look our daughter agrees too. You're doing good and trying, and we both see that".
When Rei is drowning in his self-loathing about potentially causing Miri to lose the gold medal, Kazuki tries to reassure him and tell him that he didn't do anything wrong.
Finally, when they're walking back, Kazuki tells him that he's proud of him, that he worked hard, and you can tell that Rei really appreciated that, to know that his efforts were being accepted.
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And that's why their relationship grows in such an organic manner, Rei puts in the effort, tries his best to help out to the best of his abilities, and Kazuki reassures him, let's him know about things that he would have no idea about, and vocally supports him.
And Miri, my sweet angel, with her bright personality and even brighter smile, constantly comforts both Kazuki and Rei, that she's happy, that they ARE a family.
The reason they are a family is because each one of them helps each other, is an equal part in the group.
And at the end of the day, they're just all trying their best, taking one step at a time, while the others, cheer them on.
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(And this picture is the perfect symbolism of that sentiment, Rei awkwardly trying his best to smile, and Kazuki physically trying to bring him closer into the picture).
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taska-rokanh · 4 months
Befriending Spock Headcanons
My first Star Trek content! Spock is my favorite character by far and I feel like he needs some love. A lot of my Star Trek content will be romantic, but I feel like especially with Spock, it's necessary to explore the first steps of just becoming friends, because it's harder to break down his walls and he's not one to just act on attraction at first sight.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.1 k
- People have very different, often very polarizing opinions on Commander Spock. You'd heard more than enough stories about how cold, calculating, unforgiving, and inhuman he was. 
- But when you met him, all you could think was that he was so cool.
- He was incredibly intelligent, capable of making smart and informed decisions regarding basically any situation that affected the ship in minutes, and always acted with absolute certainty. Despite that, he did not want a command of his own and readily accepted his own mistakes, readjusting accordingly. What was there not to admire?
- You tried your best to be friendly, but you knew it was a long shot. Not only was he a Vulcan, he was your commanding officer. You weren't sure how he regarded any sort of personal relationship, really.
- Still, you found yourself engaging him in light conversation in the halls, the mess hall, or the lift. You broke it off quickly if it didn't seem like he wanted to talk, which surprisingly was very infrequent. If you got him talking about science, or the history and philosophy of Vulcan, it was quite easy to get him to talk.
- Spock is... I'm not sure how he would describe it, but I suppose, pleasantly surprised to find someone that not only tolerates his discussion of such topics, but actively pursues them.
- Whether you know it or not, you've chosen the most effective method of breaking the ice.
- Spock encourages this by consulting you on data that is outside of the normal scope of your duties as often as possible. He enjoys being challenged, and surmises that you must, as well. You have a natural curiosity and a scientific mind, one that with proper training could even attain his level of authority in time. These discussions don't feel like replacement training sessions so much as informal academic chatter, though.
- Spock starts to show that he considers you a friend through verbal encouragement first. It's often very dry and hard to detect, but it's there.
- He once corrected you regarding a postulation you'd made when analyzing some data that was adjacent to your field. You said, "Oh, right, that makes more sense. Sorry, I'm a little stupid sometimes," out of habit, something that you knew you should probably grow out of.
- He looked at you, perplexed. "Ensign, you should not insult yourself for being unaware of a highly specialized piece of information that allowed me to see the facts in this particular light. Every scientist, no matter how intelligent, has their blind spots."
- You smiled at his encouragement before raising your eyebrow in doubt. "Even you?"
- Spock hesitated for a moment before considering his ineptitude in handling his friendship with his captain and now, it appeared, you as well. "Of course."
- You didn't believe him, but thought it was sweet of him to say so. "Thanks, Commander."
- "You may call me Mr. Spock, or Spock, if you prefer."
- "Sure thing, Mr. Spock."
- The Mr. gets dropped shortly after.
- Every smile you manage to get out of him is an absolute treasure, as it is very rare. Something tells me that the first smile he gives you would be in a situation in which you are distressed and he is trying to reassure you, perhaps he sustained a nasty injury and you are very concerned. The smile is fleeting and feels a little unnatural, but the effort he put into it was enough to convince you that he would recover. little did you know there was little effort expended--seeing your care for him, it was almost irresistible.
- Every smile you give him is treasured by him, though they are so much more frequent. It is true that humans smile with so little provocation, but it's still nice to know sometimes that he's the reason and not the butt of some joke (looking at you, Kirk and Bones)
- There are two facts about Vulcans that are very relevant to this situation: 1) Vulcans are touch telepaths, meaning that touch is very, incredibly personal and reserved for special situations (except for Sarek and Amanda cuz they're whores), and 2) Vulcans are, in fact, very emotional people.
- Keeping these facts in mind, there must be some way for Spock to express his feelings of appreciation and camaraderie for you, and it cannot be in the average human manner (handshakes, pats on the back, high fives)
- So instead, he takes a more vested interest in your wellbeing, asking if you've eaten, drank water, slept, etc. especially when you've come back from an away mission and are busy analyzing new data.
- You often seem to find each other following each of the Enterprise's adventures. These are often time-sensitive and life-threatening, and as a low-ranking science officer, often your only orders are to stay put and protect yourself. 
- The first time or two after you've become friends, you try to hide how shaken you are--you know you're fine, really. You just can't help that your reaction to coming down off the adrenaline high is to literally shake and sometimes cry a bit.
- However, Spock sees through what you're trying to do and reassures you that you are safe. "I know."
- "I intended to convey that you are safe to express any emotions you may currently be experiencing."
- Oh.
- You usually end up sitting with Spock somewhere, your quarters, your lab, the mess hall, the holodeck, shaking and crying before recovering after a bit. The emotional expression always makes Spock a bit uncomfortable--not because he's disgusted by it, but because he doesn't have/doesn't feel comfortable expressing the skills or the emotional intelligence needed to interact with them. 
- His simply being there is enough. You recover in 15 minutes or so and can carry on as before.
- "Have you considered consulting Dr. McCoy regarding the management of your anxiety surrounding these events? They seem to cause you a high degree of stress."
- You shrugged. "It's just my body's response, it doesn't bother me," you reassured him. "Besides, I've got you."
- The feeling of being needed in a way not associated with his intelligence or his duty was unexpectedly welcome.
- In time, he comes to take a more active role, bringing you food and water while you're working or offering to make a bit of progress on your work while you take a short rest--Vulcans don't require as much sleep as humans, after all.
- After a while of this, you mention to him that you feel that you could be a more proactive friend, when he takes so much time and effort to look out for you, and ask him what you could do.
- He looks at you, perplexed. "Your presence in my life is quite sufficient," he assures you. "Your companionship proves to be a gratifying part of my daily routine in any measure."
- He has no idea how sweet he can be.
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mysafehaneul · 10 months
ANGST, (obviously lol), Fluff, Smut (in future chapters not this one).
I wrote a timestamp sometime around three years ago and said if this gets good responses then I'll turn it into a series, Now a few of you showed your interest in it and I feel like writing again, it will not be perfect but I will try to do justice to all the characters, the story, and the time and effort you guys put in reading and liking, please do leave comments, and Do not refrain from giving your suggestion as it will only help me improve without any further ado lets start with the first chapter! <3
PSA: You don't have to read the Timestamp to read this as it has a different plot route from it but still, the essence is the same.
This is my original work for free comsumption because fuck capitalism but please do not steal it. All characters are orginal except The members of Seventeen, I do not own them. This is purely a work of fiction with no similarity with real life whatsoever, If any incident feel familiar, That is purely a coincedence. Happy Reading!
Chapter 1: The Unforeseen Circumstance
2 years ago
Y/N paced the ornate living room of your aunt's bohemian-style house in Switzerland, her thoughts as tumultuous as the storm that raged outside.
'This is not good' Like a loop going in your head.
Your hands were sweating and your heart was pounding like how fire blazes right before it was about to be extinguished. You never liked hospitals and in all truth, you'd rather be anywhere but there. Noella's face her lovely blue eyes and blonde locks, her whimsical laughter that could enchant anyone, your memories with her flash in and out before your eyes making your heart sink further in anguish what would become of...
The pounding at the door stopped your chain of thought, rushing towards the door you almost ran into the mahogany footrest by the couch. You took a deep breath an unfruitful effort to calm the nerves, wrapping your fingers around the cold metal knob as the red and blue light filtered through the window and the words of your father echoing in your heart.
'Remember darling always hope for the best, prepare for the worst
you swing the door open and your eyes already burning, when one of the two officers starts to speak,
''Are you Y/N L/N....''
Present Day
"Y/n wake up, darling you have been sleeping since yesterday afternoon your father and I are waiting for you to join us for breakfast, it is not like your first flight back from Switzerland''
Your eyes flashed open, and the air filled your lungs you didn't even realize for how long you'd been holding it in your sleep. The cold sweat on your forehead drying making a shiver run down your spine, one by one your senses activated taking in your surrounding, Serenity Villa, your childhood home every wall bearing witness to the life and memories you have lived and made the laughter, cries, and affection. Affection, that gentle breeze that stirs the depths of our being, is the golden thread that weaves our connections, tender and unspoken. It's the warmth that paints the world in hues of understanding, where each glance, each touch, becomes a symphony of whispered emotions—an intangible treasure that enriches the tapestry of our lives, reminding us that in its embrace, we find a sanctuary of belonging and love.
The same kind of love that you felt blooming in your heart when you first looked into his eyes when he sat across from you and Noella on the first day of your second semester in the business psychology course. Pushing down the wave of nostalgia that rose from the depths of your memory, you took a deep breath and pushed off the blankets off your body the scrunched-up satin pajamas riding down as you got off the bed. Your mother was busy peering down at the garden view from your window as her peach-manicured fingers tied the curtains with their strings turning to look at you she began,
''About time you made an appointment with Antonio, Darling I am sure he can tame that unruly mane of yours''
'home sweet home' you signed to yourself and shut the bathroom door behind you with a slam.
As you moved towards the dining area, you can't help but linger a little on the stairs, the quiet descent through the heart of grandeur, your hands gliding through the railings. The railings, polished and timeless offering a steady guide. The soft rustling noise of feet and clicks and clatter of pots and dishes. Most probably Mathew and Martha going about their daily routine in the kitchen and the house respectively. you made a mental note to greet them after breakfast.
Your footsteps painted a rhythm on the marble, a soft cadence that harmonized with the surroundings, At the final step the chandelier overhead although unlit, swayed due to the rustling of the wind due to the open windows when you spotted your parents sitting in the patio dining. In their natural habitat, your father going through his work pad and your mother talking about anything and everything and your father listens or at least pretending to which his occasional nods and hums. You turned your direction and walked towards them. Swishing past your picture wall which contained the portal to a world once lived, each photograph, a fragment of eternity, stands as a testament to the beauty of life's moments captured, Every place bearing witness to your mother's artistry and intention and hard work in making this mansion home with her touch and love for those cherished moments, a sanctuary where the past dances with the present. Your eyes caught in your graduation picture, how long was it, 7 years or 8? A nostalgic smile played on your lips while looking at the picture of you, Noella, and Joshua, standing side by side, and Joshua's hands around Noella's waist and on your shoulders. In the embrace of friendship and love. Heart filling with reminiscence, the taste of victory, the scent of accomplishment lingering in the air like a sweet fragrance. Eyes, alight with hope and anticipation. The smiles are as radiant as the sun was on that day. A Nice day, you thought to yourself. And you made your way towards your parents.
Halfway through the breakfast and giving your father a little summarization of the Swiz branch, he gave you some tips and you asked him about the current scene with the resort project your father is about to start when your mother excitedly interjected,
‘Enough of you both and your business,’ she chided  ‘You daughter and father always about data and strategies.’ turning her body towards you ‘ Y/N darling you won't believe who we met at the country club last week’
‘Another aspiring painter’
Making your father chuckle behind his coffee mug
your mother rolled her eyes and said,
‘No, Jeon Wooshik.’
‘And whom that would be?’
‘Your mother's childhood admirer’, your father quipped. 
‘Enough of that James, I told you we were just friends.’
Now it was your father's turn to roll his eye and shake his head.
So anyway as I was saying, Wooshi was there
‘Wooshi’ your father huffed and followed by a small pout.
‘Hush James!’
‘We were golfing and as you know your father and his partner as always hooting like pigeons in the corner about any slight inconvenience in the office in call or person. I see this man constantly staring at me even though there was a woman next to him,’ shifting in her seat she reached for the coffee. Her eyes gleamed with excitement making your heart squeeze a little at her cuteness. ‘I thought why does he look so familiar? So I dismiss it and go back to my swinging practice and from the corner of my eye, I see him making his way towards me.’
‘Just get to the point kitty.’ 
‘And miss the best part where you almost grabbed his collar in the fit of your jealousy.’ She teased. 
‘He was standing too close’, Your father defended. 
‘we've been married for 35 years Jamie, It is very unbecoming if you act like a newlywed.’
It still baffles you no matter how your father tries to suppress the nickname still making his lips twitch in a smile.
‘As I was saying before I was very rudely interrupted, she shot a small glare towards your father, Wooshi and I were childhood friends he used to live next to my grandmother's house and we used to play together every summer. Fun times, So, Wooshi and His wife have a son around your age…’
‘oh No,’ The real motive of this conversation finally settling in. 
‘oh yes, maybe around 3-4 years your senior’, she waved her hand in dismissal. ‘But that doesn't matter. We started talking about you, then Wooshi suggested why don’t we introduce both the kids. So your father and I invited them for dinner here at our residence this weekend, Y/n stop shaking your head. And I am warning you Before you find yourself in any unavoidable engagement for that particular time and date. I am just asking for a little acquaintance building on your side and a reunion on mine. it's not like we want you both to get married on that day itself, just get to know each other’
‘Ma this is not the Victorian era…’
‘Y/N you're about to be thirty,’ she interrupted ‘and I am not saying you need a man to establish your worth. You're a fine established and successful businesswoman. And your father and I are very proud of you, But Darling the world we live in.  There are always people trying to overpower the other and we don't want the legacy that our family has built over the years with their blood, sweat, and tears to be forgotten. Times are changing but not the foundational rules of society. Marriage and its institution are and always will be a prospering proposition and there is no denying that.’
You turned to look at your father for some assistance but before your dad sadly Jamie is Kitty's husband and Before her husband, he was James L/N a businessman of the third generation. Today that point was further proven.
‘Your Mother is right, Jeon Wooshik is the owner of the JJ Group’ He informed. 
‘The Same JJ's Line of Hotel and Society Housing?’
‘Yes, and right now they are eyeing the same property that I had brought under your name for their next project.’ 
‘But haven't you already started gathering investors for the resort project in the same land?’ 
‘Yes, but they are making offers that seem tempting, Their interest in the land is making the investors reluctant as JJ's have a reputation of getting the things they have set their eyes on. I hope you understand what I am trying to say, princess.’
Your parents looking at you expectantly when your mother began,
''Y/N, darling if you don't want it or are interested in someone else then we can forget this conversation and have the dinner like any other dinner we host for our friends..''
The words your mother spoke trailed off as you gathered your thoughts, the pros and cons. When the patio's door opened and Martha entered the area with a warm smile which you reciprocated, setting down your coffee in front of you, her presence offering a temporary interruption you were about to ask about her health when she handed you your phone.
‘It was continuously ringing in your room’
you looked down at the name flashing on your phone screen, sparking a quickened heartbeat, taking the phone from her hands you excused yourself from the table and went inside the house to take the call
your mother looked at your retrieving figure with curiosity and then sighed.
Isn't it a bit late there? I hope nothing happens to him,
you stood in the living area opposite the picture wall, standing beneath the chandelier, your phone cradled in your hand as you answered the call --
‘Tante’ a soft small voice whimpered. 
Savoring the delicate warmth of the teacup cradled in his hands, Wonwoo's gaze danced over the report once more, each line etching itself into his mind. The glasses perched upon his nose were adjusted with a slight push, bridging the gap between his thoughts and the words on the screen. Amidst this solitary communion with data, a gentle knock rapped upon his office door, drawing his attention from the illuminated screen.
With practiced grace, the teacup found its place, and he beckoned the visitor in. "Come in," his voice, a tone of measured authority wrapped in politeness, echoed through the room. A figure stepped inside, the interplay of light and shadow casting a cloak of maturity over his features.
"Sir, they are waiting for you in the conference room," the young man intoned, respectful deference present in his demeanor.
"Thank you, Chan. I'll be right with you," Wonwoo responded, his voice a blend of warmth and efficiency. As the door closed behind the assistant, his thoughts momentarily wandered to the past. Chan, his assistant for three years, had entered his world amidst a tempestuous encounter that had left a lasting imprint. The timidness in Chan's manner was a poignant reminder of that initial encounter—a dance between authority and trepidation.
Adjusting his attire, sleeves drawn down from his elbows and jacket secured, Wonwoo strode across the expanse of his office, a fusion of confidence and determination in every step. The coat stand yielded his navy suit jacket, and the act of buttoning it up felt like donning a shield—armor for the challenges that awaited. With purposeful strides, he approached the door, swinging it open to reveal Chan, ever the attentive shadow, iPad in hand and gaze pinned to the doorplate bearing his title.
"President, Jeon Wonwoo," it read, a reminder of the mantle he carried.
Chan, swift in his response to the door's movement, snapped to attention. His unwavering commitment to his role was evident in every gesture. The pair began their descent, elevator doors closing behind them, transporting them from the lofty heights of Wonwoo's office to the eleventh-floor realm of conferences.
Through muted corridors, they journeyed, the murmurs of voices growing clearer as they approached the conference room. "Why do we have a meeting at 8:30 in the morning?" a voice drifted from within, a question marked by a hint of exasperation.
The room's threshold was reached, and Chan orchestrated the opening, granting passage to the company's head. As Wonwoo entered, a silence fell like a tapestry settling, every gaze gravitating toward him. The resolute tap of his footsteps rang in the chamber, his presence commanding attention as he settled into his designated seat at the head of the table.
A contemplative hush was punctuated by his voice—a baritone note that resonated through the room's hush. "Because I said so," he declared, the words woven with authority and finality, the brushstrokes of a leader. "Anyone having a problem with that?" he inquired, his brows arching as if to challenge dissent.
A quick, collective response from the head manager—no defiance, only allegiance. "No sir!"
He shook his head, the subtlest of gestures to mark his acknowledgment. A silent cue and the room shifted, a choreography of souls finding seats, the conference table now their stage.
"Very well," he began, his tone a melody of tempered purpose, "Now shall we begin?" In that question, he set in motion a symphony of discussions, The air held the weight of responsibility. At the head of the table, a screen illuminated with graphs and numbers. As his eyes absorbed the lines and curves, Amidst the tide of successes a shadow emerged- A loss marked by the stark line of red that intersected the charts. The room's collective breath seemed to still as the spotlight of attention fell upon the disheartening point of descent.
A voice, poised yet tinged with a note of irate, broke the stillness,'' Can someone care to explain what exactly happened in the Westeria Society Complex" The answer to the question already known to Wonwoo, but making sure that every single person in this room is also aware of the gravity of the situation and what is this costing them and their reputation.
Wonwoo leaned forward and tilted his head, trying to catch the eye of the managing director of the Wisteria department project. ''Chan please read out the article again'' voice controlled but commanding. 
Rising from his seat, in practiced efficiency he started reading out the report from his work pad, ‘1 Dead after level-4 fire broke at the 60-storey residential building  Westeria Towers, at Cranberry Rd, Around noon. The fire and rescue department reached the spot soon as they received the news about the incident..’
Wonwoo raised his hand as a gesture to stop. 
‘So,  Mr. Kim care to explain, just after 4 months of its handing over and inauguration why was there a lack of proper fire prevention measures and equipment?’  Pushing his glasses up his nose with the forefinger and thumb ‘The JJ groups stocks have taken a hit because of this’ 
‘Sir’ Mr. Kim started hesitantly, ‘the police and insurance department is still investigating the situation we dont know for certain if the death was due to fire or something else’ 
Wonwoo was silent, the boardroom like a chamber of disappointment. Everyone looking at each other in contemplation and trying to seek a resolution. 
By the time the meeting ended, Wonwoo felt a headache emerging when Chan walked two steps behind and quipped, ‘Your father called’ 
‘To conform with you for the dinner at the L/N’s’ 
‘The Diamond merchants ones?’ 
‘And Iron’ Chan added. 
‘Aren't these the same ones under whom the Burbone Road property is’
‘Actually, it's their daughter who is the owner of that land’ 
‘The one my father can’t stop talking about’
‘Actually, it’s Mrs. L/N that he can’t stop talking about’ Chan mused 
Wonwoon chuckled and unbutton the suit jacket, ‘much to Mama’s dismay’
‘Interesting’  leaning back in his chair, mind entertaining the idea and what can he gain from this possible union. He nodded in Chan’s direction and said ‘You know the drill’ 
‘I’ll have the file ready by tomorrow morning’ Chan affirmed and made his way out of the office, to make the calls and go on with the day and the additional task in hand. 
The echo of approaching steps, the cadence of heels against the marble floor of the second floor of the silent mansion where your study is situated can be heard across the shut door. In a swift accord, there were two subtle knocks on your door. 
Closing the laptop, you leaned back on your chair.
The door opened and with fluid grace Rema in her 5’6ft glory entered the room, brown big doe eyes filled with anticipation. The olive suit pant complimenting her honey skin, Shoulder length golden bob adorning her heart-shaped face. With a camaraderie smile and purposeful step, she crossed the threshold and sat on the chair across from you. 
‘It's been a while Ms. L/N.’
‘So as it has been Ms. Sinha’ 
Both of you breaking into a laugh, shaking her head she began, 
‘Welcome back doll, I missed you so much! I hope you’re back for good’ 
‘Well that depends on how things far in Swiss you know’ 
‘I came as quickly as I could after your call, what's going on?’ Her eyebrows scrunch when she activates her serious mode. 
You brief her about the call and the notice that arrived at your apartment in Switzerland and your mail, which you showed to your most trusted lawyer and greatest friend.  She listened to every word attentively all while formulating a plan on how to kick-start the case in put the ball in your court. Considering your history Rema has been by your side at your lowest and helped you navigate your new situation after Noella and Joshua. Although you were certain that the secret that bore between you, her, and Jeonghan is still safe, one can only be assured till the time their fears become their realities and make them face the truth, the answers of which are hiding deep within them. 
You were about to mention the claims Noella’s family are making when a rapt on the door interrupted, 
‘Come in’ 
The door made a small creek noise and your assistant entered with a brown Color file and informed, 
‘This is everything available about Jeon Wonwoo’ 
Rema who was busy eyeing  Reachal snapped her gaze in your direction and mused softly. 
‘Jeon Wonwoo… hmm if  I am not very wrong then it’s the JJ groups Prince we’re talking about’ 
‘Prince’ you huffed and rolled your eyes. 
Opening the file you took out the papers and pictures and skimmed through the information...You were halfway through when Rachael quipped ‘You should look at page no. 14’ her eyes gleaming with impish, a smirk playing on her pink lips. 
Skipping to the page, you couldn’t help but raise your brow and a knowing smile graced your lips, 
‘Well well well, what do we have here’ 
Rachel settled Down on the seat next to Rema, shoulders squared. 
‘Good job Rachael’ Giving her a nod of acknowledgment, she gave a little bow and the smirk transformed into a proud smile. Making Rema chuckle as well, she extended her hand to learn the object of amusement. You passed her the papers, interlacing your fingers you drew a quick deep breath. When your eyes locked with Rema, you could feel the wheels turning in her head. You tilted your head slightly a dialogue going between you and her telepathically
 don’t even think about it and
 at cue, she raised her left brow as if saying
 worth a shot. 
You turned to look at Rachel and said 
‘well Rach, confirm the dinner with my mother, let’s see what this Wooshi’s Woowoo is about’ 
The three of you share a laugh.
Yet little did you know, What Jeon Wonwoo is really about.  
As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, the day of the long-awaited dinner arrived, casting a golden hue that painted the world in warm tones. The minimalist opulence of the dining room, adorned with intricate golden ornate designs, exuded an air of elegance. A chandelier, a cascade of crystalline stars, hung suspended, its golden glow shimmering in symphony with the gleaming decor. The room held a sense of anticipation, a canvas where stories were poised to unfold.
Earlier, Jeon Wooshik and his wife, Jeon Sunmi, graced the room with their presence, punctual in their arrival. The polished ambiance seemed to harmonize with their presence, a fitting backdrop for figures of influence. Yet, there was a noticeable absence—the JJ Group's prince, Jeon Wonwoo. Lately, he had been a touch delayed, a hint of disruption in his otherwise punctual routine.
The backdrop of the day painted a different canvas for you. Typically ensconced within the walls of the mansion's home office, today's demands necessitated your presence elsewhere. The on-site inspection of Bourbon Road loomed, accompanied by a meeting with Rema's firm's partner—a case that carried its weight of concern. A cloak of worry draped your heart, its weight a testament to the responsibilities you bore. The facade of calm you presented was a necessity, for many facets of your life remained veiled from your parents—a symphony of secrets echoing in the chambers of your heart.
Descending the stairs, your thoughts wove intricate patterns, a tapestry of worries and hidden anxieties. The doorbell's chime pierced the air, drawing your attention. Mathew, the ever-attentive presence, greeted the guest who had arrived—a man of confident stature, around 6 or 6'1 feet tall. His strides bore practiced grace, each footfall a note of purpose. Jeon Wonwoo, the embodiment of a regal presence, entered with an air of authority that whispered of his heritage. His hair, neatly combed back, revealed a single strand that resisted the arrangement, lending him an air of both maturity and defiance. The glasses perched on his nose amplified his features, a detail that underscored his experience and poise.
Mathew, the courteous guide, led him towards the sitting area where your parents were seated. But as he traversed the room, his gaze caught upon you—the woman standing at the stairs' threshold. A pause, a moment frozen in time, marked his recognition of your presence. The gleam of the chandelier cast a luminous reflection upon the room, illuminating your presence like a hidden gem unveiled.
As he veered towards you, each step seemed to be orchestrated by destiny itself. His confident demeanor bore a charming smile, an invitation extended through his expression. The practiced politeness your mother had advised for the evening found its form as you extended your hand, meeting his for a handshake. A mere whisper of pressure conveyed acknowledgment, a ritual of introduction performed with grace.
His voice, a symphony of introductions, resonated. "Jeon Wonwoo, Jeon Wooshik's son, or as your mother calls him, Wooshi." A playful lilt danced upon his lips as he spoke, and you couldn't help but allow a subtle smile to grace your own. Your introduction, delivered with a touch of humor, mirrored the familiar banter. "Y/N, L/N Kiaori's daughter, or as your father calls her, Kiki." His chuckle echoed the shared jest, a dance of camaraderie that bridged the gap between unfamiliarity and rapport.
The brief exchange of hands lingered in memory as he offered you an assessing gaze—an appraisal that extended beyond the surface. As his eyes traced your form, it felt as if layers were being unwound, your essence laid bare to his scrutiny. With a discerning tone, he remarked, "The shade blue never looked so good Ms.L/n. But as a businesswoman yourself, I am certain you must have done your research on me." The edge of cockiness in his words was met with a tone brimming with amusement. "Thank you for the compliment Mr.Jeon, Yes I like to test the waters before jumping in. And if I am not very wrong, then I can expect that you have done the same."
Your exchange brimmed with unspoken nuances, the tension of the upcoming engagement palpable. "You're aware why we're gathered here, right?" he inquired. The understanding between you two was an undercurrent, one that held layers beyond the surface. "Yes," you affirmed, a touch of solemnity in your voice, "and I have no intention of entertaining it beyond this evening. Now, if you'll excuse me…"
"Ouch, that's a bit harsh, Ms. L/N," his words held a hint of challenge, a subtle invitation to spar in the arena of words. Yet, you moved away, your steps graceful, your resolve unswayed. Walking towards the seating area, you glanced back, your head tilting in mock acknowledgment, "I don't want to be a hurdle between you and your darling Mrs. Eleanor Calder. I'm pretty sure she's doing a shoddy job hiding your NDA, or rather, PDA." The contours of his smile shifted, a change in demeanor that was imperceptible to most.
And then, he moved—a calculated approach that brought him within intimate proximity. The air around him carried an intoxicating allure, the magnetism of his presence weaving an enchanting spell. His voice, a low rumble, reached your ears as his lips grazed the air near your ear, his words meant only for you. "We all have our vices, Ms. L/N. Just like your bastard you hide in Switzerland… away from everyone. What's his name, ah, Noel Hong?" The world seemed to slow, your heart's rhythm matching the staccato of your thoughts. How could he know? The revelation stirred a tempest of emotions within you, each wave crashing against the fortress you had built.
His words continued each syllable a calculated echo that resonated within you. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me… at least, for the time being." As he resumed his path towards the seating area, his steps seemingly unaffected, your mind whirred with realization. A single word, a symphony of emotions—fuck. The weight of his knowledge lay heavy upon your shoulders, a shadow that loomed even amidst the golden opulence of the room.
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mysumeow · 2 years
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Warnings: PWP, brief breeding mention, piv unprotected sex, unintentional aphrodisiac to both individuals, unintentional exhibitionism (wasn't premeditated), restraints*. Fem body, no third person pronouns are mentioned towards reader. MDNI
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: You and Tighnari are tasked with investigating some of the treasure hoarder's suspicious activities in a forest. Things seem to go well, until you accidentally step on a trap that renders you immobile. With the best of intentions, Tighnari tries to help you, but luck appears to have abandoned you both today.
*Not sure about this one but reader is unable to move due to a trap.
a/n: this is the unofficial sequel to this one but you dont need to read it first to understand this. dont perceive me. i dont exist
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"Do you think Collei will be okay on her own?"
"Why wouldn’t she be?"
"I feel kinda bad that I’m not accompanying her to deliver those supplies. I usually go with her, feels wrong not to," you admitted, making sure you were at the same pace as your friend. "It also feels weird not to be the three of us patrolling the forest,"
Certain suspicious activities of treasure hoarders have been reported by nearby locals to the forest, which proclaimed to have seen them transporting carts with unknown stock on it. Taking into consideration which task was riskier than the other, you decided to help Tighnari with this patrol.
You went on chatting about miscellaneous things like what you were craving for dinner and if Collei was done already with the delivery, until Tighnari paused his steps abruptly, pointy ears standing as erect as a pole. He turned to you, index finger on his lips, to signalize you to be quiet.
"Proceed with caution," he whispered.
You readied your weapon, as did Tighnari.
He has a ridiculously good sense of hearing. You can’t make out the sounds of anything more than a few birds chirping and rustling leaves. From how far must’ve he heard enemy’s noises?
While you were wondering about such details, you were too late to take note of a suspicious patch of leaves on the ground, which at the moment you stepped on them, a rudimentary system of pulleys and ropes seized around your figure, pulling you over three meters from the ground.
 "Are you alright?" Tighnari rushed to your aid, dropped his bow to the ground next to your discarded catalyst, and began to attempt to climb the tree you have the misfortune to be acquainted with.
"I’ve been better," you joked, wished you at least weren’t upside down. You began feeling quite nauseous.
"I’m being serious," Tighnari huffed, legs and arms coiled around the bark, his free arm stretched to try and cut at the ropes. "If you’re unable to walk due to excessive muscle strain, it’s on you,"
"I’m not that weak, plea—" you shrieked when your body lowered suddenly a complete meter. "You did it on purpose! Warn me next time!"
"Shush, you’re going to attract unwanted attention," he climbed down to adjust himself to cut more. At least, you weren’t upside down anymore. Your legs are in a rather compromised position though, the ropes tightly spiraling around your thighs and keeping them separated. "Tell me if it hurts. I’m going to cut another one, but it might twist your right arm more,"
"I don’t care, I want to be out of here. That’s all."
Could this be resolved by simply severing all ties at once? Yes, but Tighnari feared your fall could end up in broken bones, given the height at which you’re suspended and the position your body would impact on the ground, which was your column that would be the first to take the collision.
Cursing at his height, he was missing a few inches to cut that specific rope that would further lower you safely to the ground. With even more effort, he managed to cut said rope, but right when he was pulling back, the branch he was holding onto broke, pressuring his instincts to hold onto the nearest object to gain balance. Which ended up being the vine from a certain plant.
The plant diffused a pink mist all over his body, Tighnari coughed and covered his eyes, preferring to shield himself from whatever was scattering in the air. Fortunately, he managed to land with no issues.
"What was that. Is everything okay?" some of the mist went over to you, although not nearly as much as Tighnari received. "I think from here, you can slash through what’s missing and I’ll be able to stand again,"
The effects of the pink mist didn’t take more than half a minute to cloud the foxboy’s mind, a potent heat surged through his body. He stumbled, leaned his weight onto the tree, the warmth of his face even passed through his gloved hand that he used to confirm the rise in temperature he was experimenting. It was unbearable.
Your body also began to suffer some changes, yet a notch toned down from what was happening to your pal.  You found your overall body’s sensitivity intensified, to the point where the small bead of sweat rolling down your inner thigh tickles you.
"’Nari?" you called, your body shivering, when you felt his now ungloved hands against your legs. His cheeks and neck flushed. You were surprised at how hot his skin was. He was like a burning furnace. "I think you accidentally triggered a—"
"I-I know," he closed his eyes, fox ears bending to half their size. "I know this is not the best moment to do this, but I-I’m unable to concentrate on anything else," his eyes were no longer green, but acquired the mist's peach-toned color. "So please, if you would allow me to…" he hugged your torso, the side of his face pressed against your chest.
You couldn’t bring yourself to force Tighnari to endure that sensation alone. Besides, he confessed, whatever that plant sprinkled, was making him unable to concentrate on anything else that’s not relieving himself. Demanding him to move on without first getting rid of it, would put you both in a vulnerable state in case you had to face combat.
You muttered a ‘yes, it’s okay’ and barely a second later, he was pushing your skirt up and moving your underwear to the side. You could tell Tighnari was taking advantage of his position against your chest, to hide his face. You understood what he was feeling, so you didn’t comment on it.
"My body—I feel it’s burning up," he panted, then went to pull down his pants, gently pressed himself against you. He wasn’t lying about burning up, it felt unnaturally hot against your lower lips, his tip pressing just right to make way through you. "It’s worse, even more than when it’s…that time of the year…"
You bit your lip to hold in a moan when he pushed himself in. The amount of mist that fell over you wasn’t even half of what fell on him, and you were dripping wet with no effort. The foxboy hugged you tighter, his whole body trembling, a whine leaving his reddened lips.
He evened out his breathing, and asked, "It doesn’t hurt, right?"
It didn’t, but god, you were full; stretched to your limit.
"It doesn’t," you assure him, gently placing a hand against his cheek to provide some relief. Tighnari mistook the action as a request for him to face you, the erotic expression across his features took you by surprise. His eyes were clouded with hunger, his mouth agape with a smidge of drool in its corners.
"You're soft," he whined, returning to press his face against your chest and mouthing at your breasts despite the obvious barrier of clothes preventing him from kissing you as he desired. It’s not like he would be able to lift your shirt anyway, his mind is gone. "And snug, I-I can’t think straight anymore,"
His thrusts were non-abrasive, not far from lovemaking instead of going into a frenzy. However, a sense of danger was still embedded in your consciousness, so for the sake of you both, you decided to nibble on the tip of his ear to spur him on.
 He cried your name, eyes wide open. The amount of pre that was spilling from him came out in a larger quantity just from you doing that. His pace quickened in no time and went from tender lovemaking to firmer shoves driven by absolute desire to breed you, his arms tightening around you, which was apparently possible.
"Hah—hah, don’t do that, I’m going to…" he squeezed his eyes shut, any coherent sentence in his head melted away. "I’m going to…inside, release my ear or,"
"I don’t mind, ‘Nari," you circled his hips with your legs. "I’ve always liked you a lot," you might regret this confession once the effects dissipates, but you were telling the truth.
Unable to decide, his keen came out whinier, panting against your neck for a moment, torn between letting you nibble more on his ear or kissing you; both options sounding equally pleasurable, but in the heat of the moment, unable to decide. He was close to climaxing already regardless; he could kiss your lips and face all he wanted once you exited the forest.
You went from nibbling to suckling the sensitive peak of his ear, for him to cum in thick, abundant spurts, tip slamming directly into your cervix. Even though his fluids were pouring inside of you, some of them managed to spill and stick to your inner thighs, while other dripped onto the ground.
He further buried his face against your neck, shivers making his body jolt. "I’m still…cumming…S-Sorry…"
You were unable to answer anything, your own orgasm blanking your mind. All you could muster to do, was take it, and caress his soft hair.
He longed to snuggle up to you for more time, but the hazy cloud of lust finally lifted from his senses, allowing him to join the dots, and, without consuming more time, he pulled out. Your cheeks heated at the obscene splatter, but you quickly recomposed yourself when Tighnari freed your limbs.
Ever the gentleman, he offered to carry you on his back.
"I can’t believe you pulled that stunt with my ears," after some silence, he was first to speak. He didn’t sound angry, though.
"Well, can you blame me? You were taking your sweet time, and we were in a compromising situation," you blew air on his ear, it reacted by twitching.
"Hey, didn’t you learn your lesson?" you could tell he was blushing.
"I didn’t know foxboys could produce that amount of—"
"Shut it," he said, his head bowed in shame."At least the expedition wasn’t completely fruitless. We know where they set up their traps, there must be more around that area,"
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f4iry-bell · 29 days
req for the Hawthorne brothers during Valentine’s Day pls
hii, sorry it took long, i was trying to come up with stuff. hope you like it!!!
okay, so he's definitely the type to celebrate valentine's day like a huge day. 
he would buy a red cowboy hat for her
libby would wake up with balloons filled inside their room
he's the classic type she he'd give her chocolates, teddy, a roses
and not just that!!! a thoughtful gift too!!
he'd already have a plan for the day
instead of going somewhere fancy they'd go to a small dinner late at night like 11:30-12:00am and have dinner 
he would also spare an hour or so for libby to make her valentine's day cupcakes.
he'd try to make his own cupcakes and surprise her even!!
he's afraid of valentines day cause he doesn't know what to do right
he'd ask nash for help 
would buy expensive shit 
whatever he does, it'll be massive 
flowers? 1000 of them! (like max sent lorelei)
chocolates? professionally made specifically for his gf, huge ones! or customised shape.
a lot of fun activities!!! (not that. that's for the night)
fun activities as in he'll teach his gf something new every valentine's day. like sword fighting for example.
he would also try to buy a thoughtful gift 
he'd obviously take her to a fancy restaurant on their first valentine's day
but later into the relationship after knowing her better he'd be more thoughtful. 
he will try his best not to be basic.
avery will wake with a note next to her
a clue that'll lead to another clue
and not a regular one, you really have to use your brain to find the clue. 
it won't just be in the house, it'll go out!!
with every more comes a flower 
by the end she'll have a bouquet 
and her last clue would lead her to jamie holding another bouquet leaning against a car or standing next to a helicopter!
nothing would be small or regular 
whatever he does would be simply extraordinary 
later after their day, avery would use a lighter that he gifted her on their first valentine's day to read the secret message he wrote with invisible ink
this man takes valentine's day very seriously.
i meant week!! like rose day etc etc
for rose day, he'll send Max a bouquet of paper flowers, the papers being pages of her favourite novel
(idk other days but he'll do something very xander hawthorney for them)
finally on valentine's day he'll fly to max and give her her self-made gift that was built by him
he always gifts her something that he made himself 
max loves them because it shows how much effort he puts for her
he also will take her to new small food shops
so they can try out new dishes and something different 
at night they have a star wars marathon 
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katalyist · 1 year
This is my third time trying to explain my theory about Grian being a Watcher even before Evo so please someone stay with me.
We are all familiar with the «He was never meant to be there, he was only meant to watch» phrase (that didn't change my brain chemistry at all) right? Now, someone has always being... Odd about it, maybe the fact that is was the answer of «Why are you so sent on Grian?» that Martyn said. Everyone just kinda agree that it was refered to the life series, but what if the answer is that Grian wasn't supposed to be there even before? In Evo.
Because Evo Grian marks almost all the things of a watcher since... Day one? First, well, he was the admin so he had the power around the server, he was supposed to keep track of changing the versions (so he must have had a little bit of knowledge that the Watchers weren't that dangerous to let them participate in the changes of versions).
Second of all, he was very isolated from the rest of the members since the beginning, he was the one that lived further away from everybody else in a version where you couldn't run, there wasn't minecarts or horses or a way to get there quickly.
Third, he wanted to have access to everything. With the station to go from spawn to his base and the secret tunnels under it that were supposed to connect with everybody base (he abandoned the project pretty quickly but that isn't the point tho).
He has always been a prankster, but he hasn't never been the one that does the easy pranks, no, Grian send BigB to a journey with riddles and rhymes only to getting back to his base to activate a tnt trap. He make a treasure hunt with no treasure at the end (well technically it was but if you picked it, it would activate a trap). He trap his secret tunnels when they were compromised and told people to send comments to the other people on the smp tricking them to go see (poor Jimmy). And that isn't counting his multiple 'just tnt it' pranks. Also, he liked messing with people when they were streaming, when he could watch them.
He also didn't wanted to obey the Watchers, twisting their rules and breaking them, didn't the listeners say something about the Watchers thinking they are above everyone else? That they don't have to give explanations?
And one of the things that just scream Watcher behavior it's how he made a entire escape room for Taurtis to complete, with everything you could think, riddles, mind tests, rooms with puzzles... Just because he could and he wanted, just for his enjoyment.
If that isn't a Watcher thing at this point I don't know what it is! And it could explain in the Evo lore why he was so calm to go with the Watchers after defeating the dragon, he was even excited to have the opportunity to watch what all his friend were gonna do even if he wasn't there anymore.
So yeah, part of my theory says that he is a Watcher from the beginning, if he knew or not that's a different history. The important part is that:
He stayed. He is there.
Grian is a player (or at least pretending to be one) like the others, he participates like everyone else, the rules apply to him too. He wants the rules to apply to him he wants to be like everybody, even if that means pain, break promises, break friendships, even if it means that he is only surviving.
But his constant effort to connect, to stay present is not something that beggings in life series, as you might have noticed, it started in Evo. His nature competing with what he really wanted for the control.
Using the same examples to his Watcher behavior:
He isolate himself to almost inmediatly trying to find a way for people to visit. And when he finished most part of his base structure he abandoned it, he say something like "I want to be more close to spawn, I feel like I have no idea to what is happening there" and went there to build Evo town.
Most of the time he gave people something in return after a prank/situation that he feel unfair, when the property police blew up on accident he build a new one, and he always apologiezed.
After the Watchers punished him once he didn't break the rules and he warned Taurtis about not doing it. Even when he always found ways to twisted or steal from them.
In the game that he made Taurtis play it was a prize at the end: A cake, dumb, but a prize that seem fair and that he knew Taurtis was gonna like, and he didn't lie.
So maybe when They took him back he was excited at first, new things, to see, to learn, to explote. Maybe things he forgot completely.
But then there was the rules, watch but not participate, watch and create but never involve yourself with the players. Maybe They had the hope that teaching him again there ways was gonna make him stay, but we know Grian, he gets bored quickly.
So he escaped and now we are in the life series. I'm not gonna extend to much here, I reblog someone else talking about how Grian is making an effort to stay there instead of going back and the implications that it has about The Watchers moving everything just to make him miserable.
But why? Why they want him back? Why is he so important to them that he can't be replaced or forgotten to live like a player?
And here I add the popular theory/headcanon of Grian being the first player to become a Watcher. Because that makes him important to them, it makes him a success, something to study, to see how far he can go.
But he isn't cooperating with them, the worst of their character: Watchers always want to do things their way.
In conclusion: Grian as always been a Watcher and the Evo SMP proves it. How this impacts everything else? I don't know!
Thank you for reading, this is my third time writing this because i don't know where the drafts are (if you haven't notice I'm quite new to this Tumblr thing) and i lost two of my rants there.
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hey-august · 6 months
Writing in to say that I truly adore your “Buggy reacts to you getting piercings” headcanons as someone who has a ton of them themselves. It just made me feel giddy and good about myself because of course the genius jesters would be all “Yes! Look at my flashy,priceless,shining TREASURE! They sparkle like the ocean and they shine like the sun and are tough as nails and it anyone says different they are gonna make like me and get chop chopped!!”
Also makes me think of him discussing piercings with reader insert and thinking about them saying sometimes piercings make a person more confident about parts they don’t like about themself. Cue him sneakily bending one of his partners old piercings to see if clipping it onto his nose would make him feel better and maybe he should get the real thing…. Ah. Of course not. He looks even more ridiculous. This works only on people who are already stunning like you are and not for sideshow attractions like hiiiiiiiiiiiii-h-hiiiiii! He wasn’t doing anything! Especially not trying to make himself feel better about himself! He just put this on as a joke! A gag! Classic Buggy! Only to then be surprised by his partner not making fun of him but actively complimenting him. He looks good with a little ring like that! Fierce! Pretty! Rough! Maybe he’d like to try how a little stud would look there? They are quite sure they still have a little makeup glue and a blue gem somewhere that matches his hair perfectly… and while Buggy watches them dig tough their drawer he’s just…. So full of affection right then and there. In the end decides a nose piercing wouldn’t make him feel better the fact that his partner is just so accepting of the thing he’s so insecure about while also being so willing to help him find something to make him feel better about it if he wants to just warms his shriveled little heart.
This has gotten long but as you can see your writing inspires by brain by going “Okay but what if then this:” as well. It’s so fun
Oh anon, thank you SO MUCH for this! I was having a low day and this honestly made me feel so much better!! ♡
I’m so glad that post found the right audience and that it made you feel like the special, sparkly, amazing treasure you are!! ✨
I also like to imagine that if the reader has multiple piercings that they like to show off and/or stretched piercings, Buggy would suggest that they become an attraction - a human curiosity exhibit. Jokingly at first, but he would absolutely make it happen if the reader was interested. See how they shine! Look at how much metal! He’d also get you custom jewelry to match the vibe of your exhibit. Have angel fangs or spider bites? He can get you jewelry that actually looks like fangs. Industrial or upper helix? Maybe jewelry that mimics pointed ears. Also, some fabulous diamond studded chains to dangle between different piercings.
Ugh and YES to him wanting to try out a nose piercing. I was imagining a simple septum, but I’m in love with your idea of a blue stud gemstone! He really would look so beautiful!! 😭 Dashing, badass, gorgeous. He would love it more than anything pricier or flashier, because it was his partner’s idea. If he did go through with the piercing or wore the faux stud out (just for a little bit since his partner did go through the effort to put it on him), and anyone said something even moderately negative about his nose, Buggy would take it as the greatest insult to himself and his beloved partner and wreak absolute havoc.
Thank you thank you again for this! I loved hearing how it made you feel and where the inspiration took you!!
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auld-a · 2 years
I'm not really into Heavens Officials Blessing Fandom or well not yet, but.....
Can I get the First Years with Male!Hua Cheng!S/O?
TWST First Years x Hua Cheng!Yuu
I did my best with him, his main personality trait is just simping for Xie Lian unrelated but you are gonna love the show bro
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
why does his last name look like spaghetti
ANYWAYS I feel like at first he would jokingly try to show his dominance over you
You're an attractive guy with long hair, a mysterious eyepatch, muscles, and you're just taller than him
Every dude in school is all over you whether it's for romantic reasons, they want the clout of being your friend, or they want your exercise routine
Ace at first thinks his feelings towards you is envy since you get a lot of attention (and are crazy powerful like wtf) but after some thinking on it he realizes it's jealousy
Instead of confronting it he just pushes it way down and pretends it does not exist because he refuses to come to terms with the fact that he likes you
If say (god forbid) Xie Lian didn't exist in your original world then Hua Cheng would treat Ace like he would Xie Lian
Ace is not used to this in the slightest
You treat him like a piece of treasure, yet Ace is shoving as many pieces of gum as he can in his mouth because Deuce dared him
Both you and Ace actually have very similar attitudes, you don't do things for others unless it's for your benefit or it's for someone you know well and are fond of in some way
This makes your relationship to each other incredibly loyal and Ace appreciates that he's found someone who can see deeper than what he shows people and actively reciprocates it
You're always on Ace's side even if he's clearly in the wrong or just being stupid
You would help him fight Riddle no doubt
When (not if) Ace gets into a fight he always threatens people by saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't mind if I brought my buddy Hua Cheng right?"
Everyone scrambles
Those who don't are sent to the infirmary in 10 seconds or less
Magic and stuff works very differently in your separate worlds so I don't know how much help you would be to him when it comes to teaching but Ace likes to watch the stuff you make
His favorite is probably Blood Rain just because it seems so menacing but it does literally nothing
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
refer to Ace Trappola
JK but I can't deny I do feel like there are a couple similar traits here
The biggest one being loyalty, they're both very loyal boys but Deuce is more outwardly with it and is still willing to help others he doesn't know very well
You admire his efforts in his studies and just in everything he does overall
he may not be amazing at everything he does but he always gives it 100% and you love that about him
You're aware of his efforts to not pick fights with people so whenever you feel that may be happening you just gently put your hand on his shoulder, nudge him to the side a bit, and fight the person for him
You have no reason to keep a reputation in tact so may as well go nuts while ensuring your BF doesn't get in trouble
To Deuce this feels like the ultimate form of you showing your love
And it kind of is lol
Remember that scene where deuce thought that store bought eggs had baby chicks in them
Yeah that but you just smile at him and say nothing
Ace will have to be the one to correct him eventually
You would still somehow defend Deuce
It's still a recurring argument in the friend group
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He looks up to you like he looks up to Riddle
if you haven't read the vignette he basically respects Riddle since he puts in the hard work to get what he wants and doesn't take shortcuts
Don't know how much that personality trait applies to you but you're someone who came from a hard knock life and now you're one of the most powerful in your world (probably in their world too let's be honest)
If you thought ADeuce was loyal OH BOY you're in for a treat because this man will not leave your side unless he has to
Obviously if he thinks you may not be okay with him constantly by you're side he'll leave but if you like him as much as you like Xie Lian you'd be begging him not to
From an outsiders perspective looking in, your relationship is both somewhat hard to read but also tooth rotting sweet
Jack tries to put on a tough boy persona around everyone but is actually very sweet and loves affection, while one of the most intimidating people in school is all over him like he would die without him
This makes jacks face so red and leaves his tail constantly wagging
I feel like you'd just walk up behind him and grab his tail to spook him
This makes his ears perk up cutely
Jack is so used to being someone who's physically stronger than others so the moment you pick him up bridal style with no restraint leaves him floored
he tells you to put him down so he doesn't have to admit he likes it
You can tell by the tail though so you do it any chance you get when you're alone
He likes the butterflies that you create
They're so bright and beautiful and he has butterflies in his stomach when you make them fly around him and land on the tips of his ears or nose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
you would bond over something very unlikely
like carving
he carves you apples, and you give him life sized statues of him in hyper realistic detail
Something about it creeps him out but in a good way
You would probably carve them in such a way that it gave him a bit more muscle
that's probably why he subconsciously likes them so much
Vil is jealous his first year managed to get such an attractive and dedicated peer before he did
he constantly asks you for tips on how to be more manly
you probably say some crap like "You're already the manliest man I know🥰"
He appreciates the self-esteem building but sometimes he would prefer if you took it a little more seriously
If he wanted to, you would probably help him get on an exercise regimen to build more muscle so he can get that ManlyTM aesthetic
Vil isn't against bettering oneself but if he finds out Epel is trying to build heavy bulk or something he would confront you
You would either tell Vil the truth but defend Epel or just lie to Vil about your plans
You defend Epel against a lot of things
Vil wants to unalive you at this point but then he'd ruin his clothes
You two are like the meme where Person A is trying to fight Person C but Person B is right behind them threatening Person C if they do
Epel thinks people are afraid of him and this gives him a confidence boost
Seeing him happy makes you happy
I don't know why but I feel like if you guys were play fighting and you just picked him up and threw him it would make him happy
He's always running up to you asking to be thrown like a kid in a pool
⚡Sebek Zigvolt⚡
This is giving me strong "I had to get a support dog for my support dog" vibes on Malleus' part
You like to bother him 24/7 and Sebek pretends like he doesn't like it and is always yelling at you while you just stand there like :)
It makes him flustered that someone is willing to not only put up with a part of him so many find annoying but embrace it too
You don't understand his obsession with Malleus but you can relate to having someone you care for so deeply you'd do anything for them
Sebek has a hard time seeing himself that way since his entire life has basically been for Malleus but he can't say he doesn't appreciate it
In the beginning of getting to know each other he thinks you're another lowly human
When you make the sky start bleeding he starts to wonder if he should've retracted that statement sooner
Knight training together?
Knight training together
He may have been training his whole life to be a knight but you have like 800+ years experience he has much to learn from you
Eventually I think he would view you as someone equivalent to Lilia which if you're not already aware is an incredibly high honor in his eyes
Which makes him all the more flustered when out of anyone you chose him to court
If he does that thing where he says something nice to you in a very loud and formal voice you would hold the exact same energy
This happens a lot
Everyone knows that when it starts they need to cover their ears for the next 5 minutes or so
I think Malleus truly does appreciate Sebek's loyalty to him but sometimes he needs a break so he's very happy that you provide that for him by keeping Sebek distracted
His eyes are so pretty please compliment them
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I'm so happy to see you getting active again. Honestly, I thought this account just died 😅😅😅😅😅.
I have fallen in love with your posts, especially those meta analysis about Comte are so on-point. I can't wait to see your reviews about his drama CD.
Also, have you seen Comte’s 6th birthday story? I saw the CG but I dont have the chance to read the story. Is ok if you also give some spoilers about it? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Glad to be back! Sorry for the scare--life just got ahead of me, and alas my spoons were limited and focused on survival. That being said, I've still been reading/translating his stories, so I have indeed seen Comte's 6th bday story.
I think you've given me a bit too much power 🤣 but I'm happy to gush about Comte anytime. Since I'm going to discuss something that hasn't been released in the English version yet, the deets will be under a cut.
A reminder that I'm not a professional, so this is by no means an infallible translation. I try to convey what I find to the best of my ability, but I'm sure there are nuances I miss.
Where to begin? Honestly this story was A Lot, and arguably among my favorites, but the title of the CG/story is allegedly "Courtship at the Nape of the Neck." Get hyped, y'all--if I understood things correctly, it's exactly as it sounds.
The story begins with MC and Comte on their way to a ball for his birthday, and MC is all like "honey. When I said I wanted this day to be for you. That did not mean. Another dress for me." To which Comte's response is "New phone, who dis."
All jokes aside, MC does feel bad about it but he insists it makes him very happy, so she concedes:
MC: You got me a dress as a gift again…despite the fact that it’s your birthday;;;
I smiled at MC, who seemed to feel bad about it.
Comte: It’s because it’s my birthday that I gave you that dress. It’s my greatest pleasure to gift them to you, and accompany you in it.
I reached out beside me to stroke her hair gently.
Comte: It’s always fun to think about what kind of dress would suit you…And besides, when I see you all dressed up like this, I can’t help but fall in love with you all over again.
MC then mentions that she's made him a gift, and downplays it--likely out of shyness--before handing it over.
It was a handkerchief with a simple yet elegant design, with a name embroidered on it.
Comte: Did you embroider this yourself? How did you prepare such a wonderful thing?
MC: Hehe, I did my best under Sebastian’s guidance.
(To do something this intricate by hand would have taken quite a bit of time…)
Comte: Thank you, MC. I’ll treasure it.
I felt a warmth fill my chest at the sweet gesture, and I dropped a kiss to the handkerchief I received.
Comte: I’d prefer to be kissing you, but I fear if I do I won’t want to get out of the carriage after I start.
So like, yes, take a moment to scream, because wow. First of all, how dare you Abel. Second of all, AAAAAAAAAAA IT'S SO SUBTLE AND SWEET BUT ALSO LOWKEY SULTRY HOW DARE!!! I will have my r e v e n g e--
But also??? Aside from my brainworms, I really do love this part of him. Even though her gift is simple, he really does cherish the effort and dedication she put into making him something. I guess I think about how someone in his position could easily downplay its significance--but he doesn’t. He’s mindful of how her feelings saturate the act, and he honors it openly. And in case you think this is a one-off instance, it really isn’t. In his Anniversary story event, there is a direct emphasis on how he still keeps MC’s wedding gift to him--the preserved flower pins--polished as if they were newly gifted to him, not a speck of dust clouding their surface, lovingly tended.
I think it’s very easy for people to minimize him as unfeeling or haughty the way only very rich people can be, but...the his character construction and the intimate personal details you see if you’re close to him reveal that he doesn’t really fit that stereotype at all. Sure he’s selective about who he shares himself with, but that doesn’t make him fundamentally shallow.
Moving right along, MC gets bashful (and honestly who could blame her idk how she even makes sustained eye contact help) and they arrive at the venue in short order. None of this is especially notable except that it says, when they exit the carriage:
Her small, lovely hand covered the one I gently held out for her to take.
Thanks! I'm devastated!!! You just broke down adoration to its bare essentials!!!! I'm a romantic for one person and one person only, and it's HIM--
Naturally, they enter the ballroom and everyone flocks over to congratulate Comte on his birthday. Gracious and measured as ever, he accepts each one in turn, but MC is silent/stiff for most of it. All of a sudden, MC says she's going to get some fresh air and slips away to the balcony to clear her head. Comte is understandably confused and tries to follow after her, until he's intercepted by another noblewoman.
(What’s the matter…? It’s not like her to leave on her own like that so suddenly.)
When I tried to follow her at once--
Well-dressed noblewoman: Wait, Comte
As soon as I’m stopped by the woman, melodious music swells to fill the hall.
Well-dressed noblewoman: I’d love to spend some time with le Comte tonight. Won’t you share a dance with me?
A woman with a charming smile from the past crossed my mind.
(In the past, when I hadn’t been in love, I would have accepted such an invitation for the sake of simply enjoying the novelty of a single moment; that ephemeral warmth was something I relied on in the endless sea of loneliness that was eternity.)
--But now, I don’t feel that way anymore.
(Because I met MC.)
Comte: I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m already accounted for. Have a pleasant rest of the night, young lady.
So after Comte picks the correct answer, he continues on his way to the balcony and finds MC staring up at the sky.
Aight so like. I love when they have a certain writer create these stories, because they literally always make MC the strong and silent (stoic/defensive) type and Comte her little meow meow. It may be specific to me and my tastes but I love it here and I'm never leaving.
Before I add the transcription, I will say that I'm not really sure the "were you crying? did someone bully you?" part was something I fully understood. It appeared to be some kind of idiom/nuance the translator struggled to pick-up on, so I apologize for that. But it is my understanding that he's alluding to MC being picked on/unhappy.
When MC turned around, she had a surprised but also somewhat anxious look on her face.
(If I try to ask her what’s wrong…she’ll say it’s nothing. In that case…)
Comte: Were you crying? Did someone bully you?
MC’s expression relaxed a little at my dramatics.
MC: What are you on about, I wasn’t crying or bullied. But if I was crying…what would you do?
Though she throws the question back at me, I smile in response.
Comte: A gentleman's handkerchief is there to wipe away a lady's tears. I would tend to you with the very handkerchief you gifted me tonight.
MC: Thank you. But, I’m not one to shed tears so easily.
Comte: That’s right, you’re very strong.
The anxiety that clouded her expression earlier has faded away now, and she’s smiling.
I hold my hand out to MC once again…
MC: Yes, with pleasure.
Y'all but the way she claps back, and then he kills with that line about the handkerchief. God damn sir, if nothing else you get full points for incredible verbal repartee. (Lowkey, I’d make out with him for his emotional intelligence alone, don’t look at me.)
Okay but because I can’t help myself. I love how he’s like. I’m No Gentleman, MC. I Am A Liar.
Also Comte: A gEnTlEmAn’S HaNdKeRcHieF iS tHeRe To--
Mfer certainly knows how to lay down the charm when he wants to cheer her up--
After that, it simply says they spend a lovely evening together and then cuts to them relaxing in a hotel near the venue. Cuddled together (GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME), MC eventually speaks up to explain what happened earlier that night.
MC: Hey, Comte…
MC is picking at the hem of her clothes absently when she calls out to me.
Comte: What’s the matter?
I caress her hair to encourage her to continue, and she slowly opens her mouth as if she were choosing her words very carefully.
MC: When I was on the balcony earlier tonight…I wasn’t crying, but I was pretty frustrated with myself. I saw so many beautiful women giving you their congratulations tonight, I can’t help but worry you’ll be snatched away from me…I’m sorry you had to see me like this on your special day…
So, in the immortal words of Beyonce, "What's worse, looking jealous or crazy? Jealous or crazy?" is basically the mood of this whole scene. I'm usually not the territorial type, but I wouldn't even blame MC for getting pissed--nobody likes to see other women ogle/grab at ya mans (especially when ya mans is Comte).
Also beginning to wonder if Comte has a certain interest in MC’s hair 🤔
(I see now, so that’s why)
Comte: MC
After hearing such a cute confession, my fingers moved from her hair to stroke her cheek.
Comte: It’s all right, you have nothing to apologize for. Besides which, I know how you feel--I’ve been jealous/frustrated plenty of times too.
MC: Oh…like when?
Comte: Always/All the time.
MC suddenly looks at me, looking as if she really hadn’t been aware of it.
Okay but when he just gives that flat expression and goes "ALWAYS" without hesitation, I nearly started wheezing with laughter. Petty and glamorous, I love him your honor it's not a phase!!!!
Comte: Today, for instance, that Baron who was in love with you from the moment you stepped into the hall. A young waiter brushed his hand against yours while handing you a champagne glass. Every time I see another man taken with you, my heart is agitated.
(Of course, it’s not limited to just today. It’s been like this ever since I fell in love with you…)
Comte: Rather immature for someone like me, isn’t it?
MC: Comte…
Comte: But now…I’m not the only one who feels that way anymore.
I wrapped my arm around her delicate waist and hugged her close, a sweet scent catching my attention.
Comte: Come, MC.
Just the thought of him seething because some random waiter brushed MC's hand literally just. Sent me. Like straight up astral projection, that is so much I had to stare at the nearest wall to cope. And like I'm not sure if it's the same guy, but I have to wonder if the Baron he's talking about is the one that hit on her in Comte's rt--because if that's the case, that would be hysterically funny. At the same time if it’s literally just some random dude that thought MC was pretty at first sight, that is somehow even funnier. Le Comte de "Peace was never an option" Saint Germain. Monsieur le “Don’t even think about looking at my wife. Walk away.” Comte.
I live for it, I love it, I regret absolutely nothing!!!!
I escort her to bed and sit with MC in my arms. I kissed her soft hair and laid my forehead on hers.
Comte: You belong to me, and I belong to you.
MC: Co--Abel…
She calls my name and settles against my chest, and I’m filled with such affection for her.
Comte: You’re so cute…Telling me all about the frustration and the bullying honestly. You’re so lovely I want to bite you.
"You're so lovely I want to bite you." Do you promise. I want it in writing. 👁✒️
Then MC, who was silent as if she were thinking about something deeply, looks up--
Comte: …what is it, MC?
She pinches the skin of my neck between her lips and nips at me.
MC: I want to bite you too…I love Abel so much…
She keeps nipping at me, her soft lips nearly ticklish against my skin.
(I can’t believe you’re doing this…) NARUTO VOICE: BELIEVE IT!!!
She bit me lightly, and our eyes met.
MC: Am I the only one…allowed to do this to you?
Comte: Yes, of course…you can…bite me harder
So like. I'm aware I've already had several episodes in the process of recounting this birthday story and I apologize for the moments where I breach containment--But.
Wow, thanks, none of my thoughts are holy and I am forever changed. I am not going to heaven, and I'm okay with that. I lived, and that's what matters. BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK--
Also yes MC, girl get it!!! Go MC, go!!!!!! Live your best life!!!!!! Get his ass!!!!!
I leaned back to give her more room and she nodded, digging her blunt little teeth into me. The slightest pain is followed by a feverish arousal that blooms from my chest outward.
(I want to bite you even now, I want to love you forever)
MC: Abel…
She called my name again, as if she could sense the urge rising from deep inside me.
MC: I’m the only one who you will bite one day.
Comte: …Of course
(I only want you)
The reversal/mirroring???? The intimacy????? Comte being blindsided but literally out of his mind in love?????? Help??????? It’s more than I can bear??????
This is especially insane to me on the level of like. The game is pretty clear about how biting your lover (at least for vampires) is a mutually understood sign of courtship. It’s a clear sign of who your lover is. And the fact that MC uses that sign to convey her feelings despite being human????? As the signal that she’s ready to fully be his and wants no one else to be able to interfere with that??????? Long time coming but also BWAH, BWAH BWAH BWAH BWAH
The other part of the end that kills me is that. They make love. With her fully dressed. And sure not necessarily that notable out of context, HOWEVER. BECAUSE I NEED TO DIE ON THIS HILL. What he specifically says is:
I reach to undo her dress--before my hands freeze.
[Comte: It’s always fun to think about what kind of dress would suit you…And besides, when I see you all dressed up like this, I can’t help but fall in love with you all over again.] (He’s remembering what he said before.)
Comte: I’ll make love to you as you are tonight. You’re dressed up to my liking, after all.
For those of you who haven’t seen the CG. MC. Is in a black dress. With sleeves that are see-through. Low cut bust. A long and visible thigh slit. With slight gold accents.
At this point I’m convinced Cybird wants me to be in palpitations before the game ends for good. So much for Mr. Prim and Proper, I know you nasty Comte--
The rest of the bits are fairly raunchy so I’ll forgo that (let it be known simply that he is a firm believer in foreplay) but there are a few lines that I want to focus on.
(You haven’t the slightest idea how captivated I am, do you?)
[He asks her to say what he can only hear on his bday, and naturally she says happy bday.]
The heat of where our bodies are connected, her voice crying out for more, my heart and soul are on fire with the twin calls.
Comte: MC…
I kiss her tears away before connecting our lips with a smile…
Comte: I love you, too
(MC, you are the best gift of my life.)
With a feeling that is equal to eternity, I dropped my lips to her delicate neckline and…--
A lot to unpack here, but I will try (and fail) to remain composed as we go through each one.
“MC, you are the best gift of my life.” Like. Sincerely don’t even know how to approach this one. I have no clever witticisms. No trite commentary. Literally it is just beyond touching...[insert your preferred sobbing meme here]. It’s an odd feeling because honestly it doesn’t even feel like a surprise; his actions 100% substantiate what he’s expressed. It feels more like the inevitable culmination of his devotion up to this point. But there’s just something about the way it’s crystallized into that simple but enormous sentiment. That she was something unexpected, but not only welcome--accepted with such gratitude and joy. 11/10 I was not okay when I first read it and I’m not even okay now, every minute is half-catatonic.
And now to the question many of you probably have as you wait for me to address it. Did he..........b i t e bite her? The answer is I have no freakin’ idea. That’s where the story ends, and there’s no itemized specification as to how he bites her. But the phrasing keeps bothering me. If it were just another harmless love bite--as we’ve seen him do before--it’s never prefaced with “a feeling equal to eternity.” That kind of distinction is only made when he’s talking about how he changed the men into turned vampires when he found them.
Additionally, so many of his most recent stories have featured MC as a vampire (AU settings) but also in the most recent Christmas story (in the normal mansion setting), he gets extremely close to biting her for real--the closest I’ve ever seen, up to this point.
Granted all I can really do is speculate, but I will say it feels skewed in the direction of “holy shit he bit her for real, this is not a drill, LET’S GOOOOOOO Y O O O O O O”
I hope this summary was as cathartic for you as it was for me. But yeah!!! This is the vast majority of the contents ✌🏼💛
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oooohno · 1 year
love letters for your moots self ships?
Oooh this is so cute! I’m not sure if these are love letters per se but this is how I see their love 💕
@burnishedcrown Jas & Byakuya are like a fairy tale couple to me - the stuff happy ever afters are made off. They have quite opposite characters but I think that’s really want makes them work so well together! She makes sure there’s no stick up his ass & that he learns how to enjoy himself & Byakuya helps her calm down & focus. They are superb at bringing out the best qualities of the other & making sure their chaotic traits are a bit more under control lol. Also they have the best vacations together - it’s like they thrive extra well when they explore the world together & make new experiences. I also fully believe that Byakuya sometimes gets lost in watching Jas go about her day & cannot get enough of taking in all of her reactions 💗 if I had to assign them a kiss it would be one to the inside of the wrist.
@ohtokki Laura & Akiteru are partners in crime who happen to be so madly in love & 100% made for each other. When I think about their selfship it has to be based off of Laura’s best friend’s older brother stories! They have always been in love with each other it just took them some time to fully realize it & once they did it’s like a damn broke. I absolutely believe that they go on the cutest dates & even the most mundane activities feel like an adventure when they are together (like going grocery shopping & making it feel like a treasure hunt) 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the corner of the mouth (bc they are always teasing each other & it’s such a playful spot).
@kuroosdarling Aimie aims & kuroo are THE power couple. They are each other’s safe heavens after looong stressful days at work and are so good at building each other up so they can go out the next day to kick ass. Their love to me feels like a never ending well of support - it’s like they click on a different level which makes them so good at reading the other person & knowing what they need. They are also quite competitive which gives them such good chemistry too & they definitely tell the other one of all the office gossip (Kuroo thrives on gossip lmao) 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the neck, right below the ear.
@bagladyk K & Osamu are my comfort ship! They scream comfort & warmth to me bc they always try to make the other person feel looked after & taken care of. They are so considerate, thoughtful & attentive and I think their love is all show - a warm meal to wake up to, a surprise visit at work, a new apron with larger pockets to keep love notes in, a warm towel ready for you when you get out of the shower. It’s all these small things that accumulate to make the other person feel so incredibly desired & loved & these two have absolutely mastered this 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the cheek (especially mid chew when osamu cannot contain his adoration for Kate bc he thinks she’s adorable when she eats his food).
@kitashousewife Heids & Kita are soulmates - love at first sight, it struck them like lightning & they instantly knew they were made for each other. And over the years their love is only getting greater - they are constantly learning to love each in different ways & are growing together as a couple but also individually! You can definitely see their love in the life they have created for themselves & how after all this time they still put in the effort to make the other person feel loved & appreciated - consciously loving each other is like breathing to them 💗 their assigned kiss is one on the back of the ring finger (I really wanted to say on the mouth but I could see kita subconsciously seeking out heids ring finger bc he always knew that he’ll propose to her).
@strawberrystepmom Kendall & Natsuo are so incredibly dear to me & they are the epitome of intense (but not suffocating) love. I imagine them having such a domestic relationship - like a week in of dating, natsuo has already bought a second toothbrush for Kendall & is keeping a list of all the things she needs so he can fully stock his apartment to meet all her needs. He wants her to move in ASAP so they can watch all the romcoms together & eat breakfast for dinner. Also I 100% believe they regularly have discussions over made up scenarios (like ‘would you still love me if I was a worm’) and Natsuo will absolutely take this very seriously & will come up with the most elaborate answer to completely eradicate any feelings of doubt - they know to read between the lines & are so good at communicating. I also firmly believe that Natsuo likes to watch Kendall sleep bc he doesn’t wanna be apart for even a second 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the forehead/ hairline (he likes to sniff Kendall’s hair & he thoroughly enjoys the way you look up at him afterwards).
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putschki1969 · 2 years
Kyoichi Sato Blog post
For the past few weeks Kyo-sama has been doing an introduction series on his blog. He talks about members of the Kajiura family from his point of view. His focus is on all the vocalists and musicians who are participating in YKL#17. Keiko had to wait VERY long for her entry in the series (and it seems she kept nagging Kyo-sama about it XD) but last week, it was finally her turn! Without further ado, let’s get to it!
~ Series 『Kajiura Family As Seen Through My Eyes』 Part 10 - Songstress KEIKO ~
 This blog post featuring songstress KEIKO will be the last installment of the series for the time being. I have spent so much time with her during our YKL activities and back during the Kalafina days, I believe there is no other drummer who has had the privilege of watching this woman sing from the back of the stage as much as I have.
 We have been through a lot together, I consider her a close friend and comrade. There are too many anecdotes but I would like to share a few at least・・・One of the big things that I still remember vividly is the so-called “Anaerobic Inhalation Incident in Mexico”. We had just finished the main part of our live in a high altitude area of Mexico and were getting ready for the encore so Keiko was trying hard to fight the altitude sickness by inhaling as much of the provided oxygen as possible. However, it turned out that the valve of the oxygen cylinder had been closed the whole time so no oxygen was coming through. 
 Then we have the infamous “Keiko Bathroom Confinement Incident”. During one of our live after-parties, all the guys were getting wasted drinking some heavy-duty alcohol. Keiko wanted to give it a try but after taking just a few tiny sips she ended up having to lock herself in the bathroom for quite some time
 And last but not least, the “Osaka Castle Cosplay Incident”. When I took the girls on a little tour to Osaka Castle, Keiko wasn’t at all interested in any of my countless stories about the historical background of the castle, the only thing she wanted to do was dress up as warlords inside the castle. Of course there are many more anecdotes like this and I treasure them all as fun memories when I think back on them. 
 Her singing voice has a special and unique presence. When she is singing in harmony with others, she is mainly in charge of the lower parts, always supporting the main vocalist with her lower harmonies. There is a synergistic effect whenever Keiko is involved. Her strength and presence increase the more brilliant the higher harmonies are and at the same time she manages to make the high vocals sound even brighter. I think it is really rare to find a vocalist like that.
 I am always impressed by her harmonies, with her strength and sense of rhythm she is able to complement so many different singing voices, even matching our guest vocalists. I know for a fact that this kind of high quality chorus work doesn’t come out of nowhere, it requires a lot of practice.
 There is YURIKO KAIDA who has an academic background in music, KAORI who has received professional training ever since her childhood days and Wakana who was born with a naturally beautiful voice. Among all of these amazing songstresses, I’m absolutely certain that no one has had to work harder than Keiko to establish her position in the group. I think it was her unrivaled determination and strong-willed nature that made it possible. I believe it is that very same fighting spirit that made it possible for her to take on the main supportive role of Kalafina for 10 years, allowing these three beautiful flowers to bloom.
PS: I would like to talk a little more about Kalafina. Kaji-chan and Mori-san were the ones to cultivate the soil and to sow the seeds but it was the tireless effort of the three members that made this wonderful flower of music bloom to its full potential (and maybe us musicians also contributed a little bit with our slender means). Their hard work is the vertical thread that is running through 10 years worth of music, starting from the theme songs of "Garden of Sinners” right up until their final live at Nippon Budokan. And then we have the fans who have been supporting Kalafina throughout the years, they make up the horizontal thread. Together they are woven into the most beautiful and amazing tapestry. This tapestry is still in my heart and will continue to shine brightly until the end of time. It would make me very happy knowing that for all the fans, Kalafina’s music also represents an ever-lasting beautiful tapestry.
Ohhhh! This was absolutely heart-wrenching and beautiful! First, I really enjoy reading those random anecdotes of Keiko from their Kalafina days. Also, I respect Kyo-sama so much for never neglecting to mention Wakana when there is talk about Kalafina. Thank you for always coming through for us!! And then that final part where he gets quite emotional about Kalafina 🙌 Made me want to listen to Wakana’s cover of “Ito”.
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littlekingbergara · 2 years
top 5 watcher shows :)
so sexy of my laptop to crash as soon as i finish answering this so i have to type it all out again... :) this one was ALSO so hard to decide what to put in number 5 because i don't want to leave any show off the list 😭 i love them alll.
5. dish granted. it was Tight between dish granted and homemade but i think dish granted beat it out just bc there's More of it. i love steven lim in the kitchen and i love how much effort he puts into making things for the people he loves. even though it stresses him out i think it's so sweet and beautiful that he came up with this show because he wanted to give the people he cares about their Dream meal. he's so thoughtful and i love that.
4. top 5 beatdown. oh my god this is SUCH a ryan bergara show. i miss the ryan's living room days but i also love the set up in the office. overall just happy they're shooting it in person again but it also was such a good format for remote shooting. they managed to keep most of the energy of the in person season even if they were exhausted of shooting apart. i love the interactiveness of it too and how we all list our top 5s after the eps <3 i think it's a sweet little activity for all of us.
3. too many spirits!! especially after this last season like are you kidding me??? all those hugs! i love that they have a theme and give me fun little drinks to try (even if i only made one this season) (i do make the deconstructed professor all the time) i watch it with my parents and we all try the drinks it's so funnn. also the vibes of it being the first thing they shot in person during the pandemic where the energy was so electric because they were so happy to not be behind a screen and they've still managed to keep it up after 5 seasons even though they're seeing each other every day now. it's literally just getting fucked up with your bestie <333 still pushing for too many spirits high edition and a pride theme. hoping they get blue man group to agree to blue man-y spirits even if i hate excessive makeup like that bc i know they would have fun with it.
2. weird wonderful world!! obviously!!! a TREASURE of a show! the vibes are INCREDIBLE and they have so much fun hanging out learning a new activity and exploring a new place. and the theme song is literally so perfect it's just everything you want in a show i think. a perfect theme song and an excuse to hang out with your bestie and learn something new and i love the intro... i love shane's curious little friend ryan bergara... i love ryan's say! where are we 🤔?
puppet history!! the one that started it all!! i love that it's a spiritual successor to ruining history and that they were able to keep a lot of the same team. and the professor is such a perfect little creature. i don't know if they expected everyone to be as captivated with the blue guy as we are but man he's perfect and the guests all think so too and that's lovely. it's the best parts of ruining history + the hot daga that showcases shane's creativity and dedication and pisses off ryan just enough and it is just a delight. it was such a strong choice to launch the channel with it and i love that it grew into one with deep lore and a strong storyline and characters and i hope the professor comes back For Blood. and the songs! of course! what can i say about the songs!!
honorable mention Of Course to tourist trapped. begging an airline or car brand or city tourism board to sponsor an episode so they can bring it back. and pretty historic!! it's just starting but selorm is a magnetic host and it's such a great concept and i can't wait to see more of it.
ask me my top 5/10 anything!
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the aira superfan the world collection
mod toku here. so while mod pensive was making an “aira has hanahaki because of his love of idols as a whole” au (read here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3047022) i was also pitching in with some…suggestions… so without any further ado enjoy my efforts to contribute to the aira angst extended lore (with the added bonus of asta torture) (note that the formatting is a bit chunky cus these are all discord messages ✌️) 1/10
toku | pensive | asta
(context: there’s a point in the au where aira, trying his best during his early days at yumenosaki, gets invited to join/form several units with various classmates, all of which later disbanding due to a lack of audience; this is my proposed result to that) concept: he's spent so long working so incredibly hard to get his career, his dream, somewhere to the point where's he's practically living in his idol uniform/practice outfit and he's losing sleep over it, he can't find the time to eat when he might miss a job opening, a free gig, some kind of opportunity to make the time really count and it culminates when he like passes out in class and doesn't wake up until long past the end of the day to which point the staff send him home for the rest of the week to rest up because "it would reflect badly on the academy if this were to have happened anywhere public. your choices are your own but we cannot allow the impression that we as an institution actively overwork our idols" and so then he's back in his room for the first time in... a while, actually, and he doesn't know what to do with himself so he lays down and tries to sleep but the need to work, that need that's been settled into his bones over the past weeks comes bounding towards him like an overactive puppy and god even if he can't do idol work he has to do something so he organizes. he looks at all his hard-collected merchandise, his most precious treasures, and cleans off the thing dust settled over them (...when did that get there?) and repositions them on his desk so they better reflect the seniors he's seen around campus (because sakuma rei and tenshouin eichi would never be within that distance of each other) and he's thinking about school and how yumenosaki has produced so many wonderful, loveable, spectacular idols and he just can't make the cut and feels a tickle in his throat when he almost forgets to add a "yet" to the end of that sentence and suddenly the clothes he's wearing chafe against him and his head is too hot, his hands are too sweaty and fuck he has to take a shower and when he gets out he finds that he, somehow, can't even look at the majority of his wardrobe filled to the brim with more and more idol merch so he digs for something that won't remind him of the grand stage he'd finally reached, even if it was empty when he stood on it, and of the crowds he never saw and the small boxes of pins and stickers bulk-ordered in an hope-filled meeting that they never actually sold and he finds a worn shirt from an old anime, something about magic-wielding detectives?, that he used to like watching and he puts it on and when his throat and those traitorous lungs feel the ever slightest bit of reprieve for the first time in so, so long because he's staring resolutely at that one patch of wall he never quite found a poster the right size for, finally wearing something that's not his uniform, or training gear, or any kind of merch and he's not thinking of idols but he's never not thinking of idols so, of course, he thinks of idols and then it comes back with that same insufferable tickle and his mouth is dry and he wants to cry and can't pinpoint just one "why"
pensive ur right aira suffering is so fun :D join me IM PUNCHING YOU BOTH IM SHAKING AND SOBBING GET AWAY FROM HIM /joke
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imaginethreehouses · 2 years
hello ! if i may, i would love to hear some of your headcanons for both rhea and jeritza!! i'm fascinated by both of their characters, and i don't often see a lot of content for them (plus, your headcanons & writing are just? chef's kiss. fantastic)
OMG a fellow Rhea and Jeritza enjoyer? I never thought I'd meet another of my kind 🤣 They fascinate me as well. When I first learned about this game my eyes immediately went to them and I remember my friends at the time being like "no those are the FORBIDDEN BLORBOS" LMAO. That just made me like them more before I actually got to know them. And once they dropped the Ashen Wolves dlc and I got to see the Jeritza and Constance A support? There was just no turning back.
❤ Rhea Headcanons:
She's so lonely, if she had just one friend that she could spend time with not as the archbishop but as her normal self, I think that would do wonders for her mental health.
She would literally treasure that friend or partner so much it would be unreal. She does have Seteth and Flayn, but it's not the same — due to their father-daughter relationship, they will always be a lot closer to each other than they will ever be to her.
(I don't see them as siblings like many do, I like Seteth's own description of their relationship as one of 'companions on a journey' and 'like family' as a result of being the only members of their species left.)
It also doesn't help that she makes efforts to keep Seteth at arms' length, because she knows he would strongly dissgree with so many of her decisions and choices.
So, yes, a friend that's unrelated to it all, who can take her mind off things, would do wonders for her, as a reality check.
If she had such a person in her life I think she would want to give the world to them. When it comes to canon characters, I'm obsessed with the thought that the perfect person to fit that role is Manuela... I have a few posts on why IIRC 🤭
As a romantic partner I think Rhea would be just incredibly devoted and romantic. She would definitely focus on being the one to fulfill her partner's needs, because she doesn't think she deserves her own needs and wants met.
It would legit melt her heart to see her partner tell her that she deserves it as much as they do. She would look so happy and be so cute about it 🥺
She's been so lonely for so long that she would absolutely fail when trying to do normal friendship things like setting up a birthday party or meet up for any casual activity. But she would be absolutely adorable about it because you could tell that she's earnestly trying with all she's got to fit in and just live.
In short, many things went wrong in Rhea's long life, but I think she has the capacity in her to see where she made mistakes, as many of her endings demostrate. If anything, she ends up with such a negative opinion of herself that it would be your job to remind her of the good things that she did do, too...
I think also as soon as she got to try any "normal person" activity with you, she would try to drag Seteth and Flayn into it so they can enjoy it too. Flayn would be delighted, of course.
She loves cats. This one isn't even a headcanon but it's worth remembering. In addition to taking in all the strays that the monastery can fit, she would have a white cat and she would let it sleep on her important ceremonial clothes like it's no big deal.
Since she doesn't get close to people, they won't be able to see all the cat hair in her cape and dress anyway, right?
Everyone can absolutely see the cat hair in her cape and dress.
If someone as much as thinks about laying a finger on you she will literally (literally) go feral. I don't know, I just think that's hot.
I won't deny that there are some things that are very wrong with her but, um, next character? Yes. Next character 🤣
❤ Jeritza headcanons:
Where to begin. I'm repeating myself here but I can't stress enough that Jeritza would write the most romantic letters. I don't care that canonically love letters are Seteth's thing and there are no mentions of Jeritza ever writing anyone letters. What else is he going to do if he can't get physically close with people? Maybe he just never thought of it, but it's fine. His partner can give him the idea.
I also can't stress enough how much Jeritza would never fully come to understand why anyone would ever want to be with him. He thinks he's cursed beyond salvation and can't comprehend that you'd take such a big risk to your safety just to spend time with him.
This one is a little NSFW so don't read if that's not your thing: I think Jeritza might be into some sort of rope/handcuffs-play? I think the only way he could genuinely relax with a partner at first is knowing for certain that no matter what happens, he won't snap and hurt them because he's physically restrained. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Like some of his endings show I think just being away from the war and the fighting would do wonders for Jeritza's mental health.
(In the spirit of that mean girls meme) "If you don't want to hurt people, why are you always carrying around a sword?" "Oh my god, you can't just ask people why they're carrying around a sword..." He's not the brightest, no.
It would literally mean so much to him to experience any sort of normalcy with you, any hint that his old life is not completely gone and that there can still be happiness to be found in his future?
It is canon that the animals that he loves so much stay away from him on instinct, but I want to believe that can be worked through... he deserves a kitten. Give Jeritza a kitten 🥺
I keep toying with an AU where Jeritza is with the church instead of with Edelgard before the events of the game. I wonder how different things might be then.
I'm going to stop myself here because I could go on and on forever... I just love these characters so much! Thank you for sending this ask ❤❤❤
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alicerosejensen · 3 months
Another you
Warning: reader mutation (c-virus), angst, blood, slight aggression, acquired albinism, fem/reader (not an agent, an ordinary civilian who worked at the museum), Leon has plot armor, more narration than dialogue, the text contains an antagonist like Simmons (male character), Ada is helping Leon again, relatively happy ending.
Synopsis: You didn’t want to change, you loved him, just as he loved you, but against your will, your love turned into hatred and animal anger towards him. However, Leon still hopes that you will remember him...
A/N: This is probably my biggest work. Tumblr told me to fuck off a few times while editing, but I came out victorious in the fight, although I had to re-write the text into the draft a few times because Tumblr for some damn reason published it without my knowledge. I hope feedback if anyone liked it, because I have been burning with this idea for a long time!
The text also contains an excerpt from Byron's poems (I adore him)
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He promised himself first of all that nothing would happen to you. That his work won't affect you in any way and you won't get hit by the corporate bastards, and you really didn't. However, something else happened...
But people whom Leon loves or simply cares about tend to leave or even die.
Everything was fine with you. Ideal in his imperfect life and you were this perfection that he valued and protected. A prudent person would not keep an expensive diamond in front of everyone, so Leon did not scatter information about you and who you are to him. You were loved and dear to him more than all the treasures of the world, he appreciated your tenderness towards him and kindness, because it was you who helped him get out of the hole of despondency in which he buried himself. His personal little guardian angel. Still, he has something to continue his fight against bioterrorism.
A normal working day, except that the museum where you work was supposed to host an exhibition of some very expensive collection for which you were so carefully preparing, forgetting about yourself. It seemed to Leon that you were burning with enthusiasm and love for the work you were doing, which made you walk around too excited, forgetting about food, so he had to remind you to eat. This exhibition had no meaning for Kennedy, but he did not belittle your efforts thrown into this preparation, especially since you were so happy that you were incessantly talking about all these paintings, historical activities depicted on them and objects: a pendant with a strand of hair of some queen - you explained to him that this is a symbol of affection that was previously used It's like you're giving a piece of yourself to your giver, a kind of connection with a loved one, but this is just one of the meanings of such a peculiar gift. Silk fans, a clock, a desk, some items of clothing that, in Leon's opinion, were very strange and he was just glad that fashion had moved far ahead.
Although he could interpret all this in one word: beautifully.
And you were beautiful too. He would have liked to spend more time with you, but you were completely absorbed in your work, and he was overwhelmed with paperwork that he couldn't stand, but anyway, at least he could come back to you and listen to excited speeches and new facts that he didn't know anything about and would hardly remember if he told him about it someone else.
And everything went to hell when there was another outbreak, less global, but most importantly - human lives. And yours.
He was trying to save you, even if someone else had survived this exhibition, he would still have saved you first and not someone else. Mini Raccoon City, that's what he called it, making his way with you to the emergency exit while you kept up with him on your heels, because today you were supposed to shine and glow and not cry with fear looking at the pale corpses of history and art lovers. The light from Leon's flashlight illuminated a small part of the space while you walked quietly thinking about Leon's words, "I wonder how much time we have before they get up?"
"Were they poisoned?" you assumed, because how could you kill such a huge number of people without weapons. Leon, watching the ventilation grilles in the rooms, suggested in his head only one quick way.
"It must be gas,"
But then you would both have died too, you decided, but you did not voice your thought, because shortly before the tragedy you were invited to discuss something by the sponsor of this exhibition. A man who managed to collect so many magnificent things with a rich history. The man who gave you flowers and flirted with you from the day you first met, despite the fact that you made it clear to him that you were not interested in any relationship with him, except for work.
However, Leon also remained silent when he saw the luxurious bouquet of scarlet roses on your work table, which filled your entire small office with their aroma. But right now that simply wasn’t the main thing. He needed to get you out of the mess that happened, and then ask about flowers from rich strangers.
You walked slowly, trying not to make any noise or cry behind him while you clung to his jacket, partially managing to wonder why Leon's gun was with him when he had no reason to carry a gun. All this, of course, was secondary, given how stress, coupled with imagination, turned the exhibits into various frightening figures that frightened, made you scream, thinking that the fallen armor, which was probably simply poorly secured to the stand was another dead man. I didn’t even want to think about what happened in the exhibition hall, much less imagine. Leon had to take you by the hand and at times drag you along with him because the panic really aggravated everything, he was afraid that you would start to go hysterical, but it seems that despite the periodic stupor, you kept yourself well under control, exactly until the moment when Leon’s flashlight went out, leaving you in pitch darkness.
“Leon?” you called out anxiously, feeling noisy ragged breathing behind your back. Was this what Leon was talking about? Until recently, you hoped that his words were just another stupid joke and the dead do not rise, but here behind you is the living embodiment of a nightmare who is ready to grab your neck and feast on warm flesh. Have time to scream? You didn’t even have time to fully scream when a strong grip grabbed you by the shoulder and roughly threw you to the side from the line of danger because you fell, hitting your thigh on the marble tiles, after which a series of deafening shots and the muffled groan of a dead man was heard, three bullets or maybe be more? You didn't count.
As if in slow motion on a large screen, it was impossible to take your eyes off what you saw. All sounds died down, leaving the silence of your own mind and the smell of blood.
All you could do was watch how the beam of light from the flashlight shines directly on the corpse and how Leon’s hands are trying to bring you to your senses, because you knew the one whom he had just completely killed. Richard, your colleague with whom you had coffee this morning and discussed the latest news, sometimes often joked at lunch... was now dead and you were crying without knowing it. Tears just flow uncontrollably from your eyes even as Leon wipes your face with his thumbs, trying to lift you off the floor and make you go outside.
“Come on, sweetheart, I know it’s hard but we have to go"
"I... I can't... why here?" You ask more into the void than from him
“I don’t know, but we need to get out of here.” Leon grabs you under the armpits, helping you get to your feet, dragging you towards the exit.
Better yet, this would all just be a nightmare. The noise from the shots makes you cover your ears with your hands while Leon once shoots people, at the same time trying to protect the slow-moving you. They scream, moan, attack and you feel like you are in a horror film with high-quality special effects and good acting, but you realize, albeit reluctantly, that all this is not a joke but an evil reality where Leon almost at the very exit asks you to pull yourself together and you don’t even you can stand on your feet. Before your eyes, everything collapsed and the world went crazy, trying to grab you with it.
"I can't... can't... I'm so scared..." your hands grab Leon and he hugs you to him, which only makes you want to cry harder and ask him to do the impossible - to return everything to the way it was. He hugs you tightly, kissing you on the top of your head, giving at least some reassurance given the fact that he has always tried to protect the little that he loves from his work, but you accidentally found yourself in the epicenter and your reaction is quite expected.
"Everything will be fine, please look at me," he asks in a soft tone, lifting your head and forcing you to look into his eyes, "It will be difficult, I do not know what is happening outside and what kind of virus it is, but you must not leave me alone. I shoot, and you stand behind me or hide if I tell you to. If you see a dead person, don't you dare approach him!"
"Is it like this everywhere?"
Leon didn't quite understand if you were talking about the whole city or just the upcoming race, in any case, he only nodded briefly, giving you a little more time to catch your breath while you listened to the rapid pounding of the heart in his chest. He was afraid too.
It could have tried better. You really pulled yourself together, but after contacting Hunnigan, Leon exhaled for a second, saying that the virus had not spread so far and in fact the appropriate measures had already been taken, she sent the two of you to the evacuation point where doctors could examine you and give you a vaccine injection in case it really was gas, as Leon said, which logically you were both breathing anyway. So the virus could have entered your body, the scariest thing you reasoned while you were following him, is that you are both alive by a lucky chance, because if Leon had not been attacked by an attack of tenderness, it would probably have been the last day of his life. You no longer even thought about the fact that that sponsor called you somewhere... Emerick. You smiled when you remembered that Leon called him a high-dimensional asshole, but he probably became a victim like everyone else, so there's no need to speak ill of him.
You thought that because you didn't think he was a bad person. You and Emerick had common topics of conversation, he knew a lot and he had a rich collection of rare things bought from auctions for a lot of money, besides, as he himself said, much of what he actually has was inherited in his family, which made you think that he probably was some kind of hereditary noble. His manners were really perfect.
It took about an hour before Leon left you in a quiet place. There were only zombies outside and a few survivors who, no matter how hard Leon tried, still couldn't help. They always died in front of his eyes, even now leaving a sense of guilt in his soul, because he should protect and not kill, but now this is the best thing he can offer them to the infected. Wide windows on the third floor of a God-forsaken warehouse protected from enemies and if you believe Ingrit, then this is the C-Virus that Neo-umbrella created, not so old, but in the terrorist market, in fact, it is already junk.
"At least there are no cocoons and lepoticas, otherwise I would have big problems"
You were sitting on the crates risking tearing your nylon tights while Leon was talking via video link on his work smartphone, waiting for his colleague Ingrit from F.O.S to plot the safest route to the plane that should pick you two up. Leon thought you were safe with him. You just sit quietly next to him trying to catch your breath while he does the main work and he was really calm until you screamed sharply falling off the box, forcing him to turn to you when he saw you holding your neck.
The phone immediately fell to the floor.
"What happened? Are you in pain?!"his eyes widened as he pulled out the dart that was the cause of everything. "Baby, can you hear me?! Everything will be fine, hold on!"
There was no one in the window. By the way, there was no time to search for the culprit. Thoughts were flying crazily in his head, Leon picked you up in his arms, hiding you behind drawers so that you would not get into anyone else's lens, noticing how quickly your breathing becomes shallow.
Was it a new virus or an improved one from before? You curled up crying from what seemed like your organs were turning into a burning cauldron causing hellish pain that made you moan loudly.
"Hunnigan! I need a vaccine, urgently! Where's the damn helicopter?!" Ingrit shot up for a moment. The women's painful moans in the background were ready to make Leon burst into tears and she was almost sure that tears were stuck in the corners of his eyes.
"It will take time to figure out what it is..."
"There's no time!" he shouted into the phone. Ingrit's fingers immediately clicked on the keyboard.
You sobbed. The bones seemed to melt, which made you literally lie on the concrete floor until Leon shifted you onto his lap, feeling your body temperature rise from normal to high.
That's probably why you threw up and blood gushed out of your nose. Your heart was pounding wildly, you didn't hear Leon screaming in panic, hugging your body to him, realizing that if you don't inject the serum soon, then everything will be over. You're dying, but Leon's brain refuses to accept it when he picks you up in his arms trying to save you because with your death, life won't make sense to him.
"You're not going to die!" the words expressed through clenched teeth echo in the spacious building as Leon picks you up in his arms and carries you outside in time. "Everything will be different"
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He couldn't let this happen again. It was as if everything was being repeated again from hell to hell, only now in Helena’s place he is himself and he definitely won’t have enough strength to put a bullet in your forehead, and if he does... then he’ll shoot himself too.
Every minute was precious and if it weren’t for the infected, Leon would have instantly reached the right place and injected you with the serum, but luck was not on his side again, just like on the first day of work in Raccoon City. You were heating up so much that he could feel the heat emanating from your body, even through your clothes. Once the virus enters the human body, the incubation period varies for everyone: Deborah Harper lasted two hours before she mutated, for some it takes about a couple of minutes, even God himself does not know how much time is measured for you.
Having reached the helipad, Leon cursed everything in the world since the helicopter was not even visible anywhere. The situation was clearly not going in your favor. You again let out a painful groan, feeling like your body was literally burning and your head hurt so much that you wanted to be hit with a huge hammer. Leon stroked your back, holding you close to him. God, your temperature was already colossally high!
"Just a little more, be patient, honey" Leon doesn't believe it, he wants to, but he can. You scream and cry, trying to tear off your skin with your nails just to make this heat go away. He would like to change places with you, it would be better if he were dying now and not you, and not so monstrously.
The virus flows through the veins, attacks all defense mechanisms, mercilessly rebuilding the entire body in a new way, creating an aggressive weapon out of a person capable of mass murder without any remorse. Leon's affection does not destroy you, right now it is the only way to save yourself, but even if by some miracle an active medicine fell on your head, what is the chance that it saved you? The probability of healing, even with side effects, tends to be no more than 5-7%.
"D-don't want to d-die"
A pitiful groan, through the agony of pain you see Leon’s crying eyes, the skin peels off unnaturally under the influence of high temperature, but this is not visible under the clothes, but face...
"No no no no!"
Leon fell to the ground from your sharp push, but immediately jumped to his feet, running up to you after a wild, painful cry. Just one second and the body was suddenly engulfed in a flash of fire, turning the flesh into a hardened cocoon. You are gone.
It was all over.
Leon sees double. It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this! The gun is lying somewhere a couple of meters away, having fallen out of the holster when you pushed it away from you, and if this was a standard work situation, Leon would have tried to quickly run up to it or pick up the Sentinel Nine, but his hand did not rise. His knees hit the concrete floor painfully, along with the realization that he had lost again. The hard cocoon transforms the caterpillar inside itself into a beautiful butterfly, which is destined to fly, but Leon knows that everything human in you has burned out and only a monster will hatch from this cocoon, at best only vaguely reminiscent of you, so maybe it’s better to just tear it apart and then let him go on his own a bullet for himself?
The rain continues to pour, gradually calming down. The guys from B.S.A.A are already somewhere down there clearing the city of the infected and saving the survivors because there is a vaccine, there are ways to destroy the trash that Neo-Umbrella created. The sounds of gunshots mix with a frenzied rumble in his heart, which is why Leon doesn't want to hear anything anymore, preferring instead to stretch out his hands to your still warm cocoon, where some movement is already visible. Watching this, Leon was ready to miss even the deafening sound of the helicopter, but the light made him close his eyes and lift his head up.
Even without looking closely, he immediately realized that it was not the helicopter that Hunnigan had sent.
For the sake of love, people really do the most cruel things.
Leon immediately realized who was behind all this when the helicopter landed and several armed men jumped out of it, their faces hidden by masks. He slowly got to his feet, looking at the culprit of his suffering, dressed in a snow-white suit, with an impudent grin that Kennedy remembered from the beginning of the evening, when everything was still fine. Leon could have sworn that he had never felt such rage before, although a painful scream stuck in his throat.
No one pointed a gun at him. Everyone just froze, waiting for something.
"It's a small world, Mr. Kennedy," he said, waving to one of his assistants, and he and two mercenaries pulled a cryogenic capsule out of the plane. "But it was stupid to think that a man like you would die from a bunch of mindless zombies. I must admit, I didn't want to go to extreme measures until the last moment, I liked today's event, but because of you, I had to cancel everything. I've lost most of my collection"
"So it was you after all…" Leon muttered through his teeth, not yet grabbing the gun, realizing the risks. He is alone in the open space - a wonderful target. "I didn't see your corpse in the museum."
"A distraction," he explained, watching the capsule's preparation from the corner of his eye.
Emerick… Leon suddenly remembered how you recently confessed to him that he began to take care of you by giving you flowers, then inviting you for a cup of coffee, listening to music or general topics of which there were too many. But in the end, when the attentions began to exceed the standard amount, hinting at something more, you refused him, saying that you already have someone. You didn't notice, but Leon has been catching his obsessive glances at you all evening… How sometimes you looked at the exhibits behind the glass case, which you can not touch, despite the ban.
But you didn't even choose between the two of them. Leon always came first.
"For what?"
Emerick smiled as he looked at the cocoon and Leon's question disappeared by itself. Because of jealousy? Because a rich bastard couldn't get what he wanted, even with a giant bank account?
"You won't believe it, Mr. Kennedy, but for love. Death took away a dear person from me and I want to return what belonged to me, however, you will not understand this"
Leon grinned, clenching his fists.
"Why? Why her? If you wanted to take revenge on me, then you would have taken revenge on me and not on her!"
"Who said it was you?" asked Emerick, looking at his interlocutor as if he were an idiot. "For the most part, you just annoyed me like an annoying fly, but no more, although you encroached on something that does not belong to you."
Leon was about to answer and pounce despite the machine guns pointed at him, but the movement below and the sound of the cocoon tearing attracted all attention. He has seen it many times and your hand was reaching out to break free from the tight shackles of the past flesh, forcing its way out. Everyone is closely watching the birth of a new life, but only in the eyes of one of those present there was delight, not fear and regret. Leon couldn't bear it… He didn't understand what was wrong. The transformation was different.
"Happy birthday, Ada,"
A memory flashed through his mind.
History repeats itself. Only it turns out that besides Simmons, there is another bastard who looks like him in everything.
Leon reached out to you, as if trying to grab you, to help you get out and take you away from here. A brief moment of hope still lit up in my soul like a small smoldering flame, my mind seemed to be clouded, and yet deep inside there was a glimmer of awareness. He couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong while you were trying to get out, muffling all his annoying voices of caution. Wrong smell, wrong body color… Leon squints his eyes, the cocoon breaks and before he can grab your hand, he freezes.
The slimy, sticky naked body lying in front of him looked more like a white marble statue with a thin network of blue veins protruding under the skin. The mercenaries looked at each other, clutching their guns tighter but still not pointing them at you. The sight is really amazing. Leon comes up to you lying down, at first glance it seems lifeless, but looking closely, your chest quietly heaves and he kneels down again, pulling you to his shoulders, peering into familiar but still changed facial features.
There are no appendages behind the back, from which ugly claws protrude, no razor-sharp claws, no fangs. But instead, unnaturally pale skin and hair… the structure is thicker, and the color merges with the color of the body. The same discolored ones, but stuck together due to the transformation in the cocoon. You open your eyes a little, and instead of the usual iris, two red lights rush at him without a shadow of anger and aggression, just fatigue, something that Leon used to see when you stayed up late at work.
"And, when the grave restores her dead,
When life again to dust is given,
On thy dear breast I'll lay my head—
Without thee! where would be my Heaven?"
Ignoring the familiar lines of poetry, Leon remains silent when he gives him an order in a harsh voice.
"You won't understand," Leon has no doubt. He doesn't want to understand these motives. "You're not even worthy of the dirt under her nails, let alone touching her!"
Leon picks you up in his arms, turning to face Emerick, meeting with loaded guns.
"Did you infect her with the C-virus so that she would become your toy?"
"A toy?!" he snapped back.
Now it already looks like a confrontation between two men for the heart of one woman, almost a joust in modern realities in all its dirty manifestations and meannesses, but Leon does not feel the advantage. A fairy tale with a bad ending. One madman decided to use a virus to change the girl's memory and her appearance, making you the one who died a long time ago, and he…a brave man with a valiant heart who somehow thinks that even after death, Simmons is also connected with this. Even indirectly. Sold the idea of resurrecting someone else's personality in another person?
The rain is hitting your body in drops, and Leon wants to cover you, hide you, hoping that this is his second attempt. It seems that consciousness is returning to you, but you are still disoriented, not understanding who you are and what is happening. You became a part of the darkness that Leon carried on his shoulders.
"All for love," one wave of his hand, and the one standing behind him makes Leon bend painfully, crying out in pain, almost dropping you, his fingers dig into your skin, causing a barely audible moan from your mouth, but you are still snatched from his hands, carried into that capsule, after that, Emerick turns away from his opponent, putting something like an oxygen mask on you, stroking your cheek gently with his fingers.
"What the hell kind of love?!" Leon knows for sure that the other person is smiling even if he does not see it himself.
"You may not believe it, but I'm one-woman man, Mr. Kennedy. It took me a fortune to improve the C-virus so that it would affect her body without turning her into a vile insect-like creature. There was only one side effect after the final result - loss of pigmentation, but this is not significant, in all other respects it completely met my expectations. All THIS is for her sake."
"You sick... "
"No, I'm a heartbroken husband who lost his wife prematurely but now we will be reunited." Emerick looked at you lovingly before closing the capsule, which they began to load back into the helicopter. “And you, Mr. Kennedy, are just one of millions. You saw a work of art and decided to grped it when you had no right to do so. Someone like you will never understand her value, you were never able to give her everything she deserved!”
It’s hard to disagree when the muzzle of a machine gun is pressed to the back of his head, but Leon still fights as he watches the cryogenic capsule ahead being shoved back into the helicopter.
Adrenaline is pumping into his head and his palm is itching to get the second gun out of the holster, but Leon realizes one wrong move and this will be the finale in his story. You will drown in a pool of false memories, considering yourself the person you have never seen or known, you will begin to be called by another name, carrying antibodies to the improved C virus in your new body and you will give yourself into the arms of a man distraught from his loss, considering yourself his true love.
Leon walks on the edge, but now the feeling that a thin rope can throw him into the abyss, from where there is no return, feels more acute. If only Hunnigan's helicopter had arrived, but intuition suggested that the delay was caused not just by technical circumstances.
"Do you think you injected her with a virus and she will start to adore you? You gave her the power to smear you like a bug on the wall as soon as she wakes up." He does not know the properties of this virus and what abilities it can give, but experience suggests that minor adjustments in appearance and lack of pigment like albinos are not the whole potential obtained.
"You've dealt with many terrorists, but I'm not one of them, Mr. Kennedy," still pretending to politely hide his hatred for some American sharing a bed with his woman, whom he considered his own, Emerick retorts: "I don't want to turn people into monsters, although I don't want the world to be on fire, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices. This virus was tested on many before my trusted person injected it to her, and before using it, I tested it on many."
Leon clenches his teeth, glaring at Emerick, letting him finish. Truly, big money creates lawlessness.
"As I said, everything is for love"
But there is no love here. Just an obsession.
Emerick no longer intends to continue the conversation, sits back down in his seat in the helicopter next to the cryocapsule, again signaling his people to get rid of the last witness, besides, he no longer intends to dirty his hands, especially about someone like Kennedy. Although he may still have the desire to end Leon on his own, but looking back at the capsule, his lips are touched with a mocking smile. The project must be completed, and the finishing touches are always needed so that the creator can enjoy his creation.
"But so be it, I'll leave her memories of you. The most bitter and unhappy, she will remember you and be glad that I saved her from you. See, I can be generous even to those who don't deserve it."
"I will refuse your generosity."
The situation was turning into complete shit. Emerick probably hoped to clean up all traces of himself, which is why he left the mercenaries to clean up after him, while he himself rose into the air with a last contemptuous glance at Leon.
"I'll find you, you son of a bitch."
He'll find him and kill and then bring you back.
Fortunately, sometimes Leon has a guardian angel with a smoke bomb behind his back, covering him with shots from a crossbow bolt while Leon quickly pulls out his spare pistol, getting rid of the last two mercenaries. A familiar style and a familiar fragrance when the haze clears allowing you to see the savior in the flesh in his unchanging red outfit and Leon would even smile at her if the plane with you did not move away from him every second. Ada is the red queen of today who postponed the execution of her former lover, smiling at him gently and a little cunningly wondering how fate brings them together and separates their paths from time to time. Leon does not thank out loud, but words of gratitude to this woman who clearly spent her personal time on him still freeze in the air.
She looks at the remains of the cocoon, clutching the crossbow tighter, roughly imagining what could have happened, seeing Kennedy's wet eyelashes, although the rain could have been to blame for everything, which fortunately had already calmed down, as well as the noise outside, although occasionally groans and shots were heard in the distance. Today, her calculated accuracy saved him again.
 "Long time no see, Leon" The velvety voice sounds soothing, but a little tired. In any case, Leon definitely owed her more than double the fare for his rescue.
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A princess must have a knight in love to protect her from evil. In fairy tales, a kiss of love usually solves all problems, but what if the princess herself does not remember losing herself in the memories of her own and others? A suppressed personality cries out from the depths, not wanting to be forgotten, fighting with the one who took the pedestal and two names… two girls cannot merge into one, causing you only panic attacks and uncontrolled aggression, forcing the creator to believe that he is not so skilled even if he was filled with desire and endowed with money.
A charming man who calls himself your husband bends over her, holding out his hand decorated with antique rings to you, and you look at her with a puzzled look, pressing your back against the wall, trying to create distance between you. Because no matter how hard they tried to suppress your personality, but the feeling of uncontrollable fear, fused together with a new body, did not leave you, so you did not believe. Neither to him, nor to himself, nor to anyone else, and the dagger in the white palm hidden behind your back does not seem so heavy. The reaction is faster, the senses are heightened, and although the virus does not give the princess strength, you still resist, wounding your "husband", allowing scarlet drops of blood to bloom like roses on a white dress that has merged with the color of your skin.
Contrary to that, you have not become perfect, but you are still a passionate obsession for two men: one with pure thoughts and the other with a mad desire that has been tormenting him for a long time. It's hard to escape from the mansion, but thanks to heightened senses, it no longer seems impossible. However, it is even harder to ignore your true self, which screams and tears your head apart, as well as to separate two personalities from yourself.
You're confused. Not in luxurious rooms and corridors, but in yourself.
Something screams from the inside telling you to run away from here, and then it calms you that this place is your home, you know every corner here, every crack on the vase, these outfits in a separate dressing room tailored specifically for you, everything is familiar and at the same time alien. Your husband said that he saved you from a bastard named Leon, and after saying this name, the image of a blond man with beautiful blue eyes immediately stands in your eyes, but your heart overflows with rage, forcing you to tighten your grip on the dagger hilt.
You still have at least one sincere emotion, as you thought, however...
Leon is intently examining the analysis result from the remains of the cocoon that was sent to him. It really was what he was thinking, but Ada had already revealed a little secret to him.
"Maybe years will pass, and her real personality will somehow begin to manifest itself. I still don't know how Simmons fixed Carla's memory."
Leon puts the phone back in his pocket, looking at Ada with a slightly offended look, although she knows that he holds a grudge only against himself.
"But she's an exact copy of you," Leon reminded her, saying that when you pulled out of the cocoon, your face remained almost the same, yes, the features changed a little, but it was still you.
"But it will explain your new friend's obsession with your girlfriend," she chuckled, teasing him kindly, "If she looks so much like his dead wifey, then why would he change her appearance when they are almost identical to each other."
"And if it was an extreme measure, as he said... " Leon continues, scolding himself even more.
"You provoked him to infect her yourself. If he was hitting on her and she turned him down because of you, then it makes sense. Maybe if your girlfriend had been more mercantile and greedy for money, everything would have been without the virus."
However, was it Leon's fault or yours? Ada didn't blame anyone.
Leon may never guess at the ulterior motives, which may not have existed at all, but who else but she helped him again, however, leaving all the dirty work to Leon himself. After all, you were his concern, not hers. Although she followed you and your strange behavior a little, she finally sent him the coordinates of the place and your photo.
"I wish I could say that she remembered everything, but it seems that the virus did not affect her the way it was originally intended. Be careful, your beloved is a little aggressive."
Is it a consequence of the virus, or do you still remember who you are? Leon wants to believe in the latter when he collects equipment for the road, no longer hoping for anyone's help. But your new house looks more like one big clever trap and all the working staff have disappeared somewhere. In Leon's opinion, there should be more than one butler here, but there were no corpses either. Holding a gun at the ready, it was essentially a trespass on private property, but in the report he would later indicate that he was getting evidence. It won't be easy to find you, although you might make a little noise to attract his attention.
And you? You are sitting in a silent garden in the sweet scent of roses, standing out against the background of bright colors as a white spot, listening to the noise of the fountain, which still somehow calms you down after the last scuffle with your spouse. Alone, barefoot, you walk along a stone path, fingering strands of hair between your fingers, trying to compare in your head incomprehensible pictures from the past of two different people. You cannot love that person, for some reason you are afraid and angry at him despite his care. He took the knife away from you, letting you wander around the house like a ghost humming an annoying melody from his own past to himself, letting Emerick hope that manipulation and time will do their job. You hate Kennedy and that's been enough.
The support group is ready, but Leon still prefers to pick you up and then let the guys from the alliance work, having their own personal accounts in this matter. This could be the easiest capture of a terrorist in all his professional experience, but when his presence becomes known, the situation becomes complicated in the form of additional traps equipped with deadly devices and gas for which the anti-C vaccine is useless. In the end, Leon remains even without light and the flashlight does not save well. He looks into every room in an attempt to find at least some hint of your stay here after almost six months of absence.
And he finds in one of the inhabited rooms where only one bed occupies a quarter of the space. There is a beautiful comb with precious stones with traces of white hair on the dressing table, and Leon, picking up the jewelry, is sure that you are here somewhere, just like he is wandering among the dark corridors, although he really regrets that he did not find you in this room. However, another thought comes to his head when a thin lace pale pink negligee lying on the back of the sofa catches his eye… you only walked around in such things with him alone, and clutching the fabric in his hands, Leon can't help but think that Emerick slept with you in this bed.
The funny thing is that he's ready to forgive you everything now. He won't even remember that another man touched you afterwards because you're a victim and Leon, even if you don't remember him, wants you to at least return to a relatively normal life.
But the silence is suddenly cut short when a creak is heard behind, barely perceptible to the ear. A secret door? He does not turn around, freezing in one position, continuing to hold your negligee in his hands, feeling someone's sharp gaze on his back, but out of the corner of his eye catches a familiar silhouette, in the darkness of which two red eyes are burning.
Leon tenses up. The sound of the blade breaks the silence, and your light tread turns into a sharp jerk as you rush at him with a sharp hairpin, hoping to plunge it deeper into his back. Your reaction may have improved, but Leon's reflexes are still faster, Kennedy dodges to the side, which causes you to fall directly onto your dressing table, knocking it over with you, forcing him to open his eyes in amazement.
"No, no, no, you couldn't turn into a monster," a thought runs through Leon's head.
The mirror breaks into many pieces and dig into your skin, causing the blood to contrast brightly on the light skin, which seems almost an unnatural sight. But through the pain, you hiss again trying to pounce on him, which causes Leon to fall on his back, rather out of surprise, managing to intercept your hand that aimed the clip directly at his eye. Pushing you away is not too big a problem, but the point is that you will still continue to throw at him and he does not want to use weapons at all.
"Bastard!" you growl, "Don't you like being hit back?"
"Stop, it's me!" he shouted, still holding your wrist so that you couldn't hurt him.
It was as if you hadn't heard. Leon pushed you away a little, hoping that being farther away would allow you to get to know him better, but what he didn't expect was for you to lash out at him over and over again, and honestly, if it were up to him, he would have removed the threat quickly, but it's hard to hurt someone you love. He'd had to kill Marvin and the President in the past, that in itself still weighs on his soul, but if he had to kill you… Deborah was easier. She was Helena's sister, not his, so his hand didn't shake when he pulled the trigger of the shotgun, but you're different. You're impossible to shoot at.
"Stop it!" he begs twisting your wrist so that you scream in pain and that scream tears his soul causing a lump in his throat. "It's not you! I beg yoy don't make me hurt you."
He doesn't even want to think about the estate being so deserted because of you. Leon still thinks it's just a virus, and somewhere inside you remember his, you just need to trigger it somehow. Ada said the virus affects you differently than it does Carla, but she didn't mention that you're aggressive to anyone who tries to touch you. Leon keeps his guard up, but despite your tight grip, you've apparently acquired some sort of ability that allowed you to break free and run down the hallway. He's not sure if you can throw people against the wall like baseballs, but your regeneration is enviable, because the only reminder of the wounds from the broken mirror on your body are drops of blood.
No abrasions.
So, after a little scuffle, as a result of which the antique dressing table is smashed to pieces along with all the bottles standing on it, Leon gets to his feet trying to figure out what the hell just happened. However, your trail has already disappeared. The house is huge, but despite this, Leon still puts the safety on the gun, afraid to instinctively shoot you if you attack him again. In hand-to-hand combat, you have little chance, but his reflexes can work faster than his brain. But abrasions and wounds a couple of centimeters deep, your body is able to regenerate itself. So cold steel will be the best thing, in case he meets other inhabitants of the estate besides you.
As already mentioned, the flashlight did not save the situation too much, of course, fanatics worked in some places, especially in the garden, but Leon did not find anything except small supplies, although his gut instinct encouraged him to pick up a gun to feel confident. But in the backyard, after several hours of searching among the marble statues and the damp fresh air that hit in the face, somewhere among the bushes in which some cautious movement is heard. It's like a wild cat sneaking up to its prey and Leon realizes - you're here!
Behind him again, so Leon straightens up. If it were daytime or even evening, he would have no problem finding you, but there is a starry night overhead. Rage is growing somewhere between your ribs, inside, but everything is different for him, because despite the internal contradiction, Leon is to some extent convinced that it is useless to fight with you.
There is nothing in his chest but regret and delayed words that he rarely said.
And yet at some point you look at each other continuously. You notice that he has only one knife in his hands, just like you, although Leon hides it back in the case, taking two small steps back trying to talk again. White hair is blown away by the wind and it annoys you that there is no elastic band or barrette to put it in a bun or tail. There doesn't seem to be anything in this damn house for your comfort!
The most painful thing is the way you look at him, but Leon still grins hiding his pain behind an inappropriate joke, standing in a fighting stance preparing to deflect blows.
"Well, I'm not against role-playing games, I really liked it when you were my bunny last time."
It's confusing or rather discouraging that it stops you for a few seconds and Leon uses this time to take the knife away from you, but you dodge so deftly and still more scared, almost dropping the knife to the ground.
"Come on, drop it, sweetheart" Leon asks, taking a step towards you, then you, on the contrary, retreat trying to find your advantage. "You know I'm not the one who's going to hurt you. I'll take you home."
"fucking dog," you growl in response, seeing how he swallows the insult, "Do you think I'll go with the one who made me like this?!"
Your voice is almost hoarse with hate. At the same time, Leon's face takes on a painful appearance, as if he was hit from the inside in the most painful place. That's what that son of a bitch told you! Okay, you can scold him with the most vile words, most of which he'll really be surprised that you even know, but... No buts!
"See?! I'm not afraid of you anymore! "
"You've never been afraid of me."
"You loved me, and I still love you," he wants to say, but the words are stuck in his throat. And after all, somewhere in the whirlpool of memories, these frames sometimes pop up in your head. Not the Stotholm syndrome...
You weren't afraid of him, but of the other one... the man who is your husband calls you by a different name, although Leon calls you by a completely different one, and what you hear from the agent seems much more familiar, more correct and more familiar.
"Baby, I don't want to hurt you! If I wanted to, I would have shot long ago, right? "
"I'm not your baby!" you're snarling, and your red eyes are burning even brighter in the dark.
Bad word.
Leon wants to bite his tongue. He still doesn't know about all the properties of your mutation, but he hopes that now you won't have claws behind your back, God bless him who left him many years ago, but it seems you don't have anything like that. Although when you attack him in a fit of anger, Leon really hurts like hell, which makes him even clench his teeth trying to hold back a moan of pain.
Probably, with strong malice, the power also somehow increases... A lot of times, because it looks like you broke his rib.
"Yeah, you never liked that word, but at least you didn't rush at me with a knife before," Leon still jokes, realizing that talking clearly won't help here. He doesn't want to use force, but it seems that there is no choice. He agrees that you may never love him more, but he won't leave you here either.
It is not even necessary to move to radical measures. Your head is bursting with pain again, causing tears to flow from your eyes and everything inside screams with fear, making you want to cower into a ball. Therefore, Leon does not expect you to bend at the knees and cry and start running away from him, just as you ran, according to Ada, all over the estate from Emerick. The wind licks wet tracks from your cheeks, scratching your skin when you run along the garden path, running out into a small open space before freezing in a frenzy, pressing your palms to your chest, as they did in a previous life, before mutation, when you were worried.
A nightmare come true. Your heart was pounding and forehead was covered with sticky sweat, as were your palms from which the knife slipped.
"It's scary..." an inner voice echoes. You hear Leon running up to you and stopping too, looking at something he hoped to forget someday. Tears involuntarily flow down your cheeks, as if the real you are making your way, pushing someone else's personality into the background. Fire, pain, fear, a dart... This hellish pain that turns people into monsters, you haven't seen the staff, the estates, but now you understand what happened. Just like a divine epiphany.
Maybe it's just one of the reactions. Leon remembered from his own experience that not all individuals hatched from cocoons, but this was a huge rarity, and here as many as twenty if not more, however, this was the trigger. You remembered something.
The wet paths glowed in the light of the moon on your cheeks. If the situation had been different, Leon would have immediately tried to console you, but it seems that this could have become another stupid idea, on the other hand, your stupor could have been turned into a plus and they could have simply picked you up, put you in a helicopter and then calmly dealt with this crap. A tempting thought, of course, but... Something like a phantom pain... a feeling as if the whole body was burning again and being reshaped under high temperatures. Even the same hellish headache that sends a painful pulsation into the eyes. You were again struck by a short flash of memories, how someone’s strong hands held and stroked you while your body was changing and it definitely wasn’t your husband... his hands are icy, and his voice is dry, devoid of emotion... Maybe..
"Аt least it's clear where everyone has gone," a voice sounded from behind. It was getting harder to breathe and the world was spinning wildly in front of your eyes, so an inner voice told you to find where to land or your head was at risk of injury. This is not the first attack, but the most severe in the last few months. Anyway, your vague consciousness leaves you for a while, turning off, allowing you to get lost in fragmentary memories, but Leon's hands manage to catch you in time, carefully laying you on the grass.
Leon checked your pulse, the main thing is that your heart was beating and your chest was heaving smoothly. Apparently, it was an ordinary fainting fit against the background of a spectacle that caused you psychological trauma. He picked up your knife with which you tried to stab him a couple of minutes ago, was ready to take you away from this place as he had hoped earlier. Those guys who were still alive from his group proved that Emerick was not in the estate, but Leon did not believe.
And it's good that I didn't believe it. Leon didn't believe in miracles at all.
Well, right now he was definitely aiming to just pick you up before you regained consciousness, because trying to explain where the truth is and where the lie is clearly not the best idea. Calling a helicopter for evacuation and picking you up in his arms, hugging you closer to him, Leon quickly jumped up but heard a painfully familiar click to his right, which froze him in place.
“In the past, hands were cut off for theft, but I’ll assume that a colossal imbecile like you doesn’t know that.”
Leon grunts as he turns around. A tactical vest will protect his back and chest, but his head remains open for a shot.
"Then you should have been walking without hands for a long time," Leon retorts, putting you on a bench while delaying your rescue. "Looks like you didn't run away after all."
"I don't like unwanted guests, because of you, my wife and I will have to move to another place. It's a pity, she liked this garden."
"She's. Not. Your. Wife." Leon almost hisses, reaching for his gun, but jumps aside after a burst of three shots that were meant for him. "Bastard"
"I was informed that they did not get rid of you and I assumed that you would look for me at least out of a sense of duty to the country you work for, but please note that there are bigger fish in the sea. You seem to have a weakness for women with Asian features, so maybe you'll focus on your own preferences and not mess with my wife, whom, as I told you earlier, you just don't deserve. You have no idea what a valuable diamond she is, a nugget! One in a million!
Oh, this conceit! His measured and calm tone is annoying, Leon tries to suppress his anger at the fact that the bastard dug up information on him somewhere, but his attachment to Ada is in the past, although they still care about each other in some sense, but now there is you. And you are you, not the woman that Emerick considers his wife. Leon hides behind one of the cocoons and the bullets hit the non-dense flesh, after which a kind of ugly embryo that was once an ordinary person falls to the ground, forcing him to quickly take a better position behind the statue of the goddess Aphrodite.
"You've been living a lie for so long that you've come to believe it yourself!"
"Oh, sure, you know better!" sarcastic laughter makes anger boil from the inside, but Leon looks out of hiding just to look at you and make sure you're still where he left you. "We past even though we always knew that we were made for each other, and only by chance and then you got in my way! "
"I would have felt sorry for you if in your grief you hadn't tried to make an innocent girl into a copy of your dead wife and killed a lot of people in the process."
Leon pulled the safety off the gun. Now the main thing is not to catch a stray bullet and hope that this bastard does not turn into a giant mutated creature, because apart from four spare clips and another pistol, he has nothing and the space is not spacious enough to maneuver, besides, you could also get hurt. He has already forgotten that you can regenerate wounds, but nevertheless, there is no time to find out what is your Achilles heel yet.
"All for the sake of love"
"This is not love"
Leon pulled the trigger but Emerick dodged. There was a smell of gunpowder and something sickeningly acrid in the air, as if something had died somewhere and even the scent of flowers could not completely drown out this smell. You opened your eyes, but your head still continued to spin and the sharp noise of the vystreds only mocked your brain, forcing you to involuntarily pull up your arms and clap your ears with your palms, just like... Like when you were protected from zombies in a museum"
It wanted to hide, curled in a dark corner and not get out until everything resolves itself, although life knows how to throw surprises. You hear someone else's conversation, you hear how the one who came for you says that your husband is a sick cretin who considers it normal to infect people to make a copy of a dead person out of them, whereas he explains his reasons only with grief. The puzzle is not fully assembled and there are still many white spots in your memory, but some fragments have connected to each other despite the fact that you still do not understand who you are.
This shootout will continue for some time, and unnoticed by these two, you will slowly slide off the bench and see Leon and Emerick engage in hand-to-hand combat after they ran out of bullets. It is noteworthy that after losing your knife in battle, which is now proudly stuck in a tree post, he used his own, which he did not plan to part with, but since they are busy with each other, you calmly grabbed the handle and pulled out the blade, looking at your own reflection of scarlet eyes in steel.
You don't love any of them and you don't want to choose someone's side at all, but you also don't want to be tied to someone who actually infected you, having put so much effort into driving you crazy. You need to make a choice, and whether it will be right, only time will decide. Two people are fighting for one woman, although it looks like you are not a princess in trouble at all, and as Ada said, despite the effect of the virus, the real personality will still take everything back under his control, but the old life will never be. All dreams burned down along with that body, so you're also quite sincerely stabbing the family knife into Emerick's back.
The princess does not need a knight to kill the dragon, because she herself is able to stab him when he does not expect it. This is the simplest from the point of view of Leon's combat missions, but at the same time the most difficult. A scarlet stain spreads on the snow-white suit, but that's all. Emerick had not infected himself with anything, although his fate could not be called terrible. It was all for love, and he died at the hands of that love. A stupid death, which is even insulting, but not for you. And walking with you to the helicopter in the living room above the fireplace, Leon really understands why such an obsession arose...
You really look like the smiling girl in the portrait like two drops of water.
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He was told that rehabilitation would take a long time, possibly years. You never spoke to him, you didn't even say a word, but you didn't attack him either. You just withdrew into yourself, allowing the doctors to conduct tests and identify whether you are ready to mutate into other stages when you receive any damage, but I was glad that you did not. In their opinion, all your physical data remained at the same level before infection, although perhaps you just deceived everyone well just so that they would leave you behind and not make you an experimental rat, allowing them to drain blood from you, but this allowed Rebecca's team to make a new improved vaccine. A dubious achievement for Leon, given the fact that you persistently ignore him.
He brings clothes, books, even begged for a TV for you to let you kill time and still nothing. You didn't even turn it on until the moment when, with fighting and shouting and after a bunch of official papers, Leon was finally allowed to take you home. They said that you don't have any regeneration and your injuries heal like on any other person, you don't rush at people in attempts to devour them, sometimes you still talk for more than five minutes a day (but not with Leon) and you don't have any unusual abilities. Nothing that would be of interest to the bigwigs of the government. You'd think that you'd literally become a black sheep, people would just start mistaking you for an albino, which is basically true now.
It's good when you can control some of your body's processes. This eliminates a lot of problems. At home, you curiously look at all these little things from your past life, thinking about what it was like to share this apartment with Leon, you look at the bed in which you must have slept with him, and it seems incredibly comfortable, although right now sleeping with Leon causes rejection. He does not climb into your personal space, no longer clings like a puppy, although he whines in the corner from the lost affection of a loved one. He gave you the bed, but he sleeps on the couch, brings breakfast and after a couple of months you get in touch.
It took Jill Valentine several years before she returned to the barn. Chris is so comforting, telling him that everything is still fine, but if necessary, he will let you go. One way or another, of course, he will check if everything is okay with you, but he will let you go if you still do not accept him back into your heart. Leon believes that therapy will help and you will remember your real self by separating the grain from the chaff. You don't have to love him again, although he will be happy if you ask him to stay by your side on a stormy night, hugging you after a nightmare. Then he will wrap you warmly in a blanket and press your face to his chest, gently stroking your back and comforting you with words.
Therapy will help and one day everything will be fine again. Kissing the top of your head, Leon wants to believe it as much as you do. At least you're willing to try.
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