#so he tries to drown himself in what he knows best (being smart)
kuroshirosb · 9 months
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With unknown implications, abstractions stay silent, peace starts breaking, but we have no way to know.
An obscure night’s sign fascinates our unstable mind. Hey, have you still not realized? If you don’t even know their names, even now, the strange will harm you.
Ah, if I were able to speak about such a world, I would never be scared. But I still can’t fall asleep tonight, so I’ll keep wandering late at night.
#pokemashe#lucas aquila#trainer lucas#HEYYY LUCAS TIME. uxie’s favorite little guy#guy who has no friends growing up but then finds potential friends but then feels intrusive in their dynamic#so he tries to drown himself in what he knows best (being smart)#to try and avoid them and his awkward feelings despite the loneliness#or just. something only people with higher power would know.#despite these two being the first people who show interest in being his friend#even if he treasures them and them actively making an effort to try and be a friend to him#but then BOOM he meets Cyrus and he causes him to question everything he knows#and is suddenly pressured to discover the secrets of the universe that no one can know (not even he)#but he can’t find anything and then suddenly he doubts his worth and abilities and place in the universe#so much so that he forgets to be a kid. and he forgets he has friends who care. until it’s too late to BE a kid#(he shatters his glasses trying to save Uxie too. he lost his way and can’t see what’s in front of him)#and then he sees one of his first real friends die and his other friend scrambling to try and fix him#and that echo asking what happened to them just rings in his mind#and then the guy who left him with these questions and feelings of worthlessness just ups and might as well have died#and he just doesn’t know what’s even the point#and while Cynthia tells him it’s ok for him to not know everything it still pains him and itches his mind#hisui for him is him still not understanding the keys to the universe but understanding himself as a person#and what’s important to him. and learning through experience.#it’s about himself and the people around him rather than the big idea.#and he’s understanding what he should know most of all#because simply knowing you’re alive and the world is alive is enough for you to have a place in the universe#he grows closer with Dawn and Barry when he starts understanding himself and he grows happier#ashe’s art
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pizzapottah · 3 months
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summary: you and james grew up together, being best friends since childhood, but after you get sorted into slytherin in your first year at hogwarts, it was only a matter of time until it all crumbled down.
pairing: james potter x slytherin!slughorn!reader (no use of y/n)
word count: 3.6k
warnings: like two swear words, sirius and regulus' feud (they're both menaces), kinda mean james, sirius' a dick too, THEY'RE ALL DICKS BUT REMUS YOUR HONOR, a bit angsty
author's note: inspired by runaway by kanye west (don't worry, there'll be homecoming too). slughorn as granpa is going to have a bigger role on the second part i swear (i love granpas and he woud be so sweet) i swear the timeline piece for young love is coming. i don't know when but i'm trying ;-;
runaway | homecoming
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To Sirius, it looked a bit obvious that you and James had somewhat of a history. 
They were just in their second year, and as soon as “BLACK, REGULUS” is called and gets put to Slytherin, he turns to his friend, about to start a bashing on his brother's House. “What did I tell you? Of course he would be put there. A little snake, he is, tried to drown me in the bathtub when he was five, Merlin knows what he will be capable of now…”
But as another name gets called to the Hat, James looks like he isn't listening. And as Sirius goes on, stubborn, the boy puts a hand on his mouth. “Shush, I wanna hear.”
Well, that's surely something new. Prongs wanting to listen? That has to be the news of the decade. So Sirius tries to hold back his wounded ego and looks at the chair where the students sit, one by one, to be sorted. There's a girl sitting on it, and as the Hat takes a moment to debate with himself for where to put her, James looks at the girl like she holds on her shoulders the sky and the stars. 
Sirius doesn't really understand - right now he just thinks that yes, she’s pretty, but not that pretty to break his neck just to look at her. (In a few years time, he’ll realise that it’s not because she’s not that pretty. It’s just because he doesn’t really like girls - and maybe, just maybe, at that time he had an itty bitty crush on his friend, but was too young and oblivious to know.) 
James stares dreamily at the girl. “She's the daughter of my neighbours - the girl I grew up with, remember? I told you about her.”
No, Sirius actually doesn’t remember her, but he stares at her and the Hat, waiting for the sorting. “Why is it taking so long? It never takes that long.” At this point he’s just trying to go on like nothing happened, like James didn’t just shut him up to stare at a girl - what happened to the bro code?
“The Hat’s probably settling between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor,” his friend tells him. “To Gryffindor because, well, I'm here, but also to Ravenclaw because she’s so smart- oh, Sirius, when she gets put here, you’ll have to move- could you give your seat to her?”
Sirius stares at him with his mouth open. In front of them, Peter and Remus assume the same horrified face of their friend - James Potter asking Sirius Black to give up his seat beside him? They’re not even sure if they ever saw them sitting apart. The latter seems horrified at the thought of his best friend asking him to move.
And before Sirius can start shouting mouthfuls of insults that a twelve year old surely shouldn’t know, the Hat declares his sentence. “SLYTHERIN!”
A sudden relief fills Sirius. Oh, thank Merlin. James, unlike him, looks outraged and is probably about to have an aneurysm. “WHAT?” he shouts, his protests unheard as the Slytherins claps fill the room as you go sit at their table. “I demand another sorting! The Hat’s broken!”
Professor McGonagall takes no more than a few seconds to shut him up, opting to use magic instead of discussing with a twelve year old with a too-big ego, and James has to sit still, almost chained to the table, for the whole evening, not muttering a single word. Sirius looks at him smugly, silently thinking that he deserves that for even thinking about putting a girl before him, as he glares at her and his brother quietly chatting on the green and silver table.
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You don’t exactly remember when you and James Potter actually became friends.
You know your dads went to school together, his in Gryffindor and yours in Slytherin, and your family's cottage and the Potter's farmhouse being only a flower field away, for most of your childhood you were each other’s only friend. But as you grew up and he went to Hogwarts, merely a year before you, you two drifted apart.
It wasn’t anyone’s fault, really. James was a year older than you, already growing faster, and probably needed more friends than just you - not that he had difficulties at that. He was an enthusiast, and put his heart in everything he ever did. During the summer he told you about his new friends - and the strange nicknames they’d given each other - and expressed his excitement over you meeting them.
It all went downhill when you got sorted to Slytherin.
For you, or your family, it wasn’t a big deal. Slytherin is a Hogwarts House as much as any of the others, and many of your family members are Slytherins. But as for you it’s not a problem, James surely doesn’t think of it like you do, and makes no effort to hide it from you. 
(In the first weeks of school, a rumour that he had tried to protest to professor McGonagall and even Dumbledore about your sorting spread around. You just hope it was a bad joke.)
More times than you’d like to admit he has complained about your friends, saying that you should just stick to staying around him and his friends. 
“Yeah, and then what?" You’d say, getting angry. “Spend six hours of lessons alone, not talking to anyone? Spending all my time at the dormitories by staying silent? If you found some friends, why can’t I? You’re not my mother, you can't tell me what to do!”
“It's because they’re bad for you!”
“Oh, so you mean to tell me that Regulus is worse than Sirius?” you’re not sure if he has seen the way Sirius treats you - like a rival, a nuisance that he has to endure until he manages to get rid of it. Just yesterday, when you were by the Black Lake, he made you trip by the river and almost fall in the water. When you confronted him about it, he shrugged it off, blaming your bad balance. James did nothing about it - not that it is his place to discipline his friend, but if he tries to scare off all your friends just to make you stay with his, assuring himself that he treats you decently is the least he could do.
It’s no secret that you and Sirius don’t get along, and as now he’s apparently James' best friend, it’s a problem. Sirius despises you because you’re friends with his brother - who, by the way, never speaks ill of him - and you despise him for the way he treats you. You wouldn’t have anything to do with him if it wasn’t for James insisting on you spending so much time with his friends. 
Peter? Sure, nice guy. Remus? Your favourite. But Sirius? He’s hated you even before you even met, you’re certain. It’s like you were made for hating each other.
But at this time, it’s still just the first year. You and James are both just kids who love each other very much, and surely none of you is ready to give up on the other. Somehow you compromise - you stay with your friends, James stays with his, and you try to avoid the Marauders, especially when you're with Regulus. Him, in fact, is even angrier about the whole situation than you.
“I can't believe it,” he said, once. “He's bashing you for befriending me and a couple of other Slytherins? Sirius goes around the school saying I'm not his brother and that our parents found me in a dumpster. I think it’s him who should revise his priorities.” 
Sure, your friends and his friends hate each other, but for your first year at Hogwarts, the friendship with James somehow remains intact. So by the time summer break comes, it’s like you never argued at school and never grew up from the kids you used to be, spending all your time in the field between your houses and constantly having sleepovers. 
It all comes crashing down in your second year. 
You befriend Severus Snape, a guy in James’ year, while the latter falls head over heels for Lily Evans. The arguments get more heated and frequent, you both just getting mad at each other over nothing, and it’s like all the time you spent together in the damn field is forgotten. 
“Why him, but not my friends?” is a frequent question he asks, worried about you, since Severus wasn’t one of the people he wanted to be around you. 
“Well, go ask Sirius, James!” you would always reply, getting meaner every time this question was asked. Now, basically every time you see each other, you argue, him too proud to admit his wrongs, you too stubborn to give in. 
And, one day, you’ve simply had enough. There’s no energy left in you, and it’s like you’re the only one caring about your friendship, fighting for it. So, since the only times you and James interact it’s for arguing, you start ignoring him. You ignore him when he tries to talk to you during breaks, you ignore him when he greets you in the hallway between classes, you ignore him when he tries to start an argument again.
Soon, the only signs of recognition he gets are from your friends, who send him dirty looks every time they see him. 
James honestly feels even more enraged than before, sure that it’s them who are conditioning you - especially Severus, who never liked him or any of the Marauders, always staring at him up and down like they were superior to him. 
“I think Snivellus’ putting strange ideas in her head,” James announces to the other Marauders one evening, while they’re all huddled in their room. Sirius huffs dramatically as Remus sighs, while Peter just frowns. 
“You have to let her go,” Sirius insists, never having liked you. You’ve never actually done him any wrong, but your House and the fact that you’re dangerously close to James are enough for him. “If she’s ignoring you, that’s her loss, ‘innit? She loses the only good friend she has. Once my brother and the other Slytherins get bored of her, she’ll be alone and will come crawling back.”
Remus and Peter stare at him with their mouths open. “Sirius, that’s horrible,” Lupin says, shocked. He turns to James, not understanding all of this drama, “Why can’t you just accept that she’s made new friends aside from you? Can’t you just be happy for her? Is it that hard?”
James crosses his arms. Right now, he looks like a spoiled kid who’s used to having everyone at his mercy. “I can’t be happy for her knowing what horrible people she is friends with,” he grumbles. Sirius nods, agreeing. “Just leave her alone and give her time to understand her mistake. And once she does, it’ll be too late.”
So he did, leave you alone. Stopped saying hi to you, hoping that like Sirius predicted, you’d come back - except it could never be too late for you. James is sure he’d welcome you back a thousand times, if necessary, even if Sirius is sure that you should learn your lesson by him never talking to you again. 
A week passes, then two, then a month’s passed and you only seem happier, always surrounded by a big group of friends, who now consist of some Ravenclaws, too. They stop glaring at him, finally, but Regulus doesn’t look like he’s going to stab you in your back at any given moment. You two look closer, even.
And when the summer break finally arrives, James thinks that maybe, now that your friends aren’t there to condition you, everything will go back to normal - it already happened last year, no?
Well, nothing goes back to normal.
You don’t show up at the Potter's saturday barbecue - your parents do, though, and say that you simply didn’t feel like coming. James is more than confused - you used to love coming to their barbecues. His confusion only strengthens when later that week he goes to your house to ask you if you want to come with him to take a swim by the lake, and he gets greeted by your apologetic mother, who simply tells him that you are at a friends’ house. 
Defeated, James goes back home, immediately writing a letter to Remus for advice - he’s learned not to name you in front of Sirius - and then slumps in bed, convinced that you’ve started to hate him.
It's monday. On mondays you always go to the lake together. Never missed a day since now.
But James doesn’t surrender. He isn’t ready to give up on this friendship yet. 
He goes to your house the next day - tuesday, usually you play Quidditch. Your mother probably pities him, at this point. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, she’s still at her friend’s house. Her name’s Pandora - a sweet girl from Ravenclaw, you surely know her. She's coming back next week, and the girl will stay with us for a while, too. Hasn’t my daughter told you about it? She probably just forgot.’’
James has actually never heard of this Pandora girl before, even if the name does sound familiar. He's hurt by the fact that you didn’t tell him you’d go away, even if it was for a week, but Remus’ reply to his letter is quick to snap him back to his senses. 
Dear Prongs,
Please, stop thinking that the poor girl is your property. Let her live her life. You don’t have to do everything together and she doesn’t owe you anything. Besides, I'd like to remind you that during the last months at school you two stopped arguing just because she started ignoring you, and you complied, instead of finding a sane solution. She was probably too exhausted to keep fighting with you, and thought that maybe not starting a conversation would be best. If you didn’t like that, you could’ve simply told her. 
In hope that you come to your senses,
James' newly return to his senses doesn’t last long, though, as apparently, Remus told what happened to Sirius, too.
Dear Prongs, 
Let her stew in her own juice. You’ll do just fine without her. You still have me, Remus and Peter. Plus, it’s not that big of a loss. In your position, I would never talk to her again. 
Please listen to me, 
James is torn. Why are his friends like this? 
He ends up going to your house again, but this time he's sure that you're home and can't avoid talking to him. It's tuesday again, Quidditch again, so he brings his broom and all the equipment you'll need, in hope that you’ll just become friends again without a big fuss. It always was like that - in the past years, the ones before Hogwarts, you two rarely argued, and everything was forgiven without even saying sorry, not even the day after. A kiss on the cheek, two cookies and back to being friends like nothing ever happened.
(James hasn’t brought the entire jar of cookies that his mother just made. No, no, absolutely not. He would never try to bribe you like that, who do you take him for?)
Your father opens the door and forces himself to smile at the sight of Iames. It's kinda hard when he knows the kid has insulted the House he was in for almost two whole years now. “James,” he greets, rather formally than usual. “Good morning. How can I help you?” it is strange talking to a boy he’s seen grow up like this, but he can’t help the awkwardness, especially knowing how James made you feel.
“Is she home?” James doesn’t have to specify who, since he’s always come here for you.
Before your father can articulate an actual sentence, a familiar voice comes from the hallway, “Who’s at the door, son?”
Your father shifts so that professor Slughorn can see James, clad in Quidditch uniform, looking smaller than he’s ever been. “Oh, it’s you, Potter! What a nice surprise! Why don’t you enter?” not sparing a look at your dad, who’s staring disappointedly at his own father, he welcomes the boy in. “I see you brought cookies! Is your dad home, perhaps? We’re making potions here, thought that maybe he would like to join…” 
In the living room there’s five people seated on the carpet: you, who James recognises immediately, Lily Evans - his heart skips a beat just by seeing her -, the girl who he barely recognises as Pandora and, to his absolute horror, Regulus Black and bloody Snivellus. You’re all seated in front of a cauldron each, and the potion inside them is the colour of an astonishing purple. You’re all laughing and chatting like nothing's wrong.
The fact that you would trade Quidditch tuesdays just to do extracurricular potion lessons with Snape makes him want to vomit. For Lily Evans? He understands, he would too, but Severus?
Once you all notice him, the room becomes silent. Professor Slughorn blinks, not understanding the sudden tension, remembering all the times you and the Potter boy would play outside in the garden with him watching over. He thought you were good friends - and you still are, right? 
You huff, getting up and taking him by the wrist. “Feel free to go on without me,” you say, “I'll walk him home.” 
“Hey, that’s not-” 
But it’s too late, since you’ve already passed by your father who just nods in an approving manner. You get to the door, and James thinks that never, never in almost thirteen years of friendship has he been thrown out of your house like this. You two always tried to spend the most time you could with each other, and when time to go arrived, it was not easily that his parents were able to bring him home. 
It's only when you’ve surpassed the porch that James is finally able to snap out of your grasp. “I don't need you to walk me home like I’m five!” he bursts. You don’t even blink, going for the flower field that sits between your houses, and he has to speed up to catch up to you. “Could you tell me what is going on?”
This time you frown, stopping. “What’s going on?” you ask in disbelief. Letting out a small laugh, you ask, louder, “What’s going on?”
James falters. “Yeah,” he breathes. “You’re not the same.”
He stares at you and for a moment, hoping it’s all a bad dream, because something tells him that this time you won’t go back to being friends thanks to some cookies and a kiss on the cheek. 
Your eye twitches. “I'm not the same,” you mutter. “What nonsense are you babbling about? James, I've tried my best to keep up with you, but I don't think I can do it anymore. At Hogwarts you treat me like I'm a pet, expecting me to do what you say, and when I rightfully don’t - because mind you, I am my own person! - you get mad at me saying I'm stupid!” 
You start walking towards the Potter's house again, letting out a frustrated groan. “I start ignoring you because I'm so tired of the fact that we’re constantly arguing about my friends - people I care about - and every time we talk we just end up fighting again!” you point your finger at him even before he opens his mouth to protest, “And don’t say that’s not true, Potter, it’s been months since we’ve had a decent conversation and now that we’re talking, we’re back to arguing again.”
James stops and suddenly thinks that holy shit, you’re right. He barely remembers the last time you’ve had a civil conversation that wasn’t a screaming match, or the last time he made you laugh or even barely smile. 
But pride is an ugly thing, and he isn’t ready to admit his faults - but is more than ready to point out yours. “So you do admit that you started ignoring me!”
You seem to lose it. “Yeah, douchebag!” you yell. “Don’t you get it? That's why we haven’t fought lately! That’s why we’ve been so peaceful! Because we didn’t talk!”
First James, then Potter, then douchebag. He's about to have a heart attack - he once was JJ and Jamie to you. “Maybe it’s best if we just… stop talking. Like, at all.” he murmurs, almost hoping that you will protest. It’s never really been him the one fighting for this friendship - since the Marauders entered the picture, it’s like he stopped fighting to maintain a good relationship with you, but started to fight to make it crumble to the ground. He’s realising it now, but it’s too late, and unlike him, you’re not that keen on letting him come back. 
Please, he thinks, don’t let me do this.
But instead of protesting, you spitefully murmur, “Yeah, I thought so.” 
And the same field that has seen you two grow up is seeing you two split up, probably for good. 
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nyashykyunnie · 2 months
˗ˏˋ Yandere! Sung Jinwoo x Best Friend! Reader ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
‼️[ TW: stalking, obsession, gaslighting(?), gore, body horror, BLOOD, yandere Jinwoo au ]
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ Cai Bot Link ♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Wherever you go, I'm always right there even if you try to hide ] ¡! ❞
"You're just imagining things" Jinwoo says, his nonchalant grey eyes glancing up at you. "You just don't sleep enough."
That's what he always says whenever you rant about the nagging feeling of several eyes watching you.
And you, being the stupid fool that you are— Believed his words.
Jinwoo is a smart and logical person, he's always able to make things just make sense.
So you never really questioned anything whenever he drops his opinion.
But of course, your instincts were never really wrong in the first place.
The itching terror crawling beneath your skin whenever you're alone, the weird chills tickling your spine when you walk in a dark place— It wasn't just your imagination.
The culprit?
He's staring right at right your face with those casual grey orbs.
Jinwoo has placed a bunch of shadows to trail you around, ten maybe 20,... Maybe. Who knows how many he has really placed?
Oh but one thing was for sure, there's at least two of his most powerful line of shadows safeguarding you.
Their duties were two simple orders: Make sure you are safe and sound and eliminate all forms of danger.
Eliminate All Forms Of Danger.
Sure, it could be just some bugs you're terrified of, or making sure you dont come across any dangerous plants along your way.
But their most important task was to murder anyone who tried too hard to come close.
Jinwoo was normally level-headed, he can take seeing you talking to someone else for at least 2 minutes, 5 when he's in a really good mood.
Past ten?
'That fucker better start counting his hours' was the only thing ringing inside Jinwoo's head.
He was a jealous man, he'd be quiet but his gaze would grow darker. His ebony locks hovering over his steely gaze, his tongue pushing his inner cheek out as he tries to hold his temper, his foot tapping the floor impatiently as he counts the seconds the bastard went pass ten minutes.
78 seconds.
Jinwoo counted exactly 78 seconds when the conversation finished and your attention would return to him.
Immediately, that hard expression on him would go gentle.
He became quite the actor no thanks to you. jinwoo doesn't want you to have a peek of what he truly is as a person.
Though you were best friends, Jinwoo was a bit handsy with you. Just a bit.
His fingers lightly brushing against your fingers, your cheeks, mostly your ears actually.
Everyone reacts a certain way when their ear gets tickled.
And he reveled in the shudders and yelps you give him whenever he teases you.
The more you gave him your many expressions, the more and more he drowns in the black hole that is you.
Whatever you do, even the littlest things, his instincts would suddenly go haywire.
Mostly he wants to cherish you, pamper you, baby you like the adorable thing that you are.
Other times? Jinwoo wants to break you apart. Watch you sob, wrists bound, legs incapable of moving— He wanted to imprison you in the land of eternal death. Have you rot in his domain where he wouldn't worry about anyone or anything else breathing the same air as you other than him.
He wanted to love you and break you, and he knew that well. Jinwoo knew of his adoration and destructiveness when it comes to loving you.
You were really like a black hole, sucking him into the void and drowning him in a sea of emotions he never can quite understand.
Perhaps the system had really screwed him up in the head.
The pressure of being a monarch, of protecting this world, of being a vessel of war for several years— He had become twisted and completely paranoid to the point that he just wants control on everything.
And he wanted complete control of you too.
But he stopped himself, several times, he stopped himself.
Jinwoo tried to cut himself off of your life, to delete your memories of him.
But whenever he tried to he could never do it.
Everytime he did, he would just get frustrated and never finish the job.
The more he tries, the deeper he falls into the abyss that is you.
And now here he is,...
Alone in an alleyway, with the beating rain above his head, the water droplets gently dripping off of his black locks. His hand was bloodied as he held the head he had brutally ripped off of the bastard that dared to go pass the ten minute limit. The mangled corpse on the floor had organs spilling out with exactly 78 cuts on it's skin so deep it must have sliced the bone too.
And just like always, you're a witness to this hell.
Scream, cry, throw up— Whatever you do, you would just draw an amused smirk on Jinwoo's handsome features.
His lips would scrunch up on one side, his eyes glowing an ominous color of monarch violet as he lightly tips his head to one side. The stench of blood permeates through the air as the crimson liquid pooled and spread along with the puddles beneath your feet. Everything was now much more terrifying than what it was earlier
You wanted to run, you were afraid of whatever demon that is in front of you.
But Jinwoo wouldn't give you that chance, after all, he is suddenly in front of you— Right at your face.
His eyes were so out of it even though they are focused on yours.
The blood splatters on him was bone-chilling and sickening and yet somehow it made him more handsome.
Jinwoo is always wearing an empty and bored gaze, and yet somehow this psychotic side of him was alluring and dreamy.
Like a fragrant poison you knew would kill but attracted you even still.
"Sssh" Jinwoo purrs sweetly, cradling your face with one hand and then lightly kissing your lips for a short while. "I only did what I needed to do."
" You just listen to me like you always did and forget this ever happened like we've always done"
Forget? Forget how—
Suddenly, your body would go limp and he would catch you. An arm gently wrapped around your waist as he cradles your sleeping form.
Jinwoo would chuckle, pressing another light kiss on your lips,... then your forehead, your temple, your cheek, and once again your lips.
He held the kiss a little while longer.
He loved that expression on your face to be honest, how it scrunch up in terror and disgust. How you would pale oh-so immediately that he can't help but be giddy and want to kiss your pretty little face over and over— Smothering you like the lovely little thing you are.
He has done this so many times.
First, it was some people getting too close.
Second, it was your friends.
Third, these random people who would talk to you for more than ten minutes.
Time and time again, he would bloody his hands for selfish reasons.
Jinwoo wants to be the apple of your eye just as you are to him.
After all, he lovingly placed a legion of shadows in you so that he could watch you the second you are away from his physical body.
"God, I love you so much" He'd whisper, his lips against your hair as he inhales your scent in.
. . . . . . . . .
"Hey," Jinwoo casually greets you the next morning at school, your cute expression in a complete daze from having your memories wiped once again the night prior. "It's a long weekend after today, how about I take you out to dinner?"
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lolokouhm · 9 months
Geto Suguru is usually a good wingman, but when it comes to you, it appears there's an exception.
Geto may not be the honoured one, but he's always had a honour of his own. He knows himself well. He can carry himself with dignity. He rarely gets angry or annoyed, because every negative emotion can be dealt with. Just like that, right?
Apparently, his honour, dignity and sense of self is being put under some sort of a trial that he definitely did not sign up for - or at least has no memory of doing so. Has he come to this party willingly? Yes. Has he been drinking tonight? Yup. Has Gojo told him that you'd be there? He might have, yeah. Well, wait, no. Scratch that. He knew you'd be there even without Satoru's help. Otherwise, well - he probably wouldn't come.
But there he is, a wingman to his best friend, who's - applause, everyone - drunk flirting with you like there's no tomorrow. With you of all people. Gojo's been making you laugh like crazy for the past ten minutes, and there's only one word on Suguru's mind.
He should have known. He should have noticed. Satoru Gojo has been his best friend since high school, and they've had their own fair share of girls they've been attracted to - one way or another. Their type was somehow completely different, but apparently this time something went wrong. Maybe the moon, the stars and the whole fucking galaxy got rearranged tonight and that is the reason why Gojo cannot stay away from you - the girl Geto's been pining on for the past few weeks.
He could always choose someone else - there are some pretty girls here, no doubt about that. They even seem nice. But that's the problem. They are nice. You aren't nice.
You are a walking chaos, a catastrophe on a pair of very pretty legs, always loud and incredibly judgy, but smart and witty at the same time. Geto really likes talking to you - it's like you shine even brighter when you open your mouth, which is not something that he's used to. Well, the thought of you opening your mouth for not-so-conversational purposes also crossed his mind a few times, he couldn't deny it, but tried his best not to focus on that aspect.
That's how Suguru finds himself in the kitchen, looking for another beer to pop open and drown his frustrations in, when suddenly a certain someone gets inside as well. The two of you start talking and somehow, suddenly, you confess.
Just like that. Eyes wide open, cheeks blushing, you suddenly start saying things. Things he wouldn't expect you to say, by no means, especially after you seemed so happy talking to his best friend. And normally he'd think a little bit more before acting, but he is irritated, he's drunk and he's awfully in love, so this time he doesn't.
What he does though, is way better than the things he doesn't do. Especially after you take him right to your room. He's the good type. The best. Asking, waiting, taking care of every part of your body, ignoring the urging needs that you've inflicted on him with your bare existence. You're always first. Always taken care of.
He's way too good with his fingers. He's way too good with his tongue. He's way too good, thrusting into you, quiet moans leaving his lips when you shiver and clench around him. Maybe he's a shitty friend, but just tonight.
Just this once.
masterlist ❤️
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eclairsnme · 11 months
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1 / Part 2
The brattiness continues (with a sprinkle of denseness)
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
notes: she thinks highly of herself, it’s almost as if she’s the reincarnation of Gojo Satoru.
oh, spoiler alert she's going to meet someone who also thinks very highly of himself. ^_−☆chu~
The clacking of your high heels echoed throughout the airport as you chase your damn little brother.
What a sight out of a bad Netflix series, except it’s real life. But this is more like a horror movie for a celebrity like you. In your pristine clothes and all, chasing like a wild animal!
“Sae!” You huffed, trying to catch up with him.
Damn, that soccer player with his long legs.
What is a celebrity like me ME chasing a mere man down like that! -
That is exactly what your manager thought too, as he tries to keep up with you.
So, how did you exactly come to this point of peak desperation?
It all started last night when Sae relayed to you that he’s going back to Spain straight after the Japan U-20 match.
In all honesty, you didn’t really care all that much since an idol like you had better things to do (^-^)v.
Then it struck you. As a good sister… I should stop him!
Unlucky for you, being oblivious to all else except idol-related issues is your biggest flaw.
To put it simply, you were pretty dumb when it comes to relationships.
And that was the start of your plan to “stop” Sae from returning to Spain.
Lucky for you, Sae was smart. He halted his steps and said, “Sister, are you stupid?”
But his EQ wasn’t all that great.
“S-stupid?” You stuttered out at his bluntness.
Sae looked around their surroundings noting that they had already caught the attention of some prying eyes.
Sae continued, “Just go back home.”
“But,” you gave him your best puppy eyes. V✪ω✪V
But, indeed, he was unaffected by your usual antics.
“What business do you even have in Spain?”
“Well~ the business of being a good sister!”
A tangible silence ensues from the absurdity.
“Sae, is this how you see your sister? As an idiot, uncaring sister?” You asked him squarely still trying to put on your Oscar-worthy acting skills.
Alas, Sae did not respond to you but instead said, “I’ll let you know when I reach Spain.”
Sae entered his departure terminal leaving his pouty older sister.
Sighing, he looked back and gave you a little wave, after seeing you smile, he walked further in until you couldn’t see him.
Besides the two celebrities — a top idol and football prodigy — was their manager profusely bowing to each other to apologise for today's event.
Being a manager is not an easy job, especially when attending to the Itoshi siblings who do not have the best attitude.
Your manager turned to you, “Let’s get on with our schedule today shall we?”
“Did that act look like I was a very caring sister?”
Caught off guard by your question, Mr manager stuttered out a yes.
You let out a satisfied grin.
Job done !\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Mr manager sighed.
Inside the car, you asked Mr Manager what your schedule was for today.
“A commercial shoot for this up-and-coming game you will be promoting, a meeting with our sponsors and…”
And everything else that came out of his mouth just drowned out. You checked your phone and saw no reply from Rin.
I wonder how Rin is feeling after crying so much that day…
“Also, someone called our studio just now. It was a German man — I’m not sure what he said but he did mention your name specifically, and he addressed you by your real name.”
Your ears perked up.
“A German man who knows my real name?”
In your life, you only personally know one German man and his name is Kaiser something.
You met him a few years back in Germany. You thought he was an extremely unintelligent person as he kept speaking to you in German even though you didn’t understand a single word that exited his mouth.
You remembered he kept saying “Süße” (*sweetie) and he would always kiss the back of your hand, which you thought was a German thing.
What a culture shock it was, people in foreign countries sure do have a very different way of greeting people compared to in Japan.
“So did that man mention his name?” You turned to Mr manager.
“Michael Kaiser. He also left his personal phone number it seems.”
“Give me that number.” You held your hand out.
“D-do you even know this man? He could be a stalker!”
“Maybe?!” Mr Manager raised his voice, then he paused for a moment, “Hold on, that name Michael Kaiser sounds real familiar…”
As Mr manager wreck his head about that, you thought back about this Kaiser person.
Back when you were having your world tour in Germany, you had some free time to explore the streets of Germany. So you snuck out of your hotel room, it was all fun and games until you lost your way in a foreign country you have never visited before.
As a young girl, stuck in an unfamiliar country, unfamiliar street, and unfamiliar language, you could only cry.
That was when you met Kaiser.
Ah! How embarrassing it was to cry in the middle of nowhere now that you think about it! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
So pathetic of me!
Both of you were pretty much strangers, you were surprised he remembered you and how he still managed to find you.
Oh! I really am a worldwide star! ↖(^ω^)↗
You giggled to yourself.
“Ah, I remember now!” Mr manager exclaimed, practically screaming into your ears.
You pushed Mr manager away and side-eyed him, “What is it?!”
“Michael Kaiser! He is a popular prodigy football player from Germany!”
Football player?
“Is being a football player a popular occupation these days?”
So this Kaiser person is a football player too? And a prodigy at that too? The world really has no shortage of prodigies huh?
Of all the football players you know, all of them are dubbed prodigies. That being said, you only know three football players — Sae, Rin and now, Kaiser.
“Mr manager, don’t tell me you are a football prodigy too?”
“Surely you jest, miss. I-if I was a prodigy,” he hesitated for a second then said in a hushed voice, “I wouldn’t be working for you.”
“What did you say?” You frowned at him.
“As punishment for saying that, go call that Kaiser person and ask what business he has with me.”
“But I don’t speak German!”
“Go figure it out then!”
I shouldn’t have said that Mr manager berated himself.
“Oh, after my schedule, drive me to that restaurant I told you about,” you snickered, “I’m going on a ‘date’ with my youngest brother.”
“Did you wait long?”
You tapped your younger brother who seemed lost in thought.
“No… I just arrived too.”
He visibly looked disturbed by something and you knew exactly what it was.
“Are you still upset by your brother?”
Rin clenched his fist and swallowed down his frustration.
You placed your hand over his clenched fist and pacified him, “Don’t let it get to you alright? Sae is still going through puberty!”
A few days ago you booked (more like Mr manager booked) a private room in a fancy hotel restaurant, to treat Rin to something nice since you thought he looked pretty melancholic.
“Sister, puberty ends at the age of 16 for males.”
“Well, Sae will forever be a little boy to me! Anyways, order what you want! This sister of yours will be treating you so order up!”
You took a glimpse of the menu and salivate at the picture of the A5 Wagyu steak. Oh, how succulent and fatty it will be!
However, you reminded yourself that you have to watch your weight. As an idol, one cannot stress the importance of weight management.
You used all your 10 fingers to mentally count how much you’ve eaten today.
You grimly looked at the wagyu steak and fries and decided to go for a simple duck confit with a side of salad.
Rin glances toward you to see what you are ordering and saw you intensely glaring at the picture of a steak.
“I’ll get the duck confit with salad, what about you?” You close the menu bidding farewell to the steak.
“The wagyu steak for me,” Rin replied.
You signalled the waiter and placed the order.
After ordering, what followed was an air of silence and strong awkward energy.
After being an absent sister for god knows how many years, you’ve never really communicated much with this teenager Rin. You were only close to him when he was just a teeny tiny boy playing football with Sae. Even then, he was still closer to Sae.
Rin will only approach you whenever he was upset with Sae. He will then subsequently cry to you about his problems. Now he still cries to you as you recollect the day the U-20 match was over and Rin poured his heart out.
Not knowing how to proceed with this conversation or the lack thereof, you prompted him with a question, “Do you have a girlfriend?” (๑╹ω╹๑ )
Rin stared at you as if you were joking around, “I do not have time for that.”
“Is football the only thing on your mind?”
“You are just like your brother.” You frowned at Rin and the other little one.
Rin’s resentment grew inside of him like a tumour as he is reminded of his brother.
Uh-Oh, I shouldn’t have said that.
You quickly tried to divert his attention.
“Ooohhhh look at this Rin! The photo for my photoshoot! Don’t I look absolutely gorgeous here?” You held up your phone and nervously giggled.
Rin eyed at your phone.
“It looks alright.”
“Just alright?”
Just like a game of ping pong, it’s your turn to seethe. In your list of top 100 things that annoy you, to have someone not acknowledge your beauty was number 97! It’s on the lowest scale because 9 out of 10 times, people will appreciate your beauty. The rest are just haters! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Humph! I’ll let that slide just because you are Rin-Rin.
You tried to think of a topic and were reminded of something.
“So what’s the deal with Blue Lock? Are you doing well there?”
Rin summarised his full experience in Blue Lock and he didn’t forget to sprinkle in his hate for this boy called Isagi and of course your other little brother.
Your little brother really needs to get some therapy with all these astonishing degrees of anger and hatred.
Then the food came interrupting Rin’s heated tirade on how much he hated Isagi and Sae.
You both had a hearty dinner and Rin kept shoving beef steak onto your plate despite you saying no, so you had no choice but to eat it.
It was a very conflicting experience having to eat something you love yet having calorie restrictions.
The life of an idol sure is tough.
After finishing dinner, both of you left the restaurant. Before leaving the hotel, you excused yourself to the toilet.
The toilet was so far you could’ve just walked half a marathon, not to mention it was secluded at the very corner of the hotel.
You sighed, at least I think I burned some calories.
“!!!” You felt someone’s hand snaking around your waist. ⊙▽⊙
Thinking it's some creepy stalker of yours, you reflexively swatted the hand away. But the person in question was firm.
Perfume wafted through your nose as he presses his body against yours.
You let out a soft squeak at the contact. (〃ω〃)
Finally making eye contact with the man, you realise it was someone you know.
“Kaiser?” He smiled like a Cheshire Cat as you mention his name.
“Meine Leibe,” he brought you to a warm embrace, to which you similarly return his hug.
German’s greetings sure involve lots of skin contact, you thought to yourself as you felt Kaiser’s heat radiating through you.
He finally released you from the hug.
You quickly took notice of the rose tattoo that seemed to go from his neck down to his left arm which he didn’t have before when you met him in Germany.
You pointed to his tattoo to somewhat question him since you didn’t speak a lick of German.
He lifted his left hand for you to have a better look. You held onto his hand to inspect the tattoo but he had a better idea. He pushed his hands against your lips.
A soft shriek escaped you.
Your lipstick was sure to have stuck onto his hand. And more importantly, you have to reapply your lipstick!
What is this man thinking! ಠ╭╮ಠ
While you quickly reached out to your purse for your lipstick, you saw Kaiser bring his left hand to his own lips staining his lips in the process from your peripheral.
When you finished reapplying your lipstick, Kaiser was intently watching you.
You instinctively tried to rub off your lipstick from his lips but he was faster to grab your wrist and pulled you closer to him, so close that you were just a few inches away from his lips.
What’s wrong with Germans and their love for skin contact? Is this normal in Germany?
“I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long, meine liebe,” Kaiser said in German.
You drew a big fat question mark in your head. ( •́ ⍨ •̀)
What did he just say? And why does he look like he’s going in for a kiss?
True enough, Kaiser brought his lips to your lips. He invited his tongue through your parted lips tasting you for the very first time. He allowed his hands to yet again snake around your waist pulling you closer to him as if you weren’t already stuck to him.
What is this? This is a German greeting too right? ╭( ๐ _๐)╮
His other hand found its way to your chin. He tilted your chin slightly up to deepen the kiss.
As much as dancing your tongue with an old German friend was exciting, you couldn’t help but realise you were still in public. What if someone saw you?
You place both hands on Kaiser’s chest, slightly pushing him away and breaking the kiss.
“What’s wrong, Liebling?” His hands are still on your waist, trying to pull you back to him.
You quickly detach yourself from Kaiser catching a glimpse of Rin from the corner.
You noticed that he was blushing. Oh, he definitely saw all that.
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
“Rin!” You exclaimed feeling like you were caught in the middle of some illegal act.
“Is that your boyfriend?”
That’s unbelievable, never in your whole life have you had a so-called “boyfriend”. What is Rin on to make him believe that?
“Then, why were you kiss-”
You promptly interrupted Rin from his imagination, “This is my friend, Kaiser!”
You pointed over to Kaiser, and he took the opportunity to catch your hand into his grip and ultimately hold your hand.
“-just a friend,” you tried explaining it to Rin. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Rin, however, looked over at his sister and the blonde-with-blue-streaks-haired man who is almost as tall as Sae, who was just a second ago kissing so intimately and now holding hands like a couple would behave.
Hard to believe they are not a couple; what kind of friends eat out each other's face.
Kaiser? Rin ruminates on that name.
Rin knows a Kaiser who looks just exactly like him.
“Michael Kaiser,” Rin carefully enunciates his name, which causes the man himself to grin at him.
“Rin-Rin, you know him?”
“Prodigy player and also a member of the New Generation World XI,” said Rin glaring at Kaiser. (⩺_⩹)
In response, Kaiser didn’t say a word but just responded with the usual smug grin.
“What? When did you learn German, Rin-Rin?”
“What’s your relationship with my sister?” Rin continued to question Kaiser.
Kaiser brought your hand to his lips and gave it a gentle peck, “what do you think, Itoshi Rin?”
“You know me?”
“The little brother of Japan's football prodigy, Itoshi Sae, and you who will always live in his shadows as a nobody.” Kaiser snickered at Rin.
Raw anger shot through him. He yet again clenched his hand into a tight fist, seething with anger. Every word from him stung him.
Unsure of where this conversation is leading, you stared in confusion. That was until you saw Rin sudden change in mood.
What had made the conversation turn so sour for Rin?
You were dumb but your EQ was not that severe to not see that Rin was somehow at the losing end of the conversation.
You let go of Kaiser’s hand and ran to your little brother.
“What’s wrong?”
You saw the dark, gravel look on him almost as if he was about to break someone’s joint.
Placing a hand over his back and patting him just as you did when he was younger, you guided him down the hotel’s hallway towards the exit.
“Let’s go home.”
“Meine leibe?”
He received no response from you, instead he only saw your retreating figure.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
< you have reached the end! thank you for reading babes! (〃∀〃)ゞ I really appreciate all the love you are giving to this ongoing series! look forward to more spine-crawling fluff! ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ *evil laugh* the harem begins now>
Part 3
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hamletshoeratio · 5 months
I'm getting too emo over "What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea" because of fucking Theseus of all people.
Theseus is remembered as a hero mainly because he defeated the minotaur, but that isn't where his story ends. He abandons Ariadne, who is literally the only reason he made it through the labyrinth in the first place. He either is cursed to forget, or he himself forgets to raise white flags so his (mortal) father knows he survived, and said father throws himself into the sea in despair and dies thinking his son is dead. Becoming King of Athens as a result of that, he eventually becomes a tyrannical king after being led down a dark path by a toxic friend. Where once he was brave and cared for other people, only attacking after first being attacked, after meeting Pirithous, he began acting without thinking, doing dangerous and cruel things without thinking about the consequences of his actions. He becomes cruel and self-serving. He kidnaps a thirteen year old Helen of Sparta, intent on making her his wife (never mind the wife he already has). He tries to help his buddy kidnap a literal goddess so that they both can be married to daughters of Zeus (forgetting that said daughter of Zeus is freaking Persephone, who is already married to Hades, so not a smart plan at all). Hercules saves his ass from Hades' punishment, but even despite all of the above bullshit, the Gods still don't abandon him. Not until he murders his own son do they abandon him. He's old, and his own people despise him, so he decides to try and be a hero again. He fails. Eventually, he is either pushed or he himself jumps (depends on the retelling) into the sea and drowns.
Thesus represents the worst aspects of Poseidon. He's possessive, temperamental, violent, selfish, impulsive, and all-consuming. He doesn't take no for an answer. Percy, on the other hand, represents the opposite. He represents the best of Poseidon. He's powerful, but he's gentle too. They share a father, and they both killed the minotaur, but Percy is the one who remembers to send his mortal parent the signal that would tell them that he had survived. Theseus is reclaimed by the ocean, consumed by it, almost as if the waves are trying to cleanse away his sins. Poseidon lets Percy go to forge his own path, says that he deserves to rest (toa;ton). Percy may come and go to the sea as much or as little as he wishes.
What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea.
We do get to see Theseus once in the botl, when he's summoned by Nico. He seems to have learned from his mistakes, as he tries to persuade Nico not to go down the same path as he did (trust someone who would lead him down a dark path) and suffer the same fate as a result. I'm looking forward to the shows interpretation of this if we're lucky enough to get it.
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kolyubov · 4 months
HIII!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)/ I so love how you write Fyodor!!! Could I request Fyodor with a wise and optimistic s/o??? (it can be oneshot, headcannons, or drabbles :3)
To add on this, s/o is able to keep up with Fyodor's daily rants about philosophy or literature that includes deep meanings. S/o is sophisticated and quite esoteric with their world views, always drowning themselves in knowledge but never really being able to just fall into pessimism from the amount of awareness.
I just love imagining Fyodor bringing up how all sinners should be exterminated while s/o just completely turns his point around by giving some optimistic thought like, "All sinners are capable of redemption. Virtue reaches its limits once it approaches the complexity of man." (whatever that means) and then Fyodor's all baffled because why is his s/o like this??? And he doesnt even mean it negatively. Hes just shocked.
I feel that Fyodor would find it so refreshing to have an s/o like that. He may be a dedicated man who wouldn't change his plans just because his s/o talked him out of it, but he would still deeply respect his s/o and their views.
I APOLOGIZE IF THIS REQUEST WOULD BE TOO HARD(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠) please take care and thank youu!! ^_^
Fyodor with an optimistic s/o!
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✧ pairing. Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!reader
✧ word count. 996
✧ contents. fedya in love
✧ author's note. HIHIII NONNIEEE!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ this request is so interesting! and thank u for liking the way I write Fedya, I try my best <3
I really like this trope. Fyodor being merciless about people and the reader being the complete opposite by being optimistic.
honestly I had to search what esoteric means,,, and I'm still not sure if I understood it correctly (╥﹏╥)
I hope you like this and I'm sorry that this took so long :((
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It's impossible to change Fyodor's view of the world, the society, or its people. As much as you try to convince him of the opposite —with solid proof— of his negative beliefs in certain topics, he refuses to accept them. Of course, he utterly respects your opinion; you're very smart and he knows you have knowledge about whatever topic in hand you two might be facing, as well as many others.
You think it's maybe because of the way he lived; the things one experiences are the main reason why someone acts or thinks the way they do, most of the time. So, that means that Fyodor probably had experience meeting lots of people who were “sinful” and “foolish” as he describes them in every single deep conversation that the two of you have.
Aside from the debates, Fyodor adores being able to discuss philosophical things with you— his lovely partner turning serious as he speaks, carefully listening to everything he has to say with those big eyes just makes him fall deeper in love. He's never going to directly tell you how much he enjoys it, you just have to get the hint.
Currently, Fyodor was sitting on his desk, his ushanka resting on the table among a few documents scattered on the surface— documents with government agents' faces on them and long paragraphs, a lot of words were underlined with fluorescent highlighter.
He was completely immersed in his work until he felt a pair of soft hands massaging his tensed shoulders; which was enough for him to lose focus.
“Fedya, do you not feel tired?” Your words make him sigh. Maybe he was overworking himself again, but that doesn't matter when all of this is in order to purge the world from sin.
He closes his eyes, enjoying the gentle rub on his back that is eventually making him feel drowsy. Regardless of how dangerous of a man Fyodor is, the touch of his beloved reduces him into a soft lovesick puppy— though he tries to hide it.
A smile spreads across his face when you turn his head to the side, hooking a finger under his chin, and pressing a tender kiss on his cold lips that leaves him yearning for more when you pull away.
“Leaving so fast?” He asks when he sees that you're walking away. You might as well take responsibility for distracting him from his work. “Wouldn’t you prefer to have a small chit-chat with me?”
And since you have nothing else better to do, you decide to walk back to his desk, sitting across from him.
“You see, sweetheart, I have been reading these papers for the next meeting… All of these are government members who belong to the plague that must be eliminated from the world for the sake of it. They’re sinners.”
He leans back against his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “Sinners tend to be selfish, only chasing their own tail in circles like a lost dog, doing anything for their own primal desires and then being hypocrites about it.”
A small laugh leaves his lips as he tilts his head to the side; Clearly, he knows this is the time when you're going to refute.
“People are not sinners forever...” You murmur while looking down at the papers, trying to give it a quick read, but Fyodor could perfectly hear your sweet voice in that slightly pouty tone.
Even as his partner you know you can’t change the way he thinks or stop him from reaching his vile goals, and as much as you don’t like seeing other people's lives slip away by Fyodor’s hands, you can’t do anything about it.
“Oh, love. I feel like if you were in my place, looking at all these faces and the stories behind them, you'd think otherwise.”
“No, Fedya.”
Fyodor's eyes widen at the way you said it, a stern tone that immediately gets his attention.
“Humans are fragile things, in body and mind.” You look at him straight into his eyes, not realizing how serious you sound by now, “And their mind can be corrupted by different situations they face during their short life…”
The man in front of you raises an eyebrow, carefully listening.
“That's how they turn “sinners”, by suffering through their life, but I think that they can be saved… not in the way you think, not by being exterminated… ending their lives is not the solution.”
“Then what do you think the solution is?”
Your eyes follow Fyodor as he stands up slowly, taking slow steps before standing behind you, “I'm all ears, dear.” The way he says it sounds menacing as he places a kiss on your cheek.
“Sinners are capable of redemption… There are a lot of ways one can be ‘saved’, some people might choose God, and others might choose their family or friends, but what matters is the capacity one has to be able to get out from the dark pit of suffering to stop being selfish and sinful.”
You don't dare to look at Fyodor, afraid of what he might think, afraid he thinks your optimistic way of thinking is just dumb.
But then you hear his soft laugh as he grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks with his thumb and index finger, “You're so cute.” A nervous laugh escapes your lips, and before you can speak, his lips are over yours.
Truth be told, he does take you very seriously, but his heart flutters each time you show that smart side of yours. Fyodor feels proud of having you by his side.
As he pulls away, he pecks your cheek again, “You surprise me every time, dear.” He walks back to his seat, still smiling softly at you.
“I'd like to keep talking to you but at the same time, I need to work… So why don't you help me choose who deserves to be my first victim to be saved?”
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© 2024 pinklacydovey
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viiiiiiiiiin · 3 months
Okay so I have another cute zoro idea so hear me out reader has a crush on zoro but doesn’t think they are his type because their strength lies in more smarts rather then physical strength like let’s say they have a devil fruit power the allows them to avoid fights like maybe they can’t physically be hit because the can pass through any solid object so they never really focused on physical strength but since zoro is so obsessed with getting stronger they think oh he likes strong people aka people not like me little does reader know!! Also I LOVED THE OTHER REQUEST YOU WROTE FOR ME!!!!
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Ghosted: Zoro x Reader
Includes: GN Reader , Zoro , a bit of Sanji , Reader's sister.
Info: Reader ate the Ghost - Ghost Fruit. This gives the user the ability to levitate and phase through objects. They can speak to the dead as well , and sometimes even absorb their power. The reader was imagined with a sister.
A / N: IM GLAD TOU LIKED IT ! I HOPE U LIKE THIS ONE AS WELL !! If you want a part 2 , lmk <33
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You and Zoro had a strange dynamic. You were seen as best friends , but there always seemed to be something deeper down that nobody could put a finger on. You both were strong , but you never fought. You hated combat , but he didn't. You both seemed to be opposites , and still. You both were close.
You were more of a utility than a fighter. You would help with defense , strategy , and escape. You were the Strategist of the Strawhat Pirates , after all. People were unable to hit you , haki or not. To the crew , you were the brain and he was the brawn.
You both were almost never seen without one another , so one was bound to fall for the other. That just so happened to be you. You fell , and hard for that matter. You were infatuated with him , which everyone but him noticed.
However , you never tried to pursue him. In your eyes , he was strong as hell. He needed someone as strong as him , someone willing to fight. Someone who wouldn't drown the second they hit water , someone who could wield a sword as skillfully as him. You hated fights but he enjoyed them , so why would he like you ? That's what you told yourself.
He was strong and enjoyed being around people as strong as himself. It made you wonder , why did he hang around you ? You weren't strong. You hated combat. You were just a strategist , not a combat specialist. Because of this thought process , you never made an attempt to court him.
You usually talked about your issues with some souls that rested in your room. One of them being the soul of your past on sibling. On this day , you were ranting to her about how you felt.
"SisterName , he's strong. He loves a challenge ! He's one of the monster trio , and I'm not. I'm a strategist , Sistername. Why would he want someone as weak as me ?" Your face deflated as you fell into your bed. The color haired woman stood beside your bed and sighed.
"You know that's not true , Reader. Why would he be around you if he only liked strong people ?" She smiled softly and sat on the edge of your bed. Though she was there , no pressure was felt on your mattress. Not even a wrinkle was left in the place she resided in.
You groaned loudly and phased through your bed so that you were now resting on the ground below it. You whined , loud enough for her to hear. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're strong , Reader. You're strong in your own way. Don't forget that." She stood up from her place and sat down in front of where she once was. "Strength doesn't only lie within combat." She continued , laying on the ground to see you.
You sighed again and turned towards your sister. Your eyes met her glossed over white ones. You smiled gently and crawled out from under your bed. "Thank you , SisterName." You would've hugged her if you were able to touch her. You sat in front of her and watched as she nodded her head.
"Go talk to him , Reader. For now , I've got somewhere else to be. I'll be back. Love you , Reader. You know I'll always be here for you if you need anything." Her transparent hand patted your head , though you couldn't feel it. "Love you too , SisterName. Have fun." You watched as her ghostly form disappeared.
You took a deep breath and took a step outside of your dark room. You closed the door and started your long walk to the deck , thinking of the things your sister said to you as your feet slapped against the hard planks of the ground.
After what seems to be like forever , you reached the deck. Your eyes scanned the area in an attempt to find the green haired swordsman , only to be met with nothing. "Mosshead is in the crows nest." You heard from behind you. You turned around and saw a tuff of blonde hair. Sanji. You smiled kindly at the chef and nodded your head. "Thank you , Sanji." As the words left your lips , you began your walk to where Zoro was training.
Technically , you could've just floated up there and phased through the wall but you had some things to think about. What were you going to say ? How would you address your thoughts ? You were anxious , riddled with worry even. You took a deep breath as you approached the wooden door. You knocked twice then phased through the door.
The man in question was currently squatting with a weight that was half the size of the room. You knew he was strong , but DAMN. You stared at it , bewildered. Remembering what you came in for , you shook your head. "Oh. Hey , Reader." He spoke calmly , putting his weight down. It seems he just finished one of his sets.
He picked up a towel , throwing it around his neck as he picked up the bottle of water he brought with him. "Hey , Zoro. I have something to talk to you about." You spoke , a serious tone laced within your words. Zoro raised an eyebrow as he continued chugging his water. He leaned against the wall and placed his , now empty , water bottle on the ground. "Spit it out , Ghosty."
Your heart swelled a bit at the nickname , but you chose to ignore it for a bit. You took a deep breath and crossed your arms. "I'm . . I'm . . Iminlovewithyoubutiknowyoulikestrongpeoplesoiknowyouwontlikemeback." You spoke quickly , powers reacting to your anxiety. As you rambled and hid your reddening face , your body lifted from the ground and began to float around the room.
Zoro stared for a moment and laughed. "What ? Gonna need you to repeat that." You uncovered your face and gently placed yourself in front of him. "I'm in love with . . You . . But , uhm. I know you . . . Like strong people , so you don't have to say anything back." Your eyes closed tightly as you awaited his response , expecting harsh words to leave his lips. However , they didn't.
"As much as I like to fight , I don't JUST like strong people. You're tough , Reader. You can handle your own and I . . . love that about . . Uhm , you." His face was now reddening as he looked away from your color colored eyes. Your face lit up more and you turned your head.
"Just be honest , Zoro . . How do you feel about me ?" You spoke , a hint of sadness lacing your voice. His eyes turned to your form and softened. He sighed and sat on the ground.
"Fuck. I don't know how to express any feelings for you. But shit , Reader. You make my heart do weird things and -" He stopped and took a deep breath. "What I want to say is , I feel . . The same way." The last bit was spoken quietly , but you heard it. Your eyes lightened up as you ran up to him.
You threw your smaller arms around his muscular frame and smiled. "I'm glad , Zoro. Let's try not to keep things a secret again , especially feelings." You kissed his cheek and floated away from him.
He laughed and smirked at your words. "Deal."
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riddle-me-ri · 10 months
Riddler boys with an s/o in college who is really smart, but has anxiety and feels like a total screw up and a failure. And reader just wants Riddler to comfort them and help to stop the feelings of drowning and pressure. No, I’m not projecting, and you can’t prove that I am.
a/n: You can’t hide from me anon, I know when someone is projecting when I see it. Especially because I do it too! And this is the exact type of feelings and thoughts that I deal with on a regular basis both when I was in college and even now out of school. So if it helps, I’m projecting too lmao, also although I love him I skipped hush (dcau) eddie cause again, I felt these get a wee repetitive lmao
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The Riddlers with an Anxious College Student S/O
Arkhamverse Riddler:
First of all, he’s like…the last person to go to for comfort.
Not only because he’s busy but…he rarely handles his own emotions in a healthy way…
But no matter how much he ignores you…it’s distracting having you all fidgety and self-loathing…
Edward will give you something to do to try and take your mind off of it. 
Yes, that’s right…he’s allowing you to help him…
To be in his workshop, with him, quite a privilege really! You’ll probably learn much more from him than any college course!
Almost tries to talk you out of college altogether. 
You know he’s trying and it does mean a lot to know he trusts you enough to be in his workshop. 
Besides…if the Riddler himself trusts you and thinks you’re smart enough…then you must be!
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
Ah, yeah…he recalled not having the best time in college either. 
Edward went in and got out doing the bare minimum just so he could get a decent job
(so much for that, he bemoans)
You’re so much more than any institution, or grades, or anything like that. 
You’re brilliant, intuitive, and perceptive!
He’s quick to comfort you although you may need to tell him how. 
He’ll offer to hold you and rock you back and forth while rubbing your back
Or he’ll let you bend his ear and just vent your emotions and frustrations, he’s learned that sometimes helps. 
Whatever you need him to do, he’ll do it. 
Gotham Riddler: 
Oh gosh, oh dear…
Unlike Dano Riddler, I have a feeling this Eddie absolutely thrived at university. 
Atleast the educational aspects anyhow. 
But he’s familiar with the feeling of not being good enough, no matter how hard you try. 
He takes you in his arms and begins whispering sweet affirmations in your ear. 
You’re enough, you’re more than enough. You’re the best thing that’s happened to him.
Perhaps you’re just burned out, he notices the bags under your eyes. 
And if you’re struggling you can always come to him for help, regardless of the subject. 
Edward knows how amazing you are, but even amazing people need help every once in awhile. 
BTAS Riddler:
Edward is instantly there for you. 
He holds your hands or shoulders and rubs them with his hands, trying to soothe your nerves. 
He hates to see you this upset, but he can understand reaching a boiling point with your own emotions. 
Eddie lets you let it all out, all your anxieties.
He will likely ask you what you need, if you need advice, comfort, or just his presence. 
He will gladly oblige to whatever you choose. 
Like Gotham Riddler, he’ll offer to help you with your school work
He’ll comfort you with kisses and embraces.
He will sit by your side until you’ve calmed down and will be ready with something to take your mind off your anxieties.  
Zero Year/Cappullo Riddler: 
Again, not exactly the first guy I’d go to for comfort or reassurance. 
Edward will just shrug, not entirely sure why you care what your professors or peers think. 
If anyone’s thoughts should count, it’s his. 
You should feel worthy of yourself because he tolerates you…
That’s him being nice, I told you he’s not the best at this. 
Ed gets confused when you don’t continue the bait to banter. 
He sighs when he sees the absolutely crestfallen look on your face. 
It takes everything he can, but he tells you that you’re special…to him especially…
It takes a certain someone to put up with him, your tenacity, your brightness…that’s all you. 
TWOJAR Riddler: 
Edward honestly doesn’t understand why you choose to go anyway. 
You could easily learn whatever you need to know from him, instead of some dull professor. 
He thinks it’s strange that you let something trivial as school get to you, it’s not like it’s going to last forever, unless you insist of going to get a better degree. 
He tries, he honestly does, but again he just doesn’t understand the big deal. 
You’re clearly smart, you got into that school anyway, and you impress him time and time again. 
Him, you know, The Riddler? You have nothing to prove…this pressure you feel from school is temporary. 
Edward isn’t the best with words of comfort, but somehow the effort he tried to put in is enough to make you feel a little better. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
Edward was curious why your mind seemed to be somewhere else. 
You also began second-guessing yourself, which wasn’t like you. 
When you admit your insecurities and how you’ve been struggling with your self-worth from college. 
Edward’s perplexed. Really? College courses? 
Why do you care? College is a means to an end. 
You’re obviously really intelligent, almost on par with him.
You often helped him think outside of the box on his more obscure cases.
He didn’t just allow anyone to be his assistant, or to aid him on cases. 
Maybe, he should tell you that more often, but when he tells you it definitely makes you feel warm inside. 
Telltale Riddler: 
Likely frowned upon you attending a university anyway.
But I can see this Edward using it as a means to distract you from interfering with his work.
Also another Ed not to go to for comfort, lmao. 
Doesn’t understand why you put so much pressure on yourself when it’s not necessary. 
Especially for some meager classes. 
He leaves you alone to grovel for a bit, assuming it will pass eventually like such emotions do…
But he realizes that your moping silence is more distracting than when you’re trying to get his attention with affection. 
Edward reassures you that you’re just enough how you are, if you weren’t you wouldn’t be with him now would you?
The comment surprises you, but makes you perk up nonetheless.
Young Justice Riddler: 
Bless him, Eddie gets upset because you’re upset. 
Man is panicking slightly but tries his best to hold it together. 
When you let him in on the growing, heavy pressure building up, and how you feel like a failure…
Eddie’s heart cracks for you. You can’t be serious?
You’re more than enough, you’re not a failure, are you kidding? You’re the glue that holds the team together! You have the best plans!
Screw that school, they’re not worth your attention! 
B-But maybe, you could also be burned out? It’s been a while but, he’s been to school…
Edward nervously offers to help you with your school work, but enforces that it doesn’t have to be like a date or anything. 
His endearing comments and efforts are enough to ease your insecurities, especially in favor to help him with his.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Hi, how are you going?
Fandom: TMNT 2012
Character: Raphael
Fic type: romantic concept with dear-yandere's prompts 82. Punishment, 98. Stitches and 103. Teeth.
Personally I'm doing okay and I'd love to try my best at these prompts! @okchijt wanted to try their hand at a sadistic Raph prompt plot so I approved what they did and fleshed it out! They helped a lot! Hopefully this became a good story :D (Albeit unnerving). Warning, this one's definitely messed up so adhere to trigger warnings before hitting read more. You have been warned.
Prompts Here
Yandere! 2012! Raphael Prompts 82, 98, 103
“I know it hurts, honey, but this is what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
“I really want to be gentle to you right now, but you’re making it impossible.”
“Smart ass. I’d suggest biting your tongue before I rip it out.”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Violence, Swearing, Threats, Anger issues, Toxic themes, Dubious relationship, Accusations of cheating, Implied delusional behavior, Implied kidnapping, Dehumanization/Degradation, Manipulation, Cuts, Punishment, Wounds, Blood, Toxic relationship obviously, Sadism, Broken bones, He feels bad at the end... kinda, TRIGGERING THEMES AS DARLING GETS HURT IN THIS.
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Raph's blood boiled when he saw you look so happy with Leo, his brother. You smiled at him like you hadn't a care in the world. You laughed with him as though you weren't betraying him.
Raph hated how close you were with his brother. Sometimes it felt like Leo was better than him. It only ever angered Raph when you're so easily pleased by his brother.
Why are you never like this with him?
Was it because Leo was so much nicer? Raphael tries his best to be loving and caring with you. In fact he succeeds most of the time, he's capable of being soft. It's just that... his anger tends to get the best of him.
As a result you often become the victim of his frustration. He can't help it and he knows he has a problem. But sometimes... especially when he sees you appeal to Leo more than him...
He feels it can be justified.
Having enough of the laughing and casual conversation between you two, Raphael stands up. He feels his eye twitch and the fact he can't compete with his brother. You're talking about Leo's favorite show or something, commenting on certain moments. You barely even notice Raph is there.
Until he grabs your arm.
Silence overcomes everyone in the room as Raphael yanks you towards his room. Leonardo looks as though he wants to say something to his brother but it unsure. Based on the harsh grip the mutant has on you, you can only assume what you're in for. Were you in trouble? For what?
Raphael can't help himself when he tosses you onto the bed in his room. The wind is knocked out of you and you hear the door slam as Raphael locks the door with an audible click. Before you're able to respond to him he yells at you.
"You're cheating on me!" He growls, green eyes narrowed at your confused expression. "You always get so damn comfortable with Leo like we're not involved!"
"Raph, we're just friends? Me and Leo happen to enjoy the same show-" You try to defend yourself but your voice is quickly drowned out by his.
“Smart ass. I’d suggest biting your tongue before I rip it out.”
With that you grow silent as Raphael rages on. You hated when he got like this. His anger was like a monster that can't be tamed.
He was a monster that can't be tamed.
"I don't want you so close to him anymore! It drives me mad! It's so damn annoying... why can't you just pay attention to me?"
"That seems to be all I ever do! Talking to others is my only form of normalcy. You won't even let me go home. I can't live like some pet!" You snap back, fed up with all of his accusations. "Leo isn't going to do anything. He won't come between us!"
"I'm tired of things too, Raph! I'm tired of being scared of you! I'm tired of the pain, I'm tired of being some sort of obedient little pet for you. I'm tired of you CONTROLLING me!" You snap, rightfully calling out the turtle on his behavior for the past few months.
Raphael laughs at your breakdown. It's partially because you called him out. This was all a personal attack and you both knew that.
He wasn't going to deal with this.
"Oh, please! You're nothing without me." Raphael growls, stalking you into the corner of his room. "Without me, you'd be as good as dead in this world."
Regret bristles the hair on your skin as you realize how trapped you are. You shake your head and shove yourself into the corner of the bed. You really should've held your tongue.
"I'm sorry, we're just both frustrated and-"
"This'll only hurt a bit, you know better."
With lightning speed, Raph pulls his sai and cuts your skin. His cuts are sloppy but it's enough to get the lesson across. You scream in pain, the blood dripping down your arm.
"Oh... please, Raph-!" You cry, but those green eyes are cold.
"It's not enough." He says, making eye contact with you. "I need to get the point across."
At first, you felt nothing. If was like the adrenaline made it seem like he didn't break your arm. At first the audible crack was your only clue.
Then the pain set in.
Then you screamed.
“I know it hurts, honey, but this is what happens when you don’t do what I say.” Raphael coos towards you, shushing you and soothing you like he didn't just break your arm. He's sickeningly sweet all of a sudden as he places a hand over your whimpering mouth. You stare at him with fear and he isn't sure if he hates it or adores it.
You weakly cry apologies towards him as he pulls out medical supplies from beneath his bed. He feels he's made his point. Now it's time to fix things.
"Shhh, it's all over. I'll fix you and maybe next time you'll listen." Raphael soothes, kissing your head as he makes a makeshift cast and splint. "It's going to hurt, but by now I think you know that."
Fixing you is harder than breaking you. Despite this and all of your crying, Raphael manages to patch you up. Part of him feels bad he's done such a thing to the one he loves.
Yet he tries to tell himself it's deserved for making him feel so jealous.
Do he love or hate your tears...?
By the end of it all you turn away from Raphael on the bed. You hiss in pain at times and flinch away from him due to what he's done. You can't tell if he did this with blind rage... or he did this of his own accord.
You don't care.
“I really want to be gentle to you right now, but you’re making it impossible.” Raph grumbles bitterly, his anger simmering down as he sits on the bed. He patched you up the best he can, now it's just the aftermath.
The tone of the mutant still sounds like a threat to you, causing you to listen to him more. The last thing you want is more pain. You're miserable enough with him right now already.
"... C'mere."
Reluctantly you're pulled into the arms of Raph as he leans down with you. He rubs your back in an attempt to be soothing but you're so rigid in his arms. It's all for a good reason, Raphael even begins to think back on what he's done.
His obsession over you only ever gets worse.
"I'm sorry..." He whispers into your hair. "I wish I knew how to love you."
He doesn't expect an answer back.
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wolven91 · 11 months
The Predator Café - Chapter 7
(Trigger Warning: Violence, Injury)
Panic, rage, fear and white-hot fury swirled within Natasha's chest.
The outside world began to fade out until all that was within her sight was that remnant of clothing that was unmistakably her friend's as the edges of her vision became a black halo around this tenuous link to Pip.
She could hear naught but the roar of her heartbeat as she began to hyperventilate.
The next thing she was aware of was being inside the Café, standing in front of her boss. She watched herself as if from above near the ceiling; she demanded if he'd seen Pip enter, he was denying this and shaking his head. She could see herself asking if he was certain. The man confirmed that the smaller Prey entrance hadn't been opened since the lunch time rush.
She 'blinked' and was already halfway home in a full sprint.
Their voice, crystal clear, repeated in her head. '...your 'Prey' won't escape...'; her blood boiled and her jaw ached from clenching her teeth.
Bursting into her home she stalked from one dark room to the other, pacing in impotent rage and fear.
She stopped at the kitchen, the cold pasta still sat in a pot on the hob. Her mind cleared instantly; Pip was in danger and she had to protect him. She was getting him back, there was no doubt in her mind for a single second that she'd get him back or she'd pull their god-damned spines out.
She'd have to be smart about this.
The police were as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. If she rang them, they'd turn it into a hostage situation that would leave Pip in even greater danger. Her lawyer had even said that they'd never retrieved any of the previous victims alive...
“...fucking ghouls ate the evidence...” she realised with horror.
Her lawyer though? She was capable; she could call in the cavalry while Natasha bought them time on the inside. Natasha had never been one to sit on the sidelines when someone else was in trouble; especially one of her own. She'd learnt over a long childhood in the slums that sometimes one had to take things into their own hands; to stack the deck in their favour.
Their whispering came back to haunt her from the darkness that surrounded her; 'When you’re ready, go to the sub-station near the park. Knock once.'
“When I'm ready? Oh I'll get ready boys. I'll be good ‘n ready...”
Pip woke in a cloying darkness that made it hard to breathe.
When he did try to take a deep breath, pain lanced through his side causing him to flinch which only hurt the mammal further. He tried to remain still and take damp shallow gulps of air as he came to realise that he was contained within a sack of some kind.
He assumed he was on the floor as it was hard and cold beneath him. He thought it would be better for whoever had him to believe he was still unconscious so made a point to remain as still as possible while he tried to listen for voices or a clue as to what was around him.
Panic bubbled just below the surface, it threatened to rise up and drown him if not for the mantra that he repeated to himself that just had to keep calm and he would find an opportunity to escape. His entire childhood had been training him through established methods of how to keep safe in a world that wasn't a Prey's.
Many of them were pointless now; stay in lit areas, stay in communication with people, arm yourself. His best hope now was to find a chance to get distance between his captors and either hide where they couldn't reach him or out run them.
A nasally voice, moving closer to where he lay, broke the silence.
“Do we know if she's coming?”
A gruff voice replied a moment later.
“She'll be coming, sooner rather than later. I don't know much about these Humans but they don't look like the kind to give up on Prey.” A mirthless chuckle escaped the gruff voice. “If I haven't missed my mark, I'm willing to bet she'd chase this meat for forever.”
The nasally voice seemed unconvinced and to Pip struck him as a minion rather than a mastermind.
“Yeah, but what if.. what if she-”
“Shut up.” The gruff voice stated flatly.
“If she does anything stupid then we'll have to react to it. This may be your first time dealing with this, but this is how we recruited before. If these humans are what we think they are, it'll be easier to get them to join Predators like us than anyone else.”
“But boss, they aren't exactly discrete, she's taller than you even?”
Pip had used the term 'feral' before in jest or flippancy, but the growl that came from the gruff voice triggered a primitive part of his brain, it was a deep seated fear that ran through his body.
If he didn't get free, he was going to die.
His thoughts were interrupted by a third voice, this one came from further away as if they weren't in the same room as the other ones that had spoken so far.
“Hey boss! She's coming! She's.. got a pipe?”
“You two, go hide in the other room. You two with me, when she gets in, stand either side of her. I don't care what's she's armed herself with, if she fucks around we'll show her that we're the real Predators here, not this 'equals' nonsense...”
Natasha marched with confidence towards the substation that sat just outside the limits of a public park. It was a small structure, no larger than her front room and without a second floor she questioned whether it would be able to hold any more than the group of three that had told her about it in the first place.
There was something she didn't know. Either this wasn't their base or there was something she wasn't seeing yet.
It didn't matter; this was her single lifeline connecting her to Pip, there weren't any other options.
She had prepared herself as best she could, it had taken longer than she had wanted it to, but without a timeline she had hoped they had meant they'd keep Pip 'safe' until she could make it. Hey lawyer had assured her that she would inform the police, but begged her not to do anything rash.
Walking up to the substation door, she knocked a single time and stepped back away from it. A weird 'secret knock', but who in their right mind would knock on a door once? She shrugged to herself, it didn't matter; she just had to get inside.
The door unlocked from within as a bolt slid free.
“Come in, Sister.” A familiar voice said from the shadows, this was definitely the place. She steeled herself as she stepped into the 'lion's den'.
Inside a creature that resembled a Weasel hoped down off a crate that had served as its perch to look out of the small grime encrusted window. Normally Natasha would do her best to recall their correct designations and species names, but it didn't even register. She was appraising him; weighing him up as to how quickly he moved, how heavy he was, did he look like he could handle himself? Her time in the slums had given her enough experience to gauge how dangerous a person actually was.
This was a creature that looked like they used; speed, claws and teeth to win their fights. It gave her a toothy grin which faltered immediately as he noticed her expression and flinched from looking at her directly in the eye. He gestured lamely to the metal bat that she gripped in the middle with one hand while avoiding her gaze.
“You- you can't bring that in here... you can't be armed.”
“Ya’ think I'm gonna’ go into a room of Predators unarmed? Do ya’ think I'm stupid?” She snapped back at him, she'd expected to be challenged, but with just a bat she'd be able to talk her way through. Bluff that they wanted her here, not the other way round.
“But.. you..”
A voice called out from deeper within the structure, further away than what should be possible.
“Let her in, she's one of us...”
She gave the weasel a withering stare as she tapped the bat against her hip impatiently.
He ducked his head and retreated to the end of a grey electrical console. It dominated the single room that was the substation, but when he and Natasha rounded the far corner, a metal bulkhead jutting out of the ground was swung open presenting a ladder down into what Natasha assumed was the sewers.
This was not going to plan; she had no interest in going below ground, especially with what looked like a manhole cover that could be sealed closed between her and the rest of the world.
“Ya’ live in the sewers...?” She said disdainfully as she grabbed the ladder and began to descend before anyone could question her resolve. As she reached the bottom of the ladder, a serious voice, which gave her the impression of the ringleader, greeted her.
“Welcome sister. Yes, we may technically live in the sewers for now, it won't be long before we bring our vision of the galaxy to the wider city and world above. We and now you, are not alone with our desires-”
Natasha tuned him out as he continued to drone on, seemingly loving the sound of his own voice and getting high off his own horseshit. She noted that he was a Canid, black and brown colourings with a body that spoke of time at the gym, but he was small, shorter than normal canids. A runt? Either side of her sat two more, totalling four so far, one a felinoid that looked like she'd seen better days with the scraggly pelt of tawny fur and bald spots in her hide. Her partner on the other side of the room; a draconian, was thin with black for the majority of his scales but with blotches of deep red in a chaotic pattern across his visible flesh.
Natasha continued to observe the room as the ringleader went on about a 'new world order' by talking about how it was 'better in the old days'. She could sincerely feel her brain cells dying as he continued to regurgitate words that must've sounded impressive to him but imparted no actual meaning to anyone paying attention.
The room was a definitely part of the sewer system, but it appeared unused based off the floor and walls being clean of any sign of previous water or sewage, it was however, littered with the signs of usage by people; bottles and empty food packages lined the walls along with various boxes and half burnt candles scattered about haphazardly. The room itself was wide and open, the ceiling was however, almost too close for comfort to Natasha, but she gauged that she would be the tallest here by at least a head; only she would have to worry about hitting head against the humming strip lights. The end of the room, behind the ringleader's chair, had a divot in the floor for sluicing liquids away and a tunnel that cut across the room, leading deeper into the sewer system, it made the room into a 'T' shape, preventing Natasha from seeing around the corners into either direction of the tunnel.
She was in look, these lot looked like dregs, deformed and stunted. Was that their reasoning for eating people? They didn’t have the strengths of their brethren so they attacked anyone weaker?
The canid who was currently sitting at the opposite end of the room to the entrance ladder was occupying an aged leather chair that had somehow been brought down into the space. Saying that the only other visible seating in the room were several crates, it struck Natasha that this canid thought himself above those who followed him. The crates that served as seats were reinforced as such as they were each surrounded by empty bottles of beer or cans. What was interesting is that there were more available and visibly used seats than members present.
'Maybe 6 of them?' Natasha thought to herself as she realised the ringleader was winding his speech up as he was now standing with arms wide as if addressing a grand cheering crowd rather than skulking in the goddamned sewer.
Her bat 'tinked' against the cement floor as she dropped her grip from the middle of it, to the handle end and she flatly began.
“Wow...” struggling and failing to pretend any longer.
The sickly canid brought his gaze from the ceiling down to her, lowering his arms down to his sides lamely. Her lack of applause was disheartening to the man. He genuinely thought he'd improved his delivery of that speech.
“Jin, give us some privacy.” He shouted past her; the metal portal she had climbed through closed with a slam and grating lock.
'So much for their plan; my turn.' She smiled to herself, she hadn't been relying on any back up if she was honest with herself. It was always going to be her versus whatever unfortunately bastard that thought they could take her Pip.
“You fella’s took something from me. I want it back.” She demanded with a stony glare. The canid held his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Peace Sister, we only grabbed it so you could enjoy it without anyone suspecting you and so we could all meet. We're glad their meddling didn't get you arrested properly before you could enjoy its succulent flesh.”
The felinoid piped up in a tone that Natasha assumed she meant in a supporting manner. 
“It smells so sweet, I can understand why you chose it. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it properly...”
Natasha gripped the bat harder, her knuckles turning white.
“I will not 'share' Him in any way, shape or form. Not with y’all or anyone else, do ya’ understand me?”
The canid gave the human an award winning smile as he tried to reassure her.
“Oh you must understand, until we have enough to go around, we all must all share our prey. We each can support each other, we are a fami-”
“Show me him now.” Natasha cut off the canid. She needed to know he was alive. As long as he was alive she would help him live a life even if he wasn't whole.
“You're right, you're right! Of course, we've taken your food from your mouth and are trying to negotiate while you have no evidence we're sincere. Granc! Bring it out here now!”
From one of the blind-corner tunnels, another runt of a canid appeared with a lumpy sack in one hand. Like the felinoid, this one had mange and looked thin or sickly. He handed off the sack to the ringleader who reached in the bag.
A heartbreaking squeak came from within as he grasped and pulled Pip out in one harsh movement. Natasha's ache from her jaw came back, she could feel her bottom left eyelid begin to twitch with the effort of keeping her face neutral.
Pip looked scared and hurt. The Canid held him by the back of his neck, Pip had grabbed the larger creature's fingers in an attempt to ease the pressure on his body. He had dried blood over his face and he wasn't breathing correctly, as if he couldn't draw in a full breath. His fur was bedraggled and damp, he looked awful, but he was alive and awake; that was enough for Natasha. As he blinked in the sudden change of light, his eyes focused on Natasha and his face showed shock, surprise and fear.
Whether fear for himself, fear 'for' her or fear 'of' her, Natasha couldn't tell.
It didn't matter, he was alive and she was keeping it that way.
“Hand him over.” She demanded again.
“No, we've been more than welcoming to you and we've only received hostility in return. It's time you decide to join us or not.”
“As I said before; He. Is. Mine. I will not be sharing him with anyone, let alone pretend Predators such as y’all.”
This got a reaction from them, the two who had been sat either side of Natasha stood and came closer to her, well within range.
Good. Get cocky, get in close.
“Pretenders?!” The ringleader said incredulously.
“Oh, ya’ disagree? Ya’ll not predators, none of ya’ are! And yet ya’ think ya’ll good enough to take what's mine?! Ya’ bottom feeders! Ya’ll haven’t brought down anything that could actually give ya’ a run for ya’ money. At best, ya’ll opportunistic scavengers and ya’ done fucked with the wrong human.”
As the canid breathed in to retort, Natasha didn't wait to hear any more drivel from him.
She grasped the opposite end of her bat in her spare hand and drove the handle into the ribs of the black and red draconian as hard as she could, utilising her whole body to add force into the jab. The dull 'crack' echoed through the room from the bipedal lizard’s torso as he crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut. She let go of the business end of the bat to swing it in a full circuit, so the felinoid received the full brunt of force that swept the bat from down by her feet right up and into her jaw. Her head snapped backwards in a whiplash inducing motion before falling away and clutching at her face, the scream that came from it was more raw emotion than anything coherent.
At a glance the draconian had fared little better as he remained on the floor trying and failing to gulp air that simply wouldn't come.
The spare runt canid came from the front as he grabbed at the bat with both hands, Natasha was pushed back a moment before moving her arms in a violent jerking motion to push the bat squarely into his snarl, breaking his front teeth. He was stunned for a moment allowing Natasha to follow up with a second strike with the middle of the bat with little resistance. The front of his muzzle crumpled slightly as the majority of his front teeth disappeared when they broke in half and blood burst from the ends of his nostrils.
As she pulled the bat clear of his hands, she swung the handle to hit him in the face in a short pivot, it was then that Natasha was blind sided as she was tackled to the floor by a green blur. 
The green blur slashed at her face where her cheek immediately began to burn and ache. The new geckin, previously hidden around the other blind corner, reared back, jaws agape to clamp down on her exposed neck. He was small, but still sharp. As he lunged downwards, the act was arrested by the spiked choker she had donned before her arriving at the substation, preventing him from being able to close his jaws around her throat completely.
Normally she would only wear the spiked collar when going to a concert or other event where she could dress as dramatically as she liked, but she had feared that without something to defend her neck and wrists, she may have been vulnerable to this exact attack. The 'camo' geckin tried to close his teeth around her and pull, but the metal and leather left his attack ineffective and more damaging to himself than Natasha.
As he straddled her, she drove a knee up into his crotch as hard as she could before grabbing the creature and rolling to the side, dragging him beneath her in a reversal. She proceeded to pound into his face with both of her fists; her adrenaline allowing her to wail away into his jaw, cheeks and eye sockets. It wasn't until a kick to her ribs from a new assailant, forced her to roll away with a wince into a low crouch and her fists raised to defend herself.
The Ringleader stalked around his fallen compatriots, the geckin wasn’t moving.
“You idiot! Do you not understand?! We're the only ones in this city that appreciate your desire! You're denying yourself it's flesh!”
Natasha was beyond words at this point, her rage fuelled her onwards; the slight movements of her Pip in the corner of her vision willed her to tear this dog’s head off. 
She reached back to retrieve her 'back-up plans' from her back pockets. Slipping the pair 4-ringed brass knuckles over each of her own she stalked forwards towards the enraged alien.
The wild haymaker he threw out was easily redirected; it was trying to disembowel her, but Natasha gave back a quick jab into his chest rather than a grander response. He was shorter than the average canid by a significant margin, but no less dangerous, to underestimate him would be to defeat herself. He took a step back before pushing forward again, he then threw out a series of clawed slashes that did no more than bounce off Natasha's guard as she allowed his assault uninterrupted. The spiked bracelets that donned her wrists, jabbed and gouged at his own forearms weakening his attack as he could simply flail at her. His assault was feral; strong and violent, but without finesse. He’d been used to being the larger one in past conflicts, his self-assurance was evident in his lack of form or skill.
Her initial plan was to allow him to punch himself out, with his inability to end the fight by numbers or taking advantage of an exposed neck, he could only batter himself against her stalwart defence. He had a moment of inspiration however by throwing out a punch into Natasha’s gut slipping through her guard. She doubled over in a moment before twisting at the hip and using her elbow to slam into the canid’s face. He flinched and stepped backwards blinking away stars as his sensitive muzzle burst in a small geyser of blood.
Natasha’s ‘rope-a-dope’ plan was thrown into disarray however when, as the two circled each other, Pip appeared from behind the Ringleader and drove a screwdriver into the flesh of his calf with a rebel yell. Crying out and collapsing to one knee the canid successfully aimed a sweeping backhand that launched Pip deeper into the room away from the brawl.
Natasha saw red at Pip being struck; defence gave way to pure, livid hatred.
Before the canid could prepare himself, he was attacked by a true ‘Predator', one that dredged an icy dread from deep within him; a feeling he was not aware that he could ever experience, one of a Prey.
The metal covered knuckled came up in a south-paw upper punch that snapped his jaw closed and put the former Predator on his back. Natasha pounced upon him to batter solely into his head and whilst the sieged creature attempted to bring his arms up to defend himself, Natasha simply pulled his arm out of the way to land an uninterrupted hit square into whatever was in the way between her and the floor.
This continued for a time, a cathartic, raged filled therapy for Natasha as she paid him back for the upset and harm he had caused for both the Human and her Pip.
It was only when the creature had stopped moving that the drive to hit it drained from Natasha and a sudden overwhelming need to find and protect Pip returned.
Natasha got off the still breathing but bloodied meat that now laid thoroughly tenderised and scrambled over on all fours to the caramel furred mammal that remained still in a heap. She gingerly picked him up; he was still breathing but limp in her arms. She rushed over to the ladder out and turned the handle that would open the hatch once more, it had been locked from the inside.
When she unlocked it fully, the hatch was opened immediately by the collection of law enforcement officers that had crowded around the entrance to the subterranean lair. They however flinched back at the sight of the haggard and still enraged Human crawling from the depth with her face covered in blood. Whether this was her’s, Pip's or anyone else's, none of them knew, but they retreated to allow her to pass and leave the substation. The officers then climbed down the ladder to arrest the occupants within, they had heard the violence from within and expected the worst. Aside from a variety of heavily injured occupants, they were all still alive, albeit some only just.
 As Pip came back to the waking world, his environment had changed significantly for the better.
Beneath him was a soft mattress that supported his body gently, while the bed itself had his upper half slightly raised. The pillows beneath his neck and head were softer than his own back at his dorm, he thought mildly as he opened his eyes and began to blink the burring away.
Before his vision returned he felt a weight over his shins, heavier than the thin sheet that covered the majority of his body. Hovering over him was a fellow Prey dressed in the uniform of a nurse. Her whiskers twitched as she smirked down at him as she adjusted a bag with clear liquid inside that was connected to his arm via a tube.
“Welcome back Mr Warin, so you are aware; you've been asleep for the best part of two days, but should make a full recovery shortly.”
He blinked and croaked in response from his incredibly dry throat. He tried to swallow to refresh himself as the nurse, satisfied with her work, walked around the bottom of the bed where he suddenly noticed the form of Natasha.
The medical ward he was in was obviously designed for creatures smaller than Natasha; the items, fixtures and beds were all a more ‘normal’ size to Pip’s perspective. However, even slouched as she was, Natasha took up an alarming amount of space, practically overtaking the bottom of his bed where the top half of her slept.
‘She must be sat on the floor while hunched over the bed’ Pip thought to himself.
“We moved the other patients once she refused to leave. The others were distressed despite it being on the news.”
“She refused… What... what was on the news?”
“Her rescue of you Mr Warin? Whatever the misunderstanding was the day before, word is she single handedly removed the beginning of another feral Predator ring. The reporters had followed the parade of police and reported it live. When she appeared like an angel of death, but carrying you; people didn’t know what to think.” The nurse shook her head.
“Tokens of praise and apology have been arriving whilst you’ve both been here. They are starting to take up too much room. I would have raised a complaint if not for the fact that everyone is still hesitant to stay in a room with a human…” The nurse continued, gesturing towards the entrance to the room where a pile of gifts, flowers and tokens of various sizes had overtaken one wall.
“Now you’re awake, I doubt there will be any need for you to stay much longer. You were suffering more from sleep deprivation rather than anything physically wrong, aside from some nasty bumps. We have however stitched up the claw marks on your back, although it is likely they will scar, and your fur may not return.”
Pip thanked the nurse before she retreated from the room to follow up on her other patients. Looking down at the blonde beauty, he recalled what he had seen down in the sewers.
He had described her before as a force of nature, when he had laid on top of her chest and listened to her heartbeat. Now he knew this description was too understated. She had been truly terrifying, her speed went beyond what was right for a creature at her size to be able to move.
He had felt the impacts of her hits, the reverberations of the strikes had made him wince with each blow. When she had been taken to the floor and the Saurian that had been hidden away tore at her neck, Pip had feared the worst.
But nothing could stop her, she was a tidal wave of anger, of something primal... feral, even...
Pip winced at his own thought, that he'd put her in the same category as those brutes.
Placing a small hand into her hair he stroked it through the silken mess. She looked tired, the three gouges in her cheek looked deep and were held closed by white stitches. If he had scars on his back, those would absolutely scar and all because he got into a mess he should have avoided.
His heart broke at the idea he had led her to harm.
A wordless groan of being pulled from sleep escaped her throat.
"Morning beautiful..." Pip whispered.
"Pip? Pip!" She exclaimed, waking up fully and rocking the bed in her attempt to straighten up.
"Ya’ awake! Oh I'm so sorry Pip! It's all my fault, if I'd just left ya’ alone ya’ wouldn't have been taken or threatened and everyone-"
The cascade of apologies and worry that spilled forth surprised him, he was expecting to be the one that was to apologise not for his saviour to best him to the punch, so to speak.
"...Natasha." He said simply, stalling her mid-sentence. 
"Sorry." She said meekly.
It didn't suit her. 
Pip hated the idea of her not being herself, but he wanted her to say her piece, it was important to her so it was important to him.
"I don’t believe there's anything for you to apologise for, but if you disagree, I accept your apology and want nothing more than to hear nothing else on the matter..."
Her shoulders slumped, as if he had single handedly removed the weight of the world off her shoulders.
“...its me who should be apologising."
"No, thats not-"
"Let me finish... please." He quietly begged.
She fell silent and waited for him.
"I knew better, you didn't." He began with a sigh. "There are... expectations of what is ‘normal’ of you and me, of a Predator and a Prey. But you weren't aware of these and shouldn't be and won’t be held accountable for them. I was, and I deliberately ignored them so I could selfishly spend time with someone I found exciting... Even when I knew and was duly warned, that it would all end in tears.”
He closed his eyes in confused shame.
"I came back and encouraged you because I found you attractive Natasha, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, even though I knew it was more than likely that nothing good could have come from us spending time with each other. This whole mess is because I didn’t do what I was supposed to…” He couldn’t look at her right now, he had to tell her the truth, to make her understand that she was free from blame, and he wouldn’t hold anything against her when she defended her social standing by leaving him behind. Especially after he had intentionally undermined hers for his lust.
Humans were new to the whole mess; how could anyone blame them? Not him, he would never blame her.
“What a crock.” Natasha stated flatly, Pip snapped his head up in confusion. “Do I not get a say? Ya’ think I didn’t know what people might say when we waltzed off together? Don’t be making assumptions that I’m jus’ some wallflower who ain’t gonna’ say nothin’. Ya’ people got some ‘expectations’, just like everybody else in this universe. Ya’ think I haven’t had to clash with ‘expectations’ before?”
She ‘huffed’ and shuffled closer to the top of the bed before reaching out a hand to hold his chin between her large fingers.
“If I didn’t want to see ya’, I wouldn’t see ya’. If ya’ want to see me, I want ya’ to come see me. And there ain’t nothing anyone else is gonna’ say or do that’s gonna’ change this.”
She released him after making her point and looked away.
“…’Expectations’ my ass. Thought I got away from all that nonsense...” She mumbled to the empty ward.
“So… we’re, okay?” Pip asked, he was stunned she would not only disregard any issue but made him feel slightly put out for attempting to assume the responsibility over the matter.
“I’m frustrated Hun’, but all this has done is tell me that I need to get ya’ home and teach you properly; just how much ya’ mean to me, ya’ daft thing.” She said with a smile as she gazed back to him, putting an elbow on his bed whilst resting her chin in her hand. Her other hand came round and gently ran over his body over the thin covers.
“I think we need to start addressing things directly, no more beatin’ round the bush. Sound good?”
“Sounds good.” Squeaked Pip.
She leaned forwards, her face now dominated his vision. The soft closing of her eyes prompted Pip to do the same as his arms reached up to cup her face as her fingers curled around the back of his head with her nails scratching through his fur. Her lips touched his and whilst her bottom lip gently pressed against his own, her top lip brushed and pressed against his nose due to the difference in their sizes.
His world was one of softness and peppermint. This is what ‘heaven’ had to be like.
The journey back to his dorm was uneventful, but while he packed a bag for a stay away at Natasha’s Geegee was beside himself at the idea that Pip ‘hadn’t learnt his lesson’. Pip rolled his eyes and ignored him.
He understood his opinion, it took a verbal slap from Natasha for Pip to also give up on the social contract himself, he’d just wait for the geckin to come round and begin talking to Pip again. He vowed to be there for him when or if he did.
Once they got back to Natasha’s, Pip’s things were placed on the desk while Natasha whisked him off his feet and landed on the bed; laying on top of him and assaulting him again with wet kisses, some pecks and others lingered. He returned the favour; Natasha could feel the small wet pecks across her skin as he tried to match her ferocity.
“Hun’, I hope ya’ ready; because I’ve been waiting to eat ya’ up whole since ya’ walked into my Café.”
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yuikomorii · 1 year
i literally want to know your opinion on Ruki because this man is insufferable. he acts like he is mighty and intelligent but ayato is better than him. I will not forget what Ayato do the sacrificial brides because he also deserves a punishment but I know he will accept it ( we only need to see how he reacts to the revelation of all his mother’s bad treatments and how he forgave her quickly and when he said to KarlHeinz that he is going to beat him because of all the things he did to other people = yeah… Ayato thought about all victims of KarlHeinz in the final battle + when he said to Laito he can count on him even if he hates him + how is Ayato in LE …) which means Ayato is deep down humble and is full of regrets and guilt and wants the best for everyone
// Ruki is my second best boy, but the only times he's likeable are in his own routes and in Azusa's LE one; otherwise, he's a terrible person, and saying Ayato is better than Ruki is not an opinion, but a fact.
Nonetheless, it's perfectly reasonable to say that Ayato isn't your cup of tea because you prefer Ruki, who is a more complex character because he's so dual: cold-hearted in general but such a sweetheart in his routes (those are reasons why I love him too).
It was confirmed in an official short story that all Ayato did to the previous sacrificial brides was feed off them, which is understandable given that he needs blood to survive and humans are simply prey to vampires. I'd rather blame those who tortured the brides (I suspect Kanato and Laito) and, especially, the Church for sending them to a house full of demons.
Ayato and Ruki are basically in antithesis. Rejet describes Ayato as "the friendliest and most approachable DO-S," whereas Ruki is described as a fake person, in their first character sheet. Ayato is according to Laito a pure-hearted and upright person, therefore he is very prone to love unconditionally, not only his S/O but also his brothers or even Cordelia, whereas Ruki might be relatively smart and calculated but he is so obsessed with Karlheinz and his plan that he would betray his brothers without thinking twice.
The thing that bothers me the most about Ruki is not that he’s a snake in other routes, but that he never faces consequences. He can ruin someone’s life and nobody would confront him.
Take a look at Ayato’s LE route, when Yui found out Ruki’s and Reiji’s plan, Ruki was there smiling at her while he calmly said that he plotted her man’s downfall and he also added “I suppose now you hold a grudge against me” and Yui was like “Not at all, I do understand that you must have had a hard time accepting that Karlheinz-sama chose him”, which honestly was such a bad move. It feels like Ruki manipulated her to say something so stupid because I'm sure Yui would have called him out for his bad behavior, and it would have been far more Yui-like to say “I understand your motives and I get that you must have had a hard time accepting that Karlheinz-sama chose Ayato-kun, but your actions were still wrong and this could have been solved in another way.” Don’t just let that slide because jealousy will never be an excuse to drive someone to end it all.
Furthermore, is it just me, or does Ruki refuse to accept reality? Or maybe he's just unhealthily delusional.
Ruki regards himself as "someone who has always been afraid of getting his hands dirty"... Are you for real? I'm not even going to mention other routes, but he was a little devil as a child. He abused and humiliated his own servants, and he was likely the cause of a young girl drowning. Are you serious when you say you're afraid of being unfair and dishonest when you've done heartless things since you were a toddler??
He tries so hard to excuse Karl and even convinced himself and his brothers that he gave them a second chance to redeem himself from his atrocious acts, which is not true at all because he used them as mere pawns. I can’t deny that thanks to him all four of them met but at the same time someone should have given them a reality check in order to stop worshipping someone who doesn’t deserve it. “What that man did was incredibly devastating but every cloud has a silver lining because I was able to meet you guys” sounds way more normal than the actual “That man might have tried to redeem himself, that’s why he gave us our lives back” that was written in the route.
The fact that he quickly excused Karl's actions also makes him appear very uncompassionate. When he met his father, who had been turned into a ghoul, he told him that Karlheinz had killed a lot of people in order to turn them into ghouls, but Ruki dismissed that because Karl had given him and his brothers a second chance. He doesn't care about all the victims, or how many people suffered as a result of Karl's selfish actions; he's just glad HE got it better than them.
Going back to Ayato, his hatred towards him is unnecessary and makes Ruki look very puerile.
Even in MB, his job was to tempt Eve, not to degrade Adam. He dared to tell Ayato “That’s why nobody loves you” and got stabbed afterwards, so how dumb can you be to literally provoke a vampire way stronger than you are with something that triggers him?? Ruki knew exactly what he was doing, he was aware Ayato was insecure about not finding someone to love him and the fact he used his insecurities against him is pathetic.
I also don’t understand why he holds such a grudge against Ayato when he did nothing wrong to him. I understand that he might find him annoying since the feeling is mutual but a truly smart person would ignore such people rather than making matters worse. Ruki acts as if Ayato is the source of all his misfortune, even though he had no idea who Ruki was before MB, lol.
I'm sure if he apologized or at the very least, showed some —empathy—, fewer people would dislike him. Even Reiji, who’s an envious and proud individual, regretted what he did to Shu and Yuma at some point because he knew it was wrong but Ruki absolutely never felt any sort of guilt for what he told and did to Ayato, even though Ayato was visibly worried for him when he fainted in CL.
I know this fandom likes to portray Laito as the most cruel Diaboy, but I think Ruki takes the cake. It’s undeniable that Laito harmed many people, but unlike Ruki, he was actually shown remorseful about it. Sometimes I even wonder how would Ruki react to an antagonist as insufferable as he is in other routes. I seriously doubt he'd handle well getting a taste of his own medicine.
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notwarriorswiki · 9 months
Just curious, in your Po12 au how do all the cats find out they have powers? How do they find out that each other have powers too? I love this au sm, thank you for sharing your creative stories
As they're all born with their powers, it takes them some time to realize they are different from any other cat. Most of them assume every cat feels the way they do, but over time they realize, usually through their peers, that what their experiencing isn't actually the norm.
Jaypaw is the first to truly comprehend his powers, but that is because he's the chosen avatar of sorts for the great being that presides over StarClan. He's flat out told he's special, and he's characterized as a pretty smart cat who is far more observant and emotionally aware than many give him credit for. Realizing not everyone can feel the pangs of sadness or highs of joy from those around them is startling. Even knowing that, Jaypaw continuously struggles with expressing himself because he doesn't fully comprehend that his thoughts and emotions aren't obvious to others like they are to him.
Others, like Dawnpaw for instance, figure it out because those around them starting noticing and finding it weird. For Dawnpaw, she knows when a cat is telling the truth and when they're lying. Her sheer confidence declaring this gets her in trouble, and she only starts acting out more, finding it unfair that she gets in trouble for being honest and calling someone out. She struggles to conform to respectful standards, challenging those around her and developing a superiority complex.
Minnowpaw gets called out rather early on too when her mentor thinks she drowned when she didn't come up for air for so long. She is very confused, insisting she's fine, but her clanmates pass it off as delirium and her trying to show off. Despite Minnowpaw's best efforts growing up, she gets categorized as a "problem child" by her deputy father, so she doesn't get far even when she tries to brag about her underwater abilities.
And don't even get me started on Tigerpaw practically yelling at his mother that he was right in front of her when she couldn't find him during their night time patrol...
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8aji · 1 year
i think you're so good and i'm nothing like you. // i.k.
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pairing: Izana Kurokawa x reader
wc: 1.7k
synopsis: No matter how hard you try to make the wrong puzzle pieces fit, there's always going to be a gap between the edges — or, Izana thinks the differences are too jarring and he’s not worth the effort.
tags/cw: hurt/comfort, insecure!izana, alluded rich!reader, very descriptive language; pls let me know if im missing anything
a/n: so this was supposed to be part of the little ask game i did a long while ago, full fic format bc word count plus the effort i put into this, the style is a little out of my comfort zone ngl :) thank you so much to my beloved @tetsutits for betaing as well as @thelastoreo and @mosviqu my beloveds for giving me lots n lots of input as well :D
m.list ˖ tags ˖ byi/dni
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Never will the warm glow of the sun setting behind rows upon rows of blooming grapevines, not take his breath away. It was so close yet so far; he swore he could touch it just by extending his hand. Even from afar, it felt warm against his tan skin, kissing his body with a warmth similar to the one he felt when he laid beside you.
Despite his aversion to being alone, or more accurately his aversion to being lonely, sometimes he needed the alone time to ground himself and think. You knew that, so it wasn’t a surprise to hear the crunching of gravel underneath your sandals as you took slow yet steady steps, the same way you would approach a scared kitten. Still, though your presence usually brought comfort and calmness, he couldn’t help but feel the way his heart picked up speed inside his chest, each beat anxiously vibrating harder and harder against his ribcage.
“Dinner's almost ready, ‘was looking for you.” Your voice, soft and sweet, coated with just a hint of the Cabernet Sauvignon your family loved to share; wine more expensive than the life insurance he did not have. He could feel how his heart picked up speed inside his chest, each beat vibrating harder and harder against his ribcage, at the sound of your voice. “You okay?”
He could feel his throat knotting up, swallowing up the scream he so desperately wanted to let out. It made him feel like a teenager again, crying after he found out his brother ‘wasn't’ actually his brother; his vocal cords were on fire as tears poured from his eyes, and though they were camouflaged by the cool rain, they fell scorching hot, burning his cheeks like acid. 
And now he was here, standing with his back facing you as he tried to figure out the best way to prevent all those bottled-up thoughts from spilling out. And he knows, he is well fucking aware that communication is this and communication is that, and communication is important, otherwise, he was going to drown trying to escape the endless sea made up of his own thoughts, but he wouldn’t. He’d rather see his lungs well up with salt water than talk about the insecurities nipping at his skull.
He wouldn’t allow himself to ruin this, not after learning what it felt like to be loved and cherished and wanted. Not after making promise after promise, not after planning everything down to a t, after your family had oh-so-gracefully offered one of their properties in Tuscany as venue and had everyone flown down to Italy for a whole week. 
He couldn’t do that to you.
And yet he did. Coaxed by the warmth of your hand against his as it rested on top of the railing overlooking the vineyard.
“I feel like I don’t belong.” He swallowed. 
“Just,” he pleaded, finally plucking the courage to talk about what had been bothering him ever since he got here. “Please, just let me finish.”
You nodded, knowing he wouldn’t continue until he got your reassurance.
“There’s, um, there’s this voice in the back of my head just telling me over and over again that there's something wrong, that I shouldn't be here, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense,”
“You’re smart and funny and kind, and people love you and you managed to befriend my godawful broth— step-brother, how did you even do that? He’s so annoying, but that's beside the point, you're so good, too good,
“And if what everyone keeps saying is true, that the ‘opposites attract’ theory can only be proven right by looking at us, if— if we’re complete opposites then that means I’m even worse than bad, it means I’m awful, pathetic, I–” 
He lets out a heavy sigh, raking his free hand through his slightly overgrown locks. His lips were pursed into a tight line, he bit into his cheek as if the slight pain would refrain his eyes from misting. You don’t move despite the urge to hold him close, you knew he wasn't done.
“I’d like to tell myself that it isn't true, but I’m not the only one who thinks that, some of the people here can’t help but look down on me, and they're not even subtle about it,"
“I know your dad doesn't like me at all,” he let out a dry laugh; to lighten the mood or encourage himself, you didn't know. “Remember when we had dinner together for the first time? He couldn't even believe we went to the same college,"
“Everything’s just a constant reminder that no matter where I am, no matter where I go, I’m just meddling,"
“I meddled my way into the Sano family, I meddled into a friend group that probably hates me, and now I’m meddling into yours, into your life!"
“And it's so confusing because I feel so good when I’m with you, I feel like I'm home and like I’m safe and like everything's gonna be alright,” he turned to you, locking gazes despite his eyes being swallowed by tears he could no longer contain; he looked so small, so fragile in a way he always was but never showed. “And I know it’s selfish to want to keep you, but I just can't help but feel that you’re making a mistake by choosing me.”
Eyes heavy with sorrow, you’re sure he was holding back his breath waiting for a response; the tightness in his chest at the lack of oxygen less painful than another—though unlikely still possible—rejection. After the dramatic monologue exposing his feelings of inadequacy and insecurity he’s sure you’d call the whole thing over before it can even start. Don’t get him wrong, he’s shared his fair amount of emotional baggage and not once did you cast him aside because of it. In fact, every time he talked to you about whatever it was that plagued his mind he couldn’t help but feel your worry. It was like you had the utmost necessity to sew his wounds back together, kiss the ragged skin in the process. He trusted you like no other, and yet, though he can acknowledge the irrationality of his thought pattern, he can't help but indulge it, let the thoughts feed on his brain until his skull is rotten and empty. 
He could feel his heart crack once he felt the warmth of your skin slipping away, like a cruel premonition whispering your departure. The urge to apologise burned inside his chest and the words, bitter like bile, settled at the bottom of his throat.
“You’re not a mistake,” cupping his face in between your hands, you gingerly wipe the stray tears rolling down his cheeks. Your words were soft like silk as they tried to mend the cracks in his heart, sprinkle them with gold. The gentleness made his eyes well up with tears once again, sobs bubbling up in his throat and threatening to escape. “You’ll never be a mistake,” 
Too weak, too fragile, your warm palm against his bare skin, your touch silently whispering that he was safe, that everything was going to be okay; the shimmer in your eyes, the softness of your reassuring smile, it’s enough for him to break. He cries against your body, holding you tight between his arms as if you might disappear once he lets go. He coughs through ragged breaths, choking on his own sorrows and, in spite of the uncontrollable crying, he’s able to focus on your touch, raking your fingers through his hair and leaning your cheek against his head to give him some sort of grounding weight.
“You’re my one and only,” you whisper, holding his trembling body impossibly closer with as much desperation, as if you too, thought he might disappear. You place a tender kiss on the side of his head, softly rocking the both of you in your place until the heart-wrenching sobs turn into soft sniffles. “And I promise you,” nuzzling your cheek against his hair, you almost stumble over your own words, like pressing a freshly formed bruised, the rawness in your chest makes you internally flinch in hesitation. But it’s Izana who you’re talking to, and if anyone deserved to know the sheer importance of their existence, it was him. “Forever and always, for as long as you’ll have me, I’ll be yours the same way you’re mine.”
You stayed like that for a while, in each others’ arms, even after the sun had fully disappeared behind the horizon, the sky now a mix of pinks and purples and orangy hues. His breathing had evened out by now and had the both of you not been standing, you would’ve sworn he had fallen asleep. That was until he raised his head, with his eyes still tightly shut, and leaned his forehead against yours, “Thank you for loving me.”
You pecked his lips, softly rubbing your nose against his, making a wobbly smile break through his lips. “And thank you for loving me.”
The tender moment is broken by an incoming call, the sweet melody of an acoustic guitar as your ringtone makes him melt even more; it was him playing. He could hear both of your soft giggles in the background, and he remembers very well that one time you stayed up until the wee hours of the morning when you recorded him playing in secret and then had a playfight over your phone to delete the video. You didnt delete it, and it surprised him you still kept it as your ringtone after all this time.
“Dinner’s ready now, we should get going,” you sigh, looking from your phone screen up at him, before tilting your head to the side and using your fingers to trail the edge of one of his earlobes, making him shiver in the process. “Right, ‘saw you left your earrings on the bedside table, why?”
“I– your dad doesn't like them very much.”
“Don’t listen to him, my dad doesn't like anything,” you half-joke, a hint of truth staining your words. “Can I put them on for you?”
From the pocket of your shorts you pull out the pair of hanafuda earrings, and he nods, shivering as your fingers delicately close the clasps.
“There you go,” you smile, making his cheek warm up as you check him out; your adoration for him clear in your eyes. “Pretty as always.”
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© 2022 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work. affiliated with @tokyometronetwork
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
hi! so i've been binge watching spy x family because it's the greatest anime ever (thank you so much @loekas for making me watch it) and now loid forger has taken over my mind and he won't leave anytime soon. he just lives here now, let's just keep going with our lives.
so i had this little scenario of loid getting jealous and wanted to write it with a big smut at the end, but as i reached the end it didn't feel right anymore, so enjoy this non-smutty piece. i may write the smut and post it as a second part just because.
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(Loid Forger x Reader)
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📖 summary: while at a party, loid gets jealous when a man approaches you (and makes you laugh).
✒️ word count: 2.7K
⚠️ c.w.: jealous loid, confession of love, idiots in love, anya existing.
reader is a little inspired in yor just because, but not entirely yor;
not proofread, i'm sorry for the mistakes;
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your relationship with loid forger was nothing but strictly professional, and you knew that. he hired you to pretend to be his wife, the perfect stepmother for his daughter, and you knew that. it was only pretend. holding hands when outside, cute little compliments here and there, greeting you with a big smile and a kiss on your cheek, anya calling you "mama" - only pretend. and you knew that. you knew. which is why you were so mad at yourself.
how could you be so stupid and fall for him? oh god, the trouble! you should know better than that, honestly! loid never even touched you if you weren't in public. sure, you two talked a lot at home, and he was really sweet, and a great father, but you should know better than that.
but then again... can you really control these things?
the best you could do now was to keep pretending everything was fine, normal as usual and ignore how badly you wanted to run your fingers through his hair and kiss his entire body.
you took another sip of wine from your glass and watched as the group of men laughed at something loid said. you didn't hear, but it was probably really funny and charming - loid himself was funny and charming. more charming than funny. and handsome. god, was he handsome! you tighten your grip on the glass and finished it in one last gulp as if you could drown these thoughts on wine and make everything ok, but you knew that wouldn't happen. so you put the glass down, determined to not drink anymore because that was your second glass and you could not give the impression of having a drinking problem - specially at the people from anya's school. you had to look cultured, funny, smart, the greatest mother ever - you know, the job loid hired you to do.
fucking perfect loid forger.
"what is a pretty lady like you doing all alone?"
you lifted your eyes to find a man next to you, the same man you notice that had been watching you from the moment you entered the place with loid two hours ago in what was supposed to be a fun party for the parents of the school, to forget the responsabilties a little and have fun, but it was obviously just an excuse for people to judge each other beyond their parenting skills. loid insisted you went, so of course you did. you left anya with a baby sitter, put on one of the many beautiful dresses loid bought you and your best smile, and you were ready to go. you hated socials and being around shallow and superficial rich people who never had to work hard for anything in their lives, but you tried. for anya, you tried. for loid. and he was perfect at it. you know he told you he didn't like them any better than you did yourself, but he was a better actor.
"well, kind sir, i'm waiting for my husband to remember i came with him tonight, but he seems to be really into those gentlemen." you laughed at your own horrible joke.
"oh, so you are married."
"well, yeah! isn't everybody in this room?"
"not everybody. i'm sam, by the way. widow. nice to meet you."
"oh, i'm sorry! i didn't-"
"it's ok, it was a long time ago."
"i'm sorry anyway. it must be... hard. for your child specially."
"it was, in the beginning. things are better now."
"i'm glad to know. how old is your...?"
"daughter. her name is camilla. she's six."
"so is my anya." you smiled. "my husband's ex-wife passed away too... he raised his daughter by himself for a while."
"until he found you, i imagine. lucky him."
sam couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you, and you felt your cheeks burn a little, which you tried to hide by fixing your bangs.
"have you been married for a long time?" he asked, when the silence was too long.
"no, erm, for about four months i think."
"only four months? and he's already leaving you all alone at parties to hang out with his friends?"
"no, it's not like that, he-"
"all i know is that if you were my wife i would never leave you alone."
his gaze was intense and you felt breathless for a second. maybe you could have that - a normal life, with a real husband, and not just pretend. someone who found you attractive and would take you on dates not only to make people believe you loved each other, but because you actually did. but... where were guys like sam when you needed a boyfriend so that your brother would relax, knowing that you wouldn't die alone, or so that those mean women from work would shut up about how weird and unloveable you were?
it was loid's voice. your eyes met his blue gaze immediately, clearing your head. you felt your cheeks burn a little as your heart beat strongly in your chest. you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel guilty, almost as if loid caught you doing something extremely wrong.
"loid, hi!"
loid smiled charmingly, putting his eyes on the man standing beside you.
"hi, nice to meet you. i'm loid, the husband. and you are?" he introduced himself extending his hand to sam, emphasizing the word husband.
"i'm sam, the friend. glad to meet ya." sam joked, in the same tone loid used.
you laughed a little at the joke, and loid's eyes didn't miss that.
"are you ready to go, darling?" loid asked, offering you his arm, that you accepted.
"yes! sam, it was nice meeting you."
"you too, y/n. hopefully we get to see more of each other soon enough."
loid's arm was wrapped around your waist now, but you still smiled and nodded.
he guided you to the car in silence, opened the door for you in silence, and drove all the way to your house in silence. you turned on the radio to fill the uncomfortable silence. loid didn't usually like music on, but he didn't seem to bother today. you didn't dare to say a single word until you stepped inside the house.
"my feet are killing me!" you took off your heels the moment loid closed the door behind you. "you'd think these expensive shoes would be more comfortable."
you went straight to anya's bedroom while loid paid and dismissed the sitter. she was sleeping peacefully, hugging director chimera, not a care in the world. you tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead before making your way to your bedroom. as you grabbed the things you would need for a good shower before bed, loid came in, leaning on your door step.
"did you have fun tonight?" he asked.
"i suppose. though i can't really find these things entertaining. boring music, bad food, shallow people..."
"you seemed to like that sam guy. i saw you laughing a couple times."
"he's alright i guess. did you have fun?"
loid didn't answer, what made you look at him.
"he's alright?" he asked.
"i mean... we didn't get much time to talk, so i don't really have an opinion. i guess we'll have to wait and see."
"oh, so you plan on spending more time with him?"
ooh, that sounded like a tricky question. loid took two steps in your direction while waiting for your answer.
"no?" you tried. "i shouldn't? his daughter is the same age as anya, we'll probably see him a few more times. it may be nice to have a good relationship with him, just in case they become friends..."
"you're probably right."
there it was, that awkward silence again. you drew your attention back to the towel in your hands, but when you opened your mouth to tell loid you were going to take a shower he cut you off.
"you know, i don't care if you feel the need to flirt with other guys, just don't do it in places where people believe we're married. we have a reputation and image to protect. for anya."
"i know, i don't- oh!"
suddenly it hit you: loid was mad because he thought you were flirting with sam. but you weren't! right? or were you?
"i wasn't flirting."
"you obviously were! it was really embarrassing to see my wife melting for another man like that, when i was two feet away the whole time."
"that wasn't flirting! he was nice, he noticed i was alone and-"
"you weren't alone. i would never leave you alone."
"well, you weren't talking to me..." you muttered low enough so only you could hear it.
"it's fine, loid. i'm sorry! maybe i gave him the wrong idea, and i'm sorry it seemed like i was flirting with him, i wasn't. it wasn't my intention. i could never do that to Anya."
"y/n..." he said your name like it was a warning.
"and i'll make sure you're not around when i feel like flirting with someone."
before you could laugh at your own joke loid grabbed you by the arm and pulled you so close you had to look up to see him. he was furious - you could tell by the flames dancing in his eyes and the way his eyebrows almost met each other.
"it was a joke, i'm sorry!"
"i don't wanna hear it! you can't flirt with anyone besides me. i am your husband!"
"f-fake husband." you corrected, trying to lighten to mood, but completely out of timing.
"i have a paper that states otherwise. and the ring on your finger. you're my wife. my. wife."
you closed your eyes at the sound of those words, your whole body suddenly aware of how close loid was. when you opened them again loid had a confused expression on his face.
"yes. yes, i am, loid. i'm sorry, i really am."
loid's eyes wandered through your face, lingering on your parted lips more than he should, then back at your eyes.
"i am your husband." he repeated.
you simply nodded, not knowing exactly how to act. this was so unlike him. but you'd be lying if you said you weren't quite enjoying it - he was so close you felt inebriated by him. all you had to do was lean forward, at the tip of your toes and your lips would meet.
"please... please, don't flirt with anyone else."
you nodded again feeling your stomach agitated and getting your hopes ridiculously high with his words before you could even think about it rationally. he was probably asking you to not flirt with anyone because someone could see and that would ruin the image you've worked so hard to build, but maybe, just maybe... maybe he was jealous. maybe a little part of loid did thought of you as his wife and that's why he would hate if you flirted with other people. just maybe, but that was enough to make your heart race on your chest.
"i can't take it anymore, y/n. i can't."
what is it that he couldn't take it anymore? you? the fake marriage? anxiety washed over you while your mind raced through your memories trying to find where you could've gone wrong besides today, when he thought you were flirting with a complete stranger, but you couldn't find anything. maybe you really were unloveable, and that's why the only man who ever agreed to be with you only did it because he was desperate for a woman to pretend to be his wife to get his daughter in that fancy school, but even in that situation he couldn't stand you. you lived your whole life giving excuses as to why you were alone - your work, your brother, how shy you were, other priorities - but maybe it really was because no one wanted you.
"i-i'm really sorry, i promise i'll-"
"i love you." loid confessed.
his voice was so low and he spoke so fast you could've just imagined. you felt your cheeks burn and your heart seemed to want to get out of your chest. loid loosened his grip in your wrist and took a step back.
"i've loved you for some time now, you're all i can think about. it's maddening and i don't understand it, but i want to be close to you at all times. i can't pretend i don't care anymore and simply watch as other man hit on you when the mere thought of someone else holding you makes my whole body shivers. i can't be in the same room as you without wanting to take you in my arms."
loid's eyes never left yours, so he noticed when you froze. he thought you were panicking, completely terrified. you were panicking, alright, but definitely not terrified. you just didn't know how to act, what to say, what to do. loid took his eyes off of you and focused on the door.
"now i understand if you don't feel the same and want to leave, which is completely fine. we can figure out what to do with anya and the school, and your brother of course. i really didn't think this through, i wasn't counting on losing it today."
"loid, i-i love you."
loid looked back at you instantly, turning his body in your direction.
"you do?"
"yes!" you laughed. "i thought it was obvious because anya knows! i felt so pathetic. this wasn't part of the deal."
"no, it wasn't."
loid made his way back to you and stopped when he was close enough to touch, but far enough to give you space and an option in case you didn't want him that close. now that you both confessed your love it seemed you didn't know how to act with each other anymore, it felt a little awkward, but probably because you were so nervous.
"i'm going to kiss you now." he warned you.
"i may be terrible at it." he confessed. loid hasn't kissed many people in his life, he can actually count how many on one hand, and all of them were strictly for missions, never because he intended to. this was all new to him.
loid examined your face to make sure you were comfortable, and leaned forward, touching your lips with his. you felt energized, as if his lips released an electrical discharge through your body, and you wanted more. you wanted to be completely taken and filled by him, needed to feel him everywhere. your hands moved on their own to his shoulders and you pulled yourself closer to him. loid's tongue shyly brushed against your lips before you opened them and allowed his tongue to caress yours. a soft moan escaped you, which made him smile - apparently he was a good kisser after all. his hands cupped each side of your face as he deepened the kiss, then traveled down the sides of your body, landing on your waist and he pulled you impossibly close, fingers indenting their shape on your skin.
"mama..." anya called from her room.
loid broke the kiss, but didn't let go of you, instead resting his forehead on yours while you both panted.
"she'll go back to sleep, i'm sure." he only hoped he was right.
"she's been having bad nightmar-"
loid's lips captured yours in a passionate kiss before you could finish your sentence, only letting you breathe when anya called again.
"i better go see if she's ok." you said, collecting your hands for yourself.
he kissed your forehead and finally let you go. when your feet reached the doorstep, before you left to anya's room he called your name, making you look back at him.
"stay with me tonight. i'll wait for you in my bedroom."
"okay." you replied with a smile.
"but you don't have to go, there's no pressure. i just want to be close to you, nothing else."
"it's ok. i'll see you soon."
you swear you heard him chuckle before you left.
so you entered the room of your daughter to make sure she was okay before meeting your husband in his room. life can be really wonderful sometimes.
taglist: @obitovoir @smutteedreams @justmyownreality
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starpirateee · 2 months
I don't know how you feel abt sickfics, but...
(pre-banana, but after they got together btw)
I have this scenario in my head where Owen has a really bad headache, which he has dealt with a million times before. He tries to hide it and passes out in front of Curt who is now worried out of his mind. Owen keeps on insisting he's fine and Curt's like "ok clearly not. I care abt you you know," and Owen is just like in so much pain the whole time.
Oh yeah did I mention it's angsty as fuck lol
I'm quite happy to do a sickfic, anon! And I'm also quite happy to do this sickfic, that's a strong ass idea you've got there
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Owen would say he'd pretty much gotten used to the way the state of his vision- and by extension, the world itself- changed so quickly. One moment, everything was fine. Perfectly clear, perfectly in focus. All it took was one little spark, and then it was a mess of blur and oversaturation, like a badly handled photograph.
Sometimes, it would feel like he was trying to walk on a surface not meant to support his weight. That he had to tread precariously, or risk falling into the aether. But he'd gotten used to that tightrope walk, he handled it often enough to make it look remotely normal, even from the outside. Not a lot of people tended to notice when he was having a particularly bad day, so he never really told anyone.
Something of that nature happened mid-mission prep, while he and Curt were trying to make ends of the briefing. Curt was browsing, trying to figure out just why he was needed. Owen was trying to focus, for all it was worth, but he'd neglected to pack his reading glasses for the trip, and had realised all too late. He'd known that was going to cause some kind of problem somewhere down the line, but he'd never quite been sure of when. Until that point, he was locked in a dangerous sway, where a push to the wrong side would spell bad things for him and his ability to get anything done.
It started with a tightness behind his eyes, spreading throughout his brow and down to the bridge of his nose. If he didn't do something about it soon, that tightness would spread and delve in deeper. If he was lucky, it would just result in a complete blurring of his vision, shutting him down before he could get too far and make this worse for himself. That's what he could hope for, anyways, but he was never that lucky, and he was notorious for pushing himself too far and ending up in an even worse mess than before.
He started digging for viable sounding excuses that he could use against Curt. Maybe he could get away with- or perhaps-
No, no. He was going to have to swallow his pride, and just admit outright what the hell was going on before it was too late. That was the only thing that would work against even someone like Curt, who was still sharp despite not being the sharpest person he'd ever met. He knew to detect a lie; he was better than most at telling when someone was lying, and that meant that any excuse that would normally work on someone else might not have worked on him at all.
Curt didn't give himself the credit for his own intelligence sometimes, and sometimes it was just drowned out by his enormous ego, but that was entirely besides the point. He was smart, and he did know what he was talking about at the best of times. So, this excuse had to be one of the most airtight he'd ever come up with. (Owen had prided himself on his ability to lie, before. He was good at playing a bluff, and good with balancing out the truth so people didn't know where the falsehoods layed among his words. The first time Curt had figured him out was an immense shock to the system, and he'd likely never forget it. That was also the first time Curt had ever gotten him flustered…)
He grabbed a pen from their haphazard layout of files and documents, and tapped it against the table. When Curt was focused- really, really focused- it was hard to break it. The sound of his voice alone wouldn't have done any good, so he needed something that didn't sound as if it belonged in the room, and the pen was his best bet. Sure enough, Curt blinked, and looked up from whatever he was trying to get his head around, straight towards Owen.
"Hey, Curt…" He stopped himself mid sentence, almost deciding that it was a futile endeavour and would only lead to more questions. But, this time around, he didn't care that Curt's lack of attention to detail would probably lead to him not remembering that he needed glasses, this was more important than keeping his pride fully intact. Besides, it was Curt. They literally told each other everything. Why was this so different?
He pointed to a specific spot on Curt's file that he thought looked similar to his own. It was roughly the same sized paragraph of barely legible blur, at least. "What does that say? Your agency always prints things so bloody small, and I can't make mine out…"
Curt squinted over at his file, then cast his gaze back down to his own. There was nothing particularly off about either of them, per se, or not that he had noticed anyway. Owen was the one with the attention to detail of the two of them, if he thought there was somethhing wrong with the files, then there probably was something wrong with the files. Maybe the typesetting was off, and he just hadn't noticed, or maybe he'd noticed it was harder to read because it was smudged…
"I can- uh- write that out? If you want? It seems fine to me…"
Owen scanned the document one more time, slightly taken aback that Curt would choose to offer something like that in the first place. Still nothing, and at this point, the tightness had devolved into a dull ache that was starting to take hold of his head like a parasite. His eyes felt way too heavy in their sockets, and the muscles in his face felt like they were working overtime just to keep him looking vaguely alert and like nothing was wrong.
"Here-" Curt took a spare pen and a piece of paper before Owen could think to protest, spun his file around with one hand, and tried to transcribe what was written there. They would have to burn this later, but most of these documents were getting destroyed anyway, what was one more piece of paper?
Owen was exceedingly glad that Curt had always had particularly large handwriting. He wrote in print, too, which made things a lot easier. There may have been a protest if Curt's hand was any less clear than it was, but he had been blessed with such clarity, and that was a godsend when it came down to it. So he just watched, silently, as Curt scribbled out every word of the briefing line by line, trying to make it as accurate as possible. God, Owen knew for a fine fact that he didn't deserve this, someone who would be willing to do something so menial just so that something could be understood better. It was a wonder he'd found Curt at all…
Imperfect as he was, and cocky as he got at almost every opportunity he could muster, he was quite a gentleman when he wanted to be, and quite the charmer to go with. The two of them had found each other through a series of crazy circumstances, and their lives had done nothing but improve ever since. He thought about that until a slip of paper was pushed in front of him, along with the file. Owen nodded gratefully and started to take a scan of the briefing, as well as the images that had been paperclipped to the original copy. He cleared his throat. Something so small shouldn't mean so much, and yet…
"Thanks, Curt."
"Don't mention it."
For curt, it was weird. Owen was always the type of guy never to complain about the work. Never how much of it was set, or having to do the boring office tasks at the end of the espionage, or even the way some of the briefings were worded… He was content in getting his head down and just… Getting it done, no matter the reason or how long it would take him. To see him like this, to see him actually complain about somethign being apparently illegible- especially when it very much wasn't- was a little weird. "You okay there?" He asked, deciding that he was too curious not to want to find out.
Owen looked up from reading Curt's handwriting a little too fast, and immediately regretted it. For a moment way longer than it should've been, everything spun a little too violently, and he had to pinch the bridge of his nose to try and alleviate it. "Sorry?"
"Are you okay? You've… Never complained about the state of the files before, and I've seen 'em worse than this."
"I'm fine. It must be… a change in the typesetting equipment, or something." That being said, he could only barely make out Curt's writing, too. Something about Madrid, and a few names of those he supposed were their targets… It didn't exactly help that there were no imperfections in the transcript, so he couldn't blame it on the ink leaking or Curt's hand being unsteady… That was just typical. It was perfect. Curt had made sure to get it right down to the last detail, and that was infuriating, only because now he didn't know what to say to get himself out of this.
He tried pushing the written document away from himself a little. That seemed to help, for the time being. It was a little clearer from a little further away. God, he needed an aspirin, and fast. Did they even have something like that in here? Probably not… This place barely had enough room for the two of them to do their jobs. It was barely more than a board room, where the two of them had gotten together to make sense of what they were supposed to be doing.
Slowly, and with more care than he had ever executed over such a task, he stood from the table and walked over to the little sink tucked away in the corner. Curt watched him from his position on the table, his brow drawn in concern. He wasn't going to pretend he didn't notice the blatant lethargy dragging Owen's movements to as slow as they had been in a while, or the way he seemed to wince as he stood, angling his head closer to the ground. If he asked again, Owen would just say he was fine. He always did.
He'd found him bleeding and bruised outside of a hotel once, and that had led to enough questions to last a lifetime, but Owen kept insisting he was fine until Curt literally led him inside and he got to attending to his various wounds. Apparently, it was a mission gone wrong, but that was all he'd admitted on the matter for weeks. It had taken Curt the better part of a fortnight to finally get him to admit that he'd been found out because he came dangerously close to blacking out on the scene, and they'd taken advantage of his vulnerability.
While this was nowhere near as concerning as getting mobbed by a bunch of thugs, Curt still found himself worried. The way Owen was moving didn't seem right. It almost felt like he was being forced into making his body cooperate through some unwillingness or other trying to keep him in place.
Owen poured himself a glass of water, his hand resting just a little too reliantly against the tap. He could feel Curt's gaze on him, but he didn't have the strength to care. In the abscence of anything that would actually help this headache of his, hydration was the only thing he had left that he could rely upon. It wasn't like it was going to miraculously fix the blackout pounding, or the fact that he'd insisted on going on that much that he could now barely see… But it was a start, at least.
It was cold. The cool of it hit his head immediately, and he had to physically stop himself from screwing his eyes shut and lettting it get to him. God only knows he'd done this enough times to get used to it, and used to it, he defintely felt he should be. Still, it didn't stop him hating every second, especially since presently, his vision hadn't yet decided to be entirely clear or entirely unclear, and was switching between the two at a rather constant and rather annoying rate.
He set the glass on the side. He could feel how remarkably close he was to blacking out. It had suddenly gotten a lot warmer since he stood up, and everything rushing around in his head had created something rather reminiscent of a brick wall up there, making his head feel heavy.
He didn't last much longer after that.
One moment, Curt was considering asking him if he was okay again, and the next, his instinct had forced him to rush towards him before he could hit the ground. His chair clattered behind him, and he swore under his breath as he darted towards Owen and managed to catch him before he hit the ground.
He'd fully lost his grip on the world, and the next half a minute was among the longest Curt had ever experienced. Normally, he would've considered it incredibly romantic to have someone wake up in his arms, but he wasn't going to use this as his example of such romanticism.
After that painful half a minute, Curt felt Owen shift in his arms, and his gaze immediately moved down to him as he seemed to realise what was going on, and who had broken his fall. His eyes went wide, and he tried to push himself up.
"Jesus-! Owen, take it easy!"
Owen resigned eventually, leaning back against Curt. While he got used to the state of the world, and the crushing headache making the overhead lights so goddamn bright, against Curt was a good place to keep resting.
"You're not allowed to say you're fine anymore, you know that?"
Owen tried to laugh, but he didn't have a lot of effort left in him. "It happens all the time, don't worry about it."
"Don't worry about it? You just blacked out on me! What the hell am I supposed to do if not think that's a bit concerning?"
"Rush of blood to the head, that's all." He propped himself up and rose to his feet, grabbing the glass of water and moving back to the table as if nothing happened. Curt watched him go, and then regained his own seat and tried to pretend that was remotely normal.
"At least tell me what happened," he insisted, unable to find it in him to re look at the notes.
Owen sighed. "Forgot to pack my glasses, trying to read this gave me one hell of a migraine."
"Glasses? I didn't know you-" Curt did stop to think about that, and realised that he had, in fact, seen Owen in a pair of glasses before. Thin framed, silver, perfectly round... "Ah."
"That's why I-"
"Oh. You didn't want to-"
"I could just.... Tell you what they want us to do. Your memory's good enough."
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