#even if eventually isn't quite as soon as i'd like it to be
torchickentacos · 11 months
Anyways here's to all the people who are technically adults but feel as if they are behind for whatever reason. Be it because the pandemic interrupted the usual milestones of late teens/early 20's (or any age), or because of chronic illness that, by nature, doesn't conform to society's standard ideas of what independence looks like, or because the housing market means they will be living with parents for the foreseeable future, or any wide variety of reasons.
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lovely-peace · 1 month
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Summary: The marauders are popular in school, sure. But that doesn't mean that they are really nice. In the end you are just living the basic high-school experience.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: Low self esteem, past bullying?, This is no bully! Marauders fic!!
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"You four back there, pull yourselves together now or I'll break you up!"
James' laughter could be heard all the way to the front, to my ears, along with the giggling of the girls next to me.
Great. So I must have been wrong again.
Professor McGonagall was now looking at me, teachingly. "To get back on topic. You have the right idea, but it's not quite that simple. To transform a body, it is of great importance…"
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. You weren't that far off the mark." Lily tried to comfort me. That was easy for her to say, she would never be wrong.
And the golden git Gryffindors would never make fun of her.
"Evans, will you come here?" There stood the loverboy James, ready to have another go at her.
Lily rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically at me. "Don't take these idiots seriously, okay?"
With that, she walked in his direction, and did just that.
But I shouldn't be so hard on her because she was really trying to cheer me up, even though we're not really friends. She's clearly, well, more present than my friend Amy and me.
Amy was Gryffindor just like me, but didn't have transfiguration. She called the subject "A walking unnecessary babble".
Oh how I wish I had thought that when I chose my subjects.
I could still see Sirius grinning as James talked to Lily, Remus just stood there ashamed and Peter patted him on the shoulder.
Sirius noticed my look and whispered something to Remus, who flinched and turned away. I snorted.
Sirius' laughter was still ringing loudly in my ears, long after I had escaped to Amy's and my dorm.
"Well, I think they're really annoying. That's all." Amy pushed a plate of dinner towards me. She immediately realized something was wrong and I wasn't ready to go to dinner. I was very glad she was so good at the invisibility spell.
"Yes, but everyone likes them. Even Lily likes the four of them, even though she's always upset about them!" I groaned loudly and accepted the plate gratefully.
Amy looked at me with a smile. "Well, I don't really like them. They're entertaining, but I think they lack empathy."
"I think they're all stupid ego centers who only make themselves so important because they actually feel so bad about themselves." I took a big bite.
"And yet you can't stop talking about the four of them." Amy was grinning now. "I thought you said the other day that 'Remus isn't actually that bad and nice to talk to'?"
I almost choked at the mention of meeting the quieter boy of the group. It had been three months since we had met and talked in the library.
"That was something else. He just watches and lets the others get away with everything." I quietly turned to my food and Amy dropped the subject.
Oh, how I hated this cycle. Getting up. Eating at a house table where I know everyone and yet no one really. Subjects in which I will eventually make a mistake. Skipping meals to avoid the stares. Sleeping.
Hogwarts isn't that different from other schools. The same faces making fun of the same things. But we're all supposed to be adults soon, aren't we?
I should stop before I sound like an angsty teen.
Breakfast. New day, same course. I sat down opposite Amy and a laugh escaped my lips at one of her jokes.
But then another girl sat down next to me. Marlene McKinnon.
"Hey, you two, how are you?" she smiled, but something made me uncomfortable.
"Good, good." Amy laughed. "And you?"
"Oh, just fine." Marlene looked at my plate as if to check something. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable having a few chocolate cookies in the morning.
She turned to me. Oh no.
"Hey, this might be a bit sudden, but I'd like to know something." There was this twinkle in her eye that I didn't like at all.
I looked at Amy, who just shrugged her shoulders.
"Okay?" Very carefully. Don't make any big mistakes.
"If you had to date someone from Gryffindor, who would it be?"
I looked confusedly at Amy, who had to pull herself together not to burst out laughing.
Marlene shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I was just a bit curious as I've never seen you in a relationship with anyone before."
I saw her eyes twitch briefly to the right. When I looked in that direction, not very inconspicuously, I saw Sirius whispering something to James. He grinned at Remus in response.
"Well, I can't really think of anyone right now, sorry Marlene."
She looked at me in surprise and wanted to say something, but Amy gasped in shock. Shocked, she clutched her chest. "After everything we've been through!" she didn't exactly say that quietly. To my dismay, quite a few heads turned towards us. Including the idiots.
"Amy-" I began, but she talked herself into her theater rage. "Hush! I don't want to hear any excuses! I thought we were something special! But no. In the end, I'm just another one of the many picks that will never be taken." She stood up. She skillfully looked away and took in the audience. "I can reassure you. I was prepared for all of this."
"Amy, it's not what you think!" I played along a little now. "I couldn't be so open about something so… Say something like that!"
Amy furrowed her brow. "Girl, no homo."
The Gryffindor table laughed and we fled the room.
Outside, we also laughed a bit, but Amy quickly composed herself.
"Did you see how he looked at you?"
I furrowed my brow. "Who?"
She rolled her eyes. "Remus, of course."
"Maybe it's because you made a big show," I said playfully, heading towards our next class.
"Hmm, but I think then he wouldn't have looked at you so longingly-"
"With red cheeks and big heart eyes!" I walked faster while she laughed.
"That's all nonsense. Marlene only asked because one of those idiots requested it."
Amy looked at me confused. "Why would they do that?"
"Oh, they were looking at us too. And yesterday they were whispering among themselves. They probably find me really funny."
Amy became very quiet after that.
The only sounds were our footsteps and voices in the distance.
"You know," Amy began quieter than usual. "It's not like it used to be. We're all slowly growing up. We're not the odd ones out anymore. I think," she took a deep breath. "That the four of them won't make fun of us, of you, anymore."
How much I wished I could believe that. But I won't be able to, even if Remus talks to me in the library or Peter asks me if I like certain creatures.
Because in the end, I gave up on that a long time ago.
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pinchofhoney · 7 months
be careful what you wish for
coriolanus snow x fem!reader
word count: 1.7k
warning: platonic relationship, quite angst-ish, text in italics is a flashback
summary: Turning in a district boy to the authorities felt like the right thing to do for Coriolanus. But what if, in doing so, he betrayed you as well?
a/n: absolutely no one asked for it, but i'll deliver it to you anyway<33 i'd say have fun but i'm not sure i'd be appropriate here
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @watercolorskyy
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
The moment Sejanus shared Billy Taup's escape plan with you, there wasn't much hesitation on your part. It's not that you acted without thinking; it's just that you didn't need much time to decide.
The summer was scorching, feeling like an unending oven. The sun never let up, and even when you hoped for cooler nights, the heat lingered. You've gotten used to the coal dust that's practically become your second skin in District 12, but what truly got to you wasn't the clinging dirt. It was the musty scent of men's sweat, a scent that clung to the air, heavy with the hard work that defined your daily life.
Being one of the few female Peacekeepers among a crowd of men wasn't your ideal situation. Many other girls had come and gone, unable to stand the sacrifices the job demanded, but you stood your ground, determined to prove yourself in this role, even if serving in this particular district wasn't your dream come true.
At least until a certain point.
When you first arrived in District 12, your main goal was to pass your officer's exam as quickly as possible and secure a transfer elsewhere. But when young Plinth kindled the idea of a life beyond authority and rules, the seed of belief in freedom took root within you. The very thought of it resonated in your mind, sounding truly incredible, and you couldn't wait to leave the filthy district behind, escaping through a gap in the wire mesh fence.
But, of course, life wouldn't be too easy if everything just went as planned, right?
One moment, you were getting ready with Sejanus and the other rebels, gathering the basics for your escape north to the supposedly destroyed District 13. The next, you found yourself standing behind one of the empty houses on the Seam with Coriolanus. He held onto your shoulders, telling you urgently that you had to leave the District as soon as possible.
“What?” was the first word that slipped from your lips, your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at your friend. “Isn't that exactly what we're working on?” you added, slightly amused, pushing Coriolanus' hands off your shoulders.
Shaking your head, you were about to update him on your progress when he caught your forearm again. “I think you misunderstood me, Y/N,” he said, his face dead serious. “You need to get out of here now,” he continued, and seeing your raised eyebrow, he almost gritted the last word through his teeth.
“What do you mean, Coryo?” you asked, breaking the silence after staring at him for a while, tired of him speaking in riddles.
Now Coriolanus was the one staying silent, his cool eyes fixed on you. You couldn't decipher his expressions; it felt like he was betraying a hundred feelings at once and, at the same time, nothing at all.
“I… um, there's…” the blond man started, stumbling over his words, unsure how to share the information he needed to tell you. “There's a chance that the talk Sejanus and I had, which you joined not long ago, about your escape plan, might have been fully recorded by one of the jabberjays.”
You seemed not to grasp the gravity of Coriolanus' words, so you stared at him, searching for any hint in his eyes that he might be joking.
“Okay, so what?” you eventually asked, once again furrowing your brows, this time with a bit less intensity.When a twig snapped around the building's corner, you quickly turned, thinking it might be someone eavesdropping, but finding only a small hedgehog, you shifted your attention back to the boy in the bluish uniform.
“So what?” Coriolanus repeated your question, unable to believe your difficulty in connecting the dots. “Y/N, these birds are headed to the Capitol. To the lab of the woman who’s the Head Gamemaker of the Hunger Games. And do you know what the Capitol authorities do to rebels?” he asked the question, not waiting for your response. “They hang them on the hanging tree, Y/N.”
You stared at Coriolanus, steadying yourself with a hand against the wooden building. With every word he spoke, you felt the color drain from your face.
“How… How did this happen?” you asked, trying to keep your emotions in check.
Coriolanus happily took care of the mockingjays, moving their cages, tagging them, and passing them along. As Bug left with the fiftieth cage, Sejanus burst into the room, full of excitement. He shared the good news about the upcoming package from his mother with his friends, watching Bug leave with a smile before turning to Coriolanus, who had just finished dealing with the bird marked as number 1.
The bird chirped in its cage, mimicking the last mockingbird, but once Bug was gone, Sejanus' cheerful expression faded, replaced by a troubled look. He glanced around the hangar to ensure they were alone before speaking in a quiet voice.
“Listen, we've only got a few minutes. I know you might not like what I'm about to do, but I need you to at least understand it. After what you said the other day, about us being like brothers, well, I feel I owe you an explanation. Please, just hear me out.”
This was the moment, the confession.
Now was the time for the pieces to be explained, especially about the alliance with rebels and money that he found in Sejanus' belongings. Once Coriolanus heard it, he'd be as good as one of them, a traitor to the Capitol.
Panic, running, or trying to silence Sejanus could be expected, but Coriolanus did none of these things. Instead, his hands moved instinctively. His left hand adjusted the cover of the jabberjay cage, while his right, hidden from Sejanus's view by his body, reached for a remote on the counter. Coriolanus pressed RECORD, and the jabberjay fell silent.
Turning his back to the cage, Coriolanus leaned on the table with his hands, waiting.
In the middle of Sejanus' explanation, you dashed into the hangar like a hurricane itself.
“There you are!” you exclaimed, both happy and a bit annoyed to find young Plinth. “Why didn't you wait for me? I said I wanted to go to Coryo with you,” you added, crossing your arms on your chest as you closed the gap between the boys and yourself.
It seemed that Coriolanus, noticing you in the hangar, tensed up a bit. He glanced briefly at the cage with the bird recording the conversation on the table, but neither of you or Sejanus noticed, and together, you continued explaining your plan to him.
During your report, where you and Sejanus competed over who could give Coriolanus more details, he lowered his head and rubbed his brow with his fingertips. It looked like he was trying to gather his thoughts, unsure how long he could stay silent without seeming suspicious.
But Sejanus rushed on, “I couldn't leave without telling you. You've been like a brother to me. I'll never forget what you did for me in the arena. I'll find a way to let Ma know what happened to me. And my father, too. I'll let him know the Plinth name lives on, even if it's in obscurity.”
The mention of the Plinth name was enough.
Coriolanus's left hand found the remote, and he pressed the NEUTRAL button with his thumb. The jabberjay resumed its earlier song.
Something caught Coriolanus's attention. “Here comes Bug.”
“Here comes Bug,” the bird echoed in his voice.
“Hush, you silly thing,” he scolded the bird, secretly pleased it had returned to its normal pattern. Nothing to alert both of you. He quickly covered the cage with a cloth and marked it with J1.
“I swear, I have no idea,” Coriolanus lied, wearing a worried expression. “While rearranging the cages, one of them must have snagged the remote control.”
You lightly bit your lower lip, eyeing your friend. Without any reason to doubt him, you finally let out a shaky breath.
Gazing up at the sky, you counted to three in your mind to steady your nerves. Then, you looked back at Coriolanus.
“Does Sejanus know?”
“Of course, I told him first,” he lied again, his gaze fixed beyond your shoulders without losing the concerned look on his face.
“God, what are we going to do now?” nerves took over every cell in your body as you asked another question. You leaned against the wooden building, slowly lowering yourself until you were sitting on the ground.
You lifted your head to meet Coriolanus's eyes, and he crouched in front of you, placing his hand on one of your knees.
“Hey, don't stress. You're heading back to the base now. Pack what you need, and tonight, you'll slip out of the district just like you planned with the rebels. You'll meet Sejanus at the lake, alright?” he spoke with a calmness, almost like talking to a kid, trying to reassure you.
Even though Coriolanus despised rebels — those who went against the Capitol's rules — he didn't want you to suffer the consequences that would surely befall Sejanus. He had nothing against you; in fact, he genuinely liked you. Your innocence about a better life beyond the Capitol's control wasn't his concern because you hadn't caused him any trouble, unlike young Plinth who had stirred up problems more than once.
“But won't it be suspicious if I suddenly vanish? They'll be searching for me, Coryo. They'll find me and punish me,” you said, placing your hand on his.
“I told you not to worry, remember?” Coriolanus replied, a bit sharper but still maintaining his reassuring tone. “I'll figure something out. No one's going to harm you.”
“But Coryo, you-” you began, but he quickly cut you off.
“Enough, Y/N,” Coriolanus said firmly, standing up from his crouch. “Get up. We're heading back to base,” he reached out a hand to you, which you took after a moment's hesitation. He helped you stand, silently conveying to act naturally before stepping out from behind the building.
You had no choice but to go along with Coriolanus' questionable plan, clinging to the hope that he knew what he was doing.
Little did you grasp the reality—that he was the cunning architect behind the recorded conversation. Sejanus wouldn't show up at the lake beyond District 12's boundaries. Instead, his fate would take a dark turn as he dangled lifeless from a tree in a matter of days.
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fitgirlfemdom · 6 months
✧∘* ✧・゚bigger guys✧∘* ✧・゚
you meet me at the gym. maybe i caught your eye from the squat rack or maybe you watched as a downed a bottle of water during a break. it doesn't matter--we get to talking. eventually, you realize, i come to that gym everyday, and soon we get to exchanging numbers. i come across as this demure, young cardiobunny with a bit of an obsession for you, and maybe you're just looking to score.
it doesn't matter. i tell you that i like bigger guys. you ask me about my opinion of you, and i suggest that you could eat a few more calories. after all, it's bulking season. you don't really think that your 10% body fat is gonna maintain all the way to summer, do you? i suggest a mass gainer shake brand, and although you forget most of our conversation, on your way home, you couldn't help but stop by a grocery store and pick some up.
that's when i start asking you about it. i recommend, after our respective work-outs when we're downing out protein shakes, you take your mass gainer at the same time. it's efficiency, after all. you say you want to ease into it, but after meeting my eyes as the bottle touches your lips, something changes in you.
i go to the gym everyday, and when i see you enter, i ask about the shakes. you did bring some with you, right? you won't get any gains if you don't eat right after! didn't you know that? and that brand isn't even that good anyway. who told you to get that? let's head to your place after--i'll show you how to make a real shake.
that's when it becomes a daily routine--well, it started to, before your lethargy got to you. post-workout, i'd head over and whip up something special for you--gobs of peanut butter, mass gainer, heavy cream, protein powder, the works--all in the comfort of your own blender. you start to question if all of this is really necessary, but i did tell you big guys were better, and are you gonna tell me i'm wrong? look at you. don't get self-deprecating now. i like how much you've gained!
the daily work-out dates turn to me seeing you after, crashed out on the couch. you head to the gym a few times a week, but not as commonly as before. you've just been so tired lately, i get it. rest days are even more important for recovery, though. it's doctors' orders-you need more sleep, and you need more shakes. when you're not ordering DoorDash, i'm the one cooking for you. a shake goes with every meal--it's mandatory. and you love it. they taste good! why think so hard about it when i'm smiling when you do it?
in fact, going to the gym at all is just cutting down the muscle you already have, don't you know that? you need some time to regain mass. you might as well quit your job--it's so demanding, isn't it? i could support both of us easily, and why would i want you to risk burning more calories out and about? it'd be much easier for you to sit on the couch and regroup, watch some TV, watch some porn, and eat.
you quit your job, because it's sucked the soul out of you, honestly. you've moved in with me, because there's no reason to live separately when we spend all our time together. you can't go five minutes without one of my shakes or my meals, after all. you're honestly a real glutton now, if i'm being honest. whenever i return from my daily gym visit, i make sure to bring you plenty of take-out, or three pizzas, or a few Subway footlongs, just to make sure you're well-fed. you've added probably 100lbs of mass at this point. it'd be a shame for all that hard work to go to waste.
you barely move from the couch, and i think it's starting to get to you. your gym buddies are all wondering what happened, and you can barely get the strength to sit-up by yourself, but that mental turmoil seems to dissipate when you're eating. it just tastes too good, doesn't it, baby? you're so full, but you love when i bring a fork to your lips, or a slice of pizza to your mouth. you love when i nod affirmatively, smiling as i watch you down another one of my shakes.
you especially love when i ride you. all those past memories, memories of athletic prowess, of high school cheerleaders, of locker room chats, all seem to fade away. the rush of a new PR, the delight in pumping iron, it's all gone. you spread your thick, plumped-out thighs outward and i straddle you as the TV plays. it's hard to get a good hold on your cock with that gut in the way, but you're so hard, so needy, so hot--i plunge myself on it right away. you feel my tight, toned body squeeze the life out of you, hearing the wet slaps of your balls on my defined, perky ass. you might not be able to move as well now, but i certainly can. i'm the tightest you've ever had, and my tits are pressed up against your face.
you're sweating, and you're not even moving. well, not intentionally, anyway. your tits are bouncing more than mine, let's be honest. everything about me is perky and defined, firm--even my ribs are apparent. but you? you're a pig. your moans almost sound like oinks, that's how much pressure you've put on your body. you stare up at me riding your cock, and because of your porn-rotten brain and how pathetic you are, you cum almost immediately, like always. doesn't matter. i give you a hearty dose of Viagra with your mass gainer shake after, and i use your cock for the next few hours. i get horny after the gym, what can i say?
you've blown at least four loads into my wet cunt at this point, and although my stamina hasn't faltered, you're completely spent. your cock is so overstimulated, you wince at the slightest touch. i know this, baby, and i care about you so much, so i make sure i've licked every inch of it clean. i stare up at you from this angle, but i can barely see your face behind your gut. you've really let yourself go, haven't you? you're shaking, overfed, overstimulated, bound to this couch under your own poor decisions. why even leave the house? they're all just gonna make fun of you. you think your gym buddies won't have a few choice words to say about you when you make your return?
you don't care about this, about any of this. your brain is so melted from the constant dopamine, the constant pleasure, that you've lost all self-awareness. your daily schedules consists of cable TV, countless hours of porn and touching your pathetic cock, and, of course, eating everything in sight. you're a complete degenerate, but you're my complete degenerate.
i did tell you i liked bigger guys.
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parvulous-writings · 5 months
Did you get another request? It's headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to his shy gn crush confessing to him before running away because they're scared of being rejected. Thanks!
Okay I DID get the original request, but accidentally published it when I meant to put it in my drafts, apologies! I'd like to thank the Down By The River Music Box Version for giving me the focus I needed to do this in one sitting! XD Also these three are my BOYS I LOVE THEM
Warnings: None! (besides fluff)
Notes:  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Before you even start the conversation with him about liking him, Astarion knows what this is going to be about. He just knows - he's been through this enough times to recognise that look on your face.
It's an easy conclusion to come to - to him, it's a thought of... 'who doesn't like him?' He's hardly known someone that he couldn't tempt, one way or another.
As you approach him, his lips are already curling up into that familiar sultry smile of his. He knows exactly how he wants to play this: "Well, well... If it isn't my favourite travelling companion... What brings you to my tent, my dear?"
You feel your cheeks burn as soon as he opens his mouth, your gaze casting aside as the words hit your ears. He always seems to know how to take someone's breath away.
You blurt out your confession as fast as your lips can manage, nothing more than a mash of words, hardly understandable - but Astarion understands with ease. He's been through this a lot, he knows the dance all too well. Before he can let a chuckle leave his throat, you're gone, leaving naught but a cloud of dust in your wake.
Nevertheless, had you been within earshot of the elf, you would have heard a rather dry laugh from his lips. To have someone turn tail from him, it's new. Something about the situation speaks to him though - it shows that, even after he's seen two hundred years of nothing but shadows and debauchery, there's still innocence in the realms. And he sees that it lives on in you. It's almost... endearing to him. Almost. Unfortunately it takes a lot to make his undead heart stir, anymore.
Unlike most, Astarion doesn't chase after you - he doesn't even consider it. In his past, he's never been one to chase after someone who likes him, he's always a magnet for them. He stays comfortably in his tent, eagerly awaiting your return. He knows you will, no matter how shy you are, or how long it takes.
Such a sweet thing... I'm sure they'll come around to speaking more openly eventually. Astarion's thoughts echo all that he knows from his past - one way or another, those who are charmed by him come back; though, he must admit, he does quite like the idea of playing this little game with you, whether you realise you are playing or not.
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Gale doesn't really label your timid nature or actions as 'shyness', he sees it much more as an air or aura of mystique about you - which he absolutely loves. His scholarly instinct tells him to dive in, to explore all there is about you, and to uncover all of your mysteries. However, he knows you are your own person - if you wish to tell him any secrets you have, he's going to let you do so mostly at your own pace, only nudging or prompting once or twice.
When you approach him one evening, he's so over the moon to tell you about something he's recently figured out, relating to a problem you've been trying to solve outside of camp, that he doesn't initially notice the rather skittish demeanour you've adopted. He's so quick to launch into his little pre-planned speech that he hardly notices you talking to him, until you've already run halfway back to your own tent.
Gale just... Stands there, in stunned - almost offended - silence. Had he done something? Was it his recent discovery? Had he launched into it too quickly - given you too much information all at once? All these thoughts go through his head one after the other. He hadn't even caught what you had said, and that worried him the most: He had no clue whatsoever what you had said to him.
So it isn't long before he's practically marching towards your tent - determination in his eyes. He will find out what you had tried to tell him. He clears his throat to get your attention when he gets close enough, folding his arms over his chest in a rather defensive position. "I suppose you have a reason for running off like that whilst speaking to me?" He questions, quite tensely. As you begin to shakily explain your feelings for him, his arms drop to his sides again.
He's very pleasantly surprised to learn that the only reason you ran off mid-conversation was due to embarrassment, rather than anything that he had done. He would hardly have been able to live with himself if that particular question had gone unanswered. So, he settles himself down in front of you. "Alright.. How about we try this again... With you having my full attention this time?"
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Halsin could tell by the look on your face that whatever you wanted to tell him, it was important. Of course, true to his nature, he wasn't about to force it out of you - he's much more content for you to take your time in telling him.
So, he just sits with you, in a peaceful silence, waiting for you to work up your courage to ask him. And when you finally do, Halsin can't say he's shocked by the words - it's not always easy to hide attraction or love from someone who's been alive for over three centuries. What does surprise him, however, is the fact that you're so quick to flee the encounter. Though, he finds it quite sweet that you, unlike him, still have embarassment hinging around socialising - particularly when it is centering around matters of the heart. He doesn't think any less of you for it, a skill like that takes years of practice, and he's had three hundred and fifty years to hone this skill of his.
Throughout all his life, and his many lovers, this kind of thing has happened to him only a handful of times, so it still catches him off-guard most of the time. Thankfully, he knows how to handle the situation.
He gives you some time to yourself, allowing you to collect your thoughts. He knows that if he tries to approach you too quickly, you may become more frazzled, spiral more in your mind. And that is the last thing he wants. If you two are to be with one another - which he hopes is the outcome of the situation - he wants you to have a clear head, and know what you want.
When he does decide it's the right time to go to you, the first thing he does, is ask if you are alright. "How are you faring, my heart?" He takes a chance with the nickname, and he can just about see with the way your head whips round to look at him that he's certainly caught your attention. "You seemed... Out of yourself, before. Perhaps you would like to discuss it?" He moves to sit with you then, and even as he kneels , he towers over most. "At your own pace, of course..." He offers you a smile. It's a kindhearted smile - one that you can tell is straight from his heart. You feel a little more comfortable, and though it is a slow conversation, you get there before dawn.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 2 months
This Is Where You Stand With Me
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
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A/N: pls read this for better understanding thanksss!!
Sooo once upon a time, a few months ago actually, I started writing a Charles fanfic - never finished it - I had a reeeally good story in mind, wrote around 20 chapters and then I just got bored of it, BUT! I wrote some really good pieces that I'd be sorry no one ever read so I thought I'd post them. Actually I've already posted one part of the story that comes waay later than the ones I'm gonna post now, but anyway it's the one called Lovers .
Basically, it's a story about a girl (you) who broke up with her boyfriend of five years. She was very unhappy in the relationship because her boyfriend didn't treat her right all those years and then after she gathered her strength and broke up with him, she decided to live a little and go visit her best friend Sophie in Monaco. Sophie has been in a relationship with Carlos for a while, and his teammate Charles is in a relationship with a girl (Ava) who isn't with him for the right reasons and doesn't really care about him. due to a combination of circumstances, you stayed in Monaco to live in Sophie's apartment and started running social networks for Ferrari, filming behind the scenes and similar things. From the very beginning, you and Charles have a love-hate relationship. He keeps sending you mixed signals and you never know where you're standing with him.
Ok, hope you'll like it, let me know if you'd even like to read more parts! Bye!
This is the part where you, Carlos, Sophie, Kika, Pierre, Charles and Lando are on the yacht. Sophie introduces you to all of them here for the first time and you're very nervous about it so you drink a bit too much..
Carlos, Sophie and I were the first ones to arrive. Their firends, Pierre and his girlfirend Kika, Charles and his girlfriend Ava, and I guess the only single friend Lando, arrived shortly after us. For me, the biggest introvert on the planet, this was quite a large number of people to meet at once and I did feel very anxious.
Luckily there was a vast amount of drinks on the yacht so I found mine tranquilizers - cranberry vodka and sangria. As soon as the alcohol started coursing through my system, I soon opened up a topic to talk about with everyone. Well, almost everyone. Charles and his girlfriend Ava seemed to have some disagreements so they weren't really in the best mood. She looked like she didn't really wanna be here and he was annoyed that she didn't wanna be here at least that's what I heard when I was going to the toilet because they were alone inside and arguing.
The evening went on with us all sitting in the lounge area, talking and drinking. I was truly having so much fun and I got along the most with Lando. He's so sweet and caring and funny, I was enjoying his company. Eventually Ava left. She was able to leave since we didn't set sail but stayed in the marina. Charles was fuming that she left. When Carlos asked him why she left he said she made arrangements with her friends earlier, he didn't want to talk about it much. Charles went on the upper lounge area and Lando went after him so he wasn't alone and I stayed with Carlos, Sophie, Pierre and Kika in the lounge area on the main deck.
"I love you." I hear Carlos quietly says to Soph while looking at her lips. She was in a half-lying position in his arms. I was scrolling through my phone across from them but I couldn't help but look at them out of the corner of my eye.
"I love you." Sophie smiles and gently kisses him. My eyes got watery at the sight of them. My heart hurt a little and for a second I wished I had what they have. I wasn't envious of them, not at all, I was actually very happy for them and for the first "I love you". But for a second the excitement about the single life passed me and looking at the couples I felt a little lonely.
I get up from the couch and head towards the back of the yacht were was the entrance to the inner part of the yacht. I lean my elbows on the fence and look down at the sea.
Did I make a good decision?
Should i have given us another chance?
Will i regret giving up on us?
Suddenly questions that I constantly avoid facing start to roll around in my head.
No! Of course I made a good decision, he doesn't deserve another chance and I'm not gonna regret anything!
I attribute those thoughts to the excessive amount of alcohol I've consumed since we got here.
Y/n, you were miserable with him, pull yourself together please, you are stronger than these thoughts. I say to myself, but one tear escapes from my eye. And then another one. And one after that.
"Shit.." I breathe out putting my palms over my eyes.
"What happened, Y/n?" A voice asks and it startles me.
"Oh, you scared me." I say looking at Charles standing beside me, but quickly look away wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" Charles asks looking at me.
"Too many drinks led me to a moment of weakness. That's all." I say not really wanting to talk to him about my emotional state.
"And what is the reason behind that moment of weakness?" He asks.
"I don't feel like talking about it, but I was wondering how long have you and Ava been together?" I suddenly blurt out turning to look at him. My mind is racing. I was curious about their fight because the way he looked at her, he seemed like he's really in love, but her, not so much according to my estimate.
"A year and a half now. Why do you ask?"
"Sweet. And why did you fight today?" I ask shamelessly and he rises his eyebrows at my question.
"Not that it's any of your business, but-" Just as he was about to say something a strong pain shoots through my stomach. Rocking of the yacht from the waves together with cranberry vodka and sangria equals nausea.
"Oh no.. I-I think I'm gonna throw up.." And just in that moment as I lean over the fence it starts shooting right out of me.
I was hoping that somehow I would be able to control myself and not throw up in front of him, but it was stronger than me. And honestly if I were sober, I would be ten times more embarrassed than I am now.
"Oh come on." He sighs and to my surprise he moves my hair out of my face holding it back. "Please don't fall over, I'm not jumping in for you."
"Oh my God, I'm gonna die.."
"Out of embarrassment? Yeah, I would too if I were you." Charles mocks me, but still holds my hair.
"Oh give me a break, I'm going through a breakup!" I manage to say bitterly because of his lack of understanding for me. As if he should understand me. he doesn't know anything about me except my name, and I don't know anything about him either except that his name is Charles and that he has a girlfriend with whom he had a not so pretty fight today.
"Did he leave you because you were a drunk?" He continues with his provocation.
"Ha ha, not that it's any of your business, but I broke up with him." I'm being sassy like I didn't just throw up in front of a rich and hot F1 driver, but in that moment that fact doesn't phase me one bit.
"Okay, if you say so." He laughs. "Come here, sit on this couch please." I can't help but notice his hand tightly being wrapped around my waist as he leads me to the couch. "Not that I care, but I'm so bored that I'll listen to why you broke up with your boyfriend."
"Well, now I'm not gonna tell you." I cross my arms acting childish making him laugh again. I roll my eyes and chuckle a little myself.
"Y/n? Where are you?" Right in that moment Sophie shows up breaking the sweet moment between the two of us.
"Your friend is running wild over here, she wanted to throw herself off the yacht because her boyfriend left her." Charles says getting up from the couch and my mouth falls open.
"What?!" Sophie's eyes go wide. "Throw yourself because of him? Are you out of your fucking mind?" She asks in complete shock.
Before saying anything to Sophie to calm her down I follow Charles with my eyes as he leaves laughing.
"He's lying of course, I got sick from the alcohol and threw up."
"Why is he suddenly being all smiley like that? Until a little while ago he was furious because of Ava?"
"I don't know, he obviously has issues." I shrug with my shoulders wanting to laugh but manage to control myself.
I'm usually very good at reading people at first glance. Whoever doesn't make a good impression on me in the beginning, whoever doesn't sit well with me, almost always turns out to not have the best personality. Unfortunately, it rarely happens that someone pleasantly surprises me if I don't like them at first. I could say that my intuition is very good and accurate and I really should listen to it more often.
But with Charles that wasn't the case. I couldn't read him at all. He's kinda mysterious, he seems a bit cocky and conceited, but gentle and caring at moments. At least that's what I think I got from today.
He's interesting though.
Part 2 here
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strwbmei · 2 months
Silverwolf thoughts (monsterfucking edition) (dubcon? consent isn't asked for beforehand/stated, but sw consents)
Silverwolf who's completely clueless to what's about to happen to her when she wanders into the kitchen for a late night snack in nothing but an oversized shirt. What's wrong with walking around your own home with barely any clothes? It's not like there's anyone else with her... right?
As soon as the microwave starts, she feels something cold and thick push itself into her cunt in one go. Her knees go weak, and she's forced to use both hands to hold onto the counter for balance. With nothing to use to muffle her sounds as a ghost thrusts into her at a rapid pace, she moans like a whore. At one point, she could feel something cold on her hips, similar to human hands yet so different, trying to hold her up.
Eventually, she feels her womb getting filled up with something, but she still feels... somewhat empty. The ghost leaves her breathless and gasping for air in the dimly lit kitchen, the puddle of her fluids on the wooden flooring the only evidence left of what she had just experienced. Maybe next time, she should walk around completely naked...
Silverwolf buying a brand new VR system with cutting edge technology that makes her feel like everything she experiences in game is real. She plays around with the settings and controls before jumping into the most exciting part: the games themselves. Of course, she already bought a game or two for the system. Yet, when she looks at the library, there's one that she doesn't quite recognize. Still, it's already there, so why not play it anyways?
Everything seems normal at first, and Silverwolf actually ends up enjoying the game. She advances a fair amount and even reaches the underwater area where she's forced to wear a swimsuit that's way too revealing in order to proceed with the story. A bit weird, but it's not like games have never done this before so she swallows her pride. Silverwolf encounters a boss, an octopus with 3 eyes and very thick tentacles. Of course, ever the gamer that she is, she's already completed all of the side quests and I'd already far too overleveled for any monster in the area.
And while that may be true, her levels can't keep her from being paralyzed by the suckers on its tentacles. The enemy information tab didn't show anything of the sort, and as a result, she was careless. She expected to be finished off, but the octopus... starts taking off her swimsuit? Before she can register what's happening, a tentacle is already in her mouth and facefucking her ruthlessly. Thinner ones restrain her arms and legs in case the paralysis wears off. The biggest one, however, is stretching her tight cunt out like she's never experienced before. It's merciless with her petite body as it fucks into her. By the time it's over, Silverwolf only has two choices: masturbate furiously she the empty feeling in her cunt subsides, or ask someone for help and fill her up with real, warm cum.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
We're all just trying to cook out here, let us cook!
TW - run-in with abusive ex, bf and ex get into a fight
Recommended Song: I Didn't Change My Number - Billie Eilish
Evening walks, humidity in the air from the day's rain, hands intertwined. You can't ask for much more. While you and Astarion enjoy a good party-filled night, it's nice to simply observe the bustle of dusk, lovers just now finding each other in alleyways, ridiculous drunken fights. It's fun, making little comments about the surrounding chaos, Astarion mostly just making fun of people's outfits.
"I mean really, I have never seen such a gaudy scarf in my life, and I've lived for almost three hundred years!"
"Yes, I remember."
"I'm just saying, truly a bad scarf."
You cling to him, as you usually do. The streets of Baldur's Gate make you nervous, so many uncertainties, especially one man. You never told Astarion about your past lover, not wanting to burden him with all of that. After all, you have no idea if he still lives in the city, but it still makes your skin crawl, knowing he's out there.
"Are you alright my sweet?"
He noticed you had slowed your steps, zoning out.
"Of course."
You smile, hiding the thoughts quite well. Eventually, the two of you make it to a quieter part of town, and you both lean against a stone building, taking in the sights of the stars. As people silently pass by, a figure makes their way towards you from the street.
"Well, if it isn't Tav? How are you old friend?"
Goosebumps, chills all across your skin. Your ex, a half-drow, eyes a burning purple. You stay silent, and Astarion simply watches the situation play out.
"Who's this?"
His gaze moves to Astarion. You wrap yourself around your lover's arm, squeezing him tight.
"Tav, would you like to go?"
Practically ignoring the drow, he turns to you, trying to deal with your fingers digging into his skin. You nod.
"Now hold on, I just wanted to say hi! Tav and I, we have a past together, and it just so happens I haven't seen them in a long time."
A grin grows across his face, disgustingly intrigued by your current circumstances.
"Yeah... hi."
You don't make eye contact, simply agreeing. Not liking the way things are progressing, Astarion goes to grab for the dagger under his coat, keeping his hand on the handle.
"Oh, so your new lover thinks he's so scary, huh? I'm sure you've told him all about me, right?"
"Aster, let's just go, please."
Your voice is practically a whisper at this point.
"Hold on darling, it's okay. I've got you."
He steps between you and the drow.
"Unless you want to be splayed all over the cobblestones, I'd suggest you move along now."
The drow steps to him.
"Splayed? Are you sure about that pretty boy?"
You didn't remember just how tall he was, making Astarion look tiny.
You plead, scared that he's bit off more than he can chew.
"Aw, scared for the pretty elf are you? Seems things haven't changed, you're still just a fearful mouse, prey."
He's said too much now, and the vampire pulls his dagger, meeting the drow's knife. While he's distracted trying to hold off Astarion's blade, the second dagger comes out, piercing right through the drow's stomach. He got him good, knowing right where to stab that would make him bleed profusely, but not kill him, not if he was quick. Your ex cries out in pain, he wasn't expecting the second blade. Astarion pulls him in by the collar.
"I never want to see you in this city again, understand?"
Still wheezing in shock, the drow nods, clutching at his stomach. Astarion smiles, content with his work.
"Good. Now, I would get someone to patch that up soon, lest you bleed out in the dark somewhere."
With that, he scurries off into the darkness, and you realize a few people were staring at the spectacle.
"Apologies, nothing to see here!"
Astarion waves off the strangers, and turns back to you.
"Are you alright my dear?"
You're still in shock, not expecting to see him here, now. You nod, wrapping yourself around his arm again.
"It's okay my love, it's over."
You mumble, lying against his arm.
"I know, I just-"
"Shhh, hush now. Let's go home, alright?"
You nod, weeping from the fear that still hasn't dissipated. He wipes away your tears, and you try to smile at him.
"Thank you."
"Of course my sweet, anything for you, always."
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ckret2 · 4 months
On chapter 38 of human Bill Cipher is still the Mystery Shack's prisoner, the most exciting, gripping, action-packed, page-turning chapter so far:
Bill gets locked in the bathroom.
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He handles it super well.
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Bill thought he heard a door slam somewhere far off in the shack—but every time he peeked around the shower curtain, there was no sign of anyone else would come into the bathroom any time soon. Good. Last thing he needed was a human coming upstairs to give him trouble for the crime of daring to be naked with a door open. (Of all the stupid things. He wasn't embarrassed, he was used to floating around in nothing but a top hat and bow tie, if he wasn't bothered why should they be bothered, was what he wanted to know...)
As Bill dried off and dressed, he considered what he'd do next. If someone else was back in the house—Dipper, probably—then Bill wouldn't be able to continue his planned mischief. Pity. He'd hardly had a chance to abuse his freedom. But then, Dipper loved to avoid Bill. Maybe Bill could chase him upstairs and have the living room to himself until Mabel got back.
He dressed, pulled the towels off the mirrors, quickly poked his wet hair into something approximating a triangular cloud, and turned toward the door.
Somewhere during the process of getting dressed, he must have bumped into the door, because it had swung halfway shut. Not a problem. He'd found that as long as a door was open at all, it was possible to get through the gap. Even if it was a narrow gap. If you tried to squeeze through it, it somehow widened for you. Such was the illusive trickery of doors.
But. But. Why should he try to squeeze through? His current 3D flesh body was not made for gliding through infinitesimally small gaps. And he wasn't about to let a door be the master of him. He knew how to handle them now. He'd done this in the living room. Time to show off a little.
Bill turned his back on the door, shut his eyes, simply visualized walking straight through an open doorway and out into the hallway, and confidently walked backwards.
The door made a click sound. It stopped moving. Bill froze, back pressed against the wood.
Something went wrong here.
Bill turned around. The door was very firmly closed. He leaned against it experimentally. It remained closed. It sure didn't seem like an illusion he could walk straight through. Had he done it wrong?
After several more failed attempts to walk through the doorway, Bill reluctantly conceded that for some reason this door wasn't about to yield to his mind tricks. He was quite firmly trapped in the bathroom.
Oh, how embarrassing.
No, no—no, it didn't have to be embarrassing. This would be funny. Somebody else would need the bathroom eventually, right? He could just wait here until the humans returned—maybe sit on the toilet, meditate a while—and when someone opened the door, he'd calmly say, "Hey." And after they jumped out of their skin, he'd stroll out the door. They'd never know how he got in there. It would haunt them.
He shut the toilet lid, sat, crossed his legs, shut his eyes, and settled in to wait.
He lasted three minutes.
Bill groaned and dragged his hands down his face. "Ugh, it's been hours. Where the heck is everyone!" He stood and angrily pounded on the door. "Okay, I'm sick of this! My lifespan's too finite to waste it in here!"
Who was here? Probably just Dipper, right? Somewhere downstairs? "HEY!" He stomped on the floorboards. "I'M TALKING TO YOU, UH—uhh, uhhhh—MABEL'S BROTHER?! Name?!" What was his name. He and Mabel had those cute matchy twin names—same length and same first two letters— "MARIO? MATTY? MAGNI? MABON? Isn't it Mabon? That sounds right, I'm sure it's Mabon." He stomped on the floor again. "It's really petty of you to ignore me until I get your name right, Mabon! No, wait, he went by a nickname, what was his nickname." Bill paced back and forth across the bathroom floor. "It was a constellation, right? ORION? No. TRIANGULUM? No, I'd remember if it was Triangulum. What's his sign—VIRGO? C'mon, kid!"
Bill glowered at the door. It showed no signs of opening any time in the near future. Where was that brat?
Dipper's lungs were heaving and his heart pounding as he pedaled toward the spot where Bill had cracked open the dimensional rift and started Weirdmageddon.
It was easy to find. He just had to locate the fault line that had opened in the ground and follow it until the view of the trees around him began bending oddly in the air, as though being refracted in water—the air was so thick with invisibly-sealed miniature dimensional rifts. He kept going until he found the sign they'd planted last summer:
Mabel's Fault
He still cringed every time he thought of the name they'd given the scar in the earth. He'd proposed it before realizing how it sounded; but Mabel had laughed hysterically and the name stuck.
He didn't see any sign of them around the fault. "MABEL! Can you hear me?! Bill, where are you!" There was no reply. Dipper screamed his frustration at the top of his lungs.
He was a terrible brother. He'd been one then and he was one today. He never should have left Mabel alone with Bill.
Where else could they have gone? Maybe Bill's corpse? Dipper abandoned his bike and ran off the trail, deeper into the woods. "I'm coming, Mabel!"
Bill frowned contemplatively at the mirror, finger tapping his chin.
He had painted his zodiac on the glass with tooth paste.
He pointed around the mirror one symbol at a time. "Okay, that one's Jesús," he said, "that's Wendy, that's Stanley—Pine Tree!" Bill smacked the sink triumphantly. "YOUR NAME'S PINE TREE! Stop ignoring me, where are you!"
There was no answer.
"Maybe he went out again," Bill muttered.
Mabel had to be back soon, right? Bill pressed his face to the bathroom window. He could see Stan's car and Waddles below; no Mabel.
"HEY SHOOTING STAR! Are you back yet?!" Bill listened for a reply. "Star girl? Mabel? Buddy? Pal? My hero? My only friend? Please?"
Mabel was biking back from the hardware store, her bike's basket stuffed full of spray paint cans. She'd brought along the flashlight with the height-altering crystal so she could shrink down the bags of spray paint cans to fit in the basket. It was a good choice. There had been a sale. She had sooo many colors now.
She passed the grocery store; weird, the parking lot had filled up with a crowd since the last time she passed by. Did she hear music?
She slowed to stare at the crowd—then hit the breaks. "Candy?! Grenda?!"
Across the parking lot, they turned and waved. "Mabel!"
Mabel pedaled up to them. "Hey guys! What are you doing hanging out in a parking lot!"
"Radio station live appearance," Candy said, pointing toward a red van parked next to the grocery store. A vinyl wrap around the van identified it as affiliated with Falls Radio. In front of it, Bodacious T was struggling to set up a tent over a white folding table. Candy went on, "We are here to win cheap prizes at the games. They have trivia, 'name that tune,' a prize wheel..."
Grenda pumped a fist in the air. "I'm gonna win a water bottle and a tiny backpack!"
"Oooh." Mabel craned her neck, trying to peek between the crowd to the front table. "What are the prizes?"
Candy said, "Radio station t-shirts, CDs, gift cards..."
"The grand prize is concert tickets for some old guy," Grenda said dismissively.
"The gift cards are a better value," Candy said.
"What old guy?" Mabel caught sight of a poster taped up to the side of the van. She gasped. "Phrancisco?! From Invisible Yellow Plastic?!"
"You know him?" Candy asked, surprised.
"Yes?! Invisible Yellow Plastic was this amazing 80's band! They were pioneers in the local new wave scene! I've got some of their albums!" Courtesy of Grunkle Ford, who had hyped them up to her in the first place and also told her everything she knew about them. "And based on the album covers, Phrancisco was so hot thirty years ago?"
Candy and Grenda absorbed this new information with thoughtful looks.
Mabel climbed off her bike, stuck the tiny bags of spray paint in one pocket, and used the height-altering flashlight to shrink her bike and stick it in the other pocket. "Ladies. We have got to get these tickets. I'm dropping everything for this quest." She put her hands on Candy and Grenda's shoulders. "With our powers put together, we can win all the gift cards, tiny backpacks, water bottles, and concert tickets we could ever want. Are you with me?!"
Candy and Grenda raised their fists. "Yeah!"
"It's time for radio station live appearance mini games."
Bill sat leaning against the bathroom cabinet, idly flipping the toilet lid up and down to entertain himself, staring at the door.
"I'm sure Mabel will be back any minute," he told himself.
Bill had constructed a sensory deprivation tank in the bathtub.
He'd filled the tub with about a foot of hot water, dumped in an entire bag of bath salts he'd found by prying a wooden board out of the side of the cabinet, plugged his ears with cotton balls held in place with bandaids, turned out the lights, and draped a towel over the tub.
He was going to meditate in that, and use the boost to his psychic capabilities to send a telepathic SOS to Mabel. Mabel or whoever was sensitive enough to receive it. He wasn't picky.
His nerves were too frazzled for him to drop straight into a trance. He tried to calm himself. Deep breath—wow, the bath salts reeked of lavender—deep breath through the mouth then. Calm down. Be still. Empty mind. Everything would be fine—everything would always be fine for him—there was no need to stress.
Slowly, he relaxed.
Bill's sleep schedule had been in a state of utter disarray since the moment he'd been dumped in a body that needed sleep. Over the past day, the sum total of sleep he'd gotten had been an unplanned nap last night before dinner, and a fretful nightmare-laden spell from 3 a.m. to dawn.
Bill fell asleep in the tub.
His head sank below the water. He spluttered and flailed his way back to sitting upright.
He took the towel off his head and threw it to the ground. "That didn't work." Kinda comfortable though. He lay back in the tub. What else could he try?
Maybe Wendy would come back. She said she liked hanging out here when she was avoiding people, and it sounded like she wasn't too keen on her friends—maybe she'd get sick of them and return? Yeah. Yeah! Sure, Bill was sure she'd do that. "Wendyyy! Hey! You didn't happen to come back, did you?!" He waited. "Come on! I know you're here!"
"No wait, this'll be sick," Nate said. He was laying down on the walkway around the top of the water tower, wriggling out under the safety railing so his face and shoulders hung out in open air.
Wendy laughed. "Dude. What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna spray paint something on the bottom of the floor. Everyone'll go, 'How did that get there?'" He waved a hand at Lee. "Gimme a spray can."
Lee handed Nate a can of purple paint, and he slid out a little bit farther. His belly button was level with the edge of the walkway.
Wendy stopped laughing. "Whoa," she said. "Careful. What are you, crazy?" She put one hand on the railing.
"Yeah. Crazy genius. It's cool, look." Nate slid out another couple of inches. "I can just—lift my legs and hang from the railing by my knees, like a monkey—" He lifted his feet off the walkway, and immediately lost balance and slid forward. "Hey—"
Time seemed to slow down. Wendy had trained for this, the water tower's wooden legs were basically thin tree trunks, if she slid under the railing she could grab Nate and swing into one of the tower legs, they could slide down that to the bottom—
Lee dropped flat on Nate's legs, using his weight to pin him in place. "HEY!"
Wendy grabbed Nate's shirt. Together, she and Lee dragged him back onto the walkway. Nate rolled onto his back and stared at the sky, eyes wide.
Lee sat beside him and laughed nervously. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Whoo. Gimme a sec."
"What the heck, Nate!" Wendy was gripping the railing hard enough her arms shook. She tried to sound calm. "You almost got yourself killed, you dummy!" Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
"I'm fine," Nate said shakily. "I'm fine, just... lay off."
"Fine. Sor-ry. I'm just trying to make sure you don't literally die."
Lee gave Wendy an exasperated look. Nate closed his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, okay, mom."
The back of her neck went hot. Oh no, absolutely not. The mom friend was the opposite of the cool girl. That was the boring friend who drove everyone around and was too busy worrying to have fun. She'd never been mom-friended in her life.
"Hey, are you okay?" Lee asked Wendy. "I mean—this idiot's near death experience aside—" (Nate punched Lee's knee.) "—you've been kinda high-strung lately. Is everything cool?"
"Of course I'm cool," Wendy said automatically. Be cool, girl. "Sorry. Work junk's got me stressed. Soos keeps randomly closing at the last minute, and I'm losing hours, and... it's been getting to me, I guess. I just need to chill." She took in a deep breath. "Nate," she put a hand on his shoulder and said solemnly, "if you want to fall on your head and lose your last eight brain cells, I won't get in your way. I support your dreams, man."
"Pssh, shut up!" Nate shoved Wendy off and sat up, laughing. "Okay, new plan. What if I just—stay on the floor, but reach my arm under the side to paint it."
Lee asked, "How are you gonna see what you're drawing?"
Nate considered that. "You can reach under and use your phone like a mirror."
Wendy bit back the urge to tell them they were idiots. Were her friends not maturing fast enough, or was she just getting boring?
She leaned against the water tower and shut her eyes.
Laying on the bathroom floor, Bill said, "You know what, Cool Girl? I'm beginning to think you're ignoring me too." Everyone was here and everyone was ignoring him.
He heaved himself to his feet. How long had he been in here. Time lost all meaning in a sensory deprivation tank. It could have been days. He was beginning to get hungry. What would he do when his body needed food? Not to mention dehydration! Where was he going to get water in a bathroom?!
Bill did not, at that moment, possess the greatest clarity of mind.
He flinched in surprise at the sight of another human in the bathroom, and then his hopes went up—and then they went back down. Oh. Right. He'd taken the towels off the mirrors. Just him.
"Thanks for disappointing me," he snapped sarcastically at the human body in the reflection. "Again. As usual." He pointed at the reflection. "Hey—hey! What's that look on your face for? Don't you take that attitude with me, buster! It's your fault I'm in this mess!"
His reflection continued to glare wrathfully at him. It made him madder. The reflection's wrath deepened.
"WHAT?!" Bill demanded. "You keep your mouth shut, I'm the one shouting here! What do you have to be angry about?! I've never done anything to you! You owe me everything! I feed you, I clothe you, I wash you, and what do you give me in return?! Backaches and headaches! I could have been home partying with my friends by now, but do you know who's holding me back?! YOU!" He jabbed his finger against the mirror. The reflection jabbed a finger back. Voice cracking with rage, Bill squawked, "Don't you raise your hand at me, you little—!" He curled his hand in a fist, intending only to threaten the reflection; but when it shook a fist back at him, he reared back with a roar and punched the mirror. The glass crunched beneath his knuckles. His knuckles also crunched.
Bill stared at the broken glass, snapped out of his rage by the pain. Dozens of fragmented reflections stared back at him. He rubbed the stinging cuts on his knuckles.
"Of course," he said. "The solution's so obvious! Blood sacrifice!"
As Dipper passed the water tower, he spied an incomprehensible purple squiggle spray painted to the bottom of the walkway. How did that get there? Had Bill and Mabel been here? Maybe Mabel had done it with one of her spray cans to send a signal? Or maybe Bill had used his magic to float up and spray some magical alien rune from below.
He climbed up to look.
Nothing. No signs they'd been here, either. Dipper pulled out a town map he'd marked up with the locations Bill was most likely to hit, and peered toward them one by one from his vantage point; but he didn't see Bill or Mabel, nor any evidence of Bill's influence terrorizing the town. He was out of leads.
He climbed back down. He'd bike back to the shack, call Soos, maybe call the police, look for clues around the shack, chug some Mabel Juice for energy—desperate times—and join the hunt again...
As the Mystery Shack emerged from behind the trees, he saw, from another direction, Mabel biking up. His heart leaped into his throat.
Mabel waved. "Hey, Dipper!" She kicked down her kickstand and dismounted. "Did you find the wigglers?"
"Mabel!" Dipper almost tripped in his haste to get off his bike and pull her into a tight hug.
"Dipper? What is it?" Mabel awkwardly hugged him back. She whispered, "Why do you smell so bad."
"Are you okay?!" He held her out at arm's length, looking her up and down. "You're not hurt, are you?"
"Wh—? No, I'm great! I might've kinda exploded a couple of tiny spray paint cans in my pocket, though." She pulled up her sweater, showing the purple and orange stains on one side of her skirt. "Buuut—" She held out four slips of colorful card stock. "Guess who won awesome concert tickets!"
"What about Bill," Dipper demanded, "did Bill kidnap you?"
"What? No." Mabel shook her head, bewildered. "I locked him in the shack while I went out for more spray paint."
"Well, he's not there now! I searched everywhere!" Dipper gasped, "Then—he must have escaped while you were out."
"What?! But—how—"
"I don't know, but I searched the whole shack a couple of hours ago—"
"A couple of hours?!"
"—and there's no sign of him—"
"Then he could be anywhere by now!" Mabel squeezed her hands together, crushing her tickets. "Oh, this is bad. It's all my fault if he causes trouble! We've gotta find him before Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford get home!"
"But where?" Dipper asked. "I've already looked everywhere he might go! The basement, the fault, his corpse, town hall, that street with all the katanas in the gutter for some reason..."
"You're thinking like Bill the evil overlord, I can think like Bill the party animal! We've talked about all kinds of fun places he'd go if he was free!" She got back on her bike. "Come on, I'll tell you on the way to town, we can split up to search!"
Dipper got on his bike to follow, but said, "Come on, do you really think he'd waste time doing something fun now that he's free to be evil again?"
"Fun and evil are the same thing to him! Dipper, I can guarantee you, if Bill summons his terrible friends back to town, the first place he's taking them is the Putt Hutt," she said. "Because he wants to force the townspeople to run through giant minigolf obstacles, and also teach the Lilliputtians to do war crimes."
"Okay, I believe you," Dipper said. "Lead the way."
As Mabel and Dipper biked away from the shack, Bill cried, "Wait wait, no! Come back!" He pounded both fists on the bathroom window and let out a prolonged, anguished, "NOOO!"
They didn't hear him.
Waddles did, though. He pulled his face out of the dirt and looked up at Bill, muddy snout twitching.
"Waddles," Bill gasped, relieved. "Good pig. Smart pig. You know, I'm—I'm really very impressed by your scientific work. Especially that jet pack, wow. Seriously. Just between you and me, I don't think Fordsy's quite the biggest genius in the house, you know what I mean?"
Waddles blinked.
"Listen. I need a little favor. Go get help." He pointed toward town. "Go get Mabel and tell her I'm— Or, or just free me yourself! Can you do that? Come on up here?" Could pigs open doors? Bill couldn't think of any reason why not. It wasn't like Waddles was cursed.
Waddles tilted his head slightly, contemplatively. He didn't look persuaded.
"It'll just take you a second," Bill pled. "And then I'll owe you one! Big time! Listen, if you help me, you'll go down in history! You think that stupid hog with the fancy spiderwebs was special? He's nothing! I'll rearrange the constellations to form your face! It'll say 'Greatest Pig In The Universe!' How's that?!"
Waddles stared at Bill.
"Have we got a deal?"
Waddles snorted, his nose twitching upward.
"More?! What more could you want! An infinite feeding trough! A hundred sows! A Nobel prize! The most luxurious mud puddle in the world, what?! Just—tell me what you want!"
Waddles lay down and shut his eyes.
"You're a lazy bum, Waddles!" Bill smacked his hand on the window. "You hear me?! You could've had a brilliant academic future in any field from bioengineering to quantum technology, and you squandered it all to mooch off a twelve-year-old! All potential but no work ethic! You're pathetic! You're nothing!"
Completely unashamed and satisfied with his life choices, Waddles fell asleep.
Bill groaned in frustration. "I'll never get out of here!" He kicked over a box, kicked a shampoo bottle, kicked one of the many ancient cursed sigils he'd inscribed on the walls in his own blood, and kicked a towel. "They've abandoned me in this shack. They're never coming back. They're gonna burn it down with me inside. Those brats just came by to taunt me! Mabel's probably been in on it all along! They all have. After all I've done for them! Those ungrateful—"
Bill stomped across the bathroom and hammered on the door. "Was this your idea, Stanford Pines?! I know it was you! You've had it out for me ever since we finished the portal and you decided you didn't need me anymore! It was your big plan to trap me in here! You're just waiting to see if the hunger or the boredom gets to me faster, aren't you?! Gonna record that in your journal, huh? A cute little experiment to see whether my body or my mind gives out first?" He gave the door another violent pound. "You're an evil, sadistic freak, Stanford! And not even the fun kind! I know you're laughing at me right now! I know that's what you're doing!"
Ford kept his gaze fixed firmly on the Dontium generator as he blindly groped across the card table for the deck. "Where's—?"
"Here, I've gotcha." Fiddleford pushed a playing card into his hand.
"Thanks." Ford groped around the table until he found the three cards that had already been placed down, flipped the new one over, and carefully set it next to the others. "What's this one?"
"Four of clubs."
"Remind me why I'm responsible for dealing the community cards when I can't look at them and you can?"
"Because it's real distractin'," Fiddleford said, "Which is just what you need to keep you from thinkin' about the... oh."
Oh. The Dontium.
Sitting at the generator's controls, Soos said, "Aw, dudes. Needle's back down at zero."
Ford shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly let it out.
Sitting on a folding chair faced away from the Dontium generator, Stan groaned. "Seriously?! Again?"
Fiddleford said, "Sorry, sorry."
"Start from the top," Ford said tiredly. "Stan, you just focus on your part and I'll focus on mine. Or... not focus on mine, as the case may be."
Stan groaned again, but said, "Fine!" and crossed his arms irritably.
"Right," Ford said. "Where were we? Remind me what the current community cards are?"
"King of hearts, seven of hearts, two of diamonds, and four of clubs."
"Hmm." It wasn't an inspiring bunch of community cards. No chance for a straight, no chance for a flush, slim odds for four of a kind. He tried to mentally calculate the probability of a win. "And..." Ford waved the two cards he was holding. "What's my hand?"
"I'd tell ya, but last I checked, peekin' at yer opponent's poker cards is still considered cheating."
"Right," Ford sighed. That was going to make calculations harder.
"I could look," Stan said. "I'm allowed to look anywhere except the one place I'm not, right? If I tell you your cards—"
"You can't," Fiddleford said irritably, "because then you'll think about poker when you're s'posed to be thinkin' about—er..."
Soos laughed awkwardly. "Aw, dudes. You'll never guess what."
"Darn it!" Stan got to his feet and pointed at Ford. "You started thinking about the thing again!"
"You stopped thinking about the thing again!"
"How am I supposed to think about the thing when there's a game of Texas hold 'em five feet away?!"
"I knew we should have switched to a game Stan doesn't like." Ford looked at Fiddleford—it didn't matter, they weren't making any progress. "What if we try...?"
Firmly, Fiddleford said, "Stanford, I'll do many things for science. But you ain't getting me to play that diabolical hocus-pocusy wizard game."
Ford groaned. "We're going to be here all night."
Soos slowly raised a hand. "I have an idea," he said. "What if you both put on headphones. And Stan's plays a recording that just says 'think about the NowUSeeItNowUDontium generator' over and over. And Ford's plays—uh—I don't know, an audiobook with cool science facts or something?"
They considered that. Ford slowly nodded. Stan shrugged. "Eh, can't hurt."
Were shirts edible?
Nothing in this accursed bathroom qualified as human food. But if Bill could eke out just a few calories, maybe he could survive until the humans came by to pry the gold fillings from his starved corpse and turn the tables on them. Shirts were plants. They might accidentally contain a mineral or two. Right? Maybe? Bill knew a great many things about Earth, but he had never once needed to learn whether cotton yielded any nutritional benefit to human beings.
It was probably better for him than trying to chew up the wooden counter. He peeled off his shirt, steeled himself for the least appetizing meal of his life, and began distastefully chewing on the hem.
Several minutes in, it suddenly occurred to him to check the shirt's tag for nutrition info. He peered in the collar.
65% polyester, 35% cotton.
Well. He wasn't wasting his time on a shirt that was two-thirds plastic. He'd burn more energy chewing than he'd gain.
He pulled his shirt back on and lay on the bathroom floor. He could already feel his famished body metabolizing his own muscles for fuel.
If he returned to his true form when he died, the first thing he was doing was heating every ounce of polyester on the planet to five hundred degrees and melting it onto the skin of the humans stupid enough to wear it.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid..." Mabel was muttering to herself in sync with pedaling the bike. She'd spent most of the ride along the road back to the shack alternating between this chant and berating herself in more detail: "I'm so stupid, augh! Why is it always me? Why am I always the one who lets Bill get out? Because I'm an idiot!"
"Whoa, hey. Don't say that," Dipper said. Granted, he did think leaving Bill home with no guards was kinda stupid, but Mabel was already punishing herself far in excess of what Dipper thought she deserved. And he'd left Bill home with one guard, so was he much better? "It's not all your fault—"
"Yes it is! I'm the one who decided to trust him at home alone! I'm the only one who's been trusting him at all! I knew he'd try something like this eventually!" Mabel tilted her head back and let out a long noise of frustration at the sky.
Dipper opened his mouth to try to offer more reassurance; but then he paused. "Wait. If you knew he'd do this, then why did you trust him?"
"Because...!" Mabel fell silent for a moment. "Because, I know he's a bad person... but I really, really do think he can get better." She had that little waver in her voice that she got whenever she was trying not to cry. "I'm figuring out how he thinks, I'm teaching him manners, I'm getting him to lie less... But, he can't prove he's getting better if he isn't given room to do the wrong thing, so he can choose the right thing instead. If he can't choose, then he's not good, he's just controlled. So I've... gotta give him chances."
Dipper stared at her, momentarily lost for words. "And—you're willing to risk the safety of the whole town—?"
"I mean I didn't think he'd escape entirely!" Her front tire wobbled; she slammed on the breaks. Dipper skidded to a stop just a few feet ahead.
Voice thicker, Mabel said, "I just—with Grunkle Ford so close to figuring out how to kill him, I really... really wanted him to prove he can be better."
All this time, watching her playing and goofing around with Bill, Dipper had assumed she was just ignoring how dangerous he was. But if anything, she was thinking about it more than anybody else. All the rest of the family had to worry about was Bill finding some way to destroy the world; while Mabel was worrying about Bill destroying the world, and Bill not making enough progress on some nebulous road to being "better," and whether he could prove himself to everyone else before it was too late.
Dipper didn't think Bill could do anything to prove himself. He thought Bill deserved to die. But that just made Mabel's position even worse.
"Oh, Mabel," Dipper murmured. "I'm sorry. I... didn't realize how much pressure you're under." All this time, Dipper had been seeing this as a battle where Bill won if he escaped to restart Weirdmageddon and the Pines won if they killed Bill. But for Mabel, she'd lose either way.
No wonder she'd learned so much about him, so fast. No wonder she was spending so much time around him. She didn't have any time to waste. And to think Dipper had been jealous of her bizarre new expertise. He didn't want to be doing what she was doing.
"S'fine. It's stupid." Mabel rubbed her nose on her arm, eyes downcast. "I'm the dumb-dumb who tried to be friends with an evil space criminal."
"You're not a dumb-dumb," Dipper said. "You're like, one dumb maximum."
Mabel snorted and laughed weakly. "Seriously, Dipper."
"You just want to help. Maybe too much."
She shrugged. "I guess." She rubbed her face again, then got back on her bike. "C'mon, it's almost dark. We should go."
"Yeah." Every second they wasted was one more second Bill could spend putting some devastating plot together.
They were headed back to the shack, but only long enough to regroup. They had already split the cereal bars and jerky that Dipper kept in his backpack for excursions, but they needed to get some proper food before they continued the hunt. And—as much as they dreaded it—they'd conceded they couldn't fix this themselves, and they had to call the adults to tell them they'd let Bill escape.
As they biked, Dipper said, "Hey. What did you mean, you're 'getting him to lie less'? Bill tells like four lies a minute."
"Oh. Right," Mabel said. "I guess I don't exactly see it as lying anymore because I understand what he really means."
"What, is he talking in some kind of code?"
"Sorta? I'm not sure if this is only a Bill thing, or if it's how people talked back on his planet? But he just doesn't have conversations like a human. When he says something, he doesn't really care about if it's true. He's telling you what he thinks should be true. So it's not like he's actually trying to lie, he's just... trying to use words to make a better reality." Mabel shrugged. "You've just gotta negotiate with him on the details of the new reality so you both like it."
Dipper blinked in bewilderment. "Mabel, that's objectively insane."
"It works, though!" Her proud smile wilted. "I thought it did, anyway."
Once they found Bill and had finally figured out how to kill him, Dipper would kill him twice for breaking Mabel's heart.
"Where haven't we looked for him yet?" Mabel asked, packing fresh provisions in Dipper's backpack. Waddles, who had come in with them and could tell something was wrong, had sat down reassuringly in the exact center of the kitchen.
"I didn't explore much of the forest." There was a lot of forest. "He's probably out there with a pair of scissors cutting open the dimensional rifts we glued shut last summer."
"Or taking over the radio station to broadcast a mind-control signal."
"Or breaking into the buried UFO to summon an alien invasion."
"Do you think we need to check the UFO?" Mabel asked. "I've never gotten to see it."
"Probably. If I was an evil triangle trying to restart an apocalypse, that's where I'd go." Either that, or hitch the first ride out of town—but that wasn't an option for Bill. Their one blessing was that they knew Bill still had to be nearby. He couldn't be farther than the weirdness barrier. "We'll need the magnet gun." Dipper headed for the stairs.
"And my grappling hook!" Mabel called. "Can you grab it for me?"
"You got it!"
As Dipper jogged past the bathroom, something rattled the door so thunderously that Dipper jumped sideways like a startled deer. The door howled, "Let me out, you monster! I'll kill you! I'll atomize you! I'll turn your intestines into a Klein bottle! I'll anti your matter—!"
Dipper stared. He opened the door. The bathroom belched forth a cloud of artificial lavender fragrance.
Behind it stood Bill Cipher, both hands on the doorframe, arms shaking, chest heaving, face contorted in rage. The moment the door was open, the rage melted away into a look of profound relief and his knees buckled under him. 
Dipper said, "What."
"You saved me!" He placed one hand reverently on the floor boards outside the bathroom. "You're my hero. I knew you wouldn't abandon—" He blinked, squinting up at Dipper's face. "Oh. It's just you. Eh."
Dipper said, "What."
"I was trapped!" His hair was disheveled; his hands were covered in scrapes and cuts; and his shirt's hem was shredded and tattered. There was a wild look in his dark-ringed eyes. He looked like a man who'd been crawling through the desert for a week, who'd then crawled into an active minefield. "I couldn't get out! I tried everything!"
Dipper gazed past Bill. The bathroom walls were coated in mysterious sigils drawn in toothpaste, makeup, and blood. One mirror was shattered, and the other had a smeared drawing of Bill's zodiac. There was a pile of wet cotton balls and used bandaids on the floor.He'd started writing his will on the shower curtain. He'd written an invocation to something called ⅃TO⅃OXA on the ceiling.
"I thought I was gonna die in here." Bill crawled across the hall, leaned back against the opposite wall, and closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. "I had to eat shampoo to survive." He hiccuped up several soap bubbles.
Dipper stared at Bill, stared into the bathroom again, and stared at Bill. "How long have you been in here?"
Dragging his hands down his face, Bill declared, "All afternoon! And evening!"
"You resorted to drinking shampoo in one afternoon?"
"I was hungry! Do you know how much fuel human bodies need?! It's insane!"
And that was the moment Dipper realized that all along, Mabel had been half right: Bill probably wasn't becoming "better"; but even so, they no longer had anything to fear from Bill Cipher. He wasn't haunting their dreams, he wasn't opening rifts. This, this was all he could bring to the table. He was so harmless it was pathetic.
Dipper would never be afraid of him again.
"Welp," Dipper said. "Enjoy your freedom, man. Bye." He turned to leave.
A hand closed on the back of his neck. Bill snarled in his ear, "Ohhh, no. You're not going anywhere. We're going down to the kitchen, and you're opening the fridge for me."
Wow, right, Bill couldn't even open the fridge by himself. Wow. Wow. That was so sad.
They had to slow down at the stairs; Bill was stumbling down them with the weariness of a soldier who'd survived a week in the trenches. As they went, Bill said, "Hey. What's your first name?"
"Wha—?" Somewhat offended, he said, "It's Dipper."
"No. I know that, obviously. Why wouldn't I know that?" (He sounded defensive.) "I meant your—your baby name. Birth certificate."
"Why do you need to know?" Was this like a fae thing? Was telling Bill his real name dangerous?
"It's been driving me insane all day." With the eyes of a desperate man grasping at the last fraying threads of his sanity, Bill said, "Is it Mabon? I could swear it's Mabon. Tell me it's Mabon."
"What? No, that's stupid. Mabon isn't even a real name."
"Yes it is, it's Welsh."
"It's Mason."
"HA!" Bill screamed triumphantly in Dipper's face, "MASON!" He was way too loud and looked way too ecstatic.
Dipper opened his mouth, then decided he didn't want to know and shut it.
Mabel was in the living room on her phone. "Hey, Soos? Could you put Grunkle Ford on a second?" She paused, then took a shaky breath and said, "Grunkle Ford? Hey. I've... got some bad news... We, uh..."
"Psst," Dipper hissed from the doorway, "Mabel!" He pointed at Bill. Bill pointed at himself.
Mabel's eyes widened. "We... ate all the leftovers! Haha, yeah, sorry, thought you should know! Anyway, love you, bye!" She lowered the phone. Dipper faintly heard Ford say, "What leftovers?" before Mabel ended the call. "Bill! You came back!"
"He never left the shack," Dipper said.
"You didn't?!" Mabel bounded across the room and flung her arms around him. It nearly knocked him over. "I knew you wouldn't let me down."
"Yeah, of course not. You can count on me, kid." Bill glanced sideways at Dipper, brows raised questioningly. What?
Flatly, Dipper said, "He got locked in the bathroom."
"What?!" Mabel stepped back, looked Bill up and down, and said, "You look awful! What happened?"
"I was trapped," Bill said wretchedly. "I thought I was a goner." Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Oh my gosh, you poor thing!" Mabel hugged him again. "Tell me all about it."
"In the kitchen."
"Of course! You must be starving."
"I am," Bill said, hand on his heart, the most pitiful thing you ever did see. "That was the worst afternoon of my existence. You know—being stuck in a human body makes waiting for anything absolute torture. An energy being can wait indefinitely, but a flesh being can feel the passage of time via its own cycle of slowly decaying flesh. The flesh knows it's got less than a century til its expiration date. Compared to the length of my entire life, one afternoon to a human is proportionate to, like..." There was a pause as Bill did some mental math, "over nine million years of my life? So I was basically in there for nine million years!"
"That's awful! I'm so sorry, if I'd had any idea..."
Bill was enjoying this performance, Dipper was sure of it. If he were any hammier he'd be a pork chop.
Still—and Dipper never thought he'd be grateful for this—at least Bill was here.
He followed Mabel and Bill into the kitchen to get some proper dinner.
Dipper pulled a tray of dinosaur chicken nuggets out of the oven. "Okay, dinner's ready. You guys want any condiments? Ketchup? Barbecue sauce?" He looked at Bill. "Shampoo?" Mabel snorted.
The absolute picture of dignity, Bill said, "Shampoo's really more of a dressing than a condiment." Once he'd raided the cabinet for snacks, Bill had gotten bored with the woe-is-me act and was now acting like he was above any petty jabs about his bathroom adventure. "I'll take maple syrup."
Mabel looked at Bill like he'd just invented a brand new number. "I'll take maple syrup, too."
Dipper split the nuggets on three plates—they weren't quite divisible by three, so he gave Bill the plate with one fewer.
"By the way," Bill said conversationally. "How was dumpster diving?"
"Shut up." Dipper took one more nugget from Bill's plate.
Once they were all seated around the table, Bill said, "So! Let's talk alibis."
Dipper frowned. Mabel said, "Alibis for what?"
"I might have been safe at home all day, but you two didn't know that, because you both decided to leave the big scary triangle here alone. I mean, anything could have happened. What if I'd burned the house down?" Bill feigned a grimace. "I don't think you want the grunkles to know you left, do you?"
Mabel winced. Dipper said, "So, what—are you blackmailing us?"
"Nooo. I'm saying we need to get our stories straight in case they ask. After all, I'd hate for you kids to get in trouble."
"I think you're just embarrassed they might find out what you were doing all day."
Loftily, Bill said, "I don't see why I should be embarrassed by your negligence."
After half an hour of rigorous debate, they agreed that, if anybody asked, they'd never left the house and had spent all afternoon battling a ghost werewolf. It was the one thing they could think of that made them all feel sufficiently cool, but was mundane enough it wouldn't call for any follow-up questions.
They collectively decided they didn't know anything about the state of the bathroom.
(I hope y'all found that half as hilarious to read as I found it to write. If you enjoyed I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts! Next week: the complete emotional opposite of this week.)
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lucy90712 · 1 month
reader x pedri where pedri gets taken care of/sleepy and tired
Today has been a long day my boyfriend Pedri had to leave the house quite early this morning as he had an away game this evening so I had to wake up and say goodbye and wish him good luck. The team played really well and they got a good win which I wish I could've been there to see but I can never really go to away games as I have other things to do at home. The one thing I try and always do is stay up to greet Pedri when he comes home even if it's late I like to see him to either congratulate or console him based on the result. Every time he tells me not to stay up but I know he likes it when I'm there to greet him at the door. 
Tonight's game was a champions league game so the team have a bit of a longer flight but I got a text around 20 minutes ago from Pedri telling me he's on his way home. That means he should be home any minute now at nearly 3am and hopefully we can both go to bed because I'm exhausted so I can't imagine how tired Pedri is. I heard a car pulling into the driveway and our security cameras confirmed that it was Pedri which I knew it would be but I always have to check. It took a few minutes but eventually I heard the front door opening so I got myself up to greet Pedri, as soon as I saw him I could tell he was exhausted and a lot more than usual. His eyes looked really tired and he didn't seem to have any energy left as he dropped his bag on the floor and nearly fell over taking his shoes off. 
"Hey love congratulations you did so well out there" I said 
"Thanks it was good to play again" Pedri said coming over and putting his arms around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck 
"You should've gone to bed it's late and you have work in the morning" Pedri said still attached to me
"You know I like to wait for you to come home plus I can't sleep knowing you are on your way home how about we go to bed now though I can tell you are really tired" I said 
Instead of letting go of me so we could go to bed he only held onto me tighter. Pedri can be clingy sometimes but I've never seen him this clingy usually he just wants my attention for a bit so we will cuddle but right now it seems as though he won't survive if he's isn't attached to me. I know it's because he's tried and in the morning since he's had some sleep he won't be this clingy but I kind of love it. We don't often get much time together sometimes so it's moments like this that I love to just soak up but we can't stand here all night because Pedri's right I do have work in the morning and he clearly needs sleep too. 
I felt awful trying to escape his arms but I knew he understood because he didn't put up a fight instead he just grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs together. I got ready for bed hours ago but Pedri still needed to brush his teeth and get changed so I left him to do that while I sorted his stuff out for him. Usually when he gets home after an away game he leaves his bag by the door and deals with it in the morning but tonight I decided I'd just do it for him. All I had to do was put some things in the wash and put away everything else which didn't take me too long. While putting things away I noticed that Pedri had one of the matching bracelets we got when we first started dating from a tourist shop as a joke. Of course I still have mine too but I didn't realise that he took his with him to games and that just melted my heart as he's secretly such a sentimental person and no one else gets to really see that side of him. 
By the time I had sorted everything out and went back to the bedroom Pedri was already in bed but he had sorted out the pillows on my side of the bed and had the covers prepared for me to just get in. I crawled in and straight away Pedri put his arms around my waist and cuddled into my side moving around until he was comfortable. Most nights he likes me to sleep nearly on top of him but sometimes he's a bit more cuddly like tonight and I love that. Pedri is always taking care of me just in general but especially when I've had a long day and I'm tired so getting to do the same for him feels really good and I feel like I'm finally getting to give back a fraction of what he does for me. 
As much as he’s tired he won’t go to sleep until he knows I’m settled and ok so to get him to go to sleep I started running my hands through his hair. He loves when I play with his hair and scratch his scalp it nearly always sends him to sleep. As soon as my hands touched his hair he tucked his head further into my neck and I could hear his breathing slow down as he finally let himself relax. Pedri was right on the verge of falling asleep but I still felt him gently kiss my neck as he realised he hadn’t kissed me goodnight which he does every night. 
“Goodnight love you” Pedri whispered 
“Love you too now get some sleep” I whispered back kissing his head 
Within minutes he was lightly snoring but I stayed up for a bit longer making sure he was sleep before I too went to sleep to get a few hours sleep before I have to get up for work. 
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alltoomaples · 1 year
love.jpg - LN
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: fem!uni student x lando norris
synopsis: lando gets invested in working with cameras after you talk about your day in photography class and you two discover a new language of love <;33
type: writing + instagram au
a/n: finally writing up the very first writing for my new series until i found you. and ik i have been super super lacked in writing. you guys have no idea how much and many ideas ive got but procastination takes the most of it! im trying my best to work upon it and now that my finals are nearing, i may try to write as a stress breaker soo fingers crossed.
until next one, happy reading <;33
part 2 is out now!! check it out :))
. . . .
You came home from your last class of the semester from uni. As much as you love photography and graphic design, its definitely tiresome when being pursued as a Masters degree. But you won't complain much about it cause at the end of the day, you love what you do. And so does your boyfriend.
"Congrats on completing another semester, bubba!" Lando greets as he speed walks to you and engulfs you in a hug.
You drop your bags carefully and hug him back tight as you mourn in exhaustion. Your whole body gives up that Lando was quick to pick you up and let the both of you fall on the couch. Chuckles leave from your mouth as he leans in and kissed your forehead.
"I'm so so proud of you, Y/N/N" He says, looking into your eye, pinning your hair behind the ear as he rests his hand on your cheek.
"I haven't completed my course, Lan"
"Yet. And soon you will be my personal photographer and designer for Quadrant" Lando says very proudly.
"Well in that case, be ready to say goodbye to your bank accounts" you say, smirking at him as you squish his cheeks.
"I'll be happy to make our joint accounts"
"It's a deal then!"
. . . .
"So tell me about your project?" Lando asks as we clean dishes after dinner.
"Well, basically, we have to make a portfolio for photography class. We need to select a theme and shoot pictures showcasing that theme" you say, as you dried the final plate.
"That sounds so much fun and creative!"
"It is actually! till you finalize the theme cause that's the main brainers" you say as you place the dishes back to the shelves and lando keeps the leftovers in fridge.
"And that's what i'm here for! Let me help you with the picture and theme and stuff" Lando says, being very supportive and super excited like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Bubba, i appreciate you and your help but you'll be busy with race weekends, PR promos and Quadrant stuff. Do you really wanna squish mine on top of this busy business??" you ask, being concerned about him.
He walks over to you, grabbing your face in his and leans in.
"Let me be a part of your project. Think of me as your project buddy who also happens to be your boyfriend" Lando says, making puppy eyes which makes harder to say no to him.
"Alrighty love. You're in!"
"Wooohoooo!!! Let's goooo babyyyy!!" He does his small victory dance as he sung to HSM: we're all in this together
You laughed silently as you walked into your work room and picked up a camera. Lando eventually followed you and found you holding the camera.
"Wait- we are already starting with the work??"
"We haven't even chosen a theme, you dum dums" you say, ruffling his head which messes the small curls a bit.
"Ohh yeah. I'd suggest you to do some trial run shots, like you know, play around capturing day to day events. Maybe something will spark and voila, you'll have a theme ready!" Lando says, as he fixed his hair while looking in the mirror.
"That's actually a great idea bubs!!! I'm gonna do that now. You really do love this subject of mine, don't you??" You ask, as you really loved his input he just gave and you're quite impressed with it.
His level of creativity is something you've always loved and appreciated his talents. And isn't it just lovely to see people talk about their passions!
And this just made you think it's time to finally give him one of your passions.
"This camera is yours from today. I've been wanting to give you this as I've seen you've been very much interested in photography and something you can take along with you and remind you of me" you say, whispering at the end as you felt your cheeks heat up due to the cliché that you just happen to say which isn't a very you thing to do.
Lando stood there with the camera in his hands, in complete awe at the gesture of yours.
"Y/N! you have no idea how much this means to me!! This isn't just any camera, this is one you truly used for your good works" He says, pulling you closer to his. He makes you look up to him, leaning in close as he kisses you softly yet lovingly. Your hands make their way behind his neck, pulling him close to you.
"I love you, so much y/n/n" Lando says, almost as a whisper as he rests his nose with yours.
"and i love you, much more lan" you whisper back with a smile as you do the eskimos kiss.
. . . .
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc, y/n.clicks and 3,566,962 others
landonorris: your fellow neighborhood cameraman📸
the best gift from the best <;33 y/n.clicks
view 41,06,765 comments
username1: wait Y/N gave her VERY OWN CAMERA TO LANDO!?!?
y/n.clicks: not bad for a beginner! have fun bubby🫶🏼
lando.jpg: learnt from the best ;)) will do!❤️
username2: he learnt with her?! talk about couple goals💗💖💞
charlesleclerc_: well i guess we'll say goodbye to this camera eventually. have you thought this through y/n.clicks 🤔🤔
y/n.clicks: i had a really good run with it soo if it breaks its alright, I'll get a new one 😙
lando.jpg: you two know that i can read your comments right?? hah RUDE😡
username3: i cant- 🤣🤣🤣🤣
username4: we're gonna be seeing what lando wants people to see. I LOVE IT!!!
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liked by charlesleclerc_, maxfewtrell, landonorris and 1,609,992 others
y/n_l/n: handing over ceremony📷
lando 🤝 lando.jpg
tagged: landonorris
view 105,020 comments
lanndonorris: key moment of my life and career❤️
y/n.clicks: landonorris bubbaaa🥺💗
username1: i want what they have😭😭💛
carlossainz55: wow, he is growing up🥹🥹
y/n.clicks: ikr!!!🤧🤧
landonorris: you two ughhhhh🙄🙄
username2: this is sooo adorable ahhh!!
username3: thanks to y/n now we're gonna embark the cameraman lando era!
y/n.clicks: this is just the beginning of the era!!
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liked by ciscanorris, y/n.clicks and 2,954,755 others
landonorris: day at the bay with my bae
tagged: y/n.clicks
view 957,542 comments
username1: oh my. oH mY! OhOh MymY!!😍🤩
y/n.clicks: caption might be chessy af but the pictures, mamma mia🥵😍
liked by lando.jpg
maxfewtrell: now i get it why you ditched for golfing, you simp!
y/n.clicks: wait what!?! lando did that??
lando.jpg: 😳😳😳😳 busted?
ciscanorris: lando ditching golf?? he's soo into his cameraman era!!!🫡💗
username3: everyone say thank you y/n for getting lando a camera
username4: seriously! THANK YOU QUEEN Y/N
lando.jpg: FACTS!! thank you y/n.clicks 🫂🫶🏼
liked by y/n.clicks
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liked by ciscanorris, pierregasly, olivernorris and 10,954,755 others
y/n_l/n: my favourite kind of cheese🧀 landonorris
tagged: lando.jpg
view 45,998,972 comments
username1: the caption🥹😭💖💞💗✨️
username2: them>>>>>>
riabish: LOVE IS IN THE AIR🫶🏼✨️
danielricciardo: you guys are so disgustingly adorable🫡💖
landonorris: now who's the chessier one??😏😏
y/n.clicks: landonorris still YOU🫣
landonorris: 😂😂😂
. . . .
also I'm thinking for a part 2 for this, lemme know if you're interested too :))
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check out my works: until i found you masterlist | other works
part 2 is out now!! check it out :))
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internetskiff · 8 months
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I'm such a sucker for the Citadel and how it changes over the course of Half Life 2 and it's episodes. I'd argue it's almost like a character going through it's own arc, in a way. The Citadel is (quite literally) a massive organism, a parasite planted into the soil by an unseen force from the skies, spreading it's cords to consolidate it's power over City 17. It's the Combine embodied in a single towering, shrieking and hateful monolith. It's cold and clinical voice decides the fate of entire city blocks. This is the thing that ordered the slaughter of an entire apartment block simply because Freeman happened to go through it. In it's eyes, Freeman is a cancer that must be eradicated as soon as possible.
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And it fails. Time and time again Freeman slips away from the Combine Soldiers - the Citadel's Killer T Cells. And all it can do is ramp up the intensity with which it tries to destroy him, ravaging City 17 first, before eventually resorting to tearing itself apart in the hopes it's final dying shriek will bring the full might of the Combine down onto earth.
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The Combine love to incorporate biology into technology. The massive translucent veins strung about the Citadel's entire structure have already been brought up a lot, but I've never seen anyone bring up the Reactor. It's like the nucleus of a cell. Or a heart, one beating out of control as the body housing it rapidly deteriorates. This isn't something Freeman caused - this is the Combine's attempt at retaliation. This is the Citadel destroying itself in hopes it can bring Freeman down with it. The Citadel is gradually leaking radiation into it's own body as it's reactor slowly breaks down it's own containment - all culminating in one final blast that would hopefully cleanse City 17 and the surrounding environment of all life.
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And even when it's dead, it's carcass charred and splintered open, it still poses a threat to the resistance. The Superportal looms over humanity's head as one final echo of the power the Citadel once held over them. At this point, humanity was as good as dead in the Combine's eyes. The moment the Superportal blossomed open and the first Dropship came through, everyone's fate would be sealed. And even though it's body is dead, it's voice somehow survived, continuing to command the stranded remnants of the Combine's skeleton crew in order to ensure the Superportal could reach maturity. It kept raising the stakes until it completely destroyed itself. It's sort of sad the Citadel basically takes it's leave from the story in Episode 2. Even if a third installment were to happen, the Citadel simply can't play a role anymore - it's arc is finished, leaving behind nothing but a ruined city and chunks of red hot radioactive metal. It really shows how the Combine truly operates - it doesn't give, it only takes, and what it can't take it burns to the ground.
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doumadono · 8 months
Trying doggy with Katsuki Bakugo for the first time? and hes just WHIPPED
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Dear Annonie, what can I say? I'm pretty damn sure it'd be an unforgettable experience ♥
Warnings: aged-up Bakugo
You had been diligently working on a mountain of documents at Dynamight's Hero Agency, and despite the late hour, you were far from finished. Everyone had either gone out on patrol or had completed their shifts, leaving only yur boss and you at the agency.
Then, in the distance, you heard Bakugo's unmistakable voice, his tone dripping with slyness, as he called out your name. The sinking feeling in your gut told you that you were in for something you hadn't quite signed up for.
"Yes, boss?" you inquired, cautiously peering into his office and adjusting your skirt.
"Get over here, idiot," he beckoned for you to step inside, and you complied.
He pointed his imposing finger at a particular spot on the document. "What the hell is this, huh?"
"It's a place for a signature, sir."
"And why the hell isn't it signed?" Bakugo flashed a wry smirk, baring his teeth.
Your heart sank. You had forgotten to ask his sidekick to sign their reports. "I… I… I apologize, boss. It seems I've been…"
"You've been what?" Bakugo growled? "Seems like you were too preoccupied dolling yourself up for me that you completely blanked on your responsibilities, didn't you, dumbass?"
Your heart fluttered. You had harbored a significant crush on Dynamight since the day you met, and, truth be told, he wasn't entirely wrong in his assessment. Yet, you tried to muster a rebuttal. "No, boss! I'd never…"
"Get over here, dumbass," he nodded slightly, beckoning you closer, and you complied.
"I should just fire you on the spot," he contemplated, revealing his flawless teeth in a mischievous grin. "Late to work often, daydreaming instead of getting down to business. I don't know, Y/N."
Your complexion drained of color. The thought of losing your job over such a minor oversight was unthinkable. "I'll do whatever it takes, just please don't put my job in jeopardy…"
"Anything I want, you say? Well, that's intriguing, you little, naughty tease," he gestured towards his desk. "Lean over and let me see that tight little pussy of yours, and I'll think."
You blinked, a warm blush creeping onto your cheeks. Despite the embarrassment, you bit your lip and complied. You followed his instructions, lifting your skirt to your waist and bracing your arms on his desk in a provocative position, pushing your ass up a little.
He hummed.
Turning your head to glance at him, you watched as his fingers trailed along your buttocks, eventually gripping your clothed folds with his thumb and forefinger. It sent exhilarating shivers down your spine and you gasped.
Bakugo traced circles around your most sensitive area with his fingers, soon pushing your cotton panties aside and gradually easing them into your slick warmth.
The desire for his touch overwhelmed you, and you instinctively pressed back against him, rhythmically moving in response to his skilled fingers, humping them.
"You fucking, naughty bitch," he whispered, his grin never vanished. "Look at you, getting off around my fucking fingers. How pathetic. Just don't think I'll let you cum yet. Get on your fucking knees and suck me."
You eagerly dropped to your knees, anticipation coursing through you as you finally got to see the object of your long-held fantasies. With haste, you opened the fly of his combat trousers and took his impressive, hard dick into your hands. It was much larger than you could have ever imagined. Holding it firmly with both hands, you sensually licked the pre-cum from the slit on the glistening head. Moistening your lips, you made intense eye contact with Bakugo, even if you felt like you'd burn on a spot. You slowly parted your lips, taking his entire length into your mouth and sucking vigorously on his elongated shaft.
His hand slid into your hair, gripping a handful of those silky strands. His head fell back in sheer ecstasy, his grip on your hair intensified as he held your head in place. "Fuck yeah, just like that, work your fucking tongue on me. That's it, you little slut, suck on my cock. You like it, you dirty, little tease."
You pressed your tongue flat against the bulging vein underneath his shaft, occasionally glancing up at him. These actions were far naughtier and dirtier than anything you had ever dared to imagine in your wildest fantasies.
"Enought," Bakugo commanded, yanking your head back by your hair. "Get up. I wanna feel your hot, tiny cunt on my cock."
You returned to your position on the desk and parted your legs, giving him easy access to take you from behind.
This time, Bakugo wasted no time, tugging your panties down your legs, to your knees, and thrusting the full length of his dick into your already slick pussy. A small gasp escaped your parted lips as he did. Bakugo firmly grasped your hair, pulling you back with his dick still deeply ensconced within your velvety walls. "I've been watching you for a long time, you naughty slut," Katsuki purred, his voice filled with pent-up desire. "Did you really think I'd let you go after all those private shows, coming to work in all those fucking short skirts and tight shirts, each of which had me jacking off every night, longing for your cunt? I've waited patiently to teach you the consequences of teasing. I'm going to make you mine until you're completely spent, bitch. From now, you're going to be my delicious little whore, you dirty bitch," Bakugo snarled, thrusting in your dripping pussy at primal, rough pace.
With that, Bakugo began to slam his hard cock in and out of your tight hole. The pain was unbearable at first as your pussy wasn't used to a cock that big, but as he fucked you harder, you began to enjoy it. "Fuck!" you cried out as Bakugo yanked your head back by your hair. "Holy shit, yes!"
His balls slapped against your pussy from behind. Bakugo reached forward, unbuttoned your white blouse, and unhooked the front clasp of your bra so that he could grab your breasts in his calloused hands. He pinched your nipples.
Your pussy has never felt anything like this before. The blend of pain and pleasure was utterly intoxicating!
Katsuki spread your legs wider as he continued to shove his cock vigorously in and out of your slick cunny, over and over again.
You bit on your lip to prevent your screams from escaping as he continued to fuck you hard and fast, yet it didn't help. "Fuck, Bakugo! Oh my God!"
"The heavens won't bail you out, slut," he growled through clenched teeth. "And for you it's fucking Dynamight, dirty whore."
"Dynamight!" You began meeting his thrusts with gradual rolls of your hips. Doing this sent Bakugo's cock all the way up to the hilt in your pussy, making your body shake violently as you came all over him, your juices coating his entire shaft.
"That's it, you little bitch, come for me. Ouughh ammmpppff, fuck!" Bakugo shuddered as he came, filling your cunt with load after load of hot sticky cum. He grunted angrily, and you felt his cock slowly begin to soften inside you.
He withdrew slowly, a droplet of his cum dripping down and landing on the marble floor. After tidying his dick up with a paper towel, he pushed his cock back into his pants, zipped them up, and adjusted his belt. "Well, well, well, Y/N," Bakugo smirked wryly, slowly rubbing your wet folds, covered in your mixed releases, "After this, I might not only spare your job but consider giving you a damn promotion."
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ptn-imagines · 3 months
best of luck with the new blog! if possible i'd like to request headcanons for zoya in a relationship with touch starved fem chief :) i imagine chief is probably pretty stubborn both about acknowledging her own needs and just. taking the time to let herself fully relax for a moment
That is absolutely possible and you are absolutely correct. Zoya my beloved.
Touch-starved f!Chief in a relationship with Zoya
While Chief isn't quite a martyr, she's absolutely a self-sacrificing bleeding heart. So yeah, she can be quite stubborn and insistent on pushing her needs to the wayside.
You know who else is as stubborn as a brick wall? Zoya.
A lot of S-Rank Sinners in the Bureau behave with a certain level of audacity towards the Chief, but compared to Zoya, they may as well be the picture-perfect models of good behavior. Zoya can even get away with acting out a lot of the time, by virtue of her relationship and also just her sheer intimidating aura (though Chief isn't afraid to tug on her leash if she needs to).
In addition, Zoya is more in tune with Chief through the shackles than any other Sinner in the Bureau. The experiences they’ve shared have left them with a truly unshakable bond that goes even deeper than the shackles; they’re soulmates in every sense of the word.
Combine these two things and you find yourself with an extraordinarily fearsome S-Rank Sinner who isn’t afraid to manhandle Chief into taking care of herself. And boy, does she need it.
Chief isn’t addicted to her work, but she’s definitely a workaholic. She frequently pulls long nights and unhealthy amounts of overtime. Iron has scolded her about it many times, to no avail.
Enter Zoya. The Commander of the Legion can bite at the Chief without fear of retaliation due to the power and respect she commands. She’s aware of this fact and absolutely unashamed about wielding it.
It’s a common sight to see Zoya bust into the Chief’s office. By this time, Chief is usually half-asleep already at her desk, frequently nodding off before startling awake.
As soon as she sees Zoya in her office, the Chief starts to say the same thing every time: “Just a few more documents, then I’m done.” Both of them know it’s a lie; if left to her own devices, Chief will toil away at the paperwork until the Bureau begins to rise for its daily routine.
So, Zoya never gives the Chief any slack; it’s no problem at all for her to sweep her girlfriend into her arms, holding her firmly against her broad chest as she marches towards Chief’s bed.
Though she doesn’t dare to admit it aloud, these moments are some of the Chief’s favorites. She is, unfortunately, very touch-starved, so the heat of Zoya’s skin and the steady thud of her heartbeat as she’s carried is enough to send a shiver down her spine. Zoya is probably aware of this, but she never says anything.
Zoya isn’t gentle when she unceremoniously dumps Chief onto the sheet and pins her down, her eyes burning with what would seem like anger to someone not as in tune with all the minute details of her expression as the Chief. The intensity of her gaze always makes Chief’s mouth go dry, yet she can never pull her eyes away.
Then, Zoya claims her lips. It’s a fierce, hot, and open-mouthed kiss, encapsulating all of the icy fire that the Commander of the Legion is, and it never fails to steal Chief’s breath away – all she can do is cling to the Sinner and hope that the moment never ends.
Of course, it has to end eventually, and all Chief can do is try to bite back her disappointment and not chase Zoya’s lips when she pulls away. “Sleep, Chief,” she murmurs, her voice rough with unsaid emotions. “I’ll stay.”
So it is that, on these nights, Chief falls asleep with her back to Zoya’s chest, lulled into slumber by the other woman’s deep breaths and heartbeat.
Zoya always falls asleep first when they’re like this. It’s a sharp contrast to when she sleeps alone in her cell; those nights, the Commander of the Legion is prone to sleeplessness. Chief doesn’t dare to ask about it.
These nights are the most restful sleep that Chief gets. And when Zoya is still there in the morning, gently snoring, well… All of a sudden, the Chief isn’t in a rush to get back to work.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Love your Bad Batch headcanons! They're so sweet and lovely 😍 I've got 2 asks for you, one SFW and the other NSFW! Feel free to answer one or both or neither! My SFW question: how would the batchers react to their SO continuing to work when they clearly, desperately need rest (I'm working on my degree right now, so I'm imagining school work, but it could be anything). My NSFW question: how do the batchers react to learning their SO has a submissive kink and wants to be dominated?
I like both ideas! But I'd like to keep them separated. I was thinking about combining them, but neither approach of mine felt right. Would you mind sending me in the SFW request separated, one more time? Don't worry, it won't slip back into the queue, I'll pick it out to do next as soon as I get it.
For now, the NSFW idea and I have to admit I really like it 😏
And now that I think about it, I should do extra scenarios at one point with each of them, going into smutty details. Yet another idea slipping into the existing pile of project ideas 😋
The Bad Batch x Reader - The Submissive Kink
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Warnings: Strongly Suggestive/Partly Sexual Content/Mentioning Of Sexual Content/Submissive Kink/18+
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He blinks, his brows slowly moving upward as his eyes widen. Hunter isn't quite sure he understood you correctly, the thought is more than just stimulating to him, but he wants to be quite sure he heard you right and plays dumb for now.
"Dominated?" he asks cautiously, "By me?"
While you smile at him almost shyly and nod, his blood is already starting to boil.
Another nod from you. It takes a very small moment, then a smirk appears on his face.
"Tell me your safe word," he finally says.
"Your safe word. You know what that is, right?"
"Um, yeah. 'Meiloorun cake'"
One of his brows twitches upward in amusement.
"Meiloorun cake?"
You nod, and the look he gives you makes heat rise in your cheeks and other parts of your body.
"Why not? One of the most unlikely things I would normally say during sex"
Hunter's gaze dips into yours as he says, "Okay, then don't forget it."
The next moment he has you pinned down on the bed, your wrists pressed into the sheets, with one hand above your head, your thighs spread with his hips and his free hand ripping your clothes off.
Hunter doesn't hold back, he enjoys the way you writhe in ecstasy, helpless under him. He's not too shy to grab a little harder if that's what you want, as long as it's consensual. The poses in which he is dominant are almost his favorite anyway. Taking you from behind or pushing you into the sheets, or against a wall, is a breeze. You can explore quite a few limits with Hunter.
"You know, I'd really like to see you be more dominant with me".
He pauses in his movement. He eventually turns to you slowly and looks at you with wide eyes.
"What do you mean?" he finally asks quietly.
"Sexually," you say, biting your lower lip.
His brows twitch up, and his eyes get even bigger. His gaze twitches back and forth thoughtfully for a moment. Suddenly he smiles, a hint of blush in his cheeks.
"You like being submissive?"
A little nervously, you shrug your shoulders, but finally nod.
"And you trust me enough that you want to try this with me?"
Convinced, you say, "Yes, absolutely."
With a smirk, he says, "I'm honored."
He really is, nothing could be a more honorable distinction than to receive such deep trust from you.
Echo is still very cautious at first, he basically knows what to do, but he can't quite get out of his skin at first. He's always worried about you, but he finds a rhythm faster than you expect, and he's surprisingly good at it.
Verbally, too, he quickly gets the hang of the command tone as well as gentle, insinuating threats. Echo quickly understands the effect his voice has on you at certain pitches and words, and is only too happy to take advantage of it.
As long as you have fun, and he makes you happy with it, he also has a lot of fun with it. Look forward to some hot nights.
He's licking the juice of a meiloorun off his fingers when you ask him about it. Wrecker pauses for a moment, but he doesn't think for long. His cheeky smirk gets under your skin and tingles with excitement.
"I see someone likes the submissive angle. If that makes you hot, you're welcome, sweetie."
Wrecker is incredibly strong, but don't worry, he won't hurt you, he has perfect control of his physical strength in bed with you and therefore also controlling you, with ease. He can hold you, push you back and forth and carry you as it suits him, and as he wants to have you. His strong hand on your back when he pushes you into the sheets is a kick in itself. To feel that power is something very special, and to feel it in this way is reserved only for you.
Wrecker is curious, open and anything but shy once you have aroused his interest. He has immense fun to see you writhing in pleasure and looking up at him so helplessly and yet adoringly. Wrecker always feels twice as big as he actually is after such nights.
Tech looks up from his data-pad, blinking as if he's been hit with a small electric shock.
You suddenly don't feel so brave and say, "Oh, nothing."
Tech frowns, drops the Data-pad and grabs your arm to hold you back as you get up to leave the room.
"But you certainly said something. I'm just not sure whether I really understood," he insists.
You say evasively, "Maybe now is not a good time."
"You said something about dominating or being dominated, I'm quite sure of that".
As you still stand there undecided, he gently pulls on your arm and says, "Sit down please, I'd like to know what's on your mind. I know I work a lot and am often distracted", he puts the data-pad aside, "But you have my attention now".
You sit back down with him and explain in more detail what you mean.
"Oh, we are talking about sexual dominance. Interesting."
Tech adjusts his goggles and thinks for a moment. Finally, he says, "There are many possibilities in this area, it will certainly be interesting to explore them"
"So you would be okay with that?"
Your usually shy tech is always good for a surprise.
He nods, "Sure, aside from being incredibly curious, it's something you seem to enjoy. You know I can hardly deny you a wish."
And he really tries, he reads through mountains of information and tries out everything possible with you, from simple dominant behavior, physical (for example the occasional slap on the butt when he takes you from behind) as well as verbal, to bondage games and degradation. He quickly gets the command tone down, and in fact is a little surprised himself by the thrill these games give him.
But don't worry, you're always in good, loving hands, no matter what you do.
He cocks an eyebrow at you.
Biting your lower lip, you nod.
Crosshair looks at you penetratingly, scrutinizingly. He's not really reserved in principle, but your relationship is quite fresh and so far he's pretty tame by his standards, he really likes you and doesn't want to scare you off right away. But the fact that you're asking him to do this now is very convenient for him, of course.
His smirk seems almost smug.
"Anytime, kitten"
He is a true master in dominating you, physically as well as with words. He doesn't lack for ideas, either, and bondage games are there from the start if you let him. Your hands tied above your head while he hungrily licks you out, or tied together on your back, your head in the sheets while he takes you from behind and holds a vibrator to your oversensitive pearl.
Crosshair also has no problem going through and exploring different gradations, as long as he can satisfy you in the process he is fine with it, should he feel you are not enjoying it or faking it, he will lose the fun of it very quickly. He especially doesn't like pretending, he is very resentful if you do that. He expects you to be direct and open, to communicate with him what you want and what not.
Of course, one of the first things is a safe word that you think up together.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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deathbysnakes · 1 year
Taking care of Dottore when he's sick
Dottore x Reader (Romantic)
Warnings:Ooc/Mentions of sickness and pills/Dottore not taking care of himself (what a surprise)/Reader says Dottores real name
Pronouns:He/Him (Dottore), You/Your (reader), He/Him (Omega), He/Him (Beta/Webtorre)
Explanation:Because Dottore hasn't been taking care of himself he got sick and refuses to take care of himself saying that "It’ll eventually pass." To no one's surprise, his sickness has been getting worse so you decide enough Is enough and take care of him (forcefully)
Dottore was tinkering with a gadget he found on one of his missions while mumbling to himself and sneezing, suddenly he heard a creek coming from the door, Dottore scrunched up his face in annoyance and turned around, his expression softened when he saw you, he put the gadget down and let his shoulders relax. "What are you doing here." He said while letting his cheek rest on his hand. "Your sickness has been getting worse, you need to rest." You said walking closer to him. He raised his hand to signal you to stop. "Don't get to close, you'll get sick." He said as he suddenly sneezed. You frowned in disapproval and started walking towards him again and picked him up, bridal style. Dottore was amazed by your strength but quickly snapped back to reality and started berating you. "Where are you taking me? I can walk you know. I wasn't done with my experiment! You'll get sick!" You ignored him and walked pass a few clones which through jealous looks at Dottore. "He shouldn't be complaining. I wish [Name] would pick me up like that. Dottore Is so spoiled." You herd them mumble, you noted to yourself to give them attention when Dottore rests.
You finally reached you and Dottores room and opened the door with one hand still holding Dottore with the other. "I don't need rest." Dottore pouted sneezing again. You ignored him again and plopped him on the bed. "You are free to change your clothes, just don't exit this room." You said while glaring at him. He huffed in annoyance knowing that even if he did escape you'd find him, plus, having you take care of him isn't that bad. You sat down on the bed beside him. "Now, what are you sick with?" You asked. Dottore sighed and said. "I have a cold." He said as a sneeze almost interrupted his sentence. "Are you in any pain?" You asked him. "I do have a headache..." He said. You nodded and got up to exit the room. "Where are you going?" Dottore asked, his tone of voice almost sounded sad. "Just to get medicine." You said. You noticed how his shoulders relaxed as you said that, you softly smiled and left you and Dottores bedroom.
You where looking through different types of medicine in Dottores experiment room when suddenly you heard a creek coming from the door, you turned around and saw Omega and Beta at the door way. Beta face lit up as soon as he saw you and was trying to hold back the urge to sweep you into his arms and Omega, while not as quite excited as Beta, was still excited to see you. Omega smiled at you and said. "You know Prime doesn't like you in his experiment room." He said crossing his arms. "I know but I'm trying to find some Pain relievers for Dottore." You said, Omega and Beta frowned as you mentioned Dottore. Omega sighed and took a bottle that said 'Pain relievers' on it and handed it to you. Your face lit up and you took the bottle from his hand. "Thanks Omega!" You said, you gave him a kiss on his cheek, Omega could feel his face heating up as his smile returned to him. As you where about to walk out of the room you noticed that Beta looked jealous so you also gave him a cheek kiss, Beta sweared I'd he had a tail it would he waging so hard that it would fall off, you then exited the room to get a glass of water and return to Dottore.
You opened the door to your room and saw Dottore laying on the bed with crossed arms and comfortable clothes and his mask off, his head snapped towards you and his expression relaxed. "Your back, what took you so long?" Dottore said, you could hear relief in his voice as he spoke. You sat down the water and the pain relievers on the end table beside the bed. "I ran into Omega and Beta." You said while taking out one pain relief pill. "Do you want to swallow the pill with or without water?" You said. "Without." Said Dottore reaching out his hand to take the pill from you, you handed him the pill and he swallowed it. "What where you doing with them." Dottore asked. "Oh, Omega just helped me find pain relievers, here drink this water." You said handing Dottore the water. He took it and gulped it down. "How are you going to sleep if sleeping next to me will make you sick?" He asked after finishing the water. "I'll just sleep on the couch." You said looking at the couch in your bedroom. "But won't that be uncomfortable? I can take the couch if you want." Dottore said. "I'm fine Zandik." You chuckled. "I promise, for now just let me take care of you."
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