#especially things he said after the show ended
frostbitebakery · 2 days
a Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan AU
Introspection fucking sucks, according to Commander Fox.
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The thing about him is, he’s been made out to be a bastard and ever since their batch found their calling or whatever he’s embraced that role.
Every batch needed someone who didn’t secretly want to be cuddled, who pushed others away so he could keep track of the big picture.
Cody had competed for the role for a while. As did Wolffe.
For Cody, his heart, big and fragile once you got to know him, got in the way in the end. He sees the whole picture, craves it so he won’t go crazy from the losses. But he believes in people and their goodness.
Fox doesn’t.
Wolffe made the mistake of getting the galaxy’s best General. General Koon shits rainbows and glitter, from what Fox has been forced to listen to.
Fox has… the Chancellor.
He takes a swig of water and wishes it were something stronger. But Quin is on the other side of Fox’s desk, reading glasses ever so slowly slipping down his nose while he’s crunching and tracking the numbers to prove the Chancellor is, indeed, siphoning credits off the Republic to giftwrap them for the Seppies.
He takes another swig.
Wouldn’t surprise him if Palpatine turned out to be the villain of the whole story.
Brought Fox to drink with the kind attitude, the cruelty so expertly hidden from first glance, cushioned in false promises and support.
Hadn’t been pretty. But it had been easy. You go to the right places, people are only too willing to shell out for some drinks. Entertainment and morbid curiosity what brings a clone to their knees.
Some found the lisp he has because of the scar that ransacks through his lips and tongue endearing but most hadn’t bothered with wanting him talking.
Some wanted to inspect the changes in the Corrie armor up close and cozy.
If shit hadn’t already multiplied, Organa came flouncing into the Guard offices every two weeks with a new design like they were his little dress-up dolls.
The last design, the one that stayed, had a dummy connector installed in the backplate.
Fox hadn’t mentioned it. Had stewed over how the Guard, already isolated from the rest of the GAR, wasn’t even considered for the neural network that would make them more efficient, more deadly if activated. Treated like scum on a pedestal, overlooked and taken for granted.
Fox takes every advantage he can squeeze from that.
Every batch needs a willing loner who’s got the big picture in his head at all times and doesn’t care for the minutiae.
Fox had been comfortable in that role, really. He saw Thorn and Stone and Thire and the rest of them making friends and lovers and heartbreak, and that was the last fucking thing Fox wanted.
And then came Vos. Appearing from the shadows like a designer nightmare.
For such a short time they’ve sure gone through a lot together.
To the point Vos became Quinlan became Quin became Vos again became someone Fox clung to while fighting fucking addiction and the realization that he is stupid enough to become addicted.
No matter what Quin had said, Fox was supposed to be the pinnacle of cloning and artificially creating the perfect soldier. Addiction is a weakness and fault.
Fox almost did something extremely stupid over that one.
Turns out it’s all part of the sentient experience.
Fucking sucks.
Quin had laughed at that, ugly and bruised laughter, continuing to comb his fingers over Fox’s head. “Tell me about it.”
An eloquent way to say Quin was going through withdrawal himself.
They got outside help after that.
“Hey, Depa,” Quin murmurs absently after answering his comm, pushes his glasses up.
“Quinlan, is your line still secure?”
“‘Course. Especially after Fox got his grubby little hands all over it.”
Fox shows him the middle finger of one of his grubby little hands.
“Good,” General Billaba clips out. Quin straightens up, and maybe Fox’s attention isn’t misplaced here. “Good. Commander Cody was activated by the Sith Lord and he’s bringing Obi-Wan to Coruscant.”
Quin is silent. Blinks up at the ceiling. “Can you run that by me again?”
“Quinlan, we have reason to be believe the Chancellor is the Sith Lord.”
Hah. Fox got that one right on his bingo card, at least.
Cody got activated.
As they’ve learned, the neural network - battlefield mediation, in fancy Kamino speak - is activated by a designated Force using GAR personnel. Surprisingly, the status is even an optional display on the screens of every trooper’s vambrace. Or not so surprisingly.
Cody got activated by the Chancellor. Who is the Sith Lord the Order has been hunting.
Fox will deal with that later or never, whatever comes first.
He’s comming the Guard all across the planet, checking the weapons on his person, while General Billaba explains the situation. He appreciates her succinct manner, he’s gotta say.
“I’m on the way to detain Anakin. Mace is following the ship Commander Cody captured but we need someone to intercept them on Coruscant before he reaches Palpatine.” She halts for a brief moment. “Obi-Wan seems to believe the Commander has betrayed him when he knows about the neural link inside the clones. We are fearing the Darkness is deliberately attacking and clouding his senses.”
“I’m on my way,” Quin nods, adds with a calculating glance at Fox, “I’m not sure I have back-up.”
“Funny thing about the Alderaan design of the guard armor,” Fox comments, checking the plasma charge on his DC, and vows to give Senator fucking Organa a sliced fruit platter, “the Guard doesn’t have the connector to the neural link.”
He comms their resident medic next and orders every gundark-level tranquilizer delivered to him.
Cody got activated and is following the orders of a Sith Lord.
Stars help them.
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fandoms-in-law · 2 days
Manual Mood Ring
Summary: To keep up popularity and the Harrington reputation Steve couldn't show many emotions. That didn't mean he didn't feel them, only that he didn't always recognise what feelings he hid. So he wore rings, swapped them out according to his moods. And a few people noticed them.
Authors note: It won the poll by 1 vote and honestly I'm glad about it. In typing the other fic up I realised how not finished it is. This has been a great fic to procrastinate work with over the last couple weeks, but I'm glad with where I finished it.
Steve would never say, except to Robin, but it all began because of Eddie and curiosity. If the guys he'd been friends with at the start of high school had paid attention, they could've worked it out too, but none of them thought twice when the week after he noticed, and accidentally cause some bullying over, Eddie's rings, Steve came in wearing one of his own.
The ring, or rather rings, he wore weren't expensive, just simple things he'd spotted in a shop window, but somehow everyone thought it was a wealth thing when they noticed it and so far as Steve heard, nobody realised there were 6 different rings he'd swap out. They definitely didn't question when he swapped them either, not even Nancy.
Robin did know. She only admitted noticing them when Steve dragged her out to buy more after the Russians took his original rings and none of the government agents mentioned finding them. She was the one who asked about why he needed multiple rings when he'd only wear one at a time.
It didn't help the assumptions they were dating when Robin insisted on taking his hand to check which ring he was wearing every time they met up after the explanation that he used them as an indication or self check-in of his mood.
Eddie knew Steve Harrington wore a ring. When he started to the gossip in Hawkins High said his father insisted on it due to a tradition but if that was the case then the ring was too plain in Eddie’s opinion.
Then he noticed Harrington changing rings after getting a question wrong in class and was certain the rumour was wrong, even if he couldn't figure out the actual reason for it straight away. After he'd seen that first swap, it was too clear for him to notice the times that the ring got changed, especially since he decided to try and figure out why Harrington would do that.
Spotting Harrington's ring enough to tell the differences in it wasn't easy in school, especially outside of their shared classes, but a theory soon grew in Eddie's mind of them being some sort of manual mood ring. This was only backed up when he visited Scoops Ahoy once or twice over the summer.
Before the fire Eddie even thought he was close to knowing what emotions some of the rings might indicate, but they all changed after that, not even one remained the same as before and, thankfully for Eddie's curiosity, the new ones had more noticeable differences.
With all his curiosity over Harrington's rings, it confused him to realise the kids he'd brought into Hellfire seemed to know nothing of them. Once Mike even commented ' Steve would be cooler if he just wore rings like Eddie's.' as if he wasn't already wearing one constantly. Eddie could spot it glinting on Harrington's finger when he picked them up afterwards, not hidden at all.
From paying attention to those lifts and Harrington's expressions and reactions to the brats gave Eddie some clues on what colour or general shape of rings matched good or bad moods, even if he never saw the detailing on them.
Except for one.
Eddie saw one ring in detail once. Hellfire had an extra club meeting that apparently none of the kids Harrington gave a lift to had mentioned to him until he came storming through the school half panicked. Even after confirming they were safe Harrington made everyone move along the table so he could sit next to Eddie and listen until the end.
The ring that time was in a woven pattern, made of silver and Eddie was certain it meant fear or stress. It had to, given how Harrington only looked away from his kids to watch the door or, for some reason, analyse the ceiling for damage and suspiciously eye the lights.
Who knew getting an answer about one of the rings meanings could give Eddie so many more questions?
Survival and fear were the only things going through Eddie's mind. He didn't know what happened to Chrissie or if it would happen to him next. He didn't know if he was trying to hide from that or from the town he was sure would blame him.
He definitely wasn't calm enough to recognise any of the voices yelling for him and dived into the boat as they got closer.
The conversation of the group looking for him was heard but barely understood as Eddie tried to get ready to jump up and fight or run through the hard jabs from an oar he thought was mentioned.
It wasn't the oar or the gaze of the man he pinned that broke through Eddie's fear when he decided to get out.
The hand holding the oar wore a silver woven ring. It wasn't polished and definitely showed signs of tarnishing in the indented areas and it echoed how he felt. He knew the ring and what emotion he was certain it meant.
And he knew that other rings were kept in the back pocket from classes where they'd get swapped out. Those are what he reached for now, still pinning Harrington with one hand which made it harder to separate the bronze ring that tended to be worn if he'd be joking when picking the kids up.
“Guess you're not here to have a go at me, or this would be worn.” Eddie mutters eventually into the silence that had fallen in the boathouse.
“I wouldn't do that. Dustin would never talk to me again if I did that. And how do you know anything about my rings?” Steve's words tumbled past each other, but seemed more confused now, instead of the panic he'd shown when first getting pinned.
“What rings?” Dustin demanded, somewhere behind Eddie.
Steve glanced over, “Forget the rings actually. What happened? We want to help.”
Steve hadn't changed his ring in days.
Eddie glanced at it each time they came to give him supplies, came to try and talk him into staying with one of them despite how they'd need to hide him from parents, every time he got the change to.
It was still the silver woven effect ring.
He could only hope he'd live to see another ring take its place and was beginning to suspect Steve was hoping the same thing. A few times he'd been caught looking at the hand wearing the ring, but Steve never said anything, only brought his hand back to the pocket with the rest of them.
“You got the bronze ring wrong.” Robin commented on one of the few moments everyone else was distracted. “It's not when Steve's truly happy or whatever you think.”
Eddie glanced at her, gaze returning to Steve straight away. “What is it then?”
“Forced positivity. It's when he's struggling to believe we want him here so tries to reach out subtly for most of them.” She explained.
“And you?”
“Check his rings when I first see him so give him reassurance as needed. Although you might've changed its meaning now.” Her words sounded slow as if she was musing on the idea. “We'll see after Vecna's defeated.”
Eddie wasn't quite sure what to make of that but Robin was already over with Steve again, catching up with whatever they were working on. At least being in hiding gave him lots of time to think through her cryptic comments for breaks from panicking.
“That's my ring.” Eddie stated. He'd been staring at the hand since waking up, originally cause it was clinging tightly and then as his memories filtered through the medication clouding his brain, to see if Steve was still stressed out. How was he meant to understand seeing his own ring being worn by Steve?
Steve's chuckle was watery, and there were tears in his eyes when Eddie looked up. “Yeah, mine now. Glad you're awake finally.”
Somehow that was what made him realise he had none of his rings on at all. “Where are the rest? What does my ring have the honour of meaning?” They felt like dumb questions but Eddie was scared to ask the more serious ones.
“Dustin's got them and your pic necklace. He'll be here as soon as visiting hours start along with at least a few of the other brats. Not sure which are seeing you first today other than him. Wayne's at the trailer salvaging what he can. Added me as an emergency contact so you wouldn't wake up alone.” Steve offered, thankfully guessing what he'd want to know first. “As for the ring, I don't know. I've been a mess, unable to figure out what I'm feeling so it's currently a question mark ring.”
That felt like a familiar feeling as Eddie blinked. He had no clue why things would need salvaging from the trailer at all. “What happened?”
The explanation carried on through the kids arriving, Dustin trying to push the rings onto Eddie and being stopped by nurses not wanting the jewellery in the way, and plenty of interruptions and additions. It covered how the attack that had left him in an induced coma to heal had only partly succeeded and everything that had come after and ended with Steve pushing his hair back into place sighing, “Thankfully most of us decided against sleeping through it all. Vecna is gone now and we're just waiting for people to wake up and heal.”
“And get Steve to explain how he's worn a ring so long without us knowing.” Dustin insisted, glaring at said man.
Eddie grinned, shaking his head alongside Steve. “It's not the king's fault if his friends don't pay attention to him. After all, I'd never spoken to him before all of this and I knew about the rings.”
“Lies.” Robin called, appearing in the doorway. “You spoke to him precisely 7 times as I never served you when you came into Scoops.”
Steve tilted his head, thinking before he shook his head at her. “Nope. He just pointed and handed over the money. I spoke to him before it all, but not the reverse. Such an unsociable customer.”
“You couldn't get Eddie Munson to talk to you? That board needed more tallies under you suck.” Robin teased, coming over and smiling at Eddie. “How are you feeling?”
For a moment it was silent as Eddie didn't realise the Steve and Robin show had finished with a question to him. “Oh, I'm – Honestly I feel like I died and this is a bizarre form of purgatory. Could be hell from the pain levels but you're all being too nice for that.”
Robin loved Steve's rings. She saw them as a small rebellion against his parents rigid views of gender as well as a good idea for someone who wasn't often allowed to express his emotions.
Even before she knew what they showed, back when they were just co-workers and former classmates, she paid attention to the rings and the ways Steve swapped them out. She knew the original set of 6 almost as well as she knew the ones she'd helped Steve find to replace them.
And she knew they definitely shouldn't be in Nancy Wheeler's jewellery box, still bagged with a label from the US government stating they had been goods confiscated by the Russians.
When she saw them it wasn't sensible to mention it. They were still dealing with Vecna and trying to find out more about him, but she remembered and once everything was over, and all that was left to do was healing, she wasn't going to stay silent any more.
“You know, Nancy, I've had a question for a while.” She stated, off hand, but laser focused on getting answers.
It was just her, Steve and Nancy for the moment so seemed like the best time to bring it up without anyone else interfering.
Nancy didn't seemed concerned either, just smiling. “Which is?”
“You never had anything to do with the Russians during the Starcourt fiasco, right?” Robin didn't immediately mention the rings, knowing just bringing up any of the events was likely to get the guard up of all of them.
Guarded eyes now looked at her, and beside her, Robin knew Steve was trying to catch her eye to silently ask what she was doing. “No. You know I was researching for the paper or with the kids basically the entire time.” Nancy agreed.
“Okay. So why, when we were trying to figure out info on Vecna, did I find a bag of items labelled as things the Russians had confiscated in your jewellery box?” Robin still didn't mention the rings, but knew Steve would immediately think of them.
After being given his keys back he'd tried asking about them but been told nothing else was found. Both of them had watched the government agent then go to talk to other members of their group but assumed that wasn't regarding any other items.
Nancy narrowed her eyes, but stood, going over to the jewellery box to get the bag. “Because the government agents said they'd found them and they seemed most likely to belong to me.”
Robin nodded, holding her hand out for the bag. “So little miss reporter got handed some items she knew definitely weren't hers and instead of say, asking any of the people who had actually been in the Russian base if they knew whose they were decided to keep them for herself and never question the origins?” She challenged, reaching out to take them when Nancy showed no sign of handing them over.
“I recognised them. I've tried remembering why I recognise them so I could return them.” Nancy insisted.
“Again, why didn't you just ask me, ask Steve, Dustin, Erica, if any of us knew who these rings belonged to?” Robin challenged, Steve's hand coming to rest palm up on her shoulder although he remained silently watching the scene.
Nancy glared, “Because I should know whose they are.” She snapped. “If I could just-”
“Pay more attention to the people around you, you'd know.” Steve interrupted when it looked like Nancy would go into a rant about her memory to try and justify not asking. “The reason you'd recognise these is I was always wearing one of them the entire time you knew me.” His voice was calm, but Robin could feel the tension in him, and a glance over at him showed his current rings had been swapped. She didn't think he'd go back to using the set she held even as she put the bag in his hand.
For a moment it looked like Nancy would scoff before she narrowed her eyes on Steve's hands, as if only just realising he still wore a ring. “But why would there be 6 of them?” She asked. “Only Eddie wears that many or more at a time.”
“Because I swap them out when I feel like it.” That wasn't the explanation Robin had received and she doubted the full one would be offered right now. “Thanks for returning them finally. I'm more annoyed that even when I asked specifically about the rings those agents didn't mention them to me at all.”
“Oh.” Nancy deflated as she realised Steve wasn't going to yell at her. She seemed not to notice Robin's gaze was still hard. “Yeah, sorry I didn't remember or, as Robin rightly said, ask whose they were earlier.”
At that Robin leant forward again, knowing her smile was colder than she'd normally direct at friends. “Please do ask if this happens in the future, because Steve shouldn't have had to replace his rings for you to delay solving a mystery this long.”
Nancy nodded, “I will. Are you two sure you aren't-?”
“Best friends and protective friends at that. You might be pretty but you aren't Stevie.” Robin reaffirmed, before sighing and trying to let her annoyance go. “Shall we put a film on or something?”
Steve hopped up, going to the stairs to listen for where Nancy's parents might be. “Probably not a film. I think Ted is still watching something, unless you're about to suggest going back to mine.”
“Funnily enough, Dingus, I was.” Robin agreed, also getting up. If she hadn't wanted to get him his rings back she'd have suggested going there to hang out from the start but now that was done she would happily swap hang out locations.
Perhaps he'd just been young, but Steve had never thought he'd have to get more rings, after finding six of them. Emotions had seemed simple to him, nothing like the tumult he'd been going through and while six rings had stretched before now he was learning that getting more was necessary.
He didn't question how, in getting those original rings back, he knew that one already meant heartbreak and grief, while the rest weren't needed any more. It just seemed reasonable; an escalation of the swap from the ring saying everything is good to saying his world was crashing before he lost them, to now having its hopefully final meaning be grief.
Then there was Eddie's ring, the mixed feelings ring, or as Steve still thought of it, a question mark ring. He hadn't meant to claim it, but when taking the rings off so the hospital didn't dispose of them he hadn't been able to let it go, even to hand it to Dustin. He'd covered by swapping it out with the stressed ring and repeating that Eddie wanted him to wear a different ring.
Honour: A word Steve had only ever heard directed to him jokingly, but Eddie used for his ring being worn. It boggled his mind a bit to realise how sincere the other was being with him. A lot of things did when it came to Eddie, like the fact he'd called Steve a good person out of nowhere and without prompting. Most people just complained about or insulted who he used to be and when he tried talking with Robin about it she'd got mad at herself before repeating how good a person he was now. That hadn't helped his bewilderment, just added another cause for it.
“Dingus, why are you glaring at your rings and a notebook?” Robin asked, draping over his shoulder and bringing Steve's mind back into Family Video and the slow work day they were trying to keep busy through.
“I need more of them but don't want to go around with even more rings in my pocket. Or know how to label what feelings they'd be for.” He grumbled.
She leant closer, forcing Steve to bend with her so she could see the notebook better. “Yeah starting from scratch is dumb. Write what you have rings for already, Your terms not mine or anyone else's, and see what you think is missing after that. Then see which stand out as unlikely to be worn often. Those could live in your car or wallet or something instead of your pocket.” Saying this she moved to his side and laid the rings out on a clear page of the notebook.
As Steve considered the idea Robin wandered off to check on the only customer. It was a pretence he knew, but one he's grateful for, even as the biggest necessity in his list becomes evident.
There's nuance, and different rings for sadness, anger, confusion, embarrassment, heartbreak, but only 'good' and 'trying to see positives' for good emotions. Good was one he barely knew how to quantify now and 'trying to see positives' didn't actually feel good to wear. But Steve wasn't feeling constantly bad, he knew that. He felt hopeful, amused, warm, and loved; like these friends were a real family.
Plus the question mark ring was where good and bad emotions were fighting in him.
“Do you think Eddie will come ring shopping with us?” He called out, settling on the four emotions he needed new rings for and looking around the store for the first time in a while.
“I think I can fit that in, yes Stevie.” Eddie replied, leaning on the counter opposite him. Robin was stood beside him looking over at Steve in amusement.
He shifted a little, looking between them, expecting to get teased. “You've been here how long?”
“Couple minutes, was going to block the page to say hi but you looked so adorably focused.” Eddie shrugged. “Are these all your current ring meanings? You've still not told me-” The words broke off as he read the list, fingers tapping over empty spots noted for new rings
Robin had started snickering, needing no words to tease once Steve met her gaze, but stopped in confusion at Eddie's reaction. “Sure they are. He's decided he needs to show more emotions than that now.”
“Like more positive ones, you mean?” He asked, a sharp gaze stabbing at her. “Little Miss Platonic, why haven't you told him to get more or change all the meanings so he doesn't only have negative emotions to show sooner?”
“What?” The demand was when Steve realised their focus might be surrounding him but it didn't currently involve him. “When did those change?”
He blinked at them, seeing a tussle break out for the notebook and wondering what Robin meant as he glanced as the ring on his finger now, bronze, looking for positivity, then back to her. “They didn't?” He asked, trying to remember what he'd told her they meant. He'd probably described situations which made him change to each ring he was replacing after Starcourt since describing his feelings isn't easy without them. “What did you think they meant?”
Instead of saying anything she snatched the pen to start writing her understanding of the rings down, Eddie's eyes getting wider as he read them. “That's – That's some difference.”
“Did I explain when I'd swap to wearing them before?” Steve asked, unable to read upside down and just getting frowned at as Robin made it clear he had and she didn't like the meaning mix-up it had apparently caused. “You still know how to help anyway.” He tried to reassure, hoping to lessen the glare.
“Just how pissed should I be at Nancy?” Robin demanded instead, angrily gesturing to the embarrassment ring. “How much didn't you say when I thought you might date her again?”
Both Steve and Eddie stepped back from her anger as Steve frantically tried to remember what he'd used to explain that ring and how it involved Nancy. “You literally said you didn't need to know that story.”
“Apparently I do now if just her visiting your workplace has you feeling embarrassed enough to change rings over it.” Robin insisted. “So, story-time please Steve. What happened with Nancy Wheeler?”
“Did you argue with Buckley?” Jonathan asked, sitting down beside Nancy and taking in the glare levelled at them.
She looked over as well but soon looked away. “The rings were Steve's. She found them but didn't seem this mad then.”
For a moment he just nodded, before straightening to look for Steve. “I didn't imagine the rings he used to wear then? I guess between you giving them back and now we've been spoken about. Makes sense I think.”
“What does?”
“Steve's best friend being pissed when he told her what happened between us three. I did wonder if she knew anything beyond the rumours.” He explained, waving when Steve emerged from the kitchen.
Nancy stared, trying to understand how Robin's anger came from that, even as she smiled at Steve coming over.
“You two okay? Your move back to Hawkins going well?” Steve asked, relaxed, a ring shaped into a shield on his hand.
“We're good, are you?” Jonathan asked, but carried on without pausing for a reply, “Realised that we never apologised for everything during that Halloween. I thought you'd broken up honestly, until Dustin said you were taking flowers to Nance when he asked for help.”
“I'm good and thank you. It's all history now and I'm pretty sure there was no coming back from that argument. I'm sorry for everything bad I did back then too. Some fault on both sides, I think.” Steve hurried to accept the apology but followed Nancy's gaze when she looked back over to Robin. “And Robs will calm down soon enough. She just got the meanings of some of my rings wrong and is mad about it.”
“What meanings do they have?” Nancy asked, glancing back at the ring he currently wore. “Eddie too? He did the hand hold thing too today.”
His nose scrunched but he looked amused, “Yeah but also no. That's cause Henderson tried using Robin's ring checking as evidence I'm dating her and Eds wants to see if he'll insist the same for someone else doing it. I'm preparing for anything Robin does to me to get copied or escalated for a while.”
“You're cool with that?” Jonathan challenged, looking shocked at the thought and Nancy could remember their fight from years back, wondering if that was why.
“Robin would kill me if I wasn't. Plus it means my empty home is a lot noisier with laughter now.” Steve mused. “Yeah, I'm pretty happy about Eddie's game.” As he finished speaking his hand dipped into his back pocket, a practised gesture that seemed absent enough to be unnoticeable as his ring was swapped out while he looked around the gathering. “I'd better check the kids aren't causing trouble over there.”
There was silence between them for a moment as he headed away. “So that's the first time I've actually seen that happen.” Jonathan eventually commented.
“No wonder. If he hadn't just mentioned his ring I'd have missed it.” She agreed, wondering why Steve would hide the gesture but do it so openly. It was more evidence that she hadn't known him as well as she thought.
Dustin was getting frustrated. He'd thought it was a blatant lie when Robin said she was checking Steve's ring each time she took his hands upon greeting. Then he'd thought maybe it was valid but still an excuse after noticing them was what started calming Eddie down in the boat-shed.
Now Eddie kept waiting behind Robin as she checked Steve's rings, draping himself over the side of him left free when they watched movies. It was getting honestly difficult to get a hold of either of them separately and Dustin didn't trust it.
“Why are you leading Eddie on?” He accused one of the few times Steve picked him up without the other already in the car.
“I'm not, but thanks, really flattering view of me you have there.” Steve huffed.
Dustin narrowed his eyes, “You're straight Steve.” He stated as if he was being dumb. “Why are you accepting his flirting when you aren't into him? Are you going to hurt him?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “One, that's not for you to question for me. Neither of us are going to get hurt. Two, Eddie checked and keeps checking we both know where we stand in this. Three, thanks for winning me that bet.”
“Bet? What bet?” He demanded but they'd pulled up in the trailer park and Eddie was already climbing in.
He'd clearly heard the question and leaned over Steve's seat, pulling his hand up to check the ring while asking, “Yeah Stevie, what bet are you telling Dustin about?”
“One I won cause he got in telling me off for leading you on.” He smirked, taking his hand back to pull off again. “Seatbelt.”
“As if I wouldn't follow you anywhere, Big boy. Keep leading.” Eddie remarked flippantly before swatting at Dustin, “But talk about clouded vision, Shithead. So when Robin does it they're dating but I do it and I'm being led on.”
Dustin spluttered for a moment, but Steve's smirk got sharper, “So that's me and Robin one each, you none. Lucas could be anyone's but I think you have a shot at Mike.”
Robin helped Steve find it, the final ring he’d buy for himself hopefully. She’d helped with everything else in his realisations since Eddie’s game began and was trying to make him share his feelings with Eddie now.
The ring had been both Steve’s way to delay that admission and his hope that Eddie would bring the conversation up for him. If only because he had no intention of advertising the feeling it meant at all.
It should have worked too, except he was never wearing the ring when Eddie first arrived, never able to get privacy when the change was noticed by the other and didn’t see how it could change with their kids all wanting attention constantly. He almost felt like his crush was doomed to silence and Robin’s teasing over it but refused to accept it, adapting instead. He started swapping rings when even slightly feeling besotted, hearing Dustin raving over something Eddie had done or a song reminding him of the other. Steve even started practising demanding private moments and dragging Robin off during her greetings, just waiting for Eddie to question this new ring.
“Is it my turn to ask for a private chat, big boy?” Eddie asked, finally seeing Steve’s latest ring worn as he arrived.
Everyone else was filing through the house to the kitchen or Steve’s pool and barely glanced their way as Steve tugged Eddie upstairs, blush only noticed by Robin as they went.
“You like my ring then?” He asked only after they were alone. It was partly to delay the admission, but mostly a genuine question. When looking for this ring he’d specifically wanted something that reminded him of Eddie’s rings and the coiled serpent design seemed fitting.
Eddie for the first time in a while didn’t know what to say. He wanted to ramble about how much he liked it and wanted a similar one for himself; wanted to interrogate Steve on this new ring when he’d been resolute on pairing rings up if he found an emotion missing from their meanings in the future; wanted to ask if it was a way to get his attention.
It was mostly the last of the list actually, but that felt too vulnerable to say.
“It’s metal, but why? You said you didn’t want to get any more after our shopping spree.” He asked, holding back all the words trying to tumble out.
Steve fell backwards onto his bed, heaving a sigh and making Eddie wonder if he’d asked the wrong thing. “Because a crush isn’t as simple an emotion to indicate and I didn’t want you to make similar errors to Robin if I paired it up with other rings straight away.” He muttered to the ceiling.
Hope flickered to light where it had dimmed at the sigh. “A crush? On who?” There was a guess, especially with how Dustin had been distracted from his questions the week before, but he wanted to hear it for himself.
“You.” Steve said, rolling onto his side and watching Eddie as he stood just beside the door, never having moved since they came in.
He moved now, taking the hand and brushing his thumb over Steve’s ring. “That explains why you weren’t wearing it when I wasn’t around at first, but not why you’re wearing it now.”
“Will mentioned you earlier, some of the chats you’ve had with him over Mike.” He hummed.
“Your love for those kids is cute.” Eddie grinned, kneeling on the bed beside him. “It also doesn’t say what you want to happen now. You seem plenty happy with me copying how Robs treats you but are you wanting more than that?”
Everything in Eddie was screaming to just ask for more, or lean down and kiss Steve, or do something other than gently prying more details out from the gorgeous boy rolling around on the bed.
“Maybe you could kiss me too sometimes, see how we feel about going further when my house isn’t full of everybody else.” Steve smirked up at him, as if reading the desires on his face. “Oh and invitations to either your band practices or performances. I want those too. Who knows maybe the Corroded Coffin boys could just fit in with this chaotic family of ours over time.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked, leaning so their lips were millimetres apart. “Want to join our families? You already thinking of marriage, big boy?”
Steve leant up for a small kiss, “Forever with you sounds like torturous bliss. Where do I sign up?”
“I think you already have.” They both grinned into the deep kiss Eddie pulled him into then.
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eufezco · 3 days
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civil war!bucky x fem!reader ( angst , fluff ) no use of y/n
based on the captain america: civil war post credits scene
a / n : english is not my first language so yeah 😭 also my request are open for mavel characters (especially bucky and steve)
You had doubted whether to go or not.
You had been up almost all night, the dark circles under your eyes spoke for themselves. You tried to get some sleep but it was impossible. You moved nervously in bed from side to side. After not finding a comfortable position, you got up and started walking around your room in an attempt to calm your nerves but the four walls were suffocating you.
Steve found you throwing up in the bathroom, on your knees, and with tears in your eyes. He held your forehead so you could let it all out and then wiped your mouth. Steve gave you enough time to recompose and when you were done, he sat on the bathroom floor with his back against the wall and let you lean against his chest while you sobbed. You should let him sleep, it had been a long day for everyone, your bodies were still aching from the fight and Steve had enough to worry about. But despite all that, Steve's strong arms held you tightly close to his body, as if he was trying to hold back the part of you that he knew would leave with Bucky.
Steve took you in his arms and carried you to the couch where he placed your head on his lap, wrapped you in a blanket, and caressed your hair until you fell asleep. When you woke up, Steve wasn't home.
You had doubted whether to go or not but in the end, you went because if you didn't, you would never forgive yourself.
—Hey —. Bucky let out all the air he'd been holding in, relieved to see you.
When Steve arrived and you weren't coming with him, Bucky couldn't help but feel bad. He knew it could happen and he didn't blame you for it. You had already lost him twice, you weren't going to take one more, you didn't deserve to go through that again. The idea of being away from you again did not appeal to him either.
Steve, on the other hand, wasn't surprised to see you. Last night you let it all out in the toilet and on his shirt, and you got some sleep, so he figured you would have regained your strength. Or at least you would pretend that you had, the thing was, that he knew you were coming. —I'll go and talk to King T'Challa —. He said and walked out, leaving you and Bucky alone.
You slowly approached the gurney where Bucky was sitting. The metal arm was gone and only the part attached to his shoulder remained. His wounds were treated and on his face, you could finally see a peaceful expression. His brows were not furrowed, his jaw was not clenched, instead he was showing you a sad little smile.
—How are you—? How are you doing?
—I'm good. I'm ready. How are you? —He asked back.
—I'm fine I guess.
After your answer there was silence.
Bucky knew you were lying because of your tone of voice. He was aware of your disagreement with his decision. Steve also had asked him many times if that was what he wanted but this was not about what he wanted or not. Now that he had reclaimed his ability to choose, he had to use it to do what was right, and what was right was to go back to sleep until there existed a way to free him completely from the Winter Soldier program.
—Buck, you know you don't have to do this.
He shook his head at your words. Of course you wouldn't stop trying.
—I can't trust my own mind. —You were going to complain again but he talked before you could. —And as much as I would like to make up for all the time we've lost, I have to do this. Until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody.
Now it was you shaking your head. For everybody but you. After all these years you had finally gotten him back, after thinking he was dead, after fighting your friends defending his innocence, you were going to lose him again.
Without saying a word you placed your hand on top of the one he had resting on his leg. The sad smile appeared on his lips again and he looked down at your hands. The touch of your fingers on his skin felt nothing like the human contact he had been experiencing these past few years. Your touch was gentle, your fingers rested on his hand delicately, as if you were afraid of breaking him. It was the first time in a while that anyone had cared about that. Bucky flipped his hand over to link your fingers together.
Using your free hand you lifted his chin and you not only made him look at you but also made his lips at the perfect height for you to kiss them. You pressed your lips against his, he squeezed your hand. Yours moved from his chin to rest on the side of his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek. You didn't know how or when you started crying but you felt the hot tears slide down your cheeks until they mixed with the kiss. Bucky felt the salty taste and after a few seconds, he broke away from your lips. He rested his forehead against yours and let your hand go to cup your cheek and wipe your tears.
—You are making this very hard —. He mumbled against your mouth.
You kissed him again because it was either that or trying to convince him one last time not to do it. Bucky's hand cupped your cheek, god, if only he had his two arms and could touch you and feel you the way he wanted. Bucky's lips gladly kissed you back one more time, until you both heard Steve fake coughing behind you.
You parted ways, already missing the feeling of his lips and hand on you. Steve came with two nurses and you knew that it was time. You felt your legs weakening but you could not break down in front of Bucky so you hugged yourself and hid yourself in Steve's chest. Your friend wrapped one of his arms around your body.
—She'll be fine. I'll take care of that.
Bucky pressed his lips together and nodded, thanking Steve.
—I'll wait for you —. You said and Bucky flashed you one last smile. He hadn't asked you to because he didn't want to be selfish but he was waiting for you to tell him so. Hearing you say that you’ll wait for him gave him the peace of mind he needed to breathe in the cold gas filling the cryostasis chamber.
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Can I request a Gojo x male reader that owns a cafe. Reader is having an event for his cafe where if someone gets a special item in their dessert (like idk a cherry or something) he would make them a custom dessert. Gojo, who had won the competition, requested to have Olive as his dessert. (Olive and Gojo do know each other, so it's nit like Gojo is a stranger requesting this lol. If you choose this request then thank you <3
Consider it done~ And for the sake of not naming the reader, I won't be using the name Olive but the relationship can remain.
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Title: Sweet Tooth
Characters: Gojo x m!reader
Contains: heated/sensual make out
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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"Congratulations! You won a custom dessert!"
Behind shaded lenses, Gojo blinked in reaction to the announcement. "Hah?"
You handed him a specialized card in both hands, a small one made of easy to punch paper. "A custom dessert! It's an event I'm holding. People who order a specific item from the menu get a special dessert made just for them, free of charge! With limitations of course."
As a café owner, you liked to hold these little events on occasion, especially if you ended up with more ingredients than you sold. It was a convenient way to get rid of them without having to throw them away and wasting them. For Gojo to win one felt like a thrill, as he didn't often stop by as of late thanks to his teaching position. He luckily had some time during the day to come by for a sweet treat, especially since he promised he would at some point.
Taking the card, Gojo scanned the text.
You've won one (1) free custom dessert*! Present this card at purchase to redeem. *Limitations apply. Good for one item up to ¥800
His drink and to-go box were already on the counter as he gazed back at you. With not a lot of time left in his break, he gave you a charming smile, picking up his items after sliding the card in his pocket. "I'll definitely stop by before you close to redeem this, maybe get some extra things while I'm here."
You two gave each other a wave before Gojo stepped out.
As closing time approached, you tried keeping the oven on as long as you could, keeping all the necessary ingredients nearby for whenever Gojo entered the shop, but despite your efforts and hopeful waiting, closing hour came, and you begrudgingly turned the heat off while putting the ingredients into storage.
You were upset, yeah, but not exactly at Gojo. It wasn't the first time his job made him stay out, and it wasn't the first time he didn't show up when he said he would. You didn't want to think about all the plans that fell through on top of this, so after locking the front doors, you set yourself to nearly deep clean the café to distract yourself.
You were going to start with the back. Since that area was out of customer sight, you never really cleaned it as well as you should, but at least it was always within code. You had put your apron up on the rack when a knock rattled the backdoor in the room, nearly causing you to jump out of your skin.
You don't recall ordering any new items, as this is where deliveries would be handled commonly, but you could have simply forgotten. That being said, you opened the door, revealing a towering male with familiar white hair and cloth-shielded eyes.
"Yo, am I too late?" His voice was all too casual for his delay in presence.
Disappointment had gave way to anger, and you turned around, allowing Gojo to enter the shop, gazing around the new environment for a customer.
"You have some nerve..."
"What? I came by! I said I would!"
"You said you'd come by before closing!" Built up frustration bubbled to the surface as you started gathering your cleaning items, haphazardly pacing back and forth to grab the items that were strewn about. "Like how you said you'd come over for drinks last week, or how you wanted to catch a movie the time before that."
Gojo let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I know I messed up. Things have been...crazy with the school for awhile."
"Then you should just focus on that instead of giving me hope." Water splashed from the soap filled bucket you made while talking, having slammed a rag in it after. There was an unsettling silence before Gojo spoke.
"But I'm here, right? After closing, sure. But I'm not bailing completely." He revealed the card from his pocket, still in decent condition despite the activity he typically does. "I still wanna cash in, if that's okay."
You stalled your movements, glancing at him with the revealed card before your gaze went back to the bucket, letting out a sigh.
"I...Yeah." There wasn't any point in being angry right now. You had to admit it was nice of him to come back when he said he would despite being late. He could have bailed out or gotten caught up with work like he usually did but he actually came back this time. "I'm sorry. I'm...really sorry." You straightened up, taking a nice deep breath to ground yourself for the moment. "I haven't started cleaning yet, so what would you like? I can get the stuff back out, but remember it's a ¥800 limit."
"If it's custom, what determines the price?" As Gojo spoke, he stepped over to you, rereading the text to make sure he read it all correctly.
You replied while tying your apron back on. "Size, mainly. You can take a menu item and change it how you want, and I can let you know if that will be within your range."
"Can I go off menu?"
"Well...I don't see why not, but you'd really have to know what you'd--" Your words cut off once you turned back around to face Gojo after your apron was on. He was so close to you, you could almost feel the heat radiating off of him, which contradicted the chilling feeling from the icy blue stare that now graced you. "--w-want."
"So as long as I really know what I want, I can have it, yeah?" His voice dropped to a husky tone as he leaned close, your back starting to press into the wall.
"Well, can I redeem the cute shop owner~?"
When his cold hand touched your heated cheek, your heart picked up in pace. It pounded in your ears, nearly drowning out all sound. You had no idea Gojo felt this way, but maybe you were just oblivious to past actions.
"I-I...um...I-I'm not exactly a dessert..."
"Are you sure? Because my sweet tooth kicks in whenever I see you~ Maybe I could have a sample first?"
Before you could respond, Gojo's lips found yours, and he was quick to help himself past them, humming from the sweet taste that coated your mouth from sampling your creations throughout the day. Soft groans left the two of you, and you found yourself gripping at Gojo's uniform sleeves, not in protest, but to keep your mind steady. Luckily for your sake, he didn't keep the kiss long, pulling away once notice you were shaking to get air. As you panted lightly, he gave you a playful smirk, licking his lips with a satisfied hum.
"Well after a sample like that, how could I not have more~?"
You didn't need to wait for him to make a move. This time, you urged in, connecting your lips once more with his. His body pressed flush against you, the silence in the air replaced with sensually charged sounds. You gripped at his clothes as his hands raked through your hair, tongues dancing with one another as you held each other close. You were emotionally charged; anger, desire, and excitement all mixing within yourself like a lumpy batter. You didn't exactly know what to feel with him, but desire seemed to be the strongest ingredient.
This sudden makeout seemed to last awhile to you, feeling like tens of minutes went by before you two finally disconnected, gazing into each other's glazed eyes while your chests heaved for air.
"M-My house later," you breathed. "Y-You better not be late this time."
"Trust me," Gojo exhaled in response. "I wouldn't miss that for anything...~"
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teriri-sayes · 2 days
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 288
Brief summary: CH and Clopeh had a talk instead of a duel. Cale arrived at the emperor's palace.
This chapter was so good! 🥰🥰🥰 I expected that the two would fight, but they only conversed. Nevertheless, their conversation revealed a lot about what kind of person Clopeh was.
CH believed that Clopeh was unsuited to be a guardian knight. Clopeh followed the path of a shadow, but a guardian knight must walk at the forefront. For CH, Lock would be a better guardian knight than Clopeh. But Clopeh's rebuttal left him speechless.
-What if a very strong enemy appears in front of Cale? Will you lay down your life to save Cale? But if you save Cale, the others will die. Raon and the kittens. Mary, Rosalyn, Tasha, and Lock. But if you don't save Cale, the others can be saved. What will you do?
My goodness, Clopeh asks questions that hit hard, especially for CH. Both knew that whatever the choice, Cale would be hurt. CH was hesitant, but Clopeh was not.
-I don't care if you all die, I don't care if I die, I don't care if my family dies. Of course, Cale-nim would be sad if all of his companions were killed. That's the kind of person he is. That is why he has the qualities of a great hero. So I will not turn my sword against Cale-nim's allies. But you and Cale-nim. Me and Cale-nim. If I could only save one of you, it would definitely be Cale-nim.
Clopeh-nim!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 He's really going all-in on Cale even if he loses everything else.
"Choi Han. Do you think you are a knight?" A knight. For some reason, Choi Han couldn't open his mouth easily. No answer came easily to him. Clopeh's eyes were like a green swamp. A swamp so deep that once you were dragged in, you couldn't get out. And they were filled with an intense longing. It was a desperate longing for something. Clopeh said in a nonchalant tone. "I think I am a knight." Even if he became a shadow and acted like an assassin. He never forgot that he had started out as a knight. He lived as a knight. "And do you know what a knight means?" Knighthood meant different things to different people. And for Clopeh. "For me, it's a conviction." For him, chivalry is conviction. "A knight must never compromise his conviction." Therefore, a knight who compromises his conviction was useless, and should not compromise his conviction. "And my conviction is-" Choi Han seemed to know what Clopeh's conviction might be. Clopeh spoke calmly. My conviction is, "Cale-nim." Choi Han felt like he was losing strength. He couldn't help but stare into those deep green eyes. The knight named Clopeh spoke. "His path is my conviction." Cale's path is my conviction, my reason for being a knight. Clopeh could say that without the slightest hesitation. That is why he would die for Cale, and he would do anything to save him.
KYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Clopeh-nim, you're as awesome and crazy as always! ❤️❤️❤️ 🤣🤣🤣 Google Translate used the word "belief", but I stuck with DeepL's translation of "conviction" because it was better. After all, a conviction is a strong belief, and what Clopeh expressed was his strong belief for Cale.
And thus, CH could not help but acknowledge that Clopeh deserved to be Cale's guardian knight. Clopeh passed CH's test. But CH warned Clopeh that if he lost his conviction, he would kill Clopeh. And Clopeh was fine with that. It was funny that the two called each other as a "crazy bastard" though. 😂
Ending Remarks As a Clopeh fan, I love this chapter so much~! I would like to see a duel, but delving into Clopeh's thoughts and conviction was also good. Next chapter would be Cale meeting with the emperor again. Expect lots of scamming and DA showing off his power.
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inheartofwinter · 1 day
Drarry Fic Rec List: Us Vs The World
The list I want to show you to day is one I especially adore: fics with strong vibe of "us against the world". They could be good, they could be bad, they could save the world, they could destroy it, they could simply go on with their lives. No matter what, they will always have each other.
- Hell & Other Places (M; 2,5k) by @tepre
OR: 9 times Draco said ‘I love you’ and 1 time he didn’t.
Draco & Harry are sent to investigate a haunted Bed & Breakfast.
- Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis (E; 49999) by @vukovich
Harry's assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy's missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who's making withdrawals from Malfoy's vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can't. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry.
- Basement Level 9 (M; 2k) by @fw00shy
Draco was behind the bomb that blew up Level 10, though they didn't talk about it.
- Stay with Me 'Til Morning (R; 8,4k) by Lucilla Darkate
In a once upon a time world, white magic would triumph over black, good would carry the day, evil would be vanquished, the valiant would stand and be true, and always, always, true love would end with a happily ever after.
- Purple Words (E; 67k) by FangirlWolfie
“High five me.”
James immediately put Harry down and gave him a high five.
- In Grey Worsted (M; 2,8k) by literaryspell
Harry's only chance at happiness is slipping away, one piece at a time. He isn’t about to give up, though.
- Ever Fixed Mark (T; 1,1k) by @shealwaysreads
In which Harry decides to burn the world, and Draco watches on with adoration.
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken
Shakespeare, Sonnet 116
- Dead Ends (E; 18,8k) by @toxik-angel & @melcarrianna
Head Auror Harry Potter is the best at his job. Head Auror Harry Potter always saves the day.
But someone has been picking off ex-Death Eaters one by one. Someone has been abducting Harry's friends right out of their homes. Someone is fucking the Minister for Magic.
The Minister for Magic and Head Auror are both very concerned about it.
- Because Potter Is Allergic to Poppies (M; 41,1k) by Lomonaaeren
Auror Harry Potter is in hospital being treated for a curse when someone tries to kill him. Obviously it is up to bored, trapped Apprentice Healer Draco, who was only admitted to the Healer Program in the first place to do the menial work, to find out who did it. Because then they will promote him. No, it’s for no other reason, thanks.
- Toujours pur (T; 21k) by Veralynn
"Malfoy would never confess truth to an enemy, and we’re enemies to him. That’s way I made a plan.”
“A rat,” Harry said.
“Exactly. Someone I can trust one hundred per cent about You-Know-Who. Someone who knows well Malfoy and his past. That makes you the perfect candidate.”
- REVOLVEVLOVER (E; 46,3k) by @firethesound & zeitgeistic
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.
It’s just that he’s never deciphered a kill sheet and seen Draco Malfoy’s name on it.
Career Choices: Harry: Hit Wizard; Draco: Anti-Government Extremist
- Who we are in the shadows (E; 99,7k) by @quicksilvermaid
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
- Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin (T; 34,9k) by sabershadowkat
At the heart of every Slytherin.
- The Boy and the Sleeping Prince (E; 26,7k) by @phoenix-acid & @writcraft
Harry is miserable and tired of being an Auror, coasting through life until he’s forced to make some changes. Spurred on by his passion for drawing and working with best-selling author Draco Malfoy, Harry develops a charm which gives children a magical, interactive reading experience. But when it’s time to test the spell, the two men find themselves trapped in a nightmarish fairy tale world. Can they escape unscathed, or is Draco right in his assertions that there is no such thing as a happily ever after?
Career Choices: Harry: Illustrator; Draco: Writer
- When Death Comes Calling (T; 2,6k) by @mystickitten42
It’s All Hallows’ Eve and as Harry investigates a string of seemingly related deaths, there’s one he hopes to prevent.
He looks over Harry’s shoulder and Harry turns too. They both see it, the dark translucent figure making its way to shore.
~ Or ~
Getting together in the face of Death. Literally.
- Servile (E; 68,5k) by calrissian18
“I would love anything you gifted me, My Lord, but this,” silver eyes, the same shade as the dragon that marked Harry's arm, glinted in his direction under the Death Eater’s hood, “is exquisite.”
- The Corruption Sequence series (E; 94,2k) by beren
Harry Potter is captured by Voldemort and the Dark Lord has plans for him that involve the essence of many different dark creatures. What Voldemort cannot know is that the presence of Draco Malfoy will affect the outcome of his plots and change everything.
- More Powerful Then Experience (M; 89,7k) by flightinflame
Harry's life changes when he is three, when his parents are murdered and the Dark Lord takes him to raise as his own.
Draco's life changes when he is six, when he finds himself given to a strange green-eyed boy who speaks Parseltongue and casts impossible magic.
Remus's life changes three years later, when a chance meeting proves to him that somehow James and Lily's son is still alive.
- The Gryffindor Prince (G; 6,3k) by @mfingenius
“Do not come near us again, evil Slytherins!” he exclaims, pointing his wand towards them again. Pansy and Blaise look more amused than anything, really, but they hold up their hands in surrender. 
“Alright,” Pansy says, agreeably enough, a smirk on her face. “But Potter, Draco’s a Slytherin, like us. He’ll have to come back eventually.”
Harry’s eyes narrow, and, a moment later, he is throwing Draco over his shoulder, arm tight across the back of his thighs so he won’t fall, and Draco yelps.
Have fun reading!
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 97... You have been warned...! 👌
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This chapter goes into detail about Mathra and Henderson's pasts together, and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! 😍 So without further ado, let's talk about Mission 97 shall we...? 👍
The chapter began with Henderson talking to the matron, who mentioned that she overheard that him and Mathra made quite the darling couple, then Henderson says...:
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I LOVE THIS PANEL SO MUCH!! 💗😍💗 And I was like: Suuuure Henderson, y'all are "Just Friends"...!! 😏
Then it cuts to the past and we see a young Henderson watching a young Martha preform ballet at a New Year's party talent show at Eden Academy...:
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(This is just so sweet, man...!! 💗🥹💗)
Anyway, after Martha's performance she gained friends, while Henderson lost friends, all because he called her performance elegant and got the nickname Mr. Elegant...! 👌😌 (I say it was worth it...! 😎)
Some time later, Henderson is having some tea before class and Martha comes across him. He then offers if she wants some and they start hanging out together...!! 🤗
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Three years later, we see Henderson getting harassed and by these three jerks for just being who he is, when suddenly...:
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MARTHA (I mean, Lady M) CAME TO HELP HENDERSON!! 😆 (She also said the "human beings ARE animals" thing that Becky said all the way back in Mission 25!! 👏😆 So that's where she got it from...!! 😌) Henderson then scolds Martha for using her ballet skills for fighting, but then she brings up that he threw a punch too and runs off to tell his teacher of his inelegance...!! 🤣
His teacher brings up that Henderson has been boycotting his military training courses and if he keeps it up, he'll get a Tonitrus Bolt... After that, Martha meets up with Henderson, who declares to fight not with his fist, but...:
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In that moment, Henderson decided that he was gonna change the world with education. But in doing so, he started to push Martha away... 😔 (She even asked him if he was gonna invite someone to the graduation dance and he told her that he doesn't have time for something like that...! 🥲)
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After a brief flash forward of Martha telling Becky about her past with Henderson, we go back to the past to see a nineteen year old Martha, who's now in her last year of Eden:
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A new faculty member has joined Eden Academy, and it is none other than Mr. Elegant himself, Henry Henderson!! 👏😆:
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AND THAT'S THE END!! 😱 Is this going to be continued in the next chapter, or is this a one and done type situation...?! 🤔 Which ever way it's gonna go in the next chapter, I ADORED THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH!! 😍
I'm a sucker for learning characters pasts, so this chapter was super enjoyable for me!! 😄 Especially since WE'RE FINALLY LEARNING ABOUT WHAT HENDERSON & MARTHA'S RELATIONSHIP WAS LIKE!! 😍
Gosh, I could probably talk about this chapter for hours, but I think I'll stop here for now...!! 😁 I really hope that there's gonna be a second part to Martha and Henderson's story because I'm so invested in them!! 😆
But anyway, that was Mission 97, I clearly loved it and I can't wait for the chapter!! 😁 So until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to each other...!! 🤗
Also, I love that we get to see a young Donna Schlag as well:
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We haven't seen her since Mission 61!! 😆 But yeah, that's pretty much it!! See you all in the next one...!! LATERS!! 👋😄
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green-eyedfirework · 2 days
"Hands off, Rick," someone shouted from the other end of the table, "Slade wouldn't like you sniffing around his bird."
Dick let the words wash over him.  He gripped the knife a little harder, and focused on his meal.  They were too close.  Too close, and it felt too hot, even though the fire was a little distance away.  He needed to breathe.
"Screw Slade," Rick called back, and Dick suppressed the flinch as the man's arm came around his shoulders.  The grip was inescapable.  "If he doesn't want to make a move, well, we're not going to wait for him to!"  There was a smattering of laughter.  It rang too loud in Dick's head.  "Isn't that right, Your Highness?"
It took only one blink for Dick to twist, a flare of pain traveling up his spine, the knife blade against Rick's throat.  "Let go of me," Dick said, his voice strangely level, "Or I'll slit your throat."
The laughter died awkwardly.  Rick's eyes widened in shock, and then narrowed, the smile dying to something that looked more...searching.  But he made a dramatic show of lifting his hand off, his voice still light.
"Determined for Slade after all," he said loudly, and the chuckles echoed up and down the table, though it sounded oddly flat.  "Don't worry, Your Highness, he won't mind if you've already had some fun."
This time, Dick couldn't hide the flinch, and there was something contemplative in the gazes of the men around him.
Dick turned back to his meal.  He didn't relax his grip on the knife.
The teasing stopped.  They stopped touching him, and started watching him.  It felt like a tension crackling in the air, a tension in the air, and Dick half-held his breath as he moved like nothing was wrong.
He knew they were waiting.  Turning the corner into the tent where he was supposed to sleep, it shouldn’t have surprised him to see that Slade was already inside.  But it froze him to the spot, a knee-jerk of fear, and he had nowhere to run.
Not that he could run.
Slade merely stared at him, gaze inscrutable, scanning Dick like he could lay him bare with just that one, piercing eye.  Dick, lightheaded and wavering even with the crutch, certainly felt naked under the regard.
“What do you want?” Dick forced the words out, clipped and sharp.  Some part of himself was already curling up, begging no, please, stop, but it was locked away.  He wouldn’t beg.  His dignity was the only thing they hadn’t yet managed to destroy, and Dick refused to lose it too.
“No one in this camp will touch you,” Slade said, his voice level, and Dick felt himself go rigid.  “If any of them hurt you, they know they will answer to me, and my displeasure should you be harmed.”
He knew.  They knew.  Dick had seen it across all their faces, but he didn’t—he wasn’t—he didn’t want to hear what they had to say, he didn’t want to hear what Slade had to say, and especially not when he was still a goddamn prisoner.
“I killed Bane,” Slade said slowly, and this time Dick could recognize the fury beneath the steady tone, “I should have made it slower.”
“Bane didn’t touch me,” Dick snapped back, unable to stop the bite to his tone, “So if you’re here to defend my honor—”
“He hurt you,” Slade said evenly, “Or his men hurt you.  Or someone else.  I can play a guessing game if you’d like, but it won’t change the fact that you were hurt, Dick.”
Dick stayed where he was, cold and almost-shivering, still frozen to the spot.
“It wasn’t your fault, and you—”
“You don’t know what happened.”  His voice was soft, but no less poisonous.  “I don’t need your platitudes, Slade.”  He couldn’t stop the trembling.  “You weren’t there.”
Slade’s expression spasmed for a moment, there and gone before it settled back to its stillness.  “If you require medical attention,” Slade started again, but Dick cut him off.
“I require nothing from my captor.”
There was no flicker in Slade’s expression this time.  “Very well,” he said, still level, “You’re free to change your mind at any point.”
“I don’t—”
“You were raped,” Slade said, and the bluntness of his words shocked the air from Dick’s chest.  He was really lightheaded now, and he had to grab the edge of the stool to slow his collapse when his balance failed him.  Slade didn’t move forward to catch him, nor did he offer any support, but he crouched after Dick, sitting cross-legged as Dick clung to the stool in a painful kneel.
“There are physical wounds in addition to the mental ones,” Slade continued, and Dick didn’t know how he could keep his face so blank.  “I doubt Bane gave you any treatment.  Villain can give you something for the tears, and ensure that infection doesn’t—”
“Stop,” Dick rasped, unable to hear that steady voice, unable to—the memories of pain overlapped, and he ached, inside and out, and he just—couldn’t.
Surprisingly, Slade stopped.
“What do you want?” Dick asked quietly, raw and wounded.  He barely had the strength to keep his pain locked away, and Slade had a way of breaking the locks.
“For you to feel better,” Slade answered, “For you to feel safe.”
“As a hostage in a bandit camp,” Dick almost laughed.
“No one here will hurt you, Dick, ransom or not,” Slade said quietly, and Dick squeezed his eyes shut.  He could feel something inside him begin to splinter.
“And I’m just supposed to—believe you?” Dick’s voice was hoarse and cracking, “Trust the word of an outlaw?”
There was a soft silence.
“Have I ever lied to you, little bird?”
The first sound was too agonized and harsh to be called a sob, but they kept coming, tearing themselves from his chest as his cheeks grew wet, and Dick clutched the stool just to have something for his fingers to grip.
They shuddered through him, all the tears he hadn’t spilled in front of Bane, the sobs he’d refused to surrender to, and yet here he was, crying in front of Slade, in front of the man who held him prisoner, in front of the man who’d promised him safety.
He could hear Slade move, but Dick stayed where he was, kneeling on the ground, letting his anguish carve out of him.  The movements came closer, and before Dick could brace himself—a slap, a punch, a kick—something heavy and dry was draped across his back and wrapped around him.
Slade was careful not to touch.  Not even an accidental brush of fingers.  Dick lifted his head, everything still blurry around him, and saw Slade retreat.  “Do you require anything?” Slade asked when Dick met his gaze, his voice still carefully distant.  “Food?  Water?  Medicine?  More blankets?”
Dick shook his head numbly.  He felt exhausted and drained, as though once the emotions burst through, there was no stopping them until he was washed out.
“Okay.  Just call if you need anything,” Slade said evenly, and straightened, heading for the entrance.
Dick didn’t know what had possessed him.  Why he did it.  But there was a small corner of his mind that screamed at the thought that Slade was leaving, and Dick reached out and grabbed Slade’s leg.
It was stupid.  Slade was keeping him prisoner.  He was just as dangerous as Bane.  He wasn’t a man that could be trusted.
“Dick?”  Slade could rip his leg free from Dick’s grip as easy as breathing, no matter how hard Dick tightened his fingers into the material of his pants.  Dick didn’t answer him.  Couldn’t answer him.
Slade tugged his leg free, and Dick let his hand fall.  The hollows inside him stretched.  Everything was a wash of tears, and his heart felt like it was fracturing into pieces.
Slade took a seat next to him, close enough to brush the edge of the blanket, but facing away.  Dick was thankful for that, he didn’t think he could handle the pressure of Slade’s searing gaze, and that all-seeing blue eye, and something swelled in his throat as he tried to swallow.
No.  No more tears.  He had to—had to stop crying, and regain his composure and just—he had to stop.  He couldn’t afford weakness.  It had already cost him too much.
Slade didn’t say a word.  Just stayed in place, his breathing low and steady, hands crossed in his lap, looking away from Dick.  Didn’t make a single sound as Dick shifted in place to take the weight off his knees, and leaned farther than he had to—to rest his forehead against Slade’s shoulder.
Slade just adjusted to bear Dick’s weight better, and didn’t say anything as Dick’s tears soaked his shirt, constant and unending.
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d-criss-news · 18 hours
Glee star Darren Criss says he is 'culturally queer' thanks to San Francisco upbringing
When Darren Criss broke out on Glee, he instantly became a "teenage dream" for viewers — especially for LGBTQ+ audiences, who were able to see themselves represented in a new way in television.
Criss himself identities as a straight, cisgender man, but he says that his upbringing in San Francisco, Calif., helped him understand the importance of his character, Blaine, and his character's relationship with Kurt (Chris Colfer).
When asked at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2), what it was like portraying the groundbreaking relationship on television, Criss replied, "It was f---ing awesome.... Nowadays, we just call it a relationship on TV. But to contextualize it, a gay relationship on mainstream Fox, that's a pretty cool thing to be a part of," he said, adding emphasis when naming the network.
"I have been so culturally queer my whole life," he continued while appearing on a panel over the weekend. "Not because I'm trying — you know, actually, I was gonna say not because I'm trying to be cool but I'm gonna erase that, because I am trying to be cool. The things in my life that I have tried to emulate, learn from and be inspired by are 100 percent queer as f---."
"It was in queer communities that I've found people that I idolize, that I want to learn something from," he said. "And I'd say that's a gross generalization, that's a lot of things and a lot of people. But I grew up in San Francisco in the '90s. I watched men die. There was an awareness of the gay experience that was not a foreign concept to me. So, it was a narrative that I cared deeply about."
Criss also clarified that he didn't feel any ownership or entitlement over the role, but instead, felt a sense of responsibility once he was cast. "[I wasn't] like, 'I'm the man for the job,'" he explained. "They hired me...They said, 'You're the guy,' and I said, 'Okay, I'm the guy, I will do my best. I will do my best to talk about it in the way I believe and a way that I'm passionate about.'"
Criss portrayed Blaine Anderson for five of Glee's six seasons. He was introduced as an openly gay student at Dalton Academy and a member of a cappella group the Warblers in season 2. He recurred throughout the season. In season 3, Criss was upgraded to a series regular and Blaine transferred to William McKinley High School, home of Kurt and the New Directions. When the series ended, Blaine and Kurt were happily married after many ups and downs.
For Criss, Glee's legacy of portraying a relationship on television that so many people hadn't seen before was the most meaningful part of his experience. "In many ways, I'm glad it was me because it was a thing I really liked showing," he reflected. "It meant a great deal to me and it meant a great deal to other people. Because when people say they were affected by that show or that relationship, it's not because of me, it's because of that relationship on TV and the risks that people took to put that on TV."
"It took the people watching it to have the aptitude for seeing beyond what was maybe given to them in other avenues of culture. People of all ages, all spectrums of awareness say, 'I didn't grow up with a show like that and it was a really meaningful thing for me to see,' and I go I didn't grow up with a show like that and that would've been very meaningful for me too. Regardless of the fact that I'm a straight kid. That has value. For anyone who's been an underdog, we all know, in any shape or form — sexual, religious, biological — it has value because there's going to be a lot of people who see that and say, 'Okay, I can now understand this in a context that maybe I wasn't able to before.'
"It was a f-ing privilege," he concluded, "and I love talking about it and I'm so grateful I got to do it."
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sulfies · 2 days
In your heavy bleeding au, does Desmond remember his bleeds or does he just black out during the whole process? Also, does he have certain triggers?
Love all your au stuff btw owo
Im glad my au is infecting everyones brain muhahaha
to answer, when I draw Desmond with yellow eyes and fainting like a damsel I think in my head its one fo 2 things:
1) he is having such a heavy bleed(hehe pun) his body shuts down and all he can do is to live thru the bleed basically, he would not be able to tell its a bleed even if someone told him it was one(they cant tho since he is stuck in the bleed in his head) so he just has to ride it out. It probobly disorients him quiet a bit once he gets out of it for hrs maybe in some cases days.
2) he is having visions from apple and its such heavy knowledge his human brain kinda goes overheat mode.
In the end you can determine yourself (since its an au nothing is set in stone lol) if he remembers or not but for myself:
I think on 1)
he doesnt remember all details, after he is out of the episode he probobly remembers who the bleed was about and some context but not all, but some stuff lingers for few hours sometimes days as mentioned. maybe he finds hard to switch to the language he uses the most or his emotions carry over, like if it was about altair right after he lost his ranks, he feels some petty anger towards Malik he cannot explain but he can figure out it was cocky-altair memories probobly due to context clues. They are probobly like dreams(or nightmares) in a sense where the more he tries to remember the more he forgets about details…
for 2)
He is just not that smart enough (sorry Des ur no Altaïr…)to explain what the apple showed him but he probobly does remember in a sense; if its things like a remedy, a basic invention or instructions that he can learn from a yt video normally he can muscle memory to make em. its more like “how tf did u do that” “uhhh i have no idea” withing a limit lol so he cannot invent phones bc he probobly cant even make a phone in modern day
for his other heavy bleeds where he is not passed out with eyes all gold I think some of the same rules as 1) apply where he doesnt know he is in a bleed, especially if he is bleeding as someone bc at that moment he thinks he is that person, but someone could snap him out of it if they tried (usually if he is bleeding ezio and actual ezio shows up he can make Des snap out of it but its not foolproof) and afterwards he probobly remembers most of it (to his horror) bc he did actively and physically live thru it. Like w the fic where he thinks there are guards after him but its a bleed, after he learns it is he still remembers them and sees them
but again I think the fun part is u can kinda make Des suffer in anyway you want (again…sorry Des…)so no rules are set in stone, so if you dont want him to remember anything after bleeds you are free to do so and ill probobly break these guides aswell lol
for triggers hmm i think anything you want could be a trigger lol but it doesnt have to be “triggered” to happen. I think like that other fic when he first time-travels and lands in Italy or Levant he would most likely have a bleed where he thinks he is someone else sooner or later bc the enviroment shocks him and confuses him (as time travel does) so something that “shocks” him can send him into an episode but he could also be totally fine in another scenerio
in my hc w the fainting ones, they are similar to seizures w how they come and go (I do not get seizures so my research is very limited) so sometimes he can guess it will happen few seconds to min before but he cannot stop them and sometimes it just gets him by suprise, for the ones where he doesnt faint he again has no idea when it will happen and most likely cannot tell it will, those ones are probobly more affected by “triggers” but they dont have to be as I said above
ty for askingg sorry to give an essay as response lol
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 days
After that whole mess, they, of course, go back to FFM. Both because the cubs had a long day and needed a nap and also because neither Wukong nor MK had the energy to reset their glamours, and the last thing any of them wanted was to be swarmed. Wukong had to be stopped form going into a cleaning spree as soon as he realized he was having guests over for the first time in years and had to be told to sit down since, out of everyone there, be had been the one in the worst condition when all was said and done. They still enjoyed their smaller, more private New Years celebration and getting to run around in MK's childhood home
Absolutely. Wukong is taking all the cubs home for a well-deserved rest (the eclipse twins argue that they aren't tired [lie]), and to properly introduce himself to the Noodle shop gang/aka his reincarnated Pilgrim brothers.
Wukong is a dedciated King to his people, but hasn't really let people "get close" since the Samadhi Fire incident/DBK's imprisonment. So he's a little rusty on how to play host in his own palace. The Stalwarts and the island's subjects are worried since they noticed some sort of havoc going on in the mainland while their King was gone, but Wukong brushes them off.
When Wukong attempts to clean up and play host, Pigsy quickly makes him sit down since; "You're pregnant and nearly got all your magic drained out of you. I'll make dinner." Which immediately puts the pig in the monkeys' good graces. Wukong does have to admit, piglet's grandson makes amazing noodle soup.
Mei (+MK) helps Pigsy out in the kitchen, and Wukong has a pang of nostalgia and grief at how similar the little dragon looks to Ao Lie. Her fun-loving attitude quickly gains her fans amongst the cubs, even if they try to eat her phone once or twice.
Lots of talking happens - especially on the subject of MK being Wukong's eldest cub + who exactly "dad" is. Wukong is still a little too upset at Macaque to give more than a curt explaination that he left on "a vacation" and has been missing since then.
Pigsy blurts out that he'll; "Sock the punk in the nose the second he sees 'em for leaving his family like that". It gets a laugh out of the king at least. Gao Cuilan did the same to Bajie when he finally returned after the journey.
Tang is ofc in Jttw-nerd heaven. Asking so many questions that MK has to interupt him to give his mom some space. The Stalwarts happily fill in the more embarassing/sappy details of their King and Warrior's romance, which delights the scholar (and mortifies SWK and MK) to no end.
Sandy is quickly the cubs favorite new uncle - though that could be because he smells like old uncle Sha Wujing. The Eclipse Twins are sus though. He makes himself busy serving up tea and addressing any emotional issues Wukong could be going through rn, especially with another little monkey on the way. Wukong is touched.
The Demon Bull Family makes an appearance - mainly to offer their apologies and for DBK to start making amends with his little bro. DBK quickly gets swarmed by the cubs he missed out on meeting, bellowing with laughter as they climb all over his horns. PIF is very aloof as per usual, but expresses her condolences for Macaque's disappearance. Wukong can tell that the former celestial princess is worried about her old friend, even if she doesn't care to show it.
Red Son is super confused, holding a casserole dish of non-spicy barbeque (DBK uncharacterically insisted, apparently the Monkey King hated spicy food), and just blinking at the fact that the "Noodle Boy" and "Pony Girl" he'd been fighting with were actually his calf-hood chums! Yuebei tries to eat his hair the moment he's offered to hold one of the Nodelets for the first time.
Overall the New Years "afterparty" (as Mei dubbed it) goes far better than the original celebration. Even if MK is super-grounded for not telling Wukong he became a superhero + lying who he actually was to the gang.
+Bonus: I love the idea of the cubs being super cranky during the events in the Celestial Realm. And when the spider gang attempt to stop the gang on the airship; little Yuebei starts shrieking with anger over her lack of sleep + missing both parents, and blasts them away with her non-fatal lazer eyes. It's one of many signs that MK's family aren't normal demons. Hunstman is a little embarassed that he was technically defeated by a baby.
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stusbunker · 21 hours
Spotless: Dolce
Chapter Twenty One
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Word Count: 1787
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, minor backstory, they're idiots your honor, unbeta'd
A/N: Thank you all for your patience. Apart from being sick, I second and third and quintuple guessed myself on this chapter and then thoroughly ignored the difficult parts and just let them have a conversation on their own. That's it, it's just a phone call. xoxo Stu
Forgive me @lastactiontricia <3
Series Masterlist
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You stood in your kitchen staring at the food in the fridge. It wasn’t much, but you had options.You just hated them all at that moment. You closed the door and slogged over to the pantry. It was the Friday night after Dean’s birthday and you wanted nothing to do with your phone or work or anything social media related. 
So you had turned off your ringer and left it to charge. 
You grabbed a bag of microwave popcorn out of the box and ripped off the plastic wrap. It was a poor excuse for dinner, but it at least would tide you over while you decided what you actually wanted to eat. Then you poured yourself a glass of wine, a sweet white because you were not a snob about it. No matter how many trips to Napa people took you on, you really weren’t going to spend an arm and a leg on a bottle that you only half-heartedly appreciated.
Once it was ready, you took the puffed up bag of popcorn with you to the living room because what was the point of making another dish? And decidedly resorted to turning on the tv.
The thing about streaming shows is that even though your attention wavered, the consistency of the characters on the screen made you feel less alone. You got through six episodes before you realized you never made anything for dinner. And at that point, it was too late to start. You stomped around trying to remember where you left your phone only to find a missed call from Dean and a dozen random texts from other people.
You double checked you didn’t have any voicemails and scrolled down to order delivery. Once dinner was finally sorted, you poured yourself the last of the bottle of wine and called Dean back.
The phone rang in your ear as you sat in the corner of your couch, criss-cross applesauce while turning on the next episode on mute. He answered on the fourth ring.
“Trouble, hey!”
“You rang?” You took a sip. Wherever he was was loud, but you could hear him moving through the buzz of passing conversation and cutlery.
“Yeah, you got a minute?”
“The night is my oyster, what’s up?” You leaned forward and set your glass on the coffee table, stretching back and settling in for whatever fire you were going to have to put out next.
The sounds surrounding Dean ended abruptly and he exhaled. “Not much, just grabbing drinks with some people from the label with Bela. You know, schmoozing the uppity ups.”
“Oh— good luck with that.” You shifted onto one hip and hugged your knee. “Tell her she has to pick where we’re getting brunch because the place I wanted is closed for remodeling—- and that she’s paying.”
Dean huffed a laugh. “I’ll fucking cover it, okay? Anything else you need me to tell her? Cuz I could go back in there and just hand her the phone if you want—”
“Nope— no, sorry. It’s fine. You okay?” Something in his voice was setting off a proximity alarm in your head, not full blown panic mode, but enough to let you know something had appeared on the horizon. 
“Yeah, ‘m good. It’s just not my kind of thing—- Bela’s great at these things— I just stand there wishing I could be anywhere else.”
“I’m surprised you even showed up— especially with rehearsals starting Monday.” You grabbed your wine again, waiting Dean out.
“Gotta play nice— you said so,” Dean teased, you could hear the soft hum of his smugness before he shifted gears. “Listen— that whole thing with Cas and the birthday bus— and the whole day actually—”
“Are you really gonna start bitching about that now? Dean, it is so not the time— don’t you have someone’s ass to kiss?”
“What?! I’m not— would you let me finish?! Jesus. I was trying to thank you!--- Don’t know why, now, but yeah.”
You bit your lips and perked up, straightening your back and wagging your head a little back and forth. “Oh? By all means— continue.”
“Yeah, okay, smart ass.”
You cackled and let him stew a bit.
“It was seriously the best, okay? Like, top five of all time.” Dean switched ears and you tried not to squee with the idea of making him so happy he’d been thinking about it for days. That he had to call you to tell you— even as an excuse to escape a less than stellar social situation. Everything seemed to sparkle on your skin, but that could have been the Reisling. “And about dragging Cas out— that was an unexpected gift. So, yeah, thank you— for all your trouble.”
You groaned.
“Oh come on! That one wasn’t that bad.” Dean pretended to be affronted and you pretended to be annoyed.
He sniggered. “It was good to see him. It’d been too damn long.”
“Seriously. We had lunch and just getting to hang out with him made everything better.”
“Yeah.” Dean was thinking and you let him.
The television was frozen on the prompt screen, judging you for still watching, but you ignored it. You finished your wine and looked at the last drops through the curved glass, distracted by the reflection of your empty living room.
“You think he’s doing alright? I mean— he’s got a freakin’ kid. That’s got to have been a total mindfuck— you know?”
Naturally, Dean was worried about how Cas was, not about harboring grudges or blaming him for the rift between them. At least not out loud.
“I cannot imagine— and luckily we don’t have to worry about anyone trying to pull that again.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. Fuckin’ Lisa, I almost forgot about that. That was like the first big thing you had to bury when you started.”
You sat up and climbed onto your knees, like getting taller would help make your point. “Oh, I know! God that was such an uphill battle, even when she pretended to play nice. I still get the heebie jeebies when I pass her yoga studio on the way to Charlie’s.”
Dean chuckled. “Man— the things we do for fame. We are paying you, right?”
“Last time I checked.”
“Okay, good, probably should be more though, especially with all the Bela stuff.”
“Dean— I make well over the industry standard percentage with you guys. Plus, you barely even charge me rent. I’m doing fine.”
“Whatever—- still, want you to know your hard work is appreciated.”
You settled back down and picked at the seam of your leggings. “That is the weirdest way you could have said thank you, I hope you know.”
“Fuck off— Thank you, okay? THANK YOU. Should I spell it out? Maybe say it in Spanish?”
“Como se dice ‘bite me’, huh?”
“Uhhh—- yeah, not gonna try that one while I’m standing in an alley alone.”
You rolled your eyes. “You should probably go back inside. People are waiting on you.”
“They barely even looked up when I stepped away— Bela’d message me if it was a problem.”
“Trouuubbbllllle,” the way his voice rumbled with your nickname made it hard to remember you were even wearing clothes.
You climbed off the couch and decided to put your glass in the dishwasher for something to do. He wasn’t going back into the restaurant, but he wasn’t exactly keeping you from anything either.
“Why’d you call if you were out anyway?”
“Heh— I called you to talk me into going through with it.”
Oops. “Well good job on getting there on your own.”
“I was already halfway to Bela’s anyway. Paps perked up real fast when we rolled up. Gonna have to switch out Baby for a rental one of these days. Don't like the way they hone in on her.”
You rolled your eyes. “Probably a good idea, especially if you need privacy.”
“Not really the point of this little arrangement is it?”
“Okay, but still, be safe.”
“With my car? Always.”
You smiled to yourself when there was a knock at your door.
“Somebody there?” You hadn’t realized he could hear it over the line.
“Just dinner.” You beelined through the living room, suddenly starving. You pinched your phone between your shoulder and your cheek as you unlocked the front door. 
“So, what? Just another night in for you? Lemme guess, messy bun and no bra, maybe some leggings?”
You made sure everything was in the bag where the driver left it and dragged it back to the kitchen for a plate. “Is this you asking me what I’m wearing?”
You stopped short, and had to lift the bag up onto the counter a second time to keep it from becoming one with the floor. “Ha, ha.”
“Come on, it’s not like I’m gonna do anything here. Just making conversation.”
You ground your teeth, anger spiking from this sudden turn into teasing. “Yeah, well, when it’s the closest thing to a come on I’ve had in months— it feels a little bit more than that.”
You feel the penny drop.
“Dry spell, huh? I was wondering about that.”
“Oh shut it. You’ve got a fairytale fake girlfriend and I’ve got a band to keep relevant, neither of us is really out there mingling.”
Dean cleared his throat. “You can take time off—- if you need, you know that right? Hell, find somebody’s discarded boyfriend backstage and burn off some steam or something. ‘S one of the perks of a tour.---- But take care of yourself first, alright?”
You look up at the ceiling at the rows of spotlights Dean installed, once upon a time, that framed the island and sighed. “I’m not discussing my sex life with you— like— ever again.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. We’ll have a sleepover and braid Sam’s hair.”
You sputtered and then went back to dishing up your food.
“Muérdeme, Dean. Then we’d have to listen to all the kinky shit him and Madison are into, no thank you.”
You heard Dean’s phone buzz with a notification. The metaphorical clock struck twelve.
“That’s Bela, isn’t it?”
“Yep. Okay, well, it’s been fun.”
You inhaled and sent him off, “go get ‘em, champ.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks again for the birthday shenanigans. I’ll see you next week?”
“I’ll be at rehearsal, but I’ve got calls and stuff scheduled throughout the day.”
“Sounds good. Have a good one.”
“You too.”
Something lingered between you in the silence and before you could say something you’d regret, you finally ended the call. It almost felt like he was waiting you out, making sure not to be the one that hung up first.
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firstkanaphans · 1 day
from what jojo said, thk is based off a mix of the original play and the movie and Joey is kind of… almost made up in the movie so I don’t think he’ll exist in thk.
First said Kant ‘falls in love with bison’ after their one night stand so I do believe they’ll go the immediately smitten route like Cameron in the movie, but he also implied that it was mutual (which pretty much matches with what we saw on the pilot) so I doubt it’ll be a playing hard to get situation with bison - especially considering he seems to be the one to instigate, in the tattoo shop scene at least.
Ofc it’s a pilot and will probably change but I honestly think the extent of the inspiration he’s taking from the play and movie is the ‘making a guy date the shrewish sibling so the other sibling is free’ thing. I’m super interested in what he’s going to do here, because in the movie the conflict is obviously the fact that Patrick was recruited to date Kate, and while that’s a part of thk’s conflict as well the overachieving thing here is that Kant is working for the police, which literally makes how this could go totally unpredictable. Anyways long ask sorry
Never apologize for long asks. Do you know how thrilled I am to get a chance to talk about this show?
I was not aware that the Joey Donner character was made up for 10 Things, so thank you for telling me! It’s been probably 20 years since I read Taming of the Shrew in middle school and unfortunately, all but the bare bones of the plot have been lost to time.
So it seems like the central conflict of THK will be mirrored in the two couples, but Style and Fadel will spend the series working up to dating while Kant and Bison will be together the whole time. And then both couples will get rocked by the reveal that Kant and Style have ulterior motives.
The reveal that Kant is working for the police is probably why Bison was pointing a gun at him in the first place and the fact that that scene ends in kissing? That Bison is already so in love that he doesn’t even care that Kant might actually be a cop? Delicious 🤌🏻
Based on literally nothing but vibes, I think a fun ending for Kant and Bison would be for Kant to help Bison and Fadel frame their father (or boss or whoever the fuck is telling them they can’t leave the business) and then the four of them ride off into the sunset, happy and in love. It’s what they deserve.
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bb-olicity · 20 hours
On An Island Alone
It’s been 3 weeks since Chenford’s breakup and I feel like I’m on an island… alone.  The day after 6x06 aired, I made the decision to walk away from The Rookie. Well, at least until after the finale. I’ll decide if I'm walking away permanently once I check online and see how the season ended.  And before I go any further, to anyone who wants to say I'm not a true Rookie and (most importantly) Chenford fan: I have just as much right to stop watching the show as you do to keep watching it.
So why am I choosing to no longer watch the show?
The main reason I started watching the show in the first place is/was Chenford and I can’t sit there and watch them redo Seasons 4 and 5A and I won’t. Especially considering the fact we already know from Eric’s comments to TVLine they’re not getting back together by the end of the season finale.  I do not see them getting back together until at least the midseason finale next season.  Actually, if I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure they will get back together or if they even should.  I know me saying that will make a lot of people mad, but after reading Melissa and Eric’s post-episode interviews, I got a sense of finality when they were talking about Tim and Lucy’s relationship as a couple and the breakup.  Plus, I honestly don’t see how they can come back from what they did, which leads into the other reason why I’m not watching anymore.
Tim’s whole storyline rubs me the wrong way in so many ways.  They could’ve brought in his military past in so many other ways and still had him struggle without destroying his character in the process.  As it is, the storyline feels extremely forced just to cause drama for the sake of drama and, for me, irredeemably destroyed Tim’s character.  They completely erased 5 ½ seasons of character growth in the matter of only 1 ½ episodes.  And I'll never be able to see Tim the same way again, even if he goes to therapy.  I personally would never be able to trust him again and I honestly don’t see how Lucy could either.  That’s also why part of me feels like they should not get back together. Yes, I know it’s a short season and everything is condensed, but Alexi and the writers should not have done the storyline this late in the season, knowing they would not be able to do it justice with only 4 episodes left and not knowing the show’s fate by the time they finished filming the finale.  Since they were planning to break them up, I feel like they should’ve done it at the end of the premiere or by 6x03. That way there would’ve been time for Tim and Lucy to work through their struggles individually then work them as a couple by the end of the season.
Why do I feel like I’m on an island alone?
After the episode aired, a lot of the fandom was angry and a good number said they were done to show.  However, over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that number dwindling and a lot fans are now justifying the breakup who weren’t before and they have absolutely every right to.  I can see where they’re coming from, to a certain extent.  Tim and Lucy both were hiding things from each other since they started dating and would just gloss over things that needed deep and meaningful conversations to work them out.  That said, I personally will never agree with the breakup or the whole (Tim’s) storyline and will always maintain the breakup was completely unnecessary and they could’ve (and should’ve) stayed together and worked through their struggles as a couple.  So yeah, I’m on an island alone… and that’s okay.
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starsurface · 1 day
I love how you write diapered babyspace Liu Kang with his CG’s, it’s so precious! I was wondering…babyspace Nightwolf in diapers with CG Fujin? They’re so cute! ❤️
I'm so glad you liked the others!! :D
(Some strong languageuse) Before we get to the hcs, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with using or needing diapers. Some people use diapers use them for weird kink related things, but with age regression they are used for comfort and unfortunate inconvenience. Do not come to my blog because you wish to relate this with any kind of kink. Kindly fuck off and leave my blog alone, thank you.
^ This isn’t to bash regressors btw!!! This is me saying to fuck off if your a dd/lg or any type of blog like that. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin w/ Babyspace Padded Nightwolf Hcs
☁️ Nightwolf slips into babyspace on two occasions:
🐺 The first is a very scary case of Reverant Nightmares where he wakes up feeling extra tiny and scared
☁️ ^ It was also the first time he ever had an accident too, poor boy was going through it :(
🐺 Don’t worry, Fujin was able to help calm him down, he could see that Nightwolf was tinier than usual, but in the moment that wasn’t what mattered
☁️ What mattered was making sure his baby felt peaceful and safe again, nothing else 😤
🐺 Nightwolf was also really embarrassed by having an accident, because he’s never had one before!! Why now? Why was this one different? Why did he feel even more fuzzy than normal? It wasn’t fair … :(
☁️ Bathtime helped him cheer up, little Nightwolf loves bathtime, and Fujin gave him extra bubbles and toys <3
🐺 Sometimes when Nightwolfs small or Fujin can tell that he’s been showing signs of regressing, Fujin will put down some of those potty training bed pad things so that their sheets don’t get ruined (he even got one with a wolf design on it! :D)
☁️ Nightwolf doesn’t like that one bit, either he was a big kid or he didn’t need some silly thing!! >:(
🐺 So to make fair, Fujin also had one, and it dimmed down Nightwolf’s complaining (he was still grumpy though)
☁️ He doesn’t want to admit that they’ve become useful though, especially in scary scenarios where Fujin doesn’t have to leave to change the sheets
🐺 And the second scenario (and much happier scenario) is where he just slips really really tiny after a long day
☁️ Baby Nightwolf is also an energetic baby, similar to his toddler headspace
🐺 Fujin looks away to cut a sandwich and- How’d he get to the porch? The door was closed?!
☁️ Luckily baby Nightwolf is also a bit clingy, so he’ll just have Fujin carry him outside instead!! :D
🐺 Nightwolf is a bit . . . iffy wearing padding, especially at first
☁️ He’s Nightwolf, protector of the Matoka, not some baby that needs padding or has accidents :(
🐺 But knowing that sometimes Fujin wore it too when he was extra tiny (I did a different Hc list on this) did really help
☁️ Normally he just needs it for naptime, but sometimes he’ll wear it when he’s in babyspace
🐺 His favorite design would be something forestry, maybe wolf prints or something (although he likes plain too)
☁️ He does end up being more okay using them as time goes on, but only Fujin can know >:(
🐺 Completely off-topic, but baby Nightwolf is a BITER
☁️ I know I said earlier that he wasn’t, but that was Toddlerspace Nightwolf, this is Babyspace Nightwolf . . . So it totally cancels out 😎
🐺 Doesn’t matter what it is, his ax, Fujin’s arm, or an actual teething ring, this man chews!
☁️ ^ Fujin does take away the ax, much to Nightwolf’s dismay :(
🐺 Sometimes it’s harsh biting, othertimes it’s just soft chewing, so Fujin’s got a 50/50 on this
☁️ Although he doesn’t really encourage biting people anyways (unless it’s Nightwolf’s replaces for kisses, because those are always soft) so that’s why Nightwolf has some chew rings
🐺 Does Nightwolf use them? . . . He does, but stuffies make good chew toys too!! :D
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Uuuh, after Hc list words. :3
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Shouto’s Sizzling Night of Rebellion
‣ Pairing: None (some minor unserious hints at various ships if you squint), *EraserMic* (extended content at the end -optional read)
‣ Summary: Shouto Todoroki has had enough of his father interfering with his life. Tonight is his night, and nobody, especially Endeavor, is going to stand in the way of him having a good time.
‣ Genre: crack/comedy
‣ Warnings: alcohol/marijuana use, Shouto using his hot side to cook bacon.
‣ Word Count: 7,008 (8,048 -including extra EraserMic content at the end)
‣ A/N: This is genuinely the most chaotic and ridiculous thing I’ve ever written. I was inspired by this video by MorphyVA. Between listening to this video and writing this fic, I found myself laughing harder than I have in a very long time. Hopefully it can at least make you laugh half as much as I did while making it. Now buckle up and get ready for a slow burn into full-blown chaos and absurdity!
─────────────── ・ 。゚🔥: *.🥓 .* :🔥˚.・ ────────────────
"Shouto! Your shorts are too short!”
"Shouto! Answer my calls!"
"Shouto! Don’t go to parties!”
"Shouto! Stop ignoring me!"
The grating voice of his father rang in Shouto’s mind. After all these years of Endeavor being so distant and treating him as anything but a son, he suddenly decided to compete for the “father of the year” award. He certainly wouldn’t win; Shouto knew that for a fact. All his attempts up to this point had been pathetic and useless, especially considering he had hardly built an honest relationship with Shouto to begin with.
What pieces were there left to patch up, anyway?
Ever since Endeavor decided to be more of a present figure in Shouto’s life, his daily existence had truly become the definition of “hell”. He couldn’t seem to escape him. Even if he managed to run away and hide somewhere else, he’d be plagued by near-constant calls and texts from his father. He couldn’t even escape his father’s voice, that seemed to have something to say about everything he did.
In many ways, Shouto much preferred life before Endeavor suddenly grew a conscience. At least he had become comfortable with the distant and abusive nature of his father before his recent change of character. It was much more predictable, and this made things a lot easier for Shouto to handle, especially in moments when he was forced to be around him. He was used to it. But this? This was a whole new level of torture. And Shouto’s sanity was steadily slipping by the day. He needed a break from his father’s constant badgering and pitiful attempts at “bonding” with him. He needed to let loose and reclaim the autonomy that his father was trying so hard to strip away from him under the guise of “fatherhood.” He’d had enough.
Tonight would be the night that Shouto truly broke free from his father’s chains…
Loud music and the sounds of people talking and singing filled the common room of the Class 1-A dorms, bodies buzzing past Shouto as he stood as a quiet observer in the middle of the room. He was wearing his shortest pair of black gym shorts and a white t-shirt that he had cut into a crop top, showing off his toned midriff. In his right hand was a red plastic cup filled with a mysterious liquid. Mina had offered it to him not long after he walked into the room. She said it was punch, but Shouto was pretty sure it was spiked with alcohol, based on the bitter aftertaste. He had no problem with this. In fact, it made him smirk a little while he drank it. His father would never approve of this, and that only made him want to do it even more.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. He sighed as he pulled it out and saw the text from Endeavor.
“Don’t forget our family dinner tomorrow at 5pm.”
Shouto growled in frustration, typing out a sarcastic response in return.
“How could I forget? You won’t seem to let me, no matter how hard I try!”
His phone continued to vibrate as messages from his father came through, one of them telling him to come to the dinner “dressed with dignity," clearly referencing the shorts Endeavor saw him wearing the other day. The same ones he was wearing now, just to spite him. Shouto barely scanned the rest of the messages before rolling his eyes and powering off his phone, which continued to vibrate until the screen finally went black. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, now feeling even more irritated than he was before.
He downed the rest of his drink and headed towards the punch bowl to refill his cup, stopping in his tracks along the way when he heard his name being shouted over the music. Turning his head towards the direction of the familiar voices, he spotted Izuku, Uraraka, Mina, Tokoyami, and Tsuyu smiling and waving at him. He offered them a small smile and joined their circle.
“Todoroki! How are you liking the party so far?” Izuku asked.
“It’s good. Are parties usually this loud?” Shouto answered, trying to speak up over the music.
“I think so!” Uraraka said.
Tsuyu held a small cup of punch in her hands as her eyes scanned the room. “Where’s Iida?”
"We sent him away. Convinced him he should visit his brother for the weekend." Mina confessed on behalf of the rest of the group.
Izuku scratched the back of his neck, a guilty smile on his face. "Yeah, I kinda feel bad about it…"
Uraraka placed a reassuring hand on Izuku’s shoulder. "It's for the best, Deku. You know he couldn't handle something like this.”
Mina nodded in agreement, bringing her cup to her lips and taking a sip before she spoke. “He’d definitely get us all busted.”
"I guess you're right. I thought I wouldn't like parties, but this one is fun!" Izuku smiled.
Tokoyami looked around at everyone else having fun at the party as he spoke. "Mm. I agree."
"Me too!" Uraraka chimed in.
"The punch is good."
The others chuckled at Shouto’s random comment, agreeing with him as they drank from their own cups. Shouto looked down at the empty one in his hands.
"You want a refill on that, buddy?"
Shouto looked up to find Denki by his side, smiling at him with a half-full pitcher of punch in his left hand and a stack of empty cups in the other.
"Oh, yes. Thank you, Kaminari."
Denki bowed dramatically after filling Shouto’s cup with more punch. "My pleasure! As the host of this party, it's the least I could do!"
"What?! Who put Dunce-Face in charge?!"
Unlike everyone else, it wasn’t hard to hear whatever the explosive blond had to say. His booming voice easily surpassed the volume of the music. Denki turned around to face Bakugou, who was glaring at him intimidatingly. Kirishima moved to stand beside him, nudging him with his elbow.
"Be nice, Bakugou! He's done a great job so far!" Kirishima said, attempting to tame the wild beast that threatened to be unleashed upon Denki and the rest of the innocent partygoers in the room.
Denki flashed a proud smile at the two of them.
"Thanks, man! And before you ask, Bakugou, I took care of the surveillance problem before the party even started! Called in a favor from an old friend. He managed to loop the live camera feed seamlessly! It'll last until morning! I also talked to the other dorms, and they said they’d keep quiet about it, so long as we return the favor for them in the future!"
Bakugou scowled. "If that's the case, then you extras better make sure everything is cleaned up before then! I don't wanna deal with the consequences of your stupid actions!"
"Nothing's going to happen, don't worry! Come on, Bakugou! Have some fun!"
Denki held out a cup of punch towards Bakugou, who was quick to push his hand away. Denki stumbled a little as he tried not to spill the liquid onto the floor.
"No! I'm going to bed! Last thing I’m gonna do is be an idiot with a hangover during tomorrow's training.” Bakugou muttered before turning his focus to Kirishima. He pointed a threatening finger at him as he spoke. “You better go easy on the drinking, Shitty Hair! You're going to train tomorrow, whether you like it or not!"
"Alright, alright!" Kirishima put his hands up in defense, one of them holding a full cup of punch.
Denki rolled his eyes as Bakugou took a step past him. "Fine! Go to bed, gramps! It's clearly way past your bedtime, anyway!"
Bakugou’s jaw clenched as he turned back towards Denki. "You better watch your mouth or I'll put you to sleep right now, Dunce Face!"
"Ooh, I'm scared!" Denki smirked, half laughing as he spoke.
Watching Bakugou fall into Denki’s trap caused Kirishima to let out an amused sigh and step in between the two of them. "Alright, both of you settle down! Katsuki, you can go to bed now. We'll be fine down here."
Begrudgingly pulling his crimson daggers away from Denki to glance at Kirishima, Bakugou rolled his eyes with a huff and turned to walk away. He made it a few steps away from the crowd when Shouto spoke.
"Goodnight, bestie."
Everyone tried to hold in their laughs, Denki snorting and Kirishima covering his mouth to suppress his own laughter as Bakugou visibly tensed and clenched his fists, his speed increasing as he stomped towards the elevator in the back of the room.
“Man, he is such a party pooper!” Mina spoke once he was out of sight, an amused smile on her face as she shook her head. Everyone else tried to recover from their laughing fits.
“I know! It’s like he’s allergic to fun!” Denki said, still chuckling a bit.
A party pooper? Shouto had never heard this saying before, but it reminded him of his father. His dad was not fun, by any means, and he always found a way to ruin anything Shouto considered to be a good time. But tonight was different. So far, he was having a decent time, but not yet a good time. He needed to do more fun things that his father wouldn't approve of. After once again pushing away his father's nagging voice in his head, Shouto set out to do the next thing his father wouldn't approve of...dancing.
He took a large gulp of his drink and turned to face the other end of the room, walking towards where everyone else seemed to be dancing to the music.
“Todoroki! Where are you going?” Izuku called out to him.
Shouto looked over his shoulder. “Dance.”
“Ooh! I’ll join you! Come on, Uraraka!” Mina chimed in excitedly.
“Okay! Deku, let’s go!” Uraraka grabbed Izuku’s hand and pulled him towards an empty space on the dance floor.
“B-But! I’m not really good at dancing!” Izuku said, his face blushing a deep red.
Shouto stood in the middle of the dance floor, looking around at everyone curiously. He’d never danced before, and he’d never really paid any close attention to how others danced before either. He saw Tokoyami leaned up against the wall across from him, bobbing his head to the beat of the music, so he started with that.
“Do you need help? With dancing, I mean.”
Shouto nodded at Momo. “I don’t know how.”
She giggled. “I could tell. Let’s start with something simple, then! See how Kirishima is moving his shoulders? Start with that!”
Shouto observed Kirishima and tried his hardest to replicate this move. He was a little out of time with the beat of the music, but he began to get better after a couple of minutes.
“You got it! Great job!” Momo clapped and danced alongside him.
A small smile tugged at his lips. This was more fun than he thought it’d be. It felt…good. And very scandalous. His father would never approve of this. He took another big sip of his drink while continuing to dance.
・ 。゚🔥: *.🥓 .* :🔥˚.・
After a while of dancing his heart out, Shouto had learned a couple more moves from Kirishima and Denki. Aoyama had attempted to show him some moves too, but they were too advanced and flashy for him. By now, Shouto was feeling really good, and it wasn’t just because of the dancing. He had nearly finished his third cup of punch when Kirishima stepped in, noticing him stumbling around on the dance floor a little too much.
“Hey, man! I think that’s enough dancing for now, don’t you think?”
Kirishima slung his arm over Shouto’s shoulders to steady him. Shouto glanced up at him, still bobbing in time with the music.
“I’m having fun.”
“Well, I think we should have fun together over here! We can dance more later!” Kirishima pointed towards the lounge area.
“Okay.” Shouto tilted his head back as he gulped down the rest of his drink, leaning his weight against Kirishima slightly as he did so.
“I think we should also take a break from drinking. What do ya say, buddy?” Kirishima suggested, eyeing his friend with slight concern in his eyes.
It was strange for Kirishima, seeing Shouto drunk and acting differently than usual. He wasn’t sure what to think of it. He tried to take the cup from Shouto’s hand, only for him to pull it away from his grasp.
“No! I like it!” Shouto argued, his voice raising slightly above his usual neutral tone.
Kirishima raised a brow at this, a small, amused smirk tugging at his lips. He held his hand up in playful surrender.
“Alright, man! No worries! I’ll refill your cup for you! Let’s just get you situated over here, okay? Then we can hang and have fun together!”
Shouto nodded and allowed Kirishima to guide him to the lounge area nearby. The moment Shouto spotted a bean bag someone had placed in the room, he insisted that he sat in it, grumbling something about how his father never let him have a bean bag growing up and he’d never approve of him sitting in one. Kirishima didn’t question him and helped him sit in the bean bag, before leaving to fill Shouto’s empty cup with water, almost positive he’d be too drunk to notice.
He was right. After 2 more cups of plain water, Shouto decided he’d had enough. By this point, Sero had joined the two of them in the lounge area, and Shouto had started a drunken rant about his father. Kirishima and Sero listened intently as they took small puffs of the joint Sero had brought along with him to the party.
"I can't even wear my favorite shorts without my dad getting onto me about it! Ughh! I hate him!" Shouto let out a frustrated sigh, his fists clenching at the thought of his father.
Sero took a puff of the joint pinched between his forefinger and thumb, his face scrunched up in opposition to what he was hearing.
"Well, that's stupid. You look good in your shorts! They, uh…accentuate your features nicely, if you don't mind me saying."
Shouto could feel his internal temperature growing warmer, and he wasn’t sure if it was simply because he was angry or if there was something else to it. Too drunk to think any harder about it, he shook his head.
"I don't mind. That's also why I like to wear them. I feel confident in them. And they're good for playing volleyball."
Sero passed the joint to Kirishima, who took another hit of it. "Then you should keep wearing them! Fuck what your dad has to say about it!"
Kirishima let out a large puff of smoke before speaking.
"Yeah! He's right! It's your life and you can live it however you want!"
Shouto smiled at the two of them. "Thanks, guys. I feel very heard and supported right now. You're the best."
"Good! We got your back, man! Whatever you wanna do, we support you!" Kirishima smiled, giving him a thumbs up from his reclined position on the couch.
"I want to get high,” Shouto confessed.
Sero chuckled and leaned forward on the couch, the joint held in his outstretched hand towards Shouto. "Hell yeah, my dude! You clearly need it more than either of us."
Shouto took the joint from Sero and listened closely as he explained to him how to take a proper hit of it. Shouto nodded in understanding, staring at it between his pale fingers.
"My dad would never approve of this.”
"Are you really gonna let that stop you?" Sero challenged, a smirk growing on his face as Shouto shook his head and spoke his next words.
"Fuck no.”
He took a small drag of the joint, coughing a few times, but quickly recovering from it. Kirishima and Sero proudly clapped and cheered on their friend. Shouto took one more hit before passing it back to Sero.
“There you go! How ya feelin’?” Sero asked.
Shouto sat awkwardly in the bean bag chair, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think. “I feel the same.”
Kirishima chuckled. “Just give it a minute, buddy. You’ll feel it.”
・ 。゚🔥: *.🥓 .* :🔥˚.・
By the time an hour had passed, Shouto was sprawled out in his bean bag chair, neck tilted back as he stared at the party lights dancing along the ceiling. Denki joined the group shortly after Shouto got caught up in this mesmerizing trance and helped Sero and Kirishima finish off the joint. It wasn’t long after this that the party ended and everyone else had retired to their rooms for the night, leaving the four of them alone in the common room. The three boys on the couch were chatting and giggling about things Shouto couldn’t make out. He was completely lost in his own little world. That was, until they started talking about food. This seemed to reach Shouto’s ears and his stomach, which responded with a loud growl.
"Dude, you know what sounds so good right now?" Kirishima said, looking over at Denki and Sero to his right.
"What?" Sero responded curiously.
Denki gasped. "OH MY GOD, YES!"
"Do we have any?" Sero asked.
"I think I saw some in the fridge the other day. But the stoves are still broken. Maintenance hasn't fixed them yet,” Kirishima explained with a sigh.
"We could microwave it?" Denki suggested.
Sero scrunched his nose in disgust. "I'll pass on that, thanks."
Kirishima pouted. "Man, I really want bacon…"
"I can cook it," Shouto announced, sitting up in the bean bag too fast and causing his head to spin a little.
Denki jumped at the sound of Shouto’s voice, whipping his head around to look at him. "Woah, dude. How long have you been there?"
Sero rolled his eyes, unfazed. "He's been there the whole time. You're just an unobservant blob."
"I am not an unobservant blob!"
“Guys, shut it! Todoroki, that's nice and all, but like we were saying before, the stoves are still broken, remember?" Kirishima said.
Shouto shook his head. "I don't need that."
"Huh?" A look of confusion spread over Kirishima’s face.
Denki seemed to be the first one to catch on. "Ohhh, you mean you'll use your hot side to cook it?!"
Shouto gave a nod of confirmation. The three boys looked at him curiously as he started to ramble, smirking at the uncharacteristic nature of Shouto’s current behavior, which only appeared more animated now that he was drunk and high.
"I haven't done it in a while, though. My stupid dad won't let me. He's always like ‘SHOUTO! DON'T COOK BACON ON YOUR HOT SIDE! USE A FRYING PAN!’” He lowered his voice and put on his best angry face to fit the impression of his father, slurring over his words and causing the boys to giggle.
“Last time I was caught, I was grounded for a week for ‘behaving dishonorably’. I just don’t get it. What’s so wrong about using what we have been blessed with?”
“A-freakin’-men! Dude, that's so cool! We gotta do it!" Denki said excitedly.
Kirishima looked between everyone, a slight look of hesitation in his eyes that was quickly overtaken by his own curiosity. "Fine. But we gotta be quiet! If we get busted while using a flammable quirk inside the dorms, we'll be in deep shit."
“Chill out, man! It’ll be fine! I’ll check to see if there is any bacon left.” Sero stood from where he was once seated and walked over to the kitchen on the far end of the room behind them.
A couple minutes later, Sero called the three of them over, waving the pack of bacon in the air excitedly. Denki quickly jumped to his feet, followed by Kirishima. Shouto struggled to get out of the bean bag chair. Denki and Kirishima each grabbed one of his arms and hoisted him up, helping him to remain on his feet as he stumbled towards the kitchen. Upon seeing how unsteady Shouto was, they collectively decided it would be best if he wasn’t standing during this experience.
“Kaminari, help me move this stuff off the island. Sero, hold onto Todoroki while we do this,” Kirishima said, letting go of Shouto to grab the plates, cups, and food trays that sat on the island and move them out of the way.
Denki followed suit, grabbing a few leftover cups of punch and turning around to make his way towards the nearby sink. But as he spun around and took a step forward, he found himself nearly colliding into Kirishima, who was headed his way with a large bowl of punch in his arms. Denki’s eyes went wide as the punch splashed back onto Kirishima’s chest before the glass bowl went crashing to the floor, shattering to pieces. The four boys stood there in shock, staring at the floor with mouths hung open.
Sero was the first to break the silence. “So much for being quiet, huh? Do you think anyone heard?”
Denki took a breath to steady his racing heart before speaking. “I don’t know…I mean, it wasn’t that loud, right? Nobody is gonna hear that from their rooms.”
“I don’t know, man. Leave it to Katsuki to hear that shit all the way from the fourth floor. He’s such a light sleeper,” Kirishima remarked. He looked down at his punch-soaked shirt, sighing at the sight.
“Nah, I doubt it. Also, I’m so sorry, dude. I’ll buy you a new shirt sometime to make up for it!” Denki said, looking at Kirishima with guilt in his eyes. Unlike him, he had only a few drops of punch on his clothes from the incident. Kirishima’s white shirt would certainly not recover from the red dye in the punch that had now soaked through the fabric.
Kirishima waved him off. “It’s fine, man. Accidents happen! I didn’t care that much for this shirt, anyway.” He smiled reassuringly at Denki before removing his shirt. “Well, we should probably clean this up now, huh?”
“Sure…But maybe after a little snack? I’m starving!” Denki whined.
The sound of a stomach growling caused the boys’ heads to turn towards Shouto.
Denki chuckled. “Seems like I’m not the only one.”
“Alright. Help me get him up here,” Sero said as he helped Shouto over to the island.
The boys came over to his side, glass crunching beneath their shoes. Together, they managed to get Shouto up onto the island, giggling as they did so. Sero took off his shirt and placed it under Shouto’s head as a pillow. Turning to grab the pack of bacon, he found Denki trying to open it with a chef knife, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he did so. Sero shrugged before looking back at Shouto.
"Dude, take your shirt off. We need to maximize the cooking area."
Shouto complied, and with great struggle, managed to remove his shirt. He tossed it onto the punch-covered floor and flopped back down onto the countertop.
"Uh, is this table flammable?" Denki asked, handing Sero the now opened pack of bacon.
"No, doofus! It's granite! Wait…which is his hot side again?" Kirishima tilted his head as he stared at Shouto.
“Red hair side.” Denki pointed.
“Ohhh, right!”
Sero ignored the other two and decided to strike up a conversation with Shouto as he began placing some of the raw slices on his left arm.
"So, your dad really disapproves of this? What a shame. I think it’s cool you can do this!"
"I know! He won't let me do anything fun! He sucks! I wish I was adopted…" Shouto pouted angrily.
"Man, I feel you. My parents are strict too. They would kill me if they found out I got high on the regular."
"Dude, they totally know,” Kirishima butted into the conversation, an amused smirk on his face.
"What? No they don't!" Sero argued.
Denki laughed. "Yes, they do! You reek of weed all the time! No amount of cologne and incense will cover that up!"
Sero scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever! They haven't said anything, so maybe they haven't noticed."
Denki leaned in towards Kirishima to pretend to whisper to him, but his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Or maybe they just think he naturally smells like a skunk's ass."
Kirishima burst into laughter, along with Denki and even Shouto, who giggled where he laid on the cold countertop.
"Quiet down! Help me finish this up, will you?” Sero tossed the pack of bacon at Kirishima, who nearly dropped it before pulling out a few slices and handing them to Denki.
Their excitement grew along with their giggles as they finished covering most of Shouto’s left side with bacon. All laughter and joy soon came to a halt, though, when a familiar voice sounded through the room, sending chills down all their spines.
"What the hell are you-...The fuck?"
Each one of them froze in place as they whipped their heads towards the owner of the voice, who stood about 5 feet away from them with the most stunned and perplexed look they’d ever seen on him.
"Katsuki, it's not what it looks like!" Kirishima blurted.
"What the fuck do you mean?! I think it's exactly what it looks like!"
"And what's that?" Sero asked with an amused smirk tugging at his lips, not quite convinced Bakugou really knew what they were doing at all, based purely on the look on his face.
This question seemed to throw Bakugou off even more than he already was. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally attempted to give an answer.
Bakugou took a closer look at the scene before him. All four boys were shirtless. Shouto sprawled out on the kitchen island, raw bacon strips laid across half of his chest and left arm. A large knife in Denki’s hand. The floor covered in red liquid, shattered glass, and the boys’ shirts.
It looked like a goddamn crime scene. What kind of crime? He had no idea. For a rare moment in his life, he was rendered completely speechless. It took him another solid minute to muster up the ability to speak again.
"I...What the fuck are you doing to Icy-Hot?! And why are you all shirtless?!"
"He spilt punch on me." Kirishima pointed to Denki like a child tattling on their sibling.
Sero shrugged. "I was hot."
"I didn't wanna feel left out,” Denki confessed, looking away feeling slightly embarrassed.
Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, trying to ground himself amongst the group of intoxicated idiots.
"You still haven't told me what exactly you're doing to Icy-Hot…" He spoke in an exasperated voice through gritted teeth.
Denki answered his question simply. "We're just cooking bacon on his hot side! No biggie!"
"Yeah, don't worry, bestie. I'm fine…" Shouto lifted his head up slightly to lock eyes with Bakugou, who seemed quite the opposite of relieved upon hearing his words.
Bakugou growled angrily, any semblance of control over his temper now out the window. "How many times do I have to tell you to STOP calling me that?! And you! Stop waving that knife around! Give it to me!"
He stepped towards Denki and snatched the knife out of his hand, setting it on the counter opposite of the Island Shouto was lying on.
Kirishima held his finger up to his lips. "Shhhh! You're gonna wake everyone up within a mile radius and get us all in trouble!"
Bakugou scoffed. "Not me! I had nothing to do with this!"
"You're a witness! And you just touched the knife that was used for this act, which also makes you an accomplice," Sero said, pointing at the knife.
"What?! That's not how-"
"Yeah, what he said! You're just as guilty as us! So you better keep that big mouth shut!" Denki said, immediately regretting the words that came out of his mouth when he saw a vision of his own death flash through Bakugou’s eyes.
"Tell me what to do one more time and I'll-”
Shouto groaned, interrupting Bakugou with his next words. "Guys, stop fighting! Bakugou, you sound just like my dad. You're better than him. Stop this.” A couple of bacon strips fell off of him as he sat up to address Bakugou with a serious look in his eyes.
"Yeah, come on, man! Let us do this! You don't have to do anything! Just go to bed and pretend you never saw this!" Kirishima said.
Bakugou looked at Kirishima like he’d gone insane. "No! You guys obviously can't be trusted alone right now! You'll burn the dorms down or something!"
Shouto pointed a finger at him with a frown on his face. "Hey! Don't poop at our party!"
"What?" Bakugou stared at Shouto, completely dumbfounded.
"Uh…I think he means ‘don't be a party pooper’. Pretty sure he just learned that earlier today," Kirishima explained.
"My dad is a party pooper! He poops on everything! He's a life pooper! Don't be like him, bestie!" Shouto implored. Bakugou simply blinked at him, once again rendered speechless by the ridiculousness he had been subjected to thus far.
"Yeah! Come on! Live a little, Bakugou! Don't you wanna see Todoroki cook this bacon on his hot side?" Denki asked, pointing to the bacon on Shouto’s chest.
"No! Because I'm not a freak like the rest of you!" Bakugou barked.
Denki nodded casually, placing a hand on Shouto and slowly pushing him back down onto the countertop as he kept eye contact with Bakugou. "Sure, sure. Well, it's happening whether you like it or not. Todoroki, now!"
Shouto tensed at these sudden orders, but obeyed nonetheless, a strained look on his face as he quickly activated his quirk. The surrounding boys jumped back as large flames extended towards them.
"Dude! Tone it down! It's too much!" Kirishima said, raising his voice slightly.
The flames went out as Shouto deactivated his quirk. He let out a sigh.
"Sorry...It's harder to control right now, for some reason…"
"Hmph, I wonder why." Bakugou rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “This is exactly why you idiots shouldn’t be doing this!”
The boys ignored Bakugou as Sero inspected the bacon on Shouto’s body. "Thankfully, most of the pieces are okay. Let's try again."
"Whenever you're ready, Todoroki!" Denki gave him a thumbs up and Shouto gave him one in return.
Shouto closed his eyes and focused on his quirk. Everyone waited in silent anticipation for a solid minute, until finally, the sizzling began.
Denki gasped. "Oh my god! He's doing it!"
Sero smiled widely at the sight. "Yes! You got this, dude! Keep it steady, now..."
"Fucking hell, this feels like a goddamn fever dream…” Bakugou muttered to himself as he stared at the scene before him.
"You can leave, Katsuki. We promise we won't burn the place down. I'll keep an eye on things,” Kirishima reassured him, but his attempt seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"Pfft! As if I can even trust you right now! I'll keep an eye on things."
While it was true that Bakugou was sticking around to keep an eye on them and make sure they didn’t do anything too stupid, he would be lying if he claimed curiosity hadn’t gotten the best of him too. He hated himself for it, but he couldn’t help but feel somewhat fascinated by the way the bacon was cooking on Shouto’s skin.
After another minute or so, the bacon was finally cooked. Denki, Sero, and Kirishima immediately took a piece of their own to try. Shouto smiled as he grabbed a piece from his chest and ate it, his stomach finally happy now that it was being fed.
“Here you go!” Kirishima offered Bakugou a piece, only to have him flinch away from it in disgust.
“I’m not eating that shit! It’s unsanitary!”
Kirishima shrugged with a smile, an amused chuckle escaping his lips. “Whatever. More for us!”
Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and Shouto touched their pieces of bacon together like some sort of “cheers” to what they had accomplished together before eating them. Denki, Sero, and Kirishima’s faces morphed into an expression of pure rapture as they eagerly consumed their treat.
“Dude! This is the best bacon I’ve ever had!” Kirishima exclaimed, talking with his mouth full as he chomped down on another piece.
Denki nodded aggressively. “Me too!”
“It must be something about the way his quirk cooks it that makes it taste better!” Sero said, eyes shining with pure joy and amazement.
Bakugou scoffed. "Yeah, right! It’s just regular bacon. Nothing about the way it was cooked is going to change the flavor that much! You drunk and high bastards would think dirt tastes good right now!"
Bakugou instantly regretted bringing this up as he watched a lightbulb go off in all of their heads before they turned to one another with serious looks on their faces, talking in slightly hushed voices with mouths full of bacon.
"Should we try it?" Denki asked, a daring smirk tugging at his lips as he casually swiped another piece of bacon off of Shouto’s chest without looking and took a bite from it. Shouto laid on the counter in happy silence as he crunched on his own.
Kirishima looked between Sero and Denki with hesitation in his eyes. "I don't know, guys…"
"Come on! Aren’t we doing the whole ‘yes, and’ thing tonight? I've always been curious to try it!" Denki pouted.
"Why haven't you?” Sero asked.
"I was scared."
Sero and Kirishima’s chewing stopped as a look of bewilderment spread across their faces. They both responded in unison. "Scared?"
"There might be bugs in it!" Denki said, voice raising above a hushed tone.
Bakugou growled. "Oh my god, shut up! You're not gonna eat dirt!"
The boys once again turned their heads toward Bakugou. Kirishima put his hand up.
"For the record, I wasn't going to do it."
"Coward,” Denki muttered, shooting him a glare.
Kirishima gasped, snapping his head to Denki with his mouth slightly agape.
"I wanna eat dirt!" Shouto yelled, trying to sit up on the kitchen island.
Sero jumped into action, placing a hand onto Shouto’s shoulder to stop him. "Wait, hold on! One more round! Please?"
“No! You idiots a-”
Bakugou’s protests were interrupted and ignored as the other boys focused their attention on Shouto once more.
"Yeah, please? I wanna see it again!" Denki pleaded, giving Shouto his best puppy dog eyes.
Shouto sighed. "Okay…"
He flopped back down onto the island and the boys immediately got back to work, placing more raw bacon strips on the left side of his body while Shouto giggled about how cold it felt against his hot skin. Bakugou cringed uncomfortably at the sight, yet he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away. He had never been so painfully aware of how sober he was than he did in this moment.
Sero stepped back with his hands in the air as if he was stepping away from a delicate masterpiece he had just finished creating. “Okay! Ready!”
They all went silent again to allow Shouto to concentrate as they watched him closely. Since Shouto was warmed up from before, it didn’t take as long for the sizzling to begin. Denki, Sero, and Kirishima looked as excited as kids on Christmas morning as they watched the bacon cook before their very eyes. Bakugou, while not nearly as excited as them, was still watching with some level of intrigue as he stood there with his arms crossed. All of them were so focused on this that they didn’t even notice someone had walked through the front door.
The sizzling stopped.
“Wait, don’t stop! The bacon’s not done yet!” Denki said.
“Did you get tired?” Sero asked.
Shouto shook his head, eyes furrowed in confusion as he tried to activate his quirk again, to no avail.
“Uh…guys?” Kirishima’s voice was quiet and unsteady. Sero, Denki, and Bakugou followed his gaze until their eyes landed on what exactly had him so shaken.
The chill down their spines that they felt when Bakugou entered the room was no match against the one they felt when they saw their homeroom teacher staring at them, menacing eyes glowing red and hair floating around him as he stared at Shouto. Even though he wasn’t looking directly at the rest of them, they could feel him viewing them in his peripherals, and that was enough to make their stomachs drop to the floor.
Aizawa stopped his quirk, tearing his eyes away from Shouto in order to take in the full scene before him. His face remained relatively neutral, as usual, but his eyes flashed with various emotions, most predominantly confusion, as he scanned the room and the people in it. He looked entirely confounded, rendered completely speechless. Bakugou knew the feeling…
None of the boys dared to speak a word, and instead simply stared back at him, frozen like deer in headlights. After a minute or so—which felt like a millennium to the poor boys facing the scrutinous gaze of their teacher—Aizawa finally spoke.
“What exactly am I looking at here?”
Everyone began talking at once, including Shouto, who rambled on nonsense about his dad in the middle of the other boys trying desperately to explain themselves. Bakugou shook his head and ran a frustrated hand over his face.
“Silence!” Aizawa ordered. The room immediately went quiet. Aizawa moved his attention to the only other fully clothed person in the room, standing the furthest away from the scene.
“Bakugou. What happened?”
Bakugou glanced at the boys, who looked away in defeat, as they knew they were beyond screwed at this point. He sighed and begrudgingly told Aizawa the truth of everything that happened that night.
Aizawa stared at Bakugou as he processed this information, before looking between all of them with disappointment written on his face.
“You know the rules. And yet, you’ve broken multiple in just one night alone. What kind of heroes do you stand to become if you can’t follow simple rules?” he scolded. The boys averted their eyes in shame. Aizawa’s icy gaze did not let up as he continued speaking.
“We’ll discuss your consequences tomorrow with the rest of the class. For now, you need to go to your rooms.”
“But, uh…Mr. Aizawa? What about the mess?” Kirishima asked nervously.
Aizawa glanced around the room once more and let out an exasperated sigh. “Tomorrow.”
Sero helped Shouto stand up from the table, bacon falling off his chest and shoulder and dropping to the floor as he steadied him. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Denki shuffled out of the common room towards the elevator as Aizawa placed a hand on Sero’s shoulder.
“I got him. Go to your room.”
Sero nodded and quickly scurried out of Aizawa’s sight.
Aizawa scrunched up his nose slightly in disgust as he reached out and peeled a stray piece of bacon off of Shouto’s chest and tossed it to the floor with the rest of them. Shouto slowly looked up at Aizawa and smiled.
“Are you okay?” Aizawa asked, a look of concern on his face as he watched Shouto wobble unsteadily where he stood.
Shouto nodded. “I had fun today.”
Trying to hold back the tiny smirk that tugged at his lips, Aizawa asked him another question. “Can you walk on your own?”
Shouto paused, deep in thought for a moment. “The floor is moving.”
Aizawa sighed, taking that as an obvious “no”, and bent down slightly to put Shouto’s arm around his neck. After an arduous journey to the elevator and onto the correct floor, he managed to get Shouto to his room. He almost left him there in front of his room, but after walking a few feet away and not hearing the door opening and closing, he turned to find Shouto staring at the door and tugging at the handle, like he had forgotten how to open it.
It was at this moment that Aizawa really wondered how he had gotten to this point. Since when did being a teacher turn into a full-time babysitting job? After helping Shouto into his room, he got him a glass of water before trying to get him to go to bed. To which, Shouto was having none of it.
“No! I’m not tired! I can do what I want!”
Aizawa knew Shouto was going through some kind of rebellious phase the moment he walked into homeroom last week without his uniform tie on, nor his uniform ironed. Shouto was always put together perfectly every day, so while not very concerning to those who didn’t know him, to Aizawa and the rest of his students, it was pretty alarming. That day, Aizawa casually watched in his peripherals as Bakugou accused him of stealing his style. Shouto merely responded with a scoff and a roll of his eyes before opening his notebook and scribbling drawings inside of it. Aizawa later managed to get a peek at those drawings when Shouto wasn’t looking. They were all scribbles and doodles about his dad.
Aizawa immediately recognized this as a cry for help. But what was he to do? He was just his teacher, after all. Even so, that didn’t mean his paternal instincts didn’t wish to help the poor kid however he could.
After bribing Shouto with a bedtime story if he got into bed and closed his eyes, he finally managed to get him to cooperate. Shouto yawned as Aizawa started to tell the story. Before he could even finish saying “once upon a time,” Shouto was fast asleep, soft snores passing through his open mouth.
Aizawa stood quietly, trying not to stir Shouto awake as he carefully made his way towards the door. He froze after only a couple of steps at the sound of Shouto’s voice, mumbling something in his sleep.
“Fuck you, dad…”
─────────────── ・ 。゚🔥: *.🥓 .* :🔥˚.・ ────────────────
*Later That Night...*
Aizawa stepped through the front door of his home with bleary eyes and hunched shoulders, dropping his keys on the table by the door and taking his shoes off. The sound of his husband’s voice echoed through the house as he was sliding his feet into his slippers.
“Honey, is that you?”
“Yes, I’m home,” Aizawa muttered tiredly as he walked towards the bedroom. There he found Hizashi in bed, wearing his pajamas and his hair in a messy bun, his back leaned against the headboard and a book rested on his lap. He looked up at Aizawa above the reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.
“Damn, you look rough. What kind of mess did those kids get into this time? Was it really a party like the mysterious snitch said?” Hizashi asked, eyebrows raised and a slightly amused smirk on his face. Behind all of this was a soft look of concern in his eyes as he took in the sight of his exhausted partner.
Aizawa had been working all day, grading papers and filing paperwork, when he suddenly got a late night call from an unknown number, informing him of some sort of disturbance happening at the dorm of Class 1-A. Aizawa knew for a fact who it was, despite the caller trying to mask their voice. It was Monoma from Class 1-B. How he got Aizawa’s personal number, he had no idea. But that seemed to be the least of his worries at the time.
After checking the camera footage for the dorm, he found that everything seemed to be just fine. But something in his gut told him to check up on things anyway, so he followed his instincts and left to do just that.
Part of Aizawa wishes he’d never stepped foot in that dorm at all. He was dreading the paperwork he’d inevitably have to fill out for this incident.
“So? What happened?” Hizashi asked again as he set his book aside and placed his hand over Aizawa’s, softly tracing his fingers.
Aizawa looked around, confused at how he was now sitting in bed when he was just standing moments ago. He sighed. He was so tired that he was starting to black out. He felt just like Shouto, except he was simply drunk from exhaustion alone. On top of that, he was still trying to process what he had witnessed earlier. Never in his life had he seen anything like what he’d walked in on earlier. Somehow, he was left feeling embarrassed for having interrupted whatever it was that they were doing. He still had so many questions and so few answers.
“Cooking bacon on his hot side…” Aizawa mumbled, eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment as he stared off at the wall ahead of him.
“Say what now?”
Aizawa turned his head to Hizashi. “They were using Todoroki’s quirk to cook bacon on his hot side.”
Hizashi stared blankly at Aizawa for long enough that Aizawa jumped when he suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.
“What in the world are you talking about? You mean the hot and cold kid?” Hizashi asked after his laughter had settled a bit.
Aizawa nodded, sending Hizashi into a further fit of laughter. The perplexed look on Aizawa’s face was only egging his laughter on even more.
“Tell me everything. PLEASE!”
Aizawa sighed and told him the whole story, including the details of what Bakugou explained to him. By the end of it, Hizashi was on the floor, clutching his stomach as laughter echoed throughout the room. Aizawa couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, and as things began to finally settle within him, he began to join Hizashi in his laughter, until suddenly he too was on the floor, laughing uncontrollably beside him.  
“What…” Hizashi began laughing again as he tried to sit up against the side of the bed beside Aizawa. “What are you gonna do with them?”
Aizawa chuckled. “I have no fucking clue. I have to figure something out before tomorrow morning, though.”
Hizashi’s smile turned mischievous as he looked at Aizawa, wiggling his eyebrows. “I have some ideas…”
“Come on! You know I can give them the punishment of a lifetime! They’ll never even think about breaking the rules ever again!”
Aizawa paused in thought for a moment. “Maybe.”
“YES!” Hizashi pumped his fist in the air.
If Aizawa wasn’t so exhausted, he’d roll his eyes. “I said ‘maybe’. Don’t get your hopes up.”
Hizashi smiled, letting out a wistful sigh as he leaned his head against Aizawa’s shoulder. “Remember when we were their age? The parties, the fun? Getting caught and being punished by our superiors? Good times…”
“I wouldn’t say the punishments were ‘good’, by any means. I only ever got in trouble because of you. I didn’t even wish to attend most of those parties,” Aizawa muttered, yawning as he rested his head against Hizashi’s.
“Still…looking back, I miss it all. It’s kind of sweet seeing these kids doing the same stupid things we did.”
Aizawa scoffed. “We certainly were not doing whatever I walked into tonight.”
“Maybe nothing that weird, but our class definitely did some strange shit too. Remember that time with-“
“Don’t remind me.”
Hizashi chuckled. “Ah! So, you do remember then, huh? I thought you said you forgot because you were so drunk. Liarrr…” He ended his sentence in a drawn out, singsong voice.
“Oh, I remember. Too clearly,” Aizawa grumbled.
Hizashi laughed and continued to ramble on until he eventually heard the sound of his husband’s soft snores, paired with the weight of his head growing heavier atop his. He glanced up at him, a fond smile tugging at his lips. With little struggle, he managed to get Aizawa into bed without waking him completely. Hizashi was used to having to drag or carry Aizawa to bed most nights; it almost felt like routine at this point.
He couldn’t help but smile at his sleeping form. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to his forehead before turning off the lights and snuggling up beside him. The last thing he did was giggle quietly to himself before whispering into his ear.
“Sleep well, honey. You’re gonna need it.”
─────────────── ・ 。゚🔥: *.🥓 .* :🔥˚.・ ────────────────
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