#endgame exchange 2023
mrsgingles · 10 months
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It feels like ages ago that I posted some Stevetony – here's my gift for Fluffypanda as part of the Stevetony Endgame Mini-Exchange!
Prompt: Tony wakes up after dying
Please check out all the other wonderful works and leave the artists and authors some love <3 there's still so many fics I want to read from the event!
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haphira · 5 months
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Multimouse and Viperion watching the city at night.
LBSC Secret Santa Exchange 2023
For: Inkmousey
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verfound · 2 years
FIC: Princess Heartmaker: Ch 15/15 (MLB, Lukanette)
Notes: please don’t be june please don’t be june – I put this note here in February/March, I’m sure.  I’m leaving it here so we can all mock my pain.  😂  I kept saying I wanted to finish it before a J month, and Laurel has kindly reminded me that “January is a J month!”  (…I finished just in time for 2023  signups, right?  😂)
 Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 |  Ch 6  |  Ch 7  |  Ch 8    |  Ch 9  |  Ch 10  |  Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14
Princess Heartmaker
Chapter Fifteen: Let Me In Somehow – Gotta Find a Way to Brave It
It was a testament to Shadowmoth, Paris that, once the akuma had been dealt with, the dance continued on as if nothing had happened.
And, technically, Marinette supposed, nothing actually had happened.
At least not to anyone else.
She closed her eyes and took a deep, steadying breath.  Her hands gripped the edge of the counter tightly, and she took a moment to focus on her breathing.  Slow, steady breaths in.  Slow, steady breaths out.  She ignored the pulse of music she could hear in the distance.  The chatter of people in the hall.  The concerned press of her kwami – of two of her kwamis – in the bag at her hip.  After a moment, she opened her eyes and stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.
…she was exhausted.  She had been trapped in the akuma’s game for less than an hour, but she felt like she had lived through several months in that short time.  And while her fellow students had been more than happy to crank up the music and continue dancing like Shadowmoth hadn’t interrupted their fun, Marinette just wanted to sleep.
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stevetonyisendgame · 11 months
A Second Chance: The Steve/Tony Endgame Prompt Fest
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Whether you took part in the exchange and miss SteveTony already or missed out last time and wish you joined in, this prompt fest is a second chance <3
The prompt fest will run from July 7 to December 31, 2023. There are no minimum work requirements, and sign-ups are not required: you can submit prompts and fill prompts as you please! 😊
Here’s how it works:
To submit a prompt, send it through our prompt form and it’ll appear in the Prompt Collection sheet for others to see (the form and sheet will be opened on July 7). You can only submit one prompt each time, but you can submit as many forms as your heart desires. If you aren’t sure what your prompt should look like, take a look at the sheet for examples or ask us for help!
To fill a prompt, just post it to the AO3 collection when it’s complete! There is no formal claiming process; just make sure to include the prompt number and/or quote the prompt you filled in your author’s note or summary.
Both the prompt form and the AO3 collection will be open for the entire duration of the event (July 7 to December 31). During this time, you can send in prompts, view prompts in the Prompt Collection, and post fills to the AO3 collection.
Rules & Guidelines
There is no minimum work requirement, and any work type goes!
When you post your work, please include the prompt number and/or quote the prompt you filled in your author’s note or summary.
All prompts and fills must be Endgame-adjacent. Canon divergence and post-canon are welcome!
All prompts and fills must center on Steve and Tony's relationship, whether romantic or platonic. Since this is a Steve/Tony event, we ask that you do not prompt or fill poly relationships involving them and others, and Steve/Tony cannot be a side ship.
You must be at least 18 years old to participate, as some prompts may contain mature themes.
The foremost rule of our exchange applies to the prompt fest as well: This is a Steve and Tony friendly event! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ We will not accept any character bashing or painting either character in a negative light. Any prompts or fills that do not respect this rule will be removed from the collection. Remember this is supposed to be a fun event celebrating their love!
Multiple people can collaborate on one fill.
Gifting your fill to the prompter is encouraged but not required.
Combining multiple prompts into one fill is allowed, just remember to specify which ones.
You can submit and fill as many prompts as you want—there is no limit.
You do not need to fill a prompt in order to submit one, and vice versa.
Crossposts with other events are allowed as long as the rules of that event permit it too.
The collection will be unmoderated, so mods cannot guarantee real-time fill status updates in the Prompt Collection, but we’ll do our best!!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to DM us, drop us an ask, or email us at [email protected]!
A Second Chance Mods
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
BRF Reading - 6th of December, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 6th of December, 2023
Question: What does the Universe want King Charles to do in this situation (the mess of accusations in the book EndGame and the fallout from those accusations)? What advice does it have for King Charles?
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Interpretation: Realise that Harry is only out for himself and end the relationship between Harry (and Meghan) and the BRF in a clear and unmistakeable manner.
Card One: The Page of Cups.
Pages are children, and messages, and in the suit of Cups the message is going to be about emotions. However, the energy from this card is all related to the image on the card. The image shows the youth Narcissus, gazing at his reflection in a cup of water - an artificial construct - and not in the natural pond behind him.
The energy of this card is all about Narcissism The message for King Charles is to accept that his son is (currently) all about himself and has no care or concern for any other person (like all Narcissists). Like Narcissus in the image, Harry is looking at an image of himself that is constructed in an artificial bubble with little to no relation to reality, and he is acting out of that self image (I am the victim, my cause is just, I am owed security and money, I am the most popular royal etc). Again like the image, Harry is totally absorbed in himself, his woes (real and imagined), his image, his thoughts, his feelings, and he is not spending an iota of energy considering anybody else or the damage he is doing to them by his behaviour.
The suit of Cups tells me that the universe knows that this will be an emotional situation for King Charles, and one that he will not find it easy to accept. If he does accept the message, then dealing with Harry will become easier, as he will not have the emotional expectation that Harry will behave in a way that shows care or concern for another human being other than himself.
Card Two: The Eight of Wands in reverse.
The Eight of Wands is a card of communication, of very swift communication, and possibly (as the suit is wands) of communication via the media/PR pieces. This card is in the reverse. The message from the universe is for King Charles to cut all communication with Harry. Do not contact him, do not write him letters or phone him, and (most strongly) do not send him messages using PR pieces. Continue with the grey-rocking and do not get drawn into any sort of exchange of messages with Harry (and not definitely not with Meghan).
The other meaning of the Eight of Wands is a period of swift progress, of clear sailing after some obstacles have been overcome or removed. In the reverse, that swift progress does not happen. You are stuck in one spot and not going forward. The universe is telling King Charles not to help Harry (and Meghan) in their progress forwards. Let them remain stuck. Let them fumble around and make very slow progress by themselves. Do not assist them in any way, do not make things easier for them in any way. This includes things like giving them any sort of official standing or status as part of the BRF (and if you are screaming 'take them off the website so they can't use that to say they are royal', then I am with you screaming the same thing).
Card Three: The Two of Cups in reverse.
We have the suit of Cups again, so this is going to be something else that King Charles will find it emotionally difficult to do.
The Two of Cups is all about relationships - family, romantic, business, any sort of relationship or partnership. Upright, it suggests either a new partnership or one that is deepening. Reversed, the message is to cut the relationship off. Step away, distance yourself, let the emotional bonds cool. King Charles is being asked to at least distance himself from his second son (and his wife and their children). If he wants to go further, he can cut off the relationship entirely. This includes the relationship that Harry has with the BRF/'The Firm" as well as any relationship that he has left with his family. Harry must be seen to have no partnership with The Firm in any way, shape or form. The family should also distance themselves from him emotionally if they do not want to be abused and manipulated by him, and that includes his father.
The image on the card is of Eros rescuing Psyche from a monster. As the card is in the reverse, the message to King Charles is not to rush in and rescue Harry from his problems, especially his emotional issues (Cups is the suit of emotions). Harry has to rescue himself, or show signs of wanting to do the work to rescue himself, and then his father can help him. Otherwise it will be just another instance of his father protecting Harry from the consequences of his actions, and Harry will both not learn anything from the situation and be likely to repeat it in the future (as Pa will always come to his rescue).
Underlying Energy: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is institutions and authorities, and here it stands, very strongly, for the monarchy. The message for King Charles is that his job is to look after the monarchy first and his wayward son second. He can not continue to expose the monarchy to reputational damage because he doesn't want to take action against his second son. In this situation, the monarchy comes first and King Charles must do everything he can to protect it. His son, Harry, comes second to this duty and responsibility.
The universe has some hard messages for King Charles, ones that he may find it very difficult to accept emotionally. The King must act to protect the monarchy. This includes recognising that his son Harry is only concerned about himself and will act out of the artificial image of himself that he has in his mind, without concern for anybody else; to stop communicating with Harry, especially through the media, and to stop assisting him with his progress through life by smoothing the path in front of him by continuing to recognise his royal status; and finally, to cut the relationship between Harry and the BRF, or at the very least to distance Harry from the BRF in a clear and unmistakable manner, and to stop rescuing Harry - let Harry bear the consequences of his actions for once in his life.
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abarbaricyalp · 2 months
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For the @sambuckylibrary Anniversary Bingo!
I've always wondered what it was that happened between Endgame and TFATWS to separate Sam and Bucky (other than bad writing) I don't think I really found an answer, but it was fun to ponder a little bit of their mental state during those six months and the fallout afterwards
Never Hit Send, Never Called Again
Sam had clocked the phone instantly in Raynor’s pseudo-office, pseudo-session. Some old flip-phone nonsense that he’d only ever seen Bucky use for nefarious goings-on. He’d flashed it at her during some argument about how reachable he was. Actually, her exact words had been ‘accessible’ which Sam didn’t like at all. Still, that phone was not Bucky’s regular phone. He’d seen the sleek thing he used to play music and also that bird game that definitely wasn’t still available to download. The one he added Sarah’s number to after much complaining from Sam and one flash of his dumb puppy eyes that only came out every now and then as he said, “What if something happens to you? I should be able to contact her.”
Despite the rest of the insanity in the ensuing months, the phone hadn’t left Sam’s mind. Or, if it did, it came back at the oddest times, like when he was stuck at a red light or when Bucky appeared on the docks like some Byronic hero getting over his own bullshit. He wasn’t sure how to bring it up. He wasn’t even sure if Bucky still had it. Something had changed after that last meeting with Raynor. It was as if Bucky was caught in the moment between a world he’d been living in for six months and following Sam into a new one.  He’d chosen Sam then, even while they were both pissed at each other, even while his pardon hung in the balance, even when he hadn’t chosen Sam for half a year before. Something shifted and Sam wasn’t sure if whatever shady things Bucky had been doing went with it. The phone didn’t even make an appearance in Madripoor.
Still, one warm, lazy afternoon in Louisiana, while Bucky was in the shower, Sam thought of the phone again. Bucky had left his jeans thrown over Sam’s bed and Sam only hesitated for a few seconds before digging through absurdly large pockets for such tight pants until he came up with the phone. There was no kind of password protection on it. Sam wasn’t sure something this simple had the option.
The storage was minimal. There was a call log, a message center, and some kind of tracking program that he pointedly ignored. He navigated to the messages, where strings of unsaved numbers exchanged never more than a handful of texts. Except for two strings with Sam’s number.
In Bucky’s real phone, Sam was saved as Birdbrain and there was some unattractive photo of him shoving a hotdog in his mouth saved as the contact picture. Their messages consisted of travel plans, pictures of Sarah, Cass, and AJ, and a running joke about pigeons and raccoons. Maybe a few plans about dinner or a complaint about someone they worked with.
The first one on this phone–Sam–had nothing from the past several months. In fact, the texts stopped shortly after John Walker’s announcement as the new Captain America. Oddly enough, despite this not being the number Sam had ever had, the texts he’d sent Bucky in the months after the Battle of Earth were logged in it.
[October 25 2023] Landed safely in La. I’ll call tomorrow.
[October 26 2023] Hey, text me when you see this.
[October 31 2023] I checked with Pepper Potts. I know you’re not dead. Answer my calls.
[November 2 2023] Okay, you’re ignoring me. Fine. I can be more irritating than you are stubborn.
[November 5 2023] The world is weird. Someone moved into my brother’s old house while he was gone.
[November 5 2023] He’s a lot like you. Hiding out in New York instead of coming home. He can’t answer a text either.
[November 17 2023] What are you doing with your time? The Air Force reached out. Without the Avengers, they figure it’s a waste for me not to use the wings.
[November 17 2023] That’s crazy right? They’re the ones who locked them up in the first place.
[November 17 2023] I mean, it’s only been a month.
[November 22 2023] Any Thanksgiving plans? You know, if you don’t want to cook, lots of people get Chinese food. I knew someone who sat in the movie theater all day.
[November 22 2023] Could come down here too. Always an open invite.
[November 23 2023] If this is about Steve, you’re being an asshole. I lost him too.
[December 25 2023] Merry Christmas, asshole.
[January 1 2024] and a happy new year too
[January 12 2024] I need your opinion on something, so answer my damn calls.
[January 13 2024] You know what. Nevermind. It doesn’t involve you anyway.
[January 13 2024] I don’t know why I’m sitting here thinking we’re some kind of team. Why I’m trying to base any of my decisions around you. You gave up any say you’d get in the matter by throwing the most high school level bitchfit for no damn reason.
[January 13 2024] You could at least tell me what I did wrong. We were friends, Barnes. Don’t act like we weren’t. You were the only thing I had and I know I damn sure was the only thing you had.
[January 13 2024] I was thinking ahead and you were always there in those plans. What am I supposed to do now?
[February 22 2024] This is your last chance to say something before I don’t wanna hear it anymore.
[February 23 2024] fine.
Rereading them again, embarrassment and anger welled in his chest in equal measure but opposite directions. He’d been so lost after the Battle. Losing Steve had come out of left field, but the week after, while all of the clean up and pardon work and Blip nonsense was worked out, had made him feel like he could actually get through it because Bucky had been right beside him, a grouchy but solid shadow that made sure he was never near a cliff and never alone.
Sam had offered for Bucky to come to Louisiana with him, but the other man hadn’t even entertained the idea. He had some pretty words for how long he’d been gone from New York and he just needed to get home as much as Sam did and but, hey, send him pictures of the beach. Maybe Sam had realized right then that something wasn’t right, that Bucky was scheming something. While he was angry at Bucky’s disappearance, he wasn’t really surprised. Once he had confirmation from Pepper Potts that Bucky was alive and active–and not taken by Hydra or killed by some old foe or victim–he knew that there’d be no talking Bucky down to Louisiana or back into a team with him.
He’d wanted that so badly. After all the time they’d spent together, after all the bullshit they’d gone through together, he wanted Bucky next to him. He hadn’t imagined it. Him and Bucky, once they got past their posturing, worked well together. Bucky gave him something, brought something out in him, that he hadn’t had before. The childish, playful banter, the steadfast devotion, the support to do the things that left their hands dirty. Steve was great, the other side of Sam’s coin he thought sometimes, but it wasn’t everything. He wanted Bucky back so badly, it was like a gnawing wound in his chest, exacerbated by rejection and doubt.
Sam had reread his texts to Bucky hundreds of times over those months. He knew what they said. He knew Bucky had never answered.
On this phone? On the second text thread called STW?
There were response boxes. Not always immediately from Sam’s texts and rarely in relation to what Sam said anyway, but there were responses.
[October 25 2023] sam
[October 25 2023] hey
[October 25 2023] good
[October 25 2023] you deserve to be home
[November 1 2023] i’m sorry
[November 1 2023] it’s not about you
[November 1 2023] i mean i guess it kind of is. you’re just so good sam
[November 1 2023] i don’t know what i’m doing. I haven’t even gone outside. i have these nightmares. i barely sleep. i don’t have furniture. you don’t need this kind of bullshit while you’re trying to rebuild your life
[November 15 2023] the therapy is um it’s weird man. steve talked a lot about what you did at the va. this isn’t like that. i think she keeps trying to ‘tough love’ me but i don’t like her enough for it to stick
[November 16 2023] it’s my fault you know. all of this. it could only be me who did what i did as the winter soldier. no one else was like me. no one else survived
[November 16 2023] how am i supposed to make up for that
[November 24 2023] i saw you on the news. no rest for the righteous huh
[November 24 2023] you looked really good. you did really good. the whole world should be proud of you
[December 25 2023] Merry Christmas, Sam.
[December 27 2023] i started trying. to stop the things i set into motion. uh. it’s not really helping. at least it doesn’t feel good. actually it kind of feels like i’m falling down a whirlpool in the middle of a black ocean. there’s so much to fix. so much misery that’s out there because of me. it feels like a chore too not like a need or a desire. checking boxes to get a good grade or something
[December 28 2023] sam i’m so tired
[January 2 2024] do you remember that day in wakanda when you first came out to my little place instead of staying in the palace? you complained about the blanket i was using because we couldn’t share it then decided that it didn’t matter because i was too hot anyway? you cuddled that baby goat almost the whole time you were there
[January 2 2024] sam i think i’ve been gone on you for a while
[January 2 2024] that’s why i can’t come back. you’re doing too much good. you’re changing things. you’ve got a beautiful family who loves you. i can’t get in your way. i’d just bring you down with me.
[January 2 2024] i’ve been doing a lot of crashing recently and it’s like a wrecking ball falling over, just takes everything else with it.
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked from behind him, interrupting Sam’s reading.
He stamped down the knee-jerk reaction to whirl around and hide the phone. He turned deliberately and held it up. At once, a thousand questions ran through his head. Somehow, the one that made it out was, “Why don’t you have auto-capitalization on?”
Bucky’s eyebrows rose just a little. There was a simmering anger on his face, but below that was a scared animal look as he checked for quick exits. “Why do you have that out?”
“Rasputin was calling to set up your golf date. Why are my texts on here?”
Bucky scowled and he crossed the room to swipe the phone from Sam’s hand. For someone wearing Sam’s old basics sweats and a t-shirt that had seen its fair share of summer projects, he still looked like a dangerous storm cloud. “It’s none of your business. I was keeping your contact attempts close.”
Sam’s eyes narrowed. “You were getting my texts twice over and you still ignored me? Actually, you didn’t ignore me. You were answering me, you were talking to me, but you were too chicken shit to actually send it.”
“You didn’t need to see that shit,” Bucky snapped. “You weren’t supposed to see it.”
“I needed to see all of it! I needed to hear from you!” Sam objected. “I was practically begging you to answer me!”
“I didn’t have any answers, Sam!” Bucky insisted. He shoved the phone down into his duffel bag and made to sling it over his shoulder, even though his jeans were still behind Sam and his boots were under the bed.
“Don’t even try it,” Sam bit out, yanking the bag away from Bucky. “You don’t get to run and go MIA again. Those days are behind you. I’m not taking it a third time.”
Bucky’s bright, stony eyes flicked between Sam and his bag before he gave up the fight. If he wanted to, Sam knew he could easily get by him, grab his bag, and leave. He could indispose Sam in a hundred ways. Make a dozen new escape paths. But he didn’t. Instead, he took a step back, then another, kept going until he hit the edge of the dresser and then stopped. “The first time was hardly about you,” he pointed out.
Anger and rejection and that old loneliness burst against Sam’s heart finally. It filled up his ribs until it could climb in his throat, and hot tears pricked at his eyes. He willed them away because he was not going to cry about this so long after the fact. “I needed you. Why didn’t you answer?”
“I told you, I wasn’t going to spend the rest of your life hurting you or dragging you down with me. I didn’t think the pardon would stick. I thought the past would keep hunting me. I know what people think of me. And, after the battle, I lost who I was. In the silence, in the stillness, I wanted a new fight.”
“I needed you,” Sam repeated from between his teeth. “That’s all bullshit. I needed you. You’d been there and then you left without a damn word. And now you’ve come back. Where are all those fears now, Barnes?”
Bucky blinked a few times, opened his mouth to say something but didn’t. His fingers curled on the lip of the dresser as he looked away from Sam, down to the ground. “I finally figured out you were more important than the fear.
“Sam, I’m sorry,” Bucky rushed to say before Sam could respond. “I was selfish. Unbelievably so. I masked it all as concern for you–which it was!--but I know now it was to protect myself too. I-I didn’t want to hurt you because I thought if I did, I’d lose you too. And I know I did anyway. I pulled the trigger myself. I thought it’d hurt less if I did it. One more thing in a long list. I’m sorry I put you in the crossfires. I’m sorry about all of it.”
Sam stared at him. He wished he still had the phone in his hand because at least then he’d be curling his fingers around it instead of digging his nails into his own palm. “No,” he said.
“No?” Bucky asked.
Sam stalked across the room to him, put himself right into Bucky’s space because he had nowhere to go against the dresser. “You wanted to hurt yourself and you didn’t care if you hurt me in the process.”
“Sam, that’s not–”
“You wanted to keep some happiness or security away from yourself and you didn’t give a fuck that you were keeping it from me too.”
“I never meant–”
“You didn’t think about me at all, Barnes! That’s the problem. I was in your face for months and you still couldn’t think of me.”
He realized suddenly that Bucky’s fingers were around his wrists and his own hands were pressing knuckles into Bucky’s chest. He forced his arms to relax. Bucky moved his hands just enough to keep him from digging into his chest. 
“You’re right,” he admitted in a breath. “I knew you were looking for something from me and I purposely kept myself from you. I wanted you to be able to find it away from me. I wanted you to be happy here. To be happy with Torres. To be happy with the Air Force. When you got your life put back together, I thought you had. I didn’t know… I didn’t know you still needed me. I wanted you not to need me.”
“You were the only person in the world who could understand,” Sam breathed. He stared at a spot on Bucky’s shoulder instead of at his face. “We disappeared together, came back together, had Steve, didn’t have Steve, fought the same battles, survived the same things, went on the run, went into hiding. How could I ever not need you next to me? Or even 1300 miles away, but at least close enough to text?”
Bucky’s breath stuttered as he let it out. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Hey.” He let go of one of Sam’s hands to raise his face up. “I’m never going anywhere again until you tell me to. You’ve got me now.”
And the sentiment would be sweet in any other circumstance, but Sam’s trust was still smarting something serious and all the things he’d been trying not to think about since March seemed to have just festered and grown. Six months of anger and worry and self doubt, doubled in size now. 
The way they had been over these last few months–even when they were under each other’s feet, arguing about everything but the actual problem–had been exactly what Sam had been longing for. Now he knew he hadn’t had it at all because Bucky had the emotional regulation of a six year old. They’d been living together long enough for Sam to never want to lose this again and it could’ve happened almost a year ago. They could have a house or an apartment by now. 2.5 cats and a grocery subscription service. All of the maybes and wishes of these terrible nine months could’ve eased so much of the heartache and uncertainty.
“Why couldn’t you just talk to me?” Sam asked. “I just needed to hear from you.”
“I’m sorry,” Bucky said again. “I was selfish and misguided. I promise I’ll do better.”
Sam held onto Bucky’s right wrist, smoothing his thumb over the racing pulse point there. If nothing else, Bucky had proven himself steady since March, even though the tumultuous beginning. But Sam had thought he was steady after the Blip too until he’d disappeared.
“I know it sounds bad right now,” Bucky added. “But if you need space–”
“No,” Sam said quickly. “Don’t leave. Not again.”
Bucky visibly relaxed. He nodded and then pulled Sam the last half foot to his chest, snaring an arm around his waist and pressing his forehead to Sam’s. He smelled like Sam’s bodywash, which was still weird even after all this time, and the warmth of the shower and an embarrassed worried flush sank into Sam’s bones instantly. “I’d come back this time. As soon as you asked,” Bucky said.
“You don’t have to if you don’t leave,” Sam insisted softly. “You’ve got a lot of time to make up for. Don’t add any more to your tab.”
Bucky huffed out the beginnings of a chuckle and nodded, forehead rocking against Sam’s. “I can do that, Sammy,” he promised. “Anything you need.”
And, yeah, maybe it was a need. It certainly felt like one, had for a while now. But more than that, it was a want. He wanted Bucky around and that ached more in his chest. Instead of admitting that, he just said, “This is a good start,” and held Bucky tighter.
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ishipallthings · 1 year
Steve/Tony Endgame Event Interest Poll
I've been thinking about hosting a Steve/Tony fanworks event/exchange focused on their relationship and scenes in Endgame and beyond (2023 seems appropriate :P), so here's a poll to see how many people might be interested.
Reblogs welcome!
If you want to participate in the event, please help @thahiree and I out by answering a couple more questions here about the event, thanks - it takes less than a minute :)
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sunnysideprincess · 4 months
All We Do
Tony doesn't mean for anyone to find those recordings. Steve doesn't mean to see them. Between the two of them, there were never the right words spoken, so this just might be a blessing in disguise.
written for @tinystark616 as a part of @cap-ironman 2023 holiday exchange, go thank her for the wonderful prompts!!!!
Had so much fun writing this! Endgame stony fix-it was kind of a bucket list for me and this gave me the perfect opportunity to explore the ways they would resolve their issues. And tada!!!! 9k-ish words of angst!
I totally did not learn how to use skins for this story (i did, i did) so please keep the creators style on for this one!
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be-compromised · 10 months
We haven't done one of these for a while, so...
A reminder that there's a whole heap of Clintasha goodness in the 'masterlist' tab on the community dreamwidth, with masterlists from past events going back to 2012, plus 'fic' and 'rec' tags for your perusal.
On AO3 we have a bunch of collections for comm events and there's a community: be_compromised tag if you're having trouble filtering for Clintasha as a main pairing or Clint and Nat as the main focus on a fic.
The comm discord has rec and fanart channels, as well as channels for writing help. (This has replaced dreamwidth for most of our discussion / friending / general chat.)
And here on tumblr you can search our blog for 'clintasha', 'clint barton', 'natasha romanoff', 'fanfic', 'fan art', 'gif set', and 'moodboard' if you're looking for anything in particular. We try to reblog as much as we can, but if you'd like to submit anything or think we're missing things relevant to our interests (Clint and/or Natasha, avengers as a team, archery, ASL, comics, MCU...) we'd love to hear about it!
We also do events, most notably a summer prompatathon (coming soon for 2023) and a secret santa exchange, but we've also done remixes, a fix-it fest (looking at you, Endgame), and challenges.
Our corner of fandom is always open to lurking, browsing, creating, cheerleading, and friending <3
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meidui · 5 months
ta-da, my fills for the @stevetonyisendgame prompt fest in the year of our endgame 2023!! 🎉 thanks to jen@ishipallthings and rini@thahiree for being the best co-mods there ever were and everyone who participated in the exchange and the prompt fest this year, it has been so much fun 😽
soft strange ways (1k, G)
Steve and Tony are only gone for five seconds, but when they reappear on the quantum portal in a swirling pinprick of light, their hair is a bit longer, their clothes are rumpled, they’re gripping onto each other’s hands so hard their knuckles are white, and both of them, for the first time in as long as anyone has known them, look like they might be truly, wholly, blindingly happy.
trapped between two lungs (2k, T)
Tony tears open his front door and stumbling towards him is the same face he still dreams about. He isn’t even wearing a jacket in this freezing cold and there’s blood dripping from somewhere on his body into the snow, and Tony can’t think. All their complicated history disappears somewhere and all he sees is Steve, hurt and afraid.
best laid plans (1.3k, E)
Nomad looks a lot like somebody Tony used to know, and if Tony were anything less than piss drunk, he would have known way before Tony even left Nomad’s mouth. He would have known as soon as those lips fell open and those shoulders tensed because the man in front of him might be able to fool everybody else with that mask tied around his eyes, but not Tony.
He’s drunk, though. He doesn’t know.
tough it out (2k, not rated)
“I don’t—” Then Tony remembers exactly where they are, and Steve’s expression shifts into one of dreadful realisation at the same time. “You’re gonna have to kneel on it, Steve. She thinks you’re my—”
“Kneel on it?”
“Hey, hey, don’t think of it as kneeling for me, right? Think of it as Captain Stevens kneeling for Doctor Potts so Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have a shot at getting home alive.”
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ficbrish · 5 months
A Ten Year
Rating: Explicit 18+ only!
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[AO3 Link]
[Kinktober 2023 prompt thanks to @absurdthirst! October 26th - Tentacles, Angels/Demons]
[[TW/CW: Blood, tentacles, choking, magic drugs, alcohol]]
Summary: Vistri and Gale figure out a magical way to temporarily shift into mind flayers, and Astarion and Vistri take it for a test run.
Takes place during post-canon (10 years after). There are SPOILERS FOR THE ENDGAME OF BG3 directly under the line!
[Click here for my other Kinktober one-shots]
Gale blushed when they asked him for help.
Vistri wore her hands on her hips and that devilish smirk of hers, “You are this era’s grand master of illusion magic, are you not?”
It was the tenth anniversary of their Netherbrain victory, and Vistri and Astarion had something special in mind for the group’s festivities.
“And you’d do this…” Gale asked carefully, “At our little party?”
Vistri giggled and slapped him playfully on the arm, “No, silly! A party favor for everyone to take home. Something cheeky for after.”
Gale looked to Astarion for help, but that only made things worse.
Astarion sucked his teeth, “We’re not selfish, darling. We propose you make enough for all of us to have a bit of fun.”
Why did Gale ever suggest they visit him in Waterdeep? It was always something with those two.
“Can’t you just shapeshift?” he grunted.
They both had their hands on their hips now and were frowning at him.
“There’s no artistry in that,” Vistri complained, “Besides, it’s not a matter of appearance we’re after. Well, not just appearance.”
“We have a…” Astarion gave an expanse hand gesture, “Fuller experience in mind.
“A task easily managed by a sorcerer with an ancient draconian lineage such as myself,” Vistri taunted, “But I figured a wizard like you would be into the magical intrigue of it all. Think of it like a fun puzzle!”
“A wizard puzzle,” Astarion added, and then they exchanged one of those insufferable shared looks.
“You’re laughing at me,” Gale said.
“We’re not laughing, darling,” Vistri said in that voice she used to make devils willingly run back to the hells, “We’re humbly asking for your assistance.”
Despite himself, Gale was flattered. It was quite an interesting puzzle after all. What if, for just a night, they were able to become mind flayers?
There were three key aspects to this particular puzzle: First, taking on the physicality of a mind flayer. Nothing real, just a mimic (which mainly involved shapeshifting, as Gale previously suggested). Astarion and Vistri possessed the necessary arcane talents, but this treat wasn’t meant for just them alone, and the others were going to need a bit of help. Astarion suggested shapeshifting scrolls, but that wouldn’t be specific enough. So, Gale and Vistri wrote up their own scrolls with a unique spell tailored to their specific purpose.
Setting was the next, but no less important, aspect. Turns out Astarion and Vistri’s idea of a full experience was a full, immersive, and detailed experience. Their vision required an illusion that would seemingly turn a room into the Astral Plane. Gale jumped at the opportunity to show off his expertise. Of course, they could always draw up another unique scroll, but there was always a risk of counteractivity. Besides, another scroll wouldn’t earn him bragging rights among his colleagues at the college. Luckily, Vistri always made sure to restock Gale’s supply of mushrooms from the Underdark whenever she and Astarion popped by. They could distill some of those into an elixir to induce a highly controlled hallucination.
It was the last aspect that was most intimidating.
“Just how do we capture the mind of a, well, mind flayer?” Gale mused.
Vistri’s brows were woven together in deep thought, “Hmmm?”
“Mystra’s tits! Were you even listening?”
She’d heard his voice, but her imagination was running wild with what could occur if they managed to pull this off. Shivers ran through her spine like a tremor as she thought of Astarion wrapping a tentacle around her neck, long fingers with pointed, ebony nails trailing along her inner thigh…
“You weren’t listening to me again,” Gale fussed, “You’re off somewhere else. Let’s just break for the day. I have many other tasks that require my attention.”
“Gale!” she whined, “Come on, Gale!”
He frowned; a thick book tucked angrily under his arm. Vistri had to resist the urge to laugh. Gale was always so… Gale.
“Maybe tell your boyfriend to ‘come on’ you. Clear your head so we can get work done on our…”
“Sex magic?”
“I absolutely refuse to call it that.”
“Oh, look at you! You’re in a mood.”
“I am!” he said as he stormed off.
Fussing felt so nostalgic. Come to think of it, this was sort of like their own personal love language. Still, they spent so much time apart these days, the distance made Vistri feel guilty. As if she’d taken a lovely piece of cake only to smash it into the ground.
“Hello, darling,” Astarion greeted delightedly as she entered their rooms.
Together they made ten years fly by, yet Vistri felt like she was beholding his face for the first time, only just now becoming acquainted with his voice. She still felt like that when they reunited after being apart for any amount of time. Even just within the space of half a day.
Vistri pouted, “I think he hates me.”
Astarion affectionately pretended to be fed up with her, “What’d you do this time?”
“I… teased him a little.”
“Oh, come now! If he was ever going to hate you over that, we wouldn’t ever be invited to stay.”
Vistri laughed, and its ugliness made her the most precious thing. Astarion had no choice but to wrap his arms around her and feel her convulse against his chest.
His eyes were soft, “And I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
Vistri closed hers to soak up the heat and sincerity in his tone. It was sweeter than a song.
Their tongues did the rest of the talking. Then they found each other’s skin underneath their fine clothes. Passing breath back and forth until they eventually sunk to the floor and melted into each other.
Afterwards, they gazed in amazement while their chests wracked like stormy waves. Vistri wiped a drop of sweat off Astarion’s brow that threatened to fall into his eye.
“Let’s take a bath,” she purred.
When they all met for dinner later Gale was no longer peeved, but he had a look of madness about him.
“I’m feeling inspired,” he announced, raising his glass, “To us! And the pursuit of…”
“Debauchery,” Astarion offered.
Vistri smirked.
They clinked and sipped. Gale excitedly took over the conversation with theories on mimicking the psychic link of a mind flayer. Another elixir was obviously out of the question. One would just cancel out the other. And they’d already ruled out the use of more than one scroll.
“—but what if it’s something we wear?!” he exclaimed, the punchline to his lecture.
“Well, I like it,” Astarion said in a high, breathy tone. Then tilted his head and lowered his voice for dramatic effect, “Question is: What should we enchant?”
Undergarments would be the most fun, but those would probably end up discarded, breaking the effect. Any sort of necklace or diadem was a bad idea for the same reason. So, they went with the most basic answer, a ring.
“Boring, but sort of perfect,” Vistri said, “In theme with our little get together—It reminds me of that ring Omeluum gave us, the Ring of Mind-shielding, but—”
“Ring of Mind-flayer,” Gale joked.
Vistri chuckled, “Exactly. I think it could be nostalgic. Don’t you agree, love?”
Astarion swallowed a gulp of… well, somebody’s blood, and set down his goblet to take hold of her reaching fingers.
He nodded, “The rings themselves make splendid gifts.”
“Party favors!”
“Yes, dear,” Astarion patted her hand, “Party favors.”
Gale chewed thoughtfully and hummed, getting ready to say something.
“Do you think everyone will be ready to turn into mind flayers? Even though we wouldn’t be actually turning into one—I mean, we worked so hard not to after all. Now we’re making it into a game.”
“A sex game,” Astarion clarified, just because Gale’s reaction was always priceless.
“With your brilliant ring idea, anyone can skip the mind flayer bits and still have a blast” Vistri said, “But that’s the draw of it for me, personally. I like to face my fears in the bedroom.
“Really puts the whole vampire companion into perspective,” Gale muttered into his wine.
“I think it has the potential to be quite healing, frankly,” Vistri went on, “You know: Take control of the thing we used to not be in control of.”
“And fuck it,” Astarion added.
“But not… At the party. Right?”
“No, Gale!” Vistri scoffed, “Do you tend to host orgies at your other family reunions?”
“Fair enough,” he chuckled, “But you both better remember that. I’ll have no illithids at the party proper! Not when it’s my turn to host.”
The first tenday was a disaster of failed attempts. Their unique shapeshifting spell was easier said than managed. The rings ended up being the simplest part. After all, it was just a stack of enchantments: Warding to connect the pair, mind reading, and a mix of charm and psionics for the transfer of sensation and feeling. Those only took time because they had to be bonded pairs. The elixir proved to be just as tricky as the scrolls, but after Gale remembered to enchant the mushrooms, they had something viable.
Just in time, they pulled it off. The only thing left to do before the party was to give the whole experience a test run.
v---v                v---v                v---v                v---v                v---v
Astarion giggled and tossed his curls, “Ah-hah! I finally have a part to play. You don’t know how droll it’s been. Sitting around while you and Gale figure out the secrets of naughty magic.”
“Oh no! Have I been neglecting you?”
“You have!” he pouted.
“Rest assured, my beloved. What we’re about to experience… Trust me, it’ll be worth it.”
“Uh, oh. You’ve got that smile on your face.”
“What smile?”
“The one that says you’re about to eat me right up.”
“Lick the bones clean,” Vistri said between kisses.
“Promises, promises.”
“Speaking of promises: It’s all safe! We’ve already tried out each component individually, and you and I are just checking to see if the full experience lives up to our expectations. Which, obviously, Gale and I couldn’t test ourselves.”
“It would’ve made for an interesting plot twist if you did,” he teased.
Vistri raised one of her brows. She wanted to quip back, but her heart was beating too fast. The fantasy was so delicious, and now the actual moment was here. Whenever she walked or shifted her legs, she could feel the wetness between them, but her nerves were also frothing into worry.
“Are you sure you want this?” her eyes were so wide.
Astarion squeezed her hand and chuckled guiltily, “My love, I’ve been aching for this moment for days! The transformation is a little scary, mind you. But the very thought of surrounding you, with more arms than I can currently manage, is more enticing than any fear.”
“We can dispel the effect at any time! Drink another elixir, take off the rings—”
He stopped her with a gentle peck, “You’re rambling again, darling. We’ve gone over that many times. Try not to worry and just have fun.”
She nodded.
“It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
She shook her head, “Just like any other shapeshifting spell.”
“Nothing we haven’t done before.”
He winked and she blushed.
Vistri wasn’t aware she was feeling a little shy until she spoke, “Why don’t we start with the elixir?”
“Take me to the stars,” he consented.
The little bottle was enough for them to share. Vistri had two little glasses already lined up, but when she went to pour them, he pulled her closer, flush against his chest.
Astarion’s kiss knocked all thoughts from her head, leaving only sense. Her nerves transformed and ignited into a blaze, his tongue guiding her to the ache of the ravenous. Vistri couldn’t breathe, only gasp. Astarion punctuated it with his teeth, biting and tugging her lip. She groaned deeply in response.
Vistri couldn’t stand on her own when he wrested lips from hers. She held onto Astarion to steady herself, grasping the front of his tunic.
He took the little bottle out of her hand, “Be a dear and open your mouth wide for me.”
She did as commanded, tilting her head back a bit as he pulled out the topper. Slowly, he poured some of it onto her tongue.
“Don’t swallow.”
Vistri held it in her mouth.
“Good girl. Now give it to me.”
Astarion relieved Vistri of her burden, drinking the elixir from her lips. Then he tossed back the rest of the bottle and fed it to her in return.
The effect wasn’t immediate, but trickled in. Gale’s tower slipped away and became the Astral Plane. Furniture grew into rocks; and walls, cliffs. The ceiling was no longer a ceiling, but an impossible sea of comets and stars.
Astarion chuckled with delight, “You know. This is exactly how I remember it.”
They relished in the illusion together for a while. Vistri proudly pointed out all her contributions, and vented about everything she thought the elixir’s effect lacked.
“I really wanted to capture the smell of it, but we just… I thought maybe an ointment would do, but Gale almost lost all the hairs in his nose when we tested it. Do you remember how the place smelled?”
He thought for a moment, “Like burnt sulfur and strawberries.”
Vistri laughed, “Strawberry?”
Astarion shrugged, “That’s the way I always thought of it.”
“Something burning, magical, and a little sweet,” she agreed.
Her fingers lightly brushed along his arms while they sat and watched the comets dance. Under the stars, the gentle and ordinary became an aphrodisiac. Her touch was a habit; her fingertips always languidly stroked Astarion’s arms when they talked together like this. She was doing the very same now, paying no mind to her gesture or the way it made his skin feral.
Astarion took her hand and dragged it downward for Vistri to bear witness to the effect she was having on him. She stopped her breath, her body screaming for his.
“What do you say, dear? Time for the rings?”
In keeping with how they took the elixir, Astarion slipped a ring on Vistri’s finger, and she did the same for him. More than their minds, their entire consciousness became known to each other. Thoughts, feelings, and sensations were completely shared.
The arousal that roared like a bonfire under their casual intimacy was no longer a secret. Astarion could feel the throbbing tightness in her core, and her blood rush. The wet heat waiting for him beneath her clothes was as real between his own legs as the pounding of his stiffened member. These rings were already better than anything they’d tried since the tadpoles.
“A real mind flayer would be able to control what they exude to their thralls,” Vistri explained, not acknowledging his discovery, “But Gale and I figured a two-way transparency would be more fun.”
“I can feel both of our hearts beat,” he stated contentedly.
“And I know exactly what you’d like to do about it.”
Astarion’s thoughts were in her head, taking off her clothes. He could feel her excitement stir into a “yes” she didn’t even have time to speak. In the space of a second, Astarion made a proposition, Vistri accepted, he checked if she was sure, and she begged him to do it. Their lips didn’t move, their eyes barely shifted expressions. Understanding was intrinsic; experiencing each other’s experiences, like they were living in the other’s skin.
How about we never take these off? | You’d like that. Wouldn’t you? | Gods I would Gods I would Gods I would.
Piece by piece, they undressed each other. A tunic for a tunic etc., never removing their own items. Beholding each other, unwrapping like gifts, and bearing explicit witness to the beholding.
Like a god Like a god Like a god. | You are perfect. | Taste me. | Eat me up. | Like a god Like a good Like a god.
“One. Final. Bit,” Astarion was on his knees, punctuating his words with kisses trailing up her thigh.
He felt Vistri’s impulse to moan before he heard it bubble up from the depths of her. He pulled down the soaking strips of cloth that were her undergarments with just a finger. They came off so easily, as if eager to escape her legs.
His tongue met her other lips, just a tease he could himself savor. Vistri smelled the way her blood called to Astarion through her skin, feel the roaring tremble inside his heart as he banished his predatory impulses far away where they couldn’t harm her.
He looked up at her, lips shining with her slick, “Please let me have a taste.”
Devour you. | Devour me, | Consume you. | Consume me. | Never stop Never stop Never stop.
More than knowing what Vistri wanted, Astarion had his own desires for what to feel through her senses. A deep wave of security and bliss shivered through her whenever he wrapped his hands around her neck or teased his fangs against her throat. An ecstasy, so beloved it would have moved Sune herself to tears, beamed though Vistri when he started to rut, her knees tucked under his shoulders. The sanctuary Astarion found in her body was now a temple made for him. It sang his praises.
“We still… Mmmph! Uh!—Scrolls,” she struggled to say.
“If you let me die now, darling,” Astarion purred, “I’ll live longer for you later.”
He always knew when to hold back because their edges were the same, but now he had direct confirmation. He took them both as close as possible, then paused for Vistri to writhe and groan and plead. Then he’d start again, but slower, never taking them to the edge, but strolling nearby, until they both felt they were going mad.
Vistri offered her throat and Astarion took it. Selflessness and greed coexisted at the point of his fangs. She could taste her dragon blood on his tongue; cold, spicy, and a little bit sweet. The life flowing into him radiated through her as it slipped away. She could feel his senses heighten and become louder than her own.
His breath was thick with her blood when he leaned close and whispered into her ear, “Strawberries.”
Their laughter started and stopped as Astarion moved faster, groans overtaking their lips.
The illusory stars above were just like the ones that blossomed behind their eyes, their bodies wracking with pleasure. Astarion sank his teeth back into her as they rode it out. Vistri’s blood in the throes of her pleasure was the best thing to ever meet his tongue. It brought him to life.
“Wow!” Vistri exclaimed, making Astarion laugh again as he licked her neck clean.
“Gods, you’re perfect,” he murmured against her skin.
She was too preoccupied by catching her breath to return to compliment.
He frowned, “Why are you always the one out of breath when I do all the work?”
“It’s all right, dear. I quite like it when you pant like that,” he said heatedly, “Makes your tits jiggle.”
She pushed him off her with a big smile on her face.
“I love you too,” she smirked, calling out what lurked behind his tease.
“Oh, there’s no denying that,” he wriggled his fingers, “Not with these.”
Vistri stifled her laugh, “You were right. The rings alone make a good gift.”
Astarion clicked his tongue, “Party favors, dear. Are we forgetting?”
“You’ll have to bear with me, darling. A moment ago, I couldn’t even recall my own name.”
With that little comment, he was ready for the scrolls. After a quick Lesser Restoration cast for Vistri, of course.
“Before we go ahead, answer me this: How exactly does a mind flayer cum?”
“It doesn’t. Not technically. It feels pleasure, don’t get me wrong. There’s erogenous zones all over, and I’ll show you them all,” she narrowed her eyes suggestively, exactly in the way she’d picked up from him, “But there’s no biological climax in the way we understand it. How do I put this? There’s nothing for it to arrive at. Any sort of big, explosive, ecstasy it feels comes from its thralls.”
Astarion raised a brow, “All the more reason for us to take turns then.”
Are you sure you’d like to go first? | Yes!
“You worry too much, love.”
I can feel your nerves. | Pay them no mind.
Vistri let Astarion into her memories; her and Gale trying the scrolls themselves. The transformation from the scroll was nowhere near the real thing. Astarion’s body wouldn’t twist into a horror. He would only be drenched in a shower of sparkles that magically gave him another form. And tickled a bit.
“I know. I know.”
“I’m ready,” he assured her. This whole thing was his idea in the first place, after all.
Her heart wasn’t in her hesitations. It was beating so fast, begging him to get on with it.
“Tut, tut! Don’t be impatient now, dear. You’ll tempt me to draw this out,” he said winking with rakish affection.
Vistri’s entire being was rushing with thrills that exploded and died like a series of fireworks in her veins. Astarion couldn’t resist her like that. He had to have one more kiss with his own lips, one more pet with his own hands. He pushed a finger between her thighs.
“Oh, you’re a gorgeous little slut, aren’t you?” he moaned, “I just fucked you, greedy thing. Already soaking and trembling for me so soon after.”
Vistri clung to his shoulders and moved her hips pleadingly. A sweet hint of soreness was overpowered by the way his finger felt inside her. She tried to push it deeper, but he pulled it away.
“Blasted tease!” she cried out.
He chuckled, “I’m not done with you yet, dear.”
Astarion held out his hand, and Vistri fetched the scroll. His fingertips were practically salivating as they grasped it. Their minds crowded with fantasies of how to fuck and get fucked, creating a to-do list long enough to keep them occupied for days.
The longing to become his nightmares, and dissolve Vistri into senses alone with it, made Astarion’s voice tremble as he recited the incantation. It worked all the same. A shower of sparkles, that really did tickle a bit, engulfed his form and made him a mind flayer. Not a proper one, but as much of a mimic as magic would allow.
Astarion looked down at his swirling tentacles and felt the top of his pulsing head with thin, billowing arms. It was a little jarring, but that just made their blood run faster.
Oh, this is weird. I like it! And you’ve got such a delightful, perverted look on your face.
Vistri relished the way his voice boomed in her head. It shook her mind, like he was too big to take. Her need made her dizzy, all mixed up with his.
Look at you! Thanking the gods, whom you have no faith in, at the very sight of me. I say! This is fantastic.
He was already a lot taller than Vistri, but now he towered. Astarion was a frightening thing to behold in this form, and Vistri’s reflexive fear only stoked her hunger.
Still not casting shadows.
“You’ll have to help me remember to tell Gale. He’ll want to take note of that.”
Vistri, I’m a mind flayer if you haven’t noticed. Can we tentacle now and talk about Gale later?
She smirked and came to him. Her delicious strut trying so hard to cover up her discomposure, but Astarion could hear the snarling in her core. It snapped with teeth that wanted to devour and be devoured.
Vistri reached out with hesitant fingers, letting them fall into his tentacles. They had a hard flexibility to them and felt oiled rather than wet. There were four, and she wanted them all around and inside her.
Astarion’s arousal was palpable and thick in the air, pressing in on her, choking her.
Touch me more.
This time her hands met him with surety. She stroked along his tentacles like running fingers through long hair. It made him purr. Almost like her hand on his cock, but not quite. It was more similar to dry humping in the dark, clothing a barrier between them that their heat seeped through—that dulled sort of rubbing.
Vistri put her mouth on them, licking him up and down. Their feet left the ground, levitating together above the floor. One of his appendages gently brushed her shoulder as another teased along her throat. She tossed her head back, surrendering to his touch.
How depraved do you want me?
Her hands crawled up his tentacles, tugging as they climbed, until they were eye to eye.
“Fuck me until nothing is left.”
Your wish is my command, love. Although I do have to leave a little something of you. It’s my turn next, after all. And I expect to get as good as I give.
She felt him on her chest, gliding downward. Then another snake around her waist. And yet another caress the top of her thigh. The fourth stayed where it was around her neck.
His query and her permission were communicated in a blink. Astarion brought his monstrous hands to the back of her thighs, grinding her against him out of habit. That also made him purr.
Ah, the promised tour.
Vistri’s voice was breathy and distracted, “There’s another erogenous zone between a mind flayer’s legs, even though they’re all…” She paused as the one on her thigh just barely brushed along her swelling middle, “Ten-tentacles.”
No, dear. I only have four.
The tip of the tentacle between her thighs was coating itself in her arousal. Vistri’s breath skipped, and she called out his name to ground herself.
I do love how you whimper.
He added pressure around her neck, feeling her pulse pound in his own ears. He could add plenty more, but Vistri hadn’t earned that yet. She begged him to get inside her, so he squeezed her ass and snaked another between her cheeks to poke around from the other side.
She was delighted, “You bastard.”
I know.
He wasn’t going to give her what she wanted just yet, the torture was too delicious.
When Astarion had enough of levitating and petting and teasing, he put Vistri prone on her back. Two tentacles toyed with her tits, squeezing and sucking them. She writhed under him, moaning and pleading for more.
Eager. Eager.
The other two wrapped around her legs and pried them apart. Tenderly, Astarion dragged a long, black nail along her inner thigh. Its sharp point gliding over such sensitive skin.
Hold still, lest I cut you. I cannot savor your blood in this form.
The throbbing between her legs was the clearest thing to him in the whole world. It was a prayer, and he was the god meant to answer. If Astarion knew life was going to be like this, he would have endured better those 200 years.
She reached upwards, inviting one of the tentacles on her chest to wrap around her wrists. Tightening himself around them felt like a marriage. Vistri gasped as Astarion pinned her wrists above her head and moved his nail to her completely exposed stomach. The threat saturated her senses and made her body tremble with vulnerability.
He took the opportunity to tease her folds. The feeling was so loud, it screamed inside his head. Unable to tell if the relief was for her or himself, Astarion finally eased his appendage inside.
Vistri’s cries echoed, reminding them this wasn’t really the Astral Plane, but a stone tower.
Don’t stop. | If he hears, he hears. If he hears he hears. If he hears he hears. | Don’t stop.
They didn’t stop. Not until her pleasure peaked too many times to keep track of. Vistri kept begging for more, and this effect lasted for as long as they wanted. It wasn’t until he added more of himself, and kept adding more; until his monstrous, huge hands clawed at her back as all four appendages writhed around and in and out of her, creating a cacophony of bliss the two of them got to share; that Astarion undid the spell, leaving her spent and sore.
“My turn!” he announced excitedly from his own lips.
Vistri pounced on him with kisses of gratitude.
“How was that for you?” she asked.
“Let’s just say you’re going to love it.”
There was a glazed look in his eyes, like Astarion was more arousal than self. Vistri smirked and kissed him with gentle tongue.
“I promise to give as good as I got.”
“You better.”
He didn’t know it was possible for him to be harder than he already was until he saw Vistri in that terrible form. There were so many new ways to be ravished.
Astarion pulled her to him, showing her where he wanted to be touched, wrapped, squeezed. He levitated with her in rapture. A tentacle teased his shaft while another wrapped around his thigh and flicked the tip of his head.
“Have mercy,” he whimpered.
But that’s not really what you want. Is it?
“No. I want—Gods above… I want to be taken. See myself spill over you. All of you.”
I want to do things to you that will make us both blush for days.
He chuckled, “Haven’t we already?”
When he pushed her to the ground and straddled her, Vistri snaked a tentacle up to his neck. She wrapped another around his waist, holding him in place. The other two snaked around his ass and thighs, prying them wider apart and squeezing. Astarion moaned.
His cock dripped and one of the appendages around his thigh rubbed it to wet him. His curls tumbled as he threw back his head. Slowly, the tentacle snaked around his throbbing bone.
You mentioned you wanted to watch yourself spill over me, dear.
His hands embraced the tentacles wrapped around his neck and waist, stroking them softly and begging through their minds. Her fourth appendage stroked the skin behind his balls and teased his hole.
You writhed inside me so well, my love. Would you like me to return the favor?
The desperate way he shouted “yes” turned Vistri’s purr into a low rumble. Enveloping Astarion in a warm mind’s embrace, she flooded him with memories of loving kisses as her tentacle entered him and found that special spot. His grip around her other tentacles was so tight, the thrumming pleasure almost turned to pain.
His ecstasy wasn’t shy. It cried out and eventually broke free of him. Vistri watched him lick the mess from her tentacles before dispelling the effect. Then off came the rings, and they fell panting into each other’s arms.
Astarion kissed her, happy to behold her usual form, “You are a gorgeous and wonderful thing!”
“I’d say that works pretty well,” Vistri remarked.
Astarion laughed, “You’re sure we want to give these out instead of hoard them all to ourselves?”
She melted into giggles, “Don’t be greedy. I know how to make plenty more.”
They ended up taking another elixir just to find where the bed was, a little something invigorating to restore them after such rigorous activity. When their room came back, they jumped into bed and sank blissfully into it together. Even though they experienced everything through each other via the rings, they still talked for hours about it under clean, silk sheets.
“I’m glad that we won, but maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if we lost,” he joked.
Her laugh echoed on the stone.
A few days later, everyone was finally gathered together in Gale’s tower. The others were uneasy when they found out Vistri and Astarion had been staying for a while before. They didn’t trust those mischievous grins on their faces.
“We have some party favors for everyone to take home,” Vistri announced.
“And we think you’re all going to have a lot of fun,” Astarion smirked.
[Click here for my other Kinktober one-shots]
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mariacallous · 11 days
A major part of U.S. President Joe Biden’s transformational plan for the Middle East—more like a Hail Mary than a real plan—is to see Saudi Arabia and Israel normalize their relations. To make it happen, Washington would have to provide Riyadh, among other things, with a formal defense pact. Israel, per Saudi wishes, would have to take irrevocable steps to help create an independent Palestinian state.
With a prime minister overtly opposed to such an endgame, Israel is unlikely to fulfill its end of this bargain anytime soon. It is not even done with its current war against Hamas. It has threatened to invade Rafah in southern Gaza to go after whatever is left of the militant group’s warfighting capacity—an outcome that would prolong this war, sabotage any hope for a cease-fire and a hostage exchange, and exacerbate the already enormous suffering of the Palestinian people.
When it comes to the creation of a Palestinian state, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rarely missed an opportunity to register his opposition. As always, he is singularly focused on ensuring his political survival by appeasing an angry Israeli public with an ongoing war, knowing that when the shooting stops, they will punish him for failing to prevent Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7, 2023. Except that Israeli victory on the battlefield is proving more and more elusive due to Hamas’s staying power, the challenges of urban combat, and growing international pressure on Israel to end its military operations.
Yet, despite Israel standing in the way of a trilateral deal, it seems that the United States and Saudi Arabia have made great progress on their own. There is now talk of a “plan B” that could exclude Israel, the terms of which—according to some of the excited press coverage—include a U.S. defense pact, U.S. help in Saudi civil nuclear energy development, and systematic collaboration on the areas of artificial intelligence and other important technologies. Such a plan B seems promising on the surface, but on closer scrutiny, it is a non-starter.
“We have done intense work together over the last months,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this week while in Saudi Arabia. “The work that Saudi Arabia and the United States have been doing together in terms of our own agreements, I think, is potentially very close to completion.” Echoing his U.S. counterpart, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan said an agreement was “very, very close.”
Why Washington and Riyadh might want to move forward without Israel is perfectly understandable. After all, what if Israel never agrees to a two-state solution? Yet a bilateral U.S.-Saudi deal, at least in its currently described version, simply will not work. The reason is simple: For Riyadh to obtain a formal defense pact from Washington, Congress would have to be on board to ratify it, and U.S. lawmakers, especially Republicans, will not lift a finger unless the issue of Israeli normalization is on the table.
Indeed, the biggest reason why there is bipartisan consensus on this megadeal with Saudi Arabia, rightly or wrongly, is because Israel would get the ultimate prize of Saudi recognition. Take that away, and the whole thing falls apart, despite the other Saudi deliverables, which include Riyadh distancing itself from China, cooperating on energy output, and jointly investing in technologies that matter to the United States.
Advocates of a bilateral agreement might ask: What if Biden uses his executive authorities and reaches a defense deal with Saudi Arabia without having it ratified by Congress? He certainly could, and it would look like the security arrangement the United States signed last September with Bahrain—called the Comprehensive Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement. The United States also could offer the kingdom “major non-NATO ally” status (which Bahrain already enjoys), expedited U.S. weapons shipments, and enhanced cooperation on a range of defense and security areas.
However, that is not what Saudi Arabia wants or at least what it has said it wants. Riyadh has insisted, quite rightly, on an official defense pact with the United States—meaning a treaty alliance similar to what Washington has with Japan, South Korea, or the Philippines—because it would solidify, formalize, and legalize the U.S. security commitment to the kingdom. The Saudis definitely want something more ambitious than what Bahrain got. They also want it in writing and codified in law because they understand that a new U.S. administration, or simply a changed attitude from a sitting president, could easily terminate the deal.
Saudi Arabia also worries about how Iran, its top adversary, might perceive a defense deal with the United States that is not sufficiently robust. For Riyadh to decide to openly bolster its security cooperation with Washington, and as a result possibly alienate and jeopardize its normalization accord with Iran, the reward would have to be worth the risk. In other words, Saudi Arabia seeks a defense pact with the United States that is credible enough in the eyes of both friends and foes.
Such credibility requires political commitment and military power. The former would signal in no uncertain terms to Riyadh, and importantly to Tehran, that the United States would come to the aid of the kingdom should it be attacked, as it was by Iran in September 2019. The latter would bring to bear the necessary military capabilities and consultative mechanisms to support the defense pact.
Saudi Arabia does not want to end up in the worst of all worlds: marginally improving its security relationship with the United States while also drawing the ire of Iran. The whole point of Riyadh pressing for a defense pact with Washington is to prevent a war with Iran or defend against Iranian aggression should it happen again. And the only way to get that from the United States is by guaranteeing a U.S. security commitment.
Which brings us back to Congress and its crucial role. Without Saudi normalization with Israel, Congress is unlikely to endorse a formal defense pact with the kingdom. And without the latter, Saudi Arabia might decide that it is better off staying put than risk provoking Iran.
So long as Netanyahu and his government, the most right-wing in Israel’s history, are in power, it is hard to see how this three-way deal, at least the way it has been conceived and advertised, could materialize.
The irony is that by normalizing with Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu could achieve the kind of strategic accomplishment he so desperately needs right now: recognition by the largest economy in the Middle East and the leader of the Muslim world—something the Israeli public would celebrate. But he presides over an Israeli cabinet whose views on the Palestinian issue are even more extreme than his own and obstruct any such opportunity with the Saudis.
It is possible that Riyadh and Washington would entertain a more limited deal and enhance their cooperation on issues other than defense, including AI, semiconductors, autonomous systems, and maybe civilian nuclear energy. But it would not be the transformative deal that Biden hopes to sell to the American public or one that Saudi Arabia really covets. Nor would it commit the Saudis to demonstrably restraining their cooperation with China—a challenging proposition given the deep economic linkages between the two countries. It would be just another minimalist bilateral agreement, with none of the strategic effects or benefits that both parties seek.
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haphira · 4 months
A Lonely Christmas?
For @inkmousey, LBSC Secret Santa 2023
“Yes, Maman, I’ll be fine here by myself.” Marinette spoke into her phone. She was organizing her scrap materials... again. She picked up a teal-green square that reminded her of Viperion and set it aside to use later. 
“I just worry about you being alone on Christmas. You know we can always fly back-”  
“Maman. You and Dad have wanted to see your extended family for years now, and with the commissions I have, I wouldn’t have been able to go anyways, I’ll be fine! Promise.” Marinette reassured her mother for the fifth time today. Her parents landed in China yesterday and they wouldn’t stop fussing over her. She loves them dearly, but it was starting to feel like she was 14 again.  
“I’m 18 and more than capable of taking care of myself. Enjoy your vacation and give the family my love, okay?” Marinette sighed as she heard her mother's relucent agreement and hung up. Marinette sighed again as she put her scrap materials away.  
“Geez, they always worry too much about me, I’m fine and not alone!” Marinette turned to Mullo who was sleeping on her pillow next to Marinette. Smiling softly, Marinette quietly got up to make herself some tea and maybe pull out a cracker or two for Mullo when she wakes up.  
After setting the electric kettle to boil, Marinette brought down some of her favorite relaxing tea and her favorite mug from the kitchen cabinet. The quiet of the kitchen was starting to get to her. Normally the kitchen is busy with smells and laughter intermingled with talking. A creeping loneliness was starting to show itself, but Marinette grabbed her phone and set some holiday music to distract from it. She has been home alone before, and it's not a big deal. Why would now, be any different?  
Now, it was time for family and friends, but no one has the time for you, a villainous voice in Marinette’s mind said. She shook her head to dispel the thoughts, it wasn’t the time for depression to make a nuisance of itself. She had a duty to Paris and her commissions to think of.  
Hearing the kettle click off, Marinette grabbed the boiling water and made a mug of tea. Grabbing a few crackers along the way, she headed back upstairs to her bedroom where Mullo was waiting. She watched her Kwami sleep peacefully and Marinette put her tea on the bedside table.  
Mullo woke up to the sound of Marinette flopping onto her bed with a sleeve of crackers held to her chest. Muffled music still played from her phone in her back pocket. Another sigh escaped her. Maybe her parents weren’t over worrying about her. It was the first Christmas she had spent alone, and Marinette was... unhappy. 
Hawkmoth has been terrorizing people left and right, since the holidays started. It was all hands-on deck this year. Marinette felt glad she was relied on but, also sad that she couldn’t join her family in China. Until Hawkmoth was caught, all Miraculous holders were grounded to Paris. The upside was that she might even get to see Viperion. Although it was highly likely he, like the rest of the holders, had Christmas plans, Marinette let out another sigh.  
Marinette reached out for the tea she made and pulled her phone out of her pocket to silence the music that was still playing. Sipping the hot tea, Marinette contemplated what to do for the night, it was Christmas eve, and the weather wasn’t too cold, so she could go out on a run through the city patrolling.  
“Hey Mullo, what do you think about going out for a while?” Mullo munched on a cracker and smiled at her holder. 
“That sounds wonderful, Miss Marinette! I bet the night lights would be beautiful!” Mullo squeaked. Marinette nodded; a small smile graced her lips. Going out might be just the thing she needed, after grabbing the rest of the crackers, Marinette transformed into Multimouse, leapt out of her skylight and into the night air.  
The air was a little crisp, but Multimouse’s suit kept her warm as she sailed through the sky. Landing and bounding off to the next building Multimouse breathed the freedom that the miraculous gave her. After patrolling the city for about 30 minutes, Multimouse decided she would rest at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Upon reaching the top of the tower, Multimouse found a decently comfortable spot and sat down to look at the lights of the city. The city was beautiful at night, all lit up with Christmas lights and hardly anyone around. It gave the night an almost magical feel to it.  
Multimouse couldn’t have been there more than 10 minutes when she heard a crunch of gravel behind her. Whipping around Multimouse saw Viperion walking up to her, quietly gazing at her with a soft look on his face. She realized that Viperion was walking noisily on purpose to let her know that he was there, the kindness he showed warmed her heart and cheeks.  
“O-oh, Viperion! I didn’t expect to see you here.” Multimouse watched as Viperion gracefully sat down next to her and looked out at the city. They sat quietly for a few minutes, just enjoying the air and night lights. Their fingers a hair width apart from touching, shoulders brushing against each other when they moved to situate themselves.  
“S-so, why are you out here?” Multimouse asked. She nervously played with her fingers before looking up at Viperion and settling down again in a relaxed position.  
“My family has plans and I couldn’t go with, so I’m here by myself.” Viperion answered. He looked questioningly at her. 
“Oh, same. My parents left to visit family elsewhere.” Multimouse responded to Viperion’s unvoiced question.  
Viperion hummed, “Hmm, seems we both are alone this Christmas.”  
Silence blanketed them again, but it was comforting, to have someone nearby that understood. Viperion turned away from the city to look at Multimouse again. Multimouse sensed his gaze and looked back at him.  
“Come with me, there’s a place I want to take you,” Viperion said as he offered his hand out to Multimouse.  
She took his hand and stood up with him, “Where are we going?” Multimouse asked. Viperion just smiled and butterflies erupted in her stomach. They jumped from one rooftop to the next and kept an even steady pace. Then in ten minutes' time they reached their destination, Palace of Versailles.  
��Wha-” Multimouse started but Viperion put a finger to her lips, making them tingle. They were close together and Multimouse swallowed hard.  
“Trust me,” Viperion whispered. He removed his finger from her lips and took Multimouse’s hand as he led her into the gardens of the palace. Multimouse followed Viperion in a slight daze as they ventured further in. 
The gardens were covered in snow, winter plants sprung up here and there and the quiet of the city made Multimouse want to keep the serenity. When they reached the center of the gardens there was a fountain. Surprisingly water was still running through it. Viperion sat down on the edge of the fountain and Multimouse sat down next to him.  
“I come here occasionally when I'm feeling a little down.” Viperion said softly, almost a whisper, as if he too, was afraid to break the peacefulness of the gardens.  
Multimouse breathed deeply, enjoying the crisp night air and tranquility of the gardens. Smiling softly at Viperion she scooted closer to him and snuggled up into his side. This was an often-enough occurrence that neither of them thought much of it. Tonight, however, felt different. Maybe it was because of where they were, or the fact that it felt like a date, or maybe because it was Christmas, but Multimouse felt like this moment was way more... intimate, than the times before.  
“Hey, Mousey?” Viperion asked softly, slightly turning his head to gaze down at her. His mint green eyes slightly glowed while he looked at her. 
“Happy Christmas,” he commented, Multimouse thought it was still too early for midnight but when she heard the clock tower strike 12 a moment later, she realized that this night had been going by quickly. 
“Happy Christmas, Viper.” Multimouse looked down at their hands feeling a charged energy in the air.  
Multimouse glanced up to see Viperion watching her, a blush rose up on her face, but she didn’t look away. Multimouse’s heart started to pound away in her chest as Viperion stared, he moved slightly to the side he cupped her back with an arm and moved his face closer but slowly toward her own. The air felt electrified and Multimouse licked her lips in anticipation. That grabbed Viperion’s attention, his gaze flickered down to her lips before looking back into her eyes. A silent question hung in the air, Multimouse realized that Viperion stopped, just a few inches away from her lips, and concluded that he was waiting for permission. Nodding her head slightly, Multimouse slowly closed her eyes as the two shared a soft kiss.  
It was a sweet and memorable moment for them. After pulling away from each other, Viperion rested his forehead against Multimouse’s. They breathed in each other's air, silently staring at each other, smiling softly with sparkling eyes. They still had lots to talk about, but at that moment everything was perfect. As they snuggled up to each other, Viperion and Multimouse sat in the gardens for a while longer, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the night. Later there would be talk of relationships, boundaries, identities revealed, and what they wanted for the future. For now, though, Viperion and Multimouse enjoyed the company of each other on what started as a lonely Christmas that developed into something more.  
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verfound · 1 year
FIC: The Rocking Epic of Lukas Stone and His Lady Faire (1/5) (MLB, Lukanette)
Rating: Teen & Up
Characters/Pairings: Anarka Couffaine, Jagged Stone, Juleka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tikki; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jagged Stone/Anarka Couffaine (Past)
Summary: Meeting your soulmate is supposed to be the most magical moment of your life, and perhaps it would have been if Marinette’s soulmate hadn’t gone and gotten himself kidnapped by a dragon the very same night.  Now she’s on a quest with a princess and a bug-sized god to bring him home, hopefully before he gets himself eaten…  (Or: Ver said “No Valentine’s Epics” this year and Cap just laughed.)
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Last year, after PH exploded like it did, I swore up and down there would be no Valentine’s Epics this year.  And then I got @chromemist , our dear cap’n of the good ship @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers, and her prompts – especially when she expanded on them – gave no room for non-epics.  😂  My prompts were “Soulmate AU” and “Royalty AU”, and Cap?  You can expect me this weekend. I have Words for you, ma’am.  😂  (Specifically, as of right now, at least five chapters and a potential sequel’s worth.  😂)
The Rocking Epic of Lukas Stone and His Lady Faire
Chapter One: Hey Dilly Dilly, Aren’t Soulmates Just Silly?
Marinette didn’t like parties.
“I must say, you do look enchanting tonight,” the man leading her around the dancefloor said lowly, smiling at her as he bent closer.  She hoped she wasn’t too obvious in the way she leaned back – his cologne was strong enough to make her gag.
“Thank you,” she murmured politely.  She hoped he took the demure way she turned her head from him as a show of coy shyness and not what it was: a desperate search for the nearest exit.
It wasn’t that she didn’t like parties.  Not really.  She just didn’t much like these parties.
These parties were parties thrown by her favorite uncle, King Jacob Stone.  When Marinette thought of parties she thought of the gatherings her friend Alya liked to host, with maybe three musicians in the corner and casual dancing and a table with snacks in the back corner.  Or maybe the dinners Gabriel Agreste, head of the most prominent fashion guild, hosted for his fellow guildsmen, hours of polite conversation around an elaborate ten-course meal.  She certainly didn’t think of extravagant gowns, stiff suits, formal dancing to a fifteen-piece band, and servants circulating with trays of drink and food for the partygoers to enjoy.  King Stone didn’t so much throw parties as he threw lavish balls, with all the pomp and circumstance befitting one of royal status (and all the…eccentricities befitting a royal like Jagged Stone).
This particular ball, a masquerade at that, was being thrown in honor of his eldest son, the crown prince.  Today was the prince’s birthday – his eighteenth birthday, at that.  So if King Stone had gone a little…well, overboard with things, no one entirely blamed him.  Your eldest son only came of age once, after all.  It was, Marinette supposed, a pretty big deal.
It was still more party than Marinette was accustomed to dealing with.
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stevetonyisendgame · 11 months
2023 SteveTony Endgame Mini Exchange ♡ Creator Reveals ♡
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Thank you everyone for a wonderful run of the A Second Chance: Steve/Tony Endgame Mini-Exchange! We could not have done this without our amazing participants, pinch-hitters, signal-boosters, and of course, readers! 
And the fun isn’t over! There will be a Steve/Tony Endgame Prompt Fest from July to October - follow us for more info 😊
Here is the final creator reveals masterlist for the Exchange ♡ Did you guess any of the creators correctly? 🤭
♡ and i’m not afraid to say, i love you in my way by enragedbisexual for Becci_chan ​​| FIC - 1.6k, G
♡ And you’ll see me waiting for you. by Wadanokuni for alexcat | ART - T
♡ Art Gift for Missy_dee811 by lomku for Missy_dee811 | ART - G
♡ as easy as breathing by wingheads for purpleicedteas | ART - T
♡ a beast of a burden by meidui for mrsgingles ​​| FIC - 2.7k, T
♡ A Better Name Than BARF by laiwrites for suchmadnesss | ART - G
♡ caffeinated ambrosia by embittered_ambition for rearranged (her_ghost) | FIC - 8.5k, T
♡ Darling, let’s run by derelover for IronChantress3000 | FIC - 1.7k, G
♡ don't fear our futures and dreams by ishipallthings for captainstars | FIC - 8.9k, T
♡ Endgame, Not Checkmate by geekymoviemom for Herogers | FIC - 8.6k, T
♡ ever be afraid to say by ishipallthings for captainstars  | FIC - 1.4k, T
♡ The Five Stages of a Time Loop by AirlocksandAviaries for embittered_ambition  | FIC - 40k, M
♡ Forgive The Winters, Keep No Records by Carsonian for XtaticPearl | FIC - 8.8k, T
♡ Here To Stay by AvengersNewB for wingheads | FIC - 5.4k, M
♡ hold fast by meidui for VenomousSoliloquey | FIC - 1.3k, T
♡ I Tell You That I Think I'm Falling (Back in Love with You) by MayBiTheWay for tinystark616 | FIC - 6.3k, E
♡ i was put together wrong by suchmadness for MayBiTheWay  | FIC - 11.6k, T
♡ i would always be yours by tinystark616 for ohjustpeachy | FIC - 2.5k, T
♡ In Our Hands by Becci_chan for CapBlondette | FIC - 1.6k, T
♡ In Your Golden Hour by ralsbecket for AvengersNewB | FIC - 1.4k, T
♡ It Was Always You by This_Is_Captain_Handsome for ralsbecket | ART - G
♡ it’s that easy by robertdowneyjjr for zappedbysnow | FIC - 3.8k, T
♡ I’m begging for you to take my hand by derelover for IronChantress3000 | FIC - 1.2k, T
♡ Let’s Stay a While by CapBlondette for geekymoviemom | ART - M
♡ Momentum by Arukou for Thahire | FIC - 6.9k, M
♡ A New Vision of the Future by navaan for Thahire | FIC - 3.8, G
♡ No Lies From The Trusted by XtaticPearl for navaan | FIC - 17.8k, M
♡ Once More for the First Time by nostalgicatsea for Neverever | FIC - 4.1k, G
♡ One Final Surprise by Carsonian for XtaticPearl | FIC - 1.5k, G
♡ the orchid deciding to bloom again by Missy_dee811 for Impala_Chick | FIC - 2.2k, T
♡ Quick Thinking and a Dash of Luck by VenomousSoliloquy for derelover | FIC - 6.6k, T
♡ Real Life by Imapala_Chick for xWinterDreamsx | FIC - 1k, T
♡ Remember What I Said. by shaggybeetle for enragedbisexual | FIC - 2.4k, M
♡ Right Where I Belong by alexcat for This_Is_Captain_Handsome | FIC - 1.8k, G
♡ small comforts by ohjustpeachy for earliebirb | FIC - 1.3k, G
♡ something to live for by Areiton for shaggebeetle | FIC - 5k, M
♡ Sound the Reveille by rearranged (her_ghost) for AirlocksandAviaries | FIC - 2.1k, T
♡ submerge me in your will by captainstars for meidui | FIC - 3.5k, G
♡ Take Two: It Takes Two by Carsonian for XtaticPearl | FIC - 1.2k, G
♡ the things we held on to by Fluffypanda for ishipallthings | FIC - 700 words, G
♡ To End At the Beginning by IronChantress3000 for laiwrites | FIC - 1.2k, G
♡ Unsaid words by Herogers for Wadanokuni | FIC - 2.8k, T
♡ way to a father's heart by earliebirb for robertdowneyjjr | FIC - 6.8k, G
♡ we won [art] by mrsgingles for Fluffypanda | ART - G
♡ What We Are Now by Neverever for Carsonian | FIC - 2.7k, T
♡ With an Unselfish Love by AnnieD (scaremouche) for derelover  | FIC - 2.5k, T
♡ Wrangling Tony Stark by zappedbysnow for magicasen  | ART - G
♡ you are all I was hoping for by xWinterDreamsx for Areiton  | FIC - 4k, T
♡ you’ve got to close your eyes and see by Thahire for nostalgicatsea | FIC - 7.9k, T
♡ Zero to One by magicasen for lomku | FIC - 2.8k, T
Enjoy our 50 fabulous works! ♡ Love, Jen, Rini, and Cassie
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piecesofeden11 · 6 months
My current WIPs
I figured I could use a post like this since my WIPs are getting a little out of hand as of late :D Status: Nov. 13th, 2023, will be updated as needed! WIPs already on Ao3: Like Puppets on a Broken String - My attempt at a Fix It, that roughly follows the events of RotS all the way to potentially RotJ. Obikin Endgame, but a bit of slowburn. Definitely dramatic. Also my first work in the Obikin fandom and therefore very special to me! Status: Currently on a bit of a hiatus, but still very much close to my heart. Heel - Sith!Obikin AU with Emperor Kenobi. Started out as a quick drabble to get the image of Obi-Wan in white imperial robes commanding his hound Vaderkin out of my mind, has since become my Kinktober 2023 project and grown a plot. Status: Very much ongoing.
WIPs not yet published: Soul on Fire - Merrical, Post Jedi Survivor, Alternative Ending. Lots of Nightsisters Lore Homebrew, Cuteness and Heartache. BD1!!! Status: In the Layout/Planning Phase
Aftercare - Obikin, post Zygerria Arc, hopefully a Oneshot but you never know where the plotbunnies go! :D Status: Started but very much a UFO at the moment
Hide & Seek - Obikin, 5+1, inspired by Grapenehi's An Uncivil War. Status: About halfway done, unfortunately got sidelined a bit by other plot bunnies.
Perfect Rhythm - Obikin, Dancing with the Stars AU, slowburn (though the boys missed that announcement, clearly), lots of Easter Eggs, big cast, music, silliness. Based of a wonderful idea by Wibz! Status: My NaNoWriMo project 2023, 12 Chapters layed out, writing's going great! <3 The Holiday AU - Obikin. What it says on the tin :D Obi-Wan as Cameron Diaz' character, Widowed Anakin with the twins in a snowy cottage somewhere in the countryside. Need I say more? Status: Conceived. Hopefully gets written in time for Christmas! <3 Edit: There's also a handful of secret projects which are not included in this list for gift exchanges and such <3 I'm not forgetting those but cannot, for obvious reasons, give anything away about them <3
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