#emotional mastery
chillwithnea · 1 year
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markllockwood · 2 months
Accessing Superhuman emotions
There may be no greater asset to you than The power of mastering your emotions because if you cannot manage your emotions little else matters
Within you are two sides of the same coin. One part of us is fear-based and geared for survival. We tend to hide this ‘self’ from ourselves and the world for obvious reasons. We don’t want to appear weak. Weakness brings attack. This makes the power of mastering your emotions near impossible. On the other side of the coin, we know deep down in our ‘knower’ that we are overcomer’s. We know we are…
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theslackerjack · 4 months
the litany against fear is great and all but a lot of people would be helped with one against anger too, especially when it comes to bigger-picture type anger
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venuskind · 5 months
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successloops · 8 months
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Not having everything match my expectations is so frustrating - but it's a fantasy to expect all my expectations to be met.
Unconditional happiness in the face of adverse circumstances is emotional mastery, however that can never be sustained so it's also fantasy but something to strive for.
How about just the acceptance of circumstances & the practice of appreciation. It won't guarantee happiness but it will reduce suffering.
For more inspiration + irony for a giggle take a look at my book.
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chanzene · 1 year
“Stay in your place. Adults are talking.”
When you are easily affected by peoples opinion of you this comment will burn your gears. I’ve been told three times already by three different boys to “stay in my place.” The behavior I was exhibiting to get this results was simple I was placing myself into situations of honor and authority. Rightfully so my God has placed me there so I relish in it. I come to find males who are uncomfortable with my self confidence and sense of self are the type to be offend. 
By the third time that I heard this coming out of someones mouth towards me. It took me totally out of my element I loss all bearing of my self control. This induced a lot of intense emotions in me. I let my feelings get involved. Because I a starting to sense people don’t take me seriously. 
To not let this happen again. I need to look at the source of where this comment is coming from. Realize the person has no effect on how I am making money,  breathing, and where I am going. in life. Once I realize these common things the person is usually a non-factors. 
But in order for me to be taken seriously I need to improve my self. In these key areas of self mastery.
1. Self-Awareness  | Be able to differentiate between what is (the unbiased of things ) and what I perceive (mental & emotional conditioning)
2. Embrace emotions | Not suppressing emotions. 
3. Don’t act on emotions | Control my actions despite my emotional state.
4. Make decisions through logic and intuition.
5. Have empathy. | See the world through other peoples eyes. 
6. Don’t let my empathy get used against me. 
7. Self-reliant | Don’t rely on external forces to feel good about myself or to alter my emotional state.
8. Tap into my inner resources to alter my own emotional state. | Nothing outside of me can bring me happiness. 
9. Don’t take life so seriously. | Have a high emotional degree of detachment from certain outcomes.
10. Take full responsibility of myself and don’t blame others.
11. Open Mindedness | Don’t fear the unknown make the decision and move forward.
12. Be decisive.  
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grahamstoney · 15 years
Mastering Emotions at Passionately Alive
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/emotions/mastering-emotions-passionately-alive
Mastering Emotions at Passionately Alive
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I often feel that my emotions are running my life. When it comes to happiness, joy, peace and love, that’s fine by me; but when it’s fear, sadness, anxiety, loneliness or depression, that’s not so good. We like to think that we’re in conscious control of our lives all the time, but the reality is that everything we do is driven by an emotion of one sort or another. We’re constantly either seeking the pleasant emotions or avoiding the unpleasant ones. Our emotions exist in our subconscious, so we often aren’t consciously aware of them until they pop up strongly enough to interrupt what we’re doing and make their presence felt. But they still play their role whether we acknowledge it or not; and if we ignore them, they just get louder and stronger until we start paying attention.
Our society places a premium analytical thinking and often downplays the importance of emotions. We learn very little about the role of emotions in our lives at school or university; which is ironic considering that it’s not our analytical thinking that is driving our behaviour: it’s our emotions. If we really want to get a handle on running our lives more effectively, we need to deal with how we feel. As a guy growing up in a family where emotions weren’t generally expressed directly but were often bottled up, I had lots of practice at pushing down how I felt for many years. Yet I always knew I had strong feelings; I just felt out of place in a family and society where they didn’t seem to be recognised. A bit like a square peg in a round hole. Not surprisingly, when I did start to deal with some of the emotional pain I had experienced in life, it wasn’t particularly pleasant. But it was either that, or suffer an awful loneliness, anxiety and depression. Emotions are the key binding force between people and being able to recognise and express them is essential for having really meaningful relationships. Empathy is the basis of all deep connections between us, and unless we know how to express how we feel, that’s not going to work so well.
My 20-year career in engineering was great fun while it lasted, but none of the training or on-the-job experience dealt with the topic of emotions. So I figure I have some catch-up work to do. Many women I meet complain about their disillusionment with men who are “like robots” when it comes to their emotional availability: workaholics, perfectionists, pessimists; all working hard to avoid how they feel or just lacking the skills or practise at expressing it. I don’t want to be one of them any more. Coming down with chronic fatigue 14 months ago also had a huge impact on me; one of its common symptoms is that feeling tired and sick all the time tends to magnify any unpleasant emotions; and it’s the emotional and psychological toll that this takes more than the physical illness which causes me suffering.
With all this is mind, I recently drove 900 km from Sydney to Melbourne to attend Nicholas de Castella’s Passionately Alive workshop on emotional mastery. I knew that a theoretical knowledge of emotions wasn’t going to cut it; I had to actually experience how I really felt, pleasant or unpleasant, to release the bottled up emotional energy and get a better handle on dealing with my emotions. I had met Nicholas briefly once before, and from what I read in his Heart Thoughts newsletter, I could see that he was the real deal when it came to putting emotional intelligence into practise and could provide a safe environment for doing so. We also had a bit in common: being the “sensitive” one in families where this hadn’t been validated, left-brained careers that ultimately became unfulfilling, and even the chronic fatigue thing. Nicholas seemed like a compassionate man, and I was pretty sure I’d be able to relate to what he had to say.
I knew I was tuned-in and ready for getting in touch with my emotions even before I arrived: A guy in the barber in Albury had suggested I take a back route to The Basin east of Melbourne, which took me past the turn-off to King Lake, a suburb devastated by recent bushfires with tragic loss of life and property. From far-off Sydney, the bushfires had been a media-frenzy far away, but I felt an immediate sense of heaviness as I drove through the burnt-out forest towards the workshop.
The workshop itself consisted of a 3½ day residential with a series of small group exercises and sharing in pairs. Each day built upon the previous one, as Nicholas shared his insights into the role of our emotions. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we sang, we got angry, we yelled and screamed, and we allowed ourselves to feel whatever we felt without being judged for it. It was all very cathartic. The process was intense, but I never felt anxious about what Nicholas was going to get us to do next. It was tremendously moving, and it was remarkable how close the group felt to each other due to the sharing that was going on and the respect we all showed for each other’s journey through life. During a Breathwork session, I literally felt emotional energy buzzing in my body for the first time.
There’s still a voice from the rational part of my brain that jumps in every now and then while doing any kind of emotional exercise to say that “this is ridiculous!”. Usually it sounds a lot like my mother. But I’m learning to not listen to it so much any more, go with my intuition and listen to my feelings instead. The emotion I struggle with the most is anxiety: it’s not always giving me helpful clues and more often than not, it seems to be getting in the way. Shame gets in the way too, big time. Both stop me from being free to be myself, to do what I want and have the life I truly desire.
Before Passionately Alive, I was feeling pretty anxious about a lot of things: my career, my relationships, and what I was doing with my life generally. At the workshop, I got a lot of my buried feelings off my chest, met other people willing to work at mastering their emotions too, and learned some new tools for continuing to do so in the future. I feel more peaceful now. I had a dream one night shortly after where I was being attacked by a robber, and as I woke in a state of panic I felt the fear rush through my body and leave, rather than hanging around like it used to do. I still wake up in the middle of the night sometimes wondering “where is my life all heading?”, but I’ve got more of a sense that I’m on the right track, whatever that is.
I wish all my friends and family would do things like Passionately Alive, so that we can all have deeper more meaningful relationships. This is the stuff that makes life worth living. If you struggle to find peace in your life or would like to be handling your emotions better, I highly recommend Passionately Alive. One of the ironies my group recognised was that the people who probably needed this training the most were the least likely to recognise it. So if you’ve never had any sort of training or therapy on the topic of emotions, but you just find some areas of life aren’t working as well as you’d like or you keep pushing other people away or pissing them off repeatedly, perhaps this is just what the doctor ordered for you too.
For more information on how you can get your emotions to work for rather than against you, check the Institute of Heart Intelligence website. If you register for Passionately Alive, please mention this website and my name to Nicholas, tell him I sent you.
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itsmeganparker · 2 years
As an emotional mastery coach and founder of The Greatness Movement, he works with successful entrepreneurs, professional athletes, individuals, and families.
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angelolabrou · 2 years
🙏 #NoMoreLies #Challenge Episode 14: I have nothing to be grateful for
No matter where you are in life, surely you can feel a little grateful for: - the oxygen that is abundantly available to you - your access to potable water - the fact that we meet here every single morning to get even better
The truth is that every time you feel grateful, you open another gift of life.
Gratitude is a conscious admission of receivership!
Since energy flows where focus goes, the more grateful you are, the more things to be grateful for you'll attract in your life!
💙 Super-Angelo You deserve EVERYTHING you want and we all deserve your BEST self!
🔥   It is time to THRIVE! Start your day with your daily Shot of Inspiration. Sign-up now for free!
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ashanimus · 1 year
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For @lollytea, fanart of her fic The Atlas and the Avid Reader!
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chillwithnea · 5 months
urge surfing
“what’s the next step? what should i do” my ego asks.
my heart replies “sit with the pressure, sit with the pressure, sit with the pressure. breathe spaciousness into the chaos, become a loving space, become the calm amidst the storm. give your mind a gentle massage, let it soften, let it melt. the heaviness will lessen, the urges too. the wounds will heal, the noise will be quieter, so that i can work through you.”
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jaynovz · 1 year
Luke Arnold did not put his entire psyche and pussy into John Silver to the detriment of his own health for yall to say Silver is a mastermind liar and not a fucking repressed bisexual MESS
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frommyfavoritebooks · 5 months
You should be aware of how you feel but still in control of how you respond. Emotions are temporary, but behaviors are permanent. You are always responsible for how you choose to act.
- The Mountain is You, Brianna Wiest
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok says that Vulcan children are very well behaved and have a lot of emotional control by the time they’re ~elementary school aged which makes sense but also makes me want to see what a Vulcan toddler or kindergartener acts like since they can’t be reasoned with as well (can’t really meditate) + are babies and also brimming with near irrepressible violence/emotions.
Vulcan toddler is just quietly accompanying their parent along on an errand. They stop and point to a toy of some sort and ask politely if they can have it. Their parent explains that they have enough toys at home. The toddler immediately throws the tantrum of the century. Just turns into an absolute wild animal in their rage. Other Vulcans are just like “aaa I remember when my children were that age” but any aliens around are like “oh my god is that thing OK??” I imagine even older Vulcan children would have issues with emotional control given that they’re also children! Though they’d of course know they needed to control themselves and behave...sometimes you just slip up. Vulcan children are playing together harmoniously. Then one breaks the established rules of the game. “I made contact with your arm. You are now the chaser.” “You did not make contact with my arm. I dodged your attempt.” “You dodged unsuccessfully. I made contact with your arm.” “I did not.” “You are cheating.” “I believe you are the one cheating.” And an adult has to rush over as one pounces on the other and they both begin screaming and clawing at each other’s eyes. The rest of the children are watching with interest or perhaps grabbing implements to assist their friend.  Little lapses in emotional control would probably be common until they reached like....highschool age. I can imagine an eleven year old Vulcan hearing they can’t sleepover a friend’s home and immediately shattering a vase before apologizing and cleaning it up.  It also seems like bullying would be very prevalent on Vulcan. Spock is canonically bullied frequently and it seems natural that Violent, Extreme Emotions in teenagers would lead to that kind of behavior which isn’t outwardly unacceptable (like crying, laughing, etc) but still satisfies an illogical desire towards cruelty and establishing dominance.  Vulcans schools probably have so many ‘Bullying Is Illogical’ seminars that do nothing and everyone makes fun of behind their teacher’s backs. Two Vulcan teenagers bullying each other, trying to see who has the more emotional reaction. If you cry or get mad you lose. Only babies cry and get mad...seems pretty illogical(cringe).  Vulcans seem to be very focused on respectability so I’m sure that as bloodthirsty teens there would be a lot of accusations and rules...if you hang out with X then Z,H and Y won’t talk to you. If you apologize too soon then they might accuse you of behaving too emotionally and gossip about you...if you don’t apologize at all they might accuse you of behaving too emotionally and gossip about you. It’s very stressful. Tuvok also said when he was a teenager in that one flashback that he was ready to fight over the girl he had a crush on (saying he’d “issue a challenge” or something) so I’m implementing that into my personal understanding of Vulcans...like adults do NOT want these kids to fight but amongst other teens they’re like:  “Seynar is my boyfriend.” “I disagree. He sat next to me during meditation three times this week.” “Only because I was absent.” “Then he is fickle and will be mine soon enough.” And then they challenge one another to a secret duel after school. Dueling to the death is very cool and grownup v_v (teens rarely die from such duels though bc either the other teen stops or someone told an adult). It makes sense to me that teenagers with violent urges would fight one another in a way that they consider acceptably adult. (mimicking the marriage ritual thing or even pon farr...romantic and cool.) Imagine being a teen Vulcan and your crush starts hinting that they have another person who might be interested in them....hmmm.....and you know you’re gonna have to duel for them or lose em. Such is life. Vulcan teens seem like they’d either date a lot (emotional whims) very non seriously (because they’re all betrothed) or date not at all because they’re gonna get married to their betrothed anyway. Loving someone other than your fated match is probably a pretty big trope in Vulcan romance stories...or maybe the opposite? Like someone bad tries to steal your heart but you remain resolute and return to your fated match as is logical. Anyway all this to say that I think Vulcan children and emotional control is something that’s fun to think about. Especially regarding how Vulcan children would act around adults vs other children. Vulcan child to adult: I will do my best to get along with my sibling. (2 seconds later once mother has left)  Vulcan child: You may play with the red toy. If you play with the blue toy I will harm you. Bodily. Meanwhile their older sibling is rolling their eyes like ugh....threatening violence is for babies....now to prepare for my logical and very adult duel for the love of my life whom I have known for three months. v_v
#vulcans#my writing#this is just stream of consciousness thoughts though#I just think Vulcan children should behave differently than adults...brains not done cooking yet and mastery of emotions is not complete#vulcan children being almost entirely self interested until a certain age#at which point they become very outward-facing...trying to please others around them and be liked/respected by their peers..trying to fit in#and then as adults they're able to strike a balance between knowing oneself and being respected by others#Vulcan teen frantically trying to decide if it's more logical to obey their parents wishes that they not go out to a party#or to go to the party which T'Yana said EVERYONE was going to be at....#since T'Pol says that Vulcans were (pre-reform) in factions I think that'd carry into their modern emotions...#is it more logical to be loyal to the familial 'faction' or the friendship one?#Meanwhile their baby sibling is screaming and banging their fists against the door because they WANNA! COME! IN! LET ! THEM! IN! (No.)#eeeeveryone thinks babysitting a Vulcan child will be SO easy until they threaten to rend your flesh from bone then set the house ablaze#because you wouldn't let them stay up five more minutes#star trek#I think Vulcans should be a little fucked up and wild but want that to NEVER EVER get out#I hope this makes sense v_v#how vulcan children act around peers vs adults vs alien adults etc should be different#hehe I also think as small children they'd just call anything they personally don't wanna do 'illogical' and their parents have to sigh and#teach them how to separate 'what is logical' from 'what I want to do'
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warlordfelwinter · 10 months
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i had like a really normal day where i opened tumblr after work to check my notifs and found that my favorite dnd podcast had followed me (hi @diceshamepodcast)
i'm not sure i've ever actually drawn podcast fanart before but here's a real quick and dirty attempt at a Jack because i felt like i had to do something. i dearly love all the characters in this show but i have a real soft spot for wizards. and archaeologists. and golden retrievers wearing boots.
anyway everyone go listen to dice shame
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Remind yourself of the love you hold for yourself before you fall asleep each night. Wrap yourself up and tuck yourself into that love. Don't depend on anyone else's love to be there for you, because it will seem to shift or wane some days, and you will go thinking that you are less loveable or they are more cruel. This way, you will always feel the certainty of being loved and bring that into the next day's events...no matter what sort of day you've had.
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