#dramione sucks
radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
Dramione is so icky to me and I’ll never understand it, it’s not enemies to lovers at ALL, Draco just bullies her for seven years and that’s apparently supposed to make us want them to be together?? I’ll never get it and personally will never like it also drarry solos
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the-unlovely-kiki · 1 month
I just thought about the possibility of Slytherin's new password during/before the events of Magic Awakened
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I truly wish I had any artistic talent just so I could lowkey redo all dramione fanart with Astoria because oh my god the ratio of dramione to drastoria fan content is so heartwrenchingly depressing
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fantasticalleigh · 10 months
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🖤🖤🖤🖤Another one for The Education of a Lady 🖤🖤🖤🖤
used this Pin as a reference
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noxinkwell · 1 month
So I did a thing. I posted my very first one-shot on AO3.
It's been a while since I've posted on tumblr...mostly because:
being a grad student sucks
going through a shit breakup also sucks
My other story is still in the works and I completely put off writing it because I was writing this one-shot.
And this one-shot is sensitive for me because I wrote it to help me gain my own version of closure after a break-up and after a significant relationship in my life.
I write dramione fanfic (and who knows, maybe ill dabble in some of my other favorite ships, but dramione is (and always will be) my favorite!
So without further ado:
In The Margins by noxinkwell
Sometimes things don’t last as long as you expect them to and then you’re left in the wake, picking up the pieces on your own.
Even though our relationship was indeed flawed and broken at times, it was still ours. He just didn’t see it that way.
Snippet from it:
“Why are you telling me this?” I said, my voice coming out quieter than expected.
The silence was deafening.
“I don’t know.”
* * *
Perhaps he didn’t know—not then at least, but I think deep down I knew why he told me. It was almost impossible to hate someone up close. When one knows everything about someone else—all their nuances and intricacies—it was impossible to truly hate them. I knew all of Draco Malfoy’s flaws. I knew his scars—physical and non-physical. Yet, I still loved him—flaws and all. I loved his ability to challenge me intellectually. I loved his brevity and his wit. I hated his lack of tact and his inability to forgive himself for his past wrongdoings. I hated his stubbornness too. I knew all the parts of shined and I knew all the parts of him that were scratched and faded.
He knew mine too.
That night, he told me because I think he inherently knew that showing me a piece of him would make me feel comfortable enough to do the same.
I stared down at the ring on my desk—an old stain from a cup of tea.
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grangertrash · 7 months
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I wrote a mini Panville/Dramione fic. I didn't have anyone to share it with, so here you go, Tumblr.
"The pressure to give your children hideous names is a very bizarre Pureblood trait. I really feel for Walburga Black, if she'd had a different name, perhaps she wouldn't have been so vile."
"Don't I know it," Pansy replied darkly from the St. Mungos examination table, "I was almost Crocus. Luckily, Mama sold my halmeoni on Pansy instead. I think even Papa was relieved, but he would have done anything his mother said. Speaking of, you know Draco is absolutely doing the same thing, right?"
Hermione rolled her eyes, a hand on her ever-growing stomach, "I'd never subject my son to the name Scorpius. Draco and I had enough troubles growing up with our unusual names. Narcissa won't win that fight."
Neville's eyes darted between the two women anxiously and he cleared his throat, "Does, uh.. does Hermione know, Pans?"
"I think that's really Draco's hex to take, wouldn't you say?"
"What?" Hermione looked suspicious and Pansy waved her off.
"Not to worry, just a little gamble we made with Narcissa when we were younger. It's really only of consequence if I end up ever having twins. Which is a slim chance, considering I absorbed my twin in the womb. Papa said he thinks I didn't want to share the spotlight," she grinned and Neville stared at her.
"You terrify me sometimes."
"Only sometimes?" Hermione muttered, while she waved her wand over Pansy's baby bump to begin diagnostics, "Anyway, what was the wager?"
"If I end up having twins, Draco has to name his first son Scorpius."
Hermione nearly dropped her wand.
"You didn't think to mention this at all in the last six months?" she demanded, leveling her best friend with a glare.
"Like I said, Draco's wheelhouse. Besides, what are the chances?"
"Pretty high, all things considered," Neville mumbled.
"You do have a remarkable breeding kink, love, but I'm not sure you necessarily managed twins on the first try," Pansy smirked, patting her husband's arm as he turned bright red.
"Sweetheart, I thought we talked about announcing private information in public."
"It's just Hermione, she's literally my OB and my best friend, it's not as though she doesn't know we've been having sex. Besides, she's up the duff as well, I wouldn't be surprised if Draco's the same way."
The curly headed witch turned away to hide her pink cheeks, "Getting back on topic, hopefully Narcissa won't hold Draco to that particular bet."
"Unlikely, he made an Unbreakable Vow."
Hermione closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. She was going to murder her husband tonight.
"Hermione, relax. This was back in 6th year, when we still thought Draco and I would end up married. We were on Christmas hols and drunk. I think she came up with the whole thing to distract us from all the trauma," Pansy looked at her husband, brushing back a strand of her black hair, "Do you think Narcissa has a kink for the Unbreakable Vow?"
Neville, with his endless patience, replied in a tired kind of way, "Considering her son was involved in both instances, I think we can rule it out."
"Hm. Still odd that it's happened twice."
"If you're quite done ruminating on my mother-in-law's bedroom preferences."
Neville looked at the magical pregnancy diagnostics hovering over his wife's abdomen and a slow, very Slytherin smile graced his features.
"Pansy, I'd like you to meet your godson, Scorpius Malfoy," Hermione said a little ruefully.
"Really? I thought you just said-"
"Yes, well, I really don't fancy being a single mother. Looks like Narcissa wins this round. Congratulations, Pansy Longbottom. You're expecting twins."
Pansy's face paled and she examined the two magical signatures for a moment before suddenly bursting into tears. Neville wrapped his long arms around her shoulders, grinning ear to ear.
Hermione smiled as Pansy started laughing through her tears.
"Would you like to know?" The couple nodded in unison and Hermione's smile widened, "Both girls, both healthy, both showing a lot of magical potential. I'm so happy for you both. You're going to be wonderful parents."
"I guess you won our bet, you'll be getting the plant names you wanted," Pansy said, wiping her face.
"Seriously? Do all Purebloods do this?"
Pansy ignored Hermione's indignation, hiccuping and still swiping away tears, "Just anything but Crocus."
"I'll come up with something better, I promise," Neville held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead.
"Is this a joke?" Hermione asked, running a hand through her curls in bewilderment.
Neville looked up at her seriously, "I never joke about plants."
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ectoheart · 2 years
timelapse of heart-eyed Draco & pretending-not-to-be-flustered Hermione
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noombeams · 1 year
(I do not own any of the characters listed below)
**In a pleasantly crowded private room at the three broomsticks**
"So Granger, what will it be? Have the guts for a round of truth or dare?"
Blaise eyes her from across the sunken sitting area where the group has drunkenly taken refuge. She takes a long pull of her (probably?) fourth butterbeer and nods eagerly. She wouldn't back down from such a good opportunity. It was almost too perfect.
The rest of the group agrees mostly with enthusiasm, except for a certain blonde head who's bent form was skulking in the farthest corner of the couch nursing his fire whisky. How he had gotten pulled to this place was a mystery, but Blaise was incredibly annoying when he didn't get his way. The only real saving grace was that he could secretly watch a certain golden girl while she laughed with her friends in that way that made his heart clench. He took a deep breath as they placed an empty butterbeer bottle on the coffee table in between them all and hoped to Salazar things would stay as uninteresting as possible. Of course his pleas were rarely answered.
"Alright, who spins first?" Crowed a very excited Ginny who was practically jumping with excitement in her seat.
"I spose I can go." Luna proclaimed in that floaty voice she used so often.
She spun the bottle and it slowed down pointing directly at a very quiet Neville who flushed red as it landed.
"Truth or dare Neville?" She asked lightly.
"Oh, um. Well, how about truth." He muttered quietly.
"Is it true that someone found you and Hannah in a closet at the leaky doing some not so innocent things?" As she asked, a few snickers radiated throughout the space. He blanched and turned as red as a tomato but reluctantly nodded while finding intense interest in his shoes. Wolf whistles took place of the snickers and a few of the boys patted him on the back heartily.
"I believe it's your turn then Hermione." Luna said, turning her head to her right. Hermione smiled wickedly and proceeded to clumsily get up to spin the bottle.
He held his breath when the blasted bottle landed directly at him. He locked eyes with Granger who worriedly looked extremely pleased with the outcome. She gave him a wolffish grin and nodded. "Truth or dare Malfoy?"
He swallowed the lump in his throat and thought carefully, weighing his options. Dare was probably the safest bet, as it wouldn't make him admit to any of his more embarrassing feelings towards a certain witch.
"Fine Granger, I pick dare." He said with as much confidence as his addled brain could manage.
If it was possible her grin got even wider, and he instantly regretted his decision. What could she possibly have planned? Maybe something else extremely embarrassing. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the worst.
"I dare you, to snog the prettiest girl in this room." She declared, still smiling eagerly.
He froze, looking at her with wide eyes. She didn't. That was cheating. She basically made him provide a truth while simultaneously making him act on it as well. Bollocks. She was too smart for her own good, even if she was practically sloshed.
He had to think quickly. If he went and kissed her it would admit his carefully guarded feelings. But if he kissed someone else he'd be lying and could give her the wrong idea. Absolute bollocks. He sighed and took a long swig of his fire whisky hoping the burn would give him some courage. He lifted himself off the couch and made his way over to her while everyone watched with careful anticipation. Her grin stayed plastered on her face as he got closer to her. What was she playing at? Was she gonna use this information to humiliate him? His mind raced a mile a minute as he stopped in front of her.
"Well, Malfoy?" She said demurely, licking her red stained lips.
Fuck. He didn't care anymore. Atleast if his ego was ultimately destroyed he'd have this nice memory to go back and drown his sorrows in. Carefully, he placed his hand behind her on the back of the couch and leaned forward over her small frame. His other hand came up to trail over her cheek and brought her closer as he slotted his lips over hers. Fireworks went off in his brain as he kissed her, even just a peck was enough, she was perfect. He could smell the faint vanilla and jasmine of her hair and her lips tasted of cherries. He silently asked for entrance with his tongue, sliding it through the seem of her lips. She groaned quietly and fisted his button down shirt pulling him closer. He could already feel the blood in his head rushing south, this wasn't good at all but he couldn't stop. Suddenly however another loud group of wolf whistles erupted around them and he remembered where he was. He slowly untangled himself from her and tried to pull back but was kept in place by her hands still clutching his shirt.
"About damn time." She whispered against his ear.
He was so fucked.
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radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
Being a golden trio fan and a marauders fan is so hard because Bellatrix is my bbg who can do no wrong but she also tortured Alice and Frank Longbottom into madness, so she’s messed with my silly little guy Neville and she also tortured Hermione who happens to be my other character that can do no wrong so now I have a dilemma
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Read on { AO3 } - Part 2 of 2
This Part 2 was first posted to FF.net on March 31st.
Head Boy Draco x Head Girl Hermione
Summary: Hermione had dreamt of him again.
Cloaked in black, she ran through the dark halls, seeking the solitude and warm water of the Prefects’ Bath, but when she entered, she suspected she was not there alone.
The hard, male body that came up behind her confirmed it.
Draco had clearly been expecting someone else to join him tonight. But when he kissed her, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop.
Warnings: Smut/Open Ending/Dom Draco
“I want to stay.”
And those words had barely left her tongue before Hermione was whisked around, suddenly cradled in Draco’s arms again and any worries about intentions or reputation were discarded, like her cloak now lying on the bathroom floor.
At that moment, they could’ve been any two people in the world - war-torn history and House loyalty temporarily forgotten.
Supposed to be enemies, but their lips melded together all the same.
She could feel the strength of Draco’s arms on her back as he kissed her, this time with a surprising intensity that forced the air from her lungs and it quickly became apparent what he’d meant about ‘not being so nice’ this time. His grip on her hips felt tighter, possessive, his mouth claiming hers with no hesitations. Not an ounce of this kiss was tentative or gentle. It was all encompassing, enveloping her in a heat hotter than the water of the tub she’d sought out tonight.
In a shock to her senses, Draco’s hand began to graze gently down her neck, rivaling the harsh movements of his lips. He ran his fingers over her skin distractingly until they reached her breasts and it took only a few strokes there before he realized that Hermione was missing an important item of clothing.
He broke their kiss, and she looked up to see Draco’s eyes darkening, peering down to her chest where the cotton of her white nightgown couldn’t hide the arousal his kiss had caused. Without needing to look for herself, she knew her nipples would be peaked against the fabric; an undeniable admission to how much she wanted him.
Maybe this would be enough proof for him as to why she hadn’t bolted from the room or refused his touch.
Maybe he didn’t care anymore about the reason she’d stayed and felt only the primal need to keep his deliciously sinful promises.
She was unsure what thoughts were running through his mind, but when his gaze came back up to hers, she knew one thing for certain - she wouldn’t be leaving this room until she’d slept with Draco Malfoy.
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anywayz number one astoria greengrass defender love her so much I will skin your whole body with my teeth if you try and fuck with her that is MY GIRL <3<3<3
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inastarlesssky · 6 months
Upped the chapter count on Tenebrae because I realized 10 chapters is not enough to pull of the slow burn I have planned.
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fltsnoutboy · 2 years
A fanart for WickedlyAwesomeMe's Through the Years !
Male!Hermione Granger (Hermes Granger) and Female!Draco Malfoy (Iris Malfoy)
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Really really cool fic btw
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I have no motivation or willpower to do ANYTHING besides vacillate between reading classics like 1984 and Kafka to the most toe-gripping Dramione fics to grace this green earth.
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friendofweasleys · 3 months
I might get some hate for this, but here we go…
I’m actually starting to hate the Harry Potter Fandom. There is so much division in the fandom and they fight each other regularly. Movie watchers vs Book Readers, Canon shippers vs Imaginary shippers, ships vs ships.
I don’t get this but why does Harry Potter have multiple ships? Why not accept the ships that are already there? It’s always harry with a lot of girls or Hermione with Harry or Death eaters. I’m getting tired of this hate between the fandom.
Sure you want a character to have redemption but that doesn’t mean to completely sully a well written character. Idk wtf wrong with this fandom bro. Look at Percy Jackson fandom, sure they might fight sometimes but everybody knows what is written in the books and they agree that their movie sucks and the new series is a great success. I don’t think Harry potter community will come together like this. And I think the main reason for this are Ships.
Look at the amount of ships,
Romione, Harmione, Dramione, Snamione, Lumione, Tomione, Regulus and Hermione, etc for Hermione.
Harmione, Hinny, Drarry, Rorry, Luna+harry, etc for Harry.
Romione, LavenderxRon, DaphnexRon, PansyxRon, Rorry, etc for Ron.
How can a fandom be together when they are divided like this? And the ones mentioned above only include the Golden Trio. Sure the other fandoms also have different shipping but they don’t hate each other like this.
Some people like Cursed Child, some people don’t. Some consider it canon, some don’t.
I’m out.
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