#do yourself a favor and don’t envision this
doll-elvis · 1 year
“She said “Do you want to see something really cute?” “Sure”, I said. “Well you’ve just got to see this” … as she quietly led me over and, putting her finger up to her lips, quietly opened the bedroom door.”
“There, a few feet away from us, was Elvis, sound asleep, in the large bed. It was pitch black in the room and he was illuminated by the light streaming in through the open door. He looked like a gorgeous vision, dressed in blue pajamas, with the covers up to his chest. And his upper lip had the cutest little pouty-looking curl to it, just like I used to see in the movies. I’ll never forget that sight.”
im totally fine after reading this hbu 😀
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(excerpt from “Elvis, Linda, and me” by Jeanne Lemay)
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rainerioun · 1 month
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— This will explore what your future spouse will love 'most' about you, and vice versa. If you feel more aligned with the first half, simply swap the perspectives. Sometimes, you might resonate more with your future spouse's vibe. Thank you!
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Figure, Height, Fingers, Hands.
When pulling out traits, I found several signs indicating a plump or chubby appearance. If you relate to this, rest assured they adore it, especially how it complements your height. I envision someone squeezing a teddy bear - in this case, you. They find you incredibly cute. Your hands and fingers, perhaps used frequently in your work or hobbies, captivate them. They'll marvel at the way your fingers glide over a page or mold something, appreciating your movements. It feels very poetic, in a way.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Free Spirit, Sensitive, Homebody, Unstoppable.
Aw, your future spouse will surely have a nurturing side. They'll tend to coddle you, in a healthy way, of course. They admire how you pursue your desires with a free-spirited approach despite your introverted and sensitive nature. They'll likely encourage you to take breaks and relax, treating you like royalty. There's a distinct vibe of 'I hate everyone but you' coming through.
What Will They Like Most About You? Teacher — Light : Ability to Communicate Knowledge, Experience, Skill or Wisdom. Healer — Light : Passion to Serve Others by Repairing the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to Help Transform Pain into Healing. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
They'll be quick to notice your depth of knowledge, not just on a conventional level but also on a spiritual one. Your future spouse will appreciate your natural ability to teach, guide, and heal others even when it's not your intention. Your wisdom may extend to philosophical terms, offering advice on profound matters that aren't easily grasped by others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Crow : Spiritually Strong, Creative, Watchful, Psychic, Strong, Clear. Butterfly : Undergoing Great Change and Transformation. Cheerful, Graceful.
Your future spouse will lean towards practicality more than you do and might not gravitate toward certain metaphysical ideas and theories as easily as you. They'll be amazed by your ability to understand such concepts. While they are intelligent, they tend to favor strict rules, whereas you thrive on constant change and learning experiences.
I'd like to add that I sense this person is deliberately holding back, choosing not to reveal much. They want it to be a surprise just how much they love you. Don't worry, they genuinely adore everything about you, even though they may have favorites.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Hair, Rugged, Nose, Tired-Looking, Eyelashes, Face Shape.
When I was pulling traits, I couldn't help but think of Shōta Aizawa from My Hero Academia in terms of appearance, haha. Of course, this could be a woman or nonbinary individual, but they definitely give off a similar vibe physically. They might appear a bit rough or scruffy, and you'll find that attractive. I'm not getting any specifics on hair color, but I envision thick, longer hair that might look a bit disheveled. They possess that tired charm, which softens their face in a way. I see them having a hooked nose of some kind.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Spiritual, Reliable, Oblivious, Compassionate, Sassy, Intelligent, Mysterious.
Once again, your future spouse is intelligent but may lack in certain areas that you find amusing. They possess two distinct sides, perhaps being book-smart but lacking in common sense. However, I believe you'll help balance them out, whatever the situation may be. They'll initially have a mysterious, stoic persona, but you'll have the ability to break through it and discover their true sweetness. You will enjoy receiving attention from them, considering their reserved nature. While your humor aligns in some ways, this person is likely more inclined towards being sassy and witty rather than being a 'jokester'. At first, they won't be heavily into spirituality, or whatever you practice, but they'll become intrigued by your experiences and eventually find themselves following in your footsteps.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Storyteller — Light : Ability to Experience and Express Life through Stories and Symbols. Prince — Light : Romantic Charm and Potential for Power. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Hermit — Light : Seeks Solitude to Focus Intently on Inner Life. Serves Personal Creativity.
Your future spouse is someone who expresses and feels love in an incredibly artistic manner. They have a secret, hopeless romantic inside. It's not just modern love; it's almost like you both worship each other, which I find incredibly beautiful. Seeing you in such a light will lead them to see you in other things, like art pieces or written words. They love you wholeheartedly. Adding on, creatively, you'll complement each other well. One side may lean towards being artistic and dreamy, while the other is innovative and a bit nerdy. You are both bound to swoon over each other.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Eagle : All-Pervading Power, Truth Seeker, Transforms Karma, Bright, Radiant, Challenger. Tiger : Lunar Force, Ease in Darkness, Passionate, Strong, Sensual.
With the eagle card, I'm not picking up on what you'll like about them, but rather another message about how you'll spark intense curiosity in them. You will inspire them to enlighten themselves and become an even better version of themselves with your teachings and guidance. Now, for the next card, this is something you'll definitely appreciate about them. I don't sense that this person will be shy when it comes to intimacy, in any form, and they won't hold back in showing how they love you.
Extra : Journaling, Eye Contact, Flowers, Parallel Play, Running Fingers Through Hair, Late Mornings, Poetry, Leaving Notes.
Best Mistake : Ariana Grande. | Movement : Hozier.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Eyes, Hair, Piercings, Harmonious Features.
Your future spouse believes that your hair and features complement each other perfectly, creating harmony. Your hair may frame your face. They'll enjoy gazing into your eyes, possibly because of the connection they feel or simply because they find them captivating, whether it's the shape, color, or both. If you have an alternative style, such as piercings, tattoos, or darker attire, they find it very alluring.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Wit, Sneaky, Bookworm, Deep-Thinker, Reserved, Needy.
This person views you as a fox, sly, clever, and witty, and they're drawn to that energy. They appreciate your complexity and the fact that you're not always straightforward; it keeps things interesting. They enjoy being challenged intellectually. However, they also appreciate the softer side of you when you're relaxed and in need, and they'll gladly cater to you. I imagine them watching you as you indulge in your hobbies, eager to hear you gush about your interests.
What Will They Like Most About You? Advocate — Light : Inspires You to Put Compassion into Action. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Child : Nature — Light : Friendships with Animals. Communication with Nature Spirits.
Whatever way you choose to create and express yourself, whether, through art, music, or even activities like photography, they'll find it intriguing. They admire both your process and the results you achieve. This person will always be your supporter. You might work with animals, and they appreciate your gentleness and kindness towards them, or perhaps animals hold significance in your connection.
What Will They Like Most About You? Nightingale : Fearless Voice, Speech, Communication, or Song. Sings and Speaks Freely with Kindness. Moth : Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful, Enthusiastic, Whimsical.
When I pulled the cards, I initially wrote down the wrong definition for the nightingale. I've corrected it, but I thought the previous message might still resonate. If you're someone naturally very curious and actively trying to learn, they'll follow right behind you. They're loyal, just like you, and will start doing things you do because they're inspired by your enthusiasm and positivity. If you were drawn to pile one, I'd recommend giving it a read as well. You may find something there because these piles are quite similar.
An additional message is that you and your future spouse will connect through music, whether it's listening together or separately. So, you could be receiving signs now through songs.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Texture of Hair, Tone of Skin, Height, Prominent Nose, Dyed Hair.
I sense your future spouse might have an alternative style as well, but it's not a must. If you're into dyed hair, they'll likely have it They could change colors with the seasons to suit their skin tone, or the color they have fits them year-round. You will enjoy the feel of their hair due to the texture which causes you to play with it. Generally, if you're taller than average, they'll be shorter, and if you're average height, they'll be similar. Either way, you'll like looking down at them or meeting their gaze directly.
Once again, whether you're drawn to pile one or not, I'd suggest going back and giving it a read as well. While the energies differ, I sense the message is similar. I feel like this pile is suited for individuals with eccentric tastes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Sweetheart, Odd Humor, Confident, Adaptable, Ambivert, Clingy.
You and your future spouse will be inseparable, attached to the hip, if not driven by their clinginess then it's your own. It's something that makes both of you feel secure. They are the type to talk your ear off. This person's humor leans towards the darker or drier side. They might find everything amusing, but particularly society's less-than-normal aspects.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Networker — Light : Enchanted Unity through the Sharing of Informations. Engenders Social Awareness and Empathy. Gossip — Light : Awakens Consideration for the Feeling of Others. Honoring Trust.
I wasn't kidding when I said your future spouse will talk your ear off. They are quite the chatterbox. They'll be a drama queen, regardless of gender, but I think it's in a very playful and goofy way. You'll find it charming. They'll get super excited and giddy when they have a juicy secret to share with you. They're such a sweetheart that they would never intend any negativity, just relaying information without passing genuine judgment.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Octopus : Reaching, Yearning, Lacking Boundaries and Direction. Getting into Other People's Business and Sharing Their Own. Interested, Engaged. Wolf : Guardian of Family and Tribe. Activism, Ritual, Reliable, Fearless, Democratic. Embrace All, Exclude None.
What have I been saying? This person cracks me up. You'll adore how dependable they are, always a shoulder to cry on or a pillar of stability for you and others. They're just a people person. I sense they could become overly sensitive, requiring alone time. They tend to overshare, which is amusing when it's just the two of you, but you might need to help them rein it in around others. They can be a bit oblivious to social cues and may need some guidance when they're pushing the boundaries.
I sense they're internally extroverted but can get overwhelmed and find it difficult to handle social situations, even if they desire socialization.
Extra : Movie Nights, Bubble Baths, Parks, Sunshine, Wheezing, Glasses Perched on Nose, Comfort through Affection, Wrapped in a Blanket, Cheek Kisses.
Valentine : Laufey. | November : Sparkbird.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Glow, Eyebrows, Lips, Your Frame.
Your future spouse will be drawn to the glow you exude. They find your bright personality radiating through every aspect of you, from your skin's natural shine to your expressive eyes and the curve of your lips. Even the way you carry yourself captivates them, unintentionally flaunting, which catches their attention.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Innocent, Active, Hardworking, Compassion.
Firstly, they hold you dear, especially if you're not one to pause or slow down due to your hardworking nature. You could have somewhat of an innocent worldview—not that you don't understand hardship, but you maintain a strength and light that others lack. They'll absolutely love this side of you and cherish you.
What Will They Like Most About You? Fool — Light : Fearlessly Revealing Emotion. Helping People Laugh at Absurdity and Hypocrisy. Warrior — Light : Strength, Skill, Disipline, and Toughness of Will. Heroism, Stoicism, and Self-Sacrifice in Conquering the Ego. Mediator — Light : Gift for Negotiating Fairness and Strategy in Personal and Professional Life. Respect for Both Sides of an Arguement.
Your future spouse will admire how, despite being a logical person, you're not afraid to show emotion when necessary. You navigate life with a balance of logic and emotion, displaying good discipline. You're not impulsive and can guide others through hardships without coming across as harsh, bringing lightheartedness and fairness into the mix. They'll find this quality honorable. Your humor always serves as a mediator in situations, never failing to lighten the mood for them and others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Cobra : Pausing, Waiting, The Inner Teacher, A Student of Life, Humble, Wise. Fire Ant : Aggression, Rigid Thinking, Following Orders, Thoughtful, Disciplined, Heat.
Your future partner could have experienced instability with others in the past due to hasty behavior, or they struggle themselves with acting too quickly. On the other hand, you give yourself time, thinking before you act. Yet, when you do move forward, you do so with an assertive and direct demeanor, which makes them grateful they can lean on you for stability.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Nose, Neck / Collar Bone Area, Elegant and Composed, Chin, 'Bunny Beauty'.
Your future spouse has a very approachable appearance. Their face might remind many of a bunny. I imagine this person with a rounder nose and face, perhaps chubby cheeks, but with a prominent chin and jaw instead. They look well put together and carry an elegant quality about them. You'll endlessly adore your partner. It's very cute.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Bad Mouth, Neat, Stubborn, Loyal.
Their appearance versus their personality could easily turn heads. They seem sweet and soft, but use harsh language often, cussing like a sailor. They look nice but act naughty. They're also incredibly stubborn, which apparently you'll find appealing. You'll anticipate others' reactions when they open their mouth, finding it amusing. As for you, I sense it's the opposite. You might appear a bit intimidating but are actually very gentle.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Detective — Light : Great Powers of Observation and Intuition. Desire to Seek Out the Truth. Midas/Miser — Light : Entrepreneurial or Creative Ability to Turn Anything to Gold. Delight in Sharing Life's Riches.
This person will readily share their wealth or achievements with you. Your future spouse might have a good-paying job, or money could come easily to them, possibly through generational wealth. However, I sense that they just know how to handle money wisely and earn it with help from their well-built knowledge.
I don't get the sense that they're materialistic or chasing money, but rather that they invest in things that make a meaningful impact, like travel or once-in-a-lifetime experiences. They have achieved financial stability, but they also have wealth in terms of nonmaterial things.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Bat : Darkness, Letting Go, Death Leading to Rebirth, Excepts and Adapts, Adjusts. Swan : Effortless, Creativity, Sensitive Mystic, Elegant Power.
Returning to that elegant aura they have, I can't pinpoint exactly what causes it, but it might be because they are highly intuitive and sensitive to others' thoughts and feelings. They easily pick up on these subtleties and can adapt and change accordingly. Despite their effortless beauty, they are a complex person on the inside. You find them to be a puzzle worth solving.
Additional. Another Message.
For a few of you, I believe you may not immediately hit it off with your future spouse. Your composed nature might clash with their boldness, leading to disagreements stemming from stubbornness or a desire for "correct behavior." However, you'll both eventually look past it, but initially, it might feel like something out of an enemies-to-lovers book. It won't be extreme, but it could get a little heated. This could form in a workplace.
Extra : Sleek Attire, Slicked Hair, RomCom, Tattoos, Generational Insight/Knowledge, Promise Rings, Military, Dreamy, Shared Earbuds, Sharp Glares and Glances.
Make You Feel Good : Fetty Wap. | Powerful : Major Lazer. | Cry : Cigarettes After Sex.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Voice, Beauty Marks, Lips, Eyes.
I want to mention that either you or this individual could be a musician, while the other serves as a muse. Whether or not it's you, your future partner will love hearing you sing. They find your everyday speaking voice charming, especially its soft, breathy quality. While eye contact with them may not be 'intense', it feels profoundly connecting and grounding. If you wear makeup, this person likes it. Perhaps it's the shape of your lips or their natural color, but I believe that wearing lipstick or gloss, anything that enhances your features will allure them even more.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Shy, Tender, Well-Versed, Open, Quiet, Devoted.
Aw, I wish I could give you all a hug! You're so tender and gentle in both your words and your actions. You're devoted not only to your loved ones but also to the things that bring you joy. Your future spouse will find this incredibly endearing.
I'm sensing more about how deeply they love you rather than the specifics of what they like. When you meet this person, it'll feel like being showered with affection and passion. They genuinely value every aspect of you and want to express that.
What Will They Like Most About You? Angel — Light : Helping Those In Need with No Expectation of Return. Damsel — Light : Understanding the Nature of Healthy Romance. Inspires You to Rely on Yourself.
You not only embody the qualities of the cards, but I sense that your future spouse will view you as an angel. They might even adopt it as a nickname if you're fond of the idea. You're the shining beacon in their life, their prince/princess, which I admit can sound a bit cheesy or even cringe, but in your case, it's incredibly sincere and pure.
What Will They Like Most About You? Peacock : Inner Beauty, Compassion, Confident, Kind. Gazelle : Heighten Awareness, Ability, Vulnerable, Perceptive, Graceful.
Your future spouse sees you as stunning both on the outside and within. Your physical beauty is undeniable, but it's your soul that truly captivates them. They'll be in awe of its depth and beauty. Your future spouse may gawk awkwardly over you, yet it will be funny.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Physically Expressive, Dewy Skin, 'Cat Beauty', Pout, Clear Skin, Freckles.
This person's skincare routine is godly. Their eyes and gestures are incredibly expressive, drawing people in. You'll notice their natural pout, which adds to their charm. Their features will have a feline or fierce quality, with high cheekbones, defined features, and possibly a smaller yet thick nose. They might also have a longer face or narrow eyes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Funny, Loner, Eccentric, Sensitive, Humble.
Your person is a bit of an oddball, in the best way. They embrace their inner nerd or geek often. Your personalities are a perfect match, and I can see you both enjoying plenty of alone time together because you don't drain each other's social batteries. They're self-aware and true to themselves, no matter what.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Don Juan — Light : Spotlights Your Positive Seductive Qualities. Child : Eternal — Light : Determination to Remain Young in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to See Things with Fresh Eyes. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
While they may seem reserved, this person radiates confidence when they're with you. They know how to play their cards right—they can talk the talk and walk the walk. But underneath it all, they're playful and childlike at heart. No matter how old they get, they'll always carry a lighthearted and curious energy, like a kid. Life with them will never be boring.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Black Egg : Speaking from an Authentic Voice, Truth. Bee : Earnest, Hard-Working, Content, Vibrant.
Your future spouse will be an honest person, always speaking their inner truth, even with strangers. They're not afraid to be vibrant, and I have a feeling that will influence you as well. Communication is important to them in this life. As I mentioned earlier, they could be a musician. If not, with their persuasive skills, they could find success as a public speaker or influencer of some sort.
Extra : Spying From Corners or Doorways [Playfully, of course], Singing, Puppy Dog/Pleading Eyes, Feather-Light Touch, Pinky Promise, Junk Drawer, Piggy Bank.
Don’t Be Afraid : Carpenters. | Brooklyn : Lana Del Rey.
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p1utofairy · 7 months
PAC: “good karma my aesthetic. keep my conscience clear, that's why i’m so magnetic.” 🩰🍥🫧🪷
• what do you need to hear right now?
disclaimer ✩: take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i really appreciate y’all sm <3 for the patience, the love, the feedback and support. y’all are the greatest ever. i’m open to pac suggestions as well, so don’t hesitate to slide in my ask box! xoxo.
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pile 1 ☂️ —
heyyy pile 1 ⭐️ what you need to hear right now is: release. relax and let go of any unhealthy attachments you may have to a certain person, place, idea or thing. i think you've been holding onto someone/something or the idea of what it could be/could’ve been. i pick up a feeling of yearning. you’ve been wanting something to work out in your favor, so you’ve been holding out…waiting to see if this situation will turn out how you anticipate. big 3 of wands energy. you’ve been waiting awhile now (i’m hearing weeks for some, months for others) for a clear answer. i think the more you wait around and stall things, the less likely things will go into motion. don’t chase, attract. remember that things will flow naturally to you and it’ll always work out in your favor no matter what — when one door shuts, several more will open. don’t put a time frame on it, you’ll get your answer/wish/clarity when you least expect. keep focusing on yourself and what you’re currently doing! whether that be going to school, work, the gym, studying, spending time with friends, etc. there’s a certain area in your life that you greatly want change to occur in, i’m heavily picking up for some that this is in regards to your love life, and again — i keep hearing that things will unfold in your favor when you least expect. very soon. you’re on the brink of something great, just don’t overthink it. relax, take a breath and just BE. your guides will handle the rest. love, prosperity and abundance are on the way to you. it just may not appear in the way you envision, which doesn’t mean it won’t happen at all. think about it this way, you might fantasize about coming across your dream person while you’re in a bookstore (on some ‘harry met sally’ type shit lol) so every time you go into a bookstore you’re kinda anticipating that to happen, but let’s say your busy at work or you’re frantically trying to prioritize doing your school work and studying and out of nowhere you look up and make eye contact with this person you’ve never seen before but you can feel the ✨vibe✨ like WHOA that’s…my person. i just see you being in your element when you meet this person pile 1, your mind will not be preoccupied/you will not have any precognitive thoughts — your person will just reveal themselves to you out of the blue. okay i feel like i’m getting carried away lol but everything’s gonna work out even better than you imagined pile 1 💗 trust that.
other channeled messages:
don't settle for less, pink + white by frank ocean, strawberry milkshake, chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, leo sun, cancer moon, vedic astrology
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pile 2 🦢 —
what's goodddd pile 2! i feel like you're in your self-love/healing era. you just bounced back from something and you did it with such resilience, ease and grace might i add. i'm hearing church girl by beyoncé, “i'm gonna love on me, nobody can judge me but me! i was born free.” okayyyyyy pile 2 i love this for y'all. i think some of you are really working on strengthening your throat chakra by speaking up for yourself and setting boundaries. just saw a meme that said “how i reclaimed the word ‘cunt’ by being one” OH WOW WOW WOW. i think you’re just over a lot of people and their bullshit, you may have just gotten out of a relationship, had a friendship breakup or recently left a job. good for you 💗whichever situation applies to you, i know it was draining and heavy on your shoulders. you finally feel like a weight has been lifted and you can spread your wings and be free. idk why i’m hearing some of you might be listening to a lot of lana del rey lately? (random but REAL af lol) i love that you know yourself at the core pile 2, you can’t fake it…if somethings not pleasing you or it’s not in your best interest, you know how to walk away and find something better. you don’t even know it, but you're inspiring to a lot of people. i think what you need to hear is: keep being your true authentic self. never forget where you came from and who helped you along the way, because i see that you have a big, bright and successful future ahead of you pile 2. you’re gonna be a star. “the diamond in the rough” from aladdin is what i’m hearing. you’ve got the wit, talent and empathy to get where you need to be in life. i wish you nothing but happiness and success pile 222 ♾️
other channeled messages:
hurricane by bridgit mendler, switch a n**** out by summer walker, olivia pope, sagittarius rising, cancer moon, pisces energy, save your tears remix by the weeknd & ariana grande, on my shoulders by sabrina claudio, red dress
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pile 3 💵 —
hi pile 3 🤗 i’m getting rich vibes from y’all already lmfao, even if you aren’t (yet) there’s this energy of being very well-kept and liking the nicer things in life. you love you some good ol’ retail therapy. the message you need to hear right now is: spend your money wisely. i think you need to budget/save a bit more pile 3, you can sometimes go a bit overboard and indulge in the latest clothes, upscale restaurants or beauty products. you like nice things!!! there’s nothing wrong with that at all, you just need to make sure you’re prioritizing and balancing your earnings. some of you that picked this pile have very young energy lol like i can see you chilling at like 12am scrolling on youtube/tiktok and ooo’ing and aaa’ing at so many different product reviews and adding shit to your cart. some of you are tempted to buy stuff from the tiktok shop too lolll that was so oddly specific but i also feel like you've been big on protecting your peace lately. kickin’ back by mila j is coming to mind, “i’m kickin' back and i’m lightin' up doin' what the fuck i want. just rolled a wood, i’m feelin' good. just me, myself and this blunt.” i know das rightttt pile 3 🤭 you know your worth and you’re not settling for less than anything that you deserve — i love this.
other channeled messages:
luxurious by gwen stefani, need to know by doja cat, i just had an epiphany i need to go to tiffany’s, fenty gloss bomb, chanel chance, scorpio moon, catching flights not feelings
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eddies-house · 5 months
Older!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
(Slight breeding kink, Eddie and reader are parents, a little bit of smut at the end)
You and older!rockstar!eddie who have moved to Palm Springs for a quieter life and have a full house of five kids, three of them teenagers and two pre teens. LA is where the industry is and although you and Eddie loved your life there, you especially being from there, you needed a change in pace and what better place to move than the desert where majority of the population are old people who only care about golf. Paparazzi are no where to be found and Eddie can go to the grocery store without being hounded by fans. Not that he minded too much before, it was the life he longed for in the end after all, but it feels like a breath of fresh air when he can shop for eggs without feeling someone’s stare at the back of his head.
Eddie’s long since cut his long curls as well, insisting that he’s getting old and although he’s not even in his fifties yet, it’s a hassle to comb out his curls, his joints not as oiled up as they used to be. You mourned his brunette curls, saying a dramatic goodbye to them the day he chopped them off himself in your shared bathroom. All grief left the room the second he padded into the kitchen with a reinvented look, shaggy curls still falling from his head, only a shorter variation of his signature style. You didn’t think he could get any sexier but he’d proven you wrong. The way he shook his hair out like a shaggy dog would usually have you scolding him, yelling at him to at least let you get out of the splash zone first. Instead you stare at the new version of your sweet Eddie, the haircut doing him several favors as your eyes move down his tattooed torso, the shine of his nipple rings catching your eye, trailing along every detail you’ve already memorized time and time again. Your thirst for him never wavered, not once in your time together and when he smirked at you like that as he recognized the far off look on your face, your knees nearly gave out.
though his haircut aided in disguising him a little better in public spaces, people caught on quickly and he was suddenly “Eddie Munson sporting sexy new haircut”. Needless to say it was time for a change and you both knew it, Eddie telling you that with all the fame and everything he’s ever wanted, now he just wanted to have a normal suburban life. He never thought he’d see the day where those words came out of his mouth.
Especially not when he grew up loathing suburban picket fence families, the trailer park coming to be the only thing he knew. Those people were assholes anyway, he never ever wanted to be associated with them. And now he was buying a house in a gorgeous neighborhood with his doting wife, he himself being a doting husband and quietly he swore he was not going to lose his roots, he hasn’t lost touch this far into his career and he wasn’t going to start now. He only wanted what was good for his family, also something he never thought he’d utter to himself, fully convinced in his early twenties that a family would never be in his future. To be fair he’d never had one other than Wayne so who was he to envision one for his future self?
Fast forward to when you’ve moved in, the house finally all unpacked and decorated. It’s Christmas Eve and you’re making dinner, your entire family littered around the giant kitchen island also helping out. One of them is making tik tok after tik tok like their life depends on it, their siblings jumping in here and there. Occasionally they ask you to make an appearance but you’d always been camera shy, even in the spotlight that came with Eddie’s career so you avoided it as much as you could. And then Eddie gets involved, learning the dances and just being his rambunctious self, making his kids and yourself laugh.
When your daughter complains that you won’t jump into one of the tik toks one of the other kids sparks an idea and they go a little too quiet but you don’t think too much of it. A few minutes later they’re playing the song that you and Eddie always dance to around the house when it comes on. They play it through the speaker while one sneakily sets up the phone and records. You and Eddie have no idea as Eddie approaches you, picking you up and spinning you in his arms, you with a mixing bowl still in hand while you shriek in surprise.
Eddie sets you down to pluck the bowl out of your hands and discard it on top of the counter, pulling you close to dance and bounce around with you, giving your butt a few love taps which earns a series of “ews” from your audience. Neither of you tear your eyes away from each other, swaying together throughout the kitchen. Eddie has no shame, pressing kisses to your lips repeatedly while singing the lyrics under his breath. He doesn’t care about your kids groaning from across the kitchen, barely even hears them, figures he must be doing something right if his kids are grossed out by his affection for you.
Later he calls them little shitheads when he finds out they recorded and uploaded a video but has a big stupid grin on his face the whole time he scolds them. He knows how nervous you get about stuff like this but he can’t help smiling as he watched the two of you over and over just be so…in love. So enamored with each other. You can’t even be mad either, finding it so cute that your kids would be fond enough of their parents to post them on their tik tok like that.
that night you and Eddie sit in bed with a stupid Christmas movie on while sharing cookies you’d baked with your kids downstairs earlier. He’s moaning about how good they are and you receive endless chocolate flavored kisses. Somehow you end up under him, his hips pressed into yours while he thrusts slowly and deeply into you, his lips gently trailing along your neck, tickling your ear just how you like that forces the sweetest sounds out of your pretty mouth, just how he likes. The praises he mumbles into your skin have you writhing and whimpering beneath him.
“My gorgeous wife, I’m still not over calling you that, y’know that?”
“Taking me so well, you want me to fill you up? Want me to fuck another baby into you? Huh?”
“Gonna fuckin’ spoil you for the rest of my goddamn life baby.”
And you know Eddie is a man of his word. He’ll make good on that promise. And who cares if come the morning, your kids are all waiting by the tree to open gifts with scowls on their face cause they knew what you got up to the night before? It becomes Eddie’s responsibility to keep you quiet in the bedroom.
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giftplane · 26 days
On conversations with The Universe
Or, receiving advice you'd rather not follow. Not if you don't have to.
[ A small thing, a conversation I envisioned this morning. Minor, minor spoilers, but nothing major. You know what Siffrin's getting up to. I don't know what I'm doing. ]
The Favor Tree.
Siffrin had been here a couple of times, since he’d gotten to Dormont. Not every time he looped, but whenever he needed to to back to the village, he would come over. It was, in part, because he had to - because they knew Isabeau was always there, and he had to find him to sent him off (and to wonder, why does he do that hand thing…) - but…
It was also a reprieve, to Siffrin.
Because here, things didn’t feel… Stagnant. Because there was at least one person who-
“Hello, Stardust~!” There was a call as he drew close enough to the tree to sit down. “Your Fighter, he went on his merry way, correct?”
“Mhm.” Siffrin nodded. “But you wouldn’t have called to me like that if you didn’t know. He would’ve heard you.”
Loop’s expression was unchanging as they seemed to pause. “...I suppose that’s true. Anyways, dear Stardust, how can I help you this loop~?”
Jumping into it, are they? Siffrin had to admit they were always a little unprepared, when the conversation began. Maybe, with time, he’d be used to it. He mulled over what to talk about, before he shifted on the root he’d taken a seat on. “...Let’s just talk about something, I guess.”
“Of course! Let me see, let me see…” Loop seemed to smile at this, pausing to think over what to discuss. In these pauses, Siffrin caught himself thinking about Loop. The inflection of their voice was familiar, but they couldn’t exactly place why… All they could grab at was that it was familiar to them.. Before they could try to figure out anything else, they were cut off.
“So! Stardust, let’s see…” Loop gave a hum. “So, I’ve noticed you’ve been asking your party for less and less help when you get into battles. Why is that?”
Oh great, it’s a conversation about you! Siffrin startled, just a little. “Y-You… You noticed?”
“Of course, Stardust!” Loop replied. “I like to keep my eye on you, you know. But you’ve been doing most of the heavy lifting in your battles.”
“Isn’t it obvious why, Loop?” Siffrin mumbled as he hid a bit of his face in his cloak. “You’ve probably noticed, haven’t you? I loop, but I remember everything, so all of the experience and battling I’ve done doesn’t disappear. But for everyone else…”
“So you feel like you’re overpowered, compared to the rest of your party?” Loop asked, and Siffrin nodded.
“If we want to get through the House again, to try to kill the King again, shouldn’t--”
“Stardust, why don’t you tell your party?” Loop asked, almost puzzled. “Or at least, ask them for more help in your fights.”
“Loop, I don’t..” He seemed to find it a bit difficult to place his words. “They can’t find out, Loop. I was given this power for something, so wouldn’t it be best if they just didn’t know? They can’t know, especially not..”
Especially not Odile. She seems to know everything, so she could probably figure me out, and then..
He felt a twinge in his stomach as he thought it over, but he was startled back to the present by Loop seeming to clear their throat.
“And you think doing all of the work is ‘less obvious’ than just asking them for help?” Loop asked. “Stardust..”
Oh, Stars. He took a sharp breath. He supposed they were right, but he knew, he knew they needed to get through the House as fast as they could manage. He needed to convince them, at the same time, though; anything more obvious than being more skilled in the situation they were all in would get him found out, and that was the thing he wanted the least.
“I.. suppose, I could slow it down a bit.” He mumbled into the hem of his cloak. It was almost a surprise that Loop even heard him.
“Delightful, Stardust! After all, you wouldn’t want to overwork yourself, either.” They cupped their hands together. “You need to be the best you can be to fight the King!”
“Of course.” Siffrin replied. The best that they could be, huh..? Perhaps they could play the part, at least for now. They didn’t want to worry their friends by being more weird, than they already seemed to be.
Of course, that was if they decided they wanted to follow Loop’s advice at all; while they were a genuine help in finding out what to do, the matter of the House felt much, much more pressing than slowing himself down. He supposed he would make the decision on following it when he got to the House, tomorrow, to go through it again to try and get at the King. He’d just have to wait and see.
Oh, Stars. You know how this one goes. 
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femme-dor · 2 months
People who argue against the idea that “Beauty is skin deep”, aren’t actually thinking about beauty. Hear me out.
 There’s “Beautiful”, “Hot,” and “Sexy”
Hot is the main thing most folks aspire to be. You’re gorgeous , and absolute 10, everyone wants to be affiliated and is instantly attracted to you because your visuals hit them like a bullet. This is what makes people believe that they can live life on easy mode( i.e. “pretty privilege”, face card”, etc) because if all they are is a visual knockout & the rest more or less does itself.
Sexy is a skill, a combination of charisma and confidence. Visually, you could be a 3, but the right charisma & confidence can boost you up to a 7. People are so enamored with how good you make them feel and how well you flirt, they don’t even notice or care that you’re not as hot as your stunning counterparts.
You can be Hot and Sexy. Both are a potent combination and what many folks envision when they hear the word “beautiful”; someone who is not only a visual knockout with folks clamoring to be around them but, has the charisma and confidence to own every room & those within it just by being there. But that’s not what “Beautiful” actually is.
What happens when you age and all of your visual features start to fade? What about your personality? Are you a good person? Is your mental health in check? Do you manipulate others or are problematic? What about your daily habits? Do you take care of yourself?
BEAUTIFUL cares less if you’re three or a 10 visually. It’s the way you carry yourself, the way you treat others, the kindness you have, your goals and aspirations. It’s the work you put into how you take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s the wisdom & humility you’ve accumulated in your existence to shape who you are & the way you share your aura with others so they can see the beauty within themselves. Beauty stays with you long into your years, makes your partners, friends and loved ones see you with the same wonderful lens. When you come up in conversation, it makes someone describe all the positive internal parts they fell in love with first, while the physical attractiveness is given, but as an afterthought. “Hot” and “Sexy” to some extent avoids showing flaws whenever necessary to maintain an image. “Beautiful” embraces all of that & understands it’s an important part of you.
This is what folks don’t think about when they come to the argument that beauty is, in fact, skin deep. It involves the totality of a person, which most of them can’t conceptualize because they mostly allowed media to convince them that being hot/pretty/sexy is the equivalent of being “beautiful” as those people seem to get all the benefits for simply existing. And while, yes, a fatal flaw of our monkey-brain wiring is that we, as a society, tend to favor those who are visually appealing or can charm us, at the end of the day we most treasure those who have a wonderful soul, beautiful deep down. Our best friends, family members, mentors & partners can never hold a candle to those “hot” people.
Because Beauty is skin deep.
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine “Star Wars” special edition: crossovers II. Vikings.
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Imagine you are a shieldmaiden trained by Lagertha. You end up found by Darth Vader, who is at your planet to dominate it.
Warnings 1: a lot of (?) smut, violence, action, ambiguous character, unburnt Vader, adult language. Not recommended for minors or those who are sensitive to any of these themes. No Padmé or the twins in this universe.
Warnings 2: mentions of Lagertha, Björn, etc—this happens before her death, right in between the civil war amongst Ragnar’s children. Bear in mind this is an alternative universe, though.
Warnings 3: fluffy endings :)
Vader’s POV.•
The Emperor gives his pupil a list of planets where the Force has been found within potential enemies. He usually assigns this task for others, overall inquisitors, but because there are relevant allies who contacted him, Palpatine believes Vader can deal with it in person. As he explains:
“You ought to land in planet Y/C, where a man named Rollo waits for you. He’s been our spy since the rise of our Empire. It is important you deal with the man and instaure our forces there. That planet has been resisting us for some time. You know what you ought to do.”
“As you wish, Master.”
Vader goes on his knee, before rising and preparing his ships for depart. The hood he wears omits his features and there is nothing within him but darkness.
His recent elevation to a Sith Lord followed a path filled with horror, losses and blood. Despite the efforts played on meditation, screams of the victims of his sabers never cease to haunt him at night.
As he enters his ship, though, a rather strange sentiment flows through him. It is when he has a vision of this lady of braided hair dressed in unusual clothing, carrying a shield and a sword. There is something enigmatic in those eyes, which he cannot decipher. He is, however, strangely captivated by this sight.
One wonders what she has for me… Why should the Force show me you above all others when clearly I should be dealing with this Rollo?
Nonetheless, Vader suppress his inquiries. It’s time to complete his mission.
Your POV.
You are sharpening your sword in the earliest hours of the morning. Wide awake, a boost of energy remains in your body right after you trained with another of Lagertha’s shieldmaiden.
However, you are now by yourself and you decide to take a walk in the surroundings to make sure there is no danger around. Despite the possibility of meeting any of Ivar’s army, you are not afraid. Living in the days of war means there is little time to nurture any sort of fear.
Emboldened by this thought, you leave a hand rest on the basis of your sword all the while you carry a shield on your left arm. You have an instinct that you mind find someone—or something nearby—so you are alert.
As you walk, sun rises higher and the first rays of light begin to cast at you. It is slightly cold because of the morning mist, but you don’t mind. You dress a bear’s skin over your shoulders and a leather brown gown that now falls loose over your legs—you had tied the skirt of it around your thighs at your training. So you are not entirely cold.
As you cross the field, you are disturbed by some sense of danger. You close your eyes, trying to picture a field force around you: a trick you’ve learned in your meditations lessons when you were younger. Somehow it always works with you. Björn would say you are favored by the Gods, a thought that most seem to agree with since you don’t die in battles.
You don’t see why the divine would favor you, but you don’t complain. It is something you carry since your birth: the ability to read people’s emotions—whether they are lying or being genuine, being kind or distrustful, etc—besides sensing where there is danger. You could also possess the envision of future events, hence why you are so valuable to Lagertha.
However, for this same reason is why Ivar wants you dead, why Björn wants to fuck you, why Ubbe is always after you. You’d flirt with both, but you know very well why they are interested in you, and it’s always upsetting you.
I am more than this, I am not just some child of the gods that these men seem to be so fortunate to have around. They barely try to get to know me at all!
Thoughts that are always going back and forth to you, the very reason why you’ve become isolated with few friends. But now at the present these cannot—must not—distract you from the threat the unknown poses you.
It’s when you finally meet him. A hooded figure, arms folded, stares right into you. You sense somehow that your sword is not going to be enough to defeat that figure. Nonetheless, you lift your shield and try to channel the divine gift you seem to possess.
“I am not here to hurt you.” The male voice is heard. You cast a distrustful glance. “I am looking for Rollo. Are you familiar with the man?”
Your chest is heavy. The figure gives you bad vibes. You should turn around and let Lagertha know of this unusual visitor, who has business to Rollo.
“You have the Force, I see.” The man casually speaks in spite of your stunned silence. He steps forward to where you step backwards. “You haven’t been trained on it, have you? If you lead me to this Rollo, your life will be spared. I can teach you how to deal with it.”
You unsheathe the sword and raise your shield. You swear you see an amusement twinkling in his eyes, even though you don’t see them. As pathetic as you feel—he is stronger than you, clearly—you are not submitting easily.
“Is that your decision?” He laughs. “You choose to fight me with your primitive weapons? You strike me as a reasonable individual.”
“Your words are poison. You are trying to overpower me.”
You capture a glimpse of his face, the wind now blowing a cold breeze. There is something about his features that make his presence enigmatic, that draws you to him. Though you sense he’s not a good individual, you cannot stay away. It is almost as if you are pulled to him.
“I don’t have to try.” He responds calmly. “I do overpower you.”
You swallow hard.
“So what is going to be?”
Vader’s POV.
This planet astonishes him by different cultural expressions he doesn’t follow at first. But those who attempted to cross his path are not living to tell further about his mysterious presence.
Until you come along, Vader is indifferent to his surroundings. The moment he senses Force coming from the forest is the one he knows he’s being distracted from his duties. But I have to find out what it is.
Standing now before you, Vader smirks at your conflict. When reading into your thoughts, he does not need to take too long to find out about you, who you are and the kind of warrior you’ve become.
Some part of him, in fact, refuses to admit how he unconsciously relates to your journey so far. An orphan slaved girl who ends up earning the freedom upon her owners are told how special you are and now here you are, a shieldmaiden fighting a civil war. A soldier like him. An untrained jedi, the parallels are there to see.
Even him cannot look it away.
“You don’t strike me as a reasonable person.” A wit response that, had come from someone else, would have them killed. Not you. Vader seems to appreciate your sharp tongue and sharper mind.
“No”, he agrees. “Many would claim otherwise. And yet here we are. Do you know this Rollo or what?”
“I don’t.” You eventually give in, though your defensive posture remains the same. “Why? What business do you have with him?”
“It’s none of your concern. You say you don’t know him, but your mistress might.” He is tired of this tension and soon removes your weapons. “You are taking me to her.”
The Jedi trick doesn’t work with you as well as he hopes. Your mind shield is impressive, though. But something about you, or at how you attempt to resist him, weakens his darkness.
“How can I know if you are not Ivar’s spy?” A question he sees you regret asking since you realize the illogic phrasing. You’d likely been killed were he someone sent by your enemy. “I am worthless to you.”
“On the contrary. You know that.” He wraps one hand around your neck, caressing it. Perhaps he waits for you to resist, not entirely surprised you don’t. “There is fear in you.”
But also desire, he sees it now. Because he feels it too. The Force draws him close to you and vice versa. Vader’s hood has long dropped showing his face, but he does not mind. Not when he’s into your head.
“Stop messing with my mind”, you protest. “Kill me if you must.”
“You underestimate yourself.” He tilts his head, letting go of your neck. “I was once like you. You are only obeying others all the single time. Isn’t it tiresome? To fight wars that are not yours? To what purpose? To be desired single-handedly for your divine powers?”
The shock in your face betrays your conflict. Oh yes, I understand you more than you think.
“I will take to her.” You hesitate. “If you assure me you’re not killing her.”
“A promise I cannot make.” Vader tells you. “It depends of your success in this.”
You step backwards again. But where you could have run off, you don’t. It’s when a noise distracts you.
You sense the army of the enemy coming to that direction. Vader watches as you take your weapons back and run back to where you come from.
He watches from where he is the very moment you battle your enemies. Vader is personally amazed by how you are scarcely hurt in the process.
There is something alluring in you too, when your braid gets dirt of blood, when you channel your anger and fear to knock the opponents down; of your cocky teasings to the enemies.
You remind Vader of his former self, of the days where he was a Jedi. There is something so similar, yet so different at the same time. He does not like to overthink. That is when he decides to step in at long last.
Your POV.
You stand not too far as you see the man is actually familiar to Lagertha, who greets him well. You come to see that she is familiar with the Sith to some extent.
“We make business with them”, Lagertha explains you, giving how puzzling you’ve been looking from her to Lord Vader. “But that your emperor is trying to make business with Rollo does surprise me, though. He’s a bastard who cares with nothing but himself.”
“Nonetheless, where can I meet him?”
For someone so quietly frightening, Lord Vader knows how to charm others to get what he wants.
You ignore that your thoughts are heard and thus amuse him. Negotiations bore you, so you excuse yourself to go to the lake. You need to bath, hating to smell bad.
As you do so, you ensure that no one is following you. The Force seems to calm your fears, so you relax your guard. You remember the words of lord Vader, beseeching your memories and bringing back that uncomfortable feeling of serving others.
You remove every piece of clothing before stepping into the river, hair down in your back, completely nude. Water is damn cold but you don’t seem to mind at first.
You wait. As you do, wind blows a warm breeze against your skin. Thankfully it’s midday and far hotter than earlier. It is only when you finally dive in that you feel a pair of eyes on you.
You would have panicked… but strangely enough you don’t when seeing the man of yellow eyes and short hair standing at the opposite of you. The first thing you do is cover your boobs with your hands.
“What are you doing here, Lord Vader?” You ask him, but something about his eyes glued on you are making you warm right in the between of your legs even though the water is not exactly hot.
“I came to see you. I find you restless. Lady Lagertha seems to think so.” He side smirks at you. “You are too great for a shieldmaiden, Y/N.”
“And are you going to settle in an arranged marriage too once war ends? Don’t you think this is a small perspective for you?”
He asks you. His voice sounds like a thunder, tumbling in your chest. You don’t answer him, no. You give him a glance and then dive in the waters of the river.
You stay there for a long time. It begins to make you cold. You hold your breath, eyes closing, taking a deep dive in your meditation might cost you.
Memories of past wash over you. The fire, the hurt you’ve been through. Always serving. Always aiming to please, always fighting for others to see you who you are.
Always invisible when others took what you had. You remember Björn’s flirtations, or when Ubbe broke your heart. It suffocates you, it…
“Y/N.” He takes you of the waters of river. You stand before Lord Vader soaked and shaking, gasping for air. “Don’t let Force consume you. You are a free spirit. Let me unchain you.”
And that is how you end up becoming his pupil.
Vader’s POV.
His eyes follow your moves everywhere you go. That morning he watches your trainings with the saber, your concentration, your moves. For the first time in a long while, you are balanced.
How ironic that it is I the one to brings you to the balance of the Force.
Once you finish your practices you walk inside, ready to prepare your bath. This time he joins you. And you are surprised to find him just as you slip into the bath tub.
“Do you mind if I slide in?” He inquires quietly as usual.
You’ve become used to each other’s presence. Vader’s teachings seem to stretch to something else somewhere along the lines, but you don’t seem to know what that is or you are at least scared to figure it out.
Vader knows your thoughts and sentiments well. As he tosses his clothes out and a blush paints your cheeks, he has the confirmation of it.
“I am no good man, Y/N.” He slides in, standing right in front of you. Vader’s eyes linger to your hair, your oval face, going down to your breasts and below. He knows he affects you. You likewise affect him. “I thought you knew that.”
“I don’t think we are either too good or too bad.” You lean your back against the tub, gently adjusting to the space you now share with him. “Though you manipulated me to be here, you can’t deny I am here willingly. Otherwise I’d be dead, right?”
Now you lean forward to be closer to him. His eyes stare at yours as you rest your hands over his thighs.
“What beast did I set free?” He asks maliciously.
You side smirk at him.
“This is who I always was.” And you take his manhood into your hands, surprised somewhat for finding it prompted to erection. “You know it.”
He takes a deep breath as you hold it gently into your hands. You tilt your head, observing his reactions as you feel it pumping into your delicate fingers.
“Do I?”
He cannot deny the lust you evoke him. Having seen you naked a few times, it is only natural it comes like this. But he desires you for who you are, for the other half you seem to be. When he opens his eyes and rests them on your face, Vader knows there is more than words are suffice to say.
So he kisses you hungrily, just like that. Crudely so. Desperately so. And you respond willingly so, moved by this newly risen passion that holds a tight grip upon your heart.
It as is better than any praise you’ve received in the past, whether by the men you’ve fought alongside or by the mistress you served. It is far superior than showing a superior force over the enemy and subduing him at your will.
A sentiment that reflects Vader’s. As he kisses you, his moans shut by the dance of tongues, as he is aroused by your skillful touch into his manhood, Vader begins to acquaint himself with the greediness towards you.
He does not wish, nor is inclined, to share you. And you feel it, like a electrified field. You are ignited by that spark and you give in.
And after a while, when water is cold, he comes right into your hand. Vader watches as you lick your fingers, a temptation that is too much to behold.
In a teasing manner, you stand and grab something like a towel, but the moment you do, Vader takes it from you. A commanding man, he bosses you around and you obey. You are mesmerized by how tall he is, how great he is, his muscles well build… Yet, those yellow eyes don’t let you do anything.
There is little need for words when he uses the force to pin your hands above your head the moment you lie down in bed. His strong thighs are dominating yours after spreading your legs; you see his pulsing manhood, the tip of it close to your entrance.
Vader smirks at the power he has over you. His eyes stare indecently over your breasts before leaning his callous hands to play with your nipples.
“Is this good?” He asks you, aroused by your reactions. Your body reacts at the very least touch. Your skin burns under his fingers. Vader wants you. Badly.
“Yes.” You throw your head back. “Oh Gods, have mercy on me!” You cry out. “Freyja is so good.”
He leans forward to reward your cries with a deeply passionated kiss. As his hands move down to your womanhood, he inserts two fingers at once and he smiles against your lips as you whimper under his command.
“Tell me, have you ever done this to someone?”
His voice is husky, his lips pursuing yours before leaving traces of kiss over your face and neck, giving you bruises.
“O-Only once.” You gasp loudly and Vader senses your desperation when he engulfs your nipple with his tongue all the while working on you with his very occupied fingers. “Y-You are the best. Oh fuck!”
He likes the praises, despise the fang of jealousy when it comes to you. The sounds you make soon appease the darkness trait that poisons his heart. You are begging him to ruin you and Vader smirks at how a powerful shieldmaiden subdues so easily at his will. It arouses him, but he wants to see you a mess.
As he moves his lips over your right nipple, he feels you are about to come undone. He wants to watch you as you do so. It’s when you ask him:
“H-Have you..?”
Vader slyly smirks at you. He uses his free hand to hold your chin tightly, before wrapping it around your neck.
“Why so demanding in asking?” He inserts a third finger, earning a scream this time. “Does it please my lady to know I have been taken in the past?”
You blush furiously, much to his delight.
“Lord Vader!” You protest.
“Come to me, love.” He watches you roll your eyes, arching your back, unable to use your hands. And just like that, you do. Your juices leave his fingers completely soaked.
And he crawls over you. When you are about to catch your breath, Vader thrusts into you.
“Oh Maker!” He exclaims, avid for you.
And when leaning forward to kiss you, he knows how easily you are coming undone again.
“You are mine”, your words come uninvited, but Vader smiles warmly at you.
“I am.” He releases your hands and his smile spreads as you hold him tight against you, legs wrapped around his waist as your hands are now playing with his hand.
“I am yours.” You vow it, before kissing his lips passionately.
Your POV.
You are dressed in leather when you land in Paris. Rollo is baffled when he comes to meet Lord Vader. But his expression diverts to amusement when his eyes move from you to him and vice versa.
“Looks like I am not the only one to be successful. Does Lagertha know how far you’ve become?”
“As I don’t find the need to justify my actions to her”, you remark, “I don’t need to do the same to you, Rollo.”
“We are here for business”, Vader cuts Rollo’s response. “The Emperor does not wish to waste his time.”
“I figured you have already.” He looks at you up and down, but before he knows, Vader is closer to choke him.
The only reason why he doesn’t is because Rollo is an essential key for the negotiations.
“You talk to her like that and you will not live again.”
You smirk victoriously. Before the trio enter the castle built on rock, you admire the construction of the place. It is funny to think how far your life has changed since his arrival.
When being greeted by other noblemen, most of whom find your pagan origins abhorrent, you don’t mind their despise. You dress in fancy gowns, embellished in jewels, although you miss to be at the core of battles.
This might not take long as you believe. Some of the locals are planning a rebellion against their lord—that is to say, Count Rollo. But once you sense it, you prepare your sword. Having left Vader to his business—you are a shieldmaiden not a politician, you lack patience and taste for this—, you begin your own pace in the surroundings.
It all happens very fast. You don’t need to use your saber—you prefer your sword—, but you are prepared to make use of the Force when necessary. Even in your best gown, with your hair carefully braided in a similar fashion of Lagertha’s, you don’t fear getting yourself dirty in the process.
You’d soon earn the nickname of Valkyrie of the Force due to your implacable capacity in fighting opponents uncontestedly—though you got some help from other soldiers because you are not that powerful to beat fifty or sixty locals.
There is bloodshed, naturally. But you manage to resolve the situation, smiling all the way you fight like Freyja. You could’ve been Lagertha’s heiress had it been possible, but your spirit aims higher. The liberty no chains or titles could tie you.
By the time Vader comes, the rebellion is settled. There is blood in your cheek and he sighs when cleaning it with his gloved hand.
“Why must you get involved in this unholy mess, Y/N?”
“A warrior does not dodge away from battles that must be fought.” You know your braid is a mess, but you also see in Vader’s eyes when you are folding your arms and the braid drops on your shoulder that you are looking good. You smirk. “You like it, don’t you? Why protesting against it, though? It’s my nature and you won’t change it.”
He heavily sighs at you, shaking his head. You love to make things difficult for him. But there is little time to discuss it once Rollo is left dealing with the consequences of a rebellion that you helped crushing it.
“So where do we go now?” You ask him.
“Matters to attend with Lagertha.” Anakin responds you. When seeing how this insignificant phrase wipes your smile out of your face, he smirks. “Am I detecting jealousy in you, Y/N?”
“No.” You clear your throat, diverting your gaze. “I only…”
“Yes, you are.” He smirks, satisfied to have you where he wants: his counterpart in every meaning of the word, specially where darkness is concerned.
He comes from behind you and kisses your neck, snaking his arms around your waist.
“You don’t have to worry, it is you I love, not her or anyone else.”
You barely have time to chew the meaning of his words, how coy they sound to your ears because you are interrupted. The Emperor is calling and you take the opportunity to bath in the ship.
Vader’s POV.
When he sees you dressing in red silk with your partially loose falling behind your back, Vader is instantly aroused by the sight of you. There is a feast about to happen, in order to celebrate the successfully conquest over the planet that will catapult in Vader becoming king of it and you, his queen.
“Hold on.” He prevents you from leaving the household. There is just the two of you in this cabin that Lagertha bequests for you. “Let me appreciate you, woman.”
You turn at him, blushing. You are not very comfortable in silk, but because of the special circumstances, you are dressing it in your favor color: red. Which, by intriguing coincidence, is also the same color of your paramour’s sabers.
He surrounds you like a hunter about to get the prey, his gloved hands gently touching the little of your neck that is exposed. Vader, always attentive to details, sees by the shivers that run over your spine that his mere touch arouses you. He smirks, admiring your beauty.
He kisses your neck, there staying for so long, earning you a long and lousy sigh. He sees that you are squeezing a hand over the other, your nipples are going hard under the cloth of your gown.
Vader bites your earlobe, smirking devilish at you.
“Do I make you weak?” He asks you, slowly turning you at him.
“My love, we are running late.” You barely breathe when his hands move from your neck below, making you draw indecent thoughts.
“You are not answering my question.” He makes you watch him in his eyes before Vader goes on his knees. “Do I?”
You are petrified as he lifts the skirt of your gown. You breathe in anticipation, his hands already resting on your thighs.
“Y-Yes.” Vader does not conceal how much he enjoys having you at his mercy. The higher his fingertips go, the more shaky your legs go. “Lord Vader, you don’t know how… how…”
“You are saying?”
Vader smiles when invading your thoughts, the secrecy of them coming open to him. His fingers soon find his familiar way to you, and he is surprised to see how you give in, struggling not to fall straight to the floor.
He chuckles, watching you trying to keep yourself composed. Specially when he lifts the skirts of your gown higher and replaces his fingers with his mouth. And just like that he eats you out.
And even when you and Ubbe did indeed engage in some sexual flirtations that resulted in having you deflowered by him, he never went as far as doing what he is doing to you.
Vader knows it and he takes pride for giving you another level of pleasure. It is when the door is abruptly open by some guard, but there is no time for embarrassment… because he uses the Force to send the guy away. If he died in the process, he wouldn’t care.
And neither would you, despite the initial startle—however being caught gives you adrenaline in your veins. Malicious ideas barely have time to form in your mind because you end up crying out as you ride his face.
“Fuck.” You are breathless, still feeling your womanhood ache when he stands and cleans his mouth with the sleeve of his dark robes. “My darling…”
He pulls at his side and smirk down at you.
“There will be more when I make you my wife.”
Your face brightens up in such a manner that makes him beam. It appears you are his weakness after all.
“I am looking forward to that.”
You tell him, overjoyed as you start going out to the feast. Vader reads your sentiments well and he feels back to himself again. He is also much entertained by how you struggle to walk, your mind filled with unspoken dirty confessions that would arouse him, but there is no time for that. Not yet.
Not when the feast is about to bath in blood…
Björn looks grumpy as much as Ubbe is disappointed when Lord Vader shows up. He sees in each face what are their inappropriate thoughts concerning you. He makes sure at least one chokes with wine—enjoying the suffering he inflicts on the other.
I am not tolerating any rivals tonight.
But one glance from you and he might let them live. It is not the time for it yet. He then is entertained by Lagertha with a proposition that pleases Vader and, by extent, the Emperor.
It is when an idea begins to form in his mind: what if I become Emperor myself?
For most of his life he’s been obeying here and there. Now, it is all clear that he’s been serving no one’s purposes but that of Palpatine’s. Vader decides to make a good use of the civil war for his own end.
This time, it ends here. Like he freed you before, he is setting himself free from the chains of empire once for all.
Your POV.
The surprise attack results in a bloodshed whose consequences are catastrophic for both sides of the civil war. You are concerned with your mistress, but you notice Vader is not nowhere to be seen.
Where is he?
You refuse to use your hate to your benefit, but when you spot the traitor figure of Hvitserk you lose your composure. If once upon a time you were friends, now you evidently are no more.
As glamorously as you are dressed, with perhaps ripping a part of your gown that is now showing your left thigh, you are skillful with the use of your sword.
“Looking good for a shieldmaiden.” He snarls at you, trying to turn the tables. “How far have you become.”
You apply a great deal of blows against him, but he is unaffected by your hatred. You never forgot how he betrayed you, selling you to Rollo in the very first opportunity. You were once close friends, but after that…
But the resentment turns into angst. Old memories boil and the next thing you know, you dishonor your own code by using the Force to your purpose. You surprise him by lifting him.
“I have the higher ground here, my friend.”
He is terrified by what you’ve become. He struggles for air. But you don’t care, not anymore. Had it not been by this, it would be by sword.
Is there really any difference?
But your heart hasn’t been completely corrupted by darkness. So all the while the royal tend burns in fire and blood, you let your former friend live.
It’s only then Vader arrives to meet you. And once again the coward Hvitserk runs from you.
Vader’s POV.
He knows what happened and is there to console you at long last. You don’t ask where he’s been through, too shaken to talk. You’d go back to fighting but he stops you.
“No. It’s time to go.”
“What? I’ve been fighting this war for too long…”
You are a soldier like I was a Jedi.
He sees now why the Force has brought the two of you together.
“It’s over, Y/N. The war ended tonight.” You are baffled by what he tells you. “Ivar the Boneless is exiled, victory belongs to Björn Ironside. He rules uncontestedly Kattegat.”
You don’t want to ask, but you ask anyway.
“And Lagertha?”
Vader hesitates, but gives you the news you already felt in your heart. And he watches you break down, a sight that pained his heart. But he holds you close, giving you the feeling of security after years fighting.
For better or for worse, it’s over. For both of you.
At least in terms. As you move to England, you are by Vader’s side as you help him to placate the enemies that remain. It’s there that he opts to stay, it’s there that you two are finally married.
“Here we are”, he holds your hands against his. You are dressed in a magnificent black silk gown with details in gold, hair completely lose with a tiara on top of it; whereas he’s dressed in black too, though in better ornaments. You smile at how your fingers intertwine. “At long last, my wife.”
Vader watches you with a roaming pride in his eyes, a reflection of the love that makes your y/c irises gleam.
“At long last, my husband.”
The two of you enjoy the first moment as husband and wife after a privy ceremony. It’s more about you as a whole than the new realities where you are the Emperor and Empress of planet Y/C.
“I have news to give you.” You tell him after a while. By the look he gives you, you can tell he knows, but even so you want to tell him. “I am carrying our first child.”
“By the Maker”, he chuckles as he puts you against his chest and spins you around. “These are wonderful news. How happy you make me, love.”
And you smile because you know. That is not how the story of you two ends, but how it begins. Never before he and you felt so happy…
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 2.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: It's unknown if it's a desperate flirting attempt, but Kazuha gives Hank her number.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1.1k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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It had been difficult to adjust to a life back in the States. When I joined the navy as a cryptologic technician, I moved from one top secret location to another, mostly spending my time on bases, staring at screens and decoding encrypted messages. Adapting to a life back in Chicago, the place I will always call my home, was made a lot harder when I had to accept my fate: it was definite my parents had disowned me. An awful combination of me being the middle child, totally different from my two sisters and simply not being good enough, which made me worthless enough to throw away. 
So, after coming back, I moved into a stinky apartment where I stayed for years on end, but then I was evicted at the age of thirty three.
And that’s how I ended up living with my maternal grandparents. They are officially in their eighties now, I needed a place to stay.
It was a win-win situation.
‘And then you click on the wifi icon, grandma,’ I say, as I hold the phone in between my ear and shoulder while I’m preparing a cappuccino. ‘Remember what that icon looked like?’
‘I do. Okay, now what?’
‘Do you see the name KTJ-zero-zero-five?’
‘I do.’
‘Click on that.’
I exchange looks with Josie, my colleague, who tries not to laugh, but I can tell she finds it amusing. It’s a daily thing now. Grandma has issues with a lot of things and wifi and television are really not her forte. I give her technical advice, she helps me in the kitchen, as my best meal is instant ramen. 
It’s a fair exchange. 
‘Aha, my video is playing,’ grandma happily says. ‘Thank you, dear.’
‘Of course,’ I say. ‘You know I love helping you out.’ Even during work hours. I hang up the phone once I said my goodbyes and place the lid on the prepared drink. ‘One hazelnut cappuccino,’ I call out. 
One of our regulars Stan gets up on his feet and smiles when I place a tiny piece of brownie on the lid. ‘Thank you, Zuha.’
’My pleasure, Stan.’
I turn around to clean the machine, when I hear someone else approaching the counter. I look over my shoulder, only to see a very familiar face on the other side. ‘Hank,’ I exclaim, ‘what a pleasant surprise.’
‘A surprise indeed,’ he says, his tone husky and raspy. ‘I didn’t know you worked here.’
‘I’ve been taking more shifts as of late,’ I say. ‘Maybe we missed each other.’
‘I guess so,’ he smiles. ‘Can I have a double espresso?’
‘Of course,’ I say. ‘You work at the twenty first district?’
He nods. ’Yeah, the Intelligence unit.’
That’s quite impressive. ‘That is really awesome. I heard a lot of great stories about the unit.’ As I wait for the machine to make the double espresso, I place my hands on the edge of the counter.
It would be a total lie if I said I didn’t appreciate the way Hank looks and I have been thinking about him since he took care of my grandmother the other day. 
And it’s not helping he is wearing a brownish leather jacket that will give me enough for one of the many storylines my brain is envisioning. 
Maybe I’ve been single for too long.
‘Tough case?’ I then ask.
‘How’d you know?’
‘I’ve got antenna’s for that,’ I joke. ‘Besides, you look tired, compared to a few days ago.’
He smirks, as he places a five dollar bill on the counter. ‘Keep the change,’ he says.
‘Appreciate it,’ I say. I grab the cup and place the lid on it. There is an impulsive thought running through my mind. ‘You know,’ I say, ‘I’ve seen Hailey Upton around here, always ordering a chai latte. If you and the team ever need a drink, you can just text me and I can deliver it. We don’t usually deliver, but I can make the exception for Intelligence. If you want of course.’
Kazuha, do yourself a favor and shut up.
‘Ah, forget what I said.’
However it’s clear he hasn’t forgotten about it and will not for that matter. ‘Are you serious?’ he asks. ‘You know, we would really appreciate it.’
‘I work Tuesdays through Saturdays, eight to six,’ I say. ‘I fear I am the only one who is generous and idiotic enough to deliver.’
He smiles. ‘I’ll keep it in mind. If you want to be buzzed upstairs to the bullpen,’ Hank says, ‘make sure you bring a hazelnut latte for the desk sergeant. Her name is Trudy Platt.’
‘Thanks for the information.’ I grab a napkin and scribble down my number. ‘You know, this also comes in handy when my grandparents start wandering and straying again and you happen to see them,’ I chuckle, but that is mostly to mask my awkwardness. 
I just can’t believe that this is really happening. I thought this would backfire, though from the looks of it, it’s obviously not.
I hand him the coffee cup filled with the double espresso, place a little brownie on it and push it over the counter until it’s next to the napkin. ‘Here you go.’
‘Thank you, Kazuha’ He holds up the napkin with my number on it. ’Can I text you outside grandparent and coffee related issues?’
This is not the time to faint. I force a smile on my face. ‘Of course. Be creative though.’
‘I will try my best. Later.’
I watch him walk out of the cafe and as I’m staring, Josie pinches my side, snapping me straight out of my trance.
‘Ouch, what was that for?’
‘You’ve got some explaining to do,’ she hisses, as she puts her braids up again. ‘You know sergeant Voight? A.K.A. Daddy Voight.’
I was not aware this man had a nickname, however it’s making me cringe. ‘Don’t call him that, it really makes me uncomfortable. He’s just my neighbor.’
‘I have to know all the details.’
I shake my head. ‘No, there are no details to tell you.’ But then I hear my phone ping near the coffee machine. 
Please let it be my grandparents.
I had no idea Josie could move this fast, because she snatches the phone from the counter. ‘Oh, look at that! It’s an unknown number.’
I stand next to her and read the screen.
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‘I’m going to hyperventilate,’ Josie exclaims. ‘You’re wearing a dress with little roses on it and him texting you this? That is flirting. You know, I saw it in his eyes. He never looked at me or any of the ladies here like that. You explain yourself to me, right now.’
‘There is nothing to explain,’ I say.
She scoffs. ‘I beg to differ. Come on, spill the tea or better yet, the cappuccino, since we’re coffee addicts.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt
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blacksapphrodite · 2 years
Wedding Magic
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I got married four years ago. :)
And the wedding was a lot of work, but a lot of fun! We did pretty much everything ourselves, so I didn’t sleep for about a week, but I think it turned out pretty magical. Since there was magic woven into almost every little thing and choice we made, that’s no surprise! From the flower choices, to the colors, to the centerpieces, to the party favors and the style of my dress! So of course I absolutely had to write a post about wedding magic! I’ll be using my own as an example, and hopefully it’ll give you some ideas for you own future, special day! You can use these tips for any big party, too, so don’t limit yourself to weddings! Graduations, birthdays, anniversaries--everything is better with a little magic. :)
I’m going to work my way down a list of various choices we had to make for the wedding and explain each one, along with different possibilities. Again, feel free to use all of some of these ideas for parties or even your home decor!
Dress Design
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Our wedding had two brides, but my wife wore a very handsome suit while I wore the big fluffy princess dress! So we both got a lot of the attention, albeit for slightly different reasons. Regardless of what you’re going to wear, you can make it magical! Think colors, and glamours for the most part. My gown was pink, with plenty of sparkle. Pink symbolizes love, romance, hope, etc. It’s essentially a less intense version of the color red. Most brides get married in white or ivory, of course, but you can incorporate color into your jewelry and other accessories. I’ve been set on a pink/blush gown since before we got engaged, and it worked well with my witchcraft. You can incorporate colors into your suits as well, especially with ties, shirt colors and boutineers!
Consider your bridesmaids/groomsmen too! I picked out the color (baby blue with pink flower crowns) but had them pick out their own dresses, which I think gave them a lot more personality! I also hate most bridesmaid dresses, so it allowed them to pick out much prettier ones in my humble opinion. :P Consider putting them into whatever you would like your main color(s) to be, especially if you’re wearing white! They’re your attendants after all, so they’re an extension of yourself and hopefully have the best of intentions for you!
Don’t forget about your glamours! Your intention for your wedding is of course, love, happiness, beauty, hope, longevity, etc.! Envision these things as you get dressed, do your hair, makeup and so on. It’s a good way to start a beautiful day, and a beautiful life. :)
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Besides the couple, the decor might be the most important part of the wedding. We decorated our venue all on our own which gave us plenty of power. Still, you can dictate what you want to your wedding planner to add a magickal flair to your day! There are plenty of ideas below. :)
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Flowers are an obvious choice for adding some magic to your day. All of them already have established meanings, and they can be easily used throughout all your decor, real or fake. Our main motif was roses in pink and blue, but we also had hydrangeas! Rose of course symbolize love, with pink roses in particular symbolizing love, gratitude and romance. You can work with your florist to put together something beautiful and meaningful. Think about what flowers hold personal meaning to you, too! My friends and I have a history with hydrangeas and fond memories thereof, so they were a sweet addition to the bouquets. <3
My centerpieces nearly drove me insane, but I think they turned out beautifully!
You’ll have one of these on each table, so think about the kind of energy you want to permeate your venue. Odds are you’ll also be assembling them yourself, so you can infuse your intention into each one. This is especially good if you have a different theme for each table, and know who will be sitting where! We used blue diamond stones, pink heart stones, pink and blue roses and white electric candles for a soft glow. Then we wrapped the base in pink and white rose fairy light. It lent a quiet, romantic feeling to everything, and kept everyone calm, happy and feeling the love the entire time!
We’ve mentioned this already briefly, but your colors are a big deal! Ours were pink and blue, and we tried to incorporate them into every little piece of the wedding. Pink table cloths, blue runners. Pink and blue roses, pink lights, pink dress, blue accents on my wife’s tie, pink and blue lanterns. We were focusing on love, happiness and peace, and it all worked beautifully. Consider established meanings of colors, along with whatever colors are meaningful to you and your partner!
Party Favors
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This is where you can have even more fun! Our party favors were a CD of our favorite love songs and homemade rose gummy roses. How romantic is that? Edible party favors are especially good for magic, as it’s easy to infuse whatever it is you’re making with the energy you desire, and distribute that energy among your guests!
Cake Flavors/Decor
Your cake is the centerpiece to end all centerpieces. Most of us don’t make our wedding cakes ourselves, but you can still make sure they fit the flow of your magic. We had cupcakes, with pink and blue rose decorations! Our flavors were simple--chocolate and vanilla--both of which have connotations of love, beauty and romance. Consider this when choosing your cake style and flavors. Something can still be magical even if you didn’t make it yourself--we’ve talked about magic with premade ingredients before! This is in the same vein. Infuse it with your intent as you set them up, slice or bite into it. There are multiple possibilities!
My wife did all the music for our wedding, but everyone knows music is magical. Choose songs with specific meaning to you and your day. Songs that fill you with emotion, songs that enhance the magic you’re working!
This is just a brief overview, but I hope you enjoyed the pictures and also the ideas. Weddings are already so magical--there’s so much love and happiness and hope in the air--and you should seize on that. Be sure to keep some of mementos too--that’s powerful love magic there, and you should make the most of it.
(I'm cleaning up my blog and reposting some of my spells/etc that were once hosted on my website.💕)
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jaynaneeya · 2 years
After the Wedding
I realize that part of the charm of Brom and Matilda's relationship is that it's not very well defined, and that's great, but since Headless Spirit Week coincides with Ace Week, I had to write a little self-indulgent fic of the conversation I choose to believe they had between the last time we saw them in episode 6 and the beginning of episode 7. And if somehow you're seeing this and still haven't watched Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story for free on YouTube, please do yourself a favor and get on that. This fic contains spoilers for the first six episodes, nine are out currently, and the finale will be posted on Halloween.
With Kat’s mom’s manuscript in hand, Brom and Matilda kept running until they were several blocks away from the Van Tassel estate. When they finally allowed themselves to stop, Brom laughed and let out a whoop.
“We did it! We found some emperor evidence! Ha!”
“Yeah… and we got married,” Matilda reminded him as they slowly headed toward her house.
Brom’s grin faltered. “Oh. Yeah. We did.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t hold you to it,” Matilda assured him. “I just know Judy likes sappy stuff like forbidden love and I figured she’d fall for that. I had no idea she was ordained. Makes me wonder what other secrets people in this town are hiding…”
“You know, I actually don’t hate the idea of being married to you.”
Matilda gaped at him. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah! I mean, you’re not afraid to call me out when I’m being a jerk, so I feel like you’re helping me become the best version of myself. I think a partnership between us would work really well. What do you think?”
Matilda had only ever really thought of Brom as a nuisance. His presence was just so overwhelming. But he really was doing his best to overthrow the toxic masculinity that had been his entire personality as a teenager, and she respected that. She discovered that she wouldn’t mind hanging out with him more. But marriage?! She’d never considered that kind of a relationship with anyone, least of all Brom Bones. Her favorite part of their wedding was when he didn’t kiss her. She assumed it was because he was repulsed by her specifically, not by romance in general as she was. Surely Brom would never be satisfied with the kind of relationship she wanted.
He was still waiting for her answer. She decided to rip the band-aid off. “You know I’m aromantic and asexual, right?”
Brom blinked. “Um, not exactly, but good for you! I’m happy you found labels you relate to, and I’m honored that you trust me enough to come out to me.”
“So…you don’t have a problem with that?”
“Of course not! Why would I?”
Was he really this dense? Or was he just trying to be woke? “I mean, you’re right, some aroaces are happily married, but married people usually… do things… that I personally wouldn’t necessarily be comfortable with.”
If she’d been looking at his face instead of the ground she would have seen the lightbulb in his brain turn on. “Oh, ew, no, I wasn’t thinking our marriage would be like that.”
Matilda knew she should be offended by his disgust, but she was too relieved. “So what did you envision when you said you wanted to stay married?”
“I don’t know, I figured we’d like… live in the same place and go grocery shopping for each other and hang out a lot and maybe like, hold hands or something once in a while, but no kissing or anything like that. I’m not really into that stuff either, I might be the same as you, I don’t really feel that kind of attraction either.”
She glared at him. That was too much. “Oh come on, Brom, you don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
He actually looked hurt. “Ouch, Matty. That was me being super vulnerable with you. Why would you think I was lying?”
He winced. After a long pause, he said, “Okay, you have to promise never to repeat what I’m about to tell you. Especially to Kat.”
“Okay, sure, I promise. What is it?”
“I… only pretended to like Kat because I thought I was supposed to.”
“Yeah, you know, Tassels and Brunts go way back, and in high school everyone else was getting crushes and dating and stuff, so it just made sense. And then she dumped me – which I absolutely deserved, for the record – but I never liked anyone else so I just… kept obsessing over her. To the point that I brought a YouTuber back to life to sabotage the guy I thought was taking her from me. Almost ten years after we broke up.” He chuckled humorlessly. “Pathetic, right?”
Matilda gasped. “Oh my god, you are aroace!”
“I mean… I don’t love labels, but…”
“Right, sorry, not trying to tell you how to identify…”
“No, it’s all good…”
They were talking over each other, not even sure what they were saying anymore, but neither had ever felt more understood.
They had arrived at Matilda’s house. “So. Want to live here, husband?” she asked.
“Yeah, we better, me and the Babes pretty much fill up my old place.”
“Are they going to be okay without you?”
“Oh yeah, they’ll be happy to be able to spread out more. And, I mean, they’re only like two blocks away if we need each other. Still I should probably let them know.” He pulled out his phone. There were five new messages from Ichabod. “Oh daaaang. Kat threw Ichabod out of her house for accusing her dad of murder.”
“Ooh, the plot thickens,” commented Matilda.
“Indeed it does, wifey.”
Normally Matilda wasn’t a huge fan of Brom’s nicknames, but “wifey” she didn’t mind, somehow. “So should we go help Ichabod?”
“Yeah, he says he’s heading for not a drugstore.”
“Perfect, you show him the manuscript and I’ll try a new head.”
“Good plan, wifey. Wow, we’re such a great team!”
Matilda didn’t know whether to cringe or to smile, so she compromised by holding up her hand, which he immediately and enthusiastically high-fived, and together the newlyweds set off to find and help brokenhearted Ichabod Crane.
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bluedalahorse · 6 months
This post by @oneofthosebells about Wilmon with kids has me thinking about kidfic in fandom, and really just the way fiction writes about parent-child relationships in general. I’m going to write about my thoughts here instead of in a reblog so I don’t derail. On one end of the spectrum you can write about your OTP having kids in a cute fluffy domestic way. And on the other end of the spectrum, well, the act of parenting, or even being an adult in a kid’s life, isn’t always easy. It tends to make you confront aspects of yourself and your values and your childhood, and seems to bring up the opportunity for a lot of interesting introspection and drama.
As someone who works with kids (mostly young teenagers) daily, I don’t tend to seek out the cute, fluffy domestic kidfic as much. (If people do want to read that, I’m 100% in favor of them doing that! Read what brings you joy!) On the other hand, I’m personally more interested in the second variety I described with opportunities for introspection and drama and personal revelations. (But, you know, hopefully some humor mixed in as well, because kids can be hilarious?) It’s interesting to me how when we as fans say “kidfic” it’s mostly the fluffy domestic variety that comes to mind. Fandom shorthand exists for a reason, but it often obscures the fun little twists and nuances we work into our writing.
In Heart and Homeland, @heliza24 and I have introduced child characters who are just starting to play a role in our story now. When we were dreaming the story up, we got very interested in the way each of the main five character’s arcs had them thinking about the kind of world they would create for the next generation, and what they would need to do to break away from cycles of generational trauma. For the chapters that are coming up on the horizon we’re going to be leaning on these themes even more—but the choice to not have children is part of that too, for certain characters like Felice. And of course we’ll be poking holes in the ideal of the cishet nuclear family (is it even a good day if you haven’t done that?) and doing our best to re-envision what family and community mean.
I don’t know quite where I’m going with this except that I think like. Idk you can probably sell me on any story (whether the characters are childfree or happy parents) if the author is gleefully willing to dig into the psychology of it all.
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grelleswife · 2 years
I could see other ladies that are questioning or definitely aware of being into other ladies like Meyrin and Sieglind looking at Grelle and Madam Red for advice and stuff ❤️
If Madame Red had lived, I can easily envision the doctor taking Sieglinde under her wing. An intelligent, driven young lady in STEM? Even if Siggy wasn’t already friends with her nephew, Angelina would have immediately declared herself the girl’s surrogate auntie. So imagine that, one day, Madame is visiting Sieglinde’s lab to discuss the German prodigy’s latest research findings. However, she notices that the girl seems distracted, absentmindedly fidgeting with a set of forceps while gazing off at nothing in particular. Sieglinde eventually lapses into silence before blurting out, “Auntie An…when did you realize you had feelings for Auntie Grelle?” (In this AU, Grelle and Madame abandoned their murderous escapades in favor of a relatively peaceful life together) All in a rush, the girl explains that she thinks she might have a crush on Lizzy. She’s never felt this way about anyone before…but how on earth is she supposed to classify these baffling new emotions? And then Madame sits Sieglinde down, patiently answering her questions and assuring her protégée that she can always count on her love and support.
I can also see Mey Rin asking Grelle for relationship advice over tea, pouring her heart out to the reaper. Maybe she’s about to go on her first date with Paula (Paulamey is cute and valid, and that’s a hill on which I’m fully prepared to die), but she’s nervous as can be, yes she is! What’s the proper decorum for the beginning of a courtship? What should she wear? Where should they go on their first outing—and how do they fly under the radar of bigots who might take umbrage at their relationship? The glamorous goddess is happy to share her wisdom with darling Mey Mey, even helping her pick out a dress and assisting with hair and makeup for the special evening.
OR…perhaps an extremely flustered Mey seeks Grelle’s counsel on a different matter: Confessing to a certain lady. She’s beautiful, witty, strong, and perfect as can be, yes she is! The maid fears that the object of her affections will surely turn her down, as she probably has an army of suitors clamoring at her door, she does, but Mey Rin’s determined to shoot her shot! 😤 Miss Sutcliff encourages the mortal not to despair—one ought to be bold when it comes to matters of love! “And don’t sell yourself short, darling; whoever your fair lady might be, she’s a lucky woman,” the reaper adds, a touch of wistfulness clouding her brilliant green eyes. Mey Rin blushes—little does Grelle suspect that she’s the very woman the maid’s been pining after!
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arsnovacadenza · 1 year
Kicho's BD 2022 fic
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If you were to pick an animal that suits you best, what would it be?
"A falcon," you proudly say. "The peregrine falcon, to be exact. I want to have a bird-eye's view of everything, and strike with precision. A wrong move means death, and that means I need to be certain in my calculations."
You smirk, gun hanging on the left side of your hip. You believe yourself to be deadly, a man putting his worth into every strike you make.
Ah, a bird of prey. A man with ambitions, I see. You are destined for great things.
"You're too kind," your lips draw into a tight line. But the spark is still there, in your eyes.
And a perfectionist. You aim to be no less than perfect. To you, a wrong move could kill . Every miscalculated fall spelling your end. And you walk on a tightrope every single minute, balancing the world on your shoulders as if it won't crush you—
"Enough," you snap. "That doesn't mean anything."
Cautious, as I predicted. Your expression hardens.
Where are you? Where would you likely find yourself?
"A hangar," you close your eyes. There are sounds, laughter. Companions pouring over a blueprint and putting together a marvel They believe it will go far, and so do you. 
Even if it fails, it won't disappoint you. You're not alone after all.
With comrades like them, you can do great together. No longer are you a lone wolf, thought to be cold by others who never know you, never bother to ask, to try. 
What is a wild bird doing in a hangar? You frown again. A hangar is reserved for planes and helicopters. For man-made machinery crafted and controlled by men. Planes are meant to be steered by pilots -other people. But not birds.
Your destiny is not your own making, then.
At this point, you can feel the fury threatening boil, a paralyzing realization. Even after leaving the den of vipers, where "you'" were a product of manufacture, a shadow of something else by design. You are not your own person; you are—
You thought it amusing: mimicking somebody else's voice and using it to your advantage. The skill gives you an edge. It grants you some power, some leverage. But now—
Your heart is screaming to escape your chest, bones struggling to tear away from skin. A porcelain face meant to be the double of something better—
—of a prototype that's just as disposable.
"Ridiculous," you growl. "I did it for me. For my survival. And this is where I stand, alone. For my own sake,"
To be a villain in someone else's story. You shake your head, trying not to envision him and the inevitable divide that followed.
What comrades? What shared dream? A chasm appears and grows wider with every step you take. You convince yourself that this is the path you tread —that the hatred you let loose and fuel is a favor for the world that made you bitter.
Shall we proceed? 
If your world is described with a single season, what would it be? What sort of weather would you face when you step outside, in that world of your making?
“Sunny,” you answer. You are getting tired, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Sunny with some light wind. Or maybe a chance of clouds. I don’t know,”
It’s best to be prepared for anything life throws your way. Rain or shine, your wings will continue to beat. 
Always considering the worst. The voice laughs, not exactly mocking but stirring you all the same. Can you see the wind? Could you tell the wind was even there? Is it not your mind that wishes it to be so?
And if it’s real, wouldn’t you just stay inside your cozy hangar?
“Lies!” you shout. “It’s exactly because I don’t know that I need to prepare! At worst, I can tackle even a storm head-on. I know I can!” You narrow your eyes, your beating heart thundering against its aching cage.
One more thing. It said, Why conceal the doubts you have by saying it’s sunny? Underneath that placid face, those cold, firm hands….
You are afraid.
You fear for every grain of sand that passes through your fingers. Every second grows heavier than the coat of lead you wear around your shoulders. You seize and devour your prey, never quite settling the hunger. A stomach hardened in knots, a body bending to the point of near-breakdown trying to resist fate, and reaching for an ending even you don’t think can survive.
Self-sabotaging desires that poison the heart. Your mind is your body’s parasite.
"No!” You scream. “This is what I’ve learned, all my life! That the world is wretched, that nothing goes my way! In the end, warmth is an illusion. The world has been cruel and always will be!”
Nothing I do matters is what you’d cry out as you sob. But tears are a sign of weakness. That, you’ve learned well.
“To live this life with nothing but kindness and thinking that the world will return your compassion is kind. That’s preposterous! I’ll never be caught in that foolishness!” You insist.
Love. The voice echoes. The one 'weakness' you possess in abundance.
Brimming with love, thirsting to be loved in return. Indeed, the world is cruel. You could’ve been frigid and unfeeling as the steel of your blade, and yet. 
You’d gladly pour your entire heart into one person and one person, alone. 
“And what if that’s what I desire?” You challenge the voice. “I am only human. The one desire I have,"
That's where you contradict yourself, again. The voice chuckled without malice. How can you be human if you crave perfection?
Your eyes widen, like the young boy that you had been in that cold, vast estate.
To fill that someone to the brim with love until it makes your heart burst, it continued. It doesn't matter to you whether or not they will reciprocate.
For happiness has never been something you can grasp in hand.
"I have loved," you say, tears threatening to well up in the corner of your eyes."I have loved, and it wasn't enough. To save—" you choke.
The abyss lifts.
"...I guess more than one person has wished for a loved one to be safe and sound," she says. "Perhaps these were all people who were reborn as golden butterflies because of their love for someone."
Reborn, "I guess…." You trail off, butterflies bathed in gold dancing above the reeds.
"See! It's not all bad!" She beams, her radiance more blinding than the distant sun. "When the rain stops, the folktale does come to life. It's such a lovely story,"
You nod, closing your eyes.
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starbase-yorktown · 2 years
I love seeing your thoughts on these characters. How about Winston?
THERE’S MY MAN (and thank you haha I love sharing them)
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Gender & Sexuality Headcanon: Cishet (honorific!!!!) This man is a mensch, he is the ideal cishet man, he is the guy who will walk you home at night in shitty neighborhoods with no expectations of “favors”, he will knock bigot skinheads flat on their asses, he will take you to pride and know the history, he’s GOOD and HUMBLE and KIND!!! A ship I have with said character: tbh I always envisioned him as happily married outside of the ghostbusters, very much a keep work and personal life separate, but she’s like the anti-frozone’s wife—instead of where’s my super suit, she’s chucking his flight suit and ICBs at him so fast he can barely keep up. so Winston x OC!wife. EDIT: AHHH FORGOT BROTP HOW COULD I: WINSTON + RAY. ECTO’S FAVORITE BOYS. They can spend hours together talking about the nature of faith and religion all the while tinkering with Ecto and coming up with new ways to jerry-rig her insides and add cool (and totally practical, 100% practical ahem) additions to her. There’s an implicit understanding between the two of them that they’ll always have each others’ backs whenever they’re needed, ride or die and it has come to that a few times in this line of work. Implicit trust, utter brothers in arms. A NOTP I have with said character: tbh I’m pretty lax, there’s no one jumping out at me that I’d go oh HELL no to. Actually, Winston x Peter because he just doesn’t deserve that nonsense. A random headcanon: when shit hits the fan in a non-ghost/mortal way (someone gets really injured on a job, there’s civilian crossfire, some lay person’s acting up on them, etc. etc.) Winston’s Air Force background kicks in hard core. He’s the boss now, he’s got Ray on the sat phone calling in the ambulance, he’s redirecting panicked civilians, he’s stabilizing broken limbs and putting C-collars on people, he’s jumpstarting stalled out cars in evac—Winston Zeddemore doesn’t mess around. The other guys can bust ghosts, Z can bust (and fix) the living and do it while looking good and being cool as a cucumber. General opinion on the character: braver than any US Marine. And he’s goddamn right, he IS the sex appeal but don’t sell yourself short man you kept it cool, too. I can’t wait to see how he’s utilized more in the GB:A sequel and I love how in the end he was the most successful out of all of them and kept the candle of hope burning all those years alongside Egon in his own way. Peter peaced out, and Winston stepped the fuck up.
send me character asks! (or just keep sending me ghostbusters since that seems to be what we're doing akdjfgh)
holtzmann | egon | phoebe | podcast | janine | ray | venkman | trevor | patty | and a bonus james t kirk lmao
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kiri-cuts · 1 year
An adorable Nietzsche death star in “The Super Mario Bros. Movie”
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For a few months back in the thick isolating tar of 2020, I sat in my damp one-bedroom flat and dramatically envisioned myself as Artex, the ethereal equine who sinks into the Swamp of Sadness in “The Neverending Story.” “Blub, blub,” I’d say to the quiet company of mold in the corners of the walls. “Down I go.” 
I’d dream about my head sinking promptly into the muck, one feature at a time. My round chin and miserable little downturned mouth checking themselves in at the one-star beach resort of death called Depression, my flared nostrils padding themselves closed with soil, my eyes nestling into the sweet slumber of swampytime. My hair would be the last to go, submerging itself with all the joyful enthusiasm of a lump of sugar into a thick latte foam. 
As it turns out, the Swamp of Sadness ain’t worth shit. Pull yourself into its deepest and most suffocating clot all you want, but you’ll still have to work, eat, do the dishes, wake up every day, etc. Artex never had that problem –- lucky bastard –- and the brochure for Depression certainly left those details out of its marketing spiel (no wonder it was only a one-star resort). 
A few months earlier I’d bought a Nintendo Switch on an impulse purchase. It was an item I couldn’t particularly afford, but brains pushing for death don’t exactly fixate on such details. And so it was that I played “Mario Odyssey” in the midst of an agonising funk, and on a daily basis the aforementioned swamp would get temporarily hosed off. For much of the game, I was horrendous at preserving Mario’s life. The little jump-crazed dungaree enthusiast died a million deaths –- each one more punishing and avoidable than the last. 
This was never intentional, I’m just terrible at games. But as it went on, and the game progressed, I realised that this was potentially the entire point of many Super Mario games and others of its ilk. As each level wore on, muscle memory kicked in and I fell into the various bouncy rhythms of survival that Mario has to offer. 
In order to be victorious, Mario had to repeatedly eat shit. He had to fall off walls, ricochet off lava, get his arse chewed out by a mega-chain chomp, and drown. And then next time, maybe he wouldn’t. In fact, death helps to ease the navigation for the next attempt –- you know what not to do and where not to do it. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Death is close enough at hand so we do not need to be afraid of life.” Amen, brother. 
This mechanism is referenced within “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” in which Mario –- in an attempt to simultaneously impress his bird and save his cowardly brother –- must complete a treacherous obstacle course. And of course, he absolutely eats shit in his first attempt –- but he gets better. 
Perhaps the greatest reflection of this ideology, though, comes courtesy of a luminescent glow of nihilism called Lumalee –- a delightful prisoner caged up in Bowser’s dungeon who cheerfully proclaims an abundance of cynical statements in favor of death. “There is no escape. The only hope is the sweet relief of death,” they joyfully muse. Later, when the film’s finished, they gleefully tell the audience, “Everything’s over now and all that’s left is you and infinite void.” Our boy Nietzsche would be proud. 
For those in the know (so, not me), Lumalee is based on a species of creatures called Luma from “Super Mario Galaxy.” At the end of that game, a whole adorable group of them happily kamikaze into death’s sweet embrace courtesy of a black hole fashioned by Bowser. Like Steve-O in a glass factory, these little cuties just absolutely love the chaos of life, the natural sting of pain, and the delicious thrall of extinction. It really puts things in perspective. 
While I have no doubt there are some players who can walk through every level of any “Super Mario” game without a single misstep or death –- just as there are people in this world who have likely never had to face a single day of depression or anxiety –- the purpose is to repeatedly face death. To endure it, to return to it, to vanquish it. Live, die, repeat. Collect enough hearts in the game, and you’re more or less impervious to whatever spikes life –- or levels –- have in store for you. As Nietzsche once put it, “One has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive.” And Mario does, good sir. Oh, how he does. And he absolutely motherfucking loves it, too. 
And I can’t lie, after I’d gatecrashed Bowser’s wedding, smashed his bird, and drank the free bar of his castle dry to the point that I could reach the “Mario Odyssey” finale, I actually felt emotional. Me and this little Italian plumber had been through so many deaths together and come through it all smiling –- just a couple of big cocky lads kicking over the big boi’s nuptials bash. Somehow, I didn’t feel the sweet embrace of that swamp anymore. In fact, I momentarily forgot it existed. And yes, so I then got up everyday, and I ate shit everyday –- we all did, and we still do. But there are so many 1-Ups. And when all else fails, there’s always nihilism.
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peterthepark · 2 years
bae do u have any writing tips you can share? like how do you write perfect sentences, to describe what is the person feeling (happy, infatuated,) because i just love how detailed you’ve written eddie’s feelings in good boy and how he reacts when the reader talks to him. it’s so amazing how you do it. like it’s not just ‘he feels butterflies in his stomach’ but there’s always more to it. i love your masterpiece. every single one of them
thank you so much bae omg ur message has me <333 here’s some probably-bad-but-it’s-something-advice
this honestly is a hard one to answer ngl! i think it’s more of a “don’t tell the reader, show the reader” kind of thing with me? i like being abstract, i like being poetic, even if it’s just a simple sentence of a character looking at someone. write with not only the sole purpose of telling a scene, but showing it, like in a movie. paint it how you envision, add detail then add more, compare characters to metaphors, put yourself in those situations!!! a lot of good boy was actually just me envisioning that i was feeling what eddie was feeling, which is why most of it feels like it’s written favoring his pov :) i think part of it is also just incoherent ramblings, i try to string sentences together and hope for the best lol
i also think that it’s okay if you don’t wanna be detailed. simplicity also leads to “good” writing, and everyone has a different writing style so it varies! some scenes may not feel like perfect sentences, and yet they don’t have to be! <3 write earnestly and see where you can go from there! reading also is a huge factor, i think some of my writing habits/mannerisms have been influenced by the authors i read (in and out of tumblr) and it’s very much an active learning process as you go on.
you’re amazing! sorry if this didn’t give you an exact answer, but i’m sure that something here resonated. maybe. idk. but thank you for asking, and i am very humbled by your kind words!!
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