#do you like unlikely hero/villain dynamics?
thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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My illustration for Chapter Five of @monkeymindscream ‘s amazing fic, Unwanted Emotional Feedback. Want the context? Read to find out!
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pendarling · 5 months
Do You Like Me?
Villain's attention shifted when they realized Hero was blushing. It was a soft stain of pink showering on their face despite the life-threatening circumstances they were in.
"Are you… seriously flustered right now?" They tightened their grip on the weapon as they stood in front of an abandoned warehouse. Hero had been knocked to the ground fairly easily tonight, and now Villain stood hovering above them, pointing the blade at their throat. They'd been determined to kill one of their longest adversaries, and even now, they still couldn't entirely figure them out.
This doesn't usually happen with all of Villain's other enemies, and something always told them that Hero, in particular, should be treated a little differently.
"W-what?" Hero's eyes widened, and they turned their gaze away.
They smirked slightly and pulled the blade away from Hero, "You really are enjoying this aren't you?" They chuckled as Hero stumbled on their words to find a counter-argument. "You a freak?" They leaned in and pulled their chin toward them. Hero's face lit on fire at the unexpected guess.
"Get off me!" They blushed feverously and batted away at their hand, but Villain hadn't budged at all; their eyes kept calm at the sudden nervousness of their enemy. 
"Hahaha, you seriously like me? I thought you just had a strong vendetta."
"I'm not interested in you, okay!?" 
Villain's hand combed through their hair until Hero's focus was back on them. "Oh? But you were blushing."
"I panicked!" A long silence came across them, and Hero lay silently.
"Hmmm..." Villain shrugged and stood away from them again to let Hero rise from the ground. They could tell they'd gotten on Hero's mind and decided to entertain it. "It's a shame, actually; I kinda thought it could work... theoretically speaking, of course, since..."
Hero dashed their eyes back at them. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna work."
But it already did, and without them knowing too.
"You really don't think of me in any way?" They leaned in closer again, their teeth bearing a predatory-like reminder of their positions, but the sudden closeness only made Hero's cheeks darken in excitement.
Their nemesis refrained from speaking, too stunned to fight but too embarrassed to clue them in further. Their aloof expression was rather unconvincing. 
Villain circled their frame with an ominous air surrounding them, a soft breeze passing behind them sent shivers across Hero's body. "My, my... I never knew I'd see the day you'd get so riled up because of me." Villain sounded confident in their words as their hand slightly traced down their back as they worked their way into Hero's vision once more.
"You're awfully cocky..." They mumbled, still frightened at the concept of harbouring any feelings for what was supposed to be their greatest opponent. 
"Am I?"
Hero felt their heart hammering in their chest when Villain's eyes lingered on their lips unexpectedly. They instinctively licked them in response, feeling an unfamiliar submissive nature surface just by being so near to Villain. "You are."
"Are you still scared of me, little hero?" They tilted their head in a taunting manner and observed their reaction at being called upon so playfully.
It took all their strength to shake their head without appearing intimidated, but the power dynamic had already attached itself to their heart. Whatever Villain was doing had left them nervous, unlike any others before. It was a type of fear that stopped them from pursuing dangerous territory before they went and got hurt. This was Villain, after all; they were capable of much greater things than just wasting time with them.
It could all be a small game, toying with Hero's emotions before they took what they hid so well.
"Good." They murmured against their ear, and Hero stopped themselves from flinching; they were so caught up in their thoughts that they hadn't processed Villain's movements. "Because I have much greater things I plan to do with you, love."
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
Spider-man Villains and Hands
If you're paying attention you'll notice often times in Spiderverse that villains are far less expressive with their hands than the heroes. That is unless it's to attack.
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Kingpin clicks his pen to relieve rage he's only barely controlling and in Peter Parker's death scene, the only time we see his hands is to kill him.
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With Doc Ock, we see her doing a lot of excited gesturing with her hands (pushing up her glasses, studying Peter, etc.).
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But after her reveal, it's her tentacles that does most of the talking.
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Moving on to ATSV, when we first meet Spot, he's experimenting with his Spots with (you guesses it!) his hands and it's a lot of trial and error. It's also a lot of slap-stick comedy in his first fight with Miles managing to take him out briefly by making him punch himself in the face.
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However as he becomes more confident with his powers, we see him use his hands less and less to the point he doesn't need to use a spot to teleport between dimensions. Instead of attacking them, Spot starts fighting by letting the heroes attack him.
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And by the end of the film, his mere presence has become such a threat to Miles that all he has to do to invoke fear is stand still. This is why after his colour scheme has been completely inverted, he doesn't fight or do anything with his hands anymore and it's why our last focus on his hands is when he watches it completely turn from white to black.
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When we first get a good look at Miguel, we get a close-up of his claws before panning up to his watch. Firstly this shows us how unlike the other Spider-people Miguel is. He has claws and wears a cape. Peter says in the first movie, "Spider-man doesn't wear capes." Then we see a better look at his watch which tells us this character isn't just scary and powerful, but is powerful in their access to other dimensions without having their cells decay - which by the end of the movie proves to be another problem for Miles. Immediately this shot warns us that Miguel is an unstoppable and dangerous person and the sirens in his leitmotif only emphasise that, even if the characters don't realise it yet.
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Likewise with Fisk and Doc Ock in the previous Spiderverse installment, Miguel also doesn't have a lot of hand animations outside of fighting and we see this visual language in his meeting with Miles. Miles offers Miguel an empanadas and calls him 'Tio' ("uncle" in Spanish) as an offer of respect and solidarity, but Miguel's response is to grab the box and throws it aside before resuming his stance.
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Here Miguel isn't just refusing Miles, he's also refusing the subliminal coding of a heroic character and I feel this has a lot to do with how our human brains work. The way we understand people and animals is by the way they mirror us. We like patterns and to draw parallels to ourselves. When someone is excited, we're excited. When someone's confused, we're confused. When someone's sad, we're sad. And so on. However when we're faced with something that doesn't react how we expect or reacts unpredictably, like Miguel throwing the empanadas back at Miles, it's sets off a warning in our brains. It's kind of like a predator hunting prey, which is the exact dynamic between Miles and Miguel by the end of the film.
However in Miles' mind, he has no idea why Miguel is being so antagonistic towards him. Even when Peter says, "He's always like this." Miguel remains stoic when Mayday is crawling around him and only moves to catch her and hand her back to Peter. Like with the empanadas, this is another example of Miguel's lack of ability to connect with the people in his environment other than through aggression and violence. It's why Miles calls out, "You have claws? Are you sure your Spider-man?" Because Spider-man is defined by his ability to connect with people - hero or villain.
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Then we get to another clawed antagonist who hunts Miles for the duration of the first Spiderverse's runtime. Much like Miguel, Prowler's movement is mostly unstoppable aggression. That is until he learns Miles is Spider-man. Aside from presenting as Aaron Davis, Prowler is most identifiable by his giant claws and the camera makes sure of it.
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It's only when Aaron learns who Miles is does he take off a claw to hold his hand in his final moments. Unlike Miguel, the claws are not exclusively attached to his suit - they are removable and thus Aaron is able to connect with the people in his environment outside of his identity as the Prowler.
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Which finally leads us to our other Prowler, who likewise is able to put on and take off the claws. But where am I going with this?
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I feel like in this scene the lighting and colour grading is doing the most work in making Prowler intimidating. Because unlike Aaron's Prowler, Miles' Prowler design is very casual for a villain. Which works for the character but without the claws and the mask, Miles looks just as scrawny as his Spider-man counter-part. It's almost too casual without those key identifiers. Which is why I think we're going to see a lot of Miles' Prowler without the claws and interacting with his family in the next film, as well as dealing with his own identity. Like Aaron in the first film and unlike Miguel in the second, we're going to see how Prowler connects with his environments beyond serving as a antagonistic foil to Miles.
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So, basically according to TA... What the fans "want":
A well written story;
Likable characters with a tangible character growth (no resets);
Sympathetic villain (wants to bring Emilie back for Adrien's sake);
Main couple has chemistry in all versions of themselves (Marinette/LB has feelings for CN unlike in the show, Marinette can actually talk to Adrien, and he's in love with "the girl behind the mask" not just LB);
Ladybug and Chat Noir being equals and working together to defeat Hawkmoth;
Adrien standing up to his father and telling him how he feels;
Chat Noir being in the final battle against his father!;
"Ladybug doesn't exist without Marinette", her powers are not what makes her special;
Gabriel's love for his son being more powerful than his hatered for Ladybug and Chat Noir;
Marinette and Adrien know each other's identities before getting together (no lies);
The heroes winning in the end and saving the world.
What the fans "need":
Thin-as-air badly written story full of retcons;
Obnoxious female lead with obsessive stalker tendencies (that are rewarded at the end);
Male protagonist that is not allowed to take charge of his situation and is nothing but a trophy for the female lead (TA described Adrien as being Marinette's "Ken", so... he's canonically just an accessory for her character. That's... nice...);
Badly written villain (inconsistent as the rest of the plot, they wanted him to be sympathetic, but ends up coming across as just selfish, then downright deranged in s5);
Unhealty dynamics (Marinette stalking Adrien, CN not taking "no" for an answer, pictures of their person of interest on walls and pc) and there's only interest for one of their personas, Marinette-> Adrien, Adrien-> Labybug (Marinette is not interested in CN and Adrien doesn't show romantic interest in Marinette up until s5);
"I don't need Chat Noir for every mission. He's just like any other temporary holder". LB is the only leader (everybody is beneath her, even CN);
Chat Noir (one of the titular characters) not being in the final battle against his own father;
Adrien never learns the truth about his family or himself, meanwhile Marinette does (thus having more power over him... once again.... *cough* Chat Blanc) and still dates him;
Marinette has all the power, she's the bestest ever and she can do everything by herself (CN not needed);
Villain wins, destroys the world and recreates it to his desires;
Ladybug fails as a hero.
You know what? I'm pretty sure no one "needs" that. I'll stick with the movie. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's lightyears better than the show.
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What do you think are Yuuji and Sukuna’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
A little bit of a late reply because it took me a while to gather and organise my thoughts which I have many of! I love talking about Yuji and Sukuna, especially the two of them together, and even moreso with the fact their strengths and weaknesses are so intertwined, which makes sense, considering they’re foil characters.
In regards to personality, I’ve spoken a lot about Sukuna’s end of things, and his flawed hedonistic mindset. The idea of change is something he cannot accept, and he, as the supposed pinnacle of Jujutsu, represents the old ways - the past - and Jujutsu Sorcerers in the past notoriously rejected their humanity to be stronger, as though some twisted form of enlightenment. Sukuna is an extreme of this, the most inhuman looking of all.
His strengths I think mostly lie in his thoughtfulness and consideration, the way he’s always planning and analysing the situation, never mindlessly swinging. He’s very good at measuring his opponents skill, rarely underestimating anyone (this is what makes his treatment of Yuji ever the more interesting). However, this thoughtful mindset is often held back by his rejection of humanity and change, and I don’t think that’s something he realises at all. His view on life is narrowed, he believes that humans live for pleasure and seek to avoid pain (hedonism), and he makes no room for any other belief. Anything that challenges his mindset is a threat to him (Yuji), and he’s so deep in this way or thinking that he just can’t comprehend that fact. His rejection of humanity is what supposedly makes him strong, yet it is also his greatest weakness - how ironic is that?
Then, there’s Yuji, his polar opposite. Yuji, who is unbreakable, who pushes through despite the suffering he’s undergone, who has such a strong sense of humanity and compassion, all these are his greatest strengths, though sometimes his compassion is also his downfall. The fact he also accepts change, and grows throughout every encounter, unlike Sukuna, is also another key strength. As a whole, Yuji is someone I’d call selfishly selfless, which sounds like a contradiction, but what I mean is he acts outwardly selfless on internally selfish principles. Truly, he wants to help people, he doesn’t want others to die horrible deaths, and he will act without reason if it means he can do that, life on the line and all. This is selfless. However, there’s always that selfish motivation, that desire to be known, to die surrounded by others, to have purpose. Yuji, despite how he seems, is a very lonely person, and it’s easy to forget this. He knows so many people, but very few truly know him, and he loses those that finally start to.
Yuji’s biggest flaw in my eyes stems from this loneliness, for a lonely person will often seek some kind of reason, of purpose, and will centre their life around this: Sukuna’s vessel, the only one who can save Megumi etc.
Yuji needs purpose, Sukuna needs no purpose: these are both flaws in context of their characters. I’m hoping this makes sense.
I think this Leads well into why I love their dynamic. They’re designed to complement each other, to be villain to the other’s hero. They are narratively cut from the same cloth: where one is the kind, the other is cruel, and where one is unbreakable, the other is fragile. You could say that neither could exist as they do now without the other, I mean, Yuji’s birth is connected with Sukuna somehow, and Sukuna could not have been incarnated without Yuji. They both drive the narrative because of this fact.
I think about that one Cain and Abel poem a lot in regards to them, I think it sums it up perfectly. “I want to kill him sometimes. I think sometimes he wants to die.” especially makes me think of them.
Apologies if this is messy, I’d usually try and structure something like this but I’m just passionately gushing here for the most part!
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class1akids · 2 months
How do you feel about afo being the cause of shigarakis backstory, it's not surprising per say but it's rather disappointing.
Ppl like the villains in mha bc they have a point in their beliefs despite their incorrect methods. So taking that main villains backstory that pointed out everything wrong with society and blaming it an afo is not only just really boring but it also kinda ruins the whole point of the story
It's just feels like a really bad predictable move
It doesn't make much difference to me. Tomura was always the least interesting of the LoV Trio for me, because it was obvious for a long time now how AFO's grooming was at the source of him as a villain. He had very little agency and even all his power-ups came from AFO (even his quirk awakening came from believing what AFO gaslit him to believe). I feel like both Toya's and Toga's storylines had more compelling narrative of nature/nurture and personal choices.
I don't think last chapter added much to the AFO/Tomura dynamic. I long expected Decay to be given to him by AFO and well, AFO nurturing Kotaro's hatred lets Nana off the hook a bit I guess, but nothing changes much.
The indifference of civilians and heroes is still a valid point in his criticism of hero society. Tenko was a child in the grips of a monster and nobody helped him. So yes, AFO is at fault, but also society as a whole didn't prevent it (unlike in the case of Eri).
The entire final arc is quite predictable and to me, this fight has been super-underwhelming, but then again, Deku and Tomura are my personally least favourite hero-villain pair. I know many people like them and their parallels and it's probably just a personal thing, but I never really vibed with this aspect of the story, and generally the entire OFA-AFO subplot I think is one of the most ham-fisted and sub-par parts of the manga.
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imagitory · 5 months
Do you think Wish would have been better if they kept the concept of romance between Asha and the star boy, and the kind and queen being a villainous couple?
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I admit, I do really like human!Star and Magnifico/Amaya being a villainous couple as concepts -- but I don't think adding those ideas alone would've fixed Wish's shortcomings. Because I strongly believe the main reason so much of the Wish fandom has latched onto the idea of a romance for Asha in particular comes down to people feeling more for their mental AU concepts of Asha and Star than for Asha and the rest of her canon cast in the real finished product. There are no relationships in Wish -- ones featuring Asha or otherwise -- that I feel really prompt much investment or emotion in the audience.
Asha's mom and grandpa really don't have much time devoted to them, especially early on when we could establish some real history and pathos in their relationships with Asha. (Positive examples of this would be Ember and her dad in Elemental, Tiana and James and Eudora in The Princess and the Frog, or Mama Coco and Miguel in Coco.) We never even learn Asha's mom's dream even though it's picked up multiple times and the narrative makes such a big deal about Magnifico crushing it. The few lines discussing Asha's deceased father could've been cut from the story altogether and we would've lost nothing. Asha's friend group gets so little focus as individuals that it's hard to even remember most of their names. They were clearly envisioned as just "the Seven Dwarves but as teens," and honestly, them being vaguely like the Dwarfs is the only real impact they leave on a lot of people by the end. Or did a bunch of kids that went to go see the movie beg their parents for dolls of Simon and Bazeema after the movie was over? Asha and Star's dynamic can't be that interesting because Star doesn't spark any real character growth or change in Asha, nor does Asha really bond emotionally with Star. Star honestly just floats around looking cute for most of the movie, rather than doing that much of consequence. Valentino doesn't provide any significant emotional support for Asha, the way that even other cute Disney "pets" like Pascal or Pua do for isolated characters like Rapunzel and Moana. He also doesn't advance her journey in any meaningful way like Sebastian or Jacques and Gus do for Ariel and Cinderella, respectively. Asha and Magnifico's hero-villain relationship has no teeth because they have no real history prior to the events of the story (unlike Ursula using Ariel as a way to get back at her father Triton or Mother Gothel raising Rapunzel in isolation in an attempt to use her hair's magic to keep her young) and they don't serve as any kind of narrative foil to each other (unlike Jafar, who like Aladdin also uses magic and deception to try to advance his own goals, or Scar, who like Simba at the beginning of the movie "just can't wait to be king" and is focused way more on the perks of kingship rather than the responsibilities). Even Amaya and Asha can't have much of a relationship because there's no time set aside for it, and even if Amaya put in a good word for Asha with Magnifico, she didn't speak out on Asha's behalf after Magnifico vindictively cast her aside and really only decided to fight alongside Asha after Magnifico "went too far" by threatening Amaya herself (as opposed to, say, anyone else).
When my mum and I went to go see Wish, we came out of the theater feeling oddly blase about the whole story. My mum even -- upon me asking her about her thoughts on this topic before I sat down to write this -- admitted that although she "wanted to see evil defeated," and all that, she honestly just hadn't cared about any of the characters that much. She wanted Magnifico to lose because it was justice for Magnifico to lose -- not because she was actively rooting for Asha, her friends, or Rosas overall. She wanted good to triumph and evil to fail, but none of the characters and their relationships had made her that invested in seeing how that came about. And considering that every single character in every story ever written is largely shaped by the relationships they have with other characters, that means that Wish's primary failing is not a lack of romance, either for its main lead or its villains --
It's a lack of love.
Any kind of sincere, selfless, development-inducing, chemistry-fueled love. Not necessarily romantic love -- Disney's Revival work has actually shown just how diverse love can be through films like Zootopia, Encanto, and Frozen -- but real love between the characters, built on the back of history and camaraderie and meaningful screen time. Love that adds layers to their personality, fuels their choices and actions, and ultimately helps them bloom into better, more complete people. Instead I would argue that the only "love" in Wish is with ideas from past Disney projects -- that's why there are more Easter eggs and overt meta references to other projects in this movie than there are scenes that actively stir your emotions. You know -- the way Mulan does when she decides to steal her father's armor, or Marlin does when he gingerly picks up Nemo's cracked egg in his flippers and cradles it, or Cinderella's stepsisters do when they rip apart the dress the mice made for Cinderella, or Pinocchio does when he watches in horror as Lampwick turns into a donkey, or Tarzan does when he comforts Kala after he comes out dressed in his biological father's old clothes and she starts to cry.
The reason a lot of fans love these two ideas -- villain!Magnifico/Amaya and human!Star/Asha -- so much is because these two relationships, even just in concept art, prompted more emotion out of them than any relationship in the entire finished film.
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Perhaps if that same level of emotion was brought out in these relationships in a real movie, that would've helped, but only if the rest of the film had also been trimmed down and edited so as to help tell a story with those two elements. Slim down the overstuffed cast. Have Asha's family actually have a point, or cut them. Give Asha and Magnifico some sort of real history and/or compare-contrast dynamic. Develop Star as a character. Give both Star and Asha character arcs. Make the music more essential to telling the story.
Without a lot of additional changes on top of those two concepts being used, I think the ideas of a hero and villain couple would've only just made the list of ideas that were only half-baked in the final product longer. After all, if Star was Asha's love interest, you'd still really have to have good writing and a lot of chemistry between the two characters in order to sell your audience on a love story between them. Not saying it can't be done -- Tangled and Elemental both did it quite well -- but just throwing the two characters together as is (namely, rather underdeveloped) and making them romantic partners by itself isn't enough. Honestly, I think a platonic or even familial-esque relationship between Star and Asha could've been just as powerful, if that love between them really came through. Just look at the bonds between characters like Judy and Nick from Zootopia or Miguel and Hector in Coco. Even keeping Star as less explicitly human could've been fine, if the relationship between them and Asha was strong enough. Stitch and Lilo's relationship is rock-solid in Lilo and Stitch, and Stitch isn't even remotely human. Even Soul did something kind of interesting with Joe Gardner and his relationship with 22 by giving them something of a mentor-student bond. Maybe a quasi-"young parent/child" relationship between Asha and Star could've even been interesting, if it was written well!
I do think both ideas had great potential in giving Wish more of an identity that could help set it apart from its predecessors -- I mean, we've never had a human character have a romance with a supernatural being or a villainous couple in a Disney animated film before -- but including them wouldn't have fixed Wish by itself.
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lauri-rosehearts · 3 months
Its been a while since I’ve actually sat down to discuss EAH lore or anything EAH related in general. I got a good amount of promps but right now I wanted to focus on one that was submitted to me by @birdbombs714 regarding my thoughts on Alistair and Lizzie’s relationship
Thank you so much for this idea! And happy birthday! (Edit: Where I live it’s already almost 1am so in my time zone, it’s technically the day after as I’m posting this so I’m a bit late. I’m so Sorry. I meant to post this sooner 😭) Thought I’d dedicate this one to you as a little gift if you will! Hope you enjoy :)
Something I find really interesting regarding Alistair and Lizzie in general is the fact that they’re one of very few “future villain and hero” duos that dont seem to have any sort of tense relationship. On the contrary, all the wonderlandians seem to have been good friends from a very young age. But as the characters destined to be the next Alice and the next Queen of Hearts, its very refreshing seeing these two just being friends with no real hard feelings towards each other. Like it honestly makes me wonder what kind of relationship their moms had.
You know I love going into the parents lore when it can provide an expansion on the children’s lore so lets talk about Alice and the Queen of Hearts real quick, both in the context of EAH and in the Alice in wonderland story. In the context of EAH, I don’t think they were ever super close friends like Alistair and Lizzie, but I do think they had a good deal of respect for each other even before committing to their stories. There never seems to be any implication that Lizzie’s mom hated Alistairs mom, which I actually find quite fitting given their characterization in the original story. What’s interesting about their dynamic in the original Alice in wonderland story is the fact that their dynamic isn’t really influenced by something personal like a good amount of fairytale hero and villain duos (for example: Snow White and the Evil Queen). Instead, it’s influenced by the fact that Alice finds herself in a place where all rules and logic work differently, hence why she runs into so many weird and frustrating misunderstandings with the characters. The Queen of Hearts is a temperamental tyrant whose bad side is very easy to get on given the amount of people she executes for petty reasons. Alice just so happens to especially gets on her bad side for the simple reason that Alice doesn’t know how to navigate the logic of the world shes in, and as a result she accidentally does and says things that go against the logic and customs of wonderland and as a result, especially piss off the Queen.
With that said, lets talk about how this translates over to Lizzie and Alistair. I’ve talked about this in the past, but I wholeheartedly subscribe to the theory that the reason Alistair’s last name is “Wonderland” instead of “Liddel” like Alice in the original story, is because during the Evil Queen’s takeover, Alice probably either disappeared or died (this is also potentially supported by the fact that we see all of the wonderlandians’ parents at some point with the exception of Alice), and so, Alistair was sort of co-parented and raised by all the other wonderlandians parents in Wonderland. And so, they renamed him from “Alistair Liddel” to “Alistair Wonderland” as a sort of tribute to both his mother and the world. We know Alistair canonically grew up in Wonderland unlike his mother, so he’s used to the logic and customs of the place despite the narrative of his story’s legacy saying otherwise. He quite literally grew up around Lizzie and the others and I actually attribute this to Lizzies relationship to her destiny. We know from her bio information that while she wants to follow her destiny, Lizzie wants to be a less villainous, kinder Queen of Hearts than her mom, and even then it’s implied her mom wasn’t actually that bad and became a lot more temperamental as a result of the wonderland curse (hence why I also think in the context of EAH, Alice and the Queen of Hearts didn’t dislike each other that much. ). Because Alistair and her were raised right alongside the other wonderlandians, Lizzie has no reason to dislike Alistair the way the Queen of Hearts does to Alice in the original story. On the contrary, she considers him one of her closest friends. Obviously, she probably has other reasons, but her friendship with Alistair is probably one reason she wants to be more lenient in her future reign.
That analysis aside, I definitely think they’re just friends, nothing romantic. I know some people ship them but I personally prefer Lizzie with Maddie and Kitty over anything. Also this is a 100% on the writers but when compared to Lizzie, Kitty, and Maddie, Alistair and especially Bunny’s characterization suffers pretty greatly, I feel. Mainly because most of their individual screentime is dedicated to their romantic feelings for each other, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but the way their relationship is portrayed frustrates me so much so I don’t really pay much attention to it. As a result though, it makes shipping Alistair with anyone else in his friend group also really hard, because when compared to someone like Lizzie who has a lot of development, he doesn’t feel as fleshed out, yknow. This isn’t Alistair slander, its just my personal view. When thinking of the 5 wonderlandians as a group, I think of them as a sort of found family more than anything. And as far as romantic shipping goes, I mainly focus on Lizzie, Kitty, and Maddie as a sort of poly relationship. But anything is valid as long as its not illegal, obviously.
I apologize if this feels really unorganized and convoluted but I had a lot of thoughts and I was trying my best to fit them in this post in a way that felt correlated 😭. But anyway, I don’t talk about Lizzie that often even though shes my favorite wonderland and overall right up there in my top 5 favorite characters in Ever After High so this enabled me to talk about her a pretty good bunch ❤️
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
Let's Talk About Shinsou
*Note: Lmao, do I tag this as Anti Shinsou or Pro Shinsou??*
Despite being a pretty popular character overall, Shinsou seems to be under a lot of scrutiny with my fellow Bakugou antis. And I understand why. Our first introduction to him isn't a pleasant one; he's first shown taunting Class 1A about being attacked by villains (a generally traumatic experience) out of jealousy. It's also been noted that Aizawa spends more time training him than his actual class (though, this is more of an issue with Aizawa than Shinsou). Personality wise, he (subjectively) isn't pleasant or very entertaining either.
I'm impartial to him myself as I don't love him or hate him. He's just... there really (a fate many characters suffer). But you know what I think of when I think about Shinsou's character? Wasted potential.
My Hero Academia is constantly tossing the term rival around the show. There's the rivalry between Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki which is why they became the main trio (don't @ me for this I'm speaking technicalities here). There's also the infamous (one-sided) rivalry between All Might and Endeavor, a driving force behind not only Endeavor's actions against his family but a large part of the overall plot of the show.
When I first watched the Sports Festival and Izuku's match with Shinsou, I was positive they were setting them up to be rivals.
No, I don't mean the "rivalry" Izuku has with Bakugou (Bakugou stans don't @ me). I don't mean the friendly rivalries he has with Todoroki or Iida either.
I mean a straight-up rivalry. Where they don't become friends. Where they don't get along with or like one another (maybe a grudging respect at the most). I was sure Shinsou was going to be someone to constantly challenge Izuku; not only on a physical level, but ideologically too.
The Sports Festival partially set this up by calling attention to the similarities between Izuku's past and Shinsou's. While Izuku was discriminated against for his lack of quirk, Shinsou was treated differently and outcast because he had a "villainous" quirk. But they take on two different attitudes. Shinsou is bitter and full of contempt while Izuku was optimistic and determined to help a world full of people who shunned him. The show was deliberately setting up parallels between them.
But this dynamic is almost non-existent. Whatever interaction they do get is towards the end of the manga (Shinsou was introduced in the Sports Festival, an extremely early part of the series and in the show he's non-existent until season 5). And there's none of the previous complexity there was before.
Even if Shinsou was unlikable overall, it might have been worth it for him to be Izuku's real rival. His opposite not only in personality and attitude, but also heroics. Izuku can rely on his strength and the powers OF A give him, Shinsou would have to rely on his skills and brain. Their quirks are somewhat opposite to one another (at least in how they use them). Seeing them have to work together even though they'd usually approach things differently would have been way better than what we usually get.
I think that dynamic would have been a lot more interesting to watch than the trio or whatever you can Izuku and Bakugou (I will not refer to them as the Wonder Duo because wtf is that).
What do my fellow antis think? Would Shinsou have been a good rival if written well enough? Is there anyone else you would have preferred? Personally, I'd take anything over Izuku and Bakugou.
*Note: While we're on this topic, I think Monoma could have been Bakugou's rival. Someone who's calm and collected to contrast Bakugou's temper and whose quirk can easily rival his. I would have preferred that over subjecting Izuku to abuse under the guise of rivalry. I really wish Horikoshi would have kept them separate and allowed them to grow as heroes on their own without their toxic, codependent relationship. Maybe I would have tolerated Bakugou more. Monoma also isn't bothered by Bakugou so he wouldn't have had to go through the same thing Izuku did*
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paper-gold-theories · 9 months
Hey! How do you think Goldheart's relationship to Dr Slug would be? Like, Dr Slug will be "dominant"? And Goldheart a shy boy? I've always thought about this dynamic of original Goldheart and Dr Slug from Heroic AU, but I've never seen anyone talk about it.
Hi anon,
(For me personally, I prefer to call the HeroicAU Flug Dr.Slys rather than Dr.Slug as it sounds like he is an insectologist. Also because Alan mentioned that Flug asks people to call him Dr. Flug because people can't pronounce Flugslys, so the HeroicAU my headcanon is that Flug's name is still Flugslys, but similarly people can't pronounce that so he goes by the name Dr. Slys, basically the word sly with an s, because it sounds more menacing to strike fear in the hearts of criminals.
For GoldHeart, I called him DarkHeart because in Villainous, there is a popular saying in P.E.A.C.E which is "Gold be in your heart", so in the HeroicAU, there is a popular saying amongst D.O.O.M., the HeroicAU version of P.E.A.C.E., which is "Darkness be in your heart")
In Villainous I always see GoldHeart and Flug's dynamic as a Popular Jock Superman vs Nerdy Lex Luther.
In the HeroicAU, my headcanon of DarkHeart and Dr. Slys dynamic is like a Joker with superpowers and a Batman that kills.
(I kinda imagine DarkHeart to do the Mark Hamill Joker laugh)
In the HeroicAU, Dr.Slys is a hero that strikes fear into the hearts of Villains criminals just from intimidating aura, the only exception is DarkHeart who is not affected by him and enjoys his company.
DarkHeart is the strongest, most feared, dangerous, and the most insane supervillain with his own supervillain league called "The Dark Side". His goal is to end all good forever and Dr.Slys is the one to stop him.
Dr. Slys is a planner who thinks two steps ahead of people, but finds it hard to predict DarkHeart's insanity makes him unpredictable and comes up with plans that are equally insane and unpredictable. (Like hitting someone with a bag of rocks out of nowhere and dancing the macarena to distract people)
Dr. Slys is someone who similar to Flug is a planner, but unlike Flug he is more destructive and chaotic, like he enjoys crashing his plane into things causes a lot of property damage when saving people. Hence, because of this he is not popular amongst the public despite his success of being a hero. (I kinda imagine like this scene from Lego Batman)
But he does have loyal fans and supporters who appreciate him.
DarkHeart would often try to convince him that its more fun to be the Villain rather than a hero and no one would care how much property damage is caused and will in fact encourage it, and genuinely believes that Slys is more suited to be on the Villain because of his sadistic and violent nature. But Dr. Slys always rejects DarkHeart saying that he won't "go over to the dark side".
After Dr. Slys joins WhiteHat Organization, WhiteHat would try to help Dr. Slys improve as a hero and wants Dr.Slys to be less sadistic and violent while Dr. Slys would just see it as a job.
He also finds WhiteHat's methods for justice to be soft and also questionable because it can't be explained by science, but somehow manages to work and also because of these methods WhiteHat is able to become the no.1 and best hero.
This is why, despite there disagreement Dr.Slys has a lot of respect for WhiteHat and willing to agree and compromise to some rules such as not to kill Villains unless necessary.
Eventually Dr.Slys slowly and gradually improve as a hero, becoming a more empathetic and less-destructive after he joined the company and befriending Clemencia, 6.6.6., and WhiteHat and eventually come to like WhiteHat because he is genuinely a nice guy. But he is somewhat violent and secretly does things like build torture devices and death rays.
DarkHeart doesn't like that, thinking that after joining WhiteHat Organization and "family life" with Dr. Slys soft. And DarkHeart would often stir the pot with with Dr. Slys disagreements with WhiteHat and try to convince Dr. Slys to join him so that they can take down WhiteHat but Dr.Slys would refuse.
(I imagine DarkHeart convincing Dr.Slys to join him, its like "Say My Name" from Beetlejuice and if DarkHeart succeeds and he and Dr.Slys hangs out its like "That Beautiful Sound", also from Beetlejuice)
DarkHeart as mentioned absolutely batshit crazy and would randomly pop up at radom places at random times just to fight Dr. Slys. His intention was to sneak up on Dr. Slys, scare the shit out of him, or just fuck with him for his own amusement.
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Like coming out of trash cans and man-hole covers. Or just dressing up as random people on the street. (I kinda imagine for them to have a Majima and Kiryu dynamic for this case)
Shipping Stuff
DarkHeart is the only Villain in existence that can scare Dr. Slys.
Dr.Slys can handle DarkHeart's crazy antics and persistence for him to join the dark side.
But freaks Dr.Slys the fuck out DarkHeart actually enjoying being tortured by him.
Dr.Slys tortures Villains to get information or to scare them off for doing crime, ect. but no matter what he does to DarkHeart, he just seems to want more and absolutely loves it.
Which no Villain has never reacted this way and this just scares him and makes him want to run for the hills, (which is ironic for a Villain that strikes fear into other criminals)
Something like this scene:
DarkHeart, after being dipped in acid: Whoa that was great, can we go at it again? :D
DarkHeart: You seem tense Slys. Looks like someone needs a hug. ~ 🖤
Dr.Slys: GAH!! Get away from me you're covered in acid!!
Dr.Slys: If you don't tell me what I want, I'm going to sew your your mouth to a butt like they do in human centipede.
DarkHeart: Only if it's your butt I'm being sewed to. ;D
DarkHeart: So are you, that's why we are meant to be together. ;) 🖤
Dr.Slys, runs away: GAH!!
DarkHeart, going after Slys: Where are you going Slys? I thought you wanted something from me.🖤 ~
(How they feel about each other)
Despite DarkHeart's craziness and his ability to be ultra sadistic and machoistic at the same time, and their different opinions on good and evil, Dr.Slys, does enjoy DarkHeart's company because he is someone who can truly relate to him and slowly his antics does grow on him and at times wishes they weren't on the other side.
While Slys thinks DarkHeart is just horny for being tortured by him.
Meanwhile, DarkHeart loves Dr.Slys because is someone who could truly relate to him, challenge, exits him and believes they can (literally) rule the world together and are ment to be together. And also because he is horny for being tortured by Slys.
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lieutenant-teach · 5 months
Questions to Star Wars Sequels
Rewatched the Sequel Trilogy with actual knowledge about Star Wars.
1. Why copy the planet or Rey’s origin? Why not jungles or literally anything else? I said more in another post [link].
2. Why make stormtroopers brainwashed and taken from childhood? Now it’s unfair to kill them if they didn’t have any other choice. There were words like ‘reprogramming’ – reminds of clones. I’ve always thought that stormtroopers are soldiers who believe in the cause of the Empire\First Order.
3. Give more competence for Finn! Poe pilot, Finn fighter/shooter, Rey inventive brain and hand-to-stick fighter / later Jedi. Overall give decent character arcs for main heroes – Finn loses his arc from TFA in the next movies, Poe doesn’t seem to have one, Rey’s motives to become a Jedi are unclear. Main trio doesn’t feel connected – Poe doesn’t meet Rey until the end of the second movie, unlike in the OT (what they did to the OT characters, was covered million times by others, won’t repeat). Kylo could’ve been somewhat good as a villain, but he’ll always be compared to Darth Vader and lose – he’s not so impressive at all (his fits of anger made him look pitiful in my eyes). Their romance is toxic and doesn’t have any chemistry. I ship Finnrey, I see they really care about each other.
4. Characters speak with typical action blockbuster clichés – app.15% of actually meaningful to the plot phrases throughout the whole trilogy. Makes me miss the dialogues of the Prequels. The plots in general are so dragged out – the Lego game (!) is much more dynamic.
5. Why don’t you kriffing EXPLAIN all this shit about strand-casts in the movie??? Why must I read supplementary material to understand this? When I was watching, I couldn’t understand why Snoke is so deformed for a clone, and Palpatine’s cloned ‘son’ doesn’t look like young Palps in the slightest. AND THEN I READ WOOKIEPEDIA. I want to watch a movie and understand what’s going on in it! Not go looking for info somewhere else! (Won’t comment on an utter idiocy of making Rey a Palpatine.)
6. Usage of the Force through a hologram?
7. Sudden psychometry, just like with Ahsoka – useful to the plot. Sudden healing – why did Anakin worry so much? Apparently, if you really want it, you can do it.
8. Why do we need D-O droid? He brings nothing to the plot and quite irritating!
9. Why are there lots of Sith acolytes/apprentices/disciples? Wasn’t there the Rule of Two?
I give it – ‘I’m all the Jedi’ was cool, I liked it. It’s just the build-up to this moment was unearned.
John Williams’ score was the best part of the whole trilogy.
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thebeesareback · 7 months
Fuck it, let's talk about Littlefinger
(the ASOIAF character, not just fingers in general. Also, I've said "Brandon Stark" for Ned's brother, and "Bran Stark" for Ned's son)
Trigger warning: rape and forced abortion
So one of the things I've said before is that I love ASOIAF for many reasons, including the complexities and backstories of all the characters. I suppose that's why there's a bazillion characters and the books are so long.
Anyway, one interesting example of narrative framing is the perspective we get on Littlefinger. He's (arguably) the main antagonist in the first book and is responsible for everything from Jon Arryn and Ned's death to the Tyrell marriage to Joffrey's assassination. We see him as a scheming villain, determined to harm our saintly Starks.
Littlefinger was born as a second-generation immigrant and heir to a minor lordship. Thanks to his parents' relationship with fuckhead Hoster Tully, he got to foster at Riverrun, where he befriended Cat, Lysa and Edmure. The books are interested in the "outsider" perspective on power status, hence Jon Snow's POV, and arguably Theon and Arya, too. They live in the home, they're part of the family... kinda. Sansa always thinks of Jon as her "bastard half-brother", Theon knows that Ned might have to kill him, and Arya doesn't fit neatly into her assigned gender role. They see Rob and Sansa and want that, kind of, but know they'll never get it.
Therefore, in his youth, Littlefinger knew that he was smart, knew that he wanted power, yet was keenly aware that it was almost impossible for him to socially climb. He does -- we'll get to that in a bit -- but as a child, he knows it's unlikely. Think of Rob and Jon playing in Winterfell and Jon yelling "I'm the Lord of Winterfell" and Rob just returning "no, my mother says you won't be". It's a horrible situation to be in. We don't get Littlefinger's POV, but if we did, I think there's a good chance he would remember a similar scenario.
Then there's Littlefinger's relationship to Catlyn and Lysa. Little boys often have crushes on little girls, and it's usually pretty sweet and can sometimes become a nice romance or just fade away. We hear that Catlyn is intelligent and beautiful as an adult, so it's easy to see the appeal, and Catlyn also has status through her Tully blood and an understanding of Machiavellian power plays because her father raised her as his heir until Edmure was born. One could easily see Littlefinger's desire for Catlyn being a desire for power and status, as well as her own merits.
Lysa had a crush on Littlefinger, creating the incesty love triangle that GRRM loves so much. I can't imagine playing kissing games with a foster brother and a sister, tbh. Littlefinger himself seems to only see Lysa as a pawn, and uses her feelings to get her to do what she wants. The narrative suggests that, for a time, there's Catlyn, mourning her mother; Lysa, mourning her mother and interested in a boy who doesn't really care about her; Edmure, just being a baby; and Littlefinger, caught up in rules and restrictions: allowed to be close to what he wants, but never truly part of the team.
Events start to occur. Fuckhead Hoster Tully decides to set up marriage alliances for Catlyn and Lysa. Lysa meets Jamie Lannister, who barely pays her any attention (he's distracted by the presence of his hero, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully). Catlyn meets Brandon Stark, who has power, status, a noble house, physical prowess -- everything Littlefinger wants. On the night the Stark-Tully engagement is arranged, Littlefinger gets drunk. He can't cope with the years of complicated class dynamics, he's heartbroken, and he's what, 14? He's immature and acts like it. Then Lysa rapes him.
I'm not a psychologist so I can't comment on the impact of sexual violence, especially when gender and power play into the situation in this way. However, Lysa did an unforgivable thing, and there was nobody Littlefinger could turn to. That's horrifying. I also think that more should be made about Littlefinger's comments about shutting your eyes and getting it over with in relation to being in bed with "an ugly woman".
Soon after, he challenges Brandon Stark to a duel for Catlyn's hand. Catlyn "betrays" him (in Littlefinger's mind) by giving Brandon her favour, Edmure "betrays" him by "squiring" for Brandon, and then Brandon nearly kills him. So we have a teenager who is 1) in huge amounts of physical pain, 2) without friends or allies, 3) was recently raped and 4) considered unimportant and insignificant. Then, Lysa rapes him again. The fact that this poor child didn't have a full mental breakdown is genuinely suprising.
We don't know if Littlefinger knew about Lysa's pregnancy at the time. What Hoster did to her was also unforgivable -- violence begets violence, and Lysa and Hoster's relationship is full of toxicity and harm. Hoster is also just generally monstrous. If Littlefinger did know, that's another layer of complexity where his foster father aborts Littlefinger's baby, a physical reminder of the sexual violence Littlefinger endured.
A few years later Lysa convinces her then-husband, Jon Arryn, to bring Littlefinger to King's Landing. He is traumatised, he is resentful, and he is cunning. He works hard to enter the places he was once barred from, like the court, the Red Keep and the small council. Now he can take his revenge on everyone who hurt him.
GRRM often talks about the futility of revenge. House Martell is the most obvious example of this, and the speech Elaria gives is beautiful and poignient. Littlefinger doesn't get revenge on Hoster or Brandon Stark. He does kill Lysa, but that's more to shut her up. In a story with a different perspective -- and a few characters kept alive -- we could see Littlefinger as a Kill Bill style avenger, ruining the lives and families of all of those who harmed him. It could be easy to root for him, not against him as the narrative sets up.
Revenge isn't simple, and that's why Littlefinger doesn't succed and isn't an inspirational character. He never confronts anyone on what happened to him -- he's too psychologically damaged -- so instead he kills Ned and Jon Arryn, two people who had nothing to do with his traumatic experiences at Riverrun, and then he hyperfixates on poor Sansa, who looks like Catlyn in his memory. He's immature and stunted in his mid-teens. I wonder if Littlefinger and Sansa lived for another 10/20 years he'd find himself losing interest because she moved on and he can't.
Littlefinger will likely die because of Sansa, and nobody will miss him. He's not a good person. He's groomed and lied and manipulated her, and the horrors he inflicted on Jeyne Poole, supposedly her best friend, are even worse. I don't see his future death as triumphant, though, in an unbiased overview kind of way. The Starks will celebrate, because he killed their dad. No one else will really care. The Lords Declarant have got rid of an annoyance, and he wasn't really working with King Tommen or the Small Council any more.
I think there is some sadness, though, for the child who wanted to be included, wanted to be loved, and who was instead hated, abused, ignored and scarred. RIP Littlefinger, a victim of the patriachy and the class structure.
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Helloo I'm here to suggest another snippet :) basically hero (or villain, both dynamics would work I think) is very flirty and they keep teasing villain (or hero). The other is the "secluded lonely no-emotions" type, so they pretend to be unaffected, but then they fucking snap and shove hero (or villain) against a wall
The villain was prettier than the hero had expected. A sharp jawline, dark hair, piercing eyes — the hero was surprised the villain wasn’t in a relationship.
And then they remembered that they were murdering people on a daily basis. Maybe that was the reason for the absence of lovers.
The hero didn’t know why but somehow the blood on their cheeks made the villain even hotter. They knew they weren’t supposed to think of them that way. But they also couldn’t push their feelings down. Unlike the villain.
“Any last words?” the villain asked eventually, reloading their forty-five. They were panting, god, the villain was panting. The hero was about to die and this was all they could think about. The villain cocked their head. “Hm?”
“You’re hot.” The villain hesitated, their eyes narrowed.
“I didn’t expect you to be this hot when I punched that mask off your face. You’re fucking hot,” the hero had to confess.
The villain didn’t move. They didn’t shoot. They just stared.
“Is this your pathetic attempt at saving yourself?”
“No. If this is the last thing I’ll ever say, then I’ll have to tell you this. You’re just hot. Like, I’m being genuine. And you’re single?!” The villain had mentioned something like that months ago. I don’t do relationships, they’d said. So stop looking at me like that.
“Yes, I am,” they hissed. “Haven’t found the right one.”
“That’s not what you said four months ago,” the hero said. They felt how their body was drenched in affection. They didn’t know what came over them but they had the sudden desire to make the villain beg and whimper in all the fantastic ways. They’d been feeling little doses of this for the past months. But this was really punching them. “I think we fit.”
The villain lowered the gun, looking at the hero with the most painful indifference anyone in history could ever come up with.
“You’d be humouring me if you weren’t that annoying,” the villain admitted. “What a shame you have to die, though.”
“Die between your thighs, yeah. I would love that,” the hero mumbled. The fight had exhausted them. Being under constant pressure to help everyone in the city was slowly getting to them. The villain though, was free. They could do whatever they wanted.
Sometimes the hero envied them because of that.
“I should just put a bullet in your brain,” the villain said. They still showed no emotion.
“How about you put something else into me?” the hero asked, smiling. They were sure this was gonna get them killed. But hell, it was so much fun. They just wanted one reaction and they had the sweet suspicion they were getting somewhere.
Plus, they could finally tell their crush how they really felt.
“How about you shut the fuck up?” The villain pointed the gun back at the hero. They were definitely pissed.
“No, you’d love my moans.”
The hero saw in the split of a second how the villain’s eyes changed to something vicious. They were angry. They were dangerous. Maybe that was why they suddenly pushed the hero against the wall, their hand around the hero’s throat.
“Listen here, you little shit,” the villain whispered, dangerously quiet. “Don’t flirt with me. Don’t tempt me. You’re easy on the eyes.”
“What…?” The hero had a lump in their throat.
“You’ve been bold for the last few months. No one has ever been that persistent. You’re annoying me, sure. But I actually like you.” The hero’s eyes widened as their enemy continued. “But let’s be honest. You don’t have the guts to keep up with all the flirting. You’d fold underneath me. You’d beg. You’d moan. I would want you like that if we could go back to being enemies and forget about it after one night. So, don’t tempt me.”
The hero waited for a beat.
“Why’d you suggest that?” The villain’s eyes dropped to the villain’s lips.
“I’m tired of pretending I don’t feel anything. It helps when you want to keep secrets. But you already know my biggest secret. I need to think about something else for once.”
“So, today’s not my death day?” the hero asked, laughing humourlessly.
“Depends on how good you’re in bed.”
The hero hadn’t to be much concerned, then.
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akiyamastar · 1 year
Hi guys. Random Chiaki rambling after so long that also has to do with tokusatsu. Because I'm extremely normal.
In all honesty, Chiaki is literally like every typical red ranger in tokusatsu ever. (Or at least nearly every red ranger in sentai at least, since I don't watch enough kamen rider, although I'm sure there's just a general overlap regardless.) I was thinking about this again when I saw this translation:
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For those who might not know a lot about sentai, the red ranger is not only usually the main hero of the story, but generally has similar traits of overflowing optimism, a general aptitude towards helping others even at the cost of themself, and sometimes a really boisterous laugh. Which probably sounds a lot like Chiaki to you even if you don't know much else about toku.
I think it's neat that Chiaki's character writing is quite literally based around the typical red ranger's personality, and how in Meteor Impact, he's able to "transform" (although in a metaphorical sense rather than a literal one) into a beacon of light to keep the future of Ryuseitai afloat. He transforms into a hero in his own way for Kanata's sake, just like the red ranger transforming in a literal way to defend people who need assistance.
If you're a RyuseitaiP, I honestly do recommend getting into tokusatsu. <- insane person
Yes, they are generally kids' hero shows. But they're often really fun to watch and I think it also makes you understand how Enstars' writing not only purposefully made Ryuseitai's unit setup like a toku with the 5 different colors, but even their unit stories often overlap with tokusatsu references. While I wasn't the biggest fan of the Universe event story, that entire plot setup was toku-esque on its own, with an actual "villain" side set up with CrimPro (a very cheesy name) being established.
Tetora is also very representative of a typical black ranger in tokusatsu: the black ranger is "devoid" of color, you could say. In toku, they're often elusive or maybe even mysterious and morally gray character that might feel like somewhat of an outcast from the rest of the team.
I think Chiaki, Ryusei Red, being the leader of Ryuseitai, and Tetora, Ryusei Black, being the one who was supposed to inherit that title, sets up a really interesting dynamic not only for their characters but also accurately references their differences in the archetypes they were based around.
Tetora, the one "devoid" of light, is the one that ends up leading the group back to harmony again during Ryuseitai's worst points, even though he tried to act like the villain, quite unlike Chiaki, who does have some issues with trying to be heroic at all costs, without always realizing when his juniors don't agree with that.
I think Kanata representing the blue ranger also makes a lot of sense contextually solely because red-blue dynamics in tokusatsu are usually absolutely insane. They set up parallels between them often, even if they differ in mindset. I think it makes me appreciate the colors they gave to everyone in Ryuseitai even more.
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Would you be willing to do the most recent headcanon list you reblogged for each of the colors?
I already did Red but I'll do the other four here
Sexuality Headcanon:
Green - Bisexual & Polyamorous (this will be a trend)
Blue - Pansexual & Polyamorous
Vio - Bisexual & Demi-romantic/Polyamorous
Shadow - Pansexual & Polyamorous
Gender Headcanon:
Green - Cis male
Blue - Cis male
Vio - Genderfluid, sometimes trans (again, modern AUs)
Shadow - Genderfluid/nonbinary what is a gender he doesn't care to know
A ship I have with said character:
Green/Vaati i LOVE hero/villain dynamics, they are golden retriever/grumpy drama king to me, their relationship is "me + the bad bitch i pulled by being effortlessly kind/charming/funny/humble/gay" instagram captions.
Blue/Everyone. The secret to Blue is that he actually cares SO MUCH, but if anyone calls him out on it he will die on the spot. This is tragic and inevitable (he is bad at hiding it)
Vidow is my ultimate OTP, they are so fascinating to me i want to put them in a blender set it to high and then watch it go nuts. They are toxic and co dependent and would kill for each other and also kill each other too. 100/10 ship I'm a Vidow apologist and i will die on this hill
Is it cheating to say i ship all of them together? They can be one big polycule as a treat
A BROTP I have with said character:
Green and Shadow. Unstoppable force (Shadow) meets immovable object (Green). They have oldest sibling/youngest sibling energy
Blue and Green is also good, they have a bromance unlike anything the world has ever seen. They are always pushing each other to be better and also doing the dumbest stunts for the vine
Vio and Vaati would be infodump pals. They started talking about magic theory at 10 in the morning over breakfast and are still talking about it at 1 am the next day
A NOTP I have with said character:
Literally the only character i can think of is Tingle.
A random headcanon:
Green - my most consistent hc across all AUs/canon is that he has head to toe freckles.
Blue - given a modern AU, Blue joins theater as a way to deal with his anger issues. Not only does it work, but he ends up with a passion for the performing arts as a result
Vio - he has crippling anxiety and is a chronic over thinker. He needs Xanax and a nap.
Shadow - given a modern AU, Shadow is the lead guitar/singer/screamer in a rock band (Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, AS IT IS aesthetic/sound), and he can also play almost any instrument that he picks up. He has a huge collection of instruments.
General Opinion over said character:
Green - the funniest thing I've ever seen is people saying that Green wouldn't cheat in a fight RE: my "who would win in a fight" polls and like you're all valid and all OBJECTIVELY wrong, he cheats in the fight against Vio at Death Mountain. He may have morals but he is not lawful good
Blue - I miss him. Where are the blue centric fanfics. Come back from the war please. Someone put this idiot in situations
Vio - perfect amzing beautiful showstopping spectacular always original awful awful man his veins are filled with anxiety instead of blood and i want him dissected by the fandom immediately
Shadow - scrunkly. Shaped. I want to hug him and never let go
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I really don't like when people say that Percy is a "true hero", because he's not.He dosen't have your typical hero dynamic
He's a gray character.
Gray characters are the ones that can't be categorized as neither good nor bad nor evil.
And Percy fits that category.
While many people will say that Percy is a hero(aka. a "good character"), that is simply not true.Heros do things for the greater good, while also willingly sacrificing everything, like, let's say a loved one.Percy would never do that.He would never sacrifice a loved one that he holds dear.And if a loved one is hurt he would act reckless,tear down everything and everyone that hurt that person, kinda like how a villain would react if someone dear to them is hurt.
But Percy isn't a villain either.Yes, he's shown multiple times that he had a dark side to him (when he gulit-tripped Nico into helping him in PJO and his whole journey through Tartarus),but, unlike a villain, he would never hurt anybody just because he could, he would never hurt people just because he wants to, when he hurts others it's always because the person (ex: A monster) hurt somebody he holds dear.
The reason Percy is seen like "The hero" by the fandom and other characters in Rick's books, it's because he's the main character, he's the one, the "chosen one" to say, and we're usually told that these types of characters are the good guys all the time, wich isn't true in all cases.Yes, Percy may be the hero in some povs but sometimes he fucks people up (Ex: Nico).
I'm definitely not the first person to tackel this subject, and i'm also maybe missing some key points, but I had this idea one day and had to post it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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