#dnd plot ideas
awindinthelantern · 8 months
D&D Location idea: The Silent Library
A grand, historic library has been the hallowed halls of research and study for centuries. In honor of this, the library has been enchanted with a variant of the Silence spell, So that no one can be heard by anyone more than five feet apart from them, no matter how loudly they mutter or think out loud. This enchantment ensures that the library remains a quiet place of study, without auditory disturbances of any kind.
Twist: Someone is found dead in the library, murdered by knife, or spell, or some other deadly attack. No one saw the attacker, and because of the enchantment no one heard the attack either. The murder must thus be investigated with almost no leads beyond the list of patrons who had signed in throughout the day from opening until the time the body was discovered.
Note: To prevent the Speak With Dead spell from making solving the murder too easy, have the victim stabbed or otherwise killed from the backside, so that they don't know who killed them for certain, even if they might have their suspicions.
Variant: Perhaps instead the enchantment is on a private library or study in the home of a wealthy wizard, archeologist, or other scholar, placed on the library so that no one outside the room can hear them when they think out loud (trade secrets must be kept secret). The home's owner fails to show up for a dinner party they are hosting, and the door to his silent library/study is broken down to reveal him murdered at his desk. The murderer must then be weaseled out from those who were in the house at the time for the party.
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teecupangel · 3 months
Yes public answering is allowed.
Take your time, I know I am not the only one with asks.
Desmond Miles, Malik Al-Sayf, Kadar Al-Sayf, Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, Leonardo Da Vinci and Ezio Auditore all playing Dungeons and Dragons pre canon (pre AC.) Desmond has no idea who his friends are cause he didn't pay attention to history lessons and drowned out his father after awhile of his bloodline importance speeches. Kadar is the Dungeon Master/Storyteller. Malik and Altaïr play Paladin and Cleric respectively. Ezio pretty much plays himself, charming flirt. Leonardo, plays powerful characters since he feels powerless often. His friends enjoy Desmond's company that when he goes missing they step up to find him. And Desmond's mind is blown after viewing Altaïr's memories that he figures out who the other two are.
Once again take your time.
What if Altaïr is in a forced sabbatical?
Maybe it’s similar to what happened in 1191 where Altaïr’s actions led to the death of someone. Maybe it’s because he deliberately got between their team and the Brotherhood under William Miles.
If you want to keep Clay alive, maybe he saved Clay and that led the Templars and the Assassins into almost recognizing him so they’re all lying low.
Altaïr being not allowed to leave the house is his punishment XD
Malik is an inch away from actually strangling the man with the lan cable for his computer because a bored Altaïr is an annoying one and Kadar took a part time job because he’s that bored.
Kadar met Desmond because his part time job is a delivery man for a specific brand of alcohol that Bad Weather keeps on stock.
Kadar recognized him immediately as William miles’ runaway son and befriended him because he’s curious.
Their friendship leads to Desmond admitting he’s curious about DnD but doesn’t have friends to play with. Kadar invites him because he has online friends that he actually plays DnD with (one of those friends being Rebecca and, if you want a watch_dog reference, Wrench) so he gets the others to play DnD as well because they’re all varying degrees of noobs.
Also, this way, Altaïr would actually have something to do XD
Before Desmond gets there, Kadar makes them promise not to talk about anything Assassin related because Desmond is the first actual offline friend Kadar has made that wasn’t part of the whole ‘we sorta got reincarnated/transmigrated into the future but we’re not gonna talk about that I guess’ thing.
(I’m using http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/ for character info and I am absolutely not sure if they’re already available by 4e XD)
Unorganized Notes:
Kadar uses 4e rules but is fast and loose with them (because I wish to give them 5e but 5e was relased in 2014 TTATT). Leonardo makes the minis but Kadar makes the maps (he does check online for references). It’s his own campaign but his online DnD group helps him (he actually plays a Rogue online named ‘Altair’ without the ‘ï’ because he’s still a fanboy)
Everyone agreed Rogue is off-limits because they might all choose Rogue and also to not tip Desmond off so no one is a Rogue. Desmond screws this up by actually picking Rogue. Desmond actually goes for Assassin Rogue because he loves irony XD His backstory is that he left a cult of assassins as a child and is trying the adventurer life. Everyone just feels a bit awkward when he told them that backstory but Desmond just breezed through that so it was just for a moment XD
Malik is an Oath of Vengeance Paladin who share the same deity as Altaïr. In-game, this is because Altaïr is a Cleric on a mission to appease their god and Malik is there to keep him in check. Out of game, Malik wants to be the one to finally annoy Altaïr this time around and this backstory gives him an excuse to do it.
Altaïr is an Arcana Domain Cleric who is on a mission of redemption as ordered by his deity. The reason why he’s in a road of redemption is unclear and it’s clear that Altaïr has no respect for his deity. In-game, everyone who worship the same deity call him their god’s ‘Chosen’ and he hates it (Kadar absolutely loves to ham out the worshipping of the 'Chosen' XD). Out of everyone, he’s the player who is absolutely min-maxing his character.
Let’s be honest, we’re all expecting Ezio to be the Bard and he is. He even plays the guitar because, according to him, it’s better than a minstrel's lute, whatever that means. Absolutely a School of Swords Bard that has the highest Charisma stat among all of them. He’s the designated leader and the one who pulled everyone together into this weird group of adventurers. He may or may not be a noble who ran away from home.
Leonardo is an Artificer. While Artificers are already available as a class in 4e, their specialties were officially created for 5e but fuck it, let’s say it’s a modified Artificer class because Leonardo should be an Artillerist Artificer. If you don’t want the Artificer class because of how questionable it is possible for 4e, my alternate suggestion is Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer for pure magic destruction or Great Old One Warlock (unli Eldritch Blast). He plays Ezio’s character’s long suffering childhood best friend who joined the group because Ezio ‘begged’.
The campaign may or may not be a chosen one absolutely not wanting to do his mission as said chosen one and being dragged along by his god approved babysitter and a misfit company (the twist is Altaïr's mission is to actually find their god's child that is supposed to save the world... it's Desmond. Desmond's the god's child. The cult he's from is worshipping the same god as Altaïr but Desmond, Altaïr and Malik don't know it. Kadar thinks he's made such a good plot twist XD)
(I left their races ambiguous for you to play with. I personally would suggest making Altaïr a kenku for the lols XD)
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moonsnqil · 1 month
aftg au where andrew is a bartender at an arcade bar and neil is a regular who's there to play pac-man every wednesday
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I'm a transfer student.
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dungeonmalcontent · 6 months
Your players need the stinger of a wyvern and must hunt one down, because it needs to be harvested fresh.
You as the GM have some options of how to proceed.
1) normal fantasy hunting trip. Various hazards and checks, probably a helpful NPC, confrontation with wyvern (maybe in the wild and then maybe a follow up encounter in its near/lair). Kill the wyvern, harvest the stinger. End of adventure.
2) seemingly normal fantasy hunting trip. Same steps up until you encounter the wyvern in the wild. The party encounters the wyvern as it bursts from the tree canopy. And it falls dead at their feet. Emerging from its back is a heavy spear with massive chain links that go taut as the wyvern corpse is dragged away by the giant that hunted it down for sport. Your players are, incidentally, in what is essentially a massive hunting preserve for a large society of giants. It is the middle of the hunting season for these giants and there are several young giants that need to kill a dangerous beast to prove themselves as adults. Adventurers are considered worthy prey.
3) your party attempts to hunt down a wyvern, but it turns out the nearest wyvern has a restraining order against them. It is also considered critically endangered and is located on a nature preserve with armed guards. The party must confront the legal system protecting the wyvern before they can hunt it down for its stinger.
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hamletthedane · 2 years
DND Character Idea: Hobbit/Halfling who is very insistent that this is NOT an adventure. This is a normal day with NO excitement and he is - at most - on a BUSINESS TRIP because he is a very Respectable Hobbit.
This sword? This is an HEIRLOOM, thank you very much. He wears it for decoration only. And occasionally in business negotiations.
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emblazons · 1 year
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"I think it would be easier if we were a team."
Day Five of @bylerweek2023 - Secret Identities aka - the Modern!Byler + DnD AU no one asked for
The details for their character sheets came from here + here, though only Mike's is confirmed secondary media. The details + story behind these versions of byler under the cut!
The Secret
The Cleric (Will) & The Paladin (Mike) have been playing digital campaigns together for nearly five years now, after Mike‘s then-newfound investment in Critical Role inspired him to hunt for an online DnD game to play for himself.
Inseparable on the pixelated battlefield, their half a decade of campaigning together has slowly turned them into the best of (digital) friends, as they’ve shared their deepest secrets in the anonymous-but-meaningful way you can only online. From Will admitting that his main concern even outside being ridiculed for his sexuality is healing from childhood PTSD to Mike admitting that his picture-perfect family hates his interests and would never accept that he likes guys, both of them have learned to defer to each other in and out of campaigns—they have grown deeply fond of each other through their characters’ adventures…and chats that mean more to both of them than they would dare admit aloud.
Even so, all the Cleric and the Paladin really know about each other on a practical level is that they’re both 20 this year, are both in college now, and that they both come from the Midwest—though they do hope to meet one day if it ever makes sense.
There really is nothing like a friend who gets to see the sides of you you’re not allowed to show in any other space—and neither of them wants to live their entire lives without someone who treats them as well as their longtime D&D companion.
The Identities
Mike Wheeler and Will Byers have been in each other’s orbit since elementary school in Hawkins, though Will’s been pretty distant about keeping tabs on Mike since he dated (and subsequently broke up) with his sister El during freshman year. Mike always enjoyed the time he spent with Will and could tell that Will felt the same, though Mike knew from the second he broke up with El that Will’s love for his family was going to take precedence over their mutual interest in the same (nerdy) things—the same way it did for his sister Nancy when she broke up with Will’s brother, Jonathan, when they went to college.
It’s been years since that happened now, though—and the last time Mike spoke to Will was when they gave each other a friendly hug goodbye the day of high school graduation. Now well into his 3rd year of college, Mike only knows that Will goes to IU just like he does…but on a campus of over 30,000 people and as an English major to Will’s Visual Arts, it’s not like they see each other.
Even so, time away from his exacting family has made Mike more comfortable, and he has slowly realized that it’s time to branch out of his solely hypothetical “rebellious” spaces and into meeting real people who share his interests—to fully embrace is love of DnD in real life to learn the fine art of figurine painting, soak up all the wisdom to be found in classic printed dungeon master guides, and experience the ruckus of a well-strategized in-person campaign. That’s why, on one rainy Friday night in March, he wanders into the Hellfire Club—the on-campus DnD group he’s heard of but never been brave enough to join.
Given his knowledge of Will from all those years ago, seeing the guy he grew up with sitting next to him for Eddie Munson’s grungy basement campaign wasn’t all that much of a surprise, actually. What was a surprise was what happened when he looked down at the table in front of the boy next to him….only to see “Will the Wise” at the top of Will Byers character sheet, plain as day.
tl;dr - you're 20, and your long-time online crush bestie who knows all your secrets turns out to be the brother of the girl you dated for five seconds at 14. Chaos ensues.
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
I'm so normal about the teensies.
I'm so normal about the teensies that I made a pre-Rayman origin story for the teensies. The teensies built the world lol, idc how inaccurate it is to the lore lol.
It's my interpretation, I get to decide the lore!
(THING TO NOTE: All of their designs are based on already existing teensies, whether it be canon or concept doesn't matter. If you can accurately figure out which teensies inspired who, I will give you a gold star🌟)
General plot synopsis: Polokus made the world. The fairies were also made; however, they were not "sentient" beings yet. All their births were from teeny terraforming of the land but that'll be explained in a later post. Anyways, the teensies were created not only to make sick beats with their noses, but to give the world guides and watchful keepers of order. Once every creature was created, Polokus took his leave, leaving all his "kids" to figure everything out. As one could imagine, that caused a lot of fighting over who's in charge. One teensy in particular knew in his heart he was built to lead. However, due to his short stature and insistence for violence, many did not even lend a passing glance.
When Polokus had a bad dream and a certain first nightmare invades the Glade, death in introduced into the world and no one knows how to deal with it. In a test of leadership and strength. This one teensy beat the odds, uniting every clan of teeny around, recruiting their most powerful fighters, and taking down the nightmare, restoring peace to the Glade.
Despite the win, there were still many rabid creatures running around, so in an attempt to establish order permanently, they "built" the Snoring Tree, the most middle part of the world where every teensy leader (and other creatures if needed) could come to discuss diplomacy and general plans of action (a knights of the round table kind of thing). It is where the Hall of Doors is located along with a direct link to the Livid Dead, which was established just a few years earlier. (After the Snoring Tree was made, that's when the fairies were "born" with Betilla being the first.)
However, his establishment of peace fell on it's face almost immediately due to teensy nature being lowkey selfish lol. The first "generation" of teensies was very good at this "guide and order keeper" job, but as each generation passed, more and more of the teensies' diplomatic mindset was pushed to the wayside in favor of a superiority complex. And when Betilla made Rayman as a protector of the Glade, many teensies lost interest in fighting themselves, leaving them very susceptible to attacks. That's why every creature ever is adamant in sticking these guys in cages. Cuz they're lowkey assholes who can't fight lol.
There are gonna be 10 important people to the plot, but I only got five finished right now. Their bios are below the cut:
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Aurthr the Grand Minimus (Fighter):
Aurthr is actually the First King in his prime. He was the first teensy made by Polokus, although he is not the "oldest" (like imagine a creator making ocs of different age ranges but they were all made at the same time). By default, he feels an entitlement to the first throne position in his kingdom, but before he is deemed "king", he has to go though a trial. That trial is ... defeating Jano! Yes, these are gonna be the group of teensies that defeat Jano and create the Livid Dead lol. But in order to do that, he needs to learn to be a leader. Along the way, he also learns that to be a grand leader, he needs to value solutions through diplomacy over violence (something that is lost in later generations *cough cough*).
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Orion the Adventurous Ranger:
Orion is Aurthr's childhood best friend who comes from outside the castle walls. Being a Murkin (a clan of teensies that has since disappeared), he is very good at going undetected and just navigating the world outside of civilization in general. Despite his soft-spoken nature and cowardness, he really wants to make a difference for the better in teensy society, and it may just come around by teaching Aurthr to listen first before attacking (along with how to be an amazing Kungfoot player).
And yeah, he has ears. Ears are a recessive gene, but the Murkin were the clan that had that trait the most. (They usually get cropped if they're too big to hide in their hats.)
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Sapphie the Beautiful Bard:
Sapphie is a teensy who's primary magic use is of the darker arts (hence her ability to go natural hair). Before being Aurthr's first recruit, she spent most of her days traveling about and doing small thieving jobs. She was a well-know musician, and she performed for money a lot. However, what she loves more than money is adventure. She immediately jumps onboard to Aurthr's crew, leading as healer until a different teensy joins the group later on and giving her the chance to fight. She teaches Aurthr about strength in presentation (and how to play his nose like a musical interment).
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Umber the Undead Warlock:
Umber is one of the two mages that Aurthr sought out to help fight Jano. They are the Griskin Chief and trying their best to keep their people safe. This dedication to their people's safety led to a deal with a slumbering spirit, giving up their voice in exchange for power and sanctuary near his den. While constantly struggling to keep their clan quiet, they have been trying to manage the sudden influx in stressed out and scared ghosts showing up and causing a ruckus. Stressed and overwhelmed, it takes more than just some talking to convince them to go with Aurthr. But after helping with some big tasks and beating them in a game of Kungfoot, they decide to assist, and put a stop to whatever is killing everyone from above the bog.
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Soria the Stunning Sorceress:
Soria is one of the two mages that Aurthr sought out to help fight Jano. Being part of the Sylkin sorcerers, she was the main protecter of Polokus's resting place high in the mountains. She is incredibly strong for a teensy in terms of magic, making her quite the formidable fighter. However, she would much rather sing and dance, and overall just have fun being alive than perform combat. She decides to help defeat Jano after being bested in music fight with Aurthr and having her eyes open to the destruction occurring down below.
She also has ears. They are long, but since her hat is also long there was no need to crop them.
There are five more characters that will be posted later, but these are the important ones at the beginning of the story. I have a lot of this world thought out with a very solid plotline, so if y'all got any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for your reading all this and have a lovely day ^^
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gothyanki · 7 months
thinking about her (Gith the Liberator)
Thinking about how much I wish she were the deliciously messy, morally complex, and believably motivated protagonist of a Space Lesbians vs. Empire trilogy instead of a flat villain/historical footnote in the Fiend Folio. Unfortunately, DnD.
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onlyanotherusername · 9 months
Okay, so we have the love triangle
We have the love corner..
I present ~~The Love Corners~~ This has most likely been done before Person A can't decide between Person B and C Person B can't decide between Person A and C Person C can't decide between Person A and B
- They're all confused, they're all in the love corner. Bonus: It ends in polyamory
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bugsinshoes · 2 months
the kind of vibe i bring to the function:
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teecupangel · 2 days
The assassin's including haytham and Shay as witches or warlocks?
Considering how I wrote about Desmond as his ancestors’ patron god a while back, I like the idea of making Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton warlocks under an unknown patron god.
This is doubly funny for Altaïr who actually believes that what people consider as gods are simply beings more powerful than them that can be surpassed once their full capability is studied.
So Altaïr would actually be more a wizard, using knowledge to further his magical research, with a healthy dose of alchemy at the side. (He would also be the one to further advance the development of magical forgery but his way is intricately connected to alchemy since magical forgery regularly need materials created via alchemy, making it easier to augment magical properties into the materials itself that will remain during the forging process).
Then he got the Apple and learned that he now has a Patron God.
He is absolutely not happy about this, especially as his Patron God is only known as “The Reader”. He grows fond of his patron though because his patron never demanded anything but kept giving him whatever he needed to further his research.
The Reader becomes well known as Altaïr’s patron god but no one knows his real identity.
The only time the Reader demanded something from Altaïr was when an eagle made of gold and white light (his patron’s preferred way to send him things) left him a rolled up piece of paper that could fit in his palm.
‘Investigate Abbas Sofian and deliver judgment.’
Ezio, on the other hand, never thought of becoming a warlock or a witch. The Auditores weren’t magic users. They weren’t even combatants. The most they had was the required swordsmanship for their own safety and defense.
And then…
They tried to arrest his family and…
He heard it.
A sound he could not describe. A sound he had never heard before.
An eagle made of light appeared before him and delivered him a box.
A change of clothes that was more durable than his current outfit. A sword with wings for a crossguard and an eagle head for a pommel. Some kind of gauntlet with a blade hidden on its underside.
And a letter.
From his patron.
The Reader.
It was thanks to his patron that he was able to save his family and that they were able to leave Firenze without being ambushed, the light of the eagle becoming their guide.
The Reader was known as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s patron. An unknown god who was as capricious as Altaïr himself, only appearing at whim and acting more like a distant supporter than an actual deity demanding loyalty and worship.
But it was during Ezio Auditore’s time that the Reader became a patron god of the Brotherhood. The unknown god did not bless everyone. Only Ezio. But that was enough. Because Ezio worship him as both his god and his family’s savior. As Ezio became more legendary as time passes by, so too did his patron god.
The Reader.
The Patron God of Freewill and Choice.
The Kenways were complicated (as usual).
Edward Kenway was a swashbuckling rogue, there was no denying that.
He had always been a rogue and, as far as he knows, he will always be a rogue.
Even when he started getting in the middle of this Brotherhood versus Order mess, he was still a rogue.
And then…
When he died, he saw the golden eagle.
Just watching.
It was always watching.
And all Edward could think about was how he needed to save Jenny and make sure Haytham and Tessa were safe.
Haytham still becomes a Templar. He studies witchcraft and developed his skills to combat the stealthiness of the Assassins and any and every magical devices and spells they may have.
His witchcraft is one focused on canceling other magic. His main weapon is still the sword and the hidden blade he took off from one of the people he killed.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is born to be a warrior. His grandmother taught him a few spells and rituals here and there. A few concoction to strengthen and heal his body.
One day, he saw an eagle made of light and followed it.
His village burned that day.
But he was able to save his mother.
But his mother was captured by the men who burned his village and he tried to follow them until his legs gave out.
The eagle appeared before him once more and guide him.
To Achilles Davenport.
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s patron was the Reader. His eagle appeared with gifts and short letters of suggestions. Achilles calls him bless.
Ratonhnhaké:ton thinks of the Reader as someone with an agenda of his own.
Every time Ratonhnhaké:ton feels the desire to go out in the world to find his mother, the Reader would send him a letter that always says the same thing. It’s not yet time. You must grow stronger still. Patience.
And Ratonhnhaké:ton realized why when he first met Haytham Kenway and his many magical devices and potions to keep Assassins away.
The only thing that can combat him and take down Haytham’s Order was…
The blessings that his patron god had given him that he had nurtured all these years.
Shay was trained to be an Assassin. It was only when he studied under Haytham Kenway that he learned witchcraft. Shay had never really been interested in it. When he was still an Assassins, Hope had been the one to always push him into trying out witchcraft. Even giving him potions to heal him or to invigorate him. Which was funny because Hope was ‘hopeless’ in the arts of being a witch. Liam was the best witch in the Brotherhood and Hope’s potions had been made by Liam.
Liam had fun telling Shay about that.
When Shay became a Templar, he learned witchcraft because it was the best way to counter the Brotherhood.
Then he got his familiar.
It was a wolfhound with light gray fur.
Liam had a wolfhound familiar as well.
It looked exactly like Liam’s familiar. But that was impossible. Shay had been the one to throw the potion that burned Liam’s familiar to ashes.
Arno only knew a bit of witchcraft. Ones that Élise taught him. It’s only when he started training to be an Assassin that he learned he was taught the very same witchcraft that Haytham Kenway developed and modified to combat the Brotherhood. That Élise was teaching him the ways of the Templars. He makes it his own though and used what he knows to combat the Templars’ own witchcraft.
By this point, the Brotherhood makes use of both witchcraft and spells. Traditionalists focus on spells that are said to have been used by those blessed by the patron god. They’re not warlocks though since they were not graced by the patronage of their god. They’re more akin to wizards.
Arno, himself, combines both and learns a bit of alchemy to make his own tools which is a requirement to all Assassins since they would never always have the money or be safe enough to buy more tools out in the field.
Jacob and Evie are… complicated. Jacob was trained to be an Assassin so he’s like Evie, knowing both witchcraft and a few spells. He also doesn’t use them, pretending to be just a rogue as a way to get back to their dead father. People actually assume he’s like an Arcane Trickster or something similar. Evie, on the other hand, is a master of both. She prefers spells though. The pressed flowers she gives Jayadeep in canon? She used them to create potions for him instead that will help him. He never uses them though because he sees them as too precious to be used.
Ah, Desmond.
Desmond knows a lot about witchcraft and spells but he has no patron of his own.
They actually thought he would be blessed by the same patron as Altaïr and Ezio but that god never even looked at him.
But he has access to the spells only a warlock has.
People believe it’s because of the Bleeding Effect.
But Desmond knows that’s not true.
The patron god of his ancestors never looked at him but his Bleeds were too… real. There was something divine about them.
Something that tells him that he has made a pact with them that goes beyond life and death.
Bayek and Aya have been warlocks before they founded the Brotherhood but their patron god had not been Amun at first. They both renounced their god after Kemu’s death and Amun took them in. Amun, however, is not the patron god of the Hidden Ones. The Hidden Ones though would sometimes have patrons because, during that time, the gods were much more fascinated by humans (or have plans). This would continue on until the Hidden Ones become the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood (especially the one under Al Mualim) would rather be Rogues than be spellcasters.
Basim knows a bit of witchcraft because of Nehal but he only started actually training for witchcraft and spells when he got to Alamut. It’s there that he shows he actually has access to the spells granted to him by a patron god but it’s not one of the gods that usually bless the Brotherhood. He only realizes it later on when he receives Loki’s memories but the spells he can use are the very same spells that his wife, Sigyn, uses. He never acknowledged it though and his patron never contacts him.
When he reunites with Aletheia though, his patron god gives her very first order.
“Destroy what remains of the woman you love”
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
Am I going to connect Wysteria to Brutus and make her a female version of him because of the song Brutus by the Buttress?
... perhaps.
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Aggressive tannins
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dnd is also just texting your party with a plot idea and hoping the dm runs with it
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Silly little dnd plothook, feel free to take!
Deep inland there's been a sudden influx of crabs. There no rivers or lakes in miles where they could have come, which has left travelers confused after seeing some regular crustecians chilling in forest or skittering across the road.
First it was just strange, if not little amusing.
Then they started to grow in size. Some got big enough to topple over wagons and break through fences, causing a crab invasion in local village.
What's the problem: Crabs. In the yard, on the road, crabs everywhere they should not be in! And they are getting more dangerous the bigger they grow.
What's the cause of this: Read more underneath the cut.
A wizard has set up lair and they're trying to figure out a way to speed up evolution process. Thus far the experiment has only managed to conjure up crabs.
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