#diner dynamics RIP you were too good for us
mooshys · 1 month
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spockiguess · 2 years
Spitfire || Joby Taylor x Fem!Reader
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Smut
Tags: Multiple Orgasms, Hitachi Wand, Overstimulation, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Use of pet name “good girl”
Notes: Lord mercy, this one was quick. Started it late last night and just finished it today. I included the “use of pet name” thing because I know some of y’all aren’t into that, so I’d rather you know it gets used than be smacked in the face with it later on. 
Also, this fic is dedicated to: Bonnie and Asmy, the biggest danonation whores. [thumbs up] There was a severe lack of Joby fics so I decided to make one myself. Hopefully it isn’t complete dogshit. Message me if there are any mistakes. 
Chunky pleather boots strutted down cracked concrete, shaking the ground with unparalleled confidence. A black wool turtleneck dress hugged your curves, and oversized circular sunglasses obscured your eyes. Your genuine emotions were hidden from the random passerby who swerved around you, some looking back either in jealousy or curiosity. 
Your bright pink oval earrings swung in motion with your mighty gate as you stepped through the small diner's doors, the bell above ringing and drawing all eyes. You were perfectly unbothered, used to the attention, as you seated yourself at the linoleum counter. 
“Could I have a coffee,” You looked over a laminated menu, tapping it on the counter before adding, “Oh, and some sugar, too, please?” You smiled at the ghoulish waitress, probably at the tail end of her night shift, as the clock neared 6:30. 
The waitress grabbed a pot with a nod and poured a tall glass of joe, handing you the cup with a couple of packets of Sweet’N Low. 
“Thanks.” You flashed a friendly smile to which the waitress tried to respond as earnestly as possible, her smile not reaching her eyes. 
Ripping the little packets, you poured them into your coffee, swishing the drink due to a lack of utensils. Luckily, the waitress noticed and handed you a spoon. 
“Thank you.” She shrugged wordlessly, her smile just a bit more spirited. 
Mixing the artificial sweetener, you took the time to examine your surroundings, admiring the quaint diner, its aesthetic planted firmly in the past. Its walls were a robin's egg blue with a checkerboard detailing plastered across its entire bottom half. 
Old movie posters littered the walls, all classic romances. Casablanca, The Philadelphia Story, and Singin’ In The Rain, one of your favorites, were just a couple. You had always admired old romance movies, the dream-like quality they had, the utter fantasies they were. They were always a nice break from the angsty monotony of life.
As you admire the hand-painted posters, you can feel a set of eyes burning into your being, and a quick swivel of the head allows you to find the perpetrator. 
A tall, stringy man sat at the opposite end of the counter, slick hair and painted nails; oh, you recognized his type, your type to be exact. The stranger’s green eyes were too caught up in looking you up and down, but you savored the attention for a moment. 
Finally, he realized he had been caught and gave you a sheepish smile, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. The two of you stayed like that, staring each other down, urging one of you to make the first move. 
The man relented quickly, not the patient type, hopping off his stool, crossing over to you, and taking a seat. 
You spoke as you brought the coffee to your lips, “Hello, stranger.” He chuckled, inching closer. 
“Hey, stranger.” He teasingly emphasized the last word as he watched you intently, totally enraptured. His voice was soft yet raspy, and the sound sent shivers down your spine, so you sparked more conversation just to hear it. 
“What’s someone like you doing in a place like this so early in the morning?” Again, he laughed, tapping a couple of fingers on the counter to craft a simple melody. 
“You, uh, you totally stole my line there.” Both of you laughed, and when you faced him, you knew loads of trouble were to come. That was your curse, and you had long come to terms with it, relinquishing your hopes of a fulfilling relationship with your early Hollywood romance movies. Sometimes you envisioned yourself as a Judy Garland, clumsily navigating your life while trying your hardest to come across as a Greta Garbo or Diahann Carroll, dreaming of being a Carmen Jones. 
It always ended with a messy split or a crazy ex who’d never stop calling until you placed a couple of restraining orders, and you knew this man was going to be one of these, but hey, you could never deny the short-lived fun they’d bring. 
“I know. I read your mind, and let me tell you, I never wanna do it again.” The man smiled, showing his crooked front teeth, oddly making him more attractive. As you began to find more of these details, the odd little complexities, they endeared you to him more. His silver rings, old leather jacket, and sad eyes told you a million things. 
You wondered why his eyes carried such a weight, a maturity lacking in the general male population, and a sliver of hope grew inside you, whispering maybe he’s different. Bah, you shoved the thought away, knowing it would get you into deeper trouble than it was worth. 
“I wouldn’t want to either, some crazy shit in there,” A clock ticked somewhere in the diner, and you noticed the waitress from earlier striding out of the restaurant, her shoulders less burdened, and she cherished her temporary freedom. 
“M’here cause I’m, uh, hungover. Had a busy night.” His mischievous grin told you everything you needed to know, but still, you had the courtesy to ask.
“Busy?” You lifted an eyebrow, resting your head on your arm, looking at the menu again, scanning the items. 
“Mm, love pancakes,” You called out to the chef behind the open window looking into the kitchen, “Could I have a stack, please?” 
He answered with a sweet southern accent, “Course, darlin’. Anything else?” 
You turned to the man, “You want anything? I’ll pay.” You had the money to spare, and honestly, he looked like he needed it. 
He perked up with a grateful look, “ Yeah, yeah, you, uh, you don’t have to do that, y’know.” Rolling your eyes, you called out again. 
“Yeah, some hash browns and toast would be great.” A simple nod from him before you tacked on, “Y’all have any jam? Can’t eat toast without jam.” You winked at the man beside you. 
“I feel the same way, kid. Momma always made toast with jam, can’t go without it now.” His wide grin was missing a couple of teeth, but it wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before. 
“Right? Toast with just butter’s too plain.” The chef heartily laughed, already preparing your food. 
“I heard that!” Your diner stranger looked at you with a sense of awe, lazily smiling and trying his damndest not to fall head over heels at that moment.
When you turned your attention back, he replied to your question, “I’m in a band, actually. Played at a small joint not too far from here.” 
“Hmm, a heartbreaker, then. I like heartbreakers.” 
Joby Taylor cautiously stepped into your highly personalized apartment, not an inch of space without something filling it. Everything was you, and Joby couldn’t help himself when he started to poke around.
Eyeing a picture of you and your friends, he yelled out into the house, “Hey, 'm here.” He fiddled with a random dino figure, knocking it over and hurriedly, if not messily, trying to put it back without misplacing anything else. 
“In my bedroom! Bathroom, actually.” Before finding your room, he wandered around your house before finding the bedroom door, crossing the boundary and smelling your vanilla soap seep from under your bathroom door. 
Clothes, books, and movies were strewn around your room, some of the films perched in a dangerous tower that threatened to spill over at any minute. Posters and pictures, signs of a life more eventful than Joby’s, were everywhere. Bands, friends and family, parties and vacations, recurring individuals alongside one-timers. 
Joby couldn’t help his nosiness, only pausing when you came out clad in a small towel that left little to the imagination. You and Joby had only been friends for the past couple of weeks, with you having decided it was better even though you really wanted the opposite. Joby understood, grateful for the change of pace and enjoying the wholesome moments you spent together. 
Joby forgot what it was like, to experience a relationship, to know a person before you jump into bed with them. He knew the fights, anger, and sex, but he didn’t know those small instances he frequently found himself dwelling on. 
Recently, you two had gone to a park at your request, and Joby was unexpectedly happy to oblige. Luckily, it was summer in Chicago, and while that didn't mean all sun and heat, it did mean seventy-degree weather, warm enough for a stroll. 
Your warm hand held his cool one, rubbing your thumb along his bony knuckles as you giggled at kids playing a game in the distance. It was scenic, something he had only seen in movies up until that point. 
He watched you, your laughter pure joy, resting your head on Joby’s shoulder. “I want to have kids someday,” You said dreamily. 
This statement made Joby pause. He remembered Ellen. Her bright blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and soft, lullaby-like voice. 
“What’s wrong?” You had asked, your worry visible in how your brows stitched together, creasing your forehead. 
Joby waved the thoughts away, opting to continue his probing as you dried your hair with another towel, digging in a pile of clothes for your next runway-ready outfit. 
He had to admit, your style was undeniable. You wore almost everything and did so flawlessly. You turned holey, long-forgotten pieces of fabric into memorable statements; you rocked vintage pieces, looking like a modern Grace Jones or Twiggy. 
One of his favorite things about you was your attention to detail. It showed in your fashion, art, writing, gifts, and most importantly, how you showed affection. Joby had revealed that he wasn’t used to your sweet touches. He only knew the extremes. 
You were overtly affectionate, touching him constantly, grounding him to reality when his mind started to drift. He loved it. He loved when you’d climb into his lap while you two watched movies and rest your head against his neck, feeling your warm breath. He loved when you’d hold his face in your hands or crawl behind him while he played guitar and wrap your arms around his waist. 
Now you watched him incredulously, “Why are you going through my shit?” It was light-hearted, and Joby just shrugged and mumbled gibberish.
As he rifled through drawers and you started to warn him against the one he was nearing, he opened it, eyes widening at its contents. He laughed, turning his head to look back at you, “Filthy, filthy girl.” 
Your cheeks reddened as you rushed to close it, but he kept you away with his long arms and an abnormal amount of strength. He grabbed the item, holding it up to the world, showing the spirits one of your dirtiest secrets. 
Joby waved it above your head, and you struggled to reach it, clamoring against his body for the object. 
“Must’ve paid a good buck for this, huh?” It was a Hitachi Magic Wand, well, a knockoff since they stopped producing them a while ago, but the same in shape and function. Joby had to admit that it turned him on, knowing you had probably used it countless times, cumming on all over it. 
The image of you sprawled on your bed, legs spread and your hands wrapped around the toy, shaking and trying to be quiet but failing. You’d be dripping onto the bed, chest heaving, and head thrown back. 
Your voice shook him from his sinful imagination, “Joby, this is really not funny!” Your towel was starting to slip now, and more of your chest was beginning to show, spurring Joby on. 
“I bet I could drive you crazy with this thing.” You blinked, stunned by his comment. Joby was about to backtrack when you pulled away, hiding your face in your hands. This was something you always did when you got too flustered to function, most of the time when Joby would whisper something in your ear, always alluding but never stating. 
After a couple of minutes, you spoke through soft laughter, “You are such an asshole.” Inwardly, Joby sighed in relief, knowing he hadn’t crossed the line just yet. Still, he wanted to see how far he could push it until you snapped.
Joby pulled you back in, grabbing your chin so you’d look up at him, “What, scared I’m right?” You buried into Joby’s neck, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting the towel fall to the floor. 
Something inside you shifted, and you were ready for the trouble now. You couldn’t let Joby have all the fun. 
“Maybe. But you’ll have to prove it either way.” This was all he needed to hear before he tossed the toy onto the mattress, taking you in his arms and resting his hands on your full hips, digging his fingers into the plush flesh. 
His mouth went straight for yours, pulling you closer and holding on tight. Joby’s tongue traced along your lips, asking permission before you readily accepted, opening your mouth for his moaning at the feeling of his tongue against yours. 
Joby groaned hearing your noises, so whiny and unsteady, opposite your usual collected demeanor. His hands roamed farther, grabbing the meat of your ass and squeezing, causing your legs to shake, trying to keep yourself upright. 
Slowly, he walked, pushing you to the edge of the bed before you fell on it with a light bounce. He didn’t let up for a minute, however, crawling up the length of your body, saving the memory of your curves for later. 
One of his hands grabbed your breast, massaging it as you two kissed again, while his other hand kept him from falling on top of you. His head trailed down to your neck, sucking a hickey into the skin before biting, making your entire body jump. 
You moaned loudly, the noise filling Joby’s head, pushing away all coherent thought and giving him more confidence. He laved over the mark with his tongue, kissing it one last time before making his way down. 
He kissed down your sternum, chest, and stomach until he reached where your legs were firmly crossed. He tsked, running a hand along your thigh, squeezing before smacking its side, watching it jiggle. 
You yelped as you felt a gush of wetness leak out and stain the sheets, and unconsciously, your legs opened. 
“Ah, that’s a good girl.” Your face heated at the name, looking away to try and get your head right. 
Joby switched his attention, “Hey, what happened to the little spitfire I knew?” You shook your head, still not daring to meet his gaze. 
“Mm, you’re usually such a brat. I’ve barely touched you, and now you’re suddenly shy?” He tsked again, leaning back on his haunches and getting off of the bed. 
“Can’t have you not wanting this, y’know? Who would I be to force you into-” 
“Wait! What do I have to do?” Joby’s ears perked up. Hook, line, and sinker. 
“Gotta hear how bad you want it.” The words were almost a whisper, but he knew you heard him loud and clear with how you hid your face again. Joby knew you needed some extra encouragement and took to rubbing a gentle hand against your legs, kissing right above your pubic bone and lavishing you with kisses. 
The sensation was beginning to overwhelm you and rewire your thoughts, so from behind hiding hands, you muttered, “Please.” 
“Hmm?” Joby hummed, the feeling sending hot bolts of electricity up your spine. It irritated you knowing Joby could get you wrapped around his finger so quickly, get you to do whatever he wanted. But it also excited you, giving all of that power to him, letting him take the reigns. 
You spoke clearly now, grabbing Joby’s wandering hands and running them up your body, “I want you, Joby.” The phrase made Joby’s neglected cock jump in his restrictive pants, but he ignored it, for the most part, instead wanting to lavish you with care. 
“Good girl.” You opened for him, wider than before, wanting to hear the name more. Joby’s pupils blew out seeing you spread for him, your slick dripping from your pussy, and your entire body thrumming. 
He ran a thumb along your wet folds, dipping in to circle your clit with the calloused skin, finally delivering that sweet relief you needed. Joby spread your wetness around, watching intently and unbelievably turned on. 
After what felt like ages, Joby spread you open and licked a hot stripe from your hole to your clit, latching on and sucking while he shoved a finger in to the knuckle, twisting upward to find that spot. 
Your back arched off of the bed as you were extremely sensitive, especially since you’ve been waiting for a moment like this ever since you met Joby in that diner. Your moans were like music to Joby’s ears, making him ravish you like a man starved as he pushed in another finger. The slide was smooth, and you easily opened up for him, but he knew you’d be tight whenever he would fuck you.
Just as you were about to reach your climax, all of Joby’s movements abruptly stopped as he looked up at you, slick coating his mouth and chin, “So good for me, baby. So good.” You whined at the praise, “You think it’s time your little friend joined us?” His tone was dark and full of lust. 
You had forgotten about the toy already, too caught up in the moment to realize it was just a couple of feet away, sitting right next to Joby. The thought of Joby using it on you made your heart jump; you hadn’t ever used it with another person. 
The idea was too exciting to give up, however, and through a moan, you nodded, “Yes. Please.” That wicked smile returned as he grabbed it, untangling the long cord and leaving the bed to plug it into a nearby outlet. 
He watched as the toy buzzed to life with the click of a button, the smooth head spinning. Seeing this in itself was erotic, and he realized then the appeal of these things. 
Watching Joby hold your toy, something you had used to cum so many times, made another rush of wetness seep out, and you tried to relieve the tension by rubbing your legs together. Joby noticed, turning the toy and holding your legs apart with solid arms. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” Seeing the way you squirmed under him, calling out for him with every inch of your body, was a huge ego boost, and Joby knew you’d be the death of him. 
“I need, I need you.” Again, another huge ego boost, which just made Joby cockier, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to be too upset. 
“Aw, don’t worry, baby, m’right here.” His finger traced along your cunt, making you involuntarily twitch. 
Joby couldn’t keep you waiting, though, too excited to see how you’d respond and if he could make you break with just the right amount of teasing. 
So, the toy pulsed back to life, and Joby brought the head to your clit, pressing firmly. When you arched off the bed this time, Joby held your hips down to keep you in place, loving how you tried to wriggle from his grasp, not being able to decide to push into the sensation or pull away from it. 
He drank you in for the next couple of minutes before suddenly snatching the toy away, your orgasm being denied once again. Your whine was high and pathetic; Joby loved it. He loved seeing how you were starting to lose your grip and submit to him completely. Even though you whined, you didn’t complain, waiting eagerly for his next move. 
Joby looked the wand up and down, turning it over in his hand and finding the buttons, “This thing’s got levels, right?” You nodded. “Hmph,” Was all that left his mouth before he pressed the button a couple of times, jumping from a slow rhythm to a breakneck pulse. 
The head returned to your clit with a new intensity that made you scream out Joby’s name and wrench your hands into the sheets. Your orgasm was hastily approaching now, and you could feel it start to turn over in your stomach, moving further down your gut. 
Joby was just about to pull it away when you came, the scream caught in your throat and your entire body shaking. Even though it hadn’t gone exactly to plan, he still loved how you yelled out from him, not even caring about who might hear you. 
He also loved seeing how you came down, dazed and lightheaded, with a goofy smile as you sank into the bed, content and still experiencing the aftershocks. 
“Good girl.” Joby hummed, kissing the insides of your legs and licking you up, savoring your taste. One of your hands found its way into his hair, tugging from the overstimulation. Still, Joby didn’t let up, bringing the toy back just as quickly as it left, even more intense than before. 
“Not gonna let you get off that easy.” The wand made you jump and try to pull away, but Joby yanked you back down the bed, not letting you escape the stimulation even for a minute. 
At first, it hurt a little, but the pain quickly subsided in favor of a mind-melting pleasure, leaving you a blubbering mess. This was what Joby had wanted to see the entire time; you unraveled before him, all because of him. 
Because you had just cum, your second climax hit you like a truck, ripping through you and leaving you an incoherent puddle. Joby threw the toy aside and licked at you, fingering you and pushing you through another orgasm. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wondered if anyone had ever made you cum this many times, much less make it so intense. Joby’s fingers and mouth worked you through the second one, even though it felt like your fourth. 
Slowly, he pulled away, staring at the cum leaking from your cunt. He licked the excess of his fingers and liked how you watched him and squeaked out a light moan. 
Joby crawled back up your body, kissing you and sharing your taste, something you both found delightfully erotic. The rough denim of his jeans ground against your crotch, and you mewled, already wiped. 
“Mm, think you’re up for another round?” 
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Hey, I just discovered the yandere dynamic and I found your blog searching for headcanons and I am Hooked!! Do you remember the Platonic! Batman + Wonder Woman + Superman yandere headcanon you did a while ago with the reader being a new family member? Could you do a part 2 maybe? Especially when the reader wakes up with the three of them hovering and also how daily life would be? Thank you so much !
 Yeeeaaahhh boiiii (did this with a hero reader in mind)
= = = 
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The first few weeks with them are what i like to call: loving anxiety weeks. The two most different yet similar feelings in the world. Its like when you get a new phone and your too scared to even set it down. 
yeah, thats them with you. 
but like x100000
Clark is a lot to deal with, he constanly wants to be around you 24/7. This delusional man-child is almost always seen by your side, copying exactly what your doing.
If your reading, hes suddenly very invested in a new book. Watching tv? Great! He loves this show. Oh, training with Diana? Look at the cool fighting move he can do!!!  
its a lot to deal with Clark, but dammit!! Clark just loves his kid so damn much!!
There will be times where your feeling overwhelmed by Clarks’ constant presence
In those times, Bruce and Diana are your saving grace
Bruce, at times, could be described as cold. He likes his time alone, as a matter of fact, hes used to being alone rip Alfred
But that does not mean hes neglectful. It just means that at times were Clark is being over-emotinal and smothering, and Diana is training you, Bruce is left feeling. . . . unimportant. But, he will never abandon you. His parents left him and now look at him! But Bruce wants you to live better, to be better. 
So he stays. He becomes the loving father he is, with you. And it feels natural. It feels good. Bruce believes that you make him a better person, and he loves you for that. So, he’ll give you anything you want.
Whenever you need something, Bruce just happens to have it. He’s big on gift giving. 
Any times your stressed, upset, or angry, hes always there. Whether it be as a shoulder to cry one, a word of advice, or just a fatherly hug, Bruce is there. He watches over you, both literally and figuratively. 
He’s probably the one who takes you out of the house the most. If the manor is especially tense, Bruce will take you out to his favourite diner, or his favourite park. In those moment, you two genuinely feel like family 
Clark sometimes just invites himself and ruins the moment 
Diana is your savior. Shes like when you flip your pillow over to the cooler side on a hot night. You may think that because she is the one who dishes out the punishments, that she would be cruel. But, shes the farthest thing from it. She is the middle ground. The purest example of a mother figure. 
Her love is hard earned, but when it is earned,  she loves so deeply. 
During the tense times in the family, Diana takes it upon herself to be adult of the situation. She’s the easiest to talk to because she actually lets you talk.
Of course, there are times where even she loses her cool. And it’s scary. But there’s levels to it. First, she’ll get huffy, cutting you off to get her point in. Her voice is strong and demanding, you’ll just naturally shut up. Second, if your still going she makes herself bigger. Standing straighter, rolling her shoulders back, craning her neck. Anything to tell you to shut it, without actually saying it.
Thirdly, she yells.
I pray that you never go that far, because in those moments when Diana, your safe haven, is acting hysterical, who will save you?
You find that enjoying your life with them is truly an art. You learn quickly what words bring them the upmost joy, the ones that bring you the most pain, and which ones break their illusion of a perfect family. You begin to notice little things. Like how the three of them are more willing to give you whatever you want when you call them “mom” or “dad.” You learn what buttons of theirs to press at the right times, which floor boards make the most noise, what door creaks the most.
You learn quickly that escaping with your life isn’t something that will ever happen. But with how selfish Clark is, and indifferent Bruce and intense Diana is, how desperate are you?
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dogbearinggifts · 4 years
What are your thoughts on tua S2? Did you feel like the characters grew? What did you like? What did you not? I’m interested in your perspective. Your analysis are super thoughtful and interesting!
Aw, thanks, Anon!
Overall, I really enjoyed S2 and thought it was a solid follow-up to S1. I do have my quibbles about it, so I think (for ease of reference and because my thoughts are a little scattered today) I’ll list some of my personal highlights (in no particular order) before getting into what I didn’t like as much.
Big spoilers ahead.
Allison. I thought they handled her storyline especially well. Of all the siblings, I think she had the most difficult obstacles placed in her way (not only is she a Black woman landing in 1961 Dallas, but she’s a Black woman landing in 1961 Dallas who can’t even speak in her own defense for a year) and they sugarcoated exactly none of it. The writers pulled no punches when showing what civil rights protesters went through, which just made their nonviolent response all the more breathtaking. Allison’s fear and anger during those scenes were palpable even as she kept them hidden. But along with that horror, we see the kindness and warmth of the Dallas Black community, the women who take her in simply because she needs their help, and her love for Ray, perhaps heretofore THE most thoughtful husband ever portrayed on screen. I loved him, and I loved him and Allison together. While I understand and respect his choice to stay in 1963, I wish they’d gotten more time together. They both deserved it.
Vanya. We got to see how much the baggage from her past affected her by glimpsing what she might be like if it were taken away. It’s an interesting philosophical question, and it was explored well, in my opinion. She finds it easier to love and be loved, and she stands up for herself more readily—but she also doesn’t hesitate to use powers she can’t quite control and threatens Five without fully realizing how dire her threat is (or how it might dredge up traumatic memories she doesn’t know exist). The moment where Ben finds her curled up, fully convinced she’s a monster, was heartbreaking. I loved watching her find happiness with Sissy, even if that was fleeting (and dear god, Sissy deserved her happy ending with Vanya, dammit, I don’t care if it would fuck up the timeline). Her patience and sweetness with Harlan were just beautiful. And the way she used the confidence she gained during her amnesia to fully come into her own not to exact revenge on her siblings, but to save them, was fucking phenomenal.
The humor. There was a lot more humor this season, and it was awesome. So many iconic scenes—Olga Foroga, Luther babysitting two homicidal Fives, Elliot awkwardly lecturing his guests on the history of Jello, “NEW TIMELINE NEW ME,” “Your vagina needs glasses,” AJ the fish gobbling up the cigarette bubbles, Five getting to say “fuck”….this season was a lot funnier than the previous one, and I think that was one of its strengths.
Klaus’ cult. It was played for laughs, which I both expected and thought was the best way to handle it. He didn’t want to start a new religion with himself at the center; he just wanted to not get thrown out of any more diners, but Destiny’s Children had other ideas. The “I too am a fraud!” scene was hilarious and tickled the question of whether or not a religion founded on false pretenses can still help those within it find meaning.
Luther. Getting him away from his dad, his siblings, and the Academy was exactly what he needed to become the pure of heart and dumb of ass genius we always knew he was, but his first major step in that direction was heartbreaking. We all knew he’d be rejected once he got to the Academy. We all knew Reginald would rip his heart out and stomp on it in his admittedly fashionable shoes. It gets Luther out on his own and forces him to become his own person apart from his dad, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch. He got the positive character development he needed, but the catalyst was tragic.
Diego. We see, for the first time, exactly how Reginald kept him in line—not with meds or with PTSD-inducing torture, but with words. Even when he knows Diego as little more than a stranger, Reginald is able to rip off his skin and fling it in his face with a single diatribe; and even at 30, with years away from his dad, Diego is left unable to speak, feeling as if all of his accomplishments up to that point were the work of a dumb kid who thought he was smarter and more capable than he actually was.
Luther and Diego sharing a braincell. Luther has bad ideas. Diego has bad ideas. When they put their bad ideas together, they get terrible ideas. I loved watching them work together as a team, rather than being at each others’ throats for most of the season, even if I’m left hoping Olga Foroga had a pleasant and quiet day after that phone call.
Reginald. At first glance, it may look like the writers were trying to make him likable so they could parade him around as your average abusive-parent-with-a-soft-side. But it’s more nuanced than that. Abusive parents (and abusers in general) often fly under the radar because they fool outsiders into thinking they’re good people. They’re active in their communities. They give to charity. They have friends who attest to their virtue, significant others who think they’re the greatest. And that’s what we see with Reginald. We see him as the rest of the world did: an intelligent, eccentric man with a sharp sense of humor who cared deeply about scientific advancement. That’s how he evaded suspicion—because there were stories from years past of lively parties at his mansion, of what a gentleman he was to Grace and of how he did everything he could to save little Pogo. But those stories would all have come from people he considered his equals. When he’s with people he considers his inferiors—aka, the Umbrella kids—he’s openly condescending and demeaning. We get to see how he fooled the world, and it is chilling.
Elliot. He deserved better, and you can ship him with any one of the Hargreeves kids and get the cutest thing ever. 
The Swedes. They said so much while speaking very little.
Ben. He got more personality and screen time, and it was glorious. His love of his family and resentment toward Klaus practically leapt off the screen. The way he says “I’ve missed you all…so much” once they’ve all left was one of those right-in-the-feels moments; and watching him get so much of what he’s wanted for years when he possesses Klaus was beautiful.
Now, as for things I took issue with….
Ben. I understand why they ended his arc the way they did. I get that they were probably afraid the Klaus/Ben dynamic would grow stale if they didn’t change it somehow and wanted to give him a larger role in S3. His death(???) was heartbreaking and extremely well-done. But it also wasn’t foreshadowed. We never got any sense of what ghosts in the TUA ‘verse are, so the fact they can be destroyed by a ton of sound-turned-energy or by going too far into someone’s psyche or whatever happened….it’s not that it doesn’t make sense so much as there’s not enough evidence to determine whether or not it makes sense. It feels like the writers just kinda made that up so they’d have a reason to change Ben’s relationship dynamics, but if that’s the case, couldn’t they have done it another way? Couldn’t they have made it so the immense energy or psychic woo-woo or whatever gave him a power-up instead of destroying him? Vanya transferred some of her energy into Harlan and brought him back to life. Couldn’t something similar have happened with Ben? And if it tied him to Vanya as well as to Klaus, great! More fodder for angst and humor! (”Vannyyyyyyyy, stop hogging Ben!” “You got him for 17 years, Klaus, you can part with him for 20 minutes.” “Guys, don’t I get a say in this?”) I’m glad they didn’t write him out of the series entirely, but I still wish they’d kept him and all the character development he’d gotten throughout S2.
Episode 10. It looks like they tried to cram half a season’s worth of developments into 45 minutes. Twenty minutes in, I’d already said “Wait what the fuck” half a dozen times. A lot of those moments were explained later on, and I was able to make enough inferences to fill in any lingering plot holes, but…still. Too much stuff, too little time. E9 was a perfectly satisfying ending to the season. Yes, it leaves the siblings stranded in 1963, but they could’ve tied up those loose ends in the S3 premiere.
Lila. She’s an incredibly fun character, but her arc is kind of a mess. Most of that is due to E10, and I do feel that more time to let her arc breathe would’ve worked wonders, but I’m left feeling like her turn from “Handler is the best mom ever and I lurve Diego too” to “KILL DIEGO AND HIS EVIL FAMILY” to “Handler is a bad mom and Diego is right” happened too quickly.
The Commission. Okay, so, the Handler announces the entire Board has been killed, and she’s stepping in as director even though everyone appears to know she’s been demoted (and demoted pretty severely—she went from having an office bigger than some apartments to being a case management drone). There’s suspicion and lots of it. But then, La Resistance is….ten or so people in a single room? And when she calls the temps agents to her side, thousands of them show up ready and willing to fight and die? I dunno. Just seems like there should’ve been more splintering going on there. Again, I think they needed more time to tie everything up.
Aside from those complaints, I loved the season. I set aside most of a day to binge it, and I do not regret that decision at all.
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hepaidattention · 3 years
I love the slow burn they gave us when it came to stydia because honestly shows suck at keeping couples together after they get them there. I much rather prefer a "will they or won't they" until the final of the show, rather than a "Oh they're together but now they're gonna break up every few episodes and we're gonna have DRAMA." However.... can you imagine how perfect stydia would have been if they were a couple? 
I like to imagine sometimes that after s3 they get together and they're just this non-problematic couple. Their dynamic never really changes, they just kiss each other every now and then and hold hands more. Like in s3 they would never really establish what they were. They'd kiss every time they saw each other (as long as the pack wasn’t around), there was lot of hugging and hand holding, and they were (unspoken) committed to each other. But Lydia hated real commitment, it was something that made her feel trapped in this stage of life, so Stiles never pushed it. He never said the L word or anything, he just let them be casual and let Lydia figure out what she wanted. They never even told the pack what they were because they didn’t even know, they kept it pretty hush hush. 
If people asked what they were they'd say "really good friends", everyone knowing it was a lie. But labels freaked her out and Stiles was fine with that. It wasn't until one day Lydia pushes him into the coaches office to make out that he starts to feel neglected in a way. He starts to feel used, but he stays quiet because this is Lydia. He would never say anything to jeopardize being with her.
They'd be that couple that obviously don't have to be beside each other every moment and every day. They live their own lives, and at the end of the day they come to Stiles' room and just hold each other as they try to solve another case. When they go on cases together there's the little things, like holding hands in the car, or hugging each other after they haven't seen each other all day. But the rest would be very much the same. Lydia reaching for his hand when she's scared, Stiles protecting her with everything he has to offer, Stiles gently placing a hand on her back as they walk side by side. 
Stiles going through all the nogitsune stuff would be similar too in their relationship, only Lydia would be there more for him in the little moments. Holding his hands during panic attacks, even actually being there when he wakes up from his nightmare's. However Stiles would keep a lot from her because he didn't want to scare her off, and when Stiles goes missing and everything Lydia has to pretend to be chill about it because none of the pack knows the status of their relationship yet, but everyone can see straight through her. Her constant tears and panic shows it all. 
By s4 they'd reach a point in the relationship where there was no title still, but if anyone ever hit on them or asked them out they'd say they were in a relationship. When people asked Lydia who Stiles was to her she'd shrug, trying to hide a huge grin, and just say, "He's my guy." Stiles would always just say it was complicated, but in truth there was nothing complicated about it. 
They'd hardly ever go on date dates, but they would watch movies in Stiles' room, or go to their favorite diner for dinner after school, or pick up Tai and eat it in Stiles' jeep. They'd make out a lot, like a lot, but that was the depth of their relationship until the summer after s5.
 It started at the end of the school year, when Lydia went missing before they went to Mexico to save Scott. They had to leave her behind and it killed him, so when he saw her again he made sure to kiss her on the cheek before he left. A way to leave a memorable goodbye. After that, it stuck. Stiles would kiss her on the cheek all the time and she'd just roll her eyes at him. Every time he ran anywhere, because Stiles was always running, before he’d run off he'd kiss her on the cheek and it becomes a tradition between them. A way to say goodbye, a way to say they loved each other without having to say it. Sometimes if he forgot he'd come falling back into the room like he forgot his wallet, peck her cheek, and without another word run back out. Lydia would just smile to herself, loving him for it. 
Whenever Lydia would leave it would be the same. At first she'd just say bye but then Stiles teased her one day for leaving him hanging, so she kisses his cheek and it just becomes a mutual tradition after that. She normally would actually say goodbye, but she'd still kiss his cheek, always leaving red lipstick on Stiles’ blushing face.
But then Lydia is taken to Eichen House in s5. Before this their relationship had been strained due to Stiles dealing with everything, and Lydia was working with Parrish to figure out what he was. They still saw each other, but not as much and Stiles was keeping things from her. He finally told her what happened, but at this point Scott and him had already mended things and Lydia had gotten released from the hospital. But when Lydia was taken to Eichen House, he about lost it. No one could keep him from breaking into that place - he was getting her out of there was the last thing he did. Once he finally got her out, he realized how much he loved her - like feeling like he might die if she died kind of love. He wasn’t happy with what their relationship was anymore. He needed more. 
At this point their relationship was almost at a stands still. Stiles wanted more, he wanted to be able to say he loved her when he dashed out of the room or call her his girlfriend to his friends and family, even to her. He wanted to take her on dates and bring flowers to her any time of the day just because he could. But Lydia was pretty set on them staying as-is. She was extra clingy after Eichen, but that was it. Nothing changed between them. In the summer after s5 Scott tells Stiles he needs to stand up for himself. He gives him a pep talk about how it isn’t fair on him, how Stiles deserves to be happy in the relationship too. So, he listens to Scott and confronts her about it.
At first Lydia acts like he’s being silly. She’s getting in his lap, kissing his neck and collarbone and he just blurts out, “Lydia, what are we?” She just looks at him slowly and laughs a little, asking him what he’s talking about. He expresses his confusion on what their relationship status is for the past three and a half years and she just rolls her eyes and gets off of him, irritated. They argue and Stiles gets more angry than Lydia does, which is surprising to her. She finally asks him why it’s such a big deal to him and he blurts out that it’s because he loves her. She just stares at him, speechless, so Stiles storms out of her room and drives home.
Lydia goes to him that night. She comes to his house and knocks on his house door (his dads at work). He just blinks at her, still mad, and asks what she’s doing here. She asks if she can come in to talk and they walk into his room. They’re quiet, but finally she says, “Stiles, will you be my boyfriend?” and they kiss, and they make up, and for the first time they make love. 
However, Stiles never says he loves her again. Lydia never said it back, and he was not about to embarrass himself a second time. It isn’t until the the Riders are taking Stiles away, they’re in the jeep and he’s telling her all of these memories to remember him by, and he realizes this might be his last chance to ever say it again, so he kisses her on the cheek and says, “Remember I love you.” And then he’s gone, ripped from the jeep, and ripped from Lydia’s hands.
All of s6 is basically the same, until she remembers him at the end of s6a. Her memories are more in depth, because she has more memories of them together as a couple rather than just friends. Her greatest fear being that she’ll never see him again, and she never said it back. 
Anyway. That’s my long AU Stydia rant. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 
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Supernatural stars reflect on the show's undying legacy
Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins discuss 15 years of fantasy, family, and flannel. 
"We only get one shot at this." Sam and Dean Winchester are surrounded. The monster-hunting brothers are standing on the edge of a cliff. They look to Castiel, their brother in arms — or is it wings? — but even he can’t help. One move in the wrong direction could ruin everything. After years of fighting demons, going toe-to- toe with Satan himself, and saving the world multiple times, they once again find themselves in a position of having to perform under pressure. But this situation is unlike anything they’ve ever dealt with before. All eyes are on them as they have one shot…at getting the perfect picture.
It’s a dry, hot August day in Malibu — when people were still allowed to gather outside — as Supernatural stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins prepare for the last setup of their final Entertainment Weekly cover shoot. With a bottle of champagne in each of their hands, Ackles once again reminds them they get “one shot” to do this right. But if their characters can shoulder the weight of the world, surely these three can handle a photo. Read the whole story below
The champagne soaking is meant to be a celebration of 15 years, of making television history. Supernatural, the story of two brothers destined to save the world, is the longest-running genre show in the history of American broadcast television. (So old, the first three seasons shot on this thing called film.) What started as an underdog story, living its first few years on the verge of cancellation, has become an institution, a milestone to which other shows aspire. Supernatural not only survived the move from The WB to The CW after its first season — it’s now the final WB show left standing — but became the backbone of the now highly successful CW network. Over the years, the sci-fi series has aired on every weeknight, helping to launch shows including Arrow and The Vampire Diaries. The network moved it one final time, most recently, to Mondays, to help Roswell, New Mexico expand its audience. “Supernatural is a major link to many of the shows that we have successfully built to market,” The CW’s chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz says. “Almost every one of our shows has had it as a lead-out or a lead-in.”
And to think, it all started as a promise to bring horror to television. After Supernatural creator Eric Kripke had finished working with Warner Bros. on 2003’s Tarzan series, he pitched the idea of a reporter who travels around hunting urban legends. As he puts it, it was a Kolchak: The Night Stalker rip-off. But when he realized the story would benefit from having brothers at its core, he started writing. “At the time, The Ring and The Grudge were huge hits in theaters,” Kripke remembers. “We said, ‘We’re going to take that experience and we’re going to put it on TV,’ and the initial goal was to be scary.” After Warner Bros. passed on his first, what he calls “uptight,” draft, Kripke had to reassess the kind of show he was creating. “I canceled all my Christmas plans and wrote that second draft in three weeks,” he says. “That was when the show got its sense of humor, because I was locked alone, over winter break, in my office. I couldn’t do anything fun, so I started entertaining myself.”
The show was still scary, but it was also funny and, over the years, would continue to evolve. Sure, you could say it’s a little bit X-Files — in its early days, the show often used the line “The X-Files meets Route 66” — and there were definite Star Wars influences (Sam and Dean were originally based on Luke Skywalker and Han Solo). But no combination of pop culture is going to perfectly describe Supernatural because the show has managed to do something remarkably rare in the age of peak TV, where audiences are so overwhelmed with content that an original idea seems foreign: It’s created a truly one-of- a-kind experience.
For starters, it’s a show about two flannel-wearing, beer-loving, blue-collar dudes from Kansas who for a good chunk of their lives traveled from cheap motel to cheap motel, paying for gas and greasy diner food with a mix of fake credit cards and money they earned scamming people at the pool table. “Almost all television is about rich people or, at the very least, middle-class people,” co-showrunner Andrew Dabb says. “The fact that we’ve been able to take this Midwestern blue-collar approach to this genre feels like we’re breaking the mold.”
But the mold-breaking didn’t stop there. Supernatural might’ve started out as a horror show with some snarky one-liners, but it evolved into some of the boldest, most experimental (and certainly strangest) stories on the small screen. “We’re a show of big swings,” co-showrunner Robert Singer says. “I used to say, with every idea, ‘This will be a home run or they’ll cancel us,’ but every year we wanted to do something really nuts." And when he says nuts, we’re not just talking about the episode with the talking teddy bear or the murderer targeting imaginary friends. Those are just some standard monsters of the week. We’re talking about the black-and-white episode shot like a classic Hollywood monster movie, or the episode that introduced Chuck (Rob Benedict), a prophet — who’d later reveal himself to be God — who was famous for writing a book series called Supernatural. That, of course, led to Sam and Dean attending a Supernatural fan convention as the show continued to redefine what it meant to inject a series with meta humor. And the swings never stopped. Season 13 featured a Scooby-Doo crossover as an animated Sam, Dean, and Castiel solved a case alongside the Mystery Inc. gang. And in season 14, after giving God a sister a few years prior, the show made the Big Man Himself its final villain. “I don’t think any idea, barring some production concerns, has been viewed as too crazy,” Dabb says. “Because we know that our fans are smart and that they’ll follow these guys anywhere.”
So long as each episode features Sam and Dean — and the occasional heartfelt talk on the hood of the Impala — the show can do just about anything, which is another reason Kripke had to rewrite his first draft of the pilot. Originally, Dean was the only brother who knew about monsters growing up, bringing Sam up to speed later in life. It wasn’t until Kripke figured out that they needed to be in this together that the series snapped into place. Because at the end of it all, they’re two brothers bonded by the loss of their mother and a life spent on the road with an absentee father. (It just so happens that their mother was killed by a demon and their father hunted them.) The familial dynamic — the irrational codependency, as the angel Zachariah (Kurt Fuller) once called it — is the most important part of the show. “The first inkling I had that we had something special was shooting the pilot,” Kripke says. “It was the scene on the bridge when Sam and Dean talk about their mother. It was the first time that you really saw their chemistry and their connection as brothers on full display. Because I’ve always said this show begins and ends with whether you believe that sibling relationship.” But Sam and Dean weren’t just the center of the show. For many years, they were the show.
Supernatural has never been an ensemble drama. For the first 82 hours of the series, Ackles and Padalecki were the only long-running series regulars — Katie Cassidy and Lauren Cohan briefly joined for season 3, appearing in 12 episodes combined. But Sam and Dean weren’t just in every episode; they anchored every episode. (They skipped table reads because there would’ve been only two actors there.) “I had many moments of not only questioning, ‘Can I keep this up?’ but an answer of ‘I cannot keep this up,’ ” Padalecki, 37, who’s been vocal about his struggle in the early seasons, says. “I borrowed strength from Jensen.” But even Ackles, 42, admits it was a tough job. “The 23-episode seasons were nine and a half months of filming,” he adds. “It was a lot of work, but I always came back to: I still enjoy it, I still like telling the story, I still like these characters and the people I work with.”
Not only did the guys stick around, they built a reputation of having created one of the warmest sets in the business, with a number of crew members staying with the production all 15 seasons. It all dates back to a talk Kripke had with his stars during the filming of the series’ second episode. “I said, ‘The show is about your two characters, and with that comes this responsibility,’ ” Kripke says. Padalecki remembers the exact setting of what he calls their “Good Will Hunting moment,” a bench in Stanley Park in Vancouver, where they film. It was a chat both actors took to heart. “We’d both been on other sets,” Ackles says. “We knew we wanted to enjoy it, to have fun with our crew; we wanted them to like us and us to like them and to have fun doing what we do.” It’s an attitude Pedowitz hopes bleeds into other CW shows, an attitude that launched an annual tradition where the CW chairman/CEO takes his new casts out to dinner with the Supernatural guys, a chance for the vets to share advice. “It’s always the most flattering situation,” Padalecki says, recalling a moment he had a few years back with the late Luke Perry, who was a part of the Riverdale cast. “Luke was sitting next to me and he was like, ‘What y’all have done and what we hear about you guys, it’s really cool to be associated with y’all in some way, shape, or form,’” he recalls. “And I’m sitting there pinching myself.”
It’s a behind-the-scenes legacy that’s perhaps just as impressive, if not more so, than the onscreen legacy. Collins, 45, who started as a guest star and the show’s first angel in season 4, has become the show’s third-longest-running series regular, and he still remembers walking onto set his first day. “When you’re coming onto a show as a guest star, it can be a little bit nerve-racking,” Collins says. “Coming to this set, it was an immediately different vibe. Think- ing about working on other shows in the future, that’s something that I aspire to bring with me.”
A similar reputation extends to the fans as well. Not only is the #SPNFamily one of the most dedicated fandoms out there, it’s also known to be a pretty nice one. (Not many fandoms can say they’ve helped launch a crisis support network for their fellow fans.) But their dedication isn’t just about seeing what crazy twist God throws at Team Free Will next. Thanks to fan conventions and social media, the viewers are just as invested in the lives of the actors. Supernatural’s not just about the words on the page, it’s about the actors saying them. “When you’re dealing with the public taste, there’s an alchemy of great writing, a great idea, and the close-up that’s required,” Peter Roth, chairman of Warner Bros. Television Group, says. “You need stars who you want in your living room.” And you need stars who want to be in your living room, and who, even after 15 years, care so deeply that they get emotional while taking photos in Malibu.
"It's going to be a long eight months," Ackles declares. Standing on that same ledge, an hour before the champagne shot, Ackles, Padalecki, and Collins walk away from a group hug after unexpectedly starting to tear up. It might be the setting — looking out over the ocean — or the occasion: their last-ever photo shoot. Or maybe it’s the fact that they’re almost a month into filming their final season.
It had been a question posed to the stars for years: How long will this show continue? How long can it continue? “Even my mom and dad were like, ‘When are you going to be done with this?’” Ackles says with a laugh. It was a decision the network and studio had ultimately put into the actors’ hands, and it was a conversation they’d been having for a while. Back in 2016, Padalecki told EW, “If we don’t make it to [episode] 300, I think Ackles and I will both be truly bummed.” But in season 14, they hit 300…and then kept going. While filming episode 307, they announced the upcoming 15th season would be the end, which will bring them to a total of 327 episodes when all is said and done. “[Jared] and I were always married to the fact that we never wanted to go out with a diet version of what we had,” Ackles says. “We wanted to have enough gas left in the tank to get us racing across the finish line. We didn’t want to limp across.” Padalecki remembers the moment it hit him — not the decision to end it, but rather the opposite. “We had that moment where he and I both realized that we didn’t want it to end,” he says. “It finally got to a point, ironically, where it was like, ‘I never want to leave this. I could do this until the day I die, and then if I get the choice when I’m dead, I’ll re-up!’ But you never want to be the last person at a party. We just knew. That’s not to say there haven’t been vacillations, but we all trust the decision that was made.”
Starting in July 2019, the cast and crew returned to Vancouver to begin filming the final season, but in March 2020, with two episodes left to go, they were sent home. For years, fans had wondered what, if anything, could stop the Winchesters, and now it seems we have the answer: a global pandemic. As sets closed amid social-distancing measures due to the spread of COVID-19, it didn’t take long for fans to start connecting the dots, sharing relevant GIFs from episodes that featured viruses, most notably Chuck telling Dean to hoard toilet paper “like it’s made of gold” before the end of the world in season 5’s “The End.” (Did we mention that Supernatural is also kind of psychic? In a season 6 episode, Dean calls Sam “Walker, Texas Ranger,” which just so happens to be the role Padalecki has lined up after this ends.)
When production paused, it all felt a little like we were living in an episode of the show, just waiting for Sam and Dean to drive up in Baby, open those creaky doors, and save us. They might not be able to do quite that, but the thing with the Winchesters is that they never stay down for long. When Supernatural is able to safely resume production, it will. And though there are only two episodes left to film, fans will enjoy a total of seven unseen hours, including the return of Charlie (Felicia Day) and a mystery woman who visits the bunker and, for some reason, gives Sam and Dean all the holidays they never got to celebrate. “She makes Christmas for them and Thanksgiving, birthday parties, and all that. It’s a very good episode,” Singer says, adding, “I don’t know when it’s going to air.”
That’s the thing—no one knows, not even the guys who took out Yellow Eyes, stopped Leviathans, defeated Death himself, and are supposedly destined to be the messengers of God’s destruction. But Sam and Dean do know the value of a good plan B. “Obviously it’s a horribly unfortunate situation we’re in, but the silver lining is that it gives us an opportunity to recharge,” Ackles says. “We had just finished episode 18, we shot one day of episode 19, and I was reading these two monster scripts thinking, ‘It’s like we’re at the end of a marathon and they want us to sprint for the last two miles.’ I feel like this almost gives us an opportunity to refocus and go into the last two episodes and hit them with everything we got.” Because when they do return to set, shave their quarantine beards, and step back into Sam and Dean’s shoes for the last time, they’ll have one shot at ending this thing…and they’re determined not to miss. 
Photos: Peggy Sirota for EW 
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suchacoolchick · 3 years
This was a disaster. Lennon usually tried to stop melodramatic thoughts like that from entering her head (or liked to pretend she did at least), but it was al she could think as all the lights in her room (and presumably the apartment) went out. Normally, she would love any excuse to light some candles, read by the glow, and listen to the storm raging outside. But tonight wasn’t every night. It was Friday, the night Scream Street and it’s live after show went up. The group had been texting all day, as it was storming there and in the college town about an hour away where most of the rest of the cast and crew lived. Luckily, Liam (tech guy and editor extraordinaire) got the actual podcast episode out on time, but the after show livestream was about to start soon -or was supposed to- but if the group chat was any indication, they were all out of power. It sucked.
“Well, shit. Sorry guys.” Becca, Head Writer and one half of the Dynamic Duo behind Scream Street sent the group. “I think we’re gonna have to take the L on this one. We’ll do an extra special liveshow for the Screamers tomorrow.” Lennon’s heart plummeted. Fridays were legitimately one of her favorite nights of the week because of this, and it sucked to have it ripped away. On top of disappointing the fans, even if they could hopefully do a make up stream tomorrow. “I’ll make the official tweet.” Jess, the artist, social media manager, and other half of the Dynamic Duo (and Becca’s girlfriend) texted. “I’ll retweet it. And tweet myself, just in case.” Lennon finally added, still feeling the disappointment she knew everyone else was too. The conversation fizzled out and Lennon pulled up her twitter app, retweeted ScreamStreet’s tweet and tweeted from her own handle, notyourfinalgirl. In the middle of all of that, her dad texted her, asking if she was okay and that he’d be up from the diner as soon as he could and to please check on Odessa.
Lennon stood, walking to her dresser and lighting one of her tall pillar candles. She lifted it, using the soft glow to light her way from her room to Odessa’s door. She used the walk to brace herself for what she’d find. It wasn’t exactly a secret that she and Odessa didn’t exactly get along, and she was already upset and disappointed about the livestream getting canceled. When she was outside her stepsister’s door, she took a deep breath and knocked using the hand that wasn’t holding her candle, waiting a second before cracking it open, the candle lighting her face. “Hey, Dad wanted me to make sure you’re okay since the power’s out. He’s handling stuff in the diner since they closed early because of the weather. But are you good?”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Disposed Fate
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Summary: Fate was never on your side.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, Castiel
Warnings: angst, unrequited love?, rejection, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, scenting, pregnant mate, aggressive Omega, biting
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Quiet. The room is suddenly quiet when you step out of the restrooms of the crowded diner only to watch your alphas scent a random Omega.
You can hear Sam’s low throaty purr. While you poke your arm to make sure you are not in the middle of a nightmare, Dean sniffs at the Omega and your heart drops the moment he purrs for her too.
Without thinking twice, you run out of the diner. Your vision is clouded with tears as you walk along the street leading toward the bunker.
They did not even realize you left the diner, not even half an hour later when you arrive at the bunker.
With shaking fingers, you walk toward your shared room to hide your face in Dean’s pillow. Usually, his scent calms you but now more tears well up to your eyes and a sob leave your lips.
“Y/N is something wrong? Where are Sam and Dean?” Castiel’s deep voice let your heart drop as you do not want him to pity you – but you don’t want to lie to your friend either.
“They are still at the diner…” Sniffling you wipe the tears off your cheek. “I am just a bit…”
“I can sense the hurting, Y/N. We are friends, you can tell me anything. Maybe I can help you?” Sitting next to you onto the bed Castiel waits for you to talk to him but you do the second-best – leaning against his shoulder. “Y/N…?”
“We were at the diner and I had to good to the restrooms. When I came back Sam scented an Omega. He purred for her…Dean did the same…” Castiel knows any sign of rejection let your hormones work on overload.
“Maybe it was just a misunderstanding? They love you…right?” Huffing you pat Castiel’s hand. “They love you, don’t they?”
“If they would love me, there would be two claiming marks at my neck, Cas. I guess that I was just available – second best, you know. I was never the one they would claim and make their Omega.”
“I am sorry. Shall I hurt them for you?” Snickering you shake your head. Castiel is a good friend but you cannot ask him to hurt his friends, so you peck his cheek, deciding to talk to Sam and Dean when they get home.
“You know, I was alone before I met the Winchesters. I always knew I am only a placeholder. I Just had hoped all those years we spent together meant more to them. I was wrong, Cas. Don’t worry I’ll survive the heartbreak eventually.” Your words let Castiel’s stomach tighten and he brings you in his arms.
“I’ll be there for you, Y/N. Promised.”
“Please do not pity me. Having them both was all just a pleasant dream which turned into a nightmare.” While you start grabbing your belongings Castiel silently leaves the room to get the brothers…
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“What happened here?” Gasping Dean watches you throw things around the kitchen. Flour is plastered all over the floor, just like eggs, broken beer bottles and Dean’s beloved pie.
Pancakes slide down the walls as you threw the food around the room and Dean chuckles as you want to throw an egg at him.
With glowing eyes, you snarl into Dean’s direction before you storm into the library, ignoring your alphas as you rush into your shared bedroom.
Both alphas run after you, call your name but you are busy to destroy everything in the room reminding you of the time you shared with the brothers.
Feathers fly around the room as you rip the pillows open. “Holy shit, Y/N.” Dean gapes at you as your nails dig into the blanket to rip it into shreds.
“OMEGA!” Sam is the one stepping in to stop you from destroying more things. Your pre-heat will not make things easier, so you jump onto the bed to rip Sam’s pillow into two halves.
“Could you not ruin every pillow? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dean tries to wrap his arms around your waist, but you scratch and bite him. Furious you snarl into Sam’s direction as he tried to attack you from the other side of the bed.
“Omega, calm. We are here to talk to you…” Dean purrs but his words let you lash out even more. Lunging forward you tackle the hunter to sink your teeth into his bicep.
“Ouch, Sweetheart! What has gotten into you? I am not against a bit of pain but that is not funny. Calm, Omega…”
“You sniffed at that whore! I saw you! I bet you want to put your pups into that slut! I will kill her! I’ll kill them all!” Grunting you bite Dean’s shoulder and he fists your hair to force your teeth to let go of his flesh.
“Dude, she’s furious!” Snickering Dean watches Sam drag you off his elder brother. “We didn’t scent her; we scented the pup.”
“Pup! You made pups with her! I’ll kill you…” Your eyes darken and Dean gulps as your spit drips onto his chest. Your teeth grit and you glare at the hunter as he tries to touch you.
“We just wanted to know how a pregnant omega smells, baby. Dean and I would never knock someone else up. Now calm and sit on the bed. Well…” Laughing Sam looks at the destroyed pillows and blankets. “What’s left of it.”
“You scented her…” Whining you curl into a ball. “How could you…?”
“Let us explain…”
Sam tries to touch your cheek, but you flinch away, just like you did when they found you in the vamps nest years ago. He’s whining low as he can see the rejection in your eyes.
 "I waited for you to claim me. How can I have your pups if you were not able to commit and claim me? I was only a placeholder to you. Someone both of you could knot and use during your ruts. I was a rut-bunny to you, and I hate that I wasted so many years waiting for you two to be ready." Sniffling you turn away.
"Y/N, let’s talk things out." Sam is shuffling on his feet while Dean whines low in his throat, smelling your distress. "You're upset, just calm ‘mega." Sam reaches out for you, but you slap his hand away.
“Don’t call me like that. You lost the right when you scented that omega. Go and leave the disposed omega alone. Don’t pretend you worry about me."
 "Y/N... please." Dean can sense your pain and tries to nuzzle you, but you flinch away as if he burned you.
 "Leave me alone." Voice broken you let a high cupped sob out. "I’m not worth being your mate...I got it. All those years mean nothing to you."
 "Omega, we only scented her, nothing else. We were confused and needed confirmation. That omega is an old friend, she’s mated, okay." Sam husks moving closer.
 "I know you planned pups with her and all. Why should I listen to you much longer? You made your decision, now it’s my turn to make mine."
 "What do you mean?" Panicked Dean moves his hand over your back, gently caressing your skin.
  "I am gone when finished packing the stuff in my room. You do not need to worry. You’ll never see me again." 
 "Y/N, wait! It is not like that! I don’t want that Omega; we don’t want her." Whining Sam tries to stop you.
“We scented her as we believed you are pregnant. We talked to her and Karen said we may scent her to know how the scent changes when an omega is expecting.”
“You scented her as you believe I am pregnant?” Humming Dean scoots closer to wrap his arms around you. Your body trembles in his arms as you look at Sam. “But I feel my pre-heat. My hormones and all…”
“Oh—I thought you know she’s expecting. I believed this is the reason she is mad as you scented another omega. I could’ve clarified things, Dean.” Castiel gently presses one hand onto your forehead to calm you. “There are two healthy pups inside of you.”
“Pups…” Gritting your teeth you look at Sam. “You could’ve just told me so, asshole. I…I thought you want to knot that omega. Oh—I called her whore…”
“She didn’t hear that, sweetheart.” Dean nuzzles his nose into your hair, purring for you to calm you. “I purred as I knew that you are expecting the moment I scented Karen.
“Same,” Sam grumbles.
“We didn’t claim you as we always believed it’s safer for you to not run around with two Winchester claiming marks at your neck. You’re our omega, and this will not change.” Sam lies next to you, gently placing one hand onto your hip. 
“Dean is right, but we can claim you if you still want us. I know we should have talked to you, but your alphas wanted to surprise you. We bought a cake and all.” Humming you fist Sam’s shirt to sniff at the fabric.
“Which sort?” Smirking Dean pecks your neck as your stomach rumbles. “I want chocolate…”
“You’ll get it but first we should fix our bedroom. I prefer a blanket, not shreds…” Snickering Sam watches you glance at the blankets and destroyed pillows, not sorry at all.
“At least now you know what happens when you ever try to knot another Omega…” Your lips curve up into a grin as both alphas sigh heavily.
“Sammy, we’ve got us a brat. How do you intend on surviving nine months with a pregnant omega?” Sam smirks as he looks around the room.
“I’ll hide a pillow in my wardrobe and buy a shield to make sure I have something to defend me against flying eggs…” 
“Make it two…” Dean huffs as you hum to yourself while your inner omega purrs in delight.
“I’ll rip your plaids to shreds if you ever scent another omega again…” Cooing the words you wiggle in Dean’s hold. “Now get your omega cake! I am hungry…”
“Yes…ma’am…” Both alpha’s purr in unison. 
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tae-cup · 4 years
The Chief | Night Terrors (1)
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Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Summary: The prestigious department of police and investigations in Seoul, Korea, is called to the small town of Cape Springs in rural California. Nothing is quite what it seems here.
Warnings: Blood, violence, you know crime stuff? Fluffy stuff somehow
Genre: Mystery, Crime, Angst, a lil humor, sexual innuendos, BUT I DON’T WRITE SMUT OKAY
Word Count: 7.2k Words (Holy guacamole. This took forever to write.)
A/N: Let me know your thoughts! Any suspects? Just message me if you want to be tagged! I’m sorry there’s literally no Reader in here, but she’s coming in next chapter, I swear. No, you did not stumble upon an x OC fic, and no I did not tag this wrong, just bear with me XD. Please please read this one, it sets up some good background. 
 Thank you so much to @seokjinsultimatesimp / @kingbewwy for helping with my story planning and ideas!!
Beautiful header by the wonder @dee-ehn / @dnrequests
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       The flight was long. Long, tiring, and utterly boring. Jungkook knew he should have packed something to do on the plane. He had been dependent on the movies in first class and reclining chairs to pass the time. Well, now he was halfway through his fourth movie and sleep was nowhere in sight. Yoongi was quiet across the aisle from him and Taehyung was watching a movie next to him with some snacks he raided from the service cart. Not wanting to bother either of them for entertainment, especially Yoongi, he decided to sit in silence. The movie was getting boring so he turned it off and prayed sleep would arrive. 
It did not. 
He arrived, jet lagged and lacking 13 hours of sleep. 
“Did you sleep?” Taehyung tilted his head as they stood to collect their belongings from the baggage claim. The boy just tiredly shook his head. 
“Hah, guess we’ll have to be getting you coffee!” Seokjin chuckled, having slept most of the flight in peace. Yoongi, despite sleeping for the entire 13 hours, still looked exhausted.  The others just seemed focused on getting their luggage and leaving. They had a lot of suitcases to store their equipment. Jungkook rolled his eyes at his older counterpart.
“I’m fine.” But as he said it, a huge yawn ripped from his chest. Jin grinned, but didn’t mention it as Jungkook’s ears started turning red with embarrassment. 
“Guys, we have to get going.” Namjoon announced. 
“Aye aye, chief.” Jimin saluted cheekily. Namjoon just pressed his lips into a thin line, not amused. The younger male just sighed and nudged the police chief. “You really need to loosen up.”
“And you need to remember that we’re here to solve a murder.” 
“Even better! It’s several murders!” Taehyung chirped, earning a glare from his superior, Yoongi. 
“Aish, you kids.” Hoseok scratched his head. “You shouldn’t be excited that a bunch of people are dead.” He muttered. 
“Sorry, hyung, we just rarely get cases that Joonie agrees to investigate. How else am I supposed to keep up with Yoongi if I never get any experience?” Taehyung glared right back at Yoongi. The older man muttered something under his breath and dragged the younger away by his collar. 
“Where are they going?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow. He was still trying to get used to the group dynamics and while he wasn’t entirely innocent, he tried to fill up that role in the meantime. The other members looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile. 
“Oh, don’t worry about it, Kookie.” Jimin winked. “He’s probably...teaching Taehyung his place.” 
“Oh…” Jungkook tilted his head, trying to make the connections. “So like yelling? Hyung could’ve just done it here. I mean, he does that all the time!” 
Jimin exchanged a look with Jin. Jin shook his head, Jimin smiled. 
“Kookie, no, Yoongi’s going to-”
“Oh my god, he’s too innocent.” Jin cried, rushing to cover the maknae’s ears. 
“Too innocent for what?” A lazy drawl came across the group, making Jin and Jimin jump. Namjoon chuckled and Hoseok pretended to be distracted on his phone, only stealing a quick glance up. 
     Yoongi’s hair was messy, as if hands ran through them several times. His lips were swollen and he had a large dark spot on his neck, which he quickly covered with his shirt collar when he saw them staring. Taehyung trailed behind him, dazed. He looked relatively the same. Jungkook jumped into action, shoving Jin away. 
“Oi! Yoongi-hyung, I know you wanted to teach Tae a lesson, but isn’t that too rough?!” He shouted pointing at the other’s ‘bruise’. Hoseok began giggling and Yoongi turned impossibly red. 
“Oh yeah, he taught me a lesson for sure.” Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook gaped, eyes flicking between the two. 
“But he didn’t need to beat you up! Why are your lips swollen and there’s obviously a bruise on your neck!” 
      Yoongi began laughing softly and Taehyung’s ears went red. Namjoon sighed and dragged Jin over to help load the car. Hoseok was quick to follow, leaving Jimin to watch the scene unfold. 
“We didn’t beat each other up.” Yoongi explained with a grin. 
“So someone else did?!” Jungkook’s nostrils flared with anger. “Where?!” 
“Slow down, coffee boy.” Taehyung said, amused by his younger friend. “You wouldn’t be able to fight anyone off.” 
“Okay fine, but I could hold my own!” 
The two began to open their mouths to respond when Namjoon shouted at the remaining four. 
“Get over here! We’ve got a long ride.” 
Jungkook rubbed his temples, scrunching his eyebrows up in distress. “Fine, I’ll drop it, but you better tell me soon.” He said in a huff and stomped off to the van, leaving Jimin, Yoongi, and Taehyung to burst out laughing while the youngest pretended not to hear them.
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       The town of Cape Springs was old. Old as in ‘stuck in a total time warp’ old. It looked like nothing had been updated since 1950. The van felt out of place, despite the various modern vehicles littering the road. Main street was all one story, one street. The boys looked peered curiously out the windows. The town could be considered charming if it weren’t for the murders happening every Saturday. 
        A stomach growled from somewhere in the van and it set everyone else off. 
“You know, I’m kinda hungry, Joonie.” Taehyung said. “I missed breakfast on the plane.” He complained. 
“Yeah, me too.” Yoongi agreed reluctantly. 
“You slept the entire time, you lazy ass. What are you even using all that energy for?” Hoseok snorted. 
“Thinking, you dumbass.” Yoongi retorted. “Unlike what you do all day, I actually use my brain.” 
“Sure thing, Mr. Head Investigator.” Hoseok said, clearly annoyed by his comments. 
“Yoongi and Taehyung aren’t the only ones.” Namjoon finally gave in, tired of listening to them bicker. It often felt like babysitting children and not a team of well trained detectives, investigators, and policemen.
       Then there was the actual child of the group, 24 year old Jungkook. He was far too innocent for someone of that age, to his hyungs, having grown up around the protective nature of the other boys. Jin pulled into an open spot and parked the car. Taehyung and Jimin threw open the door, rushing to get outside and tumbling out in a heap. The other men chuckled at their antics. 
“You clumsy idiots!” Yoongi reprimanded, climbing out and helping them up nonetheless. Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Jimin just pouted. The townspeople passing by were quiet, eyes trying not to stare at the obvious newcomers. 
“Let’s go to this diner.” Namjoon said, pointing to a faded sign that read Betty’s Diner. Jin’s eyes surveyed the street. Despite their being people with modern clothing and devices, it still felt like they were transported back to the 1950s. 
“It’s not like there’s much of an option.” Jungkook pointed out, gesturing around the small mainstreet. It was either Betty’s Diner or Isabella’s Ice Cream Parlour and there was only one that held savory food. Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok fought to get through the doorway at the same time, earning an annoyed look from the locals inside. 
“Great, we’re making such a nice first impression.” Yoongi mused, gazing at the four men arguing at the door. Namjoon tried to soothe the wrinkles between his brow as he nodded along. 
“You guys are going to give me wrinkles before I’m 40.” The police chief sighed. 
         When they could finally sit, they were put at a table in the back. The diner had to move several tables and chairs together in order to accommodate. As they ordered, they didn’t even notice the dirty looks they were getting. Seven new, rowdy, men have arrived in town. That could only mean trouble. 
“I do not snore.” Namjoon said, offended. 
“You do too!” Jin fired back. “I sat next to you for 13 hours and god knows how many nights I’ve spent in your-” 
“That’s enough!” He cried, exasperated. The poor man was always under scrutiny from his partners. He loved them all dearly, but dear god it could be a lot to handle. Jin frowned and huffed, looking away. 
“One order of french toast and orange juice.” A waiter interrupted, tone harsh. The group turned to him, surprised. The name tag read ‘Hak-kun’. 
“Here.” Taehyung raised his hand awkwardly after a brief silence. The waiter let out an annoyed sigh and practically threw the plate down with the glass. 
     Taehyung cautiously pulled the plate toward him and the other men eyed Hak-kun. The waiter stormed away without another word. The cook was watching him, everyone in the diner was watching him. There was muffled shouting and next thing they see is Hak-kun is when he’s leaving, throwing his uniform apron onto the ground in frustration. The locals stared before going into a muttering frenzy. Anger issues….always fired...psycho...etc etc.
“Should I have gotten pancakes instead?” Taehyung asked after a tense silence. Yoongi narrowed his eyes. 
“Obviously. Who eats french toast for lunch?” He scoffed. 
“Pancakes aren’t exactly a lunch food either.” Jin piped up. 
“But at least they fit into a category.” Yoongi started, ready to rant. “They know their place. They’re a breakfast food! French toast is like in mealtime limbo. Nobody ever wants french toast just for breakfast; they can also have it for lunch and dinner!” 
     Jimin was in a fit of laughter at the usually subdued man’s outburst. 
“Think they poisoned it?” Jungkook playfully nudged Taehyung who grumbled something under his breath. It sounded an awful lot like ‘They might’ve’. Lunch continued as normal. Yoongi sat in silence for the rest of the time while Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin made the group laugh with their antics. 
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        The police station was dusty. Old and dusty, looking like a ghost town. Namjoon peered inside, glancing around to see a bored desk attendant. He waved, but the attendant even spare him a glance. Jin cleared his throat. The attendant jumped, looking up with dazed eyes. 
“Oh, hello? Has there been an emergency?” He asked with a questioning gaze. The seven men shifted awkwardly. 
“Uh, hello, we’re from the Bangtan police department. Were you not expecting us? We can come back at another time-” Namjoon began and the man quickly stood. 
“No! Not at all! Sorry, it’s been slow recently.” 
The men exchanged glances. 
“But...there have been a lot of murders recently, have there not?” Yoongi tilted his head. The man was sweating and they couldn’t tell if it was because it was hot or because he was guilty of something. Of course, Yoongi and Taehyung tended to intimidate people, it was part of their job, so that could also be the issue. 
“Yes! That’s why you’re here. Uh, I’ll grab the chief.” The man quickly left, rushing into the back. He opened a door into the backroom and loud talking could be heard before it was muffled once more by the door. 
      Namjoon looked lazily down at his watch, Jungkook tapped his foot nervously, Yoongi was whispering with Taehyung, Jimin was giggling about something with Hoseok, and Jin kept his eyes trained on the door. 
      A pudgy man walked through the door, a faded blue officer uniform on. He took in the men standing in his station, then looked uneasily back at the attendant. They exchanged looks and then the attendant scurried back to the desk, shrinking in his seat. The chief smiled at the men. 
“Hello boys!” He said cheerfully. “Welcome, welcome! When did you get in?” He ushered them into the back where there were empty desks lined up next to each other. Dust hung in the air, only seen in the thin streams of light coming through the slats in the windows. 
“We arrived a few hours ago, we ate at Betty’s Diner.” Namjoon said. The others nodded along with the statement. The police chief’s eyes sparkled. 
“Ah, great food yeah?” 
“Definitely!” Taehyung piped up, only to be nudged hard by Yoongi. Despite being part of Yoongi’s investigative team, he had trouble reading the room. The chief seemed cheerful but there was an odd cloud of tension. 
“What’s your name, sir?” Namjoon cut in. 
“Oh right, you can call me Officer Nam.” He held out his hand and Jin reached forward, shaking it. 
“Officer Kim Seokjin, but I go by Jin.” Jin introduced himself. 
“You can call me Namjoon.” The younger man smiled, taking Officer Nam’s hand after Jin and gave him a firm shake. Before the office could respond, the other men were taking his hand, shaking it and introducing themselves. 
“Officer Min, head of investigations.” 
“Oh don’t mind the grump, I’m Officer Kim, but just call me Taehyung. This dumbo is Yoongi.” The energetic man shook Officer Nam’s hand several times excitedly. 
“Hoseok.” The other officer was formally trained. He gave Nam a firm handshake, his grip like iron. 
“I’m Jimin, pleasure to meet you sir.” The smaller man smiled widely. Officer Nam returned the smile warily. “That’s Jungkook.” He nodded towards the younger boy who had fallen silent. “He’s training with us, he’s mostly here to observe the process.” 
“Sorry, we can be a bit much in the beginning.” Jin said. It didn’t take a detective to see that Officer Nam was overwhelmed. 
“Oh it’s quite alright. There hasn’t been much we’ve been able to figure out much information with these murders. People are on edge, ya know? They clam up, won’t talk much.” Officer Nam explained. “We often leave it to our intern to handle public affairs, she’s more versed in...talkin’ to people.” 
“Intern?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, speaking for the first time. The officer seemed surprised to see him standing there, but nodded nonetheless. 
“She’s studyin’ to be an interrogation officer and needs some experience with a more experienced crew than us. The town is usually quiet.” 
“I see.” Namjoon murmured. 
“She won’t get in yer way!” Nam exclaimed, shaking his head. “She’s just a little shy.” 
“Where is she?” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Well, she should be clocking in right about...now.” The office glanced at his watch. As if on cue, the door squeaked open. 
“Officer Nam? I’m here!” A soft voice called into the station. The men whirled around to see a small girl. She looked almost fragile with dark hair and a lithe frame. She looked startled to see the seven brooding men. “Sorry!” She squeaked, ready to flee the room. 
“Actually!” Officer Nam interrupted, halting her in her tracks. “Come here, I want to introduce you to Bangtan Police.” 
       She tentatively walked in. She looked like prey walking into a lion’s den; and she could’ve been with the way they were looking at her.
“Yes?” She shakily pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“This is Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook. They’re from The Bangtan Police Department and I’d like you to spend the remaining time in your work study with them to help solve this case.”
“W-why?” She turned, alarmed, to look at her superior. 
“Because they have much more experience and you haven’t gotten much experience with us here.” He explained, his gaze filled with something akin to fatherly love. “Now, introduce yourself.” He nudged her towards them. 
      The girl looked up hesitantly. Her gaze flickered away quickly, despite the encouraging smiles on their faces. 
“I’m Hae-won.” She murmured. “It’s a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can work well together.” 
     The boys were already swooning, hearts beating loudly. Once the chief left to discuss details with Namjoon, the boys split off to look around. Jungkook immediately took a place next to Hae-won. 
“Hey, Hae-won.” He grinned. She flushed and looked away. He was reminded of Y/N, but Hae-won was 10x shyer it seemed. “Wanna show me around?” 
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Her voice was barely a whisper. 
“Now come on, how are you going to be an interrogation officer if people can barely hear you? Speak up.” He teased. Hae-won looked up startled, eyes wide. 
“Oh right, yeah, that.” She murmured, more to herself than anything, but Jungkook heard it. 
“Do you not want to be an interrogation officer? That’s perfectly fine, y’know?” Jungkook paid no mind to her confused expression. “It’s not perfect for everyone.” 
“Hm.” She didn’t seem amused, just lost in thought. She seemed to notice the awkward pause, however, because she tugged on his arm. “Right, let me show you my favorite part of this station!” 
        As Jungkook was dragged away, Yoongi spoke with Jin. 
“The people here are...odd.” the paler man spoke. 
“It’s a small town, Yoongles.” Jin said.
“I guess...and don’t call me that.” 
“Yoongles.” The man scoffed. Jin swatted his arm. 
“Now, is that anyway to talk to your hyung?” The older man teased. 
    In the corner, Taehyung and Jimin were looking around the empty station. 
“Where is everyone?” Taehyung scrunched his nose, trying not to sneeze as a plume of dust flew into his face. Jimin ran his finger along the edge of a desk, tilting his head as he looked at the fine layer of grime on his finger. 
“Not sure. Maybe it’s just an off day.” Jimin shrugged, wiping his finger off on his pants. 
“I mean, why have all these desks if you don’t use them?” 
“Hae-won suggested we get them.” Officer Nam said, arms crossed as he appeared in the doorway. Taehyung jumped, goosebumps running up his arms as Jimin tapped his foot nervously. 
“Why?” The detective asked. 
“She said ‘just in case’.” The officer mimicked the young girl. They surveyed the room. Eight desks. 
“Hm. Interesting.” 
Officer Nam just shrugged nonchalantly. “That girl can be a little weird sometimes. She’s too eager, too soft for this line of work.”
“I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it.” Taehyung suddenly felt the need to defend the poor girl. Officer Nam’s lips slid into a sleazy grin. 
“I see.” He said. 
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“Let’s split up.” Namjoon announced upon arrival. The alleyway was in a rather shady part of the town. There was fresh blood on the stones, a smear on the pavement, an arc of blood across the wall. None of them even flinched, not even Hae-won. 
“I’ll take Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin.” Jin said. “Let’s look over the crime scene.” 
        Taehyung nodded, pulling out his camera to take pictures. Yoongi crouched near the blood smear on the pavement and Jimin wandered around, handing them gloves and then running his hands over every seam in the wall. 
        Namjoon took Hae-won, Hoseok, and Jungkook to interview witnesses and the surrounding townspeople. 
        Jimin knelt on the ground, hand running over a soft texture. Curious, he carefully picked up the object. In his hand was a soft tie, one that looked oddly familiar. He lifted it to the air, examining it in the fading sunlight. It looked new, not exactly a week old. It was possible that it was planted there, but he needed to bring it in nonetheless. The pink haired man took out a ziploc bag and placed the tie inside of it before sealing it up once more. 
“Who was the victim and how was she found?” Hoseok asked, holding a notepad and pen. Officer Nam scratched his head for a minute before walking over to the spot. 
“Right here.” He gestured to where a pool of blood was at the end of the blood streak. “She was leanin’ up against this wall, throat slit as y’know.” 
“Mhm.” There was the scratch of the cheap pen against the notepad as Hoseok wrote down his words. “What was her name?” 
“Great. Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any further information, please do tell us.” Hoseok dipped his head. Hae-won observed from a distance, standing next to Namjoon as he explained the process to her. 
“So Hoseok here is going to ask the most important question first and then go on to specifics. Pleasantries aren’t too necessary until the end. He’ll close with a polite statement and leave.” The chief said as they watched the interaction. “In fact, here he comes now.” 
Hoseok waved at the two and winked at Hae-won. “Didya learn anything?” 
“Uh, yeah.” Hae-won smiled anxiously under his gaze and he laughed. Namjoon pulled at them to regroup with the others as night drew nearer. 
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     The next day, they decided to have a formal meeting to discuss the situation. 
“So, we have Mun-hee, killed and placed in the exact same way as Jane Doe.” Jin laid out the facts. “She even looked a bit like Jane Doe. Were they relatives?” 
“No.” Hoseok shook his head. 
“I found a tie at the scene.” Jimin held up the plastic bag. Hae-won looked on curiously. Now Jimin had their attention. “It looks familiar, I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
“That’s from Betty’s Diner.” Hae-won interrupted. “I recognize it and I think it’s Hak-kun’s.” 
“Why?” Namjoon turned to look at the small girl. She pressed her lips into a thin line. 
“Well, he didn’t show up for work so I’m guessing he quit. He called me before that to say he lost his tie and broke down because his boss scolded him for forgetting to wear it.” She mused to herself before straightening again. “Those are just speculations.” 
       The chief of Bangtan smiled at her with a nod of approval. Even Yoongi quirked an eyebrow, Taehyung mimicked his expression. She was wary of the two of them. It always felt like they could see right through her. 
“Listen, it’s Friday. The killer strikes again tomorrow and if it’s Hak-kun, then we need to bring him into custody.” Yoongi said factually. 
“Are you seriously going to gamble people’s lives? What if it’s not him? Then we have no one watching out for the killer because we’re all trying to watch him.” Hoseok looked appalled at the suggestion. 
“Listen, I’m fine with that. We could see if there’s a pattern.” Yoongi shrugged. 
“There are people’s lives at risk here!” Hoseok shouted, slamming a fist onto the table. The other members jumped, surprised to see Hoseok so worked up.
“Jeez, you cops always get so worked up about people’s lives.” Yoongi said with a groan. 
“You’re technically a cop too, ya know?” The man sighed and slouched in his chair, defeated. 
“He has a point.” Taehyung piped up, earning a glare from his mentor. Instead of cowering back, as per usual, he jutted out his chin and continued. “Besides, don’t you think these murders are just too...delicate? Too well thought out for someone who’s doing this simply out of a moment of anger.” 
“We still can’t discount the fact that his tie was found at the crime scene. That’s damning evidence.” Jin jumped in. 
         There was a tense silence, Yoongi and Taehyung exchanging warring glares and Jin now staring intensely at Hoseok. A muscle in Taehyung’s jaw twitched uncontrollably. Namjoon’s gaze swept the room before he slowly stood, hands pressing to the table. 
“I say we bring him in for questioning. We don’t have to guard him if we just put him in a cell overnight.” He said, trying to reach a conclusion both sides would agree with. Jimin, who hadn’t spoken his opinion, just watched as the team was already divided. 
“Doesn’t it feel like the killer is toying with us?” He murmured, but with the silence in the room, everyone heard. 
“What do you mean by that, Jiminie?” Hoseok turned his attention away from Jin. His movement stirred the other members to look at him, Hae-won remained silent. 
“Mun-hee is found in the exact same situation as Jane Doe, as if the killer expected us and wanted to put on a show. A show of power. They’re saying ‘look, I did it once, I can do it again, and stump you every time.’ A subtle fuck you.” Jimin’s eyes darkened. The other men visibly stiffened, looking around nervously. 
“But how would they know?” Namjoon asked. 
“Small town, word spreads fast.” Taehyung said dryly. 
“That doesn’t narrow anything down.” Jin sighed, running a hand down his face in exasperation. 
“Well, actually,” Jungkook piped up. The attention turned to him and he swallowed, suddenly nervous. “Eye witness accounts say they saw a ‘strange man’ walking around.” He spoke, tapping his pen against the notepad in front of him. They pondered over this discovery. 
“Hak-kun fits that.” Taehyung muttered, saying what was on the others’ minds. 
“Just because he’s a man?” Hae-won scoffed, a sudden hard tone to her voice that had Jungkook turning to look at her, surprised. She quickly cleared her throat, returning to the quiet voice she usually had. “I mean, I just, I don’t know if that’s enough information, but with his tie, I think it’s a good idea to investigate him.”
“Right.” Namjoon nodded, rubbing his chin with his fingers. “Well, we’ll bring him in, get a warrant for his arrest, there’s substantial evidence, and interview him. Any objections?” 
       The six men’s eyes scanned the room before they all nodded. They waited, staring expectantly at Hae-won. She flushed a bright red from being thrusted into the spotlight. 
“Y-yeah. That sounds great.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. They all smiled fondly at her.
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“Saturday, the countdown begins.” Jin mused, picking up his watch from his bedside table. 
“You’re setting a bad example, joking about these murders.” Namjoon sighed, rolling over, throwing an arm around the older man. The tips of Jin’s ears went red, goosebumps rolling up and down his body. 
“Joonie, some people have a sense of humor.” He snorted, turning over to face the man next to him. He placed his hands on either side of Namjoon’s face and slowly leaned in. The chief met the distance, lips brushing Jin’s. Then the chief smiled, pulling away to look at his second in command. He loved this man. 
“I have a great sense of humor, I fell in love with you after all.” 
“I don’t know if I should be offended or touched by your proclamation of love.” Jin huffed, shifting to sit up, hotel blankets pooling around his waist. 
“You’re unfair, Jin.” Namjoon murmured. “So handsome and, fuck.” He sighed, obviously conflicted. 
“We already know I’m the handsomest, Joonie.” 
“But how did you end up with a mess like me? Sometimes you handle the children better than me, and I’m supposed to be the police chief!” 
“They just need a little mothering. And don’t underestimate yourself, I’m sure a person like Y/N would throw herself at you if she got the chance, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” Jin laughed, getting up and pulling on his suit. 
        It was sort of a uniform, black linen pants and a white button up. This was paired with a navy blue suit jacket that had his badge in the pocket. He went to the bathroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth, mumbling something about there being a lack of room service at this motel. Namjoon just chuckled at his grumbling and got dressed as well. He wore black pants, like Jin, and a white button up shirt, except his suit jacket was a faded brown. 
“You always bring up Y/N, it’s almost like you like her too.” Namjoon pointed an accusing finger at his partner. 
“And what if I did?” 
“Well it would be unfair because I met her first.” 
“You can’t just claim women, Joonie.” He rolled his eyes and opened the heavy hotel room door. 
“I’ll do what I want.”
“You say that now, but we all know she has you whipped.” 
“Who has who whipped?” Jungkook’s curious voice echoed through the hallway. Jin spun on his heel to face the maknae. 
“Now look what you’ve done.” Jin glared at Namjoon who just shrugged innocently. 
“I’m just kidding.” Jungkook sighed. “I’m not as innocent as you guys think I am.” He wandered down the stairs, finally getting tired of acting dumb, the Chief and Second in Command now following him. 
“Elaborate.” Namjoon demanded. 
“Oh please, you guys actually bought that I was that oblivious?” He sat down, ignoring the other men at the table whose conversation came to a halt at the sight of them. 
“Well, I-” Jin’s face was red. 
“Come on, I know Taehyung and Yoongi are practically eye fucking each other every minute and quite literally fucking each other every night. Please keep it down guys.” The youngest pointed a finger at the two men sitting next to each other. They looked away with a huff, but their faces were red. 
“And You two.” He turned to Namjoon and Jin. “You make me sick, really. You’re so cute and reliable. Then you go and flaunt your cuteness to everyone. We all see it! Hoseok and Jimin-guys, just ask each other out already!” 
      There was a long silence. Jungkook shrunk back in his seat, bravado gone, now worried he took it a little too far. 
“Kookie, you’re not aware of the full story here.” Namjoon chuckled after a tense moment, the noise echoed by the other men at the table.
“You really want to tell him?” Jin eyed Joon warily. 
“It’s time he knows.” Taehyung sighed. 
“What? Know what?” Jungkook felt the bubble of envy in his stomach. They kept so many things from him; little secret, jokes. One time they forgot to invite Jungkook to his own surprise party. 
“Well,” Jimin reached out and grabbed Namjoon’s hand. “We’re actually...all together already.” 
“Oh.” The younger’s voice was soft, trying not to betray the emotions flowing through him. They were all dating? And without him? Was he fucking seventh wheeling??? “Without me?” He furrowed his eyebrows. 
      Jin started laughing his windshield wiper laugh as Hoseok smiled. Taehyung and Yoongi exchanged glances. 
“That was an unexpected answer.” Yoongi muttered under his breath. 
“That’s what we wanted to talk about this morning.” Jimin said soothingly, touch relaxing Jungkook easily. “We want you to join us.” 
“Yes.” Taehyung nodded quickly. 
“Is that a yes?” Hoseok asked, watching Jungkook’s mouth open and close. The sounds of the guests around him went underwater. He couldn’t hear anything, emotions spiraling out of control. All six of them? It was insane. But then he couldn’t imagine himself anywhere else. 
“Yes.” He said quietly. “Yes!” He said again, louder. Namjoon smiled, cupping his chin with his slender fingers. 
“Then, may I?” He asked for permission softly. 
        Jungkook simply nodded and Namjoon tentatively placed his lips against his. It was quick, brief, one might even think it was an accident if it hadn’t been for Namjoon’s hand on his chin. 
“Did I do something wrong?” 
“No, baby, it’s just that...this is a small town. That’s why we’re trying not to be very open.” 
“Oh, I see.” Jungkook refused to pout. He wanted to have some big romantic story, but that would have to wait. They were trying to solve a series of murders, dammit. 
“We should get going.” Yoongi glanced at his watch and the others agreed, standing and taking their suit jackets off the backs of their chairs. 
    The morning breakfast rush had dissipated, now only the metal containers of bacon and eggs left. The place was just as dusty as the police station and it made Jungkook’s nose twitch with the urge to sneeze. 
“Why is everything so dusty here?” Jimin complained, rubbing his nose with his sleeve. 
“Yeah, it’s making me-” Taehyung was interrupted by the loud sneeze that escaped his mouth. 
“Bless you.” Yoongi responded immediately, rubbing Taehyung’s back caringly.
     It was the first sign of affection Yoongi had openly given Taehyung. They were alone, for one, and for two, Taehyung seemed a little down today, just a little sad. 
“Let’s get going, Hak-kun should be in his apartment still, according to the schedule Hae-won gave us.” Jin checked his phone to pull up the screenshot. 
“Why does she have his schedule?” Jimin asked innocently. 
“It’s a small town, who knows?” Yoongi pressed his lips into a thin line. 
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Knock knock knock. Namjoon waited patiently, his partners waiting near the car so as to not scare Hak-kun off. There was the sound of footsteps and a loud groan. The door opened a crack, stopped by the chain inside. 
“Who are you?” The voice was gruff. 
“I’m Kim Namjoon from the Bangtan Police Department. I’d like to ask you a few questions regarding the murders of Jane Doe, Mun-hee, and others.” 
“Okay one second.” The voice was more awake this time as he shut the door. The chain rattled on the other side and then the door opened fully. A man stood in clothes that looked like he’d slept in them. Namjoon immediately recognized him as their rude waiter. 
“Had a rough night?” He tried to be pleasant. 
“Yeah, slept in the car again. The damn heater broke in my apartment.” The man grumbled, stepping aside to let him in. When Namjoon walked in, already tense, his eyes had to adjust to the darkness. 
      Despite the thin streams of light shining through the slats in his windows, the room was in utter darkness. As he adjusted, he could make out piles of clothing on the floor, dishes in the sink, unwashed, and cups littering the floor. There was also an odd assortment of broken items in the corner of the room, hidden in the darkness. 
      It looked like someone threw a rager in this house and then left. The brown haired police chief was surprised anyone could be this messy. Like, he was messy, yes, but he would never let himself degenerate to this state. 
“What do you need to know?” Hak-kun somehow found a place to sit on the couch, but it had a dent carved in it and Namjoon was sure that was the only place you could sit on that couch. 
“Actually, we have a warrant for your arrest due to substantial evidence implicating you in the murder of Mun-hee.” Namjoon dug around his pockets and took out the papers. 
“Oh, I see.” Hak-kun’s eyes didn’t quite meet Namjoon’s. He looked around, jaw clenching in signs of annoyance. 
“What’s that?” The chief asked, pointing to the broken objects in the corner of the room. The man’s nostrils flared in anger. 
“I just get mad sometimes and things happen, okay?” He snapped. “I’ll go with you willingly, I have nothing to hide.” Hak-kun stood and dusted off his pants, though they were already dirty with food stains. 
Namjoon grimaced and nodded, in a hurry to leave the dirty apartment. 
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Audio recording #1:
MYG: Is it alright if we record this?
HK: Yeah, it’s fine. 
MYG: Great, okay, please tell us how you are connected to Mun-hee. 
HK: Mun-hee...ah, Mun-hee. We went to school together. Wait, can I get a glass of water or something? I have a splitting headache. 
MYG: Of course. 
KTH: So you knew her?
HK: Hah, well, we grew up together.  It was often just us, this stupid town, the old schools. A lot of kids come here because it’s the closest school around these parts, but only a couple actually live here. 
MYG: Who else lives here?
HK: Hm, there was me, Mun-hee, Joo-Eun, and another girl, her name is slipping my mind. 
KTH: You grew up with these people, though, how do you not know their names?
HK: She was always easily forgettable. She’s not much trouble though, I remember her being a nice girl...until, nevermind.
MYG: Until what?
HK: It’s not my place to say. 
KTH: Well it would do you good to say it.
MYG (muffled): Taehyung get it together. 
HK: I don’t want to talk about it. 
MYG: That’s alright, Hak-kun, I can call you that, right?
HK: Yeah. 
MYG: What do you remember about last saturday? 
HK: Not much. I remember I drank some weird shit at the party-
MYG: The same one Mun-hee went to?
HK: Yes. 
MYG: And why were you there, Hak-kun. 
HK: Mun-hee is, was, my friend, sir. I would never do anything to hurt her, if that’s what you’re wondering. Listen, I know you guys are trying your best, but just drop it. I have nothing to do with it. That tie went missing long before Mun-hee’s body was found. I’ve obviously been framed and you stupid ass-
MYG: Okay, I think that’s enough for today. Thank you for coming, Sir. Please calm down or we’ll be forced to detain you. 
“Well that was certainly insightful.” Yoongi mumbled, glancing over to where Hak-kun sat, dejected, in his cell. Taehyung sighed and played the tape again, taking more notes of the important information along with his personal thoughts. 
“I thought you guys were supposed to be good at this.” Namjoon eyed the two with a raised eyebrow. 
“Joonie, he was a difficult person to interview. I could tell he was annoyed the entire time except when he spoke of Mun-hee.” Taehyung frowned, flipping through his notes. “Here, I wrote down ‘aggressively making eye contact and frowning.’”
“Are those seriously your notes?” Yoongi looked through his notes which were pages longer. “Do I need to train you in note taking as well?” 
“No! I just, I don’t notice as much as you, oh wise Yoongles.” Taehyung crossed his arms, pouting. Yoongi just softened his expression. 
“You can always tell me what’s wrong.” He placed a tentative hand on Taehyung’s arm. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Hae-won’s soft voice hovered in the air. She was closing the door of the security room behind her. 
     Jin often handled the security room, but he trusted her to watch Hak-kun while he went to the bathroom. Jin slipped back in as she stepped into the room with the others. 
      Yoongi immediately dropped his hand, to the disappointment of Taehyung, and straightened. A cold look once again cast over his face. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I have to head back early to finish up some school work.” She explained with a gentle smile. 
“Okay, rest up and study well.” Namjoon nodded and she dipped her head, heading out the door. They all stared fondly at her retreating form. “The same goes for the rest of you.” 
       They had spent all day just interviewing and wrestling answers out of Hak-kun and yet they came up empty every time. Maybe he was truly innocent and they were trying to convict a good man. This was the kind of case where things could get really messy if they kept going on intuition instead of hard facts. 
“Let’s wrap it up and head back to the hotel. Jin, are you coming?” Namjoon called as the others filed out of the station. 
“Yeah, I’m just gonna check some things and then I’ll be back in no time.” 
Trusting his second in command, Namjoon left. 
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      The first sunlight was filtering through the windows of an empty cell. A glass of water was on the ground next to the cot, tipped over, the ground wet beneath it. 
“How could he have escaped? Where did he go?” 
Hands reached out to the unsuspecting man. 
“Do you have a headache? You look in pain.” The voice said, hiding the glinting blade in the moonlight. 
“Who are you?”
“Just a nice person. I have something that could really help.” 
“What is it?”
“Oh, just some medication for headaches. It works wonders.” 
“Pass it here.” 
The man is passed out soon enough and the shadowy figure grabs the keys off one of the hooks in the back and unlocks his cell. Then the figure dragged him out, put him in his car, slit his throat, and placed his face down at the dashboard. They were back home in 10 minutes, bloodlust satisfied. 
“The feed is just looping. How did I not notice this before?” Jin mumbled, head in his hands. 
“Hey, it’s okay, the killer was...tricky.” Namjoon comforted his lover. 
“Boss.” Jungkook piped up, holding a phone in the air. “It’s for you.” 
     The chief of police stood and walked over with purposeful steps. It was easy to see why he was the chief. He was sure of himself, walked with purpose, passion, and he always looked like he had a mission. 
“Mhm?” He murmured. “This is he. What? How did it get there? Okay, okay, I’ll send my best men out to investigate. Please hang in there and don’t touch anything.” He hung up, rushing to throw on his suit jacket. “Hak-kun’s body was just found.”
“Where?” Jimin stood as well and the others followed suit. 
“In his car. No one disturbed him, claimed he slept in his car all the time and no one thought much of it. It’s just...so odd.” Namjoon sighed. 
“Why?” Yoongi tilted his head. Their fearless leader wasn’t usually thrown by anything, always keeping a cool facade. But here he seemed to be cracking. 
“His car was found across town.” He raced out the door, watching the others pile in and Jin took the driver’s seat. “I just feel like this case is getting away from us. We’re obviously missing something.” The chief stared out the window, thinking intensely. The other members knew not to make too much noise. 
“Do you think...it’s time to bring someone else in?” Taehyung asked quietly. 
“What do you mean by that?” Jungkook said defensively. 
“I mean,” Taehyung shot the younger boy a look that shut him up. “That we may need more of a specialist in here. There’s one thing we haven’t been able to look at.”
“And that is?” Yoongi closed his eyes lazily as he leaned back in his seat. 
“Blood. We haven’t been able to test the blood.” 
“Well, we only know one reliable person who can do that and she’s probably very busy.” Jin scolded the younger males. “But it’s a good idea.” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Let’s just take a look and then we can decide.” 
      The street they pulled up to was quiet, not a person in sight. The leaves shifted in the breeze, skittering across the ground. It made for an uneasy sight. They stepped out and Jin locked the car. 
     Jimin handed out gloves and then he went around, feeling over the creases of the blue car, completely ignoring the dead body inside. 
“Found anything interesting?” Jungkook called. 
“Nope.” Jimin responded flatly, concentrated. He peered inside, seeing the blood pooling on the dashboard and dripping into Hak-kun’s lap.
 “I think it’s definitely the same killer. He has the same neck slice.” He felt over the windows. Not a single scratch. “No signs of forced entry or struggle with the car.” He dictated as Hoseok took careful notes. 
“I see no bruising visible on the victim, wait.” He crawled onto the back of the car, peering through the back window. “I see some purple markings on the back of the victim.” 
    The shadowy figure dragged Hak-kun, his back bumping over every curve, spine taking the brunt of the blows. He moaned in pain, starting to stir. The figure panicked. They need to get this over with quickly. 
“Anything else?” Hoseok asked. 
“No, I’d have to see the inside.” Jimin sighed, brushing some hair out of his face. 
“We’ll see what we can do to get the keys.” Namjoon nodded at Hoseok to write that down. 
“This case has me stumped, Namjoon. Obviously, the killer must be drugging them, how else can they get away with all this with no struggle?” Jimin stretched his arms. 
“It’s confusing to me too, but I’m sure we’ll find out something soon enough.” 
“Namjoon, I think we all know who we need to call.” Yoongi set a firm hand on Namjoon’s shoulder and the police chief’s shoulders drooped. 
“But I don’t want to bother her, besides I think we can figure it out, right?” 
“This is her job, It’s time to man up and call Y/N.”
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A/N p.2: Hey guys! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!! Any predictions yet? I’m sorry this took so long, I was in a creative block
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James Dean and Daria
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: mentions of alcoholism, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 5.3K
Summary: Ella receives a book in the mail and attends an open house.
two years later
A Ramones song was stuck in her head, and Ella hummed along with its tune as she twirled around the diner. Her hair, freshly cut, was back in a black bandana. She blew her wispy curtain bangs away from the sides of her forehead as she served up lunch. Lane was on shift, and they bounced around together in sync. Working with her made everything a little sunnier. Lorelai had always said Ella and Lane were night and day, respectively. The thought of it made Ella smile as she joined her friend behind the counter again. Recently, Lane had been experimenting with contacts, and it was still jarring to see her without her trademark glasses.
They made a dynamic duo, as Luke was off to fix random bits and bobs at the Inn. With he and Lorelai engaged, he was over there doing repairs for free nearly half the time. During which time, especially in the afternoons, Ella was left to look after Luke’s daughter, April. To say she was shocked when Luke told her he had a twelve-year-old kid that some woman from his past had never told him about would’ve been an understatement. But soon, April was fitting into the groove of town. Ella was always glad to do homework with her (not that the brainiac ever needed help per se) or listen to the girl’s long-winded monologues about obscure scientific principles. Sometimes, Ella hardly believed Luke and April were related. The girl could talk for days without taking a breath if she had the chance. Watching April concentrate over her textbooks and scribble essays during the early dinner rush sometimes made Ella’s heart do a little, nostalgic twist. She was no longer the girl doing calculus at the corner table. To everything there was a season.
“‘I Wanna Be Sedated’?” Lane asked, breaking Ella out of her reverie.
Ella turned to Lane with a small smirk, arms crossing over her chest. Breathing out a sigh, she gave a nod. Things were finally slowing down, almost everyone with a plate in front of them. She had taken over the floor for the day. Lane’s wedding to Zach was only weeks away, and Lane was stressed enough as it was. Ella figured having Lane on register would at least be a decent method to avoid her passing out.
Lane narrowed her eyes and tilted her head at her friend. “What’s got you in such a good mood?”
Shrugging, Ella turned to make a pot of coffee. “I don’t know. I’m a college graduate. Besides, is Ramones really good mood music?”
Lane scoffed. “For you? Definitely.”
“Just happy to have all this education, maybe,” Ella said.
Though it had been a whole five days since her graduation, she was still basking in the glow of it. She couldn’t believe she had managed to get through school in three years instead of four. It meant the upcoming summer would be her first real break from school since the summer after high school. During her last finals, she had been nearly ready to tear her hair out. Suffice it to say, it was time to stop studying for at least a little while.
“So, I guess we’ll be hearing about this summa cum laude thing forever, huh?” Lane teased.
Ella’s smile grew wider. “Forever is a strong word. ‘The foreseeable future’ would be more accurate.”
Lane rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
“And what’s got you all grumpy today? That’s my job. Did a Freaky Friday situation happen without my knowledge?” Ella asked.
Sighing heavily, Lane went back over to the register, seeing some customers finishing up their meals. “I told you my mom wants me to wear her wedding dress, right?”
Ella nodded.
“Well, she finally showed it to me. And it has pants!”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Ella swallowed down the laugh which threatened to leave her lips.
“I gave it to Lorelai. Hopefully something along the lines of salvageable will come of it,” Lane grumbled, adjusting her apron anxiously.
“Hey, Lorelai made that renaissance dress I wore to Liz’s wedding wearable. I’m sure she’ll work her magic,” Ella said, turning to see Luke return as the bell over the door jingled.
“We’ll see,” Lane said, sighing again as a young couple came up to the register, ready to pay for their patty melts.
As Luke approached, Ella saw he had the mail in his hands. He looked almost haggard, with dark circles under his eyes. She knew he and Lorelai had been having some problems, but didn’t know the details. It wouldn’t be surprising if the new daughter or the prolonged engagement had something to do with it, though. Since she and Rory had fallen out of touch, Ella saw Lorelai less and less. And it wasn’t like Luke was a chatterbox.
“Something came for you,” Luke said shortly, handing Ella a puffy orange envelope.
As soon as she took it, she could tell it was a book. Confusion painted her features; it wasn’t often she got mail addressed to Luke’s. She’d been living at Lane’s for almost two years. Furrowing her brows, she looked in the upper right corner and her face immediately fell when she saw the familiar, spiky handwriting. Clearing her throat, she plastered on a complacent expression.
“I’m gonna take a fifteen, okay?” she said, clutching the package tightly in her hands.
Luke nodded. “You alright?”
Ella smiled thinly. “Yeah. Just gotta take the smell of the stock room in as much as I possibly can. I’ve only got it until the end of July.”
Rolling his eyes, Luke shook his head. “I’m counting the seconds.”
“Hey, I could quit right now! Then where would you be?!” she exclaimed dramatically, a bit which never seemed to get old.
Luke grunted doubtfully. “Don’t tease.”
Smirking slightly, she finally turned on her heel and went back into the stock room. It was dim, piled high with boxes and cans. But there was the comforting smell of dust and pine, making her feel just a touch less queasy. Sitting on the lone table in the middle on the shelves, her legs dangling over the sides with boots heavy on her feet, Ella stared down at Jess’s writing for a moment. It only made sense he would send her something at the diner. He probably had no idea where she lived, if she was still even in Stars Hollow.
Her mind wandered to their last conversation, her night up on the plaid couch, crying. When Jess had called to tell Luke he was back in New York, Luke said Jess had told him to say hello to her. She’d told him to say hello back, a half-hearted message. And she was glad to know his trip had been safe. Glad he had apparently mended fences with Luke. But when she thought of actually speaking to him, hearing his voice, it made her feel sick with nerves. All she could see was his heartbroken expression when she had told him she wouldn’t come with him. Hear his pleading. Many times, she had pulled out the small slip of paper with his cell number written on it, had thought about reaching out. But, it simply hurt too much.
And she would have no idea where to begin. He had apologized. And she had rejected him. She didn’t regret it, didn’t feel bad about what she had said or done. But she knew there would be a shift between them. All the words they spoke would have a whispered ‘what if’ underneath. It seemed like too much to put him through. Jess probably wouldn’t like to hear her voice either, she thought. As angry as she had been before, she just couldn’t bear to hurt him anymore. It was more trouble than it was worth. So, each time Luke spoke with Jess, they exchanged fleeting greetings through him. It was impersonal, cold, but, they always knew the other was alive. The deal still stood, even after everything.
Running her finger along the address on the package, written in black permanent marker, Ella felt a storm of emotion brewing within her. Time and distance had been kind; when she thought of him, she didn’t think betrayal, she didn’t think resentment. Somehow, their final argument had cleansed her of those feelings. He had come back. She had never expected it. But, at least, he had come back for her, even if she didn’t exactly want it. Instead of anger, there was only sadness, for months. She had walked around with an aura of gloom. But then, life had gotten busier, and it faded.
Instead, as the pad of her finger curved over his name again and again, she thought of her books, filled with their writing to each other. She thought of his smirk, ever-present when she was around. And his brown eyes, guarded but so often kind. And his fears, shared only with her. And, above all, she thought of him telling her he loved her. With tears running down his cheeks, anxious hands raking through his hair.
Love. That word she had always scoffed at. While she still wasn’t one to utter it lightly, she had slowly come around. As the world moved around her, and she was finally away from her childhood home, she began to see it. Luke and Lorelai, mostly. She almost felt silly, having watched a love story unfold before her eyes in the diner for years and years. Perhaps as a teen, she had been too headstrong. Perhaps she had been unable to see how her own fears had stopped her from living the way she wanted to, a pattern she had been able to see so clearly in Lane and Jess. Without the constant reminder of her parents’ doomed union, she felt better each day. More open.
But still, she had no idea how to feel about Jess. Surely, he had moved on. She didn’t know where he was, what he was doing. Luke had only told her he was doing well. And she had never asked for details. No use in ripping open old wounds. But it seemed the ball wasn’t entirely in her court. Jess had made a move. Again. Biting at the inside of her cheek, she heaved a big sigh and ripped open the side of the package. Inside it, she found a book, as she expected.
But her breath caught as she ran her eyes over the black-and-white cover: The Subsect by Jess Mariano. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest and a grin came over her lips before she could stop it. She knew it was only a matter of time. He was a writer. He always had been. As she flipped open the inside cover, a slip of heavy, purple paper fell out. A crease formed between her brows as she took the paper in one hand, eyes gravitating to the words scribbled in pen on the novel’s second page.
Before she could begin the handwritten message, she looked to the dedication. A lump formed in her throat. For Eleanor, it read simply. Her hazel eyes shone with glassy tears, and the surreality of the moment hit her like a ton of bricks. Swallowing down the sob which threatened to escape, she turned to the inscription before she could get caught up in her emotions.
I wasn’t sure how to tell you about this. But I wanted to let you know somehow, considering it wouldn’t have happened without you. And writing in a book seemed like the best way, since it’s worked for us in the past. I included an invite to the Open House thing we’re having at Truncheon, the place which was stupid enough to publish this. You don’t have to come, and I don’t expect you to. But, in case you did want to come see what I couldn’t have done without you, you’re more than welcome.
Chewing on her thumbnail, Ella picked up the purple invite and ran her eyes over the address. Philadelphia. She smirked at the coincidence. She could see him there. Always a city boy. And, though nerves coursed through her veins and butterflies flew around in her stomach, she knew immediately that she would soon be seeing the liberty bell.
.   .   .
Smoothing her hands over her dress, Ella took in a deep breath. Her battered blue station wagon was parked behind her on the street, and for a split second, she thought about running back to it. Driving all the way back up to Connecticut in a continuous three-hour stretch. But she knew there would be at least a few familiar faces inside Truncheon Books. Luke had offered to be a chaperone for some road trip with April’s school, and they, of course, were also invited to the open house. Initially, Luke had been wary of them both being away from the diner, but Ella assured him Lane and Caesar could handle it. And, of course, he would have to learn to deal without her by the end of the July. She and Lane would be even when Ella took all the shifts for the week of her and Zach’s honeymoon. Yes, Ella’s final week as a waitress at Luke’s was bound to be grueling.
Biting down on the inside of her cheek, Ella opened the door and entered the publishing house before she could talk herself out of it. The place was crowded, lots of people mingling at a table near the entrance and next to the coat rack. The green walls were lined with art, and the room was filled with warm, richly-toned wood. She hung her bag as her heart sat heavy in her chest. She hadn’t realized just how anxious walking into Jess’s new world was going to make her. A small smile formed on her face, though, as she scanned the crowd for Luke and April. When she didn’t instantly find them, she crossed her arms and walked toward the collection of photographs on a wall near the door. They showed visions of the city: an old newspaper stand, a rusty bike, a group of angry teenagers sat around a statue of Thomas Jefferson. She’d never been good with technology, including cameras, and she envied the photographer who could capture images like these.
Across the room, Jess spotted her. Her blonde waves fell down her back, just past her shoulder blades, shorter than he’d ever seen her hair. There was a tattoo on the back of one of her calves, and one on the inside of her left forearm. She was too far away though, and he couldn’t quite make out what they were. As expected, she was dressed only in blacks and greys, her dress checkered with the two colors. And, as expected, her all-black oxfords had no heel. Before he could stop it, a grin crossed his face, and his hand tightened around the half-empty beer bottle he was nursing. Never had he actually thought she would show up. But there she was. Matthew, who stood next to him on the stairs, instantly noticed his friend’s change in expression. He followed Jess’s eyes, and it dawned on him. Jess didn’t talk about the woman he’d dedicated The Subsect to a lot. But the blonde standing before the photography section fit the description Jess had spewed drunkenly on his last birthday almost perfectly.
Matthew raised knowing brows. “Is that her?”
“What?” Jess asked, blinking slightly as he looked away from her and turned back to the co-owner of his business.
Scoffing out a chuckle, Matthew shook his head. “That’s the girl, isn’t it? The one you wrote the book for.”
Breathing a big sigh, Jess took another sip of his drink and nodded slowly. “Is it that obvious?”
“Oh, yeah,” Matthew laughed, clapping Jess on the shoulder. “Now’s your chance.”
Jess snorted a bitter laugh, looking away from his friend and down at his shoes. “There’s no chance.”
Before Matthew could say anything more, Jess descended the final two stairs. Matthew was still chuckling behind him. No matter how much Chris and Matthew drove him up the wall sometimes, he would always be grateful. They’d published his book. They’d welcomed him into the company before it even existed, into the apartment upstairs. They’d become his family without him even noticing it. And he knew no matter how torn up he would be after speaking with Ella (and he knew he would be, at least a little), they’d get him through it. As they had gotten him through the heartbreak the first time, when he’d shown up on the doorstep of a company he’d heard about through some friends in New York, a company which didn’t even have a name, just some printing equipment. Tossing the empty beer in the recycle near the front refreshment table, Jess took another breath in. He could thank her for everything she’d done, then watch her leave without completely crumbling. Maybe if he was confident enough in himself, Jess thought, it would be so.
Walking up next to her, Jess bit down on his bottom lip and shoved his hands in the pockets of his blazer. His palms were sweaty.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Jess said, eyes on the photographs. Immediately, he regretted his words. How cliché could he possibly sound? Usually, the nerves didn’t affect his mouth. But not around Ella.
Though she startled on the inside, Ella didn’t visibly jump. Instead, she cracked a small smile. “And yet, here I am.”
“Didn’t expect to see you.”
“Well,” she said, shrugging, “I’m full of surprises.”
“Stealing my line, huh, Stevens?” he asked.
Still, they hadn’t turned to face each other.
“Funny, I didn’t know you had the trademark,” she quipped.
“Touché,” he said, feigning disappointment.
Smile growing, Ella finally turned to him. “Never thought I’d see Jess Mariano in a suit jacket.”
His hair was cut differently, parted and combed. Not as unkempt as it had once been. He had dark, shadowy stubble on his cheeks. Just as any brooding writer would. Underneath his black jacket, he wore a t-shirt with a black-and-white photo of  a little girl smoking a cigarette on a beach. Ella thought she recognized it from one of her art classes, but couldn’t quite place it.
Chuckling under his breath, Jess built up his courage and faced her. “Yeah, well, I guess corporate America finally got to me.”
“I don’t know. I think this place feels pretty counterculture,” she said, eyes flicking around the room again. “Might as well be in the Haight-Ashbury.”
“Coming from you, I feel like that’s meant to be an insult,” he said.
“Trust me, it’s not,” Ella replied, with more sincerity than he was prepared for. Before he could interject with some deflection, she continued on. “I mean...this place. It really feels like you. And the book. It was...fuck, Jess, you’re really too smart for your own good.”
He shook his head, blushing and refusing to meet her gaze. Ella Stevens was still the only person who made him blush nearly every time he spoke to her. “I don’t know. If I could do it again, everything would be different.”
Ella scoffed. “C’mon, Mariano, you and I both know how amazing it is.”
“Whatever you say, Stevens,” he said shyly.
“I’ll keep complimenting you until you accept that you’re a kickass author, who I can definitely tell has a beatnik fetish,” she warned, mock severity crossing her features.
Jess rolled his eyes. “Fine. Thank you, Eleanor.”
“You’re so very welcome,” she replied, eyes alight with a teasing, mischievous glint. But, underneath, Jess could tell how genuine she really was. It made his heart ache for her.
After a moment of awkward pause, charged air, Jess pointed a thumb over his shoulder to the table with the refreshments. “You want a beer?”
Ella shook her head. “No thanks. I don’t really drink.”
“Hm,” Jess hummed, eyes narrowing just a touch. The way she’d said it, he could tell there was more. He knew why she didn’t drink. He remembered her father smelling of liquor on Thanksgiving day. And he remembered how upset she’d been the morning after she stole her father’s tequila. Nostalgia washed over him in a wave, and he was relieved when she took the initiative and spoke again.
“And,” she said, gaining a lighter tone once again, “I’m not of legal age yet, anyway.”
“Oh, well, I certainly couldn’t break the law,” Jess said with a furrowed brow. He was always forgetting he was ten months her senior. She had always seemed older.
“Right,” she said, nodding along, “you wouldn’t dream of it.”
Again, an uncomfortable pause began. It made Ella want to grimace. Things had never been so awkward with the two of them, not even when they’d first met. It had always been easy, without the world complicating things for them. Her eyes did another quick sweep of the room.
“Have you seen Luke and April?” she asked.
Jess nodded. “Yeah, you just missed them. They had to get back to the field trip, I think.”
Ella nodded back in acknowledgement, though she immediately felt her heartbeat quicken. The idea of Luke and April being there as a kind of safety net was half the reason she’d been brave enough to come. But, she’d had a morning shift at the diner, and the traffic had made it so she had shown up only twenty minutes before the end of the open house. All of a sudden, she felt silly for thinking they would still be there. Silly for showing up at all. In the note, he’d said she wasn’t obligated at all. Why had she come again? At the moment, the panicked thoughts were too loud for her to focus on anything else.
“But Luke was here long enough to complain about all the abstract paintings and the spoken word performances,” Jess continued, noticing Ella try to grab for a necklace she wasn’t wearing, and instead fiddle with a lock of her hair. In all the time he had known her, he had never once seen her without the key hanging from her neck. Not even in bed. But he knew better than to ask about it.
Ella’s smile returned, though it was not altogether convincing. “Sounds like him. I think one of the few areas of agreement between the two of you is a natural aversion to poetry.”
Jess shrugged. “I don’t know. I might finally be coming around.” Then, he saw Chris approaching, and felt himself relax. Someone else to act as a buffer. He wasn’t quite ready for the words creeping up his throat, begging to get out. “But, my friend Chris is the real poetry guy. He hires all the acts.”
He gestured for Chris to come over. Ella raised her eyebrows at the man, tall and blonde and grinning widely. A hyper energy practically radiated off of him. She could tell why he was the one on the business end of things.
“Chris, this is Eleanor,” Jess said. “She’s an old friend.”
“Hey.” She extended her hand. “You can call me Ella.”
Somehow, Chris’s smile grew larger as they shook hands. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” she replied amiably, as their hands broke from each other.
“You have a very firm handshake,” Chris commented, towering over her. Jess was tall, but this guy made Ella feel like a Polly Pocket figurine.
She snorted a chuckle. “Um, thanks. Guess those steroids are really paying off.”
Jess smirked. Sometimes, he thought Chris was to him as Lane was to Ella. Chris laughed, tickled at her wicked humor, as he called it, but soon his expression grew earnest again.
“Well, it’s good to finally put a face on the famous Eleanor,” Chris said.
“I’m famous?” Ella asked, titing a teasing nod at Jess, who blushed but didn’t have time to explain before Chris cut in again.
“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know the magazine interview went alright. I’m gonna go catch up with the beat poet and make sure everything’s squared away,” Chris told Jess.
Nodding, Jess glared slightly at his friend, unable to hide his irritation. Chris said once again how nice it was to meet Ella before disappearing back into the central swarm of people, though it was slowly dissipating. The afternoon light outside was slowly morphing from bright to dusky. Evening would soon fall.
Smirking, Ella faced Jess again. He made a pointed effort to avoid her gaze, panic rising up in his throat.
“What is it, Stevens?” he asked, sighing slightly.
She cleared her throat, biting on her bottom lip for a moment. “Nothing. Just didn’t realize I was famous around here.”
He rolled his eyes, embarrassed. “Well, I did dedicate my book to you.”
For whatever reason, the comment caught her off-guard. They both knew he had dedicated it to her. But, she couldn’t help but think about how before, Jess would have never been able to admit such a gesture out loud. Hell, at seventeen Jess couldn’t even admit fixing the toaster in the diner for Luke.
“Yeah,” she said slowly, searching for a witty remark but coming up empty. “Yeah, you did, James Dean.”
He faltered for just a moment. She had come, she had called him James Dean. It was confusing, but nonetheless, wonderful. Still, he knew there was no use in getting his hopes up. He would never have her again, he reminded himself. Furrowing her brows, Ella watched his expression fade from a smirk to a small, sad smile. Jess ran a hand over his mouth and tossed an anxious glance over his shoulder before taking a big breath in and blowing it out through his nose.
“Are you nervous?” she asked suddenly, face softening.
Jess nodded self-consciously.
“You don’t have to be, Jess. It’s just me,” she shrugged, gesturing down at herself humbly.
Regaining a touch of composure, Jess raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know. You’ve got bangs and tattoos. New shoes. Doesn’t look quite like my Daria.”
Ella broke into a full grin, and a warmth swelled in her chest like she hadn’t felt in such a long time. Something shifted within her. For a moment, she worried her eyes would fill with tears. But, instead, she only uttered a breathy chuckle. “Don’t worry. I think I’ll always be your Daria.”
Swallowing thickly, Jess echoed her laugh. Then, he looked over his shoulder again, only partly because he wanted to hide his face. He couldn’t risk her seeing hope flash across his expression. “Can I show you something?”
“Sure,” she said, nodding.
Gently, he grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd of young creatives. The room smelled like weathered books and hot ink. An eclectic variety of bohemian rugs covered the blue tile floor. Maybe it was a little more colorful than she would have initially guessed, but Jess truly looked like he belonged there. People waved and nodded greetings at him as they passed, Jess reciprocating shyly each time. It was refreshing. She had never seen him so in his element before. Something about the way he held himself, confident and relaxed. His hand was warm and familiar.
Eventually, they made it to the far wall, near the staircase and next to the small stage area. A few people sat around on the cushions and beanbags, drinking their beers and writing in small moleskine notebooks. She wanted to snort and roll her eyes at them, but she was simply too happy. The anxiety which had been so nauseating as she hesitated at the door was almost completely forgotten. Because Jess was excited to see her. He had taken her hand. When he disentangled their fingers, he gestured to the wall, with a collection of small frames.
As her eyes roamed over the framed sketches, it took her only a moment to recognize them. They were hers. Nine pictures, all those she’d given to Jess over the years. Jess’s car with skeletons in the seats, a screaming woman, a garden filled with snakes. Others she’d handed him in shining moments, lying together in bed, on shift at the diner, sitting in the gazebo with her head on his shoulder. And, in the center, the Hudson River. Drawn on Mother’s Day four years earlier, as they sat together on a dirty hill and escaped reality for just one day.
Before she could hold them back, tears stung her hazel eyes. Beside the arrangement of drawings, she saw a small, printed index card stuck to the wall.
Eleanor Stevens
Nine Untitled Sketches
Not For Sale
She breathed out a flabbergasted scoff, the ghost of a smile on her lips when she turned back to Jess. He smirked fondly at the look of pleasant surprise on her face. For a fleeting moment, she looked younger. Innocent in a way she so rarely was, shocked and alive. He missed that look, but hardly realized until he saw it again.
“Jess, I…” she said breathlessly, shaking her head in disbelief and facing the sketches again. Eventually, she gathered herself and found her words. “I had no idea you saved these.”
“Of course I did,” he said, shrugging as though it were obvious. “I knew they’d be worth millions someday.”
She snorted a laugh. “Not likely.”
“I’m serious, Stevens. People have been asking about these. But I didn’t want to set a price on them or anything, since I didn’t have your input,” Jess explained, eyes on her as she stared at her own past work.
Ella felt as though she might explode, almost too moved to bear. She sniffed and blinked harshly, unwilling to let the tears actually spill over, especially in public. Her hands were shaking at her sides, and she began wringing them together in front of her.
A few astonished giggles escaped her, and she shook her head a final time before she looked back at Jess. He had grown up, and so had she. But as she locked eyes with him, she felt seventeen again, could practically hear the Interpol song playing in her head. The urge to kiss him came over her, made her skin feel tingly and electric. She swallowed harshly, letting the thoughts fade in her mind. As if he had waited all this time for her. He would surely have a girlfriend. Someone who actually liked Hemingway, who could dance, who didn’t have a sailor’s mouth and a broken family.
“I don’t know what to say.” She fought the urge to bite at her nails.
Jess laughed quietly. “I didn’t think that was possible.”
She rolled her eyes at his teasing half-heartedly.
“You don’t have to say anything. I was the one who wanted to say thank you. For everything. I couldn’t have done any of this if I hadn’t met you,” he told her. Jess surprised even himself by being able to maintain eye contact with her.
“You definitely could have,” Ella said resolutely.
He smirked. “No use in arguing with you, I know. So we can agree to disagree but…”
Pausing, Jess sighed and ran a hand over his mouth again. He glanced behind him, and could see Chris and Matthew pretending they hadn’t been staring at the exchange as they bid people goodbye. There were only a few others left milling around. Jess still almost couldn’t believe Ella was standing right in front of him. For two years, he’d imagined what he would say. But, as usual, the sight of her was staggering. Her hazel gaze pierced his scarred heart and immediately all the scripts he’d written disappeared from his head.
“Look, do you...we’re going out for drinks after. Me and Chris and Matthew, the other guy we own this place with. I know drinking isn’t your thing, though I wasn’t planning on getting wasted anyway, and I don’t know when you have to go back but...do you wanna come? We can catch up?” he asked, hesitant.
Her small smile spread to a grin, and the dimple shone in her freckled cheek. “Sure, Mariano. I’d love to.”
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Headcanons for Friends to Losers Lovers (teen!Richie Tozier)
Richie Tozier x reader
warnings: alcoholic beverages
prompt: the change between friends and more than friends didn’t faze y/n and richie
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what a fucking goofball
you and richie were tightly knit
unspoken bond
almost like you had some kind of telepathic communication going on
you were practically inseperable
when one of you was without the other, you felt like half of you was gone
big tight hugs
he’d lift you up until you were squirming
stealing his hawaiian shirts
“oh fuck, you look better than me”
pure cuddles, especially after a hard day
basically apart of his family
the losers dragging you all around to any event they could
house parties were a real hoot
you’d stay close to richie the whole time
he’d make sure to hold your hand so you didn’t get lost
“you doing okay?”
that boy can read you like a book
and those eyes
those magnificent magnified eyes
clubhouse was a madhouse
you guys would sit together on the hammock and read comics
“guys, times up” -eddie
“can it, spaghetti” -richie
“you know what?” *flips hammock upside down*
you and richie just laid on the ground, laughing your asses off
then richie tackled eddie
you found their bickering entertaining
bev would ask you about if you and richie were a thing
“i’ve told you a million times, bev, we are one”
“you two have got to be dating, there’s no way you’re not”
her and ben “gossiping” over you and richie’s dynamic
richie growing some facial hair
“oh, my god, rich, please shave it off! i’m gonna cry!”
he shaved it off
his face got cuts all over it :(
you had to rip up a bunch of toilet paper and put it on the cuts for him
you shaved his face next time
playing with his hair a lot
he grew it out and it’s gotten pretty curly
gently pulling the curls and watching them bounce back up
so, the losers decided they wanted to go to prom
and they dragged you and richie along
you and richie had to dress nice
it was disgusting
richie dressed in a TUX
you barreled over in laughter
“okay, okay,” *wheezing* “i’m good. you look good, trashmouth”
he was your “date”
he’s in awe of your s h e e r b e a u t y
the losers were all dressed up
you could barely keep a straight face
oh lord
you got to the dance and the overpowering pop music was loud enough to knock you down
you pulled the losers to the dance floor and hopped around, dancing like an idiot
richie couldn’t keep his eyes off you
pigging out on free food
“y/n, put the chicken wing down and dance with me”
the slow dance came on and who knew richie tozier was a tender soul
the kid was a fucking giant
so you couldn’t like, rest your head on his shoulder or anything
you buried your face in his chest
one of his hands was on your waist, the other was holding your hand
you rocked back and forth with the music
the losers were all watching
“they’re fucking with us right? stan, you’re richie’s bff, are they dating?”
“there’s gonna be some epic prom sex tonight” -richie
“oh, my god” you chuckled
“what? i was talking about with your mom”
you fuckin snorted
he thought it was adorable
he drove you home afterwards
sneaking out at night to get drunk at the clubhouse
school was a trip
copying each other’s homework
skipping class and hiding in the bathroom
listening to music together
smoking under the bleachers
having your first kiss under the bleachers
laying down next to each other with smiles you can’t wipe off your faces
“that was long overdue”
“tell me about it”
and another kiss
and another
and another
aaaaand you’re making out
class is over but you didn’t want to move an inch
he held your hand and walked you to your next class
“see you in an hour, short stuff”
kiss on the forehead for EVERYONE to see
the losers catch it
“what the hell was that” -bev
everyone asking you about it for the rest of the day
richie insisted you go to the diner with him
he managed to pay, too
stole money from his mom
“so like, you’re literally the other half of me, why not make it official?”
excellent way of asking you out in your opinion
making spitballs out of straw wrappers
your relationship was full of joy
he’d carry you around
hold you in his arms
kiss you randomly
scare you for shits and giggles
just a little more than he used to
the losers bragging about how they knew all along
his mom makes you guys keep the door open
but that didn’t stop anybody
movie nights at his house
movie nights at your house
surprise snacks
healthy roast sessions
“bitch you’re too cute for your own good, but i’m cuter!”
basically mirroring each other a lot
“if either one of you say anything about fucking my mom it is over for you” -eds
pranks on each other or the losers
everything is right in the world
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whiskehorange · 5 years
Oh shit requests are open!? Leslie who's been dating his s/o for a while but they don't know yet he's a serial killer, but Leslie's s/o is /also/ a serial killer. They're both hiding secrets and eventually one of them maybe thinks the others cheating and it gets angsty before the truth comes out and it's like "OH SHIT WE'RE BOTH SERIAL KILLERS"
Leslie is a babe and he needs more loVE DAMNIT
So, @tinalbion, did I do Leslie justice with my first writing of him??
Leslie Vernon
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Leslie was normally pretty open about being a killer, seeing as no one believed him he figured, to hell with it, why not let the whole world know? But when he met you, he tried to keep it to himself a bit. Why not switch up all the cliche endings and have a partner in crime? A dynamic duo? He also got a bit lonely scheming and just being my himself.
Nothing changed about Leslie’s personality, he was still as quirky and vibrant as ever, just being a bit quiet when he went to ‘work’ instead or telling you how his day went. He loved you nonetheless, and you got a lot of his jokes and had the best personality to match him. Not to mention the fact that you were incredibly smart and had the ability to solve out horror movies just as he did.
Yet, Leslie wasn’t too sure when he would tell you, or even if he would tell you about his whole “killer” life. To be quite honest, he didn’t even really plan that far ahead, but found himself thinking about it when he would finally lie beside you at night. Hell, maybe you wouldn’t mind.
But you had had the exact same questions bugging your mind as he did. You had moved here to try to have a fresh spree from your hometown that was getting a bit too close to figuring you out for comfort. It wasn’t until you moved here and met Leslie that you had found out about the whole “little boy” story of the town. Interesting, but not all too uncommon. Maybe you could bring some more killing to life in this small town.
Then you met Leslie, you were plotting spots and getaway hideouts for a victim you had spotted when you ran into Leslie, and the two of you immediately clicked. He was talkative, and wanted to know just what you were doing, taken back and frankly, a bit startled to see you so close to him. He was plotting the exact same scheme, but on another waitress at the diner. You both eyed each other for some time before actually starting a relationship.
Leslie was much more careless and not too used to having a relationship to know just how to act, so when he had a new idea and needed to do something involving his plan, he gave you a quick kiss and left, not returning back until late at night. You had much more short timed and scheduled planning times that you made sure didn’t interfere with your time with Leslie, but it just struck you as odd.
Was he cheating? But he seemed so genuine and happy when the two of you were together. Of course, you pushed it out of your mind, calling your self ridiculous for even thinking about it, maybe he just had things to do. But why would he never talk about them or just avoid the conversation all together? It tore away at your mind every time he left until he left one afternoon. The moment he had closed the door and you could hear his rushed footsteps to the car you sat there in tears.
It wasn’t even a few minutes later before you had found yourself making that hike to Leslie’s work barn.  The tears had stopped, but you where more annoyed at this point than sad. What could he possibly being doing? Maybe you were overreacting, but maybe this was normal. But you never had the time to express your concerns with him before he was up and out before you could say anything.
As you looked around for a possible entrance to one of the massive buildings before you, talking could be heard from inside a smaller shed to the side. A man was audible, or at least his moans where. Standing there, a look of “The Fuck” written on your face when you heard another voice, female this time, moan out as well. Was Leslie really fucking someone in the shed? You’ve got to be kidding.
You normally planned out any killing or lashing out beforehand, but you had every right to go in there and interrupt their little party and drag Leslie right out by the ear like an angry mother would do to a misbehaving child in the store. Sneaking in through a back door, a variety of farm tools hung on the wall, but you picked up a smaller, hand-held scythe, the easiest one to hold. It was fairly dark, but you crept your way through the haystacks to the ongoing moaning.
Stopping right before a smaller stall on the end of the row, you counted to three before rushing into the stall you thought Leslie and your replacement where in, digging the scythe right into her back and ripping down. Blood splattered across your face as she let out a shriek loud enough to send all the crows fleeing from their nests in the dead trees of the orchard. Putting your foot on the back of the body, you ripped the scythe back out with a spine shivering slick and pushed her to the side.
The man before you could only stare back in disbelief as you prepare to unravel all of your emotions before the stranger before you lets out a terrified, incomprehensible array of words. That wasn’t Leslie, but... where... would he be then? You stand there, perplexed and oblivious to the panicked boy with the blood of his date on him, looking around you and wondering just what the hell was happening. 
The door behind you barged open, and in comes another figure, raggedy clothes and a sort of mâché mask on. Readying your scythe, he lifts up his mask, and it’s... Leslie?
“You’ve got 3 damn seconds to explain yourself Vernon or I’ll have this scythe through your gut like it was nothing,” You angrily point at him, still not paying attention to the man behind you in awe. Not sure whether to run or to stay put.
“Ah, oh, my scythe, you’ve got it- Oka- Okay!” He put his hands out before him in attempts to maybe calm you down a bit, “Can you give me... 2 seconds? Please, I’ve just, you didn’t-” he pointed to the man behind you, took the scythe from your hand and rammed it into the side of his skull before taking it back out with another wet slick sound. “-Finish. You didn’t finish. He could have gotten away why I had came in here, you aren’t a very good planner,” Leslie said, as he let out a small chuckle before looking back up at you with a hint of shame on his face.
“You’re.... wait... you’re the killer I’ve been hearing about? You’re a serial killer too?” All this time, you could have figured it out, but you were too blind to notice all of the plans and the hints that led back to Leslie and only thought about the possibility of him cheating.
“Oh, you knew, Uhm Yeah. Wait.. too?” 
“Yes!” You let out a relived laugh and gestured the scythe around “I moved here to get a fresh start and plan things in a new area!”
“You’re a freaking killer? Oh man, wow,” he rubbed the back of his head and grinned harder than you’ve ever seen him grin, “Just wait until I tell Eugene about this. I mean, whats more unpredictable than a killer couple?! I’ve never read about any couples recently that where that big but, wow! If this doesn’t make history, I don’t know what will. Oh, hey, I’ve got some time to spare before my final girl goes down into the basement to find her two friends, I could use a little help getting everything into place, are you down to help?”
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Welcome to LIJ
Pairing:   LIJ/FCs
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2528
Warnings: Five men, two women.  Sharing, slut shaming, language, oral sex. 
Their first meeting occurred in the downtrodden Tokyo café that Los Ingobernables liked to call their home.  Shingo Takagi felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time walking through that door:  nerves.   Not the performance nerves that were common place, but deep down honest to goodness nerves.  He had met them all individually at one point or another throughout his long career.  Hell, he had known Tetsuya Naito for over seventeen years.   He had trained with Evil and Sanada separately with their mutual trainer.   Crossed paths with Hiromu and Bushi in various promotions. Today he was meeting with them as a group for the first time.  To see if he would be a good fit for them. 
Shingo had been honestly surprised when Naito had reached out to him a few months ago about potentially coming over to New Japan Pro Wrestling when his Dragon Gate contract was up and joining Los Ingobernables de Japon. After some consideration Shingo had decided it was an opportunity he didn’t want to pass up and had conveyed his willingness.  However he had to clear this last hurdle in order to be formally offered a spot in the group. 
They were all in the booth when he arrived, save for Hiromu Takahashi.  Their heads were bent together in conversation, aside from Sanada who looked like he may be asleep with his head leaning against the window.   Silence fell over the table as Shingo approached and he found himself the center of attention.  He stared back at them not giving an inch as he met their challenge.  Finally Naito grinned and waved him into the booth as he and Bushi scooted into the curve of the corner booth for Shingo to slide in.
“Welcome Shingo,” Naito greeted him. “You know everybody right?” 
Shingo nodded receiving various greetings as the waitress approached their table. 
“Are you ready to order now Naito-sama?”  She asked politely with her pen poised over her notepad. 
“Coffee.”  Sanada half-snarled his voice barely audible as he shifted his body and hunched over the table.
“Just coffee Sanada? Sure you don’t want some fried eggs, or bacon?  Or maybe some Oyakodon?”  Naito teased.
“Fuck you Naito.”  Sanada spat irritably, his face looking rather peaked at the mention of all that greasy food.  He hunched in further on himself of Evil and Bushi joined in on the laughter with Naito as Shingo looked on with an amused half-smile. 
“Ignore Sanada,” Evil told Shingo helpfully. “He’s useless without his coffee.  Plus the pussy over drank last night and can’t handle his hangover.” 
“Fuck you too Evil.”  Sanada snapped.  “You’re gonna think its real funny when I puke all over you.” 
Evil frowned and scooted further away from Sanada looking ready to bolt at his threat. 
“Asshole.” Evil muttered. 
Everyone else put in their orders and conversation picked up with Sanada slowly joining in as his caffeine kicked in.  As time passed and the men ate and talked, the tension that had been evident in the air slowly dissipated, the relief nearly palpable as they all came to understand that Shingo was going to fit in just fine with this rag tag little group.   It’s always a risk introducing someone new to such a close dynamic, but even Sanada, the most reticent of the group gave his tactile approval. 
Since that initial meeting they had gotten together a few more times, always in the same Tokyo diner where Naito could trust LIJ’s business wouldn’t be spread around the gossip pages growing closer and getting a feel for each other.  Shingo got a glimpse into the well-oiled machine that was LIJ and began forming bonds with each of the members. 
Finally it was the day of his debut.   Everyone was giving Evil a wide berth given his surly mood.  He was pissed he wasn’t going to wrestle on the show, having a beat down angle instead that was going to set up his match with Chris Jericho at Power Struggle.  It was a big match and a big deal, but Evil was still fuming he wasn’t going to get in the ring.   The air in the arena was electric, buzz about LIJ’s new member at a fevered pitch, as well as the triple threat champion match had the audience impassioned.  
Shingo got called out of the locker room to do a pre-debut shoot in the hallways, leaving the remaining three members of LIJ alone in the locker room.  
“We gonna show Shingo what LIJ’s all about or what?”  Evil asked as he re-wrapped his wrists for the tenth time since he had arrived.   All eyes turned to Naito as the question they all had was voiced aloud. 
Naito leaned back in his chair, teeth chewing at his bottom lip pensively thinking about his interactions with Shingo. 
“Sink or swim right boys?”  Naito responded after a long pause. “We’ll throw him in the deep end and see what happens.”  
Further discussion was halted by a knock on the door announcing it was time for the tag match leaving Evil alone in the locker room as his brothers made their exit.   Agitatedly Evil paced around the locker room.  He hated not getting to fight.  It was a small consolation that he was going to fuck after all was said and done, but nothing beat the high of an adrenaline fueled fight followed by getting your rocks off.   He wasn’t overly concerned about Shingo’s acceptance of the group’s penchant for sharing.  He was either in or out.  No skin of Evil’s back.  
Needing something to do Evil decided to roam the hallways and find some entertainment for the group after their match.   He was given a wide berth due to the scowl on his face as he prowled, hooded eyes surveying the prospects.  Finding himself disappointed with the prospects Evil made his way to upper level to glance over the audience.   His eyes zeroed in a two young women about halfway up wearing LIJ shirts that had been cut and shredded to show off an almost indecent amount of skin and tiny skirts that barely covered their asses.  In his mind there was no question as to what kind of attention they were seeking.  Calling over a security guard Evil pointed them out and instructed they be delivered to LIJ’s locker room before the end of his match before he returned to the prepping area to get ready for his entrance.  
After their tag match the four members of LIJ headed back to the locker room in high spirits with Shingo’s successful debut.  The crowd loved him and they worked together very well for their first match.  
“I need to get fucked.”  Bushi announced as soon as they were in the confines of their sanctuary, plopping down on the couch.  Shingo’s eyes widened briefly before he laughed. 
“A post-match fuck is always good.”  He conceded going with the flow of his new stablemates.   It wasn’t anything that wasn’t true.  There wasn’t a better way to blow off steam than a hot quick fuck. 
“Be patient.”  Naito said simply his eyes glued to the monitor in the corner of the room.  As soon as Evil’s music started playing he was out the door to do his part with the run in save for Evil. 
“Want to go find some pussy?”  Bushi asked Sanada who was laying across the bench watching Chris Jericho beat the crap out of Evil. 
Sanada was about to agree when he glanced at his messages and saw Evil had already procured some entertainment. 
“Nah, Evil’s got it.”  Sanada said gesturing vaguely to his phone on the bench.  
Shingo listened with interest to the short conversation, his curiosity piqued.   A knock on the door had him rising and opening it, glancing curiously at the security guard with two scantily clad women.  
“Evil said to bring them by,” The guard explained and Sanada waved them in, sitting up on the bench as Shingo shut the door in the guard’s face.  
Shingo stepped back, leaning against the wall and watching Bushi and Sanada in action.  
“You ruined my shirt just to look like a fucking slut,” Sanada said derisively to the bleached blonde girl who was wearing a Cold Skull t-shirt that had been shredded to reveal her stomach up to the underside of her tits and the neckline cut into a deep V that showed off the rest of her cleavage.  
“It got me in here didn’t it?”  She responded haughtily with a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Something I’m sure you’re going to regret.”  Sanada said looking her over slowly making no effort to hide his disdain.  Shingo hid his smile as he watched her deflate a bit under Sanada’s manipulation, clearly not expecting him to be so dismissive of her charms.  
“What about you sweetheart?” Bushi chimed in.  “You all slutted up hoping to get fucked by us?” 
“I was hoping to meet you,” She admitted. “My name’s….”
“I really don’t give a fuck what your name is.”  Bushi cut her off.  “What we care about is how well your mouth works.”  
Bushi pushed off the couch and moved to stand behind her, his hand grabbing on the back of her neck and forcing her head around until she was looking at Shingo. 
“Go say hi to Shingo.  Show him how happy you are he joined our group.”  Bushi gave her a shove in Shingo’s direction.  With a few stumbling steps she fell to her knees in front of Shingo, her hands reaching for the waistband of his tights and rubbing his crotch through them.   Shingo grunted in approval as his cock hardened under her hands.  
Soon his cock was out and in her mouth, her hot tongue caressing his thick rod while she hummed around him, her lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth.   His fingers threaded in her hair and he began bobbing her along his cock at a steady pace. 
The sound of ripping fabric had him looking up, seeing Sanada ripping the shirt of the other girl in half leaving her looking shocked as he discarded it with a sneer.  
“Looks better on the floor.”  Sanada told her making her whimper as his long fingers caught one of her nipples and pinched it.  
Bushi came up behind her and pulled her skirt over her hips then ripped her thong straight off and tossed it towards her ruined shirt then pushed on her shoulders so she knelt down before them.   Both men freed their cocks and she quickly enveloped Sanada with her mouth as her hand stroked Bushi.  
The door of the locker room opened with Naito and Evil appearing.   Naito immediately moved to where Shingo was fucking his girl’s face hard and fast, drool leaking down her face.   Pushing down his pants Naito pulled her from Shingo’s cock and onto his own.  She bobbed up and down his cock several times before being yanked back to Shingo’s dick and being pushed down on his cock.   She lost all semblance of control as the two men pulled her back and forth between them every few moments. 
Behind them Evil stripped and grabbed the Cold Skull girl by her hair, yanking her to her feet and pushing her to the couch where Sanada and Bushi sat.  Pushing her over at the waist so she could suck on their cocks Evil moved behind her pushing her legs apart so she was spread open for him.   Her loud yelp as he slammed home was muffled around Bushi’s cock, Sanada complaining as she stopped stroking him.  Sanada gave her a warning tug of the hair with a sharp command to stroke him accompanied by a loud smack on her ass by Evil.  
Naito and Shingo moved over to the bench, Shingo sitting and settling the girl down on his cock, her face out so she could continue sucking on Naito’s dick as Shingo fucked her.  As he slammed up into her cunt she continuously gagged on Naito’s cock, getting deep throated with every thrust from Shingo while Naito kept a hold on her head and kept her lips locked around him.  
“Wanna switch?”  Sanada’s strained voice had Shingo glancing in their direction, seeing Evil nod and pull from their girl’s pussy trading places as Sanada lined himself up behind her.   Her mouth sucked on Bushi’s cock as her hand stroked Evil’s thick cock, aided by her own juices.  Sanada grabbed her hips and slammed himself repeatedly into her dripping cunt.  Bushi groaned as she deep throated him, swallowing hard around his cock before pulling off and switching to Evil’s dick, her hand replacing her mouth and quickly sliding along Bushi’s cock. 
“Cumming.”  Shingo announced as he felt himself tightening inside her pussy, grunting as he pushed her forward and pulled his cock free spraying over her back.   He slumped against the locker as Naito pulled from her mouth and laid her down on the locker room floor, situating himself between her legs and pushing his cock inside, hips pumping furiously as he panted above her.  
Pulling from his girl’s pussy Sanada yanked her neck around, pulling her from Evil’s cock and sticking himself in her throat as he came with a grunt.   Evil growled and pulled her right back to his cock as Bushi rose to take his turn with her pussy.  
“Her mouth sucks.”  Evil proclaimed pushing her off in disgust.  “Yours any good Shingo?”
“Not bad.”  Shingo answered with a smirk, watching as Evil left his girl to Bushi and moved over to kneel in front of the other woman.   Pulling her head up he forced his cock into her throat giving a small nod of approval as she gagged around his girth.  
Bushi finished with a groan, filling the pussy of his partner and smacking her on the ass as he pulled out.  Falling down on the couch Bushi watched Naito and Evil with the other girl, Naito’s face red with effort as he fucked her.   Naito gave a final thrust before pulling out and stroking his cock, spraying his load over her stomach with a sigh as Evil pulled from her mouth and covered her face with his own seed. 
Pushing her face away with a snarl Evil climbed to his feet and headed straight to the showers.  
“Time for you to go ladies,” Naito said as he gingerly climbed to his own feet with a wince as his knees had definitely not appreciated the position.
“Ladies?  Really Naito?” Sanada scoffed.  “Call them what they are.  Sluts who just fucked five guys cause they’re in a wrestling group.”    He rolled his eyes grabbing his own gear and walking to the showers to clean up. 
Naito chuckled and ushered the girls out the door, ignoring their protests of torn clothes and bodily fluids left behind as he shut the door in their faces before turning to Shingo with a grin. 
“What do you think about that welcome?”  He asked running a hand through his messy hair. 
“I think I should have come over to LIJ a long time ago.”  Shingo said with a grin.  
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fangirlinglikeabus · 4 years
i read some non vna dw books a while ago but because i am a Clown i’ve only just finished typing up notes on them...i think my next dw book i’ll make notes as i go rather than just marking the pages and Hoping I Remember. anyway! here’s my thoughts on thirteen doctors 13 stories. i have more opinions on some than others. 
"...Susan, who was possibly the only person in the universe who could make the Doctor smile at the mere thought of her."
didn't really like this one that much - i wasn't too impressed with eoin colfer's characterisation of the first doctor (esp since pre-ian and barbara i don’t think he’d willingly attempt to stop some villains until susan was in danger)
Polly...once described him as looking like an unmade bed.
...he didn't know exactly what he was, though when he was growing up, he had heard tales of the legendary fairy creatures of the Unseelie Court who haunted Scotland's deepest valleys. He suspected the Doctor might be one of the dark Sith.
HEAVILY vibe with this concept the world is saved by bagpipes.......peak dw THE SPEAR OF DESTINY
"You know what I love about London?" he said, turning to her briefly. She sighed. "I'm sure I can't guess." "It's the only city in the universe where you can drive around in a car that's seventy years old and get away with it." "Who says you're getting away with it?" Jo muttered. 
"Fire away!"
"Oh, Doctor, please. Not after that business at the museum."
no doctor is immune to the temptation of a good pun. no matter how inappropriate. actually i really like how jo and three are written in this generally. there's so many good scenes. also, when the doctor asks her why she doesn't know anything about the vikings: "Doctor, we did the Romans. Every year." rip jo
From a distance the Doctor watched as a group of about twenty men loaded the TARDIS on to the back of a large low wagon pulled by four sturdy oxen.
jo: the doctor told me about the perception filter on the tardis so it'll be fine! they won't even spot it. literally the next scene, immediately:
She longed to stand and give this old goat a piece of her mind, but she knew she'd most likely fall over if she tried, which wasn't the effect she was after.
aw jo :(
"Do you know they wash once a week?" "Could have fooled me," muttered Jo.
*desperately resists the urge to write down every jo line in this story*
"I have the ship. And I have the spear. What need have I of you any more?"
the master is betrayed. to the surprise of no-one but himself.
The Doctor held her by the shoulders. "My dear girl," he said. "That is very noble of you. You were right. Your aspirations /are/ the very noblest. But you're wrong about something. Nothing is more important than you."
me, sobbing:
realised as i was reading this that i don't own any books featuring leela.....a crime
"Surprise!" the Doctor said. "You know you were complaining that you missed trees?"
this is actually the cutest thing no-one look at me
She could never understand why the Doctor was so careless of danger. It was a good thing he had her to look after him, she thought, as he opened the TARDIS door and they stepped out together into dim, green light and the earthy, warm-compost smell inside the great tree.
phillip reeve gets the four+leela dynamic. like. he Gets it. 
"It will not hurt you," she promised. "It is called a 'scarf'. It is like a cloak, only pointless."
"Did it look a bit like a gravel pit? You'd be amazed how many alien worlds look just like gravel pits..."
what is doctor who. without quarry jokes.
"I mean, he's wearing a bow tie!" the Doctor explained patiently. "Ridiculous objects! I wouldn't be seen dead in a bow tie!"
1) says the guy who wears an obnoxiously long scarf everywhere 2) honey, you've got a big storm coming
there's a scene in this where nyssa and the doctor chill at a diner and they drink chocolate milkshakes together. this is all i care about.
Good Lord, was that celery he was wearing on his lapel?
Yeah We Know
"Are you British?" Nettie said, as if this was the most surprising part of the whole thing.
i mean, fair
He paused. "I don't suppose either of you would be interested in travelling?"
the fifth doctor: hey one of my friends died recently and i abandoned the other one but i really miss having a large crew so i was wondering if you two literal children would like to risk your life travelling with me :)
you'd think given this one is from peri's pov she'd be slightly more central to the plot. ah well.
"That's two storeys up!" I exclaimed. "And I'm in heels." "Well then, you should have worn more sensible shoes, shouldn't you?"
maybe she lives in hope that she won't have to do any running/scale buildings every time she steps out of the tardis. i get that. 
"Well, you are the expert when it comes to gaudy," I said, giving a meaningful look to his red-and-yellow plaid coat and green tie.
every six story is legally obligated to drag his coat
The Doctor shook the man's hand vigorously. "Yes, yes. A little different round the edges since our last meeting on Kiri 4, but all the charm and intellect are still here."
i love this bastard.......
"Love? That contrived, chemically driven state of idiocy?"
A clatter of metal was the sole warning I had before a hole in the ceiling suddenly opened, and the Doctor came tumbling down to the floor, landing in an ungraceful heap of rainbow plaid. Nonetheless, he rose to his feet with all the dignity of an Olympic gymnast who'd just landed a perfect somersault.
not to sound like a broken record but i would Die for this idiot
withholding myself from using more quotes to illustrate my unbridled love for the sixth doctor whom..........
"You might regret not helping me with this one day," she  [the Rani] called over to us. "Your next regeneration may be sooner than you think."
Huh. I Wonder What That's Referring To
From the look on his face, Ace reckoned that a visit to the Time Lords was something similar to her having to visit the dentist back on Earth.
i mean to be fair.....the time lords are a whole lot worse although in this case the doctor's reasons for not wanting to visit are: (i) they're 'old, boring and judgemental' (ii) they have stupid clothes and a stupid non-intervention policy (iii) they treat him 'like a naughty schoolboy' (can't have that in front of your companion!)
i apparently didn't have many comments to make on this one. um...it was good. i liked the idea of an alternate universe with nice daleks. MOVING ON
"They're all dead....everyone's dead, flesh turned to liquid. It moves...There are things! Moving things! They're alive..." Major Platt looked up at the Doctor. "The caller became incoherent after that and disconnected shortly after." The Doctor drummed his fingers thoughtfully against the top of the aluminium folding-table between them. "Hmm...That really doesn't sound very good."
"I was at the opera," the Doctor explained, "when my phone went off."
this is his excuse for That outfit. really just copying everything from grace here huh
She also didn't yet know that he wasn't a man at all.
yeah cos he's non-binary duh
"So now we're landing on Earth," he shouted, "two thousand years before the birth of Christ..." "Who?" "He was a bit like Sherlock Holmes. Knew the answers to everything. Very good at solving mysteries. Some humans use him to measure time."
obsessed with the implications of this dialogue...
absolutely love the concept of this one...a world created from martha's memories of reading a famous five expy as a child
"What?" Martha said defensively, keeping her voice down. "That's how he was described in the books. Don't blame me. This was 1951. Everything back then was blinkered, sexist, and ever-so-slightly racist. It was a backward time." "Ah, yes," said the Doctor, "because 2007 has none of those things."
vibe with this convo
"Am I lonely?" Martha asked. "You're a particle of dust," the Doctor said. "Of course you're not lonely." "I sound lonely." "Well you're not; you're having a great time."
this conversation where the doctor tells martha to imagine herself as a particle of dust has exactly the same kind of energy as discussions you have at 3am at a sleepover
Amy looked irritated. She wasn't irritated, but she liked to give him the impression she was, just to show him who was boss.
ok the villains in this one are actually really fucked up like. it's been a While since i read it now because i procrastinated on making these notes but they were Good creepy. thank you mr gaiman. 
now THIS is one where the pov heavily contributes to the story...
He turns to look at me with piercing, hollow-set grey eyes, then furrows his impressive silvery brows. "I'm buying a coffee," he says. "For a girl."
so THAT'S why twelve took so long to find coffee for clara......he wasn't buying it on earth. good vibes
i absolutely LOVE the concept for this one, which is that the year 2004 completely disappears from records
A typed envelope reading The Doctor, The TARDIS, Ex-Gallifrey followed by a long string of numbers, letters, and things that probably were letters but looked like they came from about eight different languages.
obsessed with the fact that (i) you can apparently send letters to the tardis, like it has an actual address (mel throwing a message in a bottle into space doesn't seem so unreasonable now huh...) (ii) part of this address is 'ex-gallifrey'
this dude gets rejected. and is so badly embarrassed that he erases 2004 from existence. i promise i'm not making this up.
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killianmesmalls · 6 years
FINALLY!!! My con recap is... long. And I’m wordy. And it’s long. BUT IT’S HERE! Below the cut for anyone who is crazy enough to read it all. 
By the time the weekend really got started, I had already had the chance to meet up with @lillpon Wednesday evening for a last-day-at-work happy hour and then again when she, @justmilah, and @fraddit came over to my place to hang out, watch Once, and put the totally last minute touches on my Tilly cosplay. (Also, BTW, yes I am using nicknames because 1) I figure it’s easier for people to follow along and 2) I don’t know how much some people want their real names to be attached to fellow crazies and sent into the ether.) We ended up venturing down to pick up the car from my father-in-law, and on the way found a meeting place for @queen-mabs-revenge to gather with us. Now, we couldn’t find her, kept checking to see where she might be, when LO, HERE COMETH A TINY ITALIAN IN A BIG MCFRIGGIN HAT. Yes, she was indeed sauntering down 8th Avenue in her Lt. Jones hat, which was probably the 18th weird thing most passing New Yorkers had seen in the two hours since they had woken up.
We then all tackle each other and me, @fraddit, @justmilah, and @queen-mabs-revenge continue on to meet my FIL for the car, where Mabs was super on board with helping him trek stuff from the trunk back to his apartment after seconds of meeting him. Such a polite. Without much ado, we make our way to the middle of friggin nowhere New Jersey, aided by the very comforting fact that Mabs navigates the way I need to be navigated to. Much thanks. Many appreciate. Wow.
Our first stop once we go around in circles a few times since driving in Whippany itself is a damn adventure was to meet up with @thesschesthair. While Mabs is confusing the front desk dude with her hat, Chesty over there gives us a call and I sneak out, lock eyes across the dingy parking lot of the Red Carpet Inn, by its derelict diner, and leap into her arms. She then comes over to attack Milah and Fraddit before properly grabbing Mabs so hard they were close to osmosis.
I’m not going to lie, it’s at this point through to Monday evening where things sort of blur. Mabs and Chesty requested rooms beside each other and GUESS WHAT. Yep, you guessed it, they had rooms that actually were connected by a door that was hidden behind Mabs’s oversized fridge. Oh! And there was a random toilet just hanging out outside their rooms. Because, why not? When Puh Pah has to go, he has to go. Also, it’s here that Mabs gives us all Alice-themed totes from Poundland (YES, LAUGH, IT’S GREAT) and then we do roundabouts again to get to the Marriott where the rest of us are staying.
Registration was a breeze, and then we collapse into the lounge area where we meet up with @theonceoverthinker and an already-registered Chesty, where she and I are off to the side making inappropriate jokes and then deciding it’s time to wine o’clock this con. Guys? The pub in the Marriott got some play by the Pirate Crew (thank you, @freifraufischer for dubbing us all as pirates), we tried their Poisoned Apple sangria, shot the shit, and then went about checking in and getting ourselves settled while at various points meeting up with @captregina, @lillpon, and @freifraufischer.
At some point (again because all is a blur) we went to Chris’s Q&A where I asked him a couple of questions and honestly blanked on most of the experience because OMFGITALKEDTOSMEE. Then Jared came on, was very much however you’d imagine Jared being, and I was still very much focused on Chris saying how much Smee would love Alice and knowing that Colin and Rose day was tomorrow.
Afterwards, we got autographs, where Mabs’s delightful totes came in handy and I had Gil, Chris, and Jared sign the back of the Alice tote. Gil was nice and I complimented Jared on how much him being open about anxiety meant to people, but it was Chris that, to me, was the MVP. He was incredibly personable, funny, and a total teddy bear. I asked him about the blooper he was in where it seemed like Smee was trying to convince Hook to not duel with Ahab (the one where Colin spat in his face) and Chris said he honestly forgot what was happening in that scene, but he would ask Colin. Still, the one thing he did remember was when he knelt down in front of Colin in the post-duel “Congratulations, Captain, you won!” scene, he split his pants. The camera was to his back, but his treasures were on full display in front of Colin.
I also asked Chris for a hug because, I mean, YOLO, and he obliged! Honestly, he’s a damn pumpkin and I adore him.
Now, there was karaoke night after this, but some of us were bad idea bears and decided to say “f--- this” and went into the pool with some sea salt gin Mabs had brought over. We’re super classy, guys.
...What happens at the pool, stays in the pool. :P
I was legit saying this and hopping up and down I don’t know how many times. I focused most of the morning trying to make sure I had myself together, getting my tights ripped just right, getting my hair done, venturing to @captregina’s room so I could do her hair (where I met @brave-lassie), doing her eyeliner, doing my makeup, meeting up with everyone, and trying to contain my feelings about COLIN AND ROSE DAY!!!
I missed most of the Wild Bunch Q&A in my efforts to get ready and in waiting for Rose’s photo ops. I lined up with Capt just by where the actors enter into the room they do the photo ops in and got my very first in-person look at Rose.
That precious angel GLOWS. I cannot say enough how adorable and lovely she looks and is in person, but I will try my best. She’s insanely precious. Honestly, I was probably a walking hearteyes emoji. I try to keep my cool as I wait for her in line, where I’m set to get a picture with her than a shared picture with her and Capt, and the moment she sees me in my Tilly cosplay she exclaims, “NAILED IT!” Then, like a spastic idiot, I told her I couldn’t help myself since she’s my favorite, and she said, “You’re my favorite!” Bless her. She’s insanely personable and tilts her head to you, and is a personified cupcake.
After that, I brought Capt in for a shared picture with her, where we handed her my bunny mask and Rubik’s cube I had made with the help of Lill as we (plus Milah and Fraddit) had lounged on my couch Thursday night. She geeked out a bit over them, I asked her which one she wanted to hold, and she chose the Rubik’s cube, I held the mask, and Capt and I held a pillowcase she had gotten a while back that said, “We’re all mad here.”
Rapid fire they then did Colin and Chris photos followed by Colin and Rose, where all of us collectively lost our minds throughout. There are some pretty stellar ones people got with Colin and Chris, and then OMFG KNIGHTROOK.
Not going to lie, I kind of blanked on it a bit. I just remember saying “hi” to them both, taking a photo in the middle of them, and then ushering in PERFECT TACO HAT LT. JONES MCMABS in for the second photo, where I pulled a crazy face and she pulled that cheesy salute in that pic of him and Bernard.
Then was Rose’s Q&A, and as you can tell she’s still the embodiment of sunshine with a dash of silliness. I must have had a massive smile on my face the entire time in between bouts of laughter.
Before her panel ended, they called for Colin photos, which I needed to get to early because I had Rose’s meet and greet, but HELL NO WAS I MISSING ANY OF ROSE. Nope. So I stayed, then dashed out, and totally thought I’d be fine because…hey, I had already met and touched the man, how hard could this be?
BEING A NORMAL HUMAN AROUND HIM IS IMPOSSIBLE. I just hope I didn’t sound too much like an idiot when I said another hello and asked, “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”
Tired panda just opened his arms and we took a quick picture, and his face was SUPER CLOSE TO MINE and I didn’t know what to do with myself and suddenly that scruff was AGAINST MAH FACE. I think I entered a new plane of existence at some point but remembered I had feed and managed to use them to walk out and not completely venture to a new reality.
It was probably a good thing I didn’t have time to transcend to nirvana because ROSE’S MEET AND GREET WAS NEXT. It got off to a late start since Emilie was still in the room when we got up there, but I’d wait howmstever long for her.
SHE IS AN ANGEL. I mean, absolute, 100%, grade-A, undiluted angel. She makes an effort to engage with everyone and really make eye contact with you, speak to you for as much as she can, and is just naturally her sweet and funny self. She then took selfies with everyone, where I told her my name was “Carrie, like the movie” which is my default at Starbucks because then people know how to spell it. She fake scared and pretended like she was ducking her head and going to walk out, which we shared a laugh at before our picture.
I missed most of Karen David’s panel, but right afterward was COLIN!!! Tired panda did his best to wake up and be his silly, smartass self, bless his heart. I’m so glad he said he wished there were more to the KnightRook story because he feels like there’s more to explore with that and HARD AGREE, COL! Also massive, MASSIVE shoutout to Overthinker for her crazy awesome questions!!! You are indeed worthy of being his favorite!!! Also, props to @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt for her original question about craft services. Dudes, the things we don’t think about!!! I need to try a grilled cheese with pickles now, that sounds AMAZING. OH! OH!!! AND HE DID THE WORM! AND SANG! How were we this #blessed?!?!
We then had a hot minute (or roughly 30) before KNIGHTROOK PANEL!!! Guys, those two and their dynamic will never not kill me. THOSE TWOOOOOOO!!!! HOW PERFECT ARE THEY?!?! I think their humor together is priceless and she’s like a damn coffee bean to him. It’s a good thing I like odd things because I CAN’T EVEN WITH THEM. (:smirk:) AS IF THAT WEREN’T ENOUGH he goes and kills us with his Millian answer and I see Mabs and Milah vibrating into the ether.
After that is almost immediately autographs, where they had us line up for Colin then head over to Rose. They tucked tired panda behind this black curtain, and Mabs, Capt, and I coordinated getting various things signed for us and others. When I told him something was for someone who had contributed to the Whitecaps charity, he replied, “Oh! Very good.” Then he got my spyglass and went all childishly curious, peeked inside the box, then raised his eyebrow and gave me a smirk.
Then it was off to see Rose, who was taking more time to talk to fans, which is understandable given the fact that Colin had a longer line and Rose also can’t seem to help herself. Chesty gave me her badge so I could get a second autograph, like a friggin champ, and I had Rose sign the spyglass and also had the title page of the manuscript I’ve written (I NEED TO FINISH EDITING IT) and told her it was a 1920s Alice in Wonderland retelling, and I thought having her sign it would be a good luck charm. She sounded super enthusiastic about it and wrote a long note for me on it, which I will for sure cherish forever!!!
OH! And on my way to get into the Rose line, I hear someone say my name and LO AND BEHOLD, IT’S @leiandcharles!!! HUZZAH!!! I probably sounded like a spaz because I was on a Colin and Rose high and was all over the place but she pretended to not be terrified of the insanity that was me… ANYWAY!
It was then time for dinner. With the pub PACKED TO THE GILLS, especially after there was a bomb scare at a nearby hotel so the people there had to come over to ours for a bit, a group of us went up to Capt’s room to hang out and get pizza. I’m probably going to blank on everyone that was in that room, but I do remember dragging Leia there, meeting @coaldustcanary, Overthinker kicking over my drink and being roasted about it by Chesty (still makes me giggle!), and generally being a nuisance with Capt, Mabs, and Milah while Fraddit, and Lill went off to introduce Chesty to Chipotle. It has since changed her life.
At some point we declare we should hang out at the pub again, and a group of us went to go shoot the shit until Mabs passed out right there in the booth (CALLIN’ YOU OUT, POPS!) and everyone was sufficiently either toasted or tired. Some of us then venture up to my room, and shenanigans ensued. THUS ENDETH COLIN AND ROSE DAY!
While I was sad this seemed like a less crazy day for us, I was also a bit relieved because hot DAMN was I tired after the day before. Still, we didn’t have much time to really collect ourselves because the Mills fam gold panel started at 10, so a group of us wandered down to breakfast.
We then get in to see Andrew, Lana, and Bex, where Lana and Bex were of course hysterical together, Andy looked cute, and you could feel the collective vibrating of all Regina and Zelena fans which was adorable. I mean, I love Regina, but there was some LOVE in that room from her Evil Regals. I do wish Andy had gotten a bit more attention or had been a bit more vocal, but it’s got to be hard to not just let Lana and Bex own the stage.
There was then a decent break before Bex’s panel. That woman, as you all likely know, is HYSTERICAL. She kept the room laughing through most of her panel, and you can see she has nothing but love for her fans and her costars.
After her panel, I don’t have anything I’m too fussed about until 2 (MILAH WAS ROBBED IN THAT VID CONTEST, BTW, JUST SAYING) and so some of us gather together for lunch in, you guessed it, the hotel pub! Dudes, our options were limited and it looked like a library and had loaded potato soup. What more do you want?
It’s then time to MEET LANA, where me, Mabs, and Capt try to strategically settle ourselves somewhere out of the way but close enough to the side door to get a good look at the queen as she walks in. And, DAMN, that woman is gorgeous! Me and Capt then leap into the line where she proceeds to get two very adorable photos done and then I get pulled in to get hugged by Lana (!!!!!!!!!) while Capt hugs her from the back. She was super sweet and patient the whole time with everyone, and you could really see how much she loves spending time with her fans.
We then decide some of us need shots because some of us (*cough* Capt *cough*) are about to pass out from being so near Her Majesty’s presence, and then we wander into the ballroom for Henry Squared’s panel. Andy was adorable, Jared was typical Jared. I’ll be honest, I don’t have anything from that panel that seems to stick out to me as a solid memory, though maybe that was the whiskey shot’s fault.
Then comes Lana’s panel and, once again, you can feel the energy of the Evil Regals in the room. For however silly Colin, Rose, and KnightRook panels are, HOLY DAMN Lana panels are just filled with all sorts of emotions! It was like a damn rollercoaster! I laughed, I teared up, I was generally all over the place. SO MANY FEELINGS, GUYS. It was delightful but also made me just desperately need to laugh about fart jokes with my fellow Colin heathens. WE DON’T KNOW EMOTIONS.
Sadly during the following break, it is time to say farewell to the spun sugar that is Lillpon. I console myself knowing I’ll see her again, but it’s depressingly others’ last time with her, but ONLY FOR NOW. Yes? Yes.
Next up is autos with Andrew and then Lana. Andrew was a sweetheart. I was standing next to Capt and Mabs, where we proceeded to tell him how great we thought he was in season 7 and how much that season and his performance in it meant to us and brought back some love for the show. He seemed genuinely touched and said it meant a lot to him to hear that. Bless that boy.
We then wait a bit for me, Capt, Mabs, and Milah to venture up for Lana’s autos. By the time we got to her, we had this whole strategic thing planned out where I’d bring up S7 Hooked Queen, Capt gets her Hooked Queen picture signed, and Mabs gets the word for Capt’s tattoo. Lana says she did expect when they started that she thought Hook and Regina were going to be a thing but alas. Oh! And Mabs tells her that they’ve got family from the same area of Sicily, where Lana proceeds to say they do kinda look alike, and it is now confirmed #fam.
With everything over, we head once again to, YOU GUESSED IT AGAIN, the hotel pub. Chesty and Fraddit have already settled in and eaten, and me, Mabs, Capt, Overthinker, and Milah get ourselves all ordered up where we both mourn the end of the weekend and still buzz from the high the last three days had given us. A series of more shenanigans ensues, and none of us are ready for the weekend to be over. I’m pretty sure we collectively tried to drag it out for as long as possible.
For one last hurrah, we then venture to the pool again and meet up with @reginamotherfuckingmills and @agntreginaskywalker, where we all debrief and collectively laugh about the weekend, in addition to getting all into our feels about how Swan Queen fans and Hook fans are being all chill and friendly with each other. WHO KNEW PEOPLE COULD HUMAN?!
It was a fantastic end to the weekend, and there were more days ahead that involved ridiculous conversations in the car (Thicc Lady and Pointy Boi! Is this Central Park?! etc), meeting Mabs’s ENTIRE FAMILY, hearing Chesty lose her mind several times, enjoying super Long Island experiences with them, Milah, Overthinker, and Fraddit, and so on. Some of us also went sailing on a tall boat later, where we hoisted the main sail and felt like proper pirates! Then there was just general hanging out, but I won’t bore you further with that.
Instead, I’ll bore you with shoutouts!
@lillpon DESCUSTANG!!! You’re such a damn delight. Both sharing a bed and hoisting the main sail with you was brilliant and I love you forever. YOU MET COLIN!!!
@queen-mabs-revenge What are words? I have none. And if I started I’d probably turn into a mess so FARTS BELLY PT CRUISER POINTY BOI FARTS! I’ll probably emotion at some point and send it to you in private and then go run off to watch bloopers or something to get back to some sort of state of normal.
@fraddit SEVEN?! WHAT’S IN THE BOX?! Resting judge face or no, you’re fantastic, I love you, and you’re forever welcome in my apartment! Or basically anywhere with me.
@thesschesthair You funny asshole, I don’t know what I would have done without you to be there to say jokes as foul as mine. You were such a good sport about me being an annoying shit. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed we can celebrate your birthday with a Captain Charming shindig!!!
@justmilah You’re so sweet and so funny and just damn precious. I LOVED going to the American Girls store, traipsing around Rockefeller Center, exploring actual Central Park, getting Millian and Knightrook feels in the AMNH, and wasting time at Johnny Utah’s with you. You’re always welcome!!!
@captregina Mah darling! I’m so glad and relieved that you had a good experience! You earned it, and I’m excited to talk about it over brunch with you.
@theonceoverthinker YOU FAVORITE PHD GENIUS! Stellar questions from a stellar person. It was amazing to hang out with you and we should do it again soon!!!
@the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt You’re a precious angel and it was delightful to meet you! I’m so glad you felt welcomed into the fold. But, of course you were! You’re wonderful!
@brave-lassie From one “mom” to another, thanks! Also, you’re a sweetheart and YOU MAKE AN AMAZING RED!!!
@leiandcharles @freifraufischer @coaldustcanary @reginamotherfuckingmills and @agntreginaskywalker IT WAS LOVELY TO MEET YOU ALL! And thank you for being so patient and awesome with some of the shenanigans.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Mine (9) Defending
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Summary: Reader is Dean's cuddling partner after his ruts. This time he claims her…but not to have a mate, only to make sure to not lose his snuggle buddy.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Warnings: fluff, A/B/O dynamics, pregnant reader, angry reader, arguments, the reader goes full Omega
Mine Masterlist
A few weeks later...
After the incident with the Omega, you were more cautious where your Alpha goes and how he smells.
He always was with Sam or you the last weeks. He wants to prove to you he's faithful.
Still, you were a bit more distant. You really tried to trust him completely again but it was very hard. All the hormones let your instinct work in overdrive.
Smiling you watch him sitting in the library. He doesn’t know you talked to the Omega today, accompanied by Castiel.
The chick admitted she tried to distract Dean by touching him. He was aroused before she touched him. He really was looking at your pictures on his phone.
Castiel read her mind and assured you she’s telling the truth. Smiling you thanked Cas for his help and asked him not to tell Dean.
Sitting in the library Dean sighs as you left the bunker without telling him.
“Dean? Are you okay?” You ask concerned.
“I was worried.” He whines.
“Awe, come here Alpha.” You giggle holding out your arms.
Rushing to your side he hugs you tight. Sniffing at your neck he starts purring.
"I thought we could eat at your favorite diner today. They have your beloved apple pie." You suggest.
“Really? You want to spend the whole day with me?” Dean asks.
“Sure. You’re my Alpha. Come on I’m hungry and your pups too…so let’s eat and then we can cuddle back home and I still want to claim you Alpha.” Calling him by his presentation your try to calm your worried Alpha down.
"Let's do this," Dean says excited leading you to his car.
Sitting in the diner you check the menu while Dean orders coffee, water, and a tea for you. Looking at you the whole time he smiles and you smile back.
“You look pretty today.” He rasps.
“You look good too Alpha.” You purr and his smile gets even bigger.
“So what do you want to eat?”
“I want the bacon burger like you and fries, maybe that salad with chicken too and not to forget a huge piece of the pie." You say giggling.
“God I love your taste in food Baby.” Dean groans and you flush red.
Waiting for the waitress you wonder, all other guests could already order only Dean and you didn’t get the chance. After the waitress left she didn’t even bring your beverages.
Drumming with your fingers on the table you sigh. You’re hungry as hell and the goddamn waitress didn’t come back.
Looking angry toward her you make your decision. Walking to the counter you ask what takes the chick so long.
“I won’t bring that worthless asshole food.” She snaps at you.
“What do you mean?”
“He wanted a date and never showed up. Worthless Alpha scum.” She grunts.
“Take that back!” You yell.
"Why as he knocked you up accidentally? He'll leave you as soon as he ain't able to fuck you. That kind of Alpha never claims an Omega." The chick snickers.
“Firstly he didn't knock me up accidentally. We were breeding! Secondly, he already claimed me and if you don't take back what you said about my Alpha I'm going to grab your throat and rip it out!" You yell in anger.
“But he’s not a good Alpha…”
“He is the best Alpha in the world. He protects me, loves me and he fucks me so good I see stars every time. So take it back, be a good waitress and bring us our food, without your spit in it, I can smell it, and I won’t mop the floor with your bones!”
“Okay…I’m sorry. Please don’t hurt me.” The girl stammers seeing your darkened eyes and the gritting of your teeth.
“Good girl, now I want two bacon burgers, fries, the chicken salad and the whole apple pie over there and our beverages.” Smirking you make your way back to Dean.
Mouth agape he stares at his Omega.
"What?" You ask nonchalantly.
"You defended me like an Alpha," Dean says stunned.    
“Well I’m carrying your pups and I was just pissed she said rubbish like that about my Alpha, next time I’ll rip her heart out.” You say grinning.
"Every time I think I can't love you more, you prove me wrong.” Dean rasps and your heart swells.
“I love you too, so let’s eat and I show you how much I love my Alpha.”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl , @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters, @love-my-not-natural-babies, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @mirandaaustin93, @hawaiianohana15, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @thefaithfulwriter, @x2closebut2farx
Mine Tags
@flamencodiva, @tuliptx
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