#dilfs and milfs ig
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The college trio portraits (DP)
i might have blacked out and went crazy with coloring, anyway i had so much fun drawing the og ghost hunting trio and now i feel wayy more comfortable drawing these characters bc of it.
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cxldblxxded · 4 months
🐲🐍 your dating service 🐲🐍
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tagged by: stole from myself hehe tagging: do it kjfds
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Been seeing lots of Bruce x Reader content which is fine! Great even! But I've seen absolutely NOBODY acknowledged the existence of his fine ass muppet wife so I went ahead and DID IT MYSELF 😤😤😤
Bruce/Brandi x Reader
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Includes: GN! Reader, polyamory, lots of MILF/DILF appreciation (as there should be), Vacay Lovers
🧡 Chances are you first met them while visiting Vacay Island. Bruce welcomed you with open arms and that charming attitude of his, got you nice and situated for your stay. Eventually he introduced you to his lovely wife Brandi and the kids
💜 The couple warm up to you pretty quick. You've got a great personality, you never hesitate to help them out around the island, their kids adore you (not to mention you're pretty cute)
🧡 These two are honestly couple goals. Literally soulmates. They're super devoted to one another and its pretty obvious to everyone around that they're meant to be. I mean they literally have a gaggle of kids so yknow they're in it for the long run
💜 THAT BEING SAID!! It'd probably be a while before you three actually got together
🧡 Bruce and Brandi only have eyes for each other (at least at first). Introducing someone new into the relationship probably wouldn't even occur to them unless they got to know that person really well, and even then there'd still be long discussions between the two about whether they're really ready for that kind of change. What it would mean for the relationship, how it might affect them, their family and business, ect.
💜 These two never half-ass things. Both are the type to pour their entire souls into what they deem important so if you're gonna be with them, then you bet your ass that it's gonna be for the long haul. The three of you WILL retire and grow old together okay they will PERSONALLY see to it
🧡 But eventually, after you've known them for a year or two and once they've both come to terms with how they feel about you?
🧡 These two are the perfect team (comes with co-owning a business and running a family ig)
💜 After years of being the heartthrob of BroZone, Bruce is an expert at putting his natural charm and good looks to use. This man is constantly making time to come over and strike up a conversation. And I think it's universally agreed that the guy is not shy or subtle once so ever, so expect a lot of compliments/winks/charming smirks thrown your way. This man is fully leaning up against the wall beside you, giving you that signature Casanova Smoulder(tm), all while telling you how he and Brandy are planning to add french fries to the bar menu
🧡 "But it's supposed to be a surpise until then so let's just keep this between the three of us. Okay, beautiful?" He says with a wink, raising a finger and briefly pressing it against your lips
💜 You probably shouldn't get so flustered over French fries... unfortunately Bruce is sexy and knows it 😔
🧡 Brandi isn't as on-the-nose as her husband but that doesn't mean she's any less effective. She managed to snag someone like Bruce afterall so you KNOW she's got game
💜 Definitely gives you just as many compliments and praise but she's very like... very nonchalant about it?? Like the two of you will be mid convo and she'll just randomly go "wow you are literally so gorgeous haha. Are you sure you're single?"
🧡 You have about five seconds to respond before she's moving on and telling you all about how one of her sons keeps getting stuck in ketchup bottles
💜 It's kinda hard to tell if she's actually flirting with you. She's pretty laid back compared to her husband and at certain times she seems like a bit of an airhead, so whenever she says something nice, it tends to come off as a casual compliment...
🧡 But then there are times where she'll like? Brush a strand of hair outta your face, or wipe some food from the corner of mouth unprompted, or point out a piece of jewelry you have on by running her fingers over it?? Her skin grazing your own just the barest amount??? All while she's giving you that look??????
💜 This woman is sneaky as fuck ngl
🧡 Expect to hear these two gush about each other on the daily. They are CONSTANTLY hyping each other up whenever they're apart (they're in love what do you expect?), but when you've got the BOTH OF THEM in front of you??
💜 They are a well-oiled machine. You are absolutely getting tag teamed by this duo. By the time you leave their company expect to be red in the face and your heart skipping a few beats
🧡 You get invited to a LOT of family meals. Mostly dinners, but sometimes lunch and even breakfast too. And believe me, there is no such thing as a quite meal with this family. They have 13 chaotic kids who are always getting into shit so expect to come outta the whole ordeal with a few food stains on your clothes
💜 look out for Bruce Jr. cuz that kid will for sure try to start a food fight
🧡 Bruce and Brandi are always super apologetic about any messes that occur (they know first hand how exhausting their gaggle of kids can be), but then you just smile and seem genuinely unbothered? Maybe even amused by it all??
💜 "Babe what's their ring size?"
"Brandi, honey, pretty sure we have to at least take them on a date first."
"I'm just asking for a friend!"
"...Am I the friend?"
"You know you are, babe."
🧡 Yeah if these two catch you hitting it off with their kids and showing a genuine interest in their hobbies/interest/lives?? They are SWOONING, vows are being MADE, rings are being CHOSEN—
💜 If at any point you recognize Bruce from BroZone, or if Brandi brings it up in conversation in an attempt to boost her man's rep, then prepare yourself because Bruce will most definitely start putting on a show
🧡 Under normal circumstances he'd be wayyyy more hesitant. Performing anything from his past doesn't bring up the best memories... but he's willing to bust out a good bop if it earns him brownie points in your book (and it better considering that his wife is always telling him how hot he looks whenever he's doing his "boy band thing" lol)
💜 OUTINGS WITH BRANDi!! This woman is taking you shopping or out to the nearest cafe/restaurant that just so happens to serve your favorite, what do you know! Sometimes she brings you along to meet her friends, all of whom are well aware of your existence wink wonk
🧡 Will swoon and fan herself whenever you offer to pay for things, but like as a joke!
💜 (not)
🧡 Chances are the kids already know what's up with the three of you. Maybe it doesn't click immediately but Bruce Jr. notices that how his parents treat and act around you is the same as they treat and act around each other, he goes blabbing to his siblings and soon enough they're all in on it. They don't entirely understand the complexity of the situation... but they're aware that one extra parent potentially means more presents for christmas sooooo
💜 These little shits are mischievous as hell. They are asking you what your favorite color is just to subtly drop the answer while Brandi is out shopping for trinkets. You mention what kind of music you're into and suddenly Bruce is looking up playlists
🧡 You better believe all 13 of them have started a betting pool going about who will confess first, you or their parents.
💜 Brandi's friends might be in on this betting pool. The other vacationers too
🧡 Eventually (after lots of pining and a fuck ton of patiently biding their time), Bruce and Brandi decide to take the leap and invite you into the relationship
💜 They invite you to dinner. It is a WHOLE ordeal and they've been planning months in advance. The kids are off being babysat by one of Brandi's friends (both parties were suspiciously cool with this sudden course of action). Their business is put on pause with little complaint from their customers (again, suspicious)
🧡 You're immediately drowned in compliments the second you show up at the door. You could legit just be dressed in your pj's and they're like "wow those sweatpants really make your eyes pop 😀" sjsjskakaka
💜 You are being waited on hand and foot the whole time. Bruce is manifesting every ounce of romanticism he can— flower petals everywhere, candles are lit, he's got a ukulele tuned and ready for when he eventually serenades you. Meanwhile Brandi has cooked you a feast made entirely of all your favorites and is tucking little flowers into your hair every now and then. At some point she hands you a cute piece of jewelry she saw while out shopping the other day. Just a little somethin somethin that immediately made her think of you <33
🧡 Overall, dinner is going great! The three of you are having a blast in each other's company and it's refreshing to be able to have a conversation without worrying about rambunctious kids or another pink eye outbreak. The atmosphere is quite yet intimate. Their hard work is not going to waste. You are thoroughly wooed
💜 And just when dessert is about to be served—
🧡 "We think you're really hot."
"Wha— BRANDi! My song!"
"Hmm? OH, was I supposed to wait till after—?"
💜 Yeahhh they kinda fumble the confession ngl. You'd think they'd be smoother but they are both: 1) very excited, and 2) very nervous
🧡 Nevertheless, their point gets across. For a moment they kinda panic because of how quite you are afterwards, but really you're just? Absolutely flabbergasted?? These two hotties wanna date YOU??? FR??????
💜 Of course once you manage to form a coherent response (hopefully a positive one), the couple is literally over the moon
🧡 Brandi's flapping her lil muppet hands all excited like "OMIGOSH THEY SAID YES?!"
💜 And Bruce is just smirking and all like "of course they did, honey, did you seriously think they'd say no to the two of us?" all while simultaneously releasing the death grip he had on his ukulele (this man is a fraud)
🧡 Victory dessert follows shortly after. Your hands become absolutely useless for the next few minutes because these two are DEFINITELY TAKING TURNS SPOON-FEEDING YOU AJSHAKAKAKA
💜 The night ends with the three of you hanging out on the couch, either with Bruce serenading you and Brandi or the three of you just cuddling in a pile (probably both ngl)
🧡 Cue the next morning. The kids come back just to find you all fast asleep in the living room, you in the middle with their parents on either side
💜 Pictures are 100% being taken
I love these two a lot, could you tell?
Thinkin about doing a PART TWO!! Lemme know what you guys think 👀
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pt IV doctor who but i've never watched it but i know loads about it for sure
It's half past 4 am and I definitely remember everything that you maggots yelled at me about this show I definitely do
There is a slutty head preserved in a jar that had many babies
There is a Doctor who was an OG doctor and his name was Wren or something no WILF RIGHT YES SOMEONE SAID THE DILF THE MILF AND THE HOLY WILF
Michael Sheen is a sexy planet with a mouth
Neil Gaiman wrote some episodes and it was very cool I think he made Michael Sheen the sexy planet
David Tennant I know you all love David Tennant well FUCKING HERE THEN TUMBLR DAVID TENNANT
There are time lords and they are the doctor and everyone was very cross when I asked that because apparently y'all periodically forget you follow me because im dumb
It's like gay or something at some point
Andrew Garfield is a dentist who gets flirted with like you too babygirl or whatever the 10th doctor says
Oh yeah the doctors are the doctor but there are 14 of them and they all go poof and then boom new actor except for 14 where david tennant re-emerges YEAH TUMBLR HEAR THAT I SAID DAVID TENNANT
oh and THEN the fifteenth doctor arrives but he fucking girlbosses a bigeneration and so escapes trauma or something and you all get to keep david tennant YEAH I SAID HIS NAME IF THIS HELLSITE HAD AN ALGORITHM THIS POST WOULD BE TRENDING SO QUICK ISTG
Oh the TARDIS is blue and not fucking yellow sometimes my brain gaslights me and also it can be anything it is a tree but it is a police box because it wants to be due to a glitch that the doctor hasnt fixed coz hes too busy hanging out with donna or being gay or being trans which as I know from experience are both full-time occupations
Theres like an intro or something it goes DOOWEEDOOOO and when i mentioned it people started singing it in the reblogs so like nostaglia hit ig
10th doctor is kinda bitchboy and we love him for that apparently
12th doctor is girlbossing prideful or maybe it was 11th or 9th WHO'S THE ONE WHO CALLS THE POTATO A POTATO
There are rhinos and they're police they're called Zookas and they transform people into something for their sins
I think it was the rhinos but someone looks like gollum had sex with a dead horse and got impregnated
There's a potato dude (gn)
There's a Meep and Meep's pronouns are Meep which is fab
There's a dude named Harry in the original doctor who
Shitty effects are beloved here
Someone installed a ramp on the tardis
there is someone named rose and the 9th doctor did something with a timeline and lost her to another 9th doctor and everyone's sad about it coz he knew he couldnt give her the life or something
Rose is kissy smoochie with doctor
Donna noble is played by catherine tate who knows less about the show than i do (which isnt saying much clearly im an expert)
The doctor is not actually a doctor it's something about yelling DOCTOR and they say DOCTOR WHO and it's like FUCK YEAH BABA GRIL NAMEDROP
Is this show title a knock knock joke like Knock knock. Who's there? Doctor. Doctor who? Yes now let me in.
one last time for you sluts DAVID TENNNANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
you're welcome.
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
The Best Father’s Day Surprise - Instagram AU
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liked by yourinstagram and 540,444 more users
Bengals: Not just 1, but 2 Burrows at practice today.
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usermame1: it must be “ bring your dad to work” day!
mamaburrow: my boys 🧡
username2: this is too much Burrow to handle
yourinstagram: the Burrows are taking over the field!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 690,513 more users
yourinstagram: reminiscing on last year’s beach trip!
view all 113,509 comments
username1: joe burrow is a very lucky man 😳🤤
↳ username3: joseph lee burrow has money, fame, & is a future super bowl champion… you have 13 followers.
joeyb_9: my beautiful wifey!
mamaburrow: the future beach trips will look very different now!
↳ yourinstagram: the future beach trips will be very different but, very different in a very good way!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 45,550 more users
Bengals: Happy Father's Dey to all the dads out there!
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username1: happy father’s day to the Bengals’ Dads
yourinstagram: 🤍
username2: happy father’s day especially to Joe Burrow who is the DADDY of the AFC!
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liked by mamaburrow and 913,005 more users
yourinstagram: happy father’s day to my baby daddy!
view all 513,690 comments
NFL: congratulations on Baby Burrow!
mamaburrow: this was the hardest secret to keep!
joeyb_9: 🤍
allisonkuch: MY HEART 🥹❤️
Bengals: congratulations!
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liked by 150,135 users
Burrow_Updates: Joe Burrow’s Instagram Stories!
view all 25,069 comments
username2: “my family 🤍” MY HEART
username3: i can’t believe Joe will be an official DILF!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 750,422 more users
yourinstagram: my new name is “MaMa”!
view all 99,005 comments
allisonkuch: hot mama 😍
username1: joe burrow is the luckiest man on earth.
username2: 🤤🤤🤤
joeyb_9: what about your new name being MILF?!
↳ yourinstagram: shut up daddy.
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Author’s Note:
since i had published a Mother’s Day IG AU, i knew that i had to publish a Father’s Day IG AU (even though this Instagram AU is being published the day after Father’s Day.)
if you have an Instagram AU request, send the IG AU request to my Inbox and I’ll try to get the Instagram AU published as soon as possible.
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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nanaslutt · 10 days
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1. hmmmm… i rly like aphrodisiac stuff and choking :3 or dilf/milf characters ^.^
2. i think it’s fine, you can know a lot about sex without having it but i do think having experience can help make it more realistic
3. ig reader would be his step mom but unless i state it in the smau, the au is the same as the jujutsu high one where megumi lives with gojo
4. i have no idea why people give me attention truly LMAOOO but i just use tags :3 i think that and when people reblog ur work it their friends/moots find u as well!!
5. INFJ-T :3
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yandere-daydreams · 1 month
twst event-related thoughts tonite.
twst event-related thoughts tonight queen?
i have a few thoughts and have sorted them into a list in no particular order. spoilers for the rabbit fest just, like, in general. and maybe twisted wonderland in general.
great month for fuckable parents. lovable milf on english servers + a business dilf on japanese serves = a profitable week for fan creators.
new ortho outfit!!! i have the running hc that ortho's design is so unique and so uncanny that character designers just,,, cannot half-ass it. literally. unless they want it to come out unfathomably ugly. bc i know they would never do that to my very own special little boy, they do have to put in so much effort to make him look just,,, so cute T-T
SILVER BEING A GOOD UPPERCLASSMEN!!! honestly we have so few responsible upperclassmen in this game that it's just nice to see the freshmen spending with with a second-year who has never tried even once to kill them. and the fact that he didn't even question the bunny,,, fdsfjlksdjskl i just know lilia dressed that kid up in such stupid outfits for his entire childhood.
AND NEW YUU TRIVIA!!!! they are nrc's only and best bugle player. no this will never come up again and no it was not explained but it remains true regardless.
grade-a feral energy coming from the characters, too. loved that silver was the only to raise literally any complaints about just,,, beating up a group of neighborhood delinquents before deuce decided to do things the legal way. ortho 'nuke on standby' shroud my disturbed beloved.
AND CAULDREN DEUCE!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly idk why the reveal that deuce has been summoning cauldrons on the reg since he was in middle school got to me in such a real way, but it did. i kinda figured it was just something he just pulled out on the spot in the prolouge but. no. he's just been doing that. good for him ig. whatever works for you king.
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bitchapalooza · 1 year
Imagine Iono having an 18+ only stream and in one stream she's playing idk dream daddy ig while chat is listing off gym leaders (from various regions) that are and/or give off the most dilf and milf energy and many people agree Larry does. Iono is already on the brink of a meltdown(/pos) when she sees this in chat. What sends her over the edge is Larry calling to ask what they mean, what does dilf mean, Iono please explain. She is full on cry-laughing now. Larry is still on the phone(on speaker) wanting answers because he cant see why he would be put on a "dilf list", still whatever that means, he doesn't have anything in common with Sinnoh gym leader Byron and certainly doesn't share anything with former Kanto gym leader and Team Rocket boss Giovanni. In the end, chat decided to add him to BOTH the "Official Iono After Dark dilf and milf list" just so they could keep Larry on the phone trying to get answers from Iono lmao
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leo-kinnie · 11 months
I feel like lincolns taste is either the most insane muscly dilf
or a tiny little twink
(unless you like women, then it’s the same but switch dilf with milf and twink with I dunno twinkette ig)
(and if it’s both slay qeen)
I stared at this ask for so goddamn long I feel like I’m being punished for the sins of my former lives
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desperate-whre · 4 months
how're you today? it's your anon from before :) do you do emoji anons? i'll sign off with 🌼 so you know it's me! i'm happy you enjoyed our chat. i know a lot of people are on here to flirt but i wasn't built for that 😆
i'm not too horny today. i did want to ask if you have any topics that are off limits so i know not to ask about them! i don't really have any hard kinks (besides the blood thing ig, haha) so you don't need to worry about that from me. btw i confirm i'm 21+
you mentioned another blog- i'm not asking you to reveal it 🤐 but what i DO wanna know is if anyone who knows you on there knows about this one?? 👀 would you be embarrassed if they knew? i'm far too self conscious to ever connect my nsft blog to my regular one 😅 as far as i know, no one knows i'm on nsft tumblr. the secrecy is kinda fun. but it makes me nervous that i'll be careless and mess up.
Ahhh!! I'm sorry I took so long on this ask!! I was so busy this week and so tired 😅
1. Yes of course you can be 🌼 anon!! That's such a pretty emoji ^^
2. I was not built for flirting either XDD I'm open to trying, though (👀 any dilfs, milfs, or women my age reading this?? Particularly milfs? 😅 ^^)
3. Uhhh, off limits stuff... incest? I know that's kind of a big thing on this site and every time I run into it I dry up like the sahara desert. Mommy/Daddy play is fine but when you're a c t u a l l y thinking of siblings, an aunt, or whatever?? No thanks. Also misogyny. No I don't wanna be a man's plaything. Also paedophilia, scat, racism, homophobia... etc. Other then I'm pretty chill I think.
4. Thank you for the confirmation ^^
5. Noooo no one from there knows about this XD I mean, I think I've mentioned I h a v e a porn blog (i'm very pro masturbation. Why not? Makes you happy, relieves stress, etc), but I'd never give the user ^^
6. I completely get being nervous you'll mess up 😅😅😅 Whenever I go reblog a whole buncha things at once I always have to go check that they ended up in the correct blog 😅
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spiderbunny00 · 5 months
RULES!! ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
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A/N: Hello everyone!! Ray/Rae here, here are some of my rules atm, some stuff might change and update so just keep these in mind when interacting. Please note that I’m still trying to make my acc look all nice and decorated so if things get lost lmk and I’ll fix it!
Credits: @cafekitsune for the title divider(s)! Please let me know to take it down if I didn’t follow the rules correctly <3
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DNI if:
ྀི Minors & Ageless acc
ྀི Racists
ྀི Sexists
ྀི Pro-Shippers & Problematic Fandoms (Dream stans & stuff like that)
ྀི Zoophiles (not sorry)
ྀི Just be a decent human man
PLEASE NOTE: these aren’t hard things to do, and I’m not making complicated rules for my interactions
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ྀི Smut of all kind (except in the won’t do area)
ྀི Dark content: Will always come with warnings
ྀི Angst: Might take me awhile bc I’m a sucker for happy endings
ྀི Fluff
ྀི AU’s ex: CEO, Rockstar, Idol, DILF/MILF, Hybrid (not furry), Royal, University, etc.. etc…
ྀི One Shots/ Mini series
ྀི Headcannons / Drabbles
ྀི Song Fics: Fanfics inspired by songs
ྀི Multiple love interests
ྀི Woman reader, G/N reader, Male reader +Male & G/N reader might take awhile simply due to me not having the experience of being G/N or a Man, this applies to the smut & fluff category. I probably won’t write full series about G/N & Male reader, but I’m okay with one shots
NOTE: This is literally a fan fic/ personal blog, if y’all don’t like what I write, feel free to block!
ྀི Furries, Race play, scat & vomit play (I don’t mind watersports & period stuff ig?), cannibalism (depends on context), necrophillia, amputation (I don’t understand this kink..), incest (step-cest is decent ig), idk what else
ྀི Race coded reader that I’m not, mainly because I don’t wanna mess up and why would I write a “white” reader… Like most “y/n’s” are usually white..
(I’m Afro-Latina, and the reader is usually Black/Latina coded)
ྀི Write about real ppl + I will write about roles actors play, but I will not write about the person themselves.
ྀི Smut abt minor characters, I might consider fluff, and wholesome content but 100% NO SMUT
ྀི Won’t write abt series I haven’t seen, for the sake of messing up.
ྀི Might add more but this is all I can think of
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FANDOMS I WRITE FOR! (Will keep adding)
Anime: Tokyo Revengers, Attack on Titans, Nana, Jojos bizzare adventures, Baki the Grappler, Vinland Saga, Jujitsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Initial D, Soul Eater, Kakeguri, Haikyuu, Black Butler, Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Dragonball, Chainsawman, Great Pretender, Frut Basket, Devil Man Crybaby, etc…
Shows: Blue Eye Samurai, Supernatural, The Boys, Good Girls, Never Have I Ever, On my Block etc
Movies: Some Marvel & DC Movies, I’ll say if I haven’t seen it
Fast and Furious, ATSV, etc… (Kinda drawing a blank rn)
Others: Comics, DC, Marvel, Junji Ito, Studio Ghilbi
Request and I’ll let you know if I’ve seen it (whatever fandom you request), but for now that’s all I can think of
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A/N: I will be updating this when I can, so some of the rules/ fandoms may change. If you don’t agree with what I write, feel free to block!
Please Note: When you fill out requests and other stuff, be patient with me. I do this for free and to entertain, and I’m not getting paid to write, I also have a life outside of writing
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Reposts, Reblogs, & Any interactions are always appreciated! Feel free to msg me for questions!
-Ray <3
Updated: JAN 15, 2024
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i see and respect your milf lover tigerheartstar and i raise you... dilf enjoyer dovewing
tigerheartstar is like dilf times 2 bc he has kids but also leaders are like parents of the clans too ig
she sees him playing with their kids or talking to the clan and is like "mmmmmmm nice"
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cookie-ask-blog · 2 years
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"I, of course, am the main focus of this blo-"
"HE'S NOTTT!!!!"
"Can we all calm do-"
"You think he wants a shroomie....?"
"I think he does!-"
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"I suppose I'll do this while they argue.."
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"Hello! Welcome to our blog.."
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"Of course, nobody is actually the MAIN focus since we share this-"
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"I- just listen to the mod! Love will explain the rest.."
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hello! welcome to the blog (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
im mod eden/nico! main is @/saturnii-eden
this is an askblog for all cookie run characters, ovenbreak, kingdom, puzzle world, etc!!
this is an au and therefore will have my headcanons and lore, so you may ask about that
i am a minor, no nsfw please. exceptions are milf/dilf/pilf jokes, etc.
please use they/them pronouns for crepe, sorbet, squid, and other canon nb characters, however i won't throw a tantrum if you misgender one, that's so unnecessary-
i use they/them pronouns for dark choco but you don't have to ig. however it's appreciated
you can tag my posts as kin/me/irl if it has one of those characters in it 👍
usual dni, proshitter/anti-anti, exclusionists of any breed, queerphobe, NSFW, etc.
certain ships r canon in this au so feel free to ask about those 👍
and as always, have fun driving these cookies mad!
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
Everyone knows The Marshal Commander Cody is the poster clone of the gar, master tactician, and is the greatest by the book soldier to exist so it would be really funny if after the war (it ended well for the clones, bump everyone else) his vod + general found out that this whole time he’s got a whole wife(they’re not married yet, hard to be when your husband isn’t considered a citizen + they didn’t want to get married until Cody’s vod all knew anyways), 3 1/2 kids(she was a single mom of 2, they adopted 1 and the 1/2= a baby on the way), a home, and a job already lined up waiting for him running a bed & breakfast with his found family.
Bonus: they all thought Commander Cody just wasn’t interested in anyone or had a crush/fling with General Kenobi(even Kenobi thought something was happening between them and was going to let Cody down or accept(if you want angst & ship them ig) only to be surprised and a little hurt that Commander Cody had a secret second family out in the galaxy somewhere waiting for him.
There’s no real point to this just thought Commander Cody definitely deserves some loving(and a milf or dilf) and wanted to share ☺️
ok this made me laugh because yEAH cody is absolutely the one to have a secret life 😂 and not just a family, but he is coach of his kid's soccer team and regularly chaperones his kids' school trips. the barista at the coffee shop near your home know him as your partner, not commander cody. and it's hilarious because once cody's secret life comes out, obi wan and rex have this coming to realization moment when they think about all the civvies that would say hello to cody on the street. they thought it was because cody was the marshall commander or something, but it's really because that's the youth soccer coach who always has apple slices and the good kind of gatorade.
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jedibongrip · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You!
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
tagged by @anakincito and @bladling i love my fans
What book are you currently reading? gravity's rainbow by Thomas Pynchon :/ in my fucked up pretentious bitch era ig
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? i dont think ive seen anything in theatres this year lmao? a friend and i did make a whole big thing about watching prey, i made a cake and everything and blacked out my room so that we could watch it. transcendent moment
What do you usually wear? ripped skinny jeans, hoodie/crewneck of some time, in these Cold Winter Months usually a turtle neck and doc martens
How tall are you? shut the fuck up
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Sagittarius, lemme google for a second okay 1 min, yes c.s. lewis and chadwick boseman very cool
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? a nickname. lmao i specifically picked a name that i could shorten to a nick name because i love nicknames
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? ive had low grade depression since i was 9, i did not want to be anything when i was a child
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? i am not and i fall in love with every single person i meet but also i do not feel healthy attraction so this means nothing <3
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? i am actually very good at academics and academic problem-solving/tutoring. i am so bad at puzzles and driving in the snow
Dogs or cats? i love kitty cats even tho ive only ever had dogs
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? 
What’s something you would like to create content for? want 2 make more star wars stuff and i have the weirdest idea for a criminal minds fic floating around my noggin lmao
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? putting obi-wan and anakin into fucked up lil scenarios and making them have sex about it. im also obsessed with the prospect of making blueberry oatmeal cookies
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? was supposed to enter my slut era cuz i got an iud and then The Horrors Emerged
What’s a hidden talent of yours? i am, surprisingly, very Liked by Parents. pretty much every single parent ive ever met likes me. this has not paid off with me getting a milf or a dilf.
Are you religious? no and if i was it wouldnt even be a sexy or cool religion cuz my family is made up of jehovah's witnesses
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? my glasses, i put them down somewhere and now i cant find them cuz to find my glasses i need to be wearing my glasses but i cant be wearing my glasses cuz idk where they are but to find my glasses i need to be wearing them, you understand my struggle now, yes?
hmm i think my mutuals p much tagged everyone but i'll tag @soresus @sketchyspirit and @sensoryseekinganakin
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house-of-homelander · 6 months
Homedaddy is insane where did they come up with that— anyways haha what’s ur type? (Ig other than maybe milf/dilfs)
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Nosey little shit, aren't you?
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