#did i suffer with Sasuke's face
rayukiriver · 8 months
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Day 8, Are we fighting or flirting? My first thought was on that moment in Shippuuden when they first met, but i didn't want to redraw it, so then i remembered this ending and it was like obvious choice. Honestly, i didn't have to think up anything, they did it for me already. The whole story of it
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Sasuke is a great example of a character who had this amazing ability of his observation skills. (I'm not talking about how attentively he analyzes his enemies during battles)
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When Kakashi tells them not to worry about any danger since this is only a C-rank mission, but only Sasuke notices that something is off with Tazuna's behavior.
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Sasuke suspected that Sakura was acting strange when she said 'good morning' with some hesitation. Sakura was really depressed about the chuunin exam because she felt useless compared to Naruto and Sasuke and didn't think she was good enough or skilled enough. Sasuke was the only person who noticed that Sakura wasn't acting like her usual self or something off about her behavior, while Naruto was completely unaware of this.
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Sasuke can recognize Naruto without even talking to him. Sasuke was sitting somewhere far behind Naruto, yet he could notice that Naruto getting freaked out without seeing his face.
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Sasuke can immediately find the fake Naruto. This shows that Sasuke is very obervent towards Naruto's appearance and his fighting skills (the way he dodges attacks). Sasuke quickly noticed that it was a fake Naruto coming towards them, but Sakura didn't notice.
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It happens twice under completely different circumstances. And yet, Sasuke knows without a doubt who is the real Naruto and who isn't.
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Sasuke was the only one who felt something was off about Kabuto, but Naruto and Sakura didn't notice as they accepted and trusted him.
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Sasuke can tell Naruto's mood just by looking at him. He saying himself 'this is not how Naruto usually fight. (Naruto was literally confused on how to save his friends from the much stronger Gaara)
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After seeing his fight with Gaara Now he knows the usual Naruto is back.
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No one realized how selfish she is, but Sasuke did. Sakura started talking about 'this revenge won't make you happy...nor me', and making it all about herself and her feelings. The moment he hears this, he uses the word 'yappari'. Yappari means "just like I thought", "I knew it", "As I suspected".やっぱり(yappari) uses to expresses the fact that your assumptions and predictions are proven correct. It also means that you are not surprised.
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Sasuke calls Naruto 'Usuratonkachi' in Part 1 and at the end of Part 2. It wasn't a word that Sasuke had made up on his own….he had heard it from Naruto and started calling him by that name, creating his own meaning from it.
Sasuke was observant enough to listen intently to the nonsense Naruto spewed out at the age of 8 and began to make it his own….despite suffering a tragedy and consumed with hatred and revenge……
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dreamyeuphoricll · 2 months
Most hated characters according to the internet.
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(I) Pleasure in Battle: Mahito draws pleasure from fights, making him an extremely dark character in the series. It’s frustrating to face an adversary who fights purely for the thrill, rather than any noble motive
(ii) Cold Rationality: Unlike other villains who lose their rationale easily, Mahito remains cool-headed and highly rational. His portrayal as the embodiment of human fear and hatred leaves no room for emotion. This lack of empathy makes him even more unsettling.
(iii) Nihilistic Philosophy: Mahito adheres to nihilism, believing that life lacks inherent meaning. His chaotic worldview stems from evil desires, resentment, and the corruption of humanity
(iv) Manipulative Sadism: Manifested out of sheer hatred and human suffering, Mahito thrives on manipulating human emotions. He takes pleasure in making those around him suffer, adding to his sadistic natu
(I). Sasha’s Tragic Death: She killed Sasha, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. Sasha’s death was a heartbreaking moment for audiences and other characters in the story.
(ii) Eldian Identity and Marleyan Influence: Gabi is an Eldian, but she despises her own heritage. Born and raised in Marley, she has been surrounded by people who convinced her that Eldians are devils. Despite being one of them, she wishes she were Marleyan.
(iii) Hypocrisy and Aggression: Gabi’s constant aggressive display of hatred towards Eldians, despite being one herself, is seen as hypocritical and annoying by some fans. Her sass, badassery, and frequent screaming have divided the fandom into two camps: those who empathize with her and those who find her irritating.
(I) Inconsistent Character Development: . Despite her raw strength and impressive medical ninjutsu, she frequently relied on stronger characters to save the day. This inconsistency frustrated fans who wanted to see her shine consistently.
(ii) Swinging Between Independence and Dependence: Some fans find Sakura’s character frustrating due to her oscillation between wanting independence and relying on others. This inconsistency can be annoying and contributes to the mixed feelings about her.
(iii) Treatment of Naruto: Early in the series, Sakura was often mean to Naruto. While Naruto’s behavior was initially obnoxious, Sakura’s treatment of him didn’t endear her to fans.
(iv) Obsession with Sasuke: Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke Uchiha was a point of contention. Her unwavering loyalty to him, despite his actions, frustrated viewers who wanted her to focus on her own growth.
4. Shou Tucker
**Shou Tucker**, the infamous character from *Fullmetal Alchemist*, has earned a special place in the hearts of fans—for all the wrong reasons. Let's delve into why he's so widely despised:
i. Unforgivable Experiments:
- Tucker's most heinous act was fusing his own daughter, Nina with their pet dog, creating a horrifying chimera. The Elric Brothers witnessed Nina's suffering, and her loss became deeply personal for viewers .
- The fact that he did this twice (once with his wife and then with Nina) is chilling.
ii. Lack of Remorse:
- Unlike other villains, Tucker shows no remorse for his deeds. Even the homunculi, with their twisted natures, exhibit some human-like faults. Tucker, however, is a cold sociopath who killed his daughter out of fear of poverty .
(i) Perverted Behavior: Mineta’s disturbingly immature and perverted tendencies are a major point of contention. His attraction toward girls, particularly Momo and Tsuyu, is often expressed in a creepy manner. Fans find this behavior off-putting and cringe-worthy.
(ii) Lack of Character Development:. Some viewers argue that he lacks significant growth or development throughout the series. His perversion tends to overshadow any positive moments he has
(iii) Groping Incident: During the U.S.J. Attack, Mineta’s inappropriate behavior reached a peak when he groped Tsuyu. This disrespectful move upset many fans and intensified their dislike for him.
(iv) Creepiness with Momo: Mineta’s tasteless behavior extends to Momo as well. His use of his sticky grape Quirk for a piggyback ride on her was both weird and uncomfortable. The fact that he didn’t seem to learn from these situations further fueled fans’ frustration.
(I) Lack of Personal Screentime and Character Development:
In the manga, Yuno’s character development is somewhat delayed, with significant focus on him occurring around 300 chapters in.
While it’s been stated that he trains hard and achieves much, the audience rarely witnesses this firsthand, except for filler episodes in the anime.
His sudden power-ups can indeed make him appear overly perfect and less relatable.
(ii) Relationships and Detachment:
Up until a certain point in the manga, Yuno’s significant relationships are primarily with Asta and Bell. Yuno’s introverted nature contributes to the perception of him being boring. While he cares about others, his interactions primarily revolve around Asta.
Fans notice that Yuno’s soul seems to exist only within the context of Asta.
(iii) Overpowered Status:
Yuno’s strength is intentional, serving as a foil and rival to Asta.
However, this can frustrate Asta fans who closely follow his self-improvement journey.
As Asta grows stronger and understands his abilities better, the gap between them narrows.
(Iv) The Spade Arc and Missed Opportunities:
The Spade Arc disappointed you due to unexplored emotional depth.
Yuno’s identity crisis, his royal lineage, and his mother’s survival were intriguing plot points.
Unfortunately, these aspects remained largely unaddressed, leaving fans wanting more.
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team7-headquarter · 7 months
There's no way I can analyze the Team 7 dynamic before saying a bunch of stuff about Sakura.
Most vital parts of her character in relation to the theme of the story get completely overlooked in favor of #GirlPower, making her just part of a ship or hating her without taking a moment to really dive in how she exists on the Naruto world.
What do you mean you can't remember Haku's speech on how in the shinobi system people want to become tools for the people they love and how it connects to Sakura later becoming a medic nin?
What do you mean you can't see how she was not given proper continuation to her Naruto classic breakthrough in the Chunning Exams + after the Sasuke Retrieval mission? And before someone can say her only realization was has been useless all that time, it's even more important!! She knew she had been unfair to Naruto for treating him so bad and expecting him to shoulder all her burdens like nothing, that she did a disservice to Sasuke too by not acting as her teammate but basically asking him to rescue himself and Naruto it failed. She makes a promise to herself to grow for her and not someone else, to become a kunoichi and focus on her career instead of letting times drag her around, she makes herself a promise that she won't be powerless anymore, because her friends deserve it and she deserves it.
Naruto Classic even makes a point of letting her go back into her old ways out of stress and the minute she notices what she has done, what she did to Sasuke and Naruto, she apologizes to him (Naruto) and promises to burden the weight of the promise he made with him— that's why, back then, Shikamaru and Tsunade were able to smile to both Sakura and Naruto, seeing their courage in the face of Sasuke leaving.
Shippuden just repeats and exploits those scenes in new ways, bringing Sakura back at the start for the sake of drama or ship baiting. What Sai told Sakura and how it leads to Sakura fake confession makes no sense given the hospital room scene!!!! She knows she hurt him, she saw it back then!!!! She knows he suffers for her and that's why she promised to go after Sasuke with him next time! She apologized for her behavior and she worried about Naruto's wellbeing and she ran to ask to be Tsunade's apprentice because she knew!!!!
It makes no sense!!!
Her arc in the Classic is supposed to be about how she doesn't have a definition of herself that she feels belong in the world, so she hides behind pretences. During their presentation, you learned more about Sasuke than Sakura. She was on the same level of Kakashi revealing nothing about her life. The Chunning Exams start with Kakashi all worried that her lack of confidence/independence would force her into the exams. She realizes how little she has truly work on her own self during the Sound shinobis attack and cuts her hair, swearing she'll do better. It's her sense of self HIDDEN SO DEEP WITHIN HER, what break a technique that is not supposed to be capable of being broken.
The Classics portraits Sakura as being annoying and naive and causing damage through ignorance but it always Sakura to grow. She learns and she's able to keep that knowledge. She's neglected by Kakashi in her training, but she's able to seek a sensei for herself —and that's an important thing for her! She's not waiting for someone to teach her or recommend her! She has agency now! She has gone so far, evolved so much!
Sakura offering herself as a puppet to Chiyo is not about lack of independence, it's Sakura showing that she acknowledged and accepted the Shinobi philosophy of being a weapon. She's still Sakura, too sentimental, too willing to jump to shield the life of another, but now it gives Tsunade's energy. Those women turn weakness into power, love and fear into determination. Sasori allows them to kill him because the battle was never about the knifes and always about the dispute on points of views.
It's a battle of philosophies: Chiyo and Sakura won
But after that? There are moments of importance and coherence, but the story starts regressing her progress in favor of some angst with Naruto or Sasuke and it kills their dynamics. The storytelling is messy —not cohesive enough. Contradictions start to appear everywhere. It's not even a form to being depth into her characterization, it's clear it's nothing but indecision, confusion, too many lines to take so you take several and end up mixing it.
The Sakura from the Classic was unknowable for her teammates. Naruto couldn't see her struggles because he was too young. Sasuke could see it, but he didn't want to engage with it 'cause he had his own agenda. They had their dreams and they were her dream. They were far more developed and on a different stage of their storylines, while Sakura was far behind, a late bloomer.
Her whole story is about her trying to catch up with them not in power, not in importance, but merely on the idea of having work on herself enough that she can't stand on her own and do something on her own and mean something of her own, without them, outside of them, so their dynamics can mature too.
Must mention that I'm not talking about romance at all, but you can't avoid it a lot because romance is one of the obstacles in their relationships. The love triangle and later the nostalgia encourages them all to see the others through the lenses of idealization or through memories. It's not until the end of the Classic that the masks fall, with Sasuke forcing it. He forces Naruto and Sakura to grow, the same way the violent reality of the Waves arc forced them to face the nature of the shinobi life.
The main conflict of part 1 is that they were kids.
Then Shippuden (with all the love in the world, I love Shippuden so much but wait a minute) goes the coward route. It pretends to be all mature and political and then avoids the real problems, never continuating that personality traits presented in the Classic that would lead Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke to take different decisions that what they took later on the manga.
Naruto wanted to semanticsize the word shinobi after Zabuza! Sakura questioned the system right then and Kakashi had to give a speech about it!!!! The real context of Sasuke leaving is not "oh no, Sasuke you can't be a rebel!!", it's the knowledge that Orochimaru wants to experiment on him and he already has without Sasuke's consent and he (Sasuke) was in real danger by going forward with the cursed mark! The other kids only knew about Orochimaru through the tell of how he killed the Hokage, but Sakura and Naruto fought with him on the Forest of Death!!
Sakura says all she says to try and stop Sasuke for leaving because it is a director callback to their conversation after Naruto transformed in Sasuke and tried to kiss her. Sasuke said Sakura made him sick because she didn't know what how lonely was horrible and dared to talk about it without knowing and saying stuff like she would be better without her parents. So Sakura tries to tell him on that night, look! I'm feeling it now! If this is how you were feeling then stay! Or take me with you! She plays with the fact he must remember that conversation. This time she's not thinking "I want to overwhelm him with sex appeal", mouth full of words she doesn't comprehend. She's saying "I love you!" because she still doesn't comprend how Sasuke feels, but she knows how she feels now.
She's gone a long way, but she still has further to go and Sasuke would never mess with her own development. He would never do that to her. He can't talk to Sakura, she won't get it, she still has to learn about the world, so he won't waste more words. So he thanks her. Who knows what for, but he thanks her. Her ignorance's annoying to no end but he appreciates how she, despite the barriers, tries to reach him anyway. She lacks the words or the method or the strength, but she tries anyway.
For him.
It's very much the same with Naruto. She turns herself into a weapon for them both and she even internalizes the cruelty of the shinobi world, that she had to treat Sasuke like the enemy and fight him like the enemy and stop him for commiting more crimes (view from the Konoha perspective), but she fails. She can't. She does the same thing Tsunade did to poison the people she loved and tried to solve it on her own, but in both cases they were lying to themselves. They wanted an easy way out. I kill you, it's over, I don't have to deal anymore with the pain your own decisions bring me because I can't stop you, you're your own person. They KNOW it and the fold under the knowledge of it, okay?
Naruto is a jinchuriki and they are hunting him to kill him and she can't do nothing, because going on with those missions is Naruto's decisions and not hers. She's selfish in wanting them save and sound! It is bad and it is human! She is erasing them as their own persons! She loves them so so much! She acts several times on her desire to go back and pretend everything is okay and then her friends have to correct her, sometimes gentle or sometimes reprimanding her. As tempting as it is to close your eyes and pretend, it can't be. That's the only reason why she didn't fell for the lure of the Eternal Tsukuyomi: her whole life has been about learning why that living of illusions won't bring happiness to anyone.
Shippuden somehow traps her in that realization like a personal hell. I love you both. You are willing to sacrifice your wellbeing for your dreams. I can't do nothing. I can only cry and ask you to stop and do something reckless and try to use myself as a living shield. But I can't do nothing. You are your own beings and you will destroy yourselves if you want to. I can only sit, wait and see if I can mend you later. I can only deal with the afterwards. I can only control my reactions to your actions.
Making her a medic is amazing because she has to wait for one of them to start bleeding to come in the scene. They will never allow her to fight for them in the way they did for her in the Classic, for multiple reasons —including just how important is agency and free will for both Naruto and Sasuke.
When people say she's useless? Or have no place in the narrative? Or bring nothing to the table? Or speaks in no way about the failures and cruelty if the shinobi system? When people don't get that she's Naruto and Sasuke narrative foil in terms of her arc being narrated in a completely different way with different aspects? That's she's all they're not or can't be or can't have or weren't allowed to be? When people erase her from the dynamics of Team 7 and don't see the gaping hole they left in her absence?
It makes me utterly insane. All members of Team 7, the original and all the Shippuden versions, are relevant to the themes. All of them.
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rowanwithaz · 9 months
How Katsuki's Character Is Misunderstood.
I think people that hate Katsuki just don't really understand his character or how he breaks the cliches of most rivals in shonen.
Accidental rant :D
No Tragic Backstory.
Vegeta had his home destroyed,Sasuke's clan was murdered,Shadow lost everything,etc. They have "reasons" to be an asshole,people excuse they're actions because people say "You can't blame 'em,"
Which is kinda an awful way to look at people's actions and why they do it. A character always needs a motive,and killing half their family,giving them abusive parents,makes it easier to write them. (kinda like a cheat code)But,with Katsuki,he doesn't have a "good" reason to do all the bad things he did.Katsuki stands out because he has what we would call a good life. He has good grades,he has both of his parents,who love him,he has an awesome power,he has so many things going for him,so,in most people's minds he doesn't have any issues and he's just a spoiled brat who doesn't get what he wants. And I think that's what trips people up the most,because he doesn't have a objectively good reason to do anything,but,here's why it's GOOD he doesn't follow that formula. Katsuki is just a kid who was an asshole,that's really it,in reality it's so simple,but some how Horikoshi took one of the most simple things and made it so complicated and gave it so many layers.
Katsuki just felt like he wasn't enough even though people told him he was,he knew he had what people would call a "perfect life," that he was "perfect," and that's what messed him up so bad. He felt deep down,despite what other people were saying,he was inadequate; because one person who he shouldn't think is better than him makes him feel weak. It doesn't make sense. If you were pampered and told you were essentially perfect,then one slip up happens and someone who you have been told is beneath you,that should be beneath you,is the one who helps,it would confuse you too. (Also,remember,Katsuki is a CHILD when this all happens,and he had no one to talk to about it,so of course those feelings would build up over time). It also doesn't help Izuku always wanted to be near him,and when you look at it from Katsuki 's perspective,that person is only there to see you fuck up,that person (Izuku) is WAITING and WATCHING your every move. Waiting until you fuck up just to leave you and or mock you. You would feel like shit too if that's what you thought for ten years.
Katsuki is not some "brat throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get his way," He's confused and coming to terms with a lot of things. His arc is about acceptance. He learned to accept he isn't the best or strongest,he learned to accept he needed help,he learned to accept himself,he learned to accept Izuku.
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The person Katsuki has been losing to his whole life,is the person he thought he should be. He had to let himself lose to win. GOD,THAT IS SO DEEP.
(*I also hate the whole thing of, "Well, Katsuki had no reason to be the way he was," then those same people will turn around and get mad that Toga is having a redemption arc because "nothing justifies killing" first, no one is saying it does,second,you were just saying you need a bad past to be forgiven for your bad actions,which is awful. Like,you can't make mistakes if you haven't suffered. That's fucked.*)
KaTsUkI DiDn'T fAcE aNy CoNsEqUeNcEs
My honest reaction:
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Katsuki faced defeat his VERY first day at his dream school. It wasn't just that he lost,he had his HERO his IDOL the person he looked up to,insult and scold him while he sang the praises of Izuku right in front of him. I hate that argument so fucking much. Like,did you seriously read this blindfolded? It happens in the first VOLUME. And it just gets worse.
He gets kidnapped and then has to deal with all of that shit on his own. I also can't image being called a villain when you're trying your best to be a hero,and you got kidnapped because of your personality. Katsuki faced,in my opinion,the most brutal and most instant humbling ever. And real quick,I made a post about All Might and why I don't think he's going to die,and I brought up he sucked at teaching,and in my opinion,he was an asshole too. When he sees on of his students having a panic attack the first thing he says is:
"U.A. Will humble ya :D"
That is beyond problematic.
(Not All Might bashing! I think he's a great character,but I think he was an ass at the beginning of the series,that has a lot to do with his hero persona and his inexperience with children,and just socializing as a whole. And that's why I like him,because we see him grow to be less like his persona and more like his true,sweet,authentic self.)
Inconsistent Writing.
A lot of people get Inconsistent writing and...y'know...more than one tone and personality trait mixed up.
I've see people say, "I don't like how he's written because it's inconsistent,'' and I think that is bullshit. Mainly because out of all the characters Katsuki is objectively the most consistent one.
I saw this person say they didn't like how Katsuki's anger is treated as a joke then the most serious thing in the room,and I say that's valid,but I think the thing they don't understand is tone and context. In the context when it's a joke,Katsuki isn't necessarily even "mad". I think when it's used as a more comedic device,it's not his anger,it's his inability to express himself without yelling. And I think it's funny and interesting to see how Katsuki struggles to articulate himself when he's not "mad" or "yelling." He also lives in a household where communication is done by yelling.
The atmosphere and tone really matter too. When Katsuki has his more "funny mad" moments it's with a group of people all smily and happy. No one is actually "mad." Including Katsuki.
DAMN. I didn't mean to go on a rant like that. Uh,anyway;Katsuki is my favorite character,if you couldn't tell.
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animeomegas · 1 year
hello!! may i request naruto omegas reacting to their alpha calling them by their full name? i think it would be quite funny ^⁠_^
(Lol, you're right, this was fun to write XD I went for a load of different reasons why the alpha might say their full name haha. I just did a couple of the boys <3)
"Naruto Uzumaki."
Naruto froze where he was, both hands poised to open an instant cup ramen. As his eyes met yours, he started to laugh nervously.
"Er...yes?" he asked sheepishly.
"What part of 'I'm making dinner tonight' did you not understand?" you asked, hands on your hips.
"Um, I'm hungry?"
"Put it back, or so help me."
"Sasuke Uchiha," you started, steeling yourself with a deep breath. Than hand holding the paper was shaking. "Even back during our academy days, I knew that I was going to marry you. From the moment I declared you prettiest boy in class in front of my parents and asked for money to court you."
Sasuke was watching you intensely, and you were suddenly glad that he'd insisted on so few guests, because the vulnerability was massive.
You continued your speech, and you finally hit the last part.
"And I know that I'm making the best decision of my life today, because a life without you wouldn't be a life worth living. I love you so much sometimes it scares me, so much it burns, but it's still the best feeling I've ever felt."
Sasuke's face screwed up like he was going to cry, but at the last minute he turned his head away from you and the crowd and clearly used every self control mechanism he had to stop himself from shedding any tears.
"Kakashi Hatake."
Kakashi looked down at you laying on his chest, eyebrow raised in a silent question.
"And Y/N Hatake," you added, smirking up at him. "Don't those names sound great together, 'kashi?"
Kakashi slowly turned red, every muscle tensing underneath you. You found great amusement in dropping marriage hints and watching him panic.
You let it hang for a few moments before laughing and breaking the tension.
"I'm only teasing you," you smiled, feeling him relax a little. "But I wasn't joking."
Itachi - (non-massacre)
"Itachi Uchiha."
He startled from his position reading a book on your bed.
"Yes?" he asked, looking baffled.
"If you don't do something about your brother, I am going to lock him in one of the kitchen cupboards, this is your one warning."
His baffled looked melted into one of amusement.
"What did he do this time?"
You held up the paper sign that you were holding. It read 'kick me, I deserve it'.
"He pinned this to my back this morning."
Itachi started to smile.
"If you laugh I'm putting you in the kitchen cupboard with him."
"Shikamaru Nara."
Shikamaru immediately froze, halfway through taking off his shoes in the doorway.
"Whatever it is, I didn't do it," he said, holding up his hands.
You raised an eyebrow but didn't give a response. You could see Shikamaru's brain working overtime to figure out what he'd done, but nothing seemed to come to mind.
You watched him suffer for a bit before bursting out laughing.
"Sorry," you laughed. "I just wanted to see what you'd do if I did that."
"Shino Aburame."
"Yes...?" he answered hesitantly, seeming unsure of what you were doing.
"That's the best idea ever, you're a genuis!"
Shino blushed a little.
"I am not a genius," he denied. "Why? The solution was quite simple and I was happy to provide it."
"Genius," you reiterated, grabbing his face and pressing your lips against his. "Thank you so much!"
You ran off, leaving Shino standing there, in crisis from the kiss.
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Sasuke, what do you think of Kakashi?
1-He was clearly biased against me when Naruto and I fought at the hospital rooftop, he only lectured me for pulling the chidori against Naruto, while he never reprimanded Naruto for using the rasengan against me. Which, I remind you, he pulled first and I only used the chidori as a legitimate self defence. He only asked me if I wanted to kill Naruto because, apparently, I have no right to defend my life.
2-Then he goes and ties me to a tree. See, this is very recurrent for these people, I apparently never have a right to decide where I want to go or who I want to be with. So he ties me to force me to hear his petty speech about revenge and friendship, because revenge (JUSTICE, YOU IDIOT) is apparently so wrong (but only when I seek it, ahem, because if it is Shikamaru then everyone is supporting him).
3-He dismisses my feelings, I apparently have to let go because he let go? He compares himself to me, as if losing comrades heroically because they wanted to protect their village is the same as losing your family because they were brutally murdered. As if losing your father to suicide is the same as losing your entire family, people, culture, because, allegedly, your brother, your most loved person, killed them all on a whim. I am apparently not the most unfortunate person because I have "friends"? This is not drama Olympics, Kakashi, but if it was, you and I would be in totally different leagues and you know it, quit the bullshit.
4-He learns the truth about the massacre, he knows the village committed genocide, and first thing he does is tell Naruto to shut up about it. He knows the village committed a genocide and still makes up his mind to kill me so I am not a liability for the government. He treats me like a terrorist and a mad person when he knows my rage is totally legit. Never even once he tries to hold the village responsible for what they did, never even once he faces the elders or demands any explanation. He never even acknowledges it was wrong.
5-He has the guts to blame me for defending my life when Sakura tries to kill me and pretends she is the victim. He pretends she was trying to kill me to "save me" instead of getting rid of a problem for their government. I repeat, he knew the truth here.
6-He never respects me and he treats me as if I am responsible for what Sakura feels for me. He never respects my right to decide about my own life and my own body. He validates her emotional blackmail and adds to it, pretending I have to do whatever makes my friends happy regardless of what I want or feel. He pretends I am a monster for responding roughly to continuous blackmail and harassment, which I am suffering since I can remember. Apparently I am not my own person, I have to be Sakura's love toy or else I am evil.
So, in summary, I despise him and I want nothing to do with him.
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kakashi-miso · 1 month
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Ash Camellia (ANGST Fanfiction)
When talking about the Naruto anime, many argue that it is a “fighting anime”, and most of these people are right, because this is part of the genre in which this work consists. However, many began to forget what the series and pages of the manga about the Jinchuriki boy taught us all this time: connections with loved ones are the most important thing we have, and we must value them, protecting them from a possible break. People close to us give us smiles, help us in difficult times, and in general - their presence nurtures the soul. Whenever we worry about someone, we don’t do it with the goal of burdening ourselves or simply suffering. We fear that our valuable connection with this loved one will be severed. When a person quarrels with someone, he is certainly in pain and sad, but at least his now “stranger” is alive, and the fact that he is angry with you may turn out to be temporary. When someone close to us dies, we are lost, because, in our opinion, it was too quickly and unfair, because your strong connection was destroyed against each other's wishes.
In times like these, people around you help you cope with the devastation of a loss. Although you know for sure that the grief of your loss will never let you go, you still smile at those who worry about you, because at such a time you understand: “They care about me.” Both that thing and that one are painful. An example is the case between Naruto and Sasuke: Uzumaki chased the Uchiha for several years in a row, in the hope of maintaining the connection that they had built between themselves. After taking the situation from Sasuke:He was left alone against the will of himself and his parents, and considers it unfair, but finding that there is a chance to release his pain and suffering on the culprit, he decides to take revenge on Itachi for his act. In both cases, the boys' connections were negatively impacted. They both suffered from being afraid or had already lost touch with someone who meant a lot to them.
This fanfic is the fruit of my ideas and ideas. I, like many of you, really enjoy dramatic moments, especially in anime. Finding more and more new ideas and ideas, I presented them, sometimes illustrated them, and in the end, after a certain number of “roll plays”, I realized that all these stories share the same theme: Connection, and supporting each other. "The hole in your heart is something that other people can fill…" - Kakashi Hatake
Almost a day. The sun had risen for quite some time: the birds were singing; The foliage of trees and bushes developed in a light breeze. And in the country of hot springs it was quite quiet. So much so that the rustling of trees and the fluttering of birds’ wings could be heard even from the living room, which had 3 futons (a futon is a traditional Japanese bedding in the form of a thick cotton mattress spread out at night for sleeping), two of them were made, and the third was still was still busy.
The calm face of the lying man was illuminated by the rays of the sun setting from the exit into the small garden. A long and heavy sigh sounded in the room, which permeated a whole palette of shades of fatigue and drowsiness. The eyelids of the lying person remained heavy, and it seemed that the body did not want to get up at all, not to mention the fact that the arms and legs ached as if a whole crowd of elephants had trampled on them, no less. The noise of the hinged door on the right. The pair of coal pupils that were directed towards the garden slowly floated to the right, staring at the source of the sound, and did not show the slightest sense of surprise. The silhouette in a robe approached, modest and seemingly fragile, and squatted down next to the futon. From above came the voice of a girl who had already been awake for a long time, because she got up at 8 in the morning, like another guest. Now it was almost 12:00 on the clock.
-How long will you stay here for a long time? Kakashi-sama, are you feeling unwell? – asked a girl with unruly and slightly curly black hair like a raven’s feathers. -Not at all. It's like I've been lying here for a long time. – Kakashi sat down, finally brushing off the blanket, and gave himself a couple more minutes to come to, stroking his face with his hands, and fighting the dizziness that was visible only from the paleness of his skin. A quiet cough broke through the silence, as if he was choking or his throat was dry.
-You’ve been lying here for almost 4 hours, by the way, and it’s already lunch time, but you still haven’t had breakfast. Guy-san is already bored, although he is trying to tell some stories for me. “The woman sitting next to me objected and crossed her arms over her chest, as if condemning the ash-haired man for his inattention and procrastination. -4 hours? Is it true? I didn't even notice, haha! How absent-minded I am,” Hatake laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, making an embarrassed expression on his face. Afterwards, he quickly changed his emotion to a relaxed and friendly one - Thank you for reminding me, Mirai, I’m on my way. Wait for me in the room with Guy.
-Great. By the way, what will you eat? Otherwise, you will lose even more weight than you are now.” A light smile came across the face of Sarutobi, who now stood up and put her hands on her hips, preparing to carry out the order of the Sixth Hokage, even if he was retired. It was a great honor for her. Moreover, this was an S-rank mission, to which she was assigned by Mr. Seventh Hokage himself. Closing her eyes, languishing in her anticipation, she listened to the incoming answer.
-A? No thanks, Mirai. I am not hungry. But I would be extremely grateful if you ordered me chamomile tea without sugar. And what about being thin – it’s just a matter of age, don’t worry, I’m fine. Now go, I will come to you soon. The girl’s face began to look puzzled, which was revealed by her eyebrows, and an awkward “What?” came out of her mouth. Her ruby ​​eyes stared at the man sitting, but she did not wait long for the request to be repeated, and instead decided to think it over carefully on the way over tea.
Mirai's footsteps were already in the corridor. The gears were humming in her head, and it was all too strange: Loss of weight, pallor, loss of appetite, and what’s more, now he didn’t even really get out of bed. Was he really that lazy? Then where does the loss of appetite come from? With creaking boards under her feet, she approached the modest common dining room, where she was going to ask for chamomile tea. It was already a little noisy there, because the people sitting at the table were talking, which made it difficult for the walking girl to think. Fortunately, Kakashi made sure that the three of them ate separately from everyone else, which was his privilege as a special guest, so that their meals took place only in their special social circle. Chamomile tea, by the way, had many properties, and almost no one knew about some of them. But Mirai knew, who was told about it by her mother. Chamomile tea has sedative and hypnotic properties, and sometimes relieves pain from tension, but in addition, chamomile tea could alleviate the feeling of nausea. Naturally, Hatake might just want to drink this tea, because… He likes him, but given the suspicious details that the girl noticed earlier, this did not at all fit with the “usual desire to drink tea.”
Kakashi was known to everyone for his calmness, so he definitely wouldn’t drink tea to calm down. Then other functions of this tea come to mind, such as reducing the feeling of nausea, and they were already annoying the lady, at the moment, approaching the cook and asking for a cup of chamomile tea without sugar. By the way, the lack of sugar in tea could also indicate a possible stomach upset. Is he lying to her? The blatant lie “Everything is fine” angered the young kunoichi a little. She was determined to find out the truth, because she was assigned to this important mission of “Escort and protect the Sixth Hokage and his friend,” and in Sarutobi’s opinion, she was simply obliged to intervene in order to report on the condition of those being escorted.
Thanking her for the tea with a short bow, her confident step clattered on the boards, surely and quickly, closing the distance between her and the room in which Guy was waiting for her at a tea table and a couple of servings of onigiri. Behind the hinged door one could already hear the ringing voice of a disabled man who was amusing himself with some joke on the part of the ash-haired man who had arrived. Mirai pulled back the hinged door and walked towards the table, meeting the gaze of Kakashi, who gave her a warm smile. Guy exhaled, suppressing his laughter. The girl put the tea on the table, closer to Kakashi, who was sitting opposite the kunoichi.
He nodded gratefully to her for this, and began to drink a hot drink through his mask, which sometimes looked strange from the outside, but it seems that these two were already accustomed to this. His satisfied voice muttered in an even tone:
-Mmm… Thank you very much, this is the best thing this morning -Did you mean to say "this afternoon"? – Mirai corrected him, causing an energetic reaction from Guy
-Ha ha ha! Yes, Kakashi is a real lazy person. Sometimes it’s impossible to get him out of bed, and lately there’s no need to even try - Thick-browed stretched out a wide smile, revealing all 36 of his teeth, which shone no worse than a diamond. “You need to be able to be lazy so that you don’t get bored,” Kakashi muttered in response to Might, drinking tea again. Once again Six made his friend burst into laughter.
The chunin's eyebrows furrowed, full of suspicion. Lazyness? Of course, she has heard a lot about his absent-mindedness, but in the words of Shikamaru: “How tired I am of him… His sudden escapes into the thicket of the forest for walks irritate me a little. But he says that he can no longer sit still… What a hassle! This phrase accurately emphasized that Kakashi was far from being one of those who liked to remain in one position for a long time. She answers the question: -Are you feeling unwell?
-What? Where did you get the idea? – Kakashi raised a puzzled glance at the two rubies in the girl’s eyes and began to wait for an explanation for such a harsh statement. Guy also didn’t understand what happened, but he wasn’t going to interfere.
-Well… Your pale face, too much rest in bed, a slight cough and in the end - Sarutobi's finger went to the chamomile tea - Nausea.
-What? Nausea? I have always been pale, and it is absolutely true that I am lazy. Cough? I don’t know, but I think I just caught a cold, my health is no longer the same. - The ash-haired man’s face took on a more carefree expression, and his eyebrows shot up, as if this was something completely normal for him. -You have already given up your second meal. You have no appetite. Are you sure it's a cold? -Hmmm… I'm telling you: I probably just had a cold. Mirai, I'll handle it, don't worry. – In response, Kakashi received a suspicious look from the kunoichi. There was definitely something wrong with her opinion. This is all very strange. -What about nausea? – The attendant’s eyebrow arched in puzzlement.
-What makes you think I'm sick? I have no appetite due to a cold. -Chamomile tea not only soothes, but also eliminates the feeling of nausea and heaviness in the stomach, and considering that you have already refused two meals, this becomes suspicious.
The glances crossed each other. Mask visibly tensed. His gaze stared at the woman sitting opposite him, and he thought about how to explain all this to him. The silence was diluted by a quiet and modest cough into a fist held to the side. Having regained his calm and stoic face, he turned to his interlocutor: -The other day I wanted to eat fish, but it was not the freshest. Without calculating the capabilities of my body, I did not pay attention to it. Apparently, in my old age, my stomach has become a little more susceptible to spoiled foods.
-I will never in my life believe that you, known as a witty ninja, will not be able to adequately calculate your capabilities. “The girl’s gaze became even rougher, she dug her fingers into the table, and her lips compressed into a crooked thread. In response to such an argument, Kakashi fell silent again, and then again began to stand his ground. -It is impossible to be witty everywhere and always. I'm fine, what are you doing? Yes, sometimes I’m absent-minded, you know… If something happens, I’ll tell you about it. “He tiredly rocked back and pointed his nose toward the ceiling, thinking about something.
-Don’t try to lie to me, I’m responsible for your health! And when will you tell me about this? When will you die?! – Mirai stated, already starting to rest her hands on the table, her hair moving. The bad feeling in the girl’s heart was like a storm, and it became stronger every second. Having passed through his thoughts the scolding for Assuma's insight, which he had bestowed on his daughter, Kakashi drank his tea again, closing his eyes. Curly continued - Your weight has dropped at an unhealthy rate recently, and this cannot be explained by age! Too little time has passed to lose weight like this, and considering that you only had a “little cold”, you shouldn’t have lost so much weight. Are you lying so that I don’t worry about you?! Because of your distrust, I am now three times more worried!
Enough. – The Sixth Hokage answered and put a cup of tea on the table with a serious look that rose to Sarutobi. The girl shuddered at such a serious tone. The ever-carefree and pretty Kakashi, as she had seen him in recent days, showed his strict nature, which she really did not expect. The voice of the retired Hokage continued his monotone speech: – Mirai, listen, since the beginning of our mission you have been experiencing too much stress about any situation. Don't exaggerate. I just had a cold, and I’ve always been thin. Guy won't let me lie about this. Let me remind you that you mistook two old men for murderers when we went to the land of steam, so calm down and just enjoy your vacation. – Hatake turned to his faithful rival, waiting for his confirmation of what was happening.
-Mirai, it's true. For as long as I've known Kakashi, he almost always refused treats or a full meal, and he always had this type of physique. – Said the disabled person, slightly puzzled by what was happening. Despite all his noisiness and brightness, he had no desire to prevent them from resolving the conflict. A wave of guilt, burning every atom of the body, penetrated the girl’s body. She was a little taken aback, because the words about her paranoia were true: she really was constantly on guard, and apparently her constant suspicions went beyond understanding. Her cheeks turned red with shame. The girl sat down and pursed her lips: “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I yelled.” I was too rude, sorry. – The gaze of two scarlet eyes was directed under the table. She sat down and sighed, relieving the tension throughout her body and the boil that arose from the feeling of a blatant lie on the part of the elderly shinobi.
-Everything is fine. Just try not to fill your head with such things. Relax. If anything happens so serious, I will definitely tell you about it. But as you can see, everything is under control. - Said a calm tone of voice, and now Guy relaxed along with his friend, seeing that his argument had been resolved, and he was not angry at all. Might sighed, a little sad that Mirai was living under constant stress due to the extreme importance of this mission.
Of course, Kakashi had to operate with her character traits. In his opinion it was better this way. In any case, perhaps this really was a good decision, and besides, they left the ash-haired man behind with questions about his health. As soon as the conflict was settled, Guy, with particular appetite, began to eat his portion, which was standing there even before the tea was brought. As did Mirai's portion, which she began to reluctantly eat, suppressing feelings of shame and guilt for yelling at the former Hokage.
Author's comment: Phew… Finally. It took me a long time to translate because… You won't get much at once. It was difficult. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you about this! I'm interested in your impressions
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sasusakucoded · 6 months
tw: suicidal thoughts
Sarada: I wish I'm mentally strong like you and Papa.. *frowns*
Sakura: *pats her back* I'd say your Papa's mental fortitude is the toughest..
Sarada: Really? I think so too.
Sakura: Don't get me wrong though.. Mental toughness doesn't mean he didn't have suicidal thoughts—
Sarada: Wait, he had? I mean I would too if I experienced everything he went through.. But he's.. He's Papa.. He's Uchiha Sasuke..
Sakura: I think everyone thought the same.. Even me, to be honest. He's an Uchiha. He must be strong in all aspects.. *smiles sadly* But then, he was also just a boy. An orphan.. He felt alone so many times..
Sarada: Whenever I think of how Papa suffered when he was a kid, I feel like my issues are too trivial.
Sakura: No, don't think that way. Everything you feel is valid. It doesn't need to be something grand to feel overwhelmed.. You know what, why don't you talk to your Papa instead? He's well versed to talk about these things.
Sarada: I'm shy.. And like what I said, my problems are nothing compared to Papa's.
Sarada: *hears knocking*
Sasuke: May I come in, Sarada?
Sarada: Yes, Papa!
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Sasuke: *hugs her tight*
Sarada: Pa—pa! You're squishing me.
Sasuke: *not letting go* You are my child after all.
Sarada: Papa? Wait, did Mama—
Sasuke: *looks at her face; nods* Whatever you're feeling, just know that it's normal.. If you're willing to share it with me or Sakura, please do so.
Sarada: Papa.. Mama said y-you had— You had—
Sasuke: Suicidal thoughts?
Sarada: *nods*
Sasuke: Yes. I think the first time I had it was when I was 8. How was I supposed to live when the very reason for living was gone?
Sarada: Papa..
Sasuke: It's weird because sometimes I felt okay.. But if I saw an opportunity to end my life, I was having second thoughts. It was the easiest way out, you know.
Sarada: B-But you're strong, Papa. You were able to fight those thoughts off.
Sasuke: Because I was blinded by revenge too.. It's funny because both are negative, but the latter kept me going.
Sarada: Are you still— Nevermind.
Sasuke: I told you, you can ask me anything, Sarada. Were you asking if I'm still having those thoughts now?
Sarada: Yes.. Sorry Papa..
Sasuke: I haven't.. After my fight against Naruto in the Valley of the End, never again.
Sarada: Lord Seventh?
Sasuke: *nods* I lost that fight.
Sarada: You were both beaten up, right? Wasn't it a tie?
Sasuke: Yeah. But, I lost to Naruto in the sense that I finally accepted that we had bonds.. And that I didn't want to cut them at all.
Sarada: *smiles*
Sasuke: I really wanted to die at that moment. I had nothing to lose, but had everything to gain. For one, I'd be with my family finally. I'd be with the people— the only people who truly cared about me, or so I thought.. I didn't have to think about how the others would react if I return.. I didn't have to explain myself. But..
Sarada: But?
Sasuke: But Naruto made me realize that there are still people who care about me. Him. Sakura. Kakashi. Even the others. They're not my blood relatives but they're my family.
Sarada: That pushed you forward?
Sasuke: That was enough to make me live and try again..
Sarada: ...
Sasuke: But believe me, Sarada. I had many suicidal thoughts before that. I didn't care if I was being reckless because whatever happened, I was ready. If I succeeded, good. If I get killed, good..
Sarada: Who do you talk to during that time, Papa?
Sasuke: No one. I never told anyone. Actually, I only told your mom when we're already adults.. It was hard.. But once you have a person who will listen without judgment, it will be a lot easier. Sakura is my person.
Sarada: *smiles and nods*
Sasuke: And of course when you were born, I had more reason to live. I'd do anything to keep myself alive. I promised myself that I'll be with my family, whatever it takes.
Sarada: Thank you, Papa.. *smiles*
Sasuke: It doesn't have to be us, Sarada. But know that your mom and I are always here for you.
Sarada: *smiles widely*
Sasuke: That smile.. I hope that's a happy smile. Sometimes the smiliest people have the worst problems.
Sarada: This is a happy smile, Papa! I promise!
Sasuke: *pokes her forehead* You're young and you're allowed to be sad, anxious, scared.. But remember, you don't need to carry the burden all by yourself. *gets a small notebook from his vest; and gives it to Sarada*
Sarada: W-What's this?
Sasuke: It will be our communication notebook since we're not good at verbally expressing our feelings. You write down anything in your mind. Your mom and I will do the same.
Sarada: *opens the notebook* Oh, you've written something already.
How's my dear Sarada? Everything will be alright. I'll cook your favorite food in the coming days to boost your morale. I love you, dear! —Mama
Sarada, I'll be here until you feel better. It doesn't matter if I need to decline a number of missions. Always remember that you're an Uchiha (the best so far) and this is nothing. —Papa
Sarada: *starts crying; gets her pen and writes down*
Mama, Papa, you have always been my rock. You don't know how much your words mean to me. I promise to be more open with you. I will keep fighting like a true Uchiha. I love you both so much. Thank you!
Sarada: *gives it to Sasuke; hugs him*
Sasuke: Let's show it to your Mama?
Sarada: Yes!
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I'm usually not affected by deaths in fiction. Quite the contrary, even though I get teary eyed, feel bad for the dead and those who live on, I end up getting over them. Itachi is the first character whose death I'll never get over. It makes me sad and angry and makes me want to burn the world (Sasuke's reaction, in a nutshell) every time his face comes to my mind, especially in the end.
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Even until this moment he is pretending. About to plan Ametarasu in Sasuke's eyes, pretending he's the bad guy, after Sasuke's eyes. Pretending he might do something horrible any instant now. He's maintained his cold demeanour so far.
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His hand moves to Sasuke's forehead, while he's still pretending.
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Until he's not. He's done his job. He can rest now. At this point, he's probably completely blind. He was nearly blind in the beginning of the battle. He looks exhausted. Not only from the battle but from life itself.
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Then he gives the saddest, purest smile. A smile when he's not lying anymore. He cannot. In his last moments, after lying his whole life, he wants to be Sasuke's big brother, even if it's for a handful of moments that he needs to steal away from the death. He knows he doesn't have enough time and it doesn't matter anymore because Sasuke is going to hate him even now, but he can't help it. Since his childhood, he was repeatedly thrown in the circumstances that continued to take his life away, little by little. This is the smile when he's completely free, under no obligation to do what he doesn't want to do for someone's sake.
This is the smile after knowing his clan, his parents have found justice with his death. This is the smile after Sasuke has defeated him and will be able to live without him. This is the smile of someone who found solace in the last moments of his life. He knows he's hurt Sasuke too, and with his death, Sasuke finds his justice. What he did to Sasuke, in Itachi's eyes, there's no forgiveness. No, don't tell me he didn't feel any guilt for what he did to Sasuke. The narrative didn't have to yell at us to know his guilt.
He smiled in the end because Sasuke was strong enough to protect himself. Because the legacy of the Uchiha would be Sasuke, his little brother. The honourable Uchiha clan has a rightful heir in Sasuke. The one that made their parents proud.
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This is the face of someone who is exhausted beyond measures. At this point, no love can fix him, no warm blanket can offer him warmth in this arctic cold his life was. Nothing. He finds his comfort in death. His nightmares end when he dies.
His life - an endless battle - ends when he takes his last breath, as do his sufferings. He was sick, quite literally, not only from his illness, but of himself. His body weak, almost-blind, coughing blood, too much medicine - he endured all of it for years, tortured himself because an easy death was not option for him.
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And he did all of it for the sake of his beloved little brother...
[It's a request: if you really hate Itachi or have something negative to say about him HERE, please don't. If someone is too bothered about a character they don't like, rant about him elsewhere.]
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sneezemonster15 · 7 months
What do you think would have happened if in vote 1 Naruto's answer was: "Because I like you", when Sasuke asked why he was chasing him/hold on to him, do you think Sasuke would have changed his mind and stayed in Konoha?
Well Sasuke already knows by this point that Naruto likes him. What he wanted to know was 'in what way did he like him', why is he so damn passionate about him? Sasuke couldn't reconcile Naruto going to such an extent for him because they were teammates or friends. Throughout Shippuden, Sasuke couldn't rationalize Naruto's passion for him with the explanation Naruto kept giving him. When Naruto tells him Sasuke is like his family, he is touched. But Naruto still wonders if Sasuke was like a brother.
If you meant, if Naruto had confessed his feelings for him at that point, well logically it wouldn't have happened, but if it did, I think Sasuke would have faced a great dilemma, an intense emotional churn, indecision, his heart would be breaking. He would have still left at the end of it though. The damage was already done by Itachi at this point, and it had taken over Sasuke's mind, he was single minded about it. Oro was also continually finding ways to manipulate him, there were a lot of forces working behind Sasuke's abandoning Konoha, his love and friends. He had a moral duty towards his family and clan, to avenge them, he wouldn't have been able to dismiss it in that emotional state of his, after being reminded of the trauma again by Itachi. Yes, he would have suffered greatly. But he would have left anyway. What he wouldn't have done, would be - he wouldn't have attacked Naruto. Yes it's true that he only attacked Naruto because Naruto kept stopping him. If Naruto hadn't intervened, Sasuke would have definitely left without harming a hair on Naruto's head. Even though Itachi told him to kill his best friend to achieve MS, Sasuke didn't do anything about it until Naruto waylaid him. And Naruto was adamant, he just wouldn't let Sasuke leave! Sasuke tried, he did. But Naruto wouldn't budge, so Sasuke had to use violence. Yes, Naruto would have still tried to stop him from leaving but I think Sasuke would have done something like what he did to Sakura. When he gently rendered her unconscious. Or something like that. He wouldn't beat Naruto almost to death, he eventually didn't, but you get my point. It wouldn't be easy, given how stubborn and resilient Naruto is, but Sasuke would have found a way to not hurt Naruto like he did in vote one. Naruto is his precious, he cherishes Naruto, he loves Naruto, he wouldn't let anyone close to Naruto. He spars and plays around with him, sure, that's different. But he would not have viciously attacked Naruto if what you said had happened, like he did in vote one.
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visionsofmagic · 9 months
── 🩵 ⋆ pet names they are likely to use ⋆ 🩵 ──
characters of; naruto, jujutsu kaisen, record of ragnarok, one piece live action ⋆ fluff but mostly nsfw content – drabble about pet names they are likely to use in and outside the bed, how they will praise you/give compliments – maybe a bit uncanon ⋆ enjoy! ⋆ masterlist.
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◇ praising
likely to use pet names for giving praises to you whenever you do a good job in general, and especially in intimate moments. they would like to remind you how good you are at what you are trying – or simply doing, even showing a soft smile or proud smirk, nodding, and giving a reward to you in return. you listen to them? you do what they say? you show how strong, determined, and magnificent you can be? they give praises to you all the time and oh, when you’re on top of them, under them, in front of them, doesn’t matter, they always give compliments and couragements about how well you’re doing, giving them what they want every time. you make them lose their minds, that’s why, they only can say, “yes, good girl –“, “my good girl!”, “sweetie –“, “yes, you’re doing so good. exactly the way I want the most – I need the most,”, “you like being my cute pleaser, don’t you? and oh, fuuck – how you’re good at it doll!”, “yeah, that’s my girl.” 
▸ naruto: OBITO, KAKASHI, tobirama – jjk: toji, SUGURU, hakari – ror: qin shi shuang, hades – opla: shanks
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◆ humiliating
likely – most probably will use humiliating pet names for using on you, in or outside the bed, it doesn’t matter – they just love to make you suffer a little bit, maybe sometimes more than a little bit, since they find you cute with heat rushing towards your face and tears running from your cheeks in the bed, fucking you to oblivion. they’re mean. however, they don’t try to break your heart, no, not particularly or with an intention – they just can see how you’re turned on whenever they act harshly in specific moments, especially when you’re taking their cocks, crying yet begging for more & more until you’re too dizzy to even remember the time, the environment you are in, and the entire world around you. they’re likely to find your pathetic, mess, and beautiful face as the most entertaining thing they can see, “look at you – what a mess!”, “slut,”, “a whore right exactly for me, only me –“, “shiiit – (laughing like a maniac) can you hear the voices you make right now my slut? Aggh – fuuck – I bet even you didn’t know you could make these sounds, did you?,”, “beg for more, doll, and maybe I will give you what you want,”, “ungrateful bitch, having all my cock inside of this tight pussy but still wanna some?”, “pathetic,”, “what a pretty whore, made for me.”
▸ naruto: MADARA, sasuke (revenge era) – jjk: toji (once again but suits him well), SUKUNA – ror: SHIVA, poseidon, beelzebub – opla: zoro
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◇ worshipping
probably will use any pet name related to worshipping from day to night, from inside of bed to outside because they’re so weak for you that they should remind you how the most precious thing in their life is you every time they have a chance to. they have no fear of showing you how you mean everything to them, how they find you so pretty while trying to give them the pleasure they would never have with anyone else – you’re one of your kind, don’t you – they will ask themselves again and again. they will be the ones who want to give you what you want first, but when you want to do the same for them – oh, they will be too excited to even create logical utterances between their moans but when they do, they will make sure you realize your own worth, your worth in their eyes, and how good you’re doing only for them, “ohhh – fuck! you’re gorgeous like this, you know that? the most fucking precious girl – and only mine.”, “pretty – pretty – so pretty!,”, “the most beautiful thing in the whole world,”, “my angel,”, “oh, this beauty – ahhh! I will lose my mind because of you, you know that, right?”, “I am the luckiest man!”, “tastes like heaven!”, “what a body you have – sculpted for me, huh?”, “no greek goddess has your beauty pretty, not even aphrodite.”
▸ naruto: hashirama, NARUTO, minato – jjk: SATORU, YUJİ – ror: BUDDHA, loki, raiden – opla: sanji, LUFFY
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◆ shy & rare compliments 
even though in bed they can easily be pure beasts when it is needed, they’re more likely to be a little bit shy and gentle with you in every situation, not wanting to hurt you even when you tell them to do so (they eventually will do but they’re definition of gentle and caring). because of their cold and calm demeanors, they tend not to give away their weaknesses right away; you. also they’re not into using pet names that much because of their personalities, instead they choose using your name. however, they love the expression on your face and the effects on your body the moment they use a pet name with you, earning a fun and worthy impact from the way you sit, look, and even talk. they know their effects on you, so, sometimes, you can swear that they use these pet names rarely and out of sudden just only to tease you more and more each passing day, and yet, every time you hear sweet – sometimes hotter than sweet – things from their lips, it affects you as same as the first time, “love,”, “honey,”, “princess,”, “hey, pretty,”, “ohhh – pretty! agh –“, “you’re doing so well, ohh, gorgeous,”, “you look so – angelic – absolute beauty, bending like this – shiit –,”, “you have no idea what you’re doing to me lovely,”, “sweetie, stay still or I can’t control mys – aggh, fuck!”, “my pretty girl,”, “my pretty girl always do the best for me, right? yeah, that’s – aggh, right – always. fuck – you’re the prettiest girl.”
▸ naruto: SASUKE (new era), itachi, shisui – jjk: YUTA, MEGUMI, choso, nanami – ror: jack the ripper, HADES, thor – opla: mihawk (maybe)    
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S͛a͛s͛u͛k͛e͛ a͛n͛d͛ t͛h͛e͛ r͛a͛i͛n͛
That day, after the Uchiha clan was wiped out, Sasuke ran away from the hospital and returned to his home. A home where no one will call his name, no more footsteps or laughter will be heard. He no longer gets the food his mother cooked with love. He entered the reality that everything he had seen the previous day was not a nightmare, but reality.
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That day, kid Sasuke saw an empty town and an empty house...all he heard was the dripping of water from the kitchen faucet echoing in his empty house...
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The sound of water droplets echoing in Sasuke's empty heart, and Sasuke's tears are soon drowned out by the roar of the rain. The tears are falling from his eyes, just like raindrops fall from the sky. It emphasizes the depth of his pain. His tears are not shown running down his face, but used rain as a curtain that obscures and conceals, suggesting privacy, or implying that rain shielding his hidden emotions.
``Rain'' did not appear in Sasuke's childhood memories with his father, mother, and Itachi. In those flashback, kid Sasuke (at that time) speaks from his "heart". It shows what inside his heart. But everything changed after UMC.
After "that day", Sasuke seems to have closed his heart. When he joins the team 7, he gradually begins to show his ``heart''. But it didn't last long after his encounter with Itachi.
However, around the 20th volume, Sasuke begins to close his heart again, and after the ``Valley of the End'' where he fights Naruto, Sasuke's ``inner mind'' can hardly be described in words. Even though he tries to kill Naruto, in the end, he couldn't. The rain that started to fall at the end of the fight revealed what Sasuke's "true feelings'' were.
``Rain'' has often voiced Sasuke's thoughts on behalf of him, who never revealed his thoughts to anyone...
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In VOTE1 it shows a painful/heartrending rain of sadness… it gently wet Naruto's cheeks conveying Sasuke's true feelings. The rain representing of his emotional turmoil, emphasizing the intensity of the emotions he is experiencing. When he is extremely sad or wants to cry, it always raining or cloudy. The rain is the tears that are falling down representing his pain. Kishi comparing the raindrops to tears, the dark sky looks so sad that it looks like it is crying, and the raindrops are the tears it sheds. His emotions are once again hidden out by the sound of the rain that weeping for him.
After fighting with Naruto, Sasuke was seen walking in the rain with a sad and pained face. As he walks through the rain he recollects all the happy memories he had with his father, mother and brother. Also, he thinks about what happened "that night" by showing his dead parents. And Finally, what his brother told him. "To awaken the same Mangekyo Sharingan, just like me... you must kill....your (extremely) closest friend "
At that time, Sasuke said to himself, he don't want to gain power the way Itachi told him and he will gain power his own way.
This shows that Sasuke doesn't want to follow in Itachi's footsteps to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan. So, he willingly went to Orochimaru's layer to gain power without killing his closest friend. The pain he suffered every time the curse seal was activated was he chosen to gain power... because the pain of losing Naruto couldn't be compared and endured like the curse seal.
The rain was falling heavily on him as he remembered all his memories with his family. The rain had already stopped as he walked into the darkness of the forest.
After his battle with Itachi, the rain caressed Sasuke who had become like a shell.
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The blood (of his brother's) on his forehead slowly drips into his eyes and trickles down his cheek like teardrops. "Tears of blood". The rain was like Sasuke's empty heart, so empty that he couldn't even feel the sadness and despair that was attacking him.
This is the cover of ch. 476
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when the battle with Danzo began, and in terms of the story, Sasuke was becoming increasingly lonely and dark.
The overall color is in this illustration is gloomy, and Sasuke is standing under the eaves, staring outside with a grim expression. It looks like the rain has already stopped, but it must have been a very heavy rainfall... rainwater is still dripping endlessly from the crowded eaves. In the corner where Sasuke is staring, the word "Darkness" can also be seen. This cover art can also be interpreted as an image showing "Sasuke heading into the darkness".
In an interview for cinematoday.jp, Kishi talked about Sasuke's character.
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Q: What specifically do you mean by that?
Kishimoto: Say for instance that Sasuke is a character that likes tea, so if tea shows up in a scene, he'll drink it, but if it was juice, I don't think he would drink it because he doesn't like it. But if I turn it into a setting where the story won't advance if he doesn't drink juice, I have to employ a different pattern from when tea shows up or it doesn't work. But if it is decided that he will drink juice, his character image is messed up. That's why I ended up giving so many different circumstances to Sasuke, who appears in so many scenes.
Sasuke was going on a rampage against the samurai at the 5 Kage Summit arc. Each time Sasuke gradually becomes darker and darker. This shows that he is heading straight for darkness. His hatred got to the point where he couldn't think rationally and started killing everyone. To reach his goal, Sasuke will kill anyone in his path without hesitation.
Gaara tried to stop Sasuke but he couldn't. Karin, his teammate, is caught in Danzo's grip, but that doesn't move him...not even a little bit. Sakura.... Uhh??? Oh well, never mind. Kakashi tried to talk to him, but still couldn't reach him...
As kishi says, "But if I turn it into a setting where the story won't advance if he doesn't drink juice, I have to employ a different pattern from when tea shows up or it doesn't work"
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The moment Naruto came into the picture, Sasuke stopped his rampage and got distracted. A moment before Naruto's arrival, Sasuke had a murderous aura, but now it was gone. Then he started listening to him.
So, Naruto is the tea in this scene, while Kakashi, Sakura, Karin, and Gaara are all Juice. Naruto is the light in his darkness.
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Rain reappeared and drenched him as he went to cut Naruto out of his life and then seek revenge. But on his way, his plan got diverted when Itachi comes into the picture and then follows his brother. In this scene Itachi becomes the tea.
Sasuke cries three times in the manga. There is no rain in those scenes when he is crying.
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He cried when he saw the lifeless bodies of his parents in their pool of blood. He chased his brother with tears streaming down his face because he can't accept that his brother killed them. And his first awakening occurred when he realizes his brother is going to leave him.
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This is the most emotional moment of his life after umc. His chaos in his mind was perfectly drawn with dusk sky, the cry of a hawk and waves crashing against the shore. When he realized his brother's love....he was no more. The pain is indescribable and unbearable. There was no one else for him in this world No Parents, No brother, No family. Once again he becomes lonely.
He's lying next to the person he genuinely loves and cares about, and he doesn't mind showing it with his eyes. Sasuke shows his vulnerability towards Naruto with his eyes. Even when Itachi says goodbye to Sasuke after releasing Edo Tensei, he says his last words to his brother, stating that no matter what happens or what he does from here on out, he will always love him. And Sasuke looked sad and hurt but he didn't cry. Sasuke never showed his emotions in front of others, like crying, laughing, and worrying. When we saw Sasuke crying after learning the truth of Itachi, he was facing towards the beach...far away from the others. Letting out emotions is kind of a weakness. However, when it came to Naruto, Sasuke cried, laughed, and worried about him. Sasuke cries and it's his tears of happiness...because even after everything he did to Naruto....Naruto still and always loves and trusts him. Just as light (sunrise) defeats darkness, Naruto's love defeats Sasuke's darkness.
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sasukeless · 3 days
Not exactly a shipping question!
Why does Sasuke desperately try to save Karin, even though Jugo advises him to let her die? Is it because he was the cause of the black flames or he was the leader? This is the first time I have seen something like this from him (besides Naruto). I think the only time he really shows his concern/care for the taka team was in the Killer Bee kidnapping arc. Then he ignored them... Is this why Kishi made this arc to show Sasuke's concern to his team, then to show that he didn't give a shit.
it’s because she was his teammate and he cares for them the same way he did with team 7 in part 1. i wouldn’t rlly say it’s the first time we see him like that he was pretty adamant in telling naruto to rescue sakura and go in the gaara fight too, because that’s who he is. he wouldn’t have leave his teammates to die at the point those scenes take place.
now i wouldnt say it’s fair to compare sasuke’s actions in his fight with bee to his fight with danzo. sasuke’s mental state in the 5KS arc is at the lowest we ever seen him. the exact person that made the order to kill his clan and cause his brother’s “suffering” is right in front of his eyes and ppl keep putting themselves as obstacles, trying to lecture him and just protecting danzo in his eyes. sasuke had no connection to killer bee he was just happened to be a target, capturing him would not fuck with sasuke’s mind like facing the source of his life pain would. it’s not that sasuke suddenly stopped giving a fuck about taka and kishimoto threw the ball it’s that killing danzo for sasuke was above anything else and as the whole arc progresses with more people trying to get in his way, getting the confirmation that itachi indeed killed their clan because danzo’s orders by danzo himself, danzo parading uchiha eyes in his arm like jewelry and using their power… well you can see how this makes sasuke spiral completely
i do think 5ks arc is where sasuke manages to cut ties with them emotionally like he did with sakura and kakashi after leaving the village. which is why he states naruto has his only friend later
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keithisbae1 · 3 months
Akatsuki SasuSaku AU 2/2
"Now don't be shy dear, come on out. I thought you wanted to fight not to play cat and mouse." She heard her chuckle darkly. Sakura instantly tried to flatten herself against the wall. It would be harder to take her down given that they would either have the same strength or as much as she hated to admit it, she be slightly stronger. "Why are you doing this? Surely you have friends and a family to go home to?" Sakura's voice echoed in the caves, but she kept moving so that her other self couldn't find her. 
"Friends? You mean the ones that are all dead now?" What? "What are you-" Dead? Of course, she should have expected that they have their own reasons for being this way. They lived in different worlds, who knew how much more corrupted theirs were. 
"I don't expect you to understand, you have a daughter, right? A girl called Sarada, I know that much from your husband. We don't even have a Naruto in our own world or Kakashi or-" She stopped mid-sentence, there was no use in counting everyone that's dead. 
"It doesn't matter, the point is the villagers fucked up and were keen to get rid of everyone who went against them. Imagine thinking killing Naruto is, okay?" "I... I'm sorry." Sakura really didn't know what else to say. 
"Tch, pathetic. I don't want your pity. I want you to come out and fight." She went around the corner punching the wall only for it to be empty. Damn, she was sure she heard her voice there. Until feeling someone behind her choking her by the neck. "If you resist I won't-" 
But then Sakura felt herself being lifted and slammed to the ground, fuck so this was it was like going against her strength. "You're going to have to do a lot better than that sweetheart." She got up from the now destroyed ground, chances were even the other Sasukes' felt that. 
Damn. This would be a long battle.
It was a stalemate. Sasuke did say it wasn’t his Sakura they needed to worry about, maybe they underestimated their other selves. “Release my husband, now!” She held a kunai to her neck, with her other hand gripping her hair tightly. 
Both of them were battered with bruises and cuts. “Don’t, she doesn’t have the guts to do anything.” “You may be right about that… but that doesn’t mean I can’t make you suffer in other ways.” And by proving it dragged her by the hair so that her face was against the wall. 
"I won't go soft even on you for messing with my family." The kunai was now against the skin, even if she couldn't kill, she could still torture them. “Wait!” The other Sasuke spoke. “I’ll let him go.” “What are you… don’t even think about it!” 
“You don’t get to decide anything in the state that you’re in.” He then turned to the original Sakura. “Your Sasuke for my Sakura, deal?” She nodded. “Yes.” And with that, untied the Uchiha, he watched him carefully making sure there was no funny business but upon feeling his arm free groaned. It was so painful being kept in the same position for a long period of time. Sakura slowly released her other self-attending to her husband. Her hand glowing numbing the pain. "Are you alright?" “You idiot! Why did you-" Her villain self was about to snap but collapsed into the villain Sasuke's arms. "What... what happened?" “I’ve attacked your pressure points during our battle, you were too much in a rage to notice. It’ll be a while before your in any state to fight.” Sakura stated calmly. 
"I told you about the state your in." He picked her up bridal style heading out, completely ignoring the other two. "Where are you going?" Sasuke asked glaring at them. "That's none of your business. We'll be seeing each other again. Well, I hope so." The Uchiha grinned and disappeared in a flash. Ah yeah, he was fast. "We should follow them," Sasuke looked at Sakura who was still in the process of healing him. "We should," she agreed but neither one made an attempt to stand up to look for them. 
"You weren't really going to torture her were you?" It just wasn't in Sakura's blood to treat people in such a way, even the enemy. If they can call them that. "Obviously, but I had to do something. They wouldn't know." Or maybe they did, she wasn't sure. 
"I don't think the other you would have risked it." "Hmm?" "She said... a lot of things during our battle. It seems we're the only two left so..." "They're all that they have." "Exactly, they can play tough all they want but when it comes down to it they won't risk getting the other hurt." She smiled. "I just wish there was an easy way to help them." "We'll figure a way." He poked her forehead lightly.
"You should get some rest, you did have a tough battle." "She wasn't that tough," Sasuke smirked. 
~With the other Sasuke & Sakura~ "You shouldn't have let them go. I would have been fine." "I couldn't risk it." "Why not?" "Because I can't lose you, idiot!" He yelled glaring at her. Did she seriously expect him to watch her get tortured or taken whilst he made his escape with his other self? Sakura blushed at the heated gaze looking away. "She... she wouldn't have done anything. You know that right?" "I'd rather not take the chance," he cupped her jaw pulling her into a deep kiss.
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rose-colored-amy · 10 months
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He was tossing and turning, distressed. Sakura couldn't find it in her to be annoyed, knowing he was most likely having a nightmare. Maybe he was reliving an old memory. She would know, she’d get them often. Amidst the silence and muted darkness, her memories’d play tricks on her sleep-deprived body. She had known —or at least, had imagined— that her Sasuke had suffered from the same kind of pain throughout his life. Now that she had come back to the past, she knew exactly what kind of demons plagued his thoughts. When half an hour went by of her trying to respect his intimacy and he started twitching and griping at his shoulder, right where the cursed mark still laid dormant, she decided it was time to do something; anything. 
She still cared. That was undeniably true. 
Sakura stepped close to his futon. The bedding was sprawled all over, his hands tightly fisted, so much so that she could’ve sworn he was about to disjoint his shoulder. His nails were digging on scarred skin. Sakura gathered some healing chakra to her hand before touching him. It went to the shoulder, over the damned seal. Sasuke hummed, unconsciously itching closer to her body, probably in acceptance. The healing chakra could do nothing to erase the seal or its influence, but she figured at least her presence could chase away some of his fears. Kneeled at his side, she whispered fondly: “It's okay... You don't need to be anything else than what you already are… You’ll be okay.”
Sakura couldn’t tell who she was consoling anymore.
She couldn't explain why, but there were tears in her eyes and her body was shaking. She blinked them away as they gently fell from her face to Sasuke's tense fingers. 
She closed her eyes for a moment, to gather her thoughts and calm her shaky breath. But when she opened them, he found his staring back. His clenched hand came to hers, the one which was still on his shoulder, and he clasped it gently. She figured he did it because he wanted her to stop with the petty touching, but instead, he intertwined his fingers with hers. She convinced herself then and there that she was doing it simply out of comfort and that he probably wasn’t in his right mind. However, a strange urge within her —the kind of urge she thought she had left behind along with her previous life— demanded she gave him more comfort. Her body acted on its own accord, to the urge that was pulling at her heartstrings, and she was facing him, sprayed on the bed at his side. 
“I need to be more.” He stated, not seeming to mind her inviting herself on his bed, dead serious, as if talking about the weather. But also, with a finality that showed his conviction.  
“You shouldn't have to.” She answered. Also, completely convinced. 
He didn't say anything more, but he didn't need to. They would always reach an impasse when it came to the important things: he was hungry for power to fuel his hate, and she was hungry for power to protect what was precious to her.
It hurt, nonetheless. But she didn't voice it. He didn't ask her why she was crying, and she didn't ask him about his nightmares. However, it looked as if he wasn't bothered, as if the thought of her crying over him was comforting to some degree. 
The bastard. 
“You don't have to, either.” He added after a few moments of utter silence. When she locked her eyes on his, she found they hadn't strayed from her face.
“Be more or anything else. You don't have to.” He tightened his hold on her. 
“I need to.” 
At that, he smirked, a gesture small enough to tell her it was insincere. “You are a hypocrite.”
“Perhaps.” Their hands were still joined between their bodies, which suddenly seemed to be miles apart. More than a gesture of comfort, it looked as if they were taking a pulse on each other's will. There was no winner, however, as she laughed humorlessly through her tears. “But are we going to pretend that you aren’t either, Sasuke-kun?”
👉 This is an except from my fanfic, In a Lifetime. I'll leave the link in here:
🎨 The illustration was made by Gwollu, as part of the Sasusaku Writers project. Please, consider supporting her in her patreon. She has an amazing sasusaku comic called Aratani Shinden that deserves all the love it can get.
Don't mind me, I'm just here admiring my two babies 😭🥰😍
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