#depending on which one is funnier in said situation
ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡ ༘*.゚Mouse-Trap ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡༘*.゚
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《Notes / Ideas / Mini Fic》
In this Au, (Y/N) is the the first sidekick since Dick Grayson is Stray in this timeline. Due to that, her origin is much different.
I would say (Y/N) would take the mantle in her college years.
By day, normal college girl that has a intership at Wayne Enterprise. At night, timid heroine that aids the dark-knight crusader.
With a quiet breath, you do your best to keep up with Mr. Wayne as he walks amongst the party guests. His secretary calling out sick, along with needing you as extra eyes incase of any.. Mishaps.
I would say (Y/N) back story is completely up to ya'll! But overall, she is the eldest sibling of batfam. Adopted or not!
"Ah.. Ms. Kyle." Mr. Wayne gently takes her hand, placing a small kiss on her knuckle as she chuckles gracefully at the contact. "Bruce.." She smirks cheekily, "I see your unacompanied at the moment.."
"I'm not, this is my son, Richard."
I see this (Y/N) is much more dependent on Batman/Bruce than Dick was.
Instead of her leaving Bruce with the intentons of becoming her own hero. He basically had to persuade about it, disscussing it and such.
Which works out! Kinda...
Ms. Kyle states, as you linger behind Mr. Wayne. Trying to take a peek at the situation, until you hear a unfamiliar voice chime in."A pleasure to meet you, Sir." He said respectfully.
Dick however, later on. Does in fact travel out of Gotham and becomes his own seasoned thief.
Later on, becoming more situated in Bludhaven, often visiting Selina!
Overhearing the greetings, you shuffle closer anxiously. Honestly just wanting to head home and finish assignments until patrol. "And who's this?" Ms. Kyle says soothingly as she sees you.
"A-ah.. Uhm.."
I would like to think in this Au, much more magicl-girl vibes!
Also, to add! Bruce is much more protective than usual. Cause I think its funnier!
But this is mainly due to MouseHero!(Y/N) still not as well-trained as Bruce, yet shows promise.
"This is my intern, (L/N), she's substituting for my secretary tonight." Placing a hand on your shoulder. He gently nudges you in front of the two. "Uh.. H-Hello?" You said weakly, doing your best to look at them both.
"Hello there." Ms. Kyle greets kindly, giving a small wave as Richard took a glance at you. "Hi, (L/N). Right?" He greeted charmingly, holding out a hand.
In this Au, there are Robins! But the mantle is always changing.
You blink at his presence, he.. He was gorgeous. His lips pursing into a grin, blue irises taking hold of your heart.
Grasping ahold of his hand, you politlely shake back.
Yawning, Stray boredly stood watch as Selina grabbed the jewel. Smirking, he helped her up, letting her take the lead as he followed after. Running amongst the rooftops. Graceful as their feline personas as they dash.
Wincing slightly, Stray glances at the other building. Seeing a familiar bat-themed caped-crusader on their trail. Rolling his eyes, he kept moving, something or rather.. Someone did catch his intreset..
Gasping in awe at the moonlight, you jump over buildings carefully. Trying to keep up with your mentor as he skillfully plants his feet on the opposing building. You managed to bring your speed up, eagerly leaping forward, eyes bright as a smile blooms on your lips.
Stray, noticing the actions, slows down ever so slightly.. Savoring the raw expression on the heronies features.
Ah.. Far too late to admire when the opposing duos now stood neck and neck.
Civilian (Y/N) is still shy, but more akward and humble, almost embarrssingly . While her Hero counterpart is still shy, a bit more cry-baby with a strong willed-heart. Overall, still the same girl, just one with more confidence.
Babs is still Batgirl! She doesn't date Stray. But does date Dick for a bit, but before they create their hero/vigilante personas, though it doesn't work out. Overall still on good-terms and are besties.
"Aww... Seems Pussy-Cat is gonna' ruin the fun!" Joker laughed, watching Stray pick you up carefully. Your costume torn a bit as you weakly move in his arms in defiance.
"Why don’t cats play cards with mice? They’re too fur-midable at poker!" Joker joked, sweating slightly as he saw the glare directed at him.
I love to think Babara is your utter bestie, in or out of costume. She Dislikes Stray, (she doesn't know its Dick), finds him way too cocky and flashy. Bruce and her team up to scare him away whenever they can, (often failing).
Jason however, finds Stray!Dick annoying but kinda cool. Though, Jay does on occassion get teased by the thief. Which he hates, and goes to (Y/N) with crocodile tears.
It works often, Dick finds it annoying and tries to explain himself as Jason smiles in wickedness. It still works when your all older! What a pain! (Dicks words, not mine.)
In this Au, Dick gives off more "golden-kid" vibes, due to the fact his thief-persona is much more flirty and blunt.
You smile, giggling as the thief dramatically recalls his tales with your "hero-self". Flustered slightly, dumbly nodding along as your chest felt warm.
Stray and Civilian!(Y/N) relationship is sorta like Mari-Chat in a sense (lol).
But I feel like she'd open up to him more due to Dick's flamboyant energy. Finding comfort without the need to be enemies when shes not in uniform.
But with Richard, she's more self concious than ever! Always afraid she'll mess up and ruin their starange friendship and he'll figure who she is.
Batman is so done, while Selina loves her new novela.
Tagging: @gaozorous-rex-blog @b4tm4nn @777ily @celestial-kanzakii
[Yay! I wrote more! Horray! I need to write Hemlock!Jason. But overall one of my favorite Aus! Any more ideas? Send them in! Hearts, comments, fan art are super Appreciated! Check out the extra! Mousequerade Ball!]
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lavenderyulu · 2 years
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‘‘Fire? What fire?’‘
rich people can’t cook.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Transfem auntie buggy ideas again bc AAAA BRANROT I LOVE WOMEN-
Ya know,,,,, how Oda said,,,,,, Buggy COULD be really fucking powerful if there was effort put in? What if in transfem Buggy world, the effort was due to dysphoria-fueled depression and anxiety. Coming out ((and having such blatant and unrepentant support, from her lovers AND the Guild in its entirety)) leads to her actually... feel okay-ish. It's not a sudden in-all-fix-it ((she needs a PLETHORA of therapies)), but it starts her on a good path. Thay first step was difficult, but it was made... so much easier. Which leads to the second step. The third. The fourth.
And now that Buggy isn't having seventy four panic attacks every three minutes, she can devote some Brain Space to other things - her weapon making has become a sort of fidget toy type of situation, and she's.. actually really gotten a knack for this, over the years. She'd never call herself prodigal ((lowkey even if she is, with chemistry, physics and spatial awareness, she's so deep in the I'm A Liar hole that she doesn't clock that just.... Getting It isn't normal)).
Croc and Hawk are very supportive, even if they bully her (consensually).
And eventually, they even deign to try teaching her Haki - just to realize she's... been using it constantly almost her whole life. Her Observation is innate, acute, and one of the reasons she's so charismatic and able to reign in a crowd. It's both a talent for manipulation and also a form of reactive observation haki - by shifting her own energy among her followers, prospective or otherwise, she can encourage a specific reaction. It's a mix of Skill, Natural Talent and smoke and mirrors.
Learning that makes her wonder - if Haki can be so dynamic and THEN SOME, what other places has she not considered such an approach? Her weapons? Training? Her... her devil fruit...?
It's a paramecia. It affects her body, and she's gotten some rather decent control of it. Do paramecias awaken like zoans? Do logias? New Fixation Hours. She goes a little feral with the possibilities.
Suddenly, it seems like all of these little walls she never noticed before have fallen away, leaving a vast horizon of possibility.
Shanks will take a bit to arrive at Karai Bari, and he's expecting a specific version of his former best friend (or former love or former sibling, depending on Preferred Shuggy Flavor). He is anticipating the Buggy he saw a few years ago, but this time Woman Mode.
Crocodile and Mihawk's protective hovering is not exactly smth he anticipated, but he's willing to roll with that! His lovely Bug is just so pretty, he HAS to tell her, see her for himself, it's not even a want, it's not a desire, he needs it the way hee needs sea salt in his hair and a hilt in his hand and air in his lungs.
Buggy, meanwhile has skipped right tf over many emotions, instead Fueled By Hyperfixation, and while part of her is absolutely REELING at Shanks showing up unannounced on HER island, another part is cackling in mad scientist and saying "convince him to guinea pig, 'for old time's sake'." Shanks is WEAK to Buggy Begging Eyes, and Croc and Hawk ((while also weak but not exactly as weak as Shanks, they can pretend)) are watching and honestly laughing internally bc....
Well. Buggy's on a ROLL. And Shanks is her newest toy.
Poor Redhair has NO IDEA what he's in for...
SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A PRINCESS SHE'S LITERALLY LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is actually canon to me. Okay. Okay? She was just insecure and dealing with dysphoria and now she's the queen of the world. She owns it. Shanks is such a simp he's gonna let her do anything lmfao. And Mihawk and Crocodile absolutely love her and it's even funnier to bully her this way. And she's,,, She's so powerful. Queen. Absolutely amazing. Sexy but also really cute. Prettiest clown you've ever seen. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HER CLOTHES??? Because I have so many outfits in mind I am going INSANE. And I can't stop thinking about Luffy and her getting along and Luffy being extremely happy (not to mention Sanji, Don't- Don't let Sanji see her because maybe he dies. Me too).
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anthurak · 7 months
So with Hazbin Hotel finally releasing in just a couple more months, I thought I’d talk about what might be the biggest underlying question a lot of us have:
How much, if any, crossover will there by with Helluva Boss?
Now to start with, despite Blitzo and Moxxie having originated conceptually as side-characters/villains in Hazbin, I think we should NOT be expecting any kind of major or even minor appearances of I.M.P. in Hazbin Hotel. And frankly, I think that’s a GOOD thing. These two shows really should be allowed to stand on their own without relying on any kind of crossover/cameo appeal. Not to mention that these two casts of characters don’t really have much reason to cross over, given that they occupy pretty different circles. Like just the fact almost all of Hazbin’s cast (human Sinners) are confined to the Pride Ring of Hell while Helluva’s cast are often traveling between the various rings and even going to Earth kind of limits the potential points of interaction. All in all, despite how much many of us might hope for it, I think we should be expecting appearances from the I.M.P. crew in Hazbin Hotel. Though barring one, VERY SPECIFIC possible scenario I’ll dive into later.
Instead, the potential crossover between these two shows that I’m actually very curious about comes not from Helluva’s main characters, but rather from some of the supporting cast.
Specifically, I’m very curious if we’ll get cameos from the other Sins.
Because whereas Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie or even Stolas run in entirely different societal circles than either Charlie or the Sinners she’s trying to help, with the Sins it’s an entirely different situation.
Not only are the other Kings of Sin we’ve met the fellow rulers of Hell alongside Lucifer, we’ve also gotten implications that they do see each other more or less as family. Which by extension, could very well mean they are family to Charlie as well. Basically, Ozzie, Bee, Mammon and the rest could absolutely be presented as Charlie’s aunts, uncles or cousins, depending on whether Lucifer is an ‘older brother’ or outright ‘father’ to the group as a whole.
Which all taken together means that the Sins actually have all the reason to make an appearance or two in Hazbin. Like we know from the trailers that we’re going to have a flashback to Charlie’s childhood of her spending time with her father. Imagine how cool it would be if said flashback included a couple cameos from the other Sins?
Obviously I don’t think we should expect Asmodeus, Beelzebub or any of the rest to be any kind of major recurring presence in Hazbin Hotel, especially when we consider that the vast majority of the action of Hazbin is going to be locked to the Pride ring. But it does feel very natural or even outright necessary to the narrative that they make an occasional appearance. Particularly when we consider that it’s pretty much inevitable that Hazbin dives into the backstory of Lucifer, Lilith and the creation of Hell as a whole, at which point it would be pretty weird if the other sins DIDN’T show up in some major capacity, especially if they are indeed fallen angels like Lucifer.
And of course I think we can all agree that it would be pretty awesome just to see any of the Sins show up in an episode of Hazbin, even if whatever they’re doing is largely unrelated to the events of Helluva Boss. Like imagine an episode or arc where Charlie and Vaggie have a big argument, and Charlie ends up getting advice from ‘Uncle Ozzie’? Like even if you haven’t seen Helluva Boss, the idea of Charlie getting relationship advice from the King and Embodiment of LUST is hilariously surreal on its own, but the fact that it would almost certainly be actually GOOD advice just makes it funnier. While those who have seen Helluva can appreciate, among other things, the parallels between Charlie’s relationship with Vaggie and Asmodeus’s relationship with Fizzerolli.
Now with that all being said, as I alluded to earlier there is ONE specific scenario where I can see the I.M.P. crew making AN appearance in Hazbin Hotel:
Given the fact that Blitzo and Moxxie did originate as Hazbin side-characters, I do think it wouldn’t be surprising if we got an episode of the show meant to pay tribute to this fact. Basically have an episode where Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona show up as one-off pseudo-villains as an episode-long ‘in-joke’ referencing the origins of Helluva Boss and giving the team a chance to give an idea as to what Blitzo’s and Moxxie’s original roll in Hazbin would have been.
Say, Charlie and co. are dealing with a sinner who is particularly fixated/obsessed with ‘unfinished business’/grudge from their life with Charlie trying to get them to let go of that grudge by convincing them there just isn’t anything they can do about it from Hell. Cue perhaps Angel Dust ‘helpfully’ mentioning that he’s heard of some people who do exactly that, or perhaps simply a rather familiar jingle can suddenly be heard over a nearby TV, and we’re off to the races.
Again, more or less doing an homage to what Blitzo and Moxxie likely would have originally been doing as Hazbin side-characters.
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curatoroffiction · 2 years
Hi! Idk if you still write about Obey Me! Characters anymore or not but I just read your fic about Mc on their monthly and I absolutely fell in LOVE with it! I was wondering if you could do one where Mammon kind of takes care of Mc while they’re pregnant? I just think it would be a cute idea to see Mammon go into devoted partner/parent mode :)
I actively write for Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland, actually! Thank you for asking!
If you're ever wondering what my status is for taking requests, you can find my status updated on my "Masterlist/Rules" post, which is pinned on my blog. I've now added a link that I'll keep updated on the latest posts I make for that status. Also, I've done a few AFAB pieces recently, but I also am comfortable doing AMAB pieces as well if any readers are curious!
That being said, I hope you enjoy this! It was a little more outside my wheelhouse, but I wanted to make it fun and engaging as much as I wanted to make it comforting and heartwarming. It falls a little outside your request, but it sparked a muse and I ran with it.
Content Warnings:
AFAB Reader
Gender Neutral Reader
Established romance with Mammon
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "So what's this gonna be like?" Mammon, arms wrapped around your shoulders, looks to Solomon from over your shoulder.
As the resident expert on humans and demons, and having an extensive history of oddjobs, many of which were medical, Solomon made the most adept medical professional for your current situation. You and Mammon have decided to start a family together. That doesn't come without its own complications, but Solomon made it easier.
It also helped that he helped you fuck with Mammon a lot.
"Well, as the baby grows inside of me, it'll eventually start growing a brain, and probably by about the second or third trimester, it'll start trying to fight me for control of my body." You hardly keep a straight face, but it gets worse as you and Mammon see Solomon sagely nodding along. You almost break and laugh right then and there.
Mammon's face turns from disbelief to shock at the sight of Solomon agreeing and he looks to you with the most gentle and nervous horror. Like he feels responsible for what you're about to endure. It's so hard to keep a straight face as he's losing it, so you half-cover your mouth and close your eyes, nodding to reaffirm what you've just said.
Mammon steps back, releasing you from his comforting hug as he tries to digest this information. He realizes he's about to lose it in front of you, so he excuses himself. "Uh, I just realized I left our.. Our pregnancy bag! Back in the car! Yeah! I'll be right back."
You can tell he's freaking out. It takes all of yours and Solomon's strength not to crack until Mammon's gone. ---
Once he's gone, you two just lose it. You laugh so hard that tears form in the corners of your eyes. Solomon has to hold himself up against his table.
Between hushed laughter, Solomon wheezes out; "I didn't think he'd actually believe it"
"I never thought you'd go along"
"How long do you think we can keep this up"
"Honestly depends on whether Belphegor wants to spoil the fun or not."
"I hope we can keep this going forever."
"It'd truly be the gift that keeps on giving." ---
Mammon, texting his brothers;
Levi: [Wait, wait what??]
Lucifer, interjecting: [That doesn't sound right.]
Belphegor, who knows damn well this is not what happens when humans have babies, is opting to stay silent, because this is significantly funnier than calling Mammon out for being stupid. If the entire group can believe this, it's even better.
Beelzebub, worried: [Are they going to be okay?? What's going to happen when the baby's in charge? Are we going to have to watch them?]
Satan: [I'm looking through my human pregnancy and prenatal books right now and I'm not finding anything about the baby taking over its host?]
Belphegor, who won't stand for your baby being treated like a parasite, only interjects to explain: [Parent. Not host. Parent. The parent carrying the baby.]
Satan, not understanding: [That's what I said?]
Belphegor: [___ isn't a host, they are the parent. Stop calling them a host like the baby is some kind of tumor.]
Lucifer: [Mammon. Please explain? Why do you think that the baby is going to pilot ___?]
Beelzebub: [I wonder if the baby will like different foods when its in control. I'm excited to meet the baby.]
Asmodeus: [Oooh, I can get the baby's preferences for when we're getting their room ready, and deciding on clothes! What a great evolutionary trait!]
Satan: [I want to see if we can learn what books it likes. Then we can stock up on lots of them before they arrive.]
Lucifer: [You said they said it was normal for humans, yes?]
Mammon: [Yeah??]
Lucifer: [Then there's no need to worry. You started a family with someone from another realm, so now you get a crash-course in their biology. Did you not think there would be differences between you two?]
Leviathan: [I'm actually with Mammon on this one for once.]
Mammon: [THANK YOU]
Lucifer: [Whatever may come, you're the one they chose. Are you going to prove yourself as their 'Number One', or are you going to fail them?]
There's a long pause in the chat as everyone awaits Mammon's reply. It takes him a moment as he's still freaking out but now he's upset because Lucifer is right. You chose him. He's your number one in every sense of the word. If he can't handle this, then does he deserve to be your number one?
Mammon: [I'm still freaking out but you're right. I've got a family now. I've got to stay strong and be the man they know they can rely on.]
Lucifer: [Good.]
Asmodeus: [Where are they?]
Mammon: [Oh shit I ran out of there I've gotta go back] ---
Mammon returns, sheepish, way outside of his element, and feeling like he's in over his head, but he refuses to ever let you down. He dips into Simeon's room, since you're both at Purgatory Hall for the check-up with Solomon, and he steals a bouquet of flowers from a vase in the angel's room. He dries them off on his shirt and brings them to you. When he arrives, he asks Solomon to give you two a moment together alone.
When Solomon's gone, Mammon hands you the flowers and looks away, his face hot with embarrassment. "Whatever happens, I'm here for ya'. I'm not goin' anywhere. Sorry if I seemed freaked out before, I just, this is new to me. But I'm here. And I ain' goin' anywhere. Even if y'get mad, or the baby hates me!"
You feel your heart soften from his warmth. That same love and devotion that melted your heart when you first got to know this demon. He's still as determined as ever to be strong for you. You smile warmly, moving to hug him, resting your head in against his shoulder. He softly massages into your back - A comfort he's been doing more as the pregnancy has been giving you backaches. "The baby's not going to hate you, Love. They couldn't. You're amazing."
You can feel the heat in Mammon's body rise as he gives you a soft squeeze, careful of your torso as he buries his face in your neck. "No you are.. There's so much new ground we're treadin', an' you're just so strong in the face of it all.." He rarely lets down his walls to admit his fears, but when it's just you, he's not ashamed to admit he's afraid. He knows you know his strength. "I just wanna prove to ya' that I'm here for all of it. I'll be your rock. Alright?"
You move to warmly peck his face, causing him to softly pepper your cheek with pecks, until you two meet in the middle in a warm, gentle kiss. You two savor the contact for a moment. When you part, you softly murmur "… Thank you. I love you."
Mammon smiles big, grinning as his love for you swells in his chest. He hugs you close. "We're gonna have a baby!" He picks you up, doing a small celebratory turn in a circle and gently setting you back down as you laugh, hugging him back just as warmly.
"We're gonna have a baby."
"Fuck, I love you.." You can see small tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he says this to you, his hand softly cradling your face. You laugh happily with his mushiness, cradling his head to you, tugging him into another kiss, which he warmly returns.
Mammon's love for you is overwhelming, and no matter what the odds you face together, he'll be there to fight right beside you. ---
Bonus Scene:
Belphegor, texting Solomon;
Belphegor: [So like, how long is this gag gonna go?]
Solomon: [As long as ___ can keep a straight face. I can go forever.]
Belphegor: [I'm in.]
Solomon: [They're going to be so happy to hear that.]
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yellowfingcr · 9 days
In a fight my muse… (er edition)
tagged by: @rotten-pest and @fishermcn! thank you!
tagging: get hit with beams that make you do this!!
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Bold the applicable, italicize if more situational or nuanced for what fits your muse tries in battle.
closes distance / makes distance
uses overwhelming force / whittles down an opponent
can endure a long fight / cannot
is quick to start a fight / is rarely the instigator
tries to dodge / tries to block
uses psychological tactics / focuses on martial approach
is a graceless fighter / elegant fighter
values honor / uses dirty tactics
accepts defeat / begs for mercy / cuts and runs
details! elaboration!
First one is of course highly dependent on the opponent! Heysel is sort of a battlemage, and will adapt to the situation presented before herself. Facing a caster? Launching herself forward knife in hand to force her enemy to engage her close range is possible! A warrior? Disengage! Try to still fight close quarters! Many options are available when you're a jack of all trades (and master of none)
Tremendously difficult to try to do the sensible thing and conclude a fight rapidly through sheer power (physical or arcane) when just about everything in the world refuses the notion, and most things you can do that could be defined overwhelming force take some time to be actuated. She also often just thinks it's funnier, especially when it's between fellow tarnished, to turn things into a slow trench warfare situation. Death by a thousand cuts! Death by a thousand cuts!
She is an assassin, which means she fares better when given the opportunity to surprise attack, but she is tarnished. She is insistent, formally trained in special very awful ways, and doesn't have anything better to do.
See this is one who does need its own elaboration. Heysel likes violence and has grown around the whole concept in her own way, but she will still sort of respect the social contract, which means that she won't hurt you unprovoked, usually. Still if she thinks the situation is so much as tottering in that direction, she isn't particularly hesitant about being the one to strike first. Weird nebulous aggressive tension means uncertain outcomes, which means the range of actions that might emerge from it is rather wide. If she instantly turns it into violence- well, not only she has advantage, there is no longer the question of what might happen because she has decided what happens!
Blocking? With her equipment? When you're her size and shape? Easier to dodge! She still sort of can use a parrying dagger.
You're talking with someone who was employed during the golden wars exactly to wage psychological warfare!
Aesthetics are good filigree but ultimately irrelevant for Heysel. If her current best tactic allows her to spin and twist and do her fancy killer things with heron grace, good! But Heysel also bites and kicks and spits in close quarters, gouges eyes, punches in the throat. In the end, what matters is that you die.
She values honor if valuing it means anything in the situation she's in! If the goal is winning, there really isn't one thing she won't do to achieve her victory. Honor, to her, is mostly a social accessory. Don't expect her to stop before it.
As for this one, whichever she thinks best! As I just said honor is truly frippery to her; so is dignity, included her own. She will beg if needed and won't feel diminished by it. She'll run, if considered the best option. She'll also accept that she has been bested.
To conclude: this post I think remains the one that best explains the relationship Heysel has with violence!
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izzy-b-hands · 2 months
hiiiiii holden ily. 🍓 🥑🦴🧩
Ella, thank u!!!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Already answered, but! I provide another Early Fanfic Fact abt myself: my friends and I in middle school and into early high school had a shared notebook (s) for MCR fanfiction. Just those cheap crappy thin ones from like, Wal-Mart, but we could have a bunch on hand as we filled each one up lol. We passed those around, everyone either adding onto in progress fics (with original author's permission), or just adding nice comments or little drawings (we were a bunch of goth/emo kids in the aughts, so. Not so skilled anime style portraits of various band members/anime characters, that one weird S that I think everyone learned how to do.)
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Tbh, probably all of you guys, yourself very much included Ella lol. Depending on exactly how badly I've fucked up, we might need a variety of skills, variety of access to a variety of things. Some people coordinating hiding the body, others helping me figure out a disguise, some working on plane, train, etc tickets and finding places for me to hide. In return, I'll only mildly jeopardize my hiding places by sending u guys cool stuff that I think you'll like from wherever I am at the time jfadlskjadjal. This is the one situation where I'm aware actually having a lot of ppl involved would be a bad idea, but it's funnier for the bit to imagine this like some Ocean's/Kingsman level of silly shit after I accidentally kill someone (at least one person is dedicated to just keeping me from panicking abt that tbh lmao.)
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
There's a lot of them!
Only Lovers Left Alive (movie), Last Night at the Lobster (book), The Man Who Fell to Earth (book and the movie), are the first ones that come to mind (the second one partially bc I'm due for a reread of it, and since moving have no idea where my copy is.) There's a much larger full list tho of course, that includes music too which immediately adds several miles to said list lol.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Honestly? if it's touted as the 'most perfect' or 'only correct characterisation' or other similar 'this fic is the Only Fic Ever don't read anything else from this fandom' vibes.
I've found that fics like that aren't necessarily bad, some are lovely! But they don't tend to live up to all the hype every time, and I feel. Weird. Abt having that high of expectations vs being able to go in more neutral, or like, a fic that I've had one or two ppl recommend to me.
I always worry talking abt this, bc really, less popular vs more popular fics aren't a 'one is better than the other' situation, at least not to me. I've read some amazing, very popular fics, and I've read some that had barely twenty kudos that still live rent free in my head just as much as the former. It just kinda depends, but, that said, I still have a harder time going into the 'BNF' (hate that term) fics than others.
I have other things that'll make me back out of a fic, but this is one that's come up the most in the last couple of years in particular for me when fic-reading/searching for fic to read lol.
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evelhak · 4 months
23, 38, 73, 90 ?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Hmm. It's hard to say where the line for a celebrity goes. I'm an author so I've met other authors and since my country is small, the big names and the small ones mingle in a lot of places, so I have met some big names.
Other than that, I am comically unaware of celebrities. The chances that I wouldn't realise I was talking to one, are pretty good, because I don't watch much TV or follow popular culture outside of my quite niche interests. It's even funnier because my mom is a real celebrity magnet, and especially my grandmother. She was close friends and neighbours with arguably the most famous pop/rock star in Finland, but I never met the guy.
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
Two days and two nights, I think? I'm a night owl but also my body pretty much just shuts down by itself after I've stayed up too long, and needs a lot of sleep, so I won't be breaking any magnificent staying up records.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends entirely whether the consequences of correcting them or not correcting them are the more favourable ones. If I see someone being an asshole, I will pretty much always interfere. As well as if I see people miscommunicating, I will step in to rephrase what they're saying to help them understand each other. But other than that, things are more complicated.
For example, if someone uses a word, out of ignorance, that is offensive to a group of people, I will explain to them why it's offensive, and why it shouldn't be used, because I can see them using it again in the future. If someone I'm having an argument with makes a factual mistake that doesn't directly relate to the outcome of the argument, I won't correct them, because it would distract them from the point of the conversation, and possibly make them more defensive. If I scroll by a post on Tumblr that is spreading misinformation about a topic I'm informed in, I will comment about it unless it's inconsequential as far as my imagination reaches. If it's more of an impression thing, grey-area or a matter of perspective, even though it seems wrong from my perspective, I will generally not comment on it, unless the post is directed at me somehow, in which case I will offer my perspective as contrast.
I have taught ballet, which is highly technical and has an exact right way of doing things a lot of the time, so I have spent a lot of time thinking about which mistakes make sense to correct at any given time, and which ones can wait, when considering the entire package of a person, their goals and well-being, and their impact on a group. From that I can pretty much draw to any situation that involves correcting others. I generally try to be as holistic in my interactions with people as possible, so I think about correcting mistakes the same way, it's not about what I get out of it, it's about what they, and people as a whole could get out of it. If the only beneficiary from correcting a mistake would be my ego, then I don't correct it. I try to consider one interaction's impact on a bigger scale. Not that I'm always able to, or wise about it, or judge the consequences correctly, but I try.
That being said, if you're one of my very closest friends and I have known you for a long time, I will freely correct any of your technical and factual mistakes, down to your spelling mistakes, depending on my mood, if I know you can take it. But that's reserved for my innermost circle.
Okay, this is clearly something I think about a lot...
90. What makes you angry?
Eh. I don't want to overwhelm you with detail, because I'm sure I could go on longer than the previous question. so I'm just going to say cruelty, unfairness, and generally anything that comes from malice, or lack of respect or regard for other people's well-being. I have a pretty low tolerance for people being mean and putting each other down. Unwillingness to consider other people's perspectives and acting like your opinions are objective facts is a pretty sure way to get me angry, too. The bigger someone's ego is, the sooner I will probably clash with them. On the pettier side, I get easily irritated if someone assumes I don't know something that is pretty basic knowledge, or I otherwise perceive them to imply I'm dumb/not knowledge or I get the feeling that they think they are smarter than me without actually knowing anything about me.
Thanks, I hope that was at least a little bit interesting. :)
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impishtubist · 1 year
One of the funniest things surrounding Marauders era fics, especially during the Hogwarts years, is that it is basically 90% original characters with canon names. For instance, Evan Rosier is a popular Slytherin character from what I can tell, and all we know of him is that he was a Death Eater that preferred to fight rather than be sent to Azkaban and Snape attended school with a Rosier (we know so little that while it’s assumed Evan Rosier is the same Rosier at school with Snape since the aforementioned facts are all said in GOF, maybe Evan Rosier is actually the Rosier that attended school with Riddle and his son is the one at school with Snape). Even the ones we do meet and see, we have so few scenes with them that it’s difficult to get a solid grasp of their personality and interests, because as several of my psychology classes have said, our behavior changes depending on the situation and isn’t always wholly reflective of our personality. More, most of the reminiscing occurs over a decade after the deaths, long enough for memories to start to decay. Plus, although we know Sirius and Remus from POA to OOTP/DH, we have very little information on just who they were before the First War wrecked their lives, since we get like 3 memories of them pre-joining the Order. Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban, so 95% of what we have of him is in the context of how Azkaban affected him (plus, he’s then back in the house he literally ran away from at 16, which a whole other added layer of trauma). We have no idea of how Sirius interacted with just James, when it was only the Marauders around.
Actually, an even funnier aspect, is there are several characters we only know the last names of, so not only is this era full of OCs, there are OCs with a bunch of different first names wandering around, even if they’re all supposed to be the same canon character. Avery and Mulciber evidently have an evil sense of humor and attack Mary MacDonald, but we don’t know their first names. Wilkes dies about when Rosier does, but there’s no first name for this guy either.
Yes! They are all OCs! Every last one of them! Pandora? An OC. Mary, Marlene, Dorcas, Evan, Barty, etc? All of them are OCs. And that's fine, but it's also hilarious to me, because MWPP-era fic in the early 2000s did not have all these OCs lmao.
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irrigos · 1 year
ok here is my objectively correct ranking of chandler groover fl stories (sorry there was a recent study independently conducted by me that determined my subjective opinion of fl is actually objectively correct)
1. Cricket, Anyone? - yeah, I'm basic. what about it. everyone talks about how the lore reveal is cool (and it is) but also more importantly: its funny. i love when fallen london has jokes
2. Por Una Cabeza - this one is actually tied for first. i think cricket is more ICONIC (and funnier overall) but I think this one might be a stronger narrative. Which one is actually in first depends entirely on which one i thought about most recently
3. Paisley - it was hilarious that right around when this story came out, which is all about making outfit changes to unlock more story, fbg tried to do the outfit lock thing. lol. perhaps even lmao.
4. Codename: Sugarplum - I don't think you could conceive of an animal that i would be less interested in trying to help than a miniature dachshund. but this story was pretty fun anyway
5. SALON SCANDAL! - A little creativity in presentation goes a long way when youre playing a bunch of exceptional stories in quick succession, and a story that is a flashback to not long after you arrived in London, where you not only get to choose your own choices, but what is at least publicly considered to be The Truth of the situation? That's fun! That's novel! I even like the fact that you don't ever get to learn what ACTUALLY happened- did you lie to the reporter? Did you tell the truth? Does it matter? What you told him is what people know. That's functionally the truth. But this one gets points off for deciding my character's motivations for me in the end, and also because the base story is kinda boring.
6. my kingdom for a pig - sorry for being a big thicky bo-bo but this one gets points off for the whole ending sequence being confusing to me. There's a particular style of writing that shows up a lot in FL where things are evocatively written, but vague and abstract. Some people really like this. That's why SMEN is popular, and people claimed to have enjoyed Flint. I think it sucks! My brain just slides right off them because I can't find something concrete to actually hang onto. I managed to grasp what was happening in this one a little better than other examples of this style of writing (see: Flint, which is my nemesis and I will not rest until I see it slain) but it's still a little off-putting to me and I don't enjoy it. Also I can't stop thinking about the way that FL tells you about it's lore, which is to say, it doesn't really. What the fuck is a Stone Pig? I mean, I know because I read the wiki, but what if I was just trying to learn about FL by playing it? Where does this come up? I think it's just in Sunless Sea, and here. And maybe a little mention in the Taste of Lacre stuff? idk. i also think the stone pigs lore is so rarely brought up that it seems kind of superfluous to the fallen london lore. i dont really know what's added by there being another animal that lives on/in the bazaar that propels it through the high wilderness. i would have just assumed that was like. a power it had. "How does the bazaar travel between stars?" is not a question i would have asked because i would have assumed it can just. do that.
7. caveat emptor - i was really on board with this one when i started it, because i was like "oh cool its like fallen london dracula!!! i love it when they do classic lit in the exceptional stories" but i think it kinda got up its own ass with its own lore, and lost the Dracula energy and also didn't have any of the humor that I really liked in the best groover stories
7. the hurlers/discordance storyline - remember above, when I said that I don't like the poetic but vague style of writing that is common in fl?? Yeah. the discordance stuff is also easier for me to follow than Flint but it is, unfortunately, kind of annoying. its all like "you DONT walk up the stairs and you DONT go into the anchoress's kitchen and you CERTAINLY ABSOLUTELY DO NOT eat all her doritos and then leave the bag on the counter" like ok i get it. youre being so obscure and mysterious. heres a medal. can we just get to the story already.
9. the crocodile who would be king - what even happened in this one. what was i trying to achieve. im sure all you smarty smart heads are gonna read this and be like 'UMMMMM irrigos it was VERY clear" but please consider the fact that i am disabled and also i am dumb and cant read. why am i here? why did this ask me to help? what am i even trying to help them do? why did this story take like 100 actions? i liked the fact that there was a nemesis tie in at the end though. thats always a hoot.
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After finishing the episode, here is what I think about the idea of dedicating hundreds of hours of my life to Pappy’s Flatshare Slamdown.
Very fucking funny, and consistently so, across the five episodes I've heard so far (the pilot, s01e01, and three more recent ones). This is the main thing, really, it's a point that's ranked a lot more highly than all the other points. It's definitely the main point of a comedy podcast.
I really really like Matthew Crosby.
Solid list of guests across the many episodes and years. A lot of comedians I like a lot have done it, and maybe more importantly, not a lot of people I dislike, or even just find uninteresting, have done it. From a quick scan of the guests, it looks like most are people from whom I want to hear.
Format that involves pointless competitions where some people won't care but some people can decide that they do care and get competitive. Arguments may ensue, with varying degrees of anyone meaning what they're saying. I always enjoy that sort of thing. Nice variety in the games, too.
The three main guys are individually funny enough, and good enough at playing off each other, to be able to make an episode funny even if the guests aren't amazing, I think.
This is so very much not Matthew Crosby's fault, but I have spent all year in very stressful battles about my own shared living situation, to the point where I found it slightly stressful to listen to this episode and be reminded of that bullshit, which I've been trying to not think too much about in order to save myself from experience the stress more times over than I have to. Like I said, not Matthew Crosby's fault. Also, my living situation should finally stabilize by the end of 2023, and then I'll presumably be able to hear about shared living struggles again without a problem.
I still can't tell Tom Parry and Ben Clark's voices apart, but I assume that problem would resolve itself if I listened to more of them. I'm already better at it than I used to be, I just remember that Tom Parry is the one who sounds like Matt Forde.
The incredibly long intro to the quickfire round has made me laugh really hard every time I've heard it, which is five times. Every time, it's stopped being funny and then started again and then stopped and then started but this time it's even funnier because of the stopping and starting, and it's great. But surely... if I listened to over a hundred episodes of this in a row, I suspect that joke would probably get old, and possibly get annoying.
The Beef Brothers portion is good when they pick a good guest to do it, but I can see that being inconsistent, as it's dependent on who shows up.
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funnier-as-a-system · 3 years
Have you ever seen a post or been in a certain situation and thought, "This is funnier seeing it as a system?"
We have too!
And that's why we've put together this blog, meant for talking about experiences and reblogging posts that aren't necessarily about plurality, but that have the effect of an inside joke when thought about in relation to plurality. When something makes us or others go, "This is funnier when you're [thinking about it as] a system," we'll reblog it here!
I hope no one minds us tagging some other blogs in this introduction post (which, btw, may be edited in the future if the need arises) – @dear-systems, @endo-memes, @non-traumagenicsupport. These are other great system blogs who post similar content (occasionally or often, as the case may vary from blog to blog), so if you're looking for more, you may find it there.
Short system introduction and more about this blog under the cut. Welcome to this blog, we hope you'll enjoy your stay!
We call ourselves the Orange Orchard System, and collectively we use the pronouns they/them/their and plur/plur/plurs. We use emojis as proxy tags, so don't be surprised if you see one or two on an original post (or reblogged post, for that matter). That said, we may not always identify ourselves for personal reasons.
We're not sure how active we can be, since the activity of this blog depends on chance finding of things that remind us of plurality. However, we'll do our best! This is a blog for our own amusement as much as it is others.
This blog isn't a place for syscourse. That said, if it is brought up on this blog, we will tag it with #syscourse and not carry it on as a discussion. We are inclusive of all system origins and will not be debating that, nor will we tolerate hate or exclusionism of any kind.
We will answer asks regarding plurality in general if we feel equiped to, but sometimes we simply don't have the answer you& may need. If you want to discuss whether you yourself could be plural, I& recommend you take it to DMs instead of asks.
Feel free to send us posts, whether related to the blog or not! Jokes are better when they're shared with others! And yes, singlets can follow, just be respectful and know you may not understand everything this blog posts.
We hope everyone reading this has a great day!
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tanoraqui · 3 years
Umm sorry could I ask for more spirit pouch wwx? Pls?
*pokes plot bunny* *lapine remains inert* Uh, no, apparently not.
You CAN have scraps of an emotionally resonant idea that I’m also never going to write, though: what if Wen Ning escaped Jin captivity sometime during those 13 years, maybe just after they put the nails in? Idk, something’s gotta prompt it. Maybe they put hte nails in and try to take him out for a murderous test drive. But he escapes...and is promptly found and captured by Jiang Cheng and YunmengJiang?
not very much of YunmengJiang. this is going to be very secret, when we lock the Ghost General in the basement seal the Ghost General in Lotus Pier’s deepest, darkest dungeon
(it’s not very deep, though maybe it’s dark. Each of the like 3 max cells IS floodable - very deliberately, at the will of whoever has the magical keys to the talisman seal connecting the cells to the lake, which has been used for torture in the past. Equally of-course, this is no concern for a dead man.)
if there’s nails in his head, Jiang Cheng takes them out - maybe not immediately, but pretty damn soon, because how else can he yell at him properly? How else can he demand answers as to what the hell Wei Wuxian thought he was doing, in those last few months? How else can he wander down with a bottle of wine at 3am one night (multiple nights) because it’s this or nightmares, and shout at the dead man chained to the wall, because it’s not the dead man he wants but it’s the closest he has?
sometimes, in hte early days, when he’s being deliberate and cold rather than visibly slightly unhinged by loss, he brings Chenqing as well, and it’s just a bit of a threat because...the Tiger Seal couldn’t command Wen Ning to do anything he didn’t want it to, or rather, it could command him, but he didn’t have to listen nor obey. Even with the nails in his head, the Tiger Seal had no part in the making of him as he is now - Wei Wuxian made damn sure of that - so there were no nasty little puppet strings built in for it to yank.
Chenqing, however...the Ghost Flute Chenqing, carved from the resentment-rich bamboo of the Burial Mounds, isn’t as strong as the Tiger Seal, but it is a cultivation tool in its own right, and it very much did play a part in the making of Wen Ning as he is now. If anything save Wei Wuxian himself could direct the Ghost General against his will, it would be that dizi.
Jiang Cheng never plays it, though. Twirls it, maybe. Threatens to break it in half over his knee. Hits Wen Ning with it in a fit of temper
Wen Ning is definitely capable of breaking those chains and whatever other suppression/binding/etc talismans they put on him. But he also...doesn’t really have anywhere else to go. Everyone he loves is dead. And at least Jiang Wanyin is only using him for weird stupid therapy, instead of cutting him open and trying to replicate the Yiling Patriarch’s work.
That said, this goes on for like a month maximum before Wen Ning snaps and tells Jiang Cheng about the golden core transfer
"Ohhhh my god oh my god he didn't choose us over you! He gave you everything he could POSSIBLY give and then tried to do ONE decent human thing instead of, I don't know, sit by and watch innocent people who'd helped you be killed!"
Jiang Cheng, skipping with skill over the back half of that: Like hell he gave me everything! He-- 
Wen Ning, ruthlessly: Whose golden core is in your chest?
JC, already understanding because all the puzzle pieces are THERE, but he doesn't have to put them together if he doesn't want to: I- mine! Baoshan Sanren-- 
WN: My sister, Wen Qing, the greatest healer in QishanWen, cut Wei Wuxian's golden core out of him and put it in you. He had to be awake through the whole thing or it wouldn't work. You didn't. I held him down while he screamed.
JC: He-- 
WN: There was only a 50% chance that he'd survive, but he insisted. For you. And YunmengJiang. Everything you've done since then has been with his help
(and at another time, those words would land differently - and they land a little bit that way, because Jiang Cheng has Neuroses. But...maybe the difference isn't that it's framed a little differently, or that instead of a confrontation after a long day, it's 3am and Jiang Cheng woke up muffling a scream for his brother. Maybe the difference is just that Wei Wuxian isn't here to be furious at, so Jiang Cheng gets caught up in the very first step of finding him again: relief so bone-deep it aches, and guilt so gut-wrenching that he nearly collapses from the pain)
WN: So please shut the fuck up and get over yourself, and leave me alone
Jiang Cheng does come back the next night, or more likely the next day, and yell at him some more about it. (This is good - he may not have Wei Wuxian to yell at, but he has someone, which means he won’t just descend into an inescapable pit of self-loathing over this, which I AM convinced would happen otherwise if JC found out about the golden core while WWX was dead.) 
There’s a lot of shouting. Only by the grace of decent dungeon soundproofing and several competent YunmengJiang disciples does the Ghost General in the basement remain secret
Jin Ling, for instance, is extra super not allowed to know, for everyone’s emotional health
Jin Guangyao also never finds out, because I don’t think him knowing would matter - he’d probably leave it unless he needed tomake political hay of it, and he wouldn’t before canon kicks back into gear - and it’s much funnier if he’s just anxious about the missing Ghost General for the better part of a decade
Wen Ning ends up staying in the basement, though possibly not in (completely useless) chains - depends on how petty...they both are, really. But he stays because, again: where else is there for him to go? He’s not hunted, here. He’s not causing anyone trouble. And if Wei Wuxian could see this situation, all their family of blood and hardship dead and gone except this one, Wen Ning is sure that Wei Wuxian would ask him with his final breath to watch over Lotus Pier and the people he, Wei Wuxian, never stopped counting as family. So at least that’s something that feels...almost useful.
Anyway, and then one day Wei Wuxian claps his hands and calls for corpses, and Wen Ning hears and very politely breaks the door off his cell, maybe even resets it on its hinges, and sneaks out. He doesn’t leave a note, even though he and Jiang Cheng are, like...very begrudging friends/companions in mourning by now. He’ll figure it out.
Edit: continued.
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Water to wine (Remus Lupin x reader)
Warning: None Word count: ~2.2k Summary: You’re the new Alchemy teacher at Hogwarts and you and Remus have the hots for each other, but you refuse to do something about it, so your students decide to take matters into their own hands... Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Requested by my lovely Honey-wife
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It was unusual, almost, to have a teacher at Hogwarts leave for a not horrific-curse-related reason, but during Harry’s third year at Hogwarts just that happened. Of course, in that case, it didn’t really involve him, but he heard Oliver talk about how his alchemy teacher was leaving the school to move to his new wife's hometown in france and how they’d soon have a new teacher. No one at school seemed to know who this new teacher would be, even Remus couldn’t tell Harry anything, no matter how much he asked, and soon half the school was filled with rumours. These rumours all stopped as soon as you arrived. The great hall was bustling with noise like every dinner and people were happily eating and chatting about their days, when the doors flew open, something that would usually mean trouble, and the sounds around the tables quickly died down. You came inside, head held high with a smile on your lips and managed to ignore all the stares directed at you as you stopped opposite of where dumbledore was sitting and started talking to him in a hushed voice. Slowly the sound came back - whispered voices filling the room - even though half the students (mainly boys) still had their jaws on the floor. And could you blame them? You were drop dead gorgeous. The way you held yourself, the way you Y/H/C Y/H/L Hair fell and seemed to shine in the candle light of the hall, the kind, caring smile on your face and the way your blue robe - that was embroidered with star constellations and the four elemental symbols at the hem - seemed to flow with every step you took. Not only the students seemed to be in awe, but luckily for him, no one seemed to notice the star struck look in Remus Lupin’s eyes when he looked at you. After a few minutes of conversation between you and the headmaster - with McGonegall sometimes joining in, you stepped aside as Dumbledore was standing up to address the students. With a single gesture the entire room was silent again, waiting for what he had to say to them. “Dear Students, as many of you might have heard our former alchemy teacher professor Nicolins has sadly left us, but as those who attend the alchemy courses already were informed of, we have a new teacher. It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Professor Y/L/N,” he paused for a moment to let the students - who had resumed their excited chattering as soon as your identity was revealed - calm down again, “Continue with Dinner.” With that his little speech was over and the room went back to normal, just with a new hot-topic: you. Speaking of you, there were still quite a few eyes on you as you walked behind the long table and took a seat where Professor Nicolins had sat before - right beside Remus.
That first day everything had seemed so new and exciting, all the people you’ve met and all the things that you had to learn to manage your way around the castle, but you soon found that you had someone to turn to. Remus had introduced himself to you and not long after the two of you had been entranced in conversation,, you learned that he was the relatively new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, but knew his way around the castle thanks to his time spent as a student himself. You felt like there was an instant connection of sorts. But as exciting the first days were, things soon started to fall into a sort of routine and you got used to your new situation. The only thing you couldn’t seem to get used to were the butterflies that filled your stomach every time you talked to Remuis - which was quite often actually. You felt like you were back to your own school days with your crush on the professor, but something kept you from acting on your feelings. You told yourself that it wasn’t worth taking the risk of making things weird between the two of you - what if he didn’t like you back? You’d have to face him every day knowing all about the embarrassment. So you’d rather just stay friends and colleagues. Nothing to lose there. The only problem was, even though Remus didn’t seem to notice your feelings, everyone else did. Not only that, they also saw the way Remus looked at you, almost mirroring your expression if not exceeding it, with love and admiration. And they realized that both of you were basically completely clueless towards the others feelings and didn’t seem to plan to confess anytime soon. It drove them nurs, the two of you could be so cute together if you’D just get over your fears. After two months of watching the two of you pining after the other they had - quite frankly - enough and decided to do something. And so, with the help of students from all four houses, the plan began.
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“And that concludes our lesson on why Jesus possibly was the first Alchemist to discover how to use magic to turn a liquid into another without changing the consistency too much. If I’m honest, turning water into wine without using a wand is quite a cool party trick and pretty helpful when you’re stick in a boring lecture, but that’s a story for another day,” you finished class and clapped in your hands when a student - a ravenclaw boy who had taken it upon himself to be the course class clown - raised his hand. “Yes, Mr. Gwind?” you called on him as you leaned against your desk. “Could you demonstrate please? For sole educational purposes of course?” he said while clearly not being interested in the educational purpose of it, but you couldn’t help but chuckle. There was no harm in showing it to your students since it was a complex process that - while looking easy - could only be done by experienced Alchemists. “Sure, why not,” you shrugged and picked up an empty glass cylinder on your desk, “Mr. Weasley, Mr. Wood, would you please come to the front?” Percy and Oliver stood up and walked over to you where you promptly handed Percy the Glass and positioned the two of the opposite of each other like they wanted to duel. “Mr. Wood, I’ll need you to use Aquamanti and aim the water stream into the glass. I expect your aim to be perfect, Percy’s robes depend on that after all.” Oliver nodded and raised his wand, perfectly shooting the stream. Quickly you used both hands to make a circle around the stream and the class waed when they saw how a red liquid filled the glass instead of the clear water. As soon as the cylinder was filled Oliver stopped the water stream and you took the wine out of Percy’s hand before sending the two students back to their desks. “Of course, there are easier ways to do that,” you said and proved your words by swirling the liquid in the glass a bit, the wine turning back to water slowly, “but sometimes it’s funnier to do it fancy. Now, class is dismissed.” You sat down at your desk and started sorting through your documents, before cleaning up your utensils and putting them back to where they belonged. You had been at it for about ten minutes when you heard someone running towards you. When you turned around you were surprised to find yourself confronted by a panting, panicking Remus in front of you. “Remus? What happened? Is everything okay?” you asked and put the cloth you had held back onto your desk before walking to him. He just looked around slightly confused. “I-I… What? Some Students just came to me to tell me that Harry and Draco were duelling each other here,” he panted and kept on looking around like they’d jump out of a closet any minute now. “That- That makes no sense, they aren’t even allowed up here and I’d stop them if they ever tried to even attack each other.” Remus seemed to realize how dumb what the students had told him actually was, but after all with Harry and Draco you never really knew, did you? “Well, uhm, yeah, I guess that was just a prank then,” Remus said and scratched the back of his neck, “I’ll better go back before the next glass starts.” Suddenly, without knowing why, you felt a blush forming on your cheeks and you couldn’t help but feel nervous and a little bit giddy. “Yeah… Right- classes,” you said trying to ignore the way his lips seemed to draw your eyes to them. Remus nodded and for a few seconds the two of you were just standing there in silence with the romantic tension hanging around you, but somehow Remus was able to free himself and walked back to the door only to stop in front of it. “Is there something else?” you asked, almost hoping that he’d just turn around and sweep you off your feet to kiss you. “Uhm, Y/N?-” Had the way he said his name always sounded that amazing? “Your door is closed?” Okay, wait what? “Just open it, use Alohomora if you must,” you just shrugged and turned back to your cloth and utensils. “Yeah there’s kind of a problem, there’s no lock I could use Alohomora on, your door is gone.” You immediately shot around only to see that Remus was right, where not even a minute ago there was a door there was now a wall. “That is...interesting,” you said, completely overwhelmed by the situation, but trying to shake off your confusion, “Can you turn it back? I forgot my wand back in my quarters, I didn’t need it for this lesson.” “Oh, yeah, sure,” Remus nodded and reached into his robe pockets, only for a confused look to make its way onto his face as he started to (slightly panicked) pat down his robes. “What is it?” you asked worriedly and took a step towards him. “These little fu-” he started but caught himself and threw his head back, “The twins, they were talking to me earlier after class and came weirdly close to me, I wrote it off to them just being weird, but I guess they had their hands in this.” “What do you mean?” “My wand, it’s gone.” With that neither of you knew what to say anymore and you just sat down at one of the desks in defeat. A few minutes it was just silent and - not wanting to be weird by staring at him, even though you kinda really wanted to - you looked out of the window. “Well, what do we do now? Just wait until one of the other professors notices we’re gone and get’s us?” you asked and started playing with the arms of your robes. “I guess,” Remus nodded and turned to you, “What should we do in the meantime?” An idea made its way to your head and you looked at the still filled water cylinder on your desk. “Would you like some wine? I can make some, it’s my personal party trick and we won’t get to teach anyone today anymore either,” you smiled and hoped he would agree so that you could just drink your nervousness away, but you were disappointed when Remus shook his head. “I’d rather stay sober when I’m with you,” he said but immediately seemed to regret it, not that you’d notice because you had already averted your eyes in shame and hurt. So that was how he felt about you. “I understand,” you tried to sound neutral, but you were afraid that he heard it. “That’s not what I meant- well it was, but I think you misunderstood,” Remus hurried to fix things, but you had already stood up and walked back to your desk to prepare your next lesson. “No, I understand, we’re professionals, we’re collegause and we should act like it.” Remus bit his lip in an inner battle, but soon sighed in defeat. “I don’t see you as just a colleague,” he said in a soft, but still slightly gruff voice and you couldn’t help but turn around to look at him again, trying not to get your hopes up. “Then what do you see me as?” you asked slightly breathless. Remus stood up and walked over to you, coming incredibly close to you, and raised his hand to stroke over your cheek. “I think you know what I see you as?” “I have my theories, but I think you should clarify,” you couldn’t help but tease as your eyes kept on flying between his lips and his eyes. “If you insist,” he mumbled before his lips were laying on yours and he was kissing you with so much emotion and passion that it was taking your breath away completely. You could’ve kept standing there forever in Remus’ arms if it weren’t for the creaking of a door - to be more specific the door that had just reappeared. Both you and Remus, still in each other's arms, turned to the open door, and you could’ve sworn you saw a few pairs of shoes disappear into nothingness or what you’d later found out was Harry’s invisible cloak. “Are we going to punish them for basically trapping us in here?” you asked as you leaned against Remus' chest. “Actually I think we should actually award them, I’d never managed to do this if it weren’t for them working together.” “I guess you’re right, we can let it slip this time,” you agreed, incredibly excited what this new aspect of your life would bring to you.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Just an observation. The vminnies were being fed pretty heavily since the beginning of the year, and now the content seems somewhat focused on the other pairings (mainly involving JM & JK). This is not shipper narrative but what we are being shown. Why do you think this happens? We definitely don’t need weekly content aligning with our ship of choice, but it is something I have noticed from the time vmin caught my attention. Editing truly can mess with your head, not to mention when it jumps all over the timeline. I have to say, as great as Let’s BTS was, it left me scratching my head more. The entire group’s reaction was all over the place, and sorry JM was rather distant.
Hi everyone,
Since Admin 1 is very busy again, I’ll (Admin 2) answer instead.
It's true, I agree with the anon. All the content we receive is edited and by design is supposed to show us all the members and their interactions. However, depending on what we focus on, we will see our chosen members more than others. In this case our chosen members are Jimin and Taehyung, so naturally in every content we get, we notice their interactions with the members most, or lack thereof. One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that we don’t know why things are edited the way they are, be it to make them funnier, so scenes that are less funny get cut, or more serious, so scenes that are not serious are cut, etc. Does that mean the editors were told to cycle through “feeding” different ships? No. It just depends on which members interactions happened and which fit the mood of the content best, or which added more to the point/theme/message of the content.
Admin 1 wrote a post about a similar topic (as in the “no screen time = no bond” paradox) some time ago which you can read here.
Even if a specific piece of content has more interactions between, like you gave as example, Jimin and JK, that doesn’t mean it is this way for the sake of shippers, but that perhaps their interactions were ones that fit the episode best, but whatever else is interpreted into that, that’s only on the shippers and their narratives and often does not have anything to do with the actual interaction itself. Notice how some will take the most inconsequential interaction and turn it into the biggest romantic gesture ever, and yet gestures that really show a form of gentleness or “intimacy”, like Taehyung taking Jimin’s cold hand and touching it to his cheek, are ignored or drowned out or belittled even though, subjectively, interactions like these show us something that very much is significant.
So while we might get more interactions between members X and Y, the type of interaction is what makes the difference. As well as the choices editors made for whatever reason, but those reasons have nothing to do with romance. Bhit and the editors for their different content are not a dating agency and BTS content isn’t part of a larger “romantic” show like, I don’t know, Love Island.
Furthermore, we already had this conversation so many times, and Admin 1 also already asked for questions insinuating these types of things, to stop because it makes us feel like a broken record. We have to learn to differentiate between normal interactions between friends and those that actually hold more significance, because most interactions are just interactions between best friends and any romantic vibes and implications are projected onto them by those that want them to be this way. If you watch content through a more OT7 lens, these interactions will just be funny to you and you won’t think of them as “ship” interactions. After all, even OT7s noticed how much more significant Taehyung’s words to Jimin in Let’s BTS were while they laughed at how Jimin’s request from JK was like a typical thing between best friends/brothers. Only their shippers decided that their “I’m hyungs copycat” message has deeply romantic implications, because that’s what they wanted from that scene.
Besides if you pay attention to what happens in shipper spaces, when there are more vmin moments with clear implications pointing toward them being more, immediately other shippers jump into action to show that their ship supposedly has way more romantic interactions than whatever vmin did. Even if they are the only ones who see things like that. It’s treated as competition, which is unhealthy and misses the point.
Let's BTS was very interesting and funny and, in places, very controversial when it comes to shippers.
I've read a lot of different reactions. From the very nice and sweet reaction of OT7s to Taehyung's words over to unpleasant and even offensive opinions from shippers of other ML ships.
According to Jk*okers, Taehyung acted inappropriately and intrusively, in the opinion of Tk*okers this letter was actually somehow meant toward JK etc. the list goes on and on.
In my opinion, Jimin was not distant. Jimin was nervous and a bit surprised, but also behaved a bit as if he knew what to expect.
I think that: If Jimin hadn't agreed with Taehyung's words and all of his actions, we would never have seen it, the way Jin asked the You Quiz editors to cut large parts of his answers as well. The program was not live, it was edited, had music in the background to set the mood, and so on. As example the letter was blurred out for dramatic effect or because a request for that was made, we might never know, but if the translation of the content of the card being for Jimin’s eyes only was the right one, then it would be the latter option. If this situation had not been welcomed and okay with Jimin, it probably would not have been aired in this form and instead replaced by something else, redone, or a million other options. Jimin was visibly nervous, maybe a bit embarrassed, he wanted this situation to "pass" as quickly as possible, but he was definitely not distant or anything else that has a negative implication/connotation.
On the other hand, I personally saw some satisfaction on Jimin's face. Let's not pretend that not everyone would be happy to receive such a message from the most beautiful man in the world (lol). Taehyung spoke honestly about his feelings (“Jimin-ah, I like you the most”) and Jimin reacted the way he did. He didn't know what to do, whether to laugh or cry or run away from nervousness, but there was no negative reaction on his part. Jimin, with a very serious face and focused eyes, replied clearly by saying “Thank you, Taehyung, I also like you a lot”. He wouldn’t say that if he was distant, or if he wouldn’t feel that way or if he didn’t like the situation or Taehyung’s words.
Now firmly putting on my delulu hat just to be sure: In my opinion there was something important on this piece of paper but phrased in a way that wouldn’t cause any weird thoughts in the KBS staff (since those cards were clearly written and prepared by the same person and not the members themselves since the handwriting was the same) but that Jimin would understand. Taehyung and Jimin know each other long enough to communicate things toward each other in a manner that only they will understand the implication of something, I’m certain of that. Jimin's words were an answer to Taehyung's “confession” and while outwardly they didn’t seem as weighted as Taehyung’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did hold a deeper meaning that only the two of them understood. Maybe it has something to do with the ring that suddenly appeared on Taehyung's index finger?
Okay, taking my delulu hat off again.
In summary, in my opinion even if certain content has more scenes between Taehyung/Jimin and Z member instead of between the two of them, that doesn’t mean it’s to “feed” other shippers or that it contradicts vmin as what we see them. It all boils down to editing choices and what fits the mood/theme/message etc of the content best and what footage was captured. Also we should watch content as ARMY first and shippers second that way we don’t see other “ship” interactions as “negative” but simply as what they are: cute/funny/interesting interactions between the members, whom we should all love.
And no, Jimin wasn’t distant. He reacted in a way that made sense and fit Jimin, as in his way of keeping private things private and guarding his more affectionate interactions with Taehyung. If he hadn’t liked it or hadn’t agreed with Taehyung’s words, he wouldn’t have told him that he likes him a lot too, but instead he could’ve said something teasing to downplay the situation, or used Yoongi’s screaming and the other members reaction (I talked about those, and especially Jin’s, here) as an out to not say anything at all. But he didn’t. (also, to reiterate what I, and we, have said many times before, if Taehyung/Jimin were romantically involved with someone else, they wouldn’t do these things with their romantic implications, but they do them, so…)
I wish you a nice day or a quiet night, depending on where you are.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Rivals blurb: 2.8k word
Request: y/n & harry go to a bar and someone from harrys office flirts with her and he gets jealous
Work parties were never very exciting, so when Y/n and Harry had a combined company benefit party at one of the upscale lounges in London she was hardly excited. Her publicist had decided it would be good to do it together to get more hype and press on it by proving even though their companies split years prior there was ‘no bad blood’. She only agreed because some of the profits were going to different charities and that gave her the stamina to stick out a work event, and well free booze was a plus.
She had just enough time to make a pitstop home to change into a formal appropriate cocktail dress, pumps and fixed her hair before making her way towards the bar. Upon arrival she could already hear Harry’s distinct fake laugh, her eyes rolling automatically knowing he was cheesing up to some rich beneficiary to milk as much cash out of them as he could. She headed straight to the bar, ordering a vodka soda with lime deciding she’d need a little help getting through the night If she’d be trapped with that prick in such an enclosed space.
After two vodka sodas she was feeling a good buzz, good enough that her uptight nature seemed to unravel enough for her to entertain the gentlemen who decided to start talking to her, joining her at the bar. He wasn’t too bad looking, typical business man look with a crisp suit and hair styled with some sort of product that made it stiff. He was well groomed and she had recognized him as one of Harry’s employees. Mark was his name, and as long as he kept her drinks coming, she was more than willing to keep chatting with the man. Seemed like a good trade to her, booze for flirting- a win-win for both parties.
“How old are yeh doll?” the man was giving her the typical flirty eyes, she’d typically cringe at how thick this guy was laying it on already but she was too tipsy to care. “ ‘m 23, you?” the man had a sly smirk on his face at that, rubbing his chin slightly before taking a sip of his whiskey. “I’m 46, props to you fo’ havin’ such a big company at your age. I was just getting’ coffee for asshole bosses when I was your age. A business woman is sexy you know? You like older men hun?” his game was truly weak, almost embarrassingly so for someone of his age. She questioned if he could be a 40-year-old virgin, or he was just a terrible flirt. Yet she answered truthfully, not caring much since she’d likely never see this bloke again. “Depends, been with ‘em before but it’s not a preference or anything.”
His eyes flicked over the expanse of her body, his smirk not dropping at her answer as he licked over his lips. “Oldest you’ve been with?” his question made her roll her eyes starting to get a little tired of him now, knowing full well he just wanted to bang her which wasn’t going to happen. “I don’t kiss and tell Marcus.”
The pair weren’t aware of the irritated glare that was watching their every move, reading their lips from across the room as they talked. Harry was the peeping tom in question, staring the two adults down with a strange feeling in his gut and a tingle in his palms- like he wanted to punch his employee but- why? It’s not like he had any real reason to, but still a flare of…jealousy crawled up his spine and burrowed inside the ripples of his brain. He had been in this position before, when him and the girl were younger and he’d see her makeout with another guy or her boyfriend of the time or when he’d hear them fucking in a neighboring room while a young Harry grew overly irritated at the fact someone else was feeling what he’d felt before. He was being immature he knew that, but he didn’t care as he marched over to the pair acting casual despite his mood when he leaned against the dark wood of the polished bar.
Harry rubbed his pointer finger over the wood, collecting a small amount of dust on the digit before tapping his knuckles on the wood getting the attention of the bar tender and the pair he’d been practically stalking since he noticed them together. “Gin and tonic please, love and another one of whatever Y/n had. Put it on my tab, thank yeh” he was always a polite guy, his mother truly raised him well in that aspect and it was refreshing for Y/n to hear the man talking to someone kindly instead of the usual bickering they partake in.
Y/n turned to him on her swiveling barstool, giving him a tipsy soft smile and nod in acknowledgement not noticing the side eye he was giving the man on the other side of her. “Hello Harold” she greeted him using the name she knew got on his nerves, his name was simply Harry yet everyone assumed it was a shortened version of the rather old-fashioned name typically tied to it. Yet, he didn’t bother getting irritated or retorting with something annoying no- his focus was more on the man he had an itch to fire at the moment. He managed to keep his professional nature regardless, “Evening love, hello Marcus what are you lot talkin’ about?” Y/n was more confused on the pet name he’d used towards her than about the harsh gaze he was sending toward the man on her left.
Mark seemed to sense the animosity, knowing his bosses irritated look very well. He opted to respond to his employer with an awkward chuckle a shrug added to it, “Nothin’ much, business and such. Was admiring how she’s runnin’ a company so young just like you. Would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit jealous.” His free hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, sipping his drink to have a way to cover his nervous lips whilst Harry stared him down. Y/n was honestly a bit amused at the situation at hand, wishing she had some popcorn to go with her fifth vodka soda to enjoy the little testosterone standoff happening. She’s seen Harry get like this a couple times, so she shamelessly added fuel to the fire.
“Yea, and askin’ me if I like older men then following that up with askin’ the oldest man I’ve slept with. It’s been a very professional conversation H, no need to worry.” She knew exactly what she was doing, and she got the reaction she wanted when Mark nervously fiddled with his tie and Harry’s jaw clenched, the action still noticeable in the dim lighting. Y/n was tempted to laugh at the surge of tension she had just created, opting instead to sip her drink as she waited for what was to come next.
Harry straightened himself up, turning to look at the man with a raised eyebrow. “Oh really? That hardly seems appropriate for a work event.” Harry was trying his best not to show the possessive feelings he was having, rather opting for a reprimanding boss act to fit the occasion. “erm…uh was just some casual banter Mister Styles. Might have had one too many, wasn’t using my best judgement…I apologize Y/n” he was rushing his words, obviously anxious to escape the confrontation which Y/n found even funnier. Harry gave the man a curt dismissal with a request to see him in his office on Monday, and in true Y/n fashion she decided to add a second dose of fuel to the fire- calling out to the fleeing man- “The oldest was 54 by the way!” this of course made Mark scurry away faster and Harry lower his gaze to the woman before him with a irritated yet quizzical look.
“54?” his tongue darted out to lick over his lips, a sting of gin hitting the tip of his tongue from the drop lingering on his bottom lip. Y/n shrugged, crunching a rouge ice cube between her back molars while she nodded. “Vegas, tequila, he had major sugar daddy vibes and 19-year-old me was into it.” Y/n was always rather shameless when it came to sex, she’s been sexually active for the majority of her life so the shyness of talking about it left her long ago. Harry snorted slightly, shaking his head with an amused grin at the girl. “Naughty! you’re somethin’ else Y/n. I’m gonna tell your dad.”
“I don’t think his heart could take it, he did an awful lot of blow back in the day so I’d appreciate it if yeh didn’t do that sir.” She rolled her eyes, taking a subtle jab at her less than respectable antics of her filthy rich father. “Seems like you were doing an awful lot of a different version of blow to me.” the man smirked at his own joke getting a light slap on his bicep in return. “Shut up, I haven’t forgotten when you got gonorrhea when you were 18. You’re just as bad as me.” Y/n poked his ribs making Harry groan at the memory, “I got that treated you asshole. I’ve learned to wrap it before I tap it since then and be selective with what I put my dick in now. For the record, all my std tests have come back clean since so fuck you.”  
Y/n gave him an innocent smile back, resting her cheek on her fist. “Is that an offer?”
The response wasn’t one Harry was expecting. Not by a long shot, he hasn’t been inside her in a little over a year so her response to his jab took him by surprise. His eyes immediately met hers, finding a curious glance coming from her orbs. Setting down his glass the man turned towards her, facing her completely before responding.
“If you want it to be.”
Y/n smiled at him, standing up from her stool to get closer to the man pulling him down by his collar to talk in his ear. “Your place or mine?”
  After a painful ten-minute taxi ride, they’d made it to Harrys home. They were well aware of looming neighbors and press so they kept it professional till they were inside the four walls of the mansion- rushing up to his bedroom like two teenagers scared of getting caught. Anxious rushing of feet up the stairs hands struggling to stay to themselves on the way to the king-sized bed waiting for them.
After what seemed like forever, the pair burst into Harry’s bedroom the door hitting the wall with a loud bang as the man lurched forward to smash his lips against hers. It was frantic, sloppy and rough- it was fucking hot.
“you drive me up the fuckin’ wall you know that?” His voice was gruff, heavy with lust and jealous rage. Shoving the woman onto his bed with little care, he knew she liked it rough. A fact confirmed to him after he’d seen the rather violent bdsm porn she had saved to her computer and the various sex toys-including restraints, collars and clamps in a box in her closet 2 years ago when she moved into her current home and forced him to help her put everything away.
Y/n let out a small gasp when her body flew onto the mattress, kicking her heels off after she had settled with a smirk painted on her pretty lips. “Do i?” her tone way teasing, hands moving to unzip her dress while the man moved to stand before her yanking the fabric down her body to leave her in only a silk bra and matching thong, his eyes shamelessly taking in the sight of her body- intimate parts only covered with think sections of emerald green silk fabric.
“Ya know I didn’t appreciate you tellin’ that bloke about other men fuckin’ you, was rather impolite y/n.” Harry gave her a stone cold glare whilst tugging his belt out of the loops of his dress pants, tossing it carelessly behind him as the woman dove forward to work the button and zipper of his trousers undone. “Why? You jealous? Are you jealous because I let other men and women fuck me? Are you mad that you never get to taste me, fuck me and cum with me like they do?”
Y/n’s comments were soon cut off by a ring clad hand wrapped itself around her neck with enough pressure to stall her speech. “You never know when to shut the fuck up huh? We both know full well, no one can fuck yeh the way I do. Now, are you gonna quit your blabbering so I can fuck yeh or do I have to shove this skimpy excuse for underwear down that gabby throat? Hmm? Because I like to hear your dirty moans but I’m not a fan of this snarky mouth baby. Are you going to behave or shall I go have a wank instead?”
The pitiful whine accompanied by a pout coming from the woman made Harry’s cock twitch, she was so desperate for it and he had her right where he wanted her. He soon felt her hands pawing at his crotch, tugging the material of his tight dress pants down his legs before returning to pull his cock from the flap in the front of his boxers. It had been entirely too long since he’d held her small soft hands on his prick, watching with baited breath as her right hand moved to rid herself of the sorry excuse for undergarments she had on.
“Want it in, H please”
He obviously couldn’t say no to that, not when she was giving him those eyes and leaning back to show the web of wetness dripping from her slit onto the sheets below her snapping when she swiped her finger through it to rub on his already leaking tip. She had his head swimming, chest heaving and balls pulsing with every move she made.
The man tossed her body further up the bed, getting between her legs giving her no warning as he sunk completely in. The pressure and harshness of the thrust took her breath away, an overwhelming fullness almost uncomfortable as he gave her no time to adjust before driving into her beautiful body. The sound of her wetness clicking when coming in contact with his hips and filthy groans of pleasure filled the space, the slapping of skin harsh in their ears with every nailing of his pelvis into hers.
“This what yeh needed? No one else fucks yeh so good you can’t breathe do they? Got your face goin’ almost purple, feel my cock in your chest don’t you baby?”
His words were filthy, yet held truth. He pulled halfway out to give her a chance to take a few breaths, the dark redness of her oxygen starved face starting to fade to a flustered pink before he continued his rough ramming. Her nails pierced the skin of his tattooed arms, screams of pleasure rawing her throat when she felt her orgasm about to reach it’s peak.
“Holy fuck!”
Her exclamation was loud, filthy and drenched in sultry bliss as the knot in her stomach unraveled. She tried desperately to climb away from his hammering hips, the stimulation making her entire body feel like it was screaming yet his hands kept her pinned to the bed fucking her relentlessly through her orgasm.
“Fuckin’ hell! Cummin’ hard huh? No one else can make you cum like this, say it. Tell me baby, admit it”
His teeth were clenched painfully tight as he spoke, Y/n struggling to get her words out with the surge of feeling rushing through her nerves managing to ramble out the words almost incoherently.
“That’s fuckin’ right doll, only I can do this to yeh.”
Even with his body on fire, he held his cocky persona pounding into her a few more times until he jerked his hips out just in time to spill his seed onto her heaving stomach. Watching the ribbons of thick white cum paint her flushed sweaty skin, her body trembling from her orgasm violently while being painted with her ‘enemies’ hot cum.
The bed shook when Harry dropped down beside her, breathless and worn out. a proud smirk painted on his sweaty red face when he turned to the woman who was looking at him already struggling to remember how to breathe. Placing a smacking kiss to her swollen lips, a strong arm tugging her into his sticky side.
For the first time in a long time, they felt content in each other’s grasp. Making them both silently wonder if these feelings weren’t just lust, but something else entirely.
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