#demiromantic asexual culture is
demiromantic asexual culture is struggling to date not only because you have a hard time feeling romantic attraction right away, but also because you don't know if sex is an important part of the person's relationships or not (and it's weird to ask right away, right?)
Oh man, I totally get that one. Best of luck to you, anon!
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demi-romantics · 4 months
I’ve told multiple of my friends about what a squish is over the last couple days and both of them were really excited to learn what it means. So this is your sign to tell an allo about aromantic terms!
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empyrangel · 1 year
People are always talking about how characters can’t just be friends anymore. That every pair of characters that act amicable towards each other gets labeled as lovers by the fandom and has their friendship completely disregarded. And all of that’s true. But I just want to say that it also applies to enemies to lovers.
Nobody can just be enemies either it seems. Every dynamic involving characters fighting or having a rivalry or otherwise unfriendly relationship gets reduced to “spicy sexual tension” and “hiding their true feelings behind a different kind of passion.” Hate, anger, fear, disgust, distrust, etc. are such interesting human emotions on their own. They don’t need romance to make them interesting. People can just hate each other sometimes.
I’m so sick of romance culture and it’s need to insert itself into everything to make things better, more interesting, or more complex. Maybe if you just stop and shut up for a second, you’d see that it’s already all that and more. People need to learn to appreciate emotions that aren’t love and lust, and types of passion that aren’t motivated by love or lust, and character dynamics that don’t revolve and love and lust.
And people actually think that enemies to lovers is rare and underrated? “I’m so quirky and edgy! I like enemies to lovers and real relationships that aren’t all unicorns and rainbows!” Yeah and so do the rest of the 8 billion people on this planet, you’re not special. Like yeah, ship what you want or whatever, but I’m just sick of this shit.
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Questioning aspec culture is reducing "sex-neutral asexual aromantic, demiromantic, biromantic, sex-positive graysexual blah blah blah" into "AROACE". I'm an aroace (sometimes sex/romance repulsed/positive/neutral, aego/cupio sexual, apothiromantic, probably demiromantic, sapiosexual and romantic, considerably straight, but probably bi romantic, I probably have much more to discover etc etc etc). Can't be bothered to introduce all this even to myself, so imma just make it short, aroace.
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Ok ok oK so
I think that people who experience alterous attraction Are really cool but also get the short end of the stick, because even if they can identify the feelings and work them out, they can’t DO anything about it with someone that doesn’t see alterous attraction as legit or value it in the same way!
It sucks for them, and I just want to show my solidarity for anyone who’s discovering these feelings!
Thank you for reading
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brain-empty · 2 years
Bee's aro rant abt "Love is Love"
So, "Love is Love", probably the most well-known LGBTQ+ tagline (outside of MAYBE something like "PROUD") is quite exclusionary of a lot of the LGBTQ+ community, this rant will be focussed on mostly the aro POV of it but let me take a section to talk about gender identity exclusion in the tagline "Love isn't Gender Identity"
"Love is Love" is odd from a gender sense, love involves gender to some degree but due to "Love is Love"'s context we know it's referring to stuff like mlm, wlw, nblnb, etc which can exclude transhet people, so that's already an issue but that's not our main point today.
"Love isn't for Everyone"
"Love is Love" can be heavily exclusionary to those under the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum, you can argue "Love is Love" includes not experiencing romantic/sexual love but with how the tagline is presented ('you can date any gender'-esque) I'd highly doubt that, aces and aros especially tend to be excluded or bundled together already so trying to push back on exclusionary taglines is a step in the right direction for aro & ace representation, so I propose... "The new 'Love is Love'?"
If we want to push back on using "Love is Love" then solidifying it with a new tagline may help, so I'm proposing "We are who we are" a similar tagline to "Love is Love" but more inclusionary. "We are who we are" symbolizes unity and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ whether it be cishets accepting us or us accepting eachother's identities, it's merely a proposal and y'all can discuss your ideas for a possible replacement for "Love is Love" because I'd love to hear opinions! EDIT: "Love is Love" is a good slogan in the context of HOMOSEXUAL/POLYAMOROUS/NON-CONFORMING RELATIONSHIPS but that's not what the entirety of the lgbtq+ community is since it's much more then romantic/sexual relationships, so the slogan of "Love is Love" for the ENTIRE lgbtq+ community can get exclusionary quickly. Another reason "Love is Love" is not exclusionary but trying to be stolen by a worse community... "Love isn't for that disgusting illegal shit" Anyone who's been on the internet in the past forever should know what a p3d0ph!le is, and anyone who's been on the internet for a while should know what a z00ph!le is and if you haven't seen the "p3d0/z00 community" shit then I am jealous- but besides that they've tried on a few occasions to use "Love is Love" for their own community, which, yeah, sucks and while it's not a slogan there per-se it is one of their attempts to 'fit in' with the lgbtq+ community and a thing I've seen them commonly use to try and quick-defend their shitty actions/community.
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headbuds · 6 months
Honestly, sometimes I/we feel really alienated from the aspec community- as an anattractional(spec) system.
Maybe it's because we're hypersexual and a hopeless romantic/platonic/QP/alterous/etc.
Maybe because we're Auto, aego, flux, ficto, demi, and everything in between, and therefore have a complex relationship to love and such?
Maybe it's because of our trauma?
Who knows.
It still feels upsetting, nonetheless.
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ace-culture-is · 1 year
homo-demiromantic ace culture is being in a cycle of wanting and never wanting a relationship, because on one hand you want to experience a relationship with your same gender once, but on the other hand, you are terrified of falling in love with a friend and you also feel like that your asexuality would be a problem in a relationship 😔
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new asexual catchphrase: I wanna be hot but not bothered
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summurrtime · 2 years
demiromantic/demisexual culture is being surprised that my one of my allo friends can have a crush in the span of two weeks at a new school
t w o w e e k s with basically n o contact with their crush
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Thank you so much for answering my question! My partner does want to wear the rings, but he's just really afraid to and I want to reassure him that him that wearing a piece of jewellery is not infringing on another person's rights and him being demi does make him a-spec (he doesn't mind me calling him that, don't worry ^^). The thing is, I'm 100% allo, both romantically and sexually, and, I don't know, i felt like I didn't have the right to say this opinion (it's stupid I know XD), so I came here for the question. Thank you so much for answering, once again!
oh yeah yeah, if he wants to he's totally free to! most ace and aro peeps don't mind, and really people who exclude demis/grays from the community are pretty small. he's fully free to express being aspec with those rings, I personally would wear a black ring if I had one ^^
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demiro culture is instinctively saying ew when two characters kiss on screen but realizing that its a gay kiss and that none of your family members were bothered by your accidental homophobia :|
:( im sorry dude
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thenerdrant · 1 year
it's really interesting being pan but also demi-aroace. like, yes, I like everyone but no one at the same time. I am basically a walking paradox
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aroace-void · 1 year
Sometimes I feel more aro than ace. Because like, I understand sex, to a degree, it's a physical concept that I can grasp. But that's not the case with romance because it's so complex and abstract. I can sort of begin to understand sexual attraction, but romantic attraction is a completely foreign concept
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Just a reminder that we should support everyone in learning and exploring other identities that do not relate to us and our own identities! Sometimes the best cure for hate is awareness and understanding
Thank you for reading
~skullkitten 💜💚
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ndcultureis · 2 years
nd asexual and demiromantic culture is not understanding the differences between romantic and platonic physical touch
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