#dazai reader insert
morphodae · 2 months
“Love? Is everything alright?”
He stops in his tracks by the doorway when he sees the dejected look on your face. Your attention is on the illuminated screen in front of you as words threaten to tear down the pieces of you that are already hanging by a thread.
He inches closer and reaches for your phone; you make no move to stop him and he’s surprised at how light your grip is. His eyes scan across the screen and the toxic words that others are saying to you. The frown is evident on his face and he holds back a bitter remark out of fear that bringing it up would only make your feelings worse.
You watch, emotionlessly, as he tosses the phone aside and climbs into bed with you, open arms envelop you in a warm, hazy hug.
The ice encasing your heart is slowly thawing and you try your hardest not to let the overflow of emotions burst at the seams.
“You don’t need any of them, any of that. I’m here. You only need me.”
~Any of your faves
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tinkerleaf · 2 months
Protective Men
warnings: cursing, a little violence, creeps
I can see Dazai as the type to carefully watch as the client you've been working with leans a little too close to you. He may be across the room but he still follows the man's every move. You wave off a few subtly flirtatious remarks and glance over at Dazai. When he sees the man 'accidentally' brush a hand on your back, he's had enough, leaving his chair and strolling over to the two of you.
"You need any help, sweetheart?"
Your client is less than pleased with his presence, "We're fine, thank you."
"You're flirting with them, aren't you?" His voice is calm and low, but his tone has a clear edge of warning.
The man scoffs, "As if that's any of your business."
"They're a little busy with your case right now. You should be focused on that."
"I don't think I was hurting anything."
"That's not the point. They're working. They don't need you to distract them." Dazai replies, still calm but firm. "Atsushi! Come take this case!"
The silver-haired boy comes in, a look of concern on his face. "What's going on?"
"Nothing" Dazai replies with a smirk, "This fellow has a case for you."
Atsushi nods and takes over while Dazai takes you by the arm and leads you out of the office. "I didn't like that at all."
"I can see that," you smile as you two walk into the cafe. "But now I've lost a case..."
"You didn't need it. I've seen his file. You're more suited for missions than simple tasks. It's good practice for Atsushi." He sips his coffee. "Besides, he was too comfortable with you, and I don't like random people getting too close to you."
I imagine Chuuya biting his tongue to keep himself from telling off the man whose eyes were all over your figure. The Port Mafia had all kinds of weirdos come in and out, but this one in particular must not have known who he was dealing with.
When you get up to leave, the man grabs you by your wrist. "Where ya goin'?"
Chuuya instantly stands and swiftly places a knife up to his throat. The man lets you go, holding his hands above his head. "Keep your fucking hands off of them."
"I wasn't gonna do anythi-"
Chuuya interrupts him by knocking him out. The man has an important role for now in the mafia, so he couldn't kill him yet.
"Come on." You follow him back to his office. He shuts the door behind him and sits at his desk. "Look at me."
You sit down across from him.
"If anything happens like that again with anybody here, you let me know first, understand?"
You nod.
"That shit pisses me off more than anything, especially when it comes to you."
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buizos · 4 months
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POV : you give them a flower 🌹
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cosmicck · 1 year
nah cause imagine sucking off jing yuan under his desk after he already fucked you stupid
cum spilling out your ass, as he just came inside of you marks on your hips and thighs from him pounding into you and yet you still have needs for his cock and just jing yuan himself
anyway it's like 4am and im tired
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yurislotusgarden · 10 months
My daily 50 kisses
ʚїɞ Dazai Osamu x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes!
ʚїɞ First x reader work
ʚїɞ word count: 208
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff with soft Dazai, Dazai calls himself your future husband once, reader's gender is not specified in any way, the reader is implied to be at least slightly shorter than Dazai
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34, 35, 36, 3- oh?
36 is the exact number of how many kisses Dazai got on the face. He counted, and mind you, it was too little. 
“Why’d you stopped?” Came the question from the brunette, his arms tightening around your waist. Your hands were on his cheeks, he was enjoying the feeling thank you very much.
“Didn’t you have enough by now?”
“Nope! Your handsome boyfriend demands more kisses!” At that, the taller figure gets closer to your face.
“What if I say no?” A chuckle from you, an amused one. Dazai’s always like this when you give what he decides, is too little affection.
“You see, there’s no ‘no’ option. You simply have to agree”
“I would disagree” It was hard not to smile in this situation, seeing your significant other so openly wanting affection from you never fails to warm your heart.
“And I disagree with your disagreement. Your future husband is demanding his 50 daily kisses, and he won’t fail at getting them” You don’t fail on slightly blushing at what he called himself - just what he wanted to see.
“Your daily 50 kisses? That’s the first time I hear of such a  rule”
“Hm, you heard right. My daily 50 kisses”
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated
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rashoumon-homo · 3 months
Kiss Marks (Dazai x Reader)
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-> Content Warnings: sfw, terrible emo impression, fluff to comedy
-> 750 words
Prompt from @suru1990 - sorry this took me so long to get to!
You stop by the ADA office around lunchtime one afternoon to visit Dazai. He’s always happy to see you when you drop by unexpectedly, but this time he specifically asked you to come by.
The office is empty save for Dazai; everyone else having gone out for lunch. Dazai is sitting at his desk, frowning at his reflection in a compact mirror. An array of makeup supplies have been dumped out over his workspace.
He spots you out of the corner of his eye and perks up. “Ah good, you’re here! I need your help with something.”
“Yeah..?” you ask cautiously. Your Dazai-mischief-sense is tingling, so you’re a little hesitant to get involved in whatever he’s scheming about this time.
“I have all these lipsticks, you see,” he drawls, gesturing at the table in front of him, “and I’m trying to decide on the best shade.”
“Where do I come in?” you ask.
Dazai uncaps a lipstick and swipes it over his lips. It’s a bold, fire engine red, and it looks great on him. Before you can tell him that, he grabs your face and kisses your cheek. He pulls away, still holding your face, and hums thoughtfully while looking at the kiss mark he left. “Not quite what I’m looking for…” he mumbles. “Gonna try another one.”
“Dazai,” you grumble. He catches your hand before you can wipe the sticky mark off your cheek and gives you a warning look.
Dazai hastily wipes off his lips with a spare napkin, then applies another shade, this one a rich burgundy. “Kinda sexy, don’t ya think?” he asks, checking his reflection in the compact mirror again. There’s a playful glint in his eye as he lunges for your face again, this time kissing your other cheek. When you try to squirm away, he plants another kiss on your jaw.
“Come on!” you laugh, shoving him away. “What’s all this about?”
“Can’t I mark my pretty boy up with kisses?” he replies innocently.
You give him an unimpressed look, but the effect is rendered largely ineffective due to the lipstick marks all over your face.
“Ooh!” Dazai says suddenly, picking up another from the desk. He twists it up to reveal the matte black color of the lipstick. “Emo,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. You laugh as he puts it on and checks the mirror. “Think the emo look’s for me?” he asks.
You make a face. “Nah, you can’t pull it off.”
Dazai pretends to be shocked and offended. “I totally could!” he insists. He pulls his hair down over his forehead to cover one eye and tries to look broody. “The only things I love in this world are Gerard Way and death,” he says, mimicking a “teenager” accent.
You burst out laughing. “C’mon idiot, just kiss me so you can try the next one.”
He kisses your face as many times as he can get away with it (three) and wipes the lipstick off his mouth as well as he can. He doesn’t do a very good job of cleaning it off, so you take the napkin from him and sit on his lap, facing him.
“Hold still,” you say, then carefully wipe off the spots he missed. He does as he’s told, though he has a hard time keeping his mouth from curving up into a smile.
You’re suddenly hit with a suspicious thought. “I didn’t know you owned makeup,” you say nonchalantly.
“I don’t,” he admitted. “This is Yosano’s.”
You put the napkin aside. “Damn, I’m surprised she agreed to let you borrow it.”
Dazai looks up at you guiltily. “She… didn’t.”
“What?!” you shout. Just as you’re about to really lay into him about getting proper permission before taking other people’s things, the door to the office opens and the other ADA members spill in, still chattering happily from lunch.
Kunikida freezes in his tracks, eyes wide. Atsushi hides his eyes and mutters a stream of apologies for interrupting. Ranpo comes in behind him and says, “Told you not to go in yet.”
You awkwardly scramble off Dazai’s lap, scrubbing your sleeves at your face to wipe the marks off. Yosano enters the office after Kenji and points angrily from Dazai to the makeup scattered across his desk. “You!” she shouts.
Dazai grabs your hand. “Now we run,” he whispers, then takes off, tugging you behind him. The two of you laugh together while Yosano chases you up and down the streets for the next half hour.
Tag List: @suru1990
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hetn-3 · 21 days
dick size of demon dazai and demon chuuya
demon dazai I would say he is around 35 cm
demon chuuya I would say 40 or even 45 cm because chuuya is very small
every time chuuya tries to fuck you the next day you have a wheelchair and you leak cum
demon dazai will make fun of you because you're whining because it's too big and it doesn't fit
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helios-writings · 8 months
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I Drank Dry the River Lethe
Osamu Dazai x gn! Reader
wc: 1.2k
Warnings: none
Dazai is in love with you, he has no idea. He just knows that you make him feel…weird.
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Dazai doesn’t know what’s happening to him, as far as he’s aware, you don’t have a special ability. But, that has to be the only explanation for how his heartbeat quickens whenever you walk into the room, how his breath is stolen every time you smile. How every accidental touch makes him yearn for more, like a siren song he can’t get out of his head, even if he were to jump overboard.
You were always so kind to him, a far cry from Kunikida who you claim to be best friends with. But it’s Dazai who you always hand a cup of coffee to, Dazai who you always save a pastry for. He can’t bear it, your kindness. Like he doesn’t deserve it. He’s sure you know, and yet….you still smile at him. Your smile is so bright it could rival the sun, and Dazai wouldn’t mind burning in its ultraviolet rays.
He’s staring at you now, as you sit on the corner of where Atsushi is sitting, talking animatedly at him, gesturing so wildly with your hands you nearly hit yourself in the face. You laugh, embarrassed. It’s like music to his ears, he wants to record the sound and play it on repeat over his headphones so he never forgets it, so it's ingrained into his brain.
“Dazai,” you say, “want anything from the shop?”
He blinks, taken out of his thoughts by the lilt of your voice. “What?”
You're next to him now, the scent of your body spray nearly intoxicating to him. He wants to press his nose to your throat and drink it in.
“The shop, I’m going to pick up lunch from there. Do you want anything?”
He stands, stretches and yawns. “I’ll just come with you.”
You roll your eyes, but smile still. “Well, don’t make it sound like such a chore, I could’ve offered to get you nothing.”
Dramatically he leans against your shoulder, hand over his forehead, feigning a sorrowful swoon. “And starve me to death? How cruel, even for you.”
You laugh, Dazai loves making you laugh. He craves it, almost, wants to keep doing it.
“You’re so dramatic, but alright, come along.”
He’d follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked, but for now, the shop down the street would do.
You say hello to a bunch of people as you pass by, almost all of them complete strangers. You even hum as you walk. He’s so content watching you, that he almost runs into a lamppost.
You pull him away just in time and frown. “It’s not good to have your head stuck in the clouds all the time. What if you got hit by a car?! Dr. Yosano wouldn’t have been able to heal you!”
“Awe, you’re worried about little old me?”
You let him go. “You know what, actually? Next time you daydream I’m letting you hit the pole, and I hope you get the ugliest bump on the middle of your forehead. And when you beg and plead with me for an ice pack, I am going to say I told you so.”
You let the silence linger for one moment. “And then I’ll get you the ice pack.”
He laughs, absolutely enamored with you. “I knew you enjoyed my company.”
“Of course, that’s why I get gray hairs trying to keep you around. Now, come on. I’m starving and I want to grab a good onigiri before they’re all gone!”
You grab his hand and pull you along and oh. He thinks this is the first time you’ve touched him on purpose, the feeling of your hand so impossibly warm in his he doesn’t know what to think or feel. He wants to pull you into him, wrap you up in his arms and never let go. He could die in your arms and nothing else would ever be more perfect.
Dazai knows what he feels when he looks at you now, the shortness of breath, the skipping heart. It is no spell, no special ability.
He is in love with you, drawn to you like a moth to a flame, a nail to a magnet.
Suddenly, all he wants to do is tell you, the need clawing his way to the top of his throat, being stopped only by sheer will. He will not tell you this in a shitty convenience store, where anyone could overhear. No, he won’t do that. Dazai has some semblance of romance after all, even if Kunikida thinks the opposite.
“What do you want?” You ask, observing the onigiri with a seriousness that otherwise would’ve made him chuckle, had his very being not been shaken to the core.
His eyes land on the first bento he sees and he grabs it. “This is perfect.”
You raise a brow. “Are you okay? Did you actually hit your head and I didn’t see?”
Dazai rolls his eyes. “I’m just really in the mood for….salmon.”
He absolutely was not in the mood for salmon, but you shrugged and continued perusing for the items the rest of the ADA had asked for. He even managed to regain some state of being long enough to help you carry the bag back to the agency.
You grin brightly as you enter the office. “Lunch! And I can say with one hundred percent certainty that nothing got crushed. Except for Dazai, almost.”
“I’m telling you, I could’ve avoided any oncoming traffic.”
You roll your eyes, but smile at him in exasperation. “Okay, okay. You’re tough as nails.”
Dazai shoves the whole piece of salmon in his mouth to prevent the feelings from spilling out. He nearly chokes.
You hand him a glass of water, eyes crinkled in the corner from amusement.
It’s just you two in the office at the end of the day. The atmosphere is almost stifling now that he has the perfect chance to confess.
It’s funny, how easily he was able to proposition other people that he thought were perfect candidates for his dream. But now that it was you, someone he knows, that he cares for���.he almost can’t get the words out. Everyone he’s ever propositioned pales in comparison to you, you have wholly ruined him; there’s no one on earth like you.
You’re nervous as you turn to him. “I know why you're acting weird.”
“You do?” Shit.
“You found out about my feelings for you. I knew I was too obvious.”
Dazai blinks. “Huh?”
Realization that he didn’t know dawns on you and you rush to leave, but he grabs your arm and pulls you into a desperate kiss, like if he didn’t kiss you in that moment he would explode.
Your lips against his are a religious feeling, something to worship. He wonders if he could get amnesia so he couldn’t experience them for the first time over and over again. Wonders if, perhaps, he’s already dead and this is his eternal heaven.
Knows he’s alive once you pull away and laugh, eyes shining in disbelief and joy. He kisses you again. You smile into it.
Dazai spends a lot of time doing that until he’s certain he’ll never get tired of it.
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merowkittie · 3 months
Slowly getting back into bsd so here’s a short prompt..
“Hey, Osamu.” Your smile widened, eyes glistening in the midnights light.
The rain hit hard against your bodies as the wind blew its anger out on you. The air making your hair dance in the wind, dancing to its own tune.
“Hi..” he called out your name softly.. it was as if he was scared the pitch of his voice would make you vanish.
“You missed me?” His eyes were flooded with emotions yet he didn’t cry. His brain was overloaded with memories of the past and yet he couldn’t believe you were the same kid from then.
“It’d be a lie if I said no. I’ve always been a man of my words, belladonna.” He plastered on a smirk that barely was one to call such.
Dazai wanted to feel.. happy? He hasn’t seen you in what.. four years? You’ve changed. Or maybe you’re the same person and he’s grown not used to the way you used to act, if that makes sense.
“Haha.. everyone does. I miss me too.”
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a/n: I’ve always been obsessed with the trope where reader sees dazai after years of him leaving the port mafia just to find him again on a lonely night or with the ADA.. I need to write for bsd again 😫
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mitsies · 5 months
❊ a night to remember - dazai osamu . . you're a barista in the middle of a turf war. dazai is assigned to babysit.
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the café you work at is nowhere near 'fantastic,' like the critics acclaim.
it's situated on a busy street corner, right next to an even busier airport. this draws an unfortunately large amount of new customers. you cringe thinking about the poor foreigners, unable or unwilling to purchase overpriced airport cuisine, who find refuge (and a meal) at your workplace. it must be an awful first experience in the country, you think.
despite the wealth your employers must've accumulated from an ever-rotating customer base, you don't think a single dime has ever gone towards improving the place. the outside seems nice enough, but the appliances are hardly functional. paint peels off the walls in the back, and the windows have long since been sealed shut. it gets way too hot in the summer. tables are rickety and every time someone takes a seat, you fear for their life. a small hole in the wall exists right by the entrance to the back, and sometimes when you go to close shop you hear skittering (which you pray is a mouse and not a ghost.) the good part about this, though, is that a little cat frequents your block around nighttime. she's the only reason you enjoy working at the joint, really, especially since it's open so unusually late, meaning you have to work stupid hours. who needs coffee and sandwiches at 10 at night?
you wonder how your shoddy little place of work has passed a single health inspection. you also wonder how you're still alive, because you're pretty sure that there is black mold growing in the storeroom. that, and the fact that you're all too often worked to the bone. your boss never does much, and your coworkers, though lovely people, take way too many sick days to be normal. you think the black mold may have gotten them. either that or they're lazy and love to see you suffer. more often than not, you're the only one working the busy café all day. that place would be a mess if it weren't for you, you like to believe.
it's an unusually slow night when the cat comes by to visit. she's a little thing, with a fluffy grey body and tiny white paws. her nose is a black button framed by white fur and long whiskers. you call her misty, like the character from pokémon.
you haven't gotten a customer in a while. you suspect it's because of the bad weather; your usual clientele of travelers are all seeking shelter within the airport, not daring to venture out quite yet. misty herself is dripping water all over the entrance of the café, but she's too cute for you to care. you walk out from behind the counter to pet her with the back of your hand. your skin comes away damp and covered in a thin layer of cat fur, which is a little gross but you've seen worse while working here. she meows. from your place by the door, you can see outside to the rain-soaked sidewalk. hard droplets of water pelt down like hail, staining the world a shade darker. you grimace, because there's no way you can walk home in this downpour.
"what do i do now, misty?" you stoop down to stroke the cat a little more. she purrs a little, and her long fur continues to stick to your hand in its dampness. nasty.
standing back up, you make your way to the back of the shop to rinse your hands in the sink. you aren't expecting anyone to come in at this point, not when it's this late, and not in this weather. you are proven very wrong when you hear the door creak open, and misty's meow before she scampers away to a far corner of the store.
plastering your best customer service smile on your face, you look up and move to the counter to greet the new arrival. you expect them to be a particularly brave traveler, and you imagine the mess of rainwater you'd later have to mop up off the floor. you are, however, pleasantly surprised by the sight of one of your favourite regulars. "oda!"
he's usually not in this late. but he gives you a small kind of smile as he closes the umbrella he holds and stores it in the designated area, bless him. you, to this day, wonder why he chooses to come to this raggedy little shop enough to be considered a regular. the coffee isn't that good, and the pastries are always a little dry, in your opinion. plus, it's just gross. maybe you're just a hypochondriac, though, because oda seems like a smart and sensible man who would not come to a café that would give him diseases. probably. you hope.
he's a kind, quiet person. you don't know much about him, if anything at all. he's got your name memorised and always greets you, and he tips well, and he asks about your day sometimes. you think he's sweet. maybe not smart, actually, if he keeps coming back. or maybe he's a health advisor coming to collect evidence to shut the place down— oh, you could only hope this is true.
misty, upon realising it's just oda, walks her little feet back over towards the entrance. the tall man bends over to pet the little cat, and for the first time, you catch sight of another person behind him. a boy. he's tall, or at least taller than you. but he doesn't look like much. a set of spindly limbs, bandages covering one eye, while the other is sunken and tired. a coat hangs loosely from his shoulders. you wonder if he's been eating enough. in a flash, though, his eyes connect with yours. it's brief, and awkward, and he stares straight into you like he can see through your skull into your thoughts. a shiver runs down your spine. he might look your age but there is something about him that tells you he has been around far too long, and seen enough for lifetimes. oda stands back up, cutting your view of the boy off. you readjust, trying to shake off the uncanny veil that's just descended on your little store. "your usual, oda?"
he smiles again. "please. thank you."
you dare look at the boy again. "and anything for you, sir?"
his gaze flickers back towards you. it's less heavy than before, but still, a force resides behind it. he hums and smiles. it seems hollow. you try to pay it no mind. "nope."
you nod briskly and go about preparing oda's drink. in your periphery, you watch the pair settle down by a table on the side wall of the shop, right against a big window. oda's back is facing you and you can feel his companion's eyes following your moves every so often. you try your best to ignore it, the way his eyes carry a pressure that drills into your skull.
it's 8:07 at night when oda gets a call. you aren't eavesdropping, but you don't miss the furrow of his brows and the vacancy that passes through his eyes. he'd probably leave soon. you purse your lips; might as well close once these two leave. they came in half an hour ago, and not a single soul had even passed out the door since.
sure enough, oda stands. he fishes around in his wallet for a crisp bill— another reason why he was your favourite regular, his tips never fell short— and gives you a polite, tight-lipped smile. the mystery boy follows suit. he doesn't spare you a glance, though, not until oda halts at the door as if something's just occurred to him. he turns back to the counter and calls your name. you look up from where you were wiping down some ancient appliances. "everything okay?"
he nods, and his head involuntarily falls to the side inquisitively. "how are you getting home tonight?"
you grimace. "i'm walking."
oda and the mystery boy exchange a look. you presume it's the heavy rain they're concerned about, so you pipe back in: "it's okay, though! i have a spare coat in the back. i think."
the boy gives you another look. like you're an idiot, like he knows something you don't. you'd wonder what was going on, but that was likely above your pay grade.
oda turns back to his companion. you hear them exchange words quietly, quiet enough to be drowned out by the rain still pouring outside. they are discussing far too intensely for it to be just about the rain. at the end of the spirited conversation, oda looks resolved, and the boy looks.. upset? disgruntled? he looks more his age, that's for sure. younger, even, like a petulant child. you would laugh if you weren't so on edge.
something is off. it's like the air in the shop has suddenly grown heavier by a hundred tons. it's suffocating. you are more excited than usual to close early and go home once these two finally make their exit. but then the boy sits back down. you fight the frown growing on your face.
oda is still standing. he takes the umbrella by the door and taps it against the entrance matt. clear flecks of rainwater fall down into the fabric like a small scale version of the downpour outside. he turns back to the boy, and then swivels to face you with a small, polite smile. "thank you for the drink. i hope you don't mind that my friend dazai is staying here for a while to avoid the rain."
you want to die. staying at your place of work for the next few hours until the official closing did not seem like an ideal night. mentally you mourn the night you planned to have when you got home early; goodbye to your cozy blanket, and warm bed, and movie and popcorn. but making coffee isn't that hard and you're basically paid to be nice and stay up late, so you just smile back and say, "no problem! we close at 10, and it'll probably have calmed down by then. probably."
oda nods and walks back out the door. misty meows at his heels, until he's out from under the overhang and gone from sight. faintly, you can see his silhouette blue-lit beneath streetlights, only if you squint. after a few beats, even the shadow of the man is gone.
you slump back down onto the counter, and then slide back up because you'd just cleaned it and now you'd have to do it again. a resigned sigh escapes past your lips, and you look up to see that the boy is looking at you. what was his name again? dazai? you somehow manage a nice-enough smile, looking back into his hollow eyes. he remains expressionless; it unnerves you, like a glass of cold water down your back. awkwardly, you begin, "do you... want anything to drink now? or eat? i'm going to have to throw all these out soon."
his heavy stare leaves you for only a second as you gesture vaguely to the display case of pastries. he looks like he considers it for a second before he smiles and says, "a chocolate croissant seems good!"
it's uncanny, the way the hollows of his eyes misalign with the tone of his voice. he sounds happy. he sounds young. but the way his joy is displayed is strange. it's a mirror. like he's only watched other people be kind and learned to imitate. as if he's pretending to be human. you can't look into his eyes anymore. instead, you turn to warm up the pastry without words.
when you move to bring the pastry to his table, you find dazai surveying the glass door, as if he is mesmerised by the rain still falling in heavy torrents. your plan is, originally, to slide the treat in front of him, smile and say nothing, and speedwalk away back to the counter and pretend to be busy cleaning until the stranger either a), leaves, or b), the rain stops and you can get out of here. however, it seems that misty has other plans. in a motion that you're sure she intends to be a show of affection and not a ploy to humiliate you, she runs in front of your legs and headbutts your ankle, causing you to trip over. you land with a less-than-gracious huff, and barely manage to pull yourself up from your stomach to your knees before you feel dazai's eyes back on you.
there is a small smile on his face, that creases his visible eye. you frown ruefully, and move to rise and apologize for the disruption. but to your surprise, he stands to help you up. his extended hand is slim. he has thin fingers, like wire, and a wrist wrapped in fresh, white bandages that show through his white button-down. his hands are just as cold as they look.
"graceful," he comments as he pulls you up. you purse your lips, choosing to ignore his comment.
"i'm sorry. i'll remake your food."
he considers you for a moment, looking you up and down. suddenly, you feel very seen. in a strange, unfamiliar way. you hope your apron isn't askew or messy. you hope you don't look as frazzled as you feel. why do you hope that?
"no worries!" and thank god he says that, because you truly are not in the mood to be doing much of anything. but you ask the obligatory, 'are you sure?' to which he just says, 'i'm sure,' so the whole conversation was redundant, really. shifting back to behind the counter, you begin to clean out the display case. and you're really finding yourself in a cleaning flow until dazai's voice breaks through your haze. he says your name. you're confused as to how he knows your name, until you realise you wear a nametag, and then you're just a little embarrassed as you reply, "yes?"
"does oda come here often?"
you glance up at him while wiping a shelf with a rag. he's not looking at you, rather staring back out into the rain. misty is approaching his table. she's usually shy; you wonder if she will let him pet her.
"often enough. he's usually here once or twice a week. never usually this late, though."
at your response, you see out of the corner of your eye as dazai shifts to face you, transfixed on the methodical motions of your hands cleansing the mess of the counter. he hums, "really?"
"yeah. he's one of my favourite regulars." and you almost leave it at that but your curiosity gets the better of you, and you ask, "what are you both doing out here at this time, anyways?"
dazai considers you. then he turns back away with a ghost of a smile. "business calls."
you can't help the look that crosses your face. what a tasteless answer. so dramatic. and then, something clicks. you blink. your area was under port mafia protection and recently, a rival group has been posing threats to it. it's never affected you, always in the western district of your area, so you've never really paid it much mind. you blink. so, this boy was affiliated with those groups. either the mafia or the rebels, but you're inclined to believe that it's the former because of his crypticness and the sheer amount of black he wears. (you're honestly a little surprised you didn't clock this sooner. no normal people dress like that.) your neurons are firing at a rapid pace, making connections. so... was oda in the port mafia too? your eye twitches. you have been serving a mafioso black coffee and almond muffins for months without knowing.
when you finally look back at dazai, he's watching you again. there's something like curiosity painting his expression, more than you've seen from the boy since he walked in. you're maybe perhaps a little shellshocked so all you can manage to ask is, "am i in trouble?"
he laughs an echoey, hollow laugh. you're embarrassed but also a little indignant because you think you have a right to know, maybe. "you haven't done anything. as long as i'm here you'll be fine."
your eye twitches again.
"so i am in trouble, then."
dazai frowns. "you have such little faith."
for a split-second you forget that he is a member of the most dangerous organization in all of yokohama and not just a boy your age, as you retort, "it's hard to have trust when the person left in charge of my safety looks like he weighs the same as my cat."
misty meows as if she understands you. dazai blinks. you blink back, before adding a tasteful, albeit a little uncomfortable, "with all due respect. sir."
and he smiles. it's a familiar one. faint smile lines appear, his left cheek creases deeply enough to dimple. it's a real, earnest smile. he looks young and alive like the boys at your school. he's cute, almost. you can't help but smile back, just a little. suddenly, you're thinking about his hand again, and how it felt in yours. you turn away with a light exhale and busy yourself with wiping down cases again.
"oda told me that he 'appreciated your sardonicism,'" dazai muses, "and i didn't know what he meant until now."
you turn the sink on and begin to sponge down various mugs. "thank you, i think."
"you're welcome."
menial conversation follows. dazai asks about your work, and you're glad he chose this topic, because really, you could complain about this establishment for hours if someone gave you the opportunity. he listens intently as you talk about your coworkers and manager, the abysmal pay, and the ghastly sanitary standards of the place. to this topic, dazai glances around and questions you.
"maybe you're a hypochondriac," he says, "it looks clean enough to me."
you stare at him, hands still in the sink, covered in suds. you blink. was he blind?
you're about to respond, when the door opens. you glance at the clock; 9:48. twelve minutes before closing. you're about to try and muster up the last of your energy to be the best barista you can be before dazai speaks first. "oda. you're back early."
thank god it's oda. you look up to see misty run to him purring, as he puts his umbrella down. "we finished up the..." he glances carefully up to you, "business early."
dazai waves a hand dismissively. "they know."
oda raises his eyebrows and looks at you. "you do?"
"i do," you affirm, "you keep less-than-subtle company."
you and oda both ignore dazai. the taller man addresses you instead, "then you should know that it's safe to go out for tonight. and the rain is stopping, too."
you exhale. it'd been easy to ignore how stressed you were about the 'dangerous situation' that you'd been told nothing about happening right outside your place of work. and then, it clicks; dazai was distracting you from all that on purpose with his torrent of questions. you look back at him. he simply smiles.
oda speaks again. "i'll be back tomorrow morning to check on things. get home safe."
turning to dazai, he states, "the car is waiting outside. take the umbrella."
his departure leaves three people in the shop, like it's been for the past hour; you, dazai, and misty the cat. so, two people, you guess. and you can't help the twinge of sorrow that makes itself known inside your chest at the fact that this may be the first and last night that you see him. the only thing you can say is, "it was nice to meet you, dazai."
he stands. misty makes a cat noise. he meets your eyes and there is something less than hollowness there. his smile seems more real than before.
"you'll see me again," he almost promises, as if he could read your mind.
"good," is all you have time to reply, before he is out the door. you bite the inside of your cheek to restrain the grin that is breaking out from across your face, "good."
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flowers chosen: pink camellia & forget-me-not . . longing for you & don't forget me
❊ send a request! ❊ 5k masterlist ❊ event info ❊
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gaybitchfx · 7 months
✰𝓞. 𝓓𝓪𝔃𝓪𝓲✰
you always go to the parties—★
to pluck the feathers of all the birds
★—on your knees
i would not beg you please -beach house
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𝓣𝓦: angst, just pure angst, modern au, spelling errors/grammar mistakes, intentional lowercase
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✰ DAZAI who was a well known playboy amongst mainly women, yet someway somehow had gotten you, a man, to fall for him. it was surprising yes, but you didn’t bother telling him due to your fear of rejection so you continued to act friendly towards him as usual. but of course seeing him flirt with other women just made your blood boil. but you couldn’t do anything due to him only liking women so in your eyes you didn’t have a chance. but of course your feelings began to bubble up to the surface making it unbearable so you decided to tell him after encouraging yourself for a bit. “you like me?” dazai asked with a raised brow as he looked at your flushed face as you nodded your head. for just a second you had caught a glimpse of disgust written on his face, but it had to be your imagination…right? “well, i like you too (name). you’re a sweet guy.” he said as he took your hand in his, a smile gracing his lips causing s small hiccup to leave your mouth. “you..do?” you asked him, your words a little breathless due to you being so surprised, you thought he would’ve just rejected you instantly. “of course i do, you make my days better. you even shine as bright as a thousand stars, darling.” he said, his voice soft and alluring as he cupped your cheek making you lean into his touch. oh how happy you were to have the one you loved most accept your feelings. but such happiness has to go one way or another, let it be in the future or present.
✰ DAZAI who started off as overly loving to you began to grow more distant as your relationship progressed. you’d catch him glancing at any women that would walk past, but that’s normal, it’s dazai after all. when you first told him how you didn’t like how he was looking at other people he would just scoff and tell you not to worry about anything and how you were being insecure about yourself. and so from that day on you’ve kept all that sadness and angry bottled up since being with him was a one time opportunity, you didn’t want to fuck it up. you loved him too much to be the cause of the break up. all that came crashing down once he took you to some random party he had gotten invited to. once the two of you were there it was like he vanished but you didn’t bother going to look for him so he stood by yourself to the side with a drink in hand looking around. that was until you caught a glimpse of dazai talking to some random women. then he kissed her. a deep passionate kiss. by now you didn’t know how to feel your mind was racing and you felt like you were going to cry as you watched him take her upstairs.
✰ DAZAI who didn’t know np how much he fucked up entirely. by now you were just sitting in a corner, mind blank and numb till he came back with a smile. “there you are, i was looking everywhere for you!” he said with his signature smirk, you felt like you were going to throw up. as he reached to touch you, you slapped his hand away almost instantly catching him by surprise. “what wrong love?” he asked with a nervous laugh as you stood up. not even a second passed when you slapped him and that’s when everything went quiet. the music stopped, the loud talking turned into small whispers and gasps, there were even phone cameras on recording the whole thing. but you didn’t care in the slightest. by now, tears had already flowed down your cheeks like a never ending waterfall as some hiccups left your mouth. “i’ve been nothing but loyal to you, i treated you like you were something of value to me, i made sure i put you first over everyone i knew and this is how you repay me?! cheating on me with some god damn home wrecker?!” you yelled at him as you continued slapping him, letting out all of your frustration, anger, and sadness onto the one you thought loved you back. “i bet you didn’t even love me to begin with!” you said before landing one last hard slap onto his face leaving a red hand print. dazai hadn’t done anything and allowed you to slap him and yell at him, he knew he was in the wrong too. “no..i didn’t truly love you (name)…but please listen to me—” “you keep that mouth of yours shut before i sew it shut!” you shouted at him as you wiped away your tears. “we’re over, i don’t want you texting me, calling me, asking my friends to leave messages for me, none of that shit you understand?! do you fucking understand dazai?!” you screamed at him making him quickly go quiet before he nodded his head. “i understand…” he said, his voice cracking a little as he watched you leave. the others there all looked at dazai as they began to whisper and eventually the music continued and everyone continued talking to one another, but the atmosphere was suffocating.
✰—tags: @jkloserdazai @reallyromealone @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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tinkerleaf · 2 months
Once Again
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Hi guys! :) This wasn't exactly how I meant for it to turn out, but I don't hate it. In my head it makes sense. Synopsis: chuuya sees reader for the first time since they left the mafia. gn reader Genre: a lil bit of angst Words: 720 Pairing: chuuya/reader Warnings: emotions, some violence/toxicity? not well-proofread
In the Port Mafia, documents do not lie. If they have something on file, it must be absolute. This is what concerns Chuuya the most when he sees your name come up in recent files. You’re titled under the Armed Detective Agency, and he can’t help but groan.
It had been about a year since you disappeared without a trace, and Chuuya knew that Dazai had to have something to do with it. Instead of dwelling on the thought, he simply pushed it into the back of his mind, only for it to return in the dead of night. He doesn’t always think about you, but he definitely does. And when he does, he has to do something to distract himself from the fact that you are gone from existence.
When he picks up your file, he almost throws it out. He doesn’t want to go through another episode where he frantically searches for you again, as it’s bad for his image. However, he wants the closure of knowing that you’re at least alive. Opening the folder, he winces at your photo. He's thankful he's alone in his office where no one can see him be so vulnerable.
Dazai was still nowhere to be seen, and he was fine with that. He wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds for everything he’d done. Everything had changed due to his absence.
Your status was labeled as “alive”. He stares at the lines for a few minutes before letting go of the breath he didn’t realize he had been holding.
Knowing you were safe slightly relieves him, but the fact that you joined the enemy pisses him off. What business could you possibly have with them? He knew it wasn’t because they were somehow better or stronger. But just like the other pesky thoughts that haunt him, he pushes them away.
Three years later, your file comes up again. This time, however, with Dazai’s. The reason is that Kyouka captured both of you, even though Dazai was the main target. However, having both traitors couldn’t hurt.
He hated using that term for you, but that’s what you were.
When he passes Akutagawa in the corridor, they have a brief conversation about the situation. “Did they say anything useful?” Chuuya asks the man.
“Of course not. They’re just as infuriating as they were before.” He walks away, his steps echoing through the hall.
He knew what he was walking into, but that doesn’t change how he feels when you make eye contact with him. Dazai gives his usual sly grin that annoys him to no end.
“So this is where you’ve been all this time?” Chuuya scoffed.
You really don't know how to approach this scenario. You can cut the tension with a butter knife. You don't want to answer him. Dazai decides it's a good time to provide some input, which the redhead simply ignores.
A glass shatters against the wall beside you. It doesn't hit you, but it's enough to get his point across. “Don’t ignore me like you had nothing to do with me!”
You swallowed hard. He crept towards you like a snake. Dazai glanced over at you to see if you had been hit. “Come on, Chuuya, go easy on-.”
“I’ll get to you when I’m done,” he growled at him. He grabbed you by the face and forced you to look him in the eyes. “I hate you.” He lies. It's the biggest lie he’s ever told. But in a way, there is some truth behind it. He hates the way you possess his mind. He hates how you had enraptured him all those years ago just to drag him down to hell when you left. He hates you for letting his guard down, something he vowed to never do again.
The look in your eye and the single tear that slipped through it seemed to tell him everything you needed him to know. He let go of you and sighed.
In the end, you can’t change the past. You can’t change your mission or motives. Whatever caused you to leave him wasn’t his business, and he knew that. He couldn’t forgive you, not yet. But now that he has you within his grasp, he won’t let you go again. Not that easily.
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buizos · 4 months
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His hands have a mind of their own 🤡
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cosmicck · 10 months
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♠︎tom kaulitz(2010) x male reader(smut)
♠︎genre: smut
♠︎warning(s): reader is literally the dumbest mf on the planet(only mentioned), tom is a lil rough, hitting(its chill dw readers into it), breeding kink cuzzzz, new theme but im to lazy to redo this fics theme, aftercare is given off screen cause im not writing alat, reader is a virgin, dacryphilia(i always accidentally add that)
♠︎a/n: not me basing this off of @tokio-motel 's ficsssss what?????(literally pls gimmie ideas)
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it was just a little question, that was it. "could two guys have sex?" is what you asked. thing is, you asked it in front of tom. the two of you were close of course and he had gotten used to usual dumb questions, but no never any just like this.
this question had got him going a small bit especially since it was out of nowhere. "wouldn't you like to know?" you did, that's why you asked. and when he asked that you almost looked positive if it was a yes or no answer.
and he sure was giving you the answer, a very clear and visual one at that. i mean even after the first time he asked more than once even as his hand kept rubbing up your thigh, yet the answer was still yes. even when his hand was up at the back of your neck, pulling you closer you had still said yes.
but it was just all jokes right? no, no it wasn't.
your ass had been put up in the air, along with your back being arched to his desire. toms hands squeezed around your waist, as he let in the whore like noises you emitted, it felt like a once in a life time thing to tom.
finally getting what he wanted. "what? you— wanted to know.." he grunted out, continuing his pace enjoying the way his dick would slide in and out of you. it was obvious you were a virgin, nothing to shame about, it was just all the more enjoyable for him.
"tom, i—" your body felt hot and overstimulated, your mind felt all the more blurred as his hips snapped into your backside. "hm?" he continued his pace,
his tip angled to your prostate making you perk up onto your elbows, the noises you were making coming to a stop as the tears glossed over your eyes made way down your cheeks.
"back," he said sternly, his hand moving up from your hip to the side of your thigh making a loud slap noise. "fuck.." you sighed out, your voice trembling as you put yourself back into the position he wanted you in.
"good..just like that." he leaned down kissing your cheek, the bit of your tears getting onto his lips along with the cold feeling of his peircing pressing against your skin.
his cock had angled back to your prostate, the bumpy pleasure making your back threaten to move again but came another slap to the side of your thigh.
"tom– please, i can't–" "can't what?" he interrupted, his pace still brutal. "listen? yeah, i know." your thighs squeezed together at his words, your stomach started to feel weird as you felt something twitch in you.
"what..is that– mh!" you lowered your head, your eyes squeezing together feeling toms pace get sloppier and more messy yet it still didn't stop there.
he sat up, taking a deep breath out as his eyes rolled back then closing together as he had released himself inside of you, making you feel filled.
you tried to pull yourself off, yet you were only flipped over on your back staring right at tom. "round two?" wait, shit there were more rounds?
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i DESPISE fic endings yuk @gaybitchfx @secretivemessenger @reallyromealone / @rome-alone @vyloy @kitsune-yuhhh @esthxio @bloodyfennec @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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alwaysthefool · 1 year
my hope in hell (dazai x you)
warnings; drug usage
tags; fluff, crush, reader has an ability
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Dazai had it all planned out-- the only issue was a certain bird with wings that spanned far and wide, i.e., your teleportation ability. He knew you'd try to use it when the bombing would take place, to save your client, but he couldn't have you doing that. It was just a tiny notch in the belt he brushed aside, underestimating the reason he was going through the trouble to keep you out, even though your presence wouldn't exactly prevent it.
It was to keep you safe.
But he wouldn't admit it to himself. You weren't a part of the Agency, you weren't a civilian in need of protection, you weren't a close friend, you were just someone he'd come to know. The plan was, Atsushi would use the stealth of his ability to chloroform you and deliver you to where Dazai was, overlooking the plan and controlling the strings, post which he'd keep an eye- and a touch- on you to prevent you from interfering. He'd have preferred to do it himself, but he knew you'd just teleport away if you saw him approach. 
"Teleportation... what a bothersome ability." He murmured, as he almost snatched your unconscious form from his coworker's shoulder, slightly irritated by the way you were being carried around like a sack of potatoes*, holding you in his arms instead. He closed the door with his foot as he sat down on the sofa, leaning against the arm to keep you on his lap. It's because I need to be touching them to use my ability. Yes, that's it.
But he found himself being severely distracted by that peaceful face, not being able to tear his eyes away. You were still in his arms, your shoulders being held up by his left and your knees by his right, which he removed to brush the hair off your face. You were so mesmerizing to him, the person who had resisted his plan, fought with him at every step, his anti-thesis, looking so delicate under him. He could feel his heart beat faster, but frowned as he realised he was not controlling it. A strange feeling crossed his stomach as his fingers ran slowly across your forehead. Time seemed to stop, and so did his racing thoughts. He didn't even deduce that the tickling sensation might wake you up as your eyes fluttered open.
"Osamu?" You spoke weakly without thinking.
My name. You said my first name.
The pacing of his heart seemed to get faster making him wonder what you did to him, as he gathered his thoughts again to respond. "You're awake." It wasn't like him to respond so stupidly. Of course you were awake. Was this love? He thought about the moments between you two, and in retrospect, the feeling they left him with. It wasn't the thrill of meeting an enemy, it was the giddyness of a crush. You were a mystery to him, the way you gave him a warm kindness despite him meaning nothing to you, politely rejecting his attempts of flirting, and most of all-- being genuinely concerned about him. What drove him to develop that affection for you, he realised, was your unconditional kindness to him hidden with a snarky attitude. It was at that moment, he realised he wanted you, and it was a little different from the way he 'wanted' anyone else he flirted with, he just... wanted your affections to save him, to pull him out of the wish to die, he wanted to feel whatever he felt when he was with you for longer. Your eyes were still droopy from the effects of the chloroform and you found it a little hard to move, finding the look on Dazai's face a little more confusing.
"Don't worry, you'll feel a bit out of it for a while till the drugs wear off."
That seemed to concern you. "You drugged me?" You spoke through struggled breaths. Not once did his eyes leave yours, making you even more uneasy.
"We can't have you teleporting to your client."
You sighed in relief. "Oh, so that's what this is about." You attempted to get up, being assisted by Dazai, who still kept you close, feeling a little disappointed as you shifted your legs off his.
He frowned, more disheartened you'd think that of him. He'd been an arguably respectful guy to most since his mafia days, ignoring all the official complaints against his flirting. "What kind of person do you take me for?"
"The worst kind." You shot him a look, feeling more and more awake by the second. "And you could keep me at physical contact at an arms length too."
"Oh, right. Sorry." He realised, allowing to you keep a little more distance, holding only your hand tightly, feeling himself lose his breath slightly like some sort of a schoolgirl when you lightly held it back.
"So, my client is in danger, huh?"
"Perhaps." He replied, keeping his usual cool smirk on his face, slightly faltering when you smiled back at him.
"Here I was thinking the Agency wouldn't just let people die."
"He's not going to die." He assured you, "but we need him slightly injured to set some things in motion."
"Slightly?" You caught on to his little white lie. Dazai seemed slightly impressed by you, his smirk turning into a genuine laugh.
"Well, I can't really tell my enemy all my secrets."
You didn't respond to that, simply looking away with a sigh. "I guess this time, I failed."
Part of him wanted to comfort you-- scratch that, an overwhelming majority of him felt compelled to comfort you, and so he did, scooting a little closer to you and still maintaining a respectful distance, just to put a hand on your shoulder. To his surprise, you returned the gesture by hugging him, shoving your face in his chest and holding his shoulders. He moved to wrap his arms around your waist, slightly embarrassed you could definitely hear his heart thumping. "I'm... sorry." He patted your head, wanting to kiss it as well, but he knew it would make the moment awkward if you didn't feel the same way. He was satisfied just comforting you, suppressing his feelings if he had to, for being around you took away his ability to strategize. He'd make plans to get you later, he just wanted to enjoy that moment.
"Can you get me a glass of water, please?" You asked softly, letting go of his shoulders, and looking up at him with tired eyes. Eyes just like his. 
"Of course." He said instinctively, getting up from the couch, suddenly realising what the hell he just did. You let out an incredulous laugh seeing his panicked face turn right back around, trying to grab a hold before you could get away. But you were much faster, teleporting to where your client would be before his touch could get you.
Dazai, for the first time in years, felt utterly and entirely thrilled, chuckling to himself as he realised the plan was ruined. He'd have to find another way to carry out the operation. He sat down on the couch, holding his head in his hands, not entirely out of frustration of being fooled by a beautiful tempter, but from how easily he let himself be tricked by you. 
"Atsushi." He spoke into his pager. "Call off the bomb."
"What?! What happened?"
"Change of plans."
*- sorry i laughed so hard
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yurislotusgarden · 10 months
Daily required amount of kisses
ʚїɞ Dazai Osamu x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 373
ʚїɞ a little idea I got after an ask/message from @ruru-kiss! (I hope you don't mind me tagging you here, if you do please tell me)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff with soft Dazai, pet names: Bella, love, Baby, you call him a mosquito but lovingly ofc, reader's gender is not specified in any way
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“Don’t ignore me” 
You sigh. It was the 15th time he called out to you in the past 5 minutes you two were in bed, and you, unfortunately, couldn't in fact, ignore him since you know he won't give up.
“What is so important that you need an answer at-” You look at the clock on the nightstand. “-2:30 am?”
“...Do you still love me?” A whisper right by your ear like an annoying mosquito  (even tho he’s your annoying mosquito).
You turn to your back at that to look at him. “Where did you get the idea that I don’t love you anymore from?” Your confusion was as clear as the sun on the hottest day of the year. God, it’s 2:31 am, you want to sleep.
“67” The brunette’s short answer couldn’t be more confusing.
“67? 67 what?”
“67 kisses, bella.”
“And what’s wrong with those 67 kisses?”
“It’s too little”
“Too little you say?” “Too little”
You sigh, it seems that whatever is wrong with those “67 kisses” he’s speaking of is the ultimate problem here.
“What’s wrong with those 67 kisses? Why is it too little?” You decided to be blunt. You want answers. No answers? No sleep for you.
“It’s less than normal…” It’s dark in the bedroom, but the pout on your menace of a boyfriend’s face is easily noticeable.
“I’m confused love” What is he on about?
“You normally give me at least 80 kisses a day, but you gave me only 67 today!” The pout gets bigger, and oh god it’s hard not to smile. 80 kisses may sound like a lot, and it probably is, but it’s a normal amount when you’re dating Dazai Osamu, the guy who wants kisses, affection, and everything in between every single minute of the day.
“So that’s the problem? I kissed you too little? Does the poor baby need more before going to sleep?”
“Yes, now gimme”
“Alright, Alright, you clingy mosquito”
A gasp. “A mosquito?! And clingy?! You dare call your handsome boyfriend a clingy wasp?!” He looks absolutely betrayed and you certainly didn't see a funnier thing the whole day.
“Yeah, I am” You let the smile out after all this.
“And I definitely will again”
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated <3
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