#daryl x phoenix
phoenixblack89 · 9 months
Chapter 10 - The Secrets We Keep
Well its certainly been a hot minute since I posted a chapter. If ya follow me ten ya know that a unexpected, but otherwise welcome, pregnancy has taken up much of the past year. That whole shebang was very stressful which could b a whole episode of some soap opera with how certain members of my family went on about how I'd end up with post natal depression again and wouldn't cope with 2 kids etc. this person basically can go to hell...
Anyway that's taken up a lot of my energy and as ya can imagine i haven't had time to write or even read anything but I am finally in a place where I have the time, creativity and energy to write again and am already working on the next chapter of this so please keep ya eyes peeled.
As always - page breaker is by the awesome @firefly-graphics
TAG LIST: @lilythemadqueen @autocon23 @archerangel @littlegodzilla @pandora-writes-stuff @boondoctorwho @browneyes528 @darylsgirl @purple-serenity @fandomsaremykryponite
WARNINGS: Shane being a gaint tit, typical TWD gore, character death, foul language
Main Masterlist
Phoenix made her way to the camp fire as her stomach growled loudly. She knitted her eyebrows together in confusion as she saw Maggie shaking her head at Glenn from the porch of the farmhouse. She turned quickly to look his face as he received a nod from Dale. Glenn stood and walked to the centre of camp before he cleared his throat as everyone sat, gaining their attention. 
"Erm.. Guys. So... Barn's full of walkers." His voice quivered out.
"Ya know how to fucking ruin the day before it's begun don't ya Glenn." She scoffed as everyone slowly stared at the Asian man in shock, as he shuffled nervously from foot to foot. 
The group rushed towards the barn where Glenn said the walkers were. Growls and snarls could be faintly heard as the group gathered around the barn. Shane being curious, peered through the gaps in the slats into the dark building then startled back as one growled and lunged towards the smell of fresh meat. The walkers crashed against the door, making the chain rattle as the group took a step back in fright.
"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." He stated, shaking his head and pointing at the barn. 
"No, I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick counted in his soft southern tones. 
"This is our lives!" Shane spat at his friend in anger. 
"Lower your voice." Glenn hissed as the doors gave another shake. 
"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea sighed with a disappointing tone to her voice. 
"I would hate to agree with blondie but... We can't stay with walkers under 100 feet away." Phoenix huffed, pointing at the barn before shrugging. 
"It ain't right. Not remotely." T-Dog input quietly. 
"Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time."
"We can't go." Rick snapped at his friend. 
"Why, Rick? Why?" 
"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol said breathily, giving Shane a look of disgust at such a suggestion. 
"Okay. Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane laughed a little with a strange look in his eyes as he stared down the smaller woman. 
"We're not leaving Sophia behind!"
"I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago!" Daryl growled out, getting angrier by the second as the loud mouth former police man spoke. 
"You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll." The man scoffed. 
"You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"I'm just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours." He half whispered to his former colleague, making sure that everyone else could still hear him. 
"Shane, stop."
"Ye being a dickhead Walsh." Phoenix growled, her hand going to her knife in anger. 
"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction!" Shane snarled into Daryl's face with a look of sheer disgust on his face. Daryl shoved at Shane as his anger got the better of him, causing the group to begin to yell at each other.
"Back off!"
"Keep your hands off me."  Shane hissed at Lori.
"Now just let me talk to Hershell. Let me figure it out." Rick yelled, trying to defuse the situation before it became a fist fight. 
"What are you gonna figure out?!" Shane spat, gesturing to the barn in question. 
"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land."
"Hershell sees those things in there as people... Sick people... His wife, his stepson." Dale spoke quietly, trying to get everyone to calm down. 
"You knew?" Rick gasped at the eldest group member.
"Yesterday I talked to Hershell." Dale said calmly, glancing at the group.
"And you waited the night?"
"I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one." The older man reasoned quietly as Shane glared at him in shocked anger. 
"The man is crazy, Rick, if Hershell thinks those things are alive or no -"
Phoenix scoffed at the noisy group before she walked around the side of the barn and looked up at the ladder. 
A Hayloft?
She glanced back at the rest of the arguing group and made her mind up and picked the torch lying in the grass up before her feet and hands pulled her quickly upwards. The smell made her gag slightly as she nearer the edge of the loft and looked downwards. The groaning mass turned their attention to her, broken and bloodied hands reaching upwards. She flicked on the torch she had grabbed and spun it over the creatures. 
"Oh shit." She gulped as she tried to do a head count. There was more than she expected there to be. How had they all gotten in here without people noticing?
Suddenly the beam of light landed on a smaller figure and her heart stopped.
"God no..." 
She turned and scrambled out of the hayloft and away from the barn as quickly as she could. As she reached camp, she leaned against a tree with her good hand and threw up all she'd eaten the last few hours. Her stomach feeling twisted and her heart completely shattered. 
It had to be her eyes playing tricks. It couldn't be her! It couldn't! Daryl had just found her doll two days ago! She wasn't in the fucking barn! She was simply lost out in the woods. 
No one noticed her throwing up or the tears streaming down her face. She fell to her knees gripping her hair tightly as she sobbed. Her rosaries fell from her shirt and she clutched them tightly in her fist. 
T-Dog was the first to notice the girl, who seemed to be in some distress. He nodded to Daryl and pointed to her. Daryl frowned and shrugged, he still felt guilty and was avoiding her. The most contact between them being when he had dragged her to Hershell. He shook his head at T-Dog and made his way to the house. 
Carl stood and frowned in confusion at Phoenix as she slowly stood. 
"What's wrong with you?" He asked curiously. She glanced down at him and walked away. Her hands itched, she needed to end the poor child's suffering for her mother's sake and the group's. It would destroy Hershell's trust in the group but to hell with that. Living with walkers less than 100 feet of them.
That wasn't going to fly. 
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"Maggie. Hey, Maggie, just talk to me. Hey. Maggie." Glenn panted as he rushed after the girl, who finally paused and turned towards him. 
"Give me your hat." She held her hand out to him. "You said talk to you, I'm talking to you - Give me your hat." Maggie said quietly as Glenn handed her his hat before taking one of the eggs in the basket and placing it into the hat. Glenn looked puzzled for a moment before Maggie forcibly pushed the egg filled hat onto his ebony locks, the broken egg running down his face. 
"Why would you waste an egg like that?" He gasped flicking egg off his forehead. 
"I think it was rotten." Maggie snapped as she walked away. 
"Egg is good for ya hair Glenn. At least you'll have the best hair around here for a while." Phoenix chuckled as she glanced over her shoulder, continuing her way towards the farmhouse before spotting Carol sneaking around near the stables and heading, out of sheer curiosity, in that direction instead. 
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"You can't!"  Phoenix heard Carol call out as she peered round the stable door.
"I'm fine." Daryl puffed out as he lifted a saddle down off the rack. 
"Hershell said you need to heal." 
"Yeah, I don't care." 
"Well, I do. Phoenix does too." Daryl's eyes flicked to the red head at the stable door before focusing back on the saddle. "Rick's going out later to follow the trail."
"Yeah well, I ain't gonna sit around and do nothing. Besides Rick can't track for shit." 
"Seriously Dixon?! You that pig headed that ye can't see ye need t' heal!? Ye really think I'd let Rick go out without me?" Phoenix snapped, her accent changing to a slight Irish lilt, as she entered fully, standing behind Carol and giving him a look. 
"Now ya talkin' t'me? Huh?" He spat in her direction before scoffing. "Mind ya own fucking business!" 
"No, you're gonna go out there and get yourself hurt even worse! We don't know if we're gonna find her, Daryl." Daryl paused and glanced at the grey-haired woman in shock. He couldn't believe he was hearing this from her mouth. "We don't. I don't."
"Carol....." Phoenix breathed in disbelief before glancing at Daryl. 
"Can't lose you too." 
Daryl threw the saddle in anger before clutching his side groaning. Carol rushed to his side and reached out to help but was brushed off.  "Are you all right?" 
"Just leave me be. Stupid bitch." He growled harshly as he limped away. Phoenix wrapped her arm around Carol's shoulders and smiled weakly. 
"He's just sore and upset Carol like a bear with a hangover. Just ignore him." 
"I know. Just wish he understood...." Carol said quietly, slipping out of the embrace and leaving the Brit to stand in the empty stable with her thoughts. 
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"Come on in."
"A little light reading for lunch?" Rick asked, glancing at the bible beside the vet's plate. 
"Been working so hard lately I get my study in where I can." Hershell sighed, placing a bookmark into the holy book before gently setting it down on the table beside his plate.
"You know we can help you out with your work." 
"It's my field to tend." Hershell said quietly.
"We found the barn."
"Leave it be." Hershell said, his eyes not leaving the page. 
"Well, I'd like to talk about it, but either way... your barn, your farm, your say." 
"I don't want to talk about the barn. I don't want to debate." The man said finally looking up at Rick. 
"Not a debate, a discussion." Rick reasoned quietly. 
"I need you and your group gone by the end of the week."
Rick sighed heavily. 
"I talked to Dale. You and I have our differences with the way we look at the walkers. Those people, they may be dead, they may be alive. But my people, us, we are alive right now, right here, right in front of you. You send us out there and that could change."
"I've given you safe harbor. My conscience is clear."
"This farm..." Rick pleaded as he sat down. "This farm is special. You've been shielded from what's been going on out there. Dale said you saw everything happen on the news. Well, it's been... It's been a long time since the cameras stopped rolling." Hershell stood and walked away and Rick rushed after him to continue his plea. 
"The first time I saw a walker it was just half a body snapping at me from the ground. My inclination wasn't to kill it. But what the world is out there isn't what you saw on TV. It is much much worse and it changes you. Either into one of them or something a lot less than the person you were. Please do not... do not send us out there again."
"My wife's pregnant."
Hershell turned away from the window to look at Rick in shock. "That's either a gift here or a death sentence out there. If we were to stay we could help you with the work, with securing this place. We can survive together." 
"Rick, I'm telling you we can't."
"You think about what you're doing."
"I've thought about it." Hershell yelled. 
"Think about it."
"I've thought about it."
"Think about it again. We can't go out there." Rick said as he left the building. Hershell glanced up at Maggie, who turned away from her father. 
"He's right ya know." Phoenix sighed, stepping round the doorframe. 
"Miss Black. What do I owe the pleasure?" Hershell said quietly, standing and entering the kitchen. Phoenix followed slowly and looked at the old vet in quiet confusion.  "Ah... The same as Rick no doubt."
"There's a great deal of shit I've done in the past. You and I both know it. But this...." She scoffed, following as the man left the building. "Why keep it secret? Ya could've told us from the get go" 
"We all keep secrets do we not? You have yours.... You have them to keep you safe... From your group... from Rick and Shane...  I did the same."
"Mr Greene we ain't gonna go in there guns akimbo! This is your land and we'd of respected your decision." She spoke quietly, figuring that yelling would do no good. 
"Not all of you..." The girl nodded and sighed. "You are a woman of faith. I believe those people are sick and that God will deliver them into health again. Have you lost your faith? Do you not have any hope left at seeing the men you wish again?" 
"Faith is a fragile thing these days..."
"My offer still stands, regardless of whether your group finds out your secret. This isn't up for discussion anymore. This is my land. Its been in my family for generations."
"Mr Greene.... There are dead men walking in your barn. And one way or another...  This fucking shit is gonna end real badly."
"The same will happen if your group find out your secret. I'm asking you not to act so I don't have to Amelia..." Hershell said quietly, raising himself to his full height and staring the girl down. 
"If that is a threat, think about your decision sir. Some things need to stay in the dark..." She said quietly before turning away. 
"And some find glory in the light." Hershell said after her, returning to his work. Phoenix bowed her head and walked off slowly towards camp.
Neither noticed a figure step out of the shadows and fold their arms, shocked and a little confused about what they had just heard. 
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"You're a complete bastard ya know that right?" 
Daryl glanced up at the feisty girl in front of him and scoffed. "Don't ignore me arsehole. I'll put ya on ya back and beat some sense into ya." 
"Yea, like to see ya try. Better yet, fuck off away from me." He growled deeply, his eyes daring her to even lay a single finger on him.
"Dixon.... What you said to Carol was outta line! When someone is loosing hope like that... You're supposed to make them find it again. Not blow up at them and hurt yaself!" 
"She's given up... Ain't nothin' gonna change her mind now." He sighed defeatedly. Phoenix crouched down in front of him and lifted his chin to look at her, ignoring his flinch. She smiled sadly at him before nodding slightly. 
"Then maybe... Its up to you to find something to give her that hope again. Anything to give her that little glimmer of light in the dark." Her eyes flicked down at the dried flower near his feet before patting his knee and walking away.
Daryl stood and sighed, watching as she walked towards Beth, who nodded eagerly at her. 
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"Go get your cap. I'll wash it for you, okay?" Maggie said as she pulled dales hat off his head. 
"Do you know what's going on?" T-Dog asked as he walked up to the porch. 
"Where is everyone?" Andrea questioned as she walked beside T-Dog. 
"You haven't seen Rick?" Glenn asked the pair. 
"He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago." Andrea replied softly. 
"Yeah you were. What the hell?" Daryl said as he and Carol joined the group around the farm house stoop.
"Rick told us he was going out." Carol puffed quietly, slightly out of breath from trying to keep up with Daryl's long strides. 
"Dammit. Ain't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail." Daryl snapped, waving his arm in the direction of where he'd found the doll a few days ago. "Oh, here we go."
Daryl walked up to Shane as the man walked towards the collective members of the group with the gun bat slung over his right shoulder. "What's all this?" 
"You with me, man?" Shane asked, holding out a shot gun to the redneck. "Phoenix?" 
"Yeah." Daryl replied, glancing at the Brit as she takes a gun out from the waistband of her pants and twirling it around her finger, as he took the offered shotgun. Shane nodded before turning to the rest of the group. 
"Ya had that all this time?" Daryl asked, cocking his head at the girl, who smirks in reply. 
"Time to grow up. You already got yours?" Shane said to Andrea over his shoulder as he passed by her. 
"Yeah." She said back quickly "Where's Dale?"
"He's on his way." 
"Thought we couldn't carry." T-Dog said confused as a handgun was placed into his palm. 
"We can and we have to. Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't." Shane said pacing in front of the stunned group before turning to Glenn. "How about you, man? You gonna protect yours?" Glenn glanced at Maggie before taking the shotgun from Shane.
"That's it. Can you shoot?" Shane questioned the elder farmer's daughter. 
"Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these gun, my dad will make you leave tonight." Maggie snapped, glaring at the angry man. 
"We have to stay, Shane." Carl spoke up as he walked towards his angry uncle. 
"What is this?" Lori queried as she exited the house and stomped towards the group. 
"We ain't going anywhere, okay? Now look, Hershell, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He... Well, he's gonna have to. Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" Shane whispered as he kneeled down in front of Carl.
"Huh? Now I want you to take this. You take it, Carl, and you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the gun and do it." 
Lori pushed Carl behind her quickly and snarled down at the man for daring to drag her son into the madness. 
"Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make."
"Oh shit." T-Dog exclaimed, his gaze drawn to the edge of the forest and the sight of Jimmy taunting a walker being controlled by a leash. The group all turned and gasped. 
"What is that? What is that?" Shane panted as he took off running towards the trio with walkers on poles got closer to the barn. 
"Shane!" Lori yelled after him as she and the rest of the group followed him. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled bursting though the rusted gate. 
"Shane, just back off." Rick yelled as he corralled the walker he was controlling away from Jimmy. 
"Why do your people have guns?" Hershell snapped, his glare going to the Brit, who lowered her guns and slipped them back into their place. 
"Are you kidding me? You see? You see what they're holding onto?" Shane gestured towards the walkers in disgust. 
"I see who I'm holding onto." Hershell stated, his face a stony mask.
"No, man, you don't." Shane growled angrily, dodging the walkers outreaching fingers as Jimmy ducked away from the others. 
"Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk." 
"What you want to talk about, Rick? These things ain't sick! They're not people! They're dead! Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis! They're gonna kill all of us!"
"Shane, shut up!" Rick yelled over the growls and hisses. 
"Hey, Hershell man, let me ask you something." He asked as he pulled his gun from his waistband and checked the chamber. "Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" Shane hissed before shooting the walker in the stomach. Phoenix flinched at the noise and glanced at the rattling chain as Shane pumped 3 shots into the chest of the walker. 
"No! Stop it!" Rick snapped as he grit his teeth. 
"That's three rounds in the chest! Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?! Why is it still coming?" The angry man shot again and again.
"That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?" Shane shot another round from his clip into the walker. 
"Shane, enough."
"Yeah, you're right, man. That is enough." Shane took the final shot and ended the walker, Hershell dropped the leash and paled. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" Phoenix glanced away from the barn at Shane's words, causing T-Dog to give her a questioning look.
"Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us!" 
"Enough!" Rick snarled, his grip on the catch pole sliding slightly. 
"Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now." 
Shane smashed open the barn doors and backed off quickly as a group of the undead stumbled out. 
"Take the snare pole. Hershell, take the snare pole. Hershell, listen to me, man, please. Take it now. Hershell! Take it!"  Rick pleaded as Hershell stared at the guns pointed towards his friends and family. 
"No, Shane. Do not do this, brother."
"Wait! Don't do it!"  Glenn yelled. 
"Rick!" Lori shrieked. 
Shane ignored everyone's yelling and broke the lock on the doors with a pick axe before throwing them open.
"Come on. Come on, we're out here." Shane taunted, backing away slowly from the barn doors. 
"This is not the way!" 
"Please!" Beth cried out as Patricia wrapped her arms around the girl. 
"Get behind me." Lori whispered, shoving Carl behind her and trying to shield him. 
"Come on." 
The walkers scrambled and growled towards the group.  Phoenix bowed her head as Daryl gave her a glance before raising his gun and taking aim. Tears fell silently down her cheeks as she knew what was about to happen.
Something she could have warned the group about. 
"Maggie." Glenn whispered to the young woman, who was clutching her stunned father as tears flowed down her face too. 
"It's okay."  Maggie whispered and nodded  at Glenn who raised his own shotgun. 
"Stay back!" Rick yelled over the shots as Lori pulled Carl to the ground and hugged him tightly.  
The group panted as the barn doors slowly creaked and a lone figure appeared, blinking at the sudden change in lighting. 
"Sophia?" Carol sobbed, rushing towards the barn to her daughter before Daryl grabbed hold of her around the waist as she collapsed to the ground. "Sophia! Oh no. Sophia. Sophia. No!" 
Lori grabbed onto Carl and pulled him tighter against her as her heart broke for the other mother of the group. Carl sobbed as he stared at his friend's corpse stumbled towards the group. Rick pulled his gun out slowly and aimed at the little girl's head. Silence over took the land as a single shit was heard. 
"Don't watch." Daryl whispered to Carol as she sobbed. 
"Sophia!" Carol wailed as Phoenix turned and ran before her body had even hit the ground. 
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twigg96 · 7 months
Right Here with You
Daryl X Reader
Place: The HIlltop
POV: You
Pronouns: You/ Your/ They/ She/ Her/ Wife
Warnings: Fluffy fluff, Domestic Fluff, Phoenix acting out, Pregnancy, Complications with pregnancy, Birth, anxiety, worry,
Summary: After the Savior's War you find out your unexpectantly pregnant with your third. You and Daryl move through the motions as best you can surviving the best you always do.
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Ever since the Saviors War, you and Daryl had found yourselves visiting the Hilltop more and more. Hershel had just turned one. Phoenix liked to visit and help her auntie Maggie and neither of you minded her using all of her energy doing the mundane tasks Maggie assigned her. Beau was fascinated with the youngster and when you both started to visit after his birth would often be found staring down at him with wide curious eyes whispering imaginative stories to the baby. As time went on however, Beau became strangely clingy to you. You wrote it off as just normal jealousy. That since there was a child younger than him he wanted attention from you he had to make sure you gave him equal treatment.
But strangely enough his behavior persisted for months past when you thought it would stop. Even when you had caught a summer flu that had you down for nearly a week, Beau was clinging to you like a life line. Each time anyone tried to pull him away he screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking and screaming until he could scramble back into your embrace.
So you sat on the wrap-around-porch of the Hilltop with Maggie. She had just finished feeding her little one and handed him to you to hold while she went inside for a quick meeting. Bouncing Hershel on your knee you listened to him happily babble nothingness to you, smiling away. "Is that so?" You whispered back once in a while, giggling as he squealed reaching out with chubby fingers to grab at your face. "Am I interruptin'?" Daryl teased, trudging up the stairs, dripping in sweat, completely filthy from whatever work he had been doing around the Hilltop. "Nah. Just listening to his complaints." You teased back, lifting Hershel up for him to take. Daryl smiled taking the baby from you looking at the baby for a moment. "Ah... he don't look like he's got a lot to complain 'bout... 'sept the mashed peas taste like shit." He laughed as the little one giggled waving his arms around energetically as if to agree with him.
Feeling a soft tug at your shirt you sighed and rolled your eyes. Without even looking down you smiled, reaching down to pat your son on the head. "Well, hello there... how can I help you Beau?" You asked. Beau whined, yanking at your clothes, desperately trying to scale your body and climb into your lap. "Hey... no Beau." Daryl chided, shuffling Hershel in his arms. "C'mon you said ya wanted to come with me ta talk to yer aunt Maggie. So let's go." He muttered. Opening your legs a bit so you could hug your son close you sighed into his hair. "Go on now. Go go keep your Daddy company." You whispered, kissing his crown. But instead of pulling away, you felt him lay his head and his little hands rub your tummy. "I'm so excited, Momma." He giggled. You couldn't help but laugh cocking a curious brow. "Excited for what, baby?" You asked meeting Beau's brilliant blue eyes. "I'm excited for the baby in your belly Momma!" He started and instantly you felt your breath catch in your throat and your skin blanch. Meeting your husband's worried glance you could tell this was news to him too. And why wouldn't it be... you weren't pregnant.
Before you could even speak, Beau had kissed your tummy and pulled away running over to Daryl, holding his hand tightly. "Yeah! There is a baby in your belly like when auntie Maggie had her baby. And when you have him it'll be so cute!" He giggled, bouncing up and down, using Daryl's hand like a spring. "Beau..." Daryl mumbled looking nearly just as sick as you felt. "Who told you Momma had a baby in her belly?" He asked. Your little hellion looked up at Daryl and smiled. "No one... I just know." A wave of nausea crashed over you which absolutely did not help the situation. By the look on your husband's face he felt about the same... ever since the whisperers started to become a problem, none of you ever felt completely comfortable. A new baby... thrown into this... it always was dangerous but now of all times. Right after you just got Daryl back... when you still felt so raw? You felt lightheaded and unsure. But then again it was just something your son said... right?
Standing slowly you turned to the door as it creaked open. Maggie stood smiling, Jesus by her side. "Know what?" She asked, stepping forward holding her arms out to take her son from Daryl. "Momma's got a baby in her belly!" Beau yelled before either you or Daryl could react. Both of the Hilltop residents looked completely shocked, looking from Daryl to you back to Daryl. "Well, congratulations..." Jesus said smirking a slight hint of a tease in his voice. Daryl sighed rolling his eyes as he handed Hershel to Maggie, but you for whatever reason couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, cornered. "We ain't pregnant." You bit out a little too venomously for anyone's liking. Maggie frowned, holding Hershel to her chest. "Well... Judith was my early warning... she told me and..." She went silent looking to the wood of the porch swallowing a lump in her throat. "That's when I first tested ya know." She whispered. Jesus nodded along. "A lot of the children here have predicted pregnancies... if anything you should at least-" But you didn't let him finish, turning on your heel you huffed, holding your middle you stormed down the stairs. "I said I ain't pregnant!"
"Hey!" Daryl's annoyed voice called out to you as you stormed through the fields of the Hilltop. watching as people hulled wood from one place to another. Trailer doors opening and closing as people filed in and out. Hammers working tirelessly at the heavy wooden wall. You only stopped when you felt Daryl's strong fingers wrap around your wrist. "[Y/N]!" He nearly yelled, pulling you to a stop with him. "Hey! God damn it! Stop and talk ta me." He huffed. The world around you felt like it was moving all too quickly but not fast enough. Your chest felt tight and like there wasn't enough air in the world to supply you. Turning to face your husband you shook your head as the first sob rattled you both. "I-I" You got out just as he pulled you close. "Hey..." He whispered into your hair. "Take a deep breath... tell me what's gonin' on in that head of yers." You couldn't help it. You wailed. You made a scene. Clinging to Daryl like a lifeline you let yourself release the tense anxiety that had been drowning you ever since the day Negan took him well over a year ago. And maybe Daryl understood this because he never said a word edgewise. He never tried to move you. He simply let you do what you needed. And as your sobs died down and you were able to formulate sentences you tried your damnedest to make sense. "I- sorry." You started, only to be shushed with a gentle kiss to your temple. "It's alright, don't ever feel sorry baby. Just tell me... what's wrong."
Clutching to his shirt you pulled away looking deep into Daryl's blue eyes. "I just got you back..." You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks. Daryl stayed silent but you could see it written on his face. That shared uncertainty. The fear of losing each other you both experienced. "I'm right here, darlin' girl." He whispered cupping your cheek gently. You nodded, reaching up to mirror him. "I know... I know and I could never be more grateful, Daryl. But..." You closed your eyes feeling the hot tears stream down your cheek only to be swiped away by his calloused thumb. "But, nothin'." He whispered back, taking your wrist in his other hand he turned his head, gently kissing the inside of your palm then your wrist. "I am right here. I'm right here with you. That's all that matters. Ya told me that when I first came home didn't ya?" You nodded staring longingly up at your husband. Daryl smiled kissing your wrist once more before pulling you closer, wrapping your arm around his neck. "Then we'll get through this... no matter what happens. Always do." You blushed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss you sweetly. "Love you, Dare..." You whispered into his mouth. Pulling away he smiled. "I love you more than anything... now lets get you tested."
Staring down at the little pink plus sign you felt yourself shaking and turning pale. Daryl held you close to his chest, his chin resting atop your head. "Mrs. Dixon." Dr. Carson prodded, frowning at the pair of you, pulling gloves over his hands. "I'd like to preform an ultrasound if that's alright? To determine how far along you are." Glancing hesitantly to Daryl, he scanned your face. "Up to you, baby. I'll be with you every step of the way no matter what you choose." He murmured, but there was a sadness to his eyes you could see. You had been strong with every child you bore. Phoenix who had been a complete surprise to you both who were both still just teenagers yourselves. Beau who you could say was planned but in reality was just as big a surprise as Phoenix. Turning to the doctor you nodded. "We can do this..." You muttered hesitantly. Dr. Carson smiled ushering you over to the exam table. "Just lift your shirt a little. We can do an internal later if you feel you need one." He said softly, plugging the machines in and getting the jelly out of the cabinet you just knew would be cold as ice. Jumping onto the side of the table you laid down, wincing away from the coldness of the metal.
"Sorry. Wish I could have a better area but..." the OBGYN sighed as he clicked a few buttons on the machine. Daryl stepped to stand beside you taking your hand he squeezed it reassuringly. Holding the wand high Dr. Carson turned the screen so that the three of you could all watch. "Ready?" He asked, not waiting for an answer as he pressed the wand against your tummy. "Sorry if it's cold." He muttered, fully focused on the screen as it came to life in a bright array of whites and greys. You whined, trying to sit as still as you could for the man as he pressed it harder into your full bladder but you couldn't help but pull away slightly. "I know it's uncomfortable..." Dr. Carson whispered, twisting the wand to the right pressing a few buttons and then to the left. "Alright... moment of truth." He said twisting it downward. You had expected to see a sea monkey or a bean like you had when you found out you were pregnant with Phoenix. Maybe even an alien looking ameba. But if you hadn't been laying down, you would have most certainly fallen to your ass when the doctor showed you both a fully formed, kicking, moving baby inside you. "What the-" You squealed. "Well..." The doctor chuckled. "You're most defiantly pregnant."
Daryl's hand slipped from your own as he stagged back, siting in the chair beside the table staring up at the screen in disbelief and shock. "H-How?!" You whined, gesturing to your flat stomach. You hadn't shown... at all. "Are you asking how you got pregnant? Because if you two need the talk after three kids I might need to put you on a makeshift birth control..." Carson joked, smirking as you glared and wound back to smack him. "No... but seriously." He chuckled, handing you a towel to wipe your stomach off with. "You're having a cryptic pregnancy." He said suddenly becoming serious. "You're lucky we caught it now, even though it's as late as it is. Most women who experience them never find out until they go into labor. Especially now it could lead to a very serious and dangerous birth for you and your baby." He said, rolling the machine away. "You could have gone into labor out on a run... or worse in the middle of escaping the walkers or whisperers.” The doctor said watching your face blanch in horror.
“That’s not to mention the other complications this type of pregnancy causes.” He muttered, tossing his gloves in the bin before grabbing a small clear model of a pregnant torso with a little extendable belly. “What normally happens is that the uterus fills with fluid and falls into place in your pelvis here under your other organs pushing the belly out.” Carson said squeezing the little devise to make the uterus enlarge and the belly grow. “You however,” he said covering the belly and pushing the uterus back in. “Have either grown too strong of abdominal muscles and it is holding your uterus inside. Or during the birth of Beau you tore some vital ligaments and it’s keeping your uterus from having the room it needs to grow. Either way, your uterus is moving all your organs up and out of place.” He pointed to the model and how the little jelly organs moved when he pushed the belly in. Carson went silent for a moment placing the model down before sighing. “There is a higher chance of stillbirth, SIDS, and even higher mother mortality with this type of pregnancy. Due to the strange placement of the uterus and chance of preexisting injury it may be harder to push or even cause the child to get stuck on the pelvis and can require a cesarean. You'll both need to consider your options carefully.” He muttered softly refusing to meet your eyes. “I’m very sorry.” Covering your face you tried not to gag or scream. “Fuck… fuck.” You whispered hot tears rolling down your face.
Guilt washed through you as your breath hitched in your throat. Daryl was by your side in a second, you could feel his calloused hand wrapping around your wrist desperate to move it away from your face. "I-I... I smoked. I drank. I was doing heavy lifting." You whispered desperately, letting your husband pry your hand away. "You didn't know." He countered but you could see the fear swirling in his eyes. Carson nodded. "We do our best with the information we have, [Y/N]." He muttered reassuringly. "Just stay away from the stuff from now on til baby comes." He said in the most cartoony doctor voice you had ever heard. "You can lift things in moderation but I want you here so I can keep an eye on you and monitor your birth... and I really don't want you walking or riding home if you can avoid it. The least amount of danger we can put you in the better. If I had to guess your only a few weeks away from having this little one." He said handing you a picture of your ultrasound. "I'll leave you two alone to talk. Just make sure to lock the door when you leave." He said softly, touching your hand.
Watching the doctor walk out of the makeshift clinic you sighed. Laying your head back on the paper like pillow you sniffled. "Do you know what this means?" You whispered to Daryl, meeting his stormy eyes. He stayed silent scanning your face for an answer. "It means we gotta get Carol to make our son cookies." You whispered a sly smile crossing your lips. Daryl chuckled a smile blooming across his own face. "Scoot over, woman." He laughed shooing you over on the exam table. Laying down beside you, Daryl draped his arm around your body holding you close. "Oh, god we're gonna have to get the nursery ready." You whispered, swiping at your tear stained face. "We are." Daryl agreed, nuzzling his head against yours. "Do we still have Beau's old crib or did we give that away?" You asked, gripping your hair. "It's in the attic." Daryl whispered. "We need new cloth diapers I think we burnt Beau's old ones..." You whined. "We did." Daryl hummed, threading his leg through your own.
You seemed to relax slightly holding the little black and white photo up. Your thumb swiped over the baby in the picture. "I wonder if it'll be a girl or a boy?" You whispered. "As long as both of my girls are healthy I don't care." He hummed. "You don't want another boy?" You asked curiously. "Nah... boys fight. Girls don't do that." He muttered curling in on you. "That's a lie and you know it." You giggled. "Phoenix has kicked boys asses before." You giggled as Daryl let out a satisfied hum. "She better always be that way too." He chuckled. You whined playfully. "Phoenix was a big baby, Daryl. Beau was an even bigger baby." You reminisced. Daryl chuckled. "Yeah, they were." He laughed until you bopped him on the back of the head with the ultrasound photo. "You gave me big ass kids Daryl!" You whined, handing him the picture. "Has ta come from yer side." He hummed, sitting up on an elbow. "Merle said I was a month and a half premature." You stared at him silently for a momet as your fingers carded through his hair. He already told you this... several times before. With Beau when you were as big as a beach ball and when Phoenix was small Merle always commented about how much bigger she was at her age than Daryl was being "unseasonable".
"Do you think we can really do this again?" You asked, turning your gaze from the picture to Daryl. Your husband shrugged. "We gotta try right?" He hummed looking up to you. You nodded, scooting closer to him. "Yeah..." You whispered letting your hand fall to your tummy for the first time. Nothing. Not a kick. Not a flutter. Not even a butterfly. It frustrated you. "You ever hear of a cryptic pregnancy before?" You asked. Daryl hummed moving his hand above yours. "No." You sighed, turning your head away. "Don't do that. This isn't your fault." Daryl whispered. "Yes it is, my body is-" You replied, closing your eyes. But Daryl cut you off. "Darlin' girl." He hummed kissing your neck. "You're perfect and I'll make damned sure everything turns out alright. Ya have my word."
Slowly. Steadily a week passed at the Hilltop. And while you still felt totally normal, you felt the heat the eyes made drilling into the back of your head. Already you were starting to go a little stir crazy inside the walls. You never liked to be confined. Dr. Carson let you stand guard up on the wall with the exception that someone stand with you and you didn’t actively put yourself in danger. Daryl left on the second day after you assured him for the umpteenth time that you weren’t about to have the baby without him. He radioed back from the Kingdom when he arrived. But before he could get a word in edge wise he was cut off by Carol. “Who told you two you could have more munchkins!” She screamed over the radio. “I’m so happy for you two!” You giggled. “Thanks Carol.” “So have you thought of any names yet?” Carol asked seemingly both of you as you heard Daryl’s struggle to get his radio back over the waves. “Not yet C. You’ll be one of the first to know when we do.”
“Do ya know what yer havin’ yet?” Maggie asked softly, walking side by side with you, later the same day. She was carrying half of the wood you would normally carry to the drying rack. You hummed, shaking your head. “Nah. Dare and I always liked it to be a surprise with Phoenix and Beau. Figured we’d keep the tradition with this literal surprise.” You giggled placing the wood down on top of the ever growing pile. “How’d ya know it ain’t twins?” Maggie teased. But the mere thought of it made you choke on your own spit and gasp for air. “Jesus, Maggie don’t put that nasty juju on me!” You wailed wiping away the spit from your chin as Maggie laughed so hard she was bent over her legs clenched to keep from peeing herself. But when your next appointment with the doctor came you couldn’t help but to crane your neck to see the monitor. “Looking for something?” Carson asked. “Making sure there’s not two in there.” You muttered to the doctor who only laughed and shook his head.
As the second week dawned Daryl spent most of his time between the Hilltop, on runs looking for baby supplies, and Alexandria. When he came back he told you all about the preparations he was making to your home. “I moved the crib down from the attic and found some diapers in Beau’s old things so we’re good there.” Daryl muttered taking a bite out of the crab apple he picked up from the ground. “We kept those? Ew.” You whispered making your husband laugh. His strong arm wrapped around you as you walked, pulling you close to him. You could feel his large hand rubbing circles on your flat tummy. “Did you remember to feed Dog before you left?” You asked absentmindedly turning your eyes to the changing colors of the leaves. “Like always.” He hummed. “Do you think he’ll be good with the baby?” You whispered, leaning down to pick up one of the leaves. “He’s always been good with Phoenix and Beau. Don’t see why that would change with this one.” Daryl lied. But you shrugged letting it slide. “Wish I could feel ‘er.” Daryl muttered, his mouth full of apple. “Me too.” You deadpanned.
Little did you know that you would both be wishing for the exact opposite in just a few hours time. It started in the middle of the night. You felt what you thought was fluttering. Maybe gas. But soon that gas became painful and you knew this feeling. Reaching behind you in bed you patted your husband awake. “Baby, I think I’m going into labor.” You whispered tiredly. You giggled feeling Daryl’s strong arms pull you closer to him, his stubble tickling your bare shoulder. “It bad yet?” He asked tiredly, his drawl stronger in the dead of the night. You knew from experience Daryl knew when to panic. That he would understand when it was go time or not. But this was early stages of labor. Simply moving his hand from your chest to your stomach to act as hot water bottle you hummed. “Nah not yet.” You felt his hot breath on your neck as he sighed. “Good. Try and get some more sleep.”
Hours passed. The ache that once felt like cramps radiated to your back uncomfortably but not overwhelmingly painful. You paced back and forth in front of the house trying to ignore the way everyone's eyes were on you. "You could be doing anything other than staring." You tried not to hiss glaring at your husband and two children. Daryl cocked a brow, leaning back on the porch stairs. "What d' ya need me to do?" He asked. Phoenix worriedly watched you from her place beside him. Beau on the other hand was all too interested in the little bug crawling on the wood of the stairs to care. If anyone had a camera and could capture a photograph, in the old world the picture would have sold for millions in the old world. "I want you to stop staring at me. Go find something better to do." You growled. Phoenix sighed patting her father on the shoulder before she stood. "Whatever you say..." She huffed. "but you both should consider getting fixed!" She screamed, kicking a metal bucket full of water over as she walked away. You wanted to yell at her. The hormones throwing a rave in your body were telling you to scream and cry. But instead you took a deep breath trying to breath through the next wave of the contraction crashing through you. Daryl stared at the ground in front of him, biting at the skin around his thumb. "She's j'st worried." Daryl murmured, instinctively wrapping his arm around Beau's waist to keep him from tumbling off the porch, reaching for the flying beetle.
Tears slipped down your cheeks when the pain slowly started to get worse. You had managed to make it back inside to your shared bedroom. Kneeling beside the bed you rocked side to side, Daryl right beside you, his hands on your sides acting as heating pads. "On a scale of one to ten where are you?" He whispered. Your low groan stopped you from answering. "Do you need me to get Carson?" He whispered, daring to kiss your collar bone. Shaking your head you let out a sob. "I-I'm not ready." You whispered. "Yes you are." Daryl whispered kissing the shell of your ear. "You have two beautiful kids and your gonna do great with this one." You sobbed again shaking your head. "W-We didn't even pick a name." You whined, groaning as another contraction ripped you in half. "We'll know when we see her. Just like we did with Phoenix and Beau. We'll know." He whispered kissing your cheek. "Now I'm going to get Carson."
You fucking hated this. You hated Carson looking at you down there. You hated that you were in an uncomfortable bed that smelled of old people and moth balls. You hated that you could hear Greggory screaming about staining the linens from outside your door and Maggie doing her best to keep him from barging in. You hated that your fucking god damn knees were being held up behind your head like a fucking pretzel by Daryl and Jesus. But overall it was the pain you hated most. With Phoenix it hurt, sure but you were drugged up for the bottom of the ninth so you didn't feel it after they kicked in. With Beau the pain was more from the ripping when he came too fast for your body to adjust. But with this one... the pain was different and overwhelming. Bearing down just as Carson instructed you pushed with all your strength. Sweat dripped down your face. You tried not to scream or moan. Carson said it was it was a waist of energy. But when it became too much for you to bare you couldn't help it. As the contraction ended you gasped, slumping against the pillows behind you. "Doin' great darlin' girl. Just keep fighting. Don't give up." Daryl breathed, rubbing your thigh, lovingly. Jesus on the other hand looked like he was about ready to be sick. "Y-Yeah..." He managed to get out. "Just... do that."
Before you could manage an answer you could feel another contraction ebbing its way up your spine. "Fuck..." You whimpered. "You're so close to crowning, [Y/N]. Just keep it up." Carson praised, reaching up to help pull you forward and help you to bare down. Holding tight to your thighs you moaned beginning to push with Carson's encouragement. "There you go! There's the head!" Carson yelled, moving his hands down. Jesus paled, turning completely towards the wall. But Daryl... Daryl moved so that he could see his baby being born. His face lit up in a way you had only seen happen two times before. With one more good push you felt it happen. At first there was silence. You were too afraid to breath. You could see Carson moving swiftly below you, grabbing towels and wet cloths. You could see him rubbing the baby's back. "C'mon." he whispered. And suddenly you had a whole new fear as the men holding your legs let them down gently. But when you watched the little baby twitch and heard the sudden inhale followed by the tiny most perfect cry you had ever heard a baby make you couldn't help but sob. Handing you the wriggling bundle Carson smiled. "It's a girl." He whispered. You sobbed, moving the little blanket from her face. "She's beautiful." You whispered watching Daryl cut her cord. "She's so tiny." Daryl replied holding out his finger to his tiniest daughter who instantly grasped it in her hand. "Lilybeth?" You whispered looking to Daryl. "Nah, don't sound right..." He hummed, caressing your daughter's cheek with his thumb. "Lilian?" He offered making you smile. "Perfect. Lilian Beth Dixon." He smiled kissing you then her head. "Now c'mon. let's get you cleaned up, momma."
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raewritesfiction · 19 days
Pillow [Daryl Dixon x Female!Reader]
A/N: based on this…
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Plot: Daryl walks in on you humping your pillow and offers an alternative.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Pillow jumping, face riding, language.
[[ Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from tags; no questions asked ♥️ likes are amazing however I really appreciate Reblogs to help spread my writing further! Thank you 🌈😘]]
Tag List: @thegreatlarryfisherman @iraniq @snewsome756 @vikkikrash @amelia-in-w0nderland @pandaliciouz @crispyimagines17 @marie-is-blogging @bonniebird @nutinanutshell @louise-buchan @differentcatcat @madsadgenius @sycochick @kcthescreamqueen @phoenix-is-closer-to-the-edge @charlottewatkinsblog
The week had been tough and you needed release; you’d barely been able to wait until you were back in the seclusion of your shared house, knowing he wouldn’t be back for another couple of hours meant you had plenty of time.
You hadn’t closed your door because you didn’t want to waste the time and you’d started out fully clothed, rubbing over your pants, undoing the buttons and zip and dipping into the material to feel yourself and then slowly you’d stripped down to nothing, rocking your hips on a particularly firm pillow you’d cleaned up and repurposed.
You were so far into the feelings flushing through you that you didn’t hear him come back; your small moans wouldn’t escape the house but he heard them and quietly walked up the stairs; missing the two that squeaked.
Daryl stood watching you; your back to him as you rocked on the pillow and gasped, your hands moving over yourself and teasing your nipples. He watched as your head dropped back and you moaned a little louder. He discovered it was music to his ears and silently stepped into your room, placing his hands on your hips making you jump.
“Oh Jesus fuck!” You squealed and turned, panting. “Oh god! Fuck I…”
“Sweetheart… you’re far too pretty to be humpin’ your pillow… how about ya use my face instead?” His voice is low, rough from probably chain smoking through the morning and riding for the runs. His eyes are blown and he can’t take them off of you, you couldn’t decide if it was your ass or tits that held his attention as he squeezed at his crotch.
How long had he been stood there? What had he heard and seen? Why did the idea of him watching you like that turn you on so much more?
You run a hand through your hair and blink, sure you’d imaged what Daryl would feel like inside you but you’d never thought anything would come of it. He always kept to himself; his emotions especially so and he’d never given any indication he was interested. Had he? He did like being close to you and when you were told you’d have to share a house Daryl was quick to say he had a spare room; unlike many of the other houses.
“Uh… y-yeah… I mean I… we…” you stutter, failing to make a complete sentence.
Daryl crawls onto the bed and lays down, licking his lips and letting his eyes wander over you “c’mon baby doll.” His arms spread out for you to crawl onto him.
You move on the bed and do so, hovering over his mouth “c’mon… if I die I die… no better way to go out.”
You blush crimson and slowly lower to his mouth, rolling your hips a little as his tongue makes contact with you. Daryl’s hands gripped you and pulled you down fully onto his face, making him moan as he took in your scent and taste. His lips suck over you while his tongue explores every fold of your wet pussy; he mumbles and circles on your swollen clit, closing his lips over you and sucking in pulses while you rock your hips and find your rhythm.
There was no doubt his mouth felt so much better than the pillow and his hands on your skin felt electric.
“Tease yerself baby…” he hums and looks up at you, watching your hands move to your tits and massage, knead, pinch and pull. He moans as he watches you and rocks his hips in time with yours. Daryl groans and swirls his tongue over you messily, switching between kissing, sucking and licking you. His tongue pushes inside you and he expertly twists and curls it before moving back to your clit.
You pant and whine, careful not to be too loud as the houses were in disrepair and not as sound proof as they should be.
You reach a hand down into Daryl’s hair and he moans low against you, reaching his hand down to his pants and undoing them with ease to reach inside.
“Don’t stop…” you whisper and grind your hips down onto him.
“Good girl, ride my face…” he sucks over you again and watches you writhe; his hand wrapping around his free cock and jerking in rhythm with your movements.
Soon you were both panting and moaning out, louder than intended but it just felt so fucking good that you couldn’t help yourselves. Daryl twists his hand and tightens his grip, speeding up as your hips move faster and buck on his face. You gasp and pant harder “fuck… fuck Daryl…!”
He takes this to mean continue what he’s doing and sucks harder on your clit, pulsing around you while bucking and twisting his hips to his hand.
“Cum fer me…” he speaks against you “cover me…” his tongue flicks quickly and you grip his hair a little tighter, doubling over as you call out with release, he keeps licking and sucking over you making you tremble and babble. Daryl moans low and sucks hard on you with his own release shortly after; slowing both his hand and his mouth to a stop and helping you lay down beside him on the bed.
You lay panting, a hand running over your face and up into your hair “Jesus Christ!”
Daryl kisses you, his lips, tongue and scruff slick with your wetness. You kiss him back hungrily and moan at the taste of yourself on him.
“No more ridin’ pillows…” he speaks low, “Yer always welcome to ride me instead.”
You nod and chuckle “I didn’t realise it was an option until now.”
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deansapplepie · 2 months
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Marchweres Day 4 - 5
Prompt: Cursed, Finding out
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: non-sexual nudity, werewolf shifting, mentions of being sick, bruises and cuts, probably ooc Remus lil angsty but ends fluff. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: I’m only writing for Daryl Dixon since last year, but there are ages that I have an idea about Remus and Sirius’ sister, but the idea is not this story I’m publishing now, but maybe they can be in the same world and that can be just the start. Remus is 20 in this one, therefore that’s why I’m using Andrew Garfield to represent him. I hope in the future I can bring “old” Remus here.
Not proof read.
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It was dark times, the dark lord and his followers were unstoppable, killing and torturing muggle born and half-blood wizards and witches. You were part of the Order of The Phoenix and very often you’d need to reunite with all the others to talk about the next plans or missions.
The last thing your older brother wanted was for you to be involved in this, but both of you were already deep on it, being children of pure blood wizards that agreed to everything the dark lord was doing… Gods, you even had cousins that were death eaters. Being a Black wasn’t easy, specially when you were everything your family despised. At least you could stay at home, opposite as Sirius that was kicked out by your parents. There were still Regulus, but he was one of them… or at least you thought.
You pretended to not be involved in any of this, that you were in neither sides. You tried to be discreet so yours parents wouldn’t suspect. You were 18, had just gotten out of Hogwarts a year ago, your brother and his friends being 2 years older than you, the last years in Hogwarts were a little bit tedious to be honest. They were also your friends, and you missed their chaos all around the school, but now you could see them more often… specially because of the order pf the phoenix meetings.
Speaking of it… you noticed that he wasn’t in the last reunion. Remus wasn’t there, and by what you knew he wasn’t sent in any mission. You even asked Dumbledorre just to be sure, and he answered you with a smile and a mischief in his features that he didn’t. As soon as you got home you sent Remus an owl, asking if he would be home, you’d pay him a visit. The truth was, you had a crush on him, since you were 11 and as you got older is just became bigger and bigger, besides being one of your dearest friends, he always refused your investments and you never really understood. Of course he went out with other girls, but he never dated any of them, he looked you with so much tenderness that you thought it was impossible he didn’t like you back like you wished. But he didn’t. Remus looked at the world like this, he was someone so smart and good, and it was clear he struggled with something, but even like this he always looked at the world with love.
Some hours later you received an answer from him, a simple answer.
‘Don’t come, I’m sick.’
Did he really believe it would stop you from going to see him? Now, you NEEDED to see him. Why being all by himself, if he could have someone taking care of him? You changed your clothes, found some chocolate you had stored in your room and then apparated to his small cottage in the middle of the woods. His reclusion was too much sometimes, but that was your opinion and if he was happy like this, what were you supposed to do.
You walked to the front door and knocked on it. It was taking a while for him to open it and you were almost entering the house to see if he was good.
“What are you doing here?” You got startled by the angry voice that was normally so calm and contained.
“You said you are sick. I came to check on you.” You held the bag with chocolates firmly in your hands.
“I told you to not come…” he said greeted teeth.
The sky was getting darker and darker, soon the moon and the stars would appear.
“You shouldn’t be alone when you’re sick.”
“You shouldn’t be…” He started to say, but was cut by a wince of pain.
“Rem… what are you feeling? How can I help?” You touched his arms in comfort for his pain.
Another grunt of pain, he nearly snarled and stepped in your direction making you walk backwards. He put his hand in the door behind you. The moon was now high in the sky, a beautiful full moon, it would have been nice to appreciate it with him if he wasn’t feeling bad.
“You shouldn’t have come!” He looked in your eyes , a hint of insanity on it… his face, it looked different. His nose seemed more pronounced than the normal, his ears more pointer… “Leave.”
“Rem, I don’t… understand.” You were scared, what was happening. If you didn’t know any better…
“LEAVE!” You were static, you had never seen him this aggressive. He wasn’t like that.
He pushed himself away from you, going to the middle of the patio. You couldn’t move as you watched him curve himself in pain as his body changed.
“Go! Go inside!” You didn’t move, you couldn’t as you watched your friend turning into a werewolf.
When the change finished and he howled at the moon, was the moment you woke up from your trance. You turned around and opened the door getting in. You locked the door behind you and observed as he disappeared into the woods.
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You didn’t notice when you fell asleep… you kept sat by the window observing the darkness worried about him. You glanced at the sky a few times observing the moon and the stars, and at some point you fell asleep.
You woke listening to soft knocks on the door. You opened your eyes, the morning light blinding you. When you looked around you and noticed you were not home, you came back to your senses. ‘Remus’, you thought.
You ran to the door, opening it as quickly as you could. When you opened you were faced with an exhausted naked Remus, he had some cuts on his skin and you couldn’t care less the man you loved was naked in front of you, your priority was to take care of him. The look on his hazel and eyes were heartbreaking, you tried to get to him and help him inside, but he entered without your help avoiding contact with you.
Before you could say anything to him, he started to talk. “Are you happy now that you know my secret? You couldn’t stay away when I told you to. Now you know I’m a monster! Someone cursed with lycanthropy, a danger to everyone around.”
“Remus… you’re not a monster.” You said, taking a blanket from the couch and wrapping it around him. “You’re just Remus. This isn’t something you choose because you’re evil, I don’t know the story, I just found out, but I know it was probably an accident.”
“Aren’t you disgusted? Aren’t you afraid of me? I could hurt you.” He observed while he studied your face. Now that man speaking sounded more like your Remus, he wasn’t angry anymore, at least not as much as he was before. He seemed relieved, calm… sorta worried, but just Remus.
“I would never have any of these negative feelings towards you. I know you since I was eleven, we’ve known each other for years. I know you aren’t evil. You’d never hurt me, till the last minute you were trying to tell me to go to safety.” You got closer to him, your hands cupped his face while you saw all the bruises and cuts he had. You ran your fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes at such tenderness. “Do the boys know?”
“Yes.” He confirmed and opened his eyes. “Don’t fight them, I asked them to not tell you.”
“You shouldn’t. If I knew, I could have been preparing Wolfsbane potions for you. It would be a little better for you of you could keep your human mind when you changed. You know I’m good at it, I can do it.”
“I’m sorry, I was afraid you’d be scared of me and wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore.” He trembled a little effect of his shifting and the long night he had.
You directed him to the sofa and made him sit. “I’d never not like you or be scared of you.” You stood in front of him and caressed his cheek. “Take some rest, I’m going to make something for you to eat. If you eat everything, I may give you the chocolate I brought for you.” You smiled at him and curved to give him a kiss on his face. His heart skipped a beat, he had had a crush on you for ages, but even with your brother telling him he should make a move and date you, he’d never put you on that risk, not even now that you knew everything. For him, having your sweet friendship was already enough…
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
mdni banner by @cafekitsune
Cute paw divider by @lazyneonrabbitt
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wade-winston-wilson · 1 month
Hey there, my name's Air! My pronouns are she/her and I'm 25 years old. I'm writing a refresh of my previous RP post to pin to my blog, since I have new stuff to add :) Anyways, please DNI if you're younger than 21. (AM NOT REPLACING MY CURRENT PARTNERS, BC I LOVE YOU ALL! Just looking for more (: ) A little about me: I work weekdays but I generally try and get replies out as fast as I can. I can write easily anywhere from 100 words to 1,000, depending on what length we decide we'd like to do. I am very flexible in that regard! Reply length doesn't really matter to me as long as I've got something to grab hold of and reply to. That being said, I definitely prefer novella/multi-para style RP. I write third person, present tense, BUT you can definitely write past tense if you prefer; I don't really care if the tenses are different. I like to chat ooc and have lots of fun musing, as well. I'm gonna list my fandoms and ships down below. I know that some are SUPER niche, so I don't really expect any hits for those but LOL--gotta try.
(There will be a ☆ next to the ships I really wanna do; characters I'd like to write will be bold, otherwise I have no preference.) SHADOWHUNTERS: • JIMON (Jace x Simon) MARVEL: • CABLEPOOL (Cable x Deadpool) ☆ • SPIDEYPOOL (Andrew!Spidey x Deadpool) • WINTERPANTHER (Bucky x T'Challa) ☆ • BRUTASHA (HULK x Black Widow) • DEADDEVIL (Daredevil x Deadpool) • CHERIK (Magneto x Professor X) • FRATT (Punisher x Daredevil) • BENREED (Reed x Ben; F4 2015) • SYMBROCK (Venom x Eddie) • LOGURT (Nightcrawler x Wolverine) TOP GUN: • ICEMAV (Iceman x Maverick) ☆ • HANGSTER (Hangman x Rooster) ☆ • HOLLYWOLF (Hollywood x Wolfman) ☆ • HANGMAV (Maverick x Hangman) • BOBNIX (Bob x Phoenix) THE WALKING DEAD: • JAARON (Aaron x Jesus) ☆ • DARSITA (Rosita x Daryl) • SHARICK (Shane x Rick) PACIFIC RIM: • MALEIGH (Mako x Raleigh) ☆ STAR TREK: • MCKIRK (McCoy x Kirk; AOS) ☆
STAR WARS: • STORMPILOT (Finn x Poe) ☆ • REYLO (Rey x Kylo) ☆ • HANDO (Lando x Han) ☆ • DINLUKE (Din x Luke) ☆ • KYLUX (Kylo x Hux)
YU Y U HAKUSHO: • KURAHI (Kurama x Hiei) ☆ • KUWAMESHI (Kuwabara x Urameshi) • YUSUHI (Yusuke x Hiei) INUYASHA: • INUKOGA (Inuyasha x Koga) PIXAR'S CARS: (IK, IK.) • McQueen x Mater (Human AU's) ☆ • McQueen x Francesco (Human AU's) ☆
I do not double! I only RP CC x CC (and oc x oc, but I'm not looking for that atm). We can write multiples of the fandoms listed above, too (: I don't mind at all! I love having lots of threads w/ partners.
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mach1art · 10 months
my name is candy aka liam. he/him. 29.
scorpio. infp-t. nd. artist. writer. roleplayer. thomas hagan's finest lawyer.
welcome to my blog. 🤡🔥 pls read before you follow me. thanks.
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❗ byf ❗
🚫 no minors, no antis, no hate period or i'll block you if i catch any drama or harassment. i am anti-anti and don't believe in censorship when it comes to fiction.
this is a safe space for multishippers and proshippers. block me if you don't like it idc.
main fandoms:
stranger things
silent hill (mainly the room)
dead by daylight
the quarry
resident evil
misc. horror survival ps2 titles
machine girl
alex g
the garden
childish gambino
tyler the creator
steve lacey
neon indian
tame impala
toro y moi
ships i adore: stommy, tomgrove, keg boys, harringrove, teddie, stonathan, munver, harringsmith, henry townshend x walter sullivan, cleve, nick furcillo x jacob custos
characters i love: tommy hagan, billy hargrove, steve harrington, carol perkins, heather holloway, jason carver, kurt kunkle, walter sullivan, henry townshend, heather mason, steve burnside, piers nivans, kevin ryman, leon s. kennedy, quentin smith, nick furcillo, negan smith, daryl dixon, simon (dinner in america), william birkin
cool real people: matt stephenson, fletcher shears, chester rushing, donald glover, joe keery, dacre montgomery, norman reedus, kyle gallner, river phoenix, chaz bear, lil nas x, tyler the creator, steve lacey
video games:
(i will add to this if i think of it or get into anything new.)
other handles:
twitter 🔞
discord: dm me (moots only)
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lunagb · 9 months
A Plague of Sleet and Rot (ASoIaF x The Walking Dead fanfic)
CHAPTER 6: Phoenix
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Summary: Jon Snow awakens on a highway outside Atlanta, Georgia with only faint fleeting memories of his last day on the wall. This totally alien world shocks him to his core but he's given a beacon of guidance through it when he spots a man on a horse approaching him. Together Rick Grimes and Jon Snow will set out, looking for Rick's lost family and Jon's lost land. After all, The Wall needs its Lord Commander.
Chapter Summary: The group is let into the CDC by Edwin Jenner. Inside, they discover a paradise of running water, food, electricity and all the luxuries of the modern world. To the others, it's home. To Jon, it's anything but.
Time Frame: Atlanta Arc - Post Rick’s Coma
Featured Characters: Jon Snow, Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Andrea, T-Dog, Daryl Dixon, Shane, Carl, Carol, Sophia, Dale, Edwin Jenner
Warnings: Implied sexual assault, Graphic bloody violence, vivid descriptions of gore, attempted suicide
[Art above is a piece by Art.of.Azrael. You can support them here: https://linktr.ee/Art.of.Azrael ]
Any notes are appreciated!
For a moment, Jon was but a statue. The blinding light consumed his world. It locked his joints. It demanded his gaze. But then, the moment passed and reality made itself known.
“Move! Inside, everyone!” Rick bellowed.
Guns raised, Rick, Shane and Daryl stormed the building in a three-pronged charge. Jon turned to the rest of the group. They looked at him with pale faces, all of them frozen on the spot.
“Quickly, come on.” Jon extended his hand to Dale.
Dale gave a shaky nod.
He took Jon’s hand and hurried inside. As soon as Dale moved, so did everybody else. Jon, Ghost and T-Dog stood guard as the others hurried inside. T-Dog fired the last rounds of his shotgun into the encroaching hoard and Jon readied Longclaw. Ghost gave a silent snarl. A heat burned in Jon’s flesh as the hoard looked about ten or so paces from reaching them. Jon checked over his shoulder. The group were safely inside.
“Now us,” Jon said.
T-Dog nodded and the two of them, followed by Ghost, hurried inside.
As soon as they passed through the door another impossibly loud horn blared and the shutters slammed shut. Inside, the CDC was just as enormous as outside. Its glass walls loomed high above them, tinted to such a degree that the outside world was but a shadow. The wailing cries of the dead were muffled behind the glass. The floor – tiled and white – stretched out in all directions to create an expansive, empty, interior courtyard. A staircase led both up to the upper levels and down into the ground. The smallest sound echoed around as a booming bellow. Cautiously, Shane and Daryl crept further into the enormous, abandoned space, guns raised while Rick looked about with a grimace.
“Hello?!” He shouted. “Where is everybody?”
Jon stayed close to the others as they huddled by the shutters.
“Is anyone hurt?” Jon asked.
“All good,” Glenn said.
“The children are okay,” Carol said.
“Nobody’s bitten,” Dale said. “Thank God.”
Jon glanced at Ghost. If he was injured, his fur was far too filthy to tell. It was then, in the uneasy calm, that Jon remembered Carl. He found him by Lori’s side, stiff and trembling. Jon marched up to him.
“Don’t ever do that again, lad. It was stupid. You could have died.”
“I-I know.”
“What did he do?” Lori stepped in front of Carl.
“He broke away from me and tried to run to the front line,” Carol said.
“A walker seized him but Ghost saved his life,” Jon said.
Lori’s nostrils flared and she spun around. Carl retreated but Lori snatched his wrist.
“This isn’t a movie. You’re not a hero. You’re eight. You need to know your limits. Don’t you ever do something so stupid again, you hear me?!”
Carl nodded rapidly. Lori let go of his wrist and held out her hand.
“Hand it over.”
“But mom-”
“Now! Your gun. Hand it over. Your holster too.”
Carl’s lips trembled as he handed them over.
“When do I get ‘em back?”
“When I say.”
Lori turned on Jon.
“Your wolf really saved him?”
“He did.”
Jon placed his hand on Ghost’s head. Ghost stared at Lori, lazily. Gingerly, Lori touched Ghost’s head.
“Thank you, Ghost, again.”
Ghost’s tail wagged. Giggling echoed around the abandoned space. Sophia punched Carl lightly on the arm.
“Dummy,” she said.
Carl grinned sheepishly. For a moment, Jon saw Arya punching Bran. Jon chuckled. Instantly, Sophia’s eyes snapped to him. She scowled and scurried behind Carol’s legs. Sophia glared at Jon with a fierce, wrathful gaze. Ghost bared his fangs at her and she hid fully. A strange child, Jon thought.
The cocking of a gun echoed.
“Anyone infected?!” A stranger’s voice shouted.
An unwashed man in a dirty t-shirt and jeans stood at the top of the downward staircase pointing an automatic rifle at them. At once, every gun in hand was pointing at him. Jon stepped in front of Lori and Carl, and Ghost moved in front of him with bared fangs.
“One of our group was. He didn't make it,” Rick’s rifle was ready at his shoulder but not raised.
“Why are you here? What do you want?”
“A chance.”
“That’s asking an awful lot these days.”
“I know.”
The man looked around at the terrified faces of the group. They lingered on Ghost. The man squinted and cocked his head before shaking it. He lowered his automatic rifle and stepped forward.
“You all submit to a blood test. That’s the price of admission.”
“We can do that,” Rick said.
The man nodded and flipped on the safety of his gun. Rick lowered his rifle fully and the rest of the group followed suit. Rick stuck his hand out to the man.
“Rick Grimes.”
“Doctor Jenner,” the man muttered.
He stiffly shook Rick’s hand and led the group down the stairs. A question burned in Jon’s mind.
“What is a, ‘blood test?',”
Doctor Jenner led them into a room so strikingly bizarre it utterly baffled Jon beyond belief. As large as any high lord’s grand hall, the room towered above Jon’s head and stretched out in every direction for hundreds of paces. All was steel. The floor. The walls. The ceiling. It was all steel. Rust lined the square tiles of the floor, the tangled mess of pipes among the ceiling and the corners of the many doorways lining the walls. But among the rust and steel, a halo shined. A ring of glowing lights hung from the ceiling in the centre of the room above a raised, rusted, steel platform. Tables, chairs and desks lined the platform; half were flipped over. Machines, big and small – the purpose of which Jon hadn’t a clue – were clumped together in the centre of the platform. Around the platform, on the steel floor, more steel tables as well as countless sheets of paper were scattered about. The air was odourless and stale; as if it didn’t exist at all.
It seemed as if even this spectacle was peculiar to the sensibilities of this world as Rick and the others joined Jon in marvelling at the space. The only one, besides Doctor Jenner, who didn’t seem bothered by it all was Ghost.
“Wait here,” Doctor Jenner said.
He left the group, ascended the platform and rifled through a desk draw. Jon put aside his disbelief and studied the space more closely. Several doors led out from the main room, most small, designed for one or two people to pass through. All except the door they’d originally passed through. It was as large as a castle’s entrance and had a striped, yellow and black perimeter. A window was on the far wall of the large room. Beyond the glass, Jon spied a scorched room. It was as if a dragon had sneezed on it. Above the window, a six-digit series of glowing numbers were counting down. They read, ‘12:10:03,’.
A moment later, Doctor Jenner returned with a tray of plastic tubes and thin metal things.
“Docs always go packin’ heat like that?” Daryl pointed to Doctor Jenner’s gun.
“I familiarised myself.”
Doctor Jenner sat at a steel table and began organising his tray of thin, metal things and pairing them with a plastic tube each.
“Are we underground?” Carol asked.
“Claustrophobic?” Doctor Jenner asked.
“A little.”
“Try not to think about it.”
“What is this place?” Jon asked.
“The control room.”
“And that room?” Jon pointed to the scorched room. “What happened?”
“Let’s save the questions until after the blood test, shall we?”
Jon smothered a thousand questions hammering the inside of his skull. All but one. The others joined Doctor Jenner at the table and started to roll up their sleeves. Doctor Jenner raised an eyebrow at Jon.
“Afraid of needles?”
“Why would I be afraid of sewing needles?”
“You still need to do the blood test, even if you are. It’s protocol. Even your wolf.”
Doctor Jenner approached Rick with one of the metal things and stabbed his arm with it. Rick flinched but showed no sign of offence. Doctor Jenner pulled back on the metal thing’s plastic plunger and blood filled the plastic tube. Jon took a step back. Of all the magic of this world, Jon could have never imagined blood sorcery would be used.
“What is this? What purpose could you have with our blood?”
“Kid, it’s just a blood test. Sit down.”
Rick glanced at Jon, frowned and then whispered something to Doctor Jenner. Doctor Jenner gave Jon a queer look.
“I’m taking your blood to make sure you’re not infected. A machine up there.” Jenner pointed to the raised platform, “It’ll analyse it for any traces of the Wildfire virus. That’s what we call the disease.”
As bizarre as it all was, and despite half of those words making little sense, Jon supposed if the others weren’t bothered by it all, it must be safe enough. So he sat. After all, this world had shown him stranger things. Cautiously, Jon rolled up the sleeve of his coat. Doctor Jenner paused as he was met with Jon’s mail. He shrugged and slipped the needle through the gaps in the mail. As Doctor Jenner drew Jon’s blood, Ghost bared his fangs at him.
“It’s okay, Ghost.”
Ghost calmed but his gaze stayed hard.
“It’s got a name?” Doctor Jenner asked.
“I named him myself.”
“So you raised him?”
“Since I was a lad.”
“And what kind of dog is he? Or wolf?”
“A direwolf.”
Doctor Jenner frowned.
“Impossible. Direwolves have been extinct for thirteen-thousand years.”
“Yet, here one sits.”
Although understandable, Jon had tired of the endless questions of him. Doctor Jenner placed the tube of Jon’s blood with the others as he marvelled at Ghost. He gestured to Ghost with a new needle.
“May I?”
“If you must. Although I must warn you, he won’t like it.”
Doctor Jenner approached Ghost with the needle. Ghost bared his fangs at him.
“Is he mute?” Doctor Jenner asked.
Jon knelt beside Ghost and stroked his fur.
“It’s okay. Let him do what he must.”
A coolness washed over Jon and Ghost lay on the floor. Doctor Jenner approached Ghost from behind and stuck the needle in his lower back. Ghost didn’t so much as flinch as the needle drew his blood. Once filled, Doctor Jenner held the tube up to the lights. A faint smile crossed his lips but it was fleeting. He placed Ghost’s blood amongst the others, keeping it separate and carried the tray up to the platform.
“Where is everyone?” Rick asked. “The other doctors? The staff?”
“I’m it.”
“A single man is in charge of controlling all diseases?” Jon asked.
“Now, yeah. I suppose.”
Doctor Jenner set aside Ghost’s blood and placed the other tubes into a small, square machine. He pressed a few buttons and the machine began to make a whirring sound.
“What happened? The rest of the nerds get spooked?” Daryl asked.
“More or less.”
Doctor Jenner rejoined them by the table.
“Alright, follow me. Living quarters are this way. Take a shower, all of you. You stink.”
Glenn gasped.
“You have showers?”
“Yeah. Just keep it under five minutes. Hot water uses the generators.”
That seemed to brighten everyone’s mood as they all hurried to their feet and followed Doctor Jenner to a doorway on the other side of the room. Jon followed too, cautiously. Not all was right, Jon knew. An untold truth had poisoned this sanctuary.
Jenner guided the group through a series of long, carpeted corridors lined with wooden doors. Each door had a triple-digit number and a brass knob. The air was sweeter, smelling somewhat of lemons, although not quite. The smell burned Jon’s nose the way perfume did but still felt somewhat different. It reminded Jon of the lads back in Atlanta and their white building of ancient men and women.
“There’s enough rooms for all of you, so take your pick. They lock from the inside, but not outside. Down this hall there’s a rec room and down here is a kitchen and dining area,” Jenner said.
“And the showers?” Glenn asked.
“In your rooms.”
The group chattered excitedly amongst themselves as they picked their rooms. Jon stayed with Jenner.
“Your fellow Doctors, why would they leave such a place?”
“They were scared.”
“So scared they abandoned the one place that might keep them safe?”
“They had families.”
“Why not return with them?”
Jenner scowled and marched past Jon back to the control room.
“If you’re hiding the truth, I suggest you tell me now rather than later, Doctor,” Jon said.
“Go take your shower, kid.”
Jon sighed and looked at Ghost. His otherwise white fur was matted, filthy, and brown. Jon was much the same. Ridding himself of the stink constantly laying siege to his nose could only help him think clearer.
“Come on, Ghost. Let’s bathe.”
Ghost cocked his head.
Jon selected an unclaimed room. The room was modest in size but lavishly furnished. Perfectly clean carpet. Spotless, white walls. A ceiling lamp made of frosted glass. Uniformly carved, wooden furniture. A cushioned seat. A bed adorned with finely sewn and dyed linens. Even Queen Shireen would have been comfortable in such quarters. Jon opened a door into a small, tiled room. Inside was a mirror, a basin and an odd, glass cage. Its four, clear walls created a space inside big enough for one, maybe two people to stand inside. Its floor slanted into the centre to a small, round drain. Two metal knobs were attached to the wall and a metal spout of sorts stuck out around head height.
Cautiously, Jon opened the glass cage’s glass door, twisted a knob labelled, ‘hot,’ and a stream of water rushed from the overhead spout. Jon only stared in disbelief for only a moment before accepting it and deciding not to question it. He twisted the cold knob too and let the water run as he undressed.
Ghost ventured inside the shower and sat beneath the water looking quite pleased. The rot corrupted the water, turning it brown. Jon carefully lay his clothes and gear out on the floor and joined Ghost. As warm as a hot spring, the water soothed Jon’s rot-crusted skin. It washed the blood and guts from his hair and beard, and rid Jon of his putrid stench. The blissful heat forced a sigh from Jon and a smile to creep across his lips. Jon knelt beside Ghost and scrubbed the rot from his fur as he allowed himself to indulge in a moment of comfort. Beneath Ghost’s fur, Jon felt several scars. The same sort that riddled Jon’s chest. They covered Ghost from neck to hind legs. Jon’s stomach churned as he imagined how many of his brothers must have fallen trying to slay Ghost. A dozen most like, possibly more. All he could do was hope Ghost had given them quick deaths.
Once he and Ghost were clean, Jon shut off the shower and approached the mirror. It had been years since Jon had been afforded the luxury of a mirror. But this was no sheet of silver like the mirrors of Winterfell. This mirror seemed to be made entirely of glass. Jon only allowed himself to be baffled for a moment before accepting the fact and moving on. Beneath the mirror was a basin, and beneath the basin was a cabinet. Inside the cabinet, Jon found a collection of small plastic tools. Three small, razor-sharp blades had been fitted into a plastic rectangle attached to a plastic handle. Guessing at its function, Jon ran the tool down his arm. Sure enough, he’d guessed right, it shaved off a strip of his arm hair. Jon considered himself in the mirror.
“In such a hot and humid land, a beard will do me no good.”
Jon wet his face and the blades and began to shave.
“The doctor’s tale leaves room to be desired. If those who resided here were this land’s maesters and were responsible for combating this pestilence, they would have not abandoned their fight on a whim. Something awful, truly awful would have had to happen to cause them to flee. But what? And why did it leave only Jenner?”
Something fowl was afoot. The supposed fortitude of this place seemed fickle. If true, Jon thought it best to have his belongings in order. After making his face smooth and hairless, he gathered up his gear and spread it out over the tiled floor. The strange clothes of this world were filthy and suffered from small tears but were mostly fine. As were his britches and boots. His mail, while gunked up with grot, was undamaged. His leathers and gloves had been lost during the battle of the quarry but it was his cloak that concerned him most. The clawing nails of the dead had left it as little more than tattered, black ribbons. Jon held it up in front of him and found himself contesting with strange grief. An utterly ridiculous feeling. It was but a cloak. Cloaks could be fixed. Jon folded it and decided he would ask Lori or Carol about mending it. Finally, Jon inspected his belt, Longclaw, dagger and Needle.
Needle, while empty, was spotless and completely functional. Longclaw and his dagger on the other hand were covered in the slimy film of fresh rot and the dried crust of old rot. Longclaw’s direwolf pommel was entirely brown and the garnet chips that made up its eyes were caked over and hidden from view. The valyrian steel wouldn’t stain but Jon doubted the blade of his dagger. He sheathed both and carried them to the shower. Over the course of an hour, Jon washed his weapons. A dirty weapon could spell death, Jon knew and Jon doubted his fighting days had truly come to an end.
Clean, shaven and wearing only the clothes of this world, Jon left his room with Ghost in tow. Ghost’s fur was white as snow once again. Jon looked at it with fondness. Although the snow was usually far more trouble than it was worth most of the time, this land felt somewhat naked without it. A part of him missed the way that frost nipped at his nose and the way it turned his breath to smoke. Laughter echoed from down the hall in the direction of the dining room. Jon tightened his belt, ensured his weapons were secure, scratched Ghost’s ears and marched down the hall.
Inside the dining room, everyone was gathered around a long table. Everyone had a plastic plate full of meat and greens. Opened wine bottles sat along the table and a dozen ornate glasses were full of red wine. Laughter danced around the room as the group, clinked glasses, shouted and chattered. It felt almost homely. Glenn was the first to notice Jon’s presence at the door. His olive face was flushed pink. He thrust his glass in Jon’s direction, spilling wine.
“Jon! You look, like, totally different!” Glenn shouted, his world slurring.
Jon chuckled and joined them at the table.
“As do you.”
“Almost look normal.” Daryl threw back his glass and drank deeply.
Once the glass had emptied Daryl slammed it down and grinned at Andrea. Andrea grinned back, filled a glass and too drank deeply. They went back and forth drinking glass after glass, their stares only getting more and more intense with each drink. Dale stood, handed Jon a plate of food and poured him a glass.
“Didn’t think you were coming,” Dale said, laughing.
Jon shrugged. He smiled, for their sake. As fickle as it may be, they were safe. Rick was smiling for the first time since he’d reunited with Carl and Lori. Lori was grinning ear to ear. Carl was feasting greedily. Sophia was giggling. Carol seemed at ease for the first time since Jon had met her. T-Dog has laughing like a drunken giant. Only Shane lacked a smile. Even if it was fleeting, it best they indulged in a moment of respite rather than wallow in pessimistic scepticism. The hard questions could come later.
Doctor Jenner sat alone at the end of the table with a plate of food and a bottle of wine. He stared intently at his plate, poking at it with a fork. Dale raised a glass, laughing.
“You know, in Italy, children have a glass of wine with their dinner!” He eyed Carl.
“Can I mom?” Carl’s eyes brightened.
“Are you Italian?” Lori asked.
“Oh, what’s the harm? Let him have a taste,” Rick said.
Lori raised an eyebrow at Rick and Rick grinned.
“Come on.” He nudged her.
A smirk broke across Lori’s face and she smothered a laugh.
“Okay, okay, fine. One sip.”
“Cool!” Carl reached for the glass.
Dale handed it to him and Carl grasped it with two hands. Greedily, he took a mouthful of it and immediately his face scrunched. His eyes bulged and wine sprayed from his mouth.
The table erupted with laughter. Even Jon couldn’t help but laugh along. Carl pressed the tablecloth up against his tongue. Lori slapped his hands down and handed him a glass of water.
“Better stick to soda pop, bud,” Shane said.
Rick and Shane made eye contact across the table fleetingly before they avoided each other’s gaze.
“How can you drink this stuff?” Carl asked.
“Give it a few more years, lad. The strong stuff hardens you up,” Jon said.
“Damn right!” Daryl threw back another full glass.
Lori gave Jon a queer look but before she could say anything, Rick stood and tapped his glass with a fork.
“It seems to me that we haven’t properly thanked our host.”
“He is more than just our host.” T-Dog raised his glass.
The rest of the table cheered and raised their glasses. Jon grimaced but did so too. Shane shared Jon’s expression.
“Booyah!” Daryl yelled.
“Booyah!” The group repeated.
Rick eyed Jenner across the table and gestured to him with his glass.
“Thank you,” Rick said.
Silently, Jenner raised his glass before returning his gaze to his plate. The group laughed but Shane cut through the merry chatter with a harsh tone.
“So, when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc? Hm? All the other doctors. The people who’re supposed to be figuring out what happened. Where are they?”
“We’re celebrating, Shane. Don’t need to do this now,” Rick said.
“Oh wait a second. That’s why we’re here, right?”
The room quietened to a deathly silence.
“This was your move. Supposed to find all the answers. Instead we uh.” Shane chuckled. “We found him.” Shane gestured to Jenner. “Found one man. Why?”
“Well, when things got bad a lot of people just left. Abandoned this place. To be with their families. When things got worse. When the military got overrun. The rest scurried away.”
“All of them?” Jon asked.
“No.” Jenner’s tone darkened. “I stayed.”
“I just kept on fighting.”
“Dude…” Glenn stumbled over to Shane. “You’re such a buzzkill, man.”
Above, the lights flickered.
By the time the feast was done, the air was sweet with the smell of wine. Most of the group had wandered off to rest. Besides Jon and Ghost, only Rick, Daryl and Andrea remained in the dining room. Daryl and Andrea, with much less energy, continued their battle of drinks.
“How’d… How’d a pretty thing like you get so good at drinkin’?” Daryl slurred.
He reached for a wine bottle but knocked it over, staining the tablecloth.
“College,” Andrea groaned.
Andrea filled a glass and raised it to her mouth only to freeze. Her eyes bulged. Her hand flew to cover her mouth and she raced to the kitchen sink. Daryl cackled and slumped back in his chair.
“Yeah! That’s right! Who’s the big man on campus now?!”
Suddenly, Daryl’s face scrunched up. His stomach gurgled. His eyes bulged. He lurched forward to stand but emptied his stomach before his rear had left the chair. It got all over his front, his shoes and the floor. While Andrea vomited too, Rick sighed and helped Daryl to his feet.
“Come on, brother. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Daryl babbled but didn’t put up a fight.
In all the festive confusion, Jon hadn’t noticed Lori and Carol leave. He still needed to ask them about mending his cloak. Jon looked at Ghost. He was by Jon’s feet, gnawing on a chicken’s leg bone. Jon scratched Ghost’s ears and stood. Ghost stood too but Jon stopped him by placing his hand on his head.
“Stay, Ghost. Enjoy your meal. I won’t be far.”
Ghost stared at him for a moment before laying back down. Satisfied, Jon left Ghost to his bone and Andrea to her vomit. Jon began his search for the women in the control room. Expectedly, they weren’t there. Doctor Jenner was, however. Alone, he worked on the raised platform, unloading the tubes of blood from a machine. Once they were all sorted away, Jenner placed Ghost’s sample into the machine.
“Can I help you?” Jenner asked without looking at Jon’s way.
“Sorry, I was only looking for Lori and Carol.”
As the machine began to whir, Jenner looked at Jon with weathered eyes. His face was flushed.
“Lori, she your mom?”
“No. She’s not.”
“Huh. So you’re not Carl’s brother?”
Jenner shrugged.
“Figures, you don’t look alike. I heard the way you scolded him as I was coming up the stairs and well… assumed I guess.”
“The lad acted without thinking and beyond his means. I needed him to know that.”
“As boys tend to do.”
“Do you feel responsible for him? For all of them?” Jenner asked.
Jon’s hand, reflexively, touched Longclaw’s direwolf pommel.
“To a degree, I suppose.”
“And you think that’ll keep them safe?” Jenner gestured to Longclaw.
Jon narrowed his eyes. Jenner turned back to his work.
“It won’t,” Jenner said.
Drunken words often revealed the truth of a man, Jon knew. But they also spun falsehoods. Jon decided to forgive the transgression, this one time. He left Jenner to his work and made his way back down the carpeted halls. As he rounded the corner down the hall to the rec room, Shane slammed into him, halfway between walking and running. Three long cuts ran down his neck.
“Watch it, kid.”
Shane shouldered past Jon, covering his neck. At the end of the hall, the door to the rec room was ajar. A faint, woman’s sobbing could be heard beyond the door. Jon rushed down the hall, flung open the door and was met with a scream. Lori was on a wide, cushioned seat, back pressed against the side furthest from Jon. Her wide, darting eyes calmed after a brief moment. Awkwardly, she sat up and avoided Jon’s gaze.
“Are you hurt?” Jon asked.
“Hurt? From what?” Lori laughed, unconvincingly.
Dried blood covered Lori’s nails. She noticed Jon looking at them and swiftly covered her hand. If Shane had been one of his men, Jon would have had him castrated for even attempting such a crime. Like many before him.
“Carry a knife. The threat of a blade usually shrivels such ambitions,” Jon said.
“It wasn’t like that. Really.”
“What it was, is plain.”
Lori’s eyes widened again.
“You won’t tell Rick will you?”
“Do you want me to?”
The question stopped Lori in her tracks. She stared at Jon for a lingering moment before shaking her head.
“Then I won’t. But you should.”
Briefly, Lori smiled. Then, as if remembering herself, the smile vanished. She gave Jon that same queer look.
“How old are you? With the beard, you looked twenty or so but now…”
“Ten- … Seventeen.”
“Seventeen…” Lori whispered.
She shook her head.
“And your parents? After or before? Oh! If you don’t mind-”
“I thought so.”
“You did?”
Lori nodded.
“Yeah. You can normally tell with most people. The way they hold themselves. It changes once you lose that dependency.”
Jon sat across from Lori on another cushioned chair.
“Do you have experience with loss?” Jon asked.
“I lost my parents when I was eighteen. Right as I became an adult. Rick too. We met at a party in college. Everyone was drunk, or high, or dancing like no one was watching but we were both just sitting in a corner, suffering. At first, we were just friends. He introduced me to his friends… to Shane. Shane saw me right away, you know? But Rick, it took him a while to notice. I only ever had eyes for Rick though, from the moment I met him I knew we were the same. When he did finally notice and we got together, he became my rock. For the first time in a long time, I let myself rely on someone. Depend on someone. And when the world went to shit I...” Lori’s voice caught in her throat. “I just couldn’t go back.”
“Death is a spectre. It casts a taunting and mocking shadow. When my father died it felt as if nothing, except setting things right, mattered anymore. Some part of me, I believe, thought that if I could right the wrongs he suffered that all would be well again. So I threw it all away. My duty. My honour. My life. All of it meant nothing. However, before I could fully commit to my mistake, those who knew me best and loved me most, stopped me. Anyone else in their situation would have thought me a coward and cast me out. But my friends understood that what I’d done, while stupid, had no bearing on my character. Their love allowed me the chance to atone.”
Lori said naught and did naught but nod. A small, constrained nod. The kind of nod where if you put too much into it the very act of moving would bring about an uncontrollable flood of emotion. Lori, for all her strength, hadn’t Jon’s fortitude. Tears soon ran down her cheeks and silently, she sobbed. Jon offered her his hand and she took it at once. Her hand was worn and hard.
“Can I ask something of you?” Jon asked.
Lori gave a small nod.
“My cloak. Aside from Ghost and my sword, it is perhaps my most treasured possession. It means more than I can express in words. I was wondering if I could be selfish and ask for your aid in mending it?”
Lori squeezed Jon’s hand and a smile crossed her lips.
“Why? Because I’m a woman I should know how to sew?”
Jon struggled for a response and Lori giggled. She wiped her eyes and sat tall.
“I’d be more than happy to. It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for us.”
Jon sighed and chuckled.
“That was cruel.”
“Yeah, a little.”
“Can I repay you in any way?”
“Yeah. Keep my husband on the right track. As his wife, I’ve only got so much leeway.”
Jon nodded.
“I’ll try my best.”
That night Jon slept beside Ghost atop a cloud. Never before had he slept on a bed so comfortable. However, when he woke he forced himself to leave its gentle, warm embrace. Getting accustomed to such luxury could only do him harm. Though, he allowed Ghost to sleep longer. No amount of rationality could bring him to disturb such a peaceful slumber. Instead, Jon adorned his mail, boots, weapons, and strange clothes, and quietly snuck from his room.
Some of the group were already in the dining room when Jon arrived. T-Dog worked tirelessly in the kitchen. A mouth-watering, salty aroma permeated the air. Glenn sat with his head in his hands, boring a groggy stare into the table. Lori sat across from him, sewing up Jon’s cloak. She was near finished mending it. Dark circles sat beneath her eyes. Carl sat beside her, half awake. Dale and Andrea sat on either side of Glenn. Dale comforted the poor man while Andrea fidgeted with a plastic bottle full of small white pellets. She stared at Jon as he entered.
“Good morning.” Jon sat.
“Not good…” Glenn groaned.
“He pushed his limits.” Carl grinned.
Jon chuckled.
“That he did.”
“How come you still have your sword?” Carl asked. “There’s no walkers in here.”
“No, but there are snarks.”
“Snarks?” Carl wrinkled his nose.
“Yes, vile little things. No taller than my knee with beady little eyes and long, scruffy beards. They hide in the shadows of rooms belonging to misbehaving children and steal their socks as they sleep. But only one, never both.”
Carl giggled.
“That’s not real.”
“Oh, they’re very real. Believe me when I was your age I could never hold on to a pair of socks for more than a week. I had to wear odd pairs.”
Carl giggled and shook his head.
“Nuh-uh, you just lost them.”
“Do I look like someone who loses their socks?”
Carl grinned and nodded. Jon feigned an offended look which only made Carl laugh harder. Lori smiled at him, then at Carl.
“Make sure to keep your voice down,” she whispered, “Glenn’s hungover. His head’ll be hurting like you won’t believe. Most likely your father will be too and Daryl.”
“And me,” Andrea said.
Carl nodded.
“Okay,” he whispered, “Sorry Glenn.”
Glenn gave a thumbs-up without lifting his head. T-Dog approached the table with a pan full of scrambled eggs.
“Eeeeggs! Powered, but I do ‘em gooood!”
He plopped the pan down on the table with a clatter. Glenn groaned and T-Dog just smirked at him as he started plating up dishes for everyone.
“Protein. Helps. The hangover.” He pushed a plate to Glenn.
Glenn groaned and started eating. Lori got up and approached Jon with his cloak.
“Can’t say it’s better than new, but it’s better than it was.” Lori handed Jon the cloak.
Long patches of black fabric had been sewn on the inside of the cloak over the tears. From the outside, it was hardly noticeable. Jon hung it over his shoulders and fastened it around his neck.
“I appreciate it more than you know. You’ve done a splendid job.”
“Oh, it was no trouble at all. Really.”
“I’ll make sure to repay you, as promised.”
A solemn look crossed Lori’s face and she nodded.
“Right. Thank you.”
She returned to her seat and Jon returned to his. He gestured to Andrea’s plastic bottle.
“What is that?”
“Aspirin. Jenner thought we could use it.”
“Some sort of medicine, most like.”
Suddenly, Daryl came stumbling into the dining hall. He near threw himself into a chair, snatched the aspirin away from Andrea and popped three of the pellets.
“Ughhhh… Never let me drink again,” Glenn said.
“Hangover’s the part that makes you a man, kid,” Daryl said.
Carol and Sophia entered the dining room and joined Lori and Carl. Lori and Carol chatted happily, while Carl and Sophia played some sort of game with their forks. Shane entered after them. Jon smothered his wrath from bubbling to the surface. Shane crossed the room and began to pour black liquid from a pot into a cup.
“Hey,” T-Dog greeted him, jovially.
T-Dog approached him and his smile dropped. He looked at Shane’s neck.
“The hell happened to you?”
“Must have done it in my sleep.”
T-Dog shrugged and handed Shane a plate of eggs. Dale gave Glenn a pat on the back before getting up and sitting beside Jon.
“Hey, I don’t mean to slam you with concerns first thing but…” Dale chewed his lip and glanced at the children.
“Speak your mind,” Jon said.
It was time for the charade to fall apart.
“It’s just… don’t you all think it’s strange? Of all the things, the CDC would be the one thing the government would keep safe during a time like this. And well… you all saw what’s outside and what’s not in here.”
“What are you saying?” Carol asked.
“All I’m saying is, well, maybe… we shouldn’t get too comfortable here just yet.”
“Or at all,” Jon added.
The lights flickered. T-Dog laughed awkwardly.
“Well, we can’t go out there, can we?”
Dale stammered.
“No, of course not, I’m not saying-”
“We should be prepared for the day when we may have to,” Jon said.
“Let’s not play dumb, guys,” Andrea said. “We all know something’s up with Jenner. You’ve seen the way he acts, the way he looks at us. Is that the way someone who’s confident in our safety acts?”
“What’s all the commotion about?”
Rick stood in the doorway.
“We’re just-”
“They’re talking about leaving,” Carol said.
Carol clutched Sophia’s wrist. Rick cocked his head and looked at Jon.
“No, we’re not, we’re just-”
“They are. They said we aren’t safe here.” Carol said.
Rick chewed his lip and sat by Dale’s side.
“I’ve been thinkin’ the same, actually. Somethin’ about this place is just off.”
Carol let go of Sophia. A grave look crossed her face. Jon looked around at the group, pleasantly surprised. He’d expected to be alone in his worries but here he was, united among his peers.
“What… ugh… what do we do about it?” Glenn asked.
“We confront Jenner,” Lori said.
“Damn right,” Daryl said.
“Not as a group,” Jon said. “Approach him united, yes. But if we all start hurling questions at him, that’ll get us nowhere.”
“What do you suggest, then?” Rick asked.
“You confront him. Not only are you essentially our leader, but Jenner will probably take it best from you. Your temperament is stern enough to command the conversation but calm enough so as to not enrage him.”
Rick nodded along. He bowed his head and tapped his feet before looking back up at everyone.
“If that’s what y’all want.”
Everyone nodded, except Shane who said nothing and did nothing. A brief silence lingered over the dining hall. Which was interrupted by the padding of paws. Ghost stood in the doorway. The flickering lights gleamed in his gazing, red eyes. Rick stood and the others followed.
The group went from the dining hall, down the corridor and out into the control room. Jenner was at a desk on the raised platform, drinking from a wine bottle. Even as the whole group poured into the control room, Jenner didn’t so much as glance their way. Rick left the group at the bottom of the platform and ascended the stairs. He pulled up a chair to Jenner’s desk and sat beside him.
“Jenner, we’ve got some concerns. I’d-”
“You always do, don’t you?”
The lights flickered.
“We appreciate your hospitality and your charity. But the lack of staff, the flickerin’ lights, the way you hold yourself. It’s scarin’ people. We just wanna know what’s really goin’ on here.”
“Do you now?”
“We do.”
Jenner chuckled and put down the wine bottle. He shrugged and got to his feet.
“Alright, then. You want to know? You want to know the truth of it all? Fine. I’ll show you.”
Jenner hit a switch on his desk. Machines whirred above. A huge rectangle of black glass descended from the ceiling. Jenner pointed a thin, black rectangle covered in buttons at the glass. He pressed a button and an image appeared on the glass. Jon, at this point, wasn’t even shocked anymore. The glass could produce light, and that light could make images. Jon accepted it and moved on.
The image seemed to be of the silhouette of a person, except the silhouette was blue and transparent. Inside the blue shell of the head seemed to be a brain. Vaguely, Jon remembered seeing diagrams of it during Maester Lunwin’s lessons. Jenner hit another button and the image rotated, then zoomed in on the brain. The rest of the group gathered on the raised platform.
“Is that a brain?” Carl asked.
“An extraordinary one,” Jenner muttered. “Not that it matters in the end…”
Jenner hit another button and the image zoomed in further, past the head and directly inside the brain. Branches spread all throughout the brain, like the twiddly branches of a bramble bush. Yellow light pulsed along the branches in pulsing waves.
“Those lights, what are they?” Jon asked.
“A person’s life. Experiences, memories, it’s everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you. The thing that makes you unique and human.”
“The soul?”
“In a matter of speaking.”
Jon had always believed the soul resided in the heart. But he did not doubt the knowledge of this world. To think, of all his brothers on the wall, Sam would have the strongest soul of all. Not surprising on reflection, but still, fascinating nonetheless.
“A more accurate term would be synapses. They carry electrical signals through the brain, messages and directions. They shape our lives from the moment of birth, to death.”
“Why’re you showin’ us this?” Rick asked.
“So you can understand the big picture.”
Jenner hit another button and the image zoomed out so the whole head was visible.
“This is test subject nineteen. They were bitten and infected. And volunteered to have us record the process.”
“So, you’re saying this image allows us to glimpse into the past?” Jon asked.
“Yeah, in a matter of speaking.”
Jon couldn’t help but be humbled in the face of such magical might. To glimpse through time is to see clearly through the murky waters of history.
“Let’s scan forward to the first event,” Jenner said.
He hit the button again and the image zoomed out to show the whole body. Beneath the transparent, blue skin, every organ was visible. They glowed red. Text appeared over the image that read, ‘Scanning Forward,’ and once it disappeared the organs were brown and the yellow lights in the brain were gone.
“What is that?” Glenn asked.
“Death,” Jenner said. “The Wildfire virus attacks the vital organs, as well as the circulatory system. It causes a burst of rapid decomposition to destroy the heart, lungs and other vital systems as quickly as possible. The process takes roughly a few hours to complete. You’ll notice, however, the brain and nervous system are left intact.”
Jenner hit the button again and the image scanned forward again. Brown darkness began to infest the branches of the brain, spreading outwards from its core.
“Once the host is dead, decomposition slows and the virus infects the brain like meningitis. But not all of it. Only the stem and the parts of the brain are responsible for motor function and sensory input. Everything else stays dead… Everything that test subject nineteen ever was or ever will be is gone while the body they used to inhabit walks again.”
A deathly sour glare lingered in Jenner’s eyes as he gazed at the infected brain.
“Is that what happened to Morales?” Sophia asked Carol.
“Yes, it is, sweetie.”
Carol hugged Sophia and kissed the top of her head.
“Would it have happened to Ed?” Sophia asked.
“If we hadn’t destroyed his brain, yes.”
Carol spoke coldly. Andrea began to tear up as she stared at the image although she didn’t look away. T-Dog, on the other hand, did look away. Jon patted his back and gripped his shoulder firmly. The image unsettled Jon. To see the cold embrace visualised by this land’s magic touched just a bit too close to home.
“The resurrection time is fairly consistent. Between five to ten minutes after total organ failure.”
Jenner pressed the button, the image scanned forward and the brown branches of the brain began to glow yellow once again.
“Why keep a record of this?” Jon asked. “For what use?”
“To fight it. If we understand how it works, we can build a cure.”
“And have you?” Rick stepped to Jenner’s side. “Is there a cure?”
Suddenly, something blast through the brain. It carved a tunnel through the skull and brain, from one side to the other.
“God, what was that?” Dale asked.
“The cure. Destroying the brain stem.”
Jenner jammed his thumb into the button and the image disappeared, returning the glass to darkness. Silence lingered over the group. Jenner turned to face them, his face was a storm.
“So now you know. Happy?”
“No,” Rick said, scowling. “Why isn’t anyone here? Really. The truth. Why isn’t anyone workin’ on a cure?”
“Because the world died. The others… lost hope. Fear made some of the most brilliant men and women on the planet into a stupid pack of fools.”
“You’re still here. Why?” Jon asked.
“I had nothing to go back to. Only my work,” Jenner gestured all around him.
Jenner pointed to the scorched room.
“The world’s last hope died in that room. There is no cure, not anymore.”
“Naw, that can’t be true,” Rick said. “There’s gotta be other facilities. In DC. Europe, Asia, fuckin’ Australia even.”
“If there are. I haven’t heard anything,” Jenner said.
“How can you not know?” Andrea snapped.
“Everything went dark a month ago.”
“The whole world’s dead?” Daryl asked.
“Jesus…” Carol whispered.
The group looked around at each other with desperate, sad eyes.
“And that?” Dale pointed to the display of numbers. “What happens when that clock counts down to zero?”
“The… The basement generators break and we lose power. They’ve been running non-stop for a month now and I’m no mechanic. In an hour we’ll suffer from a unit failure.”
“And then?” Jon asked.
Jenner snatched up his wine bottle and slumped into his chair.
“There’ll be no difference between out there and in here.”
“And where are the generators?” Rick asked.
Jenner drank deeply from his bottle. Rick slammed his hand on the desk.
“Jenner! Where are they?!”
Jenner took another drink. Rick stormed away from him and stood on top of another desk.
“Alright, all of y’all! Gather up!”
The group surrounded the desk in a loose clump.
“Dale, you think you can do the repairs?”
“I can try but cars and generators aren’t the same things.”
“You can do it. I know you can. Everyone else spread out, we gotta find these generators. Except you Carol, you take Carl and Sophia into the rec room. Start settin’ up a barricade in case we can’t get the power up in time.”
“R-Right!” Carol snatched up Carl and Sophia’s wrists and dragged them away.
Everyone else, including Rick, spread out to start their search. However, Jon stopped Rick before he could leave.
“That was good. You’ve kept them hopeful. Now go search with them, be present. I’ll stay here to keep an eye on Jenner.”
Rick nodded.
“Okay, good call. And thanks.”
Rick departed and Jon was left alone in the control room with Ghost and Jenner. Jon pulled up a chair beside Jenner.
“What you said before about my sword not being able to keep us safe. You were right. On its own, Longclaw can’t keep these people safe. But hope can.”
“Hope?” Jenner chuckled and shook his head. “You can hope as much as you want. It doesn’t change reality.”
“That’s true but neither does this,” Jon gestured to the bottle.
“Ah, on the contrary. Reality is merely what I perceive it to be. And this changes how I perceive.”
“Reality is what we make of it.”
“And the reality is that we’re all dead. This world is dead.”
“Maybe. But is it not better to die standing and fighting, rather than wallowing in grief and despair?”
“I did fight! My fight was here and I fought to the very end! And lost. There’s no cure. There’s no solution. It’s over. We’re it. The final generation. After us, the dead will rot away and life will start over. No amount of hope will change that. What your people are doing isn’t fighting. It’s useless flailing. We’re fish, caught on a hook and the line is already starting to reel in. No amount of squirming is going to stop us from ending up in that boat.”
Jon leaned closer to Jenner.
“While men still breathe, hope can never die.”
Jenner shook his head and began to laugh the laugh of a madman. He got up from his chair and clumsily snatched up a sheet of paper. He thrust it into Jon’s hands.
“I took a look at your blood. I know what they can never accept.” Jenner grinned. “You’re not crazy. You’re telling the truth, aren’t you?”
Jon looked at the sheet of paper. It was full of nonsensical diagrams and words he couldn’t make heads or tails of.
“Your blood. Its plasma density is abnormally high. I’ve never seen anything like it before.” Jenner jabbed the diagram on the paper. “I know you don’t understand what that is. But that’s a chemical compound. Now, we doctors know just about every chemical compound that does and can ever exist. This one is impossible. Both you and your direwolf have it in your blood. So why do you care? This isn’t your world. Why fight so hard for a world you didn’t even get to see in its prime?”
Jon tossed the paper aside and looked Jenner square in the eyes.
“Because people, all people, good or bad, mine or yours, are worth fighting for.”
“You lyin’ sack of shit!” Daryl yelled.
Daryl charged onto the platform and threw Jenner from his chair. He leapt on top of him and drew a knife. Jon flew from his chair and tore Daryl off of Jenner.
“Get off me! He lied! It ain’t no unit failure! It’s the fuel! There ain’t no fuel left!”
Jon twisted Daryl’s arm, forcing him to drop the knife and forced him to his knees. Ghost loomed over Daryl, fangs bared. The rest of the group came rushing back into the control room. Shane and T-Dog were wielding weapons. A pick axe and a wooden bat.
“Jon, get your things. We’re leavin’,” Rick said.
Before Jon could say a thing, Jenner scrambled to his desk and slammed his fist onto a big red button. Impossibly loud horns blared, the lights turned red, and thick, metal doors slammed shut over the exit.
“What the hell, man?!” T-Dog shouted.
“Jenner, open the doors, now,” Rick said through grit teeth.
“No!” Jenner got to his feet. “Don’t you all get it?! The world’s dead and we’re all next! Just accept it! When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will begin. We can go peacefully, in an instant rather than slowly and brutally out there! We won’t feel pain! We won’t turn!”
T-Dog and Shane rushed to the metal doors and began beating on them with their pick axe and wooden bat. The wooden bat bounced off with no effect and the pick axe only left but a small dent even with Shane’s full power behind it. Daryl struggled against Jon as he eyed Jenner savagely.
“You think you’re some fuckin’ hero?!” Daryl shouted. “You ain’t! You’re a spineless shit! God dammit let me go, kid! Let me knock some fuckin’ sense into him!”
It took all of Jon’s strength to keep Daryl contained. Rick marched past them and got into Jenner’s face.
“You open those doors, right now or I swear to God I’ll-’
“You’ll what? Kill me?” Jenner laughed. “There. Is. No. Hope. Don’t you see that? You know, the French were the last to hold out. While our people were committing suicide in the halls they were fighting until the bitter end. Then they ran out of power.”
Suddenly, all the lights shut off and the control room was plunged into darkness. A moment later, dim lights flickered back on.
“Emergency lights,” A monotone voice said.
“No power grid. No cure. No hope.”
Rick shoved Jenner off his feet and slammed his fist down on the same red button Jenner had pressed before. But nothing happened.
“How the hell do I open the doors?!” Rick yelled.
“Activation key is required,” the monotone voice said.
“Who is that? Where are they?” Jon asked.
“That’s Vi. The program that runs all the robotics and electronics of this place. As well as security,” Jenner said.
As much as Jon was able to piece together the way this land’s magic operated, he hadn’t a clue what Jenner just said.
“What’s the key?!” Rick yelled.
More impossibly loud horns began to blare over and over.
“What’s the key?!”
“Come on, doc!” T-Dog yelled.
“Jenner, please. Show mercy,” Jon said.
“I am showing mercy!”
“Jenner, open that door, now,” Rick said.
“There’s no point. Even if I did, everything top side is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed shut. Besides, it’s better this way.”
“The hell it is!” Daryl struggled against Jon.
Ghost’s fur stood on ends and he gnashed his jaws in Daryl’s face. Daryl flinched, scowled and stopped struggling.
“Do you really want to go back out there? To live short, brutal lives and suffer an agonising death? Your friend, Morales was it? Do you really want to die like him?”
“We don’t want to die at all!” Lori shouted.
“Well, you will! Doesn’t matter what you want!”
Andrea marched up the platform with much the same look as Daryl. Jon looked at Rick and nodded to her. Rick got in her way as she drew a knife from her belt.
“Andrea, don’t.”
“Like hell! Daryl’s right we either force him to open the doors or we die!”
Rick snatched the knife from her hand and pressed it firmly against her chest.
“Well, this ain’t workin’ man!” Shane threw down his pick axe.
“Of course not, those doors can withstand a rocket launcher,” Jenner said.
“Twenty minutes until decontamination,” Vi said.
“This isn’t right!” Carol sobbed. “You can’t just keep us here!”
“It’s one tiny moment, a millisecond, no pain.”
“My daughter doesn’t deserve to die like this!”
Sophia wailed and buried her face into Carol’s hip. Carl rushed past Andrea, past Rick and past Jon. He pulled a pistol from the waistband of his pants and pointed it in Jenner’s face.
“Do what my dad says. I’ll do it. You think I won’t?”
“I don’t doubt you will.” Jenner sat down on his chair and faced away from Carl.
Jon shoved Daryl to the ground, marched up to Carl and snatched the pistol out of his hands.
“Do you have a hearing problem, lad? Where’d you get this?”
“He’s gonna kill us all! If he’s not gonna let us out he deserves to die!”
Jon handed the gun to Rick and Rick dragged Carl to Lori by his arm. Lori whacked Carl across the back of his head and forced him to sit.
“If we kill him we’re never gettin’ out of here,” Rick hissed.
Rick marched back to Jenner and crouched before him.
“I think you’re lyin’”
“About no hope. If that were true, you would have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn’t. You chose the hard path. Why?”
“Ten minutes until decontamination,” Vi said.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?”
“Not because I wanted to! I made a promise!” Jenner pointed to the black rectangle of glass. “To her. My wife.”
“Test subject nineteen was your wife?” Jon asked.
“She begged me to keep going as long as I could. So I did and here we are. How could I say no? She was dying. It should have been me on that table. It wouldn’t have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world! Hell, she ran this place I just worked here. In our field, she was an Eisenstein. Me? I’m just… just… Edwin Jenner. She could have done something about this. Not me.”
Jenner knocked aside his wine bottle and it shattered on the floor.
“Your wife didn’t have a choice. You do,” Rick said. “That’s all we want. A choice. A chance.”
“Let us keep fighting as long as we can,” Jon said.
Jenner groaned and buried his face in his hands.
“You really want this? Really?”
“Yes, dammit! You deaf, doc?!” Daryl yelled.
Jenner sighed.
“I told you. The top side’s locked down. I can’t open it for you.” Jenner lifted his head. “Vi?”
“Yes, Doctor Jenner?”
“Activation key, 11915916.”
The horns blared and the metal doors flew open.
“Come on!” Daryl shot to his feet and raced for the doors.
Panicked shouts echoed off the rusted, steel walls as the group rushed for the exit. Jon, however, stayed where he was. Rick gripped Jenner’s shoulder.
“I’m grateful. Thank you.”
Jenner shook his head.
“That day will come when you won’t be.”
Jenner lunged at Rick and whispered something in his ear. Rick’s face dropped, then hardened. Rick grabbed Jon’s arm.
“Come on, hurry,” Rick said.
Jon shook him off.
“I’ll be right behind you.”
“Jon, no-”
“I said, I’ll be right behind you.”
Ghost bared his fangs at Rick and Rick stepped back.
“If you ain’t out in five minutes, I’ll drag you out. Whether Ghost wants me to or not.”
Rick slapped his wide-brimmed hat onto his head and ran for the exit. Jenner, meanwhile, sat at his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a framed picture of a woman. Teary-eyed, he stared at it.
“I did the best I could in the time that I had, Candace. I hope you’d be proud of that.”
Jon sat beside him.
“She would, and she will. You still have more time, Jenner.”
“Just go, Jon. Go die in this dead world. Go have your chance.”
Jon took Jenner’s hand into his own.
“I’ll say it again. As long as men still breathe, there is hope. Hope that a new world might rise from the ashes of the old. It takes great men to lay the foundation amongst the chaos. You are such a man.”
Jenner exhaled sharply from his nose and cracked a smile.
“You think I can build a new civilisation? Me? A fucking virologist?”
“I can’t say I know what a virologist is, but in my world, a guild of men called Maesters did much the same work as you and your doctors. But they held an even greater responsibility. They guided the hands of kings with their knowledge. You are no ruler, but you are certainly brilliant. Your wife certainly thought so. She trusted you. You. To fix the world. You may not be able to cure it, so help rebuild it. Live on for her memory.”
Jon let go of Jenner’s trembling hand and rose from his chair. Jenner looked up at Jon with misty eyes, then to the picture of his wife. He kissed the frame, held it against his forehead, and then stood.
“O-Okay. I will.”
“Five minutes until decontamination,” Vi said.
“Come, make haste!” Jon said.
Jon and Ghost, followed by Jenner, rushed out of the control room and up the stairs.
The dead’s deathly wail echoed throughout the CDC. As one, the dead banged their rotten hands on the glass walls, smearing it brown and black. Rick and the others banged back on the glass with the pick axe, the wooden bat, knives, the butts of rifles, shotguns and pistols. Even their fists. But no matter how hard they hit the glass, it did not shatter. It didn’t even dent. Jon stared in disbelief from the staircase.
“Why won’t it break?” Jon asked. “It’s mere glass.”
“No, it’s reinforced. It’s stronger than steel.”
“The hell’s he doin’ here?!” Daryl asked.
Jenner stepped forward.
“I was wrong! I’m coming with you!”
“Four minutes until decontamination,” Vi said.
The group screamed and shouted. They banged on the glass with savage ferocity. Jenner rushed forward.
“Stop! Stop! That’s not going to work. The only way to break glass like this is by concentrating the force into a small point.”
“Then why ain’t this workin’?” Daryl thrust the pick axe at Jenner.
Jenner caught in and staggered back.
“Because they’re riot-proof. A single person can’t break them.”
“What about a gun? The rifles?” Rick asked.
Jenner shook his head.
“No, no there isn’t enough ammo for that.”
“Three minutes until decontamination.”
“What about my sword?” Jon asked. “The point is finer than the pick axe. Could repeat strikes on a single point break it?”
Jenner ran his hands through his hair.
“Fuck, maybe. But it’d take hundreds of strikes. And even then, the steel will probably bend before then.”
“This is no ordinary steel.”
Jon drew Longclaw.
“Who should do it?!” Andrea asked.
“I will. I’m stronger than you all,” Jon said.
“The hell you are,” Daryl said.
Shane marched up to him.
“Give me the sword, kid.”
“I am stronger, believe me.”
“God dammit, this ain’t the time! Give me the goddamn sword!”
Ghost stepped in between Jon and Shane, and bared his fangs. Shane took a step back and raised his hands. Jon marched past them all, raised Longclaw above his head and drove it into the glass with both hands.
Like a bell, the glass rang. A tremendous force shot through Jon’s arms. Longclaw bounced off the glass. A tiny, insignificant crack was left behind.
“Two minutes until decontamination.”
The dead wailed. They beat their hands in a chaotic rhythm. Jon drove Longclaw into the glass again. The glass rang. Longclaw bounced off. The dead screeched. The crack grew by but a fraction. Ghost bared his fangs at the frenzied dead.
“Everyone form up!” Rick shouted. “If that glass breaks we gotta be ready! Make a circle! Leave about a foot between each other!”
As the group scurried to form their circle, Jon’s heart pounded in his ears. He raised Longclaw to strike again. He meant to shout commands, to aid his allies in organising their offensive. But instead, it came out as a mindless bellow. Ghost let out a howl. Fire burned in Jon’s veins and suddenly, for a fleeting moment, Jon felt strength beyond strength. Longclaw slammed into the glass. It pierced through as if the glass were mere paper. Cracks raced across the glass from the puncture. They reached the edge of the enormous pane and it shattered. The roar of the dead filled Jon’s ears, crisp and clear.
Jon flung the clinging shards of glass from Longclaw with a flick of his wrist and raised its blade to the dead.
“For hope! For our future!”
He and his allies screamed and shouted as the dead flooded the CDC. Jon fell back to the circle and aided in cutting them down. In the chaotic madness of it all, among the spray of rot, Jon tossed his dagger to the unarmed Jenner. Jenner caught it and buried the blade in the head of a walker twice his weight. Above it all, Vi’s voice boomed.
“One minute until decontamination.”
“Watch those to your side! Ensure their safety! Time your swings! Don’t allow the dead to get between your arms!” Jon cried.
Jon shouldered his way into the hoard and swung a wide, sweeping cut with Longclaw. Fire burned in his veins once again as he fell the dead, seven at a time, decapitating and bisecting them as if they were made of snow. His efforts forged a path and as a unified circle of slaughter, the group pushed out of the CDC and across the stone lot out front. Ghost and Rick rushed to Jon’s side. Ghost fell the dead with swipes of his paws and Rick with stabs from a knife. Together, the three of them carved a path through the hoard as the rest of the group protected their flanks. Daryl swung his wooden bat wildly. Shane buried his pick into the dead’s skulls. T-Dog crushed heads with the butt of a rifle, as did Dale and as did Andrea. Lori and Carol made do with pistols, cracking them against the endless rotting heads. Carl and Sophia stayed in the middle of the circle. They stood tall, terrified, but tall.
“Thirty seconds until decontamination,” Vi’s voice boomed behind them.
As they reached the street it boomed again.
“Twenty seconds until decontamination.”
And again as they reached the RV and Jeep.
“Ten seconds until decontamination.”
Jon slammed shut the door of the jeep behind Ghost and Daryl threw him to the floor. A roar louder than the shot of a cannon, louder than a giant’s battle cry, louder than the fabled horn of winter, louder than anything Jon had ever heard before pierced the air. The windows of the jeep shattered. The ground shook beneath them. A wave of heat washed over everything. Jon’s ears rang in his head as he sat up. The CDC burned as a giant inferno. A fireball the size of a castle.
The fire in Jon’s veins died into mere embers. He felt heavier than stone and collapsed backwards onto the jeep’s floor. Ghost’s red eyes gazed into his from above, as Shane brought the jeep to life. Everything lurched like a bucking horse as the jeep’s engine roared. The stench of charred flesh laid siege to Jon’s nose.
0 notes
midnightactual · 2 years
Music: Set 3
Music is one of many ways in which Yoruichi might be understood. Entries from her music tag (here) will periodically be moved into this catalog. More generally-focused themes can be found at Music: Set 1! More emotionally-focused themes can be found at Music: Set 2!
Songs which capture Yoruichi’s relationship with Kūkaku (@crashingheavens​):
Historical: Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better
Historical: SZA, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me
Historical: Ai Orikasa - Tsuki No Tragedy
Historical: Muse - Starlight
Historical: Daft Punk - Instant Crush
Historical: Blue Oyster Cult - Burning For You
Historical: Spice Girls - Viva Forever
Historical: Faunts - M4, Pt. 2
Historical: Cartoon - I Remember U
Historical: Daft Punk, The Weeknd - Veridis Quo x In Your Eyes
Contemporary: Rainych - Blinding Lights (Japanese Version)
Contemporary: Laura Branigan - Self Control
Contemporary: f(x) - Electric Shock
Contemporary: Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Contemporary: Symbol - Forever Young
Contemporary: Garbage - The World Is Not Enough
Contemporary: NEFFEX - Save Me
Contemporary: Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You
Contemporary: Two-Mix - Rhythm Emotion
Contemporary: Reinaeiry, Annapantsu - Intertwined
Contemporary: Rihanna - Umbrella (Skeler Remix)
Contemporary: Namie Amuro - Come
Contemporary: Jonas Brothers - Sucker
Contemporary: Interstate - I Found You
Contemporary: Empire of the Sun - Celebrate
Contemporary: VNV Nation - Illusion
Contemporary: Roy Knox - Breathe Me In
Contemporary: Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
Contemporary: Tom Jones - She's A Lady
Contemporary: Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch / Remix
Contemporary: Tommy Trash, Daisy Guttridge - Sinners
Contemporary: Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Contemporary: SUPER-Hi, NEEKA - Following The Sun
Contemporary: Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer
Contemporary: Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar High
Contemporary: David Guetta - Lovers On The Sun
Contemporary: Kid Francescoli - Moon
Contemporary: Doja Cat, SZA - Kiss Me More
Contemporary: Diplo & Miguel - Don't Forget My Love
Contemporary: Mr.Kitty - After Dark (Razer Remix)
Yoruichi enjoys karaoke and also sometimes does her own improvisations on songs:
Jaegerjaquez (Running Overland): Pain - Jabberjaw (Running Underwater)
Unohana: Camilla Cabello - Havana
Danger Zone: Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone
Bankai Bash: Bobby “Boris” Pickett - Monster Mash
My Kūkaku: The Knack - My Sharona
Anarchy In The Seireitei: The Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The U.K.
In The Gotei: Village People - In The Navy
S.R.D.I.: Village People - Y.M.C.A.
Ms. Bakeneko: Styx - Mr. Roboto
Eternal Night: The Immortals - Rayden (Eternal Life)
Welcome To The Shōten: Guns N’ Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
Hologram Man: They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
Horny Death God: traditional - Drunken Sailor
Wellerman: traditional - Wellerman
Golden Eye: Tina Turner - Golden Eye
Songs which Yoruichi has picked out to convey messages to others:
For Kurayami: Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
For Kūkaku: Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
For Kūkaku: Rina Sawayama - Bad Friend
For Kaien: Iced Earth - Watching Over Me
For Kisuke: Bear McCreary - All Along The Watchtower
For Kisuke: Lorde - Team
For Kisuke: PLS&TY - Run Wild
For Father: Audioslave - Show Me How To Live
For Villains: Trapt - Headstrong
For “The Garganta”: Disturbed - Want
Songs which don’t capture anything specific but nonetheless just feel like they should be here:
Christmas (Historical): Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas
New Year’s (Historical): Justice - One Minute To Midnight
Lunar New Year: Michael McCann - Return to Hengsha
Alannah Myles & Mark Campbell - Ride Pontiac Ride
Mega Drive - Vietrom
Mega Drive - Completely Circuitry
Moon Hooch - Old Frenchman
Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up
Metallica, San Francisco Symphony - The Ecstasy Of Gold (Live)
Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero x Atomic Blonde
HEALTH - Blue Monday
Orgy - Blue Monday
Test Dept. - Fuckhead
Mega Drive - Total Control
Metallica, San Francisco Symphony - No Leaf Clover
Monik, Carroch - Palkia
Justice - Waters of Nazareth
Juno Reactor - Navras
The Heavy - Short Change Hero
Alan Tam - Zhe Shi Jie Yi Feng Dian
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Japanese Trap & Bass: SHINIGAMI
Darksynth & Cyberpunk: EMPIRE
Darksynth & Cyberpunk: WANTED
Future Funk & Vaporwave: Downtown Sparkles
Future Funk & City Pop: Best of VA-11 HALL-A OST
Phonk & Memphis: PHONK DRIFT MIX
Cyber Work & Night Chillstep: Productivity Music
Rain & Bittersweet Jazz: Being Alone In A 50s Private Club
Noir Jazz: Relaxing Private Eye Film Noir Jazz Mix
0 notes
9, 11, and 13?
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Leslie Knope x Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec. I love how healthy their relationship is. Also, this particular ship stands out to me since I see myself as a Ben Wyatt (nerdy, loves politics, gets easily annoyed, not very good at social events). 
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Oh, LOTS. But to keep myself from bombarding this question with too many answers, let’s go with one; Arrowverse Barry Allen. Sorry, I only see this man having a romantic relationship with Iris West. 
I’ve seen Barry shipped with so many other characters and every time I see a post like that, my mind just instinctively thinks, “I respect your opinion but...it’s a no for me, I just don’t see it”.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Again, LOTS. The first one that comes to mind is Feenris (Phoenix Wright x Iris Fey). Trials and Tribulations is my favorite Ace Attorney game and a big reason for that is the storyline with Iris and Dahlia. I saw the “Iris pretended to be her twin sister” plot twist coming but it was still an effective reveal. I would love it if we got an actual continuation of the Phoenix-Iris storyline but for some reason, Capcom is horrible at continuing plot points into the next game. And this is also why I’m not too fond of the Apollo Justice era games as they just seem to ignore the events of the original trilogy. 
Second example would be Daryl Dixon x Connie (Donnie). I’m only saying that because this ship is new. I like the two of them together, they work well with each other. Plus, Norman and Lauren have a natural chemistry with each other. 
Got a Valentine’s Day shipping question for me? Feel free to ask.
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fandom · 3 years
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2020′s Top Ships
Basically, there is only one OTP, and it's whoever you like together best. 
Reylo +6 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Catradora +10 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reddie +1 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Geraskier Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Ineffable Husbands -4 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Zukka Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lumity Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Supercorp +5 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Jikook -4 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Destiel +10 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Kiribaku +3 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
Bumbleby +3 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Wangxian +61 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jonmartin Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Bakudeku +3 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Drarry +6 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Gallavich Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich, Shameless
Stucky -2 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Zutara Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Klance -18 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Preath +6 Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Korrasami +38 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bellarke -14 Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, The 100
ZaDr +23 Zim & Dib, Invader Zim
FinnPoe Finn & Poe Dameron, the Star Wars universe
Buddie Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Tododeku -6 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Entrapdak +60 Entrapta & Hordak, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sasusaku -1 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Wayhaught +21 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Ballum +50 Ben Mitchell & Callum Highway, EastEnders
Harringrove -1 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kagehina Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou, Haikyuu!!
Joe x Nicky Joe (Yusuf Al-Kaysani) & Nicky (Niccolò di Genova), The Old Guard
Erasermic +4 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Maribat Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Damian Wayne, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir x The DC Universe
Hannigram +31 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Shirbert Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe, Anne with an E
Wolfstar +6 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Harlivy  Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Phan -35 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Merthur +17 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Larry Stylinson +30 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, One Direction
Rayllum +42 Callum & Rayla, The Dragon Prince
Malex -1 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Adrienette -13 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Ladynoir -7 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Connverse Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe, Steven Universe
Sterek��-3 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Marichat -14 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Stony -32 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Dabihawks Dabi & Hawks, Boku no Hero Academia
Villaneve Villanelle & Eve Polastri, Killing Eve
Prinxiety +30 Princey & Anxiety, Thomas Sanders
IronStrange -30 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Robbe x Sander Robbe Ijzermans & Sander Driesen, WTFock
Percabeth Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Taekook -23 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Kataang Katara & Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bughead -19 Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Riverdale
Kaylor -23 Karlie Kloss & Taylor Swift, celebrities
Sprousehart -32 Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart, Actors
Narumitsu Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Fair Game Clover Ebi & Qrow Branwen, RWBY
NaLu -12 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Caryl Carol Peletier & Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead
Beaujester Beauregard & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dramione Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Radiodust Alastor & Angel Dust, Hazbin Hotel
Deckerstar Chloe Decker & Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer
Bokuaka Bokuto Kotarou & Akaashi Keiji, Haikyuu!!
Malec -64 Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunters
Spirk +18 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Davekat +24 Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Charlastor Charlie Magne & Hazbin Alastor, Hazbin Hotel
Elsamaren Elsa & Honeymaren, Frozen II
Clexa -1 Clarke Griffin & Commander Lexa, The 100
Cloti Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart, the Final Fantasy franchise
Kylux Kylo Ren & General Hux, the Star Wars universe
Glimbow Glimmer & Bow, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
WhiteRose Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose, RWBY
Juliantina -79 Juliana Valdés & Valentina Carvajal, Amar a muerte
Snowbaz -13 Simon Snow & Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, Carry On
Vmin -19 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Zelink +12 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Elu -60 Eliott Demaury & Lucas Lallemant, SKAM France
Lukanette -32 Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Tarlos TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Peraltiago -4 Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Widojest Caleb Widogast & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dimileth +9 Dimitri & Byleth, Fire Emblem
Solangelo Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson
Iwaoi Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Haikyuu!!
Johnlock -27 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Pynch Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch, The Raven Cycle
Reed900 Gavin Reed & RK900, Detroit: Become Human
Cazzie Casey Gardner & Izzie, Atypical
Frenrey Gordon Freeman & Benrey, Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Todobaku Todoroki Shouto & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Kristanna Kristoff Bjorgman & Anna, Frozen
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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Looking for a neutral name? I’m thinking about names right now. Let’s make a huge list of gender neutral names! They’re all below the cut and I encourage suggestions! (Many spelling variations are not included because those are up to the user to decide.)
Please know that there is a very long list under Keep Reading!
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phoenixblack89 · 2 years
Chapter 9 - Secrets and White Lies
Back after a good long while with another chapter. I do apologise for it not being weekly like some of the other incredible series writers out there like my dear @autocon23. But real life had been mega hectic and honestly I wasn't sure if this chapter was worth posting or not.
Been struggling with my worth as a writer lately especially at how slow I am and having issues with whether any idea of mine is actually good enough or different enough that I'm not gonna get told I'm copying someone else.
But nevermind.
As always - page breaker is by the awesome @firefly-graphics
Tag list - @lilythemadqueen @autocon23 @archerangel @littlegodzilla @pandora-writes-stuff @boondoctorwho @browneyes528 @darylsgirl @purple-serenity @fandomsaremykryponite
Sorry if I forgot anyone. Just let me know if I have
Warnings - TWD gore, Shane being paranoid, a touch of smut, phoenix being her delightful self.
Series Masterlist.
Phoenix rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Her neck ached something fierce from sleeping all night sat upright. Daryl had rolled off and she stood slowly. The first rays of dawn were just beginning to rise over the farm and she needed to get out as quickly as possible. Giving Daryl one last look she ran as quietly as she could through the house. Pausing as she caught a glimpse of a familiar looking photo on Hershel's fridge door.
Nah, it couldn't be.
Leaning closer there was no mistake - There in beautiful multicolour was a photo of her. Her and her boys with Greenly, smiling happily at McGinty's. Her heart gave an unpleasant lurch as she thought about him.
She had tried to save him.
She really had.
That damn man had shot him dead for no reason other than he was there. Thank God Noah had taken him out because she wasn't sure she'd have given him such a merciful death. It would have been drawn out and painful if she had done it.
"That's my nephew, David."
Phoenix spun as Hershell entered. She ducked her head as he came to stand beside her.
"And that's you... with the Saints."
Her head flipped up to look at him. His eyes held a kindness there that she had forgotten existed.
"You want me to leave, don't you?"
"David told me all about you and your friends. You're a good, honest, God-fearing woman. I'd like you to stay. That group needs someone with God's guidance. Even if they don't know it." He said calmly, reaching out and taking hold of the photo, pulling it from its spot on the door. He held it out to her and she took it carefully.
"Mr. Greene..."
"I know all about you Miss Black. Don't fret. I understand and support your reasonings for keeping things hidden. We all do, for good reasons. Just don't make me regret not telling Rick about who you truly are." His gaze was misty as he glanced out the window towards the barn. Her eyebrows knotted before she smiled lightly, remembering that he'd most likely lost someone in this end of the world bullshit too.
"Does anyone else know?"
She felt tears well in her eyes and brushed them away harshly, causing her damaged cheek to flare with pain.
"Everyone in this house except Bethie. And we all will keep you safe. We all support the Saints and their mission. As long as you keep it secret so shall we."
She nodded in thanks and turned to leave.
"Next time..."
She paused and looked over her shoulder.
"Just say you want to stay the night and not sneak in to your beau." He laughed lightly, shaking his head as she blushed and rushed away.
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Daryl woke slowly. He was having the nicest dream. Phoenix had come to see him and was running her hand through his hair lightly. It had felt heavenly, if he was honest with himself. He had buried his head in her lap and knew he was forgiven. It was so nice. He could still almost feel a lingering warmth where she'd been sat but as his eyes opened the dream turned to reality.
He was alone.
And the spot on the bed where he'd dreamt of her being was cold and empty. He sighed and rolled to his back. He stood gingerly, dressed and made his way quietly and quickly out of the house, calling to Hershell his thanks and that he was going back to his own tent.
Daryl made his way down to his own tent, pausing briefly outside of Phoenix's. His eyes could see her laying there vaguely through the morning sun lighting up the inside but dunked his head and carried on walking. She didn't want to see him anyway.
Phoenix laid still, hearing the footsteps she knew were Daryl's pause outside her tent.
At least he's up and about, she thought, tears welling in her eyes once more as she realized he didn't actually want her there last night or he'd come to talk to her. It had all been because of the medication from Hershell.
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Shane rubbed his hand over his head as he approached Daryl's tent, having seen Andrea leave moments before. This wasn't going to go well he knew but something needed to be done. He knocked on the plastic and ducked down to see inside. Daryl raised his eyebrow at the man in front of him, waving a hand in greeting.
"Ya come t' see the invalid?" Daryl growled out as Shane crouched down near him. Shane chuckled and patted Daryl on the leg kindly, ignoring the way the man flinched.
"Nah. I need ya help.”
"Can't do much good right now. Wha' ya need?"
Shane sighed, hand running over his head as he thought of the best way to put what he needed to say.
"I need ya to get Phoenix up to Hershell."
Daryl regarded the man thoughtfully. While they weren't exactly friends, they both held enough respect for each other to put aside their differences to help another member of the group, whether it be helping Carol when she needed someone's strong lifting or one of the kids or like now, when one of them was being a stubborn pain in the butt and needed sense dragged into them. They had both been there that awful day and had both grown fairly protective of the only Brit that they believed was left alive.
"Why? She can take herself up there right?" A sudden feeling of dread surged through Daryl's chest. "She can walk."
Was she more hurt than she looked? Had she hurt her ankle or something when she fell and not said anything?
"She’s barely been outta her tent, Daryl. She was out when we sorted the search... But other than that, she hasn't been out. Hershell offered to take a look at her face last night when she came up to the house but she ran off. She ain't gonna listen to any of us. We both know how stubborn she can be."
"She ain't had that looked at yet?" A burst of rage ran through him at her foolishness.
Damn girl is gonna get sick again! He thought, pushing himself to a sitting position.
Shane nodded quietly and helped Daryl to his feet. As soon as he stood, Daryl stormed out of the tent and over to Phoenix's. He pulled the door open and burst in. She sat up with wide fear filled eyes and stared at the tall man in front of her.
"Git up! Now!"
"Why?" Her tear-filled voice rasped, hugging her arms around herself. Daryl growled and reached for her. She flinched back away from him and he sighed. Kneeling down, ignoring the flare of pain from his injured side, he put out his hand slowly.
"Ya need that face looked at, I... I don't want ya getting sick... Cos of summit I did. I didn't mean to hurt ya... Or scare ya"
Tears came to Daryl's eyes as he glanced up at her. She nodded silently and took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. His hand felt warm and strong in her as he walked with her up to the house. She could feel the calluses of years of manual labor on his fingers, which twitched around her's. She blushed as she remembered suddenly how they'd felt spread across her bare skin.
Daryl breathed slowly and calmly, trying not to remember the feel of her skin against his. But he could and it made his heart sped up.
All too soon they were at the front door, he pulled it open and entered pulling her along with him. Maggie smirked at the pair, noticing their interlaced fingers as she turned to the kitchen and waved at them to follow her. Daryl pushed Phoenix into one of the chairs at the kitchen island as Hershel entered the room.
"Now young lady. Let us get that face fixed." He said kindly as Maggie and Beth started boiling water on the old wood shove. Daryl kept hold of her hand as Hershel cleaned, stitched and bandaged her cheek. "You're a lucky girl that hasn't started to get infected."
Phoenix nodded and squeezed Daryl's hand in thanks. She pulled her fingers from his, stood quietly and turned to leave.
"I think it's best you stay, young lady. Forgive me but you need a real shower to get that dirt off."
Phoenix turned and blushed. She did feel gross but that was what happens when you spend days in a dark world of decay and death.
"I'll grab ya clean clothes" Daryl muttered rushing off out the door as quick as his injuries allowed.
Maggie showed Phoenix to the shower and handed her a big fluffy towel.
"Went well last night?" Maggie teased as they reached the door, Phoenix gave Maggie a look and she leaned against the frame.
"He was asleep the entire time, Mags. Didn't exactly do anything or talk or nothing."
"He's sweet on you too. Even if he denies it like he does. Give it time. He'll come round."
"If ya say so. Thanks." She whispered, stepping into the bathroom and undressing quickly. Gently pulling the bandage off her cheek so it didn't get wet she glanced in the mirror.
The bags under her eyes were red and puffy, the skin around her wounds cleaner than the rest of her face. Her hair was starting to get longer again. She dreading washing it as she had no way of straightening it. The horrid family curls were the bane of her life. The triangular burn scar across her collar bone stood out in stark contrast against her pale skin, angry and dark pink. She sighed as steam began to fill the room. She climbed in the shower and shrieked a little at the heat of the water. Hot water was indeed a blessing she had taken for granted.
Then again, the boys' loft and her own didn't have the best history with heated water, nor did the farm back in Ireland either. She felt her stiff muscles slowly relax under the pressure and heat. She sighed happily as she washed and rinsed her hair. Not ten minutes later she climbed out and wrapped the towel around her and ran another over her wet hair.
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A quiet knock came at the door and she called to come in. Daryl entered, blushing crazily and keeping his eyes down.
"Here's ya clothes. Got them from ya tent." He muttered, cheeks and the tips of his ears a beautiful shade of pink.
Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. He thought over and over. Merle's voice in his head saying the opposite. Phoenix let out a stifled giggle and brushed her hands over his as she took the pile from him, placing them gently on the vanity below the mirror. Daryl glanced up quickly as her back was turned and caught sight of the beautiful Japanese style phoenix tattoo on her left shoulder. The majority of it was hidden underneath the towel wrapped around her body. The towel hugged tightly to her curves and left little to the imagination. Daryl licked his lips as desire rose causing a reaction in his groin at the sight. A moan escaped Daryl's lips as she turned. The towel barely covered her chest and he stepped closer, looking down at her lustfully.
His hand reached for her cheek slowly as she bit her lip.
"I'm sorry I hurt ya." He whispered as he inched closer to her. He could feel the steam coming off her damp skin as he stood in front of her. His head fell forward to lean against hers as they stared into each other's eyes, their breaths mingling in the small space between their faces. "Please forgive me."
She nodded and he leaned closer, brushing his lips slowly over hers as his hands found her waist tugging her gently to him. He didn't care about the towel's dampness against his dry clothes and skin. He was lost in the feeling of her lips moving in tandem with his.
The freshly showered skin on her arms brushing against his as her hands found their way into his hair and around his neck. His lips trailed along her chin and down to the sweet spot on her neck he knew drove her heart rate racing. Sucking lightly and biting little nips against it he groaned, hard cock crushing her hips into the vanity behind her. She gasped as his hand slid between the edges of the towel at her side, fingers trailing roughly over the smooth skin he found.
Fingers dancing up her ribs to gently squeeze her breast as she panted in desire. He pulled his head up and roamed his eyes over her features. Her cheek oozed a little drop of blood from the injuries he'd caused. His heart clenched in guilt as he leaned forward, pressing gentle kisses to the stitches as his hand moved lower and lower beneath her towel. He paused at the apex of her hip and bit his lip, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Say it? Say ya forgive me?"
"Daryl..." she sighed his fingers striking along her hip bone softly, thumb brushing against the curls between her thighs. "Of course, I forgive you. Do you forgive me? I shot first after all."
He chuckled low in his chest and pulled her in for another kiss as his fingers reached their desired location. She gasped into his mouth at the feeling of his thick broad fingers sliding along her folds. His lips returned to her neck, sucking and kissing as he slowly spread her folds, seeking out the moisture gathering there. He growled and ran a finger slowly through her slick, flicking it slowly up and down as his cock throbbed against his jeans. She gave a loud moan as he brushed over her sensitive bud and she felt him smile against her neck before he pushed her up onto the vanity and dropped to his knees, pulling his hand away from her core.
He put his finger to his lips and sucked on it before pushing her thighs open and putting them over his shoulders. A bright red blush spread across her face and chest at the sight of Daryl Dixon, redneck hunter extraordinaire on his knees, looking like he was going to devour her. He smiled up at her then kissed his way from her knee into her thighs and higher.
"Holy shit!"
Her chest heaved as his tongue plunged into her folds licking roughly up to her clit. His tongue flicked hard and fast against it as his lips sucked on it. Her legs shook as his skilled appendage worked her so well. Her hand found its way to his hair and tugged it. He let out a pained moan as his own stitches pulled sharply from her fingers.
He grazed his teeth along her clit in revenge. He glanced up at her as he slowly ran a finger around her slick hole. He raised an eyebrow in question and she nodded her head. He smiled around her clit and pushed in slowly.
Fuck she's tight! He thought as her walls gripped his finger like a vice. Pumping it in and out slowly he watched as her chest heaved. Her walls twitched against his knuckles and he pulled his finger out. Her moan of discontent sounded, as he sucked her clit, twirling his tongue around faster and faster, turned to a gasp of surprise as he plunged two fingers into her twisting, curling and pumping faster and faster.
"Oh God... Daryl... Oh fuck...." she moaned, every muscle in her body tensing as she climaxed on his fingers and tongue. Daryl smirked in satisfaction as he worked her through her orgasm.
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Daryl opened his eyes, hand dripping with his own cum.
He never meant to do this especially in her tent, definitely not after his dream last night.
It tainted it somehow.
She'd been so sweet and caring in his dream.
But the sight of her lacy underwear had gotten him so hard it couldn't be ignored.
He knew nothing like that could ever happen.
Hell, he didn't know how to make a girl cum with his tongue. His only experiences had been quick fucks behind the bars with sluts begging for a quickie, faking their moans like porn stars, or his own hand. He didn't know how to truly please a woman. He knew how to get a quick fuck sure. But he didn't just want a quick fuck with Phoenix. He wanted to make her moan and cum over and over again before he did.
Fuck Darlene you turning into a sissy!? I told ya enough tricks to get a girl moaning! Merle's voice said as he cleaned his hand on the red rag hanging from his pocket. He put his dick back inside his jeans and gathered up the clothes he'd come originally to collect for her. Hopefully she was still in the shower and he could ask Maggie or Beth or Patricia to give her them.
Gotta stop fucking your hand to her he mussed she ain't even got a phoenix tattoo on her back. Where the fuck you think that up from?
You know exactly where that came from Daryl. That goddamn dream you've been having most of your life.
He sighed as he spotted Maggie walking up to Glenn in the space near the chicken coop and Beth hanging wet laundry with Carol.
Damn suck it up boy Merle laughed in his mind.
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Phoenix peeked around the door and wrapped the towel tighter. Where was Daryl with her clothes?
"Maggie? Beth?" She called out, hoping one of the girls was nearby. She shook her head and closed the door, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet and sighed.
Dammit Dixon what's taking you so long!
She heard the groan of the stairs and stood up, opening the door a little and peeking out. She smiled as Daryl made his way towards her, fidgeting with the clothes in his arms and blushing slightly. She stuck her head out further causing Daryl to jump slightly.
"About time DD! Freezing my nips off here." She laughed, trying to ease the air of uncertainty around the two. Daryl held the pile out and she stepped out to get them. Towel securely wrapped covering every inch, she smiled lightly and turned.
Daryl's jaw dropped.
There in wonderful shades of orange, red, black and yellows was a giant phoenix tattoo on her shoulder blade disappearing under the towel.
Just like the one in his dreams and sexual fantasy....
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Phoenix returned to her tent, feeling relaxed and refreshed. Even managing to smile at Rick and Carl as she passed them. She frowned as she entered. There was an unusual smell to her tent and as she knelt down, she noticed a few odd splatters on the floor of the tent. A creamy white liquid was spread across the spot where her stack of clean clothes had been. Her eyes widened as she realized what it was.
He wouldn't...
He didn't...
He can't have.
She stifled a giggle and wiped up the semen and threw the cloth towards her dirty laundry pile.
Damn Daryl, if you got that turned on by just looking at my pants you should've come back sooner! She thought with a sad smile.
Why won't you make a move if you're that into me...
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"What did Rick say?"
Phoenix paused as she slopped towards the group at Glenn's hissed words.
"You didn't tell him? Okay. But you have to! You're pregnant. You need vitamins, medicine, a nice pillow. You can have my share."
"Honey, I don't want your food, okay? Eat." Lori said quietly, pushing the jerky away that the man held out towards her.
"You need to eat. You're too skinny!" He pleaded as Phoenix nodded in agreement. "And if you're not gonna let Rick take care of you, then someone has to. Lori, you have a medical condition."
"Oh my fucking god, seriously Glenn? She’s pregnant, not ill." Phoenix snorted before shaking her head at Glenn and Lori's looks.
"I'll make another run into town. Just tell me what you need."
"I need you to be quiet about this. All right? Please... Both of you." Lori hissed. Phoenix motioned a zip across her mouth and smiled at the brunette.
"Hey! Peach man! Phoenix!"
The pair nodded at the sheriff’s wife before running off to join Rick, Jimmy and Shane.
"The creek flows south, past that farmhouse Daryl found. Maybe Sophia dropped the doll there, the current brought it downstream."
"So, what, you think she took this road here and then she went north?"
"Yeah. What's up that way?" The two former officers glanced at Jimmy in question.
"A housing development. It went in, maybe 10 years ago." Jimmy said, itching his head as he squinted slightly in the bright sunlight.
"Take a run up there after gun practice. I'll hold down the fort here, but take backup. After what went down with Daryl, I don't want anyone going out alone. We stay in pairs." Rick commanded.
"I'll take suggestions on a partner." Shane asked quietly, glancing at the red head opposite him. She was a tracker and a crack shot but knew she wouldn't be willing to leave so easily with Daryl injured.
"See how they do on the range, then take your pick."
"My binoculars." Shane said as Glenn gaped at them like a fish after handing them both a juicy, ripe peach and some jerky.
"Yeah yeah. Okay, bye." Glenn mumbled before hurrying off like his ass was on fire. Phoenix gave a small shake of her head at the nervousness of the man.
"We'd like to join you for gun training today." Beth stated as she and Patricia wandered towards the group.
"Hershel's been very clear. I can't involve any of you in what we do without his okay."
"He doesn't like it, but he consented." Beth said quietly.
"Otis was the only one who knew gun… Now that he's gone, we gotta learn to protect ourselves. Her father saw the sense in that." Patricia said tearfully, raising her chin as if to say try and stop me.
"No offense, but I'll ask Hershel myself." Rick stated harshly before striding away to seek out the land-owner.
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"How the hell did this happen?!" Lori exclaimed, glancing around the small group in shock.
"Kid's curious, he can't help it. It's just the age he's at." Phoenix shrugged, winking at Carl and earning a scowl from the irate mother.
"Well, it's my fault. I let him into the RV. He said he wanted a walkie, that you sent him for one." Dale sighed, calmly gesturing towards his vehicle.
"So, on top of everything else, he lied. What's he thinking?" Lori huffed, hands on her hips.
"He wants to learn how to shoot. He asked me to teach him. Now it's none of my business, but I'm happy to do it. It's your call." Shane spoke with a low tone, knowing how voilite Lori's mothering instincts could be.
"I'm not comfortable with it. Oh, don't make me out to be the unreasonable one here. Rick?"
"I know. I have my concerns too, but..."
"There's no but. He was just shot! He's just back on his feet and he wants a gun?" Lori half yelled, facing her husband angrily.
"Better than him being afraid of 'em. There are guns in camp for a reason. He should learn to handle them safely."
"I don't want my kid walking around with a gun." Lori spat angrily. The very idea boiling her blood into a fury.
"But how can you defend that? You can't let him go around without protection."
"He'd be sitting meat, better learning now than in a life or death situation." Phoenix supplied, tilting her head.
"No, he's as safe as he'll ever be right here." Lori said firmly, Phoenix held her hands up in surrender at the pleading look from the boy's mother. "Look, everything you're saying makes perfect sense. It feels wrong. I mean I didn't feel good about him following you out into the woods. And I wish I'd said something. I should've gone with my gut."
"He's growing up, thank God. We've got to start treating him more like an adult." Rick whispered, glancing at his son.
"Then he needs to act like one. He's not mature enough to handle a gun."
"I'm not gonna play with it, mom. It's not a toy. I'm sorry I disappointed you, but I want to look for Sophia and I want to defend our camp. I can't do that without a gun." Carl reasoned, the earnestness and honesty in his face softening his mother's resolve.
"Shane's the best instructor I know. I've seen him teach kids younger than Carl."
Lori took a quick glance around before sighing and grabbing her son by his shoulder and looking him directly in the eye.
"You will take this seriously and you will behave responsibly. And if I hear from anyone in this camp that you're not living up to our expectations... " Lori warned sternly, giving her son a look that only mothers seemed to know.
"He won't let you down."
“Now if you're gonna do this, you listen to Shane.”
“Okay, dad.” Carl smiled as his dad nodded.
“All right? You be careful.”
"Hey, you fuck this up little man, I'll be making ya clean out the RV's toilet with ya toothbrush." Carl grimaced and shuddered at the thought, knowing almost 13 people including Merle had been using the toilet. "Come on, I'll help ya find summit for target practice." Phoenix smirked as the other adults laughed.
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"Hey, come on, man. Don't give me that gangsta shit." T-Dog grumbled at Jimmy as the boy held his gun sideways. Phoenix snorted as she twirled her Berettas in her hands before raising them and hitting her targets one after another with ease. She raised her eyebrow as Shane paled slightly at her skill.
"Show off. Ain't helping the newbies either." He whispered, shaking his head as his mind filed the sight into his British oddities of the girl folder in his head.
Phoenix noticed Beth's timid hold on her gun and moved to help. Beth sighed and lowered the gun slightly.
"Hey. Relax. The more tense you are the harder it'll be." She said with a soft smile. Beth gave her a disbelieving look before huffing.
"It's easy for ya to say! Y'all make it look easy as making pie!" Beth whispered, tucking a strand of her blond hair behind her ear.
"Nah, takes time to learn how is all. Sure, it's easy now but back in Boston when I was learning... damn that was hard." The Brit laughed.
"Oh yea, wasn't nearly as easy as out here. Tight little shooting gallery was jackshit compared to actually being in the fresh air with actual wind, its a totally different experience hun." Phoenix helped Beth get back into position and smiled. "Here and now is gonna help ya better in the long run than how I learnt. Go on, try again."
Beth took a deep breath and slowly squeezed the trigger, the bullet flying through the air and hitting the target. Shane glanced at the Brit as she was engulfed in a hug from the blond. Yet another odd fact the girl had come out with that made little sense.
Hadn't she said she'd come straight from England to Atlanta to study? When had she been in Boston? And why did she learn to shoot there?
He shook his head before focusing on Andrea and her shooting.
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twigg96 · 8 months
Food Poisoning
Daddy! Daryl X Reader
Place: Alexandria
Warnings: Literally food poisoning, vomit, a little fart joke, Kids being kids about being sick, Sickness
POV - You
Summary - After having stew with some tainted meat in it your three kiddos (Phoenix - 11, Beau - 6, and Lillian - 2) get a bad case of food poisoning. Just as kids do Beau comes in to tell his parents exactly what happened feeling traumatized and violated after he "threwed up".
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The night had started off so genuinely nice. Normal even. For the turn that is. You had made dinner from the rabbit and squirrel Daryl hunted earlier in the day. It had been a hotter day than either of you realized it would be. But you never let that deter you from your duties. Daryl had warned you that the heat of the day may have spoilt some of the meat. And that he had lost one of the rabbits. He got a bad shot on it and when he finally found it, it was long dead with an arrow deep in its broken leg. He simply added it to his string not thinking anything of it. Wasn’t until later in the hunt he thought better of it and decided to chuck it… well he thought he tossed the right one at least. After a while he wasn’t so sure anymore. So he asked you to be extra vigilant while cooking that night. To sniff the meat and make sure nothing was camping out inside before tossing it in the fire to be cooked. 
You had listened. Truly you did. You had washed and smelled the meat as you cleaned and skinned it. Nothing smelled bad and so you went as far as to make a little stew for the whole community with the meat and some of Rick’s vegetables he grew in his garden. Everyone in the community seemed to love it. They ate it up vigorously and basked in the post fullness bliss of a good meal. You watched your kids play out in the yard with the other neighborhood children. When night fell after the kids had gone to bed, you and Daryl even felt adventurous enough to get a little handsy before falling into blissful sleep. 
Or that’s what the archer would have liked to have happened. But seeing as he was ripped from the calming embrace of sleep in the midst of REM he would have to argue otherwise… “Daddy…” A small and timid voice had called out into the darkness of the night. At first Daryl had believed it was just part of his dream. The one where none of the hell they lived in existed and he and his family lived in the peace he once knew. “Daddy…” The voice whispered nearer this time. Cutting straight through the lovely dream he had been having. Blinking awake slowly Daryl growled, slapping around blindly for the electric lamp sitting on the bedside table. With a click Daryl’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Beau stood a mere two inches away from the edge of the bed, only his head could be seen poking from over the side as he clutched his teddy bear close to his chest. “Daddy.” Beau whispered shakily, his lip pouting out and his eyes wide and full of tears. “Yeah?” Daryl mumbled tiredly as he tried to put together why his son was in his room in the dead of night. Sitting up in bed, the sheets falling to his exposed chest he looked over to you and sighed. You were starting to stir. Blinking away the garish light. Damn… you needed all the sleep you could get.
 “What… what do you want, Beau?” Daryl asked tiredly, reaching over you to grab a cigarette from your end table. “Well..” Beau started shuffling his feet anxiously. Daryl cocked a brow at the towheaded boy placing the cig in his mouth and flicking the lighter trying to get it to light. “Daddy… I threwed up.” He mumbled with a sob.” The words froze Daryl in his place. Maybe he it was just his foggy sleep deprived brain that was miss hearing what his son just said. But as his wife sat up stare at the two of them like they both started to grow wings and speak in tongues Daryl knew that he had heard correctly. “What?” You asked rubbing your eyes. Beau sobbed nodding. “Lillian threwed up first! Phoenix got up to check on her and she threwed up on the floor!” Beau sobbed helplessly. The both of you stared at Beau in disbelief and disgust. “So…” you ventured to ask, crawling over to your husband’s side of the bed. “Did you throw up Beau?” The little blonde nods swiping away fat tears and it isn’t until then that Daryl is able to make out the new stains on his son’s shirt and pants. “After I farted on the floor.” He whined. Daryl and you share a confused look. Farted… on the floor? What the hell does that mean? OH FUCK NO. Pulling his cigarette from his mouth Daryl gaped at Beau. “What do ya mean… farted on the flo- Beau!” He huffed twisting to the side of the bed. “Did ya shit on the floor?!” he hissed. Feeling your hand on his arm he tried to calm down but the sound of their youngest starting to scream and cry from their shared room and their eldest yelling “Mommy! Daddy! Lilly needs a bath!” was all too overwhelming for him at the moment. “Daryl.” Your calming voice drowned out the madness as your hand squeezed his. “I’ll work on cleaning up. Just… find a bucket… or two… and get them bathed and back in bed. Please. We got this, we’ve been through worse.” And suddenly Daryl knew. You were right. You always were. 
Standing with a groan, Daryl was grateful that he was wearing just boxers when Beau walked directly into his legs for a hug. God… kids and their need to be touched when they're sick. Scooping him into his arms Daryl sighed the smell of vomit was strong, but nothing he couldn’t handle after the hell they’ve lived through. “Sure ya don’t want me ta clean up too? I can-” Daryl muttered walking towards the door, Beau’s head already nuzzled under his chin seeking some semblance of comfort. “Daryl.” You had chided, cutting him off. “We’re a team. I got it, don’t worry.” With a small nod he hummed walking into the kid’s room to access the damage… and it was worse than he imagined. Scowling he sighed not seeing either of his daughters. “Phoenix!” He yelled, shuffling Beau in his arms, starting to search for them. The piercing wail of his two year old would normally have been terrifying given the world they live in but seeing as she was in the bathroom with his eldest at the moment he was simply annoyed. The water for the tap was running and when he popped his head in to see what was happening he rolled his eyes and groaned. “Phoenix… baby. Are you tryin’ ta drown yer sister?” He muttered trying so hard to make light of the situation. Phoenix’s head whipped around as she stared at him, the tub getting dangerously full as she held a fully clothed Lilly in the tub. 
Moving to place Beau on the floor Daryl kneeled beside Phoenix, turning the tap off and taking Lilly into his arms, sopping wet and all. “I was just trying to get her and her clothes clean, dad.” Phoenix whispered looking slightly ashamed and embarrassed. Taking a deep breath Daryl sighed, bouncing the screaming toddler doing his best not to emulate his own father in this situation by screaming in the face of his own children. “T-Thank you…” He bit out. It was a start at least that’s what he assumed. “Now… do me a favor…” He muttered lowly. “Get some towels for me, and some clean pajamas for all you kids and come back. Yer all gettin’ a damned bath.” 
It wasn’t until the early morning light streamed through the blinds that the rancid smell finally seemed to be mostly gone. You had done your best to clean everything up with only homemade vinegar as your main cleaning supply as everything else was running low. The windows were wide open despite the cool weather but even that didn’t deter your three hellions from getting some sleep. The two of you had decided to simply toss and burn the sheets and pajamas the kids had been sleeping in and just use old ones until you could find new ones on a run. As the two of you stood side by side watching the fire in the brisk morning air you couldn’t help but laugh. “Wha’?” Daryl nearly hissed, glaring at you. “Nothing… just… kinda feels normal ya know? We haven’t had to do that since before the turn when Phoenix was little.” You whispered thinking of the time Phoenix had simply crawled into your bed and proceeded to vomit all over Daryl like she was in the exorcist. Daryl stared into the fire but a small smile crossed his lips. “Yeah… suppose so…” Holding your hand he began to rub his thumb along the back of your hand. Any sense of normalcy in this life was better than none he assumed.
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raewritesfiction · 29 days
You Promised [Daryl Dixon x Female!Reader]
A/N: where did it come from? Where did it go? Where did this come from? Cuz I don’t know! Also sorry about the formatting I’m on the app!
Plot: Daryl makes a promise to you.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
Warnings: SMUUUUUT. Fingering, finger licking, swearing, p-in-v, masturbation, degradation.
[[ Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from tags; no questions asked ♥️ likes are amazing however I really appreciate Reblogs to help spread my writing further! Thank you 🌈😘]]
Tag List: @thegreatlarryfisherman @nikkitasevoli @iraniq @snewsome756 @vikki-rogue @amelia-in-w0nderland @pandaliciouz @crispyimagines17 @marie-is-blogging @bonniebird @nutinanutshell @louise-buchan @differentcatcat @madsadgenius @kcthescreamqueen @ramielll @azanoni @phoenix-is-closer-to-the-edge
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“Baby we don’t have time!” Daryl sighs as you kiss up his neck.
“But… I’m horny..” you whine and pout. “I need you inside me so fucking bad!”
Your mistake had been not specifying it was his cock you wanted pounding into your pussy for a pre-supply-run quickie. You knew you’d made a mistake as soon as a smirk crossed his face and he pinned you down to the bed.
“Oh really?” His voice was low and he kissed you, a hand running down to unbutton your jeans and slip inside them. “You want me inside ya…?”
You nod and bite your lip, gasping quietly as his fingers so easily slipped inside you and curled just enough. “Well there ya go honey..”
“Daryl…!” You whined again and rocked your hips.
“Keep those hips movin’… you just said you wanted me inside ya.. nothin’ else.” He smirked again and you huffed angrily “fuck you Dixon!”
“No no… fuck yourself… I suggest if you wanna get off you’d better start movin’!”
You whine but rock and twist your hips to his fingers as Daryl watches you with obvious glee from his position above you, holding your wrists above your head. “That’s it… keep movin’… fuck my fingers and get ya self off…”
You pant and moan quietly, grinding your hips down onto his thick fingers inside you “please…. I… I need more..”
“Not right now you don’t… I know how much you love my fingers… work for it..” he leans down and kisses you before turning his head to watch your hips writhe frantically.
“Daryl… five minutes!” Rick called from outside.
“You heard the man… ya got five minutes…” Daryl licks his lips.
“Oh fffuck…” you pant and move your hips faster against his fingers and hand, your movements desperate for friction and your release. You tilt your hips and rock them, gasping Daryl’s name and keeping them moving “oh god… yes… yes…” you muffle your cries of pleasure in your arm as your walls tighten and pulse around Daryl’s fingers.
“Good girl…. Now if ya stay a good girl and keep ya self nice and wet while I’m gone I promise ta fuck that pretty cunt until your legs are shakin’ when I get back….”
You nod quickly “Yes! Yes yes! I will!”
“Good now open ya mouth…” he slips his hand out of your jeans and pushes his soaked fingers into your mouth “clean me up…”
You do as you’re told and swirl your tongue around his fingers, taking in the taste of yourself on his skin.
Daryl grabs his go bag and kisses you before heading out.
The day was long for you, usually doing things around the houses and base camp kept you busy enough for time to pass but all you could think about was Daryl’s promise. You kept thinking about him between your legs; his cock pounding into you and turning you into a blubbering mess. More than once you found yourself sneaking away to get yourself off to the thoughts you were having about him.
As the light faded and you went back to the house you were sharing with Daryl you heard the familiar rumble of his bike getting closer. How it didn’t draw the attention of walkers for miles around you didn’t know but he’d never had a problem.
You watch out the window and squeeze your thighs together when you see him ride through the gates followed by the truck piled high with supplies.
It had been a good day.
You waited as patiently as you could for Daryl to walk through the door and drop his bag to the floor. He headed up to the bedroom and found you waiting on the bed; his eyes lit up and he smiled.
“Good run?” You ask, posing seductively for him.
“Yeah very… got a lot.” He crawls and collapses down on to the bed.
“Nu uh… you made me a promise…”
He sighs “but I’m tiiiired…” he pouts and laughs at your face.
“Well that’s nice… I’m still horny as fuck because I’ve been thinking of you aaall day…”
“Oh ya have?” He raises an eyebrow
You nod in answer “All. Day.” You reiterate and wiggle your hips “I kept myself wet for you… got myself off a few times too… but I need your cock inside me and you made a promise..”
Daryl nods “I did… I did. And I always keep my promises.” He leans up and swiftly has you pinned down again, his lips hovering above yours “Always…” kissing you, slowly at first but progressively more hungry and desperate until you’re both gasping for air and pulling at clothes.
His hands move over you and massage your tits, his fingers playing with your nipples until they’re fully hard peaks and you’re moaning for more already. Daryl loves to tease and get you so worked up you don’t know which way is down, make you a whimpering begging mess because he loves to hear you beg for his cock.
You run your hands up his arms and into his scruffy hair, holding him to you as he sucks on your nipples in turn; his teeth scraping lightly and adding just enough pressure for the pain to be bliss.
“Daryl…” you gasped and moaned, making him look at you.
“Say it..” he kisses you hungrily and moans.
“I need your cock so fucking bad.”
There it was, he growled low in his chest and moved between your legs, his cock already hard just from teasing you. He swore one day he’d get off from doing just that.
Right now though, Daryl dipped his hips and pushed into you “god fuck ya still so wet!”
You moaned at his words and rocked your hips a little “deeper, please!”
Daryl obliges and rolls his hips, pushing into you fully until your pussy takes him whole. His hands grip your hips and he nips over your skin until you moan and beg him again “please… please Daryl!”
He grunts and starts snapping his hips into you rough and hard “this what ya want?” He groans and keeps a steady but quick pace, you grip the pillow under your head and moan loudly; people had become accustomed to hearing you both since you’d started living together.
“Yes!!” You call out and move your hips as best you could to his thrusts.
“Ya my good little slut?” He moans and pulls you onto his thrusts, watching your tits move with each snap of his hips.
“Yes! Yes… Daryl I’m your…good little slut!” You say between pants for air through his relentless pace.
“Ya gonna cum for me..?” He grunts roughly and moves his hands to squeeze your ass before quickly rubbing your clit.
You call out and cum almost immediately around his cock; tightening along his length and then pulsing around nothing as he pulls out of you and jerks himself.
You wanted him to cum inside you so badly but it was too dangerous; too many risks.
Daryl groans as your wrap your hand around his length and jerk him at the same pace he had been fucking you. He pants harshly and calls out, eyes squeezed tightly shut as he releases over your tits.
He moves himself to lay beside you and swallows thickly “holy fuck..”
You chuckle and grab a rag to clean yourself up before curling into his side with a relaxed sigh and falling asleep.
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luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Fandom List
The following below are fandoms that I'm in as well as a few characters that I'm willing to write for. Feel free to ask about someone who's not named on the list (I'll most likely only list 4 per thing for space reasons (I could go on forever with MCU people alone)).
Masterlist | DOs, and DON'Ts
I do the following for imagines and requests: X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Neutral
Below the line is the fandom list + at most 4 characters
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett (Wolverine) Jean Gray (Phoenix) Ororo Munroe (Storm) Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Oswald Cobblepot Barbara Kean Others
Dream SMP Technoblade JSchlatt Wilbur Soot Dream Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Rick Grimes Negan Smith Maggie Greene Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Arcane Silco Jinx Vi Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Carisi Amanda Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Maritza Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Grey's Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Katsuki Bakugou Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story James Patrick March [ Hotel ] Countess [ Hotel ] Nora [ Murder House ] Kit [ Assylum ] Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Hank Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Dimitrescu Bela Dimitrescu
YouTubers Jacksepticeye Smosh [ Anyone ] Markiplier Mithzan Others
Markiplier Egos Darkiplier Wilford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye Egos Antisepticeye Chase Marvin Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson Others
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Some of your favorite characters are Will’s split personalities (psych/narrative analysis)
This is part 2 of my DID analysis. Part 1 focusing on how the supernatural events of the series correlate to Will’s past with Lonnie. Before, I explain who I believe are alters of Will’s (previously called ‘split personalities’). I think I need to explain a crash course on what Dissociative Identity disorder (DID: previously ‘multiple personality disorder’) entails. And the supernatural manifestation within the show as well- Before explaining which characters I believe are alters of Will’s and why. So let’s begin.
There are 4 hallmarks of a potential dissociative disorder
“Dissociation is when instead of staying present in the face of stress you exit your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations and zone out. . It’s as if your body is a computer that reaches overload for input then just shuts down.’ It’s considered a defense mechanism in psychoanalytic theory.”
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‘An individual struggling with dissociation or a dissociative disorder may only experience one of the following or may experience multiple. Each individual’s experience with dissociation can be varied. Symptoms can last just a matter of moments or return at times over the years.” 
1)“Identity confusion and alteration -When an individual forgets who they are or takes on a new personality unlike themselves.” (Aka his possession).
2)Dissociative Amnesia-”The forgetting of a major event, such as a childhood trauma or forgetting (traumatic) things happening in real-time.Many survivors of are able to “forget” until sometime later …when memories are triggered by certain events or when the body and mind are no longer able to conceal the memories.” (Aka Will’s ‘now memories’. The reason he refers to them as “now-memories” is because they are things he’s already experienced (as memories) but he’s only now remembering - because of his “dissociative-amnesia’
3)”Derealization-Feeling like the world is not real or is foggy.” (the upsidedown)
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4) “Depersonalization-The sense of not being in control of, or not being connected to, one’s body.”
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vocab and definitions (about DID) to keep in mind 
CORE/HOST- “The core is considered by some to be the person first born to the body. The host is the alter who most commonly uses the body (which may or may not be the core).”
ALTERS - “are dissociated self states that can be highly differentiated from each other. They can have unique names, appearances, ages, gender identities, sexualities, memories (pasts), skills, faiths, political views, abilities, and ways of viewing and interacting with the world. Alters can even perceive themselves as different species, inanimate objects, or as members of a different race, gender, age, or ethnicity/race.No one can choose to have alters or what their alters are like. Alters' creation is entirely unconscious. Most alters have their own sense of identity.  A host  cannot actually control the alter.An individual with DID has one brain and one body. Dissociative barriers between alters are not literal boundaries, and knowledge, memories, skills, preferences, and traits may bleed through.Alters usually have a role or multiple roles in a smaller system- these roles may or may not appear contradictory.”
SYSTEM-”A system is a collection of alters within one body.Subsystems are two or more groups of alters that might have developed separately, and they may or may not be aware of the other group.”
INNER WORLDS-”it could be a house, to a city, or multiple locations-where alters go when not in control of the body. The innerworld is where alters can interact with one another and where there physical appearance is how they describe .Communication between alters may happen face-to-face (in each other's respective bodies, via the internal world). Expansive internal worlds can result when highly imaginative or dissociative systems use their inner world to retreat from the outside world and so play out entire stories within their mind. Alters may be perceived as having internal lives when not active in the outside world, and these inner lives may involve travel to other internal locations. Many internal happenings may be metaphorical or highly symbolic of the core’s past. Inners worlds may also have characters  called "NPCs" (taken from the roleplaying term "non-player characters") that can interact with alters but they are more similar to imaginary constructs rather than actual alters (they can’t control the body and some are made consciously unlike alters-although that’s not always the case). These npcs can be background characters to make the world more real, and it’s not uncommon for parents, family members, or friends of alters to be NPCs.They can feel just as real as natural-born people . Different subsystems may reside in different locations in an internal world or may have non-overlapping internal worlds.”
INTEGRATION- This is essentially the closest thing an alter can do to die- but frankly I consider that comparison harsh. It’s “ when an alter permanently combines with the host or another alter.Fusion occurs when identities merge together and become a unified whole (retaining the memories and some traits of both merging identities.)  Integration into a single, individualized identity IS the goal for some in therapy.  But it is not, and does not have to be, for everyone.  It is possible to achieve full healing by processing memories, establishing communication across the whole mind, lowering dissociative barriers, and showing aptitude in everyone working toward a common goal - all without actually integrating.  Others may choose to integrate SOME parts, or "downsize", but still leave a small system to go about their life.”
“They may retain any number of independently acting alters. Reasons for choosing not to fully integrate can include: feeling that full integration is unnecessary; not understanding what integration actually entails and being afraid of "losing" their alters; uncertainty over how to navigate the world as one integrated person; being used to having alters around for company, entertainment, or support; alters having their own unique relationships that they're hesitant to lose; alters wanting to remain separate for their own sakes.”
SWITCHING-”Switching refers to one alter taking control of the body at the expense of another alter who was previously in control of body or ‘fronting’. Switches can be consensual, forced, or triggered.Switches can be slow, quick, or uncontrollably rapid. Switching can take seconds, minutes, or even days to occur.Stress (Will’s anniversary effect) or even a reminder of a trauma, can trigger a switch of alters.  * I’ll talk more about this later
ALTERS DYING-“Even if mock deaths or temporary experiences of alters “dying” from old age (or other means) have been acted out in some systems, they aren’t actually dying. You cannot kill off a collective part of the conscious mind like you can a person. Their thoughts, memories, emotions will all still be there, so they must be as well. The part may have gone into extreme hiding/dormant, been momentarily immobilized, or merged with another part of the mind (integration), but they most assuredly did not and can not disappear entirely or “be killed”.
Next we’re on to the supernatural concept they chose to use for this disorder.
We see in the first episode.  Will mentions x-men 134 which is about the dark phoenix . The show is litered with x men references like Dustin giving cerebro ( a machine belonging to professor x) to Will. Dustin also asks if El was born with powers “like the x-men.” And Mike also says  El channels Will and Dustin once again says “like professor x.” Now- does anyone know who professor x’s son (David) and the ‘shadow phoenix”are ? Well his son is considered the most powerful mutant in the world and has Dissociative identity disorder (DID).At one point some of his alters literally escape his head and enter the real world as tangible people. The ‘shadow phoenix’ is also a sibling to the ‘dark phoenix’.And this ‘shadow phoenix’ (a ‘shadow monster’ if you will)   terrorized David’s alters and forced them to integrate back into 1 personality . 
In ‘scanners’ one psychic mentions how he “opened the door” to the people trapped in his own mind in order for Daryl to be Daryl again.  While in ‘altered states’ the man (who saw flashes of another dimension) met his ‘unborn self in the crack in the void.’Similar to how Mr clarke and Alexi describes the portals of other dimensions being opened as a ‘door’. However, these doors were created before El- we see El created the one at the lab, but that doesn’t take into account the ones in the tree or the cave. There’s more portals we’re unaware of that allowed alters and npcs to escape and become part of the real world even before El opened the gate in s1. And unbeknownst to some of the characters and the audience we’ve already seen other ‘inner worlds’ of Will’s -besides the upsidedown . Which people (not part of the system) have interacted with . As Dustin in s1 said about the other dimensions / vale of shadows , it’s “ A dark reflection or echo of our world ...It’s right next to you and you don’t even know it” . 
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We see both mr clarke stab a pencil into a plate and Alexi a straw into a box to illustrate this. What’s interesting is the one other time we see this motion is when Lonnie says “someone should be held accountable” (referring to what happened to Will), as he hammers into the wall and it transitions to Mike mimicking mr clarke. Implying that Lonnie is responsible and will be held accountable in the future.
-There’s also the fact the ‘dark phoenix’ mentioned in the first episode of St is highly associated with fire- having pyrokinesis (like Will the wise) and  who “had able to warp reality on a universal scale” .  It’s like how the show talks about physics often, like in s3/1 (plank’s constant or Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretations) - and Einstein who believed quantum mechanics wasn’t real said “God does not play dice with the universe."  So since he was wrong , cause quantum mechanics is real , the quote should be “god plays dice with the universe.” Like Will does in the beginning of the first episode.Will is captured by the demogorgan (in the game) so he was captured in real life because he rolled a 7. I talked more about this more in the mf section.
- It’s similar to one of the Duffers admitted biggest inspirations for the series ‘altered states’. Who’s mental illness alters reality . He hallucinates  seeing flashes of another dimension like Will.
We’ll talk about more evidence of this concept  in the character breakdowns (mostly in the mf section). So now on to the alters (and Npcs) who escaped Will’s mind into the real world as tangible people. 
Tr*gger warning now, because of how DID is caused. “The dissociative aspect is thought to be a coping mechanism - the person literally shut off or dissociated themselves from a situation or experience too traumatic, or painful to assimilate with their conscious self.As many as 99% of individuals who develop dissociative disorders have recognized personal histories of recurring, overpowering, and often life-threatening disturbances or traumas at a sensitive developmental stage of childhood (usually before age 6). It cannot form AFTER the ages of 6-9 years of age, aka 10 and up (though, once you have DID you can develop new alters at any time).DID is rarely diagnosed in children (and is usually diagnosed in adulthood or late teens), despite the average age of appearance of the first alter being 5.9 years old . ”
They’ll be brief mentions of dark subjects in this psych/narrative analysis because of this. I’ll also be listing movies said to inspire s4 of st  (according to st writers), or mentioning movies name dropped by  the cast, the Duffers ,  or in the show itself . 
Max Mayfield & Billy Hargrove 
When Max is first introduced - Mr Clark talks about “brain cells working together as one” (while talking next to a brain).  Similarly, dustin/mike mention mr clarke when saying what’s essentialy a did system “A collective consciousness. this is the thing that controls everything. this is the brain.” This concept about Max , is mentioned again when mr. clark discuses phineus Gage saying he had “a total change in personality that even his friends called him no longer gage.” And emphasizes max and Will in this scene- showing one in clear focus, while another is blurry, and as they make eye contact Max turns away . 
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Both are poor, their bio dads aren’t around, both like horror films, comics and videogames. Both their bio dads left them . And both use bats in anger when emulating their abusers ,and both are heavily associated with rainbows. On Halloween she dresses up as a character who as a child dressed up as a clown on Halloween (Will’s fear/ what triggered him on Halloween) and whose surname is Myers (Byers?)
 Billy, like Will , have nicknames for their real name-  ‘william’. Both have abusive dads who called them  homophobic slurs, and forced them to play baseball to man-up.  Billy’s old baseball team is even tigers (the mascot of Will’s elementary school and matching Will’s tiger painting in his room in s1-2).The “it was a 7 “ vs “the wave was 7 feet”. Both hit with needles, into rock music , attracted to Wheelers ,and were the main subjects possessed by the mf. At one point the dark phoenix fails to merge with jean so goes to merge with her clone body as the next best thing. In this case the mf went to Will’s second alter William/Billy. And as Will states “another me.”  And both say about the mf “I’m sorry, he made me do it.” 
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Neil and Lonnie both push Jon and Billy against a wall. And Jon tells of a time where his dad made him kill a rabbit . And Billy’s last name “Hargrove” means - “grove filled with rabbits" . While, ‘Mad-max’ her nickname is based on the male 80s film character ‘mad max’ a man being terrorized by a r**ist biker gang who attacks both men/women. It’s also possible that Billy’s appearance was based on Will seeing mrs wheeler’s romance novels? 
In the film “don’t breathe’- the reason why the siblings are from California is alluded to in a flashback of  Jon & Will.  The older sibling (with abusive parents) takes care of the younger sibling like a parent and the little sibling says she wants to be a surfer despite living in a land locked state (without an ocean, like Indianna). Older sibling says one day maybe they can live in California together  . And the Older sibling tells a friend about how their dad left them, and how they were thrown in a dark trunk by an abusive parent as kid . Which was alluded to in s1, when Jon checked the trunk to see if Lonnie put Will in there.And we see the mf (who is emulating Lonnie) doing the same thing to heather, and tom (hitting or strangling them and then throwing them in the trunk).
Certain scenes, are alters re-enacting  past scenes of trauma. “The family dynamics will be played out in a variety of ways but will most obviously be noted in the way the survivor splits off their system.Some survivors will internalize their family into their own DID system. Some alters may reenact trauma and ab*se, sometimes reinforcing ab*sers’ lessons to prevent further ab*se but sometimes serving as a permanent component of an internal flashback.“The reason, Billy acts/is racist is because he’s emulating Neil (but more accurately Lonnie) who told Will not be friends with lucas and thus recreates that moment with Max .lonnie in the s4 films is very racist. Another example, is Will has shown a fear of doors opening (in s1-2) shown by how the demogorgan unlocks the door telepathically (like El does often).And the mf opening doors by themselves in the house and arcade. Neil demands Billy opens his door. And right after Max stares at Will-Billy yells to open the door and tells Max “I’ll cut you b*tch” if she doesn’t open the door. This is because Lonnie said and did similar things to Will if he didn’t open the door.
What connects all 3 is that they all have an absent parent and have baseball associated with them mimicking a familial ab*ser. Even the mf is associated with the sport.
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Some “ alters can even speak a different language than the host. Despite, the host personality not knowing a single word of the language.’
Similar to Will who won the science fair for 4 years in a row- Alexi is a scientist who has a child like disposition . Will has a fear of clowns (a clown even triggered him on Halloween), and we see that after he’s attacked by a lonnie-look alike he dies surrounded by clowns. 
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He also sees a friend strangled by the lonnie-look alike  (using 1 hand) and die. throughout the season the mf who emulates lonnie strangle people the exact same way, with one hand (doing this to joyce, el, heather, and jon). probably cause Will either saw Lonnie strangle someone or was strangled in this way. There’s also the fact when we first see Alexi - lights flicker like in s1 (illustrating a supernatural element associated with Will and others).
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And stangertheory pointed this one detail out, when watching woody the woodpecker he says “can we watch loonie toons, now?” murray: ‘no’/ “can we play d&d , now? crew:no. 
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Also, “woody in the cartoon is terrorized by Andy and PAPA panda. To Woody's surprise, Andy's attempts prevail, and Woody is taken away to the psychiatric hospital— but not before his captors prove to be crazier than he is” (cough s4 spoiler, but that’s a post for another day).We also have a scene where murray compares him to a child bringing shit in and tries touching his junk with a metal detector. And when Alexi says to stop, Murray says he’ll do as he pleases in his house. Probably a re-enactment .  And Murray mistranslates what he says occasionally as being “n*ked or exposed”, “penetrating a hole”. Also ‘alexi’ may also be a reference to Alexy in russian folklore. A clever-minded priest's son (Lonnie is alluded to be a religious zealot in s4 movies) who wins by tricking and outsmarting his foes and defeating a dragon by trickery. This is another connection to Will who is heavily associated with dragons- for a huge spoiler related reason - let’s just say  mf’s can create dragons, Will drew a dragon, has a dragon poster, read a dragon comic in a s1 flashback , was there for the dragon video game, and Dustin mentions a dragon in s3 because of foreshadowing.
**The mindflayer (previously known as ‘Will the wise’) -persecutor alter 
 “A child that is heavily into fantasy might have alters who present as certain fantasy creatures that the child sees as being capable of protecting them from being hurt again.All of the personalities begin as friends and allies…” We see this with Will’s first alter- Will the wise. Who Will described as having fire powers to attack smart bad guys. And who is based off the rules of d&d.
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“ Persecutors are alters who purposefully harm the body, system, host, core, or other alters. Most of the literature on the development of these persecutory alters reports that they usually begin life as protectors and then, for some reason, turn on the host, becoming persecutory. Kluft, in 1985, describes the persecutors as initially "taking all the suffering for the others (alters & host). Persecutory personalities originate from the shame and anger related to the traumatic experience and to the perpetrator. “ 
‘It is usually during the transition between childhood to adolescence when childhood protectors becomes a persecutor.” And begin mimicking the ab*ser. We actually may have seen this transition at the end of s1- where WW became the mf. In d&d lore, mindflayers are created by inserting a tadpole into a human- like what we saw at the end of s1 where Will coughed up the slug from the upsidedown. Meaning all that supernatural stuff we saw Will do in s1 was actually Will the wise (ww) before he turned into the mf. While the flashbacks in s1 (and singing in castle byers) were of the Will we saw in s2-3.
Will says WW is a wizard ( writing on a music tape in s3 “will the wise-wizard mix’ and having his password for castle byers be ‘rhadaghast’- a lotr wizard.)The way they describe d&d Wizards matches Will/mf perfectly “Wizards are adepts and magicians . wizards are able to create spells of explosive fire, sparking lightning, subtle deception, and gross mind control. Their magic summons monsters from other planes of existence, predicts the future, and turns defeated enemies into zombies. Their most powerful spells can transform one substance into another, summon meteors from the sky, and open portals to other worlds”.
Nancy even accidentally calls the mf the “mind -flamer” (aka fire powers of ww ). Dustin says the mf “takes over minds using their highly developed psionic powers” (like wizards).We see Will the wise described as having fire/lightning powers and in the first ep we see him leave Mike’s house causing the lights to flicker, turn on his bike light with his mind (before being attacked by the demogorgan), blink once for yes and twice for no to communicate with Joyce, cause lightning to spark out of the phones twice, and be proficient in guns like Lonnie.  We know the mindflayer is also associated with lightning/storms (but that’s only because it’s one of Ww’s abilities). When Hopper sees Joyce’s phone he even says “storm bq-ed this pretty good.“ And in s2 a scientist said the same phrase while in the upside down looking at the burned equipment the mf created. Showing a correlation between Ww and the mindflayer. CAUSE THEY’RE THE SAME PERSON. In the comic we see electricity come out of Ww’s hands. And in s1 he drew his wizard character with lightning (BEFORE) he went to the upside down.  And in s2 WW was drawn with flames on his cloak.
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Will in his cannon journal even draws the mind flayer with red lightning, and later  uses red paper to sketch clouds/lightning and pastes a picture of himself on to it. Because deep in his subconscious (along with the memories of his father- he realizes he created the mf/ww). And Joyce even describes the tunnels he draws as “like lightning.” And note in s1 we are told Lonnie taught Will baseball (and this was when Jon told Will not to mimic him)- and suspiciously there is a baseball and baseball-mitt next to the ‘shadow monster’ (mf) drawing and a bat (next to the ww drawing in castle byers). Cause mf= ww.  Will lies and says the mf is just a sketch for a story he’s writing- but even if that’s not exactly true. The mf is still something he unconsciously created.And of course Will is called ‘zombie boy’ and in s3 when Will watches a zombie movie and writes a d&d story about juju zombies- the mf creates zombies and creates a monster resembling the thing (because when Will was writing his d&d story he was next to the ‘the thing’ poster in s3. In s2 Will playing dig dug which is about underground mazes- so the supernatural underground caves are made. And it’s a callback to the s1 d&d game with “troglodytes “ (cave men). And in s3 the Russians had the underground lab too - sort of being the troglodytes in a way.And similar to s1, after Will watches poltergeist Will/ww is thrust into the same scenario as the little girl (being trapped in another dimension- where the mothers can only hear their voices and communicate to them through electronics ). Like how rolling the 7 in d&d caused him to be captured by the demogorgan in the game and real life. Nancy saying: “So this thing is like a brain that’s controlling everything.”Hopper then says “So how do we kill this thing shoot it with fireballs?”And Dustin says “ No, No, fireballs you summon an undead army.”But Mike actually nails it on the head when he says, “If the brain dies the body dies … closing the gate will kill him(referring to Will).Because it’s not the mindflayers’ brain - it’s Will’s brain- that both Will and the mf share!
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In the episode after the mindflayer  enters Will - the episode is literally titled “ Will the wise”. Here we see a ‘slow switch’ occur.”Slow switches are when two or more alters (Will and mf) are co-conscious to varying degrees and slowly blending and retreating to allow one alter (mf) to gain prominence .Some indicators that a switch may be about to occur include feeling "spacey.”
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In this episode we don’t see A full switch but ‘blending’. “ A full switch is rarely necessary. Instead of an alter switching to front, they can exert passive influence on the alter currently at front (Will) . Passive influence can be described as intrusions from alters that are not currently prominent in the mind or using the body. This may manifest as ego-alien thoughts, knowledge, memories, feelings, emotions, opinions, preferences, urges, abilities, or actions. These intrusions may vary in strength and influence and may result in the fronting alter taking actions or voicing opinions that they can't explain or account for.” 
We see this with Will’s ‘now memories’ the reason he refers to them as “now-memories” is because they are things he’s already experienced (as memories) but he’s only now remembering them- because of his “dissociative-amnesia’ .  An example is  Will fearing the tub, and  yelling at his mom -confused at his own reaction. Because ww is the one afraid of the tub not Will.This is because this is one of the locations abuse often takes place. There’s at least 20 movies where a bad guy tries drowning someone in a tub. In splice, the cell, and the ring  all incorporate an ab*sive father trying to drown his young child. In the cell the father would beat his son, burn him, called him homophobic slurs, and almost drowned him and causing a seizure.When Will tries to take a bath it’s overplayed with Mr Clarke saying (in front of a model of a human brain) -  “Organisms instinctively respond to danger, expose a bacterium to a toxic chemical and it will flee or deploy some other defense mechanism. We’re very much the same.” As a flash of  Will’s “now-memories” occur as he stares at the tub. And we see a zoom in shot of the back of his head (which Will said is associated with memories) . And Mike stares at Will’s empty desk.Meaning, Will’s starting to fear the bath as he’s  starting to remember (subconsciously) what previously occurred there because of WW- Lonnie/tubs being the ‘toxic chemical’ in the analogy. 
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WW fully takes control/switches in the following episode ‘Dig dug’ when he wakes up from the nightmare of Hopper being attacked in the cave- this is indicated by zooming in on the drawing of ‘Will the wise’ before he wakes up. And explains his odd behavior- of being oddly quiet . Looking up surprised at all the cave/vine drawings on the walls. It’s common for alters to pretend to be the host when they switch. He displays being able see into the future (like Will describes WW him being able to do in s3-  like when ww in s2 says Hopper will die), and he late tracks Hopper’s location by closing his eyes like the drawing of ww. Mike mentioning he’s a ‘superspy’  right after he finds Hopper- the next episode is even called “the spy” as Mike realizes he’s the mf and says he’s  “the spy”. He initially tried to help until the soldiers burned him (causing a seizure like Lonnie previously caused) and later when they burn him again. He decides to kill them- similar to how El killed 2 men for putting her in solitary confinement multiple times.
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However,  I need to point out “ protectors are still and always protectors. What changes is the protective behaviors no longer look obviously protective and in actuality may be harmful and life threatening to the host.” He still acts as a protector saying he got upset when they hurt him/Will. And participating in a supernatural-extreme version of ‘thought snatching’.”thought snatching" (taking away your thoughts) can be caused by the actions of alters.” So he incorrectly tries wiping all of Will’s thoughts/memories to shield the body from past trauma.
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Mf is also hinted to be under the category of a ‘ demon alter’- Will being handed the “devil’s baby” firework and in the background is a sticker of a demo(n)-dog  . “Demon alters are often a form of protector known as a persecutor.Some people have alters which are supernatural beings. These are regarded as possession-form identities, if a person is consciously aware of the actions of the alter then the person may describe themselves as feeling "possessed" by an outside person, spirit, deity (god), or demon.”
“Attempts to banish them using religious techniques such as "deliverance" or exorcism do not work permanently, can be harmful and may prolong any internal war between alters and preventing healing .”
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“Ignoring them, trying to shut them up or restrain them, punishing them, or any of the various attempts at “getting rid of them” will not only never work (their needs will only become greater and louder), they’ll become more and more traumatized as you confirm to them their every belief about the world. 
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“You can’t actually “get rid of them” anyway, so it’s far better to try and understand them. “  
So yeah- our heroes literally did everything wrong to make it worse.And literally mimicked Lonnie who tied him to chairs in his shed (and like Brenner did to joyce/ Russians did to Robin & steve) or to a bed (like brenner to Terry/lonnie to Will) and hurt and burned him (like Lonnie). Also, FYI the person who was calling Joyce at the beginning of s2 and freaked her out, and later called during the excorcism was Lonnie- why WW freaked out over the call.Noah was even told to watch the excorcist for the burning scene at the end of the season. Even the movie implied it was all based on a similar trauma and it was in the girl’s head- she even while possessed had the male voice of the man who was implied to have ab*sed her and said phrases he said in the film. Similar to WW’s deeper non-human voice he used to try and tell them to ‘let him go.’
So in the next season he was worse than ever and wanted revenge on the people who tried to kill him. Because he fears they’ll come after him again and hurt him- similar to Kali who says the people who are still after her ( and burned her with a taser stick/nancy with burning stick) are still after them and will kill them. 
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 We also see the mindflayer despite in the show and d&d lore be sensitive to sunlight pick the summer to come back. Now, why is that? The answer is simple it’s when Will started to realize his romantic feelings for Mike. Joyce at the beginning of the season says “You won’t think it’s gross when you fall in love”?But due to his ab*se - WW DOES! And Will just responds to Joyce , unconvincingly, saying  “I’m not going to fall in love.” But he already has! 
“Even non-ab*sive romantic relationships may provoke the protector’s vitriolic reaction if the relationship takes on a meaning which feels threatening. Simply feeling the possibility of closeness to another person may be the trigger because of the protector’s prior learning that trust and dependency lead surely and inevitably to ab*se and hurt.”(Mierendorf, 1993). EX: a persecutor alter who identifies herself only as "Me, Myself" was questioned about her anger  and violence to the host.
" she began becoming interested in boys, and dates, and all that [she trails off], and I hated it and I didn't want any part of it. So I quit, I wasn't going to do any more ... nobody was ever gonna touch me ...And whenever that would happen with Gretchen [the host] it would hurt me and I would hate it and I'd hate her, and I'd hate her for letting that happen . i wanted to k*ll her”
Whenever the Mf is close and Will touches his neck it relates to his romantic feelings for Mike. 1st time it’s on one of their ‘movie dates’, 2nd time when Will is sad when Mike and El walk off together down the hill to make-out, , 3rd time right after he smashed castle byers after Mike says “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”, 4th time (after the fight with Mike) when Billy is yelling to open the door (a trigger) and confides in Mike, 5th time when Mike asks him to go away so he can talk to El in the hospital waiting area, and 6th time when Mike says he loves El. 
And in s3, Mike says on a rainy day “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls” (and similarly Lonnie called Will a “fag” and a “queer”). Then he leaves Mike’s house, tears-up all his sketches, comics, a pic of mike (things he loves). And uses a bat that Lonnie taught him to use -to destroy castle Byers (which was also built on a rainy day , after his dad left).He uses a bat, despite saying in s1 he doesn’t like baseball. He has a bat in castle byers (next to a WW drawing) and a mitt/ baseball in his room (specifically next to a picture of the mindflayer.) and Will looked at the Will the wise drawing and then destroys castle byers with a bat. Showing WW/mf are the same person and that WW (and even Will to some extent) is still not taking Jon’s advice about not mimicking Lonnie.He uses the bat (lonnie taught him to use) to try to “man-up” and destroy or even taint the things he loves- castle byers & Mike . And after this, he grabs his neck (which in s2 he said he associated with now-memories) and then says “He’s back” (aka Lonnie’s influence/mf). And then everything supernatural begins to escalate.
-“   another ‘threat’ the, the persecutor believes the host may pose in adolescence or adulthood is breaking the silence about the ab*se and/or the multiplicity. We then witness the protector’s desperate attempt to control the client, to “save him” from the expected dire consequences of revealing the secrets.”
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“The persecutor frequently protects the host through scare tactics; through fear and intimidation. In order for this scare tactic to work the host must be convinced of the persecutor's capacity and willingness (even desire) to use the utmost in force and destructiveness. The persecutor must, in short, be viewed as Putnam described: "a fearsome, loathsome, deamon-like entity” .When the danger posed comes from outside the system  the persecutor uses the same scare tactics, trying to impress the intruder (in this case the therapist, etc) with his or her ferocity and proclivity to violence.The persecutor therefore becomes increasingly loaded with hostility toward the host, to the point where the original protective function can be lost to their consciousness.Finally, it should be obvious that the persecutor who uses threats of violence to protect the host may be quite worried about either the host or  others uncovering the underlying protective intent of their actions because it disarms the power of their threat.”
EX:” Susan was a 31 year old woman who came in for treatment when she started recovering memories of inc*st which had begun with f*ndling and proceeded to r*pe just prior to adolescence. Susan reported a host of dissociative symptoms as well as feeling as if she had a "monster inside me who wouldn't allow me to heal.”Before the next session the therapist received a letter from an ego state named Shadow. The letter detailed how big and fierce Shadow was and how she was supposed to be feared, have control, and all the power.In the next session Shadow revealed that she had been using fear to prevent Susan from disclosing the ab*se. Shadow firmly believed that Susan's father would kill them if the abuse were disclosed.”
“As Putnam notes, while the persecutor displays “extreme contempt toward the host,” paradoxically, “the dominant emotion of the persecutor may really be love” (1989, p. 207). In fact, it is this very love which propels the persecutor in the harassment of the host -feeling it is a way to protect them from perceived threats. “
“  They are NOT the actual ab*ser.They are just copying behaviors shown to them by bad people, not harboring the intent, sadism or immorality of the actual perpetrators. We understand this change ( from protector to persecutor) and  displaying ab*sive behaviors does not reflect an underlying character structure.Instead we understand the change as demonstrating a past adaptive instrumental use of violence in an attempt to preserve the system in the face of a [perceived] threat.’
**Another words,  for anyone confused- WW went from childhood  protector to teen persecutor because of perceived threats. Will (the host) becoming aware of his romantic feelings for Mike and Will slowly and subconsciously gaining his memories of past ab*se - and WW fearing once he remembers he’ll tell someone. So he wants to prevent this by scaring Will and others .And does this by playing the role/character of a scary monster- mimicking the scariest things he knows Lonnie and the mf from d&d. It’s also possible like some persecutors he’s forgotten his original protective function or like other persecutors he’s simply masking how he’s trying to protect Will (because if anyone knew he cared for Will the threat wouldn’t be affective anymore).
‘Alters "should be treated with equal kindness," despite their behaviors.Persecutors are often  "misguided protectors" which can be negotiated with. With ‘patience, persistence and kindness" they can be allowed to choose a different role once the person is safe from ab*sers. The persecutor can be "turned into a constructive force" (Watkins, 1978, p. 397) and become “one of the therapist’s strongest allies and can play a major role in the healing of the patient” (Putnam, 1991, p. 205) (*I’ll talk more about this in my s4 analysis) .With healing a non-human alter can even turn human again! "I have an alter who was a persecutor for a long time. A lot of people see persecutors as bad and sometimes even the persecutors themselves see themselves as bad. This alter saw herself as an ab*ser and carried an awful lot of self hate, but she wasn't bad really because her motives were to protect us even though she wasn't going about it in a very good way. She thought that if she punished us and scared us into 'keeping in line' then other people wouldn't have to hurt us. Eventually she learnt that hurting us wasn't necessary, so now she is trying to learn how to protect us in more healthy ways."
There’s also important inspirations for the show to mention that support this theory:
Montauk Project’- The original title for Stranger things was “Montauk”- in reference to the Montauk Project. It was about experiments conducted on psychic children, where the scientists would “break” them psychologically to strengthen their powers and to program them. Duncan who could “open portals to other dimensions-  let loose a monster from his subconscious.”
‘A wizard of Eathsea’ (which suzie mentions in s3)- Is about a male wizard Ged (Will) who casts a powerful spell, but the spell goes awry and instead he releases a shadow creature! The new Archmage, Gensher, describes the shadow as an ancient evil that wishes to possess Ged. But the ‘shadow’ turns out  to be a representation of the darkest aspects of his personality. And the only way for the chaos to stop is for ged and the shadow to merge.
‘the dark crystal’ movie poster in Mike’s room is about a race called urSkeks who inadvertently divided themselves into two separate beings; the violent, materialistic Skeksis, and the gentle, contemplative urRu. It was only when they merged back together as one could harmony and peace be restored to the world.
‘Long kiss goodnight’- both (’good’ and supposedly ‘bad’) personalities also integrate into 1 happy personality.
In d&d  “it’s also possible, although rare, for an extremely powerful mind flayer wizard to become a true lich, also known as an illithilich. illithid's last desire upon death was to be rejoined with its elder brain.” ( Will’s mind/ he wants to integrate with Will).
Even the way the mindflayer/ ‘shadow monster’ functions is similar to the ‘shadow phoenix’/how integration in DID works.  “They considered feeding on brains as a euphoric experience as it absorbed its victim's memories, personality, and fears.”
The dark phoenix (referenced in s1ep1)  fails to merge with jean so goes to merge with her clone body as the next best thing. In this case the mf went to Will’s second alter William/Billy. And as Will states “another me”. Later Jean, Phoenix, and madelyn (clone) merge into 1 person- the new-jean now having the memories and personality traits of all 3.
in s1 Mr clarke describes the vale of shadows (later the upsidedown) as being created by “necrotic” (’dead’-zombie boy) and shadow (shadow monster) magic. In d&d the Vale of Shadows, is  as a lush valley hidden in the mountains that holds a sacred pool with the power to make dreams reality. (In this case nightmares representing past ab*se). He even describes his ‘now memories’ as ‘like a dream’.
In ‘never ending story’ referenced in s3 -  the land of Fantasia represents humanity’s imagination and is thus without boundaries. However ‘the Nothing’ (the physical manifestation of darkness) which has taken over Fantasia and it’s inhabitants is a manifestation of the ‘loss of hopes and dreams’.  
Silent hill videogames/movies (duffers cited as inspo):. “The bad guys faked Alessa’s death. Kaufmann prepared a substitute body of alessa;  and performed the fake "autopsy (like Will) .Alessa believed that their current world must be cleansed with fire (WW’s fire powers). Alessa had a very dark, violent, traumatic and ab*sive childhood: r*ped, beaten, tortured, and even burned , all by the age of 7- “it was a 7″). She had supernatural powers and was called a witch. She had precognition (future/intuition) and pyrokinesis (fire) which developed after her ab*sive mother burned her (like ww). It’s  also implied Dahlia her mother would lock Alessa in their house's dark attic for long periods of time for any irreligious behavior (the trunk).Alessa was "always"  sad, and  Alessa only found respite when escaping to other worlds through fantasy to cope with and comfort herself in the face of her harsh reality. At times, Alessa seems to completely withdraw inward, perhaps as a result of years of trauma as there are many instances of her becoming unresponsive when questioned.Because of  all of her ab*se  Allesa’s soul split in 1/2 (becoming Alessa and Cheryl).Selfless at heart, she cared for her second half /reincarnation more than she cared for herself, wanting to spare them the hellish nightmare she endured at the hands of her ab*sive mother and her cult. For seven years (it was a 7), Alessa endured her suffering because she had not wanted to destroy whatever small happiness her other self was able to enjoy, but little by little, it became more than Alessa could bear. Alessa's latent psychic abilities are triggered and she shrouds Silent Hill in fog and an altered reality to prevent her mother's scheme from advancing. Many of the drastic changes that befall the town in the game, such as the horrific creatures that come to inhabit it, are conjured from her imagination and delusions. “ ( personally i think Lonnie went to the house offscreen in s1 and tried to take Ww- why when lonnie is at the byers house they zoom in on a bullet in the tv for some reason with no explanation on how it occurred).  Cheryl and Alessa also later merge again .
mystic river-in the 80s, a young boy who plays baseball is r**ed by 2 men in a cabin in the woods and escapes and runs into the forrest . He  imagines perpetrators as werewolves and vampires as a way to cope. And imagines he’s in a scary world that no one else can see (that disappears when he turns around). And he even has a split personality. He wishes he could turn into a undead monster so he doesn’t have to feel the pain of being human anymore.
other DID movies/show inspirations for St (some realistic /some more supernatural so resemble DID) : prince of tides,primal fear (realistic DID ,caused by childhood se*ual trauma).supernatural/ or non realistic DID:  elfen lied, exorcist, and Audrey rose .
 Now on to the next point- “chronologically, it is the persecutory alter personality who creates the first split. Helper alter personalities constitute the second split, and as such, constitute a defense against the first split. These two successive splits constitute the basic dissociation. Further alter personality formations are only of secondary nature. In order to cope with the first split, the host personality produces companions resembling [him] as a second defense.The alter personalities developing in the second phase originate from the desire of the host personality to regain her previous strength and from her striving to create alter personalities resembling herself who share the same aim with her.”
So to make it simple some alters are more based on Will in order to combat the alters more based on WW/mf (the 1st alter/. protector- persecutor). So let’s talk about other alters based on ww/mf.
Kali Prasad (avenger alter/ different race alter) 
“The avenger holds the rage from the childhood abuse and may attempt to avenge themselves or seek retribution from the ab*ser.”
”Different race alters are generally created for the stereotypic or imagined qualities of that race, as experienced or perceived by the host personality.  Fike gives the example of a Caucasian patient with a Native American alter personality who represented spirituality and other-worldliness. “ we actually see  Kali who is the embodiment of her religious counterpart.Kali is a (Hindu goddess). And Prasad is a holy offering to gods and goddesses in hinduism.
 Kali’s name means “destroyer of all evil forces” and in mythology she was considered “ a divine protector and the one who bestows liberation to her children”. However , the goddess Kali’s iconography is generally associated with death and violence and paradoxically (at the same time) “motherly love”. Kali is sometimes considered the goddess of death but more accurately she “brings the death of ego”. She only kills demons.  She is considered one of “the most compassionate of the gods because she provides liberation to her children”. She is commonly depicted holding a sword and the head of a demon. “A latitude soul sees mother Kali as very sweet, affectionate, and overflowing with incomprehensible love for her children” (the numbers and her gang of misfits).She is called the Divine Mother  & Mother of the Universe. And when talking to El the sign there’s a says ‘spiritual advisor’  behind her.
“ It has been suggested that a male child that is being ab*sed might create a female headmate because he needs a "mother" role in the attempt to soften what might be angry and aggressive behavior on his part as a male DID sufferer. “
we see other evidence of her being an alter as well. Her saying she feels ‘whole’ with EL around. And In the episode before Kali is introduced. Will describes his now memories as “spreading” “growing” and “killing”.  Meanwhile, after this Kali describes her and El’s wounds (caused by their father) in the same fashion. Kali describes how El has to face her trauma or else, like it did with her it will “spread.” Kali later makes a imaginary Brenner to tell El the same words Will said earlier- saying she has to face her trauma or else it will “grow” and “spread “ and “kill” her. in never ending story (reffed in s3) Sebastian who unbeknownst to him created an imaginary mythical world with characters who’d copy phrases their creator  Sebastian said.
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She also says everyone sees her and El as monsters because of their powers- something ww/mf feels (literally becoming one because of this and his ab*se).  And Kali and El say that people hurt them -so they should be allowed to kill them. Kali making the distinction (more aligned with the mf) saying the people who hurt her are still after her -so she’s just making the first move and killing them as preemptive self defense. Something the mf also does, saying in s3 El could have killed him, and targeting those that hurt him and said they wanted to “kill” him in s2 . It’s the same logic as Kali. 
And before kali and El talk we see kali look up to el, as they pass by  graphiti that says ‘barbelith” which in the comics ‘the invisibles’- is the connection between humanity and the holographic world that we see. Aka her and Kali interacting in what’s actually the innerworld. Like Dustin said about the upsidedown “it’s a parallel world existing right beside you, without you even knowing it.”
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why the tv of Kali’s tormenter (who tased her as a kid) is watching a show about a kid having a nightmare about being held down and having a needle put in her arm that kept getting bigger and bigger. Like how WW was pinned down and forced to take a shot in the arm.
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Even the butterfly she creates could be possibly connected to WW- because butterfly decorations are above the byer’s phone (WW electercuted). And similar to Kali’s description the ficitonal russians (npcs) are also very stereotypical based on what an american kid might hear about ‘evil soviets’. They also use the same tasers as Kali’s ab*sers in the lab. In some movies it’s implied Lonnie may have tased his kids so maybe that’s why? And we see like how the gang tied up the mf to a chair, and shot him with a needle needle- the russians do the same to robin & steve.We also see Kali and El attack a man at a gas station -similar to the russian hitman npc from s3.
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And Kali rescues a girl (npc) from a mental health hospital -called ‘dottie’ which is a term for being mentally ill. Lucas also claims El may have escaped from a psych hospital. Personally, i think this is foreshadowing of Mike helping Will out of one (like how Dustin and Lucas bring up ‘myers’ escaping one), but I digress.  in Kali’s place grafiitti also says ‘o’bedlam’a poem about neglected mentally ill beggers .  And compares her crew (of npcs) to herself and El- like dottie (mentally ill) because she’s part of a did system.  Axel with his knife (lonnie loves his hunting knives and used to threaten Will with them and thus did so to el). And El and Will share the same stuffed bear- ‘so there’s the care bear’, one of kali’s crew even wears a clown mask, and axel wears the mummy mask seen at Melvald’s where Joyce works. There’s also the connection of the ‘rainbow room’ (with a rainbow drawing) on the door - relating to  Kali & El and Will’s rainbow-ship drawing.And kali also likes rock music like Will/Billy. And when El first sees her-she’s near fire (ww connection).
El  (caretaker & gate keeper alter)
“A gatekeeper is an alter who controls switching or access to front, access to inside or certain areas inside, or access to certain alters or memories. The existence of a gatekeeper is highly stabilizing for a system because gatekeepers can to some extent prevent unwanted switching, failure to switch when necessary, or failure to switch to the correct alter. They can help to prevent traumatic memories from bleeding from the alters who hold them to alters who could not yet handle them. They might police the boundaries between subsystems.These alters help prevent traumatized alters from fronting. This can be important because there is a chance that the trauma holders may want to harm the body.”  In case you haven’t realized ... el is a horrible gate keeper-opening the gate and leaving it open for a year, not sensing it being reopened in s2 or 3 (too busy thinking about mike in s2/ dating him in s3), and thus causing more trauma to Will (who started to remember old confusing and traumatic memories), and causing Billy, and Max to be traumatized.
she’s also most likely a caretaking alter-“Caretaking alters are a type of a protector, they help manage and care for other alters, and sometimes external people (for example children).  “
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“They are often motherly, and may be modeled on a real person (WW’s appearance- WW looking like Will except having brown eyes, and El looking like the female equivalent).  “Caretaking alters lack awareness of self-care and become exhausted easy; they only have a limited role and have little capacity for play, exploration or socializing.” El fighting to exhaustion, being isolated for most of her life and being in the cabin for 9 months (s2-3), comforting billy/Will, and again only not abiding by this when Mike is involved -hurting Max out of jealousy.
Her inability to speak well could be from neglect and social isolation, but  ‘Ab*sive groups are known to have created alters which appear either "crazy" or learning disabled, for example training alters to scramble or garble words so they can’t report ab*se.Alters may be disabled when the body is not, for example a mute alter may be created in response to abusers instructions, e.g. "Don't talk.”
El also shows the trait of ‘memory sharing’.
Memory sharing
“We’ve managed to create a system within us. In order to grant access to memories with each other we have to come to know each other and gain each other's trust.  Caroline says “when the memory sharing happens- the best way I can describe it to a non DID person is by asking you to remember/think about a movie with Wizards or characters like from twilight where they have the power to touch you and let you see their visions and/or memories. Sounds crazy I'm sure— but that's as close as I can possibly describe it.The memories literally pour into me exactly like that. “
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After Will disappears, El appears to the audience for the first time. Having similar sounding names and having a striking resemblance (and 1 syllable nicknames ending in L) . Troy, Benny, Hopper, and an eyewitness all initally assuming she was a boy. Hopper even tries to track down El, assuming it was Will who’s hair was shaved-  asking “could it be Lonnie’s kid?” and the man responding “could of been the Byers boy”. Mike even says “Do you really think it’s a coincidence we found her in the same place Will disappeared?”The answer being No. The song “Alice” (from alice in wonderland) plays when El is at the restaurant -indicating El has entered a new world (our world). *Also, both Alexi and El are bribed with hamburgers to give the adults info they need.
El is an alter based on WW . Like WW she is afraid of the underwater sensory deprivation tanks her dad made her go into (Lonnie and ww with the tub). in s1 El used the pool/sensory deprivation to contact Will- the episode is even called “the tub” . And she thinks of this idea to talk to Will -after staring at the tub in the byers house and then remembering the deprivation tank. When in the pool or ‘tub’ at school the water slowly becomes dark as she enters the darkness- the void is a connection to the mf/ shadow monster. 
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She unlocks doors and it’s framed ominously just like the demogorgan does in the first ep. In d&d lore Mindflayers have “telekinetic abilities akin to mage hand (El was called a mage) and telekinesis.” I still think the mf may now have her telekenesis  (which was originally his to begin with). We also see El fade away with the demogorgan as she and the demogorgan mimic each other’s body language. This was probably supposed to be El most likely integrating with the demogorgan (until the Duffers admitted to changing their minds).  And In s1/2 she has black veins appear while not being possessed. 
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Dustin in s2 mentions the mf “doesn’t know it’s true home.” which is illustrated by  El wandering around as Hopper, Becky, and kali try to convince her they’re her home. El saying she’s the monster in s1 is also how the mf aka WW feels about himself.  And Will/ww was thrown in the dark trunk by Lonnie (perhaps after refusing to shoot an animal ) so for El it became Brenner throwing her in a dark room in solitary confinement after refusing to kill a cat. in s1 El draws similar to Will/ww and draws Brenner with a 3rd leg (cause even if brenner didn’t do so to her - the memory bled through from ww).  Benny suspected El has been “ab*sed or something” and she didn’t seem to understand privacy -undressing in front of the boys.
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El cries thinking of the time she killed a squirrel (typical hunting game) and eating it and somehow knowing how to make a fire (a Ww skill). El when re-enacting this forgotten experience of WW’s , spots a sketchy ominous hunter and throws a fired projectile at him and runs. Like WW who uses his fireballs to hurt the bad guys- in this case the hunters (Lonnie and his buddies). Similar to the demogorgan who killed 2 hunters in s1. 
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When she goes into the void and sees the demogorgan- we even hear a clock ticking in the background indicating this is associated with the past. When Will encounters the mf a similar thing happens- as the clock moves unnaturally. And similar to the mf she attacks her abusers and throws them into a wall (which mf did in s3). Throwing Nancy into a wall after she burned him.
Unfortunately in the ‘long kiss goodnight’ a girl with multiple personalities (Will/ww) was thrown and tied up in a trunk and when the trunk was opened the main villain tried to sell her for... you know . Then she escapes and jumps off a cliff into the water to escape the r**e (quarry flashback?) . This guy later tries to drown her too. While in skyfall, number-tattoos on the wrist were indicative of being sold into the s*x tr*de (El/kali’s tattoos- Will saw something?) . I really hope this isn’t the case - but this is the man who wanted to make money off his son’s death to to pay off his gambling debt. In one movie the bad guy sold his gf for a case of beer and some smokes, while playing a card game. And unfortunately, the fact Will was triggered to see the mf after Mike says “i’m not pr*stituting my sister?” may indicate something from the past as well (maybe Jon saying something ?). Along with El  being chased by “bad men”. It’s possible those 2 hunters were pals with lonnie and got what was coming to them. On to the next point-
El - is the Cannanite (male) god associated with “salt water “ (pool filled with salt in s1) who “dwelled in a tent” (in s1 Mike’s blanket fort) . In s1 El owns a male lion doll and Will has a female lion . The fact El first appeared looking like a boy,  is named after a male god, El in spanish translates to “he”, and she has a male lion toy could symbolize a few things.  In ‘prince of tides’ when the boy cried the dad yelled for him to go put on a dress.In ‘the cell’ the ab*sive father beat his young son with a belt, burned, and drowned him (causing a seizure), threw homophobic slurs at him, and called him a ‘women’ multiple times while beating him. And said “I’ll teach you to be a woman.” Some specialists say one of MANY possible reasons a boy may have a female alter is cause they were “forced to cr*ss dress “ but obviously that’s not the only possible reason. (And no, this doesn’t apply to trans women- making sure no one tries putting words in mouth). I think of the moment where boyish-looking El runs away into the woods, and takes off her wig and screams in anger at the reflection of herself in the water -may be a recreated event from the past). The fact El [is a male god]  and in spanish El (the way it’s spelled in the show means “he’)  is also possibly intentional . In addition to the fact El is the only alter who physically resembles Will and is the only one with a buzzcut , unlike Kali (who in the flashback at Hawkins lab had all her hair) is something to take note. El could be an inverse of Will’s experience. El as a girl was stripped of her femininity from her papa.  Because Will was a boy forced to dress girly cause of his dad . El having a male lion and Will having a female lion being used to symbolize this. WW was the one who went through this abuse and also had brown eyes  like El ( unlike Will)- so in regards to physical appearence she is his ‘girl version’.Since like many ab*sers Lonnie gave Will mixed messages he could never abide by . In mad max furry road the villain named ‘daddy’ forced his sl*ve to shave their head and branded them with a tattoo like El (he also had 3 s*x s**ves)
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-in s2 the song ‘don’t mess around with Jim’ plays. Upon character introductions of lyrics “Jim walker” pans to Jim Hopper and “boy named Will-ie Mccoy” (pans to El).
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-Hopper in ep1 mention (El)eanor Gilipse-surname of girl in silent hill with powers/DID.
-the never ending story ref also alludes to how El was created by Will similar to another superpowered human (ww).  El is atreyu and Will is sebastian. El is atreyu- who is said to be the chosen one. He falls from a great height and on to the beach shore, and comes across abandoned ruins, and then the villain gmork latches his jaws on to his leg (like El). It’s revealed atreyu isn’t actually the chosen one and everyone was wrong . And it was actually the poor human kid (Sebastian - who has a bowl cut and one parent and secretly had imagination-powers ) .  Atreyu is told to look at the mirror of his ‘true self’ and is shocked to see Sebastian (his unknown creator) looking back at him. “turn around , look at what you see. In her face- the mirror of your dreams.” 
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-In the novel Sebastian even temporarily went evil when he lost all his memories  except those of his father- similar to Will/ww. Sebastian created the whole fantasy story and it’s inhabitants (with their own sentience).  So only he had the capability to remove the darkness from the fantasy world they inhabited. The darkness representing the loss of hopes and dreams.
-Elfen lied (another inspo for the series according to the duffers)- has a Super-powered protagonist/anti hero/ and tragic villain.”She has three split personalities due to past trauma . The three are Lucy, Nyu, and Kaede.  Kaede : (childhood love/friend of Kouta) from ‘mapple house’ (cough- ‘mapple street’/ Will). Nyu: is mentally the age of a young child in the body of an adult, who can barely speak, and found by Kouta after she escapes the lab who experimented on her .Nyu is like a very sheltered child and has a very tiny outlook on the actual world and can only speak one word at the start of the anime (El).Lucy:Her violent personality, who has a distaste and hate for humans after humans traumatized her as a child. Although deep down she wants to be human (mf).”
We also see both the Will/mf and El called spies, have ptsd, described as ‘quiet’, and had their dads force them to kill animals. El growls like an animal after the mf growls at her first.  And in regards to the supernatural Ww and El both have powers. They both could communicate through different dimensions using electronics. Both of their moms’ had “crazy aunts” . Both  are called “schizos” in s2 because of their powers (did is most commonly misdiagnosed with schizophrenia which i do think that will occur initially- mrs driscoll not being believed about the supernatural because of her being a ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ is foreshadowing). Both Will and her had their brain waves monitored at the lab and their measurements were off the charts, plus they were being unknowingly recorded on video.They both tore through walls (with that pink gunk between the normal world and upside down). El even goes through the entrance covered in goo (like a baby) as a hint she was born from the upsidedown! 
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We see in Terry’s place (El’s room) symbols associated with Will- clowns and rabbits ( like how Lonnie made Jon kill rabbits on hunting trips). They even chose white rabbits- like those in Alice in wonderland and earlier associated with El.
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El/ww can also both can track others when concentrating -Ww found Hopper, El found Will. Both communicated psychically by transferring their conscious- El to talk to Mike in his basement using the void (in s2) & Will to his mom in the living room (in s1).  Also before Will goes missing , he asks Dustin for his X-men comic- later in reference to El, Dustin asks “Do you think El was born with her powers like the X-men?” And when Mike says El is “channeling him (Will)”. Dustin says “like professor x”-clearly hinting that they were both born with powers, like the X-men.
However, El is how Max described “her own person.” When Dustin says she’s “like a wizard (like ww) Mike corrects him and says “more like yoda.” And the longer she stays in the real world the more differences she has to Will/ww as she evolves into her own person. She doesn’t have many interests in common with Will :d&d, scifi, computers, science, horror movies etc. And like i’ve explained in other posts - she isn’t actually in love with Mike. And her obsession with mike not only inhibits her role as an alter but her own independence/personhood , along with Will’s healing ( which depends on Mike and other’s support).  I think the main reason we never see Will & El interact significantly (despite the parallels) is because they’re growing apart as they develop as people and go on divergent paths. I feel like if someone doesn’t integrate it’s most likely El (and probably Max). While Kali most likely integrates- since she was brought to tears by seeing another alter and said  she feels “complete” with El - hinting she’ll probably desire to integrate into Will/ww in the future. in ‘annihalation’ a poc woman with a 8 tattoo on her arm integrates with others into a god like creature too . EL may eventually go by Elle [in french means ‘she’] when she becomes her own person, and gains independence, perhaps? 
demogorgan (fictional alters or ‘fictive’)
“Fictional introjects specifically are based off of fictional characters. These characters can be from television shows, movies, books, fantasy, and other forms of fiction.They don't have to think, act, look, or feel in the exact same ways that the fictional character does. Some fictional introjects can be ab*sive, and form as a way to continue traumatizing the system.” 
“ One of the main purposes of a father introject is to control your behavior when you are away from the father with the same intensity as if you were right in front of him. The father may have a variety of parts that are loyal to him, his beliefs, his ways, etc.’
 in d&d a demogorgon  is a  “demon from the abyss”. And are also called “the deep father”  , indicating his connection of being based on Lonnie. We even see Lucas hand Will a ‘devil’s baby’ firecracker (and behind will is a sign that says demon-dog) to indicate that Will’s father is the ‘devil’. The demogorgan is also first referred to as “the man without a face” in the show. Steve suggesting he does have a face but he was wearing a mask. And when Lonnie first ‘comes back’ to Hawkins Jon says “mom, did that thing (demogorgan) come back.” And Lonnie cuts him off after the comment saying ‘that’s enough’. Lonnie also mentions to Joyce he explored the woods where Will went missing. And later Jon mentions how the demogorgan only ventures several miles from his house -like lonnie.  Jon also tells Nancy about how his dad forced him to go on hunting trips and in s1 we see the demorgorgan kill a deer (typical game), attack hunters, and capture Will in the shed (which contained the riffle and sleeping bags for camping). We are also told in s1 Lonnie taught Will baseball, and when the demorgorgan knocks the bat out of Jon’s hand he gets on top of him- putting his face close like he was about to kiss him. We even see in s2 - the pic of the mf next to a baseball bat and mitt.  And the demogorgan  on multiple occasions was mistaken for a bear (which Will sketches and El also is into teddy bears) and bears symbolically represent “wisdom” (will the wise).
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And Lonnie when closing the hole in the wall says someone has to be blamed for what happened to Will- and it transitions to Mike tearing a hole in paper and explaining what happened to Will with the demogorgan. Lonnie caused the ‘tear’ in Will’s psyche. Lonnie is even the one to mention how people ‘make things up to cope.’And how people in the city are “more real” (possible alter foreshadowing).
 In  d&d demorgorgons also have 2 heads with distinct personalities, one wanting to stay as one and the other wishing to separate (a hint at Will’s DID and the fight between WW wanting to integrate personalities and Will not wanting to do so).
~El ,Kali, and the demogorgon being alters is why we see  the lights flicker when the demogorgan appears , and (sometimes) when El and kali use their powers- cause they’re based off ww who has lightning/electricity powers  which we saw in s1. Causing the lights to flicker at Mike’s place,  turning the bike light on with his mind,  causing sparks of electricity to come out of the phone 2x , using lights telepathically to talk to joyce (blinking ‘once for yes and twice for no’, and using the lights to tell Joyce to “run”).
demodogs/dart (animal alters)
“In some cases, what presents as an animal is really a child alter acting as an animal.  This is found in cases where the abused child was forced to act as an animal, usually a dog.”
 In mad-max the r**ist biker gang - ties up one of their victims on a leash like a dog. In unleashed the adoptive father made his son where a collar and called him ‘his dog’. ‘Orphan’ the girl wore a collar and the bullies pulled on it calling her a ‘doggie’ and she starts screaming and having an episode in school. In s1 Hopper says he likes the book cujo , that one of the guards is reading, and at the end of the book they replace the dog Cujo with a dog named Willie. In ‘the cell’ the villain put dog collars on his m*rder v*ctims cause he wanted to ‘own them’. In ghost Busters, Mike -is Venkman- and Will -is Dana Barret. Dana finds a demon-dog in her fridge, and hires the ghost busters. And right before Venkman goes on a date with her she is possessed by the big-bad, Zuul,  (who controls demo(n)-dogs). The s4 movies also allude to Lonnie possibly k**ling chester his dog cause when he was stalking Will (offscreen) chester would bark at him - like how he barked at  the demogorgan - one of the only other times we hear a dog bark is when we see Lonnie (at his place).
*There’s also the parallels of Dart to El. Dart killed a cat. While El’s papa tried to make her kill a cat (which dogs stereotypically don’t like-Lonnie most likely forced Will to kill a cat. ).Heck the russians even reference cats -linking them to El and the demodog. El/Dart also both have sweet tooths (eggos and 3 muskateers). Both were called traitors and ran away- and initially caused a rift in the group. And dustin and Mike said they made “promises” to El/dart and that  dart/el “trusted them” (mike &Dustin)”. Lucas in s1 also called El a ‘dog’ and El asked, annoyed,  if she was Mike’s “pet”.
Jim hopper  : Introject & adult alters
“System introjects are alters who are replications of a person from the outside world , who often believe they are the actual person (and not the replication).  They may adamantly believe that they are a different person . These parts contain a lot of memories, factual information, emotional realities for how it was like to be near the outside person.Introjects can also be based off of  figures that the dissociative child found strong, courageous, heroic, or otherwise worthy of being emulated and internalized and could theoretically protect them.”Jim even means to “supplant” (replace) or “supresede” (take the place of a person or thing previously in authority or use). Meaning, there was a Jim Hopper (Joyce knew in highschool) and a Jim Hopper alter based on him.
“older adult alters are created to serve a nurturing or parenting role, thus serving as a protector. (*protecting Will/el) . However, sometimes the age is related to taking on the identification of the ab*ser, and can therefore take on any of the other more hostile roles... Introjects which are mimicking ab*sers are trying to "keep you inline" in order to protect you from external ab*sers. They don’t dare relax their vigilance or let you fall away from the OLD RULES that were once so important.They are trying so hard to keep you safe. “
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We even see the convo he has with El,  is similar to Neil and his ex wife- a man berating the girl after coming home, calling her a liar, and asking about what man they saw. And El yelling and saying Hopper is “like papa” when he yells at her  (the same season dr owens called him Will’s “pop”.  Would not be surprised if Lonnie would berate Will about seeing Mike. There’s even a physical resemblance- blonde, blue eyes, and similar moustaches to him and Neil.And he also parallels Billy & Max in s3 with the ‘door’ imagery.
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“Being an introject is a difficult and thankless task. This member of your system has spent all these years acting out a role that they dislike every bit as much as you do.” *(berating El about the rules- that were most likely initially Lonnie’s. A part of me suspects that cabin wasn’t Hopper’s grandfather’s but Lonnie’s secret cabin where he took Will. And berate Will about seeing Mike. He was shown in s1 fixing the hole in the wall. And Hopper says about the cabin “ A LOT OF HISTORY HERE’ ). 
We see other alter hints too -He taught El morse code (which Will already knew). Murray says Hopper reminds Joyce of a previous “bad relationship” (lonnie). And the russians in order to get info, t*rture steve and threaten to rip out his finger nails , while, Hopper threatens to break the mayor’s fingers for info. 
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And when a Russian goes into the carnival game in a room with tigers and clowns,   the speaker says “ if you dare enter the cave of horrors you may never know what you may find around the corner (clown laughs) . Don’t show your fear in the presence of the tiger or you may never escape this cave alive”.As he jumps out the tiger roars in unison with Hopper leaps out to attack.
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The song you ‘don’t mess around with jim’ (from s2 and 3 that Jim dances and sings to ) is about a boy named Willie beating up a thug (who wears a hat) named Jim (representing resentment of father figures).  We see Villains have zoom in shots of their cigareete trays- like the h*tman, Billy posessed by the mf, and Hopper before he yells and threatens El in s2.  
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In s1 It’s implied Hopper is addicted to pills , was an alcoholic (both him and Lonnie have many beer cans and cigareettes in their house- would not be surprised if Lonnie also had a pill addiction too) .
Introjects “ are NOT the actual ab*ser. They are a victim, a single part within a large beautiful mind, bred from the survivor's essence.They are just copying behaviors shown to them by bad people, not harboring the intent, s*dism or imm*rality of the actual perpetrators.”
“The introject in your system was there to help you when the stakes were very high and their job was deadly serious. It’s difficult for them to let go of that level of urgency. introjects represent how important it was, at one time in your life, to always be vigilant. Danger was always near you and you had to be careful of every move and every word, because your very survival might depend on not doing or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.”
‘ introjects also represent the desperate hope that, if you could only do everything just right, obey all your ab*ser’s rules and anticipate exactly what was wanted of you, that it might lessen or even prevent some of the ab*se from happening. And gain approval or love from the ab*ser.”
We also see how he’s based on the mf/ww in a few ways: he describes his depression in s3 as being in a “deep dark cave” (the supernatural cave in s2/cave of horrors at the fair) and in s2 he says he thinks of himself as a “black hole” that will destroy everything around him including his daughter (the mf/Lonnie).
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Now, cause people will mention it. We can’t take everything David says about Jopper seriously- he filmed s4 in advanced and lied constantly about the duffer’s not contacting him prior to this. I think he bs-es a lot and occasionally throws in hints. Like how in behind stranger things after mentioning Lonnie and Bob he compares jopper- to Jack and Evelyn from china town (who slapped her for lying -like Neil did to his wife. And we see duffers laugh hysterically and shawn  exchange a look with them cause they know David is giving a hint that isn’t positive). And evelyn was also r*ped by her father (there’s at least 30+ st movies the Duffers have cited with that dad plot point, unfortunately . Along with about 6-10 DID movies).  David said in an interview with  total film : “ In terms of Stranger Things, you’ll be able to look back at season one and see a lot of things that happen further down the line that relate to that.I’ve had those discussions with them from the very first season. We were always interested in that idea of the Gandalf resurrection – Gandalf the Grey who fights the Balrog and then becomes Gandalf the White.” Well this is a lothr ref (Which Will is into) but i think it’s also just a Will and ww hint -since in silent Hill when Alessa and cheryl mege back into 1 they become a deity- a serene white-clad figure, even the dragon relates to Will. But,  there’s also the fact David in multiple interviews  describes  Hopper as a ‘little boy’ . After s4 started he said about Hopper with Gold DERBY “  he’s also like a little boy who has been just so traumatized and so hurt that he can’t really have relationships with people that are full and that are honest... it makes it difficult for him to get close to people... all the joyce st-...There’s a lot to be revealed around the complexities of that story . Because when we know the ending you’ll be able to go back and watch it and see what we were planting in s3 , that paid off in s4 and s5. That will make those intimacy issues a lot more understandable.” 
Since Hopper-alter thinks he’s the real-Hopper (Joyce’s old friend/ possible ex) he hits on Joyce.There’s the references to back to the future. Steve incorrectly saying it’s about alex keaton “trying to b*ng his mom.” And stobin’s exchange about the movie alludes to what Jopper actually is  “I think that lady is trying to bang her son/ no, but, they’re the same age?/ He needs to get back to the future ,which is his time, cause he’s stuck in the past (trauma)/ W-What?” 
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And the season where Jopper was the most evident we see another alter (Billy) hitting on someone who is old enough to be/ resembles his mom. Her being a wheeler could also represent Will’s repressed feelings for Mike. Along with Illustrating his subconscious issues with parental figures cause of Lonnie. Dianne (Hopper’s ex wife) - even is a roman goddess of hunting.
In s2 Nancy asks Steve how his “grandpa’s time in the war is a metaphor for your life?” And steve compares the mf to the germans in the war. Dr owens mentions Will has ptsd like “ (vietnam) soldiers’, Hopper saying he had buddies like Will . “In the 70s there was a study that compared the post-traumatic stress symptoms in Vietnam veterans and adult survivors of childhood s**ual ab*se. The study revealed that childhood s**ual ab*se is traumatizing and can result in symptoms comparable to symptoms from war-related trauma.” Hopper isn’t actually in Russia -but in one of the innerworlds (after he jumped through the rift of the machine- into Will’s mind). We’ll see flashbacks but also present circumstances of his imprisonment echo Will’s past with Lonnie (if the movies indicate anything)- being starved, guards getting payed in order to let other prisoners  r*pe a gay prisoner (than claim incorrectly because of his sexuality he wanted it) , as well as a gang of sadist men who r**e others and a warden using that as a threat to be compliant , being thrown in a dark room of solitary confinement and starved when they didn’t obey the warden, the warden being religious, etc. And the Anerican soldiers (in Vietnam) in the movies aren’t much better and do similarly horrific acts to civilians like r**e and bragging/ happily k*lling women, children, and the elderly. The drill sergant in vietnam calling them homophobic slurs & women, and chocking one of the soldiers with one hand, slapping one for not believing in christianity. Tying up a soldier in a bed , gagging him, beating him and saying “remember it’s just a dream.” Only praising them when good in fire arms.(movies : fullmetal jacket, papillon, shawshank redemption, platoon, welcome to marwen, etc ) . My assumption is while in solitary he has flashbacks of his life- and it’s more hints about him being an alter -the boxes in the basement are “vietnam” ,“dad”, and “ny” (and these are the memories of his we’ll see). And some of the bad characters in said stories will also parallel Lonnie . For instance in s2, Jonathan mentions Indiana writer Vonnegut- In his book ‘slaughterhouse 5′- Vonnegut begins the story of Billy Pilgrim, a man who has “come unstuck in time”. It accounts of Billy Pilgrim's capture and incarceration by the Germans during the last years of World War II, and scattered throughout the narrative are episodes from Billy's life with his dad, and his own wife and kids.Billy is forced to be part of the war and similar things against his free will. The moments start from his childhood when his father throws him in the water to teach him how to swim. He was unwillingly drafted into the war. Later, he is kidnapped by Tralfamadorians  (aliens that are implied to be caused by his mental health issues/trauma) against his will. Therefore, he realizes that this concept is just an illusion. 
We also see Hopper being violent/aggressive to Mike foreshadowing how Lonnie will treat Mike (difference is it’ll be played completely serious).
Sara : “littles “ also called a child alter (not based on ww)
“Child alters often talk in a child-like way, but unlike a biological child they can normally understand abstract concepts and long words. Some child parts may ...  be playful and fun-living and have only positive memories. A child alter may also be an idealized representation of the "perfect child" from the "perfect" family, for example the "good boy/girl."
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we see this in a few ways- Sarah winning the spelling bee (like Will winning the science fair) and Hopper describing her as very intelligent, but not knowing where she gets it from. She in the 1st episode is said to love science like Will (who won the science fair 4x) , and knows how to spell words like ‘odontalgia’.  In s1, Joyce and Hopper pretend with Sara and Will to be a witch and an ogre eating them.And in s1 Will and her both own cat plushies.  she has a tiger plushie (mascot of Will’s school, like with billy’s baseball mascott also being a tiger/ Will’s painting). And her hospital gown has clowns on it (Will’s fear). Hopper even pauses and has a flashback of sarah’s tiger when he sees Will’s lion plushie in the upsidedown .And when Will has a vine  in his mouth imagines sarah with tubes in her mouth.We see despite the fact Hopper didn’t move to Hawkins until after her death- she appears to be at Hawkins lab?
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And Holly’s drawing is similar to el’s in s1.And , in s1, like Will she has an episode alluding to her seeing the void as she turns her head scared seeing something no one else can.Then in s2, Hopper says Sarah became obsessed with blackholes - and latter says that blackhole (mf?) got her. It’s possible she saw the void or even the mf and misinterpreted it as a blackhole. And  so she didn’t actually die of cancer - it was probably just symbolic of her integrating into the mf/ww (the blackhole ‘getting her’). Or it’s possible she’s just alive/in stasis in the innerworlds  after her ‘simulated death’
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Also can we mention how there’s lions, tigers,and bears (as plushies)- oh my.  Along with the whole “home references”. Wizard of oz is on the movie list, and 2 wizard of oz movies shown in s3.
Robin Buckley
Robin Buckley (possibly an alter?)- Robin discusses with steve the legend of Prometheus , who not only gave human beings the gift of fire, and therefore civilization, but created them, giving them the gift of life. El watches frankenstein in s2 whose novel was titled “the modern prometheus”(another hint WW/Will created El). Steve when looking at Robin even says the biblical verse “let there be light” (the beginning of creation and human beings-i.e Robin).”And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (wow this doesn’t sound just like the black-watery-void in the upsidedown at all) XD. Robins were also considered holy birds by the God thor (the god of Thunder and lightning).  She’s gay, into comics, rides a bike,  and is afraid of drs just like Will is, and was tied to a chair for info like ww. She references surfing (billy) and has a spy storyline. She’s a smart,  into rock music and wants to fit in . And makes fun of her friends’ love-lives to hide her own insecurities about her own romantic feelings and sexuality (that weren’t accepted at that time). And has feelings for a girl who can’t sing (mike) who pays too much attention to a person who didn’t even like them (Steve/El) . Buckley could be a ref to a ‘buck’ deer (like the one the demogorgan killed in s1/ typical hunting game). And another legend says that the Robins were red because it scorched its bre*st in the fires of Purgatory, mercifully taking drops of water in its beak for the lips of the parched souls in torment( the opposite of devil-lonnie).Robins also feature in the traditional children's tale Babes in the Wood, the birds out of kindness cover the de*d b*dies of the 2 abandoned children found in the woods with strawberry leaves (who had been k*lled by an abusive family member) .  Not sure if mrs driscoll (being a strawberry name is a coincidence to that whole cherry/strawberry/heathers movie ref with alexi? Robin is also a unis*x/male name like most of the other gals on the list. While her crush ‘tammy’ (means ‘twin’. could be a clue about Robin being an alter?).  
the rebuttal could be simply: buckley can mean ‘goat’ which would match her bff’s surname Harrington (’he-goat’). And just be a cute little nod to them.While Robin means ‘bright fame’ just like our fallen super-hero Bob ( since robin and bob are nicknames for Robert)- so could also be a simple nod to him.But her names could be both a nod and a deep ref-  who knows.
Barb- Barbara means “strange” or “foreign” , while Barb means “stranger”. Her name could also be based on the saint Barbara- who was carefully guarded by her father who kept her locked up in a tower (like Hopper & Brenner to El/Lonnie to Will) in order to preserve her from the outside world . He later tries killing her. However, as punishment, he was struck by lightning on the way home and his body was consumed by flame (connection to ww who likes using fireballs against bad guys and who also has lightning powers). She’s best friends with a wheeler (although pictures show us unlike byler they’re not childhood friends). she may have been queer coded and had feelings for her bff  (moping after Nancy leaves to sleep with Steve) . In a s1 flashback Will specifically watched ‘poltergeist’ with his mom- and is then thrust into the same scenario as the little girl (being trapped in another dimension- where the mothers can only hear their voices and communicate to them through electronics ). And barb’s pool scene echos the pool scene in the movie too-a women being attacked in a pool ( and could be considered similar to being attacked in a tub/sensory deprivation tank). And similar to El , she wakes up in the upsidedown and pukes up a white fluid calling for Wheeler- but gets no help. Unlike Will. For Halloween she also dressed up as a scary clown (Will’s fear) when Nancy dressed up as a bunny (an animal lonnie forced them to kill).  She also is dragged away in a similar way to Billy -down stairs.
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Her mom’s first name (Marsha) also has the same meaning as Martin Brenner- ‘war like’. A hint Lonnie is violent or maybe was a vet?
Other npcs
Besides the russians, we also have some of the americans who experimented in Hawkin’s lab: most notably Brenner and becky/terry Ives.
“Some survivors will internalize their family into their own DID system.“
Brenner and Lonnie have similar appearances (and in the original script he was suppose to be unshaved and wear plaid and jeans... prob too obvious to keep) . They forced their kids to kill animals, threw them in a dark places, submerged them into water, and also praised them when violent, and tied people to beds (yes lonnie did that - why mf and terry are both tied up there). Brenner even means- ‘someone who cleared forests by burning (showing his connection to ww with fire, and because forests is where hunting/ab*se took place).His collegue - the blond women’s name , Fraizer means -  “of the forrest men” (the male hunters who terrorized Will/ww most likely).
Terry/ Becky Ives.Becky means “snare-a trap for catching birds or animals”. While Terry (Teressa means “huntress’) .While Ives means-  yew wood (a tree).Terry’s backstory should also raise eyebrows when we see when going to Hawkin’s lab that the Byers’ car is there (a tip off this story isn’t reality but from Will’s subconscious). 
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Terry also turns in pain on the bed and sees sunflowers. And Will has a sunflower book next to his bed.
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While Terry has an appearance similar to Jon’s (blonde and almond shaped brown eyes and Terry is a unis*x name) and both steal guns and drive a long distance in order to help rescue Will/el. This is the season of ‘mr mom’ after all (where Jon takes pics of Will on Halloween just like the other moms). Becky also compares Terry to Joyce too by saying Hopper would have been her type . And both joyce and terry/becky have a “crazy aunt” and were both deemed as ‘crazy’ when not believed about their children being kidnapped and indeed alive. we also see in El’s room (that Terry decorated) -bunnies (that lonnie forced the boys to kill) and clowns (Will’s fear). Along with fox’s which were in castle byers.  We also see Owl’s in both the byers’ and Ive’s house (which also represent ‘paranomal wisdom’).  And Winona mentioned the movie ‘prince of sands’ in an st interview. In that the psychiatrist interviews the older brother to fill in the memory-gaps of his sister (who has DID so can’t remember) he eventually admits both were r*ped as kids. And also tells a story in therapy about how their mom m*scarried and the dad threw the st*llborne in the freezer over night-so let’s hope throwing the demodog in the freezer and Terry’s miscarriage doesn’t have that traumatizing meaning. It’s also possible Terry isn’t an npc but a type of alter-given how her and El participated in ‘memory sharing’ and Terry’s power’s affected lights.”An alter may be stuck in an eternal flashback or refuse to accept that anything has changed since the period of time during which they experienced trauma“ (Terry being trapped in the time-loop after being tied to the bed/attacked).
Npcs ...but possibly other alters
I believe susie was a npc created because Will felt bad for Dustin - after the max/lucas situation. so he made what he assumed would be the perfect girl for him. She even has the same name as Max’s mom:susie vs susan. He met her from camp ‘Knowhere’ ( she’s from no where). The blonde american spy (who is also an npc) even mentions a science tech camp in s1 that dustin goes to in s3 .She has space related stuff in her room like sarah, wizard of oz poster (referencing Will), and she reads the ‘wizard of Earthsea’ -about a boy-wizard named jed  who realizes the evil ancient shadow he’s been fighting is actually the dark part of his personality -and he needs to merge with it to bring balance. Everyone questions if she’s real or exists- similar to el asking Kali “are you real?”Stranger things instagram posted a fake movie poster- emulating ‘weird science’. A movie about 2 boys creating a ‘perfect women’ from scratch for them and comparing this created gal to susie (they aren’t endgame with this girl in the movie-despite her original programing). Like susie/dustin not being endgame.
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Dustin on his canon spotify playlist even has the song ‘weird science’.Her appearance is based off what most boys liked, celeb ‘phoebe kates’. And it may be just a narrative device but in s2 Max lies about mormons at the door, the season before she appears.
And of course her song alludes to what’s happening in the narrative. “Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the light (demogorgan/ lonnie in shed) .dream a dream and what you see will be ( his nightmares based on his ‘memories’)/Rhymes that keep their secrets WILL unfold behind the clouds (mf on his clouds and lightning).And there upon a rainbow (Will/ his powers/ accepting his queer identity and healing) Is the answer to a never ending story.’
Similarly, Heather Holloway is most likely from Will’s mind (my guess an alter)-and her appearence is also based on Phoebe.  In the show , they reference ‘fast times’  where Phoebe wears a red bathing suit just like Heather. Billy also mimics phoebe by slow-mo walking in a red bathing suit to the same song phoebe did in the movie. 
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After El and Max see the pic of Heather and her dad the lyric  ‘loving you is a sin’ plays. And she shows an aggression mostly to her father- with her mom she simply dr*gs her but for her father she hits him in the head with a bottle and gags him with a rag and ties him up and throws him in the trunk after she was similarly tied up and thrown in the trunk (unlike the mom who was in the back seat). Billy and Heather were the ones with the most focus during their possessions - and Will said the mf would target “another me” ( another Will). She is str*ngled in the shower and later drowned in a tub into a dark abyss screaming for help before merging with the mf.  Both susie and heather are names symbolizing flowers.Susie- means Lily. While Heather is  also a variety of small shrubs with pink or white flowers which commonly grow in rocky areas.Holloway is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, or type of tree. Also her dad (Tom- means ‘twin’ which could be another DID hint.like Tammy Tompson along with their names being associated with the nature/woods where ab*se took place).
Possible npcs or  alters (BUT possibly just normal people from the real world) : 
Murray Bauman (possibly an npc or alter?)- Between seasons Joyce mentioned going to Chicago with Will for therapy- where murray is from. Similar to Will who has a ‘do not enter” sign . Murray  has a  “keep door closed”. Both are proficient with shotg*ns . Murray drinks and smokes a lot like Hopper/Lonnie. He makes up a story about how what happened to Barb being a chemical leak. And next season the possessed are consuming chemicals and the npc russians are experimenting with chemicals. Hopper lied in s1 about having a friend from the times- and in s2 Murray from the times magically appears. He says Jon is easier to read than Nancy and immediately pegs his issues with his dad. He references Wizard of Oz by saying “people don’t like looking behind the curtain” (in the movie what was behind the curtain was a wizard-Will). He also has cameras everywhere like the american npcs. Also, it’d be pretty funny if he was investigating crazy conspiracies like aliens but never realized he was a part of one all along.
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Erica-Not on the inspo list but she could be like Buffy’s sis from buffy the vampire slayer. The memories of Buffy and her associates were altered, along with relevant records, so that they believed Dawn always existed as Buffy's sister. Dawn is, however, a real girl, Buffy's biological sister, and has real memories of her fictional childhood. Erica has rainbows/sunflowers in her room in s2 (connected to Terry). And Erica is a plant that means “HEATHER”.
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what all these possible alters /npc’s generally have in common is unlike ‘natural people’ they all have names associated with hunting or the woods (because that’s where a lot of the ab*se most often took place). name meaning : becky - snare (a trap for catching birds or animals). Teressa-huntress. Dianne (Hopper’s ex wife) - is a roman goddess of hunting.  brenner- ‘someone who cleared forests by burning’. the blond women, Brenner worked with,  Fraizer-  “of the forrest men” (the male hunters who terrorized Will most likely). mayfield- open country (field) where madder (mæddre) grows', Hargrove-grove filled with rabbits" , Holland- wood land, Bruce (who was also possessed) - means WILLow lands .ives- yew wood (of tree) ,Bauman: comes from the German word "baum," or "boum" in Middle High and Old German, meaning "tree’. Bauman may have originally been a nickname for someone who lived by a tree. Holloway is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, or type of tree. Suzie-  lily flower. Susan (Max’s mom)- means lily, lotus flower or rose.  Heather is also a variety of small shrubs with pink or white flowers which commonly grow in rocky areas.  Neil -cloud. Buckley- buck deer. Rhadaghast (Will’s castle byers password)- is a wizard who protects the forrest and it’s creatures.
or an association with fire/lightning/god: robin- bird of the God Thor , sara- married abraham who tried to k*ll his son for god, barabara- saint who’s ab*sive father tried to k*ll her for not believing in his religion- so he was electrocuted and lit on fire by god. Kali/El are names of gods
the main exceptions being Hopper an interject . Although Hop could be a bunny pun, he even references bunnies in s3. And Jim meaning to “supplant” /“suprecede” ( replace/take the place of a person or thing previously in authority or use) hints at him being an interject.And heather’s dad Tom (who was possessed means ‘twin’) like Robin’s crush  Tammy (’twin’) Thompson (’son of tom’) . And Marsha Holland (barb’s mom) & Martin Brenner both have first names meaning ‘war-like” (a hint at Lonnie being warlike, or being a vietnam vet perhaps?) 
Ok, guys that’s about it- I hope you enjoyed. :)
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