#cw: anti endo
vibrantchaozz · 6 months
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op should be ashamed /srs
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a-clucking-system · 17 days
its really funny seeing endos and endo supporters saying "youre hurting trauma survivors by being anti endo!"
yeah? im hurting trauma survivors? you mean, the people that claim to not have trauma?
be ASTRONOMICALLY real with yourself
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sysboxes · 4 months
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[Text: This system loves bong hits.]
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 6 months
on that note, i think there's a lot of merit in talking about the happy, weird, or even silly parts of being a system. because at least for me, being a system can be really, really scary-- especially in the beginning, when i was first discovering that's what was happening, i was terrified. the origin of my system is pretty brutal, something i wouldn't talk about in detail to someone i don't already trust deeply. but we're not defined by our trauma, our plurality just came from it. we're all still people, individuals with our happy moments and our sad moments. i don't think anyone should be defined by the worst things they've experienced, systems included.
and also, when people think of systems, of someone with "multiple personalities", the first things they think of (thanks in huge part to awful media representation) are the scary things, the tragic things, the unrealistically violent things. talking about the day-to-day discoveries and occurrences that are unique to plurality-- yes, even the "cringe" or the "quirky" that make us look like we're "faking it" to someone who doesn't know better-- is incredibly important for breaking the stigma around DID and OSDD. because believe it or not, fun system fact, systems don't go through heartbreaking, life-altering trauma every single day. i know, right?
so before you recoil at someone you think is being "too silly" to be real, ask yourself this: do you know this person/this system's entire life story from the one single post you're seeing? or even from reading their entire public blog? do you know who they are more intimately than they know themselves? is this really about them "faking it", or do you want a reason to dehumanize a person so far that their only visible trait is their trauma?
and even if you are right, and they are faking it, what do you stand to gain from running the risk of denying a system who *is* real of their identity?
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antiendovents · 8 days
Don't most doctors say that DID is only caused by continuous or chronic trauma?
yes, many studies and sources say that DID/OSDD is caused by "severe or repeated trauma before the age of 9-10" ((age might be debatable))
It is important to keep in mind that what is "severe" for some people might not be severe for others ((adding this before any fakeclaimers get any ideas, not claiming you are a fakeclaimer though anon)) <- also repeated could be tons of small things, even if they're "small" over time they can have a really big affect on the brain
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system-cypress · 8 months
Come and fakeclaim me bitches. I have lived with this disorder for over 35 years and have been PROFESSIONALLY diagnosed three times. Go ahead and fake claim me, it literally does not matter. Even the government accepts that I have D.I.D, fat chance your chronically internet ridden ass can say anything that would convince me I don't.
Try harder you fuckwits.
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sophieinwonderland · 10 days
Twitter Sysmed tells me to hang myself after I state the fact that anti-endos are a hate group...
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Really wanting to prove the point there, huh?
So, yeah! Here's your reminder that anti-endos are a hate group, and that there are not two equal side in syscourse. There is one side that is supported by actual science and research, a marginalized community that is just trying to exist in peace. And then there's a hate group that wants us gone, which hides behind "science" as a buzzword despite not one paper anywhere supporting their beliefs.
Sometimes in life, things are black and white. There is no validity to anti-endo positions or beliefs. There is no justification for the hate they spread. And there should be no tolerance for them anywhere.
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thestudsystem · 17 days
TW // Syscourse!
There's a user I just came across called thebigcrow, and uh. they made a post fixing Endos posts.
stealing the entire post from endos.
I don't know how further they're gonna go with it. but it's best if Endos and pro Endos may block it,
I don't know what's necessary to say and what's not. I don't know if this post is okay, but I just want to keep Endos safe from having their posts reposted.
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cdd-system-help · 24 days
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 ♡ system names related to religious-horror
   · requested by @mygraine
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( The ) Words of God, Godly Gore Collective, God's Guts, Cursed Prayers System, ( The ) Devil's Church, ( The ) Haunted Church, ( The ) Bloody Prophets, ( The ) Nightmare Prayers System, Godly Cadavers System, ( The ) Violent Sacrament . . .
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Feel free to change/add the word collective/system.
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richierambles · 3 months
Quick reminder:
Having trauma caused by headmates is normal and valid
Feeling more jumpy the closer you are to a trauma anniversary, even if it's not the anniversary just yet, is normal and valid
Being traumatized by experiences other people wouldn't see as bad and/or traumatizing is normal and valid
Your trauma is yours, not anyone else's. You will react to it in your own way. And that's completely valid.
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jestersrq · 4 months
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Found this absolute gem on a transDID sub LMAO
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antiendovents · 1 month
gonna post my own little vent now, because god am I frustrated right now, so uh warning for that I guess???
I'm so pissed off about what endos have done to this community. I wish they didn't exist. Honestly. Fuck endos. Fuck their made up shit. I am already paranoid enough as it is about social interactions (and many other things) and endos have not helped one bit. I can't even like a single post related to systems, mogai, disability, ect without checking to make sure the person I'm interacting with isn't an endo / pro endo. Not just on this site either, but on other apps and websites. And it sucks because either a) they're pro endo / an endo and I have to deal with that , b ) they have no listed opinion / are neutral or if I'm lucky c ) they're anti endo. If there's no listed opinion (not even saying they're neutral, just nothing on it) I get oddly anxious. Like I know not everyone is required to give their opinions or beliefs but it makes me so paranoid that they might be a pro endo in disguise and I'll have to deal with that eventually.
I hate what endos have done to this community. I hate what they have done to me
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sysboxes · 1 month
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[Text: This system loves Hi-Fi RUSH]
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[Text: This system loves Hi-Fi RUSH]
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tales-from-sysblr · 20 days
I got fakeclaimed for calling myself the host..what
You... huh? That. INTERESTING.
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theswiftheartsystem · 4 months
We got posted on r/fdc let’s discuss.
So we knew this was going to happen, and rather then being sad about this, we’d like to point out flaws in the arguments. Obviously warning for fake claiming.
also warnings for: talks about trauma and abuse, splitting, mental health episodes, psyche wards, ableism, making a joke out of exorcisms.
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First off, “disorder salad” on that introduction post we only talked about things we were medically recognized as having or diagnosed with. Also the “it’s always the anime ones” it’s a picrew? A lot of Picrews are in a anime style, and if you go to Louise’s actual alter intro she uses not just picrews.
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This one is just making fun of us. I don’t think we have ever fully posted why we are so connected to the character, but I’ll explain now. So when we were little we went through a lot of abuse and trauma. We had a lot of DVDs and a couple were CareBears. And we felt safe when we watched silly little characters like that. It brought us relief. We aren’t sure why we are so attached to Swift Heart specifically, but we have a little who is obsessed with the color blue and rabbits that formed around that time. We even own the original 80s plush which we found thrifting and means so much to us, plus a few other things of the character. We named our system this, not only because it represents our trauma, but also it represents safety, a light in the dark.
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When did we self diagnose???? Also in that post we state that we intend to talk about the bad sides. We don’t think this is fun. Yes we portray ourselves a certain way, but we actually have constant flashbacks, panic attacks, and BPD episodes. It’s sometimes a daily thing. For around 2-3 weeks we would split at least once a day. We don’t think thats fun. But also sometimes you can enjoy life and enjoy being plural. When you live like this you learn to enjoy what you have and what you are living with. If we didn’t we wouldn’t survive. How parasocial do you have to be to think A TUMBLR ACCOUNT shows how we are 24/7.
Going back to the Self Diagnosis thing, We were being treated for DID before anyone put a label on it. We were talked to about “how when someone has many parts of them, sometimes fusion can help them feel more whole.” And asked when dissociating and acting strange who we were regularly asked who we where. When we we’re 15, we had gone to the Psyche ward for the 2nd time, and they couldn’t diagnose us, because of our age at the time, but they strongly suggested we get tested for it when we were old enough. And to get them to recommend anything, they have to talk to all the therapists, doctors, and psychologists, especially the ones who work with you. It’s been years since then, and guess what? We still have DID!
Finally the last claim out of the first comment, the Sub-System thing, that wasn’t in the original post, and I’m unaware who edited it in, but the reason we are confused if they are a subsystem, is because they are plural as it’s where dormant alters are stored. They speak as one and it’s quite strange. Not sure how to explain it.
Okay, comment 2:
The difference between DID and OSDD-1 in the DSM-5 is it’s nearly DID but isn’t quite. (Bad explanation, but these people need simple explanations) often times, it’s the alters are not distinct enough from the host, or a lack of blackout amnesia. This isn’t always the case but that’s what they were referring to. Also have you read the DSM-5’s entry on DID and OSDD-1?.. We have, many times actually. Guess what? it’s purposefully vague FOR A REASON. Because disorders are complex and wouldn’t be able to fit everyone if it was to specific.
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This is just ableism. We have been told this by people and our life (luckily nothing was done), and we have heard stories about systems going through this. This stuff is incredibly traumatizing to the people who go through it. This kind of rhetoric being treated as a joke is disgusting.
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We aren’t online everyday (also you, the person who commented this, have posted 10 times in the last 11 hours)
The stuff we are “faking” are often co-morbid with DID?!?!
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I’m pretty sure this comment is trying to be like “they are doing it for attention to deal with their trauma that’s so sad 🥺🥺🥺”
If that’s the case, you are adding onto the problem
if you believe us and feel bad for us, thanks, but posting it on that subreddit just boost the post which can lead to harassment.
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That’s literally the words that was told to us. By our former therapist. We believe it’s C-PTSD, but we put that instead of that because some reason we struggle to believe we have PTSD more then we do DID at this point.
Anyway, yeah, we’d thought we debunk/explain why the argument they have is stupid, they have a platform, but so do we.
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anti-endo-haven · 11 days
I'm writing a paper on the subject of Nature vs. Nurture in DID, and while I usually hate interacting with system accs for personal reasons (before assumptions get made, yes I do have DID), I want to clarify something for both aspects:
1. For the nature aspect first: While DID isn't necessarily inherited, other categories of disorders such as schizophrenic + psychotic, anxiety, and bipolar disorders have higher genetic correlations, which can affect the perception and handling of stress kn individuals. The same applies for disabilities such as ASD, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Epilepsy, etc.
Take a child who has ASD and Sensory Processing disorder, for example, and compare them to a neurotypical child. Put them in the same traumatizing scenario, let's say one with high sensory and stress output. While the neurotypical child may still be traumatized, and that trauma isn't diminished or reduced by being neurotypical, the neurodivergent one may have a higher, more adverse reaction due to their perception of the world, the event, and their input and handling of stress.
You can make the argument for any sort of nurture-based event, that nature, or genetics, has always some form to do with it. Since we are all different (or most of us), our reactions are very imdividual, and someone with a panic disorder is going to react a lot strongly to abuse than a child without one. It's why in this community you see a lot of overlap with pwCDDs and people who are mentally disabled.
While genetic links between DID are very sparse, there are other factors to consider that tie genes to the development of the disorder and formation of alters, which also includes brain chemistry, as people with DID if I recall correctly have smaller hippocampuses. (Do not quote me on that, it's been a While since I read the paper that stated smth similar)
2. For the nurture aspect: Nurture is anything environmental, that is not tied to genes, which is self-explanatory. The model currently theorized for Dissociative Identity Disorder states how trauma and stress leads to the formation of alters as a defense mechanism, as the identity of a child fails to properly integrate, and that further splitting is a result of extreme emotional responses.
It's why (if I remember correctly) about 90% of D.I.D. patients recall some form of childhood adversity or stress, with it most commonly being abuse, but that's not always the case.
The model (very directly) implies a strong correlation between the environment of a child to the disorder. And yes, in psychology we NEVER use the word prove. There will always be inexplicable exceptions, especially since the research on the disorder is very limited already (For context: DID was added into the DSM collection only recently, there's still debate on its existence.)
3. We can never label something as 100% nature or 100% nurture, it's impossible, because to do that, you need to both apply it to 100% of the population, across all eras of time, and traumatize people (primarily children) in the process of doing so.
However, with the statistics gained, we ASSUME a CORRELATION, not causation. We correlate trauma with stress, and stress with disorder, which doesn't mean that they cause one another, but they come in very tight pairs.
The key words here are prove and cause, which in my psych course, the first thing my prof. told us is to NEVER say those words.
We can never tightly prove that trauma will always cause DID, or that it causes it to begin with, but from our models, we can make assumptions and connections. We can make a valid assumption that intense childhood adversity leads to DID based on our research. We can make a valid assumption that children with neurological, developmental, and psychological problems have higher rates of reacting adversely to stress.
I cannot name something in the field that isn't at least a *little* mix of both. Because yes, while nurture plays a role, the susceptibility to crack under said nurture is dependent on your nature as a person. And yes, while your nature may be to have certain tendencies, your nurture can deter the path you take on said tendencies, how you learn to handle them.
I'll give two examples, CW for Drug Use
For the former, let's say you grow up in a very disordered family, versus you grow up in a very well-kept home. However, the one with the disordered family does not have a family history of drug use, whille the other does. Just because of their NURTURE, doesn't mean that it'll dictate their life. The first one may stay clean for the rest of their life, while the second may end up an addict, since they have a higher, natural susceptibility to being latched or addicted to drugs.
Now for the latter, let's use the inverse. Both children have a history of drug use in their family. It may just be that both children have a high risk of addiction because of their NATURE. Yet, the second child ends up clean for life, while the first one becomes an addict, because of the way they were raised and grew up. They had a better nurtured space which allowed them to manage their feelings and stress better than the first one.
Both nature AND nurture plays a role in these people's fates, and the same goes for every single thing in psychology. It will always be a little mix of both.
Now, whether there is a lean towards one side is different. I'll give you an example: Sexuality. While yes, people raised in environments with higher acceptance rates of queer people and higher education on sexuality have more queer people, there is greater research and links to sexuality being genetic, such as people in less accepting areas still having a queer population, and the reverse as well. However, you still can't neglect the nurture aspect of it, even if it's more strongly linked to nature. Remember, correlation, not causation.
So, to sum it all up because this is getting really long, it's nature AND nurture. Correlation not causation. Links instead of prove.
Sincerely, a student who has spent WAY too much time and energy researching this to only end up with a stupid piece of paper in a few years.
(P.S., I would HIGHLY appreciate linking this to one of the reblogs, as I feel it will help a lot of people in the end ^^)
I’m so grateful for all of this information and I do appreciate it a lot.
This is a link to where this context fits: https://www.tumblr.com/anti-endo-haven/748894450255806464/this-is-the-right-account-lmao-okay-anywho
I don’t know what all to add to this because it’s good information besides adding onto the information (that will also be posted with a link back to this) that this is NOT endo propaganda. This is about DID and OSDD. And this better explains things that I got wrong and other people might not know about.
(For those that are like “how did you not know?” I did not know that nuture trauma was what abuse tends to be called, it has never once been considered “nuture” trauma to me until the first rb with information and now this one.)
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