#cough cold flu
hetchiew · 10 days
Contains: exhausted sneezes, sniffling, nose blowing (warning: the first one is audibly messy), pained whimpering, "ow!" is said many times, coughing, a nose rub, and my bed creaking as I toss & turn
I’m still in a lot of pain and sneezing a lot…
I just wanna sleep but my body won’t let me :(
Looks like I’m gonna have to break into my emergency NyQuil supply… I only use it for emergencies; like only when I’m really sick. Sadly, I’d say this probably counts.
(I’m gonna keep trying to sleep, but you may still see me active for a bit until the meds kick in)
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shion-yu · 2 months
Not Your Fault (part 3)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Shu comes down with Alex's cold from last week, but it seems like it’s hitting him way harder. Final part, thank you for reading! Fill for my @badthingshappenbingo space "Secret Caretaking." Original work, 2,361 words. No TWs, CW mild emeto, Alex is 13 here.
The thing about Shu was that if someone near him was sick, he always went down eventually. This had been true forever and Shu was bound to catch every cold and flu that made the rounds at the office he worked in. Usually he could push through it to the chagrin of his coworkers who had the joy of listening to him cough and sneeze for the next several days, but when he woke up this morning Shu knew right away that there was no way he was leaving the house today. Thank God it was a Saturday. 
It had been a few days since Alex had come down with a bad head cold. He'd been truly sick for about two days, but as soon as he started feeling better he went back to his old self, attempting to sneak off to Ryo's as soon as he could. Shu liked Ryo a lot and was extremely glad that Alex had a friend, but he had tried to convince Alex to stay in bed for another day. "You still have a bit of a fever bud," Shu had sighed. "What if you get Ryo and his parents sick too?" Alex's face had soured, but apparently pointing out that he could hurt his friend Ryo worked because he had stayed home until the fever was gone. He waited for the twenty-four hour fever free mark and then escaped immediately. Shu was just glad he was feeling better. 
Knowing how his own body worked, Shu had been trying to get plenty of sleep and chugging Emergen-C for the past several days. He was actually hopeful that it had worked and he’d somehow been spared despite living in the same household as a germ-ridden teenager all week.
Now though, Shu knew whatever Alex had come down with had hit him, and it was hitting him hard. Shu groaned and turned over to look at the time on his phone. It was ten AM on a Saturday morning; he never slept in this late. Crap, where was Alex?
Shu forced himself to sit on the edge of the bed. It felt like his bones were creaking in pain and his headache was splitting. He stood up, was hit with a rush of dizziness, and sat right back down. He felt his legs quivering like he'd just attempted to do some monumental task. Had Alex felt this poorly? When he'd wrangled the teen to the doctor he'd just been diagnosed with a viral upper respiratory infection, nothing too serious, but Shu felt like death. If it wasn't for Alex he would have given up attempting to rise from bed at all, but he told himself this was part of being a parent. He'd signed up for this, and parents didn't get sick days off. 
Shu wobbled into the kitchen, leaning heavily on the walls as he went. To his relief he found Alex right away in the living room, sitting on the couch watching Saturday morning cartoons. He glanced briefly at Shu then did a double take, his eyes widening. "Holy shit, you look terrible," he said. 
Shu snorted with laughter which turned into a chesty cough. He had to sit down. He flopped heavily next to Alex, black spots dancing in his vision. "Thanks a lot, kid. Did you eat breakfast?" He asked, wincing at the pain in his throat.
"Yeah," Alex said. "I think you should probably not be worrying about me right now though." 
"It's only a cold, you know that," Shu said dismissively. "I'm just a wimp." He managed to give Alex what he hoped was an encouraging smile but was interrupted by a loud sneeze which he barely managed to direct away from his distant relative turned foster child. "Huh'AEESHUHh!" He groaned, the powerful sneeze ripping painfully through his aching sinuses. 
"Uh huh. Bless you," Alex said, scooting a few inches farther away from him in disgust.
"Thangks," Shu said, snorting up the snot that had begun to drip from his nose. God his head hurt like hell. "You good here if I go back to bed?" He genuinely couldn't fathom doing anything else right now. Was he just getting old that this was hitting him so much harder than it had Alex? Was this what having a cold at thirty-five felt like? 
"Yeah. Pretty sure I'm safer away from you and your biohazard zone," Alex said dryly. 
Shu didn't point out that Alex was almost certainly the one who'd given him this awful cold. He just nodded and shuffled back to bed, making a pit stop at the bathroom to urinate and grab the thermometer. It had barely gotten a break between uses, he thought as he placed it under his tongue. He looked at his haggard expression in the mirror and grimaced. Should he call his mom to watch Alex, he thought? He didn't think he could keep up with the rambunctious teen like this. He decided against it for now though, not wanting her to think he couldn't handle single parenting just like she had. Alex was fourteen, he didn’t need a babysitter, but he did need to be watched closely to make sure he didn’t do anything problematic.
The thermometer beeped and Shu looked at the flashing 101.8 on the tiny screen. Not good, he thought to himself. He downed two Tylenol and then brought the rest of the bottle with him to the bedroom. He collapsed back into bed and fell asleep before he had time to think about anything else. He spent the rest of the day coughing and sneezing and using an entire box of tissues. His sneezes were most certainly audible in every room in the house. Every cold Shu had seemed to go straight to his chest and this felt like no exception. He could practically feel the junk settling lower and lower in his lungs despite the absurd amount he was already coughing up.
Around lunch time, Shu wobbled to the kitchen to grab more water. Alex was at the table doing school work, which was a nice sight. “Hey bud, you doing okay in here?” Shu asked, wincing at how hoarse his voice had become in comparison to this morning in a mere few hours. 
“I’m definitely okay,” Alex said cautiously. “You look almost dead though.”
“I’m really okay,” Shu reassured him, which was absolutely not backed up by the way he suddenly grabbed the edge of the counter to avoid losing his balance. Alex stood up quickly, face alarmed. Shu waved his hand in his direction, trying to make it seem like he hadn’t nearly fainted. “It’s great you’re doing school work,” he said in an attempt to distract Alex. Predictably, this caused Alex to scowl and go back to what he was doing. However Shu could feel Alex’s concerned expression on his back as he slowly inched back to his bedroom.
He tried to rest, but the cough was really painful and Shu could feel his fever going up despite the Tylenol. He kept thinking about Alex. Could he really trust the kid to take care of himself all day? What if he skipped eating? Not that he usually did that, mealtime was the one thing Shu could actually rely on Alex to show up for but still. Alex was his sole responsibility and Shu wanted him to have more than just enough. He wanted him to feel comfortable and happy. He wanted to take care of Alex so all those bad memories he had became more distant. It seemed like such a monumental task at times though, and right now Shu was in completely new territory. How did he keep an eye on Alex when he could barely lift his head off the pillow?
He made it to dinnertime without incident. Shu hazily warmed up soup for himself. Alex was nowhere to be found. There was a note on the table: ‘At Ryo’s for dinner.’ At least Alex had bothered to let him know where he was and it was somewhere safe. Shu shivered and managed about three bites of the soup before his stomach rejected all of it and more. He dashed to the bathroom with energy he hadn’t known he had and spent the next half hour vomiting into the toilet. He was glad that Alex wasn’t home to hear it. Afterwards his temperature was 102.6. Ouch. Alex’s own fever had peeked at 102.3 that first night he was sick. Shu hoped his own illness was following that same trajectory and it wouldn’t get any higher. 
He forced down a single saltine cracker and two more Tylenol in the hope that it would stay in his stomach, then went back to bed. His stomach and head ached, his chest felt heavy, and Shu was beginning to grow concerned. He hadn’t been this sick in a while and he hadn’t had a kid to worry about that time. He needed to hurry up and get better. He needed to sleep.
He woke up an unknown amount of time later to the feeling of a cool hand on his cheek. It felt nice... Shu forced his eyes open and squinted at the form above him. Alex? Shu was confused. Why was Alex in here? 
"You were moaning in your sleep," Alex explained, noticing Shu's eyes were open now. He looked embarrassed to be caught. He also looked worried. "You feel really hot." 
"Just a fever. I took some Tylenol," Shu said hoarsely, although he had no idea how long ago that was now. “What time is it?”
“Two AM,” Alex said.
“Oh,” Shu said, confused. “Did I wake you up?”
"It’s alright," Alex said, and scurried out before Shu could ask any more questions. Shu didn't expect him to come back and he didn't for several minutes. By this time Shu had almost fallen back to sleep and was barely conscious when he saw Alex slink back into the room with a wet washcloth. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep to save Alex from getting more embarrassed. He felt the cool, damp cloth be placed on his forehead and then heard Alex leave again. Shu fell asleep with his lips turned in a smile.
The next time he became half conscious it was only because he was so goddamn cold. He was shaking uncontrollably with aches and chills. He curled into a ball and tried to wait out the pain, but he felt awfully alone right now. He missed his mom. She was always so good to him when was sick, brewing tea and rubbing his arms and legs and giving him the hot water bottle to ease his chills... Just like... Right now?
Shu opened his eyes. Somehow the hot water bottle had appeared in his arms, as well as an extra blanket on top of him. He listened carefully, but there was no quiet chatter of Chinese radio in the background that always accompanied his mom wherever she went. He did hear the sound of water running in the bathroom though, and then Alex's voice saying something like, "He'll be fine, Ry, right?" Shu wanted to reassure Alex he was definitely going to be fine, but he felt too weak and sleepy and soon lost consciousness again.
The quiet chatter of Chinese radio when he came back to his senses was a sure sign his mom was there now. "Ma?" Shu croaked, forcing his eyes open.
He could smell his mom's distinct perfume as she came to his bedside and rubbed his chest. "Háizi. Boy call me, say that you sick."
Shu slowly processed what that meant. Alex had called his mom, Fulu. "Where is he?" Shu asked.
"Friend house," his mom said. "He upset, think you dying."
"Ugh," Shu said, concerned at the thought of upsetting Alex. "Ma, didn't you tell him I'm fine? I always get high fevers..."
"He no listen. Just like his bàba," Fulu said. She handed Shu her phone, silently instructing him to do exactly what Shu already wanted to - to call Alex. He didn't think it was worth correcting his mom right at this second - that he wasn't Alex's dad. Alex was his kid, and so it almost fit. He wanted it to.
Shu's hands shook as he found Alex in Fulu's contacts and called him, pressing the phone to his ear. Alex picked up right away. "Is he okay?" Was how Alex answered.
Shu coughed in surprise. Alex sounded genuinely worried. It would have been touching if Shu didn't feel so guilty about it. "Alex? I'm fine bud. I just have a fever, that's all. Same as you did, just a little worse. I promise." 
There was silence on the line for several seconds. Shu was worried he'd hung up. But finally Alex said, "You weren't getting any better, even though I did the same stuff you did." 
Shu felt a rush of affection. Alex really had been trying to take care of him, even though it was supposed to be the other way around. "It'll be a few days, and then I'll be right as rain," Shu reassured him as confidently as possible. "Do you want to stay at Ryo's this weekend?"
"Can I?" Alex asked hesitantly.
"Of course, if it's okay with his parents. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. I just need you to understand that you don't need to worry about me. Thanks for calling my mom. I'm glad you got help when you were scared."
"I wasn't scared," Alex shot back, but Shu knew he was lying. "Can you call me again when you feel better?”
"I feel better hearing your voice," Shu said with a smile.
"Sorry," Shu laughed, which quickly became several wet coughs. "I'll text you every time I'm up, alright?"
"Alright," Alex agreed. "Um... I hope you feel better soon."
Maybe it was because he felt so rotten, or because he was relieved that Alex was okay, but Shu felt tears spring to his eyes. He swallowed and tried not to let his voice waver as he said, "Thanks buddy. I will. See you soon."
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env0writes · 5 months
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No Longer Remembered 11.22.23 “Flightless--Flu”
Five AM wheezing Seizing the night Chance to make it right Swig the medicine please Down it flows with ease Until the doorways look like portals Punching pillows How was I– How have I Let this linger on Expel this sound from me This mound from me How has it found me Six AM Build up in ears and lungs Climbing rungs by rung How did this– How has this– Continued Sleep take me, Do not wake me No sun no gun no train to trawl on high Melatonin, moaning, thoughts roaming Dreams Like warm winter sheets Fresh from the fire, laundry pyre Spinning Thoughts are spinning Head and hand and world revolving
@env0writes C.Buck Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist! Photo by @env0
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feverflushed · 1 year
Ok but. A group of close-knit roommates who do daily vlogging, all getting hit by the flu at the same time.
A, who is usually the one recording and talking, is still the perkiest of the bunch, but there's no denying that they're pretty sick. Their voice is barely above a whisper, and it sounds like it's well on the way of disappearing completely.
"So, as you can see, flu season hit us like a truck. You can probably hear B coughing their lungs out in the background", and the camera focuses on B, leaning over a pot of boiling water, a towel over their head to trap the steam.
"How's it going under there, B?"
B replies with a chesty, rattling coughing fit, that makes A fake gag.
"Yum, sounds nice and juicy"
"Shut up, A!"
A laughs hoarsely, going over to C, who's lying on the couch, looking really pale. There's a whole box of tissues on the coffee table, and an overflowing bin in front of them. It seems that they just gave up, two tissues stuck in their nostrils to keep them from leaking. C looks at A, with a slightly annoyed face.
"I look like crap. Go away. By dose won't stop leakidg. Gross. Snffff."
A jokingly teases them with a pat on the head.
"You're always gorgeous, Grumpelina!"
C flips the bird to the camera.
"And then we have this one..." A tiptoes in D's room. D is asleep, cheeks ablaze, tossing and turning in their bed. A quietly scans their forehead with a thermometer, which flashes red, and shows it to the camera. Over 39 degrees.
"Yeah, poor D is definitely struggling. I'll make them a cold pack for their head in a moment. Maybe some food, too."
A strokes D's forehead, who opens their eyes slightly, not even noticing that A is recording.
"It's me. Lie down, you have one hell of a fever. I'll bring you something nice and cold to drink in a moment, okay?"
A nods, barely conscious, and falls asleep straight away.
Of course the viewers are going to gush about how pitiful and adorable they all are, wishing them a fast recovery.
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Jory is sick and ends up with a pretty bad fever, and his thoughts are so muddled that he doesn't remember at what point he stopped working, so Dev has to keep reassuring him that he didn't mess up anybody's tattoos?
Flick, you give the best prompts! I had lots of fun with this one because it's not my usual M.O. Less heavy on emeto.
With the stencil dry, Jory sat down to draw an owl on a man’s calf.
It had taken him a long time to finalize the design because he’d been fighting a cold for the past week, not to mention the back-and-forth emails between him and the client. The man’s name was Mason. He was a younger dude with a lot of real-estate for tattoos. 
Jory was happy about the placement and so was Mason. The calf was less painful than other areas so he hoped it would be a smooth process with the young guy. The session was likely to be chill because Mason planned to put in earbuds and watch a show. Jory wasn’t complaining about the lack of conversation. He wasn’t feeling up to talking. 
He cleared his throat to get rid of the tickle before speaking. “Alrighty Mace, I’ll get you to lie down on your stomach.” Even those few words were hard to get out. Jory ahem-ed again and it morphed into a wet cough. “Sorry ‘bout that. I’m just getting over a cold, but I can’t shake this cough.” 
“It’s all good.” 
“You should try having him as a roommate,” Dev interjected from across the room. They were meant to be supervising Jory’s tattoo…which they could totally do at the same time as updating the shop’s social medias. “It’s not all good when you share a wall and he’s coughing at fucking 4am.” 
“I told you I’m almost through this c—” Shouting across the room proved to be too difficult for his lungs, and Jory started coughing again. 
“Yeah, sounds like you’re so much better.” Dev sighed and pushed themselves away from the computer they were working at. They sauntered over to Jory’s station and handed him a medical mask. “Put this on or I will reschedule this session.” 
“Fine. Fine.” Jory put the mask on and started to untie the bandanna from around his head. He folded the paisley-patterned fabric into another face covering. “I’ll even double up if that’ll appease you…” Jory was going to call Dev oh, great supervisor or one true dictator but he was already winded from what little he said. 
As Jory bent forward to tattoo the first line, his back and shoulders ached. Great, two seconds in and he was already in need of a break. This was going to be a long session. 
The client watched an anime on his phone for an hour while Jory worked. He was glad not to be working too close to the man’s face because he never went long before the coughing started up again. 
One time he’d been tattooing a girl’s neck, but he kept burping when their faces were inches apart. He took many breaks during that session until his stomach settled down. It seemed he was going to have to take many breaks this time too, because the wheezing and crackling in his lungs was relentless. 
Usually, the client asks for the first break, but Mason was taking it like a champ; Jory was not doing as well. His chest burned as if an anvil was sitting on his rib cage. 
The pressure was so great that every inhale was a struggle. It felt like he couldn’t expand his chest wide enough to take in a proper breath. The medical mask was wet on the inside from the perpetual coughing. He could feel phlegm building up in his throat, but he wasn’t about to hack a glob of spit up in the middle of the shop. He just had to sit there and pretend that he wasn’t drowning. 
Eventually, Jory couldn’t take it any longer. He turned off the machine and peeled the latex gloves from his sweaty hands. He tapped Mason on his leg to get his attention. “You’re doing great, babes. Why don’t you take a break?” 
“I can keep going.” 
Jory grit his teeth. That was the wrong answer. He forced himself to stay calm. “We’ll start up again in five minutes. Get some water. Take a piss.” 
Jory walked away before Mason could say anything else. His hand tingled from the vibrations of the machine. He flicked his wrist, trying to bring feeling back into his fingers. The urge to cough scratched at his throat, but he forced himself to wait until he got to the employee bathroom. 
Walking was painful. Blinking was painful. His back twinged. His chest felt like it was collapsing in on itself. What the duck was wrong with him? He thought he was getting over this cold, but this was worse than any other day. 
The lights in the bathroom dimmed as he stumbled his way to the sink. Finally, he let himself cough and cough until he thought he would tear a hole in the membrane of his lungs. He choked up a splodge of yellowish phlegm and spat it into the sink. 
When the coughing calmed down, Jory breathed hard. He lifted his head to look at himself in the mirror. His eyes burned and watered with an unnatural heat. Sweat coated his nose and brow, but that didn’t make any sense because he was freezing. Chills wracked his frame. 
A lot of things didn’t make sense just then the more he thought about it, like—oh wait he was back to coughing. He didn’t have the chance to think of anything because his whole body shook from the force of the hack. 
“Jory, what the fuck?” Dev suddenly shouted as they burst into the washroom. “You sound like you’re drowning in here.” 
“I don’t know what’s wrong,” he replied with a hand over his eyes. He rubbed his thumb and finger into his eyeballs. He could have sworn that lava leaked from his dear ducts. “I—I don’t—Ugh—” Pause for a wet rattling cough. “—Gah Dev, my chest hurts. I can’t breathe.” 
Jory bunched up the fabric of his shirt in his hand as he tried to claw the pain away. He was so focused on the pressure in his body, that he didn’t realize that he was stumbling towards Dev. Before he knew it, he was falling into Dev’s arms. If he had a lick of sense in his foggy head, he might have been embarrassed. 
“Whoa, Fuck,” Dev said, catching him awkwardly. Bering this close to Jory, they could feel the heat coming off him. “Fucking hell, Jory, you’re on fire.”
“I—I don’t feel good,” Jory slurred out.
“No shit, your brain is being fried, dude.” 
Dev was still holding Jory when he began coughing again. They could hear pop rocks crackling in his chest with each harsh puff. 
If it wasn’t for Dev holding him up, Jory would have been knocked over by the severity of his coughing. He doubled over as the coughing turned into retches that grated up his throat. The mucus caught in his airway came up with the bile and sick in his stomach. 
Luckily there wasn’t much for him to throw up because Dev was the one who caught the gush with their body. They resisted the impulse to jump back as he retched again. They had to keep holding on or else Jory would be dealing with a concussion on top of whatever bioweapon infected his lungs. 
Eventually, Jory was able to catch his breath. He swayed on his feet, feeling horrendous. Was…was someone holding him? He was looking down at two pairs of feet. One was his own, and the other looked like Dev’s shoes. Was Dev holding him? No, that couldn’t be right. 
Besides, he was plummeting. Dev wouldn’t let him fall. But regardless, he felt like the floor was rushing up at him. It was coming fast. So fast. So—
Then nothing. Just nothing. He didn’t crack his teeth on the tiles. He was fine. But he was lying on the bathroom floor. Dev was gone. 
Jory blinked hard. He didn’t want to be alone. He couldn’t be alone. Someone had to pull him from the water when the waves came crashing back. The water levels were rising. He could feel it in his lungs. 
The bathroom door swung open again. Dev didn’t wait to lift him off the floor. They wrapped his arm around their shoulder and led him towards the back room and lowered him onto a leather couch. 
“Where’d you go?” he asked, letting his head fall against the couch’s arm rest. “You left me. I’m cold. You left me. Can I have a blanket?”
Dev was already in the process of draping a thin blanket over his body. It was the only blanket in the shop, but maybe that was good considering his temperature. “I asked Monty to clean up your station and send Mason home.”  
“Mason!” Jory shouted and shot up, flinging the blanket off.
“Whoa, whoa, easy.” Dev, ungracefully, pushed Jory back onto his back. The boy landed with a groan and (you’ll never guess it) started coughing again. They winced at the horrible sound. “Sorry.” They covered him back up with the blanket and slowly sat down on the edge of the couch. “Mason’s not your concern right now.” 
“I forgot the beak.” 
“The owl—I forgot its beak. What kind of owl doesn’t have a beak?” 
Dev pinched the bridge of their nose to hide a smirk. ‘You didn’t forget anything. Everything’s fine.” 
“And the shading. Dev, the shading!” Jory ranted while hugging the blanket to his chin. His eyes were wild and glassy. “Did I use .30 needles or .35? Was it magnums?” 
“Frick, I can’t remember—” More coughing caused tears to leak from his eyes. “—Ugh, my chest.” The sound of popping bubbles came from his lungs. “It’s all messed up. Mason’s gonna—” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Dev said firmly. “You didn’t mess up the tattoo. You tapped out before you got this bad. It was a good job considering your fever. I was watching you the whole time.” 
As Dev said this, it dawned on them that they should have realized how sick Jory still was. They both let themselves believe that he was over his illness, but the worst was just getting started. 
As if to prove this point, Jory coughed so hard that it turned into a heave.
“Oh God, this again,” Dev said, awkwardly rubbing Jory’s arm. “You’re okay. Get it up. Fuck this blanket.” 
Jory bent forward with his head hanging over his lap. The muscles in his back spasmed. After three violent coughs, he choked up milky phlegm and yellow bile between his legs. It landed on the blanket as Dev predicted. 
Now Dev was rubbing his back for real. They clicked their tongue against their teeth as they watched him suffer through this hell. He was shaking uncontrollability for fuck’s sake. They had to help him better than this. “That’s it. I’m taking you to the hospital.” 
Jory moaned. “I don’t want to. I’m tired.” 
“Too bad. Monty bet me 20 bucks that it’s bronchitis. I say it’s pneumonia.” 
“What!” Jory’s voice cracked. “You’re betting on my suffering?”
“You’re damn right I am.” Dev helped him up from the couch. “And I’m going to win, so get your wheezy ass in the car.” 
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listening505 · 1 year
in so sick rn i wish he could take care of me
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hell0mega · 4 months
the flu really is just like Fuck You Disease
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medixic · 2 months
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जुकाम में दवाइयां लेने से बेहतर है कि घर में रखी घरेलू चीज़ों से देसी इलाज करें क्योंकि ये शरीर को कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाती हैं। तो आइए जानते हैं जुकाम से निपटने के कुछ देसी उपाय🔥
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specspectacle · 5 months
My nose is like a faucet for mucus and it feels like the handle is broken in the ‘on’ position.
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tiktok-singularity · 3 months
Do you have that dry cough we’ve all been getting since October 2023?! This is for you 😷🤒
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silenthillbunni · 3 months
brains are so weird bc im having intense abdomen pains nd spasms and im lying here crying bc i want PIZZA!!!! 😦 like i havent had pizza in 10 months and im sooooo hungry i want pizza but that would like actually kill me. i havent eaten anything in hours nd the pain subsided a little bit.. i should eat one potato just for nutrients but i dont wanna it's gonna hurt so bad. can i just go one or two days without eating or will that be rlly bad? idk :( but omgosh my brain in thinking obsessively abt pizza nd im in emotional agony bc i cant have pizza rn.... i wanna die life isnt worth living when u cant have pizza 💔 🍕🍕🍕 pizza my love wait for me ..... 🚢🌊
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hetchiew · 13 days
Aww 😕😕sorry that you are ill. I hope you feel better much better soon 🌸 🤍
Do you still have fever? How are you feeling?
Thank you anon!🥺💖
Yes, I still have a fever. It’s not too high but I’m still feeling pretty sick. Here’s a little glimpse into how this cold has been treating me today:
Contains: bed shaking sneezes, hitching/false starts, the sound of tissues being hastily grabbed, coughing, tired moans, mumbling complaining, nose rubbing, stuffy sniffles, and loads of attempts at nose blowing
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
definitely not feeling good I have convulsively coughed my way through a 9am meeting (on mute, I'm not a monster) and now I am feeling VERY lightheaded.
my friend offered me their inhaler yesterday bc they're High On The Luxury Of Free Prescriptions after moving up to Scotland. last night I was like uhhhh probably shouldn't take steroids about it when I don't actually know what's wrong. today I'm a bit more 🤔 bc uhhhh feels like my brain is not getting enough oxygen tbqh
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sarumans · 3 months
idk if these brands are commonplace outside of canada but please go off in the tags about what is the worst flavour
my roommates think i'm insane but i actually like buckleys and find it to be the best one. dayquil honey lemon is the absolute worst. i didn't include neocitran because it's a warm drink instead of a concentrated syrup or lozenge.
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Madix taking care of Dakota when he gets sick while their hanging out. Romantic caretaking is nice and all but I love a good bromance.
Thanks for the requests! For some reason my brain really wanted to add some cold/flu symptoms and the result is this inaccurate fic that also has emeto. Enjoy! And I used prompts from THIS post to help me beat writer's block:
62. "Shh, keep your voice down. ____ is sleeping."
43. "He's too stubborn for his own good."
Madix sat on the floor with his back up against the couch. There was nothing wrong with the couch—other than it currently being taken up by Dakota’s sleeping body—but Madix preferred to sit on the floor to play video games. Maybe it was a habit from his childhood, sitting closer to the tv than necessary, but he swore it helped him win. Plus, this way he could better reach the bowl of chips on the coffee table. 
He really shouldn’t have been eating chips just then considering that he and Dakota were meant to go to the movie theatres in less than an hour. There would be popcorn there, but he couldn’t stop himself from snacking. Like sitting on the floor, barbeque chips were an essential element to the Saturday afternoon gaming session. As a kid, he’d been limited to two hours of play time on the weekends. As an adult he could play for as long as wanted, if his schedule was free.
Technically, they would need to leave for the theatre in half an hour, but Madix didn’t think that was going to happen. The congested snoring from behind him told him that they would be better off staying home. 
Dakota had said earlier that he felt fine enough to keep their plans, but Madix had been skeptical. 
“You don’t sound good,” Madix had said after Dakota coughed into his elbow for the umpteenth time since arriving at his house. It was a wet, rattling cough that worried Madix. He kept looking back his friend, watching Dakota’s energy drain away the longer they played video games, like an avatar’s health dwindling with every strike. 
Dakota sniffled and answered without taking his eyes off the game. The screen was split down the middle for two-player mode. ��I might be getting sick. My throat is kinda scratchy.” 
“Do you still want to go to the movies later today?” 
“Yeah of course,” Dakota insisted. “It won’t totally hit me until tomorrow anyway. That’s what Sundays are for.” 
“Right…” Madix said slowly. He was going to say more but Dakota started coughing again. Madix could hear phlegm crackling in Dakota’s lungs when he inhaled sharply. He waited until Dakota was finished to carry on. “I really don’t mind rescheduling. You don’t want to be coughing like that during the movie.”  
“Mads, I’ll be fine,” Dakota said after clearing his throat. “Try worrying instead about the fact that I just obliterated you.” 
Madix frowned and looked back to the tv in time to see his HP drop to zero.
They played for a while longer, switching to a cozy game when Dakota said that intensely staring at the screen was hurting his eyes. He blinked hard, trying to make the burning go away. Dakota’s sniffling and coughing took away from the peaceful background music, but Madix didn’t mind. He had already decided—even before Dakota fell asleep—that they’d skip the movie. As much he didn’t care about the constant coughing and throat clearing, an entire theatre of people surely would. 
At some point, Dakota had gotten up from the couch. Madix could hear him in the bathroom, clearing his throat and blowing his nose. The boy came back to the living room with the tip of his nose tinged red and glassy eyes that shone in the light. He seemed to have forgotten that they were playing a game together, leaving his controller on the table. 
“Ugh, fuck.”  He fell back on the couch with a huff, stretching his legs out and taking advantage of the fact that Madix sat on the floor. He clasped his hands together atop his belly.
“Are you alright?” Madix asked. 
“I’m a bit nauseous. It’s kinda weird.” 
Madix shrugged. “It’s not that weird to be a little nauseous if you’re swallowing a lot of phlegm.” 
Dakota grimaced. “‘A 'bit' might have been an understatement.” He groaned, massaging his thumb and index fingers into his eyes. “I really don’t need my stomach hurting on top of everything else.” 
“Still think it hasn’t hit you yet?” Madix asked, rhetorically. It was obvious to him that Dakota was properly knocked out from this bug. Dakota let out an exasperated sigh as his half-assed reply. 
Eventually, Madix found himself playing alone. Only the sound of snoring kept him company as he roamed the digital terrain of the game. The movie time came and went, and Dakota stayed asleep. Madix did not wake him. There were many times that Dakota sounded like he was drowning in the mucus that coated his airway. Madix had to stop himself from shaking Dakota awake whenever his worries got the best of him. Sleep was good. Sleep was the best thing for him. 
That sleep was almost shattered when the front door opened, and Riley came in from the rain, dripping wet and squeaking his soaked shoes on the tile. He was singing whatever song had been playing in the car, unaware that he was not home alone. Unaware that Madix was not at the movies with Dakota like he said he was going to be. 
His singing came to an abrupt stop when he saw Madix in the living room. “Oh hi, love. What are you doing here?” 
“Shh, keep your voice down. Dakota is sleeping.” Madix said quickly, wincing at Riley’s outdoor voice. His boyfriend must have been singing his heart out in the car. Riley only slid across the floor in his socks when he had Harry Styles stuck in his head. 
Riley looked to the couch, noticing for the first time that Madix wasn’t alone. Thankfully Dakota was still asleep. Riley covered his mouth. “Ah sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t think you guys would be here. Or, you know, asleep on the couch for that matter.” Riley frowned, still watching Dakota’s chest move up and down. His breathing was shallow and ragged. “Is he okay?” 
Madix shook his head. “He’s sick. He just passed right out.”
“Aw, wouldn’t he rather be at home?” 
“Probably.” Madix nodded. “But he’s too stubborn for his own good.” 
“Is it just a cold, you think?” 
“Maybe,” Madix said, chewing on his bottom lip as he listened to the crackle of Dakota’s lungs.  “But he did say he was nauseous, so I’m not sure.” 
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m only here to shower,” Riley said, slowly making his exit. 
“Oh yeah, text me when you’re coming home.” 
 “Sure.” Riley answered. He spared one last look at the sick boy on the couch. “Please try not to catch whatever he has.” He gave Madix a knowing look. “I know you. You’re going to fuss all over him when he wakes up, and before we know it, you’ll be snoring like that.” 
“Excuse me, I’m a very careful caregiver. I wash my hands.”
“Oh, thank God you wash your hands. Not many people know that trick.”  
“Alright,” Madix said with a laugh. “Go shower before you wake him up with your sarcasm.” 
But Riley was right. Even before Dakota was awake, Madix couldn’t help himself from fussing over him. The grey tint to his skin worried Madix. Dakota’s face was knotted with tension even at rest. 
But the thing that worried Madix the most was the way Dakota shivered. He shivered under the blanket that Madix had draped over his body when he first fell asleep. Now Madix wondered if that blanket wasn’t such a good idea, not if Dakota was running a temperature.
Madix peered down at his friend (the video game long forgotten) and sighed. Dakota really didn’t look well, with his cracked lips and skin that shone with cold sweat. Madix placed his hand on Dakota’s forehead. He was not surprised by the heat he found. He was however surprised when Dakota’s eyes opened suddenly. 
“Sorry,” Madix said, taking his hand away from Dakota’s face. “It looks like you have a fever.” 
“S’okay,” Dakota mumbled, letting his eyelids droop once again. “Do I?” 
“Oh, one hundred percent,” Madix said frankly. “You are a very stubborn person who should be at home right now.” 
Dakota took in a long breath. The exhale was more of a drawn-out moan. At the end of this slow cycle, he didn’t’ even respond to Madix’s comment, instead choosing to say, “I don’t feel good.” 
“What’s bothering you? I have cold medicine. Tea if your throat hurts. Pain relievers. What do you need?” 
Dakota’s brain lagged with all the information thrown at him. Everything felt wrong. Most concerning though was the strange way that his belly gurgled. “I guess…” he started slowly, “my stomach hurts.” But then talking hurt his throat and the sound of his own voice hurt his head. “Mmh no, actually everything hurts. 
“Right, so a magic pill to fix it all then, coming right up.” Madix went to the kitchen, keeping an eye on Dakota as he did so. “We’ll start with Tylenol and see if that helps.” 
He came back with pills and a glass of water. He sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing the couch and his poor friend who was lying on it. Dakota’s eyes were closed again. Madix touched his arm. “Sit up for a minute, Kota,” he said gently. 
Dakota groaned and fought against gravity to get up. Madix’s hand on his back helped a lot. As soon as he was sitting upright, he slouched over while a wave of vertigo and nausea lapped against his senses. The living room shifted as if he were seeing it through a kaleidoscope. He put his head in his hands in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. 
“Come on, Dakota.” Madix said, resting his hand on his friend’s knee. “You can lie back down once you take these pills.” 
Dakota did not lift his head. That simple movement felt like a herculean task. The gurgling in his stomach got worse as he thought about opening his eyes. “Madix…” he whined from within the darkness of his hands. His heartbeat pulsed in his temples. “I don’t feel right.” 
“I know, man. I’m sorry.” Madix gave his knee a squeeze. 
Madix had but a millisecond to think about the implications of what Dakota just said. He said right. He didn’t say good, like before. ‘I don’t feel good’ meant something very different compared to ‘I don’t feel right’. The exact difference became very clear to Madix when suddenly Dakota was heaving up the contents of his stomach onto the floor. 
Vomit spilled between Dakota’s legs in a stream of sickly greenish-yellow. The immediate next wave followed a deep gurgle that clawed up his already sore throat. He let out a moan as his belly spasmed painfully. 
“Oh my—okay,” Madix muttered quickly as the carpet got covered in sick. He had since moved his hand from Dakota’s knee to his shuddering shoulder. That body part wasn’t in danger of getting hit. Madix rubbed small circles with his thumb. 
Dakota choked up a mouthful of lingering sick from that last wave. “Guh, oh God. I’m sorry,” he said before gagging again. His shoulder rolled forward with the next bout. His voice was incredibility thick from the congestion and now the nausea. 
“It’s okay,” Madix promised. “You’re fine.” Well…
Yeah, Dakota was not fine. He coughed up the next sludge of sick that fell passed his lips. 
It was a small gush because there wasn’t much in his stomach other than cereal from breakfast and mucus from his lungs and nose. Vomiting it up was still hell. It came out of his nose, mingling with snot that dripped from his lips. 
“Oh, Kota,” Madix cooed, seeing the strings of bile and mucus hanging off his nose. Luckily there were napkins on the table that he passed to his friend. “Here, wipe your face.” 
Dakota took the napkin. He blew his nose, almost gagging again at the feeling of chunks coming out. “Fuck, that’s gross,” he said, throwing the napkin on the floor. In the splatter of sick. He sniffled and cleared his throat. And he cleared his throat again. Then he coughed. And cleared his throat. 
“Will you take this water now?” Madix asked, picking up the glass that he hastily set down when Dakota started vomiting. He did not offer the pills. “No use taking the Tylenol just yet.” 
Dakota took small, but grateful sips of the water. It soothed his raw throat for but a second. He wiped his mouth and moaned. Madix took back the glass of water, so it didn’t spill in Dakota’s hands. 
“Okay,” Madix began slowly, trying to catch his friend’s eyes, but he wouldn’t look up. “Kota? Are you alright?” 
Dakota sniffled. “What do you think?” He still didn’t look up. 
“I’m sure you feel like crap, but are you done throwing up?”
Dakota shrugged and didn’t offer anything else. 
Madix just sighed. He was used to unhelpful answers. “Would you rather the bathroom or the bedroom? You can’t stay here,” Madix said, looking down at the mess on the carpet. “I have to clean this up before Riley gets back.” 
That was when Dakota looked up. There were tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I should have moved. I—I just felt so…I don’t know…weird. My head hurts and—”
“—Dakota,” Madix interrupted, putting his hand firmly on his friend’s back. The fire was still raging beneath his skin. “There’s no need to apologize. You’ve got a fever. You’re sick. It’s not your fault.” 
Dakota sniffled and looked at Madix with wet, bloodshot eyes. “So, you’re not mad?” 
Madix chuckled incredulously. “Do I need to take you to the hospital?” He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m not mad. How could you think I’d be mad?” 
“I dunno.” 
Madix just laughed. It was nervous kind of laughter because none of this was in Dakota’s nature. He was clearly in need of sleep and fever reducers. “Anyway, it seems like you’re done throwing up. Let me help you to bed.” 
“Okay…” Dakota said lazily. He let Madix guide him to the second bedroom, dragging his feet on the floor. As they walked down the hall, Dakota spoke sloppily as if he were drunk. “Please don’t leave when I’m asleep.” 
“This is my house. Where do you think I’m going?” 
“Just stay here. Promise.” 
Madix sighed. “I promise. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Good,” Dakota mumbled as he crawled to the top of the bed. He quickly brought the blankets up to his chin. He coughed and coughed, until Madix thought they’d have to burn the duvet. 
Madix made sure there were tissues on the nightstand and a bucket on the floor. He took Dakota temperature with a thermometer this time. It wasn’t good. “I’m gonna check on you an unhealthy number of times, just so you know,” he said, setting down a water bottle on the nightstand. 
“How many times?” Dakota mumbled, his fevered mind latching onto the word ‘number’ for some reason.
“Okay, Kota,” Madix mumbled in a laugh. “Get some rest.” 
He left Dakota to his fever dreams, and immediately washed his hands. 
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java-lava · 5 months
*is under the covers*
*takes covers off*
*puts covers back on*
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