#colleen x darcy
booasaur · 2 years
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Diggstown - 4x05
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
Rewriting some of the Winx Club villains (for fun)
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I actually had a fun time with rewriting the Winx, and it seemed to have gotten positive reception! Thus, I thought I'd do rewrites for some of the Winx Club villains. Just like with my last post, this is NOT a "what would've made them better" post, but just my own interpretation of the characters based on the show (mainly the first 4 seasons as applicable) and some of the comics. And since I never did a post about recasting the villains (I only did so with the Winx and the Specialists), I'll include my dream voice cast here. Enjoy!
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Ancestral Witches--In my rewrite, there's only one ancestral witch; I feel like it fits the primordial vibe more, but this is also because the witches don't have distinct personalities, and the Trix claim descent from all three of them, but this feels like they were moreso their reincarnations than their ancestors (though it could be both). This sole witch would be named Carabosse, named after the wicked fairy the Ancestral Witches are based on. She is created by Darkar as the first evil mortal (albeit with an extended lifespan due to magic, both hers and Darkar's), but she isn't his servant; she's his consort, and they exist as a twisted version of Hades and Persephone from Greek Mythology. Rather than having the same powers as the Trix, Carabosse has the ability of corruption, being the first mortal queen in the magical dimension (and ever, probably), and seen as doing her husband's dream of spreading evil throughout the world. The descendant of the holders of the dragon spark, Oritel, formed the Company of Light to defeat her, but they only managed in destroying her physical body, with her spirit still lingering. She is the first witch, as you may have guessed, and even in death, we are never truly rid of her, due to her divine marriage and long-forgotten magic that makes her influence permeate the most evil parts of the magic dimension.
I'd imagine she dressed in dark blue/black with orange-red gems and patterns, almost like she's made of lava. My ideal voice actor for her would be Colleen Wheeler, who did an AMAZING job of playing Mystique in "X-Men: Evolution."
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The Trix--No need for introduction, the sisters of the Ice Kingdom are the most persistent villains in the series. In my rewrite, their realm wouldn't be known as the Ice Kingdom (since it kinda discards Darcy and Stormy, but Distorsione, Italian for distortion), said to be the base of Queen Carabosse. You'd think that being descended from her would offer the Trix some leverage, but the royal family has much closer ties to her while the Trix are distant relatives. The people there are reserved and standoffish, but not necessarily evil, though the Trix essentially ruin that perception and now it's a demonized location in the magical dimension. It's confirmed that the Trix are triplets and were abandoned by their family for the perceived threat they could pose in the future, and upon discovering this, they vowed to take over the magical dimension and retake what they believe to be their birthright. And it's worth noting that for most of the first season, no one knows who they are when they attack the winx; they have a "Superman" thing going on because of the makeup and clothes change; when in disguise, they dress similarly to their fairy disguises in issue #123 of the comic.
Icy has an on-and-off romance with Darko throughout the series (it's implied that they could've been something positive, but Icy is too focused on power and is willing to mistreat Darko, who, despite having his own issues, cared about Icy but is now mainly just courting her for potential power that he could wield as her consort). She also has a distaste for Bloom, given their powers are polar opposites, as well as the fact that Bloom was automatically revered for her potential while Icy was discarded for it. She also takes particular interest in tormenting Flora and Ariel (my rewritten version of Roxy), since I'd canonize the 4kids statement that she derives power from dead planets, and the fact that she doesn't really have any particular respect for animals and plants. I'd probably base her design on Taylor Swift, particularly during her "Reputation" era. I know the Trix weren't based on celebrities, but I thought it'd be a nice touch. I'd I'd like her to be voiced by Salli Saffioti, since I really liked her performance as Cleo de Nile on Gen 1 and 2 of "Monster High," albeit something a bit less regal. As usual, she wears shades of blue, though I like the idea that she keeps the lighter/brighter tones for her witch look that she does in her civilian clothes.
Darcy is the middle triplet, and is quite interesting due to her relationships with others. While Icy is somewhat conflicting with how she feels about others, sometimes abusing them and sometimes praising and adoring them, Darcy cares about others but believes that abusing them is the best way to show it (influenced by her abandonment and the fact that she's been lied to a lot by people who claimed to care about her growing up). She's attracted to danger and doesn't really understand the typical concepts of love and care, which Icy jokes is influenced by her power over darkness, which will prevent her from ever seeing the light. She often takes delight in torturing Stella with darkness and causing friction between Musa and Riven--she even tells Musa that they can share Riven; Darcy takes the evil half and Musa takes the good half, even going as far as to offer splitting them into two separate people, but Musa points out the unethical boundaries of that (duh) and how her love for Riven meant that she loved him in spite of his flaws and wanted to help him improve on his faults, but only if he recognized them as so. This perplexes Darcy, who has a similar corrupting power to Carabossa (albeit much less powerful) and she believes that she must change those who don't like her or think like her. I'd base her appearance on Olivia Rodrigo, and also have her voiced by Tasia Valenza, since I enjoyed her performance as Poison Ivy in the "Batman: Arkham" video game series, and I feel like her deeper voice captures Darcy well (4kids bias).
Stormy, being the baby triplet, is often left the hand-me-downs of her sisters and is the most mysterious, despite sharing her sisters' interest in chaos and power-seeking. Unlike the more composed Trix, Stormy is much more upfront and aggressive, not usually bothering with manipulation unless she thought it could stir up an immediate reaction. She doesn't really have a love interest, but she does note that if things fell apart for Stella and Brandon, she could pick up the pieces and "see which way the storm blows." I'd also see her as the Trix member who's most likely to choose physical violence (in contrast to Icy, who's most likely to rely on her magic), and feels like she has the most to prove, insecure and afraid that she and her sisters were discarded because of her (being the only one who's powers were apparent and uncontrollable from a young age). She also has it out for Aisha and Tecna, as storms know how to stoke an ocean's ire, and can cause blackouts. I'd base her appearance off of Tate Mcrae, with her voicework being done by Selah Victor, AKA Chloe Bourgeois from "Miraculous Ladybug."
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Diaspro--Just to be clear, I'm keeping the "Sky and Brandon swapped identities" subplot, but this lie is revealed BEFORE Bloom and Sky get together. It's also revealed that both Sky and Diaspro are political pawns; they were childhood friends, and when it was revealed that Diaspro was a fairy of gemstones (what's with "the"? Can't there be more fairies like her?), she was betrothed to Sky under the belief that her wealth would enrich Erakylon. While Diaspro submitted to this--being from a poor family and "encouraged" by her relatives to accept the betrothal--she became cruel and callous due to the political games she had to play, as well as never wanting to go back to poverty. She had a crush on Sky, and the betrothal heightened this, but she failed to realize he didn't feel the same, as he became more withdrawn when the betrothal became official. Since he was doing his duty as a prince, he tried to submit to his family's wishes, but rebelled when he developed a crush on Bloom, as well as making friends with the Winx and the Specialists. Diaspro misinterprets this as his friends talking him out of marrying her, and she lashes out at them and tries to tear them apart. Sky is the only one who has sympathy for her at first, and eventually all his friends realize she was dealt a bad hand in life. Until it's revealed Bloom is a princess with the power of the dragon flame (she's originally just said to be a fire fairy to protect her), Sky and Diaspro go through with the illusion that they're engaged. When it breaks off, Diapsro's family has been compensated and rises to the noble ranks, but they still want more. Diapsro informs Sky of their plotting, and she pretends to continue to be villainous to her family and other villains, acting as a double agent for the Winx and the Specialists without turning anyone against her. For her design, I'd base her on Ariana Grande (for obvious reasons), and surprisingly have her voice by Ellen Wong; I think her sweetness as Knives Chau would be great for Diaspro's vulnerability, and it'd be fun to see her act stuck-up. I'd also give her an outfit reminiscent of blue labradorite (you'll recall with my rewrite of Bloom I'd give her a black base with colorful accents reminiscent of the cosmos).
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Darkar--Much the same, the dark dragon that contrasts with the great dragon that created the world. I'd make him a bit more nuanced, with his nature being chaos rather than outright evil. In fact, to make him different from other Winx villains, I'll make him lawful evil--which is the Dungeons & Dragons way of saying he's a bad guy who follows the rules. These "rules" would essentially be the laws of nature, that light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa, but one can reign over the other. With his wife gone, he sees the Trix as his daughters/granddaughters (and they are his descendants) and attempts to teach them his ways--though they are puzzled by his lack of unecessary cruelty and restraint, as well as his respect for those who align with good. He reveals that his wife was not constrained by the rules that governed him, and that is likely why the Trix act they way they do. He's also known as the "shadow phoenix" because he'll always be reborn, and there will be an age of darkness once more, and Bloom's descendants (or another descendant who holds the dragon flame; Bloom's extended family is sizeable) will fall into their grasp. Plus Bloom's witch heritage makes her fall into his distortion, bringing out the duality of the dragon flame, both light and shadow. I'd love for him to have a larger-than-life deity appearance to him, and taking inspiration from X-Men's "Dark Phoenix" arc feels natural--thinking on it now, they may have already done that. For his great voice acting as Trigon, I'd love for Kevin Michael Richardson to play him--though Paul St. Peter is a close second.
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Valtor--He's iconic as-is and the greatest Winx villain (partially because of how involved he is in every episode, in contrast to previous villains), I'd make a change to his origins; instead of an older being created from the dragon flame and raised by the Ancestral Witches, he's the biological son of Darkus and Carabossa. Similar to Diaspro, he was used as a pawn all his life, and is only slightly older than the Winx and Specialists. He essentially does everything the same in my book, but there is a sympathetic angle; he was designed to bring about the age of chaos Darkus foretold, and thus has been emotionally, psychologically, and physically abused by his caretakers (since his parents weren't physically around to raise him) until he became a beast of darkness. However, due to the fact that light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa, in a similar way to Bloom being made into Dark Bloom, Valtor is capable of love and light, albeit in a very standoffish, aloof way. Bloom recognizes his loneliness, and for a second it makes her reconsider wanting to be reunited with her own family, who she only knows through second-hand sources. With the power of the Winx, Bloom defeats Valtor, but instead of killing him, she uses her divine abilities to take some of the darkness in his heart and accept it into her own, giving him some of her light in return, knowing that he didn't choose to be who he became, though he's still imprisoned with the Trix in the Lightrock Monastery due to his crimes. It's implied for the rest of the series that he's an antihero, though he tries to be discreet due to the legacy he created. For his voice actor, I'd love for him to be voiced by Neil Newbon; the Astarion parallels are too delicious to ignore.
(NGL, Valtor is a great villain, but I did feel bad for the circumstances surrounding his creation, thus my sympathetic take.)
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Tritannus--Due to his repetitive nature in season 5, I'd make Tritannus a supporting villain in season 3, helping to give more focus to Andros as well as keeping his goals streamlined. For a good deal of the season, the merpeople are curropted, with the pandemic eventually reaching King Neptune and Queen Ligea. Nereus also becomes infected, leaving Trittannus to rule the seas. However, when he welches on his promise to help Valtor take over the magical dimension, Valtor pollutes the ocean, transforming Trittanus into a monster. He then helps Valtor in order to regain his original form, as well as having a thing for Icy (who admires his evil tendencies, but his newfound appearance makes this a manipulative relationship only, as she sees a great deal to gain by becoming Queen of the Seas, this being one of her off periods with Darko). His family eventually defeats him, and he is banished to Oblivion, though both his siblings hope to release him from there with time, given his young age and their merciful natures, though Aisha remains skeptical.
I'd probably want him voiced by David Gallagher; I could totally hear RIku's voice when I see him.
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Cassandra and Chimera--Amazing side villains, and pretty underrated winx villains overall, Cassandra is the new wife of King Radius and Chimera is her daughter, and both of them treat Stella cruelly and put a spell on Radius to make her resent her. I'd include them a bit more, and make Cassandra seem a bit kinder than she really is, with Chimera viciously tearing down Stella and Cassandra passive-aggressively trying to cheer her up, only to make her feel worse. I'd also make it less obvious that Radius is under a spell; since Stella argues with him frequently following the divorce and now with his surprise marriage, Stella believes that Radius thinks she's turned against him and wishes to take the throne by force, possibly with her mother. Radius IS under a spell, but it's easy for Stella to buy that after all their arguing, it's affected her father's perception of her, especially since his new wife and stepdaughter appear demure and submissive. They're still vain and spoiled, but they know how to curry the kingdom's favor in order to make themselves likeable, craftily working with Valtor to stain Stella's image as a selfish, entitled princess, and convince the nobles that her behavior could result in a coup that could destroy the sun kingdom, convincing them that Stella has become a puppet to Luna (and that Solaria itself could become a puppet state).
I'd base their appearences on Gwen Stefani and Jenna Ortega respectively, with Cassandra being voiced by Jennifer Hale (using a voice similar to her Bayonetta performance) and Chimera being voiced by Diane Guerroerro (since she has "evil Isabella Madrigal" written all over her).
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Wizards of the Dark Circle--In my rewrite, they wouldn't be present villains (not that I've written the whole thing out, but that's my current headspace), but instead beings of legend, with their own unique backgrounds. Two of them are fairies, so I guess "Lords of the Dark Circle" would be a better title.
Ogron--Nicknamed the Stormy of the Wizards by the Winx and the Specialists, he's moody and quick to anger, but when he is in his element, he's calm and collected. As a child, he was a precocious wizard who surmised that fairies were the most powerful beings in the magical dimension (outside of the dragon creator), and realized that no matter how powerful he'd become, they'd always win, inspiring his quest to destroy all fairies on Earth, becoming so powerful that he became the Wizard of Negation, capable of stripping powerful creatures of their abilities (which varied by creature, of course). Despite his rage against fairies, he seems to have love and care for other beings, including his fellow wizards. He was eventually defeated by non-Earth fairies and sealed in a stone statue in Gardenia, and with his defeat, no more wizards were born on Earth. Similar to the Winx, I'd give the WOTDC celebrity inspirations, mainly celebrities who were (arguably) at their most famous decades ago, but are still widely respected now. For Ogron, I'd base him off of Johnny Depp and have him voiced by Mark Hamill (he gives me Ozai vibes, what can I say?) I'd also change the group's color scheme to be more individualistic, making his a mix of reds and oranges in a sophisticated, upper-class style rather than his punk aesthetic in the OG version.
Anagan--I'd make him the most "likeable" of the lords; he shows respect for others, flirts, and socializes, being known as the life of the party. He is known as the Wizard of Time, which allowed the wizards to stay ageless and find the Earth fairies (he joins this quest because he sees fairies as inferior to wizards, and not deserving of their power). It's implied that he can also time travel, and that the Winx may encounter him one day, or that they may already have. Due to his skill at seducing fairies, it's stated that he's sired many descendants, but due to Ogron's petrification, no magic came of his descendants, wizard or otherwise. While he escaped the fate of his contemporaries, it's said he's lived a lonely life without them, being known as the shoulder they could cry on and an expert secret-keeper who they consulted. His celebrity inspiration would be Usher, and I'd make his clothes trendy and have a stained glass style and multicolored, highlighting his colorful personality and friendliness (just not to fairies). Keith David would be a fun voice actor for him, in my opinion.
Gantlos--Originally a wizard of destruction, I'd rewrite him as the fairy of memory, and thus the one responsible for erasing Earth's recollection of magic ever being real. He also is the most protective of the group, throwing himself in danger to keep the others safe and being akin to the Pied Piper of Hamlin due to his mesmerizing flute playing. He was ignored as a male fairy within his family, lacking the ability to progress to different forms (likely because he was sheltered and thus could never overcome his insecurities or make a sacrifice), and took on a dark fairy transformation, giving him a new form, but locking him out of the forms other fairies have. Being raised by a rather strict, traditional family, he doesn't share compassion for animals, making Ariel detest him as she learns more about him. However, he does have affection for the elderly. When trying to wipe the entire world's mind of fairies, he became overwhelmed and it destroyed his mind (and failed, thus why we still have fairy tales), making him the second of the Lords to fall and thus buried in a magical crypt by Ogron and Anagan. I'd base his appearance on Leonardo DiCaprio, and have him voiced by Zahn McClarnon, since I enjoyed him as Olrox in "Castlevania: Nocturne." His fashion sense would be very similar to Dante from the "Devil May Cry" video game, albeit blue.
Duman--Also a fairy in my rewrite, he was a fairy of shifting (ie he could shapeshift). He often downed himself as a loser, not strong as other fairies and eventually fell in with the wrong crowd, making his way into the Wizards of the Dark Circle. He strives to be useful, and due to insecurity, almost never appears as himself unless he's with the other lords. Unlike the other lords, he acknowledges that what he's doing isn't really ethical, but is fine with being bad because he has community. He's quite lonely, and it's mentioned that if he never met the wizards, and thus the lords are like family to him. He has a tendency for gambling, and it's noted that after being tricked by a clever fairy, he was forced to give up his magic power. The lords erased his mind of them, deciding to spare him the pain, and he married a human woman and had a family, which they knew he always wanted. His legacy in the magical world was not forgotten, but the mortal world never knew of him. I'd want his appearance inspired by Brendon Urie, as well as being voiced by Noel Fisher (who I know as Toad in "X-Men: Evolution") would be perfect for this. I'd probably keep his punk aesthetic, though I love him wearing green.
Hope you like these takes. Lemme know what you think, and if you ahve any questions. Next post for this will be the specialists!
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🌸 For International Women's Day, answer this with your favorite female characters from any media 🌸
Ah so many *-*
In no particular order whatsoever:
Olivia Dunham (Fringe)
Sun Bak (Sense8)
Isabelle Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Jessica Drew / Spider Woman (Marvel Comics)
Okoye (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Peggy Carter (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Melinda May (Agents of SHIELD / MCU)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
Stella Kidd (Chicago Fire)
Elizabeth Braddock / Psylocke (Marvel Comics)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: Los Angeles)
Jessica Day (New Girl)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Kala Dandekar (Sense8)
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Michiru Kaiou / Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Lily Aldrin (How I Met Your Mother)
Nikita Mears (Nikita)
Ami Han / White Fox (Marvel Comics)
Jessica Jones (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire)
Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles)
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jewelry Bonney (One Piece)
Ororo Munroe / Storm (Marvel Comics)
Athena Grant (9-1-1)
Clarice Fong / Blink (The Gifted)
Kono Kalakaua (Hawaii Five-0)
Nico Minoru / Sister Grimm (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Nejire Hado / Nejire Chan (My Hero Academia)
Groot / Sam Groves (Person of Interest)
Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Daisy Johnson / Quake (Agents of SHIELD / MCU)
Amanita Caplan (Sense8)
Mazikeen (Lucifer)
Boa Hancock (One Piece)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Haruka Tenou / Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Seol Hee / Luna Snow (Marvel Comics)
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Cece Parekh (New Girl)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Laura Kinney / X-23 (Marvel Comics)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Caroline Channing (2 Broke Girls)
Fa Mulan (Mulan / Disney Classics)
Nomi Marks (Sense8)
Xu Xialing (MCU)
Perona (One Piece)
Rogue / Anne Marie LeBeau (Marvel Comics)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Robin Scherbatsky (How I Met Your Mother)
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Juliet Higgins (Magnum P.I.)
Cindy Moon / Silk (Marvel Comics)
Momo Yaoyorozu / Creati (My Hero Academia)
Colleen Wing (MCU)
Setsuna Meiou / Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
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intrepidacious · 2 years
not even a little
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summary: The problem of living with Bucky is that he makes it impossible not to fall in love with him. Even though you could list several hundred reasons why it’s a bad idea. And you have.
pairing: roommate!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 5.7k
warnings: pining idiots in love, slightly questionable roomie behaviour, simultaneously the softest and cockiest bucky i've written so far, blink and you miss it throwing shade at iron fist
please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: this is my very late submission for kathie's (@pellucid-constellations) love letters writing challenge <3 thank you for this lovely idea, writing this was a challenge indeed but that is, as they say, a me problem. also huge shoutout to @barnesafterglow and @sweetascanbee, this really and truly would still not be done without you. love you both 💛
masterlist | read on ao3
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You’re screwed. You know that you’re screwed.
Surely, there’s a rule book for these kinds of situations, and rule number one tells you in big, blinking neon letters that you should absolutely, under no circumstances, not ever fall in love with your roommate. Especially not if he also happens to be your best friend.
And yet.
Trouble is that Bucky Barnes is the type of guy that makes it very, very difficult not to fall for him.
Honestly, you should have known better when Nat had suggested the two of you move in together, that night at the bar right after college, “since you’re both new in town and all”. You’d almost spat your drink in her face when she waved him over to where you were sitting, because there was no way in hell a man called James looked like that.
“Friends call me Bucky, actually,” he’d said, a smirk on his lips that went straight to your core.
Natasha glanced between the two of you with that smug look of hers, and you shot her a warning glare because she knew. She knew from the moment you awkwardly shook Bucky’s hand that he was gonna mean trouble for you, with his leather jacket and his blue eyes and his fucking horrible tendency to be both suave and sheepish within the same sentence.
So how are you supposed to say no after that?
It’s so easy to grow close to him, too. Way too easy. You fall into a routine with such effortlessness it has you wonder how you've ever managed without him at all. Grocery runs after work and movie nights on tired Friday evenings, conversations that would be nonsensical to anyone eavesdropping, dreary-eyed breakfast at 2 p.m. Quickly, it becomes difficult to remember a time in your life that didn’t include Bucky.
Needless to say, it’s a struggle.
Thankfully, you come up with a brilliant plan about a month into your new living arrangement. Or rather, your friends do.
��You should kill him.”
“What?” Darcy tucks into her mozzarella sticks. “We’d claim temporary insanity in court, if he’s that hot, there’s no way the jury wouldn’t understand.”
“You’d make an awful lawyer,” Colleen says drily, continuing to pat your head awkwardly.
Darcy raises one impeccable eyebrow. “Got some better idea to save Y/N from Barnes’ death grip, buzzkill?”
“Remember before I broke up with Danny?”
You snort at the visceral shudder that goes through Darcy. “Those were the dark days.”
“Hah.” Colleen rolls her eyes. “Anyway. I wrote down every single time he did something that pissed me off, and whenever I felt myself falling into old habits, I went over the list. Worked like a charm. I was over him like that.” She snaps her fingers.
“And thus, another national holiday was born,” Darcy says, clinking her bottle against Colleen’s. “May we always commemorate Independrandce Day to remind ourselves that bad times don’t last.”
“All the things that piss me off?” you ask doubtfully. “I want my crush to go away, not make my apartment unbearable to live in.”
“Just try it for a while, then,” Colleen shrugs. “If it doesn’t work, you can still resort to physical violence. There’s an open spot in my Thursday class.”
You’re busy Thursdays.
It’s almost surprising how little time passes until you need to take your friend’s advice. You’re just headed into the kitchen to grab a snack before you leave for work when you screech to a halt.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Bucky turns around slowly, having the audacity to look confused even as he’s still holding the bottle. “Having a drink?”
“Of milk?” you say, trying not to actually gag. He’s lucky you’re not a milk-sharing household or you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from going off.
“Gotta keep my bones strong.” There’s a glint in his eye as he says it, too, because at this point he already knows exactly how to rile you up. He loves seeing you explode.
This time, though, you won’t give him the satisfaction.
Slowly, an empty smile on your face, you pull out your phone. Bucky, you are an actual horrible disgusting psychopath, you type with a forced sense of serenity. who tf drinks milk straight from the bottle.
You feel strangely better after that and another deep breath.
“I’m gonna go now,” you tell him a bit too sharply and turn on your heels. You’ll get food on your way.
It quickly turns into a habit. Every time he does something small that would normally set you off, you open your notes app and write it out, instead. It helps at least somewhat to stop romanticizing your situation. Level things out a little.
Because the truth is, Bucky Barnes absolutely aggravates you sometimes, and it’s good to remind yourself of those times when he’s once again wandering around the apartment in nothing but his sweatpants.
“Jesus, Buck,” you say, slumping down on the couch a few feet away from him. “Would it kill you to wear a shirt every once in a while?”
“It’s like a hundred degrees in here,” Bucky whines, not moving from where he’s reading.
“So? You don’t see me strip naked.”
His smile is lazy, but his eyes sparkle with amusement as he turns his page. “I know, and it’s a shame.”
“Fuck off, Barnes.” Your cheeks are on fire and you can only hope he can’t tell. “Nat’s gonna be here in five minutes.”
“Okay,” he says, not moving an inch.
You stare at him incredulously. “Can you please put some clothes on?”
“I am wearing clothes,” Bucky states dryly. “Besides, Nat won’t mind.”
“Dot might,” you mumble, but he ignores you. Not that you expected him to; his on-again, off-again relationship has been a topic of contention for a while now, and not because of you.
Truly, you’ve been doing a lot better lately, keeping a lid on your feelings. Which is why you’re able to look at him and his naked torso and his arms and be completely fine. Really. You pull your gaze to the book he’s holding and frown.
“Is that mine?”
Bucky finally glances at you, looking almost bashful. “You said it was good.”
You blink in surprise. You did say that, but not to him. You remember telling Colleen how much you loved it the last time you were facetiming in the living room while Bucky was perched at the kitchen counter with a bored, absent expression on his face as he silently scrolled through something on his phone.
The fact that he listened makes you choose to ignore that he’s definitely going to ruin the spine if he keeps holding the book like that.
“How do you like it?” you ask, voice slightly higher than usual.
“It’s great.” His smile returns, and you will never be sick of him looking like that, looking at you like that. So content.
The doorbell wakes you from your trance with a start.
Bucky sighs quietly as he carefully places a bookmark between the pages and gets up from the couch, rolling his shoulders. You watch him as he shuffles away to his room without another word, sweat making the hair stick to his neck. It takes you another moment to stand up yourself.
You pull out your phone as you wait for Nat to get upstairs, hesitating for a moment before you open your notes app. The feeling in your stomach uncoils.
There are days, despite your best efforts, that you still let yourself hope. Like when Bucky makes enough pancakes for dinner to feed an entire football team and you talk about the book he’s borrowed over maple syrup and jam until it’s eleven at night. Or when you’re out with your mutual group of friends and his gaze always finds yours after he’s made a joke, as if to gage your reaction, as if to make sure to catch a spark of amusement in your eyes.
Other times, like right now, you simply don’t have the time to question your relationship too much.
While the prospect of your upcoming promotion is great, it leaves you with an almost insurmountable pile of work that’s to be done as soon as possible, and the long hours make you putter around the apartment like a zombie. Thankfully, Bucky’s been avoiding you while you’re in this state, spending his days at Dot’s, or at Steve’s. You’re sure he’s told you at some point, but you don’t really remember.
You’ve set up your little work space in the living room, because it’s the only room with proper light in it. Most of your time is spent on the couch, noise-canceling headphones on and trying to focus on what feels like seven different projects at once. You miss feeling the sun on your skin.
As you’re trying to get your eyes to focus on the numbers and nonsensical reports flickering over your laptop screen, you notice movement in your peripheral vision. You flinch, pulling off your headphones, and then blink.
Bucky freezes mid turn, clearly not having expected you to notice him. “Sorry,” he says. “I just got home.”
Your stare remains fixed on the table. Your favorite mug is filled to the brim with tea, placed delicately on the previously empty coaster next to your pile of books.
“You looked like you needed it,” he continues, and your heart swells.
“Thank you,” you mumble and he shrugs.
“Dinner should be here in twenty, if you want some.”
You nod, watching the steam curl when he leaves you to your reports again. Strange, how easy it is to suddenly overthink a cup of tea.
You wait a couple of minutes for it to cool, then take a tentative sip. Your nose scrunches up.
He’s oversteeped it to the point of no return.
Still, you find yourself drinking most of it, because for some reason you can’t bring yourself to just pour it down the drain. It’s like you can’t quite let go of the gesture.
When the week is finally over, you both sit on the fire escape with a drink in your hands and breathe in the cool early night air. There’s undone dishes and at least three machines’ worth of laundry and a thousand other things demanding your attention, but for now, for this one evening, you’re finally content to do absolutely nothing and do it guilt-free.
It’s nice to just sit next to each other in utter silence as you watch the people below hurry along home through the traffic. The streets smell like spilled gasoline and the very last fringes of summer. The sun is setting at a deliciously lazy pace.
Bucky nudges you and points to the other side of the street. You coo as you watch the corgi waddle around the corner, almost itching for your phone to take a picture. Instead, you look up.
The sky looks beautiful, as if someone had softly smudged the deepest blue ink while it was still drying and dabbed the most glorious shades of pink and orange at the edges. A plane goes by overhead, blinking and leaving a trail of gray across the vast firmament.
“You know,” you say, leaning your head against the wall. “When I was little, I used to think these clouds were made of cotton candy.”
Bucky doesn’t laugh, but you feel the smile radiating from him without even turning. It’s like that, between you. Random thoughts are never weird. Only there to be outweirded.
“I used to think the moon was made of cheese,” he offers tonight.
You do laugh, then, short and loud. When you meet his eyes again, they’re the color of the darkest parts of the sky, and the look on his face is indescribable. Almost like surprise. It sends a chill through you.
“What?” you say, and he shakes his head.
A car alarm goes off in the distance, and you avert your gaze again, pulling the blanket tighter around your shoulders. Bucky’s phone vibrates with a message, but he doesn’t duck inside like you expect him to. Instead, you both sit there until the sun has fully disappeared, and something seems to settle.
It’s a setback that follows you well into the next year.
“I vote arsen or arsenic,” Darcy says. “You have insurance, right?”
She reaches over to grab your phone, swiftly entering the pincode with that set frown of hers as if she’s trying to hack into the pentagon again.
“I doubt they cover homicide,” you deadpan.
“Manslaughter, actually” she reads from your phone. “In the first degree. Ow!” She rubs her shin.
“Who are we getting rid of?” Natasha asks, sliding back into the booth next to you.
“No one,” you say at the same time as Darcy says, “Barnes, duh.” You give her a sharp look. She sticks her tongue out at you.
Nat bumps her shoulder against yours. “How long has it been, coming up two years in June?”
“Shut up,” you murmur, taking another sip of your milkshake. “Darce, what are you doing with my phone?”
“Well, I’m done googling, I wanna see if you actually made that list.”
“What list?” Natasha asks.
“Okay, give me that.” You try to grab your phone back, but Darcy snatches it out of your reach quickly.
“Come on, you never tell me these things anymore,” Darcy complains and continues scrolling. “We used to have so much fun! Does he snore? Does he leave his socks all over the floor? I have a need to know!”
“And it’s making you rhyme, too.”
She’s still dodging your efforts to get your phone back while she’s talking. Natasha watches both of you in amusement, eating her cheesy fries.
“Hah!” Darcy exclaims and your heart drops. “I knew it, he seems like the type to break a spine. I can always tell.”
“Darcy,” you say warningly.
She gasps theatrically. “He killed Fernadette? You said it was an accident!”
“Plants die, Darce, it’s not a big deal.”
In the moment of her outraged distraction, Nat plucks your phone from her hands. She scrolls down once, smirks, and finally hands it back to you. “Change your passcode, WikiLeaks.”
You throw the phone back in your bag resolutely, cheeks burning.
Darcy pouts. “I didn’t even get to the good stuff.”
“You know,” Natasha says, dipping her fry into the melting whipped cream on your shake. “Some of this stuff you should probably tell him.”
“It’s fine,” you say through gritted teeth. “I’m fine. We’re both still alive, aren’t we?”
“Only because you’re boring,” Darcy rolls her eyes.
Natasha lifts her glass. “To two years’ survival in June,” she grins innocently at you.
As you clink your glasses together, there’s something in her eyes that makes you feel like you’re toasting an ultimatum.
It’s irrevocably over with Dot when Bucky officially breaks up with her the day before Valentine’s, which is a bit extreme even by your standards, and you’ve never liked Dot.
Matter of fact, it would have made the list anyway, but all the more so when he decides to wreck your following evening as well in the process.
Being eternally single, you’d planned a nice, relaxing night home alone with a movie and some takeout to keep you from obsessively refreshing Instagram as a way to torture yourself. Cozy, quiet, totally not alone forever.
Instead, you now have a sullen-faced Bucky to contend with.
“If you’re gonna be moping all night, you can do it in your room,�� you finally snap after he’s complained about your choice of food, the candle you wanted to burn in the living room, and how you decided to eat the giant box of chocolates you’d treated yourself to.
“I’m not,” Bucky says mopingly.
You roll your eyes. “Seriously, you couldn’t have chosen literally any other day of the year to break things off with her? There are a lot of them, you know.”
Bucky throws a pile of chocolate wrappers at you. You retaliate with a pillow to his face.
There’s a second for you to laugh at his expression, when he’s still too stunned to react, before the pillow comes flying back to hit you in the temple and you almost fall off the couch with a shriek.
“Aren’t you supposed to be nice to me?” Bucky asks, grabbing a pillow in each hand to use as defense.
“Pretty sure that’s a dumpee privilege,” you say, mimicking what he’s doing.
You stare at each other for a second, then Bucky throws one of the pillows he’s holding at your head. It lands on the floor as you block it with your own, taking the unlit candle down with it. You smack another of your pillows at his face.
Finally, there’s a little glint in his eye again. “I thought you didn’t like her.”
“Doesn’t mean she deserves to be dumped on February thirteenth,” you say. The second pillow misses and Bucky’s grin turns feline. Shit.
Slowly, you put one foot on the floor, Bucky watching your every move. You can see the pillow on the floor out of the corner of your eye.
You dart towards it and Bucky throws his second pillow. You duck. Your chocolates go flying to the ground, scattering everywhere. Both of you grab the floor pillow at the same time, struggling for it.
“Dickhead,” you gasp, thinking of your nice ruined chocolates. You twist to wrangle the pillow out of his grasp, but in doing so stumble. Bucky, to his credit, tries to stop your fall, but you only take him down with you, landing uncomfortably on top of each other on the couch.
Your breath hitches when you feel his weight on you, closer to him than you’ve ever dared before. There’s something in the depths of his eyes that makes it very hard to have a single coherent thought.
“Maybe,” Bucky says, and there’s a tiny crack in his voice as if he knows it, too, “I was sick of pretending.”
Time seems to freeze. He doesn’t move, and his face doesn’t change as he looks at you, not really. It’s just Bucky. Just … everything.
You can feel heat rising.
The doorbell saves you from embarrassing yourself further. You can hear Bucky cursing under his breath as you gently shove him off you and hurry to the door, your heart still thundering.
It’s a moment you keep replaying in your mind obsessively even weeks later, as if remembering it as often as possible would change the outcome at all. Would stop your food from arriving at that exact moment, and instead …
Going down that line of thought is a dangerous game, especially now that you’ve seen the freckle next to his mouth up close, delicately placed there like a dimple, like it was painted with the softest brush. It begs to be kissed.
Sam’s voice calling your name snaps you back to the present and you lock your phone, sharply turning on your heel and almost spilling the buckets of popcorn you’re precariously holding in one arm while attempting to balance the nachos with the other.
“Isn’t that a lot of snacks for four people?” Bucky asks, taking some of the stuff off you.
You don’t meet his eye and frown instead. “Why four people?”
“Nat just sent a text,” Sam says, his arm still around Misty’s waist. “Apparently Steve’s got a cold and they’re staying home.”
And with Joaquín still in Mexico and Darcy running so late at work she’d meet you at the bar later, your group of eight had just been reduced to a date with a plus two. Wonderful.
“Did you only get salty?” Bucky asks, already eating as you make your way to your seats.
“Of course not,” you say, keeping the second bucket out of his reach. “But we’re sharing these. Every time I trust you with the popcorn they’re mysteriously gone ten minutes into the movie.”
“Ain’t no mystery about it,” Bucky says. “Gimme some.”
“No!” You sit down between him and Sam. “You can wait until the trailer show at least.”
“That might be hours! I could starve by then!” He looks at you with his saddest puppy dog eyes, and it might have worked on you, too, had you not had this exact discussion several times before. “Please?”
You cross your arms over the bucket so that he won’t just reach over. “Nope.”
Sam grins. “You got a ruthless one there, Buck.”
The lights go down before anyone can notice the slight twitch in your expression.
Bucky does make it all the way through the trailer show before he starts shifting in his seat, softly tugging at your sleeve. You keep staring at the screen.
“Come on, sweets,” he whispers and you swear you feel all the hairs in your neck stand up. You don’t turn your head or move your arms. He leans over until his head is basically on your shoulder, his knee nudging yours, his hand sneaking for the bucket in your lap.
“The popcorn. Stays. With me,” you hiss. You’re tempted to slap his fingers away, but you find yourself completely immobilized.
“You said you’d share,” Bucky says into your ear. His entire arm is pressed against yours now, and it takes everything in you not to tremble. “Just let me have what’s mine.”
You can only hope no one will ask you about any particulars of the movie later on.
You don’t expect it all to fall apart so soon after that.
“Well,” Darcy says as the five of you huddle underneath the tiny awning in front of the bar. “I sure am glad I still came out tonight.”
It’s pouring down in buckets, the wind tearing at your jackets, the sky pitch black. The nearest subway station is a seven minute walk away, and you share a total of two umbrellas between you, one of them snatched from the lost and found box at Luke’s.
“Any of us going in the same direction?” Misty asks, opening her own umbrella. Sam takes it out of her hand to cover them both.
“Not really,” you answer, looking at Bucky. “Uber?”
He nods. “My phone’s empty, though.”
“Jesus, why isn’t this working?”
You snort, unlocking your phone without looking and pressing it into Bucky’s hand before hurrying to assist Darcy in her fight with the lent umbrella. “You need to hold it against the wind. Seriously, for someone with two PhDs—”
It finally snaps open, cutting off Darcy’s cussing. Her glasses are already blurred with raindrops.
“Well,” Sam says. “We’d offer to wait with you, but I don’t think this is gonna get better any time soon, so …”
“Just go,” you reassure him. “I’m sure we won’t be long, either. Right, Buck?”
“I don’t know,” he says, and the unexpected iciness in his tone makes you turn around slowly.
You have never seen this kind of look on his face, that coldness skewing his beautiful features into an ugly mask. In his eyes, there’s nothing, not even a trace of the fondness that swirled in them less than a minute ago. Your heart drops.
“Are you alright?” you ask softly.
“Great,” he says brusquely, shoving your phone back in your hand. “In fact, I think I might go on a walk.”
And without a word of goodbye, without a second glance, Bucky walks out into the opened floodgates.
For a moment, none of you can do anything but gape after him in disbelief. He doesn’t turn when you call his name, doesn’t seem to hear it at all. His hair is wet through immediately, sticking heavily to his neck, but it’s like he doesn’t notice the rain, his hands shoved into his pockets as he turns a corner and disappears out of your sight.
“What’s wrong with him?” Sam asks, and even though you understand why the question is directed at you, it feels like an accusation.
“I don’t know, I—”
It’s then that you glance at your phone, still opened to your notes app, and your stomach plummets again as you read your own angry, frustrated words. I actually hate you, you know that? Hells even wrong with you.
Your vision blurs.
You want to vomit, vomit or cry or both, but there’s no time.
“Take this,” you say to Darcy, pushing your phone and bag into her startled hands before you run. The wind and rain whip in your face, but you don’t care.
You have to find Bucky. You have to tell him that this is all a misunderstanding, a terrible, terrible error.
Youre such a fucking idiot.
Your boots splash water in all directions as they hit the pavement. Slow. You’re too slow. “Bucky!”
This was a mistake. I shouldve never moved in with you.
When you reach the corner of the street, Bucky is long gone.
You’re not sure how long you stand there in the rain before they catch up with you, huddling you between them and their two umbrellas until you stop crying long enough to get into the car they’ve called for you.
Darcy climbs into the seat beside you, and by the look on her face you can tell that this time, she’s read the entire thing.
She doesn’t say anything about it, for once keeping her mouth shut as she fishes for your keys and lets you both into the empty apartment. She’s offered to take you to her place for the night, but you shook your head so vehemently at the thought you got dizzy with it.
Maybe he’d come home. Maybe there’s still a chance to clear this thing up.
But his shoes aren’t there when you stumble through the door, and it’s cold in here. As cold as the look in Bucky’s eyes had been.
Darcy forces you into the shower, and when you get back out, there’s a steaming cup of tea waiting in your favorite mug. Of course, she still doesn’t quite understand why that only makes you cry again.
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” you whisper as she wraps her arms around you.
There’s a long pause before Darcy says, “He’s got no clue what he’s walking away from.”
You don’t plan on moving from the couch, so you get Darcy to agree to use your bed for the night. She seems hesitant to leave you, even if it’s just down the hall. You stay where you are, half-seated and huddled in the patchwork blanket Bucky’s mom had sent from Shelbyville. It smells like dust and homemade cookies.
The hours seem to tick by ever so slowly, and the only noises you hear are those of the city. You doze off every now and then, for no more than a couple of minutes at a time, your head turned towards the hall.
It’s very, very early in the morning when the soft click of the front door wakes you. The rain has reduced to a drizzle, the first hesitant rays of sunshine glimmering through.
“Bucky?” you call out quietly. His steps halt for a moment, as if he’s not expected you to be here, but he comes in anyway.
He looks terrible. The rain has molten off the terrible cold mask, but his expression underneath is even worse. He doesn’t meet your eye, doesn’t even acknowledge you sitting there as he walks past you, his dark circles not quite hiding the shattered, matted blue of his eyes.
He doesn’t react to your saying his name again, and the bathroom door closes behind him before you can get up.
You stand there, unsure what to do next, how to make him look at you, talk to you again. You’re still standing there, twisting your phone between your hands, when he comes out of the bathroom again only to vanish into his bedroom without so much as a glance at you.
Two minutes, you decide. You’d give him two minutes to get dressed and sit down.
The eternity of that time span seemingly flies by, and you make yourself move.
“Bucky?” you say quietly, putting your palm against his door.
Of course, he doesn’t answer. He’s not pacing, either, like he usually does when he’s upset, but in this case, you’re not sure if that’s better or worse. Swallowing hard, you open the door.
Bucky’s sitting on the edge of the bed, as if he’s been waiting for you, his head leaning heavy against his arms. He looks terribly small like this.
“Hi,” you whisper, awkwardly. Your face feels like it’s about to melt off. “Can we talk?”
He lifts his head slowly, as if each degree it takes costs too much energy. When he finally looks at you, it almost makes you flinch.
There’s a sadness inside them, mixed with tiredness, that you’ve only caught in your own reflection.
For a long moment, you just stare at each other, before Bucky finally says, “Do you want me to move out?”
Of all the things you expected, this is not one of them. Particularly not with this hoarseness in his voice.
“I want to explain,” you say, taking a tentative step closer.
Bucky huffs a dry breath, pressing the palm of his hand to his eye. “I think it’s pretty self-explanatory that you think I’m the ‘biggest pain in the ass the world has ever seen’.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest to keep them from shaking. “I know I wrote that, but I—Colleen said I should—that it would help.”
“Help what?”
“Make it easier,” you say, so, so quietly, but he still hears you.
“And did it?”
You shake your head slowly, uncrossing your arms. “It pretty much backfired.” You unlock your phone again. “You see, I was supposed to write down all the things you did that made me crazy, but at some point … at some point I started adding the things that made me crazy about you.”
Nothing but confusion in Bucky’s eyes as he stares at you, then at your phone. “What are you saying?” he asks softly.
You close your eyes. “You should continue reading.”
Your hands are trembling so hard now he has to take the phone from your hands to make out any of the words. The silence that follows is unbearable, but you don’t dare look at him. So you talk.
“Like, remember when you went to IKEA with Steve and I couldn’t come with you, so you got me one of those shark plushies and a whole almond cake?” You can’t help but chuckle, even though you don’t feel like it. “I tried reading into that for so long, if it was his idea or if I just got stuck in your mind.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, so you continue, still not opening your eyes.
“Or when Dot used to stay over and you’d make me an extra batch of waffles to make sure I wouldn’t feel left out. Or when we stayed up until 4 to make those Christmas cookies, even though it was September?”
He huffs again. “I broke up with her that day.”
You do look at him, then. “No, you didn’t.”
Bucky’s still staring at the list on your phone. “I brought her the last of her stuff before Valentine’s Day. I don’t think it’d hit her before then, that she could be nasty about it all now.”
His eyes are very blue again when he turns them towards you, clear and focused entirely on you. It’s hard to keep your knees from buckling.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
And there it is. The question that’s been haunting you for almost two years now, that’s been unspoken in Natasha’s gaze and in Darcy’s hug, even though they knew the answer.
Because you’re a coward.
“You’re my best friend, Buck,” you say quietly, your eyes burning. “I just didn’t … I don’t want to lose that.”
“Hey.” He stands in front of you before you even notice him moving, his hands cupping your face and turning it towards his. A shuddering breath falls from your lips. “You,” Bucky continues, “could never, ever do anything to lose me.”
“I almost did today,” you whisper and his face falls.
“I’m sorry I ran away.”
You shake your head and he pulls you into an embrace. His hair is still damp, but soft from his shower. He doesn’t smell like city rain, only the way he always does. As if it all had never happened.
And when he finally draws back to look at you with that glint in his eye, hands still loosely gripping your waist, it almost feels like a bad dream.
“So,” he says, and the cadence in his voice makes your heart stutter. You inadvertently move backwards, out of his grasp, and a wicked grin appears on Bucky’s lips. It’s impossible to look away. “She ‘didn’t deserve me’, huh?”
“She didn’t,” you say warily, watching him. He takes a step closer and you retreat.
“At least she never ‘wanted to burn all my shirts’.”
“And how would you know?” He’s still coming closer. “Just because no one’s done it …” You trail off.
Bucky hums. “No one’s ever told me my eyes ‘look criminal in this light’, either. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Bad,” you say, wincing as you bump into his dresser. “So bad.”
He’s very close to you now, his arms trapping you on both sides, towering over you. Your eyes flit between his own and his lips. That freckle.
The look on his face reminds you of late evenings on a fire escape.
Bucky’s nose bumps against yours, once, twice, as if testing the waters. You don’t think you can breathe. His eyes are so dark when he looks at you, the longing suddenly bursting through the surface, and you realize you’ve both been pretending for far too long.
His brows are knitted slightly, contemplative, as if he’s trying to commit you to memory. If he weren’t standing so close, you’d be shaking.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs, and the words explode into a million butterflies in your stomach. “You did get stuck in my head.”
And then he kisses you.
The rain stops.
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Book recommendations based on your Hogwarts house!
A/N I’ve been watching a lot of these videos on youtube and it inspired me to make this post! I hope you enjoy. I love Harry Potter and the fandom but just to be clear I don’t support J.K Rowling and her trans/homophobic statements and the fact that she is ruining the series by adding more to it.
Ravenclaw house 💙🦅(my house)
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The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
This book just screams Ravenclaw to me. The cults, the science, the research, the history, the small facts on the Smithsonian... literally everyting except the characters themselves and the plot is real. There is so much knowledge to be gained from reading this book and the plot is thick and exciting. 
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Strange the Dreamer duology by Laini Taylor
Another book that screams Ravenclaw... Strange the Dreamer and the world and the culture is so thick and is presented in lyrical and intelligent word play that any self respecting Ravenclaw should definitely give this book a try. You will not be disappointed! I know I wasn’t! The main character (Lazlo Strange) is also a Ravenclaw so that is always a perk. 
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This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
This book is like a well thought out chess game. The writing styles that the two authors develop is addicting and the letters going back and forth between the two character is so intriguing. There so much strategy and wit in this book that I had to put it on this list for Ravenclaw. 
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Wendy Darling by Colleen Oarkes
I love this book so much. I think it’s a book that is worthy of Ravenclaw just because of it’s creativity and the twist that Colleen Oakes put on Peter Pan. I think sometimes we forget that it isn’t just wit, wisdom, and knowledge (although this book is definitely witty and has some wise messages) that Ravenclaws value but also creativity. 
Bonus book: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This book is the most Ravenclaw book ever. Need I say more. 
Gryffindor ❤️🦁
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Lore by Alexandria Bracken
The plot is tense, most of the characers are Gryffindors, book praises bravery, cowardice is something that is punishable ad frowed upon... the list goes on and on. Lore is filled with high stakes and brave acts that Gryffindor’s will admire.  
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Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
It was so hard to put one of my all time favorite books in here just solely because it’s not my house (that was not a dig on Gryffindor please don’t attack me). Bree is such a Gryffindor and does so many of the things I can see the golden trio doing. High stakes, daring acts, Gryffindor cast, a Griffindor x Griffindor relationship, perfect for any Gryffindor looking for a book full of twist and turns and bravery. 
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The City we Became by N.K Jemisin
This one gives me Gryffindor vibes for the same reasons the other ones do (thrills, daring acts, Gryffindor characters etc). Except for one thing. This book could have easily been placed into Slytherin since the main character uses his cunning to change his identity according to what city he is in at the moment. But I put this book here because I think it shows how Gryffindor and Slytherin are two sides of the same coin. 
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Raft by S.A Bodeen
This one was a bit of stretch. Raft is a bit of a unpopular book, I’ve seen people say it was just meh, or bad. I actually really enjoyed this book though and I think how the main character (Robie) deals with being stranded and jumping out of a plane to survive gives me Gryffindor feels. I also think Gryffindors are the kind of people to enjoy a good survival book. 
Bonus: The Hunger Games
Slytherin 💚🐍
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Vicious duology by V.E Schwab
Most (if not all) of the characters in this book are so cunning and ambitious and determined to meet their goal that makes it such a Slytherin book. Vicious also makes you question morality and the characters motivations that Slytherins will appreciate this book even more because of it. Bonus: V.E Schwab is a Slytherin. Just saying. 
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The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I don’t know what about this book makes me think “Slytherin” but it does. Maybe it’s because it’s about using magic in a cunning way to win, the characters, the main characters mentors (although I think they are both definitely Slytherins). But this book screams Slytherin to me, just for unknown reasons. 
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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I don’t really think I need to explain why this is a Slytherin read so I’ll just put one character name: Kaz Brekker. Kaz is such a Slytherin. He uses cuning and resourcefulless to pull off crazy heists, blackmail people and get what he wants to survive a gang ridden city. And he he put up a calm face even though he may be freaking out on the inside through everything, never revealing his full plan. I feel like these are all such Slytherin things to do, not gonna lie. 
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Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian
Oh boy, I could right pages and pages on why I think this is a Slytherin book but I’ll stick to a mini paragraph. The “Ash Princess”, Theodosia, uses cunning and strategy to take back her kingdom. She manipulates to get close to certain people to achieve her goal. And even though she doesn’t necessarily think that these are good things to do, she recognizes taking her kingdom back and acheiving her goal is more important.  Sound like a certain house? 
Bonus: Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire (So many Slytherin vibes in this book)
Hufflepuff 💛🌿🦡 (I had to put a plant just as a nod to the Hufflepuff common room)
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Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel 
This. Book. Is. So. Cute. I didn’t put this in here just because it was cute though, after reading it, it gave me so many feels and Hufflepuff vibes that I had to put it here. 
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Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay 
Just going to say this: Hufflepuffs are great finders. This whole book centers around a girl finding her brother. She shows loyalty because she travels around the world to find him. Does that seem extrememly Hufflepuff-y or is it just me? 
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Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce
Hear me out, every Hufflepuff has an inner child as well as a badass inside them, they aren’t all soft (Tonks is proof). The guardians are protectors of children (as the title indicates) but they also kick butt. I think Hufflepuff’s of all ages will enjoy it, and yeah it’s a kids book but to quote C.S Lewis; “someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again”. 
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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Ok though, but Pride and Prejudice could fit everywhere on here. Lizzie is a Raveclaw, Mr. Darcy is a Hufflepuff, Mrs. Bennet is a Gryffindor (she gives me Mrs. Weaseley vibes. Especially in the 2005 movie), etc. But I’m putting it here because it’s such a Hufflepuff thing to ship Mr. Darcy and Lizzie (seriously though every Hufflepuff I’ve met say that this is their OTP). Just read it and watch as it become your OTP too.  
Bonus: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
I do not own any of the pictures used. 
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flareonfury · 7 years
Finished the first season.... and so I ship Danny/Colleen, Danny/Joy, Danny/Claire, Claire/Colleen and Joy/Ward.
And for my Darcyland fellow shippers - I totally ship her with Danny, Joy, Colleen and Ward.
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ctxrover · 6 years
A Marvel Character Sorting
I know, I know. These are done to death. But most just sort the main Avengers or the Cinematic Universe characters. I hope not to do that.
Right. Let’s start with the Avengers:
Gryffindor; Clint Barton, Janet Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Brian Braddock, Cassie Lang, Danny Rand, Vision, Mar-Vell, James Rhodes, America Chavez, Jocasta.
Hufflepuff; James Barnes, Steve Rogers, Luke Cage, Patsy Walker, Scott Lang, Teddy Altman, Monica Rambeau, Sam Wilson, Wade Wilson.
Ravenclaw; T’Challa, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Hank Pym, Tony Stark, Jen Walters, Amadeus Cho, Billy Kaplan, Jericho Drumm, Kamala Khan.
Slytherin; Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Dane Whitman, Jess Drew, Daisy Johnson, Jessica Jones, Tommy Shepherd, Simon Williams, Eli Bradley, Kate Bishop.
Right. Now onto the X-Men:
Gryffindor; Sean Cassidy, Scott Summers, James ‘Logan’ Howlett, Piotr Rasputin, Alex Summers, Caliban, Sam Guthrie, Barnell Bohusk, Hisako Ichiki, Laura Kinney, Idie Okonkwo, Sooraya Qadir, Dani Moonstar, Longshot.
Hufflepuff; Bobby Drake, Jean Grey, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Jamie Madrox, Alison Blaire, Anna Marie Darkholme (as alternate realities give her), Kurt Wagner, Julio Richter, Rahne Sinclaire, Clarice Ferguson, Nate Grey, Nathan Summers, Megan Gwynn.
Ravenclaw; Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, Doug Ramsay, Terry Cassidy, Shatterstar, Rachel Summers, Lucas Bishop, Emma Frost, Remy Le Beau, David Alleyne, Neena Thurman, M.
Slytherin; Lorna Dane, Warren Worthington III, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Betsy Braddock, Jubilee, Xian Coy Manh, Ilyana Rasputina, Tabitha Smith, Shiro Yoshida, Quentin Quire, Hope Summers.
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Gryffindor; Peter Quill, Richard Rider, Arthur Douglas.
Hufflepuff; Sam Alexander, Groot
Ravenclaw; Rocket Raccoon, Heather Douglas, Gamora, Yondu Udonta
Slytherin; Nebula, Garthan Saal, Phyla Vell
Gryffindor; Gorgon, Triton
Hufflepuff; Crystal, Lockjaw, Ronan the Accusor
Ravenclaw; Medusa, Karnak
Slytherin; Black Bolt, Maximus
Gryffindor; Victor Creed, Tom Cassidy, Yuriko Oyama.
Hufflepuff; Max Eisenhardt, Jamie Braddock, Harry Osborne.
Ravenclaw; Nathaniel Essex, MODOK, En Sabah Nur, Sebastian Shaw, Jason Wyngarde, Hunter, Maxwell Dillon, Zebediah Killgrave, Helmut Zemo.
Slytherin; Loki Laufeyson/dottir, Raven Darkholme, Ulysses Klaw, Adrienne Frost, Gabriel Summers, Thunderbolt Ross, Victor Von Doom, Sergei Kravinoff, Karl Mordo, Brock Rumlow, Dormammu, Umar, Stryfe.
Gryffindor; Peggy Carter, Robert Frank, Heimdall, Toro, Ben Grimm, James Hudson, Eugene Judd, Meggan Puceanu, Doreen Green, Nadia Van Dyne, Miles Morales, Pepper Potts, Faiza Hussein, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Melinda May, Volstagg the Valiant, Dum Dum Dugan, Johnny Blaze, Flash Thompson, Jack Power, Rikki Barnes, Sharon Carter, Tyrone Johnson, Tandy Bowen, Valkyrie, Daimon Hellstrom, Sif
Hufflepuff; Chris Summers, May Parker, Frank Castle, (Spider) Gwen Stacy, Narya, Sue Storm, Beta Ray Bill, Marrina Smallwood, Montgomery Falsworth, Ellie Phimister, Ellie Camacho, Everett Ross, Robbie Reyes, Happy Hogan, Foggy Nelson, Jemma Simmons, Jasper Sitwell, Fandral the Dashing, Gert Yorkes, Wong, Katie Power, Robbie Baldwin, Leiyu Yoshida, Singularity, Man Thing, Topaz, Hydra Bob.
Ravenclaw; Odin Borson, Erik Selvig, Moira MacTaggert, Rick Jones, Reed Richards, Michael Langkowski, Phil Coulson, Lunella Lafayette, Michael Twoyoungmen, Jane Foster, Leo Fitz, Hogun the Grim, Bobbi Morse, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Ross, Julie Power, Darcy Lewis, Lilandra, Norrin Radd, Jimmy Woo, The Ancient One, Clea.
Slytherin; Nick Fury Sr and Nick Fury Jr, Blind Al, Johnny Storm, Jennifer Kale, Elektra Natchios, Daken, Maria Hill, Eric O’Grady, Eric Brooks, Jacqueline Falsworth, Maya Lopez, Michael Collins, Lance Hunter, Barney Barton, Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, Alex Power, Pete Wisdom, Abigail Brand, Rachel Leighton, J Jonah Jameson, Howard the Duck, Namor, Angela, Shuri.
I know I’m missing people. I just have to think of my sanity.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years
I'm just a kid!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vBbHWP
by vvendetta
(Y/N) is a European immigrant kid in New York, trying to fit in. Some would say that she's normal. And in some ways, she is.
"A mirror" she thought to herself "I am a mirror. My very existence is a reflection of other people's features and lives."
Hard time of adolescence has come upon her. Not only she didn't expect that so much would happen to her; the discovery of mutant powers has putted her in a terrible position. The world is at brink of war between Mutants and humans, Wakanda has just came out into the light.
Will she make it out alive?
Sorry for my crappy English and a shitty summary, I swear, my writing will get better. I kinda changed some things here: Thanos isn't invading the Earth (yet), Guardians have already met the Avengers and so have the Defenders, and X-Men are in the MCU. I hope you'll like it, I'll probably establish some relationship, but later. BTW the Reader is 15-16 y/o. Also, it's my first fic :)
Words: 882, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Doctor Strange (2016), Black Panther (2018), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Jessica Jones (TV), Luke Cage (TV), Iron Fist (TV), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (2008), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Maria Hill, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Skye | Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple, Misty Knight, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Malcolm Ducasse, Patricia Walker (Marvel), Frank Castle, Dinah Madani, T'Challa (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Erik Selvig, Erik Lehnsherr, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Raven | Mystique, Jean Grey, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Moira MacTaggert, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)
Relationships: Avengers Team/Reader, Guardians of the Galaxy Team/Reader, The Defenders/Reader
Additional Tags: I don't know what I'm doing, teenage reader, Protective Natasha Romanov, Clint's family, Avengers Family, Pain, Depression, Mutant Powers, Dark Character, Loss, Loss of Control, Serial Killers, Self-Harm, High School, Bullying, Friendship, Immigration & Emigration, Queer Character, Bisexual Female Character, bisexual reader, Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Spoilers, Black Panther (2018) Spoilers, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Spoilers in general, Very Powerful Reader, Secrets, Teen Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Big Expectations, Homophobia, Bi-Curiosity, Reader-Insert, Mutants, Mutant Reader, Black Character(s), Supportive Avengers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vBbHWP
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lokifriggsen · 6 years
will be continuously updated
alex (friend of the mod, sends cool posts)
behind the scenes
chancy (friend of the mod, sends cool posts)
the comics
dc comics, our lovely wife
deleted scenes
pretty rainbows (aka everything Gay™)
movies n shows
agents of shield
ant man 2016
ant man and the wasp
the avengers 2012
avengers: infinity war
avengers 4
black panther 2018
captain america 2011
captain marvel 2019
damage control
daredevil 2015
dark phoenix 2019
deadpool 2016
deadpool 2
doctor strange 2016
fantastic four 2005
gotg 2
the incredible hulk 2008
iron man 2008
iron man 2
iron man 3
jessica jones 2015
luke cage 2016
the punisher 2017
spider man 2002
spider man: homecoming
spider man: into the spider verse
thor 2011
thor: the dark world
thor: ragnarok
venom 2018
x men
x men: apocalypse
the avengers
babas (DUM-E)
blind al
erik k
erik l
the grandmaster
johnny b
johnny s
the memers
peter p
peter q
peter w
the revengers
team thor
amerikate (america/kate)
bunny (bucky/tony)
cherik (charles/erik l)
otp: hot headed fools (bruce/thor)
pepperony (pepper/tony)
scommy (scott/jimmy)
sthor (steve/thor)
stucky (steve/bucky)
symbrock (venom/eddie)
t’chakia (t’challa/nakia)
toki (tony/loki)
tophen (tony/stephen)
wansion (wanda/vision)
ship: what master do you serve? (peter q/stephen)
wathan (wade/nathan)
wiotr (wade/piotr)
cast n crew
riz ahmed
zazie beetz
chadwick boseman
huevito (benedict cumberbatch) (u thought I was writing out his entire damn name lmao)
robert downey jr
chris evans
jeff goldblum
danai gurira
tom hardy
chris hemsworth
tom hiddleston
tom holland
anthony mackie
james mcavoy
lupita nyong’o
aubrey plaza
jeremy renner
mark ruffalo
zoe saldana
sebastian stan
tessa thompson
taika waititi
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kicksaddictny · 3 years
Nike x NFL to Grow Girls Flag Football in the U.S.
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Collaborating to inspire the next generation of female athletes, Nike announces a new grant initiative with the NFL that commits a total of $5 million in product to growing flag football within high school athletics.
This multi-year initiative will provide a one-time donation of up to $100,000 in product to state athletic associations that offer girls flag football as a high school sport or demonstrate progress by way of a pilot program beginning in 2021. First to receive the grant will be the state of Florida, which has promoted girls flag football for more than ten years and is the home state of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Product will include flag football uniforms, socks and accessories such as sports bras, all of which will be distributed to each participating state’s governing interscholastic or athletic association at their discretion. At present, only six states sanction high school flag football for girls (Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and New York), but financial support may help remove operational barriers so more states can introduce girls flag football programs.
“The expansion of girls flag football is essential to the growth of the game and preservation of the values it has contributed to society for decades,” says Troy Vincent, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations. “Girls flag demonstrates that football is for all, and the greater the participation, the stronger the game, and the more young women can build the transferrable skills football provides for achieving success in life.”
In addition to the grant initiative, Nike is evolving its 11-Online football training series to include a learning track specifically for flag football athletes. It will feature how-to drills with comprehensive training instruction, including team-building and leadership development. In addition, Nike’s Stronger Than One Series will launch a film focused on highlighting women and young girls who are blazing paths forward in football. 
   Women Featured in Stronger Than One Series  
•    Cristi Bartlett (Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Tennessee Titans) •    Cynthia Frelund (Lead Analytics Analyst, NFL Network) •    Maral Javadifar (Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) •    Darcie Glazer Kassewitz (Co-Owner, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) •    Jennifer King (Assistant Running Backs Coach, Washington Football Team) •    Lori Locust (Assistant Defensive Line Coach, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) •    Chelsea Romero (Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Los Angeles Rams) •    Katie Sowers (Former Offensive Assistant, San Francisco 49ers) •    Colleen Wolfe (Host, NFL Network) •    Emily Zaler (Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Denver Broncos)
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booasaur · 2 years
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Diggstown - 4x04
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ao3-lukecage · 6 years
I'm just a kid!
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vBbHWP
by vvendetta
(Y/N) is a European immigrant kid in New York, trying to fit in. Some would say that she's normal. And in some ways, she is.
"A mirror" she thought to herself "I am a mirror. My very existence is a reflection of other people's features and lives."
Hard time of adolescence has come upon her. Not only she didn't expect that so much would happen to her; the discovery of mutant powers has putted her in a terrible position. The world is at brink of war between Mutants and humans, Wakanda has just came out into the light.
Will she make it out alive?
Sorry for my crappy English and a shitty summary, I swear, my writing will get better. I kinda changed some things here: Thanos isn't invading the Earth (yet), Guardians have already met the Avengers and so have the Defenders, and X-Men are in the MCU. I hope you'll like it, I'll probably establish some relationship, but later. BTW the Reader is 15-16 y/o. Also, it's my first fic :)
Words: 882, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Doctor Strange (2016), Black Panther (2018), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Jessica Jones (TV), Luke Cage (TV), Iron Fist (TV), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (2008), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Maria Hill, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Skye | Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple, Misty Knight, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Malcolm Ducasse, Patricia Walker (Marvel), Frank Castle, Dinah Madani, T'Challa (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Erik Selvig, Erik Lehnsherr, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Raven | Mystique, Jean Grey, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Moira MacTaggert, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)
Relationships: Avengers Team/Reader, Guardians of the Galaxy Team/Reader, The Defenders/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Reader, Platonic!Tony Stark/Reader, Michelle Jones/Reader, Ned Leeds/Reader, Natasha Romanov/Reader
Additional Tags: I don't know what I'm doing, teenage reader, Protective Natasha Romanov, Clint's family, Avengers Family, Pain, Depression, Mutant Powers, Dark Character, Loss, Loss of Control, Serial Killers, Self-Harm, High School, Bullying, Friendship, Immigration & Emigration, Queer Character, Bisexual Female Character, bisexual reader, Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Spoilers, Black Panther (2018) Spoilers, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Spoilers in general, Very Powerful Reader, Secrets, Teen Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Big Expectations, Homophobia, Bi-Curiosity, Reader-Insert, Mutants, Mutant Reader, Black Character(s), Supportive Avengers
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vBbHWP
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shipinthewoods · 6 years
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look.ship Presents: The Best Music of the Year, 2017 -- I’m sat in my office trying to sum up 2017 as a whole. So far, all I’ve come up with is: Like 2016, but worse. Which, while reductive, is true. I don’t think it’s worth either my or your time to hash out why 2017 was mostly trash, because, frankly, it’s totally obvious, and will be covered ad nauseam in other year-enders. I do think it’s worth pointing out that, for all the bad, it’s possible that we’ve already begun a long, laborious course correction thanks to the hard work and bravery of those who will no longer accept the status quo nor remain silent. 2018 will be interesting. And difficult, but difficult isn’t always bad. Although, it could be bad. Like, really bad. Who knows? Musically, this was a phenomenal year. Culturally speaking, the underground was vital, galvanized, queerer, and less commodifiable than ever--awake, engaged, prodding gleefully at the fringes of human experience. As most of you know, I occasionally write for The Quietus. Over there, they’ve spent much of the year exploring what they’ve termed New Weird Britain, an amorphous, loosely defined movement of diverse, idiosyncratic artists engaged in exploring the complete potential of their specific place and the experiences they might have in it. It’s a holistic approach, in terms of both topic and execution. There’s room for everything from the landscape to history to alternative religion to politics to sex to etc. It’s brilliant. The real deal--not just white-bread garage rockers playing at being strange-o. But what I think--or at least, what I hope is that what John Doran, Luke Turner, &co. have identified is their regional variant of a global phenomenon. Maybe 2018 is the year New Weird bubbles over. New Weird Everywhere. We’d all be better off. This year, we’ve decided to do things a little differently here at look.ship. In lieu of breaking down our albums-of-the-year list into shortlists organized by genre, we’ve ranked the top 25 of our 75 selections in order to give you a better idea of what dominated our editor’s home stereo (and make the list a bit more digestible). The remainder of the selections are arranged in alphabetical order. It should be noted that these are not runners up or honorable mentions or somehow lesser than. Though definitively not comprehensive--how could we listen to everything?--this is our list of the best records of the year, period. On some level, given the constant apples and oranges comparisons inherent in such an endeavor, we still think ranking albums is a little bogus. Ranking beyond 25? That becomes a frustratingly arbitrary exercise. However, selecting our album of the year was easy. Nothing came close to Hiro Kone’s Love Is the Capital, 38 nearly perfect minutes of desolate soundscapes, crystalline industrial techno, and incisive political bangers. A supremely confident record of rare grace and generosity, it demands the listener’s complete attention and begs to be repeated, proving more rewarding with every listen. (For more, feel free to click through to my interview with Hiro Kone -->here<--)   In addition to our albums of the year, you’ll find our top ten live recordings, compilations, and reissues; top ten EPs & 12″s; live performances of the year; and labels of the year. Where possible, we've included Bandcamp embeds. Otherwise, we've used Soundcloud or YouTube, which really mucked up our formatting. Read on to explore the wide array of sounds that made 2017 worth tolerating.
-- Albums of the Year, 2017: Top 25 -- 1. Hiro Kone – Love Is the Capital (Geographic North)
Love is the Capital by Hiro Kone
2. Bjørn Torske & Prins Thomas – Square One (Smalltown Supersound)
Square One by Bjørn Torske & Prins Thomas
3. Fever Ray – Plunge (Mute / Rabid)
4. Equiknoxx – Colón Man (DDS)
5. Perc – Bitter Music (Perc Trax)
Bitter Music by Perc
6. Virginia Wing & XAM Duo – Tomorrow’s Gift (Fire)
Tomorrow's Gift by VIRGINIA WING and XAM DUO
7. Bicep – Bicep (Ninja Tune)
Bicep by Bicep
8. Country Florist – Waveland (Drawing Room)
Waveland by Country Florist
9. Moon Diagrams – Lifetime of Love (Geographic North / Sonic Cathedral)
Lifetime of Love by Moon Diagrams
10. Andrew Hung – Realisationship (Lex)
Realisationship by Andrew Hung
11. Forest Swords – Compassion (Ninja Tune)
Compassion by Forest Swords
12. Colleen – A flame my love, a frequency (Thrill Jockey)
A flame my love, a frequency by Colleen
13. NoinoNoinoNoino – 8 (Caoutchou)
8 by NoinoNoinoNoino
14. The Cyclist – Sapa Inca Delirium (Hypercolour)
Sapa Inca Delirium by The Cyclist
15. Clark – Death Peak (Warp)
16. Mount Kimbie – Love What Survives (Warp)
17. Lindstrøm – It’s Alright Between Us As It Is (Smalltown Supersound)
It's Alright Between Us As It Is by Lindstrøm
18. James Holden & The Animal Spirits – Animal Spirits (Border Community)
19. JASSS – Weightless (iDeal)
20. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith – The Kid (Western Vinyl)
The Kid by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
21. Blanck Mass – World Eater (Sacred Bones)
World Eater by Blanck Mass
22. Ninos Du Brasil – Vida Eterna (Hospital Productions)
Vida Eterna by Ninos Du Brasil
23. Expressway Yo-Yo Dieting – Undone Harmony Following (Type)
24. Snapped Ankles – Come Play the Trees (The Leaf Label)
Come Play The Trees by Snapped Ankles
-- Albums of the Year, 2017: 26 - 75 -- Auburn Lull – Hypha (Azure Vista)
Hypha by Auburn Lull
Basic Rhythm – The Basics (Type)
The Basics by Basic Rhythm
Ben Frost – The Centre Cannot Hold (Mute)
The Centre Cannot Hold by Ben Frost
Blondes – Warmth (R&S)
Warmth by Blondes
The Body & Full of Hell – Ascending a Mountain of Heavy Light (Thrill Jockey)
Ascending a Mountain of Heavy Light by The Body & Full of Hell
British Sea Power – Let the Dancers Inherit the Party (Golden Chariot)
Coldcut & On-U Sound – Outside the Echo Chamber (Ahead Of Our Time)
Outside The Echo Chamber by Coldcut x On-U Sound
Dale Cornish – Aqal (Entr’acte)
Aqal by Dale Cornish
Dalham – Waves (Public House)
Waves by Dalham
Dominowe – SiyaThakatha (Gqom Oh!)
Dominowe - SiyaThakatha by Dominowe
Downtown Boys – Cost of Living (Sub Pop)
Cost of Living by Downtown Boys
Emptyset – Borders (Thrill Jockey)
Borders by Emptyset
Escape-ism – Introduction to Escape-ism (Merge)
Introduction to Escape-ism by ESCAPE-ISM
Feature – Banishing Ritual (Upset The Rhythm)
Banishing Ritual by FEATURE
Golden Teacher – No Luscious Life (Golden Teacher)
No Luscious Life by Golden Teacher
Great Ytene – Locus (Faux Discx)
Locus by Great Ytene
Grey Hairs – Serious Business (Gringo)
Serious Business by Grey Hairs
H. Hawkline – I Romanticize (Heavenly)
Hey Colossus – The Guillotine (Rocket Recordings)
The Guillotine by Hey Colossus
Institute – Subordination (Sacred Bones)
Subordination by Institute
Jack Cooper – Sandgrown (Trouble In Mind)
Sandgrown by Jack Cooper
James Place – Voices Bloom (Umor Rex)
Voices Bloom by James Place
Jon Brooks – Autres Directions (Clay Pipe)
Autres Directions by Jon Brooks
Karen Gwyer – Rembo (Don’t Be Afraid)
Rembo by Karen Gwyer
Kedr Livanskiy – Ariadna (ариадна) (2MR)
Ariadna (ариадна) by Kedr Livanskiy
Kelela – Take Me Apart (Warp)
Kelly Lee Owens – Kelly Lee Owens (Smalltown Supersound)
Kelly Lee Owens (Extended Version) by Kelly Lee Owens
Kemper Norton – Hungan (Self-released)
Hungan by Kemper Norton
Kevin Morby – City Music (Dead Oceans)
City Music by Kevin Morby
Liars – TFCF (Mute)
Mogwai – Every Country’s Sun (Temporary Residence / Rock Action)
Every Country's Sun by Mogwai
Nathan Fake – Providence (Ninja Tune)
Providence by Nathan Fake
Nidia Minaj - Nídia É Má, Nídia É Fudida (Principe)
Nídia é Má, Nídia é Fudida by NÍDIA
Panayotis – Hawaiiprus (Honest Electronics)
Hawaiiprus (HE04) by Panayotis
Part Chimp – Iv (Rock Action)
Phillippe Hallais – An American Hero (Modern Love)
The Proper Ornaments – Foxhole (Slumberland / Tough Love)
Foxhole by The Proper Ornaments
Protomartyr – Relatives in Descent (Domino)
Relatives In Descent by Protomartyr
Richard Dawson – Peasant (Domino)
Shackleton & Anika – Behind the Glass (Woe To The Septic Heart)
Behind The Glass by Shackleton with Anika
Shinichi Atobe – From the Heart, It’s a Start, a Work of Art (DDS)
Spoek Mathambo – Mzansi Beat Code (Teka)
Mzansi Beat Code by Spoek Mathambo
Teengirl Fantasy – 8AM (Planet Mu)
8AM by Teengirl Fantasy
Terry – Remember Terry (Upset The Rhythm)
Remember Terry by Terry
Tim Darcy – Saturday Night (Secretly Canadian)
Saturday Night by Tim Darcy
TLC Fam – Isbethelo seGqom (Gqom Oh!)
TLC Fam - Isbethelo seGqom by TLC Fam
Turinn – Eighteen and a Half Minute Gaps (Modern Love)
Ulrika Spacek – Modern English Decoration (Tough Love)
Modern English Decoration by Ulrika Spacek
The World – First World Record (Upset The Rhythm)
-- Top Ten Live Recordings, Reissues, & Compilations -- 1. Blood Sport – Live at Café OTO (Howling Owl)
Live At Cafe Oto by Blood Sport
2. Normil Hawaiians – More Wealth Than Money (Upset The Rhythm)
3. Bamboo – The Dragon Flies Away (Upset The Rhythm)
4. Maximum Joy – I Can’t Stand It Here on Quiet Nights (Silent Street)
I Can't Stand It Here On Quiet Nights: Singles 1981-82 by MAXIMUM JOY
5. Dub Syndicate – Ambience in Dub: 1982 – 1985 (On-U Sound)
Ambience In Dub 1982-1985 by Dub Syndicate
6. Hood – The Cycle of Days and Seasons / Rustic Houses, Forlorn Valleys (Domino)
7. Jay Glass Dubs – Dubs (Ecstatic)
8. Various – Mutual Ground (Honest Electronics)
Mutual Ground (HE03) by Various Artists
9. The Knife – Live at Terminal 5 (Rabid)
10. Pye Corner Audio – Sleep Games (Ghost Box)
-- Top Ten EPs & 12″s -- 1. Blood Sport – “Harsh Realm” / “Boiled in Dust” (Return To Disorder)
2. Dale Cornish – Cut Sleeve (Halcyon Veil)
Cut Sleeve by Dale Cornish
3. The Bug – “Bad” / “Get Out the Way” (Ninja Tune)
Bad / Get Out The Way by The Bug
4. Panayotis – Sawaiiphur (Honest Electronics)
Sawaiiphur (HE06) by Panayotis
5. RAW SILVER – Thanatos (Honest Electronics)
Thanatos (HE05) by RAW SILVER
6. Forest Swords – “Congregate” / “Free” (Ninja Tune)
Congregate by Forest Swords
7. Total Control, Laughing at the System (Alter)
Laughing At The System by Total Control
8. Café Ale – Transformative Nature (Geographic North)
Transformative Nature by Café Ale
9. Holy Fuck – Bird Brains (Innovative Leisure)
Bird Brains EP by Holy Fuck
10. Fujiya & Miyagi – EP3 (Impossible Objects of Desire)
FUJIYA & MIYAGI by Fujiya & Miyagi
-- Live Performances of the Year -- Steven Warwick and Benjamin Wardell performing "Figuring Space (on the Mezzanine)" to close out Lampo's season at the Stony Island Arts Bank in Chicago -- Cattle live at Supernormal, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire, UK
-- Labels of the Year -- Geographic North Gqom Oh! Honest Electronics Smalltown Supersound Upset The Rhythm
-- Label of the Year, Emeritus -- Faux Discx
-- In the next couple of weeks, keep an eye out for special episodes of SHIP/SHAPE/SUNDAY featuring our favorite recordings of 2017. – Bernie Brooks is the editor-in-chief and bloggist of look.ship. *Everything* he writes or compiles or otherwise makes–or has *ever* written, compiled, or otherwise made–for A Ship In The Woods is editorial content, and as such reflects his opinion alone, not necessarily that of Ship as an organization. Actually, this applies to all the content on look.shipinthewoods.com, regardless of who wrote or said it. He can be e-mailed: bernie [at] shipinthewoods [dot] com -- Image of Steven Warwick and Benjamin Wardell performing at Stony Island Arts Bank by Bernie Brooks.
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thefacelesswanderer · 7 years
In honor of my amazing collab with @triwizard-tardis​,  Molten Magic, I have updated that insane ship list I posted a year or two ago..... It got REALLY long, sorry! 
21. Who do you ship? 
Harry Potter:
Draco/ Harry
Draco/ Hermione (very rarely, but occasionally there’s a REALLY well-written fic)
Draco/ Ginny
Harry/ Hermione
Harry/ Ginny
Ron/ Luna
Ron/ Hermione
Krum/ Oliver Wood
Seamus/ Dean
Neville/ Luna
Neville/ Hermione (Only seen it once or twice, but it worked for some reason)
Blaise/ Draco 
Draco/ Daphne Greengrass
Remus/ Sirius /James (Marauder era)
Remus/ Sirius (Marauder era and now)
James/ Sirius (Marauder era)
Remus/ Nymph
Blaise/ Pansy
James/ Lily (obvs)
Luna/ Ginny
Hermione/ Ginny
Fred/ George
Harry/ Draco/ Ron
Fred/ George/ Harry
Alice/ Frank Longbottom
Bellatrix/ Voldemort
Crossover with Harry Potter:
Harry/ Ed Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Harry/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Severus Snape/ Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing A/C)
Harry/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/  Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Draco/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Luna/ Stoll brothers (Percy Jackson)
Harry/ Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Draco/ Jacob (Twilight)
Hermione/ Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Ron/ Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Gundam Wing A/C:
1x2x1 (Heero/ Duo)
3x4x3 (Trowa/ Quatre)
1x2x3 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa)
3x2x3 (Trowa/ Duo)
2x5 (Duo/ WuFei)
5x6 (WuFei/ Zechs)
5x13 (WuFe/ Treize)
5x6x13 (WuFei/ Zechs/ Treize)
6x13 (Zechs/ Treize)
6x9 (Zechs/ Noine)
5xSally (WuFei/ Sally)
Dorothy/ Relena
1x2x3x4x5 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa/ Quatre /WuFei) 
6x1 (Zechs/ Heero)
9xSally (Noine/ Sally) 
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ Winry
Ed/ Al (I’m shipping trash, I’m so sorry)
Roy/ Riza
Roy/ Ed
Ed/ Lust
Havoc/ Lust
Izumi/ Sid
Maes/ Gracia
Lin Yao/ Lan Fan
Al/ May Chang (panda midget princess)
Al/ Winry
Ed/ Rose
Ed/ Envy
Hoenheim/ Trisha
Ed/ Greedling (Greed and Lin once they’re combined)
Ed/ Lin
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ WuFei (Gundam Wing A/C)
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Zuko/ Katara
Toph/ Aang
Suki/ Sokka
Sokka/ Yue
Mai/ Ty Lee
Pakku/ Gran Gran
Suki/ Katara
Azula/ that jackass from Ember Island (It’s Chen or something)
Azula/ Mai/ Ty Lee
Yue/ Jet
Azula/ Teo
Mai/ June
TyLee/ Haru
Steve/ Bucky
Steve/ Tony (bonus if Peter Parker is their kid)
Clint/ Natasha
Bruce/ Tony
Thor/ Jane
Loki/ Tony
Loki/ Thor
Sif/ Thor
Sif/ Jane
Darcy/ Maria Hill
Peggy/ Angie
Peggy/ Colleen
Steve/ Peggy
Tony/ Pepper
Peter/ Mary Jane
Peter/ Gwen Stacy
Peter/ Harry Osbourne
Steve/ Sam
Bruce/ Clark
Bruce/ Dick
Bruce/ Jason
Dick/ Wally
Dick/ Koriand'r (Starfire)
Dick/ Jason
Dick/ Damien
Dick/ Roy Harper
Dick/ Tim
Jason/ Tim
Jason/ Damien
Tim/ Kon-El
Cass/ Barbara
Cass/ Steph
Wally/ Artemis
Jaime/ Bart
Tim/ Kon/ Bart
Roy/ Jade (Chesire)
Roy/ Koriand'r/ Jason 
Dinah Lance/ Oliver Queen
Dick/ Kaldur'ahm
Clark/ Lois Lane
Garr/ Raven (Beast Boy)
Kaldur’ahm/ Tulla
Bart/ Secret
Jason/ Roy
M'Gann/ La'gaan
Roy/ Wally
Bart/ Clarion (ICE CREAM– this is for you daveyjacobskemp)
Cassie/ Cissie
Anita/ Slobo
Zatana/ Dick
Jack/ Davey (Newsies)
Jack/ Davey/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Hannah (Newsies)
Katherine/ Hannah (Newsies)
Specs/ Romeo (Newsies)
Specs/ Race (Newsies)
Spot/ Race (Newsies)
Raoul/ Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
Christine/ Meg Giry (Phantom of the Opera)
Fantine/ Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Grantaire     (Les Mis)
Marius/ Cosette (Les     Mis)
Cosette/ Eponine (Les     Mis)
Joly/ Musichetta/ Boussett (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean/ Javert (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Jehan/ Combeferre  (Les Mis)
Bahorel/ Feuilly (Les Mis)
Fairy Tail:
Natsu/ Lucy
Gray/ Juvia
Erza/ Jellal
Gajeel/ Levi
Evergreen/ Elfman
Natsu/ Lisanna
Freid/ Evergreen
Freid/ Mirajane
Mirajane/ Reedus
Loki/ Lucy
Loki/ Aries
Bisca/ Alzack
Austria/ Hungary
Austria/ Switzerland
Belarus/ Russia
Denmark/ Norway
France/ England
Germany/ Italy
Hong Kong/ Iceland
Poland/ Lithuania
Prussia/ Austria
Prussia/ Hungary
Prussia/ Canada
Russia/ China
Russia/ America
America/ Belarus
Sweden/ Finland
Asian orgy
Nordic orgy
France/ England/ America/ Canada
Spain/ Romano
Taiwan/ Japan
Rome/ Germania
Holy Roman Empire/ Italia
Switzerland/ Lichtenstein
France/ Scotland
Sealand/ Wy
World orgy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Legolas/ Gimli
Frodo/ Sam
Merry/ Pippin
Tauriel/ Kili
Thorin/ Bilbo
Galadriel/ Gandalf
Galadriel/ Elrond
Aragorn/ Legolas
Aragorn/ Arwen
Merlin/ Arthur
Arthur/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwaine
Gwaine/ Percival
Gwaine/ Elyan
Merlin/ Lancelot
Merlin/ Gwaine
Gwen/ Morgana
Morgana/ Mordred
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus:
Percy/ Annabeth
Jason/ Piper
Percy/ Nico
Jason/ Nico
Leo/ Calypso
Frank/ Hazel
Hannibal/ Will (bonus if Abigail is their kid)
Jimmy Price/ Brian Zeller (Science Husbands)
Jack/ Bella aka the Crawfords
Rave Master:
Haru/ Elie
Musica/ Reina
Let/ Julia
Cattleya/ Shuda
Go/ Rosa
Range/ Sopra
Remi/ Musica
Musica/ Belnika
Sieg/ Elie
Jegan/ Janna 
Clea Maltese/ Alpine Spaniel
Rise of the Guardians/ How to Train Your Dragon/ Tangled/ Brave/ Frozen:
Jack/ Hiccup
Jack/ Merida
Jack/ Rapunzel
Jack/ Elsa
Hiccup/ Rapunzel
Star Wars:
Han/ Leia
Luke/ Mara Jade
Padme/ Anakin
Obi Wan/ Dorme
Robin Hood BBC:
Robin/ Marian
Much/ Eve
Will/ Djaq
Yugi/ Yami
Bakura/ Ryo
Kaiba/ Jonouchi
Marik/ Malik
Yami/ Bakura
Bakura/ Marik
YuYu Hakusho:
Yusuke/ Keiko
Yusuke/ Kurama
Yusuke/ Botan
Yusuke/ Kurama/ Hiei
Kurama/ Hiei
Kuwabara/ Yukina
Genkai/ Younger Toguro
Shizuru/ Sakyo
Shinobu/ Itsuki
Mukuro/ Hiei
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir:
Marinette/ Adrien
Nino/ Alya
Alix/ Kim/ Max
Chloe/ Nathaniel
Chloe/ Sabrina
Juleka/ Rose
Ivan/ Mylene
Check Please!
Bitty/ Jack 
Lardo/ Shitty 
Holster/ Ransom  (Bonus points if it’s the AU that must not be named)
Nursey/ Dex 
Nursey/ Dex/ Chowder 
Chowder/ Farmer 
Questionable Content
Bubbles/ Faye 
Martin/ Dora 
Martin/ Claire 
Faye/ Sven 
Momo/ May 
Tai/ Dora 
Dale/ Marigold 
Clinton/ Brun 
Wilde Life 
Oscar/ Lorelei
Oscar/ Sylvia 
Eliza/ Darcy 
Oscar/ Clifford (I’m trash, I’m well aware)
El Goonish Shive
Tedd/ Grace 
Elliot/ Ashley 
Nanase/ Ellen 
Elliot/ Sarah
Catalina/ Rhoda 
Disney/ Close to It:
Belle/ Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
LeFou/ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) (Only really works if Gaston isn’t being a dick anymore)
Anya/ Dimitri (Anastasia)
Vlad/ Sophie (Anastasia)
Elsa/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Elsa/ Hans (Frozen)
Anna/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Ariel/ Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella/ Her Prince Charming (Cinderella) (Bonus points for genderbending)
Mulan/ Shang (Mulan) (Bonus points for transgender Mulan)
Rapunzel/ Flynn (Tangled)
Anime/ Manga:
Saitama/ Genos (One Punch Man)
Phoenix Wright/ Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright)
Victor/ Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Yurio/ Otabek (Yuri on Ice)
Yuuri/ Phichit (Yuri on Ice)
Todoroki/ Yaoyoruza (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Todoroki/ Deku (My Hero Academia)
Light/ L (Death Note)
Matt/ Mello (Death Note)
Dante/ Nero (Devil May Cry) (only cause of @triwizard-tardis)
Gon/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
Gon/ Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Hisoka/ Leorio/ Gon (Hunter x Hunter) (Damn you amazing NSFW fanart)
Canary/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
InuYasha/ Kagome (InuYasha)
Miroku/ Sango (InuYasha)
Sesshomaru/ Rin (InuYasha) (aged up Rin)
Sesshomaru/ Kagome (InuYasha) (ONE good fic and fanart)
Tsuna/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Mukuro/ Chrome (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Takeshi/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Tsuna/ Kyouko (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Bulma/ Yamcha (Dragonball)
Bulma/ Vegeta (Dragonball Z and Z Kai)
Goku/ Krillin (Dragonball)
Goku/ Chichi (Dragonball)
Riku/ Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora/ Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Ciel/Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ruby/Jaunne (RWBY)
Jaunne/ Pyrrha (RWBY)
Yang/Blake (RWBY)
Blake/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ruby/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ren/ Nora (RWBY)
Ozpin/ Glynda (RWBY)
Blake/ Sun (RWBY)
Soul/ Maka (Soul Eater)
Black Star/ Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Death the Kid/ Patty/ Eliza (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Medusa (Soul Eater)
Maka/ Chrona (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Marie (Soul Eater)
Haruhi/ Tamaki (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Tamaki/ Kyoya (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mitsukuni/ Takashi (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Haruhi/ Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Ranma/ Akane (Ranma ½)
Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices
Clary/ Jace
Clary/ Simon
Simon/ Isabelle
Jace/ Alec
Jocelyn/ Luke
Simon/ Maia
Tessa/ Will
Will/ Jem
Will/ Magnus
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock/ John
Sherlock/ Molly
Lestrade/ Mycroft
John/ Mary
Sherlock/ Irene
John/ Anthea
Mycroft/ Anthea
Teen Titans
Robin/ Starfire
Beast Boy/ Raven
Cyborg/ Bumblebee
Aqualad/ Terra
Beast Boy/ Terra
Bella/ Edward
Alice/ Jasper
Rosalie/ Emmet
Carlisle/ Esme
Bella/ Jacob
Renesmee/ Jacob
Edward/ Jacob
Edward/ Bella/ Jacob
James/ Victoria
Quil/ Embry
Jacob/ Leah
Sam/ Emily
18 notes · View notes
bellamysgriffin · 7 years
to read list (ya version)
jsjsdfj this is so long i’m s o rry it’s partially for my reference but honestly hmu if anyone wants to start book club (@ tilde worry not asoue and hdm and peregrine’s are implied) this is hideously long so it’s under a cut
yellow brick war by danielle paige 
i’ll give you the sun by jandy nelson 
everything everything by nicola yoon
a million miles away by lara avery
the secret language of sisters by luanne rice
falling into place by amy zhang
shooter by caroline pignat
never always sometimes by adi alsaid
the last good day of the year by jessica warman
proof of forever by lexa hillyer
because you’ll never meet me by leah thomas
the name of the star by maureen johnson
the game of love and death by martha brockenbrough
hate list by jennifer brown
the body in the woods by april henry
me being me is exactly as insane as you being you by todd hasak-lowy
the end or something like that by ann dee ellis
the truth about alice by jennifer mathieu
say what you will by cammie mcgovern
everything that makes you by moriah mcstay
tease by amanda maciel
killer instinct by s.e. green
we’ll always have paris by jennifer coburn
paperweight by meg haston
like it never happened by emily adrian
don’t even think about it by sarah mlynowski
finding paris by joy preble
emancipated by m. g. reyes
the face on the milk carton by caroline b. cooney
the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivian
once again by liz braswell and cameron dokey
boy of summer by jessica brody
road trip summer by lauren barnholdt
survive the night by danielle vega 
kill the boy band by goldy moldavsky
totally awkward love story by tom ellen and lucy ivison
the square root of summer by harriet reuter hapgood
the lifeboat clique by kathy parks
boys like you by juliana stone
26 kisses by anna michels
dissonance by erica o’rourke
if i was your girl by meredith russo 
now that you’re here by amy k nichols
the only thing worse than me is you by lily anderson
some of the parts by hannah barnaby
a song for ella gray by david almond
summer days and summer nights by stephanie perkins
my life next door by huntley fitzpatrick
in real life by jessica love
whisper to me by nick lake
the walls around us by nova ren suma
ready player one by ernest cline
awake by natasha preston
the siren by kiera cass
mirror in the sky by aditi khorana
magonia by maria dahvana headley
last year’s mistake by gina ciocca
once upon a dream by liz braswell
dreamology by lucy keating
the last time we were us by leah konen
keep me in mind by jamie reed
p.s. i like you by kasie west
summer of supernovas by darcy woods
the way back to you by michelle andreani and mindi scott
please don’t tell by laura tims
the cresswell plot by elisza wass
i woke up dead at the mall by judy sheehan
a week of monday’s by jessica brody
don’t look back by jennifer l armentrout
the problem with forever by jennifer l armentrout
fig by sarah elizabeth schantz
you have seven messages by stewart lewis
denton little’s death date by lance rubin
the fall by bethany griffin
don’t stop now by julie halpern
side effects may vary by julie murphy
inland by kat rosenfield
invincible by amy reed
i am princess x by cherie priest
off the page by jodi picoult
panic by lauren oliver
devoted by jennifer mathieu
six of crows by leigh bardugo
we were liars by e. lockhart
bone gap by laura ruby
elsewhere by gabrielle zevin
a whole new world by liz braswell
never said by carol lynch williams
hit by lorie ann grover
the dark elements by jennifer l armentrout
daughters unto devils by amy lukavics
wendy darling by colleen oakes
fracture by megan miranda
red girl blue boy by lauren baratz-logsted
wonders of the invisible world by christopher barzak
stranded by melinda braun
taking aim by michael cart
the accident season by moira fowley-doyle
infinite in between by carolyn macker
wither by lauren destefano
how it went down by kekla magoon
sing by vivi greene
the third twin by cj omololu
backlash by sarah darer littman
liars inc. by paula stokes
the killing by natasha preston
the thousandth floor by katherine mcgee
the raft by s.a. boden
ella minnow pea by mark dunn
the pregnancy project by gaby rodriguez
out of control by sarah alderson
ruthless by carolyn lee adams
the memory book by lara avery
georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit by jaye robin brown
tumbling by caela carter
the odds of lightning by jocelyn davies
tell me something real by calla devlin
don’t get caught by kurt dinan
everyone we’ve been by sarah everett
playlist for the dead by michelle falkoff
the weight of zero by karen fortunati
we were never here by jennifer gilmore
been here all along by sandy hall
three truths and a lie by brent hartinger
you were here by cori mccarthy
nearly gone by elle cosimano
the infinity of you and me by j q coyle
lost stars by lisa selin davis
die for you by amy fellner dominy
until friday night by abbi glines
this is our story by ashley elston
to catch a killer by sheryl scarborough
the hundred lies of lizzie lovett by chelsea sediti
the hate u give by angie thomas
but then i came back by estelle laure
me and me by alice kuipers 
shackled by tom leveen
infinite in between by carolyn mackler
the free by lauren mclaughlin
the outliers by kimberly mccreight
a good idea by cristina moracho
girl on a plane by miriam moss
eat the sky, drink the ocean by multiple authors
the sky is everywhere by jandy nelson
meg and linus by hanna nowinski
radio silence by alice oseman
all the forever things by jolene perry
keeping the beat by marie powell and jeff norton
the homecoming by stacie ramey
seven ways we lie by riley redgate
beautiful broken girls by kim savage
between shades of gray by ruta sepetys
history is all you left me by adam silvera
everything beautiful is not ruined by danielle younge-ullman
shooter by walter dean myers
the memory of light by francisco x stork
a storied life by gabrielle zevin
worthy by donna cooner
run by kody keplinger
one of us is lying by karen m mcmanus
a psalm for lost girls by katie bayerl
the one memory of flora banks by emily barr
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fy-dr-janefoster · 5 years
by Impossible_Impact
[There's speculation that the street heroine known as the Shadow Healer has been recruited by the notorious mutant vigilante group, the X-Men. The X-Men were reportedly disbanded after an unidentified explosion destroyed Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters located in North Salem, New York, later discovered to be the residency for the X-Men along with dozens of unidentified mutants. Charles Xavier, graduate of Harvard and Oxford University and renowned geneticist, was the only confirmed death. North Salem's public high school later revealed the identities of 7 mutant students tied to Xavier's boarding home; Scott Summers--]
"JARVIS? See if Coulson will do some super-sleuthing for me on this new kid on the block. I also need Pepper and HR on this media shit show, cause we all know Badger isn't gonna lift a finger. Also, some updates from Romanoff on Cap's condition and their new sidekick. I need waist measurements for his new wings. Call up the Big Green and Point Break. There's some heavy helicarriers that need fishing out of the Potomac. And Barton, for the love of aluminum, get out of my vents!"
Words: 8403, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wolverine And The X-Men (Cartoon), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Daredevil (TV), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), X-Men Evolution, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Black Panther (2018), Marvel (Comics), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Logan (X-Men), Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe, Hank McCoy, Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Bobby Drake, Kitty Pryde, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Forge (Marvel), Emma Frost, Raven | Mystique, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson | Clarice Fong, Charles Xavier, Pietro Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr, Tildie (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Jane Foster (Marvel), Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, Heimdall (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Laura Barton, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Marci Stahl, Frank Castle, Jessica Jones, Patricia Walker (Marvel), Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Claire Temple, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Ward Meachum, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, Alicia Masters, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, J. Jonah Jameson, Melinda May, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Jane Foster/Thor, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Franklin "Foggy" Nelson/Marci Stahl, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing, Ben Grimm/Alicia Masters
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Justice, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, So many crossovers, One Big Happy MCU, Blood and Injury, Refeeding Syndrome, Past Homelessness, Past Starvation, mentions of previous rape, Human Trafficking, My OC's Been Through Hell and Back, Everyone Needs A Hug, and a cup of tea, Laura Barton if Clint's Sister, yeah i know, Clint's the Fun Uncle, And Protective Brother, protective Logan, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Avengers, The Maximoff's Are Mutants, Not Whatever the MCU Made Them, Protective X-Men, Mix of Cartoon and Film, it's gonna be fun
Thane Fosterson via AO3 works tagged 'Jane Foster/Thor'
0 notes