#clone wars clownery
mwolf0epsilon · 4 days
I think if the 501st learned about the concept of "gag gifts", things would quickly turn chaotic. Not because they'd give anyone anything particularly malicious as a gag gift (glitter-bombs are fun to watch, but the cleanup certainly is not) but because they'd become extremely competitive.
Jesse and Fives in particular would be trying to out-gag each other. Not by giving each other silly/weird/hilarious things, but by watching the other present someone else with a gag gift and trying to see who gets the best reaction.
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ineffablejaymee · 1 year
im pretty sure, that somewhere in the grand army of the republic there was a clonetrooper who called himself roger
just for kicks
droid: *receiving orders* roger roger
Roger: present
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squad-724 · 3 months
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AU I’ve been brainstorming and writing with @clownery-and-fuckery
Hemlock once visited Kamino before the war, finding himself curious about four defective clones slated for decommissioning, all young and easy to mold. He took them as his side project, transporting the batch to his lab on Tantiss, where he raised them.
Here we see young CT-9905, Wrecker, and his younger brother CT-9907 Tech.
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lifblogs · 5 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @just-here-with-my-thoughts (I feel so honored, thank you! And I really am dying to read Welcome to the Outpost.)
These answers will probably involve a range of fandoms.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily The Bad Batch now, maybe Clone Wars here and there. My fandom writing migrates. Used to be Doctor Who, then Supernatural, then The Clone Wars, and Rebels.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Apparently my top 5 are fics I don’t even care about anymore. *sigh* Not providing links because of how meh I am about these.
1. Morningstar (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina),
2. Take Me Home (I actually didn’t realize this was in my top 5), it’s a Supernatural fic),
3. Take Me to Church (Supernatural),
4. Deal (I believe this is an Avatar: The Last Airbender crack fic based off of incorrect quotes), and
5. Ineffable (Good Omens).
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most definitely!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely either Bleeding Reality, or In the Dark.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely May I Have This Dance? Oh, how I adore that fic. I wrote it based on art I love so much, and the artist even let me put their art in the fic!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Used to years ago, so now I still feel dread in the pit of my stomach when I get an AO3 comment email. The dread thankfully doesn’t show up all the time now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, hell yeah, I do! Not sure about what kind. It’s just, I don’t know, smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not.
11. Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Maybe The World Goes Cold? But I am maybe releasing chapters too slowly, so I guess it makes sense the response isn’t as big.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I’ve had a couple translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried to do so with my brother a couple of times, but we never finished them. I don’t think either of us really understand how the co-writing process works.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh, I always feel the most when I think about or see anything involving Whoufflé/Whouffaldi from Doctor Who. They were my OTP from 2013 to 2016. Might still be the case!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You know, I had ones I did want to finish, but now, I’m not even sure I want to.
Still, I guess Blackout, and Three Birds, One Stone held a lot of my attention for a few years. But with the fic content now being triggering for me, and with a brain injury, I feel as if I may have moved on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told my descriptions are incredibly visceral, and I might agree. I’ve been on the edge of my seat or emotional more than a few times during my editing process. I also like to consider the fact that I’m writing at all a strength given I have a brain injury that gives me memory problems and aphasia.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, I’d say say the memory problems and aphasia cause some weaknesses. I have caught a couple weirdly-worded errors and it’s slightly embarrassing. Does Omega shredding my outline multiple times count as a weakness? lol I suppose another weakess is spelling and forgetting words and struggling to find the right words. I often have to look things up. But as far as things like description, dialogue… I’m not sure I struggle there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I’d take a crack at French! I used to be able to read and write in French very easily.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Lord of the Rings. I was 8.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Brother, Hold Me Up, and it’s still going!
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @envydean, @cascigarette, and @clownery-and-fuckery
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jedimasterbailey · 9 months
Okay, character ask game:
Questions 2-5, 10, 17, 23 (because it's way too funny 😅) and 27
I hope that's okay with you! If they are too many you can choose which ones you want to answer, no pressure😘
Awww thank you for this sweet ask! 🥰 I know you’re not a Star Wars person soul, but I’ll be using these asks to help uplift Jedi that continuously get slandered in light of the anti-Jedi clownery going on in the fandom these days. So for this next ask, I’ll be choosing my lady, the luminous Master Luminara Unduli for this post, so thank you for giving me the freedom to brag about one of my favorite ladies 💚
2- A Canon or Headcanon Hill I Will Die On
That Luminara LOVES Barriss!!! I have made plenty of posts on this topic that disapproves all the nonsense the fandom continues to project, but I’ll say it again. In every single piece of Star Wars that has these two interacting, it is always a loving one and it’s a damn shame we didn’t see more of them in the Clone Wars series. The fact that these two can fight in complete sync with each other proves how in tune they are with each other and I seriously doubt you would be able to do that with someone you did not care about or hated. Also if you take the time to notice Luminara’s body language and voice whenever it comes to the topic of Barriss, you just know that’s a proud Mominara right there and when her girl is in danger, she hurts real bad. It’s also a crime we don’t see Luminara in the bullshit Wrong Jedi arc but I’m sure there would have been massive heartbreak. It event states in one of the canon Star Wars books that after Barriss is arrested for the Temple bombing that Luminara just buried herself in work. Again…you wouldn’t have such a strong reaction if you didn’t love somebody. Luminara loves Barriss and Barriss loves Luminara, end of discussion 💚💙
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3- Obscure Headcanon
That Luminara is a thrill junkie and loves a good speeder bike and that she may or may not have a thing for Obi-Wan Kenobi. I mean her interactions with him are so flirty 🤣
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4-Favorite Line
There’s a line of hers in the Legends book “The Approaching Storm” that has and continues to stick with me. I feel this quote really captures Luminara’s spirit and shows that underneath her cool exterior that she’s very genuine and grounded.
“Always remember where you’ve hung up your courage Barriss.”
Luminara is saying this to Barriss after her Padawan expresses to her that she feels that her Master never gets scared whenever there’s danger to which Luminara immediately disagrees. She tells Barriss that of course she gets scared when they’re in life threatening situations but as Jedi she has to appear fearless for the sake of the lives she’s protecting. Luminara is teaching Barriss that it’s okay to have these feelings and address said feelings later but when people need her, she needs to be brave and being brave doesn’t mean you have no fear or feelings. Luminara is often seen as “cold” but this along with many of things she says and does that she is very down to earth and has a big heart. She understands and she cares.
5- Best Personality Trait
Her ability to self-reflect which is a trait that is RARE in people. Luminara isn’t perfect as no one is but she’s able to take a step back and take ownership over her mistakes and make amends if need be. The perfect example of this is in the Clone Wars episode “Cloak of Darkness” where Luminara apologizes to Ahsoka for thinking she can take Ventress on her own and dismissing Ahsoka’s offer for help. Not only does Luminara apologize but she offers high praise to Ahsoka which again is not something a lot of people can do. Most people would rather sulk and be bitter and never take ownership for their mistakes, but not Luminara and I absolutely adore her for that 💚
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10-Best Moment On Screen (Or In A Book)
By far, Luminara’s sand dance as described in the Legends book “The Approaching Storm”. An indigenous tribe asks Luminara, Barriss, Obi-Wan, and Anakin to entertain them with a talent of theirs; Luminara chose to levitate herself in a sphere of sand (using the Force) and perform a dance. It sounds absolutely beautiful and I’d kill to see this on screen.
17- Quotes, Songs, Poems I Associate Them With
Everytime I listen the tracks “Master Luminara” and “Twin Moons” by Kevin Kiner because they’re such gorgeous and serene tracks that to me is just her. It’s who she is; she’s serene despite the chaos around her and she rises above the tragedy and heartache she faces later in life which is beautiful. As for quotes and poems, I sadly think of her whenever it’s a quote revolving around grief and sad poems because again, she has such a tragic life despite doing her very best.
23- If They Were A Scented Candle, What Would They Smell Like?
Luminara to be is the picture of serenity and calm so I feel that her candle would be a scent that would be equally calming like lavender, mint, sandalwood, etc. Just something that puts you in your calm, happy place after a very rough day.
27- Their Guilty Pleasure
With all the stress she’s under, I feel like Luminara would either be a caffeine junkie, a wine lover, a gambler, a pot head on occasion or a racer. Just anything to take the edge off 🤣
Again thank you so much for letting me rant about my favorite lady 🥰 let me know if y’all have any Luminara headcanons in the comments/reblogs! 💚
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exonerin · 2 months
Fairly new to the fandom myself, but I’ve recently read your fic, Eight of Cups, and it was amazing.
I suppose this is more a compliment than a question :) But I’ve adored Anakin and Obi-Wan from the beginning, and you wrote their dynamic exactly as I had envisioned it! Your writing is lovely, and your imagination is absolutely wonderful.
There were so many intricacies and subtle connections throughout the fic, it certainly makes the reader want to go back for a second and then third read!
If you’re ever down to chat about the ship at all, I would love to fight my way into your inbox! Can one ever have enough fandom friends?
Just had to leave positive feedback! :)
Thank you so much. It's always nice to be showered in compliments and praise. Unless, you're told your second fic is your magnum opus, and nothing else you write can measure up to it. Personally, I find that a compliment of dubious nature. Or maybe it's a polite call whether I could please stop churning out more trash? (It isn't, and I'm still very honored to hear it, but I hope the commenter understands I'll have a lot of fun at their expense).
I struggle with getting Anakin and Obi-Wan right. And even when I think I understand them, I just have to go on Tumblr, read one insightful post about the Rako Hardeen debacle, and think: "yeah, I totally misread everything about everyone."
My main gripe with my versions of Obi-Wan and Anakin is that I can't get their canon brand of clownery, right. I will use that as an excuse to watch the movies or the Clone Wars series again.
Let's be real here. I couldn't shut about obikin for 52,514 words for that particular fic. Of course, I would love to talk about the Team with my new fandom friend (which would be you, anon. Though anyone is welcome to breathe in my general vicinity and be rewarded with an essay on obikin).
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jedi-hawkins · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @photogirl894!
NPT (apologies if you've already been tagged!) @freesia-writes @mandos-mind-trick @starqueensthings @crocuta-corvax @griffedeloup @clownery-and-fuckery @lightwise
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partstars · 4 years
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jango: yknow son when i named you i had no idea you would like bubble tea this much, but you know what they say! you are what you eat
jango: or in your case, you eat what you are
boba: dad you’re embarrassing me
description: digital advertisement for ‘tipoca city tapioca’, owned by jango fett. background: the name of the store is superimposed over the grand army of the republic emblem. two stickers describe the store as having kamino’s favorite tea! over 5.3 million served. mid-ground: four large cups of bubble tea in different flavors. foreground: boba and jango fett, in full armor, are next to each other holding bubble teas. jango has a hand on his son’s back and a little heart next to his helmet. a banner at the very bottom reads: twenty percent off this festival week! end of description.
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incorrect-star-wars · 3 years
obi-wan: the food is too hot, i can’t eat it.
anakin: you’re too hot and i still eat you.
obi-wan: *gasps* anakin!
anakin: oh, uh, ahahah, that’s awkward.
ahsoka, cody, and rex: guys we KNOW.
ahsoka, cody, and rex: you are the furthest thing from subtle.
obi-wan: *blushes*
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Anakin and ahsoka, thinking the war will be over soon and that they will be able to catch up later:
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stairset · 4 years
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Imagine making this tweet not knowing that Phantom Menace and Clone Wars were literally made by the same guy.
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squad-724 · 2 months
2 truths 1 lie from @clownery-and-fuckery
I'm daring @cloned-eyes @paperback-rascal @jebiknights @ivvmell
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lvkeskyvvalker · 4 years
doing a full rewatch of clone wars and just wow what a great story can’t wait to see them all grow old together and live peacefully.
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jedimasterbailey · 9 months
Hello there, Master Bailey! I hope you are doing well old friend. I absolutely love the creativity you put into the Jedi ask game, so if it’s cool w you, could you please do 12, 27, 46 for Ahsoka? Thank you! May the Force be with you! 💜
HI ALEXEI!!!!! It’s so good to hear from you 🥹 I’m doing well and I sincerely hope you are too! 💜 I will happily answer these questions for you and I’m glad you chose Ahsoka because given all the clownery with the show, we could use some positivity! 🧡🤍💙 And May the Force be with you always my friend! ☺️
(Original Jedi Ask Game Questions linked down below!)
12-Favorite Kind Of Missions
Rescue Missions. Ahsoka seems to be the most passionate when it comes to rescuing people in need. We see it right off the bat when Plo Koon in the first few episodes of Clone Wars, with Barriss in weapons factory, saving Mandalore against Maul, helping the Rebels against Vader, and stopping Morgan’s evil reign against a town, etc. Hell, one of her famous quotes is all about helping people in need so I would for sure say rescue missions. She isn’t kill happy like Anakin and she’s not into politics/negotiation like Obi-Wan, she’s like somewhere in the middle.
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27-What Are Her Feelings On Her Birth Culture?
Based on how Ahsoka dresses and the fact that she has the headdress that girls her age and species typically wear, it’s safe to say that she does respect and love where she comes from, but not enough to wear she’s like homesick or feels like she should be living in Shilli. I like to think that Shaak Ti and Ahsoka would go in field trips so that Ahsoka is educated on her roots. However, I believe Ahsoka is very content with her Jedi family which is why her decision to leave was so heartbreaking for her. Perhaps in the future, Ahsoka is able to visit Shilli and explore more of it when it’s safe to.
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46-My Favorite Headcanon About Her
That Ahsoka is in love with Barriss and that they found each other again and Ahsoka got the apology she deserves and they were able to make amends. We may not have seen much of their relationship on screen but based on the few interactions we’ve seen of them, you would have to be blind not to see that they care deeply about the other. We can just ignore the bullshit that is the Wrong Jedi arc (that didn’t happen what are y’all talking about?!)Their facial expressions and actions towards the other say enough and for Force sake cant these girls just have peace and happiness for once!?And can’t we see a couple in Star Wars not in tragedy!?
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Link to Ask Questions
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alethiaii · 4 years
Clownery is well alive in March I see. Chibs wrecked DW canon for nothing of value as this chosen one thing he's trying to push pays off to nothing and makes the whole story absolute trash; and then you have monsTROSity novelization that a) rips off Star Wars EU materials with the whole Palpatine clone thing and b) is trying to walk back on Rey and Ben's kiss as being one of gratitude. Like that still makes up for the fact Rey is still left with gaping wound in form of open, broken Force bond for the rest of her life. A very long time to be suffering that.
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aquashitposts · 4 years
The amount of clownery from reylos in the clone wars trailer comments... unbelievable
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