#chapter four is a tragedy on all sides
frootbyethefoot · 3 months
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thinking about chapter four this fine afternoon (<- never not thinking about chapter four)
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fyorina · 1 month
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FEATURING: beast dazai osamu
SUMMARY: dazai had known he was flying too close to the sun, he should have stopped himself while he still had the chance. {wordcount: 11.5k; fem!reader, romance & tragedy}
AUTHOR'S NOTES: installment fiveeeee otherwise known as part 2 of installment four LOL! ugh guys i'm dragging myself thru the trenches right now i'm so miserable - i wasn't even up to posting this today i won't lie but </3 i pulled thru </3 if only barely. fun fact this is actually only a 3 scene chapter but the second scene is just MASSIVE. i wasn't up to restructuring so you guys are just going to get it as it is. this is also unedited because i just wasn't up to it so bear with me regarding mistakes. JUST TO REMIND YOU ALL: the last installment is DELAYED - i have 3 finals next week and haven't had the time to finish it. it will be up by the end of may </3 sorry guys. wow this actually is attempt number three trying to post this correctly - i'm so shot
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR 17 & UNDER FOLLOWING THE SERIES: partially copy and pasted from badlands - if you guys read badlands, you know the deal. y'all knew what you were getting into. this is the smut chapter. but again, i'm not going to ask y'all to not interact/read a whole 12k chapter just because there's 4k words of smut, but i am going to say here the smut is in the SECOND scene. there is very little plot development in the smut itself, so i ask you guys, again, to respectfully scroll past it. i'll make the sentence when the smut starts red like this so you know that's when it starts, and then you can continue reading at the next divider. thank you for understanding! there is NO plot development in the smut, i'll reiterate that at the end where i put the summary in badlands, i restructured to make sure none of it was in it.
SMUT WARNINGS: unprotected sex, dazai cries </3 poor baby, sub!dazai, as always pussy drunk!dazai, bit of overstim on dazai's part too, jfhsuhdfsu i will say it starts on the bathroom floor so that might be a bit gross to some of you but dazai hardly even uses his apartment anyway so trust it's clean. bear with me. it just flowed from there i had to go with it. the story writes itself, i'm only the scribe. LOL let me know if i missed anything, i might have
Dazai is hardly listening to the conversation at hand. They’ve been going back and forth for thirty minutes about inconsequential matters. Tolstoy is getting increasingly heated as he goes tit-for-tat with Nabokov, evidently the tripartite alliance between the Russian mafias is not quite enough to quell all of the bad blood that’s simmered between them, but something about the situation isn’t sitting right to Dazai. He can feel it in his gut, swirling in the depths of his chest—something is wrong but he doesn’t know what.
Mishima looks equally put out, gaze trained on Tolstoy and Nabokov’s conversation, occasionally looking back at his executives. Cao seems bored, head tilted back against the red cushions of the round booth as he smokes a cigarette; in all regards, he seems relaxed, but Dazai notices the way the fingers of his free hand are tense on the table, as if he’s bracing himself for something.
Something isn’t right.
Dostoevsky is cunning. Intelligent. He’s been lethally sharp in every universe that the other Dazais have encountered him in. He wouldn’t send Tolstoy and Nabokov into this meeting with them at each other’s throats like this without an ulterior reason. Dazai is missing something critical; he knows it’s not something as simple as wanting to give off the appearance of a divided front as means to get Dazai and Mishima to lower their guard. Nothing is that easy. There’s some ulterior motive that Dazai has to figure out.
Cao’s presence. Tolstoy and Nabokov’s blatant hostility toward one another. Mishima’s words from earlier, warning him that something seems to be brewing, that Tolstoy and Nabokov had been on edge since he arrived at the event hall. Dazai’s head hurts, and he can’t focus, not when you’re in the other room without him.
Already, he feels as if he’s been separated from you for too long, he’d been hoping this meeting was only going to last thirty minutes at most, and it’s been thirty minutes already and hardly any progress has been made. If Dazai didn’t know any better, he’d think that…
He’d think that Tolstoy and Nabokov were stalling.
At once, Dazai starts catching onto the things that he missed. The way Nabokov keeps glancing up at the clock on the wall above Cao. The way Tolstoy’s gaze keeps flickering to his phone. The way Cao’s attention seems to be elsewhere. 
Cao Xueqin. A Dream of Red Mansions. A scrying ability.
His heartbeat slows and Dazai blinks. Once. Twice. Blood roars in his ears as his gaze twists down to where his phone is laying on the table in front of him, on its face. Tachihara should have texted him to let him know that he got to you. Him or Chuuya. He usually reports to Chuuya anyway, so Dazai figured that Chuuya would’ve gotten the confirmation. He turns his head to the side to look at the executive from the corner of his eye, trying to keep his breath as slow and steady and natural as possible when he realizes that Chuuya is frowning with furrowed brows, looking at his phone. Unsure.
Dazia reaches for his own phone, fingers deceptively steady despite the way his insides are curdling with a sudden jolt of anxiety. His eyes zero in on the top right corner of his phone. No signal. Dazai has been to this event hall countless times in this life and dozens of others—there’s always service throughout the building. 
Unless it’s being jammed, that is.
Dazai’s blood runs cold, gaze dragging from his phone to the door that leads to the hallway connecting to the event hall where you are. He feels as if he’s been doused with icy water and lit on fire all at once. For a second, he doesn’t move—he’s not sure if it’s anxiety or fear, or both, but he knows it’s because you’re out there and Dostoevsky is plotting something while trying to keep him out of the picture in this meeting. 
He should have known better. Mishima had assumed that Dostoevsky wasn’t in the building—he had his three best scouts prowling the whole building trying to place the real leader of the tripartite but had failed. Nabokov had apparently told him that Dostoevsky had to stay back to handle residual business in Russia, a blatant lie, one that has had Mishima on edge all night.
The one with the overcoat. The clown.
Dazai stills as he remembers the white haired man who hung around Dostoevsky in some of the other universes. Not all of the other Dazais encountered him—in fact, Dazai thinks there were only half a dozen other universes where he met the man, he can hardly remember his name, but when he did…
Spatial linking. Of course Mishima’s men hadn’t been able to hunt down Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky would’ve predicted that the Sun and Steel would seek out the mastermind with their scouts. He used the clown to enter the building without anyone knowing after the scouts finished their hunt.
Dazai had missed a critical piece on the board.
Dazai rises to his feet abruptly, mind numb, eyes distant, and lips parted to speak but no words escape them. Tolstoy and Nabokov exchange a sharp, pointed look, pausing in their hostilities, and Dazai knows. He knows.
Dostoevsky is going after you. 
He hears Chuuya and Kouyou calling after him but it sounds like a distant buzz. His throat feels clogged, his heartbeat is erratic and uncontrollable, his ears are ringing. His surroundings are blurry, a part of him doesn’t even know where he is: the event hall, your apartment, in the cafe below the Armed Detective Agency, it’s all blurring together.
This is it.
His vision swims and his head spins. The hallway seems impossibly long, much longer than it was to walk to the room. He can hear Chuuya spitting curses, scrambling out of the room, and he’s sure that his other executives and the other mafiosos aren’t far behind, but Dazai’s mind is on a single track. He doesn’t know how fast he’s moving—fast enough that Chuuya is chasing after him but can’t catch him. Something is heavy and cool in his hand—his gun—numb fingers moving to click the safety off.
This is it.
He might enter that hall and find you dead, slumped over the bar he’d last seen you sitting at, blood splattered across your face. Limp, cold. Just like you were on your bedroom floor. In the booth at the cafe. He’s pulling you from the water. He’s screaming for Yosano when he’s with the Agency. He’s screaming for Mori when he’s with the Mafia. Sometimes he’s alone, and he has no one to call for help, so all he can do is hold you and cry. 
It’s his fault. He knew this would happen from the beginning. He knew that being with you would lead you to the same fate that you’ve met in every other universe because of him. He knew that being with you would be your death sentence, but he couldn’t stop himself. 
His vision swims again, the red and gold patterns on the walls of the event hall are indistinct blobs, he feels someone try to grab his wrist—Chuuya, probably—but Dazai rips himself free and pushes himself into the event hall.
He ignores the eyes on him and the way people all instinctively move away from the sight of him with his gun out, he’s sure he must look deranged but he’s hardly even keeping himself grounded to this reality. Pages pile around him, every single one has variations of the same scene that’s haunted him for almost eight years written on it; one is being written before his eyes, he can see the words appearing on the blank sheet. He needs to find you before it’s complete. He has to stop it.
His eyes cut across the room, toward the bar he’d last seen you at, and you’re there. You’re there. It’s almost enough to make him scramble to put his gun away, cover up his steep spiral of paranoia even if you are looking right in his direction and see the gun in his hand. He can hardly come to terms with the consequences of this, how you’re seeing him right now, because his gaze tunnels right in on the person sitting next to you and his world comes to a halt. 
He lifts the gun. He ignores as people shriek and scramble to the edges of the room. He ignores the look on your face as he moves closer to where you’re sitting with Fyodor Dostoevsky. He ignores the way Chuuya and Kouyou and Piano Man have all skid to a stop somewhere behind him, trying to figure out what to do. Dostoevsky’s hand is mere inches away from brushing against your body, it would only take the slightest movement and you would be dead. It would be a game of who’s faster: Dazai’s trigger finger or Dostoevsky’s ability. Dazai’s always been quick to pull the trigger but now, faced with your life on the line, when he should be at his best because of what’s at risk, he finds himself scared and unsteady. 
He can’t lose you. He can’t watch it happen.
He paces toward you slowly, steadily, he swears each step he takes echoes across the suddenly silent event hall. He doesn’t stop until the muzzle of his gun is pressed against the back of Dostoevsky’s head.
“Stand up.” Dazai’s voice is deceptively cold and steady for the rage and fear that’s clawing at his chest, threatening to take control.
Dostoevsky turns his head to the side to look at Dazai, faint amusement in his eyes. “Are you sure you really want to do this here, Dazai?” 
The mocking lilt his voice takes is almost enough alone for Dazai to pull the trigger. And if that wasn’t, the way Dostoevsky smiles at Dazai like he’s won is certainly enough to push him over the edge.
Before he can, he feels Chuuya grab his bicep hard. 
“You can’t do this here,” he hisses quietly. “If you kill him now on neutral territory, we’ll have all of the mafias in the Eastern Hemisphere coming after you and the government on your ass. You can’t do this here and you can’t do it in public.”
Dazai doesn’t care. He doesn’t care how many mafias come after him for killing on neutral territory when invited as a guest. He doesn’t care that the government will come after him for such a blatant murder. All he cares about is getting Dostoevsky away from you.
“Chuuya is right,” Kouyou murmurs, low enough for only Dazai to overhear. “We can cover this up as is. If you pull the trigger, there’s no hiding what happened here. You know better than this, boy. You won’t be the only person this affects if you do this. Think of her. She will be implicated for coming here with you. Lower the gun and let us handle sweeping this under the rug.”
Dazai can’t even bring himself to look at you. He’s scared of what he might find. But he doesn’t even consider lowering the gun, not until Dostoevsky raises his hands and slips off the bar stool to step away from you. Even when he does, Dazai keeps it trained on him, still tempted to blow his head right off his shoulders.
“I meant no harm,” Dostoevsky says smoothly. “I was intrigued, wanted to know the girl who’s managed to capture your interest. I must say, I see the appeal. Beautiful and intelligent, you have quite the eye, Dazai.”
Dazai’s lips stretch into a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. It’s not kind, and it’s mildly feral, and Dazai’s pretty sure he must look entirely deranged from the way Dostoevsky’s eyes widen in a mixture of surprise and entertainment, just enough to be noticeable.
“If you ever go near her again, I’ll put a bullet through your fucking skull, Dostoevsky.”
He should do it now. He should. Fuck Chuuya and Kouyou’s warnings, he should put a bullet in his head and be done with it, move onto handling Christie so that both of the major threats to your life are gone. But he can’t. If he takes this opportunity now, if he kills Dostoevsky so blatantly on neutral territory, the Pale Flame and Three Deaths will come at him in full force, and Dazai is sure the Red Chamber won’t be far behind them with Cao’s recent interest in expanding his business into Japan. And you’ll be caught in the crossfire of all of it, Dazai has ensured that by bringing you here. Dostoevsky must have accounted for all of this. He knew that Dazai would be put in a situation where either way, whether he kills him or lets him go, he’d be throwing himself onto a blade. 
Is that it? Killing you wasn’t the goal, was it? Exposing Dazai was. Forcing him into this impossible decision.
Did he really just fall into Dostoevsky’s hands so easily? Even with all of the forewarning the other universes have given him?
It’s you. You always make him reckless, his mind is never as sharp whenever you’re involved, muddled with thoughts of you, plagued with spirals of paranoia and anxiety that make him double guess himself. It’s like this in every universe—he becomes stupid, he becomes rash, he becomes careless. It’s you.
Suddenly very hyper aware of your eyes on him, Dazai lowers his gun, gaze turning in your direction. Dostoevsky lets out one last snide comment, something toward you, telling you ‘don’t you see’ but Dazai doesn’t even process it, heart in his throat as he looks at you. He doesn’t know what he expects—fear, betrayal, even anger. He’s not prepared for the emptiness. He can’t read a single emotion on your face, your eyes eerily void of any feeling as you stare at him. 
He says your name quietly. His voice cracks. He should be embarrassed, so many people watching the scene play out, so many of his enemies and allies and subordinates, and he’s staring at you like a lost child with an unsteady voice, but he can’t bring himself to care. The fingers of his free hand are trembling, and the ones wrapped around the grip of his gun are so wound so tight that his knuckles are white. 
You’ve never looked at him like this before. Not in any universe. 
He thinks he might throw up. 
You’ve been mad at him before, scowling at him whenever he distracts you from your work and snarling whenever he makes messes that he never cleans up, but your eyes always stay soft in spite of the venom you spit. He’s seen betrayal on your face a few times before, screaming at him through tears when he got a bit too close to a successful attempt, cursing at him for trying to leave you, but you hold him so gently that it makes up for the harsh words. You’ve been scared of him once, when he lashed out so badly during one of his slumps that he nearly hurt you, but even then, you were more concerned for him then you were scared for yourself, speaking to him softly to settle him down.
He’s never seen this. He wants it to go away. Desperately.
“I’d like to leave,” you finally say after a few moments of silence, and your voice is so vacant of emotion that it leaves him feeling even more sick.
Dazai nods, because he can’t bring himself to speak. 
He holds his hand out for you, waiting for you to take it.
You don’t.
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You haven’t spoken a word since the event hall, and Dazai doesn’t know what to do. He used to find peace in silence—for years, he’d become accustomed to it, isolating himself from everyone around him, keeping everyone at arm’s length. The most he ever spoke was a few sentences to give out orders to his executives; his voice had become hoarse and raspy over the years of self-imposed isolation, unused to being utilized. But the past few months with you have utterly obliterated any semblance of comfort Dazai had found in solidarity. 
It’s become entirely intolerable, the silence is making him sick with anxiety; he has hundreds of lifetimes worth of memories with you and he can’t even vaguely predict what to expect from you right now. You’ve been tense and cold since leaving the event hall. Dazai tried to open up a conversation in the car once but found himself promptly ignored. Chuuya tried to say something to you but only received the same cold shoulder. Even Albatross tried to lighten the mood when the four of you got in the car, but all you did was stare out the window with your back to Dazai. 
Now, you’re back up in his penthouse with him. You haven’t sat down. You’ve hardly budged from where you’re standing near the elevator—Dazai wonders if you’re scared of him now, if you want to be as close as possible to the only exit in fear of him lashing out at you. The thought makes him even more nauseous.
He doesn’t even know what to do with himself. He doesn’t want to sit down, he’s uncomfortable standing in the living room, waiting for you to say something, and he can’t bring himself to try to break the silence because if there’s one thing he learned very swiftly, it’s that he can’t handle being ignored by you. He’d prefer anger and hate to the stonewall iciness you’re giving him.
He can’t even fathom what you might be thinking right now. You’re not looking at him. You’re staring at the window that looks over the city, he can see the bright flashing lights from Cosmo World flickering faintly in your eyes. It’s so quiet that he can hear the distant honking of horns, police sirens coming from the streets below. 
He just wants you to say something, do something. Yell at him. Scream at him. Hit him or punch him. Anything is better than this. 
It feels like an eternity before you finally move away from the elevator. You still don’t speak, but Dazai watches raptly as you make your way into the kitchen. You fling open the cabinets, searching for something, and Dazai’s lips part to ask what you’re looking for but he decides against it. You stop with your jerky movements when you catch sight of the numerous bottles of sake Dazai has stored in his cabinets—room temperature, because Dazai can’t stand cold drinks, they make his teeth hurt. He watches you struggle to uncap it and his body itches to move toward you to help but he knows it won’t do any good. It’ll probably just piss you off more.
When you get the cap off, you’re immediately bringing it to your lips. One. Two. Three. Four large gulps before you put the bottle back down on the counter and turn to look at him. The emptiness in your eyes is gone, replaced by something caught between hurt and anger and betrayal. It makes his heart sink, but he thinks it’s preferable to the emptiness.
“You lied to me,” you finally rasp out, shaking your head as you pace behind the counter. There’s a whole length of a room separating the two of you and Dazai longs for your touch but he forces himself to stuff his hands in his pockets and keep still. “You lied to me, Dazai.”
“Osamu,” he corrects quietly without thinking, not liking the switch up. He’d finally gotten you to call him by his given name earlier in the night, he doesn’t want to lose it so quickly.
For the briefest of seconds, the hurt and betrayal in your eyes disappears and only fire rages in them. “Dazai,” you spit out pointedly. 
Dazai almost draws back, not having expected that. In all of the other universes, you’ve always been gentle with him even when you’re livid. You speak his name softly, even with a tight jaw and fisted hands—his given name, you’ve never used his surname against him like this before. Probably because most of the major fights he had with you in those other lives, it was months into the relationship; it’s only been a few weeks in this life so of course-
Dazai realizes, a bit dizzy, that he’s about to lose you.
You found out too soon. You found out through Dostoevsky, through Dazai's own loss of control. You found out in the worst possible way and you found out too soon.
Dazai is about to lose you.
“Okay,” he murmurs, not wanting to test your temper anymore, giving in as a means to try to soothe your anger, regardless of how much it might wound him because being wounded is nothing compared to losing you. “Dazai.”
His compliance seems to do nothing to quell your anger from the way you just scoff and shake your head again, looking away from him. You stare out over the city, dozens of emotions cloud your expression but Dazai still can’t predict what you might do next. He feels out of his depth, in murky waters with an anchor tied to his ankle.
“I knew it, you know?” you finally say quietly. “I knew it from the beginning, honestly, but I kept making excuses for you. I mean, the guns. The secrecy. You weren’t really subtle about it. Did you think I was stupid, or something?” 
“Never,” Dazai says honestly, without hesitation. He sees your gaze flicker down to the ground at his words, but you don’t make any move to speak again so he takes the opportunity to, in hopes that you’ll finally listen. “You’re the smartest woman I know. I-”
You interrupt him with a sharp laugh, it’s loud and almost cruel, and Dazai turns in on himself at the sound of it. He feels small and unsteady, like a child who’s being scolded by a parent. When you look at him again, your eyes are wide and wild, half-crazed in sheer disbelief. You don’t believe him. Of course, you don’t. It’s plainly displayed on your face. And why would you anyway? He’s given you every reason not to. 
“If you think I’m so smart, why didn’t you think I would figure it out?”
He tries to say that he knew you would. That he’s been living in fear for weeks that you’d finally see him for what he is but when he opens his mouth to say it, no words leave him. Like he’s frozen in fear, ice crawling through his veins, stones weighing on his tongue; he can’t respond, and he knows that he’s only condemning himself more. He tries to force something out but he can’t even make the barest hint of a sound. The mindkiller. He’s never responded well to fear, much less when you’re involved. 
You click your tongue, as if to solidify that his silence proves your point, or maybe you know what he can't bring himself to say and you just don't believe him. His stomach churns again, and dread spreads through chest when you say: “If I’m so smart, and I was going to figure it out anyway, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“You would have left.” Dazai is finally able to speak, but he speaks the wrong answer, clearly, from the way you let out another humorless, breathless laugh, eyes wide in disbelief. You look at him like he’s the most audacious man in the entire world. Maybe he is.
“Yeah, I would have,” you agree and Dazai flinches. “Without hesitation, without even looking back. And now, I can’t because you made me fall in love with you without even warning me about what I was getting myself into.”
Dazai’s heart should be leaping through the roof at your confession, but if anything, he feels even worse. His throat feels clogged and his chest feels so heavy. You’ve never regretted falling in love with him before. Not in any lifetime.
“I’m sorry,” he breathes out, because he doesn’t know what else to say. The words are still foreign on his tongue, he doesn’t think he’s ever apologized to someone in this life before the last twenty-four hours.
“No, you’re not,” you say bitterly, looking away. “Isn’t this what you wanted? For me to care so much about you that when you finally tell me who you are and what you do, I won’t be able to leave.”
Dazai stares at you, lost. He remembers how just the other day he was finding comfort in the way you could read him so easily, knowing he didn’t have to speak for you to know what he needed at the moment. He thinks he hates it now, because you’re finally reading deeper into his soul and seeing him for the sick, twisted monster he really is. Just like he feared from day one. Manipulative. Selfish. Undeserving. His fingers tremble in his pockets, nails biting into his palm so deep that he can feel blood trickling down his skin, but not even the stinging pain can distract him from the numbness spreading through him. 
“I didn’t-”
“Didn’t what?” you interrupt him. “You didn’t think I’d be upset? You didn’t think I’d be angry? Or maybe you didn’t think it would happen this soon? Is that it, Dazai? You thought you’d have more time to win me over in hopes that I’d take the news in stride. News flash, Dazai, no amount of time or charm would have made me accept this easily. Accept you easily. How could I ever accept any of this?”
Nausea rises to his throat so suddenly that he almost gags. He feels dizzy, taking a step back so that his back is against the wall, keeping him steady. Your last words echo through his head over and over again, he can’t escape them. The one person who’s always accepted him in every lifetime, the only person he was ever able to find a home in—how could I ever accept you? 
His cheeks feel wet, his eyes are wide as he stares at you. He doesn’t know how to respond to that. He doesn’t even think he could if he knew how to respond to that. His lungs are burning and his throat feels so swollen that even just the thought of trying to speak is painful. 
You let out a sharp breath, caught between a hysterical laugh and a sob as you press your hands to either side of your neck and pace across the kitchen. “What am I supposed to do, Dazai?” you ask, voice hoarse. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”
He thinks it might be a rhetorical question, but he still forces out: “Don’t leave me.”
You scoff again, louder and harsher this time. Dazai’s eyes flutter shut as if to futilely minimize the blow. “I wish leaving you was still an option for me.”
Oh. He’s going to throw up. 
He wants to blame it on the alcohol he drank earlier in the night. He wants to blame it on the stress of the past few weeks. He wants to blame it on anything but this, even though he knows damn well that this conversation is what triggered the bile that rises to his throat. He forces himself to move, nearly tripping over his feet to get to the bathroom because he doesn’t want you to see him vomiting up his guts.
He hardly makes it to the toilet, crashing to his knees and clutching at the seat as he dry heaves. Nothing comes up—he hasn’t eaten enough the past few days to have anything solid in him, too busy with preparations—but he can’t stop gagging, eyes stinging with tears and throat burning. He doesn’t know how long he stays crumpled at the toilet, losing track of time entirely, a part of him just wants to stay there forever so he doesn’t have to go back out and face you. 
Evidently, he doesn’t have to go back out and face you because you come to him. 
He’s gagging again when he feels your hand brush his back, hesitantly at first and then firmly. Your touch is warm, and Dazai thinks he must look pathetic as he turns his head to the side to look at you. Your expression isn’t as harsh now, your eyes are still conflicted but your face is softer. After a moment, you take a seat on the floor next to him—you don’t say anything, but you let out a soft puff of air as you slip your arm around his shoulders once he stops heaving. 
He crumbles into your chest, body collapsing against yours. You wrap your arms around him, and at once, the numbness starts to fade away. His fingers clutch at your dress desperately, afraid that you’re going to disappear, but you only hold him tighter. You bury your face in his hair, forehead pressed to the top of his head.
“You’re so unfair, Osamu.” Your voice cracks, you’ve lost all of your fire, but Dazai finds no solace in it.
“I know,” he croaks out, throat scratchy and voice wavering. “I know.”
And then words are spilling from his lips before he can stop them, jumbled and hardly intelligible and he’s not even sure that you’re understanding what he’s saying but he can’t stop himself: “I tried. I tried to stay away, I tried so hard, you don’t understand. I knew it would turn out like this, I knew I would ruin you so I tried to stay away, but I’m selfish. I’m so selfish, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I knew better, I’m going to-you’re going to-”
The panic is returning, the words he wants to say but can’t push out are too damning: I’m going to get you killed. You’re going to die because of me. Dazai is breathing but the air isn’t getting to his lungs, his chest burns, and now even with your arms around him, the numbness is returning. It’s rapid now, spreading from his chest to his arms, down his abdomen to his legs; it’s going to consume him entirely, he can feel it, he can-
Your lips press to his. Tilting his head back to angle his face up toward you, you lean down and press your lips against his, swallowing his words, his air, his panic. One of your hands cup his cheek while the other cradles the back of his head, Dazai can hardly kiss you back, his lips feel cold and prickly, but his eyes flutter shut as your lips move slowly and carefully against his.
Not for the first time, he thinks that he doesn’t deserve this. Especially not now. He tastes something wet and salty against his lips—he doesn’t know if you’re the one crying, or if he is, and he doesn’t want to know, so he forces himself to move. His arm feels heavy and clunky, and his fingers feel stiff, but he’s able to bring them up to your face, palms cupping your cheeks as the tips of his fingers tangle into your hair. He kisses you until his lungs are screaming for air, and even as he starts to feel lightheaded, he kisses you still, because your lips are the only thing able to push away the numbness overwhelming him. 
When you break away from him, you keep your foreheads pressed together, nose nudging against his. You share the same thin sliver of air and Dazai feels dizzy, he wants to kiss you again but he doesn’t think he’s capable of moving yet, so he only stays crumbled in your arms, waiting for you to grace him with your lips again. 
“I wish I still had the chance to be a better man,” Dazai says hoarsely, honestly, gaze searching yours desperately. “I would be. For you.”
Please believe me, he thinks to himself helplessly, because it’s the truth. He would try to be. For your sake. He might fail, he might be too far gone, his soul corrupted beyond salvation and his blood black beyond purification, but he would try. He would try so hard for you. But he can’t, not in this lifetime, not without risking everything he’s strove to protect since coming in contact with the Book. He has to stay the criminal, the monster, the demon so that you and Odasaku can live out your lives here. Until Dostoevsky, Christie, and any other person that could turn out to be a threat to either of you are killed, Dazai has to keep playing this role. He has to. 
You don’t respond. Dazai thinks it’s because you don’t believe him and it makes him feel sick again. His lips part to repeat himself but you only press yours against his, as if to silence him. 
You don’t believe him, the kiss confirms it, and his heart sinks but he can’t even bring himself to protest, to insist that it’s true. Instead, he decides if he can’t prove it through his words, he’ll prove it through his actions. Even though his limbs still feel leaden and clumsy, he forces himself into a better position, sitting up a bit more and bringing both of his hands up to cup your cheeks. He tilts your head back, leaning into you and slowly pressing you back against the floor and distantly Dazai recognizes that this is not the place for this but the thought is only fleeting, he’s too lost in the feeling of your lips against his and your body pressed to him.
And you let him ease you back against the floor. You let him tilt your head back and when his tongue darts out to swipe against your bottom lip, you part your lips for him. He doesn’t have to knock your knees apart, because you spread them just enough for him to slot his hips between them to keep your bodies flush. He wonders if you can feel how clunky his movements are—his fingers still feel heavy against your face and he can hardly hold himself up above you. He hopes he’s not crushing you with his weight, he might be, but you don’t seem to care. 
He pulls back to ask if you’re okay with this but you chase his lips and he lets out a soft, muffled noise when you tug gently at his bottom lip and bring your free hand up to cup the back of his head, fingers tangling with his hair, pulling him back down to you. You drag your lips from his to slide them down his neck to the edge of his bandages. He twitches a bit at the feeling, wondering if you’re going to ask to take them off, but instead, you just trail your lips back upward, nipping at his jaw, and he shudders.
And then he finally hesitates, pulling away and not letting you chase after this time. He weighs his options in his head anxiously. He feels like he should do something, that he owes something—a lowering of a mask, a show of vulnerability, you’re entitled to at least that much after everything he’s done. Aren't you?
You give him a curious look and he tries to respond—he does, his lips part for him to speak but nothing leaves them. He swallows thickly, eyes fluttering shut as he braces himself before trying again, bringing one of his hands to yours and wrapping his fingers around it gently, lifting it from his chest to the bandages covering the left side of his face.
“Take them off,” he tells you, voice hoarse and shakier than he would have liked.
Your eyes widen, and he shudders a bit when your fingers smooth against the bandages, uncertain. “Are you sure?” you ask him softly, bringing your other hand to his opposite cheek, cupping his face in your hands again, eyes searching to make sure he means it.
Is he sure? Dazai doesn’t know. He can’t speak again as he stares down at you; a part of him is nervous, and he doesn’t even understand why. You already know who he is, what he is, but a part of him still fears that once you actually see him, something will change. And it’s ridiculous, so many other universes you’ve seen him without his bandages and you’ve never made him feel uncomfortable about it. But you’ve also never used his surname against him during an argument in the other universes, you’ve never regretted loving him, and you’ve certainly never wished you could leave him. 
So, yeah, he thinks the anxiety of you removing his bandages and then seeing him in a different light might be more of a possibility in this universe than any other one. His body is more covered in scars than not, and he knows it’s not attractive; he thinks if he sees your expression shift in a negative way when the bandages come off, it might shatter him entirely.
Just the face bandages then, he bargains with himself, swallowing thickly as he forces himself to nod. You sit up from where you’re still laying back against the tiles, propping yourself on your knees to shift closer to him. 
Dazai thinks his heart might be in his throat when he feels your fingers unclip the clasp holding the bandages together around the left side of his face, eyes fluttering shut as you slowly unwind them from around his head. He isn’t sure why he’s so nervous for this part—there are no scars on his face, but he still feels distinctly vulnerable, like he’s giving you a window into himself that might reveal more than he means to. He can barely breathe as he feels the last of the bandages fall to the floor, he can hear you push them to the side. 
Still, he keeps his eyes shut, counting each second that passes. He’s anxious, can’t even bring himself to look at you until you cup his cheeks again. 
“Look at me,” you say quietly.
Dazai does as you ask, he always does. He doesn’t know what he expects when he opens his eyes to meet your gaze; he prepares himself for the worst, for a twisted expression or thinly veiled pity, but he finds none of it. Rather, your eyes are soft and fond, tracing over his face, looking between each of his. He can feel the pads of your fingers gently brushing over his cheekbones, tracing absent patterns.
“You’re so handsome, Osamu,” you whisper, one of your hands sliding behind his head, intertwining with his hair. “Why do you wear them?” 
Dazai doesn’t know how to answer that. His throat feels swollen at your words, eyes a bit misty and fingers trembling against your thighs. Instead, he breathes out, “Kiss me.”
And you do. 
God, when you kiss him again, it’s so intense that it has his head spinning. He doesn’t know how long he sits there kissing you, back against the cabinets with you half in his lap. It could be a few seconds, or a few minutes, or a few hours—he has no concept of time whenever his lips are against yours. It’s only when you press your hand against his shoulder, murmuring for him to get up, that he finally pulls himself away from you.
Dazai forces himself to push up to his feet—it’s much more difficult than he thought it would be, nearly tripping over his own feet, but you follow him up to your feet, steadying him when he almost tumbles over. You bring your hand up to rest against his cheek, fingers gently toying with the edges of his hair. He leans into your touch, eyes fluttering shut for just a moment before he forces himself to look you in the eye. 
“You’re so frustrating,” you say softly, but all of the fire is gone, replaced by that same soft look you’ve directed toward him—not him—hundreds of times before. “You are so frustrating, Osamu.”
His throat feels tight again, the sound of his name on your lips causing a wave of warmth to spread through him, the numbness slowly subsiding.
“I know,” he whispers, swallowing thickly, and you sigh, gaze averting to the side for a moment before you look back at him. He still can’t fathom what you might be thinking and it scares him.
But then you kiss him again, your other hand coming up to his other cheek and his hands fly to your waist, holding you close. You walk him backward, out of the bathroom and into the hallway. His back hits the wall and you press your body close to his, and this time it’s you whose tongue is darting out to brush his bottom lip, urging him to part his lips for you. He does, and he thinks he might be in heaven when he feels your tongue dip into his mouth, sliding against his tongue. His eyes flutter shut, rolling back just a bit when you trace the back of his teeth with your tongue before sucking gently on his bottom lip.
Your hands slide down from his face to his chest, over his jacket, down to his waist. Your fingers hook in his belt loops and Dazai groans as your lips ghost from his down to his jaw, breath shaky as trail slow, wet kisses to the sensitive spot behind his ear. He can hardly do anything but follow along as you guide him from where he’s been backed against the wall into his bedroom, dazed and entirely consumed by your touch. His head already feels a bit fuzzy, breath hitching as your teeth graze his pulse point, kissing down to the edge of his bandages and then across his throat.
He barely even knows where he is until he feels the back of his knees hit his bed and he topples backward until he’s laying flat on it. His chest is heaving, head dizzy and breath shaky as you straddle his waist. You don’t kiss him again and Dazai wants to drag you down for another but he can’t even bring himself to move. His body refuses to cooperate, nervous that he’s going to make the wrong move.
“Do you want this?” you finally ask after a moment, voice raspy as one of your hands squeeze his gently, as if to get his attention. 
Dazai’s brows furrow a bit, lips parting to respond but for a second, no words leave them. You wait with the patience of a saint as Dazai tries to process what you’re asking and respond to it. After what feels like an eternity, he nods once. Of course, he wants it. You search his eyes as if to make sure he’s not just agreeing to agree, and once you’re satisfied, you continue you with: 
“And do you trust me?” you ask softly, your gaze gentle as it searches his face for the next answer.
Dazai doesn’t hesitate this time, and he speaks as he breathes out, “With everything.”
He can’t tell what you’re thinking, but your expression is still soft and your touch is still gentle as you run your thumb over his knuckles. Dazai doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the gentleness you show him. You lift your hand to cup his cheek and he leans into your touch, throat spasming beneath his bandages as he waits for you to say something. 
“Let me take the lead then,” you say quietly, his eyes widen a bit at your words. “I want to try something.”
He watches you carefully for a moment, guarded and studying you. He thinks this might be another first, and the thought alone makes him feel a bit giddy because he can’t recall any other life where you’ve ever been the one to take the lead like this, especially the first time the two of you sleep together. You look a bit anxious the longer he goes without responding, so he nods and says, “Okay.”
He’s pliant beneath your touch as you lean down to press your lips against his; he lets out a soft, muffled noise when he feels your hips shift, unintentionally grinding down a bit on his straining cock. He’s more hesitant this time in the way his lips move against yours, unsure of what to do with himself. His fingers twitch from where they're resting on the bed, itching to grab your hips but not wanting to make the wrong move.
This has happened every time one of you tries to take the next step, either he gets interrupted or he ends up getting cold feet because he’s scared of doing the wrong thing and making you uncomfortable. And it’s ridiculous because Dazai has so many memories, he should know at least vaguely what you like and what you don’t like but he thinks having the memories are a double-edged sword because he overwhelms himself if what ifs: what if he assumes you like something and you end up not liking it in this universe, what if he does something that you only liked after the two of you have been together for a while and you’re uncomfortable with him doing it because you’re not as comfortable with him. Maybe Dazai is just overthinking it all but how can he not when you’re involved. He wants everything to be perfect for you. 
“Is this okay?” you whisper, separating your lips from his just enough for him to answer your question. Your breath mingles with his and Dazai can hardly think straight; it’s hot, dizzying, there’s something so intimate about it that it makes his body fuzzy.
“Yeah,” he says, eyelashes fluttering as he looks up at you. “It’s okay.”
You kiss him again. His lips move against yours desperately, needy, he’d be embarrassed if you weren’t matching his energy, but you are. He can feel your fingers tugging at his hair, your hips grinding down against his. Every time you start to pull away, he lifts his head from where it’s laying flush against the pillows, chasing your lips. 
He needs you. His hands slide from your thighs to your waist, keeping your body pressed to his. He’s needed you since the day he came in contact with the Book and learned about you, since the day he met you at the club, maybe even since the day he was born even if he hadn’t known it at the time. He thinks his entire life has led to this, to the two of you being together; your souls have been entangled since the moment you were born and he isn’t sure how he ever thought a life without you was possible. 
“I need you,” he gasps against your lips, hips jerking up just a bit to try to alleviate the pressure building in his lower abdomen, desperate to reach down and unbutton his slacks, but wanting you to make the first move.
Whatever nerves that have made him get cold feet all of the other times the two of you have tried to take the next stop are long gone. You don’t give him any time to wonder if he’s doing the wrong thing—the fingers of one of your hands intertwining with his dark locks, just tight enough to make him hiss into your mouth, eyes rolling back at the pleasant sting. Your other hand slides across his chest, even through his dress shirt, your fingertips seem to scorch through to his skin, leaving his body tingling everywhere you touch.
“You have me,” you tell him, breathless, and Dazai can’t bite back the noise that slips from his lips, wanton and obscene, borderline pornographic—if he was any more coherent, he might be embarrassed but he can’t find it in him. Not when he’s finally getting what he’s wanted after all of this time. 
His hands fly down to his slacks, he fumbles with the button and zipper before yanking them down just enough to free his cock and he watches as you sit back on his thighs, eyes wide and lips parted as your gaze focuses in on his cock, watching as the leaking precum dribbles down his length, alongside the vein running along the underside of his cock. 
“Please,” he breathes out, fingers biting into your thighs as he bunches your dress up to your hips, another low moan spilling from his lips just at the thought of what’s about to happen, lashes fluttering.
You don’t even take off your panties, clearly driven by the same desperation that he is as you slide them to the side and position yourself above his cock and Dazai gnaws at his bottom lip when he feels the tip pressing against your entrance. He can feel how wet you are already, so drenched that your slick is dripping down the length of his cock. His hips stutter up instinctively, but instead of pushing inside, his cock slides between your folds and he whimpers, arm flying to cover the lower half of his face. You don’t let him, fingers wrapping around his wrist to pull his arm from his face and pin it to the mattress above him.
“Don’t hide yourself,” you say softly.
Dazai thinks there must be stars in his eyes as he looks up at you. You’re so beautiful, lips parted as you pant softly, an adoring expression on your face as you look down at him. He loves you. He loves you, god, he loves you more than he’s ever loved anything in his life; he thinks that nothing the other Dazais ever felt for any of the other yous could ever compare to how he feels for you.
When his tip starts to push into your tight hole, all he can let out is another loud, lewd noise; his head falls back against the pillows. His ears are ringing, but distantly, he can hear you gasp. His vision is blurry as he forces himself to look up at you but Dazai thinks you look otherworldly with your head tilted back as his cock starts to stretch you out, lips swollen and wet from the kisses you’d shared. He thinks he must look insane, pupils blown wide and eyes wild as he tries to focus on the sight of you. All of the clever wheels that usually turn within his mind are crumbling.
His fingertips leave crescents in your thighs as you sink down on his cock slowly—too slow, it leaves his head dizzy as your warmth slowly envelops his length. He’s imagined this so many times before. Dozens. Hundreds. He has so many memories of the feeling of your body flush to his, thighs over his shoulders as he fucks you deep and slow, swallowing your moans, but he thinks that nothing compares to this, the sight of you above him, watching your body tremble and face shift as his cock stretches you out. He barely refrains from letting out a string of strangled curses, barely able to hold his eyes open to watch you. 
You give yourself a moment to adjust, and when you do, you look down at Dazai. He thinks he must look a mess—chest heaving, breath erratic, eyes heavy and lidded and entirely glazed over—but he doesn’t care, not with the way your hand slides up his abdomen, fingers tracing patterns along the bandages covering his body. You look beautiful—you always look beautiful—but you look extra beautiful right now, and he thinks he could stare at you forever and never tire of it. 
Experimentally, you roll your hips—it’s still slow, agonizingly slow—and Dazai throws his head back, another obscene moan spilling from  his lips.
“Fuck,” he gasps, his fingers falling from your thighs to twist the sheets below him, knuckles white. “Feels so good. So good.”
You let out a hum that’s caught between a moan and agreement as you continue the slow rolls of your hips, hands sliding up and down his abdomen in a way that’s deceptively innocent and soothing compared to how his cock is dragging along your walls. His body shudders at the feeling of it, heat pooling in his abdomen so quickly that it has his whole body tensing as he tries to push it away. 
“You’re so perfect.” Words spill from his lips, more of a babble than anything else as you lean down to ghost your lips over his jaw, nibbling over the bandages covering his Adam’s apple. It bobs beneath your teeth as he lets out another shaky noise. “S’like you’re made for me. I’d do anything for you. Anything. You know that, right? Anything you want, it’s yours.”
He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, clawing at the sheets and occasionally reaching for your thighs, and he doesn’t know what to do with his body, hips jerking up at an erratic pace, like he’s trying to meet your pace but his body simply can’t match the slow rolls of your hips, desperate for more. He doesn’t know how you’re so put together—maybe you’re not, he can see through a blurry vision how your lashes are fluttering with each roll of your hips, breath shaky, but you’re just not as far gone as he already is.
“Anything?” you murmur, and he can feel your lips curve up against his neck.
“Anything.” His breath hitches, fingers reaching for your hips as he rocks his up into you, a desperate attempt to get you to pick up the pace. “‘d give you the whole world, burn it for you, anything you want, I’d give it to you.”
His hands slide up from your thighs to your waist as you lean down to press your lips against his in a deceptively innocent kiss. He tries to chase your lips as you straighten up but you don’t let him, one of your hands curling around his throat—not choking him, but firm enough that it goes right to his cock, lips parting in a silent moan—while the other braces back on his thigh.
He thinks that nothing could have prepared him for the feeling of you picking up the pace. His breath hitches, he chokes over a moan, stars sparkle in his vision as the tip of his cock presses deep inside of you. You sigh out his name and Dazai thinks this might be the closest he ever gets to heaven: you on top of him, cock buried to the hilt in your cunt, the sight of your blissed out face above him as his head spins. 
“Oh, fuck,” Dazai cries out, back arching and hand flying to cover his face again but the hand you have on his thigh flies forward to snatch his wrist before he can, pinning it back above his head. Dazai’s eyes roll back, you’re leaning over him entirely now, leaning most of your weight on the hand that’s pinning his wrist but the new angle adds pressure onto how you’re squeezing his neck, paring his airways just enough to make his lungs burn. “More. Faster, fuck, I-ah-”
His voice falls off into another moan, head falling to the side to press his cheek against the pillow. He thinks drool is starting to pool at the corner of his lips but he doesn’t care, he can’t even think at this point, too lost in the lewd sound of skin-on-skin, the sloppiness of his cock fucking deep in your cunt, your soft moans and gasps, lost in the feeling of your tight walls clamping down on his cock, the warmth, the wetness, your fingers digging into his wrist and the sides of his neck. He wants to tell you that he needs more but the words are garbled, entirely unintelligible. 
He forces his eyes back open, feeling the tears spilling over his cheeks just from the intensity of it all, the intensity of you. You’re gentle with him even when your hand is wrapped around his throat and his cock is splitting you open—he can feel the soothing circles you rub with your thumb, he can see the way you’re searching his face to make sure he’s okay. Dazai is just so overwhelmed that he can’t stop the way his next moan breaks into a sob; acutely realizing just how deprived he’d been of any type of care or love before meeting you, and forcibly coming to terms with the fact that he is never going to be able to go without this again, without you again. He’d known it to some extent before this, the thought of losing you and the light you bring him has made his stomach churn violently but this…
He’s torn from his thoughts when you suddenly stop the rolls of your hips, halting the spreading heat in his lower abdomen desperately. The noise that escapes him is something caught between distress and betrayal, dark eyes wide as he looks up at you questioningly, but the expression on your face makes his breath catch. Your hand slides up from his throat to cup his cheek, your other hand releasing his wrist so that you can hold his face between your hands, thumbs wiping away the tears spilling over his cheeks.
Distantly, Dazai recognizes that he’s still choking over sobs and that’s probably why you’ve stopped and that only rips his chest apart more because of course, you’re still putting him above you—even when you’re mad, even when you’ve just fought, when he’s betrayed you in a way that should be unforgivable, you’re still kissing away his tears and putting aside your own needs to take care of him
He doesn’t deserve you. Not in any universe, but especially not in this one.
He thinks he could stay here for eternity. Fuck the rest of the world. Fuck the Port Mafia. Fuck his plan. He just wants to stay here with you, your lips brushing his, sharing the same sliver of air. He leans into your touch, groaning against your lips when he feels your walls spasm around him.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathes out, unsure if you can even understand him. “You’re so-”
His words fall off into another moan, and he can’t control his hips as they thrust up sharply against yours, another string of incoherent curses escaping his hips as your breath catches and you straighten back up, head falling back as you gasp his name.
Your nails dig crescents into his upper thighs through his bandages as you brace yourself back against them. You move your hips again—faster, this time, harder, and Dazai thinks his head is in the clouds. He’s so deep inside of you that he can feel everything, jaw falling slack as heat spreads through his body too rapidly for him to get control over. He wants to throw a hand over his mouth to muffle the lewd, pitched moans spilling from his lips but he can’t drag his hands from where they’re clawing at your hips, desperately trying to help you meet him with each thrust.
“I-hah-shit, I’m gonna-fuck-”
He slurs out your name and several obscenities, trying to warn you that he’s going to cum when he feels his cock twitching inside of you and his abdomen tensing, but you only lean down to press a lingering kiss to the corner of his lips and Dazai is gone. He wants to watch you, he tries, but he can’t hold his eyes open, they’re half-rolled back as he chokes over moans of your name, hips stilling as he cums deep inside of you. His body twitches, expression twisted as he presses his head so hard into the pillow that he thinks he might permanently indent it. 
His head is spinning, lungs burning, sweat beading at his forehead and hair matted to his face—he thinks he’s never cum so hard in his entire life; all of the nights he spent alone, desperately trying to fuck his hand to the thought of you in attempts to mimic how you’ve made all the other Dazais feel, to give himself some semblance of the pleasure you’ve brought him in other lives to hold him over on particularly lonely nights, they’ve never felt like this.
You don’t stop, even as he squirms and lets out jumbled pleas beneath you, body shuddering at the overstimulation but you’re too lost in chasing your own high now. He spasms beneath you, nails digging into your thigh as you fuck his cum deeper inside of you, bouncing on his cock desperately. He doesn’t care that the sensitivity is pushing his body to the brink, letting you use him however you want if it means he gets to see you like this. 
Dazai’s head feels light, pins and needles pricking his body—he thinks he might pass out but he forces himself to hold on, enraptured by the sight of you on top of him with your eyes half-rolled back, lips parted and throat bared to him. Your tits are half-spilling out over the low-cut of your dress and Dazai thinks you’re fucking divine. The only holy thing in this godless world. He wants to spend the rest of his life worshiping you.
“I’m gonna-” you gasp, head falling backward as one final roll of your hips that has your clit grinding against his pelvic bone sends you spiraling over the edge. 
Dazai wants to sear the image of you behind his eyelids, watching as your nails drag against his thighs, drawing red lines even through the bandages, back arching, head tossed back—your body is trembling violently as you cum on his cock, expression twisted and entirely blissed out, sobbing over his name. He chokes and gasps at the feeling of your cunt tightening around his sensitive cock again, jaw tight and spots dancing in his vision as he’s so abruptly pushed over the edge a second time, the coil in his abdomen tightening and snapping all within the span of a few seconds.
He’s still reeling when he feels you slump forward onto his chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck, shivering in the aftershocks of your orgasm. He’s only half aware as he instinctively brings his hands up to rest on your hips, rubbing soft circles of your hip bones to try to soothe you. 
He shudders when you press a kiss to his neck right at the edge of his bandages, and then tilt your head up to press another on his jaw. One of your hands comes up to caress the back of his head, fingers carding through the dark locks in a way that has his eyes drooping shut. 
“We’re not done with this conversation,” you finally say after a few moments of silence, voice soft, breaking the silence. Dazai stiffens a bit, lips parting to respond but no words leave them. “... but let’s just lay like this for a while first, okay?”
He lets out a shaky breath, still not entirely convinced that he’s not going to lose you, so he lets his eyes flutter shut as he nods. He may as well bask in this for as long as he can, and if you notice the way his fingers dig just a little deeper into your skin after your words process, you don’t mention it. 
“Yeah,” he murmurs, “okay.”
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Dazai wakes up the next morning and you’re nowhere to be seen. The bed is frighteningly cold next to him and his heart is instantly in his throat. He doesn’t waste a second before he’s sitting up in bed, looking around, eyes wild and heart racing. He doesn’t settle down, not until his eyes fall upon where you’re sitting curled up on the chair of the desk he never uses, eyes trained on the dark clouds outside the window, the beauty of the sunrise wilted by a morning storm.
“His intention was to make me leave you.” You’re not looking at him, but you must have heard him sit up. “Fyodor Dostoevsky. The things he told me, they were to make me leave you.”
Dazai doesn’t move an inch, throat swelling. He forces himself to ask, “What did he tell you?”
He isn’t sure if he wants to know.
“It doesn’t matter,” you say—Dazai thinks that it definitely does, but he bites back the questions that rise to his tongue because you’re clearly not about to budge on your answer. “Who is he?”
“A monster,” Dazai bites out, bitterness seeping into his tone as he leans back against the headboard, eyes still trained on where you’re curled on his chair, gaze distant. “You have to stay away from him.”
“Well, I didn’t intend on seeking him out,” you say it so dryly that Dazai nearly finds humor in it. Nearly. The smile that rises to his lips is mirthless at best. You turn to look at him, finally, and Dazai finds only cool indifference on your face; the fondness, the softness, the gentleness from last night are all gone. He wonders if you regret it, but he doesn’t let that thought linger, it’ll only make him sick. “... He doesn’t seem like the type to give up.”
“He never is,” Dazai murmurs, ignoring the brief, questioning look you direct toward him, mind drifting off to all of the Russian’s incessant attempts to take you from him in all of the other universes. “Did he tell you what his plan was?”
Dazai doubts it, but maybe there was something he said to you that shed some light to it.
“He didn’t have to,” you say quietly. “He wants Yokohama, for whatever reason—couldn’t figure that out, I think he’s looking for something—and clearly, he has to get through you to get it. He thinks the best way of getting through you is by taking me away from you first. That’s what I’d gathered from how he was talking at least, what he was saying about you, the way he was phrasing it. I’d put together enough on my own during the night to fill in the blanks. He told me things about what you’d done as… what you’d done as boss of the Port Mafia—things you’ve done to enemies… to allies. He told me that I’d see the real you as soon as you realize that the meeting he set up was a farce; that the mask you put up would crumble and I would see you for the demon that you are.”
Dazai doesn’t respond, jaw tight as he averts his gaze to the window—he’d played right into Dostoevsky’s hands. He can hardly bring himself to look at you; he wonders if you do see him differently now that the cloud from the night before has worn off, but he can’t bring himself to ask. Now’s not the time anyway, there are more pressing matters.
“... He’ll come after me again, won’t he?” you ask quietly. “Getting me to leave you willingly didn’t work. If he’s so set on me being the trigger to your downfall, then he’ll come after me again.”
He would. As he always has. Of course, Dostoevsky would try to get to him through you, he’s tried it in every universe, and Dazai hadn’t been careful enough. He hadn’t been smart enough. He’d known this was going to happen and was still arrogant enough to believe he could somehow prevent it. He was a fool, and he was a fool at the cost of your safety. He doesn’t know how to respond to you, he doesn’t want to confirm your suspicions, he doesn’t want to admit that this is all his fault, that he knew this would happen and was selfish enough to pursue you anyway.
“... I’m scared, Osamu,” you finally say quietly, and you suddenly look a lot smaller from where you’re sitting on his desk chair, hunched over with your knees tucked to your chest. “I’m really scared.”
Dazai’s heart claws up to his throat and he pushes himself out of bed, still dressed haphazardly in his suit from the night before. He makes his way over to you and kneels in front of you, hands curling around your ankles as he looks up at you.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he tells you, voice a bit more raspier than he intended for it to come across as. “I don’t care what I have to do to ensure it, how low I have to stoop. I will not let anything happen to you, do you understand?”
Your eyes meet his, and he can’t help but notice that doubt still riddles your gaze as you search his face, as if you want to believe him but can’t bring yourself to. A pit starts to grow in his stomach, wide and gaping as he realizes that this is all really about to happen, and one mistake on his part could lead you to the same fate you’ve met in so many other worlds because of him.
Finally, the doubt slowly clears as you let out a soft breath, nodding, and Dazai inhales sharply, laying his forehead against your shin as he lets his eyes slide shut.
He won’t let it happen. Not again. 
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again there was NO plot development in the smut - you guys didn't miss out on anything, pinky swear. i restructured the scene to fit the only notable scene (bandage removal) into the part before the smut, so if that felt a little forced, that was why </3 it wasn't supposed to be there. i was struggling trying to figure out how to move it upward a bit. the only arguable "plot" development was dazai letting go of his control freakiness to let her take the lead
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gloomwitchwrites · 7 months
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Tattoo Artist Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Chapter Specific Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): foul language, death of a spouse, brief descriptions of death & injury, symptoms of grief, brief suggestive themes
Word Count: 5.1k
A/N: Part Three of Ink & Needle
A tragedy pulls you back to England. A certain masked man follows your arrival.
Chapter Two // Chapter Four
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // ink & needle masterlist
Three Years Later
Outside the café window, the sky is a dark gray, threatening rain. Across the street is the Cambridge train station. Commuters move to and away from the station, many of them jumping into cabs, waiting at the nearby bus terminal, or entering the pedestrian areas. Several even enter the café you’re currently waiting in.
Your fingers tap on the plastic lid of your coffee cup in a steady, nervous thrum. Your sandwich is off to the side, hardly touched. You’ve only managed a few bites. It’s not that the sandwich is bad but that you’re so exhausted that even food turns your stomach.
At the moment, sleep is an elusive creature, and you certainly cannot curl up in your chair and fall asleep in the café.
You haven’t slept in hours. Anxiousness simmers in every part of your body. On the flight into O’Hare International, you almost puked up your breakfast. Then, on the connecting flight into London, your stomach was a roiling mess. You spent the whole flight staring at the ceiling of the plane praying that you didn’t need to quickly run to the bathroom. The train from London to Cambridge was no better. Your stomach still isn’t cooperating.
You sigh and try again anyway. Tearing into the sandwich, you chew slowly, thinking that maybe if you only focus on the flavors, you’ll sense something.
The bite is dead in your mouth. Bland.
Perhaps you’re getting sick.
You glance out the café window, your gaze scanning the sidewalk and street. Evie is late, which is so unlike her, but entirely understandable. She just buried Archie less than a week ago, and the whole reason you’re back in London is because of the fucking shitty situation Evie is in now that Archie is dead.
It isn’t fair. Evie doesn’t deserve any of this. The two of them should be celebrating their three-year wedding anniversary next month.
You don’t have the ability to track Evie on your phone—the cellular fees alone would be astronomical. All you have is Evie’s “on my way” text and a hope that she’ll turn up soon. You miss her. You want to hold her in your arms and remind her that there are still people in her life that love her.
Evie still hasn’t made an appearance after another ten minutes, and you turn back to the offending sandwich, taking another bite as if this one might be the one that does it.
Nothing. You almost spit it back onto the plate.
You run your hand over your face. Now that you’re sitting, and at your destination, your body is screaming out for rest. Every muscle and limb aches, and you know your eyes are likely bloodshot from the lack of sleep.
“There you are.”
The soft, melodic voice draws your gaze away from the café window. There’s Evie, beautiful even though she looks a mess. There are deep bags under her eyes and her chestnut-colored hair is bunched up on the back of her head in a bun. Worse, Evie’s eyes are watery, like at any moment she’s about to burst into tears.
Evie stands right in front of you, and as your gaze roams down her body, taking note of how disheveled she looks, you land on the one thing that makes this situation so much worse.
With one hand, Evie cradles her pregnant belly. The other rests against the bulging curve. Eight months. Her due date is coming up quick. On her and Archie’s three-year anniversary of all things.
You stand quickly and throw your arms around your best friend, squeezing her tightly but minding the belly, oozing every ounce of love you have for her into the embrace.
“I’m sorry, Evie. I’m so sorry.” Your voice nearly breaks but you manage to reel it in before it shatters.
No number of apologies could ever replace what happened. Wrong place, wrong time is what Evie was told. The bullet wasn’t even for Archie. The person aiming the gun shot wide of their mark, striking Archie in the back of the head.
He died while on a business trip for his family’s consulting firm in the United States. Archie was on his way to meet up with a few friends when his skull was blown off. Evie was told that he died quickly. That he probably didn’t feel a thing.
You draw back a bit and smile softly. “Please sit.” You pull away but keep one hand on Evie’s back, gesturing at the chair across the table from yours.
Evie winces into the seat. “How was your flight?” she asks, rubbing the top of her belly. “And the train?”
“Fine. All fine,” you reply quickly. A lie. You’re bone-tired. Aching in all sorts of places. “How are you? Are you doing okay?” You desperately need to know.
Evie has no family. None. She’s an only child. Her mother died when she was young, and her father died of Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis after his retirement. The only family she has in the world is Archie’s, and most of them despise her working-class roots. You distinctly remember Archie’s mother calling Evie a “leech” to her face minutes before the ceremony took place.
That hag of a woman sat in the front row of the church like she hadn’t just spit venom.
Reaching out, you rest your arm across the table, presenting your open palm. Evie stares down at it for a brief moment before sliding her hand into yours, squeezing. Her eyes are wet, close to spilling over, and you decide that this topic of conversation is not appropriate for such a public spot.
“We can talk about it later. If you want,” you murmur, not wanting to draw unneeded attention to her.
Eve sniffles and nods, releasing your hand to dig around in her purse for a tissue.
You slowly draw your hand back into your lap. “I can tell you about work,” you suggest. Evie daps at her eyes and then blows her nose. “Want a bite of my sandwich?”
The offer falls flat. Evie shakes her head. “You should eat it.”
And you need to eat something Evelyn Green.
“You need it more than me,” you insist. “Honestly, I’m not feeling it. Don’t want to let it go to waste.” You push the plate across the table to her.
You don’t need to ask to know Evie isn’t eating. Her cheeks are sunken and her skin is on the paler side like she’s fallen ill. Evie holds the sandwich in both hands and takes a pensive bite. She chews slowly, and then digs in as if starved.
Without Archie here, has no one checked on her? Has Archie’s family completely cut her off? It makes your blood boil.
In the States, you can’t really do anything, but now that you’re here—now that you’re actually witnessing the state she’s in—you’re fucking furious.
The best thing for you to do is to not linger on it or bring it to Evie’s attention. This is something you can tackle later when you’ve had time to calm down.
You adjust in your chair and clasp your coffee cup with both hands. “The technical writing work pays but isn’t that exciting, unless you’d like to hear about the furniture instructional manuals I’ve been editing.”
Evie grins around a bite of food and that small, amused smile is enough to ease some of that internal anxiousness.
“I do have come fiction clients. Pay isn’t nearly as good, but very enjoyable.”
Evie chews and swallows. “I’m glad you’re staying busy.” Her smile softens a bit. “And that you’re here.”
“I’ve missed you, Evelyn Green.”
“I’ve missed you, too.”
You take a small sip of your coffee. It’s gone cold.
“I’ll grab another for the road.” You lift the coffee cup. “Once you’re finished, we’ll leave.”
You take Evie’s car to her house near the outskirts of Cambridge proper. Even though Archie helped his father run the family business, he had his own ambitions when it came to his career. He took a part-time teaching job at the university. He and Evie moved out to Cambridge quickly, mostly to escape his family.
While Archie loved them, he did not love how they treated Evie. He spent a great deal of time away from them, but coming from privilege has its own issues. Archie was always called to attend this or that event, and Evie always came along.
From the street, all you see are tall hedges. When Evie pulls into the drive and stops at the gates, you glimpse a small sliver of brick. Evie presses a button on a small remote and the gate opens inward. The hedges are only a natural fence, and once you’re past them, you finally see the house Evie has called home for the past two years.
It’s all brick with wide windows and a flowerbed that follows the outline of the house. The tall hedges mark the property boundaries, and you cannot see into any of the neighbors’ yards. The property itself is deep, stretching vertically back from the road.
Evie pulls up to the garage but doesn’t pull inside. Instead, she parks the car and starts to get out. You follow suit, moving to the trunk to withdraw your suitcase.
“This is gorgeous, Evie.”
“Thank you,” she replies softly. “Archie picked it out.”
The mention of Evie’s dead husband immediately puts you on edge. You glance at your friend and frown. She’s staring off into the distance.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you go over to her and slide your arm around hers. “Show me around.”
Evie seems to melt a bit, whatever it is that held her slipping away for a moment. She tilts her head toward you and smiles. Over the next few minutes, Evie shows you the private backyard complete with garden and pool. From there, the two of you enter through the mudroom door, kicking off your shoes and heading into the living room.
The space is rustic with deep browns, greens, and golds. There is no minimalism or modernness to this home other than the appliances. You do a small turn, admiring the organized yet maximalist-leaning décor.
“Evie, I—” Your voice cuts when your gaze falls on her.
She is focused on the fireplace mantel. As your attention shifts from her to the mantel, you realize what Evie is staring at. The entire mantel is lined with framed phots of their wedding. There are pictures of just Evie and Archie, some of his family, and ones of the bridal party.
Sighing softly, you move toward her, taking her upper arm to snag her attention.
Reluctantly, Evie’s gaze pulls away from the photographs.
“Can you show me to my room? We can go from there.” You make sure to not sound condescending or worried for her. Evie needs a bit of normalcy.
“Of course,” she nods, showing you to the spare bedroom on the second floor.
You promptly set your stuff down and unpack after Evie slinks away. You’re worried about her and the baby. It’s why you came out here after all. Evie has no one, and with your work, you can easily pack up and travel, taking it with you.
When you return to the first floor, you head into the kitchen. Evie stands in front of the open fridge staring at nothing.
“Evie,” you call out. She doesn’t reply. “Evie.”
She glances over at you and promptly shuts the fridge. “Sorry,” she mutters. “I spaced out.”
“You wanna order takeout?” You slide your phone out of your pocket and wave it in the air. Evie nods and the two of you go to the couch, settling in.
“What are you in the mood for?” You open a food delivery app and begin browsing.
“Whatever you want,” replies Evie.
You tap away at your screen. “What if I’m craving sushi? That would be a problem.”
“True,” she smirks, rubbing the curve of her belly
“What about a super greasy pizza with lots of cheese?”
“We’re in England,” laughs Evie. “Not America.”
“So? There has to be a good pizza place around here.”
Evie leans in a bit and watches your phone over your shoulder. The two of you bicker back and forth but finally decide on the pizza idea.
“How’s baby?” you ask, locking your phone and setting it to the side.
Evie lightly taps her belly. “Good. Healthy.” She winces. “Pushing on my bladder,” she mutters.
“As they do.”
“Archie and I made a list of names. Narrowed it down a bit but never got to finish before…well…now I’m not sure what I like.”
“Do you know what you’re having?”
Evie nods. “You know we wanted to keep it a surprise, but with Archie gone and everything that’s happened, I decided I want to know now. To prepare.”
“Of course. That’s understandable.”
There is so much that still needs to be done, and your arrival only scratches the surface.
Evie gently elbows you in the arm. “Do you want to know?”
You gently elbow her back. “Only if you want to tell me.”
Evie pauses briefly before speaking. “It’s a girl.”
“I’m so proud of you,” you murmur. “You’re going to be an amazing mom, Evelyn Green.”
Evie starts laughing, which quickly turns into crying. You sit up, ready to comfort her, but she’s already starting to laugh again.
“Fuck. I think I peed,” she hiccups as she tries to get off the couch. It’s more of a roll and you hop up to assist her. She totters off to change.
The pizza arrives during that time, and the two of you snuggle into the couch, creating a bed of pillows and blankets as you eat pizza and watch a reality show on Netflix. Evie starts to soften, becomes happier, and you love to see it. The pizza is loaded with extra cheese, lots of garlic, roasted tomato, spinach, and a white sauce.
“You know,” you say around a bite of crust. “The fact that ranch is not a staple with pizza here is an atrocity.”
Evie arches an eyebrow and wipes away a wayward strand of cheese from her chin. “You want to eat ranch with this?”
“Not this specifically,” you mutter.
Evie snorts and takes a large bite of her slice. “What I really miss most about the States is the food.”
“Like what?” you press.
“Tacos. And not that hardshell bullshit you get at the grocery store. I want the cilantro, sliced radish, and lime with a salsa so hot it melts your face.”
“Don’t forget the onion.”
“And extra onion,” adds Evie.
You wipe off some grease from the corner of your mouth.
Evie sighs, her shoulders heaving before she turns to look at you. “Thank you. By the way. You didn’t have to come.”
You roll your eyes and give her your best smile. “I’d do anything for you. Plus, I work remote. I can literally go anywhere in the world at any time and still be able to do my job. Honestly, it’s fine. Plus, I’m not paying rent or anything. It’s amazing.”
Evie shakes her head in amusement. Her plate is carefully balanced on her belly. “Are you seeing anyone?”
The abrupt change startles you.
“Nope,” you reply quickly, nibbling on the reminder of your crust.
“Remember that man with the balaclava at Riot Room?” Evie gestures toward her face as if she’s wearing one. “The one Jade, Sam, and I all convinced you to have sex with?”
You drop the pizza crust onto your plate. “Yes.” Why is Evie asking about him?
“Do you ever think about what happened to him? Like, what he might be doing now?”
All the time.
You lick your lips and rub your fingers together over the plate. Crumbs fall from your hands. “Sometimes.”
It’s a total lie. You think about your wraith all the time, especially in the dark when your hand is between your legs. The memory of him is like a deep, poorly healed scar. It is a slash across your heart.
His touch will never fade. He marked you, made you his, and you won’t forget a single moment you spent with him.
“I can’t believe you missed Sam making a move on his friends. What was his name?”
“Gaz?” you offer, vaguely recalling the man that spoke to you when Ghost wouldn’t let go of your arm.
“Was it? I thought Sam said his name was ‘Kyle.’”
You shrug. “The man I ran away with called himself ‘Ghost.’”
Evie nods, yawning. “That’s true.” She shifts slightly in your direction. The plate on her belly stays put. “We have an early morning.”
“Do we?” you ask nonchalantly, thankful for the pivot in conversation.
“Did you ever meet Archie’s grandmother? Amelia?”
There are only a handful of times you’ve met anyone from Archie’s family and most of them were during those last few weeks leading up to the wedding.
“I don’t believe so,” you reply slowly.
Evie rubs at the side of her belly in agitation. “You can’t stay with me forever. And while I appreciate you, I’ll need support when you’re gone.”
Sighing, Evie removes the plate from belly and tries to sit up. Knowing her efforts will be in vain, you take the plate from her and set it on the coffee table.
Evie murmurs a quiet ‘thank you’ and falls back against the couch. “We’re going to stay with her. She lives in the Clapton area of London.”
You’re surprised. Evie loves this home. When her and Archie first moved in, it’s all she could talk about. “You don’t want us to stay here?”
Evie’s mouth turns downward and tears start to form in the corner of her eyes again. You understand the moment the words leave your mouth. This place holds too many memories.
“It’s not like anyone else will have me,” she sniffles even as she tries to laugh it off like it doesn’t bother her.
“They’re a bunch of idiots. And don’t deserve your tears. Fuck. Them.” You stuff the rest of your half-eaten crust into your mouth.
It might not be the nicest thing to say, but the majority of Archie’s family are assholes who deserve to be called by an insult rather than their names,
Evie turns back toward the television. You snuggle in next to her and Evie’s head falls against your shoulder. A single tear rolls down her cheek and you absently wipe it away.
The next day is all business.
It keeps Evie busy enough that she can’t stop to cry, but you still make her take frequent breaks. It’s clear that Evie hasn’t been taking care of herself since Archie’s funeral. She may be eight-months pregnant, but she’s abnormally sluggish and forgetful. Evie keeps losing her train of thought, or she starts to mumble to herself instead of speaking directly to you when you ask her a question.
It’s upsetting, but it mostly makes you angry. It means that Archie’s family has completely abandoned her now that he’s dead. They have no reason to interact with her.
On top of that, there is too much to do, and Evie needs all the support she can get. You don’t want to make England your permanent place of residence, but Evie is like a sister to you. She is family. You won’t toss her to the side.
The biggest hurdle is making sure Evie has adequate help. You’re not the only person Evie should need to rely on. After Evie went to bed last night, you promptly messaged Jade and Sam, detailing the situation. Both of them want to come out, but their jobs are not nearly as flexible as yours.
With the essentials packed, and the car loaded, you and Evie clean out the kitchen, tossing out all the open perishables while boxing up everything that is still good and unopened. The two of you will stop at a local food bank and drop it off.
At midday, the two of you are in the car, driving to London. By American standards, the drive isn’t that far, but the traffic is horrendous. Evie drives, and you take notes of everything that needs to be done while being the perfect passenger princess.
Everything in the house will need to be organized and gone through. Evie plans on staying with Archie’s grandmother which means she needs to downsize. You’ll need to contact an estate agent to appraise and ready the house for the market. All the furniture will either need to be sold, donated, or brought to Ameila’s home. With Archie’s death also comes an enormous amount of wealth all tied up in various assets. None of it makes any sense, and Archie’s personal solicitor will need to be contacted.
None of that includes setting up a nursery or supporting Evie through the rest of her pregnancy. Plus, there is your job to think about. Yes, you do mostly freelance work, but you’re usually sent work by the company that contracts you. There are deadlines that you need to hit.
The GPS beeps and Evie turns onto a massive thoroughfare, crossing a large bridge before coming to a massive roundabout. From there, Evie follows the road a few minutes. She turns onto a side street lined with various business and homes. You recognize nothing. This city is completely foreign to you.
“We’re here,” says Evie, nodding to a two-story brick house. She pulls into a tiny driveway and turns off the car.
Amelia’s home is what you picture when you think of houses in England. Maybe you’ve watched one too many movies, or maybe the stereotype holds true, but it fits the bill. On the outside, it’s clean and taken care of. The short driveway and path to the store is perfectly lain without a single weed. Even the stunted hedges under the front windows are perfectly trimmed.
You’re out of your seat and to the driver side of the car before Evie has the chance to open her door. When she tries to head to the back of the car to empty the trunk, you politely chase her away. You’ll make multiple trips if you need to, but you’re not allowing Evie to lift a single thing.
The front door opens and a short, stout older woman steps out onto the stoop. Her graying hair is clipped to her shoulders. She wears tan pants, the knees of which are patched over with sunflowers on white fabric. The rainboots on her feet are splattered with mud, and the yellow coat and white linen shirt she wears are speckled with a bit of dirt.
Amelia grins as she removes the gloves she’s wearing. “Evelyn!” she calls out.
“Amelia,” greets Evie, her arms outstretched.
Evie waddles over to Amelia and the two of them embrace. Amelia pulls back at the same moment you approach the two women.
Amelia smiles. “Can’t forget you.”
“You—” The words leave your mouth in a huff when Ameila wraps her around your waist and squeezes like she’s trying to snap your spine.
“Evie’s friend,” breathes Amelia, stilling holding tight.
“That’s me, ma’am,” you manage, the sound of your voice mostly strangled breathing.
Amelia abruptly stops hugging you and the sudden release of tension is a perfect inhalation. “Blimey! Hear that, Evie? She called me ‘ma’am.’” Amelia tuts. “None of that ‘ma’am’ nonsense around here. Call me Amelia.”
She glances to the left of you and then the right. You only managed to snag a few bags from the car before walking over to them.
“Well,” begins Amelia. “Hand me a bag and let’s get inside. I have the kettle on. Along with some biscuits and jam.”
“Good,” you sigh. “I’m starving. Ran out of car snacks halfway to London.”
Evie glances over her shoulder and grins at you. “That’s because you ate them all.”
You make a face and Evie laughs, entering through the front door.
The first thing you notice about the place is how many goddamn doors there are. Just inside the front door is another door that enters the living room, then another that leads to the stairs. None of it is open. It’s bizarre. Tight and cramped.
You have to wiggle your way sideways into the living room.
“Drop the bag there dear.” Amelia points to a spot near her sofa. “We can grab them later. Take a seat at the table. Enjoy a cuppa before I start dinner.”
The kettle whistles loudly as you enter the kitchen. Evie stretches a bit before she slides into a chair. You select the chair next to her. Amelia grabs three mugs from a cabinet and sets them on the counter. From a different cabinet, Amelia grabs a tea tin and drops a bag into each mug. She removes the kettle from the stove and starts filling the mugs with hot water.
Steam rises into the air. “Now I know all about Evie, but I know nothing about you other than what she’s told me.”
“Whatever she’s told you. It’s isn’t true.”
“It’s all good stuff.”
“Like I said. None of it is true.”
Evie tries and fails to stifle a snort.
Amelia’s mouth forms an amused smile. “She told me you were a writer.”
“Not exactly,” you say slowly. “I’m an editor. I usually do technical work, but I occasionally branch off into the publishing world of fiction. Especially if I’m looking for a little extra cash flow.”
Amelia ambles over to the table, expertly carrying all three mugs. She sets one down in front of Evie first and then you before herself.
Amelia settles into the unoccupied chair.
“She said your job allowed you to move around. That’s good. Glad you’re here. Evie needs more than me looking after her.”
You swallow, the mug hot against your fingers. “I’m glad I came.”
When you wake in the morning, it’s early. The sun is just starting to ascend.
Evie is still asleep, her breathing even and calm. You slowly unfurl yourself, walking on quiet feet to the bathroom with a change of clothes in tow. You brush your teeth and wash your face. It’s a bit cold but not overly so. You open the small window in the bathroom to check.
You head downstairs, a knee-length cardigan wrapped around your body. The kitchen light is on. There is a hot kettle, two mugs, and tea bags set out. The gesture is lovely but you cannot live on tea. You’ll need coffee eventually or you’ll go insane.
The back door is propped open and you walk up to it, poking your head out into the early morning chill. Amelia is out in the backyard tending to her garden. You step out onto the top stair and call out to her.
Amelia glances up and waves you over.
As you approach, she starts talking, her warm breath creating steam before her face. “Checking on the tomatoes. Bit chilly this morning. Plants don’t like it much.”
You wrap your cardigan a little tighter around yourself. “Can I do anything to help you?”
“That’s sweet of you. But no. At least not out here.” Amelia gestures to the raised garden beds with an outstretched hand. “Could you go to the bakery just across the way? Grab some pastries for today and tomorrow?”
You nod. “Of course. Where is it?”
Amelia removes her gloves and tosses them down onto the edge of the wood garden bed. “When you go out the front door makes a left until you come to the first cross-street. Turn left again and then an immediate left at the small corner store. Just walk that and you’ll see it.” Amelia shrugs. “Usually a line by this time.”
“Is there coffee?”
“They do indeed,” replies Amelia with a knowing grin.
“I’ll just grab my coat.”
“Take your time.”
You head back upstairs to the bedroom to grab your coat. Evie is still asleep. Silently, you snag your coat off the back of a chair and slip it on, leaving through the front door.
There is surprisingly little traffic as you follow Ameila’s detailed instructions. You take a left and follow the row of houses all tightly packed together. When you make it to the cross-street, you turn left again. The corner store comes up quickly. Turning left again, you keep your gaze on the storefronts that line the street. After the corner store is a pub, another pub, a salon, a few restaurants, another pub.
Then, a tattoo parlor.
141 Ink the sign reads. It’s dark inside but it’s fairly early. The sun is much higher now but it’s still not late enough for a tattoo shop to be open.
You shrug and walk on, noticing the line Amelia mentioned almost immediately. It’s not nearly as long as you expected it to be, and you’re through faster than you anticipate.
When you step inside, the smell of roasted coffee beans, baked bread, and cinnamon greet your nostrils. There are so many options and for a moment, you’re a little overwhelmed. But with more people lining up behind you, you make a few selections and collect a coffee for yourself.
With bag and coffee in hand, you start to walk back the way you came. The pastries smell delicious and it takes you a second to realize that the door to the tattoo parlor stands open.
You frown and stop right outside the door. Checking your watch, your eyebrows rise at the time. It’s still incredibly early. Who opens a tattoo parlor at this hour?
Curiosity gets the better of you. You walk up to the entrance and glance inside.
The first thing you notice is a dog. It’s an all-black German Shepard that lays in the early morning sun from the window. His eyes are open and he’s looking at you with interest but not enough to lift his head.
There is the sound of metal clanking against metal. It draws your gaze upward and away from the dog. Your eyes catch a bit of movement. You narrow your focus as your sight adjusts to the shadowy interior.
A man is there with his back to you. He shifts. Turns. And then your heart drops into your stomach.
It’s him. And that is impossible. Of everyone it could be, how could it possibly be him.
Your wraith.
You are frozen. Utterly shocked. He turns a bit more and notices you standing there in the open doorway.
There is zero doubt. None. This is him.
This is Ghost.
Fuck you think. Shit shit shit shit.
You step back and Ghost takes a step forward, his hand falling to his sides, his back straightening like he’s about to move toward you.
Everything about him is the same. All broad shoulders, towering height, and imposing darkness. You know it’s him because of the balaclava. That’s the same, too.
You shake your head and take another step backward.
Ghost takes two.
You turn on your heel, and bolt.
Chapter Two // Chapter Four
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @lialacleaf @sharkbitesblog @coffeecaketornado @wren5650
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ssplague · 14 days
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Chapter Four
Warnings: A/B/O themes, soulmates, mating, sex, manipulation, power and control.
Oh how can one’s feelings
spin a tale so profound? 
For only true love shall
Determine whether darkness 
Or light shall abound?
You were now queen of an earthland kingdom, you were married to the Dragon King, a mere princess no more
                                                                                                          ✨          👑          ✨
“Gods for the millionth time, I’m fine! Why are you two so worried about this all of the sudden?!” Bakugou snapped, slouching further in his high backed chair.
It made him angry that he’d had to leave you like he did just to meet with these two old geezers! That combined with their repeat line of questioning had him growing increasingly furious. 
“Now more than ever are your draconian instincts going to need regulating Katsuki, you can’t run the risk of letting them get the better of you, if you get upset and do something irresponsible like shifting accidentally, your wife could be in real danger” Jeanist reminds the soon to be king. It was frustrating for a decorated general like himself having to tip toe around the truth. A surprise shift pales in comparison to what those “in the know” truly feared happening. Both himself and Aizawa had made a promise to Midnight that they would advise Bakugou to the best of their abilities in order to keep tragedy from befalling the Royal family once more. If they fail, then what would remain of the kingdom would forever be condemned to suffer, and surely the young King’s soul would be eternally damned.
“You’re sure she’s your true mate? What does your dragon feel about her? If we’re satisfied with its response then we’ll dismiss you for tonight” Aizawa offers, yawning loudly before focusing on the young monarch. Closing his eyes, it’s easy for Katsuki to call forth his dragon and it needs no prodding to talk about you; “I knew she was mine as soon as I laid eyes on her, her scent puts the most expensive perfumes to shame, I’m growing restless, what importance are these stupid human customs when it comes to claiming my mate? I want to kill anyone that looks at her with lust in their eyes, and crush the skull of anyone harboring perverse thoughts about my goddess, she’s mine and im going to make sure she knows it, 
y/n…my greatest treasure”.
“You harbor no ill will towards the lunarian princess? You do not despise the light that radiates from her pure heart?” Jeanist asks, studying the king’s form for any hint the dragon is thinking of uttering a false hood. “Dragon’s protect their mates, our love knows no bounds, our love is eternal, and unconditional…unlike you human’s” snarls the beast. “That’s good enough for now” Aizawa states, signaling for the king’s consciousness to return.
With a fierce display of teeth Bakugou returns, “There, are you geezers happy now?”.
“For now…but I think we should meet once more the morning of the wedding, and weekly after that” Aizawa says, looking at Jeanist for his approval. “I agree, just as a per caution-“ the finely dressed dressed man adds, only to be cut off by a furious snarl. 
“I’m getting real fucking sick of you two insinuating I’m some loose cannon that would bring harm to my woman!” The irate blonde shouts, banging his sparking fist on the table “Ever since I returned home and told you guys about her you’ve been acting weird, is there something going on that I don’t know about?!”.
Both of the older men give each other a side eye, which only proceeds to agitate the temper-mental man further. 
“For years I’ve respected you both for your knowledge and strength, that’s why you became my trusted advisors in the first place! That aside, I’ll tell you one last thing…” the dragon king gets to his feet, leaning forward on the sturdy oak table “If I find out either one of you has been keeping information from me, are aware of any conspiring, privy to any plot against my marriage or that could possibly bring harm to my wife…I will execute you myself…understand?”.
Crimson irises are alight with fury as they stare down the two men. Neither one of them display any emotion as they reply in unison;“Understood, your majesty”.
“Good, this meeting is fucking adjured…Tell the old hag I’m retiring for the evening” with that, the soon to be king storms out of the room, red cape billowing behind him.
Mate is safe, she’s here where she belongs, that’s all that matters…forget their words, the Thoughts and feelings of humans mean nothing when it comes to the bonding between dragons.
With a heavy sigh, Katsuki can’t help but agree.
The day before the wedding has you bombarded with last minute preparations non stop. You’d stood for nearly two hours as the capital’s best seamstress, accompanied by her assistant, took your measurements and quite literally crafted a dress (made from your ideal choice in fabrics) by magic. Naturally everything happening was seen under Queen Mitsuki’s watchful eye. Which allowed the two of you time to bond, the stories of her time as ruler had you looking at her with stars in your eyes. This woman was not to be trifled with; She was a warrior unlike any other, going as far as to ripping out the heart of an enemy general who had attempted to over throw her rule. You weren’t entirely sure how old she was, since it’s rude to ask (but dragons do live extremely long lives), she looked to be in her late twenties, and her mannerisms were every bit as youthful as her outward appearance.
“My son is lucky that the goddess has granted him such a perfect bride, and myself such a wonderful daughter” the older woman says as she marvels at your appearance in the finished wedding gown.
Examining yourself in every angle from the surrounding mirrors you can’t help but be delighted. You finally felt like you were coming into your own as a future queen, not just the daughter of the moon goddess.
As the day wound to a close you were finally dismissed from wedding preparations! Completely worn out, you couldn’t be happier to finally sit down for dinner. A table had been placed in your room to make things easier for the maids helping you get dressed tomorrow. A small spread of food rests atop it, along with four place settings for yourself and the three individuals you insisted dine with you.
“I don’t understand where Katsuki could have run off to, he’s been gone all day…I didn’t even get to see him off this morning, he left before I woke up” you glumly inform your new friends. Serro and Denki took Kirishima’s place in guarding you, as his majesty had apparently needed the bulky redhead for something. “You most likely won’t see him until the wedding your highness, he had plenty of his own preparations to see to” explains Serro. “You gotta tell us your secret on how you deal with him y/n, he’s been so weirdly calm ever since you came to stay” Denki states, tearing his bread roll in half.
“Well I hope to continue keeping the peace around here in the future, I’ll do my best….unfortunately I have no special secret, or method that I use on him” you reply with your usual polite smile in place.
“Not even your “womanly wiles”? Ow! I was joking Mina geez” the electric blonde cries, rubbing the knot on his head.
“Do you want to get executed? You idiot! You are talking to the new queen, if his majesty hears that kind of talk happening around her you are dead!” The pinkette scolds.
“I swear I won’t tell! We’re all friends here, right? No telling the king anything that won’t hurt him!” You exclaim nervously, “That was a hard hit you delivered Mina, how does a hand maiden know anything about hand to hand combat?”. The two men begin to snicker at your question, hiding behind their hands as the pinkette glares at them. “Actually y/n…I have a confession to make…I’m not a hand maiden, I’m the second in command of his majesty’s royal guard” Mina admits, giving you a bow and a wink.
“Wait…what?! Oh no! How rude of me to have been thinking you were my assistant this whole time! Oh goddess, what must you think of my ignorance” you fret, the other three watch you with amused smiles. “You didn’t treat me badly y/n! We’re friends remeber?” Mina asks, using your earlier words against you. “Yes, we are…we’re all friends! Regardless of station, you’re all my precious new friends” you say with a nod, dazzling smile back in place. The rest of the meal was uneventful, your guards tease you about tomorrow’s festivities until it’s time for you to turn in. The two males take their places outside your door, while Mina stays to brush out your hair. Once you bid her good night and get into bed you already know it’s pointless. Your mind and body are abuzz with excitement and anxiety, sleep won’t be coming so easily. Moonlight peeks in through the cracks in the curtains, you sit up noticing the soft glow growing brighter, the shadows shrink back as if they were being burned, the air in the room began to shimmer.
Without any warning a gorgeous woman materializes at the foot of your bed. Her long silver hair sparkles, her deep blue eyes twinkle, she wastes no time in coming to hold you close to her chest. “My sweet girl, so far from home…about to become Queen of this foreign land…my how you’ve grown up so much in such a short time” her voice is as beautiful as the sound of wind chimes in a summer breeze. “Are you proud of me? I’ve finally found my way” you ask, nuzzling into her embrace.
“I am always proud of you, that will never change” Selene responded, holding her princess tightly. 
“I wish you could have met Katsuki before the wedding, I know it all seemed so rushed but words can’t describe how he makes me feel…It’s just right, I know it is” your words are rushed as you try to get everything out in one breath. This makes the moon goddess chuckle, your bottom lip begins to poke out.
“What makes you think I haven’t met him, hm?”
The question hangs in the small space between the two of you.
She motions for you to scoot over and she brings her legs up to rest atop your bed. Her hand begins to caress the top of your head once you’ve gotten comfortable with it laying in her lap. “How? When?” You ask, blinking up at her in adorable confusion. “The first time was about a year ago…the last was around six months ago” Selene says thoughtfully, “Before you get angry at him for not telling you, I used my power and swore him to secrecy, he couldn’t have told you if he wanted to”.
Just as you open your mouth to protest, she cuts you off;
“That story can wait until another day, you need to rest, tomorrow is an exciting day, your mind needs to be focused on the present”.
“You’ll be here tomorrow? From the time I wake up?” You ask as your eyes begin to grow heavy.
“After you get dressed I’ll come to see you, but I want to be seated well before the ceremony begins so I don’t take away any attention from you, we’ll have time to talk afterwards, good night my love” as soon as her words reach your ears you fall asleep.
“Your majesty”
You’re suddenly roused from the most peaceful slumber you’ve had in ages. 
“Princess, it’s time to wake up”
“Mm awake…jus need a minute” you murmur groggily, yawning and rubbing your eyes. 
“We prepared a light breakfast for you your highness, it’s on the table” says a maid to your left.
“Would you mind if we applied some oils to your hair while you eat? That way once you finish, it will be ready to wash out before you get in the bath” says the maid to your right, who places a robe over your night gown.
“Whatever you guys need to do is fine, let me know however I can help make this easier on you” you replied, shuffling over to the table that had a single plate amongst a number of other items. Unwrapping the silk scarf from your hair both maids lightly brush out your strands and set to work applying the conditioning mixture. It doesn’t take long to finish your toast, handful of grapes and swig down the cup of tea that made up your breakfast.
The same two maids usher you into the bathroom and you’re immediately reminded of that first day with Mina and Momo. Only you aren’t nearly as shy when you allow these women to exfoliate your entire body and scrub all your cracks and crevices. It was during that time each of them gave you their names.
“You have such a lovely complexion, it’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before!” Hakagure croons as she and Tsu finish drying you off. “Is it true you come from the moon, princess?” The green dress the dark haired woman wears reminds you of a frog’s skin. Especially with the off putting way her tongue seems to peek from between her lips on occasion. “Yes, that’s where I was born…” you replied, hesitating to disclose any more private information to these two women. So you skirt around any further personal questions, just replying politely to mundane small talk as they got you ready. Mina stuck her head in to check on you a little while later, and immediately took over the task of styling your hair. Demoting Tsu to polishing your now sharpened nails as she did so. Momo entered shortly after that greeting you and giving congratulations before handing you a silk bag.
“Ooooh let me see!” Mina squeals as you examine the contents. Reaching in you grabbed out what appeared to be a scrap of lace, confusion had you looking further into the bag and upon further inspection your face burns with embarrassment.
“You‘ll change into them after the ceremony!” Ponytail assured you “Those things are for his majesty’s eyes only, so don’t feel embarrassed”. The pinkette snickers, waggling the hair brush at you, “I’ll help you put them on 
y/n don’t worry!”. The other two women laughed along with her while Momo berated them for such childish behavior. The memories of having the king pressed up against you the other night immediiiately came to mind.
Just remembering the way he sounded growling in your ear as he ground into you against the wall. It had a flush crawling up from the tips of your toes to the roots of your hair. “I need to tell you guys something…so I can ask some questions…and I hate how this will sound so commanding…” purposefully using the repeat pause between words to build up the nerve you needed, your eyes briefly close. When they reopen any flicker of insecurity or hesitation was absent, the e/c irises now sparkling with confidence,
“As your soon to be Queen I demand that any part of this conversation is not repeated outside of this room, is that clear?”.
A cheerful chorus of “Yes, your highness” comes from each of the women helping you get ready.
A relieved sigh allows you to relax against the high backed chair you occupy, “I’ve never had any sort of intimate encounter with anyone, let alone anyone of draconian descent sooooo…What exactly am I supposed to do? How will our um…how will he? Oh goddess you lot know what I mean right?!”. So much for the cool, calm, collected persona you’d channeled seconds ago.
MoMo clears her throat in attempt to hide her embarrassment, “Ahem, well my lady if I may, since you are looking for pointers on how to go about consummation-“
“Bite him!” Mina interrupted.
“Scratch and growl at him!” Hagakure exclaims.
“Stroke his ego” Tsu offers.
“Ladies please!” Momo shouts, the other three are still tittering with laughter as she clears her throat once more “Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, when it comes to consummation in our culture”.
Now that her mediative hour had concluded Midnight gets to her feet, stretching her limbs to combat the soreness from being stationary for so long. Extinguishing the incense she’d been burning, the dark haired woman moved across the room to push back the heavy drapes and throw open the large floor to ceiling windows. Inhaling a large breath of fresh air, she savored the taste of spring on her tongue. The oracle was optimistic, her cheery disposition had been favorable as of late. Eyeing the dark purple slip and black robes she planned to wear for the days festivities, she began to get ready.
Only for a sharp rap on her door to interrupt, her cheeks puff out in frustration as she hurried to answer it. The two men on the other side don’t wait to exchange pleasantries as she allows them entry.
“How did your talk with his majesty go?” 
The difference between the two men was always similar to that of night and day. Today however, it could be considered comical; With Jeanist in his perfectly pressed dark blue General dress robes adorned with shining silver metals, matching cuff links sparkling brilliantly. Standing tall beside Aizawa in his black Dress robes with a few obvious wrinkles but equally decorated with badges of honor, his tattered scarf ever present around his neck. The latter speaks first; “The king was more on edge than usual, I’d chalk that up to pre wedding jitters, the beast-“.
His companion is quick to take over the explanation, “The dragon gave the same answers as we reported the other night, I detected no treachery or malicious intent, to be honest it seemed preoccupied…possibly a bit bored”.
“So it’s thoughts were elsewhere? Where might that be, my lord?” asks Midnight from behind her changing stands, an airy chuckle reaching their ears. “I hardly think it’s up for discussion if there was no indication of hostility towards the Princess” Jeanist replied in a clipped tone, but professional as always. Stepping out in her new outfit, the oracle grabs a black ribbon off her vanity and moves towards the dark haired man. 
“Since you will be amongst the audience you’ll get a chance to see the two of them interact, we can rehash our individual thoughts after the ceremony concludes” Aizawa says with an annoyed huff as Midnight pulls his hair back, tying the ribbon around his messy locks.
“I agree with that, now which of you is escorting me?” Her violet eyes fluttering as she smiles at the men, even though she knows the answer.
Jeanist opens the door, gesturing for the Oracle and Advisor to go ahead of him. “Don’t forget to lock it!” The woman calls as she tosses a key towards the sharp dressed man. Heeding her request, Jeanist shakes his head as Midnight’s patronizing giggles echo down the hallway.
“Are you nervous?”
The question comes from one of the two older women sitting behind you. It was strange to see Selene and Mitsuki enjoying a cup of tea together in this setting.
Both beautiful in their own right, two powerful women, one a queen of this earth land kingdom, and the other a queen residing over the moon that oversees this blue planet from the heavens above. It was the moon goddess herself that had made an offhand suggestion that perhaps Mitsuki would be able to trace her lineage back to the warrior queen of Mars. They both chuckled at this, and watching their exchange you can’t help but wonder if there just might be truth to her claim.
Seeing them get along so well made you feel at ease.
“A little” you admit, examining your reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time “But listening to your banter has made it easier to relax, you two seem more like old friends rather than two women who just met the morning of their children’s wedding”. Both women looked towards each other before looking back at you with smiles on their faces. Almost like they knew something you weren’t aware of.
“Maybe Goddess Selene will bless us mere mortals with her presence more often now that you’re here” Mitsuki’s voice had a slight teasing tone about it, and you could swear your mother had the slightest flush to her cheeks.
“Careful what you wish for, what if you were to grow tired of my constant intrusions? Then I’d have to give you twelve years of bad luck” Selene replies, as quick witted as ever, yet her tone held no malice.
“Mother!” You squeaked, shocked she would even joke about such a thing. The two older women laughed at your reaction. 
“Well I suppose I should go check in on Katsuki, I haven’t seen him yet today” the blonde woman says as she gets to her feet.
“You haven’t seen him at all?” You ask confused.
“That boy is a nightmare to deal with when he’s preparing for an important event, one could hardly blame me for preferring the company of two lovely celestial ladies over the company of my foul mouthed brat” she replies, patting you on the back as she walks past. Only to pause at the door and glance back at Selene, “I’ll meet you in the foyer in fourty-five minutes?” She asks.
Your mother nods and the two of them hold eye contact for a few seconds before the blonde woman leaves the two of you alone.
“How long have you known?” 
The question is sudden and quiet.
The goddess sighed before answering your question,
“After you fell asleep last night she came to your room and sought me out, I just found out”. You merely nod in response, now wasn’t the time to confront her about it.
“You look so beautiful, I’m happy that you followed your own path, I raised a perfect young woman” Selene comes to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around you.
The both of your reflections smiled in the mirror, “Oh no! I forgot to ask you-“ your sudden exclamation was hushed by your mother “I have it”. The shimmering piece of selenite appeared in your hand, it was crafted into a perfect crescent shape, a small gold hoop stuck through the top. “Thank you momma” you gushed happily “It’s perfect”. “I have one more thing to give you” she replied, moving towards your dresser. She brought back a small stone box with a large moon on the lid, ancient inscriptions were carved in on all sides proving its age. 
“This belonged to my great grandmother, and now it’s yours” 
The handsome (albeit grumpy) king readjusted the gold chain and fang necklaces around his neck for the umpteenth time. An annoyed growl rips from his throat as he takes the smaller few off. Looking back In the mirror he nods, now sporting only the largest golden chain and his newest piece made from the fangs of the ancient dragon he’d slayed recently. The Royal jeweler had just delivered it this morning, along with a few other pieces that Bakugou had also requested be made.
“Very impressive your majesty” Kirishima says with a flash of his own fanged smile. The red head and three other members of the king’s personal guard lean against the wall of Bakugou’s bedroom closest to the door. Just the five of them occupied the room, the servants that had tried assisting the temperamental Royal at getting ready had vacated the premises a long time ago.
“Looking a little nervous my king” Kaminari says offhandedly.
“Not getting cold feet are you?” Serro is quick to add, both men smirking at the king’s now obviously ruffled feathers.
Katsuki whirls around on them with clenched teeth and fire alight in his eyes, and just as he opens his mouth to begin a ferocious tirade, the bedroom door opens.
“You clean up well brat” Queen Mitsuki teases her son as she enters the room “Would you four give us a moment, it’s about time for you to take your places”.
A chorus of “Yes your majesty” comes from the four knights as they single file out of the room.
“Here it is, the day of my first and only son’s wedding…The day you will become king in more than just words, this land will be not just your’s to rule but your Queen’s as well” the blonde woman comes to stand before her son, “I know your father is proud of you, and I am just as proud of the man that you have become Katsuki”. The way his mother wraps her arms around him comes as a surprise to the king, he is still quick to return her hug just as tight, mumbling a soft “Love ya mom”. When the two of them separated the older woman dabbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her dress, “Don’t you dare hold this against me, I’m probably going to be bawling more than once today”.
“Wouldn’t dream of it hag”
“So much for a sentimental moment between mother and son, you brat”.
“My lady, it’s time” the voice of a servant alerted you. Taking one last look at your reflection, the glittering tiara atop your head fills you with new confidence. The magic that flowed through your veins even seemed to be amplifying thanks to the treasured heirloom. You had to walk yourself down the aisle, which would mean that every eye will be focused solely on you. Remembering that you are a representation of the lunarian kingdom, you were sure to stand tall and proud, walking with the utmost grace. Exiting the open door, a beautiful burgundy rug has been laid out over the grass, leading down the sloping palace grounds, between the many rows of occupied seats. Excited whispers began as everyone turned to watch you walking down the aisle.
“Absolutely stunning!”
“Is she really from the moon?”
“How beautiful our new queen is!”
The compliments only made you more reassured in your self-confidence. You look towards where the rug ends, seeing steps leading up a raised platform and your heart skipped a beat. The Dragon King stands waiting for you in all his glory; His usual fur lined cape is draped over his shoulders, tribal ink snaking up his impressive biceps, that unintentionally flex as his arms are crossed in front of his chest. The golden chain around his neck glitters, drawing your attention to the second necklace he wore made up of black beads and large jagged teeth. Somehow you manage to keep yourself from hurrying forward. Each step you take is slow, and meaningful and once you finally reach the bottom step Katsuki reaches a hand out to you. Which you take and return his firm grip with a squeeze, allowing yourself to be led up the remaining few steps. He resembles something like a demigod, with the way his blonde hair shines in the sunlight, surrounding his head similar to the halo of an angel. Both of you smile as you take in the appearance of one another, quick to become lost in each other’s eyes. The priest clears his throat and it puts an end to the stupor you two were seemingly caught up in.
“Today marks a momentous event that will forever change history; A bridge between heaven and earth, the joining of celestial and terran, the blessed union between our Dragon King and the Lunarian princess” the elderly man says, pausing to allow the applause and cheering of the crowd. It was nice to see the few hundred or so people seated in chairs closest to the raised platform, but it was astounding to see all of the hundreds if not thousands of people, along with magical creatures, crowded in to the castle grounds. Those that didn’t fit were seated atop the heads of dragons, enabling them to watch the ceremony despite being behind the protective walls.
Turning your head away from the crowd, the squeeze of the grip on your hands has your eyes flitting upwards. Looking into Katsuki’s eyes was like being swept up in a harsh current. The priests words were immediately garbled nonsense, you were drowning in a sea of red. The veil over your face fluttered in the wind, and the king says something aloud. 
The smile he gives you has you feeling weak in the knees.
“Princess Y/n”
The sound of your title has you standing at attention, listening to the priest’s words intently;
“Do you take King Bakugou Katsuki as your husband? To have and hold through good times and bad? To stand beside him and rule this country to the best of your ability as a queen and wife?”.
“I do and I shall” you replied confidently, squeezing the large hands holding your own.
“Then by the power invested in me, witnessed by all that are here, I now pronounce you husband and wife” as soon as the words were said the veil was lifted from your face and Katsuki was kissing you. The kiss was deep and breath stealing, you could feel the desire and happiness in it. Cheers had broken out all around the courtyard, the roars and shouts echoing from all around the kingdom. Just as your lungs began to burn from lack of air did the kiss finally end.
“I now present your new King and Queen!” Announces the priest, holding his arms open as he declares this to the crowd.
The events that followed all happened in such a rapid procession, it felt like you were wrapped up in a sort of whirlwind.
You remember receiving hugs from both Mitsuki and your mother, but after that it was just a bunch of congratulations, well wishes, and handshakes from a variety of strangers. It was only once you were ushered back into your bedroom that you could take a moment to breathe. Sitting down on the soft bed everything had started to sink in; You were now queen of an earthland kingdom, you were married to the Dragon King, a mere princess no more. Speaking of which, you hadn’t gotten a single moment with your husband, the kiss at the altar was the only one you’d gotten thus far. He hadn’t said a word while you two were being bombarded by the gathering well wishers. You hadn’t even been able to give him your present…
Fishing the selenite out from your cleavage, you sighed. Without warning the door of the room burst open and in came Mina and Momo.
The latter holding three champagne flutes, while the former clutched a half empty bottle.
“Congratulations y/n!” The pinkette cheered, hugging you happily.
Kicking the door shut behind her, the dark haired woman strides over gracefully, offering you one of the flutes, “How about a toast before we help you get ready for your special night?”. “Ah yes! That would be lovely” you smile, taking the glass as you get to your feet.
“To our new queen, and beloved friend y/n! May your marriage be happy and the fires stemming from undying love as well as passion never extinguish!” Mina exclaims and the three of you clink glasses.
Laughter proceeds only after you’d each drained your respective glass, along with Momo giving Mina a hard time about her ridiculous toast.
True to her word, Mina had indeed helped you Into the garments from that silk bag.
You couldn’t bare the embarrassment as you peeked at your reflection in the full body mirror. The two women had made sure to bathe you throughly once again. “The king won’t react well to anyone else’s scents on you during your bonding” Momo had explained, as you gave her glove covered hands a strange look.
They rubbed you down with a slightly vanilla scented, shimmering body oil (Apparently it was close to your natural scent, according to Mina). Now you were standing in the middle of your room skin glittering, clad in what was essentially scraps of silk, with dragon scale accents that hid your nipples and pussy (barely). Just as you were downing another glass of champagne, the girls pulled a thin, floor length black cloak over your shoulders. Making sure it was secured before placing a cape over your shoulders. “A gift from the King” you had been told. The outside fabric was thick and white while the inside was a black velvet, and a black fur made up the collar. It was almost just like the one your husband always wore. Your helpers made sure everything was fastened to keep any of your unmentionables from slipping out.
Just as they both stood back to admire you, a loud knock could be heard on the door. “You’re all set! You look lovely your majesty” Momo smiles. “Remember everything I told you! Especially that last bit! Just relax It’s going to be great, no worries!” Mina reminds you cheerfully as the two of them accompany you out of the door.
Kirishima was standing there waiting to escort you with his usual smile in place, he offers you his arm. Taking hold of it, the knight begins to usher you down the hall, both ladies cheering until you rounded the corner. “You look very nice my lady” the red head compliments, keeping his eyes forward but still smiling all the same. “Thank you…” you appreciate the compliment but the nervousness you felt grew with each step forward.
Finally reaching the end of the hallway, its down a short staircase and the knight opens a door for you. Another exit from the castle you weren’t aware of. The breeze is gentle, and stars are beginning to twinkle in the twilight sky. You see your mother and Mitsuki talking to Katsuki, who immediately looks towards you as you walk across the grass. His intense gaze has your face heating up, and if both your mothers weren’t standing there he probably would have pounced on you. Once you come to stand beside the three of them your king takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it “Ready to go?”. The spot his lips touched sends tingles throughout your body, all you can do is nod in reply. “You two have fun” Mitsuki says while pulling you into a hug.
“Mother, I thought you and I-“
Selene interrupts you before giving a hug of her own, “Plenty of time for that when the two of you return, enjoy this special time with your husband”.
You don’t have time to argue due to the sudden appearance of a familiar red dragon waiting just a few feet away. Bakugou bids your mothers goodbye and scoops you up bridal style. He doesn’t set you down once the two of you are seated, you stay in his lap as Kirishima takes flight. Katsuki groans as takes in your scent, nipping and kissing the sensitive flesh “Been waiting for this moment all day, could hardly wait to get my hands on you”. One of his hands slips beneath the cloak to run up your bare legs. Your toes curl as he squeezes one of your thick thighs, he doesn’t miss a beat when engaging you in another passionate lip lock. Your fingers lightly caress his cheeks before running them down to his pecs.
Your tongue tangles with his when you finally feel yourself slicking up.
The wetness between your thighs reminds you that a thin string is the only thing there to catch any drips, and you’d rather not leave a wet spot on your new husband’s pant leg.
Breaking the kiss, you rest your forehead against his as you catch your breath. “My king…I’m sorry if I may not act like a proper lady tonight, I hope that come sunrise you won’t hold any of my actions against me” You say with a sigh, moving your head back to properly look him in the eye. A blonde brow is raised before a sinister smile appears on the king’s handsome face, “oho is that a challenge or a threat? my queen”. Your eyes catch sight of the slivers of sharp canines in his mouth, and your gaze lingers on them as you quietly reply, “It’s neither…I just don’t exactly feel like my usual self right now, not to say I’m someone else but my feelings are unfamiliar and overwhelming”.
Gently you reach for one of his hands and guide it towards your chest, laying it over your heart.
A sudden shyness comes over you, and looking up at him with innocent eyes you enquire, “Do you feel it?”.
Unbeknownst to you, Katsuki had been able to hear the pitter patter of your heart this entire time.
How adorable, it’s just like a bunny that’s been cornered by a hungry wolf
He can’t help but agree, his hold on you becomes impossibly tighter.
Eliminating any space between your bodies, he cradles the back of your head in a large palm. Guiding you to rest it in between his neck and shoulder. “S’normal to be nervous treasure, because after tonight you will be a different person” your king presses a kiss to your forehead “Just relax for now, it won’t be much longer until we arrive”. Something inside of you feels as though Katsuki’s voice has this underlying nefarious tone to it. An abrupt shiver shoots down your spine, in attempts to soak in the natural warmth that radiates off his skin you’re quickly wrapping your arms around your lover.
The wind is always a bit cooler at night, especially at this altitude. That explains where these continuous chills are coming from.
A/N: Something I didn’t call attention to at the end of last chapter; If you read the prophecy laid out in the prologue, and compare it to the version that Izuku reads during the flight in chapter 3 you’ll notice quite a big difference! Just to explain that in case anybody didn’t catch onto it; Only a few people in the kingdom were made aware of the complete prophecy that Midnight spoke of. There was a heavily censored version that was put out to the kingdom’s general public and it’s regarded in a celebratory way. So much so, the people turned it into a nursery rhyme song for children. This is because they remain ignorant to the other half of it. The version they know only speaks of the king finding love and that the kingdom will in turn be blessed and forever remain prosperous.I felt this was important for me to explain, just so nobody is thinking “This bitch is so dumb she can’t even remember words that she wrote three chapters prior 🙄”.I would hope none of you think that negatively of me 😅 It sure doesn’t seem that way but just Incase! ❤️‍🔥 So any thoughts or theories as to what’s going on or going to happen?
Thank you all for every like, share, comment and follow! 
Honorable mentions 💌
@lalachanya  @mrsmelaninhood 
@whatdidshesayyy @faemagic88
@viridianhero  @alishii @rv19 
@maggiecc @crazy-eight17 @nnubee @nemisimp @yesitsmewhataboutit 
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savannahsdeath · 7 months
knight!ellie x princess!reader
read the first chapter; here
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warnings: mentions of forced marriage, readers mom is a really bad person, nightmare, blood, death of an animal, public execution, runaway.. lmk if i missed anything !!
writers note: ellie is so silly i want to keep her in my pocket .
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you woke up with a gasp, sitting up and propping yourself on your weak, shaking arms without even realizing it. you felt an uncomfortably slippery texture under your hands - your pillow soaked with sweat and tears which you unconsciously shed during your dream nightmare. and though sweat usually connects with heat, your trembling body was the complete opposite - you felt like a cube of ice, even with the covers hugging you.
and yet, there was some sort of a warm sensation that calmed you down.
"i'm here, your highness." a voice whispered, and you started to realize you're not alone.
indeed, the mattress was slightly dented on your left side, as if someone's weight pressed it down. you rubbed your eyes and catched your breath, tilting your head to face ellie.
you let out a dry sob and wrapped your hands around her, making sure your embrace isn't leaky, and she won't somehow slip out between your arms. you were sure it wasn't a hallucination as you felt her firm hands on the back of your head.
"another nightmare, huh?" she smiled against your neck, but you could guess how concerned she really was. "what did your mother do this time?"
you sighed but forced a weak smile on your own, tired face. "you have no idea." you shook your head, nuzzling your face in her shoulder.
"this woman is going to be the death of me." she chuckled and you noticed how raspy her voice was. she probably didn't sleep at all, knowing what awaits her— what awaits you both this night.
and you— you just broke down crying at her words. she was so right and she didn't even realize it.
no matter how bad you felt in this right moment, you had to do something. you couldn't wait.
"what time is it?" you asked, but you got cut off by some of your sudden sobs and sniffles.
"a good few hours passed since we came back from the garden. four, maybe five." she shrugged, stroking your hair.
so you were in the backyard with her. you watched the stars together and you— you shared a kiss. the rest of the week was just a dream. how is it possible?
"ellie..." you wiped your tears away, your sadness disappearing and getting replaced by confusion. "do you know anyone named luccy?"
"luccy?" her hand, which caressed your head, suddenly stopped in it's track. "how do you know about her?"
you let go of her, pulling away so you could see her worried expression. "she was in my dream." you explained. "she helped us."
us. because even if she tried to save ellie, she also relieved you. you'll never forget what the letter said, "my friend took care of me". somewhere, in the worst, most brutal universe, luccy was the savior for both of you.
"well, what was your dream about?" she murmured, nervously clearing her throat. she seemed to know it wasn't anything good, and the fact her friend was in it made it feel so real, so... prophetic.
"i—" you parted your mouth, but your voice slowly drifted off. you wondered when did it start. when did everything go downhill...
you figured out it may be your reckless ranting on the weddings day.
"it's one of the knights." you really weren't controlling the words coming out of your mouth and that could only mean one thing - problems. "ellie."
right, it must be it. what were you even thinking?
after a second you realized ellie would live if she didn't interrupt the ceremony. that's when it really happened.
but then again, maybe she'd survive if she picked a different hiding? maybe just luccy's house wasn't safe?
you got lost in the options. everything could lead to this tragedy. every little mistake. at this point, you didn't have any choices. only one thing could stop this — making sure the wedding won't happen at all. as long as you were married, you couldn't achieve a happy ending. it was simply not possible.
when you came to your senses, with a light jolt of your whole body, ellie's hands were resting on your shoulders.
"i'm sorry—" you mumbled. "i was... thinking."
a ray of sunlight was shining through the blinds, irritating your sleepy eyes. your knight leaned in, covering it and making you disappear in the darkness again. her hands cupped your chin and her thumb traced your bottom lip.
"something's wrong, isn't it?" she sighed, knitting her eyebrows together.
"yes." you lightly nodded, not wanting your movement to cause in her comforting touch leaving your face. "i won't let anything happen to you."
she chuckled, pressing her lips to your forehead for a few long seconds. "i'll be fine."
she's won't. not if everything comes out as in your nightmare. and you knew how easy it was to fail - everything can lead to an unstoppable situation. you got a second chance, you could fix everything. you won't get stuck in this miserable loop.
"no—" you shook your head, weakly repeating; "no, no... we should pack our things and—"
"and what, your highness?" she smiled, as if she didn't take you seriously, but you knew that's not true. she knows she's in danger. she has to know, she has to realize that. "we have nowhere to go."
you pulled away from her and fell on the bed, making it look like you were throwing a tantrum, what had some truth in it. you really were mad, not angry, but a little mad... how could she be so unfazed? did she not understand?
and then again, she was right. you wouldn't survive in the forest, probably not even in your poor town. you were really independent, as for a princess, but you were too used to living in luxury. only one thing came to your mind, and somehow, it made sense. "we have luccy on our side."
her pearly whites disappeared under her chapped lips, though the corners of her mouth were still slightly upwards. "what about her?"
you whined with a shrug, rolling on your side to not face her. "forget it."
"no, wait, tell me." she pleaded, laying down beside you. "i'm sorry, your highness. i w— won't laugh, 'promise." she raised her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, making her embarrassment obvious. your trust and respect was the most important thing in her life, not counting your love. the love that made you change your mind and open up to her, even if she'd shrug it off.
"maybe she knows a place..." you started but gave up midway. you truly didn't know what to say - you didn't have a plan, not even a single idea. the little bulb in your head was off and won't turn on, no matter how hard you'll focus. "i— i don't know, 'm sorry..." you rolled over to face her, even though you usually didn't want to let her see your embarrased state.
"well," she smiled, tugging a loose strand of your messy hair behind your ear, while her free hand rested between her head and one of the pillows. "i know a place."
your eyes flashed with curiosity, widening and brightening, reflecting some sort of light that wasn't even there, in your dark room. "you do?" you propped yourself on your elbow, parting your lips in focus.
"well, not personally..." she chuckled, looking away and fidgeting with her fingers. "i heard that— you know, in town— they have a map of neighboring cities. they often travel to trade things and..." you sat up, looking down at her with an expression that signaled your surprise. "i can try to talk with someone—"
you cut her off by leaning in and pressing a peck on her lips. "you're amazing, ellie." you stood up and started rummaging through your closet, after you pulled out an old leather suitcase from under the bed.
she trailed after you, though stopped at the edge of the bed. "what are you doing?" she frowned, pouting her lips in a way that made your mind squeal.
"packing." you spun around, making a show by throwing each neatly folded piece of clothing with exaggerated grace. "you should too!"
she got up and stared at your moves with crossed arms, what could feel judging matched with her slightly mocking pout. she nodded, as if it was obvious. "so you just want to leave like— right now?"
you dropped a dress you were holding on the floor and walked over to her, putting your hands on her shoulders. "yeah?" you shrugged, not sure what is making her so... confused. "it's now or never."
"now or never..." she repeated, still inclining her head up and down before stopping with a loud click of her tongue. "of course." she slowly walked backwards, towards the door. "you're crazy, you know that?" she laughed and for a split second you thought she's heading to the exit because she wants to leave - leave and tell everyone about your plan so someone would stop you. "let's meet in the garden as soon as you finish."
you let out a deep breath you didn't even know you've been holding. she winked and disappeared behind the scratched piece of wood you couldn't really call door anymore. you slammed it with force inappropriate for an innocent princess too many times.
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"how did you know there would be a hole here?" you pointed at a spot in the wall which lacked dozens of bricks, creating an empty circle enough for you to fit through.
"oh, sweetie..." she nonchalantly smiled, and you couldn't help but freeze at the nickname. it was definitely the first time she called you something else than 'your highness' or 'my princess'. "do you think it's my first time stealing a horse?"
"why would you steal a horse?" you pushed your bag into the hole, kicking it forwards with your leg to make room for yourself.
"well, not steal, i only borrowed them." she put her hand between the bricks and your head, protecting you from bumping into them if you'd accidentally raise your chin. "sometimes, when your mother pisses me off— nothing's better than some fresh air."
you hummed, crawling to the other side of the grey wall. you straightened up, wiping your dirty hands in your dress and jumping in excitement. "come on, ellie! i'm waiting!"
soon enough her package appeared next to you, reminding you of your own, so you picked it up with a loud, sharp huff. you swore that it weighs more than you and your knight (in full armor on!) together.
"let me take it." she extended her hand towards you, curling her fingers in a 'come on' gesture. you didn't see her coming, so you budged, what made you drop your suitcase. you raised it, this time holding back a gasp, and shook your head. "so stubborn." ellie murmured with a smirk.
"i— ugh— 'm not stubborn. i'm just— uh, strong." you whined, persistently dragging your bag with you.
"my strong princess." she taunted, lifting and withdrawing her own package like a weight. you rolled your eyes but you admired how easy it was for her - your strong knight. "we'll see how long you can last."
"oh— 's so mean." you huffed again, causing in some loose strands of your hair flying upwards.
you walked along the wall, letting ellie stay a few steps behind, as you searched for the back door of the stable.
the plan wasn't complicated. you couldn't just take your horses and leave - not before the sunrise. not only the guards won't let you, but they'd also tell your mother about your suspicious behavior. she'll immediately figure your plans out. so, you had to come in through the second entrance - the one from the forest's side. then, you'll just take your horse - without making much noise and... go wherever you want. you'll be free and in such a simple way. easy. too easy.
"ellie?" you started, seeing massive wooden door a few meters ahead. you waited for her curious 'yeah?' before continuing; "how are we going to get inside?" you let her laugh for a few seconds, but she didn't gave you any answer even after her burst out finished. "so, how?"
"do you think they guard it?" she asked, running four steps forward to catch up with you.
"they don't?" you knitted your eyebrows together. "but that's dangerous!"
she shrugged, though her nonchalant smile clearly communicated; 'i know something you don't'.
after a few minutes and ellie's messing with the padlock, you safely got inside the stable. you ran up to your white, well-kept horse - pearl - forgetting about the burdensome weigh of your package, which quickly stopped being your problem. your suitcase quickly got on pearl's back, just like you, though you had to hold it the whole time. ellie's animal was the opposite of yours. in appearance -  it was a chocolate shade of brown with a few lighter, as white as pearl spots, but also personality. whoever doubted that horses have personality could be easily proven wrong - when yours was a total princess (though it was easy to make her cross some boundaries), ellie's was way too confident and energetic.
you left the stable— or, well, pearl did it for you, and impatiently waited for ellie as she closed the door after you. on her way back to shimmer - her horse - she patted pearl and jokingly tugged on your leg, what almost made you kick her straight on her nose. yet she just laughed, and you did too. you had reasons to be happy.
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ellie helped you get off pearl before beginning to tie both animals to a nearby fence. "could you call luccy?" she asked with a loving smile.
"i don't know, ellie, i don't know her—" you explained, nervously stuttering and scratching the back of your neck.
you were scared of this moment. you were about to meet the person who tried to save ellie, a person who's actions could be so important in your story. could be, but you teared out a few pages and decided to overwrite them. you didn't know what genre will your book be, not yet, but you knew luccy will be in it. and she'll be a good character, even if she'd only appear in one chapter.
"nothing to be scared of." ellie reassured you, finishing her job and walking up to you. she put her hand on your lower back, slightly pushing you forward and, before you could protest, she knocked on the door for you.
you waited a few seconds, not too long but enough to let you know that she was doing something before you interrupted her. she was a tall, skinny woman with blonde, shoulder-length hair. her big blue eyes were squinted, signaling her defect of vision. she looked messy but, you had to admit, pretty.
she mumbled something you couldn't quite understand, maybe just a bunch of nonsense, and pulled you in for a hug. after a moment of hesitation, you wrapped your hands around her too, carefully listening to her rambling.
"come in, girls." she pulled away and stepped aside, making room for both of you. the way she acted around you carried a friendly tension - something that you never felt with any other stranger.
"we won't bother you for too long." ellie smiled, wrapping her arm around your waist to make sure you won't get lost. well, there was no way you'd get lost in this little cottage, maybe ellie was overprotective, or maybe needed an excuse to be close to you.
"oh, i hope so!" luccy laughed, closing the door with a loud creak which hurt your ears and made you wince. "my mother is sick. i have a lot things to do, really." her gaze wandered, staring into all the obstacles on the floor with a sigh. the area was... messy, to say nicely. "but i'm glad to finally meet you." she looked at you and you instinctively looked around to see if there's anyone behind you. after realizing she really means you, you honored her with a smile and nod. "ellie told me a lot about you."
for a second, you almost said something similar, before realizing ellie never mentioned luccy. you first met her in your dream, if you can even call it a 'meeting'.
and, obviously, 'we won't bother you for too long' turned into hours.
ellie asked her for a favor, a big and dangerous one. you didn't plan it with her beforehand, she surprised both of you. and the way she said it... so unfazed, so unbothered. "we know that gossips spread fast here so— i thought you could start a rumour that you saw the queen ordering someone to kill us." faking death was smart and making your mother responsible for it was even better but, jesus, why would she ask for that without consulting it with you? your own mother trying to kill you.
when you finally left, the sun was close to setting, but at least you had the map. it was an old, damp piece of paper with weird lines on it.
"this square is the castle." you remembered luccy tapping a purple shape, before tracing her fingers along a red line to a green triangle. "here's... our friendly neighbours. they shouldn't know you're the—... princess. i advise you to settle down here."
you tried to reconstruct the route, but it seemed way more complicated now. you knew where's the castle, but where's your current location? you passed the map to ellie and got on pearl with an annoyed huff.
"are you still mad for the rumour plan?" ellie asked in a hopeful, innocent and pleading voice.
"no—" you smacked your lips. "well, yes, that too."
her expression turned serious, but soft, and her voice had an understanding undertone to it. "you'll thank me once we'll live our life, free and happy."
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and you did. you thanked her everyday, you showed her how grateful you are all the time, in every way possible.
you quickly got accepted to the town's community. your silver coins were enough to buy a small cottage with some space for your horses outside. dina - a girl your age who was always there to help - said the previous owners died, by some disease unknown to you, related to animals. you still had a lot of change, so you kept it in a jar above your new desk. everything was new, so new and unusual. you had a lot to learn - how to hunt, and cook your prey, sow and harvest your seeds... but you could gladly admit you were doing just fine.
not long after you settled, you found barely breathing pearl in the backyard. her perfectly white skin was interrupted by a blurred, dark red spot. there was an arrow stuck in her leg, close to stomach, and you had no idea for how long she suffered before you found her. the whole morning? night?
"i'm sorry." ellie leaned down, pressing her head to pearl's stomach next to you. "i'll find out who did that and i promise—" you cut her off with a shake of your head and a weak 'no'. you hoped it was a mistake, a one-off situation. you hoped you won't have to take any action. ellie sighed, standing up after patting pearl's body. "i'll get dina, okay?" she asked, and you weren't sure if she's talking to you or to your poor horse, so you only hummed in response.
"we could save her, it's just a little arrow—" you persistently pleaded, but you were met with nothing more than disappointed sighs.
"a wounded horse is useless." dina shrugged, and no matter how much you wanted to disagree, you knew you have to trust her.
and that's how your best friend, because that's how you liked to refer to pearl, even if it's just an animal, turned into a few gold coins from the town's butcher.
ellie liked to pretend it doesn't bother her, really.
"things like that are normal here" or "we have to get used to... that" and finally "it's not a big deal, you know, not anymore".
yet, she checked on shimmer every hour. one day, when you were trembling from fear as she didn't come home after sunset, you found her asleep in the backyard with her own friend. you couldn't wake her up, not when she looked so calm and innocent, with her lips parted and deep, loud breathing. you sat next to her, eventually drifting off to sleep too.
you had a dream, first one since moving out of the castle. it was a reminder of the new start, not only yours, but of all the residents. revolution.
it was about an event, which happened a few months before. about two weeks after you crossed out your royal past, luccy visited you to tell you about the success of ellie's plan. when you got to town - on still well and safe pearl - you found an empty hill with a view on the gallows. it looked just like in your nightmare, though except your loved one, your mother was the one standing there with a noose around her neck. one of the men, which you also saw in your dream before, shouted out loud all the bad things the convicted did, and you felt relieved that her death sentence isn't only caused by you. it turned out she broke her own law more times than you could imagine.
"...ordering the murder of her own daughter, our only princess..." you heard him reading out loud, almost yelling, and much to your surprise he didn't mention ellie.
you couldn't help but compare this situation to your love's penalty - no one said what she did wrong. your mother was determined to make her die, and she did, not even bothering to make up some reasons. but it was just a nightmare, and now, you were glad everyone will know how horrible the queen really is.
"i— miss this place." you pointed at your surroundings and the small castle you used to live in, far, far, far away. "i wish i could let them know i'm safe." you looked at the people mourning you, knowing it's the end of your lineage. you were in line to the throne, and now... who will live in your castle? you couldn't come back, though. in their minds, you were dead. they weren't completely wrong - a part of you really died. an useless part, which you didn't need anyway. "but then they'll all realise my mother is innocent."
"oh, hey now!—" ellie chuckled, like she always did during serious talks about your mother. "just because she didn't kill us doesn't mean she's innocent."
for a moment, your mind wandered to how she treated the service. how she treated everyone, unless they were other royals and she needed something from them - like the prince. oh, how nice she was to him.
the list of her faults was long, much longer than just the mention of your death. you nodded and with that thought, proudly watched your mother die.
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ereardon · 3 months
In The Skies || Ch. 1 [Major John "Bucky" Egan x Reader]
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Overview: On a night out in London, you meet fellow American Major John “Bucky” Egan of the 100th. As war rages on, you take a leave of absence during the spring of your third year at Oxford to sign up as a nurse on the front lines in England. Time and time again, you and Bucky find yourselves thrown together in the hospital ward as you tend to him and his teammates after missions gone awry. What happens when you find yourself falling for a man who might never return from the skies? 
Pairing: Major John “Bucky” Egan x Reader
Chapter summary: You spend one eventful night with Major "Bucky" Egan after a night out in London. Will you ever see him again?
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, cursing, definitely historical inaccuracies
WC: 2.6K
Masterlist here
“Want a drink?” 
“Sure!” Your voice got lost in the crowd. The bar, somewhere in Camden, was packed, a mixture of men in uniform and women with drawn-on hosiery packed like sardines in the tiny room. Music swelled over the chaos of voices, and you could feel your heartbeat in your ears from the sheer volume of everything.
It was exhilarating. 
It was the week before exams, and you and two girlfriends had decided to throw caution to the wind, taking the train from Oxford and staying in the city in a flat that Mary’s sister rented, the four of you squished in two tiny beds with one mirror and a bathroom in the hallway. 
But the allure of London was such a vibrant change from Oxford. Even during the war, there was something romantic about the city. Maybe, in the fact of everything, it was the potential. To be who you wanted to be. To live a life worth living. 
Or, perhaps the real reason your friends had wanted to go to London for the weekend, was the men. 
So many military men. 
You’d had your share of flings with Brits. There were the other students at Oxford. The townies nearby. You even danced on the edge of a romantic relationship with a professor. But in the end, they all went belly up. 
Mary pressed a drink into your hand and you took a sip, eyes darting around the room. You had come to London only a handful of times in the two-and–a-half years you had been at Oxford. It was overwhelming, after the quietness of rural England. The hustle, the sheer volume of bodies, the loud voices and incoherent accents. Almost three years in England and you still could barely understand a British accent. 
Mary and Eileen had an easier time adjusting. Eileen was also an American, from California. She looked like a film star, and you envied her sometimes. Mary was more quiet, originally from Dover, with diminutive features. 
Barely an hour into arriving, they had both been swept into conversations with handsome men. You waved them off with a smile. That was the purpose of going to the bar, you reminded yourself. Experience life outside of the Ivy-covered halls of Oxford. Throw caution to the wind, just once. In the midst of all the tragedy and the chaos and the death, you were twenty one. You were just starting to live. 
“Need a refill?” The voice was unmistakably American. Midwest American if you had to guess. You looked up from where you had been lingering against one dark wall in the corner of the club. 
That voice. It was deep and throaty, and belonged to a tall man leaning against the wall to your right, his head cocked to one side, deep blue eyes staring straight at you. 
You felt your stomach flip. There was something unmistakeable about his gaze. It cemented you in place, grounding you. He smiled, small lips turning up beneath a groomed mustache. 
“I’m fine,” you replied, hating yourself instantly, the empty glass in your hand saying otherwise. He was going to walk away, try his luck with the next girl, and you cursed yourself. 
Instead, he stayed rooted in place, nodding. “That’s alright. I recognize an American anywhere.”
“New York,” you replied. 
“Wisconsin.” You told him your name. He reached out one solid, large hand. “I’m Bucky.” 
“Bucky? You must have messed up big time to get that as your nickname.” 
He smirked, his hand warm where it was still enveloping yours. You didn’t want to pull away. There was something magnetic about him. “You’re a long way from home.” 
“I’m a third year at Oxford,” you said. He had to lean in closer to hear you above the noise of the club and you could smell the tobacco on his jacket, the musk of whiskey and oranges. “Just here for the weekend.” 
“Seeing a boyfriend?” 
You shook your head. “No.”
Bucky smiled. “Good.” Despite the noise of the club and the competing senses — boisterous laughter, the scent of sweat and perfumes mixed together, the rush of bodies all around — you found yourself entirely captivated by Bucky. He straightened up against the wall where the two of you were leaning. “Want to get some air?” he asked. “Take a walk?” 
“Yes.” He held out a hand and you took it without thinking, not bothering to find Eileen or Mary in the crowd and tell them you’ve left. You simply let Bucky sweep you out into the cool London night. 
The air outside was biting against the thin silk of your dress and you shivered almost immediately. He shrugged off his jacket, a fur-trimmed bomber coat and wrapped it around your shoulders without you asking. 
You looked up at him, eyes wide. “What’s your real name?” you asked quietly. “Unless your mother had an awful sense of humor and named you Bucky from birth.” 
He laughed, the sound echoing in the empty street. “John Egan, ma’am.” 
“Ma’am,” you repeated, the word slippery on your tongue. “Makes me feel old.” 
“You don’t look a day over twenty.” 
“Twenty one,” you replied. “Last week.” 
Up ahead, yellow street lamps tossed delicate rings of light into the road. It was a T junction. You could go left or right. He stopped underneath the lamp at the intersection and you turned to face him. “Y/N,” he said. “I’m leaving tomorrow. What do you say we make this a night we won’t forget?” 
“Do you say that to all the girls?” you whispered. “Or just the ones you pick up in clubs.” 
Bucky smirked. “I say it because it’s true.” He paused, his face falling. “And because this time, we might not come back.” There was something dark and defeated in the way he said it. 
Again, without thinking, you reached up, trailing one hand over his cheek. He pressed into your palm without thinking, closing his eyes for a second before popping them open. “Can’t let a soldier go off to war without a proper sendoff,” you replied quietly. “Wouldn’t be very patriotic of me, now would it?” 
He reached out, pressing both hands to either side of your face, delicately stroking your cheek with his rough, large thumb. “No, it wouldn’t. And you’re a good little American, aren’t you sweetheart?” 
“For my troops?” you whispered. “Anything.” 
He leaned down, brushing his lips against yours. You felt goosebumps prickle at your skin. He tasted warm, like tobacco and whiskey, and his mouth opened gracefully, accepting your lips across his, his tongue finding yours with soft padding. 
Bucky pulled back, sliding both of his large, warm hands across the sides of your face. His slate blue eyes bore into yours for a moment and even though you were standing in the middle of the sidewalk in London, everything else faded away. It was just the two of you, and empty space all around. 
At the hotel, you slipped off your heels near the door, looking around. It was a small room, just a bed in the middle, a chair next to one wall, and a window overlooking the street. Bucky closed the door. You turned to him, eyes wide. “You ever done anything like this, sweetheart?” he murmured. 
You shook your head. “Can’t say that I have.” 
“So why me?” he asked. “Why tonight?” 
“It’s war, Bucky,” you whispered. “People do things because they can. While they can.” 
He stepped closer, his scent surrounding you. He was tall, so much taller without your heels on, and you craned your neck up to look at him. He cupped your face gently. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “Might be the last pretty face I ever see.” 
“Don’t say that.” 
“It’s true.” He pulled away, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Silently, you admired the way his thighs stretched the dark green fabric of his uniform, how long his legs were as he tapped one brown leather shoe against the carpet. “You don’t know what it’s like up there. Not knowing if we’re ever coming back.” 
“Do you have a wife back home?” you whispered. 
He looked up, frowning. “You think I’d be here with you if I had a wife?” 
“I don’t know. Some men might.” 
Bucky shook his head. “No. I don’t have a wife. Or a girl.” 
“Tonight I’ll be your girl,” you whispered, slotting yourself between his legs, Bucky’s fingers automatically reaching out, tracing along the lines of your legs covered in hosiery. His fingertips ran along the back seam of your pantyhose behind your knee as you sucked in a breath, winding your arms around his neck.
“Is that a promise?” he asked, voice thick and deep. His eyes pierced yours. 
“Are you going to come back safe?” you whispered. 
“I’ll do my best.” 
“Then it’s a promise,” you murmured, leaning down, pressing your lips to his, Bucky’s hands circling your waist, tugging your body against him, one of his hands threaded in your hair at the base of your neck where it was pinned under. He tasted of tobacco and drink and you let him slide his hands up beneath your dress, gasping as his fingers gently brushed over your bottom, fingertips grazing the snaps of your garter where it clipped to your thigh highs.
“Can’t tell you the last time I touched real stockings,” he whispered. You didn’t have the heart to tell him they were your last pair, and that you had been saving them. Most days, you drew a line up the back of your leg like all the other women, replicating the seam of stockings but going without in order to support the war. 
“And how do they feel?” 
Bucky looked up, his enormous hands clasped around the back of your thighs where your bare flesh sat between the edge of your panties and the top of the stockings. “Amazing.” 
You tipped your head back in a sigh as he gripped your bottom, squeezing the bare flesh tightly. He unclipped the stockings, rolling them down your left, then your right, leg, slowly. You reached out, undoing his tie, his blue eyes watching yours with rapt attention as your fingertips shook while you undressed him. 
His skin was warm as you slid your fingers over his bare chest, admiring the smattering of hair in the center of his sternum, the small scar on his left shoulder blade. You couldn’t help but run your hands over his abs, so clearly defined but still soft, the way the muscles melted into each other like rounded mountaintops. 
You spun around so Bucky could undo the buttons on the back of your dress. There was an intimacy as he worked his way down your back until the dress peeled off. You placed your hands over your chest, turning around shyly. 
“Don’t cover up, baby,” he whispered, voice low and gravely. “Let me see you.” 
Slowly, you removed your hands, standing in front of him in only your sheer ivory slip dress. Buck reached up, tracing one hand over your breast, your nipple straining against the fabric, the air in the room full of expectation. You gasped as he slid the lacy strap off of your shoulder, exposing your chest, leaning forward and taking your nipple into his mouth, sucking hard as you threaded your fingers into his curling dark hair. “Oh!” 
He pulled you down against him, rolling you over until your back was against the bed, his head still level with your chest as he kissed across your exposed skin. Your fingertips dug against his back, eyes closing as you widened your hips, letting him sit between your thighs. 
You had been with men before. Oxford, for all of its poshness and etiquette, had seen a spike in debauchery since the war broke out. So different from back home. You were different here than you were at home. 
But being with those other men was nothing like being with Bucky. His mustache tickled over the exposed skin of your neck as he pressed inside of you, his arms wrapping around your whole body, keeping you warm, holding you as close as possible as you moved together, your fingers tangled in his hair, your ankles curled around his hips, your moans drenching the small gap of air between the two of you. 
And as he finished, his forehead pressed against yours as he moaned into the night, hips shuddering against your body, you let go. 
You laid in the bed, tucked squarely in Bucky’s embrace, your face close to his chest as he lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke away from you. His fingertips danced over your shoulder. “So how do you like England?” he asked. 
You pushed up off of him, chuckling. “England? Oh it’s fine. All beans and toast and pints. Still not used to the accents. I have to ask my professors to repeat themselves all the time, they think I’m hard of hearing.” 
He smiled. “What are you studying?” 
“Biology?” He took a puff of his cigarette. “To do what?” 
“Research. I like plants and gardening and animals.” 
He reached out, playing with one ringlet of hair that had fallen loose from your updo. “A New Yorker who likes gardening? Never heard of such a thing.” 
“We had plants on our rooftop. I used to go out there every afternoon to sit with my schoolwork, reading by the fire escape. Dream about being anywhere else. Somewhere green.” 
“England is green,” Bucky said. “Outside of London of course. From up there, it’s all green.” 
“What’s it like?” you asked. “Flying.” 
“Scary as shit,” he replied and your eyes widened. He stubbed out the cigarette in a bowl on the nightstand. “No matter how good you are, no matter how many times you’ve made it back, you never know what you’re going to find.” 
“You’re scared?” 
“Fucking terrified.” 
You traced one hand down the side of his face. “What if you didn’t go back to base tomorrow?” you whispered. 
“I have to. I have my men to worry about.” 
“Tell me about your friends.” 
“Well there’s Croz. Smart sonofabitch, but sick every time he gets in the air. There’s Curt and Rosie.” He smiled. “And then there’s Buck.” 
“Buck?” You frowned. “I thought you were Buck.” 
“I’m Bucky, he’s Buck,” he clarified. “It’s a long story.” 
“Two peas in a pod, then?” 
“He asked me to be his best man,” Bucky said and you saw the way his face turned up in a soft smile. His eyes were far away, like he was dreaming. 
“Bet you look good at a wedding,” you whispered. 
His eyes returned to yours. He grabbed your hand, pulling it in, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “Be my date?” 
You laughed. “To a wedding for two people I’ve never met?” 
“They’ll love it. Trust me, it’ll be great.” 
“Alright, you promise me to come back home safe, and I promise to be your date to this mysterious Buck’s wedding. Unknown date or location.” 
He grinned. “Now don’t go breaking that promise, sweetheart. You’d just about break my heart.” He leaned in for a kiss and you tumbled back onto the bed, a heap of arms and legs and sighs. 
In the morning, you crept out of bed. Bucky laid on his stomach, arms tucked beneath the pillow, snoring softly as you rolled on your stockings, buttoned your dress behind you. You sat down at the desk in the corner before tucking the note into his jacket pocket and stepping into your heels. 
As you opened the door, you took one last look back. He was handsome. So damn handsome. 
You hoped with your whole heart that he would return from the skies. 
A/N: This is my first time writing for MOTA or doing anything set in a different period so please bare with me as I work on my period writing skills!
Tagging some people I think may enjoy this:
@gretagerwigsmuse @gigisimsonmars @iangiemae @tgmavericklover @sunny747 @perfectprettypisces @na-ta-sh-aa @ryebecca @kmc1989 @spinning-away @yorkshirekiwi @clancycucumber230
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alphabetboyluvr · 9 months
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one/ two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
warnings - welcome one and all to the chapters that made some of my wattpad girlies stop reading throttle, you have been warned! mentions of drugs. jungkook wears a key around his neck and it ain't for a door! solo masturbation (m). enter stage left: cc @ yoongi's door. infidelity (boo), dry humping (yay), yoongi has a choking kink (?), he cums in his pants <3 back for round two! not all that explicit, oral (f), he's so talkative <3, protected sex, incredibly sombre aftermath!! v satisfying end to the chapter IMO!!
word count - 16.5k
minors dni // series masterlist
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It surprises everyone when Jungkook is the first to speak. He stands, shoulders broadening like a fallen angel unfolding its wings, and then he's back.
The man you once knew? It's undeniably him. He's still just as powerful in his stature as he always was, just as handsome, just as life-threateningly attractive.
For a second - only a moment, barely even a millisecond - you let yourself indulge in the chime your stomach has been subduing.
It's just the same as it always has been.
He's different now, though. So vastly different, you question whether or not you would have recognised him in the street.
His hair is dark, and it doesn't frame his face in the way it used to. Shame. You used to love getting your fingers tangled in it. It's pushed back now, the fury in his dark brows as clear as day. They're missing a piercing, which you'll admit is a bitter loss, but the lip ring is still there, at least.
You don't let yourself think about the one on his tongue. Haven't thought about it for weeks. Months.
Only because every time you do, you force yourself to think about roadkill instead. It's the only way you can get it out of your head. Does now mean that when you see roadkill, you think about him. Fitting, really, given the tragedy of your time spent together.
Instead of letting him know just how fucked up he still gets you, you simply raise a brow in his direction. Your back sinks into the chair you've poised yourself on, and you cross your arms, imploring him to speak the fuck up.
Part of him doesn't want to, just as 'fuck you' to your prissy rich bitch attitude. He'd forgotten about this; how much a little cunt you'd been when the pair of you had first met. Back then, it had gotten his interest piqued. Kept him coming back for more. Was the thing that got him cumming, full stop.
But now, it just feels vindictive.
And so he decides to be just as much of a vindictive swine back.
"No one's been looking for you," he says as his eyes burn into you - and yet you remain perfectly cool. Calm. Unaffected.
There was a time, a few moons ago, when a look like this from Jungkook would have surely killed you. Now, it's just all very laughable.
"Eunhee's never been much of a liar, Jungkook," you smile, glad to have checked in with her before heading to the boxing club. Maybe he did stop showing up at your door two months ago, but it was enough of a weapon to use against him.
"That senile old bat?" He laughs, and you remember just how mean he could be. It's a trait that you'd pushed to the side in your memories, all rose-tinted and sweet. The reality makes those memories a lot easier to swallow, the salt from his words diluting the sugar. "Wouldn't take her as a credible source."
The air around the pair of you is stale; unpleasant. It reeks of desperation. Desperate for what? It's debatable. Nothing good, that's for sure.
Quite literally everyone in the room is uncomfortable.
Everyone except for the pair of you.
See, this is a back and forth you've perfected. The way you bicker - the way you taunt one another - used to be foreplay. He'd rile you up just ruin you.
It's electric. Jungkook wonders what has more volts - your shared energy, or the taser he's pretty sure you've got hidden in your bag. You're too smart to come somewhere like this completely defenceless.
He's just as smart as you, though. Reads your moves, and knows exactly what to predict. Maybe it's not a form of intelligence that will do any good, but he's spent so long studying you that it would be impossible for him to not be an expert by this point.
He could write an encyclopedia about you; a dictionary based on your vocabulary.
He'd file himself under 'asshole', and would hope you'd reassign him to 'inamorato'. You wouldn't. If anything, you'd place him in a pile of discards; words unused by you for so long that you've forgotten their significance in your life.
If he were to have his own dictionary, he'd file you under cocotte. CC for short. But he'd draw fucking hearts in the margins, and crack the spine from just how often he looked at your page. Might just rip it out and keep it in his wallet like a passport photo.
"Credible source?" You smirk, ruby red lips pouting in a way that feels new to him. They're slightly different, he thinks. The shape is the same, but they seem poutier. The product of fillers, maybe. He never thought you'd be one to go down that route, but he's questioning everything he knew about you as the lights of the club reflect in the diamond on your finger. He's blinded by it; blindsided by you. "Surely this isn't Jeon Jungkook talking about credibility? About trust? That'd be a first."
"Watch your fuckin' mouth," he snaps, and it's clear you've hit a nerve. Good. "Got shit to say? Say it, then get fuckin' gone, C."
And, oh, it's painful. So gloriously painful.
The way you don't falter is the worst part. The name given to you in the sanctuary of his car lingers on his tongue, his lips ajar. There's no crease between his brow, eyes just as round and inviting as they always had been.
You think he's baiting you. Think he's trying to get your defences down. You don't realise that his defences actually are - not until he knocks his head to the side, flicking a switch as his glare returns.
"I think what Jungkook is trying to say," Jin speaks up, knowing that there'll be no resolution without a mediator. He can feel the energy between the pair of you. The vibrations run deep and jagged, stained in red and echoing regret. "Is that we aren't aware there was business to discuss?"
You turn to face Jin, but let your eyes linger on Jungkook for just a second longer before you address his friend. Handsome, you think. Incredibly handsome, in fact.
You've always thought Jungkook was the most beautiful thing about Daegu, but you might change your mind. All you need is this new guy - the one with plump lips and shoulders that eclipse Jungkook's - to glare at you. See if it gets you searing under the collar, hot between your legs, like Jungkook's glare does.
Many men before have looked at you with suspended disbelief, agitation curving around their brow bones. It's nothing new. The way that Jungkook's glare could have gotten you on your knees? That was new to you.
"Nor was I - or at least, I wasn't. Not until Jungkook told me about that little plan of yours a few months ago," you say as you smile at Jin, all pleasant and performative."But I'm very selective about who I invest my time in."
You don't have to look at Jungkook for him to know that he should take your next statement personally.
"I've no time for little boys running around playing cops and robbers. I conduct my business exactly like that; like a business. I make negotiations, I make deals. Sign contracts - and I'd never hire someone without running a background check. Can get yourself into a whole world of trouble if you don't know who someone really is."
"You're planning on employing us?" Namjoon pipes up, the prospect of a hefty payday sounding like music to his ears.
"Not employing," you say. There's more you could divulge. So much more. But it's time for baby steps, now. No use in getting ahead of yourselves. "Think of it more like... entering a partnership. A mutually beneficial agreement."
"Your appearance on TV today," Jin says, the most analytical of the bunch, trying to figure you out. "How would that help to aid your negotiations?"
You smile. It's quite simple, really.
"That was to stop you from thinking you could ever fucking touch me."
There's more venom than you intend there to be behind your words, but you haven't quite healed from the last invasion of your autonomy. You're still disgusted but how easily you were manipulated into thinking that Jungkook ever gave a fuck about you. If they think they're ever getting the chance of getting that close again, they're sorely mistaken.
"The world is watching boys," You continue. "One wrong move, and the world will be asking: what happened to her? It's my way to keep you in check. Anyways, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Who do you work for?"
"Who do you work for?" Jungkook spits back.
"Myself. Answer my question."
Jin takes the reins from Jungkook. "We're not at liberty to say."
"Fine," you shrug, getting to your feet. You're here to talk with men, not boys. If they can't make decisions for themselves, then what's the point? "I'll be on my way then. Time is money boys, and if you aren't willing to give me a dime, then it's not worth it for me. I don't need you."
"Yeah, well, if you don't need us, then why the fuck are you here?"
The way Jungkook's nostrils flare amuses you. Let's you know the real question he's asking: If you don't need me, why did you come back? Back here, specifically?
It's a good question. One you wish you had a solid answer for.
"There are rats all over this city," you tell them, thinking that it'd be best to choose at least a half-truth. "I don't know many of them, not well. Not personally. Don't know you fuckers personally, either - very rude of you, by the way, to break into my apartment like that. I'm sure Jungkook could have just told you the code - but anyways, I digress. I know how you operate, to a certain degree."
"Oh, yeah?" Jungkook questions, doubting that very much. "How do we operate?"
"Like fucking idiots," you say with a voice as flat as his tyres after a few too many burnouts. "You send in unprepared fuckers who think with their dicks instead of their brains."
Jungkook scoffs, but the rest of them wave their heads a little, contemplating the fact that you're entirely correct.
"I know your weak spots," you say, but choose not to elaborate on the fact that you were once Jungkook's. You sit back down; an act of defiance for the fact that Jungkook quite clearly doesn't want you there. "And I know some of your strengths. I also know that we have a mutual interest in the downfall of my father. Might not trust you fuckers as far as I can throw you, but I trust that your feelings towards him won't have changed all that much in three months."
"Yours seem to have changed," Jungkook notes all rather bitterly, and it makes you laugh.
You lean forward in your seat, elbow resting on your knee, chin in your palm. Your ring glistens in the light, but Jungkook ignores it. Wishes he could ignore you, full-stop, but he can't take his eyes off you. Deprived for so long, he doesn't know when he'll get this luxury again.
The fact that you're in the boxing club alone - unprotected, despite it all - should be indication enough that your feelings towards your father haven't changed. Why risk it? Why put yourself in a circumstance where you could be used against him if you weren't willing for that to happen?
"Look at you," you smile, but it's laced in contempt. "Finally making assumptions of your own. I'm proud. You got a little way to go, though, baby. You're missing the mark. Give it some time and you'll be able to make assumptions that check out."
The pet name is delivered with such ease that Jungkook almost doesn't notice it. It's the look in your eyes that really delivers it, the chaos and confusion you're conveying in one simple smirk.
"Like yours did when we first met?" He says with a raised brow, thinking you've never made an accurate assumption in the whole entire time he's known you.
"I assumed you were a cunt. Ding, ding, ding. Always right."
This earns a snicker from Namjoon, who can admittedly see why Jungkook liked you so much. There's something about you that gets the heart rate going; gets people interested in what you have to say.
Jungkook says nothing. Rolls his eyes, and grates his jaw. Doesn't see any point in conversing if you're just gonna be a bitch. He always knew you were like this, but he'd managed to chip away at your softer side and had somehow forgotten just how hard your exterior is.
You've fortified it, now though. Built your defences up. It's been three months, and you've not wasted a day. Naive of him to think you would have. You're your father's daughter after all.
"Look," you turn to Jin, still pretty and poised, but this time there's an air of sincerity to your words. "I'm waving a white flag here. You fuckers are lucky I came to your first. Might not trust anyone else in the city, but I don't trust you either. Thing is, boys, I'm traceable. If you try and do anything to me now, you fuckers'll get caught."
"So why would we want to do business with you?" He questions, incredibly curious. He thought after everything with Jungkook, that'd be the last you would see of him.
"Cause I was always traceable, you silly cunts. Do you think just cause I wasn't on speaking terms with my dad, that that was it? The moment you did the raid, I was back on his radar. I'm your connection. I'm your way in," you say, gesturing to yourself to really drive it home how important you could be for them. "If you want to bring him down - if you want to take him for all that he's worth - then you need someone on the inside. You need me. Honestly, the fact you thought a ransom situation would work is laughable, but it just shows you're lucky to have brains now to go with your brawn."
"We haven't agreed to anything," Jin reminds you. There's a warmth to his voice that contrasts the atmosphere within the room.
"No, but you will."
"Why?" Jungkook interrupts, eyes narrow, voice scornful. He's picking at the sides of his fingers, chipping away at hangnails.
"Cause what more do you have to lose, huh?" You shrug. "You're Kang's bitches, now. Wouldn't you rather be mine? I give great employee perks."
The way your eyes dance around the room, from man to man, and eventually land on Jungkook's is deliberate. He knows this, and he lets it get to him.
"What would they be?" Namjoon scoffs, unaware of your innuendo. It's kind of sweet, how naive he is.
And so naturally, you shatter all illusion of innocence.
"Ask Jungkook."
There's silence. No one quite knows how to reply.
No one except Jungkook.
"Ring on your finger be happy with you saying that?"
And for the first time, you're rattled. You hadn't expected him to mention it.
"That's of none of your concern," you shrug. Now's not the time to let him get to you - but the way you rabbit on afterwards is evidence enough that he has. "I'm not here to be interrogated. I'm extending an olive branch; giving you the chance to earn the money you were so desperately trying to make from me. You get your money, I get my father's downfall on a silver platter."
The way you look at Jungkook is unfamiliar. It's as cold and frigid as the winter nights you used to stow away with him in his car; breath clouding in the freezing temperatures despite the warmth in your heart.
A few months ago, such a look from you would have destroyed him. Absolutely decimated his entire sense of belonging. Life wouldn't have been worth living.
Now? It feels like a luxury. A sinful indulgence. He's been deprived for so long he'll take even the smallest hit of whatever you'll give him - and even when it's fleeting, your attention is like crack fucking cocaine.
It's not just your hair or your gaze that has changed. In fact, a lot about you has. There's a hollowness to your cheeks now that there wasn't before; a slight gauntness.
Without the convenience store snacks to keep you going, you actually had to eat decently. Having someone to go home to also meant that your junk diet had to be replaced with something more... appropriate for a woman in her twenties. No more eating like a teenager.
Your loss of appetite in the aftermath of Jungkook's revelation had certainly helped with this, and if anything, you've gained weight over the last few weeks - but you're still not as soft as you once were. He can see it in your cheeks. Saddens him, a little.
Has him thinking about what you could look like beneath those clothes of yours. Wonders if his hands will still fit your waist perfectly, or if your tits will still overspill in his palms just how he liked it. Considers that maybe they won't. Maybe he'll never get the chance to find out.
You think Jungkook looks colder. It's funny, cause the weather has heated up quite considerably, but it's never been frostier between the pair of you.
Getting to your feet, you brush down the tops of your thighs to straighten any creases. You've still got a persona to keep up, even when it's dark outside.
"You can discuss it amongst yourselves," You sigh as begin to head for the door, heels clicking as beneath your feet. There's something about the sound that you just adore. Maybe it's the repetition. Maybe it's the way it drowns out the chime in your stomach as you walk past the man you once thought you... No, you think. That's not right. The man you used to fuck. Much better. "I don't care, either way. I need an answer by the end of the week, or I'll find someone else. You aren't special. Plenty of other fuckers in the city who want to make a quick buck. Plenty of others who hate my father for one reason or another. You just had the balls to try it first."
"How do we know we can trust you?" Jungkook calls after you.
He's disappointed when you simply call back, "you don't."
There's more to be said, he thinks. More to discuss.
So he follows you to the parking lot. None of the other boys do. They already know they aren't welcome, and quite honestly, none of them wants to third-wheel such an awkward encounter. They'd already filled their quota for the day.
As he enters the dreary parking lot, he notices a car that's unfamiliar. It's a Merc. Black. Matte. Not too standard around these parts. Fuckin nice, though. He's impressed. Makes a mental note to ask you about the spec some other time.
"Hey, honey." You speak pleasantly into your phone as you pace around, not realising Jungkook's presence yet. He doesn't speak up. Too curious about who this honey could be. "Yeah, Just heading to Jieun's now. I'll be a couple of hours. Okay, okay. Love you, too."
Jungkook pretends like he didn't hear that bit. Does a terrible job of it - but at least he tries.
When you clock him, you couldn't be less bothered if you tried. So what if he heard you on the phone? It's up to him if he reads into it or not.
"You wanna know you can trust me?" You raise a brow, reading his suspicions of you.
Jungkook remains silent. He'll pretend it's to preserve his hard exterior, but in reality, it's to save himself from admitting the truth: he'd trust you with his life.
"I just lied," you continue. "I'm not going to Jieun's. I'm going to Yoongi's. Can follow me if you like. We both know it wouldn't be the first time. I'll be transparent with you - but don't think for a second that I trust you back."
"Yoongi's", Jungkook nods. Remembers the way Yoongi used to look at you. Remembers how he once thought that he was competition. More fool him for ever thinking you actually cared. You've a ring on your finger, now. Neither of you were ever competing, apparently. And if you were? Fell at the first hurdle. "What's that then? A little extra marital fun?
You smile insincerely. "Not married yet."
"So even if it was, Jungkook, you're not the one who put this ring on my finger. You've no right to an opinion."
"And I never would have given you a ring," he says, as if he thinks his lack of interest in you could hurt you any more than it already had.
"Never would have wanted you to," you shrug, both of you as good at feigning disinterest as one another.
There's something about him though that has you curious. Has you feeling like you're being challenged. It's just like it was when you first met. The words you speak are laced with disgust, but the burning in your eyes can only be described as desire. He hates how easy it is for him to get like this around you. Hates that you know exactly what you can do to him.
He's realising now that you're far more in control of your feelings than he ever thought you were. He only ever saw you so vulnerable because you chose that. You let him. He's shut out now, and he doesn't like it.
But he does like the smile resting on your pretty lips as you walk towards him.
The way you encroach on his physical space has him hitching his breath in his throat, as if he's terrified to breathe around you. It's fitting, given the way you make him feel like he's drowning.
It's more than that, though.
What he truly fears is inhaling your perfume. smelling your shampoo. He's terrified of what it will do to him if he learns your hair still smells like gasoline. Even more petrified of how he'll feel if he learns that you don't smell like it anymore, mind you.
It's when you extend your index finger and hook it beneath his necklace that he really begins to lose his mind.
"Yanno," you say so quietly he has no choice but to edge just a tiny bit closer. Raising the key to be level with your eyes, you study it, watching the way the tiny crystals almost sparkle in the moonlight. You know they don't. It's just an illusion. If you had to guess - had to assume - you'd say coke. It's the only thing you can imagine him doing. His eyes are focused down on you, lashes long, gaze stern. "You should have told me you like coke."
Jungkook stays silent as you look up towards him, your lips laced in seduction. He knows better than to let you succeed, but - fuck - it's so hard not to. Whatever you're doing has an ulterior motive. It has to.
"Bumping coke's gonna ruin that pretty little nose of yours," you note.
"The fuck would you know about it?" he scoffs, but doesn't pull away. Can't bring himself to. All he can think about is the way your lips look. The difference in them is minimal, but they're definitely plumper. Have to be. Or maybe he just wants to kiss you more than he ever has done.
Your lips part as you lay your tongue flat and press the key to it.
Jungkook swallows, the lump in his throat swollen and intrusive. You wait a second. Wait for two. Then twist the key and dab the other side against your tongue.
"Takes longer if you swallow it," he whispers. "Snorting is much more cost-effective."
"Maybe so," you shrug, releasing the key from your mouth before pressing it against his chest with a slight push. "But you can't go around wearing Class A evidence like that, you silly prick. I meant what I said," you trail off to a whisper, stepping even closer towards him. He doesn't back away. Quite the opposite. He edges a little closer too. He knows he shouldn't - knows you're just baiting him - but god what a temptress you are. "I need to know I can trust the men I work with. I can't have you getting thrown into jail just for the fun of it. I need you clean."
There's something different about that last command. A softness. A plead. Your eyes linger on his, and then you pull away from the magnetism of his being.
"Stay off the drugs, Kook. A deviated septum looks sexy on no one."
And you're right.
But it doesn't really matter. The coke was just a pass time until his favourite drug came back to town. He's one hit down, and thinks the high will last him all fucking week.
The buzz perseveres. He's so consumed by it that he can't recall the conversation he had with the boys before he left. Can barely fucking remember the drive home.
But as he strips himself bare in the quiet comfort of his apartment, he can remember you.
Can remember your eyes, and the way they engulfed him with the heat of your fury - but also the way they simmered. Lashes low, lids half closed, you'd looked at him like a fucking siren, and the memory of it had his tattooed hand stroking at his firm cock. He hadn't been able to get like this since you'd left. Had tried on more than one occasion. Never managed to see it through. Would feel sick after a pump or two.
It's different now. His wrist flicks and his hand works his shaft, head thrown back into his pillows. His hips pulse, desperate for more friction, his own palm a shitty compromise after the luxury of your pussy.
It's when he's thinking of you that he gets breathless. Starts to moan. Wanks himself even faster. Harder. "Shit, C."
The term of endearment sounds so fucking sweet on his tongue. Has his torso tensing. Ass too. The wave of an orgasm threatening to crash.
Driven by instinct, his strong fingers wrap tightly around his hardened length, stroking gently. Tilting his head back, eyes firmly closed, he lets pleasure wave over him as he rolls his hips up into his palm. A guttural moan escapes his wet mouth, his teeth finding their home on his bottom lip.
More. He needs more of you. Needs your hair in his face, the scent of gasoline suffocating him. Needs his lips around your nipples, hands grappling with your ass. He needs you here.
All he's got - the only thing he's got - are his memories. His body writhes beneath him, the chain around his neck slipping from its position. There's little thought that goes into the way he moves the chain and holds the key tight between his teeth to keep it in place; nothing except the knowledge of your tongue licking against it earlier.
And then his lips close around it. His teeth ease, and the key sinks onto his tongue, the chain taut on his chin. He slows the movement of his wrist for a second. Rolls it once. Twice. Tries his best to work out if he can taste you or not.
He can't, but he can't taste the coke either, which means you did exactly as you intended. He moans, vibrating around the small key, devouring the idea that he'd exchanging spit with you once again, in a way. He knows the truth of the matter couldn't be further away from that, but it feels so fucking forbidden.
Just like you always have been. You'll remain that way.
But as his torso grows damp with the release of his orgasm onto his abs, ropes of sperm that he wishes he could have fucked into you going to waste on his skin, he can help but let his mind run wild.
Can't help but wish for more.
And so it comes as no surprise when Jungkook arrives at the boxing club, bright and early the next morning and says, "I'm in."
There's a sheen to Yoongi's skin as he opens up his apartment door, damp from the shower that was shut off just a few moments prior. Hair wet and sticking to his forehead, you're surprised to find you're the one choking on your words.
And then he smiles.
Smiles as if he's just beaten the high score of an arcade game, smiles as if he's managed to reach the peak of Apsan just in time for sunset. He smiles, and it feels like he's fixing you up with gold; seeping into the cracks that Jungkook left in you.
"If you wanted me to cover your shifts, you could have just asked," he beams. It's the first time he's seen you in three months. "You didn't have to be all dramatic and quit on me like that."
His teeth are showing, and they only show more when you give him a light tap on the shoulder with a closed first. His body jolts back slowly, eyes eating you up like a souffle pancake after a month-long fast. He bites down on his bottom lip with those pretty pearly whites, and pushes his door a little further back to invite you inside.
"You know you like a girl who keeps you on your toes," you grin back at him.
"Coffee? Tea?" He asks as you cross the threshold. You both know he won't have any at home, and that he'll need to order it in, but the gesture is kind. He's kind. "On my toes, yes. Sprinting marathons just to keep up with her? Less so much."
"Wine? And you'll thank me for the cardio in later life," you assure him, and toy with a joke about other forms of cardio you could do together. It dances on the tip of your tongue, and you know that if you spoke it aloud, goosebumps would form on his bare arms - so you say nothing, instead. 
He'd be the perfect distraction, you think, nothing like the boy you're trying to forget. Kind, and handsome, and someone who actually gives a shit about you. 
Forget distraction. He'd be the perfect man. Or at least he would be if he wasn't so helplessly infatuated with you.
That's thing about Yoongi; he sees all the good in you, and ignores the bad.
He'll take your witty banter, but neglect to factor in how mean it can sometimes be. He'll watch you yawn at work, half-bored to death, but refuse to acknowledge the fact you could cure said boredom with the tasks on your to-do list, that you instead leave for the next shift worker. He revels in the beauty of your laugh, but apparently is deaf when he hears you bitching about customers who have done very little wrong.
You aren't a saint. Perhaps not a sinner, either, but you sure do feel a lot closer to one than you think you should.
For all his wrongdoings, Jungkook never once treated you like you were a saint. There was no pedestal beneath your feet when you kissed him; he'd stoop to your level.
He saw you exactly as you were, which is why it hurt so much when you realised you'd only ever seen a facade that he'd cooked up in the shitty back room of a boxing club.
Thoughts of him are dissolved with mindless chatter, Yoongi always so good at taking your mind elsewhere. He knows you in such a way that talking is easy. It never feels calculated, never feeling like you need to think about what you say. He'd never judge you for a single thing.
Perhaps he should. Perhaps if he'd have held his guard up a little higher, stood his ground a little firmer, then he wouldn't be so weak to the way you batter your lashes and give him coy looks in dull-lit rooms.
There's talk of the garage; the usual customers, your old boss, how late shifts drag without you there. He's quiet when you ask about Jieun. Just tells you she's all good. He changes the subject. Asks about your dad, and how the fuck you managed to keep that one quiet. 
You're surprised to find that honesty feels nice. 
Until, inevitably, it doesn't.
"You gonna tell me about the ring?" he eventually asks after you've both had a little wine to ease the tension of three months you've been away.
You don't drop your eyes from him, not even for a second. His damp hair is nearly fully dry, and he looks so comfortable in a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt, reclined on his sofa. Simplicity looks good on him.
You're still in business casual, tight dress hiked around the top of your thighs as you sit on his floor. It was always your default when you came to his place, for some reason always opting for the floor instead of next to him on the sofa. Always been concerned about keeping a little distance. Funny, how the one time the distance would be apt, you find yourself wanting to sit next to him instead. You don't, though. Not yet, at least.
"What of it?"
Yoongi looks at you like you're a little bit mad. He kind of thinks you are.
"It's on your ring finger."
"Oh?" you say with a small laugh. "Is it?"
His eyes narrow on yours, before they glance back down to the ring. The stone is clear, and if he were to guess, he'd assume it was diamond - but he'd never struck you to be the kind of girl who ever wanted diamonds. Opals, maybe. Emerald, topaz. Stones with a bit about them. Something interesting. Not a diamond. Of all things.
But perhaps he didn't know you as well as he thought he had done. Perhaps you really weren't the girl he had dreamt up in his head; the one that he spent hours upon hours daydreaming about after you left.
Funny, how both he and Jungkook would get lost for lifetimes thinking about you, but they were both so vastly different.
In Yoongi's you'd come back home, show up at the garage like no time at all had passed, and tell him that you were wrong all along. He's the one you want. He's the one you've been going crazy thinking about. He's the one you came back for.
Sometimes he thinks about that week you went to Busan. Thinks about what it could have been like if he'd been the one to take you. Thinks about how fucking good it could have been to experience life outside of the confines of work and your apartments together. He thinks and he thinks and he thinks. Occasionally he acts on those thoughts too, but he tries not to.
It all feels a little wrong.
But that's what he likes about it. The fact he knows he shouldn't be thinking about you when he's turned on just turns him on even more; so he finds himself thinking of you far more often than he should. Thinks of you when he's alone; his bedroom lights switched off, duvet pushed midway down his thighs, hands roaming down his body. He grazes his skin with the tips of his nails. Pretends it's you.
"What about you," you shrug, nodding towards the scrunchie that's looped around the neck of a wine bottle on the counter. "Don't think your hair's long enough for that."
"You'd be surprised," he grins, pleased to find you grinning back.
"Prove it," you flirt, getting to your feet to retrieve it.
Yoongi watches as you retrieve the scrunchie, and knows that he should tell you no.
He should say 'actually, that's my girlfriend's.'
But she's only ever been a distraction to stop him from thinking about you - and how can he think of anyone else when you're in his space, heels off, dark hair draped over your shoulders like fine silk?
In your heart of hearts, you know that the scrunchie means he has someone. The hair grips by the sink, the takeout containers for two next to the recycling, the fact his apartment is actually clean and tidy, too.
"Prove it?" He grins as you return to his sofa, but you don't sit. You stand in front of him. Keep your eyes on him. Wait as he adjusts a little, his leg unhooking from beneath the other so that his lap makes the perfect seat for you to sit upon.
And so you do. You hike your dress up. One of your knees rests down next to his thigh. You're tentative. Slow.
His hand strokes up the back of your thigh. He nods. Encourages you further onto his lap. When your second knee finds its home next to his other thigh, he nods again.
You're smiling as you lower your weight, ass perched on the tops of his thighs. There's a little distance between the pair of you. You're not as close as you could be. Proceeding with caution. His lips pouty, eyes pure. A paradox.
"Prove it," you nod, and your hands start to toy with his hair. He's smiling right back at you, enthralled with the flirt almost as much as he's enthralled with the way it feels to have your nails scratching against his scalp. "Gonna make your hair look so pretty."
It's unfair, he thinks, that you get to have your hands in his hair, but his aren't allowed in yours. Doesn't realise that you wouldn't object.
"Don't think you will," he simpers back, the hand of his that was on the back of your thigh now resting on top of it, stroking ever so gently. The touch is so gentle, so minimal, and yet it has you pulsing beneath the lace of your underwear.
There's a ring on your finger, and someone waiting for you at home, but no one's had you in a position this provocative since you jumped town. See, you're 'waiting'. 'Want it to be special'. Don't want to make the same mistakes you did last time the ring had been on your finger.
Or at least that's what you tell yourself, and your fiance seems to believe it - why else would he get down on one knee again?
"I definitely will," you banter as you wrap his hair up with the scrunchie. His hair sticks on end, like a tiny sprout, and he looks adorable. "Gonna make you look sooo pretty."
He frowns, but with a sparkle in his eyes that let you know he's just joking. "Done?"
"Done," you beam, giving it one final adjustment. There's a slight movement to your hips, too. Getting cosy. His hand sinks a little further up your thigh. You pretend not to notice it. "Prettiest sprout in the whole of Daegu."
"Only Daegu? There are prettier sprouts outside of Daegu?"
You shrug. "Maybe. We should enter you into the national pretty sprout competition."
He adjusts his hips, sitting up a little straighter. He moves you into a more comfortable position as he does so. You're closer now. So much closer.
"Think I could win?"
"Best in show, baby," you grin. "I'd win for best sprout stylist, though."
Laughter echoes around you, his smile so sweet, so saccharine that you think he must surely be made of sugarcane.
The way Yoongi looks at you is devastating. Eyes soft and round, they're glossy and wet. Earnest.
They drop to your lips, then return to your eyes. Repeat. His lashes flutter whenever he does so, and there's a reflection from his floor lamp that looks like a pretty little love heart in them.
So devastating. It's the kind of look people would write films about, all for that one shot of his eyes after the confession scene. The one that will go viral, the one that will be cited for years as 'the look', the one that would earn Min Yoongi a place in the heart of every young woman who watches it. Young men, too. Fuck it, anyone with a pair of working eyes.
He's got a look in them that makes you want to believe in love; but the fact you even have to think about it just proves that this could never be that.
"I'm using you," you tell him, knowing that honesty is all you can really give him. He deserves that much, at the very least. Deserves more, you think, so much more than you can ever be - but he doesn't want more. He just wants you.
He tries a little banter. "To win the competition? I know."
But you don't feel like bantering. You want him to know how much of a piece of shit you are. How much you only ever think of yourself. How selfish you can be.
There's a look on your face that is unfamiliar to him. A warning. I'm a hurricane; I will destroy you. It's one that he ignores.
"I know," he whispers back, seriously this time, his index finger tucking away strands of your hair that are hanging loose. Eyes focused on the movements of his fingers, he's too scared to look into yours. Shy, almost. Timid, and sweet, and everything that Jungkook's not. "And I'm letting you. I'm using you, too."
It's funny, because he really thinks he is. He thinks he's got control over the situation, that all this is happening because he chose for it to happen - as if you haven't been holding the cards this whole entire time. He's only winning because you're letting him win.
Part of you feels bad. You know that his feelings for you run deeper than your simple want to be wanted, and yet you don't try and rectify the situation. He's a grown man. He can make his own decisions. He can make his own mistakes.
The tentative tips of his fingers trail down your cheek, your neck. He pushes your hair over your shoulder, and presses a kiss against it.
His lips trail a little further up, ghosting your neck, occasionally pressing down. He's slow. Takes his time. Savours this; savours you.
You're surprised by the way it feels when Yoongi finally kisses you.
His lips are just as they should be, firm and soft, and when his tongue begins to trail across your bottom lip, you accept it into your mouth. There's silence in your sternum. You had expected that bell to chime like it so often did, but instead, there's just a small fizzle and pop, like a sparkler being dunked in a water cup. You can feel the fizzle, mind you, working its way down until you find yourself clenching.
This is good, you tell yourself. What you need.
Yoongi's tongue is slow as it licks into your mouth. He's working you out. Seeing how you taste, how it feels when your moans vibrate against him.
His hands tentatively begin to roam; hips pulsing beneath you. The weight of your body on top of his feels like a fucking crime. His fingers trail up your back. Tickle at your spine. Curve round your ribs and ghost the underside of your tits.
Your breath hitches, and all you can think about is him.
Your fingers clasp around Yoongi's, holding them in place, stopping them from moving further. He looks at you, head tilting when he realises yours is shaking. He's scared he's fucked it already.
"Just," you say quickly, noticing the panic in his eyes. "These," you gesture to your chest, not wanting to be specific but needing him to know. "Off limits. If that's okay?"
He nods. "Sure, of course. I'm sorry."
"No," you smile. "It's okay."
You could clarify. Could explain. Could make up some lie about how you don't like it, or how you're insecure, but Yoongi accepts your boundaries without question.
"Sure?" He asks, a little scared to venture further. He doesn't want to do the wrong thing. Doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, or make you feel like regretting your choices. He knows that he's probably only ever gonna get one shot at this, but he's gonna treat it like an audition for a permanent position. If he does well, maybe you'll want him again.
His hesitancy is sweet, you think. Endearing. Perhaps a little bit of a turn-off, but you don't seem to mind. You like that you can take of him just as much as he wants to take care of you.
The pace of his hips increases beneath you, your clothes aiding and abetting your crimes. It's not technically cheating if nothing happens. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.
Sure, his cock is fucking solid beneath his sweats, trapped in the confines of his underwear, and - fuck it, fine - maybe you are so wet that you're leaving a small mark on his crotch from where it's seeped through - but it's nothing.
It's not like you're actually touching his dick. Your hands are exclusively in his hair, his pretty sprout long gone, the scrunchie now around your wrist.
And it's not like he's inside you, either - although he wishes he was. In fact, he's thinking about it when he begins whining into your mouth. Your hips are working against him, the friction getting you closer and closer an-
"God, you're gonna make- fuck, I'm gonna-" he rasps, but he doesn't slow his movements. His hands are on your waist, dictating the speed at which you're moving on top of him. He's using you just as much as you're using him.
"Cum?" You finish his sentence with a sinful smirk against him. Your tongue flicks against his, and he's whining again. You're so direct, so blasé, that he doesn't know how to control himself. "Don't pretend like it's the first time, Yoongi."
See, Yoongi doesn't fuck like Jungkook.
Yoongi fucks nice girls. Girls who fuck for love. Girls who rarely fuck. Girls who do as they should; sit pretty, let the man have his way with them, and ask for nothing in return. Girls who are prudish, and refuse to discuss sex unless they're about to have it.
More often than not, Yoongi goes for girls who love him.
And it's probably why he's so fixated on you; because he knows you never will.
You're unattainable. Good girl gone bad. Sultry and seductive in a way that he's never seen before.
He ruts up against you, chest heaving as his grip on your waist forces you to angle a little further away from him. He shakes his head ever so slightly, lips hanging ajar. "Not the first time. Course it fucking isn't. Look at you."
And now you're fucking whining. He likes the reciprocation. Makes him feel like you want this just as much as he does - and you do. There's nothing you want more at that moment than to have Yoongi twitching in his underwear, unloading himself all because of you. You want the control. The power. The satisfaction.
You want a man weak for you, to make up for how weak a man had made you feel. You want confirmation that Jungkook was nothing special. That you can have the same impact on any man.
And here Yoongi is, hard beneath the weight of your body, your pussy hot against his stiff crotch; body clammy as he pretends like the scrunchie around your wrist doesn't belong to a girl who bakes him homemade tangerine tarts, just because. He isn't thinking about her. He's utterly consumed by you. He'll feel bad about it after you leave, but for now, he's just thinking of ways he can make you stay.
"Slow," you tell him, placing your hand against his chest, just below his ribs. You both ignore your ring just like you both ignore the scrunchie. He's just as corrupt as you are. Maybe you're a good match. Maybe you can be each other's favourite mistakes.
You shuffle back a little; ass perched on his knees, eyes looking at his crotch as your palm follows your gaze. It's not hard to get a read on his size beneath his sweats. They're a pale grey, but there's a telling dark stain where you've been sitting.
"Shit," he hisses. "We can't- I can't. I want to - fucking hell, I really do - but I can't."
"I know," you nod. "That's not what I'm after."
The way you smile as you say it has Yoongi thinking he might just cum right there and then. You're fucking with his head - but what bothers him the most is how much he likes it.
"What are you after, then?" he asks as he feels your hand squeeze around his length. He groans, head tipping back against the top of his sofa. The way his hips pulse is involuntary, and it has sin lacing your smile.
"Just wanna adjust you slightly," you shrug. You want his cock laying flat against his body. It's kind of at an angle now, and while it feels great to grind down on, you know it will be even better if you can work up and down his shaft a little easier. Better for you both.
He bites down on his lip to hold back another moan and nods when you release the pressure of your palm.
"You wanna move it, or shall I?" you ask, not wanting to overstep a boundary.
"I'll do it," he says, hand dipping beneath his waistband without hesitation. It's not cheating if he does it, he rationalises. It is cheating if you do it. He's decided, that's his limit. As long as you don't actually touch his cock, then it's fine. He hasn't given the kissing much thought because he doesn't want to stop doing it.
He looks at you as he strokes his cock, just a couple of times. Just enough to make you wish it was your lips around it, not his hand. You can't see anything - it's still hidden by his sweats - but the adjustment just makes the outline so much clearer. So much bigger.
"This okay?" he asks, almost nervously. Eyes darting around your face to get a read.
You nod. "Perfect."
His hands find your waist again, and he pulls you further up his lap. He holds you in place as he slowly pushes up against you. Your hand snakes behind his neck, the other clasping one of his wrists. Your nails dig in; a moan stuttering from your pouty lips.
"That feel better?" he checks, but your reaction was all he needed to confirm it.
Still, you're notoriously the worst - and so you smirk. Lean forward. Subtly move your hips as you do so. Press a chaste kiss against his neck. Whisper, "I'm not sure. You'll have to try again."
He's even slower this time. Deeper. You shouldn't be doing this, Yoongi.
And yet he does it again. Groans. Curses. "You make me so hard."
You can't help but laugh. He's sweet. Nice to be with. "You're welcome."
It's the giggle that gets him.
Sweet? Nice? Yeah, fuck that.
His hips get erratic. The speed, the pace. Jesus H. Christ. It's a good job you aren't fucking because you think he'd actually break you. You know he'd kiss it better, so it's okay - but now you're thinking of his tongue and how badly you want his head between your legs.
"Wait for me," you whine into his lips, as your hand dips towards your clothed cunt. It's so warm and wet that it's a miracle Yoongi hasn't stripped you bare just to have the luxury of experiencing it.
You both know this is a one-and-done kind of thing. One time can be classed as a mistake. A lapse in judgement. Forgiveness will be far easier. Repeat offences? Well, they're a pattern. Guaranteed to reoccur. It'd be an affair, for lack of a better term.
Yoongi was raised better. You weren't, but that's neither here nor there.
With your dress hiked up around your hips, it's almost cruel how easily Yoongi could access your pussy if he really wanted to. Has been resisting the temptation. The lace of your underwear - black and barely there - leaves little to the imagination. He's salivating at the sheer thought of how you could taste. He can smell your arousal, and thinks you must be some kind of delicacy.
His brain is playing tricks on him. Making him feel like he hasn't eaten for weeks. What he wouldn't give to have you in his mouth right now.
It's out of bounds, though. He can't.
But he can match the rhythm of his hips to the pace you're rubbing languid circles against your clothed cunt, right above the hood of your clit.
And again, he wants it in his mouth.
He needs a distraction. Something. Anything. Feels your grip on the back of his neck and decides that's it.
"Throat," he husks. "Put your hand around my throat."
The sound Yoongi makes when you do as he's asked, nails digging into his skin ever so slightly, is unlike anything you've ever heard before. It's desperate, unrestrained. Pathetic. So fucking hot.
But you're both mewling now, bodies clammy beneath your clothes.
It hits you first; the wave of an orgasm crashing down over you, taking Yoongi with it. Your body shakes on top of his, teeth biting down into his shoulder as hands squeeze your ass so tightly you think it might bruise.
Good. Would be nice to have the mark of someone else on your skin for once.
He folds almost as fast as you do. He's quiet as he cums, not minding that your grip on his throat had dropped. There's no announcement, no prewarning, he just lets his body fall into the familiar notion of what it feels like to experience euphoria because of you. Breath hitched, cock spurting into his underwear, Yoongi's head lolls. His eyes are half-mooned, lips resting ajar, looking directly at you as he cums.
It's sordid. Dirty. Forbidden. Your favourite kind of sexual exploit - but Yoongi is a willing participant. Wanting.
His hair is a little ruffled from your hands, body limp and docile from his release. He makes no objection as your frill his hair with a smile. He does eye you a little curiously as you begin to tie his hair back up with that damn scrunchie again. He's glad it's off your wrist. Felt guilty looking at it.
You tilt your head, eyes expansive and inquisitive as a smile prevails. "Prettiest sprout in Daegu."
And he really is; honey skin all pink and clammy, eyes glossy, a smile forming on his pouty lips. But he's also not stupid. He knows you're just trying to pretend like what just happened never did.
It's the sensible thing to do - but fuck, he's been thinking about that (or at least some variation of it) for months. Years, even. Against his better judgement, he steals a chaste kiss from your lips. "Prettiest sprout maker in Daegu."
The bashful shake of your head, the way your cheeks apple, the sound of your fucking giggle, all confirm it for him.
"Shut up."
"Don't think I can," he grins, satisfied to have finally gotten you like this. And then he kisses you again, because he knows full well that very soon he won't be able to. "Why the fuck did we never do that before?"
You wrap your arms around his neck and simper into his kiss. It's nice to be wanted. Nice to have someone want you just for the sake of wanting you. Nice to use someone instead of being used. There's no ulterior motive with Yoongi; just bad timing. That's all.
"'Cause we'd have never got any work done at the garage if we knew how good it felt," you hum, voice light and airy. He's missed you in the months you've been away. "Would have spent all our time in the stock room."
"You did that anyways," he laughs, pressing kisses down your neck. "Fucking slacker."
His lips stop beneath your collarbones, just shy of your chest, mindful of the boundary you set earlier.
"You never complained," you remind him. "You loved it."
He shakes his head. Doesn't deny it. Just grins.
And that's when the guilt starts to creep in for you, too.
Yoongi's one of the good ones. Hair tied up all cute and silly just because you wanted to do it. There's safety to be found when you're sitting in his lap. He'd never fuck you over. Never.
But you've twisted his arm, and made him fuck over some other poor girl. You know it's gonna eat at him - because he's a good person. Far better than you are.
"Hey," you say quietly. "I should get going."
"It's late," he replies, his deep voice a similar dulcet volume to yours. He's mirroring you. It's cute. "You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch again. Like last time."
The way he tacks that last sentence on is so delicate. So pure. Proof that you can trust him. It's tried and tested. Customer approved. Trip Advisor recommended.
In your heart of hearts, you know you don't deserve another minute of his company. You look down. Choke on your words a little. Shake your head. "Wouldn't wanna put you out."
You've a home to get to.
"It's no bother," he smiles.
You know leaving will hurt him, but fear staying will do more damage.
And again, you've a home to get to.
"Stay," he says.
"I can't," you whisper. Nudge your nose against his. Let your lips linger a little too close. Don't press down until he does. And then you kiss him like you really mean it. You think you do. "I'm sorry."
The worst thing about Yoongi is the way he smiles. It's innocent, even if what you just did wasn't. Sincere. Compassionate. You know he's only thinking about you - but there are other people in this equation. You reach for the scrunchie. It pulls from his hair with ease - a testament to how he feels about his short-lived romance. It doesn't matter though, as you pick up his wrist and place the scrunchie around it.
He looks at it; at your nails and how they clasp his hand so delicately. He squeezes them. Nods. Purses his lips, takes in the shine of your ring, then looks at you. "I'm sorry, too."
You're not sure what for. For not acting sooner? For not asking you on a date all those months ago? For the fact he moved on when you moved away?
"It's cool," you say and try a sincere smile back. He sees right through it. "We're cool."
"We are?"
"We are."
Yoongi calls you a cab. You've had too much wine to risk getting pulled over. The scandal your father would face as the result of you getting a DUI isn't worth it at this point. You've a role to play. A home to get to before the sun rises.
And despite it all, he kisses you goodbye.
"Better not go rogue again," he tells you.
All you can do is smile. "No promises."
When your fiancé calls through to the master bathroom - letting you know he's off to work - you pretend you can't hear him. There's a shuffle by the door as he waits for a reply, but when he doesn't get one, he assumes you're beneath the water.
Easy enough mistake.
You've been too busy staring at your reflection for upwards of ten minutes, trying to assess who the fuck is staring back at you. The marble countertops are cold beneath your hands, the shower running freely, 'cause you're not the one footing the bill. Your fiancé is.
You don't feel bad about the fact you're quite literally pouring his cash down the drain. There's enough money to cover it - but of course there is. Despite his well-to-do salary man image, his main income comes under the table. It's illicit, but so is everything in the world you'd left behind all those years ago.
The man who put a ring on your finger is on your father's payroll. Has been since he turned eighteen. Is following in his own father's footsteps.
It's all very sweet, when you come to think about it - what kid doesn't look up to their father? You sure had.
You, the daughter of a political figurehead; he, the son of the Chief of Police.
It's what made you such a great couple from the get-go.
Was kind of like the fairytales your mother would read to you before bed. You wonder now if she was trying to ingrain the idea of such a suitor from your early childhood. Get her ideal man embedded in your brain before it even had a chance to fully develop.
Your fiancé is a little older than you are, so they had to buy time. Make sure no relationship between the pair of you could be scandalised.
Once you were of age, it seemed to be a match made in heaven. The stuff of Shakespeare plays.
It was only natural that you would end up together. Set in stone. You'd marry and become an unstoppable force for your parents. The city would remain theirs.
Thing is, you never wanted to be a character in a Shakespeare romance. You always thought it'd be fruitless. They all end up the victims of great tragedies, anyways.
What you had wanted was to be the muse of a sonnet. Have a man dote on you; write you poetry under the glare of sweltering summer heat. Someone who'd make metaphors out of the condensation on cans of chilsung, consumed together down by your favourite spot along the river. He'd mumble nonsense about the smell of your hair and how he'd long to touch you with his ink-stained fingertips.
As you grew, you began to favour motor oil over ink. Hardly a surprise that you'd been suckered by a motor-loving swine with ink etched into his knuckles. You tend not to think about how gentle those hands of his could be. He'd been everything you had ever wanted wrapped into one. Tied with a pretty red bow.
Now, you think you'll be lucky if you make it to the footnotes of a political history book.
You shower. Take a little longer than normal to rinse the grimey feeling of betrayal from your skin. It'll never leave. Not really. Lodged beneath too many layers of skin.
It's not like you had gone to Yoongi's with the intention of letting things get that far. A little flirt, sure, something harmless - but it was just so lovely to have choices. So nice to be able to choose someone who is also choosing you, even if just for a moment. A lapse in time; in judgement.
Your fiancé never chose you. He chose the path of least resistance from his parents, and you just so happened to be crossing the same road as him.
He's tall. The full cliche - dark, handsome. Had been your first 'love' before you knew what love actually was. First everything. First boy to cheat on you, too, but you mother just told you all men were cheaters. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about. Your father was leading by example.
So even though you're in his apartment, wearing clothes washed in his detergent, helping yourself to snacks he bought, you know not to be too comfortable. Not to convince yourself he actually wants this relationship for anything other than his own political gain.
He's banking on a promotion. Not within his career, but within your father's corruption. You're an asset.
And him? Well, to state it plainly, he's an ass.
He's also definitely fucking his secretary, but it's not like he's getting lucky with you so you don't care all that much. She was in the picture before you. Or at least, while you were away. It's been a few years since you were last here. Enough time for something to blossom. Poor thing probably actually loves him. You doubt it's reciprocated.
The ring on your finger is nothing more than a political move; a safety net for the man who had held had refused to pawn it after you left the first time. You'd been a diamond girl, back then. Had been a different person entirely.
You're sat on his sofa, twiddling at your ring, garbage reality shows play on his obnoxiously large television screen, when he pops home towards the end of his lunch break.
He seems agitated. Doesn't really greet you. Is looking for a casefile he'd left at home this morning.
"Think they're by the bed," you hum, vaguely aware of flicking through them this morning after he'd left.
Petty convenience store robbery, nothing really to write home about. You scoff at the cases he's been assigned, as if he were still a rookie. He's been on the force for years. He should be investigating major crimes. Murders. Narcotics. Corruption.
Then again, he'd end up investigating all of his friends if he did those cases. Must be better for him to stay away.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," he dismisses as he rushes on through.
There's a slight waft of perfume as he passes you. It becomes clear why he decided to cram the document retrieval into the last ten minutes of his lunch break. You find yourself wondering if you had smelt like Yoongi when you'd arrived home the night before.
"You picking up the car this afternoon?"
Shit. The car.
"Yeah." Your capability of making lies sound like bible truth is commendable. A skill. Talent. "Was just about to go."
"Okay, good. You gonna be near Kang's? I need some more oil."
You're silent for a moment. Think of which lovely little lie to tell. Settle on, "Jieun lives not too far from it. I can pop by."
He hums something in response. You think it might be a thank you but he doesn't care to articulate it properly. It's not till he walks back to the living area that you realise he's still talking. "-actually be good for you to get out of the house. You can't mope around here all day."
You scowl. Look at him with genuine disdain. "Sorry?"
"I'm just saying," he shrugs, a look on his face as if he genuinely thinks he's not being a dick. "You can't be out all hours at night - and before you say it, I don't care if it's just at Jieun's, I have a work schedule I have to sleep for - and then spend all day doing nothing."
This time, you stay silent.
You don't think he's wrong, but he's also the one who had given you terms and conditions when he put that ring back on your finger. No GS25 was one of them. No university either, which is what you'd really wanted to do; actually educate yourself on business affairs, so that it wasn't all bullshit when you were dealing with the hooligans from Kang's.
But no. To be welcomed back into the fold was to be restricted; prevented from doing things that would garner you any further independence.
"While I'm at Kang's, I'll see if they've got any jobs going," you say. The garage in front of the boxing club would actually be the perfect place for you to work while you figured out your next move. You also know there's no way in hell it would ever be given the green light.
"Working for your father's political rival?" he scoffs, not taking you seriously for a second.
"Says the man who wants me to buy oil from there," you scoff right back. "But fine, I can go back to GS2-"
"No. Your father said-"
"You think I give a rat's arse what my father said?"
"Your father said to keep a low profile until he can justify another job opening in the mayoral office."
"Joy. Can't wait," you say as he walks to the door. He's out of it without even so much as a goodbye when you mumble, "You might be his bitch, Hoseok, but I'm not."
Realistically, the conversation had been done as soon as you mentioned getting a job.
It's on the list of 'No Can Do' activities, set in place by your father to keep his political appearance clean. No job, no school, no clubs, nothing worthy of a scandal. Nothing that could be used against him. He might have won the last election, but Kang came pretty fucking close to stealing it from him. He needs to gain back the favour of his people.
It takes well over an hour to get to Kang's by foot from the city center apartment you're in, so you head to the nearest bus station. Figure you'll just hop on the 503. Will try not to think about Jungkook when you do so.
You're dressed down, a slouchy jumper over a pair of jeans fading you into obscurity. Nothing special. You know you should really make more of an effort to keep up appearances, but you're tired. Exhausted. Not physically, but mentally.
Your old life is draining you.
There had been method to your madness: you'd returned 'home' for a reason.
Part of you wishes you hadn't. Wishes you'd have gone straight to Kangs.
But you needed an 'in', and to be honest, you needed protection. You play a mean game of poker, and your bluff has been perfected, but behind the poker face, you're scared. Of your reality. Of your father. Of the men who dwell in Kang's boxing club.
And so you'd needed to get your ducks in a row before you stepped foot into Kang's. Couple of months was all it had taken for your family to be convinced that your reckless youth had been outgrown; for a ring to be back on your finger.
You find yourself thinking about Jungkook; what it could have been like if you'd have met him before... well, before everything.
You think about your life as a teenager - privileged, affluent. Think about his hardships, and how you could have tried to help. Your father never would have listened to you, but you could have a least appealed to his sense of humanity. Could have tried to stop the funding cuts. Probably could have extorted your father; used his mistakes against him.
Instead, you'd distanced yourself. Changed your legal name as soon as you could because you knew that, eventually, you'd want to run. Would want to remove yourself from any position of influence.
It's why you never could have helped Jungkook. You had been running from the very thing he needed: power, influence, money. At the time, they'd been meaningless to you. Not meant for you, you thought - though you're doing rather well cosplaying as Daddy's little princess again.
As you make your way across town, you notice how bad the air quality is once more - heavy in your lungs, drying your eyes out.
You make your way to Yoongi's, and for a moment, it feels like nothing has changed. Like you're just going to hang out on a day off. You'll gossip about the boss, maybe make theories on why Jieun had called in sick the week before.
But when Yoongi opens his apartment door, he wants to look like he's ambivalent about your arrival. Indifferent. Unphased. Can't help but smile, though.
"Twice in twelve hours?" he says. "Really making up for lost time, aren't you?"
You roll your eyes, because there's an innuendo lacing his words and you're not sure what to make of it. Both of you are sober, now, not a drop of wine left in your systems and yet... you kind of feel like you are a little tipsy.
Your skin is clammy, heart beating a little faster than it should be. Just the air quality, you tell yourself. Harder to breathe. Yeah, just the air. Just the pollution, baby.
Funny, how it's Jungkook's voice in your head again.
But Yoongi's heart is doing the just same. Can't blame it on the air.
He knows last night was wrong, but the adrenaline rush that had come with giving himself up for you made him feel like he'd digested enough uppers to kill a man. Swallowed them whole. Chased a high he'd never reached before. Nirvana. Purgatory disguised as paradise.
"Look, Yoongi I-" You begin, but he interrupts you. Knows the tone of voice you're using. Doesn't want to hear it.
"Don't," he says, opening his door a little wider to invite you in.
You hesitate, but when he knocks his head back, eyes half-mooned as they drink you in, you can't refuse. He nods to the sofa, where you take a seat, shoes off, feet up, legs crossed.
He stands by the wall opposite you, keeping a little distance. Looks down - but then right back up and into your eyes as he says, "You've only just got here. Don't treat me like I was a mistake already."
There's silence as you look at one another. Your lips rest ajar, a million thoughts fighting it out to be spoken first.
"You weren't."
You're not sure you believe it, but you want him to. Don't want him feeling like you regret him.
"No?" He says, dark but deliriously honest; not only how they drink you in, but how they also pour out for you. The windows to his soul are open, curtains wafting in the breeze. He's inviting you in. Offering you a home. "Why does it feel like you were about to say that it was?"
Because you were.
Not because you thought it was a mistake for you; but because it was a mistake for him. The scrunchie has been hidden away, and his take-out for two containers have been left out for the recycling collection. He's testing out what it could be like, you think. What it could be like to have you in his space.
"I can't give you what you need," you say quietly, avoiding eye contact. You'd expected a little more small talk before jumping to the hard hitters, but Yoongi's been striking out for years. He's making the most of your defence being down.
"Can't, or won't?"
"Both," you feign a half smile. "Even if I wanted to, Yoongi, I don't think I could. I'm not made for you people like you."
"And what am I like?"
"Good," you speak so softly he can't help but smile. "Deserving of more."
He just shrugs. Doesn't hide his hurt. "What if I don't want more?"
And then his hurt takes precedence; obscures any whispers in his mind that tell him not to do... well, do whatever the fuck this is. He's waited years for a green light from you. Instead, you'd raced through amber the night before. Looks red now. He just wants fucking green.
"I don't want more."
He looks down. Shakes his head.
When his gaze meets yours again, the windows are shut - but the curtains are still drawn open wide. It's dark inside. Lights are off, but there's somebody home. They're waiting for you to come home, too.
He walks a little closer to the sofa. "Tell me you didn't want me last night."
You're so good at lying. Have mastered it. And yet-
"That's not fair."
Why aren't you lying to him? You can be cold. You can be callous. You're perfectly capable of treating the ones you love like they mean nothing more than the shit beneath your shoes, and yet it's hard to do it with Yoongi. Hard to tell him anything he doesn't want to hear. He deserves the earth, you think, and yet all you're giving him is dirt that will get trapped beneath his nails.
"Tell me you didn't," he repeats, standing a little taller now. His shoulders are broad. Powerful. You'd be safe with Yoongi. Would want for nothing. "Tell me you didn't want me last night."
You look down. Shake your head.
Shame is a funny feeling. Fools you into thinking you should be honest.
"I can't."
Yoongi doesn't smile. Just nods. "Because you want me, too."
"Not for the right reasons, Yoongi," you stress, hoping he'll see sense.
"Who gives a fuck about the right reasons?"
"You will."
"I won't."
"When you ruin what's good for you because of something I can't give you, then you'll give a fuck," you tell him. The hairband might be hidden but there's half a tangerine tart left in his fridge and a concert ticket she bought for him taped on the door of it. His life is good. He doesn't need you storming through it like a summer typhoon. "I am nothing. I can give you nothing."
And then Yoongi does something all rather unexpected.
He smirks.
Toys at the corner of his lips with his tongue. Crosses his arms and raises his brow. "You gave me yourself last night."
"I gave you my body," you correct him, getting to your feet. Nothing good will happen from this conversation. You just need to get your keys and go. There's an urgency to your movements, heading towards the kitchen section of his open planing living space. Your keys will be on the hook where he keeps his own, you're sure. "Look, I've got-"
Your movements are halted as Yoongi reaches for your hand. Pulls you round. Walks you back until your ass is against the kitchen cupboards. You're looking up at him. The closeness of your bodies is intentional. Orchestrated by him; allowed by you. His voice is low as he says, "That's not nothing."
"But it's not enough," you stress, and you absolutely mean it. "I'm engaged to be married, Yoongi."
"And I'm already going to hell," he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. You don't stop him. "So I may as well have fun with it."
This is a side to him that you've never seen before. One that screams danger. Either he's learnt what you like in a man, or maybe he's just been hiding this part of him. He's tried being perfect, has seen it doesn't work. Maybe this is the real Min Yoongi.
"Yoongi," you say with little thought as his nose nudges against yours.
"Mhmm?" he hums back. His lips ghost yours. Your heart is beating out of your chest. One of his hands is flat against the kitchen counter as the other brushes up the curve of your waist.
You shake your head. The movement only causes the friction of your lips to tenfold. "If this happens, it doesn't mean anything."
He smiles against you. Shakes his head. Presses his lips against yours. One, two, remember to breathe. Pulls away. "It means everything."
You've always been a sucker for men who speak in definitive terms.
But you know how dangerous they can be, now. Know not to trust their words.
"We're not on the same page," you say. At least this way, you can't be accused of leading him on.
"We're not even reading the same damn book," Yoongi smiles against you. Kisses you again. Pulls away before you're ready for him to do so. "But does it really matter if they both have the same ending?"
And then you kiss him. It's soft. Tender. So sweet and gentle compared to the hardness of your heart. "It's not a happy ending."
"So close it, then," Yoongi says, pulling away from you a little. He's giving you the chance to leave. To get out. Escape. "Close your book. Stop this from happening."
But then you're kissing him again, and his tongue is in your mouth and - fuck - it's so nice to feel someone touch you with such intent. You know this is more than something casual, know that you've cared for Yoongi for too long for it not to have stemmed from nothing, but there's no permanence. It's terrifying and soothing all within the same swipe of his tongue against yours.
"One last chance," he says, lips so close to yours that he may as well be sending you telepathic messages. "Close your book if you want to."
It's shameful, the way you shake your head. Keep your eyes closed. Swallow. "But I wanna know what happens next."
Must sound like music to Yoongi's ears. He kisses you so deeply you think you may suffocate.
"What happens next is up to you," he moans into your lips, his nimble fingers pushing the button of your jeans through its fastening. "But it starts with this."
The sound of your breath is heavy. It soundtracks the murmur of your jeans zip being pushed down. Doesn't hide the way he curses against your lips.
"Yoongi," you whisper, eyes closing to stop yourself from catching his gaze.
His lips press against your throat, his dexterous fingers toying with the lace of your underwear. He knows he shouldn't. Knows that there's no taking this back. Knows he's fucking everything up - but he's played it safe for so fucking long and where has that ever gotten him before?
"Yoongi, I-" you try again, but his tongue strokes against your neck, teeth grazing it ever so scarcely. His fingers sink into your jeans. Press on your clit above your underwear. It has you gasping for air. He eases his pressure, then reapplies. Repeats. Your hips move languidly against his movements. You want this. Want him.
Want to feel like you're actually loved.
"Say the word, and I'll stop," he promises.
But you just shake your head.
"Don't stop?"
He presses his fingers against you. Circles. Once, twice. God, it feels so fucking good to have him touch you like this. Has you mewling. "Don't stop."
"I won't. I'll make you feel so good," he husks against your neck. "You know I can do it. Know I can make you feel better than anyone else ever has."
The promise is pointed; directed at Jungkook. You hate that you're thinking about him. Hate that as you tug on Yoongi's hair, his fingers still pressing against your clothed cunt, it's Jungkook's face in your mind. His smirk, how he loved watching you come undone, how he comes undone.
And so you open them. Focus on Yoongi. Tell him how good he's already making you feel. Tell him how you've thought about this before.
It's not a lie. Admittedly, it was before Jungkook had ever come onto the scene, when you and Yoongi were still dancing that awkward line of flirting or friends. You'd settled on different sides, but, for a while, you contemplated what could happen if you chose the same side as him. Spent a couple of late nights imagining how he'd feel.
He's more delicate than you ever expected. Gentler. Softer.
"Is that what you want?" You moan as his lips yours, nails scratching up his throat, remembering how much he'd liked it the night before. He whines a little into the kiss. "Wanna make me feel good?"
He nods. "Wanna be the reason you cum."
His hands sink further into your jeans. Slip beneath your underwear. You're like fucking silk on his fingertips. Incredibly sodden silk, but silk nonetheless. Exquisite.
Yoongi presses his body into yours, and you can feel his bulge against your tummy. No matter how badly you appear to want him, he wants you more. Always has done.
What a devastating achievement this is. Yoongi finally has the girl he's wanted in the palm of his hand, lungs stuttering her chest - but it's tarnished.
All he ever wanted was to love you. Not to fuck you. Sure, it'd be an inevitable side-effect, not one he'd ever complain about, but this just... wasn't how he'd envisioned it.
He's not sure that he could classify what he feels now as love. It's something quite similar, yes, but it's tainted. The waters he's treading are murky, as if something could pull him under at any time. A little bit of seaweed, maybe, wrapping up around his ankle, seeping up his legs like the ribbons of ballet shoes, pulling him down to dance on the ocean floor.
He'd let it, he thinks, if it meant he got to dance with you.
It's when your hands creep to the top of his trousers that he knows he's won. Knows that you do want this, too. Want him.
The second your hand wraps around his length, warm and stiff in your palm, he's ready.
You'd come undone with one another the night before. Used each other. It was self-serving. Self-gratifying. But now?
He's going to be the reason you come undone. His movements. His hands. Him. All him.
The way he guides you through his apartment is sweet. Careful, and gentle; his back is to the walls just in case he knocks into them. Keeps you protected.
And that's exactly what Yoongi is; a safety net.
But as he gets you on his bed - gets you undressed, gets his lips in places he only could have dreamt of, his tongue on your skin, teeth nipping - it's easy to forget that the safety net is still suspended a few meters above ground. You're not entirely secure.
The way Yoongi cradles your jaw makes you think you are, though. He always asks permission. Never takes a chance. Is vocal not for the sake of it, but to make sure that you always have an out. He wants this, wants you, but only because he's convinced you want him too.
Let me eat your pussy, baby. Is that okay? Will you turn over for me? That's it. God, yeah like that. You're so fucking good at that. Wait, wait- no. I'll cum. Don't wanna cum yet. Sit on my face. Shut up, no, I don't care. Maybe I want you to suffocate me. God. Taste so fucking good. That's it. Grind. On my face, baby. All over it. Look at how hard you made me.
And how can you refuse his requests?
Yoongi doesn't hide what he likes. Likes you. Likes you on top. Your hand around his throat. The way your nails feel against his skin. Would really like for you to leave a mark but he always grabs onto your hand whenever he thinks that you might. It's a reminder: his body isn't yours.
His heart might be, but who cares about that?
You don't, clearly, and so nor does he. He'll take what you give him.
And what a gift it is; clammy bodies, dulcet moans, whines of his name.
Yoongi's thought about this so many times, but he's never realised how good it would feel; what it would be like to hear you giggle while he's pushing himself inside you. Had never realised that you'd kiss his temples when he bottoms out, or that you'd whisper his name like a fucking bible verse. Never considered that you'd be so tight around him that he'd spend a fair while warming his cock inside of you, kissing you slowly as you adjust to his size. Never thought you'd taste so sweet, sound so serene.
Never thought he'd get this.
But he did.
And so now he gets it. Gets why that blonde-haired prick couldn't stay away. Gets why he wanted Yoongi to know how well he'd been fucking you - because now it's the only thing Yoongi wants to do, too.
Wants you. Wants you. Wants you.
Wants you in his bed, on his floor, in his shower. Wants you in the GS25 stock room, wants you out back in one of the cars he's working on. Wants you in every way he can get you.
Wishes he hadn't taken so long to act on it.
Because he knows that he can never really have you, now.
It's why he's letting himself indulge on this occasion. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but as far as he can see it, it's a once in a lifetime. He'll never get the chance again.
Never get you sat on his cock like you are now, never get to watch the light that peaks through his half-closed blinds illuminating your features, never get your cheeks all rosy and dimpled like this ever again. Never gonna hold your bare hips as you grind against him, never gonna pull on your wrist to bring your chest flat to his, never gonna kiss you through another orgasm.
But for now, he does. Bucks his hips, whines your name, tells you he's there, tells you - oh god, like that, baby - he's gonna cum. Fuck.
And so you meet him there. Rub delicate circles on your swollen cunt, bringing yourself to release just when he does. The thin layer of latex between you protects you from becoming his, but it all feels the same. The way your heart beats. The way he kisses you. It all feels the fucking same.
His arms wrap around your back. Hold you tightly. A kiss is pressed into your shoulder; up your neck.
The guilt that you expect to arrive never comes.
It will do, eventually - but much later on. His will come in the depths of the night, when he's sleeping beside his girlfriend, too much of a coward to tell her that he's betrayed her.
You think yours will come in the cold light of day a few months from now, when you finally let your brain process everything you've been through.
He tells you he's sorry, cock still buried inside of you, and you shake your head. Tell him you're sorry, too.
"What if I don't forgive you?" He teases, trying to lighten the mood - but you almost think he means it.
"Good," you smile. "It would be good if you don't."
You trace the vein that runs down his arm, and forge some faux sense of intimacy. You're playing house, but you can't play forever. Always have to go back to reality at some point.
This point comes half an hour later; Yoongi shirtless in a pair of sweats, leaning against his door frame toying with loose strands of your hair. He wants to kiss you. "Do you regret it?"
You want to kiss him, too. "Do you?"
The way you ask is so light and airy that Yoongi still feels like he's floating. The only thing he wants to weigh him down is your body on his.
Your want is growing too large, so you look down to avoid his gaze. Yoongi notices a lash on your cheek. A wish. He should reach for it. Collect it on his thumb, tell you to blow it away.
But he already knows what you'll wish for. Who.
And so he doesn't give you the chance. Hopes the wind will steal it from you.
"Don't be a stranger," he tells you as you go. His lips are plump, annoyed with his brain at the lack of kisses stolen from you before you left.
You lie. Tell him that you won't be. Say you'll see him soon.
Both of you know that you won't.
And it's only confirmed when you get into your car - breath heavy, eyes warm, tears verging - and you spot fucking Jieun walking up the road towards Yoongi's apartment. She's carrying a punnet of tangerines. Wears her hair tied into a half ponytail like you used to do.
This. Now. Yeah, this is when the guilt comes.
It makes so much fucking sense. Of course they'd have ended up together without you in the way to fuck everything up like you're so bloody good at. You wait until she's inside his apartment complex to start the car up, and fucking pray that Yoongi's gone to freshen up, that he's hidden the condom in the trash, that his lips won't taste like you.
Oh god, it's all so fucked.
"What have I done?" You berate yourself, head resting on the top of your steering wheel.
Whatever has happened has happened. You can't take it back. Nor can Yoongi. Just a fact of life now: Min Yoongi has fucked you. And you've fucked his life up.
You dart through town, giving little to no shit about the speed limits nor the unwritten rules of the roads, and find yourself cleaning tears off your cheeks with the back of your hand. You're not crying, not really. Not intentionally. It's just kind of happening.
That's your excuse for everything these days. It just happened.
The radio is off, and the roads are smooth beneath your tyres, but everything just feels so fucking loud. The engine barely makes a rumble but it feels like it's roaring at you. Screaming.
And then you are, too.
Screaming at the world; why it had to be this way. Why you're incapable of making good decisions. Why you couldn't have just stayed in Busan with the boy who'd stained you red with the colour of his love that ended up being nothing more than a little lie.
By the time you get to Kang's, you really are sobbing. It's in the way your shoulders shake; chest tightens. That's the issue with going back to your family. You're a frightened little girl all over again. Out of your depth. No fucking clue what you're doing. Just trying to feel something. Anything. Anyone.
For a moment, it had worked. And now everything is broken again.
You twist the keys in the ignition; let the engine cool before you pull yourself together. Pull down the sun visor, check yourself in the mirror. Check for signs of weakness. Grab a little lipstick from the centre console. Your eyes aren't all that bad. There's a little blush on your face, but there's plausible deniability. If anyone questions if you've been crying, you can blame it on windburn. Or tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. One of the two.
A deep breath settles in your sternum. You're not who you were a minute ago. You can do this.
Shoulders rolled back, you hold your head high as you enter the boxing club. The TV is playing in the background, Seokjin and Namjoon sat up by the sofas. They're surprised to see you, but it's not entirely out of the blue. They knew you'd be back.
Jimin clocks you as he's grabbing a water, and nods. You don't nod back.
And despite the fact you refuse to look at him as you enter the boxing club, Jungkook knows.
He's not entirely sure of what he knows, he's just aware of the fact you aren't quite yourself. There's an elegance to how you carry yourself and now is just the same, but... there's something. He can't pinpoint it. Can't figure it out.
But of course he can't.
It's a matter of the heart, not the mind.
In the same vein, it's not a matter at all. He doesn't care about you. Not like that. Doesn't give a shit if you're hurting, or if you're upset, or if someone has been unkind but-
Oh, fuck it.
He does care. He does, he does, he does. He cares so much. So, so much. So much that it feels like his heart has been ripped from his chest just looking at you. There's blood pooling all around him. Kids fucking dance in it like puddles. You watch from afar with a smile and a shrug, holding his still beating heart in your hands. You did this, love.
Jungkook closes his eyes. Shakes the image from his head. Tells himself to stay off the hallucinogenics for awhile.
His eyes find you again as you walk towards Seokjin. Jungkook is down by the bags, unwrapping his hands after a heavy session. There's sweat gleaming on his skin, staining pretty patterns down the back of his shirt. He's pleased you'd arrived now. Knows he looks like shit, but also knows how much you liked fucking him after a workout. Would tell him not to shower. Was the pheromones. Some shit like that. Drove you fucking wild.
The pleasure he takes in your timing is forgotten about when he realises just hollow your eyes are. Finds himself actually wanting a shower - admittedly, with you. It was always where you'd find the most comfort together, and that's what he wants. Just wants to fix whatever's gone wrong for you today.
Instead, he just walks toward the sofas. Doesn't like not being a part of the discussion. There are a few nods. Slight deliberation - and then Seokjin calls the Jungkook and Jimin in to the sofas regardless.
"Taking a vote," he says. It's already been discussed in private between the boys, but no formal plans have been put in place.
You choose to stand. Jungkook sinks into the leather of the sofa in front of you. Avoids eye contact. You pretend to look at the men around you, but you don't really take any of them in. You're unfocused. Disillusioned; disassociating. Daydreaming of the beach, where the water is clear and the sand is warm.
And then, you do let your eyes fall on his. They're so wide and worried. Jungkook is certain he's never seen you like this. Something isn't aligning. Hasn't been since you left, but he thought things would fall back into place when you returned.
You okay? he says silently.
You look him up. Look him down. Part your lips - only to close them again once Seokjin starts talking.
"All those in favour of working together?"
One by one they raise their hands. Seokjin first, then Jimin. Namjoon looks around. Shuffles uncomfortably. Doesn't look at you as he raises his hand.
"Kook?" Seokjin asks.
"It's a bad fuckin' idea," he says, eyes never once dropping from yours. He's not telling the boys. He's telling you.
"Your forte," you say sweetly, but there's no smile on your lips.
And he just nods.
"Yeah. It is."
He raises his hand.
Full house.
"Alright, then," Seokjin beams. "Let's get to work."
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
strawberry wine - joel miller x fem!reader
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during - part five
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
and then it all comes crashing down.
a/n: outbreak day! plus the time leading up. I couldn’t bring myself to write joel’s side of the tragedy, but here we are. the start of “during”. potentially a little bit of canon-divergence from here until the “after”, but I’m trying to stick with that information we have, while filling in the gaps for reader’s story. (“after” will be when they leave boston with ellie)
word count: 4.4k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+, MINORS DNI, angst, fluff, a super brief mention of 9/11, this is definitely not as sad as part four but it’s also involves outbreak day so there’s that, canon-typical violence, death, yes I am turning reader into a badass and I will not apologize.
✨follow @friskito-library and turn on notifications for updates on new works/chapters✨
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You never really stop thinking about him. And he never really stops being apart of your life, not truly.
He’s the first person you call, when the Towers fall in New York, not a week after you’ve started your internship. You see it on television, standing in line to get your boss his daily latte, and you pull out your cell phone without a second thought, dialling Joel’s number. “Have you seen the news?”
A freak snowstorm stops you from getting home for Christmas that year; the airport is a disaster to get through after everything that’s happened, so you take a few days off to drive it instead, but you can’t even get out of the state, let alone across the country. So your holidays that year are spent with local friends you’ve made at work, calling your family on Christmas Day and New Year’s.
You try to call Joel on New Year’s, to wish him a good year as the clock strikes twelve, but the call goes to voicemail, and your friends are counting down the ball drop as you ramble into the phone.
Hey, it’s me! Just calling to say Happy New Year, hope you’re having a good night. And hope I get to see more of you in 2002. That year sounds so funny, doesn’t it? Talk to you soon, Joel Miller. Bye.
You almost say it, the words creeping up the back of your throat. The missing him hasn’t abated, even with the time and the distance. You sleep in one of the flannel shirts you’d stolen every night, and you’ll admit that you cried a little when you had to wash them, realizing that it would wash the scent of him away almost completely.
The phone calls get more sporadic, and you don’t blame him. There’s only an hour time difference between Texas and Massachusetts, but it feels like much more. You’re off-kilter from one another, always seeming to catch each other’s voicemail instead of the real person.
You manage to make it home for the Fourth of July the following summer, your internship having turned into a real job, but a real job that’s kept you busier than ever for the first half of the year. Your boss is, blessedly, understanding, and lets you take two weeks to go back to Austin.
He meets you at the airport, your name scrawled on a piece of paper, a bouquet of daisies in his grip, and you nearly burst into tears right there in the terminal. Your entire two weeks is filled with him, though you try to split your time between the Miller’s house and your own, letting your sister talk your ear off more than she already does on the phone, taking a few afternoons to help your dad around the hardware store. But almost every night finds you in Joel’s bed.
You all go to the park for fireworks on the Fourth. Your parents are re-introduced to Joel, though you’re both adamantly just calling each other “good friends” — which earns you an eye roll from your sister. Sarah runs around the field with the other kids, waving sparklers and giggling like mad. You stick close to Joel, the three of you sitting on a blanket in the grass, and you watch the firework together, your head resting on his shoulder, his arm swung around your waist. Sarah’s too preoccupied with the firework display to notice.
When you get home the next morning, your sister hands you a polaroid, the words July 4th 2002 written in sharpie along the border. It’s you and Joel, backlit, your head on his shoulder as a gigantic white firework explodes in the night sky. You don’t know what to say.
“I know you never wanted to leave him,” she says, and you nearly burst into tears as you hug her.
It’s another tearful goodbye when your two weeks are up, and you’re a fool to think it’d be any easier than the first time. You say goodbye to your parents first, and Joel picks you up in his truck, taking you to the airport. He kisses you deeply outside, burying his hands in your hair and squeezing you tight before letting you go.
And always the same farewell, the same thing he said when you first left, the same thing he’s said at the end of every phone call.
“Take care of yourself, baby.”
You meet Dean through a friend of a friend.
It’s almost Christmas, 2002, and you haven’t been home since July. Your phone calls with Joel have dwindled to almost non-existent; you just don’t have the time. Work is busy, to the point where you find yourself still sat at your desk until nearly midnight some nights. And you’re still missing each other, voicemails left occasionally, the missed calls stacking up through the week until it’s the weekend and you feel too tired to put yourself through the heartbreak of hearing his voice.
Hey, darlin’, it’s me. I keep missin’ ya, I guess. Hope you’re doin’ okay. Don’t work too hard, yeah? Been thinking about you a lot and I just…Take care of yourself.
It felt like a goodbye. Standing in your kitchen, takeout spread out on your counter, chopsticks in hand. He hadn’t said it, not specifically. There was no I can’t do this anymore, no this hurts too much, doesn’t it hurt you too? But it still felt like a finality, of sorts.
You took the takeout to bed with a bottle of wine.
That weekend, your friends drag you out to some party. A housewarming thing for someone you don’t know, a fancy loft on the other side of the city. It’s as good a reason as any to get out of your head, throwing on a new dress and a bit of makeup. You do shots in your apartment before piling into a cab, tipsy by the time you get to the party. There’s lots of faces you don’t know, your friends pulling you through the crowds, one of them grinning at you.
“You have to meet Dean.”
He’s tall. Sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes and he’s a lawyer. He laughs at your jokes and gets you another drink when you finish your first. He’s from Boston; a pure-bred, he tells you, and chuckles when you ask to see his pedigree.
You wake up in his bed the next day, your dress and shoes scattered on the floor of his stupidly nice apartment, head throbbing with a hangover, guilt bubbling up on your tongue like bile. Dean makes you coffee and calls you a cab, gives you a business card with his number on it. “God, this feels like a business deal,” he says, shaking his head, nearly taking the card back. “I can find a takeout menu or something, write my number on that instead.”
“No, this is good,” you laugh, and the guilt mixes with something strangely giddy when he kisses you goodbye.
When you get home, you wrap yourself in the flannel you’d taken from Joel, and weep. Part of you whispers that you shouldn’t feel guilty, that Joel’s all the way across the country, that you two aren’t technically together to begin with, but it does little to ease the ache in your chest.
Your friend calls in the early afternoon, and when she hears the crack in your voice, she’s on your doorstep not thirty minutes later. You spill your guts — recount the story of you and Joel, show her the polaroid from the Fourth of July, tell her everything, until you’re crying on your couch again.
“Honey, maybe you should talk to him,” she tells you, and you know she’s right, but the idea of talking to Joel just makes your chest hurt more. “This isn’t good for either of you, holding on like this when you can’t be together. Talk to him.”
Joel beats you to the punch, calling you shortly after your friend has left. “Hey, finally got you instead of your voicemail.”
“Hah, yeah,” you reply, sinking a little deeper into the couch. “Sorry I keep missing you.”
“S’okay,” he mumbles, and it only hurts more when you can almost see him in your head, sitting on his couch or at the edge of his bed, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine,” you lie, wiping the wet from your cheeks. “Just busy lately, y’know?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, then pauses. “You sure you’re okay?”
You inhale deeply, feeling the air rattle its way through your lungs. “Joel, I met someone.”
It’s a long moment, before he says anything, so long you think you’ve lost him for a second, that he hung up. But then, “That’s good.”
“Is it?”
“No,” he says instantly, and you both let out watery laughs. “No, but it…It is good. You’re all the way out there and I’m here and…Missin’ you, not havin’ you around, it hurts, y’know?”
“I do,” you agree, biting into your lower lip when it wobbles. “I miss you too, Joel, it’s just—”
“I know, baby,” he replies, and the tone in his voice makes your eyes slip shut, tears pouring down your cheeks. “I gotta go, I promised Sarah movie night. We’ll….we’ll talk soon, alright?” A pause. “Take care of yourself.”
The line goes dead for real then, and you launch your phone across the room, groaning when it lands on the carpet and doesn’t smash to pieces. You bury yourself in the pillows on the couch, and just cry.
Dean calls the following week, and asks you out to dinner. Dinner evolves into more than that, more dates and more conversation. He works two blocks down from you, and brings you coffee every morning on his way to his office. He takes you to museums and art galleries and introduces you to his friends. It’s easy to fall for him, and you let yourself do it. He kisses you at midnight on New Year’s, whispers that 2003 is going to be the best year of your lives.
You have no idea how wrong he will turn out to be.
It’s September 26th, 2003. It’s your twenty-fifth birthday.
It starts out like a normal day; as normal as it can be, lately. You’ve made a point to ignore the news as best you can, letting Dean recap it for you when he gets home each day, filling you in on the water cooler talk that you only half listen to.
Dean’s up and gone when you wake up, but there’s a birthday card beside your pillow, a cartoon cake with a silly face. You’re another year older… And the inside reads: and other year cuter! Happy Birthday! It’s cheesy and you scoff out a laugh, getting up and going about your morning routine. A fire truck screams down the road when you walk out of the building, cop cars trailing after it, but you think nothing of it; sirens are a common occurrence in the city.
It’s a short walk from your apartment — the apartment you now share with Dean, the pair of you having relocated somewhere that was closer to both your jobs — to work, and you stop by your favourite coffee shop, only slightly disappointed when they don’t have the raspberry scones you like. “It’s a supply chain thing,” the girl behind the counter tells you with a shrug. “They haven’t been able to get ingredients in for weeks. I’m just glad we have coffee.”
“That makes two of us,” you agree, taking your cup with a nod. “Have a good day!”
“You, too!”
There’s a big bouquet of roses waiting on your desk, the card signed with Dean’s name, and the other girls ooh and ahh at the arrangement. One of them asks you if you think he’ll propose, and you have to resist the urge to sprint in the opposite direction.
Dean calls on your lunch break, tells you he’s already pre-ordered from your favourite Thai place, and it’ll be waiting for you when you get home from your post-work drinks with your friends. When he tells you he loves you, it still makes your chest ache, just a touch.
You still think about Joel. It’s hard not to. After that last call, when you told him you’d met Dean, you called back a few days later, unable to stop yourself. There were apologies, from both him and you, and the conversation ended with a promise that you’d still stay in touch, that it would still be friendly between you, and that maybe someday could be an option, if the time was right, but you wouldn’t stand in each other’s way.
So you’ve stayed in touch. The phone calls are still more sporadic than anything, but it’s always nice to hear his voice, and he always has a joke to crack. And, consistent Joel Miller, at the end of every phone call: “Take care of yourself, darlin’.”
You get a surprising amount of work done that day, your friends appearing at five o’clock on the dot and dragging you away from your computer. You let them buy you happy hour drinks and put a Birthday Princess tiara on your head, laugh your way through the evening until it’s almost nine. You thank you friends and leave the bar, and think as you walk past one of the little corner store grocery shops that you could really use a chocolate bar.
You’re walking down the toiletries aisle, the basket hanging from your elbow filled with not just chocolate, but a few other things you couldn’t resist, when your phone rings, an Austin area code flashing on the screen.
“I didn’t know today was your birthday,” Joel says by way of hello, and you giggle. “How have I known you this long and not known that you and I have the same birthday?”
“You never asked,” you answer, reaching for a tissue box with a fun pattern, “and it never came up, really. Wait, today’s your birthday too?”
“Thirty-six and still breathin’,” he confirms, and you can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. “I stopped by the hardware store today for a few things, your dad told me.”
“Ahh.” Your parents had called you just before you’d left for work. “That store must be so boring without me in it.”
“It really is,” Joel agrees, and then his voice drops. “No one around to make out with in the aisles.” A beat, and then. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you say quickly, shaking your head even though you know he can’t see it, the memory of being pressed between the shelves of paint cans and Joel Miller making your face heat. “It’s a good memory.”
“It is,” he agrees, making a little humming noise. “So, boyfriend got big plans for you tonight?”
“Thai food and a movie,” you tell him, grabbing a bottle of toilet cleaner. “Just left the bar, had some drinks with my work friends. Never really been a big birthday person, y’know?”
“You’re preaching to the choir, darlin’.”
“What about you, Joel Miller?” you ask, heading down the next aisle. A lot of the shelves are empty, and it makes your brow furrow. “What big birthday plans do you have this evening?”
“Hah, none,” he replies. “Working a double with Tommy, just took a break now. Told Sarah I’d be home by nine, but I don’t know if that’ll work out. They gave us the wrong size for the headers and…” He trails off. “That doesn’t mean anything to you, does it?”
“I’d listen to you read the phone book,” you joke. “At least get yourself a cake? Something like that? If I’d known we shared the same birthday I would have had my sister bring something over for you.”
“Sarah made me breakfast, got me out of bed on time. That’s all I need, really.”
“Is it?”
You don’t mean the question to sound as heavy as it does, and silence hangs between you for a long moment before you stutter out an apology. Joel’s quick to change the subject.
“Boyfriend is still your boyfriend, right? No ring on your finger yet?”
“You know, you’re the second person to bring that up today,” you say, heading down the next aisle. It’s just as empty as the one before, and your confusion deepens. “You want the truth?”
“If he asked, I don’t think I’d say yes.” Heat rises in your face, and you stutter again. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”
“You can tell me anything,” he replies, and there’s a softness in his tone that you recognize, making warmth spread through your chest. “I’m always here for you, darlin’. I know things are different now, but I’m still here.”
“I appreciate that.”
You hear Tommy’s voice in the background, and Joel curses under his breath. “I gotta go. Enjoy your night. Happy Birthday.”
“You, too. Happy Birthday, Joel,” you reply, a smile in your voice, and then the line clicks off.
You loop through the rest of the aisles, sliding your phone back into your pocket. When you ask the cashier about the empty shelves, you get the same answer you’d gotten at the coffee shop. “Supply chain issues.”
The apartment is quiet when you get inside, tossing your keys into the bowl beside the door. The Thai food is sitting on the counter, as promised, and you set your grocery bags down beside it, stealing a few noodles before calling for Dean. “Honey, I’m home!”
There’s no response, and you assume he must be in the shower, so you pad down the hall. The bedroom light is off, moonlight flooding through the window, and as you step into the doorway, you see him, standing there, facing the window. His hands are at his sides, and as you watch, his hand twitches, the movement making your brow furrow.
“Dean?” you call, taking a half-step forward. In an instant, something feels wrong, and worry rises in your chest, makes your heart racket against your ribs. “Babe, what’s going on?”
He turns then, so fast you can’t even blink before it happens. And he just…stares. There’s no light in his eyes, just a dead look that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You say his name again, the worry seeping into your voice, and then he snarls.
You don’t understand what’s happening, but your body seems to react of it’s own accord. Dean lunges toward you, an inhuman sound falling out of him, and your eyes skirt around, looking for something to protect yourself with as he scrambles over the bed, limbs flailing, those dead eyes boring into you. Your hand flashes out, curling around the leather-wrapped handle of the baseball bat, and as you’re knocked to the ground, you use it as a barrier, shoving the metal against his chest.
His face is all wrong. It’s not just the dead eyes; his teeth are yellowed and his gums blackened as he snaps at you, trying to claw at you. White marks have risen all over his face, spreading out like a map beneath his skin.
What the fuck is going on?
You manage to plant your foot on his chest, and shove with all your might, yelling as the movement makes your knees twinge. He doesn’t go far, but it’s enough to get him off of you, and you scramble backwards, throwing the door shut as you run for the kitchen, the bat held tightly in your grasp. Heart racing, you find the biggest knife you can in the kitchen, sucking down hurried breaths. You’re in shock.
There’s a flash of red outside the balcony door, and you turn to see flames explode from the building across from yours. On the streets below, cars start to crash into each other, the sound of sirens twice as loud. You can hear people screaming, even through the glass.
A loud bang pulls you back into the apartment, and you turn just as Dean comes sprinting down the hall, losing his balance and skidding across the carpet. You throw the kitchen knife as he lunges for you, but it misses, the blade bouncing off his chest and sliding beneath the coffee table. A guttural growl echoes through the apartment, and when he leaps at you, you swing.
Your first hit smacks his shoulder. It doesn’t do much, but he lets out a pained yowl and when you swing again, there’s a sickening crack. He swipes at you, lunging again as you stumble backwards through the living room, the couch toppling over as you both fall onto it. His fingers dig into your shoulder and you scream, pain radiating through your arm, but you tighten your grip on the bat and ram the end of it into his face.
Another growl, another swing. You manage to get to your feet, blood pouring down your arm, painting your blouse crimson, and you put the kitchen island between you and him, moving quickly, keeping the bat held high.
When he jumps again, you swing. Hard. The bat connects with his temple, his neck cracking loudly as his head snaps to the side, and he slumps to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth. The metal rings as you drop the bat, collapsing onto the kitchen floor a moment later, blinding grabbing for one of the dishrags hanging from the stove, covering your shoulder with it and clamping your hand over the wound.
Why is this happening?
You’re not quite sure how long you’re sat there, curled against the cabinets. The bleeding on your shoulder slows, but doesn’t stop completely, and you’re starting to feel lightheaded. Not just the blood loss, you know, but the shock. Dean’s body has stopped twitching, but there’s something seeping out of his mouth, curling across the tile. When you spot the movement, you’re on your feet in a second, blinking past the momentary wooziness, grabbing the bat again.
When you click on the television, a loud beep echoes, nothing but a black screen, and you try to change the channel, but it’s the same on every one. Finally, the beep ends, and a robotic voice takes its place.
…indoors. Law enforcement and emergency services are in the area and will be in contact with further instructions. Stay indoors…
Over and over again.
Your arm is pulsing, the rag on your shoulder wet with blood. You need to clean it, you think. You need some water, you need to—
The phone starts ringing. Your phone. Cell phone. Where you left it, in your purse. Your purse is by the door, across the apartment. You have to walk around Dean to get there, and you go slow, your eyes glued to his unmoving form. The bat is still in your hand, the end of it dragging over the carpet as you walk towards the door. Another metallic noise when it hits hardwood.
Your eyes are still on Dean as you dig in your purse, on the thing still coming out of his mouth, crawling along the grout lines in the tile. Out, out, out, you need to get out, you need to get away, you need to—
Your fingers close around your cell. Hit the button, bring it to your ear.
“Are you safe?” Joel barks, and you nearly drop the phone, the sound of his voice slamming you back into your head, your breath hitching so hard you almost choke. “Baby, where are you?”
“Home,” you cry, leaning against the wall, gripping the bat so hard your knuckles hurt. “I-I got home and Dean, he just…he…I…” You wheeze, your breath not enough, your head feeling lighter, your vision spotting with black. “He’s dead. I’m bleeding.”
“It’s everywhere,” he says, his voice low, and he keeps talking, but you don’t think he’s talking to you. You space out, your gaze glued to the body on your floor, until Joel says your name. “Why are you bleeding? What happened?”
“He…” you trail off, your eyes focusing on Dean’s bloody knuckles, limp on the kitchen floor. “He grabbed me, he…he was trying to bite me.”
“Did he?”
“No,” you say, your voice sounding a bit more sure. You shake your head, pressing your palm against your shoulder. The pain spikes, but it helps, clears your head a bit. “It’s a scratch. Deep.”
“You need to clean it, you hear me?” Joel says. “Patch yourself up, baby, all right? You have a first aid kit?”
You drop the bat, pressing the back of your hand against your forehead. You’re shaking. “In the bathroom.”
“Good, go, do it now. I’m not hanging up until you do.”
You reach for the bat again, use it as a prop to get back to your feet. You cast Dean’s still form one more glance before retreating down the hallway. He’d burst through the bedroom door, and wood splinters cover the floor, the door still half on its hinge, split down the middle.
“Joel, why is this happening?” you ask, your voice climbing, fear taking over. You get into the bathroom, momentarily shaken by your appearance in the mirror. Your hair wild, the blood smeared along your chest and neck, your stained and torn blouse. “What is happening?”
“I don’t know,” he replies, and the thread of fear in his voice makes tears spring in your eyes. “But I want you to listen to me, okay? You patch yourself up, you grab what you can, and you run. You understand? Get in your car and get out of the city, as fast as you can. You don’t wait, you don’t stop for anyone, and you just keep going.”
You nod for a moment before you realize he can’t see you. “Okay. What do I…?”
“I’ll find you, baby,” he says, and the surety in his voice makes everything in you ache. “I’m gonna find you, you hear me? Just get out of Boston and I swear to you, I’m—”
Static. Dead air. Gone.
“Joel? No, come back, Joel, please—” You stare at the phone, try to redial the number, hit the button over and over and over and over. No signal, the screen informs you.
Nothing. Nothing but the sound of your own heartbeat, the rapid pulse against your ribs, the breaths that seem to rattle through your lungs. Outside of that, silence.
You slam the phone down, slam your hands against the bathroom sink.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 8
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Comet, Cara (child OFC)
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Author's Note: After two consecutive heavy chapters of Wolffe angst, I figured it was time for something a bit lighter. So, you get more Comet and Cara! Honestly, I love their dynamic so much. It's cute and adorable, and it's my favorite. Cara doesn't view Comet as an uncle, but more like a big brother and that's how Comet feels too. Be forewarned, there are still sad undertones. I also really wanted to cut this chapter in half, but there was no good way to do it. As always, please enjoy 💚
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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Before Comet made his way to Cara's room, he stopped by the kitchen to do what Wolffe asked him. It really was a mess, but at least they were able to make Wolffe think about something else for a couple of minutes. Comet couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult it was for Wolffe to go through this, but on the flip-side, it was incredibly difficult for any of them to watch, especially when they knew there was nothing they could do to alleviate Wolffe's or Cara's pain. It was such a tragedy.
While still in the kitchen, Comet caught a glimpse of a flower-patterned apron hanging on a bronze hook. He approached the garment and rubbed the fabric between his fingers with fondness, remembering when he first became part of the Wolfpack. He was just a shiny, hot off Kamino, and assigned to the most rugged of commanders serving alongside two veteran clones, and yet, they took him in like family. She took him in like family, too, and made him his first real meal.
Comet smiled at the memory. The Pack missed her too, even if they didn't say it out loud. With Wolffe still raw from her passing, it wasn't the time nor the place for them to air their own sorrows, but they still felt it. The hole she left behind and the vacuum it created in all of their lives. She was kind, gentle, loving, and could go toe-to-toe with Wolffe like no one he'd ever seen. He chuckled at a memory of Wolffe retreating with his tail between his legs after being scolded by her.
Realizing that he forgot about his other mission, Comet left the apron where it hung and made his way back to Cara's room. He'd have to remember to grab it before they left. Wolffe would want to take it with him. At least, he thought Wolffe would want to take it. If not, then he might grab it out of pure fondness. They were all aware that once they vacated the apartment, everything in it would be trashed, and the thought of that apron laying in a pile of trash somewhere made his skin prickle.
On his way to Cara's room, Comet grabbed the largest box he could find. Wolffe said one box, but he didn't say it had to be a certain size. He knew it was going to be an uphill battle to get Cara to pick and choose what she kept and left behind, so a bigger box would make it easier. She was four, and she'd grow out of most of her things in a couple of cycles, which meant he needed to guide the choosing. It might be difficult now, but she'd thank him one day when she was older. If he was even alive to see her get older.
As he approached her room, he didn't hear any noise, which made him suspicious of what she could be doing in there. Maybe all of that crying and screaming wore her out and she fell asleep. If that was the case, then this just became a lot more difficult. If there was one thing Comet had learned from spending time with children, it was to never wake them from a nap. Kids were mean when they were tired and they would make everyone around them feel every ounce of their displeasure at being woken up.
Reluctantly, Comet opened the door, and not-surprisingly the lights were still on. A quick inspection of the room showed no signs of life within the four corners, but there was a suspicious looking child-sized lump under a blanket in the middle of the bed. Comet sighed. Just what he was afraid of. When he stepped closer, the lump moved. He crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side, watching as the lump squirmed around. She wasn't asleep, she was hiding. Comet smirked and decided to play along.
"Oh, no," he said dramatically. "Whatever will I do? I seem to have lost Cara."
The lump giggled and Comet smiled.
"Wolffe is going to kill me," he continued while slowly creeping towards the bed.
The lump giggled louder and Comet snuck up real close, ready to pounce.
"I'll be decommissioned for sure," he joked, then grabbed the lump and hoisted it up into the air.
Cara squealed.
"Found you!" he exclaimed.
"No!" Cara squirmed in Comet's grasp. "Put me down!"
Comet plopped down onto Cara's bed, placed her on his lap, and uncovered her from the blanket. "Are you hiding from me, ad'ika?" he asked.
She wiggled her little body and tried to escape from him, but his grip was firm. "No," she pouted and stuck her tongue out at him.
Comet raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"I don't want to," she whined.
"Ad'ika," he sighed. "I don't want to either, but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do."
"What's an add-ee-ka?" she asked.
Comet knew she was stalling, but it was an easy enough question to answer. "It means child, but in a more loving way." He wanted to use the word affectionate, but she might not understand that one yet.
"Why doesn't daddy call me that?" she asked.
Comet thought about it for a moment, because he too wondered why Wolffe didn't use Mando'a around Cara, and shrugged. "I don't really know why."
"Does daddy not love me?" she asked.
Comet's brain stalled. The mental leaps and bounds she just made caught him completely off guard. How could she think, even for a second, that Wolffe didn't love her? It baffled him. Wolffe talked about her all of the time, to anyone who would listen, and even to those who wouldn't. There was nothing Wolffe wouldn't do for his daughter, well, except leave the GAR. He knew Wolffe would if he could, in a heartbeat, but they'd track him down and decommission him without a second thought.
Comet shifted Cara on his lap so that she was facing him and gently brushed some of the curls out of her face. "Your dad loves you very much," he said. "So much so that he can't express all of it, even if he tries. He misses you all of the time when he's out on missions and it makes him very sad to be away from you."
"Oh," she said. "Does daddy love mommy?"
"Very much," he answered. "Almost as much as he loves you."
"Then why isn't daddy sad about mommy?" she asked.
"What makes you think he's not sad?" he asked in return.
"Daddy doesn't cry," she said. "I cry when I'm sad."
Comet's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around her. "He does. Trust me, he does. But daddies are different from ad'ike. Daddies don't cry like you do when you're sad. They cry by themselves."
"Why?" she asked.
"Because," he began, then paused as he tried to figure out how to explain it. "He wants to be strong so he can take care of you."
"Oh," she said. Comet could tell she was still confused.
"You see," he explained further. "Love isn't stored in our words or even our actions. It's stored here." He placed a hand on his heart. "Inside our hearts, our ka'rta."
"Ka-ro-ta," she pronounced. "Sounds like carrot."
Comet snorted, then started laughing. "Yeah, I guess it does."
"So, daddy loves mommy in here?" she asked while pointing at her heart.
"Yes, exactly," he said, then tapped her nose. "And he loves you in there, too."
"I love daddy in here, too," she said. "And mommy."
"Good," he smiled. "You keep them in there forever, okay?"
Cara smiles. "I will."
Comet really didn't want to change the subject or ruin the mood, but time was running short and he still had a job to do. "You know," he began. "If we don't pack up this box, you won't be able to bring anything with you."
Cara's eyes widened and she scrambled off of Comet's lap to start filling the box. She might have been stalling, but he was glad she asked those questions. The last thing Wolffe needed was for his daughter to think he didn't love her. He would crumble into a pile of dust if he ever found that out. Wolffe might not be able to spend a lot of time with Cara because of the War, but he really did love her, and Comet hoped Wolffe would continue to show her that love every chance he got.
The packing process went pretty much as Comet expected. Cara grabbed a whole bunch of things and tossed them into the box without really thinking about it. While she rummaged through her shelves and closets, Comet stealthily removed certain things from the box. If she realized they were gone, then maybe she did want them, but if she didn't see them missing from the box, then she probably wouldn't miss them at all. It was a gamble, but one he was willing to take for her sake.
Comet made sure to grab a few of the things he knew she'd actually want and need, like Cloney, ducky, her favorite pajamas, other important pieces of clothing, a few bedtime stories, and the drawings she made of her family. The drawings were easy because they were flat and could lay flush against the side of the box, so he was able to fit them all in. He knew she was going to need them once they were deployed again and she was alone. Some of the toys were a bit harder to fit, since they were bulky or oddly shaped, but he managed.
When the box was nearly full, Cara grabbed the blanket off her bed and tried to stuff it in the box, but it was just too big and it spilled out all over the top and sides. She had that blanket since birth, so Comet knew there was no parting with it and he needed to find a way to fit it in somehow. He rearranged some of the items in the box, rolled the clothing instead of folding it, and adjusted the more angular things, but it still wouldn't fit. Cara was on the verge of tears and Comet needed a new plan.
"Ad'ika," Comet said. "Would it be okay if I made your blanket into something else?"
Cara looked at him with watery eyes, and nodded silently.
Comet smiled and scruffed her hair. "Don't worry. I'll fix this."
Besides learning how to cook delicious food, Comet picked up something else from Wolffe's wife: how to sew. It was an odd skill for a clone to have, sure, but she loved to do it and he was always mesmerized by what she could make with some scraps of fabric and a little imagination. He was definitely not a master seamstress like her, but he knew his way around a needle and thread enough to be dangerous. He left Cara's room and grabbed what he needed from the sewing closet: scissors, chalk, a needle, blue and black thread, two gray buttons, and some stuffing.
Comet returned to Cara's room and laid out the blanket flat on the floor. He marked out the pattern with some chalk, and with Cara standing back, he cut out the pattern. Placing that piece on more of the blanket, he cut out the second piece in the same shape. With the cutting done, he placed the scissors out of Cara's reach and sat on the floor to start sewing the pieces together. Cara leaned over his shoulder to watch, just like she did with her mom, and Comet smiled at her curiosity.
He took his time with the stitching, because it would be of no use to her if it fell apart while he was gone and wasn't there to fix it. When he was done stitching most of the outer edge, he sewed on the two button eyes, which proved to be difficult when Cara wrapped her arms around his neck, practically strangling him. He readjusted her so he could breathe, then finished sewing the buttons on. Lastly, he filled the opening with lots of stuffing, then closed the final stitches to finish the doll.
"Ta-da," he said, then handed the finished doll to her. "One tooka doll."
Cara's eyes lit up and she squeezed it against her chest. "I love it!"
Comet smiled. "It should fit in the box now."
Cara placed the doll in the box and smiled at Comet. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome," Comet said. "Ready to go find your dad?"
Cara nodded her head and ran out of the room.
Comet shook his head and got up off the floor. He picked the box up and grunted. It was a little heavier than he was expecting, but he did a good job of fitting everything in there. Cara would never be able to carry it, but he could. He'd carry anything for her. He'd carry her sadness if he could. He knew Wolffe would, too. Actually, there wasn't a member of the Wolfpack who wouldn't do anything for Cara. She was family, a part of the Pack, and now also motherless, just like them.
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trancylovecraft · 11 months
(KNY)(MASTERLIST) You, Shibou. I, Kokoro
☆♡☆ AO3 LINK ☆♡☆
[F/N], A shrine-maiden that was brutally killed in the Sengoku era reincarnates five hundred years later as the strongest hashira alive.
However, Her older brother turned demon is haunted by her passing every day, Grieving over the loss of his little sister.
When they finally meet each other again, He really can't blame himself for what he does next.
GENRE(s): Tragedy, Slow Burn, Heavy Angst, Dark Fantasy, Classical Driven, Action, Drama.
RECCOMENDATION: While not necessary at all, I highly suggest listening to Achilles, Come down. While reading this fanfic as it a song that helped inspire the story and mood.
Thank you!
1, Chapter One: "Michi-Nii" 2, Chapter Two: "You crazy-ass cosmonaut, Remember your virtue, Redemption lies plainly in truth." 3. Chapter Three: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, jump now. You are absent of cause or excuse. So self-indulgent and self-referential, No audience could ever want you" 4. Chapter Four: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?" 5. Chapter Five: "These explanations are valid. But it should be known if the same day a friend of the desperate hasn't spoken to him with an indifferent tone.." 6. Chapter Six: "Loathe the way they light candles in Rome. But love the sweet air of the votives" 7. Chapter Seven: "The souvenirs of a lost country, the hope of a promised land. This divorce between the woman of her life-" 8. Chapter Eight: "You’re scaring us and all of us, some of us love you Achilles, it’s not much but there’s proof" 9. Chapter Nine: "Feel your breath course frankly below and see life as a worthy opponent" 10. Chapter Ten: "I witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living." 11. Chapter Eleven: "He changed a lot after that and that this story had-" 12. Chapter Twelve: "Do not waste yourself on this roof" 13. Chapter Thirteen: "You will not be more than a rat in the gutter" 14. Chapter Fourteen: "..So much more than a rat" 15. Chapter Fifteen: "Soldier on, Achilles." 16. Chapter Sixteen: "You crave the applause yet hate the attention, Then miss it" 17. Chapter Seventeen: "But it's cool in a weird way that I wish I could be" 18. Chapter Eighteen: "Where you go, I'm going."
Mitsuri x Reader: You, Tsuri
You, 'Katsu.
Daughter of Ōkami (To Scorch The Sun)
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wandabear · 1 year
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Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls' soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
Warnings: This is a fic based on the tv show 'Yellowjackets'. If you didn't see the show, don't worry. This is not the same for make it more interesting.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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“I'll never forget the day I heard their plane had gone missing.”
The man looked out the window with his arms crossed behind his back. Nick Fury looked at the students who entered the school excited, others silent and some others laughing. Every year it was the same. But the thought of that day always gives him goosebumps.
“So… what do you think really happened out there?” asked Christine Everhart, Westview’s Ledger reporter, wrote down everything the man said.
“All I know is that what happened was a tragedy. A terrible tragedy.” Principal Fury took a moment before continuing to speak. “I probably shouldn't say this, but... some of these kids, eh, no big loss, if we're honest. But those girls were special…”
Melancholy was reflected in the principal's eyes. “Those girls were champions.”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ17 YEARS AGO…
The cheering of the people made everything even more exciting. The referee whistled and the ball was in the air once more. The blonde girl from the Hydra team side-kicked for her teammate to catch, but it was impossible.
Yellowjackets defense player, Jennifer Walters, jumped as high as she could to steal the ball and ran with incredible agility.
“LET’S GO!” Pietro shouted from the bench, cheering the girls who ran like huge beasts defending their place. His sister, Wanda, watched the game carefully, biting her lower lip.
She loved watching those girls play, even if half of them were bitches, Wanda always loved watching them. Sure she'd tried to make the team, but couldn't even kick well. Wasn't one of the popular girls either, so she couldn’t be a cheerleader.
Wanda was the dorky, cute, smart one. The girl who had almost perfect grades, the girl who didn't get into trouble but all the popular girls used to avoid.
It's not like she wanted to be around them anyway.
Coach Coulson watched the team carefully, had an enormous faith in his girls. It was all thanks to him, the support of a great Coach and his affection made the team come together and move forward.
The tension brewing slowly, like slow motion. Jennifer kicked again.
Y/N took control of the ball and ran towards the goal, making the goalkeeper feel the pressure. Everyone in the stands was expectant, excited, if they score one more goal, the nationals would be their next destination.
Timer marked 94:20. The most decisive moment of their lives.
Of course it was a tough game, the ninety minutes of play had been decisive for both teams.
“Y/N, over here!” Natasha waved at her. If Y/N continued, she might be able to score, but could also be attacked by the two defenders coming at her.
What to do? She had to choose right now, whether to lose the ball and thereby lose a good opportunity -besides shining as the match's top scorer- or try to play a bit and give it to Nat, winning the whole game. Y/N decided to do a long pass towards Natasha, who with a header scored the goal they needed to win the match.
Natasha screamed, knowing that it was the decisive moment. The referee blew his whistle and the game ended.
Everyone in the stands jumped up and down, cheering, clapping and laughing just as much as the players.
Y/N ran over to Natasha and jumped for the redhead to catch her in a big hug, her teammates quickly following behind.
Westview Yellowjackets 4 – Newport Hydras 3
“Good shot!” Nat congratulated Y/N who just smiled, so damn happy.
They all laughed as the goalkeeper, Monica, ran towards them from the other side of the field screaming.
‘AND THAT’S IT! THE  NEW JERSEY ‘YELLOWJACKETS’ ARE GOING TO NATIONALS! WE’RE IN, WESTVIEW!’ reported Peter Parker, a freshman student ‘working’ for the school radio from the stands.
“WE’RE GOING TO NATIONALS!” Y/N yelled as her team lifted her into the air. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ It was incredible, everything she ever dreamed of was coming true. Despite the fact that her life was falling apart at times, Y/N managed to reach an unexpected place with her friends.
They all formed a circle and began that typical ritual, chanting: “BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ!”
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It was a beautiful day in New Jersey, a wonderful morning in Westview’s suburbs.
The girl parked her mom’s car outside the Romanoffs' house, checking the watch to make sure they would make it to class on time.
What she didn't expect was to see a black-haired girl come out of one of the bedroom’s window, sneaking through the bushes to escape, but not before seeing that Y/N caught her.
Shaking her head, Y/N just waited another ten minutes until Natasha left her house in a bit of a hurry, but still walking with a unique elegance. Her red hair was wet so she must have taken a quick bath.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Good morning.”
“Morning.” Y/N handed over the coffee she picked up earlier and kept her own. “This one is for you.”
“My lifesaver.  Everything okay?” Natasha asked after kissing her best friend's cheek.
“Peachy.” Y/N finally started the car and drove out of the place quickly, hurrying so she could be on time. Didn't want to miss chemistry class again.
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, enjoying the song on the radio, ‘Mr. Jones’ by Counting Crows.
Natasha turned to see her and smiled mischievously at what she would do. Without further ado, she stretched out her finger to remove the cassette and put the radio, playing a much more fun song.
“Oh, sorry. Were you listening to that?” Nat teased. She always did that.
“No, no.” Y/N just shrugged, going along with her joke. “It fell into the tape deck, and I accidentally pressed play.”
But the russian girl didn't say anything, just looked out the window hoping that would wake her up more than coffee. Of course she hadn't slept all night.
“I saw Jules come out of your room.” Y/N couldn't wait to say it.  “What happened to no distractions before nationals? Ripping off the Band-Aid and all that?”
“Yep.” Natasha just pursed her lips, she didn't have much to say. She was guilty.
“Is that all you're gonna say?” Y/N just shook her head, really annoyed. “You swore to me that it was the last time!”
“I know…” Natasha didn't seem very sorry. “It’s just-”
“You'll break her heart.” She stopped her before Nat could go on.
“Why does it bother you so much what we do?” Natasha sighed in defeat, crossing her arms. She definitely didn't understand why all of this had to be such a big deal. “It's not like I force her to do it, okay? Jules wants to have sex with me.”
“Because she's my cousin and I didn't beat your ass just because you're my friend!” Y/N growled. “You’ll go to Yale, she’s going to Harvard. You don't want anything serious with her... and she's in love with you.”
Nat just drank her coffee.
“This has to stop, Natasha.”
“OK. I promise it's over. I'll talk to her before nationals.” Nat rolled her eyes.
“After.” Y/N stopped the car and waited for the light to turn green. “We don't need our best midfielder to go in a big depressive hole before the most important game.”
They both continued chatting about the next game when Natasha frowned, seeing a huge billboard in front of them.
‘WE’RE PROUD OF OUR BOYS! GO VARSITY FOOTBALL! GO JACKETS!” said the Walker's Pizza billboard.
John Walker's father -one of the attempts at a good american football player- owned that Pizza restaurant, the man was always really annoyed by their success.
“The hell is this bullshit?” Natasha scoffed.
“What?” Y/N frowned, looking at the billboard. “These assholes were under 500 all season!”
“Y/N, honk at that thing.” Nat patted Y/N's shoulder and opened the window, ready to scream.
“They're just gonna think we're, like, saluting mediocre football.” The brunette smirked. Sometimes her friend was incredibly crazy, but was always by her side.
“No, they'll know.” Nat persisted, grinning widely as Y/N slowed down so she could yell: “Try undefeated, bitches!”
Y/N chuckled. “Oh my God, Nat!”
“We're going to motherfucking nationaaaals!” Natasha whooped and Y/N sped up, laughing so hard.
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The girls' locker room looked quite lively, full of energy, especially when Jennifer walked in with her radio playing loud Salt N' Pepa's 'Shoop', making the girls to start dancing.
Of course, winning a decisive match and being two days away from fucking nationals made everyone have a good mood. Those girls were the pride and celebrity of the whole town.
“Here I go, here I go, here I go again! Girls, what's my weakness?! Ok then, chillin', chillin', mindin' my business!” They all sang as they finished changing clothes, even Jessica Jones -who was the grumpiest of all- was dancing.
Natasha moved through the dancing girls as Y/N smiled looking at them, finishing painting an adorable bee on Titania's cheek.
The door to the changing room opened, a girl with brown hair and huge glasses went in looking for the team captain. Some girls started to make fun of the girl, throwing some clothes and calling her 'Braces’, but Wanda just ignored them.
ㅤㅤㅤ That was when she was ten years old, she didn't even wear braces anymore, she didn't understand how those girls didn't get over that.
Wanda Maximoff, Coach Coulson's assistant, carried a big bag of new jackets for the girls.
“Coach Coulson said that everything is ready.” She handed the bag to Natasha. “Principal Fury send this... Each has their own here. After the pep rally, we will go to practice.”
“Thanks, Wanda.”  Natasha nodded began to hand out the jackets to each of the girls, they were all delighted.  Screaming excited.
Wanda just nodded and turned to leave, but not before looking at Y/N who just looked at her completely dazed. Oh, she was so in love with that girl and would never admit it.
“Hey, Y/N.”  Wanda smiled shyly.
Y/N cleared her throat.  “Hey, Wands. All good?”
She felt her heart jump out of her chest every time she saw Wanda. Y/N had a crush since Freshman year, when she met her. Wanda had just arrived from Sokovia, she wasn't as good at socializing as Pietro. Her only friend was a girl named Darcy Lewis, a dork like she was.
At that time Y/N had failed two tests and Wanda agreed to help her, otherwise, she couldn't continue playing on the team. But since that day, Y/N couldn't see another girl that wasn't that adorable sokovian, with a gloomy look and black eyeliner.
Of course she couldn't do anything, Wanda was straight and had a stupid crush on Jeremy Sumpter, fucking Peter Pan.
“All good. The bee is cute by the way.”
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled. All the girls on the team were silent, making the moment even more tense.  “Going to the bonfire party tonight?”
“I don’t know yet. Vision said he'd pick me up later, maybe take me on a surprise date.” She smiled a bit nervous again and decided to leave, somewhat in a hurry.
Y/N said nothing, just babbled like a fish out of water seeing her go. As soon as Wanda walked through the door, all the girls began to whistle and tease her, yelling: 'Y/N has a crush on Braces!'
“Oh, shut up you all. Told you to stop calling her like that!” The brunette grunted and shook her head, painting Titania's face. The girl seemed somewhat nervous.
“You all right?” Y/N watched as Titania looked worried.  “It's just a pep rally.”
“I’m okay.”
“Honestly, I think the whole point is just to give freshmen something to jerk off to later.” She tried to be supportive but the girl didn't seem to take it very well.
“Told you I'm not nervous.” Titania tried to appear disinterested, but Y/N just rolled her eyes.  “I'm the only freshman who got asked, you know?”
“Are you sure of that?” Y/N just watched Jules who was coming, exchanging amused glances. The Boston girl only covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.
“It's so unfair.” Titania whined like a baby.  It wasn't the end of the world either, but for her, it was.  “My dress was gonna be amazing.”
“Well, hey, at least you can wear it next year.” Jules tried to cheer her up as she put on some lipstick.
Titania narrowed her eyes, somewhat annoyed.  “You don't get it, Jules, 'cause nobody asked you.”
Clenching her jaw hard, incredulous at that girl's words, Y/N smiled wryly.
“Okay, you're done, dipshit. Outta my face.” She pushed Titania away, who just rolled her eyes.
The brunette looked at Jules, who was just smiling surprised.
“Jesus Christ! Does someone want to tell to that primadonna to maybe worry less about prom and more about not fucking up nationals?” Jules looked at herself in the mirror one more time, fixing her hair. Carol reached over to do the same, tucking it into a side braid.
“Don't worry, you look hot anyway. Surely someone will invite you.” Carol winked at her and Y/N rolled her eyes again.
“Come on, Danvers. But about Titania… If she plays like she did at states… We don't have a chance at nationals.”
“Well, don't worry about that my friend. That's not gonna happen, I've got that covered..” Carol's voice and the way she said that was so sure about it, that it was a bit weird. Neither Y/N nor Jules said anything, Carol was sometimes a bit rough, but definitely an amazing friend.
“Okay, Yellowjackets. Let’s go!”
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The bleachers of that gym were occupied by all the students of that school.  Some seemed excited while others seemed fed up, sick of having to attend to this.
The team's signature blue and yellow colors graced the walls, along with huge banners reading 'GO YELLOWJACKETS!' 'WE CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR!’ ‘YOU'RE NOW ENTERING IN OUR TERRITORY!'
“All right, let's hear it for the boys! Let's give the boys a hand!” Principal Fury said, thanking the football team who lost again. There was scattered applause, John Walker's face telling how embarrassed he felt to be there right now. It was priceless. “Thanks, guys. You did your best.”
Pietro chuckled but Wanda nudged him, shushing him. Both were next to Coach Coulson, who was waiting for his team with enormous pride.
Nicholas Fury cleared his throat, now grinning widely.
“Now, our next act needs no introduction, so let's all just make some noise for your New Jersey State Girls' Soccer Champions!” Fury exclaimed excitedly pointing to the entrance. ㅤㅤㅤ
‘It's such a good vibration, it's such a sweet sensation’ That catchy song began to play and everyone started shouting and whooping, dancing to that song, even those who didn't want to be there couldn't help it.
The crowd began to cheer as soon as they saw how the girls trotted in with elegance and proud smiles. Their hair moved in a divine way, they were not going to deny that being on the winning team gave them immediate popularity. Even those who were the 'weirdos'.
Wanda's huge eyes lit up when she saw how those girls moved in slow motion, totally fascinated. Wasn't going to deny that she admired them, especially since she couldn't play. That is why she was satisfied with helping the Coach and, of course, Yale valued if you were on the winning team.
“Buzz, buzz, buzz!” The crowd was chanting.
All the girls smiled and applauded, grateful that everyone received them with such kindness, although some seemed a bit shy. Y/N turned around to see Nat, their looks shared an enormous happiness as big as their smiles.
This was all they wanted in their lives. They would do anything to win that game. They wanted to be champions.
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The moon was shining high in the sky, the relaxing noise of the fire and the warmth of it was welcoming. It was quite a nice night. 'I'm Only Happy When It Rains' by Garbage played while some guys were surrounding the huge bonfire on the woods.
Y/N got out of the car along with Natasha and Jules, it seemed to be a nice party. Some guys brought some beer barrels, pizzas and good music.
She hated going out to these parties but, what the hell, they had a lot to celebrate. Right? It was a tradition every year, to start that year with a good party.
They approached their teammates who were gathered sharing a few beers and laughs.
“Hey, they’re here!” Valkyrie said laughing out loud, she definitely smoked something with Carol and Jessica.
Y/N rolled her eyes when she saw Carol a bit wasted, but still accepting one of the beers the girls offered.
The brunette couldn't even look at her, not since in afternoon practice. It was all a shit show. Carol kicked Titania so hard she'd knocked her out of the game and out of nationals. The girl ended up with her broken leg, and of course Y/N thought Carol did that on purpose.
On the other side of the party, Wanda sighed deeply, looking around really uncomfortable. Of course she liked being with her boyfriend, but she admitted that the people Vision surrounded himself with were stupid and irresponsible.
Vision kept up talking with Tony, Rhodes, Bruce Banner, and some other dude she didn't know his name. The small group of nerds who were also lazy assholes. Especially Tony Stark, who believed that with daddy’s money would solve everything.
“What am I doing here again?”  Wanda whispered as Vision leaned in to kiss her cheek.
“Come on, you need this.” Vision said while drinking some beer. “You need to socialize more, Wanda. Also tomorrow you're going on that trip...”
“I’m okay with who I am, thanks.” She crossed her arms, looking away.
“Bloody hell, Wanda! Why are you so obnoxious today?”  Vision frowned.
Wanda was going to answer that with a 'fuck you', but she decided to sigh and calm down. Especially when Vision was the one who was going to take her home later.
“One of the girls broke her leg in practice today and won't be able to go to Nationals tomorrow. A lot of blood, a lot of stress.” She winced thinking of Titania. “Though the whole team seems to give a shit tho.”
She looked up to see how everyone was there celebrating, but her gaze landed on Y/N, who was the only one of them she liked, maybe Jules or Natasha sometimes.
Laughing at one of Jennifer's jokes, Y/N turned to find the person she most expected to see at this party.
Wanda was there, watching her. She looked so beautiful, she was wearing a beautiful long shirt and dark jeans. Her hair was down, of course she was still wearing those huge glasses that made her look adorable.
Y/N smiled and waved at her, but all her joy vanished when Wanda cupped Vision’s face and kissed him, causing endless sensations in Y/N and none of them were good.
“Dude, you're so in love with her. Give up. She has a boyfriend, even if he’s a asshole. The emo girl loves the dick.” Jules stood next to her, drinking some beer.
Y/N turned to look at her, trying not to say anything she would regret. “Why don't you mind your business? Especially with Natasha, where is she now, huh? Surely behind Stark's truck eating another girl’s pussy.”
Her cousin seemed quite hurt and surprised by those words. Clearly she answered in the worst way, but right now she had no time to put up with other people's feelings. She warned Jules many times. Clenching her jaw to bear the anger, Y/N decided to walk away for a while when she bumped into Carol, who was pouring herself another beer cup.
“You should calm down, we have a flight tomorrow.” Y/N said completely annoyed.
“Yeah, boss. Whatever.”  Danvers just rolled her eyes, didn't have to put up with anyone.
“I admire your resilience, Danvers.” Y/N hissed as she moved closer, perhaps a bit intimidating.  “Can't be easy, knowing you fucking crippled someone today.”
Carol laughed wryly and just turned to leave. “Cool. Good talk.”
Y/N wasn’t going to stay like this, walked after her willing to continue the fight. “Just admit you did it on purpose.”
“Excuse me?” Carol turns to face her.
“You heard me.”  They both stood facing each other, staring at each other for a few seconds until Carol shook her head.
“You're wasted, Y/N.”
“And you're a fucking sociopath.” The brunette moved towards her but Carol pushed her away. At that moment Jules decided to intervene, along with Valkyrie who positioned herself next to Carol.
“Whoa! Calm down.” Jules got between them both, trying to push Y/N away but her cousin refused.
“No! Listen, you guys, we don't have to worry about the Titania problem anymore.” Y/N yelled pointing at the blonde. “…because Carol fixed it for us.”
“What?” Kate Bishop frowned, not understanding what they were talking about.  Kate and Yelena were almost the only freshmen babies being accepted into the team.  “What's she talking about?”
“She's talking about Carol's little plan.” Yelena scoffed, shaking her head.
“Oh, please. Since when do you give a shit anyway? You hardly care about the team, baby widow.” Carol rolled her eyes.
“Guys, come on. This is not the time to talk about it, we are all drunk and tomorrow we have a flight.” Jules tried to calm things down.
“Don't you have a bong to hit or a dick to suck? Oh, yeah, you do Nat’s pussy.” Carol's eyes narrowed, she was so drunk.
“Don't talk to her that way!” Y/N defended Jules quickly, pointing to Carol.
“Oh, fuck off, Y/N!” Jules narrowed her eyes, finally exploding.  “I don't need you to defend me. Last time I checked, you were asking Natasha to leave me. What did you just say? Oh, yes, minding my own business!”
“Okay, seriously, what are you talking about?” Kate asked again but was startled when they all yelled at her:
“Shut the fuck up, Kate!”
“Okay, come on guys, stop it.”  Jennifer moved closer to try to calm them down.
“Somebody needs to take her wasted ass home.” Y/N hissed looking at Carol but the blonde was finally done.
“Say that again, bitch. Say that again!”
“I will say it again!”
They finished the distance and began to push each other when the girls intervened again. Y/N and Carol tried to break free and hit each other.
But some guys around them started shouting 'GIRLS FIGHT!' when they saw the whole situation, drawing the attention of Natasha who was busy flirting with a girl far away.
ㅤㅤㅤ The redhead approached her friends who were still screaming at each other and yelled:
“That's it! Enough!” Natasha got between them and pushed them both.  “You all, with me. NOW!”
They all fell silent and looked around as everyone looked at them surprised or amused. Feeling a little embarrassed, Y/N just nodded and walked after Natasha.
They all moved far enough from the party not to be heard, staying in a clearing between the trees.
“I don't know what the fuck that was, but I do know that it's over.” Natasha turned to face them, shaking her head. Couldn't believe that they did this one day before the most awaited day for all.  “We're about to go to nationals.”
Y/N just pursed her lips, knowing that she was right but was carried away by jealousy and anger.
“And based on what I'm looking at right now, we might as well not even bother getting on that plane.”  Natasha looked at them one by one, but none of them said anything. They just drank their beer and looked the other way, like scolded puppies.
“All right. Everybody line up.” The russian commanded.
“Nat, come on…” Y/N tried but Nat just gave her a deadly look.
“No, I'm fucking serious. Line up!”
The annoyance in Natasha's voice made them all settled into a row. She could be quite imposing when she wanted it to. Not for nothing was the team captain.
“Here's what we're gonna do. I want each of you to go down this line and say one nice, true thing about every other girl on this team.” Nat walked in front of them.
“What is this, fucking Girl Scout camp?” Carol rolled her eyes, making Valkyrie laugh. Y/N was going to shut her up but Natasha went first.
“Do you want to go first, Danvers?” Natasha cocked her head, daring her to, but Carol said nothing. She just pressed her lips together.
“Okay. I'll go first.” Natasha stood in front of Y/N.  “Y/N… You have more fight in you than anyone I've ever known. I'm inspired by your determination.”
Surprised by those words, Y/N didn't know what to say. Finally someone noticed her, Natasha noticing that she was always by her side.  That made her feel good.
Not even her mom cared that much about her.
Natasha walked over to Kate, who was looking at her like an expectant puppy.
 “Kate Bishop… Your smile makes me feel happy every time I see it.”
The Bishop girl smiled happily. Nat kept walking standing in front of Yelena, who was raising an eyebrow. Come on, she was her sister.
“Yelena… I love that you don't care what anybody thinks and you're so completely yourself.”
“She's also deadly at beer pong.” Y/N added and they all chuckled.
“So, go on. Tell her.” Nat pushed them to tell each other what they though.
Despite the fact that many did not seem to want to, they all turned to see those in front of them. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Jennifer, you have very shiny hair and I love it.”  Daisy Johnson told her friend who just smiled tenderly.
“Thank you, Daisy. I like that you’re presistent, motivated and really brave.”
Y/N stood in front of Carol who hesitated to do it, keeping her hands in the jacket pockets. They both looked quite uncomfortable doing this.
Swallowing, the brunette broke the silence. “I'm sorry, for what I said before, about you... I was mad about something else.”
“I didn't…” Carol started and bite her lips, trying not to show the sensitivity within. Life taught her that she had to be tough, but her eyes filled with tears. “You know, mean to hurt her. It really was an accident, I didn't mean to do it. I was such a dick cause I was angry at myself.”
Y/N nodded and just hugged her.
“Are we cool then?” Carol asked something afraid of losing a friend.
“I don’t know…You haven't said anything nice about me yet.” Y/N joked and they both laughed.
Natasha turned to see Jules, who was looking at her a little excited to hear her.  “What?”
“You haven't said anything to me.” The girl smiled flirtatiously.
Nat rolled her eyes and chuckled, standing in front of her.  “Jules, you never talk shit unless someone really deserves it.”
The girl smiled widely, nodding.
“You are a really good dancer... and you have seriously questionable taste in music... You can't hold your liquor for shit.” Nat continued, a little nervous but sincere. “But you're the only one who's always been there for me.”
Feeling her heart pound, Jules felt on cloud nine. Oh, she was so in love with Natasha that she couldn't deny it anymore.
“You're the best friend I've ever had.”  The redhead put her hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing that this would end up breaking any hope. “You know that, right?”
Jules didn't know what to say, really. Feeling her heart break inside and her eyes filled with tears, but didn't allow herself to cry.
The brown-eyed girl just nodded.  “Yeah. I know.”
Y/N watched that situation from afar and was grateful that it was that way. Natasha wasn't in love with Jules, she had to let go of all those hopes with her. Would be the best.
She walked to the bonfire, smiling to see that an adorable sokovian was pouring some beer from the barrel.
“Hi.” Wanda smiled kindly.
“Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, it is… pretty… interesting.” Wanda stammered, watching out of the corner of her eye as some of the boys played a game of who drank the most beer in the least amount of time possible. Oh, wishing she could be home right now.
“I heard everything that happened there…” She lowered her gaze, somewhat embarrassed but also curious.  “All good?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. We had a fight but we were able to work it out, nothing to screw up the nationals.”
“I’m glad you all worked it out.” Wanda looked her up. “I understand that you were upset. I was also when I saw Titania like that. Even if she was a dick…”
Y/N shrugged. “I know Carol didn't want to hurt her on purpose, she's an idiot sometimes but…she's not an total asshole.”
“It's good to know that. She doesn't seem like a crazy aggressive bitch even though she is a jerk sometimes.”
They both looked at each other for a moment, the silence wasn’t uncomfortable between them.
“You look beautiful today.”  Y/N said without even thinking about it, and she didn't regret it. It was getting harder and harder to hide her feelings for Wanda. Come on, everyone knew.
“Thank you.” Those words surprised her, she wasn’t used to hear that. Well, not from anyone other than Vision, he was rarely so…romantic.  “You look cool, as always. I like your leather jacket.”
Y/N looked at herself, she was wearing a white half sleeve shirt and tight-fitting jeans.  For one day she left her varsity jacket behind.
The flames of the fire moved back and forth in a mesmerizing way, making Wanda's beautiful eyes pop more, looking adorable.
Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water. That song seemed to invite them to lose each other, unite and never let go again. Like two kindred spirits claiming, pushing and pulling each other back.
“I’ve to go… Vision is waiting for me.” Wanda broke the tension, scared of the connection that the two of them could have.
“Yeah, it looks like he's waiting for you.” Y/N said ironically and drank some beer, the boy didn't even seem to care that his girlfriend wasn't there.
“Why's that?” Wanda narrowed her eyes somewhat annoyed.
“You know he doesn't deserve you, don't you?” Y/N just shook her head, now she was talking too much because she was drunk, and even though she knew it, didn't stop. “He spends all the time flirting with Eve, with Mantis, with Virginia. Come on, Wanda…”
Wanda didn't say anything, she just crossed her arms and pursed her lips trying to calm the anger. In the end, she just chuckled wryly, rather disappointed. ㅤㅤㅤ “Now I can see it, you're not that different from your friends. Fuck you, Y/N.”
“Why me? I’m not the one who’s cheating on you.”
“And yet, I still choose him. Not you.” The Sokovian shook her head and walked away.
“Whatever!” Y/N sighed and looks at the beer cup before taking a sip. “Sure your boyfriend is waiting for you.” Out of the corner of her eye Y/N saw how Wanda walked away, hugging Vision’s waist.
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Next morning was all chaos.
Waking up with a hell of hangover, after a good sandwich and some juice for breakfast, Y/N  finished packing everything in the suitcase.
She sighed deeply, looking around her bedroom one last time. Posters of bands like 'Garbage,' 'No Doubt' or singers like Alanis Morrisette surrounded her. Many books on the shelves, and some stuffed animals.
The gameboy was on the table, charging the battery. CD player was in her backpack as well as some of her favorite discs, she would surely take advantage of the flight to listen to music and read or play.
The biggest adventure awaited her and she didn't know it.
Y/N took the suitcase and her backpack and went downstairs, finding her mother passed out on the couch last night. A half-filled glass of whiskey, she still had her robe and pajamas, and bottles on the floor told Y/N she'd been drinking all night.
Feeling so tired of this, and kinda grateful to go and leave all this chaos for a while.
“Mom, wake up… I've to go.” Y/N tried to wake up her mom but it was impossible.  “MOM!”
Y/N clenched her jaw and ended up giving in to the anger, walking to the door and slamming it shut.
She was so damn upset, so hurt that her mom hadn't even considered that this was HER day. Didn't expect her to make breakfast or  kiss her forehead before go, but inside… the hope sometimes played really cruel tricks.
Sighing, Y/N waited outside the house with arms crossed for ten minutes until the car pulled up. Jules waved at her, next to her was a woman with dark brown hair, small brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. She honked three times, making Y/N smile.
“Hey there, cutie!” Auntie Claire got out of the car and hugged her like a big bear, then helped to put the suitcase in the trunk. Y/N  got into the back of the car, as Claire sped away from the house.
“You okay?”  Jules asked, she knew her perfectly.
“She didn't even realize that I left, she was wasted, dude.” Y/N just shook her head, looking out the window.
Jules didn't say anything, Auntie Claire and her looked at each other, knowing that woman perfectly. It wasn't the first time nor the last time to be honest. Y/N’s mom had always been a jerk to Y/N, especially the past few years.
“Sorry, sweetie.” Aunt Claire looking at Y/N in the rearview mirror. “My sister has always been a bit… difficult… always.”
“It’s okay, auntie.” Auntie Claire was always trying to make her feel better, she leaned down to put a hand on her aunt's shoulder. “Thank you for coming for me.”
“Oh, don't worry, dear. You know I'll always be there for you.”
Aunt Claire drove them to the airport, but not before buying a bunch of sweets that they all shared.
The lady escorted them to the boarding area, hugging them tightly and wishing them both a safe and beautiful trip. She apologized for not being able to go see the game, but she had to stay home and finish some work. That was a lie, she planned to travel tonight and surprise them tomorrow.
“Bye, auntie Claire.” Y/N hugged her again before grabbing the backpack and walking towards the boarding zone.
“Bye, mom!” Jules kissed Claire's cheek and ran to catch up with Y/N. “Love you!”
“Bye, kids! Remember, the most important thing is to have fun! Love you!” The lady tenderly yelled at them, waving her hand.
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“Here, I'll give you guys a hand.” Pietro offered to help some girls as they walked down the aisle of the plane, looking for a seat.
Wanda just rolled her eyes knowing how flirtatious Pietro was. She just kept walking until she found an empty seat and put her bag in the luggage compartment.
“Wicked.” Jules whispered smiling while looking at that plane, it looked much smaller than the ones she knew but still, quite good. She took a seat next to Daisy, who was also quite excited.
“I can't believe your dad paid for a private plane.” Jennifer  said to Hope Van Dyne, who was sipping her smoothie and sitting in one of the front seats.
“It's pretty much his only form of parenting.” Hope shrugged. “I guess I'll take it.”
“Well, thank you, Mr. Van Dyne!” They all exclaimed at the same time, laughing.
“All right, hustle up.” Coach Ward settled into one of the seats, looking that everyone was doing the same. Couch Coulson was already in Seattle, finishing up some paperwork or something. “It's gonna be a long flight.”
[pilot over speakers] ‘This is your captain. Our flight plan to Seattle has us going a bit farther north than expected. We're gonna try to avoid a storm system that's coming in. Should get some great views of the Canadian Rockies.’
Pietro returned to sit next to Wanda, who had saved his place by the window.
He settled and buckled in, noticing that Wanda kept moving her leg and playing with the rings on those soft hands. Something she did whenever she felt nervous.
“You okay, sestra?” Pietro raised an eyebrow.
Wanda didn't say anything, just nodded and faked the kindest smile she could. But not good enough to fool her twin brother.
“Remember when you came to Hilton Head with us in second grade and you cried the whole flight?” Pietro reached into his backpack and pulled out a bag, Twizzlers plus two delicious packs of Marinela's Pingüinos.  “I brought these for you. I know you love them, always help you feel better. I also saw that you forgot some of your cassettes on the kitchen table, so I brought them for you.”
He handed the bag to Wanda who just smiled and squeezed her brother's hand, totally grateful.
“I know you're doing this for me, coming on the trip when you shouldn't.” Wanda rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“I know. I'm basically the best brother you have.” He smiled all smug.
“You’re the only brother I have.” Wanda smiled, they stayed that way for a moment until the boy gave her his  Hummel jacket, that one he loved so much. The one with some cool white arrows on the sides of the sleeves.
“And take this, in case you're cold. It's a good luck charm. Now nothing can touch you.”
Wanda chuckles softly.
From afar, Sharon Carter watched this and tried to get the attention of one of her friends.
“Psst. Dottie. Look at the weirdbros.” Sharon nodded at the twins, making her friend laugh.
What they didn't expect is that Y/N was listening behind them, so she kicked her seat making them jump.
“Stop saying that or I’ll break your fucking leg too.” Y/N said between her teeth, making Sharon open her eyes wide like a scared mouse and settle back into the seat.  “You’re still in trial period, baby-Yellowjacket.”
Next to Y/N, Natasha just smiled and shook her head.
The plane finally took off towards Seattle and everyone cheered, although as the pilot said, they would make a detour for a moment to avoid a huge storm without knowing that soon, their lives would change radically.
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Like every day, Wanda Maximoff got up early to make breakfast for the kids. Vision left two hours ago, he was in too much of a hurry saying  he had to get to an important meeting or something.
She waited for the bus to pick up the twins, then did the laundry -she cursed Vision three times under her breath for getting lipstick or tomato sauce on a shirt, she didn't know what the fuck was exactly-and finished cleaning the house.
Her life has been the same for years, a routine life, boring perhaps… and she never knew exactly why. She changed a lot, although physically not so much. Wanda stepped out of the lovely suburban home in Westview, a pretty, family-friendly place. She kindly greeted her nosy neighbor and began to water the plants, until something caught her eye.
“What the hell…” She murmured, half of those plants were bitten, completely devoured.
At that moment, a blonde woman got out of her car and walked slowly towards the entrance. Wanda was looking at her flowers, muttering some insults in Sokovian, didn't seem very happy.
“Aphids?”  The blonde asked, taking off her sunglasses.
“Rabbits.” Wanda looked up, surprised to find someone in the garden, but above all, someone she didn't know.
“Poor little guys.” The woman chuckled softly, getting closer. “Just trying to survive, I guess.”
Wanda brushed the dirt from her hands and approached the woman.  “I'm sorry, do we know each other?”
“Christine Everhart, Westview’s Ledger. I left you a few voice mails.” Christine wrinkles her nose knowing that Wanda wouldn't take that well, and she was right.
“Right.” Wanda exhaled and turned to leave. “Fuck off, Christine.”
“Wanda, wait. Wait!” The reporter walked after her, trying to stop her.
“I don't talk to reporters, but I'm guessing you already know that.” Wanda opened the door ready to lock herself in her house.
“I know that you've been letting other people tell your story. People who barely knew you, and they are making a lot of money doing it.” The blonde couldn't believe how she didn't talk about what happened on that trip. How come none of them spoke?
Everyone was eager to know what the hell happened, the huge mystery that surrounded the Yellowjackets for seventeen years.
“Five minutes. That's all I ask.” Christine begged with her best puppy face.  “If you don't like what I have to say, I will leave you alone. Promise.”
Hesitating for a moment, Wanda looked around, then allowed the reporter into her home. If she was going to get rid of her, she would do it in the least violent way possible or it would get more attention.
Trying to be as polite as possible, Wanda served some coffee for the guest while she organized the stuff she bought in the market.
“I know what you want to hear.” Wanda opened the fridge and put some meat and vegetables in the fridge.  “But the truth is… the plane crashed, a bunch of my friends died… and the rest of us starved and scavenged and prayed for 19 months, till they finally found us.”
She took a bunch of bananas and smiled somewhat ironically, leaving it in the fruit bowl. It was so simple, getting food just by leaving the house and walking a few streets.
Everything they lived through that time in the Canadian Rockies had been truly cruel and painful.
She swallowed hard, remembering with regret. “And that's the end of the story.”
The reporter nodded and then narrowed her eyes, completely unwilling to believe it was as simple as that.  “I think we both know there's a... bit more to it than that.”
Christine noted that in one of the bags, there was a 'US WEEKLY' magazine and on the cover was the huge wrecked plane in addition to the headline: ‘LITTLE GIRLS LOST.  17 YEARS LATER: remembering the Yellowjackets tragedy. Where are they now?’
“I can't imagine what you guys went through out there… Nobody can.”  She tried to pretend, in a very poor way, how sorry she was.
The brunette approached to take the magazine and put it in a drawer, out of sight.
“And that is worth something. It's worth a lot, actually.” Christine perched on the breakfast counter.  “Wanda… I can guarantee you a seven-figure book advance right here, right now.”
Wanda snorted, shaking her head. As if other people or chains had not tried it before, especially with Netflix pushing to do their thing.
“We could write it together but it's your name on the cover.”
Wanda looked up, there didn't even seem to be interested. “Mmm, not interested. Sorry.”
Christine bit her lower lip, trying her last card completely desperate. “What if I told you the others were?”
Wanda smiled ironically.  “Then I would say that you're lying.”
“So you're still in touch.” Touché. Christine smiled finding something else, something more than what she knew. “As well as Natasha Romanoff, who you keep as close friends. But how about the others?”
“I haven't spoken to any of them in years. I would not know how to get ahold of them even if I wanted to.” Rolling her eyes, Wanda seemed more and more disinterested, more uncomfortable and more annoyed. The memory of her friends ached inside, still, so bad.
“What about Y/N?”  That question caught her off guard. Like an arrow shot straight to her heart, that name made her entire body shudder.
Wanda shrugged, trying to look uninterested.
“I moved on, and I genuinely hope that they were able to do the same.” Wanda exhaled deeply, even thinking about Y/N made her stomach drop painfully.  “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late to...”
“Wanda, this is the kind of money that could change your life.”
Wanda closed her eyes, trying to regain all the patience that remained inside her. She hated journalists so much, especially the ones who wrote shit about them and then stood there begging them for a bit of fame.
“You were a brilliant girl. Straight A's. Early admission to Yale. Is this really how you thought your life was gonna turn out?” Christine snorted, she couldn't believe that the future of that woman was so different from what was expected.
Wanda tilted her head, making Christine to rethink everything that came out of her mouth. Wanda's look was definitely an imposing one.
“Sorry.” The journalist stammered.  “I didn't mean to, uh...”
“I don't give a shit what you meant, you smug little bitch.” Wanda went from being an adorable soccer mom to a much more dangerous woman, a totally cold look. If she had powers, Christine would be in pieces right now.  “You don't know a fucking thing about my life.”
The coldness in Wanda's gaze made the blonde shiver, but she was grateful that the Sokovian woman just turned around and continued with her business, completely ignoring her.
“Well... if you change your mind...” The blonde approached to take a pen and write the exact amount that she could offer, and her pone number.
Wanda just pointed at the door.
“Get out of my house, my children will arrive soon.”
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Hours later, the doorbell rang again, pulling Wanda out of her thoughts. She was grateful that Vision took the kids to the movies.
She hurried to open the door, who quickly entered the house.
“Sorry, I'm late.”  Natasha apologized, taking off her jacket, feeling the warmth of the home.
Wanda smiled and they both walked towards the living room. “It’s okay. Do you want some tea or coffee?”
“No, I’m okay.” Nat licked her lips and sat on the sofa, expectant. She noticed that Vision and the twins were not there, so the urgent call from her friend must be a really important one. “What's going on?”
“A reporter approached me today.” Wanda handed her the card Christine left. “She said she was with the local paper, but I googled her and she wasn't credited in any bylines anywhere. Maybe it's a fake name.”
Natasha exhaled, taking the card to look at it. A phone number, the name of the journalist and a rather large number.
“These people come out of the woodwork every few years on some anniversary or another.” The redhead sighed, shaking her head. She was really exhausted from always having to deal with the same idiots.  “You know that. There's no reason to think this is any different, Wands.”
“I can think of a few.” Wanda lowered her gaze, playing with her rings.  “We agreed to say no more than we have to, stay out of the public eye. Last night, Jennifer appeared speaking to reporters as she was leaving the Courthouse. ”
“Wands, she's a lawyer... and a really good one.”
“No, Nat, I mean it… If someone's digging, we are all fucked.” Wanda got up to help herself to a little more coffee, maybe that wasn't helping so much. “You’re a cop. Take care of it.”
“I’ll do it, don’t worry.” she sighed somewhat tired.
Noticing that Natasha was telling her the truth, Wanda nodded much more relaxed.  “Thank you.”
Nat didn't say anything, just moved closer so she could take her hand and squeeze it gently. After a little silence, Wanda hesitated whether to ask what she wanted so much but ended up doing it. “Have you talked to her?”
Natasha pursed her lips. “All I know was she was in rehab. Again.”
Feeling deep sorrow and sadness upon hearing that, Wanda nodded. “And there's still no sign of the others?”
“Not for months.” The Russian played with that card between her fingers.
“Then we're fine. We’re okay.” Wanda tried to calm down. Maybe she was being too paranoid, but her whole life she was surrounded by all these crazy people wanting to know what they did in that place. “I just don't want to hurt my kids.”
“Don’t worry, okay?” Nat reached out to hug her tightly, knowing it was all her best friend needed.  “Twins are safe. Long as nobody does anything crazy... we have nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you, Nat.” Wanda closed her eyes, losing in that hug for a while until they moved away.
“I've to go now.” The redhead put her jacket back on and walked towards the door with Wanda. “She's going to be so upset if I don't show up for dinner tonight. I made a promise.”
“She’s too good. Say hi to your wife for me.” Wanda opened the door and kissed Nat’s cheek, watching her walk away.  “Tell Jules the Pavlova dessert was delicious, the kids loved it.”
“She’s amazing at cooking, right? I feel very lucky sometimes.” Nat smiled fondly and then walked to her car.  “Love you, Wands. Take care.”
Wanda stayed in the doorway, watching her friend drive away. Losing herself in thoughts once more.
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With the gaze lost in the swell of the waves, the sound of the seagulls and the beautiful landscape, Y/N tried to drown out all the chaos of her mind. ㅤㅤㅤ
Seventeen years later and a lot of pain, she was there. Her hair was a bit shorter, but she hadn't changed much. She seemed more mature, a scar on her eyebrow marked a change in her. She was wearing this huge dark T-shirt from some band so old, that no young man would recognize it.
Sitting with her eyes closed, she tried to meditate for a long time, breathing deeply and exhaling slowly. But of course there was always something that got in her way.
“Y/N, time for group.”
Until that stupid voice kicked her out of her paradise. Y/N cocked her head to see how that blonde boy invited her to attend the meeting. That stupid face of fake kindness made her stomach churn.
Anyway, she decided to take another deep breath and nodded, getting up to walk to the therapy room.
About fifteen minutes later, she was sitting across from all these people she didn't even know well, talking about their own problems.
“Remember, anger can be good.” Said the counselor, pulling Y/N out of her thoughts.
“Sure tell that to my parole officer.” One of the women in the group complained, she seemed quite upset. “I mean, all I'm saying is this bitch cut me in line.”
“Y/N?” The counselor looked at her, expecting that this time she would speak.  “Seeing as how this is your last day with us, any final inspirations you'd like to pass on to the group?”
After a few seconds of silence, Y/N sighed, leaning back in the chair. “Purpose. Find a purpose.”
She licked her lips and noticed how everyone listened carefully to everything she was going to say. Didn't know if it was because they were really interested in her or just because she was a Yellowjacket, and those were morbid bastards.
“I used to think all the drinking, drugs and the sex…” Y/N inhaled deeply. “I used to think I did those things because of… what happened out there.”
Y/N’s gaze was lost. She could still hear the screams, could still feel the hunger, could still feel the cold burning her skin.  
“What I... saw.” Y/N murmured, remembering the sound of the plane crashing. The screams of who her friends were. “What I... did.”
“Oh, my God. What did you do?!” One of the girls in the group ended up exploding, expectant and exhausted from never knowing the answer.  “You literally never told us.”
“Zip it, Ariana!” She was silenced by another one.
“Anyway, the real reason is much simpler.” Y/N spoke again, coming back to reality.  “After they rescued us, I lost my purpose and thanks to my time here... I finally know how to get it back.”
The group therapy ended and after saying goodbye to everyone, Y/N sat on the steps at the entrance of that place, waiting for the cab that would soon pick her up.
She didn't have many belongings other than a suitcase with clothes and her keys.
Y/N sighed, wishing with all her heart that she could have a cigarette but decided to look for something in the pocket of the leather jacket.
It was postcard, someone sent it with her mail, of course she didn't have mail so that had definitely surprised Y/N a lot. ㅤㅤㅤ The postcard had a beautiful landscape of the Canadian Rockies and a typical: WISH YOU WERE HERE!
But the strange thing about this was the drawing on it, in a reddish color. Some kind of symbol, starting with a circle, a triangle as the body and four lines on the sides of it. But the last of the lines went through the triangle and below, a kind of hook.
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Of course she recognized that fucking symbol perfectly, whoever sent it knew what they did.
The cab lights blinded her for a moment. She took the suitcase and got into the taxi, happy to get the hell out of that damn place.
“Where to?” The driver asked, watching her in the rearview mirror.
“You pick up a lot of people here?” Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“A few, sure.”
Y/N chuckled softly. “How many go straight to a bar?”
“You want to go to a bar?”
Y/N thought about it for a moment and then settled into the seat.  “LAX. I'll catch a red-eye flight.”
The taxi moved forward leaving that place behind and with it, a completely different Y/N. The dark-haired girl took a chewing gum, closing her eyes as she tasted it.
Wishing with all her heart that everything turned out well.
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After six hours of flight and two large cups of coffee, Y/N opened the door of that self-storage on the outskirts of New Jersey. It was quite a safe place and very discreet, that's why she had left her baby there.
She swallowed hard when she saw the car, covered by a huge dusty sheet which she carefully removed, uncovering that wonderful car.
It was a beautiful black Porsche Carrera 993, still immaculate, still badass.
Y/N slid her fingers over its roof, caressing it gently and reliving so many memories. Her heart sank as she remembered Auntie Claire’s smile when she was driving the Carrera.
She held on and closed her eyes, knowing that she should live in reality and not in those memories. Once she was able to get over all those bad feelings that tried to drown her, Y/N walked to the trunk to look for some stuff.
A sports bag with money, some documents and passports, but mostly a gun,a shotgun and some bullets. She covered everything quickly with the same sheet. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Nice ride.”
That male voice forced her to turn around quickly. A man in his fifties and rather good-natured appearance was watching her from afar.
“Sorry. I'm Dave. The manager.” Dave smiled friendly.
“Hi, Dave.” Y/N arched an eyebrow, waiting for the man to say something else.
“I'm sorry. It's just...” He shrugged somewhat embarrassedly, definitely making Y/N feel somewhat guilty.  “Haven't seen anyone around this unit since I've been here. Vultures have been circling it for years, but I keep telling 'em, long as the bill's paid, it’s not my thing to touch.” The man chuckled.
“Then thank you, Dave. I really appreciate what you have done.”  Y/N gave him a bit of a friendly smile, for the first time in a long time.
“You local?” Sure enough the chubby man tried to get some info of her but she just shrugged.
“Was.” The dark-haired woman turned to look at her car and narrowed her eyes, pulling out the key to unlock the alarm.  “Been a while since I've been... home.”
“Then welcome back.” Dave smiled tenderly again and held out his hand. Y/N hesitated for a moment but she ended up shaking it.
“Thanks, Dave.” Y/N opened the door, but not before turning to see the trunk, knowing what was kept there.  “I wasn't sure how I'd feel, but... I think it'll be good to reconnect with some old friends.”
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Well, I hope you liked it! It is the beginning. I am very delighted with the tv show! I want you to know that there will be stuff that I am not going to write here, or there are things that I will take her my way. This is my own dumb version. Example, pregnancy, I'm not going to bring that here.
Enjoy it, I hope you do. If you want to be tagged, just ask!
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @imnotasuperhero @yourfavunsub @kaiidth-wandika
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350 notes · View notes
frootbyethefoot · 2 months
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they're never bringing out the worst in us
[ID: two digital drawings of miu iruma and kokichi ouma from danganronpa v3: killing harmony. miu is crossing her arms and looking to the side with a blank, skeptical expression on her face. behind her is a silhouette of herself, drawn in all black, holding a hammer with a nervous expression. miu is colored in monochrome, and the background is bright red.
ouma is smiling, with a happy expression on his face. behind him is a silhouette of gonta gokuhara, drawn in all red, with a sad expression on his face, wrapping toilet paper around oumas neck. ouma is colored in a heavy red hue, while the background is pitch black. END ID/]
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some silly doodles too! i draw so much stuff that makes me insane that i often forget the value of doodling A Silly Little Guy. ids in the alt text!
31 notes · View notes
fyorina · 1 month
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FEATURING: beast dazai osamu
SUMMARY: the day of the event has arrived and dazai is second guessing everything, but it's too late for him to back out now.{wordcount: 12k; fem!reader; romance & tragedy}
AUTHOR'S NOTES: PART FOUR wow guys we're really getting into the meat of the fic now. HAHAH this is the chapter i had to split into two parts, initially it was going to be one big one but then it would've been a whopping 23k words and that's a bit much even for me. i didn't want to cross the 20k realm HAHAHH. anyway, this chapter really was a pleasure to write, the second scene was my favorite but the ending was SOOOO close to usurping it
GENERAL WARNINGS: again, i'll just leave this warning on every chapter - dazai struggles a lot with disassociation/derealization & losing himself in the pages of the book. as always please let me know if i forgot any warnings
“Gin-chan, I’m so nervous.” 
You pace around Dazai’s penthouse anxiously, twisting your fingers in front of your body. The event is taking place tomorrow night. You still don’t have an outfit for it—Dazai told you not to worry about it, you’re still worrying about it because what does that even mean? You don’t know what to expect from the event, and Gin is evasive when you ask her about what will happen, just keeps telling you that it’ll be fine as long as you stay with Dazai.
“There’s no reason to be nervous,” Gin says, as she always does, still tapping away at her laptop. Glasses hang off the bridge of her nose and there are dark circles beneath her eyes. You feel a bit ashamed about constantly going on about your nerves when you know damn well she, Dazai and all of the other executives of his company have been working nonstop the past few days trying to finish preparations. “Dazai-san will be with you the whole time, and if he has to talk business, someone will sit with you until he can get back so you’re not feeling awkward.”
Somehow, you think that might be even more awkward because you doubt a random person is going to want to babysit you while Dazai is busy, but you don’t voice your thoughts, instead just withering as you circle the large room for the sixth time in the past five minutes. 
You’ve hardly seen Dazai all week. You don’t really mind, you know he’s swamped with work and you’ve been keeping yourself busy going out cafe hopping and shopping. Gin comes with you when she can, but it’s usually Nakajima Atsushi or Tachihara Michizo that joins you—Gin had introduced you to the two security guards a week ago when she’d been too busy to come with you to a cafe downtown. You don’t mind the company but you can’t help but wonder why Dazai is so insistent that someone comes with you.
Well. You can’t help but wonder about a lot of things, really. You’re pretty certain that Dazai is still hiding something major from you. You don’t know a lot about business, and you especially don’t know anything about his business, but something isn’t right. You’re not stupid and everyone is not as slick as they think themselves to be, you see how tense and anxious people get when you mention him to them, more so than the average worker would be at the mere mention of their boss, and everyone in the entire damn building is armed, even though they clearly try to hide it whenever you’re in the area. 
You and your friends have joked about the uber wealthy before, and how no one above a certain tax bracket obtains their wealth without some sort of blood money; you’re about 99% sure that’s what’s taking place here too, and it would certainly explain all of the secrecy. More so than trade secrets at least, you feel a bit dumb for that to have even been an explanation in your mind. You just don’t know the specifics. You don’t know if you want to know the specifics, you think you’d prefer to remain ignorant because 1) you definitely don’t want to have any sort of culpability, not when you’re on path to graduate school and hopefully a very prestigious job with the government, and 2) … you don’t want to face the reality of what that would mean. 
You like Dazai. More than like him. You’ve been slowly coming to terms with the fact that you really, truly care for him, and if you end up learning the… specifics of his job, then you’re going to be forced into making a decision you don’t want to make: preserving your future and morals or risking them for him. And you’re not going to sit around and claim to be some upstanding, virtuous person. You’re not. But you are ambitious, and you’ve had your mind set on your future since you learned how to pick up a pen and write. You’ve worked your entire life to get where you are now, slaved your way through a prestigious undergraduate school in Japan and spent months preparing for the entrance exams for graduate school, only to what? Throw it all away for some man?
God, you almost feel sick. Distantly, you wonder how awful of a person you must be for the threat to your future success to be the main reason why you’re questioning yourself, and not the fact that it’s very likely that Dazai and his conglomerate have some sort of business with Japan’s underground, maybe even direct dealings with the mafia itself. 
You pause from where you’re pacing around the room, eyes widening a bit as another realization hits you. You had thought it was odd that Dazai and Gin and all of the executives of the conglomerate have been so stressed and anxious over an event that they’re not even hosting, but what if… Your throat spasms a bit as you swallow, wondering if Dazai is about to bring you not to an event hosted by their rival, but to an event hosted by the mafia. You don’t think he would put you in danger like that, you don’t want to think he would put you in danger like that and you wonder if you’re just sending yourself down a spiral of unnecessary paranoia. 
But it doesn’t make sense. Dazai is enamored by you, and you don’t think you’re being conceited by saying that because he has made it abundantly clear. There’s no way he would ever put you in danger like that. Not unless… you feel a bit green remembering his reaction to you saying that you’d go out on your own and stay with your friend the weekend of the event. You could feel the anxiety radiating off of him for a split second before he asked you to come with him. You also remember how he always makes sure someone is with you when you go out, and god, you swear you’re not a conspiracy theorist but nothing is making sense when you look at it through your rose-tinted lenses but looking at it through these lenses. The lenses of a man who is obviously smitten with you, and who might have dealings with the mafia—of course he wouldn’t want you to go out on your own because he’d be scared that you might be targeted as a means to get to him.
Oh, you feel dizzy. What have you gotten yourself into?
“Are you okay?” Gin is looking up at you, brows furrowed in concern. “You look a little sick.”
“I’m fine,” you say, but the words sound pathetic even to your own ears and you know Gin doesn’t believe you from the way she tilts her head to the side to study you.
Luckily, you’re saved by the bell. Literally. 
Your head snaps to the side as the elevator dings, and ordinarily, you would be ecstatic because who else would be coming up to the penthouse besides Dazai and while you’ve certainly missed him over the past week with how busy he’s been, you’re not sure if you’re ready to see him right now with the way your thoughts have just spiraled, because you think you might blurt something out that you can’t take back.
But, for better or for worse, it is not Dazai that enters the penthouse.
“Good morning, ladies,” a familiar voice croons as the elevator doors slide open. Your eyes light up as you whip around, eyes falling upon a face you haven’t seen in almost two weeks. “I come bearing gifts.”
“Albatross!” you say, excited, a smile splitting your face, because yes, even knowing about the possible affiliation with the mafia, you’re still excited to see the blonde—he’s never been anything but sweet to you, and he’s really the only one besides Gin and Chuuya who doesn’t treat you weirdly because of your relationship with Dazai. 
“D’aw, look at it, Lippmann, told you the doll would still remember me,” Albatross grins, dark glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose as he tosses you a wink and then looks back toward the elevator.
Your gaze follows his, and your eyes fall upon a vaguely familiar person stepping out of the elevator and into the penthouse, carrying a few boxes. Pale hair cut into a bob, a pretty, androgynous face, dressed to the nines in a light purple waistcoat and matching pants—where have you seen him before? Wait-
“You’re-!” you begin, eyes wide and lips parting in shock.
“Walter Lippmann,” the man greets you with a kind smile and soft eyes, you feel a bit flustered, you can hardly meet his gaze. “Everybody just calls me Lippmann though.”
You try to speak, but you’re a bit starstruck—the last thing you’d expected was for a movie star to step into the penthouse. You’re looking between Albatross and Gin and then hesitantly back at Lippmann as you try to figure out what’s going on. 
Albatross cackles. “Looks like she’s gotta crush, Lippmann. Better not let the boss find out, he’ll get jealous.”
“Albatross,” you complain, hands flying to cover your hot face. “Not true, I’m just surprised. Am I allowed to be surprised?”
“Yeah, sure, doll, that’s it,” Albatross says, clearly not believing you at all as he throws himself onto the couch next to Gin, looking up at you. “The boss asked us to pick up a dress for you. Go try it on, I’m going to raid his liquor cabinet while you do—if he asks, you better take the blame.”
You see Gin roll her eyes. “You will not raid his liquor cabinet, Albatross,” she says firmly, but the man only winks at her.
You turn your attention back to Lippmann, who’s carrying the dress in a garment bag, a shoe box tucked under his other arm. He gives you a small smile and then motions for you to follow him; you’re still starstruck as you follow him into Dazai’s bedroom, pointedly ignoring the way Albatross snickers. 
You watch as Lippmann hangs the garment bag up on the closet, placing the shoebox down on the bed. He turns toward you after and says, “Try it on and make sure it fits properly. And make sure you like it.”
You nod, lips parting to speak but no words leave your lips. You look up at the garment bag, down to the shoes, and back to Lippmann and then you ask, “How do you… how do you know Dazai?” 
Lippmann gives you another gentle smile, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. You notice, a bit curiously, that he seems to take a moment before he speaks, as if choosing his words carefully. 
“I knew Dazai’s father,” he says after a few seconds. “I work with the Mori Corporation sometimes regarding press and political matters. Like a spokesperson when Dazai is unable to.”
Hm, you think to yourself before nodding, a movie star as a spokesperson for a corporation, that’s a bit odd, isn’t it?
Your brows furrow slightly as you try to fit the new knowledge in with all of the rest you’ve put together over the past few weeks but it’s just another jagged puzzle piece that’s not fitting in anywhere.
“I’m a huge fan of your movies,” you finally tell him, rubbing the back of your neck as you toss him a sheepish smile. “Like, no joke, almost cried when you had your discussion panel for The Good Society three months ago because it was two days before my entrance exam to grad school so I couldn’t go.”
Lippman laughs, pale cheeks flushing as he looks down at the ground before back up at you. “Honestly, you didn’t miss out. The whole panel was a mess, and the AC broke twenty minutes before, so it was ridiculously hot.”
You don’t really know what to say to that, cursing the fact that you are 1) still half dazed on top of 2) already being naturally awkward, but Walter Lippmann is Walter Lippmann, so of course he knows just what to say and do.
He nods to the dress that he hung up on the closet. “Try it on and then give us a show,” he says, winking at you before he makes his way out of Dazai’s bedroom back into the other room with Albatross and Gin.
You sigh when you’re alone again, tilting your head up to look at the ceiling for a moment, wondering what your life has become before you make your way over to the dress. You unzip the garment bag, curious to see what Dazai had picked for you, and your eyes shoot open when you see the red gown within the bag. Smooth and silky, off-the-shoulder, it’s probably the most expensive thing you’ve ever laid your eyes upon; you feel like you shouldn’t even touch it, much less put it on. 
But Lippmann and Albatross and Gin are out there waiting, you can hear them talking through the door, so you force yourself to gingerly pull it off of the hanger, careful to not be too rough with the material. It doesn’t take you too long to get your clothes off and the dress on, but when you do, you can hardly bring yourself to move away from the mirror. 
You look beautiful. You do. The dress is a perfect fit, it compliments your skin, it compliments your hair. You look beautiful, but you feel like a fraud, like a clown in a ball gown, hoping that the beauty of the dress would draw attention from the fact that it’s not meant for someone like you. 
You don’t know how long you stand there, staring at your reflection. Too long, evidently, because you hear a sharp knock at the door and Lippman’s concerned voice asking if you’ve gotten the dress on.
“Yeah,” you say quietly. “I’m dressed.”
You hear the door to Dazai’s bedroom creak open but you don’t turn to look.
“I think this costs more than my student loans,” you breathe out, staring at yourself in the mirror. You smooth your hands over the silky material, eyes catching the way it clings to you perfectly. “God, where the hell did he get something like this? It’s like it was made for me.”
“Probably was,” Lippmann says from where he’s leaning against the doorframe, lips quirked up into a half smile as he tosses you another wink. “Perks of dating one of the richest men in Japan.”
You let out a noise caught between a whimper and a laugh, suddenly feeling very, very out of place.
Lippmann clearly catches your sudden change in attitude and his brows furrow. “Do you not like it?” he asks curiously. “There’s plenty of time for him to send for something else.”
“No, no,” you hurry to say, voice catching. Although you’re unsure how twenty-hour hours constitutes ‘plenty of time’, but you digress. “It’s perfect. It is.”
“What’s the issue then?”
“I just…” you trail off, eyes lingering in the mirror. “I feel silly, I guess. How obvious is it that I’ve never worn anything like this before?” 
“Silly?” Lippmann asks, amused, peeling off the doorframe to make his way over to you. You swallow thickly as he straightens your posture and then uses two fingers to make you raise your chin. “You look stunning. Like a woman who belongs on the arm of the most influential man in Japan… Like a woman who doesn’t need to be on the arm of any man.”
Your face feels a bit hot as you let out a puff of laughter. “Now you’re exaggerating.”
“I certainly am not,” Lippmann says firmly, taking a step back. “You’re only getting in your head. From what Chuuya has told me about you, you’re more than suited to outwit and outclass anyone in attendance at that event.”
Your face feels hotter now, smiling as you roll your eyes. “Flatterer,” you say, but you feel a bit better, chest lighter as your gaze turns back to look at the mirror. “... Do you-”
A sharp whistle from the door draws your attention from Lippmann; there’s a lecherous smile on Albatross’s face as he leans against the frame and looks at you, glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose. “Damn, if you weren’t the boss’s girl…”
Gin slaps him hard on the back of his head, glaring at him before turning a small smile to you. “You look beautiful,” she says softly. “He’ll be speechless when he sees you tomorrow.”
Your throat feels tight as your lashes flutter, a smile on your lips as you look down at the ground. Even though the concerns of your realizations from before still weigh heavily in the back of your mind, you can’t help but feel a bit giddy at the thought of seeing Dazai tomorrow.
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The giddiness is long gone.
You still haven’t gotten dressed.
You’re sitting at the edge of Dazai’s bed in your bra and panties, staring at the wall with your knees pulled to your chest. Your dress is hanging on the closet on the far side of the room, heels sitting on the floor beneath it. You’ve done your makeup and you put your earrings on already—pretty, dangly diamonds that are the most expensive thing you own, the last thing your brother gifted you before he cut you off entirely. You need to be getting dressed, Dazai will be up here any second to pick you up to leave for the event, but you just can’t bring yourself to put the dress on, anxiety eating away at you.
It’s not even because of the realization you’d come to yesterday, it’s because you think you’re about to make a fool out of yourself. Even if you’re wrong about the theory that you might be heading into an event hosted by the mafia and their associates, you’re still heading into an event that’s going to be attended by people who are much wealthier than you, and you already feel out of place and you’re not even there. 
The dress is beautiful, but you think you’ll look like a clown in it, everyone will know that you’re not from the same sector of life as them with a single glance. Lippmann’s words from yesterday are in one ear out the other now that you’re closer to the actual time of the event.
You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t even hear the bing of the elevator arriving at the penthouse, and you don’t notice Dazai until he pushes open the cracked door to step into the bedroom. And you feel like you should be embarrassed sitting half naked on his bed, rather than being dressed and waiting for him, but you can’t muster it, eyes dragging up from the wall to land on his concerned expression. 
And he’s a sight, you think. He’s so handsome. Absently, you think he might be more handsome than the last time you saw him but you think that’s a bit ridiculous because he hasn’t changed at all. He’s wearing the same long black coat and burgundy scarf, but the sleek, dark suit he wears beneath it is different, more expensive than all of the others that he’s donned the past few months you’ve known him. 
His lips are turned downward as he approaches you, placing a blue box down on his dresser, dark eye soft with concern, and you also can’t help but notice that he still wears the bandages around the upper left side of his face, covering his eye. You want to know what’s beneath them desperately, but you can’t bring yourself to ask, hoping that he’ll show you on his own terms.
He stands in front of you, and you rest your chin on your knees as you stare forward, staring at his abdomen instead of looking up at his face. But he doesn’t let your gaze linger there, bringing his right hand to cup your cheek so he can gently lift your face upward, forcing you to meet his eyes. You can feel the rough edges of his bandages scraping against your skin, and you instinctively lean into his touch. You try to remind yourself of all of the realizations you’d come to yesterday, tell yourself to not be as at ease with him, at least have some semblance of your guard up, but you fail.
“What’s wrong?” he asks you softly, letting you lean into his touch as he brings his other hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Are you okay?”
And you feel selfish, you realize, as you try to figure out what to tell him. You can’t even fathom the amount of money he spent on your dress and the shoes, and here you are being a baby because you’re self conscious. You don’t even want to reply to him, so you try to turn your face away but he doesn’t let you.
“Tell me,” he says quietly. “I’ll fix it, whatever it is.”
“It’s silly,” you finally breathe out, averting your gaze to the ground as you let your eyes flutter shut, turning your face in his hand to kiss his palm before leaning back into it. “I’m being a baby, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not silly if it has you upset,” Dazai tells you, and he kneels down in front of you to catch your gaze again and briefly, you think it’s absurd that you have such a powerful man at your whims like this, kneeling before you, willing to do anything to make sure that you’re content and happy. It makes your throat swell a bit, those inferior feelings rising back to your chest with a vengeance, because what the hell did you do to deserve this? There’s nothing special about you. “Tell me what’s wrong, let me help.”
“I just don’t understand.” 
Oh my god, your voice cracks, you can feel your eyes go a bit misty, and instantly, Dazai’s concerned gaze is narrowing, as if trying to calculate what exactly is the source of your distress so he can remove it, and it only makes you want to cry more because what did you do to deserve all of this? 
If you’re right about all of the assumptions you made the other day, and Dazai is bringing you to this event even though by all means he should not because there’s likely going to be a lot of shady business occurring that could incriminate him and all of the other people at this event, then why? Why would he risk that just for a girl he met a few months ago? You can’t fathom it.
God, you know better than anyone the effects imposter syndrome can have on a person in school, but the last thing you expected was to be dealing with it in love too.
Love, the word makes your stomach churn because you do love him, you realize, as he stares up at you desperately trying to figure out what’s wrong so he can fix it. And how scary is that, considering only twenty-four hours ago you came to the realization that he’s very likely involved in the underground, in some way or another, and you had to come to terms with the fact that you’d have to choose between your future and a man. But he’s not just a man, he’s a man that you love in spite of everything you’ve put together.
A tear spills over your cheek and Dazai’s gaze becomes alarmed as he instantly wipes it away with his thumb before caressing your cheek gently. 
“What don’t you understand?” he presses quietly. “Talk to me.”
Where do you fucking start?
You want to cry even more but you force yourself not to, you can’t afford to let your makeup get anymore messed up than it already is. Instead you sniffle a bit and try to blink away the tears. 
“This,” you finally say, and your voice cracks again, you take a wet breath. Dazai’s lips part a bit, as if he wants to speak but he’s not sure what to say, brows furrowing. “There’s nothing special about me, Dazai, and I don’t understand why you’ve gone to the lengths that you have for me. Meeting me at that club every Friday as if you’re not always swamped with work, indulging me whenever I want to do things. You gave me a place to stay after only knowing me for a few weeks, gave up your own room, your own bed, so I could be comfortable while you slept at your desk. You’ve made sure people are always with me so I never get bored or lonely. You’ve given me literally everything I could possibly ask for and I’ve just been freeloading off of you for two and a half weeks now. Now, I’m going to go with you to this event and end up embarrassing you because I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else there. They’ll know I don’t belong there and I just-”
You cut yourself off, and you want to avert your gaze from Dazai’s but you can’t bring yourself to. Instead, you watch as something akin to amusement flashes through his eye. He takes one of your hands into his and brings it up to his lips, eye sliding shut for a moment as he kisses your knuckles. You let out a shaky puff of air as his lips linger for a moment before he looks up at you again through his lashes.
“Let me help you get dressed,” he murmurs, and you look down at the ground now as you nod, letting him help you to your feet and lead you over to where the dress is hanging up on the closet door.
He pulls it off the hanger and guides you into it, pulling it up and adjusting it so that it covers you properly. He steps behind you, and you realize that he also has you standing in front of the floor length mirror set up on his closet door. You sniffle a bit again as you look at yourself in the mirror. 
Your makeup looks a bit smudged beneath your eye from the tears gathering at your lash line, but somehow, you still look beautiful. You think it’s only because of the dress, the way it clings to your body so nicely and brightens all of your features. You take in another shuddered gulp of air when you feel Dazai begin to zip up the back of your dress slowly, each brush of his fingers against your skin lights your nerves on fire, and once he finally has it zipped to the top, he kisses the nape of your neck, hands falling to your hips to caress them gently. Your eyes flutter shut as you lean back against him, his comforting hold settling your turbulent emotions.
“I met you at the club every Friday because you were the only relief I had from reality,” he finally says, resting his forehead on your shoulder as he holds you. “I indulged your requests because I was indulging in you myself. Every moment I spent with you, I allowed myself to be Dazai Osamu, the person, and not the… Not what I’ve had to become to keep this organization running.”
Your breath catches, lips parting at his words but no sound escapes them. He kisses the nape of your neck one last time before he moves to stand in front of you, kneeling down again as he grabs one of your heels and undos the buckle. You watch with bated breath as he lifts your left foot from the ground to kiss your ankle before sliding the heel on, deft fingers fasting the clasp. 
“I gave you a place to stay because I was selfish and I wanted you around more,” he sighs, resting his forehead against your knee now as he lingers there for a moment before moving on to repeat the process with your other foot, kissing your ankle and slipping the heel on. He continues, “Likewise, I have kept you surrounded by people because I have been desperately afraid that you’re going to get bored and want to leave because work leaves me little time to be around. Unfortunately, I’m not the generous person you’re making me out to be, I’m horribly self-serving and greedy, especially when it comes to you.”
He looks up at you now from where he’s kneeling in front of you, gaze searching your face. You want to reach out and cup his cheek, so you do, and immediately, he’s turning his face to kiss your palm just as you’d done to him before letting his eye slide shut as he leans into your touch, as if basking in it.
“I would give you anything you want,” he admits softly, keeping his gaze shut as he holds your palm against his face. “Anything. And if it was something outside of my reach, I would make it in my reach. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, no lengths I wouldn’t go to and no lines I wouldn’t cross.”
You think your lungs might be burning, you don’t think you can breathe as you stare down at him, heart thudding in your swelling chest, tears building in your eyes again but this time not out of insecurity. Dazai finally rises to his feet after placing one last kiss upon your knuckles, and he doesn’t say anything as he makes his way over to the dresser where he’d placed the blue box. 
You don’t move, watching as he opens it and pulls something out before making his way back over to you, standing behind you. He looks at you through the mirror as he lifts his hands to place a glittering diamond necklace upon your collarbone. You can’t breathe again, you realize, it’s cool against your skin and you think it might be the most expensive thing you’ve ever laid your eyes upon, dozens upon dozens of white diamonds shimmering in the mirror in front of you. Your skin feels like it’s on fire as his fingers brush the nape of your neck as he clasps it onto you. 
“You are beautiful,” he says, voice so raw that you almost shiver at the intensity of it. His fingers brush your hips as if he’s afraid to touch you. “You are beautiful, and intelligent, and everything I have ever wanted. You deserve so much more than me, more than you’ll ever be able to understand, and I’m sorry that I’m not a good enough man to do what’s right and let you go. The last thing you should ever be doubting is this.”
His eye slides shut again as he lets out a soft puff of air, the warmth fans across the back of your neck and you think you could spend forever in this moment with him, wishing that you could freeze time. 
“You said that you thought it was fate that brought us together,” he finally finishes, voice quiet as he references what you told him the first time you met. “Don’t ever doubt your place with me. Wherever I am, you belong, whether it’s a club, or an apartment, or an event.”
“I thought you hate the idea of fate,” you say, voice a bit choked as you try to force the tears back again.
“I do,” he affirms, “but if fate brought us together, then far be it from me to deny the one thing in this world that has ever made me happy.”
You love him.
You feel sick to your stomach—be it from butterflies or the implications of the realization. The words threaten to burst from your lips but you swallow them, instead, another tear trails down your face and he sees it through the mirror, lifting his hand to wipe it away before leaning a bit over your shoulder to press his lips to your jaw.
“I’m ruining my makeup,” you rasp, letting out another shaky breath.
He smiles against your skin.
“You’ll be beautiful still,” he murmurs before pulling back, admiring you for a moment before he asks: “Are you ready to go?”
You nod. “Yeah,” you say, a bit breathless. “I’m ready.”
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“Everyone is staring at us.”
You’re not wrong, exactly. As soon as the two of you had entered the room, all attention was sent your way, and though the music was loud enough to drown out most chatter (intentional, of course, so unsavory ears can’t overhear even more unsavory dealings), Dazai couldn’t help but notice the hush that spread through the room at the sight of you. The boss of the Port Mafia with a date on his arm was certainly a sight to behold to all of the rest of the occupants of the event hall,.
“Can you blame them? You look beautiful,” he says, voice laced with a teasing edge that is certainly not matched in his expression. Dazai knew people would be looking at you if he brought you here. Still, he wants to gouge their eyes out. 
His arm tightens around you as he tucks you into his side, cold gaze sweeping across the massive event hall. At least two hundred people are attending Nabokov’s event—an even mixture of pharmaceutical tycoons, technology barons, politicians and mafiosos. 
At first glance, he recognizes four different mafias in attendance. 
Mishima Yukio of the Sun and Steel stands by one of his associates, the president of Mitsubishi Chemical Group; the man’s dark eyes card over Dazai with lazy interest, before his head tilts to the side as he studies you.
Dazai thinks that the Sun and Steel might be the Port Mafia’s only allies in attendance, and even then, allies might be taking it too far. The extent of Dazai’s dealing with Mishima was a general agreement to not encroach the Sun and Steel’s monopoly over the narcotics industry—which Dazai never intended on doing anyway because the industry is far more trouble than it's worth—and an unspoken promise to protect Japan’s underground from foreign mafias. 
Dazai wonders if that unspoken promise still holds or if the Russians have cut a deal with him. 
Nabokov’s Pale Flame, obviously, is in attendance, along with the remnants of Leo Tolstoy’s Three Deaths. Tolstoy himself is sitting at the bar, a glass of whiskey in hand as he leans back on the stool, gaze focused on you. Nabokov is off to the left, making his way across the room to greet Dazai, a curious expression on his face. Dazai recognizes Cao Xueqin of the Red Chamber sitting near Kitazawa Michihiro of Fuji Electric, one of the Port Mafia’s closest associates; and Dazai thinks that might be a bit foreboding, both because of the presence of the Chinese and the company he’s keeping.
Dostoevsky’s House of the Dead is nowhere to be seen, but Dazai knows that they’re here. Somewhere. He just has to find him—and he will.
More eyes are on you than him, and although that was to be expected, Dazai can’t fight the doubt that suddenly swirls in his chest, wondering if he’d made the right decision. If you hadn’t been on people’s radar already, you definitely are now, and the thought makes him a bit sick to his stomach. He tries to console himself with the fact that this was the lesser of two evils—the mere chance of you being on the radar of any of the mafias in this room, no matter how slim it might be, was not something he could gamble with. There was no way he could let you go out alone and unprotected. People like them, people like him, would jump on the chance to take advantage of the weakness and he couldn’t let that happen. 
But is this really any better? 
He’s thrown you into a pit of snakes, and you’re ignorant to all of the threats around you. His gaze drifts back down to you, catching the way your brows are knit together slightly, the way your lips are pressed in a thin line. There’s an indecipherable look in your eyes as your gaze shifts over the room, and Dazai wonders if you know more than you’re letting on. That’s another scary thought, but he can at least find comfort in it for now because it’ll have you keeping your guard up around these people. He’ll just have to deal with the consequences later.
He dips his head down to your ear, speaking quietly before Nabokov finally reaches him: “Just follow my lead, you’ll be fine.”
The look you shoot at him is nothing short of withering, and Dazai can’t help the smile that curves at the corners of his lips as he lifts his head back up to subtly brush his lips against your temple. He catches sight of movement from the corner of his eye and any softness that might’ve been visible in his expression washes away instantly.
“Dazai,” Nabokov greets, beady eyes flickering between you and Dazai, partially curious about you and partially nervous about Dazai. Dazai tilts his head to the side, becoming increasingly more unamused the longer Nabokov’s gaze lingers on you. “I’m glad you came. I wanted to apologize for not being able to attend our planned meeting a few months ago.”
“So I heard.” Dazai’s voice is short and distant, more focused on the feeling of you tucked into his side than the conversation at hand. He has to force himself to keep his gaze steady on Nabokov, wanting to look down at you, but he contents himself with letting his hand slide down to your hip, rubbing absent circles against the silky material of your dress. 
Nabokov fumbles over Dazai’s clipped response, a bead of sweat gathering at the corner of his forehead. He wishes he could peer into your head and see what you’re thinking, about him, about this, about everything. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to get through the night without you realizing who he is, what he is, and that thought scares him because he thinks that maybe he should have been the one to explain it to you, so he could at least try to paint himself in a better light. Although, he’s not sure what sort of light would make anything about him look better.
“Who is this?” Nabokov finally asks, turning his attention toward you. Dazai doesn’t like the way he looks at you, eyes raking over you like you’re a piece of meat.
“My partner.” To Dazai’s credit, his voice is much smoother than the turbulent emotions in his chest would suggest. “Where is your wife, Nabokov?” 
Nabokov doesn’t even respond to the question, laughing loudly. “Never thought I’d see the day you found yourself a lover, Dazai,” he chuckles and then holds his hand out to you. “Vladimir Nabokov.”
You shift a bit to take his hand, but Dazai is faster, lithe fingers wrapping around Nabokov’s wrist in an agonizingly tight grip. Nabokov winces, Dazai’s face is cold as he stares down at the man.
“Keep your hands to yourself,” he warns, keeping his voice low. 
Vladimir Nabokov. Invitation to a Beheading. An ability that grants its user to draw a target into an interdimensional space through physical touch—Dazai isn’t sure what the space entails because no one has ever left it alive.
Nabokov tries to laugh it off, weaker this time as he takes his hand back and shakes out his wrist. “My, Dazai, possessive, aren’t you?”
“Very,” Dazai agrees idly. “Be sure to remember that.”
Nabokov gives him another wavering smile, and Dazai can’t help but wonder how Dostoevsky could have possibly thought anyone would believe the man could head the tripartite alliance of the Pale Flame, Three Deaths, and the House of the Dead. Anyone with half of a brain would know that Dostoevsky is behind their union. Maybe that’s what he wanted, Dazai notes absently as he watches Nabokov’s gaze flicker to the upper left corner of the room. Dazai follows it to where a camera is positioned, encompassing most of the event hall. 
The smile on his lips is nearly as chilly as the air-conditioned room around him.
There you are. 
Dazai’s gaze cuts back to Kouyou, who’s standing a few feet behind you and Dazai with Chuuya, Ace and Piano Man. The woman inclines her head in recognition of his silent order as she fans her face lightly, taking a step away to make a call to Hirotsu, who should be stationed around the building with the rest of the Black Lizards by now, prepared to move in at the first sign of danger.
Nabokov looks as if he’s going to speak again, which inclines Dazai to believe that he’s seeking something out in particular for Dostoevsky, and from the way he keeps glancing at you, Dazai assumes it has to do with you. So as the man's lips waver, eyes darting as he tries to formulate another conversation opener, Dazai speaks before he can get the words out.
“If you don’t mind,” he says, voice cold and clipped as he all but dismisses Nabokov, who flushes a bit, nodding and apologizing before stepping away. 
Dazai realizes that he probably has not prepped you enough for this event, but in his defense, he’s been swamped with his own preparations and how is he supposed to prepare you when he can’t even fully explain all of the dangers? But now, it’s making him anxious, because at some point tonight he’s going to have to step away from you to meet with Nabokov in one of the backrooms, likely with Tolstoy, Cao, and Mishima. Dazai’s executives will have to be there with him, and Tachihara is supposed to slip from the shadows to join you while you wait for his return, but there’s likely going to be at least a good two to three minutes where you’ll be alone until Tachihara can get to you. That’s assuming he doesn’t get caught up on the way over.
He needs to talk to you, at least warn you about the ability users attending the event so you don’t accidentally stumble into a potentially lethal situation without him around.
If he goes to the bar, Tolstoy will take advantage to try to sweep you into a conversation, picking up right where Nabokov left off. If he goes off to the left side of the room, Cao will make his way over to interrupt. If he goes off to the right side of the room, Mishima is there. The only place… Dazai inhales as his gaze focuses on the massive dance floor of the event hall, dozens of couples are spinning around already, and it will be loud enough there for the music to drown out his conversation with you from unwelcome listeners. 
He turns his attention to you, holding his palm up and tucking one arm behind his back as he asks lightly, “May I have this dance?” 
Your eyes widen a bit in surprise, seemingly hyper aware of all of the hungry, curious glances of the other attendants directed your way, but he’s only focused on you, and the way your eyes glitter beneath the chandelier’s lights, and the way your dress clings to your body, and the way a soft smile tugs at your lips. He thinks that even if you hadn’t entered the event on his arm, all of the room’s attention would be on you still, because you’re beautiful, and captivating, and Dazai doesn’t think he’ll ever understand how he managed to pull you in one lifetime, much less all of them. 
You place your hand in his and Dazai guides you across the floor, intent on finding the perfect space. It’s hardly obvious the way that the other people on the dance floor would inch away as the two of you passed by, intent on staying out of Dazai’s way and letting him have whatever space he wants, but you pick up on it, he thinks, seeing the curious look in your eyes as your gaze sweeps around the people around you. He bites back a sigh, because he’s sure that you’re tallying everything up in your head trying to put it all together, and once you get that final puzzle piece, everything will be over.
His chest sinks at the thought of losing you, but he forces it away. He has to focus on the situation at hand because even a single slip up could be fatal—not only for him, but for you too. As soon as he reaches a suitable spot on the dance floor, he tugs you a bit closer to him, hands sliding down to your waist. Your own arms instantly come up to loop around his neck as you look up at him through your lashes and Dazai suddenly feels breathless, vision tunneling and heartbeat stuttering at the way you look at him.
God, how is he supposed to focus with you around? He can hardly concentrate on anything but you. He’s flying too close to the sun. Has been since the moment he met you. Drawing you into his life and keeping you there, now bringing you here, so many gambles, too many gambles… the heat is scorching, and it’s only a matter of time before his wings burn. If he was smart, he’d let you go so that you don’t burn with him, but his fingers only bite deeper into your waist at the thought.
The music is slow, and the two of you sway in tune to it. The other couples give a wide berth, some casting wary looks at Dazai, ones that he’s sure you’re catching. He doesn’t know where to start, or how to start; what does he tell you that doesn’t condemn him? Luckily, he doesn’t have to start the conversation because you do, for better or for worse.
“Was that man the rival that Gin mentioned?” you ask curiously, and Dazai can’t help but notice there’s a strange look in your eyes as you ask it, one that he can’t place.
He hesitates, but then says, “No. He wasn’t. I haven’t seen him yet.”
You hum lightly, fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck in a way that makes him shiver. But his eyes narrow when he realizes that you don’t look the slightest bit surprised by his answer. 
“You knew that already,” he accuses lightly, and he forces himself to swallow the lump that suddenly forms in his throat because if you figured that out on your own already, what else have you figured out? God, he knew this was risky, you’ve always been ridiculously perceptive—he just needs to get through tonight without you putting everything together, then he’ll be fine.
“I suspected it,” you finally affirm his accusation, gaze searching his face. “He was nervous talking to you. If he was your rival, I’d expect him to be a bit more… assured. And he kept looking up toward a camera, like he knew someone was watching that he’d have to answer to.”
Oh, you did pick up on a lot more than he expected. He doesn’t think that the smile he gives you quite meets his eyes, if the way your brows furrow have anything to say about it, but he distracts you by bringing his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip as he murmurs, “That’s my girl, always so smart.”
Your lashes flutter as you avert your gaze, a tell tale sign of you being flustered. His lips quirk up into a more genuine smile, hand dropping back down to your waist. He can do this, he tells himself, he just has to be careful, tell you enough to make sure your guard is up and you know to at least some extent that the people in this room aren’t to be trusted.
“There are a lot of ability users in here,” he finally warns, careful to keep his voice low even with the music covering his words. “Do your best to keep your distance from people. I’ll stay with you as much as I can, but I’m going to get pulled away sooner or later. Chuuya or Piano Man will stay with you when they can, and if they’re pulled away, Tachihara is going to come down to stay with you.”
“... That’s why you didn’t let him shake my hand,” you say, realization flashing through your eyes, another puzzle piece fitting behind your eyes and Dazai has to be careful because it’s only a matter of time before you’re given that final piece and everything comes together. “What’s his ability?” 
“... Nothing good,” he answers after a few moments of silence, but you’re not content with that, brows furrowing. He sighs. “No confirmation on it, we only know it’s lethal. Many are in here.”
Your eyes widen and then you look a bit skeptical. “And you think they would use it here? In public?” you ask slowly.
To Dazai’s horror, it is not skepticism tainting your tone, but rather, you’re fishing for information, trying to put more pieces together, and he doesn’t have much choice but to give you answers because he can’t risk you setting your guard down even for a second.
He chooses his words carefully. “... There is little they wouldn’t do to get ahead in our business.”
“Hm,” is all you say in response, something akin to understanding flashing through your eyes and Dazai dreads to know what his answer has just told you. He feels distinctly like he’s playing chess against an opponent he did not anticipate and he’s at a disadvantage because the opponent is you. He can feel your shoulders slump suddenly, an unfamiliar expression crossing over your face; you look tired, as if you’d aged twenty years in a matter of seconds. “What did you get me involved with, Dazai?” 
You say it so softly that Dazai barely hears it himself, and he knows. He knows that you’ve figured something out, he doesn’t know what and he doesn’t want to know what. He wants to evade it as long as possible, because the moment he has to have this conversation with you, he knows he’ll lose you. He can’t think about that now, it’ll throw him off and this is the last place he can allow himself to be thrown off.
Instead, his grip on your waist tightens again, gaze averting down toward the ground. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. The words weigh heavy on his tongue, not just an apology for tonight but an apology for accepting your offer for a drink two months ago, knowing he wouldn’t be strong enough to let it be a single night of indulgence; an apology for seeking you out again afterward, knowing that he would be sentencing you to death.
He feels sick. 
What is he doing?
Why are you here?
What has he done?
You say his name but Dazai hardly hears you. God, he can feel it happening, where his fingers are pressed against your body, the skin suddenly goes cold and stiff, his surroundings are blurring, the people fading into the background. This isn’t the place. Nabokov. Tolstoy. Mishima. Cao. He can’t lose himself, not now, but his grip on reality is starting to waver, the pages pile around him. 
What has he done?
Everything he’s planned for, seven years of careful calculations and planning gone down the drain. How does he even fix this? Can he fix this? His mind races, but he’s not even sure he’s thinking coherent thoughts, trying to ground himself to the present because he needs to stay here, he can figure out how to fix it later, when you’re not in danger but-
His vision swims. Not now. He can see it—he can see you. Still on the ground. Sometimes there’s blood, so much that he can hardly recognize you (but he can, of course, he can always recognize you, even when your body is littered with more gaping wounds than not). Sometimes it looks like you’re sleeping, so much so that Dazai kneels next to you, begging you to wake up (he knows in his heart that it’s futile. he can’t stop himself from trying). His head spins, he loses track of where he is and then-
His breath catches, gaze zeroing in on you. You. Alive. Your brows are furrowed in concern, searching his face to try to draw him back to reality. He thinks his grip on your waist must be painful but he can’t bring himself to loosen it at all. He stares at you, still desperately trying to keep himself grounded because although you’ve brought him back mostly, the corners of the pages still linger in the edge of his vision, threatening to consume him again.
“You can’t leave me,” you tell him quietly. “You brought me here. I need you here with me. Don’t go off somewhere I can’t follow.”
He lets out a breath, slow and maybe a bit more shaky than he would’ve liked, but he tries to focus on the situation at hand. He loosens his grip on your waist, rubbing a gentle circle over your hip in an apology.
His gaze drifts around the room, Nabokov is in deep conversation with Cao, hardly paying attention to anything going on, but Cao’s sharp, dark eyes are pointed over Nabokov’s shoulder, scanning the dance floor. He’s looking for someone—not Dazai, which is a bit worrying, and he becomes all the more attentive to everyone in the vicinity, trying to make sure none of the Red Chamber’s assassins made it through the security. If any organization would be able to pull it off, it would be them. 
Once he’s decided the coast is clear, he turns his gaze back to the bar. Tolstoy is looking at him—blue eyes sharp, blonde hair hanging in them, a curious expression on his face as he sips at his drink and watches as Dazai dances with you. As soon as Tolstoy notices Dazai has caught him, his lips curl up into a smirk and he raises his drink. Dazai’s expression is cold as he looks away, seeking out Mishima only to find the man nowhere to be found.
Chuuya and Kouyou are entertaining idle conversation with two executives of the Sun and Steel, both keeping a sharp eye on where you and Dazai sway on the dance floor. Piano Man is entertaining several politicians, doing a good job at ensuring that none of the other foreign executives get any chance to get their ears. Ace, Dazai notes, is in deep conversation in the shadows with one of the executives of the Three Deaths. 
He finally draws his attention back to you, a small smile on his lips as he recalls what you’d said to drag him from his spiral.
“You called me Osamu,” he murmurs, a warm feeling spreading through his chest as he focuses on that instead, trying to ease himself back into reality. Technically, he’s heard you say his given name before. Well. Not technically. It was never you and it was never him, rather it was vague memories of other yous and other hims, but it was nothing in comparison to hearing you actually say it.
You look embarrassed, averting your gaze. “I didn’t know how to get your attention, I’m s-”
“Say it again,” he whispers, lifting his hand back up to your chin to tilt your face back up, forcing you to look at him. His eyes search yours, watching the way you can hardly hold his gaze. You look hesitant, so he continues with, “Please.”
“... Osamu,” you say again, breathless, and god, Dazai wishes the two of you were anywhere but here. He wants to press you back against his bed, run his lips up and down your body, map out all of your curves with his hand. He wants to watch you come undone on his tongue and on his fingers—he wants you, he wants you more than anything else in the world. Every time he’s tried to take the next step with you the past few weeks, he either got interrupted by work or he ended up getting cold feet, nervous about making a mistake. 
Before his thoughts can spiral even more, the music picks up to a faster paced waltz. Your eyes widen, watching as all of the other couples shift into the respective dance. You look up at him, a bit panicked, clearly not sure what to do, and his lips curl up in amusement, beckoning you to lace your fingers with his to take the stance the other couples were taking.
“I don’t know this da-” you begin, voice hushed.
“Just follow my lead,” he repeats the same words he spoke to you when they entered the hall. “You’ll be fine. Trust me.”
You exhale, studying his face for a moment before sighing and mimicking the stance the other women took with their partners. He can feel your fingers wavering against his as he interlocks your fingers and he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly.
“Keep your eyes on me,” he tells you, just as the music finally picks up for the dance to start. 
He thinks you’re worried for nothing. You moved smoothly in line with him and in tune with the music, gliding across the dance floor as if you’ve danced with him hundreds of times before, your body so in sync with his that the two of you put all of the other couples to shame. Not that any of them matter, of course, you’re all that Dazai can focus on. Your eyes never leave his, not even for the sparest of moments, and Dazai feels like he’s caught in a trance, lost in your eyes and the feeling of your body so close to his, hyper aware of the way your your hand rests on his shoulder and the way your fingers are wrapped tight around his.
God, there’s something so otherworldly about you. Doesn’t know if it’s heavenly or supernatural, if you’re his angel sent to lead him to salvation or his very own siren singing a sweet melody to lead him to ruin. Doesn’t think he cares either way—salvation, damnation, none of it matters as long as he has you.
“Not so bad, hm?” he murmurs, sweeping you out into a spin before pulling you back to him, closer this time. He can feel your chest brush his and he prays you can’t feel the way he’s lost control of his heart, painfully cognizant of the erratic thumping. His hand slides from your hip to the small of your back, holding you close to him. He could stay in this moment forever, surroundings drowning out; all he can see is you, all that matters is you.
“Yeah,” you say softly. “Not so bad.”
His lips part to respond but he’s interrupted when he sees movement from the corner of his eye, freezing.
Dazai stiffens as a familiar voice speaks from behind him, shifting to stand partially in front of you as his gaze cuts to the side to see Mishima’s familiar figure standing a few feet away. Turning to face him, he asks, “Do you need something?”
“I’d like to speak to you before we meet with Tolstoy, Nabokov and Cao.”
Mishima’s voice leaves no room for argument, dark eyes absent of any emotion as he waits for Dazai to follow him. Dazai’s jaw tightens, eyes drifting back to you as he tries to figure out what to do. He can’t leave you here, not with Cao’s hawk-like gaze trained on the dancefloor and Tolstoy waiting for the opportunity to make a move. But he does need to talk to Mishima, have some idea of where he stands with the Sun and Steel before facing all of the foreigners. 
“May I have this dance?” 
Dazai hadn’t even heard Chuuya approach, turning to the side to watch as he holds a hand out toward you expectantly, quick to step in to take Dazai’s place so that you’re not alone. You shoot Dazai a concerned glance, brows furrowing a bit, before you place your hand in Chuuya’s.
Chuuya leads you back onto the dance floor, Dazai’s gaze lingers for a few moments, a bitter feeling spreads through his chest because that should be him, and it’s wholly unfair that he has to deal with all of this unsavory business when he should be spending time with you.
He should just kill them all here and be done with it.
The words ring through his head, echoing, tempting. He inhales and forces himself to look away as you loop your arms around Chuuya’s shoulders, swaying in tune to the slow song playing. He turns his attention back to Mishima, voice cool and expression void of emotion:
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Dancing with Nakahara Chuuya is awkward. Awkward is even being generous. It’s not like he’s a bad dancer—in fact, it’s clear that he’s a very good one. He’s smooth on his feet as he spins you around the dance floor, but he’s so stiff. He’s careful to keep space between the two of you, hands never dipping lower than your sides, lips pressed together. He hardly even looks at you, his attention is more on where Dazai had stepped to the side to speak with the dark-haired man who’d interrupted the two of you, but you’re grateful for it, because it’s giving you a chance to gather your thoughts.
You think Dazai might’ve inadvertently confirmed your suspicions from yesterday. You don’t know who these people are, but there’s no way any ordinary business event would be dangerous enough for Dazai to genuinely worry that someone might kill you in a room crowded with two hundred people. A part of you wonders if it’s just different for ability users, that they’re not scared of committing crimes in public because they have an ability that prevents them from getting caught, but you know you’re just trying to make excuses at this point.
Your gaze drifts back over to the older, light-haired man with dark eyes who’d approached you and Dazai when you walked in. He’s off to the side talking with a Chinese man dressed in a red suit—your gaze lingers, trying to piece together the puzzle in your head desperately, but all of the edges are jagged and confusing, you can’t seem to figure out where they each fit with each other. 
You’d thought maybe that Dazai and his business was somehow affiliated with the mafia, because no one with the amount of money and success that he has gets it cleanly, but now you can’t help but hesitate, reconsidering your original theory. Vladimir Nabokov had been scared of Dazai. And it’s not like you haven’t noticed the effect that Dazai has on people. Whenever you’re around people with him, they get tense and on edge, but it’s different seeing the effect he has on someone who doesn’t even work for him, a foreigner supposed to be one of Dazai’s associates if you understood what he meant about not showing up to a meeting. 
Who are you, Dazai?
You don’t even know if you want to know. You love Dazai. You do. You knew it earlier in the night. You know it now. It’s something you can no longer hide or deny. You remember the concerned look on his face when he saw how upset you were. You can feel the way his lips brushed the nape of your neck as he explained why he kept meeting you at the club, the way he kissed your ankles as he knelt in front of you and told you how he was selfish for keeping you around, how he kissed your palm and leaned into your touch as he promised you anything you want. God, you love him, you don’t think anyone has ever looked at you the way he does; no one has ever spoken to you the way he does. 
You love him, and it scares you because you’re realizing you still don’t know anything about him, not really, and you’re also realizing that there’s a high chance he’s been lying to you about what he does. It scares you even more that your first instinct isn’t to run. Because you should run. This should make you run. He brought you to an event with people so dangerous that he’s afraid they might try to hurt you, or worse, but you don’t want to run, because you’d be running from him and you don’t want to run from him. 
Could you sacrifice everything for him though?
Fuck your morals—everything you’ve worked for, all of the years slaving away to put yourself on the path to success. You’ve told yourself your entire life that it would be all you would focus on, that it would all be worth it in the end. You convinced yourself that maybe if you proved yourself enough, your brother would return to your life; he’d be proud of you and he’d come back to you. You know he’s still out there somewhere, you get letters with no return address every month—the only thing in the envelope is a check with a dubious amount of money, but it’s in his hand writing, so you know it’s him. 
A part of you wants to cry, frustration clawing at your chest: the future you’ve worked so hard for, or love? The question you’ve dreaded since your epiphany yesterday is finally thrown right in front of your face, and you need an answer. The two are mutually exclusive—you will not be able to pursue the career you want with Dazai Osamu, not in the way you want at least. And you don’t want to do all of this work to just end up being another shady politician.
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
Your gaze snaps up to Chuuya, who’s suddenly looking at you, and you don’t really know how to respond. 
I’m pretty sure you guys are part of the fucking Mafia and you’re all hiding it from me, but also I don’t want to know if you are because that’s going to force me to make a decision that I don’t want to make so I’d rather live in ignorance. 
“My thoughts are only worth a penny?” You deflect with a grin instead, hoping it meets your eyes.
It doesn’t, evidently, because Chuuya’s eyes narrow a bit, and then he tilts his head to the side and hits you with a more direct: “What’s wrong?”
“I’m just worried,” you finally say, not entirely lying but also not telling the truth. 
“About?” Chuuya presses and you sigh, exhaling a bit.
“He mentioned that there were dangerous people here,” you tell him quietly. “I’m just nervous for when you guys go to your meeting… I’m guessing it’s going to be soon.”
Chuuya’s brows furrow and you can see the thoughts racing behind his eyes before he speaks again. “You’ll be fine,” he tells you. “We have people all over the event hall, and Tachihara is going to sit with you until you Dazai can get back. Dazai shouldn’t have worried you with all of this. He shouldn’t have even-”
He cuts himself off, jaw tightening, but you know what he’s going to say: he shouldn’t have even brought you here.
“I don’t know what he’s thinking,” Chuuya says quietly, and you think he might be talking more to himself than anything else now, but you listen anyway. “He’s always been hard to read but this is…”
He stops speaking out loud, as if he’s realized that you’re there again, and instead he shakes his head. “You’ll be fine. Back at the headquarters before you know it.”
You aren’t so sure.
Your gaze drifts to the side as you watch Nabokov and the Chinese man make their way over to Dazai and the man he’s talking to. The blonde at the bar that Dazai kept looking at also stands up, drink in his hand as walks in the same direction. 
Chuuya spits out a curse under his breath and gives you an apologetic look. Your heart sinks and your throat feels a bit tight—he doesn’t abandon you right away though, pressing his hand to the middle of your back as he guides you across the dancefloor to the bar, all the while keeping a keen eye on what’s happening on the other side of the room.
He pulls the barstool out for you, eyes still trained on where Dazai is standing with Kouyou, two men that work for him you haven’t met yet, and the four men you assume are business associates of his. Dazai is looking at you, an indecipherable expression on his face. You’re looking at him, suddenly anxious at the thought of being left alone, a bad feeling sweeping over you. 
“Tachihara will be over here soon,” Chuuya finally says to you, tearing his gaze from his coworkers to look back down at you. He flags down the bartender to order a drink for you. “You’ll be fine. Knowing Dazai, the meeting won’t last long anyway.”
Your shoulders only slump a bit as you nod, thanking the bartender quietly for your drink as he hurries to bring it back to you, taking a sip of it. Chuuya doesn’t say much else—once you’re settled in your seat and have your drink, he squeezes your shoulder before making his way back over to the intimidating group of people standing on the opposite side of the room.
Your gaze meets Dazai’s conflicted one one last time before he’s forced to turn away and disappears down a side hall deeper into the building. You sigh as you twirl your drink around, the clear liquid sloshing dangerously close to the brim of your glass as your eyes twist around the event hall, seeking out Tachihara, or Atsushi, or anyone that works with Dazai because you’re feeling distinctly vulnerable alone. You find none of them. You can feel eyes on you—most you’re sure are harmless curiosity, wanting to know who exactly came in on the arm of Dazai Osamu, but you know some aren’t nearly as harmless, you can feel the hungry stares of vicious opportunists directed at your back and you don’t feel comfortable sitting alone.
You don’t even get five minutes to yourself.
“Is this seat taken?” 
You’re startled by the unfamiliar voice, head snapping to the side. Your gaze focuses on a pretty man with soft features, shoulder-length black hair and gentle purple eyes. Your lips part to speak, but no words leave them, caught off-guard by his sudden appearance. He looks harmless enough, but there’s something about him that has you on edge—something simmering beneath the surface of his deceptive eyes that you can’t quite place but you know you don’t like.
“I mean no harm,” he says smoothly, lips curving up into an amiable smile. “I’m an old friend of Dazai’s. I only want to talk.”
An old friend. You don’t buy it, but you don’t want to risk antagonizing him, Dazai’s warning about the many lethal ability users prowling the event ringing through your head. You just hope that Tachihara shows up sooner rather than later as you finally shake your head.
“It’s not taken,” you say quietly, motioning to the stool as you take another generous sip of your drink.
The dark-haired man smiles at you as he takes a seat at the bar next to you, teeth glimmering like knives beneath the lighting of the chandelier. Instantly, you feel like you’ve made a mistake, a chill running down your spine as your eyes meet purple ones that are not quite so gentle anymore. Sharp and shrewd instead. Calculating. Dangerous. 
“Fyodor Dostoevsky. A pleasure, truly.”
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 31
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
The passing of time began to heal the wounds that had been bestowed on you and Joel. Despite some initial reluctance, you agreed to talk to a therapist about being kidnapped by Vic and all that took place before and after. Joel had talked you into it, and agreed to go, himself.
By the summer, you felt almost back to normal; and those wounds turned into scars. Never forgotten, but no longer the focal point of your pain.
You passed the last of your practicals and exams. The final course you finished that summer and by the fall you had your nursing degree as planned.
It was October 1st when you handed your three closest girlfriends your last lump sum of money for the monthly rent on the house you had been renting together. It was bittersweet. The four of you had had so much fun through your mid twenties in that house, and waking up to share laughs and have coffee were the little moments you would miss so dearly.
"You're only moving six minutes down the road," Jessie reminded you, when the two of you cried together, complete with seemingly contradictory smiles.
"I know." You dried your eyes. "But.. I just.. I'm so happy but this is-"
"The end of Act One in your story and the beginning of Act Two." Jessie pulled you in for a long hug. "And this is where the friendships grow stronger, and the real depth comes in."
You sighed. Her words made you cry a little more before you finally got it together and bid a temporary farewell to your friend. The four of you already had a plan to go out the following Friday night and that was solace enough for the time being.
The very bright light at the end of the tunnel was Joel. Once you parted from Jessie, you sped over to Joel's street with your car full of all of your belongings. Your heart was letting you know how full it was from the constant thudding in your chest. It picked up the closer you got and felt like exploding when you pulled down the private driveway.
As promised, Joel sat on his front porch waiting for your arrival. One year later and he still made you swoon. The site of him still made butterflies flutter around in your midsection.
When you parked the car and popped open the driver's side door, you smiled wide as he approached with a key dangling between his fingers. You almost couldn't believe this was really happening.
"Welcome home." Joel smiled just as wide. The two of you couldn't take your eyes off one another and you pulled him in by the collar of his flannel shirt to leave a long, meaningful kiss on his lips.
"I love you," you breathed into his mouth.
"I love you, too." He brushed his nose against yours and you kissed again before accepting the key from him.
"I can't believe I live here now."
Joel kept you close. "Maybe one day I'll get you that cabin in the woods, but I thought this would do for now."
You shook your head and nodded toward the house behind him. "This is home."
He pecked your lips once more. "Come on." He pulled you by the hand and the two of you began to unload the car.
You were on cloud nine. Each box you brought inside made the move feel more permanent. When you unpacked the box that had your Bluetooth speaker in it, you plopped it on the little end table by one of the couches and put on one of your many playlists.
"Bob Dylan," Joel nodded in approval as the first song began to play. "Nice."
You smiled at him as he hauled another box in over shoulder. The two of you went through it together, finding a permanent home for your things. While you didn't want to impose on Joel's space, he was overly accommodating.
"It's our space now," Joel reminded you three or four times.
You stuck your toothbrush in the slot next to his. Joel cleared out more than half of the closet space for clothes. You laid out your boots, shoes and sandals.
When all of the bins and boxes were finally empty, you made your way back downstairs, welcomed by the infamous pipes of Sheryl Crow's Strong Enough, you finally reached for your car keys, and the single, gold key you had placed beside it; the one Joel had given to you.
As you picked it up between your fingers, Joel crept in behind you and kissed down your neck. You moaned lightly with a smile and closed your eyes.
"Mmm.." you let out a deep exhale through your nose. "So, this is my life now, huh?" You sunk back against him.
"As long as you want it to be," Joel whispered, as his hand snaked up the bottom of your shirt.
You turned around and Joel met you halfway in a smoldering kiss, one that you had been wanting to give him all afternoon. For the rest of the night you didn't take your hands off of him. Moving in together had turned you into a feral, needy woman.
When the two of you finally laid in bed, breathing heavy but otherwise quiet, you stated aloud. "I live here."
Joel began to chuckle, guiding you to lay partially on his chest. "You live here."
You sighed contently again, listening to his heart beating rapidly in his chest with your arm slunk across his abdomen. "Imagine if I had never offered you that free coffee that night."
"What's meant to be will always be." Joel played with your hair. "But I'm glad you did." He added, "You're a brave woman. I owe you my life. You gave it back to me."
"All I want from you is to share it with me."
Joel kissed the top of your head and the two of you laid contently for a long while, talking about life, the future, and what was to come. You both intentionally left out the past. It was the easiest way to fall asleep peacefully.
When the next morning rolled around, you felt refreshed. It was like leaving a great dream only to awaken to a better one - one with Joel beside you. Permanently. Every day. For as long as you both could stand to be around one another. In your mind, that meant forever.
You smiled at him sleeping there and swung your legs off the edge of the bed before tiptoeing out of the room so you wouldn't wake him. As much as you wanted to lay there all morning with Joel, you also wanted to surprise him.
Despite it being your first formal night as a resident at the Miller house, you knew your way around the kitchen. And so you went about whipping up pancakes, setting the coffee pot and gathering the syrup, butter and chocolate chips you happened to find in one of the cabinets.
You hesitated before retrieving a long rectangular box wrapped in candy corn wrapping paper from your jacket pocket by the front door and left it by Joel's unmade plate.
Before you could go see if he was awake, your eyes lifted to meet his as he strolled into the kitchen. Joel pulled a long-sleeved tshirt down over boxers and you couldn't help but smile at his head of messy hair.
A smile crept on his face. "It smells amazing down here."
"Thought I'd surprise you on our first official morning living together." You smiled back and retrieved a glass dish filled with pancakes and placed them in the center of the table.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." The two of you sat down at the table and Joel raised his coffee mug to you. "To many more cups of coffee together first thing in the morning."
You giggled and reached for your cup, tapping it gently against his. "To many, many, many more."
Joel took a sip, smacking his lips together with an appreciative sigh and then eyed the little box by his silverware. He smirked and reached for it. "What's this?"
You felt your stomach knot up and folded your hands on top of the table. "You'll uh.. you'll have to open it."
Joel's eyes squinted in playful suspicion but he still smirked as he tore open the corner of the tiny package. "I didn't even know they made candy corn wrapping paper," he commented, glancing up at you with a wider grin.
You flashed him a closed-mouth smile and waited as he removed the small, white box from the paper. His eyes met yours a final time before he opened the box and stared down at the contents inside.
A quiet exhale escaped your lips as you waited for Joel's reaction. Those next few seconds felt like hours.
"This is, um.. is this what I think it is?" He looked right at you now motioning down toward the box. A wide smile spread on his face, "I mean it's not a positive Covid test, right?"
You managed a light laugh but ultimately the gravity of the situation held you firmly in place. "No, it's not a Covid test."
Joel chuckled to himself and brought a hand across his mouth for a second, before running it across his beard. His eyebrows raised and he reached for the rectangular stick in the box.
"Tell me." He stared intensely across the table at you.
Your bottom lip dropped away from your top one and you hesitated. You weren't sure why but it was such a powerful, permanent set of words to string together. When Joel couldn't contain a smile, it gave you enough confidence to spit the words out with a little, timid shrug of your shoulders.
"I'm pregnant."
"Really?" He asked as if he didn't believe it, rising to his feet. Joel made his way toward you.
You nodded and rose to your feet, feeling completely content and at ease in his arms as he hugged you. The warmth that often radiated from him transferred into you and you closed your eyes as his hand moved up and down your back.
It felt as if Joel didn't want to let you go, and you didn't mind. You smiled to yourself when he kissed your forehead before edging his back an inch or two so you were face-to-face.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
You nodded and smiled back at him. "Yeah. Are you?"
"Yeah." He chuckled, making you laugh and you shared a long, closed-mouth kiss. "I'm going to be a dad." The words came out almost like a question. You were sure the shock of the moment hadn't fully registered yet.
"You're going to be a great dad."
A lopsided smile still lingered on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped and shook his head. When he couldn't find the words, you pulled him back in for a hug and he melted against you.
After a minute or so, Joel finally said. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
He picked you up off the ground and spun you in a circle, making you giggle again. When your feet were back on the ground, Joel put a hand on his head and you saw a dampness in his eyes.
"Don't," you said with a laugh, "I made it this long without crying."
"Sorry," he said with a laugh as a tear streaked his face. "Fuck. I'm the man, I shouldn't be crying."
"That's an outdated take," you told him with a laugh, as he dried his face with his hands.
"I know." He chuckled and then dropped down to his knees in front of you, lifting the shirt to expose your stomach. Despite there being no obvious indications of your pregnancy, Joel placed a hand over your abdomen and then left a single kiss just below your belly button.
You cradled his head against you as he placed the side of his face against the area and hugged around your waist.
"We're going to have our own little family," Joel acknowledged allowed.
"Yeah." You ran your fingers through his hair.
"What do you think, five kids?" He joked, making you laugh as he rose back to his feet.
"Maybe seven or eight," you teased back, accepting a series of kisses from him.
"I love you," Joel said again, tucking hair behind you ear. "Really. I loved you right away. Last year, a week into this, I knew this was something that comes once in a lifetime."
You had tears in your eyes now. "I knew it too. And now you finally get your happily ever after."
"So do you."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee @shayna-d-clown @bbiophiliaa @theclassicvinyldragon @tiffanypooh @mandijo17 @poodlebae @purple-fig @vabeachazn
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delphiealmond · 2 months
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A Fallen Apple From the Apple Tree
Pairing ➸ Lucifer Morningstar x Alastor
Synopsis ➸ Lucifer Morningstar believed that Heaven was a sanctuary, the best place for a soul to be in. Growing up with his brothers was the easy part, until God summoned him and his older brother Michael to guard over the portal between realms. Slowly, Lucifer begins to see how frightful Heaven really was. Sought out to defend the sinners of Hell, tragedy strikes among the Archangels. But a familiar face makes Lucifer think that maybe defending his opinion wasn't the worst idea he could've had. Does this familiar face bring him peace? Or does Lucifer end up getting stuck in another twisting cycle of lies and betrayals?
Warnings ➸ None for this chapter
MASTERLIST : Previous | Next
Chapter Four (5.1k)
Heaven was as beautiful as it always was. The sun was shining, the streets were sparkling and clean and around every corner, a human soul smiled and waved. Proud to be in heaven, happy that they got to the pearl gates. 
Yet, Lucifer still pouted, his arms crossed over his chest as he followed Aunt Sera with Michael to his side. The other blonde boy licked at his ice cream, smiling away and chatting with Sera about the most randomest of things. But Lucifer, with the small frown on his face, didn’t even bother to look up at Sera. 
They wandered around Heaven for a good long time, Sera trying to get Lucifer to smile, but the boy didn’t budge. In fact, she even had to politely ask Michael what made Lucifer frown so much, as the boy was always one to bring a smile to any event. 
Lucifer watched the children's human souls run around, playing in the sand pits, swinging on swings and playing with each other while he sat next to Sera on the bench. Michael rushed off to play with the souls, excited to be out of the house and out of his father’s gaze. They were still children, of course. 
“Lucifer,” Sera softly spoke, turning her attention to the smaller blonde boy. “Why is there no smile on that face of yours?” She asked. 
Lucifer kept pouting, his arms crossed as he watched Michael run and jump into the sand, taking off his jacket shortly after as to not get too much sand in it. 
“Luci, you can talk to me…”
“No.” Sera blinked. The prince wasn’t one to often voice that negativity. Something must really be on his mind if he’s so upset. 
“Is it something to do with your father?” She asked. 
“No.” Lucifer complained, only to turn his back to her. She sighed, running a hand through her hair as she checked on Michael. He was spinning around in a circle, holding onto a girls’ hand as they spun, getting dizzy by the action. 
“Maybe… Something happened between you and Michael.” She suggested. Lucifer shook his head. He stole a quick glance to his older brother and sighed with such a heavy heart. 
“It’s okay to be confused sometimes, or upset. Whenever it is, I hope you know that you can come to me about it and I will try my very best to help you out, okay..?” She gently rubbed his back. Lucifer nibbled on his bottom lip as he gave a small nod. Deep down, he knew she was always going to be the nicest person he could go to. She has been his babysitter since he was born. She was always there with him. He knew once he figured it all out, he could tell her, but right now, he wanted to pout. 
They didn’t spend too long at the park. Sera called Michael over and the three of them headed further down the street, passing stores, signs and other souls who had passed on and made their way to Heaven. 
“C’mon Luci, stop it…” Michael tugged on his arm. “I don’t want to see you so upset anymore…!” Michael tried, before making a funny face in front of his brother. Yet, Lucifer’s expression didn’t budge. He still pouted, barely looking at him and even if he did, he gave him a glare that Michael hadn’t seen on his face in a long time. 
“Please…!” Michael pouted himself, his eyes beginning to water. 
“Oh..” Sera frowned, picking Michael up in her arms. “Lucifer, for your brother’s sake…”
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” Lucifer shouted. Michael frowned, sniffling as he huffed sadly. 
“Dad said that it wasn’t your fault! Please don’t do that..!!” 
Sera frowned, listening to the two brothers. She took a deep breath as she took one of Lucifer’s hands, even if the boy tried to resist. She didn’t listen to either of their complaining as she headed up a few steps and knocked on a house door. 
Lucifer huffed, giving up as he looked away from both Sera and Michael. He was on the verge of tears, unable to stop the tiniest little hiccup. Michael on the other hand, kept glancing down at his brother, only to pout and frown more when Lucifer didn’t look up at him. 
A quick few seconds passed and a short blonde man with sky blue eyes opened the door. He smiled brightly at Sera, noticing the two little boys with her. 
“Sera!!” He cheered. “Prince Michael, Prince Lucifer!” He smiled at both boys, as he let Sera inside. 
“Thank you for letting me stop by, St. Peter.” Sera spoke, entering his house. Michael let himself look around the house, spotting a few things here and there that he wanted to bring up. But Lucifer stuck to Sera, still pouting as he tried his very best not to cry. 
“Of course! What can I offer you? What brings you here?” He asked, closing the door behind them. 
“Well,” Sera let go of Lucifer’s hand, setting Michael back down on the ground. “I have the boys for the day and I need someone to…” She glanced down at them. “Look after them.” She encouraged. St. Peter smiled at her, before he knelt down to the two boys. 
“And what’s been on your guys’ mind?” He gently pinched their cheeks. Michael couldn’t help but laugh, trying to swat St. Peter’s hand away but Lucifer stayed pouting. 
“Just Luci being sad.” Michael said, glancing at his brother. 
“Lucifer!!” St. Peter frowned, tilting his head to the side as he rubbed the boy’s arm. “Do you want some orange juice? The two of you can go play in the living room.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” Michael gently took Lucifer’s hand. “Please…?” Lucifer glanced at his brother. He gave him a small nod before looking at St. Peter. 
“Orange juice sounds good…” He muttered. 
St. Peter smiled, patting the boy’s head as he stood. 
“Let’s talk in the kitchen,” He gestured for Sera to follow him as Michael dragged Lucifer into the living room. 
The room was decorated in whites and golds. A few gentle blue pillows rested on the L-shaped white lounge couch. The rug below was fuzzy and light gold, with the table that rested on top carved from wood and resin. 
Hanging on the walls lingered photos of St. Peter, Sera and some other man who the two boys couldn’t exactly identify. They’ve seen him around, but they didn’t quite remember his name. 
“Here you go,” St. Peter entered the room, setting two small glasses of orange juice on the coffee table. “Please make yourself at home boys,” He smiled, resting his hands on his hips as he headed back to the kitchen where Sera resided. 
Lucifer climbed up onto the couch, carefully grabbing onto the glass as he took a sip from it. Michael soon followed, sitting next to him. He swung his legs up onto the couch as he faced his younger brother. 
“Can you… Please tell me what’s wrong…?” He asked. Lucifer glanced at him, before a heavy sigh came from his lips. 
“I feel bad for getting the boy hurt…” He muttered. “And I know what Father said, but I… I feel like I did the wrong thing…” 
“Everyone does something wrong at least once..” Michael encouraged, setting his cup down. “I mean… I know father makes mistakes. I know Sera makes mistakes.” He spoke, hoping to make Lucifer feel a little less sad about his own actions. 
“I know but…” Lucifer sniffled, setting his glass on the table. “I want to go say sorry… I didn’t mean for him to get hurt…” Michael frowned, before pulling Lucifer into another hug. 
“I’m sorry Luci…” he muttered, pressing his head against the youngers. Lucifer finally hugged him back, sniffling as he began to get lost in thought. Yet, something piqued his interest. 
“I need you to look after the two of them for just a few hours.” Sera spoke, crossing her arms over her chest as she peered into the living room. 
“What for..? I don’t mind doing it! But… what’s up?” St. Peter asked, grabbing a cup of coffee for himself. 
“Well… I have some business I need to take care of, down under, that I can’t risk bringing them down there.”
“Wait, really..?” St. Peter set his cup down as he looked at her. “Does it have to be done today..? What if God comes by and asks where you are and why I have his kids instead of you??” He panicked. 
“St. Peter, calm down…” Sera took his hands. “You are the most trustworthy person I can turn to for this. I know their father won’t come looking for them, because that’s just who he is. I won’t be gone for long, only a few hours at most.”
Lucifer slipped off the couch, peering into the kitchen as Michael sat there, a confused expression etched into his ethereal face. 
“Are you going to Hell…?” Lucifer’s small voice spoke into the kitchen, startling both adults. Sera turned her attention over to the young boy as a frown appeared on her face. 
“Lucifer, what… You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 
“Are you going?” He asked again, ignoring her statement. The two of them, St. Peter and Sera exchanged looks before she knelt down to the boy. 
“You and Michael will be safe with St. Peter. He has looked after your younger brothers before, it won’t be any different than when I look after you.” She smiled, gently cupping his cheek. 
Lucifer listened to her, leaning into her touch. To him, Sera was like a mother figure. A woman who he could grow from, learn from. 
“Sera..” He muttered, a small pout on his face. She gave a small nod, gently fixing his hair. “Can I come with you?”
“What…?” she stared at him, taking her hands from the young prince. “No.”
“Please..!” He begged, taking a step closer as he took her hands. “I want to go back! Please let me go with you..!” He started. 
“Lucifer.” She shook her head. “No. I’m not bringing you with me. You have to stay here.”
“I don’t want to! I have to go back! I need to say sorry! Please, please, please let me go with you!” He begged, gripping onto her hands as his eyes began to water. Sera had never seen Lucifer like this before. 
“Do you know how dangerous it could be if I bring you with me, Luci…?” She asked, a frown on her face. 
“Please Sera…” He sniffled. “Let me go with you, please.” 
“Luci…” She sighed as he gripped her hands. 
“I won’t ask anything from you ever again…! Please!”
“Okay.” She spoke. St. Peter gasped, looking at Sera with pure shock in his eyes. 
She stole a quick look up at St. Peter before she sighed. She gripped Lucifer’s hands before she stood from her spot. She patted her hair down as she took a deep breath. 
“St. Peter…” She looked at him. “Don’t you say a word about this. I will take Lucifer with me, but only this once…” She looked down at Lucifer. “You must keep this a secret, Lucifer. If your father finds out about this, many consequences could unfold.” She said, her expression stern. Lucifer lit up in a bright ball of happiness as he hugged her. 
“Thank you!! Thank you, thank you!!!” He cheered. 
“Sera…” St. Peter put his hands together. 
“Trust me, Peter… Look after Michael, and we will be back before you know it.” She muttered. 
“Just be careful… And be back as soon as you can. You can’t get him hurt.” He frowned, holding his hands to his chest. 
“I won’t.” She looked down at the young Lucifer, a smile on his face with his eyes beaming with excitement. 
It was just as he remembered it from the previous day. Red, dark, dreary and a bit scary. Sinners wandered around, holding weapons and attacking each other on the streets of the Wrath Ring. Yet, Lucifer was actually happy to be back. Of course, he grew up knowing that Hell was a place for the worst type of person to go to, but he couldn't help but be worried and curious about that boy. If that boy really did get hurt, like Michael said. His father didn’t answer his question, just dodged it. But as he walked alongside Sera, holding onto her hand, he couldn’t help but want to slip from her grasp and look for the boy. 
Being hesitantly welcomed into a different building than yesterday, Lucifer saw the golden trims of the white and blue place. He saw a few sinners standing around, chatting, staring as he and Sera walked past them. The place was probably the cleanest he’d seen in Hell. There was barely anything red in it, it reminded him of home. 
Stepping off to the left of the room, a door slid open and inside this room, four people sat at a table, discussing amongst each other. One was a tall man, dressed in black and green. Beside him stood a woman, tall and wore black and silver. Two colours that stood out to him. She had red eyes, staring at Sera with intent. 
“Sera, so good of you to show up.” She spoke. 
“Carmilla.” Sera muttered, pulling Lucifer behind her, to hide him. Lucifer, on the other hand, peered around the room. He wanted to find a way out of her grasp, out of this room. Yet, the tall black and green man startled him, just a little bit. He had four green eyes, a green smile as he greeted Sera. 
“How is thou?” He asked. 
“Well,” Sera answered, gripping onto Lucifer’s hand. “You’ve summoned me for a discussion? You had to do it today after what happened yesterday?”
“Sera, look around. Do you think Heaven has it worse than Hell due to what happened at the meeting yesterday? We have to discuss what to do next.” Carmilla spoke, gesturing to the rest of the room. 
“Of course.” Sera spoke, heading over to a chair. 
Lucifer gently tugged on Sera’s hand, pulling her attention down to him. He frowned, trying to let go of her hand, and slowly, Sera let him go. He put his hands behind his back with a bright smile on his face. Sera felt like she could trust him, carefully sitting down at the table. 
Lucifer glanced to the door, knowing that he was well hidden behind the table. Hoping that neither the black and green man or the black and silver lady saw him. Sera got herself comfortable, clasping her hands together. 
“What do you have to discuss?” She asked. 
“Once a year, you are planning on sending angels down to kill our sinners? Our souls?” 
“That’s what God has decided, yes.”
“And there is no way to change that?” Carmilla asked. Sera frowned. 
“I’m afraid not. Once God has made up his mind, there is no changing it. Of course, he chose to do so to protect the gates of Heaven.” She explained. 
“Yet, our sinners barely touched the top of the gates. Hell is not overflowing. Earth has been created for only 55 thousand years, and people are at peace here.”
“Peace?” Sera scoffed. “What you have here is nothing close to peace, but brutality on souls that deserve to be tortured for the sins they committed.” 
Lucifer glanced up at her. He knew Sera could get too involved in this type of situation. Taking a deep breath, he put his hands in his pockets as he slipped out of the room. 
He watched the room carefully as he backed out of it, turning around quickly and running out of the golden, white and blue building. Stepping out to the outside world, a world where Sinner’s were so accustomed to the damage that nothing fazed them, was still a shock. 
He frowned, not being used to the smell of the underworld. He was used to the smell of cotton candy, marshmallows, linen. Hell smelled the complete opposite. Now, the real question was, how to find the deer boy. 
He rushed down the path, trying to get as far from the white building as possible, hoping that Sera didn’t notice his escape. He ran for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes. 
He spun around, looking at all of the destruction that lingered in the world. Though of course, he didn’t quite understand how Hell worked. Was there more than one place? Did all of hell look like this? Smell like this? He had so many questions that couldn’t be answered. Not by Sera, not by Michael and definitely not by his father. 
Huffing, Lucifer took off his jacket, setting it down on the ground as he tried to look around. He tried to search for the red and black hair. The large fluffy ears. He tried to look for the all-red and black outfit but couldn’t find anything. But he was determined, he wasn’t going to let it get the better of him. 
Wandering around as much as he could, he thought he spent hours just walking the streets of Hell. Demons came up and taunted him, some tried to touch him. Others stared at him in shock while some ignored him entirely. A large sinner stepped in his way, making the boy stumble backwards. 
“What are you?” He asked. Lucifer stared at him, beginning to stutter his words. “Come on now, kiddy, you can talk to me.” The man smiled, his breath smelled horrible, his eyes were goopy and his nose was almost cut clean off. It made Lucifer nauseous, looking at this sinner. A smile so terrifying he’d only see in his nightmares. 
“S-sorry..” He muttered, rushing around the sinner as he ran down the street. He huffed and puffed, running past sinners, past demons who startled him. Slowly, Lucifer began to wonder if all this running was a bad idea. He should’ve just stayed with Sera, or even stayed in Heaven with St. Peter. Hell was no place for a child his age, especially after what happened the previous day. 
Yet, he came across a small park. It didn’t seem harmful, as he leaned against a fence post. There were children there, singing, laughing and playing with toys, with their parents sitting close by. 
He felt a little more at ease, seeing all of these other children. Of course, they could be scary. Or they could be just as innocent as he was. He dusted off his hands, and began to wander through the small park. 
It was littered with children, with swingsets and playsets. Trees that bloomed bright red leaves loomed over the dead grass. It was oddly beautiful. Though, Lucifer was able to find beauty in almost everything. 
He wandered around at first, a little hesitant to play with the other children. It was inviting, tempting even. But he hesitated. He didn’t want to interfere with their play time. Plus, he was a child they didn’t know. What if they didn’t like him? Were his clothes too white? Did he look like he didn’t belong? 
Thinking this, he spotted a low hanging tree. Quickly and carefully, he climbed up it, burying himself in the branches, as he hugged his knees to his chest. He rested his chin against his knee, watching through the red leaves as the children played around, tossing a ball back and forth. Deep down, he wanted to be at home, comfortable in his bed. He wanted to hug his father and say sorry for ever going back down to Hell. 
But shortly, that changed. He scooted himself further against the tree, watching the children play when a boy with red and black hair, large deer ears came over and sat down at the base of the tree. Immediately, Lucifer’s eyes lit up. He smiled, peering down at the boy. 
Alastor, his name was, sat down, crossing his legs as he held onto a small book. He pulled it open, removing the bookmark and resting it to the side as he began to read, his ears twitching as he read, completely unaware of Lucifer watching him from above. 
“Hey!!” Lucifer shouted, hanging upside down from the branch, peering down at the other boy. He made Alastor jump, dropping his book as his ears flattened against his head. At first, he glared up at the blonde boy, before the recognition set in. 
“Hey.. You’re-”
“Lucifer!” He jumped down from the tree. “You’re okay!!! My brother told me that you got hurt…” he frowned. Alastor watched him, before slipping his arm behind him, trying to hide the bandage. 
“Um… What are you doing here…?” He asked. 
“I got my aunt, she’s not really my aunt,” Lucifer sat down next to him. “She just babysits me and my brother at times, but she had to come down here for some work and I wanted to see if you were okay! And I’m really glad you are because I felt really bad that you got hurt because of me and what I said.. I mean, you were just defending yourself..” He began to ramble on and on, leaving Alastor to sit there, watching this angel boy babble about the incident from the other day. 
“That’s enough,” Alastor held a hand over Lucifer’s mouth, looking at him with his light red eyes. “You can’t just talk about the fact that you're an…” he paused. “An angel… People will start talking and you will end up being someone's dinner.” Alastor whispered. Lucifer’s bright eyes didn’t dwindle in excitement. 
He removed Alastor’s hand and smiled at him. 
“I’m really glad you’re okay…” He muttered. “I thought… I don’t know what I thought.” 
“I just got a little hurt, nothing to make a big deal out of…” Alastor explained, showing young Lucifer the black and white bandage on his arm. 
“Oh…” Lucifer frowned, gently touching his arm. “Why is it black?” He asked. 
“That’s blood?” Alastor asked, his ears tilting to the side as he questioned why the boy didn’t recognize it. 
“Oh..” Lucifer’s eyes widened. “You bleed black?”
“Doesn’t everyone..?” Alastor asked. Lucifer stared at him before he began to giggle. 
“I don’t bleed black. I bleed gold.”
“Like… real gold?” Alastor asked. Lucifer laughed again. 
“No!!” He gently shoved Alastor. “I bleed the colour gold!! I don’t bleed money… You’re silly.” He smiled, standing from his spot. “What do you do in your free time? What should we do?” he asked, a bright smile on his face. 
Alastor sat there, staring at the angel in front of him. Since he first met him, he seemed to be interested in the world he lives in. Yet, he was heavenly. He was different from any other person he’d ever met before. He wanted to get to know this demon boy. He wanted to play with him, and get to know him. At first, Alastor thought him weird because of it. But, seeing the excitement on his face, maybe he could give this boy a try. Maybe he could actually become friends with him. 
“Usually,” Alastor grabbed his book, putting his bookmark into place. “I would sit by a tree and read for a few hours before the suns began to set. Once that happened, I would go home, have dinner and just… stay home until it was time to go to bed.” He explained, standing from his spot. 
Lucifer frowned. 
“Well that’s no fun at all… Do you not have any friends?” He asked. 
Alastor’s ears laid flat against his head as he held his book against his chest. 
“I have friends…” He muttered. “They’re just not.. Around right now.” He didn’t bother to look at Lucifer, as the realization dawned on the angel. The children around them were probably frightened of Alastor, similarly to how he was at first. 
“Hey!” Lucifer shouted. “I can be your friend! You can show me all around here, and tell me stories and I can tell you stories about Heaven!” He beamed, almost like white light was coming off of him. 
Alastor stood there, his tail tempting to wag as he listened to the angel. Perhaps, that would be fun. 
“Okay..” His ears sat up on his head. “How long are you down here for?” 
“Ummmm….” Lucifer tucked his hands behind his back as he began to wander around the small playground. “Actually, I’m not sure…? I sort of ran away from my aunt when she stopped looking at me.” 
Alastor laughed. 
“Really? She doesn't know you're here??” He asked. Lucifer smiled sheepishly, giving the taller a small nod. 
“But that’s fine!! I’m sure she could find me at any chance if she wanted to..! Besides, I wanted to come down here and find you!”
“You wanted to find me? What for…?”
“OH!!” Lucifer spun around, standing in front of Alastor, his face suddenly very serious. “I am sorry for getting you hurt. I understand what was going on, and you should not have been hurt because of me.” He bowed his head. “I’m sorry Alastor.” 
The demon boy stood there, staring at Lucifer. No one outside of the people in his house had ever said sorry to him. He was someone to be feared, which meant no one bothered him. No one offered their thanks, or gave apologies. He was a child, no one felt the need to. 
“Um… Thanks…?” He asked, his ears twitching in response. 
Lucifer looked up at him, only for that bright smile to beam across his lips once more. Pure white teeth, and such a bright personality as he grabbed onto Alastor’s good arm. 
“Then, we should go play!!” 
“Play what..?” Alastor asked, being dragged away from the playground by the younger boy. 
Lucifer giggled as he shrugged. 
“I dunno!! What about Tag??! Have you played tag before?” 
“Of course I’ve played Tag before…” Alastor grumbled, rolling his eyes yet a smile appeared on his lips. 
Lucifer cheered, taking the book from Alastor as he set it to the ground. He stretched, keeping his eyes on the taller boy. 
“Alright, should we have rules?”
“Who needs rules?” Alastor laughed, stretching as well. Lucifer giggled. 
“Suit yourself!!” He gently tapped Alastor’s shoulder. “Tag! You’re it!!” He suddenly dashed off, making Alastor laugh. He chased after the shorter boy, running after him as he giggled. 
Lucifer almost tripped, stumbling forward but it didn’t stop him from having fun. He laughed at his clumsiness as he spun around. 
“Come catch me!!” He shouted. 
Alastor laughed, slowing down as he held his stomach. 
“You're too fast!” He laughed, yet he reached out, almost touching the younger’s arm. 
Lucifer couldn’t help but gasp, jumping back as his wings sprung out from his back. 
“Come on!!” He giggled. Yet, Alastor panted, watching as Lucifer struggled to stay in the air. His grey wings fluttered in the sky, yet, he wasn’t very stable. Alastor laughed, as the angel almost fell from the sky. Now was his chance. 
He jumped up, his fingers just brushing against the bottom of Lucifer’s wings. 
“Got you!!” He shouted. “You’re it!!” He smiled. Lucifer gasped, his wings struggling as he landed down on the ground, falling back onto his bottom. 
Alastor laughed at him, before quickly turning, running from the younger boy. 
“That’s unfair!!” Lucifer laughed, quickly getting himself up from the ground. He dusted off his white outfit as he chased after the taller boy. 
“I’m gonna get you!!!” 
“Try to catch me first!!” Alastor laughed. Lucifer couldn’t help but giggle, his wings folding up, disappearing as he chased after Alastor. 
Their laughter bloomed through the area, filling it with a joy that Hell hadn’t witnessed in years, if ever. Both Lucifer and Alastor played and played, losing track of time. Losing sense of their surroundings. Yet, even if they got lost, Alastor knew his way back. He knew how to lead Lucifer back to that same playground. A friend that Lucifer was proud of. A friend he was glad to have. Someone who didn’t see him as a prince of Heaven, but just a kid, with a happy heart and a cheerful personality. 
“Then the decision is final.” Sera spoke, folding her hands together. Carmilla stood opposed to her, a frown on her face as she stared down at the table. She hadn’t been able to persuade this angel, and neither had Zestial. 
“It’s only a matter of time before someone decides that it’s enough.” Carmilla suggested, looking up at the white-haired angel across the table. “One day it will happen, and I hope you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you’ve made the biggest mistake you could.”
“Don’t blame me.” Sera stood from her spot, her eyes beginning to search the room for the young boy she brought with her. “Blame yourselves for the foolery.” She muttered. 
“Has’t thee misplac’d something?” Zesitial asked, watching as a panic began to bloom on Sera’s face. 
“Um.” She didn’t look up, didn’t meet the eyes of the two overlords in the room. She peered under the table, behind chairs. “Where did he go?” She looked at the two overlords. 
“Sera?” Carmilla frowned. “Misplaced your dignity?”
“No!” Sera shouted. “Lucifer! I came here with-!” She stopped herself, peering to the closed door to the side. “He must’ve left..” She headed over to the door. 
“You brought a boy with you…? A child?” Carmilla asked. 
“I have to leave,” Sera looked at them. “I don’t want to hear from you. Ever.” She spoke, before leaving the room, searching the building for the second eldest prince of Heaven. 
She searched under benches, asked sinners if they’d seen a little boy dressed in white leave. She was panicking, unable to find him. If God had found out she lost one of his sons in the unholy realm, she just might reach a fate unknown. 
Stepping outside of the building, Sera fixed her hair, took a shaky deep breath as she scanned the area. 
“Lucifer… Where did you go?” She asked herself, heading down the steps as she looked all around. Up and down, under and over. Sinners disregarded her, some stared at her. 
That was all until she spotted a small white jacket laying on the ground. Though, it didn’t look as white as it had before. Red blood staining it, dirt and mud and whatever else could be on it, tinted the colours to emit a dark and eerie feeling in the pit of Sera’s stomach.
Welp the next chapter is up!! I hope I can keep writing, but I've currently lost the notebook that has all my notes for this story?! I'm freakin' out! Anywho, for now, I can still update you all!! Enjoy!
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chimcess · 6 months
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→ Chapter 3.5: When She Sees Me Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff Word Count: 1.8k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Park Jimin is the man who's in love with her, and when their worlds collide in tragedy, he must decide if he is willing to put his old life aside to make a new one. Warnings: Jimin POV, Kissing, talks of sexual feelings (not exlipict), I love this man with my whole heart, just a boy in love, takes place at the end of chapter three of the main storyline, THAT scene, FLUFF, This was so much fun to write, to be in wolf Jimin's head... the dream. Disclaimer: While you don't have to read any of the series to understand what's going on, it won't make a ton of sense. I highly recommend reading this in conjunction with the original work, Trees That Wheep. A/N: On the first day of Christmas Lex gave to thee... Jimin's P-O-V. Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the poll I held. Hope this meets expectations despite her being on the shorter side. Happy holidays and stay safe.
|| Chapter 3 || Masterlist ||
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“Yours must be very interesting.”
I shook my head, “Not really. Mostly the angsty ramblings of a teenager. Nothing more.”
I sounded convincing enough. I heard Jimin shuffling around but refused to look his way. Deciding that I was done for the night, I began closing and stacking the grimoires I had taken out. I will sort through them later. Glancing at the walls, I could not tell what time it was but knew it had to be close to sunset. I needed to get to my room soon.
Going to turn, strong arms found themselves resting on either side of my waist. Shocked, I turned my head to find Jimin standing directly behind me. His chest pressed against my shoulder as I turned to face him. He had never been so close to me before. 
Jimin’s POV
Her chest felt soft against me, and I struggled to keep my nerve. Walking over here had been impulsive, my feet moving before I was able to think it over but having her between my arms made the potential embarrassment worth it. She looked so lovely in the candlelight and whatever she had been reading caused her shoulders to tense uncomfortably. 
Her eyes were wide, confused, and could not find a point of my face to stop on. I could hear her heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings and her scent made me force a groan back. She was so sweet, like vanilla, with an almost bitter aftertaste. I would compare it to whiskey but that was too strong. Tobacco, cotton, and vanilla came to mind. 
She was so gentle when she said my name. Caressing it as if it were a precious secret. I leaned into her, wanting to hear her heart beating closer still. Drunk off of her presence, I found myself talking.
“Can I tell you something?” I whispered, just as softly as she had said my name.
Our chests touched and I moved my hands behind her back. Wrapping around her, I forced my hands onto the table. I was itching to hold her tightly but I was afraid of what might happen. Placing one hand on top of the other, I felt myself trembling. We had never been so close, and only in my dreams did I think this possible. Bridd refused to look at me, her breathing as heavy as my own causing me great pleasure. 
“Y/N,” I called to her, hoping she could hear all the ways I loved her within it. “Can I?”
Eyes locking, I had to grip my fingers to keep them on the table. I could smell the faintest trace of her arousal and it took all of my self-control to ignore it. She shivered against me and I knew she was feeling the same electricity that I was. I could hear her swallow, something I found oddly arousing, and she nodded.
Something was crossed tonight. The lines I had meticulously placed between us for years had come crumbling down ever since the day I came here with Hoseok. There was something about watching her walk around her home, her feet unable to stay still, while she worked that had struck me. Feeling her eyes on me, knowing that she wanted to watch me just as much as I wanted to watch her, unleashed this animal. The more primal part of my personality wanted to shout at Hoseok to leave us alone so I could take what was mine. The other side, the man, wished to sit and listen to her talk about the knives she loved to make, to ask her all of the questions I had been dying to have answered, and watch the way her eyes lit up. Realizing that we would never go back to a time before this, I decided to be upfront.
“I enjoy your company,” I had to tell her.
She nodded, dazed. Her eyes did not leave my own and she searched, ever the curious girl, for something. I had long ago stopped trying to figure her out. Instead, I hoped that she would tell me. I wanted her to want me to know her. With that in mind, I decided to destroy the walls between us.
“I like being close to you. Is that alright?”
“Yes,” She replied breathlessly, needily.
I leaned into her, drawing closer. Her eyes were hooded, heavy, and the lust within them brought me to my knees. She wanted me so badly, the smell of it clinging to the air adding another layer to her familiar smell. It reminded me of sea salt. I swallowed thickly and leaned in closer. Not tonight, I told myself, the grip on my left hand painful now. I could wait for that. I had been waiting for her for so long. 
“Do you want me to stop?” I whispered, so close to her lips that I could feel the ghost of them against mine.
I felt her hesitate. This was nothing new. Bridd had always kept her emotions for me on a tightly controlled leash. It had bothered me for a long time until I realized that she might have thought them foolish. I had never announced myself or made an effort to get closer to her. My own fears made me weak, but to have denied her this made me feel half a man. How could I have ever taken this choice from her? From us? Foolish. 
“No,” She said, her eyes already closing.
It would take less than a second of a second to lean forward. Such a small, inconsequential gap in time. A blink and it was gone. Nothing. However, as I leaned in I knew this small space would be burned into my mind. The anticipation, the way my heart sang and my hands trembled. Our lips brushed and my knees went numb.
Kissing her was unlike anything I had ever experienced. She was so soft, so warm, and frail beneath me as I struggled to keep myself at her eye level. Bridd sighed, her hands finding home on my chest, and I could no longer keep myself off of her. Wrapping her in an embrace, I wanted to cry from joy. Everything that I had ever wanted, wondered, and fantasized paled in comparison. None of it did this moment justice. With her hands twitching against me, her lips chapped, mouth dry, and breathing into my mouth each time we pulled away, I was certain I had never done something so right in my whole life.
She finally started pulling away, and I opened my eyes to watch her. She was so beautiful. Her eyes were glazed and not even half way opened. Staring at her, the candle light making the beads on her top shine prettily, all I could imagine to say was that I loved her. Instead, I bent over even more and nuzzled my nose into her hairline. 
“Thank you,” I mumbled, already thinking about kissing her again.
She, again, nodded, before leaning into me once more. Tiptoeing to reach my face, hands traveling from my chest to my shoulders, her eyes closing. Cupping her face, so small and delicate beneath my hands, I pulled her to my eagerly waiting lips. She grinned against me as I tangled my fingers in her hair.
Suddenly, I felt her tongue licking at my lower lip and the delicate balance I had been desperately trying to keep since I approached her tipped. With a strangled groan, I opened my mouth to hers and slid a hand from her hair to her hips. Sucking her tongue, I picked her up off of the floor and lifted her onto the desk she had been occupied with all night. I did not even think before my leg was forcing hers apart and making space for the rest of me.
Her hands gripped my shirt tightly and I wished she would go back to twitching against my chest. She felt more solid there, more real. Her mouth was wet and hot as we kissed, her tongue hesitant and shy while I knew I was being more aggressive than she was used to. Thoughts of her kissing another made me uncomfortable, so I kissed her even harsher to remove whatever they may have left behind.
Then she was shoving me away, ripping her lips from mine as she struggled to catch her breath. I took a few steps back, unsure what the problem could be. One look at her, however, and I was sure. The change was coming. 
“Go,” She choked, scrambling off of the desk.
A loud piercing scream called me to action. As much as I hated leaving her in moments like this, I knew it made her uncomfortable to have me around. Her comfort would always trump my own needs and wants- that I was sure. Running up the cellar steps, I threw open the little door and threw myself onto the living room floor. Closing the door, the tortured screams of my love were muffled.
My heart shattered as I listened to her, but I knew it would not last long. A few feet away, Taehyung slept soundly. I envied his ability to do that. Ever since I got here, I had found sleeping restless. With Bridd so close yet so far away it was impossible to relax.
A large, toothy grin overtook me. I would never sleep without her again. I would try my hardest to be sure of that. Her lips lingered on my own, tingling and swollen, and I never wanted the feeling to fade. I would make sure I always felt this way, every day, for the rest of our lives.
I could see it now, living here with her. We would cook dinner together, eat together, sleep together. For Yule we would put up a tree. For Litha I would tend her garden while she watched me from the window. We would have children, beautiful children that looked like her, and love them the way they deserved to be loved. My family would learn to live with my choices and my pack would always be my own, but I needed to be where my heart was. 
As her screaming turned to throaty croaks, I was settled. I would put my heart on my sleeve. For her, I would beg. What should have been said the second my wolf threatened to rip apart anybody who stood between us in that cave. When I nursed her back to health as she lay half-alive in her bed afterward. All of the times I had seen her since. Every dream, nightmare, and fantasy in between. 
Tonight, I would tell her that she was my mate. Tonight, we would never part again. Tonight, I would love her and hope she would let me. Tonight, and every night, I would fight to make her see that no one has ever loved another the way I love her.
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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