#chapter 5 hints/spoilers
thebiggestfuckgiven · 3 months
How I DIDN’T Become a Villain Official Update!
Chap 1 word count: 5,198
one-sentence summary: This one guy has the absolute worst vibe.
Chap 2 word count: 5,243
one-sentence summary: Out of towner has an ongoing life crisis and gets stuck with local flaker.
Chap 3 word count: ????
one-sentence summary: Beloved Crime Lord gets his sights on out of towner, who gets an unexpected nighttime visitor~
Estimated fic length: 110k words
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twstgarden · 4 months
✰ ❝ 𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆 ❞
━ yan! octavinelle trio / yan! scarabia duo / yan! pomefiore trio x gn! reader (f/n means first name) (reader can be yuu or an oc) ━ certain friends on campus have started to be a little overbearing. to the point where they won't let you leave their dormitory so easily.
cw: (including but not limited to) yandere themes, unhealthy relationships/obsessions, use of drugs, mentions of drugging/spiking, captivity, kidnapping, mentions of curse/poisoning, love bombing/acts of manipulation
requested by: @mx.lustreless request type: scenarios requester’s message: Not mucy to say, just a bunch of yandere scenarios, I'm not sure if you're still taking requests but i guess you still are? You can get creative :> florist’s note: thank you for the request and for filling out the form!
this work may contain spoilers from chapters 3, 4, and 5, octavinelle, scarabia, and pomefiore's arcs respectively.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
ko-fi here if you want to support me
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━ 𝙤𝙘𝙩𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 ━
"ah, if it isn't prefect!"
you took a deep breath, exhaling it softly as you gave azul a forced smile the moment he laid eyes on you again. you did not want to return to mostro lounge again due to the uncomfortable vibes you have been getting, but you had no choice as your friend dragged you to have an afternoon snack in this private café.
"hello..." you mumbled in reply, avoiding his gaze with a clear indication that you wanted to leave as soon as possible. however, your friend was already ordering a drink as jade jotted down the orders on a notepad.
his sharp eyes then looked at you with that grin on his face, "and you? dear f/n?" your friend then looked at you with a smile, making you look back at the menu as you replied, "um... i won't order for now."
"are you not hungry?" your friend asked, tilting their head before sighing, "we've been in class all day and i did not see you eat! you should have something..."
then, your friend decided to place an order for you, and jade merely smiled as he wrote down the drinks and/or meals for you both. you breathed a sigh of relief the moment he, his twin, and his boss left your table.
"you seem tense," noted your friend.
"i'm just tired..." you lied, smiling a little at them.
initially, you enjoyed the atmosphere of the mostro lounge and it has always been your go-to spot after class and during the weekends. you have grown used to the trio's presence and considered them as close friends.
however, the longer you kept visiting them, the more you've noticed how odd they've been acting.
they won't let you leave easily, even if it is past the closing time.
azul has been trying to get you to sign a contract, claiming it was harmless and he would never cheat a "friend".
jade has been trying to feed you mushrooms that he found during his hike, claiming that they were safe to eat and he even added special ingredients. only the seven knows what drug or potions he has been pouring into his meals made for you.
floyd was also trying to feed you meals made by him, as well as trying to drag you around wherever he went, disguising it as a form of hang out despite his "threats" on your attempts to leave.
maybe they just want to spend time with me, is what you thought, but day by day, you have been slowly proven wrong with how close they are at times.
you snapped out of your thoughts the moment floyd served your dishes and drinks. your friend was ecstatic as they quickly dug into their meal, while you looked up to see floyd smiling down at you in an innocent way, but there was a hint of something ominous behind that smile.
"here's your food, shrimpy!"
you gulped and mumbled, "thanks..." looking down at your meal, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. it looks exactly as it does on the menu, and the drinks did not have anything suspicious on them — or at least, that's what you think.
your friend was happily enjoying their food. seeing how relaxed they were gave you relief - at least the food or drink wasn't drugged. a soft sigh left your lips as you started to have your meal, enjoying the taste despite the unreadable expression on your face.
you can feel their stares. their eyes watch you with a daunting gaze, and even if they were not in your peripheral vision, you knew they were settled by the bar, watching you like a hawk.
you could have called them out or reported their suspicious behaviour, no? but why? they were your friends. they would never do anything to harm you. you weren't sure if it was some form of coping mechanism or if you still held some trust for them deep down, but all you knew was the guilt that continuously seeped into your mind at the thought of reporting their behaviour to the faculty staff.
you were afraid, but you still trust them. azul always had a way of messing with your psychological thoughts, and the twins were there to back him up and manipulate you into thinking they were only being friendly.
"oh! i left my phone at the campus, i'll be right back!" your friend spoke as they realised their cellular device was not on their person. they quickly stood up and left the lounge, leaving you alone as you tried to reach out to them, "wait-!"
but they were long too gone.
damn it.
you stayed silent for a moment, thoughts swirling in your mind as you looked back at the meal that you have been consuming for the past few minutes now.
your gaze then went to the bar to see them smiling at you. drat. you made eye contact with them and that was more than enough of an invitation to approach you.
"it seems your friend left rather abruptly," noted azul as he sat beside you with that suspicious smile of his. you merely hummed in response as floyd sat on your other side and spoke in a rather enthusiastic voice, "shrimpy! did you like the food?"
"it tastes great..." you replied, avoiding eye contact as you continued to stare at your half-eaten meal. floyd was pleased to hear you say this, making him pat your back before pulling you in for an asphyxiating hug.
you tried to pull away, patting his arm as a signal to let go and that you wanted to breathe. however, he was not letting you off, which made jade sigh as he spoke to his brother, "floyd, you are suffocating the prefect."
"oh no~ oops~!" replied floyd as he released you, but you knew he was not genuine in that little 'oops' of his. as soon as he released you, you started to feel lightheaded. your vision was blurring and doubling, and your head was throbbing in pain as you leaned on the table, unable to keep your eyes open.
the trio merely smiled as azul held you close to him and whispered, "you appear to be tired... it's alright, rest here... this is your home now..."
unable to fight back or stay awake, your eyes fluttered shut and your consciousness started slipping as you fell into a deep state of sleep. the last words you heard gave you a sense of fear, but you were now too powerless to do anything.
"we won't hurt you. we're your friends..."
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━ 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙖 ━
"i need to head back to my dorm, kalim..." you spoke once again, wanting to return back to your room to sleep after the energy-consuming party you just had in scarabia mere moments ago.
"we have guest rooms here!" reasoned kalim, not wanting to let you leave.
"as much as i wanted to stay, i can't... sorry..."
there was no way you'd stay in that guest room after the incident. a frown found its way to kalim's lips as jamil sighed, "kalim... we can't force them to stay." with a defeated expression, kalim unwrapped his arms around you as he spoke to you, "will you come back tomorrow?"
relief. that was what you felt the moment you thought you would be back in your room. as much as you loved hanging out with them, you wanted a shut-eye too. "yeah, of course! i'll see you tomorrow," you replied before waving goodbye to the two and leaving their dorm.
the moment you arrived at your dormitory, the first thing you greeted were your pillows. you had quickly fallen asleep and thought of nothing but getting the rest you needed. it was the weekend tomorrow, so you were free to sleep in as much as you wanted.
the next day came by quickly and you were invited for lunch at scarabia. you loved the meals they served and their hospitality has made you feel more at home than you ever felt in this academy.
everything was going splendidly. the meals were fantastic, the drinks were refreshing, and the atmosphere was lively - the perfect scenario for a weekend lunch with friends, no?
you spent hours after lunch with them; studying, reading, sharing stories about school experiences and personal lives, and whatnot. however, you started to feel drowsy around the afternoon, wanting to take a nap to preserve your energy and rest.
you have become drowsy several times lately.
of course, you thought nothing of it. you were just exhausted from all the responsibilities you had to tackle, nothing out of the ordinary. kalim seemed to have noticed your drowsy state and quickly gave you one of the sofa pillows nearby. without another word, you grabbed the pillow and laid your head on it, passing out almost immediately.
minutes turned into hours and you had woken up from your nap - although, sleep was a better term as you had been out for hours now. rubbing the drowsiness from your eyes, you let out a soft yawn and sat up, feeling the soft mattress underneath as you looked at the spot you were lying on in confusion.
'a bed? where am i...?'
you thought you were back at your dorm, but the interior was completely different from your room. that's when it hit you, you were in one of scarabia's dormitory rooms. you quickly got out of bed and ran to the door, trying to open it only to find it unlocked.
"shit..." you muttered under your breath as you looked around the room for its key, but it was nowhere to be found. you quickly banged on the door, hoping someone was outside to hear you, "is anyone there?!"
it was silent for a while until you heard a jingle of keys from the other side of the door, making you sigh in relief as you thought you were about to witness freedom, "oh thank goodness... please open the door!"
the sounds of the keys were giving you a sense of relief, and you thought they were about to unlock the door. however, only silence followed and no other sound was heard. what was going on?
"hello? is anyone there?" you called out once more, banging on the door, "please unlock the door! i don't see the key in here!"
then, a chuckle was heard on the other side of the door, giving you a sense of fear at the thought of someone purposefully locking you in here.
"you should take a rest, prefect."
that was jamil's voice. you knocked on the door again as you pleaded for your freedom, "jamil? please unlock the door!"
"you ought to keep it down. people are sleeping. we wouldn't want to wake them up now, would we?" spoke jamil as he let out a sigh, "you'll be staying in there. this is your new home now... good night."
his footsteps then started to fade as you continued banging on the door, "jamil?! let me out!!! come back!!! kalim! please!" all the relentless knocking and banging on the door were for naught as no one came to your aid.
days have passed and you barely remember much of what had happened, but you had vague memories of wanting to escape this wretched dormitory, then making the sudden decision to stay as if you were being hypnotized. they had fed you, entertained you, and took care of you during your whole stay.
they've been nothing but good to you! why would you want to leave?
why do you feel as if you are being manipulated to stay?
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━ 𝙥𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙤𝙧𝙚 ━
you were frozen in place for a few hours now with only epel in the room as he got himself busy with carving apples. if you hadn't been cursed by vil's unique magic, you would have run out of the door and never looked back at this dormitory.
but alas, you have fallen for his trick and bit into an apple slice that he had cursed without your knowledge. now, you were stuck seated on this couch settled in their lounge.
you called out, making the first-year pause his carving as he looked at you. how could he still look at you with an innocent gaze after being involved in your captivity?
"how long 'till vil's spell wears off?" you asked, hoping it would be sooner rather than later.
"30 minutes," replied epel before tilting his head, "you are not looking to escape now, are 'ya?" you quickly shook your head in response, giving him a fake enthusiastic smile, "no! no! not at all!"
"lying won't help you, chéri(e)."
you quickly turned quiet at the sound of rook's voice. his footsteps paired with another one gave you a hint that vil was in the room as well, walking towards you before the dormitory head stood before you, leaning down as he held your cheek as if to inspect your face.
rook stood beside vil as he spoke patronisingly, "mon dieu! those tear stains on your face pain my heart. why the tears?" you glared at rook as he knew exactly why you were feeling this way, but he merely smiled at you.
"we fed you, cared for you, gifted you luxurious things, helped you in all your assignments, and so much more. why are you being ungrateful?" spoke vil as he narrowed his gaze at you with a frown. you did not say a word in response, not wanting to raise their irritation and anger towards you.
vil sighed at your lack of response, "stop acting like a spoiled child."
"then set me free."
you demanded freedom, hoping they would grant it to you despite the low chances. they have given you everything, so why can't they give you the freedom you desire?
"you know we can't do that," spoke vil as you felt his hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb ever so slightly to give you a sense of comfort, "it's dangerous and there is nothing out there that will satisfy and love you."
"my friends—"
"your friends have long forgotten you, dear," replied vil as he cut you off, "in fact, they are glad that you are no longer interacting with them..."
you did not want to believe him, but the way he spoke to you in such a tone with that comforting caress made you stay quiet. epel and rook then sat beside you while vil gently started playing with your locks, a glint of satisfaction was evident in his eyes but you did not notice them as you were staring at the ground.
'hah! just say the right words and you'll fall into our trap once again... how naive...'
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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ohboyhowdybuckaroo · 21 days
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As a way to celebrate the end to the first arc of the ASL Gem AU, here's a couple of headcanons and things I put in the story that I was proud of. Also, some shitty memes I doodled and thought were funny. I put all the headcanons and neat things under the read more because there are spoilers for Keep It Simple, Stupid in there.
Luffy actually got poofed four times throughout the events of the first chapter. Two of them were depicted on screen, but the other two were when Ace got him caught in a landslide in their first meeting and when he came back to the bandit hut on the wolf and broke a hole in the wall getting tossed off of Kebab. Ace could've sword that landslide would have poofed Luffy and, I mean, he's not wrong.
Whery told me BTS that Sodalite's hair remains suspended in air as if it's flowing through water at all times. He's got mermaid hair, everyone. Love this guy.
The reason Sodalite struggles to unfuse is because... 🥁 🥁 🥁 He has a hard time unfusing when his components feel unsafe. That doesn't stop anyone strong enough from poofing him (A la Garp) or Sabo and Ace having such a strong disagreement that they come undone (a la the argument before the final fight with the wolves or when Ace post-getting-Luffy'd has conflicted feelings about ditching Luffy with Amethyst and co.).
In the process of plotting this, I wasn't sure how to translate the money-saving-schemes into this AU for the boys. The general layout of the plot is similar to canon, but I wanted to mix things up a little. That led to the parts scrounging aspect, which led to Ace and Sabo having their own waterfall cave instead of having a tree that they keep things in because I didn't think a tree could properly hide most of their junk from sight that close to the Kindergarten.
Sodalite never actually introduced himself to Luffy. (Cursed with Ace's tendency to never make a good first impression.) He learned Sodalite's name when a few gems and people were yelling in panic at their first meeting.
There's another nod to Sodalite inheriting Ace's bad first impressions when he first "meets" the bandits when literally dropping Luffy off after saving him and also when he meets Woop Slap and Makino.
Also continuing Ace's penchant for bad first impressions, he really did get put through the ringer with Makino when he first reformed. I gave him hell this whole arc, didn't I? Poor guy.
Herc and Agna are my contributions to the Dadan Family. I wanted to flesh their numbers out a little bit since we only ever know the names of Dadan, Magra, Dogra, and Pochi. I hope you like them... They're silly. (And probably in love tbh.)
Speaking of them, they made a bet on whether Luffy killed Ace in the beginning of the third chapter and you can see them exchanging money in the sixth chapter when it's revealed that Ace isn't actually dead.
I also added Woop Slap's baker brother, a Beryl to the Azurite crew who stood around while Luffy got his ass electrocuted, and a couple of random characters here and there with no canon version just for the hell of it. Got the chance to flesh this out a little bit thanks to focusing on a small sequence of events compared to the Odyssey that is One Piece canon.
In the second chapter, there are a few things that Sodalite and Luffy say in a couple of the conversations post-saving Luffy from the Azurite Pirates that get called back to.
Sodalite: You can’t be brave unless you’re scared. And if the first hint of danger has you sniffling and running away like a chicken, you’ll never be brave.
This one is a little more obvious. It gets reflected back in chapter 5 when Luffy is in the process of trying to help Kebab out from where he's trapped. Luffy is a bit of a coward and a crybaby when he's younger in canon and in this story. He builds up confidence with being rubber (Though I replaced his rubber body helping to protect him with him being able to reform quickly), having two older brothers to protect him, and eventually his own fighting skills in canon, but I wanted to add a little more oomph to it.
Luffy: I'm not crying, you're crying!
Sodalite: That's not how tears work, squirt.
This one reflects the flashback to when Ace and Sabo fused for the first time. I figured it would help soften Sodalite up to Luffy with the little nod.
Ace: I'm not crying, you're crying, stupid.
Sabo: That's not how tears work, idiot.
There's another point that gets called back to in a conversation between Luffy and Sodalite, but this is the conversation when Sodalite starts to refer to Luffy as "Luffy" mentally and not just Spinel.
Sodalite: Free and kind, huh? Free how?
Luffy: Free to go where I wanna go. Do what I wanna do. Be who I wanna be.
Sabo thinks back to this when he's poofed and trying to figure out what he wants to look like. Freedom is hard to get used to when you're used to a regimented lifestyle. I think it's called choice anxiety, but even though he wants freedom, he still has to learn how to be free, if that makes sense.
Speaking of that conversation between Sodalite and Luffy, I tried to switch up what he was called in the narrative based on whose POV I'm talking through. In the beginning, when Sabo, Ace, or Sodalite are thinking about Luffy, they consistently refer to him as "Spinel." When it's Luffy's POV, Luffy only referred to himself as "Luffy." Eventually, after the heart-to-heart they have in chapter 3, Sodalite, Ace, and Sabo also only refer to Luffy as "Luffy."
Prior to the narrative, Sodalite didn't have a lot of room to grow or a lot of interaction with people outside of battle or when he's alone when Ace and Sabo needed comforting. Being around Luffy and the circumstances of which they can't unfuse gave Sodalite the opportunity to become more of his own person.
I used he/they pronouns for a lot of the story to reflect the Sodalite-not-being-completely-his-own-person as even Sodalite still saw himself as Ace and Sabo and not just Sodalite. He's aware he's a fusion, but he's only now settling into the idea that he is a new person as well.
Ace thinks that Dadan and the bandits don't care about him for most of the story and they don't help things by pretending not to care that he's "gone" when Sodalite's around. However, at the beginning of the fourth chapter, I tried to give a little nod to Dadan being worried about Ace with her sometimes smoking late at night on the porch and staring into the forest. She was looking for Ace and worried about him, but Sodalite can't tell because Ace is blind to kindness. Dadan was losing sleep over you, you dummy.
True to canon fashion, I tried to limit how much I used Luffy's POV as in canon he doesn't really have a lot of internally kept thoughts as much as he doesn't have a filter between mental reaction and physical reaction. Thus, when I did have to use Luffy's POV, I tried to switch it to another character as soon as I could.
Whery once posted an animatic wherein they used the Ben 10 clip of Kevin saying, "You have to treat a car like you treat a woman," and I pretty much used that to shape Sodalite amd Makino's dynamic in my head which led to the way Sodalite and, by extention, Ace feel nervous around Makino, but the nerves just make it harder for them to say the "right" things.
These four posts gave me psychic damage and were the kick in the ass that got me to write K.I.S.S. to begin with. Literally got so wrapped up in them that I wrote a whole fanfic. I was originally going to just write the Luffy and Sabo reunion in Dressrosa. A couple hundred words in, I realized I should probably just start in the beginning to fluff it up with some history. Then I fell in love with Sodalite and underestimated how much I would get into the AU, so now we're here.
Y'all can take Ace being nervous around Makino however you want, but my intention was that kind people throw him off his game. This was meant to reflect how he's a mama's boy in canon and the pedestal-ing he did with his mother. (Rouge is a goddess, though, so like... he's not wrong.)
I tried to write it so Ace Literally Does Not Know how to be anything but a scruffy and snappy little kid since he was raised by bandits and Garp isn't the picture of healthy communication. With the Makino interaction post-reforming in chapter 5, I wanted her to nudge him into realizing that there's another way to handle disagreements and not every time he fucks up will lead to violence or yelling. Easing his toes into the water.
I went back and forth for a while on the scene in chapter 6 where Ace is about to run away. I was very iffy on if it was in-character for him to leave behind his only friends and everything he ever knew. But I also remembered how he acted in canon when people were putting themselves in danger for him and, yeah, pushing people away when people might get hurt """"because of"""" him fit well.
Is it weird that my favorite scene to write was in the 6th chapter when Sabo and Luffy knock a gem into a barrel and run away? I just felt my heart get full being able to write them getting closer and being chaotic together... Can't wait to write these three being chaotic together more.
It was very cathartic for me personally to write the scene where Sodalite first plays guitar for Luffy in chapter 2 and the scene in chapter 6 where Ace bursts out laughing when they fall over.
Sabo and Ace met when they both stumbled upon their cave and started having a turf war over who it really belonged to. They eventually became friends, but naturally, it took a minute and some fighting before then.
Most of the people and gems around don't care one way or another about fusion. Garp, as a gem higher up, cares based on principle and because he's old as dirt and was around when the "No Fusing" rule was more radically reinforced.
Fire Agates were "made" to be demolition gems (AKA why they have the fire going on and are typically very strong). Due to this, Ace can keep more items within his gem that can vary in size. Sabo can keep some things in his gem, but they typically have to be small to medium. Luffy could theoretically keep a lot in his gem, but I genuinely don't think he thinks about it unless he's storing food.
Luffy eats and sleeps because he first formed around the mixed population of humans and gems in Foosha Village and just thought it was neat. Now, he has sort of programmed his gem so he sleeps at night like people do, but he doesn't need to. He just likes it. Silly lil guy.
Ace was initially put off by Luffy wanting to use a different name than his gem type because he struggles with his own identity as a Fire Agate. Using a different name feels like running away from the realities of your gem type. Ace is plagued by his own gem type and feels like he can't run away, so Luffy so casually giving himself a name was foreign to Ace and made him a little bit jealous tbh.
Sabo similarly wasn't willing to call Luffy by his name because he felt cursed by his gem type. He's less touchy about it than Ace, though because he understands Luffy's desire to want to be his own person-- whoever that may be.
I changed Sabo's gem type from Labradorite to Moonstone because he has had some really neat fanart made of him that was Moon themed, and I thought that was really cute. There's some more to learn about Sabo that I've been hinting at, but y'all will find out sometime later.
Shanks was the person who made Luffy realize that he could have whatever name he wanted. I might write it out someday, but it basically went, "woah, I wish I had a cool name," "You can call yourself whatever you want. What, did you think Makino's name is her gem?" "... So what if I did?!" *whole crew laughs at Luffy* "Well, what do you want us to call you?" and the rest was history.
Ace and Sabo will eventually be able to bubble things. Ace can make bigger ones, but Sabo's are less likely to burst when messed with. Luffy could theoretically create bubbles, but I don't really think Luffy's the type to want to capture things in bubbles outside of beetles, and that's easy enough to make Sabo or Ace do.
I took some very vague inspiration from Zuko from ATLA and Ruby from Steven Universe when thinking about Ace's fire abilities. I wanted him to have pyrokinetic abilities, but struggle to use them thanks to some internal turmoil. Thus, his powers come from strong bursts of negative emotions and typically just sprout out around his body. (Yes, he has caused a forest fire before.)
Sabo can create light constructs similar to how Pearl does in Steven Universe. Thinking about Sodalite getting a little more showboat-y with his music and doing light shows? Eventually, fire blasting out of places like some bands do at concerts. That would be metal as fuck.
Sodalite literally always radiates warmth wherever he's at. He's a space heater. You can see a little bit of this in the 3rd chapter when he sits near Woop Slap to keep the old man warm.
Luffy still has the stretchy abilities of a Spinel, but he's still new to using them. In the first chapter when he's got an arm wrapped around Kebab the wolf, it only happened because he got his hand stuck on a spike and Kebab the wolf rolled around trying to get him off. He also has a lil toon force action going on. I tried to show this with a couple of scenes here and there. (When he falls into the ravine, when he runs into a tree in one chapter, the Luffy shaped hole in the bandit hut when he gets flung off Kebab into it, etc.)
I don't even know where the nickname idea of "Squirt" came from. I just thought it would be a funny nickname (derogatory) and it kept reoccurring in my brain and in the writing until it became squirt (affectionate). Who doesn't get called dumb names by your older siblings?
That eventually expanded into Sodalite handing out derogatory nicknames. You mostly see that with Garp. (Bootlicker, marble muncher, etc.) Sodalite is teaching Luffy how to be an even bigger little shit and I love to see it.
I didn't originally plan for the wolves to show up outside of the couple of times they appeared in the first chapter. Then, when I was writing the third chapter I needed a reason to have Garp escort Makino and Woop Slap to the bandits and then I wanted a reason to get Luffy and Co. to go to Foosha Village, so tada.
I especially didn't plan for Kebab to become Kebab. However, I wanted each of the brothers to take out a wolf in their own ways and Luffy just isn't prepared to fight creatures 1v1 right now, so I cooked up the idea of him becoming a pet thereafter.
Damn, that was a lot. Thanks for reading! Go check out @where-does-the-heart-lie for all the cool art they did for this AU, but please don't bother them for more art. I'm pretty sure they're not all that into the AU anymore, but they do have a lot of other cool posts and a comic they're working on for the boys if you need more ASL bros content. They also made a post with several drawings they wanted to do after reading that correspond with several events in the story if you wanna check that out.
That's it for now! Good luck, y'all. I'll be back with some kinda writing soon-ish.
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zhongrin · 1 year
the art of breathing normally
— or, the ways you make him breathless so effortlessly
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, childe, diluc, al haitham, wanderer, kaveh, kaeya
◇ tags ◇ fluff, angst, comfort, spoiler/hint of al haitham's character story 5
◇ a/n ◇ yes the title is taken from that one chapter title in “for better or worse” webtoon hehe i love dillon and cedric so much they’re cute
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli finds it hard to breathe (in a good way) when you wrap yourself around him in one way or another. you can drape your arms around his waist, nuzzle yourself against his side, or even jump up to koala-hug him (although he will still scold you lightly as he drops everything in his arms in favor to support you - he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.)
but his favorite has to be when you lace your fingers between his own (preferably gloveless) ones, before tightly squeezing, a pressure not enough to hurt but strong enough to leave tingles upon his skin, making the geo markings along his arms pulse and blink in happiness.
he just loves to be reminded and reassured that you’re here. you’re right here in front of him and you are here to stay. you’re here for him with your tender love and warm smile. and you’ll always be here, etched permanently in his heart, the most unyielding stone eroded in remembrance of your beautiful soul.
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it was a spontaneous decision on your part when you slip into bed with al haitham and offered to read his book for him out loud instead tonight. he ponders over it for a bit and decides to relent, wanting to know what is it that made you so hooked on hearing him read his books audibly on normal days. your voice fills his senses as he settles onto his pillow, and his lips tug on the corners as you stumble upon difficult terms you’ve never heard before. he decides to show you mercy by telling you the correct pronunciation, and you thank him before continuing, as cheerful as ever, unashamed of your lack of knowledge - it’s one of the things he adores about you, he thinks. this happens several times, and as he relaxes, your lover found his gaze magnetically straying towards you, examining your features as you read.
al haitham’s lungs seizes momentarily when your words falter as you sensed his stare, a patient smile full of such love and adoration blooming on your expression like the freshest bloom of the padisarahs in the garden. a memory lost to time resurfaces in his mind, and he feels himself reliving the hazy scene behind his closed eyelids. he can’t explain it but it feels familiar and nostalgic, yet it’s also foreign and different. when he feels your hand worriedly caressing the stray tear on his cheek, he could only smiles and thinks to himself -
ah. so this is what a peaceful life feels like.
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childe’s breath stutters when you kiss his nose or his eyelids. there’s something so adorable and intimate about those two specific places. like a forgotten childhood memory and the intricate vulnerability of allowing himself to be cherished and loved, to know that you won’t ever harm him despite him having his guard down. surprisingly, ajax doesn’t need a lavish display of love despite his repetitively showy endeavors in telling the whole world that you’re his. he’s already content with your soft giggles and tender touches, hidden behind doors and under the blankets in the cold starless sky of snezhnayan winters.
as the trained warrior that he is, he can last a good few minutes underwater, yet one simple kiss from you effectively diminishes his lung capacity, making him gasp and gulp for air, like a fish out of water. he can run for miles and keep his regular breathing pattern, yet a single notion of your well-being put in harm’s way makes his chest constrict and his breath fall into disarray. you’re the bane of his existence and the deity of salvation in his life.
you steal his breath away and with it, a piece of his cracked heart.
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as cliche and boring as it was, kaveh’s breath escapes from his lungs whenever you visibly express yourself near him. he’s an empath to the core and he absolutely adores receiving the waves of your emotions like he’s some sentient radio transceiver who’s so attuned to your channel.
you could smile and he would follow, his chest constricting with incomprehensible joy as he drinks the light of happiness like a withered plant that hasn't seen sunlight in days. he loves to listen to your cheerful voice, like your own devoted transcriber, ready to commit your words and etch them into his soft and overwhelmingly big heart.
you could cry and he would bawl with you while holding you close, his lungs seizing with thorny vines that wrap and threaten to crush them to mush with each pearl of tears falling down the puffiness of your eyes. somehow the sight hits him harder than when the realization of his father not coming back hit him, or that time his mother told him she was going to move to fontaine and remarry - oh, it’s so much worse, because he’s holding his entire world in his arms, and he resonates with your bleeding heart.
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kaeya would never admit to it but you would notice that his breath hitches whenever you yank his shirt to kiss him. he can try to deny it all he wants, but he finds your assertiveness hot - there’s just something about having you reaffirming how much you can affect him.
it used to irk him, actually - no one should have so much power over him. his life is already crumbling enough as it is, why would he want someone to shake it all up and potentially make it all crash down? and yet, throughout your relationship, he sees you fix the cracks, changes the rusted nails out, and solidifies his foundation. you’re so patient, your touch firm and gentle, and with each fissure healed he finds himself laughing breathlessly… and he lets go of his inhibitions. you can steal his marred heart away, and take his breaths too while you’re at it.
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diluc finds his breathing spectacularly failing when your finger brushes against his nape as you help him tie his hair into a high ponytail. he still does not understand why you prefer this hairstyle, but he understands fully that the lack of air in his voice when you worriedly ask if you’ve tugged on his hair too hard is, in actuality, caused by how he wishes he could spend the rest of his life with you. to be with you, just like this, tranquil mornings full of domesticity and love, a replica of the little bits of memories he remembers of his late parents when they thought he was still asleep.
he’s so in love with you, he burns brighter in your presence, and he doesn’t even care if it uses up all the oxygen in his lungs; for he is sure his love for you is an eternal flame not born from the borrowed power of the gods, but from the deepest part of his heart.
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wanderer has no need for these two specific atoms chemically bound to form an oxygen molecule that these weak humans seem to need lest they keel over and asphyxiate. and yet he still feels something compressing itself into an ever-consuming black hole within his hollow chest whenever you touch his white wooden skin with the most tender of touches as if he was something to be cherished. as if he was worthy of your presence. as if he was human. as if you truly love him.
ridiculous, he hisses and slaps your hand away every single time. his throat clogs and his lips purse, his vocal chord failing to enunciate how foolish you are, and the feeling got worse when he sees you merely chuckle at his ‘prickliness’.
you touch him again with the same hands five minutes later, and he struggles to squash the urge to smile.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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redflagshipwriter · 2 months
Hot Ghouls in your area 7
Chapter 7 
…Jason slowly put down the book and turned it cover up, shell-shocked from that interaction. He lifted his phone and took a photo. He sent it to Roy. 
“What do you see?” He typed. Jason bit his lower lip and tried not to scowl while he waited for a response. 
It wasn’t that Jason was unused to conflict. Jason was great at conflict. He won every conflict! (Almost.) But what the hell had this shit been? Why had that guy been so pissy about the book? What the hell was wrong with the book that Jason didn’t see?
“Gibberish?” Roy texted back a few minutes later. “It gives the impression of wonky Cyrillic to me. But it's got a terrible energy to it. The hell is that?”
Jason looked at the cover. To his eyes, there was a serif font declaring it Sense and Sensibility Universe D version 5. 
“Thanks,” he sent, ignoring the question and then the barrage of heart emojis. Shit, okay. 
That answered one question. But it didn't answer enough. What the fuck had that college kid been seeing that was so offensive? 
‘And why'd he think we would meet again?’ 
Jason pushed deep, deep down any awareness that he hoped it was true. That had been weird enough that it would bother him forever if he didn’t get answers.
He sort of hated the idea of getting his nosy family involved, but they would ask different and in some ways, less annoying questions than other groups he could poll. They'd know not to lie to him, at least. So he sent the picture on to the family group chat with the same question and grimly finished his tea. 
The elderly proprietor came out then and noticed that her other customer was gone. She looked confused for a moment, scanning the seat to see if his book bag was still there. She picked up the cash he'd left on the table and then started stacking dishes.
‘He’s a regular,’ Jason guessed, honing in on the opportunity to learn more. He flipped the book open but held the apparently offensive cover down towards the table, out of her line of sight. He needed to know what had gone so wrong. Jason wasn’t normally the kind of person that cute college kids had beef with.
He'd never been in this café before, his intuition had just told him to duck inside.
“I think he forgot something,” Jason offered casually, pretending to just look up from his book. “Ran out real quick in a panic.” 
The lady let out a soft “Ahhh,” of comprehension. “Something for his afternoon class, perhaps,” she agreed, looking a little happier. 
“Yeah, it looked like he was getting ready to settle in for a long study session and then he bolted,” Jason lied, watching her underneath his lashes. He had been paying a little more attention than he ought to when the guy came in. He was Jason’s type, aside from the thing where he’d hated Jason’s face for no apparent reason-
‘No, actually, everyone I’ve ever been into hated me on sight.’
Ouch. As Jason digested that embarrassing truth, the owner continued talking.
“He does that,” she agreed, apparently not thinking it was odd at all for them to talk about the habits of another customer. “Tuesdays and Thursdays. He's a sharp cookie, did you know that?” She continued, and oh, she had halfway adopted this college kid, huh? There was warmth and a hint of pride in her tone.
Jason valiantly swallowed the snort. “He looks familiar, but I don't think we have classes together,” he fished. 
“Mm, he's doing some kind of math and engineering,” the lady helpfully supplied. She gave Jason her full attention as she stood up from the table. “And you?”
“Modern language and literature,” Jason said, and sort of wished it was true. He didn't really have the time. Did he? Spoiler was a full-time student, wasn't she? …Huh.
While he chewed that over, the lady had drifted a couple steps closer.
“...Those are two meaningfully different courses?” 
“Modern language is learning additional languages, I'm doing Russian and Greek right now,” Jason lied easily. He was fluent in both already. “Literature is mostly classics, for my purposes. I'm focusing on Regency Lit.” 
She looked very interested, but she detoured away to deposit the dirty dishes behind the counter. They kept up a light conversation about books as she wiped off the table and reset for the next customer. 
When she left, he finally had the chance to check his messages. There was a full-on fight in the group chat. The last message was from Stephanie. She had tagged him and asked, “Is this an optical illusion??? Like that dress?”
Ah, fuck. Jason felt a rock settle in his stomach at the confirmation that something hinky was going on.
‘I can’t read this in public if it’s saying something I can’t control or even know.’
Fucking hell. Jason scrolled back up and checked. Damian listed the correct title. Dick saw what, ‘I thought was Greek at first.’ Stephanie might have been joking but she argued vigorously that it was pictographs that started with a bird. Drake had sent “You rediscovered Minoan Linear A? Cool.” and then not participated in any follow-up discussions. Duke had sent only a stream of confused and tearful emojis.
Cass had marked it read.
“Fair enough, I guess,” Jason muttered to himself. Resentfully he put the book back in his bag. 
What had that guy seen? If he’d just seen something foreign but illegible he wouldn’t have gotten so pissy about it. And who the hell had he been, anyway? Why was he so special?
Well. That was something to do with his afternoon. Jason paid up his bill and gave Phyllis his well-wishes for her doctor’s appointment tomorrow on the way out. Phyllis was a good contact, he would definitely come back for more of her jasmine tea no matter how mad that guy got at him.
…Jason really needed a name.
And found…
He headed to Gotham University and used the student computers to look up departments and then hack into the registrar. Jason flipped through photos until he found his guy: Danny Fenton, 19, sophomore double-major in the Engineering department. Good grades, no notes on his account about academic dishonesty or conflict.
'Little weird to meet two Dannys in a 24 hour period.'
Jason searched the guy online and found…
He let his mouth drop open in disbelief at the batshit insane website design he had stumbled into. The Fenton family had a website, apparently, and they had maybe let a 7 year old design it in 2008. The colors… The lack of centering… The.. the neon choices.
His eyes watered. It took a while to fight down his aesthetic grief and actually start comprehending the text.
He had expected this to be like, an online family newsletter. And it was! The link he had followed detailed “Danno going to college in the big city!!!” The boy himself looked extremely resigned in the attached photo. Seriously, Jason had seen much less mortified mugshots. The thing was, that on the same page, alongside posts about other kids going college (Jazzypants!) and someone called Alicia recovering from “supergout!” with "her eight favorite toes remaining!!!", there was also a lot of mention of ghosts.
Like, a lot.
Jason scrolled in pained disbelief. There were photos that showed extremely weird and dismayed green people obviously flinching away from a camera. A beautiful green woman with her hair halfway over her face snarled through a flood of smoke under the title “Wishywish Ghostie Interviewed: Learn what drives her generous heart!” and an ugly robot motherfucker was seen fleeing under the caption, “Skalker indicates that spook is a GHOST SLUR!”
….Was it a shit post? Just one long shitpost? It had to be a joke site.
Well. No. Jason buried his face in his hands and came to terms with the horrible fact that not only were ghosts real, he was accidentally married to one and this bombastic midwestern family already knew about it. This was his best lead for getting that 'beyond death do you part' separation.
They had been blasting the existence of ghosts for all the world to read, and it hadn’t been news. The Justice League didn’t know about this whole society. The journalism done by– Jason lifted his head to check– Jack Fenton interviewing clearly very unwilling ghosts was the only primary source that he knew of. 
He took a few deep breaths. He came to terms with grief. He decided to block his family from any further involvement in this shitshow, for what remained of his dignity. And he grimly noted down Jack Fenton’s email.
Jason cleared this history and closed down his tabs, feeling a decade older than he had when he had entered the library. He ignored the sultry ‘come talk to me’ eye contact that the student worker was shooting him from behind the counter as he slouched out. 
He stopped for a moment on top of the stairs to watch campus move. He saw the theatre building and the modern language headquarters from his vantage point, along with about half of the student center. There was just a trickle of foot traffic between buildings along paved paths. A few people were hanging out on blankets in the grass. An old man in a suit was taking a phone call next to a crawling rose garden. 
‘Maybe I should go to school.’
Well. After this shit was sorted out. Obviously he could not go to school before he got divorced. It would be torturous to hang out with cute boys his age and be committed to some hot dead mermaid who didn’t even wanna make out with him sloppy. Loser shit on absolutely every level, goddamn.
Jason shoved his hands in his pockets and jogged down the stairs. He kept an eye out for Danny, but had no luck.  
Not that he cared. It was interesting that he had a lead: Danny clearly had some connection to ghosts, and he had been able to read… 
‘Maybe he realized it was a ghost’s property and he thought I stole it?’ Jason realized in a stroke of inspiration. That made more sense. If he knew enough to recognize it as ghost language or whatever, then he might have felt affronted about Jason having it.
He went through his mental checklist to pick out what he did and didn’t know. Once he felt he had a hang on his priorities, he beelined to his own laptop in his favorite safehouse and started looking into the Fentons in more depth.
It was a great lead. It was suspiciously good, in fact, he thought as he found Jack Fenton’s online family newsletter again. What were the odds that he would run into Danny Fenton in a cafe that Jason had never even been in before? It had been a total fluke that he’d entered. He’d been walking past to a favorite place and then just had the urge to try the dark little family cafe.
‘…Ah, fuck’, Jason sighed. More ghost shit. It had to be. Something about Danny Fenton’s ghost shit had registered to him now that he’d been exposed to ghost central.
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imjustasimpxd · 11 months
My Angel (Part Two)
➬ Reiner Braun x Fem reader
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Part One | Part Three | Masterlist | Blog Home | Aot Masterlist
Summary : Reiner was always taught that the devils of Paradis were vicious creatures, but what is he supposed to do when he soon finds himself reluctantly falling for one? Or when he is forced to go back to Marley and leave her altogether?
Word count : around 5, 200 words
Warnings : Again, very angsty. Reiner feels guilty about what he’s done, reader is angry with him. Crying, mentions of heartbreak. Spoilers for season 4 part one.
Author’s notes : reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on😊
Disclaimer : this is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
Side Note : this fic, and everything else I’ve written on my blog, is mine and only mine. I work very hard on everything I write so do not, under any circumstances, modify, copy, or steal my work.
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❗️Important Note❗️
There will in fact be a part three! While I was writing part two, it ended up becoming so long that I just decided to split it up. That’s why this chapter leaves off on a cliffhanger (and that’s also why it took me so long to post this one). But I thank you all for your patience. If anyone else wants to be tagged for part three then let me know in the comments! :)))
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“Can I please ask where exactly we’re going?” Reiner questioned, his voice lacing with a hint of annoyance as Falco gripped his arm, anxiously pulling him towards the city’s back alleys.
“I told you it’s a surprise! A friend of yours wants to say hi before the show starts!” Falco explained, glancing backward at his superior with a cheerful smile as he continued to pull him in the opposite direction.
“Is that right?” Reiner spoke sarcastically, scoffing quietly to himself as he took in the boy’s words.
What was Falco really up to?
Surely the whole “a friend wants to say hi” explanation was made up; because Reiner Braun wasn’t exactly a man you would think of as having friends.
Sure, he was surrounded by people a lot of the time, and he even had allies with whom he got along pretty well with. But even so, Reiner knew he was nothing more than a comrade to them; nothing more than a vessel to wield the armored titan.
But that was okay, because they were nothing more than comrades to him.
With being born Eldian as well as being a warrior for Marley’s military force, Reiner Braun didn’t exactly have the time, luxury, or frankly, the mental strength to seek out any social interactions beyond strictly work-related ones.
Well, at least, not anymore.
He made that mistake once, and in doing so, it cost him the demolition of a poor woman’s heart; as well as his own.
In fear that opening up to another person again might cause that beating vessel in his chest to truly see itself past repair, Reiner Braun had decided to close himself off from others, refusing to repeat those tragic events of his past.
So, with that in mind, who exactly was this “person” that Falco was happily dragging him by the arm to see?
It couldn’t have been anyone he was genuinely close with; there wasn’t anyone like that for him, not anymore at least. Any authentic connections he once had with people were now severed, collapsed by the calamity he caused back on that forsaken island.
So who on earth was he being forced to see?
“It’s just in here!” Falco said excitedly, his finger pointing toward a wooden door as they rounded the corner; one that lead to a basement stationed under an older apartment complex.
From the outside, the place looked dim and run down, its location secluded to a quiet and unfrequented street.
The very sight had Reiner scratching his head in confusion. Of all places, why here? Why pick such an isolated area to meet with him? Not only that, but why would this person send a naive little boy to escort him to this place instead of just contacting Reiner directly?
Was this a trap he was walking into?
Should he leave?
Like a flame set to brush, panic began spreading through Reiner’s veins. His free hand was gripped into a strained fist and his eyes darted in all directions, watching out for any surprise attacks.
If this really was a trap, if someone was anticipating charging at him, then he’d be ready for it.
Suddenly, the wooden door opened. Loud groans from the beat-down hinges filled the air, followed by the sound of footsteps; footsteps that belonged to a dark, hooded figure.
Reiner’s eyes widened at the scene before him, an eerie feeling twisting in his stomach as he watched the mysterious person walk out the door; heading in his direction.
Whoever it was, he thought about fighting them off, even going as far as raising both his hands in the air to assume a defensive stance.
However, that’s when he caught a glimpse of Falco next to him. The little boy had started to head towards the figure, almost as if he was acquainted with the human; if it even was human.
“Falco wait!” Reiner quickly followed in the boy’s footsteps, gripping his arm before he could walk any closer to the person. “We should leave.” He suggested, anxiously tugging on the boy’s limb in hopes to urge him back in the opposite direction.
“It’s okay Mr. Braun,” Falco smiled, quick to reassure his superior. “This is where he said to meet him.”
Who’s he? Was it that person lurking around with the cloak draped across their face? Or was there someone inside as well?
Reiner didn’t have any answers, nor did he have a definite resolve on how to react in this situation. Should he trust Falco’s judgment and allow this “meetup” to happen? Or should he grab the boy and run while he still had the chance?
The latter seemed like the best option, especially considering the fact that Falco was just a child, and therefore could’ve easily been manipulated into something dangerous.
He wanted to trust Falco’s words, but it was too risky. If something happened, the boy’s blood would be on Reiner’s hands; and he couldn’t bear the weight of any more sorrow, or any more guilt.
“We’re leaving, Falco!” Reiner insisted, readjusting his grip on the boy’s arm to forcefully pull him away from the situation.
Although, just as he’d turned around to take those first few steps, he heard something that made his body freeze, and his heart clench.
“If you’re done arguing you can go on ahead. He’s waiting for you inside.”
That voice. Reiner knew that voice.
It was the same one he used to hear nagging at him to wake up in the early mornings. The same voice that used to comfort him whenever he was feeling disheartened.
It was… the same voice he never thought he’d have the pleasure of hearing ever again…
All he received was one simple sentence, but that was all the verification he needed. There was no doubt in his mind, the voice he heard: belonged to you.
“Y/n?!” His body immediately turned around to face the hooded figure. His eyes then squinted, trying to see more than just the gentle silhouette of a pair of lips and a jawline that was exposed by the moonlight’s glow.
The figure froze at his words, saying nothing in response; almost as if they didn’t anticipate being recognized.
“Y/n, is that you?” Reiner asked again, hoping to earn a response this time.
However, there was none; at least, not a verbal one.
All he gained was a sudden flinch that occurred once he spoke that name a second time, followed by the subtle shaking of fingertips that poked out from the sleeves of the cloak.
You must’ve been scared, embarrassed; perhaps even both.
And who would blame you for it? The last time you saw him he had slaughtered more than half of your comrades. Who knows what he’s capable of now after four years have passed?
“Falco?” Reiner finally broke the silence, glancing down at the boy he was still holding on to. “Why don’t you go on inside, I’ll be with you in a minute.”
However, before the boy could open his mouth to speak, he was quickly interrupted. “There’s no reason for him to leave! I’m not staying to chat.” A stern voice echoed past the cloak covering your face, but that didn’t phase Reiner.
He knew it was you from the moment that first syllable left your lips, even more so now that you’d spoken a second time.
Your tone was serious, added with a hint of aggression in order to scare him off, but he wouldn’t be turned away by that. Not when this was the chance he’d been silently praying for ever since he left that island four years ago. The chance to finally see you once again, even for just a moment.
Now that this chance was finally here, standing in front of him, there was no way he’d let it slip away; regardless of the tone you used with him.
“Just a few minutes?!” He insisted, taking a few steps forward in case you were preparing to run away. “Please?” He asked in a much quieter tone, his eyes practically begging for you to give in, to grant him even the smallest portion of your time.
Even after all these years he still knew how to persuade you, didn’t he? He must’ve, otherwise, your mouth would’ve never opened to let out a frustrated “Five minutes and that’s it!”
Reiner’s shoulders quickly relaxed at your words. His head then turned towards Falco subsequently, giving him a quick nod of his head: which apparently was his signal to “get going.”
Falco’s gaze switched between Reiner and the person he was apparently dying to speak to. The boy was unsure of what was going on, or who that unidentified person even was, but nevertheless, Falco knew better than to argue with his superior; so he’d comply with the orders given to him.
“S-sure…I’ll just, be inside then…” Falco spoke hesitantly, slowly backing away to walk toward the wooden door. He stopped momentarily after placing his fingers on the handle, almost as if he was waiting for Reiner to change his mind. But after receiving no signs of a change of heart, Falco reluctantly opened the door and stepped inside; closing it behind him.
The moment that wooden door shut, an unpleasant silence filled the air. Instead of partaking in the “conversation” you were supposed to have, the two of you just stood in silence.
You didn’t dare speak up. Reiner was the one who made you stay after all, if anyone should be the first to start this conversation it was him.
Your eyes were fixated on him with a calloused glare, your lips refusing to part even the slightest bit.
Reiner on the other hand, wore an expression more timid and anxious than yours.
He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, fingers fidgeting with each other as he contemplated the best way to start this conversation.
“I uh…” He tried to speak, but the words fumbled in his mouth, leaving just as quickly as they came.
It’s ironic, just a moment ago he was begging for you to stay so that he could have the chance to talk to you, but now that his chance had finally arrived, he couldn’t think of anything to say.
As he stood there, overanalyzing a potential response, he noticed the way you scoffed, clearly annoyed at his delay in response.
You were growing impatient with him, and if he didn’t take the opportunity to speak with you now, you’d most likely never allow him another chance to waste your time again.
So, after what had seemed like hours of silence, when in reality was more like 1 minute, Reiner finally spoke up.
“Can you take off the hood?”
Your eyes quickly narrowed in confusion at his odd request. Out of everything he could’ve asked, everything he could’ve apologized for, this is the first thing he says?
“Why?” You questioned, still unsure of his intentions on the matter.
“I just…” He began, but his words quickly started to fade out, almost as if he felt unworthy to be asking in the first place.
Nevertheless, you were persistent.
“You just what?!” You snapped, frustrated at his apparent dedication to withhold information from you; a recurring dedication at that.
“I just…” he inhaled shakily before speaking, “I want to see your face.”
You paused at his words, taking a moment to process what he’d just said. After expecting something pitiful, or perhaps even bitter coming from him, it was quite a shock to receive this: a fairly tender request.
He wanted to see your face? Why? What difference would that make?
It’d be the same one he saw four years ago, nothing’s changed; at least, not to you.
Despite asking for something which would require him to look upwards, Reiner kept his eyes glued to the ground, as if he felt undeserving to see you again. It wasn’t until he heard the heavy sigh that jerked past your lips, along with the quiet “fine” you gave in response to his request that made him finally look up.
As his gaze lifted, watching you pull that gloomy hood off your head, Reiner was met with a flashback of memories.
It all reappeared in an instant: the sound of your adorable laugh, the way your hair looked when the sun glistened across it, even the small little habits he’d discovered about you as time went by; they were all coming back, recollecting in his mind clearer than if it all happened a day ago.
Reminding him, painfully, of a time when things were simpler, when he was happier, and, most regretfully, a time when he had you.
Pulling off that hood allowed him to finally lay eyes upon a face he hadn’t seen in ages. A face he used to watch soundly sleeping next to him at night, placing gentle kisses all over when no one was around.
It was the same face he used to stare at in fascination; taken back by the beautiful way your lips would curve upwards into a smile, or even the way your eyes radiated the most alluring shade of color when the sun shone across your skin.
That face was one he had desperately longed to observe once more for the entirety of four long years, and coincidentally, it was the same face that now stared him down with an irritated glare.
Absent was the sparkle your eyes once held for the man standing before you, and gone was the loving countenance you were never hesitant to grant him.
Now your face lay still, your features refusing to move even the smallest bit in case it were to form some sort of pleasant expression towards him accidentally.
Who was this woman?
If not for the fact that he had easily identified her face, Reiner wouldn’t have recognized her.
Where was the kind and loving woman he fell in love with? Was she not the one standing before him now?
No, this woman was different. This one seemed to hold an inkling of abhorrence towards him, easily provoked by just his presence alone.
Was this… the product of his own making?
Was this… what he’d turned you into?
As if he wasn’t tormented enough by his decision, now he was witnessing the consequences of his actions unfold before his very eyes.
“How.. how are you here?” Reiner stuttered, still in shock over the fact that you were actually standing there; that for whatever reason, his prayers to see you again had finally been answered.
“I’m only here in service of a friend; nothing else.”
Your response was so vague, so cold; nothing like the endearing way you used to speak to him.
“Which friend?”
“It doesn’t matter,” You replied forbiddingly. Your tone sounded so distant, so unfriendly towards him.
To think, the last time he heard your voice, it had told him “Goodnight, I love you.” But now that voice was harsh as it spoke, probably regretful of saying those very words after waking up to find out he’d abandoned you that next morning.
The difference in your tone was beginning to eat away at Reiner, straining that beating vessel in his chest more and more with each look of your indignant expression. As if you’d just picked up a shovel and started digging, deepening his guilt further than it already was; if that was even possible.
“Your minutes are up by the way, and I have to leave.” You suddenly spoke, hoping your statement was bleak enough to end the conversation, meaning you could finally leave; finally be free of him.
“Wait!” Just before you could escape, Reiner quickly reached forward and grabbed your wrist, clinging to it as if his life was hinging on it. “Wait please, don’t leave…”
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He deserved that. Honestly, he deserved more than that.
Call him whatever names you could think of, and he would let you, he’d allow every single one of them, no matter how excruciating, because he knew they were true; because deep down he knew he deserved them.
“I’m not interested in what you have to say, Reiner.” Your words were like knives to his heart, causing the already aching organ to shudder yet again. “Whatever it is you should’ve said it four years ago.”
Was that true?
If he really did explain it to you before he left, would things be different now? Would you have understood his situation? Understood why he had to do it?
Why he had to leave?
“Please,” he implored, desperately maintaining that grip on your wrist. “Please, just let me explain it to you.”
It was pathetic, how he was begging like this, pleading for you to stay and hear him out as if he wasn’t the one that left you in the first place.
“Nothing you say will change what happened.”
He knew that was true, but in spite of that, he still refused to let you go again without telling you, without apologizing at the very least.
“I know,” he admitted, a glossy haze shimmering in his eyes as he looked at you. “But please, I want you to know the truth.”
A part of you wanted to leave, to deny him any further chances to cause you more pain with an explanation. However, another part of you wanted an apology. You wanted to hear his side of the story; to hear whatever excuse he had for abandoning you. No matter how twisted, or pitiful, his reasoning was, you couldn’t deny you had questions you wanted him to answer.
“Fine then. Tell me.” You quickly adjusted your posture, staring at him with your eyebrows raised; a gesture he remembered you only used when you were serious about something.
“Why did you betray us?”
Here it was, the moment he had been waiting for since this conflict arose: his chance to finally be understood, to be seen as more than just the traitor he was made out to be.
“I was given orders,” he started, retracting his hand from your wrist now that you’d clearly abandoned the option to run. “I had no choice but to follow them.”
“And what were your orders?” Your voice sounded heavy, almost as if it was hurting to bring all this back up again; like a wound that was still fresh, still desperately trying to heal itself.
Reiner’s mouth remained shut, his head lowering as he closed his eyes, not wanting to answer your question. He knew he’d be made to look like the villain no matter what he said, no matter which way he worded it.
Did that mean he really was the villain?
In your eyes, maybe.
Perhaps you’d never accept his side of the story, never be able to see past the wretched sins he’d carried out. But regardless, even if he never got the forgiveness he so desperately wanted from you, he couldn’t hide from the truth any longer. It was time to embrace it, all of it.
“They told us to sneak in and make allies first, that way we had the people’s trust and no one would suspect us.” He sighed, his eyes refusing to look up at you in fear of the face you’d make upon hearing his confession. “Once the time came, we were ordered to steal the founding titan by whatever means necessary. And if anyone tried to stop us, we had permission to silence them, using whatever tactics we deemed fit.”
Reiner’s heart felt tight as he let those words out, his shame growing stronger now that he was remembering it all, remembering what he’d done.
How did things end up like this?
He was just trying to do what he was trained to do: save the world from ruin; that’s all. But here he was now, that mission an embarrassing failure as he reminisced on his actions; the same actions that caused such sorrow for so many people, including himself.
And as if things weren’t bad enough, as if Reiner wasn’t feeling guilty already, he heard a sudden change in your breathing that could only mean one thing: you were beginning to cry.
“No, wait!” His head quickly lifted to look at you, instantly regretting it as your distressed face came into view. “Please, don’t cry.” He begged, using his thumb to wipe away the liquid collecting on your skin; which you surprisingly allowed him to do without putting up a fight.
“Don’t cry, okay? Not for me.” He demanded, despite his own eyes welling up with tears as well.
He just couldn’t bear it, knowing he was hurting you yet again.
It was almost as if nothing had changed, even after all those years. As if he was reliving those horrors of his past once more, reliving that anguish he saw imprinted across your visage when you found out he was the armored titan; the same armored titan that had killed so many of your friends.
You didn’t understand it, even now.
Was the man who used to dote on you really the same person as the one who carried out such violence and hatred against your people?
How could that be true? How could he have done such a thing, committed such betrayal against the woman he loved?
What changed? Was it something you did?
Or perhaps a more gut-wrenching explanation: he never loved you to begin with. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to give you up, maybe, this was his plan all along.
“What else?” You asked, your voice trembling in the process.
Reiner’s face quickly scrunched in confusion, unsure of what you were getting at. “What do you mean?”
“Were those your only orders?” Tears quickly began trickling down your face faster than Reiner could stop, your gaze looking more despondent than ever. “Was there really not anything else?” Your lips parted to let out a stinging sob, one that seemed like it’d been held in for too long.
It was obvious you were waiting for some sort of answer from him, and every second he delayed with a response was only tormenting you further.
But, even so, it didn’t change the fact that Reiner didn’t understand what you were asking of him; or what you wanted to hear so badly.
Your eyes stared at him in sorrow, more tears absorbing into your skin before you asked your question one last time; phrasing it differently now.
“Was falling in love with me a part of your mission too? Was I just another means to accomplish your end goal?”
Reiner’s heart convulsed at your words, his mouth agape to let out a pained gasp.
Did he just hear that right?
A tool?! Is that really what you thought? Is that really all you assumed you were worth to him?
As if you could ever be such a thing.
Granted, he understood how you may have assumed that, given the matter of his betrayal and all. But, despite that, he never expected such an absurd accusation.
There was a wide range of names you could’ve called him: a traitor, a liar, a monster; anything, and he would’ve accepted it; He would’ve owned up to it.
But this: questioning whether or not his affection towards you was genuine; that was one accusation he’d never admit to.
You were never a tool, you weren’t even a part of his plan to begin with. Falling in love with a woman of Paradis wasn’t exactly one of the orders he received when he was assigned to that mission. In fact, getting involved with you went against the sole purpose of him being there; the sole purpose of his assignment.
He was sent there to exterminate the Eldian race, to wipe out every last one of those despicable beings so that the world could finally be safe.
Falling in love wasn’t an order laid out in his job description at all, much less with a woman of Paradis. And yet, he did.
Reiner was a strategic man, he wasn’t one to easily abandon orders, no matter how difficult they may be. That in itself should’ve been enough to prove his affection toward you; because he never would’ve done such a thing had he not felt it was worth it, had he not felt you were worth it.
Nevertheless, here you were, teeth gritted in frustration as you impatiently awaited his answer.
Your face spoke only of torment, and it pained Reiner to have to witness it. The way your eyes were slanting together in an unsuccessful attempt to subdue your tears, your fingers curling into fists to help better contain your irritation, all of it was a clear sign of the repercussions his decision to abandon the woman he loved had caused.
It was just like the last time, you were falling to pieces over him once more, and Reiner couldn’t stand the sight of it.
Your gentle cries may not have been as loud and mournful as they were four years ago, but it didn’t matter; the fact that you were even crying in the first place was enough to make that twisting sensation return to his stomach; possibly becoming permanent at this rate.
Reiner stretched his arm out to grasp your hand, hoping to console you, however, you quickly backed away, refusing to let him touch you.
“I don’t want your pity!” you spat, your fragile body trembling from both the anger and suffering fueling inside. “I just want the truth! Did you ever love me?”
Was that even a question?
Yes, he was fully aware that it would’ve been hard to believe the authenticity of someone who’d abandoned you; someone who so easily decided to turn against you, as if doing so didn’t phase them in the slightest.
But regardless, ignoring the heinous crimes he’d committed, did you still believe he never loved you?
Were his actions before this messy conflict never enough to convince you of his sentiments?
What about all the times he’d hold you in his arms, whispering to you about how happy you made him feel? Did you really not believe any of that? Was he pouring out his heart’s inner-most secrets for nothing?
Or what about the times he’d surprise you with food, despite rations being low? He almost got caught stealing food for you so many times; which was unwise of him considering the fact that it could’ve possibly had him kicked out of the survey corps: meaning his whole plan to infiltrate the military would’ve gone up in flames.
Or, perhaps how he’d always try to keep an eye on you during missions, making sure you never encountered something too dangerous for you to handle. You always complained that he was being too paranoid, but it was only because, unlike you, he was aware of the kind of power titans held; the kind of pain they could’ve, he could’ve, inflicted upon a tiny human being.
All he ever wanted was to protect you, to do what was best for you. Did you really never realize that?
Even after he made Annie and Bertholdt promise not to lay a hand on you during their countless fights with the survey corps, even after all the times he put your saftey before his own mission, was it still never enough?
Even when he left you behind, did you really never consider the fact that he could’ve been doing it because he thought it’s what’s best for you?
You would’ve never been safe with someone like him, so he spared you from that danger by leaving.
Even though he caused you much pain by doing so, did you still never put that together?
“I understand if you don’t believe me when I say this,” Reiner began, “But I never stopped loving you.”
Even before any words left your lips, the doubtful look stringing along your face was enough to tell Reiner that you didn’t believe him; or were highly skeptical at the very least.
“If that’s true, then why wasn’t that enough for you to stay?”
He’d asked himself the same question so many times before. Why didn’t he just give up on his mission and stay with you? It’s not like he wouldn’t have preferred that option in comparison to the one he chose.
Why didn’t he just let the Marleyans presume him dead, forgetting his life in Marley and starting a new one with you on Paradis?
He wanted to, he considered it even. But there was one factor he was forgetting that made all the difference; one tiny reminder that convinced him to abandon that option in the end: you deserved better.
If he stayed behind like you would’ve wanted him to, like he would’ve wanted to, then he would’ve been living a lie; deception would’ve been rooted at the heart of your relationship.
He would’ve never been able to fully open up to you because doing so would mean he told you the truth about his past, about where he’s from and why he came here in the first place. He’d have to fabricate every detail about his life up until this point; tricking you into believing he was born inside the walls just like you. He’d need to have an excuse for everything: why his parents weren’t around, where he was born, what his home life was like, everything.
Nothing about his life would be real anymore, from the moment he’d wake up, to the second he drifted off to sleep at night, he’d be living a lie.
Every time he’d look at your innocent expression he’d be reminded of the secrets he was keeping from you, the lies he was tricking you with; and he couldn’t live like that. He refused to live like that.
“Staying would’ve only put you in danger, so I left, taking the danger with me.”
“I see.” Your voice was strained, as if you were having trouble processing everything. The shock from seeing him again so unexpectedly still hadn’t exactly worn off yet, and with the addition of all this new information piled on top, you didn’t necessarily know what to say; or how to react.
So, instead, you remained silent, hoping some ideas might materialize inside your head as you waited.
However, you weren’t kept waiting for long because Reiner quickly took an initiative to speak once again, asking something that left you stunned,
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
Your head quickly flung upwards to look at him, contemplating whether or not you heard him right.
“What??” You asked, aghastly, desperately hoping you misheard his question.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” He repeated, unfortunately proving that your ears were working just fine, and that you did in fact hear him correctly the first time.
He only meant it as a farewell, nothing more.
He knew this might very well be the last time he ever saw you again, so, with that in mind, he wanted to leave you with something pleasant to remember him by.
He had every intention of letting you go, he’d walk away and you’d never have to see him again afterward.
Just one last memory with you, that’s all he wanted. One last moment to reminisce on the merriment of his past before he let you go for good.
That’s what he wanted at least, but, when you finally uttered a response, he realized it might’ve been too much to ask for.
“I’m with someone else now, Reiner.”
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Part One | Part Three | Masterlist | Blog Home | Aot Masterlist
(YES THERE WILL BE A PART THREE. So comment below if you want to be tagged).
Tags : @thebadbatch @mvteria @nervouslad @ah-finally @usagikookiejams
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moodymisty · 2 months
𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝕸𝖊
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Part 1 of 5 - Part 2
Author's Note: It's here! The first chapter of the Yandere Salamander/Fem!Reader/Yandere Night Lord love triangle(corner) fic! It's going to be 4 chapters (5 actually you'll see tehe) and I drafted a good portion of it in advance so it should be smooth posting? We'll see. Enjoy!
Summary: A Night Lord becomes interested in you while you stand under the eyes of your Salamander guardian, and you find yourself stuck between two titans.
Relationship: Yandere!Salamander/Fem!Reader/Yandere!Night Lord
Warnings: Hints of nsfw at points, Yandere, Size differences, Very toxic suffocating relationship(s), Some knight/princess dynamics, Demeaning language, Both these guys have hero complexes, Violence blood and bruises and possibly death to say without spoilers
Word Count: 2068
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Word travels fast aboard even the largest of ships, you had learned quite quickly.
Space marine legions are not fond of working with one another, was what you had learned first. Many times even different squads within this same Legion can butt heads, as different styles of commanding and battle conflict with one other. Salamanders often try and remain cordial when problems within them arise, but friction was and is inevitable.
The second, was Vulkan was apparently quite firm with his legion that they were to welcome their temporary allies with respect. At least that is what you’ve heard from any Salamander that you’ve heard mumbling as you pass by, or any that have given you a moment of their time. That’s all you know, and these tidbits of knowledge fail to put together a full picture that you can understand. Their lips have been quite tight other than the bare minimum they believe you need to know.
Or what you can get from them if you ask very nicely; Much like the Commissars and Lords you've dealt with over the years, it seems Salamanders aren't immune to a bit of flattery also. You just need to make sure he doesn't find out, as you know how displeased he gets whenever he finds out you went wandering around chattering with his brothers.
Speaking of...
You can ask him about it; You just need to wait for him.
He always visits you in the librarium, once his second round of training is concluded. He then goes for his five hours of rest, and the cycle restarts. Though even if it isn't that time, you know he still keeps a keen eye on you.
You don’t wish to bother him with an issue as seemingly meaningless as gossip, but none of your fellows have been able to piece together what's happening, as none of the Salamanders have loosened their lips about it in the slightest.
It's made you more than a bit unnerved; Knowing that something is wrong but no one will tell you what it is. The tenseness in your neck is worse, and sirens and calls once normal now make you jolt when they sound off.
The large piece of parchment in front of you remains nearly empty, apart from the crude outline. Commander Artellus's face is fresh in your mind, but you for some reason can't put it to parchment.
You hear the sound of harsh, heavy boots on the ground, and turn to see who you've been waiting for coming towards you. You shift in your seat and turn to see him coming.
“Ralkan; You’re back,”
You smile wide at him, a put down the pen you'd been fruitlessly trying to use. The way his eyes look down at you is warm, his helmet hanging on the side of his hip. He stands close to where you sit alone at the massive table, covered in a mess of materials. The ink in your well shakes with waves, when he steps closer.
“You should have been there this time. I feel like I'm missing something now without your curious looks.”
You smile even wider and laugh, remembering the time. He had outpreformed Salamanders his senior, and you wondered if he was overdue for an ascension in rank, or if he was simply showing off.
“I'll come next time. As long as your battle brothers don’t mind me seeing your training again.”
He places a massive gauntlet on your shoulderblades, thumb against the side of your neck.
"They won't, I am sure of it. Though I hope you'll reserve your cheering only for me again."
His hand brushes along the upper half of your back before it slides away, his chainsword hanging neatly on his back. He looks out the massive window to the vast reaches of space directly in front of your makeshift desk for a moment, before pulling his bolter off his thigh and checking it.
He’s always meticulous. He’s been trained into flawless discipline, and it shows in every aspect of his existence. From the way he keeps his thoughts closed to the way each piece of armor and each weapon must be meticulously maintained.
You can hear the mechanics of his armor shift as he moves, but you can only tolerate few more beats of the near silence before you can’t help it anymore. Your pen twirls in your hand as a soothing gesture before you speak up.
You look up to him, sniffling from the disturbed dust in your nose. He turns to look at you as you abandon your parchment, and finally put pen down and place your ink stained hands in your lap.
You hesitate for a moment, pursing your lips and looking away from his hard gaze as he turns back to you.
“What is happening?”
He is genuinely confused by your question for a moment, before he realizes what it is you're asking about, and his face stiffens. But still he doesn't answer. It irks you; Thinking that he’s trying to keep this all from you. You add on to your earlier question.
“I know that you are going to be fighting alongside another legion, but why are all of you acting like it's something you're all dreading?”
Perhaps you might simply be a guest aboard this ship, gifted from Terra to a legion eager to put their deeds to written memory, but you wish to know more than the servitors do. You pull your hands from your lap and lightly slap the table with them, gripping the edge.
“Ralkan, Who are the Night Lords?”
It is so instantly apparent that you struck something in him, as his body visibly tenses and his face briefly flashes with anger as a legion's name other than his own leaves your tongue.
He makes eye contact with you, the burning red of his eyes making your curiosity waver. But you still want to know- need to know. He takes a step closer, and his left hand rests against the surface of the table. He lets out a tense breath.
“The Night Lords are the 8th legion. They," Ralkan tries to find the words, pausing for a moment. "The way they wage battle is in near direct opposition to us Salamanders."
He speaks the name with a stern, cold demeanor. It fills you with a hesitant sort of interest.
These legions; Have they really developed cultures so unique that they find themselves unrecognizable to each other?
“They have no respect. They will cull entire cities for the slightest infraction.” He looks to you, and he catches that your curiosity it still taking hold; You lack the fear that he's trying to instill in you.
He takes a step forward, and you can hear his armor hiss and grind as he lowers to a knee, now only a head taller than you as you sit. He puts his hand on your shoulder again, but it lacks the gentleness it had the last time, as he grabs tight and forces you to face him. You wouldn’t be able to pull away even if you wanted to; And while he is still trying to be gentle, his gauntlet still yearns to bruise your skin underneath your clothing. The seams of his armor dig into your flesh even through the fabric.
“They are going to be crawling over the ship soon. Do not let them even see you. You cannot run from them and they will know it.” His hand makes sure you can’t look even the tiniest bit away from him. “They will take advantage of your weakness. You must stay here, in your quarters, or close to me. I was charged with protecting you, and I will see it through.”
There’s not many places on this ship you go, at least without him. He is your guard, or perhaps more accurately your handler. He is in charge of making sure you don’t wander where you don’t belong, as even if the Salamanders have been welcoming to a remembrancer on their ship, they have their limits. For your safely and their privacy.
This ship- A world for giants, it isn't meant for someone like you either. Ralkan makes it a bit easier to navigate.
Though out of all the titles he's been given, he seems to enjoy calling himself your knight first and foremost. You assume it’s simply a part of their culture, you’ve heard other Salamanders call themselves knights as well. The tone is different, but you assume it’s simply Ralkan’s own brand of oddity. Perhaps he isn't fully cognizant of the intimate undertone behind saying such a thing to you.
Stuck in his grip, your nose wrinkles as you try to say something in defiance, to learn a bit more, but you know this it all you'll get from him. Even if you ask sweetly.
“I just wanted to know what was happening. I'll," You turn your face away from him and blow air from between your tight lips. "I'll stop the questions about it."
There isn’t much you can say otherwise in the matter anyhow. You want to trust him, and to listen to him, but perhaps it’s simply curiosity that makes you hesitate on the matter. Or naivety he probably assumes, as much as that irritates you.
He lets out an audible sigh of relief, and loosens the hand on your shoulder, it drifting up your neck before it cups your jaw. The other joins it on the opposite side, holding your face in his gauntlets. They're so gentle, even with cold ceramite between your skin and his.
“You know I do this to protect you, yes?” He continues, his eyes soft as they gaze over you. “I only want for you to be safe here. With me. I have seen these astartes before; I know what they are capable of.”
His eyes are warm, brow softened. You always enjoy when he looks at you this way, even if you might fear of what lays between you being far beyond the supposed title of knight and his charge. 
He leans forward, and his forehead touches your own. You feel like he wishes to do more, but is forcing it back. Your bare hand lays overtop of his gauntlet, and you smile at him.
But after a moment, he leans back away from you.
“I must leave now. My brothers and I are part of the battalion that is due to greet our temporary allies.” 
You so desperately don’t want him to leave, but at the same time, you wonder if the weight on your chest will finally dissipate if he does.
He rises, and in doing so also removes his hands from your jaw. His cape shifts behind him just barely brushing against the floor, and you swear you can hear the crackling of a vox channel in his helmet. His battalion must be calling for him.
“I will return soon. Please, do not forget what I have said.” You nod in understanding, and pick up your pen. He smiles at you after you do, and turns to leave. You turn to watch for a moment, until he's out of your sight. You turn back to face the table and let out a sigh, rubbing your jaw.
You didn’t want him to leave, but at times Ralkan can be so, suffocating. His very energy is that way, many of the astartes are, but Ralkan seems to have his grip around you particularly tight.
You sum it up to him being dedicated to the safely of their brand new remembrancer. The sheen of a new toy that hasn't worn off yet. Or perhaps him simply wishing to make sure you don't deviate from the path, and tread where you aren't welcome.
You assume the ladder, though the way he looks at you fills you with doubt.
You aren't opposed to him being fond, but he is so overwhelming. You might consider yourself lucky you think you feel the same way, as you don't know if you'd be able to get free of his grip if you didn't.
You don’t forget his words, but as you write word after word, and the drawing of Commander Artellus's face slowly forms, your mind begins to fall into the paper, and his voice becomes little more than a tickle in the back of your mind.
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eywathemother · 1 year
Fish Lips Chapter 8
Ship: Aonung x Kiri's twin sister!Reader
Warnings: Language, bullying, gore, fighting, talk of war, injury and blood, slow burn, enemies to lovers (not really a warning just some people don't like that trope), death of (a) character(s), not proofread
Words: 2,817
Keys: (y/n) = your name,,(y/i/n) = your Ikran's name,, Neural Queue= the braid extension of a Na'vi's nervous system that allows them to link up to animals and Ewya,,(y/II/n) = your ilu's name,, Veysom = Spicy meat (lmfao),, (y/n/n) = your nickname),, Bold is English,, Italic is sign language,,Bold italics is when you're communicating with Kiri,,
Chapters; Introduction || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 ||
Spoilers for Avatar: The Way of Water A whole ass lot.
I'm sorry this is so late, I was planning on posting it way earlier in the week but I kept deleting the chapter cuz I hated it.
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You yawned, bored out of your mind. You told Aonung you needed to resurface for air, but really just to take a breather from Aonung's constant teasing. Your ears flicked uncomfortably as you tried to get water out of them. You haven't even reached the hunting area yet, Aonung was taking his slow ass time getting you both there.
Aonung popped up next to you, wearing a big grin." Forest girl get enough air, yet?" He teased, cocking his head a bit and watching your face scrunch in annoyance. " I'm trying to get water out of my ear." You mumbled, flicking and rubbing your ear to try and get the water out.
You tilted your head a bit, feeling some of the water leave your ear." Tilit your head more." He pushed his hand against your head, pushing it down a bit more. You swatted his hand away and he rolled his eyes.
You did as he told you though and flicked your ear while shaking your head a bit. Finally, your hearing came back, and you smiled, less annoyed. You felt a hand wrap around your tail, and you turned around sharply. Aonung had your tail in his hand, inspecting it.
" What do you even use these tails for?" He asked and you grabbed your tail away from him and held it to your chest." It's to help balance and grip and stuff." You grumbled, pulling your tail back behind you." Kind of like how you guys use your slappers to help guide your swimming." You poked his cheek, this time he swatted your hand away.
" Slappers??" He questioned; an amused smile grew on his face." One of your friends used it to slap my brother in the face." You chuckled, honestly that fight was quite humorous to you now." You probably missed it since you were too busy getting your ass beat."
You laughed at him, and he pushed you off your ilu. You could hear his laughter from below the water. Breaching the surface you splashed water at him, hitting his face." Jackass." You hissed, hopping back on your ilu.
" Are we gonna get going or just continue to sit here?" You asked, readjusting your position a bit." Someone's in a hurry. Do you not enjoy my company?" He stuck his bottom lip out, pretending to be upset. " No, I do not." You spoke with a blank stare, obviously joking. At least to you, but Aonung seemed to take this seriously. He looked a bit hurt and you laughed at him.
" I'm just joking you big baby." You poked your elbow at him, and he looked at you annoyed." Besides, isn't that your dream? To be free of the duty to watch the Sully kids?" You teased him with a grin. He scoffed." Yeah, well it's too late for that..now I'm stuck with you guys." He chaffed, then he gestured outward towards the waters." Ready?"
Soon you were headed off again, followed by more of Aonung's silent teasing. The spot wasn't far from where you took a small breather break, but it was far enough from shore that your Marui wasn't in view anymore.
When you came back up for air you stopped next to Aonung." We won't be going outside the reef, right?" You side-eyed him." I don't want you abandoning me." You sent him a teasing look, but your voice had a hint of seriousness to it.
" I would never do that." He started; he flicked your shoulder." I don't want to get in trouble again because of a Sully." You smirked." Oh, it'll happen again as long as you hang around Lo'ak."
" We're here." He stated, ignoring your comment about your littlest brother. He motioned for you to follow him as he got off his ilu and dived into the water. You followed, as fast you could. Of course, you were a bit slower than him, but you still managed to be that fastest out of your siblings.
He didn't seem as annoyed to wait a bit by the coral below as you swam to catch up to him. 'You okay on air?' He signed and you rolled your eyes.' Yes, we haven't even been down here long.' He gave you a look, annoyance on his face.' You're the one who is always going up forest girl.'
You wanted to smack him hard, he was starting to piss you off. You both turned to the fish that were swimming unknowingly near you both. You hid a bit more behind Aonung, scared you would scare off the fish. Your skin was a much more prominent blue, and you took that into consideration when hunting. So, you often placed yourself in a very well-hidden spot or behind the Metkayinan you were hunting with.
Aonung seemed annoyed by this and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you closer.' How are you supposed to hunt hiding like that.' He moved a bit to place you in front, gesturing you to go first. You squinted at him, still not fully trusting him because of what Lo'ak told you.
' Why don't you go first.' You signed to him, nudging him to move in front of you.' I'm not going to leave you.' he aggressively signed back, and you raised your brows at him, not fully believing him. Of course, it was a bit hypocritical considering you took him out here to ditch him.
'Besides, I know you want to ditch me. That's why you're upfront right now.' He smirked, you just blinked at him.' If you do and come back without me, you'll be in serious trouble you know.'
You knew that, in fact you weren't really afraid of that. You thought a bit more, if you wanted to deal with the consequences and soon shrugged.' I'm practically always in trouble anyways.' You turned back to the fish, ears up and focusing on the fish.
You shot a fish, swimming over and taking it in your hands. You sent a small thank you in your head and pulled the arrow out of it. You planned on catching at least three. You had a new plan, a plan to make the Omaticayan infamous spicy bowl. Your favorite dish and the spiciest recipe of your clan.
You would gift it to Aonung and watch him eat it. Knowing him he wouldn't stop eating it as long as you kept teasing him and calling him a baby. A way to get back at him in some way for his bullying but to also avoid trouble.
You'd have to make due with the ingredients, as some of what you need isn't in the area. You were decent in cooking, your mother always demanding you help her cook, so you were at least ninety percent positive of your skills to replace some of the ingredients.
After a bit of hunting, you resurfaced with Aonung, you moved some of the hair out of your face as you hopped onto your ilu's back." That was decent." You broke the silence, and he hummed in agreement.
He was relatively quiet your way back as well, and you wondered what he was thinking.
Your plan to ditch him was long forgotten, if you were being honest, you were never going to actually leave him by himself. You liked his company more than you would care to admit and you actually enjoyed some of his teasing.
Your sister Kiri knew this, both of you knew everything about each other. You didn't have to verbally speak to each other about it either, you guys were just always able to know what the other was going to say. Not mind reading, it was just something that only you and Kiri had, like a connection to each other.
So, you couldn't hide that from her, but nobody else knew because you were stubborn and refused to admit any positive feelings for Aonung.
When you got back after the long and silent-a bit awkward- ride back, you ran to your mother." Mama, I got some fish. Can we make Veysom?" You squatted next to her after your father took the fish to look at them. You managed to catch five fish, a little more than you originally planned but you figured you'd make a separate one for Rotxo, Tsireya, and Aonung.
" Of course, ma (y/n), as long as you find substitutes and seasoning for it." She smiled at you, shooing you away." You are all wet, go dry off and get me the ingredients. We will clean and prepare the fish, take Tuk and Kiri with you."
You had seen Kiri and Tuk on the way to your Marui playing in the shallow water, so you knew where to find them. Veysom required a bit more work, all the bones of the animal must be removed. It was only fair that if they cleaned to meat of the fish you would get the ingredients.
You zigzagged past people in the walkway towards the stairs to the sandy beach. Jogging to your sisters you placed a hand on Tuk's head.
" What's up!" You smiled down at the youngest Sully and she gave you a bright smile in return." (y/n/n), we're trying to build a sandcastle!" She waved towards the pile of sand, that was more like a deformed square than a castle." I..see, well it's very lovely." You gave your best supportive smile and two thumbs up.
Tuk frowned." I know it's shit, you can say it." You grinned and Kiri's eyes went wide." Tuktirey!" She scolded and Tuk ears went back a bit." Oops." You just laughed, earning a smack on the leg from your twin.
" Oh, (y/n) you're back!" You turned your head to see Tsireya running towards you, and you waved at her." Hey, I was just about to leave with my sister to get ingredients for dinner. Want to join?" You asked her as she stopped next to you with her kind smile." Okay!"
" What are we having?" Kiri answered, standing up from her spot and placing herself next to you." Veysom!" You smiled mischievously and she squinted her eyes at you." Oo, yay!" Tuk cheered and grabbed your hand." Okay, let's go!"
Tuk pulled you and began walking, she didn't know where she was going but you tugged her hand a bit to guide her." What is Veysom?" Tsireya asked, Kiri and her falling behind you.
" It's usually a spicy meat dish made from Sturmbeest or Hexapede." Kiri said to her, and you turned around walking backwards while facing them." We're gonna use fish this time."
For the rest of the way it was small talk, Tuk talking the most about her findings and Tsireya answering her questions about the plants she had found.
While walking back Tuk and Tsireya fell a bit behind, and Kiri leaned a bit closer to whisper to you." You're really petty sometimes you know." She side-eyed you as you shrugged, readjusted the ingredients in your hands." Maybe you're just too nice." She rolled her eyes.' Aonung apologized' You rolled your eyes in response.' It was a lame apology.'
" Whatever." She grumbled. You and Kiri might be twins, but your relationship was much like an aunt begrudgingly watching their annoying niece. She thought of you as too reckless and to you she was too cautious. You were close with her, she was like the other part of your soul, but your personalities constantly clashed with each other.
Once you reached the stairs to the clusters of Marui's Tsireya left towards her house." I think this will be able to replace-" Your left foot got caught in-between the holes of the ropes that made up the walkway. You instinctively put your hands out to brace your fall, dropping the ingredients in your hand into the water.
" Goddammit!" You scowled at the water below you." Are you okay?" Kiri asked and Tuk came over to help you up with her free hand." It's okay, we can just go back and get some more!" Tuk smiled at you, and you shook your head.
" I'll go, you go take what you have to mother." You gave a small smile, trying not to aim your annoyance at Tuk." Be careful." Kiri gave a small wave behind her head as her and Tuk walked back to your families Marui.
You huffed annoyed, cursing at the stupid flooring." Fucking rope." You mumbled to yourself as you adjusted your arm cuff." That was quite the show." Aonung's voice rung out into the relatively quiet area. You jumped a bit, before turning around and glaring at the boy." You scared the shit out of me!" You hissed and he only laughed. Turning your back to him you began to descend the stairs you had just come up from.
" Where are you going?" He asked, following you closely behind." To get the ingredients I dropped in the water." You answered, rubbing your toes in the sand." What are you making?" He asked, standing closer to you than you would've liked.
" Veysom, you want to try?" You gave him a sly smile, which he happily returned." I'd love to. What's this ingredient you're looking for?" He questioned.
" Spartan leaves and Hermit bud seeds. As well as this purple small seed that Tsireya calls I'Puwi." Aonung's ears perked up." I love I'Puwi." You cocked your head a bit at his response." Okay then, you can help me gather."
" Fine bossy." He grumbled under his breath, and you whipped your head towards him. You pinched his shoulder, but not hard enough to hurt him." Watch your mouth, fish lips." You scowled at him, and he rolled his eyes.
Once you had gathered what you needed again, you made your way back to your Marui. Aonung followed, watching in amusement as you took cautious steps over the holes in the walkway. You heard him laugh at you and your ears heated in embarrassment." What are you laughing at!" You snapped at him, and he raised his hands in the air.
" You." He snickered, and you stopped, turning around to look at him." Go home." You furrowed your eyebrows and he shrugged." Nah, I'm good." You scoffed, turning back to the front and stomping towards your home.
When you got there Aonung handed you the I'Puwi seeds and went over to Neteyam who was helping your father finish deboning the fish meat.
" (y/n), come help." Neytiri grabbed your arm, breaking your stare at Aonung." What needs to be done?" You squatted next to your mother and set the ingredients in your hands next to the others. " You make the sauce." She demanded and you held in the urge to scoff.
When it was finally finished it was time for dinner, you grabbed the food and left with your siblings to the campfire. You placed yourself next to Neteyam, Tsireya, Rotxo, and Aonung came into view." So, where's this Veysom?" Aonung asked, squatting next to you. Tsireya placed herself next to Kiri and she handed her a plate. Rotxo sat next to Aonung, who took a piece off your plate.
You watch him eat it, he seemed to be enjoying it until he started coughing after he finished swallowing it."...wow, spicy." He commented and Rotxo laughed at him, you pushed your plate towards Rotxo." Try?" You grinned at him, and he took a decent chunk of the sauce covered fish and placed it into his mouth.
He blinked a bit, clearing his throat a bit." Oh yeah, good and spicy." He agreed with Aonung who took a bit more off your plate. It was a good thing you grabbed extra because they were just diving right into it.
You took some Bladder Polyps on the side and dipped it in the sauce around the fish." Can't handle a bit of spice?" Lo'ak teased as he and Neteyam snickered to each other. Tsireya took a smaller taste from the plate Kiri had given her and shook her head." Oh, no thank you." She coughed and Kiri patted her back.
Aonung and Rotxo seemed to be struggling but they continued to eat the fish off your plate as you ate the Bladder Polyps on the side. You handed one to Aonung who took it and ate it. His eyes watering but he continued to eat it." This is really good..just spicy." He sniffed and you handed him the plate, you motioned for Kiri to hand you the other plate and you began to eat that one.
The rest of the night you sat next to Aonung, even after your siblings had left and continued to talk until Ronal called for Aonung. "Goodnight, (y/n)." He gave a small smile and wave." Goodnight." You responded, using the sweetest tone you had ever used towards Aonung. You got up, cleaning your area before heading off to bed.
Taglist; @akinatrix , @willowbrookesblog , @lovesickbtch , @ao-sleepy , @elli-aesthetics , @ducks118 , @aeclark04 , @audigay ,@lola-bunn1 , @curlszx88 , @kidwithaheavystick , @weridpersonhelp , @yeosxxx , @tsamiaxoo , @shartnart1 , @tsukette , @daphne000 , @amarillyssnowdrop , @neteyamsmate4life , @stitch-lele , @purplefsh , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @goodiesinthecloset21 , @theghostofshadows , @aonungs-tsahik , @simpliheavenli , @bob-the-ikran , @littleshybunbun , @werelosingdaylight , @ijwsbdinp , @xoxovienna , @findingourtreasure , @yogirlfriend , @pussymode , @wilmalovegood , @valentineheartzz , @lovekeeho , @isnt-itstrange , @ifevilwhyhot , @dngnmtr-blog , @yuzxi18 , @cupidddd-d , @emilia-the-artist , @essiemolololol , @aisselasstuff , @kitkat1690 , @howlerwolfmax , @bottleofsoju , @galaxyfruits , @sunwayx , @hana-1235 , @mad-simp420 , @jakesullys-bitch , @rinizitos , @zilena9 , @sakurayuki8655-blog , @artistodilflord , @fucksnow , @Icrimsons ,
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prince-kallisto · 1 month
I told myself that I’d take it easy on the theories today, but I finally finished Book 5 in my own game and was starting Book 6 when a line caught my attention 😭
I remember a few weeks ago there was discussions of who brought Yuu back to Ramshackle after Grim attacked us. Malleus, Crowley, or even Ambrose. But as I started there first chapter of Book 6, this was the opening line:
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“Am I in the clouds?” Yuu then has their vision about Hercules, which coincidentally takes place in the clouds. But Yuu spoke about the clouds before they had their vision…and I think the clouds may hint a lot at how brought us back to Ramshackle (spoiler I think it’s Crowley BC OF COURSE ANDBHD)
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But anyway, if we go back to the last chapter of Book 5, it ends with Grim going missing, and when we run all the way to coliseum to find him, he’s digging up the literal stage to find the Blot Crystal. He attacks us, leaving up with a scratch on our hand. But what’s interesting to me is that how we blacked out in that moment.
I completely understand the possibility of Malleus taking us back. After all, he’s been around Yuu more often as the game progresses. However, I’d have to wonder several things, like why would he be at the coliseum this late, instead of his usual place like Ramshackle? Or, why not stop Grim before Grim ran away? Malleus does boast of being faster than any human or animal after all. Or why leave Yuu by themselves when injured? Of course, there could definitely be answers to these questions- he’s definitely a likely candidate! \(//∇//)\ But I think above all- why would he not mention this again to Yuu, or anyone else of what happened?
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However, when we go back one more chapter, right before Grim eats the Blot Crystal, Crowley and Ambrose have a discussion inside the coliseum. Ambrose points out the abnormally high levels of magic in a place that should be just for student activities. What’s interesting is how Crowley so easily brushes him off- a little too easily. Crowley makes it sound natural, of course, but I’m sure he’s very well aware of what occurred inside the coliseum, especially since it was Vil’s Overblot.
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Crowley then leaves, but this is the last we see of him in Book 5- being in the coliseum. Crowley has been known to stay out of the vital events in the main story, which may be on purpose. Compared to say, Malleus or Ambrose, I don’t think he would’ve tried to stop Grim from escaping, or even eating the Blot Crystals. (And interestingly enough, Crowley does not explain the Blot Crystals until Book 6, where it’s too late to reverse the damage done on Grim. However, Crowley explicitly knew about the blot crystals ever since Book 2)
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In the main story, it’s literally been a “running gag” that Crowley shows up at the precise moments when students are in need of his advice or help. Again, he stays out of the major plot points, but he’s always served as a very subtle guide throughout the story, nudging the students in a certain direction (e.g the battle for housewarden in Book 1, dropping in to explain the SDC in Book 5). And at the start of Book 6, Yuu wakes up back in their room, injury still unattended to, as if they never left their room, with no hint or even questioning of who brought them back to their dorm.
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And coming back to the line of “Am I in the clouds?,” it’s been very consistently shown that Crowley flys around campus A LOT. In the Special Lessons he drops from in mid-flight, and the 4koma anthology also has shown it in a more humorous way. Malleus and Lilia know how to fly with magic as well, but then the previous questions I mentioned with Malleus still apply here 🤔 And if we look at the map of the school, there is certainly a distance between Ramshackle and the Coliseum- a distance worthy of flight.
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So…putting this together, I feel positive that Crowley knew about the events occurring in the coliseum. Perhaps he dropped in to investigate on his own after everyone left the SDC, or he intervened to specifically help Yuu because we somehow blacked out. We don’t know how Crowley appears randomly in the main story at the exact moment when his advice is needed, but he does nonetheless. And it may have been the same situation here. And knowing from how he stays out of the main story, he wouldn’t have stopped Grim from running off, or even explain to Yuu what happened once they’re brought back to the dorm. Remember, he acted like absolutely nothing of note happened when Ambrose questioned him- and so naturally too. Since the distance between the coliseum and Ramshackle was significant (it may have risked Yuu waking up), he brought us back by flying through the distance, leaving us in bed as if nothing happened at all.
…This whole theory is just to say I want Crowley to carry me in his arms AUGH 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖 please twst I want that so badly andjsjdjshd him carrying us through the air as he flies would be like a dream 🐦‍⬛
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delusinalandpassionate · 11 months
Okay I kinda decided to write a list of "shaddy" things around Don to keep it in order.
So there are two parts "Things that definitely were intentional and will reappear later" and "Maybe that's product of my imagination, maybe not, who know" to not mix important parts with questionable
Things that definitely were intentional and will reappear later
That thing appears in her character description, in list of particulars , and none of other characters has anything like this. Not even Outis whose records about past are not permitted for us. Which makes me question what the fuck is that???
2. Spoiler CG
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That's all we have from TGS teaser for her. All other CGs with her presence already were shown in the plot, and only this one left. And it frankly gives us nothing. It seems that Don in battle, but they have battle every chapter and we have no fucking hint who she against there.
3. Background and Ferris wheel/windmill
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We can see a wind mill behind her back on her promo art. Or technically a ferris wheel in shape of wind mill with merry-go-round. And that's somehow connected to her, but in which way? Is it about her past? Or is something metaphorical as Yi San? Is there any amusement parks in the City???
4. Her eyes
We have this moment in Canto II Episode: 8
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And in the City where you can literally change your eye color to any color you want that kinda means at least something
5. Dance
Canto II Episode: 15 and that sceen
It's creepy how her voice lowers down and how this gang implies that she's insincere. It is the first when we understand that there is something fucked up with her
6. Don, Vergilius and The Deal
Canto III Episode: 10
Vergilius punishes Don for her reckless behavior and it seems cruel, but expected until-
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There is the deal between Don and Verg, and a mere mentioning of it is enough to shut Don up for the rest of the chapter. It seems like this deal was made on the day when she joined Limbus company... but isn't Faust the one who found and hired sinners? We know for sure she was the one to hire Yi San and Vergilius himself. And as far as we can see, Vergilius doesn't seem to want Don in his crew. So why make a deal with her???
7. Old Friends
Canto III Episode: 19
Sinclair has an episode, and Don volunteers to help him which leads to
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And explains her action "Pardon my rash action. Oft I would find myself overcome by fervor, rampaging much the same as a riderless horse. At such moments, mine old friends helped me to come to myself—by beating me senseless. ‘Twas, at times, the only remedy to the fever that had overtaken me."
And that's like the only thing we get to know about her past. Her friends used to beat her regularly because of her episodes. And sinners are surprised with this, which means it's not a common way in The City(I wouldn't be surprised if it was). But it works on Sinclair, bringing him to his senses and leaving us with questions such as "Who was Don's friends?" and "How exactly Don's rampage would look?"
8. ...
Canto IV Episode: 28
Sinners discuss the deal they made with Limbus company and reason why they joined it and
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Don has this "...." for some fucking reason.
And the thing is that other Sinners were quiet too. Meursault, Hong Lu, Rodya- didn't say a thing during this talk, but only Don's silence was highlighted. Which makes us wonder how her deal differs from others?
(and if she made a deal at all)
9. Role
Canto IV last chapters
Sinners are given roles from Yi San's past according to their personalities, and Don gets the role of Gubo, second shaddiest parson in League, and the man who kept Yi San locked and drugged.
Kinda kinda surprising, isn't it?! I mean we met Gubo a few times and Don seemed to be the least matching person to him, but Yi San's mind still chooses her to play him. Which again raises a lot of questions.
10. Familiar sight
Canto IV Episode: 53
Sinners see Dongrang and how he speaks with someone whom they don't see. That's sight is surprising for all of them, but
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Don quixote and Faust
And if for Faust it was expected to know about Distortions, how exactly did Don find out these symptoms? Was she distorted? Or was someone close to her?
11. La Sangre de Sancho
Why is her personal EGO named "Blood of Sancho"?! It's the only EGO that includes someone name. Is it her name? Is it the name of her friend? Why she wields his blood. Is he dead? How did he die?
12. Moon
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That's technically a question to Shi IDs together, because they live to mention Red Moon, but no one explain what the fuck it suppose to mean? And there is no explanation in Ruina or Lobotomy?
Okay, we finished with good stuff, and there starts part where my delusions lie. Their credibility differs from "maybe" to "very low", and I understand that, but I can't ignore it, so there is it
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Don commit the third murder on the bus, killing Ryoshu, and it doesn't seem surprising, but in Canto IV we learn that it's extremely difficult to sneak on Ryoshu and only professional killers of higher rank managed to do it. But Don managed to kill her, without any resistance.
Of course it can be said that Ryoshu wasn't on guard at that moment, or it was made for comedic effect, but there is a chance it could mean something.
2. Star
“¡Por alcanzar la estrella inalcanzable!”
"To reach the unreachable star!"
I could ignore this just as cool quote, but in Ruina there was so many talks about stars, and in Limbus it continues making it's an important metaphor (or sometimes a real thing). It makes me think how much my understanding of those words will change after her Canto?
3. Lack of Pride
Sinclair and Don are the only sinners who can't use their personal EGO by themselves and that's already must to mean something, but then Sinclair gets ID with sin he needs, but Don doesn't have. She has four IDs and none of them have Pride. Is this just a coincidence or Pmoon tries to tell us something? I guess we will see with next ID
Okay, that's it. At least, that's all I remember. If you have anything else which I missed (for both part, I would like to hear your delusion about any weird phrase or sprite or anything else)
I guess I will update this list with time, when Pmoon answer my question or give more of them.
Hope it was fun to read
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emmitaaa4 · 4 months
Minor HOFAS spoilers ig?
The Walmart bonus chapter just leaked and good lord some people need to be for real. I'm so tired of people picking and choosing evidence.
So you're telling me that *gasp* Azriel's shadows seem to dance when he hums?? they react to sound/music?? no way. people from all sides of the fandom have been saying that for years (and use it for different arguments), and looks like ppl are still tying anything they can to feed their ship--which is fine but at least make it somewhat accurate.
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The above is the last page of the Az/Bryce/Nesta chapter, and just as a refresher, this is the oh-so controversial phrases from the Az bonus chapter:
"(...) one of his shadows went out to dance with it (gwyn's breath) before twirling back to him. like it heard some silent music." and "(...) he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. could have sworn his shadows sang in answer."
I'm confused, which is it? Was the shadow's reaction to her breath & the singing he heard all metaphorical, thereby hinting at a mating bond between gwyn & az (as in "music between souls")? Or was it rather azriel's shadows reacting to a literal sound coming from someone who has arguably been hinted at having some voice/song-related abilities? Because if it is the first, then this new HOFAS excerpt is completely unrelated. Well unless Azriel has a mating bond with himself? pleaseee make it make sense I beg. And if the second is true, it would mean that for someone to be able of making his shadows dance, they'd have to have similar powers as him... its just gonna fuel the lightsinger theories (which btw approx 5 ppl are saying means that gWyn is eViL) so this literally changes nothing. nada. absolument rien.
Oh also.
"He says no partner right now, aka NO FUCKING ELRIEL. ELRIEL IS DEAD." (no hate to whoever posted that btw)
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He literally rushes out that answer. Idk about you guys but to me the poor man still seems internally dead over the whole mate existential crisis, which as far as we know was left with him wondering "what if the cauldron was wrong". Sidenote but if I understood correctly, this all happens 2-3 months post acosf and Bryce spends ±5 days in Prythian, so it is very likely that it is all set during Acotar 5, and that the events of HOFAS in general are happening while Az is separated from the other MC (ie. the acotar5 FMC).
Regardless of all I just said, I am going to ask people once again to be for real. cause this whole chapter Azriel keeps glaring at Nes when she is about to reveal too much info, so WHY would he be mentioning Elain (or literally anyone he cares about) to someone who he is said to be highly suspicious of? make it make sense x2
Almost forgot. Last thing.
"Azriel said that Nesta killed the King! He didn't credit Elain!"
... no? for context, this is what Az said:
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See my second point above. He told Bryce exactly what Nes did, and nothing more: she beheaded Hybern. We could speculate about what his look at Truthteller made him think of... but tbh I'll leave it to someone else cause perso I dont really see the point.
I am getting tired guys... guess who finally understands what "fandom fatigue" is.
-----quick edit-----
I don't mean to sound hypocritical by tagging ships, cause tbh i dont even wanna put acotar ship tags to this, mais bon c'est la vie et j'en peux plus. this fandom is kind of a mess. Goodnight loves ♡
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Malleus Draconia’s Flower Bouquet Meaning
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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I have been waiting and waiting for the release of Malleus’ 3rd Bday card with such anticipation. I literally waited every day until the time Twst JP usually updates with news for some semblance of Malleus Bday card news.
AND NOW MY BOY IS HERE AND HE LOOKS SO FINE PLEASE. His smirk with the fangs sends me. His wink is so cute! Lilia is raising these boys right! Look at HIM.
January is the moth of Diasomnia and I love it, we have Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek card releases. (Diasomnia Stans I hope your gems survive). 
As I did with Lilia’s Bouquet Post , I will be writing more than I usually do. Malleus Draconia is one of my favorite twst characters and he deserves it and all the effort (in this love essay, I will). In addition, I will be adding possible theories along the way and will be mentioning book 7 too and other cards that have been released, so heed spoilers for book 7 and cards that might have not released yet.
At first glance, Malleus’ Bouquet reminded me of Trey’s Bouquet . In the sense that it reminded me of a salad, and I couldn’t help but laugh a bit because of it. When you think about some of the meanings previously discussed in Trey’s Bouquet, it applies to Malleus as well when you think about it: past, present, and future. But I’m getting ahead of myself, we will discuss that later.
It’s really nice seeing Malleus so happy especially without any worries right now (basically flirting with us lolol). After book 7 chapter 1, I am happy he is full of energy and amusement. 
I do wish that his bouquet had more colors to make it pop more, but like Lilia’s, Malleus’ bouquet does fit him rather well. It can give you a glimpse of his past and current mindset, and also a hint to the future of what may come. (please, my heart.) 
Some observations from just from a glance, Malleus’ bouquet may not pop as much color wise, but you know what it does really well? It blends into the environment rather seamlessly.  Unlike Trey, who doesn't like to stand out and would rather blend in, which shows in his flowers. For malleus, it is not by choice. He blends in seamlessly because he is forgotten by those around him. When he is not forgotten, people are scared of him and tend to run away. The only ones to truly notice him missing are Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and MC.
We know that Malleus hates being forgotten and left out and this bouquet shows that while he blends in to the environment, it is not by choice and some of the flower meanings show his feelings towards being forgotten and ostracized. (I’ll never forget you Malleus 💕💕). 
Greem flowers tend to be rare and on further research, they also tend to be mutations in some variations of flowers. This fits Malleus because we can all say that he is a highly respected figure, not only is he a future king in the Valley of Thorns, but he is one of the top ten strongest mages in the world. If we went further, Malleus is a type of dragon fae, and royalty, maybe he might or might not be the last of his kind? Only time will tell, as we know the only relative he has right now is his grandmother. I
In terms of magic power, malleus is extremely strong and we can see how the story swings and the narrative changes when he deigns to step in and help. Book 5, Malleus fixed the stage hence allowing for VDC to continue, and in book 6, he helped Vil by making him young again. We have seen in masquerade the magic potential he has and how that affects the environment as well, and in book 7 a well. Malleus is unique and rare, and that could also show why he is so revered heavily by everyone else when all he wants is to be invited and share experiences with others.
I love how Malleus is also winking in this card, as he is in other cards. You certainly get the Diasomnia closeness as because sebek was also winking in his cards. We also have the smile that Lilia and Silver all share too, which I think is cute! I might be wrong but I think all the third years so far have been winking?
Now, let’s talk about some rather interesting...moves that twst played with the release of this Malleus card. First of all, with the release of the Malleus Bday card, We also received the Silver Dorm SSR card. This is interesting because this is the first time they released a Dorm SSR card without a story update. What’s more, its rather interesting they chose to release it with the Malleus card which makes me wonder how purposely did they do this? Was this as a way to show the connection Silver and Malleus has? 
As in a sense, Malleus can be paralleled to Maleficent and Silver could be Aurora (and the Sword, Shield, and Prince Philip technically) from what we see on the surface level. It's as if they are telling us these two are more connected than we realize and maybe they are a mirror too (or like that one promo where you see Maleficent on one side and the princess on another as two opposite spectrums).
Considering the opposite styles that Malleus and Silver were raise (by Lilia no less), it hurts to see how much this is stressed. You can tell familial love will play a big role in book7 from this alone. It also makes it seem like they are pushing Malleus to play this evil role that he clearly doesn't want to be in when all he wants is to belong and be invited.
Another interesting point I want to bring up is that, Silver is the only one without the title that basically says “___ Protector of the Valley of Thorns” Instead, He is the sleeping guardian. So, we have this disconnect between the four and shows how much of the role Silver might play when it comes to the other three diasomnia residents.  This Post shows the English titles  and this post is a jp comment about it as well I believe .
It alludes more and more to the fact that Silver has a connection to ‘dreams’ and that could also be a hint on how Malleus and everyone could be saved given that Malleus is the King of the Abyss as well. Maybe, Silver’s UM is connected to dreams as everyone speculate, but I digress. We know at the end of the day, these two have a connection and only time will tell what kind of connection and what it will put everyone through (and how it will eventually wreck us too, get your tissue boxes ready everyone. Book 7 chapter 1 already came for us without reprieve.)
Another fact that I find funny is that Malleus’ Duo is Ace. So, I can’t wait to see how Ace and Malleus interact given that Ace....doesn’t care for manners when it comes to people in power and will basically say what's on his mind. Which, we can see from Endless Halloween. I also personally find it funny because many people tend to ship MC with Ace and Malleus and these two always end up in a triangle and I can’t wait to see what happens after the interview lol Ace also doesn’t have his UM so maybe its a hint of Ace’s role in Book 7 (he could be hiding it as well, since we know how much of a trickster he is).
Malleus’ card spells are similar to those of Idia’s Bday ones apparently. Which is funny and interesting given that Idia will play a big role in book 7, especially in terms of grief and moving on and recovering from the loss of a loved one.
I can’t wait to see Malleus’ groovy. I hope its either in dawn or dusk because that would not only be beautiful but give a wonderful symbolism as well. 
Malleus holding the bouquet so effortlessly also shows his strength, I mean look at him, no struggle at all.
You know what makes me so soft about Malleus’ bouquet? It’s that he has signs of those he loves in his bouquet. He has flowers that symbolizes Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and even MC/Yuu.
Now, lets talk about Flowers 🌺💚🌺💚
[As usual, my disclaimer from before stands, flowers have many different meanings depending on region and color, so the meanings I have might differ from the meanings you know.]
In addition, I know there were some feelings of sadness going around with Malleus’ bouquet because most of the associated flower language were negative, but remember every flower has more than one meaning and together, the flower language can change as a whole depending on the bouquet. It also depends on the meaning we choose to empathize over the others. 
His flowers are kind of hard to tell, so I put whichever ones I thought they might be. Get your hearts ready and anything you have that has Malleus’ face because you are going to want to hug him. (total opposite from how I wanted to yeet Lilia during his post lol) 
Flower Colors (general meaning): 
Green Flowers: Health, resilience, good fortune, and youth. We know Malleus is young in terms of Fae age and we know he also has to learn and mature more when in comes to certain instances over the others. Some examples we have seen was when things didn’t go his way and you can see the weather being affected, but also we have to consider that he never really got to act his age has he? Health and good fortune for his future.
White Flowers:  True love, purity, innocence, sympathy.  We know True Love Kiss plays a role in Sleeping Beauty and I can’t wait to see how it plays a role for book 7. In a way, Malleus is innocent in his experience with anything related to modern times, and his situation does make you feel for him. (Malleus, we love you 💕).
Red Flowers: Love, passion, pride, vigor, and strength. (rather fitting, wouldn’t you say?) 
Green Roses: Renewal, rejuvenation of spirit and energy, growth, abundance, balance, stability, peace, good news and new beginnings. Possibly the future healing that Malleus will go through? (you know, after his mental breakdown...I know know, I’ll be quiet now) [To my knowledge, green roses do not mean jealously. It’s the yellow roses.] I was hoping they would give him red roses to symbolize his rose garden back home too. 
Carnation: Fascination, distinction, and love. In Greek, it is known as God’s Flower.  As some tend to worship Malleus like a God, it's rather fitting for him to have this flower. (Sebek and some diasomnia students come to mind).
Curcuma/Hidden Lilies: Love, Rebirth, Devotion, Purity, Fertility, clear and sincere intentions. When I first saw these, my mind literally went Lilies = Lilia and with several of the meanings it makes you wonder doesn’t it? Especially as Rebirth seems to be a themes in Malleus and Lilia’s bouquet. (Sleeping curse maybe?) These also look like the flowers you see in the Live Action Sleeping Beauty 2 Movie, during the wedding. You know when Maleficent walks Aurora down the Aisle. So it could also be stressing the relationship Malleus has with Silver. Technically, all three of them. Can be used to treated stomach problems and this makes me laugh because Lilia had stomach problems in that one Firelit Sky event, hence another factor in representing Lilia.
Green Lisanthus: Appreciation, charm, charisma, and confidence. (Malleus in a flower basically 💕)
Cala Lily (Burgundy): Life’s right of passage, purity, holiness, faithfulness, courage and determination. (Silver and Sebek determination to protecting their Lord.) 
Dracaena Fragans: meaning Dragon, financial and career success (he will make wonderful king), peace and good fortune.
Amaryllis: to sparkle, pride, strength, determination. These flowers blooms every year despite looking frail and it doesn’t take much to have them grow year after year. An interesting story is about a maiden who fell in love with a cold hearted man. She pierced her heart with a gold arrow and visited his cottage. After 30 days, her droplets of blood became beautiful flowers and the man fell in love with her and she was healed. Another type of Amaryllis is the cluster ones, we know it as the spider lilies. Common ones are the red spider lilies which is basically a red flag because it usually means death and last goodbye. This could symbolize the long life Malleus has ahead of him as well. White Amaryllis means beauty, devotion, and love. In addition, White Amaryllis symbolizes children and the innocence that comes from them. It reminds me of the story that Malleus told MC about how he just wanted to belong and had a tantrum that led to the castle becoming frozen in ice. Lilia was the only one who stepped forward and helped him and it implies that's how Malleus ended up loving ice cream. (My heeearrrttt) Also, the other story of how Lilia had his hair burned because baby malleus blew fire too lolol.
Houseleeks/Succulent: Always Living, enduring and timeless love, forever, does not change, Will live in harsh environments (My heart damnit, my heart).
Elderberry/Elder: inner strength, courage, calm fears, resilience, joy, protection from evil, prolong life, and peaceful sleep. “Eld” can also mean fire.
Olives: friendship and reconciliation, cleansing and healing, light, victory and richness, and above all, a sign of peace. (I’m not crying, you are!).
Hypericum Berries: symbol of peace, protection, rebirth 
Acai Palm: Nutritious, growth in wilderness.
Thistle: Pain, aggressiveness, pride, and Protection.
Cordylines: Added to flowers to add emphasize to other flowers meanings, good luck, and fortune. Often it is confused with Dracaena. 
Random Fact: Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness. Sounds just like them, doesn’t it?
Credit: Thank you to Lala (@/mobagehellocal) for her help as always. Please go talk flowers with her too. We love talking about them. 🌺🌻
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jasntodds · 1 year
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COMPLETED - April 23, 2024
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of FWB)
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, smut, mentions of being tortured, mentions of being held captive, mentions of abuse (comic!Canon), violence, canon violence, mentions of death, various injuries, bruises, blood, hurt/comfort, some anxiety, ptsd, hints of depression (canon), mentions of Batman villains being Batman villains, nightmares, some paranoia, discussions about previous homelessness, drug mentions, drug use (canon), canon character deaths, gore, brainwashing, manipulation (canon), minor changes to the season 3 canon plotline, titans season 3 spoilers, i am a defender of Jason’s white streak of hair in the comics
A/N: The WAY I’ve been looking forward to this book. It’s gonna be FUN. There will more in depth warnings for the chapters as needed!! You don’t have to read book 1 to read this one, but you might want some extra context. If you don’t want to read all of that, you can just ask me and I’ll tell you what you need to know to read this book!!
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↳ status: ONGOING updates: Wednesdays
Chapter 1 - Gotham Chapter 2  - Somebody To Someone Chapter 3 - By Accident Chapter 4 - Born With A Broken Heart Chapter 5 - And Then On Purpose Chapter 6 - Don’t See Colors Anymore Chapter 7- Don’t Think I’ll Stay Chapter 8 - Morals, Loyalty, And Grief Chapter 9 - Red Hood Chapter 10 - Is It Worth It? Chapter 11 - Kill Or Be Killed Chapter 12 - Lady Vic Chapter 13 - 51% Chapter 14 - Home Chapter 15 - Bleeding Out Chapter 16 - Troubled Water Chapter 17 - Something About Optics Chapter 18 - The Call Is Coming From Inside The House Chapter 19 - Prodigal Chapter 20 - Purple Rain
Book 1 Masterlist
Fic Inspired Works:
Jason Todd moodboard Chapter 6 moodboard  Chapter 8 moodboard Chapter 9 moodboard Chapter 10 moodboard Playlist Post
OC Versions
AO3 Wattpad
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ghostinthegallery · 6 months
Anyone want to hear a fun fact about The Infinite and the Divine? Y'know the Song of Serenade? How it's a numerical code and theorized by Trazyn to be a book cipher? Did you know that you as a reader can solve the code before the characters do?
Hiding behind a break to avoid spoilers
The line of numbers given in Act 3 Chapter 8 is as follows: 3211 1545 4131 5322. Trazyn guesses it is a book cipher due to the now flayerized Quellkah's obsession with going through books and his fixation on the code. However, at this point they do not know what the book is, so they cannot unravel the message.
We the reader, on the other hand, can see that each chapter opens with a quote.from a people and work in universe. And there is only one work quoted multiple times. The obnoxiously long historical necron play, The War in Heaven.
So. Let's test this out.
3211- Act 3, Scene 2, Line 1, Word 1
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1545- Act 1, Scene 5, Line 4, Word 5
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4131- Act 4, Scene 1, Line 3, Word 1
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5322- Act 5, Scene 3, Line 2, Word 2
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Which leaves us with "Do not be deceived"
Oh, and because Robert just can't help but be clever? The chapter where the final piece of the message is the header? Act 3 chapter 8? That is not only the chapter where Trazyn reveals the song is a cipher, it is the chapter where "Vishani" tells Orikan not to try to solve the code. But the reader can now solve it!! We can get the Big Hint to the Big Twist and dang I think that's cool.
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isa-ghost · 12 days
Arre there any hc's that you can give about amfn!phils possession? I gotta say it's one of the coolest possessions I've read
Me vibrating with self control to avoid spoiling anything that isn't already revealed:
Hope you didn't think you'd be getting any major spoilers for stuff I've yet to reveal >:3c Nice try Sniff.
Also thank you!! Possession is one of my favorite things to write. >:)
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Awake Me From My Nightmare fic
Phil is a prisoner in his own body right now. Ender King is using a couple things in order to keep him suppressed so he can remain in control.
Phil's body is not built to house a god for long periods of time. I've only just started to show it in the beginning of chapter 6, but it will be slowly falling apart at the seams the longer Ender King is in control. :)
To remedy this, he's going to start pounding down gapples like his life depends on it. This will bring back an addiction Phil kicked long ago.
Ender King's possession of Phil physically manifests in equal parts vaguely draconic and enderman traits, all of which are of course purple or black, sometimes teetering on pink like an enderman’s eyes. Tbh I should doodle possessed Phil. Some of my friends have made fanart not too far off if you check my AMFMN tag (and reblog their art)!
From chapter 7 onwards, the polycule and Bagi will be finding traces of evidence suggesting Phil's body is deteriorating the longer it's being possessed. This will include feathers, blood, and belongings.
A few chapters will peek at how Phil's condition is in greater detail. I'm not going to tell you how yet ;) Currently that's planned for Chapter 11, but I might introduce it sooner if I feel it works right.
Like in canon, Phil is inhumanly strong, fast, and powerful while possessed. Case in point: Downing the polycule and breaking their full set of armor with just one hit.
Also hinted at in the start of chapter 6, Phil's body can channel Ender King's magic. Or more accurately, it's being forced to. I'm waiting on more canon lore crumbs from Phil to determine how this might be possible if it isn't just Ender King being like Because I Said So. Predictably, this intensifies the strain Phil's body is being put under, which is damaging him worse and making his body deteriorate faster.
Phil's voice is distorted and demonic sounding, like there's 2 of him speaking. You can distinctly hear his voice as well as Ender King's deeper one layered together. He can also growl and roar like the Ender Dragon.
To purge Ender King from his system, Phil will have to do so physically AND mentally. I will not reveal how that will play out. :) That's late-late game plot.
I WILL say Phil can and will have moments of clarity. Not necessarily in control but not out of it either. It'll be a struggle to speak and move, but it will stop Ender King for very short periods of time. One of my favorite angsty fucked up moments comes as a result of this at the end of Chapter 11. By far my favorite cliffhanger planned.
Phil will have very little if any memory of any time Ender King is in complete control. For example, he does not know he attacked the polycule at Phil y Missa in Chapter 5, nor does he know what the Fuck Ender King did at the start of Chapter 6. Which btw you'll learn what that was in Chapter 7. =)
Phil is completely and utterly corrupted when fully possessed, not just his body outside. Inside too. His blood and tears are tinted purple.
Because Ender King doesn't need to eat, he won't be eating until he chooses to keep Phil's body afloat with gapples. Phil is starving the entire time he's possessed, which Ender King will use to his advantage to better keep Phil smothered. It will also contribute to how fast his body is falling apart.
All damage being taken by his body is only damaging him, not Ender King. He is not only a vessel but a meat shield.
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moonlightndaydreams · 24 days
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Limbo - part 2
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
MDNI / smut
Taglist: open.
A/n: this story may be familiar to some. It’s a rework of one of my older stories where I’ve now changed my fem lead to be reader.
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CW: this chapter - workplace flirting, potentially inappropriate behaviour.
It was time for another staff meeting and you were dreading it. How much did Minho see of you dancing the other night? Would he say something to you about it? Would he tell other people? You were hit with a wave of anxiety as you wondered whether or not everyone in this room knew about it.
You tried to gauge his body language, but every time you glanced over at him, he was already watching you. His expression had a hint of a knowing smirk, but maybe you were imagining it. Maybe that’s just his face? Until he winked at you. Your cheeks must have turned bright red because Felix poked you in the arm and said “Hey are you feeling okay?” God no, you weren't feeling okay. The man across the room was sending you a message, he was indicating that he saw something that he shouldn’t have, and that he was highly amused by it. You gulped. Who the fuck was this Minho? And why does he have his sights set on you?
“Ugh.. Finally.” groaned Hyunjin, when Chris eventually dismissed the meeting. He got up from his chair and stretched his arms above his head. “God, I need to go to yoga I think.”
“Do you need a massage, love?" Felix offered, stroking the taller man’s back.
“I thought you said you weren’t going back to yoga?” Binnie piped up, collecting his half drank protein shake and headed out the door.
The other staff started to stream out of the meeting room too, you close on their heels.
“Oh y/n!” Chris called from the front of the room. You turned back to find him ushering you up to the front of the room. To your disappointment, Minho was still sat next to him flicking through paperwork. You bit your lip and strode over to where your boss was seated. You could feel Minho’s energy emanating from him and it made your stomach flip.
“y/n, I need you to go through with Minho your list of podcast clients. Names, contracts, agreements. Who’s paid, who is a pain in the arse… all that. Kay?”
“Oh?” you choked and you started to sit down in a chair. “No, no not right now.” Chris smiled at you, stopping you from sitting down. Minho glanced up from his paperwork and raised an eyebrow.
“Do you have time this afternoon?” Chris inquired.
You thought for a moment. “Ummm… yep… yes.” you squeaked, embarrassment suffocating you. What the hell was wrong with your voice? You saw Minho chuckle out the side of your eye and you turned and glared at him. His laugh disappeared quickly and he cleared his throat “Two is good for me if that works.” He offered.
“Okay. Two works fine for me too.” you turned to leave.
Fuck. “Um…” you turned back to the men who were both still watching you. “So, where do you want to do it? I mean…go through it?” you stumbled on your words. Fuck. You shook head. “I mean do you want to do it at your place… I mean office… or mine?” What the hell?
“I think Minho’s office would be best, he doesn’t share with anyone so...”
“Right, well okay. I’ll see you at two. Your place. Office. Your office.”
You couldn’t get out of there quick enough. How were you going to compose yourself and get your shit together for your meeting with Minho?
You knocked on Minho’s office door at two o’clock on the dot, laptop in hand.
“Come in.” Minho looked up from his desk. Patting some loose strands of hair down nervously, you made your way to the chair on the other side of his large, sturdy timber desk.
“Why don’t we sit on the sofa? It’s easier to look at the same thing if we’re side by side.” He suggested. You raised your eyebrow suspiciously, but followed Minho to the two seater sofa that was situated at the other end of his office.
“Okay.” you settled herself on the seat beside Minho. Your mini skirt slid up to an embarrassingly inappropriate length, catching his eye. Great, why did you have to wear your shortest skirt? As if you weren't nervous enough, your bare thighs then became a desk for your laptop, allowing Minho to cop a view even if he didn’t want to.
“Okay, so I have compiled a file for you, outlining everything Chris was asking for.” you began, trying to remain cool. “Let me just log into the laptop.” The screen sprang to life revealing your desktop background picture. A photo of kpop boy group Exo. “Fuck!” You scrambled to log in and get as far away from your beloved Exo as quickly as possible. Minho flashed you an entertained glance, the corner of his mouth turning upward in a silent chuckle.
“Shit.” you mumbled.
“You like this whole Korean boy band thing, hmm?” he smirked. Your face felt like it was on fire. “Are these the fellas you were dancing to the other night?” His smirk grew even bigger.
You quickly found the file you were looking for, bringing it up onto the screen and thankfully hiding Exo. “Look, Minho. The question I have is why were you even watching me dance? It wouldn’t be unreasonable for me to think you were ogling me.”
Minho laughed boisterously. “Ha! Kitten! I was only investigating a noise disturbance in the office. How was I to know what I’d find?”
Kitten? Did he just call you kitten? “Do you want me to go through this file or not?” you needed to get this conversation back on track.
“Okay, continue.” He conceded, looking back to the screen. But you could feel Minho’s eyes burning into your upper thighs as she explained her podcast accounts. He nodded and agreed in all the right places, but you could sense his mind was somewhere else.
You quickly glanced up at him, and for a second you caught his eyes where they shouldn’t be, right on your legs. He recovered quickly, blinking rapidly and returning his gaze to laptop screen.
“And that’s how you pretend you’re busy working when really you’re reading smut.” you said as a means of testing if he was listening to you or not.
“Hmm… good. Yes, makes sense.” He answered mindlessly. Ha! He wasn’t paying attention at all.
You pressed the ‘x’ on the file, revealing your Exo boys. “You weren’t even listening to me Mister!” you cried, and closed the laptop.
Minho looked indignant. “I was listening.”
“Look, I’ll just email you the file and if you have questions, just let me know.” you started to get up to leave.
Minho’s hand landed on your bare thigh making your body tense up and your heart race. You looked at him in shock, and he quickly retracted his hand once he realised what he’d done. “Sorry, y/n.” He said sheepishly. “You’re right. I was distracted. I’m sorry.”
“Were you checking me out when I was dancing?” you asked calmly even though nothing inside of you felt calm.
“Wait. What? No. Why? That would be… wrong of me.” He rushed to get the words out. Then a revelation hit him. “Ha! What about you? I saw you eating me for breakfast with your eyes in the meeting this morning?” he countered.
“Nope. You’re wrong.” you poked your chin up defiantly.
“I don’t think so, kitten.” He leaned in towards you.
Why does he keep calling you kitten? Surely, it’s not appropriate? But if you were honest, you kind of liked it. This flirting, him calling you ‘kitten’, it was stirring something in you that you had forgotten existed. It was making you feel a way you hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“I know desire when I see it.” He added, whispering right in her ear.
“I have to go!” you said shrilly. You needed to get out of there. Minho’s energy, his presence, his fucking words, they were making your body react - respond - and you didn’t know how to handle it. Kitten? Oh God. You covered your face with your hand, then shook your head and stood up.
“Like I said, I’ll email you everything.” you headed to the door.
“Will it include ‘how to look like you’re busy so you can read smut?’” he called after you.
Fuck! The bastard was actually listening.
Over the next few days you didn’t have to see Minho. Thank fuck. You weren't sure if you'd be able to handle being alone with him again. But you did pass him in the hallway a few times. He’d glance at you as he passed you by, an eyebrow slightly raised, and that now familiar look of amusement on his face. When he could, he’d mumble a “Good Morning, Kitten” to you, making you turn crimson red.
Then on another occasion, you spotted him in the cafe downstairs where you ordered her coffee. He was sitting at table watching you. He didn’t even look away when you looked straight at him. Everyone else didn’t seem to see it. The gossip was that he kept to himself, was polite and reserved, and maybe a little scary.
All you saw was a cocky shit that seemed to want to make you either squirm or turn bright red. Or both. He wasn’t rude, or mean, he just seemed to know how to make you feel something with the way he spoke to you and the way he looked at you. You were nervous and giddy, but you were also appalled at yourself for letting him get to you. But it had been so long since you felt these kind of nerves about a guy. Actually, you'd only been on a handful of dates since leaving your boyfriend Han, some twelve months ago, and none of them eventuated into anything more than a few dinners and really boring sex.
“Come on y/n, who says this guy is actually into you? Maybe he is just a tease, stringing you along ‘cos it’s fun.” you told yourself after you left to go back to your office.
“OOOOhhhh, Felix! That’s the spot. Yes… don’t stop.” Hyunjin moaned. Felix stopped his massage and turned to you.
“Are you coming tonight?” he asked brightly. Felix was in their office again, making plans for the evening, as well as delivering his “signature” massage to Hyunjin.
“Nah! I want to record some podcast episodes.” you hadn’t recorded this week’s episode for your own personal podcast, and you felt behind.
“Who are you talking about this week?” Binnie asked.
“Ateez.” you replied.
“You know, what?” Hyunjin piped up. “We should do a collab episode. Kpop idols in Kdrama!” he looked at you wide eyed and excited.
“Aren’t you due to put out and episode, Hyunjin?” Binnie poked.
Hyunjin sighed dramatically. “Stop harassing me, Binnie. It takes time to watch a drama. I haven’t finished this one yet.”
Binnie rolled his eyes. “Oh look. It’s five o’clock. Time to go.” He said changing the subject, and meticulously packed his stationery away and turned off his computer.
The other two men followed suit, leaving you alone to prepare for your podcast.
It took all of five minutes before Minho crept back into your thoughts. Kitten? His voice kept repeating in your head. Kitten? Why does he use such a word? Oh God you couldn’t get it out of her head.
You remembered him whispering it to you under his breath as he passed you in the hall. But then you imagined him saying it in other situations too. Ones that haven’t even happened. You imagined him saying it while you leaned over his desk to give him a spreadsheet, your blouse falling open just enough to see your lace bra. Or as he instructs you to kneel on the floor in front him while he sits on the sofa “I want you to take it all in your mouth, kitten” he’d say. Or as he bends you over his desk “you’re such a bad girl, kitten.” You shook your head. No. Stop it.
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @chansbabyg @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @enjaken @queenmea604 @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224 @vanillacupcakefrosting @3rachasdomesticbanana @fun-fanfics @palindrome969 @wolfennracha @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy
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