#canon himbo
heretherebedork · 3 months
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Canonically demisexual Grey!?!?!
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I love him so much your honor.
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I am dead this is the greatest scene ever just look at this himbo idiot.
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He has exactly two braincells and they are both entirely devoted to Top but that means there's no room for actually thinking involved.
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What if everyone in Gotham knows who Batman is? They all know, they just don’t say anything. It’s not something that is spoken of or acknowledged in any way, other than the occasional glance or shared look of understanding. But they all know. Except for Brucie Wayne. Lord bless their himbo sunshine child, but he seems to be the only person in Gotham that doesn’t know who Batman is. He must be protected at all costs.
Everyone in Gotham knows who Batman is. (They’re wrong)
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Man art block is bad (I say, posting normally)
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I’m not sure why I draw them cuddling a lot- given that I am a person who doesn’t like physical contact JDHFHHDJ
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emolionsrawr · 2 months
buck: hey babe can you unsleep me at five? i don't wanna nap that long
tommy: yeah sure eva- wait what did you say?
buck: unsleep me at five?
tommy: do you mean wake me up?
tommy: never change you funky lil weirdo
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 5 months
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-1 to all Wisdom checks
-1 to all Intelligence checks
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milfloverobisanya · 11 months
isaac: where's coach beard?
roy: oh, who knows? i don't even know where he lives.
jamie: he doesn't live at ted’s?
colin: i’ve always pictured him in a lighthouse
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raccoonwxrks · 3 months
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also buff men in pretty dresses cure my depression
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sulkybender · 7 months
Zuko is smart.
Sometimes I see joking in the fandom about Zuko being dumb, or a himbo. And part of the reason it makes me uncomfortable is because we know that was how he was treated growing up—Azula is always calling him Dum-Dum. It's the narrative told in his family about who he is, by the people in his life who treated him poorly.
And, some joking aside—famously that moment with Aang on their field-trip—the Gaang doesn't call him dumb or think of him that way, because he isn't. He's ridiculously resourceful, thoughtful when his emotions don't push him to do something rash, and perceptive. If he can be a little literal-minded at times, that seems to come from lack of exposure to the world—to friends, honestly.
Personally I just remember the moment when I understood the narrative my family told about me wasn't true, once I stepped outside my house—that I wasn't a dull, depressing person who annoyed everyone; that I was, in fact, very loving and curious and funny—and what I love about ATLA (among so many things!) is that we get to see Zuko experience that too, when he joins the Gaang. Unlearning the ways in which his family never valued him; learning how to be with people in the world, what friendship means.
Zuko isn't dumb. He's learning.
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tibli · 3 months
people treating either dirk or jake as the 'villain' of the relationship fundamentally misunderstand that they were isolated teenagers with social issues who both contributed to the relationship's problems, and neither of them are evil
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Jester Merlin: [gaily hopping alongside his King, humming a cheerful tune]
King Arthur: Merlin.
Jester Merlin: Yes your majesty?
King Arthur: [stops and turns to his jester grabbing ahold of Merlin's wrist]
Jester Merlin: [the bells on his hat twinkle] whoa! Sire, was that necessary? [Looks at his King curiously] What is it?
King Arthur: Why not become my court sorcerer?
Jester Merlin: [thinks for a second] Mmm, no thank you. I like where I am now. I can act silly without repercussions and can use magic for fun!
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ahfrickenfrick · 3 months
stupid headcannon that on Krypton they kept leathery winged creatures as pets so when Superman first meets Batman he’s immediately aweing all over him and messing with his cape and pointy ears
and then he’s introduced to the concept of furries and immediately bombards Batman w/questions about it
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gophergal · 1 month
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the explosive ladies.... look at them......
(looks better on pf)
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Jason and Grant college roommate au but with trans Jason. And logically he knows Jason was not always His Bro but he cannot conceptualize Jason as anything else. He technically knows Jason's dead name by virtue of knowing he was Bruce's second ward but he literally forgot it the millisecond it registered so he actually doesn't.
Anyway this leads to an interesting scenario when Bruce or Dick (who Jason has been no contact with for a few years) are like "where is Medea, I know my sister/daughter is in there" and Grant "Number One Himbo" Wilson is like "uhhhhh what the fuck are you talking about. You have the wrong house." And just closed the door.
Jason wakes up to get ready for his night class with 24324323 missed calls and messages.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
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i just wanna see more of these two dorks interacting omg >:'D <333
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thecryptidart1st · 4 months
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The most appropriate response from a man whose life gets retconned every 2 months @silvermoon279-madam
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