#can’t wait for dinning room table day!!!!
kentocalls · 19 hours
fushiguro toji | love you a latte ♡ sfw. soft toji w/established relationship. fluff for a WIP. inspied because i wanted to enter @tsukimefuku's JK foodies and goodies.
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mornings have become a fast favorite ever since you’ve turned his space into your home. he’s wrapped in a marigold comforter that feels lighter than air and softer than clouds. maybe he should invest in real cotton or bamboo fibers or whatever you were deliberating over. funnily enough, the same heavily fretted comforter is so viciously pulled off him by your sleeping form, he feels his chest fill with warmth, even in your sleep you’re no less eager to glue to his skin.
toji smiles soft as he watches you start to shift, it’s way too earlier for you to be up. it should be toji’s usual hour to head out for his leg day but he’s finding less and less reasons to leave you alone in the mornings. afterall, this is your third attempt to resettle in dreamland.
he’s used to it by now, the nights you don’t sleep dead like a log from grading assignments you’re rolling along his extra large california king sized bed. there’s nothing california sized about it since toji is relegated to his tiny slice as you roam free. exploring the vastness of comfort foam and some spring technolog that’s done wonders for toji’s back. but somehow it’s not giving the relief you need, body still bending and turning and stretching. damn, can he get you into those positions too? or is conscious you somehow less flexible than asleep you? he wonders if you dream of dancing, your arms and toes stretch, extend prettily like a ballerina
except your face scrunches when somehow you know you’ve drifted too far. legs swirl and sway to find him, body swimming into his side; when he’s close you breathe in deep, head bobbing under his arm, then on top and honestly, toji’s can’t keep watch. he’s knows you won’t get comfortable without his help, he pulls a leg up and over his hips, as the other snakes around on its own. and you’re so good for him, even in your sleep; easily laying your weight onto him, head nestled on his chest, the top of your head close enough to his lips.
he gently eases a few stray hairs from his mouth and out of your face and waits for the rhythmic deep breathing that lulls him back to his own rest. does he dream? if he does, they’re ones he has have been led by your soft breathing. maybe he dreams of a boat or a picnic, it’s all forgotten by the time he wakes up.
and he does, try his best, not to jolt awake when the sun is too annoying to ignore. he’s gotten better since sharing a bed with you, he doesn’t startle awake with violence. now it’s more of a quick jerky motion that’s soothed as soon as he touches your skin.
on autopilot he moves his hands but is met with his own skin? his own chest? he reaches out across the mattress to find it cold. like you’ve been missing for hours. despite all the logical reasoning, panic sets in. where are you? why aren’t you next to him? did you fall off again? he moves like a lion, sprawled over the edge of the bed but he’s met with his own discarded clothing.
head assessing the rest of the room and nada. you’re not in here.
he hears his expensive coffee machine whirl and exhales, falling flat onto the mattress. the sheets smell like you and that almond lotion you adore and he takes an extra deep inhale before getting up.
padding out to his walnut and cream kitchen, you’re moving about the giant island and following a video about — latte art?
he leans onto the island, takes in your form while you concentrate, practice how to move your wrists with an empty class and milk container. he takes the plate of french toast and his favorite fruit over to his dinning room table. another one of your purchases that breathes order into his abode. he’s never really eaten at a proper dinning table unless formally meeting a client at thei home but now he can’t seem to eat anywhere else. no more takeouts on the couch or coffee in the bedroom. you like eating together and that’s it for him.
he eats slowly, still watching you hum a song and repeat the latte art video. perhaps you’re a teacher now because you’re such a diligent student. but your eyes meet his and your voice is full of amber honey, “oh! good morning!”
bright, you’re so bright and walk ever so slowly. eyes moving between him and the mug of coffee? latte? that you gently gently gently place in front of him. it looks…like a circle. he tries to offer the best smile he can, “thanks sunshine.”
you look at him expectantly, “it’s a heart.”
he pulls you in for one kiss, then another and another before you push away with a pout. “it looks like a heart right?”
“whatever you say, doll. the circles a heart.” he’ll erase what a circle is if you deem. you wipe at some syrup on his lips and give the nape of his neck a small squeeze. attempt to make your way back to the big kitchen but he wants more of you, hands firm. he’s been robbed of his morning touches. hasn’t touched the skin of your back, hasn’t gripped your thighs and it’s part of his day off routine. he skipped leg day for cuddles and keeping you on his lap—why are you being so torturous and walking away?
you don’t even like lattes.
“we had a barista visit the school, they said i had a real talent for this and i should swing by his cafe. said he’d hire me on the spot now i think he was lying.” toji hums.
“yeah? he say that with dreamy eyes?”
you shoot him a look, he glares back, watches you replay the barista interaction and your hushed “toji, no.” has him laughing big.
“doll, i’d say anything to get you on a date too.”
“am ? that bad?” you’re bringing another mug over to him, moving at a snails pace but stop your face so focused on the mug that toji has to take pity on you. stomps over with his tall self and bends to look at the second attempt at the latte art.
“it’s a…rabbit?”
your shoulders drop and you click your tongue before taking a giant gulp, toji’s hand on your hip, thumb massaging gently. “i’m good for nothing.”
you’re being pouty and dramatic but the barista really had you believing you had a talent for this! “could’ve made more money on the weekend.” you sigh, toji moves the mug into the kitchen island, long strong arms pulling you close.
“you don’t need the money doll, i’ll buy whatever it is.”
“it’s not the money toji.” another sigh and toji doesn’t like it, has a hand under your chin, eyes serious. if its something on this green earth, he’ll bring to your feet. you just have to ask.
“thought i could work part time when you’re working your longer jobs, something to pass the time.” oh.
you get lonely.
toji pauses. he hasn’t felt lonely since…the day he met you. the time before he knew you feels like a fog. he wasn’t really living them, just getting through day by day. “sorry doll.”
you shake your head, pulling him close. it’s silent safe for your breathing and the angry expensive coffee machine whirling. when you do pull away from him he follows, hands lingering on your hip, makes you both waddle like a penguin and you can’t help but laugh.
it’s his favorite sound now, bounces off his spacious walls, fills the apartment with joy.
“teach me how.”
“you’re really good at teaching, so teach me how.” He grabs an empty mug, “and when i do a really good job, you’ll give me a reward.”
toji leaving the curtain open doesn’t usually happen, he’s super duper considerate of your schedule and knows sleeping in is a rare luxury given you’re a teacher and have to report to school earlier than most people expect. but he left the fucking curtain, blind AND window open. the gang of crows outside better be fighting a crazy battle because they have interrupted your sweet sweet dream. you and toji had robbed a bank and moved to a cold country. it was magical, you had a talking pet tiger.
you convince yourself robbing a bank is not a good idea and that you enjoy teaching rich spoiled kids because you’re being the emotional parental figure they need. you’re doing good in the world! you kick toji’s side of the bed, its so cold and that makes you grumpy. you wanted cuddles.
you’re as fresh as possible when you stumble into the kitchen. you made a many latte arts over the weekend and the despite toji working hard to put that caffeine to use, slept escaped you. your legs are sore, hips carrying the badge of his hands as you press the power button for the machine.
once the sleep is rubbed from your eyes you notice the steamer spout is dirty. you rush to wipe it clean, knowing that stupid part of the machine is the most sensitive and then you realize your mugs are all gone. you weren’t that hyped on caffeine, you cleaned everything diligently. you have a routine, part of it includes setting things up for tomorrow so that your mornings move as easily as possible.
it’s only when you turn around do you notice all seven of your mugs lined up in a row. all of them have latte art that spell out “i love u ♡”
and a huge wad of cash.
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emptyrainbowz · 2 months
Every video in the kitchen has caused collateral damage I don’t know if I can handle the next one
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pedgito · 1 year
hey, im a big fan of your writing. I am also a big fan of Javier Peña, Joel and Din lmao. So can I request a story about either one of those (mostly sfw mainly because im in my feelings) that is more of a hurt/comfort angst? Maybe bottled feelings are freed, a near death experience occurs after a heated confession that didn't go well...? idk I leave it up to you if you want to write it of course. Anyways, again, love love your stories, especially the way your portray Javier. Have a nice week <3
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pairing | javier pena x fem!reader
content warning | mostly sfw, arguments over commitment/relationships, mention of violence (bombing), descriptions of minor injuries and emotional distress, just lots and lots of angst [2.6k]
author’s note | this screamed javi so hard so i couldn't pass up the opportunity to write some angst for him
↝ other fics | requests? | ao3
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You’ve been at it for months now, waiting for Javier to finally give in and confess to you what he’s been holding back for so long—he’s so closed off it’s impossible, his back turned to you as he grips the chair shoved into the small dining table tucked in the corner of his apartment.
This was supposed to be a one off job, spend a couple months down in Bogotá with Steve—play alongside him in the hopes of catching Escobar, settling into a mix between the three of you, realizing fairly quickly that Peña wasn’t the type of nice guy you were used to.
He was brazen, straight-forward and a little bit—scratch that, a lot of an asshole, so full of himself that it oozed out. Still, that didn’t stop you from climbing into his bed a week into your stay, breaking the one rule you had.
Never fucking sleep with your co-workers.
Look where it got you; fighting an emotionless wall of stone.
He wants you, but he can’t have you. He doesn’t want to see you with other people, but he can’t stake his claim and call you his—but god forbid you so much as consider eyeing another person, someone interested in showing you the attention you wanted, that you deserved. His jealousy is unmatched, the curl in his lip when he sees you across the room around them, the short and fleeting touches they gave to your arm in passing—from your perspective, a simple gesture between friends, but to Javier, it's a threat.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t try to show you attention—Javier was more than that, all-consuming in a way, passionate to a fault. But, he was not a lover type guy.
Still, you were naive enough to think you could change that.
“I’m not doing this anymore,” You spoke strongly, watching the tilt of his head as looks down, burning a cigarette held between his fingers, “whatever this is—we can forget about it.”
“Yeah—I’m sure the others will have a fuckin’ field day when they catch wind,” Murphy let it slip once and it’s been the constant topic of conversation, playful teasing toward you but torture on Peña who likes to keep things private, always, “always eye fucking you across the room.”
“Who cares, Javi?” You ask, feeling like you were talking to a ghost as he refused to look at you. “You don’t give a shit what’s going on here, why should I?”
And it hurts because you do.
It was innocent at first, one hookup that should’ve ended that night. But, one turned into several and eventually you were spending most night at Javier’s apartment to the extent of grabbing dinner on the way there—or, for fucks sake, cooking for the man. You knew that he loved breakfast in the mornings despite his constant refusal to eat it, how he couldn’t focus without his first cup of coffee and why he kept his gun at his bedside and the spare under the mattress.
He’s got scars, faint but visible when you lay against his chest at night—some from childhood, some not, but you wouldn’t know had you not spent the time with him and watched the vulnerability he showed when it was just you, just him after a long, stressful day trying to catch a terrifying monster and the both of you itching to burn off steam.
“You can’t ask me on a date, can’t—jesus—you can’t even look at me, Javier.” He hears the break in your voice, how hard you’re struggling to keep things together.
And you’re fuming, furious, aiming to hit him where it really hurts. You want him to feel. Feel anything.
“You like to play house and let me cook you meals, act like I’m yours when it’s convenient for you.” He twitches at that, slamming the burnt end of the cigarette into the ashtray. It’s the only real sign of emotion he’s shown all morning. “That’s all you care about. Egoísta.” (Selfish)
He slams the ashtray down roughly, ashes flying over the table. You don’t jump or flinch, not at all fazed by his outburst. You saw it too often during work when things fucked up or didn’t go his way. When he did show emotion it was intense and full body.
“I told you,” He says slowly, turning toward you now, “I don’t do this,” He punctuates slowly, fingering wagging between the both of you, “I can’t do—this.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
The difference is staggering, truly. You wanted an answer.
“You tell me you never want me to leave your bed, your apartment, that you want to keep me here forever because there’s nothing that makes you feel this close to home—and you can’t do this?”
He speaks it against your lips almost every night when he’s pulling you into his chest, pressing those soft lips of his against your forehead and kissing you with a tenderness reserved only for you.
Javier never answers, gaze growing more intense by the second, bound to retreat from the situation before emotions boil over—but you beat him to it, grabbing your bag and storming out without a word.
He’s never had to beg you to stay and he doesn’t realize how desperately he’d wished to ask you until a few hours later, a phone call from Steve that has his heart dropping into his stomach, the equal worry in Murphy’s voice as he relays the information.
Steve mumbles your name—hurt, bomb, Escobar written all over it, dead, so many dead.
You’re lucky to still be standing—or rather alive, forced onto a gurney lined in the aisle of some rundown Bogota hospital where the workers were running rampant, clearly on edge and scrambling to save lives.
It was minor compared to what could have been. A small concussion, some lacerations to your face and a nasty gash on your side that required some stitching. It wasn’t anything some pain medication and bandages couldn’t fix, but in that commotion you had lost all of your belongings, undoubtedly damaged beyond repair. You had been in the shopping center ten minutes prior to the explosion and you were shaken, admittedly, wondering why your life had been spared over so many others.
And you always hear about your life flashing before your eyes during a near death experience, never really believing it until it happens—and selfishly, you couldn’t think about anything but Javi.
He was a nasty parasite, the kind that sucked the life and energy out of you, took everything and gave nothing in return. You knew how he was going into things, knew he wouldn’t budge or change his ways.
But still, there was a hope that maybe he would change.
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The first thing you manage to do when you find a phone is call the embassy—anyone who would answer and let them know what happened, but they were miles ahead and already fifty feet deep into investigating.
Carillo is the first to ask if you’re okay, not that it matters—but then Murphy is scrambling for the phone, a soft commotion in the background as he argues with the man until he finally lets up and hands it over.
“God, we thought you were dead. Please tell me you’re alright?” Murphy pleads, sounding just as strained and worried as you’d expect, “All your limbs, nothing missing?”
You laugh softly into the phone, the first breath of life back into after what has been a terrible day. It’s already evening, the day has come and gone and the sun is setting without a trace of anyone coming to help.
Not that you expected it—Javier wasn’t the type to get over things easily.
“Yep. Head’s still attached and everything.” And Steve can appreciate your way of coping, adding a bit of lightheartedness to a dark situation. You release a shaky breath, squeezing the plastic tighter until cracks under your grip, “Is there—I mean, they just discharged me, but I don’t have a ride.”
“Javier didn’t pick you up?” Murphy asks, sounding confused. “I told him—he should’ve…”
He trails off, cursing away from the phone as he speaks to someone distantly, “Which hospital are you at?”
You look around for any indication, reading off an unfamiliar name to Steve as he repeats it, scribbling it down on a piece of paper.
“Shit—Javi’s probably clear on the other side of town from you.” Murphy runs a tired hand through his hair, over his face. “They told us they sent everyone to the one here close by the embassy.”
Families searching for their missing—you couldn’t even imagine it.
“He—does Javi think I’m—“
“Shit, I don’t know. He’s been on edge since he got here this morning, we’ve been trying to figure something out, anything—he left a few hours ago when we weren’t getting answers and I just—did something happen?”
“I think I pushed him too far this morning,” You say softly, huddling closer to the wall as the halls become more crowded, louder and suffocating in a way that has your curling around yourself slightly, mindful of the pain in your side, “fuck, maybe this is karma, Steve.”
“Hey, no—don’t say that shit,” He stops you in your tracks, “Javi is…Javi, you can’t predict anything he’s gonna do. Dude’s a fuckin’ brick wall half the time.”
There’s a long moment of silence.
“Steve, I don’t have my phone.” You tell him, “Can you just—call him? Let him know. I need to find a cab or someone willing to drive me back to Bogota if that’s even fucking possible. I don’t even have my wallet or badge with me.”
It’s almost like a divine intervention that you hear Javier on the other end, cutting through the flurry of other voices and busy telephones ringing. He’s wrenching the phone out of Steve’s hand before he can get a word in.
“Querida,” He says soft, voice quivering slightly, “Querida, is that you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will yourself to remember how badly things ended earlier in the day, even if they didn’t feel as important now, they were still important to you.
Emotions were high now, but the fallout could be devastating.
“Yes, I’m—Javi, I’m okay. A little banged up and stuff but I’ll survive,” The silence grows as he absorbs the information, “Look, I need to go. I have to find a ride back to town.”
“Don’t move,” He says briskly, suddenly, “Fuck—I mean stay there, no te vayas. I’m coming for you.” (Do not go)
The line cuts before you have a chance to reply.
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You love how well he sticks out in a crowd despite how he likes to blend in and not draw attention to himself, but he’s all tanned skin and shiny with a layer of sweat that tells you he probably ran a few blocks to get here.
You did wait, even if it was closer to a half hour before there was any sign of him, despite how upset you still were, you waited.
Of course you did.
His eyes dart around nervously before they land on you, tucked away in a corner as you cradle your side and he’s barreling toward you, scooping you up before you can protest. The small squeak you release has him pulling back like someone stabbed him with a hot brand, brows furrowed with worry.
“My side,” You mumble, shifting his hand away from the wound, watching as it falls helpless to his side again, his gaze lingering over your body, face, seeing the amount of damage you took, “hey—I’m fine, all things considered.”
Javier blinks slowly, rubbing around the side of your jaw, careful of the small bandage covering a nasty cut, that familiar pout growing on his lips. You saw it earlier, but the implication was different.
This wasn’t anger. It was worry.
“Mi amor,” He murmurs, oblivious to the commotion around you both as he looks at you, almost straight through you, “fuck—I’m so sorry.”
You breathe through your nose deeply, shaking your head as you grip his wrist for leverage, pulling him alongside you until you’re outside, away from the crowd of people and alone.
“No, I’m sorry.”
And for once, Javier is surprised.
He knows you always have a comeback poised on your tongue, the will to fight and work through any argument that surfaces, but this is defeat. It’s clear as day on your face in the way it falls, eyes softened to the point of near tears and your cheek covered in a dark bruise that makes his chest hurt.
“I don’t know why I’m forcing you to answer to something you don’t want,” That something in question was you, but it didn’t matter, “maybe we let things drag on too long. I was just—happy, I liked it. I shouldn’t have expected anything from you since you were clear from the beginning.”
Even with Javier being the first to cross the lines he drew himself, asking you to stay that one night and never going back, making mistake after mistake until it stopped feeling wrong and started to seem, well, normal. But, here you were, taking the blame like he had no wrongdoing in any of this.
“Bebita, no.” His voice is low, thumb rubbing a tender spot in the side of your neck, a soft touch that massages the ache in your muscles, head tilting into the touch as you look at him. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
Oh, the irony.
“Now look at you,” He says, scanning over your face briefly, “consumes mi mente, nena.” (You consume my mind, baby)
“I can’t do halfway anymore, Javi.” It’s pure honesty, fingers finding his wrist as they wrap around delicate, using his touch as an anchor. “I need all of you.”
“Then have it,” Javier says mindlessly, without thinking and speaking instinct—it’s real, you can see it in the way his eyes widen and soften in the same instance, that pleasing look that entraps you, “tómalo.” (Take it)
The tears that sting your eyes don’t fall, but they rise, blinking rapidly to will them away and force yourself to keep composed despite hearing those words, knowing how deeply he meant them.
“Fuck, I’ll marry you if that proves anything to you, querida.” He’s being over-dramatic, but it has your insides fluttering like wildfire, “I should’ve never let you leave this morning.”
But, he was scared. Terrified of how deeply he felt for you.
“There’s so much you don’t know,” Javier explains, “so much I need to tell you but I don’t want to scare you away.”
As if he could.
“Javi, I’m with you.” You tell him steadily, “I always have been.”
Javier laughs through a sigh, breathing through his nose as he smiles for the first time that day.
“We can talk. We will.” Javier nods assuredly, “But, I want to get you home first.”
Home. He means his apartment, but it comes out that way without realizing.
He’s tender when he helps you shower, cleans your wounds up with what little first aid he has, but he manages, helping you dress in what has to be the most vulnerable moment you’ve had since meeting him.
Javier holds you for a long while after that, curled up in his lap on the sofa as he smokes away with his head leaned against the back of the cushion, rubbing a hand over your thigh softly.
You’re nearly asleep by then, rousing with a small hum.
“After all of this,” He trails on, “when we put Escobar away and this shit is done,” He pauses, taking a short drag from the cigarette and blowing it out into the air, “I want you to come back with me.”
“To Texas?”
He nods, squeezing your leg for reassurance.
“I'm terrified of losing you here, but home—I would never let you out of my sight, I could keep you close.”
His trepidation will always be his downfall, but he knows he can’t let you go anymore. He needs you here, he’ll need you after.
“Anywhere you want, Javi. I’ll follow.”
He doesn’t have any reason not to believe you.
“Buena.” (Good.)
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
if you still write for dark reader, could i please request a crack fic with the batboys where her idea of fun is being kidnapped and getting herself out.
” hey rhys, have you seen y/n? ”
” oh she’s kidnapped, she should be home in time for dinner ”
” oh okay thanks ”
and reader just walks in covered in dirt and someones blood, she quickly showers and debriefs and they all talk about it like it’s the most normal thing ever
” rhys i’m going to hunt a criminal i saw last week, you in? ”
” i wish darling but i’ve got an execution planned, maybe next week? ”
” okay thats fine, maybe cassian or az? ”
” sure we’d love to come!! ”
” great!!! ”
Favorite Crimes
Batboys x reader
A/n: this is funny af thank you for requesting this 😂
Warnings: dark reader and bat boys, kidnapping, blood, descriptions of gore (i think but nothing too bad), murder, and mentions of sexual harassment
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Cassian was positively perplexed as to where in the world you are. You weren’t in the library, or Azriel’s weapons room, and you weren’t in either of the living rooms. He knew you didn’t have anything planned today which made him even more curious as to where you were.
Lightly knocking on Rhys’s office door, poking half his body in. “What’s up Cass,” the High Lord says without looking up from his paper work. “Do you know where y/n is?” “Yes,” Rhys’s face scrunched in thought.
“She told me that she spotted a few of Beron’s spies lurking in town. So she got herself kidnapped. But she’ll be home for dinner.” Cassian let out a small hum. “Wait, again?” “Yup.” Cassian let out another hum and went to his own office.
Just after sunset you winnowed back into the house. “I’m home!” You yelled out, unlacing your boots and setting them by the boys’ boots. The three of them came thundering down the stairs coming to halt, taking you in. You were covered in dirt from head to toe, blood spattered on you where dirt was missing.
You smiled at the boys, skipping past them upstairs. “I’m taking a bath, we’ll talk at dinner.” You said over your shoulder. The three males shared a look and shrugged, heading into the dinning room.
Once you were clean and in fresh clothes you joined your mates at the table. Azriel placed a steaming plate of chicken and veggies in front of you with a kiss on your head. “How was your kidnapping darling?” Rhys asked. You let out an excited hum around the fork in your mouth.
“So much fun! Beron truly employs idiots. So they took me from the city to the border forest between Winter and Autumn. You know the little area that is a mix of winter and autumn? I was tied up and they were waiting for Beron but broke free and the fight was nasty. Cassian you would’ve loved it.
“They did try to bury me at one point but I climbed out. Then I killed them all, which was fairly easy in the end.” They had interjected little cheers and ‘good jobs’ through out your story. It made your cheeks tint pink. It made you happy that they were proud of you.
“What did you do with them?” Azriel asked. “Oh, I stuck their ridiculous swords through them and propped them up like scarecrows for Beron to find.” Cassian snorted, letting out a deep laugh. Rhys was looking at you with amazement. “Wow. You are just incredible darling.”
You blushed again, dipping your chin and looking away from them. Rhys then asks what you all plan on doing this week. When it’s your turn you start nervously playing with your hair. “When I was at Rita’s with Mor I overheard a few females talking about this male who was touching them and he wouldn’t back off. I was going to take him to the woods, hunt him, and torture him. Do you wanna come with me?” You asked, voice full of hope.
Rhys pouted at you, “I’m sorry darling I can’t that day. I have an execution planned in Hewn City.” “That’s ok Rhysie. Cassie, Azzy any interest in coming with me?”
“Hell yeah baby,” Cass said enthusiastically. Az wrapped his arm around you placing a kiss on your temple. “We’ll always come with you baby.” You let out an excited sound clapping your hands lightly. “You guys are the best.”
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f6bron · 15 days
delicate who?
pairing : badboy!iso x soft!gn!reader
notes : established relationship (this is after they started dating), bad boy x sunshine trope, fluff fluff fluff >.<
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Iso arrived at the front of your house, being extra mindful not to rev his bike too much. The last thing he needed was for your parents to come out and give him grief. Not that he minded particularly, but he had to be on his best behaviour in front of his future in-laws. 
After all, he wanted to make a good impression. 
He put up his helmet visor, still sitting on his bike, and texted you.
Yuyu 🐼 : I'm waiting outside, sweetheart.
Five minutes later...
Yuyu 🐼 : Babe?
Y/N: I'm still choosing which shoes to wear!!!
Iso chuckled to himself, shaking his head. What would you do without him, huh? 
Without a second thought, he removed his helmet, setting it down carefully on the seat. He then walked up to your front porch, the wooden steps creaking slightly under his heavy combat boots. Just as he was about to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing the ever-adorable you, perched in front of him with an excited grin.
“Yuyu!” you squealed, throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. The faint smell of cigarette smoke still clung to his leather jacket, mixing with the scent of your floral perfume. It was a comforting and familiar combination.
You stepped back, biting your lip as you gestured to your feet. “I don’t know what shoes to wear…”
“And that’s why I’m here to save the day, baby,” Iso said, giving your cheek a light pinch, causing you to let out a tiny squeak.
He stepped into the hallway, his eyes scanning through the assortment of shoes lined up by the door. After a moment of consideration, he picked out a pair of white sneakers. “These suit your outfit best. Plus, we don’t want your feet to hurt tonight, do we?” He knelt in front of you, gently guiding your foot into the shoe.
You shook your head, watching as he tied the laces with practised ease. You giggled softly when he gently patted your thighs. “Alright, let’s get going.”
“Did you bring my helmet?” you asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Of course, the one with cat ears on em’,” he replied with a smile, retrieving the helmet from his bike.
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Arrived at the club
Iso's palm, which was resting on the small of your back, moved to grip your waist instinctively as you both entered the crowded and noisy venue. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, perfume, and alcohol. The music pulsed through the room, a steady thump-thump-thump that you could feel in your bones. Iso led you further into the club, your eyes darting around as you tried to spot familiar faces. Knowing it was your first time at a club, he wanted to ensure you were comfortable and happy. But as he leaned in to take a closer look at your face, he realised he might not need to worry so much.
You looked up at him, eyes wide and doe-like. “What?”
“Nothing,” Iso said, trying to hold in his chuckle. “You look beautiful tonight. Beautiful as ever.”
You blushed, a rosy hue spreading across your cheeks, which earned a soft smile from him. Then, you heard a familiar voice.
“It’s about time!”
Iso perked up, recognizing the happy voice of Gekko, who was walking towards you both.
“Gekko!” you squealed, quickly moving to hug the taller guy. The embrace was warm and filled with the excitement of friends reuniting.
“Hey, sweets! Looking pretty as always,” Gekko said, dismissing Iso’s playful touch on your hair. “Everyone’s been waiting for y’all. Come on.”
Iso nodded, placing his hand back on the small of your back as Gekko led you to the rest of your friends. The crowd parted slightly, giving way to your group of friends huddled around a tall table.
“You hungry?” Iso asked, his voice barely audible over the din of the club.
You shook your head, fiddling with your purse. “I’m thirsty, though…”
Iso let out a tiny chuckle. “The party hasn’t even started, and you’re already thirsty?”
“I-It’s hot in here! You can’t blame me…” You stomped your foot lightly, pouting up at him. Your actions made Iso chuckle, his chest vibrating with the sound.
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Iso left you with his friends whilst he went to order your drinks. He navigated the crowded bar with ease, returning a few minutes later with drinks in both hands. He saw your eyes light up at the sight of your favourite drink in his hand. The strawberry milkshake was topped with whipped cream and a cherry, just the way you liked it. 
You settled comfortably on Iso’s lap, your soft hands playing with his hair, while he caught up with his group of friends around the table. They talked and laughed over beers, the camaraderie evident in their easy banter.
One of his friends voiced out, “You won big, Iso.” discreetly mentioning you.
“Yeah, didn’t expect you to soften up like this because you know… you’ve always been, rough.”
“Heh, wouldn’t be surprised if this dude ends up with flowers around him.”
Iso rolled his eyes, tightening his arms around you, seemingly annoyed with his friends’ remarks as they bursted into laughter. 
“Shut the fuck up…”
Suddenly, you started squirming on his lap, discomfort etched on your face. The loud noise and the overwhelming crowd were starting to get to you. Iso noticed immediately, his protective instincts kicking in.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Iso asked, his voice gentle and concerned, leaning in closer to hear you over the din of the club.
“S’ loud… hurting my ears…” you mumbled, leaning into him for solace.
Iso knew he couldn’t let you stay uncomfortable any longer. He leaned back, his hand coming up to fix the hair that had fallen over your face. Iso knew he shouldn’t have brought you here; you’ve always hated loud noises and big crowds. But, sighing, he realised you were too stubborn, and Iso just couldn’t say no when it came to you. 
Whatever his sweetheart wanted, he made sure to provide.
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“Can I go, pleaseeeeeee can I can I?” you had pleaded, 
“Y/N, for the last time—” Iso had started, frustration evident in his voice. But then you looked up at him with those wide, pleading doe eyes, and his resolve crumbled.
“Alright, alright. But, you gotta stay with me at all times, okay?” he had relented, his voice softening as you cupped his face, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Thanks, Yuyu ~!”
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“Wanna get out of here?” he asked, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your back.
You shook your head in response, tightening your arms around his waist. “I wanna be with you…”
“Hey, hey, shh… I’ll always be with you, okay? Whatever you want, baby,” he reassured you, his lips brushing against your temple.
You didn’t respond, instead tightening your embrace, your face buried in his chest.
“Alright, how about we leave this party and go home? We can cuddle, watch your favourite movies, or… whatever you want. I’ll stay over at your house tonight.” He murmured into your ear, his calloused hands rubbing your back for comfort.
Your face lit up. “Really? Don’t you have work tomorrow—”
“It’s no big deal, yeah? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” he assured you, his smile warm and genuine.
Iso knew he'd get an earful from his boss for coming in late tomorrow, but it is not as bad compared to the thought of leaving you at home with tearful eyes while hugging his leg, pleading him to stay,
Trust me, this is not the first time. He could handle it.
Iso nodded as an assurance, which earned small kisses all over his face from you. He chuckled, relieved that he could put a smile on your face. When both of you left, his friends couldn’t believe their eyes.
“Told you, man, he’s whipped as hell. That dude is far gone!” one of them remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.
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While waiting for Iso to put on your helmet outside, you asked, “Yuyu?”
“Yeah?” he responded, looking at you with those soft eyes that made your heart flutter.
“Can we get, um… ice cream on the way back?” you asked, your voice hopeful and sweet.
“Of course, I’ll take you to your favourite place. How about that?” he replied, a smile spreading across his face.
You nodded excitedly, your eyes sparkling as he securely fastened the helmet on your head.
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(A/N): badboy!iso is my muse and i will die on this hill...
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604to647 · 4 months
Safest with You (Ch. 10 - The Afterglow)
6.1K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!Reader
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Summary: Din stays the weekend.
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI please). Smut with fluff, next day aftercare, kissing, bathing, oral (f receiving), boob slapping, unprotected PiV, slight daddy kink, slight degradation kink (discussed, Din is a respectful king), tons of pet names as usual (sweetheart, baby, pretty bird, babygirl, etc.)
A/N: This is actually a bonus chapter in that it was not in the original outline; I dunno - just really wanted to see what the day after their first time looked like 🥰 I felt a bit self conscious about the last chapter but I quite like this one! Also - even though reader calls Din "old man", there is no implied age gap. I call my husband an old man all the time and he's only 2.5 months older than me (he just acts like such a freakin' old man sometimes 😂😂)
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Series Masterlist
You wake the next morning when the bed jostles lightly; opening your sleepy eyes, you blurrily make out Din getting out of bed.  Taking a moment to admire the powerful muscles that lay dormant across the expanse of his back, for the first time you have the chance to see that Din has a tattoo beneath his left shoulder blade.  You study it for a moment, it looks to be some sort of animal skull with a narrow head and tusks; making a note to ask Din about it later, you yawn, “Good morning.”
Din turns and smiles, crawling back onto the bed he leans in to give you a soft kiss, “Good morning, pretty bird.  Sorry, was trying not to wake you.”
“I’m a light sleeper, don’t worry,” you grin lazily, still in a half-dreamy stupor from the evening before, “Are you sneaking out on me, Djarin?”
Din throws his arm over you, pinning you beneath the covers and wiggles his bear paw of a hand under you to start tickling; you shriek with laughter, trying to squirm away.
“Can’t get rid of me that easily, sweetheart,” Din chuckles at your feeble attempts to escape; he stops poking and uses his hand underneath to pull you in close, kissing you with tenderness.  Before the kiss can deepen, you’re both made aware of panting breaths coming from next to the bed.  Turning, you smile wide at Al who was lured into the bedroom by the loud sounds of laughter and is now waiting patiently, tail wagging, to be included.
Reaching over you to rub Al’s head, Din kisses your forehead, “Baby, was going to take Al for a walk and pick up some breakfast.”
“I can come,” you start to say, before a yawn over takes you.
“Sweetheart, you rest.  I’ll be back soon.  Need you to be fully recovered from last night, so you can refuel… and be ready to fall apart on my cock again,” you can feel his smirk against your lips as he kisses you eagerly, conveying that he’s not yet had his fill of you.  Your moan is involuntary; extricating your arms from your sheets, you wrap your arms around Din’s neck and pull him in with renewed hunger.
“Pretty bird, I should go,” Din mumbles, making no effort remove himself from your embrace.
“Mmmhmmm,” you hum, more than your wakefulness starting to stir.
Oops.  With difficulty, Din pushes himself off of you to give Al his full attention, two hands rubbing all over his furry head and ears.
When he’s left you to snuggle back under your covers, you call out, “Keys and leash are on the foyer table.  There are spare toothbrushes in the guest room bathroom next to the kitchen,” before closing your eyes and letting your sleepy, arousal muddled brain take over your body.
With Al trotting by his side, Din looks back to see you already snoozing peacefully, so serene and beautiful with your hair fanned out on your fluffy pillows, and he looks down at Al to whisper, “Aren’t we lucky?” before heading out.
The remainder of Saturday passes comfortably and lazily. 
Din comes back with breakfast sandwiches to find you making coffee.  In truth, you are a little sore, and not just in your core where you expected; you silently curse yourself for all the times you dismissed Pilates as “a fad” when you feel the strain in your hips and your upper thigh crease.  Though you try to hide it from Din because you know he’ll feel bad, he’s an ex-boxer trained to look for weakness in his opponent, and he picks up on your little winces as you bring over the steaming mugs to your breakfast table on the balcony. 
Immediately he rushes to your side, “Pretty bird, I hurt you,” eyes worried.
“No, no, I’m okay – I’ve been neglecting my yoga,” you joke, but make sure to kiss him affectionately and reassuringly nuzzle his jaw to show Din there isn’t anything to be concerned about.
Far from being placated, Din insists that he run you a bath after breakfast so you can soak and relax; you don’t argue, but make him promise to join you.
Honestly, you love baths, and given the time, you’ll soak in one for hours with a glass or two of wine; you’re sure today’s bath will be relaxing in a totally different way.  Filling the hot water with more salts and bubbles than usual, you lie in the water with your eyes closed, letting your aching muscles melt until you’re toasty and pliable all over for when Din joins you.  When he comes in, you sit up and cross your arms over the side of the tub, resting your chin on your arms as you watch Din undress, trying not to stare.  His naked physique in the daytime is somehow even more impressive than it was last night.  He towers over you, a mountain of a man, impossibly broad – he isn’t chiseled or as cut as he probably used to be, but his body is still muscular and a force to be reckoned with.  You can’t believe you were able to house all of that between your legs last night; no wonder you’re sore.  Once again, your eyes spot the litany of scars and marks from previous fights (in the ring and out, you’re sure); you beckon Din to come closer with your hand and when he’s within reach, you trace your fingers from scar to scar, drawing a connect the dots picture with the water droplet trail your fingers leave behind.  You look up at Din, eyes full of worry for wounds that have long since hurt, but still pain your heart nonetheless.  Din cups your chin with his hand and says softly, “Should have seen the other guys, pretty bird.”
Your fingers continue their trail down below his belly button, eyes hungry.  Even soft, Din’s cock is impressive; thick and girthy, your mouth waters slightly as your hand wraps around – an easier feat than yesterday when it was hard and throbbing in your mouth.  You’re not sure how long you stay lightly working Din’s length, proverbially and literally drooling, but when Din’s semi hardening cock jumps in your hand, you’re startled out of your daze; Din chuckles and tells you to scoot forward, he’s coming in.
You wanted to sit behind him and help wash him, but that would have defeated the purpose of giving your hips and pelvis a break, so instead, after Din slides into the tub, you sit between his legs on your knees and face him to wash his hair and his body with a little pouf. 
Din is in hell.  You’re once again sitting pretty on your knees for him, this time naked, wet and soapy; his hands are holding you gently by your waist and even there you’re supple and inviting.  He wants you to relax and recover, so he’s vowed not to fuck you until later, but he’s having to tap into years of trained self discipline in order to not sink himself into you right in this tub.  He forces himself to look away from your perky, sudsy breasts, and instead watches your face as you focus on washing him with an adorable look of concentration. 
He thinks he might actually die when you lean over him, pressing your chest into his shoulder and clavicle so you can reach and scrub his back.  All he has to do is tilt his head to the side and down a little and he would be able to bite and suck on that tantalizing flesh; luckily, you save him from himself, “Din?”
“Yes, pretty bird?” hoping you don’t detect the strain in his voice.
“What’s this tattoo?” your fingers tracing the Mythosaur skull; the more you look at the tattoo, the more fearsome it looks.
“Oh,” Din laughs, “…that’s the Mando insignia… we all have it tattooed.”
“Like how the actors from the Fellowship have the 9 tattoo?  Or all of BTS has 7?” you tease.
“Yes,” Din rolls his eyes, kissing and then lightly biting down on your shoulder, “exactly like that… nerd.”
Sitting back on your heels, you straighten your arms, pressing them close to your sides so your boobs are pushed up; you’re not entirely unaware of the effect your nakedness has been having on Din, his growing arousal evident even through the bubble foam.  If he wants to be teasing, you can too.  Pushing out your lower lip for effect, you pout, “Alright cool guy, how come that particular design for the Mandos?”
Din’s eyes are about to pop out of their sockets and his ears tinge pink, “Some of the Mandos went through a D&D phase… Woves found it in a book about fantasy monsters and creatures when we were kids; it’s supposed to be a Mythosaur, like a giant dinosaur, dragon with tusks.  It seemed pretty badass when we were 8.”
You giggle, god he’s so cute.  “It is badass… nerd,” you smile, kissing him lightly once, twice, then a third time in succession.  Turning so you’re facing away from him, you sit between Din’s legs and lay on his chest, “I like it.”
“Thanks, pretty girl.  Sorry I called you a nerd.”
Nuzzling in to his chest, you say light heartedly, “Don’t be sorry.  I am a nerd, and it’s a very cool thing.”
“Very true.  Also, I don’t even know what the second thing you said was,” Din admits.
“Omigod, old man, BTS?!?” you turn up to look at his face, disbelieving.
Little tease.  Din can’t hold back his hands any longer, “Old man?  You’ll pay for that, sweetheart.” Still wanting to leave the lower half of your body alone, he reaches out of the water to give your breasts that are resting above the waterline two playful slaps.
The first slap has you yelping in surprise, but the second has you moaning from the light, but pleasurable sting.  Right away, you feel a wetness between your legs that has nothing to do with the bathwater.
“Oh, does my dirty little slut like that?”
“Mmmhmmm, yes, please, Din.”
Din reaches up and palms your breasts, one in each large hand, covering them completely and groping them rougher than he would normally.
“…daddy,” you sigh.
“Tell daddy what you want, pretty girl.”
“Fuck.. Din.  Want… w-wan… want you to pull on them.”
Fingers rolling your nipples before pinching them gently, Din gives them both a little tug, much to your delight. 
“Ahhhhhh… oh yes, daddy, just like that,” you moan, melting back against him, feeling his hardness pressed against your back.
“Didn’t know my good girl could moan like a whore,” Din whispers hotly in your ear before pulling on your nipples a little harder and releasing them, letting your tits bounce before slapping them like before.
“Holy fu---, oh daddy, that feels so good, love it when you play with my boobs... ohhhhh yessss.”
Din starts sucking on your neck and dips a hand below the water, reaching for your pussy. He swipes two fingers against your slit to find your slick already coating you, “Sweetheart, this for me?”
“Oh god, Din, yes, all for you… please, please need you to fuck me.”
Din stills his hands and returns them to a more innocent position, wrapped around your waist, “Oh pretty girl, we can’t.  You’re still sore.”
You roll in his arms so to face him to plead your case, “Please, daddy.  You take such good care of me, I’m all better.  Want you.”
“Baby –,“ it’s not fair that he has to somehow say no to these big doe eyes you’re giving him, “don’t want to hurt you.”
Crawling up his body, you tuck yourself under Din’s chin and press kisses to his pulse point, “You won’t, daddy.  You only make me feel so good.  Do you need your little slut to beg for it? Please, please, Din.  I need you so bad.”
Fuck. “Let’s get out of the tub, pretty bird.”
Giddy at having gotten your way, you’re practically bouncing as you and Din towel off, and when Din guides you to the bed by the small of your back, gently pushing you up onto the middle of the bed.
“I’m not going to fuck you, sweetheart.”
Your head snaps up, “Wh-“
“And you’re not going to get my fingers.”
“Dinnnnn,” you whine before he cuts you off.
“…I’m going to eat you out until I have you running down my chin.”
“Holy Fu-,“ you don’t even finish your thought as you have to sharply inhale when Din pulls you closer to the edge of the bed by your ankles, gently places your legs over his shoulders and starts lovingly trailing kisses down your inner thigh.
Then he makes you come with just his mouth and his words:
“Such a pretty pussy.  So sweet and perfect,”as he licks long, strong strokes up and down your slit.
“Love how wet you get just from my mouth.  Such a greedy, needy slut,” as he explores your folds with his tongue, swirling and gliding through the most sensitive parts of your cunt.
“Give me those moans, baby girl.  Need to know if my little whore likes what I’m doing to this pretty hole,” as he drinks in your moans and makes the most obscene slurping and squelching noises while open mouth kissing every part of your pussy.
“Come on, sweetheart, soak my face.  Want to drink you up,” as he teases your clit between his teeth before closing his lips over your swollen bud and builds, builds, and builds you up until you topple off the edge, grabbing his hair as you seize, screaming “Daddy!”
You can still taste yourself on his tongue after Din crawls up your body to pepper your mouth with kisses, tucking you into bed before climbing in under the covers to join you. 
“What about you, Din?” you murmur into his neck as he holds you close; knowing you’re too pliant and boneless to argue, he tells you he’ll be fine as you drift off into your nap.
Later in the afternoon, the two of you go for a leisurely (and happily pain free) stroll around your neighbourhood with Al, where you proceed to point out all the food places of note; happily, you let Din select an assortment of pastries for tonight’s dessert from a local bakery and try not to side-eye him too much when he doesn’t choose the Portuguese egg tart.  No one’s perfect, you suppose, smiling to yourself. Once back home, you get started on dinner at the kitchen island, cutting up the bread for tonight’s panzanella.  Din is facing you, sitting on a high top at the bar side of the island, helping you organize the ingredients into little bowls when your cutting board gets too full.  Content chatting nonstop while you prep, you smile at Din and ask, “Why did your dad name the gym ‘Mando’s’?”
Smiling back a big grin, Din points to a pad of paper and pen, to which you nod, “You ever watch Back to the Future, pretty bird?”
“Of course, I love Michael J. Fox!”
Din starts writing on the notepad, “Well, before it went bankrupt, DMC had a repair garage where the gym is now.”  He turns the paper towards you, where you see he’s written:
Manufacturer Certified DeLorean Repairs
“Then before the movie even came out, the company went kaput and abandoned the building and the lot.  A couple of years later, Dad bought it for real cheap, and started to fix the place up to turn it into a gym and a place for us to live.  The neighbourhood was a bit rougher back then, and for some reason, maybe because the movie was so popular at the time, people kept stealing the letters on the sign out front.”
Taking the pad back, Din draws a few short marks on the paper before turning it back to you, “When we moved into the apartment on the top floor, this was what was left.”  When you look, you can’t help but laugh, “Oh my god, they took so many.”
Manufacturer Certified DeLorean Repairs
Grinning, Din takes the pad back for a second time, “Dad and Boba tried to scare the kids into leaving it alone, but I think the challenge just motivated them more.  When the renovations on the gym were about done and dad was ready to open, this is what it looked like:”
Manufacturer Certified DeLorean Repairs
“Dad didn’t want to spend any more money, so he got up on a ladder with a bucket of paint and a paint brush, added the apostrophe and the word ‘gym’ underneath, and that’s how ‘Mando’s Gym’ was born,” Din recounts wistfully, “I think if anyone didn’t know the real story, Dad used to just say Mando was his grandfather’s name or something.  He never found out that Paz and I were the ones who stole the last ‘u’.  I think Paz still has it at his place.”
“That’s so cute,” you grin.  You love how Din talks about his dad; it’s so evident that he’s proud of their shared history with the gym and strong ties to the neighbourhood.  You can just imagine a young Din and Paz sneaking around the property, planning their great heist, “I bet he knew though.  You two were probably the biggest scamps.”
Din comes around to your side of the island, “You’re probably right.  Dad always knew more than he let on.  And who are you calling a scamp, sweetheart?” He steals a handful of cut bread before pinching you on the bum and escaping to the living room to share his bounty with Al.
After a hearty dinner, you and Din put on some tv in the background, and laze on the couch talking about anything and everything: work, dream places to travel, most embarrassing dumb college experiences, extended family.  Netflix and chill, indeed.  You’re sitting with your back against the arm of the couch, legs laid over Din’s lap as he gently plays with and massages your hands.  On the heels of that last topic, you grow a little more serious, and decide to bring up something you’ve been meaning to address, “Din? You know how you told me yesterday a little more about what you and the Mandos do for Boba?”
At this, Din straightens up a bit.  He knew you would have questions and have every right to ask; he just doesn’t know what he’s prepared to answer. 
“I know that the Fett family is important to you, and you’re loyal to them – I can’t admit I’m not curious about… well everything. But I’m never going to, like, interrogate you, okay?  I might have questions, but won’t demand answers because I’m assuming, not all the answers are yours to give.  I guess what I’m saying is it’s okay that you don’t tell me everything, but Din,” and you look at him with pleading eyes, “please don’t ever make me feel like you’re hiding something from me?”
“Oh, pretty bird,” as usual, you prove to be a lot more pragmatic and understanding than Din had been prepared for.  He’s not sure if he’s ever going to stop being surprised by your forgiving and empathetic nature, “I promise I’ll never make you feel that way.  Everything that’s mine, is yours to know if you wish.  You’re right about there being some things that I might not be able to discuss, but you can ask me anything, anytime, okay?”  He kisses your hands over and over, like a humbled subject showing his devotion and allegiance to his queen.  He might be being a little cavalier about it, but he wants you to know that you’re not misplacing your trust in him, and that he in turns, trusts you, “Is there anything you want to know now?”
You think about it for a second then shake your head truthfully, “Right now?  Not really.  Well… maybe just… do you ever carry weapons?”
“Baby, weapons are part of… the religion,” Din tries to phrase it in a delicate, more poetic way, “but, I never carry when I’m in public, and definitely not when I’m with you.  Is that ok?”
Thoughtfully, you nod.  You’ve never felt afraid or intimidated by Din, and his answer doesn’t change that.  Satisfied, you pull up and capture Din’s lips with yours, drawing out the kiss as if sealing in your confidence on the matter.
When you relaxed back into your previous position, but having now reversed your roles so you’re the one giving the hand massage, Din has a completely different question for you, but one he approaches with the same seriousness and care that you did your last, “Pretty bird, I have to make sure something with you.”
You look at him, curious. Din continues, almost shy, “When we’re… in bed… and I call you names…”
Keeping your expression neutral, you think about the side of Din that’s confident, dominant even, who has a mouthy quip for every occasion, and then fondly watch this other Din, the Din who’s easily flustered when he’s trying to be sincere, who is respectful to a fault, almost SHY; honestly, you’re falling in love with both.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t tease him, “What names?”
Din goes beet red and murmurs after a beat, “dirty names..” You stay silent but arch your eyebrows.
“… you know that that’s not what I really think of you, right?”
Oh.  How is this brute of a man, who’s made you come five times in the last 24 hours, so fucking respectful.  You almost feel bad at the giggle that leaves your throat, and you clasp your hands over your mouth so Din can’t see you smile.  It’s absurd.  This man?  An enforcer for a crime boss? If he hadn’t told you himself you wouldn’t have believed it.  He’s so soft and caring, considerate of your physical comfort and emotional safety.  How is he real?  The other hilarious thought is the idea that you might be offended by some light degradation when really, it turns you on like a lightbulb.
You climb onto Din’s lap, straddling his legs; glad to no longer feel a burn in your upper thighs, you cup his face lovingly and plant reassuring kisses on Din’s face, his lips, his cheeks, his nose, “Oh Din, how did I get so lucky?  Of course, I don’t think you think you mean anything actually insulting or demeaning towards me as a person when you call me a slut or a whore in bed.” Silly man. “In fact, the only reason I even find it such a turn on is because I’m sure that you don’t.  If I even thought for a second that you didn’t value me as a person or a woman, I would never entertain you touching me never mind calling me any dirty names during sex.”
Din breathes a sigh of relief, he loved how you brought out the dirty talk in him, but dirty talk was only hot if you liked the dirty talk, “Ok, baby.  I would never.  You’re the smartest, sweetest, prettiest bird. I’m the lucky one that you even looked twice my way.”
You’re melting, and also incredibly turned on, “You’re so good to me, Din.  That’s why I like it when you call me a slut,” you coo into his ear, “It’s like you’re the only one who gets to see this needy, desperate part of me.  You’re the only one who can give me what I need.”
“Fuck, sweetheart.”
“Everyone else gets to see the good girl too, but only you get to know me like this, a filthy whore that’s desperate for your cock.”
“Goddammit, pretty girl.”
“And you know what else I like?”
“What, baby?”
“I like the idea that you want me so bad, that I drive you so crazy, that you cannot help yourself.  You need to take your little slut so bad that you can’t be bothered to be respectful anymore.”
Din’s face is muffled into your neck, “Yeah, baby, respect you so much.”
“I know, daddy.  That’s why I want you to call me a whore, a slut… then handle me like one,” you pause and give Din a less self assured look, “but… I don’t think I like the word ‘bitch’.  And I don’t want you to call me stupid.  And… nothing said in anger.  Or to humiliate me.  I don’t think I would find that very sexy.”
Stroking your hair, Din kisses you lightly, “Of course, only what makes you feel good, I promise.  Only the dirty talk that makes you feel hot… and safe,”
Punctuating each word with a kiss to Din’s open mouth, “Thank you, daddy.  So good to me.  So respectful.  You take such good care of me.  That’s why you get to treat me like your cumslut.”
“Holy fuck, sweet girl.  Remind me again what else you like,” stutters Din, now thrusting up slightly into you.
“I like being your filthy, needy slut, Din,” grinding down on Din’s lap
“Yes, baby girl.  Daddy’s here, take what you need.”
You can feel Din’s cock pressing into you through his pants, so you lift up to shimmy out of your shorts and panties; climbing back onto Din, you take his hands and guide it towards where you’re already throbbing and aching for him.  Din strokes through your wet folds, sucking in a sharp breath, “Fuck, you are a desperate little slut.  So wet from just talking about how dirty you are.”
Plunging a finger in you and meeting no resistance in your slick hole, he adds another and builds up a steady rhythm, “This what you need, pretty bird?  Need daddy to fill you up?”
Bouncing on his fingers, you cry out, “Yes, daddy.  Please, please, need you to fill me up.  Stretch out this pussy,” you pull your shirt over your head, and let your breasts bounce free.
“Fuck. The tits on you, pretty bird.  And the mouth.  You’re gonna be the end of me,” Din growls, working another finger into you as his thumb draws firm circles over your slippery clit.
When Din leans down to take one of your nipples in your mouth, you gasp; your orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast.  The combination of the dirty talk and the fact that it all stemmed from Din wanting to make sure you got to set the boundaries on your derogatory dirty talk, has you absolutely feral for him, “I’m close, Din.  Can’t help it, feels so good.”
“Let go, baby, I got you,” Din promises, intensifying his movements until you come, shaking and nearly sobbing.
Resting your head on Din’s shoulders as he slips out of you, you purr, “Let me clean you up, daddy.”
“Dirty girl,” Din says, smiling down at you.
And with those two words, you feel a fresh wave of heat in your lower belly even though you haven’t yet fully come down from your high; sucking and swirling his fingers in your mouth, you mumble, “Want your cock, Din.”
“What’s that?  You’re still fucked out from my fingers and you want to be my cock sleeve already?”
Uhhhhhhhgg, he is driving you fucking insane.  Coming off his fingers with a pop, you give Din the most innocent look you can muster, “It’s what your little whore needs.”
“Who am I to deny you, pretty bird?” lifting up to pull down his pants, he releases his already leaking cock and lines himself up with your entrance, giving you the go ahead to sink down when you’re ready, “Take what you need, baby.”
Slowly, you sink down, letting his thickness fill you, feeling every delicious inch and stretch of your walls.  When you’re fully seated on Din, you take a moment to revel in this feeling of fullness, having him entirely inside of you, before you start to work yourself on his length.  Each little bounce pulling a moan from your lips and swaying your breasts in Din’s face.  Groping your boobs and pushing them together so he can take as much of the flesh in his mouth at once, Din mumbles, “Perfect tits, baby.  So perfect for my mouth.  You feel so good, pretty bird.  Need to fuck you.”
“Give it to me, daddy.  Use me like a cumrag,” you throw your head back as Din groans and still grasping onto your breasts, starts thrusting up into you.  You’re putty in his hands, a pliant doll for him to use, and he’s taking full advantage, “Such a good little whore for me, letting me use her hole any way I want.”
Your fingers dip to where you’re joined with Din and swipe across your throbbing clit; it takes only four sloppy circles before you wail out Din’s name, coming quickly but intensely.  Closing your eyes, you tuck yourself under Din’s chin and continue to mewl as Din uses your body for his own pleasure.
“Give me all those needy noises.  Need to hear how good I’m making my pretty slut’s pussy feel.”
“Fuck, Din… feels so good.  It’s your pussy, only you can make me – ngh!  Fill me up, daddy. Need your cum.  Please, give it all to me.”
Hearing you beg for his cum pushes Din over the edge and he comes with a roar, shooting his release deep inside you.  Both of you shuddering as he empties into you, holding each other tight, kisses messy and loving.
When your breathing evens, you straighten up to look at Din, glassy-eyed and fucked out; taking in your expression, Din gently kisses you, satisfied and content, mumbling against your lips, “Good talk.”
Laughing, you give him a little punch in the shoulder before kissing him back sweetly.
The next morning, Din drops you off at brunch; you let him know that he’s welcome to join, but he makes a good case for going back to his place, “I think I need a fresh change of clothes, pretty bird.  These kind of still smell like that club.”
Jokingly, you pretend to take a whiff and scrunch up your nose.  Din kisses your adorable expression and promises to come pick you up after.
To say the girls are curious about what’s transpired since the birthday dinner is the understatement of the century; when you let them know in the chat that Din would be dropping you off at brunch, your phone had practically vibrated itself off your bedside table from the successive notifications.  Securing your phone in a drawer, you escaped to the shower without reading any of the messages.
You’re sure you and Din were spotted through the windows, but when you sit down in your usual seat, you’re met with nonchalant, innocent faces… that last for approximately 20 seconds before Bea explodes, “What the hell??!?!”
“You dropped a bomb in the group chat and then radio silence?!!”
“That was him outside?! He’s the size of a fucking refrigerator!”
Rory’s outburst stuns several nearby tables into silence, as your friends all turn to face you, expectantly.  Sheepishly, you nod and giggle, “… but he fucked it better yesterday.”
Your friends whoop and cheer so loud you’re sure that you’re going to need to find a new brunch location after today.  Feeling bad for having inadvertently left them in suspense earlier, you tell your friends everything, minus the details about the Fett Family and Din’s past and current ties, leaving it as Din coming from a rough neighbourhood and being hypervigilant about safety.
“Seems like he was trying to look out for you, but wound up being kind of stupid about it,” muses Lala.  Everyone nods; they’re right of course, but the dreamy look you have on your face convinces your friends that you and Din have worked past it.  They press you for more details about your weekend, and you talk so much that your food goes cold.
At one point, you have to remind your friends that this is Katie’s birthday brunch and you shouldn’t be monopolizing the conversation, but Katie waves her hand dismissively and says that all she wants for her birthday is to know how many orgasms you’ve had since she last saw you.
Popping a strawberry in your mouth, you muse, “Including this morning?”
Mouth full after adding a forkful of fruit, you hold up both hands, palms out and fingers spread, then fold down one thumb.
“Holy shit, no wonder you had a sex limp.”
The table giggles uncontrollably and you use the opportunity to shovel more food in your mouth before your friends assail you with more questions.
When your plates are being cleared, you lean back in your chair, stomach full, and spot a familiar hulk of a character sitting at the bar.  Giving Din a little wave, he smiles and gets up when you wave him over.
Getting permission from a waiter to pull over a chair, Din folds his large frame into his seat next to you and says, rather nervously, “Hi.  I’m Din.”
“Oh, we know,” cackles Rory, and you cover your face, you’re giggling so much.
You make the introductions, and Din politely shakes everyone’s hands while your friends all smirk knowingly at him.  They’re such menaces.  Din breaks the ice, “So you guys want my place and time of birth to do my star chart?”  This gets a good laugh, and when that dies down, Bea looks Din dead in the eye, “Yeah, we do.”
Din roars with laughter, “Might as well, I have a feeling there aren’t going to be any secrets between me and you ladies.”
“Right-o, dude.  Can you also get some socials so we can keep an eye on you?”
“No can do, sorry.  Like this one says,” Din’s finger jabs lovingly into your side, “I’m too much of an old man.  But you’re all welcome to come and work out at my gym if you want to check up on me.  Anytime,” holding his hands up in surrender.
“Any cute guys at your gym?”
“You’re looking at the cutest guy there,” you cut in, grinning uncontrollably when Din leans over to give you an appreciative kiss on your temple.
Before your friends can groan at this cute display, the waiter who Jen has been trying to flag down comes over so she can ask for the check, and to the table’s surprise, he responds, “The bill’s been paid.  All taken care of,” and gives Din a nod.
You turn to Din, shocked, “Din!!”
Din looks like he’s been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, “It was… an accident.”
Incredulously, you say, “Did your credit call fall into the reader?”
“No, no,” Din implores, “I got here early, so I got a coffee at the bar, and then thought I would pay for your meal, pretty bird.”  You instinctively soften at the pet name, and you know your friends do too.
Din runs his hands through his hair, “Then I remembered it was Katie’s birthday, so I asked the waiter if he knew which meal was the birthday girl’s so I could pay for that too,” he’s getting kind of flustered now.  “…Then, I thought that might be kind of unfair for everyone else because you were probably going to split Katie’s meal so now everyone left would be paying more than before… and I couldn’t take it back, so… I just paid for everyone,” he finishes in a hurry.
“Why are you so cute?” you ask, purposefully pouty, pulling Din in for an appreciative kiss – he wasn’t trying to be boastful or impressive, he was just being thoughtful.  You can’t help but feel pride in showing this Din to your friends: he’s charming and confident, but ultimately just a giant teddy bear whose own considerate and kind nature can’t help but shine through.
“Ok fine, you’re forgiven,” quips Rory, and Din breaks out into a huge smile as he mimes wiping his forehead with the back of his hand and exhales, “Whew!”
The girls chorus their thanks, and you know that they’re truly appreciative and touched by his sweet gesture.
“My pleasure,” Din says, genuinely, “and Happy Birthday!” he says to Katie.
“Thank you!  The best birthday gift you could give me is taking care of our girl here,” smiles Katie, with sincerity.
Din wraps his arms around you and you tilt your face up to his, melting into his look of adoration. “Consider it done,” he says softly before lightly pressing his lips to yours.
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ladylooch · 8 months
How Would I? - Nico Hischier
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A/N: I am going to be honest and say I am actually nervous to post this. I went back and forth on if I needed to soften this up. Ultimately, I feel it is much better as is. But this is definitely dark, so please read at your own discretion!
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Robbery, assault, broken bones, pregnancy talk, violence. 
“Hi.” I whisper to my husband via FaceTime. My feet gently rock Lucie and I on the rocking chair in her room. Nico smiles excitedly when he sees my face. He is leaning against the brick wall of the Prudential Center. The team is having a Dine with the Devils charity event at the arena. 
“Hi.” Nico murmurs back. “She asleep?”
“Yeah.” I flip the camera so he can see Lucie’s angelic face. She had a big day playing with Lio at an indoor play house, then having pizza for dinner. 
“Good. Her and Lio have fun?”
“So much.” I smile, turning the camera back onto me.
“Cause trouble too?”
“Of course.” I roll my eyes. “They conspired by hiding in the upper slides. Only came out when Emma started yelling at them in Swiss German.” Nico chuckles. “The other parents gave her quite the look.” Emma holding her pregnant belly with each heavy inhale added another layer to the picture. 
“I’m sure.” He sighs, glancing up and giving a polite nod as a group of fans walks by to the locker room for their tour. “I should be home in an hour or so. Things are wrapping up.”
“Sounds good.” I adjust the screen in my hand. “Can’t wait.”
“Me too, babe. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.” We pucker our lips for smooches, then click off. “Okay, Luc.” I whisper, then stand. My almost five month bump protrudes out as I maneuver Lucie into her bed. She startles a bit, gripping onto her penguin pillow pet. I back away quietly, then shut the door completely behind me. 
I hold my belly as I walk back down the stairs. I feel so huge this pregnancy. With Lucie, it seemed like I stayed small until the very end when she began gaining a pound a week. But with  this daughter, I’ve been popping since last month. I scratch at the itchy skin around my belly button then head into the kitchen. I finish loading the dishwasher, reaching around for the detergent in the bottom cabinet. I hear the front door open and foot steps on the rug in the entry way. I stand up, closing the dishwasher and pushing the on button.
“Wow, that had to have been record speed.” I say making sure the light turns on for the wash cycle. There is no response. I move to turn around but a hand clasps over my mouth. This is not Nico. Fear jolts through my body and I try to pull away.
“Stop. If you do what I say, you and your daughter won’t be harmed.” It’s a man. A voice I don’t recognize. My heart lurches into my throat. I stiffen. “I am going to release you now. The last thing you want to do is scream. We wouldn’t want your little daughter upstairs to wake up, Mrs. Hischier.”
I can sense he has been watching us. He knows Lucie is asleep. He knows where her room is. He knows who I am. Who Nico is. It’s all panic inducing. The baby kicks against my abdomen as he releases me.
“Go to the table.” He presses something cold to the back of my neck. I have never felt a gun against my skin before, but it sure feels like one. I purse my lips together and slowly move to the dining area. I glance around, looking for a weapon, cursing earlier me that cleaned up the kitchen. The knives are across the kitchen. The vase is too far away to grab. And the very real possibility of a gun being on my neck stops any other thoughts of fighting.
“What do you want?” I ask, surprise at how still my voice is. 
“No questions.” He presses the cool metal even deeper into my skin. The more he talks, the younger he sounds. He rips out one of the dinning room chairs and harshly shoves me down onto it. My stomach bottoms out. The baby kicks harder and I push a hand over her. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant. Otherwise you’d be dead.” My mouth crumbles as he touches my hair. I pull harshly away. “I’m going to tie you up. You’re going to be quiet. I’ll grab what I want and leave. You scream, I take your daughter with me.” 
“Please. Let me go to her room. We’ll stay there together. You can take whatever you want. Please. Just… don’t hurt her.” I am sobbing now, thinking of this man upstairs alone with my daughter sleeping. I feel helpless, incapable of protecting her from the greatest danger.
“Your daughter’s safety depends on your cooperation and yours only. Keep your mouth shut and Nico won’t see your dead bodies when he gets home.”
The way he talks about Nico drips with disdain. A gloved hand comes around, grabbing my wrist and forcing it behind my back. I try to fight against him for the other one, but he yanks down on my shoulder which causes a sharp pain through my shoulder blade. No other words are shared as he duct tapes my feet together. Tape gets slapped over my mouth too. Tears immediately trace over the grey strip.
His retreating footsteps can be heard going up the stairs. I’m stuck. I can’t move the chair. If I tip over, I’ll fall onto the baby. I dig my finger nails into my palm, more tear tracks falling down my cheeks. I listen intently for Lucie. She will scream if he goes in there. I know she will. But no sounds come from upstairs. Nothing except the muted foot steps that I’ll never forget the sound of.
His boots hit the hardwood again. My whole body tenses as I feel him approach from behind. I grit my teeth, trying not to show any fear outwardly. Wanting to swing at him with everything in me and rip his fucking eyes out for invading our home.
“One last thing.” He sneers into my ear, reaching for the wedding bands on my left ring finger. I make a fist, trying to keep them on. “Release or I’ll cut your finger off.” He forces my fingers apart, tugging the rings harshly off. As he is pulling back, I’m able to get my finger nails on him. I press hard then drag, drawing blood. “Bitch!” He grabs the back of my head and throws me to the ground. I land hard on my side. I cringe, feeling the pain shoot through my collarbone. He steps towards me. I turn, looking him dead in his masked face. He stands over me. “All you rich bitches are the same. Ungrateful sluts.” He leans down, grabbing my face, pressing his fingers in. “Should untie you and teach you a lesson.” 
“Dude! Lights are coming down the street! Let’s go!” Someone else yells into the house. 
“Guess I’ll have to come back instead. Maybe on your husband’s next road trip.” He releases my face, stepping over me towards the front door. The voices disappear and the house is quiet again after a click of the front door. His final words hang violently in the air.
I close my eyes, heavy tears running down from my eyes. I pant heavily, struggling to stretch my feet to loosen the tape. I don’t want Nico to find me like this. Every movement makes my chest and shoulder shoot with pain. It isn’t long before the pain is unbearable. I fight back the nausea from it. With the duct tape still on my mouth, I’ll choke If I puke. 
“Nico.” I sob against the stickiness over my mouth. Panic is bubbling up, tightening my throat. I stop fighting, eventually growing still, trying to minimize the damage to myself and the baby by becoming calm. 
I focus on my breathing. I go to the happiest memories I can think of with Nico. I imagine I’m in bed with him in the morning. He is holding me close, placing soft kisses along my face, waking me up from a light sleep. I hear soft baby giggles coming from Lucie as he whispers for her to give me kisses too. It works. The sound of the garage door opening breaks through my safe place. Then the door opens. Nico tosses his keys on the counter. He walks beyond it, shrugging his jacket off.
His gasp rocks my body when he sees me.
“Oh my god, Lex!” He exclaims, his Nike’s slapping the wood floor as he rushes to me. His hands grab my tired hands. I yelp. He stops, then grabs the tape. “Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh my god, baby what happened?!” His brown eyes are wild, mouth dropped open in shock, breathing rapid. “Are you okay?” He reaches down for the baby, then goes back to my hands.
“Don’t pull my hands. I think my collar bone is broken. He gently works my hands apart. Then goes into the kitchen to grab some scissors. When he has me untied, he works me onto my back. 
“Go grab Lucie.” I say. 
“Baby, what happened!”
“Go. Grab. Lucie!” I scream back at him. “Make sure she is okay.” Nico backs up, then runs up the stairs, two at a time, barreling into her room.
“It’s daddy, baby. It’s okay. Just daddy. Let’s go help mommy.” He comes back into view, holding her close to him. His eyes meet mine and his face distorts in pain. He brings Lucie to the couch, then comes back to me.
“Call the police. Someone broke in, tied me up, and took who knows what. All I know for sure is they took my wedding rings.” I hold my hand up, Nico looks at the vacant space. A darkness I’ve never seen before crosses over his features. “Can you help me sit up?” I give him my good arm, then sit up with his help. I run my hand over the baby, anxious to feel her move. Nico watches as he pulls his phone out.
“Hi, I need to report a break in… and um, they hurt my wife.” He is stuttering, barely able to form English words.
The police come. EMTs too. They want me to go to the hospital for x-rays and and an ultrasound for the baby. Nico scours through the video systems we have, including the baby monitor. No one entered Lucie’s room after I did, which is a relief. It also makes it difficult to give a description of the suspect because they cut the wires leading to our security system. The police believe with the quickness of the break in and the retelling of my story that they had been casing the house. They waited for me to put Lucie to sleep. For Nico to be gone. For me to be at my most vulnerable. 
Nico’s fingers gripped mine so tight when the police officer said that, I had to make him let go.
The x-ray confirm my collarbone is broken. They put me in a sling and schedule me for a follow up appointment next week. I can’t take pain killers; they tell me to monitor my Advil intake because of the baby.
It is hours before we return home. Nico’s car pulls up to the house, but it looks different. Dangerous and dark in the early morning hours.
“We are moving.” Nico says as he walks behind me in the garage with Lucie in his arms. “You are not staying here without me. Every time I am gone, you are leaving too.”
“Nico.” I sigh. 
“No Lex. He told you he would be back. I’m not willing to take that chance. Do not argue with me on this.” He shuts the door behind him. “I already sent a text to Steve in hockey ops. He’s grabbing us a place in Hoboken while we search for a new house. We will move into Timo and Emma’s gated community.”
“But this is our home.” I start to cry. He brings Lucie to the couch, then engulfs me into his chest, careful of my sling. He presses kisses along my head, then tilts my face so he can kiss my lips. “This is where we said we would bring all our babies home from the hospital. Where they would take their first steps. And grow up. And be in a safe place. They took that from us tonight!”
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” 
Holding me isn’t going to make any of this better, but he tries as hard as he can.
- - -
Nico watches Lexi and Lucie sleep next to him later that night. Lexi is propped up on pillows, the elbow of her broken collar bone supported by them too. To Nico, she looks fragile, with a sling and a growing belly.  He reaches out for her bump, then skims that same hand along Lucie’s head where she sleeps cuddled into her baby sister. 
He’s tried to fall asleep numerous times already, but he can’t.
He is fiercely angry.
Angry that someone robbed his house. Irate that some piece of shit hurt his wife. Poisoned by the visual of his pregnant wife tied up and in pain. Terror still fills his veins on what he imagined he would see of their daughter as he ran up the stairs. 
All these images and emotions run through his mind. He can’t let it go. The police officers had been gentle yet realistic that they may never find the people who did this. 
Fine, then Nico would. If they can’t do their job, he’ll hire someone better. The best money can buy. He’d bring investigators from Switzerland. He didn’t care. He was going to fucking find them.
None of the cameras in the neighborhood caught them. Yet, they were able to pull DNA from under Lexi’s nails of whoever tied her up. That was enough for him. Nico wants five minutes in a room with him to do permanent damage. He understands now how people can be capable of murder.
Him and Lex should have never picked this house. They had other options that provided a security presence, but they thought they were safe. Well, now he knew better. He should have been a better father and husband by forcing the gated community house.
Lexi stirs again her pillows, letting out a soft groan. Nico reaches out for her face, brushing her cheek lightly with his thumb.
“I need something.” She gulps down a tentative sip of water. “Can I take Advil yet?” Nico looks at the time on his watch sitting on the bedside table.
“Yeah, sweets. I’ll be right back.” He gently leaves the bed, careful not to rustle Lexi or Lucie. Their daughter immediately stretches her little feet out to take over his side of the bed. Normally he hates her feet against his back because she kicks him throughout the night. Tonight, it’s everything to him.
Nico comes back to Lexi with two Advil. She sits up to take it with Nico’s help. He rubs her back, anger intensifying at every flicker of pain on her body.
“Baby, I am going to find who did this.” He whispers to his wife. “They’re going to pay for this.”
“Neeks…” Lexi murmurs back, reaching for his face with her good hand. She strokes his skin, eyes wary with worry. Nico looks back at her, gaze hard, until he loses it completely. He drops his gaze to her belly when he feels the tears.
“I almost lost my whole world tonight.” Lexi sniffs because she is crying too. “How would I live without you, baby?” Lexi shakes her head, not sure what to say to her husband. 
Gradually, with Lexi’s guidance, Nico lays his head into her lap. His nose presses into their growing baby while Lucie’s hand twitches against his hair. Lexi and Nico join hands on her bump.
The room is silent. The heavy thoughts of their night hanging over them. 
Lexi finally gets Nico to sleep by gently stroking his hand, continuously murmuring to him that she’s still here.
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whxtedreams · 5 months
When they’re ill / injured 
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Summary: Small drabbles about how they let you help them when they're ill or injured.
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Injury, knife wounds, blood, fear, drug use, fluff.
Characters: Joel Miller, Din Djarin, Prince Oberyn, Javier Peña, Agent Whiskey, Frankie Morales
a.n. yeah, so I'm a health worker (admin) and literally thought of this at work while going over forms, wrote dot points on sticky notes and smashed this out in my lunch break. Enjoy!
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Joel Miller
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Main cause for concern: Injury: lower back  
Joel hides his pain from you for all of three hours. When you finally realise, he doesn't actually know you’re in the room. He gets up from a chair and grunts in pain, his hand shooting to his back as he supports himself on the dining table with his other hand. He jolts when he hears your voice when you ask if he’s okay, only making him hiss in pain when he moves. He tells you he’s fine, of course he does. You know he’s not. After multiple attempts to convince him to go to the clinic in the Q.Z., he finally gives in with a grunt. He huffs, mutters and grumbles the whole time he’s there, making sure he lets everyone know he’s fine. He’s not though: his back is fucked. 
Summary: the poor guy just lifted something.  
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Din Djarin 
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Main cause for concern: Injury: Knife wound; left arm 
Din shut himself in the refresher the moment he got back to the ship. Normally you would let him do whatever he needed to do after hunting a bounty, but the small blood trail he left in his wake worried you. You knock on the door but hear nothing but the clatter of Beskar falling to the floor. You knock again and ask if he needs any help but he just tells you to leave him. You don’t, though; you can’t. You sit with your back to the refresher door and wait. Wait, just in case he needs you. 
When the door finally does open, you look up from where you sit on the floor and he kneels in only his flight suit and helmet. He softly grabs your chin to look at his shielded face. He assures you he’s okay, but you can’t be sure. You lift the sleeve of his shirt to see the wound for yourself, your eyes softening with worry. A painfully long, jagged cut from his wrist to elbow scars his skin, and you hear the hiss from under his modulator as you reach up to touch it. You suggest that maybe this time he goes to a medical clinic. His fingers rest on your cheek as he sighs, telling you that you know why he can’t. He lets you patch him up after that after he wipes a tear from your cheek. 
Summary: just another scar for you to trace later.
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Prince Oberyn
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Main cause for concern: Illness: flu
He’s been in isolation in his chambers for four days now. You’ve stopped by his door each morning and night to check on him, only to be turned away by his guards. You were worried. But finally, on the fourth night when you arrive at his door, he calls for you. The guards let you in and your heart aches as you see him struggling to breathe and blankets sprawled over his body. He missed you, he tells you before he coughs. He motions for you to stop as you walk towards his bed but you do not care if he gets you sick, you just want him to feel better. You gather washcloths and wet them with cold water and lay them on his face, a soft sigh of relief settling in his chest. My sweet little dove, he calls you as his wrist weakly curves around yours as you sit beside his naked, shivering, sweating body. You end up in bed with him, running nails up and down his back as he grips onto your body heat, slowly lulling him to sleep. You pray to the gods that he’ll be better soon. You miss your Prince. 
Summary: it’s literally just a basic ass flu, he’s fine. But everyone deserves to be cared for. 
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Javier Peña
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Main cause for concern: Injury: gunshot wound, shoulder. 
He desperately tried to hide it from you, even as he began to dial your number multiple times throughout the night, only to throw the phone across the room. He didn’t want you to worry, didn’t want to see you panic. He spends the night in hospital before Steve eventually tells you the next morning assuming you already knew. You didn’t. You rush to the hospital, thinking the worst. You find his room and when you arrive your chest is heaving as your eyes frantically search him for injury. I’m okay baby, really, he whispers as you fall into a hug. And he does feel okay as he takes in the smell of your hair, the comfort you bring him as you hug him. You’re angry at him, furious at him for keeping you in the dark. But that feeling is only temporary, because he’s okay. He’s breathing. He’s alive. 
Summary: Hugs are healing.
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Agent Whiskey 
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Main cause of concern: Injury: Lasso burn 
He’s a fucking idiot and you make sure you tell him that after he tried to show off a new move. He was trying to impress you, and god, it would have if he didn’t whip himself and burn a massive line down his leg. He had shouted out in pain but tried to down play it as he came limping back over to you like a wounded puppy. Of course he was still flirting with you as you tried to assess the wound, asking you to kiss it better. You roll your eyes and kiss his leg beside his wound and the idiot tells you he’s healed, that your mouth is all he needs. It is in fact not any better when you drag him to the Kingsman med bay. As he lays on his stomach with your hand in his and the nurses have patched him up, he asks you to kiss him better again. You do. 
Summary: He’s an idiot. But he’s your idiot.  
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Frankie Morales
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Main cause for concern: OD poisoning
You get the call at eleven at night while you’re soaking in a bath. When you answer Fankie is freaking out, blabbering about brownies. You tell him to slow down, and he takes it literally. His words are dragged as he mentions the brownies again, how he feels poisoned. You sigh as you pull yourself from the bath, you let him know you’ll be over as soon as you can. 
When you do arrive at his house, he's laying on the living room floor. You stand above him, arms crossed over your chest as you raise an eyebrow. His hands are in the air as his eyes are fascinated by his fingers moving. He tells you he ate half a tray of “special” brownies and he honestly thought they were weak because they didn't do anything but then it just hit him like a truck and he can now both feel every bone in his body and also nothing. He laughs then, and then doesn’t stop. Somethin’ wrong with those brownies, he laughs and you smile, trying not to laugh. You look over at the tray as he goes to take another and you quickly rush to pick up the tray and he actually pouts at you as his fingers wiggle for the tray. Ah-no way, you scoff as you toss them in the bin. You end up pulling him off the floor and he pukes on the floor beside you, just missing you. Taking you to the ER, you sigh as you take hold of his hand and tug for him to follow you. 
When you do get to the ER, he sits beside you in the waiting room and his head rests on your shoulder and his arm wrapped around yours as you wait. A soft content smile is plastered on his face and you carefully run your fingers through his hair, pulling soft sighs from him. Feel funny, he sighs and you hum. Love you so much, he says as he nestles himself even further against your body. When he’s finally taken in to be put on a drip, he tugs you along with him, muttering he needs you.   
Summary: Eating half a tray of pot brownies was probably not a good idea. Actually –eating half a tray of normal brownies probably isn’t a good idea either tbh.  
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livyjh · 1 year
Heya can I make a request on Din Djarin and reader? What if when Reader sees how Bo and Din are getting closer and such she gets jealous and insecure thinking thinking din could do better than her because they are in a relationship. She thinks Grogu could have a better mother so she ignores Din and when he finds out why she ignored him *smut* hehehe then he takes all night to show her how he worships her and the ground she walks on and how he would be nothing without her?
Thanks so much love your stories
Hello!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!!! I’ve been on a little hiatus, lots of stuff going on. Work is crazy, I’ve got a girlfriend now 👀, life stuff, yknow?
As always, thank you for your request and I hope you like it. Anyways, here’s a thing!
Everything I Wanted
Din Djarin x Reader
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: smuttttt, reader feeling insecure and sad about their relationship with Din
Din Djarin Masterlist
You and Din have been together about a year now, and while things were good… they could be better.
The last few weeks he’s been spending a lot of time with Bo-Katan Kryze. She’s great, she’s so sweet and gets along with everyone really well. Grogu has even taken quite the liking to her.
You sigh to yourself, rubbing your tired eyes. You’re sat in the kitchen of yours and Din’s new little place on Nevarro. Grogu and Din are both still asleep, Grogu in his own little room and Din in the bedroom you shared with him.
You felt bad, you’ve been acting cold to Din since Bo came into the picture recently. The more you thought about it, the more you believed that she would be better for Din and Grogu than you would. A better girlfriend. Better mother.
It’s early morning, you woke up to use the fresher around 4am and decided not to go back to bed, just make yourself a little breakfast, sit and ponder things at the kitchen table.
It’s almost 6am when you hear footsteps padding from the bedroom towards you.
“Morning, cyar’ika.” Din’s voice is gravelly and sleepy as he comes up behind you, putting his hands on your shoulders and kissing the top of your head.
You shrug his shoulders away and he moves around the chair to look at you properly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You shake your head and give a fake smile.
“It’s not nothing.” Din sighs. “You’ve been acting weird for weeks. I thought at first maybe you were just having a few bad days. But now, I don’t know what’s going on.” He sat down next to you and put his hand over yours on the table.
You looked up at him, eyes welling up. “I…” you frown and blink away the tears. “I think that you should be with Bo.”
Din raises a brow at you, then laughs in disbelief. “Wait… what?”
“She’s obviously better than me. Grogu likes her. You like her.”
“Not like that. Not like you.” He says, sad.
You look down into your empty oats bowl. “I just think she’s the better choice.”
“It’s my choice.” Din speaks quietly but sternly. “And I choose you. Always.” He shakes his head. “Can’t believe this whole time you’ve been feeling like this.”
“I just want what’s best for you.” You sigh and look back up at him, staring into his beautiful, brown eyes.
“You are what’s best for me.” He smiles softly and leans in to kiss the corner of your mouth.
You give a weak smile as he moves to stand up, pulling on your hand to have you follow him. “Come on.” He hums.
You nod, following him back to the bedroom. He closes the door and lets go of your hand as you walk to the bed. You sit on the edge with your legs hung over the side.
Din comes to sit next to you, putting an arm around your waist. “How can I prove it to you?”
“What?” You look at him.
“How can I prove that you’re my best choice?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug.
Din thinks for a second and then gets a smirk on his face. He leans in and kisses your cheek. Than your jaw. Then your neck, exactly where you like to be kissed most.
You hum softly and close your eyes, tilting your head back to give him more access. Din is soon pushing you by the shoulders to lay down as his kisses trail down your partially exposed chest, you were just wearing a basic, short, pink slip at the moment. Along with underwear.
“Baby, you don’t have to-“
“I know, sweet girl. I want to. I need to. Need to show you how much I love you.” He smiles up at you and brings your legs up onto the bed, one on each side of him as he settles over you. He kisses your lips one more time before crawling back enough to push your slip up, pulling it until it comes off of you. Next were your panties.
You’re watching him in amazement as his rough, strong hands somehow do it all so delicately. He moves back even further, getting on his elbows between your legs. You instinctually start to close them, always feeling too shy with him to let him eat you out. It’s just… you always squirted when you got eaten out, so it was generally saved for special occasions. You supposed this must be one of them.
He smirks up at you and pushes your thighs apart gently. “Let me see you.” He says softly.
You nod and lick your lips as you let him spread your legs. You soon feel his hot breath on your cunt, making your eyes flutter shut and your head fall back on the pillow.
His mouth attaches to you and his tongue starts to dip into you, gathering your slick and moving it upwards to your clit. His tongue circles your sensitive bud, teasing it and tasting it.
“Baby…” you whine softly.
“Mmm.” He lets out a low rumble that vibrates through your center.
“Din-“ you gasp, reaching down for his hair, opening your eyes again to meet with his.
He’s watching you as his mouth works you over, hands squeezing your inner thighs and keeping them apart. But soon, one of his hands moves down, in, and two fingers start to push into you.
You gasp softly, feeling yourself get even wetter at the action. Din curls his fingers upwards against your g-spot and your hips lift off the bed for a moment as you whine.
“Please-“ you moan softly as you pull his hair harder, starting to grind against his mouth and nose.
He grunts as he sucks on your clit harder, fingering you faster. You’re barely able to watch him, barely able to keep your head up as this intense pleasure fills you.
Your orgasm is quickly approaching, your toes curling and stomach tightening as it does. “Baby-“ you breathe out. “I’m-“
He bites down on your clit and that’s what does it.
“Din-!” You gasp his name loudly as you feel your wetness squirting out of you and into his mouth, dripping down his chin and onto the bed. He groans at the taste of you, eyes closing when you pull his hair even harder than before.
It takes you a good minute or two to recover as Din licks you clean gently. You take a deep breath, looking down at him. “Come here.” You whine.
He immediately does what you ask, moving up the bed and kissing you deeply. You moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue and lips, hands settling on his shoulders.
It’s not long before you feel his stiffened cock pressing against your pussy through his underwear.
“Nghh-“ he rolls his hips down against you and you tilt your head back, eyes closing.
“Wanna keep showing you how much I love you.” He groans into your ear.
“Please…” you nod softly, loving the feel of his beard against your cheek.
He maneuvers out of his underwear and then he’s right there again, his lips are on your neck as the head of his cock presses against your entrance.
You shiver with anticipation, it’s only a moment before he’s pushing inside, stretching you in the best way.
He lets out a long sigh once he’s in to the hilt before slowly pulling back out. You can barely handle all the feeling going on at once. His mouth on your neck, one hand on your chest, his hardness moving in and out of you.
Your nails dig into his shoulders as he sets a slow pace, almost torturing. The hand he has on your chest moves down to rub your clit, massaging it in circles.
“Fuck… yeah, j- just like that.” You stutter out, squeezing your thighs around his hips.
“Wanna feel you tighten around me…” he pushes his hips forward as far as he could while still having room to play with your bundle of nerves.
He stills inside you and you feel your second climax building. He rubs faster circles into you, making you moan as your legs start to shake.
“Come on, mesh’la. I’ve got you.” His breath ghosts over your collarbone.
“I’m so close-“ you cry out, hips jerking upwards.
“Let go.” He hums, moving down and taking one of your nipples into his mouth.
All at once it’s too much and you tip over the edge, gripping his shoulders as you whimper his name. He groans as he feels you pulse around him, velvet walls squeezing his cock.
You’re almost sobbing from how good it feels, his fingers gradually slowing down as your body began to relax. “Fuck.” You curse, looking down at him as he pulls his mouth off your breast.
He leans up and kisses your lips as his hips start to pull out before snapping back in. You gasped at the feeling, your sensitive pussy fluttering.
You moan into his mouth as he starts fucking into you at a quicker pace this time. “Love you so much, cyar’ika.” He sighs, pressing his forehead to yours.
“L- love you, Din.” You hum shakily, angling your face upwards to kiss him again.
You spend a long few minutes like this, kissing passionately as he makes love to you. He keeps telling you over and over again how much you mean to him, how he felt like there’d be a hole in his heart without you, that he needs you in his life. You’re truly believing him, his body moving faster with yours.
“Baby, I need-“ you take a breath and grab his hand that’s placed on your waist, moving it upward and guiding him to tease your breast.
“Anything.” He hums, pinching and pulling at your nipple as he pounded into you as fast as he could, his hips slapping against your ass loudly.
Your breathing becomes uneven and fast, you giving a high pitched moan with each exhale.
“Gonna cum for me?” Din tweaks your nipple especially hard to emphasize his words.
You nod furiously. “Y- yes!”
“Want me to fill you up?” He asks.
“Please!” You whimper.
“That’s my girl.” He groans and his hips stutter as he cums hard into you.
His throbbing cock and the nipple play is enough, making you almost scream as your orgasm washes over you. You’re both moaning at each other, pleasure making you dumb.
You’re blissed out, whining softly when he stops and pulls out of you. You feel his cum leak from your cunt as he moves to lay down next to you.
He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in so that your back is against his chest. He noses at the hair next to your ear before kissing the spot just below it.
You hum happily, eyes closed as you feel yourself drift to sleep in his arms. Everything was going to be okay.
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satrs · 1 year
Can’t feel my face - bllk x fem!Reader N°9
Oli is so babygirl urghhh
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you woke up to the ring of your alarm, groaning while stretching yourself to get ready for the day.
As you were done with your usual morning routine, you noticed the smell of food coming from the kitchen, drawing you right to it.
And there stood Oliver, with your Girish pink apron wrapped around his hips, preparing food for the morning.
Your giggle at his appearance made him look over to you, leaning against the door while watching him with a sly smirk.
He returned it, putting the last preparations onto the plate, motioning you to sit at the dinning table.
„Here. Thought you would like it.“ you looked at the plate with a skeptic look, earning an offended look from the raven haired.
„C‘mon, I’m a great cook! Just try!“ you carefully lifted the food up into your mouth, chewing down on it.
Oliver looked at you with excitement, waiting for your reaction. You hummed, delighted at the taste, signaling him that it tasted good. “Damn, it’s bomb.”
“Told you.” he chuckled, making his way back into the kitchen to clean up.
“Oli‘?” his neck turned towards you at the mention of his name, „you didn’t have to. Really. You can stay as long as needed, you’re no burden for me in any way.“
He returned a wholehearted smile, „It’s the least I could do. I’m so thankful for your kindness, Y/N.“
You flashed him a loving smile back yourself, before eating up and making your way to work.
Oliver was quick to take your finished plate from you, saying his goodbye to you.
He decided to clean up the kitchen and then look for other things he could assist you with while you were already out for work, he just felt obligated to do so.
The living room was already tidy. He has also done the kitchen just now. Bathroom? Also done. The only room left would be- your bedroom.
He entered your bedroom, heart pounding in his heart as if he would face a frightening sight, clearly exaggerating.
He came to view with a fairly clean room, only noticing a full laundry basket at the corner of your lonely room.
He decided to do you a favor and clean your dirty clothes, even when the panties he saw made him act like a virgin boy, he still managed to tear his gaze off of them and throw them into the washing machine.
Meanwhile, you, some hours later were just getting off from your shift, deciding to take a quick break in a nearby café.
You took a seat near the window, muscles visibly relaxing as you sat down, a small sigh escaping your mouth as your tensed face relaxed.
You ordered a small drink to calm yourself and get ready with whatever you would have to face when you come home. As you sat around, glazing around the café.
Once you enjoyed your drink, you were about to get out cash to pay for your order, but you noticed a fancy looking business card.
"You still got my card, right? Call me up whenever."
Right, Reo gave you that card. His number was on the back of it. Should you give him a call? Maybe the job offer wasn't that bad if you think about it twice. You would probably earn much more than with whatever you're working for right now.
You would have to give it your all, doing those small 'operations' was no joke after all.
Reo's previous words linger and overflow your mind, growing more positive to the idea of accepting the job.
It is a bit late, but he said call up whenever, right?
You dialed the number in your phone, hesitating before pushing the call button. After only a few rings, someone picked up at the other line.
"Hello?", it was Reo's voice, clearly, exhaustion of the day lingering in his voice.
He sounds so hot. What the hell.
"Helloooo?" His dragged out answer made you snap out of it, stumbling over your answer.
"H-hey, it's me. Uhm, Y/N?", you questioned your own response as if you didn't know your name yourself.
A surprised but satisfied hum rang from the other line at the sound of your name. "Oh, Y/N! Hope you're doing well. What's up?"
Reo questioned from the other side of the phone, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, trying to hide that fact how excited he is to hear your voice.
Yes, it was only one day ago when he last saw you but, he wasn't very pleased with the outcome of your conversation. He wanted to talk to you more, maybe even invite you home to his expensive mansion.
He figured now would be the perfect chance. After he knew why you called, of course. One step at a time, Reo.
"So I kind of thought about your offer and," you thought about it? You want to do it? You need to meet up, like, now. Discuss the details and shit. Pure business, nothing else. Alright, maybe something else. Fuck, he was about to jump up out of pure joy.
"And I'm thinking about accepting it."
Holy shit, yes.
He let out a low cough to cover up his excitement, eyes flickering around the room nervously, careful to what to respond. "What's stopping you? The money? I told you, you wouldn't have to worry about that."
"Well, I kinda do, I got a job after all." You got a job? Of course, you do, you're a grown woman. A beautiful at that, no, gorgeous even you were-
"You still there?", he quickly averted his attention back to your voice. "Yes. Yes! Uhm, I think we should discuss something so important like this in person. Are you free right now? I know it's kinda late, but it won't take long. Not if you want it to."
Your chuckle ringed in Reo's ear, "Fine. Is this a job interview, then?" It was his turn to let out a low laugh, amused by your answer.
"Yes, you could say that."
You stood before a mansion as you would imagine it in a movie. It was truly breathtaking.
After you hung up on the call and stated Reo your current location, a fancy looking car came to pick you up, driving around parts of the city you never even knew existed.
As you saw big and fancy houses in the distance, you felt poorer the more you came near them, the big buildings overwhelming you completely.
You knew Reo had a lot of money, but wow, this was far behind your imagination. You stood in front of the gates of his home, the Name Mikage written on the Gates in big bold letters.
As the gates opened, the owner stood before you in the flesh, a cocky smile on his face as he noticed your expression.
"Nice, huh?", your eyes flickered between his and the mansion he stood before,"Nice? This is- crazy."
He laughed at your answer, motioning you to follow him into his home. Inside, you were met with an even more shocking view: Floor length windows, ridiculously expensive furniture, and the huge pool you could see through the windows adding the cherry on top.
Meanwhile, Oliver was getting a bit worried. He didn't know why you would take so long to get home and also, he didn't even have your number to call you. What a pain in the ass.
Maybe you went out? But during a weekday, to this hour? Anyway, he couldn't do anything but wait and hope you're doing alright.
"So, how much do you want?", you looked at the purple haired man dumbfounded, confused by his question. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, pretty. Say how much you want for the job, you'll get it. Anything." Anything?
Your mind was floating with ideas, one million? No, no, that's too much- but it wouldn't hurt him, right? You should think about this really well. What is something that-
"But if I were to lose, I would have to stop boxing. Forever. Well, you can tell what happened from then."
This is it. "I want you to let Oliver in the ring again." You felt obligated to do so. You pitied him, figuring this would help him in his current situation. A little help to step back into life again.
Who? Oh- that old hag. But what do you have to do with him? You fuck buddy? Fucking hell.
Reo's mood was quick to change, tone of his voice turning more bitter. "What?"
"You heard me. And a good wage too, of course." you leaned back in your seat, taking a sip of the drink he poured you. You had realized that Reo was growing bitter, clearly not in the mood to talk about him when he has you right here to accompany him.
He looked at you in disbelieve, letting out a heavy sigh at your determination. "Under one circumstance."
Your ears peaked up at the sound of his voice, attention now firmly on him, wanting him to continue.
"You'll have to work every time blue lock is open." That was manageable. Yes, it was working late but, you could finally quit your low budget job and get some good cash, maybe even rent a bigger apartment. Oh, and all the dresses you could buy. What about shoes? Bags? You couldn't stop drooling at the thought.
"And, I'll take you out on a date. When I want too." Huh? He's acting like this would be a punishment for you, why? Going on a date with a rich ass man is not ordinary, so why not?
You were quick to agree, causing Reo to swiftly jump in excitement. His action made you giggle, and you soon noticed that it was late. Really late.
You told him that you should go, and he offered to drive you home, to which you agreed.
You were left dumbfounded again, as he escorted you to his garage, various expensive cars parked there. You were really close to asking him if he could maybe give you one of them.
"Please." He held open the passenger seat for you, hand extended to assist you in getting into the seat. As you got comfortable in the seat, he placed a soft kiss on your hand, eyes borring right through your soul, leaving you flustered.
"I let your place get build, you know." Reo broke through the silent but comfortable ride, one hand on the wheel as he tapped it with his index finger.
"What really?" You were surprised, because when you told him where to drop you off, he told you this. This man really owns everything in town, huh?
"Mhm. Thought it would be necessary, since there's a shortage of apartments around here. Everyone should be able to have a place they could call home."
So he was not only rich, charming, but also caring of others? You were surprised, since it's not usual for the higher people of society to care for the lower or middle class.
"That's really nice of you, Mr. Mikage." He chuckled at your words, quick to correct you. "Please, stop with the formalities. It's simply Reo for you, princess."
You were not yourself at the moment because why the hell were you getting so flustered over a simple nickname? You were called many by various men, but it sounded so different coming off of Reo's tongue. Why was that?
You turned your head to the window to hide your flustered state, causing the man to quickly glance at you, face twitching up into a charming smirk.
Your apartment complex soon came to view, his car sloppily parking in front of it. You were about to step out as his hand stopped your antics, making you glance back at him in question.
His eyes were filled with pure devotion and honesty. "Thank you, Y/N. I could talk to you for hours."
Your eyes widened in surprise at the compliment, causing you to return him a loving smile. You leaned forward towards him, and before he could question your action, you placed a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving him dumbfounded.
"I'm the one who needs to thank you, really. Good night Reo."
As he watched your figure disappear into the night, he touched his cheek where once your lips were for a brief second, recalling the moment in his head like a love struck teenager.
How could a simple kiss on the cheek leave him in such condition? Who really are you? He would have to find that out the next time the both of you meet.
He will make sure to make this date the best one of your life, and Reo will win you over. He had too. Because at this point, he was already yours without you even knowing.
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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oneweirdbookaddict · 20 days
I haven’t posted in a hot minute so accept this little ficlet I wrote back in January.
Part two is in the works guys I swear I just got crushed with finals 😭
Anyway- Four and Sky go to a market together. Sky has a good time and Four doesn’t.
788 words, no warnings!
Sky loves the markets in other times. Seeing what the surface becomes… seeing the way people interact with one another and help each other survive.
Four despises markets.
He’s not sure why, he’s not sure what happened, if the smith is just shy, how he manages his job with his hatred of smithing… but the teenager does.
Will make excuse after excuse to not go with them into a market, lagging behind and avoiding attention at all costs whenever he’s forced.
So when he’s paired up with Four to get information from townspeople in the market…
“Let me do something else.” Four begs Time immediately, something like fear in the smithy’s eyes.
Time gives him a soft look. Says something softly that he can’t quite hear, but Four goes tense.
“Please. Something- anything else. Anything. Please.”
Time must refuse, because Four looks… defeated.
Stalks back to his side, where he’s sitting at the table, pulling his stuff towards him and aggressively attaching knifes to his body.
“Remember you’re not killing anyone. You’re getting information.” Wild chuckles, but Four shoots him a harsh glare that stops the champion and anyone else from commenting.
He swallows nervously as Wild gives him a look that screams ‘good luck.’
But he waits for the smith, and the teen follows him out the door to the market square when he leaves the inn.
“I’m not talking to anyone.” Four says aggressively, leaving no room for disagreement.
“Alright. I’ll do the talking, you want to gather supplies?” He asks gently.
Four blinks at him, then seems to remember he’s angry. Nods curtly, glaring at a rock in the path.
So that’s how they make it work.
He walks up to a vendor, talking and making conversation as Four looks around.
All day.
It gets hot, the sun bearing down on them.
Four seems determined to maintain his grumpy demeanor, hood pulled and arms crossed despite the heat.
“Let’s take a break. Get something to drink, maybe a snack.” He offers, out of breath.
“I would rather get this over with.” Four says quietly, nearly in a whisper.
“Fifteen minutes.” He pleads, sweat trickling down his temple. “It’s hotter than Din’s mother out here.”
Four does not laugh or even smile. He does, however, relent reluctantly.
They find a vendor making fresh juice, buy two cups, and find a shady orchard and buy some apples and rest under the trees.
Four remains grumpy and quiet, glaring in the direction of the town tensely.
“What did Time tell you?” He asks finally, trying to break the mood.
A straight up nasty scowl. “I need to ‘work on my social skills.’” Four says with little air quotes.
He can’t help it- he laughs.
Four’s cheeks turn bright red, glare turning to him.
“Sorry!” He pleads immediately, still smiling. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Really. It’s just… well… you’re not social. At all. This whole time you’ve been hostile and… scary. We were all terrified of you when we met you, man. We were so relieved when you finally started warming up to us. You’re straight up scary.” He smiles again.
Four’s glare makes way for a soft, confused frown.
“I’m not scary.”
But it’s said like a question.
“I don’t have good experiences with people.” Four elaborates quietly. “I just… protect myself, I think.”
He nods slowly. “I understand that. But… aren’t you lonely?” He asks quietly, thinking of how desperately alone he felt… when he was like that.
“No.” Four says shortly, and he believes him. “No. I have everything I need. The friends I want, my grandfather… some small friends. It’s not lonely.”
“There’s a difference between not being alone and not being lonely, kiddo.” He says softly, and Four pauses.
Looks up at him with eyes that look… almost red in the harsh sunlight. “I know. I’m not. Really. I’m happy. With how everything is for me. I like the people I have around me, and I kick out the ones I don’t.”
He laughs at that, grinning at his friend.
Four blinks again.
“Never change, Four. Never change.” He grins, offering an arm.
Despite the heat, Four leans into his chest with a soft sigh. Let’s him wrap him in a hug, staying like that until the juice and snacks are long gone and the sun is nearly setting.
“Ready to head back to the inn?” He asks, glancing down at the smithy and pausing.
“Oh. I guess so.” He says aloud, smiling softly.
Four’s fallen asleep at some point, head resting on his shoulder. Probably heat exhaustion, despite their break to combat it.
Well. No big deal.
He stands, carefully, gathers their things, carrying the smithy back to the inn with the others.
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a-998h · 3 months
*Warning this contains some angst and some vague drugging*
Creator's POV
Turns out, the place I'm being housed is were Furina used to live. This placeis crawling with gards and Neuvillettecan visit me at any moment. However, I don't want to be stuck here. I'm running out of time and I'm still down two cores.
Panic sets in as I realize someone, or many someones, is trying to keep me here and it might have to do with people thinking I'm a fucking god! I'm screwed!
My cheeks feel wet, I'm crying. I just sit down on the sofa and cry my anger and frustration out. I think back to what lead me to this moment...
I found this cool game, tried it out and got hooked. The stories, the characters, and art, everything made me love this game. Now, that love has gotten me trapped in this world with only one day to find what I need to get out.
Maybe, I should just end it all, people back home have probably given up on looking for me, and I didn't want to live in this world. The tears keep flowing, harder and faster and snot comes out of my nose as well. They probably think I'm dead somewhere, because I have no idea how long I've here but is must been a long time. Maybe if I die, then I'll go home without the portal cause I know at this rate I'm not gonna go home and I'll be stuck with these crazy people till I'm old and I die.
"I can’t be with people and I can’t be alone," I mumble.
A show I watched had this line, and right now it fits. I want to be away from these crazy people but being alone with my thoughts seems to be a hell of my own creation. The tears keep falling and won't stop. Why, why can't I just put myself together to figure this out? I... I want to go home, with my friends, family, partners, everyone from my real life.
I'm pulled from my mind, by someone knocking on the door.
"Your grace, may I come in?" The voice asks.
The voice is female and sounds young. I want to be alone so I can process my thoughts, but at the same time I want to have a shoulder to cry on and a willing ear to listen to my problems.
Wiping my tears and snot on my sleeve I open the door and I see, Furina on the other side. Dressed in fancy clothes as always, I wonder how long it takes her to get dressed every day? She walks into the room, closing the door behind her, and sits in the sofa.
"Hi Furina... What are you doing here?" I ask.
She smiles at gives me a kind look, little a kind younger sister in a way and it kind of made me feel better.
"Neuvillette asked if I could keep you company. He's worried about you getting lonely while you settle in," she explained.
I smiled, was it because I had someone to talk to or because Neuvillette had it in his heart to care about me? She walks into the dinning room, and I notice she's holding two bakery boxes. She places the boxes on the table and looks at me. I keep waiting and see her taking out a tea set with a rainbow rose pattern and blue base colors. I keep my eyes on tea set just because it's pretty.
She catches me looking and gestures for me to sit at the table. She pulls out a chair for me and I sit. She pours me a cup of tea before doing so for herself. She then opens the bakery boxes and inside the first one is a blue frosted cake and the other has macaroons of every color of the rainbow.
"Here, we can't have a tea party without desserts," Furina happily chirped.
I smiled at her. It felt nice, we were silent but is wasn't awkward. We shared tea and desserts as the sun shines through the windows. Furina tries to get me to open up and it seems to help. She talks about herself and asks me things about myself and how I'm finding Fontaine.
I answer her questions and tell her about myself and I tell her my thoughts on Fontaine.
"The city is beautiful and the Melusine are so cute!" I accidentally squeal.
She nods her head and she then notices the bag. I freeze. If I tell her, then she might rat me out and I don't want to take that risk. I lie to her and say it's nothing. The once comfortable silence becomes awkward as we just stare and pick at the desserts.
Furina looks at me, with sadness in her eyes. She tells me that she can tell I want to say something. I try to deny it but she can tell I'm lying. My eyes start to water and I tell her about me wanting to leave and the cores. She has slight sadness in her eyes but she doesn't seem all that upset. She tells me she knows where the other two cores are. She tells me that she'll help me find them so I can go home.
Hours later
I... I can't believe it! Furina fulfilled her promise. She told me that Wriothesley had the Dendro core, and well let's just say I needed to start a problem so Wriothesley would leave his office. Once I got into his office I had to sneak the core out of his desk. It was nerve racking but I managed to do it! I put the core in the bag with the others and I exit. I swim around and explore, and then Furina tells me to focus.
When I'm back in the city I ask Furina who has the hydro core. Furina gets nervous and she looks away.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Ummm... Chiori," she mumbles.
I ask her to speak up and she says the person who has the hydro core is Chiori. Well, I'm fucked. Chiori is scary, but my want to go home is stronger than any fear I have of a seamstress lady who threw a pair of her fabric sheers at a rude customer.
I sneak through the city and make my way to Chioriya Boutique. The outside looks pretty and the outfits inside look awesome. I mentally take notes to do these as cosplay some day. Chiori is busy with a customer and I sneak around, trying to find that hydro core. I end up in the backroom and investigate. When I do find it I put it in my bag and dart out of the backroom. I feel relief as I realize I have all the cores I needed. Before I make it to Chioroiya's front door, someone grabs the back of my shirt. I look and see.... it's Chiroi. She holds her hand out for my bag and I shake my head. She keeps telling me to give her the bag.
This goes on for who knows how long until I mange to escape. I rush to the nearest teleport waypoint. When I do find it I think over Musk Reef. I'm expecting a flash of light and then appearing in the waters near Musk reef but I'm not. I open my eyes and I'm touching a streetlight pole.
As I go to leave I feel something in my arm before my word goes black, the last thing I hear is Sigewinne's voice telling me to relax and sleep.
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someplace-darker · 2 years
Kinktober Day 3: Glove Kink | Din Djarin
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Pairing: Din Djarin x reader (no y/n)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+, PWP, public sex, fingering, glove kink, is finger sucking a warning? it is now, reader is afab but no pronouns are used
Summary: Maybe you should be a little bit more subtle about how much you want Din.
A/N: hi this is the late day 3! I thought i was gonna do 3 and 4 tonight but stuff came up so 4 and 5 should be out tomorrow! Also i think this is the first Din thing i've ever written.
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Din knows that your eyes linger on him when he works, whether it’s catching bounties or cleaning his blasters, your gaze tracks him with blatant yearning. He was glad that even if his helmet restricted many things in life, at least his emotions were concealed beneath the impenetrable beskar and cold vocoder. It’s not any different this time. You’re sitting in the back of some outer-rim cantina sitting across from Din as he surveys the room, eyes glued to the way the yellow lights reflect and bounce on every surface of his armor. 
Of course Din doesn’t tell you that he can see you, that his head may be turned but he’s noting each clench of your thighs, each pass of your tongue over your lips. It’s amusing to say the least, he finds it almost pathetic how you can’t seem to keep ahold of yourself in his presence. Although you’ve run out of things around you to look at and busy yourself with. You’re skilled in combat and handy with a weapon when needed, but Din does the rest, such as waiting in shadows and silence for the right moment to pounce on a target. 
Which is exactly why you’re in the rundown cantina in the first place. A tip had come in from a reliable source that the man whose puck you currently carried in your pocket frequented this place in particular. Obviously not that reliable, seeing as the two of you have been sitting here for hours without a sign of him. The light from the dual suns is dwindling, the orange glow from outside the windows turning to purples and blues. The room is starting to empty itself, everyone collectively deciding to turn in for the night and laying down their credits for the bartender before seeing themselves out.
Except for you and the Mandalorian.
“Are we leaving yet?” you question, acutely aware of how you sound like a petulant child. In reality, you’re just massively turned on and need the (semi)privacy of the razor crest. 
“No. This place doesn’t close for another hour, he could still show up,” Din replies, voice hoarse and dipped in molten heat. The same heat that occupies your body as you listen to him speak. You’re not exactly sure when it became this bad, turned into biting your hand as you fucked yourself in his bunk, watching a little closer at how his back twitches under your touch while you stitch a blade wound. 
Focusing on how his hands toss assailants around like it’s nothing.
“Okay, can I at least head back to the ship? We’ll meet there,” you try to negotiate as he tilts his head in your direction, something like a sigh leaving him. His fingers tap on the table between you, gloves flexing around his hand as it moves. 
He doesn’t answer immediately this time, his fingers stopping the rhythmic movement to instead clench into a fist, your stare still locked on his hands. Hands that you’ve thought about so many times before. Din clearing his throat snaps you out of your trance, looking up to see him leaning back against the booth, legs spread wide. 
“Tell me mesh’la,” you’re not exactly sure how, but his voice is lower now “how often do you think about my fingers wrapping around your throat?” 
Shock riddles your brain following his bluntly delivered question, the rest of your body shivering at his tone and how it drips with hunger. You glance out of the darkened corner booth you're seated in, the only people remaining are the bartender and passed out straggler on the other side. Slowly, you turn back to him. His visor reveals nothing and you wonder for a second if you imagined him saying it. Still, you lick your lips and murmur a soft “what?”
Din regards you as you squirm in your seat, turning to jerk his head to the left and pat the spot next to him. It feels as if you’re moving through the thickest water in the galaxy when you start to shift and push yourself around to his side, not looking away from him even when your knee bumps into his as you settle. The cool leather of his glove brushes against your cheek, curving down to cradle the line of your jaw. “I want you to tell me how much you think about me when you’re two fingers deep into your own cunt,” he speaks again, this time slower. 
He watches the realization dawn over your pretty face, gloved thumb pressing gently against the plush cushions of your lips. “You can hear me?” you whisper, clenching your thighs once more, except this time he’s close enough to feel it. “Usually you think I’m sleeping,” he confirms, watching your spit coat the tip of his thumb when your mouth parts just the slightest.
How long has he known?
Lifting his arm, Din moves it to rest on the back of the booth, turning his body to keep his other hand on your face. Your tongue darts out to brush against the tip of his glove, moaning quietly when he allows you to lower your head and suck on the digit. “Do you want me to make you feel good, honey?” Din sounds like he’s teetering on the edge of restraint, voice more strained than before. 
You shouldn’t, you know there’s still people in the building, but all your brain can focus on is the ragged rise and fall of the mandalorian’s chest. 
And fuck, you really are tired of not knowing what it’s like. 
Pulling your head back and off his finger, you nod frantically “yes, Din, please.” Almost instantly he’s pushing his index and middle fingers past your lips once more, grunting when you circle them with your tongue. Once they’re covered in your spit he pulls them out with a soft pop, dragging them down your cloth covered torso before pushing past the waistband of your trousers and curling them into you. The back of your head blooms with a sharp pain when you throw it back against his beskar covered arm, pleasure quickly covering the pain when he pumps them once, then twice. 
Fuck, he didn’t even bother taking the gloves off, yet somehow it makes it better. The mere acknowledgment that he’s finger fucking you with his gloves still on is enough to make your cunt flutter around him. “Come on, I know you’re close. You practically rode the booth for the last few hours,” his voice is strained, a lilting tease playing at the tip of his tongue and it makes you laugh breathily. The laugh quickly morphs into a whine, brows furrowing as you turn your face against his arm, condensation forming on the cold metal. 
He curls his fingers inside you repeatedly, adjusting his wrist so his thumb can find your clit and press circles into it. “Feels so good, wanted you for so long, fuck Din,” he hushes you gently, still aware of your location and missing bartender. Hips pressing down into his hand you start a rhythm, rocking into his hand like you’ve been hit with the strongest aphrodisiac in the galaxy. 
Din’s silent now, entirely honed in on you now, watching as your back arches and you come with a shuddering cry. He presses the head of his helmet to your temple, slowing the movement of his fingers until you stop shaking. “Good, cyare,” he pulls his hand from your bottoms and taps your cheek, cock throbbing in his pants when your jaw relaxes and allows his fingers in. You pull back and grin, eyes hooded and pupils blown.
“That was much better than anything I thought of,” you say, voice wavering.
Din is about to answer but stops when the hiss of a door sounds out. “What’s wrong?” you whisper, head clearing enough to reach down for your blaster.
“I think we have company.”
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
hiii please write some pedri angst with a happy ending like they have this big fight and the reader leaves but the next day at training while talking with gavi he realizes how much he needs her and goes to find her thank uu
A/N: I have so many ideas and sometimes I can’t get anything in writing so I just start to write and hope the story takes form. This is one of those stories. Hope you like it.
Warnings: none
You sat At Pedri’s table going through your textbooks trying to suck up as much information as possible. You had been studying all day at his house while he played video games in the living room. You had taken a quick lunch break and then gone right back to your books.
As you turned the page you heard Pedri’s footsteps and then felt his arms go around your waist from behind. He gave you a kiss on your cheek and then rested his chin on your left shoulder.
“When are you going to be done? I’m bored” he said.
“Pedro, I told you I’m really nervous about this test. In fact I don’t know how I’ll be able to sleep tonight I am so stressed out.”
He began to leave small kisses on your neck and as much as you wanted to give in and close shut your textbooks you knew what your priority was. You let him leave a few more kisses as you reached for your phone, which had been sitting face down on Pedri’s table all afternoon, only to realize it was already 10pm. “Oh my god Pedri. I have to go home. It’s already so late and my test is early tomorrow morning.”
“Are you kidding me?” He growled as he let go of you and began to pace around the dinning room. “Im sorry, are you mad?” You asked as you packed up your stuff and sensed a bit of annoyance in his tone. “You spent all day just sitting here with those books Y/N. What was the point of you coming over? For that rushed lunch?”
“I’m sorry Pedro but I wouldn’t have been able to see you at all today if I hadn’t studied. This is a very important tests and I’m really nervous.”
“I know, you’ve said it a million times already.” He spat back. You stood there dumbfounded because Pedri had never talked to you that way. You decided to ignore him and started to walk towards the door. You had so much to deal with and you would deal with him another day.
At least that was your plan until Pedri couldn’t keep quiet. “Why do you even care anyway? We’re gonna get married and you won’t need to work. I’m going to take care of you.”
His words stopped you dead in your track “That’s your plan?” You asked him.
“It’s not yours?” He asked almost surprised.
“I’m not some gold digger, Pedro.”
“That’s not how I meant it.”
“Then how did you mean it?”
He stood there in silence.
“I just don’t know why you spend all day studying. I can’t even see you sometimes when I have my days off because you’re at uni. I could have gone out with my friends today instead of being stuck inside just waiting for a second of your time.”
You wanted to walk out of his apartment and just go home but your pride got in the way, like always. You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He knew how proud you were of your achievements and it really pissed you off that he seemed not to care at this moment.
“So I should just drop everything when Mr Pedro Gonzalez has some time for me?” You ask. “What about when you leave for days with the team. I’m just supposed to be sitting here waiting for you to come back home and kiss the floor you walk on?”
“I leave for work. My job is the team. My job is what’s going to pay our bills.” He explained.
You scoffed. “Your job isn’t more important than my school Pedro. And your career isn’t going to pay my bills, I am.”
You turned around and began to walk towards the door. When your hand made contact with the doorknob and you began to twist it you heard Pedri. “If you walk out right now, it’s over.”
His words crushed you. You didn’t dare turn around. You knew this wasn’t just from today. The two of you had been digging at each other for weeks. He had been gone for a few weeks with the national team and when he came back you had been consumed with your studying. When you finally got some free time his family had been in town and he hardly had any time for you. Everything had been so fast paced lately and you yearned for some quality time with your boyfriend but you had come to the realization that this would be your life if you stayed with him. His career was just starting and even if you two got married and had kids he would still be gone on trips frequently and his career would always have to come before yours.
You gulped as you felt a tear fall from your eye making its way down your cheek and towards your chin. “I thought I had made it clear we were over Pedro when I said your career wasn’t going to pay my bills.” You finished turning the knob of his front door and walked outside.
You half hoped he would come running behind you and pull you back in. Telling you he was sorry and didn’t mean anything. You also half hoped he would not do that. That he would let you walk out of his life like this and the two of you would never have to turn back. And as you took another step and didn’t hear his footsteps behind you, you knew which option Pedri had chosen. And it killed you.
The next morning Pedri was in a bad mood. He had a bad practice and as he and his teammates walked back to the locker room he looked at his phone. He had hoped to get a message from you but of course he hadn’t. And he knew it too because you weren’t one to say sorry first. He took out his clothes and closed his locker. He stood there and punched the door.
“Hey, hey what’s going on?” Said his friend Gavi who was now next to him.
“I think I fucked it up with Y/N.” He said.
“What happened?”
“We broke up last night.” He said.
“What? But didn’t we just go look at rings for her?” Asked Gavi surprised.
“Maybe I was wrong Pablo. Maybe she’s not the one.”
“But you’re clearly upset Pedro. If she wasn’t the one you wouldn’t be acting like this.” Gavi talked some sense into his friend. “Tell me what happened?”
Pedri went on to tell his friend what happened the night before. He thought Gavi would be on his side but he was wrong. “I can’t believe you told her that.” Said Gavi.
“Excuse me, aren’t you my friend? Why are you taking her side?”
“Because you’re a dumbass.” Said Gavi. “How could you say that to her?”
“I was annoyed. She has been paying more attention to uni than to me.”
“What if she had told you that your career didn’t matter?” Asked Gavi. “She can’t say that.” Spat Pedri back.
Gavi rolled his eyes. “You have a problem my friend. You either show her some respect or actually if you’re going to act like this just leave her alone.”
Pedri couldn’t go home that afternoon because he was just thinking about you. He ended up driving around the city until he reached the port. He parked his car and began to walk around thinking of a way to say sorry to you. Finally he sat on a bench and made the dreaded call.
Y: hello?
P: I’m sorry.
Y: Pedro, I don-
He interrupted you.
P: I’m sorry for being an asshole. I want you to know that I - I’ll take care of you if want to. If you don’t then I won’t. But I still want to be with you.
You laughed.
P: But I - I love you Y/N. Can we please forget about last night?
Y: Pedri, I’m also sorry. I just, I miss you so much and we have been fighting on and off and I’m stressed with my exams. Maybe I overreacted.
P: Can we just forget about last night?
Y: Please.
P: Can I come pick you up?
Y: Yes.
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skzimagines · 11 months
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Part 14
Characters: Hyunjin x Female reader | Leeknow x female reader | all of Skz | y/n’s friend Ash. |
Genre: obsessive!Hyunjin | Polyamory!relationship |
Warnings: 18+ minors dni | threesome activity | smut | cursing | use of alcohol |
Summary: After Hyunjin comes up with the plan, things go on as normal between the three, until the rest of the group catches up, growing suspicious. How will they tell the group?
“We really need to figure out a room situation, because I’m not doing this again, I’m too old.” Minho groans, sitting up from laying on the couch.
The three of us camped out in the living room last night after our conversation. It was the first night all three of us slept together. It was awkward at first, given the past issues and all, but once we warmed up and started talking, it actually turned into a good night. We all ended up on the couch cuddling watching a movie, before we all fell asleep.
“You’re not old, shut up.” I say, smacking his leg with a chuckle. “Yes he is.” Hyunjin groans while stretching. Hyunjin sits up next to me and kisses my cheek, causing a blush to form across my face. “Morning my beautiful girl.” He whispers in my ear, wrapping his arm around me. He sticks his fingers into my side, causing my body to jolt back and I laugh. “Oh god, please don’t.” I beg through my laughter and he continues to tickle me. I scream with a laugh as he gets on top of me and hold down my arms above my head. He brings his face close to mine. “I love you..” he whispers before pressing a kiss against my lips. I smile into it. “I love you too hyunjin.” I say as he pulls away.
We heard Minho clear his throat and we both sit up to face him. “I’m going to make breakfast, do you guys want some?” Minho asks, throwing the blanket off of himself and standing up. We both agree and Minho begins to walk toward the kitchen. I quickly grab his arm, pulling him back to us. “Wait..” I say. He comes back, sitting down next to us. I move closer to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders, using my other hand to guide his face towards mine. “You love me too right?” I whisper, giving him an innocent look. “Of course I do.” He whispers back. He places his hand on my cheek, pulling me in. Our lips land on one another’s, and it feels like sparks are flying off the both of us. He grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him. I climb on top of him, straddling his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. We both moan into each others mouths. I pull away to catch my breath, I rub his hair out of his face, rubbing my finger down the side of his cheek. “You’re so beautiful….” I whisper. “No, sweetie.. that’s all you.” He whispers back. “Now, let me go make you some food.” He smiles. Flipping me over and laying me on the bed, he leans over, planting a kiss to my temple before walking into the kitchen. I lay there smiling, biting on my fingernail. “You’re acting like a giddy school girl.” Hyunjin chuckles, coming closer to me, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arm around my stomach. I sigh, rubbing my hand through his hair. “You can’t love him more than me.” He whispers with a chuckle. I sit up, causing his head to fall and he sits up with me. I grab his face in my hands, setting my forehead against his. “I’ll never love anything more than you my jinnie.” I whisper. A shy smile spreads across his face.
Minho makes breakfast for everyone, we’re all sat around the big dinning room table, sharing a meal. Talking about what we were going to do for the day. I’m sat in the middle of Hyunjin and Minho, of course. “So what’s the plan for today?” Jeongin asks, shoving an entire piece of bacon in to his mouth. “Well, there is a movie theater about thirty minutes from here… we could all go see a movie?” Chan says. We all agree, saying that it sounds like a great idea. Giving us some time to relax and finally enjoy each others company, and finish our breakfast. “The baby of the group gets to pick what movie we see.” Ash says, taking everyone’s plates to the sink. Jeongin shouts a loud “yes!” And whips out his phone to look up what movies are playing. He searches for a few minutes, before finding a horror movie playing tonight. “This is the one.” He says excitedly. Everyone agrees, excited for tonight.
“I’m not going, I’m staying in bed.” Minho says, throwing himself on to the bed in our shared bedroom. I say ours because we still haven’t figured out the room situation, to be able to stay with Hyunjin, yet. I’m currently standing in front of the mirror hanging up in our room, finishing up my makeup. “Oh no.. you are coming.” I say, looking over my shoulder at him. “I need you there, I’m not good with horror movies.” I say with a chuckle. I smirk plays across his face. “You’ll be alright, you’ve got Hyunjin.” He says teasingly. I scoff. “I love hyunjin, with every ounce of my heart.” I say, looking at him through the mirror. “But.. I feel safer when you’re around.” I say quietly, blushing at my own words. I see him smile at me through the mirror as he gets out of bed, walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my should. “I’ll always make you feel safe.” He whispers, before planting a sweet and gentle kiss to my neck. His hands slide underneath the bottom of shirt, rubbing his fingers lightly across my stomach, tickling me slightly, causing me to move back into him. “Minho.. we’re not supposed to do anything without Hyunjin..” I whisper as he continues to kiss up and down my neck. He takes a breathe before attaching his lips and pulling my skin between his lips, sucking a red and purple bruise into my neck. “He does have to know..” he whispers after pulling away. His hand slowly makes its way down the front of my pants. His fingers rubbing slow circles over my clothed core. “Minho.. he’ll be mad.. We- we shouldn’t.” I softly moan out. He chuckled and continues rubbing. “He won’t even know baby, as long as you keep your pretty mouth shut.” He whispers into my ear. I’m quiet as he continues to rub me through my sweat pants. I feel a tingle in my stomach, telling me I’m close. I begin to rut my hips against his hand. “Cum for me sweetheart.” He whispers, rubbing faster. His words send me over the edge, I cum. Leaning against the wall for support as my knee shake with pleasure. “That’s it baby, you’re such a good girl.” He whispers, brushing my hair away from my face.
“Guys let’s go! We’re leaving!” We hear Felix yell from downstairs.
After a short drive, we make it to the movie theater. We’re waiting in line to buy our tickets and snack. When Hyunjin comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Mmm.. my princess.” He breathes into my ear. A blush forms on my checks. I reach behind me, playing with his hair. “Sit next to me?” I ask, turning around to face him. He smiles, moving my hair to the side. His smile quickly fades, to which I notice. “What’s wrong?” I ask. He brings his hand up, rubbing his fingers on the side of my neck. My heart skips a beat, remembering that Minho had been kissing me there earlier. “What is this?” He asks sternly. “Jinnie.. We didn’t.. we didn’t fuck.” I whisper. “I told you not to do anything without me y/n..” he angrily whispers back. “I’m.. I’m sorry hyunjin.. let’s just please have a good night. Yeah?” I say, squeezing his hands into mine, trying to calm his nerves.
“We’ll have a good time here… but you are in so much trouble when we get home. You understand?” He says.
Part 15
Tag list: @greysweaters-blog @mimihwang248 @armystay89 @berryberrytan @multeciahucho @poetrycassie @s4torii444 @nobody3210 @straykids5star @mabysblog
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kamisama-kyaa · 2 years
ow guys and girls (not all) setting up your anniversary date with them!
Genji Genji set up his super duper nice futon mats on his bedroom floor, he can’t really feel the hard floor, but he’d like for you to be as comfortable as you can be around him. You’ve been together for so long yet he always feels like he needs to do everything perfect for you. He set up little scented candles a good distance away from the futon mats. He put on his best cuddling sweater on, took of his mask/face plate and sat on one of the mats. Genji was super nervous about his sort of simplistic idea of an anniversary evening with him. When you entered the room he jolted up and greeted you, “H-Happy Anniversary, (Name)!!” He smiled brightly.
Cassidy This cowboy asked Genji what to do, Genji advised him to set up a romantic evening in his room, anddddd Cassidy did just that. He scattered rose petals on his new clean sheets, which he had Commander Morris wash for him, lit candles on his bed-side tables. Cassidy made sure to grab your favorite snacks and beverages for this special night. He made sure to cover you in small kisses all over. When in bed, he’ll tease you relentlessly thinking about all the memories y’all created over the years. If you’re feeling up for it, he is down to get a little naughty. (eyes emoji)
Tracer Tracer was running around her apartment trying to get ready with only 25 minutes left. She almost messed up trying to gel her hair like her usual everyday hair do. She set up her dinning table with a clean white cloth, had a candle light and set up the plates and silverware. She got done in ten minutes flat. Since Tracer had 15 minutes of just waiting she triple checked that everything was in order. She sat impatiently in her seat. You see, today was the day that Lena was going to propose to you, and she was sweating bullets. The poor girl was reciting everything in her head while other bad scenarios were happening. What if you rejected her? That’d ruin your anniversary and her proposal!! Lena was freaking out trying to shake off that nagging feeling of doubt. The doorbell brought her back to reality. This was it!
Brigette Oh boy, she’s actually surprised that time has flown by so fast with you by her side. Brigette had to make time in between helping Reinhardt and other every day functions. She rented out a whole amusement park so that you two can have an enjoyable experience. She made sure to take lots of photos of you on the anniversary date so that she can hang them up in her room.
Mercy “I got you some swiss chocolates! They’re good, try one!” Angela said as she presented you a medium sized box of chocolates. You know it was her personal favorite sweet treats, but it was a kind gesture. You happily sat next to her and enjoyed the box of chocolates while discussing her latest discoveries. The medic had been so busy with patients arriving almost everyday, she didn’t have a lot of time to prep for your shared anniversary. She felt guilty for not being able to give you what you deserved. “One last thing...” Angela said as she pulled out a small yellow envelope from her pocket. You opened it and inside was a small handkerchief, stitched in was a yellow heart. <3
Widowmaker It’s more like you surprised her with your shared anniversary. She kind of completely forgot. You gave her the usual bouquet of flowers and sweet snacks. Inside she was actually quite happy, but on the outside all she could do is scoff and turn away from you.
Hanzo  He planned it months in advanced what he wanted to do for your anniversary! He made sure there was nice weather, not too cold and not too hot outside. Hanzo wanted to have a peaceful dinner outside with you followed by a small anniversary cake of your favorite flavor. Hanzo goes for the more sentimental approach rather than the big in your face kind of parties. After dinner, cuddling and sweet kisses are a must!
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