#but then it just gets sprung on me at 7 in the morning that there's something else my parents wanna do so now i can't do shit for two days
junepegbert · 2 years
was gonna make a vent post but then i realized it could be a sasha post instead. she'll be insane for me
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shapard · 3 months
Feather of Fate 🕊️
Lucifer x Seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
Lift Me Up
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Chapter 5 < Chapter 6 > Chapter 7
This was the best sleep you ever had in your life. 
The bed felt warm and cozy, too comfortable to even move an inch. 
You in Lucifers Arms and Lucifer in yours.
You smelled the sweet caramel Apple and musk again and hearing a light snoring from Lucifer.
His wings were settled around you hugging him deeper into your chest, protectively.
He was scared that someone would take you away. His arm was resting on your waist and the tickling warm feeling settled in.
Your mind hummed in approval, and for the first time it was quiet. 
No thoughts in your mind, just you and him. 
Everything felt perfect. 
Fluttering your eyes open you searched for Lucifer. 
He was laying peaceful between your chest and grumbled into them. You laughed at the ticklish feeling from his breath. 
He snuggled deeper into one of your breasts, it stung a bit from the pressure but nothing you can’t handle.
This man loves tits, not caring if their small, medium, or large.
He just loves them. 
And yours were just so perfect and soft for him.
Hunger hit you like a punch in the face, your stomach grumbled and ached for food.
You haven’t eaten for days. 
Grumbling, you sat up letting Lucifer slide onto your lap. His hand is still holding your waist tight.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see properly you stroked his hair softly. 
His wings were capturing you in the bed, but you have to eat something. 
Shaking Lucifer softly to wake him up, to no success. “
Luci.” You Shaked him harder and he just cursed into your thigh, snuggling deeper into your lap. “Lucifer!” You screamed this time, he sprung up into defenses pose ready to protect his mate from the non-existing threat. 
You called out his name again, “Let’s eat something. I think we’re both Hungry.” 
Lucifers wings disappeared into his back and now he was facing you. 
You had shorts on from him and an oversized t-shirt he bought you once. 
Not again.
He started to blush at the sight. 
Your hair all a mess and the soft facial expression. He was amazed to say at least. 
Walking towards you, kind of hypnotized by your appearance.
He reached again out for your waist and pullled you closer to him. You let out a quiet gasp and he laughed it off.
“You’re so pretty.” His voice was all gruffed out from the long sleep he longed for and needed. 
You giggled when he prepped kisses all over your face down to your neck. 
When he reached the neck, he started to suck your flesh, you reward him with a low moan.
He pushed you back down on his bed, pressing his morning wood against your clothed heat. 
“So pretty.” He whispers into the crook of your neck. His breath is brushing against your sensitive neck.
Your womanhood started to burn with a wanting feeling.
A feeling of desire burned through your body, you felt like lava.
It clouded your mind.
To get some relief you rubbed your clit on his covered dick to get more friction, you want more.
The desire was too strong to ignore and Lucifer felt the same. 
You needed more of him. And he needed you as much as you needed him.
The room around you felt like a Sauna. No air to breathe, it was suffocating.
You two stopped abruptly.
His stomach now grumbled too because of its emptiness.
You halt.
Groaning he sat up, being disappointed at his body being his own cock-blocker.
You laughed at his disappointed facial expression. 
“Let’s get some food.”
Lilith observed Michael's childish trotting around destroying his room.
It’s not the first time that Lilith saw him throwing a tantrum, but he never destroyed his own stuff. 
This was new.
“What made you Angry this time, Michael?” She raised her brows looking at the messed-up man in front of her.
Michael snapped at Lilith puling her hair to make her look in his eyes. 
“Your damn husband-” “Ex- Husband. We’re divorced.” Lilith quickly corrected him.
Michael slapped Lilith hard in the face, a bruise started to form. "Don't shush me slut."
She doesn’t want to be associated with Lucifer anymore. And most likely not from Michael.
Her eyes are half closed because of the sharp pain on her scalp.
"He's not my husband anymore, and never will be."
Michael rolled his eyes, “He’s in hell because of you. You made him give eve the forbidden apple in the first place.” Raising his eyebrow, remembering all the shit that happened when Lilith entered Lucifers life.
And he remembered how she came crawling to him, pleading to go back to heaven.
Just like she did when Lucifer gave eve the apple. 
Pleading him to let her part in history out. Even though she Influenced him, she doesn't want to look bad in front of God.
Michael sat down on the couch, removing the glass shards that were spread all over it. He re-styled his hair and took a deep breath in.
“I want you to go down there.” Michael announced, now looking at Lilith. 
Lilith started to laugh nervously. “What do you mean, I’ll not go down there.” 
Michael mimicked her nervous laugh, a chain appeared around Lilith’s neck pushing her down towards Michael’s feet as he let her hair go. 
A golden paper puffed out with Lilith signature underneath the signature line. „You’ll go down there Miss ‘I don’t want to see my ex-Man’ You’re in heaven because of me and you’ll do as I say. You signed up for this.”
Lilith shivered scared that the crazy man in front of her will do more than just threating her. 
His voice was everywhere and nowhere, his eyes showing nothing but a blue icy glow. 
The air around them started to freeze.
He tapped on the golden paper to showcase Lilith that he owns her soul, and she can’t do anything about it.
He got her on the leash.
And no one will save her.
Lucifer and you ate in silent. 
Even though you both were all cozying up with each other, there was still a thick tension in the room.
You both avoided the elefant that was still in the room. 
With a sigh you laid the fork on the halfway eaten plate. “So,” you started to play with the napkin, “about Michael.” Lucifer visibly tensed when you mention his name. 
“Your older brother. He’s quiet, scary.” A clink from the fork colliding with the empty plate from Lucifer and you gave him your full attention. 
“Twin actually. Heh... we are twins...” 
He wiped the remaining food on his lips away with a napkin, “and he wasn’t always like that. But something changed, he changed. Jealousy can bring the worst out of people. And it consumed him. He always thought I got more than- Can we talk about this another day? I just want to spent time with you.” 
You agreed with him. 
Whatever Michael did to him was still hurting him.
It showed in the way he reacts, and how you felt in unease when you thought about him.
You continue to eat in the silence. 
Lucifer threw here and there a couple of jokes, but something was off. 
It annoyed Lucifer, he thought everything is going to be okay.
But when he’s looking at you, he saw that the guilt was still eating you alive. 
You were still worried about him.
“Are your wings healing?” You asked, showing how this all still affected you. 
Lucifer clapped his hands together, he’s had enough.
He doesn't need your sympathy, all he needs is you beside him.
 “Darling, I’m fine. Stop overworking your cute little brain over it. I’m Lucifer! The king of Hell, I can survive this.” He flexed his Biceps signaling you that he’s good in shape. 
But you can’t stop it. 
He still looked exhausted and tired, he’s skinnier than before and his face looked so empty. 
He was clearly still exhausted, and it was still your fault. 
“I know Luci, but you don’t look okay.” Pictures from the event yesterday flooded in your mind, how he laid there defeated and with no strength.
His wings almost naked with lesser feathers and the still present ones were started to lose its colors.
You know how an Angel looks with depression and with loss of a soulmate.
“I hurt you.” 
Lucifer gave you a worried look when you started to sniffle. The thought of you being the cause that he almost died was burning like acid in your heart.
He took your hand very gentle. 
His hand was so smooth, soft and cold like porcelain. But in yours his were warm.
You both intertwined your hands, and he squeezed your hand reassuring. 
His other hand went straight up to your cheek giving it a comforting stroke. “Y/n, yes indeed it hurt that you kept it from me. But I’m sure you have a good reason for it. We can work it out together, you’re not alone anymore, neither am I.” 
His eyes shifted down to where your hands intertwined, and he smiled softly. For the first time in his life, it seemed that someone cares about him. 
And he’s genuine happy. 
Sure, it still hurts, but you’re now with him. 
And he’ll hold on you tight. Till the day you both fall into dust. 
“My wings can heal. But I don’t know what would’ve happened if you didn’t survive this. Michael is always against me finding joy, his hatred towards me was always so harsh.
And I’m scared Y/n. 
As much I am happy that you’re with me, he has planned something to take you away from me. And I’m so terrified that you’ll die in my hands because of my recklessly act. 
So, believe me when I say to you that you’re forgiven.” He pressed his forehead softly against yours, closing his eyes to feel the warmth from you. He wiped your tears away. 
And the inner child in you broke. 
Lucifer never seems to not surprise you. 
Your crying filling the air, it was all the trauma that build up in you. 
You can’t really explain why you’re letting all your emotions out. 
Maybe it was his reassuring words that he’ll never leave you or that you trust him with your life. 
Or it was his comforting Aura that soses your soul granting you inner peace.
He understands you.
You helped him not only Yesterday.
You saved him from the void that ate him slowly up. The void that consumed every last drop of happiness, he had. 
He opened his eyes when your cries slowly calmed down. 
He kissed the last tear that poured down your face and stroked your lips gentle.
You looked him in his eyes, and you felt home, comforted. 
You where were you belong. 
He pecked your lips, and you closed your eyes to let yourself fall into him. 
Into this bliss. 
He bit on your lips, and you gasped on the light pain.
He used the opportunity to slip his split tongue into your mouth. 
You two started to make out heavily and he pulled you up to the table. Pushing the plates away from the two of you, so you have more space. 
The hand on your cheek moved towards your neck as he presses you further in.
He tasted like a sweet caramel apple, and you wanted more. 
You needed more. 
You both played with your tongues just to get more of that addicting taste.
The alluring squeeze in your heart and the desire crept in.
It was all so overwhelming, but in a good way. 
Lucifer spread your legs with his free hand. His body pressed between your thighs, stroking them softly. 
He felt high. 
High from the warmth of your body. 
High from this feeling. From this desire that made him throb.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavily. A saliva string connected the two of you. 
Lucifer went down to push the oversized T-shirt away, “can I?” 
You nod hesitant. 
You never done this before, of course you didn’t. 
You lived in heaven under your mother’s wings Sera. She wouldn’t allow you this kind of act before marriage.
The cold air hit your nipple making them harden from the coldness. 
Lucifer stopped a second, observing your breast. 
Intimidated by his stare you asked him what’s wrong. 
“They’re just so gorgeous.” He moans at the end.  
His hand travelled to one of your Tits massaging it. You moaned at the sudden sensation. 
Lucifer licked and then started to suck on the other nipple. His eyes remained on you when your head fell back from the pleasure. 
Who knew that this would feel so good, definitely not you. 
His smile widened at your reaction. Lucifers eyes were lidded, and his eyes showed nothing but lust for you. 
He stopped massaging your tit and went down to your covered clit giving it couple of strokes.
You gripped down at the table sheet, confused but also in the best feeling ever. You never knew your body was capable of this. 
“Oh my-“ how Lucifer was circling his fingers on your clit made you insane. 
His fingers sometimes entered your cunt, and you arched your back to get more of him.
Lucifer stopped sucking on your tit, you whined in protest. 
He kissed a trail of kisses down your chest and stomach stopping at your pussy. He kissed it softly and still looked into your eyes. 
“Look at me.” He pressed hard on your clit when you disobeyed him, earning a groan from you.
Opening your eyes, you looked down at Lucifer who was between your legs, kissing your inner thigh and sucking on them softly. 
You felt hot. 
Too hot. 
You were sweating but in a good way, you never want this to end. 
Lucifer was a sucker of your face right now. 
He wants to take a picture from those hovered eyes filled with lust and your hard breathing state. Your hair fell on your face and the way you looked at him was alluring. 
“Please.” You didn’t even know what you were pleading for, you were a talking mess pleading Lucifer to continue.
With a small laugh he ripped your panties open. 
All the sudden you felt insecure, you can’t explain why. You tried to close your legs, but Lucifer had other Ideas. He used his strength to spread your legs more open for him. 
And hell, your body was beautiful. 
The stretch marks on your body were so attractive to him. 
Giving your cunt a quick peck before he went all face in. His forked tongue explored your pussy so good and deep. 
Your hand flew to lucifers golden hair holding tight on it. 
He ate you out so good, you were a moaning mess.
“Fuck-“ He treated you so good, way too good. 
You gasp when he hit that spot. You almost screamed his name, “found it.” His forked tongue moved with elegant on your g-spot.
A knot starts to build in your lower area, and you began to panic. 
But Lucifer didn’t stop. 
Not with the way you looked at him. 
His red eyes were burning deep in a scarlet like color. He can’t wait to see you break on his cock; he’ll probably fuck you dumb. 
You were already a mess with his tongue deep down in your tasteful pussy. 
He groans into it you, letting out a couple of curses. 
You called out his name with a slight shiver, “Lu- ah- Stop.” You feel something will come, as if you’re about to pee. But Lucifer didn’t stop. 
With a couple of strokes on your clit and him eating you out. You released with a loud moan with his name. 
You came hard. 
This pleasure you never felt before, and you were high from it. Your tight warm hole clenched around him, and he sucked all of your cum. 
And God it was addicting. 
After couple pf moments he stood up licking his finger, “You’re so delicious” he moaned when he licked your cum off of his finger. 
He wants to fuck his dick deep inside you, but he decided against it.
It wasn’t rocketing science that you never done this before. 
Hearing light snoring he looked surprised at your messed up figure. You laid there in all your grace tired out from your recent act. He laughed at you and started to clean you up. 
Meanwhile in the Hotel a certain someone was making a mess. 
Charlie looked nervous and surprised that her mother is standing in front of them with a deep frown. 
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A/n: I've never written smut before so I hope this was good-✋🏽💀
And what are your thoughts?❤️
@ayanazoldyck @marydragneell @lunaryasha @cherry-cola-100 @lxkeee @latersgaters-steven @fandom-crashlanding @cupidsgift @steadyconnoisseurnacho @crimsonflameproxy @stormz369 @wooleypeaches @fukingsad @starlitvenus @avadakadabra93 @itzabbeym
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twst-drabbles · 2 months
Heartslabyul 7
Summary: The plant nymphs always finish eating before you do. So, you watch them skitter about as you continue munching. Fast little walkers, all of them are. It’s nice to hear their little feet on the table.
(I’m… not having a good time. The house was without water for a bit and we got it back, but then the house sprung a gas leak so we were without hot water just as a cold front came in. And we have a gas stove, so we couldn’t boil water. And then I found the body of a stray cat I liked right on top of that. Back to back. Really puts a damper on the good mood I finally managed to grab after months of apathy… I need a distraction.)
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Honestly, it was rather difficult for you to eat early in the morning. Nothing to do with sleepiness muting your hunger, more that your appetite just wasn’t present. Your stomach growled, it twisted this way and that almost to the point of nausea, but no matter what you looked at, nothing grabbed at you.
So, instead of looking for something to spark that craving, you just picked a bland enough food that won’t overwhelm you with its taste and texture.
Little pit-pats quickly raced towards you and you looked down. Ace bounced on one foot as he struggled to pull himself up on the lip of the bowl. When he finally got his torso over, Ace took one look, one sniff of what you’re scooping up, and his face creased up in a disappointed frown.
You took another bite and pushed Ace off with your pinky. “Get off, you’re not getting anything from me.”
Ace glared at you, grabbed your napkin just to spite you, and stomped off. Well, not quite stomped. His feet pattered against the table in that way budgies do when they’re really determined to get to a place without flying. You’re pretty sure these little creatures are incapable of walking slowly.
Not even Trey and Riddle are exempt from this. Trey’s steps were very close to one another as he set up the table for the Roseling. In his concentration, he walked with the same amount of purpose as Ace was doing.
The chair Riddle was supposed to be sitting at was empty, for he beamed out of it as soon as he saw Ace being a little brat. His petals were fluffed up and jiggled almost violently with his quick steps as he raced to Ace with that stormy look on his face.
Ace, snickering to himself obliviously, threw the napkin right over the munching Deuce. Suddenly without vision, Deuce sat up in a panic and dashed around the table, flapping about in an effort to get it off but can’t.
You snorted just as Riddle gave Ace a good smack on the head and a binding thistle for his pranks.
Cater and his clones, who were tapping away at your phone at maximum efficiency, looked up just as Deuce knocked right into him. Like a set of bowling pins, all the Caters were knocked and scattered away.
You finally decided to intervene and cupped Deuce just as he was about to roll right over the edge. “Woah, careful there.”
One Cater was rubbing at his head while the others skittered right over to your hand. Almost gliding, the way they all walked. They each grabbed a side of the napkin and ripped it apart. Deuce’s head popped out through the whole like a sprout, clearly confused and but relieved to be free.
Trey had stopped his set up for a moment, looking over the chaos with a skeptical eye. His attention was on Riddle squeaking at Ace who sat on the ground, grumpy. Then it landed on your hand as the Caters patted at Deuce was still a little dizzy from all that rolling.
Then he noticed you looking at him. You raised an eyebrow and only then did Trey just, looked away. Continued to set up the table like he didn’t notice anything was wrong.
Just to bother Trey a little bit, you reached over and poked Trey’s legs. He jumped up a good three inches into the air before skittering around faster.
You chuckled. You really like the way they all walked.
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vitamindropp · 1 month
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beomgyu as your (soon to be) boyfriend^^ PT.3
warnings: cursing, gaslighting (not in an evil way!) reader uses she/her pronouns NOT PROOFREAD!!!
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as soon as your alarm went off at 7:30 you sprung out of bed making sure you had enough time to look presentable
you ended up finishing way earlier than you expected so you just decided to head out
beomgyu took a shower and put on his outfit that his friends hounded him all night about and hoped you would like it
just the thought of both of y’all just walking around in the aquarium was way too much for his heart to handle
and if he wasn’t giggly before, he definitely was now that you sent him a message
you: good morning!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
WHY WERE SHE SO CUTE he thought before he responds he texts the gc real quick
soobin: she has to be insane if she’s into you
beomgyu: im sorry don’t leave me im so nervous idk what to do
beomgyu: HELLO?????
he texts you for a bit then decides to head off
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on the whole drive there he was practicing what to say to you and how he should respond, his heart was beating so fast he was concerned for his wellbeing.
you get there at 10:45 expecting to be early.. but you see him already waiting at the entrance pacing back and forth while hold a otter stuffed animal
he greets you and you and hands you the stuffed animal nervously while avoiding eye contact, and you say
“Omg tysm its so cute!! how did you know i liked otters?”
he can’t say that he found out about your insta because you didn’t even give him it so he decided that the best option was to gaslight you
“Oh you told me while we were doing the project in the library!”
“Really? I don’t rememb- YOU DID”
you just choose to ignore it because you most likely did mention it you just can’t remember atm (🤫)
you guys spent the whole day together just talking while walking around and taking photos of everything cute you guys saw and took some photos together as well!
before you guys parted ways to go back home he walked you to where you were parked (GENTLEMEN FRR🙏)
before he could even say anything you grab his collar and give him a kiss on his cheek and told him how you had so much fun today and how you would love to do it again while your cheeks burn up
you immediately rush into your car before he could even speak, because that was so out of character for you but you just couldn’t help it!! he was so sweet and looked so cute i mean how could you NOT kiss him?? it’s not your fault!
he completely forgot what he was even going to tell you and just stood there for a second holding his cheek
as you’re driving through the parking lot you see him again and while barely recovering from the embarrassment and he motions for you to pull your window down
you do so and he yells
he had heads turning from miles away with how loud he was and you saw that so you just nodded really fast and drove off before he could make you and redder and you can make another mistake
he drove back home with the biggest smile EVER and just giggling like crazy
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you updated the gc ASAP
you: i kissed him.
chaewon: YOU WHAT???
yeri: HUH?????
winter: NAHHHHHH
you responded to jiheon: i just kissed him on the cheek
chaewon: JUST???
jiheon: oh ok that’s not even that bad
yeri: YES IT IS FYM????
winter: wait what led up to it did you just kiss him or what??
you called the groupchat and explained how your whole date went
little did you know that beomgyu was doing the exact same thing
soobin: huh?
taehyun: She what?
soobin: is this the demons speaking or did this deadass happen😟
yeonjun: how is he getting more play than me.
kai: i knew she liked you!!
soobin: didn’t you just said earlier that we need to free ___ from beomgyu
kai: shhh that was in the past🤫
beomgyu: YO????
beomgyu: anyways you are all invited to our wedding!
yeonjun: lets votekick beomgyu out
after the call with your friends he texted you goodnight and how he didn’t get a chance to tell you how he had so much fun as well
you were screaming into your pillow while kicking your feet
you guys talked for a bit then eventually told each other good night
more notes: stop why am i actually cheesing over this its getting bad out here… anyways! TYSM FOR READING <33
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uluvjay · 6 months
Our first Christmas-O. Piastri
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Oscar Piastri x fem! Reader
In which you and Oscar celebrate your first Christmas together
Warnings?; kisses, pure fluff, rushed so I apologize for any errors
Day 7 of my ficmas celebration!
You could feel the warmth of his lips trail along your shoulder, his soft hair tickling the back of your neck causing a soft giggle to escape.
“I knew you were awake.” He spoke, his voice deep and full of sleep.
“Don’t wanna get up yet.” You groaned, turning your body so your head could tuck its self into his neck.
“But it’s Christmas.” He pouted.
You sprung up, causing your head to connect with his chin and pained groans to escape both of you.
“Shit, sorry.” You laughed stroking his chip and applying a small kiss in apology.
“It’s okay, but does this mean we can go open presents now?.” He smiled at you.
“Coffee, then presents?”
“Deal.” He laughed and pulled you out of the warmth of your large bed, following behind him you admired his large frame that was enhanced due to the white shirt he wore.
Making your way into the kitchen Oscar grabbed two mugs from the cabinets while you powered on the coffee pot.
“Do you want regular or the gingerbread coffee?” You questioned, looking through the different coffee pods.
“Regular please.” He smiled politely.
After two fresh cups of coffee the couple found their way into the living room, a soft meow followed by a thump caught their attention just as a furry little body rubbed itself against Oscar’s leg.
“Morning izzy.” Oscar greeted their orange tabby, reaching down to pick the small cat up.
The cat purred at Oscar’s touch, immediately nudging her head against his hand for more attention.
“Hi pretty.” You spoke in your baby voice, placing a kiss to her head before Oscar sat her down and made his way over to the tree.
“Open this one first.” He blushed handing you a small box that took him much longer then he’d like to admit to wrap.
You smiled at him before ripping into the paper, underneath was a square velvet box that held a new set of beautiful diamond earrings.
“Oh Oscar they’re gorgeous.” You cried, jumping to your feet to pull him into a hug.
“You like em?”
“I love them baby, thank you.” You kissed him sweetly before running to get him one of his gifts.
Many presents and a mountain of wrapping paper later Oscar handed you your last gift.
“Saved the best for last.” He smiled handing you a medium sized box.
You shook it jokingly trying to hear what was inside due to how light the box was but there wasn’t any shuffling from the inside.
Looking up at Oscar questionably you raised an eyebrow that he laughed at, “just open it”
You laughed along with him before removing the paper and opening the cardboard box revealing a glass ornament.
However it wasn’t just any normal ornament, on the front there were two human bodies and an orange cat in the middle, all three wearing red Santa hats.
Below each figure held names, Y/n, Izzy, and Oscar and right below that ‘CHRISTMAS 2023’ was written in bright red.
“Turn it around.”
Listening to Oscar you turned the ornament around in your hands and on the back there was a small message inscribed.
Happy first Christmas my love, here’s to many more
- Oscar
You didn’t realize you were crying until you saw the tear land on the ornament, wiping it away as well as the ones streaming down your cheeks you stood to pull Oscar into your arms.
“I love it.” You sobbed, tucking your head into his neck.
“I’m glad baby, took me and izzy a while to pick it.” He laughed softly as he remembered the cat sitting beside him the whole time he scrolled on the website.
He held you in his arms for a while longer until the sound of his phone ringing from the couch pulled you two out of your little bubble.
“It’s mum.” He spoke as he picked up the device.
You two spoke to his family for a while before it was time to clean up the living room, Oscar tackled the trash while you began breakfast.
Coming into the kitchen he wrapped his arms around you from behind and placed a sweet kiss to the side of your head.
“I love you so much.” He whispered
“I love you too, thank you for an amazing Christmas.” You smiled as you leaned into him.
“You are very welcome.” He giggled tucking himself into your neck.
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mynameismckenziemae · 5 months
She’s a Fire-Chapter XXI
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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Warnings: smut 18+ MDNI, p in v, fluff, weddings, drunk Bradley, idk probably more.
“Row, time to wake up,” Sunny whispers, rubbing your back.
“Time is it?” You yawn.
“Just after 7. Nat wants us to be there around 8:30.”
You nod and slide out of bed from under Bradley’s arm.
“Mind if Bob stays in here? If I wake him up to move he won’t go back to sleep,” Sunny murmurs.
“Yeah, of course,” you reply.
A few minutes later, their voices filter through the cracked door before Bradley steps into the walk-in shower behind you.
“Morning,” you smile as you tip your head back, rinsing the shampoo out.
His hand reaches out, fingers brush over the clean strands. “Do you think our kids will have your red hair?” He asks, brows furrowed.
Your heart skips a beat. “Maybe?”
“I hope so. They’ll be so beautiful, just like their mama.” He murmurs, leaning forward to brush his lips over yours.
“They’ll be beautiful if they look like their dad too,” you say when you pull back from his kiss. “What’s got you thinking about kids?”
“I don’t know really, probably from talking to Dani yesterday,” he replies, turning you around and putting conditioner in your hair.
Nat’s sister, Dani (short for Danielle) is 31 weeks pregnant. She’s adorable and looks like she stuffed a basketball under her shirt.
“I hope I look as good as her when I’m pregnant. She’s got that perfect round bump.”
“You will.” He assures you as he rinses the conditioner out.
“Yeah? Promise you’ll still love me if my ankles swell and I’m covered in stretch marks?” You joke, but Bradley can sense a hint of vulnerability.
“I promise,” he replies, turning your head to look you in the eye. “I can’t keep my hands off you now, it’s going to get so much worse when your belly is round from my baby. I’ll rub your swollen ankles, and massage that coconut lotion shit on any stretch mark you might get. I love your body, Rowan. Now, pregnant, postpartum, in 30 years, always…because I love you.”
You blink back the unexpected tears that have sprung to your eyes and wrap your arms behind his neck, rising to your tiptoes for a kiss.
Walking him back a few steps to the shower bench, you sink down and start to ride him at a slow but steady pace.
He whispers praises and tells you everything he loves about you and your body as you make love.
Soon your legs are shaking and all it takes is a brush of his fingers over your clit for you to fall over the edge. He groans as your pussy milks his cock from your orgasm and before you catch your breath, he rises, carrying you as he walks to the other side of the shower.
The spray falls down his back as he fucks you against the wall with deep thrusts, chasing his own release. “C’mon, Row. Get there again,” he grits out as his hips start to stutter.
Strangled moans escape as he tries to hold off but he fails. “Fuckkkkkk,” he whines as he cums, but the grinding of pubic bone against your clit sets you off. You bite his shoulder as the pleasure crashes over you. He shivers, on the knife’s edge of overstimulation when you clench around him rhythmically.
“I love you too, Bradley,” you pant against his shoulder.
“Sorry we’re late, the line at Starbucks was 7 cars long,” Sunny says as she pushes the door open with her foot, arms full.
“You’re fine, it’s only 8:42,” Nat replies with a smile, taking a coffee from you. “Thank you for getting it. Apparently, it was too much for Emma.”
You roll your eyes when you see her sleeping form on one of the couches. “No problem. How are you doing?” You ask.
“Good, actually. Not feeling stressed at all…probably because I woke up to Jake going down on me,” she laughs, “his mom was knocking though before I could repay the favor. He’s gonna have blue balls all day.”
“Oh, Jake. You’ll just have to make it up to him tonight,” Sunny wiggles her brows.
“I plan to,” Nat winks, “several times.”
An hour later you’re on the couch by Dani, watching Nat get her hair done, when she inhales sharply.
“You okay?” You ask, “Do you need water or something to eat?”
“Oh no, I’m good, thank you though. She’s just kicking up a storm.” She smiles, rubbing a hand over her stomach. “Wanna feel?”
“Sure, if you don’t mind?” You never got to feel Carter kicking because Alyssa's placenta was anterior and you didn’t get to see her as much as you wanted in her final trimester.
“Not at all!” She says, taking your hand and placing it on her stomach. “Right…there! Did you feel it?”
You grin when you feel the motion under your palm. “Yes…that’s amazing! What does it feel like to you?”
“At first it was just faint flutters, like butterflies. Now it feels like there’s an alien in there; it’s the weirdest, best feeling,” she laughs.
“I believe it.” You reply in awe.
You touch up your makeup and make sure you have extra tissues in your purse before heading to the ceremony. Natasha looks absolutely stunning and you can’t wait to see Jake’s reaction.
Pete and Penny saved a seat for you and a few minutes later, the music starts.
Your heart flutters when you spot Bradley, who winks as he walks past.
Natasha’s mom rises as the doors open, and everyone follows suit. Tears stream down Jake’s face as Nat walks toward him with her dad, beaming.
You manage to keep your tears pretty well contained until the vows. Jake's voice cracks as he talks about almost losing her last year and there’s not a dry eye in the house.
Not long after the minister announces them.
“It is with great honor and happy privilege to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Seresin!”
Bradley’s eyes catch yours as he makes his way to you in the reception hall.
“Hey, handsome. I was right, you look amazing in a suit,” you greet him as your eyes do a once-over.
“Thanks, and you…you look beautiful, wow,” he murmurs with a kiss on your cheek. “Sorry, but I’ve gotta go take pictures with the wedding party, it shouldn’t be too long though.”
“It’s okay, I’ll see ya after.”
He squeezes your butt as he brushes past you.
They unfortunately don’t get back from pictures until dinner time, but after the speeches and cake, Bradley is freed from his duties as a groomsman.
He holds you from behind and hums along as you watch them sway to their song, ‘Then’ by Brad Paisley.
“I remember, trying not to stare, the night that I first met you
You had me mesmerized
And three weeks later, in the front porch light
Taking forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
But I thought I loved you then”
Nat had told you girls this morning how the song came out right around the time they met at flight school. Jake thought of her the first time he heard it, which is funny because she couldn’t stand him at the time.
The party starts once their dance is over and the next few hours pass quickly in an alcohol-fueled haze.
Before you know it, the DJ announces the last song of the night.
“Aww!” Sunny groans dramatically from the table she’s dancing on and Bob helps her down as the remaining couples congregate on the floor to dance to Tim McGraw’s ‘My Best Friend.’
Bradley comes back from the bathroom missing his coat and shirt, but his tie is still loosely hanging around his neck.
“C’mon, we gotta dance,” he says, holding his hand out as he sways a little drunkenly. “You’re my best friend Row, you know that?”
You laugh before you place a kiss on his lips. “You’re mine too.”
“I just can’t wait to marry you. Can we get married in Colorado? Around Christmas in the snow? It’s so pretty there…you’re so pretty.” He murmurs, kissing you.
“That sounds perfect,” you smile. Even though he’s inebriated, there’s truth in those words.
“Hey! No making babies tonight, you guys. Not yet. Gotta wait until me and Bob…and Sun and Row get married first, so we have them all at the same time.” Bradley slurs, pointing at Jake and Nat as they head to their room, opting to stay in the hotel for their wedding night.
Sunny nods eagerly in agreement, eyes glassy as she’s nearly in the same state as Bradley.
“Alright Bradshaw, no babies tonight,” Jake laughs, patting him on the shoulder.
“Promise?” He squints at Nat.
“We promise,” Nat agrees, biting her lip to keep from laughing.
“Let’s get you to bed,” you say, steering him in the direction of your room. Bob’s slightly ahead, struggling with Sunny who’s attempting to unzip her dress. Who gave her tequila?
“Okay, okay. Have fun fucking!” He throws an arm up in an attempt to wave.
You shush him with a laugh and get him in your room a few minutes later.
He flops on the closest bed with a groan. “Wa—wait, I don’t want the cum bed. Help me up?”
“The what?” You ask as you pull off his shoes.
“The cum bed…you know? This is where we all had sex last night. There’s jizz everywhere,” he whisper-yells.
You can’t help but laugh. “They changed the bedding, babe. It’s okay.”
“‘s gross,” he huffs, then sighs. “Sleep here with me?”
“Yeah, just let me change quick.” You reply, unzipping your dress and heading to the bathroom.
But when you come out a few minutes later, he’s fast asleep, spread out like a starfish on the top of the covers.
You roll your eyes with a smile, pulling the comforter from the other bed and tugging it over you both. The steady beat of his heart under your ear quickly lulls you to sleep too.
A/N: Sorry again about the wait for this chapter. This week was hell, I cried the entire drive home from work (I deleted my post about what happened because I’m paranoid lol, but seriously—found out today that the disgruntled employee is trying to take legal action against the organization I work for and guess who’ll get summoned 😒)
Anywho, fun fact—‘Then’ is me and my husband’s song. It came out right when we started dating and it was our first dance song at our wedding 3 years later (to the day of our dating anniversary). So fluffy 🤢 😂
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veeepawoon · 1 year
Mr. Compress x Reader smut (wip)
cw: he calls you dirty names, vaginal rough sex, edging, facefuck, a little spanking, tifucking, you're VERY thirsty for him, he records you, atsu is a jerk (and a dumbass)
This is the first time I'm writing a fic, please be kind and excuse me for the bad grammar 😭
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"Someone is a little needy, uh?" 
Lustful eyes were fixated on her: tall and unexpectedly muscular, on his face a big grin. 
He loved seeing such a sinful display: a cute innocent girl suddenly turning into a whore, kissing his bulge from his pants, so eager to be fucked.
Impatient, you moved your hands to his belt but he immediately stopped you. 
"I told you already, you have to ask first. You don't want me to get angry, do you?" 
You sure wanted, to see him getting so mad that the only thing he could do was to pin you down the mattress and fuck you hard like the good bitch you were. Choking, slapping, spitting, you'd accept anything from him. 
"Please Mr Com-... " 
"That's not my name darling." 
"Please Atsuhiro..." 
You sounded so whiny now.
"I want, I need to choke on your cock, I've waited long enough..."
Lies. Just a day passed since the last time he shoved his dick inside your mouth, but well... 
"You're such a needy slut aren't you? You can't even wait a day without my dick inside you, pathetic." 
The man looked at you, he seemed so disgusted. You were insatiable, impossible to satisfy. But deep down he loved that, you felt him getting harder and harder, your soft cheeks still rubbing on his crotch. 
"Oh god..." 
He suddenly changed expression, he smiled at you raising his small eyebrows, gently holding your chin with his gloved hand. 
" You know I can't resist such a cute face...
...it makes me wanna ruin it." 
A crooked smile appeared on his face, he looked so intimidating, like a predator ready to jump on his prey. You felt his hands moving to the top of your head, gripping your hair firmly. With his other hand he finally started unbuckling his belt and before you could notice that, he smashed his bulge on your face, still covered by the boxers. 
"C'mon starlet, you know exactly what to do." 
With your teeth you started taking off his underwear, slowly, just how he liked it, till his cock sprung out, going directly on your face, hitting your forehead. Atsuhiro wasn't huge, let's say he was around 6/7 inch but he had a good girth, enough to make you scream in every way possible. It was perfect, you could take it all in without feeling serious pain...
...maybe just a little, he was still big at the end.
You licked it starting from the base then going to the tip, while looking directly in his eyes with a teasing look. You were such a brat. The smug gentleman you used to see during the morning, so well-behaved and contained, was now grinning and demanding his dick sucked. You loved this sudden change about him. 
"Good girl...you always know what your old man wants..." 
You chucked, he was only 32 years old but for some reason he always uses the term "old man" to describe himself, it's always funny hearing that. He let out a small chuckle too, that kinda made your heart melt. 
"Enough with the laughter, suck it." 
And immediately you did so. 
You placed both hands on his member, stroking it while sucking and licking his tip, you made sure to put all of the work right there, it's his sensitive spot after all. A pleasured groan went out of his mouth, his deep voice made you feel things under there. 
"Oh my, you're always so good at this...how about you go further, mh? 
You couldn't take it all inside your throat without gagging, it may be a little embarrassing for you but he loves that, he knows he is big and always finds some way to brag about it. While you were still sucking on his dick, Compress took it away from your mouth and proceeded to slap your face with it, tapping the tip on your lips. 
"Don't you want to have this big cock all inside you? I know damn well you want it, darling. I love when you make such noises, don't be afraid to make them." 
He sounded reassuring but what he just said before made you so fucking wet. You wanted it so bad, that perfect cock to tear your pussy apart and make you scream his name all night.
But still, you had some work to do. He pushed it inside your mouth as soon as you opened it and slowly started to go deeper. It was impossible to not make a noise, such as it was hard breathing. You almost took it all but failed to get to the base, somehow you're gonna make it work, this isn't the first time. 
"You can do it, doll. Do you mind some help?" 
"Help" in his language meant "I'm going to face-fuck you", you nodded and immediately felt his hands on both sides of your head: his cock was now literally drilling your throat with such speed that made you impossible to even breathe. You were drooling, a lot, tears started to flow, ruining the pretty make up you've done just for him. But god, it was amazing being used in this way, as a toy for his pleasure. You could notice the sweat and his messy brown hair on his forehead, Atsuhiro was panting heavily, on his face there was always that smug ass grin, his auburn eyes were starting to get darker and darker. He stopped for some seconds, so you could have some time to breathe. 
"If only you could seen yourself now, you'd be so ashamed..." 
He then took his phone from the small table near the bed where you were sitting. 
"Be a good girl and keep on sucking my dick in front of the camera, maybe I'll reward you with something good." 
You were his little starlet, always having to put some kinda show for him, Compress was a showman after all and he demanded a performance even during sex. You adjusted your hair a little, not caring about the ruined mascara and lipstick on your face, he would've probably laughed seeing you like this if the mess wasn't caused by a his own dick.
As soon as you heard the "click" you returned gagging on his cock like a real pornstar: rolling your eyes, giggling and showing your tongue, during some short pauses you took it out and tapped it on your lips, smiling broadly. You weren't the only one smiling, you could've seen his amused grin under his phone. Sadly his eyes was hidden but you knew exactly he was losing it already. With such a display in front of him it was hard to stay still and not cum in seconds. When you got up a little, you felt one of his hands squeezing your left breast, he then moved his fingers to the nipple, pinching it hard, making you whimper. Atsuhiro didn't say a word but you knew he was demanding something, and that was a titfuck, you smiled mischievously at him while continuing to play with your breasts, kneading and fondling them.
The man let out a small lewd noise when you finally placed his cock between them, squeezing it gently. It wasn't as tight and pleasurable as your pretty cunt but oh, it was hot seeing his tip popping out of your soft tits and your cute naughty face looking directly at his chocolate eyes, burning with desire. You started moving them up and down, alternating the rhythm, pressing his dick more and more every time, going faster, once in a while you played with your nips letting out small moans to make him go crazy...and you kinda succeeded in that. 
"Oooh god that feels so fucking good..." 
His voice broke. 
"I need to fuck you so bad right now, you have no idea..." 
"So... what are you waiting for?" 
You said maliciously while licking the tip, still tifucking his cock: this made him snap. He immediately threw the phone on the other side of the bed, got up and took you by the throat. 
"Bend over, you filthy slut." 
You obeyed, as the good girl you were, and lifted up your ass as much as you could. There was no need to use lube or to finger your pussy, you loved the feeling of his dick completely spreading you apart.
Compress placed himself behind you, gripping your right asscheek firmly, while giving a little but dry slap on the other one. You whimpered a little. His hard member already pressing on your entrance,moving slowly between your folds and feeling how wet you were, he loved teasing his lovely slut and seeing for how long she could keep it up without shoving his dick by herself. 
"I don't want to repeat myself another time, you have to beg." 
He slapped you harder this time, squeezing your ass and sliding his cock under your cunt so you could feel his full length, eager to slam into you with force. 
"Beg me to destroy your insides, to not be able to walk tomorrow." 
You felt his tip dangerously near. 
"Beg me to tear your pussy apart..." 
It went inside you, just a little, but that was enough to make you lose it. 
"...because you know damn well..." 
He stopped like this, leaning forward your arched back and whispering in your ear: 
"...that no one can fuck my bitch like I do." 
You couldn't handle the burning sensation you were feeling and screamed, praying that he could finally do it. 
"Atsuhiro fuck me, please! I need you so fucking bad, put it inside, I can't take it anymo-"
You moaned loudly as he fully shoved his cock inside you so unexpectedly. He took it out and put it inside again, slowly, stretching every part of your insides, he let you feel everything before starting the real deal. You sounded so naughty, so dumb, whining about how he was filling you so well, how big he was, that there might not be enough space for him to fully enter, this just made him harder and harder. 
"I'm stretching you so fucking good, ain't that true, darling? You love this. Oh yes you do. Getting your tight pussy torn apart by my cock, this is what you think about every time you see me, right?" 
He started accelerating his rhythm, making sure to go as deep as he could. 
He grabbed your hair, making you arch more. 
He started pounding you hard and fast, it was amazing, it felt too good, you felt your orgasm grow more and more every time he went inside you. You were a moaning mess at this point, that's the only thing you could do while Compress was hitting you from behind, he even started spanking you, you wanted him to be as violent as possible. The man suddenly pushed your head into the pillow, moving his pelvis a little higher: in this way there's no way you're not going to cum, the angle is perfect. 
"Don't even think that we're over already... ah... I'm gonna cum right now but I won't be finished...with you... I've still got plenty-...fuck... of things up in my sleeve..." 
Like the jerk he was, he didn't finish inside you, that would've been too obvious, instead he immediately took it out and covered your back with his cum, letting out a loud grunt. It was exciting but disgusting, you needed a shower. You were also kinda pissed that he didn't make you cum already, but where's the fun in finish everything so quickly?
He leaned over your body and gently kissed your cheek while you were still trying to recover from, well, getting your pussy destroyed. 
"You did so well before, you really deserve some rest now, love." 
Atsuhiro looked so sweet right now, he was smiling and caressing you so gently, completely different from the man that was rearranging your guts just seconds ago.
That is how he usually is, loving and kind: he loves treating you like a princess even though he hasn't got a lot. Once he even stole an expensive gold ring for you, he's a skilled thief after all. Magic tricks are also one of his favorite things and he loves doing them in front of you like making flowers appear from nothing, butterflies out of his hand, taking out a cute bunny from his hat...typical magician things. He may be a jerk sometimes but he's just the sweetest, the best man you've ever been with. It's just that, when it comes to sex, he likes it rough, dirty and passionate. You were his princess but also his little toy, his dumb horny bitch. 
"Do you want anything to eat or drink? I'm going to the kitchen for a moment." 
"Mh, maybe just a glass of water." 
"Seriously? Just that? You need to eat something after all you've being through darling." 
He said smiling, he was making fun of you. 
"As if this wasn't your fault." 
"As if the princess wasn't moaning and screaming how good my dick was just five minutes ago uh?" 
You remained silent for some seconds. 
"A glass of water and a banana." 
"You're doing this on purpose right ...?" 
"No, I just need something quick to fill me up." 
"You just got yourself fil-" 
He laughed. Teasing you was so much fun. Atsuhiro left the room and went to the kitchen, meanwhile you went to the bathroom to wash a little, you were still covered with his sperm and sweat. After that, you put on a plain white tank top and some black panties you found in the clean laundry. Your partner was already there on the bed, eating a plain rice cracker, still wearing his black waistcoat and orange shirt, he wasn't wearing any pants, just his boxers. You let out a loud chuckle seeing such elegance on the top and then... that on the bottom. He looked at you with the cracker still in his mouth, rolling his eyes. 
"I've already stained them so it's better if they stay off..." he sighed. 
You took the banana on the small table and started to peel it. 
"Don't worry, you always look good, Mister!" 
He took another cracker from the pack while looking directly at the wall. 
"I know. I can be dashing even while wearing just some pair of white socks" 
"Damn, you're so full of yourself." 
"Well, ain't that true? Am I not handsome?" 
He said, showing a dumb smile and raising his eyebrows.
"I should wear my mask more often?" 
He moved closer to you, expecting an answer, still smiling like a petty child. 
"You're so goofy sometimes." 
"Bleh" he sticked his tongue out.
You kissed him on his pointy nose, he looked so adorable right now. These were those little moments that made you remember why you were so in love with him: Atsuhiro was funny, clever and charming, he was almost perfect if it wasn't for the fact that he may be a real asshole sometimes, being always so sarcastic and arrogant.
You finished your small meal and took the glass of water near the bed, but while you were about to take a sip, he "accidentally" pushed you a little while he was leaving the pack on the table, making you pour all the water on yourself.
You glared at him without saying anything and he was just there, smiling like an idiot. 
"Don't worry it's just some water, you needed to freshen up a little, right?"
You kept drinking the water that was left in the glass without responding. 
"C'mon dear, don't get angry with your lovely magician..." 
He put an arm around your waist, pulling you closer, while his other hand was touching your left shoulder. But he was obviously looking at something else right now. Your tank was white and the water made it almost transparent: your nipples were hard from the cold water and pretty much visible. You felt his heavy breath near your neck and his hands slowly moving to your chest, he was smiling like a fool just some seconds before but now he had a malicious grin on his face, eager to make you crazy by his touch.
You felt a shiver down your spine as soon as he bited your earlobe while gently brushing your nips, he wasn't even touching them yet but you were already terribly turned on, his hands were like magic. You let your head to rest on his shoulder and suddenly whimpered when he started kneading your breasts and kissing down your neck. 
"Ahhh... You get turned on by nothing, really..." 
He started pinching your nipples, playing with them as if they were his marbles, but still, there was the tank covering them. So... he just ripped it apart and started touching you harder, you could feel his nails digging in your soft skin. 
"I'll buy another one after this, you look better without it." 
"Y-you mean "stol-" 
You let out a loud moan as he bit your neck, hard, leaving hickeys all over it while still tormenting your nips. They were hurting a lot, but you didn't want him to stop. 
"Oh, the princess can't even talk properly now..." 
He started slowly moving his right hand down your panties, while the other one was still kneading your breasts. You instantly opened your legs a little, whimpering as he was already rubbing his fingers on your clit and feeling how wet you already were. 
"You seem wet enough for something bigger than my fingers." 
A marble appeared between his fingers, as he moved it through your wet folds making you shiver for how cold it was, he then uncompressed it revealing a vibrator. 
"I said bigger than my fingers not bigger than my dick, I wanna see how much you can contain yourself from screaming like a whiny bitch." 
The hand on your chest moved to your chin, he then pulled you into a passionate kiss that quickly became sloppy, as the sounds your intimate parts were making while he was rubbing the toy against them.
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I hope to finish this one day lol. This man may be a virgin for how easily flustered he gets but I'm sure he would be the best lover and I don't take a no as an answer.
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sofiiel · 2 months
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Cryptid!Eddie x Reader | PART EIGHT
⇠ Part 1 | Part 7 | Next ⇢
Warnings: Cute. Weredemo fighting. Reunions. | Word Count: 4537
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You awake to the loud purring of Toad. She nestles well into the tightly packed cave of uncomfortable people around her. You and Eddie's shared body heat keeping the chill from the open window away.
Your eyes struggled to open, and your arm was full of dull prickles. It lay caught pinned where Eddie's arm wrapped around you. His leg curled to hug your body.
"When did this happen?" You thought. He'd curled himself around you, sure, but you weren't this covered before. Eddie had managed to wrap himself around you like a turtle shell.
Eddie's head resting on top of yours gave you very little ability to look about.
"Eddie wake up, I can't feel my arm." You call to him. You move your shoulders in hopes of shaking him awake.
"Mmh you said five minutes." He mumbled groggily in reply.
"Eddie, it's the next morning and your monster kicked in. We also had a visitor and ... You need to wake up."
Eddie's eyes fluttered open, "What?" He asked, sitting up quickly. The movement shook Toad out of her peace, and she fled her cozy cave with a mrowl of annoyance.
"Did I," Eddie examined you, looking for cuts or bites.
"Relax, I wasn't on the menu this time. In fact, you protected us." You stated. Turning to look up, you are met with mix-matched eyes.
"Your eyes, is that.... that's not a good sign, is it?" You question.
Eddie bit his lip his words rushing, "What's wrong with them? Don't end it there, what's happening?" He pushed.
Reaching up, you let your fingertips gently brush the corner of the milky eye. "It's still that haunting white." You said, drawing your hand away. "Do you feel different at all?"
"I am hungry, I guess?" Eddie rested a hand on his gut, "stomachs got that burn in it that just feels like acid."
At his words, you sprung up from the sofa, "we didn't feed you your mea-"
You both gasped. The opposite side of the room came rushing towards you, propelled forward as the fabric of your PJs snagged on Eddie's toe talons.
Reaching out his hands, Eddie caught you, arms hugging your middle as he drew you back. His light laughter filled the room, breath tickling the back of your neck.
"Your clumsiness is contagious." you exhaled.
Eddie sniggered, "You can't blame it on me."
"It was your toes that did it." you shot.
Eddie gave them a wiggle, "They wanted five minutes." He teased.
With a little roll of your eyes, you tried to fight your smile, brushing his arms away from you. "Listen, I'll go down to the shop and get you something that will hopefully fix the strange eye thing. In the meantime, you've got first dibs on the bathroom. It's a big day for you today." You offered.
Eddie frowned slightly but nodded. "Yeah, the nerves didn't kick back in at all." he murmured.
You pressed your finger into his cheek, "Ow." Eddie winced in a dry complaint.
"He seems like a cool guy. You don't have anything to worry about." you assured him before heading towards the lift and down to the shop.
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Eddie paced around the shop, if he wasn't wringing his hands or tail he was knotting his hair around his claw.
Looking up at the clock, you bit your lip, Dustin was late bringing Wayne. At this rate, it seemed Eddie might burst.
Finally stopping in his tracks, He tossed you big concerned eyes that made the rest of his face shrink.
"Relax, Dustin probably just had to do a little explaining to convince him to come. After all, it's still early, He may have been asleep or something. He works late, right?" You tried to sound calm, but it came out as a ramble.
Eddie continued to look at you unconvinced, "You're nervous too." he said quickly.
"I am not, you're making me nervous with all those circles you're walking," You stated just as quickly. Reaching for the plate before you on the counter, you snatched up a cookie and held it out.
"Want one?" you asked.
Eddie cracked a smile and headed to you.
The door chimed and Dustin poked his head inside. "Is he ready?" He asked.
Eddie instantly paled.
"He is -
"Not" Eddie cut you off. His hand crushed the cookie he'd just taken.
Looking at him, you try and offer a calm smile. "Eddie, it's going to be fine."
He bit his lip.
"Alright then, Wayne?" Dustin called, opening the door a little further.
You round the counter and stand behind Eddie, quietly resting a hand on his arm. His body exhaled as he took a step back towards you.
When Wayne entered the shop, Dustin quickly closed and locked the door. Turning hesitantly, as if afraid to see the reaction of the little family.
The longer the silence continued, the heavier it got. The brewing coffee pot, the gentle crackle of the fire, the swishing of Eddie's tail against the shop floor, it all seemed so loud.
You could hear the breathing of all in the room.
"Please say something." Eddie requested weakly, his eyes lowering to the ground as he bowed his head.
"I knew you'd make it home."
Eddie's head snapped up, hearing Wayne's strained voice, and he was brought into an embrace that made him feel the smallest he'd ever been.
Gently tucking his claws into Wayne's coat, Eddie hid his face down into his Uncle's shoulder.
"Oh," you breathed quietly.
You weren't expecting the rush of emotion that filled the room and sank deep into your bones. Across the room, Dustin rubbed the bottom of his palm to the corner of his eyes.
"I'm um...gonna go put on some soup, it's actually kind of cold out." you spoke quickly, fleeing to the kitchen to a safe place to wipe your own eyes.
"You're far too easy to get invested in you know that." You thought to Eddie while pulling out the ingredients from the fridge and rubbing your eyes.
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Wayne pulled away from Eddie and looked him over, cracking a playful smile. "And here I was sure you'd stop growing" He chuckled.
Eddie peered down at him, "I did a bit more than just get taller, Wayne." He said.
"Don't matter none to me. I'm just glad you're home, son." Wayne's voice faltered and Eddie's eyes filled with water once more.
"See, told you, didn't care." Dustin said.
"You're ruining the moment, Henderson," Eddie shot, his smile betraying the glare on his face.
Eddie then jolted slightly, looking over his shoulder. "Where'd nutty go?" he asked.
"____ announced off to make soup." Dustin said.
"I was distracted." Eddie muttered, "I was also promised they'd stay." he sulked.
"Just went to the kitchen, man." Dustin laughed.
Wayne looked towards the kitchen, behind the counter, and then to his nephew. Glancing back at his uncle, Eddie spotted the amused twinkle in his eyes.
"Why...why're you looking at me like that?" He questioned cautiously.
Wayne lifted his brows and folded his arms across his chest. "No real reason, I guess." He hummed. "Go see what's cookin'" Wayne nodded toward the kitchen.
Eddie's brow knitted in confusion, but he did as Wayne said, making his way back, taking care not to knock things off the counter.
Standing near the sink to wash your hands after clearing your eyes for the third time, you sniffled. Scolding yourself for the sudden overflow of sentimentality.
"It's just something about it all that reminds me of you." You sighed, your brother's face coming to mind.
"Are you? Are you crying?" Eddie asked, his wide eyes blinking rapidly.
"I - awww," He teased with a grin.
Turning to him with a narrowed gaze, you scowled, "I was cutting onions for the soup. My eyes burn." you explained.
It wasn't a complete lie, but onions hadn't actually bothered you in years.
Eddie still held a satisfied smirk on his face, "Uh huh, that's the worst and most overused excuse in the history of ever." He said, walking closer.
He followed you as he went to the pot on the stove, and watched as you gave it a stir.
"You know, silence says a whole lot?" He asked, smile growing.
"If you don't stop, I'm not giving you any soup." you uttered.
"Yeah, you will." Eddie sang, leaning onto your shoulder.
"So far you made cookies and coffee and started the fireplace for this reunion." He pointed out.
Bopping his forehead against your temple, Eddie laughed lightly, "I've grown on you." he said.
"Yep, like fungus."
"I was thinking more like a blush."
"Want to be upgraded to an ivy rash?" you shot back.
Eddie simply grinned.
"That soup's done, stop hiding." He said, taking up the pot in his hands.
"Wait don't!"
But it was too late, the whole thing crashed to the kitchen floor, both of you leaping to void the scalding broth.
"Um..." Eddie hummed, "Sorry? I thought I had it."
You snorted as a rush of laughter bubbled up from your core. Eddie drew his head back in surprise and slowly smiled before laughing himself.
"What happened!" Dustin cried out, rushing into the kitchen with Wayne at his heels.
"I um...tried to help." said Eddie.
Wayne sighed, relieved that it was something so simple, and more so that the two of you seemed to be laughing about it.
"I'll call for a pizza," he said.
"It'll be on me." You offered.
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Noon was giving way to what would be a vivid sunset. You were watching Eddie, Wayne, and Dustin get caught up and mow through the two pizzas when a knock came to the door.
Getting up, you wiped your hands on the napkin before answering it.
"Whoa...what, why are you all dressed up like Rambo?" You asked, looking over, Lucas, Robin, and Steve.
"How else are you supposed to dress for this?" Lucas asked.
"More importantly, why aren't you dressed?" asked Steve, pointing his finger in a line from your head to your toes, "You can't go monster hunting in that."
Looking down at yourself, you then gawk at him. "There's a dress code?" you questioned, stepping aside to let the trio in.
"Seriously, you can't move too great in that," Steve warned once more.
"Noted, but I think I'll be ok." You reply locking up.
"So you wanna tell me what's all this about Monster huntin?" Wayne asked turning an arched brow to Eddie.
Eddie's mouth went to form words but they curled up in his throat and refused to leave.
"W-we were just - you know..." When they came they were nothing but stammers.
"There's another one like Eddie. Wayne." Dustin said, clearing the air.
"There, like a bandaid," said Robin.
"Actually there are two, possibly more at this rate." You muttered.
"Two?" Lucas asked.
"More?" Steve echoed. "like how many more?"
"I don't know, but we had a visitor last night." You confessed.
"That's a lot more than just a bandaid." Eddie said, trying to gauge Wayne's reaction.
"A visitor?" Robin questioned.
"I woke up to- never mind. The short, woke up and Eddie was having an episode, a new smaller monster climbed through the door but," Your words quiet down and your brow knitted in confusion.
"It never actually attacked, either Eddie scared it away or it didn't come to fight." you said.
When all eyes turned to Eddie he let out a nervous chuckle, "sorry I still don't remember a whole lot after those things happen." He confessed.
With a sigh, Eddie added, "Not that it should surprise anyone."
"So what? These things are gravitating to him?" Steve asked.
"They could be," Dustin replied nodding his head to one side, "would make finding them easier."
You shove yourself out of your seat, "Where are you going?" Eddie questioned.
"To change apparently, and then to find more snacks. We got a while before the hunt begins." you called headed for the lift.
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The time had arrived and the streets of Hawkins had become still. Most everyone was settled in bed to prepare for the new day. Eddie took to the skies to travel, it would be safer than skulking the streets to the woods.
You stood between Robin and Wayne as the group waited for Eddie to land. Hands gripped around a cast iron pan.
Wayne wasn't supposed to be there, but no one was going to attempt to make him go home. He had that look on his face.
"So, repeat the plan," Eddie said as his feet touched the ground.
"We split into two groups. If they're tracing Eddie the best places to start would be near the quarry and the cornfield," said Dustin.
He held out a map of Hawkins, two dots drawn in red marker indicated the last two places Eddie could remember revisiting before.
"Everybody knows to be careful, walkies for emergency contact otherwise," Steve pulled out a small black device, "we have these."
Robin passed around a few more pagers, two to each group.
You take the little electronic in your hands, puzzled. "You just...had extras?" You questioned.
"My dad ran a beeper empire for two years before selling it off." Steve explained dryly.
"Well only two of us know what to be looking for, I should go with one group and Eddie should go with the other." You said.
"What?" Eddie asked, "No." he shook his head and frowned. "I'm not being left alone with anybody in case I flip a switch or something."
His words came out fast as he pointed at you with his claw, "You're the only one here who's ever snapped me out of it."
"Can't be that hard-"
"Uh, hello? We don't know that." He jumped in.
You sighed, "Still can't be that hard. These are your friends, Wayne's your uncle. I doubt they'll be in danger from you."
"I think Eddie's right, I'd rather not risk being his midnight snack," Lucas said.
"Me neither, no offense but...." Robin chimed in quickly.
"None taken."
"I'll Go with Eddie. Dustin and ____ can come with us." Wayne spoke up.
"I'm, okay with that." Dustin shrugged, "those who know how to deal with Eddie go with Eddie."
"Sounds great, promises he won't stick anything sharp to my neck again," Steve murmured.
"Wait we're not over this? It was self-defense," said Eddie.
"I know I was only-"
A piercing screech stretched over the skies of Hawkins. A metallic and almost rusty whine.
You share apprehensive glances.
"We should just head out. We'll take the quarry, you can take the fields." Robin peeped trying to clear the fear out of her throat.
Steve sighed and gave his bat a twirl "I thought we were done with this."
Dustin offered a hint of a smile, "Feels like old times right? We've even got a our certified newbie." he said pointing over his shoulder at you.
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It would have been a site to see, two grown adults cowering behind an old man with a riffle as they pushed through acres of cornfields. More so when one was pushing eight feet or more, winged, clawed, and tailed.
"Why are you behind Wayne?" Dustin asked.
"Why are you behind Wayne?" Eddie shot back.
"I don't think it's out here it would have shown itself by now," you whispered.
"Great, awesome, perfect - can we go now?" Eddie asked he rested his palm on his gut, "Before I get hungry again." he murmured.
Another shivered chirp wailed across the night, from behind you.
Eddie lumbered quickly through Dustin and Wayne, running around you to stand between three walls of people.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asked him. "You're the heavy!"
You find yourself frozen in place, Eyes scanning the area around you. Wayne seemed oddly calm as he lifted his rifle and took aim.
Eddie's wide eyes watched as Dustin shined the flashlight about.
"Yeah, right....I'm the heavy..." Eddie muttered, slinking from behind you cautiously.
The fields shifted, "Wait" you whispered, watching the stalks sway and part.
"It's coming."
The four of you huddle together, eyes glued to the shifting field. claws scrapped against the dirt as the creature drew closer. Moving around you as if circling.
You and the others turn carefully to follow the creature's direction.
"Why hasn't it come out yet?" You ask.
"Maybe it's afraid of Eddie." Dustin suggested.
"If it's the one we ran into out here before, not a chance - that thing, I had my ass handed to me." Eddie murmured.
"And Eddie isn't in his trance....when he feels it's a threat he's not himself." You explained.
Releasing a breath you move past Dustin and Wayne, eyes watching the moving figure in the corn.
"Yeah, hello? What do you think you're doing?" Eddie asked in a whisper, using his tail to tug you back as you tried to move ahead of him.
"You're instincts are telling you it's not a threat." You tell him.
"Um no I'm pretty freaked out-"
"But your monster half isn't. You're eyes haven't changed and your talking." You pressed.
"And?" Eddie asked.
"And the last creature didn't hurt us. Maybe...I don't know Maybe you've accepted it? Look, I'm just trying to piece things together." you tried to reason.
"Got a point, If it meant harm it wouldn't have circled this long, and if it was intimidated, woulda left already," Wayne murmured.
"Reminds me of when you own a bunch of dogs and the new one is timid 'bout joining the group," Wayne added
Dustin raised a brow "So you're saying it's what asking for permission?" he asked.
"Permission not granted go away!" Eddie called out.
"Hey wait! It might be good to have it on our side!" Dustin called out.
You try to pry Eddie's tail away from your torso, but as the movement in the corn comes to a stop, Eddie's grip on you tightens.
"Why'd it stop? Where'd it go?" He asked quietly.
"You told it to go away." Dustin said flatly. "Now we probably lost a good party member."
Eddie's grip tightened more, enough to hurt. You glance up at him and exhale.
"Oh no..."
pitched growls rumbled from deep within Eddie's throat as his eyes capped over in white.
"That's not good is it?" Dustin asked.
"No," you whispered as Eddie positioned himself to guard the group.
"Not at all, it's got to be the big one again," you added.
The night air fills with a chorus of screeches, leaving you and the others muted and rooted in place.
The corn began to shift once more, only this time, you were cornered, movement from your flank and movement straight ahead.
"Holy shit, we're screwed," Dustin whispered.
"If they're on us that means they aren't on the others, They had to have heard that sound, maybe we can hold out here until they come?" You ponder out loud.
Eddie's talons dig at the ground as he focuses on the large creature exiting the corn.
"Well, I'll be damned." Wayne exhaled, his eyes wide as he watched it.
Its floral chapped maw opened wide as it roared, the sound grating on the ears and terrifying all at once.
Eddie's tail uncurled from around you as he once again tried to back you, Dustin, and Wayne away from the threat.
it might have worked the night before in your apartment but this time, there was another problem.
From behind you, the second creature peeped his head out from the corn. It was easily dwarfed by both Eddie and the second creature.
With a small chirp, it creped out of the corn, its body curled in and it moved with pacing fearful steps.
It resembled Eddie more than the second creature, looking more human than monster. A curtain of blond hair covering its face.
It's arms were thin and frail, it's hands sporting smaller talons.
"oh.my.god...it's - is that?" Dustin stammered.
"Do you know this one?" You asked quickly.
Watching the creature pace about uncomfortably took away your fear of it. Its main concern seemed to be the second creature who was busy sizing up Eddie, trying its best to intimidate him.
"It looks like Chrissy Cunningham," said Dustin.
"That girl died," Wayne said.
"Maybe she didn't...we thought Eddie was gone too." Dustin stated.
"She does have the same look doesn't she. Maybe the big one is older - maybe?" You asked.
"Could be, but if that's Chrissy and Eddie is Eddie..." Dustin turned to face the stare down. "Who is that?" He asked focusing on the large creature.
Eddie moved away from the group as the large creature started to circle him.
Wayne lifted his rifle and took aim, clicking back the hammer. His nephew might have been more than able to defend himself in this state, but he wasn't going to give the creature a chance at hurting him.
With cautious steps you inched towards the little creature, "Chrissy?" you called out.
With a shivered chirp her head swung in your direction.
speaking softly, you make a gesture towards Eddie and Dustin, "H-hey...are these...friends of yours?" You asked her.
Her head lifted a bit and tilted as she moved closer, close enough to touch.
Reaching out your hand, you move to shift the hair out of her face, when Eddie and the second creature came crashing between the group.
Growls, snarling whinnies, and snapping echoed in your ears.
having been knocked to the ground you roll out the way.
Wayne fires several rounds into the second creature.
"Get him, Eddie!" Dustin cheered.
Before fully registering what is happening around you, you find yourself being dragged away, the corn closing off your view of the fight.
"Wait? What?" You try to hold off from panicking, looking up your view is obscured by locks of blonde hair.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked her.
Chrissy seemed to struggle to drag you a long, her movements were clumsy, worse than Eddie's had been.
"____!" You hear Wayne shout in the distance, followed by a string of curses from Dustin.
"I'm ok!" You try to call back, but you doubt they could hear you if Eddie and the creature were still fighting.
It wasn't easy for her but Chrissy had successfully pulled you out of the cornfield and into the tree line. There you sat and waited, staring at each other.
"She doesn't have a tail either." You thought, trying to learn as much as you could from her. As the one from last night was, Chrissy too was smaller in stature.
"So was the one form last night female too, or just...newly transformed?" You thought.
"Why'd you drag me out here?" You ask her.
Chrissy only turned her head back to where the fight was taking place.
"____! duck!" Lucas' voice called out.
hopping to your feet you hold out your arms to calm Lucas, "Hold on! She's friendly! Dustin says her name is-"
"Chrissy?" Lucas questioned lowering his weapon.
You exhaled, "Um...yeah. So you know her too." and then it dawned on you as you recounted the story you'd been told by Eddie and his bandmates.
"Oh...oh - that Chrissy!" you gasped.
Lucas gawked at her, "I don't understand, how has this happened to them? Eddie was bitten....Chrissy wasn't" He wondered outloud.
"Well if we could get her to talk, she could tell us herself." You said.
Though while looking at her it was clear, whatever it was that triggered instinct, as with Eddie, had taken over completely.
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Wayne fired another shot, blasting Eddie's combatant in the leg while the two lanky creatures continued to tussle about in the corn.
"Dustin!" Steve's voice called out as he and Robin stumbled out of the stalks.
"Oh, snap..." Robin exhaled.
"Move!" Steve shouted, shoving her out of the way as Eddie managed to push the creature off of him, hurdling it towards the two.
Dustin grimaced, "I told you! Kick his ass! Offense, Eddie, not defense - offense!" He shouted.
Dustin's arms dropped to his side, "Why isn't he fighting for real? He could have that thing down by now." Steve murmured, as he and Robin joined Dustin.
Dustin shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."
"Or fly away, he's got a wing advantage here, the other Demo-thing doesn't." Robin chimed in.
"Don't know." Dustin repeated.
"It's like," Dustin paused as he watched the bigger creature ram it's shoulder into Eddie, knocking him over. Eddie's body curled  his tail acting as a barrier between him and it.
"It's like he doesn't want to fight it?" Dustin questioned.
"I'm pretty sure I've seen this on National Geographic, it's just a power struggle. That large thing is in Eddie's head, He does want to fight it, he just doesn't think he can win" Robin explained.
"You kids should go on and look for ____, Been gone to long there's no telling where the other one took them." Wayne called out, firing another shot towards Eddie's opponent, who seemed unfazed.
"It took ____?" Steve questioned. "It didn't run this way...It went-"
Dustin's eyes grew wide "You saw another one." he nearly exclaimed.
"Yeah, smaller than Eddie and this thing." said Steve.
"Should we do something about them?" Robin asked watching the fight as the two monsters continued the odd test of strength and place.
"They're fine," Dustin answered quickly, "You saw another one? Did it have hair?" He asked Steve.
"Hair? what - No. This one looked like any other Demodog. Maybe a little larger than normal but nothing like Batman and Goliath over there." said Steve.
"Maybe it was the one ____ said Eddie fought off last night." Dustin murmured.
"How are there so many of them left?" Robin asked, her eyes looked between the two men, "The gate is closed. We all saw it shut, permanently. We fought like hell to do it."
"Maybe some of Vecna's monsters got left behind. Maybe they, I dunno did that weird thing, were a piece falls off and becomes another one." Steve tried to reason.
Dustin spoke carefully, "That could in theory work for regular monsters from the upside down. But that doesn't explain Eddie and Chrissy." 
"Chrissy?" Steve and Robin ask in unison.
"It's why I asked about the hair." said Dustin.
Steve mouth opened as if to speak and then closed again as he rested his nailbat on his shoulder.
"Chrissy ran off with ____, who claimed to be ok but-"
"But they're now stuck with another monster who may or may not be the same person they used to be." Robin jumped in.
Dustin gave a nod, "But I don't think Chrissy woul-"
The small group scattered to make room as Eddie lept to avoid the large Demo's attack. Kicking up dirt and uprooting corn stalks Eddie slid to a stop. He huffed and puffed as he stood on stakey legs.
"I just brought him those," Steve muttered as he looked over the tears in Eddie's clothing, blood tricking from claw marks in his skin.
"Maybe we should do something, He looks beat." Steve added, lifting his bat.
In doing so he drew the attention of the second creature. It's large head turned towards Steve and without eye it seemed to watch him.
"Why is it looking at you like that?" Dustin asked quietly.
"I know? Why would I know?" Steve replied.
"Maybe it remembers you?" Robin whispered.
"Eddie man you need to fight! We don't have time for this!" Dustin urged. "Wayne's nearly out of bullets, ____ and Chrissy are gone, and - and -" Dustin stopped shouting as he looked around.
"Where's Lucas?" He asked.
"He went...." Steve looked in the direction they'd come from, "oh no."
"Oh no?" Dustin leaned forward.
"He said he heard something, Lucas is smart - I didn't think he'd go looking if we ere still running." Steve groaned.
Dustin flapped his arms once in frustration, "Great, awesome. perfect."
"Eddie we're in a tough spot here...could you just -"
A pitched scream lifted above the corn and shortly after a shrilled wailing bellow followed after. Mice scattered about, fleeing the sound as they weaved around the groups legs.
Eddie lifted his head, turning sharply towards the sound before taking to the skies. His opponent made chase, snapping at Eddie's tail and narrowly missing. It watched as Eddie rose into the air before racing after him on foot.
"What was that?" Robin asked.
Wayne quickly checked his rounds before tossing his riffle to Dustin.
"Here, I'll slow you down. But you outta follow them." said Wayne.
"But what about you?" Robin asked him.
"I don't think them things are concerned with any of us at the moment." said Wayne.
"Right, then we'll meet you back at ____'s shop." said Steve as he parted the corn stalks and ushered Robin and Dustin through.
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⇠ Part 1 | Part 7 | Next ⇢
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Taglist: @eddiesgirlforever @cherrycolas-things @fan-girl-97
A\N: It's been a long time ~ If you are no longer interested in this fic, no hard feelings, I can remove you from the taglist if you'd like ❤. Some usernames have changed ~ I'm sorry I couldn't find some folks. Also at some point I will give this fic a proper title.
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
Right, wrong and the in-between (Part 2)
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You and Higuruma were assigned to investigate the disappearance of women around Shinjuku. This led to a dicey situation regarding what place Jujutsu sorcerers occupy in this world and what is their role to play when non-sorcerers get involved.
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". There is currently a sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a fic I'll eventually write (eventually). To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :)  The "Right, wrong and the in-between" will be a 4 (maybe 3) part short-story set in this AU. I hope you enjoy! The tags below will be applicable to every chapter.
Tags: oc/f!reader, soft/implied Higuruma x reader, soft/implied Nanami x reader, slow burn, mentions of violence and non-con/abuse among side characters, canon typical violence, some angst, some fluff, just characters being themselves driving the plot (and me) insane. Some philosophical debate will be in place.
WC: 1.9k
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Nanami had been tracking down this curse for what seemed like hours underground, and he started to become tired and annoyed. It was a little before 6PM, and if he didn't end it soon, he'd be caught up in overtime for the third time that month.
The sorcerer removed his tie and started to wrap it around his fist, just to be ready in case he needed to use his collapse technique.
What a bore, he thought to himself, as he kept walking underneath the streets of Shinjuku following the semi grade 1 curse through the sewers. This curse was detected that morning by an assistant that worked for Jujutsu High, and it was a yet unregistered one. It probably sprung into existence not long ago, and was using the sewage system to move around Shinjuku's area.
Nanami heard a faint noise of a possibly slimy large body dragging itself a few meters ahead. He pulled his blunt sword from its support, on his back, and started to walk quickly to meet the curse. As he turned the corner to the tunnel, Nanami was met with an unsightly vision. The curse was a giant crimson and black worm, covered in holes, and had no eyes, only six sets of arms spread across each side of its body, which it was currently using to drag itself around. Even if the thing was big, it moved rather quickly.
Nanami charged at it, dealing a 7:3 blow perpendicular to the ground, but the curse reacted swiftly and crawled its way around the tunnel, getting glued to the top. At that moment, it spurted a green, thick liquid in the sorcerer's direction, which he managed to dodge. The liquid started to slowly melt the ground it hit, leaving a deep hole behind. Nanami sighed as he saw his wristwatch marking 6:02PM. He felt his cursed energy output increasing, and jumped from the side of the circular underpass, bearing his blunt sword, in a new attempt to hit it. The curse sensed him, and once again, evaded his blow by letting go of the walls and hitting the ground. It started to make a run for it, and Nanami promptly followed suit.
As it turned left, so did he, and then — nothing. Nanami heard some ruffling above him, and saw a sort-of manhole for ventilation. The creature had lodged itself in there, and was trying to escape the sewer. From what little Nanami could make out of the grids that covered the hole, it was in a secondary street, and no one walked or passed by during the time he observed it.
He calculated his odds and decided to risk a 'collapse' strike to bring the worm curse down.
"Wow, what was that?" You asked Higuruma, yelling, as you both felt the ground tremble underneath your feet.
"Perhaps an earthquake." He answered, nearly screaming too to make himself heard under the club's loud music.
The moment the robe woman took the girl inside the building, you both followed them, just to find that the door auto-locked itself. The cursed energy traces were all over, and matched the ones found on the other scenes. Higuruma considered bashing the door in, but you dissuaded him, arguing it would be a bad idea if the woman was truly the curse user behind the disappearances. You had no idea what her ability could be, so you had to have a smarter and less confrontational approach. He sighed in agreement.
"Let's wait for the club to open and find them from the inside, okay?" It was your suggestion, and it was exactly what you both did.
Now inside, the place was dark, neon, sweaty, noisy and filled with an assortment of women spinning on shiny poles. You knew this was a club in the red-light district, but you didn't expect to be caught up in that situation with Higuruma by your side. One of the waitresses had already offered her services to him, and you had to hold your laughter at that scene while he refused.
"Come on, that seems to be the back part of the operation." He said, tapping you lightly on your arm and pointing to a more illuminated part of the club, covered by a folding door. You both made your way inside, when suddenly you heard an older woman's voice.
You nearly fainted at that moment, falling to your knees, and Higuruma began to collapse just like you.
Shit, shit, shit! 
It was a cursed speech user, and you both fell right in her trap.
"Higuruma, run!" You shouted, as you conjured one of your grenades, putting your hands together, and threw it upwards, exploding a lot of dust around you both. He seemed to be more resistant than you, and started crawling his way out with the chaos that ensued, being able to get up and walk away, with all the people screaming outside from the blast and all the running around. He looked behind and decided it would be safer to pretend he left, just so he could avoid being imprisoned too, and squiggled his way under the bar counter, deciding to hide behind a few boxes of booze until the cursed speech effect had dwindled enough. Higuruma had to focus all his will into not passing out.
As you started to drag yourself to the door, a hand grabbed you from the back of your neck and bashed your head directly on the ground, removing all the air from your lungs and leaving you completely disoriented as you felt a drop of blood making its way down your face.
"I said sleep, now." The female voice grunted. You heard two sets of footsteps making their way to you, one carried with them the familiar robe, and the other seemed like a male pair of feet wearing sneakers. You couldn't lift your gaze anymore, as you fell unconscious.
"Hey, wake up." You heard, while you were tied to a chair, both arms to your back, separated by ropes, and both legs wrapped together. The woman was standing in front of you, smoking on her cigarette, and the guy was leaned over on the edge of the room. It kind of looked like a shady interrogation room, and smelled terribly.
"Ugh, this place stinks." You said, trying to weave your way out of the ropes.
"No use. I tied these up myself, and I have a lot of practice in doing so, honey." She answered, while puffing her cigarette smoke directly onto your face. "Where is that fella of yours?"
"I hope that he's miles away by now." There was a clock on the wall, and it read 6:25PM. You were out for just some time, thankfully. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Oh, darling, I'll ask the questions." She slapped you hard across the face, leaving a bad burning sensation on your cheek. "How did you find us? Tell me."
The urge to speak suddenly took you over, and you had to bite your lip again in order to not rat out on Jujutsu High. 
"Feisty one, huh? Well, let's try it again." She leaned over to your ear, while you were completely helpless against her technique. "Who sent you?"
"Jujutsu Tech." You blurted out, defeated. 
"The what now?" She asked. This woman has no idea what Jujutsu Tech is? You figured out a couple of things from that. Matching the sloppiness of her kidnappings, this woman was probably a newly awakened sorcerer, unaware of the full extents of her power. Also, given she had no idea what Jujutsu Tech was, you could use that as leverage, being careful not to lie in case she pushed you to relay more information about anything. Her cursed speech seemed to be pushing people to do things, like sleeping, waking up, or telling them something, but it was much weaker than Inumaki's power overall.
"I'm a jujutsu sorcerer, like you, and I work with them. They're probably sending people our way as we speak, to rescue me. So… You should really let me go."
"Jujutsu? Hm." The woman seemed to contemplate her options for a moment. "Do they have the money for a ransom? Tell me the truth."
That urge again. It was pretty strong. "Probably," you spat out. What a fucking nightmare.
She smiled and said, "it's settled, then. Toshio, grab her phone and call... Who should we call to inform you've been captured and request the money, darling?" The woman asked, while looking at you. You thought about your options, and who could get there faster to your aid.
"Nanami Kento. Call him." I'm sorry, Nanami, but you're the closest and one of the smartest. Please, may you talk to Higuruma before you get here. 
As Nanami finished climbing his way out of the sewer, after exorcising the cursed spirit, he saw many people running out of a nightclub, screaming about an explosion. He felt residuals of cursed energy over the building, and grunted as he decided to investigate, given that he was already on overtime clock hours.
He went inside, and chaos was the word to better describe the scenery that ensued. Nanami started to walk around and search for more cursed energy residuals, as he stepped inside the same room you were attacked with Higuruma minutes prior, now empty, but with vestiges of your cursed energy all over. As he was ready to walk out, Nanami felt somebody behind him. He turned around, ready to punch the person, and found Higuruma still recovering.
"Not so nice to see you." Higuruma said, supporting himself by putting a hand over Nanami's shoulder and bearing a half smile on his face.
"Same to you." Nanami replied, unimpressed. "What happened? Where is she?"
Higuruma's hand tightened around Nanami's shoulder. "They got her. There is a cursed speech user here. We need to hurry."
Nanami tensed up immediately, even though his vacant stare was the perfect disguise for the anger that had bubbled up. "It's bewildering how you never fail to disappoint."
Nanami's phone rang, and it was you on the other side of the line. He pushed Higuruma's hand out of his shoulder as he answered it.
"Nanami, I've been captured, and I need help." You said. There was some fumbling on the line, and a man started to speak. "We demand a ransom to let her go." He then proceeded to demand some absurd sum of money and wait for a few seconds.
"Of course," Nanami bluffed, knowing that would be their best alternative for rescuing you, "but where and when should this… ‘exchange’ take place?" 
They gave him an address that was near enough to where he and Higuruma were currently, and said, "meet us there in half an hour, sharp". The line went silent, and he ended the call, inhaling deeply. 
"Accompany me and make yourself serviceable, for once." Nanami sharply said at Higuruma. "This is the place we have to go. Let's see, however, if we can get a few things sorted out before we leave."
Higuruma sighed deeply and agreed to work alongside with Nanami, albeit begrudgingly. "Fine. Let's do this."
They had their first encounter right after you saved Higuruma by injuring yourself in the process, due to Higuruma's irresponsibility, and Nanami held some kind of resentment against the man since then. Nanami was still reluctant regarding Higuruma’s acceptance as a whole — a curse user that had actually killed people before coming to Jujutsu High, had his sentence suspended, and acted irresponsibly with colleagues in the battlefield. 
"Help me locate something we can use to our ears properly."
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 7: AUs or Crossovers] Of Surviving
This is a Dreamling Hunger Games AU oneshot. I finished writing it on May 27, but then I saw @mr-sadman 's prompt list for dreamling week 2023 and thought, 'Oooh 🖤 This is going to be perfect for Day 7!'
And here we are 2 weeks later. I hope you guys like it! 😊
CW: I mean...it's The Hunger Games. That's a warning all by itself.
"And why should we bet that you would win?" The host asks, fake teeth gleaming under the harsh stage lights. The same question, the same maddening smile directed at all the tributes.
"Because," Dream says, feeling bile rise up his throat, "I am better than the two who came before me."
The crowd gasps, but he could see a couple of audience members, the rough-looking shark-like types, nodding in consideration.
He hopes his siblings aren't watching.
"And why should we bet that you would win?"
"You shouldn't," the smiling boy from District 9 says. "But do it anyway for spite. Who knows, in the unlikely event that I win, you'll have me to thank for getting you at least a dozen new mansions."
The crowd laughs. Dream watches from backstage and immediately dismisses the boy as someone who would die an hour into the games.
The next time Dream sees the boy from District 9 is when he was aiming a javelin right at Dream. The first words the boy ever says to him is, "Duck!"
Dream ducks, and watches as the boy's javelin strikes true, right in the chest of District 2's career tribute.
"I thank you for saving my life, but I hope you are not expecting me to save you back."
The boy looks at him like he's a weird seven-legged fish. "Sure. You're welcome, District 4."
They part ways.
"Thought you said you wouldn't be saving my life," the boy from District 9 says, hand still holding Dream's as the two of them run away from the trap Dream has sprung, which caught a couple of other tributes who had been chasing him. Them both.
It was a coincidence that they were even in the same place at the same time.
Dream should really shake the boy's hand off.
"I am saving mine in the process of saving yours," he says. "Having an ally means surviving longer."
"An ally, huh? Well in that case, the name's Hob. Well, Robert Gadling, actually. I'm from District 9."
'I know,' Dream doesn't say. 'I thought you would be one of the first ones to die.'
"My name is Dream."
Dream wouldn't have volunteered this information, or really, anything about himself, but Hob has earned his trust by being an incredibly resourceful partner. He hasn't killed anyone else aside from that one career tribute, but he makes up for his lack of kill count by helping Dream (who grew up near the sea) survive in the arena the gamemakers have fashioned for them, which was part dense forest and part prairie.
"It suits you," Hob says, eyes on Dream's when he says it, his smile soft.
Dream looks away.
The faces of the day's dead have just finished being shown in the sky. Five more dead tributes. He imagines how their family back home would react to the news of their death. Would they be angry? Would they be disappointed?
Would they be relieved that there will be less mouths to feed from now on?
Dream wants to scream. He wants to think about anything else, so he turns to Hob, sitting beside him, face still turned upwards, contemplative. Dream wonders if they're thinking the same thing.
"Tell me about your family," Dream says.
Hob shrugs. "Not much to tell, really. We're poor like the rest, work hard like the rest, and try our best to live a life like the rest."
Dream sees his hands balled up into fists by his sides, knuckles white.
"What did Johanna mean, when she said you'll share the same fate as your siblings if you cross her path?"
It was early the next day. Hob is talking about a conversation between Dream and Johanna that took place in the morning of the previous day.
"I had six siblings," Dream says. They were gathering firewood now, for another trap that Dream is planning to spring. "Two of them were both reaped last year."
Hob stops in his tracks. "Oh," he says, sadness coloring his tone and setting Dream's teeth on edge. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Dream says simply. He clutches his bundle tighter in his arms so Hob wouldn't see how his hands have began to shake. "You did not pick their names at random."
"Their names were Destruction and Delirium," Dream tells him later that night in their little camp, hidden deep within the forest. "Sometimes I wish I had volunteered in my brother's place and managed to save my sister."
"Oh, love."
"Why did you call me 'love' yesterday?" Dream does not look at Hob when he asks this.
"Why do you think?"
He wonders if Hob is looking at him when he answered.
"You should eat more."
Dream ignores him and curls up more in his tattered sleeping bag. The trap succeeded, but the gamemakers fucked around with the weather and Dream had been soaked to the bone. And now it seems that he has caught a fever.
"Please," Hob begs, warm hand on Dream's freezing arm. He has cooked a meager amount of watery vegetable soup from the plants they had foraged. "For me."
"You will be better off without me," Dream says, because it's true. "There are only a few tributes left."
Hob sighs. "Look, if you don't eat by yourself, then I'm going to feed you like a baby bird, and then we'll both feel awkward."
Dream imagines Hob sipping the soup and keeping it in his mouth, then pressing his lips against Dream's and feeding him in this manner, just to make sure that Dream has something warm and healing in his stomach. He reddens even more despite his raging fever.
He still has some good sense remaining, however, so he sits up and shakily accepts the small bowl from Hob's hands, unable to look directly at him.
Dream tilts his face away. "We shouldn't."
"Why not?" Hob has not moved, body still close and face a breath away from Dream's. "What are you so afraid of?"
Dream pushes him away with both hands, but he does so gently and with a lingering touch to Hob's clothed chest that his hands were immediately engulfed by Hob's larger ones.
Dream is becoming a hedonist under the boy's influence. It is apparent when their fingers tangled together almost automatically.
"Because if we share a kiss," Dream says, "then we would cease to be vigilant for a few precious seconds, and that could mean the difference between life and death."
Hob says nothing for a moment, before he inhales deeply and nods. "You're right."
"I almost always am."
Hob rolls his eyes at him. "I mean that you're right in that we should always be vigilant. Not that when I kiss you, I would only want it to last for a few seconds."
'When,' Hob says. Not 'if.'
Dream tries not to obsess about his wording.
He fails.
"I apologize. You should not have seen that."
"What, you killing Johanna by drowning her in quicksand?"
"I did not mean to! It was just the easiest way to do it." Dream looks down at Hob coldly, willing his anger to overtake the fear that this would be the thing that would make Hob betray him.
"You're afraid of me now."
Hob shakes his head. He still has not looked at Dream in the eye again, but his tone is as kind as always. Dream wants to hold his hand and ask for reassurance that Hob does not hate him. He doesn't, because he has always been a coward.
"I'm afraid of dying," Hob says. "Totally not the same thing."
Dream is pretending to be asleep. He has to. He dares not show Hob his tear-streaked cheeks.
Hob sighs.
"Okay, here's the plan." Hob's eyes are looking furtively behind them, body tense. They are almost at the end. There are only a couple more tributes left other than the two of them. "You run right, I run left, then we lead whoever is following us to your traps."
Dream looks at Hob's handsome, dirt-streaked face and wants more than anything to survive with him. But there can only be one victor, and he has already failed two of the people he loves.
He leans forward and kisses Hob for the first and probably the last time. Then, he stands up and runs as fast as his feet can carry him towards the traps, ignoring Hob's panicked shout behind him.
"I don't want to survive if you don't survive with me," Hob tells the stars when Dream is pretending to be asleep. "I can't. I wouldn't be able to."
"Who says you're dying?" Dream replies just after dawn, when Hob is sound asleep beside him, snoring softly. "You are not allowed to die under my watch, Hob Gadling."
"No! Dream!"
"I'm...I'm sorry," Dream says, voice soft and weak. There was way too much red surrounding him. Hob is losing his mind. "I love you. I'm sorry."
"You cheated." Hob's hands are shaking as he takes his jacket off and bunches it up, pressing it hard against the wound on the other boy's stomach. "You're supposed to be the one that survives!"
"I don't want to go back," Dream tells him, eyes turning glassy with unshed tears. "Not without you."
"Shit, you're losing too much blood."
"I would have liked to show you the place where I like to read in secret..."
"Gods, shut up, shut up, shut up--" Hob looks around frantically, trying to find something, anything, that could save Dream.
He is handed a knife by a bloodied, trembling hand, so pale it was almost white. "Here," Dream says. He points to an area under his own jaw. "Put the knife... Slash deep here. A little diagonally. Most effective..." His eyes were already blinking slower, movements growing sluggish.
"No," Hob says fiercely. The knife's handle is digging into his palm from how tight he's gripping it. "No, I'm not killing you. Fuck you for even--"
"Love you..." Dream's lips mouth at him, his striking blue eyes still looking at Hob's, as if he wants Hob's face to be the last thing he sees.
"No," Hob spits in denial. "Fuck this--"
Hob has always been a quick learner. His mother had always told him so. When his older brother was reaped six years ago and died within the hour of the games starting, Hob marched out of their house and immediately learned how to handle all the farming equipment from the older men, so his family could continue to eat.
He now places the knife Dream gave him against his own neck--
Dream gasps awake and clutches at the shape beside him desperately. Hob startles awake at the frantic touch, then pulls Dream towards him, holding him tight and steady, a fortress against a howling storm.
He murmurs soft words next to Dream's ear, one hand rubbing his back gently, while the other partially covers the large jagged scar on Dream's side. Dream presses his face closer to Hob's neck, his nose right where Hob's own scar is. It's small and looks insignificant compared to the one on Dream's body, but it proved more effective in getting the gamemakers to panic. They needed to have a victor, after all.
That year, they had two.
That had been ten years ago.
"We made it, my love," Hob says against his hair. It smells like the very sea that is only a short walk away from their home. Hob can hear the waves lapping peacefully at the shore. "We made it. It's all over now. We made it."
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ckkookie · 1 year
Topic - your cold boyfriend finds a new way to keep you both warm
Established relationship ♥
Warning -fluff ,smut , 18+
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You switched the TV off and turned towards your boyfriend who seemed to be in another dimension with his laptop on his lap " kooook you barely get any time to spend with me at least keep your work aside during the holidays " you complained after being tired of watching him work since the morning and not giving you the attention you deserve " I'm sorry y/n, mr.Jung (his secretary) needs help with this file as he is going to the states tomorrow so lemme just finish this file and then i am all yours " he patted your head "ok but be quick mr. Jeon " you showed him your feiry eyes which resulted him to chuckle and nod, pecking his lips you went towards the bedroom
After 3 hours ~
You slept for sometime and it was currently 7 in the evening. You were in deep slumber when you felt kisses on your whole face so knowing that it was jungkook you hugged him tightly and snuggled into his chest feeling contended " you done with the work?" you asked raising your head to see him all relaxed with eyes closed, he nodded at your question as he now stared deeply in your eyes and soon enough you shared a sweet kiss feeling his lips perfectly molding with yours which made you feel so many emotions , you both parted away and you suddenly felt cold, covering both of yourself in the duvet you asked "kook I'm cold bring the another heater from downstairs" you saw him smirking "why not we try something else? " "huh? " he didn't say anything but you felt him lower his shorts and boxers resulting his long shaft to sprung out as it slapped your thigh under the duvet "w-what are yo-" "shh this can also keep my muffin warm " and soon his finger removed your underwear as you were wearing only his hoodie, feeling his fingers slide all over your thigh gave you chills *definitely not helping with the situation "hmm kook" "yes baby?what do you want me to do hmm?" "want your dick buried deep in me" he grinned lifting your leg and started slowly inserting in you " a-aah kookie you are so big , you feel so warm " "mhmm you like it babygirl? " you were too lost in the moment as he fully entered in your pussy making you feel full and satisfied but you felt him removing his dick "nooo jungkoook " "who will answer babygirl " he asked slapping your ass "y-yes i love it " and then he again buried it with a force resulting the tip to hit your g-spot
And in no time he started pounding in you with an inhuman speed and within minutes you came with him releasing in you and falling on top of you "i love you so much princess " jungkook waited for the reply but he lifted himself from you to see that you were already asleep he chuckled pecking your lips and forehead ,as he was about to get up to clean you ,you pulled him towards yourself " umm noo " you hugged him with your arms so now dropping the plan , jungkook carefully made you lay properly and took you in his embrace while admiring your features , as slowly he also soon drifted in deep slumber .
( pls tell me your thoughts about the fic🙁 it will really make me happy knowing that you've enjoyed it ☺ )
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pttwice · 6 months
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the bunny onesie
(posting an original as well as a requested one today!)
|| little!nayeon, cg!sana, cg!jihyo ||
As a little, Nayeon loved everything that had to do with bunnies. Her pajamas had bunnies on them, she had bunny socks, and even the end of her toothbrush was in the shape of bunny ears. Her favorite stuffy, a pink bunny she called Floppy, went everywhere with her even when she wasn't regressed.
Floppy had been loved by Nayeon for years. Floppy's ears were a bit worn and his soft fur was a little less fluffy than when she got him, but she loved him nonetheless. Originally a gift from one of their fans after their debut, Nayeon and Floppy were inseparable. She ate with Floppy, slept with him, and even tried to take him in the bath with her a few times.
Nayeon woke up to the sun shining through the bottom of her curtains. She rolled over in her bed and yawned, stretching upwards. It was only 7 in the morning and the girls had a rest day, but Nayeon had regressed. And regressed Nayeon meant that she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her mama and her mommy.
Determined to start her day with cuddles, Nayeon crawled out of bed with Floppy dragging behind her and made her way to Sana and Jihyo's shared room in the dorm. She gently pushed the door open and smiled when she saw they were still sleeping. Nayeon crept up to the edge of their bed and rested her chin right beside Jihyo's pillow, poking her mama's nose.
Jihyo groaned and tried to ignore the finger that was poking her but eventually caved and opened an eye, a small smile drawn across her face when she saw Nayeon only about an inch away from her.
"G'morning, Nayeon. Sleep well?"
Nayeon silently nodded and patted the bed a few times, shyly signaling that she wanted to join the couple. It took Jihyo a few seconds to realize the girl was regressed, but once she figured it out, she carefully pulled Nayeon in between her and Sana.
"Oh, my bunny is so sweet this morning." Jihyo yawned and placed a gentle kiss on Nayeon's forehead, drawing a sweet giggle out of the girl. She reached and shook Sana a little, only getting a grunt in response. Jihyo chuckled and shook her head, turning her attention back to the excited girl who was now resting her head on her chest.
"I see you're feeling extra cuddly today, huh bunny. Is it because we've got the day off?" Jihyo asked this and brushed Nayeon's bangs back, smiling at the approving hum she let out.
"Wan' be wif mama and mommy all day." Nayeon cuddled impossibly closer into Jihyo's arms, tucking her head right under Jihyo's chin. She liked that her mama was so warm, and she liked that she knew just how to hug her.
"I think we can make that work, but you have to get mommy up. Can you do that for me, bunny?"
Nayeon immediately sprung up at the question and nodded, scooting over to throw herself on top of Sana's back.
Sana let out a groan at the sudden weight added to her and rolled over as best she could, now face to face with Nayeon. She laughed and rubbed her eyes. "Well good morning to you, baby."
Once she saw that her mommy was awake, Nayeon got off of Sana and tucked herself back into Jihyo, one hand tucked in her mama's sleep shirt and the other wrapped around Floppy.
"I di' it! I wake mommy up!" Nayeon proudly announced this as she turned a bit to see Sana beaming at her.
"Good job, bunny. Such a good girl." Jihyo praised her and peppered a few kisses on the crown of her head before sliding Nayeon between her and Sana.
"How about," Sana started to say before she yawned, "we spend the whole day with you, bunny?"
Nayeon nodded excitedly and bounced a little in the bed, bringing one of Floppy's ears up to suck on.
"Before we do that, I think I might have a little surprise for you. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so, okay?" Jihyo hoisted herself out of bed, turning around to make sure Nayeon's eyes were closed before she walked over to her and Sana's closet. She moved a few shoe boxes and a pile of clean clothes she hadn't put away yet before she found what she wanted.
Jihyo walked back over to the bed and sat down, holding her present in front of Nayeon. "Okay, you can open!"
Nayeon quickly opened her eyes and her mouth fell open, her eyes going wide. She grabbed the bunny onesie from Jihyo and turned around to show it to her mommy. "Mommy! Wook! Bunny!"
Sana nodded and ruffled the girl's hair, now sitting up in bed to take a few pictures with her phone. "I see that, baby. Do you like it?"
Nayeon vigorously nodded and thanked her mama. Without any thought, she set Floppy down and started to take her clothes off. She threw her shirt off and stood up on wobbly legs to get her sleep shorts off but was quickly frustrated when she couldn't figure out how to untie them.
A small pout settled on Nayeon's lips as a small whine left her. She looked to her mama and pointed at the bow, needing help. "P'ease mama. Need help."
Jihyo leaned forward and untied the knot with ease, chuckling at how quickly Nayeon threw her shorts off. She quickly slipped into the onesie and zipped it up, throwing the hood over her head.
"Wook! Me bunny!" Nayeon giggled and picked Floppy up, holding him close to her chest. She proudly showed off just how well she matched her friend and basked in the love and adoration she was being showered in by her mama and mommy.
"Look how cute you are, bunny! Can you take a picture with mommy?" Jihyo smiled as Nayeon sat down in Sana's lap. She wrapped her arm around Sana's neck, a big smile on her face.
Once the initial excitement of her present wore off, Nayeon was back in between Sana and Jihyo. Sana yawned, realizing just how early their baby had woken them up. She turned towards Nayeon who was already fast asleep and shook her head, a small smile on her lips.
"When did you get this?" Sana whispered this to Jihyo as she pulled the covers over her baby a bit higher.
"A few days ago. She saw it when we went shopping and talked about it the whole car ride back. She never begged for it though. She just kept saying how cute it was and how much it looked like Floppy." Jihyo laughed lightly and smiled, looking down at Nayeon who had Floppy tucked into her. She was curled into Sana's side, her chest gently rising and falling.
"Well, I think you might be the favorite today. I don't think she's going to take that onesie off unless we wrestle her for it." Sana playfully rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around Nayeon's waist, pulling her a little closer.
As long as Nayeon was happy, the bunny onesie was here to stay.
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pokidot · 11 months
MANDELA — nine
wc: 832
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A long sigh drawled from Kuni’s lips, gifted annoyance coursing his lips as a resting scowl laid.
It's been fifteen minutes, at approximately 7:45 in the morning, and Kuni has not seen a single trace of you other than the Disney princess towel that they had laying on the rack outside their house for who knows how many days. Every now and then Kuni would see somebody walk along the sidewalk, and some cars would drive past.
But other than the stuff he chose to pay attention to, time seemed to slow to a severely arduous crawl. His fingers tapped restlessly on the steering wheel, a silent rhythm of slowly building pent-up energy. "Why," He grunted lowly. "So much for a schedule. You can't even follow your own itinerary."
He considered getting out of the car to knock as soon as you tumbled out of the house with papers flying out of your hands. You and Kuni shared glances, with your messy attire and chaotic acumination of items you sprung together.
With a hint of a smile, you waved at him through the car when you knew he was staring, and the initial frustration loosened. Kuni opened the car door, wincing as he was greeted with the rising sun, walking towards you. "I knew you were making things up as you go."
"I was not!" You gasped dramatically, "I happen to need all of this stuff, thank you very much. We just happened to be 30 minutes behind schedule, is all."
"More like forty. You took so long that I had to turn my engine off." Kuni eyes dulled, looking down as you put your untied shoe in front of him. "You're not seven. Do it yourself."
"My hands are tied." You defended, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I can't do everything by myself, right?"
Their eyes locked in a participated gaze, a gaze that Kuni tapped out of immediately. He rolled his shoulders, eyes moving away to the tops of your shoes as he crouched down, fingers deftly holding the laces.
With the final tug, he secured the knots and stood up. His brows furrowed slightly, the ripple of annoyance slowly returning in his grasp. "I can't stand you. Get in the car now."
"Jesus, fine." Your bottom lip jutted out at his sudden words. "Careful, I may think this is a kidnapping."
"Kidnapping you?" Kuni scoffed. "Why don't you think about making yourself useful and tell me where we're going."
"Psh. There's a reason why Google Maps exists. We're gonna get there so fast that those cryptids are gonna meet their maker! Their mooooney makerrr!" You put all of your items in the back trunk safe and sound, closing it all the while keeping your backpack on you. Kuni helped load the camera in a sack.
The excitement was palpable again in your tone. Though as you and Kuni were about to get in the car, a sudden burst of movement erupted from the corner of your vision.
A figure popped up from the front of the car bumper all of as sudden. "Hey!" The feminine voice shouted right in your face, but it was too late, because your heart leaped to your throat and you screamed.
You held up the canister of Venti's Shining Idol Barbara hairspray and pressed the trigger so fast that she couldn't even stop you by the time the cloud of potent, glittery mist engulfed the air.
Quickly, the remorse began to settle in, your mouth opened far as you gasped. "Oh, no! You're not a cryptid, you're just a bystander! I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!"
"No, it's fine, I- oh my god it hurts! What did you spray me with?!" Her vision was clouded, trying to look through blurry slits but to no avail. "Am I dying? Oh, I'm dying!"
"It was...glitter hairspray." You hesitated.
"I wasn't trying to startle you!" She shouted in pain, the burning sensation overwhelming her. "I feel like this is so strong that I need to file a lawsuit!"
"Hah. Lawsuit." Kuni couldn't help but laugh. "I'd love to see you try."
"What?! You can't just sneak up on us and then get mad when I retaliate! I learned that in bear hunting school, it's a classic defense mechanism!" You frowned, "What's your name?!"
"Hu Tao! I thought you would remember me because I sat up front! I went to the presentation about you going on a research trip and I really liked it, so I wanted to join you guys- Ooow, ow, ow, ow!!"
You froze, eyes full. "...What?!"
Kuni, frozen as well, watched as the scene unfolded, with a bunch of screaming and painful crying from the woman. The situation was so on cue that he almost wanted to laugh hysterically. His shoulders dropped in disbelief, putting the key in his pockets and putting his hands on his faces to seethe in them silently, miserably groaning. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."
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NOTES || (sweating profusely) i'm back!
TAGLIST: @wisteriarain @akagism2 @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @d4y-dr3am3r @truck-kuns-gf @3lysiaa @ayoitsmarie33 @crucnhice @natsuscrustyscarf @dreamsofminnie @astreaa-express @goj0h @cicibao @xirthia @kylexzz @dollpoetwriting @dreamingkace @strawbxrrytiger
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larakb117 · 1 year
Joseph Quinn & female y/n
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Summary: London Adventure is turning into New York Adventure…
Content Warning: fluff, rpf, implied smut
Part 10
The next morning you woke up, Joe sat next you in the bed, shirtless, with his phone in his hands. He clearly had already showered, there were some water drops all over his body, his hair was wet. “Hey.”, you said with a raspy voice. “What time is it?” He hadn´t recognized that you were awake, he almost threw his phone away on the night stand and turned to you. “Morning love.”, he smiled, his eyes were filled with adoration. “It´s almost 5 am.” He cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly. You slowly closed your eyes. Your breathe got a little heavier and you could feel your heartrate get higher, it was like your heart was nearly bursting out of you. Your hands wandered down his naked and wet upper body, they rested at his chest hair for a while, your fingers curled up in it a little. It was a long kiss. Once your lips separated he asked: “Do you want to go on sleeping or…?” “I think I slept enough, Joe.”, you chuckled. “You want to go and see the city a little bit?” “Oh, yes!”, you hastily kissed him again, sprung up from the bed and ran into the bathroom. “I´m taking a quick shower!”, you shouted out of the bathroom.
It had two separate sinks, a huge bathtub and was covered in white marble. You showered off the dirt from the 7 hour flight and many hours of waiting in line. “Damn.”, you thought, when you realised you did not bring any clothes in the bathroom. Then it came to your mind, that you wouldn´t need to worry about stepping out in the room naked. That was still new to you, but you were confident enough to do that. The last couple of days Joe had told you how beautiful you were hundreds of times. And you could feel that he really meant it, so you went out there without anything on. Joe stunningly stared at you: “Wow, love, you are just…Come here.”
After a short make out session (you came twice), you got dressed: Joe wore some grey trousers and a pinstriped shirt. It seemed like half of his wardrobe were pinstriped shirts. You decided to go for a simple white shirt and a leather jacket on top of some jeans. The jewellery you wore spiced up the outfit a bit more, Joe wore his chain and the rings as well.
At about 6 am you left the hotel. You took two different subway lines and went to Times Square 42 St. The moment you left the subway station you got to see Times Square right in front of you: Hundreds of billboards were in front of you, movie trailers, ads for various products, lit up signs for shops and restaurants everywhere around you. Suddenly you discovered Joe on of the billboards: “Oh my God!!There´s you, Joe!” “Yes.”, he blushed a bit. Joe had told you about the movie he was part of and which he was about to promote this week in New York. It was the first time you saw him in the costume and everything. You just knew the stuff he told you about so far. Pride started to grow in your chest. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it, while you watched the short trailer with a fascinated look. Then you turned around to look him in the eyes: “I´m really proud of you.”
After Times Square you took a taxi to Lower Manhattan for a long sunrise walk at Battery Park. You slowly started to get hungry, so you got some takeaway breakfast at a café and sat down at a bench with a view to Staten Island and the Liberty Statue. The Liberty was way smaller than you had expected, she was barely to see. You sat there for a while, the sun had already risen a few hour ago. “Love, will you join me at Jimmy Fallon tomorrow?”, Joe surprisingly asked. “What?”, you stared at him with an open mouth. “I´ll be at Jimmy Fallon tomorrow, do you want to come with me?” “Oh yes!!I love Jimmy Fallon!!!”, you lowkey freaked out. You could not believe you were sitting on a Bench in New York City and had the chance to see Jimmy Fallon live. Joe laughed: “Okay, we can go on top of the Rockefeller Centre together before we have to go to the studio, if you like to? So, don´t do that later when I´m at the Buzzfeed office, alright?”
You hastily nodded out of excitement and threw yourself at Joe. You tightly hugged him and wouldn’t let go. Joe stood up with you wrapped around his waist. He laughed, his laugh was perfect, it came right from his heart, it was a true and honest laugh. You just left some metres behind till you jumped off of him. Meanwhile it was 10 am, you sat down at a café to get some coffee and a snack.
Joe had to leave and get to the Buzzfeed Office near to Times Square, he had already texted Maddie that he would meet her there. It was a hard goodbye, even though you would see him again in a few hours, you would very much miss him. Joe told you to enjoy the city, he would call you as soon as he finished filming and doing interviews. The first thing you did was going to the Metropolitan Museum. The fashion exhibitions were the most exciting thing about the museum. After that you walked around Central Park, visited the Bethesda Terrace and Fountain and strolled around the Reservoir. A lot of pictures, selfies and google maps searches later your phones battery was about to die, so you decided to go back to the hotel. The moment you arrived at the hotel, Joe called you. You picked up the phone: “Yeah?” “I love, I just finished, where are you?” “I just arrived at the hotel. Are you coming?” “I´ll be there in twenty minutes, love.” He hung up.
Exactly 22 minutes later, the hotel room door opened and Joe came in. His eyes wided when he saw you laying on the bed: “Oh, I missed you so much.” He jumped up on the bed right next to you and grabbed your face to pull it close to him. “Hi, babe.”, you grinned. “How was your day?” “Pretty good, they let me play with puppies, that was cute. And I had to read some thirst tweets. Fans are begging BuzzFeed for two years now to make me do this video.”, he laughed and ran one hand through his hair. He looked incredibly good, that´s because you stared at him for a moment. You went in for a deep kiss.
“Love, I have a surprise for you.” Excitement rushed through you, you loved surprises. “You told me that you like musicals.”, he stopped. “Yes?” “I texted one of my friends who´s currently on Broadway and he put us on the guest list tonight.” “What?”, that was a thrilling surprise. “You tell me, I´m going to see a Broadway Musical?! At fucking Broadway?!”, you squeaked. “I love how excited you can get.”, Joe said with a loving undertone. “Who´s that friend? And what´s the musical?”, you asked while your hands tugged at his shirt. “It´s Gaten Matarazzo, I met him at the stranger things set.” “Oooh, he is Dustin!!!” “Yes. Gaten´s the best. Such a nice guy. He has some time after the Musical, so you can get to know him” “He´ll be the second friend of yours I get to know!”, you smiled, Joe hopefully did not think that you just wanted to meet Gaten because of his role in Stranger Things, you just wanted to meet all the people who were important in Joes life. “So tell me what´s the musical?”, you curiously asked again. “Sweeney Todd. You know that?” You squeaked again: “I love that musical! I was obsessed with the movie too!” You started to belt the song “Johanna”, but got in a fit of laughter after just a line of the song. Joe covered his face with a pillow. “Am I such a bad singer?”, still laughing, you knew that you were actually good at singing. Joe revealed his face, he was laughing too: “I just love how excited you are, love.”
To be continued…
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katblu42 · 10 months
Days 6 and 7
Okay, so for those of you following along at home, I'm sorry to say that I have fallen behind in my adventure updates!
Day 6 was a fairly quiet one - last day of the Comic Con, and my fandom friends mostly had tickets for today (but no spare), so I had a quiet morning before meeting up with one of said friends when she was done re-visiting the dealers she wanted to return to.
We walked along the foreshore, had a lazy lunch watching the ducks and went back to the houseboat to wait for the others to return.
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She forced me (not really - she asked me) to show her some TAG episodes. She was extremely impressed, particularly with the detail of the sets, but also with the show as a whole.
The day ended with a final Con night dinner for the whole fandom gang out in La Mesa (where our organiser lives). Then it was time to say goodbyes as members of the group would be flying out to their home towns across the US the following day.
Day 7 was a road trip to LA!
This was another surprise sprung on me last minute by the fandom friends. Four of us took the 2 hour trip up the freeway to Los Angeles.
First stop was a surprise for one of our party who is a big fan of the show Emergency.
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A lot of the location shots for the show, including every time the vehicles left the station, were filmed here.
We were all content to just take a few pictures of the outside, but one of the firefighters who works here heard/saw us and invited us in for a tour! (This seems to happen a lot! And the station is not busy as a general rule.)
The place has barely changed since the '70's when the show was being filmed, so it was actually very cool to wander through and see things I recognised from watching the show as a kid. We even signed the visitors book.
Next stop was the California Science Center in Exhibition Park so one of our party could see the space shuttle Endeavor.
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It was very cool to see it up close! And there were capsules from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions on display (amongst many other interesting things!) too.
Our next stop was Little Tokyo for our remaining 2 road trippers to explore the stores there looking for anime related merch, memorabilia, soundtracks and treasures. There were a few interesting finds made but not much deemed worthy of purchase.
I did spy a Voltron figure - one with the 5 lions that join together - which I've wanted to get hold of for ages. But at US$699 I decided it was going to stay up on that high shelf!
Little Tokyo also hosts the memorial to Colonel Ellison Onizuka.
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Next stop, lunch! The others decided I needed to try an In-N-Out burger. Not bad. Definitely on the high end of the quality scale for cheap and cheerful!
We drove through Griffith Park, and down palm tree lined streets in Beverly Hills before a stop around dusk to check out the neon lights in Little China. Dinner was fish tacos at Rubios, then began the long drive back to San Diego.
Made it back to my hotel before midnight, but not by much!
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new-berry · 7 months
for the fic writer asks — 7, 9, 14 :)
I did seven but
9. What inspired you to write your first fic?
14. Share a snippet. (WIP? Spain 3 and Conor/Mason if you want to skip to that bit.
My very first fandom was wrestling RPF which is like… it’s already fanfic. Pro wrestling is fandom, I won’t be convinced otherwise.
It had everything, sex, violence, magic, you could ship anyone with anyone… amazing. Although I don’t watch as much I go through stages of watching every week.
So becuase it’s me I think my first ship was probably the Hart family. So yeah, I’ve always skated every line of wrong.
Speaking of skating…The first thing I wrote (like aside from when I was a kid and wrote like thinly veiled barbie fanfic - she was not after men. I think she was with Sindy in one. I totally wrote one where Ken and GI Joe did whatever the ten year olds version of hooking up is. I think they kissed and got married. In a little diary.
And I had a whole saga where barbie got fed up of Ken and went off to be barbie of the jungle and all my stuffed toys were her minions. The jungle had an ocean view because I had a stuffed whale.
If I want something in my fics, I will make it work.
The first thing I posted was, oh god hockey? It doesn’t exist anywhere Mark Messier and Marty Mcsorely, was it the m’s? If you don’t know hockey one was the enforcer who protected the glamour players. If Martinez was a hockey player in that time period (although thinking back they were retired when I wrote them) he would be an enforcer. They met in a gay bar after someone ducked in from the rain.
I’m not joking it is only up since then. I wish I could say it was the second which was two juniors (think like Tino Liverermento and Lewis Hall) their first year in the league finding themselves and their sexuality and where they belonged. I don’t think it exists anywhere.
Mason / Conor “low winter sun”
There was an uneven distance between Conor and Mason. Deepening that last spring, when it was whisper upon rumour, and the whispers were as common as the daffodils that sprung up.
Slightly uphill, and a little off course. Getting out of breath walking with him. Shaving in the morning, talking to Mason’s reflection in a mirror. A tape delay, speaking across time zones. Throwing water in your face and looking onto him gone and a towel folded, polite as a hotel room.
Spain 3
It slips up on him, like a rush of cold water when he was expecting hot. Rio laughing and tussling over the ball with John, bright grin stretching his face, dark skin lit up like the light is falling just for him.
A slick greasy longing that he’s always pushed down. Held down by the warnings his father gave him, sniffing out Frank’s weakness as easily as he found him hiding from training.
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