#but the stitching is from even before then
sukunasteeth · 2 days
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Sukuna has never made you wait for him.
He was always on time, always there before you, and if circumstances arose where-in he couldn't be, you always knew an hour before. You were never left to wonder or worry.
If Sukuna says he'll be there, he's there.
So when you wake up to his cold and empty bed, after hours of waiting for him to return home from work, you want to assume the best case scenario.
He's just working late, you assure yourself when your eyes find the clock on the nightstand and it tells you that it's two o'clock in the morning. Maybe he was so entranced in whatever he was tending to that he had forgotten to call you and tell you he'd be late. It had never happened before, but there was a first time for everything.
You try not to trip over your own two feet on your way to the bathroom, ignoring the dread that immediately darkens your thoughts upon checking your phone for the hundredth time that night.  
No call. No text... Did he tell you in person earlier in the day and you had simply forgotten?
What if he's hurt?
You round the corner of the hallway.
What if he's in trouble?
You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't even register seeing the bathroom light peeking out from under the door.
You push it open.
What if he's-
Standing over the sink, dripping in blood, and using a fishing line to sew up an enormous gash splitting into his side?
You're frozen in the doorway. 
Faced with the unfortunate answer to the questions that had been progressively plaguing you the entirety of the night. Shock grips your throat and has a cold sweat breaking out over your skin.
You haven't seen him so roughed up since the two of you were in high school. Sukuna, always hungry for a test of strength, had often walked you home with a bloody nose or a ripped open pair of knuckles, but this would be the first time you've seen him look like he just rolled out of a fight club ring. 
He's taken off his suit jacket and his usually pristine white button down has been torn to shreds. The pieces that are left of it have adhered to the deepest of his wounds, soaked in crimson. He's holding up the hem of his shirt with his teeth, glaring down at a particularly large slice in his torso as he feeds a needle into the skin and puts himself back together again. One of his eyes is swollen and there's a small cut to the side of it. You can tell that he'll have a black eye come morning. Sukuna must see you in the corner of it, because he suddenly turns to look at you. The edge of his shirt falls out of his mouth, but Sukuna doesn't seem to notice, too surprised by your presence.
The two of you take each other in. Silently appraising the situation.
Before you can react, his surprise is already morphing into a resigned, disappointed sigh.
"Aw shit."
"What the HELL?!" You don't recognize the voice that escapes you in your panic. Raspy from the sleep still coating your throat, disjointed as your tonsils remember themselves and yet forget how to operate in your shock. You're across the room in a flash, nearly tripping headfirst into him in your haste. "What happened?! Y-You're hurt. Why are you hurt? Jesus, that looks so bad- oh my god. 'Kuna-"
"Shhh," He's hushing you. You're close enough for him to reach out with his free hand and pull you even closer, he doesn't seem to notice the streak of fresh blood he leaves behind on your wrist. "It's not as bad as it looks."
"You're covered in blood!" You whisper in horror, you search his eyes for even an ounce of alarm, and find only his usual nonchalance lounging there. As though this was nothing out of the ordinary.
He even looks down at himself like he wants to refute you, but when he picks up the collar of his shirt, finding the shredded pieces of what remained of it, he seems to think better. 
"Little bastards didn't do half bad, actually." He mutters to himself. He almost sounds... impressed. "Any deeper and it could have really been a pain in my ass."
"What happened?" You ask again, desperate.
"Just some kids waiting outside of the office." He rubs at the back of his head, and you notice another small cut there over a raised bump that seems to be swelling at the base of his skull. It must be tender, because he grimaces when he grazes it. You do too, just from watching him. "Trying to make some pocket money off of me and Uraume. They should have at least waited until we were both alone." When he pulls his hand away from his head, there's fresh blood glistening on his fingertips. He sucks his teeth. "Amateurs."
You take a deep, steadying breath- willing your heartbeat to slow.
You were the one who decided to fall for a man constantly looking for a good fight. At this point, you had only yourself to be disappointed with.
Without another word you turn your back to him and head straight for the shower. You needed him to wash off. You wouldn't be able to tell which parts of him needed attention in the mess that was currently coating his skin and you were already preparing mentally to tend to him. You spin the dial to ‘hot’ and turn back to him, trying your best to glare. You didn't think it was working very well. Especially because he's smiling softly at you.
"Get in." You command, pointing to the tub.
Sukuna scoffs softly, turning back to his needle and fishing line.
"It's fine.” He brushes you off. “I'm just going to rinse the cuts as I go-"
"Sukuna." You don't mean for it to come out as demanding as it does. Sukuna was hurt. You wanted to be gentle with him, but you can't help how overwhelmed you are at the sight of him battered to such a degree.
He slowly lifts his head like he was giving you time to think about the way you had just spoken to him before he meets your eyes again. You're too roused to take it back. "Get. In."
You can tell in his momentary silence that he doesn't recognize this shade of frustration on you. He's watching you like he's trying to take in every detail of it. Engrave it into his brain. Part of you is reminded in that moment that it wasn't Sukuna's anger you were in risk of pushing, but rather his excitement.
He folds up the fishing line and loops it around the sewing needle, placing it onto the counter without turning to look at it.
Your unrelenting stance falters a bit as he crosses the room after you, unbuttoning his dress shirt as he goes. His eyes never leave yours, testing your will.
When he makes it to you, he's brimming with pride. His belt clinks when he unloops the first notch. 
"Yes ma'am." He purrs.
An hour later, he's as clean as he can be and sitting on the closed lid of the toilet seat. You're perched in his lap, having already finished stitching shut the larger wounds that needed it. Now you're down to the last small cut left, which is on his cheek. It didn't require much attention, it was a tiny graze compared to the rest of the gashes you had tended to.
You can feel Sukuna watching you with a smitten little smile, like you had just spent the past hour silently telling him how much you adored him with your gentle but stern touches.
It ticks you off.
"Stop looking at me like that." You mutter, pressing the last of the steri-strips against his skin.
He doesn't even pretend to stop. You refuse to meet his gaze as you do a final examination of your handiwork. Finally, with him properly patched up and without a single drop of fresh blood in sight, the pain in your heart eases. He was okay. 
"...Why didn't you have Uraume help you with this before you came home?" You pretend to reassess one of the gauze strips on his bicep, but it's really just an excuse to nervously pick at the cotton while you're underneath his gaze.
There were plenty of people at the office who knew how to deal with wounds to this severity, professional medics that could have sewed him up twice as fast and sent him home just as clean as when he had arrived. So why did he wait so long for help?
Sukuna hums and his bandaged knuckles glide up and down the outsides of your thighs. "Maybe I like watching you play nurse."
"Kuna~" You groan hopelessly, letting your head thunk against his shoulder. "Quit teasing. I'm mad at you." You announce.
It only serves to widen his grin, which you can feel pressed against your hair as he kisses your forehead.
"But you're so cute when you want to be mad at me." He mocks your tone of voice and chuckles when you press your thumb into the bandage on his bicep in an attempt to punish him-just a bit.
Quickly, he snatches your hand, locking the both of your fingers together and gently nudging your head with his own. Silently asking you to look up again.
You're trying your best to pout at him, but you're surprised to see softness where you expected to find mischief in his expression. There's a warm fondness to his gaze. One you usually only see him wear when he's watching you talk about something you're particularly passionate about.
"I'm sorry I made you worry." The genuineness of the statement softens the hard lines of your face. And just like that, you completely forget that you’re supposed to be mad at him. His fingers trace the space between your brows where he had just made an angry knot disappear. "I do hate it when I do that."
Maybe it was a tactic to get off the hook. But it was a good one. It even has you feeling guilty for being hard on him. 
"I don't like seeing you covered in blood." You whisper, finally meeting his eyes. The glimmer there is triumphant.
"I'll hose off out front next time, how's that?"
You bite back a laugh at the image, trying to keep your stern disposition. You lean in, so as to impart the severity of your tone. "No next time."
Sukuna leans in closer, "And I'll have to get you a nurse's outfit."
"No next time!"
You were in love with the epitome of mischief. There was always going to be a next time.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 days
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Summary: Reader goes on a run with a few of the others but they end up getting blindsided by another group, reader and Rosita take the most damage.
Warnings: strong language, twd apocalypse setting, not-so-secret feelings between reader and Daryl but nothing is official right away, mentions of alcohol, mentions of fighting, reader gets injured and needs stitches, reader giving and receiving punches, kicks, etc. mentions of blood, cuts, weapons such as knives and guns, heavy mentions of killing (FAKE OF COURSE!!), a kiss or two, maybe three if you’re lucky ;)
Word count: 5.8k
“Y/n. You comin’ or what!?” Rosita yells over to you, “or are you too bus-“
“I’m comin’, alright!” You yell back, cutting her off, and all she does is smile.
You look away from the group, cheeks turning red as you look up at Daryl. His head tilts to the side as he looks at you confused, “What’s she mean by busy?”
You shake your head, “Nothing just.. girl talk.”
Daryl scoffs, shaking his head, “Good luck out there.”
“You sure you can’t come?” You bat your lashes, which definitely does something to him, but he just shakes his head, “Y’know I would if I could.”
He reaches up to pinch your chin between his fingers, “Be fuckin’ careful out there, a’right.”
You give him a smile, “I always try my best.”
He hums lowly as he watches you walk away, keeping his eye on you until you and the group were out of the gate.
If Daryl didn’t have a prior commitment to help Aaron with the one wall, he would definitely be going with you.
“Try and convince him to come along again?” Rosita asks as you walk with her. You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh, “Can you give me a break?”
Rosita is your best friend, has been since you saved her life. She had six walkers on her, you were moving by and decided to stop and help her and she instantly liked you, so away to hilltop you went.
One night later on, when you both were giggly off some liquor you found, you admitted to her that you had a thing for The Archer in your group - Daryl Dixon.
Which, you and him also did end up taking a liking to one another. It only took one look from each of you and that was enough to not keep each other off your minds.
“I think it’s really cute.” She glances over at you, “Seeing you guys in looove.”
“Please. He is not in looove.” You scoff, a laugh following right after, “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“You guys talking about you and Daryl?” Michonne elbows you and you sigh, “Not you, too!” You groan, “Oh my god.”
“I think it’s cute, too. Never really seen Daryl look at someone the way he looks at you, and I’ve known him a while.” Michonne raises her brows and you just shake your head.
Someone even mentioning his name has your cheeks turning a rosy color.
“You know it’s true.” Rosita adds, “C’mon y/n. Just take a chance already.”
“I’ll think about it and get back to you.” You laugh, everything becoming serious when Rick holds his hand up, signaling to stop.
“Walkers?” Michonne asks, moving closer to Rick, and he nods, “About seven or eight? Some might be in the side tree line.” He looks back at the group, “I think we can take ’em.”
You nod, getting your knife gripped in your hand before you continue to walk down and take out the small group of the dead.
About an hour later, you come to the few houses at the end of the one road, “Wait.” You grab onto Rosita’s arm, “I don’t think we’re the only ones here.”
Rick snaps his head towards you, “What do you mean by that?”
“Something just fe-“
Bullets. Lots of them flying your group’s way.
“Get down!” Rick yells as you all duck behind old cars and trees. You get your gun ready, along with everyone else and aim, looking through the sight to see if you can see anything.
As soon as you see a body you fire, which leads everyone else into shooting blindly in the direction of where gunfire came from first.
“We move on three. You two go that way.” Rick points to you and Rosita and motions towards the houses, “You two go that way.” He motions for Carl and Michonne to go the opposite.
“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere.” A voice from behind and the sound of a shotgun loading makes you all whip around.
Six men coming to form an arch around her.
“Who are you?” Rosita asks and the woman with the gun laughs, “Hell, I should be asking you all the same. Damn. Thing.”
“Wait.” She squints her eyes at you and points, “You. I’ve seen you.. with that long haired, crossbow wielding, psycho.”
You clench your jaw, tilting your head slightly, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” The lady with the gun tilts her head, “I think you heard me. I don’t really like repeating myself.”
“What do you want?” Rick asks, ready to negotiate, “We didn’t come to cause any trouble we-“
“I don’t fucking care about your bullshit we need supplies sob story, although.” She purses her lips, eyes scanning over your backpacks and weapons, “It really doesn’t look like you have a sob story at all, so I’ll just go ahead and let these men pick you off one. By. O-“
“We will give you our guns and walk away.” You say with a shrug, “How about that?”
She hums, gun now pointed at your chest, “How about… no.. and instead, we bring you inside and try to find out a little bit about you mysterious, pathetic looking people.” She looks at all of you again, “And where you came from.”
“No. We’re not-“ Rosita is cut off by the woman pointing the gun at her, “Was I talking to you?”
“Well, you said, you mysterious people, so I’m guessing I was included in that, too?” Rosita fires, sarcasm on her words.
The lady just sighs, “You made it so easy to pick who the first one is going to be.”
She steps closer to Rosita and you all move a step closer, too, “I’m just sayin’, you mess with one of us. You mess with all of us.”
You stare at the woman, a cold stare, “Put the gun down, and we’ll fucking talk.”
“We can talk this out. If you just let us explain why we’re here.” Rick steps up and the gun is now on Rick before it’s lowered to the ground, “Who’s in charge here?”
You all motion to Rick and he nods. The lady raises a brow, smirking as her eyes fall onto you, “Really? Because it seems like she’s running the show.”
“Walk.” The woman points towards the one house, “Now. Before I change my mind about killing you where you stand.”
You all move in a line and her men take your stuff.
Guns, knives, backpacks. Everything.
You were racking your brain for a way to get out of this, just like the others were.
“I have to pee.” You blurt out, instantly going with it, “Can I use the bathroom, or a tree, or something?” You cross your leg over your other one to make it more believable.
The woman looks you up and down, rolling her eyes as she motions to you, “Take her around back. Bring her in when you’re done.”
The man grabs you by the arm and pulls you, “Wait, I-“
“I have to pee, too.” Rosita does exactly what you did and the woman looks between you and her and squints, “If this is some kind of a ruse to escape, I swear, I’ll keep the kid hostage until I find you again, and then.. I’ll make him watch you all die a slow and extremely painful death.”
“No.” Rick and Michonne says instantly, “You can trust them.” Michonne assures the woman, but she didn’t believe it.
“I don’t trust you.” She shakes her head, “Do what you want, but just know, I warned you.”
You try not to laugh at the stupid woman as you and Rosita are walked back to behind the one house, with only two guards.
You share one glance with her, and that’s all it took for her to be on the same page as you.
You both turn around to face the men, giving them both the stink eye as you squat down. You bring your thumbs up to connect them to your belt loops.
“Are you going to piss or wh-“
You and Rosita lunge forward, knocking them both back onto their backs by the knees with a grunt.
You’re in fight or flight mode, and you weren’t going anywhere, not without a major fight.
“Fuckin bitch, get-“ you stomp the heel of your boot on his wrist and he yells, letting go of his gun. You go to try and kick it away, but he manages to get you on the ground and his hands quickly moving to go around your throat.
You grab his wrists, trying to pry his hands away as painful whimpers and squeaks are forced out of you.
He brings one of his hands back, quickly delivering a punch to your cheek bone. You’re dazed instantly as the punch jarred everything in your skull.
He delivers another punch, this time harder, which busts your cheek open.
As your vision is turning darker by the second, you try your best to kick him anywhere you can connect at. A sudden wave of panic sets in as your vision is almost totally back now, causing you to fling your legs up, your ankles on the opposite sides of his head.
You straighten your legs out to tighten them, pushing his arms together as you bring your knees in. He starts to lean backwards, and it’s just enough for you to bring you foot back, kicking him directly in the face.
He falls backwards off of you, his hands instantly moving to feel the blood that’s gushing from his nose, or mouth, hard to tell.
You go straight for the knife, lunging over to grab it before whipping around to stab him.
His hand catches your wrist, pushing your arm away from him as you try your damdest to keep pushing down. You groan loudly, smashing your knee into his groin area, which gives you the opportunity to push down and plunge the knife, handle deep into his throat.
You look over at Rosita as quiet choking fills your ears. You’re still dazed, in pain and your breathing just as rapid as hers.
She stands up, and you notice she’s got a decent cut on her forehead, “You good?”
She looks back at you, eyes going wide, “Holy shit, y/n.” She rushes over to look at your cheek, “That looks.. bad.”
“M’fine. We don’t have time.”
You stand up, looking down at the corpse with the knife in its neck. You bend down, pulling it out with a squelching noise as it comes out.
As you both gather up the weapons and supplies as quickly as you can, you flick off the bodies lying on the ground and Rosita can’t help herself, “I see why Daryl likes you.”
“You’re still on that?” You ask quietly as you move with her to the back of the house, looking around to make sure no one is coming to investigate.
“Honey, I’ll be on that until you’re on him, okay.”
“Oh my god. Okay, I promise, I’ll make it clear to Daryl, but only if we get out of here with everyone alive.”
“I swear to god if-“
“On your knees! Now!” One of the two guards starting to run towards you yells, but it was only a split second later that you were being shot at, again.
You and Rosita book it around the building, stopping her once you see the woman come out of the house with another guard.
Rosita leans around, firing a shot right into the one guards head, but the other one is still back there somewhere.
You go to pull your gun up and you hear your name being yelled.
“Y/n!” She’s pulled back and slammed against the old garage door, falling to the ground with a groan. You turn your gun on the guy who threw her, “Step the fuck back or I wi-“
He smacks the gun up in the air, it fires one time before the man kicks you in the torso, causing you to fly back onto the concrete, “Fuck.”
The man kicks your gun before moving to stand over you and your hands desperately search for something sharp or hard enough to crack his skull open with as you kick to keep him back.
Rosita jumps on his back, yelling as she tries to choke him out.
You scramble to pick up a rock you felt, and as he flings Rosita off, he quickly bends down to try and grab the collar of your jacket, you quickly slam the rock into his temple.
He stumbles back, groaning, and you get up as quick as you can, moving to grab your gun as you glance back at the porch.
One of the guards from
You turn to warn her, but the man you hit with a rock runs at you, slamming you into the brick wall, back first, before he grips your shoulder and neck and delivers another hard slam.
He does it again, this time throwing you away from him you roll across the dirt a few times and groan, coughing from the dust that your body stirred up on impact.
. He steps back, looking towards Rosita who is now standing up, gun in her hand. The guards cant even say or do anything before Rosita shoots both of them, back to back, not even giving them time to think about what they even wanted to say.
Which meant there was only one guard.. and the main bitchshow left.
And speak of the devil, Rosita points the gun to the door as the woman walks out first, Michonne, Rick and Carl all follow, and they have the final guard on their tail.
The woman comes down the steps, walking over to you and Rosita. Her eyes move over to examine the dead bodies of her people.
“There’s more outback, probably making their way up here right now.” Rosita says as she walks up next to you.
“Should have just listened, you now.. because now, I’m going to fucking kill you two in front of everybody.” The woman raises her gun and you scoff, “Go fuck yourself.”
You step towards her, “We never wanted this.”
“That’s funny..bbecause once you’re on my land, this is usually the only way it ever ends up.” The woman looks around, “Looks like we got more than the two out back.”
Walkers push their way through the trees and brush, moaning and groaning as they move towards where the gunshots and yelling has been coming from for the last half an hour.
You swing quick, hitting the gun out of her hand which catches her off guard, “Rosita. Go. I got this.”
She nods and grabs her weapons, making her way up to where Michonne and Rick had just taken out the last guard.
The woman goes to hit you but you grab her arm, jamming your knee into her ribs as she groans, catching your leg and body slamming you onto the ground.
You cough as she stands up, placing her boot on your chest, pressing down as you’re now looking at the shotgun from the bottom of the barrel up.
“If you kill me, you’ll have people after you.” You lay there, looking up at her as you wait a few seconds for your chance to swipe her legs out from under her with yours.
She falls to the ground with a grunt, trying to quickly get to her feet but you tackle her to the ground, instantly starting to wail on her.
“More walkers!” Carl yells loudly and you wrap your hands around the woman’s throat, “Kinda busy here, kid.”
“You got this?” Michonne asks as she looks down at the woman turning purple in your grasp, and you nod.
As soon as Michonne walks away, the woman brings her knee up, hitting you right in the middle of the back.
You tense up, “Fucking bitch!”
She leans up, head butting you in the nose and you fall back, with a quick and blurry glance around, you see walkers, at least twenty or so making their way in from the field.
She moves her body onto yours, straddling your thighs as her knees pin your hands down before she delivered a hard punch to your face, “You really think you can kill me? I’ve been doing this for years.”
“I’m gonna.” You spit blood at her, clenching your jaw as her hands tightens around you neck, “Maybe if I get you out of the picture, I can have that rugged lookin’ archer all to myself.”
“S-say one more fucking thing about him.” Your voice is strained from her grip, “I swe-“ you squeak as she squeezes, lifting your head up off the ground.
She leans in, “I bet he would make me feel so-“
Now you were pissed.
Everything in you felt like it was on fire, “Fuck you.” You manage get out before getting one of your hands free.
You reach up and grab as much of her hair you could get. She groans through gritted teeth as you pull her down with a hard yank, her body lifting to free your other hand.
You immediately try and deliver a punch, but she beats you to it. She cracks you over the mouth, the force busting your lip open again your teeth, and you instantly taste blood, lots of blood.
You grab her by her shirt collar, heaving yourself forward as far as you could go before throwing yourself backwards.
You’re able to get your leg under her, which helped you throws her body over yours.
You quickly move, getting into a standing position, just like her. Your chest rising and falling quickly, face swollen and broken.
More walkers keep coming, but you weren’t leaving this bitch alive.
“Give it up already.” She pulls a knife from her side holder and spins it around over her finger before gripping it.
You keep your stare on her, ready for whatever was about to come.
“Y/n! duck!”
You duck, watching as the knife she threw, land perfectly in the bitches chest. Michonne helps you up before going to take care of the walkers that are a little too close for comfort.
The woman falls to her knees, gasping as she sluggishly brings her hands up to the object protruding out of her chest.
You walk up, putting a hand on her shoulder as you grip the knife with your other hand, “Who are you?”
She smiles up at you, “Oh honey. I’m am only the start of what’s about to come.” Without another second, you twist the knife, pushing it in more before you push it upward.
The woman gasp, groaning in pain as you twist it again, “Oh, and the crossbow wielding psycho, just happens to be the love of my life, and the people you pointed your guns at, are my family.”
“Family doesn’t mean shit.” The woman chokes on her blood, droplets splashing all over, “They just.. screw you over in the long run.”
“Not my family.” You stand up, getting ready to walk away when you fall, due to the slash to your thigh.
Your hand slaps over the open cut in your blood soaked jeans, crying out in pain, just hoping someone can stop bashing heads in enough to hear you.
You look over, quickly trying to push yourself over the broken concrete and stones to get closer to a knife that’s lying on the ground.
The woman moves over as fast as her knees could carry her, “It’s not over until one of us is dead.” She grabs your ankle, holding you from moving any closer.
As she moves up, she puts pressure on your wounded thigh with her knee, making you cry out in pain. You opened your eyes, watching as she brings the knife up,
It all happened so quick, right as her arms went up, you struck, gripping the the knife and plunging it into the side her skull, causing what little life she had left in her, to fully die out.
She falls over, revealing Michonne, who is looking at you, “I’d ask if you were alright, but..” she cringes in a joking manner as she moves down to hold pressure on your thigh. , “..you don’t look it.”
“What the fuck was that?” You ask, laying back on the ground, “I feel like none of that made sense.”
Rosita runs up, falling down as she digs through her bag for medical supplies, “Shit, all I have is gauze, and you need stitches, y/n.” She looks up at you, “Oh my god, your face.”
“Have you seen your face, yet?” You try to raise your brows but you just can’t, “You need em, too.”
Rosita nods, “I can feel that it’s bad.” She laughs slightly, “Alright, lift your leg so I can wrap it quick.” She sighs, “And then we can get the hell out of here..”
“You guys ok-“ Rick stops talking when he sees how beat up you and and Rosita actually are, “I’m so sorry.”
“Rick why are you apologizing?” Rosita asks as she glances up at him. You have your eyes screwed shut as you push through the stinging pain of Michonne holding pressure on your thigh.
“I brought us here I-“ Rick hakes his head and you look at Michonne, “Tell him it’s not his f-ah, fuck.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Rosita says in a mumble.
You look back to Michonne, “Please tell your man that this isn’t his fault. We’ll be okay. We’re the one who live, right?”
Michonne nods, a smile spreading across her face as she looks at Rick and Carl, “We are the ones who live.”
About two hours later, you finally reached home.
Your adrenaline has been keeping you going. That was until you seen Daryl’s face fall and him running over to you the second your past the gate.
“What the hell happened?” He yells, looking over the beaten and exhausted group as he goes right to you, “Y/n, hey. Ya still with me.” He cups your cheeks, tilting your head up and holding you with one hand as he snaps with his other.
“We were attacked, they’re dead. But..” Rick shakes his head and Daryl looks down at you as he feels your head move.
You slowly look up at him, a slight smirk on your lips, “I kicked ass, Dixon.”
That’s all you get out before you fall into him again.
“Whoa, hey, alright, alright.” He catches you, holding you up as he turns Rosita’s face to him. He looks at Maggie, nodding towards Rosita, “Take her to get help. I’ve got y/n.”
Daryl picks you up bridal style, carrying you over to the medical trailer. He kicks the door and Dr. Carson opens it, immediately rushing Daryl to bring you in.
You come to again, looking around as you try to figure out where you are exactly.
“Has she fallen asleep or passed out at all?” Carson asks as he moves with Daryl to look at you.
“yeah, yeah, uh..” Daryl’s mind is a mess right now, “..few minutes after they got back, then she collapsed on me right before I brought’er over.”
He lays you down on the table and you groan in pain, “S’okay. We’re gonna get you better.”
“Try and keep her talking.” Carson turns his attention to you, “Y/n, hi, it’s Dr. Carson, do you want any pain medication?”
You shake your head, whimpering at the pain setting in more and more, “No. no.”
“We have plenty, y/n. I sug-“
You cut Carson off in a snappy tone, “I said no.”
“Alright.. Do you know what happened, y/n?” He asks as he shines a light into your eyes, “Can you see me?”
You nod, groaning as you close your eyes again. He moves to get an IV ready while you mumble memories about the day you’ve just encountered. You try to move your leg but you forgot about your injury first a second.
You groan, “The fucking bitch in the woods.”
Daryl and the doctor look at each other then back to you.
“Hey.” You can feel Daryl lean in, interlocking his fingers with yours. You give it a weak squeeze and slowly turn your head towards him, wincing in pain. He lays a hand on your head gently, “None uh that shit, don’t be forcing yourself to look at me.” He shakes his head, trying to blink away the gloss coating in his eyes.
“But.. I like looking at you.” You smile slightly and Daryl sniffles, giving you a slight laugh, “I know whatcha mean, darlin’.”
You raise your hand up slowly, laying it on his cheek, “If.. i-f it makes you feel any better, I ki-lled her because she s-aid shit, shit.”
Your body starts tensing as Carson wipes the excess blood from your thigh. You whimper, returning your attention back to Daryl, “About you.”
He scoff, shaking his head slightly, “Me?”
“Said.” You grit your teeth, squeezing Daryl’s hand and the table below you, “You were a long.. haired.. c-crossbow wielding psycho, but.. but that was before I-I pissed her off.. enough to say some.. more dumb shit.”
Your words are almost a mumble, but Daryl focuses enough on you to understand what you’re saying, “what else she say?”
You shake your head, “I’ll tell… you later.. Where’s Rosita?”
“She’s with Maggie and Enid.” Daryl assures you, “She’s fine. Jus’like you’re gonna be.” He brings your hand up slowly and gently presses his lips to your turning purple knuckles.
“Y’sure you don’t want any pain meds, y/n?” Daryl asks, his words full of concern. You nod slightly, “I’m sure.”
You squeeze Daryl’s hand tight and he lays his other one on top of your hand. You arch your back slightly, “Fuck, Carson that hurts.”
“I know, I know but I have to clean it out.” Carson answers as he continues to work on your thigh.
“Tell me more about what happened, hm.” Daryl reaches in ever so gently as he moves hair from your face without trying to touch any bruised and swollen skin, but you didn’t care what he did, “Y’think you can tell me how you kicked ass?”
“Mhm.” You close your eyes and reopen them slowly, “We.. went, to that apa-apartment complex and a-ah..” you wince, “..As we were deciding on where to go, they came up behind us, held us at gun point while she ran her mouth.”
“They, who?” Daryl asks, “What did they say, what did they want?”
You work through telling Daryl about when those people first arrived behind you and what all happened in the woods.
“She thought you were the leader’n not Rick?” He smooths his free hand over your hair, “You did kick ass, huh.”
You smile, letting out a sigh, “I wanted to e-end her the-” You wince at the sting from the second round of the antiseptic on your leg, “Second I s-saw her stupid smug looking face.”
You tense up, groaning lowly as tears form in your eyes, “Um, she.. she wanted to know why we, we were on her land? Took our weapons, back..packs..” you let out a long breathe, “Said she had other questions?”
You go into telling him about how you and Rosita got alone and what you were able to do to kill the first two guards and how dumb the woman was because she were to only send two.
“They didn’t ..do nothing, right?” Daryl asks, tensing up as he let’s out a huff, “I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em all.”
“They’re both dead, Daryl.” You whimper out, taking a deep breath, “They’re all dead. Rosita and I took care of them.”
“Wait, hold on a minute. Y’both took out.. how many guards yourselves exactly?” Daryl asks and you fight back a laugh, knowing it’ll hurt, “Five. Rick and Michonne got the.. last guard.”
“Alright, y/n, I’m going to ask you one last time.” Carson looks at you and you turn your head slowly, “No.”
“Alright. Sutures are going to be going in soon, okay? I’m going to need you to try and sit as still as you possibly can, do you think you can do that?”
“Like I have a choice to go anywhere.” You mumble, “Sorry i-“
“Nah, stop that.” Daryl shakes his head, “You’re in pain, we get it.” Daryl glances up at you, squinting his eyes as he leans in to look at your neck.
He lets out a low growl, “If there’s more. M’gonna find them ‘em. They’re fucking dead.” Daryl’s leg was bouncing up and down.
“Stop, stop, Daryl. I’m fin-.” You dig your nails into his hand as your back arches with the first stitch going through your skin.
Your eyes start to close then reopen as you try to keep yourself awake and talking to Daryl, but you cannot form any words right now.
“Hey, hey.” Daryl tries to comfort you but he doesn’t really know how, “Stay right here, darlin’.” He lays his hand on your head leaning in towards you more, “Don’t y’even think about leavin’ me.”
“I’m not..” you whisper out, “Going anywhere.”
You clench your bruised jaw, keeping your lips shut tight whenyou feel Carson do another suture, “The l-eader..” you groan, taking a deep breath, “..said that-that this is just.. the beginning.. I don’t..”
Carson squeezes a little bit harder and you are forcing yourself not to kick him in the face, “Fuck I want to kill you now, too.”
He shrugs it off, knowing that it’s just the pain and anger talking. He just shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on his work.
Daryl lays his hand on the lesser bruised side of your face, “Y’don’t gotta keep talking, if ya don’t want to.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, “You’re doing so good, almost done, baby.”
You can’t lie, your heart absolutely fluttered out of your body with his words, “I-I got..” you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the final two sutures go in, a sigh of relief falling from your lips when Carson steps back, “Thigh is done, now let me have a look at that cheek.”
You turn your head, following commands from Carson all while Daryl still holds your hands.
He hates that you’re going through this, he’s kicking his own ass over not just going with you like you asked.
He blames himself, and you knew that, too.
Two hours has gone by, Carson said you could sleep so that’s what you did.
You opened your eyes, looking around to see that you’re in an actual bedroom and not the medical trailer anymore.
You try to sit up, just as Daryl comes back into the room, “Thought you would have been out longer, m’sorry.”
“Don’t do that.” You say soft as you look up at him. He shrugs and shakes his head, “Do what?”
He’s avoiding eye contact with you, that’s how you know something’s up.
“Can you help me sit up?”
Daryl is right there, sliding a hand on your back as you hold onto his other one to sit up.
“Good?” He asks, “How’s your pain?”
“I’m not taking any meds.” You argue and Daryl chuckles slightly, “Why are you are so stubborn sometimes.”
“Says you.” You smile up at him, shaking your head, “I just… I didn’t want to be taking it away from someone who needed it more than me, I-“
“Y’needed it though, baby. Somethin’ could’a-“ He stops for a second, “why ya lookin’ at me like that?”
You shake your head, a small smile resting on your lips, “What meds did I get?”
He sighs, “Look, I had Carson give ya antibiotics, a’right, but thats it.”
You nod, “Thank you.”
He looks up at you confused, “Y’not mad at me?”
“Mad at you for, what? Caring about me?” You shake your head, “I don’t think I could ever be mad at anyone who tries anything they can to keep me in their life.”
Daryl looks up at you, nodding as his eyes scan over you purple and stitched up cheek and your voice is low, “Could’ve happened to anyone.”
“But It happened to you.” Daryl stands up, walking over to the window before you can grab his arm, “Daryl.”
He keeps looking out and you sigh, “Don’t make me get up.”
He turns slightly, sighing before making his way back over to you, because he knows you’d try, “Don’t y’even think ‘bout it.”
“Look at me then.” You reach out, moving your finger slightly. His hand immediately finds yours and you can hear him trying not to get upset.
You give his hand a squeeze, “Hey.”
He leans over, careful not to put pressure on your hurt thigh. His arms wrap around you, holding you as you close your eyes.
You hand moves up and down his back, squeezing him tighter when you feel his body jolt slightly with a sniffle, “Daryl.” Your voice is just enough for him to hear, “it’s not your fault.”
You feel him nod, but he still doesn’t let go, “jus’don’t wanna loose ya.” He mumbles into your neck, laying his hand on the back of your head, “I like ya, a lot actually.”
“I told Rosita the same thing about you.”
He lifts his head, leaning back as he wipes his cheeks on the back of his gloved hand, “Been goin’ on t’me bout you, too.”
“That’s no surprise.” You laugh slightly, closing your eyes at the pain, “I’m good.” You look at him, knowing that he hates seeing you in pain, “I promise I’ll ask for medicine if it gets worse.”
Daryl goes to say something, but you cut him off, “Just shut up and kiss me.”
He rubs his thumb over his fingers, giving you a slight shrug and nod, “If y’want that,”
You tilt your head, reaching your hand out to him, “I want you.”
He smirks, laughing slightly as he shakes his head, “You’re gonna be the death’a me.” He leans over, hand moving up to rest on your neck.
You lean in, closing the space between you as your hands move up to cup his cheeks.
“You know you called me baby a few times.”
Daryl laughs softly, “I know.”
There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens, “Y/n?”
Daryl leans in, pecking your lips a few times before he tilts his head to kiss your cheek, “M’gonna go talk to Rick, ya good?”
You nod, brushing your thumb over his cheek, “More than good.” You smile and he kisses you a few more times before he stands up.
Rosita is standing there, arms crossed as she watches Daryl with a smile, “See, what did I say?”
He just shakes his head, a small on his face as he looks up at her, “You doin’ a’right?”
She nods, “I’m good.” You watch as Rosita comes over to sit next to you on the bed, “We’re good. Now, go.” She laughs slightly as she waves her hand, “We have things to talk about.”
Let me know what you think! I truly love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
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megalony · 1 day
Resemblance- Part 6
Thank you all for the amazing feedback on this Evan Buckley series, I hope you will all like this part.
As promised, I've included some fluff in this part for you all. Please let me know what you think.
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Series Taglist: @lunaroserites @swanshells @moonlovers34 @bartkevicius03 @btskzfav @papafritarancia @shortchubbybibi @essienoe
Series Masterlist
Summary: When Evan introduces (Y/n) to Eddie, she resembles someone he used to know. And he can't help himself when he's around her, leading to frightening behaviour.
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Violent tremors coursed through Evan's arms and down to his hands that were gripping the plastic frame at the end of the bed. His elbows and shoulders were locked tight while his chest was leant forwards, arching his lower back out with one leg straight and the other knee jutting forward.
He wanted to move. He didn't want to be stood at the end of the bed. He wanted to be at the side of the bed, (Y/n)'s hand locked in his while he crouched down so they were level.
He wanted to be stood at her side, trying to comfort her and make sure she was alright.
But Evan couldn't do that when two nurses and a doctor were flitting about the emergency room, bustling this way and that. The only place he could stand and be close to (Y/n) without being in the way was here, at the foot of the bed.
His head ticked to one side and his eyes followed the nurse's movements carefully.
One nurse was fiddling about putting a canula in (Y/n)'s hand to get her started on some fluids and a large dose of morphine, even though (Y/n) was still unconscious.
Evan had cleaned all the blood from her lips, chin and neck when her nosebleed finally stopped back in the apartment. He cleaned her up before the paramedics got there because he knew from experience that sat being caked in dried blood was not fun. And it was harder to clean when it dried.
But he could still see a few burnt orange streaks across her cheek that he had missed and it was bugging him.
His attention switched to the doctor and the second nurse who were getting ready to stitch (Y/n)'s leg back up. They had checked her veins and arteries, relieved none had been sliced and the bleeding had stopped due to Evan's belt around her thigh. They began swabbing and cleaning her thigh since (Y/n) was laid on her right side on the bed with her left leg tilted back towards them.
Evan hadn't expected (Y/n) to come back round yet, he thought she would stay unconscious, especially with the morphine that just got dosed into her veins. But he could see her twitching and a quiet mewl croaked past her lips as her head turned and twisted against the pillow.
He found the will to move and unlatch his fingers from the bed rail that should have been indented from the force Evan had when he gripped it.
He wove round behind the nurse until he was crouching beside the bed. If (Y/n) was waking up, Evan had to be within her sights. He had to show her that she was okay and make sure she knew she was safe and being looked after. She wouldn't want to be here thinking she was alone, she had to know that Evan hadn't left her. He would never leave her.
His arms folded over the side of the bed and he gently took (Y/n)'s right hand in his, not wanting to hold her left hand and risk moving or pulling on the canula the nurse had just taped into her vein.
He peppered a few kisses against her knuckles and reached his other hand across to slowly drag his fingers through her hair and brush it away from her temple.
"It's okay, sweetheart, you're okay."
A small slither of encouragement wormed into Evan's stomach when (Y/n) squeezed his hand. He continued to drag his fingers through her hair, darting his eyes between her face and her leg.
He could see her nose scrunching up and her lips twitching and parting every now and then as the doctor stitched up her leg. She had been given morphine and an anaesthetic injection in her leg, but she could clearly feel something, whether it was discomfort or just a light pinch, Evan wasn't sure.
He was glad when they finished that they wrapped (Y/n)'s thigh in a bandage. It would stop her from scratching it when she finally came around and stop the stitches from snagging on anything or coming loose.
A quiet murmur left (Y/n)'s lips and her arm jerked, her hand tightening around Evan's arm when she felt the nurses reaching out for her. She was finally coming back around properly.
"It's alright, you're in the hospital, sweetheart." Evan continued to hold her hand while he stood up and moved up near the top of the bed so the nurse could stand beside him.
Both nurses carefully twisted (Y/n) around until she was laid on her back. Her hand pulled on Evan's arm and her feet jolted and scraped into the bed.
Her eyes were trying to open but she couldn't quite keep them open, especially not when the bright lights shone down so powerfully it felt like she was staring into the centre of the sun.
"Is this yours?"
Evan looked away from (Y/n) to glance across at the nurse opposite him and he cringed when she held his belt out towards him. It was creased and had droplets of blood dried onto the leather.
"Would you like it back?"
"…Not anymore." A shiver tore down his spine and he shook his head. He had other belts. He would buy another one if needed, but he didn't want that one back. Not when it was only going to serve as a reminder why it was stained and had creases and splits in the leather.
He began to smooth his thumb over the back of (Y/n)'s hand absentmindedly while she continued to try and wake herself up.
But he froze on the spot when she cried out. His dark blue eyes snapped down, darting up and down her frame before he realised what the nurses were trying to do.
One had a pair of scissors in her hand and the other had a fresh hospital gown ready. They were going to try and change her so they could get her onto a ward rather than keeping her down here in the emergency room.
When one of them scrunched up her shirt- which was really Evan's lounge shirt- and tried to lift it up and cut it, (Y/n) screamed. The material was already torn around her right hip, the gash was large enough that Evan could have fit his fist through the hole.
He hated the way (Y/n) yanked on his hand and coiled both her arms over her waist to try and keep the shirt on. He hated that her thighs pressed together and her knees shifted up near her stomach, trying to turn herself into an odd shape so no one could undress her.
And he hated how she screamed as her blurry eyes tried to open and look around but she was still dazed.
"No- no-"
"Baby, baby calm down you're alright-"
"Eddie s-stop!" Her words ended in a bubbling sob and her arms fought out in front of her, trying to hit them all away but she didn't have the strength or the energy to push them very far.
When Eddie's name passed her lips again and she tried to slap him, Evan couldn't fight off the tears in his eyes.
He hadn't been sure. He hadn't been certain what Eddie had tried to do tonight, partly because he had been on the other side of the door and partly because he didn't want to think that his best friend would ever do something like that. But there was no mistaking what Eddie had tried to do tonight if this was the reaction (Y/n) was having.
"Baby it's me. Shh, hey, hey it's me, you're safe, I promise. He can't hurt you." It tore Evan's heart to shreds to have to promise something like that. To promise that he wouldn't let his best friend try and attack his girlfriend again, but Evan would say and do whatever he had to if it calmed (Y/n) down.
"It's me, it's me. You're safe."
Evan let go of her hand that was starting to squeeze and crush his knuckles but he was cautious when he tried to hover his hand near her jaw. He didn't want to touch her if it was going to frighten her or make her panic. He only moved his hand when (Y/n) tried to lean into the touch and when she deadlocked her fingers around his wrist.
His thumb brushed across her jaw and over her chin and he braced his other hand on the back of the bed when (Y/n) looped her other arm around his neck. A quiet "Christ." slipped passed his lips when she almost pulled him down on top of her.
She was finding strength from somewhere. She pinned his chest down against hers and Evan tucked his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent and pressing a tender kiss behind her ear.
"Let the nurses sort you out, baby, then we can get you on a ward, hm?" He kissed her neck another three times before he gently unravelled her arm from around his neck.
He straightened up and gently held her hands in front of her while the nurses cut off the shirt that Evan never wanted to see again. He never wanted to see that crisp white shirt, tainted with scuff marks, ripped seams, a large hole in one side and splattered with blood down the collar and the centre. The nurses could happily bin that shirt for all Evan cared.
Evan's thumb stroked across the back of (Y/n)'s hand, but the tender look on his face quickly morphed into something cold and callous when his eyes raked up and down (Y/n)'s body.
He couldn't help but let go of her hand so his fingertips could trail across her skin.
He ran the pad of his index finger along the marks on her wrists that he had studied during the ambulance ride down to the hospital.
He moved his hands to her shoulders, noting a bruise at the base of her neck. He leaned down to look further across her body. There were scratches and bruises forming over both hips. Deep jagged lines were dragged up her thighs with little bloodwheels and spots forming just beneath the surface of her skin.
Something had happened to her left ankle which he had noticed when they got her in the ambulance. The joint was discoloured and swollen.
And when Evan pulled her hands closer to his face for inspection, he could see blood stuck beneath her nails. She had scratched Eddie to get him off her; something which clearly hadn't worked out.
He stayed frozen to the spot while the nurses carefully eased (Y/n) up so she was sitting forward, making it easier for them to slide the gown over her arms. But they didn't get to tie it up at the back, not when Evan held a hand out to make them pause.
He traced his hand over the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders, softly brushing her hair over one shoulder so he could see her neck.
She had cuts in the shape of crescent moons on the back of her neck and in her hairline. Her shoulder blades and her back were tender from being slammed into the wall. Again.
"Oh baby," His head fell down and his lips smothered the back of (Y/n)'s head, gently tugging her into his chest as both arms curved around her frame. He felt her hands clutch at his forearm that was around her chest, clinging to him like he was her lifeline and she would fade out of existence without him.
Her head turned to the right and her face smothered into Evan's bicep as he began swaying them from side to side, both to keep her calm and to stop himself from exploding.
Words formed in Evan's head but fizzled out on his tongue when he felt (Y/n) go floppy in his arms. Her head pressed harder on his shoulder and she went limp against him, swaying forward until Evan braced himself and held her up.
She'd passed out.
His hand moved from her arm to cradle the back of her neck which was undoubtedly sore from the scratch marks and bruises she had acquired. And he slowly tilted her backwards, with the help of the nurse, until she was laid down on the bed again.
At least it would be easier to transfer her up onto a ward now she was asleep again. She wouldn't panic or scream or fight them to keep Evan by her side and when she woke up, Evan would make sure he was with her so she wouldn't have to be afraid.
He pressed a tender, searing kiss to her temple while he unlatched her hands from his arm and backed up.
He mumbled a quiet "One minute," to the nurse, not that they really cared that he was leaving the room. They had to do a few more checks, take some blood and get (Y/n) hooked onto the monitors before they found a ward to tranfer her to. There was time for Evan to step out for a while.
He ran his hands up and down his neck, through his hair that was crimping into curls from sweat and heat and utter panic. His elbows pointed out at the sides and he stretched his shoulders, trying to take deep breaths as he stepped out into the hall of the emergency room.
He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. Part of him wanted to call Maddie, he had to tell her what was going on and get her to come down here. He needed her to keep him in check and tell him what to do and comfort him.
He was seconds away from taking his phone out of his pocket when he looked down the hall and saw Bobby.
Bobby had gone in the second ambulance with Eddie, along with Athena because they needed to keep an eye on him.
The further Bobby dragged Eddie away from (Y/n), the louder he screamed and the more he writhed in his arms. He had been sobbing when Evan climbed into the ambulance with (Y/n) and it took all his willpower not to go over and slap Eddie. He had no right to be crying and calling out for his dead wife after going and attacking Evan's girlfriend like that.
He dropped his arms from his neck and rolled his shoulders before he headed down the hall. His steps shuffled across the polished floor and he barely picked his feet up, becoming more and more sluggish the closer he got to his Captain.
"Buck, how is she?"
Evan was getting more and more used to the look of panic and relief swirling around in Bobby's eyes. The amount of times Bobby had come to Evan's rescue or come to the hospital to see him and look after him, the relief in his eyes was almost second nature now.
And it was such a comfort to have Bobby wrap him up in a hug and take some of his weight for him. He let Evan drop against him and cling to him like he needed Bobby in order to breathe and just exist.
When they pulled back, Evan slid his hands into his pockets and hunched his shoulders up until Bobby reached out for his shoulders and gently gripped them until Evan relaxed again.
"Stitched up and passed out. They're gonna move her onto a ward, and get her some antibiotics since she aspirated back at the apartment."
Although (Y/n) hadn't aspirated a lot, she had still gotten some blood into her lungs and choked. They needed to give her some antibiotics to be safe in case she got an infection, that would the the cherry on top of the cake.
"I wouldn't say that's good, but it's a relief." Bobby couldn't say he was glad about that news, but it was relieving to know (Y/n) wasn't in such a bad state that she had to stay in the emergency room or go to the ICU. Going onto a ward was better, it meant she might not be in here for long and that she didn't have extensive injuries or problems.
"What about him? Is he still crying?" The cynical tone to Evan's voice matched the snide remark that fell past his lips before he could stop himself.
He watched Bobby arch a brow, not looking very amused, but he didn't make a remark. He could hardly chide Evan when he had every reason to be furious and irritated and cynical with and about Eddie.
"He's calming down. He doesn't need to be admitted onto a ward but they won't release him until his bloods come back clear and he's sobered up."
"Where is he?"
"Cubicle two, the nurse gave him something to calm him down. Buck, they're waiting for someone to come and give him an evaluation… they'll keep him on a seventy-two hour psyche hold if they have to."
The silence behind Bobby's words spoke volumes. There were so many different points hidden beneath his words.
If Eddie failed the evaluation and went on a psyche hold, he would be kept in the hospital against his will.
Evan would have to become Chris's guardian until Eddie was let back out again. Bobby would have to put this on Eddie's record down at the station and he would have to suspend Eddie from duty until the department could evaluate him for themselves and decide whether he was fit for duty or not.
This evaluation meant that Evan couldn't go into that room and aggravate Eddie. Winding him up or arguing with him would break Eddie even further and could send him into the state that got him detained here.
"Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing."
Evan wasn't sure if he meant it. He knew Eddie would break down if he had to be detained at the hospital. He would feel like the world was turning against him. Like they were turning against him. He would worry about Chris, about his family, about work, about never being let out of here. He would fret about people calling him crazy and keeping him here for even longer.
But if he stayed in hospital, they might be able to do something. They might find a therapist or a psychologist for him to talk to. They could get him in touch with someone to help him or a program he could do. They could get him on meds. Staying here would show him how close to the edge he was and the consequences of his actions.
"Well let's see what they say." Bobby gave Evan's shoulder another squeeze before the pair of them turned when they heard approaching footsteps.
Athena stepped out of Eddie's cubicle, arms folded over her chest as she took a deep breath and leaned her head to one side. Her eyes immediately landed on Evan and she rose a brow when he walked over to her.
He didn't get close to the room before Athena's hand was on his chest and her other hand was on her hip.
"If you go in there, I don't want you starting a fight Buck, I mean it. I don't want to have to call for backup and escort you out of here." The last thing Athena wanted was to have to call dispatch and ask for police assistance down to the hospital. And she didn't want to ban Evan from the hospital when (Y/n) was here and she would undoubtedly need him more than ever right now.
"Have you arrested him?" Evan hated himself for the hope that sprung into his voice.
Did he want Eddie to be under arrest? Did the police arrest people who were awaiting a psyche evaluation? Athena said earlier that she didn't want to arrest anyone and she had come down off duty to see if she could help. Had she gone and arrested Eddie for his actions tonight?
She had seen the state of (Y/n). She saw (Y/n)'s torn clothes, the cuts and bruises on her body and how Eddie had clearly hurt her. And she knew Eddie had locked her in her own apartment and wouldn't let her leave. That was harassment. He had harassed and bullied (Y/n) tonight and Athena had more than one good reason to arrest Eddie if she wanted to.
She sighed and dropped both hands to run them up and down her thighs, trying to think what to say and what to do.
"No, I haven't, not yet anyway. He's under observation from the doctor, I'm staying as a curtesy in case he plays up. It's up to you and (Y/n) whether you want to press charges, once she's awake I'll need to talk to you both and see what you want to do."
Athena took the decision not to arrest Eddie. It was too much hassle telling security that he was now under arrest and informing the doctors. She couldn't take him down to the station to get processed and interviewed and subsequently let out on bail. She couldn't do any of that when Eddie had to stay here and get checked out.
And it would be a waste of time arresting him if (Y/n) and Evan decided they weren't going to press charges, and something told her they wouldn't. It would open a new can of worms for them all.
Athena didn't arrest him, but she also couldn't leave yet. She felt a duty to stay in case Eddie lashed out at anyone else or he had a breakdown or he tried to leave if he had to be detained. He wasn't safe to be on his own after what he'd done tonight.
She would stay with Eddie while she knew her husband was going to stay with Evan and (Y/n) until they were settled or until someone else came down to stay with them.
"I need to talk to him. I won't start anything, I promise, just let me talk to him?"
"Five minutes, and I'll be standing right here the whole time."
Evan had a feeling that meant Athena would be listening in on the conversation too. As if she suspected Evan was going to taunt Eddie or wind him up or break his sanity even further.
He wouldn't.
There was no strength left in Evan to fight, not now, not tonight after what he'd seen. He was past the stage of wanting to throttle Eddie, he was beyond shouting and screaming at him or pinning him to the wall. All of Evan's energy levels had been depleted.
He wanted to clear the air, give Eddie his marching orders and then go and lay with (Y/n) until the sun rose and the world righted itself.
He nodded at Athena, gave her shoulder a light squeeze and moved past her so he could enter the single cubicle on his right.
His sights immediately set on the bed where he presumed Eddie would be, but he was surprised to find Eddie sat in one of the hard back cushioned chairs meant for family and carers.
Eddie was sat with his elbows imbedded into his thighs, his head hung low and his hands tangled together behind his head. His back was arched forward in a way that must have given him back ache and his legs were jittering up and down with nervous energy and panic and adrenaline.
Everything that had faded out of Evan's system was now flooding Eddie's body instead.
He waited, hands clenching into fists at his sides, patient enough to wait for Eddie to lift his head and realise who had come into his room. He wondered whether Eddie knew that he was going to be evaluated soon, or if he had only been told that he needed to wait to be cleared by the doctor. Evan presumed Eddie didn't know. He wouldn't be this calm if he knew there was a possibility of him being locked up on a mental health ward.
The light faded out of Eddie's eyes that became more and more rabid and dangerous the longer he stared up at Evan.
His hands started to shake and he stood up from the chair at once, unsure whether to rush forward and grab Evan or whether to run out the room or just move about and release some energy. He settled for taking one step closer and stopping immediately when Evan stepped back. Distance was their ally. Close proximity was only going to provoke Evan into doing something he shouldn't.
Dried tear tracks were glistening upon Eddie's cheeks in the hospital light and fresh tears were building up in his chocolate orbs that were finally back to a sense of normality. He no longer had pupils blown wide or so constricted he could barely see a thing. He was no longer breathing in sharp inhales and gasping or screaming his wife's name.
He almost looked back to his usual self. The alcohol must be wearing out of his system and without (Y/n) in the room, reality was consuming him again. But for how much longer, Evan couldn't be sure.
"Don't talk, just listen. I asked you to get help, I begged you to see Frank or find another therapist to work through this. I told you not to go near (Y/n) but you didn't listen. Now you don't have a choice."
If Evan didn't say this now, he might not find the time, the will or the nerve. He had to talk while the thoughts were fresh in his mind and while Eddie was in a subdued enough state to hear it.
Evan wasn't going to talk to him after tonight. He had to say what was on his mind and then that was it. He was going to distance himself as much as he could until Eddie had his life and his head sorted out. There was no way Evan was going to risk (Y/n)'s safety or her wellbeing by still being around Eddie, not after Eddie had broken everyone's trust tonight.
Eddie silently nodded his head, although he didn't understand what they were talking about or what this meant. And he dreaded to find out the answers.
"You'll find a therapist, a fucking good one, or you admit yourself onto a ward, you get help and take responsibility for what you've done. You get help, and you stay away from me and (Y/n). I want nothing to do with you until you've sorted your shit out."
He wouldn't argue. There was nothing Eddie could say when Evan's words were reasonable. They were more than reasonable.
He was handing Eddie a lifeline and Eddie would be an utter fool if he didn't take it. There was no other choice to be made, no other way Eddie could go. He had screwed the only meaningful friendship in his life. He had fucked things up between Evan and (Y/n). He had damaged (Y/n) when that was never his intention.
He had put his job and his life at risk all because he saw something he wanted and he was selfish enough to try and take it for himself. To take her for himself.
He could find help. He could talk to Bobby and ask if Bobby could help him find a therapist that would deal with this mess, this baggage, this tattered life Eddie had destroyed. He would go to meetings and counselling everyday. He would see a doctor every week if he had to, he would do what he needed to.
"And I… I think Chris should stay with me."
"What? Buck, no- no you can't!"
Panic pulsed through Eddie's veins with every throb of his heartbeat. Every beat his heart thundered out was felt under every inch of his skin and he could hear a drumbeat throbbing in his ears.
This couldn't be part of the deal. Chris couldn't be taken away from him. Eddie was about to lose every relationship he had, but he couldn't lose Chris too. That wasn't fair. That wasn't how this was supposed to go. He would never do anything to put his son in danger. He would never hurt Chris or put him in harms way and Evan knew that. He knew that everything Eddie did was for or because of Chris.
When Eddie stepped closer, Evan fought off the urge to step back and held his hand out both as a sign to make Eddie stop and to point at him like he was suddenly a child that needed strict authority in his life.
"You put me in the will. You made Chris my responsibility too and I don't think he's gonna be okay with you."
"He's my son-"
"If (Y/n) decides to press charges against you Eddie then you've already lost him! You didn't think about Chris at all when you broke into my flat and beat up my girlfriend. If you get charged, do you honestly think social services will let Chris stay with you? He'll come stay with me or be shipped off to Texas with your parents."
This wasn't a choice Evan made lightly and it wasn't something he wanted to do, but there was no other choice.
What else could he do?
How could he be sure Chris would be safe with Eddie when tonight Eddie had proved that he had no self control left?
Eddie let himself into Evan's apartment, knowing full-well that Evan wouldn't be there and (Y/n) would. He locked her in. He attacked her, he hurt her. He got so blindly drunk that he let all his reasonings go and did whatever he wanted because he couldn't stop himself.
Who's to say that he wouldn't walk out the house one night and leave Chris alone? He could get drunk and wander off or shout at Chris in a rampage. He could have a dream about Shannon and lash out and frighten Chris. If his son knew what he had done tonight, there was no way Chris would want to stay with Eddie or be around him.
Eddie had put Evan in his will for a reason. He knew Evan would do right by Chris and would always look out for him. Evan would look out for Chris whether Eddie was in peril, dead or alive. And right now, he had to look out for the boy he classed as his nephew. He had to look out for Chris now more than ever because Eddie wasn't in the right frame of mind to do that.
"You'll take my son away from me?"
"If I have to. You need help, you're sick Eddie and if Chris stays with me or your parents then you can focus on getting better and work your shit out."
A sob broke past Eddie's lips and his shoulders quaked and his hands tangled in his hair, pulling the roots so harshly he was going to tear them free from his scalp. He couldn't do this. He lost Shannon. He lost his second chance of having her back in his life and having a family with her again. He couldn't lose Chris too.
"You- you can't do this to me! Buck you can't!" Venom dripped from his words that he spat across the room before he turned and began to pace.
He only had room to pace three feet, going from the chair towards Evan and back again. This couldn't happen. He couldn't lose everything. Shannon was gone, (Y/n) wasn't his. Why was Evan trying to take everyone from him? Why was Evan after his wife and his son? Why was he so jealous and desperate to see Eddie suffer?
"You can't have them both-"
"I saw what you did to her, Eddie."
Evan was glad his words cut Eddie's ramblings because Evan couldn't control himself much longer. (Y/n) was his girlfriend, not Eddie's. She was his partner, not Eddie's dead wife and she never belonged to Eddie. He couldn't continue this delusion any longer.
He ran his hand down his face, scratching at his eyes that were tired and sore and desperate to shed a river of tears and then sleep for an eternity. He rubbed his chin and clicked his jaw into place, trying not to glare holes into the person he no longer recognised.
"What?" The confusion in Eddie's voice sent shivers running up and down Evan's spine. "The door broke, I- I didn't-"
"You sexually assaulted her."
For a dreaded moment, Evan thought Eddie had suffered a heart attack. The way his knees caved and how his body collapsed into the chair made him look like he had died on the spot. Evan felt his own heart give out five extra beats and a boatload of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
He watched Eddie's head loll back before he seemed to gain his composure once again. His hands dragged up and down his thighs, across his knees and a terrible bout of shaking set in his system and he rocked back and forth.
His head shook from side to side and he kept muttering "No," over and over. He thought it was his imagination. He thought it was the alcohol playing on his mind and messing with his memories.
Eddie didn't remember how he got to Evan's apartment, but he remembered locking the door. He remembered crashing to the floor at the bottom of the stairs. He knew (Y/n) had bitten into his hand that was now a dark shade of purple with red and black coloured indents from where her teeth had sunk down into his flesh.
He recalled grabbing her. Mixed voices telling him to stop. Asking what he was doing. Nails scratching down his skin. A hand striking his face. Fists bashing into his chest.
Then the horrible sound of glass shattering. Shannon laid on the floor, blood trickling down her nose. Shannon convulsing on the floor, aspirating on her own blood. Evan and the paramedics. Bobby pinning him to the floor so he couldn't follow her.
Everything was in pieces and they weren't in the right order. But Eddie hoped, prayed, begged God that he hadn't done anything that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for.
"Eddie, I've seen the marks on her. What else do you call it when you kiss, bite, scratch and bruise someone against their will? When I found her in that bathroom her clothes were ripped and her fucking underwear was pulled down and you're telling me you didn't do it?! Did you think I wouldn't notice?"
Words rummaged round in Eddie's head and slathered on his tongue, but he couldn't say any of them.
What good would sorry do? How would telling Evan he felt like killing himself for this help? Apologies were never going to be enough. He could never earn (Y/n)'s forgiveness and he didn't deserve or want it. He could never rectify this with Evan and he didn't deserve that either.
He deserved to be punched. He wanted Evan to break his bones, throw him down. Make him bleed. Kill him if he wanted to. He wanted Evan to destroy him like he had destroyed everything and everyone around him.
His head fell down into his hands and horrible, bubbling sobs spat into his hands as he started to rock back and forth from his heels to his toes.
"This stops now. I won't let you terrorise her any more. If you dare try anything or you don't get help I'll make a statement to the police and I'll press charges and then you'll lose everything. You are never doing something like this again, do you hear me?"
When it looked like Eddie nodded, Evan left the room. He said what he needed to say. He had drilled it into Eddie's head that this was what was going to happen and he was getting help whether he wanted it or not.
His body was overcome with shakes when he stumbled out of the room and back into the hallway. He could see it in Athena and Bobby's eyes that they heard. They heard everything and he was sure they agreed with what he'd said.
"He's all yours."
Athena looked like she wanted to reach out for him but she didn't get chance when Evan started walking. He had to get back to (Y/n). She was his focus now and he had left her for long enough.
Evan wasn't sure what he was expecting. Well he was, and he wasn't.
A big part of his mind dreaded the thought of walking back into the apartment. He didn't want to walk in here because he didn't know how (Y/n) was going to react. He had no idea whether she would refuse to walk over the threshold, whether she would stand rooted to the spot in the hallway or start crying or back out or have a panic attack. All Evan expected was a bad reaction because how could there be anything else?
(Y/n) had only just moved in with him and already their home was tarnished with bad memories and their bathroom was now going to be the source of nightmares.
He couldn't see how she would ever feel safe being alone here or how she could go in that bathroom or look at the hallway or the kitchen in the same way again. Everywhere was haunted. And Evan didn't know what he could do to make things any better.
He expected the way (Y/n) shivered when they walked into the apartment. He expected how she stood three feet away from the bathroom, unable to look anywhere else.
But he also expected her to pull away or lose the ability to breathe or say that she didn't want to stay here.
Instead, she hung her bag on the hook and moved towards the bathroom rather than away from it. Her left leg dragged behind her as she hobbled rather than walked, since she refused crutches the hospital tried to give her. Both arms wrapped around her chest and her head tilted to one side as she stared into the bathroom.
"We need a new door." There was almost an air of humour in her words, but she couldn't find it in herself to look at Evan over her shoulder.
Her body sank back when she felt Evan's hands on her shoulders and his chin delicately perched on top of her head. She let her back lean into his chest, feeling each deep breath Evan took against her.
"I know. Bobby's coming over tomorrow to help me fit a new one." Evan had already found where he could get a new door from and it would be easy to join new hinges to the wall and fix a door in place. And Bobby had graciously agreed to help. He had been round this morning too and helped Evan clean away the broken glass and wood and dispose of the old door.
(Y/n) hummed quietly and took a moment to close her eyes. She had a feeling that for a while, she wasn't going to be spending a lot of time in there anyway. If she needed a bath or a shower, she would be asking Evan to accompany her. And she hoped to God that Evan had picked a wooden door this time or one with plastic in the frame rather than glass.
It would be tempting fate to have another door made of glass in the apartment.
"You okay?" There was a fever of questions hidden away in Evan's words and (Y/n) could feel them all seeping through his touch when he kissed her temple.
Did she feel okay? Did she really feel settled enough to stay here after what happened? Did she need a minute to process things? Was there anything Evan could do?
"Is it too early to go to bed?" She could feel him smiling against her hairline and his hands squeezed her shoulders before he moved them down to worm his arms around her waist instead. It may be four o'clock in the afternoon, but that didn't mean a thing to Evan. He was more than happy to go and lay down in bed with the tv on in the background. He was two days behind on sleep and he needed to recharge before he dropped.
"You read my mind."
(Y/n) dragged her left leg behind her as they made their way to the stairs. It almost felt like her leg was a piece fabric hanging on by one thread. Stitches in the back of her thigh down towards her knee. A bandage around her thigh to stop her from scratching or the stitches snagging on anything. And a support bandage on her heel and foot since her ankle had swollen up overnight and could barely support her leg.
Her hand reached out for the railing but before she could even grab it, Evan's hands were on her hips and he spun her sound so she was facing him with her back to the stairs.
He bent down in front of her so one hand could hold her right thigh and the other hand could hold the lower part of her left leg, not daring to go near her stitches and risk tearing them.
A smile fluttered across (Y/n)'s lips as she looped her arms around Evan's neck and let him lift her up onto his torso. Her legs hung loosely over his hips and she tucked her face into his neck, peppering soft kisses up and down his skin as he climbed up the stairs.
He was careful when his knees bumped into the bed and he slowly leaned forward until he could lower (Y/n) down onto the bed. Her legs unhooked from his waist but her arms stayed around his neck causing him to lean between her thighs with his hands planted down on the mattress on either side of her hips.
"How's your head?" He spoke against her lips, sucking her lower lip between his teeth while he tipped his head up a little to nudge their noses together.
He had expected her temple to swell up or for her eyes to bruise and close over atfer the nosebleed she suffered. But the only tender part was the bridge of (Y/n)'s nose and a striking pain in the centre of her temple if she tried to touch it. There was only a slight mark against her temple which was a relief considering how much she bled out the other night.
"Aching," She murmured when Evan released her lip that felt like it was swelling up from his touch.
"There's some painkillers in my jeans, baby. I'll go get us a drink." Evan tensed his elbows to keep his arms straight and put his strength into his back to stop (Y/n) from dragging him down with her.
A softness melted at his eyes and made his lips quiver like they were turning runny as he watched her with fondness in his pupils. She whined against his lips, kissing him again while she tried to pull him down with her, but he stayed steadfast. He wasn't going to lay on her and crush her beneath him and if he laid down, he might never get up again.
He pecked her lips once again before he pulled up while (Y/n) laid on her back with a huff and closed her eyes to try and ward off her headache.
When she opened her eyes and tilted her head up, she caught sight of Evan chucking his hoodie across the room, revealing his bare back and shoulders to her eyes before he disappeared downstairs.
Painkillers. (Y/n) needed whatever Evan had in his back pockets. She knew he always had strong painkillers lying around from the amount of injuries and headaches he got from work. He kept packets in the kitchen drawers, some in the bathroom cabinet, some in the keep and he always had a stash in his pockets. Evan had to have alternatives because although naproxen was strong, he was deathly allergic to it.
She slowly pushed up and used her hands to shuffle up onto unsteady feet, her eyes scanning around the floor for Evan's jeans. He must mean a pair he had been wearing in the last few days which he hadn't had time to toss into the hamper yet. And (Y/n) noticed a pair of dark blue jeans draped over the chair in the corner of the room.
Her left leg was throbbing from her heel right up to her hip and with how tight the bandage and support braces were, she felt every heartbeat that pulsed through her limb. Pain flowed and rushed through her blood and sent a headache burning behind her eyes.
She felt like she could sleep for a week, and she knew Evan felt the same. She wouldn't put past them both to be asleep before eight o'clock tonight rolled around.
She leaned over, keeping her weight balanced on her right leg while she lifted the jeans up so she could look through the back pockets.
Sure enough, she found a silver packet of codeine tucked away in the pocket, but just as she went to throw the jeans into the hamper, she paused. What was in his other pocket?
Evan was somewhat like a handyman when it came to how disorganised he was and all the random things he carried around with him. His ADHD meant he often displaced things or kept things in odd places. He could remember the exact location of his phone charger or a certain stapler he liked to use, but when it came to important documents, he could be useless.
"Did you find some?" Evan placed two mugs down on the side table before he shimmied out of his rather loose trousers, leaving him in his underwear. He still needed to scout round the wardrobe for his spare belt but he hadn't found the time yet.
His hands found his hips and his head ticked to the side when (Y/n) didn't answer. She dropped the jeans back down on the chair and slowly turned around, leaning to her right as she hobbled back towards the bed.
When Evan knelt up on the bed, (Y/n) sat down next to him and gingerly held her hand out to him.
"Babe… w-what's this?"
Panic bridled every one of Evan's senses when (Y/n) held out the small velvet box towards him which had been burning a hole in his pocket for over a week now.
He thought that was still safely tucked away in the jeep. Clearly he didn't take it out his pocket the other day like he thought he did.
This wasn't how the conversation was supposed to go. Evan had it planned. Before Eddie came into the apartment and wrecked everything, Evan had a plan. He would come home after that night shift, they would go out and then he would ask her later in the afternoon when they were back home.
The thought was planned in his head, but after the other night, Evan hadn't thought about the ring again. He didn't want to have this conversation now because everything was turned upside down.
He dropped his head down and dragged his fingers through his hair and across the back of his neck.
He reached out for her, opening the box with one hand while his other hand curled around her thigh and he inched closer until their knees were touching. He didn't want (Y/n) to find the ring. He didn't want her to see it without him down on one knee asking her in the proper way, or at least in his own fashion. And he didn't want her to see it now, not so soon after everything that had happened.
"I uh, I got it after Maddie's wedding… I would of asked you last week but Eddie kept ruining my moments." His free hand went back to dragging up and down his neck, scratching his nails against his skin to try and remain calm, but he was losing his composure due to all his panic.
"So it's… it's an engagement ring?" She felt so stupid for even asking, but (Y/n) had to be sure in case that wasn't what it was at all and she got the wrong end of the stick.
If this was just some sort of promise ring or eternity ring or maybe if it didn't belong to Evan at all and he was just looking after it for someone, then (Y/n) would make a fool of herself if she assumed what it was. But the look in Evan's eyes and the nod of his head confirmed her suspicions.
He had been planning to propose to her. If Eddie hadn't of barged his way in here two nights ago, (Y/n) might have been engaged by now. If Eddie hadn't of kissed her the other week when he came by, (Y/n) could of been engaged even sooner.
Evan wanted to marry her. Evan loved her enough to want to commit to her and spend his life with her.
Of course, (Y/n) already knew this. The bachelor party proved as much when Evan couldn't stop telling her in his drunken state that he was going to marry her someday. And clearly, Evan thought that someday was in the near future.
"Baby I- I get that you won't want to right now, fuck maybe never after all this. And that's okay-"
"How do you know that… you haven't asked me yet."
All the wind was knocked out of Evan's chest and his stomach pulled in until it looked like he had been flattened by a truck.
Was she being serious? She would still want to marry him after everything that had happened?
If Evan had been more self-aware and alert, he might have realised what Eddie had been up to sooner. If he pressed the matter at the wedding when he thought (Y/n) was anxious, she would of told him and he could have prevented all of this from happening. He could of gotten Eddie help sooner and saved (Y/n) the trauma of being attacked and injured and traumatised.
Things with Eddie were never going to be the same. The team was going to have a shift in the balance that might never right itself after this. Things might change between Evan and (Y/n). He was waiting for her to resent him or tell him she wanted to leave him to save herself any more pain and to preserve what tatters were left of Evan and Eddie's friendship. He wasn't expecting this kind of response.
"You- you'd still wanna marry me, after everything?"
"Ask me."
Whatever worries Evan had rattling around in his head and in his gut about (Y/n) saying this just to turn him down or teach him a lesson, all of them were squashed when he looked into her eyes.
He hooked his arm around her waist and pushed her back onto the bed, swallowing the gasp she let out and distantly hearing the ring box thud as it landed on the carpet.
He felt her hands cup the back of his neck, both to hold him to her and to steady them both. And when they parted, Evan rested his temple down against hers, looking into her eyes through hooded lashes that were about to brim over with tears.
"Marry me?"
"I'd love to."
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edgeray · 2 days
hi ray! for your requests, may i ask for arlecchino x gn!house of the hearth child reader where reader is feeling down for whatever reason, and tries their best not to alarm arlecchino or show signs, but she ends up finding out anyway and comforts them?
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Stitching Back Joy
(Platonic Arlecchino x GN! Child! Reader)
A/N - Sure! My first platonic request, nice! I've yet wrote platonic Arlecchino x Reader, but I've been meaning to for a while, so thanks for this request. Not exactly sure how old you wanted reader to be, but I had reader to be pretty young, probably a tween or younger. Hope this one turns out okay!  Content warnings / info - reader is a child, reader is gn!, arle may be ooc but at least she's a good father. no warnings :) i named reader's toy if you don't mind, 1.1k words
You should have known better than to be rough-housing with your lifelong companion and favorite toy. However, you were stupid, and your siblings were just a touch too rough, and then there was a loud rip, as the leg of your plush was torn right off, the stuffing escaping out of it. Your siblings all gasped and paused their playing already. 
You stood with the other half of Benny, their other, in-tact leg dangling from your tight grasp around it. Your tiny heart was broken like Benny, and the corner of your eyes burned, tears welling. 
Benny had been with you since you were eight, around the time of your arrival at the House of the Hearth. During your first night, you were restless, tossing and turning, anxious because of the new environment even though Father was generous and the other children were kind. The next morning, when Father noticed the signs of a fitful sleep, she decided that you would benefit from an outing with her. 
That day, she brought you to a toy store and prompted you to select one. As your eyes scanned the shelves, one beady eyed expression caught your attention–a plush boot weasel. The House of the Hearth welcomed another new member that day, that being Benny the weasel, who was fixedly snug in your arms as you returned to the orphanage, no longer feeling like the only new sibling. Your closest best friend who has been with you on all your adventures around the House was now missing an arm. Benny who helped you sneak into the kitchen past curfew (only for you to be caught by Lyney), Benny who helped you make friends with the other children, Benny who was the only one who could hug you when you were sick was hurt. And now Benny was hurt. 
The boy who was holding the other leg of Benny quickly returned it to you, a million apologies spilling from his lips. You knew he was sincere, you knew he didn't mean to, but all you could do was gaze at the spilt stuffing at your feet, each ‘sorry’ flying past your head. 
You sit hunched over one of the desks in the House's library, attempting to bandage Benny's leg back while you sniffle, rubbing the wetness out of your eyes for the nth time. You know you shouldn't be crying, this wasn't a big deal after all, it was just some toy, you tried to reason yourself to stop the tears. Inserting the stuffing into Benny for the third time you push in the leg and try again, but like the previous two times, the limb always falls out. 
Your sight goes blurry as an onset of frustrated tears trailed down your cheeks. 
Then, you hear the familiar bell, the sound signaling to everyone in the House that it was meal time. You hastily wipe away your tears. You can't be seen crying over some toy, you couldn't bring him because you didn't want anyone to see that you were upset over a plush. You give one more glance towards Benny, promising that you'll bring food to them, before you leave for dinner, without him in his arms for the first time. You sit at your assigned chair of the long table, your dozen or so other siblings scrambling by, and Father approaches, taking her seat at the head of the table. 
The table is rowdy as per usual, your siblings chatting eagerly among themselves. Nearly, you would join in as well, but you're too distraught over the missing company in your hands, feeling more lonely than ever before despite being surrounded by your entire family. 
Little did you know that Father's eyes were on you throughout the entire meal. 
As you got up to leave, you hear your name being called. 
“Can you stay behind? I'd like to discuss something with you,” Father says. You gulp nervously. Father rarely asks to talk to you alone. Were you in trouble? Or did Father notice your disquiet? Either way, you nod. As everyone else leaves the dining room, only you and Father remain. 
“Come here, my child,” she says, extending her arm out to gesture to the space beside her chair. You waddle your way towards her, your head down and you try to stifle your sniffling. She places a gentle clawed hand on your shoulder, and she urges you to look at her when her other hand tilts your head. You willed your eyes to not cry. 
“Is something bothering you?” 
You shake your head. “Nothing is bothering me, Father,” you assert, but your voice cracks, signaling an obvious lie to the Harbinger. 
“I will repeat again. What is bothering you? I do not see your friend with you,” Father notes, her tone becoming sterner, glancing down at your arms. 
You stay silent for a few moments, before you beak underneath her glare. “My friend… they got broken when I was playing earlier today. An-and, I can't…” Your lips trembled as you paused, attempting not to cry with the knowledge that Father does not appreciate tears. Still, the tears escape, and you cannot prevent them from flowing down your cheeks. You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for her scolding as you stammer out the rest of your response. “I-I can't fix them.”  
Father goes silent, each second of quietude feeding into your anxiety, before she says, “Can I see them, my child?” 
You crack open an eye, your vision blurry from the tears but you can tell her piercing red gaze is still on you. “M-my friend?” 
You feebly nod and make your way to the library, Father following one step behind you. Guiding her to Benny, you showcase your maimed friend, their missing limb off to the side and stuffing bleeds out of them. Father reaches out and holds the delicate toy in her hand, turning it over and examining it. 
“Can you trust me with your friend, my child?” 
You sniffle. “A-are you going to f-fix him?” 
“Yes. Will you allow me to be with them for a little while? I will ensure that they will return to you before curfew.” 
Nodding away, with shaky hands, you place the leg and the stuffing you were able to salvage into her hands. 
“Go play with your siblings in the meanwhile. Run along.” 
You follow her orders, finding your siblings and distracting yourself from the absence of your best friend until the bell for curfew rings. Filing towards the bedroom with your siblings, you anxiously scamper to your bed. 
Benny awaits you on your pillow, his leg reattached, cleanly stitched back to his body. Besides him is a piece of paper and a few pieces of candy. You look closer at the note.
“Benny was especially brave during the operation. I gave them a few tokens for their courage. They learn well from you. -Father” 
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ktkat99 · 15 hours
Batfam prompt I wrote out planning on it being a oneshot. I don't have time or energy for another long story at the moment, but don't want to just let it sit in my outline folder forever. Feel free to use it, play around with it, add to it, use it for inspiration, or whatever.
Tim gets injured while not wearing his suit one night.
Bernard, who has never met Tim before, finds him and takes him home. He ends up losing his memory and Bernard decides to let him move in while he heals, unaware that he's really Red Robin.
Bruce and the rest of the family can't find Tim anywhere.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn to months.
All without a trace.
Tim and Bernard are getting used to living together, and both the pros and cons of being roommates.
Tim will sometimes have nightmares or flashbacks, but he’s also started to heal.
His family ends up torn, with Jason, Dick, and Steph convinced he’s alive, while Bruce, Cass and Damian have all resigned themselves to believing that he died.
One night, Tim and Bernard take a nighttime walk to a convenience store and witness a robbery.
Tim stops the guy on instinct and has a flashback of fighting with Nightwing. He assumes he was a criminal and runs off before the clerk can thank him.
Something the clerk mentions to Officer Dick Greyson when he arrives to arrest the thief. The clerk hands over the surveillance footage, which ends up being proof that Tim survived.
Dick is overjoyed, but Steph and Jason point out that he isn't being held hostage. He's free and yet never contacted them.
Was he in hiding?
From them?
Or for his own protection from someone?
Or maybe the civilian he was with had done something to him?
Whatever the reason, they decide against telling the rest of the family until they can figure out what's going on.
They begin following Tim, keeping their distances.
Tim, meanwhile, after ‘remembering’ being a criminal, can't stop obsessing over his scars, and who he might have hurt to receive them. He keeps thinking about the convenience store clerk and Bernard, wracked with guilt about all the things he may have done.
Bernard stays by him the whole time, doing his best to calm him down.
Tim doesn't tell him what's on his mind out of fear of being kicked out, and Bernard assumes the event was too stressful for him and doesn't push him to talk.
Eventually, the two of them fall asleep together, and Tim promises to make up for his past crimes by protecting Bernard. Things gradually go back to normal with Bernard going to work and Tim, who has no valid id, staying home and taking care of the apartment.
Nightwing, Red Hood, and Spoiler take turns watching Tim and Bernard.
They still haven't told their family, but know they can't just follow Tim forever.
Before they can decide on their next move, though, Cass bumps into him while grocery shopping. She freezes and he doesn't recognize her, but Dick, Jason, and Steph have to come clean.
Cass is pissed, Bruce wants to bring Tim home immediately, and Damian points out that he might not even want to come home, and that they should leave him be.
They decide that, before they make their decision, they need to talk to Tim. Maybe he really did just decide to quit.
Tim, meanwhile, has been using his free time while Bernard is at work to help people who need it. He becomes somewhat of a neighborhood vigilante, believing that he needs to make up for his past crimes.
Most of the injuries he incurs are minor and easy to hide from Bernard, but one day he takes a knife to the arm.
Bernard freaks out and tries to give him stitches in their kitchen, but then has to convince Tim to let him take him to a hospital.
Tim, not wanting to be arrested for crimes he doesn't remember committing, therefore leaving Bernard alone, argues that he's fine.
It doesn't hurt that bad.
He'll heal.
Bernard gets frustrated and shows off his own scars, which he had worked hard to always keep hidden. He explains what happened to him, and how his family disowned him as a result of ending up in the cult, and that he promises he won't put Tim in a situation where he could be in danger.
He asks to know why Tim is so adamant against going to the hospital and Tim reluctantly admits what he's pieced together from his flashbacks.
Bernard is shocked to find out that he might have been sharing his apartment with a criminal, but reasons that that must be why Tim knows how to fight.
Deciding to focus on the problem at hand, Bernard convinces Tim to at least let him take him to Leslie’s place, as she doesn't ask questions.
Leslie proceeds to ask questions, prompting Bernard to be the one to answer them for Tim.
Leslie comes to the conclusion that Bernard is answering so that Tim doesn't say the wrong thing, and only grows more concerned when she tries to subtly give him openings to slip her a message or some sort of sign that he needs help and he doesn't.
She decides that, since he's acting like he's never met her, she'll play along.
Once Bernard and Tim leave, she calls Bruce and tells him what happened.
Bruce decides it's time to step in because something is clearly wrong with Tim.
Tim and Bernard head back home and have a long talk about everything Tim's been hiding and what he's been up to.
Bernard wonders if Tim might be wrong about his assumption that he was a criminal, but Tim remembers stalking Batman, fighting with Nightwing, Robin trying to kill him and a few other things.
Tim was a criminal, and he's certain of it.
At a loss of what else to do, Bernard convinces Tim to get takeout for dinner, since neither have eaten yet.
Tim agrees and they walk down to Tim's favorite place.
On the way there, Batman and Nightwing show up and order them into the Batmobile.
Tim manages to fight off Nightwing as Batman is driving and Nightwing isn't expecting Tim to fight him and escapes with Bernard.
Their suspicions all appear to be confirmed; the Batfam believe Tim is being controlled by Bernard, while Bernard and Tim believe he's a wanted criminal.
Tim decides he needs to leave, since he's obviously being hunted, but Bernard refuses to let him.
Not alone, at least.
Tim wants Bernard to stay safe, which means away from him, but Bernard is just as worried about Tim's safety. They argue, but ultimately both find an abandoned building to hide in together.
They decide to take turns sleeping and Tim falls asleep wondering what sort of crime he committed to warrant the Bats searching for him. He ends up dreaming of the night he found his father's body and wakes up believing that he killed him.
Bernard has nodded off at this point and Tim needs to clear his head so he heads up to the roof to process what he dreamed about.
The bats decide that, for their safety and his, Tim will need to be taken by force and they can figure out what's wrong with him once they have him back home.
They track them to the abandoned building and break in, but only find Bernard.
Bernard ends up getting captured quickly and taken to the batcave for questioning.
Tim, who witnessed the abduction but hadn't been quick enough in getting down from the roof to do anything, decides it's time to go on the offensive against the bats.
He has had enough flashbacks to piece together that Batman is Bruce.
He's tired.
He's been living for months without knowledge of who he used to be and having to deal with random flashbacks and trying to piece together what his life before looked like.
The bats taking Bernard is his last straw.
He decides to start by breaking into the manor and looking for Bernard there.
Bernard, meanwhile, is desperately trying to convince Bruce and the others that he has no idea where Tim is, that he didn't do anything to Tim, and that Tim has amnesia.
They don't believe him until Tim shows up and goes all-out trying to attack them and escape with Bernard, but Bernard is the one who manages to calm him down and convince him to listen to his family.
It takes a while, and a lot of proof, but Tim finally regains his memory.
He and Bernard officially start dating and move back in together.
They like to joke that Bernard had the craziest introduction to the family, despite being a civilian.
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agirlcandream84 · 1 day
Absolutely obsessed with your writing <3
Can we get a bf Frank upset about your increased partying / self-medicating ways because he just wants you to take care of yourself? Maybe you keep getting too drunk, taking unnecessary risks at night, doing drugs- literally whatever you want up to you! Your diet one helped sm🤍🤍
❤️ thank you SO much. This took me a min because I'm SO straight-laced and afraid of self-medicating that I raw-dog every human experience but I actually love how this turned out.
Angsty!Frank Castle x Self Sabotaging!Reader
"Why do you keep lyin' to me sweetheart?" Frank rumbles, the question pointed but his tone soft. He turns to face you, the heat of his eyes boring a hole into your profile.
You feel your stomach plummet to your feet, your heart hammering in your ears, but you force your face to remain neutral, feigning unbothered confusion.
"Lying about what Frankie?" you ask, even adding a small chuckle to the question. Of course you couldn't meet his eye so you busy yourself with fluffing the pillows on the couch. You hated yourself for gaslighting him but the idea of Frank finding out felt worse.
"Don't do that baby," he counters, a small hint of warning in his tone.
"Do what?" you asking, painting confusion on your face as you turn to finally face him. His brows are stitched in that cocktail of concern and determination and his arms are folded across his chest. You hated yourself for lying to Frank but you were terrified that the truth would have you lose him for good.
Then and there you promised yourself that tonight was the last time. Just one more night and you'd somehow get it under control.
"Yeah, alright sweetheart. Maybe it's nothin'" he replies, swiping an agitated hand down his face, his nostrils flared in frustration. He didn't believe you and you didn't blame him. You almost would have preferred him to explode on you and bring this whole unstoppable runaway train to an end.
He turned to lift his coat from the rack and shrug it on, his hand landing on the door as you manage to ask, "Are you heading out?"
"Yeah, gotta take care of somethin' " he grumbles before letting the door slam behind him.
You rush to the small pouch under the bed and extract the orange prescription bottle, tumbling out 3 pills for tonight and carrying the bottle to the toilet. Your hands are already shaking at the thought of it but you force yourself to hold the small bottle aloft above the open toilet, your hand poised to let them tumble in.
But of course they don't. The abject fear coursing through your veins keeps your wrist locked in place-- the pills rattling in their container.
"fuck, just do it, fucking do it," you mumble to yourself, goading your brain into destroying the very thing you thought was keeping you alive and upright. Those fucking white pills that dulled every sharp edge but had your life by the throat. The same pills that seemed to work less and less until you needed more and more. The pills that were your only ticket to an acceptable night's sleep as long as you took it with a shot of vodka too. Those pills that made you feel like you'd been hit by the M6 bus every morning. Those pills that kept the memories from creeping in. Kept the shame from rearing. Kept the fear from winning.
"Fuck!" you shout, tears already pouring down your face as your hand caps the bottle, pills still safely tucked inside. The bottle gets returned to it's pouch under the bed and you spend the afternoon with shame and fear roiling in your stomach.
You were gone by the time Frank returned home, which happened more often than not these days. In an effort not to be caught swilling vodka to welcome sleep, you often "went a friend's house" in the evening, coming home late enough to avoid questions and head straight for bed, sneaking 3-4 pills before you did.
At 12:15am, perhaps a bit later than your normal night, after three generous shots of vodka, perhaps a shot more than a normal night, you stumble home from the dive bar six blocks away and promptly twist an ankle navigating some busted sidewalk. You manage to fumble your way to a nearby bus bench and inspect your knee, blood already pricking through the skin while your head feels that buzzed gentle spin.
You sit splayed on the bench, suddenly aware of just how colossally fucking tired you were. What poetic justice that the pills and alcohol that had become your tailspin of a life were all in an effort to get better sleep (or on some nights, any sleep at all) but were also the singular source of your exhaustion and misery.
You sat unmoving for minutes, or an hour, who knew-- until a dark van screeches to a halt in front of you and a familiar silhouette rushes out.
"Fuckin' Christ, you're hurt. What the fuck happened sweetheart?" he says, rushing to squat in front of you and inspect your knee.
"Frankie?" you ask incredulously, the vodka making you feel like you were moving in slow motion. What was Frank doing here? How did he find you?
"Why didn't you call me sweetheart? Been worried sick when you didn't come home. How the hell did this happen?" he rambles a bit, eyes still on your knee as he presses a bunched up napkin to the wound.
"I.. oh uh... I was.." you mumble, your brain incapable of making an excuse. It occurs to you that Frank hasn't noticed your inebriation and you're paralyzed not to reveal yourself. "How did you know I was here?" you ask, taking every word deliberately slow.
"Curtis was drivin' past and though he saw you. Called me up right away. Did someone do this to you doll?" he asks, locking eyes with yours, pleading to understand why you were alone and injured past midnight on a bus bench.
"No, no, nobody-- I tripped, I just tripped," you mumble, your heart racing now and your hands shaking. "I just tripped," you add again when Frank's eyes meet yours. You see him see you -- crumpled on the bench, tiny streams of blood caked to your shin, your hair disheveled and your makeup worn. You look at each other for an extended breath and you realize it's not rage or anger but fear in his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah ok sweetheart," he answers placatingly, "let's get you in the car, yeah?" he says, his arm looped behind your back as he guides you to keep the weight off your twisted ankle. The ride home is silent, only the truck's blinker and his steady breathing fill the tiny space.
Frank tends to you like a patient, expertly helping you up the steps, getting you into your pajamas, taking a washcloth to your face, handing you a readied toothbrush and you obey-- compliant and silent.
You're sat on the bathroom sink while Frank cleans the gash on your knee properly, his hands competent and quick. He finishes and tosses the bloodied napkin in the trash and turns to stand in front of you in the tiny bathroom.
"It's gotta stop," he says directly, jamming his hands in his pockets. You can't meet his eye so he does the work for you, bending slightly at the knees to find your ducked head and says, "Gotta look at me sweetheart."
"Frank, this was one time. It's not a problem or something," you reply, risking a quick glance to his eyes. The lie like acid on your tongue.
"Don't do this. Don't fuckin' do it doll," he says shaking his head, agitation painting his face.
"I'm not doing anything. I-- I don't have to listen to this," you answer, anger masking the fear of being found out. No-- not found out. The fear of being accountable for change. For facing the hard things the alcohol and pills were supposed to mask.
You make to push off the height of the sink but Frank's hands land on your hips to anchor you in place.
"Nah, that's it. We're not pretendin' anymore," Frank says, is voice shifting into something like authority.
"I'm not pretending anything Frank. Let me fucking go," you reply, matching his intensity but fueled instead by the consuming fear of this being the moment you lose him.
"You gonna storm away on your bum foot, huh?! You gonna go get that pouch of pills from under the bed? Is that it!?" he shouts, his tone determined but his eyes pleading-- begging-- for you to listen.
You're frozen at his accusation. The pills. He found them. You felt the room melting off the foundation. Your stomach sinking to the floor. Your heartbeat raging in your ears.
"I don't know--" you mumble but he cuts you off.
"Yes you do sweetheart," he says, his tone hushed, as his hands navigate to either side of your face to cup your cheeks. He tilts your face up towards his, his touch so nurturing you could choke on your own betrayal of it. "Please. I can't lose--" he stops, unable to finish the sentence, "help me understand what's goin' on sweetheart."
You choke out a strained "I don't know how it happened Frankie," before a sob catches in your throat and you collapse on his chest, your hands making fists in his shirt. He hugs you to him with a strength you hadn't felt before, your breath squished from your lungs as you chant "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry frankie. i'm so sorry."
"You're alright. Sshhh ssshhh, you're alright," he responds, stepping an inch closer to the sink so that your legs are on either side of his frame and he hooks his arms under your thighs to lift you from the sink, your arms clinging to the column of his neck as he moves you both to the bedroom.
He places you gently in the bed and climbs in behind you, his shoes and jacket still on, as he cups your body within his. And in the darkness of the room you tell him everything-- speaking your shame and fears into the black stillness -- and he sees you through the other side.
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moonxytcn · 2 days
Hiya, I have a billie eilish request. Fem reader cuts the palm of her hand open while trying go cut something. Billie takes us to the hospital and we end up having stitches!
Thank you ❤️
dinner night goes wrong
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – you cut yourself while preparing dinner
warnings – a little cute, blood, accidental knife cut
a/n – Thanks for the request anon, I hope you like it!
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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You breathe in deeply, taking in the delicious scents of the kitchen. The herbs, the garlic, the freshly chopped vegetables—all of it mingles in the air, creating a symphony of aromas that makes your mouth water. You hum to yourself, feeling accomplished as you move to the next step of your dinner preparations.
Billie is lounging on the couch, strumming her guitar absently, filling the apartment with a soft, soothing melody. Her presence is a comforting backdrop to your culinary efforts, and you find yourself smiling as you reach for the sharp knife.
With a practiced hand, you begin slicing the vegetables on the cutting board. The carrots and bell peppers are vibrant under the kitchen light, their colors popping against the wooden board. You grip the knife handle firmly, focusing on making even, precise cuts. It’s a rhythm you know well, a dance between blade and produce that you’ve perfected over many dinners.
But tonight, something goes wrong.
As you move to cut through a particularly stubborn carrot, your grip slips. The knife veers off course, and before you can react, a sharp, searing pain shoots through your hand. You gasp, dropping the knife onto the counter with a clatter. Blood wells up from a deep gash in your palm, and you stare at it, stunned, for a moment too long.
"Billie!" You call out, your voice shaky with a mix of pain and panic.
The music stops abruptly, and Billie is by your side in an instant, her guitar abandoned on the couch. Her eyes widen when she sees the blood, and she quickly wraps a towel around your hand, applying pressure to slow the bleeding.
"Are you okay?" She asks, her voice tight with concern.
You try to nod, but the pain is overwhelming, making it hard to think clearly. "I—I think I need stitches." You manage to say through gritted teeth.
Billie’s face hardens with determination. "We’re going to the hospital. Now."
With surprising efficiency, she helps you to your feet and guides you out the door. The towel around your hand is quickly turning crimson, and each step sends a fresh wave of pain through your arm. But Billie’s presence is a balm, her calm, steady demeanor a lifeline you cling to as she leads you to the car.
The drive to the hospital is a blur. Billie keeps one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your uninjured hand, squeezing it reassuringly. She murmurs soothing words, trying to keep you focused and calm. You lean back in the seat, your eyes closed, focusing on her voice and the sound of the engine.
When you arrive at the emergency room, Billie helps you inside, her arm around your shoulders. A nurse quickly takes you back to an examination room, and the next hour is a whirlwind of antiseptic smells, bright lights, and the cool touch of medical instruments. Billie never leaves your side, holding your hand and whispering encouragement as the doctor examines your wound.
"You’re going to need stitches." The doctor says, confirming what you already knew. He cleans the cut thoroughly, explaining each step of the procedure as he works. Billie watches closely, her expression a mix of concern and fascination.
The needle’s first prick makes you wince, but Billie squeezes your hand tighter, grounding you. The doctor works quickly, his hands steady and sure, and soon enough, the wound is closed, the ugly gash now a neat line of sutures.
"All done." The doctor says, securing the final stitch. He gives you instructions for care and pain management, then leaves you with a sympathetic smile.
You look down at your bandaged hand, feeling a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Billie helps you off the examination table, her touch gentle. "Let’s get you home." She says softly.
The drive back is quieter, the urgency of the situation replaced by a calm, almost serene atmosphere. Billie holds your hand the entire way, her thumb tracing soothing patterns on your skin. You find yourself leaning into her, the pain in your hand now a dull throb overshadowed by the warmth of her presence.
Back at the apartment, Billie insists on making the rest of dinner herself, despite your protests. She’s not the best cook, but you don’t care. You sit at the kitchen table, watching her fumble with the vegetables and smile at her determined expression.
"You know, you don’t have to do this." You say, feeling a wave of affection for her.
She glances at you over her shoulder, a teasing glint in her eye. "I think I owe you, considering you almost sliced your hand off making me dinner."
You laugh, the sound lightening the tension in the room. "Fair enough. But I’m not cleaning up if you burn anything."
Billie laughs too, the sound filling the kitchen with warmth. "Deal."
As you watch her, you realize how lucky you are to have someone like her in your life. Someone who rushes to your side when you’re hurt, who stays with you through the scary moments, and who can make you laugh even when you’re in pain. The cut on your hand will heal, but the bond between you and Billie feels stronger than ever.
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cultofdixon · 1 day
Hidden Behind Fangs
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Werewolf!Daryl • He will always find a way to keep his secret behind closed doors. Then things changed… • ANGST/SFW • TW: Shifting / Injuries / Anxiety / Nightmares
Requested by: @lazyneonrabbitt (sorry this took forever)
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“She hasn’t turned up in a while. She could be—-“
“Nah. I’ve got this” Daryl stated as he picked up his crossbow. “I’m headin’ out there”
Rick only gave Daryl a concerned look before nodding and going toward the gates with Carl to open them for him. Carl didn’t utter his confusion when Daryl didn’t leave with his bike and simply his person, but Rick kept a strong exterior for his son to trust the archer’s decision.
The solo run was supposed to be a week long trip that should’ve been an easy sweep of an outdoor mall Y/N has come across before. It took a lot of convincing for the council to let her go alone. Now there was a lot of regret coursing through her half dead body as she held up in an abandoned church after escaping a group of psychopaths that kept themselves hidden in said outdoor shopping mall.
Y/N was sleeping in the pews, but her body was starting to give up on her that the last time she went to check her entrances/exits. She collapsed in the main isle accepting that she will never see her friends again, or him for that matter.
Then it happened suddenly but her body couldn’t and wouldn’t reach to the sound of scratching on the door she barricaded. She couldn’t tell if it were walkers or an animal of some sorts.
Maybe a dog?
She slipped in and out of consciousness at this point. She didn’t hear the pew she had blocking the door fall over. Couldn’t register the unfamiliar footsteps. Didn’t feel herself rise from the floor. She couldn’t even remember how she got back to the prison.
What she could remember was the sound of something sniffing her and a whine?
A few days passed and Y/N woke in her cell feeling the bandages on her torso but more importantly the pain that came with it. She slowly sat up to see the rest of the damage but nothing some stitches and bandages to do the job.
“Well look who’s awake” Hershel laughs happily bringing himself in as he came initially to change a few bandages while she slept but thank god she’s awake. “You remember what happened and how you got back?”
“Fuck…I got back here?”
“Yeah? Rick and Carol found you outside the gates with your stuff or at least what’s left of it” Hershel helped her sit up in her bed as she noticed how torn her bag was. “You have a large gash in your side so that’s what caused most of the blood loss. A few nasty cuts on your legs and arms. But nothing just a bandage couldn’t help with the healing process. Bruises obviously”
“Obviously” Y/N sighed helping him check the one on her torso by lifting her…whoever’s shirt she was wearing. “Has uhm. Daryl showed up?”
“His bed is currently outside your cell, currently he’s on watch duty but every night since you came back he stayed close” Hershel finished with the bandage letting her fix out the shirt back down. “It’s his shirt by the way. Heat of the moment, couldn’t grab any of yours. He had his at the ready”
“Mmm” Y/N looked down at his shirt moment as Hershel went through his med bag to grab some pain killers. “I’m guessing he’s going to hover for a bit”
“Most likely. Besides, I doubt you’d want to go back out there…” Hershel noticed her tense and grab onto herself. He carefully rested a hand on her for reassurance but she flinched. “What happened out there, hun?”
“Squatters…one too many…” Y/N kept her gaze away from Hershel. “I got chased…then grabbed and…”
As she was telling the old man what had happened, little did she know Daryl was eavesdropping.
She was chased out of the strip mall
Then captured
Her saving grace was a herd
“And that’s how I ended up in the church but I guess I build enough strength to get back…”
“That must’ve been scary…I’m really sorry. Wish we went out for yea sooner”
“It’s whatever. Can I like. Get up and walk now? Or am I stuck inside for a while”
“All I’m gonna say is be careful, and you are technically stuck inside for a while. Just within the gates.”
“Figured” Y/N watches Hershel leave her be as she carefully bent down with a groan to get her shoes on.
After getting her shoes on and starting to walk to prison grounds, Y/N could feel the stares coming from her family and the Woodbury folk as the anxiety started to eat at her from it. Practically came back half dead. There was also more to it that started to come clear the more she breathes.
“You doing alright?”
The retired sheriff’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts as she quickly noticed the worry now in his expression as well.
“You were out a bit but we knew you’d pull through”
“Uhm. Can I ask you something? It’s going to sound very stupid once it leaves my mouth”
“Do you believe in the supernatural? Because I’m starting to get this weird feeling that I didn’t get myself back here” Y/N frowns, feeling the tense feeling return in her back as her anxiety did its best to present itself. “I doubt walkers would regain consciousness but there’s much more to just them evolving. There’s other things in the supernatural”
“It would definitely be an odd one but Hershel kind of…confirmed in a way that you got there on your own because you looked at if you’ve been walking for days”
“Anybody who looks weak can be that way for many reasons. It’s not just one thing…and with the blood I’ve lost, I should’ve been eaten out there”
“Y/N…what exactly could you be getting at?”
Would it be weird to tell him exactly what you remember? Y/N thought as she continued to stare at him and the blankness that meant nothing only drew more of his concern out.
“I uhm. Forget it, Rick. I’m getting exhausted…” then she didn’t wait for him to get a word in, but right when she left and turned back to him…Daryl had approached with something urgent by the looks of it on his face.
When night came around, Y/N couldn’t sit with her thoughts inside the prison as she sat on the steps into their cellblock. She flinched to the sudden appearance and feel of a blanket draping over her shoulders. Carol making herself known with a soft smile as she sat beside her friend.
“Rick wanted me to check up on you” Carol never lied to Y/N, and she appreciated that. “Said you were a bit on the squirrel-y side. You wanna talk about it?”
“You’re only going to think I’m crazy”
“Well. I stayed with a horrible man for years while he mistreated me and my daughter. I think we’re both crazy…and even then, you’re probably less”
Y/N frowns giving her friend a concerned look but she shook it off. It was in the past, doesn’t mean she doesn’t worry. She took a deep breath before admitting.
“There was…a big dog. Or a wolf. Or whatever. When I was held up in the chapel it sounded like walkers were trying to get in. But I went out for a second that when I opened my eyes, I was like…face to face with a snout. A big ass dog.”
“Probably a wolf. Given these parts.”
“You don’t think it’s weird?”
“That it didn’t eat you? Yeah. But you’re just saying you encountered it. Then you brought yourself back”
“That’s the thing…you guys just saw me at the gates on the ground. I had no strength to get back here…that..wolf dog…it dragged me.” Y/N frowns watching her friend’s concern grow but he couldn’t tell if it’s from what she said or something else. “The last thing I remember was being dragged by the wolf dog.”
“You think I’m crazy”
“I once thought walkers wouldn’t ever happen but yet here we are. Anything is possible” Carol reassures resting her hand on Y/N’s shoulder giving it a squeeze before getting up. “Don’t stay out too much longer”
Y/N nodded watching her head back inside and when she turned toward the gates of the prison she noticed the eyeshine of an animal. The animal slowly approached the gate which drew her to lift herself discarding the blanket as she approached with caution.
The hesitation the animal had when getting closer only made Y/N bring herself up to the gate. The smallest gesture led it to finally come into the light the watchtower emitted.
A wolf… Y/N stares at the creature watching it bring itself up close sniffing her. But when she reached her hand through, it stepped away quickly.
The wolf ran back into the woods still within view for Y/N to see. It gave a quick glance at her before turning back toward the darkness and rising on its hind legs. It turned back to her a last time as all she saw was a silhouette and the eyeshine.
It’s been a few weeks since that event and Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about it. What was it? was the big question in the front of her mind because no wolf can stand on its hind legs like how a human stands.
Y/N currently lays in the grass of the prison after spending a few hours taking care of the garden. Even harvesting some vegetables. She stares up at the sky still thinking about that night when she heard footsteps approaching, only to find Daryl carrying dinner for the both of them.
That was another thing. Daryl has changed since she came back from her attack. He’s grown more…attached to her. Their relationship is complicated. More on the side of friends who can confine in each other, while one has feelings for the other. Little did she know. But ever since the accident, he’s done his best to always be there. Even ditch runs to spend time with her on her watch.
“You almost missed dinner”
“Guess I got too lost in my thoughts that I forgot” Y/N slowly sat up taking the bowl given to her, watching Daryl sit with her. “How was the run?”
“Long” Daryl sighs leaning back on his hands after setting his bowl in his lap. “Didn’t find what I needed”
“What was it that you were looking for?” She asks while taking a bite and when she noticed the annoyance grow on his expression. She choked a bit to get her words out. “Sorry if I—-“
“Nah it’s fine. Needed new parts for my bike” Daryl stated while he picked at his dinner as Y/N sets her finished bowl beside her. “Uhm. You ever wanna go on a ride…with me on my bike?”
The heat instantly reached her cheeks which lead for his blush to appear raging on his ears. Y/N couldn’t help her smile though.
“I’d love to”
“How about tomorrow? I’ve got watch in a bit”
Tomorrow never came. The outbreak had to happen and people were starting to get sick…
People like Y/N…
But…when the few that were assigned to get the medicine, something more happened aside from Bob’s drinking habits almost costing lives. Something more on a divine scale.
When Y/N woke after receiving the medicine, she felt a hand squeeze hers as she quickly glanced to the archer who has seen better days by the looks of it.
“Are you okay?” She rasped out, receiving a scoff as if a ‘seriously?’ from Daryl.
“I’m okay…got uh. Stuck in a pickle” Daryl frowns feeling her squeeze his hand. “You gotta…you gotta stop leaving me”
Y/N brought his hand to her lips gaining some confidence in that moment to display that small form of affection by kissing the back of his hand.
“Stay with me”
Y/N hated how her own words rung in her head when she stared at the prison engulfed in flames. Alone in this hell again only brought back pain and anger. She needed to find her family or him and she won’t hesitate to continue spreading the fire in order for such to happen.
When the night crawled in and the prison was back to state it was in before they moved in…the beast from that night approached the prison in a hurry as if it were looking for her. Something was off with it that it didn’t hesitate to rip apart every walker that came in its way, the growling gave away its hidden feelings about the event…he experienced.
As much as the prison was in ruin, he destroyed the place when he caught onto a familiar scent that was driving him nuts if it meant she was under it all. The growling grew louder with frustration but he finally caught onto where the scent was coming from.
Blood. But no body. She got out.
Even with relief the wolf was still enraged.
She was out there and so are the monsters that hurt her
The news of this Sanctuary reached everyone from her family that when Y/N came across it, she thought it was a safe bet to head in that direction to reunite with them.
When she found herself in a ruined neighborhood, she half expected walkers instead of people when she went to check the noise coming from one of the homes. Thankfully, Carl lowered his readied gun partially dropping it before hugging Y/N. Michonne following his lead on the affection.
“God I’m lucky I found you” Y/N smiles, on the verge of tears which led her smile to quickly fade to an unwelcome thought. “Have you—-“
“We haven’t see anybody else. But there are signs for this sanctuary. They might be there” Michonne reassures as she brought Y/N into another hug.
There seemed to be a trend of bad things occurring and running into…an old group of squatters, hell a few of them were psychopaths had caught them on the road to the sanctuary. The leader had already ordered a few to grab Carl and Michonne while he had his grasp on Rick. He gave Y/N a look while Billy, one of the Claimers are what they’re called, grabbed her harshly pinning her against the car.
“Remember Len? The one that wanted to do all kinds of things to your sweet little ass?” Joe laughs. “He’s a non-issue…but knowing you’re part of his crowd? Oh we’re gonna do all kinds of things once we’re done with boss man here”
Y/N couldn’t help the tears as it was clear to Michonne and Rick that these were the men that harmed her a while back. Michonne tried to rush to her when Billy forced her on the ground and pinned her there but Tony had his gun readied at Michonne’s head that there wasn’t a window.
Until he made himself known.
“Joe…what the hell are you doing?”
“This is the guy that killed Lou, Daryl…he shall pay for what he’s done” Joe stated and Daryl was going to say more on why they shouldn’t but noticed finally who Billy was pinning to the ground.
Daryl had enough. He had enough.
The archer dropped his crossbow and slowly made his way toward the leader but when one tried to intervene…all hell broke loose.
One of the claimers went to grab Daryl when he forcefully grabbed his wrist, snapping his arm with an unexplainable strength that soon made sense when the man started to shift. The wolf…werewolf from before was Daryl and the only few that knew were Rick and Carol, Michonne when he went full beast during the medicine run, and now Carl…and now her.
Y/N stayed in her place as she felt the man pinning her suddenly lift off of her and torn in half by Daryl biting down on his upper half. Then the bottom being practically torn off the upper from the throw.
“Son of a—-“ Joe couldn’t even finish his sentence before Rick got to end his life with a bite that does compared to the wolfman’s.
Daryl lunged at the man towering Carl after grabbing Tony and practically throwing him into a tree, giving Michonne her window to grab the boy keeping him out of harms way. Y/N was frozen in place for a moment while the wolf, her wolf, took out most of the claimers with either his teeth or his claws.
His ears twitched when he heard her scream from the remaining Claimer grabbing her and using her as a shield to get out of there. But as he approached the two on all fours watching the knife the Claimer wield press itself into her neck. Y/N instantly stomped on the guy’s foot causing him to release temporarily but enough for her to duck when Daryl ran on all fours jumping the man not even hesitating to rip him in pieces.
Once Rick made sure his son and Michonne were okay, he quickly went to check on Y/N who simply watched Daryl do his thing and sniff out for anymore claimers. She didn’t radiate any fear toward this form and that surprised the retired sheriff.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not my secret.”
“…is that why he left on all those runs? To find them, avenge me?” Y/N frowns watching him step into the woods. “There’s so much explaining he has to do”
“You know he’d never lie to you. He cares about you…in his own way”
Y/N gave Rick a quick look as he understood which led him to go back to his family while she went after Daryl.
Daryl had only stepped away to shift back and let the pain of shifting back causing him to stumble. Eventually falling onto his knees expecting no one to have followed him because hell, who would want to see him that way? He flinched to the sudden touch on his shoulder which led to a quick knife draw but he stopped himself when he noticed it was Y/N. He dropped his knife and quickly scrambled to his feet circling her person to make sure she was okay but she was getting overwhelmed by his action that she quickly took a hold of his hand making him stop.
“Daryl…why didn’t…why didn’t you just tell me? Or show me that night weeks ago…”
“I didn’t want to scare you off…” Daryl hung his head down feeling her arms snake around him as she slotted herself in his embrace because he instinctively brought his arms around her. “Y/N…I…I don’t want this to change anything”
“It doesn’t. All it does is make me worry for you…” She frowns looking him in the eye as confusion written itself on his face toward her worry. “I don’t want you to get hurt”
“I won’t, sunshine. It’ll take a lot to get me down”
“I’ll always come back to you. One way or another”
Y/N held onto him for a little while longer until they regrouped with the others for the night. Even then, he kept close to her not wanting anything to happen to her during the night.
He’s never letting another person lay their hands on her. Unless they’re asking to be bitten.
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sachirobabe · 7 hours
Chapter 9
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Wc: 2640
Curseless au
Summary: Amidst the zombie apocalypse, your courage shines as you not only saves lives but capture the heart of Gojo Satoru. Together with his first-year students, you all embark on a perilous journey, not only for survival but in a quest for a cure that adds a poignant layer to the unfolding romance.
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Taglist: @spindyl
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"You gotta shoot—"
"You haven't turned yet." Satoru swallows the lump in his throat and shakes his head. "Y/n, please do something." He turns to you, fear evident in his eyes.
"Let me see." You approach him.
"No." He sternly says, stepping back. "It won't be much longer before I turn. Stay away." There's tears welling up in his eyes.
Nobara turns away from the group, collapsing on the ground, choking on her sobs. She grabs onto Itadori, shaking.
You forcefully grab his hand and inspect it, it was a straight cut down his hand. "There's no teeth marks." You say to Satoru, he's next to you pacing back and forth. "I don't think you got bit. It's a deep scratch."
"Still, one of those things touched me." Megumi says.
"Do you feel any different?" You ask him, setting your backpack down to find your things to clean and bandage him up.
"I-I don't know." He says stressed.
"Can he still turn if he got scratched?" Nobara asks, wiping her tears.
"Not likely, but it can get infected more easily." You say, "Itadori, go find me a chair please." He nods, having hope that Megumi will be alright.
Satoru remains silent, watching you carefully clean his wound. He's terrified, the thought of losing one of his students was his worst nightmare. Especially Megumi, he had taken the roll of his father.
"He's going to be okay." You tell Satoru and he simply nods.
"Here." Itadori brings over a chair and helps Megumi sit down.
"This is gonna sting a bit." You say and pour the liquid over his wound, Megumi hisses and shuts his eyes. Now that his wound was clean it was much easier to see how deep the cut was.
You frown as blood continued to spill out, "You're gonna need some stitches."
"Now?" Megumi's eyes widen.
"I don't know, I was thinking maybe next week at 2:00 pm." You sarcastically say.
"Not funny." Satoru frowns.
"Sorry. Yes now." You say.
"Have you ever done stitches on somebody that wasn't yourself?" Megumi asks.
"You're really worried about that dude? You almost fucking died." Itadori smacks the back of his head.
"You're lucky I'm injured." Megumi glares at him.
You have Satoru hold your things for you while you got to work on Megumi's hand, you warned him that it wasn't going to feel very good.
He shuts his eyes the whole time, making a fist with his other hand and digging his nails into his palm to help relive some pain.
You tied it off and applied some ointment, "Take these." You hand him some pain killers and he swallows them.
As soon as he stood up from his chair, Satoru engulfed him in a hug. You softly smile, he really cares for his students. Megumi was surprised and a little grumpy, but he returned the hug. You noticed Satoru wipe his eyes quickly, thinking nobody saw him.
"Don't do that again." Satoru clears his throat. "Thank you, Y/n."
"Yeah, thank you." Megumi says.
"You're an idiot." Nobara hits Megumi, but ends up hugging him with Itadori.
"Where are we?" You ask, putting your things away and arming yourself again.
"Looks like our base back home, but bigger." Nobara remarks.
"There's a door that way." Itadori says and begins leading the way.
You're all cautious in case anybody else is there, the door opens and reveals a huge room, there were tons of rooms. It looked like your base back home.
After ensuring nobody else was in the building, you wandered off to explore. There was even more food and supplies, but one particular room made you stop in your tracks.
It was a lab. The one Shoko had been showing you. 'This is the base Nanami was talking about.' You think to yourself. Suddenly, you grew excited, this place would be perfect.
"Satoru!" You run back to him, he was inspecting the kitchen. "This is the base Nanami was talking about."
"What?" He says confused.
"Nanami and Shoko wanted to check out this base. We're in the base." You say.
"And there's nobody here?" He asks, raising his weapon now.
"I don't think so." Itadori says, coming back with the other two first-years.
"Get into formation." Satoru says, you lift a brow as the four of them get ready. "Follow us." He makes eye contact with you.
You simply nod and hold up your gun, joining them as you go room to room, inspecting every crevice for other people or zombies. You feel Nobara holding her breath before every room and then releasing it once there's nothing.
It took awhile to make sure the place was empty, but it was worth making sure it was. "Well?" You face Satoru.
"I think we could make this work." He pulls you in for a hug, melting from the smell of you. "We'll make it." He whispers for you to hear, then pulls away reluctantly.
Nobara eyes Itadori as they both watched the scene unfold in front of them, she gives him a look indicating that they'll debrief about this later.
Megumi returns from upstairs, a frown evident on his face. "Guys," he gets everyone's attention, "I think we're trapped here."
"What do you mean?" Itadori furrows his brows.
"Follow me." Megumi leads the way up the stairs. You all are able to lookout from the secure tower, you see the entire place surrounded by zombies.
"What the hell?" You say, "Why aren't they leaving?"
"No idea, but we can't leave." Megumi says.
Satoru rubs his forehead, muttering curses underneath his breath.
"Can we take them?" Itadori clenched his jaw, looking determined already.
"There's no way." Nobara shook her head.
"Absolutely not. We've risked enough for today." Satoru says, "We've gotta figure out a way to contact the others."
"Do you think they'll still be at the radio tower?" You ask, eyeing the machines next to you that would be able to contact them.
Satoru checks his watch, "We have 30 minutes before we're supposed to meet back up with them."
"It's worth a shot." Megumi turns on the machine and messes with the frequencies. He nods towards Satoru and he begins speaking.
"Nanami? Are you there? Over." It's quiet and staticky, he tries again another two more times, but nothing.
"Next one." You say to Megumi and he toggles the radio. Eventually, the static became a norm as the 5 of you continued to reach Nanami and the others.
"Anyone—hear." You briefly heard over the static. "Wait Megumi, listen." You make him pause mid switch and he does what you tell him.
"Located near—" it cuts off again, "Go ahead one more." Nobara and Itadori circle around the table.
"Hello, hello, can anyone out there hear me? Over." The person says clear as day.
"That has to be Nanami!" You gasp and then quickly hit Satoru's shoulder so he'd be able to make his message.
Before Nanami can give his second message, Satoru interrupts him. "Yes, do you copy? Over."
You're all anticipating his next words, if they even come, "Loud and clear, who's speaking? Over." You all cheer for a quick moment then get back down to the matter at hand.
"We got someone!" Nanami gets Maki's attention and she tells the rest of the group to listen.
"It's Satoru Gojo, we ran into a predicament, over."
Nanami frowns when he hears his name, "Never mind, it's this idiot." The group groaned, excitement leaving their bodies.
The conversation between the two went back and forth a few times before Nanami ultimately decided that he and his group would lure the zombies away from the gate, giving you guys just enough time get the hell out of there.
"No casualties please." Satoru mutters underneath his breath before placing a hand on the small of your back to lead you to the front door. "We escape on my word, got it?" He faces the first-years and they all nod.
Satoru gives you a firm nod and you open the door, one by one everyone walked towards the fence and stood, awaiting their teachers orders.
You searched for a familiar blonde near the crowd of zombies and finally spotted him and the rest of the crew.
"You're late!" Nanami yells at Satoru, "I said be back at 3:30!". This causes Satoru to frown. The group creates a commotion to get the zombies attention and it works slowly, the ones further in the back seemed to quickly move towards them.
After a few minutes the crowd begins to dwindle, you draw your bow and begin firing arrows to back up some zombies and eliminate them. Nobara joins in and begins to throw some of her knives, effectively taking them down.
The guns would draw too much attention and bring the zombies that Nanami lured out to come back.
"Now! Go!" Satoru yells, you yank open the gate and allow everyone to get out.
"Meet us on the 5th block!" Shoko yells and you all begin running away from the zombies. You shut the gate closed and follow behind them.
As you ran you shot a few arrows to keep the distance between danger larger, you're quickly running out, making you worry.
Your lungs burn the longer you're having to run, Satoru is keeping his eye on you, making sure you're not too far behind. You're busy shooting off the zombies, after you fired your last arrow you quickly caught up to the group.
You met up with Nanami and his group completely winded and out of breath. Everyone had their hands on their knees, desperate for air.
"Thank you." Satoru says to the other group.
"Everybody good?" Maki asks, eyeing all of you in case someone is acting off.
"Yeah, all good." You say, finally being able to breathe.
"Let's head back. Quickly." Nanami suggests. The walk/jog back to base was quiet. Everybody in their own thoughts.
Being in the semi-comfort of the base eased your anxiety. The kids were safe and sitting in the living room, talking quietly about what happened.
You were lost in thought, thinking back to the situation where you could've seriously gotten hurt. You put them all in danger, a feeling of regret pooled in your stomach, making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
"Y/n?" Nanami brings you back to reality, "Did you hear what I said?"
You quickly shake your head, "No, I'm sorry, I was-uh distracted." You cleared your throat, "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah," He waves you off, "I just asked if you were up to catch us some dinner."
"Oh yeah, of course." You quickly get up from your seat and prepare to leave.
"I'm coming with." Satoru smiles.
"No, it's okay." You brush him off. You don't wanna put any of them in danger again.
"What?" He chuckles.
"I kinda want to be alone, just for a little—"
"Absolutely not. Nobody goes anywhere alone." He crosses his arms.
"Then I'll ask Nanami or Shoko to go with me." You say, continuing to pack.
"Excuse me?" He scoffs.
"I didn't mean it like that. I like having you there, but I don't really feel like talking and I know Nanami or Shoko won't ask anything." You explain, finally facing him.
"I'm going." He stands his ground, towering over you. He's so close to you that you can smell the snack he ate earlier.
"It's fine. I'm sure you're tired anyway." You cross your arms, mirroring him.
"Tired?" He laughs, "You must not know me, sweetheart. I'm going." The look in his eyes tell you that he is not backing down.
"Okay." You say, and begin to head out. He follows behind you, offended that you even thought of bringing somebody else with you.
The door slams, catching everybody's attention in the room. "What just happened?" Shoko furrows her brows.
"No idea." Megumi says, eyes trained on the door.
You put some distance between the two of you, noticing it was later than you'd like when hunting, you let out a frustrated sigh. Satoru frowns at your behavior, wanting to be close to you.
He shakes his head, 'What's wrong with me?' He doesn't even get a chance to blink before you had already caught dinner, walking past him without a word.
He clenches his jaw and jogs up to you, "What's wrong?" He whispers.
"Nothing. It's been a long, tiring, eventful day." You say.
"Did I do something?" He asks.
"Then why the cold shoulder?" He asks and he's met with silence on your end. He's had enough, he moves in front of you, holding you in place so you can't leave. "What's wrong." He asks again, this time you can tell he's not playing around.
"Nothing." You roll your eyes and try to walk away. His grip on you was unwavering, he was insanely strong. "Can we maybe not do this now? Especially when we're out in the open?!" You free yourself from him and begin to walk away.
His eyes widen at your annoyance, enforcing the distance even more than when you did at the beginning of the hunt.
You feel terrible for snapping at him, your eyes water as you continue walking back. A small part of you wanted him to come back up to you and try again, now you're sure he hates you.
As you enter, you quickly tell Nanami that you're not feeling too well so you were going to lay down for a bit before your watching shift. Satoru frowns at your absence, but decides to still give you some space.
You were able to sleep for a few hours, but your nightmare of what happened earlier woke you up in cold sweat. You catch your breath for a few seconds and calm your anxiety, you realize you're parched and get up to grab a water.
Satoru sat on the couch, a frown still evident on his face, but his eyes lighten up the second he sees you pass by. He gives you a small smile and watches you drink from your water quickly.
He stands up and walks toward you with a plate in hand. "It's not warm anymore, but I figured you'd be hungry." You see the food you had caught earlier.
"I'm not really hungry right now, but thanks." You take the plate and sit down at the table, he mirrors you and sat down as well.
He gives you a small smile, finally content that you were talking to him again. His attention went out the window, watching the snow fall slowly.
"I'm sorry for earlier." You snap his attention back towards you, "I just didn't want to endanger you more than I already did."
"Endanger me?" He moves closer to you. "You're talking about what happened at the mall, right?"
Your stomach churns as you begin to replay the scene in your head. "That was really fucking stupid of me, I'm really sorry." You rub your eyes, trying your best to keep your tears from falling.
"Don't talk about yourself like that." He clenches his jaw, "We're gonna run into trouble everywhere we go. That was not your fault."
"I left my weapons, who does that?!" You say, your teary eyes looking into his big blue ones, he fights everything in him to pull you into his chest and hold you.
"It was a mistake, but you're not stupid or weak." He reassures you. "And we're all gonna make them, not just you, alright?"
It was quiet for a few moments, you were beginning to calm down. "Besides," he gets your attention, "they were weak anyway." He makes you chuckle, bringing a smile onto his face. "There she is." He pinches your cheek and you jokingly push him away.
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 3k
𝙩/𝙬: use of helium, rough tickling, bondage in the second half
𝒍𝒆𝒆: skz
𝙡𝙚𝙧: skz
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee @moony-9 @sunny-117
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s 🐾
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“Ehehehe!!” Jeongin giggled in a high-pitched tone. “Wahh, you sound so cute with the helium!” Channie laughed. 
“I guess! But I think you’d sound cuter.” Jeongin teased, the entire group holding the balloons filled with the gas. 
“Should we take turns? Who’d you think would sound cuter with the helium?” Minho asked, holding his balloon end tightly. “Let’s have a competition! We’ll tickle the person for thirty seconds and determine who sounds cutest.”
“Okay, okay. What happens to the members with the cutest voices?” Jisung replied, squeaking when a hand squeezed at his side from behind. 
“Mmm. They get tickled even more. Tied up. For…five minutes?” Seungmin suggested, regretting the words the second they came from his lips. “Wait, wait. No—” 
“Perfect!” Minho exclaimed. “What? Scared you’ll lose?” Seungmin laughed nervously. “N-No.”
“Then there’s the punishment! Or…is it a reward?” Hyunjin fumbled, almost letting go of his balloon end and squealing in surprise. 
“Who cares?” Minho snickered. “Channie, Channie. Go first.” 
Chan held the balloon end to his lips and sucked in the helium, pausing for a second before sighing. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.” 
Channie held his arms out to the sides and sat crossed on the floor. Minho sat behind him and pressed a kiss to the back of his head, preparing him for what was about to come. 
“Min, please go easy…” Chan whispered; his elbows were already bending and he was biting his lip to contain his anticipatory giggling. 
“Mmmm…nah.” Minho slid his hands happily into the leader’s exposed armpits through his tank top, the leader squealing and falling backwards into the dancer’s lap. 
Lino smiled fondly and snatched both of Chan’s wrists and pulled them out to continue his attack. 
“MIHIHIHIN!!~” He wailed, squirming and kicking with his high pitched tone. 
“Awww, hyung, you sound like Elmo!” Jisung was in stitches, clutching his stomach and holding in his laughter. 
“NAAAHAHAHA!!” Chan cackled, limp in Minho’s arms and gasping for air. 
“Okay, hyung, time’s up!” Felix announced, and Minho pressed one last ticklish kiss to Channie’s neck, earning a cute squeak before letting up, relishing in the leader’s faint smile and flushed cheeks. “Aaahaha…” 
“You’re too cute, hyung.” Minho laughed gently, rubbing at Chan’s back as he sat up. 
“Ahhaha—shuhushh…” Chan slurred, suddenly feeling very sleepy. He crawled over and slumped into Binnie’s lap, the rapper fondly playing with his hair. 
“It’s Minho hyung’s turn!” Jisung yelled, handing the dancer’s balloon back to him. 
“Okay…” Lino took a deep breath of the helium, flushing a deep red as Jisung sat behind him, slipping his hands up his shirt and massaging his sides gently. 
“Okahay, I’m ready…” Minho giggled, shuffling to the side. Felix shot them a thumbs up to signify the timer, and then all chaos unleashed. 
Hanji dug into the older’s sides as hard as he could. Minho lasted about three seconds until he screamed, laughing hard and twisting to the left. 
“AHHA—AAAAH HANNIE PLEHA-PLEHEHEASEEE!!” Minho giggled, grappling at Jisung’s hand when his finger jabbed his upper ribs. 
“So cute~” Hannie teased lowly into the dancer’s ear, causing the older to scrunch up with a heartwarming, high pitched giggle. 
“Yeah, yeah, he’s done.” Felix called, the sound of the timer ringing faintly in the background. 
“Already?” Jisung whined, Felix nodding sympathetically in reply. 
“Maybe that’s enough for the game, but not enough for me.” 
Jisung tackled the elder to the floor and continued his tickly assault, only this time he was attacking the backs of Min’s thighs. 
“WAHAHAHAIT!! JIHIHISUNG ST-HAHAAP!!” Minho protested, squealing when the quokka flipped him over and pulled his thin shirt up to reveal his tummy. 
”WAIT!!“ The dancer shrieked and dissolved into messy laughter when Jisung blew a long, ticklish raspberry onto his belly. 
“STAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEASE!!” Min yelped, cackling desperately as Hannie delivered raspberry after raspberry after raspberry. 
“SOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!” The dancer tugged crazily at the quokka’s hair, squirming weakly and screaming when another raspberry buzzed over his belly button. 
“Nah, your voice is too cute.” Binnie replied, the other members nodding in agreement as Jisung hummed into his hyung’s belly button again. Minho shrieked and shook his head back in forth in ticklish agony. 
“Okay, Hannie. He might actually die, you know?” Hyunjin eased the ace off of a gasping Minho, who grasped his chest and slumped exhaustively. 
“Binnieeee!” Felix giggled, walking over to the rapper and latching onto his arm. 
“Um…okay.” Changbin sighed, eyes widening when Minho cracked his knuckles, still panting slightly. He was reeaally regretting not helping him when Jisung almost killed him. 
Changbin sucked in his amount of helium and immediately burst into laughter; he realized how ridiculous he sounded. 
“Oho my gohod~!” He laughed, sighing again when Felix sat behind him, hands poised over his clothed sides. 
“Okahay okay okay!!” Binnie nodded, flinching when fingers promptly pinched the area gently, slipping under his shirt. 
He was doing a pretty decent job at holding onto his laughter…until Felix moved to his ribs instead. 
“aahaa—AHHH!! FEHELIX NO!!” He folded immediately, collapsing backwards into Lixie’s arms and scrunching his upper body up when the fingers attacked his armpits.  
Changbin giggled in his squeaky tone, causing all the members to coo gently at the helpless rapper. 
Lixie grinned wide and continued to tickle the shorter, relishing in the cute squeaks his helium filled voice produced. 
“The timer!” Jeongin called, but Felix leaned into Changbin to blow the softest of raspberries onto the rapper’s neck. 
“Fehehelix thehe tihihimerrr!!” Binnie whined, scrunching up with a squeal when the chick’s fingers scraped along his collarbone. 
“It’s just you and me, bunny.” Felix giggled along, Changbin snickering at the feeling on his neck. 
“Plehehease ihihits enohohoughhh!!” Changbin finally groaned, the light tickling tiring him out wayyy too quickly. 
“Okay, okay, you big baby.” Felix laughed, finally letting go of the teary-faced rapper. 
“My turn!” Hyunjin leaped, sucking in a mouthful of the helium from his balloon and giggling at the sound of his voice. 
“Aweee, now lay down.” Seungmin commanded, pulling Hyunjin’s arms to the sides and pinning them with his knees. 
“Wahait…what?” Hyune asked, confused. Changbin cackled as he sat comfortably on the dancer’s thighs. “Nonono, not Changbin hyung, pleheheaseee~” He begged to Channie, who shook his head playfully. 
“Too bad.” Changbin laughed, digging his fingers into Hyunjin’s hips and watching loud, screechy laughter pour from the dancer’s mouth. 
“NAAAAHAHAA PLEHE—AAAHAHAA!!” Any words Hyune had wanted to say were swallowed up by his hysterical, joyful laughter. 
“Nope. No ‘Please’, laugh for me.” Changbin replied, moving to Hyunjin’s neck and watching the boy scrunch up and squeal, a wide grin across his face. 
“Awwww, He’s too cute!” Chan cooed, camera out. 
“NOHOHO RECOHORDING!!” Hyunjin complained, choked bubbles of laughter interrupting him. 
“Nahhh I wanna keep this.” Channie laughed. 
Hyunjin squealed again when Bin stuck his fingers into his back, wiggling around and trying to get out of the older’s tight grab. 
“PLEEEAAASEE!! NAAAHAHAAHA!!” Hyunjin screeched, finally giving in, throwing his head back and laughing and laughing. 
“Given up? Say it and I’ll stop.” Changbin pressed into Hyune’s ribs and smiled softly. 
“Okay.” Changbin let go of the dancer’s ribcage, smoothing out Hyune’s clothing and gently rubbing at the sensitive skin. 
“Ahhhaha…thahank youhu hyung…” Jinnie breathed, shutting his eyes sleepily.  
Meanwhile, Jisung was screaming and pleading, already having swallowed his helium, his higher, velvety voice making the whole group coo as Minho tackled him into his lap, ready for revenge. 
The cat bent Hannie’s hands above his head and held his fingers above the quokka’s sensitive torso. “Ready, Jisungie?”
“Nohoho—!!” Jisung whined, Felix throwing them a thumbs up.
Lino’s fingers immediately found a familiar spot on Jisung’s sides, and he drilled into it hard, almost by habit. 
Hannie instinctively jolted and bit his lips through his wide smile, squeezing his eyes shut, shaking his head, but staying completely silent just to mess with Minho, who loved getting reactions from the boys. 
“Playing hard to get? I’ll make you cry no matter what…” Minho muttered, finding Hannie’s lower sides and pushing his fingers into it, earning a muffled squeal. 
Jisung’s face was getting redder and redder as he desperately tried to hold in his laughter in anticipation of the timer ending. 
If he didn’t laugh they couldn’t vote on him, could they?
Minho frowned, pushing Jisung to the floor and straddling his thighs, quickly throwing the boy’s shirt up and pressing his lips to the third rib from the top of Jisung’s ribcage. “Laugh for me, darling.” He blew. Hard. 
Jisung screamed and twisted his entire body away from the older’s lips. “SHUHUHUT AHAHAHAHAHAP!!” He squealed and closed his hands over his flaming face. 
Minho groaned, pulling his head from the boy’s ribs. “Noo, come on, hiding your face is against the rules! Let me see your smile~”
“THEHEHEHERE ARE NOHO RUHUHULES!!” JIsugn screeched when Minho blew one last raspberry onto his ribs before switching spots. 
His fingers pushed and squished Hannie’s belly button never, causing loud, boisterous i screams of laughter to echo throughout the room. Jisung was practically going insane, the tingling sensations only getting worse over time. 
“Of course there are rules!” Minho retorted, continuing to scribble around the quokka’s belly. 
“PLEHEASE OHOKAY STAHAHAHAA—!!” Jisung gasped, and Minho finally decided to let up, just to pull the younger into his lap and gently stroke his hair, kissing his head and apologizing in his ear if he was too rough. 
Felix giggled his head off the second he heard his own helium-filled voice, eyes sparkling as Chan took his seat behind him and pulled his hands above his head to mimic the starting position. 
“Ohokahayyyy!!” Felix started his own timer and held his arms up, bursting into cute laughter the second Chan’s fingers slid into his armpits. “WAHAIT!! Nohohot thehehere!!” He pleaded, Chan never letting up. 
“I cahahahan’t!!” Felix choked out through his giggles, arms trembling as he tried to keep them out of the way to give Chan a fair chance. 
The timer rang, and Chan knew the chick was about to tap out, so he let up, promising vengeance later on. 
Seungmin gulped down his helium as Hyunjin took his seat behind him. It took a few tries for the pup to pull his arms out of the way, but the second he did so, Hyune’s fingers were everywhere. 
Scribbling into his armpits, and when his arms slammed down he was tickling his neck, whispering in his ear. 
“Noohoh-OHOHO!!” Seungmin howled the moment Hyunjin found his belly button, shoving one finger into it and wiggling around it. “HYUHUHUHUNG NAAAHAHAHAH!!” Seungmin whined, grappling at the older’s wrist and tugging weakly. 
“Timer!” Felix called, and Hyunjin let up for the sake of finishing the game. 
“Pleahease goho eheasy!!” Jeongin giggled in anticipation, Changbin smiling gently at the maknae. “Okay, don’t worry.” 
Jeongin kept his arms up, slamming them down again the second Binnie’s fingers plunged into his armpits. “NOHOHOHO HYUNG YOU SAID YOU’D GOHO EASYYY!!” He complained, breathing out heavy cackles when Bin moved to his sides instead. 
“MAHAHAKE IHIT STOHOHOP!!” Innie jolted with a scream when Changbin switched to his hips, kneading into the bone and then his thigh. 
“I…don’t know where to go! You’re ticklish everywhere!” Changbin struggled, the thrashing maknae in his lap was probably not helping. 
“Should I get your neck?” He asked, earning a very giggly “NO!” from poor Innie. 
Jeongin squealed desperately and thrashed away from the older’s touch, falling backwards into his lap as tears of desperation fell down his cheeks, which prompted Changbin to finally let up. 
The entire group lay on the floor to catch their breath, Felix was scribbling away on a notepad, which he then ripped into eight pieces.
“Okay I’ve written all of our names on each slip, and Win/Lose next to them, just circle who you think had the cutest laugh.” He shrugged.  
Everyone thought for a few moments before circling their answer and handing it to Felix. 
“Okay, wow.” He suddenly looked at the group. “Hyunjin and Hannie tied.” Lixie laughed. 
“Okay okay! So me and Hyunjin will play a game and see who won then!” Jsuung frantically laughed, grabbing Hyunjin’s fist. “Rock, paper, scissors—”
“We’ll just get them both.” Chan called, tackling Hyunjin to the floor. “WAHAIT!!” The younger cried out, twisting under the leader’s grasp on the floor. 
Jisung pounded on Minho’s back as the older slung him over his shoulder as if he weighted nothing, carrying them both to Chan and Min’s room. 
“Why are we here?” Seungmin asked over the middles’ high-pitched squeals for mercy. Soon enough they would be squealing for ab entirely different reason. 
“Look, see those hooks on the ceiling? Perfect for tying, don’t ya think?” Chan grinned as Minho grabbed the black rope from the closet and set the two on the bed, sitting them up and tying their hands to the ceiling. 
“Ohhh…” Seungmin hummed, Jisung squeaking when his hands were successfully bound, followed by Hyunjin, high above his head. 
“PLEHEASE!! Don’t do this to us!” Hyunjin pleaded, Jisung squealing as his hands were tightened, his shirt lifting a little and exposing his lower belly. 
“No, this is too fun to let up!” Jeongin giggled, checking the bindings one more time before crowding around the two very vulnerable lees. 
Lixie pulled his phone out and set a timer for five minutes.  
“Mmm okay, Chan hyung, Seungmin and Jeongin, go to Hyunjin. Changbin, Felix and I will take Jisung.” Minho planned out. 
Jisung’s eyes widened when the three boys advanced, shrieking and trying to angle himself away from the wiggling fingers about to descend onto his hypersensitive body. 
Jisung whipped his head around and stared at the scene going on beside him. Chan had snuck his fingers up Hyunjin’s shirt and into his armpits, the maknaes both focusing their hands on the dancer’s sides. 
Hyunjin kicked out and twisted away as hard as he could, the rope unrelenting in letting his arms down. He was going crazy already, the stretched out position only making things much more sensitive. 
“WHA—STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Hyunjin shrieked through his hysterics, leaving Jisung to blush next to him as he watched the older lose his mind to the unrelenting tickles. 
“No can do.” Minho replied coldly, and Jisung was startled to hear the older’s voice so…close by? He whipped his head around just as Minho dropped to his knees on the bed, blowing a long, buzzing raspberry onto his belly. 
“Aahaha—HA!! WAHAHAHAIT GIHIVE ME A WAHARNING!!” Jisung squealed suddenly, tugging at his arms. 
“No warnings either.” Changbin laughed at the teary-eyed, desperate look Hannie gave him. The rapper decided to help by tickling the quokka’s armpits, followed by Felix in his belly button. 
Hyunjin screamed crazily, three heads pushed into his belly, blowing the longest, most torturous raspberries he had ever felt in his whole life. 
“PLEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!!” He couldn’t even form coherent words, all reasoning left his brain along with the tears splashing onto the bed beneath him. 
“Hey, if it drives Hyune insane let’s try it on Hannie!” Minho suggested enthusiastically, the quokka shaking his head desperately as the three neared his belly. 
“Please-please-please—NO!!” Jisung let out a helpless, hysterical scream when, just like Hyunjin, three pairs of lips began to blow raspberries onto his belly. 
Scream after scream ripped from Jisung’s throat, the sensations on his belly tickled so bad, too bad, he couldn’t handle it at all. 
“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AAHAHASTOHAHAHAH!!” Hannie howled loudly, tears dripping down his face slowly as he laughed himself silly; his cheeks hurt from the ear splitting grin he had plastered on his face. 
“IHIIHITS ENOHOUGH I CAHAHAHAN’T TAKE IT!! CAHANT TAKE IHIT PLEASE!!” Hyunjin pleaded, gasping for air and slumping a little. 
The timer rang, perfect timing. The lers immediately let up on the two exhausted boys in front of them. 
Jisung shut his eyes and slumped completely over the second his bonds were undone, Minho and Felix both rubbing his wrists while Changbin ran to get some hand cream for the quokka’s sore wrists. 
Hyunjin panted for air greedily, laying on Chan’s lap and relishing in the way the leader’s fingers raked gently through his hair, Seungmin and Jeongin each massaging an arm. 
“How did me and Hannie get punished for winning?!” 
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Linked Universe Links Custom Skates Explained!
yeah, i'm really milking this, aren't i? based on this post of mine!
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Close-ups and explanations under the cut!!
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Legend: his in-lines were half custom built, half attacked with leather/vinyl paint and stickers. Marin painted the hibiscus while Ravio put on the rupee sticker and Legend was gifted the pink bunny. The toe protector was an add on by Ravio to tie in the magenta wheels. They’re a bit of a hodgepodge but Legend likes them.
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Hyrule: his are hand-me-downs from someone in the chain. Wild, probably. Once he can actually skate he’s planning on getting a nice pair for himself. According to Legend these skates were once a nice light yellow.
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Warriors: CUSTOM SUEDE MOXI SKATES. Yes i am dropping names in this lmao. He originally started the sparkly wheel kick the chain seems to be on. His other skate has the reverse stopper (stopper on the back) as his are specifically made for dancing. He religiously takes care of the suede and keeps his bearings perfectly cleaned and oiled, and his trucks perfectly loosened to his liking. Yes they were over $500. Yes they were worth it. If you were wondering: yes. The wheels light up too. i want them so badlyyyy
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Wind: they were a regular pair of Rio skates that he let Tetra take leather paint to. She tried to paint the ocean but it turned out more like blue flames. Whatever, he likes them. They go fast and he had fun making them his. Once he stops growing he’s gunning for a better pair though, ones that go EVEN FASTER. my friend @/lunalia_121 on twitter helped me figure out the design of these!
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Time: He bought his Riedells back in ‘86 and he’s NOT giving them up. These things go for $2000 now! He recently had to replace his wheels since they finally wore out (again, they’re ancient), Warriors convinced him to join the sparkly side. He has long ass laces that he has to wrap around his boot at least twice before they’re even manageable. Next time Warriors is gonna need to bring him to get new stoppers, they are just about worn out too. He also likes keeping his trucks nice and loose, a trait Warriors learned from him.
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Wild: As i said; derby style skates. Flora painted the silent princess on his heel for good luck and he personally seeks out to murder anyone who makes him scuff it by accident. He skates for the Sheika team and therefore their logo is both on his helmet and scribbled onto his skates. tie up your goddess-damned laces
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Twilight: HOWDY. YOU ASK I DELIVER, WHAT CAN I TELL YA? But no, I un-ironically love these. He found them on the internet and fixed them up. He loves them so much, the matte leather is always taken care of perfectly. When he’s not wearing them he keeps a skate key in them. Since they were kinda cheaply made the trucks and shocks are always wonky so he has to fix them up at the beginning of every night. He’s saving up to rebuild them.
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Four: padded vinyl skates. They were originally made as dancing skates, but he just uses them for leisure. One of Warrior’s friends outgrew them so they sold them to Four for a good price. They’re a little much with all the gold and embellished stitching, but he likes them. He keeps up the different coloured wheels even if it means he buys Four packs when he needs more. Though, he doesn't have to buy a new set the next four times the wheels go wonky.
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Sky: gimme these i need them so bad please please PLEASE!!! They were just plain blue Impalas when he bought them, Sun said they were too plain. Sky painted the design on the tongue and the clouds, Sun found the wings in a skate store and added on the details so they looked more like Sky’s bird, Crimson. Another perpetrator of the sparkly wheel agenda.
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the art of this took six hours from start to finish, so yeah, I'm really proud of it! i may end up making more of these if you like them, and if you draw any of the characters in these, tag me!!!!
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maleyanderecafe · 18 hours
Oh also!! the visual novel M3nticid3 also has a really cute male yandere character, though you only realize he’s a yandere if you get the bad ending too. It was a really surprising twist!
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Oh, I did actually see this on tumblr a while back and was planning on playing it (along with my ginormous list of backlog games.) The art style looked fun but boy was I not expecting it to go into that kind of dark territory. It's a pretty fun short game though and I really hope to see more from this creator and world. If you are interested in it please check it out at @gr33n-schema and you can play the game here.
The story starts out with Inari having a flashbacks of sorts. While in New York, the entire world basically went under a bomb attack, with her last memories of her trying to call her dad. The game continues suddenly with an automated screen, telling the patient, Inari to take a morality dilemma test, involving questions relating to various morality questions. After answering them, she wakes up to the two scientists who are observing her. After pretending to swallowing some pills, she is about to go back to her room when suddenly she sees a fight break out between patients. It seems that one of them had some sort of bad reaction with the medication and has started killing other patients and doctors. After the patient is sedated, Inari is sent to a new part of the facility where she is grouped with three other patients: Kzkr, an aloof and a bit rough patient, Oorr, a sedated patient that pretty much lives in a vegetable state and Fefo, a really shy and skiddish patient. After meeting her roommates, she finds a keycard under her gown which she keeps a secret and plans her escape.
We go to the next day at the cafeteria where Inari watches as Fefo gets bullied and drops his food. To prevent Fefo from attempting to eat pizza off the floor, Inari gives Fefo her portion of the food. The two talk about what little they can remember or recall from the outside world, with Inari remembering there is better pizza, though not recalling the specific things relating to it. Oorr gets taken by the scientists to get medication and as the days go on, Inari must take a surpression therapy, essentially repeating phrases from a book. At night, Kzkr talks to Inari about his nightmares that he has, stating it's one of the only things he remembers. The two of them talk about how important memories are despite the ones they remember being bad. The next day, they get jenga and play together. Afterwards, Inri talks to Fefo about his bullying as well as Kzkr's treatments, as he is being drugged, causing him to be much more complacent.
At night, Inari catches Fefo and Kzkr trying to escape, with Kzkr threatening to kill Inari with a makeshift knife if she rats them out. Inari instead tells them off about how their plan won't work without her, and uses her card to get them out and aim for the laundry chute to escape. Thanks to Kzkr's knowledge of the guard schedules, they are able to get down to the basement level no problem. The basement is rather disgusting and Inari even finds mounds of flesh, which are presumed to be discarded patients and a strange being before running back into the group. After checking in the rooms, they come across a strange green triangle that makes them feel painful, before Inari is able to shut it off. While getting lost, Kzkr and Fefo talk to each other and we find out that Fefo has a habit of stealing things, which is why he ends up getting bullied. He ends up even stealing a pair of Inari's panties which she does not appreciate and takes back. In one of the rooms they unlock, they find a map of the facility, but soon after must hide after a giant monster comes into view. They are able to avoid it and head to the kitchen next where they find a shotgun with a single shell. Soon after, the monster comes back and Inari shoots it, only to realize that the monster itself seems to be a patient that has been stitched together with other patients, leading it to be in agonizing pain. They are able to hide in the fridge, but Kzkr ends up getting hurt, and Inari has no choice but to use her panties to help bandage the wound.
After wandering around again, they come across another green sign. After painstakingly unlocking it, they end up in a room with three guards. The guards use a remote to shock collar Oorr. Inari tries to bluff that she'll shoot them with her empty gun, but the guards don't buy it. This leads to Fefo killing and slitting the guards throats, stabbing them multiple times in the process. This is where Inari can either decide to help the others or herself.
If she decides to help herself, she will end up eating the drugs she refused to do so before, leading her into a sedated state. Because of this, Fefo continues to kill and stab the guards long after they're dead. Kzkr tries to stop him, but he turns on him, getting jealous and annoyed at his previous counting to check the guards and how he actually enjoyed life in the facility. He gets incredibly jealous that Inari apparently spent more time with Kzkr than him, even believing that the two slept together when Inari was comforting Kzkr that one night. We learn that the memory that Fefo remembers is killing his bullies, threatening to kill Kzkr the same way, getting angry at Inari touching him and even having her panties wrapped around his wound. All this escalates to Fefo slitting Inari's throat and stabbing him multiple times. Meanwhile, the shocks to Oorr's collar don't stop, eventually leading to his head exploding. Kzkr uses the last of his strength to cuff Fefo to himself so he can't attack Inari, with Fefo having a complete meltdown afterwards. The creature ends up coming due to the noise and killing Fefo, eating his insides. The last one remaining, Inari takes the knife to stab out both of her eyes before dying herself.
If she decides to help the others, she will use the drugs on Fefo, forcing him to swallow them down. Kzkr is able to grab the remote to unlock Oorr's collar and throwing it away before it explodes. Oorr, now finally have shaken off the drugs is able to carry Fefo as the sprinklers go off. The monster starts to go after them and they all flee the facility and outside. They are greeted by the two scientists that aided Inari during the trials, as it seems that they had planned this escape for a long time. They talk about how they are dedicated to stopping the terrorist group, the one that caused the explosions in New York that Inari remembers and they all escape the facility.
I will say that I was not expecting this game to go that dark, especially on the bad ending. The character sprites themselves have a pretty cute look to them, which adds to the charm of the story itself. The whole thing is a cool take on the sort of experimentation and the whole endeavor seems to still be shrouded in mystery. Even based off what we learn in the game, we have no idea why these guys were captured. It's implied that they were taken to use and become terrorists as well, likely bombing other areas too, which is likely what the drugs and the various tests are, but why they chose these specific patients are pretty unknown. We barely know the backstory of most of these characters either or even their real names, much less the strange monster that was found under the facility itself and what's going on with the green light. These kinds of questions are not really related too much the main plot of the story, which is just these four trying to escape the facility, but it does make for pretty cool world expansion, especially since we don't know anything about this terrorist group and it makes me want to learn more. I also wonder if the animal choice will be relevant in the future as well since it does seem to be a specific decision with each type of animal. Like I said, a lot of mysteries that I would love to see more of.
Now let's talk about Fefo. Fefo as a yandere seems to have basically come out of left field, but there are a lot of small hints this was the case even from the beginning. The most obvious one is Fefo stealing things, specifically from Inari, something that he wails and moans about when Inari forces him to give it back to her. In terms of his memories, while we don't really know for certain, it seems that each patient has a core memory that they dream about, as we see with Inari and Kzkr, though they don't tend to be particularly pleasant memories overall. Fefo's memory seems to be of killing his old bullies, making him dangerous indeed. It is ironic that even at current he wasn't even aware he was being bullied until Inari pointed it out. We do see that Fefo does have a crush on Inari in very brief moments, seeing him blush a lot compared to someone like Kzkr, who Inari seems to spend more meaningful time with. Unfortunately for Fefo, Inari seems to be the type of person who finds Fefo annoying, especially since she views him as cowardly most of the time. I think as well Fefo only has a good relationship with Inari out of the three of the other members. I'm not sure if the sudden bloodlust came out of the desire to keep Inari for himself or not, or if it was something he kept inside for a while. It does make me wonder in the good route when he's knocked out by Inari if this yandere behavior will persist in the future, seeing that none of the characters are aware with his obsession with Inari at that point. Kind of fun to think about. The bad ending on the other hand is completely brutal, with Fefo directly or indirectly getting everyone killed thanks to Inari's choice to drug herself. Fefo himself also meets a cruel fate at the hands of the monster who not only guts him but eats his brains as well. How terrible. He is definitely incredibly jealous and capricious, possessive over Inari and the fact that he could try to keep her here in the facility afterwards and completely paranoid. The off the rail yandere action caught me off guard, since besides some brief creepy moments with the panties, he seemed pretty shy and meek, very cute in my opinion. I do like more meek yanderes that turn completely crazy so that kind of stuff is up my alley.
In any case, it's a very good game and something I wish to see more about. It was very interesting doing the various morality tests in the very beginning and seeing how everything unravels, given that the characters themselves are not completely aware of what's going on, only the idea of getting out. I really am excited to see more of this as it comes out!
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craziechwiv · 3 days
The Paladin and their Succubus Frenemy - 5 Pt.1
Early in the morning, as Ruby was sleeping soundly in her new bed, she was rudely awakened by the large pounding of one of her teammates. If she had to guess on who, it'd be the...short redhead one...what's her name again?
Dwarf Nora: Ruby? RUBY! It's Nora, time to get up~! We're needed by Priestess Glynda!
Ruby: W-Whuh? Why?
Ruby: Right, right! I'm getting dressed now!
Ruby sighed to herself about the immediate wakeup call from her teammate but sucked it up. If she'd want her stay among their ranks to be permanent, then she'd have to act the part and be ready for anything they go through. Even if that means saying goodbye to her precious beauty sleep, although she doesn't need it to gain Jaune's affection anyhow~.
Ruby took some time to stretch out her wings and claws, as she then retracts them back as if they weren't shown at all. Within due time, she got dressed in her standard outfit, putting on some basic armor on top of it, and put on some arm braces in quick haste and exited her bedroom. As she ran through the hallway towards the living room, she saw her team already waiting for her.
Jaune was in his usual Paladin armor, a iron like chest piece with arm and leg bracing strapped tightly on him. He held his shield in one hand and sword sheathed but ready for combat. Ruby had to admit it made him look more hotter when he was in this than his regular hoodie with a knitted bunny pattern on it. Although, both made him more adorable~.
Pyrrha was decked out and had a serious look on her face, wearing an iron type of gladiator wear with some stitched in cloth around some lining. She held onto her spear tightly in one hand and her shield in the other.
Ren was getting done wrapping his hands in wrap while Ruby saw one set of light green daggers besides him. He was also dressed in cloth clothing with flower petals stitched onto the center. Ruby had to admit, the petals were a nice touch.
Non-biased opinion of course...
As for Nora, she was rocking a lamellar helm with some armor matching it. However, she also wore a secondary layer of quilted cloth that was underneath the lamellar. Once she was done dressing up, she grasped a large hammer in both of her hands, before yelling out some war cry? Ruby couldn't tell as she covered her ears from how loud she screamed.
Paladin Jaune: Great, you're here. You're ready to go?
Reaper Ruby: Yep! Just quick question, what's happening? I only got that it's important and we're meeting a Priestess.
Champion Pyrrha: We can't say for sure, but if we're called in together, it certainly isn't bandits this time.
Reaper Ruby: So, demons?
Monk Ren: That is what we're pointing towards at the moment. But let's go to the Priestess first. we can't waste any more time.
Paladin Jaune: Right, c'mon guys! If it is demons, we'll think of a plan on the way.
With the confusion out of the way, the team all rushed out of their dorm and headed straight towards the main area of the Cathedral. Ruby looked around and saw many members of the place, the art on the walls, and of course the stained glass depicting the four heroes. Again, she'd had to admit they we're doing well here. She had to remind herself to 'reward' Jaune on asking her to join their team.
Before she knew it however, they approached a pair of doors guarded by some knights. The knights opened the door, letting the members in one by one. Before Ruby could enter, one of the knights stopped her, raising his sword as she raised her hands up on instinct.
R. Knight: I haven't seen you 'round here. State your rank her!
Reaper Ruby: I'm with them, I swear! I-I'm a new member, ask the leader!
The Knight turned his head towards Jaune who nodded his head back at them. The Knight looked at Ruby intensely as if he was peering into her soul but sheathed his sword and let her pass into the room.
R. Knight: Apologies.
Reaper Ruby: It's okay, I would be paranoid too.
After that brief hiccup, the group arrived into a large room, with many tables and chairs arranged in corners. In the far back was a lone woman, reading a note on her desk as she looked distressed. As she looked up, she saw the team and Ruby approach her. She sighed, taking her attention away from the note and stood up, walking towards them. The five stopped in line, with Ruby stumbling of course that led to a snicker from Nora, and the Priestess stood across from them.
Priestess Glynda: I'm glad you all could make it in short notice, not to mention on your day off as I apologize for. But we've got a note sent to by a scout of a nearby settlement.
Monk Ren: What's the state of the scout?
Priestess Glynda: He is being treated now, but he was severely harmed. It's a miracle he had the strength to endure it, nay, even walk such a distance for our help.
Paladin Jaune: Poor guy...
Priestess Glynda: Indeed. I'll cut to the main problem since you all possibly already figured it out on the way here. It is demons, a bulk of them. From what the note said, their warriors and those lending a hand managed to slay a decent chunk of them, but there is still at least 20 more roaming the settlement. They've seeked shelter in a cabin and barricaded it. They don't know how long they can last, and they have some of their fighters severely injured with limited supplies.
The team all stood still as statues as Ruby heard it all intently, trying to remain as professional as possible.
Priestess Glynda: You all know what must happen now, save those poor souls and make sure each of those vile demons is sent with a mark from your weapons.
As the Priestess finished her orders, her gaze peered onto Ruby, who jolted. She walked over to her and stared at her for a reasonable amount of time, making the demoness in disguise scared before she spoke again.
Priestess Glynda: I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met yet. Are you a volunteer adventurer here to help or...?
Paladin Jaune: Actually, she's our brand-new member!
Priestess Glynda: Really?
Reaper Ruby: Uh, yes! I am here to help out with whatever I can. Although, I may not be as efficient as the others, I can still fight!
The Priestess showed a slight smirk towards Ruby but backed away from her, clapping her hands together.
Priestess Glynda: Well, that's just wonderful to hear we still have some people not in it for money nor fame to help save others. I welcome you to our ranks. What is your name?
Reaper Ruby Ruby, Ruby Rose ma'am.
Priestess Glynda: Well, I hope you survive your first mission. It'd be a shame to lose such a bright spirit in these times...
Reaper Ruby: Trust me, I intend to.
Priestess Glynda: Good. Don't break that promise. Now, all of you better make haste towards the settlement! It is north-east of here. No telling how long it has been since the attack but save and salvage whatever you possibly can. And make sure those vile menaces are put in their place.
With her last bit of orders being said, the team nodded in unison before making their way out of her quarters, leaving the Priestess to ponder to herself.
Priestess Glynda: Hmm, Rose. That name...It's been a while since I've heard it. I guess that wench did birth an offspring like she said she would. Let's hope she doesn't stray the path her mother did, or else.
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christiwhitson · 10 hours
I sighed as I watched Jamie kneel in front of me to slip my shoes onto my swollen feet, uncertain whether I wanted to vent my irritation with scathing words or simply weep.
I’d heard numerous women talk about what it was like to be pregnant, of course, but nothing could truly prepare anyone for the complete and unavoidable loss of body autonomy. Everything that didn’t ache was swollen, I didn’t dare stray more than a hundred feet from a chamber pot, and despite my physical discomfort, my libido was akin to that of a teenaged boy. We’d had more sex in the past three weeks than in the three months directly following our wedding.
And that was saying something.
Even now, as Jamie rose to his feet and bent to kiss me, I could taste myself on his lips and felt my core clench with renewed longing. He pulled away and turned to finish dressing himself, and I huffed in chagrin, inwardly chastising myself for lamenting the loss of his nudity. If I’d had my way, he’d never wear a stitch while in our bedchamber, and he’d go around in his kilt all year.
He threw a knowing smirk over his shoulder.
“Nay need to look so put out, Sassenach. Ye ken I’ll be back inside ye before lunch.”
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damn-stark · 1 day
Chapter 42 IFHY
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Chapter 42 of Sugar
A/N- This mc is one of the most human mcs I’ve written in my opinion and I will miss writing her and her technique so much when this series comes to an end!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST!!!, talks of death, VIOLENCE, SPOILERS!!!!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- Chapter 260-261
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
There he is, in all his glory. Standing right across from you. The brother you thought you lost…your hope revived, your joy, and your cure to your solace.
How is it possible that he’s alive after being sliced in half?
Then again, he is Satoru Gojo and Shoko probably had something to do with it too.
Not that it matters now, he’s alive just as you thought you lost everything.
“Satoru,” you whisper breathlessly and step forward with a wobbly growing smile.
Said man draws out a deep breath and stays quiet. He stays where he is and doesn’t greet you with something smug. Which is odd, but considering he was dead his lack of witty comments is not concerning.
However, as you get closer to him he shuffles back and finally begins to lift his head. You watch his face the entire time and notice a rather unusual displeased frown. You want to comment on it and assure him that it’s all fine, but you then notice something trailing on his forehead, something particular that you’ve only seen on one other person.
But it can’t be…
Yet it’s believable. He survived so long for a reason—But it can’t be Kenjaku can it? It can’t be him taking over your brother's body, you killed him with your own hands. It can’t…
But it is.
“No,” you mumble in horror and come to an immediate halt. “No,” you repeat with a flicker of change in your tone.
The man pretending to be your brother doesn’t show smugness, not like when he pretended to be Suguru, he seems rather uncomfortable and still displeased.
“No,” you cry out and step back, making the pretender step forward with his arms out.
“It’s not Kenjaku,” he says in his voice, in that soft yet deep and stupid smug voice Satoru had.
“It’s,” he pauses and glances over at Shoko, but you don’t follow his line of gaze, your eyes stay glued on him as you prepare an attack.
“It’s Yuta…Okkotsu…” he trails off, and you only become more horrified. Perhaps even more so than when you thought it was Kenjaku in that split second because it can’t be the same boy that killed Suguru, it can’t be him who took your brother too, who is using him the same way Kenjaku used Suguru.
It can’t be the boy who Satoru saved from a death sentence. It can't be the boy Miguel vouched for or the boy you forgave. It can’t be him…
“I wish I could explain,” he keeps talking in a stolen voice he somehow manipulated to sound like his own awkward one. “I wish you didn’t have to find out this way. I’m sorry.”
He’s sorry? Sorry?
And that’s all he has to say to explain this madness, this…robbery. A crime, a betrayal of the highest offense before he just waltzs off without even meeting your eye?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
You keep asking yourself why him once again. You look to Shoko for the answer, but her attention is on Choso’s body getting picked up by the people helping her, so she misses your cry for help, therefore missing the window she had to talk you down and try and comfort you.
Choso wouldn’t have missed that window, he would’ve clocked your growing anger, and your soul shattering even more at the knowledge that Okkotsu is using your brother's body as if he were some weapon to be picked up and used at his convenience.
Choso would’ve been surprised too at the sight of those stitches but when everything was explained he would’ve heard your silent cry for help, he would’ve stopped your grief from twisting to rage. But he’s not here, and Shoko didn’t catch that window, Kirara was beside you, but they couldn’t read you so deeply, so that grief so obviously painted on every perimeter of your face and body, and every inch of your soul gets tainted by this display of monstrosity and betrayal that only you saw because he had already taken the man you loved last year.
Yuta Okkotsu is the reason Suguru Geto is dead. And now he’s taken your beloved brother only a year later, and all he has to say is sorry…but he didn’t even meet your eyes either, he stood stiffly in that same spot before walking away as if nothing was wrong.
Why is no one reacting? Why is no one as livid as you?
Why? Why? Why?!
You…should've killed him a long time ago. Why did you ever forgive Okkotsu? Why is he using your brother's body the same way Kenjaku used Suguru? Why is this happening again?
Why is he getting away? You can’t let him get away, you can’t let him take someone else you love. Satoru was your brother and if no one else will do anything about it, you will.
You will!
So with nothing else in your mind but livid anger, you slowly turn with your hand curling into a fist. You summon fire to start this attack, but as you try to bask your fist with your reliable flames all you get is a spark which has never happened before—well not since you first started training…
Yet, you don’t think too deeply about your complications, instead, you act quickly and dig in your pocket. Your Worm cursed spirit balled up inside doesn’t fail to hand you the blade you wanted, a blade that Shoko doesn’t see since she's lost in her own thoughts, and Kirara doesn’t get to notice because your back is turned, leaving you an opening, letting you dig your heels on the ground before you charge at Okkotsu from behind.
The pretender doesn’t expect you to charge at him so he doesn’t watch his back. He doesn’t even hear you coming right away. Everything is happening fast to everyone else, but for you time moves slowly.
You have time to clench your jaw and twist your face into a wicked sneer. You have time to get near him before you blurt out a broken cry from so deep inside your chest that it hurts your lungs and brings streams of tears to your eyes.
And in your unexpected fit of rage, you actually manage to swing your blade and slash the pretenders back before he spins around and jumps back to dodge your next swing.
“I’m gonna kill you,” you snap at Okkotsu and this time you pretend to swing your blade. Okkotsu swings to the other side to miss being cut, but he steps right into your line of fire so you manage to swing your fist and land a hard jab across his face.
Shoko shouts your name and tells you to stop, but you kick your leg and hurl the pretender back.
“I won’t,” Okkotsu mutters with new blood trickling down his nose and his busted lip. “I won't fight you out of respect for him. He loved you.”
He…loved…you, but now he’s gone too…
And Okkotsu has the audacity to say that so casually while being in his body.
“I hate you,” you snarl and lunge at him again, this time you manage to throw your arms around his waist and tackle him to the ground.
Kirara tries to stop you, but you grab onto the pretender's shoulders and roll your bodies out of reach, and quickly try to make quick work of him before you’re eventually stopped. Even if he doesn’t try to stop you, you slam your fists across his face again and again until he’s bleeding from one eye, and his nose is crooked.
You pull your arm back to swing again, but as Okkotsu watches you with your brother's bright blue eyes that had been so unique, you suddenly halt in your attack and meet his gaze with a sense of guilt.
You see your brother, the only brother you had. The brother who would let you sneak into his bed when you were little kids because you were terrified. You see Satoru Gojo, your daughter's Uncle, your best friend, and the brother who loved you regardless of all you did. You see him and you have the sudden need to stop this foolishness.
But…that ever so heavy grief stabs you in the heart as a flash of him smiling at you like everything was great in the world passes through your mind, and you can’t help but grow rabid almost as if it had been a switch.
“You motherfucker!” You bellow at him as you pick up your blade from the ground and swing up. “You’re going to fucking die!” You cry out of agony and rage and don’t hesitate a moment longer before swinging down.
Satoru once hesitated last year when you fought. He had you pinned and he was going to make a finishing move, but he hesitated. You don’t. You bring the blade down.
Albeit just as the tip nears the pretender’s forehead, a force manages to grab your wrists, stopping you just in time.
“Stop,” you recognize that deep voice.
“Yuta!” You hear a young woman yell.
“Stop it,” the voice beside you whispers sharply.
You look over and expect your husband, but you actually see Miguel.
“He has a job to do,” he tries to get it through your head so you’d cooperate, but betrayal blares throughout your head.
“You knew?” You ask, almost frightened.
Miguel scoffs. “No, of course not. I pieced it together just now and even I know you can’t kill him.”
You look back down at Okkotsu in your brother's body and shake your head. “But he’s my brother.” You whisper heartbrokenly.
“And what Okkotsu has to do is much more important than that, don’t you see it? This is not like Kenjaku and Suguru. Focus.”
Strong heart Choso would say.
But you can’t. Not when he’s gone too.
However, Maki walks over and pulls the pretender out from under you so you won't snap again and actually finish the job this time.
“Go,” you hear her tell him. “Who knows how much time you have left now.”
“But…” your whisper quivers, “he’s my brother.”
“Yes, he was,” Miguel corrects you between trying to sound comforting yet affirmative.
Not like it actually eases anything. You don’t continue on your rampage, you just sit there brokenheartedly and watch Okkotsu take away your brother's body with him into the disaster Sukuna made with nothing but his raw power.
It almost feels like your brother is leaving you behind all over again. You’re watching him walk away and it feels like that day 11 years ago when he left you behind. You feel that same ache. You know it’s not the same, not at all, but in the back of your mind it feels like the same thing.
“Get up,” Miguel says a lot kinder than before as he takes the blade away and pulls you to your feet, which would make this the second time someone has helped you up as if you were some wounded animal. You really hate it, it makes you feel so weak, but you also can’t help it, you can’t muster that much strength, not anymore.
“We could both use some rest now,” you hear someone else interject, and when you look over you notice Larue. He’s wounded but alive.
“You’re okay,” you point out with a sense of relief.
Larue narrows his eyes and his eyebrows slowly knit together before he releases a disbelieved gasp.
“Bring her with me,” Shoko interrupts before you can press Larue for an answer about his sudden confusion and then ask if what you asked for worked.
When you look over at Shoko, however, that anger returns. It’s not violent like the anger you had for Okkotsu. it’s livid yes, and blinding too, but filled with nothing else but betrayal.
She doesn’t see it though, she doesn’t hear it in your voice or in the way your body stiffens and stays in place rather than trailing after her.
“Get Choso’s body,” you tell Miguel, who doesn’t fret to follow after the man carrying your husband's body, causing Shoko to stop in her tracks and turn around to face you. However, the moment she does turn you avert her gaze and watch Miguel gently take Choso from the hand of strangers.
“Will we finally leave, I admit perhaps I made a grave mistake by coming,” Larue interjects with exhaustion weighing his voice down.
“Almost,” you assure him, making Shoko probe.
“What do you mean?”
You ignore her and begin to turn, but she strides over in a hurry and grabs your arm to stop you and turn you around to grab your chin and pick your head up, and look into your eyes.
You don’t understand what she’s doing nor do you care to, so you quickly pull yourself away and step back with your face twisting in anger. Shoko doesn’t understand your sudden precaution, she actually finds it hurtful as well as worrying that you were so quick to pull away though.
“Are you okay?” She checks on you, but you let her words be carried away. You have things to say, but you can’t or want to entertain her any longer. It’s petty, you know, you tend to just give people the cold shoulder when they’ve deeply wounded you, but you just can’t help it, or be the better person, your words just get stuck in your heart. And since you no longer feel like you have such a thing, the words fall into the abyss, leaving you silent and angry.
Shoko is quick to grasp what’s happening, she doesn’t know why, but she’s starting to pick up on your silent treatment and that anger embedded in your deep and long frown, as well as your fisted hands. Thus she calls out for you loudly and demandingly.
And this time you react by slowly lifting your head and meeting her worried and puzzled gaze, letting her see once and for all what she suspected in full glory, the eyes of the woman you used to be, the eyes that Satoru claimed were where he found his home. They aren’t infused with flames, not anymore, they’re the eyes you were born with, the eyes Shoko met for the first time when you started school. Only now your eyes are a strangers for a third time.
Albeit this time she won’t let you be estranged.
“I’m sorry,” Shoko finally says out loud as she starts to grasp what’s going on with you. “It hurts, I know, but you can’t walk away. I won’t let you walk away, not again.”
Her words sting. They feel like getting stabbed and or being robbed of breath. But it doesn't stop those words that you had lost find their way back.
“What do you know about my hurt?” You snap back with your eyes narrowing and your brows pinching together. “What do you know about anything I feel? Did you even try to stop them? He was your best friend.”
Shoko’s breath catches but she doesn’t falter, even if her watery eyes say otherwise. “Humanity relies on certain sacrifices. He knew that…Satoru knew that…”
You gasp as if his name coming out of her mouth physically hurt you.
“…that’s why he let it happen.”
You swallow thickly and understand what she says, it sounds like something he would do, but you can’t accept it. Not because you don’t want to believe it, but because you’re angry she didn’t stop him.
“He would do something stupid like that,” you feign a laugh and sniffle. “But that’s when you stop him. That’s when you fight him. Did you even try? Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask with a quivering voice.
Shoko steps forward and doesn’t hide to spare you. “Because he knew how you would react.”
You process her words and think about how considerate your brother was. He never failed to think about you.
Why did you realize that so late into your life?
“Because he knew I would stop him from doing something stupid,” you argue. “This was stupid. He never lived his life, he never actually thought about what he wanted, he always thought about everyone else. It’s why I would’ve stopped him because it’s stupid!”
“And what you’re doing now isn’t stupid?” Shoko quickly counters, making you clench your jaw and exhale deeply with frustration. “People still need you.”
“It’s not the same,” you defend your actions. “You know that, so don’t throw it at my face like it is.”
Shoko sighs deeply and takes another step closer to you, which doesn’t make you move back. You stay put and hold her tear-filled gaze.
“You should’ve stopped him,” you leave no room for her to interject. “You should’ve stopped them from using his body like some kind of tool the same way Suguru’s was. And you shouldn’t have lied to me about why you needed Kenjaku’s brain.”
“You would have understood?” She quickly spats.
You stay calm and shrug. “Kenjaku was Choso’s father, it was for him to decide, not me. And I’m sure he would’ve given it up if you asked. Instead, you lied about it and about Satoru.”
Shoko parts her lips to argue back, but she instead drops her gaze and swallows back nervously. “Okkotsu needed Suguru’s body too,” she throws out rapidly and shakily.
And now for you, it gets hard to breathe. You can’t breathe. Your chest is too heavy.
Suguru was yours. Yours and Satori’s. You just got him back from the clutches of some insane sorcerer. He could finally rest and she…they…
“I’m sorry,” is all Shoko says.
You still can’t breathe. It hurts too much.
Shoko sees that and grabs your shoulder to try and soothe your growing panic.
You cut her off by slapping her hand away and taking a big step back while you look at her as if she had just literally stabbed you in the back. You then point an accusing finger at her, but nothing comes out, you’re crippled with betrayal.
After a second of you and her just growing tension, a shaky breath finally makes it past your lips but words don’t follow. They’re lost for good this time. Shoko calls out to you in an attempt to hear from you, to continue this argument so she could try and mend what she could so you wouldn’t leave, but it’s too late and the wrong choices were made. Choices for the good of humanity perhaps, but you don’t see it that way in your agonizing grief.
You see blaring betrayal and your silence loudly displays it as well as the tears that crawl down your cheeks.
“Kirara,” you direct at the only person you can speak to, someone you don’t blame because they’re young, and they don’t carry that same history with Satoru or Suguru. Perhaps they accepted snatching Satoru’s body, but it’s not the same as Shoko accepting it. Not in your eyes.
“If you need help, call me, I won’t be far. I’ll be watching over Kinji from the broadcast,” you let them know as you step back.
“Where are you going?” They quickly blurt in confusion. “You can't go.”
You sigh and just hold their gaze. “I’ll be close to Yuji. Or as close as I can be.” You assure them and then spare one last glance at Shoko, catching tears rolling down her cheeks and a deep grief that mirrors yours. But you can’t look past your own pain to care. You just let your gaze linger as you ache for things to be different for the sake of your friendship and the love you bear for her, but you can’t…no matter how hard you try, you can’t look past her letting them use Satoru, and taking Suguru’s body from you.
Even if it isn’t her fault, or if it is, you don’t care. You just turn away and leave her behind the same way Suguru did, and the same way Satoru did.
You almost find yourself leaving it all behind and just giving up on everything, it’s what they deserve after dehumanizing Satoru the way they did. And you don’t care if it’s for the greater good, who cares if somehow you would have understood in a different life, you don’t care. Just like you don’t care about trying to understand Shoko. They took something from you, they hurt you, and you can’t look past it, you aren’t that big of a person because he was your brother, and no matter what happened he was always there. Now he won’t, now they’ve taken him, just like they took Suguru.
However, as much as you want to leave, as much as you hate humanity as a whole now, people you still care about are out fighting with their lives. They’re the only reason why you stay behind.
You won’t fight anymore, you’ll just look out for them away from Shoko, and from the depths of your solitude that drowns out the concept of time, the conversation Larue and Miguel hold, and the calamity of battle in the far distance.
Even surrounded by people that loneliness that you so feared still plagues you, how funny is that?
Nevertheless, you don’t break from your trance until Miguel taps your leg. He notices your lack of know-how and sighs before probing, “what did you do?”
There’s no need to ask what he's referring to because you know from the silence of the wind, the coldness that outran the heat that once ran through your veins as if it was blood, the unwelcoming earth that doesn’t eagerly speak to you, and the ignoring water that up and left you from ever feeling its delicate touch, that he’s referring to the binding vow that has yet to prove it worked.
Binding vows aren’t known to fail, but this binding vow is different, you’re exchanging powers for life. It’s different therefore there’s a high chance all you get is played.
“I can still see curses,” you don’t give Miguel the answers he seeks. “I’m not a non-sorcerer.”
“No, but you’re basically nothing now,” he hits you with the truth, something that Larue quickly rebuttals in your defense.
“She’s not nothing, you’re just being cruel—”
“I’m being honest,” Miguel cuts Larue off. “She’s useless in this fight now. What you did was stupid.”
You blink and try to look over at Choso, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. You haven’t been able to look at him because if it doesn’t work all you gave up will be for nothing and you’ll end up just repaying for all the evil you’ve done.
“You don’t know what I did,” you retort and slide your eyes up to pierce your annoyed glare at him.
Miguel sighs and glances at the man you left behind you before looking back at you. “I have an idea,” he assumes right. “Giving everything you are for something that has never been done before is stupid. What will you do now?”
You drift your gaze to your hands and mutter. “Nothing. I won’t do anything. Even if I had my technique I wouldn't do anything because I don't care about them anymore. Humanity can die for all I care.”
Larue watches you with pity after knowing how much you deeply cared about the sorcerer side of humanity. He almost doesn’t recognize who you are, but just like Shoko, he knows this is you grieving. You’re at your worst and all the people who could’ve pulled you out of it are gone. You’re alone and he knows it’s drowning you.
Larue almost wants to try and comfort you even if he knows it’d be a useless endeavor, but Miguel pushes off his attempts.
“Why didn’t you ever do it for Suguru then, what you did now for this man?” Miguel asks.
You’ve thought about that too during your time on this roof, and the answer is simple, you had your brother so you weren’t writhing in your loneliness like you are now. You love them both the same way, you just…had…Satoru. Now you don’t.
“Satoru was here. The twins. Nanami. Now I don’t have anyone…” you trail off and fist your hands so hard your nails pierce a layer of skin. Yet it doesn’t hurt like you thought it would, no matter how hard you keep pressing, or if blood spills.
“You have us,” Larue breaks the silence and pulls your eyes away from the blood you spill. You offer him a smile but it’s far too short-lived.
“I’m going to kill Okkotsu,” you blurt with more emotion than you’ve shown over the past several minutes. “And neither of you are going to stop me.”
Both Miguel and Larue look at you with surprise, even if what you want is like you, the way you say it so bluntly and carrying so much pain catches them off guard for a moment until Miguel steps towards your sitting figure and argues back with frustration.
“You’ll doom humanity if you do…” he trails off and you don't care to follow up with what catches his breath, you don’t look at him right away either, but when you do you snap your eyes up and glare at him with a fuming anger that blinds you.
“I told you I don’t care about humanity,” you spat back and don’t get curious about what he and Larue are suddenly lost on. It isn’t until you hear your name being uttered by a familiar voice that your attention is fully captivated, and there in the barren cold relives a warmth you thought was forever lost.
However, you don’t look back right away, you’re too scared it’s your mind tricking you. After all, you've seen an illusion of Suguru before, and as beautiful as it was, it was only an illusion. You don’t want to be let down again. Thus you let him call out to you again to assure yourself that you heard that deep but gentle melody of his voice before you slowly turn with your eyes downcasted but widened and filled with tears.
A part of the spot you left him on was now empty and lacked a part of his body, and there’s no way a dead man could move by himself. But you still don’t face him because now you’re plagued with the thought of what if he’s somehow still dead and your vow was somehow twisted.
You can feel the shocked stares from Larue and Miguel, they fill the silence with disbelief and impatience for you to react, while…Choso…waits, but also finds himself trying to grasp how he’s back and how his heart is beating once again.
“Is it really you?” You have to ask for your own sake.
You hear shuffling before your breath catches at the sound of his voice. “I think. I’m not sure…one thing I do know is that I’m naked under this sheet.”
You muster a breathless laugh while fat tears run down your cheeks and the shattered heart inside you mends together.
“You…” you trail off and he fills your silence.
“Burnt….I remember. I remember it all. I remember you,” he pauses and sighs. You’re tempted to look but you still can’t.
“I’m sorry,” he brings up softly and filled with sorrow that makes your chest tighten. “I’m sorry. I did the one thing I said I wasn’t going to do. I’m sorry.”
You swallow back thickly and sigh deeply. “Then you understand why I can’t bring myself to go over to you, why I can’t look at you? I don’t want this to be a dream and be hurt all over again.”
“I understand,” he assures you right away before you hear him shifting against the roof in the distance.
“We’ll…be back,” Larue excuses himself and Miguel before they climb down, leaving you and Choso alone under the white sky, and occupying the silence with the sound of his unique footsteps approaching you.
“I would understand if you’re mad at me too,” he says and makes your heart ache in a good way because, of course, he would say something so sweet.
“…I really hurt you. And even if I was dying I hated myself for it because as good of a goodbye I had with Yuji, yours was agonizing,” he continues softly as he stops before you and gets on his knees that are covered by the sheet Larue had put over his body. “I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t want to leave you, I really didn’t. I meant what I told you, I just had no other choice and it proved to be worthwhile, you’re here!” He exclaims proudly as you see his large and pale hand reach over for yours clawing the ground.
“You’re alive, and…” he trails off for a long while. He even stops in his attempts to grab your hand, and honestly, his stillness tempts you to finally lay your eyes on his body, but you keep your eyes glued on the ground since your mind is still protecting you from potentially being disappointed.
“…you’re not hurt,” he mutters with a sense of disbelief that he doesn’t actually show because he focuses on comforting you. “My sacrifice worked. That’s all I wanted. I’m sorry it hurt you, I’m sorry I made you feel so distressed, but my love,” he coos and finally places his hand on yours, making you gasp at the shot of electricity that his fingers pass to yours.
It’s all so reallike, his hand feels so soft, and warm. It’s not an empty touch conjured by your heart's deepest desires, it’s heavy but gentle. Real.
“…I’m here,” he proclaims with a honey-dipped voice he’s using to comfort you. “I’m here because of you…I think.”
You scoff in amusement and then blink when he lifts your hand and presses it against his chest, over where you feel the rhythm of his heartbeat racing when your fingertips first make contact with his chest, but then when he presses your palm harder against his chest his heartbeat eases.
This time you can’t deny the instant connection you feel when your palm feels his heart and makes yours run at the calm pace his heart runs, almost as if connecting them once again was the comfort they needed.
“Choso,” you cry happily and focus just for a single second longer on his heart beating under his chest before you slowly trail your eyes up his body, finding it unchanged and still as toned and perfectly sculpted as it was before. However, when you reach his neck you notice a burn scar that wasn’t there before. And you would know, you traced his whole body multiple times in your short time intimately together.
The scar isn’t big from the front, it’s sprawled over as if the tips of the flames had been wrapped around his neck, but it’s because it’s only peeking forward that you know it’s hiding its true result on Choso’s back where the fire hurt him the most. And when you start seeing his face the mark of what happened continues to spread, but now that doesn’t catch your eye the same way his inviting pink lips do.
The mark that came with his technique isn’t there anymore, it’s completely gone from his nose, meaning that he is probably just like you now, but you don’t focus on that matter now, or the fact that a thin line of fire now replaced the blood mark on his nose. You instead put all your attention on those beautiful eyes that were unchanged.
His eyes are still so sweet and the same rich brown that you loved, and that were uncoincidentally the same shade of brown as your favorite color.
You notice the guilt he carries, the disbelief that runs behind them, as well as the softness painted by his love for you, but what you fixate on the most is that lively gleam in his eyes that had left his eyes when he died. That gleam is back and brighter than before.
“Choso,” you muse and slide your hand over to grab his hand whilst you reach your other hand over to feel his face and set it in your mind that the flesh you feel is real, it’s not a trick, he’s real, he’s back, and the binding vow you made worked!
He’s back!
“Choso,” you laugh and cry at the same time but don’t throw yourself on him. You continue to move your hand up until you reach his head that’s missing his hair but doesn’t take away from how handsome he still is. Some men can’t pull off a bald head but he makes it look hot.
“I’m sorry,” he means his apology as he watches your eyes study his head.
“Don’t worry,” you assure him. “It’ll grow back. It’s just hair, all I care about is you. You’re back.”
Choso nods his head as a smile spreads on his lips. “I am,” he reassures your worry before he brings his hand up to cup your jaw and look into your eyes, trapping the next words you were about to utter in your throat as you remember the change you went through too.
“The eyes you met in the darkness last year won’t ever return, I’m sorry,” you tell him the truth right away just in case that somehow kills the love he has for you. “I…gave up my technique and yours in order to have you back...I’m sorry Choso. I’m sorry.”
Said man sighs deeply and drops his gaze to ponder and nod softly.
“You are a non-sorcerer, I’m sorry,” you break it to him pitifully only because now he can’t use his technique to protect his brother, or feel the twins.
“Choso?” You press impatiently. “I understand why you’d be mad, and why you wouldn’t love me.”
At the sound of those words his eyes fly up to meet your perplexed gaze and he shakes his head before he leans in. “No,” he whispers and cups your face with both hands to gently caress your cheeks as he looks deep into your eyes.
“The day I saw you and your fire-kissed eyes for the first time is something I won’t ever forget, and it’s a change that I will have to get used to, but sweetheart, just know that as I look at you all I see is my sun, my moon, my stars, and my beloved. You.”
You beam at him and can’t hold back anymore, you throw your arms around him and pull him for a tight embrace to make sure you can feel his heart beating against your chest as you hold him.
“I love you too,” you finally tell him what you didn’t have the chance to say when he was sacrificing himself in that fire. Words that don’t actually hold the true meaning of how deeply and passionately you love him.
“I love you,” you whisper again and sob into the crook of his neck. All while Choso holds onto you as if breathing and his life depended on it, as if he would somehow lose you if he let you go.
“I love you too,” he redirects sweetly before he finally assures you about your previous worry. “And…I’m not angry, I'm nothing more than ordinary now. I’m human now. Truly human because of you, and I will miss my technique because it made me strong, but…I can be human with you, my children, and my brother. So thank you.”
You pull back and look at him with a bright and awestruck smile. “You were human to me before, now you’re just a little bit more fragile.”
Choso chuckles softly and nods before his face falls. “Do you still love me as I am now? I know your feelings towards non-sorcerers.”
“Don’t worry,” you assure him as you caress his cheek. “I love you as you are. I don’t care if you're a non-sorcerer and not holding as much power. All that matters is that you’re alive again. That’s the deal I made and my feelings won’t change. Not negatively anyway.” You smile at him.
Choso sighs with relief and just as he’s going to share something you interject coldly. “Besides, I don't care about the sorcerers or non-sources. Not anymore.”
Choso blinks repeatedly in disbelief, and you clench your jaw out of anger while your eyes scream your grief.
“Why?” He asks as he feels thrown off by this sudden change. “You don’t really feel like that do you?”
You clench your fists and scowl as the memory of Okkotsu announcing his identity inside your brother's body plays in your mind and reminds you why your ideals changed so drastically.
“They took the reason why I gave up. They’re using my brother's body like they used Suguru’s. They’re using him and now…” you swallow thickly and huff. “I see Okkotsu in his body and all I hear is the clapping I heard when Riko died. All those people clapped their hands over the death of a little girl…and now that’s all I hear and I can’t care anymore.”
Choso feels a weight over his chest as he hears the cold way you speak. He partially blames himself for the way you think now, even if you just explained the reason why you hate the world, he still finds it in himself to put on some blame because you watched him give up his life to save yours. So even if he was going to help you already, he does it now with more passion.
“No, no, I know that’s not really true. You’re just grieving,” he tries to calm down your anger. “It’s happening again and you’re just using anger to express your grief.”
The creases between your eyebrows crease deeper as your eyebrows pinch further with your heightening anger.
“But whatever they’re doing, they’re doing for the greater good, he would understand that. He would want that.”
“He would want to live and do it himself,” you argue back sharply. “He wouldn't want to get used. He fought the higher-ups for that reason. He wanted to change sorcerer society for that reason!” You exclaim your frustration as you get up and turn to try and breathe as it gets hard to do.
Choso follows you up but doesn't grab you yet, he lets you catch your breath first.
“I would be angry too,” he tries to form some connection since he has brothers too. “I would cry, but then I would think about what they would want. And we as siblings have a better understanding of what they want, don’t you think? Because we have that connection no one else could feel?”
You nod. “That’s why I know he’d want to live…” you trail off and he finally approaches you and grabs your shoulder, making you find your breath and ease some tension off your shoulders.
“You really think that? You don’t think he’d let his students do anything possible so you could all win? Even if not for them then for you and Satori?” Choso pulls right at your heartstrings, causing you to break and sob because in the back of your mind you know that’s all he’d want.
“But,” you try to argue in your brother's defense. “Why did they have to use him like that? Why didn’t he tell me?” You ask softly and then face him.
“Because it wasn’t easy for him either I’m guessing…” Choso coos and gently cradles your face to wipe away your cheeks. “Because he knew if he told you, you’d fight back and it would just make it harder,” he shares because as an older brother that’s what he’d feel.
“I’d fight to keep him alive because that’s what he deserves,” you argue back but that anger you held onto moments ago is faltering. “Because…I wouldn’t want him to leave me alone.”
Choso sighs. “I know, but now you have to support the decisions he made. He’d trust you to do that, right?”
You nod softly even if you don’t want to accept it and the agony in you takes over the next words that come out. “But he promised…he promised to protect me and be with me.”
“He always will,” Choso assures your crying heart. “For as long you live, but now he’ll be closer to you. That’s why you need to have a strong heart, hm?”
And with those beautiful and soft words, the fight you were so stubborn to have falls completely and all that’s left is a grieving woman that’s left small and broken, and that only Choso could comfort.
“Strong heart,” he whispers and places his hand over your heart.
You gently cup his hand and keep it pressed on your chest as you fall to your knees and let yourself cry over the loss of your older brother, Satoru.
“Strong heart,” Choso’s words echo as he falls on his knees with you to be close and comfort you in the way he knew how. In an intimate way that gives you strength to keep fighting no matter how much you lost already because you both know that the fight for life and survival of humanity is not over yet.
At least not for the ones still standing, but for Choso and you without the strength of your techniques, it is…
A peaceful silence fills the night and you and Choso take advantage of it to find peace and time to relax after being caught up in such a hectic but blissful day.
You find time for your passion that still burns hot after having twins and losing so much, but neither of you struggle to sleep when you can. Not anymore. Those sleepless nights where you admired the serene sky are gone, but, and this is important, the reason why you find sleep so easily wakes you both up with their crying that rings loudly throughout your house.
“It’s okay,” Choso whispers hoarsely. “I’ll go, it’s just Tsukuyomi crying.”
You wipe your eyes and squint nonetheless to look at him through the darkness of the room. “Are you sure?” You probe. “I don’t mind.”
Choso hums and caresses the back of your head so you’d get lulled back to sleep. “Yeah, I’ll go. Go back to sleep.”
You hesitate but your exhaustion wins this fight so you drop your head back on your pillow, letting Choso walk into the twin's room and find his baby boy wailing while his twin sister sleeps throughout it on the cradle beside his.
“Tsu,” Choso coos as he turns a lamp on so the baby can see that he doesn’t need to cry anymore because his father heard his cry.
“What's wrong, hm?” Choso asks as if the three-month-old baby would answer him—well in some ways he does because those sharp cries turn to whimpers the moment Choso picks him up.
“I know you’re not hungry,” he speaks softly but clearly to his baby because he read that’s what’s good for them to hear—“your mother just fed you before bed. And you don’t smell like your diaper is full either.”
The baby boy blinks repeatedly and watches his father with a trembling lip. He continues to breathe heavily, leaving Choso confused about how to comfort him. He knows it doesn’t take much, but he can’t find a way to comfort him, not the way you can.
You were so loving right away—not that he wasn’t, he cried when he saw the twins for the first time, and that need to protect them only heightened when he held them both for the first time. He would die for them, he’d kill for them too if the need arose. It’s just…he doesn’t feel that connection to them.
He doesn’t know why. He aches to feel it, to know right away what it is they need in the same way you know without as much as double thinking, but he’s struggled and it’s killing him.
He thought that he would feel that instant bond with his son at least because all he had was brothers after all, but that failed to manifest with his son.
They also have your eyes and he loves to get lost in them. They share your unique white hair too, he’s failed to hold onto that bond he now aches for. So maybe having you tend to baby Tsukuyomi would be the best thing, you would know how to put him back to sleep. He can’t if it doesn’t involve a bottle of warm milk.
“Why don’t we get your mother,” he tells the baby boy. “Hm?” He hums and doesn’t wait for a response now before turning off the light.
However, the moment the room is dark Tsukuyomi jumps and begins to cry, making Choso quickly turn the light back on so the cries won’t wake Suki up and lead him to more trouble.
“It’s all right,” Choso soothes the baby boy heaving and pouting. “You’re all right.”
Choso wipes away the little tears rolling down his round cheeks before he starts gently rocking him. “See I’m here. Did you have a nightmare?”
Tsukuyomi lets out a shaky breath and Choso now gently caresses his head in the same way he caresses your scalp when you’re cuddling in bed, and that seems to comfort baby Tsukuyomi the same way it calms you down.
“Yeah,” Choso laughs softly. “Your mother likes that too.” He smiles gently and confesses to his son. “Your mother has nightmares too. I’m sure she’ll tell you why she does when you’re older, but as for now, when she has them I caress her head too.”
Tsukuyomi blinks and his pupils dilate while his lips suddenly lift to a gentle smile. Choso can't help but smile proudly over that simple but beautiful gesture before he’s caught by surprise by Tsukuyomi stretching out his chubby arms and grabbing his face.
“Oh,” Choso gasps and holds his son's gaze, while Tsukuyomi coos and smiles brighter as if admiring his father.
Choso’s breath catches and Tsukuyomi refuses to let him go just yet and insists on keeping him close. In that moment sparking that forever bond Choso was aching for.
“You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me,” Choso tells his son with tears running down his cheeks. “You, your mother, your sisters, and your uncle Yuji. I’m grateful every day to your mother for gifting me a chance to be in your life. I love you Tsukuyomi.”
The baby boy drops his arms and wipes his eyes before snuggling his head against Choso’s chest and yawning, leading Choso to rock him back to sleep once and for all.
However, instead of returning him to his crib he picks up baby Suki too and lays the twins on your bed instead to keep them closer, at least for tonight.
“I hope you don’t mind them sleeping with us tonight,” Choso whispers to you, who's only half awake.
“No,” you tell him breathlessly and drag yourself over to connect yourself back to his warmth.
Choso holds you close so you can fall back asleep but as he watches his twins sleeping peacefully he smiles and whispers in your ear. “I want another baby.”
You manage to chuckle and pat his back. “Okay, lover boy let’s first watch these babies grow past two years old, and then we’ll talk. I’m not sure you’ll want more when they’re two.”
Choso’s shoulders shake as he laughs before he contradicts you. “I told you I wanted 10.”
You pull your head back and scoff in amusement. “When you can birth a child then you can ask for ten, as for now let’s stick to our plan, hm? I want more cute babies with you too, but let’s get these babies past two first.”
Choso offers you a comprehensive smile before pressing a reassuring kiss on your forehead and then pressing your head back on his chest. “We can still practice though, right?”
You grin against his chest and nod. “Oh definitely.”
He smiles proudly and returns his gaze to his sleeping twins, finding happy tears return to his eyes, as well as a deep sense of gratitude he can’t hold in. “Thank you,” he shares.
You open your eyes and probe. “For what?”
Choso presses a kiss on the top of your head and responds endearly. “For giving me a second chance at great cost to what you loved.”
You sigh gently and close your eyes before you remind him what you told him several months ago. “I told you I would die for you. It might’ve not been literally at the end but I did mean it and I will never regret it because you are the love of my life. I love you.”
Choso sighs softly and whispers, “I love you too, my love.”
A/N- Two more chapters of domestic Choso and Mc? Also, let’s pretend gege gave them a somewhat good ending to that fight. Yes? Yes!
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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driftingvoid-155 · 2 days
Tell me more about zombie Jeremy :3
He's sort of really fucked up.
(warnings for decomp details and just gross zombie stuff)
Mike had the hole in his stomach sure but Jeremy basically had his entire skull ripped apart. Most the damage is one the right side of his face and he thankfully still can see out of his left eye. Something that worries him a bit as it eventually rots out but to his relief he can still see due to the small glowing dot there in it's place. The right eye socket though is too damaged. The doctors tried to fix him up best they could at the hospital but even they had no clue how he was still up and walking with half his brain exposed and no heart beat. They try do to some stitching and skin grafts but those are some of the first things to rot away and re- expose the brain there leaving him sort of horrifying to look at. (Jeremy sort of does thinks its neat when looking at it in the mirror but gets filled with dread when he reminds himself that it's on his body so least to say he tries to avoid mirrors/ looking in them for too long or just thinking about the zombie thing too long in general).
His body held out for a while but evenutally he starts to throw up black sludge from his internal organs decomposing and his skin starts to look very ashy. He never gets to quite the purple Mike does, instead staying more of a grey tone. Overtime the decomp does slow down a bit but not before a few of his bones are exposed and he had to cut his stomach open himself in order to scrape the organs out as they were causing him to smell horribly. From there, he did some diy taxidermy on himself and basically bleached his insides out and did the best he can to just preserve what he could. The local morgue and taxidermist got quite a few concerning calls in the time he was working to fix himself up.
The most terrified he was though was when rigor mortis set in for a brief amount of time. He was stuck and couldnt move and thought he would have to spend the rest of his days like that, trapped and undying but eventually his muscles relaxed and joints loosened and he was able to move again.
He had to deal with bugs briefly but after scooping out his organs and keeping an outrageous amount of buy spray around him at all time, he's mostly combated that problem. His one blessing is that he got to keep his hair (at least the stuff not ripped out by the mangle) and he keeps very good care of it. Especailly as he gave up with trying to subtlely hide and instead just wears a full mask over his face at all times. It's sort of like Mike's white one in fnaf 6 but instead of a bear it's just a simple smiley face. He uses bandages on the rest of his exposed skin and the people around town have just sort of grown used to seeing him around as he's still super friendly and cheerful most the time.
Mentally, he's doing a lot better than Mike is, especailly as Mike had to deal with the funtimes and the trauma of getting body snatched. There are a few times he starts to panic, espcially when he starts thinking about the future so he tries to just take it a day at a time. It helps a lot when he finds Mike and realizes he isnt alone in this and whatever happens, happens but at least they will have each other.
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