#but sometimes i need a decent amount of time to think of a good response
vamp-a-day · 6 months
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day 57
glad to be of service to all the vampire enjoyers out there <3 <3
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Would I be the asshole if I refused to pay my phone bill?
📱🧾♿️ <- To recognize my post for later :)
The title is probably already a bit of a red flag, but I genuinely didn’t know how else to word it…
For context: I am a disabled, chronically and mentally ill trans guy who recently turned 20. I haven’t left home yet for a lot of reasons, some being that my parents promised to let me live rent-free so long as I was in college (which I am, just not currently for the summer) as well as the fact that they really haven’t raised me to be very independent and rely solely on them (which is honestly a whole other can of worms), but primarily because of my disability. It isn’t safe for me to live on my own, as I faint commonly, cannot stand up for more than maybe fifteen minutes at a time roughly, and sometimes am unable to eat for long periods of time due to debilitating nausea which leads to weakness. I also have severe chronic pain in my limbs and gut, something I’ve had most of my life, while my chronic illness I’ve only had for about a year and a half now and am still struggling to adjust to.
Because of my disability, I also can’t work a traditional job. I offer art commissions online, because I’m very passionate about art and it’s one of the few things I’m good at, and I haul in a decent amount, but certainly not enough to live off of. I make enough to set aside some good savings (I’m currently saving for a wheelchair, as that might grant me more freedom and the potential to get a job at least for the summer) while also indulging myself in buying the occasional fatty treat (I’m very underweight so that’s not an issue, and I was raised essentially in an almond mom household all my life, so this form of eating is really the only sense of control I have over my life, as I’m fully dependent on my parents elsewise).
The issue has come upon relatively recently. I feel like a huge entitled brat for it as well, and if others believe the same, I sincerely don’t blame you.
My mom sat me down the other day and said that she expected me to start paying at least one bill. She offered my cheapest bill (which would be for my phone; my parents bought it, and it’s theirs, they’re just letting me use it as my own.. I don’t own a whole lot of “my” items myself) and asked what I thought about that. I was fully honest with her: if I had a steady stream of income, I wouldn’t hesitate to offer to pay for all of my bills, but with the way it stands, I just don’t make enough month-to-month to regularly afford the bill. I also do my commissions through my phone, so if I could afford the bill, my phone would be turned off, and I’d be unable to continue.
My mom got very upset and started talking to me like a child (though she really has every right to, honestly, and I know that). She went on a very long rant about teaching me responsibility, and how I can’t rely on my parents forever, and that I need to grow up at some point… All things that I fully agree with. I sincerely want to! I want nothing more than to be fully independent. But the way it stands, my parents cover my entire medical bills and they pay for my meds… And I just don’t make enough to survive on my own, and I can just barely afford a meal or two from a sandwich shop I enjoy twice a month to keep my sanity in check because I’m usually bedbound.
I tried explaining to her that I would if I could, sincerely, and that I’m not trying to be a leech or lazy, but she wasn’t having it. She just scolded me and said that if I can afford to eat out every month, then I can afford the phone bill. But again, with the way things are, I don’t think I’d be able to do it every month without tapping into my savings, which again, is for my wheelchair so I can regain some sense of freedom for myself. I’m seriously debating just telling her no straight out, but I don’t know what the aftermath might look like…
So, sincerely: Am I in the wrong here? Should I just swallow my protests and cough up the money somehow? I really don’t know and would love an outside perspective.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
the monster trio (but make it highschool!au);
basically, what if these mf weren't illiterate?? highschool!au headcanons for the monster trio!!
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- the class comedian (and doesn't know it) - like this man is out here just going about his day, doing stupid shit. he doesn't know why the class is laughing when the teacher asks him what he's doing and he says "eating. want some?" through a mouthful of doritos and a shit-eating grin - everyday, atleast once, he gets sent to the principle (the principle is garp lmao) and garp sends luffy back to the teacher because even he doesn't wanna deal with this precious himbo
- he runs track (and he is actually so good at it) - he's that one kid that has adhd and the whole school knows but he doesnt "adhd? what's that?" "you, luffy, that's you" - his homework? never complete; his handwriting? so shit it feels like ants crawling on paper; his uniform? something has to be missing always whether it's a button on his shirt, tie, belt, something. - one time he pulled up with one sock missing and when asked, he shrugged and said "sometimes things happen" - why did he say it like that??? - somehow, despite it all, he manages to pass (nami tutored him forcefully and made him pay her later) - best friends with the martial artist!zoro and cooking prodigy!sanji - nobody knows how these three are friends??? but they are ig - also, i headcannon him as the guy who is like 4 feet and after one summer comes back stretched out (hehe, pun intended) - always so kind to others even if he doesn't know them, always willing to help freshmen out and run errands for you if you need help - nobody knew he is related to his older brothers (ace, sabo) "how are you their brother??" "idk? how am i??" - just the bestest boy ever, golden retriever energy all day every day no matter what universe it is
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- you take one look at this mf and you think, ah here is the classic delinquent, stick-up-his-ass martial artist and you couldnt be more wrong - he is never dressed right but that's cause he doesn't know how to tie a tie and listen if he had the willpower to find the right socks at 7 in the morning, he will - he is just an incompetent fool, trust me 😭😭 - gets late on the regular cause he always takes the wrong turn - the one "jock" who isn't anything like a stereotypical jock? like he hangs out with soon-to-be valedictorian nami, idiot luffy, theatre kid!ussop and cook!sanji - nobody can understand how this friend group was formed??? - actually gets asked out a decent amount of times and always says "nah, im good" and walks away to his friends - people are starting to suspect if he's dating luffy from how hard their bromance is going "zolo!!! gooDMORNING!!" luffy yells as he launches onto zoro in the middle of the hallway at 8:03 am on a random tuesday zoro casually drops his backpack to catch luffy "morning" zoro replies as if it's casual behaviour - the amount of trophies the school has in his name is insane (nation level martial artist, roronoa zoro) - he is actually decent at school, he is just average and he's fine by it he doesn't give all that much of a shit in the academic sphere - casually pulls up to the parents-teacher meet with thE FUCKING WORLD REKNOWNED MARTIAL ARTIST, DRACULE MIHAWK??? "i see he passed in all his exams. how wonderful, zoro. let's leave now." "aight" - he doesn't even think twice when asked if he knows mihawk, he's just like "yeah that's my dad what about him?" - a certified dumbass in every universe
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- listen to me this mf went to masterchef junior and fucking won and people only know this cause the school hyped him up and not because he wanted people to know "omg sanji did you actually win-" "no that was my twin brother sanjo, please leave me alone" - actually prim and properly dressed, shows up at time everyday and gives in all of his assignments and submissions well before the due date (he is partially responsible for keeping zoro and luffy on track) - he was the one making cupcakes when nami was organizing a fundraiser for a nearby orphanage, he was the one who baked cookies cause sabo wanted to hand them out on his last day of school, he was the one who baked cakes for his classmate's surprise birthday party - rumor has it if you get on good terms with sanji, a mysterious box of homemade chocolate will be there in your locker the next day - despite all the hype he has, mf still gets no girls - like luffy, he is insanely kind to those who need help - has gotten almost suspended once for beating up a senior year kid for bullying a freshmen (luffy and zoro just stood by and laughed as that kid got his ass handed to him) - he is the son of THE FUCKING OWNER OF BARATIE, A FIVE STAR MICHELLIN RESTAURANT THAT IS FREQUENTED BY CELEBRITIES ALL THE TIME "omg omg sanji is it true that the rock visited your restaurant last night?!" "yeah, his daughter wanted to eat my tiramisu, she's really sweet" - so chill always (but simultaneously losing his shit) - the kinda person you'd love hanging out with - as i said, in any universe, he is still single (feed him the rizz rizz fruit pls)
a/n: tried something new tell me do you like it or love it?
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gayhoediaz · 26 days
hello nie 👋
what is buck and tommy's first major argument about + how does it end 🎤
ohhhh jack this is such a good question!! ♡
i had to sit back and think a little bit, but what i came up with us that i think it would honestly just come down to both of them having a bad day and i think they deal with those in completely different ways. at this point, i think they have been together in a serious relationship for a decent amount of time - maybe six months or so? and i think they become very serious very quickly so six months is certainly long enough that they’re starting to feel more comfortable that the other person isn’t going anywhere, and you know how sometimes you lash out at the person you know is going to stay? yeah.
because of his childhood, i headcanon tommy as someone who finds solace in solitude, and while i think there are certainly times where he craves affection and company, i think it’s just as common that he just. needs to be alone. i think he knows that if he doesn’t get that alone time, his frustration is going to get directed at people who haven’t done anything to deserve it, and he’s certainly responsible enough to handle that and prevent it.
now, buck? buck is someone who we know to seek comfort in the people he loves. we have seen him go to eddie, to maddie, to hen, to bobby, and so on - he is just someone who needs to talk, and to feel embraced and listened to, and loved.
and tommy would absolutely be his first choice at this point - not only because he’s his boyfriend, but because tommy is tommy. he’s older, and he’s smart, and he’s kind, and he’s caring, and he always says what buck needs to hear. he never makes buck feel as if he’s too much, or too needy.
their awful, terrible, nightmarish days happen to fall on the same day.
i don’t think either of them are awful to each other, there’s absolutely no name calling, or cursing each other out, but they just kind of… clash. i think buck really wants to just go home and sit on the couch with tommy and watch a movie (love actually is just fine because he loves watching tommy watch it) and it’s not that tommy doesn’t want that, he just needs to be alone first.
and i think this would be perfectly fine if they communicated - but they don’t. i don’t think they have the energy to do that, so it just kind of ends up being a mess where buck misses him and wants him to come over, and feels a little blown off (i don’t think tommy ghosts him but maybe his texts are a little more chilly than they usually are) while tommy feels frustrated because - he’ll be there in a few hours, if evan can just calm down and leave him alone, he’ll be fine and he’ll hold him because he needs that too, but just. not right now. (again, i think tommy isn’t as cold as buck feels he is, and buck isn’t nearly as clingy as tommy feels, i think it’s just completely exaggerated in their own heads because they’re already upset for reasons that don’t have anything to do with each other.)
this is just the pre-argument, though. i think the real argument comes later, when tommy comes over to the loft (and at this point, he’s calmed down, he’s fine, he just wants to have a good night with his boyfriend and listen to him talk about his bad day, because now he’s been alone for a while so he has the energy to do so.) and he realizes that there is still friction between them - because here’s the thing:
we have only really seen tommy from buck’s pov this go-around, and that’s why he feels so… perfect? in a lot of ways? and again, i don’t think that buck is in any way upset that tommy couldn’t come over the second he needed him - he’s a grown man, he’s fine - but i think it’s the way that he felt tommy kind of blowing him off, and not communicating. i think it makes him feel annoyed and ignored (valid) and i think it kind of drags tommy down from this pedestal he has had him on?
in the end, i think tommy snaps and i think that’s exactly what he says - something along the lines of “i’m not perfect” etc etc. and i think they argue for a while, but they ultimately end up working things out that very night. i think tommy genuinely apologizes, and so does buck - i think buck reluctantly confesses that although he has grown a lot, and worked on himself, and become more confident, he does still ultimately have this fear of being too much, and i think tommy’s face just. softens, and he tells him that he never wants him to feel that way, and that he wasn’t and would never be annoyed with buck wanting or needing him around - it was just… everything else, and terrible timing, and bad communication. and then i think tommy explains some things about his childhood that helps buck understand why he may need to be alone sometimes, and how that’s how he finds comfort and makes peace with a bad day.
in the end, they ultimately know and understand each other so much better, and they make a vow to just. communicate. and they’re falling even deeper in love with each other.
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dantesunbreaker · 6 months
I don't know if you're doing requests but, it's alright if you're not or if you don't want to do this.
in case you do, though: I've been thinking about the papas with an artist s/o. I'm a painter and my hands are always covered in paint, like, always, and I was thinking about what they would say when they noticed, what they would think about it, you know?
I hope you're having a great day :)
Papas with a Painter S/O
Absolutely! While not as often, I do paint and I always end up getting a decent amount of paint on myself! Hopefully you enjoy these anon! Thank you so much for the request.
Of all of them, Primo would have the most heartwarming and wholesome response! When he tends his gardens, his hands are similarly stained with dirt from the labor of his passion
“Ah look at you, beautifully colorful, just like the tulips in spring!”
If it is something you are up for, Primo would love for you to paint murals along some of the walls in his garden
Sometimes you bring your easel out to the gardens when the weather is good and the sun is up so you can paint alongside Primo as he tends his garden
While not a strong painter himself, Primo makes his own watercolor paints with the flowers from his garden. On days when nothing needs tending in the garden, Primo will happily paint alongside you
Will laugh if you try rubbing the paint on your hands off onto him, Primo retaliates by rubbing some dirt onto you
The tone of Secondo’s response is entirely dependant on where he is and what he is doing at the time
If there is work to be done and you are to approach Secondo with paint coated hands, he will have a more serious stern response. While being as polite but blunt as possible, Secondo will ask that you either keep distance and refrain from touching any of his work, or that you wash your hands before doing so 
Not that Second does not care for your passion for painting! But he already put enough strain on himself that he does not need the added stress of potentially ruining important documents with paint stains
However, any other circumstance, Secondo will smile and will try to be subtle about his excitement as he asks to see what you have been working on
Loves to watch you light up as you talk about your artwork, wants to know every detail, your reasoning for every brushstroke, every color choice
Would never tell a soul, but hearing your story for each painting makes Secondo feel a deeper understanding and connection with you. It makes him fall ever more so in love with you
Do not rub the paint on him. It will make him grumpy and pouty(secretly will find it cute, but does not enjoy cleaning paint out of his suit or robes)
Ecstatic whenever he catches you with paint on your hands! You must show him what you are working on at once! Doesn’t even matter if he is meant to be working at the time
Terzo also wants to see and know every little detail about what inspired you to create each piece. If you are passionate about it, Terzo is passionate about your passion for it
Proudly hangs some of your paintings in his office and bedroom
Of course, being a cheeky bastard, Terzo will pull the whole “paint me like one of your French girls”
But really, if you do paint Terzo in any sort of fashion he will be beyond delighted and will insist on showing it to every single person in the ministry
If you touch him with your paint hands, Terzo will insist that you leave a handprint on his butt which he will proudly sport for the rest of the day
Understands and admires the effort and passion you put into your work, just as he does with his work as Papa...though Copia’s work is far less colorful and messy 
Whenever he catches you with painted covered hands, Copia always feels a bit of excitement as he asks about your latest piece
Though a bit shy and insecure about it, sometimes Copia will ask to come paint with you and have you teach him different techniques. Not that he is expecting to become a painter himself, but he does find it relaxing at times
Always happy to be in the same room together as you paint while he either reads or catches up on paperwork
Acts super proud of your work and will showcase it to his ghouls whenever possible. If you ever have a gallery exhibit, you can guarantee Copia loads up all the ghouls in the van to take them all to see it as a family
Will be shy and flustered if you get paint on him, definitely making numerous Copia noises
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cloudraker · 11 months
hi! can i request seeker trine with seekerling/sparkling reader? i just need some good ol found family fluff. preferably headcannons ^^
thank you! have a good day/night!
For sure! Since you didn't specify I stuck with G1 ^^
G1 Seekers with a sparkling
Under the cut :)
Whoever gave them a child is a fool and is banned from Decepticon HQ
Starscream is shockingly responsible when handling them, making sure they're taking in enough fuel and are properly maintained. He knows how questionable the medical skills of Hook are, so he takes it upon himself to deal with any and all minor injuries that might pop up. His approach might come across as clinical to some
He makes sure they're educated properly despite the war going on. As a scientist, he enjoys teaching them about whatever interest them, showing a surprising amount of patience. But still, not as much patience as he probably should
In true Starscream fashion, he's not above manipulation and doing what he can to turn them against Megatron, or at the very least, have them loyal to him
Starscream tries his best to keep them at an arms lengths, however. He's worried about Megatron using them as leverage against him
Thundercracker is tired. He's trying so hard to keep them out of trouble but between Skywarp's antics and whatever Starscream has been putting in their head, he's got his work cut out for them
He does is best to make sure they grow up into a respectable seeker, teaching them basic manners and making sure they don't step too far out of line. The responsible caretaker, if you will
Lowkey worries constantly about them. He knows that growing up in a war can't be easy, and that living at the bottom of the ocean on an alien planet in a leaky metal tube isn't ideal for anybody. He does what he can to make sure their basic needs are met, sometimes snagging them something he thinks they might like when he's out on a mission
Skywarp is that one uncle that isn't estranged but you only see at family gatherings and is chill and funny and sometimes slips you a $20
Of the three, he seems to be taking it the least seriously. He encourages them to join him when he does his pranks, and is constantly trying to get them out of their duties
But, like Thundercracker, he knows that growing up in the current environment is hard, and he worries for them. He knows he's not the smartest and can't provide them support the way the other two can, so he takes it upon himself to try to keep them happy and content
He encourages any hobbies they might have, sneaking them supplies for whatever it is they want to do when he can
The three of them are rather rigid in their training. They make sure the sparkling is able to fly properly and hold their own in combat. They know that the sparkling joining the war effort isn't an 'if', but a 'when'
The first mission the sparkling goes on, the trine is on them like gum on a shoe. They get called out on their hovering, but it's not gonna stop them. They lowkey expect the coneheads to keep an eye out for them as well
Like Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp worry about Megatron using them as leverage in some way, and as such have a hard time showing open affection. It's easier for Skywarp, but Thundercracker only does it when he's sure there's nobody around and even then it's rare
Soundwave is the designated babysitter in emergencies. He hates this and has enough kids to deal with please god let him rest
Overall, they're decent caretakers if not a bit distant. They're working with what they have and hoping for the best
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simplydannie · 2 months
Velvet & Veneer Fanfic
“Unforgiven” Part 2
Trigger Warning!! Mention of Self-Harm
Part 1 Here
Branch finally learns to understand that sometimes people don’t want to be alone… or can’t be left alone. There is one person he finally connects with… and it’s unexpected.
It had been a week since Veneers encounter with Branch.
The little Troll noticed a change in behavior in the kid. Veneer was more withdrawn, he stopped approaching the Trolls in general, only to exchange a few words… and that was it. Most of his time now, he’d spent alone.
Branch couldn’t help but feel a small amount of guilt. One night he walked by the room Veneer and Velvet used to share. He heard small cries coming from inside. The small Troll hesitated, he waited a moment by the door. Should he go in? Should he check on him?…. No! Branch decided. It wasn’t his fault of the kid couldn’t take the truth.
The first to notice Veneers change in behavior was Floyd. He was the only one Velvet left a note too before she left: “Don’t leave Veneer alone for too long. Keep an eye on him.”
And he tried, but the Rageoun would constantly avoid him, only exchanging a few words and smiles…. He sensed that Veneer wanted to be alone… and that was a scary thought.
“You know what’s been up with Veneer lately?” Floyd asked Branch one day.
“No. Why?” Branch was short with his response. He knew it was his fault in the kids sudden change in behavior.
“You haven’t notice he’s been distant? Quiet actually…. I’m worried.” Floyd said.
“Why? Why do you care? Don’t you remember what they did to you?”
“Yes. But you didn’t know them like I did…. Before all this happened…. It’s always been the two of them. Now Veneer doesn’t know what to do without his sister.” Floyd hesitated a moment before choosing his next words, “Veneer can get…. Bad thoughts in his mind…”
“What do you mean?” Branch turned around and eyed him curiously.
“Veneer… He’s…. he can… hurt himself… if he really felt like it.”
“Hurt himself? Why would he want to do that?” Branch asked.
“…. I don’t know Branch. Some have ways of showing their feelings because sometimes others can’t understand it… or fail too. Which is why we need to be there for him.” Floyd had said.
Floyd walked off, leaving Branch thinking… Had the words he said triggered something in Veneer?… No he didn’t, Branch had only spoken the truth.
It was late in the night. The Trolls decided to stay the night there at the Bergen castle. Branch got hungry, so he made his towards the kitchen. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He neared the kitchen when he saw Veneer walk out…. There was nothing in his hands, no snacks, no anything, but Branch could see he walked out hiding something within his red hoodie. Veneer took no notice of the little Troll.
“Whatever.” Branch thought. He continued walking towards the kitchen…. That’s when an awful feeling hit his gut…. What if-
No. Branch was being silly, the kid was old enough to understand, old enough to take things like a man…. But Branch still stayed frozen, he didn’t move, couldn’t move… what if he grabbed something that he could hurt himself with? The words Floyd told him echoed through his mind: Don’t leave Veneer alone for too long….
“Dang it!” He grunted to himself as he made his way to Veneers bedroom.
When he approached, Branch could see the door was slightly open….
“Veneer?” He called out as he went in. There was no sign of the Rageoun anywhere. Maybe he hadn’t come in his room….
Branch was startled by the sound coming from the bathroom.
“I’m fine!” He heard Veneer try to call out happily. “Accidentally knocked over the hand soup!”
Branch could hear weird sounds coming from within along with Veneers hustled movements. Branch heard sniffles and small little whimpers.
“You good?” The Troll asked.
“Y-yeah.” Veneer said. Branch could hear his voice break, like he was trying to hide that he was crying.
“Open up. I have something to show you.”
“I….i am n-not d-decent…” the voice broke again.
“Okay. Then.. night.” Branch made it seem as he was leaving…. Silenced passed… he knew Veneer was waiting to make sure there was complete silence…. Branch waited…. He heard the sound of slight clanging metal…
“AH!” He heard Veneer cry, the sound of metal hitting the floor. That’s it… Branch took a running start and slid under the opening of the door.
He came into Veneer sitting on the floor, trying to hide what he just did…. Branch saw what he had gotten from the kitchen, its metal sheath shining in the light. Veneer held his arm… blood spilling from the side.
“Veneer….” Branch said softly, his eyes wide with worry.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t…. I don’t know why I did this…. I just…. I feel so alone!” He hugged his knees, his shoulders shaking violently as he cried. The small Troll approached the tall Rageoun quietly. He placed a hand on his leg…. Now Branch understood what Floyd meant… what Velvet had said…
“… I’m sorry…” Branch began, “I’m so, so sorry. For everything I said a week ago. I was mad. And I still want to be mad… but now I understand you. Veneer, what I said, I’m sorry. You were trying, and I was stubborn not to let you try, to appreciate that you tried, that you put a stop to it. Forgive me?”
Veneer peered up, staring at the small Troll, tears still streaming down his face.
“But you didn’t do anything wrong? It’s me who should apologize, I hurt your brother, I hurt you guys. I couldve stopped it sooner… I know why you hate me, why my sister hates…. I hate me.” Veneer cried, blood still trickling from his arm.
“…. I wanted to hate you…. I thought I did…but… I can’t… I don’t want to hate you.” Branch looked up Veneer.
“But Velvet left…”
“She told us to watch out for you. She still cares… and thats what I’m going to do. Me, Floyd…. Everyone.”
“…. But why would she leave me….” That’s what was wrong. Veneer was trying to fill the loneliness of his sister leaving. He hated feeling alone… and Branch understood that…
“Somethings can’t be explained yet.” Branch responded.
Veneer turned and looked him….. there was a small understanding…. A small connection…
“Let’s get you cleaned up?”
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hi, Sam! I had a food question for you. My partner has POTS and occasionally needs to eat something salty to feel better; this tends to happen most at night after the shops have closed, so running out for chips isn't an opthere.
Do you have any ideas as to easy snacks I can make in a relatively short amount of time out of my pantry with a decent amount of salt in them? Possibly recipes? Especially crunchy things. I've made buttered toast with salt sprinkled on top for him before, and making some kind of cracker might be doable... Thanks!
Ooh, hm, good question. I actually don't use much salt in my cooking (supertaster -- don't need much).
A number of cheeses are pretty salt-heavy; cheddar and camembert in particular, and camembert goes very well with crackers or on bread, even on toast. After my last surgery I often craved salt once I was back on solid foods and a go-to was a chunk of naan bread or a split pita, spread with pesto, topped with cambozola (a camembert-gorgonzola blend), and baked in the toaster oven. If you toast the bread first and then top it, it should stay pretty crispy.
Pesto is a good thing to have on hand because it's pretty salty (and you can add more) and it freezes well, so you can freeze it in small containers and take it out to thaw as needed, so you always have some in the fridge. If allergies are a concern it's relatively easy to make with substitutions (I make mine with almond or cashew butter instead of pine nuts) although you have to like basil. Goes on bread, toast, most veggies, can be used as a dip, etc.
Crackers sprinkled with salt are a good one; most crackers are just flour, liquid, sometimes a mild leavening agent, and if you have a pasta roller it's easy to make the dough thin enough to work like a regular cracker.
Most nut butters also have added salt and as with pesto you can add more (if he can tolerate nuts). If you have a toaster oven or an air fryer, freezer chips/fries bake pretty well and pretty fast in those, and re-salting them after they've heated actually crisps them up a bit too. Keeping salted nuts around is good. A quick google tells me that POTS patients should limit carbs, which is a lot of what I've mentioned here, so if he tolerates jerky, that's super salty and mostly protein, and there are a variety of places these days that do pretty high-quality jerky that doesn't have a lot of nonsense added.
If all else fails, definitely clear this with your doctor, but a glass of water with a shot of vinegar, a spoonful of salt, and a spoonful of sugar is an old recipe for essentially gatorade; it doesn't taste salty (I think it tastes like lemon water) but it gets salt into you and replenishes electrolytes. I'm not sure if it's recommended for POTS patients, though.
Readers, any suggestions? Remember to comment or reblog, as I don't repost asks sent in response to other asks.
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
Idk maybe I’m stupid but can someone explain it to me like I’m 5 years old how Hannah has enabled or how her audience has pushed TERF ideas or rhetoric? Because it’s the one place the dots are not connecting for me every single time this conversation gets rehashed. I think it’s fine to disagree with how she’s acted in all of this, but it feels like taking what could just be called shitty or annoying and turning it into a moral issue when it doesn’t really NEED to be one to claim she or her audience are acting like TERFs. I just would like to hear one explicit example of how this is the case. Because I just cannot see how it’s “TERF-y” for a woman who has spent years facing immense levels of misogyny to make the decision to distance herself from friends who potentially victimized another woman which looks extremely horrible on the surface, even if her decision was made suddenly and under pressure. Whether she regrets it or not is not relevant to it; it just feels like an extreme lack of empathy to take how she reacted while under a microscope to a situation that looked horrible at first glance and claim it’s her pushing harmful ideas. Especially when she deleted most of her original tweets about it anyways and has not spoken on it since. And I don’t even mean this as hate, I am just genuinely asking. Because I don’t necessarily love her distancing herself either, I just also don’t see the reason to keep harping on her about it or making it into some huge moral issue where she is in the wrong when it does not have to be one. And especially when other women involved from the sidelines have done the same or more than her. Sometimes we can just say behaviors are shitty or nasty and leave it at that.
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ehhh honestly that's not even a part of that ask that I was hard agreeing with and that's also just anons opinion, but also I myself wouldn't even go as far as to say "terf rhetoric enabler" (because I don't agree with that) but more so just concerned that she could be attracting a bad crowd in her fanbase unintentionally that some people wish she became more aware of.
last time i talked about this i was getting yelled at to hell and back and being purposefully misunderstood as claiming she was somehow creating a terf army in her fanbase which...let me be crystal fucking clear I AM NOT SAYING OR EVEN IMPLYING. Nor am I saying that her actions in response to the gogcident are somehow fueling terf ideologies. Not saying that at all and please don't think or claim I am saying that.
However, recently a decent amount of people have seen an increase in people in her fanbase (even some that she interacts pretty frequently with) start speaking using terf and specifically radfem phrases (notably during and right after the gogcident) which was raising some red flags for people who are either fans of hers or on the periphery. Now, I've said before that of course hannah probably does not know this and it's not her job to do a background check on everyone she follows on twitch and interacts with on twitter (that is just a ridiculous expectation). However, I think that when you speak a lot about feminist issues, etc. (all very important topics to discuss!) sometimes terfs and radfems just come into your community because they think you are all talking about the same things and have the same ideology. But, as your community grows and as that portion of your fanbase starts concerning people, I think it could be good for CCs to at least be aware of it. Personally, I have more issue with certain fans than with hannah herself but I do think some of her mods are shitty and she needs to stop it with the idea that "any friend of hers that makes a big mistake is no longer a friend" because that's just not going to hold up for very long in the real world.
As per her reaction to the george situation: yeah it was incredibly shitty and honestly I think she could have been fine waiting a bit before making responses because her quick jumps to conclusions (and shooting friendly fire at sylvee in the process) without talking to anyone involved first was a very foolish thing to do and disappointed a lot of people.
I feel like a broken record for constantly having to say this but I get that these female CCs want to do good by the women in the gaming space, i get it. But sometimes they make impactful mistakes and publicly react to situations poorly and I will say that about any cc who I think makes a poor call, guy or gal. I will always have empathy for people reacting badly to initial news dropping like this because I don't know what these people have gone through in their lives, but what I don't have as much empathy for is people immediately broadcasting their initial emotional thoughts all over twitter and then backpedaling when they realize they were being too extreme or emotional. I have criticized Dream for that, and I will criticize Hannah for that.
And you're right not everything needs to be a moral discussion! I don't really agree with people that are trying to heavily mix these two discussions because I honestly don't think they really coincide that much anyway.
I will never say her reaction is "terf-y" because it's just not. These are two separate discussions in my mind so to put them together in that way just isn't something I necessarily will agree with. And I've said this probably 10 times at this point, that I have never once said Hannah intentionally fueling terf/radfem rhetoric in her fanbase. I'm saying it's a somewhat inevitable byproduct of being a large female CC who speaks on feminism and misogyny on the internet. It happens to tiktokers, youtubers, other streamers, etc. This is not a hannah specific issue but people in the mcyt see it with some of her fans because she's simply just a larger female CC so of course her fans are more easy to spot. (same logic on a larger scale applies to the few bad apple dream stans that get the spotlight because of how popular dream is)
Hopefully this makes sense, it is nearly midnight for me right now so I am very tired but I wanted to answer this as thoroughly as I could because it's always an important distinction I want to make and I hate being misunderstood.
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
Tanimura & Mine dating hc (sfw + notsfw) please?!
ANYTHING for my boys. Also, peeps who sent in Y6 asks, I SEE EM just ain't getting to em yet as I have yet to start Y6. Tomorrow is masterlist finalization day so that's been occupying my time but to my lovelies in my inbox, I see you and love you. Headcanons below the cut mine beloved, happy friday night!
Tanimura Masayoshi
Bouncing and smiling babey boy. Always happy to see you, even when he's dead tired. During earlier dates, he greets you by smiling and waving but later one he'll greet you with a hug or kiss on the cheek.
Loves hand holding the most. Values that more than kissing or even sex honestly. It's very cozy and intimate to him. Totally the type of guy to measure his hand size against your as an excuse for physical contact.
Since work keeps him so busy, in person dates aren't the most regular but you will hear from him every day by text or call. Will video call you on his busiest nights.
Expresses love with food, either by taking you out to food or just buying you snacks. Tanimura is a snack muncher himself so he keeps good notes on what you both like so when he buys something for himself, he grabs something for you too.
His go-to date is getting boba together and maybe hitting up an arcade. Honestly, he's open to anything though. The most chill of the boys when it comes to dates, he's down to just sit and talk anywhere as long as he's with you.
He's a little embarassed about it but in bed he does like to tie you up. He won't use his work handcuffs on you because of how painful they can be, unless you ask for it. It's kind of cute how much he blushes at the fact that all of his kinks totally align with his job.
Completely and totally a verse. He can top with the best of them or be the babiest bottom, it just depends on his mood and your preferences. Relatively down to explore new things in the bedroom.
Mine Yoshitaka
Strong and silent, which makes him hard to read at first. That's kind of on purpose, Mine honestly has trust issues and is too self sufficient for his own good. He tends to keep to himself so if he goes out of his way to ask you, he REALLY likes you.
If you ask HIM out, chances are Mine will say yes unless he absolutely thinks you aren't his type. Pretty down to date casually but when he catches feelings, he's down bad.
Leans to the more traditional side. Will ask you on dates most of the time, will pick you up, probably brings flowers on the fancier dates. However, don't mistake that for him being old fashioned. In fact, it kind of turns him on if you switch up the roles on him and ask him out or pick him up.
Likes a partner who is pretty self sufficient as he may not always have the time to dedicate to someone who is more clingy and would feel kind of bad for not being able to be there as much as a clingier partner would need. Kind of ironic given that deep down Mine himself can be kind of attached.
With Mine, it's the little gestures that matter. Things like holding the door open or bringing an umbrella to your place of work on days where it's downpouring because he knows you forgot yours at home. Very much a man to show rather than tell.
Super dry texter so try not to be upset if he doesn't sound enthusiastic in texts. Decent at holding conversation in person though and only gets better the longer he dates you. The amount he texts is normal though, he won't leave you with a one word response if he can help it. It takes time for him to get back to you sometimes though if he's rather busy.
After about a 6 month dating period, the facade drops almost scarily quickly and he gets a lot cozier and cuddlier. He starts realizing that this is actually happening and you're not just someone interested in him for his looks or money. It'll take a bit longer for him to open up about his personal past but he will become noticably more comfortable around you in ways he isn't with everyone else.
Freak in the sheets. Total top and total dom. King of using his voice. What he lacks in dating experience, he makes up for in bedroom experience. Has perhaps some of the most experience of all of the boys. Also a quick learner.
Absolutely loves to put his hand under your chin and tilt your face up to look at him. Sly as hell. Actually quiet in the bedroom though, never really makes a lot of noise. Whispers a lot too. Great at getting you turned on in public with just his voice. Particularly good with his hands. Will tie your hands up with his tie if you ask him but he won't default to that.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Has your work with the wiki informed how you interact with the fandom? Scrutinizing the source material so closely and all.
Oh definitely, and this is a great question.
I think, without getting too deep into weeds or bitterness, that my attitude towards aggressively non-canonical (or, frankly, anti-canonical) interpretations of ships or characters has shifted both because of my negative experiences with the Fandom wiki and because I effectively have to go over the happenings of each episode two or three times. Additionally, my deep dislike and distrust of conspiracy theories long pre-dates my work on wikis or even involvement with fandom, but now that I spend a decent amount of "fandom time" looking up citations, I have even less patience for it. There are so many wonderful sources beyond just the wiki! We have a transcript search! We have Dani's recaps! We have so many sourcebooks! We have a talkback/commentary show! Please, while I'd love for people to use and add to the wiki, at the very least, if you don't have time to watch or rewatch episodes in full, use these wonderful resources instead of relying on like, someone's personal silly little clip compilations to shape your understanding.
In terms of far more positive things, I think because wiki pages are changing, living documents, going back to them has given me a lot of insight that I might have forgotten. To give an example - just now, in summarizing the party's trip towards Yios, I ran across the fact that Imogen was asked if she wanted to give up her powers - if there were a cure, whether she'd take it - and she responded that while once she felt that way, she no longer does. I think Imogen's relationship with power is fascinating, and I think this puts her in contrast with Liliana in a new and interesting way that I'd love to explore further once we return to more direct conflict. This small moment says so much, but I'd forgotten it in the several months since it aired, and probably wouldn't have accessed again if I were not a wiki editor. I've also been doing a lot of work on editing out plagiarism, or fleshing out largely overlooked details, and it's a delight to get to revisit prior campaigns and see how everything fits together. I get both a very high level view of the world, and also get to zero in on tiny moments, like Veth shooting Caleb in the Vellum Steeple library, and I'm so grateful I get to relive that, and often my meta is informed by what I'm working on and what details I'm immersed in and the connections they spark.
Finally - while I'm obviously super opinionated here, on Tumblr, I think it's a really good and important exercise that I also spend time in a place where I need to consciously prioritize a neutral voice and give attention even to things I dislike. This is an entirely separate post so I won't derail myself but I think part of why I sometimes get extremely bizarre anons/responses is that I'm both someone who talks about CR on the whole, but also am open about my preferences (rather than running a blog that's highly focused on one character/ship nor being a true generalist blog that primarily reblogs art). Anyway, working on the wiki means that, for example, even if I'm really frustrated with an episode or a character or a relationship, I need to spend time and stop and ask myself what is actually happening, outside of my own feelings. I think this is a really good practice to have with fiction! I think you need to be able to do both and compartmentalize and switch between them; to say "what is the author/creator trying to say and how are they saying it and what is literally occurring" and also "how do I, an individual with my own unique perspective, feel about what's happening." Or at the very least, if you can't do this, you can still enjoy yourself, but you will always be preaching to the choir.
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pickle-de-packle · 2 months
Hentzau NSFW Alphabet
A/N: I'm a whore for this man ;)
Word Count: 1,995
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Hentzau will clean up any messes. Get any food or water you want. Bandage any scratches and rub any sore muscles. After all that's done and you're both comfortable, he’ll wrap you in his arms and hold you. Peppering a few kisses onto your bare sink.
If it's aftercare for a quickie, he’ll still make sure you're okay before having to leave. Sometimes if there have been a lot of quickies Hentzau will feel a bit guilty and try to make more time for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Henrzau has two favorite parts of his body.
First is his arms. The way he can easily pick you up. The way his arms frame your body when he's on top of you. Your fingers run along his arms, hanging on to his arms when the pace picks up or you get close to cumming. Fingers digging into his Jasper skin, anchored to his biceps.
Second is his hands and by extension his claws. Once he adjusts to the way your skin feels he wants to feel you constantly, he won’t tell you though. So when you two are together in bed his hands are on you. Face, chest, hips, legs, anywhere. How his Jasper complements your skin color. The way you react to his skin on yours, pushing yourself into his hands.
It took Hentzau a while to feel comfortable putting his hands on you during sex. But between filing down his claws and too many gouges in furniture, holes in your bedding, or clothes, he tries. He didn’t slice into you like he was afraid of, but still the first couple of times there were small cuts. As he figures out how to not put so much pressure through his claws, he grows to like running them along your skin, how your body shivers in response.
Hentzau’s favorite part of your body is your face. He loves cupping a hand on your cheek. How expressive you are, especially how your face contorts in pleasure. It gives him an ego boost and a sense of pride that he can make you feel that way and he’s the only one that gets to see and hear you in this state.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I think Goyls produce a lot more cum than a human.
Hentzau won't cum inside you, he's not risking your life with a dangerous pregnancy at won't end happily. He also won't cum on your face, he finds it disrespectful.
He’ll cum anywhere else you ask, but he prefers to cum on your chest or torso. If you’re giving him a blowjob he’ll want to cum down your throat.
Hentzau waits to pull out of you til after you cum. He can't get over the way your cunt tightens and spasms around his cock. He almost came in you the first time together, he was overwhelmed by how good you felt wrapped around him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One time Hentzau was rushing out the door for an unexpected mission. The uniform he grabbed from the laundry room had a pair of your lingerie panties in the pocket. He didn't find out until a few days into the mission, he reached for something in a pant pocket and felt the thin, lacy fabric.
Hentzau just stood there rubbing his fingers over it. His body ignited, a deep burning to feel you and see you fall apart under him surged through his veins. He needed to get back home to you quickly. He snapped out of it as one of his soldiers came towards him.
Now, whenever he knows he's going on a long or a very difficult mission, Hentzau will snag a pair of your clean panties and stuff them into a pocket.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has a decent amount of experience with Goyl women but no experience with human women.
He quickly learns what you like and how to draw out the reactions he loves to see from you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Hentzau prefers positions where he can see your face and kiss you. He loves to see your reaction and whisper into your ear to tease you. I think his go-tos are missionary, holding you up against a wall, or you on your back on his desk or a table.
It takes him a while to feel comfortable letting you on top. He trusts you and knows you won't hurt him. Once he finally lets you ride him, he enjoys it and actually relaxes, letting you take full control. You riding him becomes a semi-regular occurrence.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Goofy is not in this mans’ vocabulary. He’s nothing but serious. The closest he gets to goofy is teasing you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
My personal headcanon is Goyl don't have hair down there, but he does keep everything in that area clean.
Hentzau doesn't care what you do with your hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Hentzau isn't very romantic. He’ll try every so often but it's nothing like rose petals to the bedroom. He will run a bath for you after a long week or give you a nice massage. The longer you're together and he knows you're feelings are genuine the more he tries.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
The feeling doesn't come around often and when it happens, he really doesn't have time or the privacy to get off and he'd rather wait till he gets home to you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Definitely a sir/lieutenant kink.
He loves seeing you in lingerie, especially when the color is close to his skin color. Drives him insane.
Clothed sex where he's clothed and you're completely naked.
Absolutely loves edging you, especially when you've been misbehaving.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Sex is mostly at home. Hentzau really likes to take you up against a wall. Trapping you so you can't shy away from his tease and to remind you how strong he is. But at the end of the day, he doesn't really care where he has you. Bed, couch, table, wall, floor.
I think the only place outside of the home he will consider having sex with you is in his office at the palace.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you come up behind him and wrap your arms around him. Whispering what you want him to do to you as you run your hands over his arms and shoulders.
If he's been away for longer than a day or two. Once he walks through the door he's on you, he just wants to feel you wrapped around him.
Anytime you bend over in front of him, he's almost immediately behind you, hands on your waist, feeling you up.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bondage is a no-go. He can't be tied up and he won't tie you up. He's tied up too many humans and doesn't want to think about that when you're intimate.
He won't even entertain the idea of public sex or humiliation.
Even though Goyls can have multiple partners, he won't go after another woman or share you with anyone else, well he might share you with Kami’en, maybe.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Hentzau definitely prefers eating you out. It took him a bit to figure out how to and what you like. The noises you make just keep him going. Holding your hips down and not letting up until you're begging, tears are rolling down your face, and pushing his head away.
He sometimes turns you down when you offer to go down on him. It's not that he doesn't like it, he does. He knows he's bigger than most humans and doesn't want to hurt your throat.
The first time you gave him a blowjob he lost control towards the end and pushed too much of himself into your mouth, going down your throat, making you chock and cough. Ever since then, he hesitates when you offer.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
If you two have the time, Hentzau is slow and sensual. Wanting to feel every part of your body, see every reaction, and hear each long moan you let out. Watching as you fall apart because of him. Almost to a point where it feels like he's edging you.
If it's a quickie, he definitely has a fast pace but he tries not to be too rough with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies happen a lot due to Hentzau needing to leave a lot of the time and leaving at random times. He hates when quickies happen more often than him taking his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He's open to talking about experimenting with new things and doing them, as long as it doesn't cross his boundaries or could hurt you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Even with all the wear and tear on his body, Hentzau can usually last two rounds. Making you cum at least twice before his one round.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys are a no.
It gives him a deep sense of pride that he's the only one who can turn you into a complete whimpering, shaking, and fucked out mess.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Hentzau loves teasing you, whether it be whispering in your ear, a light touch here or there, a subtle squeeze on your hip, dragging a claw along your skin, or a hand high on your thigh under the table when you two have dinner with Kami’en and Amalie.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Hentzau is quiet, but he will praise and tease you during sex.
You mostly feel his groans in his chest but every now and then you’ll hear groans in your ear. He gets a bit more vocal when he is close to cumming or it's been a while.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Hentzau hates spending winters above ground but in your shared home with a fire roaring in, lying on the couch with you on his chest, arms around you, class tracing a pattern on your back through your thick sleep shirt, and kissing the top of your head as you drift off. He learns to hate them a little less.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We know Hentzau is a big guy, and my personal headcanon is the average for Goyls is that they're a decent bit longer and much thicker than the human average.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Hentzau has a decent sex drive. He's ready whenever you are and initiates some of the time. But he's just as content just spending time with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If it's a quickie, he usually has to rush out the door.
If you came to his office at the palace he can't go to sleep. If he took too much out of you he’ll let you sleep on the couch in the office.
At home, once you're satisfied and comfortable, he will pull you into his chest and cuddle you. If he's tired he’ll fall asleep but if not he’ll just lay there watching you sleep. 
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underground-boss-clay · 11 months
Opinions on your fellow league members?
Not sure if ya mean as of now or includin' those from a coupla years ago. Might as well do both; never hurts ta cover all bases. This is... Pretty damn long, just warnin' y'all.
•The Striaton trio (think their individual names were Cress, Chili an' Cilan) kinda depended too much on each other. Guess that just comes with bein' a triplet, but I'm pretty sure that's a big weakness fer all three of them. They're so confident someone has their back that they ain't got plans for when no one can back them up.
•Honestly I wasn't too sure about Cheren at first; kid was goal-driven when I first met him on his Gym challenge. Which is admirable, and I'd been there, but he was a little too much so. Didn't think much about what he'd do after becomin' Champion; hell, I don't think he even knew why he was goin' for it so hard. Thank goodness for Lenora.
•Speakin' of, she and Hawes are... Wouldn't say close friends, haven't known em as long as I have, say, Joe, but decent enough associates. I've donated fossils to their museum on numerous occasions, and the woman treats each one with care, even before they're revived. Very strong willed and not afraid ta speak her mind or argue her case. Always good ta have someone like that on yer side! And even though he don't count as part of the League, Hawes is a very thorough researcher. Also knows a ridiculous amount of trivial things. Seriously, who needs to know what an aglet is?
•Anyway, Roxie is a bit of an odd one. My first impression of her made me think she was just a loud little punk, but she's actually surprisingly responsible. Thought she'd prioritize her band above Virbank, but girl has no problems wit puttin' that aside until Virbank's problems are solved. Still ain't a big fan of her music, but that's more personal tastes.
•Most creative types tend to be eccentric almost to the point a' hysterics, but Burgh is surprisingly calm. Keeps his cool 'n most situations, an' I can probably count the times I've heard him raise his voice on one hand. His Gym designs are out there, almost to be expected, but hey, least he ain't jumpin' off windmills right?
•Elesa is incredibly no-nonsense, an' with a stubborn streak ta rival Lenora. Very much a good problem solver, and accomplished a lot on her own very quickly. And on top a' that, able to keep succeedin', or at least minimize losses. That's the hardest part 'n businesses like hers (and mine, but different areas entirely).
•Skyla's a good girl--bit airheaded at times, 'f you'll pardon the pun, but loyal and ain't afraid ta help someone through tough times. Livin' as close to the Celestial Tower will probably do that.
•I'll be honest, Brycen was a bit of a strange one fer me. He's not bad, but he could be... Well, pretty damn dramatic. Not that Burgh doesn't sometimes have moments, but Burgh's theatrics are usually... How ta put this, quieter and somewhat predictable? Whereas Brycen could easily jump from one end a' the spectrum to the next quicker 'n you could blink. Made it hard ta really read him.
•Drayden... Is a good mayor, and an intimidatin' Gym Leader. To be expected when ya decide to work wit Dragon types. But there've been times where I don't think he focuses on himself enough. I don't even mean the wrestlin' dragons bit, I'm talkin' about how he tends to ignore his own problems in favor of helpin' others with their own. Which I can admire, he's helped me out of a slump once, but sometimes ya got to give yerself time to address a personal problem before it gets worse.
•Marlon is a good kid. Good heart, even if he ain't the sharpest pick 'n the box. Or the most alert, fer that matter.
•Marshall struck me as a bit compulsive at first, but he's actually got quite the quick-thinkin' head on his shoulders.
•No hard feelings against her, but there are times where Caitlyn can come off as... Uncaring, which irks me. I understand that probably ain't her fault, but it's one a' those things that makes me glad ta not work with her too often.
•Not fond of Grimsley's penchant fer risk, but as long as it ain't my money on the line I won't throw mud on him for it.
•Shauntal's a smart girl, but sometimes she talks too damn fast. Her writing's good according to some of my workers though.
•Alder was a bit too laid back as Champion in my opinion, but then again I do understand his reasoning for travelin' around the region instead a' stayin' cooped up with paperwork. Probably helped him understand folks more, which is a key element in a good Champion.
•And finally, Iris. I think she can be a bit hotheaded and impulsive at times, but that can be said for a lot of kids. And becomin' Champion certainly calmed her down a tad. Yer doin'great so far sweetheart, keep it up.
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nice2meetyouu · 2 months
A video "recommended" to me by youtube was entitled, "I quit my job." I was on youtube to look for Berlitz-related tips, but I spent my time watching the I quit my job video instead. She quit her job at Spotify because of burnout and the feeling that she was stuck, career-wise. There's more to it, and it made me reflect for a while.
My new coping mechanism is actually to not think. Thinking is exhausting. In many cases, it doesn't lead me anywhere. I am grateful to my friends who are patient with my musings, though. I used to think, thinking aloud helps me a lot, but now, I don't want to bother people anymore with my thoughts. They also have things to think about.
Anyway, the person's reasons for quitting (in the video) made sense to me, but I am not that adventurous or courageous to quit without another job lined up. I guess I am not really at the point where I think about contentment and growth. For example, "I want to be a world-class leader who can impact lives"—well, no. I am just collecting "experiences" everyday.
When things get difficult, I try to reframe the situation as: I am getting paid to learn, so I should keep "learning" things at the job. When things get repetitive or boring, I try to distract myself by making plans. Being tired will affect how you think, and sometimes all we need are reassurance, warmth, and rest. These days, even camping alone sounds like a great idea to me.
When I left my second job in December because I've gotten so anxious thinking about it and I don't even really want to go to work anymore, I felt so weak, as if I were a person who couldn't withstand challenging times. And I felt that it would be hard for me to have another job like that, which was somewhat aligned with my course and paid a decent amount of money (for the amount of work), but reality is different. There are even better opportunities out there.
As for that job, the responsibilities are okay, but to me, it was just being really poorly managed, and I don't think there's a need for me to force myself to tolerate the "manager" or her antics. What I experienced was probably really just a good redirection towards something more worthwhile.
In summary, I've let go of the shame and self-blame for my decisions and I've started to even think that I'm doing pretty well for wherever I am right now.
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chacusha · 2 months
One year of my Quark-x-Odo dA art group
It's been just over a year now since I created a fanart group on DeviantArt, so I wanted to give an update on how it's been going.
So one thing about trying to run an art group on dA is that, if you want to add other people's art to your galleries, you basically need to send a request for every piece of art every two weeks, because requests expire and become non-actionable after two weeks have passed... Not only that, but it seems like after some unknown longer amount of time, dA actually removes the expired request from an artist's notifications entirely, so a user may not even be aware that a group has asked in the past to add their art to its galleries. dA sends no email notifications for gallery add requests, so as you might expect, most people don't realize they have requests that need their attention and often have no ability to even follow up either. I'm... really not sure why dA makes you jump through so many hoops for what is essentially just free publicity/a fancy labeled hyperlink that doesn't actually affect the artist or original art in any way, but... well, that's just how dA is.
Anyway, so I've been resending these requests every two weeks, and sometimes people accept, occasionally someone rejects, most just don't respond either way. The result of this regular renewal of requests has been that gradually people add their art to our galleries. To give you an indication, this was our status after about 3 months of the group running:
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Right now, having run for a full year, those numbers are: Total works: 134. Total artists: 69 (nice). Total pieces requested to be added: 328 (note: these numbers don't include rejected pieces). Response rate: 41%. By folder: Quodo: 46%. Quark: 44%. Odo: 35%. Ensemble: 39%. Fiction: n/a. Miscellaneous: 0%.
As you can see, the longer I keep these requests active, the more likely it is the artist will eventually respond accepting the request.
However, without going into too many unimportant details, dA has recently updated their groups functionality so that it is no longer practical for me to tell when someone has rejected an add request. So rather than risk pestering artists who might have rejected add requests, I think the best thing to do here is for me to just stop doing this thing where I renew requests. It's been a year anyway -- it's a good timeframe to decide that if an artist hasn't responded by now, they're probably not going to show up. So from now on, I will only send out a request to add a piece of art once, and if it expires, it expires.
It is a shame, though, as it means that I have much less ability to showcase older art that still exists on dA, especially since dA also removed the ability to have group favorite galleries (which are ALSO basically just fancy labeled hyperlinks, just ones that DON'T require artist permission for groups to curate art in galleries -- what's the difference, you ask, and why wouldn't you just keep the favorites functionality over the gallery functionality then? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). But I guess this is fine -- the focus of this group will just have to pivot from trying to archive all the Quodo art that exists on dA to highlighting the art of artists who are at least somewhat active on the site. So far, I've been getting a decent amount of response to my requests to add newer art, so maybe in ten years' time, this group will actually function as an archive of older art! But for now, I will just focus on making it a place that encourages artists to make Quark/Odo art and provides them a place to showcase it.
On the plus side, the update to groups did make our front page snazzier and more customizable. Here's what our group page looks like now after I've fiddled with some of the options:
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It's not bad, and I'm able to highlight important information easier. Also, I can actually randomize which art appears on the main page, which is something that just wasn't possible before! (Because... dA has always been kind of broken...)
As you can tell, the main thing missing from the page is a cover/banner image at the top. I would like to use that space to highlight either some fanart or screencaps from the show. If anyone has art they would be fine with me using (preferably in a darker color palette to match the general dark mode of the page), I would love to use it!
Anyway, happy 1st birthday to this community! Even though I feel like not many people really appreciate using DeviantArt as a fanart platform, this group has kind of been my baby for the past year, and I've been enjoying maintaining the galleries and regularly updating the group despite dA's efforts to thwart me at every turn. It's been nice having a little space I can putter around in. This dA group almost feels like having a Neocities page(?) but with simpler functionality and easier to use.
(Sometimes maintaining a Tumblr blog feels a bit to me like a rat race, like I collect all these shinies and then they're gone and I never see or think about them again, and you go away from the site too long and you've missed so many shinies, and I don't know why I'm doing this. But this dA group has felt more like having a little virtual house that I gradually decorate and add more things to each time I visit to make it feel a bit more welcoming, which is very satisfying. And maintaining a Dreamwidth comm feels a bit like editing a wiki: fairly easy to do, SO much writing involved, results in an incredibly organized set of resources afterward.)
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independentzaun · 1 year
healing and moving
Continued from Here with @elisethetraveller
A soft sigh of quiet relief escaped from Renata as she felt Elise’s hand gripping at hers. Even with as worried as Renata had been she knew that with Elise waking up the worst was over. Her lover would survive, and that made a particular tension leave Renata’s shoulders despite a tinge of worry still remaining. The fear she’d felt could only dissipate so quickly after all. All the same Renata had never been the kind to hold onto such things for longer than what seemed necessary preferring to concentrate on what came afterwards. Sometimes it was grief, but sometimes it was thankfulness that things had worked out. In this case thankfulness… and a nervousness of another kind as suddenly she fully realized what had escaped from her lips. An offer to move in together. Not that she had any intentions at all of taking that back, but what if she’d misjudged things and Elise said no?
Ever so carefully she half sat on the bed Elise was on, and kept a decent amount of weight on one leg braced against the floor. The kind of thing learned almost instinctively by someone too large for a lot of the commonly available things around them to settle down on comfortably particularly if someone else was there already. All the same she wanted to be close to Elise regardless of the response given.
The moment Elise agreed, and those soft lips kissed at Renata’s knuckles she couldn’t help the warm bright smile that came to her face. Nodding she leaned down to kiss Elise gently. “I feel the same. I’ve been thinking about it a bit, and it just never quite seemed like the right time. I didn’t want to wait any longer though, and you mean so much to me.” That beaming smile on Elise’s face made Renata actually let out a happy sounding chuckle as her own smile widened, and hit her eyes fully. “I’m happy you said yes. Really.” It wasn’t just an urge to keep Elise safe as she was well aware Elise could take care of herself. Renata had meant every word, and although it’d taken a good bit of time to get to this point Elise meant more to her at this point than Renata could easily express.
“I know you do. Thankfully. You are still going to take the time you need to heal fully though, and at least a day past that to rest afterwards.” Raising her eyebrows a bit Renata nodded trying her best to seem firm as though there was no chance Elise could argue against her. Of course Renata half expected Elise to go back to work perhaps three fourths of the way healed because “people need help”, and to end up exhausted when returning home but she could at least try. “Besides we’ll have to go out shopping. Can’t have our home only looking like mine after all.”
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