#but one of my friends is flying to another continent for a wedding
thehoneybuzz · 2 years
I got my first tattoo when I was 22 years old. My big brother came for a visit - we’d been best friends living on opposite coasts for 2 years by then. A giant Samoan gentleman named Buffalo kept the shop open late to bestow my first ink - a small elephant on my rib cage. Elephants communicate across continents, and it felt good to capture that kind of forever with my brother by my side. We’d always be there for each other - even if just through rumblings. My first tattoo meant “I love you” to my brother.
Just a year later I’d get the country of Iceland tattooed on my calf. I wanted to memorialize the trip I’d taken there. I had traveled by myself to a foreign country and scuba dived between the earth's tectonic plates in a glacial lake. I put the Icelandic word for love - “elska” in the outline of the continent because Iceland wasn’t just the setting of my first solo adventure. A boy named Ian Tanzer would show up 5 days into that trip and bend what he could of his broken knees. He proposed behind a waterfall. We celebrated in hot springs and by feeding Oreos to Icelandic horses. I felt I found my whole heart in Iceland. I found myself and my soul mate on its shores. My second tattoo meant “I love you” to me and the man I’d marry.
My third tattoo was a symbol from the Harry Potter series - the Deathly Hallows. I got it at 24 when my best friend, Reece, and I found ourselves back home together. Reece and I became best friends in the fifth grade when he was told to clean the chalkboard at recess. I offered to stay behind and help, a real Hermione Granger. Somehow our board cleaning devolved into a 409 war. We shot the cleaning material across the entire classroom, and when class resumed we were all but doused in bleach. Our friendship was born of mischief. He and I would wait in line together at every midnight release of the Potter series - at bookstores and movie theaters, alike. We’d be in Europe together, as sophomores in high school, for the release of the 5th movie. Not to spoil it for you - but Sirius Black dies. I sobbed into Reece’s shoulder outside the London theater. It wouldn’t be the last time I’d need that shoulder. My third tattoo - which later grew to read “mischief managed” meant “I love you” to my best friend.
That’s when it happened.
About 6 months later I was marrying my husband, and I couldn’t keep the secret anymore. I couldn’t walk into that next phase of my life without being honest. So. 3 days before my wedding I told my dad I had tattoos. I knew he wouldn’t like it. My brother's tattoos had strained their relationship - but my brother was also living under my fathers roof. I reasoned that since I was independent and doing well on my own (at 22, 23, and 24) that his usual arguments wouldn’t apply. I knew he’d be mad. I didn’t know it would be our last real conversation - that he wouldn’t attend my wedding. At 30 we are fully estranged.
And today is his birthday.
And five years after he’s turned his heart from me I still wish I could wish him a happy birthday. That’s grief.
I’ve got more tattoos now then I did five years ago. I added the flowers of my wedding bouquet to my rib cage. I covered my Iceland tattoo, but I love that it’s still almost there. It sits beneath Mount Rainier, a compass that points NorthWest, and a triangle outlined by lilacs. I missed my home more than I loved Iceland. Now I’ve climbed the mountain I honored on my skin. I got a bee on my ass that reminds me to “live one life” as an homage to a spirit quest taken solo in Peru. Not to mention the pilot I’ve got on my quad - I think that one might be more of a self-portrait than any of ‘em. Who I see myself as when I fly. The color wheel on my forearm is my favorite and most useful. Oh - and a few stars on my wrist as another nod to Harry Potter. I know. One Harry Potter tattoo is enough, but two felt better. Reece got a matching one within a week of mine, of course.
I wear myself on my skin, and at the site of it my creator turned from me. That hurts. It also gives you superpowers. I have been made stronger for this - so I have to be grateful for it. The last words I said to my father were this.
He asked if I would do it differently now. Knowing what I know - knowing how hurt he was - knowing that it would lead to (at that point) a year of not speaking - would I do it all the same?
I looked him in the eye and said, “I would not change the tenets of my character for you or anyone.” And that was that.
If someone turns from you in your power - they are not meant for you. And it’s not wrong for you to let them go. That’s the lesson I learned from my father. I don’t know why - but he could not see me. He likely never will. And that’s okay.
Because I am okay. I am healing and grieving. But - also - creating something beautiful.
So Happy Birthday, Dad. And fuck you
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lemememeringue · 2 years
jealously bitter and indignant abt ppl who just.. live like normal. people around me are sick and dying. how are you able to function. why are you immune to consequence. why do I feel like the unreasonable one? when do I get to drive past the flag memorial for community members lost and feel this gut wrenching reality is in the past?
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123moiaussi · 3 years
Elriel First Flight HC
I thought I’d indulge you all with another HC and WIP I’ve had for a while (if I ever finish the fanfic and dare to share it with y’all). I believe Elriel had their first flight back in ACOMAF (because Elriel seemed chill with flying together in ACOWAR). I believe that if this occurred, it happened somewhere after Wings and Embers and before Hybern. It’s likely that Az and Elain interacted with each other back then since they were relaying information about the queens. So in between this happening, they take a little tangent in conversation and their dynamic begins to bloom. The start of friends to lovers am I right? Shout out to @gopeachllama for reading this through
- Azriel looked beyond the grand veranda and onto the sprawling garden. The roses were heavy in bloom and the scent of geranium and other florals hung in the air. It was the end of summer and the garden needed some weeding and pruning done. The beds needed to be cleared and treated too. Elain has neglected her garden suties in favour of wedding planning. 
- “Your garden is beautiful. Do you have a head gardener?”
- “No”, she breathed, “I take care of my garden.”
- Azriel’s eyes glanced at her and went back to the garden. The shadows that curled around his shoulders stilled as if pleasantly surprised at her honesty. 
- “This garden can rival the ones found on the continent.” He said frankly and Elain blushed. 
- “Don’t flatter me Lord Azriel-”
- “No need to call me Lord,” he cut her off. “It’s true, I’ve seen them myself and your garden is just as impressive.” She looked at her hands twisting her lap and Azriel tracked the movement but didn’t comment.
- “Thank you”, she started but it was followed by a pause. 
- She looked out towards the garden, as the sun began to crest higher on the horizon. She loved her garden at dawn. The sky melted into an array of colours and the world seemed to belong to her for a moment before the rest of the world awoke to begin their daily toils and routines.
-“I’ve always wanted to go to the continent,” she said, “I planned on doing so with my father this year,” she explained as Azriel studied her.
- He seemed to take a breath. “Why didn’t you go?” he said as he swirled the remaining tea in his cup around.
- Elain looked at her iron and pearl engagement ring. She was still adjusting to the new weight on her finger and grappling with the idea of becoming a wife in just a couple months. Elain dared to glance at him as she twisted the ring around her finger. “Plans change.” She uttered more to herself than to Azriel, but he still caught her answer as he shifted in his seat to cross his ankles.
- “I didn’t extend my congratulations at our dinner. I hope you have a long life filled with an abundance of happiness.”
- “I hope so too,” she admitted as she met his gaze for a moment before attempting to find something else to settle her eyes on. The sundial in the centre of the garden seemed to do the trick.
- Her curiosity had lingered from their dinner and the voice in her head cajoled her. Ask him about the song of the wind and its melody. She attempted to shake the voice off as she reached for the teapot to refill her cup and was met with a brush of fingers.
- Her eyes snapped to Azriel’s and she immediately blushed. They both awkwardly chuckled at their accidentally brushing of hands but Elain glanced at his for a second. She didn’t know where he’d gotten the injury but it sure did look like it was painful. Azriel seemed self conscious of his hands but she looked up and gave him a small smile. A small offering of comfort and understanding. His eyes seemed to soften a bit before his eyes went cold again. “Pass me your cup” she offered as Azriel looked at the delicate teacup in his other hand.
- Azriel seemed to be relieved that she hadn’t commented on his hands. But maybe it is a story to be told another day or when war wasn’t a looming threat.
- The voice whispered to her again as she sorted out Azriel’s cup as well as her own. Ask him if flying feels like falling.
- This voice was a problem one that she had kept hidden away for many years. Curiosity was something that her mother said never helped any situation but Elain couldn’t help the need to find out more about the Spymaster and the art of flying.
- She gave in to her voice and took a deep breath as she stirred her tea. “May I ask a question?”, Azriel’s shoulders tensed but he responded with a curt nod as he inspected his tea.
- “What does flying actually feel like?”, she asked and dared to see his reaction. He seemed to regard her question as he lifted the cup to his lips and swallowed.
- “I don’t know what the song of the wind sounds like but does flying feel like,” she stumbled hoping that she hadn’t insulted him in some way. Maybe the question was too personal for people that have only shared a political dinner together. Oh gods above this was embarrassing.
- “Does it feel like when you fall out of a tree”
- “To be honest, I’ve flown into more trees than I’ve fallen out of them. So, I cannot say that flying is comparable to falling out of a tree.” He commented as he took another sip of his tea.
- Well, this was awkward. She shouldn’t have listened to that little voice . Her mother was right following your curiosity only lead to problems and maybe her question was too weird to answer or -
- “But if you’re asking if it feels like being weightless then you’re halfway there.” Azriel countered as if reading the thoughts barreling through her mind. She was grateful for that. For him attempting to answer a question so personal to him. She looked at him then, and the corner of his mouth tilted slightly as she regarded him with flushed cheeks and doe eyes.
- She knew it was a good idea to reply in thanks for his attempt to answer her question, ”I hope I understand what it feels like one day”.
- He looked at her again and tentatively offered, “I can show you know if you’d like”.
- “I don’t want to bother you. You seem to be a very busy man- uh male,” she felt her body flush at the thought of being close to a male and what that would imply. “Nor do I believe I have appropriate attire-”
- But Elain stilled as he offered her his hand. A gesture of invitation, “it would be my pleasure.”
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Callbacks & Cannoli Cake
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Requested by: The wonderful Wignony! (“If I haven't missed the cut off, could I request an imagine with Joe and reader? Something sickeningly sweet and romantic, maybe along the lines of a proposal/ wedding day/ honeymoon?”)
Summary: Joe got good news at work, but tonight you’ll have something even better to celebrate. 
Warnings: Language, literal sugary sweetness, a tiny bit of angst (I’m sorry, you know me, I couldn’t help it! 😂).
Word Count: 1.5k.
You’re reading the text for the fifth time when he walks through the front door. I GOT THE PART!!! See yo fine ass at 6:15 ;)
“Hey, firefly!” Joe calls brightly, racing into the kitchen and linking his arms around your waist from behind, kissing the back of your neck with loud, comedic smacks as you giggle and try not to massacre the icing you’ve been painstakingly smoothing with a spatula. He’s called you that since your first date, a picnic in Grand Hope Park that was supposed to just be lunch and turned into drinks, tapas, dinner, and ice cream for dessert as fireflies crept out of their shelters and freckled the sky with their harmless, inborn lightning.
“Joe, babe, stop, please stop, I’m going to ruin the cake—”
Joe gasps, spying it for the first time. “A cannoli cake? You made me a cannoli cake?!”
You lift up the heavy glass cake plate and gingerly show him, wearing a sheepish smile. “I thought we should celebrate. There’s lasagna in the oven, it’ll be done in twenty minutes.”
“So we get to eat the cake first.”
You laugh, ferrying the cannoli cake to the kitchen table as Joe picks up the spatula and licks it like a lollipop, moaning orgasmicly, mascarpone frosting peppered with miniature chocolate chips dotting his nose and chin. “Tonight, Mr. Mazzello, you get everything you want.”
Today was his third callback for the part, a co-starring role of the protagonist’s best friend in a romantic comedy directed by Richard Curtis. And while you are firmly of the belief that Joe is more than worthy of lead roles—especially in romantic comedies, a genre in which he has been criminally underutilized—you know he’s thrilled to have landed it. Rebel Wilson, Colin Firth, and Zendaya are involved in the project as well, and filming will take place mostly in the gorgeous island paradise of Turks and Caicos. Which means that Joe will soon be jetting off to the Caribbean for months on end, leaving you here in Los Angeles to tend your bakery and catch up on your reading list and snuggle with the cats and try not to grow bitter about the fact that most people don’t have to give up their significant others for vast, volatile stretches of the year, most people don’t constantly feel like they’re battling to keep a surfboard level over waves of impermanence. And that’s what you’re really trying to do tonight: not just celebrate Joe’s accomplishments, not just make him happy, but to make sure he doesn’t notice the sadness around your eyes, the mournful slump in the set of your shoulders.
But as he sits down at the table and cuts two messy, hulking slices of cannoli cake and gives you the bigger one, Joe does notice something. His dark eyes catch on you and narrow. His brow furrows in concern. “What’s up, firefly?”
“Nothing,” you reply, slipping into the chair beside him, running your fingers through his hair and forcing a smile. “I’m so proud of you, Joe. And I know you’ll love it. I just...you know.” You take an unenthusiastic bite of cake and shrug, apologetic, feeling childish and selfish and ridiculous. “I’ll miss you.”
“Aww, I know, firefly. I’ll miss you too. But we’ll talk all the time, we’ll text and call and I’ll comment heart-eyes emojis on all your Instagram posts, and you can take a few long weekends to come visit me...and we can FaceTime so I can say hi to the cats and our beloved apartment!”
“Our apartment,” you murmur; because it doesn’t feel much like both of yours. You’ve only shared it for three months, and Joe has easily been out of town for two of them. And although you have no right at all to be disenchanted with an arrangement that you knowingly signed up for, you can’t help but fear that it all has an inescapable aura of transience, that one day Joe won’t come back home at all, and that the apartment won’t even feel that different without him in it; like he’s a comet that comes with the decades, a passing marvel that you can see but never own.
Joe reaches out and takes your free hand, the one not holding your fork. “Hey,” he says softly. “I know. Believe me, I know.”
“I’m not mad, I’m really not, I want you to have this. I know it’s what brings you happiness, I know it’s what you’re brilliant at, I just...I guess I just wish this all felt a little more permanent.”
That seems to surprise him. “What, like, you and me being permanent?”
“Yeah.” You take another bite of cannoli cake. It’s good. It’s really freaking good, actually. Joe’s massive slice is gone already; he cuts another, peering uncertainly over at you. He still doesn’t appear to get it. “What I mean is that I feel like you’re never here long enough for the apartment to start feeling like ours. You’re more like a guest. Petunia and Iris might think you’re just my hot friend who occasionally sleeps over and takes bubble baths with me.”
“I don’t think cats have a particularly deep understanding of commitment anyway.”
You laugh, mostly to break the gravity. This is the precise opposite of how you wanted this night to go. “Never mind, I’m being dumb. Forget it.” You smile again, as convincingly as you can. The scent of lasagna now fills the small kitchen; the orange-pink light of the sunset pours in through the open windows. “Enjoy Turks and Caicos. Make a hilarious movie. Slurp down your weight in daiquiris served in coconut shells. And try not to get too sunburned, I want to be able to touch you when I fly down to visit. We don’t need a repeat of Miami, lobster boy.”  
Joe sets down his fork, crosses his arms over his chest, and grins at you thoughtfully, craftily.
“Uh oh. What?”
“Well, you see, it’s interesting that you brought up this whole permanence thing.”
You shake your head. “Joe, really, I don’t want to make tonight about me. I just want to celebrate. Can we do that?”
“Oh, we’re still celebrating, firefly. But I have one more thing to tell you about.”
“It better not be another cat. That’s really not the solution to this problem. Is it another cat? Jesus christ, if your mother is trying to get us to adopt another one of her rescue cats, I’m going to fucking scream—”
“It’s not a cat.”
“Then what is it?”
“Well,” Joe begins, grinning broadly now. “I guess it’s less of something I have to tell you and more of something I have to ask you.”
“...Ask me...what...?”
His hand slides into the pocket of his Hawaiian cargo shorts—not his best look, if you’re being totally honest about it—where for the first time you notice the faint outline of a tiny square. He takes out the ring box and sets it down between you on the table. Your fork tumbles out of your grasp and hits the floor, splattering frosting and cake crumbs. An ecstatic gasp rips from between your teeth. Your hands fly up to cover your mouth.
“No way...”
“Yes way.” Joe gestures to the box. “I don’t know what continent I’m going to be on six months from now. I don’t know how often I’ll find myself home in our apartment. I don’t know how great of a cat dad I am. But I know that I want you with me every step of the way. So, if you’re down to make this thing permanent, and to bake me cannoli cakes for the remainder of my earthly existence, I’d like for you to marry me. I’d love for you to marry me, actually. And if you need some time to think it over before giving me an answer, I completely understand—”
You rush out of your chair and into his shocked but welcoming arms, almost knocking him out of his seat as you climb into his lap, laughing, crying, kissing him as tears stream down your cheeks. “I don’t need time. I’m saying yes. Right here, right now, Mr. Mazzello.”
“You don’t even want to see the ring first?” he teases.  
“Nope. I’m in no matter what it looks like. I swear on our neglected feline daughters’ lives.”
“Oh thank god, because my bank account is super sparse until this new gig starts paying and it’s a literal Ring Pop.”
Joe’s joking, of course; he’s joking almost all the time, which is one of the innumerable things you love about him. But you really don’t care what the ring looks like. You care about what it means, about the promise it holds, about the peace it gives you to carry around like armor against all the uncertainties of the world.
And Joe whispers, beaming: “Now, future Mrs. Mazzello, I really do have everything I want.”
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hello! i hope you have a happy holidays!! just a question: do you know any good crossover fics? :0 thanks so much! 🥰
Hi Nonny!! 
Thank you! My holiday season was great <3 Sorry for the delay on the reply, but your ask was a great one because I’ve wanted to do an update list to my “movies and books” list, so I’m updating it to just “crossovers” because I have more to add and that makes me happy!! 
This list ended up getting split across two asks, so for this one, this list is all my bookmarked fics. A part 1.5 with my MFL’s is coming shortly with another ask, and I ask y’all hold off to add your own suggestions to that list instead, please :) Thank you!
CROSSOVERS and FUSIONS (Feb 2021) Pt. 1
See Also:
Fairy Tales and Fantasy
TV, Movies, and Books AU (Fantasy Pt. 2)
Wonderful Life AU
Sherlock / Hannibal Crossovers?
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Faes / Faeries
Disney-esque Fics
Moulin Rouge AU
Crossovers & Fusions Pt.1.5 [MFLs]
It's After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,791 w., 1 Ch. || City of Angels AU || Fantasy, Fallen Angel Sherlock, Soldier John, Pining Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Permanently Incomplete Fic) – Sherlock's an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him.
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he's not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
Captain John Watson, Genetics, and Other Crazy Things by cyerus (M, 5,581 w., 1 Ch. || Torchwood Crossover ||  Humour / Crack, Jealous Sherlock, Sexual Magnet John, Captain John, UST / RST, Three Continents Watson) – The explanation for John "Three Continents" Watson? Jack Harkness is his father. Sherlock doesn't know whether he's going to die from jealousy or sexual frustration first.
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,994 w., 2 Ch. || Frozen-ish AU || Magical Realism, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Powerful John) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock's brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way...
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by "accident", it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
Equilibrium by augustbird (M, 12,351 w., 1 Ch. || Flowers for Algernon Fusion || Jealous then Worried Sherlock, Sick John) – At Baskerville, John is infected by a virus that turns him into a genius. But when the infection progresses into neurodegeneration, it's a race against time to save himself.
The Nutcracker by Odamaki (T, 13,758 w., 7 Ch. || Nutcracker AU ||  Christmas, Dark Magic, Dolls) – Sherlock is unimpressed with Uncle Rudy's present. A doll? What does he want with a doll?
Wonderful, Etcetera. by VictoryCandescence (T, 16,955 w., 3 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Alternate Timelines, Brotherhood, Homophobia, Suicidal Ideations, Mentions of Drug Use, Friendship, Different TRF, Sherlock’s Past, Victor Trevor is Past Boyfriend, Depression, Hallucination, Love Confessions, Christmas, First Kiss) – Sherlock thinks everyone would be better off if he had never existed, including and especially himself. When he finds himself in a world in which his wish has been granted, he begins to think perhaps even he could be wrong – but it takes an unlikely chaperone to make him not only observe, but understand.
Uncharted Territory by J_Baillier (T, 19,603 w., 4 Ch. || Dystopian Future / Black Mirror AU || Alternate First Meeting, Angst, Drama, Homophobia, Bisexuality, Technology, Humour, Romance, Near Future, Happy Ending) – The System puts people through a series of assigned relationships in order to determine who their Perfect Match is. John believes that it works; Sherlock really, really doesn't. One of them is probably going to be wrong.
Once Upon a Beast Becoming by antietamfalls (T, 24,042 w., 6 Ch. || Beauty and the Beast AU || Magical Realism, Folklore, Celtic Mythology) – An act of pride, a druid’s curse, an enchanted leaf; Sherlock’s torment has lasted an age. Hope arrives in the form of one John Watson, a man uniquely suited to break the spell. But with a single night to win his affections, Sherlock finds his carefully laid plans disrupted by a monstrous killer whose sights are set on the only thing he has left to lose: John.
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w., 4 Ch. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, PIning, H/C, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice, Escort Service) – Clara's American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she's also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she's placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
The Boy Who Drank Stars by kinklock (E, 36,157 w., 4 Ch. || Howl’s Moving Castle AU || Witches and Wizards, Slow Burn, Magic, Jealous John, Happy Ending, Bed Sharing) – “I’m looking for a castle,” John informed the scarecrow. “A moving one.”Except that, as it turned out, it was not a moving one at all.
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 36,420 w., 7 Ch. || A Royal Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Prince Sherlock, Soldier John, Alternating POV, First Kiss, Bittersweet Ending, Homophobia, Dancing) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
Malediction by MapleleafCameo (M, 36,680 w., 11 Ch. || Ladyhawke AU || Magical Realism, Romance, Curses, Eventual Happy Ending) – Cursed to a half-life, John and Sherlock must fight the forces of evil to be reunited once again.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
The Curious Adventure of the Drs. Watson by ShinySherlock (M, 40,883 w., 14 Ch. || BBC & ACD Fusion || Victorianlock, Time Travel / Magical Realism, Friends to Lovers, Love and Kissing, Romance, Body Swap) – What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places...  “Imposter!” Hands clenching the lapels of John’s coat, Holmes shoved him anew. “Yes!” John agreed, nodding, and then grimacing. “Sort of!”
The Soul Remembers by i_ship_an_armada (E, 43,636 w., 10 Ch. || Oblivion AU || Post-Apocalypse, Movie Fusion, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Angst, Dreams, Bittersweet Ending) – John Watson is the lone security repairman stationed on a desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. His dreams are plagued by a tall, dark-haired man, and when his dreams meet reality, he will be forced to question everything he believes is the truth about his life.
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w., 15 Ch. || Notting Hill AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant -- but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
This Thing All Things Devours by cypress_tree (E, 63,844 w., 15 Ch. || In Time AU || Science Fiction, Dystopian Universe, First Meetings, Action / Adventure, Romance) – In 2169, time is money—literally. Humans are genetically engineered to stop aging at 25, when the numbers on their arm start counting down from one year. When that time is up, they die. The only way to get more time is to earn it, borrow it, or steal it.John Watson lives day-to-day in the crowded slums of Zone 13. He never imagined living any differently—until he meets the practically-immortal Sherlock, and helps him on a case to track a local time-thief...
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) – Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
The Cost of a Wish by slashscribe (E, 102,493 w., 12 Ch. || xxxHolic Fusion || Spirits / Ghosts and Magic, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Soul Mates / Fated Lovers, Adventure, Immortal Sherlock, Powerful John, POV John, Frottage, Wish Granting, Angst with Happy Ending, Nightmares) – John has been plagued by a secret his entire life that has made him feel hopeless until he meets a mysterious, seemingly omniscient man named Sherlock Holmes who owns a wish-granting shop. Their meeting sets off a series of inevitable events that will change the course of both of their lives forever.
The Swan Triad Series by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Lake AU || Magical / Fairy Tale AU, Romance, Falling in Love, Pining, Psychological Torture, Transformation) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers' attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer.
Colors by Quesarasara (E, 140,537 w., 17 Ch. || Pleasantville-Inspired AU || Soulmates, Colour Bonds, Alternating POV, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Case Fic, Medical Procedures) – Everyone on earth is born with eyes that see in black, white, and an endless series of greys. When you meet your soulmate, you finally see the world in color. We're all searching for the person who brings color to our lives. John and Sherlock are no exception. Part 1 of The Colors 'Verse
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court. Part 1 of the Care And Companionship series
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Seven (Zuko x Reader)
Part Six
Word Count: 3,000 (really? it seemed longer...)
Author’s Note: I decided to make this one cute because it’s been a hella weird week (year) and I needed some sweet Zuko lovin’ in my life. The only downside is that now I’m piney as fuck, but it’s fine because I’ve got spaghetti from my favorite Italian place in the fridge and comfort food fixes everything. I’d also like to use this time to admit that I’ve always thought King Kuei was cute, because clearly I have a thing for adorable dumbasses who live their lives in denial (shout out to Mark, my ex, fuck you and I hope you miss me every fucking day because we both know you loved me as much as I loved you but were too weak to just own up to your feelings because you’re a punkass little bitch boy ♥). King Kuei and reader are BFFs and that’s canon. 
I hope you’re all holding out okay and staying safe - PSA to wear a mask whenever you go out, make sure it covers both your mouth and nose at all times, wash your hands after being out in public, and stay the hell away from people outside your household. Do something nice for yourself today, you deserve it. I wish you all find a love someday who makes you feel as fluttery inside as these fics make me feel, and that they love you endlessly and fearlessly. I need to stop writing now, I’ve put myself in my feels. 
~ Muerta
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Much to the dismay of the international affairs advisors, their opportunities for stalking you about your daily life are drastically cut short when Iroh announces he wants to return to Ba Sing Se. 
“I've been away from the Jasmine Dragon for too long,” he explains, breaking the news over dinner. “I miss her dearly and would like to be with her again.” 
“I should go back to the Earth Kingdom, too,” Toph speaks up. “The metal bending program will probably have to be rebuilt - the idiots I left in charge of it can barely bend rocks.” 
You and Zuko exchange amused looks, though the idea of being left totally alone with him - without the comfort of your mutual friends - makes you lightheaded. Having to go toe to toe with Advisor Qiang and his sketchy, passive aggressive behavior while also navigating a potentially deadly political climate? No sweat. Having to face your husband every day without the distraction of your friends and family to break the awkward tension? Horrifying, but in an exciting, slightly panicky way. 
“It would be a good idea to visit,” Zuko muses, “see how the city is rebuilding. Aang’s coming back in a week or two on his way to the Northern Air Temple, and I bet he’d give us a lift.” 
“Do the international affairs advisors have to come, too?” you ask. “I'm tired of their assistants taking notes on how I prefer to pour my own tea in the morning.” 
Zuko smirks, shaking his head. 
“I'm sending them to the Southern Tribe,” he tells you. “Hakoda’s hosting a summit for them to celebrate our union.” 
“You're finally getting your life changing field trip with Hothead!” Toph cheers, playfully jabbing her elbow into your arm. “Now we can start a club - Sokka really wants to get jackets.” 
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As Appa glides through the air, you lean over the edge of his saddle, gazing out at the clouds as they pass. It’s your first time flying, and everything about it amazes and terrifies you - the miniscule landscape below, the shift of Appa’s massive body under his movement and breathing, the cold breeze kissing your cheeks and running its fingers through your hair, the way the sky is so much more vast than you ever could have imagined - it’s like you’ve fallen into a different world entirely. 
You reach down and stroke at Appa’s fur, earning an appreciative grunt from the bison. Aang turns back from his place at the reins to grin at you, much more excited about your first time in the air than you are. 
“What do you think?” he wonders cheerfully. 
“It's like sailing, but in a dream,” you reply. “The clouds remind me of glaciers back home.” 
“Makes you wish you were an air bender, doesn't it?” Aang chuckles. 
You laugh nervously, shaking your head. 
“No! I can't stop thinking about how long the fall is from up here!” 
Aang tosses his head back with laughter, the sound of his voice carried on the wind filling you with the feeling of walking through the threshold of the cottage you shared with Sokka and Katara as a child; neither of them are present, but having Aang nearby feels just as much like home. 
Across the saddle, Zuko smiles at you. You’re a few feet away from him, yet you still feel the warmth from his body as his eyes meet yours; his gaze is different somehow, as if he's seeing you for the first time. You blush, bashfully returning his grin. 
“Are you okay?” Toph asks beside you. She's clutching your hand, neither of you very fond of your height off the ground. “Your heart rate jumped.” 
“I'm fine,” you tell her. “I just looked down.” 
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Ba Sing Se is larger than you ever thought a city could be. As you approach, you stare in awe at the epic sprawl of the place, each district looking like its own little country within a quilt of a continent. You've been to the North Pole before, having spent a year there after the war, but even the shock of seeing their massive skyline pales in comparison to just how huge the Earth Kingdom is. Zuko smirks at you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. 
“Wait until you see it from the ground,” he teases. 
You’re even more amazed by the city as you view it from the palace. It sprawls in every direction, some of its buildings reaching as high as Appa can float; Iroh explains that it's a new concept designed by the most renowned Earth Kingdom architects, some of them planning towers that stretch one hundred stories. Everything about the place seems impossible. 
Inside the palace, King Kuei meets you in the entry hall, greeting Aang with a warm hug and Zuko with a firm handshake. 
“It's so good to see you all!” he exclaims. “It's been far too long. Tonight we’re having a party to celebrate your arrival, and to congratulate the newlyweds!” 
You smile, bowing low at the waist as you thank him. 
“My husband has told me of your hospitality,” you say. “It’s an honor to be celebrated by you.” 
When you straighten up, Kuei takes your hand and politely places his lips to the back of your palm, closing his other hand atop it. 
“And I've been told about your exquisite nerve,” he replies, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “Your bravery deserves to be celebrated.” 
After a tour of the palace, you and Zuko are led to your suite. The windows in both the sitting room and bedroom look out over an incredible view of the city, in which you can almost see as far as the eastern wall; you can hardly pull yourself away, leaving Zuko the task of inspecting the rooms to ensure everything is in order. 
“We have a problem,” he says, stepping out to where you perch by the sitting room window. “There's only one bed.” 
You snap your head to attention, fixing him with a quizzical expression. 
“... I mean, I guess that's normal,” you reply, piecing the situation together in your head. “We are married.” 
“Do you want me to request another room for myself?” Zuko asks. “I could get one of the bedrolls from Appa’s pack and sleep on the floor.”
You shake your head, pacing over to where he stands. 
“I trust you,” you tell him. “We have to get comfortable with each other at some point.” 
Zuko nods, blushing and unable to hold your gaze. 
“You're right,” he agrees. “I trust you, too.” 
You gently take his hand, causing him to shift his eyes back to yours; you smile, giving his palm a light squeeze. 
“Zuko, it’s okay,” you assure him. “Really. I’m okay with it.” 
Zuko nods again, reaching absently to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear. 
“I just want you to feel safe,” he admits. “You’ve already got enough to worry about without… all of this.” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you smile at him. 
“All you’ve done since the day we met is protect me,” you remind him. “Sleeping with you is the last thing that could possibly worry me.” 
Zuko chuckles, leaning to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” he playfully scolds. “Or I’ll make you sleep on the bed roll.” 
You gasp, giggling as you push his shoulder. 
“I can’t believe my own husband would make me sleep on the floor,” you tease. “And in a strange city, no less! You’re so awful to me.” 
Zuko rolls his eyes, smirking as he bends and hooks his arms under your bum, lifting you up over his shoulder. You squeal, laughing as he carries you into the bedroom and flops you down on the mattress, jestfully smacking a pillow into your face. 
“Get changed, Queenie” he tells you, retreating into the sitting room before you can launch a counterattack. “The party’s in an hour.”
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In the ballroom of the Earth King’s palace, it seems everyone in the city has turned out to celebrate your arrival. 
You sit in a throne beside Kuei’s, Zuko to your left and Aang to the Earth King’s right. Dignitaries from Kuei’s cabinet as well as various parts of the kingdom come to give their regards, all greeting you much more fondly than many of the guests at your wedding; Kuei is excited to introduce you to everyone, giving fervent, detailed descriptions of what each person does and launching you into long conversations with them. You don’t mind his enthusiasm, finding it endearing that he cares so much and so openly about the people who serve him. 
“Ah, here’s a very special guest!” Kuei announces, cheerfully clapping his hands. 
A woman approaches the throne, leading a large, furry animal up the steps towards you; its long claws and massive stature send a chill through you, but once you look into its beady little eyes and notice its round ears and bumbling demeanor, you’re enamored. 
“Is that a bear?” you ask, excitedly gripping Kuei’s sleeve. 
“Yes!” he cheers. “His name is Bosco; he’s a close friend of mine.” 
Bosco lets out a soft growl as Kuei scratches him under the chin, pulling the fuzzy giant into a tight hug. 
“He loves cuddles and blackberries,” Kuei tells you. “Don’t let his claws scare you - he’s a big softy.” 
One of the servers appears with a bowl of fresh fruit, setting it into your lap for you to share with your newest party guest. You carefully take a blackberry into your palm, holding it out for Bosco to sniff; his nose hovers above your fingers, letting out a few warm huffs of breath onto your skin before licking the berry up into his mouth. You turn to Kuei and give him a wide smile, gathering more berries into your hand for Bosco to eat. 
“I love him,” you tell your host. “He might be coming back to the Fire Nation with me.” 
Kuei laughs, giving Bosco a loving pat on the head as you continue to fatten him up, switching between feeding him and running your fingers through his thick coat, giggling when his tongue flops out to lick your cheek; you never expected an animal fabled to be so fearsome to turn out so sweet. 
Once the bowl of fruit is empty, Bosco settles onto the floor at the foot of Kuei’s throne, letting out a heavy yawn. Kuei reaches to scratch behind his ears, then stands, offering you his hand. 
“Would you like to dance?” he asks. “I heard you and the Avatar made quite the display at your wedding.” 
“We did!” Aang chimes in, also getting to his feet and sweeping Toph (who stands just to the side of the thrones, having declined the royal treatment for the evening) into his arms. “We were taught a few Earth Kingdom dances by your advisors, too!” 
Toph laughs as you’re both led onto the dancefloor, taking her position beside Aang. 
“And that’s why I call him Twinkle Toes,” she jokes. 
Kuei chuckles, taking you by the waist and starting the dance, twirling with you in an interlaced circle between Toph and Aang. You each pass from partner to partner, raising your hands to meet them together and spinning gracefully around each other before returning to the escort you  started with. Kuei’s arm skillfully finds your waist when he takes you back in, each of you facing the opposite direction with your sides pressed together, turning in a clockwise motion. He grins at you, and you can’t help but smile back. 
“You’re a natural!” he praises you. “I’m sorry I have two left feet.” 
You laugh, shaking your head. 
“Back home, they consider me clumsy,” you confess. “I used to step on my brother and sister’s toes when they tried to teach me to dance - I still do sometimes!” 
Kuei chortles, taking your hand in his and repeating the sequence of steps you just completed. You recite the ritual five times before the dance is over, ending with each of you bowing to each other with cheerful, elated smiles. Someone behind Kuei clears his throat, and he turns to find Zuko, his hand outstretched toward you. 
“You promised to teach me to dance,” he reminds you. 
You nod, a burning heat pinkening your cheeks as you take his hand. 
“I did,” you echo. “Thank you for the wonderful dance, your majesty.” 
Kuei smirks knowingly between the two of you, bowing before taking his leave. 
“The pleasure was all mine, my lady,” he says in parting. “It’s rare that I have such an excellent partner.” 
Zuko’s arm locks around your waist, skirting you to the edge of the dance floor where he stands stiffly, holding you in place in front of him. You let out a soft giggle, resting your hands on his chest. 
“I thought you didn’t want to learn how to dance with an audience?” you prod, starting to sway in time with the music. Zuko does the same, his body drifting along in sync with yours. 
“I wouldn’t enjoy the party if I sat through it,” he explains, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. You quirk a brow, grinning teasingly at him. 
“Sure,” you say. “It definitely didn’t have anything to do with me dancing so close with another man.” 
“Not at all,” Zuko replies. His hand at the small of your back clutches you a little tighter, giving himself away. “It looked like fun and I wanted to join in.” 
You roll your eyes, smirking as you take a step back from him, lacing your fingers with his. 
“Let’s find Aang,” you suggest. “He can help me teach you the dance we did at our wedding.” 
For the rest of the evening, you, Aang, Toph, and Zuko occupy a small corner of the dance floor, guiding the Firelord with the steps of your favorite traditional Water Tribe dance. He’s nervous, moving with rigid gestures and clearly unsure of what his body is supposed to do when set to music, but he tries, watching every move you make with rapt attention. By the end of the night he has the dance memorized, and you twirl in time with him as Aang cheers him on, Toph laughing beside him at the ridiculousness of the scene; Kuei even joins in, rousing Bosco from his nap and dancing with the bear on his two hind legs, sending the entire ballroom into gleeful fits. 
“You’re better at this than you think, you know,” you tell Zuko when you’re left alone, dancing with him much the same way you danced with the king earlier in the night. “I noticed at our wedding that you have great rhythm.” 
Zuko blushes, his lips curling into a timid smile. 
“I’m a fighter, not a dancer,” he says. 
“They’re not that different,” you shrug. “From what I’ve seen of fire bending, it’s a lot like dancing.” 
Zuko hums, gently turning you so that your chest is pressed against his, his hand resting firmly at your waist. 
“Maybe it’s the music lessons my mother forced me to take when I was a kid,” he muses. “Uncle still keeps asking me to play the tsungi horn for him when we’re together.” 
“You play the tsungi horn?” you exclaim, eyebrows raising in excitement. “You should play for both of us sometime!” 
Zuko groans, immediately switching the dance so he can pass you off to Aang. 
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You lean against the sitting room in your guest suite, watching the lights of Ba Sing Se as they flicker with the movement of its people. The world looks dreamlike from where you sit, as if it's been turned upside down; a black expanse of sky hangs above a sea of stars, and you float between the two, dizzy with the surrealism. 
Zuko emerges from the bedroom, having changed into his pajamas after giving you the chance to do the same. He crosses the room to where you sit, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“You coming to bed?” he asks. You nod, standing and following him back into the bedroom. 
Zuko allows you to slip between she sheets before him, giving you a few moments to get comfortable before crawling in beside you, keeping to his side of the bed. Even though the mattress is large enough to fit another couple between you, you can still feel the warmth of his skin spreading across the fabric below, feel the weight of his body sharing the same space as yours. Your heart flutters against your ribs, making your breathing shallow. 
“I had fun tonight,” Zuko whispers into the darkness around you. “Thank you for teaching me how to dance.” 
“I had fun, too,” you reply. “I can teach you the dance people do for Water Tribe weddings; I wish we could’ve done it at ours.” 
“I’d like that. I’m sorry we didn’t have much Water Tribe tradition when we got married… We should go back and have a ceremony there. I’d like to see you in a Water Tribe wedding gown.” 
A shiver runs through your veins, heating your skin as if a fire has been lit beneath it. You roll over to face him, making out his silhouette against the rest of the shadows in the room. 
“I’m glad you asked me to marry you,” you admit to him, the manic jitters in your chest rising to your throat. “I don’t think anyone else could treat me better.” 
Zuko reaches his hand towards you, finding yours beneath the blankets and curling his fingers with yours. For a moment you forget that your relationship was arranged, feeling as if you’re lovers instead of leaders, tasked with repairing a world that’s been shattered since long before you were born. 
“I’m glad you agreed,” Zuko answers. “I was afraid you’d hate my guts because I stalked your brother and sister for six months when we were teenagers.” 
You release a breath of laughter, the pressure in your body unraveling with it. Zuko’s thumb runs tenderly across your knuckles, and you forget that anyone else in the world exists except for the two of you. 
“Goodnight, Zuko,” you murmur. 
“Goodnight,” he hums back to you. “Sleep well.” 
You wake early in the morning with his arm draped over your waist, your head tucked under his chin with your cheek pressed to his chest. You drift back to sleep to his quiet, blissful snores, his heartbeat pulsing in time with your own.
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years
Coming Home pt. 3
Note: Hello lovelies! sorry for the wait, I was trying to see if I can fit the scenes i want in this chapter but I think I’ll make one more before the final one. As always thank you for all the love you’ve shown this series xx - A
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“How good of a mood are you in right now?”
On the opposite side of my desk, a Taeyong was standing, rocking on his heels back and forth like a little kid about to ask for candy. To think that he’s one of the youngest and most successful CEO in Korea right now. 
“Depends on what you’re about say, why?” I asked skeptically
“I was just going to ask for progress reports, I was told they were still with you” He answered before taking the seat across from me
“Are you rushing me, boss?”
“No, just checking if you’re still doing your job”
“Yah, what are you talking about?” I asked back, the man just burst out laughing before laying down a folder on my folder
“What is this?” I asked, taking the folder
“A job offer, they need someone who is competent and someone to trust managing from a far away place” he vaguely answered
“Is this your way of saying I’m fired?”
“No, this is a promotion. Kind of. I mean it is a promotion. Totally up to you. You don’t have to answer it right away, the board is still making final touches to that deal but when they asked for suggestions on who should run it I thought of you” he said, he was holding on to the picture frame on my table. One that had Chae Yoon on it. 
“Thanks” I mumbled, feeling grateful and a bit overwhelmed
“You’re the only one I trust with this so I thought why not, of course I’m not pressuring you to do it. I absolutely understand, with Chae Yoon and everything”
“Yes, of course”
“Well that’s all the business I had for today, so back to yesterday” I just playfully rolled my eyes, setting the folder down and going back to my computer to type the reports he was talking about
“What about yesterday?” I asked, not looking at him. I already know he has a big teasing smile on
“We were just surprised when you arrived, in the arms of a certain Jung Jaehyun. Did he finally hit his head and begged for you to take him back?”
“We went as friends” I shrugged, still not looking at my boss and friend
“I haven’t heard the word friends being used to describe the two of you since we were in highschool”
“You’re two years my senior, why were you gossiping about us” I told him, now looking at him
“So? we have the same friends, we have the same last name” his reasoning was a bit obscured but it was so Taeyong so I don’t question it
“for the last time, we’re not related”
“Maybe we are, we just don’t know”
“Where is this conversation going, Taeyong?” i asked
“Are you really not back together? Was that an illusion or did I have one two many drinks again?” he asked back, I sighed before leaning back to my seat. 
Recalling the happenings the night before. 
When we got to the party, the moment we stepped inside the event hall I think atleast 8 pair of eyes landed immediately on us. Most of which were our friends’. I could see Sicheng from the corner of my eye, a smirk on his lips already telling me he’ll be asking Jaehyun about it later, Johnny who did not even hide the surprise look on his face hitting Taeyong repeatedly on the arm and Taeil shooting us a warm smile. 
“People are looking, why are they looking?” I whispered to Jaehyun, pulling on his arm more
“Because you’re the prettiest girl in the room” he smoothly replied, not even missing a beat. I looked up at him with a straightlook, he just laughed at me before pulling me to the direction of where our friends were gaping at us
“I don’t know, don’t mind them. Just focus on me”
“You’re awfully cocky tonight”
“And please don’t add a comment to that” I added, already knowing he was going to tease me
“Alright alright”
For the rest of the night we didn’t really leave each other’s side. I knew most of his colleagues, our friends were also there so it wasn’t hard to converse with other people.
A few of Jaehyun’s bosses did greet us, asking how our daughter was. One even asked when the wedding will be. I almost choked on the champagne I was drinking. Jaehyun securing his arm around my waist and excusing us, it just so happened Johnny was around too. Either he was holding in his laughter or itching to ask the same thing. 
We didn’t talk more about it afterwards, but it also never left my mind. The question just hanging in my head dangling back and forth along with my conversation with Wendy. 
I didn’t talk to Jaehyun about it ofcourse, I don’t know why. 
And just like that our night ended. He drove me home, we said our goodbyes. 
We used to come home together but now we don’t. 
Another thought that was added to the pile.
I turned to Taeyong, ready to give a brief explanation on the situation even I was confused about. 
“Like I said we went as friends, he said he didn’t have anyone else to come with so I said yes”
“You didn’t have to though”
“It would be weird to say no, Yong” I sighed
“I know, but you also know you don’t have to say yes either. Look, I was there to pick you up when you were a mess, and this seems...”
“Like a bad idea?”
“A confusing and risky one” he finished
“Jaehyun loves you both, more than he can ever say outloud. He really does. He just have to learn to get over his aversion with the idea of settling down”
“You noticed that too?” I chuckled, playing with the pen on my table. 
If there was anyone who knew about Jaehyun and I’s relationship history it would be Taeyong, he is a big brother figure to me and one of Jaehyun’s bestfriend. He has witnessed it all. 
“He loves you, he really does. Even when you’re not looking at him, he looks at you with this lovestruck look in his eyes as if there’s nothing else he can see around him. I just don’t get why he’s so afraid of getting married, especially with you”
“Guess marriage isn’t for everyone”
“Want me to hit some sense into him?” his question made me laugh a bit. The mood already lightening, “You wouldn’t hurt a fly”
“Can I get back to work now, are you done interrogating me?” I asked him
“Yes, I’ll be back later once Taeil hyung is done doing the same to Jae” he said then quickly ran away, I swear he could pass for a five year old sometimes. 
The rest of my day went being unbothered  by Taeyong, guess he was busy with his own meetings to come back and ask more questions. I packed up to leave, ready to go home. 
The rest of the week was just the same, the only different routine for this week is I’ll be having Chae Yoon for the weekend since Jaehyun has a business trip. 
My phone rang, Jaehyun’s name flashing across the screen
“Hey” I said when I picked up
“Hi, are you home already or are you still at the office?” he asked, making me a bit confused
“On my way home, why?”
“I’m five minutes away from the apartment, I need to get some things. I can wait in the car”
“You know the code to the apartment, just go there Jae” I told him, walking to my car, quickly buckling up and putting my phone on speaker
“Okay, do you need me to pick up Chae Yoon over at noona’s?” he asked back
“I’ll get her later, you need to get something remember. If Chae is around you’ll never get anything done” I could just see the pout he has on right now, the thought making me smile
“You’re right, well I’m about to park. So see you in like fifteen?” 
I said yes before saying goodbye, driving myself home. 
I decided to get Chae Yoon afterwards when Jaehyun finishes getting his stuff, knowing he’ll just play with his daughter and completely forget what he has to do if she’s around. 
“Jaehyun?” I called out when I entered the apartment, setting my stuff down by the couch
“In the office” he called back, I made my way to where he was. He moved some stuff around and seemed to be reading something
“You found what you need?” I asked him, making him look up at me 
“You got a job offer? At the US?” he asked back, so that’s what he was reading
“It’s not final yet, Taeyong was the one who asked me”
“So you’re considering it?” his questions were starting to tick me off
“Yes, maybe. I don’t know. I said I was going to think about it”
“You know this means you need to move right?”
And in that single question I knew why he sounded so off, he knew if I go so would Chae Yoon. I’m not sure if he cared if I go but Chae Yoon was a whole other story.
I understand his worries. 
“I know, but like I said nothing’s final yet. Will you stop worrying about it?” I said walking towards him, taking the folder from his grasp. 
“Stop worrying about it? You’re thinking about moving to a another continent with my daughter”
“She’s my daugther too, in case you’re forgetting. Why do you think I’m still thinking about it?”
“You’re saying if she wasn’t here you’d already be on the next flight, is that it?”
I didn’t know I would be coming home to this. 
When I wished I could come home once again to him this was not I was thinking off. 
“What is that suppose to mean?” I asked back, both of us clearly upset
“If you wanted to leave me that bad, you should’ve just told me”
His statement shocked me, I don’t know if he was only saying it because of the tension right now or he really meant it
“You’re the one who asked me to break the engagement off” I whispered, not being able to meet his eyes and directly looking at the floor in fear that I might start crying in front of him
“And you didn’t even hesitate”
Every word was like a stab to my heart. I’ve never fought with him like this. Whatever arguments we’ve had in the past we usually talked about it calmly, resolved before the night ends because neither of us could sleep knowing the other one is upset. 
“I did it because I can’t be selfish when it comes to you, you were unhappy Jaehyun. I couldn’t bear seeing you like that, slowly drifting from me” 
He stood there frozen, probably thinking of what to say so I continued
“Maybe once in our lives we’ve talked about getting married and starting our own family but even that we did in reverse, I didn’t care. I had you. But slowly I saw how the love disappeared in your eyes, how coming home to me was just something you had to do rather than something you wanted to do”
“I got scared” 
I broke. I lamented over the future we lost, the promises we didn’t keep, the nights that the side of his bed got too cold serving as a reminder that he wasn’t there with me anymore. 
It hurt, 
And I didn’t know how to make it better
“I was too, Jaehyun. I was scared for us, we were so young. We both had ambitious plans, dreams to achieve and goals to reach then suddenly our whole plan changed. And you know what, your life still went on while mine had to change”
“No, you listen to me.”  I said, standing my ground even though the tears were furiously running down my face
“I love Chae with every bit of my being, she’s the only reason I exist. I would do anything for her, I don’t and never will regret having her. And I know you do to. But I’m stuck Jae, I’m stuck and you left”
“That job offer can be a restart, a opportunity for me to grow. I can’t just put my life on hold for you, not anymore”
“I never asked you to”
“You never asked me not to”
“You’re tired? You were scared? I was too. I’m tired too, Jaehyun. How long can I keep being so fucking in love with you when you clearly will never get there? How long do I still have to wait?”
Thoughts that always floated around my head are now out in the world, they hurt more now that I hear my own voice say it.
“I love you, even in that I failed. I admit. But I love you”
“I’m sure you did, But we’re way past that point, we’re adults Jaehyun. I need answers, I need you to tell me how this goes instead of just dragging me along”
We didn’t say anything for a while, the both of us still very emotional. I’m sure we were both tired after a long day from work, he’s about to hop on a plane. This wasn’t the right time but we didn’t expect it would come to this. 
“You need to pack for your flight” I mumbled, wiping the tears away and composing myself
“I can’t just leave after this, we need to talk”
“I already said what I needed to say, I’m not going anywhere. I’m still thinking about the offer. You need to rest, I’ll go get Chae Yoon”
Before he could say something else I walked out of the office, quickly splashing my face with some water before going out to get Chae Yoon. When I got back Jaehyun was just waiting at the door, 
“I’ll go now, just wanted to see Chae” he mumbled, I passed the little girl to him who was already reaching out for him anyways. I envied her innocence, she was just smiling up at him with no worries to think about. 
I let them have their moment, after a quick goodbye he walked off. 
I felt my heart break all over again. For the first time since he left, the apartment felt empty. This time felt like a different kind of empty. 
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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the retrospective: alice’s 1k special || lover masterlist
matchup requests: CLOSED
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@renaxwrites​ asked: Congrats on 1k bby 🥳💞 can I request a matchup 👉🏼👈🏼 my mbti type is ENFP-T. My Hogwarts house is Slytherin/my Patronus is a rattlesnake! 5 words to describe me: ambitious, imaginative, passionate, loyal and sincere. I'm an art major so my hobbies are drawing, reading & playing instruments. My style depends on my mood, so it can be classy fit one day, street style the next. Fav beverage is tied between iced tea and coke. Lastly my fav team is Nekoma/Karasuno (sorry can’t choose 🥺) ty ily
AN: Rena!!! awwwwww thank you sm!!!! Lolol i have trouble choosing a favorite team too! Have a wonderful day bby! 
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Your matchup is: Yaku Morisuke
How you met: You were in Russia for an art fellowship for the year, and happened to meet him through Alisa (who is a model for one of the portraits you’re creating). She introduced the two of you at a small party at her place, and two of you hit it off right away. Both of you are very ambitious and passionate about your respective careers and vibe off of having that same ambitious energy. He probably says that he’ll spot your ticket if you ever want to go to one of his games. The two of you text on and off for a while after meeting, and you take him up on his offer to watch a game every now and then.
Your first date: For one of the private new year’s galas/charity events that the Russian league holds, Yaku gets an invite to a famous art museum, with the option of bringing a plus one. He looks into what exhibits the museum has and he finds out that one of the galleries is dedicated to impressionist art, and features several pieces by an artist you’ve mentioned to him. He asks if you’d like to be his date for the night and you accept. Honestly his jaw almost hits the ground when he sees you in your outfit for the night and he honestly doesn’t pay much attention to the gala itself since he’s more than content to listen to you ramble and point out all the different paintings you love. 
Your first kiss: At the end of the gala, there are several toasts and a countdown until the start of the new year. He grabs two flutes of champagne and the two of you share a small toast and clink your glasses before taking a sip. Of course, it’s a bit cheesy but he waits until the countdown reaches zero before kissing you. The two of you start the new year surrounded by cheering, and honestly the kiss is just perfect. It’s firm yet sweet, and just the slightest bit of tongue that leaves you wanting more. When he drops you off at your door, he makes sure to kiss you a few more times before heading home. 
Anniversary: You have to return home after your fellowship ends, but the two of you, out of sheer stubbornness and devotion make long distance work (although not without a few bumps in the road.) Your first anniversary happens to fall on a night where Yaku has to play for his team - and he lets you know that he won’t be there in person. However, the night before the two of you enjoy a very long video call, and he makes it a point to ship you a beautiful Russian egg as a present +  a very sweet and heartfelt love letter. Admittedly you’re a bit mopey on the day of your actual anniversary - so you decide to be a couch potato for the day, bundling up in blankets on your couch to watch the re-run of your boyfriend’s match. You’re at the match point for the second set when you hear a knock at your door. At first you think it’s probably just a package, but when you open your door Yaku is standing there with a giant bouquet of flowers. You basically tackle him and are a complete sobbing mess bc this is the best surprise ever???? He hauled ass to get to where you were on time but it was totally worth seeing how happy you are.
How they propose: A few years down the road, you’re visiting Yaku in Russia and are in the VIP section/front row during the finals of the league tournament. You’re on the edge of your seat, they’re down to a deuce in the fifth set and you can just feel the tension as both teams struggle to score two points in a row. Finally, after making an extraordinary save, Yaku’s team manages to score that second point, sending the entire stadium into cheers. You’re jumping up and down in the stands, and the entire team is bundled up in a group hug. After the medal ceremony, Yaku’s walking around waving to fans, and his teammates all keep patting him on the back. By the time he gets to you pretty much all his teammates are casting not so subtle glances at him (much to his annoyance). The adrenaline hasn’t worn off quite yet, so before he gets too nervous he kneels down in front of you and the audience collectively gasps. He has the whole speech prepared when he proposes and you’re in tears by the time he finishes. When you nod yes he tears up before grabbing you for the tightest hug ever. 
What your wedding looks like: Decides to do two small ceremonies - one in his home country of Japan and another in your home country. It’s the perfect compromise and ensure that none of your friends have to spend exorbitant amounts of money to attend a destination wedding. The ceremonies are both intimate and small - it’s mostly close friends and family. The Nekoma alum are all there in Japan, and yoru classmates from art school are present for the ceremony that takes place in your hometown. Takes a few months off to enjoy newlywed life with you - he spends the first two months living with you in your apartment, and the months travelling around Japan with you. 
Newlywed/domestic hc: now that you’re married Yaku has zero qualms about helping you set up a studio in St. Petersburg (if you’re willing to move your career to the same country as his, if not he’ll still buy the two of you a larger apartment for when you visit). Also sugar daddy Yaku ahem n e ways even if his team isn’t based in St. Petersburg, at least he can spend his weekends and most of his off season with you. Of course, you still have to fly back and forth between continents because of all your different clients, but at the end of the day nothing beats coming home to Yaku cooking a nice pot of nabe in the kitchen. The two of you revel in your newly found domestic bliss - it’s just wonderful to finally have a shared place you both call home.
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addictedtomanga · 3 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - one shot
1.      Adele to Darius
Adele was just another maltreated slave girl being sold at the country market. She was sold one day to become an addition to the harem of the country’s King of Cruelty. Rumor has it that the once the King takes a slave girl for the night, he then executes her in the morning. Once in the harem, she sees that all girls who are called into the King’s chamber really do not return. To fight against this fate, Adele resolves to volunteer to be called to the King’s chamber and find out the truth. But things are not what they seem…
2.      Ao no Rhapsodia
There's a legend about a lost continent of gold and only one man has successfully made his way through the treacherous waters to that continent. The man entrusted the map to the lost continent to his daughter, Allegra Reese, making her the prime target for every pirate on Edythe Island.
3.      Banken Toki Doki Ookami
A lamb surrounded by wolves gets a guard dog. But is the guard dog the most dangerous wolf of them all?!
4.      Bitter Trap (Takagi Shigeyoshi)
Nanao came from a rich family before their business failed. Now the only hope for her family to pay off their debts is if she can cement a marriage with the prestigious Takatsuki family within a week. How will Nanao overcome this problem when one of the three eligible Takatsuki men is her former arrogant schoolmate, Yoshito, who completely distrusts people? And did we forget to mention that Nanao is already the ninety-ninth candidate for the position of future wife?!
5.      Black Coffee (Nakano Emiko)
How does a girl declared by her childhood friend to be gloomy and anti-social transform into a cutie “as sweet as sugar” and every boy’s dream? And does every boy really dream of girls “as sweet as sugar”? Or is the rich and deep taste of coffee better than sugary glitter? The story of a girl who may not be sweet, but sure is as addictive as black coffee!
6.      Defense Bakari No Koi Ja Dame
Nao is seen by her classmates as the "Cool Queen", however, she is just extremely shy. How will she deal with suddenly becoming the basketball's temporary manager?!
7.      Egaku Nara Happy Ending 
It's a story about Makoto Nosu and Yusuke Moriyama who have been together for 6 years since junior high school. They are about to finish high school and enter college so they decided to break up since they will be going to different colleges that's far from one another.What happens to their relationship then? 
8.      Fly High! (Mitsuki Kako)
Asuka, the ace of the volleyball club is training to become the best. But there's the devil coach, Nagano...
9.      Gyu... tte shite ii?
I just clean up the club room and threw away trashes! but then he hugged me and "Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
10.  Itazura na Ningyo
The love story between two childhood friends and the magical legend of a mermaid can grant a wish of unrequited love
11.  In the Chocolate
A collection of oneshots.
12.  Kaibutsu-san ni Rei
At the Christmas training camp, Yuzuki was paired up with no other than... that guy?!
13.  Kimi wa Tomodachi
He was always by my side. ... So, I thought that I certainly won't fall in love with him.
14.  Kira Kira Namida
Yuuma is taciturn and no one knows what she’s thinking. But then, she’ll meet someone that will change that…
15.  Kiss to Koukai
A collection of oneshots.
16.  Koakuma no Jikku
She was an accomplished fashion model, but her blunt, straight forward attitude drove wedges between her and the rest of the world. She just didn't know how to lie in the least, and when she caught the eye of a famous stylist seeking the face for a new major brand of cosmetic, it promised to be the beginning... or the end... of everthing. Can she manage to not alienate the presumptuous company 'nobility', because if she does, this time it's her whole agency that's going to pay.
17.  Koi wa Beniiro
Beniko, an old fashioned high-school girl is suddenly forced to eat lunch with the new teacher in charge, Nomoto-sensei…
18.  Meikyuu Yaburi no Hananusubito
Arisawa Kei’s life seems rather bleak until she notices a strange man staring at her on the way to school. Hakamada Ryuuhei, an En specialist who can see and tie or cut threads of fate, tells her that she has “death-bringer” threads on her hands. But what does that mean to Kei, who doesn’t believe in En or luck?
19.  Melodramatic Library
A teacher at Kanae's school has been fired for having an affair with a student. Then, a hot new librarian comes in… Kanae falls in love with the new librarian. However, she sees a ring on his finger...?
20.  Mijuku na Bokura
Even if they are only friends, she wants to be something else... Can it change the relationship that they have? Or will she be conformed to be just friends?
21.  Mitsubachi Hakushaku to Hana no Dress
Dahlia is the only female dressmaker in Galleria. She kidnapped and commissioned by the infamous "Honeybee Earl", who is known to jump from woman to woman like a capricious bee jumps from flower to flower, to make the ultimate wedding dress for his fiancee. Can Dahlia complete the dress without getting stung by the Honeybee Earl?
22.  Murasame-kun na Tawagoto
Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps into Murasame-kun and spills all the perfume. As she begins to apologize, he suddenly asks her out!?
23.  Once Again, I'd Like to Love You/Mou Ikkai
A high school girl runs into her ex-boyfriend at a train station and the two reconnect.
24.  Narabuna Kiken
Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly… This mismatched couple, of a super tall guy and a girl often mistaken for an elementary student, fall in love.
25.  Seinaru Yoruni Oshiete Ageru 
Sakura is childish and doesn't get why everyone wants a boyfriend. A few days before the Christmas Eve, her handsome childhood friend suddenly kisses her and makes her heart race. What will she do?
26.  Sekai wa Kirai de Afureteiru
Ten and Rio are friends from the old days. they will become high school students starting from this spring, Ten stills carries a certain memory in her heart....?
27.  Shounen Aromatic
Kabuki Takitsugu is a boy who has the family trait of smell. He can smell anyone's fragrance and find their perfect match. One day, a mysterious girl named Hatsune appears before him, asking him to find a match for her. But, for some strange reason.. Hatsune doesn't have a scent.
28.  Takarazora
Yuuchi is a girl that has a passion for art.... or rather, HAD a passion for art. Because of her mother, Yuuchi had to give up her talents and love for painting. Still, she had made a promise to her baseball-loving friend, Natsu, that she'd paint a picture of him. With all hopes lost for her dreams, Yuuchi now must find the "hope" within herself to continue.
29.  Tokubetsu ni Naritai
It’s only during rainy days that Kae can get closer to Ichi, the most popular guy in the school, because he always gets under her umbrella. But Kae wants to be close to him everyday, not only during rainy days. What can she do to be special to him?
30.  Tsuki to Himawari
Asahi-kun is a carefree junior-high student, never attaching to girls even though he enjoys going with them. But when the school's number 1 honor student Mitsuki "cyborg" Konno asked him to a 1-month date, in exchange for the front row ticket to his favorite singer's concert, he was forced to accept. He only has to show her what it feels like to date, right? He is ready for that...however, what he's not prepared for was his heart's reaction...
31.  Watashi no Suki na Souma-kun
Sena is working as a maid to look after her younger brother and sister. But her employer turns out to be a guy at her school! Will she get a new job or will she get a new love?
32.  Wish Upon a Glass
Find a piece of red sea glass and your wish is sure to come true. Sachiko is searching for her own piece of red sea glass. Can it make her romantic wish come true?
33.  Wonderful Cafe ni Youkoso
A dog shop love comedy! The place where hot men and cute dogs come together!
34.  Yuuwaku Honey
To get someone as cool as you to look my way, I'll do my best with my first attempt at seduction!!
35.  Zannen Nagara Chigaimasu
He wasn't even that handsome, but when I saw him, I was captivated. He said "meet me upstairs". it seems he also feels the same because we're now signing a marriage registration form?!
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kuratoki · 4 years
Distance 08
I actually think I finished this chapter about a week before my wedding. Things are starting to get intense~ Are you ready? 
There wasn’t a day Jeno didn’t regret not making things official with you sooner. What he also didn’t expect was his soon to be ex best friend to act on his feelings towards you either. Now a whole continent away with a ten hour time difference, will the two of you survive the distance and all the obstacles that come with?
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Ballerina OC x Dancer Jeno
Words: 3606
Warnings: Swearing
Tag List: @ intelligent-raccoon @ cloudychannieee  @jenoleeaesthetic​
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“You were the one who dumped me Tzuyu, not the other way around. We could’ve had what the two of them do but you decided to screw it all up when you dumped me for someone who has zero interest in you. They’re cool people and you can’t tell me who to and not to be friends with anymore.” Xiaojuns voice boomed through the door.
You and Jeno looked at each other wide eyed. He pulled you into your old room when you both heard the door knob jiggle and the two of you stayed quiet until the footsteps disappeared down the hall. You heard someone sniffling and another person releasing a frustrated sigh.
“Who would’ve thought.” Jeno whispered as you grabbed something from the closet, “I wonder what he meant by that.”
“The rumor of her dumping the top student of their previous academy isn’t a rumor. But now we know the top student was Xiaojun.” you whispered back nodding slightly, “I guess they have history. Now the question is...why you?”
“What do you mean why me?” Jeno asked, no longer whispering as he feigned offence, “Have you looked at me?” 
“Yea, at different stages of life.” you said wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer by the waist so that your noses were touching, “I like this one the best.” you grinned, making him chuckle and peck you on the lips, “We’ll meet back here and head to dinner together?” 
“Sounds good.” Jeno said, pecking your lips once more, elated that he could do this anytime now, “Try not not to break anything.” 
“And try not to get distracted. We all know how you and Soonyoung can be when you’re together. Focus.” you said pushing his forehead backwards, “Have a great day, see you soon.” you shared a kiss before you pulled away and the two of you smiled at each other, “So what are these bracelets Jaemin was talking about?” you asked as the two of you walked down the stairs and to the living room.
“You’ll see later.” he answered, giving your hand a squeeze and just as you reached the bottom of the stairs, Renjun took you from Jenos grasp in the most graceful manner which left a few people surprised and Jeno could not have felt more thankful. He knew you were curious and he wasn't ready to give you this surprise yet. 
“We gotta go.” Renjun said, “Dinner Resos at 8 since a few of the other NCT Club members want to come down. Yuta has a place nearby here so they’re going to crash there. If we want to go through everything we have planned we need to start asap.” 
“And I also have to talk to you.” you whispered to him. It was just the two of you in the entryway and everyone else were getting their things together. Thankfully, everyone planned to stay in the city for the weekend and had a change of clothes. 
“Is it about…?” Renjun asked, his eyes nudging towards Xiaojun and Tzuyu who were whispering to each other.
“Mhm.” you nodded and Renjun chuckled.
“Moomin Cafe date after dinner?” he suggested and you grinned, “Unless you want to spend the night with Jeno.” 
“I think I could squeeze in some Renjun time.” you said with a wink, linking your arms as you entered the elevator, opting to meet everyone in the lobby so you could talk more, “Do you believe it?” 
“My friends from the ballet academy confirmed it last night. Xiaojun and Tzuyu were indeed a thing but they’ve been on and off.” Renjun said, “That explains why she hovers whenever he’s around other girls. How do you know what happened?” 
“They were arguing in the bathroom next to my old room.” you said, “But things don’t add up…” you said narrowing your eyes and Renjun chuckled.
“We’ll talk about it later. In the meantime, try to talk to Xiaojun, he kept asking questions about you yesterday. Do you two know each other or something” he said, keeping an eye on the elevator doors as you waited for everyone else.
“No? This is my first time meeting the guy. Why would he be asking questions about me?” you asked surprised and Renjun shrugged, “What kind of questions were they?” 
“Turns outs he and Yukhei were in the same friend group before he transferred and Yukhei had told stories about you and got intrigued. He was surprised you were connected to Jeno, they competed against each other last year.” Renjun answered and your eyes widened, “He was second place.”
“That explains why Jeno’s so tense around him…” you said furrowing your eyebrows, “So they’re acting that they don’t know each other?” you asked as you heard the sound of the elevator and everyone walked out and the two of you stopped talking knowing the conversation would continue later and Renjun just nodded.
“So when do auditions start?” Yuta asked as the group walked to the dance studio, Xiaojun was talking to Renjun, including you in the conversation from time to time and YangYang was on your other side.
“Two days.” you answered, “Our first school is the Academy Soonyoung goes to, after that we have a few road trips and we end at SMAA.”
“Then rehearsals start right away once we get back to Europe.” Renjun added, “The other two will be busy with selecting members for their junior team from the existing training camp and those who make it from the auditions from here.” 
“Wait, so how does the junior competition team work?  There’s going to be members from both here and there?” YangYang asked confused, “How are practices and everything going to work out?” 
“Two divisions.” you said, you and Renjun knew Jeno and Soonyoung had spent a lot of time coming up with a proper format. They were young but had enough experience in leadership that they were able to come up with something that even AnneMarie and the rest of the board agreed to. Though it was announced now that Jeno was going to be a coach, he’d been working from behind the scenes since you left. “It’s actually really cool. At first it was just Soonyoung but adding Jeno made things a lot easier for him. Are any of you guys planning to audition?” 
“I’m...thinking about it…” YangYang said hesitantly, “I heard a lot about the Selects during my time in Germany and I always wanted to know what it was like.” 
“You should, even if you don’t make it.” Renjun encouraged, “SMAA is the only school where live auditions will take place throughout the whole process so a few more of our Senior members are going to fly in to judge.” 
“Isn’t that confidential information?” Xiaojun asked with a raised eyebrow and Renjun shook his head.
“All in the notice.” he said as you approached the dance studio where the Foreign Select team members held their practices and meetups. “All the requirements are listed and you have to make all of them in order to audition, Good luck.” 
While your group hung out at the dance studio for the day, Jeno, Yukhei, Soonyoung, Chenle, Yeeun and Tzuyu were spread amongst the apartment. Jeno and Soonyoung were in the den reviewing videos and taking notes. They were both wearing earbuds connected to a dual jack and anyone could see the focus on their faces as they reviewed each video. They would pause briefly to point out certain parts of a routine or a move they liked and the notebooks in front of them slowly filled up. Occasionally the two would get sidetracked and end up on Youtube but they did take small break where they just talked. 
The current topic at hand was a sensitive one and Soonyoung had been nominated to bring it up with Jeno since he was the closest to him.
“Have you talked to Jisung at all since the incident?” he asked casually as the two were taking a food break in the kitchen. He could see Jeno tense as he stirred his cup noodles. 
“What’s there to talk about?” Jeno asked in the same manner as he slurped a mouthful of noodles, “He made a move on Y/N when he knew how I felt about her AND he did it knowing I was an ocean away. He knows what he did and he knows how I feel.” 
“But…” Soonyoung hesitated and Jeno looked at him curiously from the corner of his eye, cup to his lips, “Do you know how Y/N feels about the situation? She and Jisung were best friends…and so were you.”
“His loyalties changed the moment Y/N came to SMAA.” Jeno interjected, “It was obvious but I just pretended not to see it. You should’ve seen when the two of them were together. He would subtly flirt with her during practices, stay at her house late at night and he would even sleep over all the time and he could, because they were best friends and they had done it so many times before.” he sighed in defeat, “I trusted him.” 
“He knows it was a mistake. He’s paying for it now.” Soonyoung reasoned and Jeno shrugged, he knew Jisung was the top nomination for team captain of the new competition team and after seeing his progress videos, Jeno had to agree despite what he felt for his former best friend, “Just...try to talk to him before you head over...he deserves at least an explanation. He made a mistake and he knows it...Chan says that he misses his best friend and you know Y/N thinks about him too. Just hear him out. For the sake of both your friendships”
Jeno pondered his friends words for a moment as he went through the pros and cons in his head. He knew his friend was right and Jisung did deserve to be heard out. He knew that you had no plans on contacting Jisung till your return to Europe so it would make sense to set everything straight before then. He also knew how much you missed Jisung as you watched the progress videos Chan sent from time to time. 
“Plus, after you give her the bracelet, isn’t that sealing the deal?” Soonyoung added, nudging Jeno in the side and thats when he sagged his shoulders.
“Fine…” Jeno sighed, “I’ll hear him out. But if he tries anything after Y/N gets back, I get to throw a punch.” 
“As long as you set it straight, then it’s on him.” Soonyoung agreed and the two continued to converse, eventually going back to review the videos.  Little did they know, someone had overheard their conversation and Soonyoung was quick to notice when he saw a shadow looming around the corner and quickly changed the subject while texting Lucas and Yeeun, “So when are you planning on giving Y/N the bracelet?” he asked and motioned to the shadow by the door.
“I was going to give it to her before she leaves for Europe again but Jaemin kind of spoiled the surprise.” Jeno answered and narrowed his eyes, “She’ll get it when she least expects it...we...should get back to reviewing the videos though if we want to meet the rest of the group in time.”
Soonyoung agreed and just as fast as it appeared, the shadow was gone. As they exited the kitchen, they heard whispers around the corner and shared a look before making their way back to Jeno’s office.
“What do you think you’re doing Tzuyu?” Yeeun asked, “That was obviously a private conversation. This is the second time I’ve caught you eavesdropping.”
“Second time?” Chenle asked looking at Tzuyu suspiciously, he had been with Yeeun and Lucas when they had received the text from Soonyoung and got curious, “There was a first?” 
“He was talking to Y/N and Renjun a few weeks back and she was about to walk in but I stopped her.” Yeeun stated with a sigh and Chenle raised his eyebrows.
“Seriously?” He asked. “But I thought you and Xiaojun were a thing.” he said, making Yeeun gasp and Yukhei looking at the girl with wide eyes with hints of confusion.
“I didn’t believe it when they said it was you who made a move on Jeno at Nationals last year.” he said with a hint of disgust and Yeeun whipped around to look at her boyfriend for confirmation and Yukhei started to explain.
“There was a rumor going around that the girlfriend of the second placer at Nationals last year made a move on Jeno right after the awards ceremony.” he started and narrowed his eyes knowing that that the rumor he heard was true, “Right in front of Xiaojun...this explains why the two of them can’t be in the same room for long…She kissed him so Xiaojun already sees Jeno as a bad guy.” 
“Wait what?” Yeeun asked with wide eyes turning to look at the girl who looked annoyed, “She  made a move on Jeno?” she asked and Yukhei nodded.
“Remember, this is all before Y/N and Jeno reconnected.” he added giving her a pointed look, “She dumped her second place boyfriend for the National Champion who wasn’t even interested. Yet he stuck by your side, even transferring schools with you so you wouldn’t be alone. Just like you promised.” he looked at Tzuyu with a knowing look, “When you were both children. Xiao’s keeping his promise, a promise he made when you were five. He’d always protect you because you were his princess.” his eyes narrowed slightly and he knew from the look on Tzuyu’s face that he was right.
Tzuyu’s eyes widened while Yeeun and Chenle looked confused.
“Wait, so you and Xiao are childhood friends like Y/N and Jeno?” Chenle asked and his voice got slightly louder, “AND you really kissed him at finals last year?”  
“This explains why you’re still after him…” Yeeun muttered, eyebrows furrowed and a thought suddenly popped in her head making her gasp and suddenly she was making an excuse to leave and Yukhei was quick to follow her, leaving Chenle and Tzuyu alone.
Chenle looked at the Tzuyu with a blank look as she shrunk back, arms crossed. He heard about the rumor from a few of his friends who went to watch Xiaojun perform at Nationals and how he was left heartbroken at the end of the night because he caught Tzuyu kissing someone else. He didn’t realize that it was Jeno until much later and by then, he had heard about him from you on various occasions. After meeting the guy and hearing your story, he didn’t think that Jeno had initiated the kiss, he was wayyyyyy too whipped for you. 
It sickened him that Jeno could go from Alpha male to puppy with just the sound of your voice. He was suddenly worried that Xiaojun would seek revenge on Jeno since it was obvious the two knew each other. Though they tried to hide it, he knew it was the main reason Jeno had separated himself from the group and naturally, Jaemin and Hana followed, they were his friends first.
“I wish you would stop and think about how the others feel for once. You did this twice and you know it’s the reason why Xiaojun lost his best friend.” Chenle stated, “All you’ve done is step on his heart but he takes you back. He takes you back because he loves you and you always ignore that fact. He’s my friend too Tzuyu but so are Y/N and Jeno and I don’t want to see any of them hurt. They’re happy and you could be too.” he said, his voice filled with emotion, “If you just saw the man that you turned into a monster after you cheated the second time. You could be happy”
Suddenly, Chenle gave Tzuyu a stern look that sent a shiver down her spine, “The monster who we both know has been seeking revenge on Jeno for your mistake. If either Y/N or Jeno get hurt because of you or Xiaojun, you can kiss your transfer papers goodbye. Don’t forget why you had to have your transfer papers pushed. Remember, I know things too. Y/N and Jeno have worked too hard to get to where they are now. Consider this your only warning.” he finished and side stepped her to leave the room. He decided he’d get updates on the conversation from Yukhei later, someone had to babysit Tzuyu.
Meanwhile, Yeeun had barged into the Den where the two other boys were, making them jump with how aggressive she had entered the room. The two looked at her with wide eyes before removing their earphones.
“Is everything okay…?” Soonyoung asked but Yeeun was too busy looking at Jeno.
“Does Y/N know that you and Tzuyu kissed at Nationals last year?” she asked making direct eye contact with Jeno who was frozen in place from her question. Yukhei entered the room and locked the door before giving the boys an apologetic look and noted Jeno’s frozen figure.
Yeeun really didn’t need an answer since the look in his eyes told her everything.
“Are you going to?” she asked while Soonyoung turned to look at Jeno, his expression unreadable and he inwardly cursed. Soonyoung was obviously your friend first. He had planned on telling you his connection with Xiaojun and Tzuyu this very day but everyone had shown up early, ultimately killing his plans. He was going to tell you everything, including the kiss and his rivalry with Xiaojun. He was going to tell you as soon as you met but he wanted reassurance of your feelings for him and the only way was to ask you to be his girlfriend. 
“She and I were supposed to have a date today.” Jeno started, “Then you all showed up at the crack of dawn, effectively killing our plans. But I was going to tell her.” 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Soonyoungs voice interjected, “What’s going on? You and Tzuyu?” he questioned, “Is this why Xiaojun acts up when you’re with the group?” 
“Probably.” Jeno shrugged, “She came onto me at the awards ceremony last year. I didn’t know who she was at the time until Xiaojun started the fight at the afterparty.”
 “Ah...I knew about the fight, I just never heard who it was between. You went home with a black eye right?” Soonyoung asked and Jeno nodded, rolling his eyes, “You could’ve decked him in one shot if you wanted to.” 
“But I didn’t. What’s the point?” Jeno asked with a shrug, “It was obvious what it was about, it took me a while to realize that it was actually them when we first met.” 
“That explains why you started ditching when we hung out.” Yukhei commented and Jeno nodded.
“Xiaojun seems to have something against me though he acts like a nice guy when everyone else is around. We haven't talked to each other since the fight and even then, things weren’t cleared up. He thinks I made a move on her when it was the other way around but no matter how much I tried to explain.” Jeno  started furrowing his brows.
“You took the punch regardless.” Yukhei finished and Jeno nodded, looking confused as to how he knew what happened the night of the fight, “I was in the same friend group as Tzuyu and Xiaojun before I transferred and I heard from a few of the friends I still talked to that they went to support Xiaojun and were at the after party. We all knew that the two of them were secretly dating on and off but because they were private people, we only teased them on how they acted like a married couple.” 
“Like Y/N and Jeno.” Soonyoung commented and everyone laughed.
“Pretty much.” Yukhei commented with a shrug, “Ever since we met, the two were a pair. When there was one, there was the other. That’s why I found it so ironic that Y/N and Jeno were practically them. The look of protection in Jeno’s eyes reminded me of the same look from Xiaojun.” 
“So you know their history.” Yeeun said looking at her boyfriend who nodded innocently, “And you didn’t bother to tell me?” 
“I didn’t know they were transferring over until I saw them again but at the time, I had already cut ties with that friend group.” Yukhei tried to reason, “That’s why I pretended not to know them, I didn’t think it’d be a big deal. Jeno seemed to know what to do but Xiaojun worries me. Especially with the way he’s been acting these last few days.”
“The two of them were arguing in the bathroom earlier...I dont think Tzuyu wanted Xiaojun to go with Y/N and the rest of them. But Xiaojun seemed adamant on going...” Jeno muttered thinking about the situation and let out a sigh, “Anyways, I’m going to pick Y/N up from the studio. Why don’t you guys put a movie on till we get back?” 
“Movie? The studios a literal ten minute walk away.” Yukhei said, confused, “What about the others?”
“I don’t know. I said I was going to pick Y/N up.” Jeno said, shrugging. “I can’t risk Xiaojun getting to her first.” Getting up, he picked up his phone and stretched, “We’ll meet you guys at the restaurant for dinner.” and with that he was out the door.
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legallyharrie · 4 years
I’m sharing with you my first Berlermo AU in wich Andrés is the owner of a art gallery in Paris. He met Martín who came to buy some paintings for his new place.
Sorry for the mistakes, I was tired when I wrote it and english is not my native language !
Since his primary childhood, Andrés has always been in love with art. It is the only way he has found to express his feelings. Art helps him to feels love, joy, sadness. Painting and sculptures are the only things to which he let his true self exposed. Even if Andrés is now in is forties, he never said “I love you” to someone. Not even to his parents, or to his little brother, Sergio, or to one of the five women he married. The fact is that Andrés is also extremely ill at ease with shows of affection.
After running the world for fifteen years as a consultant in Renaissance art, Andrés decide to settle five year ago in Paris and open his own art gallery. He found a little gem in the heart of the Marais, a fancy neighborhood of the French capital. Andrés decided to name it “La Galerie Berlin” in reference to Berlin, a city full of artists and in which is sell his first drawing.
In a lovely spring afternoon, a green-eyed man opened the door and cried out in a broken French “ Bonjour !”. A big smile was now invading Andrés’ face. The man was slightly younger than him and seemed very dynamic. He also immediately recognized his Argentinian accent.
“ Buenas Tardes amigo !” Andrés said.
« I’m Martin Berrote. I am an Argentinian engineer sent to Paris for a one-year mission. I lost myself in the neighborhood and then I saw your store front. Could you help me to select some painting, I really need to garnish my apartment! “
Martin was a very talkative person. During his speech, he looked Andrés straight in the eyes with his two-sapphire iris. His accent was also very melodious, and you can hear Italian intonations.
It needed some seconds for Andrés to come back to his senses. He coughed in his fist before answering to Martin.
“Nice to meet you Martin. I’m Andrés De Fonollosa. I’m a Spanish art expert, established for five years in Paris…” without stopping talking, Andrés moved with a rare elegance between the multiples sculptures, glass boxes and showed to Martin every painting.
Even if to them it seemed like only ten minutes have passed, the two men talked about lives for two hours straight. Martin’s childhood in Buenos Aires, the violence of his father, Andrés’ travels, and his unperishable memory of Argentine, his history of art studies. They found a lot of common in each other.
After this long discussion, Martin choose three paintings all of them were abstract art. Vivid colors. Anarchic paintbrushes. It was a pretty realistic representation of his mindset and his thoughts. As nature gifted him with a great intelligence, it was also born with a brain fill with ideas and unable to rest for more than thirty seconds.
“Are you free tonight?” Martin asked.
“Hmm. I just divorced from my fifth wife some weeks ago and I have only a cat at home. So, I guess that I have nothing planned. Why?
“Would you do me the favor to take a drink? Some friends told me that The Marais was full of bars and places to go out.”
At this moment, Andrés was not able yet to put words on what he was feeling but he was mesmerized by this Argentinian guy. It was a magnetic force, something that no one could see. It was unusual, unique, for Andrés to be this confused.
“Of course. Just give five minutes to close the gallery. Let me store your paintings there and I will help you later to grab them to your place.”
A soft wind was now diving into the streets of Paris. The two men were giggling in their way to a little bar. It was crowdy and filled with pride flags and rainbow crosswalks. Even if it was a fancy neighborhood, Andrés preferred the chic of Saint-Germain-Des-Près. They both sat inside a little pub and ordered tapas with a pricy bottle of wine that Andrés recommended to Martin. If he had had the choice Martin would have only ordered a regular beer but he could not disappoint his new friend. They continued to talk about themselves, the highs and downs of each other lives. Martin confess to Andrés how disastrous and toxic was his last relationship with a Sicilian guy. Andrés reviewed his five weddings, all of them sold by a divorce. He admitted to Martin that he really loved women but in the end that he never understood them. He covered them with flowers, luxurious hotels, and jewelries but it seemed that it was not enough for them.
At several moments, they both stopped talking and stare each other in the eyes. But at no time, it became weird. They both needed calm. In these silences, both of them could red the other thoughts. It’s been less than half a day since they met but is seemed like they have known each other for years. Martin understood Andrés. Andrés understood Martin. They were born in different continents, shared a different culture but they shared the same point of view on most of subjects. For the first time in his life, Andrés opened up to someone, naturally. It was like a flood barrier had been broke.
Shortly after midnight Martin asked Andrés if he was not too tired to go back to his gallery and pick up home the paintings. Martin’s flat was 2 miles away from there. As the engineer he was, Martin had a secret plan in mind.
During the way back to the gallery and his place, Martin became quite touchy with Andrés. He touched his arm and then he started to put a hand on his back. Andrés didn’t objected and didn’t moved either. He thought that the feeling was pleasant and showed a knowing smile.
After climbing the four floors which separate the street from Martin’s place, the little Argentinian offered to Andrés a tour. Immediately, Andrés argued with Martin about which walls the paintings should be hang on. At the end, they decided that two of them would be perfect in the hall. The largest one will take its place upon Martin’s bed.
Martin was leaning to the framing of the bedroom’s door staring at Andrés four feet away. Now, they both had sleepy eyes. Today had been intense but none of them have the intention to end it now.
Even though Martin was not a shy person, his arms were full of goosebumps. On top of that, the little butterfly he started to feel sooner did not stopped to grow in his stomach. In fact, thousands of butterflies were now flying in his body. Before, Martin never believe in love at first sight. He was a bit misogynistic and, in his mind, it was for girls and for fairy tales. What he did not know yet is that the supposedly straight men, five times married to women, was also devoured with strange butterflies. And he that he was submerged by the same sensation even if he tries his best to burry it. In any way, Andrés thought that he was uncapable to have feeling for someone. To genuinely love someone.
Martin inhaled a big bowl of air and made a step. He looked Andrés straight in the eyes, smiling.
“Andrés. I wanted to thank you for this wonderful evening. Since I left my country, I felt very alone. But then, I met you and your crazy passion for art and beauty. I never get along so fast and so well with someone.”
“ I have to admit that it’s a first time for me too. Sorry if I bothered you with all my problems and everything. I never felt that connected with a total stranger. But I find in you someone who listens to me and who understand my point of view on life. “. Andrés said with glazed eyes. This, was a first time for him too. He never cried in front of someone. Maybe he even never cried since is childhood.
“ Cariño, you didn’t bothered me.”
Martin made a new step towards Andrés. Then, another one. The distance was now quite close between them. Martin gently wipe Andrés eyes with a comforting “shhh”. His hands were now wandering on Andrés’s cheeks and he brushed the back of his hair. For sure, since the moment he saw Andrés when he first entered in the gallery, Martin thought that Andrés was a very charming and seducing men. Now, he was staring at him and the distance between them was only of twenty centimeters. This close, with the moonlight transpiercing the curtains, Andrés was even more sexy and Martin craving to taste how soft was his lips.
In order to finally break the distance, Martin slowly approach his nose to Andrés’. Andrés raise a eyebrow at first, surprised by Martin boldness but then, they begun to rub each other nose. It was pure, it was soft, it was new. Time was frozen around them. Andrés closed his eyes; he was one hundred percent confident in Martin. He puts his hands on Martin’s hips and pull him closer to break the distance once and for all.
Shortly after, Martin gently kiss Andrés lips. As he imagined they were beautifully soft. Andrés responded to the kiss and their lips began to move synchronically and it became less and less innocent. No words were needed and like they both already learnt today, they didn’t had to speak to understand each other.
“There is no accidental meeting between soulmates”
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ronweasleyisourking · 4 years
summer of 1989
Ginny and Luna sat on the porch steps of the Burrow, drinking lemonade, watching the boys play quidditch on the last day before term started. “They never let me play,” Ginny complained, eyebrows furrowing, “it’s not fair.”
Luna touched her friend’s wrist, trying to comfort her as much as she possibly could. “It will only be Ron and you this year, maybe he’ll play with you,” she said hopefully.
Ginny grumbled, “I can play just as well as any of them and Percy doesn’t even want to play! I could take his place! I could be a chaser just as well as he could, if not better.”
“You’ve never even ridden a broom Ginny,” Luna said, but smiled at her friend’s passion and complete confidence in herself.
Ginny glared at the boys. “I will someday.”
sweet tea in the summer,
cross your heart, won’t tell no other
summer of 1991
Luna was sleeping over at the Burrow, and she and Ginny were up late into the night. Ginny was attempting to braid Luna’s hair and failing miserably.
“Ginny, you’re supposed to alternate the strands,” Luna said, detangling her hair yet again, but she couldn’t help but smile. Letting Ginny mess with her hair felt so nice – the gentle graze of the girls’ fingers on her neck every once in a while, the focused look she had whenever Luna got her face in the mirror across the room – it was all just so nice.
“I know, I know, I just keep forgetting which strand I’m supposed to move next,” Ginny said, falling back onto the bed. “I’m no good at this.”
Luna brushed out her hair and looked at Ginny, “Just try one more time. For me.”
your braids like a pattern
love you to the moon and to saturn
summer of 1993
Ginny curled up in Luna’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably. “I don’t remember doing any of it, Luna, I don’t remember, I swear I don’t.” Luna pulled her friend closer, running her fingers through the ginger hair.
“Maybe it’s better that you don’t,” Luna said. She had her own share of traumatic experiences, but unfortunately, hers weren’t hidden from her. “Maybe it would be better if you stopped trying to remember them.”
Luna remembered Ginny before their first year at Hogwarts – brave, passionate, unafraid – and she knew this was this the same girl, but she also wasn’t. The diary had taken something from her, something more than her memories – her innocence, her ability to fear nothing, her smile, her laugh. Luna wished she could turn back time.
Ginny kept crying in her best friend’s arms until the shaky breaths became steady and her tears were dried on her cheeks, falling into what Luna had no doubt was a nightmarish sleep. She continued to watch her friend, getting no sleep that night.
please picture me in the weeds
before i learned civility
i used to scream ferociously
any time i wanted
summer of 1995
Ginny stood on the roof of the Burrow, broomstick in hand. “Come on, Gin, you don’t have to do this,” Ron said from below, “I get it, I’ll never say you’re a bad flier again.”
“There’s no convincing her not to do this, Ron,” Luna replied, eyes narrowed at the sky, and then she steps closer to him so only he will hear her say, “Don’t worry, I asked Percy to cast a cushioning charm on the ground just in case.”
They both watched as Ginny mounted the broom and set off into the air, and let consecutive breaths of relief when she didn’t fall to the ground as soon as she stepped off the roof. Luna smiled as she watched her friend fly across the sky.
i hit my peak at seven
feet in the swing over the creek
summer of 1997
Ginny grabbed Luna at the wedding, pulling her onto the dance floor, and they swayed back in forth, Ginny’s arms around Luna’s waist, and Luna’s arms around Ginny’s neck. They danced for a few songs, smiling at one another, before Kingsley’s patronus showed up, breaking up the party. The girls were torn apart, grabbed by their respective parents and they caught a one last glimpse of one another before being apparated away.
are there still beautiful things?
summer of 1999
Ginny laid tucked into the arms of her girlfriend, having just woken up in their new flat – South Asia this time, another trip for Luna’s job at the Quibbler. Ginny quite loved moving around the world, she had watched Quidditch on six continents now. It was a nice life, a happy life. Ginny wrapped herself closer into the blonde girl. She doesn’t like thinking about the things that could have happened that would have prevented this from ever happening but sometimes the thoughts trick themselves into her mind anyways.
She felt Luna wake up, the hold on her loosening, the breath behind her neck less steady, “How long have you been up Gin?”
“Just an hour,” Ginny said, “it’s nothing. I just couldn’t go back to sleep.” This was actually quite normal for them. Ginny always woke up early, always stayed in bed until Luna woke up too.
“Ginny,” Luna said, pleadingly, and awkwardly, Ginny turned to face her. “I’ve told you over and over to wake me up when you can’t sleep.”
“I just love being held,” Ginny said, with no shame, moving closer to kiss Luna.
“Ugh, morning breath,” Luna joked, smiling, when they pulled away.
“Oh, you know you don’t mind,” Ginny replied.
pack your dolls and a sweater
we’ll move to india forever
summer 2001
They were in the Netherlands now, where they had been living since Queen Beatrix had signed a law that legalized gay marriage – they weren’t rushing to get married, they just wanted to and the Netherlands were the first country to allow it.
It was a relatively small ceremony, but Ginny had never really know what a small gathering was, with her family being large all on it’s own, and a relatively simple one as well. They both wore dresses and flower crowns, neither walked down the either, and they exchanged vows under the stark blue sky.
And when they kissed for the first time as wives, they both were consumed by the same feeling – love – love for each other, love for everyone around them, love for the past and the present and the future.
and just like a folk song
our love will be passed on
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rufousnmacska · 4 years
Goodbye and Hello
Manon and Dorian said goodbye in Orynth. But for them, saying hello again is only a matter of time.
To catch everyone up on this fic before the end, here are the chapter summaries.
One: I Wish...
Manon and Dorian share a bittersweet goodbye in Orynth with a promise to meet again soon.
Two: Another Day
Months have passed since the war ended and they last saw each other. Manon struggles as she tries to go it alone, while Dorian gets bogged down in ruling his kingdom. But their friends and family have something planned.
Three: Those Two Words
The wyvern camp at the Ferian Gap, now the home to many Rukhin from the Southern Continent, welcomes royal visitors.
Four: Breakfast in Bed
Dorian fulfills one promise made in Orynth and does his best to spoil Manon. But seeing the full extent of her grief worries him.
Five: Waiting
The Rukhin undertake a Ferian Gap ritual that brings back painful memories for Manon and Abraxos. But with the help of Dorian and the Rukhin leader, Orghana, Manon makes an important decision.
Six: Confessions (nsfw)
With a final day together, Manon treats Abraxos by revisiting a favorite spot. And Dorian treats Manon by ... you get the idea. In between, they admit to some feelings and failures.
Seven: Old Friends
In Rifthold, Aedion visits Dorian and shares a life-changing new skill. At Blackbeak Keep, Manon confronts her past in search of a future for her people and a special gift for Dorian.
Eight: Light in the Darkness
On the anniversary of the Thirteen’s yielding, Dorian surprises Manon with a chance at closure. And a new start.
Nine: Not Even Close
Glennis helps Manon come to some realizations. But when she confronts Dorian about it, will they find common ground? Or will they fall prey to their fears?
Glennis laughed again, and Manon warmed at the sight and sound. How quickly she’d grown to love the witch. How completely she relied on her. The feelings were equal parts terrifying and comforting. Manon was still trying to parse them when she realized Glennis was asking her a question.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I asked if Dorian has discussed the problem he is having with some of his nobility.”
“No,” she said, not bothering to hide her confusion. “And how would you know of it?” She knew that answer at least but wanted to make the crone squirm a bit.
As she began to remove her heavy flying clothes, Glennis tried to appear innocent. She worked at the leathers and boots with her gnarled hands for several minutes. Manon’s patience dissolved as she began to tap her foot on the floor.
“You can speak and get undressed at the same time.”
“Ha! I’m not as young as you are.” Finally, she was in her bedclothes, climbing into bed, and moving to adjust the pile of blankets atop her. “Yrene mentioned it in a letter.”
“The letters he and I carry back and forth for you?” Manon asked. “If you’re going to plot and plan behind our backs, I’m refusing to deliver them anymore.”
Her great-grandmother sat against the headboard and pulled the covers up around her. “Perhaps we wouldn’t need to … what did you accuse us of? Plotting? We wouldn’t need to plot if the two of you took matters into your own hands.”
Manon leaned on the tall corner post at the foot of the bed and crossed her arms. “What matters? What is happening with his lords?”
“They are pushing their king to find a queen.”
“Is Manon joining us for dinner?” Yrene swung Josie around to her other arm, flexing her newly freed hand in an attempt to relieve the numbness. “She’s almost too big to carry.”
“Here,” Dorian said. “I’ll hold her. She’s not too—"
Falling backwards onto the sofa, he cried out, pretending he couldn’t stand with her in his arms. Josie laughed and then screamed as she scrambled away from him. He didn’t reach for her, letting her crawl back towards him. When she was close enough, he lunged, grabbing her feet and wiggling his fingers on her chubby toes. She screeched again in between bouts of laughter. When she was gasping for breath, Dorian sat her on the floor and let her go, smiling as she crawled speedily away.
Short of breath himself, he took another moment before answering. “Not tonight. She’s in Briarcliff with Glennis. They’re meeting with Ansel about some border disputes.” They both watched Josie try to chase the dog around the kitchen table. “Not all of Ansel’s people like being so close to the witches.”
Yrene scowled. “I wish people were more open minded.”
“Like you were when you first met me?” Chaol asked as he came through the door. His wife dismissed him with a wave of her hand and went into the kitchen as Josie begged for Chaol to pick her up.
Yrene returned quickly, placing large bowls of steaming food on the table. With a decent attempt at innocence, she asked, “And when should we expect the wedding?”
Dorian sighed and didn’t reply, pretending to be too focused on scratching the dog’s belly.
“Honey,” Chaol said through clenched teeth. “It’s none of our business.”
Yrene opened her mouth to argue but she caught sight of Dorian’s face and stopped.
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fanfic master list (includes the link to my fics on AO3)
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susanoosama01 · 4 years
Midam Headcanons part 2
After they get out of the cage, Michael is pretty weak for some time. Adam is also wounded and unstable so they drag themselves to a motel and stay there healing for a few weeks without letting anyone else close to them. They don't even draw the closed curtains to let sunlight in. After two days, Adam wants to take a shower and eat. Since Michael's grace isn't recharged yet, he lets Adam control his body and silently observes the human. Adam makes sure to use lots of hot water and eat everything he likes half because he missed those trivial things and half to show Michael there are nice things about being human.
When they finally step outside, they find a flat immediately. Adam gets a job in the nearby cafe with a little of Michael's help faking all his documents. Michael doesn't understand the necessity of getting a job. He can materialise money after all. But Adam doesn't want to accept money he did not earn. Also he needs distraction. He needs somewhere to start if he's ever getting his life back. Michael doesn't get it for a long time but doesn't oppose the teen, instead simply observing.
'Why do you want to become a servant to get some paper? I can create it for you.' 'Michael I am not a servant. It is called working. And you can't just create money, that's not how life works.' 'At least let me create one of these buildings for you. You can hire other servants to work for you and earn your money.' 'Michael no.'
Adam tells Michael about every small thing he wants to know. 'Why do we have to change clothes so often?' 'Why does everyone stare at those screen things all the time?' 'Why can't you go grab food when you're hungry? Why do we pay for everything? God didn't create you like this.' 'Why does this man in the box pretend to be Lucifer? Lucifer doesn’t live in the City Of Angels anymore. He also couldn't care less about humans or their crimes. What is a nightclub? Why do you watch this ridiculous man?'
When Michael gets his own vessel he fakes his own documents with Adam's help. When Adam sees the fake ID he is frozen where he stands for a few seconds. He asks Michael why he did something like that when they had already chosen his fake name along with his fake parents' and his age. Michael just shrugs and tells Adam that 'Michael Milligan' sounds better than anything else and is more familiar.
Michael Milligan is 25 and he never went to college as he lost his parents at a car accident a few years ago. He works at the cafe with Adam.
When they fight it usually turns into a small battle. Michael wrongly pairs all Adam's socks and makes him search for a pair for ten minutes. Adam just wears some of Michael's and claims everything he wears once as his own. Michael starts stealing Adam's t-shirts and hoodies as counter.
Once Adam got really pissed and tried to eBay Michael for 50$. He wrote Michael's number there and watched with glee as Michael received numerous spam calls for the 'Archangel for Sale' for two whole days before he took pity on Michael.
They marathon Disney movies and other things about angels. Michael's favorite so far is Frozen. He likes Elsa because she reminds him of Lucifer. He also likes Good Omens.
Once when he was still not fully recovered from the Cage, Michael had some kind of angel fever. It was nothing serious or dangerous. Michael was just cute and grumpy for five days. Adam made sure to get as many photos of him sleeping on the couch with his Elsa blanket Adam got him as a joke as he can manage and fed him everything he likes.
Michael once lost Adam in the grocery store and couldn't find him because of the enochian seals in his ribs. He just went to a cash register and sat there for ten minutes sulking. In the end the cashier made an announcement for Adam Milligan whose kid was waiting there. Adam came runnig and laughing. They got him a phone of his own after that incident.
'You have reached the voicemail of-' 'What do you need my name for? Is this another strange human custom?' 'The person you have called can not be reached at the moment. Please try again later.' 'Who are you woman? Why do you have Adam's phone?'
Adam makes Michael listen to Christian Rock. Like Skillet or Flyleaf. Michael sings All Around Me for weeks.
They eventually go to Kate and Adam's house. Adam gets the place back but can't bring himself to move back in there. He rents it to a single mom with a baby girl for half its worth.
Adam studies through the nights on final week. Michael just sits on the fluffy carpet and quietly flips through the books Adam puts down. He sometimes helps Adam as he is perfect at algebra and organic chemistry. After Lucifer moves in, he helps most of the time instead of Michael because he is a better tutor according to Adam and he really wants to do something for the teen.
After Lucifer first came to their house, he tried to spoil Adam by snapping five star restaurant dinners and luxury hot tubs into the flat. Just like he told Michael, he tells Lucifer that he doesn’t need to constantly give or be perfect to earn love. In fact, love isn't earned. It just doesn't work like that. Like he guessed, Kate Milligan's exact words get to him too.
They play card and video games together. In the first week after Lucifer arrives, Adam suggests a game night for the brothers to spend time. They make snacks and sit down. Turns out Lucifer doesn't know poker. Even Michael learned it from the TV and internet. The two of them spend the night teaching Lucifer the game.
Adam asks when Lucifer was born. The younger archangel doesn't know his birthday. So Adam asks Michael and tells him to calculate exact date on the human calender. That year Lucifer gets his very first birthday party. Adam and Michael bake a big cake together and invite their friends. Gabriel and Raphael appear two. While the youngest of the four is familiar with the concept and immediately starts stuffing his face with cake, Raphael doesn't understand much. Sam isn't really too comfortable around Lucifer but still comes anyway. Dean grumbles something about how he wouldn't have believed it if he had been told that he would celebrate the Devil's birthday back at the Apocalypse. Castiel is almost as clueless as Raphael. Somehow they all survive the night without any incidents. Except Adam and Michael who got Lucifer a camera, no one remembers bringing gifts. It doesn't matter though. For the first time ever, someone told Lucifer that his existence is something to be celebrated and Michael is the happiest Adam has ever seen him as he hugs his brother. Adam discreetly snaps a photo in Lucifer's new camera of them laughing with arms around each other and Michael ruffling Lucifer's hair.
Michael's birthday is the same as Adam's. Theirs is after Lucifer's so the party is even better this time around. Even Raphael who doesn't like Adam very much softens when Adam pulls him in for a hug instead of the offered handshake because Michael joins and it is the first time that Raphael is emraced by his older brother. The four archangels tell their funniest stories all night. Like how Lucifer accidentally seperated the continents while secretly playing with Michael's sword or how a toddler Gabriel broke into God's work room once and created the most absurd animals while playing there. In the end, Michael too used to sleeping after months of living with Adam dozes of and all three of his brothers snuggle against him eventhough Raphael is a little hesitant at first. They make another perfect picture for Adams album.
Michael and Adam get a car after a year and a half of living together. Teaching Michael to drive is hard. The archangel just zaps the whole vehicle when they are stuck in traffic. He has no patience for that when he can just fly.
The neighbour's teen daughter has a crush on Michael. The girl hits on him a few times. Adam makes fun of Michael who is pretty oblivious for days once he notices. Jokingly he tells Michael that maybe he could get her something for Valentine's and ask her out. Michael asks about the specific holiday in all seriousty. Adam wakes to find Lucifer and Michael trying to make chocolate and arguing in whispers at 5 a.m. on the day. He just goes back to bed and pretends to not see them. The chocolate tastes awful. But Adam still smiles and thanks Michael because it's too cute how Lucifer ushers him into the living room and gives his brother a thumbs up when Michael wants to just change his mind. His gift for Michael is a little different. He gives him the photo album he handmade and tells Michael that he cherishes all their moments together.
They adopt a kitten. At first Michael doesn't want an animal in the house. One mere week later though Adam finds him sleeping with the small thing sprawled over Michael's chest. The little ball of fur ironically named Michelle by his previous owner never stops following Michael around after that.
Lucifer and Michael constantly go back between Heaven and Earth after some time. Just helping rebuild their childhood home. They take Adam to Kate's heaven. When the teen sees how peaceful and happy the place is, he also feels better. Kate's spirit has heard Michael's prayer back at her grave and she gives them her blessing.
They don't have a ceremony. They just change their documentation again and have a small celebration much like the birthdays with wedding cake and drinks. Sam and Dean give Michael the 'you break his heart, we break your face' talk. Raphael asks if he can make a speech and Lucifer carries their rings, turning the moment into some kind of ceremony anyway.
Michael introduces Adam as his mate to all other angels. The Heaven celebrates too. All the angels Adam and Michael helped have befriended the human after all.
Lucifer permanently moves to Heaven. Adam and Michael finally move into the Milligan house after their tennant finds a new job and moves to the other side of the city. With the new photos, Michael's Elsa blanket draped over the couch which ,Gabriel makes fun of non stop, the other archangels' leftover stuff the house becomes a home again.
Part 1
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
My brain in Heavensward: A PLD Miqo’te is an uwu ishgard
Talk to Servant. Grab main aetheryte. Grab Brume, Grab Forgotten Knight. Grab Skysteel whatever. Run up stairs. Grab market. Grab left side of church. Grab right side of church. Grab AST place. Run up stairs. Grab Last Vigil. Talk to guard. Enter mansion. Meet Future Husband’s Father and Family. Talk to servant. Leave. Talk to Servant. Go to Mega Church. Talk to servant. Teleport to Markets. Talk to people. Teleport to Plaza. Talk to servant. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Forgotton Knight. Talk to Tender. Talk to Tataru. Teleport to Last Vigil. Talk to Guard. Enter Mansion. Talk to Father-in-Law. Talk to Shild-in-Law. Talk to Responsibility-in-Law. Leave Mansion. Teleport to AST. Run across the stone. Talk to Shild-in-Law. Talk to Guard.
Talk to shild-in-law. Grab aetheryte. Grab choco route. Run down some stairs and through the sky meadows. Ignore the flying bat cats, they’re territorial. Talk to guard lady. Convince Shild-in-Law that staring off in the distance is the most responsibility he can handle. After he leaves have his ward keep an eye on him. Talk to guard lady. Run up a net. Talk to other guard lady. Go punch some owls with sick dancing skills. Stand in one place for 8 seconds longer than you need to...you see no owls with sick dancing skills. Go to another spot where you find more owls with sick dancing skills. Go back to secondary guard lady. She tells you to scream at people. Scream at a Knight. Scream at another Knight. Scream at your Shild-in-Law. Fuck he ran off. Report to guard lady. Talk to guard lady again. Report to main guard lady. She aint’ exactly happy. Convince shild-in-law, he can fetch water with you if he finishes his vegetables. Run to a lake, smack some crystals until they give in to your tyranny. Find shild’s ward. Look for shild. Stand in a spot. Ward says shild has been kidnapped. Break into the owl sanctuary and start punching things. Punch owls until you untie shild-in-law. Shild-in-law failed in P.E. and runs slower than molasses in winter. Punch owls until he goes three feet. Your future husband shows up and proposes to you by helping you punch owls. The wedding will be in May. You’ll both wear your best dress. Cid shows up. Talk to Cid. Talk to Future Husband. Ride out to the meadows and talk to guard lady. Return to Ishgard. Go to AST talk to Future Husband. Go to Skysteel.
Talk to Responsibility-in-Law. Go out into the snow. Talk to Responsibility-in-Law again. Grab aetherite. Grab choco. Ride out and grab choco on the other side of the continent. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to R-i-L and his friend. Talk to dude. Punch Ice. Talk to R-i-L. Ride out into the snow. Talk to dude. Punch fuzzy eyeballs. Talk to dude. Talk to dude. Deliver someone’s bento to a dude. Return to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to R-i-L. Freeze your ass off and fall him into snow. Follow him again. And again. Save a Knight and punch some heretics. Run after heretics. Stalk heretics. Punch heretics and follow the one that runs away. PUNCH ALLL THE HERETICS! Oh hey our future ice wife showed up. Talk to R-i-L. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to dude. Talk to R-i-L. Go back to Ishgard. Teleport to Last Vigil. Talk to guard. Go in.
Shild-in-law gets punched. R-i-L is trying take your hand in marriage from his step-brother. Chill out. Talk to Alfred. Your friends have been put to trial by combat. Visit your other other future husband. You love elves in uniform. Teleport to the Tribunal. Talk to guard. Walk in like a boss. Punch Knights and free your depressed son from bondage. Receive compass and bird from your Fiance. Talk to your fiance. Leave and go to mansion. Talk to people. Talk to depressed son. Teleport to Limsa. Talk to Admiral Wife. Teleport to Mor Dhona. Find Ninjas hiding in plain sight. Talk to Ninja. Teleport to Camp Drybone. Ride out to bridge. Talk to Lizard Wife. Ride out to prison. Talk to Lizard Wife. Talk to Ninja. Break into Prison. Punch Braves. Talk to Raubahn. Tear open a gate with your bear hands. Slap Lime Jello. Slap more Jello. Slap more Jello. JIGGGGGGLLLYY! Punch fog machine. Run across prison. Punch more braves. Steal their car keys. Find Raubahn. Unlock him. Punch brave. Punch brave. Punch man you stalked. Punched greedy lala. Punch SLOPPEE!. Leave. Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. Talk to Strip Tease. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Depressed Son. Go to Last Vigil. Enter mansion.
Ishgard was attacked. Your marriage has been delayed. Talk to Fiance. Talk to Depressed Son. Leave Mansion. Talk to Depressed Son. Side Boytoy shows up with a lance and offers to help. Teleport to Forgotten Knight. Go talk to your future husband in uniform. Boy toy unnecessarily flexes in front of him. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to dude. Ride out and collect all currents you can. Teleport to Camp Cloudtop. Collect all currents you can. Teleport back to Falcon’s Nest. Ride out and go to Ice Wife’s abode. No ones there. Punch some bears. Steal some homework. Report to Boytoy and Depressed Son.  Ride out to canyon bottom. Boytoy flexes by helping you punch heretics who turn into dragons. Boytoy upgraded to Mantoy. Leave heretic hang out. Go to outside prison. Question people. Punch some mammoths, vanilla jello and polar bears. Go run through the ice. Talk to Guard. Unlock Dusk Vigil. Run Dusk Vigil. FUCK THAT MAMMOTH! Punch a frozen dead dude! PUNCH A GRIFFON! Leave. Go back to outside prison. Talk to Elf Padre. Run across the snow. Make a fire. Attract Ice Wife. FLY AWAY NOW! FLY AWAY NOW FLY AWAAAAAAAY! Go to next place.
Talk to Ice Wife. Get current mocking you on top of branch. Run through forest. Talk to people. Get aetheryte and other current mocking you. Talk to Depressed Son. Talk to Ice Wife’s Boy toy. He’s a hunter and has scars...Ice Wife has taste. Pick up a quest for Hunter Elf. Ride out. Punch some bugs. Punch some more bugs. Stop at cover Depressed Son’s ears as Man Toy and Ice Wife get inches from hate fucking each other. Ride out. Punch some bugs. Gather aether current. Punch more bugs. Talk to Ice Wife. Grab choco route and aetherite. Talk to dragon. Go back to Hunter Elf. Ride out. Follow river. Punch some...fish bugs? Find group. Talk to Depressed Son. Break down Bug Door. Feed them fish bugs. Talk to bugs. Talk to bugs. Go out and punch a fish bug. Talk to bug again. Grab Aether Current. Talk to Depressed Son. Hold hands with Ice Wife as you break into Bug Lair and punch bugs. Steal guns. Grab aether current. Feign capture. Meet Bug Daddy. Watch Ice Wife fight Bug Daddy. She loses. You still love her. Avenge your Wife. Unlock Thicc Ast Thot. Fight Bug Daddy. Win. Ice Wife Compliments you. The wedding is in October. Talk to Ice Wife. Return to Bugs. Talk to Depressed Son. Go to Dragon Lair. Talk to Dragon. Teleport to Tailfeather. Talk to Hunter Elf. Go out and talk to groups of hunters like...twice per camp. Grab aether currents. Report to Hunter Elf. Get more aether currents that way. Teleport to Dragon Lair. Climb stairs. Talk to dragon. Walk down stairs. Punch Dragon’s children. Return to dragon. Get reward. Talk to dragon. Talk to Depressed Son. Walk through cave. Grab aether. Talk to Depressed Son. Unlock  Sohm Al. FUCK THIS PLANT! PUNCH A T-REX! PUNCH A DRAGON AND ITS STUPID WINGS! Leave Sohm Al.
Hallucinate a Moogle. You can fly in the Forelands now. Get aetherite and flight path. Look for moogles. No Moogles. Everyones looking at you weird. You do not like the be judged. Talk to Ice Wife, Mantoy, and Depressed Son. Depressed son tells you to teleport to Gridania. Spite him by walking there. Bug the Seedseer. Seedseer is coming out of her cage and she’s been doing just fine. Teleport to Moghome. Talk to Mantoy. Seedseer shows up. Moogles appear. Yeah, now Mantoy looks even more stupid. Downgraded to Boytoy for doubting you and not supporting your needs. Talk to Moogles. Talk to Moogles. Talk to Moogles. CSI: Moghome. Find a stone. Return stone to Moogle. Grab Aether current on the way. Punch T-rex. Level Herbalism. Grab aether current. Return to Moogles. Turn in stuff and things. Talk to Seedseer, Boytoy, Ice Wife, and Depressed Son. Talk to Boogle. Talk to Seedseer. She goes away. Talk to Moogle. Walk across the plains. Punch some dragons. Punch some more dragons. Talk to Moogle. Grab choco route. Talk to Moogle. Grab aether current. Ride across the roads. Punch stuff. Grab aether currents on the way. Talk to Moogle. Gotta wait for wind. Depressed Son grabs fire wood. Punch trees. Talk to Boytoy. Have a camp out. Talk to Moogle. Follow rode. Attune to aetheryte. Climb tower. Blow horn. A HECKIN GOOD BOY APPEARS! He’s depressed. Ice Wife becomes depressed too. She needs some space. Wedding is postponed. Talk to Boytoy. Follow him through roads. Punch dragons. Punch more dragons. Keep punching dragons. Punch a few dragons and their tardy dragon friend. Talk to Moogle. Punch smaller dragons. Grab aether current. Talk to Moogle. Talk to Boytoy. Talk to Boytoy again. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Ishgard.
Look for Cid. Find Cid. Tataru shows up. Pray thee Return to the Waking Sands. Talk to Raubahn and Strip Tease. Return to Ul’dah ride out to Silver Bazaar. Ask around. Find treasonous maid. Teleport to Ul’dah. Go to Chamber of Rule. Sultana awakens. Talk to Okay Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Cid. Track down Boytoy. Talk to Father-in-Law. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Cid. Unlock Aery. PUNCH NIDHOGG! Boytoy upgraded to Edgelord. Leave Aery. Talk to Depressed Son and Edgelord. Teleport to Zenith. Talk to Moogle. Moogles are bad at Hide and Seek. Climb tower. Blow horn. Talk to HECKIN GOOD BOY! He’s still depressed. You’re teleported to Ishgard but you can fly in the Churning Mists now.
Ishgard is attacked by heretics. Ice Wife slaps them with a newspaper in front of Edgelord and your Fiance. Talk to Fiance and Edgelord. Talk to Okay Son. Talk to Bartender. Talk to Brume Elves. Go back to Okay Son. Talk to Bartender. Teleport to Markets. Pick up spice. Teleport to Forgotten Knight. Return spice to Bartender. Get bottle from bartender. Teleport to AST. Hunt down noble woman. Give her bottle. Return to bartender. Talk to bartender. Talk to Okay Son. Talk to Brume Elves. Hit on one. Talk to Okay Son. Tataru is missing. Look around for 3 hours. Find Tataru. Meet Gun Wife. Go to bar. Flirt with Gun Wife. Get interrupted by SICKNESS MUST BE PURGED! He kidnapped your Husband-in-Uniform! PUNCH HIS FUCKING FACE IN! AND HIS KNIGHTS! Talk to Gun Wife. Talk to Armor Wife. Split up gang! Talk to Dad Fortempts! Run to the Mega Church. Talk to guard. Run Vault. PUNCH HEAVENS WARD IN ITS STUPID FACE! PUNCH HEAVENS WARD IN ITS STUPID FACE! PUNCH SICKNESS MUST BE PURGED IN THEIR STUPID FACE! FIANCE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Cry for a 15 year mourning period. Deny canon. Reroll your own Fiance Character. Complete ARR. Complete Post-ARR. Complete Vault. You thought I was dead WELL IM BACK! Log off. Fiance is safe in your login queue now. Continue on. Talk to Cid. Teleport to AST. Talk to Cid again. Fly to Sea of Clouds.
Talk to Cid. Talk to Determined Son. Take in the view. Grab an aether current. Take in the view but with grass. Punch some fucking garleans. Free Owl with Sick Dancing Skills. Follow Owl. Talk to Owl. You have befriended Owls with Sick Dancing Skills. Grab Aetheryte. Grab current. Talk to Owl. Talk to Owl Chief. Talk to Owl. Talk to Owl. Bow at another Owl. Talk to Owl. Talk to Owl. Tell an Owl to WAKE THE FUCK UP! Grab Aether Currents. Grab herbs for other owl. Grab other currents you can. Meet up with Cid. Unlock Limitless Blue. FUCK THIS STUPID WHALE AND HIS BLUE BERRY AND LIME SERPENTS! Heavensward steals your car keys. Leave Limitless Blue. Meet the Emperor. Question his dick size and his stupid crown. You can now fly in Sea of Clouds. Fly to Cid. Return to Ishgard. Question your life choices.
Talk to Determined Son. Talk to Tataru. Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. Talk to Strip Tease. Teleport to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Track down Goth Wife’s Sister. Summon Goth Wife back to the world of the winning. The Marriage will be in August. Talk to Tataru. Teleport to Leatherworking. Talk to people. Teleport to Conjurer’s Guild. Visit Seedseer’s brother in the depths. Its faster just to teleport to Gridania. Talk to Tataru. Goth Wife got new cloths and she is rock em! Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Goth Wife and Determined Son. Teleport to Tailfeather. Talk to Gothwife and Determined Son. Fly across to gate. Follow through. Enter Hinterlands.
Ride through the meadows. Pick up aether currents. Talk to Goth Wife. Ride through the meadows. Pick up aether currents. Follow the roads. Talk to Determined Son. Enter Psshh-snrk! city. Grab aetheryte. Talk to Pssh-Snrrk! Yell at some Golems. Return at to Psshh-snrk! Ride at dawn. Talk to another Pssh-Snrrk! Punch other Pssh-Snrrk! Talk to previous Pssh-Snrrk! Rewarded. Ride out meet with Cheese-Snrrk! PUNCH ALL THE FUCKING GOBLINS AND THEIR STUPID FUCKING TANK! Oh shit! Goth Wife shows why she is the best and blow them all fucking up! GO GOTH WIFE! Talk to Cheese-Snrrk! Return to City of Goblins. Talk to Pssh-Snrrk! Observe as they blow up rubble. Talk to Roe. Onward. Ride through the meadows. Grab Aether currents. Meet Roe Lady. Ride onward. Find Marauders PUNCH THEM! Steal their lunchbox. Return to Roe Lady. Rewarded. Ride over the hills through the swamp. Grab aether current. Talk to Goth Wife. Assault Walk. Punch Frogs. Talk to Goth Wife. Enter cave. Meet Maggie Smith. Talk with Maggie Smith. Talk to Broom. Talk to Frog. Punch some flies for 10 hours. Return to frog. Rewarded. Follow the road. Grab aether current. Follow bridge. Talk to broom. Unlock Grubal Library. FUCK THAT DEMON WALL! FUCK THAT BEAST BOOK! AND FUUUUUCCCK THAT BOOK BOSS! leave Library. Talk to broom. Grab aether current. Ride out to big dome. Punch Goblins, grab pots, and grab current. Return to Goblin city. Rewarded. Return to Cave. Talk to Maggie Smith. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to everyone you ever met in the past day. Teleport to AST. Get a chance to say goodbye to everyone again. Teleport to AST talk to Goth Wife, Boytoy, Cid, Determined Son. Strip Tease shows up and gives White Aetheryte. Fly to REALM WIDE RAVE! OH FUCK! ICE WIFE APPEARED! FUCK ICE WIFE IS GONE! Call bullshit. Reroll Ice Wife. Complete ARR. Complete Post-ARR. Complete Heavensward. Go to Realm Wife Rave. Log out. Ice Wife is safe in your log in queue.
Talk to Cid. Talk to Determined Son. Look around. Slap computers. Talk to Boytoy. Talk to Biggs. Stand in a spot. Wedge discovers stuff. Talk to floating orb. Run across place. Talk to orb. back track punch some naga. Punch some naga and a chimera. Punch some naga. Punch some naga and a chimera. Return to orb. Teleport. Talk to orb. Run across. Talk to orb. Teleport. GARLEANS EVERYWHERE! Run pass. Talk to orb. PUNCH GARLEANS! Punch Not-Gaius! Teleport. Walk through the meadows. Talk to Smol Dragon’s daughter. Get flying in Azys Lla. RAVE HARD! Fly to mother ship. Talk to orb. Fly through ship. Talk to Orb. Punch Garleans. Talk to Orb. Unlock Aetherochemical Research Facility. Run it. Punch Not-Gaius. Punch Robot. Punch LAHEEBREAD! and his sister Iguna. They’ve turned into the Grim Reaper! Punch him too. The pope shows up. He one shots LAHEEBREAD! Unlock Singularity. Run Singularity. Watch the light show. Punch Grandpa. Fiance and Ice Wife avenged. Edgelord Fucks up. Downgrade Edgelord to Literal-Child. Fly out of exploding place on dragon. Make out with Aymeric. Done.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
Supercorp SAO AU, Pt 3
Kara hasn't ever met Lena's husband. Honestly, she isn't entirely sure Lena has either. He's never home, Lena's apartment very much her own from the art to the books to the furniture. If not for the occasional tabloid photo, the wedding portrait on Lena's mantel, and the rings on her left hand, Kara might have assumed the husband to be a specter to dissuade would-be suitors. Even so, she can't help but notice the way Lena's smile dims when she sees his number on her phone during movie night. "It's nothing," Lena says, when Kara works up enough nerve to mention it. "He likes to pick fights. I used to enjoy the debates we'd have, but lately... I don't know. It doesn't feel like debate anymore. And at the end of the day I don't have the energy for it." Over the weeks and months, Kara learns about him in bits and pieces. That he was a friend of Lex's, and that they fell in love over the course of several summers. That he had his own tech company, who had just migrated to a new market on another continent, hence his absence. One time, Kara arrives to movie night to hear Lena almost shouting into her phone. Her tone is the kind Kara only heard once in all their time in Aincrad-- when she'd been on the verge of committing murder, against a player who had nearly poisoned Kara to death. Dark, menacing, and inhumanly cold. 
"Come anywhere near my company again, and I will slap you with enough lawsuits to keep you and your pathetic excuse for a firm underwater for the next thirty years. Do you understand me?" She barely pauses long enough for her victim to open their mouth before interrupting, her voice pitching even lower. "I said-- do. you. understand. I want to hear you say it."
Lena hasn't registered Kara's arrival yet, and so Kara shifts awkwardly as she waits, trying not to watch as Lena's lips twist into a cruel smirk. "Good boy." She ends the call shortly thereafter, and starts in surprise when she turns to find Kara standing in her foyer. "Kara! Gosh, you startled me!" She sounds like herself again, but Kara eyes her warily. "Is tonight a bad time? I can come back--" "Don't be ridiculous!" Lena beams, rolling her eyes. "Marital squabbles might be a bitch, but it'll take a lot more than that to keep us from movie night. What's on for tonight? Die Hard?" Before long, Kara is curled up against Lena's side on the couch, sharing a blanket as Bruce Willis yippee-ki-yays across the screen. The call lingers at the back of her mind, and she decides right then and there that if Lena's husband is someone who brings out that side of her.... he doesn't know Lena at all. Perhaps Kara's favorite part of their friendship is their party. It happens by accident-- Kara stumbles across her during a trial period of a new VR. She's an elf this time, and her username is Kieran, but her avatar still looks mostly like herself. "I didn't know you played," Kara says, scuffed her dwarven boot against the ground. She's a little hurt that Lena hasn't ever mentioned it. "I should have told you," Lena admits. "I'm sorry I didn't, but after what you told me about your time in SAO, I was worried if we connected in a game, I... I guess I worried I wouldn't measure up to her. It sounds really silly to say it out loud. I really cherish our friendship, Kara, and I was scared I might lose it if you spotted too many differences between us. Between me and her." Kara smiles, and throws her short, but strong arms around Lena and squeezes right. "Not possible." After that, they're inseperable in the VR world. They try new games together, and the nature of Lena's position grants Kara beta access to countless games still in development. They explore entire worlds together, and Kara finds that Lena needn't be worried at all. She is Lena. The Lena Kara loved in Aincrad didn't stray far from the template of her creator's personality and fighting style, and in VR Lena comes alive in a way she doesn't in the real world-- as though anything could top that. In VR Kara watches Lena lead raid parties with expert precision, sharp and intense but also warm and inviting. More than once Lena helps inexperienced players level up, and shares the secret spawn points for creatures that drop rare items. Kara misses Lena-in-Aincrad, misses what they shared together, but she loves this Lena, the whole of Lena, with her entire being. Eventually, they beta test ALO together, by virtue of the fact that Lena's husband headed the development team that produced the matrix for it. It's a world that rivals Aincrad in beauty and scale. Better yet, it allows magic use, and every race has the ability to fly. One day, they spend an afternoon simply flying through a rainstorm, dodging lightning bolts and collecting thunderbells to smith armor with. Somewhere between the rain on her skin and laughter that gets swallowed by thunder, Kara simply stops and watches as Lena loops into a tight corkscrew to snag an escaping ingot. Her grin is as bright as the lightning, and when their eyes meet Kara's chest tightens at the heated expectance that opens Lena's features into something intimately familiar. Before either of them can speak, the in-game alarm alerts them to the end of their scheduled session, Kara immediately wakes and rolls to her phone. I love you. She almost hits send, but the phone buzzes in her hand before her finger can tap the button. Not a bad way to spend the last day of beta, Lena texts, with pulsing dots following to warn of an incoming note. I think that might be my favorite quest so far. Catch you next rainstorm? Kara deletes her previous message. Launch Day is marked on my calendar. Can't wait. The pulsing dots appear and disappear several times before Lena's next message finally comes through. You're my favorite. Kara rolls over, clasping her phone to her pounding chest. As she drifts off to sleep, those three words sear themselves across the back of her eyelids. You're my favorite. --- "So when will you be back online?" Kara asks over the phone almost a month later. The ALO launch is coming up, and their standing date (it's not a date) looms in the back of Kara's mind. Across the line, Lena sighs. "I'm not sure." Lena's work has kept her busy since their night chasing lightning. They've barely spoken, let alone lunched or gamed. "Were still on for the ALO launch, though, right?" Silence answers her. In a rare moment of petulance, Kara pouts. "Lena, you promised." "Yeah," Lena breathes. "Yeah, you're right, I did. At this point it looks like I might be traveling that day, but I'll try to reschedule some things. I don't know how much time I can spare though." "That's okay!" Kara chirps, grabbing at the compromise with both hands. "I just want to see you. I miss you." "I miss you too, you have no idea." A rumble of voices on the other end cuts their time short. "Sorry, I have to go," Lena says. "But I'll do what I can, I promise." "Okay. See you then." From that night on, Kara counts down the days. When Launch Day dawns, Kara logs in immediately. She waits for hours, selecting an avatar that looks almost like herself. In fact it's  a dead ringer except for the white feathered wings that fold up snugly against her back, and unfurl between the slats of her armor. As she waits for Lena to log in, she experiments with her new wings (during beta, she'd chosen fairy wings), and revels in the power of every stroke. She feels the most like she did in Aincrad, and it feels like coming home. But as she waits, the faces who greet her aren't Lena's. She passes on joining other survivors for a commemorative hunt, even as the sun dips below the horizon, and in her heart she knows Lena won't make it. Still she waits. Just in case. When she finally logs out, Kara texts Lena, but sends only a frowning emoji. Then she turns it off and goes to sleep, determined to let whatever apology Lena sends sit unopened until she wakes. But no response is waiting for her when she gets up the next morning, and none comes for the entire week that follows. That week spreads to two, and then three. Kara's disappointment shifts to irritation when she assumes Lena is trying to avoid her after missing the launch, but then snaps to concern when even her calls go unanswered until her voicemail is too full to record any more. Something is wrong. She calls Lena's office, her assistant, sends countless emails, but gets nothing except a cagey brush off from Lena's assistant. When Kara goes to L-Corp herself, she's rebuffed at the door. "Orders came down from the top, Miss Danvers. You're no longer permitted in the building." "What? That's ridiculous! Lena wouldn't--" "You'll have to take that up with her, ma'am." "I'm TRYING." But to no avail. Kara gets nowhere, and is left bewildered and hurt and afraid for Lena who she can't quite believe would cut her out so abruptly. Alex doesn't have any advice to give her, except to be patient and keep trying. So all Kara can do is log in to ALO every night, and watch her friend list, praying that Lena will log in. She never does. Then, one night, Kara receives an anonymous message in her inbox. She doesn't know how a player could send an anonymous message, as the privacy on her inbox is set to friends only. Nevertheless, she opens it. "Meet me tomorrow night at 1am." It includes a National City address. She doesn't need Alex to tell her it's a bad idea. But her gut tells her it's about Lena-- maybe even Lena herself-- and so she goes to the location at the designated time with her heart in her throat. It's not Lena. Rather, it's her assistant, Jess. "Come with me," Jess tells her. Kara obeys, and after a furtive drive through the city, Jess leads her into a nondescript building that has more locked doors than Fort Knox. Finally, Jess swipes her security pass over the final sensor, and pushes into a room filled with medical equipment. For a moment, Kara sees her own hospital room, when she woke up from her SAO coma, filled with the same equipment. She's had this dream before. But the figure lying prone in the sterile bed isn't herself. It's Lena. "Oh my god." "She logged in the morning of the ALO launch," Jess informs her, her voice quiet. "She cleared her schedule for it. But she never woke up, and when we reviewed the game data, it never showed her syncing up to the game." Lena's features are slack inside the visor of the NervGear. When Kara takes her hand, her skin is cool, and waxy, like it isn't even human. But it is. Kara recognizes the scar on Lena's wrist, from a soldering accident when she was twelve. "I don't believe them," Jess murmurs. Kara blinks. "What?" "The new Nerv models are designed with multiple redundancies after the SAO incident. If she didn't connect, Lena would have woken up instantly." "Is it possible it could have been tampered with?" Jess shrugs. "Maybe. But the logistics of doing so without Lena noticing just aren't feasible." Kara regards her solemnly. "It sounds like you have an alternate theory." "It would be easier to alter the game data than tamper with the gear. Someone involved with the game's development would have easy access and ample opportunity." Someone involved in the game's development? Like... "Her husband?" "He's already assumed her seat on the board as interim chair. And he's already proposing changes Lena vetoed earlier this year. There enough members who agreed with Lena's veto that they've resisted him so far, but it won't be long before he wears them down." Rage burns low in Kara's belly. Bastard. Gritting her teeth, she meets Jess' gaze. The woman's face is well past angry-- she's exhausted, and at the end of her rope. It's clear that Kara is her last hail mary. "I'm going to lose my job the moment they find out I brought you here," Jess warns. "After that, I won't have any access. But I can't help her from here anyway." "You think she's trapped in the game," Kara surmises. Jess nods. "My guess is there's a backdoor that lets them control a small area of the game. To avoid detection by the moderating algorithms, they've probably built it into the context of the game-- an uncharted area that only becomes available after completing a legendary quest." Or clearing the final floor boss, Kara thinks bitterly. Her hand tightens on Lena's limp fingers. This is SAO all over again, except this time... This time, Lena is alone. "I've been searching every second I spend at home, but haven't found anything," Jess continues. "But I'm certain the answer to waking Lena up is in the game itself. That's why I reached out to you." Kara's head lifts sharply, surprised by the admission. Jess returns her gaze solemnly, her features hard. "If anyone can beat a broken game from the inside, it's you."
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