#but i will be meeting those other Secret freaks. for the funny.
babyhatesreality · 3 days
The Sinner and the Saint Ch 13
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Pairing: Mob!Boss Bucky x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, f!reader, language, reader is referred to by her stage name of Angel, reader is an exotic dancer, pet names, angry/controlling/domineering/asshole-ish mob boss Bucky, sir/daddy kink, everybody has secrets, reader is insecure and self deprecating, mentions of past d/s smut, reader in a dangerous situation, dom/sub relationship, angst.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
You giggled into his mouth for the third time in a row.
Bucky's hands were holding your face to his tenderly, unwilling to release your lips from his kiss. He had an incredibly important meeting tonight during your shift at the club, which would cause him to miss your stage time. It was the first time since you'd gotten together, and he was not dealing well with it. You playfully pushed against his rock hard abs in another attempt at freedom- he'd held you captive in his arms for going on ten minutes now- but that only made him growl at you and tighten his grip. You giggled again and jerked your head backwards.
"BUCKY," you gasped, finally able to breathe through your mouth. His answering grunt reverberated on the underside of your jaw, where he'd instantly relocated his lips after you "so rudely" (in his mind anyways) pulled away. Your knees nearly buckled as he hit that sweet spot along the column of your throat, but you had to remain strong. "You are going to be late."
"I'm the boss. They can wait," he murmured, continuing the exploration of your neck with his lips.
"You told me that this was the only time the others could meet, so you have to go with their schedule."
"I'm still the boss."
"I'm NOT the boss, though, and I can't be late either."
"I own your boss. You can be late."
"Oh, I think Natasha might heartily disagree with you there, and NO, I can't."
When he heard those words, Bucky finally straightened up and looked you dead in the eye. "You wanna bet?" he said, his voice taking on that dominant tone that turned your insides to water. He cocked one eyebrow at you with that dangerous look that you knew better than to question.
It had been a blissful two months. Bucky was charming, sweet, wickedly funny, and it was obvious that he adored you. But in the quiet moments, his dark and feral side came out. And the quiet moments ranged from any time he noticed you were thinking poorly of yourself to anytime you got too sassy. Then he got quiet. And you were in trouble.
You had gone into this relationship knowing that he was a Dom, and once you had both discussed your limits, needs, and desires, this man fucking delivered. You had been fucked in every conceivable position and location, and been worshipped in those ways as well. He was utterly devoted to you. But he was quick to snap you back in line when you needed it. You'd always been a bit of a pain puppy, so anytime he had spanked you for your own good it had always felt so right. So right that someone loved you enough to correct you, discipline you, and help you with that glorious mix of pain and pleasure. It was the best of both worlds.
Not to mention the orgasms afterwards had always sent you over the moon.
He wasn't overtly controlling, but you had learned that a cocked eyebrow in your direction meant you were dangerously close to doing or saying something that he didn't like, and unless you were gunning for a sore ass you'd better back off. Not that you necessarily minded the sore ass- but it was a metaphorical pain in the ass to try to mask a burning backside when you were a freaking exotic dancer.
"I'm sorry," you said, tilting your head contritely and looking up at him with your best puppy dog eyes.
"Sorry what?" he replied, his eyes darkening with lust.
"Sorry, Sir."
"That's better," he growled low, before pulling you in for a kiss again. You surrendered, knowing that he was going to dig his heels in now. It wasn't that Bucky Barnes didn't go down without a fight. The man simply did not go down when it came to the fight. Besides, kissing Bucky was one of the best things in life, so...why were you arguing with him again?
Finally, when HE decided it was enough, Bucky released your lips with a sigh, then gently touched foreheads with you. "I'm sorry about this, Angel."
"Bucky, it's okay, I promise," you said in that soothing tone that usually made the stress crinkles in his eyes go away. "You've seen me dance every shift for the last two months. One night off isn't going to kill us." You gently ran your fingers along his smooth cheek. He'd shaved for this meeting- you knew this meant it was important. Even though he refused to tell you anything about his...job...he had told you that this was a huge, not-to-be-missed deal.
"Yeah, but...." he said, your big scary mob boss melting into an adorable pouting puppy of a man. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, but it will be okay."
"I...I don't like being away from you."
"You've been away from me maybe a grand total of 3 hours in the past two months. How do you even know you don't like being away from me?"
"Because every single one of those seconds I was away from you burned a hole in my chest." You melted on the spot. The way he could sweep you off your feet with his words was unparalleled. "I don't wanna miss anything. I want every second of you I can get."
"Well, come over to my place the second your meeting is done, and make me forget we were every apart," you said coyly, giving him your best shit-eating grin. He rolled his eyes, grinning in response.
"Ha ha, very funny," he drolled. "I'll have Clint pick you up after your shift and take you to the house."
You took a deep breath. Here goes. "Well, about that..." you bit your lip and looked away, just knowing that he was cocking his eyebrow at you. "I was thinking that maybe I could go back to my apartment tonight, and that you could come over to my place instead?"
Not even a moment of thought. You weren't surprised, but you had held the tiniest bit of hope. And it made you a little mad. "But Bucky..."
"I said no."
You looked up into his face. His don't-fuck-with-me-I-am-made-of-steel mask was firmly fixed on his face. You took a breath, then adopted your own no-nonsense look. "Baby, I've been paying for that place for the past two months and I've barely been in it for more than an hour in that entire time."
"This is supposed to sway me to your side? What have I been telling you about moving in with me?"
"I know, I know, but...I just need a little more time."
"Time for what?!"
You sighed, your shoulders slumping. "Can we please not do this now?" you asked quietly.
Bucky gritted his teeth and dropped his hands, flexing them in irritation as he took a step back. He took a breath of his own, before replying in a tightly controlled voice. "Fine, we won't do this now. But you know this isn't the end of it."
"I know, and....just....we'll get there, okay?" His ice blue eyes snapped to yours, making you rearrange your words instantly. "Sorry...I'LL get there. Sorry, Daddy." At that, his face relaxed a bit. "But...maybe if I go to my place tonight and then YOU come over....well, it might be the push that I need to..." you dropped off, still blushing at the thought of moving in with him. And Bucky sensed it immediately. He stepped right back towards you, his hands back on either side of your face.
"To...?" he prompted, willing you to say it. You sighed and smiled.
"To...be okay with what I already know I'm going to do," you whispered shyly. You fooled yourself into believing you didn't know why you were so nervous about this. This man had tied you up, splayed you open, and had his feral way with you more times than you could remember, but for some reason, this was what still brought the blush to your cheeks. The other memories brought the blush to other places.
If you were being honest, you knew exactly why you were so nervous. The feelings that you had for Bucky were so deep and intense, it stole your breath every time you thought about them. Being away from him was torture. It felt like the blood in your veins ran with shattered glass when he wasn't near. You needed him. Desperately. And to have that kind of intensity was overwhelming and overstimulating. But you would rather go through all of it than spend a moment without him.
In response to what he saw in your eyes, Bucky fervently pressed his lips to yours again- demanding, begging, worshipping. You placed your hands on top of his as you moaned into his kiss. Finally, he let you up for air again. "Now that's worth you going back to that...." He stopped as you pursed your lips at him in consternation. "....that PLACE of yours," he finished gallantly, both of you aware that he'd really wanted to call it that 'dump' of yours. "Clint will still pick you up and escort you to your apartment."
"That's not necessary," you said quickly, still feeling like an imposition every time he did this. "I used to walk home from the club alone all the time. It's only like 15 blocks, I'll be fine."
The steel mask slipped back in place. "That's not an option," he said in his dominant tone. "You WILL be escorted back to your place so I know that you're safe. Don't toy with me on this."
"Yes, Sir," you whispered, slinking your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest to hide your feelings of guilt at both making him mad and putting Clint out from doing something probably more important, as well as the joy of his need to protect you. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, laying his cheek on top of your head. His metal fingers gently drew lines up and down your back.
"Baby, I need to know you're safe," he said in a surprisingly husky tone, like his throat was closing. "I can't handle it if I don't know you're safe. Please don't ask that of me."
"Okay, Daddy, I'll go with Clint," you said, leaning back and looking at him full in the eye so he knew you were serious. "I'll be good, I promise." The tight eye crinkles disappeared, making your smile even bigger.
"Thank you, Angel," he said softly, before giving you one last kiss. "Now go kick some ass on that stage tonight."
"I will. You go kick ass at....whatever it is you're meeting about. What was it again?"
"Lame attempt. You know I'm not telling you."
You giggled again and shrugged playfully, making him laugh.
You were trying to wait patiently in the dressing room. It was three hours past the end of your shift, and Clint still hadn't shown up yet. Bucky had arranged for Clint to pick you up at the back entrance where you usually exited, but there was no point in waiting outside until he got there. Besides, Bucky would probably pitch a fit at you being outside and alone, and you really didn't want to piss him off. Not when you were both this close to the next step in your relationship.
You shivered in delight, examining the way your eyes lit up in the mirror at the thought of moving in with him. Some part of you screamed that it was too soon- probably the part of you that was still wired with the super conservative only-child mindset you'd been raised with. But the greater part of you knew that you loved this man with a passion that you'd never believed was actually possible. He was your drug. And you were hooked for life, no going back. You weren't sure how long he was going to feel this way about you, so you had to make the most of every moment that you were given. Carpe Diem.
Your phone suddenly gave a short vibration, letting you know you had a text. Your body was suddenly flush with feeling when you realized it was from Bucky. What kind of hold did this man have on you, that just getting a text from him made you feel this way?
Much to your disappointment, however, it was incredibly brief. "Clint late" were the only two words he'd written. That was it? Three hours late and he was telling you something you already knew? You shut your eyes, trying to remember that he was in an important meeting and that he probably couldn't text more than that. You tried to remember to be grateful that he had told you himself instead of sending one of his men to do it. And who the FUCK had that many men at his beck and call all the time anyway?! Just what exactly- NOPE.
You stopped that line of thought in its tracks. You knew who he was. You knew...sort of...what he did. He kept things from you to protect you, and probably to protect his business too. He was a master at operating from the shadows, and he wasn't going to throw away his entire life's work just because he was fucking you. You probably didn't want to be in on the day-to-day of his empire anyways...right?
You sighed heavily, and text back "Ok" followed by a sparkly heart emoji. He knew you hated waiting- and had used that to his wicked advantage a couple times. You chewed on your lip in thought. So if Clint was late, what did that mean? Probably that he wasn't going to be coming at all. So then who WAS coming? Steve was with Bucky, as was Sam, one of his...what was that word?....caporegimes, that's right. You brushed aside the annoyance that those two, along with Clint and Natasha, were the only 2 employees that you knew who worked directly with him. Why didn't he trust you to meet more of his family? Why...no, STOP.
You didn't want to bother Natasha. She'd been on edge all night, clearly in on whatever the deal was, but needing to stay on the premises to keep up appearances. Gamora wasn't working tonight, and you had kept your distance from the others, afraid that you'd accidentally reveal your relationship with Bucky. There was no way in hell you'd ask Nebula to walk home with you- she managed to make you feel her icy sneer from all the way across the floor tonight after her set. Ugh. Fury needed to stay on the premises, Rhodey was still on mic for the next two hours, and little Sprite...well, you still weren't even sure how Sprite was old enough to work here, so that was out. You couldn't bring yourself to spend money on a cab or an Uber for 15 blocks. Besides, Bucky wouldn't be happy if you told him you got in a car with a driver that he hadn't personally selected. Screw it. You were walking. You needed the time to yourself, anyways.
You quietly slipped out the back, so as not to attract attention. You gripped your keys in one hand and your pepper spray in the other. You knew how to take care of yourself in this city. It was fine. You were fine.
You let your mind wander a bit as you walked, wondering what Bucky would think of your apartment when he actually saw it. Then as your mind started drifting to all the surfaces in your apartment that the two of you could christen, you heard a small scuffle. Instantly on alert, you felt the tension and heightened adrenaline flood your system. Chances were it was a mouse or a leaf, but you wouldn't take any chances. You let your ears do the listening. And they told you that there was someone walking along the street behind you, quite a bit away, but still there.
You forced yourself to take a deep breath. This was New York City. People walked everywhere. It wasn't like you had a claim on the sidewalk. You kept your pace the same and your posture neutral, getting a grip on the fear before it turned into something that it wasn't. You listened carefully as the footsteps didn't increase in speed, but they got closer. The person clearly had long legs and was taking longer strides than you.
"Hey sugar."
The voice from behind you scared you, calling out like that from a distance. You clenched your muscles, determined not to answer or show fear. You picked up your pace ever so slightly...and so did the footsteps.
You willed yourself to stay calm, taking a deep breath. And that's when you suddenly realized that you didn't hear anything behind you anymore.
Before you could stop to think about the wisdom of your actions, you whipped around. The street was empty. No one was there. Your wide eyes scanned the area, but you saw nothing save the garbage blowing in the wind, the small alley that you'd passed ten seconds ago, and the reflected glow of the neon signs propped up in a few windows. You took a step forwards before you realized how insane of an idea that was. You turned back around the direction you had been going and power walked the rest of the way home with no further incidents. It had probably been your overactive imagination- that guy could have been calling out to anyone, and he'd clearly found them. He wasn't pursuing you.
When you'd finally gotten to your apartment, locking and bolting the door behind you, you released a long, shaky sigh. You decided to hop into the shower, letting the heat and steam soothe your nerves. You convinced yourself more and more that you had overreacted as the hot water did its magic. As you dried off and put on a pair of cotton shorts and a teeshirt, it suddenly occurred to you that you should text Bucky and let him know you'd gotten home safely. You bit your lip, knowing that he'd be irritated that you walked home AND that you'd been fine, ultimately. He didn't need to know about your overactive imagination. A devious smile crossed your face. Maybe he'd punish you for your naughty behavior...
Just as you were picking up your phone to text him, a loud and sudden BANG in the hallway outside your apartment scared the shit out of you. "ANGEL!" a voice bellowed from the hallway, followed by three more earth-shaking thumps on your door. You knew that voice...and the sound of a metal hand pounding on wood.
Still catching the breath that had been knocked out of you, you rushed to the door, quickly unbolting and unlocking it before he broke it down. The second you twisted the knob, Bucky came barreling into the room, absolutely seething.
"Why the FUCK didn't you stay at the club?" he roared at you. His normally handsome features were twisted with rage. It scared you so badly, seeing him like this, that you were completely frozen in place. Bucky took that opportunity to get right into your personal space, placing his hands on either side of your face, gripping it so tightly it ached. "What the FUCK were you thinking?" he hissed, before kissing you with a fury that knocked the rest of the wind out of you. He kept his lips pressed so painfully to yours that you found yourself gripping at his wrists, trying to pull his hands away to give you some relief. He wasn't having it though. He kept your lips locked until he was damn well ready to release you, pouring his anger and fear and terror and frustrations into that kiss. He backed you up against a wall, keeping you pinned in place until he had to release to you to take a breath.
He leaned right down, his icy blue eyes locking on yours. "You ain't gonna be able to sit down for a WEEK after I'm through with you," he growled. He suddenly dropped his hands and pushed himself away from the wall, turning away from you and breathing heavily as he tried to get a hold of himself.
"And hi to you too," you said after you regained enough breath to speak, attempting a bit of levity to break the tension.
Wrong move.
Bucky whipped around so fast you almost missed it. "Don't you try getting cute on me now, it's not gonna save your ass," he hissed, before running his hands over his head, trying to dump the excessive furious energy he felt. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?"
Actually, yes you did, but that was definitely not going to calm him down. "Bucky, I'm fine," you said, adopting that soothing tone of voice that usually worked when he was angry. Hopefully it would work now. "I made it home just fine, just like I used to. It's okay."
"I TOLD you Clint was running late, why didn't you stay put?"
"You told me he was late three hours after he was supposed to show!"
"I text you the second I found out, ten minutes before the end of your shift."
"Well, it didn't pop up until three hours later. I don't know what happened. I was trying to wait, but I thought that you all had just gotten caught up in your meeting and you finally confirming that he was late was you saying that he wasn't actually coming."
"How the FUCK did you get to that conclusion?!"
"It was three hours after he was supposed to pick me up! What the hell else was I supposed to think?"
"You watch your tone, little girl. I'm pissed as hell and you don't wanna make this worse on yourself. I told you I couldn't handle knowing if you weren't safe. And then you pulled this stunt." He stepped back, gesturing to his entire self. "Well, here ya go. I can't handle it. And I'm not used to feeling like this. You've completely unhinged me all because you couldn't be bothered to keep yourself safe like I asked you to. And I'm furious and relieved and angry and scared and I can't figure out if I want to bend you over the edge of your bed to spank the shit out of you or lose myself in you because I am so goddamn relieved that you are okay." He finally spluttered to a halt, having lanced the boil of his feelings. That's when you noticed his blue eyes were wet.
Bucky never cried.
You stepped carefully to him, and when he didn't react angrily, you bolted into his arms, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest. "I'm so sorry, Bucky, I didn't mean to cause you that much worry. I really didn't, I swear. Please believe me."
His arms were already around you as he sighed heavily, squeezing you even tighter. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he said begrudgingly. You couldn't help but giggle at the pouting tone in his voice. "I do believe you, Angel. You're still in trouble, but I believe you."
"Thank you, Daddy."
"But for fuck's sake, can you please just stay put next time?" Bucky released his tight grip and leaned away to see your face. You were relieved to see the tiny twinkle in his eye. "No, fuck it. There won't be a next time. I'm not letting you out of my sight again. I'm having you surgically attached to me tomorrow."
"And I suppose I have no say in this?"
"Well, that's going to make my job interesting. How do you feel about stripping?"
"....you're going to need to find a new job."
"Okay, NOW you're going too far."
Bucky finally laughed, and the air released around you both as you snuggled into each other. He sighed again, but this time it was full of relief. "When I think of what could have happened to you on that street..."
The footsteps from the alley suddenly sounded in your ears, and the fear that you had felt came rushing back. You jerked back, looking him full in the face. "What do you mean?" you asked cautiously.
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" he asked, his eyebrows wrinkling. "It's New York City. It's late. You're walking out of an exotic dance hall. Anything could have happened to you."
"Yeah, but..." you trailed off.
His eyes narrowed. "But what?" he asked. You bit your lip. If you told him what happened, you wouldn't be surprised if he followed through on his threat to make you two conjoined twins while you were sleeping. And whereas you loved the heart behind his worries, you absolutely did not want to make him worry or get upset again. Besides, you had just been overreacting. Nothing had happened. You were fine. Just an overactive imagination.
"But nothing," you said. "I'm sorry I made you worry about my safety."
His eyes took on that feral glint that immediately sent shivers down your spine. "Sorry ain't gonna cut it, little girl," he growled with a wicked smile. He put his metal finger under your chin and tilted your head up. "I believe someone needs to be punished for being naughty."
To Be Continued....
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sleepyblr-heart · 5 months
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getting back into adventure forward again. have some silly fellas
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raven2012 · 1 month
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-10 Years-
You were standing on the pitch looking at the people, standing in the stands.
It was the Champions League final of 2014. 
Wolfsburg vs Barcelona.
This was your dream coming true, at seventeen you were playing for one of europe's biggest Womens football teams and you were on your way up. 
You started warming up when you saw her, you were instantly mesmerized by the brunette beauty.
She was warming up and talking to a teammate when she laughed and you could see her beautiful smile.
You couldn't take your eyes off her until a teammate of yours told you to come to the tunnel and get ready to walk out. 
Once you got into position in the tunnel, you saw her again.
But this time she caught you looking and shyly smiled at you.
Your heart fluttered, you desperately wanted to talk to her but now you had to focus on the upcoming final.
53rd Minute, the first half was boring other than a yellow card for your teammate Alex Popp, but now you were sprinting down the right wing. You dribbled past the defenders and shot, the ball was supposed to meet one of your teammates heads, but instead it flew further and curved over the keepers fingers into the goal.
You sprinted into the arms of your teammates, you couldn’t believe it you just shot your first Champions League goal, and that in a final. 
After the game was over and you got your medals, you were standing on the field, looking around yourself and taking it all in.
You turned around and saw that beautiful smile that made your heart flutter. You quickly turned back around, hoping that she didn’t catch you staring at her.
Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around:,, Hola Hermosa’’ You were met with those beautiful eyes:,,H..hi’’ You stuttered and readiness shot up your face. ,, Would you maybe swap shirts with me?”, she spoke in with that beautiful accent of hers and your face only grew more red.
You quickly nodded and took off your shirt she followed and suddenly you were met with the body of a goddess and you couldn't tear your eyes away from her torso. You felt her looking up and down your body until she put your shirt on:,,Adios, hermosa, I'll see you again.” She leaned in and gave you a light kiss on the cheek.
You put her shirt on and tried to stop the blush that crept up your cheeks:,, Scheisse” you cursed at the realization that you had a crush, a crush on a hot spanish lady who is on the way to being on of the best footballers ever known in history. You really were in deep shit.
You were playing at Olympic Lyon now.
And as history likes it, it was the Champions league final of 2018 and you met Alexia , now your Girlfriend, at the stadium. 
It was actually quite funny to you that you kept your relationship a secret for almost 3 years now. No one knew, only a few close family members. You both were in your own bubble, you flew over to Barcelona as often as you could and Ale came over as often as she could.
Your love life were lazy mornings, secret messages and meetings.
That’s how you found yourself in this situation. In a storage closet of the stadium you were playing in.
Ales lips were on yours and your hands on her waist:,, I missed you so much Amor’’
She kissed along your ear while whispering.  ,,Me too Schatz. I love you so much Schatz’’, Your head snuggled into the crook of her neck and you just enjoyed the warmth that radiated off her, she loved when you  used her as a human pillow. You would randomly lay your head on her lap or her shoulder or bury it in the crook of her neck.
,,,How long do you think we can keep this up? I mean like staying a secret?’’, you ask the love of your life because that's what she was, the love of your life and you were so freaking sure of that.
She kisses your head:,, As long as we want to mi amor’’ We stayed like this for a few more minutes before we went our separate ways to our changing rooms. 
It was all over now. Lyon won the champions league. you did it again, your second champions league title. 
After you let that sink in you realized the love of your life just lost the champions league final.  The next thing you did was walk over to your love and close your arms around her:,,You played so well my love. You were amazing. I love you so much.’’
She looked up and you saw the tears in her eyes. You quickly looked around if anyone could hear you: ,, I love you mi amor. And you're not sleeping at your hotel tonight. You will come home with me and then i’ll let you do whatever you want to me.’’ I whispered the last bit into her ear and could immediately see her smirk and the lust in her eyes.
,, Sí, mi amor. Te amo.’’,with that Ale went back to her teammates. 
The next morning you were really  happy to have the day off because you literally couldn’t walk after Alexia had her fun with you… 
After months of hard work it was finally the off season and you had booked a romantic getaway for you and your girlfriend. You planned everything months in advance.
You wanted it to be perfect because in a few hours you would propose to the love of your life.
The hotel room had been decorated by the staff in a very romantic manner. Rose petals were laid down in a heart shape on the balcony.
From the balcony you could directly see the Eiffel Tower. 
After your flight and a short taxi ride you and Alexia stood in front of the hotel room door. Before you opened the door you made Alexia put down her luggage and turned her around, back facing the wall.
You then unlocked the door. You made sure she had her eyes closed and led her into the room.
You leaned up and kissed her neck lightly. ,,Open your eyes’’,you whispered into her ear.
,,Oh Amor, it’s beautiful’’, she turned around and kissed you with immense passion.
You pulled away:,,Baby we can do that later, first we have a wonderful dinner to enjoy’’, she pouted until she heard that there was dinner for you both.
You lightly chuckled at that and led her to sit down on the sofa and brought both your suitcases into the bedroom.
You both sat on the sofa for a while embraced in each others arms. When dinner came you sat down at the table and enjoyed it. 
After dinner you put on perfect by ed sheeran over your music box:,,Dance with me mi amor’’ You took her hands and put them around your waist, your hands found her neck and rested there.
When the song stopped you kissed her deeply. You suddenly became very nervous as you remembered the ring in your back pocket.
You took a deep breath and led Alexia outside.
You stood on the balcony opposite of Alexia. 
You took her hands in yours: 
,,Mi amor, you are the love of my life. I have known that since the moment I first saw your beautiful face in that stadium. Whenever I see you everything lights up. You make my world brighter mi amor, without you the light would be missing. We helped each other through wins and losses and I couldn’t imagine my life without you and I don’t want to imagine my life ever without you.’’
I got down on one knee and pulled the ring out.
,,Alexia Putellas Segura, mi amor, love of my life, mein Schatz: Quieres casarte conmigo?’’
She had tears running down her face before pulling you into a kiss: ,,Si mi amor, I will, i love you so much!’’ 
Now years later, you just transferred to Barcelona to be with your wife.
None of your teammates knew, but that would change today.
You were with the higher ups signing your contract while Alexia was just arriving at the changing room. She was wearing her wedding ring for the first time around the team.
She was putting her things down in her cubby when she heard Frido: ,,Alexia! Is that a wedding ring?’’
She took her hand in her own and inspected the ring. That’s when the rest of the team realized what was just said.
But before Alexia could say anything you walked through the door. Alexias face lit up once she saw you and she quickly made her way over to you:,,Hola mi amor.’’
She lightly pecked you on the lips.
Alexia put her arm around your waist as Aitana asked: ,,How long have you been together?’’
,,10 Years’’
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From Me to You.
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Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Summary:Eddie finds a love letter pushed through his locker, and he’s determined to find out who his secret admirer is.
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of, just tooth-rotting Valentine’s day fluff! Slight use of "y/n" sorry I couldn't escape it!!
Word Count:1,867
Authour’s Note:My life is so devoid of any kind of romance, so I though what better way to resolve that than to write some cutesy Valentine’s Day fic with everyone’s favourite metal-head? Maybe I'm posting this a little early, but I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out (since I suck at writing fluff) and I wanted to share it!
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Eddie, oh no, that couldn’t be further from the truth. However, having to admit to your crush on your best friend? Well that was a whole other story.
So, your big plan was to leave little secret admirer notes in Eddie’s locker in the week leading up to Valentine’s day on Friday. It was an easy way to confess your love to him, without the sting of rejection coming to bite you in the ass.
The Monday after your last class you waved Eddie goodbye as he made his way to the drama room where the Hellfire club would be meeting for their latest campaign. Although you didn't share his love of Dungeons and Dragons, you were still as close as friends could be, only you didn't want to be just his friend.
Waiting for him to disappear out of sight, you look around to check the coast is clear before you slip the hand-written note into his locker. Pushing the folded up piece of paper through the vented slats in his locker, you make your way out of the school. 
All you have to do now is just have to wait until tomorrow to find out if your little secret mission was successful.
Eddie strolled into school that Tuesday morning, opening up his locker to put away his things, but as he did so, a small folded up piece of paper fell to the floor. Piquing his curiosity, he bent down to pick up the paper. Unfolding it carefully his eyes scanned over the nice hand-written message inside.
Your smile is my favourite thing and it brightens my day 
He glances at the swirling joined up writing and how the little hearts dot the I’s and he finds his face warming with a blush.
“What’ve you got there then, Ed?”  Gareth asks noisily, causing the rest of the members of Corroded Coffin to turn their heads to their lead guitarist.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Eddie says defensively as he stuffed the note in his pocket.
Holding his hands up in surrender, Gareth dropped the subject and they guys went about the rest of their school day.
The next day, Eddie goes to open his locker and surprisingly another note falls at his feet. 
Quickly he bends to pick it up before anyone notices that he’s received another note. Unfolding the paper he reads the message.
You give me butterflies
He reasons that it must be the same person that it was from yesterday, because the handwriting is exactly the same and the I’s are still dotted adorably with the same little hearts.
As quick as his hopes get up at the thought of someone writing him little love notes,his thoughts are pulled in the direction that this must be some sort of prank. It had to be, right? Why else would anyone leave the school’s ‘freak’ sweet notes like this if not for some kind of twisted joke. 
Jason Carver and his gang probably thought the idea that someone might have a crush on Eddie, laughable. Yeah, he thinks to himself, that sounds more plausible.
Speak of the devil.
Jason and his crew make their way past him laughing loudly and obnoxiously. Right, that's it. 
Eddie stormed up to Jason, poking an accusing finger in his face.
“I bet you think this is really funny, don’t you Carver?” 
“What do you want, freak?” Jason barks out.
“You, leaving those little notes in my locker.” Eddie jabs.
Eddie looks at Jason for a moment, a look of genuine confusion gracing the features of the basketball player, his brows knitted together, before he huffs out an incredulous laugh.
“In your dreams, Munson” Jason laughs in his face as he pushes past Eddie. 
Okay…So maybe this wasn’t a joke. Well who was sending Eddie anonymous love letters?
I want to hold your hands and kiss your face
Another day, another note. Eddie was still none the wiser as to who exactly was putting these love letters in his locker. Right, he thought to himself, he was going to need some help if he had any chance of finding out who this secret admirer of his was. 
Strolling through the doors of Family video, Eddie had decided to recruit the help of the only person he could think that would actually be of any help to him. Even if it did mean that he would have to show all the notes he’d received with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.
“Wait, so let me get this straight. You’ve been getting anonymous love letters put in your locker?” Steve asks
“Well..yeah?” Eddie answers.
“...And you’re absolutely sure you have no idea who this is?” Steve presses.
“Well at one point I thought Carver was doing it, you know, for a joke..but I confronted him about it yesterday and that turned out about as well as you can imagine” Eddie explains
“Do you have some that you want it to be?” Steve quizzes, as he watches the metal-head’s expression change instantly, flushing scarlet rising from his chest to his cheeks and the tips of his nose. “Aha!” -Steve exclaims, jabbing his finger towards Eddie- “So you are thinking of someone then?”
Luckily, Eddie was saved from the embarrassment of admitting to his crush on one of his best friends by Robin interrupting his and Steve’s conversation.
“What are you two dorks gabbing about over there?” She shouts making her way from the back of Family video where she was rearranging a stack of horror films.
“Munson here has got himself a secret admirer.” Steve says, cocking his thumb towards Eddie. “Said he’s been getting these little love notes slipped in his locker” Steve continues with his teasing.
“Oooh!! Let me see ‘em!!” Robin squeals excitedly.
Scattering the piece of paper out onto the countertops, the boys watch as Robin reads through each of the messages. Her eyes scan over the words, and her eyebrows draw together, and her expression one of surprise.
“You alright over there, Rob? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, which considering what we’ve been through, is the last thing that should have you looking like that.” Steve joked.
“Shut up, Dingus.” Robin says, shushing Steve holding her pointer finger up at him. “Eddie, I think I might know who your secret admirer is.” 
The two boys look at Robin with wide eyes and bated breath.
Robin turns her back and hot-foots it to the back room of Family video.
“I thought you were going to tell us who it is?” Eddie shouts after his friend.
“Hold your horses will 'ya, Munson?!” she shouts back over her shoulder.
Robin returns with a wide grin gracing her freckled features as she slams down a sheet of A4 lined paper on the counter top.
“What the hell’s this?” Steve said, looking even more confused than before.
“These are the notes that I borrowed from y/n, for Kominski’s class yesterday. Now I don’t know about you guys, but I’d say that that swirly handwriting looks very familiar to me.” Robin says proudly, like she’s decoded the most cryptic of secret messages.
Eddie and Steve lean in closer to compare the handwriting in the love letters, to the handwriting in the classroom notes. 
 “I mean, apart from the little hearts that are dotting the I’s, I would say that is the exact same handwriting” Robin points out.
“So, y/n, huh?” Steve says, letting the thought hang in the air.
If Eddie was blushing before, his whole face must’ve looked like a tomato at this point, 
“Judging by your very red and embarrassed face, I’m going to guess that you like her too, right?” Robin asks.
Steve and Robin look at Eddie as he shyly scratches the back of his neck 
“Okay, yeah I like her..I like her a lot actually.”
“But isn’t tomorrow Valentine’s day?” Steve throws out.
“Oh this is perfect!” Robin jumps up and down excitedly. “Here’s what you’re going to do…”  she began as she brought Eddie closer to tell him her plan.
Sticking to the plan that Robin (and Steve who got dragged into it by Robin) helped him with, Eddie got up early for school for once in his life. That morning he showered, and dressed in a clean Black Sabbath shirt (that he’d previously ironed that evening, earning a raised eyebrow from his uncle, and hung up ready to put on in the morning.)
Dressed and ready to leave, he picked up the bunch of red roses that he’d bought from the Valentine’s day section in town yesterday evening after leaving Family Video.
He’d called you and asked if you needed a lift on the way to school, and knowing you the way he did, you would much prefer to ride with him in his van than take the school bus.  
“Son..” Uncle Wayne called out to Eddie as he was just about to go through the door. “Good luck today, you be nice to that girl, alright?” His gruff voice huffs out.
“I will Wayne, I can promise you that.” Eddie throws over his shoulder with a wide grin as he makes his way to his van.
Pulling up to your house, he parks his van and takes a moment to catch his breath before grabbing his bunch of roses and walking to your front door.
Squaring his shoulders he raises his knuckles to your door to deliver a confident knock. 
“I’m coming!!” he hears you shout from inside the house.
You unlock the door to see your best friend hiding his face behind a bouquet of beautiful red roses before handing them to you.
“These are for you. Happy Valentine’s day” he says as you kindly accept the flowers from him.
Although you had smiled when he’d given you the flowers, he could still sense your confusion at his gesture. 
“I got your notes…I thought they were really cute y’know and truth be told when I read them I kind of hoped they were from you.” he rambled, feeling that familiar heat flushing across his cheeks.
“How did you figure out it was me?” you ask.
“Well it wasn’t easy, but Robin and Steve helped me figure it out…mostly Robin, though..” he chuckles. 
There’s a moment's silence between the two of you where you’re both looking into each other’s eyes.
Feeling bold, you rise up on your tip-toes to place a quick peck to Eddie’s cheek. You feel him smile brightly under your lips.
“Thanks for the flowers, Ed. They’re beautiful” 
“You missed.” he says with a look of disappointment in his deep brown eyes.
“You missed.” he says again, smirking as he points to his lips.
“Take me on a date first, and then we can see about that kiss, Ed” you giggle.
“Let me take you to the movies tomorrow? We can hold hands and do all that cute shit that you’re supposed to do on a first date” he looks to you excitedly.
“I’d love to!” 
“Great! I’ll come pick you up at seven?” 
“It’s a date” You smile back at him.
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snarky-magpie · 4 months
(I still think this exchange, especially side by side, is one of the funniest things in the whole fic.)
James: Still being mysterious. Okay. Keep your secrets. I’ll tease them out of you eventually. 
James: I, however, am not mysterious at all. Open book. Quite literally. Are you familiar with The Marauders trilogy?
Reg: …
Reg: …
Reg: …
James: Did your phone freeze or…
James: Hello?
Reg: James.
Reg: Your first name is James.
James: Yes, I’m aware. One of the first things I told you about myself.
Reg: And you’re twenty-eight years old.
James: Yep, also not a secret.
Reg: Holy shit. You’re James F. Potter.
Reg: Unless this is Barty pulling an elaborate prank.
Reg: If this is you, Bartemius, I’m gonna bloody kill you dead.
James: Bartemius? You said your friend had a human name.
Reg: I can’t believe I’m messaging with James F. Potter.
James: So you’ve heard of me.
Reg: …no.
James: :) :) :)
James: Also, could you stop saying my whole name? It freaks me out.
Reg: But you’re James F. Potter. You’re like, proper famous.
James: Hardly. Barely one person out of ten recognises me in the street. Three out of ten at cons. I take it you’re a fan, though.
Reg: Not really.
Reg: Might’ve read your books in passing.
Reg: Once.
Reg: Or twice.
Reg: Or twenty times.
Reg: And might or might not own the first-edition signed hardbacks of The Marauders. Your other books are a nightmare to find, or I’d have those too.
James: Fucking brilliant. 
Reg: But to be clear, I still think you’re an obnoxious wanker.
Reg: Like, as a person.
Reg: It’s true what they say. Never meet your heroes.
Regulus: Do you remember the author I like?
Barty: Like? You mean the guy you worship? James something?
Regulus: James Potter. There’s no worship.
Barty: You have a shrine dedicated to him in our living room!
Regulus: Barty, that’s a bookcase.
Barty: Whatever. His name’s plastered all over that thing. I recognise a shrine when I see one.
Regulus: He messaged me. Out of nowhere.
Barty: Why? Was he tracking down his most insane Reddit followers to know who to pick out of a lineup for future restraining orders? 
Regulus: I’ll never understand how some people find you funny.
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wongyuuu · 7 months
memories of us | lsm
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pairing: seokmin x f!reader - soulmate!au summary: every night seokmin dreams of his past lifes, when he met and fell for his soulmate countless times. genre: fluff, angst word count: 11.9k warnings: reader has really low self esteem a/n: this is not, in any way, connected to elevator. both stories are centered around soulmates, however the rules are different. in elevator people carry marks that vanish from their bodies once they meet their soulmate, here is the bond is created by eye contact. i hope you enjoy it :)
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Today, when I woke up, the first thing I thought about was you, but that’s not something new. You’re always the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last one before I go to sleep. My mind is consumed by thoughts of you the entire day. There’s not a single minute when you don’t make your presence noticed,  even if you’re not really here by my side. The funny thing is that I haven’t met you yet and somehow you are the only one in my mind. 
I started to dream of you when I was sixteen. At the time I had no idea of what was going on, I didn’t know what Memorous were, and I couldn’t even phantom why I was dreaming of an older version of myself. I was young and the naive teenager version of me thought that it was something everyone goes through. Ah, maybe these are memories from my past lives. I was right about that part, but I didn’t know the length of what was going on with me. 
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It was only a month later when I told anyone about it. Because those dreams were something no one ever mentioned around me before, so I was afraid to speak about them. What if, because of those dreams, people started to label me as a freak? I had already a very negative reputation, so to say, I didn’t want to make it worse. When I finally mustered the courage to talk to someone about it, I figured that I should tell my mom about it. She was a mother, my mom, and like all moms she would probably know what to do. 
She didn’t. 
For a while, she just sat there and stared at me, not like I was a freak but as if I had become a stranger. I was no longer Lee Seokmin, her eldest son who on most days seemed like the youngest. I saw her eyes change that day, from a mother who loved her son to a woman who didn’t know who the boy in front of her was.  
It was also the first time that someone told me that I was cursed.  
None of us could be sure whether I was cursed or not, but she said it with so much belief that I knew that it had to be true. 
I don’t think I have ever felt so alone. Before my mother said those words to me, those words that would be forever stuck in my brain, you are cursed, Seokmin, and there’s nothing any of us can do to change that, I used to be normal - or as normal as a sixteen-year-old hyperactive boy could be. But the second those words were uttered, released into the world, something inside me changed.   
I think that the best way to describe it would be a click, I felt a click inside my heart. There’s no other word I could use to describe it. 
After everything that happened in the span of minutes, I changed. I started to be more restricted, no one else in the world knew about the dreams or about me being a Memorous. My circle of friends got smaller and smaller. What if, by accident, I told one of them something about the dreams, about you? That couldn’t happen. 
In reality, I didn’t have many friends. You know, the kind you tell secrets to and are really close to. Those were the kinds of people that I wanted to avoid at all costs. I wasn’t a loner, though. I had people I could hang out with, people that I would go to a bar or a club with, but I liked to be alone. 
It’s weird, isn’t it? I had friends but I wasn’t actually friends with any of them. I wasn’t a loner but the thing I enjoyed the most was being alone. 
When I turned eighteen and high school was finally over, I moved away from home. For two years I saved every cent that I could, my main goal was to just leave. I studied my eyes off in school so I could get into a university that was as far away as possible from home. I needed to get a scholarship so I wouldn’t need to ask for help from my parents. 
Doing those two things made me feel somewhat proud of myself. It was like I was telling them see just because you think I’m cursed doesn’t mean that I can’t do what I want. 
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 Let me explain to you how the dreams work: every night I dream of you, no exception but every night is a different life. 
This is how Memorous must live. I remember every single thing about our past lives, all the details that people usually forget about their lives. I remember them, more or less. I know what you were wearing on April 18th, 1811; I know what was the first word you said to me in Madrid, it was a curse by the way; the first time we bonded.  
Sometimes it feels so real that I think if I look by my side, I’ll see you there. That couldn’t be true, I haven’t seen you in this lifetime - I would never be able to let you go if I had. 
There’s a trick about being a Memorous though. Once I fall asleep and dream of a different life everything I dreamed the night before vanishes and I can’t remember anything. At first, I thought that it happened like that because sometimes we forget about the dreams we have. It was as if it simply vanished from my mind, and I could only remember it when I dreamt of the same life again. It’s like a selective memory kind of thing. 
You know, the feeling of a dream being so real that you could either wake up in panic or just really happy and satisfied? 
For me, every dream was like that. If I held your hand in my dream, when I woke up I would still get the feel of your skin against mine; if we fought for whatever reason I would still feel the sadness and the anger lingering in my body. 
When I understood what was happening, I started to write down the dreams, every little detail that I could remember. Slowly I started to find a pattern in the dreams, slowly I learned to tell the lives apart and so I started notebooks. It’s a little weird, I know, but I had to keep track of our lives. Maybe, at some level, you might think that I’m crazy or that I’m a stalker. But could it be considered stalking when it’s my own life? 
I can’t wait to meet you.  Although I haven’t actually met you or even seen you this time around, I feel like I have known you all my life. Is this the feeling we’ll get when we finally meet, this feeling of fullness? 
I wonder if you feel that too. 
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Out of all our lives together I have a favorite one. I mean, it is expected, isn’t it? After such a long time of living countless lives, every day being a different person - although I’m ultimately the same - we are bound to have a favorite one. 
If I do say so myself that life is very much Shakespearean. Okay, so imagine this: two families who were very powerful but were opposites and hated each other with a burning passion. And there you have it. Sounds very much like Romeo and Juliet, doesn’t it? Maybe if it happened a couple hundred years earlier, in England, then maybe I could say that we actually inspired him, but we happened far too late. 
You know, I still remember the first time I saw you that time around. I think that maybe that bond was the strongest one we’ve had, probably because we were supposed to hate each other. The idea of an unexpected bond between two opposite families is kind of thrilling, isn’t it? 
We met at a party. Because our families couldn’t even stand to be in the same space together, mostly our dads - why is it always the dads though? -, they send you and me to represent the families. As you can probably imagine, we had no idea of what the other person looked like. 
So, there I was walking inside this immense ballroom, and you were the first person I saw. Looking at you I just knew that you were out of place, that kind of environment wasn’t one you felt comfortable in. At that point, you weren’t looking at me but when you finally did, it was like the entire world stopped. I felt my heart thump inside my chest, but I could feel you too. I saw as you went wide-eyed. You took a step closer to me but then, realizing what you did, you took a couple of steps back. For the entire night, we didn’t approach each other but my eyes never left yours, as yours never left mine. 
We followed each other through the night.  I got angry, really angry, when someone wanted to talk to me because all I wanted to do was look at you. Whenever my feelings changed, I would feel yours changing too. You felt mostly curiosity. How could this man, someone you had never seen before, catch your attention in such a way that you couldn’t look at anything or anyone else? 
Back then it wasn’t like today, you know. The bond happened more quietly, or maybe we only thought it did. Though the bond is something that has been around since the beginning of time, we only found out about it much later in life. I suppose that back then we still didn’t know much about it. Maybe the change everyone felt around a couple that was bonding was there but because we didn’t know what it was supposed to be we just overlooked it. 
Back to the story. 
You were the first one to make a move to leave but I couldn’t let you go, no way. I followed you out and much to my own surprise you were waiting for me, because somehow you knew that I had to go after you. We didn’t say much, just promised to meet each other a couple of days later. 
From that moment on, things took off, or as much as you could possibly expect from a couple in the early nineteen century. We would always meet each other. Everything was exciting because no one could know about what we were doing. Besides the whole ‘my family hates yours’ problem that we had, there was also the problem that both of us were promised to other people. You were supposed to marry a young Duque and I had to marry the daughter of a rich family. If we were against it before, imagine what it was like after we found out about how we felt for each other. 
Our happiness didn’t last very long. We were careless and, although we were trying to hide it, we weren’t as stealthy about it as we liked to imagine. 
It’s needless to say that when our families found out they were far from happy. They didn’t try to kill us or anything that dramatic, but they started to rush things. Your marriage that was supposed to happen only a year later was set to two weeks later; mine was happening in a few days. Of course, neither of us accepted that. 
On the night before my wedding, I felt something trying to pull me. It was like my legs were moving on their own and I saw myself walking out of the house and into the city. I found you there, all alone in the middle of the street, staring at the church I was supposed to get married in. I realized then that the sadness I felt was only partially mine, a lot of it was coming from you. I didn’t really understand how it was possible for me to feel everything that you were feeling but I knew that there wasn’t another explanation for it. 
You couldn’t control your emotions and tears were running down your cheeks, you tried hard to push them aside, but it was of no use. The more you tried to make the tears stop the more they fell. I couldn’t control myself by then. You were afraid when my arm went around you but once you knew that it was me you turned in my arms. The tears that ran down your face were no longer out of pain and hurt, they were because we were finally reunited. 
We ran away. We didn’t take anything with us. There was no time to go home and get clothes, or say goodbye. We were sure that if we were together then everything would be alright. Because we had each other nothing in the world nothing could hurt us. 
That's… that’s as far as the dreams go. I’d like to think that we had a happy ending. 
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 Two years into college I finally understood what my mom meant when she said that I am cursed. 
You see, the dreams I have at night are just fragments, tiny little pieces of an entire puzzle. I could only see a day or a week, at most. But the thing is that I only saw us young, meeting, starting the bond, falling in love. Not once did my dreams show us a little older, getting married, having kids, or even if things didn’t work between us. I never dreamed of those things. 
At first, my guess was that the dreams were trying to show me a way to get to you, find you in a world that’s filled with billions of people. That wasn’t the case. 
One night I dreamed of you dying. I woke up in despair. Instead of the sweet dreams, filled with warm touches and whispered words, I faced images of you surrounded by blood, a lifeless body in my arms. 
For a while I wanted to make myself believe that it was just a nightmare, that it would eventually go away but I knew it wasn’t that simple, nothing ever is. 
I kept seeing the same thing for days and every day it got worse and worse. It got to the point where I stopped sleeping at all. Every time I closed my eyes I could see your body on the ground, eyes wide open. I knew that it wasn’t true, but I felt like you were looking at me, like you blamed me for your death. 
I searched it up. If the same thing happened to other Memorous I wanted to know how to make it stop, if I could even do something like that. From task number one I had problems. 
For one, Memorous doesn’t like to be clear about it, we are heavily judged by it because no one understands what it is like to be one. Most people just think that we are making a fuss over nothing, that knowing what your soulmate looks like, what that person likes and dislikes makes it much easier to find the person you are supposed to bond with. What they don’t know is that, like everyone else in the world, people’s taste, personalities and all else changes. In one of your lives, you were a dancer, the stage was your home, and being watched by people was something you thrived off of but in the next one you were a shy girl who couldn’t bear the thought of people looking at her (this actually happened, just so you know). 
Second, there aren’t many Memorous in the world. We are considered an anomaly, there are very few of us. I believe that we will only be able to understand why we are born this way when a scientist is born as a Memorous. 
But not everything is a lost hope! God bless the people who aren’t scared to share their stories because they want to help other people. I found this post, on a very weird and hard to find website, saying that there is a way to break this ‘curse’. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it’s not up to us to end the cycle. Well, technically it is but it’s not a choice that we can make. It’s confusing, I know. 
Apparently, the only way for us to stay together for a long time is if both of us are born Memorous, meaning that you and I must know our past lives. The one who wrote the post was a young boy, claiming that it was his grandparents’ story and that both of them were still alive and fine. 
It’s not much but at least it’s something. I can’t help but wonder if this time around you already know who I am. 
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I saw you today, or at the very least I thought that I did. I looked at my right and you were right there! Your eyes went anywhere but me, it was like you were purposely trying to avoid me. I went after you, called after you (even though I don’t know what you’re called in this life). It seemed that you were running away from me, though I’m sure that wasn’t the case. How could you run from someone you don’t know? 
On days like this, I think I’m starting to lose my mind. The dreams are starting to feel more real than ever, and I don’t know what to do. Is it because we are getting closer to each other? Maybe we are in the same city? I hope so. 
I’ve hoping for something, just a tiny signal, for the longest time. Was today it? I think about seeing you, how the dreams are now just a repeat of all the first meetings before, how every day when I wake up I have a feeling inside my heart telling me that we are getting closer to each other. 
Are we? Does this mean that we are getting closer? 
Maybe this is the universe’s way of letting us know. Because our lives, all of them, have been so messed up that this is fate’s way of apologizing for all the crap that it put us through. 
I’m going to find you soon. Hopefully, wherever you are you’re also looking for me and that will probably make our lives that much easier. 
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You closed the journal and put it aside. You managed to hold yourself back while reading, you didn’t want the tears in the back of your eyes to fall on the pages, the precious pages that told your story through Seokmin’s eyes. 
It had been hard to come to terms with the idea, the fact, that he was your soulmate but over the years you became more and more used to it. Your lives were too different, your backgrounds complete opposites, and yet - somehow - you were it for each other. 
The first time you saw him on TV, you clearly remembered how you felt. It was as if someone had just punched you in the chest. On the other side of the tiny screen was the boy - now the man - you had been dreaming about for years of your life. You never thought that you would find him, especially so soon but then again if you thought about all your dreams, both of you seemed young - maybe even younger than your 25 years. 
You stayed away from the TV for about a month after that, but you knew that it wouldn’t last much longer than that. The entire time Seokmin was in the back of your mind, always making sure that you wouldn’t forget him. That was simply something that would never happen, you forgetting about him - even if that was one of the many things that you wanted to do. Eventually, you found yourself turning the TV on again, watching every single program, every video, and buying any magazine that featured him. 
Thinking back at it, you felt sort of stupid for doing those things and not just trying to look for him. You were right, your soulmate was Seokmin but your own insecurities were holding you back. Out of everything you had, there was one problem you considered to be major: you had nothing to offer him. 
You were the kid no one wanted, the kid that had been tossed into an orphanage at the age of eight, and no one had gone back to take claim. Like a monkey on a tree, you moved from house to house without a chance of staying, even the prospect of making friends didn’t exist. 
Growing up you always dreamed of meeting your soulmate, imagined the way you would finally meet the other person. In your mind you were always the hotshot, someone who could make anything happen with a simple word. As you got older you wanted to just live a decent life but all you had was a shitty rented apartment in a sketchy area of the city, a shower that didn’t run with hot water, and were living paycheck by paycheck. 
That wasn’t the life you wanted, it was a life that you were almost embarrassed over. How could you ever share a life with someone when you could hardly sustain yourself? That wasn’t possible. 
But then it happened. You got dragged by your friend to go to the TV station and watched as Seokmin recorded a program. Jun said that he wouldn’t notice you, that you would sit far in the back, and you could put your bangs down and cover your eyes so there wouldn’t be a single chance of the bond happening. 
It was a lie, you knew that. Jun lied straight to your face, and you let yourself fall for it. You couldn’t say no to him, much less to his kids. Hana was so excited about it. Watching Seokmin on TV was her favorite thing in the world, more than dancing or watching cartoons. He’s pretty and funny, my soulmate has to be just like him, she said. It was funny and endearing to watch. Sometimes you just wanted to meet Seokmin because of her, because she was so in love with him. The day you decided to take a step forward was also the day you took eleven steps back. 
“Are excited?” Jun bumped his shoulder into yours and smiled. 
He could be the kind of person your silly heart would fall for if there weren’t any soulmates. Jun was essentially a good person, with a heart made of gold and filled with so much love that his kids would never go a day in life thinking that he didn’t love them. 
“No" yet another lie. 
You were excited, a little too excited. Or maybe your excitement was actually just fear. Fear that the bond might happen, fear that Seokmin would be disappointed in who you were, fear that maybe your dreams would come true. 
“You said that Seokmin is pretty” Hana called out. 
A moment of weakness that you regretted. 
“Handsome, honey. Boys are handsome” 
She repeated the word a few times as if trying to memorize but everyone knew that she would just keep calling boys pretty. 
“Why are you carrying her around like she’s three?” 
Hana sighed and hugged Jun’s neck, her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m daddy’s little girl” 
Jun looked like he was about to cry and Hanbin just groaned, his sister’s act wasn’t something that he was too fond of. You could only smile at them. They were almost too cute for you to handle. 
You were one of the first people to get in so there were still a lot of empty spots to choose from. The second you and Jun started to move towards the back Hanbin and Hana protested.  Of course, they didn’t want to sit in the back. Besides being kids, and too short to be able to see anything, both liked Seokmin so being too far away was not something that they wanted. In the end, you caved. You couldn’t say no to two kids who were doing the puppy eyes at the same time. 
As minutes went by and the studio got filled with people you started to get nervous. You ran your sweaty hands on your jeans trying to get them dry, but it was useless. Every person who walked inside made your heart skip a beat because you thought that it could be him. It never was. The scared part of your brain told you that it was a good thing, that maybe he wouldn’t show up at all, but the other part, the one that wanted to see him in person just once, told you to just wait a little longer because he was going to show. 
You waited, for over an hour and there was no sign of him. You knew that in this kind of event it could take them a while to get everything sorted but you were told that it shouldn’t take long once you all went inside. 
“Stop,” Jun said, his hand on your arm “Don’t overthink it" 
He was smiling at you kindly. It was the kind of smile that was supposed to calm you down and reassure you and yet all it did was make you even more nervous. 
“What if we bond?” 
“Then you’ll deal with it later” 
What if I don’t know how to deal with it? 
When people started to scream you looked up and saw the host walking in. He talked for a couple of minutes, made a few jokes trying to be funny and then he introduced Lee Seokmin, a TV personality. The crowd went crazy, there was a girl behind you screaming so loud that you thought you’d go deft. 
Seokmin walked in, his characteristic smile in place, as he waved at the audience. 
Seeing him in person made the world slow down, even your own heart. Instead of going crazy, your heart nearly stopped, as the sight of Seokmin put you at ease. Your hands were no longer shaking, you didn’t feel like trying to hide yourself anymore. In fact, seeing him made your soul scream at you it’s him, what are you waiting for? Your soul was begging you to go to him. After all, it knew him, because despite being apart for years it recognized him immediately. 
And then Seokmin looked at you. 
His eyes were on yours as he stood frozen there. You could feel him everywhere. He was shocked, surprised, caught off guard, hopeful, and just so happy. His happiness was contagious because inside you felt happy too. You wanted to stand up and hug him, stay as close as possible to him. The fear you felt for years was momentarily forgotten in the back of your mind. 
Your legs moved before you could even realize what you were doing. You stood up and walked to him, stopping only a couple of steps away from him. You felt his heartbeat like it was just under your skin. Being so close to him made your body tingle in the best way possible. Your entire being was begging you to just take another step, just one closer to him, just so you could touch him and feel him all around you. 
When Seokmin moved forward, his hand raised ready to touch you - just like you wanted to do - you took a step back. Suddenly the realization of what could happen came crashing down around you. Your dreams, and images of Seokmin lying lifeless on the floor that had been engraved in your mind were unexpectedly in your eyes. You could see it coming, your downfall, and the things you dreaded the most, happening. 
Seokmin wanted to say something, anything, but he didn’t know what he was supposed to. What words could he possibly profess that would make the fear running through your body go away? 
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this" 
Turning around and walking away from him might have been the hardest thing you ever did. 
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You tried your best to keep living normally but it was close to impossible. Every second that went by you were reminded of Seokmin, of the broken look on his face when you walked away, of the way he felt like he had somehow done something wrong. And he felt unloved when it was supposed to be just the other way around. Even before the bond, before you had the chance to look at him in the eyes, you already had feelings for him. Perhaps it was because you knew that you were supposed to love him, you knew that once you met him your feelings would be unstoppable, or it was just because he was charming. 
And just how charming he was. 
You didn’t know one single person who disliked him, someone who would flat-out say that there was nothing good to like about him. Everyone loved Seokmin, his easy smile and friendly eyes pulled everyone in. 
“Until when are you going to keep avoiding him?” 
Jun had become the personification of what was happening inside of you. You wanted to meet Seokmin, desperately. You wanted to find out where he was and just go to him, introduce yourself, and just talk to him. Everything seemed so simple inside your mind, and in Jun’s as well, but it was so far from it. 
“You’re just avoiding it, you know that” 
“So, what if I am? I’m sorry if I don’t want to see my soulmate die!” 
You weren’t angry at your friend or even Seokmin, as he would feel sometimes. You were just angry at everyone else, at the world, at destiny, at anyone in the world who decided that it was a good idea to make you see your soulmate die every night. 
“I know that, but wouldn’t it be better if you could spend some time with him? Let’s say that you’ll have six months together, that’s it. No more and no less. Don’t you want to be with him for as long as you possibly can instead of keep hiding in here?” Jun moved his hand showing the lounge of his dance school “Think of all your past lives, about how happy you were because you were with Seokmin. In this life too, shouldn’t you be able to feel that kind of happiness?” 
Jun was the only person who knew that you were Memorous and he was also the only person who would say that there was nothing wrong with it. You aren’t cursed. If you ask me, you are one of the lucky ones. I would anything to have more memories with Seol. He was also the kind of friend who wasn’t scared to say that you were messing up your own life, that you were doing something wrong. Most days he would act like the dad you never had. You were grateful for him, for having someone so eager to make sure that you were happy. 
“Here’s a wild scenario” Jun smiled at Hana, who was running to him, as he stood up “Seokmin doesn’t die" 
His words left you speechless as you watched him move away from you. 
When you got home that day Seokmin’s journals were waiting at your doorstep. 
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Reading Seokmin’s words was much like reading your own. Since you started to have dreams, you thought that you were the only one who felt like that, like the only one who didn’t have anyone else to run to. Yes, both of your lives were very different, the place both of you came from was also different. But looking at it or wasn’t all that different. 
His words and the way he described his feelings for you were the things that made you take a deep breath and go meet him. 
I know that you are scared, I can feel it but please reconsider it. I’ve been waiting for a moment like this for a very long time and I would like to believe that you have too. I’ll be in the city for a few more days so let’s meet. If you don’t come to me, I will go to you. We can’t run away from this. 
Somehow you found yourself getting out of your tiny apartment and going towards Seokmin. You knew just how much he could feel your nervousness and yet he tried to stay calm so you could feel at ease too. The entire time, since you left the TV station, you could feel him in your mind and it was like he was talking to you, trying to convince you to meet or just to be comfortable with the idea of him. 
At times you could swear that he was talking to you, his voice clear in your mind. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. It was like Seokmin himself could read your thoughts. Of course, there were moments when he would feel that spark of fear, and anxiety but most of the time he was in complete control of his emotions. He was doing that for you, there was no mistake, so you felt childish for being all over the place and guilty for bombarding him with emotions that you couldn’t fully grasp. 
That was one of the many reasons why you decided to go to him. His words had been the main reason, but you also wanted to put your heart in peace. From the second you walked away from him your heart had been heavy. It was the kind of emotion that was impossible to verbalize, the only word that could possibly come to mind was lost. Your heart was lost. You walked around feeling like there was a huge part of you missing, your eyes looked for something, someone, that was never there. 
It was like that until you got his journals. Although you didn’t feel whole you could feel that a little piece of you was back. Perhaps it truly wasn’t a part of you, instead what could be the missing was a piece of you never found before. 
The missing piece had always been Seokmin. 
You stopped in front of his door, your hand closed into a fist just an inch away. 
The truth was that everything you felt, every tiny thing, could be summed into just one word: fear. You were scared. 
For years you saw Seokmin die in your dreams, he died in a new way every night. You saw, more times than you could count, the life left his eyes as he took his last breath. Sometimes you would just hear about it from someone, just words thrown into a conversation – words that always managed to break your heart. It never mattered how you found out, it always happened suddenly and unexpectedly. 
Whenever you and he were settling into a life together, when you allowed yourself to love each other freely, it happened. You always thought that your love for him, as his for you, worked like a time bomb. And the moment the bond was made was when your time started to run out. 
The only thing you thought about was how if you never made the bond then Seokmin would be able to live a long and happy life. It was okay if once, just once, you didn’t find your soulmate. As long as Seokmin got to live, you were fine with whatever life threw at you. Many people went through life without ever finding their soulmates but that didn’t mean that they weren’t happy. It just meant that they had to find other ways to be happy. 
“Just, please, knock on the door” 
You turned around, startled by the sudden presence behind you, a voice that you had memorized a long time before meeting the person to whom it belonged. Seokmin was there, looking at you like he had just walked out of some kind of sappy movie with his hair a mess and a hoodie that was at least three sizes bigger than him. 
“How long have you been there?” 
He smiled at you then making you feel like your insides were melting. Seeing him was like making the bond all over again. Your hands were sweating, your heartbeat out of control, slow, fast, and slow. The air around you was heavy and the tension between the two of you was almost palpable, like a thin sheet separating you and him. 
“Long enough to know that you’ve been hesitating, for at least, five minutes” 
How was it possible for him to be so calm when you felt like your heart was about to combust? Having him so close to you made your entire body shake. You almost wanted to take a step back before you fell to your knees. It was like your legs were barely there to support you. 
“I want to say so many things but I’m afraid that if I do, you’ll run away again” 
You shook your head at him. This time around you weren’t leaving or running. You had made it this far, there was no way you were backing down. Somehow, seeing Seokmin in front of you made you feel stronger like you could fight the entire universe just because he was right there by your side. He wasn’t doing anything, but he looked at you like you were everything that he had been waiting for and then some more. 
“I came so that we could talk” you tried to smile in reassurance, for him or yourself you weren’t sure “Do you want to do this here or somewhere else…?” 
“I think that it would be best if we had some privacy” 
You took a step aside to let Seokmin open the door to his hotel room. 
You had always been scared of people, not of what they could do to you in the spot but of what they could cause in the long run. From a young age, you learned that you were alone and that the people around you never really wanted you there. For the foster homes you went through most of your life, you were just a way to get easy money; for your first boyfriend you were just a pity bet; for your high school friends you were just the girl they let hang out with them in exchange for assignments; for your parents, you were just someone, something, that they could easily toss aside when they finally got bored. 
All of those things left deep scars on you. Though you did your best to cover them, they were always there right under the surface. You always smiled at people and made sure to tell them that you were perfectly fine even though you weren’t, even though all you wanted was to curl into yourself and let yourself feel all that pain. 
Jun had been the first person to get through to you, the only one who had stayed long enough for you to think that maybe he was around you because he actually liked you and not because he wanted something from you in return. 
It was true that Seokmin was your soulmate, that once the bond is made someone can never really walk away from it. You knew all of those things, like a book that you were constantly reading. Knowing something is completely different than doing it. The insecurities, always in the back of your mind, screamed at you louder than any belief or hope. Your brain always told you that someone like Seokmin, someone who had everything – and anyone – he could possibly want, would never stay for someone like you, bond or no bond. 
“Do you want something to drink? I can get you anything you want” 
Seokmin opened the door for you and pointed at the couch in front of it. As you had expected his room wasn’t just room, it was like a goddamn apartment – hell it was bigger than half of the houses you went through as a teenager. 
“I… it’s fine. I’m fine” 
Seokmin knew that you weren’t fine but chose to stay quiet about it, he knew that it wasn’t a good idea to tell you just how much of you he could understand. It wasn’t only because he could feel every tiny thing coming from you but also because you were like an open book, filled with words begging to be read. 
“I got your journals,” you said “I also read them” 
Your words made Seokmin sigh in relief. He thought that if you saw his journals, and read his feelings, you would be able to understand how desperate he felt, how much his feelings had been all over the place – despite him trying to remain calm. His feelings mirrored yours very much, almost in every way. 
“Because you shared yours with me, I think it’s only fair if I do the same with you” 
He looked up at you, surprise all over his face as you handed him the small box you had been carrying. 
“I’ve dreamed about you, for the past ten years, too. Every night I saw you and fell for you, every version of you” 
The surprise Seokmin felt, the happiness, and the relief that ran through his body the moment he saw you at his door was almost completely gone when he heard what you were saying.  He wanted to think that maybe he heard it wrong but the look in your eyes assured him that he hadn’t heard it wrong. Your words had been loud and clear, ricocheting inside his brain. 
“For how long you have known about me?” 
Your heart was breaking, shattering into tiny pieces when you saw and felt the change in Seokmin. He held the box with your journals like it weighed a thousand pounds, his face was contorted with something that you couldn’t decipher but his feelings were clear, like the sky on a starry night. Seokmin felt betrayed, hurt, and unwanted, all things that weren’t true. 
“Since you started, around the same time, since I was sixteen as well” you whispered. 
Seokmin felt his heart drop all the way down to his toes feeling sick to his stomach. He had always wanted to find you, from the day he understood what his dreams meant he looked for you – everywhere and anywhere in the world. You were the reason why he even started to work in TV, he thought that if he got a job that required him to talk to a lot of people then it would be easier to find you. But the idea, now the fact, that you had always known about him but even then, decided not to look for him, not to take a step away from him, was like a slap to his face. 
“Do you know that I tried to look for you everywhere? I nearly went crazy. Every day since my dreams, the memories of us, started I searched for you. While you…” he scoffed like the world had played yet another sick joke on him “You knew who I was but you never…” 
He couldn’t bring himself to say it; thinking about it – feeling it – was already bad enough. Seokmin didn’t want to voice it, if he did then everything would become that much more real, too real, more heartbreaking than anything else in his life up until that moment. 
The dreams crushed his heart every morning when he woke up. Seokmin felt his heart die a little inside his chest for the life he never got to live with you, for the words he never got to hear from you, for seeing the bright light leave your eyes time and time again. But ultimately those dreams were just that: dreams, memories of a different period in time, of a different life that although felt real, it no longer was. 
“I was afraid, Seokmin…” 
“I know that you were! I felt it, with fiber in my body, I knew that you were scared, terrified that for some reason I wouldn’t love you. I knew all of that like it was my own fear” 
The despair he had in his voice was felt in your body, every tiny cell. You hated that he was feeling like that, that your first ever encounter with him – a proper one – was only worth a fight. That was not how you wanted things to go. You thought that if you ever met him things would run smoothly but the reality of it was far from your expectations. 
“Like you, I am a Memorous” you had to say it, you needed Seokmin to hear your words just once “The first time I saw you, like you are right now, was on TV but it was so fast that I couldn’t be sure. I was on the bus, passing by a TV store. The next day I stayed in front of the same store the entire day, waiting for that brief second of your face for hours. When I finally saw you I cried, right there in the middle of the sidewalk because I just felt so happy to see you, to finally find the boy that I had seen so many times before, the boy I loved so blindly, even though I have never met before. 
“But the dreams… they are alive inside my mind. I don’t forget them like you do. My brain stores them like they are memories of this life, all those feelings were as real as if I lived them this time around. I thought about all the times I saw you die, and I couldn’t live through that again. I couldn’t let that happen to you, not after I saw you. I only knew you from the screen of my tv but my feelings were already so strong. I wanted the bond to happen, you can’t doubt that for a second, but I was scared. I would very much rather live knowing that you were somewhere out there, living a happy and long life than having you live a short one with me” 
Your words were more than enough to make Seokmin stop. Until that moment, his mind was flying all over the place but the second you opened your mouth he couldn’t bring himself to be angry anymore. Those feelings, the fear of seeing your other half – the one you were supposed to be with – die, was one he knew very well. He often wondered what would happen when he finally met you. 
The first time he saw you, he had been over the moon, he felt you and everything else. He felt the pull and your desire to get closer to him. To say that Seokmin was surprised when you ran away was an understatement. He didn’t truly understand everything that was happening inside of him, the unthinkable mix of you and him made him feel dizzy because he couldn’t set you apart. 
He could finally understand the things you did but it didn’t mean that he liked them. 
“I think it’s going to be a very long night” 
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Seokmin read your journals in front of you, and it didn’t feel embarrassing. Those journals, your words, had been written for him and for him only. While you wrote down your dreams you thought of him, of how he would read them one day and how much you wanted him to. 
You spent the entire night in his hotel room. You talked for hours and hours and suddenly the subject wasn’t as heavy anymore, both of your fears momentarily forgotten, and you were simply enjoying each other’s company. 
Seokmin was everything that he seemed to be, but he was also that much different. His bubbly personality was still there, fully out in the open for everyone to see, but there was also a shy side to him - one that not many people knew about but it was cute to watch. More often than he would like to admit, Seokmin would trip over his words, insecure about what he could and couldn’t say to you. The ice is still very thin, it’s making me nervous he said at some point in the night. 
You had scooted closer to him or maybe he got closer to you, how it happened didn’t really matter. You found yourself sitting on the couch with your knees pulled to your chest as Seokmin quietly played with your fingers. 
Just having him around you felt like a dream but the moment his skin touched yours? It was like fireworks exploded under your skin, like every single nerve in your body was suddenly awake. You could feel him everywhere, like he was not just the man in front of you, but he was also part of the air, like he could be all around you whilst staying in the exact same spot. He gave you calmness, a sense of peace and security. Things that up until that moment no one had been able to give you, not even yourself. 
“I really want to kiss you” you whispered.  Seokmin’s fingers stilled in yours and something sparkled in his eyes as he looked at you. The moment was suspended in the air as if it wasn’t neither here or there, as if time itself had stopped and all the attention was now on the two of you and the way you were feeling in that very second. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him, you didn’t want to. It was the first time, in your entire life, that you craved someone’s touch and presence. With Seokmin you wanted that and so much more, everything that he had to give, you wanted. 
Feeling like that for someone after only knowing them for a couple of hours was impossible, the kind of thing that you would never expect to happen, the kind of thing that you would laugh at because something like that couldn’t exist. But with you and Seokmin, nothing was as it seemed. 
It was true that you had only known him for a little while but just in this life. When you looked at him you saw traces of the many different people that he had been in the past and because of that, it was like you fully knew him. That wasn’t the case, and you knew that, but even so, the feeling of reconnection still existed. 
Seokmin inched forward, his eyes focused on your lips, as he interlocked your fingers and pulled you towards him. There was one second of hesitation, one tiny second that felt like an eternity before his lips finally pressed on yours and then it was pure magic. 
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Seokmin had to leave a few days later and you hated the idea of having to see him walk away. It wasn’t final, you knew that, but it hurt all the same. He had stayed in the city for you far longer than he was supposed to, his phone always blowing up with text messages from people concerned about his whereabouts when in reality he had been locked up with you inside your apartment. 
On the contrary to what you previously thought, Seokmin didn’t care about your tiny apartment, about the fact that you had been to more foster homes than what you were willing to admit, or about the fact that you didn’t have a degree. I like you for you, not for the baggage that comes with you. 
You sat at the airport for hours after his flight departed, the emptiness growing inside of you as the seconds ticked away. 
Seokmin felt the same way. He wanted to stay or for you to just go with him, but he didn’t dare to ask. He knew that even though you didn’t think much of your life, you liked it. You loved to be a receptionist at Jun’s school, loved being surrounded by the kids, loved the city you lived in, and you were a little proud of yourself for being your own person and living your own life - even though you would never admit it. He got into the plane with a heavy heart, but he had to figure things out. He had to find a way for the two of you to be together. It was uncertain of what the future held for you. You could be together for just a year before one of you died or your entire life was still ahead of you. The not knowing drove him crazy. 
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 Three weeks apart was all he could take before he found himself boarding a plane to the other side of the country and breaking a few contracts while he did so. You called every day, facetimed whenever there was a chance and texts were always a constant but just that wasn’t enough. 
Due to the distance, the constant pull to you only grew stronger and the grasp he had of your feelings, how Seokmin could tell exactly what was going on with you, was slowly disappearing. It wasn’t that you were learning to control what he could and couldn’t see. Once the bond is made the newfound soulmates need to stay close to each other, it’s physically and mentally tiring to be away. He noticed that you sounded more exhausted on the phone, as your eyes nearly closed when you talked on Facetime. 
All those things pulled him to you, yes, but Seokmin also wanted to see you desperately. 
He didn’t tell you that he was coming to see you, he wanted to make it a surprise. The entire flight he felt just how happy you were, probably because you were at the dance school with the kids, but he also noticed your worry, because he hadn’t answered his phone in a few hours, as you tried to push it as far back in your mind as possible. 
The long see-through glass walls of the school allowed Seokmin to see you inside. He heard your laugh before he saw you, the sound had been imprinted in his mind like the type of song that just gets stuck. And then he saw your profile looking at the little boy in front of you lovingly. When you smiled, he thought that his heart would explode inside his chest. 
Seeing you, even from far away, was like going home after a long time. The feeling of calmness, the feeling of finally being able to breathe properly. Just looking at you made him lighter in a way that he couldn’t exactly put into words. 
The kids were the first ones to see Seokmin. The little boy you talked to gasped, and his eyes went wide. All the other kids had the same reaction, some of them pointed at him while others just went back to what they were doing before. 
You stood frozen in place and watched Seokmin walk from where he was to the door. You had to make sure that he was really there, that it wasn’t something that you were imagining. If it wasn’t for the cute selfies he sent you stored in your phone, you would be sure that meeting Seokmin and everything else that happened after had been nothing but a dream. It wouldn’t be the first time you wished for a life that could never have. 
You got up and took a step away from the kids before walking as fast as you could - nearly running - towards him. He met you halfway, his arms reached for you before you collapsed into him. 
You sighed in contentment and relief when you felt his skin against yours, when his warmth enveloped you. Everything else was forgotten and it no longer mattered. 
“You’re really here,” you said against his neck. 
His chuckle ran through your entire body and he tightened his arms around you, pulling you as close as possible to him. 
“Half a country away is too much" he murmured. 
You stayed in place for minutes, long enough for one of the kids to get bored and call out your name a couple of times. One of them ran inside and got Jun, because the little boy thought that Seokmin might be holding you for too long. 
“This reunion is great and all but it’s weird for the kids” 
At the sound of your friend’s voice, you let go of Seokmin but you didn’t go too far. Three weeks had been long enough, you would take whatever few moments with him that you could get before he had to leave again. So you stayed by Seokmin’s side, your fingers interlocked with his. 
“Seokmin, this is Jun” 
“I was the one who gave him your address, how else do you think he would send you his journals?” 
Seokmin looked at you, with surprise in his face. He hadn’t expected you to tell someone about it, about his journals, or about anything at all. From the moment he saw you, and even from the journals you wrote, he knew that you were the kind of person who didn’t tell those around her much about her life so it was a surprise that you had talked about it with someone. 
“It’s good to see that things worked out for you,” Jun said, he looked at the watch on his wrist before looking back at you again “Go on, take the rest of the day off” 
You shook at head, pointing at the kids behind him - who were already making a fuss all over the place. 
“I still have a few more hours to go and you need help with the kids” 
Jun just rolled his eyes when he took a few steps closer to you and Seokmin, pretty much pushing out of the door. 
“I’ll let you know that there was a time when I managed this place just fine without you” 
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 For the rest of the day, you walked around town with Seokmin. He held your hand the entire time, letting it go just to put his arm around your shoulder, either way, he always had his hands on you. You didn’t mind it, in fact, you liked it a lot. The idea of always being close to him made your heart flutter in impossible ways, made you imagine what life would be like when you finally got to be with him for more than a few hours at a time, it made you wish for a future when you would be able to see him every day and talk to him and just be around him. 
“I’ve been thinking,” Seokmin said when you reached your neighborhood. 
“That could be dangerous” 
During the time you and Seokmin talked on the phone, he told a lot about his childhood and there was one thing that was clear to you: he was an unpredictable kid. His ideas were always crazy and so unnatural for a child. When you were in foster care you thought that the other kids were crazy, but they were just reckless, Seokmin was wild. 
“I should have never told you those stories,” he said with a sigh, a tiny smile on his face “I’ve got this job offer, here in the city. It’s not like what I do now but I think that it could be fun and I’ll try to make it work as much as possible. If I do take it, we’ll be closer to each other” 
You were shaking your head before he was done speaking. Seokmin changing jobs, and doing something else that was not what he wanted initially was a huge no. 
“You’re not moving here” 
He sighed again and took your hand in his. 
“I know you’re worried about my job, but I only started to do it because I thought that it was the easiest way to find you. I can do something else, anything else, if it means that I can have you” 
You turned to look at him, your hand squeezing his. His words assured you, more than anything in the world. Hearing those words was the only thing you needed. 
“Remember how I told you that Jun’s soulmate mom is a social worker? She told me that there is this University, not the most prestigious one but a university nonetheless, that is more likely to give out scholarships. A couple of months ago I took the test to get in and I got the results a week ago” 
Seokmin nodded at you, not really understanding what you meant. Truth be told, he was a little hurt. The second he mentioned it you were already denying it, like the mere idea of having him close to was repulsive. He knew that couldn’t be the case, knew that those things never reached your heart but even so, the feeling of getting rejected was there. 
“I got in. I have to move there in the next few weeks or so, to settle in and find my way around town” 
“Where… where is that?” 
You laughed and kissed him quickly. He looked way too cute with the confused look on his face. 
“I didn’t ask for your address just to have it, Seokmin. I want to be close to you so I was looking for a place near yours but also close enough to the university” 
Before you even done speaking Seokmin already had his arms around while he placed quick kisses all over your face, making you laugh. 
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Moving away was harder than expected. There weren’t many things that tied you to that place, but the few things that did make it heartbreaking. 
Just as you predicted, telling Jun was easy. Your friend, like always, had been supportive saying that he had your back in all the choices you’ve made and the choices that you would come to make. 
His kids were a completely different story. When you told Hana about it, she started to cry, tears running down her little face and sobs escaping her lips. You knew that it was going to be hard to talk to her, but you didn’t think that it was going to be like that. Hanbin was easier but you knew that he was also feeling it. 
“Will you call us every day?” 
“I’ll call you every Sunday morning,” you said pinching her cheeks “We all know how much your dad loves Sunday mornings” 
Jun groaned but he still had a smile on his face. 
“Why do you hate me?” 
It broke your heart to leave all three of them, but it was something that you had to do, not only because you wanted to be close to Seokmin but because of yourself. The change was something that you needed to do in order to move your life forward. 
Moving day wasn’t as terrible as you expected. Seokmin had helped you move all your stuff, boxing everything to perfection. You didn’t have much you wanted to take with you but even so, everything you owned had been labeled and wrapped. 
Somehow Seokmin had managed to convince you to just move in with him. You tried to deny him at first. It didn’t make any sense; you had just started something with him and suddenly you were putting your toothbrushes together. That was way too fast. “We don’t know how much time we have together so why waste it by being apart?”  You tried reasoning with him “What if I can’t stand your habits and you hate mine?” To what he just said, “I’ll love all of your nasty habits and I’ll be the perfect prince, so you’ll have nothing to complain about”. 
It all ended with a heated make-out session on your couch. 
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Seokmin was feeling edgy. He was supposed to be home hours ago, he knew that you were worried but restraining yourself from calling him. He loved his job, he really did, and it was amazing that he got to keep it and be with you at the same time, but he hated days like those. He hated the late-night shootings when he had to be away - especially when he could feel how worried you were - and he didn’t even like to think about when he had to do something out of town. 
The drive back home felt endless. He broke God knows how many speed limits, and crossed a few red lights. He didn’t know why he was feeling like that, he knew that there wasn’t anything wrong going on at home. You would have called him in case something happened, he would have felt something change. 
But at times he couldn’t help but feel anxious. 
It had been four years. Four years since you found each other, since you started your life together, probably the four happiest years of his. But whenever he wasn’t expecting it, whenever Seokmin started to feel comfortable again with his life and you around him, his dreams would come back to haunt him. Instead of seeing you, in the past, he saw you as you were in this life. He saw the woman he loved, more than any of his dreams could have let him know, die in front of him, in his arms. It was always like that, you had a smile on your face, a tear ran down your cheek and you said that loved him. 
On nights like that, he would search for you. His arms moved directly to you and pulled you to him as quiet sobs escaped his lips. You always cried with him on nights like that. You didn’t have those sorts of dreams, but his despair and fear ran through your body as if they were your own. 
That night was just like that. The whole day he had a sickening feeling in his stomach. Like the world was telling him that something was bound to happen. The one thing that had somehow calmed him was how at ease you were during most of the way. 
Seokmin walked inside a house in darkness, the light in the hallway the only thing that could possibly tell him that there was someone home. You always did that for him when he had one of his late nights. 
You were sleeping in the bedroom, so Seokmin tried his best not to make a sound. But he knew that all his efforts were useless when he walked out of the bathroom to find the bedside lamp on and you looking at him. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you” 
You sat up and smiled at him, shaking your head. It was a good thing that he had woken you up. Your sleep wasn’t peaceful, no nightmares or dreams but although you were asleep you still had that weird feeling of being awake while sleeping. 
“It’s fine, I actually have to talk to you about something” 
Seokmin wouldn’t like what you had to say to him, in fact, you were pretty sure that he would probably hate it. 
“I talked to your sister today” the words left your lips in a quiet whisper. 
Seokmin stood still, his eyes focused on you, but his mind was somewhere entirely. He finally understood why you had felt so anxious and nervous during lunchtime and why he was feeling on edge the entire day. 
“We’re not doing this” he shook his head. 
“Seokmin it’s been 12 years, you’re going to have to talk to them at some point” 
You reached for his hand at the same that Seokmin scoffed at you. 
“You haven’t talked to your parents in 22 years and I don’t push toward them” 
Seokmin regretted his words the second he said them. He watched as you tried your best to control your emotions and not let him feel just how hurt you truly felt about his words. You pulled back the hand you reached to Seokmin and tucked it under the blankets. 
“I did try to look for them, Seokmin. I found them. It went the same way as it did when I was eight years old. They didn’t want me” 
You never told anyone about that, it wasn’t the kind of thing that you liked to talk about. To be honest you didn’t even like to think about it. 
A week before you moved in with Seokmin you searched for your parents. With Jun’s help, you managed to find them, quite easily. They still lived in the city, in the same house you lived in for the first eight years of your life. All it really took to get a hold of them was to find the documents they filled when they left you in the foster house. Your meeting with them didn’t last long, less than five minutes and they didn’t even invite you in. All the conversation was done at their doorstep. “We can’t do anything for you, we’re not parent material,” they said to which you answered, “I’m no longer a kid who needs care and protection”. 
For them to suddenly find their inner parent wasn’t something that you wanted or expected but you thought that they could, at least, be part of your life but even that they refused. They only showed some kind of interest when you mentioned Seokmin and just by looking at them, you could tell that their interest was more on what Seokmin brought with him than for you. 
After that you never mentioned them again, never allowed Jun to talk about it again, not even thinking about them was allowed. 
“Just because people bond doesn’t mean they become good people, Seokmin. It just means that there’s someone out there who won’t judge your choices” 
Seokmin crawled on the bed towards you, his arms going around you and tangled his legs with yours. 
You stayed quiet for a while, unmoving. That was your favorite place in the world, his arms. Even if you had just some kind of argument with him, even if you were hurt by what the other person said, you never turned your back on each other. 
“I’m afraid if I let them in again the same thing will happen. I can’t go through that again” 
You turned in his arms, facing him. 
“They were probably just afraid Seokmin, the things people say about Memorous aren’t nice. Maybe they were just afraid to lose their son. Your sister did sound really sorry on the phone” you ran your hand on his cheek “You’re thirty years old, the feelings you had at eighteen are not the same and you certainly are not the same person. Maybe we could try talking to them, and if it doesn't work, it doesn’t” 
“Thank you for reminding me that I’m old” 
You giggled against his chest, which made Seokmin kiss the top of your head. 
“You’ll only be old when our kids kids go to college” 
Something in Seokmin’s eyes changed, all the anger and laughter from just a second before suddenly disappeared. He rolled on the bed, so he was on top of you. 
“Are we talking babies now?” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed your way up from his collarbone to his lips. 
“You’ve been lacking in that department lately, husband” 
He pulled your hands away from his neck and presses it against the mattress. 
“I’ll be sure to make it up to you, wife” 
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @belladaises, @mhlsymlysn, @immabecreepin, @uniq-tastic, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @roguesthetic, @sofix-hc7, @@scarlet789, @moonlightgrleric, @r6njunlv, @mixling-blog, @cinnamongirl127, @haowonbins, @valgracia, @shuabby, @slut4donghyuck, @manutuankim
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riacte · 4 months
Yeah yeah TNT trap but one bit of the stream that absolutely fascinated me was the neighbours solidarity between Ren Iskall and Beef. Ren and Beef freaking out over Iskall running back and targeting False if they ever let sight of him. Ren's brain having dived into a "it's us against them" mentality and being anxious around the mountain people because of course he does that, it’s his favourite hermit’s life on the line. Of course he would see as some sort of war even though nothing happened. Ren naming their voice chat group something boring and nondescript like “neighbourhood planning” so no one would join. He’s both still Ministering and keeping up with the theatrics by pretending to be in a so painfully boring meeting. Neighbourhood mafia boys trying to kill Bdubs (for False). Iskall being like lmao you guys are stupid. Lol. Anyways.
And it was so funny how when the trap was done, they were like ahhaha lol see you guys later. Or never. We never knew each other.
Which naturally freaked everyone out. And what was fucking funny is that other people like Grian, Joe, and Hypno were online and aware of the scheme. They even made references to it in chat. Grian and Joe at least were watching Ren’s stream, because of course he was streaming a top secret operation (and Beef later was like WHY ARE YOU EVEN STREAMING and Ren was like 🥺 this is why I’m a bad reaper). But I don’t think anyone snitched. Everyone acted normal, if not nosy.
The part of the stream that charmed me and gave everyone the impression of “oh, we’re REALLY in it now” was when Ren was alone in his Gigahut and someone whispered to him about Bdubs being on. And those three neighbourhood members met up in Ren’s hut and just sat there panicking and talking about Bdubs. It was so tense. They were the image of three scared whimpering people huddled together on a sofa in the relative safety of their neighbourhood (far away from Bdubs’ trap). (On a side note, I’m always glad when builds are somehow the backdrop for dramatic and tense moments because the build instantly feels lived in and the space feels used. Like there’s a core memory attached to the build now.)
And in the end, they decided to venture out to spy on Bdubs. Which they did for an hour. With spyglasses and crouching. And Ren, good old Ren, was pushed centerstage because he was the second reaper to ever exist and still hadn’t gotten a kill AND he was dead set on supporting his False, and since it was the final two, Bdubs has to go.
Watching the hermitchat go by while those three were intensely studying Bdubs like a nature documentary was hilarious. Seemingly nondescript discussions. The trio panicking and then Grian sent out “have faith”, which might be in reference to G’s own fishing thing but the trio took it as a double message for their own plan (since G was watching the stream). All the whispering. It’s killing me. And False logging on, mostly unprotected (because they were all away!!) and Cleo being like yayy I have no allegiance to False I’ll blow up whatever <3 And False saying she needed a miracle and those three were like WE ARE TRYINGGG (False was aware the three were trapping). Ren’s refusal to say something in chat because he’s a red name and he’s tense.
Ren had to be the one to activate the trap (even though Beef was the one who suggested it and Iskall laid out the redstone). SO the other two had to leave him alone while they engaged Bdubs in discussion so Ren could sneak in and blow them up. Our poor reaper had to fly solo with 2.9k people on his stream. “It’s just you and me, chat”. He’s sat there for three hours. He’s missing dinner.
AND BEEF YELLING AT REN TO ACTIVATE THE TRAP WAS SO STRESSFUL. Even when the ruse was up, and even when Beef and Iskall were like hahaha Ren you SUCK so bad, Ren continued with his last shred of hope and absolute last shred of dignity. He lied. And Beef was probably like 👀 Ren hasn’t given up yet! Gotta distract Bdubs more!
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I haven’t watched much Beef before this but now I’m quite charmed with him. He’s great with improv, fucking hilarious to bounce off with, and kept calm and steady throughout the operation. I love how him and Iskall had to hold Ren back from charging in like a madman and blowing himself up because doggy self sacrificial tendencies. Beef was the brains and common sense. And I love how supportive he was of Ren the entire time.
🥺 Beefrenskall. The trappers. The neighbours. Flying high their banner for False. Wanting to be a miracle for her. 🥺🥺🥺
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oneatlatime · 4 months
The Headband
I don't care how dormant a volcano supposedly is. Living in the maw of one would absolutely freak me out.
Zuko out for his nightly constitutional lurking practice.
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I want this snuggy cape.
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No better disguise than a cloud 1.2 metres from the ground. That's where all clouds hand out. Cool puffins though.
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Enemy puffins approve of new fluffy Sokka.
Did Sokka just dive headfirst into rock?
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I do not like this angle. Looks like his head's on backwards.
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This episode is three minutes in and already I'm loving the comic tone.
Wow Katara, with the enthusiasm you're showing for stealing those clothes, they must belong to pirates.
These are some top tier nonsense sound effects. Far too few of those in recent episodes.
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Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled!
Toph has by far the best outfit. Love the gold accents.
We've had two seasons of blatantly blue Katara not being identified by the Fire Nation as a Water Tribe person. I think the necklace can stay.
His headband is an airbender arrow. So much for disguising himself.
I would love it if linguistic drift meant that Aang was going around tossing out slurs completely unaware.
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WHAT is this face
"Just slob is fine." I ADORE characters that are so secure in themselves and in their belief in the decency of others that all attempts at ridicule slide off like water off a duck's back.
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He does it again! "Wow. Are you a bully? This is so exciting! I've always wanted to meet a bully!"
Onji - get better taste in men. Why are you even dating this prick? Did you have any say in becoming his girlfriend? Blink twice if you need help.
These Fire Nation kids are all so mild. Contrast them with Zuko and they might as well be a different species.
What is Hide and Explode?
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Sokka is showing a mastery of slapstick that I haven't seen since The Fortune Teller. Glad to have it back.
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Is this the first time someone has recognised Zuko by his scar? About time.
Was it really necessary to beat up the guard? Seems a bit much. Zuko could have just asked nicely. That usually works for Iroh.
Speaking of: Iroh! Hi Iroh! Didn't think you'd still be alive.
Noodle Ozai. Did Aang get put in preschool by accident?
Those hippies should do a song about Secret Rivers.
Tired of spending three years talking to Zuko without making any progress, Iroh decides to attempt a new technique and deploys the silent treatment. It works just as well as three years of talking.
Colour me completely unsurprised that the Fire Nation has a pledge of Allegiance.
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This school must have some gnarly punishments if questioning the teacher garners this reaction.
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This man's head is alarming.
This man is also surprisingly nice for a fascist agent of the state bent on suppressing personal expression.
Movements? Aang you were showing her MOVEMENTS! GASP! FILTHY!
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I love this fight. It's been a while (maybe back to season 1) since Aang's preferred fighting style was 'Nope'.
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They haven't committed to the bit this hard since Bonzu Pippinpadalopsicopoulous, the Third!
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It's funny how we spent two whole seasons haunted by nothing but threatening shadows of the Fire Lord, and then an episode after his face is finally revealed they turn him into part of the decor. He even gets a noodle version.
Play Spot the Firelord with this episode. I count four.
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Sokka is having way too much fun with this.
Just going to sneak a reference to child labour in there. Gnarly punishments indeed.
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Local Emos Experience Happiness for the First Time; Immediately Implode.
I'm sorry but Mai's cloak has such Santa vibes.
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That is some serious side eye.
"You get to be normal all the time." Aang is pulling no punches today.
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Where did they get this many candles? Actually, where did they get that many matches? They don't even have a Firebender on staff.
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Poor kid is objectively correct. I guarantee your parents don't want you dancing in a cave. It will be good for you though! just don't lick the walls.
No wonder the Fire Nation got rid of dancing. Those moves are awful.
Zuko! "I brought you this food that I know you don't like because I need your help." Buddy. Why.
I could do without the heavy-handed Katara and Aang romance. Also, when exactly did Katara learn advanced gymnastics and choreograph a whole routine with Aang?
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I hate this twerp so much!
That song the band is playing right as the adults bust in is better than the songs featured earlier in the dance montage.
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I love this guy.
i know that the soundtrack probably went from diegetic to non-diegetic as soon as the chase started, but I love the idea that the school band provided theme music for searching for Aang.
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Delightfully eerie. and also very Spartacus.
Actually with the guards starting to dance, it WAS the school band providing a soundtrack for the Aang hunt.
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Is Momo at the reins?
How is this assassin good at keeping secrets and not being followed? He creaks and clanks.
Final Thoughts
I loved this. This type of episode is when Avatar is at its best: heaps of goof, a side helping of heart, subtle and not-so-subtle critiques organically incorporated, tonally contrasting storylines that combine to form a whole greater than its parts, and even one-note characters who are given depth.
Aang was in his element as a normal kid; Sokka was having a great time being super agent / team dad; poor Katara and Toph got like two lines each but still had fun with what they did get. Even Momo got some sight gags.
Aang is so personable. I think it's the combination of great social skills from a good peripatetic upbringing and being a peacetime child.
I think Zuko experienced every possible human emotion this episode. I loved seeing him snark with Mai (those two are way too good together), but his scenes with/revolving around Iroh were confusing and intense. Which is probably how Zuko would describe them too. Seems he's speedrunning his season 1 bad decisions arc.
I'm not fond of this new silent treatment approach from Iroh, but I have to admit that talking to Zuko didn't work for years, so what else is there to try?
I wasn't expecting a Footloose homage and a Spartacus reference in Avatar of all places. But it works. And it works if you don't catch the references too.
I am severely disappointed in Fire Nation fashion. I was expecting gloriously eye-searing red/gold/yellow outfits. I got black/tan/brown with dull red edging. It's probably a visual commentary on what imperialism does to its own people. And the price of dyes. But I was really looking forward to reds and golds! At least I have Toph's outfit.
I loved the liberal use of sound effects in the Gaang's plot. I love comic sound effects on their own, but they really enhanced the contast between Zuko and the Gaang's plots.
There was lots of heavy stuff under the surface this episode, what with the squashing of the self and the discrimination against colonials and the propaganda and the revisionist history and the assassin. But I feel like being silly today, so I'm not going to dig into it. That's one of the great things about this show. Not all, but many episodes are structured so that you can choose your level of engagement and consequent angst.
This episode was funny, and fun. A much-needed palette cleanser after the drudge of the season opener. The last time there was an episode this unapologetically silly was probably Avatar Day. In other words, it's been far too long. Definitely going on my rewatch list.
I really want Zuko's snuggy cape.
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rogueddie · 1 year
Canon Divergence Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🧭
save it for a rainy day
In which Steve Harrington has to walk home in a torrential downpour, and happens to find Eddie Munson without an umbrella.
Words : 5,166 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
Steve gets dragged to a haunted house… little does he know he's about to be a whole other kind of haunted.
Words : 8,890 Chapters : 3/3 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
I think I like them too
Eddie was expecting to feel the sharp knuckles of a hand colliding with his jaw any second but the only thing colliding was a pair of soft lips … with his own.
Words : 2,035 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
off the beaten path
Post season 3, Steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to Robin and Jonathan Byers of all people, and figures himself out. Also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. And his bandana.
Too bad Eddie Munson hasn't had a similar revelation. He's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over Steve Harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons.
Words : 34,208 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
you make it feel like christmas
Steve somehow ends up celebrating the Christmas of 1985 with Max and Eddie 'the Freak' Munson and it just might be his favorite Christmas yet.
Words : 9,122 Chapters : 3/3 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning
Steve and Eddie properly meet for the first time in the middle of Family Video, somewhere during the summer of '85.
It's the start of a friendship, maybe even the start of something more.
Words : 19,814 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
kickstart my heart
Eddie sighs and leans back in his chair. The plastic groans in protest under the weight of him. “You know, what sucks about all of this is that now I have to re-examine my biases. If Steve Harrington is actually, deep down, a decent guy, that means any of those asshole preps might be hiding a secret heart of gold. I mean, who’s next, Jason Carver?”
This makes Ant laugh rather hysterically. Eddie can’t tell if he’s doing it for dramatic effect or if he really thinks Eddie is that funny. “Okay, maybe not,” he concedes. “But you get my point.”
Words : 14,236 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
it's his party (and i'll fall if i want to)
"Steve?" She nods, but even death couldn't stop him now,
"Harrington? Steve Harrington? King Steve? Steve "the Hair" Harrington? Steve "Big House, No Parents" Harrington? Steve "Sex God" Harrington?"
"I am certain you made at least those last two up. Yes, Steve "Lady Killer" Harrington invited me to his party."
"Are we about to be Carrie'd?"
Words : 25,411 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
I'm Beginning to Understand, There's No Mystery to This Man
Four times Eddie thinks Steve Harrington’s fucking with him, plus one time he accepts the compliment. Alternatively, the one where Steve’s been blatant since freshman year and Eddie’s really thick.
Words : 5,428 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
don't you know you might find a better place to stay
Eddie works the night shift at Hawkin's local grocery store. Somehow, Steve can't stop coming.
Words : 6,780 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
King Steve Buys Weed
When Steve promises to get Robin high over the weekend, and his usual weed guy goes out of town, he needs to find a replacement. Eddie's grungy, and nerdy, and weird, but he'll have to do.
Words : 4,488 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Steve and Eddie knew each long before Vecna, before Hellfire, before the Upside Down.
Words : 6,301 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
The Enormous Upside to Losing Everything
Steve gets his heart broken in two and promptly trips over Eddie Munson. Then that school freak Steve usually wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole offers him weed to forget his troubles.
Words : 35,886 Chapters : 5/5 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Dearest could you spare me a drop of some nsfw headcannons for amyas??? I've been scrolling through his tag and I agree with anon with the small pathetic ones being the doms while we peg the strong confident ones supremacy 😞✊.. Ofc you can write him however you want though, it's so funny how I'd drop him in a dark room full of spiders to ROT but be attracted to him at the same time LMAOOO anyway would love the face reveal king 👑
(Been a hot minute since we've summon the pathetic cupid to the table so I will grace you with his presence.) [Mentions of knife play (if you squint and somo)
Amyas can be your angel....or your twisted, perverted mess of an angel. It's all about where you set the grounds in your relationship. Given an inch, he will take a mile. Put him in his place, and he's your toy to command and break as you please.
Amyas lives by his personal moto of "weakness is power". He feels the cuter and more submissive he is, the more you'll love him - and see he's too helpless and weak to ever leave alone. He's watched you shower before and watched porn where he imagined you two as the actors - but pretends like he's never seen a human body before. To be fair, it's nothing like actually touch you so his shyness isn't a total act. He blushes and stammers as he asks you to take off his cardigan because he's too nervous getting undressed in front of someone so beautiful - but really he just wants you to touch him more...and you're pretty as hell.
That moto works just the same if you let him dom. He's so sweet and shy - you never would have guessed him to be the same freak that shoves his tongue down your windpipe until you nearly faint and grip your hips so forcefully they bruise with his finger marks. His praise comes off as thinly veiled degradation for you letting this worthless mess of a cupid do as he pleases with you - and how eternally grateful that worthless mess is. Want him to choke you he will make you see stars. If it's jealousy/angry sex, he will engrave his name into your collar with one of his arrows so everyone knows you belong to him and once he cools down he let's you mark him so people know he's yours too.
Speaking of his arrows, there are different types that cupids can possess. Amyas in charge of both "true love" and "heat of the moment" arrows. The first is - as the name implies, but the second is a little different. That burst of undeniable passion when two people who absolutely hate each other fuck, or when eyes meet across the bar for a one night stand the parties in question will never forget for the rest of their days. Amyas would never used his arrows on you.... unless he had to, but he would graze your skin with one of the latter. With just a small nick, the effects are temporary. He'll cut you again and again if he grows addicted to the faces and sounds you make. It's pretty much knife play with an aphrodisiac filled blade.
Whether you're breaking his back or he's breaking yours, Amyas likes a little bit of romantics thrown into the mix. You'll know the evenings plans with he's cooked you a full course meal and wears nothing but the apron he slaved away in. Maybe you want to eat dessert off his chest. He has the sensitive nipples to make it extra sweet with those sounds he makes. Candle lit bedroom, a playlist of all the songs that remind him of you, a nice bubble bath afterwards. Bird brain's got you covered.
Another sensitive point is his wings. You can pull him from his dominance streak with a sharp tug on his feathers, or stroking their base gently. Run your fingers down his spine where they meet and he will be putty in your lap.
Amyas finds your sleeping face to be extremely beautiful. I mean - you always are to him, but while you're asleep you're more angelic than him. If you don't know about his other side he will take this advantage to whisper every little dirty secret he has as he jerks off near you. He'd temp teasing those pretty lips with his cock, but he knows he's not worthy of such an honor and he'd probably end up just shoving it down your throat or cumming on the spot.
Cupid boy can really sing. Straight pipes on this one. It's best to make sure all windows are closed and maybe even soundproof your room with how loud he gets. He's a lot quieter if he's top, but that doesn't mean he shuts his mouth
As a final note, Amyas wears panties with bows on them. He's not a huge fan of boxers or other cuts of underwear - also they're just really cute and he likes putting on cute things for you.
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naussensei · 2 months
“Sensei…” Said Gojo all of a sudden.
“Hm?” Yaga did not look away from his report, but from the corner of his eye he could see him drawing circles with his fingers on the table.
“Why did you bring that normie here?”
It took Yaga a moment to realize who he was talking about.
“Oh, you mean Geto?” Yaga’s hand stopped scribbling to put the pen down and look at him. “He’s not a ‘normie’, he’s a sorcerer, just like you and Shoko.”
“He’s nothing like us!” 
“What about him?” Yaga raised an eyebrow in intrigue seeing Satoru so worked up. He’d been waiting to see how the two would get along, confident they’d be a great match. But perhaps he had been wrong. “Do you not like Geto?”
Satoru’s forehead banged softly on the table, pulling his own hair with a muffled, “I don’t know,” in agony.
It was the first time he’d seen him so troubled. Yaga couldn’t help a chuckle. 
“He’s good at basketball, though, I saw you two playing the other day.” Yaga lowered his head to meet the boy’s eyes. “And I heard from Kusakabe that his martial arts are superior. Have you not been wishing for a proper sparring partner?”
“Yeah,” he whined, covering his face with his hands. “Yeah, he really is that good…”
Yaga sat back up, arms folded. “Then what is the problem?”
“I don’t know!” Satoru’s fists banged on the table as he rose on his feet. “He gets on my nerves. He’s always doing everything right. You never yell at him like you yell at me, and Shoko is always glued to him now like they’re freaking twins. Utahime and MeiMei act like dogs in heat around him. And he’s always acting nice to me, like, ‘Satoru’ this, ‘Satoru’ that, acting like he knows me, and he’s always, always following me around everywhere!” 
His nose seemed like it would fume. He brought a hand in front of his face and closed it into a fist. “And he always has that— that smile. And those… eyes. And that face. His face is so… so— ugh! It makes me want to—!”
Yaga let out a thunderous laugh, he had to hold his stomach with his hands to keep from falling forward. 
“Why are you laughing!? It’s not funny! Can’t you see I'm miserable here? Sensei, you’re absolutely evil!”
“Sorry, Ok,” he wiped the tears of joy off his eyes. “I see what’s going on here.” 
It was really no wonder Satoru’s behavior had worsened since Geto’s arrival. 
Gojo Satoru, the golden child of one of the most powerful clans, nurtured with praise and showered with undivided attention. Of course he would not know how to handle sharing said attention. Even more so when Geto, who was unfamiliar with the sorcery world’s rules and history, seemed so unbothered by Gojo’s name.
“Satoru,” Yaga spoke in the most gentle voice he could find within himself without laughing. “You need to learn to share the spotlight. You have some good qualities, and Geto has others, you just need to find a way to compliment each other.”
“Good qualities?! What’s so good about him?” He said, only half-heartedly. “...other than his hair… maybe.”
Yaga shook his head. “Just so you know, Geto probably acts the way he does because he just wants to be your friend. He wants to stand out because he wants your attention.”
He squinted at him, reluctant. “ My attention?”
“You think he’s up against you and wants to steal the attention from you, but really all he wants is to be your friend. So why don’t you give him a chance? Try to get to know him?”
One eyebrow raised at him with skepticism, but then lowered again as he considered. “I don’t know. You think too highly of him. He’s an asshole.”
“If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell Geto I told you?”
“What? That I’m your favourite student?” He elbowed him with a suggestive smile and winked at him. “Don’t worry your secret's safe with me.”
“Not in a million years.” Yaga's iron grip latched onto his arm, and twisted it softly until Satoru let out a moan in pain to yield. “You’re so full of yourself,” he scoffed, yet laughed to himself nonetheless, because as much as he tried to hide it, and as much as he hated to admit, Satoru was right, and they both knew it. But Yaga would rather die than tell that to the little prick. 
“Anyway, listen. Geto grew up in a place where no other sorcerers were around, with no one to guide him. He was always beaten and punished for things he didn’t do, all because he was different. And all his parents did was to move from school to school and house to house to avoid the problem, because they refused to accept it. I was the first sorcerer he ever talked to, and you and Shoko are the first sorcerers his age he’s ever met. Of course he wants to be your friend, because for the first time, he feels there are other people like him, that he’s not alone.”
The words must have resonated with him, because Satoru had now gone quiet again. He could see the shock slowly morphing on his face, eyes widening and a frown forming in his forehead, confusion written all over him. 
“Wait, they beat him just because he’s a sorcerer? But that— that doesn’t make any sense. Sorcerers are there to protect non-sorcerers.”
Yaga shook his head with regret. “When I found him, he was all beaten up on the street, and had been arrested, just because he was trying to exorcise a curse that was killing people. He was blamed for it.”
“But… why?” The boy shook his head eagerly in utter confusion, his breath quickening. He huffed a laugh in disbelief. “That— that doesn’t make any sense. He was trying to help. I don’t understand.”
“Satoru, you’ve lived among sorcerers all your life, praised for being a sorcerer. Out there, being a sorcerer is frowned upon. There is a reason we go out of our way to keep the sorcery world hidden, it’s complicated. And that is why I insist you need to learn how to conjure a veil.” The boy crumpled in his seat at this, and Masamichi knew exactly why. But he wouldn’t touch on that subject now and lose his train of thought, so he continued his speech instead. “Look, I don’t expect you to understand, but I do want you to know… this is the kind of person that Geto is. He could’ve killed that policeman, but he didn’t. And he saved many villagers, even when he was punished and bullied for it. So next time you think that he’s being fake just because he’s being nice to you, maybe think again.”
“I—” Gojo’s gaze remained low, thoughtful. “I didn’t know…”
“And you couldn’t have. Actually, you’re not supposed to.” Yaga brought a hand to his face and sighed into it. “He asked me not to tell anyone about his life before coming here, because he wanted to start from zero. His parents disowned him and cut all ties with him when I told them he was a sorcerer.”
Gojo dropped on his chair again, running a hand through his troubled face. “Oh, shit…”
“Satoru, language.”
“I’m sorry, I just— I feel stupid. I said something awful,” he brought both palms over his eyes now in shame. “Oh, god, I told him to ‘go home to his mommy’... and so many nasty things like that…” he looked up at him, eyes glazed with guilt, his eyebrows furrowed. “ Sensei , I really didn’t know…”
“Promise me you won’t say anything.”
“But I want to say sorry—”
“Promise me, Satoru.”
“Ugh. Fine.” He lowered his hands and breathed deeply. “I promise.”
“Alright.” Yaga said, grabbing his pen again. “You may go now.”
“What, now? What about detention?”
Yaga relaxed back into his chair with an audible sigh. “I think you already learned your lesson today.”
The boy’s gaze remained low. He sat there in silence for another moment before he moved to the door, and just as silently he took his leave.
“Satoru,” Yaga called just as he exited the office, the boy stopped, but he did not turn. “We all make mistakes. Don’t overthink it.”
From: Our Last Summer by Naus on A03
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smolkiwi98 · 1 year
Hi! If it's okay, i have a request. Reader's good friends with steve and eddie (maybe childhood friends with one and they all got close later on) and now she's dating billy but they've been hiding it and not sure how they'd react giving their history with him. Anyway, she's been neglecting herself lately, not sleeping or eating well and she won't listen to them, but they're shocked to find her with billy and he's being all loving and soft and even kinda strict in order to take care of her
Okay! I'm sorry this took so long, but here ya go! I'm sorry if it seems rushed.
WARNING! mention of depression, anxiety, insomnia, getting bullied (just quickly mentioned), mother not really liking kid (not detailed...just quickly mentioned), fluff, angst(?), not eating, not sleeping, and I think that's it. Oh! not proofread!
requests open > here
Secret Love
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“Why would you sell to him!? He’s an asshole!” Steve exclaimed “Steve, it’s not that big of a deal. I needed some money and he wanted to come back and buy some stuff.” Eddie said casually. You sighed and sat there quietly on the couch as you watched the two, “Eds…you know what he was like in high school. Why would you want to continue to sell to him?” Eddie just rolled his eyes at Steve “Maybe because it’s my job?” He said like it was obvious…which it kinda was. “Billy needs to just find someone else. He was an ass to me and you.” Steve said, sitting down next to you. You hated when these two would bicker. Sometimes it was funny, but when it was over something like this it was annoying. Eddies a dealer…he’s going to encounter people we don’t really like, but Billy is different. Steve and Eddie had their reasons for hating Billy but you had nothing but love for him! 
You and Billy had met in high school. Junior year and you immediately turned into the other girls and drooled over him. His blue eyes, thick eyelashes, the way his jeans fit him…he had a chokehold on you and the other girls in the school. But unfortunately your two friends had beef with the guy. You’ve known Eddie since you were about 9 when you moved into the trailer park with your mom. The two of you became best friends almost immediately. Then 8th grade hit where the two of you met Steve. Eddie was a little jealous of Steve at first because he felt like he was losing his best friend which wasn’t the case at all. After a month or two Steve and Eddie were bonding over…well everything that 8th grade boys like. Except for the music and movie taste. They were still complete opposites when it came to those subjects. And then high school happened…and then Billy happened. In the beginning Billy had no idea Steve and Eddie were your best friends…brothers really. All Billy thought was some jock was going to get in the way and some freak dealer. Eddie hated meeting with him, but he paid well. The only thing they found they had in common was their love for Metallica. Steve and Billy? There was nothing there. Seemed like nothing but hate was there for those two…which meant Eddie had an issue with Billy. Steve and Eddie knew you had a little crush on him and they picked on you all the time about it, but at the same time wished you wouldn’t have a crush on him. Which is why they can never find out the two of you were dating. It’s been two years in your relationship and you were happiest you’ve ever been! Keeping it a secret was annoying, but Billy was the one who suggested it back in senior year. With your friends and his father, it was just best to keep it on the down low. 
You were zoning out completely now while Steve and Eddie continued on going back and forth about the meeting with Billy. Recently you’ve been feeling very overwhelmed. Work was getting to you and living with your mother as an adult isn’t the best thing right now. When you were younger you had a good relationship with your mom, but when 17 hit all of sudden you were her enemy. You got anxiety, depression, and even insomnia from it. And things at school were never too great, you dealt with your fair share of bullies. You thought once you graduated everything would stop, but boy were you wrong. You haven’t been sleeping or eating properly. Going to bed at 5:30 in the morning just to wake up at 7:00 wasn’t good and skipping breakfast wasn’t helpful either. You knew this, but with everything going on…you just didn’t care. Right now peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are your go to meal. “Sweetheart!” Eddie said, snapping you out of your trance “Hm? What?” You asked, looking at him. Eddie was kneeling on the floor in front of where you sat on the couch, “Steve asked if you were okay.” He said looking at you concerned. You blinked a few times and looked at him and then Steve “Yeah I’m fine. I’m sorry.” You said and then let out a small sigh. Eddie squinted his eyes examining you “Are you sleeping?” He asked, “Of course I am, Eds.” You lied “What about eating?” Steve asked you “Yes I’m eating.” You lied again. You didn’t want to lie to them, but you didn’t feel like getting lectured either. Steve and Eddie looked at each other, but decided to shrug it off “Well…are you going to stay for the movie?” Steve asked. You shrugged “I don’t know. I gotta clean up around the house before the mother gets home.” You said while standing up, “But we can have a movie night at my place Saturday.” You said with a small smile. “We’ll be there.” Eddie said, smiling wide and pulling you into a hug, “Go clean!” He said jokingly as you walked out his trailer. One good thing about the trailer park…you lived right next door. The only flaw…sneaking Billy inside.
“Billy, they’re going to be here soon. Please just drop it.” You groaned. Billy did nothing but roll his eyes “No, Y/N.” He said, crossing his arms, “You’re lying to me.” He added. You looked at him confused “About what?” Now it was his turn to let out a groan “Don’t act clueless. You’re not sleeping or eating.” “I am! I told you I am. I’m perfectly fine.” You argued. Billy just nodded his head “Okay…then why do you bag under your eyes? They’re darker than before which means you’re not sleeping. You’re also a lot more shaky which means you’re not eating properly either.” Billy was a good observer, this was obvious. Years of living with Max he could tell when something was up. You thought you could hide it from him like you do with Steve and Eddie, but for some reason Billy could see right through you. 
Billy stepped forward and gently grabbed your arms, which got your attention and looked directly at him “Are you eating?” You nodded your head “What have you been eating?” He wasn’t mad. Just worried and he wasn’t being rude, but he was being stern. “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” You mumbled. Billy then nodded, which was him giving you silent praise “And are you sleeping?” You looked at him and then down at your feet “Nu-uh. Look at me.” He said lifting your head up by your chin “I am…but I’m getting about an hour of sleep.” He sighed and leaned his forehead on yours “What have I told you when you start to feel like this?” He questioned you. You stayed silent. “Y/N.” He said in a quiet but stern voice “What did I tell you to do?” He tried again, “You told me to call you.” You said in a soft voice “And why didn’t you call me?” You sighed “I didn’t want to bother you.” You answered. Billy didn’t say anything, instead he just pulled you into a tight hug. His arm warped around your waist while his other hand on your head, “You’re never a bother. I want you to be okay.” He whispered. You closed your eyes and felt the tears swell up in your eyes “I’m sorry.” You said through a shaky voice. Billy shook his head and pulled away making you look at him again “You don’t have to say sorry. I just want you to tell me when you’re feeling this way. So I can help you. Be with you.” He explained while brushing some tears off your cheek with his thumb. 
“I don’t think he’s the asshole like we thought he was.” You heard a whisper, “Well to us he is.” You and Billy pulled apart and looked towards your bedroom door. Steve and Eddie were standing there with snacks, sodas, and movies. You nibbled on your bottom lip and sniffed while wiping your face, “How much did you hear…or see?” Billy asked them, “All of it.” Eddie answered with a smile. “How long have you two been seeing each other?” Steve asked looking at Billy and then you “Since senior year.” You said. The look on both their faces made you smile a little bit “You were dating this guy the whole time!?” Eddie said shocked “We thought you were just sharing some crazy fantasies!” Steve said right after. “Fantasies?” Billy said looking at you with a smirk, “I might have described our dates like they were daydreams.” You admitted shyly. 
After a long talk about the relationship you have with Billy and why you kept it a secret for so long, the three of them made up! You were happy to see your two best friends and your boyfriend to get along and finally become friends. What was even better was you watching them talk and get along…you didn’t even realize you were eating the snacks already. The boys didn’t point it out to you, they just let you continue snacking and watching them talk. Seeing you smile and finally eat multiple things was enough to make them happy. All that’s left is getting you to sleep…which shouldn’t be too hard since the three of them are staying the night to watch these movies with you.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
This is me, the Lamikkaku anon. You wanted to hear more so here it is:
Firstly, I wanted to talk about how Lami survived. Basically she ran from the hospidal looking for Law and was found by marines. Luckily Vice admiral Tsuru was there, and feeling compassion towards the girl she took her in and decided to help her. Thanks to Tsuru washing Lami with her devil fruit the white amber lead desease isn't deadly anymore but its still a persistent/chronic illness and Lami has to be washed very often. This is kept as a secret only she and Tsuru know.
So she grows up in the marines, she isn't too fond of them and dislikes the goverment for obvious reasons but she has no where else to go and reconises Tsuru as a good person. I think she knows who Corasan is. She never met him since he was already with Doflamingo by the time she was rescued, by Sengoku must have went on and on about his kid and how great he is. Until, you know, the deranged gay bird kills him.
When Lami is a older she hears about this piraye named Trafalgar Law and immediately reconises him. She can't say anything of course because he is a pirate and she is a marine, but it gives Lami some hope. Eventually she joins SWORD and decides that she will at least try to meet her brother. She appears on Dressrosa but since shit gets really bad she is too occupied to talk to Law, but she manages to listen to Law and Sengoku's conversation.
Eventually she decides to join XDrake as a spy in Kaidou's beast pirates because she heard about the ninja-pirate-mink-samurai alliance and once Law gets there they reunite. There is tears, catching up, and Law uses his powers to finally get rid of Lami's amber lead desease so she isn't 100% dipendednt from Tsuru's powers anymore.
She helps during the raid and really bonds with the Hearts: she thinks that Bepo is adorable, finds Pemguin and Shachi to be humorous but the one she likes the company the most if is Ikkaku. She leaves with them instead of going back to the marines after the raid.
But of course, Blackbeard has to be an asshole and now Law is separated from his sister again. HOWEVER all of the hearts survived (if this isn't canon I will explode) and they ended up is some uncharted island were they try their best to trive and build a raft or something. All of their equipment got destroyed.
Its around this time that Lami and Ikkaku grow very close, and eventually it just blossoms into a full on romance. The others are worried Law might freak out but Ikkaku reassures them that she is, in fact, the only person here worthy of dating the captain's sister.
Okay, first of all, I love your brain. I want to open your skull and idk, grab a straw and drink from it. This is altering my brain chemistry- Okay. AAAAAAAAAAAA. I have so many thoughts. (The first post about this if somebody is interested).
I absolutely love everything about this. It's such a good way to make Lami survive. She joins the Marines but she doesn't actually wanna be there, it's just her way of surviving. But still, she manages to be one of the good marines. In fact, joining SWORD also means she probably meets Koby/Hibari/Helmeppo and I can't stop thinking about them actually getting along pretty well? When she finds out Law is alive and she decides to go undercover too to see him, the only people who know about her true reasons are those three. I just find it cute. Luffy's biggest fan (Koby) and Law's biggest fan (Lami) being friends is something really funny to me.
When they see each other again in Wano, Law can't believe it. For a whole second, he actually believes he's getting tricked somehow. It has to be some devil fruit user or- Or maybe he's losing his mind. The heart pirates don't know what's going on, but Law stands there, astonished and static and about to cry. When he never, ever cries in front of anybody that isn't Bepo (or Shachi/Penguin/Ikkaku but that's if his mental state is on the verge of collapsing even more than usual). Long story short, there's no time to explain everything but Lami tells him the important things and decides she's going to stay with him. The girl doesn't even care about whether she's a marine or not, she just breaks the cover and goes "well, change of titles now. Brother, I am going with you" and tbh Law doesn't find it appropriate. He doesn't want his little sister to be a pirate. He wants her to have a normal life and live in peace the way she deserves. But she reminds him that she's (was) a marine. She's strong. She can fight and she will fight, whether he likes it or not. And look, she's always been cute and cheerful but now she's also stubborn, so he can't say no to her. Besides, having her in the crew also means having her close, so that's a win for him. It'll be easier to keep her safe like that (even if she can actually fight on her own).
And let me tell you. Her dynamic with the Heart Pirates is amazing.
Everybody loves her and they seriously question if she's truly Law's sister because she is... So different from him. She's sweet and fun and upbeat and everyone is side-eying Law like "Are you sure this girl isn't like... mistaking you for another person?" and Law is about to cut Shachi and Penguin in half if they don't shut up about that. She loves Bepo. She adores him. Bepo loves her back. She won't let go of him. They're best friends now and she considers him to be the most adorable thing on earth. Also, she trusts him with her life since he's Law's first mate and that means Law trusts him too. Law thinks he's going to have a heart attack because he doesn't know if he loves this situation (his favorite people together) or if he hates it (what if they like being together more??? Without him???? He's a bit jealous). Lami also loves Shachi and Penguin. They love her back. Law hates it because they're even more chaotic together and they won't stop being touchy with his sister (not in a weird way, they're just a very affectionate crew and Lami loves hugging them back). Lami indulges them and follows them in everything they do and Law is so, so tired. He keeps telling them to stop acting like that but Shachi and Penguin always say "But you never hug us back!!" / "Yeah, captain! She's sweeter and cuter and way nicer!" and Law is about to lose it. The only one that doesn't make Law furious is Ikkaku, surprisingly so. Ikkaku is just so nice and fun to be around that Lami loves her right away. She has never had actual friends outside the Marines and she's so excited to start this new life with them! Ikkaku shows her around the ship and explains every little thing to her, and Lami is so, so thrilled to finally be free of everything that was holding her back. The thing is-- Lami feels guilty for what happened because she thinks she could've saved Law somehow or- Or maybe met him earlier than this. She doesn't want to tell him because she knows it will only hurt him, so she opens up to Ikkaku instead, and she's the one to comfort her and understand her better. Lami also asks Ikkaku to tell her about Law and what kind of person he is now. What kind of adventures they've had. Ikkaku and Lami grow closer and closer and they're the girls™ of the crew. Also, Lami is a very lesbian disaster and Ikkaku is also a lesbian mess, so Ikkaku flirts with her shamelessly, and Lami blushes and giggles and kicks her feet. While Lami flirts with Ikkaku without even noticing, and Ikkaku faints every time. Shachi and Penguin have a bet going on about them.
Not to mention that everybody is weirded out by Law's behavior now. Now that Lami is back in his life, he looks... Happier? He smiles more. Like. Actual laughs and smiles. He's so sweet and protective when it comes to Lami it's just odd to see him like that. He kisses her forehead and hugs her and whenever she's playful and teases him, he actually laughs and has fun. Bepo is like "Oh, true, you haven't seen captain like this, right? Isn't he cute?" when the Strawhats see this, and they're all like "More than cute it's just... Unsettling". Honestly, the heart pirates couldn't be happier for their captain. Talking about the Strawhats: Since they're all in Wano and Lami is helping them out, she meets them there. And I think, since Lami and Koby are friends, that she would instantly love and admire Luffy. The whole crew would again be saying "Is this seriously your sister, Torao?" and she'd go "Torao?? They call you Torao??" / "No. They don't. Don't give her ideas-" / "It's okay, Torao-" / "Fuck". And now Law is having the worst time of his life because Luffy and Lami get along and he's starting to lose it. But, anyway, they're happy, so whatever. He's just glad she's alright.
And this has nothing to do with Lamikkaku but I think Lami is religious (I think it's pretty obvious, like, the religious background in Law's story). After everything fucked up that happened to them, Law stopped believing for obvious reasons. But Lami sometimes prays and talks about God and fate and Law is very against that because "If God exists, why would he let this happen to us? If somebody as powerful as that makes us go through this suffering, I don't think it deserves to be worshipped" and Lami just smiles softly and says: "I can see your view. But still, believing isn't accepting everything God does. I guess it's dumb, isn't it? But I like to think Mom and Dad are in a better place now. I like to think that you'll be in a better place if they take you away from me again" and Law can't fight against that. Then, Luffy Gear 5th happens and Law has a whole catholic crisis. But that's for another day. Make this Lawlu if you feel like it. The point is Nika my beloved-
Now, Lamikkaku moment:
They survive the fight against Blackbeard. All of them. Except for the Polar Tang (RIP, you were an amazing ship, darling). So they end up on a deserted island and... Things are bad. They're all devastated. The first thing Law does is look for Lami to check if she's alright. And she is, kind of. They're all glad they're fine, but they've lost their ship. Their equipment. Their food. And instead of resting and thinking about it, Law is already trying to plan something to escape from here, feeling responsible and guilty and-- Both Lami and Bepo are the most concerned, but they're all going through a rough time. While they get back on their feet, Ikkaku and Lami get even closer. Lami is close to Law constantly because she's pretty much the only person that he can open up to and rest with whenever he's overworking himself. He only sleeps when she's around. Etc etc. But Lami can't deal with all of that on her own and it's obvious, so it's Ikkaku the one looking after her. Lami won't lose faith in God for this, but she's still pretty frustrated that something like this has happened to them again. Ikkaku tells her that sometimes is the people around you you have to rely on and not just God, even if it does help most of the time to believe in something like that. They spend most of their time together. Sleep together. Lami has nightmares and Ikkaku helps. Ikkaku is trying her best to cheer up the crew along with Shachi and Penguin but it's hard, and she's working hard to maintain the order too. Lami admires her strength because she hasn't seen her falter or hesitate yet in the time they've been there, and Ikkaku just says that it's what a pirate does. Get back on their feet and fight. And besides, if the crew needs somebody to rely on while their captain is busy/going through it, she doesn't mind being the voice of the reason. And Ikkaku is not a Goddess, but Lami is starting to feel the same trust and comfort she feels when praying while she's next to her. One thing leads to another and they end up falling for each other rather quickly. They don't want to tell Law yet, because he's... Not ready for news. But Bepo/Shachi/Penguin find out at some point and they're sure Law is going to be furious (because he won't let any of them go near Lami romantically) but Ikkaku is sure it won't happen. She's sure Law will be happy for them. First of all, because Lami keeps saying Law only wants the best for her and would never go against that. And second of all, because Ikkaku says that if Law ever had to let somebody date his sister, it would be Ikkaku. Law ends up finding out because, you know, these three can't keep their mouth shut. And he surprisingly doesn't care. In fact, in a moment of desperation, it makes him so happy to see his sister finding love. He tells Ikkaku in private to take care of her, and she only smiles and says "Aye, captain" and Lami overhears, so she ends up hugging him right after.
They're clingy but their presence and PDA aren't annoying. It's just sweet. They hold hands and kiss and they keep teasing each other, and it brings a new energy to the crew. It gives Law hope. If Lami has managed to come back, they'll be able to come back stronger too. Of course, they're a bit chaotic too since they're pretty different to Law, but it's alright. As time passes by, Ikkaku ends up teasing Law about it and she can't help but make the 'I fucked your sister' jokes because, c'mon, how could she not? Lami finds it hilarious, and she knows Law isn't really that angry at Ikkaku at the end of the day. Ikkaku seems like the cool, protective one, but in reality, whenever there's a fight and people underestimate Lami, Ikkaku just stares at her like "That's my girl <3" while she kicks ass. Basically, they're the cutest, most supportive girls, and Law just knows Cora is happy for them too.
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fanfic-obsessed · 3 months
I am cackling at the Just Vibes addition and coming here cause I have too much to say for a comment:
"What the Fuck Qui-Gon" - something 3 groups of mandalorians AND all the Jedi corps agree with as well as any sith that'd meet him
"Jango, still partially under sedation, manages to send out one Comm" - I am now picturing that Doctor Who scene where the Doctor and Donna just keep missing each other and it's freaking hilarious except instead of 2 sassy people it's a dazed Jango somehow just avoiding all the Kaminoans long enough to get to a comm station, half by accident.
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"develops a habit of being whatever gender will irritate Xanatos at any given point of time" - Xanatos What Did You DO?????
"Xanatos is still more Fallen than not" - how does that work? Is it like, morally dubious character but less homicidal?
Any way that my rambles those posts are really funny!
Thank you so much, I had a blast writing this idea as noted by the fact that the ideas kept coming. 
I do like the idea that every adult, and most children, who meets Qui Gon goes WTF and falls into baffled rage.  The man is just a bit too connected to the universe at large and forgets that not everyone gets all the secrets whispered to him in dead languages. 
For Jango I pictured him sitting up, still half unconscious slapping vaguely at the comm in his Vambrace, getting out 1 message and keeling back over, but I like your version just as much. 
Xanatos was Xanatos, even when not deliberately evil he is arrogant and irritating. Also Fordo, being in a relationship with Feemor, gets Feemor’s view of Xantos (the long suffering older brother who was disowned because Xanatos made bad choices). Frankly Fordo would do the same for Qui Gon, if anyone thought Qui Gon would even notice (Qui Gon never fails to correctly gender Fordo, even the few times that Fordo straight up made up a gender). 
Qui Gon, Feemore, and Xanatos need…so much therapy that they are avoiding. 
Xanatos is still amoral, drawing on the dark side of the Force (I am sticking with the idea the Dark Side is selfishness, so Xanatos’s priorities are: his own needs; his own wants; the needs of people he likes (Primarily Obi Wan and the Young, though late Komari and Shmi rate too) as long as it does not go against his own needs; the wants of people he likes if it does not inconvenience him too much; The wants and needs of everyone else as long as he gets something out of it).  
Once he bonded closely enough with Obi Wan, one of Xanatos’s wants is for Obi Wan to be happy (this is why he tries to find a different Master for Obi Wan, so he can kill Qui Gon in peace). The years of leading Qui Gon around, his situationship with Komari, and later Shmi, and the sheer amount of people he gets to complain about Qui Gon to drain his hatred of Qui Gon enough that he no longer wants specifically to kill him combined with the fact that there are more people he wants to be happy means that he is not out enslaving children or killing people for insulting him. So he becomes much more stable, though still much more willing to commit violence and use underhanded methods than anyone is comfortable with.
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jay-brooks-hugger · 4 months
My Favorite Jeffrey Combs characters
Ok ya'll, I had to give in and share my favorite Jeffrey Combs characters and why I love them. I decided not to add Herbert West since he's an easy pick, plus my love for Re animator died like back in 2019 ); . Anyways, here are my favorite Jeffrey Combs characters!
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Character Description: So we're starting off with Crawford. Crawford is one of the main protagonists in the 1986 adaptation of HP Lovecrafts From Beyond, " From Beyond". He is the assistant of Dr Edward Pretorius. He starts off as an ambitious assistant to Pretorius but after witnessing the power of the Resonator he slowly starts to lose himself throughout the movie.
Why I love him: It's pretty simple, he's so silly. For real though, it's cool to see how he and the others slowly start to lose themselves. I really like his style, it really reflects the fashion of the late 80's. Not only that but he seems like a really cool person to hang around, I would 100% be friends with him.
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Character Description: Next we have John. John is the main protagonist in the 1995 horror movie Castle Freak. He and his family inherits an old italian Castle. Throughout the story we figure out that this Castle holds a dark secret, not only that but we learn more about the Reilly family's tragic past.
Why I love him: He's such a complex character. I love that we get to see why him and Katherine's relationship is so strained. Even though he is the cause of his sons death and his daughter being blind, you can't help but feel bad for him. He might be very flawed but the man still loves and cares for his family. It does suck he cheats on Katherine though. What's even sadder is that he dies before he can ever redeem himself. Really his story is tragic all around. He's one of those characters I wanna give a deep hug too.
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Character Descrption: Next up we have Lt. Dan Margolies in the 2000 adaptation of the comic series Faust, "Faust". He is a minor character in the story. We see him figure out the truth behind the occult organization ' The Hand ' and eventually turns around and joins the main villain M into capturing Jade and John Jaspers.
Why I love him: While this movie is heavily flawed, Jeffrey Combs and Andrew Divoff definitely made the movie 10x better for me. *side note: I should 100% make a favorite Andrew Divoff characters next, since he's up there with one of my favorite character actors* Anyways, Dan is a really cool character. While he may be your typical hard boiled cop, he has his own little Combs twist to him. I like the scene in the beginning where we see him tryna rizz up Jade, that part was so funny to me. I really wished we got more scenes with him. If I'd ever became a cop, I would love to have him as my Lt.
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Character Description: For my next entry, I decided to pick H.P. Lovecraft from the 1993 adaptation of Necronomicon, " Necronomicon: Book of the Dead ". He is the character that guides us/ introduces us to the stories featured into the movie.
Why I love him: While the real H.P. Lovecraft wasn't really a good person himself, Jeffrey Combs portrayal of him in this movie is awesome. It's so cool seeing him in this role. I will say though, Jeffrey Combs looks really uncanny with the nose makeup to me for some reason. Other then that I enjoyed his portrayal of H.P. Lovecraft.
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Character Description: For my next contestant, I picked Jay Brooks from the 1998 horror movie I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Jay is the hotel manager the main 4 meets when they first make it to the Bahamas. He is very incompetent to the 4 and dismissive.
Why I love him: While Jay is a very small character in the story ( He only has 2 scenes in total ) he was such an interesting character to me. I don't know why I like him when he isn't really that important to the story. I guess it's because it's cool to see Jeffrey Combs in that haircut ( someone said he looks like Joe Pantoliano ( another one of my favorite actors ) and I can see the resemblance ). Plus his night fit was so cool and weirdly attractive to me. Anyways I would 100% try to have small talk with him and try to make him open up more to me.
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Character Description: Next up we got Shepard Lambrick from the 2013 horror movie Would You Rather. He is our main antagonist in the story. He is a very wealthy man, and we see him use this wealth by hosting a deadly twist on the game ' Would You Rather '.
Why I love him: Shepard is such a interesting villain to me. While he's your typical evil rich man, he's still enjoyable to watch. I really wanna steal a suit out of his closet, his suit looks really cool to me. It does suck that we don't see him get his comeuppance, the man is pure evil and it sucks to think he's still hosting that same game of ' Would You Rather '.
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Character Description: Ok for my 2nd favorite Jeffrey Combs character, we have Dinosaur Bob from the 1994 crime and romance movie Love and a .45. Bob is one of the minor characters in the movie. He is part of a local mob and throughout the movie we see him try to pursue our 2 leads.
Why I love him: 3 reasons, the man is flamboyant, he has a really cool mustache and the mans can dress. I swear Bob is one of those characters I'm real down bad for. He is so fun to watch. The scene where him and Creepy Cody bust through the tattoo parlor and starts to mess around with one dude is so iconic. That chair sit and dance lives rent free in my head. I would 100% be the Bonnie to his Clyde.
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Character Description: Now for my Number 1 pick I of course chose Milton Dammers from the 1996 horror comedy Frighteners. He is a minor villain in the movie. He is an FBI agent that specializes in cases that have something to do with the occult. Throughout the film we see him try to pursue and capture our lead Frank Bannister.
Why I love him: YOUR VIOLATING MY TERRITORIAL BUBBLE!! Anyways, this mans is the definition of goofy, silly, crazy, and weirdo. Every scene he's in is so captivating. I swear I can never get enough of Milton. Jeffrey for real went all out in this role, and I love that. While bro is insane, I can't help but to feel bad for him. You can tell all those cases he took in the past really did do damage to his head. And the fact bro has many damaging scars on his body, the mans for sure went through so much trauma.
There ya'll go! Those are my favorite Jeffrey Combs characters of all time. I do plan on seeing more of his work, as there is some I haven't touched yet. I've been a fan of his for awhile, he's definitely one of my favorite character actors of all time. He's one of those actors you can never get enough of. It's so easy to fall in love with his work since the man is so talented. While I don't expect this post to get any attention, I wanted to post this anyways for the Jeffrey Combs fans. Anyways, ya'll have a good day!
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Call Me
Pairing: Nick “Goose” Bradshaw x Female Reader. 
Summary: After you both find yourselves suddenly single right around Valentine’s Day, you and Nick “Goose” Bradshaw give the “Single's Connection” dating line a call on impulse. You both are pleasantly surprised with what you find on the other end of the line. 📞💋🔥
Warnings: Smut, strong s*xual dialogue, curse words. phone s*x, m*sturb*tion, Goose being a freak, sleazy late-night TV commercials, outrageous landline phone bills in the pre-Internet era. Minors please DNI! 18+.
Word Count: 5,713.
A/N: Minors please DNI! 18+. You are responsible for the content you choose to consume. I did a little bit of research on the old 1-900 numbers that used to be advertised for this sort of thing. I’m sure what I describe here in the story isn’t 100% accurate as to how those phone numbers worked exactly but I kindly ask to be overlooked on that.
Hope you enjoy my trashy mind. ;)
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Goose sighed as he slumped into the recliner in his apartment on base. He ran his hand through his dirty blond hair. He didn't know why he was getting so worked up. Valentine's Day wasn't a real holiday, or at least it shouldn't be. It was just pure commercialism. It was something chicks made a big deal about and dudes went along with it just to keep their girl happy. But there was something painful about being dumped right before Valentine's Day. It hurt like hell.
His date to a party at the Officer's Club had canceled last minute. She was now the third consecutive dud Goose had in the dating world. He had no problem meeting attractive women, especially with Maverick by his side, but it seemed like it always went nowhere. 
"Don't worry, Goose," Maverick told him in the Miramar locker room after training was complete for the day. The pilot quietly told him he would check with Charlie and see if she knew anyone to fill the spot. Goose only shook his head no.
"Thanks, Mav, you're a real pal. But I'll pass. By the way, you do know you and Hot Teacher Lady aren't exactly a secret, right?"
Maverick and Charlie's relationship was obvious to anyone with a fully functional brain and set of eyes. It was kind of funny watching Maverick trying to keep it under wraps. Goose's best friend was anything but subtle.
Back in his apartment, Goose took a swig from a half empty bottle of Budweiser that he had left on his coffee table. He washed down the lukewarm liquid as he flipped on the TV.
He scanned through the channels, not really looking for anything other a mindless distraction. He landed on a commercial featuring a buxom, platinum blonde.
"I'm tired of being alone!" She proclaimed through the television.
"Yeah, you and me both, honey," Goose bitterly said out loud more to himself than to the woman in the box.
"That's why I'm calling the Single's Connection!" The woman went on.
The camera zoomed in on a shot of her picking up the phone and dialing.
A montage of other ridiculously good looking people smiling and chatting on the phone played as a sultry female voice over narrated:
"Talk to real singles in your area now! It's a fun, easy way to meet someone new and it's always discreet. Give the "Singles Connection" a call at 1-900..."
Goose couldn't help but scoff.
"I'm sure all these hotties must have a really, really hard time in the dating department."
Goose joked as he watched the obviously paid spokes-models on the screen, polishing off the rest of his beer.
The first woman from before appeared back on the screen.
"What are you waiting for?! Call me now and let's make a connection!"
The commercial ended and switched to a different one.
"Call me now and let's make a connection!" Goose mimicked.
What a crock of shit. He thought as he sat down his beer bottle. His eyes flickered to the cordless phone on his table. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at it. It was as if the device was silently daring him. He had never once entertained the idea of actually calling those dating hotlines. He figured a guy must be really desperate to resort to doing that and the girls on the other end were probably nowhere as sexy as the commercial portrayed.
"Nahhh..." Goose laughed at himself as he shook his head.
Yet, curiosity got the best of him. He picked up the handset and pulled out the long antenna.
"God, this is so stupid," He muttered. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."
He punched in the number and went through all the prompts. It apparently was one of those lines where you left a voice recording of you describing yourself and what you were looking for and if someone was interested they would give you a call.
"Hi, ladies, my name's Goose." He spoke into the receiver. "I'm six foot two, one hundred and seventy pounds. I have dark blond hair and brown eyes. For a living I...well, let's just say I have the most bitchin' job in the world. It's guaranteed to make your ex jealous. I'm not rich but I do know how to show a girl a good time. I hope you like the Grand Slams at Denny's and don't mind being picked up in a pretty rad Ford truck. In my spare time, I like playing the piano and singing "Great Balls of Fire" at the top of my lungs and pissing off my peers with my best friend. Anyway, I'm looking for a girl who thinks Valentine's Day sucks as much as I do and is bored and just wants to talk. Yeah, I don't have very high standards. I guess that's pretty obvious, huh? I mean, here I am calling the “Singles Connection” after all. So if you think I'm the stud for you, give me a ring. And by the way, I do have a mustache and I wear Hawaiian shirts in public with no shame. But don't let that scare you off. I'll rock your world, honey. "
Goose could hardly keep a straight face as he ended the message with his phone number. He figured no girl would ever respond to such a silly message.
With a chuckle he put the phone back in the cradle. He got up to go finish the previous night's dishes and when he was done he returned to the recliner and dozed in and out of sleep while watching some more TV.
A few hours later, the phone started ringing, stirring him awake.
Goose looked at the phone ringing and glanced at his watch. It was almost midnight. Who was calling this late?
"Hello?" Goose answered. No one said anything. "Hello?" He tried again.
He heard nothing but a faint gasp and the sound of a click. The caller on the other end hung up. Goose looked at the phone in his hand in disbelief.
A minute later, it rang again. He answered on the second ring and hesitated before speaking.
"Helllooo?" Goose asked, slowly and carefully.
A deep breath was inhaled and exhaled on the other end. Finally, a female voice spoke.
"Um, yes, hello," You said, timidly. "Uh, hi. Is this...Goose?"
You sounded so unsure.
"The one and only," Goose replied.
You cleared your throat, took another deep breath and said:
"Hi, there. I'm Y/ N. I heard your message on the Single's Connection."
Goose about shot up out of his chair when he realized what was going on. He had practically forgotten about calling that number and that silly message he left.
"Holy shit...." He leaned forward and clasped his hand over his mouth.
"Is this a bad time?" There was a hint of disappointment in your voice.
"No, no, no!" Goose assured. He chuckled. "I'm sorry. It's just...I didn't expect anyone to actually call me back."
"I'm sorry for hanging up on you earlier," You explained. "It's just I've never done this before. You know, call one of these 1-900 numbers."
"Yeah, it's the first time for me, too." Goose said.
You both breathed a sigh of relief. It made you both calm down and relax.
Goose leaned back in his chair.
"Well, I'm...I'm glad you called! So, you say your name is Y/N? That's a really pretty name."
"Aww, thanks," You replied. "But Goose isn't your real name. Is it?"
Goose laughed. "Hehe. It might as well be. In my line of work it's what everyone calls me."
You smiled on the other end of the line.
"What line of work is that?"
 Goose smiled proudly.
"I'm in the Navy. For now, stationed right here in sunny San Diego. I ride in the back of some really bad ass jets. I'm basically like an extra set of eyes for my pilot. I play with the radio and watch the radar, among other things. If we happen to come across an enemy pilot, we keep up foreign relations. Communicate with the single finger salute. We're really friendly like that, you know. All in all...it's...it's..."
He pretended to struggle to find the words. "It's pretty much the best damn job in the world."
You were giggling on the other end.
 "Wow, yeah! That does sound really cool. Bitchin', I think is what you called it?"
Goose laughed, remembering he had said that in his message. "Yes, ma'am.  Bitchin'."
You spent a few minutes telling him what you did for a living and described what you looked like. You cleared your throat and shifted in your bed. You pressed the receiver closer, so close the pressure started to hurt your ear so you loosened up a bit.
"Hey, um," You start. "I hope you don't mind me asking this... " You take another breath. "But I gotta know something. You know, before we go on..."
"Ask away. I'm an open book."
You laugh nervously. "So..you aren't married, right?"
You grimaced at the thought. Messing around with a married man, even just over the phone, was a line you wouldn't cross.
At first Goose was a little bit taken aback by the question. But it was a reasonable question to ask. Just because it was called the "Single's Connection" didn't mean only single people used the service.
 "Oh, God, no!" He said. "Nah, no lucky lady has claimed me yet."
 He paused and thought about it.
 "Are you?!" He asked, quickly. "You know, married?"
You exhaled a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
"Oh, God, no!" You repeated.
"No, I'm not married. I'm single as a freakin' Pringle!"
You immediately thought that sounded like a such a dorky thing to say but you smiled when you heard him laughing.
"Well, good," Goose said, relieved as much as you were. "That's...that's a very good thing to know."
"That's part of the reason why I called tonight," You told him. He didn't respond and you went on:
"I, uh...um...God, I don't know why I'm telling you this. But I just wanted to talk to someone tonight." You paused and twisted the telephone cord around your finger.
"Well, talk to me, honey. I'll listen. That's why I called, too. Just to talk. All jokes aside. "
His voice was so soothing and friendly. You had only been speaking to this guy for a few minutes but he seemed really warm and funny just like he did on his message. Not at all like some creep you expected to get on these hotlines. It also sounded like he had a little bit of twang when he spoke. A sweet Southern man, you thought.
"So you know it's Valentine's Day this weekend, right? I was supposed to go with my boyfriend on this romantic getaway..." You paused and then quickly clarified:
"My now EX boyfriend, that is! Anyway, so we had these plans set months in advance. We were going to go to this really nice cabin resort in Colorado. Oh God, the pictures of it looked so beautiful. But I found out he's been sneaking around on me! He's been hooking up with his ex for weeks."
You scoffed at reliving it all. "Maybe even longer than that. Shit, I don't know. I feel like such a fool. We had been together awhile now. And I thought...I actually thought...we'd...God. I thought this trip was where he would ask me to marry him."
Your voice cracked at the end but you weren't crying or even tearing up. You had no tears to waste on a cheater.
"I guess I thought wrong, huh?" You concluded.
Goose remained silent for a moment. He wasn't exactly sure what to say to a story like that. He went with the first thing that popped into his mind.
"You were going to go on a romantic getaway to Colorado?!" He asked, incredulous. "What's so romantic about having snow all the way up to your ass?!"
You burst out laughing while Goose went on.
"I mean, no offense, dear, but Hawaii is where it's at!"
"Pffft!, " You playfully spit. "Oh, please! Yeah, Hawaii is nice but it's so cliche. Everyone goes to Hawaii! Or the Bahamas. Or the Virgin Islands. Or the Florida Keys..."
"Yeah, cause they know warm weather is better than freezing-your-nuts-off weather anytime!" Goose interjected.
You both laughed. God, this girl is really sweet. Goose thought. You had such a sweet, lovely voice and you described yourself so pretty. Of course, there was the possibility you were lying about that but he knew you weren't. You were very pretty. Inside and out. He just knew it.
"No, but seriously, Y/N," Goose said. "I'm sorry that happened to you, sugar. And here I was sitting 'round moping just because I had a date cancel on me. You got it much worse. You deserve way better. You dumped his sorry ass, right?"
"Absolutely!" You confirmed. "No regrets. I figure I dodged a bullet."
"Good girl."
Something about that made you shift. Underneath the sheets you felt a tingling sensation in between your legs. It was the other part of the reason why you called. You were looking to get off. It had been awhile.
"Hey, um, Goose? There's something else...I,um, hehe... there's something else. I don't know...if you'd even be up for it?"
"Yes? What is it, honey?"
He really should stop calling you the pet names. He had no idea what it was doing to you or perhaps he did? You assumed it was just a thing that came naturally to him, being from the South and all.
"So..." You began. You told yourself to grow up and just spit it out.
"I know we both said we just wanted to talk but the truth is..."
You trailed off. You took another deep breath and put it out there.
"I'm all alone and I'm feeling...like I need someone to help me release some tension."
Your voice had a slight change in it. You wondered if he knew what you were getting at. He sure did.
Lord have mercy. Goose thought. Somebody pinch me. This is too good to be true! Phone sex was one of his biggest kinks. He had done it before with previous girlfriends especially while being on a lengthy deployment. He always ended up regretting it when he got the phone bill but it was one weakness he couldn't resist.
"Goose?" You asked, worried he might have hung up. "Are you still there?"
“Yeah, I'm still here," He said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
"So...just to make things clear. You're feeling horny, honey? And you want me to talk dirty to you? Is that it?"
You felt your cheeks get hot and you were certain you were blushing every shade of red right now.
"Is that right, Y/N?" Goose asked. His voice had become more honeyed and an octave deeper. He had turned on his bedroom voice.
"Yes," You breathlessly admitted. "Yes, Goose. That's right."
"Oh, honeyyy...," His always drawl came out thicker when he felt turned on which was happening rapidly even though nothing had got started yet. "I'd be more than happy to help you!"
You felt the tingling sensation in between your legs again and this time it felt like it was starting to throb.
"OK, so what do I do?" You asked, softly, your heart beating faster. "I've never done this before."
"That's all right. Where are you right now?"
"I'm in my bed."
Goose hummed. "OK, that's good. What are you wearing?"
You looked down at yourself as if you forgotten what you had on. You told him you had on an old cotton T shirt and shorts. You realized you hadn't exactly thought this whole thing through.
"Yeah, I'm not exactly in my sexiest attire," You joked. "I told you this is my first time doing something like this."
"Hey, that's A OK with me, baby," Goose reassured. He asked if you wearing anything underneath.
"Great. Take them off. All of it. The shirt and the shorts."
"I'll have to set the phone down for just a second."
"Take your time, sweetheart."
You flung back your bed sheets and did as Goose instructed. The cool air in your bedroom made your unclothed body pebble up but you knew you weren't going to stay cold for long.
"I'm back," You said, raising the receiver to your ear again.
Goose shut his eyes trying to picture you, lying naked on your bed right now. He bet it was a really pretty picture.
He opened his eyes and continued.
"All right. I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath for me. Clear your mind. C'mon, honey, close your eyes and take a deep breath. This won't work if you're not completely relaxed."
You scooted yourself all the way back on your bed so that your back was flush with your head board. You both took a few deep breathes together.
"Keep your eyes closed for me." Goose told you. "I want you to imagine something. Think about your snowy Colorado cabin, OK? Think about how beautiful it is."
"OK," You whispered. You concentrated very hard.
"I want you to really picture it, honey. Picture the most cozy, comfy log cabin. It's big and spacious. There's a King size bed. With super soft red and black plaid sheets. There's a wood burning stove in the corner. There's a nice, crackling fire going. It's the only source of light in the whole room besides a few candles that are lit. Inside it smells like oranges, cinnamon and cloves. All those sweet winter smells. On the table, there's a bouquet of two dozen long stem red roses and a basket with wine and chocolates. Outside, it's snowing. It's a light fluffy snow and it's coming down at a steady pace."
"Mmmm..." You hummed. It all started to take shape in your mind. "You make it sound so lovely."
"There's floor to ceiling windows." Goose continued. "No shades. No curtains. No blinds. If there was anyone standing outside, they could see right in. They'd have a perfect view of you. Lying completely naked on the bed..."
Goose was looking straight ahead but the only thing he could see was the picture he was painting with his words.
"But there's no one there," He whispered low into the receiver. "There's no one there but you and me, baby."
Your breath hitched as the fantasy started to turn sexual.
"Can you feel me, baby?" Goose asked. "I'm right there with you in the bed. I'm naked, too. I'm on top of you. We're looking into each other's eyes and I'm stroking your hair..."
"Are you kissing me?" You asked. You had the phone receiver nestled in the crook of your neck. You were starting to move your hands up and down and all over your body. You were feeling much more relaxed.
Goose smiled. "Mmm...yes, honey. I'm kissing you. Kissing your soft, sweet lips..."
Goose moaned just thinking about it.
"Your tongue on mine. Over and over and over. I'm kissing you all over your body. Mmmm...kissing your pretty little face. Kissing your chin and then right along your jawline. All the way down your neck...mmmm...You feel my mustache tickling your skin, baby?"
You giggled. "Mmmm...I bet it does tickle!"
"It's going tickle you everywhere. Everywhere."
You moaned at the scene playing out in your mind. You began to toy with your pebbled nipples and it made you start squirming.
"What are you doing, baby?" Goose asked. "Are you touching yourself already?"
"I'm playing with my nipples," You replied and you hear him make a throaty noise. "Are you going to suck on them, daddy? I want you to."
You had no idea if Goose was into the "daddy" kink thing. You knew from your experience some guys were and some guys weren't. His moan on the other end of the line confirmed he didn't mind it.
"Hold that thought, honey." Goose said.
Goddamn, this girl is going to be the death of me. He thought as he sat the handset down so he could pull off his shirt. He unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the fly. He was getting harder and harder by the minute. He moved a box of tissues closer. He was definitely going to need them later.
"You there?" Goose asked when he picked up again.
"I'm here, baby, " You breathed, still stimulating your nipples with wet fingertips. "I'm here with you in the cabin. We're in the sheets. You're kissing me all over. You were going to give my nipples some attention."
"Mmm, yes, " Goose started to palm himself over his underwear. "I bet you got luscious titties, don't you? Do you like it when daddy kisses your titties, baby? Kiss, lick, suck." He made a popping noise as if he just sucked and released one of your nipples. "I love me some titties, darlin'."
"Who doesn't?" You said and you both laughed.
"That's true. Very true!" Goose agreed.
There were two types of people in the world as far as he was concerned. Those who love titties and those who lied about not loving titties.
"Are you going to titty fuck me, daddy?" You asked.
It caught Goose so off guard he didn't recognize his own voice when he made an ungodly moan and almost dropped the handset. He never had a woman ask him to do that before. Over the phone or in-person. It made him pull himself out of his underwear and let his now raging hard-on be free.
"Oh, honeyyy," He drawled. "Fuck yesss..."
You crossed your arms over your stomach so your breasts pressed together.
"Just like that, baby," You begged, picturing him sliding up and down in between your breasts. "Feels so good...mmm...yes, that's it..."
Goose couldn't help but be slightly amused.
"You're a little freak, aren't you?"
You gasped.
"So are you!" You defended with a laugh.
"Of course I am!" Goose licked his lips. “I’m a man after all and I’m in the Navy. It goes without saying. Aww, yes, honey...I'm fuckin' those great titties of yours."
He was steadily stroking himself now. You reached down in between your legs and started rubbing your nub with your manicured hand. You both continued to go back and forth about what you were doing to each other. You were going to put him in your mouth and suck him off. He was going to continue his journey down the length of your body. Kissing, licking, sucking, he assured you he would leave hickeys all over your skin.
"Don't worry," Goose told you . "They'll all be in places where nobody can see."
"Mmm...you're such a gentleman, " You teased. "Turns me on even more."
Goose snickered. "Hehe. I might be a gentleman but trust me, baby, before it's all over, I'll have you acting very unlady-like."
You sighed. "God, yes, please...."
Goose told you about how he was going to use both his mouth and fingers on you.
"I'm in between your legs now, honey. You taste so fuckin' good. Mmmm...You feel it? I like to take my time. Licking that pretty pussy of yours. Over and over and over. Is it pretty, isn't it, darlin'? Pretty just like the rest of you. Then I'm gonna take my fingers..."
He paused and gave them a wiggle before he went on:
"I'm going to take my fingers...my middle and ring fingers...and I'm gonna push them in and out. In and out, baby. Real slow at first..."
You had long since slid down your headboard and you were writhing in your sheets and moaning and panting heavy into the phone. The more this went on, the hotter it got and the more real it seemed.
"That's right, honey, " Goose praised you. "You feel these fingers in you? In and out. Mmm...and I'm still licking you. Mmmm...I'm going to go a little faster. Yeah, faster, faster. That's right. You're getting so wet for me."
You whimpered. "Yesss...Oh God, yes!"
It was true. You were getting wetter and wetter. You rubbed yourself faster.
"That's right, honey." Goose encouraged, loving hearing how you were getting more and more worked up.
"How hard are you right now?" You asked. "You gonna put it in me, baby? I want you inside of me."
Goose looked down and saw he was hard as a rock. He pumped himself faster.
"I'm ready for you, sweetheart. I'm so ready."
He pictured you naked and turned on and all spread eagle for him. It was a gorgeous sight. He just knew it.
"You feel me?" He asked. "I'm right up against you. I'm rubbing against you right now. You ready, darlin'?"
"Please!"  You cried.
"I'm going in, sugar." Goose's breathing was becoming as heavy and as labored as yours. "I'm inside you now. You feel so good, baby. Yesss, so damn good. Mmm...You feel me sliding inside of you? Mmm...In and out. In and out..."
"Don't stop!" You practically wailed. You were rubbing yourself vigorously.  
"Aww, no, no, no," Goose grinned. "No, baby. I'm not stopping. I'm just getting started. In and out....Mmm... You're so fuckin' good... You feel so good...You feel the rhythm, baby? The nice rhythm we got going?"
Goose exhaled. "Ahhh. You feel soooo good!"
He had no doubt in his mind that in real life you felt incredible.
"Harder.." Your plea was just a breathy moan. Goose heard it but decided to tease you a little bit.
"What's that, darlin'? What did you say?"
You were so wet at this point you were starting to leave wet spots on your sheets.
"Harder, daddy, please!" You begged. Your back was arched and while your one hand was busy stimulating yourself, your other hand was putting your fingers in your mouth.
"Ah, you want me to fuck you harder, honey? You like it rough? Can you handle it, baby?"
Goose was starting to wonder how much more he himself could handle. You both were moaning in unison, both of you getting closer and closer.
"I'm right above you," Goose said. "I'm holding you down and I'm driving my hips into you. Over and over. Mmm...faster and faster...Mmm...you feel so fuckin' good! ...Yesss...So deep inside you...Hehe...I can hear how wet you are, honey..."
It was true. The noises you making were becoming obscene.
Goose couldn't help but feel a bit of an ego boost.
"You're making me feel so proud, honey. Keep it up. Atta girl. Yeah, that's it! Come and take it, baby! It's all yours!"
You weren't going to last much longer.
"Holy shit!" You cried. "I'm gonna...I'm gonna..."
"You gonna do what, baby? You gonna come for me? Is that it? I want you to."
You were a blubbering, whimpering mess. It was all you could do was moan into the phone. Your legs were shaking.
Goose was still pumping away.
"Ah, I love those sounds you're making," He groaned. "Like music to my ears, honey. Come on, baby. Yeah, that's good. Mmm...You can come, baby. I'll let you..."
He sucked in a sharp breath as he felt his own crescendo about to happen.
He cradled the phone in the crook of his neck as he reached for a handful of tissues.
"Come with me, darlin'," Goose egged you on. "Come with me. Come on...you can do it. You can do it, baby. Come with me...Ahhh!!!"
"Ohhh, babyyy!!! " You managed to cry. It seemed to be the thing that finally made you both come undone. Your whole body spasmed as you rode out your climax, uncontrollably moaning into the phone. You heard him grunting in rapid succession and knew he was feeling the release too.
You both listened to each other catch your breath for a minute.
Goose chuckled. "Look what you made me do, honey. I made a mess."
You were still trying to come back down to earth. You continued to ride your pleasure wave with little breaths, moans, and whimpers.
"So?..." Goose asked. He discarded the used tissues in the trash can and reached for his pack of Marlboro's. "How are you feeling now?"
He was hoping he helped you out at least a little bit. You certainly helped him.
You cleared your throat, still trying to recover. You opened your mouth to say something but you couldn't help but start giggling. Softly at first and eventually it became a giggle fit. You felt good. So good. Better than good.
Goose smiled listening to you. He, too, began to chuckle as he lit a cigarette and took a drag.
"As long as you're laughing with me and not at me!" He said. "Ahhh...You sound so pretty when you laugh. So? You have a good time, honey?"
You finally found your voice to speak:
"You were fantastic...Incredible."
It was no lie. You wondered if he could make you feel all that over the phone, then he must be dynamite in-person.
"You know, for a guy who said he thinks Valentine's Day sucks," You reminded him of what he said in his message. "You're actually quite the romantic, aren't you?"
You knew deep down he had to be. After coming up with the whole romantic cabin scenario on a whim like that.
Goose laughed. "You caught me, baby. Guilty as charged."
It was true. He was a romantic. A hopeless one, if he was being honest with himself.
"How was I? You know, my first time over the phone and all?" You asked.
Goose thought about telling you that was some of the hottest sex he'd ever had. Instead, he said:
"Perfect. Just...perfect. You were perfect."
"You're not at all what I expected when I called the number," You told him. You told him how you expected to get some creep or a desperate loser or both, neither of which he turned out to be.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, honey," Goose joked. "No, in all seriousness, you're not what I expected either. I didn't expect anything much other than an outrageous phone bill..."
He trailed off and you both groaned simultaneously, remembering how expensive calls to hotlines can run.
"Hey, Y/N?" Goose started. "This might sound kind of crazy but...could I call you, sometime? Outside this hotline?"
He really liked you and wanted to keep talking to you. If it kept going as well as it did, maybe the two of you could meet in person. Perhaps make the fantasy a reality?
"Sure, Goose," You replied, warmly. "I'd like that."
You definitely wanted to keep in touch.
After you gave him your number he said:
Goose ran a hand through his hair and grinned.
"My real name. It's Nick."
You smiled.
"Well then, Nick. It's been a pleasure." 
In more ways than one! You thought. "Good night."
"Likewise," Goose drawled. "Oh and hey, by the way...Happy Valentine's Day, honey."
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