#but i think it's kind of besides the point
A/N: i was really in the mood for some smut and the neighbors trope popped into my head, so here we are!
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry, your freshly divorced, insanely hot neighbor needs your help: you have to pretend to be his new girlfriend when his ex-wife comes over, however your little stunt outdoes your expectations in a lot of ways.
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It's a basic instinct for you at this point to look up at the balcony whenever you’re approaching your apartment building. However you’re not looking at yours, but the one next to yours that belongs to one hot, freshly divorced guy who moved in next door about two months ago. 
You remember the morning the moving truck appeared and you knew someone was taking the vacant apartment beside yours. You just arrived back from your morning run and you jumped right into guesses about who it will be. Maybe someone your age? A girl you can go to yoga with? Or a sweet old lady you can have tea with on warm afternoons? Hopefully not a noisy family, because the walls are way too thin to endure the screaming of a child. 
Then you saw him. Carrying a heavy looking box up the stairs, a simple white shirt stretching on his torso, tattooed arms flexing under the weight of the box, you knew you were fucked the first time you saw Harry Styles. 
It took you no time to lurk over the next day and introduce yourself as his neighbor. 
“If you need suggestions for coffee spots around the neighborhood, I’m your person,” you smiled at him charmingly as he stood in his doorway in gray sweats and a black t-shirt, hair messy but so delicious, it was screaming for your fingers to run through his locks. 
“I will definitely keep that in mind. I can offer to fix anything around your apartment, I’m kind of a handyman,” he chuckled and your knees almost buckled hearing his creamy british accent. 
Fate played on your hand, because you kept running into each other so it didn’t take long for you to go out for a coffee run together and it was smooth sailing from then. You learned about how he just got divorced, his wife cheated on him and he found out on their second anniversary, tragic story and you still can’t quite understand how any woman could cheat on a man like him. You practically drool every time you catch a glimpse of him arriving back from a run in nothing but a pair of shorts, his tanned skin glistening from sweat. You definitely love to move out to the balcony around the time he can be expected to appear in the late afternoon, you watch him stretch and breathe heavily and the sight alone makes you break a sweat as well, but for a whole different reason. 
You’ve been trying to flirt with him every possible occasion, but you also make sure you don’t come off too pushy. After all he just got out of a marriage, it must be hard on him to recover from being cheated on. There’s also a slight age difference between the two of you, not that dramatic, but that eight years could easily be a deal breaker for him, so you’ve been playing it safe. 
When you’re lying in bed late at night and sleep is not coming to you, you can’t help but think of how he is on the other side of the wall, you imagine him sleeping without a shirt, maybe thinking about you the way you like to think of him… But it’s all just a fantasy, one you fancy very much. 
The door to his balcony is open so you know he is home, but he is not out. You take your time walking up the stairs, your legs are definitely tired from the run you just had and just when you reach your floor Harry’s front door swings open and you stop, watching him walk over to your door. He didn’t notice you, so you stay still and watch him take a deep breath as he lifts his fist up to knock, but then it falls back to his side and he shakes his head, stepping backwards before returning to his spot on your doormat and that’s when you decide to put him out of his misery. 
“Are you out of sugar, neighbor?” you ask, slowly walking towards him. Harry spins around with a stunned expression. 
“Oh, I didn’t–I didn’t see you.” You catch his gaze running down your body and legs and you’re thankful you decided to wear your shortest shorts. 
Playing with your keys in your hands, you finally reach him. 
“What’s up?”
“Um… I have a bit of a situation on my hands and you might be able to help me.”
Unlocking the door you push it in and gesture for him to follow you inside. 
“Do tell me.”
Rounding your way into the kitchen you step to the fridge to grab some water. Harry hesitantly follows you and stops by the kitchen counter. 
“So, I talked to Rory this morning,” he starts. You’ve heard enough about Rory, his ex wife to know that if she’s involved, it’s for sure something messy. “You know that painting in my living room?” You nod. “Well, she insists it’s hers, because a friend of hers painted it, but I was the one who paid for it. Whatever. She’s been trying to get me to give it to her and honestly I’m over it so I gave in. She is picking it up today.”
“When will the part where I can help come?”
“Right here,” he chuckles nervously. “We got into a fight, no surprise. She screamed at me over the phone and told me I’ll die alone because no one can put up with my shit.”
You need to force yourself to swallow the bitterness in your mouth. That woman sounds very much like the spawn of the devil, because who would say that to anyone? Especially to Harry? Aside from being insanely hot you’ve also learned just how kind, passionate and funny he is, basically the whole deal. Rory is the biggest loser in history for letting go of a man like him. 
“One thing followed the other and I just… Um, I told her that I have someone.”
The light bulb switches on in your mind, because you already know where this is heading. And you like it, very much. 
“I don’t know what got into me, but I told her she can meet my alleged girlfriend when she picks up the painting so she can see herself that I’m not the loser she thinks I am. And… as you might now, I do not have anyone…”
“You want me to be your fake girlfriend,” you finish for him, saving him from having to say it out loud. You can see just how awkward he is, having to ask you for such a thing. 
“Basically, yeah. Only if you don’t mind being part of this shitshow. I understand if you find it weird and I don’t expect you to–”
“When should I be over at yours?” you simply ask and watch his eyes go wide. 
“Y-You will do it?”
“Sure, sounds fun. Besides, I’m curious to see the stupidest woman on earth,” you add smirking and he finally lets out a relieved laugh as well. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. Really, I owe you big time. She’ll be here in about two hours.”
“Perfect. I’ll be there.”
For the next two hours, you do everything you can to bring out the hottest version of yourself. Hair, makeup, dress, everything is on spot when you step out of your apartment and walk over to Harry’s door, ringing the bell. 
When the door swings open and Harry sees you his mouth hangs open, giving you that one last ego boost you need to be the best possible fake girlfriend ever. 
“Satisfied with your girlfriend?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“I-I uh–Yeah! I’m… yes.”
“Can I go inside then?” you ask with a chuckle and he steps aside in a hurry.
“Sorry, yeah come inside.”
“So what’s the plan?” you ask, walking into his living room and making yourself comfortable on the couch. Harry follows, but he takes the armchair across you and you can tell he is still struggling with not ogling you, especially your exposed legs and deep cleavage the dress teases him with. 
“I don’t… I have no idea, I have never done this before.”
“I have.”
“Just once, in college. One of my friends broke up with a girl who did not take it well and I was his fake girlfriend for a week to get her to stop harassing him. It worked.”
“Then… I trust you with anything.”
“What’s the goal?”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes, as if he is embarrassed to say what’s on his mind. 
“Harry, say it. I’m happy to help with anything.”
“I want to make her regret it.”
“Regret what she said?”
“Regret everything,” he corrects and when he looks you in the eye a shiver runs down your spine from the determination that’s behind his green irises. 
“Consider it done,” you smile at him devilishly. 
At your suggestion you both take a shot to ease your nerves and make it easier to lie. It seems to loosen him just enough that he doesn’t look like he is about to attend an interrogation. 
And then the bell rings. 
“Show time,” you smile at him and as he walks over to the door you take your place on the couch again. 
You hear the door open and then a female voice mixes with Harry’s before the footsteps follow. Harry comes into view first, but then Rory steps out from behind him and you see the pure shock in her eyes when she finally spots you. 
“Oh, hi!” you smile at her almost disgustingly sweetly as you stand from the couch and walk closer. “You must be Rony. I’m Y/N.” You hold out a hand for her and watch as her mouth twitches when she hears you mess her name up. 
“Rory,” she sassily says and shakes your hand at last. “So you’re the… girlfriend.” The disgust in her tone is apparent, she is not even trying to hide it and it just makes it way more enjoyable. 
“Yes and you must be the cheating ex-wife.”
Harry coughs beside you, he was not expecting you to be this blunt, but the look on Rory’s face is priceless, because she can’t deny what she is. Moving closer to Harry you wrap an arm around his waist and though at first he freezes at your closeness, he is quick to recover and join in on the act, his arm finding your waist as well. 
“The painting is over there, just take it and let’s get over with it, alright?” Harry nods towards the painting he already took off the wall, now it’s leant against the console table that’s been underneath it. 
“You didn’t even wrap it?” she scoffs. How am I supposed to take it like this?”
“Rory, I’m not a fucking gallery. You wanted the painting, take it.”
“It’s gonna be ruined if I just put it into my car like this!” she argues. 
“That’s none of my business.”
“Harry, this is so not okay! I can’t–”
“Jesus, Rory fine! I think I have some bubble wrap,” he grunts, heading into his bedroom to find something to wrap the painting in, leaving the two of you alone.
Rory gives you another long, dirty look, as if you were the woman Harry cheated on her with when she is the culprit of this mess here. 
“So how long have you been together?” she then asks, pretending like she is just chit chatting, but you know she is eager to know everything about you.
“A little over a month now. You know, I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Harry is just the perfect guy and I couldn’t stay away from him.”
“Oh, he is not that perfect, little girl.”
It’s obvious she tried to derogate you by calling you a little girl, she must be around the age of Harry, not more than thirty-six for sure, but she can’t find anything to use against you other than the fact that you’re clearly in your twenties. How mature. 
“I know. But everything he can give me makes it worth it. And the sex, ah!”
She gives you a puzzled look. You knew this would stir her up, Harry mentioned how distant they grew in the last few months and sex wasn’t the same anymore. Looking at the timeline she must have started her affair around that time and Harry couldn’t perform the way he otherwise could because she wasn’t open to him anymore. It was a vicious cycle, but you also know Rory is the kind of woman who must have humiliated him because of that. Harry never said, but you just feel that she criticized his sexual performance when she left him even if it all happened because of her. 
And now hearing that he is giving his all to another woman is definitely something that can drive her nuts. 
“Oh please, he sucks in bed,” she scoffs.
“Not with the right partner. He is so good, I honestly don’t know how you could let go of him.”
“He couldn’t make me cum for months!”
“That’s unfortunate. I get an orgasm basically after every meal. He is so good at it, honestly, it’s like he just wants to please me every possible moment. I mean, I can’t remember a morning when I didn’t wake up with his head between my legs, he loves quickies, I have to sanitize the kitchen counter like twice a day.” You let out a chuckle and just watch as her face grows redder while staring at the kitchen counter, raging jealousy swirling in her mind for sure. It’s clearer than daylight that she didn’t cheat on him because he wasn’t manly enough, this woman is simply a stupid loser who couldn’t appreciate what she had, maybe panicked that she can’t mess around with others and then simply chose to ruin everything. 
You’re more than happy to remind her what she lost. 
“Alright, this is all I got,” Harry emerges from the bedroom with some bubble wrap he probably had left from moving, but when he sees you and Rory staring each other down, he stops. But before he could speak up, you decide to push that knife into Rory’s chest as your final move. 
Stepping over to Harry you push yourself up against him, he drops the bubble wrap and his hands grab you by the waist instantly, though you see confusion in his eyes before you take his face in your hands and pull him closer, lips pressing against his hungrily. 
It’s not a sweet, shy first kiss. This is the perfect show off, messy, passionate, full of tongue and eagerness as you practically devour each other. For a bit you forget about the show you’re putting up and it’s your real desire you’ve been fighting for weeks now. Every time you try to pull back Harry just keeps demanding more and you happily give him what he wants. He bites into your bottom lip when one of his hands moves down to your ass, giving it a not-at-all shy squeeze, making you moan into the kiss. 
It feels like it takes forever for you to stop, when you open your eyes you’re met with Harry’s hungry eyes, his lips are slightly swollen and shiny from your kisses. 
And then you remember you’re not alone. 
“Oh, fuck you. Fuck you both!” Rory pops the bubble around you and when you turn to look at her, she is already grabbing the painting, not even bothering to wrap it. 
“It was nice to meet you!” you call after her.
“Fuck you!” she repeats, marching towards the door and you’re just smirking like an idiot, pleased with yourself for pissing her off so badly. 
Harry follows her to shut the door behind her and you let yourself bathe in the sweet victory you just earned. 
“This went amazing, right? She was so mad, oh my God!” you laugh, but your smile quickly disappears when you realize the serious look on Harry’s face as he is walking back towards you. 
Shit, maybe the kiss was too much. He didn’t want it and now he is pissed at you.
“Are you mad about the kiss? I-I’m sorry if it was too–”
The words die down on your lips when they crash against his again, his hand cupping the back of your head while the other returns straight to your ass, groping you so hard your whole body smashes against his. 
Your mouth opens in surprise and it gives him the chance to push his tongue against yours, he is demanding, rough and so much more raw than what you imagined him to be like. 
“What did you tell her?” he asks against your mouth, moving you around until the small of your back hits the kitchen counter. “What did you tell her that made her so pissed?” he demands, his hand already eagerly moving underneath your dress. He presses two fingers against your clothed clit, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
“I said, ah–I said I wake up every day with… your head between my legs, and… Oh fuck!” You’re losing your ability to speak your thoughts as his fingers start circling, the fabric of your underwear is so drenched, if you could think straight you might be embarrassed just how aroused he made you so fast. 
“And?” he urges you to continue, but at the same time he pushes your underwear to the side and pushes two fingers into you without warning, making you gasp so loud that people on the street must have heard it through the open balcony door. 
“A-and that you fuck me on the… the kitchen counter all the time.”
He curls his fingers inside you as he keeps talking.
“Then that’s what I’ll do to you now. Are you okay with that?” he asks and you nod eagerly as you hold onto his broad shoulders. 
The next moment he pulls his hand back and you whine, feeling empty all of a sudden, but then he lifts you up and makes you sit on the counter, he lowers himself and places your legs over his shoulders with careful, but confident moves. You grab onto his hair as he pushes his head between your thighs and his mouth meets your clit. 
“Oh, fuck! Harry!” you gasp out, tugging on his hair as he swirls his tongue against your swollen clit, his fingers teasing your hole again. Then they push into you and he sucks on your clit, making you see stars. 
You imagined him to be skilled, but whatever it is he is doing to you, it feels out of this world and now you know you weren’t wrong when you praised him that much to Rory before. 
You’re totally out of breath when he comes up, he kisses you and you can taste yourself on his tongue, your hands impatiently tug on his shirt to get rid of it. Soon the fabric lands on the tiled floor and you map out every inch of his hard chest with your palm and while you keep kissing like there’s no tomorrow, you faintly hear the zipper of his pants come undone. 
You look him in the eyes when you reach down and take his hard length into your hands and you can’t hold back a gasp when you realize just how big he is. 
“I know you can take it, baby,” he coos, kissing the corner of your mouth and you’re ready to take him right then and there, but he moves back, making you reach for him in panic. “Condom,” he says and you lean back onto your elbows with a sigh as you watch him disappear in his bedroom. You have just a few seconds you process that here you are, on top of Harry’s kitchen counter, with your dress bunched up around your waist, your drenched pussy on show, waiting to be fucked properly. You definitely did not expect this outcome when you woke up this morning, but you’re not complaining. 
Then Harry appears and he is walking over to you, completely naked, his dick in his hands as he rolls the condom on while moving and you bite into your bottom lip, hoping to remember this view until the end of time. 
When he reaches you again he simply curls his arms around your thighs and tugs on you so you get closer to the edge. His erection wedges between your wet folds and the tip pokes against your clit, making you clench around nothing. 
“I have to admit, I’ve been fantasizing about fucking you on this counter since the day I moved in and saw you for the first time.”
“Just on the counter?” you ask teasingly. 
“Every surface of this fucking apartment,” he admits with no remorse.
“Make a list then and I’m more than happy to do them all. But let’s tick the counter off first.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
He reaches down and circles his thumb against your clit a bit before grabbing his dick by the base and dragging it up and down your cunt a few times before pushing the head in first, letting you adjust to his thickness first. When you claw at his chest he takes it as a sign to go deeper and he keeps pushing until you take his whole length, feeling fuller than ever before. 
“I want to go hard,” he breathes out, staying still for now.
“Go hard then. I can take it,” you assure him, though you do have doubts feeling just how stretched out you are now. 
“Of course you can. You’re my good girl,” he praises you and before you could get a word out, he pulls back and slams into you hard. 
There are moments when you actually think you’re about to burst, Harry did not joke when he said he wants to go hard, his thrusts are fast and rough and he makes sure he buries his whole length into you every time he pushes into you. At one point he pulls your legs over his shoulders and it allows him to reach a point in you no one has before and it pushes you towards the edge rapidly. The counter is painfully hard underneath you, but you somehow forget about the pain and only focus on how hard Harry is railing into you. His stamina is incredible, your body already feels like goo and you’re not even doing the actual work. 
“Harry, I’m so close,” you moan and his fingers dig deeper into your thighs at your words. 
“Come around my cock, baby. I wanna feel you squeeze me.”
You cry out his name again, a tear rolling down your cheek, because you’re so desperate to let go. Harry moves a hand to where you meet and his thumb returns to your clit and that’s what throws you over the edge. 
Your back arches and you squeeze around him uncontrollably, gasping for air as he ruthlessly keeps fucking into you. 
“That’s it, baby. You look so fucking beautiful, coming on my cock.”
You can’t stop moaning as you ride out your orgasm. The last waves are washing over your body when his movements fall out of rhythm, he slams into you hard and he sucks on his breath before moaning out your name over and over again, pushing into you a few more times as he comes. He falls forward, his face burying into your heaving chest as he tries to catch his breath along with you. There’s a long minute of silent bliss, his cock is still inside you, his lips peppering soft kisses onto the skin that’s exposed on your chest while you’re mindlessly playing with his hair. 
When he straightens up he pulls out of you, the empty feeling hitting you again. He carefully helps you off the counter, but keeps his arms around you, because when your feet hit the floor you wobble. 
Nuzzling your nose against his chest you take the cross pendant on his necklace between your teeth and pull back, looking him in the eyes. 
“Don’t do that, or we’re moving to the next place on the list.”
Giggling you let go of it and push yourself up to steal a kiss. 
“Give me some time to recover, but I’m all in to check out another place.”
“Jesus, I knew you’d be the death of me the moment I saw you,” he breathes out, before his mouth claims yours hungrily. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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charrlote365 · 3 days
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SAND, SEOYEON AND S*X Reference Idol: fromis_9 LEE SEOYEON Word Count: 13.077 Tags: Romance, massage, Kpop idol, fromis_9, Lee Seoyeon
As the sun set below the horizon, painting the desert in hues of orange and pink, I couldn't help but dazed at how surreal our honeymoon felt. Here I was, in the middle of nowhere, with Lee Seoyeon, the love of my life and, incidentally, a member of fromis_9. The expansive desert stretched out before us, an endless canvas of dunes that seemed to go on forever.
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Seoyeon's laughter echoed through the air, her unique husky voice making the sound even more enchanting as we hiked up yet another sandy hill. Her joy was infectious, "CAMPING, CAMPING, CAMPINGG!!~", she kept singing loudly while jumping around in the sand, and despite the sweat trickling down my back, I felt like the luckiest man alive. Fate indeed works in a mysterious way, who would have thought that our paths would cross like this, leading us to this moment?
"Hey, look at that cactus!" Seoyeon exclaimed, pointing excitedly at a tall, spiky plant standing high amidst the sand. She ran towards it, her oversized white shirts waving around. I jogged to catch up, grinning at her childlike enthusiasm.
"Be careful, babe," I warned playfully. "Those things can be pretty prickly."
She turned back to me, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Are you afraid of cactus? Just be afraid of me ~, because I can bite! Happp!! hehehe~"
Before I could respond, she stumbled, her foot catching on an unseen rock. Time seemed to slow down as she was falling forward, right onto the cactus. My heart skipped a beat.
"Seoyeon!" I shouted, rushing to her side. She sat up, a look of shock on her face, now adorned with tiny cactus thorns. Despite the situation, she started to giggle, her husky laugh vibrating through the air.
"Well, that didn't go as planned," she said, her laughter bubbling up. I couldn't help but join in, the absurdity of it all hitting us both at once.
"Let's get you back to the hotel," I said, helping her to her feet. "We'll have you de-thorned in no time."
We made our way back, the heat of the day giving way to a cooler evening breeze. Back in our room, the light was soft and warm, casting a comforting glow on Seoyeon's face. She sat on the edge of the bed, still giggling intermittently. I fetched the first aid kit, trying to suppress my own laughter.
"How many staycation stories start with a cactus attack?" I said, sitting beside her with tweezers in hand.
She grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Not many, I bet. But it makes for a great story, don't you think?"
"I do. And it's all part of the adventure," I replied. "Just our little secret."
She smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Our secret staycation in the desert. No media, no fans, just us."
I started to gently remove the thorns, one by one. She winced occasionally but kept her spirits high. "Does it hurt?" I asked, pausing to look into her puppy eyes.
"Um, a little," she admitted, her voice sulky. "But it's okay, it's worth it for the memories. Besides, it’s kind of funny. I mean, who else can say they hugged a cactus on their honeymoon?"
"Of course, the great and the only one, Lee, Seoyeon," I replied, chuckling. "You never cease to amaze me."
She giggled, her husky voice making my heart flutter. "You know, this reminds me of that one dream I dreamt few days ago, I tripped and fell into a bush during a festival performance. The fans thought it was part of the choreography."
I laughed, imagining the scene. "So, did you play it off like a pro?"
"Of course, even in my dream I'm still that great dancer of fromis_9" she said with a wink.
I continued to carefully pull out the thorns, the process surprisingly hard. Her laughter made it easier, turning what could have been a painful event into a bonding experience. Occasionally, she would make a funny face, and we would burst into laughter all over again. And for every laugh she does, the more I fell deeper for her.
"You know," she said softly, "I've always been in the spotlight, even in my childhood. My life is always about performing. But now that I'm with you, I can just be myself. Even with a face full of thorns."
I paused, looking at her with nothing but love. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," I said. "You're perfect, even with thorns and all."
She smiled, reaching out her hand to touch my right cheek. "Thank you for always being there, for making even the craziest moments special."
"That's what love is, right?" I replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Being there for each other, laughing through the chaos."
By the time I finished, her face was free of thorns, and she looked radiant despite the disaster. We sat there, in our little desert oasis, enjoying the warmth of our love and laughter.
"I need to take a shower," I said, standing up and stretching. "Make sure you don't get into any more cactus-related trouble while I'm gone."
She laughed, her husky voice following me into the bathroom. The warm water felt amazing after the long, adventurous day, and I took my time, savoring the moment of solitude.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I was greeted by a sight that made me burst into laughter. Seoyeon was laying on the bed, her face and upper chest covered in gummy bears made from honey.
"What on earth are you doing?" I asked, still chuckling.
She looked up at me with her silly face. "Honey is supposed to be good for healing scars, right? So I thought these gummy bears might help." She explained playfully.
I couldn't stop laughing. "You do know you look like a walking candy store right?? Come here, you."
I got on the top of her and slowly picking off the gummy bears one by one, popping each one into my mouth. She squealed in mock protest, her eyes sparkling with laughter.
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"Yaaa..Stop eating my medicine!" she scolded jokingly, swatting at my hands.
"But they taste so good," I replied, grinning. "And besides, you're already healing. Laughter is the best medicine, remember?"
She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You're just the worst."
"And you love that about me right," I said while leaning myself down to kiss her. Despite of her small face, her lips are rather thick, they wrap my lips like a warm blanket, our saliva mixed all together and it tasted like honey thanks to the gummy bears I just ate. Our tongues were slipping against each other like they're going to melt to be one. I then stopped and walked away from her, she was wondering why I didn't continue. "Where are you going? Let's continue, I still need your love to heal, you know?" She lamented.
"Yes, mam! wait a minute, I have something you will like", I said as I reached into the first aid kit bag again, this time pulling out a small bottle of essential oil. "You know what this is right?," I asked, pouring a few drops onto my fingertips. Massaging her body with oil has been our routines. She loves it when her body is sticky with oil and when I rub her body, she always squeals and giggles.
She raised an eyebrow, Pretending not to know. "What's that? I know nothing about that, I'm innocent, officer", while trying to avoid eye contact with me.
Ignoring her respond, I started to take off her white shirts and bra. I could see her breasts which upper part filled with bruises and scars from the thorns, and also red line mark on her shoulders from her bra straps. I poured some oil onto her body and gently dabbed the oil gently on her shoulder where the thorns had left small marks. She shivered slightly at the touch, a giggle escaping her lips.
"That tickles," she said, her voice husky and playful.
"Sorry," I said, grinning. "I'll be gentle." I continued rubbing the oil to her neck and her face cheeks. Looking at her silly face up close which now filled with some scars and bruises from the fall, I couldn't stop myself to kiss her lips again, wanting her to know that I will take care of her from now on, no matter what. I closed my eyes slightly and used my lips to rub over the oil on her scars slowly, she felt ticklish yet aroused from all the kissing and started hugging me tight. Her breasts pressed against mine so tightly that I could feel her heart beat getting faster.
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"This feels nice," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
"Anything for you," I replied, my heart swelling with love for this incredible woman.
I continued rubbing her body with my lips. I kissed her nips which laced by oil, and rubbed the other nip with my finger. She let out a little moan. Her breath is getting uncontrollable and she started biting her finger. Her eyes were locked on me, they're filled with trust, love, excitement and lust. Just looking at her expression made me filled with pleasure.
I sneaked my right hand into her pants and started rubbing her pussy. I could feel sticky substance already soaked her underpants. I licked my finger that's laced by her love juice and put it back inside her. She shouted as 2 fingers in were too much for her.
"Ups! Sorry. We just started and you're already soaked, Seoyeon-ah." I teased her.
"Shii.. just be quiet and get it over with, I'm still in pain, you know..", she replied with pouty mouth on her face.
I stood up and removed my bathing robe, letting them drop to the floor. I went back on the bed and slowly took off her jeans. She couldn't say anything as her heart beat faster, knowing what's going to happen next.
I raised her legs up and opened them wide. I could see her pussy bare open and I couldn't hold myself to suck and bite her clits slightly hard. She was surprised by it that she screamed so loudly I was afraid people in the next room might hear us. Luckily, I realized no one's gonna hear us since we're in a hotel that's close to be nowhere on the map and she continued to moan loudly. I continued licking her pussy like I was a cat licking butter and put my middle finger into her pussy. Her pussy neck is so short that I could feel her womb gate with just my finger. I teased her womb by squeezing them inside and she started pulled my hair yelling how good it felt. I kept teasing her womb and I could feel her pussy wall suddenly got tight as she arched her back and sprayed her love juice all over my face and the bed.
As if it wasn't enough I put 2 fingers back into her and rubbing the upper part of her pussy, teasing her g-spot with every thrust. She felt her high coming again and within seconds she reached her climax for the second time and her body shuddered roughly. I licked and sucked her pussy to clean it from her love juice, including the thick, white liquid oozing from her that tasted like cheese, my favorite delicacy. lmao.
"Hmm, your pussy is so tasty", I teased her while she was still gasping for air from her second orgasm. Yet suddenly, right after she stopped, she raised up and gripped my hard rock penis. "Ouch!", I yelled as I didn't expect her move. "Now it's my payback", Seoyeon said while looking at me with sharp gaze after what I just did to her. She suddenly bit my penis tip hard making my knees weak and I shouted "Yahh! Seoyeon-ah!! Please be gentle!".
"Just be quiet and man up", she replied with a little giggle. She then sucked my dick like its a boba drink that she likes. Every suck feels like my soul getting suck into her mouth. My penis barely fit to her small mouth that it felt as tight as her pussy. Her mouth walls wrapped my dick with its warm, wet and intensely. Slowly but sure, I feel the tickling sensation turned into ecstasy, my head's got lighter and just like that I spurted my sperm inside her mouth. I grip her head and push it closer and deeper into my crotch as I went high up to heaven. My sperm flowed so much that it started to spill on the bed. She then opened her mouth to show how much sperm I just unloaded roughly into her tiny mouth.
"Wait, lemme get the tiss..", but before I could even finish my words she replied "I already drank it", with her giggle and husky voice, delightly. Aftermath was a mess with our bed was wet, stained with our body fluid. We quickly cleaned them up as we didn't want to be fined by the hotel and even used the hair dryer to dry it up quickly. It was so tiring, that still naked, we lay down on the bed, with no energy left in us.
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As we laying side by side, facing each other closely, we leaned in for another kiss, I felt the warmth of her breath against my lips, mingling with the sweetness of the honey and the floral scent of the oil. The room was filled with the scent of the desert, a blend of flower oils and our fluids, lingering reminders of our wild day. Her eyes, shining with love and amusement, held mine as we shared this intimate moment.
Cuddling her close, I whispered, "I can't wait to see what other crazy adventures we'll have."
She smiled, her husky voice soft in my ear. "As long as we're together, I'm ready for anything."
And as we kissed, sealing our promise, I knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, with laughter, love, and a spirit of adventure that would see us through anything. In that moment, our secret honeymoon in the desert felt like the most perfect beginning to the rest of our lives.
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li0nn3stuff · 3 days
Chapter eight
Kiddo masterlist
English is not my first language, be kind.
Modern!Older!Aemond x Modern!Younger!Reader
•Chapter warnings: obsession, kissing, manipulation•
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Two months and three weeks after the encounter.
“Jenny is trying to steal my phone every time, I think she wants one too, but our mother doesn’t want to buy her one yet.” She said as she played with the string of grass. “She opens my messages, look at the gallery” She sighs. 
Aemond looked at her, half lying on the grass beside her.
“She did?” He didn’t like it, he didn’t like the idea of her foster sister looking at their chat. “Remind me, how old is she?” 
“She’s seven.” 
He understood pretty early the reason why she was so naive and innocent. She lived in a house full of kids that knew nothing about relationships or sex. She had told him how she basically babysits them all the time when she’s home, because their foster mother is always at work.
“Do you have a password on your phone?” He asked then. 
“No, I never thought I needed one.” She smiled at him.
What he didn’t like even more, is the idea that Jenny would tell their foster mother who he was, if she’d ever find out.
He was sure their foster mother would try to separate them, because while his girl didn’t understand how inappropriate their friendship was, her mother would know it.
She would try to talk some sense into his girl, make her understand that he was too old, that he was probably using, and manipulating her.
Half of it was true.
But he was doing it for her.
Since they reconciled, he had been able to think with a clearer mind, and he understood that he struggled to control himself when he was around her, but if he would have been without her, he would definitely lose it, to a point where he realized how dangerous he could be.
He leant forward and grabbed her soft tiny hand in his. stroking her palm with his thumb.
“We are sticking together.” He states. She looks at him surprised by his comment out of contest.
“Of course. We are best friends, Aem.” She smiled, blushing as she squeezed his hand. Best friend.
He chuckled and nodded. 
She really was something.
“I know, kiddo, I know. Just making sure.” He smirked at her. “Come here.” He pulled her to him, so she could snuggle in his chest as he hugged her thigh, both now laying on the grass.
He needed a fine dose of her to keep himself calm. He started to have her close to him, a bit of her every day, a slight touch, a hug, a small innocent peck.
Not enough to make him explode, but enough to sedate him.
Enough, to not fuck her raw on every surface they where whenever they met.
“Aem…” Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, kiddo?” He fixed her head under his chin, the pleasant smell of her hair reaching his nose.
“Your phone is ringing, it’s the fourth time now…” She told him softly. He let out a low groan, realizing she was right, and that his phone was indeed ringing in his pocket
“It’s okay, let it ring.” He said, letting out a sigh as he started playing with a string of her hair. “Why don’t you answer it?” She asks curiously, looking at him.
“Nothing important.” He responded calmly, rubbing her hair between his fingers.
“Are you sure? Who is it?” She kept asking further, but despite he usually never liked people asking of his own business, he didn’t mind her curiosing.
“My mother.” He admitted.
“Your mother? Then… it’s probably important, Aem, you should pick up the phone.” She told him concerned.
“No, she–” He sighed. “She wants me to hire my brother.” He explained in annoyance. He did tell her he’d think about it, but he actually never changed his mind, he would never hire Aegon.
“What’s the problem with that? Wouldn’t it be nice to have him at work?” She smiled, as if she had the image in her head.
“Let’s say my brother is a lot like… Colin.” He looked down at her, smiling amused, comparing Aegon to one of her little foster brothers, Coling, was a chaos in particular, and she struggled a lot to keep him in control.
“Oh–” She chuckled a bit. “I’m sorry then.” She looked at him, caressing his arm in comprehension.
“Yeah, I can’t really trust him to work with money.” He looked to the side, sitting back up leaning back on his hands and bending his knees, making her sit as well. She crossed her legs and leant back on her hands. Her wavy cream dress covered her to her knees.
“You could take him, I believe. Your brother… you mean the older one, right? He’s an adult, I believe you could teach him some sense and responsibility.” She suggested as she took a string of grass to play with it.
“Teach Aegon?” He laughed. “You can’t understand, kiddo, he is a lost hope.”
“I believe in you, I think you could make it.” She smiled at him, excited.
"You trust me that much, mh?” He looked at her. He knew she did, but it felt so good to hear it.
“You know I do. You just have to make him care about what he does.” She blushed, refusing to look at him.
“Alright then, I guess I’ll do it.” He said then, making her raise her head surprised, looking at him with her eyes widened.
“Really?” She said happy. He nodded, smiling amused at her silly excitement over something so futile. She sat on her knees to get closer to him, and let the string of grass fall on the ground to take his hand in hers. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, yeah, but you know what? I just got an idea.” He looked down at her hands caressing his own.
“What?” She was looking at him with those big eyes of hers, and God, he loved to have them on himself.
“I just found what you can do to make me forgive you.” He looked at her as he said that. She immediately furrowed her eyebrows and blushed violently.
“I– I thought you already forgave me.” She says as she starts biting her lower lip. He glanced at her lips for a brief moment, even if she was looking at him and she noticed. She blushed even more and looked down at the ground.
“Yeah, but it has to be more official.” He explained as he leant closer and raised her head by moving his hand under her chin. She nodded slowly, her teeth still nibbling her lip.
“Alright then, what can I do?” She looked up at him.
“Two things, but one is more for you actually.” He smirked, proud of his plan.
“Really?” She asked, confused and surprised. She moved closer to him.
“Yeah, you want to hear them?” He liked to see her so eager to know what he was thinking. He knew he had to go slower with her, and not repeat what happened at his apartment to not scare her away again.
“Yeah, I’m all ears.” She smiled.
“Well, one, I’ll keep you company after you babysit, yeah? You tell me when the kids will be asleep, so you won’t be alone. I’ll leave before your mother will be back.” She immediately smiled at his proposal.
“Yeah, that’s sweet.” She said softly, looking at him with gratefulness.
“But what will get you forgiven is…” He pulled her closer, not being able to resist the occasion of having her near, and so he could look at her face.
“A kiss, whenever I ask you one.” He looked down at her, studying her reaction.
“A kiss? We already kiss!” She chuckled, as Aemond looked at her amused.
“Not those kisses, kiddo. I want them on my lips.” He whispered as he leant even closer, caressing her cheeks softly.
Her breath hitched and she had some trouble finding something to say.
“A– A k–kiss on t–the lips? A–Aemond I..” She stuttered as she shook her head in confusion.
“It’s not that bad, kiddo is it? Does the idea of kissing me disgust you?”
“What?! No! No, Aemond–” She immediately answered, but he interrupted her again,  as he gripped both of her cheeks in his hand.
“Then you don’t want to be forgiven?” He asked then, his grip on her cheeks tightening slightly.
“No! I– I want to be forgiven, Aem, I’m really sorry for how I’ve behaved, I never meant to hurt you and… I–” Her eyes started to get filled with tears as she started panicking.
“Shh, shh, kiddo I know.” He pulled her to sit between his legs, hugging her close. “I know you’re sorry.” He repeated soothingly as he tightened his embrace and caressed her back. She immediately hugged him back, holding on to him.
“I’ll do it.” She mumbled with her face hidden in his neck. I’ll do it, please forgive me.” She sobbed.
“I will, kiddo, I will.” He raised her head and wiped her tears away. “Stop crying, I’m staying here. Okay?”
She looked at him and nodded, sadness still evident in her eyes. He smiled at her as he moved her hair away from her face, tucking them behind her ears and he pressed a kiss on her forehead.
“Why don’t you kiss me now, so you’ll find out if you like it? Mh?” She moved her head to the side, but he used his hands to turn her back to him. “Maybe you’ll end up loving it.” She looked at him and nodded. He smiled as he kept caressing her face. She put her hands on her higher thigh, as he sweetly kissed her temple.
Gently. He had to do it gently.
He kept kissing her face from her temple to her cheek, leaving a wet trail behind. He heard her discontinued breathing as she clenched her hands on his thigh.
“Put your hands on my shoulder kiddo.” He suggested her as he pulled back enough to see her eyes. She nodded and moved her hands to his chest then placed them on his shoulders, squeezing them lightly. He smiled at her as drew her closer.
“Do you like this? Do not lie.” He asked her as he rubbed her back and kissed her chin.
“I–I never lie…” She pouted for a moment, making him chuckle. “I… I like this.” She admitted blushing again.
He crushed his lips against hers.
He wanted to go softer, gentler, but how could he, especially after she finally admitted she is enjoying his attention?
She gasped and leant back her head, surprised by his sudden gesture. He slipped both his hands in her hair, keeping her close, as she tightened her grip on his shoulders.
“You're addicting, kiddo.” He whispered so lowly, he almost wished she couldn’t hear his slip.
He pulled back and smirked as she saw her with her eyes closed, trying to reach his lips again, before she opened them and looked at him, her head turning red tomato.
“Was it bad?” He smirked and pulled her immediately back as she moved to sit further from him. He wrapped one arm around her back as his other hand caressed her cheek again.
“Tell me, kiddo, did you like it or not?” He asked her again, looking at her as she shied away pursing her lips, not wanting to answer his question.
“Don’t you want to let me know if I did well, mh?” The hand on her cheek slipped again in her har, as he massaged her scalp with his fingers.
“I– I did…” She mumbles softly, embarrassed. He smiled even more as he pressed his forehead on her temple so he could whisper in her ear.
“Do you want more kisses?” He asked her, feeling her shiver at the idea. “I don’t mind, we can, kiddo, we are free.”
She turned her head towards him, so that they were face to face, forehead against forehead.
She pressed her lips together, thinking hardly, as she stared at his lips.
That sight of her, could make his cock hard in a moment.
But he contained himself. He gave her her time, waited for her to move first.
“Free?” She repeated, wanting to be sure that he was telling her the truth. He closed his eye and pressed his forehead against her.
“Free, kiddo.”  He opened his eye again, and saw her look up at him, leaning forward a moment, but then going back. At last, she decided, and she pressed her lips against his, like if she was giving him a peck on his lips. Aemond smiled and moved his lips to make her open her mouth so that he could finally slip his tongue in her mouth, tasting her again after a week. He groaned and pushed himself more against her, making her back up.
“My sweet kiddo.” He groaned as he pushed her back even more, he wanted to make her lay on the grass, and get on top of her.
He wanted to touch her, but he restrained himself.
He wanted to take all of her on the grass, under the sunset, here in the open air where no one could hear them, and he could make her yell as much as he wanted to.
That would be such a sweet way to take her virginity.
But he did not allow himself to touch her, or he was sure he would have not stopped at her request, and as much as appealing all of his thoughts were, he couldn’t.
Once they were both lying, he rested one of his arms over her head as his other arm took her hand and intertwined their fingers, hoping to resist the urge to touch her body.
He kept kissing her like a mad man, biting her lower lip slowly, just like he wanted to do when he saw her earlier bite her own lip. He nibbled it between his teeth, pulling it slightly, making her moan. He smirked and let go of her.
“Make that sound again for me.” He kissed her again devouring her, as he kept squeezing harder her hand, in a way he knew was starting to hurt her, but he couldn’t stop kissing her, so he tried to not squeeze her hand too much.
She suddenly pulled away from him, making him furrow his eyebrows, he pulled her back into another kiss, but she turned her head again, rolling or her stomach.
“I lost track of the time!” She explained, worried, reaching her phone on the grass close to them. Aemond groaned, letting her go but keeping still on top of her. He leant his head down, resting her forehead on the back of her head, as at her every move her bum brushed dangerously his crotch. 
“I gotta go, Aemond, my brothers and sisters will be back in a few minutes…” She explained to him, saddened, looking back at him.
He growled and kissed her shoulder, rolling on her side then getting up.
“Yeah, let’s go, kiddo, I’ll drive you home.” He gave her his hand and she grabbed it to lift herself up as well, so he pulled her against his chest again kissing the top of his head, making her chuckle embarrassedly and blush.
He smirked, amused by her ever consistent shyness and rubbed the top of her head as he started walking to his car, a few meters from them.
They walked to the car in silence, but it was fine, they always had a comfortable silence between them. Sometimes when she called him during work and he was in his office, they talked for a while, then they just stayed on call in silence, just enjoying knowing that the other was there.
They got in the car and she watched outside her window, mesmerized by the sight of nature.
“How’s your little garden, kiddo?” He asked as he glanced at her.
“Colin took half of the tomatoes off before they were ready.” She sighed. “But I managed to stop him in time. My lemon tree is about to give me three lemons, I think I’ll make some jam or a pie.” She smiled at him. ”I’ll surely bring you some of those.” 
“We’ll eat it together.” He nodded as they quickly arrived at her house. He stopped the car and looked at her, then he quickly got down and went to open her door.
She got out chuckling and jumped up in front of him.
“My mother will be working late next week…” She blushed as she looked up at him. “I’ll text you the day and the time?” She looked at him, hopeful. Aemond smirked and caressed her cheek.
“Of course, kiddo.” He assured her, and she smiled happily.
“Alright then…” She looked to the side for a moment, then she suddenly turned and gave him a quick peck on his lips, leaving him stunned as she ran away chuckling.
“I’ll text you!” She laughed as she ran smiling toward her house, looking back at him.
He’ll never let her go.
He would get rid of anyone who might try to get between them.
There was no way someone would ever steal such a sight from him.
Her hair swayed at every step she took, her dress skirt moving in waves.
He stared at her until he was no longer able to see her. He lit himself a cigarette and turned, acknowledging a person standing a few meters from him.
“Are you looking for someone?” A woman, over middle age,  her hair a mix of blonde, white and gray strings.
“No.” He said coldly, annoyed to have been caught. “Just looking for a holiday farm, guess I picked the wrong turn.” He gave a quick, plausible explanation, enough to not make her suspicious about him.
“Yeah, it happens a lot.” She turned and pointed to another house, distant but visible from where they were. “You’re probably looking for that holliday farm? You take that way, then you turn left, then all straight.” She explained to him. He nodded in comprehension.
“Thank you, have a good night.” He got in his car and quickly drove off, looking at the rearview mirror to see if the woman stood there looking at him.
She got back in her car, and drove home.
Her home.
She was her foster mother.
Now she knew what he looked like.
He just lied to her, and if she was ever to find him around again, she will immediately remember.
“My mother will be working late next week… I’ll text you the day and the time?” 
He didn’t want to say no.
But if her mother saw him…
“Fuck!” He yelled as he hit the steering wheel. It was not going as he planned, and he hated it.
If her mother saw him with her daughter, she would immediately think of this night, and scare her away from him.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
He will not let that happen.
He could make her disappear.
Fuck, that was… an idea, but not a good one.
All he knew was that he couldn’t lose her. 
He’ll find a way.
One way or another.
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Tag: @zenka69 @blaustappen @julczimozart @diannnnsss @i66cilla @queenofthekeep @summerposie @tssf-imagines @vaylint @sweet-nothings-s @esposamultifandom @av989436751 @ladythornofrivia @xcinnamonmalfoyx @deliaseastar @kotadislikesthissite @nebulamorada @madelynwalt @shari-berri @seraphdayiwah @witchy-jadda @odeioemail @alphard-hydraes-blog @isntitdelicatevivi @famousrebeldaze @ssnapsaurus @paigeestrawfordd @mamawiggers1980 @aemondracarys @aegonswife
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sibylsleaves · 2 days
i just thought of something because now that eddie has lost chris and he's truly alone and isolated what if we get a character switch of reckless eddie and buck trying to be the one to steer him away. gerrard would support reckless eddie in fact he'd probably say he's a fine and brave firefighter and how people can learn from him taking all these risks in dangerous calls completely unaware how mentally unwell he is and we get buck telling eddie "he's not expendable not to him." I also think that a reckless/near suicidal eddie(on calls not self harm) would be a kind of trigger for buck about how he feels about eddie and also this kind of buck hovering consistently over eddie and being with him at all times like buck in S5 x10 would put severe strain on buck/tommy cause listen we all know that's not meant to last but beside the point yeah I think a plot where Buck says the same thing Eddie told him in the S4 finale would be really neat.
I LOVE THIS. I am unHINGED for character role reversals when they're done well and you're sooooooo right this storyline is actually RIPE for it. I can totally see Eddie kind of feeling like, well if I don't have my son to live for what do I really have.
And Buck being like. well. yourself for one. but if that's too hard right now, then ME. and like actually showing/articulating to Eddie how fucked up it would be to lose him. because they've only ever talked AROUND it before, using Chris as a stand-in ("i think it would've been better for him if I was the one who got shot...")
so yes I am VERY here for Risk-Seeking Behavior Eddie. Especially if he's hiding how fucked up he is under the familiar guise of like. He's Being a Hero. (also fuck this is making me think about Steve Rogers/Eddie Diaz parallels I CANNOT...) And Buck being the only one to fully grasp what's going on because HE HAS BEEN THERE. THAT WAS HIM for years and years until Eddie sat him down and told him in no uncertain terms that he and Chris need him.
The role reversal would be DELICIOUS.
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dstryvampres · 2 days
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
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Paring: Neil Lewis x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut, you have a cowboy kink :3
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“What do you think?” Neil says, strutting down the narrow hallway out of his office.
Looking up from the magazine you were mind-numbingly immersed in, mostly due to the weird jingling coming from where Neil was coming from, you were greeted with an oddly pleasant view. Neil, uncharacteristically, dressed up as a cowboy. Black cowboy hat, a pair of black loose fitting jeans to match, a light denim button up shirt tucked into his pants with a couple buttons undone at the top, a black bandana tied around his neck, and cowboy boots that edged on godawful. Somehow Neil’s outfit of the week wasn’t that bad, it was kind of attractive…
“Hello? Anyone in there,” Neil waves his hand infront of your face, you try to grab his wrist but he snatches his hand away before you can get a full grasp. “So?”
“I think it’s better than last Saturday’s Dracula costume, that’s for sure,” trying to sound as uninterested as you possibly can despite the fact that you were undeniably very into the cowboy thing.
“Oh, come on. I had you speechless for a good minute there,” Neil points out, before mimicking a one-man gun fight.
“It’s fine,” is all you give him.
Neil sighs dramatically and pouts. Walking over to the couch infront of the TV and flopping down onto it, his melodrama is almost good enough to make you pity him, but he’s pulled this trick one too many times for it to do the full damage he intended. Soon enough you're trying your best to flip through the magazine in your hands. Unlike last time, you can’t seem to find it as interesting as it was before you saw Neil. The cowboy outfit fit him a little too well. Amount of undone buttons showed off his collarbones so well, hat fit weirdly well ontop of his head, and his pants hugged his ass in a way that made you drool. Maybe your boss dressing up as a cowboy was a new awakening for you. God you really hope not.
“Welcome to Gumshoe!” Neil welcomes the customer, springing off the couch and fixing his hat, “We have a special deal on Westerns this week, if you want to look into that just let me or my lovely employee at the counter know.”
You smile at the customer, before your eyes start to drift over to Neil. How you were going to last a full day working here while he looked like that, you didn’t know. As he blabbed to the customer about whatever movie they could be looking for, you willed yourself to look anywhere else, to do anything else besides stare weirdly at your boss and give yourself a girl boner over his outfit. There’s always returns you can sort through and late calls you can make, is what you settle on.
Pulling out the box from under the counter you start to sort through the returns of the past couple of days absentmindedly. Despite trying your hardest not to stare at your boss and focus on your task, you can’t help it. As he stanters around the shop in those stupid black jeans, fixes the buttons on his shirt, even daring to pop another button open, you can feel the wetness in your pants increase by the minute. It’s embarrassing. You move over to the back corner to start storing the movies, hoping this new perspective with a noticeable lack of view of your employer will help calm you down, but it does nothing. Possibly making it worse, this lack of seeing the real Neil makes your imagination kick in. Oh, what he could do for you. Legs over his shoulders. Is he soft or rough? What would he say during it? Is it just the costume or has he always looked this good? There’s a tap on your shoulder and you whip your head around.
It’s Neil.
“Can you check out the customer? I’ll take this over, don’t worry.” A blush spreads over your cheeks, and you can only seem to nod offering a weak, guilty smile to him. Standing up on shaky legs you make your way over to the register trying to make as little contact with Neil as possible. Knowing that if you touch him you will moan.
Your face feels hot, likely flushed, so you check out the customer as fast as you can. Plan foiled by their lack of a loyalty card. Soon enough they are out the door and gone, but you could’ve sworn you input their address wrong.
“Is the A/C not working?” Neil had sneaked up on you, grasping your shoulder. You jump, causing him to let out a small laugh.
“Uh- Yeah, I think so? Why are you asking?”
You knew why he was asking, you were sweating profusely and were red in the face. Even leaving a sweaty hand mark on the register, and possibly the DVD the customer rented out. All fueled by the simple cowboy costume worn by the man behind you. Curse ‘Western week’ at Gumshoe Videos, and curse Neil and his need to dress up for every event the store held, no matter how miniscule. 
“You’re just very sweaty and red. Is there any other reason? Possibly got the hots for anyone,” Neil teased, poking your shoulder.
To anyone other than you, it would’ve been quite obvious that he wasn’t referring to himself and was, instead, referring to the customer who just left. After all, most of your more noticeable nerves showed up after their arrival. But your nerves paired with just how close Neil was to you lead to the disastrous reply.
“No! Of course not! And it’s definitely not you either.” Followed by nervous choppy laughter.
Neil was not laughing.
“I have to go stock shelves.”
Neil stands there for a couple seconds before following behind you, despite how you desperately try to lose him. The shop is small and cramped, losing anyone in here is close to impossible. Just getting down to work is the best option right now, you plop down beside a box full of DVDs and try to ignore your boss.
“Look. I’m not offended or thrown off by what you said, but are you serious?”
You look up at Neil, guilt and embarrassment coating your face.
“You are! What is it? My charms? My humour? My looks?”
You go back to stocking DVDs.
“Is it the cowboy outfit?”
You look back up in absolute horror. He’s grinning at this realisation, both amusement and disbelief smeared all over his cocky smile. 
“Well how would you like to ride a real cowboy?” Neil asks, he’s putting on a horrible southern accent that’s somehow made the outfit so much more attractive.
You stand up and crash your lips together. The kiss catches Neil off guard, stumbling back a step or two before he’s reciprocating at the same force as you. Getting eager you pull at the hair on his nape. He moans into your mouth. God it’s better than you thought it would sound. God, do you want to ride this cowboy.
“Hey,” Neil breaks away, breathing heavily, “Can we, uh, can we take this back to my office?”
You nod, basically pushing Neil back to his own office. Both of you are giggling the whole way there. Normally being so giddy over something like this would make you sick, but you’re hot and have a growing tingling in your lower stomach urging you onwards. Once the door is closed to his office your lips are back on his, hand tangling into his hair. Stumbling forwards into him until you hit his desk. His hands find your hips and he groans. Lips now start to kiss your neck. Kisses sloppy and open mouthed, bordering on bites. You’re so high on excitement about this it’s making you dizzy. Never have you ever thought that you would be so excited to sleep with your boss. What a uniform can do to a man is criminal.
Neil’s hands slowly move from your hips to your breasts. Squeezing them lightly once before groping harshly. Looking down you make eye contact with him, his eyes are so round and soft, pupils blown out wide, basically pleading to let him take off your shirt.
“Go ahead,” You sigh out, he’s rubbing your nipples through your shirt.
Quickly his hands move down to the hem of your shirt, and it’s off you and on the floor. Neil starts to move his kisses down to your collar bones and breasts. Groaning the whole way down, acting like he’s never been with anyone as beautiful as you. Truthfully, it’s unlikely that he has.
His hands unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms and exposing your boobs. Nipples hard from the cold and from the excitement of this whole ordeal. You place your hands on Neil’s jaw dragging him back up into a kiss. It’s sloppy, his spit is all over your top lip. If this was anyone else it would’ve disgusted you, but, again, something about the whole cowboy costume made it so much hotter.
“God, you’re so hot,” Neil pants into your mouth, tweaking at your nipples. You moan in response.
He’s leading you over to the couch in his office. Pushing you onto the couch, you watch him completely unbutton his slutty denim shirt before joining you. Lips crashing into yours in the same frenzy as before. Your hands come to the waistband of his pants. Desperately trying to undo his buckle. You get it undone, and as a reward Neil undoes his pants. You feel his bulge press into your hip as you continue. You stroke him through his underwear, causing him to whimper, breaking away from the kiss and squeezing his eyes shut.
“Don’t do that baby, I’ll cum, please,” Neil begs. You giggle in response, but are immediately cut off when he latches his lips around your nipple. Flicking his tongue over your nipple. Fuck. You cup his cheek.
“Neil, take off my fucking pants already,” You hiss out.
He detaches his lips from your nipple, focusing instead on sliding your jeans off of your hips. You desperately want to shy away from Neil’s gaze when he starts to feel the wet patch on your underwear that is growing by the second, but it’s hard when he’s sitting between your legs. He shoves your panties down your legs and onto the floor.
Neil looks into your eyes as he traces the line of your cunt, playing with your clit, then shoving a finger into your cunt. You immediately moan out at the intrusion, earning you a smile from Neil.
“You’re so wet, baby,” he teases.
He adds in a second finger and your eyebrows furrow. His fingers are thick. Stretching you out so nice. Finding a steady pace Neil pushes his finger in and out of your cunt, eagerly watching as your cunt easily takes in his fingers. You grip at his hair, pulling him back into a kiss. Moaning into his mouth as he fucks you with his finger, consistently brushing against your sensitive spot. 
Neil removes his fingers from your cunt, wiping them off on the couch. He makes quick work of his boxer’s pulling them down and discarding them in the pile of clothes already on the floor. He lines his cock up with your cunt and slides into you, both of you groaning at the sensation. Neil stays still for a little bit, getting adjusted to how you feel.
“Fuck you’re so tight, and so warm, and wet. You’re so nice,” Neil babbles, placing his hands on your hips.
Slowly he starts rocking back and forth into you, letting out breathy moans the whole way through. 
“You can speed up,” You tell Neil, holding onto his bicep for support.
His hips start to speed up, until the sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet sounds of your cunt echo throughout the room. Neil keeps babbling out praises, ‘so good baby’s and ‘you’re so hot’s breaking the previously mentioned sounds, along with moaning from the both of you. Neil was a surprisingly good fuck. His cock was angled perfectly into your cunt, allowing him to hit deep into your cunt each time in a way that made you squeeze your eyes shut and throw your head back.
“Do you- fuck- do you want to ride this cowboy?” Neil asks through pants, you look up at him. A mix of amusement and horniness coats your brain.
“Yes.” Is all it takes for Neil to slip out of you and bring you on top of him, then line up his cock with your entrance once again and slip it in.
You bounce up and down on him, aided by both his hips bucking into yours and his hands on your hips.
“You’re so good at this, holy,” Neil says, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the bud, you yelp out.
You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten, gripping tightly on Neil’s shoulders for stability. The mix of Neil’s cock pumping in and out of you and his tongue playing with your nipples was driving you insane.
“Neil, I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, all over my cock, baby.”
You reach one of your hands down from Neil’s shoulders to your clit. Rubbing your clit in quick small circles as Neil watches you with hungry eyes. 
It all comes crashing into you at once as you chant ‘cumming’ as you slump into Neil’s shoulder. He follows quickly after you. Both of you stay still for a little bit, trying to recuperate from everything. Neil rubs small circles into your lower back before you slide off of his cock. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, not being able to look at Neil after that.
“Here,” Neil says, handing you your underwear.
You both get dressed in silence, before both exiting Neil’s office.
“You can go home early today if you want,” Neil coughs out.
You end up going home early after all, walking back to your car on shaky legs and being left to think about the events of today at your apartment.
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yannaryartside · 2 days
I am tired of Sydney being a “knight in shining armor” for these immature men
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The trailer of s3 made me reflect on a big problem with the show for me so far. The use of Sydney on the plot overall and in the character arcs of men. This is a rant, if you happen to be on the side of the fandom that think these men are perfect and Syd is valued as their support, feel free to scroll.
Part 1: the woman
Sydney Adamu is insecure on her leader/social skills and her creative habilities. That, and her kindness, is what makes the audience root for her. She is releatable but most important she is real, she has taken it impulse by impulse, creating on the fly ways to succeed in a industry not very welcoming to people with her personality (or that look like her). All of that makes sense in a story of an underdog.
But yet, the show has normalized at this point how much shit she takes from a group of really emotionally immature people. And how much they expect her to figure it out answers to the problems that they themselves cause.
Thinking about it like an animal getting into a new pack without the capacity to defend herself from any attack. The shitshow she tolerated in s1 has never been properly addressed and it seems like the worst storm is yet to come in s3. She fixed the logistics of the beef and implemented a hierarchy. Things that Carmy was incapable of doing due to his story with the staff and his own mental turmoil. In s2, she was the only professional chef actively making decisions and efforts in the future of the restaurant. Carmy even reprimanded her for not making the decisions he was supposed to do. And she reminded him “you wanted the final say, this is on you)
Syd is not helpless in any way, but she has applied kindness and fairness most of the time to this point, and I wonder if this time that is gonna cut it. I am mostly tired to get her back to that scenario again. If anything, the part that got me the most excited of Richie’s redemption is how she could actually rely on him. And then it came the trailer.
Part 2: the men
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The part that got my blood boiling in the trailer is the response “Show me a functional one” from Richie and Carmy.
We are in season 3, and with all the growth and all those balls, these men seem to expect her to fix an issue, wich core is actually their own emotional immaturity. I am sick of it. “Mother, maid, therapist”🎶
She must deal with Carmy’s recklessness and the fight between him and Richie. A very green new staff and a unqualified old staff mostly. All of that creates the dysfunctionality in question, and I wonder where her character will go to resolve it. The restaurant had a shaky base (particularly on front house staff and line cooks) and now Carmy is getting on everyone’s nerves. Putting fire to an already unstable chemical.
Part 3: Heroine’s Journey
It would take a pro to resolve all of this shit, and the people involved (and responsible for the problem) turn to this young, inexperienced woman for guidance and answers because the only person in the kitchen with actual industry experience is trapped in his own destroying tendencies.
That is not only the underdog story that is human vs forces of nature, another common plot structure. Forces of nature incarnated in unstable men and our hero is a woman. That is so fucked up and yet so real. That is the value I give to this scenario.
I really don't think that, besides Tina and Nat, there is a single member if that kitchen aware of how much Syd was alone last season picking Carmy’s slack. And even they were barely able to help her. Everybody else was to happy for Carmy loosing his virginity apparently. All this scenario could very well repeat itself this season on how much they are insisting on Claire and Carmy getting back together.
I know the show is about leaving toxic cycles and the people who can help you get better. Sydney is supposed to be made from a different matter than the Bearzattos because otherwise, the toxicity will continue. I just wish she could coldly let them know how much of a pest they can be sometimes. And not be treated as unfair because she left her “role” in creating a new system. Anger is boundarie setting emotion and it can be very constructive, and expressed without the chaos of the Bearzattos. She did this in s1 and if done again I think this time the general audience (except the racist/misogynistic obviously) will understand that this tough love is necessary as well.
Let's not normalize (in this show) women taking shit to be good women and a reward for seeing the potential of men. It is not like society is not doing that for us already.
Sydney is not a punching bag, and she knows it, she definitely will stand her ground this season, wich can be very encouraging to young woman entering a workforce that is not designed to support them. I think she will go to Ember to work closely with Chef Terry (Olivia Coleman) to get knowledge of how women can shape this toxic places. It will be her version of forks. The toxicity may escalate to a turning point for her. She tolerated (and transformed) s1 and s2, we know what is in her heart. The point will definitely come, because this is the time for evolving or dying, for everyone.
But again, I need these men (besides you, Marcus, you are going to be her rock) to start taking responsibility for the shit they are fucking up. That would be nice. I am sure there will be moments of it since this growth is literally the show's theme. I am just kind of tired of the “Mother, maid, therapist🎶” undertone of it all. It could be applied to Nat and Tina as well.
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hazbinshusk · 16 hours
husk x reader. a birthday present written for the wonderful @monstrousvoice. just pure, tooth-rotting birthday fluff featuring everybody's favourite alcoholic feline bartender. hope you like it!
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“D’you think Angel will be upset that we left early?” you ask as the two of you make your way back to the Hotel. It’s just barely three a.m., and the streets are reaching their peak of sinful depravity all around you.
“If he even notices,” Husk replies with a shrug of one shoulder. A car screeches around the corner, and Husk takes hold of your wrist, tugging you over to walk on the other side of him so he’s between you and the gutter. Your skin is warm where he touches you, and you feel a brief pang of disappointment when he releases you. “He seemed pretty… distracted.”
You chuckle quietly. Angel had been enjoying the limelight at a new club opening, and with Cherri there to keep an eye on him you hadn’t felt too bad about calling it an early night.
“I gotta say, Husk, I genuinely can’t tell if you enjoyed yourself tonight or not.”
The promise of free booze thanks to Angel’s level of celebrity had warred with the loud music and large crowds for the bartender, but the former had won out.
“Not exactly my kind of fun,” he admits and you feel his wing rise quickly behind you, hear the sound of glass breaking against the dense wall of feathers that suddenly shield you from harm. He shakes away the broken glass before tucking his wing back down against his shoulder. How he’d noticed the bottle’s trajectory towards you without turning around you had no idea. “But it’s lookin’ up.”
You smile to yourself as the two of you make your way up the hill to the hotel, your shoulder bumping against his briefly. You can feel warmth swirling in your stomach at the easy proximity between the two of you and you swallow, fixing your gaze pointedly on the hotel ahead of you. Your friendship with Husk has steadily become one of the brighter points in Hell for you, and you didn’t need to jeopardize it by letting yourself indulge in whatever it is you’re feeling.
The two of you don’t speak again until you’re in the lobby, and the two of you linger there for a long few moments. You swear you feel Husk’s eyes on your face but when you look up, he glances towards the bar, rubbing his claws through the fur at the back of his neck. You cough awkwardly, jerking your head towards the stairs. “So, I… I’m gonna head up. But I’ll see you in the morning.”
“I’ve got somethin’ for you,” Husk blurts out as you turn away, and you stop, surprised. When you meet his eye he looks almost… embarrassed, his ears low and the bridge of his nose a soft pink. He clears his throat, making his way to the bar. “It’s, uh…”
You follow him curiously, taking a seat on your usual stool as he rounds the bar to reach beneath it. He glances back up at you in a way you could swear is shy.
“Can you, uh… jus’… shut your eyes for a minute, okay?”
You raise a brow but do as he asks, folding your hands in your lap. You can hear him fumbling around with something for a moment, a soft click, and after a few moments you feel him take the stool beside you. Without opening your eyes you turn to face him, your knee bumping against his thigh.
“Okay,” Husk’s velvet tenor says quietly, and you try to ignore the shiver that runs up your back. “You can… you can open ‘em up now.”
You do so slowly, blinking a couple of times before your eyes settle on the space on the bar between you.
A cupcake sits on a small china plate on the polished wood, topped with soft white frosting and a single burning candle. You stare at it for a few seconds in surprise before dragging your eyes back to Husk. The candlelight plays over his features, the warm light making his eyes glow.
He gives you a small, embarrassed smile. “Happy birthday, doll.”
“How did you even…?” you swallow; you can feel the beginnings of tears welling to stick in the back of your throat. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I wanted to.” he says and shrugs a shoulder as though it was a gesture that didn’t make your heart flip against your ribs. “Didn’t think your birthday should be all about someone else.”
You feel a soft smile on your lips, your eyes falling to where your hands were still twisted together in your lap. “Thank you, Husk.”
“You okay?” he asks, his own voice now barely more than a gentle rumble. With your eyes on his you feel your breathing hitch… you hadn’t realized just how close he is to you. “You’re, um… you’re blushin’.”
You nod slowly, and you see his eyes fall to your lips for a moment. Your heart flutters, and you feel yourself lean forward for a second. A brief flicker of surprise passes over his features before he moves forwards incrementally too. The moment hangs between the two of you for what feels like forever, the passing time only marked by the shadows dancing over his face and your heartbeat pounding in your chest.
And then… and then the two of you lean forward, his lips brushing softly against yours.
It’s hauntingly brief but still leaves you breathless, and you feel your inhale come shudderingly as he pulls away. He doesn’t go far, his forehead only inches away from pressing against your own.
“’s this okay?” he whispers and you nod, bringing your mouth back to his.
Husk kisses you with reverence, his lips achingly soft and his breath fanning warm across your chin when you part briefly. You reach up to touch your fingers to his cheek, carding your fingertips carefully through the soft fur. A quiet sound, almost a whimper, escapes you as you feel his hand take a gentle hold of your waist.
The kiss doesn’t deepen, doesn’t morph into something salacious, it just lingers in an embrace that sends butterflies through every part of you.
When you do finally pull away you’re breathless, and you see the warmth in your cheeks mirrored in the pink of his. His paw still rests on your waist, and you can feel it curl in the fabric covering your side as you lean over and blow out the candle on top of your cake.
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paragonrobits · 2 days
There’s a phrase I like to use when people question why, in fantasy series, people don’t just take the most efficient and ruthless option. I say, “This isn’t Game of Thrones.” Bluntly put, apart from having a very unsatisfying ending to its character arcs due to a realistic but very abrupt swing from the character arcs it had been building up (and in one notable case, a character arc that WAS built up the whole time, but not in a way people anticipated), Game of Thrones is most notorious for a very realpolitick approach to how the characters make their decisions.
Efficiency, immediate needs and ruthlessness regardless of personal qualms comes up a lot in what people seem to have taken from that show’s success, and you see a LOT of people thinking that pragmatic ruthlessness is the most basic and standard solution to any story’s problems, regardless of whether or not its consistent with a story’s given themes and morals.
The Avatar setting is NOT one of those. In this setting, spirituality is vitally important; the reason WHY things are done, as well as HOW they done, are just as important as the actual end result, if not more.
So, one thing I see a LOT in fandom circles (usually in bad takes floating around and being mocked by the circles I am adjacent to, or ideas popular among Big Name Fans who are kind of sheltered from the actual themes of the show itself and have distanced themselves from what the show is actually like in favor of what is functionally a completely original series that appeals to their own preferences) comes down to discussions arguing that AtLA would be better if Aang just took down every one he fought and killed them all without hesitation; there is a popular implication among these ideas that Aang is considered weak to them BECAUSE he doesn't want to kill. Because killing is anathema to his people, because the deliberate taking of life is a HUGE deal to both the Air Nomads and the real life religions that they are based on.
These takes conclude that none of that matters; that his morals and compunctions should just be immediately tossed aside in order to achieve his goals. There's usually something like 'who cares about spirituality when the world is so bad' or the ends justifying the means. And the thing is that we DO see characters in AtLA saying that, quite often. Characters who don't care about the spiritual consequences of their actions, who do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
They're the villains.
In AtLA, ruthlessness, pragmatism and 'whatever it takes to get what I want' is SPECIFICALLY and EXCLUSIVELY associated with the antagonists. General Fong; Azula, Ozai, the entirety of the Fire Nation... one thing they all have in common, besides opposing Aang, is that they're not just willing to be ruthless, they have no interest in achieving their goals or really doing anything at all without being ruthless and amoral about it. There's a common point in the narrative here, and I think the episode the Avatar State neatly sums it up through its story, as we are presented with Fong, who is seemingly an ally, demanding that they ignore the spiritual demands in favor of just weaponizing a force of nature no one involved really understands.
His emphasis on the people dying in the meantime does make for a potent image, but he is ultimately and frequently established as a ruthless jackass who cares more about trying to weaponize the Avatar State (and mere mortals do not get to have a say in its decisions or what the World Spirit, in its fullest power, wants to do). Apart from this indicating a more or less full departure from a strict moral binary within the series, there's also an emphasis on Katara growing increasingly uncomfortable with the non-spiritual plan they're taking, to the point that she won't have anything to do with it, and she is very much the show's heart. If she disapproves of something with plot relevance, its usually a bad sign.
So this whole THING you have with people going 'everything would be better if Aang killed everyone immediately except for the secret Good Guys even though he has absolutely no way of knowing them out of context'... its genuinely really bewildering and I think its kind of proof of people not engaging with the show's themes or ethics, but assuming that ruthlessness and efficiency are the default way of handling everything. AtLA is not subtle about this and if you think that the show at any point suggests that this is a likely outcome, I don't think you're really engaging with it, or you're misunderstanding the context (such as the Ocean Spirit rampaging being framed as a last second moment of hope; I think people conflate its destruction as generally a Cool Thing, rather than the world itself protecting a dying culture from near certain destruction as the moon itself is... well, dead.)
(There's also a protagonist-centered morality in that they seem to want their characters to BE rather amoral, being all about love and acceptance and tolerance but also brutally and remorselessly kill everyone in their way without hesitation, and the people making these statements don't see any kind of logical flaw. I dunno but that's WEIRD to me.)
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allyeardepression · 2 days
@jegulus-microfic | june 1 pride | words: 896
“Have you heard that Amelia ran into Regulus Black and Dorcas Meadows on the Astronomy Tower last night?”
“What? Is he cheating on Pandora then?”
“He’s with Pandora? I swear I saw him snogging Lily Evans in the library the other day.”
“Bullshit, she’s muggleborn; his parents would kill him if they found out!”
“Yeah, but he’s still Sirius’ brother, so Regulus is probably as rebellious as him.”
Such conversations were everything Regulus could hear lately, as if his dating life were any of other people's business. He knew it was all made up, and he ignored them, even if they became louder and louder every day.
It wouldn’t bother him that much if he was a casanova who craved such rumours about himself. But he was not a casanova; he didn’t even care about women in that way; he much rather preferred men.
And that was the problem, wasn’t it? If he said it to anyone besides his friends, he would be eaten alive—first by his classmates, then by his family. Even if the wizarding world didn’t care about who was sleeping with whom, Regulus was still one of the heirs to The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black—of course, his coming out as gay would become the biggest scandal of the century.
All of this to say, he kept his mouth shut and let people talk shit about his love life so his everyday life was safe.
“You know,” James said one night, when they laid on Regulus’ bed cuddling. “If they’re bothering you, we could start some nasty rumour, like that you have chlamydia.” The younger boy chuckled at that.
“I think I’ll pass; I prefer them talking about me like I’m some kind of slag,” he replied softly, brushing hair from James’ forehead.
Regulus felt good and safe while with James. He wished he could feel like that all the time, but only the thought of holding his boyfriend’s hand in the corridor full of people made his guts turn.
So, he made peace with people talking about him. It might’ve been irritating, stupid, and untrue, but he preferred it over whatever would come after those people found out about his actual relationship.
It went on for most of his fifth year—in the daylight he would be presumed fuck boy who had every girl at Hogwarts in his bed; at night he became a little twink in love with the Gryffindor’s Golden Boy.
One day in June, during dinner, some older Slytherin girl waved at him to come to her.
“Go on, Reggie! I wonder what she would want from you,” Barty snickered, pushing Regulus in the girl’s direction. The funniest thing was that Barty knew about Regulus and James' relationship, but he still liked to put the younger boy in situations like this that only fueled the rumours.
He strode off, stopping when he reached her.
“Hello,” he said coldly, “can I help you with anything?”
“Hi, yes, actually,” she answered excitedly. “So, we were wondering which of Meadows, Rosier, and Evans you’re dating. Would you be a darling and clarify it for us?” She finished her question, obnoxiously batting her eyelashes. He didn’t even know her; why would he even want to clarify anything to her?
His eyes went to the other side of the room, spotting that lovely smile of his boyfriend’s. He wished he could point at James and say, ‘That one, I’m dating that one’. Oh, how he wished he could just—
A quiet voice in his head whispered, ‘The only one stopping you is yourself; just go’. He considered it for a second.
Ah, fuck it.
Regulus cleared his throat and looked at the girl with a mean smile. “Yes, actually, I could clarify it for you,” and with that, he turned on his heel and walked away in the direction of the Gryffindor’s tabel.
He could hear his heart pounding, feel his hand shaking a little, and his face turning red more and more with every step, but he wasn’t a coward; he wasn’t backing down now. When James turned his head in Regulus’ direction, his face went pale, like he was seeing a ghost. But Regulus still wasn’t backing down.
In no time, he reached the older boy and, without thinking, pulled him by the neck to kiss him thoroughly. And when their lips collided, it was like nothing else mattered. Even when James needed a second to register what was happening and relax, it was the best thing Regulus had ever felt. And when his boyfriend’s hand touched his cheek and the other one grabbed his thigh, the world around them collapsed, and there were only the two of them.
After another minute (or hour, who knows), they pulled away to get some air, and that’s when Regulus noticed it—James eyes were sparkling with so much love and pride that Regulus could only giggle like a lovesick eleven-year-old. In return, James chuckled softly, caressing the other’s cheek gently.
And then it got to Regulus what he just did. At first, he felt like he might be sick, but a second later, that quiet voice from earlier said, ‘Fuck it, you’re free now’.
And on that note, he looked up at the girl on the other side of the room and shouted, “Is it clear enough now?”
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YES James potter was a people pleaser
YES James potter had anxiety
YES he was a bit of a goofball
Like akshshvsjsvsjsbdj
Ahhhhhh I feel like some ppl will equate people pleaser to being weak and it pisses me off
They're anything but weak imo but that's besides the point
To an extent yes, James Potter did let a lot of things slide that shouldn't have but he was NOT a pushover
He knew when it was needed to stand up for himself or others, even if it scared the shit out of him and he wanted to do anything but
James potter could clap back, if he so chose
You think the boy can't after being around Remus, Sirius, and Regulus for so long?????
It was bound to rub off on him
And as for him being dumb
He always made himself seem like it, acting silly, always asking for help on his hw(in a goofy kind of way which made it seem like he actually needed help)
But he was SO smart omfg
He knew all the stuff he was learning, he just had to explain it to himself because he would either 1. Get distracted in class cause ✨Adhd ✨ or 2. The teachers just didn't explain it the way he needed
But he most always understood what they were learning and in fact probably helped the others out with their HW cause he was so good
He just acted dumb so much they all forgot he was smart until they saw his grades (they never dropped below a 90 or an A if your grading system is like that or however tf Hogwarts grades)
But yeah
thanks for listening to my Ted talk LMAO
@themortalityofundyingstars @starmanbutitsregulusblack
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Thinking About Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) x Gale...Again
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Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
A/N: Shoutout to @leighsartworks216 for letting me ramble to them about this AU. I have some more developed thoughts on their relationship and how it might come about. Consider this a 2.0 version of my previous headcanon.
So, first things first, I don’t think this relationship would develop until some years after the game
Astarion and Evie are much more stable in their relationship, maybe even married at this point
They’ve been adventuring, traveling all around Faerun and have made a habit of going to visit Waterdeep at least once a year
Gale made it clear that the tower is always open to them, even if at the beginning it was more for Evie’s sake than Astarion’s
As I've established in a few places, Gale was initially romantically interested in Evie, but she turned him down and they slipped into a very close, borderline queerplatonic relationship (although Gale does have some lingering feelings he chooses not to indulge in)
Also during this time, Gale and Astarion have gotten closer
While their bickering had never fully gone away, there is a much more playful tone to it
It's clear it's just how the pair of them communicate and any malice has faded years ago
Gale also can't help but notice how much Astarion has grown over the years, freedom suits him and there is no doubt Evie's influence has helped him expend the circle of what/who he decides to care for
Astarion too has finally admitted that Gale does have his charms, and has even confessed to missing him on occasion (only to Evie of course)
So picture this
Some years after the events of the game, Gale gets into a proper romantic relationship with somebody in Waterdeep. They love each other. Gale is his absolute attentive self, they think he's amazing, every thing is going great
Then, Evie and Astarion drop in for a visit
His partner knows about Evie and Astarion. Gale has talked about them plenty of times.
It's clear they're all very close, but Gale specifically mentions his relationship with Evie, while not romantic, still runs deep
Of course, at the time his partner said that it was fine. Why would they need to be jealous of a friend who is already happily married to somebody else? But then they see the pair of them together
Yes, Gale says it's not romantic, but the only person they're seen him drop everything for has been them...and now Evie
It shouldn't bother them, but it does. How is Astarion not saying anything? His spouse is standing in front of him just casually touching another man like it's no big deal!
Evie also has the audacity to be nothing but polite and kind the entire time while clearly caring for Gale
Gale is still Gale, but with both Astarion and Evie there, they feel like they've missed out on some deeper aspect to him only the pair of them fully comprehend
The worst is when they decide to all go for a night out
Evie ends up running a bit late for some reason leaving, Gale, his partner and Astarion making small talk, but to little success
They admittedly have not been getting on great with Astarion
Gale might assure them that he takes some time to get used to, but it seems the man is determined to be unpleasant
The only time his narrowed eyes seem to lighten at all is when Evie is in the room
It's the signal they've finally arrived, when Astarion lips turn into the first real smile of the evening
They then make the mistake of looking at Gale
He gaze turns and his expression just...melts
They know that look, they've seen that look, but the worst is how it shifts into something sadder, resigned, only to be pushed away just in time for Evie to slip in beside Astarion, seemingly oblivious
How in the hells are they supposed to respond to a display like that?
They eventually confront Gale about it, much to Gale's confusion because he thought he explained it very thoroughly
And well yes, technically he did, his partner still can't wrap their head around it seeing it in action; and he absolutely failed to mention being in love with Evie
Gale adamantly denies it, but they can tell even he doesn't fully believe it
Gale, however, does confess that he met both Evie and Astarion at a very vulnerable point in his life
Evie especially helped him though a lot, so he's not about to let this relationship go or change its nature
Astarion had the benefit of witnessing it's inception so while he and Evie got together, and it took some adjusting on his part, he was able to more easily understand it
Gale then gives them an ultimatum of either accepting that Evie is always going to be part of his life or not
His partner decides to leave; while they do love Gale, they don't want to be placed second
Gale is gutted, but he can't bring himself to fully explain to Evie and Astarion why exactly he and his partner split, just that it apparently did work out
Evie can't bring themselves to leave Gale when he's in such a state, and Astarion agrees that a heartbroken Gale shouldn't be left to his own devices
It ends up being the longest they've all stayed together since the Absolute, and new and old feelings start to stir
Astarion for one, fully admits to not liking Gale's ex from the jump, even if he can't fully articulate why
It wasn't anything they did per say
He could point to the way they looked at Evie; with suspicion and frustration. But, even when Evie wasn't in the room, they annoyed him
Something about the way they buzzed around Gale made him prickle; Evie never spurred such a reaction, maybe he's just used to it
Of course Astarion was there when everything blew up and of course he was defensive of Evie and supportive of Gale, but there is also this odd relief
He feels like he should feel guilty about but just isn’t. It at the very least starts him really thinking about his feelings towards Gale. 
Astarion is also furious at himself once he realizes his feelings are romantic and he wants to kiss that wizard on his stupid face
He and Evie have also been discussing possibly opening up the relationship
Astarion has been wanting to experiment with sex again, and while they've developed their own forms of intimacy, he would never push Evie into anything she truly did not want to do
This has been sparking some of Evie's anxieties about past partners growing bored when they couldn't offer them sex, but Evie doesn't want to lose Astarion by outright saying no
Gale is already aware of his feelings toward Evie, and his guilt associated with it made only worse when he starts to feel those same feelings for Astarion, which admittedly have been growing for a few years now
Basically all of them have a lot of complicated histories with relationships and intimacy and it takes a while for them to get it all sorted out between them
Astarion and Gale would be the first to break, some of the same beats playing out with Astarion finally kissing Gale and the two of them going to Evie immediately after to talk it all out
Evie would feel like she’d need to keep her distance as Astarion and Gale work out exactly what their relationship is
A part of her is still so afraid she’s going to be the one pushed out. She loves them both so much, but they each can provide each other not just love but sex and so many other comforts in each other.
Meanwhile Astarion and Gale are just sitting their baffled like, “you do realize the main reason why we’ve tolerated each other long enough to start developing feelings is because we both loved you first”.
Gale might be the one to reach out first asking her to accompany him somewhere, just the two of them. It gives them time to talk, Gale to voice some of his anxieties about starting a relationship with Astarion and wanting to figure out the rules to make Evie comfortable.
It would also be the moment he confesses exactly why he and his ex broke up; yes, there were other issues, but it really came down to his relationship with her
Platonic, possibly romantic, whatever they want to call it in the moment, the love between them is real and now they have a chance to figure out just how deep it goes
Astarion is a little more of a mess, taking longer to accept that yes he does love Gale and no that doesn’t diminish his love for Evie, it’s just different. Evie taught him just how much love he was truly capable of. That itself was a lot to come to terms with, finding out he somehow has even more is nearly overwhelming.
He’d be boarder line paranoid of accidentally pushing Evie away to the point it may slow does his progress with Gale. Luckily Gale is the best person to understand just how important Evie is to Astarion. 
I've got a lot of other random headcanons of the three of them once they all settle into the relationship, but that's the basic set up. If you'd like to hear about some more fluffy rambles or even want some one-shots with the three of them, let me know!
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gemini-sensei · 3 days
Can you please do shy!Eli with a reader who has been best friends with him and Demetri since they were little kids. As they grow together, reader realizes she has a crush on Eli, and starts getting all touchy with him in a "playful" way. Because she doesn't really know how to flirt. She slips love letters into his books and locker...
One day Kyler starts picking on the three of them. And reader (usually too shy) gets pissed off and fed up bc he's calling her fat in an insulting way for the hundredth time. And goes too far with bullying Eli this time, so she does something about (kicks his ass).
Later on Eli thinks about that moment, how badass she looked standing up for him... And finds another love letter. He notices it has a little heart on it, the same way reader always draws hearts. Eli doesn't know what to do at this point bc in his mind, she's way out of his league! Plus, what if she's just playing a silly prank on him? It might not even be her!! He's overthinking.
Later on reader goes to Eli's after school, and he's rambling on about one of his new favorite games, she kisses him. He realizes it was her who'd been leaving letters around for him...
And you take it from here bc my mind is blank 💀
Reader getting absolutely fed up with Kyker that she finally stands up to him sparks Eli to realize that he has a crush on her. He can't help but admire the way she speaks up for herself and how he shouldn't be calling her fat because it's not even a real insult. She calls him out for harping on her body all the time with "For someone who claims to be better than me, you sure are paying a lot of attention to me and the way I look." It makes Kyler faulted and he switches it up to make fun of Eli, taking it too far and making him cry. And Eli doesn't want to cry in front of Reader, so he runs and hides from her until he can go home.
When he finds another letter, he opens it immediately because the sweet words inside make him feel better. The writer doesn't talk about his lip but instead about how handsome he is and smart and kind. He reads it over and over again until his tears dry up. Only then foes he notice the little heart on the paper. It's so distinct to him because he's only been watching one of his best friends draw it forever.
But that can't be right. Reader wouldn't leave him notes like this. Even though he's crushing on her and he'd love for it to be her, he doesn't know if he can handle that. Besides, he can't be certain that the letter is from her. So he puts it away and tries to think of something else.
Before Reader comes over, he washes his face and changes his clothes because he still doesn't want her to know how upset Kyler made him that day. He's shocked to open the door and see her black eye bruising.
"What happened?" he asks, so very worried.
She huffs. "I beat up Kyler's sorry ass. I couldn't let him just get away with saying what he did."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't say that. You've got nothing to apologize for."
He invites her inside to check out the new game he got. He gushes about how much fun it is and she asks him about the fighting style and story and everything. It helps him forget about what happened at school and about the letters. He's able to just relax and sit with her as he shows her the game, showing her the game play and art style, pretty much everything that he's excited about with it.
He doesn't realize she's not paying attention to the game at all but instead watching him. She's enamored by how animated and excited her gets about these kind of things. It's cute. Even hot.
And as she sits there watching him, a surge of courage comes over her. The days earlier encounter with Kyler left her feeling confident and strong, so she takes that with her now as she leans in to Eli. She reaches out and gently turns his face to her and kisses him, shocking him so much that he drops his gaming controller. She thinks she's overstepped when he doesn't do anything and is about to pull away when he surges forward and kisses her back harder. It turns from a simple little kiss to a messy molding of lips against each other for the first time.
When they do part, he's breathless while she's giggly. His mind ig running a million miles a second as he realizes she is the one who's been leaving him love letters. She's the one. She's the one. She's the one.
She always has been the one but he's so overjoyed by the realization that she feels the same way, he can't think of anything else. Let alone say or do anything but stare at her in total wonder and admiration. That is until she kisses him again and pulls him out of his amazed stupor.
He kind of asks a dumb questions afterwards though. "What was that for?"
She laughs and touchs his arm, that playful flirtiness coming out of her. "You're such a dork sometimes... it's super cute. And hot."
"Y-you think I'm hot?" He stutters.
"The hottest."
She might make him short circuit. But as he remembers all her letters and the things she's always thought of him and said of him. He looks down to try hiding his face, but she cuddles up to him and tilts her head to look at him.
"Wanna go to Golf n' Stuff?"
"L-like a d-date?"
She nods and he nods back, so they get up and go hand in hand to their date.
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ao3sbatfamily · 1 day
do you have any fics of the batkids playing board games
i’d really like it of it was them being chaotic over monopoly but no pressure <3
'Death by Monopoly' by AutumnHobbit
Author: @autumnhobbit
"Ah, here we go. 'Under official rules, can Players A and B operate under a united banner as if they are one player?'"
"...Well? Can they?" Damian asked impatiently.
"...Maybe?" Tim said, confused. "The author of this piece kinda makes it sound like you've committed a capital crime by breaking the rules. But unless Jay and Dick read this article, I wouldn't think they'd know."
"Thomas!" Damian sprang up off the floor and grabbed Duke by the hand, dragging him inside. "Come assist us in defeating Grayson and Todd."
"Uh," Duke said eloquently, as Damian tugged him down so he was seated on the floor across from Tim. "What now?"
"Apparently we're teaming up at Monopoly," Tim said tiredly.
Duke arched an eyebrow. "I think that's against the rules...."
"We are multibillionaires. We shall play Monopoly however we wish," Damian declared. "Besides, is capitalism not your main bragging point in America?"
'The Batfamily's Card Game' by truc
Batman Strength: 10/10 Speed: 10/10 Intelligence Quotient: 10/10 Experience: 10/10 Accuracy: 10/10 Agility: 8/10 Flexibility: 7/10 Emotional Intelligence: 0/10 Social Intelligence: 3/10 Humour: 5/10
Special effect: If Deflect is activated successfully three times with this card, this character gains three scapegoats to take any emotional or social attack. He will also gain a new scapegoat at each of his additional applications of Deflect.
'Witch Of Gotham' by LananiA3O
Author: @lananiscorner
“So... portal or not?”
“I mustn’t tell.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.” That was the most stupid, bullshit rule he had ever heard. What kind of cooperative game barred its players from cooperating?
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tossawary · 3 hours
Ooohh do you have any thoughts on Orochimaru specifically? Would love to hear them, I find his whole deal fascinating.
At the moment, not really? I mean, I just finished the last 100 chapters of the "Naruto" manga and I best remember the Chuunin Exams arc besides that, so while I have a general idea of Orochimaru's deal and backstory, I do not remember the small and specific canonical details that generally make characters super interesting.
One thing that I thought was super funny was that Hashirama, Tobirama, and Minato (and Sarutobi Hiruzen, I guess? He was there doing... something) are carrying a significant percentage of this super long final battle, fighting against Obito and Madara, saving lives and dealing out damage. And they're only there as super powerful undead warriors because Orochimaru resurrected them with his improved Edo Tensai technique. So I think it's fair to say that a SIGNIFICANT part of the final battle is being carried by OROCHIMARU, who might as well be sitting on the sidelines for most of it with a cocktail and a beach chair.
I don't remember the exact details of the human experimentation, at least part of which I'm sure is unforgivably evil even if Orochimaru was doing them on behalf of his village at some point. (Doing that shit on someone else's order is still not good even if all of these traumatized characters were raised to be obedient soldiers since early childhood.) But besides the mad science, Orochimaru generally doesn't really stand out to me as being any more evil than a lot of kage and other senior shinobi.
Like, they are in the business of making child soldiers and killing people for money; that is the general deal of ninja here. Inherently corrupt and violent systems and all that jazz. So, personally, I don't really care all that much that Orochimaru defected and started his own business, because I don't think that most of these characters owe any real loyalty to this broken military state that keeps fucking them and their loved ones over to hold onto its power. I like the fact that he's fun-looking and dramatic and a lot about him as a villain / antagonist calls out everyone else around him as hypocrites.
I don't remember enough about him to fully understand his motivations and be persuaded that his actions make any kind of sense by the story, but a lot of character motivations and their choices to achieve their goals in "Naruto" barely make sense to me. (Note to everyone: this is not an invitation to explain Orochimaru's everything to me. I'll read all of canon properly at some point.) I like the fact that he decided to help against Madara and Obito at the end of the story, because he was like, "Of course I want to save the world? I live here???"
I thought the end of "Naruto" was super abrupt and I can't remember if there was much of Orochimaru in those final chapters. I know he fucked off again and had a kid later, which I find funny. (Half of the time Orochimaru was on screen, I was distracted by Uzumaki Karin, because I wanted to like her as a female character with some cool attributes, I wanted to be in her corner, but every time she appeared, she did something that made me want to strangle the author with my bare hands. I feel entitled to financial compensation.)
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artofhazbinhotel · 3 days
heyyy you can do a guitarspear short in the garden of eden (where maybe, if you want, Lute will be a curious angel about the new creation/Adam lol)
Here we go! Hopefully it was worth the wait, I had a lot of fun writing this :)
Alone sat a man, alone for the second time, while his wife had been condemned for her sins he wasn't, she was banished and he wasn't. He wouldn't be alone if his kids were awake but the late night silence was better than their cries about where their mother went. He blamed Lucifer for what happened to Eve, not her, she was just listening to a man and that's what she had been taught, if only Lilith learned that, maybe she wouldn't have chosen Lucifer over him, she was too difficult for him. He likes to think he's the one who wanted that to end, not her. The lake he sat by in the grass reflected the moon and he cupped some of the water to his mouth to drink, drinking away your sorrows hadn't been invented yet but he'd try.
He was interrupted by the sight of an angel slowly flying down to him, he wanted to be annoyed but she was kind of hot in his opinion. Long light silver hair, golden eyes with thick lashes, a flowy dress of black and white patterns and matching black and white wings large enough to support her. She landed in front of him and took a seat next to him in the grass, quiet for a minute, like she was thinking of what to say. "I'm sorry about what happened to Eve" she finally said. He sighed, "Geez does all of heaven know? I must look like some fucking loser." She tilted her head "What does fucking mean?"
Adam snickered running a hand through his hair "Oh right, I made it up, it's like something you add before a word to make it sound cooler, what do you think?" He looked at her for approval, he'd always assumed angels would be bigger until he saw Lucifer and now her, she's tiny. The angel thought about it before offering an awkward snicker in return "I like it, maybe I'll use it" He offered a high-five with an enthusiastic: "Hell yeah!" But she wasn't sure what to do so he took her hand and make it tap his for her then let go, it fell back at her side. "So what's your name?"
"I don't have a name" Adam's eyes widened in offense for her "That's lame, what about I give you one?" She smiled and nodded. Adam took her in again, what words come to mind? The animal names were made up, she should get something that doesn't exist yet. "Lulu.. no that's dumb. Light. Already exist." He tapped his head before snapping his fingers, "Lute!" Her eyes lit up, to have the person she's been watching from afar give her this gift was a warm feeling. "I like it"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Lute" "Nice to meet you too, Adam, I always wanted to but it didn't feel like the right time." He tilts his head, "What do you mean?" Lute sighed "As an angel the only way I can access this world is if a soul needs me, I jumped at the chance" "I guess that makes sense, but does that mean you can't visit unless I'm sad?"
Lute paused before answering, "I can sneak out" The human was kind of impressed, "Risky, I like it" Before their chat can continue a small pair of hands tapped Adam's shoulder lightly but several times. He looked down to see Abel, not very old yet. "Hey buddy, what you doing up?" Abel sat beside his father and pointed to Lute "Who's the pretty lady daddy? Is she our new mommy?" Lute blushed embarrassed and shook her head "No no, I'm just an angel-"
Abel stumbled over and snuggled up to her wing "You're like a birdy" Adam picked up his son "Hey you can't go getting all handsy with the ladies unless they're into it" Abel nodded and Lute stood. "I'm sorry to cut this short but I really should be heading back, I have a lot of responsibility up there" Adam looked at Abel and joked "See? Look what you did" Abel just immediately started crying"Wait fuck- I was joking!" He bounced him panicking, Eve was so much better at this parenting thing than he was.
Lute didn't judge, she'd have no idea what to do with a tiny human either. She waved goodbye and so did Adam. Her wings spread and she went back up, he was looking forward to seeing her again, it was the first time he'd felt happy in a while. Okay back to the crying baby, he just kept shaking up and down like a protein drink "Hush little baby don't say a word-" awkward singing ensues.
The two continued their meetings until eventually Adam's death came, Lute watched from behind the gates to welcome him as he was let him in. She took in his new appearance, golden wings and a considerable height boost. "I can show you around" She suggested but he was just excited to see her and lifted her with ease, crushing her against his chest. "Lute! This is great, now we can hang out all we want!" The other angel blushed being so close and tried to shove away, wings flapping rapidly. "Yeah- great- you can put me down now."
Adam nods and sits her down "Oops sorry" He laughed as she fixed her hair. Their conversation was interrupted again by something mirroring their first, it was Abel. "You look so majestic father! I missed you" Adam ran over and ruffled his brown hair, it matched his own. "Not too bad yourself, look at those wings!" Lute watched them with a small smile, it was sweet to see the reunion Abel always talked about, she never filled the mother role in his life, but she did let him ask about his father, she'd never complain to talk about him.
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sequinsmile-x · 21 hours
A half-asleep Jack calls Emily 'Mom', and it leads to a long overdue conversation between her and Aaron.
Hi friends!
This is for the lovely @astridncs who asked for a fic where Jack calls Emily 'mom' and she and Aaron talk about it afterwards.
I really hope you enjoy this <3
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: Pregnancy
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily groans as she shifts on the couch, her hand pressed against her bump as she tries to get comfortable, an annoyed hiss escaping her as she fails to do so. 
“You okay over there, Bella?”
She narrows her eyes at Dave as she tries to move again. She feels a familiar pair of hands on her back and looks up at Aaron, flashing him a grateful smile as he adjusts the cushion behind her, ensuring it supports the part of her back he knows hurts the most. 
Before she got pregnant, back when the idea of having a baby with the love of her life felt like nothing more than treacherous hope, she knew he’d be overprotective. That he’d use his knowledge of her to anticipate what she needed often before she even knew. She’d always assumed that it would annoy her, that the slightly over the top care would feel like coddling, but she’d found herself loving it. She’d even seek it out, happy for the first time in her life to let someone look after her - sinking into the safety and comfort that her husband gave her at every turn.
She’d joked to JJ recently that she was sure it was the baby. That the little girl growing in her belly already knew she had her father wrapped around her tiny little finger and was somehow influencing Emily to enjoy it too. 
“I’m fine,” she says, smiling tightly at the team scattered around Dave’s living room, “I’m the size of a house and might never be comfortable again,” she complains, her lips twitching in a smile when she sees varying degrees of amusement cross her friends faces, “But I’m fine.”
“Do you want to go home, sweetheart?” Aaron asks and she looks up at him, shaking her head as he kisses her hairline.
“It’s okay,” she replies, her smile getting wider when she hears Jack and Henry playing in the next room, their laughter warming her from the inside out, “It’s not like our couch is any better for my back,” she smiles as Jack’s laugh gets louder, “Besides, the boys are having fun.” 
“As long as you’re sure.” 
“I’m sure,” she smiles and nods, cupping his cheek as she drags him into a kiss, making a point of kissing him again when she hears Dave and Derek playfully groan. She rolls her eyes as she pulls back and rests her head on Aaron’s shoulder, “I am allowed to kiss him you know, he is my husband,” her lips curl into a smile and Aaron knows exactly what she’s going to say before she says it, shaking his head lovingly at her before she even starts to speak, “In fact we do more than kissing,” she says, pressing her hand on her bump, “How do you think-”
“That’s enough, Em,” Derek says playfully, cutting over her, shaking his head, “There are kids around.” 
She rolls her eyes again, “Jack and Henry are next door they can’t hear us.”
“I was talking about Reid,” he deadpans, making them all laugh as Spencer scoffs, shaking his head as he mutters that he knew what sex was. 
The evening passes by quickly as it often did, and it was moments like this she’d reflect on how different her life looked these days. Just a few years ago she couldn’t imagine still being here, the idea of feeling safe and happy again in the place she’d called home before Ian had torn through her life almost laughable. But then Aaron happened. Sweet, kind, right in front of her this whole time Aaron. He’d helped her help herself. He’d encouraged and pushed her when she needed it and left her alone when she needed that too, slowly but surely ensuring she found the happy, achingly ordinary, ending she would have once thought was beyond her. 
She smiles at the feeling of her baby shifting in her stomach and she rubs a soothing circle over her shirt. Aaron squeezes her shoulder and she looks up at him, the soft smile on his face his way of checking in with her and she knows all she’d have to do is nod and he’d take her home no questions asked. 
She’s about to do just that, the aching in her back and the exhaustion that came with being 7 months pregnant getting to her, when she’s interrupted by a small hand on her knee.
“Aunt Emily?” Henry says, his smile wide as she looks at him. 
“Yes, honey,” she replies, reaching out and running her fingers through his hair, “Is everything okay?” 
“Jack fell asleep.”
Emily feels Aaron’s chuckle more than she hears it, the vibration of it passing from his chest to hers as he kisses the side of her head before he stands up.
“I think that’s our cue to leave,” he says and he winks at Henry, “Thanks, Henry.” 
“You’re welcome, Uncle Hotch.” 
Aaron sighs as Dave and Derek both chuckle, their mission to make the young boy call him Uncle Hotch successful despite his attempts to assure the young boy he could call him Aaron. Henry runs towards an equally amused JJ and Will and settles in between his parents, and he knows it won’t be long until he is asleep too. 
“You’re going to have to help me up, honey,” Emily grumbles, taking the hand he already has offered out to her, “I don’t think I’m too far off needing an industrial hoist.” 
He stamps a kiss on her cheek, “You’re beautiful,” he says as he squeezes her hand. He looks at the rest of the team and waves, “See you all Monday. Unless we get a case.” 
“I’ll make sure we don’t,” Penelope says, sipping her wine as she winks and Aaron raises his eyebrow at her, choosing not to comment as they all exchange goodbyes and he and Emily walk the short distance to the room Jack had fallen asleep in. 
They both smile at the sight of him curled up on the couch, toys that Dave had specifically bought for when he and Henry came over scattered around the room. Emily walks over and sits on the arm of the couch and runs her fingers through his hair.
“Jack? Honey, it’s time to go home,” she says quietly as he groans, burrowing his face briefly into the cushion beneath his head before he opens his eyes and looks up at her. “Can you carry me, Mommy?” He mutters, his words slurring in a way that lets her know he’s not entirely awake, but it makes her freeze, her breath catching in her chest as her cheeks immediately feel red hot. 
She could count on one hand the number of times he’d called her mom or some variety of it. It was rare, usually only slipping past his lips when he was sleepy like tonight or sick. Mama whimpered against her neck as she tried to help him through a fever. 
Initially, she’d struggled with her place in Jack’s life. She loved him, she had done since long before she and Aaron got together - her love and affection for the little boy easier to name than it had been for his father at first. Sometimes she worried that she loved Jack too much, that she was edging into taking a place in his life that hadn’t been made for her, a gap left behind by his mother that could never be filled. As her relationship with Aaron, and Jack by association, grew her worries did too. Blooming and taking up space in her chest as her love for the little boy she loved as her own would make her ache. 
Now that she was only a couple of months away from having the baby, she was thinking about it more than ever. She never wanted Jack to feel like she loved the little girl currently doing somersaults in her belly more than she loved him. She knew that was impossible, that she couldn’t love Jack anymore if she’d carried him herself, but she knew they had to talk to him about it again in more detail now their family was so close to growing. 
Aaron reacts first. He walks across the room and squeezes her shoulder first, his expression soft and reassuring as she looks up at him, a flash in his eyes that tells her later. And he picks Jack up, lifting him into his arms like he weighs nothing.
“She can’t buddy because of the baby,” he says as Jack wraps his arms around his neck, “But I’ll carry you to the car.” 
Jack hums, seemingly satisfied with that and he rests his head on his father’s shoulder, “Ice cream when we get home?” 
The question makes them both laugh, snapping Emily out of whatever remained of the trance she’d fallen into, and she stands before she reaches over and moves his hair out of his face to kiss his forehead. 
“Of course,” she replies, even though they all know he’ll be asleep again before they pull out of Dave’s driveway. She smiles at her husband and blows out a steady breath, “Let’s go home.”
Aaron pulls Jack’s bedroom door shut behind him, taking care to do it as slowly and as quietly as possible so his son stays asleep. He smiles as he hears his wife moving around downstairs, the familiar sound of the pantry door opening, the squeak he could never quite fix, echoing up towards him. 
He’d seen the look on her face when Jack called her ‘mommy.’ It was the same fleeting expression she’d had every time it happened, joy immediately chased away by guilt. A reddening of her cheeks that inevitably came when she didn’t know how to feel, as if she was embarrassed that she couldn’t name the emotion.  
They’d talked about it before. She’d always been so careful to not overstep, especially at first, but it made him ache that she still worried about it. That there was any part of her that doubted her place in Jack’s life. 
He smiles as he steps into the kitchen and he gives himself a moment to watch her, his smile getting wider as she pours candy into a bowl, a delighted look on her face as she sneaks a piece to eat immediately. 
“I could have made you a snack if you wanted me to, sweetheart,” he says, chuckling when she looks up at him like she’d been caught out, “I would have even left out the fruit I usually force on you.” 
She hums as she places the bowl down on the counter, “My hero.” 
He walks over and kisses her, his hand automatically drawn to her back, rubbing circles where he knew she felt the most pain, her groan of satisfaction against his lips confirming he’d found the right spot. 
“Go sit down sweetheart,” he says, stamping his lips against hers again, “I’ll make you a hot chocolate and bring it and your snack to you.” 
She kisses him, taking a moment to nip his lower lip before she pulls back, “You are very close to earning yourself a date with me and my mountain of pillows on our bed.”
He chuckles as he tucks some hair behind her ear, “We’ll see how you feel later.” 
He watches as she walks towards the living room, her hand on her bump as she goes, whispering a conversation to the baby in French. Something just for the two of them that he knows will continue once their daughter is born. The thought of it makes him giddy, happiness sparking in his gut as he thinks of his wife and their little girl, who he’s sure will be a mini version of her, talking to each other in French with matching smiles on their faces as he and Jack didn’t understand a word they were saying. 
By the time he’s walking into the living room, hot chocolate and snack in hand, she’s turned on the TV. The sound is low, something she still did on instinct from when they lived in his old apartment together so she didn’t wake Jack up down the hall. It was unnecessary now that Jack’s room was upstairs, but she still did it anyway. One of the many subtle, but important, ways she loved his son. 
“Here you go.” 
She smiles as she takes the mug from him, the warmth of it between her palms making her sigh contentedly, “Thanks, honey.” 
“Anytime, you know that,” he assures her as he sits down next to her, watching her carefully as she sips her drink and moans in delight. She narrows her eyes as their eyes meet and she notices him staring.
For a moment, he considers not saying anything, letting the moment at Dave’s pass them by. He decides to say something, not wanting her to spend any more time doubting her place in his son's life. 
In their son’s life.
“It doesn’t bother me, you know.” 
She frowns, her eyebrows knitting together, “What do you mean?” 
“When Jack calls you Mom,” he says carefully, not missing how her grip on her mug tightens as her eyes go slightly wide. 
Her breath catches in her chest and she licks her lower lip as she tries to figure out how to respond, her lungs stuffed full of all the anxiety she’d felt earlier, “Aaron…I…”
“I know you worry about it,” he says, taking the mug from her hands and placing it down before he links his fingers through hers, “But you shouldn’t,” he smiles as he lifts their joint hands to his lips and kisses her knuckles, “You are his mom. Haley is too,” he kisses her knuckles again as tears start to shine in her eyes, her lips pressing together in an attempt to stop them from shaking, “And that will be true whether he calls you Emily or starts to call you Mom more often,” he reaches out and wipes a tear from her cheek, smiling when she leans into his palm, “I think it’s important that you know that. You are his Mom.” 
She chokes on a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh as she leans forward, his repeated declaration, something she hadn’t even known she’d needed to hear, still hanging in the air around them. She sinks into his embrace and wraps her arms around him, taking a second to breathe him in. 
“I love him so much,” she says, sniffing as she pulls back.
“I know you do, Em. He does too.” 
She laughs through her tears and shakes her head at herself, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she says, wiping more tears from her cheeks, “I can’t stop crying.” 
“Nothing is wrong with you,” he says, kissing her cheek and then her forehead, “You’re pregnant with our little girl,” he smiles as he pulls back, “And you’re the best mom our kids could ask for.” 
She presses her lips together in a failed attempt to suppress her smile, love for him, for the family they were building, threatening to overwhelm her. She cups his cheeks and pulls him in for a kiss, resting her forehead against his as she pulls away.
“Oh, you are so getting lucky tonight,” she says, kissing him again, the action lost to their wide smiles. 
He pulls back just enough to wink at her, “I am always lucky when I’m with you.” 
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