#but i sort of like the default one. it has a sort of softness and blendability to it that i really like
hyperfixated-homo · 2 months
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punksocks · 6 months
Lilith & His Femme Fatale (18+ Only)
**I tried to make this general but it’s about seduction, I couldn’t pull it lol (fr minors dni!)
*Just based on my observations, only take what resonates
Often Lilith in a man’s birth chart gives less information on him and more information on the type of woman that’s his femme fatale. The type of femme that gives this complex dynamic to the relationship. I would say, similarly to Plutonian influences, this sort of connection charged with such intensity tends to elicit the extreme reaction of either repelling him or making him at least a bit obsessed with finding a way to “obtain” the Lilith person in the relationship.
I think this is always related to Lilith’s folklore of being the untamable wife. He loves her because he can’t control her. But he still wants to try (not always but often imo). Not being able to control her and her seeming so wild and free is one of the many reasons the Lilith person usually brings out the shadow side of the masc person in their connection.
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(I think everyone, men/women/enbys/etc, all tend to act out of feminine and masculine energies. The energies of giving and receiving. Action and reaction. Lilith usually throws some upheaval into this because as an untraditional feminine she embodies it all. She dominates whilst not taking any action. Lilith’s sort of chaotic energy throws a wrench in the binary imo. She’s feminine but the effect she has on and within others often puts her outside of the spectrum. I’m speaking about the effect on masculine folks because I believe Lilith pushes them into a power struggle mindset due to her effects and due to our society -and Lilith’s origins- being very patriarchal. With traditional feminine energies there is also a power struggle effect but it’s more like rooted in the feminine power. Like women usually have a default role of using subservience to their advantage- as much as they can- under patriarchy. So the tension with people embodying Lilith manifests in this tension of trying to make the Lilith people conform or outcasting them. There can be underlying s*xual dynamics to this but it usually works out differently/less directly than it does with masc folks.)
Anyway that’s why I believe men/masc people react in such a charged/obsessed way to Lilith energy and why I think it tends to result in this sort of femme fatale dynamic. Now let’s get into it !
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-Lilith in Aries: For Lilith in Aries, he’d love an unstoppable woman. Like I noted before (in credit to @zeldasnotes ) this is a strong indicator of a man being a feminist (we love to see it). So this could also indicate a strong attraction to someone that’s in their power, that holds their own, and that is very independent and strong in their own right. He may find himself pushing back on this type of femme, but being impressed and compelled by her when she does take the lead (his mars could show how this dynamic would play out). (You may find yourselves vying for dominance in the connection)
-Lilith in Taurus: A hyperfeminine woman. Obviously, femininity looks different across cultures, but some traits that could show up here would be: a woman with curves, a killer hourglass figure that turns heads; a woman that seems luxurious and well dressed; a woman that feels soft and smells great. Essentially being a Venusian sign, Taurus in Lilith would be absolutely smitten by a beautiful woman that embodied all that soft feminine energy (and took his money lol) (speaking of which, could be a s*x worker or trophy wife type- someone that needs a lot of money/luxury to keep around)
-Lilith in Gemini: A thinker, a woman that outwits you. Someone that keeps you mentally stimulated by challenged your knowledge. Someone that will always make you guess. Very book smart, may be curious about the taboo. Someone that gets their kicks from debating you and testing your textbook knowledge. May also be smitten by dirty talk, talking about the taboo in their intimate time together.
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-Lilith in Cancer: A nostalgic nurturer that makes you feel at ease. May embody the bad traits that make you feel especially vulnerable (like familiar toxic behavior). Lilith’ archetype is often an antithesis of cancer’s traditional influence of being the emotional nurturer, so we’d have to assume a bit of corruption here. Just as easily as you could be fueling toxic behavior I’d assume you’d just as easily receive it. So mascs can project onto you and desire to leech off of your nurturing energy.
-Lilith in Leo: A diva. The one that’s in the spotlight without trying at all. Like a burlesque dancer, beautiful and radiant and practically untouchable. Speaking of which they may be smitten with a femme known for her s*x appeal. Whether that’s from having a lot of past partners or being a model or being in s*x work depends on the situation. The Leo person would likely want exclusive access to you after they get their hands on you though (fixed placements can be very possessive, it’s a whole thing)
-Lilith in Virgo: someone with their life together. (I said what I said 👀). A sort of that girl as the kids say :0. She has a meal plan and a routine and a 5 year plan. I’d also wager that this placement is the most likely to have a thing for someone that has their shit so together that it makes the native feel less than. Someone that could shame them and make them feel flawed and insignificant at the drop of a hat (a hat? The hat? Ok). Also likely to be someone that is really subtle but quietly freaky. A good candidate for workplace affairs 🤷🏾‍♀️
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-Lilith in Libra: a bombshell babe, a true beauty. Someone who embodies very classy energy. A popular girl, one that you sort of have to work to get the attention of. (A gorgeous femme that distracts others with how beautiful and effortless she is. Pinup material and just as untouchable. Trophy wife vibes but not as intense as Lilith in Taurus (unless this is a 2nd house placement 👀). Also someone that brings a lot of balance and beauty to their surroundings. (She may attract envy due to her looks as well)
-Lilith in Scorpio: S*x personified. Someone with that intense vibe (one of the most likely placements to attract Lilith heavy femmes). Someone that has a presence that holds a lot of power. And a lot of intimate experience or at least a fearless attitude about those taboos. Someone that makes him want to explore those fantasies as a knee jerk reaction (within reason ofc). Someone that can see right through him. Someone that they struggle to gain power over. (Also pretty likely to have a power imbalance or some sort of taboo attached to the dynamic)
-Lilith in Sagittarius: A traveler, a girl struck with wanderlust. Someone you get attached to even though she’s always out of reach. Someone who loves debating and adventure. A philosopher that never stops learning and daring you to broaden your horizons. May be someone from outside of your culture as well. Or someone with a religious background you find socially taboo.
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-Lilith in Capricorn: Boss babe all the way. Someone that intimidates others easily and that works very hard. A social climber. A person that knows exactly what they’re after, in that go getter sort of way. Someone mature. Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets. Another possibly of meeting at work, or at least after some sort of public interaction. Another connection where both people are likely vying for dominance. Likely to have themes of restriction show up as well.
-Lilith in Aquarius: manic👏🏾 pixie 👏🏾dream👏🏾 girl👏🏾 (I’m dead*ss). The quirky girl that stands out from the crowd. One of kind in a rebellious way. The other side of fae energy, which is to say that she would be a detached trickster of sorts. Hard to predict, philosophically outside of your comfort zone, impossible to pin down, etc. Someone that forces you to think outside of the box- whether you like it or not. Could bring out the k*nkier side of you. Also pretty likely to bring out the nerdier side of you, for some reason. (Aquarius intelligence ??)
-Lilith in Pisces: fae bae, full stop. A girl like a daydream. Esoteric and ethereal. A person that may be a bit spacey but they’re off floating in space somewhere. Someone creative and subconsciously addictive. Someone that tends to appear in their dreams and tends to be on their minds a lot.
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Further Notes:
-Air is most impressed upon by intelligence and uniqueness; water by an emotionally immersive and passionate connection; fire by passion and being dazzled by the person; earth by their material luxury, ambition, and physicality
-water and fire tend to become obsessive over s*xual connections the fastest imo, but it can really mentally affect air and earth placements (it’s that I’m not obsessed but they’re thinking about them all the time and doing god knows what about that 👀)
-fixed Lilith placements can make a masc person a bit more obsessive and possessive over the Lilith energy (especially if they have a fixed Venus/mars)
-Cardinal Lilith placements tend to like to be challenged over taking the lead/dominance in the connection, if underdeveloped they can be rather controlling to their partners as well
-When Lilith is close to a masc’s personal planets I’d say that he may have some sort of archetype/karmic lesson around Lilith heavy femmes (just a significant impact on his life and attitude)
-Houses can show how these energies connect (I wrote this up but the draft deleted itself and I just couldn’t lol 🙃)
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simplyreveries · 2 months
Diasomnia boys with a reader that's really prone to panic attacks, but hides it really well?
Like, sometimes they get really jittery and stuff, but that's just them being them! It gets better, usually. If not, they go to the bathroom chill, even when they're literally going to die inside.
And they kinda knew cause they went on a boat date, then they just kinda started saying they were uncomfortable and stuff and they ended up having a huge panic attack, like how would they react?
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malleus draconia
he is very observant, especially over someone like you. it's his own way of showing care and affection if anything. malleus usually seems to have a watchful eye over you-- your wellbeing is something he finds really important to him. he can quite easily tell how nervous and how much anxiety building up in you. with that being, however, he is a bit... awkward showing how much he does want to help you. he doesn't understand that part well. now, he doesn't express it, but it does he feels a strange and foreign sense of powerlessness because he wants to be able to magically take it all away.
malleus is incredibly gentle; he does go out of his way to still try even though he can't fully solve it for you. when he notices the jitteriness or even as soon as you seem to be unable to focus, if you're alright with the touch- he'll carefully slip his hand to hold yours and trace his thumb over the top of your hand. he will give you reassuring affirmations or looks. though, he tends to just slip you away from whatever you're around and give you the best sense of peace he can.
with that being said, that's what he prompts to- he knows you seemed to feel somewhat better during your times with him outside ramshackle at night, where you may find comfort just trying to ease your breathing outside. he'll be there, quiet but someone for you if you wish to speak. and once again, because this is still new for him- whatever you want practically goes because he just ultimately wants you to feel better. so even if that's space, stay in silence, or talk about something else to get your mind off it. he will gladly give any of it.
lilia vanrouge
lilia already has this caring and doting nature around him- and that always applies to you. he can sense what you're feeling from a mile away. he knows you so well already and only wants nothing more than to help you. lilia genuinely wants to be someone you can lean and rely on. despite the trouble or teasing to others he can bring- he is very careful around you. especially during the aftermath of any of them, he is ready to be there.
he is always seeming to check on you. when you seem to be bouncing your leg, fidgeting, biting your lip or nails- very quick to notice- he'll calmy hush a "do you want my help, dearest?" something of that sorts and give a reassuring smile. he never wants you to feel bad for it and make it any kind. he also wants the approval from you if you want or need him around to ease yourself.
when you've dealt with one, carefully, he'll try to ease and calm you down after the adrenaline high you were just experiencing. he'll always seem to have a caring smile on his face when he asks if you''ll let him hold you for a moment. i have a feeling his hugs, with the addition of soft humming or strokes are the epitome of safe.
at first, he was new to handling these kinds of things- he felt completely unsure how to help when all he wanted to do was do just that. much like malleus, but honestly, probably even more so- his quiet nature can most likely prove to be some help when it comes to your panic nature. anything he says or does, even if he is a bit internally worried about how to handle it himself, is so gentle and soothing. it hurts him seeing how much you have to deal with- so he'll do everything and anything he can for you. in moments especially where you're talking to others and feeling anxious, he'll take over for you.
silver is protective by default; it only heightens around you. he wants nothing more than for you to be and feel safe. he is knight, he really couldn't push that part away from him if he tries. in the midst of the moment his focus is solely onto you. if you'd allow him, he hold your hands and let you squeeze them as tight as you want, trying to help guide you through it the best way he can. even if it's difficult and you feel like a mess, he is right there with a worried look and this aching desire to fix it for you.
after it slowly wears of, he might recommend and try coaxing you to fall asleep. he doesn't leave your side if your comfortable enough to allow yourself to. he'll lightly trace your arm and try to have you match your breathing with his.
sebek zigvolt
sebek would probably have the most confused time trying to help you- not in a bad way- like anyone else he wants to help you, but he has zero clue how to even begin the first few times. he gets so concerned and when he gets worried it comes out as loud unintentionally. or maybe even aggressive to others in a sense of thinking someone was bothering you. and clearly that's the last thing you would need, so he tries his best to be more cautious of himself for you. there are times where he's been kneeled in front of you sitting looking up to you with a "tell me what i can do for you" attitude. he gets so serious,,,
like silver, he's a knight and wants you with a sense of security- he doesn't want to feel like he failed you on that. he would go out of his way after he starts to slowly understand them- to spend his spare time reading about it and even go to lilia for help on comfort. so, at times like this during an instance on a date he would be ready all the more.
him trying to help you does feel rather by-the-book scientific ways of helping you get through it. but he genuinely tries and is solemn about it. he does stumble a bit nervously sometimes, because he still can't quite think straight when you're experiencing anything sorts of bad. but sebek does his absolute best.
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entropyvoid · 6 months
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Greater Sumeru Autism Polycule
This started off as a joke and sorta spiraled outta control just a teensy tiny lil bit. Honestly I would’ve liked to have slapped a bit more on there but uh. Paper space was limited. Transcript below readmore because I know my handwriting can be difficult for some to read? (Plus extra character interpretations/headcanons in italics.)
Disaster MLM half:
Cyno - Highly competitive, except towards Nari, who he practically reveres.
Tighnari - Designated mom friend. (Tighnari is a master of knowing when to be strict and when to be soft. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, but he’s also got a very kind and caring side that encourages others to open up/be vulnerable to him. He makes sure people are taken care of.)
Alhaitham - (He is often misunderstood by others as looking down on them and does nothing to correct their misconceptions or to try and make friends, so I imagine he may have been a bit surprised to basically wake up one day and find himself surrounded by people who look past that and see him for who he is, given that he is probably Teyvat’s most introverted person. He tends to analyze and pick apart the people he likes, like he’s examining them in a petri dish, and if he cares for them he will go out of his way to do silent favors. Not one to express affection verbally (I don’t think he knows how to communicate in a way that isn’t biting and critical,) he lets his actions speak for themselves, and if the other person doesn’t pick up on it, then whatever.)
Kaveh - (An emotional wreck who gives and gives and gives and gives and gives. The people who really stick in his life in the end though are the ones who support him, rather than the other way around, even though Kaveh does his best to try and keep his multitude of problems to himself.)
Kaveh and Alhaitham: Friends to enemies to roommates to lovers? (It’s complicated.) (Tsundere x Kuudere. Teyvat’s messiest gays, hands down. There is so much more to say about them than I have the room for here.)
Cyno and Tighnari: Anthro guy and his furry boyfriend, sweet and spend as much time together as possible, co-parenting Collei. (They’re very domestic with each other. Cyno lowkey lives for competition and usually bonds with others through it, but he doesn’t really do that so much with Nari, their relationship seems to be the exception. Perhaps because Cyno thinks so highly of Tighnari and has such a tremendous amount of trust for him that he just sort of believes Tighnari will succeed at whatever he does.)
Kaveh and Cyno: Met through Tighnari, and like each other a lot. Unbeknownst to Kaveh though, Cyno sees him as a comedic rival. (And thinks he’s very pretty.) (Kaveh is unaware of this. Both the Cyno thinking he’s pretty bit, and the fact that Cyno sees him as a comedic rival. Kaveh doesn’t even try to be funny, his rants about his roommate just sort of are by default.)
Cyno and Alhaitham: Like two tomcats having a standoff (homoerotic edition.) (Haitham is not typically a competitive person, but his respect and admiration for Cyno makes him sort of an exception, and each of them r e a l l y bring out the fight in each other. I think of their relationship as being much like the one between a shounen protag (in this case Cyno) and their rival (in this case Alhaitham.) They challenge each other, bring out the best in each other and have fun in the process, and form a close bond built on a deep level of mutual respect. A.k.a if Cyno is Yugi-coded, then Alhaitham is his Kaiba.)
Alhaitham and Tighnari: Met through Kaveh, lowkey awkward and shy towards each other in a way neither really expresses. They don’t quite fully know what to make of the other, but they do like each other. (Could become something more…?) (They seem to interact the least in the group, and Tighnari’s perception of Alhaitham is probably effected by Kaveh’s endless ranting and venting, but they’re both friendly towards each other and seem to like each other. But I’d like to see them interact more directly with each other. Plus - sometimes Alhaitham needs to be told he’s being a prideful idiot - and I think Tighnari’s the only person in his life who would be able to calmly break down and explain why he’s being an idiot, and Alhaitham would be very likely to listen to him.)
Tighnari and Kaveh: Long time besties, Nari is Kaveh’s designated venting buddy and his last anchor to sanity. (Tighnari is also particularly gentle with and supportive of Kaveh.)
Wholesome WLW half:
Dehya - Tripped and ended up with three girlfriends, and brought them all together. (Dehya probably gets propositions from a lotta starstruck swooning ladies, but it’s always while she’s on the job, and she’s a professional. Plus, I hc her as demiromantic, I just get the vibe that she’d only really want to date people she already knows well. She has a very tough reputation, but is very tender with her three weed smoking gfs.)
Dunyarzad - Is very active during her Elezar recovery and often travels to visit her various girlfriends and likes to bring them gifts. (I think she loves nature, and once she’s able to more freely move and explore without the threat of being locked away, I think nothing could stop Dunyarzad from going to see as much of Sumeru as she can. Dehya often accompanies her.)
Nilou - This is what punk looks like in Sumeru. (Local artist down to overthrow the government at the drop of a hat, is stuck in a constant struggle against the Akademiya to have the right to exist as herself publicly. Nilou’s incredibly badass, actually.)
Candace - Calm and comforting, Candace herself is like an oasis in the desert to those close to her.
Dehya and Dunyarzad: Lady and her knight romance. (Their adoration for each other is clear. Dehya’s too professional to date her employer, but all bets are off once she quits.)
Dehya and Candace: Two of the desert’s toughest warriors being ridiculously cute and wholesome together.
Dehya and Nilou: Dehya not only has a lot of respect for Nilou’s nonconformity and resistance, but also finds her adorable. Takes her out often.
Dunyarzad and Nilou: Long standing friends, now go on trips together often. (Nilou’s schedule is very flexible, so she’s often down to travel with Dunyarzad at the drop of a hat, where Dehya is sometimes preoccupied with a job. Plus, they totally both end up planning future Sabzeruz festivals together.)
Dunyarzad and Candace: Met through Dehya and quickly became close. Dunyarzad has a type, and it’s sweet yet badass women.
Candace and Nilou: Nilou’s always the most successful at getting Candace to step away from her duties in Aaru village and go have fun with everyone. (The others really don’t know how she does it.)
Aaaand the couple of bridges between:
Kaveh and Nilou: Unbreakable bond of the only two art kids in Sumeru. (Pls hoyo I need them to interact in canon.)
Alhaitham and Dehya: Alhaitham has a one-sided crush on Dehya, (and occasionally invites her to TCG nights,) while Dehya thinks he’s the weirdest friend she has. (I hc Alhaitham as the kind of bisexual guy who’s 99% attracted to men with like One Buff Woman thrown in there because. Frankly. I think it adds a really funny extra dimension to their relationship. Haitham has never met anyone as forthright and honest as Dehya, and admires that about her. Dehya would never reciprocate his feelings in a million years, she values him as a friend, but also finds him snooty and insufferable at times, and struggles to understand him largely because of the vast cultural/communication style gap between Akademiya scholars and Eremite mercenaries, though this is somewhat bridged by the fact that both of them are extremely honest, blunt, and upfront about what they think. Despite their differences, they are a fun duo.)
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kedsandtubesocks · 5 months
give you something to dream about
joel miller x f!reader
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summary: It’s game night at the bar and you stumble upon the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, no outbreak AU, Joel has both of his daughters, ‘strangers at a bar and maybe something more’ scenario with eventual husband!Joel, mentions of drinking, spicy making out session, Joel gets a bit handsy, gendered language / reader is addressed as “baby” & “darlin” light football discussions and terminology, lovesick and possessive!Joel
word count: 4k
a/n: this is my love letter to Joel, his love for football and maybe my own love for Texas football as well lol. To have this as my first fic of the new year and for it being for Joel means so much. To come back and write for the Pedro fandom is special and means so much. Big thank you to my babe @ahauntedcowboy for letting me scream my sports girl head off about this, and for @lowlights for giving me guidance when I needed it. And lastly - thank you for reading, you are what truly makes this so incredibly special and wonderful
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A mixture of bright neon and low soft white lights bathe the bar in a cozy ambient glow. The music is barely audible, a sort of after thought. Instead commotion and the ramble of sports announcers fills the room.
You manage to squeeze through the sea of onlookers dressed in burnt orange. Maria thankfully stays close to you. Now at the bar counter relief floods you as you lean against it.
“Order me a beer, I’m gonna find our table.” Maria yells over the liveliness swirling around.
You give her a thumbs up and thankfully don’t have to wait for the bartender long.
“Like your shirt!”
The bartender’s voice catches you instantly. Bright and direct you blink towards him. He’s cute, young, maybe a grad student from UT Austin who works here.
You can’t help but glance down at what you’re wearing.
Even under your jacket the shirt is comfortably a bit larger on you. The main focus is the old cartoon type logo of Bevo, the Texas Longhorn's mascot. The burnt orange coloring is faded adding to its weathered look.
A warmth flutters through you from just seeing it.
“It’s vintage, cool as hell.” The bartender continues admiring.
“Thanks. Uh, a friend of mine gave it to me.” Thankfully the bartender nods understandingly and doesn’t press the topic more. Instead he soon asks what you’ll be having.
You order Maria’s beer and a drink for yourself.
“So, you a big Texas fan? Well okay, I mean…you gotta be if you’re here.” The bartender, grabbing a drink glass, starts up another conversation with you as his tone becomes playful.
“A lot of people I know and love are. So by default I am too.” You admit with a sleepy grin.
“Aw,” his face melts. “Now that’s sweet. Well glad to have you here cheering for Texas.”
The bartender now even winks at you. You politely laugh but then, the bar erupts silencing the conversation.
Excited yells come so loud you jump out of your skin. Quickly you turn around to view the many tvs and projectors showing the game.
From what you can tell the Texas defense managed to take down the quarterback. You even watch the replay to see what the fuss is about. It was a good tackle and the play kept the other team’s quarterback from even advancing.
The game has you memorized now. You watch as the burnt orange and white uniforms of the players scramble like chaotic ants now trying to rush after the ball was kicked, no, punted to them.
Your lips twitch. You never would’ve thought you knew this much football terminology or could at least follow the game. Yet here you are.
The bartender clears his throat and embarrassingly fast you turn back around.
Not two but three drinks sit before you on the bar counter.
One happens to be a surprise shot that makes your eyes go wide.
“Uh, so the guy at the end of the bar sent it your way.” The bartender explains lowly, trying to be discreet about it.
Your eyes instead whip up to search for the mystery man. Then your heart sprouts wings when you discover him.
Leaning against the bar rail at the very opposed end of where you are, the man seems like something out of a romance novel’s dream.
Ruggedly handsome, his distinguished aged face and striking nose glow against the mixture of neon and dim lighting. It highlights the grays in his beard and gorgeous dark hair. His chocolate eyes bore into you as if you’re the only one in this bar.
His attention on you alone has your knees weak and you wonder maybe you suddenly turned into jello.
Your mystery man lifts his beer up to you, a silent ‘cheers’ and then takes a sip.
Just watching him take a swig of his beer has you dizzy. So you readily snatch up the shot, toast it back to him and down it.
The alcohol burns, but you’re surprised it’s your favorite liquor of choice. You can’t help but cough up wildly and the bartender snickers at your reaction. It’s been too long since you’ve had a shot and you’re thankful to chase the stinging sensation down with your mixed drink.
“Hey!” Maria’s voice calls out and her bright smile greets you as she slides through the packed crowd.
“Hope you didn’t think I forgot about you.” She laughs warmly. She grabs her beer and slides a tip to the bartender.
But then her eyes notice the empty glass.
“Oh? You took a shot without me?” She teases.
You tell her someone bought it for you and her eyebrows fly up fast in eager surprise.
“Oh?” Even her tone is warmly excited. “You get a good look at who your mystery shot buyer is?”
You turn your attention towards the end of the bar, right where he should be. Except your mystery man has vanished.
A bit of disappointment trickles in.
“I did, but guess he took off.” You tell Maria a bit low.
“Well, his loss then. Come on! Let’s head back to our table-”
“S’cuse me…”
A smooth deep and accented drawl, direct and firm enough cuts through the commotion politely cutting in on Maria.
Just as fast, there’s suddenly a deep warmth behind your back. The presence is broad, warm, and smells of the beautiful hint of a sandalwood cologne.
“If you don’t mind, I think I might steal this pretty gem for myself.” The accent seems thicker now and melts off his voice like sin.
He’s talking about you.
Maria smiles wildly entertained while her eyes flicker between you and your mystery man.
Silently you stare back and with pleading eyes you mentally communicate that yes you want to stay, yes it’s okay for her to head back.
“Alrighty then, see you two later.” She says grabbing her beer and gives you one last amused look before heading back to the table.
Your heart races so loud in your ears you don’t even notice the upset yells at a bad call given by the refs.
The voice purrs, absolutely dances against the noise of the bar and beckons to you, your personal siren’s song.
Turning around the shadow of the mystery man falls over you. He stares down with those obsidian pool eyes as his lips turn into a boyish grin.
“I’m Joel. S’nice to meet you.”
You think about all the songs that sing about Texas beauty and how they all must have actually been speaking of this man.
Joel extends his hand out to you and the simple pure southern gentleman introduction has excitement bubbling in you like you’re a champagne bottle about to pop.
Your lips fight back a disbelieved smile as you introduce yourself and shake his hand.
It’s larger than yours, warm and beautifully callous that speaks of hard work. Joel leans closer to you and you can’t help but slide more towards him as well.
“I like your shirt.” His fingers playfully tugs at the bottom edge of your shirt.
“Thanks,” you take a sip of your drink to gain more courage. “A friend of mine let me wear it.”
Joel laughs. It’s warm, touches his face and sounds like it settles in his chest.
“A friend huh?” His voice grows even more amused.
You simply hum a nod as you take another sip of your drink. Your body hums with so many wonderful emotions like a jenga tower trying to hold onto its form on a moving table.
“That friend of yours a boyfriend?” Joel asks, a dark drawl sticky as molasses and trapping you to him.
You can’t help but shake your head no. The taste of your drink momentarily settles you.
“Pretty thing like you single? Ain’t that a shame.” Joel comments with a low rumble and all the ease you had gathered floats away.
Your eyes flicker back to Joel. But your focus goes between his stunning eyes and his lips. You don’t miss the way his eyes gloss over, become hooded with a hazy desire. How much it intensifies his gorgeous features makes your stomach flutter.
The game must have quieted down or maybe you’re just this focused on this man.
He moves to whisper in your ear.
“So…Wanna find a nice quiet spot to chat? Get to know each other better?” His lips softly graze your ear and an electric current runs up your spine.
“Yeah.” You mutter back now tipsy off Joel’s presence.
The moment you agree, Joel’s hand slips towards your waist and draws you to his side. He quickly slams down plenty of bills on the counter to cover for the drinks and tip. Your poor drink and his are forgotten.
Now Joel shifts into a man focused.
Squaring up his shoulders, he stands taller as he takes the lead. His broad shoulders become a guiding force, keeping you close to him. His hand intertwines with yours while he navigates you among the crowds.
His larger hand suddenly squeezes yours, a reassuring pressure that draws you closer to him. Moving through the tables against the crowds, you arrive at the outdoor patio where the early night air clears your mind.
Joel continues guiding you to a smaller area where the bathrooms are outside by the patio. You stand before the family restroom that holds the sweet title of “cowpokes” on it. Opening the door, Joel leads you inside. You take in the slightly larger yet still small rustic bathroom that glows under the murky amber light.
The door locks behind you and you turn around to find Joel staring you down with hunger brewing in his smokey eyes.
That’s all you can focus on before you get caught up in a dizzying whirlwind.
Hastily Joel rushes forward to pin you against the wall. His body firm and large presses so deliciously against you. Before your eyes can even soak in the close sight of him, he sweeps in and kiss you with a ravenous fierceness that steals your breath.
He quickly consumes you.
Joel faintly tastes of beer and something intoxicatingly uniquely him. While his hand moves to hold your face, his tongue licks into your mouth, diving in, almost trying to get drunk off you. You can’t help but draw him closer to you as much as you can. You want your nails to dig into him the same way he’s burning under your skin and seeping into your core
His hips begin to grind against you with an eased pace and you moan into his mouth. You want more, need more.
“Oh baby.” Joel groans out and sounds like sticky delicious sin.
Suddenly the loudest cheers leak into the bathroom.
So fierce in their excitement it echos into the room and freezes you and Joel immediately.
He sighs against your lips.
“We must‘ve scored.” Joel mutters.
“Are you upset you didn’t see it?” You ask gently and kiss his lips soft as the heat begins to settle.
“Nah. I’m aimin’ to score here myself.” He grins and the line has you laughing. Your face goes to rest against his as you continue to snicker. The prickle of his beard gently scratching against your skin feels wonderful.
“Darlin’ you’re killin’ me. I wanted to sound slick.” Joel sighs again, sounding deflated now.
“You did...sort of.” You smile.
“Forgive me,” He smirks and turns to press another soft kiss against your lips. “Been outta practice for a while.”
“You aren’t too bad, cowboy. You managed to get me in here.” You hum amused while your fingers run against his jaw, through his scruffy wonderful beard.
Joel chuckles and it dances within his chest, resonating through him.
“You’re the only one I want in here.” He mutters.
You and him share a few more soft slow eased kisses that are rushed, almost shy now.
With one last kiss, a deeply melting one that now makes you ache to keep him here, Joel pulls away. You hold yourself back from pouting.
But, you’re now rewarded with the sight of Joel fully before you. The dim amber light paints him like something pulled from a sunset dream, an aged handsome man so sweet with his furrowed concentrated eyes.
You watch Joel pat around his jean pockets and suddenly your eyes go wide.
“Joel Miller if you lost them-”
“Calm down!” He huffs cutting you off while he rapidly digs into his deep jeans pocket. He yanks something out in his grasp.
He smoothly slides closer back to you and holds out his palm where two wedding rings sit waiting.
His and yours.
Your heart melts out of your chest seeing them and your ring finger itches for its missing piece. You grab Joel’s ring, leaving him yours and move to slide his back onto his hand.
In the same manner, Joel slides your wedding band back onto its rightful place. The memory of when you did this at your actual wedding faintly flutters in and settles warm in your heart’s chamber.
Joel draws your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles.
This man, your husband - you yank him towards you again to kiss him.
It’s a kiss that’s like coming home, of sweetness and cultivated bliss reuniting together again.
“Wanna see that bartender try flirtin’ with ya now with that ring on your finger.” Your grumpy husband grumbles adorably.
You bark a laugh. “Oh please, he was being nice for the tip and you know it.”
“Uh huh.” Joel dryly huffs as he stares at you unamused.
“Hey he was nice. He even liked my shirt.” You reply back.
“My shirt.” Joel clarifies strongly. “That’s my shirt.”
You roll your eyes playful.
He is right though. The shirt is his. Your husband is a superstitious football fan. And ever since you wore his shirt and Texas won, Joel used his beautiful brown eyes as weapons to get you to wear his shirt every game since then.
“Come on, curious to see what the score is.” With one last sweet kiss, Joel leads you back out into the evening air.
Hand in hand with him, you find your way to Tommy and Maria. Both of them brighten up at the sight of you and Joel.
“Hey! Look at that! You’re a married man again!” Tommy cries happily and you laugh. Joel, after sliding your chair in for you, rolls his eyes now while you and Maria snicker to each other.
“Bet it was fun while it lasted.” Maria grins.
“Eh.” You shrug but the truth tugs at your lips amused.
A few nights ago, when you and Joel had come up with this idea of going to the bar without the rings, pretending to not know each other, you worried for a split moment that you’d enjoy the freedom.
You worried you would realize how much you missed and enjoyed the playful banter, the flirting and pull that comes with being single. But instead you simply found your way back to Joel.
The excitement of seeing him, of having that same sensation rush through you like it did when you first met him, was nostalgically addictive for a moment.
However, you instead soak in the comfort of sitting beside Joel because it feels like coming home. While being single for another moment again was fun, you want to find Joel in every lifetime, find him as your husband in every universe.
The bar suddenly breaks into wild excitement. Joel as well cheers so loud. You turn to the game and find Texas intercepted a pass.
Now you go to check your phone and find both your daughters thankfully are doing fine. Sarah even sent you a photo text of her and Ellie at the classmate’s birthday party they’re both at. There’s a lightness that settles into your bones seeing them and having their father, your husband, beside you.
Joel and Tommy, as if they’re ESPN announcers in deep analysis, dive back into how Texas needs to sharpen up their offensive line. It’s adorable. It makes you fall in love even more with him.
Maria goes to ask Tommy something about the game and Joel leans towards you.
“You happy to be married again?” His voice drops soft and low. You catch the hint of true curiosity and almost hesitation residing under his tone.
“Of course. It’s my luckiest day all over again.” You truthfully tell him with a warm grin.
“Yeah?” He mutters tenderly as his eyes flicker to your lips again. “Make sure you share some of that luck with the team alright?”
You playfully nudge his arm and Joel smirks. You love him like this, light and teasing.
Joel drops a kiss to the side of your head.
“Don’t worry baby, this is my lucky day too. Goin’ home with the most gorgeous person here and I’m married to her.”
You could say the same thing. You’re leaving with the most handsome man and knowing you’re married to him? You feel honored, proud, and grateful.
Even when he starts yelling at the quarterback as if the poor guy can hear him.
“I could throw a better pass than that!” He argues upset.
You’re not as big of a fan as Joel, but Texas holds a place in your heart forever. It intertwined you and him in its own unique way.
Back when you were dating Joel patiently explained the game, so gently spoke to you without any judgment when you asked questions you were sure would make any other seasoned fan mock you or get annoyed. But not your Joel.
The first big moment you met Ellie and Sarah it was over at his place during a Texas game.
You experienced how wildly invested Ellie got, just like Joel, and how amused Sarah got seeing her dad and sister scream at the tv. From that point - all the days, the games, laughs and moments cultivated into a path that has led you to this moment, to this bar.
And now, here you are.
You love Joel’s love for the game, for the sport. You love how it’s connected you to him.
“Honey, you okay?” The voice of your husband pulls you from your thoughts, like a call home.
You turn to find Joel intently looking at you, your sweetheart provider. You can’t help but grin and nod.
“Yup, just thinking about the handsome stranger I met earlier. Hope he asks for my number.” You tell him.
Joel breaks into a chuckle that touches his earth eyes.
“Between you and me, he’d be a fool if he didn’t.” His hand now slides to yours, his thumb even begins to twist and fiddle with your wedding ring, a sweet habit of his.
You snort amused at how effortlessly he can play along with you.
Before you can tease him again or even wander back into your thoughts, the crowd roars to life with shouts. All eyes including yours snap to the game.
Texas just intercepted the ball and the play breathes life into the bar, into your husband who claps loud and proud.
It’s a great energy to see the end of the second quarter and the start of the halftime.
Suddenly, Joel’s hand begins softly trailing against your thigh. Warm and almost eased, the slow movement ignites a blooming desire in your chest.
Joel easily laughs with Tommy about the game. His eyes stay on his brother. Yet Joel’s hand slides now confidently deeper into the inside of your thigh. Your throat tightens and heat now begins to soak between your thighs, almost daring him to touch you.
Then a collection of happy cheers burst in the bar and steals all the attention.
All the tables nearby including yours turn to find a group of ladies. One of them currently grabs the cowboy hat off a taller man who grins so warmly down at her. She laughs loudly after doing what had to have been a wild shot.
The guy orders her, and her friends, another round causing them to squeal loud and excited again. Maria leans back to talk to Tommy and so you too lean closer to your own husband.
“Maybe I should pretend to be single again.” You tell Joel. “To see if I’ll get free shots and attention like that.”
Not that you’d want any of that. You just enjoy teasing your sweet grumpy husband from time to time.
“Nope.” Joel says with an unwavering sharpness. “You ain’t going anywhere without that ring Mrs. Miller.”
His words are rather light, almost playful, but you catch the underlying possessive simmering. It ignites an even stronger warmth beneath your skin.
“And who says you don’t get free shots? I’ll buy you as many as ya want.” Joel adds and his clipped almost ruffled voice has you laughing.
But as you settle, your thoughts wander. The smell of Joel so close, the mixture of his faint cologne and the detergent you use to wash his clothes, brings back the sensation of having that smell surround you when you were in the restroom with him.
It makes you ache.
Your hand now softly wanders to rub his warm broad chest. A low rumble comes from him, an awareness of your presence as you drape against him now. Maria and Tommy thankfully have begun to make fast friends with the couple sitting beside your table.
Your face leans to rest against Joel’s and the slick honey like desire you felt earlier creeps over you once more. It urges you to be bold.
“Wanna go mess around before halftime is over?” You offer soft and low, only for his ears.
Joel peers over to you, his eyes now smoldering coals.
“You wanna?” He mutters back.
Your answer comes as a soft kiss you place against his cheek. However, your hand now begins to slide up his thigh just like he did to you earlier.
Joel loudly clears his throat and sits up fast which untangles you from him. Immediately he yanks out his wallet to slam his card on the table.
Tommy and Maria now blink back at the sudden action.
“Order anything y'all want. We gotta grab somethin’ from the truck.” Joel lies effortlessly.
But Maria knows as she grins knowingly while embarrassment instead rises in you.
And apparently her husband isn’t as easily fooled either.
“Yeah yeah! Get outta here ya horn dogs!”
Joel barks a sharp ‘hey!’ at his younger brother’s crudeness while you can only laugh against him. Tommy simply makes obnoxious kissy faces while Maria snickers besides him. Unable to endure anymore teasing Joel playfully calls Tommy a piece of shit and with that you wave a quick and thankful to Tommy and Maria.
Joel once again leads the way to the entrance.
The two of you now stay stuck together closer than earlier. An almost giddy frenzy now keeps you both hyper aware of the other. His hands keep you so firmly close to him.
The giddiness you had earlier while pretending to be single with Joel is nothing compared to this. This feeling swirling in you comes from knowing you get to sneak away with your husband. It has you floating, only tied to this world by Joel keeping you steady and protected.
Around you, small chatter about the game hangs in the air.
Texas might not win. But as you slide closer to Joel, a unique shade of triumph washes over you.
Your good man, your wonderful husband.
He is your victory and champion.
Your victory lap and your welcome home party all at once.
And when he kisses you wildly against the side of his truck…you think he might also be your sneaky devilish opponent as his hand already starts to slip under your, no his shirt.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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yanxidarlings · 10 months
continuation of my previous post (i got caught up in getting out my anthony goldstein headcanons was it obvious). okay so full disclosure, i haven't read the fanfictions lorenzo and mattheo are from (i only read yandere is it obvious) (i see their faceclaims and cannot. exclude), so if i'm not portraying them correctly shout at me. but just for a moment, imagine having the 79-80 liner slytherin boys yandere for their dormmate? (okay there is a loophole i'll write for male readers/darlings if asked).
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maybe they've known the reader/darling since childhood, and the sudden close proximity magnifies the possessive and obsessive tendencies they were developing towards the darling. or, the darling could suddenly get sorted into slytherin and now they have a roommate they did not expect to have. for the second scenario i don't think the darlings personality would matter much - either way, they're all apprehensive about this really cute kid they suddenly are dorming with.
maybe they give the reader a hard time at first (although this is only really likely to happen for a darling in a different house, or a muggleborn darling) but whoo boy if anyone else thinks of teasing the reader, they'll get hell from our dear slytherins here. actually, anyone who the reader pays mind to becomes a target of torment and bullying by draco and his gang. especially potter. please, reader, for potters own sanity and the good of the wizarding world, do not approach, think about or even look in the direction of harry. it ends in an ugly tantrum from draco, prolonged sarcasm from theodore, silence from blaise, aggression from mattheo and teasing from lorenzo. crabbe and goyle won't be carrying your books for you for the next week either.
when they get like this, it'll be the darling that'll have to make it up to them, or risk having it all drag out until one of them gets over it naturally.
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GREGORY GOYLE & VINCENT CRABBE (cast josh herdman, jamie waylett):
they're all horribly possessive and jealous by default, but generally, crabbe and goyle are the easiest to deal with, they both have a soft spot for their darling, and are pretty used to being bossed around, the second choice and having to share. they're also the easiest to appease, putting food on crabbe's plate is enough to make him happy, and paying goyle any mind will go a long way.
they don't need constant attention (draco), validation (draco), and affection (draco), from their darling, and are content just being in their life.
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BLAISE ZABINI (cast louis cordice):
after them, i honestly don't know who's worse. going in alphabetical order, blaise appears to be calm and uncaring when it comes to his darling, but do not be fooled, he's not going to sit back and let his darling get whisked away by the likes of a half blood (sorry mattheo), spolit daddy's boy (apologies draco), spolit mommy's boy (soz enzo) or someone who's one lab accident away from becoming a supervillain (blaise's words not mine theo).
blaise tolerates the rest of the slytherins for now, but if any of them think he'd ever fully agree to sharing with the likes of them, they are wrong. he fantasises about taking his darling away from the world after graduating, and probably has his mother trying to arrange a marriage the moment he decides they're his.
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DRACO MALFOY (cast tom felton):
unlike blaise, draco is not even a little bit subtle about his possesiveness over his darling, he only see's the other slytherins as tools to ensure his darlings safety and happiness at hogwarts, and does not bother to pretend like he isn't planning to kidnap move the reader into malfoy manor the minute they graduate. actually, he couldn't wait that long.
he'll look for any opportunity to have the malfoy family gain custody of his darling. all the more better if his darling comes from a dysfunctional household. but either way, he'll make sure his family is all they have to turn to.
all i know about lorenzo is that he has mommy and daddy issues so i'll have to piggybank off that. he'll present himself as the 'sane' one, if his darling is complaining about the behaviour of the other slytherins, enzo wholeheartedly agree's with them "i don't know what's wrong with all of them - you sure you didn't slip any amortentia into their drinks?" he becomes a safe haven from the possessive obsession his dormmates seem to share for their darling.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (fancast louis patridge):
lorenzo acts the most normal, but don't be fooled, he's just as obsessed as the rest of them. enzo is just better at hiding it. he too, frequently thinks about whisking them away, but is much less finite about it; holing his darling up in his house isn't the end goal. he could honestly live with sharing them with his fellow slytherins, but this is all assuming that the reader takes well to his attempts at becoming the 'sane one'.
if enzo isn't able to successfully befriend them, he'll have to settle for being the 'mean one'. teasing and humiliation follows his darling, as does he. it's not severe, but it's probably the push the reader needs to fall into deep depression and anxiety. so please, take the sane bait.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE (fancast benjamin wadsworth):
mattheo doesn't exactly have a family reputation to uphold, blaise, draco, enzo and theo would want to keep up a respectable reputation, whatever that is in pureblood society, but mattheo? the dark lords son? he's entirely unhinged.
if lorenzo is the 'sane one', mattheo is the 'crazy one'.
he doesn't really care what his darling, or others, think of his behaviour. if he wants to spend time with them, he's going to. he'll pull them out of class, drag them away from the other slytherins, just to skip rocks in the black lake with them, or raid the kitchens. he doesn't really bother hiding his yandere tendencies, he'll actively tell his darling not to talk to certain people "because i said so" "stop asking questions", and will refuse to elaborate further. sometimes, there will be disturbing moments of honesty between him and his darling; he'll admit that he's obsessed with them, and threaten to attack people they pay attention to. and he'll tell them that they belong to him.
sometimes it's frightening and sometimes he'll come across as sweet. he is both predictable and unpredictable, which puts his darling at unease around him.
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THEODORE NOTT (fancast lorenzo zurzolo):
theodore uses guilt to garner his darlings sympathy, all the more easier if they are childhood friends. he'll make sure they know about his harsh childhood, and make them feel responsible for his wellbeing. he's the only one to create a sense of dependency not built upon threats. out of all the slytherins, he gets to know his darling the best, he'll use guilt, emotional breakdowns and dark secrets to create a sense of obligation towards him.
theo is the most comforting of the slytherins to be around, he's quiet and the only one who they can spend time with without feeling much pressure. he demands the most of their attention, and is by far the most possessive. whilst i can see the other slytherins finding a way to deal with sharing their darling amonst themselves, if the rest don't back off eventually (stop dreaming theo) (they won't), he's the most inclined to just get rid of them - he can't stand it when his darling is around anyone but him, he wakes early to walk his darling to class just so they won't get caught up in the busy halls, where eyes can wonder and other people can have a chance to interact with his darling.
theodore pairs with them for every project, which leads to some ugly arguments between him and blaise, who only really get's his fill of his darling by sitting next to them in class. and draco, and mattheo and enzo and even goyle who was hoping the reader would help get him a good grade for once.
out of all of them, draco, goyle and blaise are the most patient. they want their darling to love them, not see them as monsters to flinch away from.
theodore, lorenzo and mattheo will take whatever they can get. lorenzo in particular doesn't want his darling to fear him but won't let them get away with trying to escape or disobedience. mattheo doesn't mind being the villain if he must be, but his heart clenches when his darling acts so obviously distrustful of him. theodore is the least patient, and if his darling starts to shy away from him, he snaps. at them, at the rest of the slytherin boys. but he's also easy to keep content, so long as his darling is always by his side.
similarly, blaise just enjoys being in the presence of his darling, and doesn't feel the need to cuddle up to them constantly like draco and enzo do. mattheo is a loose canon, and sometimes is fine being near them, other times he wants skin to skin contact 25/8.
they're hopeless at sharing, and only really get along for the sake of their darling. there are only really two ways this can end; theodore finally snaps and tries to off the rest of them after graduation, or they somehow come to an agreement on sharing, maybe they each get their own day a week
monday for draco, tuesday for blaise, wednesday for theo, thursday for enzo, and friday for mattheo. goyle and crabbe probably aren't taken seriously enough to get given their own day, so then the weekends are spent sharing (fighting).
the only time the boys will work in tandem is when someone attempts to take their darling and their attention, away. best example, darling starts dating someone. which is already pretty improbable, considering they give the reader no alone time whatsoever. but let's just say the darling here is going on a date with cormac mclaggen (get a grip, darling), any grudges they've been holding against each other are off, mclaggen has just signed his death warrant.
mattheo and theodore do most of the dirty work, whilst lorenzo distracts the reader. draco and blaise cover up their tracks, so it seems like whatever they did to mclaggen was an untimely accident. or have it blamed on someone else. goyle and crabbe intimidate anyone who tries to get close to the darling from then on.
they might hate sharing with each other, but they truly despise sharing with an 'outsider'.
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foervraengd · 10 months
Quick tutorial on how to paint still water?
Whatever idk i just gotta document what i have learned recently before i forget and the best way is to explain it.
What you will need:
- Any art software that have layers and especially some sort of layer mask feature. (i use clip studio paint)
1: (first image) You can start by first adding the core objects of the artworks before adding any water. You can start on a gray or dull brown canvas if thats your thing. The rock here is going to be half-submerged in the water so thats why only the top part is more rendered here. But depending on the setting and your own style you pribably can render the lower half too, just remember to have the submerged part in a separate layer since the reflection of the water will be placed between the top-rock layer and above the bottom-rock layer.
2: (second image) Now you add the color of what the bottom of the river is. Most rivers where i live have muddy bottoms so im going with a brown color. Depending on how deep or shallow the river is, the more objects is visible. Note how i added a darker shade close to the grass but also at the bottom of the canvas. It’s not mandatory but i’ve noticed that it helps to give more depth.
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Now i make a new layer (or in my case a layer folder because i never end up using just one layer) and just add a sky! You can make it daylight or evening or lit up by the moonlight probably. Use either your favourite brushes, the default round brush, or some weird custom brushes for the clouds - whatever suits your style and fancy! Just keep in mind that the angle of the clouds should match the angle the overall painting has - but you can also just give the cloud an unspecific shape that works in any angle.
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4 and 5:
Okay so this is where the layer masks are your friend. You can probably be brave and just use the eraser but that method is quite unforgiving imo.
In the first image i used a big soft airbrush eraser (you can use a gradient tool as well) to lower the opacity on the bottom part of the water. I have noticed that, in certain angles, the sky reflection on water is more faint the closer it is to the viewer.
This isn’t necessary but i used two layer masks here, the first gradient one is on the layer folder. The second layer mask is on the blue sky layer. I know that not all art programs might have this, so you can just do all of this on one layer mask if thats all you got.
Now technically these are reflections of the rock and the grass that i am masking away. But since theyre so close to the water we dont get much visible details and mostly just the silhouette. If i had just added a 100% mirror-like reflection here it probably would make the water look like liquid metal or something. However, reflections in water can vary a lot depending on the setting, so look up references that match the setting you wanna go for and take notes.
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And this is essentially it!! Yes i know the example image isnt a masterpiece, but i didnt wanna expand this post even further and wanted to keep this simple. You can absolutely go further with this and add more vegetation or animals or droplets or rim light or 50000 overlay layers. I hope this made sense and is of any use or help for y’all out there!
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bbyquokka · 5 months
– in which changbin accidentally wears yns panties and doesn't hate it !!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | seo changbin x gender-neutral reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | smut – 18+ is strongly advised!
𝐂𝐖 | panty wearing ; light sub themes ; dom-turned-sub changbin ; dirty thoughts ; masturbation (m) ; nipple play ; a toy mentioned (strap-on)
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 | 2.2k ~ ( 2,226 )
𝐀/𝐍 | ik its been a while since i posted :( pls accept this fic as an apology, hehe. wrote this a while ago & haven't stopped thinking about it since! don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
m.list — you can also read it on my ao3
dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
it wasn't supposed to be like this. heck, he didn't plan on it ending up like this.
to him, it was a simple, innocent action that he didn't think twice of purely because he was in a rush this morning. he woke up late, time being against him. he barely felt clean from his shower because he was in a rush.
he was going to be late for work and his boss hates it when people are late. yet, there he was, standing in front of the open underwear drawer as he searched for a pair of his boxer shorts.
sweat coating his brow. his mood dipping and slowly becoming annoyed with himself. his hands fumbled as they brush up upon many textures of fabric. when he failed to find a single pair of underwear, he rushed to the wash basket to see that it was still full to the brim with unwashed clothing and sitting at the very top, as if to torment him in some cruel way, were his last pair of underwear.
ah, that's right. he promised to do the laundry yesterday but it slipped his mind. maybe because he was so busy indulging in you last night and now he has to face the consequences of his greed.
“fucking shit. fuck fuck fuck!” he looked at his watch. the minutes ticking by fast. now was not the time to feel sorry for himself! 
changbin thought about going commando. no one would know, right? but the thought of spending a full day in jeans with no extra layer of protection for his groin made him feel oddly itchy and uncomfortable. he dropped his towel, put on a clean tee and grabbed the first underwear his hand came into contact with – which were yours.
he didn't think much of it. he didn't even notice to be honest. he did feel a little uncomfortable and tight but he thought nothing of it and continued on with his day; until he got home, stripped and saw pastel pink panties with a dainty bow and frilly waistband hanging on his frame; leading him into his current situation.
“oh fuck.” he mumbles to himself. “oh fuck fuck.” he stares at himself in the full length mirror that's leaning against the bedroom wall. he swallows thickly as his eyes flicker around the panties.
they are yours. they are your favourite pair of panties and he is wearing them! the amount of times he sees you prancing around in this specific pair is uncountable. he can't count on his fingers the amount of times he has got hard over them, yet here he is, naked with nothing but the tight fabric on him.
he panics at first. sheer embarrassment and humiliation washing over him. “i must have accidentally grabbed them this morning.” he whispers to himself. his ears perk up as he listens for you only to be met with a soft hum and pots and pans clanking around in the kitchen.
he bites his bottom lip and slowly walks closer to his reflection like he is in some sort of horror movie and his reflection could jump out at him at any moment.
the closer he gets, the more he holds his breath. once close enough does he really soak it all in.
the pastel pink contrasting well with his tanned and dewy skin. the material hugging his ass and penis, accentuating the outline of his curves. his cheeks flush red as he can make out his assets. the dainty bow and frills adding just that little bit extra.
now with a closer look at himself, he strangely doesn't hate it. he feels pretty, sexy, but pretty. he turns his back to the mirror, looking over his shoulder and eyes widening at how plump and plush his ass looks.
“oh fuck.” he repeats. “this is bad.” he presses his lips in a thin line, facing full front in the mirror again. he traces his index finger down his torso and chest, following it in the reflection of the mirror. he stops at the waistband and gingerly traces the outline slowly.
it feels rough. not as soft compared to the rest of the fabric. he flicks the little bow and watches it bounce slightly. even though it feels tight and a little suffocating, it feels oddly comfortable and lewd. 
he lets his finger brush over the frilly waistband and onto the soft fabric. it feels velvety and smooth. he reaches behind him, tracing the outline of his ass and giving it a small squeeze.
he moans. it's a small moan, a silent moan but it's a moan and it makes changbin feel shocked at himself. he chews the inside of his cheek as he squeezes his own ass again. testing the waters and seeing if he has the same reaction, to which he does.
“oh fuck.” the same two words seem to be the only words he is capable of speaking right now. he looks down at his groin and sees his semi suffocating and stretching the material of your panties. 
up until now, he hasn't noticed that the pit of his stomach feels warm and fluttery. his penis throbs which he very clearly sees and it makes him blush. his nipples perk up a little bit and he dares to touch himself.
“maybe just a small touch.” he mumbles. he slides his hand to his clothed semi where he traces the outline slowly. he chews his bottom lip gently and hums softly.
the material feels hot and is radiating heat from his penis. he swallows thickly as he cups his balls and squeezes them ever so gently. he squeezes and tenses his thighs before huffing.
“why does it feel so good?” he questions. he's not doing much, just teasing himself but it's the thought. 
he drops to his knees in front of the mirror and parts then slightly. his hand removes itself from his balls and cups his growing semi. he gives himself a few gentle squeezes, head kicking and rolling back as his eyelids flutter close.
he increases the strength of the squeezing before rubbing his palm along his penis. he feels himself grow fully hard and throb. he rubs his cock head slowly but a little roughly as his free hand comes up and plays with his pink and perky nipples.
it's wrong. it's so wrong of him to do this. he knows that. he's also aware that you could come through the bedroom door at any minute and see him in such a lewd position but he doesn't care.
maybe it's because of the surging lust in his veins that he wants you to see him like this. his cheeks all red, curls flopping over his hazy eyes and bottom lip swollen.
his fingers circle his nipples before he tugs on them gently. he feels a growing wet patch against his palm to which he ignores and rubs his palm faster against his head. 
“oh fuck.. yes, just like that.” he whispers to himself. he tries to keep the moaning to a minimum or at least be quiet but with each passing second, his body burns.
his penis fully erect and leaking. the material stretching and hugging him tightly to the point of suffocation. cock and balls throb, thighs tensing as his body jolts with each surge of pleasure that courses through him.
“m-mhm!!” he looks at himself once again in the mirror and whimpers. the man in front of him is unrecognizable to him. he's so used to seeing himself as a strong, dominate man so seeing himself act and behave how you act, as a sub, all whiny, teary and lewd flicks a switch inside him that he didn't think he had.
he doesn't understand anything any more. he doesn't understand why he is thinking and feeling a certain way. one thing he is sure of though, is that his body is burning hot and he is filled to the brim with lust that it hurts.
he's far too gone to stop or think about that right now. he doesn't hate it and wants more. palming and rubbing himself through panties can only provide so much for so long so he takes it a step further.
his hand dips under the waistband and disappears underneath the fabric. he's met with his hot and throbbing penis. he groans as he wraps his hand around the base and squeezes himself hard. he looks down and grunts at the sight of his red and pre-cum leaking cock head appearing from under the waistband and being pressed flat against his soft tummy.
he gathers some saliva in his mouth before letting it fall onto his tip. his hand glides up his hot shaft for his thumb to smear the saliva and pre-cum around his sensitive head. 
he pushes his curls away from his eyes as he slowly strokes himself. the bumps and ridges of his veiny cock bumping against the palm of his hand. his tip continues to leak and spill as he throbs over and over again. 
he bucks his hips and tenses his thighs as if he were fucking you doggy style. he closes his eyes and imagines one hand buried into your hair and the other on your hip as he's buried deep inside you. he imagines the warmth and your scent as well as the sounds you make for him. 
but then his imagination drifts and all of a sudden, he imagines himself in doggy and you fucking him from behind. he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head as an attempt to ease it from his memory like an etch a sketch but to no avail; so he welcomes it instead.
he swallows as he imagines himself on all fours in front of the mirror. your hands on his skin, tracing down his spine and to his ass where you slap his cheeks gently. he can hear the slaps, feel the ripples of his ass cheeks. he can hear and see himself being fucked out, begging and lewd. his face being tear and drool stained as he begs you to:
“put it in! please don't tease me anymore.” he whispers to himself. he's shocked as the words just free flow past his lips but he continues on. he imagines your fingers circling his wet and puckered hole. he feels his own hole twitching at the thought to which he briefly thinks about doing it but decides to stick with imagination (only because he doesn't have the confidence)
his hand on his penis increases in speed. he becomes rougher with himself, tugging and squeezing his nipples hard. he squeezes his cock hard too, lips parting as he moans loudly. he doesn't care at this point. he doesn't care if you hear him or walk in on him. he's so consumed with himself anyways to think.
as he rubs himself, he continues to imagine. he can hear your sweet and gentle praises, calling him a princess and a good baby girl. he imagines your fingers in his ass and stroking his walls. he imagines himself tensing and throbbing around the digits, his penis also throbbing and begging to be touched as it leaks.
and then, he sees it. the strap-on that you've both been preparing him for. changbin's hips stutter and his movements on his penis are now sloppy, fast and desperate. the pit of his stomach is burning and feels so tight. he's hot and very close but he continues on with his imagination.
he imagines the tip of the strap-on poking and prodding his wet hole. he imagines making a note of how wet it feels due to the lube that is currently soaking the plastic. he imagines himself looking from over his shoulder at you and sobbing.
“please.” he begs to himself. “please put it in. need you so badly.” 
as he imagines the tip slowly entering his hole and stretching him, as if waking up from a wet dream, his eyes shoot open as his orgasm hits him in an overwhelming manner. 
“o-oh!! ohhh!” he moans. hot ropes of cum shoot out onto his torso. some of it landing on his thighs and staining the material of your panties. he strokes himself through his high, rubbing his tip in the process before painting heavily.
he pushes back his sweat coated curls and looks in the mirror. he flushes pink in embarrassment, post-nut clarity hitting him hard.
body stained with cum and sweat. cheeks rosy, eyes doe-like. his nipples perky and swollen but that's not what shocks him the most.
his own reflection staring at him as the tip of his penis is still visible and being pressed against his soft stomach thanks to the waistband. the once pink material and innocent look now stained with cum and tainting the innocence.
changbin panics and quickly rushes to the on-suite bathroom, where he takes the panties off (which are now stretched) and takes a quick shower to think about what to do about your underwear that he has just so lewdfully and willingly stained.
he comes to the conclusion to simply throw them away and buy you a new pair. 
surely you wouldn't notice that a pair of your favourite underwear has gone missing and been replaced with something completely different, right? 
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blueskittlesart · 1 month
hello! i love your zelink stuff sm😭 do you have any advice on how you get your characters so textured? like,, idk how to explain, but the clothes, hair and skin have a cool smudged effect. it might be rendering, but i really like your style of it!
uhhh okay im not sure exactly what you mean so i'm just going to go over everything you could potentially be talking about lmfao. (this is the problem with having multiple coloring styles)
what i think you're probably talking about is the very soft, smudgy rendering style that I sometimes use for more finished pieces. I haven't used it that much recently though so i'm not entirely sure?? for examples it looks like this:
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this is a combination of 3 different sai brush presets. I sketch with a custom crayon brush, do flat colors with sai's default paper acrylic brush, and shade with a custom watercolor brush, and then i do a second pass overtop of all that with the crayon brush again to smooth things out and define important details. these are the settings for those brushes:
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if you're talking about the kind of cleaner block-color look like this, which I think is the style I use most often:
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this is the same crayon brush and paper acrylic brush mentioned above, but instead of shading with the soft watercolor brush I use the same paper acrylic brush to cell-shade. color and line do most of the heavy lifting here, since the only brush with any special texture is the paper texture on the crayon brush that's used for the linework.
the third potential style this could maybe (?) be about is this rougher, more obviously textured style, although in my mind i wouldn't call this 'smudged':
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this is my new holy grail brush. i love her and i use her for absolutely everything. this one is for CSP, not sai. it's called sketches / doodles by REN99W, content ID 2024976 on the asset store, and it's FREE which is insane because it's the best csp brush ive ever used in my entire life. its pressure sensitivity is really cool because at normal pressure it will basically act like a normal linework brush with a bit of nice crunchy texture, but if you press harder than normal you get that sort of spray effect that looks almost like a halftone. literally incredible. works for sketching, lining, painting, ANYTHING. this brush has carried my art for the past semester and a half
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shirou smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; 🐜 anon (14/06/23) [2/2]
fandom(s) ; brand new animal
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; shirou ogami
outline ; “🐜 anon because i love BNA and 100% wasnt the person to recommend it whaaaat.... .
Shirou Ogami relationship and smut hcs?
also i accidentally typed shitou Ogami for a second there 😭”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, dom!shirou, dumbification, rough play
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
shirou strikes me as someone who is a switch but defaults to dominance because he’s reluctant to relinquish control and be vulnerable in front of another person
he alternates between soft and harsh dominance depending on his mood/needs and the boundaries you’ve discussed beforehand
insists on a safe word either way, though, as he doesn’t want to cause you any actual harm — even if your relationship is casual
if you’re not big on rougher play then he’ll be softer — leaning into kinks and play that doesn’t involve pain or degradation
things like size difference, voice kink, mild praise and some teasing — enough to leave you squirming and whimpering and needy but nothing too extreme
stuff like emphasising how much stronger and larger he is — both in general (even shifting to further demonstrate it) and in regards to his dick, which is substantially larger than average
growling more in his speech and lowering his tone as he whispers into your ear from behind, carefully watching your reactions whilst he reaches between your legs to play with you — alternating between praising you for how obedient you are and teasing you for being so aroused already
but if you’re more on the kinky side, then he’ll be open to discussing and involving some of his more ‘extreme’ preferences
things like biting/marking, semi public play, all sorts of pain play, overstimulation and edging
marking usually only happens in areas that can be covered — such as your stomach, chest and thighs (or your throat/collarbone if you have clothes that can cover them)
they’re more like reminders to you about how good you’ve got it rather than a direct claim of ownership (unless you’re actually together)
pain play usually circles back to types of spanking and accidental cutting (he can get carried away sometimes and has some rather sharp claws)
he doesn’t use any toy (be that paddle or whip), preferring his hands and is equally happy to spank your ass, your thighs or (if you have one) your pussy
semi public play translates to him dragging you (or letting you drag him) into the nearest alleyway/closet/cupboard/etc. for a quickie when you’re both particularly needy
it’s also usually paired with some sort of gagging (read: his hand or a piece of cloth over your mouth) to make sure you don’t get caught
overstimulation is a result of his need to push you as far as you can go, to show off how capable of a lover he can be by leaving you dumb and drooling and sobbing — also linked to a slight kink for dumbification and crying
edging is rare and used as a sort of punishment — edging and teasing you until you admit to your wrongdoing and swear you’ll never repeat it
this can be anything from flirting with someone else to masturbating after promising to save your pleasure for him
also uses light breath play if you express an attraction to the power dynamic between the two of you — either momentarily squeezing your throat before moving on or grabbing your throat from behind to pull you against his chest
probably isn’t the biggest fan of pet play but might incorporate some elements if you’ve been good — such as using a leash and collar to choke and lead you, calling you a ‘pet’ during dirty talk and other such things
prefers sex and handjobs over oral, but won’t turn down oral if asked or offered — and he’s amazing when he goes down on you (long tongue, talented fingers and a desire to please all lend themselves to a good time for you)
as far as positions go: big fan of concubine and doggy style, but he can also appreciate the mating press and cowgirl/reverse cowgirl if he’s in the right mood
under the right circumstances he can enjoy different types of desk sex including:
receiving oral from you beneath his desk when he’s in a meeting (he has an amazing poker face)
you riding his thigh or his cock when you’re really needy — usually combined with one his hands groping your ass whilst he sorts through paperwork with the other
him bending you over his desk and fucking you dumb — only ever used as stress relief when he’s been too busy to tend to you
if he’s getting especially rough and exerting a lot of energy then there is a chance that he’ll shift in the middle of sex — which has happened on multiple occasions without him initially realising
this has led to you getting deep scratches along your back, chest and thighs — as well as tooth indentations on your throat and genitals when he’s changed during oral
he’s always apologetic afterwards because he never means to harm or startle, but it’s usually more hilarious than shocking
isn’t loud in bed but he does make a lot of noises during sex: growls, grunts, low moans and cusses — as well as occasional bouts of dirty talk or instructions of course
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just-j-really · 4 months
Unsoulmates part four (a new hope)
Hob texts Morpheus two days after he and Audrey break up, because he's got two tickets to a ballet and absolutely no use for them anymore. He'd offered them to Gwen, first, but her girlfriend (her soulmate, actually, her soulmate she'd met at a Ren Faire in a moment out of a fairytale, complete with a kiss-print soulmark on the back of her hand) has even less interest in ballet than Hob does. And he knows bringing it up to any of his other friends will only get him concerned questions about why he keeps doing this to himself, wouldn't he be happier if he stopped actively avoiding his One True Love.
So offering them to Morpheus, who hasn't spoken to him in a month but probably won't do that, is the best option by default.
Shockingly, Morpheus replies. He even offers to meet Hob at the White Horse, a pub they'd frequented back when they were still sort of talking, to pick up the tickets.
Even more shockingly, Morpheus is already at a table when Hob arrives at the pub four nights later, like he's planning to sit and talk with Hob. Like before.
Hob is not entirely sure how he feels about that, but he's also running on maybe three hours of sleep, and the chair next to Morpheus looks extremely inviting, so he lets himself topple into it.
"If you ask me how I'm doing I'm going to get up and leave," he warns Morpheus, leaning back against the headrest and closing his eyes. He might just take a nap here. It's been impossible to fall asleep, these past few days, without the warmth of someone else in bed with him. And it's so easy, lying there with the tangible reminder of how alone he is, to let his thoughts spiral into why didn't she stay why didn't she even consider it wasn't it worth it?
But here, with the warmth and the noise of people around him and this unbelievably comfortable armchair, an uneasy half-doze starts to overtake him. He's drifting, wondering where in the world Morpheus found an armchair, when a soft tapping noise drags him back to reality.
When he opens his eyes, Morpheus is sliding a beer across the table to him. He doesn't say anything, just looks at Hob levelly, and Hob thinks that's why, why he opens his mouth to say thanks, what comes out instead is a cracking, "Do you know what it's like, having people congratulate you for having your heart ripped out?"
His voice sounds even worse than he feels.
Morpheus inclines his head at Hob in that familiar little nod; go on, I'm listening.
It's a small kindness, but it still makes Hob feel like his chest is cracking in half.
"Everyone acts like it's fine. Like it's a good thing. 'Yeah it hurts now but at least you'll stop wasting your life, at least now you'll find the person you were meant for.'"
He takes a breath. Takes a drink. "Nevermind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."
And then the whole story is spilling out of him, in an out-of-order slurry: the moment it happened- Audrey gesturing wildly as they ducked through the concert crowd, hand in hand; her stunned little gasp as her arm bumped another emphatic gesture-er; they way he'd stood there, confused, still holding Audrey's hand, while she and her soulmate stared longingly into each other's eyes.
The way she'd yes-anded even his stupidest bits, the way they'd had their own shared language of in-jokes, the way conversations with her were a dance and she always knew the next step.
The way, within a week, she'd scrubbed herself out of his life entirely, like she needed to fake her death to start her new life with The One.
"And- and I knew marriage wasn't happening, right?" he finds himself saying, some time and several drinks later. "Fuckin nobody marries their not-soulmate, which is STUPID. It's so stupid, remind me to tell you how stupid it is. But I thought. I thought we- I thought there was something. Something good. I thought maybe we could last."
The sentence gets much too wobbly at the end, and Hob swipes a hand roughly over his eyes.
"What did you want, then?" Morpheus asks.
Hob glares at him.
"If not marriage," Morpheus says, as though clarity were the problem there. He seems... sincere, though. Like he's actually asking the question, not trying to nudge Hob into an epiphany about the futility of his life goals. Hob's heard the second thing enough to know what it sounds like. And Morpheus has that- look, on his face. The Hob-is-an-insect look, but not. It's... it's like if that look were kinder, more genuine. More vulnerable.
So for what may be the first time, when asked that question, Hob actually considers his answer before responding. "I dunno what I wanted," he says. "I just want- I want someone to choose me. Not have me forced on them."
Morpheus stares at him. Studies him. As though the secret of life itself has somehow been hidden in Hob's face.
Hob stares back, pinned. Entranced. A little confused.
"You know," he says, after a moment, "I'm not actually a bug."
Morpheus sighs. "Come on," he says, "Let's get you home."
Despite Hob's insistence that he is fine, really, just a little tipsy and a lot heartsick and sleep deprived, Morpheus does walk him home.
Hob only remembers the tickets when they reach his building, and only then someone had stuck a sticker of a dancer to the back of a lamppost. "Here," he says, rooting around in his jacket pocket until he finds the envelope, and handing it over, "At least someone will get use out of them."
Morpheus stares at the envelope like he's never seen one before.
When he looks up at Hob, his eyes are glistening with tears. "Are you," he asks, quietly. He pauses for a long time, long enough that Hob starts to wonder if he'd handed over the wrong envelope, and then wonder what deeply tragic envelopes he could possibly have been carrying around.
"Are you going to look for your soulmate now?" Morpheus asks. His voice is as even, almost soothing, as ever.
He's looking at Hob as though the wrong answer will be his death sentence.
"Are you kidding me?" Hob asks. Despite everything, he finds himself grinning. "Never. The love of my life is out there, somewhere, I'm not going to discount them for something stupid like soulmates."
Morpheus smiles.
Truly smiles, for the first time that Hob has seen. It's a lovely expression, soft, hesitant, but so genuinely, contagiously delighted. And Hob knows, with the same bone-deep certainty as his disbelief in soulmates, that he'd protect that smile at all costs.
"Also," he says, because there's not much protection he can offer right not but there is always the shining, thrilling possibility of coaxing another smile out of Morpheus tonight, "I'm starving. Do you want to get dinner?"
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moondirti · 11 months
what are your thoughts on submissive Miguel?
ooo okay. I actually have thoughts about this so enjoy a little drabble between updates of Animalic because that’s taking so long :) this is in no way correlated to Wraith’s story!
warnings: submissive! miguel, teasing, handjobs, references to biting
Miguel isn’t the type to submit easily. His default state is one of a man in charge; honed over the years since losing Gabriella, when the seemingly harmless choice to replace his alternate self cost millions of lives. He knows what it is to be human, how much we overlook in favour of pleasure – to him, that means that the only person he can trust to stay disciplined is himself. And, naturally, that extends to his bedroom habits.
When he takes a break from work or stewing over the state of the spider-verse, he fucks quick. It’s rough, ‘drill you into the mattress’ type sex - hands anchored to the pillow on either side of your head. He pressed his weight onto you, particularly where you’re folded in half at the hip, and is focused solely on the climax. You’ve never really had… time to bring up the topic of switching positions.
That is, until one particularly slow night. He comes back early, tired – his back hunched and his muscles strained and you can tell that the day had taken its toll on him. It progresses gradually, a sort of unravelling that neither him or you intend. You guide him to rest on the couch, fingers kneading the knots that pepper his shoulder, over his suit. That proves to be a hindrance though, of course, and before you know it, it retracts to his waist and leaves his chest bare.
Miguel never voices how much he loves it when your lips press softly to his skin, warming the overworked flesh in tiny butterfly kisses. But he melts, ever so slightly, so you keep then going until you reach his ear, where you whisper questions about work. What happened. Do you wanna talk about it. He only shakes his head no, brows furrowed, but he leans back into you in a silent press to keep going.
And then you’re grazing your nails down his pecs, tracing the lines of his abs. His hair is soft - if not slightly damp with sweat - and it tickles your temple when you nuzzle his neck. You’re tempted to graze your teeth along the valleys there, but you refrain for him. He’s relenting, you think, only because he needs it. Needs a moment of tenderness where he isn’t the one making all the choices.
It’s monumental only because of the time it’s taken to get to this point. For him, succumbing to you means everything. That he has full faith in your instinct, the decision-making skills you’ve developed in tandem to his. You know when to push him, when to draw back. He’s comfortable enough to be willing for either.
You stay stuck like that, cradling him from behind. Eventually, your hand ushers the nanotech off his crotch, and grin at what’s underneath. Commando - naturally, but his cock is pulsing already, an angry shade of purple after having been restrained so long. Pearly pre-cum drips down onto his lap, his length heavy, dipping forward, unable to hold its own weight.
He’s hot. Sweltering on your palm, ready to burst. You skim past where he needs you most, cupping his balls instead, and shift uncomfortably with the way his head tips back, jaw hinged open in pleasure. You’re struck with the alarming fact, then, seeing how responsive he is to your controlled ministrations.
Sure, he needs this. But-
He also wants it. Desperately.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
hello good afternoon, english is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes😔❤️
I would like to request a hc from the htf guys, How would they react to a very flirtatious reader?
I mean- imagine them bending down to tie their shoelaces and suddenly the reader points at them or tells them that they have a nice butt JUST IMAGINE IT BRO😭
Anon! AND EVERYONE. Please stop apologising for your English. I am a native english speaker, and mine is dogshit. You should also listen to me irl, my vocab is infinitely worse.
HTF Boys responding to "NICE BUTT!"
Taehoon: Oh yeah? Pervert. Why don't you come closer.
This will end in one of three ways
Ignoring you. What? You think you're the first person that has ogled his butt? He knows he has a nice body. Dream on, dipshit.
A harsh kick to the face. Why? Why not. Because you deserve it for being a perv and Taehoon is in one of his moods.
Headlock and a rough kiss, with his hands wandering to pinch your butt.
Wangguk: [blushing]
Not one for being in front of the camera and has a reserved and standoffish nature.
All in all, not used to people simping over him or complimenting him outright.
Doesn't really know what to say, but will take it to heart.
Every time he bends over in front of you (which happens more often that you think for some reason), he will blush and think of your compliment.
It's also sort of hard to miss given that whenever he even thrusts his ass out slightly, you are staring so hard, you're boring holes into it (boring more assholes, if you will).
Munseong: [brain breaks] Th-thanks. I squat 300lbs. I do lower body 3 times a week.
Much like Wangguk, he doesn't really know what to say.
Although he is used to people admiring him from his time in the spotlight with UFC matches.
You telling him he has a nice butt breaks his brain. Breaks it so hard he can't really comprehend what you're saying. He can't even blush.
Defaults to talking about fitness. "Thanks bro, I rep 300lbs. Whats your max?"
Well no, he doesn't call you bro or tell you his max but will ramble a little about his workout routine and then he just...
Trails off and stares at you with soft eyes.
Yeonwoo: *also blushing* thanks Y/N. I squat 350lbs and do hill sprints for fun 🤓
Definitely knows you're flirting with him.
He gets a lot of attention in school and from his old Study channel. Knows the vibe you're putting out.
His first love though is Kyokushin Karate and he WILL use it as an excuse to tell you about his routine.
So passionate about it, eyes sparkling and vibrating with excitement that you can't bring yourself to shut him up.
Better yet. You think he has a nice butt? "Would you like to join me on my hill sprints?"
Hobin: T-thanks! I've been upping my training.
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Jinho: Thank you.
What did you honestly expect from this psychopath?
Gratitude? Blushing? Stammering? Absolutely not. He stays aloof and cool.
You're lucky he didn't just ignore you and remembered his manners.
Seongjun: [does a little booty shake]
Idk man
I'm not even sure he would do that but imagine him with his partner being all goofy.
If you compliment his ass, he would do something silly to make you laugh.
OOC, but isn't the visual too cute to pass up?
Snapper: sorry, you talking to me?
Huh?? Someone is paying Snapper attention? The camera guy?
Freezes when you nod and tell him: "YES. YOU, JIHYEOK. YOU HAVE A NICE BUTT."
Poor guy, so confused. Tilts his head like a lil puppy, unable to understand the words.
(Completely rizzless so no-one has told him that at all.)
Replays it over and over in his head until it hits him that "Oh shit, does Y/N like me?"
Still not sure and thinks it's a mistake until he bends over again and you shout the same thing.
Mangi: Thank you! [blushing furiously] Y-your butt is nice too!🥺
Duh? Of course Mangi has a cute butt. He's adorable and cute all over.
Will return your compliment even if he doesn't think you have a nice butt too because that's just Mangi.
Besides, have you seen Ssireum wrestlers? Built like a TANK. Mangi has got CAKE.
Haesu: ?
"Wake me up when there's food."
[goes back to napping]
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COD MW2 NSFW Headcannons
Includes: Ghost, Soap, König, Valeria x any sex/race reader.
A/N: I used to play COD: Zombies when I was little and had nightmares. Maybe this is retribution for that.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
70% dom, 30% sub.
Gives head like it’s his last meal, wants head like it’s your last meal.
Good stamina, 10min recovery (perfect amount of time to give some rounds of head before another one of his own, yk?).
Rough, but affectionate. The same ideology of cuteness aggression. He just can’t get enough of you.
Likes receiving: rough handjobs/blowjobs, face sitting/face fucking, mild overstimulation.
Likes giving: degradation and praise (best of both worlds), some spitting (if you’d like), spanking.
Favorite places are the couch, dining table, and shower.
“Babygirl/boy” “Hon” “pretty slut”
Soft grunts/groans, broken moan when he cums. A bit louder when subbing, a bit growlier when domming.
Ways to turn him on: wearing his shirts, teasing, touching his ass.
Tends to be serious, but may say something a little sly or witty.
John “Soap” McTavish
Also 70% dom, 30% sub. But won’t admit he’s willing to sub.
Head destroys him. Reduces him to a mess. He gives pretty good head, himself, and will go for hours if you want.
Great stamina, 20min recovery, and likes cuddling/making out before a next round.
Romantic, but knows how to pick up the pace if you request. May even default to it depending on his mood.
Likes receiving: sloppy blowjobs (knocks him tf out), nails digging into his back, pegging (but doesn’t know it!).
Likes giving: thighsex, edging, doggystyle, you in lingerie/something ‘promiscuous’.
Favorite places are ones hidden in plain sight (closets, bathrooms), the bedroom, and the shower (a lot like Ghost…hm…).
“Sweetheart” “Doll” “So fuckin’ good for me”
Low moans, with an off chance of a whine, which he’ll quickly surpress. Stuttering, then gasping when he cums.
Ways to turn him on: Again, lingerie. Coming up behind him and kissing his shoulders, as well as running your fingers up his arms.
Can crack an endearing joke, but otherwise a casual sort of serious. Y’know?
40% dom, 60% sub. He doesn’t know it until he meets you, though.
Head has this man gasping for air like he’s drowning or something. Head has him on the verge of (good) tears. He’s super eager to give you head, too. He takes it like he’s starving.
Great stamina, 20min recovery (usually due to the intensity of his orgasms). He is clingy and desperate for kisses after.
So fucking needy. I don’t know how much more I can articulate that.
Likes receiving: a good peggin’, frotting/grinding, passionate kisses, praise.
Likes giving: passionate kisses, crazy good head, teasing (all in good fun), hickeys.
Favorite place tends to be the bedroom, but he fantasizes of taking you in front of the fireplace or under the stars somewhere secluded.
“Liebe [love]” “sir/ma’am” “dear”
You better not be living in an apartment. That’s all I’ll say about his volume level.
Ways to turn him on: holding his chin, neck kisses, pushing him down.
Too focused to think of anything funny to say.
Valeria Garza
65% dom, 35% sub.
Her hands instinctively grab your hair when you give her head. Without fail. If you request, she’ll gladly give you head, too. She may offer to do so.
Best stamina of all, 15 second recovery (female). Thus, she gets right back into it.
She’s a woman of many talents. Rough? Quick? Gentle? Romantic? You got it.
Likes receiving: hair-pulling, worship, degradation.
Likes giving: handcuffs, face-sitting, long make outs, knife play.
Favorite places are negotiable. A real chameleon, she is. But she does have a sort of running streak for kitchen countertops.
“Babe” “whore” “pretty thing”
Breathy moans, hitching when she cums. Always has to catch her breath, as she inadvertently holds it sometimes in her focused state.
Ways to turn her on: raking hands through her hair, hands on her waist, sitting on her lap/having her sit on yours.
Serious as can be.
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bonefall · 7 months
Clanmew terms to describe weight and height? Like the heavy in Heavystep or the tall in Tallstar?
I'm going to give you a detailed breakdown of words for describing attributes, including pulling from the Lexicon, to try and have a good single-post guide for this.
Note: In an attempt to add some better grammatical rules for attributes going foward, for a larger quest to make Clanmew better for some "conversational" topics, some words are going to get edited in the Lexicon as well
Basic Attributes
MOST attributes in Clanmew are inherently "neutral" until modified. "Way" is simply Height, with "Wayeeb," "Wayrra," and "Waymor" meaning Short, Medium, and Tall.
Generic attributes CAN be used in names, and by default refer to the 'obvious' nature of a characteristic.
For example; Shortwhisker of SkyClan was Kas-hussk, Length-Whisker. Because his short whiskers were defining, Kas in this situation obviously means "short." If his whiskers suddenly grew in twice as long, Kas-hussk would suddenly mean "Longwhisker," as that would also be the obvious trait.
(For Talltail I'm kind of thinking of making his Clanmew name Swashmew, Tailkit, and then eventually earning a name on his return that means "Story-Traveled" in reference to how long he spent away from WindClan. "Talltale" in English, which could have been "Wanderstar" or even "Talestar")
Height; the vertical axis of an object = Way
Length; the horizontal axis of an object = Kas
Weight; the heaviness of an object = Bai
Age; amount of time a thing has existed = Kiq
Wealth; the amount of stuff that a thing has = Poh (Note: NOT money-related. Refers to how much prey you've caught in an outing, how rich a patch of territory is, how full your bowl is, etc. I cannot think of a better English translation.)
Threat Level; a Clan Culture value = Myyrn
Experience/Skill/Aptitude; how good you are at a thing = Pya
Favor; for mortals, liking things = Min (Do you want to say "I love you?" Go read this for examples.)
Gloss; the shininess of fur, has a double meaning as StarClan's favor in you = Shaw
Soft; 'Squishiness,' comfort, pliability = Afi (NOT a fur texture. Soft of texture is "wuff")
Hard = Bobur
Happy; contentedness, joy, satisfaction = Bia
Rank; political power, authority, social standing = Gorrl
Temperature; the normal, non-freezing and non-burning range of heat. For fevers, average weather, objects you touch casually = Waa
Suffixes; attached to the end of attributes to modify them
Little of a physical attribute = -eeb
Medium of a physical attribute = -rra
Large of a physical attribute = -mor
Has not collected much of the attribute; scarce, poor = -qef
Has collected a reasonable amount of the attribute; expected, normal, "hitting your numbers" = -qal
Has collected a whole lot of the attribute; rich, -ful = -qew
"-ness," the most basic suffix for turning any word into an noun to be used in questions and declarations = -wang.
There's a significant difference between eeb/rra/mor (ERM) and qef/qal/qew (QQQ), listen carefully.
The ERM set is about physical, innate attributes. Long legs, natural talent, harmless species. A cat who contains Waymor is a NATURALLY tall cat, it is their build. To say that a cat contains "pyaeeb" is like saying that they are always going to be bad at a thing, where you could comfort a clanmate with "pyaqef" to say that they don't have experience yet.
The QQQ set is about acquired traits. A cat who contains Baiqew may be one who might be carrying a lot of weight but could set the objects down. You might hear "Pohqal" for a cat who has caught as much prey as they need to on this particular outing. "Wayqew" is height that a cat has because they are standing on something.
(and wayqal implies that squilf has stepped up onto some sort of box or rock to be eye-level with the person she is talking to <3)
It's a small difference, but a meaningful one.
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faunabel · 1 month
whenever i think of italy, he has the voice from the sub in my head.
ofc, japanese is spoken very particularly with its pitch and cadence, as is every language, so he'd sound a little different not speaking japanese
but regardless, that same sort of tone? that gentleness? yeah. i see him as one of those people who's more soft spoken actually, not quiet exactly but definitely gentle, and he gets loud when he's like, excited about something. or surprised. or any Big emotion.
man... i love his japanese voice sm <3 not to hate on the dub but man... not the same at all. his voice is so sweet in the sub. i think it suits his character much better personally. i know hetalia is all about stereotypes but i don't see him being that loud by default. he's a gentle guy who likes to take naps lol.
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