bonefall · 6 months
Clanmew terms to describe weight and height? Like the heavy in Heavystep or the tall in Tallstar?
I'm going to give you a detailed breakdown of words for describing attributes, including pulling from the Lexicon, to try and have a good single-post guide for this.
Note: In an attempt to add some better grammatical rules for attributes going foward, for a larger quest to make Clanmew better for some "conversational" topics, some words are going to get edited in the Lexicon as well
Basic Attributes
MOST attributes in Clanmew are inherently "neutral" until modified. "Way" is simply Height, with "Wayeeb," "Wayrra," and "Waymor" meaning Short, Medium, and Tall.
Generic attributes CAN be used in names, and by default refer to the 'obvious' nature of a characteristic.
For example; Shortwhisker of SkyClan was Kas-hussk, Length-Whisker. Because his short whiskers were defining, Kas in this situation obviously means "short." If his whiskers suddenly grew in twice as long, Kas-hussk would suddenly mean "Longwhisker," as that would also be the obvious trait.
(For Talltail I'm kind of thinking of making his Clanmew name Swashmew, Tailkit, and then eventually earning a name on his return that means "Story-Traveled" in reference to how long he spent away from WindClan. "Talltale" in English, which could have been "Wanderstar" or even "Talestar")
Height; the vertical axis of an object = Way
Length; the horizontal axis of an object = Kas
Weight; the heaviness of an object = Bai
Age; amount of time a thing has existed = Kiq
Wealth; the amount of stuff that a thing has = Poh (Note: NOT money-related. Refers to how much prey you've caught in an outing, how rich a patch of territory is, how full your bowl is, etc. I cannot think of a better English translation.)
Threat Level; a Clan Culture value = Myyrn
Experience/Skill/Aptitude; how good you are at a thing = Pya
Favor; for mortals, liking things = Min (Do you want to say "I love you?" Go read this for examples.)
Gloss; the shininess of fur, has a double meaning as StarClan's favor in you = Shaw
Soft; 'Squishiness,' comfort, pliability = Afi (NOT a fur texture. Soft of texture is "wuff")
Hard = Bobur
Happy; contentedness, joy, satisfaction = Bia
Rank; political power, authority, social standing = Gorrl
Temperature; the normal, non-freezing and non-burning range of heat. For fevers, average weather, objects you touch casually = Waa
Suffixes; attached to the end of attributes to modify them
Little of a physical attribute = -eeb
Medium of a physical attribute = -rra
Large of a physical attribute = -mor
Has not collected much of the attribute; scarce, poor = -qef
Has collected a reasonable amount of the attribute; expected, normal, "hitting your numbers" = -qal
Has collected a whole lot of the attribute; rich, -ful = -qew
"-ness," the most basic suffix for turning any word into an noun to be used in questions and declarations = -wang.
There's a significant difference between eeb/rra/mor (ERM) and qef/qal/qew (QQQ), listen carefully.
The ERM set is about physical, innate attributes. Long legs, natural talent, harmless species. A cat who contains Waymor is a NATURALLY tall cat, it is their build. To say that a cat contains "pyaeeb" is like saying that they are always going to be bad at a thing, where you could comfort a clanmate with "pyaqef" to say that they don't have experience yet.
The QQQ set is about acquired traits. A cat who contains Baiqew may be one who might be carrying a lot of weight but could set the objects down. You might hear "Pohqal" for a cat who has caught as much prey as they need to on this particular outing. "Wayqew" is height that a cat has because they are standing on something.
(and wayqal implies that squilf has stepped up onto some sort of box or rock to be eye-level with the person she is talking to <3)
It's a small difference, but a meaningful one.
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the-colourful-witch · 8 months
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{Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B }
A wand doodle turned into this :)
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Romans 1:20 (NKJV) - For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
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weirdchristmas · 8 months
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"Strictly speaking, a real distinction exists only between two or more substances; and we can perceive that two substances are really distinct simply from the fact that we can clearly and distinctly understand one apart from the other." - Spinoza
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roennq · 10 months
BBC One's The Musketeers Teaser Trailers
"What lies ahead for us, I wonder? It really doesn’t matter. Not if we face every challenge the way we always have.
⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️ D'Artagnan ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️
"With great passion. Hearts that stay true to all we hold dear.
⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️ Porthos ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️
"Courage, no matter how many enemies lie in wait for us.
⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️ Aramis ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️
"Faith, that daylight will always follow the dark."
⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️ Athos ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️
"And love?" "Above all else."
⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️ The Musketeers (2014 – 2016) ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️
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addictivecontradiction · 11 months
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The half of it, 2020
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deathlessathanasia · 6 months
"During the fifth century, when Polykleitus made Hera's cult-statue for her Argive sanctuary, it seems that the cuckoo was considered to be the bird-attribute of this goddess. But six centuries later, Hadrian thought it appropriate to dedicate a gold peacock in the same shrine; for by this time the peacock had become Hera's most prominent associate among the birds. Athenaeus records that peacocks were sacred to Hera, and that they were kept in her sanctuary of Samos; and although he was writing himself only in 200 AD, he was quoting Antiphanes and Menodotus who probably lived in the fourth and third centuries BC, respectively. At all events, during the second century BC, Samian coins began to be minted on which both Hera and her peacock are represented. Both Ovid and the commentator on Euripides explained the appearance of the peacock's tail-feathers by relating the story that when Argus was killed, Hera removed his hundred eyes and placed them in the tail of her bird. This legend shows how the Samian bird had been absorbed into the mythology of Argos, Hera's other principal domain; and explains why Hadrian dedicated his jewelled peacock; but it happened late in the history of the sanctuary. …
In fact, the peacock is rarely represented in Greek art, and the first certainly dated instances of Hera with this bird are Samian coins of the second century BC. It may be argued, however, that the association was established much earlier, during the Archaic period; on the evidence of the scene portrayed on an ivory comb made in about 700 BC. This object happens to have been dedicated to Artemis Orthia in Sparta; … The scene is the Judgment of Paris, and shows the three rival goddesses each with a typical attribute. Aphrodite holds a dove, Athena wears a helmet, and the third goddess, Hera,is accompanied by a bird "which must be supposed to be the peacock" But there is in fact little reason, apart from its long neck, to identify this bird as a peacock. The supposition appears to be based on external evidence of a later date; and I believe it possible that the artist is simply depicting a water-bird, an appropriate enough attribute for Hera, as for many an unspecified Archaic potnia theron. … …
According to the literary evidence cited above, the peacock cannot certainly be associated with Hera any earlier than the fourth century, and then only in Samos. I believe it possible that the Samians may have regarded the peacocks of the Heraion simply as material property of the sanctuary, and not at first, as sacred birds in a religious sense. The aetion for Hera's patronage of the peacock was probably (as the literary evidence suggests) of late invention. The only peacock-representations to be identified with certainty at any of the sanctuaries examined here are the terracotta and marble fragments from the Argive Heraion, which have not been dated, but may well have belonged (like Hadrian's jewelled bird) to the Roman period. In this period, the painted terracotta peacock's tail may have been part of an akroterion or antefix decorating the temple. Waldstein rejected his own original definition of the Geometric bronze bird from this sanctuary as a peacock, and although the bird on an Archaic engraved stone from Perachora could be a peacock (with crest and fan-shaped tail), it is rather small to identify with certainty.
I have suggested that Hera, as one of the Olympian successors to an older potnia theron, may originally have had the attribute of an unspecified water-bird; and that this bird (as I believe it appears on the comb from Artemis Orthia) became a peacock only after the Samian peacocks acquired their reputation. In view of the fact that while peacocks are known to have been dedicated at the Argive Heraion, no remains of their images have come to light at the Samian sanctuary; and since it is King Arguswho figures in the aetion for the peacock's tail, it is even possible that Hera's special association with the peacock, though inspired by the Samian birds, was an Argive invention. The scarcity of peacock-representations in her sanctuaries is therefore not really inconsistent with literary evidence as it has survived. On the other hand, nearly 200 representations of birds of various other kinds (including water-birds) have been reported in the Heraia considered in this study."
- Representations of Animals in Sanctuaries of Artemis and of Other Olympian Deities by Elinor Bevan
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creativecuquilu · 7 months
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EDIT 6/12 - Two new Jons have dropped. Watch out, the collection may keep growing...
My Dalle prompt collection of Jon Pertwee crying and drinking wine.
This is one of my personally best generated prompts. And since I love generating the Third Doctor to death, then I chose to put on several attributes, because of course...
Hope you like them!
Some generations contain ALT for more information.
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grandmawitch · 2 years
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wisdomfish · 6 months
The hypostatic union
The hypostatic union is the biblical doctrine that in the one person of Jesus there are two distinct natures: the divine and the human. Each nature retains its essence and attributes and were not lessened or changed in the person of Christ at the incarnation.  Yet, there are not two persons, but one person who is Christ.  Furthermore, the attributes of both natures were ascribed to the single person. This is called the communicatio idiomatum. It means the “communication of the attributes.” So, Jesus, who had two natures, claimed the divine attributes when he said, “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was,” (John 17:5). He claimed human attributes when he said, “I am thirsty,” (John 19:28). So, we see that Jesus is both divine and human. He is divine so that he could offer a sacrifice of divine value. He is human so he could sacrifice for the sins of people.  Jesus is the Word made flesh (John 1:1, 14).  The Word was “joined” with humanity (Col. 2:9).  Jesus’ divine nature was not altered. ~ Matt Slick
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daikaiju-chaos · 7 months
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YO! Any Ultraman fans out there??
Any of y'all remember the game "Daikaiju Battle, Ultra Coliseum"? Aka "Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Coliseum"?? Or the arcade games related to it?
I went and remade the elemental icons for the Special Attack moves all the kaiju, choju, aliens and ultras used in those games!
Fire, Electric, Ice, Poison, Water, Darkness and Light!
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welcometoplaguetown · 9 months
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For bards, its both.
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masoqueen-official · 9 months
ART UPDATE! 7/10 A.O. ◇7/19/23◇
All my spanish flashcards...
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violetganache42 · 2 years
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I honestly hadn't noticed that. 😅 It was pretty clear those six plates are part of a rainbow collection of sorts, but it never crossed my mind that they have the same colors as the attributes until Yudias brought it up.
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archiputer · 10 months
Kendime not: Autocad içerisinde kullandığım attribute blocklar içerisinde Field olanları otomatik etiket olmaktan çıkarmak için R-Field lispini kullan.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Can MC have stoic personality?
MC cannot have a strictly stoic personality (or a strictly "anything" personality). (This may change as the game develops, but as the demo version 1 writing is complete, I don't want to put off release to rewrite for changes right now.)
However, there are opportunities for MC to be stoic. Not as many in the demo (it only covers 2-3 days) since it's mainly about shaping MC, introducing characters, and assuming the role of The Harbinger, but there will be a lot more options as more of the game comes out.
If you are interested in having more Stoic options available, I recommend choosing the family motto "Keep the Mind Calm." There will still be some stoic / reserved choices available if that is not MCs family motto. However, that family motto will open up more opportunities that are aligned with that type of personality.
Thanks for the ask anon, once the demo comes out, feel free to give feedback on what you'd like to see and I will definitely take it into account!
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