#but I'll do the monday one real quick
museenkuss · 7 months
little suggestions on how to move my body this week (week 44)*
Monday. 15 MIN FULL BODY Gentle Pilates Workout For Beginners // No Equipment
Tuesday. Waistline Shimmy | Belly Dance Workout
Wednesday. Morning Pilates Flow | Stretch and Strengthen
Thursday. 30 MIN DANCER WORKOUT || Full Body Pilates & Dancer Sculpt
Saturday. Waistline Shimmy | Belly Dance Workout (Tuesday repeat) or 20*MIN BEGINNERS PILATES - FLEXIBILITY AND STRENGTH *[17]
Sunday. “Summertime Fine” |Waist Workout|
* the idea here was to find fun little ways to stay active according to my schedule this week. This is completely 'no suffering, joy only'. :)
In case the suggestion doesn't feel right for that day, here are some alternatives (12 minutes or less, can also be used as add-ons). No shame in taking it slow! Let's move with joy :) nightime flexibility stretches // bedtime yoga stretch to release stress & tension // 8 min beginner's ballet flexibility. // 10 min | Beginner Belly Dance Workout | Slow & Smooth Tutorial
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how do french translations manage to always be the easiest and most difficult at the same time
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penelopepine · 12 days
Don't be a stranger! Pt. 8
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Simon "Ghost" Riley x FemReader
Content: Neighbors AU, fluff, developing relationship, non-con drug use, light angst
Simon instantly felt his heart drop, “What do you mean she’s gone?” His voice was cold as he spoke. If Johnny is saying what he thinks he’s saying then someone is going to die today, that Simon can guarantee. 
Before Soap can respond though a gunshot rings out. "Soap, where are you? What's happening?" 
"We're at the small grocery store in town! Things here went from zero to hundred real quick; Beads is nowhere in sight." 
Right away Simon is moving; he has to get to you. "What the hell were you two doing off base?" 
"Just- I'll explain when-," Soap suddenly pauses , "Price?!" 
"Soap, go 4 aisles down; Gaz is there with Beads." Price's voice suddenly cuts through the phone. 
Price? Gaz? What were they doing there? An immediate uneasy feeling rises in his chest. This whole thing wasn’t making sense to him. 
He could vaguely hear Soap speaking to Price. The only thing he could make out was the clear anger and confusion in his voice. Moments later Price’s voice comes through clear as day, he can only assume that Price took Johnny’s phone. 
“Ghost, stay where you are.” 
“Price what the fuck is happening?” Simon growled. 
“Ghost.” Price took a deep breath before continuing, “It was all a set up. We planned for the possibility of Beads being targeted and taken once stepping off base. They did exactly what we thought they would do.” 
He couldn’t fucking believe what he was hearing, “You used her as bait! Did you keep her in the dark too, or was I the only one that wasn’t given the truth?” 
“You, Beads, and Soap weren’t told anything. The situation here is under control though now, and once we're back we can discuss more. Laswell is already waiting for you in the main meeting room; she’ll explain everything a bit more to you.” 
Simon hung up. He didn’t want to hear anything more from him. If you’re hurt in any way there will be hell to pay. This whole plan shouldn’t have happened; much less with him not being told about it. 
He almost wants to disobey Price, and go find you right now. The only thing stopping him is also wanting answers for what is happening. As much as he wants to be with you he knows that you're mostly likely on your way to him right now. So he turns and storms his way to Laswell. 
Once reaching the meeting room he gives a sharp knock, but doesn't wait for an answer before opening the door anyway. Laswell is sitting already with a serious look on her face. "Ghost, sit down. Let's talk about everything calmly." 
Calm was the last thing he was feeling right now. All he wanted to do was yell; yell at everyone involved with making this plan. "Explain then." Simon sneered before sitting right across from her. 
"On Monday Soap and Beads approached Price about leaving base to go to the grocery store. Beads apparently wanted to make a special meal for you, and Soap said that he would gladly accompany her." 
"A Russian terror group broke into both of our flats. They know that she is connected to me. Leaving base shouldn't have even been considered." Simon argued back. 
"She's been here for almost a month, Ghost. There has also been no other signs of them attempting to get to you." 
Anger filled Simon's veins, "Of course there hasn't been any signs! They've been waiting for us to mess up, and this, sending her out there, was what they were waiting for." 
Laswell doesn't react much to his anger; only giving him an unimpressed look, "We had no way of knowing that though, and we couldn't have kept her on base forever. Which is why when Price asked about what I thought about letting her leave I agreed, but not without planning for the possibility that they would attack her." 
"Why wasn't I informed then?" 
"We knew that you wouldn't have agreed to it. You would have gone with her in full gear; which would have only brought more attention to yourselves." 
"And the reason for not telling Johnny then; the one who would have been right by her side if he had known?" 
"Soap is amazing at what he does, but he is not an actor." That Simon could agree with; which is why he would have much rathered Johnny to be obviously lying to you, then him not there to protect you. “We had a small team following them the entire time. Price and Gaz were watching her the entire time.” He knew Laswell was trying to calm his nerves as much as she could right now. Simon knew though that the only thing that could calm him was seeing you; making sure that you’re alright. 
“So Gaz training recruits and yours and Price’s meeting was a lie to keep me unassuming then?” He lets out an almost defeated sigh, “At least tell me she's alright.” 
Laswell for the first time doesn’t answer him immediately. She seems to be taking a few moments to assess his emotions before answering, “Price called me before you arrived. She is safe, whole, alive, but she did end up getting hurt. One of the men grabbed her before injecting some kind of sleeping drug into her-.” 
It was sudden ding from Laswell’s phone that stopped her from continuing. She took a few minutes to write them a message back before finally turning her attention back to him.
"She's here."  
Simon didn't wait to see if she had anything else to say before he was standing and walking out of the room to the med bay area. He feels guilty; he knows that he had no way of helping you avoid this since he wasn't told of the plan. You had been there though because of him; you had apparently wanted to do something special for him. 
If he could he'd go back and tell you that just being around him is all he needs because you are special to him. 
He's vaguely aware that Laswell is following him. Simon isn't interested in speaking to her anymore though. The only thing that matters is making sure you're ok with his own eyes; everything else can wait. 
Which is why he immediately goes to just walk past Price who was clearly waiting for him in front of the med bay doors. 
"Ghost." Price puts his hand on Simon's shoulder stopping him from entering. 
Simon knows that he could break Price's hold and continue on his way; he stops though, willing to give him one chance to explain his piece. "Price." 
“I know you’re upset, Ghost, and you honestly should be. Believe me though when I say that we were watching her the entire time. She got hurt, yes, but there was no way I was going to allow them to leave that building with her.” 
He trusts Price, trusts him with his life. Simon also knows that Price wouldn’t lie straight to his face about something like this, “I want to be included from this point forward. I don’t care if you think I’ll disagree. I need to be involved when it comes to her.” 
“I promise.” Price says with sincerity, “Now would you like to see her? She’s being taken care of right now; we can go to her room if you want to.” 
Simon doesn’t say anything else, only nods his head. The sooner he can see you the sooner he can finally breathe again.
Laswell during all of this had been silently typing away on her phone. "John, Ghost, I'll leave  you two here. The men from the grocery store are ready for questioning. I'll call on either of you if needed. Hopefully this can end the whole situation," she pointedly looks towards Simon now, "You and your friend will be able to walk freely if so." She then turns and walks down the hall away from them. 
Placing a hand on Simon's shoulder, Price directs them back to the doors, "Let's go." 
Price led them inside down the white sterile halls of the med bay till they reached your room. “Are you ready to go inside?” 
Without answering he pushes past and into the room. Then there you were, lying down asleep in a standard hospital bed. A doctor was also there standing next to you writing some things down on her clipboard. 
“Ghost, this is Dr. Withers, she has been the one taking care of her.” 
The doctor gives them both a nod, “She’s doing well. We’ve already done a blood test, and nothing except the obvious seems wrong.” Looking down at her clipboard she flips through a couple pages, "It seems they weren't able to inject very much of the drug; she'll be in and out for a few hours, but she should be waking up soon." With that she leaves them alone with you. 
In the silence that follows Simon makes his way to your side, sitting down next to you, placing his hand near yours. Price stands at the end of your bed, but his attention is solely focused on Simon. "You really care about this girl don't you?" 
"…I love her." He whispered to himself, but it was clear as day for everyone in the room to hear. 
Simon couldn't believe that he actually said it. He's been fighting with himself about what he was going to do about it, debating ignoring the feeling all together. In the end though this wasn't something he could run from. He loved you. 
“You love me…?” Your gravelly voice calls out. 
Note: Ahhhh I finally getting this chapter out! Thank you for reading this far. I also hope you have enjoyed the series as much as I have. The next chapter will most likely be the last update on this.
Also a special thank you to @nexthyperfix for beta reading this chapter for me!
Taglist: @nexthyperfix @yourdaydreamerfan @tf141gloryhole @just-pure-trash @definitelynotaclown
@141tfsan @arminarlertssword @openup-yourmind @evie-119 @v1x3n
@whos-fran @trcyyyyy @azkza @kaoyamamegami @yyiikes
@leryg0 @pansexualhailstorm @trulovekay @kdidgg @ane-sthesie
@zhongtar @shinebright2000 @blackhawkfanatic @cmbghost @prozacprinc3ss
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lesbianloml · 1 year
the beginning
my babysitter au
type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark (the story will contain all of the above)
pairing(s): milf!dom!dark!wanda maximoff x innocent!sub!immune!witch!fem!reader
warning(s): legal age gap (wanda is 33, reader is 21), perverted men, mentions of sex, this is just where they meet so nothing big
summary: when wanda hires a new babysitter, she is shocked to find that there are some things she doesn't know about her town. the biggest shock is you, you are immune to wanda's powers. an even bigger shock comes when wanda finds out you have powers of your own.
a/n: this series is going to be LOOSLY based on my wandavision dr. if anyone has anything they would like to see or something, let me know. and if anyone wants to talk about shifting, hit me up. i kinda imagined reader as a soft and quiet girl. also, you're kinda a whore. and you love to read and bake. in this series, wanda doesn't really do a tv show or different eras, it's all just normal. but the agents and stuff outside the hex have a big part. reader works at the local café that she owns and spends most of her free time in the library. anyways, enjoy part one!
1.8k words
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(not my pics)
(pretend she had billy and tommy before the hex)
"what's the name for your order?" you asked, a little annoyed. you loved your job, but the older man standing in front of you made you want to throw your apron down and quit. "cohen, babe. don't forget next time" cohen shoots you a wink. you hold back a gag as you try to smile politely, writing the name on the side of the cup and turning your back to begin making the drink. grabbing a bag from behind you, you set the cinnamon pastry you made a few hours prior into a container and set it in the bag. as quick as you can, you mix up his drink and slap a lid on it while rolling up the top of the bag, wanting him to leave as soon as possible. "here you go" you say, spinning around and handing the bag and the drink to him. he gives you a look and opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, you tap the counter three times swiftly. your work best friend, sophie comes around from the back. "hey babe! is he causing you trouble?" cohen glares harshly at sophie, but one thing you love about her is the way she doesn't back down. sophie gives him a look that immediately has cohen scurrying out the door, tail between his legs. "thanks soph" "anytime love. we get off in fifteen, where you going tonight? your apartment or your mom's house?" you look around to see an empty café, emptier than usual. usually, the shop is packed full of starved or thirsty customers. but it's dark outside, and who would come get caffeine and food at 9:45 at night?
"I'll just stop by the library real quick before it closes and then head home and watch a movie or something." you say, smiling as you think about the old library downtown. it was your favorite place to be whenever you had free time or just needed some quiet. you turn and stacked some more cups and filled up the napkin container while waiting for your shift to end or another customer to walk in. you hear soph come out from the back room, where she was restocking supplies. "hey girl, can i ask a favor?" "yeah i'll stay and lock up so you can go fuck shawn" you say with a smirk and a giggle. sophie gasps dramatically. "how'd you know what i was gonna ask?" "because you ask me at least once a week. and the fact that you're a year older than me and supposed to be more mature makes it even funnier" "thank you! i'll see you tomorrow. don't forget, on sunday night we're baking treats for the elementary school bake sale on monday." "got it. i love you. see you sunday. enjoy shawn!" you sing as sophie laughs. "i will. love you too." "today is friday so on sunday, i need to be here by 5:00am so i can set up the tables and stuff to be ready to open at 6:00am. then i'll work until 10:00pm, close up, and help sophie bake some treats for monday's bake sale at the elementary school" you plan your day tomorrow in your head. glancing at the clock, you see it reads 9:55pm. 5 more minutes until you can lock up and leave. you work on monday, wednesday, friday, and sunday from 5:00am to 10:30pm. you usually open at 6:00am and close at 10:00pm 4/7 days a week. you love your job but hate the hours. your job at the coffee shop payed extremely well, so no matter how much you hated waking up before the sun, you weren't going to quit. you grab a rag and wipe the counters down. 3 minutes until you lock up and leave.
you spin around when you hear the little bell above the shop door ding, signaling someone came in. you almost drop the damp rag you're holding when you see her, a women, maybe in her early thirties. she had beautiful red hair and striking green eyes. her clothes were casual and relaxed, but you were sure she was some sort of powerful figure from the way she walked and held herself. you had never seen her in westview before, you were sure you'd remember her, and you'd lived in westview since you were eighteen, so three years now. you shake your head before walking around the counter to greet the women. she's even prettier up close. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up." you tell the women with a smile. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" before the women starts apologizing, you cut her off. "oh no, it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" "just a coffee and a piece of apple pie, please" you nod and turn to make her order. you don't ask her name, too shy to do so. it's a good thing that this women isn't. "i'm wanda." "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" you ask, sliding her drink and bag with the pie in the container to her over the counter. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" wanda's face lights up when she talks about them. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart." you wonder what that's supposed to mean as wanda smiles at you before paying and exiting the café, leaving a trail of perfume in her wake.
wanda turns the wheel to the left, not really knowing what she's looking for, but knows she's looking for something. wanda reminds herself that she needs to head back to the hotel and rest up for tomorrow when she and her boys were going to move into their new home. ever since vision kicked them out, they've been staying in a hotel but then wanda remembered the house that she owned in westview. the perfect place for her and her boys to start over. as wanda is thinking, her head droops and stomach grumbles. she hasn't drank or eaten anything all day. wanda continues driving around the streets, looking for a restaurant or something that she could get a bite to eat at. wanda slows the car when she sees a little café on the corner, letting out a sigh of relief as she sees movement and light from inside. she wouldn't have made it the forty five minutes back to the hotel without eating something. she quickly climbs out of her car and enters the café, not really paying attention to who's there with her. wanda just wants to get back as soon as she can. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up" wanda almost falls over at the sound of the other female's voice. it was so relaxing and quiet. so beautiful. she glances up to look and sees you. wanda swears she stops breathing for a moment. you were the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen. with the prettiest smile, even at the disturbance, and the softest voice, wanda swore she just met an angel. you had to be an angel. you're smiling. at her. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" "oh no. it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" you were so sweet, so kind. "just a coffee and a slice of apple pie, please" wanda smirks to herself when she sees the tint of blush on your cheeks. you were so cute, too shy to talk to her or ask her name. "i'm wanda" "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" wanda watches you slide the bag and coffee across the counter towards her. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" wanda states. "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" she smiles at the thought of her boys. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart."
as wanda clambers into her car to begin the drive home, she thinks about the girl at the counter. "y/n" wanda thinks to herself, smiling at the name. she thinks it suits you. and as wanda is turning onto the freeway, she thinks to herself, "that girl will be mine"
as you lock up the café and slide into your car, you think about the women you saw. she was very pretty, and you hope that her and her kids move in ok. as you turn you car on and pull out of the parking lot, you rest your hands on the wheel as you begin driving home. your mind is pleasantly empty on the drive back to your apartment.
the first time wanda ever met you, wanda thought about you the entire drive back to the hotel. you were the most angelic person she'd ever met, and she was enchanted by you. the first time that you met wanda, you thought about her once before driving home. she was just another customer to you. but little did you know, you were becoming so much more to her.
little do you know, this is just the beginning
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Monday Hugs
Warnings: Fluff, hugs, Mondays, use of y/n.
Word count: 552
Pairing: Hotch x reader
A/n: I have had this sitting around for a bit and seeing as it was @boredelle ‘s birthday the other day, I thought I’d post this as a birthday present.  (even though the fic is not about birthdays and just fluff)
Tags: @boredelle @greg-montgomery
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You'd decided to wake up a little early this morning to stop at a nearby coffee shop.  It was Monday.  Everyone on the team dreaded Monday even though you often worked crazy hours anyway.  So to try and make it a little easier you thought you'd get everyone's favourite coffee order this morning. 
Though it was hard to carry your bag and eight drinks even with the trays they were in you still managed to get to the BAU without spilling anything.  First stopping by to give Penelope her drink you were quickly pulled into a hug as she thanked you profusely.  Once you made it out of her office you put your bag down at your desk before setting everyone else's particular coffee orders on their desks seeing as you were surprisingly there before them.
Last but certainly not least, you made your way to Hotch's office.  His door was closed and when you knocked you heard a quiet "Come in" and so you did.  
He looked up from his paperwork and you greeted him with as bright a smile you could give him.  "Delivery for one SSA Aaron Hotchner." You said as you set his coffee down in front of him.  He gave you his best smile and thanked you.  His smile was weak though.  And he looked exhausted.  The bags under his eyes seeming more prominent than usual.  
"Rough weekend?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.  He sighed and nodded.  "That and this morning Strauss decided to give me extra paperwork to do.  But you probably don't want to hear about that." He grabbed the cup and took a sip from it.  You could see a small smile tugging at one side of his mouth.  "How did you know how I like my coffee?" He questioned and he looked back to you with his brows furrowed ever so slightly.  "Oh I just know things.  I know the entire team's coffee orders actually." He nodded again and looked back to the file in front of him.  The small smile disappearing.  
"Hotch you look like you could use a Monday hug.  I know Monday tends to suck but hugs can help a little.  Can I give you a hug?" You can tell he wasn't expecting you to ask that seeing the way his eyes widened.  But after a quick moment of thought he agrees "Yes that actually sounds very nice.  I'd like that." He stands from his chair after setting his cup back down on his desk and you wrap your arms around him gently.  He returns it and lets out a breath as he relaxes in your embrace.  "Thank you.  I really appreciate this y/n." You move your head to show him another smile.  "You're welcome Hotch.  If you ever need a hug you can always come to me and I'll gladly give you one." He smiles a real genuine smile before pulling away and sitting back down.  
"I might just take you up on your offer y/n.  You give great hugs." "Oh I know I do.  I'll be expecting more Hotch hugs from now on." You wink before walking towards the door to head back to your desk.  He knows that he will definitely be stealing another hug from you before the day is over.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
rockstar!Remus claims shy!reader as his girl on stage when he sees some prick flirting with her and then has to make up for it with kisses b/c that was not something they discussed (even though she's lowkey happy about it)
Love ya Mei!!
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
love you too <333
He knows by the stiffness of your hands and your wide-open eyes that he's fucked up. He hadn't quite meant to expose your relationship to the whole world, but the words, ''Ey! Hands off my girl!" Had tumbled from his mouth before he could stop them, shocking the crowd into an uncharacteristic few seconds of dead silence. The cameras had been quick to catch you, mortified and leaning into Mary's embrace as she tried distancing you from the man that had been feeling you up. Remus is sure half of the adrenaline pumping through you right now is from being touched, and the other half is from being outed.
"Dove," He breathes, sympathy sweetening his voice, "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I just- fuck, I hope he didn't freak you out."
"I'm okay," Your voice is less stable, more feeble as it shakes like your hands do, "I- It's just... Remus, why would you do that?"
"I'm sorry," He repeats, a thousand emotions swirling in his head like a cyclone that he's afraid you'll get lost in, "Really, sweetheart, I didn't mean to say it, I just panicked when I saw him, and, well, it came out."
"Yeah," You nod, and when he brings you in by the waist you stumble against him, no control over your body or its movements.
"I'm sorry," Remus feels like a broken record, murmuring the apologies into your hairline as he tucks your face against his chest, "I'm sorry, dove, I'm sorry. It'll be okay, it's just a bit sooner than we'd planned, yeah?"
"Mhm," You nod, voice muffled against his shirt. You lean in gratefully to the grounding that he offers, and he tries rubbing the heebie-jeebies out of your skin as he smooths his hand over your back.
"I'll survive," You decide, spewing it like a mantra though it doesn't sound very convincing.
"You'll survive," Remus praises, tilting your chin up and against his chest so that he can kiss your forehead, "And.. I mean, think about it. Now we can go out together on real dates."
"I like movie nights." You wrinkle your nose in worry, and he kisses the lines.
"We can still have movie nights." He promises, "But let's stop for ice cream first? We can get a milkshake, one straw."
You blush at the stereotypical image, but your stomach swarms with butterflies, "Strawberry?"
"Strawberry." Remus confirms, pressing a kiss that's just as sweet as one to your lips, "Let's go show you off then, dove."
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Real Love Will Prevail
A/N: Hello, so I wrote this years ago when I was still in high school but I'm wanting to get back into writing on here so before I start taking request I just want to go back and edit some of my old stuff and bring it back on here since I totally overhauled and deleted my orignal blog. This was one of if not the first one I wrote so I've got a soft spot for it, hence why I'm bringing it back.
Request: Finn Balor/Reader where the Reader is Stephanie and HHH's daughter and they're trying to force a relationship between the Reader and Rollins
No warnings, just a little bit of bad language and I tried to make it a bit fluffy at the end. Set roughly 2014/2015
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"Okay sweetheart, we have the perfect plan for yours and Seth's date tonight." My dad told me on the way to Monday Night Raw.
"Which is...?" I asked responded.
"Once Raw is over, a limo will pick you both up from the arena and will take you to the most extravagant restaurant in the city then afterwards you lovebirds can do whatever you want." My mum told me with excitement in her voice, however, despite that, I felt sick to my stomach when she called Seth and I lovebirds.
The problem is I don't love Seth, I mean he is apart of the authority therefore we have made a friendship but that's all. In reality, I am in a relationship with Finn Balor. It hasn't be for long, just over a few months and it has been the happiest few months of my life. He treats me so well and seems to care for me, very deeply, just as much as I care for him. But as evident, my parents have no idea about our relationship and are trying to force a relationship with me and Seth.
"Okay mum," I sighed as the car pulled into the arena.
Once I got myself sorted in my very own locker room (being the daughter of the authority does have some benefits you know), I was on my way to hair and make up for tonight's show until I heard my name being called.
"Y/N, are you busy or are you simply walking away from me?" I automatically knew that beautiful Irish accent. I smiled to myself and turned around to be face to face my handsome, funny and loving boyfriend.
"Now why would I run away from you, but what are you doing here , not that I'm complaining but shouldn't you be in Orlando?"
"Some NXT talent were invited to come along to Raw and get to see the inner workings and get to know people in the main roster and backstage." Finn said with a smile, god I love his smile, its just so lovely. He wrapped his arm around me and gave a hug and kissed my cheek. "Does your parents know about us yet?" That question crushed my soul, I'm too scared to tell my parents. I can't predict what their reaction would be.
"No," I broke our hug as I spoke softly, "They set up a date for me and Seth tonight, they really want us to be an item." I looked down at the ground, I couldn't bare to see the look on Finn's face. He put his hands on my face to make look into his eyes.
"Look Y/N, I know you are scared about telling your parents about us but you have to tell them before its too late." I knew he was right but I just didn't know what to say. I gave him a weak smile.
"I know, I just have no idea how tell them, I don't want your career and dreams to be ruined just because my parents do not approve of us.
He gave a light chuckle. "Don't worry about me, I am sure it won't be that bad, on the plus side your dad alreadu knows me throught NXT, it's not as if I am a random stranger," He gave me a smile again. I smiled back before reaching up and placing a quick kiss on his lips.
"I suppose, I'll let them know about us," I said after I kissed him. He kissed me again which makes me still feel butterflies.
Seth's POV
Why the hell is Y/N kissing Finn. She is supposed to be dating me, we have our first date tonight. Never knew she was a slut. Does Hunter and Stephanie know about this shit? I have tell them anyway. She's mine. I want her. No else can have her.
"What the fuck is wrong with Y/N ?" I yelled as I stormed into Hunter and Stephanie's office.
"Don't you ever speak about my daughter that way," I could see the anger rising in Hunter's body.
"Hunter, calm down, Seth what happened?" Stephanie was more relaxed but not pleased either.
I took a deep breath, "I saw Y/N kissing that Finn Balor guy from NXT backstage, I thought she was suppose to be dating me." Hunter and Stephanie looked shocked, I guess they didn't know after all.
"We will get to the bottom of this, don't get involved." Stephanie told me.
On my way to my parents' office, I got a text from my mum telling me that we need to talk. When I got to the door I knocked then entered the office. I saw that my mum's stern face but my dad being more calm and relaxed. I also saw Finn sitting down, looking down at the ground. Oh shit.
"How did you find out?" My voice being barely audible.
"Seth saw you two kissing each other backstage, may I just say I am very disappointed in you Y/N, we handed you a stable relationship but you wanted someone else, what does he have that Seth doesn't, I expected more from you Y/N and you-"
"Steph, I think that's enough," my dad cut my mum off before she could say anything to Finn, "Look I know you wanted Seth and Y/N to be a couple but she isn't interested and we both know what Seth can be like with women, I know Finn from NXT and he is a great guy, I think we should give him a chance."
"I suppose its only fair," my mum sighed before turning to Finn, "Take care of her or I will make your life a living hell." I can see my dad rolling his eyes at her comment.
Finn, who hasn't said a word this whole time, finally speaks, "I will take the best of care, don't worry I love her." I was blushing at the end.
"Now get out of my office, we have a show to run," my mum said light heartedly.
"That was nerve racking, I understand why you were too nervous to tell them." Finn said once we left the room.
"I know, they can be very scary at times but I'm glad they know. I don't have to hide you anymore." He gave ne a light smile.
"I meant what I said in the Y/N, I do love you, I love you very much." I thought my heart was going to explode.
"I love you too Finn." He smiled then bent down to kiss me. I kissed back, still feeling those butterflies, I want to spend the rest of my life with him, hopefully he will stay with me forever.
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merrybloomwrites · 16 days
Posting Update
I have 4 or 5 different series (one in progress) and a bunch of oneshots planned. As I said in an earlier post, I don't want to start uploading until I have a lot of those written so that I can have a real posting schedule and not leave people hanging for weeks.
I know me, I know my free time, and I know how long it takes for me to write something that's detailed like these stories will be. And I realized that I can't guarantee I'll start posting until August.
So today I decided to spend the next week writing a bunch of quick little blurbs and set those to go up in the meantime! I have 8 One Direction stories that will post on Mondays starting June 3, and 8 Smosh stories that will post on Thursdays.
Here's the schedule!
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My hope is that I'll have finished nearly all the long stories by the end of July and will start posting those. I'll be doing 2 series as a time, one uploading Sundays and one on Fridays, and oneshots will be on Wednesdays!
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kasagia · 1 month
love love loveeeee your feyd works, you're such an amazing writer! Your writing really makes my heart flutter man 😞 like lil butterflies running around in there!! I hope you are well appreciated for your work! Im curious tho, how many chapters will right hand man be and after it do you have any plans on making oneshots?
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My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 1. Oh my god, thank you so much anonymous! This is a HUGE compliment for me!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 I'm very happy that you liked my writing so much. I feel very appreciated with every comment, reblog, like, and anonymous message from you all. It's really exciting and nice to receive them for my writing, and it motivates me/inspires me to write more and more. So again, THANK YOU (ALL) SOOOO MUCH!
The Right Hand will be 6-7 chapters long, so only 2 or 3 to go. It depends on how I finish chapter V... and according to my plans, there still has to be a little bit going on in this story, and I think this chapter is already long (you don't want to read 20k chapter, right? xD), so we'll probably get to VII.
BUT! I'm definitely not done with Feyd for sure. And since you asked, dear anonymous, I will let you in on a secret and show you what will come next after I'll finish 'Right Hand'...
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Any speculations/guesses/ideas? 🤭😈 (If you really want, I think I may publish a sneak peek/teaser for you. Like 1,5k WC prologue to the concept of the story or sth like that. I'll see what your reaction/interest will be to this one 😊... well, if anyone has made it this far down this post xDDDD)
2. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! 😊🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤
A little bit will happen in Part V... you'd better prepare yourselves 😈😈😈 In the meantime, catch the piece of it:
You were in Giedi Prime. You walked through your familiar paths, hiding from the Harkonnens' eyes. It was rare to meet anyone in these corridors. Most of them were dead ends with secret passages that were unknown to most of the inhabitants of Giedi Prime. That's why you were terribly surprised when suddenly someone pulled you by your cloak. You freeze, startled, and turn slowly to face the small child. The kid looks like Harkonnen's child, but not quite. His skin is creamier than white, and white hair grows on his head in unruly curls. But what you recognised perfectly were the blue, bright irises that only one person could boast on Gieidi Prime. "Mommy!" A boy of about 5 years old jumps at you, hugging your legs while you look at him in shock. "Dad said he would take us on a trip! To Lankiveil! We will swim in a real lake! Can you imagine that?!" He asks excitedly and holds out his hands to you. You automatically take him into your arms and rest him on your hip, trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Someone's quick footsteps echo in the corridor. You look up from the child and see one of the harpies approaching you. She breathed a sigh of relief, bowing to you when she saw the boy in your arms. "You can't run away like that, my lord Na-Baron. The Baron told us to look after you." (...)
Hope you will like it! (Part V probably on Monday…)
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sunny-desk · 6 months
4,252 Days Chapter 1: Day 1, Pt 1
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Fic Summary: FTWD re-written to include an OC named Gemma who has a platonic relationship/friends with benefits situation with Nick Clark and then goes on to be with Troy Otto. Chapter Summary: Gemma sees a guy run into the road and get hit by a car Word Count: 1177 Author’s Note: This is a big commitment, hopefully I stick with it. I'm excited. Gif from here.
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“Please say you’re calling with good news.” Gemma can feel the pre-emptive disappointment radiating through the phone, almost hotter than the 8AM summer sunshine beating down on her as she walks along the street.
“Hello, Olivia. It’s so good to hear your voice. I’m doing well, thank you. How about you?” Sarcasm and semi-fake niceness hung on every word.
“Stop stalling, we saw each other an hour ago, you know how I am. How did it go? Did they suspect the undercut? Because I told you, Gem, it’s silly but it’s true, they’ll judge you for it.”
“It went great, Liv.” Gemma replied simply, not wanting to keep this going and make her friend more annoyed at her than she knows she already is. “No undercut suspected, zero tattoos spotted. I have to go in for a bit of training tomorrow but after that it’s a long weekend before I start properly on Monday.”
Olivia lets out a sigh of genuine relief through the phone, Gemma can tell she’s smiling as she talks. “That’s great, Gem! Really, that’s so great. I have to get back to work but I'll see you back home later, okay? We can talk about it more then. Maybe plan a way to celebrate a little? Alcohol free, of course.”
“Yeah, sounds good. Talk later.”
Gemma hangs up the phone, puts it in her navy blazer pocket and pulls her hair out of its low ponytail, replacing it with a high one, showing off the undercut Olivia spent 10 minutes stressing about helping her hide this morning. Working in a posh office where she has to hide even the most basic parts of herself isn’t exactly the dream but beggars can’t be choosers. She needs this job. She needs to get back on track.
She can already picture her life a few months from now, a little bit of money in her pocket, new clothes she’s been in need of for weeks, finally able to pay Liv the rent she’s owed. An apartment of her own is the real dream but that might be thinking too big right now and living with Liv definitely isn’t a problem. She can picture it though. Flat screen TV, dark green sofa, huge fluffy rug that feels like you’re walking on a cloud. A bit of saving and hard work at a job she’s pretty sure is going to be mind-numbing and it'll be real before she knows it. There’s a smile on Gemma’s face as she walks down the street thinking of the future. Things might finally be looking up.
The loud screech of tyres and the distant thud as something hits the hard road takes Gemma out of her daydream and back to reality. It’s like time freezes for a few seconds as she stops in her tracks, taking in the scene before her.
Black marks on the ground lead up to a small silver car stopped in the middle of the road. Its windshield is smashed and Gemma is pretty sure there’s a small dent on the bumper too. The driver is sitting there, shock on his face, probably not sure if what just happened is his own fault or the fault of the person who just bounced off his windshield and is now laying almost unconscious on the concrete. The other people in the area have stopped too. Some look annoyed that their morning has been disturbed, others look horrified.
There’s a quick rush as time starts again and Gemma runs towards the car and the fallen boy. On closer inspection, he looks rough. No shoes or socks, a half-torn, baggy, white shirt, ill-fitting jeans, hair that seems to not have been brushed in a few days. Gemma peers over her shoulder at a building across the road. She’s been living in the area long enough to know where that boy came running from. It likely wasn't the driver's fault. But it probably wasn’t the boy’s either.
He’s laying on his back, staring up at the sky. Gemma leans over him.
“Hey. Can you hear me? It’s okay. You’re okay,” She says, though she’s not sure that’s true. He looks quickly around him, as much as he can while still laying flat on the floor, and then looks Gemma in the eyes for a second, like he’s checking for something. “Just stay still.”
Looking up, Gemma realises that other than the driver, who took a few seconds to build up the courage to get out of his car and check the damage, she is the only person who has rushed over to help.
“What the hell are they all doing? See a lad get hit by a car and just stand there, seems reasonable, ugh,” she mutters angrily to no one in particular. Looking around quickly, scanning the small crowd, she spots a woman with her phone in her hand and points, “Oi, you, phone someone! Now!”
“No, I’m fine,” the guy mumbles as the woman lifts her phone to call and begins walking over. She hesitates slightly at his comment.
“Ignore him. He’s been hit on the head. Call them.”
He starts trying to sit up, probably faster than he should. Gemma crouches down and reaches out, preparing to attempt to catch him if he starts falling backwards. She makes a mental note to buy some work trousers that she can properly bend in with her first pay cheque. Liv can have these one’s back, if they survive the day.
“I’m fine. I’ll just.. I’ll walk it off, you know. Thanks.” He’s distracted when he says it, not fully in the moment and not looking at Gemma but instead surveying the area once again, searching.
Gemma pretends not to notice. “Walk it off? In whose shoes?” She says it playfully, trying to distract him from whatever this is. He doesn’t seem right. And he can’t just get up and walk this off.
He pauses and takes a look at his grimy, bare feet. “Have you never heard of shoeless hikes? You should try it sometime. It’s great, really.”
Gemma smiles slightly. “Sure it is. Listen, just lay back down, okay? Or at least just stay sitting. You don’t know what could be wrong. The ambulance will be here soon.”
“Nothing is wrong. Uh, I’m Nick, you’re British, it’s.. Tuesday..?” He counts on his fingers. “Well, it’s definitely a weekday. See? Everything..” He starts looking around mid sentence, “...is,” distracted again, more searching, “… fine.”
Gemma follows Nick’s gaze and realises he’s looking at the old abandoned church longer than he’s looking in any other direction. So her assumption was right, that is where he came from.
“I’m Gemma. It’s Wednesday. Stay put.”
Nick turns his head back in her direction. He slumps like he’s lost his fight, exhausted, or has decided whatever he’s worried about doesn’t need worrying about right now. He doesn’t say anything as he lays back down on the floor, giving up his attempts to leave. The shrill sound of an ambulance siren can be heard in the distance.
As the ambulance pulls up, accompanied by a police car a dozen feet behind it, the driver of the car finally finds his voice. He’s been standing there for a few minutes, nervously smoothing out his work suit, trying to think of what to say. He speaks fast, trying to get everything out before anyone official gets within hearing distance.
“Listen. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you, okay? You seem fine.” He turns to Gemma. “He’ll be fine, right? Nothing needs to come of this. I’ll just... be on my way.”
“Spineless.” Gemma mumbles under her breath before looking back at him. She may not think the incident was necessarily his fault but there’s a way to handle it and it’s not this. Looking directly at him, eyes cold, she continues, “I don’t think you’re going anywhere mate, the police are right there. They’ll want a word, I’m sure. And look at him. Does he look fine?”
Nick is still laying on the floor, not moving much. It's like the adrenaline and shock have finally worn off, leaving him aching all over, able to feel what just happened to him.
Gemma continues. “And unless you fancy running some more people over, I don’t think driving off in that thing is a good idea, do you? You won’t be able to see anything out of that window.”
The man turns back to his car, noting the huge area of smashed windshield, and runs his hand through his already slicked back hair, uncomfortable. Nick ignores what Gemma has just said and looks at the slightly dishevelled man, mumbling a response, “It’s whatever, man. I have bigger things to worry about.”
Gemma looks to Nick, wondering what those bigger things are. You’d assume it was potential head injury or internal damage from being thrown onto the concrete by a hunk of speeding metal but Gemma doesn’t think so. Nick was concerned about something, being hit by a car wasn’t anywhere close to the forefront of his mind.
Before the man can decide what to do the police and paramedics have closed the distance. The police go straight to him, the medics to Nick.
“Okay then, what do we have here?” Says the commanding voice of a tall blonde woman striding over. She’s carrying a large bag of any potential medical supplies Nick may need immediately and is being followed by a man and a stretcher.
“His name is Nick. He ran out into the road and got hit by a car.” Gemma quickly responds.
“Nick, can you tell me how you’re feeling? Let me take a look at you.” The paramedic bends down to Nick. She checks his eyes and makes a ‘hm’ sound.
“I feel fine.” Nick says while she continues looking him over. He doesn’t sound fine. His voice has gotten weaker the longer he’s been laying there.
“Right, okay,” unsurprisingly, the paramedic isn’t convinced. “We should check you out properly anyway. Getting hit by a car can cause a lot of damage you can’t necessarily see. Let’s get you on this stretcher and then we’ll be right on our way to the hospital, okay?” She says it firmly, it’s not really a question. But Nick doesn’t seem to be in a position to argue anyway.
Gemma stands back while the paramedics get Nick up onto the stretcher and as they walk him the short distance to the ambulance she instinctively starts to follow. No one questions her getting into the ambulance with them and taking a seat, not even Nick, who looks over to her but seems to mostly be in his own world now, thinking about who knows what. Maybe he’s thinking about nothing, in too much of a daze. Or maybe, like Gemma, he’s thinking about the church.
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harvardhaugland · 11 months
Never requested anything in my life but how about a scenario where the reader jumpscares either jamie, luke or bosch (in the rooftops, while playing a game or training) and gets a laugh out of their reaction and then they get reader back for it except it leads into something a bit spicy 😳
Love your writing so much, I'll eat up anything you put out fr
-@gourdkeeper (anon because it'd message from my main </3)
twister! - luke ♡
a/n: ok funnily enough i actually had written ab eerily similar personal fic to something like this execpt it was an oc insert + they were training instead HELPPP but omg… yas of course!!! i already have another jamie fic in the works so i feel like i gotta switch things up w/ luke 👆👆sorry ive been writing nothing but fanfic smut lately and its only bc literally half of my account is old amateur fluff hcs LMAO
not proofread bc… YOLO!!!!
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You do this routinely thing of hanging out with each and every one of your masters, a whole schedule, specific times of days. On Monday mornings Chun-li teaches you skeet shooting, Wednesday evenings are reserved for baking with Manon, Saturday nights are best for alcoholic shot games with Jamie.
Sometimes simple, sometimes ridiculous. You’re a real people pleaser.
No matter what day though, you always find some way to squeeze in game-time with your first master— Luke, of course. The two of you hangout often, being intimate whilst also eating snacks and constantly bantering whenever you game. Tonight was different, instead of the usual Strawberry Fighter IV ranked matches, you had suggested playing Twister. Boardgames are just some “old-fashioned fun”, you told him.
You both had been playing for hours now, no breaks, your limbs entwining, you have your head underneath Luke’s chest, both hands on two dots just below his feet. He has his face pressed against your back, facing the opposite way.
Luke is no Ryu, that’s for sure. But you’d like to think he would be somewhat skittish around scary insects— so before he reaches for the spinner again, your fingers lightly tickle his leg, trying to imitate the feeling of something crawling up his leg. Quickly, you shout, “Is that a spider?” drawing your hand back quickly.
“What—!?” Luke immediately backs away, falling off the plastic mat, shaking and kicking his legs frantically, watching you slowly rise up from the floor, fists in the air.
“Gotcha!” you point to him, laughing, holding your stomach with a wide grin on your face. Never in your life would you believe that actually worked as well as it did.
He pouts. Standing up, crossing his arms, checking his legs one more time, just incase, “Aw, c’mon. You cheated!” he points back at you, “But aw man, that was a good one..” he quietly admits. One thing about him that you’re glad about— he doesn’t take things to heart.
“I’ll get you back.” he swears, a wide smile on his face. Seemingly riled up already.
Before you quip back with a sly remark, Luke charges at you. Pinning you down against the floor, sparking up a playful wrestling match. Your legs are beside his hips, Luke’s arms are wrapped around your waist and his head is snuggled into the crook of your neck. He’s squeezing you, trying to pin you into submission. You’re too flustered to even try to “fight” back, simply giggling, hugging around his body instead, trying to insinuate to him.
“You’re bad.” he whispers, quickly pressing a kiss to your cheek, “Were you just trying to get into my pants? You could’ve just asked, y’know. I’d gladly twist you into a pretzel myself—“
“Stop it, you cornball.” you joke, lightly tugging his head back. Luke starts to attack your neck with kisses. He’s quick to slide his hands underneath your shirt, feeling up your chest, moving his lips to touch yours, he’s more rougher and excited than usual. The days where you manage to get under his skin are the best.
He pulls you closer towards him, pressing your hips together, grinding his erection against you. You card your hands through his hair, he looks up at you with half-lidded eyes, mouth open agape, hot and bothered. He’s all of the sudden desperate to fuck you. He slides down your pants with haste, pulling down his own right after. When it comes to sex, Luke is way too excited, he’s often sloppy, messy as if he was actually inexperienced.
“You always look so good.” he says, pressing his fingers to your mouth, obliging you to open up, slicking his fingers with spit, sucking on his digits, muffled moaning as he continues to grind against you, pulling his fingers out.
Fucking on rooftops in the nighttime meant that you had privacy— but everyone could still very much hear you. So the two of you make a desperate effort to stay quiet, covering each other’s mouths everytime one lets out a particularly loud moan.
He makes it clear how badly he wants to be inside of you. He’s in a rush to use your spit as lube, teasing the tip of his cock into your entrance, closely observing your face for any sort of reactions as he slowly pushes in, groaning out in relief. Luke collapses against you, more licking and kissing all over your neck. Slow, hard thrusts rock your body back, he’s big, confident when he fucks, leaving you a sensitive, whiney, and needy mess everytime.
You want more, you beg for him, demand him to go harder, faster or slower. He obeys your every order, looking to please you, praise you.
“Luke,” you call out to him with a moan, “Close— so close.” you whine.
“Are you gonna cum? You just— god, you’re too good to me.” he groans, “I wish I could just fuck you all night, watch you get all shy for me.” he says, his thumb caressing your cheek. He’s hooked on all the noises you make, the little changes in your expression. It’s all too much, he feels you tighten around him, arching your back, pressing against his sweaty body.
“Good job, baby.” Luke pulls you into another tight hug, pressing a kiss to your neck, “Hold on, okay?” God, it seemed no matter how much you tease him, or how pent-up you’ll try to make him, Luke absolutely never would be degrading with you. When he speaks a constant flow of praises in your ears, the tone in his voice is shaky, so gentle with you, willing to keep going for as long as you cum.
You feel his cock twitch, his movements growing more sporadic, making the Twister mat underneath you two scrunch up and wrinkle, ruining the once wholesome little game. Luke lets out a relieved groan. His hips stutter as he cums inside, keeping you still against his pelvis, pulling out slow when he’s finished. “I’m still mad at you for cheating.” he jabs, sarcastic.
“Well, you paused the game last time I almost broke your win-streak! It’s fair game.” you reason.
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catiuskaa · 11 months
Quick Question: What the Hell?
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GIF by quokki
@starlostseungmin and @gimmeurtmi hear me out, you people with good taste:
mafia!seungmin, bc yes, min supremacy.
(warnings just in case) 🌻we know seungminnie wouldn't hurt a fly, this is a fanfic, FANATIC FICTION ME LOVE, everything went out of my mind and pinterest ideas, just that <3 🌻this is made entirely because I could, which I warn you- it may not work. 🌻will contain shitposting, drama, angst, pinterest and tumblr prompts and a whole bag of sarcasm. 🌻as a cherry on top, mature content too, swearing is a must cause well its mafia not my little pony but just a reminder, i warned u already. 🌻i am confident in my english, however, its not my first language so it may contain some mistakes- sorry in advance.
this was laying under some works of mine, so I retouched it a bit... should I keep it going? I mean there are like five more chapters finished, but the story isn't. I'll leave the first one here, pls enjoy it!
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"Congratulations, Detective Dumbass. You were so desperately interested in what I was doing, weren't you? Now you know. What are you gonna do about it?"
I narrowed my eyes. "Ok, emo dog, isn't there anyone else in your 'I can show up bleeding' list or was I, the late night shift Subway stranger, your only option?"
"I already went to my other option. They gave me this," he groaned, gesturing to one of the biggest wounds.
Wait. Stop.
Just let me pause real quick for a second. Let's back up, and start somewhere before that.
Remember that meme? "Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation..." That's the only thing that comes up to my mind whenever I try to explain what happened that Monday night or dare I say Tuesday morning, at 1:51 a.m.
What was I doing? Well, absolutely nothing, because no one, absolutely no one shows up at a Subway at that time, not on a bloody Tuesday. My shift finished at 3 am, the last of the day, so you know, I wouldn't try to summon demons into the shop, and I was just there to get paid a minimum wage. Not like I wanted to get Hell involved.
It had rained outside, the wet street and the puddles that the rain had formed were still there. I thought it would last all night, but it stopped suddenly as if someone had turned off the hose. I had music playing, but no headphones in case someone called or entered. I allowed myself to be a bit carefree, but I was still at work.
And then, it happened. For the first time in what seemed like forever, someone showed up and made the automatic doors open. It was a pale, young man. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie and black jeans. He walked towards me, and for a second the thought occurred that I was going to be robbed. He settled one hand on the counter that stood between us, leaving the other by his stomach, making me notice that he was sort of bending down a bit, but before I could say anything, his face lifted, his gaze met mine and I froze.
Those dark brown eyes stared at me deadly. I shivered. It felt like if I started thinking too hard, he would be able to read whatever crossed my mind.
"Is he here?" He asked with a soft and tender tone, yet not a soothing one, rather than what you would expect for someone with such delicate facial features. Still intimidated, I simply shook my head sideways. I knew I was alone inside the building, but, is who here? Would it be possible that he was looking for Jisung? He had given no signs of life since he stopped coming to work, and that was almost a week ago. Every time I tried to contact him, to make sure he was OK at least, the automatic voice message simply replied that the number dialled didn't exist anymore.
After my silent reply, his gaze lowered and I heard him scoff.
"That's great," he whispered, in what I perceived, full of sarcasm. With that reply, my body trembled. Fuck. He now knows that there's no one else in here.
But before I could think of anything else to say, he slowly walked away and left.
What in the fucknuckles had just happened? Well, I'll be damned, because I for sure didn't know.
I looked outside. A not-so-heavy rain had started again, the one with those tiny drops that were barely noticeable. Suddenly, a loud crash made me jump in my place. It had come from behind the store. I snapped out of whatever daydreaming I was in, noticing red marks, more like stripes on the floor. Like ropes. Red ropes. What was that doing there? It was sort of like a path that pointed outside. 
Ah, c'mon man, you gotta be kidding me.
The loud crash was repeated, only weaker this time. I questioned my life-long decisions and wondered if I was being a wimp by having the urge to pretend that I heard nothing. I thought to myself, it couldn't be that bad, right?
I left the register and walked to the backdoor, and slowly peeked outside. A scenario welcomed me, and I had never —not even in my wildest dreams, and trust me, I had a vivid imagination—conceived of seeing... whatever that was, with my own eyes.
Describing it as bloody would be accurate. It was the same guy from minutes ago, except he looked even paler, and his black hoodie was nowhere to be seen. Instead, what looked like a once-white t-shirt covered his torso, but it was full of blood and cuts. His arm was laying on what looked like the worst part of the scene, making me unable to see it, and I didn't know if I should've been thankful for it.
He had sat on the ground by laying on the wall and slowly slipping off. His head was tilted, resting on a dumpster... could that have been the source of the noise?
The need to scream 'NEVERMIND' and get the shit fuck out of whatever that was kept getting bigger and the one to be a hero was getting emptier. But sadly for everyone, it was not empty yet.
And just maybe, I wanted to see those dark brown eyes again...
Screw everything.
I cleaned the "red ropes" that turned out to be the bloodstains of this idiot that shows up bleeding to death on a Subway at 2 am, turned off the lights and closed an hour early. I exited through the backdoor and he was still there, which was good because I could help him, but at the same time bad because I felt he'd be the type to reject aid in any way. If he hadn't run away, he just couldn't. And that was bad. Really bad.
I got down on my knees, put on the plastic gloves I had kindly borrowed from the store, along with a first aid kit that was compulsory to have in there and shook him once. Twice. Thrice. He wouldn't wake up.
For a moment, I froze again. That's what I thought, I knew this guy. He had shown up several times asking for the missing soul that Jisung had turned to, with some blond boy with a deep voice and a strong accent. But never alone, never late at night, and most importantly, never bleeding.
"Hey," I murmured. I repeated myself, each time louder, but still gently. Suddenly I heard him groan, and I couldn't help but smile calmly for a second.
"What...?" His soft tone almost weakened me, but I knew deep down that he could pass out again any minute, and maybe I wouldn't be able to wake him up again.
"It's OK. I'll take care of this, my guy. You are a lucky bastard 'cause I know what I'm doing, but I need to take you elsewhere. I can't patch you up in this place. Can you stand up?"
He weakly moved his arm from above his torso and I saw the worst part of it. Let me tell you, those were some large cuts. Still, I refrained from expressing anything, no disgust nor pity. I knew that Brown Eyes was in a whole lot of pain and trouble, but he most likely knew that too.
"Whaddya think, can I?" He showed a weak yet sarcastic smile.
Son of a bitch. "That's my question here, smiley face. You either do so or you die due to blood loss in an alley behind a Subway." I smiled back.
He frowned and tried to get up, but failed and if I hadn't caught his arm mid-way and passed it over my shoulders for support, he would've fallen to the ground again. I took off the cloth I was wearing as a hairband and made him keep pressure on the biggest wound.
"It's only a couple of blocks away, on the street in front of us. Will you make it?" I asked, trying not to sound too worried. He simply started walking. I just hoped no one would see us.
I helped him walk till we arrived at the number four, with its red old hideous door, and I supported his weight as he slowly lay on the wall as I opened the door. As we walked he kept mumbling, saying nonsense, talking about some 'district nine' but when we entered the building he shut up, and I swear I heard a silent cry when he saw no elevator.
"Second floor. You got this."
The fact that he didn't answer, not even with a rude comment made me worry a bit more. We did the same thing at my apartment's door and I made him wait just a bit more, running inside and taking the oldest towels I could find and I made him lay down on the now covered couch.
Okay, it's just an almost-dead guy cut like sliced cheese on your sofa. You're a med student, and you work night shifts. You've dealt with worse.
As soon as he settled down, I saw a relaxed yet bothered expression on his face, and I felt a bit bad because of it, but I couldn't let him sleep, not yet.
"Stay awake, please. I need you awake, uh..."
"Kim... call me Kim," he said, almost in a whisper.
"This is going to hurt, Kim," I said in almost a sing-song voice. I was surprised to hear him sort of giggling.
"Not more than this already." His eyes were like tunnels, looking sunken, lost, looking as if someone had turned the lights off.
"Sorry beforehand..." I opened the first aid kit and sat on a stool that I took from the kitchen.
Gloves still on my hands, I took my now ruined and bloodstained cloth and nonchalantly ripped open what was left of his shirt, to see all the cuts. I counted five. The bleeding had already stopped, but I had to clean each wound on his torso and forearms so they wouldn't get infected. I took out sterile wipes and cleaned the three wounds that were on his torso. Fortunately for both of us, the cuts weren't deep enough, so no stitches were needed. I noticed every time he flinched, and for some reason, it pained me each time. I shook my head, trying to get whatever emotions out of the situation as I dashed to the kitchen and took a damp cloth and used it due to the lack of antiseptic I could use to clean the blood off his body. I then took clean gauze and wiped the wounds dry, and used a big sterile dressing to cover each.
"Hey, Kim. Kim, lean on me."
He shook his head slightly, looking confused.
"F-For what?"
For some reason, the question annoyed me.
"Support, dipshit. I need you to sit still now, so I can treat your forearms and finish up."
What else would I ask this shit for?
After I finished, the so-called Kim lay down and fell asleep almost instantly. I took a blanket from my room and quietly sat on the armchair in front of where he was.
The guy sleeping on my couch had five cuts and bruised knuckles.
I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
Next time, I'm packing up my crayons and leaving.
~Kats, who literally found this out of luck right after remembering that she writes a whole lot of shit to forget about it lol
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asyastudieskorean · 5 months
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1.06.2024 — Probably my longest single study session to date. I started around 9 AM, and it’s now almost 4:30 PM. 😪
I reviewed this week's vocab, made flashcards on Quizlet, and wrote the words out by hand for good measure. Then I moved on to chapter work, which is what really slowed me down, lol. I struggled to get from pages 110-118, and there’s still more that I’ll have to finish tomorrow before watching the chapter lecture and taking the chapter quiz. It wasn't like I could just read the info and do the tasks on the pages real quick; I also had to take notes, check for words I didn't know, and actually make sure I understood each grammar concept, so it took me quite a while, lol.
There was basically no instructions on how to approach the chapter either. All we can see is that there is a chapter quiz Monday, so I assumed that this means we should review and complete all pages in the chapter. This is definitely more work-heavy than last quarter, where we’d take just one or two topics from the chapter and review that without really looking at the chapter itself.
Lesson learned, so I'll be spacing out my work more evenly throughout the week starting Monday!
Sunday will be another study day.
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unperceivable-future · 11 months
Narcissus [Chapter 1/?]
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Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader
Content warning: My own take on the Hanahaki Disease. English is not my best language. Foul language. Angst. May not feel like a Reader-insert considering that Reader has a given quirk and other parameters (except for appearances) [I'll be updating the list as I go]
Synopsis: In a world where humans have further evolved into having redundant traits, you are simply trying to survive life while assisting the Winged Hero.
Note: I did not expect comments and got a bit jumpscared lmao 💀 I absolutely have no clue how this story pans out. I'm just here to write a bit of angst and geek out. A part of me does feel bad that the MC has a bit of a character and backstory and not a super blank slate but I also enjoy having a certain dynamic between Hawks and MC. There is a bit of a projection here unfortunately.
0 1...
You bite back a snort when Hawks' eyes widen at the statistics in front of him.
"Oh shit, that's actually quite a lot." He mumbles under his breath as he reads through the financial report.
"Are you...are you sure these are all for me?" He turns to you, baffled at the numbers. 
"Seems like it, they're all your fans." You shrug in amusement.
"Sucks to be popular huh." One of Hawks' veteran sidekicks chimes in.
The last Thursday of the month is often when the revenue comes in. When Hawks' agency is paid for all the hero work Hawks and his sidekicks have pulled through. Next day is when salary is distributed amongst the staff and...
Monday, first Monday of the new month is when a portion of the revenue is put through a charity system that helps people get their surgery to remove any traces of Hanahaki illness that's caused by Hawks' pretty existence.
The system is rather intricate, involving psych doctors that quite literally use their quirks in determining who is the cause of such a flowery mess of a disease to approve such financial aid.
"I told you to not drink your ass off this weekend." You taunt your boss who cradles his head in his palms.
This always happens. Hawks does something big, makes a grand appearance in the public doing cool heroic villain take downs then do a bit of fan service and celebrate the big victory with his office staff and sidekicks on the weekend then get a bit wasted and regret it by Monday morning as his popularity comes biting him back on his ass.
Normally he gets away from financial punches such as these by rapidly taking down villains without a lot of the public spectating him, his sidekicks barraging in the scene for clean up as he moves to the next villain. That also means less people seeing him and getting the idea that wow, this man is GREAT! Let me just fall in love with him real quick!
But as of late, he has been making a lot of appearances as more daring villains show up and take up his time, attracting viewers and all the shebang. Then added by a little bit of misfortune where he gets invited into interviews he could not turn down since...well, they produce revenues and good public image and that money goes to bettering the agency and of course, goes to helping his unfortunate fans that catch feelings like it's the flu in winter seasons.
It is a balance, really, Hawks is a big believer that a hero's presence itself should be able to put citizens at ease but it does come with a price and in this case, a fairly hefty one.
"Pidge?" Hawks calls you out and you can already guess what he's about to ask of you.
"Two shots of espresso, please."
"Right on it." You turn to his sidekicks who are fighting back their snickers as they look at the PowerPoint presentation of last month's damages caused by your boss' presence.
"You guys want anything while I'm at it?" You ask them, knowing damn well that they are also fighting a hangover from the weekend's shenanigans.
"More alcohol?" Everybody turns their heads to the youngest and newest sidekick.
"Take it from us, kid, more alcohol doesn't actually get rid of hangovers. It just delays the inevitable." Hawks advises, finally lifting his face from his hands.
"I think it's also worth pointing out that you're on the clock...?" You point flabbergasted at the rather ballsy request.
"Okay, wow, geez I guess I'll just have orange juice then. Damn." The newest recruit mumbles sarcastically, his youthful humour finally coming out of his shy shell.
"Good. Now let's discuss about this month's patrol route." Hawks sighs and clicks for the next slide to continue the monthly briefing and you make your way to the cafeteria to grab the heroes' beverages.
Working with Hawks, after proving yourself by sorting out the administrative side of his business and in turn saving his then crumbling sanity, is not actually that bad. He is chill when the day is chill, he keeps his cool even when the day goes wrong and he learned to stop micromanaging everything and learned to trust that his employees will be able to keep up and keep the system up and running. Over the years, he found the perfect momentum along with his team and knows when a mishap is a mishap and when to actually let go of someone because they are ruining the equilibrium.
He always claims that it was all you, that how you helped set up his office and all the admin side of things is what eased his mind. You personally think that he simply matured and let go of his overly-independent personality.
It made an unlikely partnership between the two of you where there is mutual respect but not in a way that you respect Hawks because he is your boss then he treats you with bare minimum kind of respect because you did things for him through beck and call. It was mutual respect where you both actually work in tandem and you get the perks of calling him out when needed and him being able to actually have someone who does not put him up a pedestal and inflate his head, something like a friend even.
"How was patrol?" You ask, munching on your lunch. Hawks and his sidekicks have just come back from their afternoon patrol just in time while you're on your lunch break, his sidekicks heading to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
"It was hot outside." Hawks yawns and stretches his wings. You hum in response when your phone vibrates.
"Who?" He leans curiously when he notices you tapping on your device singlehandedly.
"Some dude I matched with." You respond nonchalantly, typing up a response as to why you were not in a rush in meeting this man you have been chatting with for the past three days.
"Don't you think you're rebounding too quickly?" Hawks asks.
It was an embarrassing ordeal, having gone through a cordial break up with your partner of one year only to call in sick as you sneeze and cough up petals of lilies. The painful realisation that your ex-partner has moved on quicker than you could when they started to discuss about healthily distancing and setting up boundaries in order to salvage some semblance of friendship. Embarrassing and a punch to the ego, you suppose even when they claimed that they occasionally cough up petals that look eerily similar to the first ever flower they have given to you.
"If I drown myself with men, there's nothing deep to feel." You try to make yourself sound poetic which earns you a snort from the winged hero.
"Yeah and you're probably causing these men to throw up flowers because you've been turning down the second dates." He points out.
"They don't know me well enough to cough up anything." You retort, setting your phone down.
Despite the gruesome and useless trait of coughing up flowers whenever you feel some semblance of unrequited love or care (or when the parameters dwindle and become unresolved), it is quite merciful that such illness only manifests when you feel strongly about it. Maybe it is the self-limiting nature of evolution, that no matter how crazy the body can behave it will always loop back to the baseline so that a petty crush does not decimate your lungs. Biology sure does work in mysterious ways but you would like to thank whoever is out there for making the Hanahaki Disease to follow a negative feedback loop rather than a positive one.
You let out a sneeze, covering your nose and mouth when you feel something lodged in your throat. You get up and leave the lounging area in a hurry, Hawks shooting you a concerned look knowing for a fact that you have not yet gotten over your ex.
It happens, people fall in love and when it goes both ways they do not fall sick. Sometimes people start getting sick even when they are in a relationship, a symptom that their union is tilting to its end. Other times when people feel so unhappy about the circumstances of their dynamic with their partner, they cough up petals as if a warning sign that the couple better start sorting themselves out.
Scientists believe that the social nature of humans is what caused such an evolutionary trait, that with a good and stable union leads to good offsprings eventually. This makes sense, really, because better offsprings are produced from compatible parents. You could imagine how much less generational trauma there should be if your parents got along well.
Others believe that someone or something out there is playing matchmaker, theists and those who believe in fate and destiny. But regardless, the truth remains that the illness seems to exist to supposedly benefit the social personality of Homo sapiens. The tribe is stronger in numbers and when there is less conflict, after all.
Though the whole ordeal is a little bit dramatic, you won't lie. It's not like people are stupid enough with their emotions that they need to cough up a whole ass lily just to remind them hey! You got an unsorted out feelings for this person! Get your shit together, dude! But you digress, sighing as you hack out yet another petal of lily---a sore reminder that a cordial break up will always leave lingering and unresolved feelings at first.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Content: over 1.7k words of you trying to find something of very important value. g/n reader, more on the fem side if you squint, so don't :)
Extras: Another story for @levi-supreme Happy birthday Levi event! This one is special because she gave me permission to do somewhat of a sequel to a story she did last year, Lost and Found. Go read that if you haven't because it is referenced at one point. Thank you Rei and I hope you love it!
You blink your eyes open and smile to yourself as you wake up for the day. You yawn and stretch and slowly sit up in bed. Today being Monday, it's a regular off day for you as your husband gets up for his job very early.
He always tries not to wake you so you can sleep in and usually succeeds in slipping out without making you stir. While you wouldn't mind getting up with him, you do appreciate your sleep.
Looking over at this empty side of the bed you see a note and smile. He's always leaving notes for you.
Morning my love, I hope you got some rest. I might be working late today. But I'll make up for it this weekend. Breakfast is in the fridge. Lots of cut up fruit and yogurt. And those biscuits you like. Don't worry much about chores. I'll help out tomorrow. Relax and I'll see you tonight. - Levi
You sigh happily and put it in your nightstand along with many others from him. Sometimes you like to go back and read them.
Putting on a robe you shuffle to the kitchen and pull out your breakfast. It's all set up so it's easy for you to make a parfait with the fruit and yogurt, and put jam on the biscuits. You make a cup of tea and sit on the porch reading your book while you eat.
It is in fact a lazy day as you don't bother with dishes but put them in the dish washer and draw yourself a bath filled with lavender as you pamper yourself a little bit.
After you're good and wrinkly and the bath water is no longer warm you drain the tub and dry off. Deciding to go be slightly productive you head to your room to get dressed.
You sit on the bed and check your phone that you purposely left on your nightstand so you wouldn't be distracted and see a message from Levi.
It makes you laugh out loud, the funny things he sends you when he's supposed to be in a group meeting.
"Having a good day at work?" You send him jokingly.
Almost right away you get a response asking you to come rescue him, making you smile.
You go back and fourth a few minutes before telling him to get back to work and he says he can't wait to see you.
With that you put your phone in your pocket and think for a moment. Something looks like it's missing from your nightstand but you can't figure out what.
You shrug and go about your day, getting your binder and looking through the fridge to see what you can make with the ingredients you have. You find you like to meal plan, it saves money and gets you making dishes you can eat for leftovers.
You have almost everything you need to make one of Levis favorite dishes and make a note to do a small grocery run if you can't get enough carrots from your garden.
Even though Levi told you not to, you dust a little bit so you don't have so much to do later in the week and pause to pick up a picture on a shelf.
It warms your heart, this picture of you and Levi. He has a real smile, one that's generally saved for special occasions, but for you, always. His friends said he's never been so happy since he's meet and married you.
You feel the need to send Levi a quick "I love you" message randomly, which he's gotten used to and doesn't question if anything is wrong anymore when he gets it, but instead sends you one back.
You head outside to the garden to check on the carrots and other vegetables and go to remove your wedding ring before digging in the dirt and let out a gasp.
"Where is it?" You ask out loud to no one as you stare at your naked hand with no ring.
You frown and go back into the house to retrace your steps.
Did you have it while dusting? You look around at all the spots to see if you took it off so as not to get it dirty, but it's not there.
You look around the kitchen, by the fridge and on the countertops, but nothing.
You go to the bathroom. Surely you took it off for your bath? But it's not on the counter or the floor or in the tub.
Your stomach drops as you think maybe it went down the drain but decide that's overreacting.
You go outside on the porch. and look in the chair, on the table, all around the area, but cannot find it.
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed. If you can't find it, that means you lost it. Your wedding ring!
Heading back inside you sulk back into the bedroom and look in the nightstand and in the bed and under the bed.
At night you usually take it off so you don't accidently scratch it but you can't remember seeing it there today.
You sit on the bed and put your head in your hands. You feel your phone buzz and gasp at seeing it's Levi calling.
You debate answering or not. You could always pretend you were taking a nap when he called. That's more than believable.
By the time you decide to answer it goes to voicemail and a moment later you get a text instead.
"Brat? Are you ignoring me?" Brat. The word he uses when he says you're misbehaving.
"No sweetheart. Just didn't get to my phone in time." You message back, and it's not a lie.
But even through text you're sure Levi knows everything.
"Coming home soon."
You stare wide eyed at the phone. He's supposed to be working late! So you can have more time to look!
You jump up and start tearing up the house. You must find it!
You had it yesterday, you're sure of it. It has to be here!
Things are moved on shelves and the couch is pushed out of place and kitchen chairs are spread out across the floor.
Clothing is pulled out of drawers and things are moved in the closet and you search all over the garage, and still nothing.
You walk back into the house and look at the mess you've made and sit on the living room floor and cry.
You don't even hear the door open and your husband come in.
"What happened?!" Levis shout makes you cry harder. "Did someone break in? Are you hurt?"
He drops everything and kneels on the floor and hugs you as you shake your head.
"You're not hurt? No one broke in?" He holds your cheeks and tears fall onto his hands.
Would it just be easier to tell him that someone stole your wedding ring?
"N-n-no!" You sob as you tell him that no, this is all your fault.
"Love what happened?" He speaks to you gently and it hurts to have to say this.
"My wedding ring went down the drain!" You fling your arms around him and cry more, getting his shirt wet.
Levi rubs your back and smiles to himself, letting out a chuckle.
You push off of him and stare wide eyed.
He's so angry he's laughing? That's not a good sign!
Levi kisses your forehead and helps you stand and gets a tissue to dry your eyes.
"Stop your crying. It didn't go down the drain." He smiles at the silly thought.
"Well then where is it?!" Your voice is loud and squeaky but Levi knows you're just upset.
Levi digs in his pocket and pulls out a box and opens it.
"My ring!" You gasp as there it is, safe and sound.
"I left early today to have it cleaned, it's all nice and shiny now." Levi tells you as he holds it up. And yes, it's very shiny.
You frown and your lip quivers and Levi laughs again.
"I'm sorry love, I took it this morning. I thought you wouldn't notice. Sometimes when you lounge around the house you leave it on the nightstand, so I was hoping you'd rest up and not even realize." Levi tells you what the plan had been.
"You were trying to get me back, for last year." Your brain tells you that's wrong as you say the words anyway.
Levi sighs and looks at you like he's disappointed. "I most certainly am not." He takes your hand and puts the ring on.
"There, right where it belongs." Levi kisses your hand as you look down at it.
You close your eyes and sigh. "I'm sorry." You've finally come to your senses.
"It's okay. I should've just told you." He rubs his fingers along your palm.
You lean in to kiss him and he returns it gently.
You rest your head on his chest and hold out your hand. "It's very shiny."
You both laugh softly and share a sweet kiss, holding each other for a moment.
"Oh man…" Levi looks around the house and you're ready to cry again.
It's been turned upside down in your attempt to find something that wasn't missing.
"I'll help put it back together." Levi tells you, as this is somehow partly on him.
"I moved everything, even the bed. I'm sorry." You pout, rubbing your temple.
"We don't need to do it all tonight. Let's at least go put the bed back." He takes your hand.
You get to your room and can't even look at Levi as he sees the mess.
"I can't believe you made all this mess while I was working." Levi jokes as you huff.
"I really thought it was gone!" You cross your arms as he goes to push the bed back into place.
"I don't suppose dinner is ready?" Levi continues to joke, making you groan.
"You're never going to let me live this down." In ten years, maybe you'll laugh, but not now.
You clean up a little more, saving most for tomorrow, and make a quick dinner together before heading to bed, putting your ring in your usual safe spot.
Tomorrow you'll make Levi that dinner you had tried to plan earlier.
"At least I know you'll tear the house apart trying to find it." Levi pokes a little more and you roll your eyes.
As you slip into bed together you cuddle up close. "Of course, I love you."
He kisses your forehead. "And I love you."
You close your eyes and a moment later hear him chuckle.
"Down the drain?" Levi grins.
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
Over the last week I've been back in my hometown of Hamilton staying at my parents' house and sleeping in my old bedroom. I had that optometrist appointment earlier in the week, it's Easter on Sunday, and I need to order my prescription at the pharmacy here on Monday anyway. So, an extended visit was an obvious choice. It's been nice. This afternoon I did a little dig through my closet after my mom mentioned that she would like to clear out anything in there which I wasn't keen on keeping. So I took a look, and while there was definitely stuff in there I am fine getting rid of, and in many cases can't remember why I hung onto it for as long as I did, there was also a bunch of neat old stuff in there.
Everything in that closet is thrown into a few banker's boxes, I wasn't quite sure what was in each of them. The first box I dove into turned out to contain all of my university coursework, all five years of it, and much of it disorganized and in disarray. I must have just thrown things in there, because there were loose sheets of translation work interleaved out of order, folders stuffed to breaking with photocopied journal articles and book chapters from different courses, syllabi and unrelated essays in messy piles, and various notebooks, loose notes and revisions. Organizing it all is not a task I'm up doing any time soon, and part of me doubts that I'll ever get it done, it's hardly important anymore. Surveying it all made me think on what a shame it is that I never have any occasion or reason to write things out by hand. I miss using my fountain pens, and my cursive was really quite nice.
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I also found my official transcript, of which I have seven copies for reasons that have been lost to time. Presumably I ordered more copies because of grad school applications, but I can't remember.
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I guess I did pretty well. And even though grades don't matter at all after you graduate, I did have to do a double take and think back for a minute trying to remember how the hell I managed to bomb Beginner's Ancient Greek II winding up with a C after getting an A in Beginner's Ancient Greek I (and then back to getting As after that). The memory did eventually resurface; I had deferred the exam on account of illness, but when it came time to write the exam in the summer, I wound up running a fever anyway, and on top of that, I was writing it a little over a week after my girlfriend had broken up with me. To be entirely honest, that summer and back half of the year is something of a blur. Welp, oh well.
Oh and hey, in one of those messy piles I found the paper for which I won a departmental essay contest and then third place in the national CAC undergraduate essay writing contest.
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The professor's comments were far too kind. It's an okay paper for an undergraduate, I'd change a lot of things looking back at it now. I wonder what Dr. Corner is up to these days and if he finally finished his book. We had lunch together when I first moved to Toronto but that was years ago now. He was the professor I was closest to, a real mentor.
Buried behind the coursework box was another banker's box containing something entirely unrelated but very cool, these:
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It's my old iPods! The 30GB iPod Video is completely dead, but the 160GB iPod Classic booted after I found a cable and gave it a quick charge. The headphone jack is busted, if I recall correctly, I had already paid to get it fixed once, and then it died a few months later. By that point I was fed up with having it fixed, and replaced it with an iBasso DX80. The electronics in it are still functioning fine; I might give a go at modding it into something I could put to use. Modding iPod classics is a whole scene these days and you can buy custom DIY replacement parts like microSD card readers to replace the harddrive, and there's custom firmware that allows the iPod to support higher capacity storage. Modding it shouldn't be too difficult and wouldn't even require much soldering. I'd replace the headphone jack, pull the 160GB HDD and replace it with a dual or quad microSD card reader and cram as many 512GB/1TB microSD cards it can take, and replace the battery with a higher capacity one. I stream my music collection from my media server to my phone via PlexAmp these days, but it would be cool to have an offline option, or something I can just leave permanently plugged into the Aux port of my stereo. My dad says he's got a 120GB model that half works floating around too, maybe I'll mod both of them.
There were a few other neat things in that second box like playbills from when I used to attend the opera. Which is yet another thing I used to be able to do and now miss terribly. That double feature of Bluebeard and Erwartung was phenomenal.
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There was also a copy from one of the godawful and glossy annual "All About Sex" supplements the University newspaper published. I won't share pictures of that because there are a lot of half-naked semi acquaintances in there, but be assured, it's godawful.
In a third box I found approximately half of my physical PC game collection:
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Check out that copy of X-Wing on 3.5" floppies and the sticker advising Windows and Pentium users that this is a DOS game. That's the very first PC game I ever got as a kid, received it as a present for Christmas '95. What you see there is less than half of what I know for a fact that I own on CD-ROM. Just off the top of my head I know I have physical copies of Half-Life, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun, Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Civilization, Total Annihilation, Unreal Tournament, Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Mechwarrior 4, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Doom 3, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Thief 2: the Metal Age, Deus Ex and most of those games' attendant expansion packs. I didn't find any of them while clearing out the closet, which means that they're almost definitely up in the attic above the garage, along with the sci-fi and fantasy novels I had from adolescence which I didn't take with me when I moved. Getting up into that attic is a pain in the ass though, and it's cramped and stuffy once you're up there. Maybe next time I visit my parents I can put aside a day to go up there and locate everything. I'd really have to be feeling up to it though. I'm pretty sure my hardback copy of Good Omens is up there, as is my copy of Neuromancer, and the Black Company omnibuses. None of which I've read in years.
The only other things of note were a bunch of pewter figurines of wizards I had for unknown reasons and a few nice and largely unused (with the exception of a few pages that I must have torn out years ago) notebooks that I can put to good use.
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Actually, I just figured out the reason I owned these and hung onto them. It's because they're rad as hell. Wizards rule.
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