#bts as your boyfriend
singleloverr · 2 months
Yoongi Boyfriend Headcannons
A/n: I feel like this was kind of rushed lol, enjoy!!
Yoongi x reader
[민 윤기]
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• is so soft for you
• full on gummy smiles whenever he sees you because you make him feel so happy and giddy
• loves to spend time with you
• will do anything you like to do, even if those hobbies didn't really spark him in any particular interest at first
• doesn't mean he won't learn about it!
• he will, in fact, try to learn about your hobbies so he can genuinely gain some knowledge from it
• at the beginning of your relationship, he was kinda shy, not really knowing what to do— not saying he had no clue but he was very wary of his actions and would always make sure he wouldn't upset you accidentally
• ongoing, he's more carefree and let going, but, of course, is still aware y'know??
• he used to give shy kisses, and whenever you would initiate a kiss, he would blush furiously
• you made him really really flustered
• but now?
• he really just feels bliss whenever you kiss him
• I don't think he'd be one to give multiple kisses a day, excluding those pecks when, for example, you're going somewhere and leaving the other or as a greeting
• I feel like those long kisses would come from serious heart to heart moments
• those late night conversations you have will most definitely lead to a makeout session
• not those fast-paced, teeth clashing ones but rather the time filling, intimate ones
• he takes care of you a lot and always makes sure you're okay
• if you're not okay, he's not okay
• it's kind of like your souls knitted together, becoming one, feeling each other
• acts of service boyfriend 100%
• ask him to do anything, and he'll get it done as soon as he can
• your dishes are dirty? don't worry, he'll get them done. you need to do grocery shopping? just give him the list, he'll get it done for you
• when you do things for him in return, it could be the bare minimum, but he'll feel super grateful
• not really a big fan of pda, but it doesn't mean he'll refrain from it 100%
• an arm around your shoulder and kiss on the forehead here and there shouldn't hurt
• let's say you're both in public and you're feeling anxious, he'll subtly comfort you by holding your hand and rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand
• he loves you so much it hurts
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yakuly · 16 days
Amortentia | J.JK³
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Jeon Jungkook grifinório! x leitora sonserina.
Palavras: 1.329
Sinopse: Em teoria, um grifinório e uma sonserina não poderiam acontecer, mas desde o primeiro dia em que chegaram no castelo, Jean não tira seus olhos de uma sonserina. Mas o moreno logo descobrirá que cobras são mestres em se esgueirar para longe dos holofotes.
Avisos: Nenhum 😊
N/A: Esse é o último do J.k, então rezemos para Deus do criatividade nos ajudar com os próximos, amém? Amém!
J.JK¹ | J.JK² | J.JK³
"Professor, acho que seria interessante pra sala se Jungkook e Sn cheirassem" o loiro diz, fazendo com que a sonserina o encarasse com pior ódio. Se olhares matassem, o de S/n definitivamente seria um Avada Kedrava.
"Fofocas não me interessam, mas já que temos dois nomes, Sr. Jeon e Senhorita S/S, por favor, venham" Dessa vez  a garota não conseguiu controlar sua feição de desgosto, quando Jeon saiu de seu lado, e tomou o lugar do professor.
"O que sente, Sr. Jeon?" O mais velho pergunta, e os olhos de jabuticaba do rapaz a encaram intensamente a morena que infelizmente ficou bem a sua frente "Livros, café, madeira e cereja ." Um silêncio mortal se ascentou na sala, e Sn não conseguia parar de o encarar. Aquele não poderia ser o seu cheiro... Os livros café e madeira são completamente justificáveis, e bem, talvez ele gostasse muito de cereja.
"Senhorita S/s, por favor, venha" Snape a chama, e colocando um sorriso educado e trocando de lugar com o grifinório.
Conforme se aproximava o cheiro já familiar, se aflorava, mas mesmo assim, ela resolveu se inclinar sob o caldeirão e dramaticamente inala o perfume.
"E a senhorita, o que sente?" O professor pergunta, fazendo seu coração acelerar, e voltar a sua posição normal, antes de responder, também olhando para Jeon, que parecia incrivelmente nervoso.
"Professor Snape" a voz de Dumbledore soa na sala quieta, e silenciosamente a garota solta o ar que não sabia que soltava. "Preciso que libere nossas queridos alunos mais cedo..." O tom do diretor indicava que tinha alguma coisa muito séria acontecendo , mas no momento isso não importava.
    Então livres do professor, a classe toda pega seus pertences saindo em um alto burburinho de vozes, os Fazendo Soar como um caldeirão efervescente. Estavam falando sobre o que acabou de acontecer? Sobre Dumbledore? Jeon realmente sentiu seu perfume? S/n não sabia, mas também não pretendia ficar para descobrir. Rapidamente o garoto pegou suas coisase saiu do sala, que já começava a licar pequena sobre ela.
   Enquanto caminhava, torcia para que Jean não estivesse atrás delo, enquanto tentava entender: A) Por quê seu coração batia tão forte e rápido; B) Por quê se incomodava tanto com Jungkook, sua presença, suas piadas, sua beleza, seu cheiro...; e é Claro C) Por quê raios ela sentiu o cheiro dele no Amortentia?
Quando enfim chegou à biblioteca Sentiu -se relaxar um tanto, afinal poderia tentar se entender. Porém antes de conseguir chegar em uma mesa qualquer, seu corpo sofre com forte sobressalto, e tudo que consegue fazer é fechar os olhos, e soltar um gritinho de surpresa.
Os abrindo novamente, S/n vê Jeon Jungkook, o corpo grande e musculoso à sua frente, uma feição de urgência, com as sobrancelhas juntas, e seus olhos castanhos o olhando pedinte.
"Cobrinha..." sua voz era baixa, tanto pelo local quanto pela proximidade, e ele tinha aquela mesma cara de sofrido da primeira vez que viu sua pilha de livros "vamos conversar"
"Sobre o que, Jeon?" Ela tentou manter sua mesma cara de sempre, enquanto procurava um modo de escapar, quando o rapaz apoiou uma de suas mãos na prateleira, bem a altura de sua cabeça, conseguindo a prender. Pelo menos foi isso que pensou, esqueiramdo-se rapidamente como uma cobra, a sonserina vai dali, e passa a caminhar como e se estivesse em busca de algum livro, qualquer um.
"É sério?" Ele estava praticamente balbuciando atrás da garota. "Eu falei pra sala inteira que senti seu cheiro, no amortentia e você vai falar nada?"
Suspirando, a garota decide agir de modo que sabe que irá afastar, assim sendo, como alguém esnobe e sem apresso algum ao rapaz, s/n se vira pra ele, e com um sorriso falso barra educado diz, coma mão no altura do peito, para efeito dramático "sinto muito", mas isso só faz com que Jungkook apenas gruna. Suspirando ele continua atrás da menor, que continuava a fingir que não encontrava um exemplar específico.
"Sn, espera!" Ele a segurou pelo pulso, e teve que pensar rápido. Se teve algo que percebeu sobre a garota, é que S/n é tão competitiva quanto ele, e ele tinha que trazer esse lado dela à tona. Suspirando o moreno finge mudar de ideia, e mostra suas mãos em sinal de paz, "tudo bem, já entendi, não precisa admitir." Jeon observa uma das sobrancelhas da garota se erguer, e ele se vira para voltar para seus pertences, sorri convencido, mas ele mal consegue dar um passo sem sentir a garota o agarrar os braços.
"Desculpa, admitir? Admitir o quê, Jeon?" Foi a vez então do rapaz olhar distraído para as lombadas dos livros.
"Você sabe, que está caidinha por mim..." O rapaz aperta a ponte do nariz, em uma excelente encenação, o que começou de fato, a irritar. "Tudo bem cobrinha, seu segredo está seguro comigo."
"O que te faz pensar, que tenho uma quedinha por você?" A sonserina então cruza os braços, e o moreno sabia que só precisava a apertar mais um pouquinho.
"Achei que uma sonserina tão inteligente como você, soubesse" o sorriso de Jeon era irritante, Sn não acreditava que aquele grifinório realmente acreditava que você sentisse algo romântico por ele.
Jungkook se aproxima da menor, que da passos para trás, ficando encurralada entre ele e os livros mais uma vez. "O jeito como me olha, como finge não gostar quando te chamo de 'cobrinha', como você mascara todo esse sentimento com raiva, e hoje, quando fugiu pra não dizer que sentiu meu cheiro..."
Aquela proximidade não fazia nada bem para alguém como ela. Definitivamente foi o cheiro de Jeon que sentira no amortentia, mas ela jamais iria admitir. Aquele corpo que ela podia sentir com seu, claramente bem definido em baixo do uniforme, e aquele rosto convencido muito perto do dela, com seu hálito de menta, e lábios bem definidos.
"... Mas tudo bem querer me beijar, várias querem..." O rapaz termina, com sua mão próximo a cabeça da garota. Ela ri pelo nariz, desacreditada. Ambos os corações batiam forte contra seus peitos, mas as bochechas avermelhadas da garoto a denunciavam muito mais que ela gostaria.
"Escuta aqui Jeon, acho que depois dessas semanas, você saberia que..."
"Que você quer me beijar? É eu sei" Jungkook a interrompe, a fazendo respirar fundo para não perder sua postura. Merlim, como ela queria tirar aquele sorrisinho convencido dele daquele rosto.
"Quer saber, acredite no que quiser" é o que ela diz, antes de o empurrar levemente - já que o corpo do rapaz era mais pesado, que parecia. Mas tudo o que ele faz é rir levemente, e a segurar novamente pelo pulso, nada forte, apenas para a segurar.
Jungkook aproxima lentamente seu rosto da garota, vendo como os olhos femininos passeiam por seu rosto, sua respiração falhando conforme ele chegava mais perto. O moreno finalmente junta os lábios, sentindo a respiração de s/n falhar, e a própria tomar a iniciativa de aprofundar o ósculo.
Uma das mãos de Jeon segurava a cintura da menor, e a outra, ele mantinha em seu maxilar, segurando o rosto da garoto, conforme controlava seus movimentos. S/n por sua vez, guiada pelo desejo puxava o corpo do rapaz para colar ainda mais contra o seu.
"Então a hortelã é do seu hálito..." a garota comenta distraída, quando se solta do rapaz, e ela o observa ficar confuso apesar do sorriso nos lábios, agora levemente inchados "hortelã, madeira, sabonete e roupa limpa" o sorriso de Jeon aumenta ao perceber que era seu cheiro que ela sentiu no Amortentia, e estava o descrevendo.
"Viu? Não foi tão ruim, admitir não é?!" As sobrancelhas de Jeon brincam, quando ele ri, a apertando mais contra si, quando sentiu que ela tentou se afastar, rolando os olhos.
"Você fala de mais Jeon" ela conseguiu reclamar, e ele se abaixou, falando contra os lábios dela "mas você adora", antes de a beijar novamente.
E de novo...
E de novo...
E de novo...
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jkvjimin · 1 month
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simply endearing ♡ cr. namuspromised
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kookiesandcreams · 1 year
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Pairing: oc × jjk
Wc: ig less than a thousand? But dunno
Warnings: teasing, femdom, heel pressing? Kinda exhibitionism? Tiddie sucking, handjob, humping.
A/n: it took me 3 months haha. It's half ass edited cause idk no motivation? I hope you guys like it! <3
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The meeting was boring indeed. But do you know what wasn't boring? Teasing him. Under the table. His composer slipped slowly while you played your little games. It appeared funny to you - how easily you could turn him on. You took pride in it. It made you happy and gave you immense pleasure to know that The Jeon Jungkook, CEO of JJK softwares is at your disposal.
He was boss for the staff, no one knew how he worshipped the floor you walked on. You were extremely intimidated by his aura at first when you joined the company as his personal secretary. Following him around like a docile sheep until one midnight, you found him stroking his cock and whining loudly in his spacious cabinet. Later what shocked you was the continuous chant of your name followed by mommy.
His little secret wasn't a secret anymore. And you, out of all people, weren't the one to let it pass. No, you weren't going milk him for all his money or blackmail him. You were going to do exactly what he wanted you to do. You were going to tease him and dominate him. Use him and his cute little cock to pleasure yourself.
So now, to pass your time and have some fun, you were playing with Jungkook. Your heel clad foot hovering over his inner thigh while he attended an online meeting with some overseas gaming company. The string of notification on your phone diverts your attention.
Mr. Jeon: Y/n, please don't toy with poor guys' feelings 😔
You: what?
You tap on the send icon and press your heel near his crotch. His painful expressions are now visible on his sculpted face. You slyly smirk at him.
"Are you alright, Mr. Jeon?" You fake worry and move to his side, quickly pouring some water for him and bending down enough for your cleavage to peek. He is not dense. He knows for sure that you did it on purpose.
He just presses his lips and tries to brush it off. His boner was prominent in his perfectly stitched suit pants.
"I apologize, Mr. Henry," he bows to them.
You: what a cute little puppy🐶
He groans visibly after reading your suggestive text, his hand rubbing his cock over his clothes. The viens on his neck were protruding by how hard he was trying to conceal his moans.
A few minutes pass by here and there with you teasing him some more and him trying his hard to keep a straight face before he ends the virtual meeting. "Thank you, Mr. Henry," he bowed again to convey his gratitude.
You just sit there with a vicious smirk. He knows you have something in your mind. You get up and walk to him, confident yet graceful. Grabbing him by his collor, you kiss him passionately, all teeth and tongue. You pull him closer by his tie, slightly choking him. Your dominance was a major turn-on for him. He starts moaning. His huge, warm, and callous hands are all over your body, devouring every beautiful inch of you, fondling your boobs and squeezing your thighs.
Poor thing was making attempts to lick in your mouth, but you weren't going to give. Grasping his hair near the neck, you pull him back. "Now baby, who's in charge here?"
"You, mommy," he says rather meekly.
He could manhandle you, toss you around and make you bend the way he wants, but there's something about you that makes him wanna listen to you. Be a good boy for you.
Jungkook gets closer to your tummy and starts sniffing down. You are quick to stop him. Soon you are fumbling with his belt and zip, pulling out his thick cock and spitting a fat glob over it. Stroking him at a constant speed, he is a moaning mess, his ripped body heaving up and down with pleasure.
"Mommy, please?" He begs.
"Please, what babyboy? Tell me, what do you want?"
"Wanna suck on your tiddiee," his pouty lips almost melt your heart. Unbuttoning your office shirt, you pull your bra down and straddle him. Wasting no moment, he wraps his lips around your nipple and starts sucking on it.
You throw your head back in pleasure. He is messy, sucking ferociously, as if he expects something to come out of it. Maybe he expects that, who knows. Just when you pull him back by his hair, you hear a confident knock on the door.
"Oh fuck!" You both exhale, sweaty and horny.
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charmac · 8 months
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Their asses were not listening.
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straykuds · 1 year
Texting " he's gone, you can come over now" to stray kids (maknae verison)
sorry for the late post, guys 😪 I've been busy with college 🥹
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jjkgyu · 2 years
Can I request a bts reaction with what they do for your birthday? It’s my birthday on the 19th and I’m so excited!!!
tysm for the request!! and happy birthday for the 19th i hope u have the best day!!!🤍
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kim seokjin
seokjin would want to plan you the most extravagant birthday, even if you told him again and again that you weren’t expecting anything special. he would want to make up for the fact that he was working during the day, so that night he’d tell you he was taking you on a date. he’d pick you up and tell you to wear a blindfold because he had a surprise. he would carefully lead you into your favourite restaurant that he had rented out, as your family and friends inside surprised you by singing happy birthday. he would make sure the night was so special for you, and even though you told him he had done too much for you, he’d say, “you deserve it all my love.” seokjin would have all your favourite meals served and your favourite cake to celebrate and end the night.
kim namjoon
namjoon would be so organised when it came to your special day, and he’d start planning weeks in advance to make sure he’d have the day free. he managed to book a weekend getaway at a beach house for the two of you, and he’d have it set up for when you walked in with balloons and flowers and presents for you. “i don’t want you to stress for one second on your special day,” namjoon would tell you, and he’d make sure the whole trip consisted of relaxing with your boyfriend, which he knew you needed. you’d help him cook dinner in the kitchen with your favourite songs playing, and you’d eat together on the balcony overlooking the ocean as you talked about everything and anything. namjoon would even surprise you with a cake to sing happy birthday. overall, he would make sure your birthday was a very chill escape from your normally hectic lives.
min yoongi
yoongi would want to make the time he spent with you on your birthday special. although he was working all day, he would pick you up in the evening and would surprise you by booking a night at a fancy hotel for the two of you. he’d make sure to have your bags packed already, and he’d go the extra mile having a cake brought up by room service after he had taken you out to dinner at the hotel’s rooftop restaurant. your boyfriend would sing happy birthday in the cutest way and feed you the cake himself. yoongi would want you to relax the whole night, telling you the rule was, “whatever the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets.” he’d run a warm bath for the two of you, massage your shoulders, and get under the cozy sheets together as you watched your favourite movie until you both dozed to sleep.
jung hoseok
hoseok would want to pack your day full of fun. he’d start your day by taking you out for breakfast and would tell the cafe that it was your birthday so they would bring out a cake for you. he’d take you to an amusement park since he knew you always wanted to go, and he’d bite his tongue and say yes to whatever ride you wanted to go on, even if it was terrifying for him. the two of you would share fairy floss and hotdogs and all kinds of festival food, and the night would end with the two of you watching the fireworks together as he made sure that you had a good day. “all that matters to me is that you had a great birthday,” hoseok would tell you, planting a kiss on your lips as you assured him it was the best day ever.
park jimin
jimin would want to go above and beyond for your birthday. he’d planned a holiday for the two of you months in advance but wouldn’t tell you where you were going as it was a surprise. the two of you landed in paris the day before your birthday, so on your special day you woke up beside him in your gorgeous hotel room. jimin would press kisses to your lips as he wished you happy birthday, and then he’d order breakfast for the two of you that you shared on the balcony overlooking the city. the day would be spent with the two of you lounging in bed, sightseeing around the city together, and eating at different restaurants and cafes. you’d end the night sitting in front of the eiffel tower with your boyfriend, as he whispered in your ear, “i’m so grateful you were born, y/n.”
kim taehyung
taehyung would keep your birthday celebrations lowkey but meaningful. he’d book you spa appointments with your friends during the day so you could relax, and once you returned home that evening your boyfriend would have a three course meal ready that he had been cooking for you. “is the birthday girl surprised?” he’d smirk as he placed a kiss on your lips, proud of what he accomplished in the span of a few hours. the dinner would consist of all your favourite foods, and he’d set up the table ready for a candlelit dinner with you. taehyung would even be the type to be dressed in a suit even though you were eating in your living room. he’d make you a birthday cake and sing for you, putting on music in the background as the two of you danced and eventually fell asleep bundled together on the couch.
jeon jungkook
jungkook would want your birthday to be a really special time with your loved ones. he had gone behind your back to plan a party with your family, and picked you up on your birthday to take you to your parents house. it would be so lovely to see your boyfriend get along so well with your family, and you’d have the best time eating and dancing and opening gifts. once the party had finished, jungkook would want to go the extra mile so he could spend some alone time with you on your special day, so he’d take you back to his place so you could open his gifts for you. he’d watch you open them with the biggest smile on his face, telling you, “you deserve so much more, baby,” when you told him it was too much. you’d pull him in for a kiss to thank him, before he pulled you into his bed so you could stay the night with him.
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taesboxxysmile · 9 months
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your story as seokjin's partner
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nyommie · 1 year
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another kith 💓
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danmeiljie · 1 year
Advance Bravely Tags
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Check out my Advance Bravely For Beginners primer before watching the show!
ADVANCE BRAVELY GIFS MASTERLIST POST (includes links to gif posts of all 30 episodes from December 2022 and March 2023 currently streaming uncensored on Dailymotion and Dramacool)
Please find all the June/July 2023 gifs of all 30 Advance Bravely episodes under the tag #i made gifs from this show for a third time#
#the censoring# (documentation of what was cut from the official streaming censored versions of the show i.e. Viki Rakuten, Youtube)
NEW! #advance bravely favorites# (gif posts of a closer look at my favorite moments throughout the show)
#advance bravely... meta?!# (discussions of translations, and plot points)
#advance bravely photobook# (scans of pages from an official? photobook found on pinterest with quotes I've attempted to translate from the novel. I do not have a copy of this photobook nor have I been able to find any other info about it)
#advance bravely bts# (gif posts from any behind the scenes footage I've been able to find, including the official bts reel)
Yuan Zong Staring with Sexual Intent (gif post compilation of Xu Feng being horny in character)
Yuan Zong hovering over Xia Yao (gif post compilation of Xu Feng being a Top in character)
Xia Yao heavily judging everyone (gif post compilation of Gong Jun being a judgy gay in character)
Yellow River Date (a masterlist gif post documenting their very first date)
The Care and Keeping of a Twink (a complete guide in 3 parts)
How It Should Have Happened: Advance Bravely Fix-Its (short snippets writing in all the times I think Yuan Zong and Xia Yao should have kissed!)
And They Were Roommates...! (masterlist gif post documenting Yuanxia officially dating throughout the show)
Thank you for visiting!
(A fan of Xu Feng? Click HERE for more gifs of 徐峰!)
All tags mentioned in this post are below ⬇️
Updated on August 27, 2023
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Random bully boyfriend texts with Yoongi 1/♾️
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singleloverr · 2 months
Hello!!! Do you take requests for ot7? If you do can you please write headcanons about bts members how they will act around their crush? And how will they react if their crush is close with someone else and keeps talking to them while paying less attention to them?
Thank you!!!
A/n: Had so much fun writing this♡ hoped you liked it :)
Crush Headcannons
Kim Seokjin [김 석진]
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• He would try to impress you with his cooking skills since he gets many compliments from it
"Y/n, you should try this. It's really tasty, made my me."
• shows you what it would be like if you were both in a relationship in very subtle ways such as opening the door for you, complimenting you, and joking a lot around you
• Whenever he's alone with you, hanging out together, he'd really flustered around you without his brothers being there to back him up because I mean, look at you!!
• He would get red around you, but it's mostly his ears that would get the most red
• You'd be very concerned for him because he looks he is sick most of the time that he's around you
"Jin, are you okay? You look sick."
"Oh? No its nothing at all, haha"
*queue a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his head*
• Loves to make you laugh with his dad jokes, you're one of the only people who actually find them funny
• if you don't, you still laugh at them nonetheless
• if he ever sees you really close with someone, let's say that person is a really good friend of yours and you're chatting it up really nice. He'll get jealous at the fact that you're not paying much attention to him as you usually do
• gets a little pouty but doesn't do much to steal your attention because he doesn't want to disturb you
• although a little hair flick here and there, and a wink will appear
Min Yoongi [민 윤기]
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• really really likes you...
• every time he sees you, his heart rate goes a little faster
• he can't help it, you're just that gorgeous
• don't even get me started on when he first met you
• all blushy and just couldn't stop getting those little gummy smiles out of his face
• when you first properly looked at him, he got nervous
• the gaze you held and that smile you gave him made him all bsbsbsnb
• anyways, you guys hang out a lot together
• you don't even have to be speaking, just sitting or laying around doing your own thing
• he feels like he can really decompress when he's around you and just feel free, no worries in the world
• gives you physical affection more than he'd give anyone else
• I'm talking hugs and arm linking etc etc
• however, he can get a little teeny weeny attitude when he sees you close with somebody else
• if he's next to you, he breathes a little louder and adds a few more huffs and puffs to get your attention
• and attention you don't give because your close friend just has so much interesting stuff ti say!
• he just really really likes you
• maybe possibly even love you oop-
Namjoon [김 남준]
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• has thought of writing a heartfelt, romantic story for you because he just feels really deeply for you
• you're his muse after all
• the first times that you guys have interacted literally had him in a chokehold
• he would stutter around you and just fumble with his words because how was he supposed to act on an amazing person like you???
• of course, over time, he would get back to being his confident self around you and would try to make you flustered here and there
• wants to impress you, so he works a little more
• he doesn't know that he can literally just breathe, and he'd get you a flustered too bhhsb
• the moments when you both have really sincere, deep conversations with one another are the ones he treasures the most
• he gets to really know for you and your flaws and all those things about yourself you think as imperfections
• he constantly tells himself to never neglect the time that he spends with you and so he tries to do everything he can to make you feel happy
• such a buying you flowers and chocolates and maybe a fluffy teddy bear would be a great decision too
• what? he's just being a really good friend to you, that's all...
• if he sees you really giggly with someone, I don't think he'd get too jealous about it, but maybe insecure
• when he looks at you and the other person, both of you laughing together and just immersed in whatever you're both talking about
• he could think that maybe he just isn't really the best match for you at all, but those feelings and thoughts would fade away once you've finally paid him your attention again
Hoseok [정 호석]
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• is surprisingly normal around you
• he wouldn't really supposedly hide the fact that he has a crush on you
• butttt he wouldn't just boast about his crush on you either
• he would let you know in subtle gestures
• such as hugs and handholding
• he gets super happy whenever he sees you
• like, his heart squeezes in joy whenever he catches you in his sightline and doesn't hesitate to give you a nice squeeze
• when you hug just as much as you hug him, Hoseok just gets giddy about it
• loves dancing with you
• you wanna try this new dance with him? let's go to the studio? you need him to help you with dancing? more than happy to :3
• although he goofs off a lot with you, he would eventually show you his more "serious" side
• you would both have meaningful conversations that deepens your bond
• (makes him love you more each time)
• honestly, I think he'd be pretty chill seeing you talk with somebody else
• he wouldn't really make a big deal out of it
Park Jimin [박 지민]
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• playfully flirts with you
• you playfully flirt with him back, and he just malfunctions for a moment
• I feel like he'd be really shy around you at first because, well, it's you we're talking about, but once he gets SUPER comfortable with you, get ready for a rollercoaster chsbs
• initates a lot of physical touch with you once you've indicated that you're completely comfortable with that
• I'm talking longgg hugs, cuddles, interlaced handholding and forehead kisses too
• his physical affection is comforting
• so if you're ever feeling down, Jimin will give you a really big squeeze, and everything just seems to be so much better with his touch
• kinda whines when you're not giving him much attention
• which would then lead onto him feeling jealous that you aren't paying him much attention
• gets a little pouty because he'd get so used to being the center of attention and now suddenly that being lost is very... foreign to him
Kim Taehyung
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• has that boxy smile on his face whenever he sees you
• you just make him feel so happy and amazing and just miraculous. you don't understand hsbsbs
• loves to spend time with you
• whether it be by listening to music, conversations, or eating together
• will do anything you're doing just for the sake of being with you
• doesn't matter if you're working on your assignments or you're taking a nap. He'll be there.
• randomly daydreams about your future even though you're not together (yet)
• seeing you with another person that steals your attention from him to that person makes him feel... a little jealous
• he tries to reassure himself that it's not like that between you two but the way you're just laughing at their words and looking like you're having one of the best times of your life
• deflates a bit but gains back his happy energy once you've gotten back to him
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• blushed a LOT when he first saw you
• probably wasn't thinking straight
• wants to impress you so he works out a little harder, shows you his tricks and just basically does anything he thinks will make you impressed
• gets super comfortable with you, so he knows you wouldn't mind when he goofs off
• play fighting!!
• uses it as a way to show his strength, but wouldn't do it to the point where you are hurt ofcc
• also uses it as a way to get close to you >_<
• another way he'd close to you is by asking you questions about yourself
• they can be quite random-
"What was your favorite memory as a child, and why?"
"That question came out of nowhere..?"
"I just wanna get to know you better, pretty."
• have I mentioned that he can be quite the flirt?
• I'm sure we all know-
• cares for you
• cooks you meals, and if you're foreign, he'd try to learn the dishes that you'd eat at home
• just wants to boost the fact (subtly) that he'd be a good boyfriend for you
• he'd get kinda possessive when seeing you close with someone else instead of him
• he'd just want you to himself you know?
• he really really likes you, and he's just hoping you really really like him back
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yakuly · 3 months
Expresso Hogwarts
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Projeto: Bookverso
O que é o Bookverso?
O projeto Bookverso, surgiu são histórias de alguns grupos no universo de alguns livros... Eles vêm em formato de Headcanons, Reactions e histórias entrelaçadas (entre seus membros). Aproveite!
BTS x Harry Potter
Uma série de histórias sobre os estudantes da escola de magia Hogwarts. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung jungkook...
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Seokjin x Grifinória | Yoongi x Sonserina
Hoseok x Lufa-Lufa | Namjoon x Corvinal
Jimin x Sonserina | Taehyung x Corvinal
Jungkook x Grifinória
🔮 Moodboards 🔮 Headcanons
🔮 Reactions 🔮 fic's
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jaakey · 5 months
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stop cus why is this the song of all time .
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kookiesandcreams · 2 years
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Pairing: yandere student!Taehyung × teacher!reader
Genre: smut, yandere, fluff, angst, romance.
Warnings: obsession, yandere themes, student tae fantasizing about teacher reader, blood, m!masturbation, cumming in boxers, humping the pillow, whiney subtae? (More TBA in chapters ahead)
Wc: around 2k
Summary: taehyung has mommy issues and gets attached to his psychology teacher. His attachment soon turns into an unhealthy obsession leading to a series of events.
A/n: this is something v different from what I write. Writing subby bts was kinda hard, it took me some time to figure out characters. I do not condone any sort of unhealthy relationships, it's just a part of my fiction. Like, reblong and comment to show some love <3 it's kinda unedited :) lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list.
Check out my other work here.
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You were an amazing teacher, making you the most popular professor on the campus. Your pretty face was just the icing on the cake. Students were often amazed by your teaching methodologies. Your dedication to your profession was appreciable.
Kim Taehyung- the shy backbencher, stayed away from all the social banters. College was like a living hell for him, his worst nightmare. But one thing motivated him to attend the college that was your daily lecture on clinical psychology. The way you made those complex topics seem easier, the way you tried to maximize the participation of all the students and insisted the students research more about the subject mesmerized Taehyung.
As for you, you chose this subject to understand and analyze yourself. Your optimistic approach toward all your students was a major go for them. Well, that was not all. The way you dressed, the teasing low neck you wore to the campus, unaware of the effect it had on the male students as well as the professors. You tried to go with the trend, that's all.
Taehyung hissed lowly when he saw you that morning, your silky smooth hair was tied in a bun while a few stray strands framed your face perfectly. Your glasses sat low on your nose as you walked through the campus, busy scrolling through your phone. Your almond-shaped eyes focused on the screen, but Taehyung, all he could do was wonder what it would feel like to stroke your face, how would your golden-brown skin feel under his fingertips. He adored the rosy blush that coated your cheeks and also the cute mole you had on your philtrum.
"Hey weirdo," Jay laughed at Taehyung, who was pushed down by a couple of other raucous lads.
"Stop troubling me," Taehyung made a feeble attempt to sound harsh.
"Jay, better back off!" You seethed and boy, did he smirk at you?
"Only for you," he left Taehyung to fall back down before making a beeline for the canteen, where you were sure he'd hit on some girl and try to fuck her.
Jay was tall, almost 6'2. His tatted arms were turn-ons for girls, but not for you. He was your least favourite student. You preferred good buoys with gentlemanly behaviour. So, during the last prom when Jay shamelessly walked up to you, hit on you and tried to get in your pants you slapped him across the face and told him to kindly fuck off.
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"Come on Y/n, I swear I'll make you feel so good," his speech was slurred, a result of his non-stop alcohol consumption.
"If you any ounce of shame left, kindly fuck off, Jay. I'm your teacher." You reasoned before continuing, "what even made you think I'll sleep with you, huh?"
He could see your nostrils flaring as you balled your fist in an attempt to control your rage. If anything, it riled up Jay. He yanked your wrist and pulled you closer and you lost it. You smacked his chest grabbing everyone's attention.
"I said stop!" Your eyebrows stitched in the middle of your forehead while the veins on your neck were prominent. You swiftly turned on your heels and stomped towards the exit door unbeknownst to the figure following you.
You carefully sat on the concrete bench in the campus park. Very upset from the recent incident, you wanted some time alone for yourself. 'Did I lead on him by any chance?' You thought to yourself. You weren't disgusted by yourself. It was natural. You were young, barely 26. You maintained yourself well and stayed up to the mark. It was not unusual for a guy to ask you out. But Jay, he should have shown some respect and some shame, which you wondered if he had any left.
Taehyung observed you, observed all your minute details. Kneeling on the ground, behind the bushes was a very pleasant idea but he'd do anything for you. Watching you upset saddened him. A pout formed on his face as he pulled out a handkerchief from his coat pocket and stood up. He could feel the blood rushing down to his feet, and let out a painful groan.
You stirred from the 'thoughty train' when you heard the noise. Suddenly aware of the unknown presence, you stood up, alert and firm. Taehyung appeared out of the bushes, his pants soiled while a pout adorned his face. You noticed the cloth in his hand and your features softened.
"Hey champ, you waved at him."
A mere sight of you had his heart racing. The red evening gown that hugged your figure perfectly was making the blood rush to his nether region. He tugged his coat awkwardly before stepping in front of you. You giggled a bit when he staggered like a fawn learning to walk. Then when he was close to you, he cleared his throat.
"May I?" He asked pointing towards your palm that had crescent marks and blood trickling out of it.
Your eyes widened when you saw the wounds. Your breathing got heavier remembering just how you had to control your temper. "Th-this, I- I'm sorry," your voice was wavering.
Taehyung shook his head. You could see him frowning. "No ma'am, it's okay. It's not your fault," he bit his lip out of nervousness.
You gulped before hanging your head low and feeling bad for disturbing your own regime.
His big hands cupped your warm ones. The coldness of his palms almost made you flinch but he was quick to tie the cloth around your right hand.
"Thank you, Taehyung," you patted his shoulder.
"Uh, wait. The left hand?" He asked timidly.
You smiled at him, "it's okay Tae, I'll take care of it." You began walking before he called again.
"Please," he asked politely, "let me help. The medical room is not very far."
"It's okay Taehyung, you should probably go inside and enjoy the prom. I'm already feeling guilty for worrying you and occupying your time." By the time you were done speaking, he was already walking toward you and dragging you to the medical room.
Entering the room, the smell of medicine and spirit kissed your nose. You inhaled that smell greedily and felt dizzy. Instantly, he pulled the first aid kit from the top shelf and dipped the cotton in medicinal alcohol before gently pressing it over your wounds. You groaned a bit but he smoothly applied a band-aid over the wound before blowing air on it like a small kid.
You smiled, your heart warmed at his innocence and gentleness. "Taehyung, this was very kind of you. I'm sure your mother would be one lucky woman if you treat her the same," you smiled.
His face was gloomy again, eyes blinking fast to, prevent the tears from falling.
Running your hand from his shoulder to his arm, your warmth engulfed him. "What's wrong Taehyung?"
"I don't have mom," you could sense the sorrow in his voice as it trembled while speaking.
"Hey, hey-" you cupped his cheeks before brushing his hair back with your fingers, "it's okay. I'm here for you, okay? I'll help you just like you helped me. Feel free to come and talk to me anytime, alright?"
He was sure you could see the cherry red blush on the apple of his cheeks. He was trying hard to not pop a boner in the middle of having a conversation but all in vain. The way your warm hands slid down his arms made shivers run down his spine. He could see your cleavage from being so close to you.
"I- Uh, I should leave," he jerked away making you flinch.
"Taehyu—" you tried to reach out for him but he was already striding away at lightnings speed.
"I'll see you later, Y/n," he disappeared soon.
But who would you lie to? This boy had made his way into your heart. You gulped getting a grip of your emotion. "Y/n behave yourself," you half scolded yourself before getting back to the auditorium.
That night though, Taehyung had a hard time, forgetting your lingering touch the warmth of your skin, your feminine figure and your shapely hips that swayed to the sentimental slow music. Erasing the memories of that sexy red dress and your cleavage was as difficult as Olympic sport. The perkiness of your breasts got his pants tight.
Slowly his hand travelled the expanse of his abdomen, flinching when his nimble fingers made contact with his nipples. After a few seconds of panicky deliberation, he slid his hand in his shorts only to be met with his rock-hard member.
He pulled his shorts down and cupped his clothed member. Slowly stroking himself to complete hardness he hissed at the pain of being restrained. His pointer finger rubbed his slit, feeling the pre-cum stain his boxers.
"Aah— Y/n," he visualized your hand doing those dirty things to him. Boy was a masochist, loved edging himself, loved the pain he felt.
Would you indulge in these filthy play with him, he imagined. Lewd images of your round breast flooded the back of his mind as he grabbed his pillow and placed it between his thighs.
Imaging his dick between your boobs wasn't hard after he had clearly seen your cleavage today. He wondered, would it be as warm as your hands. The thoughts made him gyrate his hips, causing friction between his clothed dick and the pillow. He pulled his coat from the night table sniffing at its shoulder to get a whiff of your scent. His hips never slowed down.
"Aah– mommy," he whined as he felt more precum oozing out of the slit. He wanted to be cooped up in your arms, feel your heat, and fondle your soft boobs. All these thoughts made him thrust roughly into his pillow, his rhythm faltering.
"You would let me come on your boobies, right, Y/n?" He was a mess, his brain foggy with obscene pictures of your tits out on display while he spurts his cum on it and sees it slide down your nipples. He wanted to suck your boobs rub your cunt, and make you leak like a faucet.
"Mommy!" He screamed before giving a final thrust and cumming in his boxer. The sticky sensation made him feel filthy. The post-orgasmic guilt crawled through his skin, scraping at his insides and tugging at his chest.
"Sorry, Miss Y/n," he sniffled burying his face in his coat as tiredness knocked him out within a few minutes.
That was just the beginning...
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"Are you okay, Tae?" You asked him as he swatted his pants to get rid of any dust.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." He grinned at you like a fool.
"Do not skip the psychology lecture, okay?"
How could he? He'd never miss any opportunity to see you or be with you. You had been occupying every corner of his mind, his pretty Y/n.
He nodded at you before jogging towards the lecture hall.
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sorry but we ate your boyfriend, well yeah he crashed the plane so we had no choice but to eat him, yeah he trapped us in the Andes so y'know. sorry
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