#big theory
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
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Not entirely sure what to do with this information
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celeb-8008s · 2 months
Kaley Cuoco
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the-briny-bulletin · 1 year
Cryptid fish that has only been seen once and never again that may or may not exist but well never know my beloved
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kaleycuoco69 · 6 months
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livsmessydoodles · 12 days
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incorrectbatfam · 12 days
Jason: I'd like to address Dick's's annoying personal habits.
Dick: Oh my God! What personal habits?
Jason: I have a list. FYI, overuse of the phrase "Oh my God" is number twelve.
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 months
Remus: So you and Pads’s brother are just sleeping together now?
James: Yeah, and I’m not great at casual relationships. I don’t want to scare Reggie off
Remus: Then just give him some space, all right? Don’t Floo, don't write him letters, don’t call
James: That’s crazy, Moony. What if I see a sunset that reminds me of him?
Remus: …
Remus: When do you see him next?
James: We’re having dinner tonight
Remus: Okay, put a rubber band around your wrist, and any time you start planning your wedding or naming your children, I want you to stab yourself in the hand with a fork
James: What’s the rubber band for?
Remus: To slow the bleeding
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nixnight1 · 2 months
That one Big Bang Theory scene but:
James never loses his composure but sometimes like this when he's tired and lost and doesn't know what to feel, he brakes a little.
James: You LOST my mother's ashes??
The girl that works at the airport:...No...I-I'm just saying that sometimes bags are misrouted.
James: Alright FINE, where did you misrout the only woman who EVER LOVED ME.
--- an hour later ---
The girl: Mr and Mr Potter? As far as I can tell your bag arrived in LA
Regulus: So where is it?
The Girl: Well I don't know, perhaps somebody took it off the carousel by mistake?
James: So some stranger has my mother? It's thar what you're talking about? My poor mother can be anywhere in Los Angeles rightnow?
The Girl close to tears: I- I wish I was telling you that. Uhm but the passenger could have gotten on in an international flight
James: Okay, grate. So...your ENTIRE job is to find lost luggage, and you've narrowed down the location of my mother to the PLANET EARTH
--- James starts to walk away ---
Regulus to the girk: Listen to me very well, you better find my husband's mother's ashes, because one way OR ANOTHER we are walking out with a dead woman. Do you understand?
The Girl:...
Regulus: Do you?!
The Girl: Yes, sir
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what-fandom-again · 2 months
Sam: let's play a game. It's called "Baby or Cas."
Jack: Whats that?
Sam: I tell you quotes I've heard Dean say, and you tell me if he was talking to the impala or Cas
Dean, rolling his eyes: Ha ha ha, Sam. Very funny
Crowley: Fine, moose. I'll partake in your little "game".
Sam: "If anything happens to you, I'm killing everyone involved and then myself".
Crowley: Oh dear, this was harder than I thought
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie is just trying to sneakily film a Tiktok of Steve complaining about missing another day of work despite the fact that for the better part of the last fifteen hours, he’s been down for the count with a migraine. Eddie barely gets any of his truly ridiculous rant because Steve’s moved on to talk about the commercial faintly playing on the tv.
The song in the commercial is 1985 by Bowling for Soup and Steve is like, “That was a good year, yeah?”
Eddie: …Weren’t you in a fire in 1985?
Steve: Yeah, but it was still a good year
Eddie: All those people died that summer
Eddie: And that was the year that your dad cut you off because you didn’t get into college and you had to get a job dressed as a sailor.
Eddie: And you got beat up and stuck in an elevator
Eddie: You hit a guy with a car
Steve: And it was still a good year! That’s when I met Robin.
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agingerpanda · 4 months
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Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.
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theoutcastrogue · 2 years
Copaganda does three main things.
First, it narrows our understanding of safety. Police get us to focus on crimes committed by the poorest, most vulnerable people in our society and not on bigger threats to our safety caused by people with wealth and power.
For example, wage theft by employers dwarfs all other property crime combined — from burglaries, to retail theft, to robberies — costing some $50 billion every year. Tax evasion steals about $1 trillion each year. There are hundreds of thousands of Clean Water Act violations each year, causing cancer, kidney failure, rotting teeth, and damage to the nervous system. Over 100,000 people in the United States die every year from air pollution, five times the number of all homicides.
But through the stories cops feed reporters, the public is encouraged to measure a city’s safety by whether it saw an annual increase or decrease of three homicides or fourteen robberies — rather than by how many people died from lack of access to health care, how many children suffered lead poisoning, how many families were rendered homeless by illegal eviction or foreclosure, or how many thousands of illegal assaults police committed.
The second function of copaganda is to manufacture crises or “crime surges.” For example, if you watch the news, you’ve probably been bombarded with stories about the rise of retail theft. Yet the actual data shows there has been no significant increase. Instead, corporate retailers, police, and PR firms fabricated talking points and fed them to the media. The same is true of what the FBI categorizes as “violent crime.” All told, major “index crimes” tracked by the FBI are at nearly forty-year lows.
The third and most pernicious function of copaganda is to manipulate our understanding of what solutions actually work to make us safer. A primary goal of copaganda is to convince the public to spend even more money on police and prisons. If safety is defined by street crime, and street crime is dangerously high, then funding the carceral state leaps out to many people as a natural solution.
The evidence shows otherwise.
— Alec Karakatsanis, “Police Departments Spend Vast Sums of Money Creating “Copaganda”” | Jacobin, July 2022
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skeletal-petals · 4 months
regulus: *hiding james*
sirius: if there’s no one here, why are there two glasses of wine on the table?
regulus: oh, well, you know
regulus: i’ve got two hands and a bit of a drinking problem
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OH!!! OH!!!
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Oh mah gawd. He doesn't let anyone touch him unless they're his friends.
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If they aren't his friends, he'll either lean away or wipe off his hand. He hates being touched if he's not the one initiating it, to the point of wiping his sleeve off when Lucifer's hat just BARELY grazed against it.
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He didn't wipe his shoulder off when Charlie stopped touching him either.
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Before You Say 'He did lean away', or 'She wasnt actually touching him, her hand was just near him', Take A Look At This!!
Look closely at how he moves when she splits them up. He doesn't lean away, she SHOVED him. She actively MOVED him. That wasn't an 'oh she's making contact with me, guess I should lean away', it was a 'well she's shoving me now, I'll shut up for a minute'.
Which also proves she WAS touching him. She couldn't have shoved him if she wasn't making contact.
He didn't lean away from it, he didn't retaliate. The ONLY people he lets touch him are people he cares for. And not only did she put her hand on his shoulder, she actively pushed him back, and he showed no sign of discomfort towards it. So why am I screaming about this?
Because he DOES care! It proves he cares for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think saying he's her 'dad' is a bit of a strech, but he does care enough to let her touch him. He doesn't dislike or even have a neutral opinion on her. She's his friend, even if just a little bit.
Just an edit to clarify; I know 'friends' is probably also not the best word to use, but it's just the easiest way for me to describe it.
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kaleycuoco69 · 3 months
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