#before he started hounding us over whether we liked it
foldingfittedsheets · 10 months
On our hell trip to New Jersey my father in law had a birthday party.
At that birthday party there was a fruit tart.
The fruit tart pastry case was rock hard and utterly ruined that dessert experience. (There was other cake so this was fine.)
Afterward, FIL asked us repeatedly if we thought the case was too hard. My betrothed and I answered yes every time. It was too hard. His wife agreed. Too hard.
This distressed and puzzled him. He insisted that was the way he liked it. That hard crusts were very nice, actually, and that it was right and normal to like it.
We tried to explain. The custard and fruit were so soft, the crust being rock hard ruined the mouthfeel. You had to really work your jaw to chew and lost the soft niceness. It was okay if he liked it, though.
It was not okay to him that only he liked it.
He said: I don’t understand. Too hard. You just chew- you put it in your mouth and-
Here he shrugged to illustrate that naturally anything you put in your mouth would become chewed with no apparent effort.
But he knew in his heart that no one agreed. It was too hard.
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You know what? I have become a gaylor sympathiser
This is going to be a long post, sorry! Please read the full post before even thinking about commenting.
Over the past few days I’ve seen a few posts on my dash about taylor swift and her fans that have left a bad taste in my mouth.
I know that a lot of people think that some fans of her are “trying to make her gay” and I just wanted to put the record straight and defend some people after actually looking at what’s going on. And I know I’m probably opening myself up for tumblr’s poor reading comprehension but before I start I’m going to say this:
I do not think taylor swift is a lesbian
Ok? Now let’s have a conversation.
First of all from what I’ve seen most of the fans who talk about Taylor swift and queerness do it from a point of literary analysis and learning queer history. This is a huge part of the community and lots of people have said that they never would have learnt so much about queer history without reading taylor swift’s works through a queer lens.
Adding on to that point, it seems a little hypocritical for the gay site which loves queer readings of books, tv shows, songs, musicals, films etc to be bullying a pretty small group of people who are mainly doing queer readings of lyrics. Especially when those people get near constant death threats. Instead of bullying these people (who don’t think or do what you think they think and do) why don’t you go outside and think “does this affect me? No. Do I agree with them? No. Am I going to cyber bully them because of this? No.”
Secondly, for the people who believe that any speculation on a real persons sexuality is 100% wrong. I used to think this too but I have changed my mind a bit about this recently after stopping and thinking about it properly. I’m not trying to change your mind at all I just want you to stop and think for a minute.
If you only get mad when speculation is queer in nature, then maybe think about that for a minute. Why is it totally wrong to think a person might be queer. We probably do it in our daily lives with people we know and they likely do it with us, back in the day that’s how queer people found each other-by speculating on sexuality. Would you be upset if you found out someone that you know thought you might be queer? I wouldn’t, maybe you would but if you would, why? Why is it terrible to think someone might be queer (this is NOT about hounding a person to admit to being queer like shawn mendes, this is just thinking in your head and on your small blog that the person will likely never see). Also this is literally the website where we talk about historical (real people) being gay even when they would have never said something to the equivalent.
An addition to this point before people start saying in the comments is that this is NOT the same situation as with kit connor. The issue there was people assuming that he was straight and taking that role away from a queer person. Speculating that he was queer was the opposite of what happened in that situation. So this is not an example of what happens when you speculate queerness.
Final things to say:
1) don’t believe every post you see with someone looking insane about taylor swift being gay, a lot of them are fake.
2) before anyone says “they should listen to real queer artists instead” most of them very much do. There’s a lot of fans of Hayley kiyoko, girl in red, Janelle monae, tegan and sara, zolita, kehlani etc.
3) there are some queer flags that are there. Sorry but there are. Hairpin drops, lavender, the ladder, flag colours, songs about women, friend of dorothy reference. Whether they are intentional is a different matter.
4) shipping real people is not what is happening for the majority of the people in the community. Also this comes back to queer vs straight again. Plenty of swifties ship taylor with men she’s been seen with and no one goes into their inboxes and sends death threats even when they are the ones making taylor swift all about the men she may or may not have dated.
5) taylor swift has never stated her sexuality. I know this may be hard to belive based off of how some people act, but it’s true. She has made vague statements which could have many meanings but she has never clearly stated anything. When gaylors get upset with taylor it is not because she said she is straight, it’s because they are getting death threats and doxxed and she seems to either be unaware of it (which is unlikely given how she seems to be a little terminally online) or she doesn’t care enough to tell her fans to stop.
6) if she does explicitly say she’s straight then there will probably be disappointment in her use of queer history and flags and her potential queer erasure (as we saw with lavender haze, with straight women describing their relationships as lavender) and centring herself in queer spaces (like the you need to calm down music video) but no one will be angry that she’s not gay. And a lot will probably be grateful that she actually explicitly stated for the record to absolve any confusion. The main issue would likely be other fans ramping up the death threats and bullying.
In conclusion: these people who do queer analysis of Taylor’s work are not trying to out her or make her gay etc. if you don’t understand it that’s fine it’s clearly not for you and you can go quite easily without seeing any of it. It’s not illegal to read works through a queer lens and if it means more people know about queer history then I think that’s a very good thing.
I changed my mind after looking at what a lot of people are actually saying rather than what people perceive them to be saying and maybe you will too?
Just be kinder to people online please and if you don’t like what people are saying block them and do not engage!
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lovemyromance · 3 months
“Oh well Rhys & Feyre didn’t like each other at first” and “Nesta and Cassian couldn’t stand to be around one another at first” … “So Elucien might not be on the page NOW, but it IS endgame, that’s just how SJM writes her pairings 🙄”
But… it’s not though.
Even if they are enemies, even if they are not friends or lovers or anything yet - There is always intrigue. There is always attention, drawn to the other person. There is always SOME feeling, whether it be love, hate, attraction, or annoyance.
Feyre was told Rhys was the enemy, a monster, and yet when us readers read those scenes, we still shipped them together in ACOTAR. We were rooting for them in ACOMAF. Why?
Because their scenes, even if they were not on the best terms, were full of emotion. Full of tension, passion, some kind of pull to the other person. Their interactions left me feeling amused/scared/warm/shocked no matter what.
Even Nesta and Cassian, before their book, they were constantly at each other’s throats. But even then, you could tell Cassian would’ve done anything for her. They were willing to die with the other, and they didn’t even have time to be together yet 🥺. He was simply drawn to her, he could not stay away.
But Lucien… he is away. Not just physically, when he resides in the human lands with Vassa & Jurisn, but also on the physical pages in the book. He is barely mentioned in the story, and usually only around instances with Elain, if ever.
And in those instances he is mentioned with Elain? They are uncomfortable. They are awkward. They are avoidant. This is a fact, pointed out by nearly every single IC member, so it’s not even a reliable narrator thing. Elucien has not had many interactions, and they are all lukewarm, filled with apathy.
You can crow all you want about “oh that’s how all SJM relationships start, hate turns to love” but the don’t even have hate. They don’t have love.
They have indifference.
It is hard to write a couple that is indifferent to each other when they have quite literally the one main, revered reason in the fae world to get together: a mating bond. Like you have to go out of your way in SJM land to write a mating bond NOT as a good thing.
Nesta & Cassian’s bond wasn’t even revealed but Nesta was willing to die with him in ACOWAR. She might have been annoyed with him and hated him, but she never avoided him. She couldn’t. It’s as simple as that.
Elucien are mates already! And everyone knows! What is stopping them from getting together?
And no, it is not “Elain is still said she is fae and still mourning over Graysen.” Maybe in ACOWAR she was still mourning, but by ACOFAS she was adapting to this new world, their holidays, their traditions. She made friends, she glowed with health. And by ACOSF she is sneaking off to have a rendezvous with the Spymaster in the middle of the night. She is Elain “Put it on me” Acheron. So no, she is not still being held back by her trauma or her ex fiancée. It’s clearly written in that bonus chapter antis hold as their bible - Elain was READY for that man.
She’s not ready to face her mate though. It’s been 3 books and she still can’t even be in the same room as him. 3 books and she doesn’t even use his solstice gifts. 3 books and she doesn’t even care if he’s in Velaris or not.
Feyre was calling Rhys the most beautiful man she had seen the second they met, and Rhys was willing to die with her in just ACOTAR, before their mating bond even snapped.
Nesta & Cassian were willing to die for each other in ACOWAR, before their mating bond even snapped.
Azriel was willing to die for Elain to save her from Hybern’s camp. She kicked those hounds off him with her bare feet.
I’m not saying they’re mates or anything, but they have shown the same desperate longing, the same obsessed traits as the other couples. Elucien is the discrepancy here. Because even though they have already been established as mates, SJM has written their bond as something clearly different from Nessian & Feysand.
But I thought it was obvious.
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kynimdraws · 26 days
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Is it gay to camp with ur bf and ur ex?
To see the story drabbles the prev part is here (all entries tagged under "#Hunter and the Mask Verse Story") Yone design ref for this verse can be seen in detail here
Let's find out under the cut lmao
Over a week had passed since they started their long trek through the desert to reach Nazumah. There had been some encounters with stray Bacci and dune hounds, which were taken care of relatively quickly. It was also fascinating for Yone to see K'sante in action: in the dense forests of Ionia he was far more careful about his swings with the ntofos. But in the vast dunes of Shurima, he seemed more in his element. The power and grace of his moves just seemed to belong here. Of course Yone's soul-sword techniques were sufficient to dispatch foes as well.
During one of the nights (K'sante figured that it would take another day or two to reach the outskirts around Nazumah), they suddenly find a relatively large party pass by. K'sante and Yone tense, since it was initially unknown whether this traveling group was friend or foe until…
"Tope!" K'sante calls after recognizing his former lover.
The two embrace and laugh, and the tension disappears immediately from everyone. The two parties set up camp.
"Traveling by night too? So not a hunt, I presume? Where are you headed?"
"No hunt. And I was about to go to Nazumah to warn the council there about…suspicious activity at the Sun Disc."
Tope informs that through Taliyah, there has been some unrest between Xerath's Magus cult and Azir's newly built Empire following. While the independent Shurima nations were aware of this building conflict due to the increased activity of soldiers, cultists, and Baccai…there never have been full on war.
"While I would just let those two fight until both no longer walk this earth, their violence might bleed into innocent tribes and nations that want nothing to do with them. And there are tales of Azir's descendant that may be able to sway the crazy emperor, and I wanted to recruit able-bodied people for the cause."
K'sante nods. His mother, who was one of the Nazumah councilwomen that ran the city-state, would surely agree with Tope's plan. But instead of assuming it was much better for them to get an audience with the netire council.
"Then I will help, and I will be guessing Nazumah will also support. With me and you, and others at our side…we will be unstoppable!"
Then the two men chatter about trivial things, mostly catch up with one another. Throughout this Yone quietly listens in, somehow finding himself sitting between them. He would have been content just being an observer, but Tope was not the type to let that pass.
"So, who is your travel companion K'sante? He isn't Shuriman that is for sure."
"Ah, about that…"
Tope holds up his hand, a signal for stop K'sante from talking.
"I know you are a great storyteller, but I want the stranger to answer."
Yone chuckles at that, and concedes. With SOME interjections from K'sante, Yone retells how the two had met and now are traveling back. Tope in the meanwhile that brought out some palm wine that was shared between the three.
"I see," Tope finally remarks after the storytime ends. "I am glad you found good company with K'sante. By the way did you know…"
Before K'sante would stop him, Tope started talking about some of his adventures with the man. Yone is very amused by much of them, especially whenever K'sante would awkwardly say how much of a reckless idiot he used to be in those earlier times.
As they finally settle to rest for the day, K'sante claims he needed to sleep early and steps out from the campfire. Seeing that Yone was not quite ready to join K'sante, Tope comes closer to talk to the man in private.
"So…how do you like him?"
Yone starts.
"What do you mean?"
"A man does not merely follow another man to his homeland just for saving him. You could have just stayed back in Ionia. To remain as good friends. But it seems there is something more than that."
Tope smiled warmly. Yone meanwhile felt a bit awkward, especially given how Tope was…K'sante's former lover. He just looks away and stays silent.
"For the record, I was not making fun of you," Tope starts up the conversation again. "I think you are good for him. He is not perfect, but I can see that he cares and is a better man especially towards you."
He laughs a little.
"If anything, it is quite funny seeing him tiptoe around you like you are a frightened dune gazelle, because he is usually much more direct about his feelings. I was surprised he introduced you as just a 'friend' after hearing all you went through."
"Oh?" Yone finally responds.
"K'sante is like a desert storm sometimes, he will just charge and say his piece. But with you…he is being gentle. As if he wants you to say something first. I think even if you reject him, he'll respect your decision."
Tope chuckles again, pouring the last of the palm wine for both.
"A toast, to whatever path you take in your life. Regardless of how you go with K'sante, knowing what you know now."
Yone nods and toasts to Tope's health in return. Finally the two eventually turn in for sleep.
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twstbookclub · 1 year
Please Look at Me
Summary: Can you stop calling Epel cute? Can you not look at and gush over him like a cute toddler? Please, just look at him as someone you can love for once. POV: 2nd Person Pronouns: Gender Neutral Admin/Writer: Cressa🦋 Tags: Fluff, Romance, Two Idiots in Love, Unrequited was actually Requited Feelings, Angry Epel Felmier and his Country Accent, Abusing the word Cute, MC is a bit Silly and Goofy like that Word count: 1,790
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“I wish I was as cute as you, Epel.”
The Pomefiore freshman’s eyebrows rose so high that they disappeared behind his fringe. Epel turned to you in disbelief. Sat beside him on a stone bench in the courtyard, you fiddled with your popsicle stick as you stared at the clouds. Your eyes absent-mindedly drifted from one cloud to another. Epel could see flecks of gold in them as the scattered rays of sunset gave you an ethereal glow. Your lashes brushed your cheeks when you blinked, and your lips turned a bit redder after you gnawed on it.
Epel shook his head. He shouldn’t get distracted by how pretty you are when you literally said you wanted to be cute like him.
“What in tarnation made ya say that? And I ain't cute.”
You huffed, propping your elbow on your lap, and placed your chin in your free hand. Epel noticed the frown before he even processed the next words that came out of your mouth.
“Yes, you are! Literally, everyone mistakes you for a girl, and they start liking you for how adorable you are!”
Epel didn’t know whether it was a compliment or an insult. Judging by your pinched eyebrows and pout, you were praising him for his looks. He leaned back on his arms and tilted his head at you, as his gesture to elaborate.
“I…” You groaned, dragging a hand down your face. “For once, I just want someone to look at me like that. Just someone who would like me at first glance, or think that I’m attractive enough to flirt with.”
I do, Epel thought. I always have, so why can’t you see me?
“Ya say that like it’s a bad thing,” Epel gritted out. His harsh grip on his popsicle stick made his knuckles white, and the poor stick was on the verge of breaking into splinters. “Ya don’t need someone ta complete ya, y’know.”
“But I want to,” you sighed, wistful eyes brimming with longing. “I want someone to cuddle with me at night. I want someone to hold me close and exchange sweet nothings with them. I want someone to have arcade dates with. I want to make dinner with them, then eat together while talking about our day. I want to experience all of those moments with a partner at least once.”
So, why can’t you do them with me? Epel couldn’t find his voice. He settled with, “Maybe someday, you’ll find someone to spend the rest of your life with. Then, ya can experience all that mushy lovey-dovey stuff.”
You snort, turning to Epel with the grin that held his heart in a vice grip. “I swear you don’t want anything to do with romance because of what you say about it.”
I don’t mind it if it’s with you.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Epel stood up from the stone bench and held out his hand towards you. “We can’t have Vil hounding us for staying out past curfew.”
“You mean, Vil hounding you. I’m the Ramshackle prefect, remember?” The grin never left your face, and Epel wished he could just kiss you right now. “I can make curfew any time I like.”
As he felt your hand softly squeeze his, warmth spread from his fingertips to his entire being. Like a soft, fleece blanket in front of a gentle fire during winter in Harveston. It reminded him of home. It felt like home with you. Epel wanted to be with you, if you let him. He wanted to do all of those things with you and more. He’d do anything for you, even if it meant the world turned against you two.
For now, he’d settle with being your cute, effeminate friend who’d roundhouse kick anyone who looked at you wrong.
The next few days were the most dreadful ones Epel had. His conversation with you that day never left his mind. It haunted him every time he saw you glance at every passing student in interest. Hell, you even looked at the Vil Schoenheit as if you were considering dating the strict and demanding housewarden. Great Seven, no. He’d rather die than see you hanging off of that royal pain in the ass.
Every glance of yours was another drop of frustration for Epel. The proverbial cup was dangerously close to spilling over. It didn’t help that most of his competitors are literally taller and bigger: two things that Epel aspires to be, but cannot be. You could pick anyone, and still deserve the happiness they’d give you. Epel, though? He didn’t deserve you. You deserve someone big and strong enough to protect you whenever you, yourself, couldn’t; someone who could drop everything to cheer you up. Epel isn’t any of those. He’s tiny and dainty and cute.
“Ah, you’re seriously so cute, Epel!” you cried, hugging him after he handed you another popsicle for your Thursday hang-out. It’s been a full week since that day, and you never stopped gushing about how cute he was.
It was that vile word again. Cute. Was that how you saw him? Was that all he’ll ever be to you?
“You know,” you hummed. “I think… I found someone already.”
Epel froze, his popsicle melting in his grasp. The harsh heat of the sun felt blistering on his skin, yet his hands grew as frigid as snow. The forgotten treat started dripping onto the ground as the sound echoed in his ears.
“What?” Epel gaped, lips slightly parted in surprise. “Since when?”
“Since a few days ago,” you hummed with a smile softly curling the corners of your lips.
“It’s only been a week,” Epel exasperatedly claimed, desperately holding himself together. “You found someone already? Isn’t this happening too fast?”
The gentle smile on your face never left. “I mean, yeah, but… I’m sure about who I want to be with.”
Drip. Drip.
“Do I know them?” Epel whispered, barely heard among the chirps of the birds and the rustle of the leaves in the breeze. Somehow, you heard him through it all. He just hoped you didn’t hear the sound of his heart starting to crack and break.
You laughed, smiling so wide that your eyes narrowed into crescents. Epel grew jealous of the person in your mind that made you smile so happily. “Of course you do!”
Drip. Drip. Drip.
“Oh.” Epel stared at the grass peeking through the crevices of the cobblestone. His mind grappled for something—anything—to ground him back to reality. He’s slipping. He’s losing. Epel should have taken the poison of rejection over the sting of losing you to someone else.
Your smile felt like a slap to his face. What once brought him so much joy and warmth filled him with dread and misery. Epel drifted in and out of consciousness, only catching bits and pieces of what you were prattling on about.
It was when he heard the word cute again that something inside him spilled over into tears and screams.
“Stop calling me cute!” Epel snapped, abruptly standing to face you. The popsicle fell to the ground with a splat, melting into dirt and stone. The world stood still and held its breath while Epel lost his own to his pent-up frustration.
“I feel like you only see me as—as a cute lil’ kid,” the petite freshman struggled with his words, but he was too afraid to stop lest he lose the sudden courage to tell you the truth. “Cute, tiny Epel. Dainty, harmless Epel. Well, that’s enough of that!
I can cuddle you. I can—I’ll hold ya close and tell ya everything I like ‘bout you. I’ll take ya to the arcade and win y’a plushie for our date. I’ll be the one to make dinner and talk about our day over the table. Just—see me as someone who can be with you!
I love you, dammit!” Epel yelled, chest rising and falling from spilling his heart out. You stared, eyes wide and mouth agape. He noticed how you clutched your uniform coat tightly, right above your heart. How you had forgotten your own popsicle that the orange juice stuck to your fingers and trailed down your palm. How you dropped the stick to reach a hand out to him. Although, you retreated when you saw the mess from your ruined treat.
“Epel, I…”
Oh no, Epel thought. Oh hell no. He did not just ruin his friendship with you.
“I’m so sorry—”
“You dingus,” you laughed, but tears started pooling in the corners of your eyes. “It’s you. It’s always been you. Why do you think I gush about you being cute all the time? How I always hug you whenever I could? I was about to confess until you beat me to it.”
Oh. Epel robotically sat beside you again and buried his tomato-red face in his hands. Oh.
“Oh Seven above,” he muttered, voice muffled by his hands. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot.” Epel felt your hand, the non-sticky one, slide into his. Your fingers found themselves intertwined with his, warm and accepting. He squeezed your hand, still too embarrassed to look you in the eye after his outburst. Despite his shame, his heart still jumped at the affection in your voice. It was reserved for him. Just him. Epel couldn’t ask for anything more at that point.
“I kept dropping hints, but I thought you didn’t want to date anyone since… Well, you always call it mushy, cringe, and cliché. I tried to forget my feelings for you, but I just can’t,” you caressed the back of his hand with your thumb. Thoughtfully looking at your joined hands, you continued, “Stay with me? For as long as possible?”
“Always,” Epel replied, squeezing your hand and sliding his thumb over your knuckles. “You bet I’ll make you the happiest person alive. I swear it.”
Your smile, wobbly and wide, said more than enough. Epel felt the brush of your lips on his cheek. Light as a feather. Gentle as a warm summer breeze. The kiss lingered for what felt like hours, and he wished that you two could stay like this forever.
Your lips left the spot on his cheek, searing and begging for more of your kisses. Epel looked at you, who leaned back and laughed at his wide, doe eyes and red cheeks and parted lips.
“I’m counting on it, cutie. You better not disappoint me.”
Epel smirked, raising an eyebrow as if to challenge you. With his cheeks still rosy red, he pulled you close and grabbed your chin to look into your eyes.
“Then, I’ll just make sure you’re always looking at me, darlin’.”
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rippleclan · 5 months
RippleClan: Moon 15
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(Moon 15, Part 1)
RippleClan declares war against AshClan.
[Image ID: Downstar and Autumnstar face each other. Downstar says “We’ve had it with your bullying, Autumnstar. We are a sovereign Clan!”]
“AshClan won’t be happy,” Fennelspot groaned as Downstar led him, Rustshade, Clampaw, and Shadowpaw along the border between AshClan and WheatClan.
“I know that,” Downstar huffed. “I don’t really care if they’re mad at this point. I gave Autumnstar our ultimatum. I’m not bowing down to him anymore.” 
Clampaw walked between Downstar and Rustshade with a basket in her jaws. Flint shards littered the bottom of the basket and gently clattered together. Their shiny black surfaces caught the light of late dusk. The leaves around the RippleClan patrol were just starting to turn into their brilliant autumn colors. Shadowpaw, who wandered beside his mentor, stared at the shadows that pooled under the leaves. The human farms in WheatClan territory bloomed with the yearly harvest; fields of flax shimmered in the distance. The patrol walked in an unbroken line, with Downstar strolling along the border itself.
“I don’t like this,” Rustshade grumbled, glancing toward AshClan territory. 
“When are we going to get an actual artisan to trade with the other Clans?” Shadowpaw groaned. He shook out his pelt and walked closer to Rustshade.
“We’ll have to recruit more cats like Parsley and James,” Downstar explained. She slipped around the patrol and walked on the other side of her son. “I’m sure someone will want to be an artisan.”
“James doesn’t even do anything,” Shadowpaw grumbled with a sneer.
“He’s only been with us half a moon,” Downstar chuckled, nudging Shadowpaw. “Give him some time to adapt. He helped prep the apprentice’s den for autumn, didn’t he?”
“And then he complained about splinters,” Rustshade muttered.
“You’re supposed to be on my side, Rustshade,” Downstar laughed. Rustshade purred softly and rolled his eyes. “James is fine. We’ll all be fine.”
“So you made good on your promise,” a loud voice called. Downstar could smell Autumnstar and his patrol before she saw them as a stiff wind shoved their woody stench over her whiskers. Autumnstar shoved through the browning foliage and into a brilliant orange sunspot. The setting sun turned his orange pelt into fire and the scars around his mangled tail into currents of blood. Bearchaser, a crooked old tom who looked like a darker version of Puddlespeckle, stood at Autumnstar’s side, glaring at the RippleClan patrol. Bile rose in Downstar’s throat as she remembered Weedfoot’s horrified retelling of just what those two did to her and her friends.
“That we did,” Downstar said, marching in front of her Clanmates. “It’s just like I told you at the Gathering last night. We’re going to trade with the other Clans whether you approve of it or not. We’ll be sticking by the border, just like LynxClan does when they visit you.”
“We don’t want you wandering through our lands,” Autumnstar huffed. “All we ask is that you wait for us by our border and let us escort you past!” Autumnstar stomped up to Downstar with Bearchaser lurking behind him. The tortoiseshell leader could feel his hot breath against her whiskers. “We let you trade with the other three Clans, we let you attend Gatherings, we let your antsy little cleric there freely visit StarClan’s Shrine, what more do you want from us?”
“Respect,” Downstar hissed. “We’ve had it with your bullying, Autumnstar. We are a sovereign Clan! We will conduct our own business with our neighbors and we will not let you hound after us!”
“StarClan would not allow a band of traitors to so easily enjoy the well-fought privileges you demand from us,” Autumnstar hissed. He stepped back and glared at each member of the patrol. Clampaw squirmed next to her father and Shadowpaw lifted his chin at Downstar’s side, forgetting the fact that he was half of Autumnstar’s size. “Everything you have is because of charm and pity. You’ve won nothing by the strength of your own claws. How can we ever respect a Clan that is too afraid to stand its ground?”
“Meet us by the border, and we’ll show you who can stand their ground,” Downstar snapped. “If our words mean nothing to you, we’ll show how strong we really are. RippleClan, we’re leaving.” Rustshade nudged Clampaw onward. Fennelspot lurked behind Downstar, glancing over her back at Autumnstar’s burning yellow eyes. 
“Good job, Mom!” Shadowpaw whispered as the stiff winds that whistled through the trees sent clouds over the half-set sun. Downstar looked over her shoulder toward Autumnstar and Bearchaser, but the duo were already returning to their territory.
“Downstar, did you just declare war on Autumnstar?” Fennelspot gulped, scampering in front of her. “They have so many cats! Downstar, we have maybe ten cats who can actually fight them off!”
“I wish we didn’t have to,” Downstar groaned, stepping around Fennelspot, “but Autumnstar won’t respect us without a fight. We need to get back to camp quickly. I need fresh paws. Hurry, everyone!” Downstar ran along the border. The sound of clattering flint was her only indication that the others were following her. Fennelspot ran alongside her, the worry as evident on his face as the clouds were evident in the sky. A few drops of rain speckled Downstar’s pelt as she ran to inform her Clan of what she hoped was the best decision.
(Fennelspot: 72, male, cleric,  insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
(Downstar: 74, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Rustshade: 59, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Shadowpaw: 7, male, codekeeper apprentice, adventurous, confident with words)
(Clampaw: 9, female, caretaker apprentice, lonesome, interested in Clan history)
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Despite wishing Autumnstar would listen, Downstar feels forced to send a border patrol out to the AshClan border and prepare for an assault.
[Image ID: Downstar and Weedfoot face each other. Weedfoot says, “There will be other battles. It’s too dangerous out here!”]
The clouds that overtook the sunset brought a strong rain with them. It was the sort of rain that glued Weedfoot’s fur to her skin and turned the ground into slick mud. She helped Oilstripe, Scrubmask, and Parsley keep their footing as they made their way to the AshClan border. Downstar led the way, her soft and fluffy fur transformed into a soaked mess. The cold rain turned the world gray and nearly blinded Weedfoot. The only way Weedfoot could tell they were at the border was by the sight of those ever familiar trees with AshClan scratches lining the trunks.
“Mark as much of the border as you can!”  Downstar yowled as the sky rumbled.. “Be ready to challenge any AshClan cats you see!” 
“Downstar, the rain is going to wash away any scent we leave behind!” Oilstripe called, her belly fur sagging with water weight. 
“I know Autumnstar,” Downstar snapped, “you don’t! He won’t wait for the rain to pass to show his strength. If our scent isn’t fresh, he’s going to come here and claim our territory! We need to make a stand tonight! We’re walking the whole border tonight.” Downstar pushed past Oilstripe and marched along the border. Scrubmask looked half-drowned from the rain, but she dutifully searched for a spot to mark.
“If there’s one thing I miss about my old barn,” Parsley groaned, shaking herself out, “it’s the water-proof roof.” Her paws slid in the mud, but she followed after Downstar. Oilstripe pressed into Weedfoot as her dirty claws searched for solid ground.
“Weedfoot, I don’t like this,” Oilstripe gulped. She coughed out the ever-intrusive rain and said, “This is a big storm. It’s not safe to be out here!”
“Downstar’s right,” Weedfoot huffed. The mud sucked at her paws as she followed the rest of the patrol. “With what she’s said to Autumnstar, he’ll be looking to reclaim the territory we took from him. Fresh scent markers may deter him for a bit.”
“I can’t even smell you, Weedfoot!” Oilstripe whined. Her eyes bounced around as though searching for hidden enemies. “Weedfoot, if we stay here, I think one of us is going to die.”
“It’s just a storm, Oil,” Weedfoot promised, touching her nose to Oilstripe’s ear. Thunder grumbled once more as distant lightning flashed in the clouds. Oilstripe jumped into Weedfoot and nearly knocked her over.
“Weedfoot, do you trust me?” Oilstripe yowled.
“Always,” Weedfoot said immediately.
“Then get us home before something horrible happens,” Oilstripe snapped. Up ahead, Downstar and Scrubmask were marking the border. The rain disrupted their process, but they closed their eyes and pressed on. Weedfoot hurried through the mud, squinting as the wind blew the rain into her eyes.
“Downstar, let’s head back!” Weedfoot yowled.
“We’ve only marked a portion of the border!” Downstar snapped, turning her face against the wind. “If we don’t mark more of it, Autumnstar will swipe it for himself! Winter is coming, we need this land!”
“We have the entire ocean!” Weedfoot cried as lightning screamed somewhere in the distance. “We’ll have enough prey! It’s just land, Downstar! Storms like this send trees and mudslides down. We can’t get stuck here. Think of your kits!”
“I am!” Downstar yowled. Rain dripped from her face into her wild amber eyes. She hissed and shook out her pelt, but the water came right back. A new crack of thunder echoed through the Clans with such force that the entire patrol jumped. Downstar’s back arched as high as the Shiprock.
“There will be other battles,” Weedfoot promised, reaching a mud-soaked paw toward Downstar. “It’s too dangerous out here!”
“StarClan’s telling us to go back,” Oilstripe huffed, slipping beside Weedfoot.
“You aren’t a cleric, Oilstripe, you don’t know what StarClan wants,” Downstar hissed.
“I can guess!” Oilstripe yowled as more thunder roared overhead.
“Even the humans huddle inside in a storm like this, Ms. Downstar,” Parsley added, mud clinging to the back of her legs. “There’s no shame in it. Autumnstar’s a fool if he brings his cats out here, and I’m sorry, but you’d be a fool to make us stay.” Downstar’s back slowly smoothed out. The ground was more water than mud at that point. Downstar’s paws splashed rather than sunk into the ground. She stared at the puddle she found herself in.
“Then we’ll go home,” Downstar huffed. Her ears sunk as she turned away from the border. Oilstripe bolted ahead, any patrol decorum lost in the face of such a loud storm. Downstar took the hint and picked up the pace. Weedfoot helped Parsley and Scrubmask through the mud as her neck burned under the eyes of unseen AshClan warriors.
(Weedfoot: 64, female, deputy, charismatic, very clever, formidable fighter)
(Oilstripe: 19, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
(Downstar: 74, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Parsley: 109, female, warrior, righteous, good speaker)
(Scrubmask: 32, female, warrior, gloomy, fast runner, good hunter)
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Halibutpaw convinces his siblings to defend the border with him.
[Image ID: Shadowpaw, Graypaw, and Halibutpaw gather in the bottom left corner. Halibutpaw yowls “And stay out!” at a distant gray and white tom in the upper right corner.]
The storm a quarter moon prior made the territory look more like mid summer than early autumn. The rain and thunder had knocked the colored leaves off their trees, leaving only those still clinging to their green glory. The ground had finally dried, at least, allowing Halibutpaw and his littermates to journey across the territory with dry feet.
“Mom will be so mad at us when we get back,” Graypaw giggled, wiggling her flank.
“How can she be?” Halibutpaw scoffed. “This is our job.”
“Technically, it’s our jobs when we’re with our mentors,” Shadowpaw reminded him. He walked on Halibutpaw’s right and kept an eye out for other cats, AshClan or RippleClan. 
“Yes…” Halibutpaw admitted, dragging his back foot for emphasis, “but don’t you think they’ll be impressed if we can get some of our territory back?”
“Autumnstar may respect our gusto,” Shadowpaw said with a flick of his whiskers. “He seems like the sort to appreciate a move like this. It’s what he did to us during the storm.”
“We’re here!” Graypaw said. She ran in front of her brothers and eyed the land ahead. The siblings were partway through the forest northwest of camp. If Halibutpaw climbed a tree, he could probably see the old border, but it was too shrouded in shrubbery and trees to see from where he stood. AshClan scent drifted off each rock and stained the earth around them.
“According to Weedfoot,” Shadowpaw said, sniffing the new border, “this is where AshClan territory used to end before Mom founded RippleClan.”
“The patrol should have stuck around,” Graypaw huffed. She scratched at the grass. “If they hadn’t come back to camp, Autumnstar might not have moved the border.”
“They also might have died,” Halibutpaw groaned, one ear turned to Graypaw as he sniffed for fresh scent. “Either way, it’s the same; Mom starts moping around camp like she did right after Duskkit died.” For a few moments, Halibutpaw wondered what his older sister would have done had she become an apprentice. She probably would have suggested their little adventure days earlier. 
“Shadowpaw and I came up with this little trick a while back,” Graypaw said, trotting up to a tall fir. “It’s sunhigh, so whatever unfortunate soul Autumnstar picked for border patrol should be coming around any minute now. If we wait up here for them, we’ll show them we’re serious when we move the border.” Graypaw scurried up the fir, sending crumbs of bark tumbling after her. Shadowpaw was at her heels, and Halibutpaw climbed up a moment later. Graypaw and Shadowpaw delicately balanced on the thicker branches of the fir, studying the ground below, while Halibutpaw wrapped his paws around the branch and kept still. His tiny heart flew into his throat.
“Halibutpaw, even if you fall, you’ll land on your feet,” Shadowpaw scoffed.
“I know!” Halibutpaw huffed, staring dead ahead. “I just realized that I… don’t like heights.”
“Scaredy-mouse,” Graypaw sang, swaying her tail back and forth.
“I am not a scaredy-mouse,” Halibutpaw snapped. “Now stay focus! AshClan could be here any minute!”
“This is so exciting!” Graypaw cheered in a whisper. 
It didn’t take long for someone to appear. It was a silver and white tom with laurel leaves tucked into his fur. From the way his white pattern laid on him, it was like his front half was dipped in white dye.
“Anyone recognize him?” Halibutpaw whispered as his littermates noticed the new arrival.
“That’s Heronflank,” Shadowpaw explained. “He became a codekeeper last moon. I met him at the Gathering. He’s a nice tom. Maybe we should wait for someone else.” His paws shifted back.
“AshClan won’t be back here for ages!” Graypaw groaned. “We’re doing this.” She glared back at Shadowpaw, who stiffened and crouched along the branch. “Halibut, unclench!”
“I don’t think I can,” Halibutpaw gulped.
“Then you can just watch us,” Graypaw purred, eyeing Heronflank below like prey. The unassuming codekeeper carefully marked the new border, yawning as he did so. Graypaw and Shadowpaw danced on their feet, stalking closer and closer. Graypaw raised her tail high. Halibutpaw swallowed hard and slowly unpried his front legs from around the branch. His unsure paws dug into the wood. Before Halibutpaw could pry his feet up, Graypaw and Shadowpaw jumped from the tree.
The two gray tabbies landed on Heronflank before he realized what was happening. Heronflank yowled and screeched, batting at the two as Graypaw attached herself to his back. He smashed her into the fir trunk while Shadowpaw clawed at his side.
“Who’s a coward now?” Graypaw laughed as she fell off Heronflank. 
Heronflank spun and kicked Shadowpaw in the jaw. He pinned Graypaw down and bit into her scruff. Her scream ripped Halibutpaw’s feet off the branch. He launched off the tree, claws unseathed and eyes shut, yowling the whole way down. His claws struck something soft as they flailed. Heronflank screamed as Halibutpaw landed on all four paws in front of him. Halibutpaw inched an eye open as he processed the fact that he hadn’t died. A long claw wound ran down Heronflank’s right eye. Blood dripped into his eye and turned it from green-yellow to brown. Heronflank stumbled back, desperately blinking the blood out. He scrambled back into AshClan territory as the blood trickled down his jaw.
“And stay out!” Halibutpaw yowled, panting.
“Ha ha ha, yes!” Graypaw cheered. “We scared him off! Come on! Let’s move the border before he brings reinforcements!” Graypaw hurried over the border. Halibutpaw stared at his feet. Blood and fur stuck to one of his paws. 
“Did I just blind someone?” Halibutpaw gulped as Graypaw moved the border further into AshClan territory.
“AshClan has a good cleric,” Shadowpaw said, rubbing his chin on his shoulder. “Heronflank should be fine. Let’s help Graypaw before she yowls at us.” Shadowpaw joined Graypaw further into the trees. Halibutpaw rubbed his paw into the grass and ran after the others.
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[Image ID: Parsley, Rustshade, Carnationspeckle, Oilstripe, and Burdockpaw stand in a line on the bottom half of the screen. In the upper half, in the distance, we see AshClan cats; Barkfur, Eelgrowl, Autumnstar, a ginger tom, and Bearchaser, in that order. Carnationspeckle says “StarClan, what did they do?”]
Halibutpaw, Graypaw, and Shadowpaw took a chunk out of AshClan’s new border, marking as much of it as they could. They made it all the way to the WheatClan border before Halibutpaw suggested they turn back. Sunhigh had passed, and the rest of RippleClan was certainly looking for them. 
“Do you think Rustshade will be impressed with me?” Shadowpaw asked.
“He’d be a fool not to!” Graypaw laughed. “Oh, did that bite draw blood earlier?” She lowered her head. Shadowpaw and Halibutpaw stared at her scruff.
“I think he bruised the skin,” Halibutpaw said. Graypaw groaned and kicked a small stone. Shadowpaw chuckled, but his ears perked up. 
“Do you two hear something?” Shadowpaw asked. Halibutpaw and Graypaw tilted their ears. Somewhere in the distance, voices yowled through the trees.
“Graypaw?” the voices called. “Shadowpaw? Halibutpaw? Anyone?”
“That’s Carnationspeckle,” Graypaw chirped. “Let’s tell her what we did!” 
As Graypaw preened in her imagined praise, shapes danced within the bushes. Halibutpaw dropped as figures ran through the trees toward Carnationspeckle’s cries. The brown molly herself slipped through the scrub with Parsley, Rustshade, Oilstripe, and Burdockpaw behind her.
“Halibutpaw?” Shadowpaw gulped. Before Halibutpaw could say anything, a wizened gray tom soared into view and collided with the patrol. Shadowpaw and Graypaw dropped as Autumnstar raced toward RippleClan with Eelgrowl, Barkfur, and a ginger tom thundering beside him.
“StarClan, what did they do?” Carnationspeckle yowled as she pulled the gray tom, Bearchaser, off Rustshade.
“My son was doing his job, you fox-hearts!” Bearchaser screeched. “You nearly blinded him!” Halibutpaw pressed his full body into the earth as AshClan collided with RippleClan. 
“Our first battle!” Graypaw gasped. “We need to help!” Autumnstar and Parsley locked into each other’s shoulders. Burdockpaw faced down Barkfur and held his focus as Oilstripe attacked from the side. Bearchaser turned on Carnationspeckle and slammed her head down.
“You realize Bearchaser fought an actual bear?” Halibutpaw hissed. “Do you know what he might do if he sees me?”
“We can’t stay here!” Graypaw huffed. 
“You’re not going to.” The three gray apprentices yelped and spun around. Rustshade loomed over them, a tuft of fur torn off his shoulder.
“How did you get over here so fast?” Shadowpaw stammered.
“We’re going back to camp, now,” Rustshade hissed. He pulled Shadowpaw to his feet.
“But the others!” Halibutpaw gulped.
“They’ll handle it!” Rustshade snapped. “You’re not ready for this. Hunter’s crouch, all of you. Stay low and stay quiet.” Rustshade dropped into a low crouch and glared at the apprentices. Slowly, each one copied the ginger codekeeper. He shoved them forward and kept his eyes locked on their identical pelts as they snuck away from the disaster of their own creation.
(Halibutpaw: 7, male, warrior apprentice, impulsive, quick witted, lover of stories)
(Graypaw: 7, female, caretaker apprentice, bloodthirsty, careful listener)
(Shadowpaw: 7, male, codekeeper apprentice, adventurous, confident with words)
(Carnationspeckle: 17, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
(Rustshade: 59, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
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Don't Starve Together (Wes x GN! Reader)
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No on at camp liked having Wes around.
No one or thing in the Constant liked Wes at all, maybe besides the kids, but other than that most found him as an easy target or over all useless to the team.
Except you that is. Whether it was that fact that he tried to help and you saw his efforts or how he always was trying to bring others spirts up. Either way you liked having Wes around, and because of that you got put on...
✨Wes Baby Sitting Duty✨
"Wes got stung by bees again," Wendy says passing by you with a flower crown as a nervous Wes followed behind covered in bumps.
"(Reader), please tell Wes to stop making balloons," Wickerbottom says walking away while throwing part of popped balloon out of her hair.
"You owe me food (Reader). I mean it," Wolfgang warns you holding and empty bowl. "And ingredients, please" Warly adds.
"Take," Maxwell says before dropping the smaller French mime next to you.
It wasn't an easy feet, and most of the time the other survivors wondered why you were willing to help take care of him.
Every time you helped him it ended up with you having to kill monsters that were trying to hurt him, having to deal with other angry survivors, or dealing with his injuries (Sometimes even his death).
But in the end it was always worth it for the look of admiration in his eyes as he watches you work hard to keep him and other safe. The way he made sure you were fine mentally and physically at the end of the day. Could be the fact you both had feelings for each other.
You both hid it pretty well from the others (or so you thought). They could see the way Wes looked at you like a love sick puppy, or the black lipstick mark you may have missed while washing them off. They saw how you always were protective of him, even challenging Wolfgang to a fight for calling Wes weak. They saw you both sneak into each others tents at night.
Today was no different.
Waking up in your tent you looked down to see the mime wrapped around you torso with his face in your shoulder. Leaning down you pepper him with kisses cause the mime to wake up. Ruffling his hair you sit up being mindful of the still groggy Wes. Getting up you're quick to grab your gear for a hunt.
Giving one more kiss to his head you get ready to leave. "I'll be back late tonight try not to get in trouble," you say before leaving the tent. Meeting up with Woodie and Winona you three start to head out.
"Let's call it a day," Winona says walking over with a back pack full of ores. "Agreed," Woodie adds arms full of wood. "Fine by me," "Alright let's start," Winona says lighting a torch and leading the way. "I'd says it has been a good day so for," Woodie says. "Couldn't agree more," You laugh hulling a dead hound with a bunch of honey combs and butterfly wings in your bag. "Don't you two go and jinx us now," Winona adds pointing a finger at you two.
Letting out a nervous chuckle with Woodie you three arrive at camp. "Were back!" You call out as you head over to the cooking station. "More honey comb for you, along with some monster meat," you say placing everything down for Warly. Then heading over to Wickerbottom and Wilson you hand over the butterfly wings. "For you," you joke taking a bow. "Thank you (Reader)," Wickerbottom says taking the wings with a smile at your antics.
"Where's Wes?" you ask looking around. "Stuck in a tree," Wilson comments not looking up from the broken ice box. "And you guys didn't bother helping?" you add. "We have more important things, and it was a low branch he can get down himself," Wilson finished. "Wilson," Wickerbottom warns before turning to you. "He's in the trees over there I believe," she says pointing a to patch. "Thanks," you mumble kicking the ice box as you passed by.
"Wes!" you called out looking for the mime hoping for a signal at the least. Standing still you start to hear the sound of someone making balloons. Following the sound you're lead to a fruit tree. "Wes?" you asking. Suddenly his head pokes out of the tree with leaves sticking out of his hair.
"Need help there princess?" you ask causing him to blush from the nickname but you wouldn't know because of his white face paint. Playing along he starts to act like a damsel in destress placing a hand over his chest and one on his forehead. "Alright jump down I'll make sure to catch you," you say holding your arms out.
Looking down frantically Wes shakes his head before making an arm breaking motion then pointing at you. "Wes please you're as light as a feather," you sigh. "Now please jump down love," Slowly letting go of the branch he drops down closing his eyes.
After a while of not feeling the ground he opens his eyes. Turning to you his eyes widen from just how close you were to him. "I told you I'd catch you," you say giving him a smile.
Deciding to continue his little act Wes gets all happy before lunches at you and starts to pepper you face with kisses. "Gah Wes!" you laugh losing balance by the sudden kiss attack and falling on the ground. After a while Wes pulls back taking in your whole face that was now covered in black lipstick.
"What were you up in the tree for?" you ask trying to cover the growing blush. Getting up Wes scrabbles to the base of the tree grabbing some of the fallen fruit to you. "Aw hun," you say getting up and walking over. "I appreciate the help, but next time you try please don't get in a situation you can't get out of," you say rubbing his cheek.
Glancing at your lips he looks back up at you with puppy dog eyes. "Alright," you says before swooping him down and stealing a kiss. Wes still weak at the knees and overwhelmed by your sudden action with a love sick grin, looked up at you.
"Love you Wes," You say kissing his forehead. To which his make a heart shape with his hands before kissing you on the cheek. Laughing at the action you help him back up before heading back to camp as you both sneak back in your tent together.
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(Art by me)
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missbrunettebarbie · 1 month
Descendants Sortings
Mal is a burned Lion Primary. It isn’t obvious at first, but the more her character developed over the course of the series, the more clear it became she is not a Snake -frankly, this girl would have been better off if she would have taken a more self-serving Snake mentality (uo, I know!) in the latter movies- and no Bird, as she shows none of the signs. I did debate whether she might be a Badger primary or no, but both her ‘I want’ songs (If Only and My once upon a time) show she is a burned Lion who is desperate to unburn, but well, her internal compass has been skewed by being raised by Maleficent: “I can't decide/ What's wrong, what's right/ Which way should I go?”/“You had a cause to serve, but did you serve it?”
Mal really really needs a Cause to work for. In Descendants 1, her Cause is making her mother proud by stealing the wand. In Descendants 2, her new Cause is to be the perfect lady of the court and girlfriend for Ben. And she feels like she’s failing miserably at it, which is why she lives for the Isle. This and the fact that Mal is pretty much facing an identity crisis here and feels like her entire life is being caged by the life everyone else is planning for her. Both nightmarish situations for a Lion who isn’t entirely unburned yet. In the third movie, Mal’s Cause is to be a good queen for Auradon, no matter the price. I personally find Mal’s arc very compelling and intriguing as I think we rarely see a protagonist who is loved by the narrative supporting a point of view the narrative disagrees with, but still be treated with empathy by it.
Her Secondary is even more interesting to me cause before rewatching, I would have never thought she is a Bird Sec, but yet it is so plain! Mal uses magic as a very efficient tool despite never being formally taught. She just gets handed a book and is told to figure it out on the fly. And she does it spectacularly … by paying attention to the instructions like with the love potion. She’s also the planner of the group, some of the plans being better than others (drugging Ben, giving Uma the fake wand etc.). And last, but not least: Mal is an information gatherer. One seemingly insignificant scene that showcases a great lot about Mal is in the car in the first movie, when she asked which button opens the barrier. They almost died, witnessed magic for the first time and are leaving their homes, yet this is on her mind.
Evie is the textbook Badger Secondary. She is defined by her sewing and hard work. The girl is so good at it, she manages to buy her own castle with the money! I do think she has a Snake Secondary Model in order to play the role of The Temptress that was forced on her.
I had a harder time figuring out the primary, but one thing is clear from the start: Evie is a Loyalist. She’s the one who is more or less keeping the group together and she sometimes clashes a little bit with Mal, as Loyalists don’t see the bigger picture the way Idealists do, which in Evie’s case, is a very good thing. I contemplated Badger, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Snake actually. Evie may be one of the biggest advocates for the Isle kids, but she only becomes one after she says Dizzy again. In D2, Evie is willing to go to the Isle to save Mal even though she’s afraid she might get stuck there. And yet she still volunteers to stay with Mal there, because Mal is her best friend. Evie is a Snake through and through and I think it’s very interesting how in the third movie, which shows the darker side of Lion primaries, it’s Snake!Evie (and Uma) that are framed as being right.
Jay has a Snake secondary he uses to steal and charm people. And sometimes to exploit loopholes eg. making Lonnie captain in the second movie. He is a Lion Primary, of the Glory Hound variety in the first movie. His entire arc there is to learn how to work inside a team.
Carlos de Vill
Carlos is also an immature primary, but unlike Jay, he is a Hedonistic Snake. When they first arrive in Auradon, he’s mostly interested in eating chocolate and playing video games. He’s also the one most annoyed later on by Evie and Mal always going off to chat amongst themselves leaving him and Jay out of the loop. Bird secondary: he is a tech genius and knowledge gatherer (see how he tries to see if his clapping can make the statue change in D1).
King Ben
Let’s make one thing clear, D1!Ben is smart. And a troll (see him introducing Mal to his parents or how he tells Mal he knew about the love potion). He is framed as the Big Damn Hero in both the first and the second movie, which of course made me think he had one of the ‘heroic’ primaries: Badger or Lion. I settled on Lion, as it is incredibly easy for him to go against the grain. Something not a lot of people can say in this franchise. He’s also extremely concerned with upholding his role as a good king. He forgives Mal for the love potion because she risks her life to save him, which convinces him she is not an evil person. Ben has very firm convictions. He is the only one who stands up for the VKs at Family Day despite being the one with an actual reason to hate them.
He definitely has a Fluid Secondary, as a huge part of his charm is the fact that he tries to make himself liked. But he’s also a hard worker who disapproves heavily of taking shortcuts (see his fight with Mal over her using magic for everything) which made me go with Badger.
Uma is a classic (exploded) Snake primary. It seems to be all about Mal in D2. She’s enraged when Mal says she’s never given Uma a thought since she left. Ben offers her to come to Auradon and be part of a solution for saving other VKs. But Uma refuses. And I think it’s both because she wants to do things her way, but also because Uma is not exactly looking at the bigger picture here the way Ben is. ‘You don’t get to win everytime.’ These are her words to Mal when she realizes she had been tricked with a fake wand. Her secondary is a little trickier but I’m going with Bird because, here’s the thing, Uma is Mal’s mirror. Ben clocks it almost immediately: “She’s an angry girl with a bad plan. Not so different from you when you first came to Auradon.” Mal also constantly shows that she understands Uma and her methods better than anyone. Uma even uses the same plan as Mal when she uses the love spell on Ben. These girls are two sides of the same coin. (A bit of a side note, but I’m really curious how they are going to handle Uma as the Principal of Auradon Prep in D4. The clips we’ve seen so far make me really optimistic. Plus, since I’ve been hopelessly contaminated by TVD and never cured, Uma as principal reminded me of Caroline as headmistress in Legacies and yeah, I’m very optimistic this means good things for Uma xDD).
Li Lonnie
Lion Secondary as she is extremely honest and straightforward: “I know you hate us. And you are evil. But I’ve got money.” she says when she wants Mal to give her a new haircut. You don’t really get more Lion than that. Her primary was harder but from the first movie she looked to me like an Idealist with the way she saw the world: “Even villains love their kids.” I’m thinking Lion as in D2, she clearly goes to the Isle to prove herself by saving the king. Sounds familiar? Well, Lion primary Mulan did the same.
Princess Audrey
Audrey is another Lion Secondary girl in Auradon. Seriously this girl’s attempts at manipulation, make Mal look subtle: “Make me your queen and I’ll wake everybody up.” Villain!Audrey was a hammer: all raw power, no finesse. D1!Audrey was no better either, see her very blunt introduction to the VKs.
Audrey is a Badger Primary, no doubt in my mind about it. She’s very upset when the VKs disturb the Auradon Prep hierarchy and she exhibits some very typical Badger prejudices. “And then everybody looks good. So where would I be?” Audrey asks when she realizes Mal is giving the other girl make-overs, because she needs the social validation from being the prettiest princess there. In D3 it kills her that she did everything right and still someone else gets to be queen. I find it super interesting that Audrey asks Ben to ‘make [her] queen’ when she definitely had the power to crown herself. You might think it was because she loved him, but Queen of Mean ,which is her ‘I want’ song, shows very clearly that it was never about Ben the person. What she wants is his validation, because Audrey was raised to believe that his opinion, as the King, is the most important one. Audrey isn’t a Snake looking to have Ben for herself, a Lion seeking glory or a Bird trying to ‘rectify’ a system that is wrong; she is a Badger who is working within the confines of her society to achieve the status she wants.
Jane is so so Burned, I can’t help but wonder what the hell was Fairy Godmother doing cause she sure as hell wasn’t parenting her daughter the way she was supposed to. Jane is a Badger Primary who was ostracized by her only community so of course she latches onto Mal and Evie the first time they show her kindness. But D1 is a story about the failings of Badger primaries and the sheep mentality, so when she gains status and the VKs lose it following the events of Family Day, of course Jane aligns herself with the popular kids. She’s not gonna risk becoming an outcast again. This is also the driving force behind her stealing the wand. Her secondary is also super burned, but I’m betting on Lion. Not only is she extremely honest and impulsive, but Lion seems to be the default secondary for Auradon girls. Which is super interesting since generally Lion is not the secondary framed as the most feminine, but here it is.
...I just realized Jane is the burned version of Audrey. Oh, the irony!
Harry Hook
Double Snake, most likely. He is loyal to Uma and Uma only. He also has the ~vibe of a Snake secondary.
Prince Chad Charming
Chad is such a Snake Primary with Audrey as his person. He’s also pretty hedonistic as seen in D2: Ben might be dying, but the most important think is well, could Chad be second in line for the throne? I was a bit unsure of his secondary, but I think it is Badger as the only two times he’s successful (getting Evie in trouble for using the mirror, snapping at the VKs at Family Day) is when he involves other people.
Another Badger Primary. After Family Day, he gives into the peer pressure and shuns the VKs like everyone else. Maybe Badger Secondary too? Who knows, honestly this guy doesn’t have that much of a personality. But he seems to be a Bookkeeper Badger with the way he and Evie understand each other.
Gil doesn’t get to shine much, but I think he may be another Double Badger, and probably one of the sweetest Badger in the whole series. And considering he is the son of Gaston, I can’t help but appreciate the irony.
Dizzy is framed as a mirror for Evie in the second movie: the girl who could be so much more, if only she got the chance. This makes me think the two house share and Dizzy is a Snake Badger too. Which honestly tracks with the way she works at the salon and seems to hold no grudge on Evie getting to achieve her dreams while she doesn’t. Because Evie is her person, so of course Dizzy can’t be mad at her.
Celia Facillier
Celia is a Snake Primary who wants the guarantee of being able to see her father after she comes to Auradon, because she loves her father. It’s that simple. Considering how she throws the ember in the water out of rage when she realizes Mal has been lying to her, I’m thinking Lion Secondary.
Tl; Dr
Mal - (burned) Lion/Bird
Evie - Snake/Badger with Snake model
Jay - Glory Hound Lion/Snake
Carlos - hedonistic Snake/Bird
Ben - Lion/Badger
Uma - (exploded) Snake/Bird
Lonnie - Lion/Lion
Audrey - Badger/Lion
Jane - burned Badger/bunred Lion
Harry - Snake/Snake
Chad - Snake/Badger
Doug - Badger/Badger
Gil - Badger/Badger
Dizzy - Snake/Badger
Celia - Snake/Lion
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dollsonmain · 7 months
I am getting tired of That Guy's anxiety turning into him demanding I harass people for information that doesn't exist.
He insists that teaching Son to do this will make Son's life better as an adult.
Teaching Son to annoy people to the point that those people will not want to work with him is not going to better his life. That kind of behavior has not made That Guy's life any better, either.
The interviews for the tech school are on Friday and That Guy has been hounding both Son and me (he won't do it himself, he "doesn't have time" even though he gets home more than an hour before school closes and could make all the phone calls he wants in that time) to constantly pester school staff for information that is not available and when we come back with "That information DOES NOT EXIST YET" he yells at us and insists we keep pestering.
He did that to Son for three weeks, making him ask the same question over and over every day at school (I doubt Son did, honestly) for information no one could possibly have had, yet, and he's done it twice more since then.
This past two weeks has been the same thing (find out when and where the interviews for the tech school are) and that information was dropped for all students yesterday.
Now this morning he's asked me to contact the person on that email and make sure they know to make Son go to this interview event and not let him weasel out of it.
The thing is, Son does not want to go. He doesn't want to go to the tech school at all. He has said so, but That Guy decided he WILL go whether he wants to or not.
My parents did the same to me with soccer and basketball even though I told them repeatedly I didn't want to do sports because I hate sports. Turns out I'm physically disabled in a way that exercise is an emotionally miserable and painful experience (post exertion malaise and chronic pain) instead of ooo fun and competition!!! I fucking hate sports.
At this point, all Son has to do is go to the interview on Friday and tell the interviewer that he doesn't want to be there and his father is forcing him against his wishes, they will quietly reject his application without explanation, and he can get on with his life though he'll have to endure That Guy throwing a tantrum over it and more likely than not demanding Son and I harass the tech school until they give some sort of reason for rejecting Son's application under the premise that demanding that information will make Son do better in future interviews.
That Guy has pushed the tech school so much that Son doesn't want it, now. He was excited at first but then That Guy pushed and pushed and did mock interviews and demands and started insinuating that Son doesn't have a choice and if he fails his life is over kind of bullshit.
That Guy sucks the fun out of life.
But I do as I'm demanded to do because if I don't, shit gets bad.
But I hate, hate, hate being his mouth like this because it makes ME look like the asshole. I'm just the schmuck that fell for his lies.
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A Good Day For Magic
Crowley and Aziraphale sit on a bench overlooking a park filled with dinosaurs, the one's that humans have yet to realize were a complete joke and had never existed in the first place. Just another one of the Almighty's little games. But humans were clever, they'd eventually figure it out. They were constantly learning, building, changing and growing as the years stretched on.
Below them walked Warlock and his mother Harriet, she was pointing out the dinosaurs, and seemed to be talking to him in a sort of excitement of her own about something, and the boy seemed to be only half listening, as if he wasn't too interested in what she was speaking to him about. Perhaps, even rather annoyed, could be used to describe the expression on his face, Aziraphale thought.
Crowley's arms are crossed over his chest, and though he speaks, he doesn't turn his head to look at Aziraphale. " Well, we've done everything we can. All we can do now, is wait for his birthday. The Hell Hound will be key. Shows up at three on Wednesday. "
Aziraphale had been inclined to just nod along as Crowley spoke, in complete agreement with him, " Right. " Until he realized, that he couldn't recall there ever being a mention of there being a Hell Hound. " You've never actually mentioned a Hell Hound before. "
Crowley looked over at Aziraphale out of the corner of his eye, and gave a small nod of his head. He really hadn't been paying much attention when checking in with Hell throughout the last 11 years, and considering that Aziraphale and himself were trying to make sure Warlock was more human than anything, he hadn't thought much about Hell actually sending a Hell Hound, as he had some inkling of hope that they'd succeeded in making Warlock normal. " Oh yeah. Yeah, they're sending him a Hell Hound, to pad by his side and guard him from all harm. "
Aziraphale wasn't surprised that Hell had decided to send a creature such as a Hell Hound, he supposed it made sense that they'd want the Anti-christ to have all the protection he might possibly need. " Oh. "
" Biggest one they've got. " Crowley couldn't begin to imagine how long they'd been crafting the perfect Hell Hound, the demon's might be incompetent for the most part, but they knew how to do evil, even if it didn't seem like it at times.
Aziraphale's brows knit together as he thought, and he fidgeted with his hands, twisting his ring around his finger before opening his mouth to speak. " Well... Won't people remark upon the sudden appearance of a huge black dog? His parents, for start? "
Crowley set his jaw, his lips pulling into a thin line for a moment. " No one will notice anything. It's reality, angel. " The demon straightens up his posture, gaze flicking back down to Warlock. " And young Warlock can do what he likes with that, whether he knows it or not. It's the start of it all. The boys meant to name it. Um... " He pauses for a brief moment, to think up evil sounding names the Anti-christ might give his Hellish companion, should he name it. " Stalks by Night, Throat-Ripper, er, something like that. "
He does a small hand gesture, but does not uncross his arms. " BUT, if you and I have done our jobs properly, then he'll send it away unnamed. "The angel does his best not to let himself feel too anxious, now was certainly NOT the time. " But what if he DOES name it? "
Crowley finally turns his torso and faces Aziraphale, his expression is unreadable for a moment, before Aziraphale registers it as something akin to, perhaps fear? But it was always so hard to tell with the shades. " Then you and I will have lost, he'll have all his powers, and Armageddon will be days away. "
Aziraphale rubs his hands over the tops of his thighs, already able to feel the anxiety bubbling in his chest, there had to be something they could do. Someway to prevent Armageddon from starting in the first place. " There must be some way of stopping it. "
Crowley's brows drew tightly together for a moment, before they shot up as he thought of something, he leaned back against the back of the bench more, lips slightly pursed as he proposed. " If there was no boy... Then the process would stop. "
Aziraphale looked mildly perturbed, before he gestured down to where Warlock was huddled over a sign depicting the description of a dinosaur, an uncapped marker in his hand. " Yes, but there is a boy. He's right there, writing a rude word on a description of a dinosaur. "
Crowley tilted his head slightly, his mind working as he continued to try and get his point across to the angel. " Well, there is a boy NOW. That could change. Something could happen to him. " When the demon noticed that Aziraphale still didn't seem to understand what he was implying, he finally just blunty said. " I'm saying that you could kill him. "
Aziraphale's blue eyes widened at Crowley's suggestion, and he felt rather sick at the thought, and he couldn't tell if it was just because they'd helped raise Warlock, or because he was a still a child, Anti-christ or not. " I've never actually... Killed anything before. I don't think that I could. "
Crowley wasn't happy with it either, he loved the kid, enjoyed the years spent watching him grow up. Made him feel human. But one life, against all the other humans on earth- " Not even to save everything? One life... Against the universe. "
Aziraphale knew that this wasn't going to do, they didn't know if Warlock was even going to name the dog to begin with. It would only make sense if they were to attend his birthday party, and be there when the beast arrives. The gears in his mind immediately started to turn. " Then, this Hell Hound, it'll show up at his birthday party? "
Crowley's brow is arched in questioning for a moment, though when he speaks it's not poised as such. " Yeah. " What was going through Aziraphale's mind now?
Aziraphale is practically wiggling in excitement beside him, as he begins- " Well, then we should be there. Maybe I can stop the dog. In fact, I can entertain. "
Crowley's eyes widened, and he gives a firm shake of his head, his lip pulling back in a grimace. No he wasn't about to suggest- " No no no, please no. NO. "Aziraphale is already excitedly gesturing, gestures he'd use during his magic acts. " I just need to get back into practice. " He flexes his hands, and pulls himself to his feet. He digs into one of his pockets, trying to locate a coin, his smile is bright as he goes about trying to preform the human magic.
Crowley outwardly groans. " Oh no, no, no. Don't do your magic act. Please. Please! " His eyes follow Aziraphale as he continues to attempt to do his trick. " I'm actually begging you here. You have no idea how demeaning that is. Please. " Aziraphale fumbles, and accidentally drops the coin. " In your finger. "
The smile is able to be heard in Aziraphale's voice as he speaks. " No, it was in your ear. "
The demon sets his shoulders, wondering why Aziraphale got so much joy out of human magic. " It was in your pocket. "
Aziraphale tightens the grip on the coin he'd picked up, making a point to show Crowley. " It was close to your ear. "
Crowley gives a slow shake of his head, uncrossing his arms. " Never anywhere near my ear. "
Aziraphale is still smiling, even as he goes to sit back down beside Crowley on the bench. " You're no fun. "
Crowley arches a brow as he stares at Aziraphale. " Fun? "
" Yes. " Responds Aziraphale matter-of-factly.
" It's humiliating. You can do proper magic. You can make things disappear. " Crowley had seen Aziraphale do his fair share of miracles, just to get what he wants. He wasn't sure why he wouldn't let go of the human magic. Especially after the miracle block in 1941, where Crowley had actually had to shoot the gun at Aziraphale with no safety net in place. It still gave him nightmares on occasion, it could have gone pear shaped in an instant.
Finally, Aziraphale adds with a sense of finality. " But it's not as fun. "
Crowley tossed his head back with a groan. " Make you disappear. " He murmured beneath his breath.
Wednesday, 2:30 PM. [ Warlock's 11th birthday party ]
It hadn't been too difficult to pull a few strings and get both of them inside the party, not when the Dowling's already had a whole slew of waiters and other forms of entertainment coming for Warlock's party, intending to make it nothing but perfect for their boy. Even though all he really wanted was to do something with his close friends. So it had been very easy for Aziraphale to just snap his fingers, and suddenly their original entertainment had mysteriously become double booked elsewhere.
Since Aziraphale had decided that he was going to do his magic act, even though Crowley had tried desperately to get him to just disguise as a caterer like he was, or pretend he was one of the party planners who were bound to be flitting about. But it was to no avail, didn't seem to matter how much Crowley begged or groaned, Aziraphale was dead set on preforming his favorite human magic tricks.They has both made it a point to get there early, and of course they'd made sure it wouldn't look suspicious at all. Crowley walked into the back garden with his arms full of Aziraphale's tricks, as well as his trusty old sign that advertised his show.
Mrs.Dowling had stopped him on his way in, looking a bit confused. " Aren't you one of the caterers? Do you know the magician? "Crowley gave a half shrug of his shoulders, trying to keep a grip on all the items he's carrying, he wouldn't hear the end of it from Aziraphale if he broke anything. " Erm, I guess you could say that. He's important to me, is all. And he needed a hand. " Mrs. Dowling let him go after that, immediately going to fuss about some other little detail she wanted to be perfect.
The demon brought the stuff under the large white tent where he'd been instructed, and he plopped it all down onto a table that was conveniently sitting there, but the sign he propped against the table. He knew better than to try and set anything up, Aziraphale was very particular about stuff like that.Crowley was about to go and take up his place when Aziraphale ducked underneath the canopy of the white tent.
He couldn't help but think of how silly he looked in his little get-up, but considering it's age- The outfit still looked just as it had during 1941. And seeing the bright smile on the angel's face, it made Crowley's heart skip a beat.
" Thank you very much, dear boy. You really didn't have to carry it all. " Aziraphale said with a soft smile, giving the demon's chest a gentle pat, before he moved to start getting his area set up and ready for his little show. Oh, he was so very excited to finally have a chance to try out his human magic again! It almost made him forget the reason why they were really here, almost.
Crowley's golden eyes widened behind his glasses, and his posture immediately went rigid as Aziraphale's hand made contact with his chest. How on earth had he been able to do that so casually!? " Er, don't mention it. " He held up his finger. " Seriously, don't. Just knew that it'd take you forever to get it all in here by yourself. Seems it's all about to get started. "
The other wait staff started to make their way out to the back garden, as the sound of children, and parents or guardians alike started to pour out into the garden. It was suddenly VERY loud as the children started laughing and talking, all crowding around Warlock as he walks out of the house.
Crowley's gaze drifted over to Warlock and his group of friends, it was crazy to think that they'd watched him grow up, and now look at him- Dammit, Crowley knew that he was attached, but it was going to make the moment Warlock would either name the Hell Hound or send it away unnamed so much emotional, and high stakes. He wasn't meant to get attached, he was a demon for someone's sake! His eyes flickered back to Aziraphale. " Better go and take my place, you've got this, right? "
Aziraphale had mastered getting his stage all set up, the few times he'd been able to have his own show, and share the wonders of human magic! So, of course he already had it all set up perfectly. He grins brightly at Crowley, and gives him a double thumbs up. " Oh, absolutely perfect, my dear. Go on. "
Crowley walks off to join the other cateres across the way under the canvas tent, wrinkling his nose at the immediate barrage of scents he was hit with. There were far too many cultures mixed in the menu that was prepared, and many of them did not work together. But the Americans always had been a bit weird about that.
It didn't take long for the party to get started, Crowley tried not to move around too much, focusing instead on keeping the food under the tent organized and handing the other caterers what they needed when they ran out. His eyes would keep flicking to the watch on his wrist, watching as the time ticked by, slowly counting down towards 3' o clock.
Aziraphale had been practically buzzing with excitement, barely able to contain how thrilled he was to finally be able to preform again. But imagine his disappointment when eleven year old children were not at all excited about magic like he'd have hoped. Especially when they started heckling him, and tittering amongst themselves as well as out loud.
Aziraphale did not let his smile falter, as he held up his wand and got his top hat set up just so on the collapsible table, a magician never revealed his secrets after all. And he had already accidentally fumbled a whole deck of cards out into the crowd of children. " And with a wave of my wand, look whose come to greet us! " He reaches his hands down inside the top hat, and carefully pulls out a white rabbit. " Why it's our old furry friend, Harry the rabbit! "
One of Warlock's friends looks over at him, as the rest collectively groan at the rabbit in a hat trick. " I thought that you said you were supposed to have a celebrity musician. " Warlock looked away from the musician holding the rabbit, and towards the girl. " Well, he said that he was. I heard my mom talking to him on the phone. " The little girl shook her head, meaning that she didn't think he was a celebrity musician. " I had Penn and Teller at my party, and I had a silent disco. And I got a- "
Warlock scrunched up his face, looking bored at the prospect of the magic tricks. Then he glanced back towards Aziraphale. " You're rubbish, the rabbit was inside of the table. I wanted to play laser tag. "
Another boy piped up after Warlock, agreeing with him. " He's right you know, you actually are rubbish. And probably a fag, you look the type, my dad would agree. "
Crowley's eyes flickered up from the watch he'd been staring down at, and his gaze zeroed in on the child who'd just called Aziraphale a not so kind word. Warlock had gotten that started, was it hopeless for the boy after all? No matter, Crowley might be a demon, but he wouldn't stand for letting some child call his only friend a nasty slur. Had they not raised Warlock right after all? He was laughing with his friends, could that all be the human peer-pressure, or was he really a lost cause?
Aziraphale was carefully holding onto Harry, his gaze flicking back and forth over the crowd of children. Oh, this was supposed to be just like riding a velocipede! It wasn't possible to forget, why did he always have an issue starting out? He loved slight of hand magic! But instead he was just getting heckled by a bunch of eleven year olds. What happened to the days where anyone would marvel at the joys of magic?
Crowley snapped his fingers and the child who had insulted Aziraphale suddenly found themselves with a nasty case of the hiccups, and all the critters in the garden he'd find as he goes to leave, had suddenly taken a liking to him. It was a harmless little prank, and about all he could manage to do without drawing too much attention. The child looks confused, as he can't stop hiccuping, but he still talks with Warlock and the others.
The demon's golden eyes drifted back down to his watch, just in time to see it flip to 2:59, any moment now the Hell Hound would be upon them, and the fate of all life on Earth as they knew it could be at stake. He begins to count down the seconds, shouts suddenly erupting around him as Harriet Dowling announces that they can eat the cake.
The watch ticks to 3:00, and Crowley doesn't feel anything different. But he can hear the chunks of frosting coated cake whizzing right past him, as the children decide it's the perfect time to start a food fight. The demon, miraculously manages to keep his white clothes stain free, but the angel on the other hand, got whacked right in the face, nearly dropping Harry. His suit was coated in frosting and cake crumbs.
Aziraphale immediately grabbed up what he could after locking eyes with Crowley, and they both make their way out of the back garden and to the Bentley. He shoves his stuff into the backseat of the vehicle, carefully closing the door back. " It was all a bit of a disaster, I'm afraid. " Crowley gave a shake of his head, though he might not be the BIGGEST fan of Aziraphale's magic, he knew it made the other happy. " Nonsense, you gave them all a party to remember. Last one any of them will ever have, mind. "
Aziraphale's brows furrowed as he frowns, reaching up into his coat to pull out the dove he'd accidentally killed. He gives it a gentle tap on the chest as he speaks to Crowley. " It's late. "Crowley opened the driver side door to the Bentley, and went to slide in. " Comes of putting it up your sleeve. "
Aziraphale smiled as the dove came back to life, and he carefully gave it a gentle toss. " No, the Hell Hound. It's late. "
Suddenly the speakers in the Bentley crackle. ' Isle of Skye, and your time starts- ' " Hello, Crowley. " Cuts a voice through the stereo.
" Uh, hi. Who's this? " Crowley asked as he settled down into the seat, eyes glued to the stereo. Where was that Hell Hound?
" Dagon, Lord of the Files. Master of Torments. "
The voice almost sounded a bit annoyed, as they knew Crowley had met them before.
Crowley glanced around the area surrounding them, unable to spot or even sense the demonic presence of a Hell Hound. " Yeah, just checking in about the Hell Hound. "
Dagon's voice came through sounding concerned and confused, as Crowley always tried to make it seem like he had a handle perfectly on everything. " He should be with you now. Why, has something gone wrong, Crowley? "
Crowley's eyes widened at the suspicion in Dagon's voice, and he was quick to collect himself. " Wrong? No, no. Nothings wrong. What could be wrong? " The demon gives a purposeful pause before continuing. " Oh, no, I see him now, yes! What a lovely, big helly Hell Hound. Yes, OK, great talking to you. "
The radio cuts off and as Crowley sinks further in his seat, Aziraphale and himself lock eyes. " No dog. "
" No dog. " Was echoed back.
" Wrong boy. " Oh, how could they have had the wrong boy this entire time?
" Wrong boy. "
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theowritesfiction · 1 year
‘The Avatar and the Fire Lord’
I've lost the count of how many absolutely normal sibling scenes between Zuko and Azula there have already been in Book 3, but it's a lot. It's like the people who make the ridiculous argument that 'Zuko shouldn't be responsible for the wellbeing of his abuser' are willfully ignoring everything about their relationship especially here in Book 3. I'd say these people badly need to re-watch the show, but since I also suspect they are victims of back alley lobotomies, I doubt it would help.
I've also lost the count how many episodes of Zukaang parallels we've had by this point, but they're always fun and watching Zuko and Aang learn the history of Roku and Sozin is pretty damn amazing. The history buff in me is so jealous of Zuko having this access to Sozin's own unfiltered record of his deeds. I would so dearly want to have that kind of insight in the thought process of a real historic figure, but unfortunately it's not a realistic wish.
I have to say, for his age, young Prince Sozin is a very carefree and chill heir to the throne. This is... a little odd, but I suppose there could be explanations. We don't know much about the current Fire Lord, so maybe he really is an easy going dude who indulges in excessive partying and doesn't really care about making sure his heir is well prepared to take over. Or maybe Sozin actually wasn't the designated heir? We don't know what happened during those 12 years Roku and Sozin didn't see one another. In any case, normally a heir at this age would be groomed for leadership and how to handle responsibility, and his life wouldn't be a chill party.
Also, it's time to hand Aang 20 Jerk Points for public flatulence.
Okay, so I think I'm starting to get where Aang's inability to move on from his unreciprocated feelings for Katara are coming from. Roku couldn't move on from this one girl for 12 long years, and so he had to hound her - we all know what 'being persistent' means - until she gave in? Also wtf do you mean about 'being the Avatar doesn't hurt you chances either'? Is 'dazzle them with your status' a part of Aang's lessons? Right... I know you're dead, Roku, but here, I'm pouring 100 Jerk Points over your resting place.
Okay, so Sozin's plan... I honestly don't believe that there were ever any noble intentions behind his 'sharing the wealth and prosperity with other nations'. This is just a veneer covering imperialistic expansion from the get go. It's simply a result of the Fire Nation becoming wealthy and powerful, and having this capacity to expand and conquer that for some reason wasn't there before. And this is usually driven by the wealthy elites who see it as means to increase their prosperity. Whether the whole war of expansion was the idea of Sozin or his advisors, it doesn't really matter. If the material conditions for expansion are there, someone will eventually take it to the 'logical' conclusion.
I think Sozin's eventual betrayal of Roku is framed a little oddly. It's clear that after his expansionist plans had been thwarted by Roku, Sozin never abandoned those plans and waited patiently for an opportunity for the next 25 years. Clearly, Roku was the only thorn in his side that Sozin needed gone. Why then, did they frame his betrayal of Roku almost as opportunistic and accidental? He couldn't have known that Roku would get blasted by the poison gas, but I think it would have made more sense if he went to the island with a much more clear and decisive plan to use the situation to his advantage and eliminate Roku.
Iroh's speech to Zuko... yeah, I think a lot of it is just borne out of Iroh's paternal feelings for Zuko, because most of this 'you are the only one with the power to restore the balance' sounds very much like the 'destiny' crap that Iroh was trying Zuko to unlearn, only to replace it with... a more wholesome destiny? Ahem, I call BS. I'm all for stories where the new generation has to break the cycle of hatred and undo the mistakes of the old, but the idea that Zuko is some kind of sole messianic figure who is destined to do it... I don't buy it.
But yes, everything I said before that Sozin probably should have been a harsher figure and that his characterization was a bit too soft? Well, I'll also say... screw realism on this occasion. Sozin's portrayal as it was in this episode served the empowering and wholesome message of nobody being born good and evil, and everyone being deserving of a chance. I give Aang a hard time during this re-watch, but he is wise to see the importance of Roku's lesson here.
Also, Sokka just hold hands!
Jerk Points for Book 3:
Zuko - 410 Aang – 120  Roku - 100 Hide - 80 Sokka, King Kuei - 60
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galtx · 1 year
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GALTx eNews: Serious Talk About Kids And Hounds
A few years ago, we decided to no longer adopt to families with children the age of eight and under unless they are previous greyhound owners or currently have a greyhound. We received a lot of negative feedback about this rule and still do to this day. But here’s the thing: we are still frequently called upon to take in a hound adopted from us or elsewhere because of issues related to children. 
Greyhounds tend to be much more like toddlers than almost any other breed. They move fast and need your constant attention. Some Greyhounds aren't used to being touched while sleeping, never had anyone reach into their food bowl while eating, and are uncomfortable with kids pouncing on them or startling them while they learn how to play with a dog properly. It's not so much that the dog is aggressive, but that there are rules that have to be followed by the entire household, not just the child, to respect the dog's space. Before you decide to adopt, imagine your life today, in five years, and in ten years with an additional toddler. Consider whether you will continue to have the energy, the time, enough hands, and the patience to maintain an environment safe and happy for every member of your family as your life changes.
If you’re already a Greyhound parent and you find yourself anticipating the arrival of a baby, please take time in advance to prepare your Greyhound to welcome your child and to plan how you will manage caring for them both as your child grows up and your Greyhound ages. Click here for some tips on how to get ready. We know the challenges human children present and it’s human nature to overestimate what we can do. If you feel like you’re about to be in over your head, please take prompt action. Waiting can lead to otherwise avoidable injuries to both babies and hounds or a deterioration in the quality of everyone’s life. Additionally, your Greyhound is only getting older. If he or she needs to find a new home, the sooner you start the process, the better their adoption prospects will be. You can email us at [email protected] any time to discuss a re-homing arrangement.
Click here to read more about circumstances that suggest waiting to adopt is the best course. 
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second-chance-stray · 2 years
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RP Log: Rising takes Cravs out of the clinic to reflect on the Rising holiday in Thanalan.
Rising Lotus stepped out of the camp with Cravendy in tow, frequently looking back to make sure she was walking alright. Probably over worried. She did shake off a brutal hit and then got wasted, but still! She was taking her out of the clinic for some reason. "Thanks for comin' out here with me, though I'm sure you're happy to be sprung."
Cravendy Hound gives Rising a thankful look. Donning her usual armor, the only hint that she’s still recovering is the wince she makes while moving too fast and the stiff movement that comes as a result. Rising is right - despite her injuries, Cravs has been busy and whether her friend took her out or not, she’d have still found opportunities to slip out. Rising being here, however, shields this particular outing from well-intentioned nagging.
Cravendy Hound: “Aye! Thanks for takin’ me out. If I don’t get walked daily like a dog, I’m liable to chew on my tail, ahah!” she jokes. “But anyway, where to?”
Rising Lotus: "Jus' up the road a ways," she answered quickly before starting off at a modest pace. "You healin' up alright?" she sort of blurted the question out as if to move forward. "Between the tower an' the shite the Maelstrom is puttin' ya through, was pretty worried 'bout ya for a bit."
Cravendy Hound nods as she picks up the pace. “Don’t worry. Heartwood clinics set me good...hah. Since our doctors ‘ave ‘ad a wealth of experience,” she notes while looking over landscapes of dry shrub, sage, and wild aldgoats. “The Maelstrom ‘as been understandin’ all things considered.”
Cravendy Hound: “I asked ‘em to put the pirate ‘untin’ on ‘old for a bit so I could ‘elp out with the towers in La Noscea instead. They were supportive, so that’s good,” Cravs says as she faces forward at Rising’s back, unintentionally brushing over the details of this deal.
Rising Lotus: "Wish the same could be said on how they're treatin' Kazu..an' that situation..." she spat onto the dusty path. "Willin' to jus' let them captives die...doesn't sound like no Adders I've ever heard of." she kicked a rock into the brush. "But I 'spose Limsa is made from pirates, so maybe they're more laid back in such things? Anyway, here's hopin' we’ll help out more tempered out there." she let out a sigh afterwards, doubt poking through her optimism.
Cravendy Hound tips her nose up an ilm at the mention of Kazu and her expression tightens. “...They ain’t treatin’ ‘im right, and I personally think someone’s ‘oldin’ a grudge against ‘im. It’s not like the Alliance sees all who’ve worked with the Empire like they’re irredeemable. If that were the case, then what about Doma and Ala Mhigo?” She releases her breath, tired but trudging along regardless.
Cravendy Hound: “Limsa’s another story...but it was born from the bloodiest seadogs known to man. All this rule followin’ is what’s unusual, not the other way around. So aye. Ye can say it’s more laid back.” There's a slight tinge of sourness in her voice - of bitterness and longing. The age of unrestricted piracy is over, and she still mourns aspects of that.
Rising Lotus: "Aye, somethin' feels off, but I don't think he's gonna give us answers any more than they would. Hard enough to find the guy." As the bridge came into view, Rising started to go off the path, crunching on the dried grass as she led Cravs forward. "Jus' gonna have to try an' keep an' eye on him more than usual, see if we can spot anythin' out of the ordinary either when he's alone, or talkin' to them folks orderin' him around."
Rising Lotus: "Oh, watch out for snakes out here by the way, usually there ain't any up this way but they can be hard to spot in all this brush. Last thing any of us need is to get poisoned." she paid a bit more attention to her footing as they neared their destination.
Cravendy Hound smiles when she hears Rising shares her opinion on the matter and that she’ll also be keeping an eye out for shady business. “That’s good. We all gotta watch each other’s backs.” Cravs goes quiet for a time as she locks eyes with Rising’s ankles pushing through yellow grass. Left, right. Left, right. The steady march forward happens in Crav’s mind as well. “...Maybe more than just watchin’. If we think somethin’ bad is already ‘appenin’, we oughta strike instead of wait.”
Cravendy Hound: “Snakes? They’ll rattle to let us know afore we step on ‘em, r-right?” Cravs is more jumpy now though. Every branch is seen instead as a viper, and she swears more than once as she follows in Rising’s footsteps.
Rising Lotus: "..Aye...though we don't wanna do somethin' that'll put us an' Kazu in worse graces...probably." It still felt weird to her to not just, jump into action as she had before, perhaps being around two others like that had forced her to grow restraint. "Some will, but we're almost there."
Rising Lotus || Clearing through the last bit of brush, they reached a part of the cliff that jutted out. Rising went to speak, then stopped, clearing her throat to steel her resolve. "Y-You can jus' sit by the tree, for a moment. It won't be too long." She paused again, staring at the corrected aether coiling out of the mountain ahead.
Cravendy Hound laughs lightly. “Hah, ye and me both! I feel blind as a bat navigatin’ this shite, fightin’ with words instead of my gun...So I’m ‘opin’ I don’t end up causin' fuss. Heartwood can’t really afford another.”
Cravendy Hound raises a brow, curious about why Rising has chosen this location in particular. She does as asked and leans back, carefully bracing herself against the tree so that she looks relaxed. It’s half true - once she’s in the position, she feels better, but the transitionary stuff in between has Cravs masking the soreness she’s still recovering from.
Rising Lotus slowly steps forward until she's past the crunchy ground and onto the solid rock face of the cliff. She stops around three fulms from the edge, just looking out to the otherside of the canyon silently. After a little while she pulled something out of her satchel, it looked like some manner of twisted spike? It would be hard to tell from where Cravs would be standing. She merely held it tightly in her gauntleted hand while her bare one moved to her eyes as it seemed she was losing her composure.
Cravendy Hound can see the spike, held in Rising’s hand as she stands tall on a stony cliff, but she can’t see the details. How tightly her friend is holding it, or the minute shifts in her breathing, her cracking composure; Cravs lifts from the tree and takes a single step towards Rising, uncertain but sensing something off. “Risin’? What are ye tryin’ to do?”
Rising Lotus sniffles a bit as she continues to cry, slowly turning to Cravs. "S-Sorry...It..well, I guess it looks...off with it broken." Returning from the outcrop, she offers the item over to Cravs, the twisted piece of metal red and looking to have been snapped, or blown off as the case was, from the whole. " From my old spear...only part I got of it..."
Rising Lotus broke her sobs up with a bit of chuckling when she realized how stupid it must of looked. "I'm not..mournin' my spear..." she sniffled a bit. " 'Round this time I always visit here, since I used to come with with me ma, an'..she died 'round this time.." she took a few moments to collect herself. "...bought that piece of junk with the money I got for sellin' our old shack..so it's...hard havin' less of it left."
(Rising Lotus) Wow that rain was sudden)) (Cravendy Hound) ahahah it's appropriate! ))
Cravendy Hound - One step turns to many as she walks to Rising’s side. There’s a sand tossed silence that extends while Cravs stares hard at the spear fragment, gaze prickly and tense as always. The voice that comes out eventually, however, doesn’t match her gruff act. It is softer, unguarded, and flicked with echoes of something silver. Her captain saw it in Cravs as well - the gemstone in the rough.
Cravendy Hound: “Risin’,” she starts. Cravs moves her hand over the one that Rising is using to clench the spear. “Do ye miss ‘er?”
Rising Lotus nodded quickly, hand clenching the spear prong tightly as Crav's hand covered hers, sobbing a bit harder. "Aye..'specialy 'round this time..." she scoffed a bit. " I mean most folks..have trouble with...this time an' all.." there was a bit of frustration in her voice, a big mix of emotions from letting a little out. "But..It ain't so hard..or...it don't need to be...Riylli came with me last year...so I jus' needed someone again.."
Cravendy Hound: “Ain’t no trouble,” Cravs reaffirms. Her fingers settle over Rising’s gauntleted knuckles, calloused skin pressed against metal. “Thank ye for bringin’ me ‘ere.”
Cravendy Hound gaze steadily moves from their hands to Rising’s upper arm. She’s unable to meet Rising’s eyes head on right now, but she’ll work her way up to that in time. “It’s exactly what it needs to be. Just cause it’s ‘ard don’t mean it’s supposed to be easier. In fact, ‘ow ye feel...it’s evidence of yer love. That’s what loss is, too.”
Cravendy Hound: “Ye loved something so much that when it left, it left a ‘ole. There ain’t no movin’ past or around it, just...livin’ with it.” She lets out a tight sigh. “It stays with ye, and it should.”
Rising Lotus was silent aside from the huffing and sniffling from her sobbing as she listened to Cravendy speak, eyes still looking at their hands. She let the words sink in for a few moments before swallowing and opening her mouth to speak, finding her resolved to do it after one or two attempts. "It's harder this time..'cause the spear...but.." she lets out a soft sigh. "...thank you for comin'...it makes it easier, than it used to be." she was silent for a few more moments as tears still rolled down her cheeks. "...I got other...'holes'..yet..I think you an' Riylli know...I jus' ignore them." she turned her head away, glancing down the cliff. "..so..thanks for, helpin' me with 'em...an' uh.." she just rolled her shoulders in a lazy shrug as she rubbed the tears out of her eyes once more.
Cravendy Hound has finally made it up to Rising’s eyes. It’s hard for her to hold the stare as well - Cravs keeps looking away, or faltering - but she makes a serious effort despite her own shaking foundations. “Sometimes, that’s the only thing ye can do. Pretend they don’t exist. But I found, even if yer terrified of what might happen, addressin’ yer demons is...needed. I learned that the ‘ard way.”
Cravendy Hound: “I’d offer ye my bandana, but it’s pourin,” Cravs jokes, hoping to lift Rising with a bit of levity.
Cravendy Hound: “Ye know, some people make fun of gettin’ overly attached to objects, but that’s hogwash. Shit’s important. Why don’t we take that scar--” she points at the spear fragment. “--and transform it into somethin’ meaningful? To turn it from somethin’ broken into a part of a whole again, itself but ‘onored.”
Rising Lotus was able to meet Crav's gaze for a moment as well, she still looked a bit uncomfortable, scared, and yet thankful, and the quip did lighten her mood a quick tad too, chuckling as they both were soaked. "I-I...I'll...try to deal with 'em..." ((tho as we know from a certain event that takes place in the future >:])) as she thinks on it more, her eyes drift to the spear fragment.
Rising Lotus: "...Y-yeah...don't rightly know what you could do with it...but I think, that..that would be good." she gripped it tighter for a few moments.
Cravendy Hound laughs with Rising as she reaches up to lift a curl of dripping green hair. “Shower’s taken care of, though!”
Cravendy Hound: “Anyway, take it at yer own pace. Sometimes, the world will shake ye and force ye to face stuff afore yer ready, but otherwise, that’s what I would do. Comb over stuff slowly and one at a time,” she answers plainly, non-judgemental of putting stuff off. Twelve knows she did for so long and, to an extent, still does. But who in their right mind could set out to face everything at once and hope to get anything done?
Cravendy Hound removes her hand from Rising’s and scratches her chin in thought. “Hmm, well. No rush ‘ere too, but to toss some ideas yer way....Ye could turn a piece of it into a necklace, like a good luck charm? Or maybe sharpen it again and attach it to yer new spear?”
Rising Lotus was snuffling herself down as she soaked in what Cravs was telling her, she had heard similar advice before as well. She just still needed a push to try and follow it. "T-Thank you..for that...an' comin' here with me..." she gave Cravs a few short and quick nods as she ran her arm over her eyes another time, mostly moving water around at this point. Bringing the twisted prong closer, she inspect the metal spike. "..I don't know yet...I think I'll have to think more 'bout it.."
Rising Lotus: safely tucked it back away, turnin' back towards the canyon. "...when we'd come here I used to throw rocks over the edge, my ma would get so sore at me, said I could hit somethin'." she smiled weakly. "...I 'spose we should get back, don't need to catch another cold."
Cravendy Hound mouth quirks into a doggish grin. She pats Rising on the back a little too hard. It’s enough to knock the air out of her. “Yer thinkin’ about it! That’s the first step.”
Cravendy Hound looks over the cliff and snorts. “What’re ye gonna ‘it? The ground? Better ye toss rocks down a cliff than at a person.” Her grin falls slightly as she finds herself a little envious of Rising’s upbringing. At least you had a mom. It’s a petty thought that she quickly pushes out by force.
Cravendy Hound: “I’m used to bein’ soaked and worked till sea salt sank into my bones, so I’ll be fine. Ye, on the other ‘and, look paler than a sod who retched up their lunch. We oughta get back to the clinic fast. Can’t ‘ave ye goin’ under,” Cravs says with a chuckle, purposefully poking fun at her own situation by reversing it to an extreme. Rising looks positively fine right now, and she’s the one who isn't physically. “Let’s go, then.”
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Coming up: Return to Catalina
SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THE BAHAMAS AND THE UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS: "Before we head over to a certain American paradiso of sorts in the diving game," Peter Potamus announced to our diving company the other day, "I have something of an announcement to make!"
Which saw Mildew Wolf mumbling something to the effect of "And I wonder where I'll be assigned next!"
"After our diving soiree in the Virgin Islands," Peter remarked, "we have in store a return to Catalina Island--" [dragging out the suspense to such extent that you could hear the proverbial pin drop in the meeting room of the Diver's Delight, formerly the Treasure Room of the Jolly Roger] --"for the Avalon Harbor Underwater Cleanup, itself coming on February 10th this time around!"
"Now that'll be a rather interesting dive experience!" was how Huckleberry Hound parsed it, prompting me to add "And who still recalls our utterly spontaneous Character Convocation there a few years back, pre-pandemic even?"
"Which, mind you," Peter was quick to note, "is on Catalina Island off Southern California ... where 'cat' is its first name, as a matter of fact!" [Laughter throughout] "And what's more, my nephews Patrick and Perry the Second ... and my nieces Pamela and Peggy are joining the annual cleanup as well--take a bow!"
Patrick, the more energetic of the nephews, was quick to exclaim how excited he probably is in joining such an underwater treasure hunt, prompting uncle Peter to remark "Actually, it's a sort of treasure hunt--as in locating trash which errant boaters have cast into Avalon Harbor ... and maybe stuff like an old bedframe, like what Lippy and I found the last time we were present!"
Drawing its share of applause as much as kudos, not to mention the inevitable memories light-hearted. At which point yours truly was invited up to deliver further remarks.
"As if diving the Virgin Islands wasn't going to be an experience in itself with us Magic Divers," remarked yours truly, "our return most fascinating to Avalon Harbour on Catalina Island is bound to also be something of a Character Convocation unlike any other, almost ad hoc even ... and with our friends, the Catalina Diving Clowder even, being hosts for the Underwater Cleanup Convocation as well!"
Which had Hokey Wolf remarking that he "certainly hopes Top Cat and HIS clowder will be present as well!"
"Have you heard whether they plan to be part of the actual cleanup endeavour?" asked I.
"I do plan to ask them about it," Hokey glibly remarked. "And I just hope TC and crew manage to find some interesting schtick in Avalon Bay--and not just beautiful diving gals!" Prompting Peter Potamus to remind all, notwithstanding Hokey Wolf's levity, that the Underwater Harbor Cleanup "is serious business, and then some, not to mention a Good Cause!" [Pause] "Can anybody guess what it is?"
Squiddly Diddly got it correct: The Hyperbaric Chamber at Two Harbors.
But still, reader, to hand about diving the Virgin Islands. Which, as an American Territory, means United States citizens need not passports for entry or exit ... and which will be bound to get rather interesting, as we'll learn starting next time.
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @funtasticworld @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @thebigdingle @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @iheartgod175 @theweekenddigest @indigo-corvus @warnerbrosent-blog
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cordeliaflyte · 1 year
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worldly-diversity · 1 year
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@primowishes ○ 𝕔𝕪𝕟𝕠 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕔𝕖 ○
          ⤷  『  ❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜  』
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The desert had always been a dangerous place, as long as she and her mother, and her mother's mother could remember. A blazing sun that turns beautiful golden dunes into burning slides, oases that vanish before your very eyes just as you think you're about to reach salvation, and even old magic of the djinn which you only heard about in legends. Yet those invisible walls remained, and could even trap the unwitting if they accidentally wandered into one of the maze-like invisible structures.
Unfortunately, those were not the only dangers the desert had to offer. 500 years ago, that's when old stories say the Rift Hounds started appearing, dangerous enemies whose claws eroded your lifeforce at a rapid pace. They travelled in packs usually, but while clever weren't sentient or intelligent enough to pose a threat to a seasoned warrior, especially not one with a vision like herself.
However she had not been as lucky today, or perhaps blaming it on luck wasn't quite right. After all, it wasn't normal for people to be accompanying said hounds, nor for them to command the beasts. They had worn masks, and she could not distinguish whether they were Fatui or another nefarious group altogether.
What she did know, was that far too many had escaped the reach of her spear. Candace had returned to the village in shadow, needing to keep an image of infallibility in face of the villagers who depended on her. If at all possible, she would avoid allowing them to see her struggling or injured.
Cyno however had clearly not been particularly inclined to allow her mild subterfuge, as he had been waiting for her in front of her home with arms crossed and brow raised. That bloodhound... She chuckled softly to herself; he certainly didn't miss a thing, huh?
"I'm fine, most of it isn't mine." Candace answered in greeting, slipping past him to unlock her door so they could talk in the privacy of her home, without any of the villagers overhearing. She cared for them dearly, but there were things that didn't need to be overheard.
"Since you're here, I assume you already knew something was amiss? Maybe I can supplement some information. Let me make us some tea, we can talk about it over a warm drink."
Which would not only mildly distract him but also provide her an opportunity to sit down and assess her injuries, cleaning and bandaging what she could while they talked. If anything, things were more dangerous than ever and she'd very much like to provide whatever aid or support she could in solving this new mystery and protecting the desert dwellers from the new dangers that had made these sands their home.
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