#barbell pitch meeting
vinnymusings · 2 months
Save Andhra pradesh with your Vote (In Telugu)
Manam entertainment korukuntunam kabati mana nayakulu kuda devlopment kakunda entertainment ey istunaru, anduke manam jokerlu ipoyam, paka rastrala vallu pakka desala vallu mana mokhalu chusi navukuntunaru! Idi siggu padalsina vishayam kadu serious ga tisukovalsina vishayam! elections degaraki vastunayi ante chalu chinna pedha ani theda lekunda ekadapadite akada istam ochinatu vagutam. Manam…
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
How about this: After some especially rough missions, Ghost is on edge, his mental health hanging by a thread. Of course he doesn't admit it and powers through training and everything, but everyone knows he needs help, something to balance him out again.
Even the doctors are on their wits ends with him at this point, so they try a new approach and assign him to some animal assisted therapy. OF COURSE he hates the idea - waste of time and he is fine anyway...
So reader and their animal are invited to base to try and help him. (Or reader is the team mate, and the therapist an additional character - how ever, you know best.) I'll leave to you which animal it will be. ;-)
Ghost & Peppa (the dog)
Anon, hold my purse while I fill this with warnings:
Brief mentions of war
Mentions of physical & emotional trauma
This story is purely fictional and should not be considered an accurate representation of the practices and/or effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy
I did NOT cry while writing this. I’m fine.
He’s fine. Of course, he is.
Nothing wrong with collecting mutilated bodies after a bomb explosion—It’s part of the job.
What about him getting shot? Ah well, it got him on his shoulder—that doesn’t count. It wasn’t life-threatening, according to him. He was fine.
He had to talk to someone. You all tried to pass the idea to him. Everyone except Gaz, who didn’t want to get involved since he, too, was going through some shit.
Soap told him straight away. “Mate, you need to talk to somebody”.
“I got nothing to say”, was his response.
Price was more subtle. Such a tactful guy, your captain. He tried to bring the subject up by sharing his own therapy experiences.
“Opening up and feeling vulnerable was difficult,” he said, “but I pushed through.”
But all he received was a shrug and a stern “glad it worked out for you. I’m fine.”
And you? You tried to cheer him up, calm him down, make him talk.
For the past two months, he has been training daily, hitting that punchbag and bench pressing like a maniac. He was pushing his physical limits, attempting to lift barbells equal to his weight, and you were looking at a person struggling to lift the weight of his conscience.
But he was fine.
Until Gaz came one day and pitched an idea to the captain: “Animal-assisted therapy” they called it. The doctors assigned it to him, and it helped. So, why not give it a try with Ghost?
The lieutenant hated the idea. Hated it. Why? Because “it was pointless and stupid” to him.
Plus, he was fine.
But Price placed his thumbs under his shoulder straps and told him it was an order. And nobody messed with the captain when he put his thumbs under his shoulder straps.
The therapist arrived the following week with Peppa, the dog.
“Peppa, like the pig?”
That was Ghost’s first question. And upon the therapist’s first nod, the follow-up question came.
“Why the fuck would you name the dog Peppa?”
The therapist explained that Peppa’s first patient was a little girl who struggled with anxiety. She named her Peppa after the cartoon character, and the name stuck.
Days turned into weeks, and although he initially protested against the therapy sessions, he was now willingly participating in them. Almost looking forward to them.
“Can’t come to training today; got a meeting with Peppa.” He would say.
Such compliance? From Ghost? How?
You all reached a conclusion because you needed an explanation that could make sense—Ghost wasn’t engaging with the therapist as much; he was opening up to the dog.
Peppa became his silent confidante.
He was playing with her and scolding her for eating too fast. Sometimes, he would ask her “why she was so sad” or “so devious” and why she was always drooling. In response, Peppa would just whine, wiggle her tail, or tilt her head, and Ghost would interpret her reactions as he pleased.
Although you could all see the improvement in his demeanour, you still worried about his well-being.
But whenever you asked him how he was, his response remained the same.
He was fine.
You tried to shift the focus and ask how the therapy was going instead. Yet, Ghost would still cling to his standard response.
And then, the therapist advised to do something else instead.
“Ask him how Peppa is doing.”
And that simple question, about the dog’s well-being, unveiled the hidden side of his emotions. He would open up, and recount how Peppa was feeling a bit down one day, seemed too scared another day, or ate very little. He projected his own feelings and experiences onto the dog. He used her as a vessel to express his inner turmoil, revealing his struggles in a way that felt more comfortable and less vulnerable to him.
After all, it was the dog’s struggles, not his own.
He was fine.
“Do you think Peppa gets a payslip every month?” you joked one day as you looked at Peppa lying next to Ghost. “For having a job and all?”
“Peppa was a stray, you know; she always fought to survive.” he replied, kissing her head, “poor thing.”
“Poor thing,” you repeated, this time looking at him.
He knew he wasn’t fine. You all knew.
But Peppa didn’t pressure him to do or say anything.
She wouldn’t urge him to “talk to somebody” or “try meditation.”
She would insinuate, in her own way, that she was there for him.
Looking at him with her tongue out and a wide smile across her face.
Whining and demanding more pets.
Giving him the ball so they can play fetch.
Reminding him that caring for himself was just as important as those gentle scratches behind her ear.
“We’re in this together, human—you will be fine.”
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sexlapis · 2 years
❀ : jean kirschtein x female! reader
cw : ns4w, reader has a clitoris hood piercing! (i know the clitoris & clitoris hood are different btw i’m just going to say clit bc it’s shorter & easier) big clit reader <3, overstimulation, squirting, clit stimulation, sensitive reader<3, tattooed jean, petnames (angel, puppy<3, baby etc)
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thinking about jean who’s gf (u) has a lil clit piercing. a little gold barbell across your big, brown adorable clit. you got it on a whim, your friends daring you to get one & you almost saying no…but then you had a change of heart and got it anyway. now imagine jean’s shock when his sensible & responsible girlfriend has a whole clit piercing..yes i think he would go crazy & would want to play with your pussy so bad.
unfortunately for him (& you), you were not allowed to touch your clit piercing or masturbate. the piercer had given instructions on how to clean your piercing & you had to clean it gently and carefully as it healed. you were not allowed to masturbate for a whole month. a whole month of no action for you or jean. it had been the longest month of your life. everytime you went to clean you piercing and your folds in general it would always make you so sensitive & wet, even more than you already were. jean was no better. he would always attached to you like a puppy, so desperate to have sex with you but not being able to. he was constantly begging for just a little bit of action, a little bit of anything from you. “please baby, please just let me put my fingers in you…i won’t even go anywhere near your clit, promise.” you would always shove him away, scolding his desperate behaviour like you weren’t already wet from his words alone.
finally when the day had come for your piercing to fully heal, jean was on you in an instant, kissing you and sucking on your soft lips and tongue. then he’s taking off your clothes and leaving stark naked on the bed. jean brings his middle and ring finger to your mouth, saying, “open” before you open your mouth for him to put them in your mouth, getting his fingers all nice and wet. the moment jean’s fingers find your clit, your gasping. the piercing on your clit hood makes the feeling so enhanced and strong. it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. it’s a sharp feeling but not at all painful. it’s pleasant and overwhelming and you’re already feeling a pit in your stomach as jean is rolling his soft fingers over your fat clit gently. jean is cooing at you softly. “does that feel good, angel? uh-huh? i bet it feels so fucking good. you’re leaking all over my fingers, baby…” you release a whine at his words, your thighs quivering at the intense, wonderful pressure on your clit and your lower stomach. one of your hands is tangled in your bed sheets while the other grips onto jean’s tattooed forearm tightly. drool seeps from your agape, glossy lips and tears well in your eyes and jean has never seen anything prettier.
your hips are jerking to meet his fingers, fast and gentle on your clit. one of jean’s hands reach up to play with your breast. jean speaks as his eyes wonder over your trembling body. he knows you’re about to cum. “aww…you’re so close honey. c’mon just let go for me..” you’re letting out a succession of high pitched gasps before you’re squirting on jean’s hand and ruining the bed sheets. it’s too much, too much for your poor body and fuzzy head as you try to close your legs but jean is persistent. his one hand leaves your breast and finds you thigh, keeping it open so he can continue his assault on your poor, weeping clit. your hips move sporadically and he works & talks you through your non-stop orgasm in awe. “that’s it, puppy…making such a mess..just like that…” jeans eyes are fixated on your wet dripping cunt, whitish-transparent liquid leaking out of your brown folds.
you’re eyes are unfocused and shuddered breaths leave your mouth as you try to recover from the longest and strongest orgasm of your life. jean’s kissing your face before sneakily pushing two fingers into you soaked cunt. you moan in surprise and jean silences it with a kiss. “gimmie another sweetheart please.”
you whimper loudly, “jeaann! i caan’t cum againnnn!” but you lean into his touch despite yourself & jean smiles at that. before long he’s made you cum three times with just his fingers alone. you pussy is weeping, overly sensitive and soaked. you’ve ruined you sheets and jean’s hand.
“jean please.. that’s enough.” you say, your voice weak and tired. jean gives you mercy and his fingers finally leave you ruined cunt. he sucks on his wet fingers, savouring your taste. you hit his shoulder, face warm and he laughs at you playfully. jean leans in and kisses you softly. “that was so fucking hot..seriously we need to do that again. after we deal with my hard on because jesus christ this shit is about to snap off.”
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a/n : remember to pee after sex and clean your pussy throughly , especially if someone came inside of you…you don’t know what’s in that sperm😟
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zmwrites · 2 years
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[id: “Open Seas, Snippet #2″ written over a photo of a crashing wave. /end id]
In which Tess is doing some mending when she has an unexpected visitor. Or, in which Tess meets a mermaid.
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Wood creaked behind her. She tipped her head back, expecting to see blue sky and the rigging for the foremast, but instead found herself looking into an unfamiliar pair of wide set black eyes. 
Tess pitched forward with a startled yelp, away from the bow, and twisted to face the owner of the eyes. A mermaid. She’d never seen one so close before. They were a barely studied species owing to their elusiveness and wily nature, but were known for being incredibly curious. 
The creature trilled at her. Tess couldn’t help but smile. It was a female, lacking the distinctive beard-like barbels that were seen on the males. She had a flat nose and thin lips, and hundreds of stiff, thin black spines hanging from her head like hair. Each spine had a small orb at the end. Tess knew from her studies that the orbs glowed to attract fish when hunting in groups. Her face and upper body were a silvery grey, with a faint scale-like pattern that was only visible when the sunlight caught it on the sides of her face and down her neck. Where a human’s belly button would be, the grey transitioned to iridescent blue-green scales that flashed brilliantly as her fish-like tail flicked lazily below the bowsprit.
“Hello,” Tess said.
The mermaid chittered, interspersing it with the occasional click, and pointed a long, webbed finger at the sewing kit that had been unceremoniously dumped out of Tess’ lap.
“I made quite a mess,” she agreed, gathering the spools and buttons and arranging them in the kit. 
The mermaid watched, tracking each movement, then suddenly made a rapid series of urgent-sounding clicks.
“What?” Tess froze. 
The mermaid shimmied closer—she was larger than a human, and much larger than mermaids appeared to be from afar—and pointed again, this time at Tess’ hand. She followed the creature’s intent gaze to the metal button she was holding. It was large, probably to be used as decoration more than for function, and had the shape of a star pressed into it.
She held the button out towards the mermaid. “Would you like it?”
This time, her trill sounded almost nervous. She probably didn’t want to get so close to a human. There were stories about what happened when humans and mermaids tried to fish in the same areas, and if there was any truth to them then it made sense why she was wary.
Tess placed the button on the deck and slid it towards the bow. As soon as it was within her reach, the mermaid snatched it up with alarming speed. She cooed and held the button close to her face, turning it this way and that so it caught the light differently.
“It’s very lovely,” she said. “I’m not sure how long it’ll last in the salt water. There are enchantments to keep things like that from rusting, but I don’t know any of them and I can’t tell if they’ve already been applied.”
“Befriending the locals, Miss Bowen?” Dorian asked, his boots conspicuously loud as he approached.
She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “I’ve never seen one up close.”
“You’re aware they’re known for drowning people, right?”
“Most mermaid attacks are reactions to humans disregarding multiple warnings and getting too close to nursing mothers and their babies in shallow waters,” she said. The one in front of her was eyeing Dorian distrustfully. “Mermaids are matriarchal and live in pods, and the rest of the pod is fiercely protective of new mothers and babies until they’re able to return to the open ocean. That’s also where the common depiction of mermaids having large breasts comes from—typically they’re flat-chested for hydrodynamics, but they develop breasts for the purpose of feeding their young just before giving birth. That’s when humans are most likely to encounter them, when they’re staying close to land in the shallows to avoid sharks and other predators.”
“You know a lot about mermaids,” he said.
Tess blushed, the heat of embarrassment flooding her cheeks. “Sorry.”
“For what? Sharing what you know?”
“I can be a bit of a know-it-all.”
“That’s just what insecure people call those smarter than them,” Dorian said.
He stepped closer, his sword jangling at his side. The mermaid’s eyes snapped to the weapon and she opened her mouth wider than should have been possible, like a snake, to show off three rows of razor sharp teeth. She hissed and tossed herself back into the ocean.
Tess jumped to her feet and ran to the railing, just in time to catch the mermaid rejoining a small group off the port side and showing off her button. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare her away.”
“It’s okay.” Tess watched the mermaid pod dive underwater, then turned to Dorian. “Can I help you?”
“I wanted to make sure you’re alright. I imagine the past two weeks or so have been outside your normal range of activities.”
“It has definitely not been the series of parties and social events I was expecting when I arrived in Ayrith,” she replied lightly. “But I’m fine. I’m excited to get home.”
He leaned against the rail next to her, crossing his arms and studying her curiously. “That wasn’t very convincing.”
“I’ve already regaled you with facts about mermaid breasts, so I think I’ll wait for another day to complain about polite society in Astos and the expectations placed on me,” Tess said.
“Does that also have to do with breasts?” he teased, raising a brow. 
She burst out laughing, caught off guard by his cavalier tone, then clapped a hand over her mouth. Her mother would have killed her to hear her laugh so loudly in front of a man.
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Taglists (ask to be +/-, I know it’s been a while since I used these so please let me know, I promise my feelings won’t be hurt!): 
Open Seas: @theouterdark, @perditism, @klywrites, @etjwrites, @akindofmagictoo, @were-writes, @cirianne, @vellichor-virgo, @revrevrew-personal, @josephinegerardywriter, @ashen-crest, @dragon-swords-prophecies, @ettawritesnstudies. @wildswrites​
General: @theinfinitedivides​, @professionalasshat​, @writingbyjillian​, @sageblogsthings​, @thelaughingstag​
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victeux · 2 years
FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details. (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
tagged by: stole it from @heincus​ tagging: i’m tired if you want it take it
blank meme: x
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Sex: Feminine. 
Race: Caucasian.
Complexion: Naturally she’s pale, but you will not catch her dead without being tanned. Fake tan, real tan, either depends on the time of year. She does not have tan lines. The only chance you would have of seeing her in her natural pale ivory is if she were unthinkably sick and unable to tan herself.
Height: 5ft 1 inch ; 1.55 m
Body Type: Ectomorph. Other / More Details: She is generally petite with a toned figure, moreso on her bottom half than the top thanks to previous ballet experience for most years of her childhood and teens. She continues to dance frequently and so her body maintains the same physique it has since puberty gave up on any more major changes.
Body Build: Small. Athletic. 
Body Hair: Shaves/Waxes.  Color: Natural blonde. Notes: She has had laser hair removal done on almost all of her body. The only areas that have not been done are her pubic area and her stomach, although she still keeps all of herself hairless with waxing. She just felt those would be too painful.
Head Hair: Long. 3A. Color: Natural blonde. Style: It is a mess, but it looks alright. Mostly 3A curls but it seems to vary throughout, some curls falling looser than others. You could not possibly comb your fingers through without hitting several knots. She struggles to maintain it but refuses to cut it.
Eye color: Light blue.
Scars: None as of now.
Fashion Style: Vibrant. Trendy. Preppy. Girly.  Other: If it’s gaudy, shows too much skin, overly flamboyant, or all of the above, she will wear it. She likes to keep it feminine, though sometimes (mostly during days she doesn’t plan on being seen much) she will relax and wear jeans with a cute top or something normal like that.
Color Palette: Anything bright, rarely anything dull or dark.
Typical Clothing: Club fashion is the best way I can describe it. If you want to know exactly what she’s wearing in a thread, just HMU.
Piercings:  Double lobe (both ears), tragus (left ear), helix (left ear), industrial (right ear), nipples (both, straight barbell), belly button
Tattoos: Cat head silhouette on right bicep, rose tattoo spanning her right hip down her thigh a bit, two angel wings rounded under each breast on her ribcage.
General Facial Expression: A happy, care-free smile. 
Default Body Language: Loose, open to interaction, a bit ditzy.
General Movements:  Exagerrated hip sway as if she’s vaguely dancing to music.
Presence: Aggressively social and somewhat annoying.
Appearance: Despite her wild hair and fashion, she is notably clean.
Scent: Fresh. She tries to not use wild scents. Similar to Dove soap.
Voice Description: Higher pitched that can obviously go higher if given a reason to.
Accent: yes / no More information: Light Russian accent combined with vague valley girl talk. She’s been raised in America so she can hide the Russian decently, but it sticks to her voice like glue.
Speech Mannerisms: Informal in almost every circumstance, uses profanity at any chance and you will rarely catch her saying ‘-ing’ inside of ‘in’ at the end of a word.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Birthday to Remember
SUMMARY// After being pulled along to a strip club by your friends on your birthday, you end up leaving with some company.
WARNINGS// smut, oral (f receiving), kinda corruption kink, pussyjob, cursing, mentions of tobacco and alcohol use
AU// Stripper!Bucky x Innocent!Readee
AN// Requests and asks are always open, 18+ ONLY Minors DNI
Moodboard by// @commonintrest Dividers by// @skylightlantern
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The last thing you wanted on your birthday was for your friends to drag you to a strip club. You felt awkward and out of place walking amongst the room full of half naked men and drinking customers.
"This just feels weird." You sighed, following your three friends towards the bar that was in the corner. "We'll get one of those private rooms they have here for parties and a beefy man. It will be a birthday to remember, c'mon." One of them grinned.
You pitched in on the drinks and a private room, one of the men walking in right after you. Dark, chin length hair and a sweet smile that nearly distracted from the tight leather shorts that left little to the imagination.
You spent most of the time staring down into your glass, having to silently remind yourself you were suppose be having fun as your friends cheered and giggled as they stuffed bills into the waistband of the man's shorts; whose named you learned was Bucky.
You weren't really paying attention to what he was doing. More to the way the silvery metal of his arm gleamed under the dimmed lights and where metal met flesh at the base of his shoulder.
Wondering how he got it or if he could feel when someone touched it, rather than thinking of the smooth way his body moved.
One of your friends said something to him that you couldn't quite make out. Bucky nodding and looking over at you with a half smile.
"Want the birthday special?" He asked, moving to stand in front of you. Your face warmed at his words and you swallowed thickly, shaking your head. "No, it's fine."
"Oh, come on. Don't be a prude." One of the three girls groaned, poking one of your crossed legs.
Wetting your lips, you glanced up at Bucky who looked at you with welcoming eyes. "Yeah, okay." You nodded.
Your stomach flipped when he took the drink from your hands, handing it to your friend before the cool metal of his left hand nudged at your knee for you to uncross your legs.
Bucky placed his hands on the back of the couch, your shoulders trapped between metal and flesh as he leaned down to talk in your ear. "If you're uncomfortable with anything, just pinch me."
You gave another nod and he smiled, flashing his pearly whites as he leaned his knees against the edge of the plush cushion on either side of yours.
Your heart beat wildly in your chest when he tugged at the laces of the shorts to loosen them before taking your hands in his.
Bucky was eating up every reaction you gave. The way you chewed your bottom lip as he guided your hands along the taut muscles of his chest and abdomen, your fingers feeling every dip in the smooth skin and grazing over the barbells that pierced through his nipples.
He especially liked the way you weren't trying to rush his hands to go under his shorts; letting him be in full control.
Your eyes went wide when he stopped your hands at the waistband of the leather, the sound of your heart beating and blood rushing in your ears almost drowning out the sound of your friends giggling and squealing.
And the sound of the door opening.
"Buck, you've got a set." Another man said from the doorway. "I'm in the middle of a session." Bucky huffed, looking over his shoulder but not moving your hands. "Cap is gonna fill in."
Letting out a heavy sigh, Bucky finally let go of your hands, but his close proximity wasn't letting your body relax just yet as he leaned to peck a kiss to your cheek. "Happy birthday." He chuckled before standing.
A broad blonde took his place, this one letting you sit in peace and stare into you half empty glass.
"I'm gonna head home." You exhaled, glancing at the happy looks on your friend's faces. "Fine, buzz kill." One of them muttered.
Pushing through the crowded club, you pushed the heavy metal door open. Bucky was leaned against the concrete wall of the building not far from the door, now in a pair of sweats and a hoodie as he smoked a cigarette.
"The birthday girl." He grinned, blue eyes meeting yours as you stepped closer. "Want one?" He asked, holding the cigarette out towards you. "Uh, no. Thanks."
"Listen-" he cleared his throat, pushing away from the wall to stand in front of you. "I can find someone to cover for me if you need some company on your walk home." He offered before bringing the cigarette to his lips.
"I'll be fine, I'm not too far." You shrugged, looking to the sidewalk. "You can't walk alone, it's one in the morning." Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. "That's different than walking with a stranger?"
His tongue jutted out across his bottom lip, eyebrows twitching upwards. "Well- I was about five seconds away from putting your hand in my shorts around thirty minutes ago. I think I'm a little better than a stranger." He teased, leaning forward slightly. "Besides, your friends kinda seem like assholes."
He wasn't wrong. They were sometimes pushy, telling you to loosen up a little and dragging you along with them to places where you felt out of place.
"Ok, fine." You exhaled. Bucky cracked a smile and dropped his cigarette, stomping it out under his shoe. "Let me get my stuff, just wait here for a second." He said, brushing his fingers to your forearm.
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"Thanks, for walking with me." You said as you unlocked your front door. "This isn't the worst side of town but it's not the best either." Bucky said with a small laugh.
"I forgot to tip you, by the w-" his warm hand stopped yours from digging in your wallet, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it. Just- invite me in for a drink." He shrugged.
You narrowed your eyes at him, cocking your head to the side. "You're not a creep, are you?"
Bucky laughed, his smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "No, just don't want a pretty girl to spend her birthday alone. Plus, I had someone take over my shift."
"Well, my apartment is dry. So, you're out of luck on that drink." You smiled, opening the door to walk into the small studio apartment. "That's fair."
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Bucky was good company as the two of you sat on the couch in your living room, telling you funny stories about his time working at the club and listening intently to anything you said. The lighting in your apartment made his eyes even more blue than you'd noticed earlier and his features look sharper, framed by his dark locks.
Over the last couple of hours he had slowly moved his way closer to you. Close enough that you could smell his woodsy cologne mixed in with the scent of cigarettes, his metal arm resting on the back of the couch as his right hand would occasionally brush against you when he'd talk.
"You're cute, like a bunny." He said with a small laugh, making your face heat up. "Thanks, I guess?" You mumbled, chewing your tongue as he lifted his hand to your cheek.
He hummed in response, leaning closer until his lips brushed yours and your breathing hitched.
You pressed a hand against his chest and leaned away slightly. "I've never..." You trailed off, hoping he'd get the point. "I figured that much. Can go as far as you want, or we don't have to at all."
"How many girls have you said that to?" You silently cursed yourself for saying it as soon as you did, biting down on the inside of your cheek. He just chuckled and brushed his thumb over the tip of your nose. "I'm more of a long term guy. Pretty sure I can count who I've slept with on one hand."
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." You said quietly, pulling at a string on the seam of your jeans. "I know." Bucky said before slotting his lips over yours, the kiss gentle and sweet.
The taste of cigarettes and mint gum flooded your tastebuds when his tongue slipped past your lips to press into yours, the softness of his plump lips contrasting the scratch of his stubble.
Bucky just felt so welcoming, his touches cautious to wait for you to stop him as his hand moved from your cheek. Fingers ghosting down the side of your neck to leave goosebumps in their wake, along the buttons of your blouse and finally stopping to wedge between your thighs.
He pulled away, leaving your breathless as you blinked your eyes open to meet his lust filled blue ones. "Remember to pinch me if anything makes you uncomfortable." He teased, pecking a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Things were moving fast, clothes quickly discarded on the path from the couch to your bed. Bucky's hands and lips only parting from you long enough to rid another clothing item that shielded his skin from yours until all that stood in his way was your underwear and his leather shorts.
You weren't sure if it was the head rush from only knowing Bucky for a few hours after holding out for so long, or the way his darkened eyes looked you over as he bent his body over yours.
"You're so beautiful." He breathed, leaving a brisk kiss to your lips before trailing wet kisses down your neck and chest.
Your hands gripped onto the sheets harder the further down your abdomen he got, trying to keep your breathing even as fingers hooked in the waistband of your underwear.
Bucky looked up at you one last time before dragging the fabric down your legs, tossing them to the side and taking his spot back between your legs.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to watch as he peppered kisses to the inside of your thighs, cold metal and warm flesh gently massaging the outsides of them as his stubble scraped at your skin.
A squeak erupted from your throat when he sunk his teeth into the supple flesh, making you move your leg away from his face to pull the skin from between his teeth.
Bucky chuckled and placed a soothing kiss on the mark. One to remind you that none of this had been a dream.
An excited chill ran down your spine when his hot breath fanned your dripping folds. Bucky giving one last glance before flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud, a soft chuckle bubbling in his chest when your body jolted and you drew in a sharp breath.
"So responsive, I could get use to that." He winked, licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
Bucky basked in every breathy sound and reaction he elicited from you, moaning at the taste he wanted to burn into his memory. In hopes he had another chance at this, the slice of heaven he held in his hands.
The chance to have his own angel to bend and mold into his filthiest dream.
He moved his hand to ease his middle finger into your heat, groaning at the immediate flutter of your walls as your hands fisted the sheet and chest heaved with a soft moan.
"Oh, c'mon. You can be louder than that, bunny." Bucky purred, curling the long, thick finger to find the sweet spot to set off the reaction he wanted. A louder moan pulling from your chest when he found the rough patch just inside your cunt making him smirk. "There it is."
He locked his lips around your clit again, fingers curling into the spot that pulled the vulgar sounds from your sweet lips as he sucked and flicked his tongue over the bundle of nerves. An unfamiliar feeling quickly building in your lower belly.
"Bucky-" You keened as white hot pleasure surged through you, your trembling thighs closing on his head as his metal hand moved from your hip to grope at your chest.
His fingers pinched and grazed the pebbled bud before massaging the flesh under his palm as your back arched, your breath catching in your throat and ears ringing.
Bucky lifted his head from between your legs, finger continuing to stroke your walls to work you through your orgasm as he pulled the laces of his shorts loose.
Your skin felt like it was on fire, every nerve alive as you opened your eyes again to Bucky standing at the end of the bed and shoving the shorts down his thick thighs. Erection springing free to give a glance of the two barbells on the underside of his cock. One under the ridge of his swollen head, the other at the base.
Your heart pounded in your ears when he moved back between your legs, stomach flipping from the nerves as his leaking tip ran through your folds and prodded your entrance. "Wait-"
Your hand pressed to the firm muscles of Bucky's stomach made his movements still and eyes flick up to meet your nervous expression. "We can stop if you want. Or we can try something else." He suggested, leaning on his palms to catch your lips in his briefly.
You nodded and let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, something else." You breathed.
A whimper passed your lips when he rocked his hips forward, the barbell sliding over your clit sending shocks of pleasure through you.
Bucky's bottom lip disappeared behind his teeth as let out quiet groans from the feeling of your slick coating his shaft.
"Talk to me, bunny. This okay?" He panted, gaze raking over your naked form that still had the sheet clutched tightly as melodic sounds spilled from your lips.
"Feels good," You panted, words slightly slurred from the dizzy feeling in your head caused by the pressure quickly building again. "So good." He moaned, holding his base to have better guidance through your folds.
You bit your lip into your mouth as tears prickled your eyes from the second wave of warmth that spread, choking out a moan as his pace quickened.
"Fucking shit-" Bucky huffed, his grip on your thigh tightening and release spilling onto your lower abdomen.
You inhaled a few deep breaths, trying to steady your heart beat as he pecked a kiss to your knee before standing from the bed to grab a piece of clothing for clean up.
You pulled the blanket from under you to hold to your chest, waiting for him to get dressed and make an excuse to leave like you'd heard your friends talk about after a hook up.
Instead, he wandered towards the kitchen, finding an empty can as he lit a cigarette, your eyes staying fixed on the way the muscles in his back rippled with his movements.
"C'mere." Bucky said with a soft groan as he got under the blankets with you, sitting the can on the nightstand. "You're staying?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
"If you want me to, yeah." He shrugged, holding his arm out for you to lay on as he placed the cigarette between his teeth and grabbed a pillow to cushion the metal.
You gave a soft yeah and cuddled into his side, the soft whirring of his arm under the pillow helping you slowly drift to sleep.
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You felt yourself waking up as the bed dipped under the weight of Bucky moving, deciding not to fully wake up and let him leave in silence.
"Hey," Bucky whispered, moving his body over yours to press a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "Hmm?" You hummed in response, peaking an eye open to look at the slate blue eyes that held adoration in them.
His knuckles brushed down your arm, a sweet kiss placed on your lips as he gave you a soft smile. "I gotta go, but I left my personal number under your alarm clock. Give me a call sometime."
You nodded and smiled lightly at him, another kiss pecked to your lips before he left the bed to gather his things, walking towards the door.
"I'm gonna hold ya to that, bunny."
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TAGLIST: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @supernaturalbaesduh @bucky-hues @suchababie @eireduchess
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part vi the final
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: breeding, oral (f receiving), biting, panties as a gag, pussyjob, teasing, female masturbation, dacryphilia (m+f), daddy kink, femdom, choking, wombfucking, light dumbification, spit, overstimulation, squirting
8.4k words
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v | part vi || extras || only you, too
“She’s going to be here soon,” you yawned as Osamu reached around you to press his fingers against your clit.
“It’s only six,” Osamu mumbled against the back of your neck. You moaned softly as he slowly slid into you from behind. Osamu grunted as he bottomed out.
“Osamu,” you moaned. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly against him. His thrusts were slow and deep and his fingers never stuttered as they rubbed over your clit.
“Feel good, baby?” Osamu asked. You nodded and turned your head, puckering your lips for Osamu to kiss you. He eagerly complied, slotting his lips against yours immediately.
He swallowed your moans as your stomach tightened and your thighs shook.
“Fill me up?” You asked softly, lips brushing against his.
“Gonna cum already?” He asked.
“Can’t help it,” you said. “You feel so good inside me.” You moaned loudly as he rolled his hips.
“Gonna make ya gush around my cock,” he said. You nodded as his fingers rubbed your clit faster.
“Samu,” you moaned. He lifted your leg to get a better angle.
“Gonna fill ya up, sweet girl,” he said. “Make ya a mommy, yeah?”
You nodded again, unable to speak as his cock repeatedly slammed against your cervix. The metal barbell that decorated the head of his cock dragged against your gummy walls deliciously.
“You-you ever thought of more piercings?” You asked as he kissed your neck and groped your breasts.
“Mmm, why?” Osamu asked. His hips slapped against your ass with a particularly strong thrust.
“Jus’ think a jacob’s ladder would be interesting,” you said, thinking of the way the row of piercings would constantly be dragging against that spongy spot inside you.
“Takes too long to heal,” Osamu said. “Can’t be away from this tight cunt that long.”
Osamu grunted as your walls clamped around him. You let out a high pitched moan.
“Samu, Samu! Gonna cum,” you moaned. Your walls fluttered as Osamu thrusted harder.
“Hold on, princess,” he said, gritting his teeth. “Cum with me.”
“Can’t wait,” you whined, pressing your ass against him to feel him deeper.
“Jus’-jus’ a lil more,” he said. Your eyes burned with tears as you struggled not to cum.
“Samu,” you whined, dragging his name out.
“Fuck, now, cum now, princess,” he swore. You cried out as his teeth sank into the soft flesh of your shoulder. His cock twitched as your walls clenched around him.
Your juices gushed around his cock as your walls fluttered, pulling more and more cum from him.
“Gonna milk me dry,” he moaned. His tongue ran over the tender bite mark he left.
You relaxed into his hold as your orgasms finally ended. You could feel his cock twitching, trying vainly to stay hard in your warm, wet cunt.
“Whatta ‘bout you?” Osamu asked.
“What?” You asked, resting your hand on top of his. You slotted your fingers between his.
“Ever thought about getting any piercings?” He asked.
“Why, you have any suggestions?”
“Well, these cute, lil nipples are just begging for attention,” he said, playfully pinching your nipple.
“Maybe,” you said, smiling as his free hand rubbed up and down your stomach.
“Wasn’t kiddin’ when I said I’d make ya a mommy,” he said. “Wanna see you big and round with my babies.”
“One day,” you said, cuddling into him.
“Wanna start trying in the shower?” He asked.
You laughed. “I think we’ve been trying all week.”
“Okay, wanna try, again, in the shower?”
“Samu, she really will be here soon this time,” you said as Osamu wrapped his arms around you from behind.
“I can’t just hug my love?” He asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as you washed dishes.
“That would be so much sweeter if I couldn’t feel your erection digging into my back,” you said. You flicked water from your fingertips into his face.
“I can’t help it,” he whined. “Ya look hot when yer being all domestic.”
“That’s your misogyny kicking in,” you teased, rinsing the last of the dishes.
“So what if I think ya would make my perfect housewife? Isn’t a man entitled to his thoughts?” Osamu asked.
“Nope,” you popped. You smiled widely and twisted around to face him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I’d be your little housewife. But only for you. Don’t let my friends know, I’m supposed to be a big, bad feminist.”
“You can be a big, bad feminist and a housewife,” Osamu said. “‘S’long as ya chose to be one.”
“Oh-ho, when did you get so knowledgeable?” You joked.
“I was in an all-girl feminists club in college,” he said, cockily.
“Mhm, how many of them did you sleep with?” You asked.
“None!” Osamu exclaimed. You just looked at him. “They were all lesbians.”
“Sounds like a club I’m interested in,” you said.
Osamu smiled. “Oh?”
“Wait, baby!” Osamu whined. You laughed as he pouted.
“I’m joking, joking!” You laughed. “Partially.”
“Oh? Really now?” Osamu asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“If you make even one threesome joke, I will leave you for Atsumu,” you said.
“I would never joke about a threesome,” Osamu said. “I’d be completely serious.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Calling Atsumu as we speak,” you said, pulling your phone out of your pocket. You held the phone up to your ear. “Hello, the hotter Miya twin?”
“Ouch,” Osamu winced. “Ya really got me where it hurts.”
You pocketed your phone and cupped Osamu’s face with your hands.
“I love you,” you said, smiling.
“I love ya more,” he said. He leaned down, pecking your lips. You giggled as he peppered your face with kisses.
“I love ya, I love ya, I love ya,” he said in between kisses. “I love ya.” He kissed you deeply.
The two of you jumped apart as your mom’s voice cut through the kitchen.
“You’re home!” You exclaimed.
“We all need to talk,” she said, placing a stack of papers on the table and sitting down.
You and Osamu sat across from her.
“Divorce papers,” she said, sliding them across the table to Osamu.
“That was quick,” Osamu said, reading over the first page. “No fault?”
“I figured that was the quickest and easiest route,” she said.
You nodded as you read the papers over Osamu’s shoulder.
“We each get to keep what we came with,” she said. “I get the house, you get the restaurant. I’m willing to buy out your half of the car.”
“That sounds fair,” Osamu said. He flipped through the pages, reading each one carefully.
“More than,” your mom said.
“What about me?” You asked. The entire time she’d been here, your mom hadn’t once even glanced your way.
“Frankly, I have nothing to say to you,” she said, finally looking at you. “In my eyes, you’re nothing but the other woman.”
A pang of hurt shot through your heart. You’d known you’d hurt her, you just hadn’t expected her to write you off completely.
“He’ll get tired of you, too, sooner or later,” she said, sourly. “You’ll be ready to grovel at my feet for forgiveness once he gets rid of you.”
Tears pricked at your eyes. You glanced at Osamu, who was gripping a pen tightly.
“You have no right to say that to her,” Osamu said. “I didn’t get tired of you. If anything, you got tired of me. Always flirting with other men, going home with them, pretending like I didn’t know.”
Your mom gaped at him, speechless. “I-I…”
“Yeah, I knew about the other men. I know you tried Atsumu and the rest of his team,” Osamu said. “And I know that this is what you did in your first marriage. So don’t talk about Y/n being the other woman.”
“You cheated on Dad?” You asked, tearfully.
“She did, with me,” Osamu said. You looked at him. “I didn’t know she was married when we met, much less that her husband was dying.”
“Don’t turn this on me,” your mom said. “This is about your infidelity!”
“This is all around fucked up,” you said, wiping a stray tear away. “Just sign the papers and let’s go.”
You stood up abruptly, storming to your room where your bags were already packed, along with a few of Osamu’s bags.
You sat on your bed, head in your hands. You’d known she’d been a bad wife, but you’d never thought she’d cheated, much less while your own father had been on his deathbed.
You looked up at Osamu in the doorway.
“Are you ready?” He asked. You nodded. You slung your backpack on your back and pulled your suitcase behind you.
“I just want to leave this house,” you mumbled. Osamu kissed your forehead as he grabbed his own bags.
“Let’s go,” he said. You followed him down the hallway.
You didn’t say anything to your mom as you slipped on your shoes at the front door.
“I’ll be back for the rest of my things later this week,” Osamu said.
“My apartment should be ready tomorrow,” Osamu said as you dropped your bags in the hotel room.
“The one in Osaka?” You asked. “Near my school?”
“The very one,” he said, wrapping his arms around you. “Now, tell me how ya actually feel, baby.”
You broke down. You buried your face in his chest and sobbed. Osamu rubbed your back as you cried.
“I can’t believe she cheated on my dad,” you cried. “She was- she was the love of his life!”
“I know, baby, I know,” he said, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Let it out.”
“He was on his deathbed, and she was out with some kid,” you sobbed. “He loved her so much and she just doesn’t deserve it! I wish she’d died instead!”
“I’m glad she didn’t,” Osamu said. “Never would’ve gotten to meet ya if she had.”
You nodded. “That’s probably the only good thing she’s ever done for me. Bring me to you.”
“I love ya,” Osamu said. “No matter how it happened, I’m here and I love ya so I can’t be too mad.”
“I love you, too, Samu,” you said.
“Are ya finished crying?” He asked, wiping away your tears. You nodded as he cupped your face. “Good, yer too pretty to cry. Now, I paid extra for a room with a jacuzzi, just for ya.”
“Just for me?” You asked. He nodded. “So you won’t be joining me?”
“Okay, maybe it’s for both of us,” Osamu said, smiling down at you.
“Good,” you said, resting your head against his chest. He hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead.
“Let me start the jacuzzi, yeah?” Osamu said, pulling away from you.
“Hurry up,” you said as he walked towards the bathroom. He turned and smiled at you.
“Almost sounds like yer gonna miss me,” he said.
“I’ll miss you terribly,” you said, dramatically clutching your heart. “Be careful with my heart, you’ve taken it with you.”
“As long as you’re careful with mine,” he said. You smiled as he disappeared into the bathroom and fell back onto the large bed.
Your phone rang from your pocket. You pulled it out and saw that Atsumu was video calling you.
You smiled widely as you answered.
“Uncle Tsumu!” You exclaimed as Atsumu came into focus. “What’s up?”
“The boys and I are on our way to the Olympics!” Atsumu exclaimed. You heard Bokuto and Hinata whoop in the background.
“That’s great!” You said. “Wait, does that mean you’re with the Ushijima Wakatoshi?”
“He’s sitting right across from me,” Atsumu said, turning the phone so that Ushijima was on the screen.
“Introduce me!” You screeched, sitting up excitedly. “Please, please, please!”
“What do I get in return?” Atsumu asked.
“I’ll convince Samu to let you join again,” you said quickly. Osamu poked his head out of the bathroom.
“Who’s joining what?” He asked.
“Atsumu if he introduces me to Ushiwaka,” you said.
“Ushijima-san, can you come here?” Atsumu asked, looking offscreen.
“The jacuzzi is ready, by the way,” Osamu said. You glanced at him.
“Just a minute,” you said.
“This is L/n Y/n, the number two setter in the nation right now,” Atsumu said.
You smiled and waved at the camera.
“I’ve heard of you,” Ushijima said. “You play very well. I can see why you are so highly ranked.”
“Oh, thank you!” You said, beaming. “I just wanted you to know I’m a big fan. You’re basically the reason I kept playing volleyball in high school.”
“Thank you,” he said. “Continue to play well.”
Ushijima disappeared offscreen.
“You’re the best uncle ever,” you said as Atsumu appeared back on screen.
“Of course, anything for my favourite niece,” he said.
“Baby, that water’s going to get cold,” Osamu said.
“I have to go, I’ll talk to you later,” you said. “Good luck at the Olympics!”
“Bye, doll,” Atsumu said. You ended the call and tossed your phone on the bed.
“I’m coming, baby,” you called, stripping from your clothes as you walked towards the bathroom. Osamu was slowly sinking into the steaming water. You climbed over the side and made yourself comfortable in Osamu’s arms.
“What’s this about Atsumu joining us again?” Osamu asked, wrapping his arms around you.
“He introduced me to the Ushijima Wakatoshi,” you said. “He deserves it.”
“I introduced you to four professional volleyball players,” Osamu complained.
“Have I not more than paid you back for that?” You asked. “I mean, I’ve barely spent more than an hour away from your cock this week.”
“Still not enough,” Osamu said, leaning down to kiss your neck. His hands drifted to your waist, holding you as his hips ground up. You moaned as his cock slid through your folds.
“Samu, wanna feel you,” you said, grabbing onto his arms. You bit your lip as he grabbed his cock, lining it up with your entrance.
“Whatever you want, baby,” he said, slowly pulling you down on his cock. You moaned softly as your walls molded around him. He pulled you back against his chest and held you closely.
“Love you,” you said, relaxing into his hold.
“I love ya more,” Osamu said, coiling his arms around your waist.
You leaned your head against his chest, closing your eyes as Osamu gently bounced you on his cock.
“Doin’ so good,” Osamu said. He moaned lightly in your ear. “Yer lil pussy is clenchin’ me so tight.” You reached down to rub your clit in slow circles. Osamu pulled you flush against his chest, rutting his hips up, forcing his cock deeper.
“Oh, Samu,” you moaned as your thighs trembled. You rubbed your clit faster, matching the pace of Osamu’s thrusts. “‘m gonna-“
“I know, baby, g’head and cum around my cock,” Osamu said. “Feel ya flutterin’ and clenchin’ ‘round me. Cum on my cock, sweet girl.”
You threw your head back as you gushed around Osamu’s cock. Your fingers slowly came to a stop, unable to move anymore. He knocked your useless fingers out of the way and placed his own fingers on your clit. You squealed as his fingers moved wildly over your clit.
“Samu!” You yelped, grabbing his forearm. He leaned down and kissed your neck sweetly.
“Ya got more in ya, sweet girl,” he murmured against your skin. “Gonna make ya squirt on my cock.”
You moaned as he lightly pinched your clit. Osamu smiled against your skin as your back arched against him.
“Gonna cum again,” you moaned, fingernails biting into Osamu’s forearm.
“Good girl,” Osamu said, kissing your neck. You cried out as Osamu’s fingers sped up.
“Samu, Samu, Samu!” You cried. Your eyes burned with tears as your walls clamped around him and you came for the second time.
“Still didn’t squirt around my cock,” Osamu said, disapprovingly. You frowned as he pulled his hand away from your clit.
“No, no, no-“
“Come on, baby,” Osamu said, lifting you up. You whimpered as his cock slid out of you. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you cum again.”
He carried you into the bedroom and tossed you on the bed. Water droplets dripped onto the blanket below you.
You whined and reached towards Osamu. He looked at you from where he was kneeling on the foot of the bed. He seemed downright predatory as he eyed your wet, naked body. His grey eyes darkened as you spread your legs.
“Samu,” you whimpered, rubbing your swollen, sensitive clit. You whined. Your fingers weren’t enough. Weren’t big and calloused and long like Osamu’s. “Samu, I need you. Please.”
“Can’t make yerself cum, baby?” He asked, crawling towards you. “Need me to do it for ya?”
“Yes!” You cried. Your fingers moved faster as Osamu pressed his lips against the inside of your ankle.
“Maybe try fingering yerself,” Osamu said. He kissed up your leg slowly, lips never leaving your skin.
You desperately shoved three fingers in your wet heat. It still wasn’t enough. You needed Osamu. His fingers, his tongue, his cock.
You pumped your fingers in and out of yourself, crying in frustration. You just couldn’t reach that spot in you. Even when your fingertips did brush against it, they just didn’t feel right. You’d become accustomed to rough, calloused fingers and cool, smooth metal.
You whined in frustration as your thighs shook. Osamu’s lips were pressed to the bend of your knee.
“Samu,” you whined.
“What is it, sweet girl? What’s the matter?” He asked, softly.
“‘S’not enough,” you said, frustrated. “Need you, now.”
“Keep tryin’, baby,” he mumbled, kissing the inside of your thigh. He was so close to where you needed him, you could feel his body heat on your sensitive skin.
He pressed a kiss to your pubic area, and you nearly sobbed in relief.
“Samu,” you said, reaching down to touch his hair when he moved and pressed his lips to your other ankle. You couldn’t help it. You burst into tears.
“Baby, don’t cry,” Samu said, immediately abandoning your leg to cup your face in his hands.
“I-I-I need you!” You sobbed. “Need you in me, Samu, please!”
“I’m sorry, baby, let me make ya feel better, okay?” He asked. You nodded. “Now, don’t cry, my sweet girl. Okay? Let daddy take care of ya.”
Osamu lined his cock up with your entrance. He braced his arms on either side of your head and in one, swift motion, his cock hit your cervix.
You moaned loudly, wrapping your arms and legs around him. Your eyes rolled back as he pounded into you, his hips slapping against yours almost painfully.
“Feel better, my sweet girl?” Osamu grunted. You nodded, unable to find the right words. “Ya were made for my cock, takin’ it so well. When yer my lil housewife, ya’ll be takin’ like this whenever I want, isn’t that right, princess?”
“Yes, daddy,” you moaned, digging your nails into his back. His muscles flexed under your touch. “Gonna take your cock whenever you want. Always want your cock in me.”
“Gonna be my sweet, lil housewife?” Osamu asked. You nodded. “Move in with me.”
“Samu,” you gasped. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder, thrusting into you even deeper.
“Tell me ya will,” he said. He bit his bottom lip as your walls clenched around him. “Can’t- can’t live without ya.”
“Yes, yes!” You exclaimed as he reached between your bodies and rubbed over your clit with two skillful fingers. Your back arched as he pushed your other leg up, knee knocking against your chest.
“Fuck, I love ya,” he moaned, rubbing your clit furiously.
“L-love you,” you stuttered as your stomach tightened. “Gonna, gonna cum!”
Osamu’s hips sped up.
“Come on, squirt all over my cock, sweet girl,” Osamu said. “And I’ll fill ya up, just how ya like.”
You pulled him down, kissing him roughly. Your teeth clicked together painfully, but Osamu’s tongue pressed against yours made it easy to ignore the pain.
Your walls fluttered around him and he groaned into your mouth.
“Fuck,” you hissed as Osamu pulled away.
“Come on,” Osamu said, gritting his teeth as he pushed your legs against your chest. He slapped your clit.
“Samu!” You moaned. His eyes lit up as he slapped your clit again.
“Squirt. On. My. Cock.” Each word was accented with a brutal slap against your clit that had you screaming. Your thighs shook as your back arched. Your hands balled into fists in the wet blanket below you as your orgasm exploded out of you.
“Fuck, Samu!” You shouted, throwing your head back. Osamu moaned as your juices covered his stomach, dripping down to his heavy balls. His balls slapped wetly against your skin as he chased his own orgasm.
“Gonna fill ya up,” he groaned. It took all of your energy to stay conscious as he rutted into you.
Osamu moaned loudly and buried his cock deep as it twitched and spurted out his cum.
“Fuck,” he breathed, collapsing next to you. He cuddled into your side, nuzzling your neck as he wrapped his arms around you.
You smiled weakly as cum leaked out of you and down onto the blanket.
“I love ya,” Osamu murmured, pressing his lips against your neck.
“I love you,” you said. You twisted around to face him. “You really want me to live with you?”
“Of course,” Osamu said. “Can’t imagine it any other way.” He pecked your lips and pulled you closer. “I wanna wake up next to ya every mornin’ and fall asleep next to ya every night.”
Tears burned at your eyes. You rubbed them furiously, trying not to cry.
“Aw, baby, why are ya cryin’?” He asked, smiling at you. He wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“I just- I really, really love you,” you said, sniffling. Osamu smiled and pulled you into his chest, kissing your head.
“I really, really love ya, too, baby.”
“I just think the bed should go a little more to the right,” you said, watching as Osamu and his friend, Suna, moved the heavy frame. “Hmm, does that seem centered to you?”
“It fucking better be,” Suna said, standing next to you. “Actually, a little to the right.”
“Fuck ya,” Osamu said, pushing the frame. You bit your lip as his arms flexed.
“Stop being horny,” Suna said, pushing you gently.
“I’m not!” You denied, smiling. “I’m just appreciating the view.”
“I’m not moving this damn thing another inch, I don’t care if it’s centered or not,” Osamu said, standing up. He pushed his shirt up as he placed his hand on his side.
“It’s good, baby,” you said. Osamu wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Let’s take a break,” Osamu said. Suna whipped out his phone.
“Let me show you all the embarrassing photos I have of Osamu and Atsumu,” he said with a grin.
“Ooo, yes, please,” you said. You leaned over to look at his phone.
“Baby, no,” Osamu groaned, grabbing your hand and tugging you away. “Don’t look at those. Why do ya even still have those?”
“Because I like to show Atsumu’s fans him getting his ass kicked,” Suna said, following the two of you to the living room.
“He did get his ass kicked a lot, didn’t he?” Osamu said, smiling.
“So you won?” You asked, sitting on the couch.
Osamu scoffed as he sat next to you. “Of course I did.”
“Atsumu is a pussy,” Suna said, handing you his phone. You giggled as you watched high school Osamu and Atsumu roll around on the gym floor.
“Can you send me that?” You asked. “I need it for when Atsumu gets on my nerves.”
“Give me your number,” Suna said. You typed in your number, saving it under your name.
“Come here,” you said, pulling Suna closer to you. “Smile.” You snapped a selfie and saved it as your contact photo.
“Come on, let’s finish the bedroom before ya two bond anymore,” Osamu said, standing up. He stretched his arms out, shirt riding up and showing just a sliver of his tanned stomach. You licked your lips.
“Shouldn’t you be happy that your girlfriend and best friend are getting along?” You asked, standing up.
“Yeah, we could hate each other,” Suna said.
“I knew ya two would get along,” Osamu said. “I almost didn’t want to introduce ya because of it.”
“What? Scared we might replace you?” You teased.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just finish the bedroom.”
“All that’s left is the bookshelf and the bedside tables,” Suna said.
“The bookshelf is oak, so it’s pretty heavy,” you said. “I want it facing the bed.”
“Come on,” Osamu said, bracing himself on one side of the large bookshelf. Suna grabbed the other side and grunted as they lifted it.
“Careful,” you said, following them to the bedroom.
They carefully sat it down in front of the bed and pushed it back and forth until it was centered.
“There,” Osamu said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. “Now you can start unpacking your books while we get the bedside tables in here.”
You nodded as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Ew,” Suna said, wrinkling his nose.
“You wanna kiss, Sunarin?” Osamu asked, puckering his lips. You giggled.
“Shut up and let’s get these bedside tables in here so I can leave you two to your domesticity,” Suna said.
“Can you help me move the books in here first?” You asked. “It’s the three boxes by the front door.
Suna and Osamu nodded.
“Thank you,” you said.
Suna and Osamu lifted the boxes with a huff as you pushed yours across the hardwood floor.
“Work smarter, not harder,” you said, smirking as they struggled to carry the boxes.
“Why do you read so much?” Suna asked, carefully dropping the box in front of the bookshelf.
“Yeah, why can’t ya read on yer phone like everyone else?” Osamu asked, dropping his box next to Suna’s. You pushed yours across the bedroom and shrugged.
“I like real books,” you said, opening the first box. You grabbed an armful of books and carefully arranged them on the bookshelf.
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people,” Suna groaned.
Your face burned. “I like to have a system,” you said, defensively.
“I think it’s cute, baby,” Osamu said. “Do ya want me to help?”
“Thanks, but I’ll do it myself, you two finish up the bedroom,” you said. Osamu nodded and gestured for Suna to follow him into the living room.
You quickly organised the bookshelf, adding in Osamu’s few books alongside your own as you went.
“I think we’re done,” Osamu said as you stood up, stretching out. You looked around the finished bedroom. “All that’s left is unpacking our clothes and whatever.”
“We can do that tomorrow,” you said, standing in between Osamu and Suna. Osamu wrapped his arm around your waist.
“We’ll have it really looking like home tomorrow,” Osamu said.
“I’m excited,” you said, smiling widely. “It’s our first night in our apartment.”
“We’ll have to break it in,” Osamu said, winking at you.
Suna gagged. “I’m taking that as my cue to leave. Call me if you need my help tomorrow, I’ll be in town for the next week.”
“Thanks for your help, Suna,” you said as the three of you walked to the front door.
“It’s no problem,” he said.
“I’ll make dinner one night this week, you should come by,” Osamu said. “Just as a thank you.”
“Let me know when and I’ll be here,” Suna said. He slipped his shoes on before saying goodbye.
“Bye!” You called after him. You shut the door behind you and immediately, Osamu was pulling you into him, kissing you and running his hands down your sides and up your shirt.
“Wanted to do this all day,” he mumbled, not pulling away from you for even a second.
“S-Samu, we should shower first,” you said as he kissed down your neck. “We’re all dirty and sweaty from moving.”
“Who cares?” He asked, pushing you against the door. “Jus’ gonna make ya dirtier and sweatier.”
“Sa- ohh.” You moaned as he bit and sucked at a spot on your neck. “Samu.”
“Come on, I wanna break in that new bed we got,” he said. You wrapped your arms and legs around him as he lifted you.
“Careful,” you mumbled, licking and sucking on his neck.
“Need ya,” he groaned, dropping you on the unmade bed. You pulled him down on top of you as you leaned back.
“Samu,” you moaned against his lips.
“Jus’-Jus’ let me take care o’ ya,” he breathed, pulling away and taking your shirt with him. You bit your lip as he took off his own shirt, revealing his lightly toned stomach and the faint happy trail that disappeared into his shorts.
“You’re so…” you said, running your hands along his stomach and up to his chest. “Fucking hot.”
“Baby,” he moaned as you pinched his pebbled nipple.
“I can’t keep my hands off of you,” you said, pushing him onto his back. You straddled him and pulled your bra off. Your hands went back to his chest as you groped and kneaded his pecs. You pinched and teased his nipples before leaning down and kissing his jawline.
“Stop- ah- teasing,” Osamu moaned as you rolled your hips. Even through four layers, you could feel his fat cock throbbing.
“No,” you said, kissing down his neck, leaving red bruises in random spots leading all the way down to his pecs. You rolled your hips again and groaned as his cock twitched under you.
“At least let me feel ya,” he said. His hands fisted the sheets as you sunk your teeth into the soft flesh of his right pec.
You rolled off of him and shimmied out of your shorts, leaving you in just a pair of white, cotton panties. You unbuttoned Osamu’s shorts and pulled them off before straddling him again. You leaned back down and sucked one of his nipples into your mouth while one of your hands groped his chest and the other played with the elastic of his boxers.
“Fuck,” he swore, throwing his head back as you ground yourself against his cock. “More, more, I wan’ more, please, baby.”
You pulled back, admiring the masterpiece that was Osamu’s chest, painted with bite marks and bruises. He was breathing heavily, chest rising and falling.
“Open,” you said, grabbing his jaw lightly. His mouth fell open, tongue poking out. You leaned over him and shoved three fingers in his mouth. “Suck.”
He drooled as he sucked on your fingers, gagging as your fingers hit the back of his throat. You moaned as you rolled your hips.
“Good boy,” you said, pulling your fingers away. Osamu leaned up, following them before leaning back. “Now watch me.”
You leaned back on one arm as Osamu propped his head up on a pillow. You shoved your spit covered hand down your panties, rubbing your clit slowly. You moaned softly.
“Samu,” you breathed. You felt his cock jump under you. “Samu, feels so good.”
“Wanna see,” Osamu groaned, grabbing your hips. “Please.”
You shook your head as you moaned again. A wet spot formed in the crotch of your panties, turning the thin fabric translucent. Osamu groaned and bucked his hips, looking for anything that would give him the friction he wanted.
“Gonna cum,” you gasped, rubbing your clit faster.
Osamu whined as the wet spot on your panties grew. “Samu, Samu, Samu!”
You sucked in a sharp breath as your walls clenched around nothing and your juices gushed out, coating your panties and fingers. You rubbed your clit slowly, moaning as you milked your orgasm. Cum dripped down, wetting Osamu’s boxers as you leaned up. You struggled not to just collapse in Osamu’s chest as you braved your hands on his stomach. You could feel his cock throbbing against your wet cunt.
“Wanna taste,” Osamu pleaded. You rolled off of him, breathing heavily as you pulled your ruined panties off.
“You really want a taste?” You asked. He nodded. “Open up.”
Again, his mouth fell open without a second thought. You shoved your panties in his mouth, gagging him. He let out a muffled moan.
You slowly inched his boxers down, releasing his heavy cock. It bobbed before laying against his stomach. You straddled him again, slotting his cock between your wet folds. You dragged your hips against him. The head of his cock teased your abused clit as you whimpered from the sensitivity. You tensed as cool metal shocked your hot skin. You relaxed as Osamu grabbed you hips, guiding you as you ground against him. You reached down and guided the tip of his cock into your entrance. You whined as you teased yourself with just the tip.
“Mm-mff,” Osamu said, his words muffled by cotton. You reached up and pulled your panties out of his mouth. “More, take more. Please, can’t take it anymore.”
You shook your head, rotating your hips. His neglected cock throbbed.
“Please, please,” Osamu begged. His fingernails dug into your hips. “Let me be in ya.”
“You teased me until I cried last week in the hotel,” you said, letting the tip of his cock fall out of you. He whined. “So until you cry, I’m not stopping.”
You rolled your hips. His cock dragged against your clit deliciously as you used his body.
“Con-consider yourself lucky I’m not riding your thighs,” you stuttered, moaning as his piercing teased your clit. “I thought about it.”
“Baby, please,” Osamu begged, eyes wide and lower lip poking out in a pout. “Wanna be in ya, wanna cum.”
“I’m not stopping you,” you said.
“Wanna cum in ya,” he said, frustrated. He’s eyes were glossy and you knew it was only a matter of time before tears started rolling down his cheeks.
“I want you to cum inside me, baby,” you cooed, rubbing your hands over his tense stomach. “But you know what I want.”
“I-I can’t,” he stuttered. You tutted and rolled your hips. The tip of his cock snagged your hole and Osamu let out a whimper.
“Come on, baby, I want you in me so bad,” you said, arching your back. “Want you to breed me, want you to knock me up with your babies, please daddy.”
“Baby,” Osamu whimpered as you took the tip inside your tight walls.
“Gonna cum again,” you moaned, rotating your hips. You moaned loudly, reaching down to rub your clit. Your walls clamped around the head of Osamu’s cock, milking it as you came.
“Baby, fuck, no, I’m gonna cum,” Osamu cried. His lashes were filled with unshed tears as you pulled away from him. His cock twitched as he came. You ran your fingers through the pool of cum that was on his stomach and licked them clean.
You hummed. “Baby, what‘s the matter? I thought you wanted to cum inside me.” You pouted as his lower lip wobbled. He blinked slowly and a tear ran down his face.
“Oh, baby, don’t cry,” you cooed, cupping his face. You kissed his tears away. “Gonna make you feel better.”
You pumped his cock a few times, bringing it back to hardness.
“Baby, please,” he whimpered as you thumbed his slit. You glanced up at him. Tears were still falling down his cheeks. “Please, I wanna be in ya.”
You smiled at him and straddled him once again. You both moaned as you sank down his length.
“Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya, I love ya so much, wanna fill ya up, fuck, please,” Osamu babbled. You wiped his tears away then grabbed his hands as you bounced on his cock. He intertwined your fingers, bringing both of your hands up to his lips. “I love ya.”
“I love you, Samu,” you said as his cock nudged your cervix. “Fuck, ‘m sorry for making you cry, baby.”
“Liked it,” he mumbled. He threw his head back with a moan as you swivelled your hips. “Liked it so much. Feels so good.”
“Oh?” You said. You moaned as Osamu rolled his hips. “You like when I take control?”
“Yes, yes!” He gasped as you sped up. You let out a choked moan as his hips lifted to meet yours.
“Let me choke you,” you moaned, running one of your hands up to his throat. He nodded as his eyes closed. You squeezed lightly. Osamu groaned loudly, his throat rumbling under your hand.
“More, more,” he said, reaching up to grab your wrist. You squeezed harder and his eyes rolled back with a moan.
“Fuck, so pretty,” you said. You moaned loudly as he bucked his hips up.
“Fuck,” Osamu choked out as his cock twitched. You loosened your grip on his throat, letting oxygen flood his lungs. “Gonna cum, gonna cum!”
“Fill me up, Osamu, please,” you moaned as his cock nudged your cervix. “Please, wanna be full.”
Osamu moaned loudly, pulling your hips down to bury his cock in your cunt as he painted your walls white. You reached down to rub your clit as he filled you up, clenching around him as you came. You both breathed heavily as you collapsed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you.
“So, I thought Atsumu was the sub,” you breathed.
“I can still flip ya over and bend ya in half,” Osamu said. He chuckled as you snorted.
“I doubt either of us could move that much right now,” you said.
“I think yer wrong,” Osamu said. “I plan on fucking ya in every room of the apartment before the sun comes up.”
“I say we continue this in the kitchen then,” you said as your stomach grumbled. “I’m starving.”
“We only have rice,” Osamu said. You groaned and rolled off of him.
“Pizza or sushi?” You asked, grabbing your phone from the bedside table.
“Sushi,” Osamu said. “Ya think we can christen the living room before they get here?”
“Only one way to find out,” you said, dialling the number to the sushi place. You winked at Osamu as the phone rang.
He molded his body against yours, nuzzling your neck as you ordered the food.
“We have twenty-five minutes,” you said, placing your phone back on the bedside table.
“More than enough time,” Osamu said. He scooped you up from the bed and carried you to the living room.
“No, no, absolutely not!” You exclaimed, laughing loudly.
“Come on, let me try it!” Osamu said.
“You are not eating sushi off my body, sorry, but no,” you said, shaking your head.
“I’ll feed ya, too,” he said. You laughed as he pouted.
“Okay, fine,” you said. “But not tonight.”
“I’ll plan it,” Osamu said. “Maybe I’ll even invite our friends.”
“Oh, absolutely not,” you said. “Atsumu is not eating sushi off of my naked body.”
“What about Rin?” Osamu asked.
“I thought you didn’t like to share,” you said. “Food or otherwise.”
“Is it a crime to want to show off my beautiful, amazing, sexy girlfriend?” Osamu asked. Your face burned.
“Shut up,” you said, stealing a piece of sushi from his plate. “We can discuss details later.”
“I love ya,” Osamu said, smiling widely.
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled. “Love you, too.”
Osamu smiled again, and held out a piece of sushi for you. You smiled before copying him.
“Suna’s not allowed to take pictures,” you said. “In fact, I don’t want him to have his phone at all.”
“Fair enough,” Osamu said, shrugging and finishing off his roll. “Wanna help me wash dishes?”
“Yes,” you said, chewing the last piece of sushi as Osamu gathered the trash and dishes he’d insisted you’d used.
You followed after him, wearing only his t-shirt. Osamu dropped the dishes in the sink then immediately caged you against the counter.
“Ya look cute in my shirt,” he mumbled, nosing at your neck. He kissed your skin softly before leaning up to kiss your lips.
“Why, thank you,” you said, putting your arms around his neck. He lifted you and sat you down on the edge of the counter, pushing the too long shirt up to reveal your leaking cunt. His loads from earlier were coating your thighs as they slowly leaked out of your used cunt.
“Aw, baby, yer leaking my cum everywhere,” Osamu cooed, gathering his cum on his fingers and pushing it back into your hole. “Ya want more?”
“Please,” you begged as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He held his cum covered fingers up to your lips. You grabbed his wrist as you took them in your mouth, sucking and licking them clean. You looked up at him through your lashes. His eyes were dark and dilated as he watched your tongue move up and down his fingers.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned. He pulled his hand away and shoved his shorts down around his ankles. His cock bobbed heavily.
“Gonna breed me again, Samu?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his chest and pulling him closer, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Gonna put your babies in me?”
“Fuck, yes,” he groaned, lining his cock up with your entrance. “Gonna make ya a mommy, fuck.” He moaned as his cock slowly filled you up, still stretching you out even after filling you up twice before this.
“Osamu, wanna have your babies,” you moaned as he thrusted into you at a nice, normal pace. You let your head drop onto his shoulder as he thrusted deeper, cock pressing painfully against your cervix.
“You will, baby,” he said, thrusting harder. You whimpered as his cock head broke past your cervix.
“S’too deep,” you moaned. Your fingernails dug into his back as he pushed deeper and deeper.
“Shh, shh, you can take it, baby,” Osamu said as you whined and whimpered. “Takin’ my cock so well, yer so good for me, princess.”
You moaned into his shoulder as he pushed your shirt up, squeezing and groping your breasts. He rocked into you at a steady pace, focusing more on thrusting deeper and deeper than harder.
“So deep in me,” you moaned against his warm skin. “Can feel you in my throat.”
“What was that, baby?” Osamu asked. “Want me in yer throat?”
“Can feel you in my throat,” you said, louder. “You’re so deep in me.”
Osamu snapped his hips against yours, punching past your cervix again, and stilling. You let out a long, low moan.
“Ya can feel me here, baby?” Osamu asked, pressing his hand against the small bulge at the bottom of your stomach. You whined and nodded. “What about here?” He pushed you back to face him and wrapped his hand around your throat.
“Samu,” you moaned as he gently squeezed the sides of your throat. Your walls clenched around him. He slowly started to thrust into you again.
“If ya wanted me t’ choke ya, ya jus’ had t’ ask,” he said. You breathed shallowly as he squeezed harder.
“More, more,” you breathed, holding on to his wrist as your lungs started to burn. “Fuck me.”
“Ya want more?” Osamu asked. His hips sped up, slapping against your noisily as he pressed down on your throat.
You couldn’t speak as he pounded into you, fucking past your cervix with every thrust. Your lungs burned and your head spun from lack of oxygen.
“Sa-mu,” you choked, holding onto his forearm loosely. He grunted and thrusted into you harder.
“Gonna cum around my cock, baby?” He asked, grunting as your walls clenched around him. You couldn’t answer, not even able to nod your head in response.
“Can’t answer? Aw, is my baby fucked dumb?” He cooed. You could barely comprehend his words as your head swam.
“My dumb, lil baby,” Osamu cooed, letting his hand loosen. You gasped as oxygen flooded your lungs. Your head spun and you moaned as your walls fluttered around Osamu’s cock. “Cum around my cock.”
“Cumming,” you gasped as Osamu’s hand tightened around your throat again. Your eyes rolled back as you gushed around him. Osamu fucked you through your orgasm, each thrust accompanied by the sound of Osamu’s skin against yours and a loud squelch as your juices dripped down your skin.
“Feels so good to be in control,” Osamu said, smiling wickedly as he choked you. “I control everything you do. When you cum, when you breathe. I love that you let me use you like a lil doll.”
You smiled as Osamu kissed you roughly. He released your throat and pulled back.
“Samu,” you whined.
“Open.” He didn’t give you a choice as he squeezed your cheeks, forcing your mouth open. You stuck your tongue out as he gathered spit in his mouth.
“My good, sweet girl,” he cooed. He spat in your mouth before kissing you messily. A mix of yours and his spit ran down your chins as he devoured you.
“Gonna cum in you,” he groaned as he pulled back, strands of saliva still connecting you two.
“Please, please,” you begged, wrapping your arms around his chest and digging your nails into the back of his shoulders. You pulled him in deeper with your legs wrapping around him tighter. “Knock me up, Samu, please.”
“Ya gonna cum with me?” He asked, rolling his hips. You nodded as he reached down to rub your clit. You moaned loudly.
“Gonna fill ya up, sweet girl,” Osamu moaned. You nodded and let your head fall against his shoulder. He moaned as you licked and sucked at his neck.
“Fuck,” you hissed as his cock twitched inside you. “Cum in me.”
Osamu grunted as he slapped your clit.
“Wan’ ya to cum ‘round my cock,” he said, slapping your clit again. Your thighs trembled as he rubbed your clit in fast circles.
“Samu, Samu,” you cried. “Gonna cum.”
You moaned, long and high pitched as your walls clamped down around him. He groaned as you gushed around him. His cock throbbed and he spilled inside you, filling you up with his cum.
You whimpered as he pulled out, clenching around nothing and pushing his cum out. He tutted and used his fingers to push it back in.
“Be a good girl and keep my cum in you,” he said.
You nodded and leaned back against the cabinets as he pulled his shorts up and started washing the dishes.
“Samu,” you murmured, carefully climbing off the counter. Your legs wobbled and you quickly wrapped your arms around Osamu, trying to keep yourself upright.
“Be careful, baby,” he said, drying the dishes. “You should’ve stayed on the counter until I was done. Come ‘ere.”
He gently twisted around in your arms and scooped you up, holding you closely to his chest.
“I love you,” you mumbled as he carried you through your bedroom and into the connected bathroom.
“I love ya, too, baby,” he said, kissing your forehead as he set you down on the marble countertop.
He started the bath and turned back towards you. “Now, stay there until I get back. Okay?”
You nodded and leaned back against the mirror. You could feel Osamu’s cum leaking out of you, so you leaned down and pushed it back in. You moaned softly as you thrusted your finger in and out, coating them in Osamu’s cum. You licked your fingers clean and pushed them back into you.
“What’s this?” Osamu asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe.
“D-Didn’t wanna lose your cum,” you moaned, using your other hand to rub your clit. “Kept leaking out.”
“Want me to get ya a plug, baby?” Osamu asked, watching hungrily as you fingered yourself. You nodded.
“Don’t wanna lose any,” you said. You moaned as your walls fluttered around your fingers. “Wanna cum.”
“G’head, baby,” he said, stepping closer to you. He kneeled in front of you, spreading your legs as your thighs shook. “Come on, cum fer me.”
“Daddy,” you keened, back arching. You moaned loudly as you pulled your fingers out of your heat and focused on your clit. You cried out as Osamu spread your legs further. “Fuck, gonna-gonna—“ You cut off with a loud moan as you squirted into Osamu’s face. Your thighs rested on his shoulders as your juices dripped down his face.
He closed his eyes slowly. “Fuck me,” he groaned, palming himself through his shorts. “Yer so hot, baby.”
You slouched down as he turned the bathtub water off and then returned to his spot between your thighs.
“Samu, no, no more,” you moaned as he buried his face in your cunt. You tangled your fingers in his hair, trying to pull him away as he licked up your slit.
“Ya got more in ya,” he said, pulling back. He kissed the inside of your thigh gently before licking into your wet, hot heat. You squirmed as his tongue pushed into your hole, his nose bumping your clit as he slurped up a mixture of both of your cum.
“Samu,” you whined, tugging his hair. He groaned, sending vibrations straight to your cunt. He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked roughly, desperately wanting you to cum in his face again.
“Come on, want ya t’ cum in my face,” he said, pulling back to breathe.
“Samu, it hurts,” you cried as he shoved three fingers in your abused hole. He ignored you as he flicked his tongue against your clit. Your eyes burned as your legs shook from overstimulation.
Osamu added a fourth finger as he thrusted in and out of you. His other hand palmed at his half hard cock through his shorts.
“Samu!” You squealed, thighs clamping around his head as he curled his fingers in you, dragging against that spongy spot. He curled his fingers again and again, sucking at your clit harshly.
“Fuck, fuck! Gonna cum! Samu!” Tears rolled down your cheeks as he pulled his fingers out of you and shoved his tongue in your stretched out hole as you came. Your juices gushed around his tongue as he moaned.
“That’s my girl,” he said, smiling as he leaned back on his feet. You breathed heavily as you leaned against the mirror, chest heaving. “Ya wanna get in the bath, now?”
You nodded. He carefully pulled his shirt off of you and pushed his shorts down before gently picking you up. He eased into the bathtub, rearranging you once he was comfortably leaning back in the hot water. You leaned against his chest. You crossed your arms and intertwined your fingers with his as you closed your eyes.
“Hey, baby?” Osamu asked.
“Hmm?” You hummed. He nosed your neck, pressing a few kisses against your skin before speaking again.
“Ya know I love ya,” he said, lips brushing against your ear. “Right?”
“I love you, too, Samu,” you said, leaning your head back on his shoulder.
“Only me?” He asked, kissing your shoulder.
“Only you.”
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limerental · 3 years
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Here we go, my first @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo fill, for the prompt, Romeo and Juliet
Relationships: Ciri/Dara
Rating: T
Content Warnings: referenced genocide, briefly assumed threat of sexual assault, minor head injury, canon typical fantasy racism & misogyny
Summary: Canon Divergent. Ordinary princess Ciri (no elder blood, no child surprise) is dreading her upcoming political marriage when she meets Scoia'tael Dara in the woods outside of Cintra.
Ciri urged her mount on through the tangles of the undergrowth, leaning to cling to the mare’s neck as she surged up inclines that scattered loose soil underfoot, leaning back again as they dropped into vine-choked valleys. 
The horse was sure-footed and hot and could sense Ciri’s rush of adrenaline and frustration, the overwhelming need to flee and flee fast. Whoever dared to chase her would not keep up, not with the reckless route that she took through the landscape. 
But no one was chasing her. Not yet, at least.
“Go take that new mare out,” her grandmother had said after Ciri’s frustration bubbled over into snide words unbefitting of a princess. Her lips had pursed with pale tightness, but the softness of her eyes said that she understood some of what Ciri was feeling. She and Queen Calanthe only fought so fiercely and so often because of how similarly stubborn and rebellious and bold the both of them were. “I trust that you’ll come back with a clearer head.”
She could pretend for a moment while hugging the mare’s muscled neck, that this headlong race was part of a much grander, more exciting adventure. That her life was not spiralling utterly out of her own control in ways that were so mundane.
Princess Cirilla of Cintra, having been of age for nearly a year now, was to be married off before midsummer. 
“We have delayed long enough,” said her grandmother. “If it were wholly up to me, I would not have you marry at all except for love. But the threat from the Scoia’tael increases by the day, and a marriage will strengthen the coalition of our allies. You have known your whole life this day would come.”
Ciri’s whole life made for a dreadfully boring story. Nothing exciting or interesting had happened to her even once or ever would.
Even a harrowing flight through the forest in defiance of her Destiny was nothing more than a cliche. The newest feminist literature told similar tales over and over. Stories of bold maidens who spat and brandished swords and cut their hair short and fled from the marriage bed were all the rage in the more forward-looking areas of the Continent.
But this was Cintra, and Ciri was not a girl but a Princess. No one would ever write a story about her except as a footnote to some arrogant prince, further noted in the lineage of her sons and grandsons. 
Probably her name would be misspelled. <i>Princess Serilla of Cintra</i>, it would say. <i>Producer of prodigious heirs and otherwise simply not of note even a little bit.</i> 
The rugged landscape suddenly opened up as the mare charged ahead, and Ciri found herself on a beaten track, cutting off a rider on a grey stallion who scrambled desperately to avoid a collision. 
Her mare skidded in a great cloud of dust and veered one way while Ciri veered the other. She soon found herself sprawled on the path observing just how much faster her mount could run without a rider as the horse disappeared around a curve in the path, her hoofbeats fading.
Something nudged Ciri in the stomach.
“Ow,” she said, touching the velvety nose of the grey stallion who snuffled at her abdomen. The horse’s face was fine-boned and dished along the curve of its profile, and it wore a bridle embroidered with intricate stitching and hung with tassels. The reins jingled with miniature bells. The horse’s ears were pierced with golden barbells. 
This was no Cintran horse and certainly no Cintran rider.
Mustering all her courage, she forced herself to squint up at the towering rider, the dappled sunlight through the trees casting a mottled glow on his figure. A young man dressed in earth tones, his skin dark and jawline bare of facial hair. He looked down at her with brow furrowed, as though confused by the series of events that had led to a girl lying flat on her back on the path before him, dazedly stroking his horse’s muzzle.
Most distressingly, he wore a cap sitting askance on his head, a squirrel’s tail slung across his right shoulder.
“You’re a--” Ciri wheezed to clear the dust from her lungs and sat up on her elbows. “You’re an elf.”
“I’d say so, yes,” said the young man. "Have been since I was born.”
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” Ciri shoved herself up to stand and found herself much less fine than expected. The world spun.
“You alright?” asked the young man.
“No, of course not,” said Ciri. “What a stupid thing to ask.”
Her brain a bit addled by the fall, Ciri was not sure whether she should be more fearful that the elf would leave her alone in the forest or that he would take her with him. There were said to be Scoia'tael encampments scattered throughout the countryside, but she had not expected any so close to the outer wall. 
She didn’t notice the rider dismount until he was standing beside her at the stallion’s head.
“His name is Wyn,” said the elf, lying a gloved hand on the horse’s face, “and I’m Dara. How about you?”
“I’m--” She stopped herself. “I’m no one. I’m an orphan. A brigand. Nobody.”
“A brigand? Did you plan to rob me? By flinging yourself from your horse?”
“Well,” said Ciri, “I’m not a very good brigand.”
“That was a well-bred horse for an orphaned nobody,” said Dara. He was smiling, the slow sort of smile that touched his dark eyes first, though she didn’t know what exactly about this situation was anything close to amusing.
“I stole it.”
“I thought you weren’t a good brigand?”
“Suppose I just go lucky,” said Ciri. She drew a deep breath and felt a twinge in her ribcage. Ignoring it, she squared her shoulders and faced Dara with all the bold nobility she could muster. “Or not. I know all about that cap you wear. I know who you are. I know you hate my kind and want me dead. So go on, get on with it. Try to strike me down. I'll defend myself."
“Your kind?”
“Humans,” said Ciri simply. “You wish to wipe us out and claim our castles for your own and muddy our bloodlines.”
Dara bent over his knees to laugh, a startlingly loud noise in the quiet forest.
“I think you may have some things a little backwards," he laughed. “Is that really what’s being said about us these days?”
“Yes. In all the… brigand camps.”
“I didn’t know brigands cared about castles and bloodlines.”
“No but--” Ciri felt her cheeks turn pink. 
“You’re Princess Cirilla of Cintra,” said Dara, and Ciri’s heartbeat leapt in her throat.
“How did you--”
“You’re wearing the seal of Cintra at the clasp of your cloak. Your hair is as pale as they say. And you speak like a princess.”
“I damn well do not,” said Ciri. “Fuck you,” she added for good measure.
Dara laughed again, a sound both light and musical, a warming sort of laugh.
“Princess Cirilla,” he said, stepping closer to her. The horse between them seemed bored of the affair of standing in the middle of the road, his eyelids fluttering closed. Her head felt too muddy to know what she was meant to do in this situation. She expected that she should flee. Call for help. At any moment, a gang of Scoia'tael could burst from the trees and claim her for ransom.
“Ciri,” she corrected. 
“Ciri,” said Dara, smiling. “I’m not going to leave you alone in the woods.”
“Right,” said Ciri, suddenly dizzy. She found that it was not as gratifying as she thought it would be to be a part of a more exciting narrative. “You’re going to kidnap me and take me back to your camp and make my grandmother give in to all your sick and twisted demands for my safe return. Or worse, you aim to defile me and force me to bear your children which will ascend to the throne. Or you--”
Her dizziness overwhelmed her.
The forest pitched to and fro, and when she became aware of her surroundings again, she rode on horseback with someone’s arms clenched around her, the undergrowth a green blur and the horse’s pace swift and sure. 
Cold fear gripped her until she saw a familiar outer wall rise up from the forest. She knew if she craned her neck, she would see the glittering spires of Cintra’s main keep far away on the hill.
“You took me back,” said Ciri, her voice scratchier than expected. Dara’s grip tightened as she shifted to look round at him, and he reined the stallion to a halt. He had removed his cap, and she was struck by the strange urge to touch the line of his pointed ear. She realized a second too late that she had given to the urge and snatched her hand back, face burning. 
“I took you back,” said Dara. “I’m not an animal or a monster. I don’t kidnap or defile distressed maidens. None of my kind do. We want reparations, not slaughter. We want our relics returned to us and our history respected.”
“How boring,” Ciri mumbled. “The other story’s much more exciting.”
Dara dismounted and shifted to help her do so as well. Ciri swayed on her feet but managed to stay upright, distracted by the warmth of Dara’s hands on her arms.
“I’m sure you know there’s a gate not far from here. Follow the wall. I can’t go farther than this.”
He gathered up Wyn’s reins and turned to lead him back into the forest, and Ciri felt her heart clench strangely.
“Wait,” she called. “You saved me. You’ll be rewarded.”
“I don’t think that’s how this works, Princess,” said Dara and smiled his soft smile.
Ciri breathed deep, holding herself upright and summoning all her bravery, and strode with only some unsteadiness to stand before him. 
“Thank you, Dara of… the woods. For your service and protection.” 
“Very formal for a brigand.”
“Yes, as is taught at brigand school.”
Being almost of a height, Ciri needed only to rise slightly onto her tiptoes to brush her lips against the line of Dara’s brow. His fingertips touched the curve of her elbow, and she rested a palm on his chest. Small and lingering touches that she would remember with perfect clarity long after.
“Have you read any of the latest stories? With defiant maidens who flee from the marriage bed and learn to fight with swords and ride swift horses and cut off all their hair?”
“I can’t read,” said Dara simply, “but they sound like good stories.”
“Yes,” said Ciri, and with all the stubborn rebellion that was her birthright, she ducked forward to kiss him on the bow of his lips. 
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Decisions, Decisions
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Jax’s time in the Devildom grows short and indecision over their relationship with Beel forces them to turn to Arianthi for help.  A new trick from Diavolo spells trouble for Jax. 
Written from the perspective of my non-binary OC Jax.  Also includes other original characters from my Obey Me - Truth or Dare series.  Takes place in the Truth or Dare AU where Arianthi chooses to be with Mammon,
NSFW: mild makeout and groping
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I stretch languidly and burrow deeper under my blankets, cuddling back into the warm body beside me.
“Mmmmm,” Beel mumbles sleepily and snakes an arm around my waist to pull me even closer, curling his large body around mine.
I sigh in contentment as his large, rough hand strokes the bare skin of my hip, pausing at the waistband of my boxers.  I loll my head back against his muscled chest as he presses soft kisses against my neck and tugs softly at my boxers, silently asking for permission.
“Yes,” I answer in a hoarse whisper.  Beel gives a deep rumbled of satisfaction as his hand dips below my waistband and he softly strokes me, my cock growing even harder in his hand.  I slink one hand behind me and bury it in his feather soft hair, tugging gently.  His thumb rubs delicately over the barbell of my frenum piercing and I shudder in pleasure.
“Jax.....” Beel lets out a breathy moan and I feel his hard cock press insistently against my ass.  He rolls his hips against mine urgently in an unasked question as he gently starts to tug down my boxers.
I suck in a deep breath and immediately go rigid in his arms.  “Belphie....” I manage to croak out.
“He slept in the planetarium last night,” Beel whispers, nipping at my neck before soothing it with a slow swipe of his tongue.
“Beel........ I....” 
He slowly removes his hand from my boxers and drops a quick kiss on the top of my head before rolling onto his back with a soft huff.  I mimic him, swiping roughly at the angry tears the fill my eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I mumble, unable to look at him.
Beel turns his head and frowns at me.  “No.”
“No?”  I squeak out in surprise.
He reaches for my hands, interlacing his fingers with mine.  “You never have to apologize for telling me no.”
Beel raises my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles.
“Nothing happens without you wanting it.  That’s never going to change.  Ever.  So don’t apologize for taking care of yourself.
“Thanks Beel,” I murmur, squeezing his hand.  
“You don’t have to thank me either, Cupcake,” he answers quietly.  “You deserve to be treated like precious treasure.  Because you are.”
He slowly sits up and gives a large stretch.  “We need to start getting ready.”
“But first,” Beel shoots me a cheeky grin, “I am going to take a very long shower.”
I laugh and throw a pillow at him as he makes his way to the bathroom.
A few hours later I walk across the R.A.D. campus, holding a bag of B.L.T. devil sandwiches, and looking for Beel.  Suddenly a small body barrels into mine and a pair of arms wrap tightly around my waist.  
“Ohmygod Jax hi!  I’m so happy to finally meet you!”  
“I am very uncomfortable right now.”  I stare down in shock at the blonde girl clinging to me.
She lets out a high pitched giggle and shakes her head, blonde curls bouncing against her flushed cheeks.  “He said you were funny!  We’re going to be so close while we’re here, I can already tell.”
“Please stop touching me.”  I try to gently extract myself from her grip on my jacket and frantically scan the quad for Beel.
“Oh I forgot, I’m Chloe!  I’m the new human exchange student.  I just got here and found you right away!  Diavolo said you would show me around.”  She gives me an uncomfortably wide grin.
“I’m not a tour guide.”  I put a hand on her shoulder and give her a small push.
She keeps a hand on the hem of my jacket and pouts.  “But Lord Diavolo said you would.”
A hand suddenly snatches the back of Chloe’s shirt and roughly yanks her away from me.  I stumble a little as she finally lets go of my jacket.
Chloe recovers her balance and whips around to glare at my savior. 
Arianthi stares back at her impassively, arms crossed over her chest.  She’s wearing Mammon’s leather jacket, jeans, and a pair of his sunglasses.  It’s been a month since she left for the human realm with Mammon, and she seems more relaxed than I’ve ever seen her, despite her clear annoyance at the current situation.
“Tell Diavolo if you want,” Arianthi replies with a lazy shrug.  “You’re not supposed to be here anyway, and when I get done talking to him you’re gonna be in the first portal back to the human realm.” 
Chloe’s mouth drops open.  “Just because I hugged him?”
Arianthi’s eyes narrow.  “Jax told you to stop touching them.  When they tell you something you need to listen to them.  You’re going back because you’re not supposed to be here; I signed you rejection letters myself, Chloe.”
“Oh, now I know who you are!  Diavolo told me about you.”  Chloe gives Arianthi a snide grin.  
I slowly start to edge away from the two women.
“Fantastic, then you already know that I make the decisions when it comes to exchange students.  We’re going to speak to Diavolo and clear up this extremely unfortunate misunderstanding.”
“But--” Chloe starts to protest.
“Diavolo’s.  Office.  Now.”  Arianthi spits out the command through gritted teeth.
Chloe opens her mouth in shock, then snaps it closed before turning on her heel and starting to walk away.
“So, um, I’ll just be heading out now.”  I shuffle side to side awkwardly while Arianthi glares at Chloe’s retreating form.
She turns to me with a gentle smile.  “Sorry, this wasn’t how I wanted us to spend my first day back home.”
“It’s fine.  I’m just really glad your back.”  I return her smile, then hold up my bag of food.  “I need to go find Beel though so....”
Arianthi shakes her head.  “Go on.  I’ll see you tonight at dinner.  Hopefully.  Diavolo and I are going to have a very long conversation about how he handled the human exchange students while I was gone.”
With that ominous statement Arianthi stalks off in the direction of the administration building.
I find Beel a few minutes later, on his way to Fangol practice.
“Hey Big Guy,” I say, hugging him from behind.  “Brought you something to eat before practice.”  I press the takeout bag into his hands.
Beel gives me a dazzling smile.  “You didn’t have to do that.”
I shrug shyly.  “I wanted to.”
Beel pulls me close to his chest and brushes a soft kiss to my lips.  “Thank you Jax.”
He holds me for a moment longer, until his teammates start calling for him.  I push against his chest.  “You better get going Beel.  You’ll want enough time to eat before you start practice.”
“See you at home.”  Beel grins at me one more time before jogging off towards the colosseum.  
I give him a half hearted wave and trudge towards my spell work class.
Three classes and two and a half hours later I wander into the R.A.D. cafeteria, where I spot Arianthi sitting alone at a table, shuffling through a mountain of paperwork.  I debate going over to talk to her as I buy a sandwich and a drink.
Ugh.  God, just quit being a little bitch and ask her.  She’ll understand it better than anyone else here.
I wander over to her table and clear my throat to get her attention.  “Mind if I keep you company?”
She looks up at me slowly, then kicks out the chair across from her before turning back to the papers in front of her.
“So, what was up with the girl from earlier?” I ask, as I pick apart my sandwich and remove the tomatoes.  
Arianthi heaves an irritated sigh.  “She’s been denied admittance to the exchange program three times.  She’s not a good fit for the program, but since I was gone Diavolo personally approved her fourth application.”
Satisfied that my sandwich is now tomato free, I press the two halves back together and take my first bite.  “How come you denied her all those other times?” I mumble.
Another irritated sigh.  “She a pact chaser.”
“Mmmph?”  I quirk an eyebrow at Arianthi as chew.
“She doesn’t care about the program, or experiencing life down here.  She just wants to make pacts, to bring demons under her control.  She got some romanticized idea of what it would be like, with no idea how sacred a pact really is.  She just wants a supernatural boyfriend.  Demons don’t need to be under the potential control of someone that uneducated and irresponsible.”  
I take a sip of my drink.  “Don’t you have pacts with Mammon and all his brothers?”
“Yeah, but those are pacts I earned or that were offered to me.  And I can count on one hand the times I’ve actually used them.”
“Did you get Diavolo to send her back?”
Arianthi scowls.  “Apparently our lord and ruler has no issues with her reasons for wanting to be here.  So we’re stuck with her for now.”
I remember the way Chloe latched onto me.  “Great,” I sigh.
“Stay close to me and the boys and you’ll be fine.”  Arianthi scrubs her hands over her face.  “I don’t know why I’m surprised Diavolo won’t listen to me.  I knew things wouldn’t be good once he found out about me and Mammon getting married.”
“So, how’s that going?”  I ask, in an attempt to transition the subject towards the thing I really wanted to talk about.
“Being married?”  She smiles to herself.  “Mammon is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“So you don’t regret it?  Staying here I mean?”  My words come out in a rush.
“No.”  She gives me a quizzical look,  “Why would I?”
I shrug and take another sip of my drink.  “It’s just.....I mean...you gave up a lot to stay here with him right?”
Arianthi leans back in her chair and crosses her arms.  “Why do I get the feeling this is about more than my happy relationship?”
“Just some stuff with Beel has me thinking,” I answer quietly, picking at my cuticles and avoiding her eyes.
“What stuff with Beel?”  Mammon asks as he sits down next to Arianthi and slings one arm around her shoulders.
“Nothing!”  The response comes out louder and quicker than I intended it to.
“Well, that’s just a big, fat lie.”  Mammon frowns at me.
Arianthi elbows him in the side.  “Knock it off.”
I glance between the two for a moment, thinking.  “I don’t know what to do about Beel,” I finally say.
“What do you mean?”  Mammon narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.
“I like him,” I whisper.  “Like, really like him.”
“Ah,” Arianthi says in understanding, while Mammon just looks confused.
“I’m leaving in a few months, and I hate even thinking about it.  But then I think about not going home again, and I hate the thought of that too.”
“You could always visit home, like Ari does,” Mammon offers up a suggestion.
I anxiously fiddle with my lip ring.  “My dad will be so sad if I stayed down here, and I’d have to lie to him about where am at and I’d feel like such an asshole for doing it, but I think Beel could be worth it.  Beel hasn’t said for sure how he feels about me staying or not.  I mean, he’s hinted at it......but he hasn’t said for sure.  I know he likes me, and I know he wants to be closer, you know physically, but....  Ugh!” 
I drop my head on the table with a loud thunk.
“Wait, you mean you haven’t....?” Mammon asks, in shock.  “But he said you guys have been staying in each other’s rooms every night!”
“Mammon!”  Arianthi hisses at him in disapproval as I shake my head.
“How come?”  Mammon asks, genuinely curious.
“Oh my god Mammon, you can’t ask people questions like that!  It’s personal!  Plus it’s not like we were quick to get to that stage either,” Arianthi scolds him.
“Have you ever even, you know, done ‘the thing’?”  Mammon asks another question.
Arianthi stares at him, her drink frozen halfway to her lips.  “Did you really just refer to sex ‘the thing’?”
The tips of Mammon’s ears turn bright red.
“Promise me that when we have children you will never, ever attempt to give them the sex talk.”  
Mammon frowns at her.
“If you must know Mammon, yes I have done ‘the thing’.  Just not with Beel.”  I scowl at him.  “It means a lot, when I chose to be with someone like that.  I feel that way about him, but I’m afraid I won’t want to go back home if I go all in with Beel.”
Arianthi sighs.  “This really sounds like something you just need to talk to Beel about.  You two need to get on the same page about what you want from each other.  Either make a clean break or go all in.  This in-between place you’re in will just end up hurting you both.”
“Yeah.”  I forlornly pick at the remains of my sandwich.  
“Hey.”  Arianthi reaches over and taps my knuckles with her index finger.  “For what it’s worth, I’ve never regretted a second of my time here.  Staying with Mammon is the best decision I’ve ever made.”
I nod at her as she and Mammon stand up and gather their things.  I wave at them as the walk away from the table, then go back to picking apart my lunch.  A large hand comes down on my shoulder and I give a sudden squeak of surprise.
I turn to see Mammon standing behind me.  “Jesus, Mammon!”
“Look, Beel cares about you.  A lot,” he says softly, keeping his hand on my shoulder.
I smile, glad to know I’m not alone in my feelings.
Mammon’s hand tightens on my shoulder, and I can feel his fingernails prick my skin through the thin fabric of my t-shirt.
“Beel is the best one out of all of us.  He always has been.”  Mammon’s voice drops low and threatening.  “Do not hurt my little brother.  Get your shit together or get out.”
Mammon steps away from me and gives me a bright smile.  “See you at home!”
“See you,”  I shakily say to his back, watching him walk away as I rub my sore shoulder.
I take out my D.D.D. and text Beel to meet me in my room as soon as he gets home.
A few hours later I’m sitting on my bed, absentmindedly twirling a pencil between my fingers, a blank sketchpad on my lap, when Beel comes bounding in.
“Hey, Cupcake,” he says, smiling and flopping down on the mattress next to me.
“Hey, Big Guy.”   I gently run my fingers through his silky orange hair.
He reaches out and softly tugs away my sketchpad and pencil, tossing them onto the floor.  “Why don’t you put those away for a bit?” He growls, nuzzling into my neck.
I huff out a low laugh as his lips and tongue trace a ticklish path over the tender skin of my neck.   I slowly pull back from him, and take both his hands in mine, silently marveling at how much larger they are than my own.
My eyes roam over Beel’s face, taking in every detail, from the soft slope of his nose, to the curve of his full lips, and the strong outline of his jaw.  My gaze eventually settles as I look into the violet eyes that have captivated me since my very first day in the Devildom.
I take a deep breath.  “Beelzebub, we need to talk.”
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moonyremembrall · 4 years
“Now, munch on this when I send you off with a signal which will be me vexing the heck out of Mcgonagall!” The excitement not only builds in his voice but also in his deep brown eyes which started to shimmer, he then flashed her sportive smile. Her petite hand were outstretched as he thrusted a double coloured candy. In defence of her petite hands, he had an impossibly enormous set of hands. She stared at the piece of sweet with bewilderment in her expression as though nothing seems more ridiculous than a piece of candy used as a tool to help their sneak out plan set off.
Fred sneaked a glance at her and noticed that she was starting to fumble with her nails, which only meant one thing, she was nervous. He lifts up his hand to gently caress her dirty blonde hair and kissed the top of her head. He mumbles softly into her ear “Just trust me.” And he gives her a wink just as more students file into the hall with them.
The creak of the oak door gave rise to a sudden panic within Bella’s stomach, it felt as though someone dropped a heavy barbel that restraint all the rebellious side of her to come out. As she took a step beyond the threshold, her soft cloud-like voice whispered to herself, “Here goes nothing, I guess.”.
Bella sat herself three rows from the back, so as to be close enough to the door to save herself from the unknown embarrassment she was setting herself up for by trusting Fred’s bizarre candy while still being able to draw attention to Professor Mcgonagall if something bad did happen to her because of the candy.
In her authoritative yet supportive tone, Professor Mcgonagall started rambling on and on about human transformation. “These people who are able to change their physical appearance at one’s own will are known to be gifted with the power of metamorphmagus.” She paced the length of the room glancing to her left and right to make sure every single student was attending to what she had explained.
The other students had their quills and papers out and were focusing intently to scribbling down the whole mouthful of what Professor Mcgonagall was saying, all the while Bella was retrieving her memory from last week where Tonks was changing up her hair colour from shockingly bright pink to purple.
The ringing her voice cut Bella off from her daydream session, “People are born with the power, rarely though, there are skilled witches and wizards who do learn this power overtime.”.
“Do you think I am a skilled wizard, Professor? What do you reckon?” Teased a voice that rang immense familiarity to Bella. A frown drew itself upon Professor Mcgonagall’s forehead. She halted her journey of travelling around the classroom and turned to face Fred who was sitting at the far front of the classroom. Everyone could tell that she was stunned by his retaliation. She manage to stutter out an answer “I don’t quite understand what you are trying to get at, Mr.Weasley?”.
Fred emphasised and elongated the word “Well” in a high-pitched tone as his eyes darted across the classroom and fell upon Bella. She had not realised until then that this was his misdirection plan and instantly she unwraps the candy from the grip of her right hand.
Eyes bulging and heart racing as her gaze shifted to the double coloured candy. Bloody hell. Fred never told me which side does the trick to make me sick. I am going to hex him! Here goes nothing, I guess.
Quickly nibbling on the orange side of the candy, she prayed intensely that she was chewing on the right side. All at once her stomach felt as though it has been twisted and the contents of it were being forced out.
Thankfully his eyes were glued to her the entire time and abruptly he shouted making the other students jolt in their seat “Professor, Bella seems unwell. Let me send her off to the hospital wing.” With a scowl Professor Mcgonagall objected “Ms.Fortescue appeared fine seconds ago.” Her eyes gleamed with curiosity as she squinted them.
“Andddd is now sick. I got to bring her to the hospital wing. Sorry, professor.” He hurriedly collected his belongings and dashed his way to Bella who was utterly embarrassed about being the centre of attention while the nauseated expression drew itself across her face.
The warm palms took hold of her wrist and dragged her out of the class. Leaving the room full of bewilderment.
Their unrestrained laughter echoed throughout the empty halls as heartbeat quickens and breath shortens. The exhilaration they felt as their stomps brave them towards a new adventure together. Hands gripped tightly. They ran for their life. This is what being alive feels like the pair thought.
A grassy and earthy scenery filled the perimeter of their vision. This scene brings back innumerable amount of memories. Fred spotting Bella in a crowd of thousands when he was having a match. Fred bringing Bella and showing her cool tricks. Fred asking Bella to be his girlfriend. Instantaneously the pair was brought back from the flashing sea of memories to reality when Bella puked on the Quidditch pitch. “Way to diffuse the moment.” Teased Fred as Bella averted her eyes upwards to meet Fred who was practically beaming.
“Shove off. Why are we here?” Bella summoned all the power within her to be annoyed by Fred but could only muster a giggle and grin. His arms were outstretched as he pointed to a broomstick in the middle of the field “See that” his voice was tranquil and serious now “you need to trust me.” He gave her a sideways glance with hope illuminating in his aura. She put on a smug face and pestered him “Wellllll, I don’t know. After what just happened.”.
A sly expression fell upon his face “Bet.” He challenged. It startled Bella that the strong built of his upper body suddenly took hold of her legs and carried her body on his shoulder. Minutes ago the two were racing out of trouble and now she was propped on his shoulder while her vision faces where they stood minutes ago. As though his life depended on it, Fred ran faster than usual.
Propped to the nourished grassy field, Bella wobbled and tried to gain balance. “Hop on, then.” Fred’s hands move in an encouraging manner while his head nodded sideways beckoning Bella. Her steps were groggy and paced. At this precise moment Fred realises that she has trust issues with broomsticks. He slides himself onto the broomstick and steals her gaze with a tender expression that he counts on to be the thing that makes her have faith in him.
“Don’t you trust me, love?” He inquired while offering his hand to her. It took her a minute before she decided that she puts all her faith in him. As she takes tiny steps to him, the green eyes never broke the gaze to the brown one. There was an unspoken communication of trust in their eye contact.
She braced herself with courage and ascended the broomstick. He peered to his behind and benevolently said to her “Hold on tight.”. Though her arms may be short, it was the perfect size to wrap around his waist. Head leaning against his back she felt his warmth and goosebumps travel through her body. There was something intimate and sentimental about putting your trust in someone. Not a thing in the world matter as the pair soared off the grounds. Only the presence of each other became of great importance now.
From below clouds appear as though they are one thick dense layer, but as the two soar in between the clouds move constantly, flowing from here and there as though it had a journey. Deliberately the pair acquired a bird eyes view. A tiny tree near the Black Lake reminded her of the whispered conversations that seems days away now. The thrilling adventures in those halls are now ran through by minuscule figures. When one perceives the world this way everything seems small. It makes them realise that they have chosen each other to be a big part of one another’s life.
Far off Hogsmeade was a cliff and Fred was steering the broomstick towards that direction. Bit by bit buildings started to grow larger and larger as the broomstick descended to the ground.
The pair was greeted by the tender breeze, pushing them down to the soft grass, though it was thin it served as a nice comforting mattress where the pair laid down next to each other, above them were the deep blue ceiling and scattered all around it were fluff cottons shaped like various things. The pair took time guessing and teasing one another about the shapes they saw.
He pulled her close to embrace her into a cuddle. In the serene atmosphere, his cuddles felt like a little touch of heaven that was warm and secure. The pair wished they could just extend or even pause the time so they could just stay close forever, feeling right in the embrace. “Love, can I say something cheeky?” His voice never quivered with so much jitters. “Go for it.” She answered him, the eagerness to know increased. “With you, I start to believe that there is nothing to fear in life. I start to believe that there are happy days and love. I feel that I have found someone who is able to turn me head over heels. Makes me feel complete.”
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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Morning sex with Jimin AKA your local weedman AKA “The plug” 
A Kinda establish Fuck buddy situation..nothings offical but you’ve hooked up at least 3 times by now so your…”Comfortable” if you will...MAYBE..Jimin want’s to get a little more than “comfortable” 
Smut with a lil plot floating around 
Tatted and pierced Jimin
Switch Jimin & OC
Jimin’s lowkey whipped…..
This is technically PART 3 within the “Series” but the others a smut drabbles this is actually a ONE SHOT. 
Warnings: Unprotected sex, creme pie, dirty talk, slight over stimulation (M/F) , switch oc/Jimin, power bottom Jimin, top OC,. 
“Jiminnnn” You tried to whisper first...sometimes he could be a light sleeper...but clearly tonight wasn't one of those times!  So you tried again this time straddling his lap”Jiminnnn” stroking your fingers through his ice blonde locks ..kissing up his jaw. A low moan slipped past his sinfully pouty lips, eyes still wired shut, tightening his grip he held around your waist. Pulling your hips flesh against his, nothing but a sheet over the two of you, still fully naked from the nights earlier endivers. The warmth that radiated from his body made it damn near impossible to will yourself to leave but you knew you had too! Fuck, adulting was the last thing you wanted to do when you had this fine ass man beanthe you, holding onto you for dear life! 
An airy chuckle leaving your throat as you tried to squirm away, only making him clamp down even tighter “Jimin, baby I gotta go, I have to go to work in a couple hours….” There wasn’t one lick of conviction within your tone, it was clear as day you didn't wanna go! Soothing your palms up his chest..tracing over the roses that danced along his shoulder blade. Admiring the fact that it didn't appear like he just stumbled into the cheapest artist shop! The art that covered the majority of his arm  was beautifully done, letting your fingers take a little detour, tracing the outline of a vine that curved up his toned bicep. 
“Stay…” One word, yet there was so much need laced within it, voice sitting huskier than usual, due to him being half asleep. The added tenor only making the invitation sound even more tempting and yes the sentiment was purely sexual because that’s all the two you were but that didn't make it any less effective! 
This was the first time you’d ever stayed over his place, and considering this whole thing was unexpected, you didn't have spare clothes! You also weren’t necessarily dressed in office appropriate attire either, just picture the most cliche “Netflix and chill” little two peice and that's what you were wearing last night! Reaching over to grab your phone, the light far too aggressive for your liking...observing the time that flashed across your screen 1:42AM.
‘I can’t ,trust me...if I could I would….” The pout was more than evident in your voice as you soothed your hand up his jaw, stroking his plush bottom lip. Wincing slightly as you tried to maneuver off his lap, muscles still a little sore from earlier….
Bringing both of his hands up to caress your back, soothing his way down your ass, kneading at your thighs,repeating the motion over and over...and over again. It took everything in you not to moan, at the pressure you felt as his fingers massaged your skin. Jimin was a lot stronger than he looked, adding just the right amount of pressure in all the right places. Lips coming over to tease at your jaw, flicking the hinge with his tongue, the sensation of the metal barbell, had heat flushing through your body. “Feelin sore baby? Was I a little too rough on you last night?” Not only could you hear the smirk in his voice, you could feel it. Sucking down on his spot right beneath your ear,and yes,  it was “his” because the minute he touched it you were done . A deep exhale left your chest as he hit a particular spot on the back of your thighs. Teeth grazing his shoulder as he worked his fingers into every tensed muscle he could find. 
“Oh fuck, right there…” Slipped past your lips in nothing but a faint moan and in all honesty you didn't mean for it to sound as sexual as it did…..
“Mmmm, you know...I can make you feel so much better if you let me...you don’t even have to do anything...just lay here and let me…” Open mouth kisses fluttered up the side of your neck “...make you come…” Sinking his teeth into the patch of skin behind your ear until your nails were clawing at his shoulder blades. 
Subconsciously you started grinding down against his lap, his length getting harder by the second..pulsing against your heat. Sliding one hand down to cup your ass, spreading your cheeks before slipping his fingers up your lips, parting them ever so slightly. A moan slipping from both of your lips in unison, once he felt how wet you still were. 
“Oh fuuckk me…” almost sounding somewhat winded as he spoke“You fucking soaked…” Lips brushing against yours as, sucking your bottom lip between his own while effortlessly sliding two figners in knuckle deep. A faint cry of his name left your lips from how full you felt,never one to complain about how thick this man's fingers where. Not hesitating to pump them in and out as he grinding his hips up into yours...making sure to smack his palm against your clit every time. 
“Jiminnnn I can’t- I gotta go baby- I can't- ”Voice trembling in your throat as you tried to protest but your body betrayed you, so damn easily! You were already sucking his fingers in as we speak. Telling him you don’t have time yet you won’t let him go…”Fuckk you feel soo good….” nails clawing into shoulders as you tried your damndest to talk yourself out of this...you really did. 
A slightly whiney moan slipped past his lips at that, kissing up your jaw “But your so ready for me baby,  your pussy so ready for me….” Now he literally was whining,sliding his fingers up your lips, collecting more of your juices to rub against your clit. Applying steady pressure  and you knew right then you lost this battle...you were staying right where you where. Eyes fluttering to the back of your head..toes curling against his thigh at the sudden sensation pulsing through your body. 
“Babyyy..let me fuck you again before you leave…you know you want it...” There he goes again, giving you those eyes...the most lethal combation of puppyand sex I still don’t undertand how he does it. “Pleaseee Y/N…let me make you feel good...give you a different kinda high before you go to work” Licking a strip up your neck as he spoke…smiling aginst your skin in the process as you melted into his touch.
Leaning down to lick your way into his mouth, slipping your hand between the two of you, easing your fingers into your entrance slowly making you moan out against his tongue. Only enough to get your fingers wet, taking his length in your hand, coating it in your own juices as you stroked him. Eliciting a high pitched cry to strangle from his throat and against your tongue as you pressed your thumb against the tip, swirling the pre cum around. Twisting your wrist, fluctuating the pressure you applied as you worked his length.  “Make me cum” purred past your lips and that was all the instruction he needed,exchanging your hand for his. Angling himself at your entrance, flicking the tip against your clit, making your pussy clench around nothing..desperate for some sore of stimulation! 
Brining your hands up to cup his jaw, forcing him to look at you, resting your forehead against his as you slowly lowered yourself “Fuckkkk” rolled off both of your tongue as you took him in. Hands coming up to grip your hips, digging his thumbs into your sides so you couldn’t ease up like you were trying to. Making you take all of him in one notion, Jimin wasn’t abnormally large but he was thick, and no matter how wet you were you still needed to adjust..but apparently not today. “Relax…” brushed past your lips. Pressing the most delicate kisses imaginable against them “Relax and let me in baby…”
Jimin had one of the sexiest voices you’d ever heard, not the deepest by any means but it was soothing, with just the right amount of authority, needy yet controlled, delicate and masquline all at the same damn time. All the things that shouldn't go together...went together and made the most lethal combination imaginable! Hands soothing up your thighs which were currently shaking, to your own surprise you were still a lot more sensitive than you would have expected. Slipping his hand between the two of you, thumbing at your clit while he kissed up your jaw, moaning at the way you started to ease down on top of him. Walls flexing every so slightly to let him in a little easier, “There you go baby...fuck your pussys still so tight….even after how hard I fucked up last night…your still…” Jimin started to slowly rock his hips up into you, helping you take him in “Sooo..” Another sharp roll of the hips “Tight…”  Choking on your own breath as you finally took him in completely, pelvis flush against his. The feeling of him pulsing around your heat that was still throbbing around him had you feeling light headed, nails clawing at his chest making there was up into his hair. 
“ Just tell me when I can move, I told you this was about me making you feel good. Tell me when you’re ready for me baby…” You could already feel yourself dripping onto his stomach and you hadn’t even moved you....just sitting there...milking Jimin’s cock for all it was worth. To be honest..you probaly could’ve came from that alone you were squeezing him so damn tight! 
“Moveeee” Hissed past your lips, purposely squeezing down around his length until he almost growled, hands taking purchases back on your hips as he started slowly guiding them back against his own. Deep,slow, wave like motions, pulling your hips all the way back, almost tilting your ass upwards before bringing you back down. Making sure his hips snapped up to meet yours at every thrust, you planned on helping out...no matter how sore you felt but  he didn't even give you a chance. He had so much control over your body it was insane...you already knew you were going to last long. “Oh my god Jiminnnn…” 
A slight snarl tugging on Jimin’s lips the tighter you got “Yeah? Feel good baby???Fuck your so fuckin wet...your pussy dripping for me...Y/N…” 
You couldn't warp your mind around how quickly he had your body tumbling over itself, leaning up letting your hands roam up your body getting tangled in your hair as you started grinding down against him. Taking a little of the control back, tilting your ass up slightly almost making him pull out, before rocking your hips back down. Making sure your clit grazed his pelvis gone every time. “I need you,I need you to touch me...play with my clit and make me come…” More of a statement than anything, the words moaned from your lips as you continued rolling your hips against him. Alternating your rhythm moving in slow  circular motions, letting him hit spots neither one of you knew he could. 
“Oh Fuckkkk….Y/N-Babyyy, your soo good, you feel so. damn.good.” he couldn’t help but arch up into you , this new position had you teasing him. Flipping all your hair to one side so you could look down at him. Bracing your hands on his chest you started grinding down harder, and faster. “Fuckkk yes…just like that..fuck me! Fuck me baby...” Bringing one had over to spread your lips apart, while the other worked your clit, in swift steady motions...you told him to make you come and dammit that’s what he was about to do! 
“God you feel sooo good inside me, your so thickkkk” Neck rolling against your shoulder as you felt him start to roll his hips up into you, using all of his core strength. 
“That pretty little pussy nice and full baby?” He was so damn cocky but he wore it well, damn well, you couldnt even be pissed....
A humm leaving your lips in response far to consumed to say much else. Lifting his ass slightly as he bucked up to meet each and every roll of your hips...it was all coming from his abs and his thighs as his hands were currently preoccupied. If your mind wasn't in a  complete haze you’d be pretty damn impressed right now! “Yes-yes-fuck yes..don’t stop, don’t stop…” You weren’t even sure if he understood you, your voice was so faint, you felt so good so full, every nerve in your body was tingling. You could feel Jimin on every inch of your skin, and you fuckin loved it, he told you he was going to give you a different type of high and that he did! Consumed with everything that was him, falling deeper and deeper with every roll of his hips! 
Leaning down to rest your head in the crook of his neck, god you were so damn close, your thighs were shaking! Spreading your legs a little more, using the last bit of energy you had , you knew what he needed. Elevating your hips as you bounced on top of him, sliding out at an angel that only left his tip inside. Never fully actually sititing on his lap, using your thighs and arms as support “Ohhh fuck, fuck!” Eyes snapping open, almost as if he was in a slight panic from how intense the shift was. “Shit- I- fuck-what are you doin to me!? Jesus!” Jimin’s voice reaching heights you’d never heard and it hand you chest swelling.
Baby couldn't even keep his eyes open as you rolled down against him, your angle was everything he needed,you had him deep, fuck he was deep! He could feel how hard you were clenching around him, how sloppy and inconsistent your strokes were getting so he went in full power bottom mode. 
Slamming his hips up into yours with such force you couldn't even brace yourself against his shoulders anymore,needing to drop your hips in order to regain any type of control. “Jiminnn” His name whined from your lips like a prayer you chanted it so many times as every nerve in your body tensed. 
“Mmm, you sound so good when you come, say my name again baby...” He was almost begging as if he NEEDED you to say it.
Abruptly collasping on top of him as you came with a shaky cry of him name, still working your clit, fucking you through your orgam. Teeth sinking into his shoulder as you came...and came...until you felt like you couldn't even breathe..everything was hazy.Everything felt like too much yet you didin’t want it to end, bringing your forehead up to rest against his as you panted into his mouth, tongue lazily rolling against his.  The metal from his piercing flicking against your teeth as your jaw slacked slightly. His hand abadoned your clit making a home back on your hips, “Your always soo good for me….so good baby..fuck..I’m gonna cum baby..where can I cum??” Licking at your mouth with the neediest undertone yet it was so damn sexy, panting and desperate holding onto his release for dear life! Typically Jimin came on your back, stomach..mouth...never in you…..
 “In me, I wanna feel you come inside me...fill me up baby…” Taking an almost possessive hold on his scalp ...angeling  his sinfully thick neck back...sinking your teeth into the base as you grind your hips down hard against his. Challenging his control
 “Oh fuckkkkk” Eyes fluttering to the back of his head, bring one arm up around the back of your shoulder, while the other hugged you waist. Making your hips as flush to his as possible as he bucked into you until he came. Filling you to the brim, as he moaned into your mouth, kissing you deeper and deeper as he rode out his high from under you. There was something so sexy …about having him make a mess of himself from under your control . Deciding to be a dick, you didn’t stop moving right away, you kept slowly rocking your hips against him and he winced everytime you did. Almost like it was knocking the wind out of him,  Finally not able to take anymore he gripped down on you with both hands until you couldn’t move. Palm coming down to make a firm imprint on your ass, so much so that even his own palm was throbing in the process. Nothing but mindless giggles left your lips in response you were so fucked out and dizzy you couldn't even think straight! 
Pulling out of you slowly, sliding his tongue past your lips in the process to distract you from the fact that you’d probably be extremely sore once he did. Handing coming down to soothe up your thigh as he rolled off, plopping down next to you!  “Holy shittttt Y/n” 
 An exhausted chuckle left your lips as you smiled over at him, this was the first time you realized how comfortable you felt around him which was odd. Typically your conversation were either about sex or how much weed you wanted...yet this just felt normal….it felt good antually, damn good!
“Come get in the shower with me... I’mma drive you home...it’s too late for you to make that drive alone…”Shifting off the bed first ruffling his fingers through his fluffy blonde locks, quickly checking the time on his phone before grabbing a towel off his dresser. 
 “Buttt I told you I have to go to wor-” Nothing but confusion danced along your face..and for good reason 
“Yeah, so I’ll drive you…” Brows furrowed, blatanly annoyed as if that was just something you should have just assumed….because yeah..why not! This is toatlly normal! 
“Ughhh okay then how am I gonna get home?” Mimicking his sassy tone
Eyes rolling to the back of his head more times than you could count “Well obviously I’m gonna pick you up...we can like grab food or something then I’ll bring you back here…...you can drive home later.”  Shrugging nochalnatly as if what he said wasn’t  something COMPLETELY out of the blue for the two of you! Is he forgetting typically this is like an after midnight booty call situation...how would you have even assumed that’s what he had in mind!? Like..2+2+5???
 You couldn't even hide the smile on your face if you wanted too,stomach flipping in knots, almost feeling like you were back in highs school.  “I’m sorry, is my weed man offering to drive me to work, pick me up...and take me on a date?” Brow arched at the implied questions that you were kinda scared to know the answers too. Tone coming out far too hopefully, and vunerable for your liking...but I mean he did offer right!?
 Tongue playing at the corner of his lips, running his fingers through his hair, sauntering over to you with the smuggest smirk imagaineble. Trying your damnedest  not to get distracted by the way his muscles flexed as he walked ...did I mention he was still fully naked. 
 “What can I say, customer service is a very important part of my job...and I aim to please…now come get in the shower with me so we can see how much more I can “please” before I take you home” Teeth sinking into his pouty bottom lip as he signaled for you to come closer.....
  BTW - The actual insp for “The Plug” is ice blonde thotiana Jimin that we got during the last leg of the Love yourself tour. When his hair was long and kinda shaggy….I think one of the MANY lol LYTOUR DVDS he even has that hair color...So picture that jimin with tatts and a tongue piercing and your welcome...
 Love you as always,
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shes-soparticular · 5 years
Put in Work
Description: An innocent morning at the gym takes a turn. Part of my Shawn & Alex series, taking place sometime during the European leg of the tour and thus coinciding with the timeline of Slow Burn.
Warnings: Pure, filthy, uncalled for smut.
Words: 2349
Well, he didn’t think this through. When Alex had asked to come along to the gym with him and the guys, Shawn’s ego plotted “fantastic, she’s not going to know what hit her”. What he hadn’t considered is that the ass he already couldn’t tear his eyes away from in jeans and joggers would be repackaged in the tightest spandex shorts known to man. Or that he’d have a perfect view of it on the stairclimber while he tried to focus on lifting.  As bad as it is watching her ass strain against those shorts while climbing (for WAY too long, in his opinion), it only gets worse when she finally steps off the machine. She’s turned in his direction but her eyes are on her smart watch, oblivious to his stare. Grabbing her water bottle, she tilts her head back to take a drink and he nearly drops the barbell as he sees a bead of sweat trailing down her stretched throat. Pieces of hair that didn’t make it into her ponytail are stuck to her neck, her skin glistening from exertion. The place his mind goes is so filthy he makes himself blush. It doesn’t help that All Mine is blasting through his airpods, coaxing his thoughts further into focusing on the apex between her thighs.
Within those thoughts, everyone else has faded away and it’s just the two of them in an empty gym. She sets down her water bottle and approaches him, a fire in her eyes he’s never seen before. It’s as if she’s moving in slow motion, the way her breasts bounce lightly with her steps, the way her chin tilts down ever so slowly, eyes piercing him in such a way that it makes his dick twitch. Her hands reach him before her lips do, her fingertips running down his bare biceps before taking a firm grasp just above his elbows. But her lips follow seconds later, crashing into his with such a hunger that he’s almost knocked off balance. Feeling her tongue slip into his mouth, an involuntary moan is tugged from deep within his chest. His takes his time trailing his hands down her body, thumbs brushing the curves of her chest before skimming across the bare expanse of skin between her sports bra and the waistband of her shorts. Their ultimate destination, without question, is that full ass of hers, the one that’s been torturing him for weeks. Both of his hands settle there, lightly, waiting to see where she takes things next. When the presence of his hands drives her to grind her hips into his, he accepts that as permission to grab a firm hold. Squeezing until a whine transfers from her tongue to his, the sound spurs him to bring her yet closer, until she can feel his growing erection pressed to her lower stomach. She bites down on his bottom lip in acknowledgement, the dull pain only increasing his arousal. Her hands drop from his arms, traveling underneath his shirt and pushing at the hem. She’s not tall enough to get it all the way off herself, but he takes the hint and rids himself of his tank. It’s quickly replaced by her fingernails, raking from his shoulders down to the drawstrings of his gym shorts. His lips detach from hers long enough to find new territory, settling on the salty plane of her neck. If she tastes this heavenly post-work out, he can only imagine the sweet taste he’ll find between her legs. Busying himself with leaving a mark that won’t soon fade, her impatience (with which he’s come quite familiar) has taken the reins. She intertwines her fingers on top of the back of his right hand, slipping it down her stomach and into the front of her shorts. He sucks in a breath the second he realizes she’s not wearing any panties, that spandex truly being the only flimsy piece of fabric separating him from her heat. She lets go of his hand once she has it where she wants it, his fingertips grazing her folds and ghosting over her clit. It almost makes his head spin how hot and wet she already is, for him, and it only makes him harder to think about sinking more than just his fingers into her. With that thought, he slips his middle finger inside of her, thumb caressing over her clit with added pressure. An idea strikes him as he glances up momentarily and notices the mirrored wall not far from them. Backing her up gently until her back touches the glass, he somehow manages to keep his hand moving all while adding a second finger. With the mirror providing her support, she grinds herself into his hand, needing more than his fingers can give her in that moment. “Shawn, I need more.” In case he doesn’t know what she means, she pushes at his shorts until he springs free. Palming him immediately, her strokes are painfully slow as she spreads the pre-cum down his length. It’s not as though he needs to be convinced, but he has yet to truly see her and that takes momentary precedence. Bringing his free hand to the zipper on her sports bar, the one so teasingly separating her cleavage, he jerks it down with one swift movement. The second the fabric reveals her breasts to him, he can’t help but lean in to trace his tongue over one nipple. It hardens at the warmth of his mouth, her breathing quickening at the combination of his teeth grazing against her and his fingers curling inside of her. “Please, more.” He hasn’t heard her voice in that high of a pitch before and all he wants is to see how high he can get her to go. Reluctantly pulling his hand free, he peels her shorts downwards, the spandex clinging to her thighs in protest. He gives them a firmer pull until they slip down her calves and land in a pool at her feet. In quick succession, her sports bra and his shorts join them on the gym floor, skin finally pressed to skin. His hands find her hips once more and he nearly surprises himself when he turns her to face the mirror, her hands immediately pressing against the glass for support.
“God, look at you.”  He rasps into her mirror, meeting her eyes in the reflection. “Do you have even the slightest clue what you fucking do to me? Just look.” He watches as her gaze travels downwards until it’s transfixed by the sight of his cock sliding through her folds. In a perfect world, he’d spend longer teasing her but at this point, as her wetness starts coating him, he simply doesn’t have the restraint. Lifting her hips slightly so that they’re better aligned, he finally coasts forward to bury himself inside of her. He relishes the feeling of each inch disappearing into her core, watching her face contort in pleasure as she adjusts around him. Once he’s bottomed out, he stills for a second, thumbs rubbing circles on the skin of her hips. She pants for him to move, to fuck her, but he makes her wait. The way she’s been making him wait, making him pine, making him lose his damn mind over how bad he wants her. When he can no longer control the effort of her hips bucking backwards against him, he finally sets his pace. Each thrust seems to come quicker than the last, until the only sounds in the room are the slapping of skin and their collective moans, his growing lower while hers near a pitch he’s pretty sure only dogs can hear. His lips find her neck again, as she throws her head back against his chest.
“So good, baby, so -,” Her words are immediately cut off as he angles upwards to hit that elusive spot inside of her. The strangled moan that leaves her lips is music to his ears but the way she clenches around him, hard, almost makes his eyes roll back. Through some kind of inhuman fortitude, he’s able to keep going, to keep driving into her, right where she needs him. Their bodies are so slick with sweat, he’s not sure how he’s able to keep a hold of her hips as it is, but he chances it to snake one hand between her and the mirror. His fingers return to their earlier home, brushing her clit slowly at first before picking up speed.
“Come for me, honey. Don’t hold out.” His thrusts becoming more pronounced, targeted. Again, he watches as her eyes move downward to watch him plunge into her, the visual just as intoxicating for both of them. A moan bursts from her that sounds vaguely like his name, or so he decides, and when her breath seemingly catches in her throat, he feels that wonderful clench that announces her orgasm without her needing to put it to words. He slows down just slightly as she rocks through the aftershocks, her body trembling against his sending a sense of pride surging through his chest. She’s a panting mess, bit she’s his panting mess for once, and in that moment it’s all he can imagine wanting. It’s enough to send him towards the edge, but just as he’s about to spill into her, she wiggles out of his grasp. He’s so fucking bewildered, can’t fathom how she’d be this cruel to tease him at that exact moment, until he notices her falling to her knees in front of him.  There’s still a diabolical grin on her face, but she reaches up to stroke him through the final seconds. When he comes with a shuddering groan, she maneuvers so that his release lands across her collarbone and trails down her chest and between the valley of her breasts. Following the same pathway those beads of sweat had taken. He’s watching, wide eyed, as she runs a finger over the warm fluid, bringing it slowly to her lips. Her pink tongue darts out to taste it but the sound of someone snapping close to his ear steals his attention…
He’s jolted back to reality where a very clothed, very dry Alex is standing directly in front of him, eyebrow raised. “Shawn? Hellooooo? You there?” There’s a perplexed and slightly concerned look on her face, her hand busy running a towel along her neck, swiping away sweat. And only sweat. There’s no hickey on her neck, none of his remnants painted across her skin.
His voice is unexpectedly low and hoarse when he finally tries to respond to her, which he quickly attempts to cover with a cough. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. I was…uh, just thinking about tonight’s show.”
“Oh, okay,” That diabolical grin he swore he saw just moments before is plastered across her face. “I guess you weren’t lying about performing being better than sex…” He’s caught off guard by her comment, until he notices that her eyes have descended southwards and are staring at the wickedly obvious outline of his erection. “It that’s what it does to you.” Her grin only grows as she continues dabbing at the sweat bordering the edges of her bra. Immediately, he yanks the towel from his hands to hold in front of his groin. All he can do is say a silent prayer that this gym is located inside of their current hotel and he won’t have to rush past a line of fans begging for selfies.
“I…I’m gonna head upstairs.” Shawn turns to take off as fast as his legs will carry him, but she catches the back of his shirt before he can make it to the door.
“You’re forgetting your water bottle.” Looking over his shoulder, he sees her bend at the waist, reaching out for the nearby bottle. She glances backwards at him, free hand sneaking behind her to place one finger under the hem of her shorts, beneath her left ass cheek. With that grin only growing more evil, she snaps the spandex against her skin. “It’s not nice to stare, you know.”
Physically, mentally, emotionally, he cannot take another second of her teasing. Not now. Not after he just mentally fucked her against a mirror. He pivots on his heel, once again headed towards the door. “Keep it.”
He hears her voice call after him, but doesn’t turn to look at her. “Enjoy your cold shower!” Oh so lovingly, he reaches behind his back to flip her off.  Alex knows exactly what she’s doing. Of course, of course, she’s not responsible for the way her body makes him feel. Even in those spandex shorts. But she is responsible for verbally torturing him about it. One thing is for certain, he will NOT forget this. Whenever they finally do break through this will they/won’t they bullshit? When he finally has her naked and writhing underneath him? He’s going to make her pay for this. What’s that saying about a pound of flesh? Unfortunately, they’re still very much in limbo and thus if hotel shower walls could talk, they’d have plenty to say about his infatuation. It’s hours later, when he’s finally shook the thought of her, when he truly is focused on getting ready for that night’s show, that he notices a text from her.
“However good it was in your imagination? It’s going to be ten times better.”
And with that, he has to abruptly excuse himself to the green room bathroom to attend to his thoughts on Alex.
What she won’t end up admitting to him for a little while longer, until she’s just collapsed on top of him in some midwestern hotel room, is that he wasn’t the only one thinking unnatural thoughts that morning. That if shower walls could in fact talk, hers would have a story to tell. About her, the handheld shower head, and her thoughts of mercilessly riding him on the bench press until her thighs shook. They really were two of a kind. Degenerates, maybe. But degenerates that belonged to one another.
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gansey-just-gansey · 4 years
Punk History 101 part thirteen
Blue woke up face down in her bed, still dressed only in the big shirt she had thrown on the night before. She opened one eye. It was very clearly afternoon; she could hear Adam and Ronan laughing at something in the living room and the sun was coming in the wrong side of the window. She swore, shooting up out of the bed and pulling on the first clothes she touched.
She hadn't meant to keep Gansey waiting all day. She half ran down the hall, nearly slipping on the hardwood in her socked feet.
“Hey,” Adam called when she entered the front room. “I didn't even realize you were here. I thought you were going to Gansey's?”
“I did,” she said as she pulled on her shoes.
“It didn't go well?” Adam sounded somewhat disappointed.
“I told him I didn't want to spend the night until I forgave him when I wasn't drunk.”
“Oh. Well do you?” She just winked at him before slipping out the door. “You so do!” he called after her.
Blue knocked lightly on Gansey's door. It swung open immediately, like he had been waiting on the other side for her. “Blue,” he said surprised. “I thought you weren't coming.”
“I'm sorry, I slept pretty hard after last night,” she explained.
“Oh, that makes sense. A lot happened last night.” He rocked back on his feet. “Sober?”
“Blink-182,” she smirked. “But yes, I'm sober now.”
“Damn, I really thought I had you on that one.” He returned her smile for a moment, but it melted away with his confidence. “Look, Blue, about last night, I don't expect you to forgive me just because we did... what we did. You have every right to be angry and I'm so-”
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. She could feel his smile under her lips and opened her mouth to swallow it. He accepted the invitation greedily, running his tongue along hers.
Gansey broke the kiss to pull her into the apartment, slamming the door behind her and shoving her back against it. A little whimper escaped her when she hit. Gansey's eyes grew darker at the little noise. He grabbed the hair at the back of her head, jerking her head up to look at him. He stared into her eyes for a moment before slowly lowering his lips back to hers. He pulled her bottom lip between his and sucked hard until she was sure it was swollen.
“Fuck I missed you,” he growled. He dropped suddenly, with no warning, to his knees in front of her, dragging her pants and underwear down without bothering to unbutton them. Gansey kissed a slow line down her lower abdomen, starting just below her belly button, then the dip between her hips, her pubic bone, and finally, her piercing.
“Fuck.” She threw her head back, slamming it into the door. Gansey looked up at her. “No, please, don't stop,” she breathed.
He smirked for just a minute before returning his attention to the task at hand. “Spread,” he ordered, pushing her legs apart. He placed his hands on her ass, wedging his shoulders between her legs until both her legs were thrown over them. She grabbed at his hair, trying to keep upright. “Fuck, you're so wet, Blue,” he half moaned into her, sending pleasant vibrations through her. He licked a long, slow line along her slit, not helping her precarious position when she bent over his head. His tongue came to circle her clit, moving the piercing around deliciously. Her hands gripped his hair tighter as he made quick, tight circles around the barbell. She started shaking, keeping her balance through sheer force of will. Gansey's eyes flicked up to meet hers as he took his mouth off her. She made a loud noise of protest, but it died on her lips as he carefully put his teeth around the ring, tugging lightly. Then he pulled the whole thing into his mouth and sucked hard.
The whole world went white. Blue was vaguely aware of her body shaking and profanities spilling out of her mouth, but mostly she just rode the wave of pleasure that didn't relent, as Gansey's mouth was still applying suction to her clit.
When the last of the pleasure receded, she slumped against the door, Gansey's hands and shoulders bracing her against the wall the only things keeping her upright.
Gansey chuckled. “Good?” Something unintelligible came out of Blue's mouth. “I'll take that as a yes.” He slowly lowered her feet to the floor, standing and holding her against the wall until she could stand on her own.
“Fuck, Gansey,” she said shakily.
“That's the plan,” he gave her a lopsided smile, though it contrasted with his dark, hooded eyes.
Blue rubbed her thighs together in anticipation. She unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down until his dick sprang free. “Mmmm,” she hummed in contentment, stroking it. Gansey released a heavy breath, hips jerking forward.
After a minute of this, he pushed her hand away. “I want in you. Now.” She shivered at the demanding tone in his voice. She moved to go around him but he grabbed her around the waist and forced her back against the door. “Where do you think you're going?”
“The couch?” It came out as a question.
“No. Here.” He grabbed his wallet out of his jeans pocket and pulled out a condom. He tossed the wrapper over his shoulder and rolled it on. Bending down to grip her thighs, he pulled her up from the floor and braced her against the door. She gasped as he lined himself up with her and slid in, faster than expected. “Fuck. Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned into her neck.
He pulled out, almost to the tip and slammed back into her. The force caused quite a loud thump against the door. Between that and Blue's moans, all of their neighbors could probably hear them and know what they were doing, not to mention any passersby. Blue thought about mentioning it, but then Gansey was pushing into her again and all coherent thought went out the window. It was all she could do to grab onto Gansey's shirt and let him ravage her completely.
Blue's moans were becoming louder and higher pitched, her muscles clenching tighter. “Gansey. Gansey, I-I'm going to cum. Fuck, Gansey, harder.”
Gansey obliged, his breaths coming faster and shorter. She could feel his need to get her off before cumming himself. She tilted her hips slightly to the right and then- he was hitting the perfect spot on every thrust; she could see stars. She came hard, pulsing around him. “Fuck, yes, Blue,” he ground out as he chased his own orgasm. When he reached it, his knees buckled, almost sending them both to the ground.
As they both regained their breath, he slid out of her, buttoning his jeans and going to the kitchen to throw away the condom. When he returned, Blue was already back in her jeans. “That's a damn shame,” Gansey said, but he was smiling. He sat heavily on the couch, lifting one arm for Blue. She tucked herself into his side.
“Thank you again, for the pictures back,” Blue said after a minute.
“You're more than welcome. I should've shown them to you before ever using them, anyway. Did you- did you happen to look at them?” he asked hopefully.
“No. Adam threw them out for me,” she said. She felt a little pang of regret. “Sorry. I probably should have.”
“You were angry. I understand.”
“I kind of wish I'd kept them now. I'd like to see them.”
“Well.” Gansey shifted uncomfortably. “Well, if you really want to, I... kind of still have the negatives.”
Blue turned to him. “What?”
“I meant to return them with the pictures but I forgot them and by the time I realized, I'd already given you back the pictures and I didn't want you to think I made extra copies of them- which I definitely didn't- so I just kept them,” he rambled. He took a deep breath. “If you want me to throw them out, I absolutely will. Please don't be mad at me again.”
“I'm not mad. I believe you.” She tapped her thigh. “Do you think maybe we could get them developed? Just so I could see?”
“Whatever you want. They're yours. We could go drop them off and get food while they develop. It should only take about an hour.”
“Yes, please. Let's do that.”
“Being with you is going to be a roller coaster, isn't it?” he teased.
“Blink song,” she said as an answer.
An hour and a half later, they were back in Gansey's apartment, the envelope of pictures in hand. They settled into Gansey's bed to look at them, only getting distracted by their horizontal positions for a couple minutes. After, Blue righted her bra and licked her kiss-swollen lips, taking the envelope from its nearly forgotten place on Gansey's nightstand.
“Ready?” Gansey asked before she could take out the pictures.
“Ready as I'll ever be,” she replied, and dumped the contents on the bedspread.
Most of the pictures were her. There were a couple of pictures of scenery and sunsets and even a couple of Ronan. But the overwhelming majority were her. Tying up her vans, laughing with Adam, pulling up stockings, getting ready in Gansey's bathroom, and smoking. So many pictures of her smoking. She hadn't realized Gansey was even looking at her when most of them were taken. It turned out he was always watching her.
He was watching her now, as she ran her fingers over the pictures gently. His smile twisted a little when she found the one she was looking for. “We don't have to keep these copies either. We can throw them out as soon as you're done looking. We can-”
“Quiet, Gansey,” she whispered. She held up the picture of her smoking on Gansey's lap to look at it better. It was in color, but the lighting made it look gray scale. The black of her bra and panties was stark against the white of the walls in the background. Her skin seemed to glow. Most of her face wasn't in the picture, as she had been looking up, and the smoke covered what little did show, curling sensually around her breasts. It was sexy and hot but also sweet and tasteful. “I look... beautiful.”
“You always look that way to me,” Gansey said softly.
Blue's throat tightened. She leaned over to kiss him, trying not to crumple any of the photos. The kiss was as soft as Gansey's voice and just as emotional. She pulled back and cleared her throat so she could speak without squeaking. “You should take the spot.”
“What spot?” Gansey asked, brushing a lock of hair away from her face.
“In the gallery. You should put up this picture.”
He stared at her dumbly. “But you don't want people to see it.
“I didn't. I felt... exposed. Vulnerable. And maybe a little used, mostly because you didn't even ask me,” she explained. “But I know you didn't mean it that way, and you can't really see my face anyway. Only people that know I'm with you would really know that it's me, right? So I'm giving you permission. Use this photo for the gallery.”
“God, I think I love you,” he said, then immediately blushed. “I- I didn't mean- I'm sorry- it's-”
“I think I love you too,” Blue said, smiling. Then she pulled Gansey back to her for another kiss.
2 notes · View notes
kiheons · 6 years
Sugar Mommy Au Fact Sheet
Here are some tidbits about Brianna and Aquaria!
Brianna is 5’5” and Aquaria is 5’8” (fun fact these are their heights irl - they’re both smol)
Her full name is Brianna Maxine Heller
Brianna was raised in Seattle, and moved to Atlanta at 18 to go to school. She graduated, moved to Boston, got a MBA, joined a company and quickly worked herself up the corporate ladder. 
She met Bob while she was at Harvard. They dated for about 2 years before they got married and were married for 5 years before they divorced. 
The divorce was because they were both so absorbed with their jobs that they literally spent like no time together and eventually whatever they used to have faded. 
Brianna travels so often that she has a favorite airport - Dubai (fun fact that is also my favorite airport)
Brianna almost went to med school
She’s a C cup (Aquaria is a big fan of her tiddies)
She’s 34 when she meets Aquaria
She got her nipples pierced at 19 as an act of rebellion and she’s very embarrassed about it but she still wears barbells
Brianna has two tattoos, one on her rib cage and on her hip
Her favorite color is barbie pink
She’s a natural blonde but dyed her hair auburn before
She has a little sister
She’s Jewish 
When she moved to New York it was to work for the company
At first she hated Manhattan
She’s bisexual but leans towards women
Brianna is very much hands on with what her company develops and will tinker with things, hence why she keeps her nails short
She also has her fingers in Aquaria a lot these days
She surprisingly doesn’t have a bad relationship with her board of directors
She’s done magazine photoshoots before
She was single for about 2 years before she met Aquaria 
Brianna did karate competitively as a kid until she stopped in her senior year of University
Aquaria’s full name Aquaria Giana Palandrani
She’s met more than one person who genuinely believes her name is fake (she knows it sounds fake and wanted to change it when she was younger)
She grew up in West Chester and moved to New York to attend FIT straight outta high school
She also almost dropped out of FIT because she had a quarter life crisis in her 2nd year and didn’t know if she wanted to stay with fashion
The biggest struggle for her in New York was figuring out how the subway worked
Her natural hair color is a deep dark brown, almost black. She started bleaching her hair when she moved out and has dyed it orange, pink, purple, blue and black. Currently her hair is blond and half the time her roots are grown out
She’s an A cup and it’s something she hated about herself when she was younger
She works for a magazine run by Alaska and regularly pitches designs to her
She did ballet all throughout her childhood
She was 22 when she met Brianna
Aquaria had only had one girlfriend before she met Brianna and it was some girl she dated for 6 months in highschool
When she found out Brianna was actually divorced she was worried that Brianna would find her too immature and leave her for Bob again
She goes clubbing regularly and gets a lot of her inspiration from there
Aquaria doesn’t know how to drive
When she was in college she worked as a makeup artist and at Starbucks to make money
Her favorite color is glitter
Her favorite outfit is nothing
Aquaria doesn’t have any tattoos but she wants one but she has no idea what she’d get
She was going to get her septum pierced but chickened out
Aquaria can do a one handed cartwheel
She always has on long ass fake nails and doesn’t hesitate to bite them off to fuck Brianna
She tries to keep up with her dance background
She picks out a lot of Brianna’s outfits
One of her most prized possessions is the first pair of Louboutins she bought with her own money
Aquaria can’t handle the heat
She’s still salty Brianna didn’t take her to Dubai
Before she moved in with Brianna she lived in Brooklyn
41 notes · View notes
squatuniversity · 6 years
Welcome back to Squat University. For the last few weeks, we have been discussing the topic of low back pain. In our most recent article, I unveiled a simple step-by-step protocol screening your back along with a few ways to start winding down your symptoms. Today I want to share how to start fixing your injury so you can return safely to barbell training.
In my career as a physical therapist, there are few who have had a greater impact on how I approach treating low back injuries as Dr. Stuart McGill of Waterloo University. Over the past few decades he has written extensively on the topic of back injuries and the concept of core stability (in books such as Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance and Back Mechanicas well as in countless professional journals articles – visit www.backfitpro.com).1While I want to briefly go over the basics of each with you today, I highly suggest diving deeper into these topics with his publications.
Complete Rest Is Never A Fix
Think about the last time you went to your family doctor with a complaint of pain. If you experienced that pain while lifting a barbell, there’s a good chance the doc uttered these words, “I recommend not lifting for a few weeks.” Sound familiar?
It’s true many find some short-term relief of their symptoms by following these orders. It makes sense on paper. If deadlifting causes your back to hurt, not deadlifting will likely decrease your pain! Problem solved right?
While eliminating what triggers your pain for a few weeks will likely decrease your symptoms, it is never a final solution. Chances are the pain will eventually return because you never addressed why the problem started in the first place.
Eliminating the movement, posture or load that causes your pain is only half of the battle in fixing any injury. Anyone can tell you to stop doing something that hurts. Eliminating symptoms and building your body to become more resilient to future injury requires a different and more active approach.
To kick-start this active approach, let’s start by learning about our body’s ‘core’ and how it’s function relates to both the cause and fix of injury.
What is ‘core stability?’
Imagine for a moment a symphony orchestra composed of countless musicians. Just as each and every person must play their instruments in a united manner with constant changes in tempo and volume, our body must too coordinate each and every muscle and joint to create purposeful and sound movement.
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The muscles that surround our spine are considered the “core” of our body. It is composed of the abdominal muscles on your front and sides, the erector muscles of the back and even the larger muscles that span multiple joints (like the lats and psoas muscles). It may surprise you that the glutes are also an important part of the ‘core’ (something you’ll learn about very soon!). Each and every one of these muscles must work together in order to enhance the stability of the spine. But what really is ‘stability’?
Spinal stability is something Professor McGill has been able to define and measure with his work. First, when muscles contract they create force and stiffness. It is the stiffness part that is important for stability. Think of the spine as a flexible rod that needs to be stiffened to bear load. This is the role of the muscles. Through his research, he has measured athletes who fail to obtain appropriate muscular stiffness around the spine by coordinating muscle activation, and their subsequent injuries and pain.
Second, our body functions as a linked system. And distal movement requires proximal stiffness. Consider trying to move a finger back and forth very quickly – the wrist needed to be stiffened otherwise the entire hand would move. Now using the same principle consider the action of walking. The pelvis must be stiffened to the spine otherwise the left hip would fall as the left leg swings forward to take a step. This core stiffness is non-negotiable to enable walking. Thus all body movement needs appropriate coordination of muscles. To move, run, or squat requires spine stiffness and core stability.
When the core fails to meet the stability demands placed on the body during a certain lift, parts of the spine will be overloaded with forces that increase injury risk and performance will suffer. Much like a trumpeter squealing off pitch and out of tune would instantly dismantle the entire orchestra’s sound, each and every muscle that surrounds the spine must play it’s part in maintaining our body’s own “symphony of movement” in order to produce safe and powerful movement.
Where Do We Start?
There are two general approaches many will take to address a weak link of the core. The first (and most common method you’ll see in fitness clubs across the world) is through dynamic strengthening exercises such as crunches, back extensions or Russian twists. Traditionally coaches and medical practitioners have used these exercises that build strength through movement with the mindset that a stronger core will give the spine less chance for buckling and breaking under tension.
To a point this is true. Each muscle that surrounds the spine does need to have sufficient amount of strength to contract and ‘turn on’. When the muscles of our core contract, stiffness is created. Much like a guy-wire that attaches and holds up a radio tower, each muscle that surrounds the spine must provide a certain amount of tension and stiffness to maintain the strength of the spine as a whole and keep it from buckling and becoming injured.
However, here’s what most people don’t understand. Many people who develop back pain already have strong backs!4 While exercises like Russian twists, sit-ups or back extensions from a GHD machine may be great at increasing strength, they do little to increase core stiffness.8
 In order to enhance the quality of stiffness, one must train the core differently. This comes through the second approach of using isometric exercises built to enhance muscular endurance and coordination.
An ‘isometric’ describes when a muscle or group of muscles are activated and contracted but there is no change in the joints they cross. For example, during a side plank the lateral oblique and quadratus lumborum (QL) muscles are very active yet the spine and hips remain still and do not move. Research has found that isometric exercises to enhance muscular endurance are far superior when compared to dynamic strengthening exercises in enhancing spinal stiffness and stability (making them ideal not only for rehabilitation of back injuries but also in the training and enhancement of athletic performance).8
This is because the core functions to limit excessive motion (especially in barbell lifting) rather than creating it. Therefore, the traditional way in which the fitness and rehab world has approached addressing the core for years has been completely backwards! This is why someone can have a ripped six-pack and yet have poor core stability when it comes to deadlifting or performing a squat.
In order to stiffen the torso and limit excessive motion, every muscle of the core must co-contract or work together. When this is done correctly through a bracing action, your body creates it’s natural “weightlifting belt.” Not only will this stiffen your spine and keep it safe when performing heavy lifts (like a squat or deadlift) it will also help transfer force throughout your body. For example, a weightlifter performing a jerk requires sufficient core stability in order to transfer the power he or she generates from their legs through the core and into the upward drive of the barbell.
All For One, And One For All
Much like the symphony orchestra illustration from before, each and every muscle of the core has a role to play, but none is more important than the other. For this reason, proper stability training should not focus on one specific muscle. For decades, medical practitioners were incorrectly taught to focus and isolate certain muscles such as the transverse abdominus (TA), multifidus, or QL in an effort to enhance core stability. This method however, is flawed for a number of reasons.
First, research has shown it is impossible for an individual to solely activate one specific muscle of the core. Despite what your physical therapist or doctor says, you cannot train your multifidus, QL or even your TA muscle in isolation.
Even it were possible to target a specific muscle of the core (as some would argue is possible through exercises like abdominal hollowing), methods like this have been shown to be far less efficient in creating stability for the spine compared to abdominal bracing (contracting all of the core muscles together).15
The Big 3
Now that we know what type of exercises are superior for rehabbing back injuries, it’s now time to discuss which exact exercises to start with! There is unfortunately no “one size fit’s all” when it comes to core exercises because there is no one universal movement that equally stresses all of the muscles that surround your spine. For this reason, we must utilize a regime of exercises to efficiently work all of them.
In his years of studying the spine, Dr. McGill has found there to be three specific exercises that most efficiently address all of these areas without placing excessive stresses on the parts of the back that may be aggravated or irritated due to injury. This group of exercises has famously become known as ‘The Big 3.’
Side Plank
Mobility First
Before I describe each of these recommended core stability exercises, it is suggested to first decrease any significant mobility restrictions at the hip and thoracic spine.
If mobility in either of these areas is limited it can lead to movement compensations at the low back. For example, if there is limited hip mobility during the squat motion the pelvis can be pulled underneath (posterior pelvis tilt) causing the lower back to leave its neutral position and round.
For this reason, if you only performed core stability work but did not address any significant mobility restrictions in joints above or below the lumbar spine, the stiffness you created will always be short-lived.
Another mobility movement Dr. McGill recommends you perform before the Big 3 to reduces low back stiffness and improve motion of the spine is a ‘Cat-Camel.’ Unlike other stretches for the low back that can place harmful stresses on the spine, this exercise emphases mobility in a very spine-friendly manner.
Step 1: Assume an all-4’s (quadruped) position on your hands and knees.
Step 2: Slowly arch your entire spine and hips as high as possible without pain into a flexed or rounded position. You should end with your head looking down towards the ground. This is the camel position. After pausing for a few seconds move into the opposite downward extended position with the head looking up (the cat). Make sure you only move into a light stretch for each position and do not force your spine into any pain.
Perform 5-6 cycles of this exercise before moving on to starting the Big 3 with the curl-up.11
The Curl Up
When most people perform what they have been taught to be a ‘curl up’ they bend or flex their entire spine and attempt to bring their chest towards their knees. While this exercise does activate the anterior core muscles to a great degree (especially the rectus abdominis or 6-pack muscle) the ‘crunch’ motion does a few things that isn’t so appealing especially for those currently dealing with back pain.
First, the motion of the classic curl up places a large amount of compression on the spine that can flair up symptoms for those who are ‘load intolerant.’ (refer back to the previous blog on screening your low back to see if this describes your back injury).17
Second, the motion also pulls the spine out of its neutral slightly arched position and flattens it into a bit of flexion. If your low back symptoms increase with bending of the spine (a term called ‘flexion intolerance’) this motion should be avoided at all costs.
The traditional curl up also relies heavily on the psoas muscle of the anterior hip to pull the torso towards the thighs. So while you think you may be isolating and sculpting that sexy 6-pack by doing endless crunches, you’re actually doing a really good job of strengthening your hip flexors.16
A way we can still hone in and focus our attention to improving the stabilizing ability of the anterior core muscles in a more efficient way is to perform a modified curl up.
Step 1: Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other straight. If you currently have pain that radiates down one leg, flatten that leg out against the ground. Place your hands under your low back (this will ensure your spine remains in a neutral slightly arched position during the next step).
Step 2: Pick your head off the ground only a few inches and hold that position for 10 seconds. If you’re resting your head on a pillow, imagine it as a scale and lift your head off of it only enough to make it read “zero” on the dial or screen.2 The goal is to perform this curl-up without any movement in the low back! If you raise your head and shoulders too high (like a traditional curl-up or crunch) your low back will round and excessive forces will be transferred to the spine that could increase your symptoms.
Step 3:After a 10 second hold, relax your head back down to the resting position.
You can progress this exercise and increase the difficulty by bracing your abs before moving you head or raise your elbows from the ground to decrease your base of stability.3
How Many Reps To Perform
Unlike training for pure strength or power, the endurance component of stability requires the body to perform many repetitions of an exercise in order to see improvements. Dr. McGill advocates for using a descending pyramid rep scheme with 10-second isometric holds in order to enhance stability without fatiguing and over-working the body.
An example program would be to perform five reps, then three, and finally one to end (each with an 8-10 second hold). Rest between each set for 20-30 seconds. As this rep scheme becomes easier, it is recommended to increase the amount of repetitions rather than the duration of the holds in order to build endurance without causing muscle cramping.3This can be freely modified to suit your current individual level of endurance and goals (for instance using a 6-4-2 or 8-6-4 rep scheme).
I have personally found this method of training the core to be very effective in the rehabilitation process of my own patients at Boost Physical Therapy & Sport Performance.
The Side Plank
After addressing the anterior core muscles, let’s now move to the sides of the body. The side plank is a unique exercise as it activates the lateral oblique and QL muscles on only one side of the body, making it an excellent choice for addressing weak links in stability while placing minimal forces on the spine.  It also engages an important stabilizer of the hip/pelvis on the lateral hip (the glute medius).12
Step 1:Lie on your side with your legs bent and upper body supported through your elbow. Place your free hand on your opposite shoulder.
Step 2: Raise your hips so that only your knee and arm support your bodyweight.
Step 3: Hold this position for 10 seconds before returning back down. Perform the same descending pyramid rep-scheme for each side.
There are a number of fun progressions you can do with this exercise. You can start by moving your hand placement from your opposite shoulder to the top of your hips or even move to a full side plank (bodyweight supported by your feet and elbow).
Perform the full side plank with one foot directly in front of the other, because you can also take it one step further and incorporate a rolling pattern (where you would tilt or rotate your body towards the ground and back towards the ceiling) if the side plank alone is easy. Make sure to keep your shoulders, torso and upper leg in a direct line during this roll to keep the low back safe.
If you are unable to accomplish even the modified side plank (bridging from the knees) due to shoulder or arm pain, you can perform a side lying leg lift. Start by lying on your side, brace your core muscles appropriately and raise both legs off the floor together a few inches. Hold them for 8-10 seconds before relaxing down.
The Bird Dog
The last of the McGill ‘Big Three’ is the bird dog. This is an excellent exercise to promote a stable core while movement occurs at surrounding joints (either the legs or arms and legs together). The combination of movement occurring at the hips and shoulders while the low back remains stable allows this exercise to have excellent carry over to movements you perform throughout your day and in the weight room.
Step 1:Assume an ‘All 4’s’ position (quadruped) with your back in a neutral alignment. Remember a ‘neutral’ position is a very slight arch and not completely flat.
Step 2:Without allowing any movement to occur at the low back, kick one of your legs backwards while simultaneously raising the opposite side arm until both extremities are fully straightened. A helpful cue to make sure the leg movement doesn’t create an over-arching of your back is to think about kicking the heel of your foot straight back. Making a fist and contracting your arm muscles as you hold it in the extended position can also increase muscle activity of the core (especially of the erector spinae muscles).
If you are unable to perform the arm and leg movement together without pain or it is too difficult without losing balance, try the modified version with only leg movement.
Step 3:Hold each extended pose for 10 seconds before retuning back to the starting All 4’s position. You can also ‘sweep’ your arm and leg back underneath your body in between each repetition. Don’t let your back round during this motion but instead maintain the neutral spine position and allow the motion to only occur from the hips and shoulders! Again, perform the same descending rep-scheme as the previous two exercises.
You can progress this exercise by drawing a square with your outstretched hand alone or your hand and opposite foot together.
What About Low Back Stretching?
 If you didn’t notice, the prior exercises to kick-start the rehabilitation process did not include any stretches for the back! Early in my career as a physical therapist, it was common to prescribe certain stretches (like pulling your knees to your chest while lying on your back) as an exercise for many with low back pain.
At the time this exercise made sense. Those who had difficulty standing for long periods or lying flat on their back often felt better when in a flexed position. Many who complained of feeling stiff and painful in their low back had instant relief of their symptoms after performing a few of these stretches.
However, I realized (after reading and studying from Dr. Stuart McGill) that this relief is only a temporary relief for most. When you stretch your low back, you are stimulating the stretch receptors deep inside the muscles that give the perception of pain relief and the feeling of less stiffness.
As I have written about in earlier blogs, most of the muscle pain and stiffness you may feel in your back is consequence of a chemical reaction called inflammation that occurs from the real injury located deeper in the spine (disc bulge, facet irritation, etc).5,6 The underlying injury is what causes the secondary contraction or spasm of the surrounding muscles and pain.
For this reason, rehabbing from a back injury for a large majority of athletes should aim to stabilize the core and reeducate proper movement to treat why the problem started rather than stretch the surrounding muscles to increase mobility of the low back and treat the symptoms.
Re-Awaken those Sleeping Glutes!
It is common to see athletes with back pain also have an inability to properly activate and coordinate their glute muscles. Simply put, the butt muscles can fall asleep.13When this happens the body naturally starts to use the hamstrings and low back muscles more to create hip extension (both are problematic in creating efficient movement and place excessive stress on the spine).1
If the single leg bridge test (from the prior blog on ‘Screening Low Back Pain’
) exposed a problem in how your body coordinates and turns-on the glutes, the following exercises should help.
The Bridge
Step 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent as shown.
Step 2: Squeeze your butt muscles FIRST and THEN lift your hips from the ground. Picking your toes up and driving your heels into the ground can help increase your glute activation during this part of the movement. Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can in this bridge position for 5 full seconds before relaxing back to the ground. If you find your hamstrings cramp during this motion, bring your heels closer to your hips. This shortens the length of the hamstrings and gives puts them at a disadvantage to contribute to the movement (a concept called active insufficiency).14
Recommended sets/reps: 2 sets of 20 for a 5 second hold. Eventually work your way up to 10-second hold.
Deep Squat With Isometric Hold
Step 1: Hold a weight in front of your body and perform a deep goblet squat.
Step 2: Brace your core in this bottom position and drive your knees to the side while keeping your foot in an arched position (this should turn on the outside of your hips or glute medius muscle.)
Step 3: Rise a few inches and squeeze your glutes like crazy. Hold this for 5 seconds before sinking back down. This translates the glute activation from the previous exercise into something functional that mimics your squat technique. This should only be attempted if you can perform it without any back pain.
Recommended sets/reps: 1-2 sets of 5 for 5 second holds
Final Thoughts
 I hope that this brief article was able to give you a better understanding of proper core stability training and how to perform the ‘Big 3.’ I recommend using these exercises not only as a foundation for your rehabilitation from back pain but also as a part of your weekly training program to prevent future injury once your symptoms have resolved.7
The combination of these exercises should be safely performed daily if you are trying to recover from back injury but should not be performed directly after rising from bed in the morning (that is the time at which the discs of your spine are most hydrated and prone to injury).11
The last thing Dr. McGill recommends to couple with the “Big 3” exercises is a regimented walking program.2 Getting up and walking throughout you day can be extremely helpful in maintaining the health of your spine. Start with smaller bouts of walking (5-10 minutes at first with a fast pace that causes you to swing your arms). The goal should be to eventually reach a 10-minute walk three times a day.2
If you continue to have back pain I suggest following the detailed program in Dr. McGill’s book ‘Back Mechanic.’ Then, when out of pain, shift to ‘Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance.’
Next week I will share a number of my favorite core progressions and corrective exercises you can use to continue enhancing your core stability and regain your previous performance.
Until then,
Dr. Aaron Horschig, PT, DPT, CSCS, USAW
Dr. Kevin Sonthana, PT, DPT, CSCS
McGill SM. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance (4thed). Waterloo, Canada: Backfitpro Inc, 2009. (www.backfitpro.com)
McGill, SM. Back Mechanic: The step by step McGill Method to fix back pain. Backfitpro Inc. 2015 (www.backfitpro.com)
McGill SM. Core training: evidence translating to better performance and injury prevention. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2010; 32(3): 33-46
McGill SM. Grenier S, Bluhm M, Preuss R, et al. Previous history of LBP with work loss is related to lingering effects in biomechanical physiological, personal, and psychosocial characteristics. Ergonomics. 2003;46:731-746
Indahl A, Kaigle A, Reikeras O, Holm S. Electromyographic response of the porcine multifidus musculature after nerve stimulation. Spine. 1995;20(24):2652-8
Cohen SP & Raja SN. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of lumbar zygapophysial (facet) joint pain. Anesthesiology. 2007;106:591-614
Durall CJ, Udermann BE, Johansen DR, et al. The effect of preseason trunk muscle training of low back pain occurrence in women collegiate gymnastics. J Strength Cond Res. 2009;23:86-92
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          The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability Welcome back to Squat University. For the last few weeks, we have been discussing the topic of…
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tehinternaut · 5 years
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Squats 185 kgs. (407 lbs.) x 1 Bench 120 kgs. (264 lbs.) x 1 Deadlift 180 kgs. (396 lbs.) x 1 This week was technically a deload week, so was able to work up to some heavy singles, which I haven't done since the meet. Slight overshoot on the squat, 407 lbs. felt like a RPE 8.5 / 9 and was a tad higher than I would have liked. But otherwise, I felt more balanced on my foot and maintained a better back angle. Usually, I end up pitched forward or on my heels at this weight so this was good. Afterwards, I had a bad case of bench hubris, which was feeling really good, so made some unwise weight selection, with 264 lbs. being a RPE danger zone. Started benching with the belt which has helped a lot though so probably gonna keep that around. Deadlifting felt the most solid this week. Pulling 396 lbs. felt just under a RPE 8 and @picturesoffoodbarbell said the lockout looked cleaner and quicker than it had in the past. #barbellmedicine #startingstrength #squats #bench #deadlifts lifting #usapl (at S&S Barbell) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7gPa3n-vQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=holt9fk0z7cb
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